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What is Nursing School Like? Study Tips to Help You Succeed

5 min read • April, 28 2023

Welcome to nursing school! You'll be challenged each day when you study nursing, but the result is a job in a rewarding profession. If you're feeling anxious, you're not alone. Most new students worry about how to prepare for nursing school. Read on for nursing school tips and a primer on how to survive nursing school.

What Is Nursing School?

Depending on your professional goals, a nursing school may entail a diploma program or an , bachelor's, or graduate-level degree. Whatever course you take, your education will be rigorous, but success is achievable if you come in knowing what to expect in nursing school.

Assignments for nursing school may include care plans, case studies, research projects, group presentations, and clinical (and plenty of textbook reading, of course). The nursing curriculum includes:

  • Didactic coursework presented online or in-person
  • Laboratory skills, including simulations of skills performed in clinical
  • Hands-on clinical care at a hospital, nursing home, or other health care facility

Nursing school isn't meant to be a passive experience. Success requires a different learning mindset. The content learned in the classroom will be applied later in the laboratory and clinical settings. Rather than memorizing information, you must ensure that you understand the content. Then you use critical thinking skills to implement these skills when caring for patients and to pass the National Council Licensing Exam (NCLEX) .

Learn more about  nursing clinicals and what students should expect .

How to Prepare for Nursing School

Most nursing programs offer an orientation to review the curriculum and expectations. You'll have a different orientation once you begin the program's clinical portion.

The nursing curriculum is firmly grounded in science and math courses. When preparing for nursing school, think about your previous or existing schoolwork in those areas and decide if you'll benefit from additional tutoring. Many nursing schools require a specific grade or grade point average before acceptance. Some nursing programs may also require pre-nursing courses or an entrance exam.

What Classes Do You Take in Nursing School?

In addition to supporting courses, the most common classes taken in nursing school include:

  • Fundamentals
  • Pharmacology
  • Adult Health
  • Women's Health
  • Mental Health
  • Nursing Research
  • Health Assessment
  • Public Health

9 Tips for How to Be a Better Nursing Student

A nursing student in green scrub.

  • Determine your learning style.  You may identify with one or several of the four primary learning types (visual, aural, read/write, and kinesthetic). For example, one nursing student may learn better by reading textbook content and reviewing lecture notes, whereas another may absorb information by hearing the lecture. To confirm your learning style, complete a  Vark questionnaire
  • Schedule study time like it's a job.  Setting regular study sessions will promote retention of content versus cramming the night before an exam. Remember that memorization isn't the key to success in nursing. Instead, focus on how you'll implement the content in nursing practice. Make it a point to review notes after each lecture while the content is fresh.
  • Join a study group.  A study group can help you understand class content since other students may have more comprehensive notes or an easier way to remember information. Studying with your nursing peers may provide a support system to keep you accountable and stay motivated.
  • Hire a nursing tutor.  If you're struggling in one specific nursing class, consider hiring someone to work with you one-on-one to help you understand the content. Be sure to ask for help. Even once you've completed a class, each nursing course builds upon the other, so the content may come up later or on the NCLEX.
  • Take breaks . Most people can only look at the same content for so long before they lose focus. Practice self-care and take breaks. Knowing how to get through nursing school is about creating a balance between your studies and your personal life. Develop good self-care habits now to  prevent burnout  later.
  • Try different study formats to see what works best for you.  Textbook reading and reviewing lecture notes are a foundation, but don't stop there. Make study guides, learn mnemonics, rewrite lecture notes, make flashcards, and watch informational videos. Once you've created a system, save and organize this information so you can refer to it later when  studying for the NCLEX .
  • Take practice NCLEX tests . NCLEX-style questions require critical thinking. Many nursing exams use these types of questions to help you prepare for the licensing exam. Become familiar with this style of questions and take  practice tests  to hone your critical thinking skills.
  • Get to know your nursing instructors . Classes provide time to ask questions, take additional notes on the nursing content, and build relationships with peers and nursing instructors. Take advantage of this access to knowledge and expertise. Ask questions, seek advice on the NCLEX, and learn from others' experiences as nurses. Remember that your nursing professor may also be a resource for future internships and letters of recommendation.
  • Review the Code of Ethics for Nurses.  The NCLEX contains a section on ethical practice for nurses. The  Code of Ethics for Nurses  was developed by ANA and is available for students to view.

