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Erin Wright Writing

Writing-Related Software Tutorials

How to Use Microsoft Word (10 Core Skills for Beginners)

By Erin Wright

Do you want to learn how to use Microsoft Word quickly? This tutorial teaches ten core skills for beginners.

Table of Contents

How to Start a New Document

How to change the font, size, and color, how to change the alignment, line spacing, and indentations, how to add headings, how to change the margins, how to add images, how to add page numbers, how to add headers and footers, how to run the editor (spelling and grammar check), how to save and print your file.

Please note that this is a quick start guide. I have in-depth tutorials for most of these topics for those who would like to learn more.

Watch all the steps shown here in real time!

Explore more than 250 writing-related software tutorials on my YouTube channel .

The images below are from Word for Microsoft 365. These steps are similar in Word 2021, Word 2019, and Word 2016.

We will cover these ten core skills in Word for Mac in a separate tutorial.

  • Open Word on your computer.

When Word opens, you will be in the Home screen of the Backstage view.

  • Select Blank document to start a new document. (Alternatively, select Open if you want to open an existing Word document.)

Blank document and Open buttons in the Home tab of the Backstage view in Word 365

When the new document opens, you will be in the Home tab in the ribbon , and your cursor will automatically be placed towards the top, left-hand corner of the page, ready to type.

Home tab and cursor in Word 365

You can change the font, size, and color before or after you type text. However, if you want to change existing text, first left-click, hold, and drag with your mouse to select the text.

Selected text in Word 365

  • Select the Home tab in the ribbon if you are not already there (see figure 2).
  • Select the menu arrow to open and choose from the (A) Font , (B) Font Size , or (C) Font Color menus in the Font group.

Font, Font size, and Font color menu arrows in Word 365

If you selected existing text, that text will change immediately. If you haven’t selected existing text, all new text will feature the choices you just made.

Further Reading: How to Change the Font, Font Size, and Font Color in Microsoft Word

Like the font choices shown above, you can change the alignment, line spacing, and indentations before or after you type text. However, if you want to change existing text, first left-click, hold, and drag with your mouse to select the text.

  • Select the Home tab, if you are not already there (see figure 2).
  • Select the Align Left , Center , Align Right , or Justify button to position the text on the page.

Alignment buttons in the Home tab in Word 365

  • Select the Line and Paragraph Spacing menu arrow and then choose a spacing option from the drop-down menu.

Line and Paragraph Spacing menu in the Home tab in Word 365

  • Select the Decrease Indent or Increase Indent buttons to adjust the indent as necessary.

Decrease Indent and Increase Indent buttons in the Home tab in Word 365

Further Reading: How to Adjust Line Spacing in Microsoft Word and Three Ways to Indent Paragraphs in Microsoft Word

You can turn existing text into a heading or choose a heading level before typing the heading text.

  • Select the Home tab if you are not already there (see figure 2).
  • Select a heading level from the Styles group.

Heading level 1 in the Styles group in Word 365

  • If the heading level you want isn’t visible, select the More button.

More button in the Styles group in Word 365

  • Select a heading level from the menu that appears over the Styles group.

Styles menu in Word 365

Further Reading: How to Create and Customize Headings in Microsoft Word

You can change the page margins for your entire Word document at once.

  • Select the Layout tab in the ribbon.

Layout tab in Word 365

  • Select the Margins button and then select an option from the drop-down menu.

Margins menu in Word 365

Further Reading: How to Adjust the Page Margins in Microsoft Word

  • Place your cursor where you want to insert the image.
  • Select the Insert tab in the ribbon, select the Pictures button, and then select the location of the image:
  • This Device lets you choose an image stored on your computer or network server.
  • Stock Images lets you choose stock images, icons, cutout people, stickers, and illustrations. The full stock image library is only available to users signed into Word for Microsoft 365.
  • Online Pictures lets you search for images through Bing, Microsoft’s search engine.

Pictures menu in the Insert tab in Word 365

For this tutorial, we will insert an image stored on the device.

  • (For “This Device” option only) Locate and select the image in the Insert Picture dialog box and then select the Insert button.

Insert button in the Insert Picture dialog box in Word 365

Your image should now appear in your Word document.

  • (Optional) Select one of the resizing handles and then drag the image to a new size.

