Finance – Construction quotation sample letter

Construction quotation sample letter

Construction quotation sample letter

Writing your construction quotation letters....

Writing a construction quotation letter is a good thing, because it means that you are in the running to win a contract and deliver a project, or same phase or works on a project.

But preparing and writing a construction quotation also carries with it some other feelings, including the natural anxiety and doubts which arise from quoting the job.

You have enough to worry about when writing your quotes, including whether or not the amount is too low or too high, and how to factor in potential delays and issues etc.

So the layout and structure of your letter can often be an afterthought.

But in addition to the actual quote, it's important that you put your best and most presentable foot forward when preparing and sharing a construction quotation letter.

Impressions matter, and the state and contents of your quotation have an influence on how the receiving party interprets your quote - and does impact their opinions of what the rest of your work and information might look like.

So to improve the impression of your quotes, and do give the receiving party some confidence in the rest of your work, here is a construction quotation letter sample to use or copy.

Here's a construction quotation sample letter

This construction quotation sample letter provides you with a flexible framework which you can use and modify for each of your construction quotes.

As you can see from the sample letter below, there are two or three really important components to any quotation letter.

The first is that you make sure to include any and all important information regarding the recipient and issuer. While relatively obvious, this information is often omitted from important quotes and records and can come back to bite you.

The second is that you include some level of detail around the project or job, and frame the quote. This serves as important context, and also serves to sweeten the deal for the client, who is then about to jump into a quote.

And the final and most important part of your construction quotation letter is of course the quote itself.

Within a letter, you don't have a lot of formatting options, so including a basic breakdown and summary should suffice.

Ref: [Insert project/job reference]

Date: [Insert date]

To: [Insert client name and details]

For: [Insert project or job name]


Dear [Insert name],

Please find below your quotation for the works discussed.

We look forward to fulfilling the work to the highest standard.

[Insert quote item e.g Brick Wall]

[Insert description of work]

  • Dig foundations width of garden to a depth of 600mm
  • Build new brick wall on top of foundation along the width of the garden
  • Customer to choose bricks
  • Plaster on brick wall

Materials = $ [Insert price] Labour = $ [Insert price]

Total = $ [Insert price]

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me directly on [Insert phone number].

Signed by, Authorised Person

The better construction quotation sample 'letter'

While the above construction quotation sample letter can serve and function as your communication mechanism, you can probably see the weaknesses of using a physical letter or email to issue construction quotations:

  • A lack of formatting options
  • The records are hard to store and maintain (especially if you run and manage a lot of quotes)
  • The client doesn't have an easy or electronic way to sign off and accept the quote
  • The quote doesn't fit with the rest of your information management system (IMS)

So what can you do if you want to level up your construction quotation letters?

You can use a proper quote template like the sample you see below.

Unlike the quotation sample letter, this kind of framework makes you quotations more streamlined and professional.

You can fill in all of that important record keeping information, create a better description of the job or work, and create a comprehensive and well organised breakdown of the quote - all within an easy-to-understand and digestible format.

Think of how much better this looks to potential clients, and how well this can fit into your other project reporting and updates - which creates a consistent and impressive communication stream.

Construction quotation sample letter

Use this smarter construction quotation sample letter for yourself.

Improving how you manage your documents and forms to improve your business.

It's often easy for construction and industrial companies to focus on what they do best: delivering and managing actual construction projects.

But at the end of the day, a construction company is a business like any other business. And in order to get awarded and deliver projects, you need to be able to win and manage them - from the site and from the office.

Many construction companies could drastically improve how they manage quotation letters, as well as tenders , timesheets , daily reports and other critical company and project information.

While tackling the information and document management issues can seem overwhelming, and transitioning from traditional word docs, PDFs and letters, the benefits of using a digital and consolidated solution to manage project information can not be ignored.

Construction document management software

With a consolidated information management system, you can create and send your quotes in the same place that you manage your other project forms and documents.

With everything in a smart digital format, you can run your site and office operations from a control hub which improves how you manage internal and external operating procedures.

While a construction quotation sample letter used to suffice, in today's market, other companies are using better systems to speed up and make their documents look more professional - and clients and consumers are expecting professional formatting which they can easily read, share and sign off digitally.

Use or copy the quotation sample letter in this article, or stay ahead of the curve and win more work by levelling up your entire process below.

Construction quote template

Construction Quote

Use this construction quote template to make your quotes more professional and to win more work.

See the template →

Contractor quote template

Contractor Quote

This contractor quote template makes creating, managing and sharing big and small quotes more professional than traditional quote documents.

People in 80+ countries use this financial software to better capture, organise and track project finances.

Sitemate users

See how you can easily streamline your systems and processes with Sitemate today

construction quotation cover letter sample

About Lance Hodgson

Lance is VP of Marketing at Sitemate. His aim is to bring awareness to a brighter future for the Built World where industrial workers and companies work smarter.

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Read : 5 ChatGPT Prompts to Drive Business Growth and Innovation

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Things to Remember:

Humans still needed: the ai hype is real, but….

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  • Modern Ways to Earn Money from Home in 2024

Sample Filled

Sample Cover Letter for Quotation Submission

The General Manager,

Company Name,


Company name,

Sub: Submitting Quotation for Fabrication Work .

Dear Sir/Madam,

As per our discussion, here we are submitting the quotation for the fabrication work , please find the enclosed quotation along with this letter.

For any modifications, please let us know, we will try to revise the quotation.

We ensure quality work at a reasonable cost, and we look forward to hearing from you.

Thanking you.

Cover Letter for Sending Quotation (Format 2)

The person name,

Company name.

Sub: Quotation for Mobile App Development.

As per the discussion in the last week, we hereby submit the quotation for mobile app development .

We have been in this field for more than five years, our world class workforce can develop the best mobile app that can fulfill the needs of you and your customers.

Kindly find the attached quotation along with this letter and give us your valuable response.

We are open to revising the quotation as per your requirements.

Yours sincerely,

Sample Cover Letter for Sending Quotation (Format 3)

The Manager,

Sub: Submitting Quotation for ManPower Supply.

Respected Sir/Madam,

As per your enquiry, here is our quotation to supply manpower to your organization. Kindly find the attached quotation along with this letter.

Please let us know if you want any changes, we will revise the quotation as per your requirements.

We guarantee the supply of quality manpower without any time delay.

Looking forward to your response.

Sample Cover Letter for Sending Quotation (Format 4)

Sub: Quotation for ________ (purpose)

As per your valuable enquiry, here is the quotation for _________( purpose) . 

The price mentioned in the quotation can be held for a few days. Once the offer ends then the price may increase.

Hurry up! to get it at the lowest price.

Sample Cover Letter for Sending Quotation (Format 5)

Sub: AC service quotation.

We are hereby submitting the quotation for AC service , please find the enclosed quotation along with this letter.

We are committed to excellent service and quick response.

Hoping for a long-term business contract with you.

Tips to Write a Good Cover Letter for Submitting the Quotation

  • Subject Line: Write the subject line on quotation cover letter, so that the receiver can easily knows why you submitted the letter. 
  • Try to remind when you last discussed the work.
  • Highlight your expertise and experience in that field.
  • If you are ready to revise the quotation then mention it in the cover letter.
  • Submit the quotation to the right person.
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Home » Letters » Cover Letters » Covering Letter for Quotation Submission – Sample Covering Letter for Submitting Quotation

Covering Letter for Quotation Submission – Sample Covering Letter for Submitting Quotation

construction quotation cover letter sample

Table of Contents:

  • Sample Letter

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To, The Chief Manager, ______________ (Name of the Company), ______________ (Address)

Date: __ /__ /____ (DD/MM/YYYY)

From, ____________ (Name of the Employer), ____________ (Name of the Company), ____________ (Address)

Subject: Proposal for Quotation

Respected Sir/Madam,

This letter is a formal indication that we have generated and enclosed a formal quotation along with this proposal.

As discussed on ________ (Date) for the _________ (Name and details of the business/task), we have formulated every tiny detail of the work as per your requirement. The quotation includes all the prices as per the work demanded in every field comprising of projects cost, cost of labor, and our own fees. It is accurate and inclusive of all taxes to avoid any future disputes.

We ensure you professional help from our end so that you may experience the best. We hope that this work of ours gives us more opportunities to serve you in the future. We assure you that, your work will be our priority and henceforth we will work together with the corporation.

