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greswold year 2 homework

Melling Primary School

  • Class Pages
  • Class Pages Archive: 2019-2020


Watch this space for regular updates and resources to keep learning throughout the closure. There are weekly projects for children to complete in addition to the regular online homework.  Also, please scroll down for additional resources and links.  There's so much to keep you going!!

**Parents, please note that we are unable to offer printing or additional learning packs as there are not enough staff in school to be able to do so.  Thank you for understanding.**


It is so strange that this will be the last message posted on here with homework for the week as we come to the end of the summer term.  But there is lots to keep you going here and I will keep posting extra activities on as I come across them.  Scroll down the page for lots of activities that I keep updating - there might be some you haven't seen.  Coming soon to our new website is a section on the class pages called Home Learning and there will be a whole host of activities and websites that you can access all summer long, ready for your transition into Key Stage 2 (the juniors!!!).  I am looking forward to seeing you again in September - all in your smart new uniforms and ready to get back to it.  I can't wait to see you. Happy summer holidays!!! Lots of love to you all and your families.  Look after yourselves and stay safe this summer. XXXXXX BTBTYCB BP XXXXXX

  • Week 17 Learning Project Y2 Transition to Y3
  • GROUP 2 SPELLING LIST contractions
  • SPELLING Common Exception Words Year 2 Activity Book
  • SPELLING Y1 & 2 Common Exception Words Writing Practice Worksheet
  • MATHS BASIC SKILLS Stage 2 Check 3
  • MATHS BASIC SKILLS Stage 2 Check 3 Answers


Hi Y2.  I hope you are all well.  I am really looking forward to seeing you next week when you come to school to collect your report.  (Parents - see the End of Term Arrangements letter on the home page of the website. Date and time to follow.)  Here are your next week's learning activities.  Keep going with everything - especially with reading.  Serial Mash Diamonds section is perfect for your age group.  See you soon!! xx

  • Week 16 Learning Project Y2
  • GROUP 1 SPELLING LIST a_e split digraph
  • GROUP 1 SPELLINGS WORD SEARCH a_e split digraph
  • MATHS BASIC SKILLS Stage 2 Check 2
  • MATHS BASIC SKILLS Stage 2 Check 2 Answers
  • GRAMMAR HAMMER Stage 2 Check 2
  • GRAMMAR HAMMER Stage 2 Check 2 Answers


Hi everyone.  I have had the pleasure of speaking most of your parents over the last couple of weeks and have told them a member of staff will be calling you this week to have a chat and say hi to you.  We will do this once a week so expect a call soon!  Here is your next set of learning to keep you going.  Remember to scroll down the page too and see some other resources that you might like to use to keep your learning going.  Don't forget that reading is the most important activity that you can be doing so please access Serial Mash Diamonds section.  I miss you lots and hope to see you very soon!! XXX

  • Week 15 Learning Project Y2
  • GROUP 1 SPELLING LIST Days of the week & some common exception words
  • GROUP 1 SPELLINGS WORD SEARCH Days of the week & some common exception words
  • GROUP 2 SPELLING LIST ment, ness, ful suffixes
  • GROUP 2 SPELLINGS WORD SEARCH ment, ness, ful suffixes
  • Grammar Hammer.doc
  • Math Skills Stage 2 Check 1.pdf
  • Math Skills Stage 2 Check 1 Answers.pdf
  • Topic - Lesson Presentation What Do Plants Need.ppt
  • Topic - Seeds and Bulbs Word Mat.pdf
  • Topic - Activity Sheet Plant Growth Test Results.pdf
  • Topic - Activity Sheet Comparing Seeds and Bulbs.pdf


It is so hard to believe that we are in week 14 of the school closure.  I hope you are all well and that you have been having lots of fun at home with your families as well as keeping on with your learning.  Please remember that reading is important so remember to log on to Purple Mash, select Serial Mash and look at the Diamonds level.  Also, remember to scroll down this page to find regular updates of tasks to complete.  Missing you lots as usual.  Take care of yourselves and your families.  Lots of love xxx

  • Week 14 Learning Project Y2
  • GROUP 2 SPELLING LIST Y2 common exception words 2
  • GROUP 2 SPELLINGS WORD SEARCH Y2 common exception words 2
  • Topic - Lesson Presentation Life Cycles.ppt
  • Topic - Activity Sheet Sunflower Life Cycle.pdf
  • Topic - Activity Sheet Plant Growth Table.pdf

Special 'Virtual Courtesy Cup' award to Freddie for showing Melling Values during lockdown. Well Done Freddie!!


Hi everybody - here is your next lot of learning.  Please make sure you are keeping up with your reading.  A little bit of reading every day is the best thing you can do because it helps you with every other area of your learning - language, understanding, spelling, writing, punctuation and widens your knowledge about the world.  Serial Mash Diamonds on Purple Mash is perfect - log on and have a look please!  Keep looking after everybody at home and remember your Melling Golden Values.  Lots of love to you and your families xxx

  • Week 13 Learning Project Y2
  • GROUP 1 SPELLING LIST ir and ur
  • GROUP 2 SPELLING LIST zh spelt s
  • Science Topic - Lesson Presentation Observing Plants.ppt
  • Topic - Activity Sheet Flowering Plant Observation.pdf
  • Topic - Activity Sheet Parts of a Flowering Plant.pdf
  • Topic - Activity Sheet Parts of a Tree.pdf
  • Topic - Activity Sheet Tree Observation.pdf


Hello everyone - I hope you are all well, safe and happy.  Here are some more learning activities.  I know you have been without reading books from school for some time now.  I really hope you are accessing online books and reading what you have at home to keep up with your reading.  Reading is one of the most important parts of your learning so please make sure you are doing a little bit every day.  Log on to the Oxford Owl online website and read books similar to the ones on our reading scheme.  Also, please log in to Purple Mash and find the Serial Mash, Diamonds section.  This is perfect for your age and reading ability.  Missing you, as always xxx

  • Week 12 Learning Project Y2
  • GROUP 2 SPELLING LIST er sound spelt or, or sound spelt ar
  • GROUP 2 SPELLINGS WORD SEARCH er sound spelt or, or sound spelt ar