Image resizing handles in Word 365

  • (Optional) Select the Layout Options button and then choose how the image is positioned with the surrounding text:

A. In Line with Text

E. Top and Bottom

F. Behind Text

G. In Front of Text

The effect of each option will depend on the size of your image and the density of your text. So, you may need to experiment with several options to find the one most suited to your content.

Page Number menus in Word 365

Further Reading: How to Insert and Modify Images in Microsoft Word

  • Select the Insert tab in the ribbon (see figure 13).
  • Select the Page Number button and then select a location from the drop-down menu, followed by a design from the submenu.
  • Select the Close button to close the Header and Footer tab. (This tab only appears when the Header and Footers areas are active.)

Close button in the Header and Footer tab in Word 365

Further Reading: How to Add Page Numbers in Microsoft Word

  • Select the Header or Footer button and then select a design from the drop-down menu.

Header menu in Word 365

  • Type your text into the placeholders.

Header placeholder text in Word 365

  • Select the Close button to close the Header and Footer tab (see figure 18).

Further Reading: How to Insert Headers and Footers in Microsoft Word

In Word for Microsoft 365, the spelling and grammar check is called the Editor. Your spelling and grammar options will depend on which version of Word you are using. Therefore, your interface may look different than the images shown below.

  • Select the Review tab in the ribbon and then select the Editor button. (Older versions of Word will have a Check Document button, instead.)

Editor button in the Review tab in Word 365

  • Select the corrections or refinements category you want to review in the Editor pane.

Corrections and Refinements categories in the Editor pane in Word 365

  • If Word finds a possible error, select a recommendation or select Ignore Once or Ignore All .

Editor recommendations in Word 365

Word will automatically move to the next issue within the category.

  • Select a new category or select the closing X to close the Editor.

Closing X in the Editor pane in Word 365

What Is the Difference between the Editor Button and the Spelling and Grammar Button?

You may notice a Spelling and Grammar button next to the Editor button in the Review tab. This button provides a quick way to check only spelling or spelling and grammar without checking the additional refinements reviewed by the Editor.

Spelling and Grammar button in the Review tab in Word 365

Further Reading: How to Use the Editor in Word for Microsoft 365

I recommend saving your file before printing just in case there is a disruption during the printing process.

  • Select the File tab in the ribbon.

File tab in Word 365

  • Select the Save tab in the Backstage view.

Save tab in the Backstage view in Word 365

  • Select the location where you want to save the File.

Save locations in the Backstage view in Word 365

  • Type a name in the File Name text box and then select the Save button.

Save As dialog box in Word 365

  • Once you have saved your document to a specific location, you can then select the Save icon if you make changes to the document later.

Save button in Word 365

  • To print, reselect the File tab (see figure 26) and then select the Print tab in the Backstage view.

Print tab in the Backstage view in Word 365

  • Ensure the correct printer is selected and turned on, enter the number of copies into the text box, and then select the Print button.

Print screen in the Backstage view in Word 365

From there, follow any additional dialog boxes provided by your printer.

Updated November 26, 2023

  • Microsoft Word Tutorials
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  • Writing-Related Resources

9 Microsoft Word Tips to Edit Your College Assignment Faster


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Assignments at the college and university levels are research-heavy, and you’re often expected to produce write-ups with a significant number of pages. Just when you think you’re done with producing the required word count, the next step is equally challenging and time-consuming: editing.

From keyboard shortcuts to simple, built-in features such as Find and Replace and the automatic table of contents, here are several tips you can use to edit and format your college assignment more efficiently in Microsoft Word.

1. Leave Paragraph Spacing as Your Last Step

ms word paragraph spacing

Let’s first start on the right track. When you have a 3,000-word essay or report ahead, it’s tempting to set double-spacing when you only write a few sentences or a paragraph at most. It gives the comforting illusion that you have done more work than you actually have.

But to be more efficient at the final editing stage, it’s best to leave paragraph spacing as your last step. This way, you save time because you don’t have to scroll up and down much more than you need to while navigating through different sections and pages of your text.

2. Learn to Utilize Keyboard Shortcut Keys

Keyboard shortcuts make editing and formatting much faster compared to using a mouse. For example, when you use your mouse to select some words, you’ll probably miss a letter or two and have to re-highlight, or overshoot and include a period when you don’t need to.

