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What is Time Management?

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Time management is the process of planning how to divide your time between specific activities; effectively managing your time means you'll work smarter, not harder (The Mind Tools Content Team, n.d.).

Why is it Important?

As a student, why would time management be important to you? Losing track of or running out of time can be frustrating. Time management is critical when learning new things and is a skill applicable to every aspect of your life ("5 Reasons Why", n.d.).  Planning and managing your time will help you in the future with school, work, and other projects.  Developing a plan or schedule can help ensure you have enough time to devote to studying, so that you succeed in achieving your goals.

Time Management Benefits

Effective time management offers a lot of benefits.  On Indeed, author Herrity provides twelve benefits of practicing effective time management skills (listed below):

  •  Decreased stress
  •  Increased productivity
  • Positive reputation
  • More energy for free time
  • Clear daily goals
  • Improved focus
  • Streamlined decision-making
  • Reaching goals faster
  • Improved quality of work
  • More confidence
  • Improved self-discipline
  • Better workplace relationships

There are 168 hours in each week and it's important to prioritize our time. Time management expert Laura Vanderkam has discovered that many people drastically overestimate their commitments each week and underestimate the time they have to themselves. Watch the video to learn a few strategies to help find more time for what matters most:


5 Reasons why good time management is important for learning . (n.d.). AbbeyRoad Programs.

Herrity, J. (2021, January 22). 12 benefits of effective time management . Indeed.

The Mind Tools Content Team. (n.d.). What is time management? Working smarter to enhance productivity . Mind Tools.

College is an intense and life-changing experience as we learn to adopt a new perspective of thought. This requires commitment and much time in study, research, and writing, all of which require more time than we realize. Graduate students will take fewer courses than undergraduate students, but their courses are more intense and require deep, critical thinking, which requires time and energy.  At its heart, attending college will absorb more of your time than you realize and will squeeze you for energy and mental attention and focus in areas of your life where you may not even expect it.

Know the Structure of your Program

What courses do you need, when are they offered, and what else is going on in your life when you take those courses? Planning rigorous coursework outside of times of heavy personal demands can reduce the stress associated with time management and avoid potential setbacks.

Prepare for the Workload

Focus accordingly. Use free time for school and don’t let it get in the way of your day job. Having read this you must now consider whether or not there are crossovers between work for the job and work for education. There are times when projects at work will provide a good context for school projects. It’s always important to make sure that the employer understands what you are doing and how the structure of an academic project may result in useful work product. The benefit is that the time associated with work and school projects is maximized.

Manage the Isolation

If university isn’t challenging enough, in an online program we can feel isolated and adrift, especially if we are challenged by an assignment. And with this isolation can come feelings of hopelessness that also eat away at our time. Staying connected can help. If you are taking a challenging course, schedule a short phone call with your faculty several times during the course to stay connected and ask questions or for clarification on feedback to an assignment. The Commons is also a space to see what others share about these situations, their successes, and their challenges. It’s worth a few moments each week to check in The Commons and participate.

Take Care of Yourself

With juggling education and life responsibilities comes stress and stress is oftentimes a determinant of illness. At some point in your educational career you will need to take a short break from classes to catch up on personal responsibilities and obligations. It’s important to adhere to a timeline, but knowing when to step back is important too. An eight week break may get in the way of our personal goal of graduating at a certain time. But an unforeseen illness can work to delay our goals even farther. Know yourself and know your limitations and make good decisions.

All current students have access to LinkedIn Learning, at no cost, as part of their student account. There are some high-quality courses on time management that can be found using a simple search.  Or feel free to check out this Time Management course: 

  • Time Management Fundamentals

Haven't set up your account yet? Review the LinkedIn Learning LibGuide for more information.

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If you are looking for some quick tips from someone who has “been there,” come chat with one of the Alumni Navigators or attend a Power Hours session.

Power Hour Sessions with picture of clock

To view information on the Alumni Navigators, access to request a 1:1, and Power Hours session details, visit the Navigators page .

You can also find more information on Power Hours, including the schedule by accessing the GSSC Calendar in The Commons .

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Importance of Time Management in Daily Life with Examples

Explore the significance of Effective Time Management in this insightful content. From understanding the basics of time management to recognising its importance and the benefits it brings, discover practical strategies to optimise your time utilisation. Unlock the key to enhanced productivity and work-life balance.


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Table of Contents  

1) Introduction to Time Management 

2) The Importance of Time Management 

3) The benefits of Time Management 

4) Practical Time Management strategies 

5) Conclusion 

Introduction to Time Management  

Time Management is the process of planning, organising, and prioritising tasks to make the most efficient use of available time. It involves setting goals, breaking them down into manageable steps, and allocating time for each activity. By implementing effective Time Management Strategies , individuals can enhance their productivity, reduce stress, and optimise their use of time. 

The Importance of Time Management for students is particularly vital. Juggling academic responsibilities, extracurricular activities, and personal commitments can be overwhelming without proper organisation and prioritisation. By efficiently allocating time to studying, assignment completion, and revision, students can improve their learning outcomes, reduce last-minute cramming, and cultivate a healthy work-life balance. 

The Importance of Time Management in the workplace plays a crucial role in professional success. With numerous tasks, deadlines, and responsibilities, employees need to manage their time effectively to boost productivity, meet project goals, and enhance their reputation for reliability and efficiency. Moreover, effective Time Management enables individuals to maintain a healthy work-life integration, leading to increased job satisfaction.  

Time Management Training

The Importance of Time Management  

Importance of Time Management

1) Increased productivity: Time Management allows individuals to prioritise tasks and allocate their time efficiently. By focusing on high-priority activities, individuals can make the most of their productive hours, accomplish more in less time, and achieve better results. Effective Time Management prevents wasting time on non-essential tasks or getting overwhelmed by a heavy workload. 

2) Reduced stress levels: Poor Time Management often leads to increased stress levels. Procrastination can be avoided, as well as missed deadlines, and last-minute rushes, which create unnecessary pressure and anxiety. By effectively managing time, individuals can plan and organise their tasks, stay ahead of deadlines, and approach their responsibilities with a calmer and more composed mindset. Reduced stress levels contribute to better mental and emotional well-being. 

3) Improved decision-making: Time Management allows individuals to allocate sufficient time for critical thinking and decision-making. Rushed and impulsive decisions can lead to negative consequences. With effective Time Management, individuals have the space to evaluate options, weigh pros and cons, gather information, and make informed decisions. This applies to both personal and professional choices. 

4) Enhanced goal achievement: Time Management is instrumental in setting and achieving goals. By breaking down larger goals into smaller, manageable tasks, individuals can create a roadmap for success. Effective Time Management helps allocate dedicated time slots for specific tasks, ensuring steady progress towards the desired outcome. Regular progress boosts motivation and creates a sense of accomplishment as goals are achieved step by step. 

5) Healthy work-life balance: Time Management is essential for maintaining a healthy balance between work and personal life. Without proper Time Management, work can encroach on personal time, leading to burnout and strained relationships. By allocating time for work-related tasks as well as personal activities, hobbies, and self-care, individuals can nurture a balanced lifestyle, improving overall well-being and satisfaction. 

6) Increased effectiveness: Time Management allows individuals to identify and eliminate time-wasting activities or unnecessary distractions Individuals can work more efficiently and effectively by organising tasks and streamlining processes. Prioritising tasks, setting deadlines, and managing resources optimally contribute to improved efficiency in completing tasks and achieving desired outcomes. 

7) Accountability and discipline: Effective Time Management cultivates a sense of accountability and discipline. By setting deadlines and creating schedules, individuals hold themselves responsible for completing tasks within the allocated time frames. This accountability fosters discipline, commitment, and a proactive approach to managing responsibilities and meeting deadlines. 

8) Improved quality of life: Time Management enables individuals to balance their various responsibilities and commitments, resulting in an improved quality of life. Individuals can dedicate time to their passions, hobbies, relationships, and self-care by effectively managing time. This balance leads to greater satisfaction, fulfilment, and overall happiness. 

The benefits of Time Management  

Benefits of Time Management

1) Better opportunities: With better Time Management, time becomes available for attending workshops, taking courses, networking, or exploring new hobbies and interests, which can lead to personal and career advancement. 

2) Better efficiency: Effective Time Management allows individuals to allocate their time strategically, ensuring that tasks are completed in the most efficient manner. By prioritising and organising tasks, individuals can minimise time wasted on unimportant or non-essential activities, leading to increased efficiency and optimal use of resources. 

3) Better focus and concentration: Time Management helps individuals eliminate distractions and create dedicated blocks of time for specific tasks. By focusing on one task at a time without interruptions, individuals can enhance their concentration and productivity. This leads to higher quality work and better outcomes. 

4) Enhanced time awareness: Time Management cultivates a heightened sense of awareness and appreciation for the value of time. Individuals become more conscious of how they allocate their time and recognise the importance of making the most of each moment. This awareness helps individuals make conscious choices, prioritise effectively, and avoid procrastination. 

5) Better work-life integration: Effective Time Management allows individuals to strike a balance between professional life and personal life. By allocating time for work-related tasks, as well as personal activities, hobbies, and self-care, individuals can experience a more harmonious and fulfilling lifestyle. This integration promotes overall well-being and prevents burnout. 

6) Enhanced accountability: Time Management instils a sense of accountability within individuals. By setting deadlines and creating schedules, individuals hold themselves responsible for completing tasks within the allocated time frames. This accountability promotes discipline, commitment, and a proactive approach to work and personal goals. 

7) Less procrastination: Procrastination can hinder productivity and lead to increased stress levels. Some of the Time Management techniques include breaking tasks into smaller parts and setting specific deadlines, which helps individuals overcome procrastination tendencies. With a structured approach, individuals are more motivated to start and complete tasks promptly. 

