java online learning websites

10 Best Places to Learn Java Online for Free in 2024

My favorite websites to learn java online for free, suitable for beginners and people who want to learn to code in java online..



Hello guys, if you want to learn Java Programming in 2024 and looking for the best websites to learn Java coding for free then you have come to the right place. In the past, I have shared the best Java courses and Java books , and today, I am going to share free websites to learn Java Programming for free.

Being the author of a Java blog and programmer I often receive questions like how to improve my coding skills?, how do I learn to code in Java?, or I am having difficulty solving programming problems, please help, etc.

This is mostly from programmers who have just started programming or a graduate with a programming degree or even some programmers with a year or two in Job.

Like many other things in the world, to improve coding, you need to code, code, and code — and to develop programming, you need to write a program, and that’s where many of these programmers fail.

In 90% of cases, they simply don’t write enough programs to develop programming logic and code sense and, if without too much experience at data structures and algorithms, if they attempt problems given on sites like LeetCode, HackerEarth, TopCoder, or Project Euler, they fail miserably. To be frank, it’s not easy to solve problems from those sites, until you have really done programming for a year or two, or even more. An excellent way to improve coding is to solve basic data structures , algorithms , and object-oriented design problems by yourself. If you are absolutely new in the programming world, then investing some money in buying a book or joining a course on data structure and algorithms like Data Structures and Algorithms: Deep Dive Using Java on Udemy is a Good Idea. It may not teach you coding, it will give knowledge of data structure and algorithms, which is very important for any programmer.

Data Structures and Algorithms: Deep Dive Using Java

Tim's been a professional software developer for over 35 years. during his career, he has worked for major companies…, 10 best websites to learn java coding for free in 2024.

In this article, I am going to share with you the top 10 websites, which will help you to learn coding and programming, and that too for FREE. A few sites are mostly for Java programmers, but the problem set can be solved in any language, while the other site is language independent because it doesn’t ask you to code online, instead it only check your answers with random input data.

This is another popular website to learn Java and coding online. Similar to Pluralsight, it also provides both free and paid courses, but the good part is that you have a lot of choices available, and it’s relatively cheaper than Pluralsight. It also contains a lot of free courses in both Java and programming, like Java Tutorial for Complete Beginners , a whopping 767,854 students are enrolled for this course, and it’s one of the best free Java courses available online. And, if you can spend a few bucks like $10 then you can also find a lot of courses to learn Java from scratch The Complete Java Masterclass is one of the best courses for programmers getting started with Java.

2. Coursera

Coursera is another popular online learning platform where you can find a lot of free online resources to learn anything. Coursera brings the best learning material from top companies like Google and IBM as well as from the world’s top universities like Stamford University or Harvard.

When it comes to learning Java, Coursera has many free courses, here are a few of them which you can join to learn Java online.

  • Java Programming: Solving Problems with Software by Duke University
  • Object Oriented Java Programming: Data Structures and Beyond Specialization by UC SanDiago
  • Spring Framework Specialization by LearnQuest

You can join these two free Java and Spring courses on Coursera to not only learn Java but also Spring Framework, one of the most popular and in-demand Java frameworks for developing web applications.

And, if you find Coursera courses useful, which they are because they are created by reputed companies like Google, IBM, Amazon, and the best universities around the world, I suggest you join the Coursera Plus , a subscription plan from Coursera which gives you unlimited access to their most popular courses, specialization, professional certificate, and guided projects.

Coursera Plus | Unlimited Access to 7,000+ Online Courses

Invest in your professional goals with coursera plus. get unlimited access to over 90% of courses, projects….

3. Educative

This is another awesome website for beginners and people who prefer interactive learning. Educative allows you to code online on a browser, which means you don’t need to install any software or do any kind of setup.

This is really important because most of the beginners stuck during the setup process and give up. With Educative’s text-based, interactive courses, quizzes, and assessments you can master any tech skills, including Java.

The Learn Java from scratch is a free, interactive course to learn Java. You’ll start with a simple hello world program and proceed to cover common concepts such as Conditional Statements, Loop Statements, Math, and Logic in Java, before moving on to more advanced concepts like Inheritance, Generics, and ArrayList, along with much more

Here is the link to join this course — Learn Java from scratch

They have the best courses for coding interviews like Grokking the System Design interview and Grokking the Coding interview pattern which is not free but you can access them using an Educative subscription which costs around $14.9 and provide access to all of their 250+ interactive courses. they do have some free programming courses well including one to learn Java.

Educative Unlimited: Stay ahead of the curve

We've heard your feedback. you can now pay just once and get full access to every course on educative..

4. Pluralsight

There are a lot of useful courses on Pluralsight to learn Java and coding online. You can choose the classes you like to learn at your own pace. The site also provides a 10-day free trial, which is more than enough to get a start with both Java and Coding if you are totally focused. I recommend Java Fundamentals: The Java Language to start learning the basics of Java programming language. Author Jim Wilson has done a great job in explaining the syntax and features of Java in this power-packed course. Apart from that Pluralsight, also has courses to teach programming, for example, you can check out Learning To Program — Part 1: Getting Started By Scott Allen, if you absolutely don’t have any idea about programming.

This is another awesome website to learn Java programming in 2024. Run by Karthikeya T, a popular Java instructor, this course has many useful Java courses for both beginners and experienced Java developers.

One of their premium course is The Complete Java Programming Masterclass for 2024! which not only teaches you Java programming from scratch but also helps you in preparing for Oracle’s Java certification.

If you are a beginner and want to learn Java programming in 2024 then this is the only Java course you will need to start your career for Javarevisited readers, I have secured a 95% discount and you can g et this $99 course for just $3 for a limited time.

It also comes with 30-days money-back guarantee which means you have nothing to lose and this premium course is almost free.

Here is the link to join this course — The Complete Java Programming Masterclass for 2024!

6. CodeAbbey

The first coding site which I am going to share with you guys was CodeAbbey when I came across CodeAbbey, I really like their question set, because it was perfectly designed for beginners. I later found that this is one of the best website to practice coding in Java and learn programming and coding skill. It’s neither easy nor trivial and provides some decent practice to the first-timer. Here is the kind of question you can expect from this site :

  • Maximum of array
  • Vowel Count
  • The weighted sum of digits
  • Body Mass Index
  • Sum of digits
  • Median of Three
  • Neumann’s Random Generator
  • Array Checksum
  • Modulo and time difference
  • Average of an array
  • Array Counters
  • Binary Search
  • Dice Rolling

Once you start solving these Coding problems , your programming logic will improve, and you will learn how to apply the knowledge of operators, data structure, and algorithms to solve a problem.

Slowly you will learn how to approach any problem. Once you solve the beginner’s problem, you can start with intermediate and some difficult ones to test your knowledge and gain some confidence. Remember, it’s the problem-solving skill that makes you a good programmer, not just knowing all the syntax of any programming language, like C or C++ . Once you learn how to code or how to program, you can solve the same problem in any programming language. If you like books, you can also purchase a book to learn how to program, like Head First Programming , which teaches you how to code and write a program using Python language.

Head First Programming: A learner's guide to programming using the Python language

Head first programming: a learner's guide to programming using the python language [griffiths, david, barry, paul] on….

7. Java Tutorial for Beginners [YouTube]

This is a great YouTube video lesson on Java by Mose Hamdeni from CodeWithMosh . In this 2.30 hour long free course you will learn enough Java to be called a Java beginner. This is actually one of the best online platform for Java developers.

Here are things you will learn in this course:

  • How to install Java
  • Anatomy of Java Program
  • How to write your first Java program
  • Java code execution
  • data types, variables, operators
  • class, method, and object-oriented programming
  • Array, Loops, and FizzBuzz

It’s a nice intro course for anyone who is new to both programming and Java. You can watch this course and follow along to learn Java online by yourself, and if you like Most’s teaching style and want to master Java then you can further see his complete Java mastery bundle .

8. CodingBat

The other site I am going to share with you guys is CodingBat. This site is also an excellent resource to practice and learn to code for Java and Python programmers. This is actually the best website to practice Java coding and solve programs to learn coding as well. You can solve problems in either Java or Python . Just like CodeAbbey, you need to register, but that’s good because you can track your progress. It also contains beginner-level programming problems from useful topics like String , Array , Logic, and Recursion . I really like their questions from recursion, as it’s one of the confusing concepts to master. They also have problems at different difficulty levels.

Once you log in, you can select any question, and you will be asked to write code for that method in Java or python , Every program has a precise specification, often you need to implement a particular method. Once you were done, you can run your program and test with different inputs, including boundary conditions, which are designed by CodingBat itself. Their input set is perfect, and you will learn quickly by following why your program doesn’t run on a particular input. Here are some of the questions you can expect at CodingBat : monkeyTrouble You have two monkeys, a and b, and the parameters aSmile and bSmile indicate if each is smiling. We are in trouble if they are both smiling or if neither of them is smiling. Return true if we are in trouble. monkeyTrouble(true, true) ? true monkeyTrouble(false, false) ? true monkeyTrouble(true, false) ? false bunnyEars We have many bunnies, and each bunny has two big floppy ears. We want to compute the total number of ears across all the bunnies recursively (without loops or multiplication). bunnyEars(0) ? 0 bunnyEars(1) ? 2 bunnyEars(2) ? 4 CodingBat also contains help and videos on both Java and Python lessons.

I am sure once you start solving programming problems on these two websites, you will learn coding faster. If you already know how to code, then these will simply improve your thinking and programming skills. The great thing about these two websites is that their problems are not very difficult, which is one reason I am recommending these to beginners and intermediate Java programmers . Sometimes a site with difficult programming problems discourages a young programmer. Once you start solving easy questions, your confidence will grow up, and you gradually advance towards more challenging topics and questions.

9. Test Automation U

This is another great website to learn Java Coding online for FREE. As the name suggests this website is for automation testers but it also has a useful track to learn Java which is not only engaging but also rewarding. I come across this website on Twitter because I follow Angie Jones, creator of this website and the first and probably the youngest woman to become a Java champion recently. If you are learning Java for test automation or not this website will surely help you to get up to speed with Java. If you find the Java Programming track advanced then you can first start with an online course like The Complete Java Masterclass or take the learn Java track on CodeCademy to build the basic concepts.

10. JetBrains Academy

This is another great place to learn Java for FREE . I recently found this website on Facebook and fell in love with it immediately. The name of JetBrains is one of the most popular and trustworthy names in the Java world as they are the one who creates IntelliJIDEA and Android Studio . JetBrains Academy, in partnership with Hyperskill, offers interactive project-based learning combined with powerful development tools like IntelliJIDEA . This means you can execute code not just in the browser but also in your IDE, which is the tool you will use in most of your career for real-world Java development. Their Java developer track is massive and has 29 projects covering 358 topics and over 137 hours of content. You build projects like Coffee Machine, Tic-Tac-Toe, SimpleChattBot, and much more. They are not completely free but you can still learn a lot of things using their trial. Btw, JetBrains Academy also has a Python track that you can use if you want to learn Python online . It has more than 34 hours of content and a couple of projects which can you build along to learn Python better.

11. CodeCademy [Learn Java Course] [FREE]

This is another popular website to learn Java programming in 2024. I first come to know while learning JavaScript, now also has a free course on Java. It’s one of the best interactive sites to learn Java and very good for beginners who often struggled to set up their own development environment. It provides an online IDE or Java Editor where you can not only code but also check your program by running and debugging it. The course is not exhaustive as those available on Pluralsight and Udemy , but given it’s free, it a still one of the better resources to learn Java. Join 2,360,524people who have already taken this course

Here is the link to join this free Java course — Learn Java

11. CodeGym (learn Java by building Games)

This is another great place to learn for FREE particularly If you like to learn Java by building games and doing interactive programming exercises. I recently found this website when one of my reader pointed it and I was amazed with the learning material.