Thanking you, ____________ (Name), ____________ (Contact Details), ____________ (Signature)

Live Preview

The Live Assistant feature is represented by a real-time preview functionality. Here’s how to use it:

  • Start Typing: Enter your letter content in the "Letter Input" textarea.
  • Live Preview: As you type, the content of your letter will be displayed in the "Live Preview" section below the textarea. This feature converts newline characters in the textarea into <br> tags in HTML for better readability.

The letter writing editor allows you to start with predefined templates for drafting your letters:

  • Choose a Template: Click one of the template buttons ("Start with Sample Template 1", "Start with Sample Template 2", or "Start with Sample Template 3").
  • Auto-Fill Textarea: The chosen template's content will automatically fill the textarea, which you can then modify or use as is.

Click the "Download Letter" button after composing your letter. This triggers a download of a file containing the content of your letter.

Click the "Share via Email" button after composing your letter. Your default email client will open a new message window with the subject "Sharing My Draft Letter" and the content of your letter in the body.

Click the "Share via WhatsApp" button after you've composed your letter. Your default browser will open a new tab prompting you to send the letter as a message to a contact on WhatsApp.

If you want to copy the text of your letter to the clipboard:

  • Copy to Clipboard: Click the "Copy to Clipboard" button after composing your letter.
  • Paste Anywhere: You can then paste the copied text anywhere you need, such as into another application or document.

For printing the letter directly from the browser:

  • Print Letter: Click the "Print Letter" button after composing your letter.
  • Print Preview: A new browser window will open showing your letter formatted for printing.
  • Print: Use the print dialog in the browser to complete printing.
  • The covering letter should briefly introduce the proposal, mention the date of discussion, and express gratitude for the opportunity. It should also indicate that the detailed quotation is enclosed.
  • Providing a breakdown of costs ensures transparency and helps the recipient understand how the pricing was determined, minimizing the risk of misunderstandings.
  • Yes, it's advisable to include all applicable taxes in the quotation pricing to avoid any future disputes or misunderstandings regarding the total cost.
  • The quotation document should be neatly organized and securely attached to the covering letter, ensuring that it is easily accessible and readable by the recipient.
  • It's a good practice to follow up after submitting the quotation to ensure that the recipient received it and address any questions or concerns they may have.

Incoming Search Terms:

  • sample covering letter for quotation submission
  • how to write covering letter for quotation submission
  • sample cover letter for sending quotation format

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Construction Cover Letter Example (W/ Templates & Tips for 2024)

Background Image

You've certainly come a long way from the days when your childhood sandbox was your construction site and toy trucks were your heavy machinery. 

Your love for building, fixing, and creating in the world of construction has now become your profession. 

But there's a critical obstacle standing between you and your next construction job - crafting an effective cover letter.

As you stare at that blank page, expecting to convey your skills and experiences, it's like encountering a builder's equivalent of writer's block. You're simply struggling to construct a cover letter that truly reflects your capabilities.

Don’t worry! We’re here to lend you a helping hand with your construction cover letter, one step at a time.

In this article, we're going to show you how to write a compelling construction cover letter for 2023.

Here’s what we’ll cover:

  • What a Great Construction Worker Cover Letter Looks Like
  • 5 Steps to Craft the Perfect Construction Worker Cover Letter
  • 3 Crucial Construction Worker Cover Letter Tips

 ...and much more!

Construction Cover Letter Example

Construction Cover Letter Example

5 Steps for the Perfect Construction Cover Letter

So, there you have it! You've just had a sneak peek at what a job-winning cover letter should look like. 

Now, it's time to roll up your sleeves and create one of your own . 

All you have to do is follow the simple steps we're about to share:

#1. Put Contact Information in the Header

When it comes to your construction cover letter, it's crucial to kick things off with your contact details. Just like your resume , these should be placed in your cover letter’s header.

Here's what you should include:

  • Full Name: Start with your first and last name, and place them at the top of the page.
  • Job Title: Ensure that your professional title on your cover letter aligns with the specific construction job you're applying for. Clarity is key, as hiring managers sift through numerous applications for various positions daily.
  • Email Address: Opt for an email address that's professional and straightforward, preferably a combination of your first and last name. Those quirky email addresses from your school days won't make the cut. For example, "[email protected]" is perfect, while "[email protected]" doesn't quite fit the bill.
  • Phone Number: Provide an accurate phone number, so the hiring manager can easily reach you. If you're applying for a construction job abroad, don't forget to include the dialing code too.
  • Location: Typically, your city and state or country will suffice. However, if you're open to remote work or looking to relocate, make that clear on your construction cover letter.
  • Relevant Links (Optional): If you have any relevant websites or social media profiles, like your LinkedIn , feel free to include them.

Now, let's shift our focus to including the hiring manager's information:

  • Company Name: Clearly state the name of the construction company you're applying to.
  • Hiring Manager's Name: If possible, identify the hiring manager for the department you're targeting. Check the job posting, the company's website, or their LinkedIn page to discover this information.
  • Hiring Manager's Title: If you find the hiring manager and notice that they're the head of the department, use their specific title instead of just "Hiring Manager."
  • Location: Mention the city and state or country, especially if the company operates globally. You can add more specific details like the company's street address if you want to be extra precise.
  • Email Address (Optional): If you can find the hiring manager's email address, feel free to add it.
  • Date of Writing (Optional): For an added professional touch, include the exact date when you wrote your construction cover letter.

By ensuring your contact information is spot-on and addressing the hiring manager correctly, you'll be well on your way to constructing an impressive cover letter for your next construction job opportunity.

#2. Address the Hiring Manager

Once you've included all your relevant contact details, it's time to address your construction cover letter to the person who will be reading it. 

Start by conducting a bit of research. Check the job posting, the company's website, or their LinkedIn profiles to identify the hiring manager for the construction department you're applying to. This way, you can find their name and email address.

When addressing them, opt for a formal approach - but avoid the overused “To Whom It May Concern.” You can, for example, use "Ms." or "Mr." followed by their last name. However, if you're unsure about their gender or marital status, simply use their full name. For example:

  • Dear Mr. Rodriguez,
  • Dear Ana Rodriguez,

If you can't find any information about the hiring manager or head of the construction department, you can address your letter to the department or the company in general:

  • Dear Construction Department,
  • Dear Construction Hiring Team,
  • Dear Human Resources Recruitment Team,
  • Dear Head of Construction,

This personal touch will enhance your construction cover letter and set you on the right path to making a positive impression on potential employers.

Check out our other cover letter examples for inspiration. 

#3. Write an Eye-Catching Opening Statement

Construction hiring managers typically spend just about seven seconds scanning a candidate's application before deciding if it's worth reading further. 

So, creating a strong first impression is crucial for your construction cover letter.

Start your cover letter by introducing yourself and why you're genuinely interested in the position. Demonstrating your enthusiasm for the construction industry or this specific job is a great way to pique the hiring manager's interest.

Conducting some research on the company can make a significant difference. The more you learn about the employer, the better you can showcase how well you'd fit into the company culture. 

This shows the hiring manager that you're not just sending out applications randomly, but that you're genuinely interested in this particular role.

Depending on your level of experience, you can kick off your cover letter by mentioning a notable achievement or highlighting the skills that make you an ideal match for the position. 

However, keep this paragraph concise. Your goal is to spark the hiring manager's curiosity and encourage them to explore the finer details of your career in the rest of your cover letter.

Steer away from these common cover letter mistakes to make your cover letter impeccable.

#4. Use the Cover Letter Body for the Details

The main body of your construction cover letter is where you can deep-dive into the details that truly demonstrate your qualifications for the position.

The key here is not to repeat everything you said on your construction resume . This is your opportunity to showcase your construction-related skills and expertise in a meaningful way. Your goal is to persuade the hiring manager that you're the ideal candidate, so highlight any accomplishments relevant to the industry and draw inspiration from the job posting.

Customize your cover letter to align with the job posting by emphasizing specific skills the company is seeking and how you can contribute to their team. For instance, if you're applying for a tech-related construction role, focus on relevant technical skills rather than, for example, your experience in e-commerce.

Expressing your knowledge about the company, its business model, or the construction industry can also be a significant advantage. If you're familiar with the company's projects or services, be sure to mention it in your cover letter to demonstrate how well you align with their mission and company culture.