8) Better time estimation: Time Management skills enable individuals to accurately estimate the time required to complete various tasks. This helps in planning and scheduling effectively, avoiding over-commitment, and preventing a backlog of unfinished work. Accurate time estimation leads to better time allocation and a realistic workload. 

9) Better health and well-being: Effective Time Management can positively impact physical and mental health. By allocating time for exercise, relaxation, and self-care activities, individuals can reduce stress levels, improve their overall well-being, and maintain a healthy lifestyle . Taking breaks and incorporating leisure time into schedules promotes rejuvenation and prevents burnout. 

10) Increased sense of control: Time Management empowers individuals by providing them with a sense of control over their schedules and responsibilities. By taking charge of their time, individuals become more proactive, organised, and confident in managing their tasks and achieving their goals. 

Boost your productivity to another level: join now for our Productivity and Time Management Course !  

Practical Time Management strategies  

Implementing practical Time Management strategies can significantly enhance productivity, reduce stress levels, and help individuals make the most of their time. By incorporating these strategies into daily routines, individuals can optimise their use of time and achieve their goals more effectively. This blog section will suggest you some practical Time Management strategies to consider: 

1) Set clear goals: Start by defining your goals, both short-term and long-term. Clear goals provide a sense of direction and purpose, guiding your time allocation and priorities. Make sure your goals are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound (SMART goals). This clarity helps you align your activities and focus on what truly matters. 

2) Prioritise tasks: Determine the urgency and importance of each task on your to-do list. Use techniques like Eisenhower's Urgent-Important Matrix, where tasks are categorised as urgent and important, important but not urgent, urgent but not important, or neither urgent nor important. Prioritise tasks based on their significance and allocate time accordingly. 

3) Plan and schedule: Dedicate time for planning and scheduling your activities. Use tools like calendars, planners, or digital apps to organise your day, week, or month. Break down the larger assignments into smaller steps and allocate specific time slots for each activity. Set realistic deadlines, allowing buffer time for unexpected interruptions or delays. 

4) Time blocking: Time blocking involves allocating specific time blocks for different activities. Designate blocks of uninterrupted time for focused work, meetings, emails, breaks, and personal activities. By creating a structured routine, time blocking minimises distractions and improves productivity and focus. 

5) Avoid multitasking: While multitasking may seem efficient, it often leads to reduced productivity and increased errors. Instead, focus on one task at a time, giving it your undivided attention. Complete each task before moving on to the next. By concentrating on one activity, you can work more efficiently and produce higher-quality results. 

6) Learn to delegate: Recognise tasks that can be delegated to others. Delegating frees up your time for more important or high-value activities. Identify competent individuals who can handle specific tasks and assign responsibilities accordingly. Effective delegation enhances productivity and allows you to focus on tasks that require your expertise.  

7) Manage digital distractions: Digital distractions, such as social media notifications or emails, can consume valuable time. Minimise distractions by scheduling dedicated time to check and respond to emails or messages. Consider using website blockers or productivity apps to limit access to distracting websites or apps during focused work periods. 

8) Take regular breaks: Breaks are essential for maintaining focus and productivity. Incorporate short breaks into your schedule to recharge and refresh your mind. Use this time to engage in activities that help you relax and rejuvenate, such as taking a walk, practising deep breathing exercises, or enjoying a hobby. 

9) Review and reflect: Regularly review your progress and reflect on your Time Management practices. Analyse what worked well and what needs improvement. Adjust your strategies accordingly to maximise efficiency and effectiveness. Continuous evaluation and adaptation lead to ongoing improvement in managing your time. 

10) Practice self-care: Prioritise self-care activities, including sleep, exercise, healthy eating, and relaxation. Taking care of your physical as well as mental well-being enhances your productivity, energy levels, and overall quality of life. Ensure that self-care is integrated into your schedule as a non-negotiable priority.

Want to master your time and unleash your potential? Join our Time Management Training Course today!  


All in all, mastering Time Management is a skill that can transform your personal and professional life. By recognising the Importance of Time Management, understanding its benefits, and implementing practical strategies, you can unlock your full potential, achieve your goals, and lead a more balanced and fulfilling life. Remember, time is a finite resource, so make every moment count by managing it effectively. Embrace the power of Time Management, and watch as your productivity, satisfaction, and overall well-being soar. 

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Top 13 Soft Skills Time Management Pros Should Have

Kinga Kmak

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time management soft skills

Time management might often be associated with hard skills like scheduling and project planning, but in reality, soft skills play an equally crucial role. These personal attributes and interpersonal abilities significantly enhance one's ability to manage time effectively.

However, in time management, soft skills contribute to better work-life balance, improved decision-making, and more efficient completion of tasks. Soft time management skills are essential for personal and professional development, helping individuals to navigate the complexities of their work and personal life with greater ease and less stress.

Why are soft skills important for time management?

Soft skills are vital for effective time management as they encompass emotional intelligence, critical thinking, and the ability to interact effectively with others. These skills facilitate better prioritization, decision-making, and stress management, all of which are key to managing time efficiently.

In a world where technical skills are in high demand, soft skills set individuals apart, making them more attractive candidates to prospective employers and better equipped to achieve a balanced and fulfilling career path.

Top time management skills (on that "soft side")

In the context of time management, certain soft skills stand out for their ability to enhance productivity and efficiency. These skills not only help in managing one's time but also contribute to overall personal and professional growth.


Prioritization is a fundamental soft skill in time management, involving the ability to discern which tasks are most important and should be tackled first.

This skill is crucial for effective time management as it helps in organizing tasks in a way that aligns with personal and organizational goals. By learning to prioritize tasks, individuals can focus on completing the most important tasks first, ensuring high-quality work without wasting time on less critical activities. Task automation tools are a great way to take repetitive work off your plate.

Prioritization also involves allocating specific time windows to tasks, helping to avoid procrastination and meet deadlines more consistently. It's a life skill that aids in maintaining a better work-life balance, as it allows for the efficient use of time both at work and in personal life.

Delegation is another important soft skill in the realm of time management. It involves the ability to effectively distribute tasks among team members or colleagues. This skill is essential for project management, as it helps in managing several tasks without succumbing to the stress of handling too many tasks alone. Effective delegation not only aids in completing tasks more efficiently but also helps in developing trust and teamwork within a group.

By delegating tasks, individuals can focus on the most important aspects of their work, ensuring that all tasks are completed efficiently and on time.

Delegation also provides an opportunity for professional development , as it allows individuals to gain additional skills and experience in managing and working with others. It's a critical component of time management, enabling individuals to manage their time and responsibilities more effectively.

Stress Management

Stress Management is an essential skill in the arsenal of time management skills. It's a crucial soft skill that enables individuals to handle the pressures of meeting deadlines and managing several tasks without succumbing to stress.

Effective stress management is key to maintaining good time management skills, as high stress levels can lead to poor time management and missed deadlines. By mastering stress management techniques, individuals can improve their ability to manage time effectively, ensuring that they can focus on the most important tasks at hand. This skill is not only important for personal well-being but also for professional development, as it helps in maintaining a strong work ethic and emotional intelligence.

Managing stress effectively allows for better decision-making and problem-solving, essential components in effectively managing time and completing tasks efficiently. It's a skill that benefits one's entire career, helping to manage time wisely and avoid wasting time on unnecessary distractions.


Flexibility is a key soft skill in time management, allowing individuals to adapt to changing circumstances and unexpected challenges. This important soft skill is crucial for effective project management, as it enables one to adjust plans and schedules as needed.

Good time management skills often require the ability to be flexible and re-prioritize tasks quickly. Flexibility helps in managing time effectively by allowing individuals to shift focus between tasks seamlessly and handle unforeseen events without significant disruptions.

This skill is particularly important in today's fast-paced work environment, where the ability to adapt and change plans is essential for staying organized and meeting deadlines. Flexibility also plays a role in personal time management, helping individuals to balance job-specific tasks with personal responsibilities. Overall, being flexible is an important skill that enhances one's ability to manage time efficiently and respond to the demands of both professional and personal life.

Goal Setting

Goal Setting is a fundamental soft skill for effective time management. It involves the ability to set clear, achievable objectives that guide one's focus and efforts. This important soft skill is essential for both personal and professional development, as it helps in outlining the most important tasks and dedicating time to them effectively. Effective goal setting is a practical skill that aids in breaking down larger tasks into smaller, manageable parts, making it easier to stay organized and avoid procrastination.

It's a critical component of good time management skills, as it provides direction and motivation, helping individuals to spend their time wisely and complete tasks within set deadlines.

By setting goals, one can also measure progress and adjust strategies as needed, ensuring continuous improvement in managing time. Goal setting is not just a time management technique; it's a life skill that enhances one's ability to achieve both short-term tasks and long-term career aspirations.


Communication is a pivotal soft skill in time management. Effective communication skills are essential for managing your time efficiently, especially when coordinating with others on tasks or projects. This skill involves clearly articulating your needs, expectations, and deadlines, as well as actively listening to others. Good communication helps in delegating tasks appropriately and scheduling meetings more effectively, ensuring that all the tasks are understood and completed within the set time frame. Picking up the phone can sometimes be the quickest reaction, especially when dialing validated phone numbers .

It also plays a crucial role in eliminating misunderstandings and distractions that can lead to wasted time. Moreover, strong communication skills are among the most important soft skills sought by employers, as they are indicative of an individual's ability to work well in a team and manage time effectively. By improving communication, one can ensure that time spent on tasks is productive and that important tasks are not missed due to poor communication.


Problem-solving is a key soft skill that directly impacts time management. It involves the ability to identify issues quickly and develop effective solutions, a critical aspect of managing time efficiently. Effective problem-solving skills enable individuals to address challenges promptly, preventing them from escalating and consuming more time. This skill is particularly important when unexpected issues arise that could potentially derail a project's timeline.