In this case, you can select text accurately by using Ctrl + Shift , and the left and right arrow keys in Windows. There are many more Microsoft Word keyboard shortcuts that will enable you to get most editing done on the keyboard, without having to switch to your mouse or trackpad. Don’t underestimate the amount of time you save with this method!

3. Hide the Headers and Footers

hide headers and footers in ms word

When you’re reading through a continuous body of text, the blank headers and footers may feel disruptive. To have a smoother reading and editing experience, hide the headers and footers to join all the pages together.

Hover your cursor over the gray space between your current page and the next, then double-click. When you need to use the headers and footers in Microsoft Word again, unhide them by hovering your cursor over the page separator line and double-click.

4. Collapse the Headings and Subheadings

collapsed headings in ms word

For long report-style assignments, you’ll likely split your content into headings and subheadings. As you move from one section to the next, or jump between sections to rewrite and edit, make it easier to scroll through your text by collapsing the headings.

Hover over the heading title, then click the triangle icon that appears next to it to hide the content. If you want to hide all headings at once, right-click on any heading, and select Expand/Collapse > Collapse All Headings .

5. Automatically Sort References by Alphabetical Order

sort in ms word

The works cited list is an essential section in any higher education assignment and is usually sorted by alphabetical order. You’ve likely added references to the list as you cite them in your essay, but when it comes to sorting at the end, it’s unfeasible and time-consuming to sort them manually. You can simply sort them automatically in Microsoft Word.

Select all your references and go to the Home tab. Under the Paragraph section, click the Sort icon (A and Z, with a downward arrow). In the Sort by field, choose Paragraphs . In the Type field, select Text . Then, select Ascending and click OK . The list will now be sorted by alphabetical order.

However, you might notice a couple of outliers. For example, when some references start with symbols instead of a letter, they will all likely be pushed to the very top. These are the few ones you’ll then need to manually reinsert into your list correctly.

6. Use Find and Replace to Avoid Spelling Mistakes

find and replace in ms word

Whether they’re textbooks or journal articles, every student has probably encountered authors with surnames that are a little tricky to spell. Typing the name over and over for each in-text citation is prone to human error. To avoid misspellings, you can use Find and Replace.

First, use a unique abbreviation as a placeholder when you write your assignment. I recommend including a number in this abbreviation. This is because if your abbreviation only consists of letters, there’s a chance that this short combination of letters may have appeared elsewhere, as a part of a word, in your essay.

Once you’re done with the body content, it’s time to replace the abbreviation with the actual surname. In the Home tab, click Replace in the Editing tab. In the Find what field, type your abbreviation. In the Replace with field, type the actual author's name. Then, click Replace All . All your abbreviations will now be replaced with the correct author surname.

7. Insert Your Picture Into an Invisible Table

insert picture in ms word using table

If you haven’t quite got the hang of formatting pictures in Microsoft Word, here’s a simple alternative that helps guarantee your image won’t cause your text to break up at weird places: insert your picture into an invisible table.

Go to the part of the text where you want your picture to appear. Press Enter to go to a new paragraph. Head to the Insert tab, click Table , and select one box to create a 1x1 table. With the cursor inside your table, click Pictures > Insert Picture > This Device to upload your picture into the document.

You can resize your picture within the table. Once you’re satisfied, highlight the table, go to the Table Design tab, click Borders > No Border . The black table border will then disappear. Your picture now appears to be perfectly fitted between two paragraphs of text.

8. Have an Overview of Multiple Page at Once

view multiple pages in ms word

When you’re almost done editing, it’s best to scroll through all the pages to make sure there are no odd blank pages, separate sections, or incorrect image displays. But if you have more than 20 pages worth of content, scrolling through that much content quickly is just dizzying.

Instead, go to the View tab. In the Zoom section, click Multiple Pages . This zooms out your Microsoft Word document , so you can view two or three pages at once. You can also click the Zoom slider at the bottom right to zoom out even more and view more pages at once.

9. Automatically Create a Table of Contents

create table of contents in ms word

One of the final assignment components is the table of contents. If you’ve been manually keying in each heading, typing a line of periods that end with the heading’s corresponding page number, and double-checking the said page number yourself, it’s time to let Microsoft Word handle the task.

