NCERT English

Unseen Passage for Class 9 | Reading Comprehension with Solutions

Explore challenging Unseen Passage for Class 9, designed for NCERT and CBSE students. Our meticulously crafted passages enhance reading comprehension and critical thinking skills. Accompanied by detailed solutions, these passages cover a spectrum of topics, fostering holistic development. Elevate your understanding and excel in exams with our comprehensive resource tailored for Class 9 students.

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Unseen passage for class 9 – passage 1.

Directions: Read the following unseen passage for class 9 carefully and answer the questions given below the unseen passage:-

In today’s world, when many countries interact closely, it’s more important than ever to reduce the ignorance people have about each other. We should try to understand a bit about the history and thinking of other nations. It’s a mistake for the English to assume that people from other countries will react the same way they do to political and international situations.

Sometimes, our genuine goodwill and good intentions don’t work because we expect everyone to be just like us. This could be fixed if we had a basic understanding of the history and the social and political conditions that have shaped each nation’s character.

Furthermore, by learning about the historical experiences of different nations, we can foster better relations and avoid misunderstandings. It’s essential to recognize the unique perspectives and reactions that stem from diverse backgrounds. Such understanding can lead to more effective communication and cooperation in our interconnected world.

Please read the questions carefully asked from the unseen passage for class 9 and answer them.

1. Why is it important to reduce ignorance about people from other countries in today’s world?

2. What does the passage suggest about understanding other nations’ history and thinking?

3. According to the passage, what is the mistake that the English often make when dealing with people from other countries?

4. What can be done to fix the issue of expecting everyone to be like us, as mentioned in the passage?

5. Why does understanding different nations’ historical experiences lead to better relations and fewer misunderstandings?

6. What is the main benefit of recognizing the unique perspectives and reactions stemming from diverse backgrounds, according to the passage?

7. What is the opposite of “ awareness .” as mentioned in the passage?

8. Find a synonym for “ benevolence ” as used in the passage.

  • The Unseen Passage for Class 9 with answers pdf

Unseen Passage For Class 9 – Passage 2

Waking up early in the morning is a great advantage because it helps us start our day’s work well. Early risers do a lot of work while others are still in bed. In the early morning, the mind is fresh, and there are fewer noises or distractions, so the work done at that time is usually done well.

Many early risers also find time to exercise in the fresh morning air, which gives them energy for the whole day. Starting early gives them enough time to complete their work without rushing. Once they finish their work, they have a long evening to rest before going to bed early. Getting a good night’s sleep and waking up early in good health is refreshing, and it gives them energy for the new day’s tasks.

 1. What is the great advantage of waking up early in the morning, according to the passage?

 2. Why is the early morning a good time for work, as mentioned in the passage?

3. How does early rising benefit one’s productivity, as per the passage?

4. What advantage does waking up early provide for one’s overall health and well-being?

5. How does getting a good night’s sleep benefit those who wake up early, as stated in the passage?

6. Find a word that is similar in meaning to “ benefit .” as used in the passage.

7. Find a word that is the opposite meaning of “ late .” as used in the passage.

Unseen Passage For Class 9 – Passage 3

Think of the human body as a fantastic machine that can do many things. To keep this machine running, we need fuel, and that fuel is food. Plants are amazing because they can make their own food using sunlight. But animals can’t do that. Some animals eat plants, while others eat other animals as their food. And then there are animals, like humans, who eat both plants and animals.

Now, the sun is the source of energy for all of us. It’s super powerful, but by the time its energy gets into a plant, it’s not as strong. So, when we eat plants, we get more of the sun’s energy compared to when we eat animals. That’s why it’s a good idea to eat fruits and vegetables.

When an animal eats a plant, it gets even less of the sun’s energy because some of it is used to find and eat the plant. And if another animal eats that first animal, it gets even less energy. That’s because it spent a lot of energy chasing its prey, kind of like how a car needs gasoline to run. 

So, all living things need to eat over and over to keep their bodies going. Instead of gasoline, we use food as our fuel.

1. What is the source of energy for all living things mentioned in the passage?

2. Why is it a good idea to eat fruits and vegetables, according to the passage?

3. What is the primary source of energy for plants and animals?

4. Why do animals that eat other animals as their primary food source receive less energy from the sun compared to herbivores?

(a) Because they have more efficient digestive systems.

(b) Because they are larger in size.

(c) Because they use a lot of energy to chase their prey.

(d) Because they have a preference for meat.

5. What do living things use as fuel instead of gasoline?

(a) Sunlight

 (c) Food

 (d) Air

6. Find a synonym for “ energy source ” as used in the passage.

7. What is the opposite of “ weak ” as mentioned in the passage?

Unseen Passage For Class 9 – Passage 4

Fuel is like the magic ingredient that makes our stoves cook food, cars go vroom, and power plants generate electricity. When we burn fuel, it’s like a special mix with the air around us, and it creates heat and light. This special mix is a chemical reaction, and it’s what makes things work. There are different types of fuels: solid fuels, like wood; liquid fuels, like gasoline; and gaseous fuels, like natural gas.

A long time ago, people used wood for fuel because it was easy to find and didn’t cost much. But as wood started to run out, they turned to coal, which has a lot of carbon and burns really well. These days, we mostly use liquid fuels from petroleum, but the problem is we’re using it up, and it won’t last forever. We need to find more sustainable alternatives to keep our world running.

1. What is fuel, and what does it do when burned?  

2. What are the three main types of fuels mentioned in the passage?

3. What did people use as a primary fuel source before coal became popular?

4. Why is coal considered an effective fuel?

5. What is the primary issue with using petroleum as a fuel source, according to the passage?

 6. Find an antonym for “solid” as used in the passage.

Unseen Passage For Class 9 – Passage 5

Homeopathy is an alternative medical approach created by German physician Samuel Hahnemann in 1796. It involves treating patients with highly diluted remedies. Homeopathic solutions are made by repeatedly diluting substances and vigorously shaking them, with the belief that this amplifies their healing power. This process is called “potentization,” and it continues until no original substance remains.

To pick the right remedy, homeopaths consult reference books known as repertories and consider the patient’s overall symptoms. Homeopathic treatments are generally considered safe but have been criticized for discouraging conventional medical treatments like vaccines and antibiotics. In some highly diluted remedies, there might not be any active molecules left, which contradicts scientific principles.

Modern homeopaths suggest that water has a “memory” that allows remedies to work without containing the original substance, although there’s no scientific support for this idea. Due to the lack of strong scientific evidence and the use of remedies with no active ingredients, homeopathy is often considered pseudoscience.

1. What is homeopathy, and who is credited with its creation?

2. How are homeopathic solutions prepared, and what is the purpose of this process?

3. What is the term used to describe the process of repeatedly diluting homeopathic solutions?

4. Why has homeopathy faced criticism despite being considered generally safe?

5. What is the concept of “water memory” in homeopathy, and does it have scientific support?

6. Synonym for ” substitute ” as used in the passage.

7. Antonym for “ reduces ” as used in the passage.

Unseen Passage For Class 9 – Passage 6

My next pet was a pigeon, the most revolting bird to look at, with his feathers pushing through the wrinkled scarlet skin. Because of his repulsive and obese appearance, we called him Badru. Since he had an unorthodox upbringing, without parents to teach him. Badru became convinced that he was not a bird at all, and refused to fly. He walked everywhere. He was always eager to join us in anything we did.

He would even try to come for walks with us. So you had to either carry him on your shoulder, which was risking an accident to your clothes, or else you let him walk behind. If you let him walk, then you had to slow down your own pace to suit his, for should you get too far ahead you would hear the most frantic and imploring coos and turn around to find Badru running desperately after you.

One day, we decided to introduce Badru to a group of other pigeons in the park. Surprisingly, he fluffed up his feathers, cooed confidently, and joined the gathering with unexpected enthusiasm. It turned out that beneath his quirky exterior, Badru had a social side. From that day on, he became a regular at the pigeon meet-ups, proving that even the oddest-looking birds can find their flock and spread their wings in unexpected ways, teaching us a lesson about embracing differences with an open heart.

1. What was the appearance of the pigeon named Badru, and why was he given that name?

2. Why did Badru refuse to fly, and how did he move around instead?

3. How did the author’s family members have to adjust their pace when walking with Badru?

4. What surprising behavior did Badru display when introduced to a group of other pigeons in the park?

5. What lesson did Badru teach about embracing differences?

6. Find a Synonym for “ disgusting ” from the passage.

7. Find an Antonym for “ apathy ” from the passage.

Unseen Passage For Class 9 – Passage 7

One warm afternoon, Mrs. Siva wanted to make some cold drinks for her family. She asked her son, Kumar, to go to the nearby shop to buy a big packet of ice. On his way back from the shop, Kumar spotted a newly- built playground in his neighborhood. He saw many children playing on the slides, swings, and merry-go-round.

They were having a wonderful time. Kumar told himself that he would stay for only a short while. He put the plastic bag full of ice on a bench and joined the other children. However, he began to enjoy himself so much that he soon forgot about everything else.

When Kumar finally decided that he was ready to go home, he was surprised to find that the bag of ice was no longer on the bench. Instead, there was a bag of water. “Someone has stolen my ice!” Kumar exclaimed. “He took my ice and left some water in the plastic bag!” Confused, Kumar looked around the playground, trying to figure out who played the prank.

