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15 Best Case Study Templates to Use in Word and ClickUp

Praburam Srinivasan

Growth Marketing Manager

February 14, 2024

Case studies are valuable tools for sharing customer success stories and analyzing problem-solving approaches in a structured and informative manner. They can be used to provide detailed insights into specific projects, strategies, or challenges and offer valuable lessons and best practices for professionals across various fields. 

Content marketing teams often create case studies as a way to gain more customers and get new business. Case studies can give potential customers a better understanding of your company brand , what it does and how you could potentially help them. 

However, creating a compelling case study from scratch can be a time-consuming task. That’s where marketing case study examples and templates can help. 

What is a Case Study Template?

What makes a good case study template, 1. clickup case study template, 2. clickup case study design template, 3. clickup research report template, 4. clickup market research template, 5. clickup user research plan template, 6. clickup data analysis findings template, 7. clickup campaign report template, 8. clickup research whiteboard, 9. google docs case study template by wordstream, 10. word case study report template by, 11. word case brief summary template by, 12. word case study report template by, 13. word case study research template by, 14. word psychology case study template by, 15. word media case study template by

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A case study template is a pre-designed framework that serves as a starting point for creating comprehensive and structured case study documents. It provides a standardized, traditional case study format for organizing and presenting information about a particular project, problem-solving scenario, success story, or real-life situation.

Case study templates typically include sections for outlining the background and context of the case study, project documentation , describing the methodology or approach used, presenting data and analysis, and highlighting key findings and recommendations that tell the entire story. 

Business case study examples like templates can work as a guide to help content marketers, blog post writers, and anyone else creating quality content that’s customer-facing, focus on important aspects and maintain a logical flow while telling a compelling story.

Some key elements that make a case study template stand out include:

  • Clarity and organization: A well-designed template should be easy to navigate. Each section should be labeled appropriately, enabling readers to quickly find the information they seek
  • Flexibility: A good case study template should be easily customizable and able to accommodate diverse scenarios. It should be adaptable to different industries, research methodologies, and presentation styles
  • Visual appeal: Incorporating visual elements like charts, graphs, and other images can enhance a case study template’s look and make it more visually appealing. They can also aid in the comprehension of complex data. A visually engaging template can captivate readers and make the case study more impactful

15 Case Study Templates to Use in 2024

You don’t have to start from scratch when making your next case study. Instead, take a look at these carefully curated case study templates from ClickUp and Microsoft Word.

ClickUp Case Study Template

ClickUp’s Case Study Template can provide a great start for just about any type of case study you and your team want to write. It kicks off with a section for introducing both your business and the client or customer that the case study focuses on. 

After introducing both yourself and the customer, you briefly highlight the customer’s experience and the successes you achieved before delivering a more detailed description of the work you performed and the measurable results you achieved. 

The next section focuses on the objective of the case study—what the client’s goal and pain point was and why they decided you were the right company to help them achieve these goals. 

The case study template then launches into a section describing the solutions you presented and the data that backs up your success. We created this marketing case study template for a marketing agency that helps customers achieve growth through paid media campaigns, but it can easily be edited to highlight any type of solution.

ClickUp Case Study Design Template

One of the best ways of telling a customer story using a case study is by allowing the customer to do most of the work themselves. When a case study is written by current or even previous customers, it feels more sincere and honest, especially to potential customers in the evaluation process. 

If you want to try this technique out, use this ClickUp Study Design Template . You can send your customer this great case study template and allow them to fill it out themselves and basically write a case study for you. This gives you unfiltered and unbiased answers to the questions you want answered in the case study. 

The case study template helps them understand what you want the case study to look like and how the customer’s story should be described. It also helps you get great customer quotes. 

A template makes it easier for your customer to frame their experiences with you and easily explain how your product or service helped them. Hearing a peer’s success story from a firsthand perspective can be a more convincing read for prospective customers. 

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ClickUp Research Report Template

Case studies are essentially customer stories, which can be told in many ways and come in many formats. A research report is another excellent way to frame a case study. 

This ClickUp Research Report Template is a step-by-step guide that can help your team create an easy-to-follow research report that allows you to clearly detail your research methods, findings, and the insights that you’ve gained from the research being presented. 

This template has a very clear structure, allowing you to simply add the following: an executive summary (brief description), introduction, the methodology used, your results, references, and any necessary appendices if supplementary material needs to be referenced in your research report. 

If you need more templates like this, check out this list of research plan templates .

ClickUp Market Research Template

Companies perform market research in order to define what their customers want and need from them. This type of research also helps you to improve product and service offers and learn more about what your competitors are doing and where the success of other businesses stems from. 

ClickUp’s Market Research Template gives you a simple-to-follow document that helps you gather and present information related to your target audience, the state of your product/service, and the state of your industry at large. 

When you perform marketing research, you are aiming to confirm your hunches about customer needs through scientific research and tangible data. 

Marketing case study examples like this are perfect because they’re very simplified and easily customizable. It offers you a section for presenting your company and why you are performing marketing research first.

The template then guides you in describing the type of research you’re doing, how you went about performing market research, data collection techniques, and what insights were garnered—whether it was from existing or potential customers.

Check out these research management tools !

Download This Template

Another type of customer-centric report that you can put together is a user research report. ClickUp’s User Research Plan Template makes it easy for you to define all of the goals and details that you want included in your user research.

The template is particularly useful for user experience (UX) teams that want to perform user persona research in order to better understand what users need and how they behave when using their product, in order to deliver a better experience to them and to new clients. 

