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Analysis of William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet

By NASRULLAH MAMBROL on July 25, 2020 • ( 6 )

Shakespeare, more than any other author, has instructed the West in the catastrophes of sexuality, and has invented the formula that the sexual becomes the erotic when crossed by the shadow of death. There had to be one high song of the erotic by Shakespeare, one lyrical and tragi-comical paean celebrating an unmixed love and lamenting its inevitable destruction. Romeo and Juliet is unmatched, in Shakespeare and in the world’s literature, as a vision of an uncompromising mutual love that perishes of its own idealism and intensity.

—Harold Bloom, Shakespeare: The Invention of the Human

Romeo and Juliet, regarded by many as William Shakespeare’s first great play, is generally thought to have been written around 1595. Shakespeare was then 31 years old, married for 12 years and the father of three children. He had been acting and writing in London for five years. His stage credits included mainly histories—the three parts of Henry VI and Richard III —and comedies— The Two Gentlemen of Verona, The Taming of the Shrew, The Comedy of Errors, and Love’s Labour’s Lost. Shakespeare’s first tragedy, modeled on Seneca, Titus Andronicus , was written around 1592. From that year through 1595 Shakespeare had also composed 154 sonnets and two long narrative poems in the erotic tradition— Venus  and  Adonis   and  The  Rape  of  Lucrece.  Both  his  dramatic  and  nondramatic  writing  show  Shakespeare  mastering  Elizabethan  literary  conventions.  Then,  around 1595, Shakespeare composed three extraordinary plays—R ichard II, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, and Romeo and Juliet —in three different genres—history, comedy, and tragedy—signalling a new mastery, originality, and excellence.  With  these  three  plays  Shakespeare  emerged  from  the  shadows  of  his  influences and initiated a period of unexcelled accomplishment. The two parts of Henry IV and Julius Caesar would follow, along with the romantic comedies The Merchant of Venice, As You Like It, and Twelfth Night and the great tragedies Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, Macbeth, and Antony and Cleopatra . The three plays  of  1595,  therefore,  serve  as  an  important  bridge  between  Shakespeare’s  apprenticeship and his mature achievements. Romeo and Juliet, in particular, is a crucial play in the evolution of Shakespeare’s tragic vision, in his integration of poetry and drama, and in his initial exploration of the connection between love and tragedy that he would continue in Troilus and Cressida, Othello, and Antony  and  Cleopatra.  Romeo  and  Juliet   is  not  only  one  of  the  greatest  love  stories in all literature, considering its stage history and the musicals, opera, music, ballet, literary works, and films that it has inspired; it is quite possibly the most popular play of all time. There is simply no more famous pair of lovers than Romeo and Juliet, and their story has become an inescapable central myth in our understanding of romantic love.


Despite  the  play’s  persistence,  cultural  saturation,  and  popular  appeal,  Romeo and Juliet has fared less well with scholars and critics, who have generally judged it inferior to the great tragedies that followed. Instead of the later tragedies of character Romeo and Juliet has been downgraded as a tragedy of chance, and, in the words of critic James Calderwood, the star-crossed lovers are “insufficiently endowed with complexity” to become tragic heroes. Instead “they  become  a  study  of  victimage  and  sacrifice,  not  tragedy.”  What  is  too  often missing in a consideration of the shortcomings of Romeo and Juliet by contrast with the later tragedies is the radical departure the play represented when compared to what preceded it. Having relied on Senecan horror for his first tragedy, Titus  Andronicus,  Shakespeare  located  his  next  in  the  world  of  comedy and romance. Romeo and Juliet is set not in antiquity, as Elizabethan convention dictated for a tragic subject, but in 16th-century Verona, Italy. His tragic protagonists are neither royal nor noble, as Aristotle advised, but two teenagers caught up in the petty disputes of their families. The plight of young lovers pitted against parental or societal opposition was the expected subject, since  Roman  times,  of  comedy,  not  tragedy.  By  showing  not  the  eventual  triumph  but  the  death  of  the  two  young  lovers  Shakespeare  violated  comic  conventions,  while  making  a  case  that  love  and  its  consequences  could  be  treated with an unprecedented tragic seriousness. As critic Harry Levin has observed, Shakespeare’s contemporaries “would have been surprised, and possibly shocked at seeing lovers taken so seriously. Legend, it had been hereto-fore taken for granted, was the proper matter for serious drama; romance was the stuff of the comic stage.”

Shakespeare’s innovations are further evident in comparison to his source material.  The  plot  was  a  well-known  story  in  Italian,  French,  and  English  versions. Shakespeare’s direct source was Arthur Brooke’s poem The Tragicall Historye of Romeus and Juliet (1562). This moralistic work was intended as  a  warning  to  youth  against  “dishonest  desire”  and  disobeying  parental  authority. Shakespeare, by contrast, purifies and ennobles the lovers’ passion, intensifies  the  pathos,  and  underscores  the  injustice  of  the  lovers’  destruction.  Compressing  the  action  from  Brooke’s  many  months  into  a  five-day crescendo, Shakespeare also expands the roles of secondary characters such as  Mercutio  and  Juliet’s  nurse  into  vivid  portraits  that  contrast  the  lovers’ elevated lyricism with a bawdy earthiness and worldly cynicism. Shakespeare transforms Brooke’s plodding verse into a tour de force verbal display that is supremely witty, if at times over elaborate, and, at its best, movingly expressive. If the poet and the dramatist are not yet seamlessly joined in Romeo and Juliet, the play still displays a considerable advance in Shakespeare’s orchestration of verse, image, and incident that would become the hallmark of his greatest achievements.

The play’s theme and outcome are announced in the Prologue:

Two households, both alike in dignity, In fair Verona, where we lay our scene, From ancient grudge break to new mutiny, Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean. From forth the fatal loins of these two foes A pair of star-cross’d lovers take their life; Whose misadventur’d piteous overthrows Doth with their death bury their parents’ strife.

Suspense over the lovers’ fate is eliminated at the outset as Shakespeare emphasizes the forces that will destroy them. The initial scene makes this clear as a public brawl between servants of the feuding Montagues and Capulets escalates to involve kinsmen and the patriarchs on both sides, ended only when the Prince of Verona enforces a cease-fire under penalty of death for future offenders of the peace. Romeo, Montague’s young son, does not participate in the scuffle since he is totally absorbed by a hopeless passion for a young, unresponsive beauty named Rosaline. Initially Romeo appears as a figure of mockery, the embodiment of the hypersensitive, melancholy adolescent lover, who  is  urged  by  his  kinsman  Benvolio  to  resist  sinking  “under  love’s  heavy  burden”  and  seek  another  more  worthy  of  his  affection.  Another  kinsman,  Mercutio, for whom love is more a game of easy conquest, urges Romeo to “be  rough  with  love”  and  master  his  circumstances.  When  by  chance  it  is  learned that Rosaline is to attend a party at the Capulets, Benvolio suggests that they should go as well for Romeo to compare Rosaline’s charms with the other beauties at the party and thereby cure his infatuation. There Romeo sees Juliet, Capulet’s not-yet 14-year-old daughter. Her parents are encouraging her  to  accept  a  match  with  Count  Paris  for  the  social  benefit  of  the  family.  Love  as  affectation  and  love  as  advantage  are  transformed  into  love  as  all-consuming, mutual passion at first sight. Romeo claims that he “ne’er saw true beauty till this night,” and by the force of that beauty, he casts off his former melancholic  self-absorption.  Juliet is  no  less  smitten.  Sending her nurse  to  learn the stranger’s identity, she worries, “If he be married, / My grave is like to be my wedding bed.” Both are shocked to learn that they are on either side of the family feud, and their risk is underscored when the Capulet kinsman, Tybalt, recognizes Romeo and, though prevented by Capulet from violence at the party, swears future vengeance. Tybalt’s threat underscores that this is a play as much about hate as about love, in which Romeo and Juliet’s passion is  increasingly  challenged  by  the  public  and  family  forces  that  deny  love’s  authority.