First, make sure you have applied the correct style to your headings. You can check this by clicking on each heading and see which style is selected in the Home tab. Then, number the pages of your Microsoft Word document .

Finally, go to the blank page where you want to insert your Table of Contents. Head to the References tab, click on Table of Contents , and select one of the Automatic Tables . Microsoft Word instantly generates a table of contents for you.

Improve Your Editing Process in Microsoft Word

By applying the above tips, you can revise your assignment more quickly and effectively without burdening yourself with eye fatigue. Cut down on the excessive scrolling and other manual tasks that can be done automatically by Microsoft Word.

Plus, saving time on editing means you have even more time to proofread and review your essays thoroughly, enabling you to produce higher-quality essays and reports.

  • Productivity
  • Microsoft Word
  • Text Editor

how to use ms word for assignment

Basic tasks in Word

Word 2016 is designed to help you create professional-quality documents. Word can also help you organize and write documents more efficiently.

When you create a document in Word, you can choose to start from a blank document or let a template do much of the work for you. From then on, the basic steps in creating and sharing documents are the same. And Word's powerful editing and reviewing tools can help you work with others to make your document great.

Tip:  To learn about new features, see What's new in Word 2016 .

Start a document

It’s often easier to create a new document using a template instead of starting with a blank page. Word templates come ready-to-use with pre-set themes and styles. All you need to do is add your content.

Each time you start Word, you can choose a template from the gallery, click a category to see more templates, or search for more templates online.

For a closer look at any template, click it to open a large preview.

If you’d rather not use a template, click Blank document .

how to use ms word for assignment

Open a document

Every time you start Word, you’ll see a list of your most recently used documents in the left column. If the document you’re looking for isn’t there, click Open Other Documents .

A list of the most recently used documents is shown.

If you’re already in Word, click File > Open and then browse to the file’s location.

When you open a document that was created in earlier versions of Word, you see Compatibility Mode in the title bar of the document window. You can work in compatibility more or you can upgrade the document to use Word 2016. 

Save a document

To save a document for the first time, do the following:

On the File tab, click Save As .

Browse to the location where you’d like to save your document.

Note:  To save the document on your computer, choose a folder under This PC or click Browse . To save your document online, choose an online location under Save As or click Add a Place . When your files are online, you can share, give feedback and work together on them in real time.

Click Save .

Note:  Word automatically saves files in the .docx file format. To save your document in a format other than .docx, click the Save as type list, and then select the file format that you want.

To save your document as you continue to work on it, click Save in the Quick Access Toolbar.

The Save icon is displayed in the Quick Access Toolbar

Read documents

Open your document in Read Mode to hide most of the buttons and tools so you can get absorbed in your reading without distractions.

Read mode

Open the document you want to read.

Note:  Some documents open in Read Mode automatically, such as protected documents or attachments.

Click View > Read Mode .

To move from page to page in a document, do one of the following:

Click the arrows on the left and right sides of the pages.

Press page down and page up or the spacebar and backspace on the keyboard. You can also use the arrow keys or the scroll wheel on your mouse.

If you’re on a touch device, swipe left or right with your finger.

Tip:  Click View > Edit Document to edit the document again.

Track changes

When you’re working on a document with other people or editing a document yourself, turn on Track Changes to see every change. Word marks all additions, deletions, moves, and formatting changes.

Open the document to be reviewed.

Click Review and then on the Track Changes button, select Track Changes .

When you click the Track Changes button, the available options are highlighted

Read Track changes to learn more.

Print your document

All in one place, you can see how your document will look when printed, set your print options, and print the file.

On the File tab, click Print .

Print in the Backstage view

Do the following:

Under Print , in the Copies box, enter the number of copies you want.

Under Printer , make sure the printer you want is selected.

Under Settings , the default print settings for your printer are selected for you. If you want to change a setting, just click the setting you want to change and then select a new setting.

When you’re satisfied with the settings, click Print .

For details, see Print a document .

Beyond the basics

For more on the fundamentals of using Word, see What's new in Word 2016 .