The template starts with a “ problem statement ” where you can define the problem that the user research report is aiming to solve. Next, you’ll list the goals that you want to achieve and then clearly define the research process.

This type of marketing case study template and report can show you what a satisfied customer looks like and give you insights that help to attract and retain future customers.

Check out these user persona templates !

ClickUp Data Analysis Findings Template

Another important study that your business can perform in order to make smarter decisions is data analysis. ClickUp’s Data Analysis Findings template makes it easy for your team to perform data analysis and present it clearly to key stakeholders. 

This template also starts by setting the stage for the study and explaining it, first with a problem statement and then by explaining the significance of the study. 

Next, the template recommends that you define the scope and limitations of the study to set expectations for its potential impact. The next step is to frame your analysis methods and provide the data sources that you used in the analysis, as well as the statistical methods used.

Finally, you can present your findings in a clear and concise way. The template also includes charts and other data visualization tools you can use to make the study more engaging.

ClickUp Campaign Report Template

This ClickUp Campaign Report template is pre-built to make it incredibly easy to present the results of any ad campaign to stakeholders very easily. 

It starts with a section describing your strategy in detail, including the total costs, and the total revenue, conversions, and clicks that you expect to achieve with the campaign. 

The marketing case study template then provides charts and graphs that you can use to detail the performance of your campaigns on every single channel that you use. Case study templates like this are great for detailing information on potential customers to know how to better run your campaigns in the future.

ClickUp Research Whiteboard

Make your next user research project a collaborative, visual experience. Give everyone on your team a chance to add their thoughts and findings with virtual sticky notes using the ClickUp Research Whiteboard Template .

This is one of the more flexible case study templates in this list. Its user research tool makes it easy to take all the random bits of information your team gathers through interviews, surveys, user sessions, and other methods of feedback into one location.

Then, you can quickly organize all of that data into clear categories that make this case study template easy to see at a glance what direction you need to take your project to satisfy your customers.

Case Study Template by WordStream

If you’re writing many case studies, it’s a good idea to try out a bunch of templates over time for added inspiration. Even if you’ve found one structure works great for your case studies, changing your structure up every now and then can give you a fresh perspective on how to present a featured client. 

Another good case study you can check out is Wordstream’s Case Study Template. It has an excellent structure and provides pre-built visual cues that give you some ideas for breaking up business case study examples and making them more appealing with pictures and charts. 

Use this template to showcase particular customers’ results and share customer pain points and how they were solved. This will help you provide clear evidence to potential customers that you will be able to help them as well.

Case Study Template from is one of the biggest websites if you’re looking for business templates. It’s especially popular for businesses that prefer creating documents in Microsoft Word and Excel.

This Case Study Template from is sparse, but it gets right to the point and is very well-structured and easy to follow.

case study on microsoft word

This Microsoft Word case study template is a great way to get right down to business! It features a clean and organized layout with clear headings and subheadings, making it easy for readers to navigate. This template also includes space for a brief summary of the case study, perfect for giving readers an overview before diving into the details.

case study on microsoft word

This Microsoft Word case study template is a great option for creating an in-depth report on your findings. The template includes sections for an executive summary, introduction, methodology, results, references, and appendices. It also features a clear structure to make it easy to gather and present information in a cohesive manner. The template also includes sections for an introduction, methodology, findings, and recommendations, ensuring that all the essential elements of a case study are covered.

case study on microsoft word

This Word case study template features a professional and organized design with clearly labeled sections for the introduction, methodology, findings, and conclusion. It also includes space for charts and graphs to visually represent data.

case study on microsoft word

Psychology case studies can be complex and detailed, making it important to have a well-organized template to present the information. The Psychology Case Study Template is perfect for this task, with clear headings and subheadings that guide readers through each section of the study. It also includes sections for summarizing key points and providing recommendations based on the findings.

case study on microsoft word

This media case study template from is perfect for showcasing the success of a marketing or advertising campaign! It includes space for key metrics, such as reach and engagement, and also has sections for outlining the challenges faced and solutions implemented. With its clean design and easy-to-follow layout, this template is ideal for presenting media case studies to clients or stakeholders.

It’s Easy to Make a Case for Using ClickUp Case Study Templates

People trust other people. That’s why personal recommendations are one of the most effective marketing tactics. A case study provides your company with just that—a personal recommendation from a client you’ve helping, telling others that you can do the same for them. 

In the selection process of choosing a product or service to go with, companies will always look at the experiences of other organizations similar to them. Marketing case studies are sincere yet persuasive and clearly show how you help others and can be a very effective differentiator.

ClickUp was designed to serve teams in any industry and of any size. So it makes sense the case study templates we offer are just as diverse and customizable.

Best of all, they are completely free to use!  Sign up for free to ClickUp to get immediate access to a massive amount of templates, free cloud storage, and of course, industry-leading project and team management features.

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Free Case Study Templates

By Kate Eby | February 28, 2024

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We've collected free marketing case study templates for marketing managers, project coordinators, business strategists, and sales teams. Use these templates to organize and showcase your case studies for problem-solving and data analysis.

Simple Case Study Template

Simple Case Study Example Template

Download a Sample Simple Case Study Template for  Microsoft Word | Adobe PDF | Google Docs  

Download a Blank Simple Case Study Template for  Microsoft Word | Adobe PDF | Google Docs  

When to Use This Template:  This simple case study template available with or without sample copy has a straightforward, user-friendly format. It's ideal for junior marketers or entry-level associates who are just starting to write case studies. This template is also perfect for situations that require a quick, clear understanding of the basics.