The  first  of  the  couple’s  two  great  private  moments  in  which  love’s  redemptive and transformative power works its magic follows in possibly the most famous single scene in all of drama, set in the Capulets’ orchard, over-looked by Juliet’s bedroom window. In some of the most impassioned, lyrical, and famous verses Shakespeare ever wrote, the lovers’ dialogue perfectly captures the ecstasy of love and love’s capacity to remake the world. Seeing Juliet above at her window, Romeo says:

But soft! What light through yonder window breaks? It is the East, and Juliet is the sun! Arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon, Who is already sick and pale with grief That thou her maid art far more fair than she.

He overhears Juliet’s declaration of her love for him and the rejection of what is implied if a Capulet should love a Montague:

O Romeo, Romeo! wherefore art thou Romeo? Deny thy father and refuse thy name! Or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love, And I’ll no longer be a Capulet. . . . ’Tis but thy name that is my enemy. Thou art thyself, though not a Montague. What’s Montague? it is nor hand, nor foot, Nor arm, nor face, nor any other part Belonging to a man. O, be some other name! What’s in a name? That which we call a rose By any other name would smell as sweet .So Romeo would, were he not Romeo call’d, Retain that dear perfection which he owes Without that title. Romeo, doff thy name; And for that name, which is no part of thee, Take all myself.

In  a  beautifully  modulated  scene  the  lovers  freely  admit  their  passion  and  exchange vows of love that become a marriage proposal. As Juliet continues to be called back to her room and all that is implied as Capulet’s daughter, time and space become the barriers to love’s transcendent power to unite.

With the assistance of Friar Lawrence, who regards the union of a Montague and a Capulet as an opportunity “To turn your households’ rancour to pure  love,”  Romeo  and  Juliet  are  secretly  married.  Before  nightfall  and  the  anticipated consummation of their union Romeo is set upon by Tybalt, who is by Romeo’s marriage, his new kinsman. Romeo accordingly refuses his challenge, but it is answered by Mercutio. Romeo tries to separate the two, but in the  process  Mercutio  is  mortally  wounded.  This  is  the  tragic  turn  of  the  play  as  Romeo,  enraged,  rejects  the  principle  of  love  forged  with  Juliet  for  the claims of reputation, the demand for vengeance, and an identifi cation of masculinity with violent retribution:

My very friend, hath got this mortal hurt In my behalf; my reputation stain’d With Tybalt’s slander—Tybalt, that an hour Hath been my kinsman. O sweet Juliet, Thy beauty hath made me effeminate And in my temper soft’ned valour’s steel!

After killing Tybalt, Romeo declares, “O, I am fortune’s fool!” He may blame circumstances for his predicament, but he is clearly culpable in capitulating to the values of society he had challenged in his love for Juliet.

The lovers are given one final moment of privacy before the catastrophe. Juliet, awaiting Romeo’s return, gives one of the play’s most moving speeches, balancing sublimity with an intimation of mortality that increasingly accompanies the lovers:

Come, gentle night; come, loving, black-brow’d night; Give me my Romeo; and, when he shall die, Take him and cut him out in little stars, And he will make the face of heaven so fine That all the world will be in love with night And pay no worship to the garish sun.

Learning the terrible news of Tybalt’s death and Romeo’s banishment, Juliet wins her own battle between hate and love and sends word to Romeo to keep their appointed night together before they are parted.

As Romeo is away in Mantua Juliet’s parents push ahead with her wedding to Paris. The solution to Juliet’s predicament is offered by Friar Lawrence who gives her a drug that will make it appear she has died. The Friar is to summon Romeo,  who  will  rescue  her  when  she  awakes  in  the  Capulet  family  tomb.  The Friar’s message to Romeo fails to reach him, and Romeo learns of Juliet’s death. Reversing his earlier claim of being “fortune’s fool,” Romeo reacts by declaring, “Then I defy you, stars,” rushing to his wife and breaking society’s rules by acquiring the poison to join her in death. Reaching the tomb Romeo is surprised to find Paris on hand, weeping for his lost bride. Outraged by the intrusion  on  his  grief  Paris  confronts  Romeo.  They  fight,  and  after  killing  Paris, Romeo fi nally recognizes him and mourns him as “Mercutio’s kinsman.” Inside the tomb Romeo sees Tybalt’s corpse and asks forgiveness before taking leave of Juliet with a kiss:

. . . O, here Will I set up my everlasting rest And shake the yoke of inauspicious stars From this world-wearied flesh.

Juliet  awakes  to  see  Romeo  dead  beside  her.  Realizing  what  has  happened,  she responds by taking his dagger and plunges it into her breast: “This is thy sheath; there rest, and let me die.”

Montagues, Capulets, and the Prince arrive, and the Friar explains what has happened and why. His account of Romeo and Juliet’s tender passion and devotion shames the two families into ending their feud. The Prince provides the final eulogy:

A glooming peace this morning with it brings. The sun for sorrow will not show his head. Go hence, to have more talk of these sad things; Some shall be pardon’d, and some punished; For never was a story of more woe Than this of Juliet and her Romeo.

The  sense  of  loss  Verona  and  the  audience  feels  at  the  lovers’  deaths  is  a  direct  result  of  Shakespeare’s  remarkable  ability  to  conjure  love  in  all  its  transcendent power, along with its lethal risks. Set on a collision course with the values bent on denying love’s sway, Romeo and Juliet manage to create a dreamlike, alternative, private world that is so touching because it is so brief and perishable. Shakespeare’s triumph here is to make us care that adolescent romance matters—emotionally,  psychologically,  and  socially—and  that  the  premature and unjust death of lovers rival in profundity and significance the fall of kings.

Romeo and Juliet Oxford Lecture by Emma Smith
Analysis of William Shakespeare’s Plays

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Interesting Literature

A Summary and Analysis of William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet

By Dr Oliver Tearle (Loughborough University)

Although it was first performed in the 1590s, the first  documented  performance of Romeo and Juliet is from 1662. The diarist Samuel Pepys was in the audience, and recorded that he ‘saw “Romeo and Juliet,” the first time it was ever acted; but it is a play of itself the worst that ever I heard in my life, and the worst acted that ever I saw these people do.’

Despite Pepys’ dislike, the play is one of Shakespeare’s best-loved and most famous, and the story of Romeo and Juliet is well known. However, the play has become so embedded in the popular psyche that Shakespeare’s considerably more complex play has been reduced to a few key aspects: ‘star-cross’d lovers’, a teenage love story, and the suicide of the two protagonists.

In the summary and analysis that follow, we realise that Romeo and Juliet is much more than a tragic love story.

Romeo and Juliet : brief summary

After the Prologue has set the scene – we have two feuding households, Montagues and Capulets, in the city-state of Verona; and young Romeo is a Montague while Juliet, with whom Romeo is destined to fall in love, is from the Capulet family, sworn enemies of the Montagues – the play proper begins with servants of the two feuding households taunting each other in the street.

When Benvolio, a member of house Montague, arrives and clashes with Tybalt of house Capulet, a scuffle breaks out, and it is only when Capulet himself and his wife, Lady Capulet, appear that the fighting stops. Old Montague and his wife then show up, and the Prince of Verona, Escalus, arrives and chastises the people for fighting. Everyone leaves except Old Montague, his wife, and Benvolio, Montague’s nephew. Benvolio tells them that Romeo has locked himself away, but he doesn’t know why.

Romeo appears and Benvolio asks his cousin what is wrong, and Romeo starts speaking in paradoxes, a sure sign that he’s in love. He claims he loves Rosaline, but will not return any man’s love. A servant appears with a note, and Romeo and Benvolio learn that the Capulets are holding a masked ball.