By applying problem-solving techniques, one can stay on track and ensure that time management plans are not adversely affected. Additionally, problem-solving is a practical skill that enhances professional development, as it demonstrates an individual's ability to handle complex situations and make decisions under pressure. It's a skill that not only helps in managing time but also in becoming an attractive candidate for career advancement.


Mindfulness is an increasingly recognized soft skill in the realm of time management. It involves being fully present and engaged in the current task, which is crucial for effective time management. Practicing mindfulness helps in eliminating distractions and focusing on the task at hand, leading to better productivity and time management. This skill allows individuals to manage their own emotions and reactions, which can often be a source of time wastage.

Mindfulness also aids in goal setting and prioritizing tasks, as it encourages a more thoughtful and deliberate approach to work. By being mindful, one can use time wisely, ensuring that each moment is spent effectively on important tasks. Additionally, mindfulness is linked to reduced stress levels and improved emotional intelligence, both of which are beneficial for professional development and managing time in a balanced and healthy way.

Empathy, often overlooked, is a crucial soft skill in effective time management. It involves understanding and being considerate of the emotions and needs of others, which can significantly impact how one manages time, especially in a team setting. Empathetic individuals are better at delegating tasks and scheduling meetings in a way that respects others' time and commitments. This skill helps in creating a more collaborative and supportive work environment, where tasks are completed efficiently and on time.

Empathy also plays a role in problem-solving, as understanding different perspectives can lead to more effective and inclusive solutions. In terms of professional development, empathy enhances social skills and emotional intelligence, making one an attractive candidate for leadership roles. By practicing empathy, individuals can manage their time and relationships more effectively, leading to a more harmonious and productive work environment.


Adaptability is a critical soft skill for effective time management. It involves the ability to adjust to new conditions and handle unexpected changes with ease.

Adaptability in the workplace essential for implementing time management techniques efficiently, as it allows individuals to modify their to-do list or approach to tasks as circumstances change. Adaptability aids in managing time by enabling one to shift focus between tasks seamlessly, ensuring that important tasks are not missed even in a dynamic environment.

It also helps in avoiding the waste of time on rigid plans that may no longer be relevant. By being adaptable, individuals can effectively manage their time, even when faced with unforeseen challenges or changes in priorities. This skill is particularly useful in today's fast-paced work environments, where flexibility and the ability to pivot quickly are key to staying organized and productive.

Resilience is an essential skill for managing time effectively, especially in high-pressure situations. It involves the ability to recover quickly from setbacks and maintain focus on the task at hand. Resilient individuals are less likely to waste time dwelling on difficulties or challenges; instead, they focus on finding solutions and moving forward. This skill is crucial for effective time management, as it helps in maintaining progress towards goals even when faced with obstacles.

Resilience also plays a role in preventing missed deadlines, as it enables individuals to bounce back from disruptions and stay on track. Additionally, resilience is a practical skill that can be developed through experiences and external mentoring, enhancing one's ability to manage time and handle stress effectively. By cultivating resilience, individuals can improve their time management skills and ensure that they spend their time productively, even in challenging situations.


Resourcefulness is a key soft skill that enhances time management. It involves being able to find quick and clever ways to overcome difficulties, and it's particularly useful in managing time when resources are limited or constraints are high.

Resourceful individuals can effectively manage their time by finding innovative solutions to complete tasks more efficiently. This skill helps in eliminating distractions and focusing on the most important task at hand. It also aids in making the most of available resources, ensuring that time is not wasted on unproductive efforts.

Resourcefulness is a common soft skill that can significantly improve your time management, as it enables you to think creatively and act decisively. By being resourceful, individuals can ensure that they are spending time wisely, making the best use of their skills and abilities to achieve their goals.

How to Cultivate Soft Skills

Practice delegating tasks.

Delegating tasks is not just about offloading work; it's a practical skill that enhances leadership and time management. Start small by assigning tasks you're comfortable letting go of, and gradually increase complexity. This practice helps in developing trust and understanding the strengths of your team, which are essential skills in any work environment.

Develop Practical Skills through Experience

Engage in activities or projects that push you out of your comfort zone. This could be taking on a new responsibility at work or volunteering for a role you're unfamiliar with. Practical skills are honed through real-world experiences, allowing you to manage your time and responsibilities more effectively.

Focus on One Task at a Time

In a world full of distractions, focusing on one task at a time can significantly improve your effectiveness. This approach helps eliminate distractions and ensures you don't miss deadlines due to multitasking. Set specific time blocks for each task and commit to focusing solely on it during that period.

Learn Time Management Tips and Techniques

Educate yourself on effective time management skills. There are numerous resources available – from books to online courses – that offer valuable insights and techniques. Implement these strategies in your daily routine to better manage your time and tasks.

Observe and Learn from Common Soft Skills

Pay attention to the most common soft skills exhibited by successful people around you. Observe how they communicate, solve problems, and handle stress. Learning from others is a great way to develop these skills in yourself.

Regularly Review and Adjust Your Approach

Continuously assess how you manage your time and tasks. Are you meeting your deadlines? Are you able to delegate tasks effectively? Regular review and adjustment of your approach are crucial for continuous improvement in your soft skills.

Eliminate Distractions also from Personal Life

Identify what typically distracts you and take proactive steps to minimize these interruptions. This might involve creating a more organized workspace, using tools to block digital distractions, or setting clear boundaries with colleagues and family during work hours.

Seek Feedback and Mentorship

Don’t hesitate to ask for feedback on your soft skills from peers, mentors, or supervisors. External mentoring can provide valuable insights into areas you may need to improve. Constructive feedback is a powerful tool for personal and professional growth for you.

Practice, Practice, Practice

Like any skill, soft skills improve with practice. Regularly put yourself in situations where you can practice these skills, whether it’s through leading a project, participating in team activities, or managing a challenging workload. The more you practice, the more natural these skills will become.

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12 essential time management skills

Have you ever found yourself using the phrase, “There just aren’t enough hours in the day”? Everyone feels this way from time to time, whether you’re a working parent, busy entrepreneur , student or any other human in our fast-paced world. Now think about it this way: Everyone has the same amount of hours in the day. So what separates the Warren Buffetts and Sheryl Sandbergs from the rest of us? The answer is time management skills.

What are time management skills?

Time management is your ability to use your time effectively, be productive and accomplish not only your daily tasks, but your larger life goals. It means knowing the difference between being busy and being productive : When you’re busy, your mind is preoccupied with your to-do list, skipping from one task to another without focusing on anything. When you’re productive, you have a plan for tackling everything you need to do and you’re able to get laser-focused on your goals .

Real time management goes beyond making a daily planner or writing an endless to-do list that only seems to get longer, not shorter. Time management skills include the ability to set goals, focus, organize, prioritize, communicate and delegate. Time management skills in events are particularly important, as Tony Robbins can attest to. You want to be efficient, productive and ensure you create happy customers – or guests.

The first step toward learning how to improve time management skills is realizing that it’s a mental game that anyone can master. Ultimately, the answer to the question, “What are time management skills?” depends not on external tools, but on your internal state.

Unlock powerful time management skills

Top 12 time management skills

To make the most of your time and achieve the life that you dream of, you must create a mental shift in how you think about time management. Time is not a resource that’s out of your control. You can leverage these 12 time management skills to help you use those hours to the fullest.

Time management skill #1: Purpose

Whether you want to build a fulfilling career, find more passion in your life or make time for your health and wellness, all examples of time management skills start with a single foundation: finding your purpose . Using your hours to work toward the outcomes you value the most will help to not only bring you success, but will also sustain that feeling of fulfillment that comes from accomplishing your goals.

Although there is no such thing as work-life balance , finding your purpose can also help you work toward the real solution: work-life integration. Find your mission and incorporate it into your life so that your work doesn’t feel like work – it revitalizes you. This is exactly what you’ll get with good time management skills.

is time management a critical thinking skill

Time management skill #2: Belief

Time management skills aren’t just about time – they’re about your entire mindset. You must shift your perspective , let go of the beliefs that are holding you back and commit to living the life you desire. It starts with changing your story. If you’ve always thought that “There just aren’t enough hours in the day,” you’ll believe you can never accomplish everything you want. If you’ve always felt disorganized and scattered, you’ll believe you’re a hopeless case.

There are numerous other limiting beliefs that could be holding you back, but they all have the same result – you’re defeated before you’ve even begun. But when you create an empowering story built around your ability to learn how to improve time management skills, you’ll unlock the sense of confidence that only comes from having a deep belief in yourself .

Time management skill #3: Focus

“Where focus goes, energy flows,” says Tony. The first step is getting clear on what it is you really want, and then aligning your ultimate goals with the actions you need to take today. If the tasks that you need to complete aren’t aligned with what truly matters to you – your core values – then you’ll never find the time to do them. This is the methodology behind Tony’s Rapid Planning Method – by focusing on an outcome, you develop the organization needed to meet your goals.

Often we allow ourselves to lose focus and be interrupted as a crutch when we’re experiencing uncomfortable emotions like boredom, frustration or lack of interest. These are learned, addictive responses – and we can start to overcome them and change our behavior by employing effective time management skills instead of backing down when a task becomes challenging.

Time management skill #4: Chunking

Better time management skills start with zeroing in on what you really want – whether that’s strengthening your relationship, accelerating your career, starting your own business or living a healthier lifestyle. From there, create smaller goals that all ladder up to your desired end result. Tony says, “Most of your stress is because you’re thinking about too many things at once.”

If you’re facing an overwhelming number of tasks around an outcome, remember that you can create better to-do lists by chunking all related tasks into smaller groups so that they are easier to manage and tackle. That way, you can better visualize and identify the steps you need to take to reach your goal.

Tony explains the power of chunking and how it helps direct your focus toward what matters.

a man is sitting at a desk looking at a piece of paper .

Time management skill #5: Prioritization

How do you know where to direct your energy in order to see the results you want? How do you know if you’re working toward your core values? Conduct a core values audit: Track your activities for two weeks, taking note of which core values your actions connect with, and audit yourself with a keen eye as you evaluate how to move closer to your goals.