Still missing you all lots!!!  It is now already the first week of the 2nd half of summer term.  I hope you are all keeping well and making the most of the gorgeous weather - social distancing and applying lots of sun cream of course!!  Here is the next set of learning activities to keep you going.  BTBTYCB - BE PROUD!!!!! Lots of love xxxxx

  • Week 11 Learning Project Y2
  • GROUP 2 SPELLING LIST o spelt a after q & w
  • GROUP 2 SPELLINGS WORD SEARCH o spelt a after q & w



  • Week 10 Learning Project Y2


I hope you are all well and keeping safe.  Here we go with some more learning activities.  Hopefully you are keeping up with all of this because your learning is so important.  But what is really really important is that you are happy and keeping a smile on your face.  Looking forward to the time we can be back together. Lots of love to you and your families xxx

  • Week 9 Learning Project Y2
  • GROUP 2 SPELLING LIST u spelt o


Hi Y2!  Here is some more learning to keep you going.  Still missing you.  I hope everything is fine with you and your families.  Hopefully it won't be too long now before we are back together.  Lots of love to you all xxx

  • Week 8 Learning Project Y2
  • GROUP 2 SPELLING LIST Y2 common exception words
  • GROUP 2 SPELLINGS WORD SEARCH Y2 common exception words


Wow we are entering the 7th week of school at home.  I am still missing you lots - more and more every week.  I hope you and your families are all well and keeping big smiles on your faces.  I hope to be back with you really soon.  Here is some more learning to keep you going.  Remember to keep checking the page for updates with links to websites and further resources (scroll down under the weekly tasks to find them).  Lots of love to you all xxx

  • Week 7 Learning Project Y2
  • GROUP 2 SPELLINGS LIST or spelt a before l & ll
  • GROUP 2 SPELLINGS WORD SEARCH or spelt a before l & ll


Hi Y2!  Sending lots of love and best wishes to you and your families.  I hope you are getting lots of fresh air and exercise as best you can in the glorious sunshine.  Remember to watch the Bitesize Daily programmes on BBC iplayer and look at the daily lessons on the BBC Bitesize website (link below).  You can refresh your memory on what you have already learned and find out some more facts too.  Missing you lots - BTBTYCB xxx

  • Week 6 Learning Project Y2
  • GROUP 1 SPELLINGS LIST oa o ow oe
  • GROUP 2 SPELLINGS LIST adding ing er est er to words of 1 syllable
  • GROUP 2 SPELLINGS WORD SEARCH adding ing er est er to words of 1 syllable


Hello everyone!!!! I hope you have had a lovely Easter, ate some delicious chocolate and remembered to put sun-cream on while enjoying the gorgeous weather!  Well, it would be back to school this week but we have to carry on with our school at home for a while longer.  Hopefully it won't be long now until we're back together again for your last term in Y2 before you go into Y3.  This term, you are getting ready to be a junior so  here are some more learning activities for you to try and keep up with your learning.  Don't forget to scroll down this page to find lots more activities.  There are lots more being added regularly.  Lots of love to you and your families. XXX

  • Week 5 Learning Project Y2
  • GROUP 2 SPELLINGS LIST adding y ier iest to words ending in e
  • GROUP 2 SPELLINGS WORD SEARCH adding y ier iest to words ending in e


HAPPY EASTER!!!! I am still missing you lots but I know you will be having a great time enjoying the sunshine and celebrating with your Easter treats.  Keep smiling, learning and being the best you can be.  Again, your project is optional this week as it should be the Easter holidays.  I know that you know how important your learning is so try to keep it going if you can.  How about making an Easter garden or bonnet?  Take a photo and we can share them when we get back to school.  Big hugs and lots of love xxx

  • Week 4 Learning Project Y2
  • GROUP 2 SPELLINGS LIST adding ing to y words
  • GROUP 2 SPELLINGS WORD SEARCH adding ing to y words


Hello Y2!  It is officially the Easter holidays now and I wish you all a happy and safe time.  As this is a very unusual time and we are all missing a lot of school, there are more activities on here to keep you busy over Easter.  Your learning is still important over the next couple of weeks, so try to access Education City, Purple Mash, Times Tables Rock Stars and carry on practising reading, handwriting and spelling.  The weekly project is optional this week but you could still have a go to keep up with your learning!  Missing you lots and can't wait to see you! Remember to keep looking after the people at home and show off our marvellous Melling golden values.  XX

  • Week 3 Learning project Y2
  • GROUP 2 SPELLING LIST adding ied iest ier to y words
  • GROUP 2 SPELLINGS WORD SEARCH adding ied iest ier to y words


Hi everyone! I hope you are well, having a lovely time at home and keeping up with your learning.  I am missing you all lots and hope that everything will be back to normal very soon.  Be kind to your adults and look after everyone in your house.  Carry on being the best you can be.  Lots of love to you all and your families xxx

  • Week 2 Learning Project Y2
  • GROUP 2 SPELLING LIST Y2 key words

Thank you Y2 for being such an amazing group of children and for your superb attitude and behaviour over the last  couple of weeks.   Looking forward to seeing you soon xxx

  • Week 1 Learning Project Y2.pdf
  • GROUP 1 SPELLINGS Word Search nk ng
  • GROUP 2 SPELLING LIST adding ies to y words
  • GROUP 2 SPELLINGS Word Search adding ies to y words.pdf


  • Year 2 Home Learning Pack
  • Year 2 Home Learning Pack Guidance and Answers
  • Year 2 Practical Ideas
  • Book Scavenger Hunt
  • 5 Senses Scavenger Hunt
  • Indoor Scavenger Hunt
  • Inventor Scavenger Hunt
  • Nature Scavenger Hunt
  • Rainbow Scavenger Hunt
  • Spring Scavenger Hunt
  • GEOGRAPHY 01Subscribers KS1 Oddizzi World Explorers Places
  • GEOGRAPHY 02Subscribers KS1 Oddizzi World Explorers Physical Features
  • GEOGRAPHY 03Subscribers KS1 Oddizzi World Explorers Weather and Climate
  • GEOGRAPHY 04Subscribers KS1 Oddizzi World Explorers Country Close Up
  • GEOGRAPHY 05Subscribers KS1 Oddizzi World Explorers Food and Farming
  • GEOGRAPHY 06SubscribersKS1 Oddizzi World Explorers Global Knowledge
  • GEOGRAPHY 07SubscribersKS1 Oddizzi World Explorers Places
  • GEOGRAPHY 08SubscribersKS1 Oddizzi World Explorers Physical Features
  • GEOGRPAHY 09SubscribersKS1 Oddizzi World Explorers Weather and Climate
  • GEOGRAPHY 10SubscribersKS1 Oddizzi World Explorers Country Close Up
  • GEOGRAPHY 11SubscribersKS1 Oddizzi World Explorers Food and Farming
  • GEOGRAPHY 12 SubscribersKS1 Oddizzi World Explorers Global Knowledge
  • GEOGRAPHY 13 SubscribersKS1 Oddizzi World Explorers Places and Animals
  • Curriculum Online Links
  • Firstsite_Art-is-where-the-home-is
  • Home Learning Resources


