How to Write a Personal Statement for University Applications

personal statement why are you applying for your chosen course

Personal Statements: Crafting a Compelling Narrative #

Writing your personal statement can feel like the hardest part of applying for university, so we’ve put together a comprehensive guide to help you out! From discovering your skills and achievements to avoiding the cliché phrases, we’ve covered it all. 

Use our guide below to complete your personal statement with confidence!

Introduction to Personal Statements #

Definition and Purpose

A personal statement is a piece of writing which accompanies your university application. It allows you to tell the university why you are interested in a particular subject and course. Without personal statements, universities would only know an applicant’s qualifications, not understand much about their interests or ambitions. The maximum length of your personal statement is 47 lines and 4,000 characters.

Significance in University Applications

You need a personal statement in order to apply for universities in the UK. It is a key stage in the application process, which is done through UCAS. You will upload your personal statement during your online UCAS application, under the ‘Personal Statement’ section. From the UCAS website, you can paste your personal statement into the text box to add it to your application. The text box will indicate whether you have exceeded the 47 lines and 4,000 characters limit.

Key Elements of a Standout Personal Statement #

Clear Structure and Flow

Your personal statement should be formatted into paragraphs and read clearly. You can decide how to structure your writing, but you may want to divide each paragraph up into topics. Don’t limit yourself though! You may find your experiences are intertwined or relate to one another, which you should showcase!

Some key questions you need to answer within your personal statement are:

★ Why are you applying for your chosen courses?

★ Why are you interested in your chosen subject?

★ Why will you be great on the course?

★ How do your current studies and experiences relate?

★ How does studying at university promote your career ambitions?

Think about how each of your answers to these questions link together. This will help you to establish a flow of ideas. You want to take the admissions tutor along your journey. This doesn’t need to be chronological, but they need to understand clearly how your experiences as a whole weave together to make you a strong applicant. What led you to make each decision in your experience so far? Perhaps one led to another, or inspired you to seek out opportunities in a particular field of interest.

Showcasing Personal Qualities and Skills

Be confident when writing about your personal qualities and skills. A lot of people find it hard to write about themselves, but the whole point of a personal statement is to talk about yourself! 

Rather than generalising all of your skills, think about which ones will be most utilised in the course you are applying for. If you are unsure, read the course description to figure out what kind of skills they will expect you to have. This way, you can explain how you will develop your skills further throughout the course - starting with your baseline qualities. 

When talking about your skills, give an example of a time when you demonstrated that skill. Anyone can claim they have good communication or research skills, but only those who have experiences can back that claim up! You can use examples from school projects or extracurricular activities - you’d be surprised how transferable your skills are. 

Highlighting Relevant Achievements and Experiences

Before you start, write down everything you think might be relevant for your university personal statement. You will refer to this list consistently when you are writing, so the more you can think of the better. 

If you are struggling to think of examples, reverse the ideas process. When you discuss your reasoning for choosing the course, or career ambitions - what have you done in your life so far which has contributed to those dreams and choices? 

When discussing your achievements in your statement, ask yourself these questions:

★ What did I learn when I was working towards this achievement?

★ What would I do differently in the future? 

★ What skills would I need to develop to improve my achievement?

★ How can I quantify my achievement? How much time and effort was put into it?

★ Why did I choose to work towards this achievement?

By completely understanding and reflecting on your experiences and achievements, you will find writing about them much easier! It is hard to write about something you have never considered before.

Understanding the Dos and Don'ts of Personal Statements #

Tailoring Content to Specific Courses or Institutions

Your personal statement should be tailored to the courses or subject you are applying for. For example, if you are applying for an art course, make sure to discuss your interests and experiences that relate to art, not just any old subject.

You can also edit your personal statement to be relevant for the type of institutions you are applying for. For example, if you are applying for specialised arts universities, or conservatoires, explain why you have made the decision to opt for that institution type. Are you keen to study alongside like-minded students? Or is the university’s close link with industry important for you?

Avoiding Clichés and Generic Phrases

Thousands of students are applying for the same courses as you, so it is key that your personal statement isn’t generic or cliche. 

Here are a couple of overused phrases you can avoid in your writing:

★ “Since I was a child…”

★ “When I was younger…”

★ “For as long as I can remember…”

★ “I am applying to ____ because…”

★ “Throughout my life I have always enjoyed…”

★ “I have always been interested in…”

Try to be innovative with your sentence structure to prevent your statement sounding like everyone else's. 

Make sure to  avoid quotes - this is off-putting for admissions tutors. They want to hear what  you  have to say about your subject interest, not what the most famous artist, engineer or writer said once.

Crafting a Captivating Opening #

Strategies for Engaging Introductions

Some students find it helpful to write their introduction last, as it can feel like the hardest part to write! So once you have written most of the content of your statement, your introduction will feel much easier to tackle. 

Example introduction strategies:

★ Introduce yourself and your passion for the subject

★ What about your subject is inspiring you now? (Not what inspired you as a child)

★ Avoid clichés and quotes from famous people.

★ Share your enthusiasm for the subject

★ Talk about what you want to study and why

★ Be concise and clear about your excitement for the subject

Examples of Successful Opening Lines

★ “Volunteering at a local nursing home for the last 2 years sparked my inspiration to choose psychology…”

★ “My interest in biology is centred around innovations in healthcare, looking after the human body and discovering how cells impact bodily functions…”

★ “Through exploring national parks and documenting my experiences on my personal blog, I discovered my fascination with geography…”

Narrating Work Experience and Future Aspirations #

Connecting Past Experiences to Future Goals

Recalling your past experiences is key to writing a good personal statement, but make sure to link them to future goals. Yes, telling your story so far is important, but you need to consider how attending university will continue your story in a positive way. What skills and knowledge are you looking forward to obtaining at university? How will your course assist you in meeting your goals and getting your dream graduate role?

Articulating Career Ambitions

Universities want to develop students who go on to be trailblazers in their subject-specialisms. Talk about your career aspirations and dreams in your statement, and share how studying at university will push you to achieve them. Do you have a particular job in mind? What motivates you to study and do well in education?

Reinforcing Unique Selling Points #

University admissions tutors will be reading hundreds of personal statements, all attuned to the course subject. You need to tell the university why you are different from all of the other applicants. What is your unique selling point? What will you bring to the course that no other student will? 

To discover your unique selling point, think about your:

★ Personal life experience that has shaped your interest in the course

★ Work experience in a relevant industry

★ Work experience that has transferable skills

★ Successes in your current learning and study, which topics do you outperform in?

★ Extra-curricular activities which are unique to you

If you are struggling to think of something unique in your experiences, ask your friends and family what makes you different from other students. It can be helpful to receive external opinions, as they may see fantastic things in you that you are unaware of.

Mastering the Art of Concluding Your Personal Statement #

Strategies for Memorable Closures

Having a memorable closing section of your personal statement will help the admissions tutor when making the decision of who to offer the course places to. You want to leave the reader on a good note, where they feel confident in your abilities and skills.

There are a couple of ways you can end your personal statement:

★ Share your ambitions and dreams for the future, even beyond university

★ Reiterate previous points for emphasis

★ Talk about how university will develop you as a person

★ What do you hope to bring to your university course?

Drawing Inspiration from Successful Personal Statement Examples #

Tailoring Your Personal Statement to Different Subject Areas

What happens if you are applying for a variety of courses? Writing a personal statement for different courses can feel tricky. Especially if you want to focus on and mention the subjects you are applying for. 

University admissions tutors are aware that some students will be applying for a variety of course subjects, so a personal statement which covers a few topics is not unheard of! Remember you are writing about yourself, not just subjects. Depending on how varied the courses you are applying for are, you should be able to combine your passion for your subjects within your career ambitions and reasons you want to study in higher education. If you can, think of ways that your different course options link together - maybe there are modules within the course that are related to your subject choices. Research each course in depth to find out your specific interests, you may find there are links you can reference to or hone in on.

Subject-Specific Tips for Crafting a Relevant Statement

After writing your personal statement, read it through and decide whether you could guess what subject/s you are applying for. If it feels too generic, research the course descriptions for your universities to discover what you are most excited about studying. 

★ How are you going to enhance your current knowledge of the subject, engage with the learning at university and apply your experience after graduation?

★ How will you bring value to the course as a student?

★ What is it about your subject that fascinates you the most?

Employing Correct Grammar, Tone, and Style in Your Writing

Keep the same tone throughout your personal statement. It can be easy to accidentally change the tense or writing style mid-sentence. Proofread your statement carefully, checking the tense of your word choices and making sure you haven’t started a clause without finishing it! It can be tempting to cut sentences down to meet the character count, but be sure your sentences still make sense after editing.

Personal statements should combine factual and example based experiences with the emotional and aspirational dreams you have. Check that your statement contains a mixture of both, as one without the other can be uninspiring or lack substance.

Ensuring Clarity and Coherence

While using a thesaurus can enhance your writing and keep it fresh, sometimes complicated wording can get in the way of your message. Your statement will gain its strength through the examples and justifications you give for applying to the course, not through the number of fancy words.

Be clear with your wording. Shorter, punchy sentences are better than long sentences which leave the admissions tutor feeling lost or confused. Figure out the most concise and clear way to demonstrate your experiences - some detail is important, but don’t focus too much on one thing. Showcase how varied your interests are, through the variation of your examples.

Adhering to Formal Writing Standards

Your personal statement should be formal, but engaging. You are about to start university, where formal writing is expected in assignments. Show your writing skills now to prove to the admissions tutor that you are competent. Get straight to the point and limit the rambling.

Capturing Admissions Tutors' Attention with Your Personal Statement

Each admissions tutor will have read hundreds of personal statements, so how are you going to make yours stand out? Everyone has different experiences which they can bring to a university application, so focus on what makes  you stand out, rather than copying your friends.

Understanding Admission Criteria

Read the course description and entry requirements thoroughly for all 5 of your course choices. Take notes on the expectations they have for students, and integrate your strengths into your statement. What do the courses expect you to know before starting? Do you have a baseline knowledge of the subject which will enable you to excel in the course?

If there are additional criteria which are not included in your level 3 qualification, be sure to include them in your personal statement. This may include work experience or English language requirements.

Addressing Selection Criteria Effectively

Be clear that you meet the basic criteria for your courses in your writing. Sometimes courses specify that you need to have A-Level subjects or qualifications, even at a certain grade, before joining the course. For example, a maths course may expect you to have completed a maths A-Level. Talk about this in your statement, but expand on it. What have you enjoyed about studying that subject thus far? 

Seeking Feedback and Editing

Ask for feedback! Your school careers advisor or teachers will be able to help you with feedback on your statement. They may be able to spot grammatical errors, or even gaps in your writing. 

You can also ask for editing assistance from your family and friends. Perhaps you have an older sibling who has been to university, that you could ask for advice from. 

One thing to remember is that everyone will offer differing opinions on the best way for you to write your personal statement. It is your job to decide which advice you would like to take on board. This is your personal statement, so you have control over what you submit.

Importance of Proofreading and Revising

Proofread your statement again and again! Read your writing aloud to yourself, to see if it flows well or needs revising. Take into consideration the feedback you have received from your advisors or family members - it's OK to rewrite sections or cut out things you don’t feel are relevant anymore.

Check for spelling mistakes or punctuation errors. When typing, it can be easy to accidentally hit the comma instead of the full stop key, or use an American spelling vs a British spelling. You can use online spelling checkers, but try not to rely too heavily on these. In our experience, you should check your spelling manually too, just to make sure!