The best thing about learning Java at CodeGym is that they give you a lot of practice and they also follow 80/20 rule where you will be reading or learning 20% of your time and 80% of time practicing what you learned.

This method works because in real life you will be using top 20% of your skill 80% of time, this true with Java as well, while Java API is very vast with hundreds of classes and third-party libraries, you will be using only 20% of Java most of the time like core Java, Collections and Multithreading.

In other words, CodeGym is like an online course but with 1200 tasks and many games which clearly makes it as one of the best places to learn Java coding.

You can learn more about it here — CodeGym

They have both free and paid options while their free option is good enough to learn Java online, if you can afford, you should definitely try Codegym premium , their paid version, they are also offering 50% discount now.

CodeGym Sale

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They also have a free Java practice program where you can practice Java tasks for free to learn Java better and level up your Java skills. It contains curated set of tasks and articles to test and improve your Java knowledge and its absolutely free.

By the way, these sites are not for experienced programmers, as you can quickly solve all those questions, but if you like to do a quick recap and practice, then you will find them interesting as well. If you are looking to buy a book to learn to code, then I suggest you take a look at Head First Java 3rd Edition , one of the best books to learn Java which is now updated to cover recent Java changes, including lambda expression and stream.

Head First Java: A Brain-Friendly Guide

Head first java: a brain-friendly guide [sierra, kathy, bates, bert, gee, trisha] on *free* shipping on….

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Thanks for reading this article so far. If you know any excellent online resources to learn Java , especially for beginners, which you think complements these two websites, then feel free to share. Everybody loves free resources and happy learning programming. P. S. — If you don’t mind spending a few bucks for learning a valuable and in-demand skill like Java then I highly recommend you to check out The Complete Java Masterclass course by Tim Buchalaka and his team on Udemy. It’s one of the most comprehensive and up-to-date courses to learn Java online.

Complete Java Software Developer Masterclass (for Java 17)

You've just stumbled upon the most complete, in-depth java programming course online. with over 480,000 students….


Written by javinpaul

I am Java programmer, blogger, working on Java, J2EE, UNIX, FIX Protocol. I share Java tips on and

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Intro to Java

Get started with Java by learning about the basics of a Java program and variables!

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About this course

Ready to start your journey into the Java programming language? This course will walk you through understanding the program structure of a Java program, running your very first Java-based code, and storing data inside of a variable. Then you’ll start learning about object-oriented programming by exploring classes and methods.

Skills you'll gain

Write your first program

Assign variable values

Manipulate variables

Build a class from scratch

Hello World

Let’s start our journey with Java by writing and running our first program!

Learn how to create variables to allow your program to store data!

Object-Oriented Java

Learn about object-oriented programming in Java. Explore syntax for defining classes and creating instances.

Certificate of completion available with Plus or Pro

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Hands-on learning

An AI-generated hint within the instructions of a Codecademy project

Projects in this course

Planting a tree, java variables: mad libs, earn a certificate of completion.

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Board Infinity

Fundamentals of Java Programming

This course is part of Java FullStack Developer Specialization

Financial aid available

20,090 already enrolled

(235 reviews)

Recommended experience

Beginner level

No perquisites are required, while this course is designed for beginners and does not require any prior knowledge of Java or programming

What you'll learn

Master the core components of Java programming such as syntax, variables, methods, control statements, and understand JVM, JRE, and JDK.

Develop proficiency in writing Java code with an understanding of operators, loops, conditionals, & arrays, enabling creation of robust application.

Grasp advanced object-oriented programming concepts like inheritance, polymorphism, and encapsulation to develop efficient and reusable Java code.

Enhance your coding by mastering advanced exception-handling techniques, creating custom exceptions, and managing multiple exceptions in Java.

Skills you'll gain

  • Java Syntax
  • Java Programming
  • Data Structure Implementation
  • Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)

Details to know

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  • Gain a foundational understanding of a subject or tool
  • Develop job-relevant skills with hands-on projects
  • Earn a shareable career certificate


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There are 3 modules in this course

Immerse yourself in the world of Java programming with this comprehensive course, consisting of three modules, has been designed for those who are completely new to Java programming and desire to develop a strong foundation in it.

In the first module, Java Fundamentals, you'll be introduced to Java programming and its integral components such as the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), the Java Runtime Environment (JRE), and the Java class library. This module also provides an understanding of basic programming constructs and a hands-on experience with Java development tools. Progressing to the second module, Core Java, you'll delve into the fundamental elements of the language. This segment emphasizes key concepts like Java Syntax, Variables, Methods, Operators, and Control Statements, supported by numerous practical assessments to refine your problem-solving skills. Finally, in the third module, OOPS and other essential concepts, advanced aspects of Java programming are unfolded. Here, you'll learn about advanced Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) principles and critical exception handling techniques that enhance code reliability and robustness. By the end of this course, you'll have a robust understanding of Java programming, with the ability to write efficient Java code and the readiness to delve into more advanced Java topics.

Java Fundamentals

In the Java Fundamentals module, you will be introduced to the Java programming language, one of the most popular programming languages used for developing a wide range of applications. You will learn about the core components of the Java platform, including the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and the Java class library.

What's included

12 videos 4 readings 2 quizzes

12 videos • Total 40 minutes

  • Introduction to the Specialization • 1 minute • Preview module
  • Introduction to the Course • 2 minutes
  • Meet Your Instructor • 1 minute
  • What you will learn in this Lesson • 1 minute
  • What is Java? • 4 minutes
  • Features of Java • 3 minutes
  • C++ vs Java • 2 minutes
  • Setting Up the Development Environment • 5 minutes
  • What are JVM, JRE and JDK? • 4 minutes
  • Hello World Java program • 6 minutes
  • How Java Code gets Executed? • 5 minutes

4 readings • Total 85 minutes

  • Syllabus • 15 minutes
  • Read more on Java • 30 minutes
  • Learn more about Java Components • 30 minutes
  • Tell us what you think! • 10 minutes

2 quizzes • Total 90 minutes

  • Java Basics - Practice Quiz • 30 minutes
  • Java Fundamentals - Graded Quiz • 60 minutes

The Core Java module is a comprehensive training program that covers the fundamental concepts of the Java programming language. This module provides a deep understanding of Java programming and its key components. In this module, participants will learn about the essential concepts such as Java Syntax, Variables and Methods, Operators, & Control Statements. Throughout the module, participants will work on several assessments to reinforce their learning and improve their problem-solving skills. By the end of this module, participants will have a strong foundation in Core Java and be able to apply their knowledge to create robust and efficient Java applications.

29 videos 3 readings 4 quizzes

29 videos • Total 138 minutes

  • What you will learn in this Lesson • 1 minute • Preview module
  • Variables and Data Types • 7 minutes
  • Demo: Working with Data Types • 7 minutes
  • Reading Input from User • 8 minutes
  • Type Casting in Java • 8 minutes
  • Operators in Java • 1 minute
  • Arithemtic Operators • 5 minutes
  • Arithmetic Assignment Operators • 4 minutes
  • Relational Operators • 4 minutes
  • Logical Operators • 2 minutes
  • Ternary Operator • 2 minutes
  • Operator Precedence • 3 minutes
  • Working with Arrays • 3 minutes
  • Single Dimensional Arrays • 5 minutes
  • Multi Dimensional Arrays • 5 minutes
  • Working with Strings • 3 minutes
  • String Manipulations and Methods • 6 minutes
  • StringBuffer and StringBuilder in Java • 6 minutes
  • Conditional Constructors in Java • 3 minutes
  • Working with Conditional Constructs • 9 minutes
  • Working with Switch Case • 6 minutes
  • Looping Constructs in Java • 4 minutes
  • Demo: Working with Loops • 9 minutes
  • For-Each Loop with Arrays • 4 minutes
  • Non-Conditional/Jump Statements • 4 minutes
  • Exercise: FizzBuzz with Conditions and Loops • 5 minutes

3 readings • Total 90 minutes

  • Learn more about Variables and Data Types • 30 minutes
  • Read more about Operators • 30 minutes
  • Read more about Control Statements • 30 minutes

4 quizzes • Total 150 minutes

  • Variables and Data Types - Practice Quiz • 30 minutes
  • Operators - Practice Quiz • 30 minutes
  • Array & String - Practice Quiz • 30 minutes
  • Core Java - Graded Quiz • 60 minutes

OOPS and Other Essential Concepts

This module is designed to provide participants with an in-depth understanding of advanced object-oriented programming (OOP) principles and other essential concepts in Java programming. In this module, participants will learn about advanced OOP concepts such as inheritance, polymorphism, and encapsulation, and how to apply them to create efficient and reusable code. Participants will also learn about extension methods, interfaces, and abstract classes, which are advanced techniques used to manage classes and objects in Java. Furthermore, participants will gain an understanding of advanced topics in exception handling, such as creating custom exceptions and handling multiple exceptions, which are critical to improving the reliability and robustness of their code. Throughout the module, participants will work on several hands-on projects to reinforce their learning and improve their problem-solving skills. By the end of this module, participants will be able to apply their knowledge of advanced OOP concepts and essential Java programming concepts to develop efficient, scalable, and maintainable Java applications.

30 videos 6 readings 5 quizzes

30 videos • Total 136 minutes

  • Object Oriented Programming • 3 minutes
  • Classes and Objects • 3 minutes
  • Demo: Creating Classes and Objects • 6 minutes
  • Access Modifiers in Java • 2 minutes
  • Demo: Access Modifiers • 3 minutes
  • Encapsulation and Abstraction • 3 minutes
  • Getters and Setters • 7 minutes
  • Constructors in Java • 3 minutes
  • Types of Constructors • 2 minutes
  • Default and Parameterized Constructors • 8 minutes
  • Constructor Overloading in Java • 5 minutes
  • Constructor Chaining in Java • 8 minutes
  • Inheritance in Java • 5 minutes
  • Types of Inheritance • 4 minutes
  • Demo: Implementing Inheritance between Classes • 10 minutes
  • UpCasting and DownCasting in Java • 2 minutes
  • Demo: UpCasting and DownCasting in Java • 4 minutes
  • What you will learn in this Lesson • 0 minutes
  • Polymorphism in Java • 5 minutes
  • Method Overloading in Java • 8 minutes
  • Method Overriding in Java • 6 minutes
  • Abstract Classes and Abstract Methods • 3 minutes
  • Demo: Abstract Classes • 10 minutes
  • Interfaces in Java • 2 minutes
  • Demo: Interfaces • 5 minutes
  • Difference between Abstract Class and Interfaces • 2 minutes

6 readings • Total 160 minutes

  • Read more about OOPS • 30 minutes
  • Learn more about Constructors • 30 minutes
  • Read more on Inheritance • 30 minutes
  • Learn more about Overloading and Overriding • 30 minutes
  • Read more on Abstract classes and Interfaces • 30 minutes
  • Provide your feedback! • 10 minutes

5 quizzes • Total 180 minutes

  • OOPS - Practice Quiz • 30 minutes
  • Constructors - Practice Quiz • 30 minutes
  • Inheritance - Practice Quiz • 30 minutes
  • Overloading and Overriding - Practice Quiz • 30 minutes
  • OOPS and Other Essential Concepts - Graded Quiz • 60 minutes

Instructor ratings

We asked all learners to give feedback on our instructors based on the quality of their teaching style.

