IELTS Band 9 Writing Samples: Task 2 Essays

June 19, 2021

ielts band 9 writing task 2 essays

One of the best ways of learning how to write better is to simply read sample IELTS band 9 essay answers, and that is exactly what we have here: 10, Band 9 sample IELTS essays. Each essay is followed by a teaching point to show you why it is a band 9 IELTS essay.

Finally, all of the essays on this page have been written using the system I teach on this page IELTS writing task 2 and in my full IELTS course here that has helped thousands get the score they need.

You can also download these sample answers as a pdf file here if you prefer: IELTS Essay Samples Band 9 pdf or, simply read them below:

Sample Essay #1 – Two Part Question

In some countries, the number of people visiting art galleries is reducing. What do you think the reasons for this are? How can we solve this problem?

In certain locations around the world, the number of people visiting art galleries is declining. This essay shall outline some of the reasons for this trend and then go on to suggest ways in which this issue could be resolved.

Firstly, visitor numbers are on the decline due in part to the ever-increasing convenience and ability of new technology. If someone has access to the internet from a device then there is virtually no need to visit an art gallery as all the finest works can be viewed online for as long as you want and at a minimal cost. For example, there is virtually no reason to go to the effort of leaving your house and traveling across a city and then paying and queuing with other people just to see works of art that you could just as easily view from the comfort of your own home.

However, there are some effective ways in which we might reverse the trend of declining visitor numbers to art galleries. One such way would be to ensure that all the artwork at a gallery is not available to view online, or at the most, just a small sample of an art galleries work is available for viewing. This would then create a sense of curiosity in the viewers mind and make them more likely to visit the art gallery. Furthermore, you could create a discussion zone at the art gallery where like-minded individuals could meet face to face and discuss the particular pieces of art that interest them. This would make visiting the gallery a more unique experience and be more likely to catch people’s interest.

Overall, visitor numbers are declining but there are a number of ways to tackle this problem. It is up to the art galleries themselves to come up with solutions and then deliver these to the public if they wish to survive in the future. 319 words

Teaching Point: Notice how both of these topic sentences directly answer one of the questions asked in the question. This is key to making sure that you do not go off topic and do in fact answer the question. This ensures you will not lose marks for Task Achievement.

Sample Essay #2 – Discussion And Opinion

In many countries, men and women work full-time. It is therefore logical for men and women to share household work. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Nowadays, many people believe that men and women should share household chores equally as both genders are just as likely to have full-time jobs. Personally, I agree with this viewpoint and the following paragraphs shall outline my reasons for this belief.

First and foremost, traditional gender roles have been severely diminished in many cultures in recent years. This means that less pressure is now placed on women to complete the tasks that were commonly associated as being a women’s job to complete. These days it is just as acceptable for a man to do the housework as it is for the women, and they won’t be looked down upon by their male friends as they might have been in the past.

Secondly, it has become much more commonplace for women to be the main breadwinners of a household and therefore by default have less time available for domestic duties This means that it often makes more sense for men to stay at home and not work, which in turn means that they have more time available to complete household chores than might have been the case in the past. Imagine, if a woman worked full time and then had to come home and complete all of the household chores as well, regardless of whether the partner was working or not, the relationship would be put under a great deal of pressure and might eventually end if they were left to do the chores alone.

In summary, I agree that the changing trends of society mean that couples are often led to divide household chores more equally these days. Despite resistance by certain groups, this trend is likely to continue into the future.

Teaching Point: Notice how I have repeated my opinion twice, in both the introduction and conclusion but have done so using different words. This shows off a range of vocabulary but also ensures that I have answered the original question that was asked.

Sample Essay #3 – Discussion And Opinion

Libraries are a waste of money, therefore, computers should be used to replace them. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Some people are of the opinion that libraries funding should be cut and the money invested in making computers available to the public instead. I mostly agree with this line of thought and the following paragraphs shall explain why this is the case.

Firstly, libraries should not receive any more funding because they contain such a limited and often outdated amount of information. As soon as a book is published it goes out of date and cannot be updated without an entirely new copy being printed which is both costly and time-consuming. On the other hand, a computer connected to the internet overcomes both of these limitations with ease, for example, any web-site, pdf, or online journal can be continuously updated by the authors and there is no time wasted in printing of the book.

On the other hand, though, libraries do still offer a quiet place for members of the public to go and read. In today’s fastpaced society there are few places to be found where people can simply go and relax without fear of being hassled by salesman or traffic which may have damaging consequences for the public. For instance, a report in the ‘Journal of Good Health’ recently reported that spending as little as 5 minutes per day sat quietly on your own can reduce the risk of a heart attack or stroke by 50%, so, losing the quiet space of a library could harm a nation’s overall health.

To sum up, the public need for up to date information and also for restful places for people to relax needs to be considered carefully. Governments need to decide what their priority is and act accordingly. 279 words

Teaching Point: Notice how in the first line of the introduction I have simply paraphrased the question statement using my own words. I have also changed the order of the information in the sentence. This shows the examiner that I have good grammatical control and also a range of vocabulary.

Sample Essay #4 – Discussion And Opinion

Some people think that money is the best gift to give a teenager, others disagree. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.

Certain groups of people are of the opinion that giving teenagers cash is the most appropriate present to present them with, however, some people disagree with this approach. Personally, I believe that this is not the case and this essay shall outline arguments for either side.

Firstly, teenagers are often very impulsive by nature and are likely to make decisions that may not be in their best overall interest. As a consequence, if you hand over money to a teenager they may well simply go and waste the money on consumable goods and sometimes harmful items such as drugs, alcohol, or other such substances. Therefore, it is probably in the teenagers best interest if you buy them constructive presents that they can get greater value and education out of. For example, buying a teenager book tokens to further their knowledge is far more productive than giving them cash to blow on alcoholic beverages.

On the other hand, however, some people would say that allowing the teenager the freedom to choose what they want to spend their money on is an important lesson for them to learn. Not only does it allow them to see that you trust them but it also means that they are likely to buy something that they will actually value. Furthermore, if a teenager senses that you do not trust them then they are likely to hold this against you and use it against you at some point in the future, whereas, they may well act more responsibly if you hand over cash for them to spend.

In conclusion, teenagers are at a very sensitive stage of their development, however, I remain of the opinion that they do need some guidance in the way that they spend their money. Parents should take care to manage this situation appropriately. 302 words

Teaching Point: Notice how the conclusion starts by summarizing the two topic sentences using different vocabulary, Once again this proves to the examiner that you have a good range of vocabulary.

Sample Essay #5 – Opinion Essay

Some people believe that people who do physical work should be paid the same as people who have a high-level degree. Do you agree or disagree?

Certain groups of people are of the opinion that people who engage in manual labour should receive the same level salary as someone who is highly educated. I disagree with this point entirely and shall outline the reasons for this in the following paragraphs.

One of the main reasons why highly educated people should receive a greater salary than lower-skilled workers is that they create more value for a business in the long term. This is because a lower skilled worker will simply do as they are told and perform their role in the organisation whereas a highly skilled worker is more likely to suggest solutions to problems or invent more productive ways of doing something. Over the course of a number of years, these incremental improvements could lead to large increases in profit for the company.

Allied to this, graduates have often invested a great deal of time and money into their education and so surely, therefore, deserve to be paid more to cover this. For example, a recent survey from ‘Time’ magazine revealed that the average medical student seeking to become a doctor graduates with more than $150,000 of debt before they have even earned a penny.

Furthermore, countries need educated populations in order to develop, organise themselves and grow. Therefore governments need to make sure students are encouraged to study for higher qualifications and paying higher salaries to these individuals when they finally graduate is one way of ensuring this.

In conclusion, more highly educated employees are worth more to a company and a country. These are the main reasons why I continue to believe they should be paid more. 273 words

Teaching Point: It is helpful to develop your paragraphs by using examples. However, this is difficult to do as you do not know what question you will be asked. This is why you should just make up realistic sounding examples. It really is not important if the example is true or not, the examiners do not care. All they want to do is assess your English. So, go ahead and simply make up realistic sounding examples to develop your answers just as I have done here!

Sample Essay #6 – Opinion Essay

In some countries, children under sixteen are not allowed to leave school by law and get full-time work. Is this a good thing or a bad thing?

In certain areas of the world, children under the age of 16 are prevented from gaining full-time employment by law. I believe this is a good thing and this essay shall outline the reasons for this standpoint.

Firstly, anyone under the age of 16 should be pursuing education rather than a salary. This is because they have the rest of their working lives to get a full-time job but only a few limited years during their youth which they can dedicate entirely to education. Education is the key to a positive future and so it is right that laws should prevent someone from damaging their own education. If we let young people simply do what they want with no thought for the future then we would not be guiding and protecting them as a society surely should.

In addition to the above, many countries around the world have high unemployment levels. If youth under the age of 16 were also added to the working population then this would likely only lead to further increases in unemployment. For example, in Greece the ‘Greek Echo’ recently reported that unemployment had increased to a record level of 38% of the population. Furthermore, having unemployed youngsters on the streets often leads to increased crime rates, especially those relating to anti-social behaviour whereas if the youngsters had to remain in school or college they may well stay out of trouble.

Overall, beginning employment early has more negative impacts than positive. Governments should consider carefully when and how they allow people to finish their education if they wish their nations to be prosperous in the future. 269 words

Teaching Point: Notice how I have used two conditional sentences here to discuss future changes. This demonstrates a wider range of grammar to the examiner and therefore helps to improve your band score. Make sure you brush up on the second conditional in particular, as it is often useful in IELTS essays.

Sample Essay # 7 – Two Part Question

Nowadays, some parents pressure their children to be successful. What are the reasons for this? Is this a positive or negative development?

In recent years, some children have been put under pressure by their parents to be successful in life. This essay shall discuss both the reasons why this is so and whether this is a positive or negative development.

It appears that some of the youth of today are placed under pressure by their parents to be successful because the world has become a very materialistic place and in order to show how successful you are you need to have money to buy nice things. This usually means that a good education is needed so a well-paying job can be secured. Unfortunately, as a consequence of students studying to gain a high paying job, which their parents may wish for them, they may actually be doing something which is not what they want to do deep down in their soul. As a result, a student may begin to lack motivation in their studies, lack of passion for what they are doing or even become depressed as a result.

Furthermore, the pressure placed on young people to succeed at school may well mean that they do not take part in other valuable opportunities. For example, rather than taking part in an International Award programme they may well opt to do extra homework because of the time required to gain the award. However, participating in the award would have provided them with so many opportunities to learn new and different life skills, such as: social skills, trip planning, map reading, fund raising, teamwork and so on, skills which you simply cannot ever learn from a book.

To sum up, anything that could cause depression or reduce a young person’s opportunities has to be a negative. Parents need to think carefully about what type of life they want their child to actually have and not just on future financial prospects. 308 words

Teaching Point : Notice that I have used a range of sentence starters and connectives to help the essay flow. I have not simply repeated the same linking words like ‘and also’, ‘then’, or ‘next’ that are often overused in IELTS essays. Using a range like this means that the essay sounds more natural and native like and of course helps improve a band score.

Sample Essay #8 – Problem And Solution

In many countries, people have health problems because they choose to live an unhealthy lifestyle. What do you think the reasons for this are and how can it be solved? Give relevant examples from your experience?

In many places around the world, people are choosing to live an unhealthy lifestyle and are suffering significant health issues as a result. The following paragraphs shall discuss the possible cause of this and offer a number of solutions.

Firstly, one of the main causes of these health issues is the influence of advertising from big businesses trying to make a profit. These businesses have no morals and are only interested in making money, this means that they will target anyone they can even though they know that their products are bad for people’s health. For example, MacDonald’s are certainly aware that their food is bad for children but they still target them through the use of associating clowns and Disney characters with their ‘happy meals’.

Allied to the above, people are ill disciplined even when it comes to the importance of their own health. These days, everyone knows the risks of eating ‘junk’ food on a regular basis but many continue to do so. The reason for this is that it is just too convenient and they are just too lazy to make some real nutritious food for themselves. For instance, anyone who goes out on a weekend will have witnessed the large queues of young people in fast food restaurants even when there are much more healthy options nearby including various supermarkets which all sell healthy ingredients from which to make food from.

In summary, the power of big business and the weak will of humans is damaging the health of many. Governments, schools and parents should consider carefully how they are going to tackle these issues in the coming years. 273 words

Teaching Point: Usually the second or third sentence of a paragraph will be explaining the reasons for what has been stated in the topic sentence of the paragraph.

Sample Essay #9 – Discussion And Opinion

Nowadays, many families move to different countries. Some people think that children gain many benefits from this while others consider it to be hard for a child to move to a foreign country. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

These days it is not uncommon for whole families to migrate to other parts of the world. Some people are of the opinion that this has a negative impact on the children involved whereas others believe it has a positive impact. Personally, I think the positives outweigh the negatives and this essay shall outline both sides of the debate.

First and foremost, generally people only move to other countries if they believe there is going to be a significant improvement to their children’s lives. Often this takes the form of improved education opportunities. For example, when the UK entered the European Union there was an immediate influx of people and part of the reason for this is that the UK offers a free and a quality education to any youngsters living there. Many migrants believe that the key to future success is education and that moving to the UK will enhance their children’s future.

On the other hand, removing a child from the culture they have grown up in may severely disrupt their behaviour especially if they did not want to move in the first place. Teenagers and even younger children are very sensitive to change and a major change such as moving to another country could cause a lack of confidence. For example, suddenly a child has to east food they are not used to and may not like, suddenly they may also have to get used to weather they may not have even experienced before. All of these things could cause a child to experience mental health issues.

Overall, children often gain more opportunities by migrating abroad although they will face new challenges. Parents should carefully consider the potential impact a sudden move may have on a child before they make the final decision. 296 words

Teaching Point : 4 main paragraphs is usually enough for most IELTS essays. An introduction of about 50 words, two body paragraphs of about 90 words each, and a conclusion of about 30 words.

Sample Essay #10 – Discussion

Earlier technological developments brought more benefits and changed the lives of ordinary people more than recent technological developments. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Improvements in technology that occurred in the distant past produced more positive effects than the developments that have occurred in the last few years. I completely agree with this statement and the following paragraphs shall outline the reasons for this belief.

The first telephone completely revolutionized the way business was done and benefited humanity greatly. For the first time people could send messages long distances with ease and the pace of business increased dramatically making more people richer and creating more job opportunities. However, these days when the latest iPhone update comes out the only real changes are to do with fashion rather than providing any real new benefits. For example, now you can upload items to a ‘cloud’, or play more advanced games, but neither of these improvements in anyway compares to the first time phones were released to the public.

Similarly to the above, the first computers also transformed the way companies ran their businesses. Previously there were filing cabinets full of paperwork and accessing that information could take hours to locate the piece of information that you wanted. In contrast though, computers have been around for so long now that they have almost reached their limit in terms of how useful they could possibly be. For example, the only real changes that happen now are new releases of the Windows operating system and the so called improvements are actually just considered annoying changes to many rather than actual improvements.

In summary, the most profound long lasting impacts that technology has brought us occurred many years ago. These days’ beneficial changes now come in very small increments and I believe that will continue to be the case in the future. 282 words

Teaching Point: Always start with an introduction which rephrases the question. You should try to use different words i.e. synonyms and paraphrases of the original words in the question so that you can show to the examiner your range and level of vocabulary.

Sample Essay #11 – Discussion

Nowadays, people of all ages from certain parts of the world spend most of the time at home rather than going outdoors. Discuss the reasons for this and say whether it is a positive or negative development.

In this day and age it is far more common for individuals to spend the majority of their time inside rather than outside. I believe this is a negative development for society and the following paragraphs shall offer possible reasons why this could be the case.