He heard some kids giggling and saw them pointing at a water balloon fight that started while he was playing. It seems his ice bag got mixed up in the water fun. Kumar joined the laughter, realizing that unexpected surprises, even if a bit tricky, can make a regular day super fun and memorable.

 1. Why did Mrs. Siva ask her son, Kumar, to go to the nearby shop?

2. What did Kumar discover on his way back from the shop?

3. Why did Kumar initially plan to stay at the playground for only a short while?

4. What happened to Kumar’s bag of ice when he returned to the bench?

5. How did Kumar react when he realized his ice bag got mixed up in the water fun?

6. Find a Synonym for “ joke ” as used in the passage.

7. Find an Antonym for “ forgettable ” as used in the passage.

Unseen Passage For Class 9 – Passage 8

On a particular evening, a well-dressed young man stepped into a large textile shop. He captured the attention of the salesmen who assumed he was affluent and likely to make substantial purchases. Eager to assist him, they presented the finest suit lengths and sarees.

However, after a casual examination, he proceeded to the next section featuring readymade goods and then to the hosiery section. As he continued exploring, the salesmen grew doubtful about his intentions. He drew the attention of the manager. 

Upon inquiry, the manager questioned the young man about his specific needs. Surprisingly, the man in a fine suit expressed a desire for courteous treatment. He revealed that he had visited the same shop that morning in casual attire, he got no notice.  His pride was hurt and he wanted to assert himself. He had come in good dress only to get decent treatment, not for getting any textiles. He left without making any purchase. 

1. Why did the salesmen assume the young man was likely to make substantial purchases?

2. What did the salesmen present to the young man in the textile shop?

3. When did the young man proceed to the readymade goods and hosiery sections?

4. Why did the salesmen grow doubtful about the young man’s intentions?

5. What was the young man’s surprising request when questioned by the manager?

6. Find a Synonym for “ wealthy ” as used in the passage.

7. Find an Antonym for “ yield ” as used in the passage.

Unseen Passage For Class 9 – Passage 9

Improving your English depends on where you live, especially if you’re in an English-speaking community. If you hear English every day and talk with English-speaking people, it’s an advantage. But having the whole language thrown at you at once can be confusing. It’s better to have a step-by-step course leading up to this experience. It’s also helpful to easily get the kind of English books you like.

Reading a lot is important. Don’t limit yourself to just the books for exams or the textbooks you study intensively. Read many English books for pleasure. Don’t pick books that are too difficult just to learn new words. Choose books that interest you, and make sure they’re not too hard. You shouldn’t have to constantly look up words in the dictionary; that makes learning less fun.

Instead, try to read without stopping too much, guessing the meaning from the context. Extensive reading, not intensive, usually helps you enjoy extra reading and improve your English. You should feel a sense of command over the language. As you read more, you’ll become more familiar with words and sentence patterns, understanding them better in different contexts.

1. What does the effectiveness of improving your English depend on?

2. Why is it an advantage to hear English every day and talk with English-speaking people?

3. Why is it suggested to have a step-by-step course for improving English?

4. According to the passage, what kind of reading is recommended for improving English?

5. What is the key to enjoying extra reading and improving English? 

6. Find a Synonym for “ benefit ” as used in the passage.

7. Find an Antonym for  “ extensively ” as used in the passage.

Unseen Passage For Class 9 – Passage 10

In some countries, they say everyone should have the right to get medical help when they need it. But in the United States, it’s seen more like a special thing for people who can pay for it. It’s treated like buying a TV or VCR, not something everyone gets just because they live there. Healthcare in America used to be very different. Hospitals were mostly places where sick people stayed until they passed away.

Doctors didn’t often work in hospitals, and only those with money could get proper care either at home or in private clinics. Nowadays, health care has improved a lot. The goal now is to give patients continuous care that’s well-connected at all levels. When people leave the hospital, many places have plans to help them continue their care. Someone called a discharge planner talks about what the patient needs for health care after leaving the hospital.

Nowadays, there’s a lot more to health care than before. Hospitals not only take care of the sick but also plan for what happens after they leave. The idea is to make sure people continue to get the care they need. The discharge planner helps figure out the best way for the patient to keep getting proper health care once they’re back home. It’s all about making sure everyone has the chance to stay healthy, no matter where they come from or how much money they have.

1. What is the difference in how health care is perceived in the United States compared to some other countries?

2. How was healthcare in America different in the past?

3. What is the current goal of health care in America?

4. What role does a discharge planner play in the health care system?

5. Why is health care now considered more than just taking care of the sick in hospitals?

6. Find a Synonym for “ uninterrupted ” as used in the passage.

7. Find an Antonym for “ Deteriorate ” as used in the passage.

Unseen Passage For Class 9 – Passage 11

Directions: Read the following Reading Comprehension for class 9 carefully and answer the questions given below the Reading Comprehension:-

It once occurred to a certain king, that if he always knew the right time to begin everything; if he knew who were the right people to listen to and whom to avoid; and, above all, if he always knew what was the most important thing to do, he would never fail in anything he might undertake.

And this thought having occurred to him, he had it proclaimed throughout his kingdom that he would give a great reward to anyone who would teach him what was the right time for every action, and who were the most necessary people, and how he might know what was the most important thing to do. Learned men came to the King, but they all answered his questions differently.

In reply to the first question, some said that to know the right time for every action one must draw up in advance a table of days, months, and years, and must live strictly according to it. Only thus, said they, could everything be done at its proper time. Others declared that it was impossible to decide beforehand the right time for every action; but that, not letting oneself be absorbed in idle pastimes, one should always attend to all that was going on and then do what was most needful.

Others, again, said that however attentive the King might be to what was going on, it was impossible for one man to decide correctly the right time for every action, but that he should have a Council of wise men who would help him to fix the proper time for everything.

Please read the questions carefully asked from the Reading Comprehension for class 9 and answer them.

1. What three factors did the king believe would prevent him from failing in his undertakings?

2. How did the king express his desire to acquire knowledge about the right time, people, and important tasks?

3. What was the varied response of the learned men who came to the king in response to his questions?

4. According to some, what was the suggested method for determining the right time for every action?

 5. What was the alternative viewpoint presented by some individuals regarding deciding the right time for actions, and how did they propose to approach it?

6. Find the similar word from the passage which means, “proclaimed”

7. Find the opposite word from the passage “possible”

Unseen Passage For Class 9 – Passage 12 

Once upon a time there lived a king in central India. He was handsome but very vain. He looked at himself constantly, in mirrors, in pools of water, even in other people’s eyes when they spoke to him. “I am the handsomest King on Earth.” he said to his courtiers. He paid less attention to ruling his kingdom than he did to having his hair styled and his body massaged. As a result, his people grew poorer and unhappier.

But the king did not care. “Why!” He boasted one day in court, “I am probably more handsome than all the gods.” Unfortunately for the king, a particularly bad-tempered god happened to be flying by and was incensed at what he heard. “Something will have to be done about this king.” He searched in his mind for an appropriate punishment.

Then his eyes fell upon a bull. “Horns!” The god clapped his hand with malicious glee. “I’ll see how his handsomeness likes himself with horns.”When the king awoke the next morning, he followed his normal routine. First, he drew his mirror out from under his pillow and gazed into it.

Suddenly the guards outside the king’s chamber heard a loud shriek. They came rushing in to find the king sitting upright in bed with a large pillow on his head. “Out… out…” he waved a trembling finger at them. As they backed away, he shouted after them, “Send for the royal barber immediately.”

1. Describe the king’s personality and his attitude towards his appearance.

2. How did the king’s vanity affect the well-being of his kingdom and its people?

3. What boast did the king make in court that angered a god?

4. How did the god decide to punish the king for his arrogance?

5. What was the king’s reaction when he discovered the punishment imposed by the god?

6. What did the king ask the guards to do after he woke up with the pillow on his head, and why did he want to summon the royal barber?

7. Find a similar word from the passage which means, “arrogant”

8. Find the opposite word from the passage “steady”

Unseen Passage For Class 9 – Passage 13

The postmaster took up his duties first in the village of Ulapur. Though the village was small, there was an indigo factory near it, and the proprietor, an Englishman, had managed to get a post office established.

Our postmaster belonged to Calcutta. He felt like a fish out of water in this remote village. His office and livingroom were in a dark thatched shed, not far from a green, slimy pond, surrounded on all sides by a dense growth.

The men employed in the indigo factory had no leisure; moreover, they were hardly desirable companions for decent folk. Nor is a Calcutta boy an adept in the art of associating with others. Among strangers he appears either proud or ill at ease. At any rate, the postmaster had but little company; nor had he much work to do. At times he tried his hand at writing verse.

That the movement of the leaves and the clouds of the sky were enough to fill life with joy-such were the sentiments to which he sought to give expression. But God knows that the poor fellow would have felt it as the gift of a new life, if some genie of the Arabian Nights had in one night swept away the trees, leaves and all, and substituted for them a macadamised road, and had hidden the clouds from view with rows of tall houses.

1. Where did the postmaster take up his duties first, and what was the notable establishment near the village?

2. Why did the postmaster feel like a fish out of water in the remote village of Ulapur?

3. Where were the postmaster’s office and living room located, and what was the surrounding environment like?

4. Why did the men employed in the indigo factory not make desirable companions for decent folk?

5. How did the Calcutta boy, the postmaster, appear when associating with strangers, and what sentiments did he express in his writing?