Conclusion: Final Considerations for an Outstanding Personal Statement #

Emphasising Originality and Authenticity

Your personal statement should be unique to your experiences. Copying someone else’s statement from the internet is never going to be representative of you.

Seek to be honest and authentic in your statement, the admissions tutors aren’t expecting you to be the expert in your subject yet - that is what going to university is good for! Universities want to take on students who are passionate about their subject, as this improves the learning environment for everyone. So what will you bring to university? 

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Academic Personal Statement Guide + Examples for 2024

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You have a bright future ahead of you in academia and you’ve already found the program of your dreams.

The only problem? 

You have to write an impressive academic personal statement that sets you apart from a sea of applicants.

We know that writing about yourself might not come naturally. And when the academic program you have your sights set on is on the line, it doesn’t make it any easier.

But there’s no need to worry!

We’ve prepared this guide to help you write your academic personal statement and secure your spot in your program of choice.

In this article, we’re going to cover:

  • What Is An Academic Personal Statement?
  • 7 Steps to Writing the Best Academic Personal Statement
  • An Example of a Stellar Academic Personal Statement

Let’s dive in.

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You’ll need an academic CV alongside your personal statement. Create one with ease with Novorésumé !

What Is an Academic Personal Statement?

A personal statement is an essential part of the academic application process.

Much like a motivation letter , your academic personal statement serves to demonstrate why you’re the right candidate for the course and sell yourself as a capable student.

Your goal is to show the admissions committee that they’ll benefit from having you in their university as much as you’ll benefit from joining the program.

Academic Vs CV Personal Statement

The term ‘personal statement’ can mean different things depending on your field.

In the world of job hunting, a personal statement usually refers to a few sentences that go at the top of your CV . This paragraph is meant to convey your top skills, relevant experiences, and professional goals to a hiring manager from the get-go and increase your chances of getting an interview.

However, in the world of academia, a personal statement refers to a more in-depth description of you as a candidate. 

In a nutshell, an academic personal statement shows the admissions committee your academic achievements so far, as well as what motivated you to apply and pursue this position.

Personal statements are also often required when applying for certain jobs, much like writing a cover letter . If you’re looking at a position as a faculty member in a university or other academic institution, for example, you might be asked to provide an academic personal statement.

7 Steps to Write an Academic Personal Statement

Preparation is the key to success and this is exactly where our guide comes in handy.

So just follow these steps and you’re sure to secure your spot:

#1. Read the Brief (Carefully!)

Academic personal statements aren’t necessarily a one-size-fits-all piece of writing. 

Typically, every institution has its specific requirements on what candidates should include in their academic personal statement.

To make sure you’re on the right track with your academic personal statement, read the brief carefully. Consider taking notes and highlighting important points from your program’s brief as you go through it.

Pay attention to any specific question the university wants you to answer. If you don’t address everything the admissions board expects, your personal statement will look sloppy and you’ll be considered an inattentive candidate.

Be sure to re-read the brief after you’ve finished writing your academic personal statement, too. This way you can make sure you’ve answered everything adequately and you’ll have the opportunity to correct any slips.

#2. Research the Program

Make sure you do your homework on the academic program you’re applying to.

You can’t write a good academic personal statement without research, let alone a great one. Much like researching your employer , taking the time to learn more about your desired school and personalizing your application can make a huge difference.

For example, you can dive into how your values align with that of the school you’re applying to, and how your experience and interests relate to specific things about the program. The more you focus on how you’re the right fit for this specific position, in this specific program – the better.

Carefully read through the school and program’s official pages since everything you would need to know is probably on the school’s official website. You can also ask current and former students for help but remember that whatever they say should never replace official information when crafting your academic personal statement.

#3. Plan Your Statement

An academic personal statement is meant to explain your academic interests and shouldn’t contain irrelevant details about your personal life.

Focus on why you want to study the course you’ve chosen and provide any information about your achievements so far.

Ask yourself the following questions to get the ball rolling on what to write:

  • Why do you want to study (or work) in this program? How will it benefit you?
  • How do your skills match the position?
  • What makes you stand out from other applicants?
  • What are your exact career aspirations?
  • How can you and your work benefit the institution you’re applying to?
  • If you changed fields, how did you decide to apply in this direction?
  • What insight can you bring thanks to your different experiences?
  • How will this change of field help your future career?

Write down your answer to these questions in the first draft of your academic personal statement.

#4. Look at Example Statements

Don’t hesitate to read other people’s academic personal statements online. They’re a great source of inspiration and can help get rid of any remaining writer’s block.

If you’re struggling to understand how to meet the language and formatting requirements for your academic personal statement, seeing actual examples is the best way to learn.

But be careful – don’t copy any lines you read, no matter how impressive you think they are. 

Most universities run every academic personal statement through intensive plagiarism checking, and even a paraphrased sentence could lead to your application being rejected for plagiarism.

So pay more attention to the overall structure of the academic personal statements you read, rather than copying the exact wording.

#5. Structure the Contents

There should be a cohesive argument that your entire essay follows. Each sentence and paragraph should complement and build on the one that comes before it.

The structure of your personal statement should include:

An intriguing introduction to you as a candidate

The introductory paragraph should grab the admission committee’s attention and keep them engaged.

Here you should be sure to avoid cliches like saying how you’ve “always dreamt” of graduating from this university or of studying this exact program. Instead, give an example of what really influenced you to pursue this dream.

Here’s an example:

  • I’ve always loved reading and since I was a child, it’s been my dream to graduate from Oxford University and contribute to the world of literary analysis. That’s why I spent the past year volunteering at my local writers’ society and giving constructive feedback during workshops and book discussions.
  • It wasn’t until I failed my first essay assignment in secondary school that I realized the depth that lies beneath each sentence in a given text. I began to delve into the rich layers of literary texts and the intricacies of literary analysis became my passion. Although initially challenging, the depth of understanding that this field offers about human emotions, cultural contexts, and narrative structures enthralled me. I found myself questioning the narrative structures and character motivations that I had previously taken for granted, and I was eager to understand how the subtle and often overlooked elements within a text could have a profound impact on its overall interpretation. This need to fundamentally understand a given author’s work has stayed with me since and led me to pursue literary analysis as a postgraduate student.

An engaging body

The main part of your academic personal statement should detail your interests, experience, and knowledge, and how they make you suitable for the position.

This is where you should expand on your motivation and use the following tips:

  • Why this university? Provide strong reasons for your choice, related to your future career or the institution’s reputation.
  • Mention your relevant studies and experience. This includes projects, dissertations, essays, or work experience.
  • Give evidence of key skills you have, such as research, critical thinking, communication, and time management, and explain how you can contribute to the department with them.
  • Say what makes you unique as a candidate and provide an example.
  • Explain who have been the main influences who put you on this path and why they’ve influenced you.
  • Mention other relevant experiences, such as memberships in clubs related to the subject, awards you might have won, or impressive papers you’ve written.
  • Talk about your career aspirations and how the program ties into your goal of achieving them.

Depending on the guidelines of the specific university, you could also divide your academic personal statement’s body with subheadings, such as:

  • Academic background
  • Research interests
  • Methodological approaches
  • Research experience
  • Personal experience
  • Extracurricular activities 
  • Relevant skills
  • Career aspirations

A logical conclusion

Your academic personal statement needs a conclusion that ends on an enthusiastic note.

Make sure the conclusion reiterates the main points from the body of your text.

Your relevant accomplishments and desire to attend this specific program should be clear to any reader.

#6. Pay Attention to the Language

When writing the first draft of your academic personal statement, pay attention to the language and tone you’re using.

An academic personal statement is also a formal text, so your writing should reflect that. Colloquialisms aren’t appropriate, as they would take away from the well-mannered impression you want to give the admissions committee.

However, you also want your personal statement to be straightforward and avoid any complex jargon from your field of study.

For example, your opening sentence shouldn’t be overly complicated. You should communicate everything as clearly as possible, and be inclusive to those outside of your field of study since they might be on the admissions board that’s reading your academic personal statement.

Make sure that the tone throughout your text is positive and conveys your enthusiasm for the program. Your academic personal statement should show the admissions committee that you really want to be there, and why that’s beneficial to everyone involved.

#7. Proofread Your Statement

This step probably isn’t surprising to you but it’s worth paying attention to.

Your academic personal statement is a very formal document and it should be spotless. 

So, make sure it adheres to academic writing conventions . For example, contractions like “I’m” instead of “I am” are informal, and should be avoided.

Mistakes like these are very common when writing about yourself, particularly when you’re used to describing yourself in informal environments.

Carefully proofread your academic personal statement, then run it through a grammar checker like Grammarly or Quillbot, then proofread it again.

The tiniest grammar mistake or typo could make the admissions board reject your application.

Academic Personal Statement Example

Ever since my first encounter with the enchanting worlds spun by Flaubert, Balzac, and Proust, my intellectual pursuits have gravitated toward French literature. With an undergraduate degree focused on French Language and Literature, I have been fortunate to explore my passions both theoretically and empirically, embedding them within broader themes of cultural theory and comparative literature. It is with great excitement that I apply for the postgraduate research position in the French Literature program at Kent University, with the aim of contributing novel scholarly perspectives to this captivating field.

Academic Background and Research Interests

During my undergraduate studies, I delved deeply into the realms of 19th-century Realism and Naturalism. My senior thesis, which examined the dialectics of morality and social structures in Balzac's "La Comédie Humaine," was not merely an academic exercise; it served as a crucible where my theoretical understandings were rigorously tested. This research experience intensified my interest in the complex interplay between literature and societal norms, a theme I am eager to further explore in my postgraduate work.

Methodological Approaches

My academic approach is fundamentally interdisciplinary. I strongly believe that literature should not be studied in a vacuum; rather, it should be contextualized within historical, sociological, and psychological paradigms. During a semester abroad in Paris, I took courses in cultural anthropology and French history, an enriching experience that complemented my literature-focused studies. This holistic approach will enable me to contribute a multifaceted perspective to the research endeavors at Kent University.

Previous Research and Scholarly Engagements

My scholarly activities have also extended beyond the classroom. Last summer, I participated in an international conference on French Literature and Post-Colonial Theory, presenting a paper on the depictions of colonial landscapes in Dumas' adventure novels. The opportunity to engage with academics from various disciplines provided me with fresh insights and underscored the importance of collaborative research. Further, I've had the honor of having a review article published in the Sheffield Journal of Contemporary Literary Explorations, where I critiqued a groundbreaking new translation of Verne's works.

Extracurricular Contributions and Skills

In addition to my academic achievements, I have sought to enrich my department’s intellectual community. I served as the editor of our departmental journal and organized a series of seminars featuring guest speakers from the worlds of academia and publishing. My strong organizational skills, combined with proficiency in both written and spoken French and English, make me a versatile candidate capable of adding value to the French Literature program’s broader objectives.

To summarize, my deep-rooted passion for French literature, fortified by rigorous academic training and interdisciplinary methodologies, makes me an ideal candidate for the postgraduate research position in your esteemed program. The prospect of contributing to academic discourse at Kent University is an opportunity I find deeply compelling. I am especially excited about the potential for collaborative research and interdisciplinary inquiries, which aligns perfectly with my academic philosophy. I am fully committed to leveraging my skills, experiences, and enthusiasm to make a substantive scholarly contribution to the study of French Literature. Thank you for considering my application; I am keenly looking forward to the possibility of furthering my academic journey in this vibrant intellectual community.