Firstly, spending more time indoors naturally indicates decreased activity levels. This automatically leads to reduced health of populations due to problems such as obesity, stroke, heart attack and so on which are all linked with decreased levels of exercise. Clearly this is a major negative for everyone concerned. Governments have higher health costs, people die younger and families of course are deprived of a family member needlessly.

Secondly, the fact that people are indoors more often than not indicates that less time is spent socialising with others face to face. This can lead to mental health problems but also to a decline in the development of ‘real world’ social skills which help to make people employable. Afterall, in most places of work there is a definite need to communicate face to face with colleagues of customers and if an individual is not capable of doing this it does not matter how ‘book smart’ they are they will not be able to function adequately in the workplace.

Overall, it is clear to me that there are far more negatives to positives of people spending more time indoors than outside. Governments, education authorities and parents around the world should carefully consider the consequences of such a trend. 251 words

Teaching Point: Your main body paragraphs, which are the two paragraphs in the middle of your essay, should begin with a topic sentence. This topic sentence should say what the main point of your paragraph is and does not have to be too long or complex. The reader should be able to guess what the rest of the paragraph is going to be about just from reading your topic sentence.

IELTS Essay Samples Band 9 PDF

For convenience you can also download these sample band 9 answers as a pdf file here:

IELTS Essay Samples Band 9 pdf

What To Do Next?

If you want to see the exact process I use to write essays like the above band 9 answers then there are two options. You can read my main guide to writing IELTS essays here , or you can go straight to my IELTS course page which thousands of people have used to master each part of the IELTS test.

Recommended IELTS Study Tools

Thank you for reading this article. I always get lots of questions about how else to get a better band score quickly. So, this is what I recommend:

Complete IELTS Course : Of course, my full course ‘ INCREASE YOUR IELTS ‘ covers everything you need to need to know to pass IELTS, including practice questions, model answers, grammar work, strategies for every possible reading, writing and listening question type, as well as a complete speaking course too, check it out here .

IELTS Essay and Speaking Feedback : To complete full mock tests and get feedback from IELTS examiners on your IELTS essays or speaking tasks then visit: IELTS Feedback and Mock Tests, here.

Improve your grammar fast by using the Grammarly suggestions to improve your writing. Every IELTS students should have this free grammar improving tool.

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ielts band 9 writing task 2 essays

IELTS Writing task 2 sample essay questions with answers

Achieve band 9 score by practicing these IELTS Writing task 2 essays for Academic and General Training. Check out IELTS Writing task 2 sample questions.

The IELTS Writing task 2 is an important section of both the Academic and General Training modules, designed to assess your ability to express ideas coherently in written English. This task requires participants to draft an essay in response to a point of view, argument, or problem.

Unlike task 1, which varies significantly between the Academic and General Training modules, task 2 is similar across both, emphasising the importance of structured argumentation, clear statements, and the integration of relevant, detailed examples. Let’s help you score your desired IELTS band with the right IELTS Writing sample and question types.

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IELTS Academic Writing task – Overview

Let's take a quick look at the IELTS Academic Writing test. It lasts for 60 minutes and includes two tasks. These tasks ask you to write about topics that are important for those going to college, or university, or wanting to work in certain professions.

You will be given a graph, table, or chart and asked to explain what you understand in your own words. You might need to talk about the data shown, explain how something happens step by step, or describe an object or plan.

You will be required to draft an essay about your thoughts on a specific idea, argument, or issue. You'll use examples from what you know or have experienced to make your essay strong and convincing.

IELTS Writing task 2 – Essay writing (Academic)

In IELTS Academic Writing task 2 , you are asked to draft an essay in response to a point of view, an argument, or a problem. Essays should be written in an academic, or semi-formal style. Topics are about relevant issues and focus on a particular aspect of the topic. For example, if the topic is about computers, the focus will be on a particular aspect rather than writing about computers in general.

The task instructions give you information about the question telling you how to discuss the topic in your essay. You may be asked to provide factual information, outline, and present solutions, justify an opinion, or evaluate evidence and ideas. It is important that you complete the task carefully using relevant ideas and examples to support your position. Your ideas should be organised clearly, using paragraphs for each idea. You must write a minimum of 250 words.

Note: You are assessed on your ability to follow English essay-writing conventions to organise and coherently link information using language accurately and appropriately to express your ideas and opinions.

IELTS Writing task 2 sample question (Academic)

Here is an IELTS Writing task 2 example for your reference, you can consider practicing this kind of questions to score higher:

Academic Writing Part 2

IELTS Writing task 2 sample answer (Academic)

Here is an IELTS Writing task 2 sample answer for your reference, you can practice writing your answers similar or better than this to score higher:

Sample Academic Writing Part 2

IELTS General Training Writing task – Overview

Let's look at the General Training Writing test. It takes 60 minutes and has two parts, both about everyday topics.

You will get a scenario and need to write a letter. This letter might be for a friend, someone at work, or a more formal letter, depending on the situation.

You will be required to draft an essay about an opinion, argument, or issue. This essay can be a bit more personal than what you'd write for an academic test. You'll use examples from your own life or what you know to back up your views.

IELTS Writing task 2 - Essay writing (General Training)

In task 2 of the General Training Writing test, you are asked to draft an essay in response to a point of view, an argument, or a problem. Topics are of general interest such as whether it is better to homeschool children, whether the drinking age should be raised, who is responsible for the care of the elderly, or how families could be brought closer together.

Read more: Score band 9 by practicing these IELTS essays

IELTS Writing task 2 sample question (General Training)

Here is an IELTS Writing task 2 example for your reference, you can consider practicing these questions to aim higher band score:

Writing Task Part 2

IELTS Writing task 2 sample answer (General Training)

Here is an IELTS Writing task 2 sample answer for your reference, you can practice writing answers like these or better to score higher in your IELTS Writing test :

General Training Writing Sample Task 2

Hope this blog helps you understand all about Writing task 2 for Academic and General Training modules . Consider practicing with questions and answers like the ones provided above to score a higher IELTS band score.

Additionally, if you want to know more about the IELTS test or have any queries, you can get in touch with your nearest IDP IELTS test centre or visit our official IDP IELTS India website to resolve the same. You will surely get all the answers you are searching for.

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IELTS Writing Task 2: Discussion Sample Essay

2 people discussing IELTS task 2 essay

Today we’re going to look at a discussion essay IELTS sample that’s considered Band 9. This Band 9 scored essay matched the pattern for the “discussion” type of Writing Task 2 question. Discussion essays are sometimes also called “discuss both sides” essays. In this kind of essay, you will be presented with two statements of opinion that oppose each other. You will then be asked to “discuss both sides” of the debate, and to give your own opinion. For more information on this and other question types, including tips, tricks, and general advice for the discussion essay question type, see Magoosh’s full guide to IELTS Writing Task 2 question types .

Discussion Essay IELTS Sample: Band 9

The essay below is a band 9 model IELTS essay, patterned after Magoosh’s IELTS Writing Task 2 Template .

IELTS Writing Discussion Essay Practice Question

Some people seek a lot of advice from family and friends when choosing their career. Others feel it is better to choose a career more independently. Discuss both views and give your opinion. Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

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Write at least 250 words.

Discussion Essay IELTS Sample Band 9 Response

Choosing a career can be a challenging process. It can be difficult to say whether this decision should be made alone, or made with input from loved ones. In my opinion, it is best to find one’s career independently, with no more than a small amount of advice from family or friends. Below, I will explain why I feel that we must ultimately face career decisions on our own.

Getting career guidance input from loved ones can be confusing rather than useful. Family and friends likely have different careers, and thus give different, conflicting advice. Suppose, for instance, that your father is a teacher, your mother is an accountant, and your best friend is a nurse. They have all made very different career decisions, and only have knowledge on their respective careers. Different people will likely only steer you to their careers, without giving good advice on your own best path.

In contrast, focusing on one’s own preferences and skills provides a clearer path to the right career. After all, individuals have the best knowledge of their own abilities and interests. As an example, if someone has gone to university to study biology, they will know more about biology careers than a family member or friend who does not have that same kind of training. Ultimately, your career must be built on your own training and experience, not the training and experience of others.

For the reasons I’ve outlined above, I really do believe that career decisions are a matter of personal knowledge. Other people, even trusted family and friends, simply cannot understand your career the way you can. To select your field of work wisely, you must face this important decision alone.

Scorer Commentary (Discussion IELTS Essay Sample, Band 9)

The score report below is based on the official IELTS Writing Task 2 rubric . This report also looks very similar to the Magoosh IELTS essay scoring service .

Overall Band Score: 9

CATEGORY Task Achievement/Response Coherence and Cohesion Lexical Resource Grammatical Range and Accuracy
SCORE 9 9 9 9

What was done well in the essay:

  • At 283 words, this essay exceeded the 250 word minimum. (This is very important for getting full points!)
  • Each part of the task was fully addressed. Both sides of the issue were discussed in the first and second body paragraphs. Moreover, reasons and relevant examples were included.
  • Each paragraph had its own clear topic sentence and supporting details, with explanations of the details, and summarization of the most important ideas.
  • Transitional language was used to clearly tie in all paragraphs to clear main ideas from the introduction and conclusion.
  • Vocabulary and grammar were used clearly and fluently. There were no serious errors in grammar or word use; word choice and sentence structure varied and avoided significant repetition.

More Model Essays for IELTS Writing Task 2

Would you like the see model essays for the other common IELTS Writing Task 2 question types as well? Magoosh has you covered! Just click the links below.

  • Advantage/Disadvantage Essay
  • Two-Part Question Essay
  • Causes/Solutions Essay
  • Agree/Disagree Essay

David Recine

David is a Test Prep Expert for Magoosh TOEFL and IELTS. Additionally, he’s helped students with TOEIC, PET, FCE, BULATS, Eiken, SAT, ACT, GRE, and GMAT. David has a BS from the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire and an MA from the University of Wisconsin-River Falls. His work at Magoosh has been cited in many scholarly articles , his Master’s Thesis is featured on the Reading with Pictures website, and he’s presented at the WITESOL (link to PDF) and NAFSA conferences. David has taught K-12 ESL in South Korea as well as undergraduate English and MBA-level business English at American universities. He has also trained English teachers in America, Italy, and Peru. Come join David and the Magoosh team on Youtube , Facebook , and Instagram , or connect with him via LinkedIn !

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Person pointing pencil at head to indicate causes and solutions essay

5 responses to “IELTS Writing Task 2: Discussion Sample Essay”

Jinil Bhavsar Avatar

Contractions must be avoided because they are a sign of informal writing style. Whereas essay’s should be written in formal way.

Magoosh Expert

You are correct that contractions shouldn’t be used in the formal Task 2 essay. However, note that they can be used at times, such as in IELTS Speaking or in Task 1 if you are asked to write an informal letter.

Happy studying!

Ore Avatar

Greetings, and thank you for this model essay. I wanted to ask a question relating to the discussion essay’s addressing of the task. Since the two views are 1) Some people think it is beneficial to ask for advice from friends/loved ones, and 2) others think that it is better to do so alone, why isn’t the 2nd paragraph addressing the benefits but instead talks about how it can be confusing? Isn’t a discussion essay’s structure supposed to be something like this:

2nd paragraph: Reasons people believe asking for help to decide for a career is good 3rd paragraph: Reasons people believe doing it on your own is good Conclusion: Giving your own opinion

Thank you for your time!

Good question! The short answer is that both approaches work! The directions are simply to “discuss both views,” but you don’t have to provide support for both sides. You can also discuss the problems or issues with one side, as this essay has done. Does that make sense? I’d suggest reviewing more sample essays to get a better sense of this.

Hope this helps, and best of luck to you!

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IELTS Writing Task 2/ Essay Topics with sample answer.

Ielts academic and gt essay/ writing task 2 sample.

IELTS Writing Task 2 ( also known as IELTS Essay Writing ) is the second task of your IELTS Writing test. Here, you will be presented with an essay topic and you will be scored based on your ability to respond to the topic.

You need to write at least 250 words and justify your opinion with arguments, discussion, examples, problem outlining, proposing possible solutions and supporting your position. You will have approximately 40 minutes to finish your Essay Writing. IELTS Writing Task 2 carries more weights than Writing Task 1.

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IELTS Solution Essay Band 9 Model with Useful Tips

The IELTS Solution Essay is a common essay to get in Writing Task 2. You will be given an issue in the essay question and then presented with one or two questions to answer. The questions will decide what your task is. Knowing your task is essential for a high score in Task Response, which counts for 25% of your marks. All essay lessons and model essays on my website for writing task 2 are for both Academic and GT writing task 2.

Types of IELTS Solution Essay

There are three kinds of IELTS solution essays.

Solution Essay

IELTS will give you a problem that exists in the world today and then ask you what solutions you can offer. There are various different wording for this. Below are three examples:

  • What solutions can you offer?
  • What measures can you suggest to tackle this problem?
  • How can this be resolved?

Cause Solution Essay

For this essay, you will be presented with a topic, such as increasing urban populations. You will then see two questions which ask you to give the causes of the problem and solutions to the problem. Instructions can often be paraphrased. Below are two examples:

  • What are the reasons for this? What solutions can you suggest?
  • Why is this happening? What can be done to tackle it?

Problem Solution Essay

This is less common and is often confused for the Cause Solution Essay so watch out and pay attention to the word. You will be presented with an issue, such as more people moving to urban areas for work. You will then see two questions. Below is an example of how those questions can be worded:

  • What problems does this cause?
  • What answer can you suggest to deal with it?

IELTS Solution Essay Tips

  • Identify the type of solution essay you have.
  • Spend time analysing the topic given. Most people rush to form their ideas and don’t prepare supporting points. This is a mistake. Planning is crucial. You are being marked on your ideas and how they are explained and illustrated so spend a few minutes making sure you’ve got it all planned.
  • Once your ideas are formed, think about how to organise them into paragraphs and how to organise supporting points within the paragraph. Many people think that only paragraphing is marked for organisation, but actually the order of supporting points is also marked. Your aim is for coherence.
  • Think about language. How will you paraphrase words for the topic and what words will you use to express solutions and causes (if required). Poor paraphrasing (risky paraphrasing) is one reason people fail to get band 7 in their Vocabulary for writing task 2.
  • Always have an introduction, body paragraphs and conclusion. Never ever miss the conclusion. Always make sure you have time to write it.
  • Pay attention to the content and length of paragraphs in the model essay below. All the model essay on my website are safe to use as a guide for how to write your IELTS essay. Even for people aiming for band 9, they are still safe to use.

IELTS Solution Essay Model Answer

Many offenders commit more crimes after serving their first punishment. Why is this happening, and what measures can be taken to tackle this problem?

A large number of criminals who serve their first prison sentence, leave prison only to reoffend. This is mainly because of the lack of rehabilitation and difficulty finding regular employment once released. There are a number of solutions which should be implemented to deal with criminals who reoffend.

Firstly, the reason for most first-time offenders committing crimes again, once they have been released from prison, is due to the lack of rehabilitation whilst in prison. In other words, offenders are not given a chance to retrain and learn new skills for their future or develop a deeper understanding of correct moral behaviour and instead mix with other criminals, which only strengthens their criminal intentions. Secondly, repeat offending is also owing to the difficulty in finding employment after being released. As a result, many of them struggle financially which leads them back to crime, regardless of the consequences.

There are two effective solutions to the problem of repeat offenders. One way to tackle this is to ensure that all criminals entering prison are given the chance to retrain with useful skills which will hopefully ensure them a job after they have served their sentence. By doing this, it will help them reintegrate back into society and give them some means of supporting themselves financially. Another method of dealing with criminals who reoffend is to have more supervision and checks in place when they are back in society. This solution would hopefully prevent them from taking any chances and deter them from reoffending because they are being so closely watched.