Notable Template Features:  This simple case study template sports an easy-to-follow structure, focusing on the essentials without overwhelming the user with complex details. It features fundamental sections such as  Introduction, Challenge, Solution, and  Results , laid out in an intuitive, no-frills manner. 

While a marketing case study template showcases strategy outcomes, a  business case template evaluates broader business impacts.

Single-Slide Case Study Presentation Template

Single-Slide Case Study Presentation Example Template

Download a Sample Single-Slide Case Study Presentation Template for  PowerPoint | Google Slides  

Download a Blank Single-Slide Case Study Presentation Template for PowerPoint | Google Slides  

When to Use This Template:   Ideal for sales representatives and quick-paced meetings, use  this single-slide case study presentation template to deliver a concise yet impactful presentation.

Notable Template Features:  The standout feature of this template is its ability to condense the entire case study into one slide. If you want some guidance on formatting, download the template with sample copy. This template differs from more elaborate versions by focusing on essential elements such as the problem, solution, and results.

Case Study Report Template

Case Study Report Example Template

Download a Sample Case Study Report Template for  Microsoft Word | Google Docs  

Download a Blank Case Study Report Template for  Microsoft Word | Google Docs  

When to Use This Template:  Choose this case study report template when you need to create an in-depth, detailed analysis of a marketing case. It's especially useful for marketing managers and product managers who need to delve into extensive data analysis and provide a thorough overview of their findings. 

Notable Template Features:  The defining feature of this template — available with or without sample copy — is its detailed and comprehensive structure, which sets it apart from simpler formats. It facilitates an examination of complex cases, providing ample space for data presentation, detailed analyses, and in-depth discussions. This template is ideal for producing clear, professional, and exhaustive reports that cover every aspect of the case study in depth.

Data-Driven Case Study Template

Data-Driven Case Study Example Template

Download a Sample Data-Driven Case Study Template for  Excel | Microsoft Word | Google Docs  

Download a Blank Data-Driven Case Study Template for  Excel | Microsoft Word | Google Docs  

When to Use This Template:  Utilize the data-driven case study template — available with or without example copy — to showcase the measurable outcomes and analytics of a case study. The template is ideal for marketers and analysts who want to emphasize the quantitative results and data-backed aspects of their strategies and campaigns. 

Notable Template Features:  This template emphasizes data visualization and metrics. It incorporates graphs, charts, and tables to present for a clear and detailed presentation of statistical information. Its strength lies in transforming complex data sets into understandable, visually engaging formats.

Marketing Case Study Template

Marketing Case Study Example Template

Download a Sample Marketing Case Study Template for  Microsoft Word | Google Docs  

Download a Blank Marketing Case Study Template for  Microsoft Word | Google Docs 

When to Use This Template:  Turn to this marketing case study template to showcase marketing strategies, campaigns, and their outcomes. It’s particularly well suited for marketing managers, sales representatives, and content creators who aim to clearly illustrate the impact and success of their marketing efforts. 

Notable Template Features:  What sets this template apart is its focus on the storytelling aspects of marketing. Download the version with sample data to see how to structure the section on your company details, the challenge, and the solution.

One-Page Case Study Template

One-Page Case Study Example Template

Download a Sample One-Page Case Study Template for  Microsoft Word | Google Docs

Download a Blank One-Page Case Study Template for  Microsoft Word | Google Docs

When to Use This Template:  Choose this one-page case study template to deliver a powerful message quickly and succinctly. The template is ideal for sales representatives and marketing managers who need to present a compelling, brief summary of a case study when time is limited and the impact is crucial, such as in sales pitches or high-stakes meetings.

Notable Template Features:  The hallmark of this template is its streamlined, one-page format, which sets it apart from more extensive options. Download the version with example text to see how it distills the case study into key highlights and results, presented in an easy-to-digest format. 

Check out this  article featuring free Google Docs case study templates for more options.

Problem-Solution-Impact Case Study Template

Problem-Solution-Impact Case Study Example Template

Download a Sample Problem-Solution-Impact Case Study Template for  Microsoft Word | PowerPoint | Google Docs

Download a Blank Problem-Solution-Impact Case Study Template for  Microsoft Word | PowerPoint | Google Docs  

When to Use This Template:  This problem-solution-impact case study template is effective for projects where you need to delineate a specific problem, outline the applied solutions, and discuss the subsequent effects. Download the version with sample text to see how to use the template to craft a case study with a logical flow and clear outcome. 

Notable Template Features:  This template's distinctive feature is its structured approach, dividing the case study into  Problem, Solution,  and Impact  sections. Unlike templates that might blend these elements together, this one provides a distinct, sequential framework.

In-Depth Analysis Case Study Template

In-Depth Analysis Case Study Example Template

Download a Sample In-Depth Analysis Case Study Template for  Microsoft Word | Adobe PDF | Google Docs  

Download an Blank In-Depth Analysis Case Study Template for  Microsoft Word | Adobe PDF | Google Docs  

When to Use This Template:  Deploy this in-depth analysis case study template and delve into a complex case study. It's perfect for situations where a thorough understanding and comprehensive analysis of all aspects of the case are needed, such as in research-heavy projects, detailed marketing strategy reviews, or complex product development scenarios.

Notable Template Features:  This template — available with or without sample data — has an expansive and detailed structure. Use the  In-Depth Analysis section to thoroughly explore the various facets of the case, including situation analysis, stakeholder analysis, and a deep dive into relevant data and evidence. Unlike simpler templates, this one offers a platform for comprehensive dissection and examination of intricate case studies, providing space for a detailed problem-specific analysis (such as  SWOT or PESTLE).