Benvolio tells Romeo he should attend, even though he is a Montague, as he will find more beautiful women than Rosaline to fall in love with. Meanwhile, Lady Capulet asks her daughter Juliet whether she has given any thought to marriage, and tells Juliet that a man named Paris would make an excellent husband for her.

Romeo attends the Capulets’ masked ball, with his friend Mercutio. Mercutio tells Romeo about a fairy named Queen Mab who enters young men’s minds as they dream, and makes them dream of love and romance. At the masked ball, Romeo spies Juliet and instantly falls in love with her; she also falls for him.

They kiss, but then Tybalt, Juliet’s kinsman, spots Romeo and recognising him as a Montague, plans to confront him. Old Capulet tells him not to do so, and Tybalt reluctantly agrees. When Juliet enquires after who Romeo is, she is distraught to learn that he is a Montague and thus a member of the family that is her family’s sworn enemies.

Romeo breaks into the gardens of Juliet’s parents’ house and speaks to her at her bedroom window. The two of them pledge their love for each other, and arrange to be secretly married the following night. Romeo goes to see a churchman, Friar Laurence, who agrees to marry Romeo and Juliet.

After the wedding, the feud between the two families becomes violent again: Tybalt kills Mercutio in a fight, and Romeo kills Tybalt in retaliation. The Prince banishes Romeo from Verona for his crime.

Juliet is told by her father that she will marry Paris, so Juliet goes to seek Friar Laurence’s help in getting out of it. He tells her to take a sleeping potion which will make her appear to be dead for two nights; she will be laid to rest in the family vault, and Romeo (who will be informed of the plan) can secretly come to her there.

However, although that part of the plan goes fine, the message to Romeo doesn’t arrive; instead, he hears that Juliet has actually died. He secretly visits her at the family vault, but his grieving is interrupted by the arrival of Paris, who is there to lay flowers. The two of them fight, and Romeo kills him.

Convinced that Juliet is really dead, Romeo drinks poison in order to join Juliet in death. Juliet wakes from her slumber induced by the sleeping draught to find Romeo dead at her side. She stabs herself.

The play ends with Friar Laurence telling the story to the two feuding families. The Prince tells them to put their rivalry behind them and live in peace.

Romeo and Juliet : analysis

How should we analyse Romeo and Juliet , one of Shakespeare’s most famous and frequently studied, performed, and adapted plays? Is Romeo and Juliet the great love story that it’s often interpreted as, and what does it say about the play – if it is a celebration of young love – that it ends with the deaths of both romantic leads?

It’s worth bearing in mind that Romeo and Juliet do not kill themselves specifically because they are forbidden to be together, but rather because a chain of events (of which their families’ ongoing feud with each other is but one) and a message that never arrives lead to a misunderstanding which results in their suicides.

Romeo and Juliet is often read as both a tragedy and a great celebration of romantic love, but it clearly throws out some difficult questions about the nature of love, questions which are rendered even more pressing when we consider the headlong nature of the play’s action and the fact that Romeo and Juliet meet, marry, and die all within the space of a few days.

Below, we offer some notes towards an analysis of this classic Shakespeare play and explore some of the play’s most salient themes.

It’s worth starting with a consideration of just what Shakespeare did with his source material. Interestingly, two families known as the Montagues and Capulets appear to have actually existed in medieval Italy: the first reference to ‘Montagues and Capulets’ is, curiously, in the poetry of Dante (1265-1321), not Shakespeare.

In Dante’s early fourteenth-century epic poem, the  Divine Comedy , he makes reference to two warring Italian families: ‘Come and see, you who are negligent, / Montagues and Capulets, Monaldi and Filippeschi / One lot already grieving, the other in fear’ ( Purgatorio , canto VI). Precisely why the families are in a feud with one another is never revealed in Shakespeare’s play, so we are encouraged to take this at face value.

The play’s most famous line references the feud between the two families, which means Romeo and Juliet cannot be together. And the line, when we stop and consider it, is more than a little baffling. The line is spoken by Juliet: ‘Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?’ Of course, ‘wherefore’ doesn’t mean ‘where’ – it means ‘why’.

But that doesn’t exactly clear up the whys and the wherefores. The question still doesn’t appear to make any sense: Romeo’s problem isn’t his first name, but his family name, Montague. Surely, since she fancies him, Juliet is quite pleased with ‘Romeo’ as he is – it’s his family that are the problem. Solutions  have been proposed to this conundrum , but none is completely satisfying.

There are a number of notable things Shakespeare did with his source material. The Italian story ‘Mariotto and Gianozza’, printed in 1476, contained many of the plot elements of Shakespeare’s  Romeo and Juliet . Shakespeare’s source for the play’s story was Arthur Brooke’s  The Tragical History of Romeus and Juliet  (1562), an English verse translation of this Italian tale.

The moral of Brooke’s tale is that young love ends in disaster for their elders, and is best reined in; Shakespeare changed that. In Romeo and Juliet , the headlong passion and excitement of young love is celebrated, even though confusion leads to the deaths of the young lovers. But through their deaths, and the example their love set for their parents, the two families vow to be reconciled to each other.

Shakespeare also makes Juliet a thirteen-year-old girl in his play, which is odd for a number of reasons. We know that  Romeo and Juliet  is about young love – the ‘pair of star-cross’d lovers’, who belong to rival families in Verona – but what is odd about Shakespeare’s play is how young he makes Juliet.

In Brooke’s verse rendition of the story, Juliet is sixteen. But when Shakespeare dramatised the story, he made Juliet several years younger, with Romeo’s age unspecified. As Lady Capulet reveals, Juliet is ‘not [yet] fourteen’, and this point is made to us several times, as if Shakespeare wishes to draw attention to it and make sure we don’t forget it.

This makes sense in so far as Juliet represents young love, but what makes it unsettling – particularly for modern audiences – is the fact that this makes Juliet a girl of thirteen when she enjoys her night of wedded bliss with Romeo. As John Sutherland puts it in his (and Cedric Watts’) engaging  Oxford World’s Classics: Henry V, War Criminal?: and Other Shakespeare Puzzles , ‘In a contemporary court of law [Romeo] would receive a longer sentence for what he does to Juliet than for what he does to Tybalt.’

There appears to be no satisfactory answer to this question, but one possible explanation lies in one of the play’s recurring themes: bawdiness and sexual familiarity. Perhaps surprisingly given the youthfulness of its tragic heroine, Romeo and Juliet is shot through with bawdy jokes, double entendres, and allusions to sex, made by a number of the characters.

These references to physical love serve to make Juliet’s innocence, and subsequent passionate romance with Romeo, even more noticeable: the journey both Romeo and Juliet undertake is one from innocence (Romeo pointlessly and naively pursuing Rosaline; Juliet unversed in the ways of love) to experience.

In the last analysis, Romeo and Juliet is a classic depiction of forbidden love, but it is also far more sexually aware, more ‘adult’, than many people realise.

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4 thoughts on “A Summary and Analysis of William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet”

Modern reading of the play’s opening dialogue among the brawlers fails to parse the ribaldry. Sex scares the bejeepers out of us. Why? Confer “R&J.”

It’s all that damn padre’s fault!

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The Definitive Guide to Analysing Shakespeare’s ‘Romeo and Juliet’: Summary, Context, Themes & Characters

Painting of Romeo and Juliet - Analysis Featured Image

Thinking to yourself, “Notes, o notes, wherefore art my notes?” Well, if you’re struggling with your analysis of Romeo and Juliet for English, we’ve got your back with a summary featuring the key characters, context and themes!

On top of that, we’ve got a free example of an analysis table (also known as a TEE table ) and a sample paragraph on Romeo and Juliet for you to download! 

So, let’s dive into our analysis of Romeo and Juliet! 