6. What change would the postmaster have welcomed as the gift of a new life, according to his sentiments expressed in the passage?

7. Find the similar word from the passage which means, “rhyme.”

8. Find the op posite word from the passage “visible”

Unseen Passage For Class 9 – Passage 14

The village Somal, nestling away in the forest tracts of Mempi, had a population of less than three hundred. It was in every way a village to make the heart of a rural reformer sink. Its tank, a small expanse of water, right in the middle of the village, served for drinking, bathing, and washing the cattle, and it bred malaria, typhoid, and heaven knew what else.

The cottages sprawled anyhow and the lanes twisted and wriggled up and down and strangled each other. The population used the highway as the refuse ground and in the backyard of every house drain water stagnated in green puddles. Such was the village. It is likely that the people of the village were insensitive, but it is more than likely that they never noticed their surroundings because they lived in a kind of perpetual enchantment.

The enchanter was Ragu Kaka the storyteller. He was a man of about sixty or seventy. Or was he eighty or one hundred and eighty? Who could say? In a place so much cut off as Somal (the nearest bus stop was ten miles away). reckoning could hardly be in the familiar measures of time. If anyone asked Ragu Kaka what his age was, he referred to an ancient famine or an invasion or the building of a bridge and indicated how high he had stood from the ground at the time.

He was illiterate, in the sense that the written word was a mystery to him; but he could make up a story, in his head, at the rate of one a month; each story took nearly ten days to narrate.

1. How does the description of the village of Somal paint a picture of its living conditions?

2. What role does the village storyteller, Ragu Kaka, play in the community?

3. How does Ragu Kaka measure his age when asked?

4. Despite the challenging conditions of the village, why might the people be described as living in a state of enchantment?

5. What is Ragu Kaka’s literacy level, and how does he compensate for it?

6. How long does it take Ragu Kaka to narrate a story, and how frequently does he create them?

7.  Find a similar word from the passage that means, “stretch .”

8. Find the op posite word from the passage “ sensitive ”

Unseen Passage For Class 9 – Passage 15

Deep in the hearts of the Indian people, one name is held ever dear – the name of Vikramaditya, who became King of Malwa, it is said, in the year 57 before Christ.

He was so strong and true and gentle that the men of his own day almost worshiped him, and those of all after times were obliged to give him the first place, though they had never looked in his face, nor appealed to his great and tender heart-simply because they could see that there had never been a king loved like this king. But one thing we do know about Vikramaditya. It is said that he was the greatest judge in history.

Never was he deceived. Never did he punish the wrong man. The guilty trembled when they came before him, for they knew that his eyes would look straight into their guilt. And those who had difficult questions to ask, and wanted to know the truth, were thankful to be allowed to come, for they knew that their King would never rest till he understood the matter, and that then he could give an answer that would convince all.

1. Who is held dear in the hearts of the Indian people?

2. In what year is it said that Vikramaditya became King of Malwa?

3. How is Vikramaditya described by those of his own day?

4. What is one thing known about Vikramaditya according to the passage?

5. How were the guilty affected when they came before Vikramaditya?

6. What did people know about Vikramaditya’s ability to understand difficult questions and provide answers?

7. Find the similar word from the passage which means “powerful”

8. Find the opposite of “innocent”

Unseen Passage For Class 9 – Passage 16

The principal spread his hands in a helpless gesture. He looked at Mr Sastri, a small thin man in his slightly yellowed dhoti and his coat of a nondescript colour and his black cap. Outwardly he looked the same as he had for the last fifteen years that the principal had known him. A solid teacher, a mature and rational man, suitably diplo- matic in his dealings with those in authority, a good man to work with. The principal, heartened by his scrutiny of his colleague, continued with more hope-‘But the boy has already been punished for this misconduct,’ he said. ‘Why take it all up again?’

          ‘When More hurt that boy yesterday-the glass cut his cheek, and a small piece of it had to be removed from the wound at the government dispensary-I decided that he had to be stopped before he did any further damage. The boy who was hurt comes from a poor family. His parents are not in a position to do anything about More.’ ‘I am sure Veerendra did not mean this particular boy any harm.’ ‘Most certainly he did not. He merely wanted to break a windowpane and disrupt my class. If in the process someone got hurt that was an added bonus.’ Question 1. How does the principal describe Mr. Sastri’s appearance?

2. What qualities does the principal attribute to Mr. Sastri?

3. Why does the principal feel heartened by Mr. Sastri’s scrutiny?

4. Why does the principal question the need to take up the issue again?

5. What incident prompted the principal to take action against More?

6. What is the principal’s assessment of Veerendra’s intentions?

7. Find the similar word from the passage which means “capable”

8. Find the opposite of “Lethargic”

Unseen Passage For Class 9 – Passage 17

Sir Kanti Lal  looked at himself in the mirror of a first class waiting room at the railway station. The mirror was obviously made in India. The red oxide at its back had come off at several places and long lines of translucent glass cut across its surface. Sir Kanti lal smiled at the mirror with an air of pity and patronage.

  The mirror smiled back at Sir Kanti lal. “You are a bit of all right, old chap,’ it said. ‘Distinguished, efficient,even handsome. That neatly trimmed mustache- the suit from Saville Row with the carnation in the button-hole-the aroma of eau de cologne, talcum powder, and scented soap all about you! Yes, old fellow, you are a bit of all right.’ Sir Kanti lal threw out his chest, smoothed his Balliol tie for the umpteenth time and waved a goodbye to the mirror.

Outside the waiting room Sir Kanti Lal’s luggage lay piled along the wall. On a small grey steel trunk Lachmi, Lady Kanti Lal, sat chewing a betel leaf and fanning herself with a newspaper. She was short and fat and in her middle forties. She wore a white sari with a red border. On one side of her nose glistened a diamond nose-ring and she had several gold bangles on her arms. She had been talking to the bearer until Sir Kanti Lal had summoned him inside. As soon as he had gone, she hailed a passing railway coolie.


1. What is Sir Kanti lal’s reaction upon seeing himself in the mirror?

2. Describe the condition of the mirror at the railway station.

3. How does the mirror respond to Sir Kanti lal’s appearance?

4. How is Lady Kanti Lal described physically?

5. What was Lady Kanti Lal doing before Sir Kanti Lal summoned the bearer inside?

6. How does Lady Kanti Lal signal for assistance after the bearer leaves?

7.  Find the similar word from the passage which means “Baggage”

8. Find the opposite of “Untalented”

Unseen Passage For Class 9 – Passage 18

There was once a young man who was strong and healthy and enjoyed his work. In every way he felt on top of life, and had no sympathy for the uninteresting folk who seemed to form such a large proportion of the population.

One day he got an attack of influenza. He had had it before and paid little attention to it but this time he developed pneumonia and was dangerously ill. When he recovered he could only move slowly. He was easily tired and life became difficult for him. When he was well enough to go to work he found the journey home very tiring. He looked at the strong young men sitting comfortably in the train or bus, and then, feeling tired himself, noticed how tired some of the older people who were standing beside him.

Gradually he got strong again, but when he was in a train or bus he now looked round to see if there was any older person in need of a seat, and if there was he gave up his. “I’ve got my strength back now,” he said to himself; “these older people will never have their strength again.”

1. Describe the young man before his illness. How did he view others?

2. What happened to the young man after he fell ill with pneumonia?

3. How did the young man’s perspective change after his recovery?

4. Why did the young man find life difficult after recovering from his illness?

5. What did the young man notice about older people while traveling on public transport?

6. How did the young man’s behavior change towards older people after regaining his strength?

7.  Find the similar word from the passage which means “people”

8. Find the opposite of “weak”

Unseen Passage For Class 9 – Passage 19

There was once a young man who was strong and healthy and enjoyed his work. In every way he felt on top of life, and had no sympathy for the uninteresting folk who seemed to form such a large proportion of the population. One day he got an attack of influenza. He had had it before and paid little attention to it but this time he developed pneumonia and was dangerously ill.

When he recovered he could only move slowly. He was easily tired and life became difficult for him. When he was well enough to go to work he found the journey home very tiring. He looked at the strong young men sitting comfortably in the train or bus, and then, feeling tired himself, noticed how tired some of the older people who were standing beside him.

Gradually he got strong again, but when he was in a train or bus he now looked round to see if there was any older person in need of a seat, and if there was he gave up his. “I’ve got my strength back now,” he said to himself; “these older people will never have their strength again.’

1. What was the young man’s attitude towards life before he fell ill?

2. How did the young man’s perception change after he recovered from his illness?

3. What did the young man notice about the older people on public transport?

4. How did the young man’s actions reflect his change in attitude towards others?

5. What realization did the young man have about his own strength compared to the older people?

6. How did the young man’s experience with illness change his perspective on life?

7.  Find the similar word from the passage which means “tiredness”

8. Find the opposite of “ill”

Unseen Passage For Class 9 – Passage 20

Sometimes people ask very tiresome questions and we like to make a joke about it. “Are you a boy Scout?” said a lady to a boy wearing shorts, a jersey with badges, a Scout’s hat, and carrying a Boy Scout pole. “No.” said the little fellow. “I’m two eggs on toast.” The lady only meant, however, ‘How nice you look in your uniform; that is the Scout uniform, isn’t it?’ and there was really nothing silly in her remark.