In conclusion, regardless of the reasons for reoffending, having skills training and education in prison as well as closer observation for newly released offenders can be effective in preventing criminals from committing crimes again.

VOCABULARY FOR THIS TOPIC: Word List for Crime & Punishment Topic

Examiner Comments:  This essay addresses the task completely. All parts of the essay question have been covered with relevant ideas. Both causes and solutions have been well-explained. Ideas are logically organised and there is a flexible use of linking devices, which help sign post the direct of the essay. There is a range of sentence structures and also tenses. Vocabulary is also flexible with a good range of less common words that allows for precise meaning. Essay Length: 290 words

RECOMMENDED FOR YOU: IELTS Problem Solution Essay IELTS Opinion Essay Model IELTS Advantage Disadvantage Essay Model IELTS Discussion Essay Model Over 100 IELTS Essay Questions All Model Essays & Tips for Writing Task 2  
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Hi Liz, Could you please answer my question? In the sample essay, you wrote both causes in one paragraph. Is it correct? I was taught that one paragraph should contain only one idea, which is written in the topic sentence. Also, how many causes and solutions should I write? Is it okay to write one cause in first paragraph and one solution in the second paragraph?

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These are all good questions.

If you look at the band score descriptors published by IELTS and look at the marking criterion of Coherence & Cohesion (which is about paragraphing and linking), it doesn’t say “one central idea” for each paragraph, it says “a central theme”. Most teachers paraphrase this to students as “one idea” because it’s easier to explain and understand it that way, but that isn’t the full picture. It is really about one theme. For an Opinion Essay where you must present points supporting your opinion, each body paragraph will tackle one point which is actually one main idea. But for advantages/disadvantages or cause/solutions essays, each body paragraph will tackle all your advantages or all your solutions or all your causes. These are grouped together into one body paragraph as a central theme. So, putting all your causes together is logical, organised and follows the higher level band score requirements of having a central theme.

About your other point of how many causes you need, certainly if you have only one cause then your whole paragraph will focus on that and your next body paragraph can focus on solutions, in which you may have one or two solutions. It is not recommended to have more than two causes or two solutions because your aim is to extend and develop each point sufficiently for a high score so having more than two doesn’t really allow you to do this.

Thank you so much for your answer. I was confused for so long, but you made it much clearer for me.

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It is true that punishment do not deter offenders from committing more crimes There are several factors contributing to this but government can certainly take steps to address these issues.

On the one hand, there are a number of reasons why people keep committing crimes even after punishment. Firstly, unemployment issues can be a factor to this. In other words, offenders who are unemployed are likely to repeat or commit another crime after serving their punishment if they do not have anything doing to bring them income. As a results of making earns meet some may be tempted to steal in order to meet this demand. Secondly, neglection can be another factor why offenders keep committing crimes. For example, an ex-convict is likely to be rejected and stigmatized by society and this individual can find him or herself back into prison due to lack of love and support from friends and family.

On the other hand, measures such as government creating jobs can go a long way to tackle this problem. For example, if the government support ex-convicts through job creation and other beneficial programs, it will help reduce crimes as these people will be busy with their work schedules and business activities. Another point to consider is to educate the public about stigmatization and also encourage family and friends to provide support i.e physically, emotionally, psychologically and financially to these people for them to feel loved and accepted back into the society. This can help prevent them from going back to offenses that might end them up in prison.

In conclusion, factors such as unemployment and neglection can increase crimes in society, however, various methods can be put in place to solve this problem.

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Dear Liz I hope you are doing well. I apologize for getting straight to the point with my question. For this solution essay, do I only need to write the solution in the conclusion without addressing the cause? The title mentions both the cause and conclusion, so I am a bit confused.

Sometimes it isn’t possible summarise all supporting points for the causes and all supporting points for the solutions in a short conclusion. And of course, you don’t want a long conclusion because it’s a waste of time and doesn’t help your score. So mentioning some ideas specifically and then referring in general to the others is the best way. I’ve just edited the above conclusion in the essay above for you to show you a good way to resolve this problem. Take a look again at the essay.

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hi mam! if i am asked to give only solutions, how many remedies do i have to write down? and how can i place my solutions in both paragraphs ? should i put them into single para? or should each para have only one remedy? could you please clarify this?

If you are asked for solutions only, each body paragraph will contain one solution. All paragraphing is based on logical organisation.

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Hello Liz, I hope you’re doing well.

Firstly, thank you for your channel; it has been very beneficial for me during my IELTS preparation!

The question I want to ask is, I think I’m confusing solution essays with opinion essays. For example: “Mental health is becoming an increasingly important topic in society. What do you think are the main contributing factors to mental health issues? How can individuals and communities promote mental well-being?”

I initially thought it was a solution essay, but now I believe it should be an opinion essay. I would be thrilled if you could help me with this.

Thanks for everything!

This is one of the problems when you try to give a name to every type of instructions. An opinion essay is when you are given a statement that is an opinion, such as “Some people think fast food should be banned to reduce the number of obese people.” This is an opinion from “some people”. An opinion essay will ask you to present your opinion as a response – do you agree? / to what extent do you agree? / do you agree or disagree? / what is your opinion?. For these types of essays, you must present a clear opinion such as “I believe that banning fast food is a good method but not the most effective because there are other ways to reduce obesity.” (that is a clear opinion). If you don’t present a clear side, a clear position, a clear opinion, you will get a low score. Any why do we use “I” or “my opinion” – it’s because we are separating “some people think” and “I think” – we are separating two opinions in the same paragraph – one that belongs to other people and one that belongs to you. If you didn’t do this, having two opinions in the same paragraph gets confusing.

However, if the instructions only say “What do you think are the main causes” – you are not being asked to evaluate. You are not being asked to present your opinion of someone else’s opinion. You are not being asked for a position. You are not being asked “do you agree with this solution?”. You are only being asked to give causes. So, whether the instructions say “What are the causes” or “what do you think are the causes” – it’s the same. You only need to present two causes (usually two). So, whether you write “I think stress and poor work-life balance are the causes ….” or “stress and poor work-life balance are the causes …” – it’s the same answer. You’ve given the causes.

So, the only real task you have to do is follow the instructions and understand what your aim is with the essay. Try not to get into a panic about the names given to essay types by teachers.

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hello Liz thanks for your ideas and i need one of the introduction that i can use all kind of essays such as adventage and disadventage , problem solution , agree and disagre or etc. please reply my comment .thanks for your answer.

You will need to go to a teacher who teaches such terrible things. There is no one sentence or introduction for all essays, unless you are happy with band 5.5 or under. If you want band 6 or above, you’ll need to learn techniques for introductions for each type of task 2.

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Dear Liz, Thank you for this clarification…… To my mind, one of the principal hardships that candidates are subjected to is to identify CORRECTLY what is being asked from them in the written part. IELTS is a sophisticated test. Considering that your level of English is O.K, then your main obstacle is to stay sharp (after 1.5 hours of screen time already) and apply the right essay format to the question. Unfortunately, losing focus and addressing the essay inappropriately, might result in band scores below 7. Lads, read the questions carefully, underline facts and what is being asked, write down supporting points (each paragraph presenting a single idea), organise those logically. God Almighty please help us! I wish i’d found this website earlier. God bless your heart Liz <3

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Hello Liz, I hope you are doing well and that your health has improved. First of all, thank you for everthing, you are an outstanding person. I have a question please, in problem and solution type, should problems be in one paragraph and solutions in another ? or can i write a problem and its solution in a paragraph and the another problem with its solution in the second paragraph ? Thanks in advance

There is right or wrong in this case. You are being marked on logical organisation rather than a fixed organisation. So, both would be possible.

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In this contemporary world, there is an increase in the number of criminals significantly after serving their first prison sentence. They intended to commit more crimes due to a lack of moral behavior rehabilitation at the prison or results from difficulty in getting jobs because of poor skills performance. However, there are many solutions to prevent crime by helping them to get a job. Also, training them to learn new skills.

Firstly, several factors lead to crime inside the prison, its environment and contact with other prisoners have a major impact on the criminal’s mental and physical behavior. For example, they learn from the lousy prisoner how to deal with the drug abuser and sell it. Therefore, there is an increase in offensive crimes. Secondly, the criminals do not have financial support, and face difficulty getting a job, even when they are employed, their jobs are usually of low wages, and they cannot afford their living expenses. All these factors play a role in criminals intending to re-offend. There are Nemours solutions to tackle these issues. Initially, the prisoner should be educated and rehabilitated with moral behavior and treated for psychological problems such as depression or anxiety. Lastly, the prisoner must train to gain skills. To illustrate that, improving them in computer skills or construction building. That leads to getting better jobs and becoming dependent on their self. In addition, the government should be supporting them financially to prevent crime. In conclusion, after careful analysis of this problem and recommended different solutions. All these measurements will help to decrease the number of the crime.

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Great essay. Well done 👍🏾

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Even though prisons are set up to reduce further crimes in the first place, it is common for first time offenders to carry out more crimes once they have been released. This essay will examine the main reasons of recidivism and possible solutions for this problem.

Prisons as criminal school and their focus on retribution rather than rehabilitation are the two main drivers of relapse in criminality once released. Firstly, incarceration gives opportunities for inmates to meet with other like-minded people, bulking up their criminal skills which can later be used for future crimes. For example, a bank robber in lock-up can swap stories with other bank robbers, making them better bank robbers in the future. Furthermore, most of the prisons worldwide simply lock people up while little or no attention is given in reforming convicts into good people who have a deep understanding of correct moral behavior. In other words, most ex-prisoners lack means and tools necessary to survive in the society after their release. For instance, lack of skills for finding jobs ultimately leads to them struggling financially which leads them back to crime, regardless of the consequences.

Two of more possible addresses to this issue include establishments of reentry programs and the government providing subsidies for newly released prisoners. If reentry programs which emphasize on occupational trainings, social trainings and drug and alcohol rehabilitations are available to those serving terms, the likelihood of carrying out further criminal activities will definitely be less. The chance of ex-prisoners standing on their feet after the life behind bar depends on the ability of the government to provide aids and reliefs to them. Hence, the national and structured supports will be beneficial in preventing recidivism.

To conclude, prison environments can be criminogenic while focusing on nurturing prisoners to survive after the sentences will reduce the number of people committing more crimes after their time spent in captivity.

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Many criminals, who serve their first-time punishment, offend after they are being released from prison due to the lack of rehabilitation and difficulty in finding a job once they are released. There are several solutions which should be implemented to deal with criminals who reoffend.

Firstly, most of first-time offenders tend to commit more crimes once they are released due to the lack of rehabilitation during their staying at prison. Those criminals are not given the chance to retrain and improve their skills or even to develop their moral behavior. Instead, they are mixed with other criminals who can strengthen their criminal intentions. This makes those criminals offensive and just thinking of committing crimes rather than doing good deeds. Secondly, when these criminals are released, they will face financial issues since they don’t have experience and skills to let them work in a job. Thus, they start looking for a source of money, but the only way to collect money is by committing more crimes such as stealing, fraud, or even murdering. This leads to the reoffending cycle again.

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A lot of criminals getting out of prison tend to commit more crimes than before they were first arrested. This phenomenon can be caused by the unhealthy environment in which they were held during the time serving their crime. A solution to this problem would be to ensure a better mental health for prisoners expecting to be released and to continue follow them once they are out.

The poor conditions in which prisoners are being held does not help them understand their mistake. On the contrary, an environment of violence persists between the criminals, as many fights and aggressions happen within the establishment. For example, a person that was arrested for a minor crime, such a dealing drug, will be influenced in a bad way by other more dangerous criminals. Therefore, when getting out of jail, instead of having grown from the punishment, the former drug dealer will be transformed into a rapist or a murderer.

To counter this issue, it is essential to introduce a system of therapy for the prisoners. As they understand the consequences and the gravity of their actions, and as they learn to combat their negative inner thoughts, these criminals will become better people. After that, it is also crucial to follow them for a few months once they reintegrate society to make sure they do not repeat their actions. This can be done by tracking them with a foot bracelet.

To conclude, the presence of violence in prisons is what pushes prisoners to become more dangerous. Helping them evolve and growing mentally is the best way to make their return to society safe for everyone.

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There is no doubt that first time criminals commit same or different crime again after coming out of jail. In this essay, I will discuss the reason for this and what could be done to solve this problem. When lawbreaker goes to prison, first time, they are not rehabilitated properly, and lesson is not learned for them. They are not trained for any skill which can help them outside to apply for a job. On top of this, when they are mixed with other criminals, they encourage them for more crimes. Its like they found what they wanted, the same mentality people. Also, these people are not scared of law because of many loopholes in the law, which they use to come out of this, and some time punishment is not that severe, and this results in fearless criminals. There could be multiple steps can be taken by government and the society. Firstly, Government should consider making the law stricter which can bring fear among criminals and deter them from committing crime again. Secondly, when first time prisoner serves jail term, he should properly rehabilitate so that he can understand the difference between good and wrong. He should also understand the moral values of society. Rehabilitation should also include training for some important skills, which can enable them to get job outside. If he is not trained for any skill, he will remain the same person and will be very easily attracted to commit crime again for his needs like money or food. Finally, criminals should be categorized depending on their crimes and criminals with less intensity crime like pick pocketing shouldn’t be mixed with criminals with high intensity crimes like murder. In conclusion, prison should be place for bringing moral improvement in prisoners and making them better person and not only completing the punishment terms. If these solutions are implemented by government, the crime rate would drop significantly.

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A huge number of prisoners often commit more crimes after being released from prison and this is due to lack of proper rehabilitation and inability to secure a sustainable employment and a means of livelihood. However, there are solutions to this problem of repeated crimes of offenders after serving their first punishment.

Firstly, there is a need for adequate retraining of prisoners with relevant skills before needed to sustain them after being released; this will go a long way in checkmating their excesses upon integration with other people in the society. Furthermore, assisting them with finances to help build on the skills learnt will be of great help in cubing this problem.

Secondly, offenders released should be gainfully employed so that they don’t become a threat to other persons. In addition, they can also be assisted to start up a business and proper supervision for a period of time, this is to ensure that they don’t do otherwise from the trainings and support they have received. Finally, If a thorough and proper mental rehabilitation is extensively carried out on offenders while in prison and armed with the relevant skills needed, repeated crimes will be reduced to the barest minimum In conclusion, If a good number of persons have a means of earning a living, crime will be thing of the past, so all efforts is to ensure that people are highly engaged in meaningful ventures so avoid crimes even

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Firstly, most of first-time offenders tend to commit more crimes once they are released due to the lack of rehabilitation during their staying at prison. Those criminals are not given the chance to retrain and improve their skills or even to develop their moral behavior. Instead, they are mixed with other criminals who can strengthen their criminal intentions. This makes those criminals offensive and just thinking of committing crimes rather than doing good deeds. Secondly, when these criminals are released, they will face financial issues since they don’t have experience and skills to let them work in a job. Thus, they start looking for a source of money, but the only way to collect money is by committing more crimes such as stealing, fraud, or even murdering. This leads to the reoffending cycle again.

There are two effective ways for dealing with first-time offenders. One way is to ensure that each offender entering prison must be retrained. The government should prepare a working environment for those criminals to improve their skills and give them experience in a field that will help them in assisting themselves in the future. In addition, a series of lectures must be given to develop their moral behavior. Another way for reducing the number of criminals from reoffending is by keeping an eye on them after they are being released from prison. This will frighten those criminals from committing crimes because the police or the government are watching them closely. In conclusion, retraining criminals by engaging them in jobs and giving them awareness lectures in addition to keeping an eye on them after they are released would hopefully solve the problem of reoffending criminals. If government applies these solutions, crime figures would soon drop.