Romeo and Juliet Summary Key Characters in Romeo and Juliet Context Themes Explored in Romeo and Juliet Analysis of Romeo and Juliet

Summary of Romeo and Juliet

Romeo and Juliet is a tragic love story by Shakespeare about two lovers who are not meant to be together as they come from feuding families.

To summarise it, Romeo of the Montagues and Juliet of the Capulets were born to be sworn enemies due to the life long conflict between their families. Yet, they embarked in a forbidden love together that led to their deaths, which finally reconciles the two families. 

The play is set out in five acts and we’ll dive into more detail on what happens during each of the acts. 

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Act I of the play starts with a Chorus who introduces two powerful families in the City of Verona, Italy. These are the Montagues and Capulets, who have been on bad terms with one another for a long time.

The Capulets are holding a party for their daughter, Juliet, to meet Count Paris for an arranged marriage. Meanwhile, Romeo, the son of Montague, disguises himself and crashes the party with his friends in hopes of seeing Rosaline, his previous lover.

Instead, Romeo falls in love at first sight when he meets Juliet and the two become very attracted to each other. 

However, Romeo and Juliet soon discover that they come from opposing families and realise their doomed love . At the same time, Tybalt who is Juliet’s cousin, recognises Romeo and drives Romeo and his friends out from the Capulet house. 

In Act II, as Romeo’s friends were leaving the Capulet place, Romeo stays behind to find Juliet. Romeo sees Juliet in her window, and they confess their love for one another and agree to marry the next day .

Romeo runs to Friar Laurence, who agrees to help as he believes Romeo and Juliet’s marriage will end the feud between the Montagues and Capulets. With the help of Juliet’s nurse and Friar Laurence, Romeo and Juliet marry in secret. 

Juliet's House - Romeo and Juliet Summary

In Act III, Tybalt challenges Romeo to a fight. Romeo declines the fight and remains calm while being disrespected by Tybalt. This angers Romeo’s friend, Mercutio who starts a fight with Tybalt.

Romeo tries to stop the fight, but Mercutio is accidentally killed . Enraged, Romeo chases Tybalt down and kills him.

The Prince of Verona banishes Romeo for his crimes. Before Romeo leaves for Mantua, Friar Laurence helps Romeo and Juliet stay the night together.

Meanwhile, Lord Capulet arranges for Paris and Juliet to wed the next day. Juliet is upset because she does not want to marry Paris, and this angers her parents as they do not know about Juliet’s secret affair with Romeo. 

Romeo and Tybalt Fighting - Act III Summary of Romeo and Juliet

In Act IV, Juliet asks Friar Lawrence for help and he gives her a sleeping potion that will make her appear dead . The next morning, the Capulet family finds Juliet in her bed and believes that she had died.

Friar Laurence sends a messenger to inform Romeo about Juliet’s plan and instructs Romeo to collect a sleeping Juliet from the Capulet house. 

Act V is the most intense part of the story as the very important message did not reach Romeo in time due to the plague that delayed the messenger’s journey.

Instead, Romeo hears the news of Juliet’s death and buys himself poison. Romeo goes to Juliet’s tomb in the Capulet’s house, kills a grieving Paris, drinks the poison and dies before Juliet wakes up.

Friar Laurence enters but is too late. He tells Juliet what had happened and Juliet stabs herself from heartbreak.

Friar Laurence, the Prince, the Capulets and the Montague father come together and agree to make peace following the children’s death. 

romeo and juliet analytical essays

Romeo and Juliet Characters

In case you’ve missed anything, here is a list of the key characters in Romeo and Juliet who are pivotal to the plot. 

Romeo Montague Romeo is the handsome son of the head of Montagues and is 16 years old. He is sensitive, though he can become quite impulsive when his emotions get the better of him. Unlike his friends, Romeo is not interested in violence but passionate about love. At the beginning of the play, Romeo was madly in love with Rosaline before falling in love with Juliet. Furthermore, Romeo shares his love for his own friends and family too, including Mercutio and Friar Laurence. 
Juliet Capulet Juliet is the beautiful 13 year old daughter of the Capulet family. Juliet starts off as a naive girl who knows little about love but soon gains the courage to go against her father’s wishes to marry Romeo in secret instead of marrying Paris like her father wanted. She’s loyal and trusts Romeo wholeheartedly, choosing to support Romeo despite him killing off her cousin, Tybalt. 
Friar Laurence  Friar Laurence is a Franciscan friar who helps Romeo and Juliet. He is a nice man who is also skilled in herbs and potion making. He always has a plan to help Romeo and Juliet in hopes that their relationship will calm the tension between two families and bring peace. 
Mercutio Mercutio is Romeo’s best friend and he is quite the character. He is loud, opinionated, and charismatic with a bombastic attitude that’s flowing in wit and sarcasm. He also has quite a hot temper. Unlike Romeo, Mercutio is highly hedonistic as he tries to convince Romeo to see love as a sexual pursuit. 
Tybalt Tybalt is Juliet’s cousin from her mother’s side. He is often protective over his family and he acts aggressive and violent whenever he feels offended. He absolutely hates the Montagues. 

Context of Romeo and Juliet

Shakespeare had written Romeo and Juliet based on the true love story from the 3rd century about two Italian lovers who come from the families Cappelletti and Montecchi . The play was written during the Renaissance period where there were great changes in religion, politics, science and the arts. 

When the play was written, Europe had just undergone ‘The Reformation’, where it transitioned from being a traditional Catholic nation to a Protestant society. When Europe was a Catholic society, mortal sin such as bigamy (where you marry someone else while being married to one person) was punished severely.

However, as it progressed into a Protestant nation that broke free from the strict rules of Catholicism, society gained more freedom and less oppression . As people exercised more freedom, they explored notions of humanism which is a Renaissance concept of individual power over their own lives. 

Rosary representing religion

Fate and Destiny

Even so, the Elizabethan people still highly believed that their lives were tied to fate and destiny. If you think astrology is popular now, it was actually all the hype during the Elizabethan era!

Elizabethans would plan their whole lives based on astrology readings, including their love lives, travels and more depending on whether the stars favoured them.

As such, Elizabethans valued providentialism, the belief that they have no power in changing their fate as everything in their lives is already ‘predestined’ for them. 

Astrology on a globe

Family Values

Family values were also kept quite traditional, as the Elizabethan society remained patriarchal. This means that the father was always the head of the household while the women were left with no rights, properties or legal authority , though they can influence their husbands’ decisions.

Children were also used as property and often engaged in arranged marriages as part of a political or financial deal to gain wealth.

Romeo and Juliet may seem too young to be married but in the Elizabethan years, it was considered normal for people to marry young.

As such, love was perceived to be a dream for Elizabethans who often enter into arranged marriages. It is often restrained with little contact between “lovers”, and the only expressions of love come in gifts, letters and poems.

This is perhaps why the Elizabethan audience were so enticed by Romeo and Juliet’s passionate love for one another , as this was rarely seen in their society. 

Rose representing love

Appreciation for Theatre

That being said, plays were highly popular in the Elizabethan theatres. Here is where the rich and poor gather in rowdy crowds to watch plays.

Poorer people stood near the stages while richer people watched from stands above. As such, Shakespearean plays became really popular in this era , as there was a great appreciation for the arts across all groups from all backgrounds.  


Romeo and Juliet Themes

Here are three key themes from Romeo and Juliet. Feel free to look to these for inspiration when you’re planning to write your thesis and topic sentences in your essay . 

Fate VS Free Will

Shakespeare lived in a transition period where people were starting to gain their own freedom to live their lives, yet were still tied to the notions of fate and destiny. You can see this with his characters, Romeo and Juliet, who try to exercise their free will by choosing to be with one another despite their opposing family history.