Board Infinity

Board Infinity is a full-stack career platform, founded in 2017 that bridges the gap between career aspirants and industry experts. Our platform fosters professional growth, delivering personalized learning experiences, expert career coaching, and diverse opportunities to help individuals fulfill their career dreams. Board Infinity has successfully facilitated over 20,000 career transitions, marking a significant impact in the career development landscape.

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Why people choose Coursera for their career

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Learner reviews

Showing 3 of 235

235 reviews

Reviewed on Aug 7, 2024

Very nice and helpful course - worked as crash course. Very nice to revise the concepts in less time.

Reviewed on Sep 20, 2023

The course is great but the quizzes should be improved grammatically.

Reviewed on Aug 16, 2024

Happy very detailed one of the best java courses I have done very pleased with the detail of learning it goes through. Thankyou :)

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Frequently asked questions

What is the fundamentals of java programming course about.

The course is designed to introduce the Java programming language to beginners. It covers the basics of Java, including syntax, data types, and operators. The course dives deeper into exception handling, file I/O, working with arrays, and object-oriented programming concepts. It also covers advanced topics like interfaces, abstract classes, encapsulation, multi-threading, concurrency, and commonly used data structures in Java.

Who should take this course?

This course is designed for those who are completely new to Java programming and want to develop a strong foundation in it. However, anyone interested in improving their Java programming skills can benefit from this course.

What will I learn in the Java Fundamentals module?

In the Java Fundamentals module, you will be introduced to the Java programming language and learn about its core components including the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and the Java class library. You will also learn about the language's syntax, data types, and operators.

What will I learn in the Core Java module?

The Core Java module covers fundamental concepts of Java programming, such as Java Syntax, Variables and Methods, Operators, and Control Statements. By the end of this module, you will have a strong foundation in Core Java and be able to create robust and efficient Java applications.

What will I learn in the Advanced Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) module?

In the Advanced OOP module, you will learn about advanced OOP concepts such as inheritance, polymorphism, and encapsulation. You'll learn to apply these concepts to create efficient and reusable code. Additionally, you'll learn about extension methods, interfaces, abstract classes, and advanced topics in exception handling.

What kind of hands-on experience will I get?

Throughout the course, you'll work on several assessments and hands-on projects to reinforce your learning and improve your problem-solving skills. You'll gain practical experience in developing Java applications.

Are there any prerequisites for this course?

This course is designed for beginners, so there are no prerequisites. All you need is a willingness to learn.

Can I take this course at my own pace?

Yes, you can. The course is designed to accommodate self-paced learning, meaning you can go through the course materials at your own speed and according to your own schedule.

Is prior coding experience required for this course?

No, the course is designed in such a way that even beginners with no prior coding experience can understand the concepts and develop a good foundation in Java programming.

When will I have access to the lectures and assignments?

Access to lectures and assignments depends on your type of enrollment. If you take a course in audit mode, you will be able to see most course materials for free. To access graded assignments and to earn a Certificate, you will need to purchase the Certificate experience, during or after your audit. If you don't see the audit option:

The course may not offer an audit option. You can try a Free Trial instead, or apply for Financial Aid.

The course may offer 'Full Course, No Certificate' instead. This option lets you see all course materials, submit required assessments, and get a final grade. This also means that you will not be able to purchase a Certificate experience.

What will I get if I subscribe to this Specialization?

When you enroll in the course, you get access to all of the courses in the Specialization, and you earn a certificate when you complete the work. Your electronic Certificate will be added to your Accomplishments page - from there, you can print your Certificate or add it to your LinkedIn profile. If you only want to read and view the course content, you can audit the course for free.

What is the refund policy?

If you subscribed, you get a 7-day free trial during which you can cancel at no penalty. After that, we don’t give refunds, but you can cancel your subscription at any time. See our full refund policy Opens in a new tab .

Is financial aid available?

Yes. In select learning programs, you can apply for financial aid or a scholarship if you can’t afford the enrollment fee. If fin aid or scholarship is available for your learning program selection, you’ll find a link to apply on the description page.

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Learn Java by Creating Applications

Build chat bots, games, algorithms, and even your own neural network from scratch.

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The right track for your learning journey

Our tracks will help you gradually expand your knowledge and improve in the areas that interest you — algorithms, web applications, backend development, and more.

If you’re just getting into programming, this track will help you start off without getting overwhelmed. It will also help you prepare for the AP Computer Science exam.

This track is a great choice for learners who want not only to have a firm grasp of Java fundamentals but also to get an introduction to algorithmic problems and math models.

This track was specifically designed to prepare you for your first Junior Developer interview. It contains tasks necessary to successfully pass your technical interview.

If you already know the basics of Java and would like to create desktop apps, this is the right track for you. You will also master the Swing framework.

Features for productive education

200+ interactive projects.

Study the necessary theory and apply it in practice by creating fully functional applications.

Personalized study plan

Gradually expand your knowledge without getting overwhelmed with a study plan tailored to your skills and needs.

Integration with JetBrains IDEs

Get experience with professional development tools while you learn to program.

Knowledge map

Gain a better understanding of what you've done and what still needs to be learned in order to round out your knowledge.

Instant feedback

Have your code tested immediately in JetBrains IDEs or via your browser, regardless of where you study.

Certificate of completion

Add a certificate of completion to your resume or LinkedIn profile to increase your chances of getting noticed by recruiters.

What our learners say

When preparing for the technical interview, I decided to focus solely on JetBrains Academy. It had everything I needed to learn programming. I leveraged this knowledge to pass the job interview for a Software Tester position at Nokia.
As someone transitioning into tech, I’ve learned more about Java and OOP concepts with JetBrains Academy and this has greatly helped me succeed in my classes! I wish I had known about it earlier – this is such a lifesaver.
Learning with JetBrains Academy brings me closer to achieving my goal – solving problems for doctors through AI. The fact that I can do this through a project-based approach makes me want to learn programming more.

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Learn Java from Scratch

This course demystifies the foundations of Java procedural programming, helping absolute beginners learn Java from scratch.

Certificate of Completion

This course includes

Course Overview

This course focuses exclusively on teaching Java to beginners and demystifies procedural programming, grounding every new concept in the hands-on project it gradually builds with the course. You will begin this course by understanding built-in input and output methods and then move on to user-defined methods. Moreover, you’ll learn about basic data types and their application. This will be followed by an introduction to the various structures of programs you can write: sequential, selective, and iterative.... Show More


Programming Language

Learn To Code

What You'll Learn

An understanding of procedural Java programming

The ability to solve computational problems with a coding mindset

The ability to debug Java code

Hands-on experience in building your first Java project

Course Content

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Introduction to Java and Programming Concepts

User-Defined Methods and Data Types

Program Structures and Calculating Game

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Running Your First Java Application

Downloading and setting up the JDK, writing your first Java class, and creating your first Java application.

Launching Single-File Source-Code Java programs with the Java launcher.

jshell interactively evaluates declarations, statements, and expressions of the Java programming language in a read-eval-print loop (REPL).

Oracle Java Platform extension enables you to develop your Maven and Gradle Java project in Visual Studio Code.

Learn how to code, run, test, debug and document a Java application in IntelliJ IDEA.

Installing and getting started with the Eclipse IDE for developing Java applications

Staying Aware of New Features

Java has come a long ways since Java 8. Let's go over some of this evolution.

How to compile and execute the preview features available in the JDK.

Getting to Know the Language

Introducing the object oriented programming.

Getting to know the basics of the Java language.

Defining your own classes, declaring member variables, methods, and constructors.

How to model your immutable data with records to make your code simpler and more readable.

Understanding numbers, characters and strings of characters.

Leveraging inheritance in Java applications.

Creating and using interfaces.

Working with parameterized types.

Using Lambda Expressions to improve the readability of your code.

Annotations is a form of metadata, provide data about a program that is not part of the program itself. Annotations have no direct effect on the operation of the code they annotate.

How to bundle classes and interfaces into packages, how to use classes that are in packages, and how to arrange your file system so that the compiler can find your source files.

Pattern matching is the next major evolution of the Java language. It brings new features, one by one, that greatly improve the way you can write your Java code.

Using exceptions to handle errors and other exceptional events.

Learning to change code from the Imperative to the Functional Style.

Mastering the API

Getting to know the Collections Framework to store and retrieve data in collections and hashmaps.

Process your in-memory data with Java streams and collectors. Process them faster with parallel streams.

Access external resources with the Java Input / Output API.

This article focuses on tasks that application programmers are likely to encounter, particularly in web applications, such as reading and writing text files, reading text, images, JSON from the web, and more.

Covers the Date Time API added to the JDK 8, including the core concepts and classes.

Provides a general overview of regular expressions. It also introduces the core classes that comprise this API.

Java reflection allows an object to look in the mirror and discover what fields, methods, and constructors it has. We can read and write fields, invoke methods, and even create new objects by calling the constructors.

Let us deep dive in to the Reflection API, and see how you can use it to examine or modify the runtime behavior of applications running in the Java Virtual Machine.

Method handles, how they are different from the Reflection API, and the tooling they provide.

Provides a general overview of security APIs. It also introduces the core components part of this API.

Virtual Threads: What, Why, and How?

Organizing your Application

Understand how the module system shapes the JDK and how you can use it to make your code base more maintainable.

Learn how to use the command line tool jlink to create custom-made runtime images or self-contained application images.

Getting to know the JVM

Learn about the tools the JDK gives you to compile, run, analyze and monitor your code.

Learn about the tools the JDK gives you to monitor your application.

Packaging your application to create a native installer.

Setting security policies with the JDK tools and commands.

Learn about the tools the JDK gives you to troubleshoot Java applications and the Java Virtual Machine (JVM).

Understanding the key aspects of how garbage collection works in Java and how to tune garbage collection.

Understanding how to use CDS in HotSpot to improve JVM startup performance.

Learn how to use JDK Flight Recorder to monitor, profile, and test your applications.

A tool that provides a minimal HTTP server, designed to be used for prototyping, testing, and debugging.

Rich Client Applications

A guide to download and setup a JavaFX runtime on your machine.

Learn to create simple JavaFX applications.

Learn to create advanced JavaFX animations

More Resources

Overview of the Java Certification and how to study

Learning how to use a debugger

Useful links and references.

References for the latest release

  • Java Documentation
  • Java API Docs
  • Java Release Notes
  • Java Language and Virtual Machine Specifications
  • Secure Coding Guidelines

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15 Best Java Courses for 2024: Write Once, Run Everywhere

A guide with the best free and paid online Java courses, a high-level object-oriented programming language that run on Android, Windows, and MacOs.

java online learning websites

Master the skills needed to get hired as a Java developer with these free and paid courses: including Swing, JUnit 5, and Spring Framework 6.0

The internet is flooded with Java courses, but let’s be real — a lot of them are 💩. Too many are copy-cats of each other, teaching only the bare basics and often riddled with outdated practices.

Fortunately for you, I’ve scoured the web to uncover the cream of the crop — up-to-date Java courses ( many use Java 11 or 17 ) that not only teach the fundamentals, but also advanced topics used in the real world: design patterns and concurrency, unit-testing with JUnit 5, GUI programming with Swing and JavaFX, and the ever-popular back-end web development with Spring 3 and Spring Boot 6.

Authored by university professors and seasoned Java professionals, most of these resources are free , with some paid gems worth every penny.

And for the other half of Java developers that prefer reading to watching , I’ve also thrown in a couple of books, some of which are considered must-read by the Java community.

I’ve categorized this Best Courses Guide (BCG) into three sections to help you navigate to what you want to learn: Beginner to Intermediate Java , Spring and Spring Boot , or Intermediate to Advanced Java .

Click on the shortcuts for more details:

What is Java?

Courses overview, why you should trust us.