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The reoccurrence of crime after convicts serves their first punishment made the legal process that they ought to go through before returning to society seems ineffective, making it logical to question jail time and a necessity to keep track of offenders reintegration in order minimize the possibility of them breaking the law again.

Firstly, the significant number of people reoffending after getting caught is mainly due to the difficulty of finding a job as past offenders, and with having no source of income prior to spending time with other criminals, it gets harder for ex-felons to follow the law as they been wired mentally to see pass the rules in order to survive in prison. For example, a case that made controversy in Algerian newspapers told the story of a guy that been jailed for a minor drug use felony, and had to turn to drug dealing in order to put food on his table as reintegration made impossible to him and to a lot of cases that were faced with the similar faith.

The inefficiency of juridical punishment as a way to prevent crime from reappearing made it clear that the missing piece of the puzzle was reintegration programs, that aim at providing newly released prisoners with jobs and following their progress in the period that follows their release, such programs are already present in the USA and they proved to be the best approach to deal with such issue.

in conclusion, the high rate of crime among ex-offenders and skepticism with regards to traditional ways of dealing with this phenomenon put the light on the importance of re-integration programs as a key solution to make these people good citizens again.

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My take on the essay :

After several months or years of serving punishment for their criminal activities, many offenders face difficulty in leading a normal life.In the face of public eye, once an offender always an offender whom they believe has a higher tendency to repeat their crimes. Upon exiting the correction center, offenders need to earn money to pay for their accommodation, bills, buy groceries, food and other necessities.

However, finding a job with past criminal records is a big challenge and struggle for the offenders. Many people wouldn’t immediately employ anyone with such criminal records, because they will have trust issues with the offenders. For instance, any offenders having past criminal activities such as frauding, stealing, or even attempted murder, the employers would be afraid to hire them as the offenders may repeat their crimes. Additionally, the offenders wouldn’t have enough past experience or the right skill needed for the job.Hence, from an employer’s perspective they wouldn’t want to hire people from such a criminal background and least experience instead of regular people.

Similar trend is observed in landlords who deny leasing an apartment or rental units to offenders due to the same reasons. Therefore, upon facing many hurdles and embarrassment in continuing a regular life, offenders resort to crimes to feel empowered over the judgements thrown by the public.

In order for this cycle of crimes to stop from happening, the government needs to take several measures to correct this issue. Firstly, job training and general handy skills can be taught to offenders in the correction center which will be useful for job application in the future. Secondly, offenders should be given a chance to continue their education by distance learning so they are equipped with necessary skills and knowledge. Thirdly, to tackle the accommodation problem, the government can allocate a housing allowance or prepare a housing center for anyone having trouble finding a stay upon their release.

In summary, if the government is able to provide a protection plan for the offenders after their release, this group of people will not repeat their crimes, hence able to break the cycle of second crimes. Also, society needs to create awareness to treat these offenders equally as regular people instead of judging them for their past actions.

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Use criminals, transgressors, law breakers etc

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It is true that a considerable amount of criminals commit more crimes after they finish their first sentence. There’re various reasons behind this phenomenon, and I believe the prison administrative and society should both take measures to tackle the problem. It is often the case that poverty leads to crimes. Some people may commit crimes such as stealing or fraud because they are poor and need money to survive. Moreover, poor people may not have enough money to go to school and thus are deprived of the chance of learning useful skills and getting a good job. If these conditions are not improved when they go out of prison, they might find themselves in a dilemma to solve the problems by crime again. Some may even get worse influences in prison, owing to the lack of discipline and guidance there. Prison is always filled with dangerous and violent people, who might be a bad influence on other minor-crime offenders. There’re several means to help mitigate the problem. Firstly, Government should provide some prisoners with essential education and help them learn useful skills. Therefore when they finish their sentence, they can try to find a decent job with the skills they learned, without having to go back to crimes to serve themselves. This will also help them blend into society and build healthy relationships, which also decreases the chance of committing crimes. Secondly, Prisons should conduct stronger disciplines to constrain violent behaviors. In this way, prisoners can serve time in a peaceful environment and have more time to reflect on their wrongs. In conclusion, offenders commit crimes after serving time is not only because of the bad environment in prison but also because the lack of education and social support for them to earn a living by proper skills. Government should take various measures to tackle the problem.

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In some countries the average weight of people is increasing and their levels of health and fitness are decreasing.

What do you think are the causes of these problems and what measures could be taken to solve them?

In recent days the cases of obesity are tremendously rising up at the same, their fitness and health is dramatically declining. In this essay im going to give a brief explanation about causes and solutions.

On the one hand, intake of junk food and avoiding appropriate nutritional foods are major reason to cause obesity. firstly, presence of high level of fats components in oily food leads to gain bad cholesterols in body. To illustrate, those who consume high level of oil foods are encountering with obesity. Moreover, gaining overweight as a result of refusing good deits like protein intake, carbohydrates intake,fibres and so on. For instance, low intake of protein cause to rise the weight. Consequently, people will triggered by obesity is they follow against appropriate deit.

On the other hand, people must aware about their suppliments concern and follow the regular exercise. Consuming food with all the nutritional value shows a better results. Furthermore, participating daily in physical activities like sports,gym, running will burns bad cholesterol. For example, people who follows physical activities are more healthier and fit than non-participants.Hence eating healthier food and burning calories shows better improvement.

To conclude, eating more fat content foods leads to develop overweight.while, people should develop their passions toward health and physical activities.

[ please Evaluate my essay and give band ] thanku!

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dear Liz, can you give me a favour? what score can you give me for this essay? Despite environmental concerns raised by scientists, people are not changing their lifestyle. Why is this so? What should be done to encourage people to do more to save the environment? These days, it is becoming increasingly common for scientists to take care of the environment, while citizens tend to ignore this problem. The excessive trust in scientists and the development of this world can be the main reasons behind this issue. However, the situation can be reversed by following the appropriate solutions. To begin with, perhaps the major reason why people are not changing their lifestyle can be the extreme belief of scientists. Since the 20th century, a numerous innovation, which had successfully deal with some problems faced us, has been produced by researchers. Therefore, people may tend to disregard the issues of our habitat and think that scientists will solve these problems. Moreover, the advancement of technic technology, which affects the environment harmfully, such as cars, may not provide us to take caring of habitat. For instance, to delivering crucial items to each other, there is no way to use vehicles. Development may result in persons ignoring their nature. Turning to the possible solutions, the authorities and scientists could raise awareness for people as to why we should focus on the environment. The governments may be funding an advertisement about the importance of habitat and broadcast them on television and the internet. Furthermore, the researcher can organize campaigns about what should we do to tackle environmental problems among the population. If these provisions initiate among society, people will pay attention to not only their habitat but also their actions. To conclude, people’s trust in scientists and the accelerating world are the main reasons behind why people are disregarding the circumstances. Therefore, to tackle this problem, the government and scientists should organize activities about awareness of the surroundings among the people.

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Hey Elizabeth, I really appreciate the efforts you put into collective learning Any reader is welcomed to evaluate my Essay, Hope you have a wonderful day 🙂

In a world filled with cherished experience, where god has cast a spell balancing good and evil. Thus, with the copious of malevolent people who stay resilient to jurisdiction, there has been an effective curiosity about how they involved in convicting crimes even after their previous punishments and what measures can we take into account for thwarting the issue. It is glaringly obvious that the limited awareness of one’s actions or sometimes lack of affection in childhood can precipitate such insolent behaviour, thus deep and thorough introspection and a positive environment for children must be encouraged to avoid such conditions. A punishment is incomplete without realizing the consequences of their actions, and thus it is important to believe in the effects of every interaction. On the edge of the materialistic world, the people tend to intentionally ignore or pay a little attention to the corollary of their own actions, and therefore any punishment not involving looking back on themselves is futile. Another major cause of imprudence is caused by childhood trauma or a negative family environment. A study shows that the majority of criminals tend to involve in criminal activities even after atonement if they have been flourished in the dearth of affection. Thus, it makes it clear that the major cause of resilience is the result of limited introspection and uninhabitable childhood experience. Moreover, people should take efforts to fight the malevolent brain to sustain a positive society. Every jurisdiction must include the importance of teaching the problems that victims might have undergone and make them find the mistakes they committed. Moreover, the life of a child begins with a family, thus proper care should be taken by parents to ensure that their child is given sufficient attention and love. Which can guarantee an effective decrease in the crime rate before or after their punishments. To sum up, it is evident that limited awareness and poor family relationships when mixed with the evil mind can bear a resilient criminal, and thus proper steps must be taken into account like teaching the thorough knowledge of introspection and encouraging parents to build and maintain a positive environment at home.

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Thanks for sharing. Got a chance to learn more words from your essay.

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Hello liz. Your website is not less than a jackpot for persons , who are preparing for ielts exam. I was reading one of your sample essays and now I have 3 interrelated questions.

1) is it important to give examples in each body paragraphs ? ( I am curious to know because you didnot write any examples in that essay)

2) if we donot add examples then can we loose marks?

3) can we make our own examples to add. ( for eg: an article published in “the times” stated that ………. ) or ( A recent study conducted in the USA revealed that ……..)

( I hope my questions are making sense)

You should use examples as you wish and when you wish. you can choose to illustrate your ideas in other ways rather than just with examples. As I said, you can choose to illustrate in other ways. You won’t get a higher score because you give the source of information. This isn’t an university essay. IELTS do not care where the information comes from. So, don’t waste your words on something that won’t increase your score. For the above essay, it would have been possible to add an example of types of crime – ie minor crime and major crime. However, this essay is already very well detailed and explained so it requires nothing more. We often use examples to illustrate a point in more specific detail to facilitate understanding.

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Hi Liz I observed that you paraphrased first punishment as prison sentence. The punishment for a crime is not always prison sentence.

It’s important to look at all the words in the sentence and also pay attention to collocations. The verb “serve” relates to prison sentences.

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In a few latest comments from almost a year ago, I can see your health hasn’t been so good. I really hope you’re doing well 🙂

Also, if you could please, I have a query- In a Cause/Solution essay, can I organise my points in the below mentioned way or it doesn’t bode well for task response criterion?

Introduction para BP 1 Causes- point 1 + supporting points BP 2 Causes- point 2 + supporting points BP 3 Solution- 2 points and supporting points Conclusion para

I’d like to mention here that I’ve developed both ideas well but in order to avoid making Causes para too long, I broke it down to two body paragraphs.

This organisation is not logical. The causes are 50% of the essay and the solutions are 50% of the essay. However, with your paragraphing, you have given about 66% to causes and 33% to solutions. This is something to avoid. The task given to you will help you plan paragraphs.

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Hi dear liz I’m confused, you said Roma’s 3 paragraph structure is wrong while your essay on happiness; the sample essay for direct question type is comprised of 3 paragraphs, first one answers the first question and the second and third ones answer the second question!!!!

In that essay, the first question is simple. However, the second question asks for “factors” (plural) – it needs more space to extend and explain multiple factors.

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Dear Mam, Please clarify my confusion about the use of deter in last sentence of 3rd paragraphs. Why it is not “deters”, instead of “deter” ? Another doubt about ” are released are effective” that you used in second line of conclusion. I am unfamiliar about such kind of sentence structure. Please clarify.

You are doing great job mam, Salute!!! Wish you good health.

This is because the sentence in full is: “This solution would hopefully prevent them from taking any chances and would deter them from ….” When we write like this, we do not have to repeat certain words in the second clause. The grammar tense is also ready presumed from the first clause.

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Liz. I just found your site, really this is very much informative. So I am really interested reading with this site thank you

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Hi Liz, I hope I find you better. I have got a query on the way you paraphrased the background statement. The statement says ‘first punishment’ but you paraphrased it as ‘first prison’. Is it not possible for the first punishment be in other forms such as community service, fine, etc

You are referring to the paraphrase “first prison sentence” which means first punishment in prison. This whole issue is about re-offenders and this is all about prison, not community service. There are no world issues about community service or paying a fine teaching people bad habits which cause them to re-offend. While it isn’t stated, it is presumed. Also the word “serving” is used with prison, not with fines or community service. We do community service and we pay a fine, but we serve a prison sentence.

In the speaking test, this is something you could talk about in part 3. You could dispute the question. The examiner would probably interrupt you and paraphrase it to bring you on topic. In writing task 2, you must understand immediately. Yes, it is true that you need to look at holes in the essay question – ie is this referring to only young children or all children or all people. But with this essay question, it is about prison, not paying a fine.

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can we use active voice and passive voice in the same sentence.

please reply me as soon as possible.

It is thought that people will …. That is a passive voice with an active future tense.

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Hy Liz. Thank you for your great info on IELTS I am a bit confused about cause , solution and give reasons for your answer. Are the reasons not part of the causes

You have two tasks – causes and solutions. The word “cause” can also be paraphrased as “reason”. The above essay provides causes and solutions – this means the task is completed.

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Saddened to hear from you that. How are you now? I pray God to bestow you with all the good health

Thank you for your kind words. I’m still sick, but not as sick as I was a few years ago. I hope this upward trend will continue next year 🙂

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My friend and I took our exam about 16 days ago, and finally we got the reault what we wanted(9-8.5-7.5-7). Your videos were extremely beneficial for my writing. Thank u so much. ❤

And the sad part was when I was watching ur videos and your sickness popping to my head… I dont know what u r coping with right now, but Im sure u will conquer it soon. 😍

Best regarda,

Ahmad and Rana

It’s lovely to see both of your results. Very well done to you both 🙂 Thanks for your message about my health. I really hope to be well in a year or so – I have learned the importance of patience and determination which I’m sure many IELTS test takers will be familiar with 🙂

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God will touch you with healing hands ! Get well soon!

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Dear Ahmad, kindly please send those video to me in order to prepare for my exam after the lock down,i would have been requested for the videos,but the situation here in Nigerian is not palatable.

The videos are available for free on this site. Go to the HOME page and select the part of the test you wish to study for free. You will find free videos, practice exercises, tips, topics, model answers etc etc. OR use the RED MENU BAR at the top of the website to access those sections.

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Hi Liz If I write an essay in the comment box, could you please check my writing.

Sorry I don’t offer that service. I like to help but I don’t have time to comment on writing.

Hello dear Liz. I’ ver purchased all your advance videos, yet I wonder why I cant find the vidoes related to cause/solution and direct question essay. Dont you have any videos discussing those two types?

BTW, you are so popular in my country 🙂 ❤

Unfortunately, I became very sick after making those video lessons and my health has not recovered enough since then to make more. I’m hoping later next year I might be able to make videos again, but it isn’t certain. Glad you like my lessons 🙂

Ohhhhhh! 😔😔😔☹☹☹ So sad to hear dear Liz. I really, really hope you get better so soon, and whatever ur problem is gets solved. Next year, which will be after my exam, I’ll be waiting for ur new vidoes, so that I see u r alright 😊

BTW, I’m really excited that u replied🙈😅

Thanks and good luck with your test 🙂

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Praying for your health!! you are such a blessing and an excellent teacher.

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Liz, you are going to get through this. Let me tell you why. Through your perseverance and your positive mindset, you have become extremely adept at finding solutions to problems that have brought most people down. You’ve aced limitations like these in style and have helped others do so. Moreover, you’ve been a constant guide to a lot of us, giving us the direction, motivation and drive to perform well. We pray and root for your good health knowing full well that our teacher’s going to get a 9 on this test.

All I ask of you is to not lose hope and try to find happiness in every day and carry on being the golden-hearted-ever-smiling-hero that you are!