FAQs on Academic Personal Statements

If you’re wondering anything else about academic personal statements, check out the answers to the most frequently asked questions related to them here:

#1. How do you start a personal statement for an academic job?

Applying for an academic job is different from applying for a position as a student. First, you need to establish your qualifications and enthusiasm for the role immediately.

Start by explaining your current status, for example, as a postdoctoral researcher or an experienced member of the faculty, and specify the position you are applying for. Then follow up with your research interests or personal philosophy towards teaching.

You can add a personal anecdote or compelling fact that summarizes your academic journey so far, or your passion for the field. After that, your academic personal statement can go deeper into the qualifications from your academic CV and how you’re a great fit for the position.

#2. How do I introduce myself in an academic personal statement?

The introduction of your academic personal statement is the key to grabbing the attention of the admissions committee.

Start by stating the field or subject that interests you, and why. You can share a specific personal anecdote or observation that led you to this academic pursuit and set the stage for the detailed explanation in your main body.

The goal of your introduction is to give the reader a sense of who you are, what drives you, and why you would be a valuable addition to their department.

#3. Is an academic personal statement like an essay?

Yes, an academic personal statement can be considered a type of essay.

Both essays and academic personal statements are structured forms of writing that are meant to deliver a coherent argument and are divided into an introduction, body, and conclusion. They provide supporting evidence to prove the point and maintain a logical flow to guide the reader to the final conclusion.

However, essays tend to be objective and explore a specific topic or question in depth. Academic personal statements use similar techniques but they present the candidate’s qualifications, experiences, and aspirations in a way that’s meant to persuade the admissions committee.

#4. How long is an academic personal statement?

Typically, an academic personal statement is between 500 and 1000 words long.

The exact length of the text varies depending on the university and program you’re applying to. You should always check the specific requirements for your desired program, and stick to the guidelines you find.

However, if the university you’re applying to doesn’t specify a word count, you should aim for one to two pages.

#5. What do I avoid in an academic personal statement?

Since your personal statement is a crucial part of your academic application, it’s important to avoid any common mistakes.

Make sure the content of your academic personal statement isn’t too generic. Its goal is to give insight into you as an individual, beyond what can be read in your CV . 

You should also avoid cramming too many points in your text. Your academic personal statement should follow a logical flow, and focus on the relevance of what you’re sharing about yourself and how it relates to the academic program you’re pursuing.

Key Takeaways

And that concludes our guide to writing an academic personal statement!

We hope you feel more confident when crafting your application for that academic program or faculty position you have your sights set on.

Now let’s recap what we talked about so far:

  • Academic personal statements are very different from CV personal statements. While CV personal statements are brief paragraphs at the top of the page, an academic personal statement is an in-depth text that details why you’re interested in a given position, and what makes you a good candidate.
  • The guidelines on academic personal statements vary according to the institution you’re applying to. Read the brief very carefully, and pay attention to what it says about word count and questions your personal statement should answer. Any mistakes here could result in rejection.
  • There are differences between applying for a postgraduate program and applying for a faculty position. But in both cases, you should research the exact place you want to apply to and adjust your application accordingly to match the institution’s values.
  • Always proofread your academic personal statement before sending it, even if you’re sure there are no errors.

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Writing a personal statement for an undergraduate course

A strong personal statement makes all the difference when you're applying for an undergraduate course. it's essential that you plan and write yours carefully..

hand on a computer keyboard. The image is very blue.

  • Your personal statement

Your personal statement needs to create a strong impression for your university application. It's your opportunity to say why you want to study your chosen course, and what skills, experiences and qualifications you have that will make you a successful student.

A member of the Admissions team will read your personal statement and use it as part of the process to decide who they can offer a place to.

  • What to include

We are looking for you to explain why you have chosen your course of study and demonstrate a real understanding of what studying the course will involve.

You should include:

  • why you are applying for the course – show your enthusiasm
  • how your current skills, experience and qualifications will help your application
  • relevant engagement with your chosen degree subject, such as work experience (if you have it) or extracurricular activities
  • details of anything relevant you plan to do before starting your degree

If you're applying to Bath, your personal statement should focus on your enthusiasm, experience and suitability for the course.

When thinking about your relevant studies, skills and experiences, don’t forget to mention any relevant work experience, extracurricular activities or further reading. Remember that universities will see details of your qualifications so there’s no need to list them in your personal statement.

Your personal statement is supposed to be about you as an individual student, so try to avoid using common clichés or generic quotes. Make sure you only include relevant information –  if it isn’t about why you want to study the course or the skills you have gained to help you succeed, then don’t include it.

If you are applying for Pharmacy or Social Work

Your personal statement must show that you have the appropriate attitude to complete your studies and practise your profession responsibly. You also need to show that you have the relevant experience for your course.

  • Do your research

Talk to your teachers and tutors about what strengths you should highlight.

Go to university Open Days and UCAS fairs. Talk to admissions staff about what they look for in a personal statement, and to academics about the courses you are interested in.

Look at university prospectuses and websites to find out about the courses you’re applying for and pick out the key elements you need to give evidence for.

Think about:

  • your motivations for applying
  • what the courses you’re applying for include
  • your relevant passions or experience
  • how the course will help you get the career you want

Don’t worry if you don’t have relevant work experience – for most degrees work experience is not essential. In many courses, it is extremely rare for an applicant to have relevant work experience, especially for engineering, science or social science degrees.

Remember you only get to write one personal statement, even though you might apply for five different courses at more than one university.

Make sure your statement is relevant to all of the courses you’re applying for. Which? University offers some advice for specific subjects based on guidance from course admission tutors.

Personal statements in 2023

If you are applying through UCAS in 2023, you might be concerned about how Covid-19 has affected your opportunities and the impact on your personal statement.

The first thing to remember is everyone is in the same position as you, and universities will understand that some opportunities may have been more limited for you.

If you are concerned that you are missing relevant experiences you might want to consider alternatives you can do from the comfort of your own home – short online MOOCs, or engaging with online lectures, academically-orientated podcasts or relevant reading are all options to give you insights about your course that you can share.

You might have individual circumstances arising from the pandemic that you want universities to know about, such as greater disruption in your home or school life. Our advice is to not include too much about these in your personal statement – you should mention enough that universities will know to ask you for more if it is relevant to them, but save as much space as possible for your positive experiences relevant to your course.

We encourage you to let us know about relevant mitigating circumstances through our confidential mitigating circumstances form , rather than through your personal statement.

  • Write your first draft

It’s called a personal statement for a reason, so make it personal and show your character. We want to find out about you.

UCAS has a tool to help you write your first draft. It will keep you focused on the important questions you need to answer. It will help you structure your statement and keep to the character limit.

You can write a first draft longer than the word limit.

Tone and style

It's important to write in an active voice, using language that's easy to understand. You may find it helpful to talk out loud to someone about your interests and motivations and write in a similar style.

Do this by:

  • writing in short sentences
  • using paragraphs
  • writing in plain English
  • writing positively about yourself without boasting
  • checking your spelling and grammar

When writing about work experience, the most important points to cover are:

  • what were your duties, tasks and responsibilities during the placement
  • what did you gain or learn from the experience
  • what are your transferable skills, for example, problem-solving, teamwork, communication skills and self-motivation

What to avoid

  • irrelevant information – anything that happened too long ago
  • exaggeration or negativity – talk about your positive attributes and experiences
  • unsupported statements – give evidence for everything
  • your life story – keep your information relevant and current
  • common clichés and quotes
  • information from someone else’s statement
  • listing things that are included elsewhere in your UCAS application, such as the qualifications you have studied

Get your draft checked by someone else

Show your first draft to your teacher, parents or guardian, or to a friend who is also going through the process.

  • to question your evidence
  • evaluate whether your statement represents you, your skills and experiences
  • if it reads well and is clear and easy to understand
  • whether you’ve missed anything out
  • to check spelling and grammar
  • Levelling up your statement

The best personal statements don’t just show your enthusiasm for your course and your relevant skills and experiences – they give an insight into how you think.

Try and pick out two or three key items from your personal statement and consider how they evidence your thinking and engagement with your subject. Remember to show not just what you have done, but also how it has changed you:

  • how did your experience inspire you?
  • did the experience spur you on to further investigation?
  • what do you think about the ideas expressed during your experience
  • if you have read a book - what was thought-provoking? what did you disagree with? what do you want to know more?

These questions are examples of how you can show what kind of student you plan to become. Reflecting on experiences can enhance a personal statement, but don’t worry about doing it for every point – you only have so much space!

  • Writing a second and final draft

When writing your second and third drafts, edit your personal statement carefully to make it focused and concise. Write efficiently and compellingly and then edit it. Remove unnecessary words and make sure your statement is under 4,000 characters or 47 lines, whichever is shortest.

Get it checked again

Ask a teacher, parent or guardian to check your next draft. Ask them to check for punctuation, grammar and spelling, and if it represents you as well as it can.

Make any edits or adjustments that are suggested, then get it checked again.

Give yourself lots of time to work on your personal statement. Don’t leave it to the last few days to submit.

  • Some extra inspiration

If you are still looking for some advice, then you might like to:

  • watch some of our Admissions Selectors share their advice
  • read about how some of our current students approached their personal statement on our Student Blog
  • read our 'Focus on ...Writing your personal statement guide' including some do's and don'ts and important tips

On this page


Personal Statements for Further Study

A personal statement is your chance to explain your motivation for applying and why you are a great candidate for the course..

Guidelines given vary from the simple “Provide evidence in support of your application” to the more common “Tell us why you are interested in the course to which you have applied. Describe your academic interests and reasons for applying to XXX”. For some courses there may be a much more prescriptive and structured approach, requiring you to write a series of shorter responses to specific questions relating to your motivation, experience and suitability for the course. You may also come across some institutions that ask you to reflect on how you might add to the diversity of a cohort should your application be successful.  

If you are applying to more than one university, each statement will need a different emphasis – do not use the same statement for all applications.  

In your statement, you should demonstrate:

  • Motivation, enthusiasm, and a clear understanding of why you are making the application to this particular course, and to this particular institution.
  • How your academic background and other experiences have shaped your decision to apply and how the course contributes to your plans for the future.
  • Evidence that you have the ability, experience, skills and motivation to successfully contribute to the course, and to complete it.

Structure and Content

The opening paragraph sets the framework for the rest of the statement, think of it as your ‘trailer’. This is where you can grab the reader’s attention or lose it… You might start with a powerful anecdote, a brief narrative of your initial inspiration, or a thought-provoking statement linked to your academic interests.

Within the main body of the essay you should aim to cover:

Why you want to study this topic or field

Is it a natural extension of your current interests? How did you become interested in this area? Why does it continue to fascinate you? What have you done within your degree or outside of your study to fuel this interest? Would the course provide a step towards a longer-term goal?

Why you have chosen this specific course and institution

Are there particular options or modules that interest you? Is there particular expertise in that department? Has access to specific resources such as museum collections, libraries or laboratory equipment been a factor? Has the reputation (through recommendations or other means) of the course inspired you? Are you attracted by opportunities for collaboration or work placements? Have you attended any Open Days or other visits?