Testimonial-Based Case Study Template

Testimonial-Based Case Study Example Template

Download a Sample Testimonial-Based Case Study Template for Microsoft Word | Adobe PDF | Google Docs  

Download a Blank Testimonial-Based Case Study Template for Microsoft Word | Adobe PDF | Google Docs  

When to Use This Template:  Utilize this testimonial-based case study template to emphasize the real-world impact and customer satisfaction of your service or product, especially in scenarios where customer experiences and endorsements are crucial. This template is ideal when you have strong, positive feedback from clients that can illustrate the benefits of your offerings. 

Notable Template Features:  This template focuses on customer testimonials. Unlike other case study formats, this one dedicates a significant portion to showcasing direct quotes and stories from clients. The sample-text version includes real-life examples and endorsements, demonstrating the practical benefits and satisfaction of your clients.

Key Elements in a Case Study Template

The key elements in a case study template include a clear title, executive summary, background information, and problem statement. They also cover objectives, solutions, results, and lessons learned to help you create a complete, engaging story of a project's success.  

The following elements help to structure a case study:   

  • Title:  Add a concise and informative title that captures the essence of the case study. 
  • Executive Summary:  Provide a brief overview of the case study, summarizing the problem, solution, and results. 
  • Background Information: Include detailed context about the company, situation, or environment relevant to the case study. 
  • Problem Statement:  Clearly define the challenge or issue addressed.
  • Objectives: Outline what the case study aims to achieve or resolve. 
  • Methodology or Approach: Describe the methods or strategies used to address the problem. 
  • Solution: Detail the specific actions taken or solutions implemented to solve the problem. 
  • Results: Provide quantifiable outcomes and data showing the impact of the solution.
  • Analysis: Write a critical examination of the solution's effectiveness and the achieved results. 
  • Visuals (Charts, Graphs, Images): These visuals should help viewers understand complex data and break up text-heavy content. 
  • Testimonials/Quotes: Add credibility with direct quotes from clients, customers, or team members involved. 
  • Challenges and Limitations: Discuss any obstacles faced during the project and how they were overcome. 
  • Lessons Learned: Include any insights or knowledge gained from the experience. 
  • Conclusion:  Summarize the main points, and restate the significance of the case study. 
  • Call to Action (CTA):  Add content to encourage the audience to take a specific action, such as contacting the company or learning more about a service.

Types of Case Study Templates

Case study templates include single-slide overviews for quick summaries, in-depth analysis for detailed exploration, and customer testimonial templates that track the user's experience. Others focus on comparing strategies, showcasing data-driven results, and more. 

Here’s a list of case study templates:   

  • Single-Slide Overview Case Study Template: Ideal for quick summaries, this template condenses the entire case study onto one slide, highlighting the problem, solution, and results. 
  • In-Depth Analysis Case Study Template: Designed for detailed exploration, this template type has sections for background, market analysis, strategy implementation, and results. 
  • Problem-Solution-Results Case Study Template: Structured around identifying a challenge, detailing the solution, and showcasing the outcomes, use this template when you want to take a narrative approach. 
  • Data-Driven Case Study Template: Use this template to emphasize quantitative results and include charts and graphs to illustrate key metrics and successes.
  • Testimonial-Based Case Study Template: This option uses customer reviews and testimonials to highlight real-world applications and satisfaction.

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Templates, Forms, Checklists for MS Office and Apple iWork

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19 Case Study Templates (MS Word) + How to Write Tutorial

Download this Case Study Template Pack with  19 pre-formatted templates in MS Word format , which can be easily modified to meet your next project.

You also get a free 21 page tutorial on How to Write a Case Study and an Information Gathering Form for gathering data when writing your case study.

19 Case Study Templates for only $19.99

19 MS Word Case Study Templates

Artistic Case Study (Chinese Dream of the Red Chamber)

Case Study Template – Sample Pages

The following screenshots show the inside pages in the MS Word template.

Note that each MS Word document includes a cover page with image, a page with trademark, disclaimers and other legal text, then the table of contents, followed by the actual case study chapters. Each of these includes guidelines to help you and your team write the material, which of course, is also included in the 21-page tutorial.

2 Column Case Study Templates

If you want to write shorter case studies, the following templates should be helpful.  These follow the classic 2-column layout and are four pages each.

Case Study: Free Downloads

You also get the following documents in your Case Study Template Pack.

How to Write a Great Case Study

If you’ve been commissioned to write a case study, or are interested in starting a lucrative career as a marketing writer, this 21 page tutorial should give you a solid understanding of the fundamentals involved. The tutorial explains:

  • What is a Case Study
  • Why write a Case Study
  • Length, Format and Presentation
  • How to Structure your Case Study
  • Areas to Highlight

How to Write a Case Study

Case Study Information Gathering Form

Use this form to gather information for your case study, such as your client’s background, partners involved in the project, and technical aspects of the technologies deployed in the solution. Once you have this information at your disposal, you are in a much stronger position to begin your case study.

Case Study Checklist

Use this checklist to ensure that you covered, or have at least considered, the following areas that may be related to your case study. Please note that not every case study will require all of these sections; however you can consult this checklist both before and after preparing your draft to double-check that you have addressed all relevant areas.

Case Study Template Pack

The templates are in Microsoft Word and can be downloaded online for only $19.99 . The template pack includes the following documents:

Case Study Templates 19 x MS Word
Case Study Checklist 1 x MS Word
How to Write a Case Study 1 x MS Word
Case Study Information Gathering Form 1 x MS Word

All Case Study Templates for only $19.99

Product Specifications

File Format : The templates are in  Microsoft Word   (.docx) and  Excel  format (.xlsx).