Lastly, let your enthusiasm shine through. Convey your genuine excitement for the role and your confidence in your ability to contribute to the company with your specific construction skills and experience. 

#5. Wrap It Up and Sign It

Concluding your construction cover letter is like putting the finishing touch on a well-crafted project.

Your goal here is to leave the hiring manager with a positive impression, ensuring your closing words reinforce everything you've conveyed so far.

In your concluding paragraph, confidently reiterate why you're an ideal fit for the construction role or summarize the unique skills that set you apart from other candidates.

Following this concluding paragraph, add a call to action. Encouraging the hiring manager to take the next step, such as discussing your application further or scheduling an interview, can make a lasting impact and heighten your chances of landing the job.

Lastly, wrap up your letter professionally with an appropriate signature line, followed by your full name. Here's an example:

Please feel free to reach out to me at the provided email or phone number to arrange an interview. I eagerly await the opportunity to discuss my application in greater detail at your earliest convenience.

Best regards,

If you'd like to switch things up from the common "Best regards," consider these alternative closing lines:

  • Kind regards,
  • Respectfully yours,
  • Thank you for your consideration,

Choose the one that resonates best with the style and tone of your construction cover letter.

construction worker cover letter structure

3 Essential Construction Cover Letter Tips

You've now got the fundamentals of crafting a construction cover letter under your belt. 

It's time to take that knowledge and perfect your construction cover letter with some construction cover letter tips that will make yours truly shine.

#1. Match Your Resume

When seeking a construction job, it's crucial to maintain consistency in your application.

Ensure that your construction cover letter's format and layout align closely with your resume to present a polished and organized application. 

Neatly arrange your text and contact details on the page, maintain consistent font styles and sizes, and carefully set the margins and line spacing to keep your cover letter on one page .

Or Use A Cover Letter Template Instead

Consider saving yourself some valuable time and effort. 

Try out our free resume builder to create the perfect construction worker resume.

Then, pick a cover letter template that matches it visually to save time and effort.

Our templates are made in collab with hiring managers around the world, which means they meet all industry standards. You save time and get a matching cover letter for your resume that looks professional and stylish. 

Construction Cover Letter Templates

#2. Mention Qualifications

In your construction cover letter, it's not just about listing your qualifications like a checklist – you've got to bring them to life. 

Your qualifications should complement your resume, not just mirror it. Dive deeper into how they uniquely equip you for the job you're gunning for. Show hiring managers why you're the ideal candidate, not by reciting your qualifications verbatim but by illustrating how they make you a perfect fit for the position. 

That's the secret sauce to stand out from the competition!

#3. Keep It Relevant

When it comes to your construction cover letter, brevity is your buddy. 

Hiring managers have stacks of applications to go through, so they appreciate a letter that gets to the point. Keep it concise and relevant. Don't meander into unnecessary details or off-topic stories. By doing this, you'll make their lives easier and show that you respect their time and attention. 

Plus, it highlights your communication skills ; specifically, the ability to communicate effectively, a valuable skill in the construction field. So, less is often more when it comes to your cover letter. 

Key Takeaways

That's the blueprint for crafting a standout construction worker cover letter! We trust you're geared up to secure that dream construction role without breaking a sweat.

Before sending off your cover letter, let's cement some pivotal tips from this guide:

  • Start your construction cover letter by listing both your contact details and those of the hiring manager. Ensure your information is spot-on so they can easily reach out for a potential interview.
  • Your construction cover letter's opening paragraph should immediately engage the hiring manager and urge them to delve deeper.
  • In the body of your cover letter, spotlight your most remarkable achievements and skills that resonate with the construction position you're eyeing.
  • To boost your chances, incorporate a strong call to action near the end of your construction cover letter, prompting the hiring manager to consider reaching out or scheduling a chat.
  • Ensure visual harmony between your cover letter and resume. If you're in a crunch, you might want to explore our paired resume and cover letter templates for a unified appearance.

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  • Template: Cover Letter for Quotation

construction quotation cover letter sample

Subject: Quotation from [COMPANY_NAME]


Greetings from [COMPANY_NAME]!

I take immense pleasure in introducing to you [COMPANY_NAME], a company based in [COMPANY_CITY], [COMPANY_STATE], [COMPANY_COUNTRY]. I write to you with the intention of giving you a brief overview of our company with the hope that we could take this further into a rewarding relationship.

We come to you with over [COMPANY_EXPERIENCE] years of experience and are backed by team of highly knowledgeable, passionate and motivated professionals.

In addition to giving quality the highest importance, we promote transparency, consistency and fairness through our dealings. While others are trying to deliver customer satisfaction, we are never satisfied with anything less than customer delight.

So, as discussed with you earlier, I have attached a quotation to this email. Please note that the prices mentioned in the quotation are valid for six months from this day.

Thank you for the opportunity to submit our quotation. Should you require more details please do let me know and I will get back to you promptly.


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construction quotation cover letter sample

How to Write a Tender Cover Letter That Wins Construction Bids

construction quotation cover letter sample

The tender process is a relatively straightforward series of stages – from issuing the tender documents to awarding the contracts. However, in the construction industry, tendering can be incredibly competitive for building projects. It’s not enough to simply offer the lowest price; the key is to provide the best value and demonstrate that you are the top contractor for the job, based on quality, price, and service.

Whether it’s corporate clients or government agencies, you need to attach a construction cover letter when you submit your tender document to gain an edge right at the onset. It’s not a requirement, but it can highlight the main reasons why you should be awarded the contract, especially if you can show your success on similar projects.

Our Top Tips for Winning Construction Bids

In this blog post, we’ll go through what a tender cover letter is and how to craft a one-page proposition that makes an impact.

What is a Tender Cover Letter?

A tender cover letter is an expression of interest in a tender notice. It is printed on the company’s letterhead and inserted after the title page of the tender being submitted. It’s often just one to two pages long and gives a brief preview of a company, its capacity to deliver the requirements of the project, and its success on previous projects similar to the one it is bidding for.

By furnishing a tender cover letter, you give the client a glimpse of your accomplishments that substantiate your ability to meet the requirements they have set. It paints a good picture of your company that impacts their decision-making. 

How To Write a Tender Cover Letter

Start with a short introduction:.

Firstly, thank the organisation for their invitation to tender. Then, give a brief introduction to your company. Include how long you’ve been in the industry, your main services, and what you stand for. Ideally, try to keep this to just one paragraph – short, sharp and to the point. You can attach a copy of your company profile and executive summary after the cover letter to give the client more information about your company.

Enumerate specific reasons why you should be awarded the contract:

State your unique business proposition. What is that distinct feature you have that sets you apart from other companies? Don’t make general statements rife with empty promises or inflated qualifications – they’ll see right through it . List down specific reasons why you are the best contractor for the project.

Go through the specifications and rules of the tender, then explain how you can meet those requirements. If you have previous projects that provide proof of your competence and experience , mention them in this part.

Include administrative notes and other relevant details:

If you’re tendering as a joint venture, mention it in the cover letter. Add any administrative note relevant to certain aspects of the tender. There’s no need to indicate your quote at this point, but if you have specialised estimation and quoting processes , you can point out this advanced feature that boosts your efficiency.

Write a captivating commitment statement:

Win the award by assuring the client that you are fully committed to making the project a success. Craft a captivating commitment statement that guarantees your utmost service and promises to adhere to the contract and deliver successful outcomes. 

Tender Cover Letter Example

There’s no standard template for a tender cover letter. Your cover letters can be tailored to suit the tone that matches your brand image – this helps you stand out from the crowd . They should also include unique details that make you the best choice for the specific project you’re submitting a tender for , as well as your contact details.

To give you an idea of how to craft one, here’s a tender cover letter example. 

Cover Letter for Tender Proposal (Example)

ABC Builders


Parks and Recreation Authority

Sub: Application for [Tender Notice No.]

Dear Sir/Madam,

We at ABC Builders are pleased to respond to your request for tender on the CONSTRUCTION OF A RECREATIONAL FACILITY FOR [project] with [Tender Notice No.] dated [day/month/year] due on [day/month/year].

Upon thoroughly reviewing the tender’s specifications, we are confident that we have the capacity to successfully deliver the construction project requirements.