How your experience equips you for the course

Consider the subjects you studied at undergraduate level; your relevant skills (technical, language, computing, research methods); independent study or research; prior (relevant) experience; academic awards and other achievements. The focus here is likely to be on your academic suitability for the course, but if you have relevant work experience or extra-curricular activities that provide further evidence of your interest or ability then include them too. Your non-academic achievements might also provide evidence of project management, resilience, effective communication and so on.

Where the course might lead you

You don’t need to have a detailed career plan, but you do need to show how this course fits in with your general aspirations. Are you intending to continue on to a PhD? Do you have a broad interest in contributing to a particular issue or field, e.g. social enterprise, public policy, human rights, sustainability? Or do you have a more specific goal in mind? How will your chosen course help you to achieve your goals?

Closing paragraph

Use your closing paragraph to summarise your application, return to any themes you introduced at the beginning, and to restate your enthusiasm for the course.

Practical Advice

  • Writing effective personal statements takes time. Expect to go through several drafts and ask tutors, peers, careers advisers and others to review your statement before you submit it.
  • Good English, grammar and spelling are essential. Avoid jargon and make sure it can be understood by non-experts. 
  • Keep the tone positive, fresh and lively in order to convey enthusiasm and make yourself stand out, but remember that this is a document introducing you in a professional capacity.
  • It’s a good idea to mention relevant individuals whose work has truly inspired you, but avoid name-dropping for the sake of it, and excessive and evidence-free flattery of the institution or the course.
  • If you refer to any papers or books then reference these correctly in a bibliography at the end of the statement.
  • Pay attention to any word limits. If none are stated then aim for no more than two sides of A4 or 1000-1500 words.
  • It is usually possible to apply for multiple courses at a single institution. Many (including Oxford) will require you to complete a separate application form for each course that you wish to apply for.

Research Proposals

For many PhD and some research Masters applications the personal statement is often accompanied by a research proposal – a document that sets out your research interests and proposed area of study. The detail required in this section varies hugely for different disciplines. For some science subjects it may simply be a list, in order of preference, of the named PhD projects you wish to be considered for. However, for most areas – and especially in the arts, humanities and social sciences – you will need to devote a considerable amount of time to developing your ideas, discussing them with potential supervisors and writing a proposal. Your academic tutors should be able to give you some guidance on writing research proposals, and there is some useful advice from  Vitae  and from  Find a PhD .

Admission Essays for US Graduate Schools

The information in this handout applies also to applications to American universities. However, there are subtle differences in the style and approach to essays aimed at the US context. A statement written for the US is likely to feel more personal; think of it as your academic biography – setting out your inspiration for the academic path you have followed in the past, the present and into the future. The Careers Service runs a workshop on US applications early each Michaelmas Term. Education USA also publishes guidelines on completing US applications. US university career services often provide useful advice on writing graduate school admissions essays. See for example: MIT graduate school essay advice , UNC application essay advice and Yale advice on writing personal statements for graduate school.

Teacher Training Applications

The personal statement for postgraduate teacher training is the key part of your application. The question is quite prescriptive, and your focus should be on your motivation for becoming a teacher: particularly how your teaching and other experiences have contributed. Ideally you should also set out how these have helped you to understand the role, and the sort of teacher you aspire to be. The Careers Service runs a workshop on careers in teaching each Michaelmas Term, which includes advice about the application process. For more information, see the Careers Service information on Teaching in Schools .

Graduate Entry Medicine

Applications to graduate entry medicine courses are submitted via UCAS and include a personal statement. Much of the advice in this document also applies to medicine applications, but you are likely to need to place considerable emphasis on the relevant work experience you have gained prior to your application.

See Careers Service's information on Medicine as a Second Degree  for further information.

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  • How to Write Your Personal Statement | Strategies & Examples

How to Write Your Personal Statement | Strategies & Examples

Published on February 12, 2019 by Shona McCombes . Revised on July 3, 2023.

A personal statement is a short essay of around 500–1,000 words, in which you tell a compelling story about who you are, what drives you, and why you’re applying.

To write a successful personal statement for a graduate school application , don’t just summarize your experience; instead, craft a focused narrative in your own voice. Aim to demonstrate three things:

  • Your personality: what are your interests, values, and motivations?
  • Your talents: what can you bring to the program?
  • Your goals: what do you hope the program will do for you?

This article guides you through some winning strategies to build a strong, well-structured personal statement for a master’s or PhD application. You can download the full examples below.

Urban Planning Psychology History

Table of contents

Getting started with your personal statement, the introduction: start with an attention-grabbing opening, the main body: craft your narrative, the conclusion: look ahead, revising, editing, and proofreading your personal statement, frequently asked questions, other interesting articles.

Before you start writing, the first step is to understand exactly what’s expected of you. If the application gives you a question or prompt for your personal statement, the most important thing is to respond to it directly.

For example, you might be asked to focus on the development of your personal identity; challenges you have faced in your life; or your career motivations. This will shape your focus and emphasis—but you still need to find your own unique approach to answering it.

There’s no universal template for a personal statement; it’s your chance to be creative and let your own voice shine through. But there are strategies you can use to build a compelling, well-structured story.

The first paragraph of your personal statement should set the tone and lead smoothly into the story you want to tell.

Strategy 1: Open with a concrete scene

An effective way to catch the reader’s attention is to set up a scene that illustrates something about your character and interests. If you’re stuck, try thinking about:

  • A personal experience that changed your perspective
  • A story from your family’s history
  • A memorable teacher or learning experience
  • An unusual or unexpected encounter

To write an effective scene, try to go beyond straightforward description; start with an intriguing sentence that pulls the reader in, and give concrete details to create a convincing atmosphere.

Strategy 2: Open with your motivations

To emphasize your enthusiasm and commitment, you can start by explaining your interest in the subject you want to study or the career path you want to follow.

Just stating that it interests you isn’t enough: first, you need to figure out why you’re interested in this field:

  • Is it a longstanding passion or a recent discovery?
  • Does it come naturally or have you had to work hard at it?
  • How does it fit into the rest of your life?
  • What do you think it contributes to society?

Tips for the introduction

  • Don’t start on a cliche: avoid phrases like “Ever since I was a child…” or “For as long as I can remember…”
  • Do save the introduction for last. If you’re struggling to come up with a strong opening, leave it aside, and note down any interesting ideas that occur to you as you write the rest of the personal statement.

Once you’ve set up the main themes of your personal statement, you’ll delve into more detail about your experiences and motivations.

To structure the body of your personal statement, there are various strategies you can use.

Strategy 1: Describe your development over time

One of the simplest strategies is to give a chronological overview of key experiences that have led you to apply for graduate school.

  • What first sparked your interest in the field?
  • Which classes, assignments, classmates, internships, or other activities helped you develop your knowledge and skills?
  • Where do you want to go next? How does this program fit into your future plans?

Don’t try to include absolutely everything you’ve done—pick out highlights that are relevant to your application. Aim to craft a compelling narrative that shows how you’ve changed and actively developed yourself.

My interest in psychology was first sparked early in my high school career. Though somewhat scientifically inclined, I found that what interested me most was not the equations we learned about in physics and chemistry, but the motivations and perceptions of my fellow students, and the subtle social dynamics that I observed inside and outside the classroom. I wanted to learn how our identities, beliefs, and behaviours are shaped through our interactions with others, so I decided to major in Social Psychology. My undergraduate studies deepened my understanding of, and fascination with, the interplay between an individual mind and its social context.During my studies, I acquired a solid foundation of knowledge about concepts like social influence and group dynamics, but I also took classes on various topics not strictly related to my major. I was particularly interested in how other fields intersect with psychology—the classes I took on media studies, biology, and literature all enhanced my understanding of psychological concepts by providing different lenses through which to look at the issues involved.

Strategy 2: Own your challenges and obstacles

If your path to graduate school hasn’t been easy or straightforward, you can turn this into a strength, and structure your personal statement as a story of overcoming obstacles.

  • Is your social, cultural or economic background underrepresented in the field? Show how your experiences will contribute a unique perspective.
  • Do you have gaps in your resume or lower-than-ideal grades? Explain the challenges you faced and how you dealt with them.

Don’t focus too heavily on negatives, but use them to highlight your positive qualities. Resilience, resourcefulness and perseverance make you a promising graduate school candidate.

Growing up working class, urban decay becomes depressingly familiar. The sight of a row of abandoned houses does not surprise me, but it continues to bother me. Since high school, I have been determined to pursue a career in urban planning. While people of my background experience the consequences of urban planning decisions first-hand, we are underrepresented in the field itself. Ironically, given my motivation, my economic background has made my studies challenging. I was fortunate enough to be awarded a scholarship for my undergraduate studies, but after graduation I took jobs in unrelated fields to help support my parents. In the three years since, I have not lost my ambition. Now I am keen to resume my studies, and I believe I can bring an invaluable perspective to the table: that of the people most impacted by the decisions of urban planners.

Strategy 3: Demonstrate your knowledge of the field

Especially if you’re applying for a PhD or another research-focused program, it’s a good idea to show your familiarity with the subject and the department. Your personal statement can focus on the area you want to specialize in and reflect on why it matters to you.

  • Reflect on the topics or themes that you’ve focused on in your studies. What draws you to them?
  • Discuss any academic achievements, influential teachers, or other highlights of your education.
  • Talk about the questions you’d like to explore in your research and why you think they’re important.

The personal statement isn’t a research proposal , so don’t go overboard on detail—but it’s a great opportunity to show your enthusiasm for the field and your capacity for original thinking.

In applying for this research program, my intention is to build on the multidisciplinary approach I have taken in my studies so far, combining knowledge from disparate fields of study to better understand psychological concepts and issues. The Media Psychology program stands out to me as the perfect environment for this kind of research, given its researchers’ openness to collaboration across diverse fields. I am impressed by the department’s innovative interdisciplinary projects that focus on the shifting landscape of media and technology, and I hope that my own work can follow a similarly trailblazing approach. More specifically, I want to develop my understanding of the intersection of psychology and media studies, and explore how media psychology theories and methods might be applied to neurodivergent minds. I am interested not only in media psychology but also in psychological disorders, and how the two interact. This is something I touched on during my undergraduate studies and that I’m excited to delve into further.

Strategy 4: Discuss your professional ambitions

Especially if you’re applying for a more professionally-oriented program (such as an MBA), it’s a good idea to focus on concrete goals and how the program will help you achieve them.

  • If your career is just getting started, show how your character is suited to the field, and explain how graduate school will help you develop your talents.
  • If you have already worked in the profession, show what you’ve achieved so far, and explain how the program will allow you to take the next step.
  • If you are planning a career change, explain what has driven this decision and how your existing experience will help you succeed.

Don’t just state the position you want to achieve. You should demonstrate that you’ve put plenty of thought into your career plans and show why you’re well-suited to this profession.

One thing that fascinated me about the field during my undergraduate studies was the sheer number of different elements whose interactions constitute a person’s experience of an urban environment. Any number of factors could transform the scene I described at the beginning: What if there were no bus route? Better community outreach in the neighborhood? Worse law enforcement? More or fewer jobs available in the area? Some of these factors are out of the hands of an urban planner, but without taking them all into consideration, the planner has an incomplete picture of their task. Through further study I hope to develop my understanding of how these disparate elements combine and interact to create the urban environment. I am interested in the social, psychological and political effects our surroundings have on our lives. My studies will allow me to work on projects directly affecting the kinds of working-class urban communities I know well. I believe I can bring my own experiences, as well as my education, to bear upon the problem of improving infrastructure and quality of life in these communities.