Yet, it is Romeo and Juliet’s own actions and decisions that ultimately led to their doomed fate. This reinforces the Elizabethan belief that fate and destiny govern our lives, even when we try to control it ourselves. 

Some key quotes that explore this idea include: 

QuoteLink to Fate VS Free Will
The term “star-crossed lovers” is used to show that Romeo and Juliet’s relationship is controlled by fate, symbolised as a “star”. 
This line from Romeo reveals that he foresees his tragic fate that has been planned from the start, even before he meets Juliet. 
This line from Romeo shows his attempt to use his free will to overcome his fate. 

Love VS Conflict

It would be nice to say that “love conquers all” in Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, but it’s not as simple as that. 

Love and conflict coexist within this text. The love between Romeo and Juliet is seen as a sign of hope to bring peace to the ongoing feud between the Montagues and Capulets.

However, the conflict between families grew so violent that it had caused the deaths of their beloved children and the love between them. Ultimately, Shakespeare shows us that love affects conflict, and conflict affects love. 

Here are some quotes that allow you to explore this a bit deeper: 

QuoteLink to Love VS Conflict
This line from Romeo reveals that his love is as passionate as the hatred the families have for each other.
Juliet realises that the Romeo she loves is ironically from the family that she is supposed to hate. 
This line from Juliet reveals that the conflict between the two families have caused her and Romeo to suffer so much, that it made her see death as being “restorative”.  

The Freedom of Youth Rebellion

Have you ever wanted to do whatever you felt like, without your parents butting in?

If that’s a yes from you, you’ll probably be able to relate to Romeo and Juliet. These two are also young teenagers who rebel against their parents’ wishes and express their individuality through their love for one another.

However, an excess of youthful spirit can also lead to dire consequences, as Romeo and Juliet’s unbridled passion for one another led to their unfortunate end. 

Here are some key quotes that relate to this theme:

QuoteLink to the Freedom of Youth Rebellion
This line from Romeo reveals that he values love unlike his friends and family who harbour hate for the other family.
Romeo explains that his love for Juliet gives him “light wings” to climb over “stony limits” that may be set by their parents’ strife. 
Juliet describes her love for Romeo as “boundless as the sea”, reiterating the notion that their youthful love surpasses all limitations and sets her free.  

If none of these themes resonate with you, here are some other ideas that you may find interesting: 

  • External conflict VS internal conflict 
  • The conflict between independence VS family obligation 
  • The consequences of unbridled emotions 

How to Analyse Romeo and Juliet in 3 Steps

Students often jump right into answering the question when writing their thesis for their essays. Many don’t realise that it is only after you’ve analysed your text that you can write an amazing thesis that not only answers the question, but proves that you really do know the text inside out. 

Let’s go through the three simple steps you can take to analyse Romeo and Juliet and ace that essay!

Step 1: Select your example(s)

You may be thinking to yourself, “There’s lots happening in Romeo and Juliet so where do I even start?”

A great place to start is to look for an example with a technique . This technique can offer a deeper insight into the text, which will help you form an in-depth analysis. 

Here are two quotes we have selected to focus on the theme of fate VS free will: 

“It is the east, and Juliet is the sun” 
“I defy you, stars!” 

Step 2: Identify your technique(s) 

Students often fall into the trap of listing every technique they can find or using highly complicated techniques in hopes of getting a good mark. This is not true! 

It is better to find a technique which allows you to talk about your theme in more depth and build your argument throughout your essay. 

Techniques that provide a deeper understanding of the text include symbols, metaphors, recurring motifs, allegories, connotations and similes. Try to avoid using surface level techniques such as alliteration or repetition. 

The three techniques found in the quotes above include simile, symbolism and allusion to astrology. 

If you can, try to find a few techniques within one quote to help you kill two birds with one stone! 

Step 3: Write the analysis 

When you’re writing an analysis, try not to list out every technique you can find in the quote. It is very important to explain what the effect of the technique is and how that relates to your argument.

An example of listing out techniques looks like this:

Simile is used as Romeo refers to Juliet as the metaphorical “Sun” and uses the symbolism of astrology as he “def(ies) you, stars” to allude to fate versus free will.  

To avoid this, we need to go into how each of these techniques support our argument.

First of all, the simile of Juliet being like the “Sun” reveals Romeo’s love for Juliet that transcends beyond their families’ feud. The symbol of the “Sun” is also important to emphasise the fated doom between the two star crossed lovers.

The allusion to astrology in “I defy you, stars!” shows how fate governs Romeo and Juliet’s relationship. Once we put these techniques together, our analysis will look like: 

Shakespeare’s simile in Romeo’s description of Juliet as the “Sun” reveals their perception that their love can transcend beyond the boundaries of their families’ strife. Yet, the symbolism of the “Sun” reminds the audience that Romeo and Juliet still remain as “star crossed lovers” who are destined to die despite their efforts to overcome their fated doom. As Romeo proclaims “I defy you, stars” before submitting to his fate, the astrological allusion reinforces how destiny continues to govern their lives, reinstating the Elizabethan belief that fate will always overpower free will.  

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Kate Lynn Law graduated in 2017 with an all rounders HSC award and an ATAR of 97.65. Passionate about mentoring, she enjoys working with high school students to improve their academic, work and life skills in preparation for the HSC and what comes next. An avid blogger, Kate had administered a creative writing page for over 2000 people since 2013, writing to an international audience since her early teenage years. 

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Themes and Analysis

Romeo and juliet, by william shakespeare.

Despite being hundreds of years old, Romeo and Juliet still packs a punch and is able to include several key themes throughout the play...

Main Themes

  • Love vs. Hate: Explores the tension between love and hatred.
  • Fate: The idea that destiny controls their lives and deaths.
  • Youth: Presented as a period of impulsive action, lacking in caution.
  • Dramatic Irony: The audience is privy to more information than the characters.
  • Verse in dialogue: Iambic pentameter is used for poetic effect in the dialogue.
  • Foreshadowing: Hints at the tragic end throughout the play.
  • Light and Darkness: Symbolizes dualities like love and hate or joy and sorrow.
  • Poison: Represents both the destructive power of hate and long-running feuds
  • The Rose: A symbol of beauty and purity

The feud between the Montagues and Capulets is introduced, setting the stage for the tragic love story.

Romeo and Juliet secretly marry, but their happiness is short-lived as Tybalt's death leads to Romeo’s banishment.

The tragic end unfolds with both Romeo and Juliet dying, leading to the reconciliation of their feuding families.

Continue down for complete analysis to Romeo and Juliet

Lee-James Bovey

Article written by Lee-James Bovey

P.G.C.E degree.

Despite being hundreds of years old, “ Romeo and Juliet ” still packs a punch and is able to include several key themes throughout the play.

“ Romeo and Juliet ” is a timeless tragedy that explores the themes of love, hate, and fate. The play delves into the destructive power of family feuds and the consequences of impulsive decisions. It also examines the tension between personal choice and the seemingly inescapable forces of destiny.

The Nature of Fate

Right from the beginning of the play, we are introduced to the idea of fate as Romeo and Juliet are described as star-crossed lovers . Throughout they are somehow able to divine their futures but neither of them seems to have the power to avoid them. Shakespeare introduces the idea of fate from the very beginning, with the Prologue stating, “A pair of star-crossed lovers take their life.” This theme is reinforced throughout the play, as the characters frequently refer to omens and predestined outcomes. Romeo, for instance, laments, “I am fortune’s fool,” acknowledging the powerful force of fate that dictates the tragic events of the story.

The Effects of Love

The central theme of “ Romeo and Juliet ” is the intense and all-consuming love between the two protagonists. Their love defies their families’ longstanding feud, representing the power of love to transcend societal boundaries. However, Shakespeare also presents love as a force that can lead to irrational decisions and tragic outcomes. The duality of love—both beautiful and destructive—is at the base of the play’s tragedy. Also, in Elizabethan England love was associated with feminity . We see this reoccurring throughout the play as Romeo is unable to fight Tybalt because he believes his love for Juliet has made him effeminate.