As one of the country’s leading contracting firms, ABC Builders has been collaborating with various organisations for the successful completion of construction projects for private individuals, government institutions, large corporations, and other entities. Over the last 10 years, we’ve completed several high-profile projects for prominent clients, including [famous individual], [corporate client], and [government agency].

Our expertise, experience, and reputation in the construction industry make us a suitable company for this tender. Our team is comprised of experts who are highly skilled in all phases of construction. We are also reputed for consistently providing efficient, timely, and on-budget services for every project we undertake.

Enclosed is a copy of our company profile and executive summary for further information about our company. Also attached herewith are our commercial and technical bids for your consideration.

We thank you for the opportunity to participate in this tender. It would be a great honour to work with you on this project. If you have any questions or need more information, please do not hesitate to contact me directly.

Yours sincerely,

Make Your Tender Cover Letter Stand Out

Your tender cover letter is the pretty packaging that makes your tender stand out from all the rest. It’s essential to take time to craft one that highlights your capacity to deliver successful outcomes. Strive to make a connection that fosters a reliable partnership with other stakeholders.

Tendering for contracts can be highly competitive, and it’s crucial to provide the best value for clients by demonstrating the quality, price, and service of your company. To gain an edge over competitors, submitting a tender cover letter can highlight your accomplishments, previous success, and unique value proposition. Crafting a captivating commitment statement that assures clients of your full commitment to delivering successful outcomes can make all the difference. By following our tips mentioned above, you can create a tender cover letter that stands out and increases your chances of being awarded the contract!

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Construction Cover Letter Example

Cover letter examples, cover letter guidelines, how to format an construction cover letter, cover letter header, cover letter header examples for construction, how to make your cover letter header stand out:, cover letter greeting, cover letter greeting examples for construction, best cover letter greetings:, cover letter introduction, cover letter intro examples for construction, how to make your cover letter intro stand out:, cover letter body, cover letter body examples for construction, how to make your cover letter body stand out:, cover letter closing, cover letter closing paragraph examples for construction, how to close your cover letter in a memorable way:, pair your cover letter with a foundational resume, key cover letter faqs for construction.

Start your Construction cover letter by addressing the hiring manager by name, if possible. If not, use a professional greeting like "Dear Hiring Manager". Then, introduce yourself and state the position you're applying for. Mention where you found the job posting and if you were referred by someone within the company. In the first paragraph, briefly highlight your most relevant skills and experiences that make you a strong candidate for the job. For example, you could say, "As a seasoned construction professional with over 10 years of experience in managing large scale residential and commercial projects, I am confident in my ability to contribute to your team." This will grab the reader's attention and make them want to learn more about you.

The best way for construction professionals to end a cover letter is by summarizing their qualifications, expressing enthusiasm for the opportunity, and inviting further discussion. For example, "I am confident that my experience in managing large-scale construction projects would be beneficial to your team. I am eager to bring my skills and passion to your company and would welcome the opportunity to discuss how I can contribute to your upcoming projects. Thank you for considering my application." This ending is assertive and shows your interest in the job. Always remember to end with a professional closing like "Sincerely" or "Best regards," followed by your full name.

In a cover letter for a construction job, the following elements should be included: 1. Contact Information: This includes your name, address, phone number, and email address. 2. Salutation: Address the hiring manager by name if possible. If not, use a general greeting such as "Dear Hiring Manager." 3. Introduction: Briefly introduce yourself and mention the job you're applying for. 4. Relevant Experience: Highlight your previous experience in construction. Be specific about the projects you've worked on, the skills you used, and the results you achieved. 5. Skills: Mention any specific construction skills you have, such as carpentry, electrical, plumbing, or project management. Also, include any certifications or licenses you hold. 6. Accomplishments: If you have any notable accomplishments in your previous roles, such as completing a project under budget or ahead of schedule, be sure to mention them. 7. Why You're a Good Fit: Explain why you're a good fit for the job and the company. This could include your work ethic, your ability to work as part of a team, or your commitment to safety. 8. Closing: Thank the hiring manager for considering your application and express your interest in discussing the role further. 9. Signature: End with your name and a professional closing, such as "Sincerely" or "Best regards." Remember, a cover letter should be tailored to each job you apply for. Be sure to read the job description carefully and highlight how your skills and experience align with what the company is looking for.

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Construction Quote Cover Letter

Construction Quote Cover Letter Template

  • Submit professional looking changes
  • Provide key information to ensure understanding
  • Increase approval rate on your changes

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Full Description

Submitting a quotation to an owner or an architect is a challenging thing to do. Changes by their nature are received negatively. Your best approach when issuing a change is to ensure that the people receiving it understand the costs. Explaining it from your perspective is even more important.

What is a quotation cover letter and what is it’s purpose?

A quotation cover letter is a document that precedes the actual quotation. The letter outlines the total value and provides an executive summary on why the change is being issued. It provides an opportunity for the contractor to communicate directly with the architect and owner on their justification of the change.\

This quotation cover letter template will provide you with the tools you need to get your message across. The quotation cover letter includes:

  • Address and subject fields
  • Quotation reference
  • Quotation total
  • Explanation of scope
  • Schedule extension (in days)

Save time and avoid hassle on your construction projects with this construction quotation cover letter template. This template was created in Microsoft Office but will work on all modern word processors.

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Construction Quote Cover Letter

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Quotation Cover Letter

Last Updated On February 10, 2020 By Letter Writing Leave a Comment

A quotation cover letter refers to a letter written by the seller to a buyer giving information about the pricing of a product, delivery conditions, and the terms of payment. It is an offer for sale.  

The seller writes this letter to the buyer to convince him/her of the suitability of the product he is selling.

The seller sends it in response to an inquiry that has been made previously by the buyer. Therefore, the seller must state all the information required by the buyer when writing such a letter. The buyer must accept a quotation by way of signing and initiate the processing of the order.

Tips for writing a Quotation Cover letter

  • While writing the quotation, ensure it’s enclosed – Once all the details are written down, a quote is a confidential document and must be inserted in an envelope with identification on top that indeed it is a quotation. In case the buyer had many letters on board, he will be able to differentiate the quotation from other general letters and give it a priority.
  • Prompt the reader about the products- This is in terms of matching the goods with what they wanted and if they would need any modification. This will aid in forming a close relationship, which will, in the long run, form a basis for closing the contract with your organization.
  • Entice the reader – Inspire the reader by enticing him to purchase the product now when the prices are still low. This is a tactic to ensure that you close the sale within the shortest time possible.
  • Quote the ending date of the terms given – If the pricing and delivery period had an ending date, it’s essential to let the buyer know that the conditions are stipulated for a given period of time. Most likely, if the quotation wins the bid, then the buyer will make sure that the sale is closed within the time limit that you have offered to them.
  • Deliver as promised – When you win the bid, do not give any excuses regarding the delivery date, processing period. Ensure that you provide the customer with an excellent customer service experience, which will help build a long term working relationship and, consequently, profitability.

Quotation Cover Letter Template

This refers to a layout that helps the business person to come up with a complete quotation, having been formatted to input the details as befits the quote. Below is an example.


Date (date on which Quotation is written)


Sub: _________________________________________

Dear _________________,

In reference to the discussion we held on I hereby submit the quotation for supply of Office Chairs and Desks.

I hope that the quotation matches your expected costs, delivery, and type. 

All our furniture have the below specifications; ________________

It’s our sincere hope that you are comfortable with the quotation, and you will let us know when we can proceed in the processing of your order. 

We prefer a 30 days waiting period for payment of any supply from the date of delivery. We believe it is well within your capacity and request for an order soonest. 

Since the manufacturer keeps changing the prices, we also request you to act soon before the prices go up, and we may be forced to amend the prices, and therefore the quoted price will be in place for the next 45 days.

It would be kind of you to give as a go-ahead and allow the smooth running of the supply as soon as you could.

Thanking you,

Yours sincerely,


Quotation Cover Letter Sample

A sample quotation letter is a preformatted letter showing how to write all the information required by the buyer regarding the sale of services from a proposal that was initially made. Below find an example;

Peter England

Furniture people International,

Head of Business,

Mr.  Latifa Kushi.

 Facilities Manager

Robeta Cleaning Services


Date: ____________ (Date on which quotation is written)

Sub; Quotation for Supply of Furniture.