  • thinkuknow-5-7s-home-activity-sheet-1.pdf
  • thinkuknow-5-7s-home-activity-sheet-2.pdf
  • thinkuknow-5-7s-home-activity-sheet-3.pdf
  • thinkuknow-5-7s-home-activity-sheet-4.pdf
  • Read Write Inc on Oxford Owl website A wide range of resources to help practise phonics and spelling
  • Phonics lessons online Daily lessons organised by Ruth Miskin the writer of Read Write Inc.
  • White Rose Maths Resources to support maths learning for all year groups
  • BBC HOME LEARNING Article containing information on upcoming daily lessons from the BBC week commencing 20th April
  • BBC Bitesize Daily Lessons online Online lessons to support learning
  • Collins Books and Resources Sign in to the teachers section using the username: [email protected] and password: Parent20!
  • Resources for PHSE Sign up online for free resources to support emotional well-being during school closure
  • Animation to explain coronavirus to children
  • Animation to explain coronavirus using images and Makaton (sign language)
  • Story book to explain coronavirus to children
  • Communicating feelings about coronavirus
  • Flower Breath Relaxation
  • Managing worry mindfulness video
  • washing-hands-home-learning-lesson-guide.pptx
  • washing-hands-poster-activity-home-learning.pdf
  • washing-hands-steps-activity-home-learning.pdf
  • chores-at-home-home-learning-lesson-guide.pptx
  • chores-at-home-mindmap-templates.pdf
  • my-chore-chart-activity-home-learning.pdf
  • computer-safety-documentary-lesson-guide-home-learning.pptx
  • computer-safety-rules-mindmap-templates.pdf
  • ks1-cs-computer-safety-declaration.pdf
  • ks1-cs-deedees-golden-rules.pdf
  • fire-safety-home-learning.pptx
  • fire-safety-declaration-home-learning.pdf
  • incidents-fire-safety-mind-map-home-learning.pdf
  • keep-safe-fire-safety-mind-map-home-learning.pdf
  • when-should-we-call-999-activity-and-answer-sheet.pdf
  • counting_eggs.pdf
  • deedee_s_egg_hunt.pdf
  • design_an_easter_egg.pdf
  • easter_wordsearch.pdf
  • image-sharing-5-8-lesson-guide-home-learning.pdf
  • sharing-information-online-mindmap-5-8.pdf
  • should-i-share-activity-5-8.pdf
  • in-app-purchases-lesson-guide-home-learning.pptx
  • darlee-wants-to-know-activity.pdf
  • family-budget-activity.pdf
  • price-comparison-activity.pdf
  • where-does-the-money-come-from-activity.pdf
  • ks1-ksh-healthy-dinner.pdf
  • ks1-ksh-unhealthy-dinner.pdf
  • Family positivity and gratitude activity pack
  • COVID-19 Time Capsule
  • My Mental Health Booklet

To kickstart Science Week (week beginning 27.01.20), we have been to our school's nature trail, searching for Living things and Minibeasts.

greswold year 2 homework

We are working hard on multiplications and divisions in class at the minute. Any support at home would be greatly appreciated.

greswold year 2 homework

Happy New Year to all of the Y2 families!! Please find attached our class Spring Term newsletter.

  • Y2 newsletter spring 2020.doc

We all had a super time at our Christmas party!

greswold year 2 homework

A scrumptious Christmas dinner!

greswold year 2 homework

Getting ready for Christmas...

greswold year 2 homework

What a fantastic day we have had on our Great Fire of London Workshop Day!! We traveled back in time to 1666, dressed up in fantastic costumes, learnt lots, had lots of fun and had a super afternoon filled with arts and crafts.

greswold year 2 homework

This week we have been thinking hard about friendship, bullying and what makes a 'Good Melling Friend'. We had some excellent discussions in class as well as in our assemblies. Take a look at some of our work we completed in Y2.

greswold year 2 homework

Take a look at our silhouette art work that we created, based on The Great Fire of London. It was tricky but the results were very good!

greswold year 2 homework

The Great Melling Bake Off... A super day of baking bread in Y2! Luckily it didn't result in a Great Fire!! As part of our History Great Fire of London topic that we are currently learning about, we were busy weighing, measuring, kneading and finding out how hard life as a baker can be. We had super results in the end with lovely tasting bread.

greswold year 2 homework

Children in Need Day - lots of money was raised and fun was had by all!

greswold year 2 homework

Another number challenge... We have been looking at two-digit numbers and odd and even numbers recently. We looked at various possibilities to this challenge and also thought about what our answers may have been if the questions were written in a different order. It got our brains working hard!

  • NRich 2-digit targets.pdf

We love a good number challenge in Year 2! We put our reasoning skills to the test and completed the challenge, working well in pairs and building resillience along the way.

greswold year 2 homework

Have you seen the Highway Rat? We have been reading the fabulous story by Julia Donaldson and created some descriptive posters asking people to watch out for the Rat.

greswold year 2 homework

Now that we are getting good at partitioning, we are starting to add bigger numbers together, using an empty number line to help us. It's tricky, but we're doing well!

greswold year 2 homework

In Maths, we have been learning to partition numbers into tens and ones, using Diennes apparatus to help us and exchanging ones for tens where possible.

greswold year 2 homework

Year 2's Autumn Term Science Topic. We have been learning lots about Materials, their uses and how materials can change. This links nicely to our Great Fire of London History topic this term.

greswold year 2 homework

We had a super time during Art Week, looking at drawing techniques by a famous artist. We have been recently learning about Roald Dahl so we thought it would be a great opportunity to look at drawings by Quentin Blake.

greswold year 2 homework

What a smart class we are! Top of the infants and ready to learn!

greswold year 2 homework

Year 2 Curriculum Maps. Take a look at each of the exciting topics we study in Year 2!