Tips for the main body

  • Don’t rehash your resume by trying to summarize everything you’ve done so far; the personal statement isn’t about listing your academic or professional experience, but about reflecting, evaluating, and relating it to broader themes.
  • Do make your statements into stories: Instead of saying you’re hard-working and self-motivated, write about your internship where you took the initiative to start a new project. Instead of saying you’ve always loved reading, reflect on a novel or poem that changed your perspective.

Your conclusion should bring the focus back to the program and what you hope to get out of it, whether that’s developing practical skills, exploring intellectual questions, or both.

Emphasize the fit with your specific interests, showing why this program would be the best way to achieve your aims.

Strategy 1: What do you want to know?

If you’re applying for a more academic or research-focused program, end on a note of curiosity: what do you hope to learn, and why do you think this is the best place to learn it?

If there are specific classes or faculty members that you’re excited to learn from, this is the place to express your enthusiasm.

Strategy 2: What do you want to do?

If you’re applying for a program that focuses more on professional training, your conclusion can look to your career aspirations: what role do you want to play in society, and why is this program the best choice to help you get there?

Tips for the conclusion

  • Don’t summarize what you’ve already said. You have limited space in a personal statement, so use it wisely!
  • Do think bigger than yourself: try to express how your individual aspirations relate to your local community, your academic field, or society more broadly. It’s not just about what you’ll get out of graduate school, but about what you’ll be able to give back.

You’ll be expected to do a lot of writing in graduate school, so make a good first impression: leave yourself plenty of time to revise and polish the text.

Your style doesn’t have to be as formal as other kinds of academic writing, but it should be clear, direct and coherent. Make sure that each paragraph flows smoothly from the last, using topic sentences and transitions to create clear connections between each part.

Don’t be afraid to rewrite and restructure as much as necessary. Since you have a lot of freedom in the structure of a personal statement, you can experiment and move information around to see what works best.

Finally, it’s essential to carefully proofread your personal statement and fix any language errors. Before you submit your application, consider investing in professional personal statement editing . For $150, you have the peace of mind that your personal statement is grammatically correct, strong in term of your arguments, and free of awkward mistakes.

A statement of purpose is usually more formal, focusing on your academic or professional goals. It shouldn’t include anything that isn’t directly relevant to the application.

A personal statement can often be more creative. It might tell a story that isn’t directly related to the application, but that shows something about your personality, values, and motivations.

However, both types of document have the same overall goal: to demonstrate your potential as a graduate student and s how why you’re a great match for the program.

The typical length of a personal statement for graduate school applications is between 500 and 1,000 words.

Different programs have different requirements, so always check if there’s a minimum or maximum length and stick to the guidelines. If there is no recommended word count, aim for no more than 1-2 pages.

If you’re applying to multiple graduate school programs, you should tailor your personal statement to each application.

Some applications provide a prompt or question. In this case, you might have to write a new personal statement from scratch: the most important task is to respond to what you have been asked.

If there’s no prompt or guidelines, you can re-use the same idea for your personal statement – but change the details wherever relevant, making sure to emphasize why you’re applying to this specific program.

If the application also includes other essays, such as a statement of purpose , you might have to revise your personal statement to avoid repeating the same information.

If you want to know more about college essays , academic writing , and AI tools , make sure to check out some of our other language articles with explanations, examples, and quizzes.

College essays

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  • Conceptual framework
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  • Thesis acknowledgements
  • Burned or burnt
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  • Dreamt or dreamed
  • Gray or grey
  • Theater vs theatre

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McCombes, S. (2023, July 03). How to Write Your Personal Statement | Strategies & Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved September 25, 2024, from

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personal statement why are you applying for your chosen course

How to write your personal statement

personal statement why are you applying for your chosen course

If you’re considering applying to university, you are likely to be starting to research the UCAS application process. You have probably already discovered that your personal statement is a key part of that. Here are a few things you can do to ensure you stand out from the crowd!

A personal statement is a written piece of text, personal to you, to support your application to university. Your personal statement should be no more than 4,000 characters (which is about 500 words).

If you’re ready to apply to university, get started on your personal statement – and allow plenty of time for checking and editing.

You may feel the prospect of writing a personal statement daunting, but there’s lots of guidance available to help you get it just right. It’s a great opportunity to tell the universities you’re interested in why you are a good candidate for the course(s) you’re applying for.

Quick checklist

  • Explain why  you have chosen your subject and what interests you about it.
  • Show that you understand what your chosen subject is all about – and that you understand any related professions.
  • Explain what interests you about your current studies.
  • Highlight your work experience , placement or voluntary work and explain  why this is relevant to the course you’ve chosen.
  • Explain what your graduate ambitions are, if you know.
  • Highlight your personal skills , such as communication, teamwork, and organisation – make sure you provide examples of when you have demonstrated these skills, and how and why they will be useful to you at university.
  • Highlight your academic achievements.
  • Reference any  other achievements , awards or programmes you have been involved in outside of school or college – this can also include summer schools, placements or taster events. Make sure you explain what you learned from these experiences.
  • Include your social, sports and leisure interests and how the skills and qualities  you have gained from these interests will help you at university and beyond.
  • Make sure your statement is original. Don’t copy from a classmate or include false statements. You will be found out and you’ll be doing yourself a disservice.
  • Thoroughly check your spelling and grammar using software such as Word and Grammarly.
  • Get your personal statement reviewed by your tutor.

Great resources  

Watch our videos about preparing for university

UCAS guide to writing a personal statement

Complete University Guide’s tips on writing your personal statement

Universities are also available to help you get your personal statement just right and can offer online advice sessions – ask your tutor to get in touch with us to arrange this.

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  • Thinking of applying for a Teesside University course? Head to our online chat for guidance if you need it – live on our website.
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9 Things To Include In Your UCAS Personal Statement

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Need to write your personal statement?  Here is some advice from UCAS.

To apply for a course, you'll need to complete a personal statement in a maximum of 4,000 characters of text.  It is your opportunity to sell yourself to your prospective college or university; to describe the ambitions, skills and experience that will make you right for your choices.

Write about the course

  • Why are you applying for your chosen course(s)?
  • Why does this subject interest you?
  • Why do you think you're suitable for the course(s)?
  • Do your current or previous studies relate to the course(s) that you have chosen?
  • Have you taken part in any other activities that demonstrate your interest in the course(s)?

Write about your skills and achievements

  • Universities like to know the skills you have that will help you on the course, or generally with life at university. List these skills here and any supporting evidence to back up why you are so excited about the courses you have chosen.
  • Include any other achievements you’re proud of, positions of responsibility that you hold or have held both in and out of school, and attributes that make you interesting, special or unique.

Write about your work experience and future plans

  • Include details of jobs, placements, work experience or voluntary work, particularly if it's relevant to your chosen course(s). Try to link any experience to skills or qualities related to the course.
  • If you know what you’d like to do after completing the course, explain how you want to use the knowledge and experience that you gain.

Dos when writing your personal statement

  • Do use your best English and don’t let spelling and grammatical errors spoil your statement.
  • Do show that you know your strengths and can outline your ideas clearly.
  • Do be enthusiastic – if you show your interest in the course, it may help you get a place.
  • Do expect to produce several drafts of your personal statement before being totally happy with it.
  • Do ask people you trust for their feedback.

Don’ts when writing your personal statement

  • Don’t exaggerate – if you do you may get caught out at interview when asked to elaborate on an interesting achievement.
  • Don’t rely on a spellchecker as it will not pick up everything – proofread as many times as possible.
  • Don’t leave it to the last minute – your statement will seem rushed and important information could be left out.

If you want to know what you can say about yourself, ask your tutor, parents/carers and friends.  If you are a Loughborough College learner and want to have your statement checked, email it to: [email protected] .

Despite the Coronavirus, careers information, advice and guidance is still available at Loughborough College, just via email, rather than face to face. 

You can contact Careers on:  [email protected]  and ask for assistance with choosing a career; choosing a course for next year at college, university or another training provider; writing a CV or personal statement; applying for a job or apprenticeship; planning a gap year; or anything else related to your future study or employment.  We are here to help you to progress.

Loughborough College Careers.

What makes a good personal statement

How to write a personal statement for postgraduate course applications.

A good personal statement can make the difference between getting an offer, and your application being unsuccessful.

What is a personal statement?

A personal statement is a standard part of the application process for postgraduate courses. It is your opportunity to demonstrate that a Masters course is right for you and that you have the potential to complete it successfully. It is also your opportunity to tell us about your academic and personal achievements.

When you are preparing your personal statement, you should ask yourself the following questions:

  • What is it about this course that interests you?
  • Are there any aspects of this course that particularly attract you and why?
  • How has your undergraduate study influenced your decision to apply? Has anything else sparked your interest?
  • Have you got any relevant work or experience you can bring?
  • What are your personal achievements?
  • Why do you want to study at the University of Stirling?
  • What are your future career goals and ambitions, and how will this course help you achieve them?

Top 5 tips for a good personal statement

  • Don’t use the same personal statement for each course you are applying  for. Be specific about why you are applying for that particular course.
  • This should be your own work, and you shouldn’t copy from elsewhere or  plagiarise from someone else.
  • Give details of any relevant work experience, and the skills this has helped  you gain, for example presentation skills, group work or time management.
  • Follow a logical structure, and use clear language.
  • Always make sure you check, and double-check your spelling and grammar.

Using AI tools to write your personal statement

Generating (and then copying, pasting and submitting) all or a large part of your personal statement from an AI tool such as ChatGPT, and presenting it in your own words, could mean that your statement doesn’t appear genuine. While AI tools can be useful if used in the correct way, they can’t replicate your personal thoughts and feelings and convey your own skills and experiences. Your personal statement should be your own work, and AI tools can make it appear bland and generic and could affect your chances of being offered a place.

If you are an international student and require a student visa, the UKVI may refer to your personal statement during an interview.

Postgraduate admissions

If you have any questions about postgraduate study please contact us.

University undergraduate students studying in the Monica Partridge Building Digital Hub. Friday November 5th 2021.Cole Pearce; Jane Israel (denim jacket) and Francis Adam (black and white hoodie)

How to write a personal statement

Finding the right words to include in your personal statement can be tricky, but we're here to guide you through it.

Writing a first-class statement

You know we’re a good match, now all you’ve got to do is tell us why. Your personal statement is an opportunity to tell us everything about you and how special you are but finding the right words can be tricky. If you’re tired of sitting in front of a blank page for hours on end, searching for the best way to describe yourself, you’ve come to the right place. Here are our top tips for writing a personal statement.

What is a personal statement?

A personal statement forms part of your application to study at university. It’s your chance to articulate why you’d like to study a particular course or subject, and what skills and experience you possess that demonstrate your passion for your chosen field. Your personal statement can be up to 4,000 characters (including spaces) or 47 lines of 95 characters (including spaces); whichever is shorter.

What to write about in your personal statement

You! No one knows you better than you know yourself. You need to tell us why you’re the perfect candidate for the course and what makes you stand out from the crowd.