Dear Mr. Latina,

As per our discussion held last week over the supply of furniture to your office, I, at this moment, present the detailed quotation in support of your request.

We hope that in the interim, this quotation bears all the information that you would require to make a firm decision and a subsequent order.

We hope that you will let us know on the way forward to be able to move with speed and manage the timelines. Some of the pointers include;

  • Our Payment terms- This is done 30 days after the date of delivery.
  • Pricing- The prices given are valid for 45 days, depending on the manufacturer’s change of prices. As such, we request your order to be done within this period to avoid changes at the last minute.

Your company has an excellent contract relationship with us and look forward to better times together. Please find attached the quotation. 

For more information, kindly reach the undersigned on email [email protected] at your earliest.

Peter England.

Quotation Cover Letter Email

This is a form of an email quotation sent to the buyer with all the information required to entice him to close a contract with you. Below is an example.

Dear sir/madam,

I am Peter England, the Facilities Manager of the Furniture People international Ltd.

As discussed last week, I, at this moment, present to you a quotation for the supply of furniture to your organization.

We have quoted the prices of each type of furniture, the expected delivery period. What’s more, we are currently offering free delivery if you buy within the next 20 days from the date of this quotation.

Our payment terms are flexible and range between 30-45 days from the date of delivery.

It’s our sincere hope that you are comfortable with this arrangement and look forward to getting a final order to aid in processing the cargo.

Do not hesitate to contact the undersigned for further information on email [email protected]

I will appreciate your prompt reply.

Thanking in advance,

(Facilities Manager)

“Furniture People International Ltd”

A well-designed quotation cover letter is what is needed to entice the buyer to purchase your products. Create a friendly environment and ensure that this goes well with whatever you quote. Never overpromise the customer if you know that you will not deliver.

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Construction Cover Letter Samples & Examples That Worked in 2024

Milan Šaržík — Certified Professional Résumé Writer

Crafting a construction cover letter is just as important as any role in the industry. Be it as an inspector, surveyor, laborer, or metal worker, your unique skills and talents should shine through.

Foreman at Lendlease Cover Letter Example

Take advantage of our tips, examples, and templates to create a compelling cover letter that underscores your professional expertise. Keep reading to learn all about:

  • Formatting your construction cover letter header & headline effectively
  • Creating a personalized greeting on your construction cover letter
  • Writing a compelling construction cover letter introduction
  • Showing your professional value as a construction professional
  • Ending your construction cover letter with a strong closing statement
  • Accessing top resources for job-seeking construction professionals

Still looking for a job? These 100+ resources will tell you everything you need to get hired fast.

1. Format your construction cover letter header & headline effectively

To begin your cover letter as a construction professional, the first key step is to craft a well-formatted header and headline.

A cover letter header refers to the block of text usually found in the upper left corner that details the identifying information about the applicant and company they are applying to.

Following the header is the cover letter headline , a concise title that helps to hook an employer’s attention by previewing the most important information within the letter.

To help better demonstrate how to create each of these cover letter elements, we have included more in-depth explanations and examples below:

Formatting the header

The header on your cover letter can vary in formatting and order of information, depending on the overall style you are aiming for with your letter.

For instance, some applicants will list their names and professional information larger at the top. Others will include all of this information in a more uniform block of text styled more like a formal address on a letter. Regardless of how you choose to format your header, it should always include:

  • The name of the company you are applying to (& the department, when applicable)
  • Your name and professional title
  • Your professional contact information (phone number, email, LinkedIn, etc.)

Here is an example of a well-formatted header on a construction cover letter

To: Builders United, Project Management Department From: John Doe, Construction Project Manager (123) 456-7890 | [email protected] |

Writing the headline

Your cover letter headline serves a highly useful purpose in helping to attract an employer’s attention immediately. To make this headline eye-catching, you should always use a keyword related to the position, an eye-catching number or trigger word, a powerful adjective or verb, and a promise.

Here is an example of a well-written headline on a construction cover letter, followed by a brief breakdown of its main components

My 3 Best Construction Skills & How They Can Improve Your Company’s Projects

Trigger Word/Number : 3 Skills Keyword: Construction Adjective/Verb: Best, Improve Promise: Your Company’s Projects – the addition of this detail to the headline tells employers you will go beyond simply describing their skills to relate them directly to the company’s needs.

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2. create a personalized greeting on your construction cover letter.

Whenever you write a cover letter, including a personalized greeting is essential.

Unlike generalized greetings – such as “To Whom It May Concern” – a personalized greeting will address a specific person or department within a company by name. This is crucial, as it shows the employer the effort you have put forth to thoroughly research their company.

If you have researched a company and are unable to pinpoint an exact person or department that will review your cover letter, try out one of the following alternatives:

To the [Company Name] Team

To the [Company Name] Hiring Manager

3. Write a compelling construction cover letter introduction

Following your header, headline, and greeting is the introductory paragraph of your cover letter . To make this introduction compelling, you should include:

  • A brief overview of your professional history and goals
  • A statement on why you are enthusiastic about applying to this company
  • A mutual acquaintance (when possible)

Here is an example to help demonstrate how to write a construction cover letter introduction

To the [Company Name] Hiring Manager,

I am a Construction professional with over 5 years of specialized experience in Metal Working and Project Management. Recently, I spoke with your Head Foreman, Jack Smith, about the opening for an Assistant Project Manager. Mr.Smith recommended I apply after reviewing my portfolio of relevant work and completed projects.

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4. Show your professional value as a construction professional

Once you have successfully grabbed the employer’s attention, it’s time to use the body paragraphs of your cover letter to show the professional value you have to offer. To achieve this, you should aim to answer each of the following questions:

  • What excites you about working at this company?
  • What do you hope to learn from working at this company?
  • What accomplishments or qualifications make you stand out as an applicant?
  • What key skills do you possess that are relevant to the position?

Focusing on accomplishments in the body text is especially important, as your real-life achievements help show employers the value and success you can bring to their companies.

Here is an example of how to describe an accomplishment in a construction cover letter

As the Construction Supervisor at [Previous Employer], I sourced a new supplier for mechanical parts, reducing equipment maintenance costs by 15%. Additionally, I implemented a new work schedule that increased the daily productivity of 10+ teams by an average of 45%.

5. End your construction cover letter with a strong closing statement

To conclude your cover letter, you need a strong closing statement that includes:

  • An enthusiastic sentence saying you are looking forward to hearing from them
  • An additional sentence stating you will follow up, including how you will contact them or how they can contact you
  • A formal sign-off

Here is an example of an effective closing statement on a construction cover letter

As the newest addition to your team, I will bring a high level of expertise and a collaborative spirit to your work environment. I am eager to speak with you directly and am available to schedule a meeting any weekday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. The best way to reach me is at (123) 456-7890 or via email at [email protected].

Kind Regards,

[Applicant Name]

Follow this cover letter outline for maximum success.

6. Top resources for job-seeking construction professionals

Job-seeking in the construction industry is like constructing a building, with each element contributing to the final structure. Here are the top resources to build a solid foundation for your job search:

  • Industry-specific job boards:  Websites like  iHireConstruction concentrate solely on construction job listings. They offer a wide range of roles, from entry-level to executive positions. 
  • Associations:  Groups such as the Associated General Contractors of America (AGC) offer valuable resources including training programs, certifications, and networking events. 
  • Continuing education:  Institutions like the National Center for Construction Education and Research  (NCCER) offer ongoing education and training for construction professionals.
  • Networking platforms:   LinkedIn's Construction Group , with over 500,000 members, is a virtual trove of industry news, job openings, and networking opportunities.
  • Career coaching services:  Companies like BlueSteps or Career Sidekick can provide you with personalized guidance and insights to enhance your resume, interview skills, and construction cover letter.

Remember, success in job-seeking is in the mix of all these resources. Use them to showcase your unique value in this competitive field.

Construction Cover Letter FAQ

What should i prioritize in my construction cover letter.

The foundation of your cover letter should be your skills and experiences that directly relate to the construction role you're pursuing. Think of it like selecting the right tools for a construction project. 

How long should my cover letter be?

A skyscraper of text isn't necessary. A well-crafted cover letter should be no longer than a page. In other words, keep it as short and sweet as a well-placed nail.

Should I list all my previous construction jobs?

You're building a resume, not a house. Prioritize the roles and responsibilities that align with the job you're seeking. 