The Individual vs. Society

“ Romeo and Juliet ” explores the tension between individual desires and societal expectations. The lovers’ secret marriage defies their families’ wishes, representing a struggle for personal autonomy in the face of rigid social structures. Juliet’s refusal to marry Paris and Romeo’s rejection of his banishment reflect their desire to control their own destinies.

Furthermore, the laws of the state suggest that fighting between the two houses are prohibited and yet we see those laws flouted by Mercutio and Tybalt in the name of their own honor and then Romeo in the name of revenge. All of these decisions seem to have dire consequences. The failure of these characters to escape societal constraints shows the overpowering influence of the society on the individual.

Youth and Impulsiveness

Shakespeare presents the impulsiveness and intensity of youth as a double-edged sword in “ Romeo and Juliet “. The young lovers’ actions are driven by passion rather than reason, leading to hasty decisions with fatal consequences. Romeo’s swift shift from infatuation with Rosaline to his passionate love for Juliet exemplifies youthful impulsiveness. Juliet’s decision to marry Romeo in secret and the couple’s eventual suicides further highlight how their lack of experience and foresight contributes to the tragedy.

Conflict and Vendetta

The long-running enmity between the Montagues and Capulets is the backdrop of the play and drives much of the action. This theme explores how inherited hatred and divisions generated by conflict can lead to violence and tragedy. The conflict is portrayed as senseless and destructive, affecting not just the feuding families but also the broader community of Verona. Tybalt’s aggression and Mercutio’s death are direct consequences of this feud, ultimately leading to the play’s tragic conclusion. Shakespeare uses this theme to comment on the futility of such enmity.

Key Moments

  • The Feud and the Opening Brawl : The play opens with a violent clash between the servants of the Montagues and Capulets, illustrating the deep-seated hatred between the two families. This moment sets the tone for the entire play, emphasizing the destructive nature of the feud and its impact on the broader community.
  • Romeo and Juliet Meet : At the Capulet’s party, Romeo and Juliet meet for the first time, instantly falling in love. This is a key moment as it marks the beginning of their tragic love story. Their meeting is laced with dramatic irony, as the audience knows that their love is doomed from the start.
  • The Balcony Scene : In this iconic scene, Romeo and Juliet profess their love for each other and plan to marry in secret. The balcony scene is crucial as it solidifies their commitment and propels the narrative forward. It also highlights their defiance of societal expectations and the depth of their passion.
  • The Secret Marriage : Romeo and Juliet are secretly married by Friar Laurence. This moment is key as it binds them together, setting the stage for the ensuing tragedy. The marriage, conducted in secrecy, symbolizes their rebellion against their families’ feud and societal norms.
  • Mercutio’s Death and Romeo’s Revenge : The death of Mercutio at the hands of Tybalt, and Romeo’s subsequent killing of Tybalt, are pivotal moments. Mercutio’s death marks a turning point in the play, transitioning from romance to tragedy. Romeo’s revenge leads to his banishment, which further complicates his and Juliet’s situation.
  • Romeo’s Banishment : After killing Tybalt, Romeo is banished from Verona. This is a critical moment as it separates the lovers and intensifies the sense of impending doom. Romeo’s banishment leads to a series of misunderstandings and rash decisions that ultimately contribute to the tragedy.
  • Juliet’s Faked Death : In an attempt to avoid marrying Paris and be reunited with Romeo, Juliet takes a potion that makes her appear dead. This moment is key because it sets the stage for the tragic conclusion, as the plan goes awry when Romeo is not informed in time.
  • Romeo’s Return and the Final Tragedy : Believing Juliet to be truly dead, Romeo returns to Verona and takes his own life beside her. Juliet awakens, finds Romeo dead, and kills herself. This final sequence is the climax of the tragedy, bringing the theme of fate full circle. The deaths of the two lovers are a direct result of the feud and the series of tragic misunderstandings.
  • The Reconciliation of the Families : The play concludes with the Montagues and Capulets reconciling over their children’s bodies. This moment is significant because it highlights the senselessness of their feud and the devastating consequences of their enmity. The bittersweet reconciliation suggests a glimmer of hope and the possibility of healing.

Style, Tone, and Figurative Language

Shakespeare’s “ Romeo and Juliet ” is renowned for its poetic style, employing a mixture of prose and verse, with a particular emphasis on iambic pentameter. The use of sonnets, especially in the dialogues between Romeo and Juliet, adds a lyrical quality to their expressions of love. The play is rich in dramatic irony, such as when Romeo is convinced that Juliet is dead when she is only faking death. Foreshadowing is used to hint at the lovers’end in several places in the play. Shakespeare’s stylistic choice to intertwine the lovers’ dialogue with poetic forms enhances the romantic and tragic elements of the play, emphasizing the beauty and intensity of their love.

The tone of the play shifts from light-hearted and romantic to dark and tragic as the play progresses. Initially, the tone is playful, especially in the early scenes where Romeo and his friends jest and banter. However, as the story unfolds, the tone becomes increasingly somber, reflecting the growing tension and the inevitability of the tragic outcome. Also, this mixture of light and dark tones mirrors the duality of the themes explored in the play, such as love and hate, joy and sorrow, and life and death. Shakespeare masterfully uses tone to guide the audience’s emotional journey through the play.

Figurative language in the play is abundant, with Shakespeare employing metaphors, similes, personification, and imagery to convey the emotions and themes of the play. For example, Romeo’s comparison of Juliet to the sun is a powerful metaphor that elevates her to a celestial being, illuminating the darkness of his life. The use of oxymorons, such as “loving hate” and “feather of lead,” reflects the conflicting emotions experienced by the characters, particularly the paradoxical nature of love and the turmoil it causes.

“ Romeo and Juliet ” is a trove of symbolism, each element carefully crafted to enhance the play’s themes and deepen our understanding of the characters. The play is filled with symbolic imagery that reflects the complexities of love, fate, and the corrosive effects of vendettas.

Light and Darkness

Light and darkness are prominent symbols in Romeo and Juliet , representing the dualities of love and hate, joy and sorrow, and life and death. Juliet is often associated with light, as seen in Romeo’s declaration, “It is the east, and Juliet is the sun.” However, their love exists in a world overshadowed by darkness—the feud between their families and the inevitable tragedy. The play’s use of light and dark imagery underscores the fleeting nature of their love and the constant threat of death that looms over them.

Poison in the play symbolizes both the destructive nature of the feud and the tragic consequences of misguided actions. The potion that Juliet takes to feign death and the poison that Romeo consumes to end his life are both instruments of their tragic fate. Poison represents the corrupting force of the family feud, which ultimately leads to the lovers’ demise. It also serves as a metaphor for the destructive power of love when it becomes intertwined with hatred and violence.

Juliet’s dagger, which she uses to take her own life after discovering Romeo’s death, symbolizes the tragic culmination of their love and the finality of death. The dagger represents Juliet’s agency in her own fate, as she chooses to end her life rather than live without Romeo. It also serves as a symbol of the violent consequences of the feud between the Montagues and Capulets. The dagger, like the poison, is a tool that brings the tragic story to its inevitable conclusion.

The rose is a symbol of beauty and love, but also of the tension between appearance and reality. Juliet famously declares, “A rose by any other name would smell as sweet,” suggesting that names and societal labels are meaningless in the face of true love. The rose symbolizes the purity and beauty of Romeo and Juliet’s love, which is not defined by their family names. However, the rose’s thorns also hint at the pain and suffering that accompany their love, foreshadowing the tragic events to come.