  • Y2 Autumn Term Curriculum Map 2019-20.pdf
  • Y2 Spring Term Curriculum Map 2019-20.pdf
  • Y2 Summer Term Curriculum Map 2019-20.pdf
  • Y2 Autumn Term Newsletter 2019.doc

Please find the Year 2 expectations for Reading, Writing and Maths.

  • Parent Leaflet - Year 2.pdf

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FREE daily maths challenges

A new KS2 maths challenge every day. Perfect as lesson starters - no prep required!

FREE daily maths challenges

Free Year 2 Maths Worksheets And Homework: Printable, Downloadable Or Just View Online

Sophie Bessemer

Here you can find all our free Year 2 maths worksheets and Year 2 maths resources, many of which are suitable for homework and home learning .

All our KS1 and KS2 maths worksheets are printable and most are in pdf format, but they can also be viewed online too. If you’re looking for other slides-based teaching resources and lesson plans, we recommend you look at our range of White Rose maths lessons.

The hope is that these pdf Year 2 maths worksheets and free resources can be used with minimal support from parents as part of a 6 or 7 year old’s Year 2 maths homework routine and by teachers as part of a planned lesson framework.

For parents working with their children at home we would recommend you focus on practising and improving pupils’ core numeracy skills using the numbers worksheets as these generally require less input than topics like geometry – 2d shapes and 3d shapes. Place value and number after all are the building blocks of Key Stage 1 and later Key Stage 2 maths.

We have also included some telling the time worksheets; these will require support from a teacher or parent but the method used is truly revolutionary.

National curriculum guidance is given where relevant and each Year 2 worksheet includes answer sheets.

If you’re a parent then our home learning hub is full of home learning packs , workbooks, tips and further teaching ideas for Year 2 Maths at home and maths homework . 

If you’re a teacher or school leader who is interested in improving maths attainment in your school or classroom, then Third Space Learning is here to support you with our online tutoring programme of maths interventions , together with maths resources and CPD.

Free Year 2 Maths Worksheets and Tests

Register now with the Third Space Maths Hub (Use Chrome) to download all our free Year 2 maths worksheets, workbooks and resources

Year 2 Free Place Value Worksheets

Year 2 free addition, subtraction, multiplication, division worksheets, year 2 free fractions worksheets , other year 2 free worksheets .

  • Also in this series…

Year 2 Maths Worksheets on place value: Worked Examples

Understanding place value is essential for all children of any age. In Year 2, children will need to know the value of digits in a two digit number as well as comparing numbers and continuing sequences. This worksheet shows children common errors that are made in the place value topic. Children then become ‘the teacher’ and check the answers and explain any errors they find. 

Download Year 2 place value worksheets: Worked Examples

Year 2 Maths Worksheets on addition and subtraction: Worked Examples

In Year 2, children will focus on adding and subtracting 2-digit numbers. It is important that children know addition and subtraction facts they were taught in Year 1, for example number bonds . This worksheet focuses on a range of addition and subtraction problems that have been incorrectly solved. Children will need to check and correct questions such as subtracting using a bar model, using known facts and missing number problems. 

Download Year 2 addition and subtraction worksheets: Worked Examples

Year 2 maths worksheets addition and subtraction worked examples

Year 2 Maths Worksheets on multiplication and division: Independent Recap

Children will start to focus on more formal methods of multiplication and division when in Year 2, including understanding patterns in the 2s, 5s and 10s times tables . These worksheets allow children to work independently on the ten times tables, odd and even numbers, grouping and sharing through a range of question types (word problems, fluency questions and so on). 

Download Year 2 multiplication and division worksheets: Independent Recap

Year 2 Maths Worksheets on multiplication and division: Worked Examples

There are many misconceptions that can form when first looking at multiplication and division. This worksheet focuses on addressing common misconceptions or errors in multiplication and division. The worksheet covers understanding what equal groups are, the relationship between repeated addition and multiplication as well as finding missing numbers in given calculations. 

Download Year 2 multiplication and division worksheets: Worked Examples

Year 2 Maths Worksheets on times tables: Ultimate Times Tables 

In Year 2, children will start to learn their times tables after learning to count in 2s, 5s and 10s in Year 1. These games are a fun way of learning times table facts, including the related inverse division calculations.  

Download Year 2 times tables worksheets: Ultimate Times Tables

Year 2 Maths Worksheets on fractions: Independent Recap

There is a lot of new vocabulary introduced in fractions in Year 2 (including the use of actual fractions). These worksheets allow children to work independently through the new vocabulary and concepts introduced, so would be useful for homework or home learning tasks. The worksheets work through unit fractions and non-unit fractions, finding a half and finding a quarter. For each worksheet, there is at least one question that encourages children to explain their answers and develop their reasoning skills. 

Download Year 2 fractions worksheets: Independent Recap

Year 2 Maths Worksheets on fractions: Worked Examples

Many children struggle with the concept of fractions. At a young age, children can develop a range of misconceptions that could under them in future years. This worksheet aims to identify common misconceptions and errors children make in the Year 2 fractions topic (such as a fraction being equal parts) and encourage them to discuss them. 

Download Year 2 fractions worksheets: Worked Examples

Third Space Learning online intervention lesson slide for year 2 fractions

Year 2 Maths Worksheets for improving mental maths skills, arithmetic and fluency: Fluent in Five

We recommend every primary school child starts their day with Fluent in Five. It’s 5-10 minutes of daily arithmetic questions and is available for every primary school year group. In Year 2 children have 3 questions per day to answer. They are given prompts of concrete or pictorial resources (such as counters or number lines) they could use to help them solve the question presented to them. You’d be amazed at how quickly young people will build their number confidence with this resource. 