Are specific examples of my work important to include?

Absolutely. It's like the blueprint for a building - it gives a clear vision of what you can accomplish. Use your cover letter to highlight particular projects or accomplishments.

Should I mention my construction certifications?

Yes, indeed. It's like a safety helmet on site — it adds credibility. Include any relevant certifications that bolster your qualifications for the job.

Milan Šaržík — Certified Professional Résumé Writer

Milan Šaržík, CPRW

Milan’s work-life has been centered around job search for the past three years. He is a Certified Professional Résumé Writer (CPRW™) as well as an active member of the Professional Association of Résumé Writers & Careers Coaches (PARWCC™). Milan holds a record for creating the most career document samples for our help center – until today, he has written more than 500 resumes and cover letters for positions across various industries. On top of that, Milan has completed studies at multiple well-known institutions, including Harvard University, University of Glasgow, and Frankfurt School of Finance and Management.


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Business-in-a-Box's Cover Letter for a Cost Quotation Template

Cover Letter for a Cost Quotation Template

Document description.

This cover letter for a cost quotation template has 1 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our sales & marketing documents.

Sample of our cover letter for a cost quotation template:

OBJECT: COST QUOTATION FOR [PRODUCT/SERVICE] Dear [CONTACT NAME], As we discussed, here’s a preliminary quotation for [YOUR PRODUCTS/SERVICES] for [YOUR CLIENT]. If the quotation is on target, please tell us how you would like to proceed. If it is not, let us know and we will try to quickly revise the quotation to reflect your needs. We can arrange a payment schedule with low monthly payments tailored to your operating budget. Of course the [YOUR PRODUCTS/SERVICES], is/are also available for outright purchase. But I urge you

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Free Construction Quote Templates and Forms

By Diana Ramos | August 3, 2020

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We’ve compiled the most useful free construction quote templates and forms, including customizable, fillable, and printable templates for construction companies, contractors, and subcontractors.

Included on this page, you’ll find many helpful construction quote templates and forms, including a construction quote template and a simple construction estimate template , as well as tips for what to include in a construction quote form .

Construction Quote Template

Construction Quote Template

Use this construction quote template to provide customers with a detailed breakdown of anticipated labor, material quantities and costs, and other miscellaneous project details. This easy-to-fill quote template includes space to list information about your company, work site location, and client contact. There’s also room for quote date, work start and end dates, and payment terms and conditions. Material, labor, and miscellaneous charges auto-tally in their respective sections, with the final quote total at the bottom of the form. You can also add your logo to this template to customize it.

Download Construction Quote Template

Excel  | PDF

Simple Construction Estimate Template

Simple Construction Estimate Template

This simple construction estimate template is designed for construction companies or contractors to easily provide clients with accurate job estimates. Use the description column to enter labor, materials, or miscellaneous item amounts. You can also factor in any discount, tax, and shipping and handling percentages and rates. This all purpose, simple construction estimate template is useful for producing an item-by-item breakdown of projected work descriptions, which enables you to produce accurate construction work estimates for your customers.

For more on construction cost estimating, see “ Construction Cost Estimating: The Basics and Beyond .”

Download Simple Construction Estimate Template

Excel | Word  | PDF

Hourly Work Estimate Template

Hourly Work Estimate Template

Give customers an hour-by-hour estimate of construction-related labor and materials costs. Easily enter projected hours and rates for consultations, subcontractor work, or construction crews’ estimated hours in the template. Complete the terms and conditions for labor, services or materials, and project description details. This template is the perfect fit for task or phase-specific hourly breakdowns for construction project estimates.

For more construction management tools, see “ Excel Construction Management Templates .” 

‌Download Hourly Work Estimate Template

Excel | Word | PDF

Construction Estimator Template

Construction Estimator Template

Track item-by-item estimated costs with this all-inclusive construction estimator template. A requirements section provides space to list all labor and materials costs, with room to add in remarks related to each, so that you can plan for details such as customer or permit issuer on-site visits or preliminary reviews of any individually listed item. Use the prime cost (PC) or prime cost sum (PCS) allowance columns to factor in labor or materials to be provided by the client’s preferred contractors. Store all construction job-specific cost details in a single location with this construction estimator template.

For more on construction project management, see “ A Complete Guide to Construction Project Management .” ‌

Download Construction Estimator Template - Excel

Job Estimate Template

Job Estimate Template

Use this customizable template to enter all details relevant to creating an accurate construction job estimate. Keep tabs on labor or material items that your team will be fulfilling. This estimate template is the perfect fit for contractors and subcontractors alike, and includes space for quantity, unit price, hours, rate, payment-due-by sections, and project-authorization signatures.

Download Job Estimate Template

Excel | Word

Construction Bid Tabulation Template

Bid Tabulation Template

Use this flexible construction bid tabulation template to successfully manage job planning, from architectural and engineering bids to final interior touches. Use the contractor-specific columns to tabulate bids for each service provider’s work; the estimates will automatically tally into a final total bid amount. This customizable template comes pre-filled with engineer’s and contractor’s data (which you can overwrite), so that you can view all facets of the project bid individually or collectively to help ensure that your proposed bid lands within the client’s budget.

For tips and bid templates, see “ Free Bid Proposal Templates .” 

‌Download Construction Bid Tabulation Template 

Microsoft Excel | Word | PDF | Smartsheet

Electrical Quote Template

construction quotation cover letter sample

This electrical-specific quote template is ideal for electricians who want to provide detailed quotes to customers. This pre-filled template allows you to break down material (e.g., exterior receptacle + wiring 220v), quantity and unit prices. Use the dedicated columns to complete information about labor (e.g., exterior receptacles/switches) hours and rates. Then, the template will automatically tally total materials and labor to generate a final quote. 

For more on where electrical work fits into the construction timeline, see “ Complete Construction Timeline Template Collection ”. 

Download Electrical Quote Template

Roofing Quote Template

construction quotation cover letter sample

Create accurate, comprehensive quotes for your roofing business with this customizable template. For existing roofs, enter drainage and leak details, inspection date, year installed, roof size, height and shape, number of layers, surface details, and other roof character or equipment specifics. This template has fields for contractor license number, estimated work time frame, quote number, and materials and labor costs.

Download Roofing Quote Template

Painting Quote Template

construction quotation cover letter sample

Use this painting quote template to provide clients with details of all proposed painting costs. This template has space to list interior and exterior painting materials and labor cost breakdowns, so you can factor in itemized quantities and costs. Interior and exterior total labor and materials costs are automatically tallied at the end of their respective sections, followed by a quote total at the bottom of the template. 

For more tools for scheduling construction projects, see “ Free Construction Schedule Templates .” 

Download Painting Quote Template

Contractor Estimate Template

Contractor Estimate Template

Contractors and subcontractors can use this template to deliver all-inclusive, accurate project estimates. List job-specific category and item details, and the template will calculate projected amounts and subtotals (which you can compare against actual subtotals). A variance column shows the monetary difference between projected and actual amounts, creating a record of projected versus actual costs.

Download Contractor Estimate Template

Services Quote Template

Services Quote Template

Use this one-page, print-friendly construction services quote template to provide clients with a quote for your services. This hourly quote template is useful for itemizing any given service, projected hours, hourly rate, service totals, and final total for all proposed services. Add your logo or picture to this customizable construction services template. 

Download Services Quote Template

What Is a Construction Quote?

A construction quote is a crucial document for establishing or maintaining a good relationship with existing or potential clients. It provides an on-target cost estimate for construction deliverables, and can be used to compare projected costs and eventual actual costs. 

In short, a construction quote organizes proposed labor and materials costs into a detailed breakdown. You can also include terms and conditions for your quote, and enter any discounts, tax rates, and shipping and handling costs. Be sure to include an area on the quote for a customer’s signature that shows they have accepted the quote. 

Whether your construction quote is for a home, office, or other building — and whether you are a company, contractor, or subcontractor — you should aim to provide an accurate quote that’s within the client's allotted budget. Doing so will ensure that construction work can begin as soon as they accept the quote.

Best Practices: What Should a Construction Quote Form Include?

A successful construction quote will provide existing or potential customers with a detailed breakdown of anticipated labor and materials costs, materials quantities, and other miscellaneous details associated with proposed construction work. Instill confidence in your client by providing a detailed, comprehensive project quote.