File Size:  The Download file is 10 MBs.

Opening the Files:  You don’t need any special software to unzip the files. To unzip the files, right click on it, then select  Extract , and save it to your computer.

Getting Started:  Depending on your MS Office settings, the files may say Read Only when you open them. If this occurs, click  File ,  Save As  and save the files. There are no security settings on any of the files.

Images:  All of the images in the templates are copyright free.

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WTO / Business / Analysis / Case Study: How to Write (24 Free Templates)

Case Study: How to Write (24 Free Templates)

Case studies can vary significantly in scope and length as sometimes it is necessary to look into additional details revolving around the initial problem and solution. It usually focuses on a customer’s journey and interactions with a business and how their product or service solved a specific need/issue. A case study is a document detailing the process and findings after examining a particular problem and how a business or person addressed or intended to address it through strategic solutions.

Free Templates

Downloadable Case Study Template 01 for Word File

Importance of Writing a Case Study

Case studies evaluate business or customer-based problems and outline probable informed solutions available for implementation. A case study can be an excellent marketing tool as it provides hard proof of a problem that was solved through the proposed solution, product, or service provided. These studies can and are used in all levels of business and all industries.

A case study will reflect on a story of a successful business partnership/transaction between a business and a client in a professional setting. This success is measured using metrics agreed on by the customer/client being featured in the case study known as key performance indicators (KPIs), which include customers closed, revenue gained, etc. Earning the trust of potential clients can be a bit involved, and that is where a case study comes in handy. It is proof of your ability to deliver what one claims to offer.

How to Conduct Case Study (Before you Write)

To come up with a case study that effectively communicates what it intends to convince a client to offer the business there are several steps one can adopt. We shall look into these steps to give further insight:

Case study’s objective

It is recommended that a person should begin preparing the case study by getting data and metrics as well as other pre-writing activities. As much as this study is designed to prove your ability to solve a specific need/problem, it should also focus on other objectives of your chosen subject relevant to prospective clients. Determining these objectives should hence be your starting point.

Examples of objectives that client would be interested in include:

  • Client’s compliance with government regulation
  • Lowering business costs (operational, production, administrative)
  • Becoming profitable, for example, increasing sales and reducing production costs.
  • Generating more leads
  • Closing on more customers (increasing market share)
  • Generating more revenue (increasing profitability)
  • Expanding into a new market, for example, through the introduction of a new product.
  • Sustainable or energy-efficient solutions

Identifying the problems

One should also establish the issue(s) the narrative will be addressing- normally those surrounding the candidate’s problem that was solved by your product or services. One can do this by identifying critical problems faced by prospective clients first and relating them to those that were previously faced by the candidate. One can then examine the issues and determine the cause(s) and their impacts on businesses or organizations.

Finding solutions  

You should combine the information collected into a comprehensive narrative. A little creativity can be helpful, but the narrative should remain factual throughout. The case study subject journey should be presented in a way that is relatable to other customers. The narrative can take the structure of introduction, incident, rising action, the climax, falling action, and resolution.

When evaluating solutions, utilize established data and KPIs (key performance indicators) to show how your product or service tackles the problem at hand. Show how the solutions directly impact the candidate or customer and the sort of results to be expected. Come up with different solutions from which the best alternative is chosen. The best solution can be characterized as relatable, accessible, supported by evidence, and has clear pros and cons.

Find the proper case study candidate

Once you have ascertained the medium you intend to use for marketing your case study. The following step is finding the right candidate to focus on in your case study.

Below are elements you can use to sort out potential candidates:

  • Product Knowledge: It is vital to select a client with more than average knowledge about the services and products one offers. This way, they can best speak from a client’s perspective.
  • Remarkable Results: Clients who have experienced outstanding results from conducting business with one’s company. Such clients are expected to be enthusiastic and more compelling when discussing the products or services. For example, clients who experienced unexpected success from one’s products or services, for example, non-traditional clients, are also desirable.
  • Recognizable Names: stories from more significant or more notable brands’ business clients tend to be more credible and have been observed to foster 24.4x as much growth.
  • Switchers: Clients who switched after working with one’s competitor can demonstrate one’s competitive advantage and, therefore, more desirable.

Asking for the client’s permission

The next step is getting the subject involved. This can be done by first reaching out and providing them with the objective, format, timeline, and already established details of the case study. One should aim to provide an open and accessible stage of communication. The study should also incorporate benefits to be gained by the subject.

Some of the benefits one can promise to the candidate include:

Brand exposure

One can illustrate how this case study can be an excellent opportunity to promote their brand. Case studies can be valuable tools to market both the service provider and the client.

In the B2B sector, where brand awareness is hard to collect beyond one’s market share, making the case study a client’s marketing tool can be persuasive. In that, they get to expand their brand reach.

Employee exposure

A case study can be written to include quotes with credits given to specific employees. When this is the case, a study can be networking and career-development opportunities for employees of business clients.

Product discount

One can offer the subject client a product discount or free trial of a product or service one offers, especially if they are current customers.

Backlinks and website traffic

You can promise the client will enjoy an increase in website traffic once you publish the case study, which would link back to the subject’s website, known as a backlink. Backlinks are known to raise a website’s rank in the search engine results, resulting in increased traffic. Once they are satisfied and willing to participate, they can approve the case study, and the writing process can commence.