It is only stupid people who take remarks too literally, as we say; that is, who do not look for the real meaning in the statements people make. Thus, when a friend says, “You will not be going past the post office, will you?” he may mean, “I should be grateful if you would post a letter for me if it is not too much trouble.” If you say “No” to the question because you are not going past the post office, it means to your friend that you are not willing to go out of your way even a little to oblige him.

1. What did the lady ask the boy wearing Scout attire, and how did the boy respond?

2. What does the passage suggest about interpreting remarks too literally?

3. Explain the intended meaning behind the lady’s question to the boy.

4. How does the passage illustrate the importance of understanding the real meaning behind statements?

5. What might a friend imply when asking if you’re going past the post office?

6. Why does the passage advise against taking remarks too literally?

7.  Find the similar word from the passage which means “Outfit” 8. Find the opposite of “Intelligent”

Unseen Passage For Class 8 Unseen Passage for Class 10

Class 9 Maths Notes, Solved Exercises Solutions, MCQ’s

These maths class 9 notes contain theory of each and every chapter, solutions to every exercise and review exercises which are great for reviewing giant exercises. It is a complete package of solutions to problems of your really tough book. You have these advantages of browsing notes from our website. Good quality notes, whole course notes at one place, fast loading website, friendly interface.

Math is an important part of our studies. Whatever field you like to go in, the mathematics is not going to leave you alone. So, start working on your mathematics skills. As an example, you will be saved from the fear and anxiety of doing math. Therefore, we provide maths class 9 notes. Some students enjoy doing math and others just feel it as a burden on them. The reason for becoming math a burden is that those students really don’t practice math. Conversely, It’s all about remembering formulas and applying them to different kind of problems in different ways. So, don’t be afraid and practice the math problems. And, lets take a look at maths class 9 notes.

Most of the time, after doing a mathematics problem we feel that maybe we have done it a wrong way. If we are not sure about the correctness of our solution than we don’t feel satisfied. Satisfaction becomes the most important thing after doing a lot of hard work. If you are not satisfied then you will be not sure and this creates the disappointment and that leads to hate to math. So, don’t hate math because we are going to provide you with some great solutions for your whole mathematics book (Maths class 9 notes).

We love to help you in your studies. We uploaded these notes because we feel happy when you download these notes from our website. Because, we believe in if you do good for someone, Allah rewards you. May Allah bless you with endless happiness.

This Post Has 157 Comments

Hello I want to inform you that there is some mistake in exercise 4.4 Q1 part 4 Please check and if there is some mistake by me so forgive me Bye this is a very great website for maths

ok, we’ll check it.

I most like this app because it is very important for preparation of exams

very good work by admins

Which subject are you accessing

Please send me all definitions of math 9th english

9th class math notes also contain all the definition of each chapter.

yes you are right

9th class k board k paper k Liye mere pak study or islamiyat lazmi or tarjuma tul Quran ki tayari nhi ha late join Kiya 9th class Pura sal nhi parhi pass hony k Liye koi solution bta dy

Focus on goal with alone so can pass the paper and pray to allah then 💯 you will pass bise

Math class9 science group

plz email 9th class notes on my mailing adress

I have all notes of class 9 and All subjects


How to download these notes in PDF form ?

By Clicking top right corner Button of the document.

Dear sir plzzz tell me that how to download solution maths 9th and 10th book in pdf form???

I required mathematics 9th class full book solution how I can download complete it. It’s a great work I appreciate your excellent work.

Open pdf and go to setting the download option you have to see click on it then your file will be download inshallah

great and outstanding work

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Man! I can’t find any keybooks and guides for fbise. I don’t know anything. But these are helpful too. But I need help with those too.


Is it possible to download all chapters of this at once?

Jazak Allah, blessing for parents

Best 9th Class Math Solution Notes

Need of the time….fulfilled

Its very hardworking effort u done. God reward u the best

Thanks sir your site is so good, i am a teacher you work is so good. Thanks

This is helpful for me

I found it better than every other site..

Thanks sir this site is so helpfulllllll………… Thankyou so muchhhhhh…….

Thank You very much👍🏻❣ For This Site as it helpsss us very Much in our Studies.May Allah Almighy grant u a life Full of Happiness and His Favourite Blessings 💐💖 (AMEEN )

Welcome, Ameen.

How to download sir please tell me

Assalamualaikum sweet brothers and sisters do not worry these are downloadable. When you opens an excercise, you can see a square on right side. Click on this square. The file will be changed in downloadable form. You can easily download it.

Very helpful notes thanks for it 👍

Thank you so much!! This helped me so much, this is so good❤️

this is awesomeeeeeeeeeeeee

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Very beautifuly done (may good bless you) Thanks

Very helpful notes thanks for it

Great work Amazing

Kya koi link mil jaye ga k yeah behtreen work hm me download kr sku as PDF ..

When you open it, you will see there is a square at top right corner, click on that and then there will be option for you to download it as it has been opened in pdf form

how to download them

please share the book of all subjects in pdf form bcz of the online classes…….. but great notes .. thank you

Good Thanks for them

Thankyou Freeilm You have helped me a lot for my papers. Good

Jazakallah it’s to helpfull during corona

Outclass and amazing notes

Thank you free ilm you are help me alot during exams and homework

ALLAH bless you….. Brilliant work👍…. Very helpful ..

thank you sir ! for helping us out in our studies but it would be so kind if you also upload some PRACTISE QUESTIONS and MCQs according to Federal board examination point of view. So we can prepare for the exam with a little idea about which kind of questions will be there. again thank you 🙂

you are right ammera

Your efforts to facilitate the students are really commendable!! I always take help from this site whatever the subject be.Great work

DEAR, Author plzz also upload additional MCQs for all chapter

Dear it has some mistakes in units please correct it thanks.

This is my favorite website for notes thank you for helping me so muchh

It really helpful for me because some of these questions cannot be solved by me … I used this link since 2020 really best

اسلام و علیکم Sir, I just wanted to put a suggestion that you make test papers of each chapter of mathematics class it would be very helpful for students to prepare their final exams kindly consider my suggestion.

Super notes

Super notes! And also helpful for studies

Really helpful for us 🙂🙂 god bless you 💝💝

thanks for this notes

Thank you very much. These are e too much helpful got us.

i need some help

yes, You can contact me viva email. Abrar Hussain PhD Mathematics [email protected]

Thank u so much I couldn’t work out the solution this helped me alot<33

Allah will give you regards for this InshaAllah

These are great 👍 👌

bohot achi app hai. maine poora saal nahi parha . to ab yeh kam arahi hai

Math ki book me chapter 2 chapter 1 ha or 16 chapters han …or questions b chnge ham mene check kia ha sb .. I’m confused 😕

Your Syllabus is different.

Thanks for teaching… Zabardast.. Good job bro..

Allah bless you Sir. Because of you we students have gain interest in our studies . Thanks a lot sir.

Thanks for this great gesture, and I am to find always such a tremendous achievement in the world..

Mughe ch 4 ki ex 4.4 chaiya likin ch 4 khol hi nahi raha sirf ch 1 khol raha hai likin mughe ch 4 chahiya

how about try this


more explanation🙏🏻

Great work sir

Very very great work you have done sir.

Please understand me How to download note into my phone

Thank you so much sir

Isn’t working any options in this website fix this problem

I think it’s amazing website for students.. I highly recommend this website to others as it really helped me .. I am humbly thankful to the creator of this website

You are welcome.

Nice work. I appreciate you thanks a lot☺

Oooooo Bhai kamal

good yeah write

this website is very helpfull interesting

Plz add definition

Thanks for such a great effort!!!!!

Can we download the notes? please let me know what is the procedure.

So usefull to us thanks sir

Fruitful lecture

thanks for this guideline

it is very much helpful…….

thanks really Appreciate what you Guys are Doing

Sir your notes are really so amazing as it is many helpful for us all students..I really appreciate your hard work..Thank uhh so much..May Allah bless uu❣️

Thank you so much. You don’t know how much you are helping the students 💜💜💜💜💜

Sir Now in 9th and 10th class A new sallybus is added on ” Al-Quran ” So I request you for the Schemes and Textbook of the New book. Thanks for the Notes

Bhai wo ch 6 ex 6.1 Q3 part 3 last se galat hai us mein -4 nahi 4 common Ana hai or 2x ki power main 2 nahi 4 hai plz check

I’m really really thankful for the person who uploaded these notes . I’m studying from a good academy but still I always use these notes whenever I feel difficulty in solving any of maths problem . These notes have all the questions correctly and step by step solved so as a person who really Hates maths I just want to say that these notes helped me a lot through out my ninth class .thank you so much.

Jazak Allah !!! May Allah bless u . Aameen

Sir can I get all chapters all excercise in one document

Thank you soo much sir. This website really helped me and I achieved full marks in math. May Allah bless you for your good deeds.

This notes are very useful and it helps a lot in working

What a lovely page but I have a question ex 7.2 ka 2 ka second part Galt hai ? thanks a really appreciating page for students

AOA Sir! There is small mistake which is not a big mistake but i want to tell you that in Maths exercise 4.4 Q no1 part vi in second step the sign of conjugate is multiply please correct it to plus sign.Btw your app super hilarious fantastic. May god bless you trillions joys.

Very good site help me in every subject while preparing notes.