Whether you are proposing to work on a single aspect of a project or are managing the entire construction project, using a quote template can take the guesswork out of cost breakdowns to ensure you’re providing customers with accurate and acceptable quotes. 

When using a construction quote template, you can create precise and credible quotes by plugging in your particular construction-project details into the following fields: 

  • Logo: Upload your company logo, or a unique picture that represents your services. 
  • Company Name: Enter your company name and contact details. 
  • Client: Enter the client’s contact information, including the name of the primary contact. 
  • Work Site Location: Enter the physical address of the construction work site. 
  • Date of Quote: Enter the date you issued the quote. 
  • Work Start Date: Enter the proposed date for starting work on the construction project. 
  • Work End Date: Enter the date the construction work will be complete.  
  • Quote Number: Enter a unique quote number for filing and tracking purposes. 
  • Quantity: Enter a number for the listed material. 
  • Unit Price: Enter the unit price for the listed material. 
  • Hours: Enter the number of labor hours for the task. 
  • Rate: Enter the labor rate for the task.  
  • Miscellaneous Charges: Enter additional charges unrelated to material or labor. 
  • Discount: Enter any discount pertaining to the quote’s total. 
  • Tax Rate: Enter the tax rate for labor, materials, or other services. 
  • Shipping and Handling: Enter any applicable shipping and handling costs for materials. 
  • Total: Review the construction quote total to ensure you have accounted for all costs.  
  • Customer Signature: Upon acceptance of the quote, have the customer sign the document. 
  • Authorized Signature: Enter the authorizing signature that denotes you can begin work outlined in the quote.

Streamline Construction Quotes with Smartsheet for Construction

From pre-construction to project closeout, keep all stakeholders in the loop with real-time collaboration and automated updates so you can make better, more informed decisions, all while landing your projects on time and within budget.

The Smartsheet platform makes it easy to plan, capture, manage, and report on work from anywhere, helping your team be more effective and get more done. Report on key metrics and get real-time visibility into work as it happens with roll-up reports, dashboards, and automated workflows built to keep your team connected and informed.

When teams have clarity into the work getting done, there’s no telling how much more they can accomplish in the same amount of time. Try Smartsheet for free, today.

Unite construction teams through real-time collaboration with Smartsheet.

Word & Excel Templates

Printable Word and Excel Templates

Cover letter for quotation to client

Cover Letter for Quotation to Client

It is a common practice for sellers to prepare a quotation for their client when their client wants to know the price of the items they want to purchase. Clients generally ask a number of sellers to write a quotation and then after careful evaluation, they choose one of the sellers to make the purchase.

The cover letter is the main part of the quotation that gives a brief introduction to the quotation document. It is not a mandatory document as many sellers send their bids without a cover letter. However, those who use this document always manage to impress their clients as the cover letter helps the clients a lot in understanding the bid in a better way.

Many times, sellers fail to win over the client because their cover letter is not good enough even if they have mentioned a good quotation. Follow the tips given below:

  • Know the content of the letter when you write it because you cannot afford to miss anything important.
  •  Briefly describe what the client can expect to read in the bid so that the length of the letter does not exceed one page.
  • Don’t forget to mention the items you are going to write the quotation about.
  • Mention the terms and conditions of buying products from you and how much time you take to send the products to your prospective clients.

Sample cover letter for quotation:

Subject: Cover letter for quotation

Respected Mr. ABC,

With reference to the discussion that we had last week regarding the supply of furniture to your office, I am hereby submitting a quotation for the supply of furniture articles including 3 chairs, one table, and one sofa set.

I believe that this quotation will be in line with the total cost, delivery type, and other things that you have expected.

To be clearer and comprehensive, I am hereby providing a list of articles with the specifications of each article below:

Specification 1: __________________

Specification 2: __________________

Specification 3: __________________

We know that you would like to proceed with the processing of your furniture order with us once you have thoroughly checked the quotation that we have submitted. 

You are required to complete the order along with its payment within 30 days after you received the price quotation from us. We will try to deliver you the product at our earliest convenience.

We would like to request you to act upon the price as and when you place the order since there is a fluctuation in the prices. The quotation we have submitted is for the next 35 business days. If you want to place an order after that, you will be required to request the quotation again. We would like to request you to place the order as soon as possible as our product run out of stock very quickly.

Another sample quotation cover letter written by a seller to a prospective client has been given below:

Sample cover letter for bid:

Subject: Cover letter for bid

Regarding the meeting that we had with each other last month, I am submitting a bid for the supply of stationery products to your office. The list of products that we intend to send you includes the following items:

  • ____________

We are sure that the bid information we have provided will be able to fulfill your all information needs. If you quickly respond to our quotation, you will be able to procure all the products quickly. Following are some important points to remember:

  • You can pay us within a week after you have received the products
  • The exchange policy works only if the product is faulty or is not in line with the order that you have placed

We hope that you will be happy buying products from us. We will be very much pleased to serve you.

Cover letter for quotation to client

  • Letter Requesting Transfer to another Department
  • Letter Requesting Promotion Consideration
  • Umrah Leave Request Letter to Boss
  • Ramadan Office Schedule Announcement Letters/Emails
  • Letter to Friend Expressing Support
  • Letter to Employer Requesting Mental Health Accommodation
  • Letter Requesting Reference Check Information
  • Letter Requesting Salary Certificate
  • Letter Requesting Recommendation from Previous Employer
  • One Hour Off Permission Letter to HR
  • Payroll Apology Letter to Employee

Grow Your Construction Business

This proven quote template won over $120,000,000 of business for our construction customers in 2023 alone. The text, images, colours, your logo - it's all 100% editable.

Construction Quote Template Slide 1

Everything you need is included

Looking for visually appealing and highly functional? You’ve got it. This template comes with a pre-built layout designed to help you create professional documents quickly and easily.

  • Next Steps with Digital Signing
  • Simple Terms and Conditions
  • Take Payment from Your Client
  • Cover Letter
  • Visually Stunning Cover

Make your quote pop with a beautiful cover image and you'll quickly have your client's full attention. When the first impression of your construction business is excellent presentation and a fresh look, this sets a powerful and positive precedent for the rest of your dealings with your client. As with every element of a Better Proposals document, everything is fully editable so you can customize your cover with your logo and branding.

Typically, quotes are brief documents containing figures and a one-line description, but like anything you send your client - why should it be boring or dull? It's the perfect time to remind them why you're different and why you're the construction company they should choose. Your quote opens with a brief welcoming paragraph and sets the tone. It's fast and easy to insert your client's details here for that personal touch.

Arguably this is the most important part of the quote, and it's an area we have committed decades to studying and getting right. Our clear pricing table has been designed to look superb and easy for you to input your quote. Whether you charge by hour, month, quantity or project, it's simple and fast to set up your products and prices. To complete the table just add a brief description of your services. Your clients can quickly select what they want and move rapidly onto signing and payment pages.

One of the key reasons that quotes sent with Better Proposals are so successful is that a 100% legal and compliant digital signature box is presented right alongside your services and pricing. Trust us to make this process effortless and convenient - all your client needs to do to accept is simply type their name. Be prepared to have those quotes wrapped up and back to you in no time, with a notification in your Better Proposals account each time a client accepts.

Once you have won your client, the next crucial step is getting paid. This essential part of the quote should clearly lay out the hows, whens and whys of your payment terms. We've included a generic sample terms and conditions contract suitable for the construction industry but these will need customizing to your terms.

With a client signed up and keen, this is the key time to collect payment. We've made this easy and secure to do with a selection of the best and most trusted integrations including Stripe, PayPal and GoCardless. Your client can pay instantly and even set up a repeat subscription in no time at all. Job done!

Your docs, your branding

Set up your logo, brand colors, and fonts once to have them automatically embedded in all your documents.

Construction Quote Template

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Documents for all your project stages

Remodeling Proposal Template

Remodeling Proposal Template

This customizable remodeling proposal template is great for anyone working in construction. It helps you explain your renovation project specifications, the timescale and your prices. Use our remodeling proposal to gain more clients.