  • BCG Methodology

Here are my top picks. Click on one to skip to the course details:

140–280 hours
50–200 hours per track
N/A (752 pages)
N/A (506 pages)
3–4 hours
26 hours
48 hours
3–4 hours
13–14 hours
N/A (416 pages)
N/A (432 pages)
N/A (669 pages)
14–27 hours
N/A (525 pages)
8–9 hours

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Java is a high-level object-oriented programming language with one special characteristic — it is platform independent. Meaning, it can be written once and run on any operating system, from Android to Windows and MacOS.

Instead of compiling directly to machine code, it compiles to Java Bytecode, an intermediary step between pure written Java and machine code. To run the Java Bytecode, a Java Virtual Machine (JVM) for a specific operating system needs to be installed. The JVM interprets the Java Bytecode to produce machine code to be run by the operating system.

The most common use of Java among developers is in back-end development, with 38% of Java developers . And the most popular framework for back-end development is Spring .

Why Learn Java?

Java has consistently placed the 2nd to 4th spot in every language popularity ranking (excluding Domain Specific Languages like SQL): PYPL , TIOBE , StackOverflow , JetBrain , RedMonk , GitHub , SlashData , and IEEE Spectrum . With a massive developer community of 17.5 million (3 times the size of C!), to say that it’s widespread would be an understatement.

But are Java developers in demand? The answer is yes — 60% of companies plan to add Java developers in 2024 . So if you’re looking to break into tech, you’ll find plenty of opportunities in the job market.

What about salary? According to Indeed, Glassdoor, and ZipRecruiter, Java developers in the US can expect an annual salary of $91K to $118K.

  • 9 resources are free , while 6 are paid
  • 5 of the resources are geared towards beginners to Java, 4 towards Spring and Spring Boot, while 6 are for learning intermediate to advanced Java
  • 6 of the resources are books, whereas the rest are online courses
  • About 21.2K people are following Java Courses on Class Central.

Beginner to Intermediate Java

Best free course for beginners with certification (university of helsinki).

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The best free Java course in 2024, hands-down, is the open-source Java Programming MOOC from the University of Helsinki.

Why? Because:

  • The course is split into two parts: Introductory and Intermediate. It’ll take you from knowing nothing about programming to remaking the classic Asteroids game . By the end of this course, you’ll have the same foundational knowledge of Java and programming as a first-year student at Helsinki.
  • You don’t learn to program by reading — you learn by doing. Thus, this MOOC offers a whopping 261 programming exercises to help you practice your coding skills, with code submission and automated feedback, something the majority of free courses don’t offer.
  • Need help with an exercise? Join their official Discord server , filled with fellow course-takers and mentors.
  • Once you have completed at least 80% of the exercises for one part of the course, you earn a certificate of completion. Thus if you complete both parts, you’ll earn two certificates.

If you’re wondering about what you’ll learn, here’s a brief overview:

  • Fundamentals of programming in Java, including tools, repetition, functions, data structures (lists, arrays, strings), and file I/O
  • Object-oriented programming (OOP) concepts and techniques, such as creating classes, inheritance, interfaces, and separating user interface from program logic
  • Advanced Java features like streams, lambda expressions, exceptions, packages, type parameters, generics, and multidimensional arrays
  • Creating graphical user interfaces (GUIs) with Java, handling events, and building multi-view applications
  • Data visualization with charts , image processing, audio playback, and finally, developing an Asteroids game using Maven and third-party libraries.

If you’re planning to do the exercises (which you should), here’s a heads-up:

  • My recommendation is to use VSCode. Watch this beginner guide to VSCode if you need setting up.
  • You can find student-completed solutions to the exercises on GitHub if you get stuck.
University of Helsinki
140–280 hours

Best Freemium Learning Platform (JetBrains Academy)

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Are you looking for a more interactive learning environment? Do you want to master IntelliJ IDEA, the most popular Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for Java? Then check out Hyperskill !

This freemium learning platform was created by the folks at JetBrains, the same ones that created IntelliJ IDEA , the most widely used Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for Java which itself is made in Java.

Created by the brilliant minds at JetBrains, the developers of IntelliJ IDEA itself, Hyperskill is a freemium learning platform that offers a practical and immersive learning journey. With coding exercises seamlessly integrated into IntelliJ , you’ll receive automated feedback, making your learning experience both efficient and enjoyable.

Hyperskill offers multiple learning tracks tailored to your interests and goals. Here are a few noteworthy tracks:

  • New to programming and don’t know where to start? Start here!
  • You’ll master the basics of Java programming, including Object-Oriented Programming, error handling, and I/O. By the end, you’ll be ready to tackle more advanced courses
  • Want to make GUI desktop applications with Swing? In addition to GUI programming, you’ll also explore multithreading, use regular expressions to parse strings, and also understand how randomness works in Java
  • Become a back-end developer with Spring! You’ll learn how to design and construct web applications with Spring Boot, deal with databases, create RESTful APIs, and much more.

By the way, lessons are shared between paths, so you won’t have to repeat course material if you decide to switch paths or have already completed some of the content. Plus, if you’re already familiar with certain topics, you can take a skill placement assessment to skip ahead and focus on new concepts.

All of these features are available in the free plan . However, if you opt for a paid subscription, you’ll gain access to unlimited retries, real-world portfolio projects, and best of all, verified certificates of completion, to give you a competitive edge when applying for jobs.

JetBrains Academy
50–200 hours per track

Best Paid Book for Beginners (Kathy Sierra)

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Do you love reading? I love reading. But even if you don’t, you’ll still love reading Head First Java .

Why? Mainly because:

  • It assumes very basic knowledge of programming (limited to looping and if/else logic)
  • You’ll have a working understanding of programming and Java development by the end
  • The book uses a friendly conversational tone, unafraid of coming off as silly and playful, to keep things engaging
  • Lots of visual gags that help make abstract, boring concepts memorable. For example, imagine an abstract method as a head without a body
  • Many renowned Java experts have praised the book, from university PhDs, to Java champions at Silicon Valley, and even the former CEO of Sun Microsystems.

Some of the topics you’ll cover in the book include:

  • Core Java concepts and object-oriented programming principles, including inheritance, polymorphism, interfaces, and abstract classes
  • Designing, writing, exception-handling, and testing Java applications using the Java API and libraries
  • Static methods and variables, the object lifecycle, generics, collections, lambdas, streams, and functional programming techniques
  • How to build graphical user interfaces using the Swing toolkit, creating interactive applications with buttons, graphics, animations, and event handling
  • Creating client-server applications that communicate over a network. Additionally, multithreading and handling common concurrency issues
  • Other essential topics, including exception handling, file I/O, object serialization, and best practices for writing clean, efficient, and maintainable Java code.

So, if you find the previous courses to be a chore, try giving this book a read — I’m sure it’ll crack you a few laughs by the time you’ve finished!

Kathy Sierra, Bert Bates, Trisha Gee
Basic programming experience
N/A (752 pages)
4.7/5.0 (237) & 4.7/5.0 (8)

Best Paid Book for Programmers (Cay Horstmann)

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If you already know how to program and want to cut to the chase, then you’re the prime audience for Core Java for the Impatient, 3rd edition .

Written by Cay S. Horstmann (famous for his classic two-volume Core Java ), this paid book is a complete yet concise introduction to the Java programming language and key APIs. It introduces all the key features of Java quickly and efficiently without getting bogged down in overly detailed explanations — no writing linked lists or web server by hand!

Consisting of 15 chapters of content, you’ll cover:

  • Core Java : Fundamental Programming Structures, Object-Oriented Programming, Interfaces, Lambda Expressions, Inheritance, Reflection
  • Error Handling & Logging : Exceptions, Assertions, Logging
  • Advanced Programming Concepts : Generic Programming, Collections, Streams, Concurrent Programming
  • Java APIs : Processing Input/Output, Annotations, Date and Time API, Internationalization
  • Java Development : Compiling, Scripting, Java Platform Module System.

At the end of each chapter, you’ll find coding exercises for you to engrave what you’ve just learned into memory. No coding solutions are provided, but you can find student-completed solutions on GitHub.

Addison-Wesley Professional
Cay S. Horstmann
Familiarity with programming
N/A (506 pages)
5.0/5.0 (56) & 4.2/5.0 (62)

Best Free Hands-On Java Project Tutorial (Marco Behler)

java online learning websites

So, you’ve dabbled in Java and feel like you’re ready for a new challenge.

Here’s a suggestion: why do a fun project? And not just any run-of-the-mill to-do list project either. How about making a clone of Google Photos in Java ?

Lucky for you, Marco Behler , a Developer Advocate at JetBrains, has put together a free YouTube series. You’ll build a photo management service from code to native executable, following real-world best practices like unit testing and logging. He’ll lead you through the development process with a flair of humor and energy.

But you won’t only learn the development tools. He’s going to help you develop the mindset of a true developer. You’ll learn how to tackle problems head-on and think about the consequences of your code and design decisions.

You’ll cover:

  • How to properly do code reviews: ensuring the code meets requirements while maintaining positive human relationships
  • Implementing parallelization with ExecutorService
  • Pragmatic unit testing with JUnit 5
  • Utilizing an embedded H2 database
  • Implementing infinite scrolling and asynchronous file downloads without writing any JavaScript by using HTMX
  • Building a native executable with GraalVM & Spring Boot.

You can find the source code for the project on GitHub here .

Marco Codes
Marco Behler
Basic experience with Java
3–4 hours

Spring and Spring Boot

Best free spring 6 learning platform (spring academy).

java online learning websites

The most popular use of Java is in back-end development, and the most popular framework for that is Spring. And what better way to learn Spring than from the creators of Spring themselves?

And lucky for us, Spring Academy recently made their pro courses completely free to anyone who signed up with their work email. Awesome!

Currently, they offer 9 courses, but what I want to highlight is their Spring Certified Professional learning path , updated for Spring 6 and Spring Boot 3. After watching their videos led by various Spring experts, you’ll gain hands-on experience through interactive in-browser coding labs equipped with a terminal and code editor. By the end of the course, you’ll have a working understanding of cloud-ready microservices applications.

Once you’re done with the course, you’ll be ready for the Spring Certified Professional exam to prove to employers that you’ll be able to spring into action with enterprise applications.

Spring Academy
Familiarity with Java, Maven/Gradle, and web application development with a Servlet engine
26 hours
Free (with work email)

Best Free Spring 5+ Course for Complete Beginners (Telusko)

java online learning websites

If you already have your sights set on learning Spring, but don’t have any Java or programming experience, then this course is for you.

This huge 48-hour course will teach you core Java from the ground up, and then help you spread your wings by instructing you on essential tools and frameworks a modern Java developer needs: unit testing, version control, data structures and algorithms, and finally, Spring.

I’ve roughly estimated the time period for each topics for the course below:

  • Core Java: 13 hours
  • JUnit: 3 hours
  • DSA: 5 hours
  • Git: 2 hours
  • JDBC, Servlet and JSP, and Hibernate: 9 hours
  • Rest API Web Service: 3 hours
  • Spring Framework (including JDBC, MVC, Data JPA, AOP, Security): 5 hours
  • Projects with Rest API & Spring Boot MVC: 1 hour
  • Java Spring Boot MongoDB Full Project: 6 hours
  • Microservice: 1 hour.

Do note that the course is using Spring 5, but nevertheless the changes are minimal except for Spring Security. But if you do want to learn the latest version of Spring, Navin has an updated Udemy course .

Navin Reddy
48 hours

Best Free Hands-On Spring Boot 3 Tutorial (Dan Vega)

Would you rather a shorter, more focused course where you learn by building? Then this free YouTube course Building web applications in Java with Spring Boot 3 is for you.