Excellent always helps me in study especially in home work. Thanks freeilm . ❤️❤️😄🥰🥰😄 Good notes

This website is fantastic ❤️It’s so helpful…. But I request to the author to check the Question # 4..Part(ii) of Review Exercise 4…there is a mistake …

Thanks 💕 sir 😁. You may live a long Ameen 💖.👑

Very good website for learning

Thanks for these helping notes

Plz give me pdf guide of class 9th

Thank you so much for providing these notes. These are very help🥰🥰🥰

Aoa there is a mistake in Qno 6 you write 289=64+BC but in next step you write 284=64+BC please correct it for no confusion in 2nd step it was 289 not 284

5.4 maths last question q=2 correct

Its amazing n very easy for us students to practice!! Tysm🤍

This is so amazing and helpfull website Thank you so much .

Thank you 💕 this is too helpful Thanks again

Not good try again and again

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  • NCERT Solutions
  • NCERT Class 9
  • NCERT 9 Science

NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Science

Ncert solutions for class 9 science updated for 2023-24 free chapterwise pdf download.

NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Science help students to clear any doubts instantly and efficiently. These NCERT Solutions guide students to learn the important concepts which are included in the CBSE Class 9 Science syllabus. Students are required to solve the exercise questions included in the textbook to create a proper understanding of the topics.

While solving the textbook questions, doubts arise among students. The NCERT Solutions for Class 9 come in handy at such times, as they include precise explanations and detailed answers to those questions. These CBSE Science NCERT Solutions for Class 9 cover solutions to all the important chapters included in the textbook, like Matter, Atoms, Tissues, Living Organisms, Motion, Force, Laws of Motion, Gravitation, Energy and Work, Sound, Natural Resources, etc.

Along with answers to the textbook questions, these solutions provide you with extra questions, exemplar problems, the important questions from previous year question papers, sample papers , worksheets, MCQs, short answering questions, descriptive type questions, their solutions, as well as tips and tricks.

NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Science Chapter-Wise PDFs

NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Science are provided in a format for better accessibility to the students. These solutions serve as an important studying tool for students who are preparing for their board examinations and assignments.

BYJUS Classes 9

NCERT Solutions of Class 9 Science Book Chapter Brief

Chapter 1: matter in our surrounding.

The Class 9 science textbook starts with the chapter “Matter in Our Surroundings”. Everything that we see around us is made up of material which is called matter. These things occupy space and have mass. Earlier, Indian philosophers had classified matter into 5 basic elements called Panch Tatva – air, water, earth, sky and fire. Now, modern scientists have come up with 2 types of classification, i.e., based on physical property and chemical nature. In this chapter, students will learn about the physical properties of matter .

The matter is made up of particles and these particulars are very small. The particles of matter have space between them, they are continuously moving and attract each other. The matter around us exists in 3 different states – solids, liquids and gases. These states of matter arise due to variation in the characteristic of the particles of matter. All the 3 states of matters have been explained in-depth with the help of activities. Further, the textbook explains that the state of matter is inter-convertible. The state of matter can be changed by changing temperature or pressure. The phenomenon of change of a liquid into vapour at any temperature below its boiling point is called evaporation. The rate of evaporation depends upon the surface area exposed to the atmosphere, the temperature, the humidity and the wind speed. Evaporation also causes cooling.

Topics Covered in Class 9 Science Chapter 1 Matter in Our Surrounding :

Definition of matter; solid, liquid and gas; characteristics – shape, volume, density; change of state –  melting (absorption of heat), freezing, evaporation (cooling by evaporation), condensation, sublimation.

Also access the following resources for Class 9 Chapter 1 Matter in Our Surrounding at BYJU’S:

  • Matter in Our Surroundings Class 9 Notes – Chapter 1
  • CBSE Class 9 Science Chapter 1 Matter in Our Surroundings Important Questions
  • NCERT Exemplar Class 9 Science Solutions for Chapter 1 – Matter in Our Surroundings

Chapter 2: Is Matter Around Us Pure?

This chapter of NCERT Class 9 Science students will teach about mixtures, solutions, properties of solutions, separation of mixtures, and physical and chemical changes. Along with this, they will also learn about compounds and their properties, the difference between mixtures and compounds, the classification of matter, etc.

Topics Covered in Class 9 Science Chapter 2 Is Matter Around Us Pure?  :

Nature of matter: Elements, compounds and mixtures. Heterogeneous and homogenous mixtures, colloids and suspensions. Physical and chemical changes (excluding separating the components of a mixture).

Also, access the following resources for Class 9 Chapter 2 Is Matter Around Us Pure? at BYJU’S:

  • CBSE Class 9 Science Chapter 2 Is Matter Around Us Pure? Notes
  • Important Questions for CBSE Class 9 Science Chapter 2 – Is Matter Around Us Pure?
  • NCERT Exemplar Class 9 Science Solutions for Chapter 2 – Is Matter Around Us Pure?

Chapter 3: Atoms and Molecules

In NCERT Class 9 Science Chapter 3, students will learn the laws of chemical combination , atoms and molecules. They will get to know how to write a chemical formula, molecular mass and mole concepts and some numerical problems related to these concepts.

Topics Covered in Class 9 Science Chapter 3 Atoms and Molecules  :

Particle nature and their basic units: Atoms and molecules, Law of Chemical Combination, Chemical formula of common compounds, Atomic and molecular masses.

Also, access the following resources for Class 9 Chapter 3 Atoms and Molecules, at BYJU’S:

  • Atoms And Molecules Class 9 Notes – Chapter 3
  • Important Questions for Class 9 Science Chapter 3 – Atoms and Molecules
  • NCERT Exemplar Class 9 Science Solutions for Chapter 3 – Atoms And Molecules

Chapter 4: Structure of the Atom

This chapter of NCERT Class 9 Science deals with the various atomic models of atoms that were proposed by different scientists. In addition to it, this chapter also covers electrons’ distribution in different orbits, calculation of valency , atomic number and mass number.

Topics Covered in Class 9 Science Chapter 4 Structure of the Atom  :

Structure of atoms: Electrons, protons and neutrons, Valency, Atomic Number and Mass Number, Isotopes and Isobars.

Also, access the following resources for Class 9 Chapter 4 Structure of the Atom at BYJU’S:

  • Structure of the Atom Class 9 CBSE Notes – Chapter 4
  • Important Questions of CBSE Class 9 Science Chapter 4 – Structure of the Atom
  • NCERT Exemplar Class 9 Science Solutions for Chapter 4 – Structure of the Atom

Chapter 5: The Fundamental Unit of Life

This chapter is related to Biology. In this chapter, students will get to know that the cell is the fundamental unit of life. The whole chapter revolves around the cell and its structural organisation, in which students will learn about the plasma membrane , cell wall, nucleus, cytoplasm and structure of an animal cell.

Topics Covered in Class 9 Science Chapter 5 The Fundamental Unit of Life  :

Cell – Basic Unit of life: Cell as a basic unit of life; prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, multicellular organisms; cell membrane and cell wall, cell organelles and cell inclusions; chloroplast, mitochondria, vacuoles, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus; nucleus, chromosomes – basic structure, number.

Also, access the following resources for Class 9 Chapter 5 The Fundamental Unit of Life at BYJU’S:

  • The Fundamental Unit of Life Class 9 CBSE Notes – Chapter 5
  • Revision Notes For Class 9 Science Chapter 5 The Fundamental Unit of Life
  • NCERT Exemplar Class 9 Science Solutions for Chapter 5 – The Fundamental Unit of Life

Chapter 6: Tissues

This chapter pertains to the basic definition of tissue and then elaborates on Plant and Animal tissue with proper diagrams. Students will get to know the different types of plant and animal tissues with a detailed explanation of each.

Topics Covered in Class 9 Science Chapter 6 Tissues  :

Tissues, Organs, Organ System, Organism: Structure and functions of animal and plant tissues (only four types of tissues in animals; Meristematic and Permanent tissues in plants).

Also, access the following resources for Class 9 Chapter 6 Tissues at BYJU’S:

  • Tissues Class 9 CBSE Notes – Chapter 6
  • Revision Notes For Class 9 Science Chapter 6 Tissues
  • NCERT Exemplar Class 9 Science Solutions for Chapter 6 – Tissues

Chapter 7: Diversity in Living Organism

This chapter deals with the classification of plants and animals. Students get to know that all living organisms are divided into 5 kingdoms namely Monera, Protista, Fungi, Plantae and Animalia. It also describes the classification and evolution, the hierarchy of classification.

Also access the following resources for Class 9 Chapter 7 Diversity in Living Organism at BYJU’S:

  • Diversity in Living Organisms Class 9 CBSE Notes – Chapter 7
  • Important Questions for CBSE Class 9 Science Chapter 7 – Diversity in Living Organisms
  • NCERT Exemplar Class 9 Science Solutions for Chapter 7 – Diversity In Living Organisms

Chapter 8: Motion

NCERT Class 9 Science Chapter 8 describes motion, the speed with direction, rate of change of velocity , and graphical representation of motion. Also, students will find the 3 equations of motion and numerical problems related to them. Overall, this chapter will be a mix of theory as well as the numerical part.

Topics Covered in Class 9 Science Chapter 8 Motion :

Motion: Distance and displacement, velocity; uniform and non-uniform motion along a straight line; acceleration, distance-time and velocity-time graphs for uniform motion and uniformly accelerated motion, elementary idea of uniform circular motion.