I don’t know what to say. I’m really touched by your comment. It brought tears to my eyes. Even though I am a very strong, positive person, things have been really tough for me at times and I often wondered if I would survive this struggle. Your comment has given me renewed strength and reinforced my determination to keep fighting for my health. Thank you many times over 🙂 We all of us need positive vibes to keep strong 🙂 Wishing you all the best for 2020!!

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hi liz, i hope you get better soon,you always spread happiness and cheerful has an amazing way in teaching and conveying the information.

Thank you, Kout 🙂

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Hi Liz, BIG FAN of your Teachings 🙂 I simple love all your essays, feels like they are written so effortlessly… So very clear, easy to understand, follow and logical! I am in love with the way you write and present the ideas. I have my exam day after tommrow, I hope to write an essay in exam not completely upto your level but at least a bit nearby to get a band 7. Thank you for your valuable lessons and your paid video lessons are super helpful and MUST HAVE…, Thanks again!! Godbless!

I wish you lots of luck in your test!! Make sure you review the linking words: . A lot of people forget to review their linking words – using them well will help your score. Also review all my last minute tips for each section of the test:

Hi Liz, Thanks, surely will read and review that. Also, Thank you so much for your wishes… It means a lot to me 🙂

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Dear liz, I see you havent given a single example in this essay, how will it fulfill the task response criteria?

An example using “for example” or “for instance” is not a requirement. There are many ways to illustrate your point without giving direct examples.

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Can we use phrases like “ earn our living “ in ielts essays??

What you need to ask yourself is: Is this an informal expression for informal use or is it an expression that is used in a variety of contexts, both serious and informal? Answer that question and you will know if you can use it in writing task 2. If you are ever in doubt during the test, don’t take risks.

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Hi Liz, thanks a lot for sharing lots of useful tips and learning resourses! After reading this essay, I wonder if it’s possible to get band 9 in writing without giving any examples? As far as I know, we should always support ideas with examples in Ielts essays. Please help me to clarify this! Thank you!!

Examples are given if or when relevant. They are not a requirement. Also there are many ways to illustrate a point without using a direct example.

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Hey miss liz, i was wondering about your writing task 2 videos, you’ve been saying all the time that we should write (mostly everything) in the academic way. Please answer me, does these rules works for the general training exam as well or what shall i do in this situation ?

The GT Essay is the same as the Academic Essay. They are both formal essays with the same marking criteria and scoring. GT essay questions are sometimes easier. But the style is the same – it is formal.

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Thank you for the amazing tips. My exam is on 19th July and I am struggling with writing task 2. I am consuming a lot of time in thinking about the ideas and examples, leaving me with no time at the end to review my essay. Could you please review and provide your comments that whether the content is relevant or not, please as I have very less time left to practice. My aim is to score 7.5. Do you think the below essay is good enough for 7.5.

Q: In many countries, very few young people read newspapers or follow the news on TV. What do you think are the causes of this? What solutions can you suggest? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Over the past few years, it has been noticed in most of the countries that the limited number of youths are interested in reading newspaper or watching current affairs on TV. There could be different reasons for the raised concern, which I will now discuss in this essay and then I will also provide the corrective measures for combating this issue.

The genesis of this problem lies in social networking sites, which has taken all the eyes of the public and it is not wrong to say that technology has fastened our lives. For instance, the life of the youth has become a challenge nowadays, which i snot just limited to success in career but also to cope up with the changing society in terms of fashion and the increasing desires. They have a lot on their list other than knowing what is happening in their countries. Also in general, most of the content broadcasted on the TV is irrelevant and newspaper have lost its meaning since the advent of the digital market.

To resolve this issue and to make our young blood aware of the importance of the news, it is incumbent to add current affairs as a mandatory subject in schools, colleges as well as in the professional settings. In addition to this, time spent on surfing the internet should be monitored, as it will help them to manage their time efficiently. Above all, the key is to inculcate the feeling of patriotism in the youth so that they could understand the importance of knowing the situation of the country and outside world.

In conclusion, knowing the fact that the majority of the young people fail to understand the necessity of news, it is the utmost responsibility of the elders to make them aware of its consequences. I understand, all news is not relevant but knowledge of current affairs would help in making up the minds for the future.

Thanks a lot for your support.

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Hi Ankara, Please watch Liz’s videos on IELTS task2 they are very helpful and many people who have taken their exam rave about them. Good luck and hope this helps.

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Hi Liz But the questions say give examples from your own experience. Do we still avoid them?

Examples from your experience does not necessarily mean examples from your private life. It is your experience of the world around you. The examples you give are your choice, but I am recommending that you keep a formal style and tone for your essay.

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Hello Liz, Thanks for the tremendous help from your site, it has helped me a lot in my writing. Pls help me check if I paraphrased this topic properly because I think, I kind of over paraphrased it. Topic: Every country has poor people and every country has different ways of dealing with the poor. What are some of the reasons for world poverty? How can the poor be helped?

Introduction: There is an existence of impoverished people all over the nations of the world and each of these nations have adopted various methods in tackling the issues relating to destitute. However, lack of education and bad governance are the key reasons for global hardship, hence, adequate education and good leadership is required to aid the poor.

Yes, you over paraphrased. Keep the meaning clear at all times. Your aim is to produce perfect sentences: Different countries have different methods of tackling poverty. Poverty is caused by……

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Hi Liz, In problems and solutions essays, is it fine to write a problem and its solution in first paragraph and then another problem and its solution in second paragraph?

In the case of problem/solution, the problems and solutions are directly linked and it is possible to do that.

Thanks Liz for the clarification.

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liz, can i illustrate the causes in two paragraph and write the solution and conclusion on final final paragraph which is basically a conclusion paragraph

The causes are 50% of your essay task and the solutions are 50% of your essay task. If you wish to ignore the instructions and decide the causes are more important, that is your choice. But you will be failing on proper task fulfilment. This is basic common sense. IELTS is all about logical approach.

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ielts band 9 writing task 2 essays

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IELTS Band 9 Essays

Do you know the difference between an IELTS Band 6 essay and an IELTS Band 9 essay for Writing Task 2?

Most IELTS students don’t, and this is what prevents them from getting the scores they need.

What does an IELTS Band 9 Essay look like?

An IELTS Band 9 Essay is one that shows the examiner that you are an expert user of English.  The official IELTS scale describes an expert user in the following way:

“The test taker has fully operational command of the language. Their use of English is appropriate, accurate and fluent, and shows complete understanding.”

In writing, this means you need to achieve a band 9 in each of the four IELTS marking criteria:

Task response

  • Coherence and cohesion

Lexical resource

Grammatical range and accuracy.

Here is a description of the marking criteria for an IELTS Band 9 Essay for Writing Task 2:

fully addresses all parts of the task presents a fully developed position in answer to the question with relevant, fully extended and well supported ideasuses cohesion in such a way that it attracts no attention skillfully manages paragraphinguses a wide range of vocabulary with very natural and sophisticated control of lexical features; rare minor errors occur only as ‘slips’uses a wide range of structures with full flexibility and accuracy; rare minor errors occur only as ‘slips

That’s quite complex, so I’ve simplified it for you:

  • Answer all parts of the question
  • Present relevant ideas
  • Fully explain these ideas
  • Support ideas with relevant, specific examples

Coherence and Cohesion

  • Organise your ideas in logical paragraphs
  • Include an introduction and conclusion
  • Use cohesive devices (also known as ‘linking words’) accurately
  • Don’t use too many or too few cohesive devices
  • Vary your cohesive devices by using synonyms
  • Try to vary your vocabulary, using accurate synonyms
  • Use less common topic-specific words that accurately convey meaning
  • Check your work for spelling and word formation mistakes
  • Use a variety of complex and simple sentences
  • Use a variety of appropriate structures
  • Check your writing for errors

If you want to know more about the marking criteria for other bands, you can download the full Writing Task 2 band descriptors here.

Watch my video below for the biggest differences between an IELTS Band 6 Essay and an IELTS Band 9 Essay.

ielts band 9 writing task 2 essays

Opinion essay  

Band 9 essay sample  .

It is argued that governments should levy a tariff on junk food because the number of health risks associated with consuming this kind of food is on the rise. This essay agrees that a higher rate of tax should be paid by fast-food companies. Firstly, alcohol and tobacco companies already pay higher taxes and secondly, higher taxes could raise prices and lower consumption.
Higher excise on liqueur and cigarettes has proven to be successful at curbing the harm caused by these substances. This revenue has been used to treat health problems associated with these products and has proven useful in advertising campaigns warning people about the dangers of alcohol and tobacco abuse. Tax from fast food could be used in the same way. The United Kingdom is a prime example, where money from smokers is used to treat lung cancer and heart disease.
Increasing taxes would raise prices and lower consumption. Fast food companies would pass on these taxes to consumers in the form of higher prices and this would lead to people not being able to afford junk food because it is too expensive. Junk food would soon become a luxury item and it would only be consumed occasionally, which would be less harmful to the general public’s health. For instance, the cost of organic food has proven prohibitively expensive for most people and that is why only a small percentage of the population buy it regularly.
In conclusion, junk food should be taxed at a higher rate because of the good precedent set by alcohol and tobacco and the fact that the increased cost should reduce the amount of fast-food people buy.

To see a lesson on the question above, click here .

Discussion essay  

Band 9 essay sample .

There is an ever increasing use of technology, such as tablets and laptops, in the classroom. It is often argued that this is a positive development, whilst others disagree and think it will lead to adverse ramifications. This essay agrees that an increase in technology is beneficial to students and teachers.
It is clear that the internet has provided students with access to more information than ever before. Moreover, learners have the ability to research and learn about any subject at the touch of a button. It is therefore agreed that technology is a very worthwhile tool for education. Wikipedia is a prime example, where students can simply type in any keyword and gain access to in-depth knowledge quickly and easily.
However, many disagree and feel that technology deprives people of real human interaction. Human interaction teaches people valuable skills such as discourse, debate and empathy. Despite this, human interaction is still possible through the internet and this essay disagrees technology should be dismissed for this reason. For instance, Skype and Facebook make it possible for people to interact in ways that were never before possible.
In conclusion, while the benefits of technology, particularly the internet, allow students to tap in to limitless sources of information, some still feel that people should be wary of this new phenomenon and not allow it to curb face to face interaction. However, as long as we are careful to keep in mind the importance of human interaction in education, the educational benefits are clearly positive.

Problems and solutions essay  

Climate change is among the principal dangers facing people this century, and ocean levels are increasing dramatically. This essay will first suggest that the biggest problems caused by this phenomenon are the loss of land and the flooding of homes and then argue that pollution reduction and building flood protection are the most viable solutions.
The foremost problems caused by climbing sea levels are that land is being lost and peoples’ residences are often flooded. As water levels rise, low-lying land is submerged and many countries become smaller. Furthermore, millions of people all over the world live in coastal areas, and if the sea rises by even a few feet, they are inundated with water and lose their property. The devastation brought about by this was clear for all to see during the 2011 Tsunami in Japan, in which millions of people were displaced.
Possible solutions to these problems would be to reduce the amount of pollution being created and to build flood barriers. If each person reduces their carbon footprint, the negative effects on the environment will be reduced and this will mean that the water level will stop rising. Furthermore, flood defences, such as dikes, dams, and floodgates, could be built along coasts and waterways, thereby stopping the water reaching populated areas. The Netherlands is one of the most populated areas in the world and also one of the most vulnerable to flooding and they have successfully employed various flood defence systems.
To conclude, stemming the rising tides caused by increasing global temperatures is one of the foremost challenges we face and it will ultimately lead to some countries losing landmass and many of the worlds’ cities being left underwater, but possible solutions could be to protect our environment and to utilise the flood prevention techniques already used by countries like Holland.

Advantages and disadvantages essay  

There are two types of advantages and disadvantages questions:

  • Type 1 – Discuss the advantages and disadvantages.
  • Type 2 – Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?

For more information about these two types of questions, have a look at our page here .

Band 9 Essay Sample (Type 1) 

Before embarking on college many young people are advised that a year working or travelling may be a good option. This essay will suggest that experience gained and money saved are the biggest advantages of this, but delaying careers and reducing motivation to study are the primary disadvantages.
The main advantages of a gap year are learning more about the world and earning money. For students who have just finished secondary school, working or travelling for a year will allow them to learn what life is like outside of the education system. Also, third level education is very expensive and a lot of students decide to work for 12 months and save up money before they begin their studies. The Times recently reported that the average student at a UK university requires over $12,000 per annum just to survive and many drop out because they cannot afford to stay.
Despite these advantages, students lose a year that could have been used to advance their future careers and they often get used to working or travelling and don’t want to return to a life of study. As job markets are very competitive, an extra year of experience can make a massive difference when applying for jobs, and those who took a gap year are at a disadvantage. Moreover, some decide to bypass university altogether and go straight into a job that is beneath their capabilities or may not offer the same prospects their future career might have done. For instance, a recent survey by the British Government found that 26% of students who take a gap-year never enter tertiary education.
In conclusion, taking a break from studies can be advantageous if it allows people to accumulate savings or learn more about the world. However, they should also be careful that it does not delay the start of their careers and lead to disillusionment with education.

Band 9 Essay Sample 1 (Type 2) 

Some authorities think that it is more favourable for pupils to begin studying languages at primary school instead of secondary school. This essay will argue that the advantages of this outweigh the drawbacks. The essay will first demonstrate that the earlier someone learns an additional language the more likely they are to master it and that it brings added cognitive benefits, followed by an analysis of how the primary disadvantage, namely confusion with their native tongue, is not valid.
The main reason to start kids off with foreign languages early is that this increases the likelihood they will achieve fluency in adulthood. That is to say that they will have far more years to perfect their skills and it will seem perfectly normal to speak bilingually. For example, in countries such as Holland and Norway where English is taught from a very young age, more than 95% of adults speak it at an advanced level. Learning a second language also helps to improve overall cognitive abilities. In other words, it benefits the overall development of a child’s brain. A recent survey by Cambridge University found that children who studied a new language before the age of 5 were significantly more likely to score higher in Mathematics and Science.
Those opposed to this say that it causes the child to become confused between their mother tongue and the other language. However, there is actually no evidence to support this view and children from bilingual families do just as well in both languages. My own son was brought up speaking both Vietnamese and English and outperforms most of his classmates in both.
On balance, the fact that early foreign language learning leads to higher fluency and improved brain function clearly outweighs the flawed argument that it impairs uptake of native languages.

To see a lesson on both of the questions above, click here .

Double Question essay  

Band 9 essay sample.

It is argued that the way a person looks has a crucial role in how successful they are in education, their job and even their personal life. This essay totally disagrees with that notion because most people achieve success through hard work and talent and it will also argue that thinking that outward appearance is a determining success factor is a very negative thing.
The most successful people in the modern world got there because of their drive, determination, intellect and raw talent. That is to say that it is what is inside that counts, not how one looks, and these inner traits are much more important than how attractive a person is. Larry Page, Mark Zuckerberg, Warren Buffet and Bill Gates are some of the most successful people, in all aspects of their lives, but none of them reached the top because they were well groomed, know much about fashion or were born with striking good looks.
Believing that it is the outside, rather than the inside, that counts is a very dangerous idea because it often leads to a very vacuous and shallow person. That means that if you believe that beauty is the most important thing, you will often have nothing to show inside and also judge other people on their looks, rather than their talents. For example, my son is very handsome, but I discourage people from telling him that because I do not want him to grow up thinking that being good looking is more important than hard work or developing his intellect and morals.
In conclusion, how a person looks to others has no bearing on their success, in comparison to their character and to think otherwise is a huge drawback for a person because relying on your looks will only get a person so far in life, but never to the top.

What about Task 1?  What does a Band 9 Task 1 answer look like for IELTS Academic and IELTS General Training?

