1. Canada's forgotten universal basic income experiment

    Amid wide unemployment during Covid-19, basic income schemes have gained fresh relevance. A successful Canadian scheme that's over four decades old could provide a road map for others.

  2. Mincome

    Mincome, the "Manitoba Basic Annual Income Experiment", was a Canadian guaranteed annual income (GAI) social experiment conducted in Manitoba in the 1970s. The project was funded jointly by the Manitoba provincial government and the Canadian federal government under Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau.It was launched with a news release on February 22, 1974, under the New Democratic Party of ...

  3. Recente experimenten met het basisinkomen in hoge-inkomenslanden

    Canada, Ontario 2017-2019. Van 2017 tot 2019 werd een variant op het basisinkomen getest door de regering van de Canadese provincie Ontario. ... Het gaat in dit experiment niet om een basisinkomen, want als deelnemers werk vinden en voldoende inkomen krijgen, dan vervalt hun uitkering en ook de eventuele aanvulling op de uitkering. ...

  4. Universal basic income in Canada

    Universal basic income in Canada refers to the debate and trials with basic income, negative income tax and related welfare systems in Canada.The debate goes back to the 1930s when the social credit movement had ideas around those lines. Two major basic income experiments have been conducted in Canada. Firstly the Mincome experiment in Manitoba 1974-1979, and secondly the Ontario Basic ...

  5. Een manier om gezond te worden: experimenten met het basisinkomen in Canada

    Van 1974 tot 1979 vond er een sociaal experiment met het basisinkomen plaats in een kleine Canadese stad [1] dat bekend stond onder de naam "MINCOME Program"[2]. Evelyn Forget, een onderzoekster, is een van de weinige personen die de sociologische gevolgen van het experiment met een gegarandeerd inkomen heeft bestudeerd.

  6. Canada's Forgotten Universal Income Experiment and ...

    The purpose of the experiment was to see if families who were positioned at or below the poverty line could experience an improved quality of life with a guaranteed basic income. In the course of implementing and executing Mincome, it was considered to be the most ambitious social science experiment to have ever taken place in Canada ...

  7. Canadian Basic Income experiments

    Between 1974 and 1979 Canada carried out a basic income-experiment in Dauphin, Manitoba called MINCOME. The experiment ended in 1979 with no final report and no analysis of data from the saturation site. Until 2009 the documents remained under wraps. Just recently Evelyn Forget (Forget, 2011) from the University of Manitoba started interpreting and evaluating the files. The hitherto known ...

  8. Canada: The Ontario Basic Income (cancelled) experiment, revealed

    The findings of the McMaster University Basic Income Project (MUBIP) were released on the 4th of March 2020. The study looked into the impact of the Ontario Basic Income on over 200 recipients in one of the pilot sites, namely Hamilton-Brantford, where 1000 recipients were initially enrolled into the program. Even though the previously hired research team's contract to evaluate the program ...

  9. Simpson, et al, "The Manitoba Basic Annual Income Experiment ...

    The Manitoba Basic Annual Income Experiment (Mincome), conducted some 40 years ago, was an ambitious social experiment designed to assess a range of behavioural responses to a negative income tax, a specific form of GAI. This article reviews that experiment, clarifying what exactly Mincome did and did not learn about how individuals and ...

  10. Fascinating Story of Basic Income: A Town without Poverty, with Better

    Try to imagine a town where the government pays each of the residents a living basic income, regardless of who they were and what they did. For a four-year period in the 1970s, families in Dauphin, a small rural town in Canada, were granted a guaranteed minimum income by the federal and provincial governme nts. Unlike welfare, which only certain individuals qualified for, this guaranteed ...