Include the right questions

Asking and including the right questions in the questionnaire and during the Interview is one of your tickets to a successful case study. Having the right questions will often lead to a convincing case study. The questions should be phrased such that their answers give insight into how valuable your products or services are. To achieve this, using the “Golden Rule of Interviewing,” which means asking open-ended questions rather than ‘yes’ or ‘no’ questions.

For the Interview, questions can be structured to create flow by categorizing them into six sections:

  • Opening with questions about the client’s/participant business- For example, how long they have been in business, number of employees, current objectives, etc.
  • Cite a problem- This section should create context by highlighting the challenges that led to them looking for a solution—for example, asking them the challenges and solutions that led them to look for a solution.
  • Discuss the decision process- Includes questions that explain how they decided to work with you by outlining how they got to know of the product or service, people involved in selecting the product or process, and competitor products that did not meet their demands and such—for example asking them how they heard of your product or service.
  • Explain how a solution was implemented- Questions that detail the client’s/participant experience during the implementation process. For example, asking them how long it took to see the results of using the product or service.
  • Explanation on how the solution works- Questions that detail how the participant uses or used the product or service. For example, by asking them who are currently using or previously directly using the product or service.
  • End with results- Include questions that illustrate impressive measurable outcomes of using the product or services, for example, amount of time saved, the percentage increase in sales, etc.

Identify a case study medium

The next step should determine how you intend to create your case study and distribute it for maximum exposure. Using different avenues is encouraged to capture different markets and as many clients as possible.

A case study can be shared in either or all of the ways:

  • Written case study: One can write the study in the form of an e-book and then convert it to a downloadable PDF which can be published on a website/blog. A case study can also be written as a social media post, such as on Facebook.
  • Video case study: One can plan on interviewing with the client, which can be recorded and uploaded on one’s YouTube channel or website. Seeing a client talk about their satisfaction with services offered in person can be more convincing.
  • Infographic case study: One can choose to tell their story while quantifying success using major KPIs presented in charts in a long, vertical format of an infographic which can then be shared on Pinterest.
  • Podcast case study: One can opt to have a casual conversation with a client and talk about how well their issues were resolved in a podcast. This can then be shared on any available platform such as Spotify or YouTube.

Layout your case study format

A case study can be written or visual (picture and videos) or a combination of both. When it comes to formatting a study there is no one-size-fits-all. Therefore, one should format the presentation to fit their situation best and convey information gathered most clearly and concisely. It should be made easy to scan.

Publish and promote your case study

The final step should be publishing and promoting the case study to ensure it is accessible to the intended audience. The format can sometimes dictate the publishing method; for example, infographics are best suitable for Pinterest.

Other ways to go about publishing and promoting include:

  • Gated Behind a Blog Post- One can opt to write an abbreviated version of the story as a blog post and request readers to fill out their details (name and email address) if they would like to read the rest of the PDF. This method generates leads. Promotion of the blog post can be done through social media.
  • Published as a Page on Your Website- Alternatively, one can choose to publish the case study on their website on its page and direct visitors from the homepage to read.

Draft and send a release form

The next step is to send the client a release form that outlines what one needs from the client. The needs could be in terms of permission to use applicable brand names, publicly share project information, and such. Sending a release form can be achieved by sending an email that details what one needs from them.

Case study release form

This form will outline what one needs from the subject client. As a result, it can vary depending on the size, nature of business, and purpose of the case study. It includes details such as; an explanation purpose and utilization of the case study, a statement of potentially trademarked information such as name, logo, pictures of the company to be used, explanation of one’s expectations of the subject after the case study, and a note about compensation if applicable

Success story letter

It is a document that outlines the entire case study process and can include the following items:

  • The Acceptance- Should seek approval from the subject’s marketing team. Under this section, one can propose the timeline to conduct the interview or case study.
  • The Questionnaire- A questionnaire to be filled by the participant can be included. The case study questionnaire is designed in a way that the questions create a foundation to organize the Interview.
  • The Interview- after completing the questionnaire, one should reach out to the participant and conduct a 30-60 minute interview. Custom questions that best reflect the participant’s experience working with you should be prepared.
  • The Draft Review- Compose a draft that is sent to the participant for feedback and edits.
  • The Final Approval – Once all appropriate alterations have been made, a copy of the proposed final document is sent to the participant for approval. Once approved, the case study can be distributed.

Writing a Case Study

Despite a case study not having a one-fits-all format, there are fundamental parts present in a standard case study.

These items include:

  • Title – Should be kept short and interest to convince the reader to want to know more.
  • Subtitle – A brief explanation of what was done (accomplished).
  • Executive Summary – It is a summary of the entire story. It can be 2-4 sentences long and followed by 2-3 bullet points outlining success metrics.
  • About the Subject – It is an introduction to the participant/client business. It is a profile of their business.
  • Challenges and Objectives – A description of challenges the client faced before using your product or service. It can include the customer’s goals and objectives when seeking your services. It can be 2-3 paragraphs long.
  • How Product/Service Helped – A 2-3 paragraphs describe how your product or service solved the client’s problem.
  • Results- An illustration of how the set objectives and goals were achieved. This can be demonstrated using quantifiable measurements of success. It can be 2-3 paragraphs long.
  • Supporting Visuals or Quotes – One can include one or two powerful quotes after the results. Visuals such as pictures in support of the narrative can also be included.
  • Future Plans – An epilogue detail the participant’s plans as we advance, and if you are part of those parts can be included at this point.
  • Call to Action (CTA) – Depending on the nature of your case study, one can opt to encourage to seek their services or products at the end of the case study.

After the case study is complete, please review it and ensure that it contains the following primary sections.