It’s led by Dan Vega, a renowned Spring Developer Advocate at Broadcom and a Java Champion. You’ll build a fitness application where users can track different runs, including recording the title, start time, end time, distance, and location of each run.

Here’s what you’ll cover:

  • Getting Started : Create a new Spring Boot project, setting up the development environment in IntelliJ, and writing the first piece of code
  • Building a REST API : Developing REST API using Spring MVC, including handling HTTP requests, implementing CRUD operations, and working with validation
  • Connecting to a Database : How to connect the application to a database, including using an in-memory database and a Postgres database with Docker. It also covers Spring Data JPA
  • Using a REST Client : Explore different options for making client calls to other REST services, including the REST Client and HTTP Interfaces
  • Testing : Testing the application with JUnit 5 and the testing tools provided by Spring, including unit tests, integration tests, and end-to-end tests.

Want more of where that came from? Check out Dan’s YouTube channel, he has tons of free videos and lessons on the Spring ecosystem. And if you have any Spring questions, Dan and his friend DaShaun host an Office Hour livestream every Monday , where they cover what’s new in Spring and answer Spring-related questions from viewers.

P.S: Looking for more specialized Spring courses, from Full-Stack Web Development with Spring, to Spring Security or Spring MVC? Check out my BCG Spring Boot for more offerings!

Dan Vega ( )
Basic to intermediate experience with Java
3–4 hours

Best Free Course for JPA/Hibernate (Laur Spilca)

java online learning websites

Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) allows Java developers to map Java objects (entities) to database tables, without the need of writing complex SQL queries. The Java Persistence API (JPA) provides the specification, and the most popular implementation of the JPA is the open-source Hibernate framework.

Laur Spilca is one of the foremost experts on Spring. He’s authored multiple best-seller books with over a decade of experience teaching. And you’ll learn everything you need to know to get started with Hibernate from him for free in this YouTube playlist!

In this comprehensive 13–14 hours long course, Laur covers:

  • How to define and work with entities, which are Java classes that represent database tables
  • Different types of relationships between entities, including one-to-one, one-to-many, and many-to-many relationships
  • Various ways of querying using JPA/Hibernate, such as JPQL (Java Persistence Query Language), native queries, and criteria queries
  • How to use joins, subqueries, grouping, ordering, and having clauses in your queries to retrieve complex data sets
  • Spring Data, its relation to JDBC and JPA/Hibernate, and how it simplifies common database operations by providing an abstraction over the JPA/Hibernate implementation.

Laur has also uploaded Java and Spring related playlists on his channel, such as Spring Security Fundamentals , Reactive Spring , and Java Design Patterns . Check him out if you love his teaching style.

Laur Spilca
Laurentiu Spilca
Familiarity with Java, JDBC, and SQL
13–14 hours

Intermediate to Advanced Java

Best paid book for java best practices (joshua bloch).

java online learning websites

There are two books highly regarded by the Java community as must-reads for Java developers. The first is Effective Java, 3rd edition by Joshua Bloch.

This is a paid book targeting intermediate to advanced Java developers who aim to write efficient, clear, and maintainable code. Bloch, a prominent figure in the Java world ( he’s in Wikipedia ), draws upon his extensive experience as the former chief Java architect at Google, a distinguished engineer at Sun Microsystems, and a senior systems designer at Transarc to provide 90 best practices and guidelines to follow.

Few of key principles emphasized are:

  • Favoring composition over inheritance
  • Favoring interfaces over abstract classes
  • Minimizing mutability
  • Carefully designing method signatures
  • Using overloading judiciously
  • Using checked exceptions for recoverable conditions, runtime exceptions for programming errors
  • Synchronizing access to shared mutable data
  • Preferring executors and tasks to threads.
Addison-Wesley Professional
Joshua Bloch
Intermediate to advanced Java experience
N/A (416 pages)
4.7/5.0 (1.5K) & 4.5/5.0 (7.8K)

Best Paid Book for Java Concurrency (Brian Goetz)

java online learning websites

The second book is Java Concurrency in Practice (or JCIP), a written collaboration between multiple renowned Java engineers, architects, and developers. It’s so chock-full of valuable insights that, even after two decades, remains the go-to resource for grasping concurrency.

And while you may not be directly implementing low-level concurrency, all modern concurrency frameworks you’ll encounter (like virtual threads ) have these principles baked in, so getting a solid grasp of the underlying basics will save you a ton of headaches down the road.

Some of the insights you’ll uncover from the JCIP include:

  • Fundamentals of concurrency and thread safety
  • Structuring concurrent applications
  • Composing objects for concurrency
  • Building blocks for concurrency, such as synchronizers, thread pools, and concurrent collections
  • Designing concurrent libraries and measuring performance
  • Advanced topics like explicit locks, atomic variables, and nonblocking algorithms
  • Understanding the nitty-gritty of the Java Memory Model.

By the time you’ve finished this book, you’ll have a toolbox full of design patterns and best practices for crafting efficient, correct, and maintainable concurrent code in Java.

You can find code examples and testimonials on their companion website .

Addison-Wesley Professional
Brian Goetz, Tim Peierls, Joshua Bloch, Joseph Bowbeer, David Holmes, and Doug Lea
Intermediate to advanced Java experience
N/A (432 pages)
4.7/5.0 (791) & 4.47 (2.8K)

Best Paid Book for Java Design Patterns (Eric Freeman)

java online learning websites

Design patterns are proven, reusable solutions to common software design problems. For example, how do you create objects while hiding the creation logic, or ensure only one instance of a class is created? Design patterns provide proven solutions to these common problems.

Most companies assume that you know your design patterns, and often test you on them. Thus, having firm knowledge of the most common design patterns and how to implement them is crucial for success.

But how do you learn them? My recommendation: Head First Design Patterns, 2nd Edition . In this paid book, you’ll master object-oriented design principles and 16+ design patterns, from the ubiquitous Factory pattern to the renowned Model-View-Controller pattern. And with lots of casual, quirky humor and fun images and diagrams to boot!

The book uses Java when implementing these design patterns, so you’ll be able to follow along on your local machine.

PS: If you want a free alternative, there’s Java Design Patterns . It’s more of a reference than a guide, though.

Eric Freeman and Elisabeth Robson
Intermediate to advanced Java experience
N/A (669 pages)
4.7/5.0 (1.1K) & 4.3/5.0 (8.7K)

Best Free Course for Quality Assurance with Certification (Test Automation University)

java online learning websites

Quality assurance (QA) is essential for companies to ensure their code is reliable and performs well. If you’re interested in becoming a QA tester or you’re a developer looking to improve your product’s quality for users, Test Automation University is the best free learning platform to start learning QA.

There are three comprehensive Java learning paths, each designed to teach you the language from scratch, along with the fundamentals of test automation, IntelliJ, and JUnit 5/TestNG. These paths include:

  • In this path, you’ll gain expertise in testing websites using powerful automated tools such as Selenium, Cucumber, and Docker. By the end of the course, you’ll be proficient in measuring the performance and load of websites, ensuring optimal user experience
  • This path focuses on equipping you with the skills necessary to perform automated testing of Service and RESTful APIs. You’ll become well-versed in using popular Java libraries like REST Assured to help you efficiently test and validate API functionality
  • Dive into the world of mobile application testing with this path. You’ll master the use of Espresso and Appium, two industry-standard open-source test automation frameworks, to thoroughly test Android applications. Additionally, you’ll explore visual testing techniques, allowing you to capture screenshots during testing and compare them against baseline images to ensure visual consistency.

They even have a Slack channel where you can connect with fellow QA testers.

Test Automation University
14–27 hours

Best Paid JUnit 5 Book (Cătălin Tudose)

java online learning websites

Though developers may grumble, unit testing is a requirement if you value your time. JUnit 5 is the industry-standard unit testing framework among Java developers. And to learn it best, learn from Cătălin Tudose’s JUnit in Action, Third Edition .

In this paid book, you’ll learn how to effectively use JUnit to write and run repeatable tests for Java applications. It’s suitable for both beginners to unit testing and anyone who wants to keep up to the latest version of JUnit.

You’ll learn:

  • You’ll cover basic testing concepts, JUnit 5 capabilities and architecture, migration from JUnit 4 to JUnit 5, and different types and levels of testing
  • Explore various testing strategies, including assessing test quality, using stubs for isolation, implementing mock objects, and running tests in containers with Docker
  • You’ll discover how JUnit 5 integrates with build tools like Maven and Gradle, popular IDEs such as IntelliJ IDEA and NetBeans, as well as CI tools like Jenkins for automating builds and maintaining code repositories
  • JUnit 5 can also be used with modern frameworks. You’ll learn how to test the presentation layer with HtmlUnit and Selenium, test Spring and Spring Boot applications, test REST APIs, and finally test databases with JDBC, Spring, and Hibernate
  • Test-Driven Development is a recent wave, but there are other modern software development methodologies too. You’ll discover behavior-driven development and build a comprehensive test pyramid strategy encompassing unit, integration, system, and acceptance testing.

For a free alternative to the book, check out JavaBrain’s JUnit 5 Basics YouTube playlist. It should be more than enough to get you up and running.

Cătălin Tudose
Familiarity with Java, Maven, and IntelliJ
N/A (525 pages)
4.5/5.0 (16) & 3.6/5.0 (23)

Best Paid Course for Apache Kafka (Stephane Maarek) 

java online learning websites

One essential tool you might be expected to know is Apache Kafka, a distributed streaming platform that is used for real-time data streaming applications. Thousands of companies, including over 80% of the Fortune 100, use Apache Kafka to collect, process, store, and analyze data at scale.

Thus, Kafka is a valuable skill to have, and the best paid course to learn Kafka as a Java developer is Stephane Maarek’s Apache Kafka Series – Kafka for Beginners on Udemy, with an excellent rating of 4.7/5.0 stars and over 225K students.

  • Apache Kafka ecosystem architecture and core concepts
  • Setting up and using Kafka clusters with native binaries and CLI
  • Coding producers and consumers using the Java API
  • Real-world project and case studies showcasing Kafka’s applications, from movies to taxis to social media
  • Overview of advanced APIs, administrative topics, and configurations.

You’ll put theory to practice on the online learning platform Stephane Maarek co-founded, Conduktor Kafkademy , through hands-on labs and exercises. It also offers free lessons, though limited in scope.

Conduktor Kafkademy
Stephane Maarek
Basic Java programming experience
8–9 hours
4.7/5.0 (44K)

Phew, so you’ve finally gotten a foothold in the world of Java programming, and perhaps some Spring under your belt. But that’s only the beginning of your journey. Here are some skills (with accompanying BCGs) that recruiters might expect you to know as a Java developer.

  • Containers ( Docker & Kubernetes )
  • Databases ( SQL or noSQL)
  • Git & GitHub
  • Build Manager (Maven/Gradle)
  • Cloud (Azure, GCP, AWS, etc)

Class Central , a Tripadvisor for online education, has helped 60 million learners find their next course. We’ve been combing through online education for more than a decade to aggregate a catalog of 200,000 online courses and 200,000+ reviews written by our users. And we’re online learners ourselves: combined, the Class Central team has completed over 400 online courses, including online degrees.

Best Courses Guide (BCG) Methodology

I built this guide following the now tried-and-tested methodology used in previous BCGs ( you can find them all here ). It involves a three-step process:

  • Research: I started by leveraging Class Central’s database and the internet. Then, I made a preliminary selection of 2800+ Java courses by rating, reviews, and bookmarks.
  • Evaluate: I read through reviews on Class Central, Reddit, and course providers to understand what other learners thought about each course and combined it with my own experience as a learner .
  • Select: Well-made courses were picked if they presented valuable and engaging content. Selection criteria includes comprehensive curriculum, affordability, release date, ratings and enrollments.