Once you have several weeks of progress written down, take an objective look at how you’ve been spending your time. Eliminate any activity that’s not connected to your core values and goals. Replace these activities, like checking social media too frequently, with something that serves your ultimate plan, like cooking healthy meals or regularly exercising . After several weeks of practice, you’ll find you don’t miss the time-consuming tasks you eliminated.

Time management skill #6: Goal setting

The best goals are SMART goals : secific, measurable, achievable, realistic and anchored within a time frame. Be clear with the outcome you plan to achieve and designate the time needed to reach your goal. Rather than telling yourself you want to lose weight this year, set a clear goal: one pound per week or five pounds per month. Don’t forget to be realistic. If you tell yourself you’re going to go from middle manager to CEO at your company, that’s an incredible goal to set, but realize it might take longer than six months.

Now create your massive action plan. Ask yourself: What actions produce the most value? Once you have a direction to move in, you’ll get a better sense of what actions deserve your attention and which ones don’t. By being specific with your outcomes, and having clarity on what they are and why you want them, you can have the laser-guided focus you need to achieve them. Not only that, but you’ll feel a greater sense of fulfillment when you do hit your objectives.

Time management skill #7: Assertiveness

You’ve probably had a time when you reluctantly said “yes” to something and later regretted it. In the end, you either did the task begrudgingly even though you didn’t have the time or you flaked out. Saying no in the first place saves you time to focus on what matters to you . You can also practice assertiveness by eliminating distractions. Block websites if you have to. Put up an “Away” or “Do Not Disturb” notice on your accounts. Your time is yours , so take control of your workspace and time so you can get more done .

is time management a critical thinking skill

Although we’re often conditioned to think otherwise, assertiveness isn’t the same thing as being aggressive or not caring about others. It’s the healthiest of the communication styles because it allows you to listen to and respect the opinions of others, while also putting yourself first. Learning how to be more assertive is one of the best time management skills examples.

Time management skill #8: The pause

If you have trouble saying “no,” one of the best ways to improve time management skills is to stop answering immediately. Think about it: Too often people ask us to do something and we instantly say yes. Then we have a commitment we’re stuck with. Instead of answering right away and providing a response you’ll later regret, step away from the email or tell the person you’ll need to think about it.

Don’t instantly commit for one month. Instead, take time and ensure that you commit only to tasks or activities that support your core values and goals. If something someone asks you to do doesn’t align with those values and goals, be bold and politely decline. At the end of the month, assess: How much time did you save? How much more fulfilled do you feel with what you did accomplish?

Time management skill #9: Accountability

What are time management skills worth if you don’t hold yourself accountable? Nothing. Here’s one of the best time management skills examples – in an area of life you may not expect. Suppose that you want to strengthen your relationship with your partner, and you decide to use an hour of your day to give that person the attention they deserve. But as you’re sitting there, your phone vibrates in your pocket. What do you do?

Instead of checking your phone, stay committed to your targeted outcome – a healthier, more passionate relationship with the person you love – and give your partner the attention they deserve. By staying focused on your end goal, and letting the phone conversation wait for an hour or more, you’ll attain the outcome that speaks the most to your core values – and gives you more fulfillment than checking your phone ever could.

a man wearing headphones is sitting at a desk in front of a laptop computer .

Time management skill #10: The 20-minute rule

You know when you’re “in the zone”? You’re unstoppable. What if you could get in the zone whenever you wanted? The 20-minute increment block is one of the most powerful time management skills because it allows you to do just that.

Get your mind ready ; let yourself know you’re about to focus on something important. Prepare to tackle the task and set an alarm for 20 minutes. Until your alarm rings, give that task everything you’ve got, without any distractions. When the alarm goes off, decide whether you’re going to put the task down or finish it. Take a small break, then get back to that task. Repeat the process until the task is complete.

Working on your tasks in these 20-minute chunks helps you pull yourself into the zone as needed, instead of hoping to fall into it by chance. Over time, you’ll be able to slip into this mindset on your own, without the aid of a timer.

Time management skill #11: Delegation

Want to be the best, most efficient version of yourself possible? Outsourcing tasks is a critical skill that every successful entrepreneur and Fortune 500 CEO has to master, and so do you. When you can delegate tasks, do it.

Think of it this way: If you’re too focused on completing a giant list of menial tasks every day, you’ll be unable to focus on your larger goals and core values. It’s also worthwhile to remember that by delegating whenever possible, you help yourself grow because you give yourself space to take on the newest, most challenging tasks yourself, and can delegate someone else to handle the smaller, everyday items on your to-do list.

Time management skill #12: Self-care

If this seems counterintuitive – it isn’t. The world’s most successful people know the importance of self-care . Warren Buffett plays bridge and practices ukulele in his spare time. Oprah Winfrey meditates. Simon Cowell climbs trees and watches cartoons! The point is, sometimes the best thing you can do is give your brain a break from the task at hand.

Whether you take a vacation to Hawaii or a lunchtime walk around your office building, taking a break gives your brain a chance to reset. It increases creativity and focus and leads to better problem-solving. If you’re wondering how to improve time management and you feel you’ve attempted everything, step away for a minute or two. You’ll return with renewed concentration and vigor.

Our schedules are fuller than ever before, and it’s no wonder anxiety is skyrocketing. When you’re constantly on the go, your brain stays in a state of high alert and stress that can eventually change its chemistry. Time management skills allow you to take a breath, bring down your stress levels and give yourself a break.

Effective time management skills are at the heart of a happier, more fulfilled life because you’ll be able to focus and achieve the outcomes that drive your passion. Imagine that intense feeling of peace that comes with being fulfilled with what you’ve achieved; this feeling is in your grasp, as long as you commit to reclaiming your time and working toward your purpose. With the right time management framework, and excellent time management skills in place, you no longer have to imagine that state – you can attain and live it.

Is time management sabotaging your life?

Take control and make a plan to manage your life, not just your time. A Results Coach can help.

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  • Success Guide - Master's students
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Time management

Managing your time.

Managing your time as a Master's student is an important skill, particularly as part of your learning will be conducted through independent study. Good time management is not just about organising your time, but also making sure you are working as effectively and efficiently as possible.

Planning your time well can not only help you to visualise your goals but also helps you to keep a healthy work-life balance while enjoying your learning.  There is no ‘right’ way to plan and how effective planning techniques are often depends on the individual, however it’s good to be aware of the following tips:

Time Management

Take a step back.

Reflect regularly on whether your study techniques are effective and be aware of the best times in the day for your study. It may be the case that you work better in the mornings but have planned lots of evening work therefore you will have to adjust your schedule.

Visualise your goals

What is your overall goal? This can sometimes be a daunting question, especially when you are starting out in your degree, so it may help to divide your goals into manageable tasks. Establishing the difference between your short-term and long-term goals is a good start and can help you to visualise the steps to achieving them.

Know your course requirements

Find out what each aspect of your course contributes towards your final grade. When you know how important a piece of work is, you’ll know how much time you’re expected to devote to it.

Reward yourself

If you’ve made progress towards your goals then it’s important to reward yourself for your achievements. Remember that looking forward to something can motivate you and help you to stay on track.

Take action

Once you have made a note of all your important deadlines, it may be helpful to develop an action plan. First, write a list of all the tasks that you need to complete. Next, develop an action plan by assessing how long each task will take and giving each task (or stage) a deadline for completion.

Be flexible

It’s important to know your limits and be realistic in the goals you set for yourself. Don’t take on too much at once and be prepared to try a different approach if things aren’t going to plan.

Find your system

Everyone works differently but having a system (e.g. diary on your phone, wall chart, reminders) to keep everything under control will enable you to keep track of coursework deadlines, revision priorities and additional reading you need to do. You may find the following apps useful for structuring your workload:

When you have many tasks on your plate, you will have to prioritise your work. Dividing individual tasks into the following categories may help with this:

  • Important but not urgent
  • Not important but urgent
  • Not urgent and not important

Take a break

While your academic work should be the main focus of your time at Imperial, you shouldn't feel that you have to study all the time. Use the study time you’ve allocated effectively and you won't need to feel guilty when you do something else at other times. Make sure that you have factored regular breaks into your planning. Depending on what you choose to do, taking a break may help lift your mood, improve your sleep, and help you to think clearer. 

Relaxation techniques

Relaxation techniques can be as simple as changing your scenery, practising yoga or talking to a friend, Young Minds offers some further advice on how to take time out and recharge your batteries.

The Chaplaincy  also offers a quiet space for reflection, mindfulness and meditation.   

Further support with time management

Disabilities, Health conditions, Mental health difficulties and Specific learning difficulties can have an impact on the thinking skills associated with organisation and time management. If you would like to discuss issues around these matters, please book an appointment with the webinars on inclusive software where you can get support for an existing condition or help in securing a possible diagnostic assessment.

You can also access units on time management on the Attributes and Aspirations short online course throughout your Master's. 

There are also a number of  resources and webinars  offered for students who could benefit from support with attention, concentration and focus.  ICT also run a number of  webinars on inclusive software . Using the right software and apps can help you increase your effectiveness and feel better equipped for the demands of work and study. 

is time management a critical thinking skill

Critical Thinking: A Guide for Students: Time Management

  • For Students
  • Reading for Meaning
  • Reading Textbooks for Information
  • Types of Essays
  • Writing Well
  • Getting an A, Not an F: Avoiding Plagiarism
  • Examples of Plagiarism and of Proper Citations
  • Time Management
  • How you are Graded (sample)

What to do with Limited Time

Managing your time well makes you successful.

  • Set Goals and then work on them.
  • Is the goal important to you?
  • Why are you doing it?
  • How do you plan to succeed?
  • Don't procrastinate - putting things off just piles them up!
  • Start with the things that you dislike the most - get it over with.
  • Prioritize your readings and assignments based on due dates.
  • Do the right things well

Steven Covey's "To Do List"

Notice that you should do the IMPORTANT things first, even if one of them is due later, because if you fall behind for some reason, the chances of not doing something important increases.