Just like for Task 2, a Band 9 Task 1 answer needs to show the examiner that the test taker is an expert user of English who can respond fully to all of the marking criteria.  

For more information about how to write a Band 9 Task 1 answer, have a look at our page for Writing Task 1 . 

If you’d like to see the marking criteria for IELTS Task 1, you can download a full description here .

For more about the difference between IELTS Academic and IELTS General, check out our page about IELTS preparation here or this page on the official IELTS website .

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Cambridge IELTS 17: Sample Band 9 Answers

Posted by David S. Wills | Sep 17, 2022 | Model Essays | 1

Cambridge IELTS 17: Sample Band 9 Answers

Cambridge recently released the 17 th instalment in their IELTS series and I wanted to give you my sample answers for four of the essays in this book. I’ll also make some comments on the questions where I think it’s important to discuss the meaning, potential problems, or anything else that might arise. These are all task 2 essays because I don’t want to break any copyright laws by posting images from those books.

Below, you can find my sample band 9 answers to the task 2 questions from Cambridge IELTS 17 .

Test 1: Taking Risks

Here’s the first task 2 question in the book:

It is important for people to take risks, both in their professional lives and their personal lives. Do you think the advantages of taking risks outweigh the disadvantages?

First of all, I’ll say that this really reminds me of several older questions, which is not a surprise because the IELTS test makers like to recycle topics and ideas. It is most similar to this question:

Some people prefer to spend their lives doing the same things and avoiding change. Others, however, think that change is always a good thing. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Although the words and even format of the question are totally different, it is almost the same in terms of its general meaning. Still, you always need to read very carefully and respond directly to the question rather than previous, similar questions.

Sample Band 9 Answer: Tasking Risks

People differ in their attitude towards taking risks, with some people seemingly born to be risky and others rather risk averse. This essay will look into the advantages and disadvantages of an adventurous attitude and conclude that taking some risks is a positive thing.

First of all, it should be noted that taking risks is necessary for success. History is full of such examples in all fields, from science to war and from sport to literature. Those who simply continue tradition and never try anything new are doomed to repeat the past and typically content themselves with mediocrity. However, when people try new things, they may risk failure, but they also bring about the possibility of tremendous success. Looking at literature, for example, we can see great writers like James Joyce and William Burroughs, who completely redefined what a novel could be by breaking all the rules. They could easily have wasted their time and become mired in failure, but their risks paid off and they are today considered giants in their field.

Of course, that is not to suggest that taking a risk always results in success. Naturally, for every great success there are countless failures. To continue the idea of literature, one can only begin to imagine the number of writers who attempted to do something entirely new but failed because they were misunderstood. Taking risks in everyday life can be an even bigger problem because the consequences can be more severe. Young men often hurt themselves in foolish stunts because they took a risk to impress their peers. In such cases, it would clearly have been better not to take that risk at all.

In conclusion, whether it is better to take risks or not depends entirely upon the risk. In some scenarios, it is best to take a chance and see what happens because the potential outcome could be immensely rewarding, but in many cases it is rather pointless. Still, overall it is better to take some risks than avoid them altogether.  

Notes and Language

I started this essay with a nice general statement but without being too random. I’ve tried to avoid clichéd IELTS language like “There is a hot controversy about…” This is neither true nor is it appropriate.

Although I mostly wanted to show that taking risks is a good thing, I split the essay into two body paragraphs and tried to show both sides of the issue. You don’t need to provide a balanced answer in IELTS writing task 2, but in this case I thought it was for the best. The main thing was to make sure that my position was clear throughout. This began with a clear and precise outline sentence . I also gave some interesting and appropriate examples and I stretched one theme (literature) over two paragraphs for continuity.

In terms of language, I used words like “risky and “risk averse,” which are obviously very topic specific. I did, however, have to use more vague terminology like “adventurous attitude” because I didn’t want to repeat “risk” too much. I also used phrases like “break the rules” and “attempt to do something new.” This also helps to avoid repetition.

Test 2: Smartphones

The next question is also similar to some previous ones, but because it’s 2022 it has been specifically written to include smartphones rather than computers or other types of technology :

Some children spend hours every day on their smartphones. Why is this the case? Do you think this is a positive or a negative trend?

This is a two-part question that includes a positive or negative question ! This might seem weird, but actually it’s become fairly common in recent years to include positive/negative questions inside a two-part question, so you should be ready to answer something like this. The key is not to go at length about the positive/negative aspect and instead squeeze it into just one paragraph.

Sample Band 9 Answer: Smartphones

It can be seen nowadays that young people, including small children, spend a lot of time on their phones. This essay will explain why and then argue that it is an overwhelmingly negative development.

To begin with, children use their phones a lot because they are enjoyable to the point of being addictive. Indeed, numerous studies have shown that phones are as addictive for children as sugar or drugs, and this makes it hard for them to moderate their behaviour. The apps on most phones are designed to appeal to people by rewarding them with dopamine and children are particularly susceptible to this. In addition, the bright images, simple games, and immersive experience make phones thoroughly appealing for young users.

This constant usage brings various problems, with perhaps the most alarming being the impact on people’s health. Using a phone is something that the human body has not yet adapted to and there are various risks. The most obvious one is neck damage. Doctors often warn that the postures people use when using their phones lead to neck strain, which can also trigger problems in the back and head. Some people worry about eyestrain, too, though this is unproven. Then, of course, there is the fact that for children almost the entirety of their entertainment comes in the form of these phones and so they no longer go outside to play games in the fresh air, getting necessary exercise and socialising. They are stuck indoors, staring at their phone and becoming overweight, fragile, and unsociable.

In conclusion, the current situation with children using their phones a lot is utterly negative. Even if there were any possible benefits, they would be grossly outweighed by the damage that these devices cause.

Again, my introduction is clear and precise. It starts by explaining the topic and then gives an explicit outline. There is nothing clichéd or confusing here. A reader would be well prepared for the next parts.

The structure is simple. One body paragraph deals with the first sentence and the next deals with the second sentence. It was a challenge to keep this simple because the questions certainly raise a lot of ideas. I could have written a thousand words on why children like smartphones so much! However, keep it short and to the point. Don’t waste time.

Important vocabulary here included “addictive” and “dopamine.” I also needed to talk about health (you can learn about health vocabulary here ), so I mentioned various issues, including “neck strain.”

Test 3: Professionals

Here’s the third writing question from Cambridge IELTS 17 :

Some people believe that professionals, such as doctors and engineers, should be required to work in the country where they did their training. Others believe they should be free to work in another country if they wish. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Interestingly, this question has also been asked in different ways over the years! I have seen it written as a problem and solution question but now it is a “ discuss both views ” one. It is also frequently shared on websites and social media with various mistakes because people saw it in a test and misremembered it. (Read about the dangers of fake questions .)

Anyway, it’s a fascinating topic that hopefully everyone has something thoughts on. I know I did. 😉

Sample Band 9 Answer: Professionals

A small number of people think that highly trained professionals should be required to work in the same country where they did their training, but most people disagree with this. This essay will also disagree, suggesting that they should be free to work where they want.

To begin with, it is understandable that people might argue in favour of professionals working in the country where they trained because in some cases that country has paid for their training. Take, for example, a doctor who received medical training at the government’s expense in a relatively poor country. If they moved to another country, perhaps in order to earn a higher salary, then the government’s investment would have been wasted.

However, there are a few problems with that viewpoint. First of all, professionals of this nature usually pay for their own education, and so if they were required to stay in that country then it would be unfair. A lot of people invest in their education purely to gain the chance of moving to another country for a better life. Then, of course, there is the argument that all people should have some freedom of movement. Particularly in the case of highly trained professionals, who can bring value to different societies, it is beneficial to have them move around the world, sharing their skills and increasing diversity. Perhaps they ought to give something back to the society in which they were trained, but they should not be restricted by any law because that would be a violation of their fundamental rights.

In conclusion, people who have important skills should be free to move to other countries if they wish. They should not have a legal obligation to stay in the nation where they earned their skills, but perhaps for the sake of decency they might consider staying a short while and giving back to that society.

You might be curious about my first line: “A small number of people think…” Why did I say that? Well, the question says “Some people” and honestly I don’t think that many people share this view, so I used my words carefully to reflect that. Remember: Don’t just paraphrase blindly ! Use your own language and ideas to express a clear and intelligent point.

I began my concession paragraph by saying “it is understandable that people might argue…” I want to show the opposing view so that I can do a better job of arguing against it. I went on to argue convincingly in favour of the opposing view.

Note: You don’t need to talk about doctors and engineers! IELTS candidates often read the question, see these examples, and think that they are the main idea. However, they are not. These are purely examples. You don’t need to mention them at all.

My language here is related to the topic of work and migration. I also tried to avoid repetition . I used some great phrases like “at the government’s expense” and “a violation of their fundamental rights.” These are descriptive and specific.

Test 4: Alternative Medicine

Finally, we come to a question about a controversial issue:

Nowadays, a growing number of people with health problems are trying alternative medicines and treatments instead of visiting their usual doctor. Do you think this is a positive or negative development?

Here, we have a question about alternative medicines vs conventional ones. This is a difficult subject to talk about and people will have different opinions on the matter, but don’t worry too much. Whether you support or oppose the use of alternative medicines, the examiner should not be prejudiced against you. Just make sure to explain your position clearly and convincingly.

Sample Band 9 Answer: Alternative Medicine

It has been claimed that more people are now using alternative medical practices rather than using proper doctors. This essay will argue that it is a dangerous development.

To begin with, there is simply no good argument for using alternative medicines. Any alternative treatment that works will be incorporated into conventional medicine, so to go outside of the mainstream is to take a pointless risk. The vast majority of alternative medical practices, no matter how they are marketed, are at best useless and at worst highly dangerous.

Using any alternative treatment has two potential outcomes. The first is that nothing will happen because most of them are in fact fake. Take acupuncture, homeopathy, or folk medicine, for example. These are simply archaic or idealistic ideas that mostly rely upon the placebo effect. In most cases, they do nothing and any genuine use that they could pose has or will be incorporated into conventional medicine through the scientific method and peer review. In such cases, a patient with an illness will not recover and will waste time in seeking real treatment. In severe cases, these fraudulent practitioners will actually harm their patients because their treatments are dangerous. These alternative medicines are unregulated and used by people who have no proper training, which means that they will not only fail to help but may even introduce new health problems.

In conclusion, the trend of people seeking alternative forms of medicine is massively problematic and puts people at serious risk of illness and death.

You will notice that there is not much balance to this essay. I have taken a very firm position here and that’s just fine. It actually makes it easier to write an essay when you have a firm belief. That’s why I started paragraph two with a strong statement: “there is simply no good argument for using alternative medicines.”

Of course, if you make a statement like this, you need to be able to back it up with explanation or evidence. I explained my position in the second paragraph and then gave more detail in the third.

Questions relating to medicine can be hard because they might require you to draw upon difficult vocabulary. Here, you can see I have done that, although not all of it is medical in nature: archaic, idealistic, placebo, fraudulent, practitioner , etc. In terms of Lexical Resource , you shouldn’t strive for difficult words, but rather aim for accuracy.

Final Thoughts

I hope that you have found these sample band 9 answers to Cambridge IELTS 17 questions useful. You should not try to copy my words or ideas, but rather view them as inspiration for your own essays. There is no perfect formula for an IELTS task 2 essay, and so you should figure out your own ways of directly addressing the question and developing your answers thoroughly.

If you found this useful, maybe you will enjoy my sample answers for Cambridge IELTS 16 and Cambridge IELTS 18 .

About The Author

David S. Wills

David S. Wills

David S. Wills is the author of Scientologist! William S. Burroughs and the 'Weird Cult' and the founder/editor of Beatdom literary journal. He lives and works in rural Cambodia and loves to travel. He has worked as an IELTS tutor since 2010, has completed both TEFL and CELTA courses, and has a certificate from Cambridge for Teaching Writing. David has worked in many different countries, and for several years designed a writing course for the University of Worcester. In 2018, he wrote the popular IELTS handbook, Grammar for IELTS Writing and he has since written two other books about IELTS. His other IELTS website is called IELTS Teaching.

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Rajib Barua

Hello David,

Thanks a lot for your elaborate writing.

Best regards

Rajib Barua IELTS Trainer

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IELTS Writing Task 2 Environment Band 9 Essay: Samples & Tips

How to write an environmental essay for IELTS band 9 Click here for an environmental sample essay, outline vocabulary score perfect marks in IELTS writing task 2!

8/24/2023 3 min read

ielts band 9 writing task 2 essays

In the ever-evolving landscape of language proficiency tests, IELTS Writing Task 2 stands as a crucial component for assessing a candidate's ability to express ideas coherently and effectively. Especially in the context of environmental concerns, this task assumes a significant role. This article delves into the nuances of crafting a Band 9 essay for IELTS Writing Task 2, offering valuable samples and insightful tips.

Understanding IELTS Writing Task 2

What is ielts writing task 2.

IELTS Writing Task 2 is a pivotal component of the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) exam. It requires candidates to write an essay in response to a given prompt. This task assesses their ability to present arguments, provide evidence, and express ideas logically and coherently within a formal essay structure.

The Importance of Environment-related Topics

In recent years, environmental issues have garnered global attention, making them a common theme in IELTS Writing Task 2 prompts. The ability to discuss and analyze these topics effectively not only showcases language proficiency but also awareness of crucial global matters.

The Structure of a Band 9 Essay

Introduction: setting the stage.

The introduction sets the tone for the essay. It should succinctly introduce the topic, provide background information, and present a clear thesis statement that outlines the essay's main points. For instance, when addressing an environment-related prompt, the introduction could highlight the significance of environmental preservation and its relevance to society.

Body Paragraphs: Articulating Key Ideas

The body paragraphs delve into the essay's core arguments. Each paragraph should start with a topic sentence, followed by supporting evidence and examples. Ensure a logical flow between paragraphs, allowing the essay to unfold seamlessly. If discussing environmental challenges, you might explore topics like climate change, pollution, and resource depletion.

Conclusion: Summarizing the Argument

The conclusion summarizes the key points made in the essay and restates the thesis in a nuanced manner. It should not introduce new ideas but instead provide a sense of closure. When concluding an essay about the environment, you might emphasize the urgency of collective action and highlight potential solutions.

Sample Essays for Environment Topics

Essay sample 1: climate change mitigation.

Climate change remains one of the most pressing global challenges. To mitigate its impact, governments must enact stringent policies to reduce carbon emissions. For example, imposing carbon taxes on industries and promoting renewable energy sources can pave the way for a sustainable future.

Essay Sample 2: Balancing Economic Growth and Environmental Protection

The dilemma between economic growth and environmental conservation requires delicate balancing. Developing nations can embrace eco-friendly technologies to minimize industrial harm. By fostering green entrepreneurship, countries can nurture both economic prosperity and environmental integrity.

Tips for Achieving a Band 9 Essay

Develop a clear thesis statement.

Your thesis statement should present a concise overview of your essay's main argument. It guides the reader and anchors your writing.

Coherence and Cohesion Matter

Ensure a seamless flow between sentences and paragraphs. Use transitional phrases to connect ideas and enhance readability.

Vocabulary and Lexical Resource

Incorporate a diverse range of vocabulary to avoid repetition. Precise and sophisticated word choices elevate the quality of your essay.

Grammatical Range and Accuracy

Display mastery over grammar and sentence structure. Varied sentence lengths and types showcase your language proficiency.

Time Management is Key

Allocate sufficient time to planning, writing, and revising. Rushing through any of these stages can compromise the essay's quality.

Practice Exercises to Enhance Skills

Exercise 1: brainstorming environment essay ideas.