Top of Page

With Word for the web, you use your web browser to create, view, and edit the personal documents that you store on OneDrive . If your organization or college has a Microsoft 365 plan or SharePoint site, start using Word for the web by creating or storing documents in libraries on your site.Save changes

Word saves your changes automatically. Look on the status bar at the bottom left corner of Word for the web. It will either show Saved or Saving .

how to use ms word for assignment

Share documents online

Because your document is online, you can share it by sending a link instead of an email attachment. People can read it in their web browser or mobile device.

Click File > Share > Share with People .

how to use ms word for assignment

Comment in the browser

A comment balloon shows where comments have been made in the doc.

how to use ms word for assignment

Reply to comments, and check off items you’ve addressed.

Threaded comments in Word Online

Edit in the browser

If you try to type in the document and nothing happens, you’re probably in Reading view. Switch to Editing view: click Edit Document > Edit in Word for the web .

how to use ms word for assignment

Type and format text, add pictures, adjust the layout of the page, and more. For more advanced editing, click Open in Word .

Open In Word from Edit view in Word Online

Work together on the same doc

To work together in Word for the web, you edit a document as you normally would. If others are also editing it, Word for the web alerts you to their presence. You can see everyone who is currently working in the document by clicking in the ribbon.

Image of authors in Word Online

Clicking on an author’s name jumps you to where they’re working in the doc. And you’ll see the changes they make as they’re happening.

Add a header or footer

Go to Insert > Header & Footer to add headers and footers to your document.

Image of Header & Footer button in Word Online

Click Options to choose how you’d like them to appear.

Image of Header and Footer Options menu in Word Online

Add page numbers

Click Insert > Page Numbers and then choose from the gallery where you’d like the page numbers to appear.

how to use ms word for assignment

Select Include Page Count to show the current page number along with the total number of pages (page X of Y).

Find and replace text

Quickly search for every occurrence of a specific word or phrase in your document by clicking Home > Find (or type Ctrl+F). Results appear next to your document so you can see the term in context. Clicking on a search result jumps you to that occurrence.

Image of Find pane in Word Online

Click Replace (or type Ctrl+H) to find and replace text.

Print in Word for the web

Go to File > Print . Word for the web creates a PDF preview of your document that keeps all the layout and formatting of your document. Send the PDF to your printer and it will print the way you expect.

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In this free Word tutorial, learn how to format text, save and share documents, modify line and paragraph spacing, use tables and columns, and do more with your documents.

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Word Basics

  • 1 Getting Started with Word arrow_forward_ios ✓ Get to know the Ribbon, Quick Access Toolbar, and Backstage view to produce Word documents.
  • 2 Understanding OneDrive arrow_forward_ios ✓ Learn all about working with your Microsoft account and OneDrive.
  • 3 Creating and Opening Documents arrow_forward_ios ✓ Learn all about opening existing documents and creating new ones.
  • 4 Saving and Sharing Documents arrow_forward_ios ✓ Learn more about saving and sharing documents.

Working with Text

  • 5 Text Basics arrow_forward_ios ✓ Learn how to add, delete, move, cut, copy, and paste text.
  • 6 Formatting Text arrow_forward_ios ✓ Learn how to change font size, color, and text alignment.
  • 7 Using Find and Replace arrow_forward_ios ✓ Learn more about using the Find and Replace features to search your document.
  • 8 Indents and Tabs arrow_forward_ios ✓ Learn how to use the tab selector and horizontal ruler to set tabs and indents.
  • 9 Line and Paragraph Spacing arrow_forward_ios ✓ Learn how to modify line and paragraph spacing in your documents.
  • 10 Lists arrow_forward_ios ✓ Learn how to add and modify bulleted and numbered lists.
  • 11 Links arrow_forward_ios ✓ Learn how to add and modify hyperlinks.

Layout and Printing

  • 12 Page Layout arrow_forward_ios ✓ Learn how to modify page orientation, margins, and size.
  • 13 Printing Documents arrow_forward_ios ✓ Learn all about printing in Word.
  • 14 Breaks arrow_forward_ios ✓ Learn how to add page, section, and column breaks.
  • 15 Columns arrow_forward_ios ✓ Learn all about working with columns.
  • 16 Headers and Footers arrow_forward_ios ✓ Learn how to add and modify headers and footers.
  • 17 Page Numbers arrow_forward_ios ✓ Learn how to add and modify page numbers.