Final Thoughts

Time management is an essential skill for nursing students. A good study habit for nursing students is to set S.M.A.R.T. goals (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely) that help prevent you from becoming overwhelmed. These may include your study time and duration, test score goals, or plans to  join a nursing organization.

These tips will help set yourself up for success as you study nursing and pass nursing school. As the largest entity in health care and the most trusted profession, nursing programs aim to prepare nurses to be their very best. Expect to be challenged, but keep in mind the vast rewards nursing school delivers.  

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study tips in nursing school

28 Expert Tips to Successfully Pass Nursing School – (By a Nurse)

study tips in nursing school

Nursing is a gratifying career. You get to deliver care to patients across their lifespan—interacting with the patient and their family, leaving a lasting impact on their life. A nurse's settings are endless, leading to multiple opportunities. Plus, you can easily advance your career, leading to even more opportunities for the nurse. Truthfully, the options are endless. But, one thing that keeps many people from pursuing a career in nursing is nursing school—because they have heard it is hard. Are you interested in becoming a nurse but wondering how to pass nursing school? Below, you will find 28 expert tips to successfully pass nursing school.

What Does Passing Nursing School Exactly Mean?

Is nursing school hard to pass, 6 common reasons why students fail to pass nursing school, 1. nursing is not their passion:, 2. poor time management:, 3. lack of studying or not committing enough time to study:, 4. stress and lack of support:, 5. not asking for help early on:, 6. fall behind in coursework:, how to pass nursing school, 1. time management, 2. get organized, 3. use mnemonics, 4. study everyday, 5. complete practice questions, 6. participate in a study group, 7. focus on course objectives when studying, 8. know your learning style, 9. do not be afraid to use outside learning resources, 10. give yourself a break, 11. find activities to do outside of school, 12. breathe, 13. good sleep habits, 14. eat a well-balanced diet, 15. exercise daily, 16. ask questions, 17. schedule meetings with your instructor, especially if struggling with a specific course or content, 18. do not cram for exams, 19. complete the pre-class prep, 20. maximize clinical experiences, 21. positive attitude, 22. set realistic goals, 23. have a good support system, 24. take 5 minutes after class to review information learned, 25. get to know your instructors, 26. review your course exams, 27. do not fall behind, 28. do not give up, my final thoughts, frequently asked questions answered by our expert, 1. how many hours a day should i study for nursing school, 2. how to pass my first semester of nursing school, 3. how to pass my last semester of nursing school, 4. how to pass my clinical in nursing school, 5. can i pass the nclex-rn without nursing school, 6. what if i pass nursing school but fail nclex-rn, 7. do my nursing school grades really matter.

study tips in nursing school

study tips in nursing school

Study Smarter, Not Harder: 13 Top Tips for Nursing Students

  • Last Updated: July 30, 2023

The top study tips for nursing students include knowing your learning style, balancing study and personal time, setting objectives, and avoiding cramming for exams through revision, study guides, and study groups.

As a nursing student, it can be overwhelming to juggle your academic coursework, clinical experience, and personal life. However, with the right mindset and strategies, you can thrive in your nursing program and achieve academic success. The key is not to work harder to the point of burnout but to work smarter and use thorough planning to learn effectively.

Table of contents

1. know your learning style, 2. schedule your study time, 3. create your ideal studying environment, 4. create and meet your learning objectives, 5. avoid cramming for exams, 6. follow the nursing exam study guide, 7. prepare before class, 8. focus on the topics taught in class, 9. form a study group, 10. take a break when you need a break, 11. exercise and eat well, 12. get quality sleep, 13. practice, practice, practice, takeaway .

Discovering the optimal approach to studying in nursing school is all about establishing a mutualism relationship between you as a nursing student and you as an individual. Both aspects must support and enhance one another. Rather than viewing your nursing career as a parasitic entity that progresses at the expense of your personal life, envision these two aspects as two organisms that can benefit from and help one another in order to achieve success.

The initial step is to determine your unique learning style, which will enable you to customize your study strategies to align with your preferences. 