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  • Last Updated: Jan 4, 2024 2:46 PM
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10 critical time management skills your team needs.

People have a complicated relationship with time. It’s on their side. It isn’t on their side. That’s true in business, too. Investing time wisely may mean speeding up for productivity or slowing down for strategic thinking. Its shifting nature makes good time management skills essential.

What are time management skills?

10 examples of time management skills worth exploring, how professional digital coaching can improve time management skills.

Time management skills enable people to adjust seamlessly to the rhythms of the business. Time management skills examples can be put into categories that include prioritisation, setting boundaries, eliminating procrastination, understanding the needs of others and more. The trick is to adopt what works best and stick with it.

1. Embrace ruthless prioritisation  

Not all work is created equal. When there is more than one task at hand, the soft skills to prioritise important tasks based on business needs is crucial. That can be tough for people who prefer to finish one project before starting on another. It can also be a stretch for those who feel they lack autonomy. Companies that explain what’s needed and why, then get out of the way to allow people to get it done, tend to produce employees who control their time and prioritise effectively.  

2. Adopt a tool that can help

Time management skills aren’t innate for everyone. Task management tools such as the Eisenhower Matrix are a godsend for people who aren’t good at time management. They help project managers and staff sort tasks according to urgency and offer strategies for dealing with each task properly. The Eisenhower Matrix uses an urgency/importance quadrant approach: do first, schedule, delegate and don’t do. The app also features timers, email triggers, open task identifiers and cloud sync options for multiple devices. For those not technically inclined, diligent use of a personalised to-do list can ensure urgent tasks are completed, while keeping procrastination and stress at bay.

3. Know when good enough is good enough

The phrase “perfect is the enemy of the good” is still around for a reason. Perfectionism can lead to low productivity, missed deadlines, micromanagement , lack of innovation, time lost to stress-related health issues and a host of other unwanted outcomes. When people’s lives depend on accuracy, that’s one thing. When a marketing campaign lacks a few assets, that’s another. Consider it a red flag when people mention perfectionism as a skill on resumes, cover letters or job interviews. What hiring managers are really looking for is someone who knows when precision is necessary, and when it isn’t. 

4. See the big picture

Choosing what to focus on is easier when you understand what the company is aiming for. Public companies that report earnings quarterly understand the impact that has on their business. They structure their sales and investor relations processes accordingly. The sales team may become obsessed with closing deals by a certain date. The accounting team’s focus may shift entirely a few weeks before the analyst call. The C-suite may limit travel. This principle applies to every aspect of the business. It’s important that people know how their role contributes to the company’s immediate and long-term success so they can adjust where they invest their time. 

5. Be confident enough to ask for help

People are hard-wired to protect themselves from looking foolish, especially in front of those responsible for their paycheck. That fear may be good for mental self-preservation, but it can slow progress. Companies that encourage teamwork, embrace a fail-fast mindset and value personal development fare better than those that don’t . When people know they can reach out without getting ridiculed, they will. When they’re comfortable trying new ways to get things done, they will. When they’re encouraged to learn something new, they will. And where there’s a will, there’s a way.

6. Honour the need to concentrate

In spite of research that points to the negative consequences of open floor plans, they remain all the rage in many offices. Bosses like them because they lend themselves to a romantic notion of collaboration (though not actual collaboration), and because they make it easier to see what everyone’s doing. Similarly, email and other online tools enable instant communication. By their very nature, though, they assume that the needs of the person knocking on the door are more important than whatever you’re doing. The research is clear. Interruptions increase stress, lower productivity, break people’s concentration at critical moments and make it difficult to meet deadlines. If you have an office, take advantage of the door. If not, stay focused by putting on headphones or retiring to a private space. People will interrupt only as often as you let them.

7. Create space for a breather

It’s okay to take a break from time to time. It’s also necessary. Unlike the interruptions we just talked about, self-determined breaks are reinvigorating. When deadlines loom, inserting moments to think, destress or connect with coworkers at different times of day can refocus the mind. Even jumping spiders see their performance decline when they focus too long on a single task. Excessive workloads is the #2 cause of employee stress, according to the American Psychological Association’s (APA) 2021 Work and Well-being Survey . Learning to push back respectfully when the work gets out of hand can go a long way toward a more satisfying and fruitful day.   

8. Don’t be a slave to meetings

The amount of time spent on meetings is a big one, isn’t it? When you can buy a coffee mug that states, “I survived another meeting that should have been an email,” you know it’s an issue. People asking for a meeting should be clear about its purpose. Those invited have a right to decline when they’re not. Meeting organisers should also have an agenda to alert people to anything that needs to be done beforehand and stay on track. Above all, be respectful. There’s no excuse for double-and triple-booking people’s calendars. They may deem your meeting the most important and attend no matter how annoyed they are. They also might not, and you miss out on valuable input. As for those on the receiving end, calendar management is essential to maintaining control of your time. Don’t feel guilty about blocking your calendar to get things done. 

9. Align work with natural energy flows

Some people are ready to take on the world first thing in the morning. For them, activities that require mental heavy lifting are best done in the early hours. Others aren’t ready to tackle complex projects until later in the day and are better served by answering emails, getting organised or working on low-level tasks. Not all work lends itself to this level of self-determination. When it does, take advantage of it. Be mindful of others, too. Collaboration is most effective when everyone’s operating at peak performance.

10. Set clear work/life boundaries

The pandemic opened the door to a more fluid workday. It also showed people the limitations of an “always on” mindset. 71% of people who responded to the AMA survey reported feeling stressed out at work. They’re three times as likely to seek employment elsewhere. It just doesn’t make sense to ignore the very real need for personal time to recharge, reset and get things done. Effective time management is about honouring one’s priorities away from work, too.

Bringing back the magic into the daily lives of managers

When companies help people manage their time better, stress goes down and engagement goes up. Professional digital coaching is an effective way to do so. It enables organisations to offer their entire workforce access to experts who work with them individually to develop time management skills. 80% of those we’ve coached say they’ve learned new competencies useful for their profession. 70% report improved work performance. 

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Why Time Management Is Considered a Soft Skill That Can Change Your Career Trajectory For The Better


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Why Time Management Is Considered a Soft Skill That Can Change Your Career Trajectory For The Better

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Practicing good time management is one the most important soft skills that you can have in the workplace. It ensures increased productivity, high-quality work, improved confidence in one’s ability to do the job efficiently, and on-time delivery of time-sensitive assignments.

Ultimately, you can meet your professional (and personal) goals and achieve worthwhile success when you take the time to strengthen your time management skills. But what does it mean when we refer to time management as a “soft skill?” What exactly are soft skills? And how do these specific types of skills allow you to thrive in the workplace?

What Is A Soft Skill

What Is A Soft Skill?

Soft skills are the abilities that determine how you work and interact with your colleagues. Whereas hard skills are technical and job-specific, soft skills are about how your professionalism, timeliness, and other essential, intangible traits complement your practical skills that are required for the job itself, making you an attractive candidate for recruiters and prospective employers.

Here are the most common soft skills:

  • Time management – Allocate your time so that tasks are completed efficiently and productively.
  • Problem-solving – The act of identifying the problem, then prescribing and implementing a resolution.
  • Collaboration – A working practice for individuals on a team to come together through a common purpose to achieve an intended outcome.
  • Communication – The way in which we speak and share information with our colleagues about work matters and pending issues so that everyone understands and is on the same page.
  • Adaptability – The ability to change and adjust to different situations in an evolving workplace.
  • Emotional Intelligence – This includes empathy, self-regulation, motivation, social skills, and awareness of your own emotions.
  • Creativity – Using outside-the-box thinking to create innovative solutions.
  • Critical-thinking – The ability to analyze, conceptualize, infer, and problem-solve.
  • Organization – Being able to keep all work-related materials arranged in an orderly manner.
  • Team player – The way in which you work with others on your team on a variety of different tasks to ensure that processes go smoothly.
  • Leadership – Qualities that help you stand out as a leader of a group, such as emotional intelligence.

Alternatively, to give you a better idea of how soft skills are different from hard skills, let’s take a look at the list of the most common hard skills in the workplace:

  • Programming
  • Multilingual
  • Writing/Editing
  • Data Analysis
  • Computer technology
  • Web Development

Hard skills are the results of your training from a school or on-the-job education, demonstrating your understanding or expertise on a particular matter. Conversely, soft skills are the personal behaviors and traits that you exhibit that shape how you work and collaborate with others.

Why Are Soft Skills Valuable

Why Are Soft Skills Valuable?

Soft skills are valuable because they’re transferable skills you can take into any job, regardless of industry. They can also reveal your ability to grow within the company. Having good soft skills can help your application stand out in a crowded and competitive market, ace the interview, and be the reason why you succeed in your position when you land the job. According to Monster’s The Future Of Work: 2021 Global Outlook , employers named the top skills they found most valuable in prospective employees including dependability, teamwork, flexibility, and problem-solving. Another report created by LinkedIn revealed over 89% of recruiters observed that when a hire didn’t work out with a company, it was due to poor soft skills.

Soft skills can also have a profound effect on the rates of turnover. A study at the University of Michigan, Boston College, and Harvard University discovered that soft skills boost productivity and retention by 12% and produce approximately a 256% return on investment.

The truth of the matter is this: employers understand the value soft skills bring to their organization and are beginning to prioritize candidates with a variety of soft skills over those with more technical experience. In some companies, while hiring managers search for candidates who meet the minimum qualifications for the role, they also keep the dynamic of their current team in mind while sourcing through the potential new hires.