A helpful way of ensuring you strike the right balance is by splitting your statement into sections:

  • At least 75% of your personal statement should be related to what you want to study, and why you want to study that subject. Be genuine and refer to topics you've already studied and your wider interests in the area. It's also worth reflecting on any reading that you’ve done on the subject or relevant work experience.
  • The remaining 25% of your statement should cover any other achievements. This is where you show us that you’ve taken full advantage of the opportunities presented to you. Are you on a school sports team? Have you conducted any charity work? Do you have a part-time job? Include relevant examples that demonstrate you have the skills needed during your time at university. It’s time to boast about how brilliant you are! 

However, getting these details down isn't always easy, and some people find it helpful to make notes over time. Carrying a notebook with you or setting up a memo on your phone can be useful. Whenever you think of something useful for your personal statement, jot it down.

Top Tip: It’s important to remember that you only write one personal statement – it remains the same for each course you apply for. So, avoid mentioning any universities by name. If you’re applying for more than one subject (or it’s a combined course) it’s crucial to include common themes or reference the overall skills needed for all subjects.

How to write your personal statement

Just like you, your personal statement should be unique, so there’s no specific format to follow when it comes to putting pen to paper. That said, we have compiled some general guidelines for you to follow:

  • Write simply and naturally – don’t use complex language to impress, it often doesn’t read well 
  • Be enthusiastic and excited – we want to see your genuine passion (and enjoy reading about it) 
  • Structure your personal statement to reflect the skills and qualities universities value most – read the course descriptions for inspiration 
  • Read it aloud – this can help you spot any potential mistakes and provides an opportunity to edit the text to make the statement sound more natural 
  • Don’t copy – UCAS runs your personal statement through plagiarism software to make sure your statement is original 
  • Overwrite then edit – when working on your first draft it’s important to get down as much information as you can, you can refine the copy to suit the character count later 
  • Don’t settle on draft one – come back to your statement a few days after completing your first draft, you’ll likely want to redraft certain sections after coming back with ‘fresh eyes’ 
  • Ask for advice – get your teachers, advisors and family to take a look and don’t be offended if they offer suggestions or changes, they want to help you succeed 
  • Run your statement through a spell-checking programme – then double-check the spelling, punctuation and grammar and correct

We recommend you write your personal statement first, then copy and paste it into your online application once you're happy with it. Make sure you save it regularly, as it times out after 35 minutes of inactivity.

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Writing the Perfect Personal Statement for Your Master's or PhD Application

What is a personal statement letter.

Think of it as if you’re on trial, and the university admissions committee is the jury. Except, in this case, you’re not trying to prove your innocence of a crime. You’re simply trying to prove that you are the perfect candidate that should be admitted to a Master's or PhD programme at your preferred university.

To do this, you will have to write write a short essay with concrete examples and evidence about your experience and motivation, all pointing to what kind of student you are and why you're a good fit for the chosen degree.

Your personal statement is an invitation to the admission committee to get to know who you are. It should also be the result of self-reflection, the outcome of you taking time to figure out who you are and what your goals for the future should be – both in terms of what you want to study, but also what your career should lead to after graduation.

girl writing personal statement

Your personal statement should answer questions like these:

Why is the programme you are applying for the right one for you?

How are you going to contribute to society if you follow the programme?

Why is this programme the logical next step considering your personality and previous studies?

The people who'll read your personal statement will be as convinced by it as you are. That’s why it’s crucial to first answer these questions for yourself and make sure you are comfortable with the answers. 

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What a personal statement is not

Don’t confuse a personal statement for your Master’s or PhD application with a cover letter for a job application. The personal statement is more about you and how the university fits into your plans rather than why the university is great, and you can’t live without it.

Don't use your essay to try to impress the application committee. Don’t write things that you think they want to hear. Just tell them your story, be authentic and offer them the opportunity to get to know a person, not just a set of achievements.

Don’t start listing your application documents in your personal statement. Your letter shouldn’t be just a repetition of information, but rather a map that puts all that you’ve done together and gives it personal meaning.

Don't treat your personal statement as a scientific paper or your journal. Keep it professional, but be a person. Just present yourself the way you would to a total stranger, but be friendly. You can be open and frank, but leave some things out, because you don’t know that person well enough.

how to start a personal statement

How to start a personal statement letter?

The key is to grab your reader’s attention from the very beginning. How?

Think of your opening paragraph as your 'elevator pitch': you get into an elevator with one of the committee members. You have a chance to convince them why you are the right choice before they get off.

Here’s how your personal statement for grad schools should start. Lead with what is most interesting for the reader, or what you are interested in the most. Second, set the stage for why you want to study that Master’s or PhD programme. In two sentences, explain how you got here, how you pursued your passion and are willing to invest more time and effort. In the next two sentences, give an overview of your background in this field! Now conclude with what you intend to do with your graduate degree!


Give yourself plenty of time to write a personal statement

How long should your personal statement be? And how much time should you invest in writing it?

Personal statements required for graduate school admissions are short. Their length should be around 700 words, meaning 1-2 pages. However, you should be careful to write it well and edit it thoroughly for grammar, spelling, or punctuation errors. Carefully consider each sentence you write because every single word contributes to the impact of your statement of purpose.

Give yourself a few weeks to think about what you want to say (and how you want to say it). 

Reflect on what led you to apply for this programme. An encounter you had with a particular scholar, an inspiring course you took, a pivotal moment during your studies – there isn’t space for these kinds of things on your CV, but a personal statement allows you to share such personal experiences.

Expect to go through a few drafts before you get to the final version, and don’t expect miracles! You shouldn’t be able to do it over one weekend.  

You should also allow time to double and triple-check your statement for any glaring mistakes. Send your personal statement draft to a colleague, your thesis mentor, a teaching assistant, or your friendly neighbourhood copy -editor to have them look over it for clarity.

The level of your English can make a difference as well, so if you want to make sure you’re up to speed,  take an English proficiency test:

  • PTE Academic
  • IELTS Academic

Research the programme you are applying to

Part of doing post-graduate research (especially in a PhD) is proving that you understand the field you are entering; In your personal statement, you can prove how familiar you are with the scholars who work in that area.

Demonstrate that you’ve given thought to the actual programme you’re applying to. Don't tell them that you applied to their school because it is the highest-ranking school or that it’s in a city you’d love to live in.

Almost every university department website has details about each faculty member - what they specialise in and what they’ve published. Use this information to your advantage. Show that your interests align with those who already work in that department and that your research will find a comfortable home there. If you already contacted one of the professors in the school, make sure to mention it in your personal statement.

Student writing her personal statement on a laptop

Avoid clichés, junk, and too many details

How do you keep the reader engaged while they go through your letter? Your personal statement is an opportunity to express yourself, but wasting the admission committee’s time is considered a capital sin.

Amateur writers fall into the trap of excessive, unnecessary preambles. It looks something like this: ‘Since the beginning of time, mankind has utilised principles of mathematics to measure objects in the world…’.

As a general rule for good writing, this kind of statement is, frankly, useless and annoying. Someone reading this sentence thinks you're either trying to fill space or just trying to show off. Committee members are just trying to find information about you that will let them decide your suitability for the programme. The last thing you want to do is bore them with unnecessary junk.

your story

Tell your life story only if it adds to the statement

Students writing personal statements always feel tempted to talk about their personal history. But you can leave this kind of information out if it doesn't support the purpose of your statement.

For example, if you’re applying to a Master’s programme in English Literature, you can leave out the ‘I’ve been a bookworm from the time that I learned how to read’ section. This kind of statement is most likely true for all other applicants to the programme and won’t set you apart.

Similarly, if you’re applying to a medical school, there’s no need to mention that you’ve ‘always wanted to help people or that you ‘had a calling to be a doctor since age 7’.

However, there are key aspects of your personal history that will be useful here:

Talk about that time you did an internship and what you got from that work experience.

Talk about your own major research project and what you discovered about yourself.

Talk about any publications, conference presentations, or assistantships you’ve done and what they've taught you.

These kinds of concrete details are more helpful, especially if there is a direct link between these experiences and what you will be doing in your graduate studies programme. These are the things that will set you apart from other applicants.

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Don't use the same personal statement for 10 different Master’s or PhD applications

A common mistake among applicants is applying to multiple study programmes using the same personal statement. I’ve personally heard advisors and tutors recommend ‘writing one personal statement’ and ‘changing the name of the university’ for each one.

This is a huge mistake!

For one thing, every programme has its own unique set of questions that they want you to answer in your personal statement.

Some want extra-curricular activities you’ve participated in

Some want a clear proposal for your project

Some want you to just explain why you are applying to their school

Some want to see what is unique about you and the research you’re doing

Admissions officers can tell when you’ve used the same worn-out personal statement and sent it to them without a second thought. Instead, you should have a good personal statement that is uniquely tailored to every programme. Some information will overlap, but much of it will not.

Another reason to avoid this technique is that it often ends in embarrassing mistakes and errors in the personal statement. Probably every admissions officer can recall a time in the last application cycle when a student applying to Northwestern University said, ‘it would be an honour to be admitted to UCLA this year.’ 

Errors like this come about when an applicant decides to use the same template for every school he or she is applying to. The easiest and most certain way to avoid such an egregious error would be to simply write a new strong statement for each school (hence our first piece of advice: allow yourself plenty of extra time).

A must-have list of what to include in your personal statement: 

An explanation of why you want to study the course – what is your motivation, and how the degree fits in your long-term plans. Don’t be vague or too specific.

Prove you are right for this course – do your research on what the programme offers and what is expected of you and show how you fit the requirements.

Talk about your extracurricular activities – show how you went the extra mile. Don’t just list them. Show how they all fit together – how they have defined the path that you want to take.

Mention what inspired you to apply – books, blogs or inspirational videos & speakers, science journals you’ve read, as well as relevant films or documentaries. Have any teachers or tutors really had an impact on your life?

Include relevant experiences - What sealed your interest in the subject? This may be a volunteering programme, summer school, summer job, internship, or visits to places that left an impression on you. How does the degree influence your future career and personal goals? – Let the committee see how your study programme fits into your overall story and your future.

What are you good at? - What skills have you developed up to the present, and what do you want to further develop? How will the programme help you develop those new skills?

 This shows that you are a committed learner and that you want to keep growing. Avoid generic skills and clichés. Focus on the most relevant ones for the programme and give specific examples.

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By Nik Taylor (Editor, The Uni Guide) | 16 November 2023 | 3 min read

The ten biggest mistakes when writing your personal statement

Dodge these common blunders and you'll be well on your way to creating a great uni application

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Writing your personal statement is a challenge that many students struggle with.  Here are 10 common personal statement mistakes that students make, as well as some tips for making sure you're on the right track.  Visit the personal statement forum and the university applications forum on The Student Room to see what other students are saying about the process. 

The university application personal statement is changing in 2025
University admissions service Ucas has announced that a new style of personal statement will be launched in 2025. This will affect anyone making a university application from autumn 2025 onwards.


1. Telling a story

Many personal statements can take on the appearance of the applicant's life story. While some background information won't hurt, the best statements will only include experiences directly related to their chosen course. Generally, you should focus on recent study from the last few years. Anything older than that should only be included if it's relevant or provides important context.

  • Read more: how to write an excellent personal statement in ten steps

2. Repeating information already contained in your application

It can be hard to fit everything you want to say into just 4,000 characters. So don't waste space on things that are already included elsewhere in your application, such as your A-level subjects or previous grades. Remember that the admissions tutor can see your whole application, so there's no need to repeat yourself. 