Best Courses Guides. Start Learning, Stop Procrastinating.

Elham Nazif

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Learn Java – Free Java Courses for Beginners

Jessica Wilkins

Java is a really popular programming language that has been around for over 25+ years. If you are interested in learning Java, then there are plenty of free online courses to choose from.

  • Java Tutorial for Beginners - Programming with Mosh
  • Java Course - SoloLearn
  • Java Programming: Solving Problems with Software - Coursera
  • Java Programming: Arrays, Lists, and Structured Data - Coursera
  • Java Programming: Principles of Software Design - Coursera
  • Java Programming Basics - Udacity
  • Java Programming - Test Automation University
  • Intro to Java Programming Course for Absolute Beginners - freeCodeCamp
  • Learn Functional Programming in Java - freeCodeCamp
  • Java Virtual Machine Architecture Explained for Beginners - freeCodeCamp

Java Tutorial for Beginners

In this Programming with Mosh YouTube course , you will learn about strings, arrays, conditionals, loops and more. You will also build a mortgage calculator.

Java Course

In this SoloLearn course , you will learn about arrays, objects, classes, loops, and more.

Java Programming: Solving Problems with Software

In this Coursera course , you will learn about the classes, conditionals, loops, functions and more. You will also learn how to work with CSV files in Java and build a mini project.

Java Programming: Arrays, Lists, and Structured Data

In this Coursera course , you will learn about arrays, cryptography, HashMaps, and more. You will also build a mini project about the Vigenère cipher.

Java Programming: Principles of Software Design

In this Coursera course , you will learn about different sorting algorithms, and the basics of predictive text.

Java Programming Basics

In this Udacity course , you will learn about arrays, objects, classes, loops, debugging, and more.

Once you finish the beginner course, then you can take this intermediate Object Oriented Programming course .

Java Programming

In this Test Automation University course , you will learn about classes, loops, switch statements, conditionals, arrays, strings, abstraction and more.

Intro to Java Programming Course for Absolute Beginners

In this freeCodeCamp YouTube course , you will learn about arrays, objects, classes, loops, debugging, and more.

Learn Functional Programming in Java

In this freeCodeCamp YouTube course , you will learn about the properties of functional programming, callbacks, functional interfaces, combinator pattern, lambdas, and more.

Java Virtual Machine Architecture Explained for Beginners

In this freeCodeCamp article , you will learn about the Java Virtual Machine as well as the architecture behind it.

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Learn to code for free. freeCodeCamp's open source curriculum has helped more than 40,000 people get jobs as developers. Get started

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FREE Java Course | Java Online Course [Updated 2024]


Course Description

Discover our self-paced free Java programming course designed to help you master Java programming at your own pace. This free Java course offers a thorough understanding of Java, from basic to advanced concepts. Learn all important Java topics like control structure, classes, objects, & more easily with the help of this online Java course .

Course Overview

Free java course overview.

This self-paced free Java course is designed to encourage the Java programmer in you. Strengthen your foundations for free and grab the fundamental knowledge of Java with the right tips, tricks, & techniques. Free Java course is recommended for beginners new to the programming world.

Get an in-depth understanding of the basics of Java - learn about control structure, arrays, bitwise & logical operators, strings, and more. A beginner-level course designed to help you start learning JAVA programming from scratch. Assessment tests are also included to help assess your growth.

Take your preparation one step ahead with the Fork JAVA self-paced course and enter the world of programming with us. And once you are done with the free course, it is recommended that you enroll in the  JAVA Beginner To Advanced Course

What you will learn

What you'll learn in free java programming course.

  • Basics of Java
  • Variables and Data Types
  • Array in Java
  • Programming Exercises and more!

Why Choose This Free Java Course by GeeksforGeeks?

  • Free of Cost: Learn Java fundamentals at zero cost.
  • Comprehensive Coverage: Get through the whole Java fundamentals.
  • Hands-on Practice: Upscale your Java knowledge through practical exercises and projects.

Why Learn Java Programming?

  • High Demand: Java is one of the most in-demand programming languages in the industry.
  • Platform Independent: Java code can run on any platform that has a Java Virtual Machine (JVM) installed.
  • Easy to Learn: Java has a relatively simple syntax and is easy to learn for beginners.
  • High Pay: Java developers are in high demand and are often well-compensated

Course Content

Java introduction and control structure.

Basics of Java, Installing Java, Java IDE, First Java Program, and  Control Structure

Array and String in Java

Arrays, Bitwise and logical operators, and Strings

Classes and BigIntegers in Java

Classes and Objects, Useful Keywords: static, final, this and more

Stack, Queue, and List in Java 

List Interface, Stack Class, and Queue and Deque Interface

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Learn Java: Tutorials for Beginners, Intermediate, and Advanced Programmers

Learn Java: Tutorials for Beginners, Intermediate, and Advanced Programmers

 If you want to be a developer, create applications, or learn how to code, then Java is the best programming language to work with.

In this article, we will introduce some of the best Java tutorials for beginners as well as advanced programmers. These tutorials will help you to learn and nourish your programming skills in Java. But first, we’ll provide some background on Java.

History of Java

Sun Microsystems developed the Java programming language in May 1995. It was introduced with the help of Java Development Kit (JDK), which contains a Java Runtime Environment (JRE). The JRE contains a Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and software tools such as Java application program interfaces (APIs) that help the development of Java applications. The first version of JDK was 1.0 and the latest release of Java Standard Edition is Java SE 10. Developers have defined various configurations of Java in order to fulfill the requirements of multiple platforms such as Java EE for Enterprise Applications and Java ME for Mobile Applications.

Java is an object-oriented, cross-platform, powerful and robust programming language with support for security and strong memory management. It also provides support for a multithreading feature with which you can write code that can perform several functions simultaneously. Most developers choose Java as a programming language while creating an application or working on any project because of its amazing features. Java is widely used for developing web applications, software, and web portals as well.

The Java source code is saved with .java extension. It is necessary to compile a Java program before its execution. Like other programming languages such as C++ and C, Java also allows you to store data in variables.

Can I Teach Myself Java?

Is it possible to learn Java as a self-taught developer? Well, we certainly believe so; otherwise, we wouldn’t have compiled this awesome list of tutorials for you. So, yes: it’s possible to teach yourself Java. In fact, many people have done that, and many more are doing it right now as you read this post.

However, it’s crucial to keep your expectations realistic. Learning how to program—in Java or any other language—can be a wonderful journey, but it’s also full of challenges. This brings us to the next question.

Can I Learn Java In 30 Days?

Can you learn Java in 30 days? Well, it depends. Primarily on who you are. But also on your definition of learning a language. To understand what I mean, let’s explain what’s involved in learning a language.

First and most importantly, someone who wishes to be a programmer needs to learn programming logic. If you have to be able to think in algorithmic terms, to break down a problem in a series of ordered, unambiguous instructions that even something as dumb as a computer can carry out. The great news is that programming logic is a 100% transferable piece of knowledge. You learn it once, and then you have it for life. Logic is always the same for all programming languages.

On top of logic, you have to learn the language itself. For instance: its syntax, its reserved words, and how to perform common tasks such as text manipulation, basic arithmetic operations, and calculations with date and time.

There’s a third, often overlooked, component of what it means to learn a language. And that is getting comfortable with the language’s ecosystem. Languages don’t exist in a vacuum. Instead, they interact with—and rely on—many different tools, libraries, frameworks, and more.

For instance, Java developers use a build tool like Maven or Gradle. As a quality-minded programmer, you should leverage a unit testing framework like JUnit, logging frameworks, and more.

So, how hard it is to learn Java depends on who you are on your journey and your experience level.

If you’re already an experienced developer, learning Java—the language itself—shouldn’t pose much of a challenge, especially if you have already mastered another language that uses a C-inspired syntax. You don’t need to relearn logic since you already know it. Getting comfortable with a new ecosystem can take a while, but an experienced programmer can reach a level of fluency quite rapidly.

If, on the other hand, you plan for Java to be your first programming language, then buckle-up for quite a journey.

Answering the question:

  • as an experienced developer: you should be able to pick up Java and reach a level of competency somewhat quickly.
  • as someone new to programming: no way 30 days are enough for that.

Top 28 Java Tutorials, Resources, and Courses

These resources on Java tutorials are described in this article.

  • Java Code Geeks
  • Oracle Java Tutorials
  • Program Creek
  • Java Beginners Tutorial
  • Tutorials Point
  • Studytonight
  • Cave of Programming
  • Programming by Doing
  • Java Tutorial

1. Codecademy

Codecademy is probably one of the best places to learn Java online. It is an education company, which focuses on enhancing the online learning experience of students. It provides free courses of Java programming language for both beginners and experienced programmers. Codecademy provides opportunities to work and implement the knowledge by offering different projects such as creating calculator and other applications.

You need to create an account on in order to learn Java or any other concept. Apart from Java, you can also learn other programming languages also such as Android and Python.

Some key topics included in this tutorial are as follows

  • Introduction to Java
  • Data structure
  • Object-oriented concepts in Java

Udemy offers Java tutorials from complete beginner to expert level. It has now become one of the biggest platforms, which offers multiple online courses. You can learn several programming languages such as Java, C++, and C.

Hence, Udemy is considered as best among other platforms to learn the Java programming language. It also teaches you how to set up an environment for Java programming. It provides free video lectures about how to start programming with Java. These lectures help students to learn about the concepts of Java in a much simpler and easier way as compared to the other tutorials.

You are required to sign up on in order to get access to all the free video lectures. There are around 58 free Java tutorials and programming lectures available over Udemy. You can choose any or all of them to study. In case, you want to study more in-depth about Java, pay a low monthly fee to become a premium member of Udemy. The premium members have access to hundreds of classes. These classes will surely help you with all your queries and questions related to Java.

Some key topics included in this tutorial are as follows:

  • Programming with Java
  • Implementation of OOP concepts in Java

3. Coursera

If you are looking for some well-known tutorials to start coding in Java programming language, then Coursera is the perfect place to learn. You can learn about so many different topics such as data science, programming languages, and many others. It provides video classes for Java programming in multiple languages. The videos are available in languages such as English, Spanish, Russian, Chinese, and French.

In addition to this, it also provides support for subtitles of videos. You can play subtitles in multiple languages such as Korean, Chinese, Spanish, German, Turkish, Vietnamese, and many others.

  • Java Fundamentals
  • Java for Android
  • Advanced Java

4. Java Code Geeks

Apart from providing a tutorial about the Java programming language, Java Code Geeks also provide free and downloadable examples of code. This feature of Java Code Geeks makes it different from other online Java tutorials. You can learn about different variants of Java under this platform such as core Java, desktop Java, and enterprise Java.

You can find some downloadable documents or ebooks such as Java Rockstar, JPA Mini Book, JVM Troubleshooting Guide, JUnit Tutorial for Unit Testing and many others, in order to learn the Java programming language. You can also download entire Java projects from this tutorial.

Apart from Java, it also provides quality information about other languages as well, including Android, Scala, Kotlin, JRuby etc.

  • Java classes
  • Java functions
  • Loops in Java

5. Learn Java

It is an interactive Java tutorial, which offers free online Java course. It gives you access to the world of Java. It provides all the support required to learn Java programming language for the beginner as well as an advanced programmer.

It has a built in tool to run and execute Java code, which helps you to learn about the errors that generally appears while programming. Apart from Java, you can also learn about C++, C, Python, HTML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript and many other languages.