Download Year 2 arithmetic worksheets: Fluent in Five

Year 2 Maths worksheets for telling the time

For some reason learning to tell the time proves a challenge for most children, regardless of their prior attainment in maths. If you have a child who’s struggling with telling the time these worksheets provide a step by step process to help them master it. The key is to start with a number line.

Download KS1 telling the time: Activity Worksheets

Year 2 maths games worksheets and activities

Getting children fully engaged can be a struggle at times, especially towards the end of the summer term. We have over 20 great ideas for KS1 maths games which bring out the fun side of problem solving and get children excited about maths. Each gameplay outline includes a ‘What You Will Need’ section, so that you can be fully prepared to bring out Fraction Snap or Subtraction Bowling during your next lesson.  

Download Year 2 maths games and activities resource pack

Read More: 25 Fun Maths Games For Kids To Do At Home For Free!

Also in this series…

  • Year 3 Maths Curriculum Toolkit for 6 & 7 Year Olds
  • Year 3 Maths Worksheets
  • Year 4 Maths Curriculum Toolkit for 7 & 8 Year Olds
  • Year 4 Maths Worksheets
  • Year 5 Maths Curriculum Toolkit for 9 & 10 Year Olds
  • Year 5 Maths Worksheets
  • Year 6 Maths Curriculum Toolkit for 10 & 11 Year Olds
  • Year 6 Maths Worksheets


Every week Third Space Learning’s maths specialist tutors support thousands of students across hundreds of schools with weekly primary school tuition designed to plug gaps and boost progress.

Since 2013 these personalised one to one lessons have helped over 150,000 primary and secondary students become more confident, able mathematicians.

Learn how tutors develop pupils’ maths fluency or request a personalised quote for your school to speak to us about your school’s needs and how we can help.

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GCSE Maths 2024 Summary: Insights, Highlights & What’s Next

Revision Techniques: A Comprehensive Guide To Help Your Students Revise 

Revision Techniques: A Comprehensive Guide To Help Your Students Revise 

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The Maths Resources You Need Whatever Your Approach To Primary School Maths Lessons After Lockdown

The Maths Resources You Need Whatever Your Approach To Primary School Maths Lessons After Lockdown

FREE Fluent in Five Weeks 1 to 6 (Years 1 to 6)

Easy to implement daily arithmetic questions to build number fluency and confidence in 5 minutes a day.

Downloaded by 38,840+ teachers.

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Year 2 Maths Worksheets UK Hub Page

Welcome to Math Salamanders Year 2 Maths Worksheets hub page.

In our Year 2 area, you will find a wide range of printable math worksheets and Maths activities for your child to enjoy.

Come and take a look at our dot-to-dot pages, or our maths games. Perhaps you would prefer our 2d shape worksheets, or learning about numbers using our number line worksheets?

Hopefully you will find something here to meet your child's maths requirements!

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  • This page contains links to other Math webpages where you will find a range of activities and resources.
  • If you can't find what you are looking for, try searching the site using the Google search box at the top of each page.

Year 2 Maths Learning

Here are some of the key learning objectives for the end of Year 2:

  • know and use Place value up to 100
  • Compare and order numbers up to 100
  • Counting on and back in 1s and 10s
  • count in 2s, 5s and 10s
  • Position numbers on a number line up to 1000
  • use addition and subtraction facts to 20
  • use related facts for addition and subtraction
  • add or subtract 1 or 10 from a 2-digit number
  • add and subtract 2-digit numbers
  • number bonds to 100 using tens only
  • add three single-digit numbers
  • recognise and make equal groups
  • use the x symbol to write multiplication sentences
  • use arrays and pictures to represent multiplication sentences
  • know multiplication facts for the 2, 5 and 10 times table
  • recognise and find a half, a quarter and a third
  • understand and use fraction notation
  • understand the equivalence of a half and two-quarters
  • count on in halves, thirds and quarters up to 10
  • count in pence: 1p, 2p ,5p, 10p and 20p
  • count in pounds: £1, £2, £5, £10 and £20
  • find a simple total or difference between two money amounts
  • find the change from simple amounts
  • tell the time: o'clock, half-past, quarter-past and to
  • understand and compare durations of time
  • compare and measure length, mass, volume, capacity and temperature
  • read a variety of scales going up in 1s, 2s, 5s and 10s
  • recognise 2D and 3D shapes
  • count sides and vertices on 2D shapes
  • count faces, edges and vertices on 3D shapes
  • sort and make patterns with 2D and 3D shapes
  • describe movement and turns
  • make tally charts
  • draw and interpret pictograms
  • understand and use block diagrams

Please note:

Our site is mainly based around the US Elementary school math standards.

Though the links on this page are all designed primarily for students in the US, but they are also at the correct level and standard for UK students.

The main issue is that some of the spelling is different and this site uses US spelling.

Year 2 is generally equivalent to 1st Grade in the US.

On this page you will find link to our range of math worksheets for Year 2.

Quicklinks to Year 2 ...

  • Place Value Zone

Operations Zone

  • Mental Math Zone

Word Problems Zone

  • Measurement Zone

Geometry Zone

Data analysis zone.

  • Fun Zone: games and puzzles

Coronavirus Stay At Home Support

For those parents who have found themselves unexpectedly at home with the kids and need some emergency activities for them to do, we have started to develop some Maths Grab Packs for kids in the UK.

Each pack consists of at least 10 mixed math worksheets on a variety of topics to help you keep you child occupied and learning.

The idea behind them is that they can be used out-of-the-box for some quick maths activities for your child.

They are completely FREE - take a look!

  • Free Maths Grabs Packs

Place Value & Number Sense Zone

Year 2 Place Value Charts

Here you will find a range of Free Printable Place Value Charts for Year 2.

These printable charts will help your child learn to read and write numbers.

Some of the charts are partially filled to help your child learn their place value.

Using these sheets will help your child to:

  • learn to count in tens and ones;
  • learn to read and write numbers.
  • Printable Number Charts 0-99
  • Hundred Number Charts (100 Squares)
  • Number Grid up to 200

Place Value and Counting Worksheets

Here you will find a range of Year 2 Place Value Worksheets.

These Year 2 maths worksheets will help your child learn their place value, reading, writing and ordering numbers up to 100.

There are also some money worksheets involving counting in dimes and pennies to support place value learning.