  • Read more: how to write your university application

3. Spending too long discussing personal issues

Many applicants mention personal issues in their statement, like health and bereavement. This is relevant as it affects studying, but it might be better covered in your reference instead. However, if you want to include this in your personal statement, it's worth keeping it short. One or two sentences is enough.

4. Making simple grammatical errors

Students are often so focused on the experiences they're writing about that they forget to check their grammar. Have a go at reading your statement aloud to make sure it flows well. For bonus points, get a friend or parent to go over it as well.

  • Read more: teacher secrets for writing a great personal statement

5. Failing to demonstrate capability of university-level study

Your personal statement is great opportunity to demonstrate that you can study in a university style. For example, you could discuss a topic you learned about and then explain how you did further independent study (like reading a book chapter, an article or completing an online course) to expand your knowledge.

  • Read more: Ucas deadlines and key application dates

6. Using clichés 

Avoid overused phrases like 'my passion for history began...' or 'I have been interested in geography since a young age'. Admissions tutors read a ton of personal statements and you want to stand out. So get creative with your sentences, but make sure not to go off-topic. 

  • Read more: personal statement FAQs

7. Not going into enough detail about experiences

It can be tempting to fill your personal statement with loads of different experiences to show how well-rounded and dedicated you are. But the character limit will stop you from going into any detail. Instead, aim to give two or three in-depth experiences with examples and links to the course.

  • Read more: how to write your personal statement when you have nothing interesting to say

8. Telling the admissions tutor things they already know

Admissions tutors are often experts in their field. While it's tempting to include facts, you aren't there to tell them about the subject. It's much better to talk about yourself and why you'd be a great candidate.

  • Read more: universities reveal all about personal statements

9. Losing sight of what the personal statement is actually for

Essentially, your personal statement should explain why you want to study the course at university and also demonstrate your ability to complete the degree to a high standard. Make sure everything you write connects with these areas.

  • Read more: universities explain how to end your personal statement with a bang

10. Forgetting that the personal statement should be personal

Advice can be conflicting - whether it's from online sources, teachers or tutors. You might be told something that you don't think suits your personality or your statement, and it's fine to disagree with it. Everyone's got different opinions, but the main thing is that you're happy with your personal statement.  

You may want to look at these...

How to write an excellent personal statement in 10 steps.

Help and advice on putting your application together

6 steps you need to take to apply to university

Find out more about choosing a university and course, writing your application and personal statement

Teacher secrets for writing a great personal statement

Writing a personal statement is one of the most important things you will do when applying to university. Here is some useful advice and insider knowledge from Mrs Kinetta, who has more than 25 years of experience as a sixth form tutor.

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Personal statements for 2026 applicants

If you’re applying to university for 2026 entry, you may be aware that the format of personal statements is changing. We’re here to help you understand how to complete the personal statement and explain what’s expected from your application.

Two students studying

What’s changing?

Previously, a personal statement was one long piece of text. From 2026, personal statements will be split into three different questions. This is to help applicants understand what universities want to know, so you have more direction on what to include in your application.

What are the questions?

The three questions you’ll need to answer in your application are:

1. Why do you want to study this course or subject?  

Here you can cover what has motivated you to study your chosen subject, including what interests you about the topic and how it will help you achieve your future goals.

2. How have your qualifications and studies helped you to prepare for this course or subject? 

This is your chance to show how the knowledge and skills you’ve gained from education will help you succeed at university. You can write about the studies you have completed that relate to your chosen course, the skills you have learnt in education and any relevant educational achievements.

Some examples could be a research project you found interesting or an assignment where you went above and beyond.

Top tip: Don’t waste space listing the subjects you’ve studied or your qualifications. These will be shown on your UCAS application, so focus on giving key examples of your work or achievements related to your chosen course.

3. What else have you done to prepare outside of education, and why are these experiences useful?

Use this section to talk about work experience, volunteering, hobbies or extracurricular activities or any achievements outside of school or college. Think about how these experiences have given you the skills to succeed in your course and at university or support your interest in the subject area.  

How much can I write?

Each section has a minimum character count of 350, including spaces. You have a 4000-character count overall, including spaces. You don't have to use the same number of characters for each question, as long as you write a minimum of 350 characters you can write more for one question than you do for the others. Consider how your skills and experience align with the questions and plan your answers based on this.

Top tip: The universities you apply to will review all three sections at the same time, so you don’t need to repeat any information in different answers.

Get more information about personal statements for 2026 and beyond

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How to write a personal statement

To give yourself the best chance possible, your personal statement should be relevant, well-written and uniquely about you. It's your opportunity to explain or expand on the other documents you submit as part of your application.

What should I include in my personal statement?

Think of a personal statement like a job application cover letter. It should outline your motivation to study, your previous education and employment history, and how this course can assist your career aspirations or progression.

Tell us about your experience

Keep in mind that your statement should be relevant and demonstrate your commitment and interest in the course or study area you're applying for. Talk about what you are good at and what you are proud of. Start writing a list that includes:

  • achievements
  • work experience
  • obstacles you have overcome.

Include any voluntary work or activities, as these are a great reflection of who you are as a person and what you believe in.

Pro tip: keep it brief – stick to around 500 words.

Write it yourself!

This is your chance to let us know why you would make a great Deakin student or why you may not have previously performed as well as you know you could. Your personal statement is an alternative way for our admissions team to learn more about you and your strengths.

Pro tip: only you can express what you are passionate about and why.

Double-check your writing

Allow yourself time to revise and refine, getting rid of any information that is not relevant to your course. It may seem obvious, but getting your spelling and grammar right is important. Choose a tense and stick with it.

Pro tip: ask a friend to look over your personal statement.

Applications are now open

The  Deakin Application Portal has made applying for your ultimate course easier than ever. Plus, you can chat with our application experts on 1800 693 888 if you need support at any step.

How to navigate the application portal

Here is how to upload your personal statement to the portal:

  • login to
  • click on the ‘Supporting documents’ tab
  • upload your personal statement (max file size 15MB)
  • select personal statement from the pop-up
  • continue your application.

Got a question but can’t find the answer?

Here are some of the most asked questions our awesome future student advisers get about applying to Deakin:

Common questions

I'm having trouble creating an account on the application portal. how do i register.

If you've previously registered your details through the application portal , you won't be able to register again with the same email. If you don't remember your login details simply contact Student Central on +61 3 9244 6333 or submit an enquiry online .

For more information on future student services and courses:

Think of a personal statement like a job application cover letter. It should outline your motivation towards studying, your previous education and employment history, and how this course can assist your career aspirations or progression.

Can I get help to write my personal statement?

Yes! Please have a read of How to write a personal statement . You’re also welcome to chat to one of our friendly advisers on 1800 693 888 for advice on what to include in your personal statement.

Do I have to provide a personal statement?

It depends on the course you're applying for and its specific entry requirements. Either way, it will strengthen your chances of being offered a place at Deakin in your desired course. Check the entry requirements on the relevant course page for more information.

What is special consideration?

Special consideration acknowledges the hard work you've put in to get to uni, while recognising what you could have achieved if your circumstances were different. A successful application can adjust your rank. This means you can be offered a place in a course at Deakin, with a lower rank than would usually be required.

How do I apply for special consideration?

Applying for special consideration is simple, and in some cases, you won't need to provide any details outside of your course application. The process is different for each VTAC category, or Deakin's programs, so please visit the relevant special consideration page for step-by-step instructions on how to apply.

I have submitted an application through VTAC, can I also submit an application directly to Deakin?

It depends on the course/s you're applying for, but generally, no. Get in touch with our Prospective Student Enquiry Centre on 1800 693 888 or via live chat to discuss your options.

What is SEAS?

VTAC's Special Entry Access Scheme (SEAS) is for those who may not have been able to reach their full potential for study due to a range of challenging factors. SEAS enables institutions to consider the circumstances you've experienced and their impact on your studies when making selection decisions.

What are SEAS aggregate points?

The Special Entry Access Scheme (SEAS) adds points to your aggregate to reflect the level you may have achieved if your circumstances had been different. This can increase your chance of receiving an offer but does not guarantee it. Deakin will give a maximum of 15 aggregate points per applicant.

Can you tell me if I'm definitely eligible before I apply?

Unfortunately not. Multiple factors are taken into consideration when an application is being assessed. This includes individual course requirements , which are subject to change, and the quality and size of the cohort of the year or trimester you're applying in.

When will I hear back about my application?

The general turnaround time for direct applications to Deakin is two to four weeks from submission. You can check the progress of your application by logging into the application portal . If you applied through VTAC , offers are released in rounds.

How do I find out my application status?

Once you've submitted your application successfully, you can log back into the application portal to check the progress of your application.

When can I expect my offer?

Direct offers from Deakin are generally sent out two to four weeks post application. You can check the status of your application at anytime by logging into the application portal .

Will my first preference still be considered if I receive an offer for a lower preference?

Yes, whether you're applying through VTAC or directly to Deakin , you may still be considered for your first or higher-preferred courses regardless of whether you've accepted, declined or deferred an offer for a lower preferred course.

What support is available to help me complete my application?

Get top tips and advice from our how to apply video guide . Our Prospective Student Enquiry Centre can also provide step-by-step guidance on the application process. Call 1800 693 888 to chat with one of our friendly advisers or contact an authorised agent in your country or region.

Can I speak to someone in person about my study options?

Yes! We regularly host events , including 1:1 consultations and information sessions, to assist you with study options and career planning. You can also connect with our Prospective Student Enquiry Centre on 1800 693 888 from 9am-5pm weekdays, or chat with a team member live online, Monday–Friday.

Can I include references in my application?

Yes, you can! References are required for our MBA but are also welcome for other course applications. If you don't have an academic record, a written reference is considered to be a strong supporting document . Keep in mind, references may enhance your application but don't guarantee entry.

Will references help my application?

A reference is considered to be a supporting document . If it provides more context about your work or life experience, it may enhance your application but will not guarantee you entry.

Do I have to apply via VTAC if I'm not in Year 12?

If you're applying for more than one course in Trimester 1, you'll need to apply through VTAC . If you're applying for one course only, or multiple courses in Trimesters 2 and 3, you can apply direct to Deakin. Use our course finder to check entry requirements for your chosen course.

I didn't complete high school. Can I still apply?

Yes. If you don’t currently meet the academic entry requirements, or need to bridge the gap between previous study and university, we offer several pathway options . We encourage you to apply so our admissions team can process your application and recommend the best pathway for you.

How do I apply for a scholarship?

Each Deakin scholarship has a unique set of entry requirements – be sure to check the individual scholarship page for full details on how to apply, as well as our top tips for scholarship applications .

Will I find out if I'm successful for a scholarship before getting an offer?

The application timeline for each Deakin scholarship is different – be sure to check the individual scholarship page for full details on dates and how to apply. You can also check out our top tips for scholarship applications .

Do I need to provide certified transcripts with my application?

If you’re a domestic student there’s no need to provide certified documentation unless you’ve changed your name or status (i.e. residency). If you’re an international student you’ll need to provide certified documentation before you commence on campus. It’s important to attach all requested supporting documentation in English when you apply to avoid any delays.

Apply with confidence. We are committed to giving you the guidance you need throughout the application process.

Domestic students  1800 693 888 Enquire online

International students  +61 3 9918 9188 Enquire online

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  • a resident or citizen of any other country, intending to study on a student visa.