Engage in brainstorming sessions to generate ideas on various environmental topics. This practice fosters creativity and prepares you for diverse prompts.

Exercise 2: Outlining Your Essay Effectively

Master the art of outlining by organizing your thoughts into a coherent structure. A well-structured outline accelerates the writing process.

Expert Insights from IELTS Tutors

Advice on enhancing vocabulary.

Read extensively to expand your vocabulary repertoire. Engage with different genres to encounter diverse words and phrases.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Beware of repetitive language, vague arguments, and poor time management. Addressing these pitfalls enhances your essay's quality.

Importance of Environment-related Topics

The global relevance of environmental issues.

Environmental problems transcend borders. Proficiency in discussing such topics prepares candidates for international communication and cooperation.

Addressing Environment in Academic Essays

Professors value students who can tackle contemporary issues in essays. Environmental discussions exhibit critical thinking and relevance to societal challenges.

Crafting a Band 9 essay for IELTS Writing Task 2 demands a blend of language proficiency and insightful analysis. By understanding the essay's structure, practicing essential skills, and embracing expert advice, candidates can confidently navigate environment-related prompts and make meaningful contributions to the ongoing global conversation on environmental sustainability.

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Band 9 sample essay – technology

Home  »  IELTS BAND 9 ESSAYS  »  Band 9 sample essay – technology

Some people believe that technology has made man more social. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

Experts throughout both the developing and developed world have debated whether the advent of sophisticated modern technology  such as mobile phones, laptops and iPad have helped to enhance and improve people's social lives or whether the opposite has become the case.

Personally, I strongly advocate the former view. This essay will discuss both sides using examples from the UK government and Oxford University to demonstrate points and prove arguments.

On the one hand there is ample, powerful, almost daily evidence that such technology can be detrimental especially to the younger generation who are more easily affected by it’s addictive nature  and which can result in people feeling more isolated from the society .

The central reason behind this is twofold, firstly, the invention of online social media sites and apps, such as Twitter and Facebook have reduced crucial face-to-face interactions dramatically . Through use of these appealing and attractive mediums, people feel in touch and connected yet lack key social skills and the ability to communicate.

Secondly, dependence on such devices is built up frighteningly easily which may have a damaging effect on mental health and encourage a sedentary lifestyle . For example, recent scientific research by the UK government demonstrated that 90% of people in their 30s spend over 20 hours per week on Messenger and similar applications to chat with their friends instead of meeting up and spending quality time together  or doing sport. As a result, it is conclusively clear that these technology advancements have decreased and diminished our real life interactions.

On the other hand, although there are significant downsides to technological developments, its’ multifold advantages cannot be denied. This is largely because the popularity of technology such as cellphones allows people to connect freely and easily with no geographical barriers .

People are able to share any type of news, information, photos and opinions with their loved ones whenever and wherever they want therefore keeping a feeling of proximity and closeness. For example, an extensive study by Oxford University illustrated that people who work, or study abroad and use applications like Facetime and WhatsApp to chat with their families, are less likely to experience loneliness and feel out of the loop than those who do not.

Consistent with this line of thinking is that businessmen are also undoubtedly able to benefit from these advances by holding virtual real -time meetings using Skype which may increase the chance of closing business deals without the need to fly.

From the arguments and examples given I firmly believe that overall communication and mans’ sociability has been advanced enormously due to huge the huge technological progress of the past twenty years and despite some potentially serious health implications which governments should not fail to address, it is predicted that its popularity will continue to flourish in the future.

Here are some of the collocations used in this essay which you may find useful to!

  • sophisticated modern technology
  • enhance and improve people's social lives
  • addictive nature
  • feel out of the loop
  • isolated from society
  • reduce crucial face-to-face interactions dramatically
  • a damaging effect on mental health
  • encourage a sedentary lifestyle
  • spend quality time together
  • connect freely and easily with no geographical barriers
  • proximity and closeness
  • its less likely to experience loneliness
  • popularity will continue to flourish

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IELTS Writing Task 2: All You Need to know

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IELTS Writing Task 2: All You Need to know

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“With the help of this article, know all about the format, tips, and techniques to crack your IELTS Writing Task 2 all before kickstart your IELTS preparations!“

Understanding IELTS Writing Task 2

IELTS Writing Task 2 requires you to write an essay in response to a given general topic. This task is designed to assess your skills based on presenting a clear position, developing an argument logically, and organizing ideas coherently.

To achieve a high score, you must understand the task format and question types, analyze prompts effectively, and structure your essay appropriately. This blog post will break down everything you need to know from the format of the IELTS task 2 writing to tricks to solve it effortlessly.

IELTS Academic Writing Task 2 Test Papers

IELTS General Writing Task 2 Test Papers

Difference between ielts writing task 2 academic vs general.

To understand the differences between Academic and General Training in IELTS Writing Task 2, here is a helpful comparison table:

Related to education, science, technology, social issues Related to everyday life situations, hobbies, work, relationships
Formal, impersonal Semi-formal, personal experiences are acceptable
Complex vocabulary, high-level grammar Intermediate vocabulary, grammar
- Technology use in schools, Government investment in sciences, Causes of unemployment - Importance of hobbies, Managing workplace stress, Raising children
"As major cities continue to grow, the problems of overcrowding and traffic congestion are worsening. What causes these issues, and what are some possible solutions?" "Stress and mental health issues are becoming increasingly common among high school students. What are some of the causes and what can be done to address this problem?"

IELTS Writing Task 2 Format

Task Requirement: Write an academic-style essay in response to a point of view, argument, or problem.

Assessment: Assesses your ability to present a solution or opinion in a logical, structured way.

Duration: 40 minutes

IELTS Writing Task 2 Scoring Criteria

To understand how your IELTS Writing Task 2 essay is evaluated by the examiner, it is crucial to be familiar with the assessment criteria!

IELTS Writing task 2 evaluation criteria

Have a look at the table below to learn more about the evaluation criteria!

Measures how well you address all parts of the task and present a fully developed position.
Assesses how clearly linked and logically structured your essay is.
Evaluates your range and accuracy of usage.
Measures the variety and precision of your grammar.

IELTS Writing Task 2 Question Types

There are 6 types of questions in the IELTS Writing Task 2 and you may get any one type in your IELTS test. Hence, get to know about them to identify the question prompts effortlessly!

  • Opinion 

You need to pick a side of the given two sides of an argument write in support of it and provide reasons for your opinion.

  • Agree/Disagree

Here, you need to state whether you agree or disagree with a given statement and support it with reasons and examples.

Discussion (Discuss Both Views)

This type requires you to discuss both sides of an issue and then give your own opinion at last.

  • Problem/Solution

You have to identify problems related to the topic and suggest possible solutions.

  • Advantages/Disadvantages

This question asks you to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of a particular situation or issue.

  • Double Question (Direct Questions)

You must answer two or more direct questions related to a single topic and support it with proper examples as well.

Useful IELTS Writing Task 2 Tips

IELTS Writing Task 2 is the second part of the two writing tasks and is one of the most challenging parts of the IELTS test. Most students also find it more difficult than Writing Task 1. Therefore, access to some quick tips for task 2 writing IELTS:

  • Understand the Task: Test-takers should identify the key components, the question type, and any specific instructions before outlining the key points that should be covered.
  • Plan Before You Write: Before diving into the essay, candidates should spend a few minutes planning the response. A clear outline needs to include an introduction, the main points for each body paragraph, and the conclusion.
  • Follow a Structured Essay Format: Every essay type has a specific structure. So, sticking to the traditional essay structure with a clear introduction, well-developed body paragraphs, and a concluding summary enhances the readability of the essay.
  • Provide Supportive Examples: Test-takers should support their arguments with concrete examples and evidence. This not only strengthens the expressed opinion but also showcases the ability to develop ideas.
  • Use Linking Words and Phrases: Candidates should employ linking words and phrases to connect ideas within and between sentences. This improves the overall flow and coherence of the essay.
  • Revise and Proofread: This is one of the most vital steps and test-takers need to allocate some time at the end to review and edit their essay. They should check for grammatical errors, clarity, and coherence and ensure that the essay effectively communicates their ideas.
  • Write Regularly Under Time Constraints: Practice writing essays within the 40-minute. This helps improve your time management skills and ensures that you can effectively express your ideas within the given constraints.
  • Seek Feedback: To understand the weak areas and improve them, test-takers need to share their practice essays with teachers, peers, or online communities like the one created by IELTSMaterial . Constructive feedback helps identify areas for improvement and provides valuable insights.

Top 8 Common Mistakes to Avoid in IELTS Writing Task 2

1. misunderstanding the question.

Many test-takers misunderstand the question, leading to off-topic essays.

2. Poor Time Management

Struggling to manage time effectively often results in incomplete essays.

3. Lack of Ideas

Difficulty in generating relevant ideas quickly is a common problem.

4. Disorganized Structure

Failing to organize thoughts into clear, logical paragraphs is a frequent mistake.

5. Grammar Errors

Frequent grammar errors can significantly lower the writing score.

6. Limited Vocabulary

Using a limited vocabulary makes it hard to express ideas effectively.

7. Weak Evidence

Providing weak examples usually weakens arguments and doesn’t provide a strong essay.

8. Incorrect Word Count

Not meeting the required word count can negatively affect the score.

Band Descriptors IELTS Writing Task 2

Structure For Answering the IELTS Writing Task 2 Question Types

The IELTS Writing Task 2 section has different types of essays that may be asked, each requiring a specific structure and approach. The main 6 IELTS Writing Task 2 question types and their standard structure are summarized in the table below:

Opinion Essay Introduction with background information and paraphrase of question. Body paragraphs with your opinion and supporting reasons/examples. Conclusion summarizing opinion.
Discussion Essay Introduction with background information and paraphrase of question. Body paragraphs discussing both sides/perspectives on the topic. Conclusion summarizing the discussion and providing your opinion.
Agree/Disagree Essay Introduction with background information and paraphrase of question. Body paragraphs agreeing and disagreeing with the statement, giving reasons/examples. Conclusion summarizing main points.
Advantages/Disadvantages Essay Introduction with background information and paraphrase of question. Body paragraphs discussing the advantages and disadvantages. Conclusion summarizing the main points.
Problem/Solution Essay Introduction with background information and paraphrase of question. Body paragraphs discussing the problem(s) and suggesting solutions. Conclusion summarizing main points.
Direct Question Essay Introduction rephrasing the question. Body paragraphs directly answer the question with reasons/examples/explanations. Conclusion summarizing answer.

IELTS Writing Task 2 Question Types with Sample Answers

Let's look at the different IELTS writing task 2 essay types that may appear in Writing Task 2:

Opinion Essay

These prompts simply ask for your  opinion  on a topic without presenting two views.

Sample prompt:  "Some people think that the best way to reduce crime is to give longer prison sentences. Others, however, believe there are better alternative ways of reducing crime. What is your opinion on this?

Check out more IELTS Writing Task 2 Opinion Essay below:

  • Some People Believe that Nowadays We Have Too Many Choices- IELTS Writing Task 2
  • IELTS Writing Task 2 Opinion Essay Topic: Prevention is better than cure
  • Universities Should Accept Equal Numbers of Male and Female Students in Every Subject – IELTS Writing Task 2
  • Doing an Enjoyable Activity with a Child Can Develop Better Skills and More Creativity Than Reading – IELTS
  • All Children Should be Made to Wear School Uniforms- IELTS Writing Task 2

Agree and Disagree Essay

These questions ask your opinion on a statement or proposal. You must decide whether you agree or disagree and support your view.

Sample prompt:   "Unpaid community service should be a compulsory part of high school programs." To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Check out more IELTS Writing Task 2 Agree and Disagree Essay below:

  • It is more important to spend public money on promoting a healthy lifestyle – IELTS Writing Task 2
  • Foreign Visitors Should Pay More Than Local Visitors for Cultural and Historical Attractions – IELTS Writing Task 2
  • Some people believe that air travel should be restricted Sample Essay
  • When a Country Develops its Technology the Traditional Skills and Ways of Life Die Out – IELTS Writing Task 2
  • Reading stories from a book is better than watching TV Sample Essay

These prompts present two perspectives on an issue and ask you to  discuss  and examine both sides.

Sample prompt:   "Some people think the manufacturers and shopping malls should sell fewer packaged products while others argue that people have the responsibility to buy products with less packaging. Discuss both views and give your opinion."

Check out more IELTS Writing Task 2 Discussion Essay below:

  • In Some Countries, a Few People Earn Extremely High Salaries – IELTS Writing Task 2
  • Some People Think that Children Should Start School Sooner- IELTS Writing Task 2
  • Some People Think that it is Better to Educate Girls and Boys in Separate Schools- IELTS Writing Task 2
  • Some Companies Sponsor Sport and Sports Stars as a Way to Advertise Themselves – IELTS Writing Task 2
  • University Students Should Study Whatever They Like Sample Essay

Problem/Solution Essay

These questions given in the  problem/solution  essay describe an issue and ask you to propose solutions.

Sample prompt:   "In many cities, public transport systems are inadequate and road congestion is increasing. What are the causes of these problems and what measures could be taken to solve them?"

Check out more IELTS Writing Task 2 Problem/Solution Essay below:

  • Many Working People get little or no Exercise either During the Working Day- IELTS Writing Task 2
  • Doctors Recommend that Older People Exercise Regularly- IELTS Writing Task 2
  • Over Population Of Urban Areas Has Led To Numerous Problems – IELTS Writing Task 2
  • An Increase in Production of Consumer Goods Results in Damage to the Natural Environment- IELTS Writing Task
  • In the Developed World, Average Life Expectancy is Increasing- IELTS Writing Task 2

Advantages/Disadvantages Essay

These prompts ask you to analyze the  advantages and disadvantages  of an issue.

Sample prompt:  "Studying overseas has many benefits for students. However, there are also some disadvantages. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages and give your own opinion."

Check out more IELTS Writing Task 2 Advantages/Disadvantages Essay below:

  • People now have the Freedom to Work and live Anywhere in the World- IELTS Writing Task 2
  • In Some Countries People Prefer to Rent a House than Buy One – IELTS Writing Task 2
  • Planners Tend to Arrange Shops, Schools, Offices and Homes in Specific Areas – IELTS Writing Task 2
  • Technology is Increasingly Being Used to Monitor What People Are Saying And Doing Sample Essays
  • In the Past, When Students Did a University Degree, They Tended to Study in Their Own Country – IELTS

Direct Question Essay

These prompts which are also known as  Direct Question  essays give you a statement along with a related question.

Sample prompt:   "A growing number of people are living alone in many major cities. What are the reasons for this? Why do they choose to live alone?

Check out more IELTS Writing Task 2 Direct Question Essay below:

  • Is freedom of speech necessary in a free society? – IELTS Writing Task 2
  • Many People Like to Wear Fashionable Clothes – IELTS Writing Task 2
  • Consumers Are Faced With Increasing Numbers of Advertisements From Competing Companies – IELTS
  • There are Many Different Types of Music in The World Today – IELTS Writing Task 2
  • More and more people want to buy famous brands with clothes- IELTS Writing Task 2

IELTS Writing Task 2 Topics with Answers

Below is the list of IELTS Writing Task 2 Topics with Answers which you can refer to for the exam.