  • learn to order numbers to 100;
  • learn to count in dimes and pennies;
  • learn to read and write numbers to 100.

Year 2 Place Value Worksheets

  • Place Value to 20 Worksheets
  • Math Place Value Worksheets Tens and Ones
  • Ordering 2-digit numbers Worksheets
  • Greater than Less than Worksheets - up to 2 digit numbers
  • Printable Counting Worksheets to 50
  • Missing Number Chart 1-100
  • Counting by 2s Worksheets
  • Math Worksheets Counting by 1s 5s and 10s

Number Line Worksheets

Here is our selection of free printable number line worksheets for Year 2 pupils.

These first grade math worksheets will give your child a good grasp of place value and number sequences up to 100.

  • count on and back by ones;
  • position numbers to 100 on a number line.
  • Number lines to 20
  • Number lines to 100

Year 2 Mental Maths Zone

Here you will find a range of printable mental math sheets designed especially for Year 2 children.

Each quiz tests the children on a range of math topics from number facts and mental arithmetic to geometry, solving word problems and measures questions.

A great way to revise topics, or use as a weekly math quiz!

  • Year 2 Printable Mental Maths

Top of Page

Year 2 Addition Worksheets

Here you will find a range of Free Printable Addition Worksheets to support Year 2.

The following first grade math worksheets involve adding different amounts.

  • learn their addition facts to 12+12;
  • learn to solve an addition fact where one of the addends is missing;
  • learn to add numbers in columns up to 100.
  • Number Bonds to 10 and 12
  • Addition Sentences to 12
  • Addition Fact Practice to 12
  • Addition Facts to 20 Worksheets
  • Adding tens
  • Addition Word Problems
  • 2 Digit Addition Without Regrouping
  • 2 Digit Addition Worksheets With Regrouping
  • Free Addition Worksheets (randomly generated)

Year 2 Subtraction Worksheets

Here you will find a range of Year 2 Subtraction Worksheets.

The following worksheets involve using the Math skills of subtracting.

Using these Year 2 maths worksheets will help your child to:

  • learn their addition and subtraction facts to 12;
  • learn to subtract 2 digit numbers.
  • Subtraction Facts to 12
  • Subtracting tens
  • Subtraction Word Problems
  • Two Digit Subtraction Worksheets Without Regrouping
  • 2 Digit Subtraction Worksheets With Regrouping
  • Free Subtraction Worksheets (randomly generated)

Addition & Subtraction Worksheets

If you need to mix and match addition and subtraction fact questions within the same sheet, then use this section here.

The addition and subtraction worksheets involve counting on and back with numbers to 12.

  • Math Activities Addition and Subtraction to 12
  • Add and Subtract 10 Worksheets
  • Addition Subtraction Worksheets (randomly generated)
  • Addition and Subtraction Problems

Year 2 Maths Word Problems

Here you will find a range of math word problems aimed at Year 2 level. Each problem sheet is based on an interesting theme such as parties or the seaside.

  • Add and subtract with numbers to 12;
  • order numbers to 100;
  • solve a range of math problems.
  • Maths Problems for Year 2

Longer Math Problems

  • Year 2 Maths Problems (1st Grade)

Year 2 Geometry Worksheets

Here is a range of free geometry worksheets for Year 2 pupils.

The following worksheets will help your child to:

  • Identify and name a range of 2d and 3d shapes;
  • Draw 2d shapes;
  • Know some of the properties of 2d shapes.
  • Year 2 Geometry Worksheets (1st Grade)

Measurement Zone, including Time & Money

Year 2 measurement worksheets.

Here is our selection of measurement worksheets for Year 2 pupils.

These sheets involve reading scales going up in ones to find the weight or liquid capacity.

Using these sheets will help children to consolidate their counting as well as learning to read a simple scale.

  • Year 2 Measurement Worksheets (1st Grade)

Year 2 Money Worksheets

Here you will find a range of free printable First Grade Money Worksheets.

The following worksheets involve counting different amounts of money in pennies, nickels and dimes.

  • learn the names and values of the US coins;
  • learn to count up different amounts of money to £1 in coins.
  • Free Counting Money Worksheets UK Coins (easier)
  • Free Money Worksheets UK Coins up to £1

Printable Money Resources

  • Printable Money Flashcards
  • Kids Counting Money Dominoes

Telling the Time Worksheets

Here is our selection of telling the time worksheets for 1st grade.

  • read o'clock and half-past times;
  • convert o'clock and half-past times to digital;
  • draw clock hands correctly to mark out o'clock and half-past.

The year 2 maths worksheets in this section will help your child learn to tell simple times on an analogue clock.

  • Telling Time Worksheets o'clock and half-past
  • Clock Worksheets - Quarter Past and Quarter To

Year 2 Bar Graph Worksheets

Here is our selection of bar graphs for first graders.

These Year 2 maths worksheets involve reading and interpreting a range of bar graphs and picture graphs with a scale going up in ones.

Using these sheets will help children to understand how bar graphs work.

  • Year 2 Picture/Bar Graphs (First Grade)

Fun Zone: Puzzles, Games and Riddles

Year 2 Maths Games

Here you will find a range of free printable Math games. All children like to play Math games, and you will find a good range of Maths Games at a Year 2 level here for your child to play and enjoy.

  • Year 2 Maths Games (First Grade)

Year 2 Maths Puzzles

Here you will find a range of printable Year 2 level math puzzles for your child to enjoy.

The puzzles will help your child practice and apply their addition and subtraction facts as well as developing their thinking and reasoning skills in a fun and engaging way.

Using these puzzles will help your child to:

  • develop thinking and reasoning skills;
  • develop perseverance.
  • Year 2 Maths Puzzles (1st Grade)
  • Dot to Dot up to 50

Math Salamanders Year 2 Maths Games Ebook

Our Year 2 Maths Games Ebook contains all of our fun maths games, complete with instructions and resources.

This ebooklet is available in our store - use the link below to find out more!

  • Year 2 Maths Games Ebook

Other UK Maths Worksheet pages

See below for our other maths worksheets hub pages designed for children in the UK.

How to Print or Save these sheets 🖶

Need help with printing or saving? Follow these 3 steps to get your worksheets printed perfectly!