There are three primary learning modalities: visual, auditory, and kinesthetic. Typically, visual learners absorb information through sight, auditory learners through listening, and kinesthetic learners through hands-on experiences. It is not uncommon for individuals to excel using a blend of two or more modalities. 

Remember, no single style is superior; the goal is to identify your ideal approach and adapt your study techniques accordingly.

The next tip is to plan your study time accordingly and in advance. By planning, you can effectively manage your workload and avoid procrastination. Weekly or monthly, create a timetable that includes your classes, study hours, clinical rotations if you have any, as well as personal commitments. Then, try to stick to that schedule as closely as possible.

Following a schedule helps you keep track of your time, responsibilities, and goals.

Studies show that choosing a comfortable and quiet space for studying is of paramount importance. According to their research, environmental variables such as lighting, temperature, and noise influence learning results .

Therefore, studying in a quiet, well-lit corner of your room, the library, a study room, or anywhere else with minimal distractions can help with your concentration and overall studying. Whereas if you were to study in uncomfortable or loud environments, you would find it more challenging to stay engaged.

Another tip to help you stay on track and achieve your academic goals is setting specific learning objectives and working toward meeting them. The link between goal-setting and performance has long been a topic of discussion. In the article “Toward a Theory of Task Motivation and Incentives,” Locke, an American psychologist, showed that goals and feedback motivate employees. Additionally, they highlighted the point that goals are also a major basis for performance improvement.

Therefore, breaking down your coursework into manageable sections and creating a study plan can help you achieve your objectives. Don’t forget to celebrate your achievements to keep yourself motivated.

Studying in smaller but consistent increments is more effective than cramming for exams. The so-called spacing effect is based on observations that show learning is more effective when spaced in time as it produces stronger memories. 

So, we recommend you start studying well in advance and regularly review your notes to strengthen your understanding of the material. As you dive into the next semester, you will retain the information you would have otherwise forgotten in a short period through cramming.

Many nursing programs provide study guides to help you prepare for exams. These guides act as a roadmap for you to follow by highlighting the content and concepts you will most likely be tested on. Some others might also include sample questions, practice exams, and other resources that aim to help you better understand the course material. 

Using such study guides can help you have a more structured approach to your exam-preparation period.

According to Ebbinghaus’ Curve of Forgetting , people forget information over time unless they actively try to keep it there. The forgetting curve shows that learners forget around 90% of what they have learned within the first month.

However, to combat this model, you can work harder on retaining that information through material reviews before class. An excellent tip is to always read and review material before attending lectures based on the class syllabus. This will help you stay engaged during class, get the most out of each lecture, and reinforce your understanding of the material.

Next, pay close attention to the topics covered in class and focus your studies on those areas. By doing so, you will find it much easier to structure your review sessions and thus reinforce your understanding of the material and prepare for exams. This step is especially crucial if you don’t have access to a nursing exam study guide.

A study group provides the opportunity to collaborate with your peers, share knowledge, and gain a deeper understanding of complex nursing concepts. So, we recommend you form or join a study group with other nursing students to meet regularly and review the material from lectures.

Combining collaborative and individual learning has proven to be an excellent approach for students as studies show that this combination allowed students to address misunderstandings with a partner as well as build fluency through individual problem-solving.

A literature review of stress among nursing students suggests that nursing students, at minimum, deal with moderate stress levels as a group. It can be easy to get caught up in the high demands of the field. However, it is essential for all students, including those in nursing, to take regular breaks in order to avoid burnout. 

Resting between study sessions provides you with room to recharge, avoid stress, and maintain your focus. This tip is crucial in ensuring that you do not ignore your physical and mental health while studying to take care of the health of others.

As previously mentioned, the demanding nature of the nursing field can easily lead to students experiencing stress and overworking themselves. Therefore, it is worth emphasizing the need for students to take care of themselves throughout their college experience.

The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that eating a well-balanced diet provides the body with essential nutrients that fuel you with energy and generally ensure a stronger immune system, lower risk of non-communicable diseases, and overall longevity. 

Engaging in regular physical activity can also be beneficial for students. According to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control), physically active students tend to have better grades. Furthermore, they claim that higher physical activity is associated with better cognitive performance among students.

Sleep is vital for brain performance, mood, and health . Therefore, you should try to have at least seven to eight hours of sleep per night to establish a regular sleep schedule that helps you get the rest you need.