For example, a team that prioritizes a positive workplace culture will either ask their recruiter (or a designated member of their team who is conducting the interviews) to incorporate a question into the interview process that would uncover a candidate’s flexibility and how they would demonstrate collaboration and teamwork to solve a particular scenario. The hiring manager can then determine whether the candidate should move to the next step in the process based on the answer. In another scenario involving a marketing team, the hiring manager may need to identify your skills in persuasion in order to sell a great product or platform. A candidate would likely need to display, either written or verbally, how they would apply this soft skill during the interview.

While soft skills can be difficult to learn at first and can take a fair amount of practice to master, these particular skills are important in your overall productivity, your employee experience, and your relationships with your colleagues.

What Are The Most Important Soft Skills

What Are The Most Important Soft Skills?

Soft skills are an essential component in building a strong, motivated workforce. But what soft skills are considered the most important? According to LinkedIn , employers are particularly seeking out these top soft skills:

  • Adaptability
  • Collaboration
  • Emotional intelligence

Given the permanent changes to the workplace due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it makes sense that adaptability and collaboration would be at the top of the list. With more employers making the switch to either a hybrid or fully remote workforce, teams within the company have had to learn how to adapt to different time zones and new ways of working and communicating with each other. Creativity has always been a highly sought-after soft skill as this allows for more innovative decision-making and outcomes.

Interestingly, more small businesses have steadily launched in 2021, with about 4.3 million new businesses starting up across the United States according to the US Chamber . With more priority given to building a robust online presence and strategic marketing, it’s understandable why persuasion is considered one of the more valuable skills this year. Emotional intelligence is on the rise with self-awareness, conflict resolution, and empathy as essential skills in the workplace and a sign of emerging leadership qualities.

But here’s another soft skill often considered timeless as it will serve you for the rest of your career: time management.

Why is Time Management Considered A Soft Skill

Why is Time Management Considered A Soft Skill?

Time management is considered a soft skill for these three essential reasons:

  • It’s teachable – Similar to hard skills, soft skills can be taught. And it’s important for employers to recognize that these skills must be nurtured in the same way you would encourage continued growth and education with technical experience. In an in-depth SHRM article about the importance of soft skills, Liza Cannata, vice president of HR for CareerBuilder, says, “Companies have a lot to gain by treating soft skills as they would any technical skill.” This means that employers should create and foster a work environment that enables employees to gain the experience needed to enhance their soft skills. For example, employees need to be given the chance to be creative, time to problem-solve, and opportunities to step up in their leadership potential. Training, coaching, workshops, and external mentoring can be excellent advantages for employees seeking to gain the necessary experience.
  • It’s transferable. No matter what career path you follow, soft skills can follow you everywhere. They can be used for a variety of different positions and a variety of professional settings. Time management can serve you no matter what level you are in your career and is considered most of the most in-demand skills. Let’s look at an example of this in action. Say you have experience as an administrative assistant, and you find an open position for a Client Manager. The transferable skill sets you’d want to include on your resume are time management, organization, teamwork, and flexibility as these are all soft skills you’ve demonstrated as an admin.
  • It’s a life skill. Time management is not just a skill for the workplace. You can carry this into your personal life as well. It’s woven into everything that we do, from basic household chores, making time to go to the gym, or evening making space to spend more time with family and friends, time management is integral in our enjoyment of life. If you intentionally manage your time wisely, it leads to better decisions and you can have a healthy and satisfactory work-life balance for years to come.

Why is Time Management An Important Soft Skill

Why is Time Management An Important Soft Skill?

Now that we understand the basics of soft skills, let’s discuss why time management is so important in the workplace.

  • Enhances your work experience. When you’re operating at your best and managing your time effectively, you’re getting more high-quality work done by (or before) the deadline. This reflects positively on your work ethic and boosts your confidence in your abilities. Overall, you’ll feel much more accomplished at work with how much you were able to get done and the overall quality given how much extra time you gave yourself to complete the project or assigned task. You’ll remain motivated and driven to keep contributing to the company’s objectives.
  • Provides more opportunities. With the ability to get the fundamentals of your job accomplished, more opportunities in the workplace will be available to you such as training, career development, promotions, and mentoring. Learning how to manage your time in a productive way can create chances for you to increase your competitiveness as a high performer and gain additional skills that can last your entire career.
  • Make better decisions. When you plan your day strategically, giving priority to the most essential tasks needing to be completed first, you’ve taken the most important step in making good, practical decisions with time management. This eventually becomes a regular habit, which not only increases your productivity in the long run but helps you think creatively and critically about your tasks and how to come to an effective resolution.
  • Less stress. Time management is all about allocating specific time windows to be your designated opportunity to be at your most productive. When you capitalize on these time frames and get your work done efficiently, you’ll feel less stressed overall. Rather than waiting until the last minute — with the tasks always looming in the back of your mind — or allowing fear and insecurities to paralyze your progress, having methods to improve your time management, help you get started, and minimize interruptions and distractions will produce fewer moments of work-related stress.
  • More personal time. Employees crave a work-life balance that feels fulfilling. But when we have an intimidating and insurmountable to-do list, both at home and at work, it can be tough to strike that balance. Practicing good time management can help restore our freedoms and personal time when we’re off the clock. We won’t be working long or odd hours to get the projects done, nor will we be working at home just to meet the deadline. Time management gives us back the time to reset, refresh, and relax.

In Conclusion

The work landscape is changing. Soft skills are in high demand. An increasing number of employers have found that soft skills are not only beneficial to the company, but for their entire team’s morale and motivation. The good news is that soft skills can be learned in the right setting and with appropriate opportunities.

Using your time wisely has a variety of benefits that can only improve your work experience, which is why time management is considered a soft skill that enables you to have a successful and fulfilling career.

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7 Critical Time Management Skills to Boost Your Productivity

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Joe Martin is currently the VP of marketing at Scorpion, a leading provider of technology and marketing to help small businesses grow. Formerly he was…

time management

We all want to be more productive and improve our time management skills. Unfortunately, while time management is simple in theory, it’s not always an easy concept to put into practice. It takes knowledge, effort, and discipline. Here are seven critical time management skills to boost your productivity.

We can’t make you work harder or become more disciplined, but we can provide you the knowledge you need to be more productive. In this post, you’ll learn seven critical time management skills you can use to boost your productivity levels today.

The Truth About Time Management

We can’t control time, only what we do with the time we have.

‍ First, it’s important to realize that time can’t really be managed — at least not in the traditional sense. We can’t slow down or speed up it’s passing; we can only control what we do with the hours we have. This may seem obvious, but it’s worth noting.

Effective time management isn’t proper management of time, but  proper management of self . The way we spend our time will ultimately dictate how productive (or not) we are.

‍ You also need to understand that productivity isn’t achieved through one specific skill set. It takes a combination of multiple best practices to succeed. The rest of this post will explain seven essential time management skills and how you can harness them to become more productive. ‍

7 Critical Time Management Skills

‍ Use these seven critical time management skills to boost your productivity today.

‍ Even small improvements to the following time management skills will boost your productivity levels. We encourage you to study these techniques and begin applying them to your daily routine.

‍ 1. Know Your Goals

Successful time management starts with goal setting .  We can’t control how quickly time passes, but we can decide how we’ll spend the 24 hours in each day. The most productive people are simply those who know how to make every second count towards their objectives.

What are you trying to achieve? A clear understanding of your goals will greatly increase your chances of reaching them. So don’t rush this process. Really think about what you want, when you want it, and how you’ll make it happen. Then craft your goals according to the  S.M.A.R.T. framework :

‍ The core pillars of the S.M.A.R.T. time management framework

  • Specific: The more specific your goals are, the more likely it is that you’ll be able to achieve them. For example, instead of saying, “I’d like to climb the corporate ladder at my company,” say, “In five years I’d like to become the CMO of my company, have a corner office, and manage a team of 10 people.”
  • Measurable: Measurable goals allow you to gauge your progress and determine when you’ve accomplished what you set out to do. You can make your goals measurable by setting milestones at various stages in your journey.
  • Achievable: Your goals need to be achievable. Meaning they need to be both humanly possible and important enough to you to put in the work required to achieve them. To get what you want, you may need to develop new skills, or put in more hours. Are you willing to do that?
  • Relevant: Each of your goals needs to make sense in the broader context of your life and career. Becoming the CMO at your company is a great goal, unless your big life mission is to start your own business.
  • Timed: Finally, your goals need to be time-bound. Do your best to set realistic timeframes for each of the things you hope to accomplish. Do you want to run a department at your company, become employed by a global brand, start a business? Great, by when? Timeframes will help keep you on track.

2. Know Yourself

Knowing when you work best is one of the most valuable time management skills you can have. For some, it’s the first thing in the morning. Others are more productive at night. There’s nothing wrong with either approach as long as you’re able to optimize your schedule to accommodate your natural tendencies.

Your work environment should also be taken into account. Do you need complete silence and a tidy desk to perform your best? Perhaps more chaotic surroundings (like a coffee shop) are better suited to you. Again, there is no right or wrong way to work. It’s about discovering what your personal preferences are and putting yourself in the best position to succeed.

Obviously there will be limits to what you can change about your work schedule and environment. Your boss may not support you working outside the office. Your family life may keep you from working late at night. Just do your best to coordinate your personal tendencies with your work and your time management skills will flourish.

3. Prioritize Your Todo List

At this point, you know the goals you hope to accomplish and how you personally work best. Now you need to prioritize the tasks on your todo list.

Many people make the mistake of simply organizing their tasks by necessity. But an effective time manager first analyzes each job and eliminates the ones that won’t help him achieve success. Don’t waste a single second on worthless assignments.

To do this, we recommend using the  Eisenhower Box , which classifies every task into one of four categories:

Calendars for time management

‍ The Eisenhower Box: How to be More Productive ‍

– Important and Urgent

These are tasks that are both critical to achieving your goals and demand immediate attention. For example, responding to customer service emails will help grow your business, which makes the task important. If your customers don’t receive a response in a timely manner, they may become impatient and take their business to one of your competitors , making your need to respond urgently as well.