  • How to Print support

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Sign up for our newsletter to get free math support delivered to your inbox each month. Plus, get a seasonal math grab pack included for free!

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The Math Salamanders hope you enjoy using these free printable Math worksheets and all our other Math games and resources.

We welcome any comments about our site or worksheets on the Facebook comments box at the bottom of every page.

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Year 2 Maths Home Learning Mini Pack (16 sheets) includes Answers (Coronavirus)

Year 2 Maths Home Learning Mini Pack (16 sheets) includes Answers (Coronavirus)

Subject: Mathematics

Age range: 5-7

Resource type: Unit of work

iTRACK_Education_Resource's Shop

Last updated

21 May 2024

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greswold year 2 homework

The main purpose of this Mathematics Homework is to make your life, as a teacher of Year 2 pupils and parents, as easy as possible. All of the homework activities are based on the renewed Primary Framework for mathematics; however, as they assess specific learning objectives they can be used in conjunction with other planned teaching schemes.

Each homework activity sheet addresses a whole, or part of, a learning objective. The questions are written to test the understanding of your pupils once they have worked on a topic in the lesson.

With a full set of answers included you can be confident that your students are getting regular, relevant homework that tests their understanding across the Year 2 objectives and all seven core strands.

The Year 2 curriculum is structured into five blocks, reflecting the same structure as the other primary year groups. Each block is made up of three units, and each unit represents two or three weeks of teaching. The blocks are:

• Block A: Counting, partitioning and calculating • Block B: Securing number facts, understanding shape • Block C: Handling data and measures • Block D: Calculating, measuring and understanding shape • Block E: Securing number facts, relationships and calculating

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Not quite what you were looking for? Search by keyword to find the right resource:

  • Year Groups

Owls (Miss Jones and Mrs Holding)  Hedgehogs (Miss Summers and Mrs Cornelius), and Squirrels (Miss Mears and Mrs Huggett)

Meet the Teacher Information

  • Welcome to Year 1 2023.pdf

This half term in Year One we are exploring:

Handwriting:  Ascenders and Descenders

Science:  Plants

History:  How transport has changed overtime

Art:  Observational Drawings

PE:  Sports Day Practice

PSD:  Relationships

Water bottle



and Indoor (pumps required in school)




Owls, Hedgehogs and Squirrels change day.

Water bottle




(pumps required in school)








Water bottle












Water bottle



classes Outdoor (outdoor trainers)









Water bottle



Maths due in and new Maths homework set.


New spellings set.









Although we aim to follow these timetables as closely as possible, please be aware that these timetables are flexible and may need to change at short notice. 

  • Hedgehogs' Timetable.pdf
  • Owls Timetable.pdf
  • Squirrels timetable.pdf
  • Summer 2 - Spellings.pdf
  • Summer 1 - Spellings.pdf
  • Spring 2 - Spellings.pdf
  • Spring 1 - Spellings.pdf
  • Autumn 2 - Spellings.pdf
  • Year 1 Common Exception Words Mat.pdf

Due 05.07.24

This week we have been identifying and adding up coins and notes. Please complete the worksheet below identifying the value of each coin and note and adding some together.

Due 28.06.24

This week in our Fluency Bee sessions, we have been solidifying our understanding of making doubles. Please complete the Fluency Bee worksheet below. To continue to develop quick recall of doubles number facts, play 1 minute maths regularly. Click 'addition', then scroll down to number 11: 'Doubles'.

  • Identifying coins and notes- Due 05.07.24.pdf
  • Fluency bee- doubles- Due 28.06.24.pdf
  • Flash Cards.pdf
  • Choose to Use Sound Mat.pdf
  • Tricky Word Mats.pdf
  • The Basics 2&3 Sound Mats.pdf

Click on the letter for the handwriting activity sheet. 

Click on the demo to see how to form the letter correctly, starting and ending in the correct place.



  • Year 1 Remote Learning
Space Animals Fairy tales Dragons & castles TravelUnder the sea 

Everyday materials 

Animals including humans - Animals


Animals including humans - HumansPlant life Materials - Working Scientifically

Being me in my world Celebrating difference Dreams and goals Healthy me Relationships The Great Growing up Adventure 
ThankfulGiftsFriendshipSymbolismSpecial places Uniqueness







Throwing & catching   






Sports' Day skills 



Team games 



Illustrators and colour

 Portraits and collageObservational drawing & Famous artists - George Serat
 Where do we live and what is it like? 

Where would you rather live and why?

Hot and cold places

Weather Plotting journeys on a map  
Who was involved in the Apollo 11 Moon landing?How and why do we celebrate bonfire night? Who has ruled Britain and how did they live?How has transport changed over time?How have seaside holidays changed and why?
Singing & keeping a beat Pitch, voices and instruments Pitch & changes of tempoProducing and recording sounds Music to tell a story & rhythm patterns Performing, singing and instruments 
Mechanisms - Sliders Mechanisms - Winding (Drawbridges) Food technology - Dips & Dippers 

Unfortunately not the ones with chocolate chips.

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greswold year 2 homework

Year 6 Leavers 2022

Y6 production 2022 - the big leap.


  1. Homework for year 2

    greswold year 2 homework

  2. Ultimate Year 2 Homework Bundle

    greswold year 2 homework

  3. Grade 2 Homework Sheets

    greswold year 2 homework

  4. Year 2 homework grid

    greswold year 2 homework

  5. Time for Homework

    greswold year 2 homework

  6. Year 2 Term 4 Homework Booklet :: Teacher Resources and Classroom Games

    greswold year 2 homework


  1. Year 2

    This is the list of words your child should be able to read and spell by the end of Year 2. Below is a game to help them spell them - pick either Year 1 or Year 2. Also there is a printable list of the words you can practise with your child. Common exception words.pdf. 3) Letter formation.

  2. Year 5

    Computing - The children will be developing their searching skills and learning how search engines work. MFL - The children will be learning Spanish throughout Year 5. This half term we will focus on how to describing homes. PSD - This half term's unit is 'Relationships'. PE - Indoor PE this half term is dance, linked to our Victorian performance.