They include;

  • Introduction- Outlines the purpose of the case study.
  • Background- Introduces the reader to the narrative.
  • Evaluation of the Case- Highlights significant details of the case study.
  • Solutions- Outlines proposed solutions and how they address the issue at hand.
  • Recommendations- Outlines how one advises the client going forward.

Case Study Examples

To further illustrate how case studies should look like, we will provide you with several examples that you can look at and review:

  • “New England Journal of Medicine,”- Corey McPherson Nash– Uses visuals to tell the case study client’s story.
  • “Shopify Uses HubSpot CRM to Transform High Volume Sales Organization,”- HubSpot – Employs mixed media (short video and text) to tell the narrative of Shopify.
  • “Designing the Future of Urban Farming,” by IDE- Adopts a simplified approach in crafting a case study while still outlining the ‘Challenge’ and ‘the outcome’ of the transaction, which are key pillars of a case study.
  • “Secure Wi-Fi Wins Big for Tournament,” by WatchGuard– Uses one medium, a video, to tell the entire story.
  • Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Boosts Social Media Engagement and Brand Awareness with HubSpot – This is an example that illustrates how photos, videos, and stats can be used to tell a successful business interaction.
  • Small Desk Plant Business Ups Sales by 30% With Trello- Majorly uses text to tell the narrative and is straightforward. Incorporates quotes from the management of the client company.
  • Facebook’s Mercedes Benz Success Story– Uses stats to illustrate how a service impacted a business and what tools and how they were used to obtain these results.

Tips for Writing a Winning Case Study

To improve the effectiveness and quality of  your study there are various tips that one can incorporate to this effect.

To highlight a few, they are outlined below.

  • Ensure to take notes: There is always more to learn, and therefore it is good to jot down key points when reading or examining different case studies that can be useful when writing your case study.
  • Know your target audience: Understanding your target audience will always influence what and how you write your case study. Different audiences will be looking out for different outcomes.
  • Be relatable: The case study narrative should be relatable to your average clients. It should feel like the story is being told by a person to identify with detailing their satisfaction with services provided.

Frequently Asked Questions

This can be carried out in the following steps: carefully reading the case study and questions, determining the issues discussed in the case study, linking the theory to practice, planning one’s answer, write the answer, proofread and edit accordingly, then submit.

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Christopher Taylor

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Home » Business » Free Case Study Templates & Examples (Word, PDF)

Free Case Study Templates & Examples (Word, PDF)

A case study template is used to make a report of an event, problem, or activity in an effective way. With the help of this template, you don’t have to think that what to include in your report. However, you just have to focus on a person, group, or event you are studying.

Table of Contents

What is a case study?

Generally, a case study is a kind of research methodology and usually used in social sciences. If people do a case study then they have to study an issue from a real-life perspective. Moreover, such type of studies demands in detail analysis of a person, a group, or an event. You may also like Remote Work Policy Template .

Different Types of Case Study Templates?

There are different types of templates that you can use for your case study;

  • Student case study template
  • Nursing case study template
  • Clinical case study template
  • Basic psychology case study template
  • Treatment injury case study template

In addition, you can also create these templates on your own or you can download them from any website. There are no specific formats for these templates. You have to create or download those templates that suit your own needs.

What are the benefits of using a case study in business?

Using case study in the business provides you several benefits such as;

  • A case study assists you to influence customers more efficiently. It makes you able to raise awareness on how to fulfill the requirements of customers more efficiently.
  • Next, the information in the report will help you to encourage empathy in its readers. If you use the real-life issues and then explain how your product solves those issues will encourage the customers to use your product.
  • Moreover, when you discuss the customers’ issues and questions in your case study it shows that you care and understand the customers.
  • With the help of this report, you can strengthen your brand. Hence, it depends on real-life situations, it becomes relatable. You can also develop an emotional relationship with your customers. Furthermore, this report shows that you have everything that customers need.
  • Above all, you can use this report to create other written works for your business. You should also check Employee Clearance Form Template .

Basic Psychology Phase One Case Study Template

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Clinical Case Study Template

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Grow’s Case Study Template

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IBM Case Study Template

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JISC Case Study Template

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Memorial Hospital Case Study Template

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Nursing Case Study Template

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School Education Case Study Template

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Social Values and Health Priority Setting Case Study Template

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Student Case Study Example Template

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Ultimate Case Study Template

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How to write a case study?

Here are some guidelines that you bear in mind during or before writing a case study;

At first, you should identify what type of case study you are going to perform. You should strategize your case study well.

Next, in business, you have to pay attention to customers. If you are going to sell products or services, then think about your customers and their needs.

Most importantly, gather extensive knowledge about your project before making a case study. Without enough knowledge, you won’t be able to create an effective document. You may also see Employee Handbook Template .

If you want to present, the best side of your business then finds those customers who have the best experience with your product or services. Then, include their testimonials in your report.

In conclusion, case study templates make you able to create a study that surely makes your business stand out.

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case study on microsoft word

Coauthor case studies with experts quickly

When you work on a case study, you can spend a lot of time tracking down documents and the right people to provide input and approval. You need one place where you can store and share documents, work with team members, and get feedback and sign-off from experts.

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With Microsoft Teams, you and your team can upload existing documents so they’re available to everyone. Every file you upload is automatically saved to SharePoint, so you can coauthor the case study in real time and manage version control. 

If you want to take notes for your case study, use OneNote, a digital notebook integrated in Teams. You can easily create diagrams or take notes, which can be automatically converted to text using Optical Character Recognition. It’s also a great way to track meetings and input. 