The Lark and the Nightingale

The lark and the nightingale are symbols of time and the conflict between love and reality. The lark, which sings at dawn, represents the morning and the harsh reality that Romeo and Juliet must part. The nightingale, associated with the night, symbolizes the time when the lovers can be together in secret. Their debate over whether they hear the lark or the nightingale reflects their desire to extend their time together and escape the inevitable separation. These birds symbolize the tension between the lovers’ desire for eternal night and the inevitability of daybreak, which brings with it the harsh realities of their situation.

Personal Perspective

Romeo and Juliet, that classic love story everyone has heard of. But it’s not just about two star-crossed lovers. It’s about this whole feud between their families that’s almost ridiculous, you would think they should know better. However, these two fall head over heels, and their families are allvehemently opposed. The brilliance of the play is the way Shakespeare minutely captures the passion and the heartbreak, like he is reading reading the reader’s mind.

And the reader is led to wonder: are they really just victims of fate? Or do their own dumb choices lead them to their downfall? We might say, “Oh, it’s destiny!” But they are also making some major decisions. It’s like they are playing Russian roulette with their lives. And the language is pure poetry. The way he describes everything, from the moonlight to the pain of love, is really intimate and enchanting. Romeo and Juliet is a classic for a reason. It has everything: love, hate, drama, and a whole lot of tragedy. It’s like a trainwreck you can’t look away from.

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Romeo and Juliet Themes

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GCSE AQA English Literature revision guide for “Romeo and Juliet.” Designed to help students achieve top grades, this resource offers in-depth insights into the play’s key themes, characters, quotations and model essays

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Thematic Analysis: Detailed exploration of central themes such as love, fate, conflict, and youth versus age. Character Profiles: In-depth analysis of main characters with key quotations and interpretations. Quotations and Analysis: Essential quotations with detailed explanations to support your essays. Model Essay Paragraphs: Examples of high-quality paragraphs and full essays for different themes, showcasing how to integrate textual evidence and context. Contextual Information (AO3): Insight into the historical and cultural background of Shakespeare’s time integrated into essay responses. Practice Essay Questions: A range of questions designed to test your knowledge and analytical skills with model answers Who is this guide for?

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Romeo and Juliet Essays

Differences in culture across europe and asia in different translations of literature: shakespeaare, presgurvic, nadaasdy focusing on “la haine” darcey victoria 12th grade, romeo and juliet.

In the late 1990s, French composer Gerard Presgurvic rewrote Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet into a musical with modern influences, while largely remaining faithful to the original plot. This musical play was hugely successful and was translated...

Unity in Shakespeare's Tragedies Chris Hadfield

Separating qualities common to one 'set' or 'type' of Shakespeare's plays which are not common to the plays as a whole is a difficult task: it would no doubt be possible to find evidence of any feature uniting 'the Tragedies' within any of...

Fate in Romeo and Juliet Sarah Fiorio

The concept of fate functions as a central theme in Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. In the opening prologue of the play, the Chorus informs the audience that Romeo and Juliet are "Star ñ cross'd Lovers" (Prologue l.6). In other words, the Chorus...

Romeo and Juliet: Under the Guise of Love Jena McLaughlin

Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet explains love through the use of three different kinds of love: unrequited love between Romeo and Rosaline, true love between Romeo and Juliet, and cynical love from Mercutio and the Nurse. The use of common, era...

The Apothecary's Greater Significance in Romeo and Juliet Jory Anna Nagel

From the bawdy Mercutio to the gentle Juliet, the characters in Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet are colorful, but purposeful. Even the most obscure characters reflect Shakespeare's calculations in the development of key themes throughout the play....

Romeo and Juliet: Two Worlds Anonymous

A major theme in the play Romeo and Juliet is the contrast between the two worlds: real and unreal. In order for true love between the star-crossed lovers to survive, it must exist in both. Romeo lives in the unreal world for the majority of the...

Religious Language and Concepts in Romeo and Juliet August Trevor Sutton

The epistle of Saint John unequivocally states, “Love comes from God” (1 John 4:7). This statement not only explains the source of love but it also provides a means to understand both love and God. If love is from God, then an understanding of...

Appropriating Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet Casey Bassett

In the 1997 film, Romeo + Juliet, Baz Luhrmann has attempted to take the original play by William Shakespeare, and create an appropriation of it for today. He takes what we value about the text: the themes, evocative language and poetry, the...

A Celebration of the Minor Characters in Romeo and Juliet Samantha Thomas

In his play Romeo and Juliet , Shakespeare puts his minor characters to good use. Romeo’s friend Mercutio and Juliet’s nurse are both characters that are not considered the main focus of the play, but nevertheless play a crucial role in the lives...

Media Sensationalism in Baz Luhrmann's William Shakespeare's Romeo & Juliet Anonymous

"You're television incarnate, Diana: indifferent to suffering; insensitive to joy. All of life is reduced to the common rubble of banality. War, murder, death are all the same to you as bottles of beer. And the daily business of life is a corrupt...

Passionate Language in Romeo and Juliet Julia Kelly

Romeo and Juliet is rife with the powerful contrasting passions of Love and Hate. Since this work is a drama, Shakespeare has chosen to convey these emotions through characters’ language. This essay will examine how dialogue is used to demonstrate...

Ambiguous Portrayal of Juliet's Womanhood Anonymous College

In Act 4 Scene 1 of Romeo and Juliet, Friar Lawrence, Paris, and Juliet converse about the upcoming marriage of Juliet and Paris. In the scene, Juliet’s new identity of an independent woman is forged through her vigor in dealing with Paris and the...

A Foreshadowing Conversation in Romeo and Juliet Anonymous College

In Romeo and Juliet, many ironic situations foreshadowing their doomed result. In the passage where Tybalt and Capulet debate at the masquerade feast, there are many lines that directly foreshadow two important components of the play: Romeo’s...

The Use of Religious Imagery in Romeo and Juliet Alexandra Best College

Throughout Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare makes heavy use of religious imagery, especially when concerned with the young couple. This imagery serves two purposes in the play. It underlines the purity of Romeo and Juliet’s love by associating it...

Romeo's Impulsiveness in Romeo and Juliet Anonymous 11th Grade

In Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare, star-crossed lovers Romeo and Juliet are doomed from the start, and the audience is aware of this from the prologue. “From forth the fatal loins of these two foes a pair of star-crossed lovers take their...

The Seed of Failure in Romeo and Juliet Michael Luo 9th Grade

Novelist Napoleon Hill once wrote, “Think twice before you speak, because your words and influence will plant the seed of either success or failure in another.” His opinion compels people to reconsider and reflect on the consequences and effects...

Are You My Mother? An Analysis of Juliet's Nurse Hayley Eadie 9th Grade

Most modern children grow up listening to their mothers tell fairytales and other fictional stories, but what did they do before the time of Sleeping Beauty and Snow White? In earlier centuries, it was not uncommon for care of small children to be...

Performances and Metatheatre in Marlowe’s Faustus Lea Dokter College

The theatrical device of performing a play within another play has been employed for centuries, most notably in European theatre and literature (Fisher and Greiden xi). The play within a play “describes a strategy for constructing play texts that...

Shakespeare’s presentation of Benvolio and Mercutio and the contrasting effects they have on Romeo. Amy Allison 10th Grade

Shakespeare uses a great number of linguistic and structural devices throughout his play ‘Romeo and Juliet’ in order to portray the characters and their relationships with one another. In this essay I will explore and analyse the effects and...

The Gift of Free Will Anonymous College

Dutch humanist and scholar Erasmus defines free will as “a power of the human will by which man may be able to direct himself towards or turn away from what leads to eternal salvation” (Erasmus 6). Many literary works of the Renaissance debate the...

Mercutio in Two Romeo and Juliet Films Molly Elizabeth Pinder 9th Grade

Many film adaptations of William Shakespeare’s classic tragedy of “star-crossed lovers” have been made, both in the original setting and more modern ones (Shakespeare Prologue. 6). Two movies that exemplify this are Franco Zeffirelli’s Romeo and...