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Interior Design Client Signoff

Interior Design Client Signoff

For interior designers looking to get work approved and signed off

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Non Disclosure Agreement Template (UK)

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Web Design Statement of Work

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Start sending beautifully designed, error-free documents that inspire immediate trust with your clients. Automate tasks, track your deals, and always follow up at the right time.

construction quotation cover letter sample

Construction Quotation Letter

January 8, 2021

Ms. Angeline Vienne Fairview, Quezon City

Dear Ms. Vienne:

Please find below your quotation for the works discussed • 4 plex apartment with 36 sqm floor area • Two storey residential house with 90 sqm floor area

House specification as well on apartment includes granite flooring, grills, kitchen and built in cabinet, sliding windows and doors, stainless gutter, spandrel, metal furring with hardiflex ceilings, pinlight and coblights, and among others. Also, it includes the complete sets of plans, building permits and occupancy permits.

Here is our estimates: Apartment – 3m Two Storey house 2 – 2.5m Total Construction cost – 5.5M

If you have any question, please hesitate to contact us at (047) 451-8452.

Sincerely yours,

Engr. Efren Macabebe Contractor / Project Engineer


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  2. Construction Cover Letter Examples & Writing Guide

    construction quotation cover letter sample

  3. Free Construction Quote Templates

    construction quotation cover letter sample

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    construction quotation cover letter sample

  5. Construction quotation sample letter: Use or copy this quote sample

    construction quotation cover letter sample

  6. Quotation Cover Letter

    construction quotation cover letter sample


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  4. Quotation letterquotation letter formatquotation letter format malayalamquota

  5. Price Quotation

  6. Undertaking Letter for Construction Work


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    A construction quotation cover letter sample is a document that provides an example of what a construction company might include in its cover letter when submitting a quotation for a construction project. It typically includes a brief introduction of the company, a summary of the project, details on the cost and timeline, and any other relevant ...

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  4. Covering Letter for Quotation Submission

    How to Use Live Assistant. The Live Assistant feature is represented by a real-time preview functionality. Here's how to use it: Start Typing: Enter your letter content in the "Letter Input" textarea. Live Preview: As you type, the content of your letter will be displayed in the "Live Preview" section below the textarea. This feature converts newline characters in the textarea into <br> tags ...

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    Top ↑ Construction Cover Letter Example 5 Steps for the Perfect Construction Cover Letter #1. Put Contact Information in the Header #2. Address the Hiring Manager #3. Write an Eye-Catching Opening Statement #4. Use the Cover Letter Body for the Details #5. Wrap It Up and Sign It 3 Essential Construction Cover Letter Tips #1.

  6. 1+ Construction Cover Letter Examples (with In-Depth Guidance)

    In this section, we'll explore the nuances of formatting your cover letter, offering insights, tips, and construction-specific examples to assist you in creating a document that is both informative and compelling. 1. Cover Letter Header 2. Cover Letter Greeting 3.

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  8. Template: Cover Letter for Quotation

    Template: Domain Name Inquiry for Purchase. Template: B2B Letter asking for Product Details and Pricing. Template: Asking Customer for Feedback regarding Customer Support Experience. Template: Requesting a Customer for a Review about our Products or Services. Template: Apology to Customer for Faulty Product Delivery.

  9. How to Write a Tender Cover Letter That Wins Construction Bids

    Start with a short introduction: Firstly, thank the organisation for their invitation to tender. Then, give a brief introduction to your company. Include how long you've been in the industry, your main services, and what you stand for. Ideally, try to keep this to just one paragraph - short, sharp and to the point.

  10. 2024 Construction Cover Letter Example (+Free Tools & Guidance)

    In a cover letter for a construction job, the following elements should be included: 1. Contact Information: This includes your name, address, phone number, and email address. 2. Salutation: Address the hiring manager by name if possible. If not, use a general greeting such as "Dear Hiring Manager."

  11. Professional Construction Cover Letter Examples

    Abap Developer Cover Letter. Apprentice Concrete Form Setter And Finisher Cover Letter. Assistant Quantity Surveyor Cover Letter. Carpenter Cover Letter. Estimator Cover Letter. Superintendent Cover Letter. Supervisor Cover Letter. Crane Operator Cover Letter. Field Manager Cover Letter.

  12. Construction Quote Cover Letter Template

    This quotation cover letter template will provide you with the tools you need to get your message across. The quotation cover letter includes: Save time and avoid hassle on your construction projects with this construction quotation cover letter template. This template was created in Microsoft Office but will work on all modern word processors.

  13. Professional Construction Cover Letter Examples

    Embark on a journey of crafting an impactful Construction Cover Letter with GreatResume's examples and expert guidance. Whether you're an experienced construction professional or considering a career change, our resources will help you create a cover letter that showcases your expertise and commitment to excellence in the construction industry.

  14. Sample Quotation Cover Letter ,Quotation Cover Letter Template

    A quotation cover letter refers to a letter written by the seller to a buyer giving information about the pricing of a product, delivery conditions, and the terms of payment. It is an offer for sale. The seller writes this letter to the buyer to convince him/her of the suitability of the product he is selling. The seller sends it in response to ...

  15. Construction Cover Letter Examples & Writing Guide

    3. Restate the construction company's needs in your first paragraph. Start with the best cover letter salutation which is "Dear [Manager Name],". If you don't know the hiring manager's name, use "Dear Hiring Manager", but never go with "To Whom It May Concern". Clarify the position you're writing about.

  16. Construction Cover Letter Samples & Examples 2024

    The name of the company you are applying to (& the department, when applicable) Your name and professional title. Your professional contact information (phone number, email, LinkedIn, etc.) Here is an example of a well-formatted header on a construction cover letter. To: Builders United, Project Management Department.

  17. Cover Letter for a Cost Quotation Template

    This cover letter for a cost quotation template has 1 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our sales & marketing documents. Sample of our cover letter for a cost quotation template: OBJECT: COST QUOTATION FOR [PRODUCT/SERVICE] Dear [CONTACT NAME], As we discussed, here's a preliminary quotation for [YOUR PRODUCTS/SERVICES] for [YOUR ...

  18. Free Construction Quote Templates

    Use this construction quote template to provide customers with a detailed breakdown of anticipated labor, material quantities and costs, and other miscellaneous project details. This easy-to-fill quote template includes space to list information about your company, work site location, and client contact. There's also room for quote date, work ...

  19. Cover Letter for Quotation to Client

    Sample cover letter for quotation: Subject: Cover letter for quotation. Respected Mr. ABC, With reference to the discussion that we had last week regarding the supply of furniture to your office, I am hereby submitting a quotation for the supply of furniture articles including 3 chairs, one table, and one sofa set.

  20. Free Construction Quote Template

    Grow Your Construction Business. This proven quote template won over $120,000,000 of business for our construction customers in 2023 alone. The text, images, colours, your logo - it's all 100% editable. ... Cover Letter; Visually Stunning Cover ... We've included a generic sample terms and conditions contract suitable for the construction ...

  21. Construction Worker Cover Letter Example and Template for 2024

    701-555-0144. [email protected] May 11, 2023 Keystone Construction Dear Hiring Manager, I'm excited to apply for a role as a Construction Worker at Keystone Residential Construction. I appreciate how Keystone's mission includes communication, attention to detail and safety, which are my key values whenever I work on a job site.

  22. Free Construction Quote Form and Template

    All deposits are nonrefundable. This construction quote template can be tailored to fit any of your construction bids while providing/detailing additional project aspects such as payment schedules, construction site conduct, terminations, etc. Use our Construction Contract Template to create a legally binding document that defines the terms and ...

  23. Construction Quotation Letter

    Construction Quotation Letter. January 8, 2021. Dear Ms. Vienne: House specification as well on apartment includes granite flooring, grills, kitchen and built in cabinet, sliding windows and doors, stainless gutter, spandrel, metal furring with hardiflex ceilings, pinlight and coblights, and among others. Also, it includes the complete sets of ...

  24. 200+ Professional Cover Letter Examples for Job Seekers

    5. Career change cover letter example. Writing a cover letter for a job in your current industry is pretty straightforward. But writing a career change cover letter requires a slightly different approach. The sample cover letter below includes the three elements you need to persuade a hiring manager you're ready to transfer industries:

  25. Resume Examples & Samples for 2024

    Cover Letter Builder. Download a personalized cover letter in minutes with our cover letter builder. ... Let our construction work resume examples help you stress special skills like specialties, such as plumbing or electrical systems. ... Our sample resumes cover all resume categories and include experienced as well as no-experience ...