Add internal experts to your Teams channel and start a conversation to get input and advice. When you’re ready to get approval, use @mentions to let stakeholders know their attention is needed, or hop on a video or audio call to discuss last-minute changes. 

Since all files uploaded to Teams are automatically saved to SharePoint, you can easily share a link to distribute the final case study.

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Case Study Part 1 MS Word 1

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Part 1: Specifications Table (MS Word) Use the project description HERE to complete this activity. For a review of the complete rubric used in grading this exercise, click on the Assignments tab, then on the title Case Study Part 1-PC Specs (Word)– click on Show Rubrics if the rubric is not already displayed. For the case study provided to you, create MS Word tables that identify and contain the hardware and software requirements to meet the director's requirements. The MS Word document in its final form will include 6 MS Word tables. It will include a two-paragraph narrative summary that classifies the user type and identifies the PC category that will be recommended. The specific instructions are found in the table at the end of this file.

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Case Templates

  • 31+ Case Study Samples – Word, PDF

For business, there’s no better way of telling the world the potential or even the actual value of the product and services you sell than presenting case studies that validates your claim through following guidelines for case study as they contain more than just your testimonials by being able to show real-life examples of how you deal with, and achieve customer satisfaction. you may also see Analysis Templates .

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  • Google Docs

Business Case Study

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Small Business Case Study

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  • Determine the key facts surrounding the case.
  • Identify the real issue or issues.
  • Provide information on alternative courses of action.
  • Assess each course of action drawn.
  • Recommend what the best course of action would be, going forward.

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Here Are The Top 8 Tips For Creating A Great Case Study

1. write a situation that your ideal customer can relate to, 2. make it about real people, 3 . tell the story from beginning to end, 4. do it in a readable format, 5. include real numbers, 6. talk specific strategy, 7. appeal to learners of different kinds, 8. they should be easy to find, management case study, case study for change management.

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  • Identify the key issue or issues.
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Additional Guidelines for Your Case Analysis

  • If possible, include an input from a chosen client.
  • Use a cause-effect analysis

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Microsoft word is a word processor software developed by Microsoft in 1983. It is the most commonly used word processor software. It is used to create professional quality documents, letters, reports, resumes, etc and also allows you to edit or modify your new or existing document. The file saved in Ms Word has .docx extension. It is a component of the Microsoft Office suite, but you can buy it separately and is available for both Windows and macOS. The latest version of Ms Word is 2019. In this article we will learn the features of Ms Word, but first we learn how to open Ms Word?

How to open MS Word?

The following step shows how to open MS words:

Step 1: Type Ms Word in the search bar.

case study on microsoft word

Step 2: Select Ms Word application.

Step 3: Select a blank document and press create button.

case study on microsoft word

Then you will get a window like in the image below where you can write your content and perform different types of operations on that content, like font type, style, bold, italic, etc. You can also add images, tables, charts to your document.

case study on microsoft word

Features of MS Word

Now let us discuss the features or components of the Ms Word. Using these features, you can perform different types of operations on your documents, like you can create, delete, style, modify, or view the content of your document. 

It contains options related to the file, like New(used to create a new document), Open(used to open an existing document), Save(used to save document), Save As(used to save documents), History, Print,  Share, Export, Info, etc.

case study on microsoft word

It is the default tab of Ms Word and it is generally divided into five groups, i.e., Clipboard, Font, Paragraph, Style and Editing. It allows you to select the color, font, emphasis, bullets, position of your text. It also contains options like cut, copy, and paste. After selecting the home tab you will get below options:

case study on microsoft word

It is the second tab present on the menu bar or ribbon. It contains various items that you may want to insert into a Microsoft word. It includes options like tables, word art, hyperlinks, symbols, charts, signature line, date and time, shapes, header, footer, text boxes, links, boxes, equations, etc., as shown in the below image:

case study on microsoft word

It is the third tab present in the menu bar or ribbon. It is used for freehand drawing in Ms Word. It provides different types of pens for drawing as shown below:

case study on microsoft word

It is the fourth tab present in the menu bar or ribbon. The design tab contains document designs that you can select, such as documents with centered titles, offset headings, left-justified text, page borders, watermarks, page color, etc., as shown in the below image: 

case study on microsoft word

It is the fifth tab present on the menu bar or ribbon. It holds all the options that allow you to arrange your Microsoft Word document pages just the way you want them. It includes options like set margins, display line numbers, set paragraph indentation, and lines apply themes, control page orientation and size, line breaks, etc., as shown in the below image: 

case study on microsoft word

7. References

It is the sixth tab present in the menu bar or ribbon. The references tab lets you add references to a document, then create a bibliography at the end of the text. The references are generally stored in a master list, which is used to add references to further documents. It includes options like, Table of Contents, Footnotes, Citations & Bibliography, Captions, Index, Table of Authorities, smart look, etc. After selecting References tab, you will get the below options:

case study on microsoft word

8. Mailings

It is the seventh tab present in the menu bar or ribbon. It is a least used tab in the menu bar. This tab is where you would create labels, print them on envelopes, do mail merge, etc. After selecting mailing, you will get the below options:

case study on microsoft word

It is the eighth tab present in the menu bar or ribbon. The review tab contains, commenting, language, translation, spell check, word count tools. It is good for quickly locating and editing comments. After selecting a review tab, you will get the options below:

case study on microsoft word

It is the ninth tab present in the menu bar or ribbon. View tab allows you to switch between single page or double page and also allows you to control the layout tools It includes print layout, outline, web layout, task pane, toolbars, ruler, header and footer, footnotes, full-screen view, zoom, etc. as shown in the below image:

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