However, keep in mind that it is not just about how much sleep you get but the quality of it too. Studies show that better sleep quality is linked to less insomnia and depression in students as well as an increase in the ability to study for more hours.

Last but not least, keep practicing. The more you practice, the better you will become at applying your knowledge to real-world scenarios. So, seek out any opportunities you can to practice your clinical skills. Regardless of your learning style, you can reinforce your understanding of various nursing concepts by simply putting everything into action.

Nursing programs are known for being rigorous and demanding. Therefore, it is easy to fall into the trap of overworking yourself. The trick is to utilize time management techniques, efficient study habits, prioritize self-care, and seek out resources such as study groups or study guides. This way, you can achieve academic success without sacrificing your well-being.

Nurse Luke is a CRNA who specializes in Nursing content and still enjoys a very busy career with Locum, Per Diem and Travel nursing in the greater midwest. He has over 25 years of experience in the healthcare field and received his CRNA masters degree from the Mayo Clinic School of Healthcare. He is passionate about helping nurses explore the options of becoming a travel nurse as well as spending time with his Family. 

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study tips in nursing school

6 Study Tips and Strategies to Survive and Succeed in Nursing School

Nursing School Study Tips

You’re starting nursing school this year and embarking on one of the most important journeys of your life. Or maybe you are aiming to do better than in previous years of study. Whatever your level, these nursing school tips and strategies on how you can prepare for and survive nursing school will help you hit the ground running and stay on the top of your game throughout the year. Here are some tips you need to learn and habits you need to form if you want to survive nursing school:

1. Focus on your goal

Your ultimate goal in nursing school is to attain the title of registered nurse meaning that you will need to complete the demanding nursing course successfully and pass the NCLEX exam . Also, keep in mind that you are paying a lot of money to achieve this goal.

Whether you are studying at a college or a university, your primary focus for the next few years should be on your education. Your life should be planned around your studies rather than trying to fit your studies around other activities like sports, clubs, parties, and dates.

Your life should be planned around your studies rather than trying to fit your studies around other activities

Focusing in nursing school may sound obvious, but with your environment being far less controlled and structured than when you were at home and in high school, it is easy to get caught up in all the fun activities of student life.

Success requires dedication. At times you will have to spend weekends with your books or say no to that hot date or exciting concert. Explain your priorities to those who are close to you – your family, partner, and friends. Doing so will gain their respect, understanding, and support.  

2. Manage your time well with proper planning

Everyone has the same number of hours every day, but some of the people seem to get so much more done than others. Be that student who manages their time well and not idles away on things that are not important. Managing your time well is critical while at university and learning this skill will be valuable for the rest of your life, and especially in your nursing career.

The first step in time management is detailed planning which helps you to map out your priorities and to avoid procrastination and wasting time on activities that don’t contribute to your goals. Think of how quickly an hour or two can run away while scrolling on social media or chatting on the phone with a friend!

nursing planner and diary for nursing school tips

For this nursing school tip , get a diary, use it to plan and create daily task lists. Enter all the fundamental commitments such as classes, clinical assignments, and deadlines for written assignments and tests. Then pen in specific times for reading to prepare for classes, reviewing your study material and studying for tests and exams, as well as for working on written assignments ahead of time.

Once you’ve provided for your study commitments in your planner, you can see clearly where and how much time you can schedule for leisure activities – time to spend with your family and friends or participate in sports and clubs. During the academic year, the course-load will ebb and flow and with proper planning and time-management you will avoid the stress of getting further and further behind as the term progresses.

Committing to a study routine will keep you focused and give you plenty of time to get everything done while still allowing for a work-life balance. Not only will this enhance your learning , but you will be able to approach your tests and exams with confidence .

3. Get the most out of your classes and clinical assignments

Don’t ever be tempted to skip your classes. This is where you get your instructors’ perspectives on what the key points are of the learning material.

Do the reading for classes before attending. It helps if you already have some knowledge of the topic which will the covered and you can prepare questions about material you don’t fully understand.

10 Nursing School Survival Tips

While in class, listen actively. Don’t try to take notes of every word – evaluate the information. Listen for main ideas and the details that are stressed. Pay particular attention when a teacher explains specific points – this usually covers information which the teacher knows from experience that students have difficulty with.

