Library Theses collection

The University Library receives electronic and print copies of theses submitted for higher research degrees awarded by the University of Strathclyde.

Electronic copies of theses can be accessed via STAX . You can also search for print and electronic copies of theses in our main library catalogue, SUPrimo .

Print copies are kept under controlled access, not on the open shelves, but these are available on request during normal working hours. One print copy of each thesis is restricted to reference use in the Library. If a second copy is available, this may be borrowed for a six week period.

Taught Postgraduate Theses & Honours Dissertations

Please note that theses and dissertations undertaken as part of a taught postgraduate or undergraduate degree programme are not held in the Library and you need to contact the department/s concerned directly, to arrange consultation. The only exception to this is a selection of MBA, MBM, MIM or BITS projects which are available from the Short Loan Collection on Level 3.

Viewing & requesting a thesis

Find details of the thesis by searching on SUPrimo . Click on the title or Electronic resource link to view the full thesis. Access to some theses is restricted for a limited time and you will need to login with your DS username and password. To obtain print theses, members of the Library can use the 'Reserve my book' tab, select the copy you want and click on the Store Lending button.

Non-members may submit a request to consult a thesis by email .

Thesis submission

Visit our In Depth section for information on the format and submission of your own thesis .

Other UK Theses

Proquest dissertations & theses - a&i.

Comprehensive listing of theses with abstracts accepted for higher degrees, including those from universities in Great Britain and Ireland since 1716.

Digitised UK PhD theses online.

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Find Student theses

Filters for student theses.

  • 1 - 25 out of 3,040 results
  • Title (descending)

Search results

2d ultrasonic phased arrays for quantitative characterisation of complex defects.

Student thesis : Doctoral Thesis

3D biofabrication of constructs for orthopaedic tissue regeneration and clinical biofilm study

3d printed alkali-activated sensors for civil infrastructure, 3d-printed photoacoustic spectroscopy for industrial process control, 3d-printing technology applied to the development of bio-inspired functional acoustic systems, 3d tumour-stroma microfluidic cultures for the assessment of anti-cancer therapies, 4d ct based analysis of knee kinematics, 5g network slicing for rural connectivity: multi-tenancy in wireless networks, a bioelectronic approach to post-surgical anastomotic leakage diagnosis, a biomechanical analysis of stair ascent and descent in older adults, a biomechanical evaluation of three prosthetic feet.

Student thesis : Master's Thesis

A biphasic diffusion model of drug release from medical implant coatings

A blade design methodology for overspeed power regulation of horizontal axis tidal turbines, a blade-resolved, partitioned-approach fluid-structure interaction analysis of a ducted, high solidity tidal turbine in real flow conditions, academic integrity in a digital epoch "what happened when aristotle introduced phronesis to digital education how and why do they, a categorical approach to the foundations of quantum theory, accessing ultrafast protein dynamics through 2dir spectroscopy of intrinsic ligand vibrations, accommodating maintenance in prognostics, a cfd analysis on the fluid-structure interaction of offshore wave and wind energy devices, a cfd study of fluid-structure interaction problems for floating offshore wind turbines, a chemical approach to regenerating the performance of thermally damaged glass fibres, a chemical probe for tigar, achieving quality medical equipment in developing countries through remanufacturing, acid gas removal from natural gas using ionic liquids, a classical view of the quantum vacuum.

University of Strathclyde

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Dissertation Structure - a Guide


Summary of your dissertation including key findings.


Setting the context of your thesis, what issues are you going to address in your thesis and why?

strathclyde thesis submission

Link your research question/hypotheses with the gaps in existing literature.

Literature Review

What research has been done? What do they say about your research problem? Establish the gaps, issues, contradictions in existing literature on your research topic. Link your research question/hypotheses with the gaps in existing literature.

Establish gaps, issues and contradictions in existing literature on your research topic.

Provides with a viewpoint, a philosophical stance about research. What are the theoretical foundations for your approach?

  • What approach does your research questions/hypothesis necessitate? Why? (Justify your methodological approach)
  • What is a theoretical background for this approach? (Describe your methodological approach)
  • Which methods are linked to it?
  • Which methods did you decide for and why? What other methods could you have chosen but did not and why?

Methodology chapter

How, why and what chapter: How are you going about gathering your data.

Contains information about methodological approach/methods/sampling procedures/ethics /validity and reliability of your data collection. In particular you should answer the following questions:

  • How are you going about gathering your data? How will you evaluate the data?
  • How do you choose your participants? (Describe and justify your inclusion and exclusion criteria)
  • What kind of ethical considerations your research project encounter? How you will deal with them?
  • Does your data reliable? Explain how you ensure reliability of your data.
  • How do you validate your data?

Show your data, does it or does it not answer your research questions, proof your hypotheses? Why or why not?

Did they prove or discard issues raised in the literature review?