‍- Important but Not Urgent

These assignments are those that will greatly help you achieve your goals but don’t demand your immediate attention. For instance, implementing a new email marketing strategy could help you grow your business, which makes it important. But, unless your current efforts are driving away customers, this task wouldn’t be considered urgent.

‍- Urgent but Not Important

Tasks that fall into this category are often given priority. They must be done now so our natural inclination is to complete them first, no matter their level of importance. For example, answering a phone call from an unlisted number is an urgent but not important task. It’s urgent because, if you don’t pick up, you won’t be able to talk to the caller. But, in most cases, it wouldn’t be considered important.

‍- Neither Urgent or Important

Tasks that are neither urgent or important may include constantly checking email, designing a new support form, or setting up social media support. There’s nothing wrong with these activities, but they should only be completed when everything else on your todo list is already done.

This matrix from  Skills You Need illustrates the order in which you should complete these four tasks. Have a look at your todo list and separate each item into one of the four boxes below. Then accomplish assignments in the appropriate order.

Every task can be divided based on its importance and urgency.

‍ 4. Eliminate Multitasking

You’ve seen the  studies and heard the results: multitasking actually decreases productivity. The reason has to do with the human brain’s ability to concentrate. Researchers say that it takes an average of  23 minutes for our minds to refocus once they’ve been distracted.

If you’re constantly switching back and forth between tasks, you never give your brain the time it needs to concentrate on the project at hand. This can lead to subpar work, lower job satisfaction, and even  burnout .

To sharpen your time management skills, try monotasking instead. Monotasking is the act of focusing intently on just one thing at a time.

people multi tasking with devices

‍ 5. Eliminate Distractions

Taking the last tip a step further, when expending serious brainpower, eliminate distractions from your environment. Log out of your email (or pause your inbox using a tool like Boomerang ), turn off your phone, close your office door — whatever you have to do to keep your brain from losing focus.

Whether you realize it or not, constant email updates or social media notifications keep you from doing your best work. Your brain is pulled in so many directions it can’t possibly produce at peak level. So do your time management skills a favor and remove distractions while working.

One exception to this rule may be listening to music while working. According to  science , certain genres such as classical, ambient, or other wordless tunes can increase productivity. Try experimenting with different musical styles to see if one of them helps you stay in the “zone” while working.

‍ 6. Use the Resources at Your Disposal

‍ Another way to improve your time management skills is to use all of the technology software resources at your disposal. Living in the 21st century means you have access to amazing, productivity-boosting apps. Here are a few worth trying:

  • To better track and analyze your time, use  Toggl . This app makes it incredibly easy to log the hours you spend on certain tasks. You can then analyze the results and discover areas for improvement .
  • To manage projects more efficiently, use software like  Trello , an intuitive project management solution that represents todo lists in a very visual way. This approach makes the task prioritization quite simple.
  • CloudApp allows you to communicate more efficiently via HD video screen recording , personalized webcam videos , annotated screenshots , GIF creation , and screen capture . The human brain processes visual information 60,000x faster than plain text. With CloudApp you can use this to your advantage and save up to 56 hours every week !

These are just a few of the productivity-boosting apps on the market. Take some time and discover which pieces of software will best fit your workflow .

‍ 7. Optimize for Time Management

Finally, it’s important to realize that optimizing your time management skills isn’t a one-time event. You need to constantly analyze yourself and seek new ways to increase your  productivity levels. How can you get better?

Maybe you need to rearrange your work schedule to better suit your working habits. Perhaps you should invest in a specific piece of technology. Maybe you just need to sit down and determine what you’re really trying to achieve.

Do what it takes to become a better time manager. Eventually, all your hard work will pay off and you’ll become much more productive! ‍

Improve Your Time Management Skills

Your time management skills can be improved with practice and dedication. ‍

By mastering the seven techniques outlined in this blog post, you can improve your time management skills. It will take effort, but the results will be more than worth it.

  • Start by identifying your goals and understanding the way you personally operate best. These are key first steps in becoming a better time manager.
  • Then use the included matrix to properly prioritize the items on your todo list, focusing on just one of them at a time. The more distractions you can remove from your work environment, the better.
  • Next, look for technology tools to help you on your quest for greater productivity . There are plenty of them out there, but CloudApp is definitely one you should consider.
  • Finally, optimize your daily habits and routines for productivity . By analyzing yourself, you can improve your time management skills faster.

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Joe Martin VP of Marketing

Joe Martin is currently the VP of marketing at Scorpion, a leading provider of technology and marketing to help small businesses grow. Formerly he was CloudApp’s GM and CMO and a Head of Marketing at Adobe. With over 15 years of experience in the industry and tech that makes it run, he provides strategic guidance on how to build and use the right stack and marketing for businesses to grow. Joe believes marketers need smart training and leadership to scale company growth. Connect with Joe on LinkedIn and follow him on Twitter @joeDmarti.

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is time management a critical thinking skill

Learners digital: what they mean and characteristics

Learning and Development

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Learners digital are more than students using a computer to acquire knowledge. Critical thinking or time management also define them.

But these are not the only characteristics that define them, so throughout this article we will explain what digital learners are and we will also share with you a detailed list of 11 characteristics that this type of learner has. 

What is a digital learner?

A digital learner is one who bases their learning on systems that use technology to control their time management, location, process, methodology and tempo. 

It is common knowledge that learning and education have a great impact on society, hence digital learning has a spectrum of action beyond the use of a computer. 

In fact, it is a perfect combination of technology, content and teaching.

Learners digital: what they mean and characteristics

11 digital learners characteristics

In this section we want to share a list and develop more in depth, the 11 digital learners characteristics that we consider fundamental. 


Talking about the connection between collaborative profiles and digital learners does not require too much explanation because the very nature of both terms makes their association as logical as productive.

The first thing to note is that collaborative learners handle digital and face-to-face communication with equal skill and familiarity. 

In this sense, they are knowledgeable and master programs and applications in which they:

  • Share ideas in teams.
  • Assign tasks to each member of the work group.
  • Discuss progress on the tasks of each project. 
  • Exchange documents in the cloud. 
  • Communicate through video calls.
  • Handle different project management software. 

This feature makes them develop empathy, active listening, negotiation skills, joint time management or organization, among many other aspects.

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Creative and innovative

Creativity is the alma mater of many professional profiles and is a skill to be valued long before accessing the labor market. 

Thus, a creative learner is characterized by always going a step beyond traditional learning and using innovative methods in their study processes. 

Far from seeing challenges as processes that hinder or slow down their development, they interpret them as the best allies to continue learning and gaining knowledge.  

They are not afraid to launch experiments, to learn and to assume mistakes if the results are not what they expected. 

This ability helps them to develop other skills such as critical thinking, curiosity or commitment to continuous training. 

Critical thinkers

As we have just mentioned, digital learners stand out for their critical thinking, in which the reasoning of their actions is key. 

Although there are different definitions of this concept, in general it can be accepted as the learners’ ability to solve problems, make decisions, seek changes, learn by themselves and adopt critical measures as a result of active participation and reflection.  

Critical thinking is characterized by using different perspectives and assumptions, isolating possible biases and questioning each problem under different prisms that allow a global composition of all possible options.  

Global citizens

Digital transformation and ICT (Information and Communication Technology) have broken down geographical barriers and have turned us into global citizens. 

At the educational level, this characteristic corresponds to the assumption of multifaceted study approaches in which knowledge, understanding and problem solving are sought with a clear weight of collective identity and universal values such as justice, equality, dignity and respect.

As citizens of the world, digital learners seek to educate and train themselves to add their personal contribution to achieve a peaceful world, with a better distribution of resources and respect for the environment.  

A digital learner is one who bases their learning on systems that use technology

Good time managers

One of the advantages associated with digitalization is that students can organize their study time and plan those moments when they are most productive. 

In this sense, and together with being global citizens, the study time management allows digital learners to participate in training sessions outside of the restricted schedules and independent of the time zone of the country in which they reside. 


Digital education allows learners to handle their learning environments and methods and choose those that best suit their characteristics and needs as learners. 

This personalization leads to greater motivation and involvement on the part of the learners who feel much more comfortable and motivated with the learning process in which they participate. 

Adaptive learning has an infinite field of action and ranges from updates of the software used to learning new platforms through the acquisition of new knowledge on different subjects. 

Instructional models such as Universal Design for Learning or UDL are precisely focused on seeking the versatility, accessibility and adaptability of learners taking advantage of their active role in knowledge management.

AI literacy 

The latest digital changes have Artificial intelligence literacy at the forefront. 

In fact, AI literacy not only refers to the digital learner mastering to handle AI-based tools, but also, given the multiple implications of the use of this type of technology, to be able to be critical with the information provided by these systems, to understand their limitations and to use them in an innovative way but always making ethics prevail. 

Effective communicators

Given the benefits of the different technological options in terms of communication, digital learners must take advantage of them to establish effective communication channels with their peers or teachers. 

Everyday examples of these channels are email or online educational platforms from which the student can receive quick feedback or even in real time for any of their concerns. 

Another option is to use these communication channels to request technical help from their peers, even if it is unrelated to the subject being studied.    

Digital learners characteristics

Empowered learners

A common characteristic of all empowered learners is their active participation in the learning processes in which they are involved. 

This type of learners wants to take the reins of their learning and, therefore, establishes the educational objectives to be achieved, develops the skills, manages the knowledge and seeks the resources deemed necessary to achieve them. 

To do so, they are willing to take the necessary risks and face the necessary challenges because they do not see these challenges as something negative, but as the best opportunity to continue growing.  

Problem solving professionals 

Digital learners are problem-solving oriented. This fits perfectly with their other skills related to critical thinking, creativity and innovation. 

This problem solving ability from their student days will become one of the best references when they enter the job market and compete with other professionals.   