You may feel intimidated to ask a question in class. Just keep in mind that if you are confused, it is likely that other students are in the same position. So don’t be afraid – just put up your hand and ask.

The same applies to clinical rotations – the more you question, the more you learn. Also, try not only to make yourself available for tasks where you feel confident in your knowledge and skill – where you can, choose or ask for assignments that will challenge you and which will be a new learning experience.

4. Study effectively

At the beginning of each course analyze the course outline as well as the description of the goals and objectives – this will give you valuable insights into what and how to study.

While studying, always focus on the key points as well as on underlying principles, facts alone won’t help you in nursing. You need to be able to critically analyze and relate the facts to find solutions in every unique situation.

Parkinson’s Medications: “ALBM” Pharmacology Nursing Mnemonics and Tips

Read actively and thoughtfully to make sure that you understand what you read. Use class discussions as a guide to identify the most essential information. Forget what you were taught about never writing in books (unless they don’t belong to you). Skim through the material first to identify the most important points – then underline, highlight, make notes in the margins. You can also create nursing mnemonics to help you familiarize yourself with the nursing topic.

Effective learning requires repetition and variety keeps us from getting bored. Find different “inputs” for engaging with the material that matches your learning style. Make summaries, draw diagrams, use flash cards, read the material out loud, or join a study group. Practice with NCLEX questions from the start – these really test your insight and understanding.

Read as widely as you can in the time you have available. Use other resources to study the material besides the prescribed books. Even if it covers the same information, your thoughts are less likely to wander if you read the topic in different words and perspective. Extensive reading also gives you more knowledge on the subject – this could earn you bonus points in examinations but, more importantly, as you expand your familiarity with a topic, the more the key facts become like common knowledge to you.

Our concentration span is limited, and you will study more effectively if you take regular breaks. When you find your thoughts wandering get up, stretch and move around, get something to eat or drink, rest your eyes by focusing in the distance.

5. Build a support network

Make friends with fellow nursing students as soon as you can. For the next few years, they will be going through the same experiences you are.

They will be the only ones who really understand what you are going through – you will become each other’s study buddies, shoulder’s to cry on, and family away from home. There will be times that it feels that everything is just getting too much, there will be tears and times that you feel like quitting – your fellow nursing students will be the ones that are there to support you and help you to pick yourself up and push on.

You can also explain work to each other when one of you becomes stuck, work together on assignments, form study groups and quiz each other before exams.

Your fellow nursing students will also be the only ones to share those nursing jokes with (jokes that none of your other friends or family will appreciate!)

A further important part of the support network you should build is with your instructors. Their goal is to help you to achieve yours, and they will be more than willing to help you if they see that you are serious about your studies. So get to know them and don’t be afraid to approach them when you need help.

6. Stay healthy

You will be unable to keep up with the demanding course if you don’t pay attention to staying healthy. A healthy body and mind will help you to optimize your learning as well as keep your immune system going so that you don’t fall ill easily.

Eat regular and healthy meals, get some exercise , sleep enough and make time for stress-relieving leisure activities. It’s especially important to make sure that you get enough sleep before a test or an exam – if you attended classes and reviewed your work regularly your mind will quickly access the information it has stored if it is rested.

It will all be worth it!  

“It’s going to change who you are and be one of the most challenging yet exhilarating times of your life. And at the end of it all, what we all wait for ….’I am a registered nurse ’” wrote Karen Rouse in the American Journal of Nursing after asking readers about what advice they would give to a new nursing student.  

“ If I had to put your best advice to her in one sentence, it would be this: nursing school is probably one of the most difficult things you will ever do, but with good study habits and the support of your fellow nursing student friends, you will get through, and it will be oh so worth it!”

4 thoughts on “6 Study Tips and Strategies to Survive and Succeed in Nursing School”

This is so on point!

I am so keen for the day that I can get my strips as I have set myself a goal to finish my Diploma of Nursing and then do my Bachelor and then specialise in the field of becoming a rural nurse for my native community and help bridge a small gap between my people and others so I found this to be very helpful thank you so much for posting this up I should be able to do a lot better if I have a study structure

Thank you so much ! This is litterrally what I needed to boost my energy and confidence in these times I have to take my HESI !

You’re very welcome!

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