Also, access the following resources for Class 9 Chapter 8 Motion at BYJU’S:

  • CBSE Class 9 Physics Motion Notes
  • NCERT Exemplar Class 9 Science Solutions for Chapter 8 – Motion

Chapter 9: Force and Law of Motion

This chapter explains the 3 laws of motion with the help of diagrams and examples. Below are the 3 laws of motion:

  • First law of motion: An object continues to be in a state of rest or of uniform motion along a straight line unless acted upon by an unbalanced force.
  • Second law of motion: The rate of change of momentum of an object is proportional to the applied unbalanced force in the direction of the force .
  • Third law of motion: To every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction, and they act on two different bodies.

Topics Covered in Class 9 Science Chapter 9 Force and Law of Motion  :

Force and Newton’s laws: Force and Motion, Newton’s Laws of Motion, Action and Reaction forces, Inertia of a body, Inertia and mass, Momentum, Force and Acceleration.

Also, access the following resources for Class 9 Chapter 9 Force and Law of Motion at BYJU’S:

  • Force and Laws Of Motion Class 9 CBSE Notes – Chapter 9
  • Revision Notes For Class 9 Science Chapter 9 Force and Laws of Motion
  • NCERT Exemplar Class 9 Science Solutions for Chapter 9 – Force and Laws Of Motion

Chapter 10: Gravitation

In chapter 10 of NCERT Class 9 Science, students will learn the universal law of gravitation and its importance, free fall, mass, weight, thrust and pressure, Archimedes’ principle and relative density. Students will also find numerical problems related to these topics.

Topics Covered in Class 9 Science Chapter 10 Gravitation :

Gravitation: Gravitation; Universal Law of Gravitation, Force of Gravitation of the earth (gravity), Acceleration due to Gravity; Mass and Weight; Free fall.

Floatation: Thrust and Pressure. Archimedes’ Principle; Buoyancy.

Also, access the following resources for Class 9 Chapter 10 Gravitation at BYJU’S:

  • Gravitation Class 9 CBSE Notes – Chapter 10
  • Revision Notes For Class 9 Science Chapter 10 Gravitation
  • NCERT Exemplar Class 9 Science Solutions for Chapter 10 – Gravitation

Chapter 11: Work and Energy

In this chapter, the concept of work is defined with different activities, numerical and examples. The chapter also deals with energy and its different forms. Examples are given to explain all types of energy. The chapter ends with the topic “rate of doing work”.

Topics Covered in Class 9 Science Chapter 11 Work and Energy  :

Work, Energy and Power: Work done by a Force, Energy, power; Kinetic and Potential energy; Law of conservation of energy (excluding commercial unit of Energy).

Also, access the following resources for Class 9 Chapter 11 Work and Energy at BYJU’S:

  • Work And Energy Class 9 CBSE Notes – Chapter 11
  • Revision Notes For Class 9 Science Chapter 11 Work and Energy
  • NCERT Exemplar Class 9 Science Solutions for Chapter 11 – Work And Energy

Chapter 12: Sound

Chapter 12 of CBSE Class 9 Science, deals with concepts such as the production of sound, propagation of sound, the reflection of sound, range of hearing, applications of ultrasound, and the structure of the human ear . A few numericals are also there in the chapter which can only be solved after understanding the concepts. So, students must grasp and study the chapter carefully.

Topics Covered in Class 9 Science Chapter 12 Sound :

Sound: Nature of sound and its propagation in various media, speed of sound, range of hearing in humans; ultrasound; reflection of sound; echo.

Also access the following resources for Class 9 Chapter 12 Sound at BYJU’S:

  • CBSE Class 9 Science Chapter 12 Sound Notes
  • Important Questions for CBSE Class 9 Science Chapter 12 – Sound
  • NCERT Exemplar Class 9 Science Solutions for Chapter 12 – Sound

Chapter 13: Why Do We Fall Ill?

NCERT Class 9 Science chapter 13 deals with health issues and different types of diseases. It covers topics like; Health and its failure , disease and its cause, infectious diseases. This chapter is added to make students aware of different types of diseases so that they take care of their health and be fit and healthy.

Also access the following resources for Class 9 Chapter 13 Why Do We Fall Ill? at BYJU’S:

  • Why Do We Fall Ill? Class 9 CBSE Notes – Chapter 13
  • Important Questions for CBSE Class 9 Science Chapter 13 – Why Do We Fall Ill?
  • NCERT Exemplar Class 9 Science Solutions for Chapter 13 – Why Do We Fall Ill?

Chapter 14: Natural Resources

We are blessed with natural resources. These are essential to meet the basic requirements of all forms of life on Earth. So, this chapter has been included by NCERT to provide knowledge on the types of resources available on the Earth. This chapter deals with the topics like air, water, soil, the biogeochemical cycle and the ozone layer, its importance and how humans are polluting them.

Also access the following resources for Class 9 Chapter 14 Natural Resources at BYJU’S:

  • Natural Resources Class 9 CBSE Notes – Chapter 14
  • Revision Notes For Class 9 Science Chapter 14 Natural Resources
  • NCERT Exemplar Class 9 Science Solutions for Chapter 14 – Natural Resources

Chapter 15: Improvement in Food Resources

The last chapter of NCERT Class 9 Science covers topics like Improvement in crop yields, manure, fertilizer, storage of grains, and animal husbandry . This chapter provides knowledge regarding agriculture, farming and dairy.

Also access the following resources for Class 9 Chapter 15 Improvement in Food Resources at BYJU’S:

  • Improvement in Food Resources Class 9 CBSE Notes – Chapter 15
  • Important Questions for CBSE Class 9 Science Chapter 15 – Improvement in Food Resources
  • Revision Notes For Class 9 Science Chapter 15 Improvement in Food Resources
  • NCERT Exemplar Class 9 Science Solutions for Chapter 15 – Improvement In Food Resources

To download the complete book in PDF format, visit NCERT Science Book Class 9 . For more practice tests and mock tests, sign up on BYJU’S the learning app. Apart from Science, get NCERT Solutions for all the subjects. Students can download worksheets, assignments, NCERT Books , notes and study materials for exam preparation and for a better understanding of the topics.

CBSE Class 9 Science Evaluation Scheme (Theory) –

I Matter-Its Nature and Behaviour 25
II Organization in the Living World 22
III Motion, Force and Work 27
IV Food; Food Production 06

Features of NCERT 9 th Class Science Book Solutions

The book has a wide variety of features which are listed below:

  • CBSE Class 9 Science NCERT Solutions are available to everyone for free.
  • Covers all the exercise problems from the Class 9 textbook.
  • Consists of extra questions, exemplar problems, the important questions from previous year question papers and sample papers, worksheets, MCQs, short answering questions, descriptive type questions, their solutions and tips and tricks.
  • CBSE Class 9 Science Solutions files are available for download in PDF format for easy access.
  • Diagrams are included to help students visualize the topics.
  • Most effective solutions are given which can help to score well in the exams.

Frequently Asked Questions on NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Science

How many chapters are there in the ncert solutions for class 9 science , can i expect the questions from ncert solutions for class 9 science to be asked in the annual exam, is the ncert solutions for class 9 science sufficient for the exam preparation, why should students refer to the ncert solutions for class 9 science .

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Very good app

I am a subscriber and my feedback is that it really helped me to understand how the question’s answers came. Thank you Byju’s

Very nice app

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NCERT Solutions for Class 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12

Extra Questions for Class 9 Maths with Solutions Chapter Wise

August 18, 2019 by Veerendra

Extra Questions for Class 9 maths will help you with practice. We have selectively graded these extra questions for more practice. We request Students to solve these questions without going through solutions. If you face any difficulty in solving these Extra Questions, Please refer solutions.

Extra Questions for Class 9 Maths with Solutions

Here is the list of Extra Questions for Class 9 Maths with Answers based on latest NCERT syllabus prescribed by CBSE.

  • Chapter 1 Number Systems Class 9 Extra Questions
  • Chapter 2 Polynomials Class 9 Extra Questions
  • Chapter 3 Coordinate Geometry Class 9 Extra Questions
  • Chapter 4 Linear Equations for Two Variables Class 9 Extra Questions
  • Chapter 5 Introduction to Euclid’s Geometry Class 9 Extra Questions
  • Chapter 6 Lines and Angles Class 9 Extra Questions
  • Chapter 7 Triangles Class 9 Extra Questions
  • Chapter 8 Quadrilaterals Class 9 Extra Questions
  • Chapter 9 Areas of Parallelograms and Triangles Class 9 Extra Questions
  • Chapter 10 Circles Class 9 Extra Questions
  • Chapter 11 Constructions Class 9 Extra Questions
  • Chapter 12 Heron’s Formula Class 9 Extra Questions
  • Chapter 13 Surface Areas and Volumes Class 9 Extra Questions
  • Chapter 14 Statistics Class 9 Extra Questions
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[Updated] CBSE Class 9 Summer Season Holiday Homework 2024-25 Session in PDF

CBSE Class 9 Summer Season Holiday Homework

Hello Parents, In this article, we will discuss the Class 9 Summer Season Holiday Homework. Many students agree that homework over the holidays is a form of cruel and unusual punishment. Upon returning from a Summer Holiday, the teachers probably have a handful of students saying the dog ate their homework or it got blown away in a winter storm. But as a parent, you need to understand that holiday homework is a good practice. This article can get the CBSE Class 9 Summer Season Holiday Homework in PDF for practice purposes.

Before we discussed the Class 9 Summer Season Holiday Homework, let us check the CBSE Class 9 Summary; Below, we have mentioned the complete CBSE Class 9 Summary. The student is advised to check out to complete the summary.