  3. Year 6

    Welcome to Y6 2023 - 2024. Below is a link to an archive of photographs from the current year group's time at Greswold. It is currently (July 2024) being updated so there may be a couple of year groups which have less photographs. Included are over 1000 high-resolution photographs of the Year 6 production and a downloadable .MP4 version.

  4. Year 2

    Year 2. HOME LEARNING. Watch this space for regular updates and resources to keep learning throughout the closure. There are weekly projects for children to complete in addition to the regular online homework. Also, please scroll down for additional resources and links. There's so much to keep you going!!

  5. Free Year 2 Maths Worksheets, Tests & Homework (PDFs)

    Free Year 2 Maths Worksheets And Homework: Printable, Downloadable Or Just View Online. Here you can find all our free Year 2 maths worksheets and Year 2 maths resources, many of which are suitable for homework and home learning. All our KS1 and KS2 maths worksheets are printable and most are in pdf format, but they can also be viewed online too.

  6. Year 2 Maths Worksheets

    Here is our selection of bar graphs for first graders. These Year 2 maths worksheets involve reading and interpreting a range of bar graphs and picture graphs with a scale going up in ones. Using these sheets will help children to understand how bar graphs work. Fun Zone: Puzzles, Games and Riddles.

  7. Year 2 Maths Home Learning Mini Pack (16 sheets) includes Answers

    The Year 2 curriculum is structured into five blocks, reflecting the same structure as the other primary year groups. Each block is made up of three units, and each unit represents two or three weeks of teaching. The blocks are: • Block A: Counting, partitioning and calculating. • Block B: Securing number facts, understanding shape.

  8. 365 Top "Year 2 Homework" Teaching Resources curated for you

    Explore more than 365 "Year 2 Homework" resources for teachers, parents and pupils as well as related resources on "Homework Year 2 ". Instant access to inspirational lesson plans, schemes of work, assessment, interactive activities, resource packs, PowerPoints, teaching ideas at Twinkl!

  9. Year 2 Maths Multiplication and Division Homework Activity Pack

    Children in year 2 are expected to know the multiplication facts in the 2x, 5x and 10x tables and the related division facts. They also learn about the relationship between multiplication and division and how each is the 'inverse' of the other. Once children are secure with their understanding of this, they are able to carry out more ...

  10. Year 2 Maths Arrays Homework Worksheet

    More Years 2 Maths Worksheets for Home. When your children have completed this Year 2 Maths Arrays Homework Worksheet, take on another maths challenge from our collection. Here are three ideas for you: Multiples of 2, 5 and 10 - Colour by Number. Multiples of 2-5 and 10 Word Problem Challenge Cards. Multiplication Spin Wheel 5.

  11. Greswold Primary School

    Welcome to Greswold Primary School's video sharing website. Menu. Menu Close Menu. Home; Playlists. Year 6 Leavers 2024; Year 6 - Music Assemblies ... Year 2 - Dunfield House 2016. View more in playlist. Year 5 2019-2020 Home Learning. Simren's book review. Ava's science experiment. Keela bikeability.

  12. Friends of Greswold Primary School

    The Friends of Greswold Primary School (Solihull) is a place, primarily aimed at parents with children at the school where they can chat, share experiences, learn about what's going on in the school and more! Only members can see who's in the group and what they post.

  13. Solved At the end of each quarter year, for 2 years, $300

    At the end of each quarter year, for 2 years, $300 is deposited into an investment paying 6.7% interest compounded quarterly. Calculate the future value of the increasing annuity. Complete parts a) and b below.a) Identify the formula needed, and substitute the appropriate values.(Simplify your answers.

  14. Year 5 Remote Learning Lessons

    Year 6 Leavers 2024; Year 6 - Music Assemblies 'Punctuality Push' April 2024; Meet the Teacher September 2023; Year 6 Leavers 2023; Science Day 2023; Year 6 Stone Age Day 2022; Year 6 - WW1 poems - iMovie; Year 6 Leavers 2022; Solihull Play Town visit March 2022; Active Travel; Year 5 2021-2022; Year 4 2021-2022; Year 3 2021-2022; Year 2 2021-2022

  15. Welcome to Year 3 2021-22

    Year 3 2021-2022. Year 2 2021-2022. Meet the Teacher Presentations. Nursery and Reception Virtual Tours. General Information. Music Lessons at Greswold. Recorded assemblies. Reception Remote Learning. Accessing Assignments using an Ipad.

  16. Home

    Before and after school childcare. Wrap around Nursery and 30 hours childcare provision. Holiday playschemes and Inset day childcare. The Greswold Greyhounds staff team. Policies and admission forms. Prices and payment. Making bookings. Contact Greswold Greyhounds Childcare. 2018-2019.

  17. Year 3

    Children. Year Groups. Year 3. Robins(Mrs Clarke and Mrs Harrison), Sparrows (Mrs Groves and Miss Mobley) andWrens(Miss Nock and Mrs Mayse) Welcome to Year 3 parents 2023-24.pdf. Year 3 Homework. Spelling homework. Maths homework- please note that TT rockstars and LBQ are on alternative weeks.

  18. Year 4

    Ideally, this should be 20 minutes per day as outlined in the homework policy. Reading logs should be signed at least 3 times per week in preparation for your child's teacher to review and sign them each Friday.

  19. Year 6 2020-2021

    Year 2 2019-2020; Year 1 2019-2020; Library Zone Videos; School Band 2018-2019; Year 6 2018-2019; ... Year 6 Leavers 2018; Log in; Return to website; Greswold Primary School. Year 6 2020-2021. Oh Tannenbaum - German Carol. WW1 News broadcast M7. WW1 News broadcast M6. WW1 News broadcast M5. WW1 News broadcast M4. WW1 News broadcast M3. WW1 News ...

  20. Year 1

    Meet the Teacher Information. This half term in Year One we are exploring: Handwriting: Ascenders and Descenders. Science: Plants. PSD: Relationships. Owls, Hedgehogs and Squirrels library book change day. Maths homework due in and new Maths homework set. New spellings set.

  21. Year 6 Leavers 2022

    Year 4 2021-2022. Year 3 2021-2022. Year 2 2021-2022. Meet the Teacher Presentations. Nursery and Reception Virtual Tours. General Information. Music Lessons at Greswold. Recorded assemblies. Reception Remote Learning.