What implications do your findings have? Did they prove or discard issues raised in the literature review? What do your findings mean in context of your profession?

What do your findings mean in context of your profession?

What kind of implication your findings brings into to theory/policy/field of study?


So what? Impact on your field. What kind of implication your findings brings into to theory/policy/field of study ? What kind of contribution your findings brings to theory/policy/field of study?

What kind of contribution your findings brings to theory/policy/field of study?

University of Strathclyde Glasgow

Information Services Andersonian Library Guides

Dissertation / project support, dissertation and project support, dissertation regulations and guidelines.

  • Literature Reviews
  • Literature Searching
  • Research Methods
  • Introduction to EndNote online (web)
  • EndNote Desktop
  • OSCOLA (Law)
  • Vancouver (NLM/PubMed)
  • Faculty Librarians
  • Further information and support

Thinking about topics for your dissertation? Wondering what a literature review looks like? Curious about how to create a questionnaire? Worrying about writing up and/or referencing? This guide pulls together useful information no matter what stage you are at in your dissertation journey. From explanations of what a good literature review is , to how to conduct one , to finding out more about research methods , to the joys of referencing , this guide will provide you with the resources you need. If you can't find what you're looking for within the guide, you can contact your Faculty Librarian for a one to one appointment.

In addition, the Further information and support sectio n provides more resources including support on planning and writing your dissertation from our colleagues in Learner Development Services (book an appointment with one of the team) and options to sign up for Dissertation support sessions. This section also has resources for those working on more advanced research (PhD, MRes, MLitt etc)

To start you off, here are some great titles on writing a dissertation available within the Library collections. 

Books and eBooks on Dissertations

Each Faculty and/or Department will have their own regulations or guidelines for your dissertation or project. These regulations may cover topics such as:

  • The length of your dissertation
  • Page and text formatting: such as font type and size, line and paragraph spacing
  • Layout: details on Front, back and content page requirements
  • What referencing style to use

If you are unsure what the requirements are for your dissertation, your supervisor or department will be able to advise

  • Next: Literature Reviews >>
  • Last Updated: Oct 4, 2024 9:30 AM
  • URL:

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  • Contact the Library


  1. University of Strathclyde Thesis Template

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  2. (DOC) M.Sc. THESIS Strathclyde

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  1. Thesis submission - University of Strathclyde

    Before submitting a thesis, candidates should ensure that they have complied with these regulations. Thesis Submission for examination. You are required to upload a PDF version of your thesis for examination via the online PGR Management System on SharePoint.

  2. Thesis submission FAQs | University of Strathclyde

    Your thesis should be submitted no earlier than two months prior to the end of your Maximum Duration of Study. Please liaise directly with your academic department and Supervisory Team to agree your submission date.

  3. How to submit your thesis - Copyright & Your Thesis ...

    Detailed guidance on the format and submission of theses, including page layout, is detailed in Code of Practice paragraphs 251-278 (P.35) (link to PDF document). If you require assistance please contact the Library Cataloguing team at [email protected]

  4. Theses collection | University of Strathclyde

    Theses collection. The University Library receives electronic and print copies of theses submitted for higher research degrees awarded by the University of Strathclyde. Electronic copies of theses can be accessed via STAX. You can also search for print and electronic copies of theses in our main library catalogue, SUPrimo.

  5. Find Student theses - University of Strathclyde

    Find Student theses — University of Strathclyde. Search in all content. Filters for Student theses. 1 - 25 out of 3,036 results. Title (ascending) 2D ultrasonic phased arrays for quantitative characterisation of complex defects. Author: Dziewierz, J., 3 Jul 2015. Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis.

  6. Department of Computer and Information Sciences - Strath

    6. Submission The final bound copies of the dissertation should be submitted by the 17th August 2020, for consideration by the Board of Examiners. Two printed bound copies must be submitted by 20th August 2020. You do not need to submit your bound copies in person, they may be submitted on your behalf by a colleague or friend.

  7. Thesis and Viva - Strath

    Your thesis submission is in two stages: you submit two soft-bound copies for the viva examination and, once any corrections have been made, you submit two hard-bound copies which are placed in the University Library.

  8. Dissertation Structure - a Guide - Strath

    Introduction. Setting the context of your thesis, what issues are you going to address in your thesis and why? Link your research question/hypotheses with the gaps in existing literature. Literature Review. What research has been done? What do they say about your research problem?

  9. Home - Copyright & Your Thesis - LibGuides at University of ...

    How to submit your thesis. Who to contact for further advice and assistance. You need to think about copyright issues from the outset of your research and before you start collecting data and carrying out fieldwork.

  10. Home - Dissertation / Project Support - LibGuides at ... - Strath

    Dissertation and Project Support. Thinking about topics for your dissertation? Wondering what a literature review looks like? Curious about how to create a questionnaire? Worrying about writing up and/or referencing? This guide pulls together useful information no matter what stage you are at in your dissertation journey.