Holiday Homework

Class 9 Summer Season Holiday Homework

Before we discussed the Class 9 Summer Season Holiday Homework. Let us check the Class 10 Syllabus. below we have mentioned the complete Class 9 Syllabus. students are advised to check out the complete syllabus.

Class 9 Summer Season Holiday Homework 1

Class 9 Summer Season Holiday Homework 2

CBSE Class 9 Syllabus 2024-25

Check out the latest Syllabus of Class 9 . The syllabus is for the academic year 2024-25 session and will remain the same until the next notification.


Class 9 Worksheet

Here in this section, we have mentioned the CBSE Class 9 worksheet in PDF Format only for practice purposes. Parents /guardians can check and download the worksheet for better preparation of their students.


Class 9 NCERT Solutions

Below we have mentioned NCERT Solutions. Students have checked the complete NCERT Solutions in pdf for a great score in the final examination.


CBSE Class 9 Sample Paper

Here in this section, we have mentioned the Model Test paper specially made for CBSE Class 9. Try to solve it within the prescribed time limit.


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About Sourav Roy

Sourav is a student pursuing his graduation, passionate about education. He creates engaging content tailored for school students, aiming to make learning enjoyable and accessible. Through interactive lesson plans, videos, and articles, he inspires curiosity and fosters a love for learning. Sourav's goal is to empower students with the tools they need to succeed academically and instill a lifelong passion for knowledge.

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English Summary

Homework Lesson Summary Notes and Explanation in English Class 9th

Back to: Andhra Pradesh Board Class 9th English Guide and Notes

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About the author:.

The author of this text is unknown.

The theme of this text revolves around the education system. The harms of burdening children with excessive homework have been starkly highlighted here. This prose piece aims to bring awareness by bringing this issue to light.


Excessive homework, excessive weight:.

Teachers, however, continue to claim that homework is indeed beneficial. As Dr. Kralovec states, doing excessive homework has no impact in students or their process of joining college whatsoever. In addition, large amounts of homework implies that students are to carry a lot of weights, in some cases, more that 15% of their body weight! Statics reveal that this leads to acute problems such as chronic shoulder, neck and back pain in their later life.

Insufficient sleep and Obesity:

Lack of time also means that the children, as said before, are unable to partake in extracurricular activities. Nor are they able to spend adequate time with their family. Homework thus severely affects them, both physically and mentally.


What excessive homework also leads to is children losing interest in the subjects they study. Dire consequences such as indulging in malpractices, in fact, stem from this cause, starting from copying assignments to copying in examinations. This sets off as a bad start to their lives. 



Alabama Adds Elite Running Back to Class of 2025

Joe gaither | aug 20, 2024.

AK Dear

  • Alabama Crimson Tide

The Alabama football program picks up a big recruiting win on Tuesday by successfully flipping one of the top prospects in the state of Mississippi.

5-star running back Akylin "AK" Dear announced himself as the newest member of Alabama's Class of 2025 according to On3 Sports. Dear is listed at 6-foot-1, 200 pounds, and is considered the No. 2 running back, the No. 3 player in the state of Mississippi and the No. 31 overall player in the class by the 247Sports Composite.

Dear is out of Quitman High School in Quitman, Miss and committed to Ole Miss in March before deciding to flip to the Crimson Tide. He joins Anthony "Turbo" Rogers as the other running back in Alabama's recruiting class. His commitment gives the Crimson Tide 21 commitments and keeps Alabama at the No. 2 overall class according to 247Sports.

As a junior, he rushed for 2,016 yards and 27 touchdowns on an 8-3 4A football team. He turned in 800 yards and 21 touchdowns on the ground as a sophomore.

Dear enjoyed an official visit to the Capstone on June 14 but has been to Tuscaloosa numerous times over the last year to get to know Alabama running backs coach Robert Gillespie.

Joe Gaither


My name is Joe Gaither, I am a native of Chattanooga, Tenn., and a 2018 graduate of the University of Alabama. I have a strong passion for sports and giving a voice to the underserved. Feel free to email me at [email protected] for tips, story ideas or comments.

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What to Know About the Latest Social Security Number Breach

Hackers may have gained access to the private information of millions of people from a background check company called National Public Data. Should you be worried? We have some advice.

An illustration shows several people, and a dog, each protected by brick walls.

By Ron Lieber

Ron Lieber covered the 2017 Equifax breach while fleeing from a hurricane .

The details are murky. In April, Hackmanac, a cybersecurity company, posted on X that about 2.9 billion records of personal data were for sale, from people in the United States, Canada and Britain. The data was supposedly stolen from National Public Data , a company that does background checks.

That company became the target of a class-action suit, which Bloomberg Law recently reported, contending that thieves got Social Security numbers in the breach. Bleeping Computer, a technology and security publication, rounded up reports of hackers leaking batches of the data.

We may never know the extent of the breach and the subsequent leak. But I’m not sure the details matter much.

Security breaches happen all the time. Thieves frequently find vulnerabilities in large systems and exploit them.

Our lack of data privacy and security is intensely hateful, but in the short and medium term, the only thing we can do is lock ourselves down as best we can.

Here are some reminders about how to do it.

Control Anxiety

Remember, some thieves steal simply because they can. If they don’t try to use stolen information, you don’t have a problem.

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A Law Firm Was Hacked. Now It Faces a Class Action Lawsuit

The Wacks Law Group of Whippany discovered suspicious activity on its network on March 9. A short time later, a ransomware group called Qilin claimed responsibility for the breach, according to the suit.

August 23, 2024 at 01:56 PM

4 minute read

Charles Toutant

Charles Toutant

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A New Jersey law firm that was the target of a data breach now faces a suit on behalf of individuals whose personal information was targeted.

The Wacks Law Group of Whippany discovered suspicious activity on its network on March 9. A short time later, a ransomware group called Qilin claimed responsibility for the breach, according to the suit.

The breach yielded personal information such as names, Social Security numbers and driver’s license numbers that the law firm collected in connection with the legal service it provides, the suit claims.

The Wacks Law Group focuses on trusts and estates and has six lawyers, according to its website. The firm’s Edward Wacks did not respond to a phone message or text message.

The suit was brought by Milberg Coleman Bryson Phillips Grossman, a leading class action firm, along with Federman & Sherwood of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.

Qilin, also known as Agenda, likely originates from Russia, and was recently observed recruiting affiliates in late 2023, the suit states. It is an ransomware-as-a-service company, in which one party pays another to launch a ransomware attack, the suit says. It surfaced in 2022 and targets critical infrastructure entities, the suit claims.

Once Qilin gains access to the target system, it proceeds to encript valuable information, such as personal details, credit card information or account credentials, which can fetch monetary awards, the suit claims. After encrypting the data, the actors demand a ransom to release a private key required to -decrypt the data, with ransoms typically demanded in cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin or ethereum, to allow the attackers to remain anonymous, the suit claims.

“It is important to note that paying the ransom does not guarantee the release of the private key, and there is no guarantee that the cycle of attacks and ransom demands will cease,” the suit claims.

Lead plaintiff Theresa Beller is a Jacksonville, Florida, resident who received a notice from Wacks Law Group on Aug. 6, notifying her that her name, Social Security number and driver’s license number were compromised in the data breach. The class has more than 100 members and the amount in controversy exceeds $5 million, the suit states.

The law firm offered the plaintiff and class members a “token gesture of a mere 12 months of credit monitoring services,” but that offer is “woefully inadequate considering plaintiff and class members will be at a continued risk of fraud and identity theft for the rest of their lives. This gesture does not and will not fully protect plaintiff and the class from cybercriminals and is largely ineffective against protecting data after it has been stolen,” the suit claims.

Cybercriminals are aware of the preventative measures taken by entities after data breaches and will often hold onto the stolen data and not use it until after the free service runs out, and long after preventative steps have diminished, the suit claims.

The Wacks Law Group failed to take proper precautions against a cyberattack, despite notice that law firms are prime targets for such crimes, the suit claims. Some notable law firm cyberattacks were at Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe; Grubman Shire Meiselas & Sacks; Proskauer Rose; Bermuda-based Appleby; and Mossack Fonseca of Panama, the suit says.

The suit cites the American Bar Association’s 2023 Legal Technology Survey, which says approximately 29% of law firms reported experiencing a data breach, up from 26% in 2022. Smaller firms are particularly at risk, with 35% of firms with 10- 49 attorneys reporting breaches compared with 22% of firms with more than 500 attorneys.”

The suit also cites an article in The American Lawyer , a affiliate of the New Jersey Law Journal, which said that “[f]ive months into the year, 2024 is on pace to be the biggest year in the history of law firm data breach reports. At least 21 law firms filed data breach reports to state attorneys general offices this year. By comparison, 2023 saw 28 law firm breach reports, while 2022 had 33 breach reports and 2021 had 38.”


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  1. Homework || 9th class || Unit-3 || Reading-C

    homework of 9th class

  2. Class 9 Holiday Homework

    homework of 9th class

  3. SOLUTION: Maths 9th class homework worksheet

    homework of 9th class

  4. Class 9 Holiday Homework

    homework of 9th class

  5. SOLUTION: Maths 9th class homework worksheet

    homework of 9th class

  6. SOLUTION: Maths 9th class homework worksheet

    homework of 9th class


  1. NCERT Solutions for Class 9

    Get NCERT solutions for class 9 for all subjects: Maths, Science, Social Science, English & Hindi. We provide chapter-wise NCERT Solutions for class 9 for all NCERT books. NCERT Solutions for class 9 provide you with a quick way to complete your homework. All solutions are prepared by experts and easy-to-understand.