  • Try and Catch
  • Abstract classes

6. Oracle Java Tutorials

As you know, Oracle is one of the leading IT and software development organizations. It has developed a free online Java course platform. It guides you to create an application in a simple and easy manner. It has a great collection of working examples and several chapters.

Some of the basic elements and topics included in this tutorial are as follows:

  • Classes in Java
  • Deploying applications

edX is one of the emerging online learning platforms that offers high-quality courses from the best institutions across the world. In 2012, Harvard University and MIT both laid down the foundation of edX. Here, you can learn to program with Java programming language. Most of the courses are free, and there is no need to enroll for them. However, you can choose the premium courses in order to get a certificate after the completion of the tutorial.

  • Java inheritance
  • Aggregation in Java
  • Regular expressions in Java

8. SoloLearn

SoloLearn has started a comprehensive guide for those who want to learn Java and nourish their programming skills. The entire tutorial is divided into 6 modules and 65 chapters.

  • Classes and objects
  • Files and exceptions

SoloLearn has also launched its mobile application, which supports multiple operating systems such as Android and iOS. You can download this application to your mobile in order to learn about Java. Apart from Java, it also offers courses in other languages such as HTML, JavaScript, C++ and many others.

9. Skillshare

Aspiring developers or coders can learn Java programming language free. It provides you an option to sort topics according to the length and duration. This site also allows you to check the reviews of other enrolled students. It provides you with thousands of classes in other programs such as design, business, technology and many others.

  • Arrays in Java
  • Java I/O operations
  • Java exception handling

10. Codementor

Java is among the best programming languages to enhance your value as a professional in the IT world. Codementor has a great collection of tutorial classes, language courses, and some valuable tips, which helps the beginner to start learning about any specific course. In this site, you can also discover some useful blogs about coding in Java and programming queries as well.

  • Multithreading in Java
  • Concurrency in Java
  • Advanced Java concepts

11. Program Creek

Program Creek is a well-designed tutorial website to learn Java and other programming languages as well. It provides good quality content about the concepts of Java. It has well- structured navigation, which helps beginners go through the website.

You will also find useful articles written by some other entities. It also provides you with various examples of Java programming language, so that you can enhance your coding skills as well.

  • Concurrency
  • I/0 & database
  • Compiler and JVM

12. Java Beginners Tutorial

Java Beginners Tutorial is probably the best Java learning platform for beginners as well as experienced programmers. It is divided into three sections. The first section describes the fundamentals of programming in core Java. The second section describes examples of Java programming. In this section, you can implement the concepts learned in the first section. The last section provides you with a summary of what you have learned in previous sections.

  • Java HashMap

13. W3Resource

W3Resource is another online tutorial website to learn the Java programming language. The best way to learn is practice. This website provides some best examples of Java coding and exercises in order to implement the concepts.

With these exercises, you can enhance your Java programming skills. It primarily focuses on the Java exercises.

  • Data type exercises
  • Array exercises
  • String exercises

14. Tutorials Point

Tutorials Point is a very useful website. It is very helpful for both beginners as well as experienced programmers. With the help of this website, both can learn about the Java programming language very easily.

This tutorial website provides good quality content about Java and other languages as well. In addition to this, it also provides you examples and exercises in order to implement the learned concepts.

You can study different examples and test yourself by executing multiple code examples. After completion of core Java concepts, you can learn advanced Java concepts and other essentials of Java language.

  • Core Java concepts

15. Studytonight

As you know that Java programming language is quite difficult to learn, therefore, choosing the best website to learn is a very important thing.

Studytonight is among the best tutorials to learn Java programming language as it provides you a tutorial course along with the examples. This tutorial site provides a platform, which helps you to know more about the Java programming with a lot of examples and practical problems.

Apart from learning Java concepts, you can also test your coding skills in the topical test section of the website. Later, if you have any queries or questions, you can ask in the Q & A forum. You can also discuss your queries in this forum with your fellow users.

Apart from Java, you can also learn about other languages such as C, C++, Python, DBMS, SQL, JSP, CSS and many others.

  • Generics in Java
  • Java reflection

16. Udacity

Looking for a platform that can help you with Java programming language from the basics? Then, you can go to the Udacity online Java programming course.

This website provides you good quality content that makes it a perfect place for beginners who want to learn and explore more about the Java programming language. More than 160,000 students from all over the world (around 190 countries) have enrolled to learn different online courses from Udacity. Udacity provides some Nanodegree programs and free online courses. The list of courses includes the following:

  • Artificial intelligence for trading
  • Python foundation
  • Machine learning foundation
  • Java foundation
  • Front-end development
  • Conditional statements
  • OOP concepts in Java
  • Functions and loops

17. Cave of Programming

Cave of Programming, developed by John Purcell, is an online platform, which provides a free Java online course.

Cave of Programming is a good platform for beginners. You need to enroll in a course to get started. Provide your email address, and full name in order to sign up on

  • Introduction and Installation of Java
  • How Java works
  • Coding with Java

18. Treehouse

Treehouse is an emerging platform, which provides different online courses. It is a good place for a beginner to start exploring the world of Java. It offers many videos that are prepared by the experts of different languages.

Also, this website continuously refreshes its data so that it can maintain the requirements of the enrolled students.

In order to get started, you need to create an account on the This tutorial website offers you 7 days free trial. After the free trial, you can purchase a basic membership of the Treehouse at $25 per month.

  • Introduction to Java concepts
  • Java regular expressions
  • JDBC tutorial

19. Programming by Doing

Programming by Doing is a comprehensive place to learn Java. Along with the course content, it also provides your assignments according to the topics. For example, after completing variables in Java, you will get 5 assignments.

  • Java classes, objects and functions
  • Java annotations
  • Java design patterns

20. Sanfoundry

If you want to polish your Java skills, then Sanfoundary is the best place for you. It has a collection of more than 1000 questions that focus on almost all key concepts of the Java programming language. Hence, it helps both beginners as well as experienced programmers to learn and code in Java.

  • Data types, variables, and arrays
  • Operators and control statements
  • Java Environment and OOP concepts
  • Classes and methods
  • Inheritance
  • String handling

21. JavaTpoint

JavaTpoint has a great collection of Java course content. It provides a Java programming tutorial for students as well as experienced professionals. The tutorial starts with an introduction of Java, and then you will learn about its different concepts. Apart from theoretical concepts, it also provides you with examples to learn how to implement the concepts.

  • Java object class
  • Java control statements
  • Java abstraction
  • Java encapsulation
  • Java polymorphism

Guru99 is another popular platform to learn the Java programming language. Beginners can easily learn about Java using this free tutorial website as it has a simple user interface and well-structured navigation pane. It also provides information about other languages. For example, SQL, VBScript, SAP and many others.

  • Introduction to Java platform
  • Introduction to Java virtual machine (JVM)
  • Evolution of Java programming language

23. Java Tutorial

This tutorial from will help you to learn the Java programming language. It has arranged all the topics from beginner to expert level. It is suitable as both a refresher, as well as experienced programmers.

  • Java virtual machine basics
  • First Java program
  • Switch case in Java
  • If-else in Java

24. W3Schools

W3Schools has a good collection of Java course content. It starts from a very basic level so that any refresher candidate can learn about the programming language. It begins with the evolution of Java and then moves further to explain various features and concept of Java. Along with the course content, it also provides examples at the end of each topic.

  • Java keywords
  • Java operators
  • Java data types
  • Java variables

25. JournalDev

JournalDev tutorial offers you best content to learn the Java programming language. In this tutorial, you can learn about core Java and Java EE frameworks. It has split the Java concepts according to the difficulty level. For example, initially, you will learn about the simple introduction to Java and then moves to the OOP concept in Java. Further, you will learn about data types and operators.

  • Composition in Java
  • Inheritance in Java
  • Java nested classes

26. Programiz

Java is a general-purpose programming language. Hence, it is simple and easy to learn. Programiz is among the best tutorial websites that offers simple to read, easy to understand and quality content.

The passionate developers of Programiz work continuously to enhance the user experience by explaining each concept clearly along with examples.

  • Java JVM, JRE, and JDK
  • Java access modifiers
  • Java for loop


Jenkov provides a tutorial about core Java programming language. It also displays the new features added in Java 9. You can learn from a beginner level in this tutorial. The tutorial starts with an introduction to Java programming language.

  • Java interfaces
  • Java core concepts


Lynda tutorial classes teach beginners along with experienced professionals how to program in Java, and how to use JDBC and how to integrate a MySQL database in Java code. Here, you will also learn about Java APIs, advanced class structures, and managing files as well as directories.

  • Reactive programming with Java 8
  • Introduction to Java 9
  • Mastering microservices with Java

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In Java programming, commands are essential instructions that tell the computer what to do. These commands are written in a specific way so the computer can understand and execute them. Every program in Java is a set of commands. At the beginning of your Java programming practice , it’s good to know a few basic principles:

  • In Java, each command ends with a semicolon;
  • A command can't exist on its own: it’s a part of a method, and method is part of a class;
  • Method (procedure, function) is a sequence of commands. Methods define the behavior of an object.

Here is an example of the command:

The command System.out.println("Hello, World!"); tells the computer to display the text inside the quotation marks.

If you want to display a number and not text, then you do not need to put quotation marks. You can simply write the number. Or an arithmetic operation. For example:

Command to display the number 1.

A command in which two numbers are summed and their sum (10) is displayed.

As we discussed in the basic rules, a command cannot exist on its own in Java. It must be within a method, and a method must be within a class. Here is the simplest program that prints the string "Hello, World!".

We have a class called HelloWorld , a method called main() , and the command System.out.println("Hello, World!") . You may not understand everything in the code yet, but that's okay! You'll learn more about it later. The good news is that you can already write your first program with the knowledge you've gained.

Attention! You can add comments in your code. Comments in Java are lines of code that are ignored by the compiler, but you can mark with them your code to make it clear for you and other programmers.

Single-line comments start with two forward slashes (//) and end at the end of the line. In example above we have a comment //here we print the text out

You can read the theory on this topic here , here , and here . But try practicing first!

Explore the Java coding exercises for practicing with commands below. First, read the conditions, scroll down to the Solution box, and type your solution. Then, click Verify (above the Conditions box) to check the correctness of your program.

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The two main types in Java are String and int. We store strings/text in String, and integers (whole numbers) in int. We have already used strings and integers in previous examples without explicit declaration, by specifying them directly in the System.out.println() operator.

In the first case “I am a string” is a String in the second case 5 is an integer of type int. However, most often, in order to manipulate data, variables must be declared before being used in the program. To do this, you need to specify the type of the variable and its name. You can also set a variable to a specific value, or you can do this later. Example:

Here we declared a variable called a but didn't give it any value, declared a variable b and gave it the value 5 , declared a string called s and gave it the value Hello, World!

Attention! In Java, the = sign is not an equals sign, but an assignment operator. That is, the variable (you can imagine it as an empty box) is assigned the value that is on the right (you can imagine that this value was put in the empty box).

We created an integer variable named a with the first command and assigned it the value 5 with the second command.

Before moving on to practice, let's look at an example program where we will declare variables and assign values to them:

In the program, we first declared an int variable named a but did not immediately assign it a value. Then we declared an int variable named b and "put" the value 5 in it. Then we declared a string named s and assigned it the value "Hello, World!" After that, we assigned the value 2 to the variable a that we declared earlier, and then we printed the variable a, the sum of the variables a and b, and the variable s to the screen

This program will display the following:

We already know how to print to the console, but how do we read from it? For this, we use the Scanner class. To use Scanner, we first need to create an instance of the class. We can do this with the following code:

Once we have created an instance of Scanner, we can use the next() method to read input from the console or nextInt() if we should read an integer.