Working with Objects

  • 18 Pictures and Text Wrapping arrow_forward_ios ✓ Learn how to add pictures and use the text wrapping feature.
  • 19 Formatting Pictures arrow_forward_ios ✓ Learn more about formatting and compressing pictures.
  • 20 Shapes arrow_forward_ios ✓ Learn how to add and modify shapes in your document.
  • 21 Text Boxes arrow_forward_ios ✓ Learn how to use text boxes in Word.
  • 22 Aligning, Ordering, and Grouping Objects arrow_forward_ios ✓ Learn how to align, group, order, and rotate objects.
  • 23 Tables arrow_forward_ios ✓ Learn more about working with tables.
  • 24 Charts arrow_forward_ios ✓ Learn how to add and modify charts.

Collaboration and Reviewing

  • 25 Checking Spelling and Grammar arrow_forward_ios ✓ Learn how to use the review features available in Word.
  • 26 Track Changes and Comments arrow_forward_ios ✓ Learn how to track changes and comments when collaborating on documents.
  • 27 Inspecting and Protecting Documents arrow_forward_ios ✓ Take these steps to inspect and protect your document.

Doing More with Word

  • 28 SmartArt Graphics arrow_forward_ios ✓ Learn all about using SmartArt graphics in your document.
  • 29 Applying and Modifying Styles arrow_forward_ios ✓ Learn how to apply and modify styles.
  • 30 Mail Merge arrow_forward_ios ✓ Learn how to use the Mail Merge feature to produce letters, labels, and envelopes.
  • 31 What is Office 365? arrow_forward_ios ✓ Learn what Office 365 has to offer in this free lesson.
  • 32 New Features in Office 2019 arrow_forward_ios ✓ Discover some of the new features in Office 2019.
  • 33 Office Intelligent Services arrow_forward_ios ✓ Learn more about the features available through Intelligent Services.
  • 34 Using the Draw Tab arrow_forward_ios ✓ Learn how to use the features available on the Draw tab.
  • 35 Working with Icons arrow_forward_ios ✓ Learn how to add and customize icons.
  • 36 Word Quiz arrow_forward_ios ✓ Test your knowledge of Word by taking our quiz.


14 Best Steps on How to Make an Assignment on MS Word

How to Make an Assignment on MS Word

Nowadays, it is very common for students to complete their assignments using Microsoft Word. Thus, they look up how to make an assignment on MS Word. Because of the numerous options provided by MS Word, it might be difficult for a beginner to handle. All you have to do is become familiar with MS Word’s options before moving on to the assignment. 

Here in this blog, we will explain 14 best steps you need to follow in order to know how to make an assignment on MS word.

How to make an assignment on MS word 

Table of Contents

Yes, we understand that completing an assignment is challenging for most students. Because some of them are worried about completing the task like write my paper , and even if they aren’t worried, they don’t know how to use Microsoft Word effectively, which can be disastrous for many. Similarly, we are publishing this blog to teach you how to make an assignment in Microsoft Word.


Yes, we understand that completing an assignment is challenging for most students. Because some of them are worried about completing the task, and even if they aren’t worried, they don’t know how to use Microsoft Word effectively, which can be disastrous for many. This blog is being published to teach you how to make an assignment in Microsoft Word.

1. Setting the layout of the page for your assignment

On the Toolbar, select the Page Layout tab. Likewise, Page Setup options will appear.

2. Set Margins

Set the margins as follows (Standard measure for the margin):

  • Bottom: 2.5cm
  • Left: 2.5cm (or 3.2cm)
  • Right: 2.5cm (or 3.2cm)

3. Setting Orientation of the page

  • Orientation: Portrait

4. Setting Size

  • Set to A4 unless otherwise specified. 

5. Setting styles

Go Back to the Home tab, You will find the Styles options in the right of the toolbar you will need to use these steps to set the headings and paragraph text for your work.

6. For Headings

Always use the first three headings (Heading 1,2 and 3)

  • H1: Arial 14 pt bold
  • H2: Arial 12 pt bold, italics
  • H3: Arial 10.5-11 pt bold

And the text type should be Normal text

  • Times New Roman 12 pt (or equivalent) 

7. To set the headings styles for your work, you will have to

  • Click the small Styles icon/button.
  • Select/highlight the style to modify (e.g. ‘H1’), and then right-click >Modify. Likewise, the Modify Style dialog box will appear.
  • Under Formatting, You can change the font style and size as per your need.
  • Click OK. 