  2. [Updated] CBSE Class 9 Holiday Homework 2024-25 Session in PDF

    Class 9 Holiday Homework. Below we have mentioned the updated Holiday homework for CBSE Class 9 season-wise like the autumn season, winter season and summer season. Students can download the complete Subject wise holiday homework in PDF Format for practice purposes. S.No. Holiday Homework (Session-wise Description)

  3. Unseen Passage for Class 9

    Directions: Read the following unseen passage for class 9 carefully and answer the questions given below the unseen passage:-. Fuel is like the magic ingredient that makes our stoves cook food, cars go vroom, and power plants generate electricity. When we burn fuel, it's like a special mix with the air around us, and it creates heat and light.

  4. 9th Grade Math Worksheets & Printables

    Use our printable 9th grade worksheets in your classroom as part of your lesson plan or hand them out as homework. Our 9th grade math worksheets cover topics from pre-algebra, algebra 1, and more!

  5. Class 9 Maths Notes, Solved Exercises Solutions, MCQ's

    Class 9 Maths Notes, Solved Exercises Solutions, MCQ's. These maths class 9 notes contain theory of each and every chapter, solutions to every exercise and review exercises which are great for reviewing giant exercises. It is a complete package of solutions to problems of your really tough book.

  6. Free 9th Grade Math Worksheets—Printable w/ Answers

    The Mashup Math 9th Grade Math Worksheets Library shares topic and skill-specific practice worksheets specifically designed to meet the needs of 9th grade students. The worksheets cover a variety of math topics that are typically covered in any 9th grade math curriculum, including fractions and decimals, exponents, working with radicals, data ...

  7. NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Maths (Updated for 2023-24 Exam)

    These NCERT Solutions for Class 9 cover all the topics included in the NCERT textbook, like Number System, Coordinate Geometry, Polynomials, Euclid's Geometry, Quadrilaterals, Triangles, Circles, Constructions, Surface Areas and Volumes, Statistics, Probability, etc. With the help of these Solutions of NCERT Books for Class 9 Maths, students ...

  8. NCERT solutions for class 9 English (Updated for 2023-24)

    NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Beehive. Class 9 English Beehive (Prose) Chapter 1 The Fun They Had. Chapter 2 The Sound of Music. Chapter 3 The Little Girl. Chapter 4 A Truly Beautiful Mind. Chapter 5 The Snake and The Mirror. Chapter 6 My Childhood. Chapter 7 Packing.

  9. NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Science Updated for 2023-24 Exams

    NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Science help students to clear any doubts instantly and efficiently. These NCERT Solutions guide students to learn the important concepts which are included in the CBSE Class 9 Science syllabus. Students are required to solve the exercise questions included in the textbook to create a proper understanding of the topics.

  10. 50+ Math worksheets for 9th Grade on Quizizz

    Teachers can use these worksheets to supplement their lesson plans, assign as homework, or provide additional practice for struggling students. With a variety of question types and difficulty levels, Grade 9 math worksheets cater to the diverse learning needs of students, ensuring that they are well-prepared for the challenges of high school ...

  11. The Best Free 9th Grade Math Resources

    This collection shares over 100 free printable 9th grade math worksheets on topics including order of operations, fractions and decimals, solving equations, and graphing. Plus every worksheet includes a free answer key. Just scroll through the list of topics, select any one that you want, and click on it to download the pdf file and answer key ...

  12. Extra Questions for Class 9 Maths with Solutions Chapter Wise

    Here is the list of Extra Questions for Class 9 Maths with Answers based on latest NCERT syllabus prescribed by CBSE. Chapter 1 Number Systems Class 9 Extra Questions. Chapter 2 Polynomials Class 9 Extra Questions. Chapter 3 Coordinate Geometry Class 9 Extra Questions. Chapter 4 Linear Equations for Two Variables Class 9 Extra Questions.

  13. Khan Academy

    Our mission is to provide a free, world-class education to anyone, anywhere. Khan Academy is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Donate or volunteer today! Site Navigation. About. News; Impact; Our team; Our interns; Our content specialists; Our leadership; Our supporters; Our contributors; Our finances; Careers; Internships;

  14. Printable Ninth Grade (Grade 9) Tests, Worksheets, and Activities

    Print our Ninth Grade (Grade 9) worksheets and activities, or administer them as online tests. Our worksheets use a variety of high-quality images and some are aligned to Common Core Standards. Worksheets labeled with are accessible to Help Teaching Pro subscribers only. Become a Subscriber to access hundreds of standards aligned worksheets.

  15. [Updated] CBSE Class 9 Summer Season Holiday Homework 2024-25 Session

    Here in this section, we have mentioned the CBSE Class 9 worksheet in PDF Format only for practice purposes. Parents /guardians can check and download the worksheet for better preparation of their students. S.No. Class 9 Worksheets. 1. Class 9 English Worksheets. 2.


    t shells, egg shells, banana peel)Layer the materials: Layer the biodegradable material. with dry leaves or shredded paper.Add water: Add water to the. ntainer to keep the compost moist.Mix the compost: Mix the compost every f. days to help it decompose faster.Wait for the compost to be ready: Wait for 10-.

  17. Ncert Solutions for Class 9

    Doubtnut is No.1 Study App and Learning App with Instant Video Solutions for NCERT Class 6, Class 7, Class 8, Class 9, Class 10, Class 11 and Class 12, IIT JEE prep, NEET preparation and CBSE, UP Board, Bihar Board, Rajasthan Board, MP Board, Telangana Board etc ... Doubtnut helps with homework, doubts and solutions to all the questions. It has ...

  18. Class Ix Social Science Holiday Homework 2021-22: (Individual ...

    This document provides instructions for the Class IX Social Science holiday homework projects for 2021-2022. Students must complete two projects: an individual Disaster Management project focusing on earthquakes, tsunamis, cyclones, floods, droughts or landslides; and a group Art Integrated project on the topic of farming. The Disaster Management project should be divided into sections on ...

  19. Homework Lesson Summary Notes and Explanation in English Class 9th

    As Dr. Kralovec states, doing excessive homework has no impact in students or their process of joining college whatsoever. In addition, large amounts of homework implies that students are to carry a lot of weights, in some cases, more that 15% of their body weight! Statics reveal that this leads to acute problems such as chronic shoulder, neck ...

  20. PDF holiday homework class 9

    CLASS IX- 2024-25. In summer's warmth, we find delight, With days so long and sky so bright. Through books and nature, we'll find our way, Discovering wonders every single day. In this season of sunshine and blue, There's endless knowledge waiting for you. Dear Parents,

  21. Homework || 9th class || Unit-3 || Reading-C

    9th Class Playlist Unit-1 Reading- A The Snake and the Mirror

  22. PDF Kendriya Vidyalaya Moradabad Summer Vacations: Holiday Homework ...

    KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA MORADABAD SUMMER VACATIONS: HOLIDAY HOMEWORK SUBJECT: SOCIAL SCIENCE CLASS 9K. acy, Why Democracy Story of Village Palampur Physical features of India Constitutional Design. raw and Label map of France from the chapter French Revolution (Page 9 of NCERT History book.)Prepare map work from these chapters- 1: India Size and ...

  23. Class of 2026 Offensive Tackle Tavian Branch Receives Offer From Boston

    Class of 2026 offensive and defensive tackle Tavian Branch has received an offer from Boston College. The 6-foot-3, 280-pound prospect is a product of Riverside High School in Taylor, Penn., and ...

  24. Alabama Adds Elite Running Back to Class of 2025

    5-star running back Akylin "AK" Dear announced himself as the newest member of Alabama's Class of 2025 according to On3 Sports. Dear is listed at 6-foot-1, 200 pounds, and is considered the No. 2 ...

  25. What to Know About the Latest Social Security Number Breach

    The details are murky. In April, Hackmanac, a cybersecurity company, posted on X that about 2.9 billion records of personal data were for sale, from people in the United States, Canada and Britain ...

  26. Projectitude

    74 likes, 0 comments - projectitude_a on August 21, 2024: "PAY US TO HELP IN YOUR DUE: -Homework.. -Assignment - online class -Online Class -Essay -Exam. -Finals.. -Midterm. -Full course -Spring semester. -Spring classes. -Finals week. -Finals Hmu please,,,".

  27. 9th Circuit Reverses District Court Ruling Favoring Google in Privacy

    The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit has overturned a district court's summary judgment in favor of Google in a national data privacy class action alleging that it illegally culled ...

  28. A Law Firm Was Hacked. Now It Faces a Class Action Lawsuit

    Now It Faces a Class Action Lawsuit The Wacks Law Group of Whippany discovered suspicious activity on its network on March 9. A short time later, a ransomware group called Qilin claimed ...

  29. Schools have made slow progress on record absenteeism, with millions of

    In Oakland, California, chronic absenteeism skyrocketed from 29% pre-pandemic to 53% in 2022-23 across district and charter schools. Officials asked students what would convince them to come to class.

  30. Boeing pauses tests of its troubled 777X after it found ...

    The launch of Boeing's long-delayed 777X aircraft has encountered another problem, forcing the company to pause testing and dealing yet another blow to Boeing's reputation for quality. Boeing ...