The following code reads a number from the console and prints it to the console:

Here we first import a library scanner, then ask a user to enter a number. Later we created a scanner to read the user's input and print the input out.

This code will print the following output in case of user’s input is 5:

More information about the topic you could read here , here , and here .

See the exercises on Types and keyboard input to practice Java coding:

Conditions and If statements in Java allow your program to make decisions. For example, you can use them to check if a user has entered a valid password, or to determine whether a number is even or odd. For this purpose, there’s an 'if/else statement' in Java.

The syntax for an if statement is as follows:

Here could be one or more conditions in if and zero or one condition in else.

Here's a simple example:

In this example, we check if the variable "age" is greater than or equal to 18. If it is, we print "You are an adult." If not, we print "You are a minor."

Here are some Java practice exercises to understand Conditions and If statements:

In Java, a "boolean" is a data type that can have one of two values: true or false. Here's a simple example:

The output of this program is here:

In addition to representing true or false values, booleans in Java can be combined using logical operators. Here, we introduce the logical AND (&&) and logical OR (||) operators.

  • && (AND) returns true if both operands are true. In our example, isBothFunAndEasy is true because Java is fun (isJavaFun is true) and coding is not easy (isCodingEasy is false).
  • || (OR) returns true if at least one operand is true. In our example, isEitherFunOrEasy is true because Java is fun (isJavaFun is true), even though coding is not easy (isCodingEasy is false).
  • The NOT operator (!) is unary, meaning it operates on a single boolean value. It negates the value, so !isCodingEasy is true because it reverses the false value of isCodingEasy.

So the output of this program is:

More information about the topic you could read here , and here .

Here are some Java exercises to practice booleans:

With loops, you can execute any command or a block of commands multiple times. The construction of the while loop is:

Loops are essential in programming to execute a block of code repeatedly. Java provides two commonly used loops: while and for.

1. while Loop: The while loop continues executing a block of code as long as a specified condition is true. Firstly, the condition is checked. While it’s true, the body of the loop (commands) is executed. If the condition is always true, the loop will repeat infinitely, and if the condition is false, the commands in a loop will never be executed.

In this example, the code inside the while loop will run repeatedly as long as count is less than or equal to 5.

2. for Loop: The for loop is used for iterating a specific number of times.

In this for loop, we initialize i to 1, specify the condition i <= 5, and increment i by 1 in each iteration. It will print "Count: 1" to "Count: 5."

Here are some Java coding challenges to practice the loops:

An array in Java is a data structure that allows you to store multiple values of the same type under a single variable name. It acts as a container for elements that can be accessed using an index.

What you should know about arrays in Java:

  • Indexing: Elements in an array are indexed, starting from 0. You can access elements by specifying their index in square brackets after the array name, like myArray[0] to access the first element.
  • Initialization: To use an array, you must declare and initialize it. You specify the array's type and its length. For example, to create an integer array that can hold five values: int[] myArray = new int[5];
  • Populating: After initialization, you can populate the array by assigning values to its elements. All elements should be of the same data type. For instance, myArray[0] = 10; myArray[1] = 20;.
  • Default Values: Arrays are initialized with default values. For objects, this is null, and for primitive types (int, double, boolean, etc.), it's typically 0, 0.0, or false.

In this example, we create an integer array, assign values to its elements, and access an element using indexing.

In Java, methods are like mini-programs within your main program. They are used to perform specific tasks, making your code more organized and manageable. Methods take a set of instructions and encapsulate them under a single name for easy reuse. Here's how you declare a method:

  • public is an access modifier that defines who can use the method. In this case, public means the method can be accessed from anywhere in your program.Read more about modifiers here .
  • static means the method belongs to the class itself, rather than an instance of the class. It's used for the main method, allowing it to run without creating an object.
  • void indicates that the method doesn't return any value. If it did, you would replace void with the data type of the returned value.

In this example, we have a main method (the entry point of the program) and a customMethod that we've defined. The main method calls customMethod, which prints a message. This illustrates how methods help organize and reuse code in Java, making it more efficient and readable.

In this example, we have a main method that calls the add method with two numbers (5 and 3). The add method calculates the sum and returns it. The result is then printed in the main method.

All composite types in Java consist of simpler ones, up until we end up with primitive types. An example of a primitive type is int, while String is a composite type that stores its data as a table of characters (primitive type char). Here are some examples of primitive types in Java:

  • int: Used for storing whole numbers (integers). Example: int age = 25;
  • double: Used for storing numbers with a decimal point. Example: double price = 19.99;
  • char: Used for storing single characters. Example: char grade = 'A';
  • boolean: Used for storing true or false values. Example: boolean isJavaFun = true;
  • String: Used for storing text (a sequence of characters). Example: String greeting = "Hello, World!";

Simple types are grouped into composite types, that are called classes. Example:

We declared a composite type Person and stored the data in a String (name) and int variable for an age of a person. Since composite types include many primitive types, they take up more memory than variables of the primitive types.

See the exercises for a coding practice in Java data types:

String is the most popular class in Java programs. Its objects are stored in a memory in a special way. The structure of this class is rather simple: there’s a character array (char array) inside, that stores all the characters of the string.

String class also has many helper classes to simplify working with strings in Java, and a lot of methods. Here’s what you can do while working with strings: compare them, search for substrings, and create new substrings.

Example of comparing strings using the equals() method.

Also you can check if a string contains a substring using the contains() method.

You can create a new substring from an existing string using the substring() method.

More information about the topic you could read here , here , here , here , and here .

Here are some Java programming exercises to practice the strings:

In Java, objects are instances of classes that you can create to represent and work with real-world entities or concepts. Here's how you can create objects:

First, you need to define a class that describes the properties and behaviors of your object. You can then create an object of that class using the new keyword like this:

It invokes the constructor of a class.If the constructor takes arguments, you can pass them within the parentheses. For example, to create an object of class Person with the name "Jane" and age 25, you would write:

Suppose you want to create a simple Person class with a name property and a sayHello method. Here's how you do it:

In this example, we defined a Person class with a name property and a sayHello method. We then created two Person objects (person1 and person2) and used them to represent individuals with different names.

Here are some coding challenges in Java object creation:

Static classes and methods in Java are used to create members that belong to the class itself, rather than to instances of the class. They can be accessed without creating an object of the class.

Static methods and classes are useful when you want to define utility methods or encapsulate related classes within a larger class without requiring an instance of the outer class. They are often used in various Java libraries and frameworks for organizing and providing utility functions.

You declare them with the static modifier.

Static Methods

A static method is a method that belongs to the class rather than any specific instance. You can call a static method using the class name, without creating an object of that class.

In this example, the add method is static. You can directly call it using Calculator.add(5, 3)

Static Classes

In Java, you can also have static nested classes, which are classes defined within another class and marked as static. These static nested classes can be accessed using the outer class's name.

In this example, Student is a static nested class within the School class. You can access it using School.Student.

More information about the topic you could read here , here , here , and here .

See below the exercises on Static classes and methods in our Java coding practice for beginners:

Java Programming for Beginners

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This free Java Programming course for Beginners is the exact course you are looking for if you want to learn Java from basics. In this free Java course you will learn the basic topics like keywords, variables and operators. This free Java course will also take you through Conditional Statements, loops to interface and Inheritance.

Intro Video

  • 4 Hours Of self-paced video lessons
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Java Skills you will learn

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No prerequisites are required. This course is designed for beginners, so anyone with an interest in programming can embark on their Java learning journey.

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Your certificate will be awarded upon successful course completion. The exact duration may vary based on your learning pace.

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You can access the course materials at your own pace, with no fixed duration. Learn at your convenience.

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This course is designed for beginners. The difficulty level may vary depending on your prior programming experience, but the course is structured to be approachable.

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While you can certainly grasp the basics of Java within a month, achieving mastery of the language typically requires more time and practice.

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Java is a highly valuable skill in the tech industry, but many job roles may require knowledge of additional technologies or languages. Diversifying your skill set is advantageous.

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To follow this course, you'll need a computer with a Java development environment like Eclipse or IntelliJ IDEA, as well as a text editor. Any additional software requirements will be specified in the course materials.

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Upon completing the course, you'll have the skills to create simple Java applications, handle errors and exceptions, work with databases, build basic web applications, and even develop graphical user interfaces. This comprehensive skill set will set you on a path to further exploration and development, opening the doors to a multitude of exciting opportunities.

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Java Tutorial

Control statements, java object class, java inheritance, java polymorphism, java abstraction, java encapsulation, java oops misc.


Our core Java programming tutorial is designed for students and working professionals. Java is an , class-based, concurrent, secured and general-purpose computer-programming language. It is a widely used robust technology.

Java is a and a . Java is a high level, robust, object-oriented and secure programming language.

Java was developed by (which is now the subsidiary of Oracle) in the year 1995. is known as the father of Java. Before Java, its name was . Since Oak was already a registered company, so James Gosling and his team changed the name from Oak to Java.

: Any hardware or software environment in which a program runs, is known as a platform. Since Java has a runtime environment (JRE) and API, it is called a platform.

Let's have a quick look at Java programming example. A detailed description of Hello Java example is available in next page.

According to Sun, 3 billion devices run Java. There are many devices where Java is currently used. Some of them are as follows:

There are mainly 4 types of applications that can be created using Java programming:

Standalone applications are also known as desktop applications or window-based applications. These are traditional software that we need to install on every machine. Examples of standalone application are Media player, antivirus, etc. AWT and Swing are used in Java for creating standalone applications.

An application that runs on the server side and creates a dynamic page is called a web application. Currently, , , , , , , etc. technologies are used for creating web applications in Java.

An application that is distributed in nature, such as banking applications, etc. is called an enterprise application. It has advantages like high-level security, load balancing, and clustering. In Java, is used for creating enterprise applications.

An application which is created for mobile devices is called a mobile application. Currently, Android and Java ME are used for creating mobile applications.

There are 4 platforms or editions of Java:

It is a Java programming platform. It includes Java programming APIs such as java.lang,,, java.util, java.sql, java.math etc. It includes core topics like OOPs, , Regex, Exception, Inner classes, Multithreading, I/O Stream, Networking, AWT, Swing, Reflection, Collection, etc.

It is an enterprise platform that is mainly used to develop web and enterprise applications. It is built on top of the Java SE platform. It includes topics like Servlet, JSP, Web Services, EJB, , etc.

It is a micro platform that is dedicated to mobile applications.

It is used to develop rich internet applications. It uses a lightweight user interface API.

To learn Java, you must have the basic knowledge of C/C++ programming language.

Our Java programming tutorial is designed to help beginners and professionals.

We assure that you will not find any problem in this Java tutorial. However, if there is any mistake, please post the problem in the contact form.


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What is Java?

Java is a popular general-purpose programming language which was originally developed by James Gosling at Sun Microsystems (later acquired by Oracle). Java is fast, secure, and reliable. It is widely used for developing desktop and mobile applications, embedded systems, game consoles, supercomputers, big data processing, and so on. According to Oracle, Java runs on 3 billion devices worldwide, which makes it one of the most popular programming languages.

To learn more about Java check out some of the following links.

  • Java Official Website 
  • Wikipedia - Java 
  • - Java Tutorial 
  • - Java Tutorial 

Why learn Java?

Using Java, we can develop many applications for different purposes. We can use this programming language to develop the following applications:

  • Web-based Applications
  • Mobile App Development
  • Desktop GUI Applications
  • Gaming Applications
  • Big Data Technologies
  • Distributed Applications
  • Cloud-Based Applications
  • IoT Applications

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  21. Online Java Compiler

    Online Java Compiler

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