8. Setting up your assignment as the one document

Also, your Work, including the title page and references ( not the Assignment Attachment form*), must be aggregated as a single word (.docx) report. 

Therefore, it is simpler to make one record, embed your significant headings, and enter the content from that point. But, if you decide to make separate documents while setting up your task (for example, a different record for references), you will need to copy and paste the final contents into the one-word document and finalize the formatting there.

*The assignment attachment structure is either submitted electronically as a different document or attached to a submitted printed copy.

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9. Inserting section breaks, page breaks, and page numbers

The document has two sections

Section 1 Contains

  • The title page
  • Table of contents 

Section 2 Contains

  • The remainder of the assignment.

There are then page breaks within each section i.e

(e.g. between ‘Abstract’ and ‘Table of contents’; ‘Conclusion’ and ‘References’). 

To insert the Section break (i.e. make two sections)

  • Position your cursor at the end of the Table of contents. (Just have this as a heading; the actual table will be added at the end.)
  • From the toolbar at the top of your document, open the Page Layout tab and select Breaks>Section Breaks>Next Page. Under Section break types, select ‘Next page’. This has now divided the assignment into two sections.

Now to insert the page breaks

  • Place your cursor at the foot of the title (cover) page.
  • Select the Page Layout tab>Breaks>Page Breaks>Page. This has now created a page break between the title page and Abstract.
  • Place the cursor at the foot of the Abstract page and repeat to make the break between the Abstract and Table of contents.
  • Place a page break between the Conclusion in the next section.

10. Now to add the page numbers

For section 1:.

  • Place your cursor within the title page. Click on the Insert tab and then select Page Number in the Header & Footer set of options.
  • Select Top of Page>Plain Number 3 (‘right’ alignment). Do not close the Header and Footer just yet.
  • Check the box for Different First Page. (This will remove the page number from the title page.)
  • In the Header & Footer group of options to the left of the toolbar, select Page Number>Format Page Numbers. Select i, ii, iii .. from the Number format
  • Drop-down list. Under Page numbering, click the Start at the radio button (if not already activated) and select i. Click OK.
  • Close the Header and Footer. [This will paginate slightly differently from the example, with Abstract on page ii. ]

For section 2:

  • Go to the start of section 2 (i.e. beginning at the ‘Introduction’) and double click on the existing page number. This will open the Header settings options.
  • In the Header & Footer options section on the toolbar, select Page Number>Format Page Numbers.
  • Make sure the ‘Show number on the first page is selected (i.e. the box is ticked).
  • Select 1, 2, 3 from the Number format drop-down list. Under Page numbering, Click on the Start at the radio button and set the start on page 1.

11. Inserting the Table of contents

  • Move the cursor under the ‘Table of contents’ heading. 
  • Check the checkboxes for ‘Show page numbers’ and ‘Right align page numbers’.In the (last) Show levels box, set it to either just ‘1’ (i.e. list only the heading 1 level headings) or ‘2’ (to show both H1, and H2 headings).
  • To update the table anytime, right-click on the table and it’s almost done.

12. The title page

Follow these steps as the model for your work:

  • Assignment title: Arial 28 pt, italics, centered
  • (Assignment number): Arial 18 pt, italics, centered
  • Other details: Times New Roman 14 pt, left-justified; single tab spacing for items on the one line.

13. Word count

Show the word count properly for the body of your assignment, because it’s’ important.

  • Place your cursor on the Introduction title, hold the Shift key down, and got to the end of the Conclusion.
  • And then Tools>Word Count and record the number of words. 

14. Spelling and Grammar Check

Always keep an eye on spelling and sentence structure and Before you get a printed copy of your task,

What you have to do is

  • Run the word spell and sentence structure, and carefully look at your Work. (Tools>Spelling and Grammar.)
  • Ensure the Dictionary Language is set to English (Australia, UK, Canada).

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4 Tips on How to Write an Assignment Introduction

6 Tips on How to Make An Assignment For High School

To this end, now you know the 14 best steps on how to make an assignment on MS Word in detail. Many times students are worried about their assignments but we are here to assist you with all your problems. You can contact our experts anytime if you have an issue with MS Office assignment help.

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