Symbolism of Nature in German Realism: The Uncertain Omnipresence Anonymous College

Nature is an important feature of poetic realism, an offshoot of German realism in the late 19th century. Gottfried Keller, the author of the novel Romeo und Julia auf dem Dorfe (Romeo and Juliet in the Village), is a Swiss writer who belongs to...

Dark and Light, Romeo and Juliet Anonymous 9th Grade

The Bible states “God saw light was good, and he separated the light from darkness.” Though light and dark are separated in Romeo in Juliet , they have entirely different connotations. The presence of light turns the characters belligerent, while...

The Use of Literary Devices to Create Humor in Romeo and Juliet Olivia Xie 11th Grade

In dark and dire situations, humor is often needed to lighten the atmosphere in order to ensure sanity. This proves to be very true in William Shakespeare’s tragic play, Romeo and Juliet. As the plot of the play continues to develop, tragic and...

romeo and juliet analytical essays

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  1. Romeo and Juliet Analytical Essay

    romeo and juliet analytical essays

  2. Romeo and Juliet

    romeo and juliet analytical essays

  3. Romeo and Juliet Analyzation Essay Example

    romeo and juliet analytical essays

  4. (PDF) A Critical Analysis of William Shakespeares: Romeo and Juliet

    romeo and juliet analytical essays

  5. Romeo and Juliet Short Essay Passage Analysis for Mrs W

    romeo and juliet analytical essays

  6. Love And Hate In Romeo And Juliet Analysis Essay Example

    romeo and juliet analytical essays


  1. Analyzing the Timeless Brilliance of Romeo and Juliet in the 90s

  2. Romeo and Juliet Top 20 Quotes

  3. Analysing Romeo in Ten Quotations

  4. Romeo and Juliet -- What Light Through Yonder Window Breaks (Act 02, Scene 02)

  5. Romeo+Juliet TV Spot

  6. Romeo and Juliet


  1. Analysis of William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet

    Despite the play's persistence, cultural saturation, and popular appeal, Romeo and Juliet has fared less well with scholars and critics, who have generally judged it inferior to the great tragedies that followed. Instead of the later tragedies of character Romeo and Juliet has been downgraded as a tragedy of chance, and, in the words of critic James Calderwood, the star-crossed lovers are ...

  2. Romeo and Juliet Analysis

    For Juliet " 'tis twenty years" between dawn and nine o'clock; she would have the nurse travel at ten times the speed of light. For Romeo, a minute with Juliet equals a lifetime. The ...

  3. Romeo and Juliet Essays

    Romeo notes this distinction when he continues: Arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon, Who is already sick and pale with grief. That thou, her maid, art fair more fair than she (ll.4-6 ...

  4. A Summary and Analysis of William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet

    Romeo goes to see a churchman, Friar Laurence, who agrees to marry Romeo and Juliet. After the wedding, the feud between the two families becomes violent again: Tybalt kills Mercutio in a fight, and Romeo kills Tybalt in retaliation. The Prince banishes Romeo from Verona for his crime. Juliet is told by her father that she will marry Paris, so ...

  5. Romeo and Juliet

    Summary of Romeo and Juliet. Romeo and Juliet is a tragic love story by Shakespeare about two lovers who are not meant to be together as they come from feuding families. To summarise it, Romeo of the Montagues and Juliet of the Capulets were born to be sworn enemies due to the life long conflict between their families.

  6. Romeo and Juliet Themes and Analysis

    Themes. " Romeo and Juliet " is a timeless tragedy that explores the themes of love, hate, and fate. The play delves into the destructive power of family feuds and the consequences of impulsive decisions. It also examines the tension between personal choice and the seemingly inescapable forces of destiny.

  7. Romeo and Juliet Critical Evaluation

    Insofar as Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy, it is a tragedy of fate rather than of a tragic flaw. Although the two lovers have weaknesses, it is not their faults, but their unlucky stars, that ...

  8. Romeo and Juliet Study Guide

    Full Title: Romeo and Juliet. When Written: Likely 1591-1595. Where Written: London, England. When Published: "Bad quarto" (incomplete manuscript) printed in 1597; Second, more complete quarto printed in 1599; First folio, with clarifications and corrections, printed in 1623. Literary Period: Renaissance.

  9. Themes in Romeo and Juliet with Examples and Analysis

    The Theme of Death. Death is a theme that lurks throughout the play. In many ways, "Romeo and Juliet" shows the journey of the two lovers from their initial, love-filled meeting up to their death. Thus, death serves as the tragic resolution of various conflicts. For instance, Romeo's conflict with Tybalt ends with the latter's death.

  10. The Role of Fate in "Romeo & Juliet" by William Shakespeare

    The essay on "The Role of Fate in Romeo & Juliet" by William Shakespeare provides a comprehensive and well-organized analysis of the role that fate plays in the story. The writer demonstrates a clear understanding of the theme and effectively employs a variety of sentence structures and grammatical constructions to articulate their ideas.

  11. Romeo and Juliet Essay (pdf)

    Lin 3 presented with Romeo's passionate love for Juliet, setting the stage for who he truly is. The second time Romeo meets Juliet, he expresses how far he's willing to go for her, stating, "With love's light wings did I o'er-perch these walls; / For stony limits cannot hold love out, / And what love can do that dares love attempt; / Therefore thy kinsmen are no stop to me" (Shakespeare 2.2.74).

  12. Romeo and Juliet Critical Essays

    A. Decision to give consent for Juliet to marry Paris. B. Reaction when Juliet refuses to marry Paris. C. Decision to move the date up one day. V. Impetuosity of Friar Laurence. A. Willingness to ...

  13. Literary Analysis of Romeo and Juliet

    In conclusion, Romeo and Juliet remains a timeless masterpiece that continues to resonate with audiences today. Through its exploration of love, fate, and societal norms, Shakespeare's play offers profound insights into the human experience. By analyzing the themes, characters, and literary devices in Romeo and Juliet, one can gain a deeper ...

  14. Romeo and Juliet Character Analysis

    Juliet: Juliet, the young and innocent heroine, is portrayed as a strong-willed and independent character. Despite her youth, she exhibits maturity and intelligence beyond her years. Juliet's strength lies in her unwavering love for Romeo and her determination to be with him, even in the face of societal expectations and family conflict.

  15. Romeo and Juliet GCSE Revision Guide

    GCSE AQA English Literature revision guide for "Romeo and Juliet." Designed to help students achieve top grades, this resource offers in-depth insights into the play's key themes, characters, quotations and model essays. Key Features: Thematic Analysis: Detailed exploration of central themes such as love, fate, conflict, and youth versus age.

  16. Romeo and Juliet Suggested Essay Topics

    1. Name the two other people in the play who know about the love between Romeo and Juliet and explain how they help the lovers achieve their goals. 2. Explain Friar Laurence's philosophy ...

  17. Romeo and Juliet Essays

    Romeo and Juliet. Romeo and Juliet is rife with the powerful contrasting passions of Love and Hate. Since this work is a drama, Shakespeare has chosen to convey these emotions through characters' language. This essay will examine how dialogue is used to demonstrate...

  18. Romeo and Juliet Analysis

    Romeo and Juliet is perhaps the best-known of Shakespeare's early works, written around 1595, at about the same time as A Midsummer Night's Dream. There is some dispute over which of the two ...

  19. Romeo and Juliet Act 1, Scene 1 Summary & Analysis

    Analysis. Sampson and Gregory, two servingmen of House Capulet, enter with swords and bucklers. Sampson angrily says he doesn't want to "carry coals"—in other words, he doesn't want to put up with any of the Montagues' nonsense. Gregory insists they will do no such thing. Sampson says he's looking forward to drawing his sword ...