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  • Pre-Health Paths
  • Pre-Medicine

Personal Statement

The personal statement accomplishes a variety of goals:

  • It explains why you are choosing a career in medicine.
  • It puts a "face" to your application.
  • It helps medical schools understand your experiences, interests and values.

What Medical Schools Look For

  • Evidence that you understand the realities of medicine.
  • Your view on why you have chosen a career in medicine.
  • Your life story - How did you get to this point?
  • Your values/experiences - Why is medicine a good fit for you?

Common Pitfalls

  • Writing only about medicine and not about yourself.
  • Not giving yourself enough time to revise multiple drafts.
  • Cutting and pasting the statement from a Word document into the application, which introduces formatting errors. Make sure to write statement in a text-only program like Notepad or directly into the essay.
  • Not proofing the final draft carefully.
  • Not being aware of the tone of essay; coming across as arrogant or entitled to a career in medicine.
  • Relying only on your ideas of medicine and not showing how you tested your decision with experiences.
  • Writing a personal statement that could apply to any applicant.
  • Repeating information that can be found elsewhere in the application.
  • Start early. If you procrastinate on a personal statement, you delay the whole application process.
  • Overwrite at the beginning of the process. Any extra material can often be used in secondary applications and preparing for interviews.
  • Edit the final draft to 5,300 characters (including spaces) for AMCAS statements (usually a page and a half single spaced).
  • Personal statement workshops   are held in winter and spring quarters. They are designed to help you begin the writing process.   See our events page   for upcoming workshops.
  • Individual advising appointments   are available for preparation and feedback.   Book an appointment to meet with an advisor .
  • You can review examples of successful personal statements at the HPA office. They are available for viewing at the reception desk.
  • Check out   Essay Workshop 101 on the Student Doctor Network   website for tips and considerations.
  • If you need style help,   The Writing Place   can help with grammar and expression (but not with content).

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  • How to use the offer rate calculator
  • Understanding historical entry grades data
  • Admissions tests
  • Deferred entry
  • Staying safe online
  • How to write a personal statement that works for multiple courses
  • The new personal statement for 2026 entry
  • How To Write Your Undergraduate Personal Statement
  • How to start a personal statement: The attention grabber
  • How to end your personal statement
  • Introducing the personal statement tool
  • Personal statement dos and don'ts
  • Personal statement week
  • What to include in a personal statement
  • Using AI and ChatGPT to help you with your personal statement
  • Using your personal statement beyond a university application
  • Carers, estranged students, refugees, asylum seekers, and those with limited leave to remain
  • Personal statement advice: animal science
  • Personal statement advice: biology
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  • Personal statement advice: chemistry
  • Personal statement advice and example: computer science
  • Personal statement advice: dance
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  • Personal statement advice: medicine
  • Personal statement advice: midwifery
  • Personal statement advice: modern languages
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  • Personal statement advice: pharmacy
  • Personal statement advice: physiotherapy
  • Personal statement advice: politics
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  • Personal statement advice: sports science
  • Personal statement advice: statistics
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  • Personal statement advice: veterinary medicine
  • Personal statement: finance and accounting
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  • Personal statement advice: art and design
  • Personal statement advice: environmental science
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  • Personal statement advice: philosophy
  • Personal statement advice: photography
  • Personal statement advice: physics
  • References for mature students

With this in mind, your personal statement should demonstrate a clear understanding of what the role involves, the challenges you’ll face, and the kind of skills, qualities, and values required.

We've asked admissions tutors to share their top dos and don'ts for nursing personal statements, and asked a careers adviser to create an example of how to write about your work experience – here's what they told us.  

Nursing personal statement basics – what to include

To structure it, try to write clearly and reflectively about:

  • how you arrived at your decision to go into nursing
  • why, specifically, you want to be an adult, child, mental health, or learning disabilities nurse
  • how your experience and research has contributed to your understanding of the realities and challenges you'll face
  • what it is about your skills, attitudes, values, and character that make the profession right for you
  • anything you feel is especially relevant about your academic studies, or maybe a project you've undertaken

Some universities will score your personal statement against their specific selection criteria. Make sure you take a look at individual university websites, as these criteria may be listed for you to refer to. Look for nursing courses in our search tool .

Writing about relevant experience

Try to build up as much experience or observation as you can. Ideally this should be in a care environment, such as a hospital, clinic, GP practice, school, residential care or the voluntary sector. Any other experience of working with people is helpful too.

Back up these experiences by carrying out some relevant background reading or research –  Health Careers is a good starting point . Just talking to nurses about their work will also be valuable.  Nurse Ewout talks about his route into nursing . If possible, get to some university open days , as they’re great for picking up new insights and asking questions.

Then, when you write about all this in your statement, try to explain and reflect on:

  • what you’ve learned about some of the realities of nursing, the challenges, constraints, and frustrations you’ll face (rather than the rewards), and the skills, qualities, and values you’ll need
  • how you’ve demonstrated some of those skills, qualities, and values yourself through your experience, extracurricular activities, personal interests or achievements

The latter could include the responsibility and commitment you’ve shown through:  

  • voluntary work
  • the teamwork and interpersonal skills you’ve developed in your part-time job
  • the empathy you’ve shown as a student mentor
  • the leadership you’ve displayed as a guide or scout
  • something specific that happened on a Duke of Edinburgh’s Award expedition, and so on

Tip:  Don’t waste space in your statement explaining what a nurse does – they know that! But if you’ve found out for yourself how nurses manage, prescribe, evaluate or critically review evidence when making decisions, do reflect on that.  

Focus on the field of nursing you're interested in

Most nursing admissions tutors expect you to apply for one specific field only, such as adult or child.

They'll expect you to choose between nursing and midwifery courses rather than apply to both at the same time. However, one university told us that you wouldn’t automatically be rejected if you are genuinely interested in the crossover between two different fields (same for nursing and midwifery), so do check first. Some universities also offer dual-field courses but you'll need to demonstrate a realistic understanding of the field(s) you’ve chosen.

For example, if you’re applying specifically for mental health nursing, you might want to reflect on your ability to understand other people’s perspectives or to advocate on their behalf. Or if you feel it’s appropriate to reflect on your own experience of mental health then, as one admissions tutor told us, the key is to explain how this has motivated you to become a nurse yourself.

For child nursing, you might wish to demonstrate your awareness of the diverse range of children you will nurse and the kind of challenges you expect to face. Similarly, for adult or learning disability, you could reflect on what you’ve learned from your interactions with elderly people, or how you’ve supported someone with a learning disability yourself.

The key words are ‘demonstrate’ and ‘reflect’. It’s not enough just to say you understand something – you need to show what it was that led to your understanding. Then, as Moira Davies, nursing admissions tutor at University of South Wales, advises, ‘highlight the skills you have that are transferable to the field of nursing you have chosen’.

If you’re interested in learning more about midwifery, read our guide .

Accuracy is vital

Nhs constitution.

For all degree courses that involve training within an NHS setting, there is likely to be some emphasis on values based selection, and how applicants' own values and behaviours align with the seven core values of the NHS Constitution . Familiarise yourself with this while writing your personal statement.

For more personal statement advice and examples, check out all our personal statement advice including how to write a personal statement and how to start yours .

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    Dos and don'ts when writing a personal statement. Do use your best English and check your spelling and grammar are correct.; Do be enthusiastic - if you show your interest in the course, it will help your application.; Do ask people that you trust, like your teacher/adviser or parent/carer to read through what you have written and give you feedback. ...

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    Thousands of students are applying for the same courses as you, so it is key that your personal statement isn't generic or cliche. Here are a couple of overused phrases you can avoid in your writing: ★ "Since I was a child…". ★ "When I was younger…". ★ "For as long as I can remember…". ★ "I am applying to ...

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    Use your closing couple of lines to summarise the most important points in your statement. 9. Check your writing thoroughly and get someone else to check it, too. 10. Give your brain a rest by forgetting about your personal statement for a while before going back to review it one last time with fresh eyes.

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    Strategy 1: Open with a concrete scene. An effective way to catch the reader's attention is to set up a scene that illustrates something about your character and interests. If you're stuck, try thinking about: A personal experience that changed your perspective. A story from your family's history.

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    Apply. how to complete the personAl stAtementThis worksheet is to help you think about what you co. d include in your personal statement. There are a few sections to give you an idea o. the areas that you could write about. We have included space to allow you t. write down any notes as you go along. If you need more help,

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    You may feel the prospect of writing a personal statement daunting, but there's lots of guidance available to help you get it just right. It's a great opportunity to tell the universities you're interested in why you are a good candidate for the course(s) you're applying for. Quick checklist. Explain why you have chosen your subject and ...

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    Top 5 tips for a good personal statement. Don't use the same personal statement for each course you are applying for. Be specific about why you are applying for that particular course. This should be your own work, and you shouldn't copy from elsewhere or plagiarise from someone else. Give details of any relevant work experience, and the ...

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    Carrying a notebook with you or setting up a memo on your phone can be useful. Whenever you think of something useful for your personal statement, jot it down. Top Tip: It's important to remember that you only write one personal statement - it remains the same for each course you apply for. So, avoid mentioning any universities by name.

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    Dig deeper into why you're applying and call out specific areas of the subject you enjoy. ... Your personal statement is your chance to shine and demonstrate why you're the perfect fit for your chosen course 4. Show your personal skills and achievements. ... Don't leave it too late to start your personal statement. The quicker you start to ...

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    It's much better to talk about yourself and why you'd be a great candidate. 9. Losing sight of what the personal statement is actually for. Essentially, your personal statement should explain why you want to study the course at university and also demonstrate your ability to complete the degree to a high standard.

  19. How to start a personal statement: The attention grabber

    Admissions tutor. 2. Write about why you want to study that course. Think about why you want to study the course and how you can demonstrate this in your written statement: 'Your interest in the course is the biggest thing. Start with a short sentence that captures the reason why you're interested in studying the area you're applying for ...

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  21. How to write a personal statement

    How to navigate the application portal. Here is how to upload your personal statement to the portal: login to click on the 'Supporting documents' tab. upload your personal statement (max file size 15MB) select personal statement from the pop-up. continue your application.

  22. What to include in a personal statement

    Kate McBurnie, First Year student in French, Italian and Theatre. "I think it's really important to not only include why you'd like to study the course you're applying for, but also the things that set you apart from other applicants, i.e., your hobbies, interests, skills, volunteering etc.".

  23. Personal Statement

    Applying; Personal Statement; Personal Statement. The personal statement accomplishes a variety of goals: It explains why you are choosing a career in medicine. It puts a "face" to your application. It helps medical schools understand your experiences, interests and values. What Medical Schools Look For. Evidence that you understand the ...

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    How to open your personal statement. Admissions Tutors will be reading a lot of personal statements so it's important to grab their attention right from the start. Remember, it can only be 4,000 characters, which is about two sides of A4. So, you'll need to use your words wisely to fit everything in.

  25. Personal statement dos and don'ts

    Do make it relevant. Connect what you're saying with the course and with your experiences. Do outline your ideas clearly. Do avoid the negatives - highlight the positives about you, and show you know your strengths. Do expect to produce several drafts of your personal statement before being totally happy with it.

  26. Personal statement advice: nursing

    With this in mind, your personal statement should demonstrate a clear understanding of what the role involves, the challenges you'll face, and the kind of skills, qualities, and values required. We've asked admissions tutors to share their top dos and don'ts for nursing personal statements, and asked a careers adviser to create an example of ...