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The power of effective communication in leadership.

Forbes Business Development Council

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Chief Growth Officer of Tynker , a leading K-12 edtech platform that has helped more than 100 million kids learn to code.

Whether running a small startup or an entire nation, great leaders must leverage effective communication skills. Consider some of the leaders who reshaped history—Churchill, Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Jr. and even Napoleon. All of them were masters of relatable language.

Good communication skills are also crucial for leaders in the corporate world for inspiring both stakeholders outside the company and uniting the internal team into one cohesive group. Strong relationships can boost company resilience and success while increasing talent retention rates.

Effective Communication: Two-Way Vs. One-Way

Influential leaders practice two-way communication, motivating and building solid relationships with team members.​​

As a leader, it is crucial to understand the importance of both one-way and two-way communication. Sometimes, you will have to communicate to your team decisions that have already been made and directives that must be followed.​​ Regardless of the situation, allowing your team members to voice their disagreements about decisions is key—because understanding their concerns is important. However, framing your communication clearly and addressing any concerns before they are presented can lead to faster acceptance.

Here are six characteristics of effective communication in leadership.

Active Listening

Good leaders are active listeners. They don't just listen to the comments and feedback from their team; they process, retain, discuss and, if possible, incorporate it into the decision-making process. When team members feel like they are heard, it builds morale.

​​Leaders should also encourage and facilitate this trait within the team to build better relationships among team members. Open-door policies, communication with individual team members, positive reactions to feedback and constructive debates can help you lead by example.

Team building activities like having discussions on common issues using a chess clock (where each member gets the same time to talk) can drive home the importance of listening.

Individual Communication Styles

​​It would be best if you introduced multiple modes of communication to accommodate your team members. Some people ​​prefer face-to-face interactions, while others might find it more comfortable chatting on Slack. Not everyone will be comfortable presenting to the whole team, but they might communicate their ideas well with an infographic or a shared presentation where people can comment in real time.

​​As a leader, you ​must​​​ understand that each team member's perspective of effective communication differs and might need the right channel to express themselves adequately.

Introducing and encouraging multiple ​communication channels​​​ can inspire the team to share ideas and exchange information more frequently.

Conciseness And Clarity

​​Don't let your communication drown in a sea of words. More information can just as easily confuse the listener as ​insufficient​​​ information. This is valid for all forms of communication. That's why TEDx Talks are designed to be 18 minutes long at most —to keep the audience's attention. ​ ​​

​​Short emails, memos and concise instructions can communicate your point better than large blocks of text. Clarity and conciseness can help team members absorb the necessary information and remain on the same page. This creates cohesion and motivates the team to pursue goals together. ​​​

For example, if a CFO writes a memo to the entire team ​​with finance-specific lingo, it likely won't be as effective in conveying its point to designers, IT, or anyone else on the team not familiar with the finance language. Leadership communication should be clear to all team members. Amazon's six-page memos that serve as a replacement for traditional PowerPoint presentations were introduced to achieve more clarification in communication.


​​The key to building strong relationships and inspiring teams through communication is to humanize the information you wish to convey and make it more relatable. This is a common practice in education, where complex ideas are broken down and communicated through simple, relatable examples.

You don't have to break down everything in layperson's terms, and you can make your communication relatable by using references from your industry that all team members would understand. They will appreciate your effort and desire to help them understand what is being communicated.


​​Transparency is a crucial characteristic of leadership communication, especially if your goal is to establish trust with your team members. If your employees don't know the organization's purpose or do not understand its values, you will have a hard time inspiring them.

​​ Buffer is a good example of a company employing transparent communication; the leadership team publicly shares information like salaries, time off and specific financial metrics. ​​

An organization's leaders being transparent with its employees about their intentions, company goals, financials and other aspects can foster trust and ​​lead to better relationships and team unity.


​​Finally, leaders must be consistent in their communication. If the values, ideas and missions they communicate differ ​occasionally​​​ and among team members, it will lead to distrust against the leader. Inconsistent communication also damages team cohesion. ​ ​​

If some team members receive constant feedback from the leader and other members merely receive any communication when there is an issue, they may feel left out.

Achieving Collaboration Through Clear Communication

In the realm of leadership, effective communication is essential for building healthy relationships, both personal and professional. Leaders who communicate well can inspire team members and achieve shared goals.

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Implementation Time Consultant

  • Tempe, Arizona, United States
  • El Paso, Texas, United States

a group of ADP's implementation team posing for a photo


Unlock Your Career Potential: Implementation at ADP. Do you have a passion for out-of-the-box thinking and a commitment to making sure customers get the most for their investments? At ADP, the Implementation team is driven by our customers' success. With us, you'll combine your analytic and project management skills with your ability to simplify complex information -- helping customers develop the skills and confidence to use our products with ease. You provide the expert support that makes our integrated solutions stand out in an increasingly competitive global marketplace. ADP is hiring an Implementation Consultant II. In this position, you'll leverage our top-ranked training programs and world-class service guidelines, along with your business consulting expertise, to create exceptional onboarding experiences for each product or service implementation. We strive for every interaction to be driven by our CORE values: Insightful Expertise, Integrity is Everything, Service Excellence, Inspiring Innovation, Each Person Counts, Results-Driven, and Social Responsibility. RESPONSIBILITIES:

  • Consult with clients to deliver a comprehensive ADP solution
  • Guide and drive the client towards the best solution for their business needs
  • Analyze existing systems, interface requirements, business processes
  • Partner with clients to understand their business and related needs
  • Incorporate new processes, tools and approaches when recommending an ADP solution
  • Utilize broad knowledge to recommend solutions to the client when appropriate
  • Understand client business issues and concerns and recommend and implement appropriate solution
  • Build long term relationship and trust
  • Interact/collaborate with ADP associates in sales and customer service
  • Exchange routine information with members of client project team, including priorities, timeliness, issues as they arise


  • At least 3 years of experience working in a client service/customer service environment
  • At least 1 year of business consulting experience.

A college degree is great but not required. What's more important is having the skills to do the job. Other acceptable experiences could include:

  • Experience noted above, OR
  • Military experience. We recognize and appreciate the unique talents and experiences Veterans bring to the table. We value the discipline, commitment, and problem-solving abilities you have developed and are excited to provide an environment where you can continue to make a meaningful impact.

PREFERRED QUALIFICATIONS : Preference will be given to candidates who have the following:

  • Proven ability to maintain focus and work effectively with multiple demands
  • Ability to work both independently to provide solutions to the client and as part of a team to accomplish tasks
  • Strong client relationship skills including the ability to influence client and guide the client to best solution to help resolve their client needs
  • Must be comfortable working in a performance-based and structured environment while demonstrating high ethical standards
  • Must be able to recognize basic procedural issues as they arise, and escalate to the appropriate level
  • Ability to demonstrate learning agility and critical thinking skills and apply basic concepts in new situations
  • Proficient in the latest web technologies and working knowledge of various operating systems
  • Excellent analytical skills and time management skills
  • Excellent communication skills both verbal and written
  • Proficient using Microsoft Office

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Equal Employment Opportunity at ADP: ADP is committed to an inclusive, diverse and equitable workplace, and is further committed to providing equal employment opportunities regardless of any protected characteristic including: race, color, genetic information, creed, national origin, religion, sex, affectional or sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, lawful alien status, ancestry, age, marital status, protected veteran status or disability. Hiring decisions are based upon ADP’s operating needs, and applicant merit including, but not limited to, qualifications, experience, ability, availability, cooperation, and job performance.

Ethics at ADP: ADP has a long, proud history of conducting business with the highest ethical standards and full compliance with all applicable laws. We also expect our people to uphold our values with the highest level of integrity and behave in a manner that fosters an honest and respectful workplace. Click to learn more about ADP’s culture and our full set of values.

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Embracing Gen AI at Work

  • H. James Wilson
  • Paul R. Daugherty

is time management a critical thinking skill

The skills you need to succeed in the era of large language models

Today artificial intelligence can be harnessed by nearly anyone, using commands in everyday language instead of code. Soon it will transform more than 40% of all work activity, according to the authors’ research. In this new era of collaboration between humans and machines, the ability to leverage AI effectively will be critical to your professional success.

This article describes the three kinds of “fusion skills” you need to get the best results from gen AI. Intelligent interrogation involves instructing large language models to perform in ways that generate better outcomes—by, say, breaking processes down into steps or visualizing multiple potential paths to a solution. Judgment integration is about incorporating expert and ethical human discernment to make AI’s output more trustworthy, reliable, and accurate. It entails augmenting a model’s training sources with authoritative knowledge bases when necessary, keeping biases out of prompts, ensuring the privacy of any data used by the models, and scrutinizing suspect output. With reciprocal apprenticing, you tailor gen AI to your company’s specific business context by including rich organizational data and know-how into the commands you give it. As you become better at doing that, you yourself learn how to train the AI to tackle more-sophisticated challenges.

The AI revolution is already here. Learning these three skills will prepare you to thrive in it.

Generative artificial intelligence is expected to radically transform all kinds of jobs over the next few years. No longer the exclusive purview of technologists, AI can now be put to work by nearly anyone, using commands in everyday language instead of code. According to our research, most business functions and more than 40% of all U.S. work activity can be augmented, automated, or reinvented with gen AI. The changes are expected to have the largest impact on the legal, banking, insurance, and capital-market sectors—followed by retail, travel, health, and energy.

  • H. James Wilson is the global managing director of technology research and thought leadership at Accenture Research. He is the coauthor, with Paul R. Daugherty, of Human + Machine: Reimagining Work in the Age of AI, New and Expanded Edition (HBR Press, 2024). hjameswilson
  • Paul R. Daugherty is Accenture’s chief technology and innovation officer. He is the coauthor, with H. James Wilson, of Human + Machine: Reimagining Work in the Age of AI, New and Expanded Edition (HBR Press, 2024). pauldaugh

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