  • Topic: Family
  • Topic: Press, news on internet & newspapers
  • Topic: Families
  • Topic - Environment
  • Topic: Invention 
  • Topic: Aging Population
  • Topic: Art & Technology
  • Topic: Career
  • Topic: Dangerous Sports
  • Topic: Technology
  • Topic: Travel & Tourism
  • Topic: International Car-free Days & Sample Essay
  • Topic: Traffic
  • Topic: Transportation
  • Topic: TV or Radio
  • Topic: Communication Technology
  • Topic: Living in Campus
  • Topic: Crime
  • Collocations - Topic: The Environment
  • Useful Collocations - Topic: Government

Trending Essay Topics

  • Every year several languages die out
  • Some People Think That Parents Should Teach Children How to be Good Members of Society
  • Happiness is considered very important in life
  • In some countries the average weight of people is increasing
  • Young people are encouraged to work or travel for a year between finishing high school
  • Research Indicates That the Characteristics We are Born With Have Much More Influence On Our Personality

Academic IELTS Writing Task 2 Topics with Sample Essays

Below is the list of Academic IELTS Writing Task 2 Topics with   Sample Essays :

  • Topic 01: Media
  • Topic 02: Successful Sports Professionals
  • Topic 03:Smoking
  • Topic 04: Children today play very violent games
  • Topic 05:The birth rate in most developed countries
  • Topic 06: Many families find it necessary for both parents go out to work
  • Topic 07: Women and men are commonly seen as having different strength and weaknesses
  • Topic 08: Increase in violent crime among youngsters
  • Topic 09: Good Job
  • Topic 10: Different medical traditions
  • Topic 11:Need to prepare for tests and examinations
  • Topic 12: Eating Fish
  • Topic 13:Concerned about the number of children who are overweight
  • Topic 14: Freedom of Speech
  • Topic: Architecture & History
  • Topic: Digital Communication
  • Topic: Economic Development
  • Topic: Education
  • Topic: Environment
  • Topic: Food & Transport
  • Topic: Government
  • Topic: Newspapers
  • Topic: Sports
  • Topic: Television & Children
  • Topic: Economic Growth

The key is to practice regularly and make writing a habit until your final   IELTS Writing  test! With this preparation, you'll be ready to achieve your desired band in no time. We bet you’re all aware of the IELTS Writing Task 2 so now get ready to gather our expert tricks to crack your writing task 1. Pick between  IELTS General Writing Task 1  and the   IELTS Academic Writing Task 1  as per your preference and start now!

Frequently Asked Questions

How many paragraphs should my essay have?

What’s better - a longer or shorter essay?

Should I write in the first or third person?

How strict are they on word count?

Can I bring in outside knowledge on the topic?

What’s the best way to prepare for Task 2?

Should I write legibly?

What if I make mistakes or cross things out?

Practice IELTS Writing Task 2 based on Essay types

Recent articles.

We No Longer Need to have Animals Kept in Zoos - IELTS Writing Task 2

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The World’s Natural Resources Are Consumed At An Ever-Increasing Rate - IELTS Writing Task 2

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Local History vs World History - IELTS Writing Task 2

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IELTS Writing Task 2 ✍️ Essay Samples Band 7 8 9 Answers

  • 9 band Some people think that spending a lot on holding wedding parties, birthday parties and other celebrations is just a waste of money. Others, however, think that these are necessary for individuals and the society. Discuss both views and give your opinion. v.11
  • 9 band Some people think that all university students should study whatever they like. Others believe that they should only be allowed to study subjects that will be useful in the future, such as those related to science and technology. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. v. 112 v.67
  • 9 band Television Sporting shows such as the Olympics motivate the youth who do not like to exercise much. Do you agree or disagree? v.5
  • 9 band Air traffic is increasingly leading to more noise, pollution, and airport constuction. One reason for this is the growth in low-cost passenger flights, often to holiday destinations. Some people say that government should try to reduce air traffic by taxing it more heavily. Do you agree or disagree? v.2
  • 9 band Countries with a long average working time are more economically successful than those countries which do not have a long working time. To what extent do you agree or disagree? v.7
  • 8 band Many people want their country to host an international sporting event. Others believe that international sporting events bring more problems than benefits. Discuss both views and your opinion. v.5
  • 8 band Some people say History is one of the most important school subjects. Other people thank that, in today’s world, subjects like Science and Technology are more important than History. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. v.35
  • 8 band Some poeple think that teenage years are the happiest time of most people’s lives. Others think that adult life brings more happiness, in spite of greater responsibility. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. v.1
  • 8 band Some people say that the only reason for learning a foreign language is in order to travel to or work in a foreign country. Others say that these are not the only reasons why someone should learn a foreign language. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. v.27
  • 8 band Now-a-days people use social media to keep in touch with others and be aware of the news. Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages? v.1
  • 7 band College should provide free education to everyone. Agree or disagree with the statement. v.1
  • 7 band Before an important exam, do you think it is better to prepare for a long time or only for a few days? Give examples and reasons to support your argument. v.1
  • 7 band Some people believe that living in big cities is becoming more difficult. Others believe that it is getting easier. Discuss both views and give your own opinion v.3
  • 7 band Some people believe that there should be fixed punishments for each type of crime. Others, however, argue that the circumstances of an individual crime, and the motivation for committing it, should always be taken into account when deciding on the punishm v.12
  • 7 band Define a ballad, and then explain why Barbara Allen can be classified as a ballad. v.1
  • 6 band As computers are being used more and more in education, there will be soon no role for teachers in the classroom. v.1
  • 6 band Some people believe that it is good to share as much information as possible in scientific research, business and academic world. Others believe that some information is too important or too valuable to be shared freely. v.1
  • 6 band Some people believe that teaching children at home is best for a child’s development while others think that it is important for children to go to school. Discuss the advantages of both methods and give your own opinion. v.1
  • 6 band Some people believe that teaching children at home is best for a child’s development while others think that it is important for children to go to school. Discuss the advantages of both methods and give your own opinion. v.2
  • 6 band More children in developed countries are becoming overweight. This is a serious problem for wealthy countries. Discuss some causes and effects of this problem. Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. v.1

Britannia English School

Understanding IELTS Task 2 Essay Structures

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  • 2nd September 2024

Introduction to IELTS Task 2 Essay Structures

  • 1 Introduction to IELTS Task 2 Essay Structures
  • 2 Key Components of a Successful IELTS Task 2 Essay
  • 3 Common IELTS Task 2 Essay Types and Their Structures
  • 4 Step-by-Step Guide to Crafting Your IELTS Task 2 Essay
  • 5 Tips and Strategies for Mastering IELTS Task 2 Essay Structures

Welcome to our guide on IELTS Task 2 essay structures , where we aim to demystify the different formats and strategies involved in crafting an effective essay. Understanding the structure is essential, as it forms the backbone of our response and allows us to communicate our ideas clearly and persuasively. In this section, we’ll explore the primary structures used in the IELTS Task 2 essay , ensuring we are well-prepared for the exam.

When approaching the IELTS Task 2 essay , it’s vital to recognize that there are four main types of essays we might encounter:

  • Opinion Essays – Where we state our viewpoint on a particular issue.
  • Discussion Essays – In which we examine various perspectives surrounding a topic.
  • Problem-Solution Essays – Focused on identifying problems and proposing solutions.
  • Advantages and Disadvantages Essays – Where we weigh the pros and cons of a specific situation.

Each of these essay types has its unique requirements, but all share a common structure that includes an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. In the introduction, we will introduce the topic and present our thesis statement. The body paragraphs will be dedicated to elaborating our arguments, providing supporting evidence, and analyzing different viewpoints if necessary. Finally, in the conclusion, we will summarize our main points and restate our position regarding the question posed. Mastering these essential components of IELTS Task 2 essay structures is crucial for achieving a high score in the writing section.

Key Components of a Successful IELTS Task 2 Essay

In our journey to master the IELTS, understanding the key components of a successful IELTS Task 2 essay is crucial. Each component plays a significant role in creating a coherent and compelling argument while adhering to the assessment criteria set by the examiners. Let’s explore these essential elements together.

Firstly, a clear and concise thesis statement sets the foundation of our essay. This statement should encapsulate our main argument or viewpoint and help guide the reader through our thoughts. It’s vital to make our stance evident from the beginning, allowing us to stay focused throughout the essay.

Next, we focus on developing well-structured paragraphs that support our thesis. Each paragraph must contain a topic sentence that introduces the main idea, followed by evidence, examples, and explanations. This structure not only boosts the clarity of our writing but also enhances the logical flow, which is essential for achieving a high score.

  • Coherence and Cohesion: Using transitional phrases and linking words is essential to connect our ideas smoothly.
  • Addressing the Task Properly: We need to ensure that we fully understand and address all parts of the prompt.
  • Variety of Vocabulary and Sentence Structures: Demonstrating a range of vocabulary and grammatical accuracy is crucial for scoring high.

By mastering these key components of a successful IELTS Task 2 essay , we can significantly enhance our writing skills and our chances of securing a favorable score in the IELTS exam.

Common IELTS Task 2 Essay Types and Their Structures

As we prepare for the IELTS exam, understanding the common IELTS Task 2 essay types and their structures becomes essential for success. There are several distinct types of essays that candidates may encounter, each with its own specific requirements and characteristics. Below, we’ll explore these types in detail, helping us to grasp their structures and enhancing our writing skills.

The primary common IELTS Task 2 essay types include:

  • Opinion Essays : These essays require us to express our viewpoint on a particular issue. The structure typically follows a clear introductory paragraph, followed by two or three body paragraphs that provide supporting arguments, and concludes with a summary of our stance.
  • Discuss Both Views Essays : In this format, we need to discuss two conflicting perspectives on a topic. The structure should include an introduction outlining the issue, separate body paragraphs dedicated to each view, and a conclusion that may also express our personal opinion.
  • Problem-Solution Essays : These essays focus on identifying a problem and proposing one or more solutions. We start with an introduction that introduces the problem, followed by paragraphs that elaborate on the problem and its significance, and conclude with a discussion on potential solutions.
  • Advantages and Disadvantages Essays : In this type, we analyze the positives and negatives of a particular issue. We can structure it with an introduction, followed by two body paragraphs—one for advantages and another for disadvantages—and a conclusion that summarizes our findings.

By familiarizing ourselves with these common IELTS Task 2 essay types and their respective structures, we bolster our chances of achieving a higher score. Effective practice and understanding the demands of each type will enable us to articulate our thoughts clearly and cohesively in the exam.

Step-by-Step Guide to Crafting Your IELTS Task 2 Essay

Creating a successful IELTS Task 2 essay can be a daunting challenge, but with the right approach, we can simplify the process. This step-by-step guide will assist us in organizing our thoughts and structuring our essays effectively, ensuring we meet the examiners’ requirements while clearly articulating our arguments.

To start, let’s outline our essay with a clear plan. We should follow these essential steps:

  • Understand the prompt: Analyze the question to identify what is being asked.
  • Brainstorm ideas: Jot down our thoughts on the topic, focusing on relevant arguments.
  • Structure our essay: Organize our ideas into a coherent outline, typically consisting of an introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion.
  • Write the essay: Begin with the introduction, followed by well-developed body paragraphs, and wrap it up with a compelling conclusion.
  • Review and revise: Allocate time to proofread our essay, checking for grammatical errors and clarity.

Using this straightforward step-by-step guide , we can tackle our IELTS Task 2 essay with confidence. Each stage in this process builds upon the previous one, leading us toward crafting a well-structured and persuasive essay that showcases our skills and knowledge effectively.

Tips and Strategies for Mastering IELTS Task 2 Essay Structures

In our journey to excel in the IELTS Task 2 essay, understanding the structure is crucial. A well-organized essay not only helps in conveying our ideas effectively but also adheres to the assessment criteria that examiners use. Here are some essential tips and strategies we can implement to master the IELTS Task 2 essay structures.

  • Familiarize ourselves with different essay types: It’s important to recognize that IELTS Task 2 includes various essay types such as opinion essays, discussion essays, and problem-solution essays. Each type has a unique structure that we need to follow.
  • Craft a strong thesis statement: Our introduction should include a clear thesis statement that outlines our main argument or stance. This statement will guide the reader through our essay, setting the tone for the discussion.
  • Utilize topic sentences: Each paragraph should start with a topic sentence that clearly presents the main idea of that paragraph. This strategy adds cohesion and helps us stay focused on the point we are making.
  • Plan and outline: Before we start writing, it’s helpful to spend a few minutes organizing our thoughts. An outline can serve as a roadmap, ensuring that our arguments flow logically and coherently throughout the essay.

By adopting these strategies and continually practicing, we enhance our writing skills and boost our confidence in tackling the IELTS Task 2 essay. Remember, consistent practice will lead us to discover our unique writing style, making us more effective communicators in the exam.


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IELTS Discussion Writing Samples Band 9

Research indicates that the characteristics we are born with have much more influence on our personality and development than any experiences we may have in our life. which do you consider to be the major influence give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience., some people prefer to eat at food stands or restaurants. other people prefer to prepare and eat food at home. which do you prefer use specific reasons and examples to support your answer., write about the following topic: research indicates that the characteristics we are born with have much more influence on our personality and development than any experiences we may have in our life. which do you consider to be the major influence give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. write at least 250 words., in some countries, more people are becoming interested in finding out about the history of the house or building they live in. what are the reasons for this how can people research this question, money is important in most people’s lives. although some people think it is more important than others. what do you feel are the right uses of money what other factors are important for a good life give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your experience., compare the advantages and disadvantages of three of the following as media for communicating and information. state which you consider to be the most effective - comics - books - radio - television - film - theatre give reason for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experiance., some people prefer to get up early in the morning and start the day’s work. others prefer to get up later in the day and work until late at night. which do you prefer use specific reasons and examples to support your choice., modern technology, such as personal computers and the internet, have made it possible for many people to do their work from home at least part of the time instead f going to an office every day. what are some of the advantages and disadvantages of this situation give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience., labour-saving devices such as dishwashers and communication tools such as computers are supposed to make our lives easier. however, some people argue that these devices only make them more difficult. does modern technology reduce or increase stress give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience, in some countries, young people are encouraged to work or travel for a year between finishing high school and starting university studies. discuss the advantages and disadvantages for young people who decide to do this. give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. you should write at least 250 words., nowadays, celebrities earn more money than the politicians do. what are the reasons for this is it a negative or a positive development, nowadays, more and more people decide to have children later in their life. what are the the reasons do advantages of this outweigh disadvantages, "these days people succeed in their chosen profession because they are good communicators and not just experts in a particular field". discuss the reasons and why is the case. give reasons to your answer and include any relevant examples from your knowledge or experience., you should spend about 40 minutes on this task. write about the following topic. with the improvements in today’s health care, society has to care for more and more elderly people. do you feel that society will be able to cope with the increase in numbers of elderly people today and how can it be managed give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. you should write at least 250 words., some people feel that it is always wrong to keep animals in captivity, for instance in zoos. other people say that there are benefits for the animals and for humans. discuss both sides of this debate, and give your personal view, you should spend about 40 minutes on this task. write about the following topic. pollution of rivers, lakes and seas is a major concern for people who seek to protect the environment. what are the possible causes of water pollution, and what effects does this have on animal life and human society give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. you should write at least 254 words., some people believe that it is best to accept a bad situation such as an unsatisfactory job or shortage of money. others argue that it is better to try and improve such situation. discuss both these views and give your own., immigration has a major impact on the society. what are the main reasons of immigration. to what consequences can it lead., to what extent has the internet made life more convenient give reasons for your answer and give any relavent examples from your own knowledge or experienc..

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Common IELTS Writing Task 2 topics

در این صفحه, environment, government spending.

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Although you never know what your question for writing Task 2 on the IELTS exam is going to be, there are often certain topics that come up repeatedly when practicing sample questions. Here is a list of common writing Task 2 topics and some strategies to become familiar with them.

Education is a topic that most IELTS candidates can relate to and it is a common theme for the IELTS Writing Task 2. Questions can range from topics such as the classroom to the curriculum.

Many feel that the common educational system of teachers and students in a classroom will be replaced by the year 2050.

Do you agree with this view? Give your opinion.

Education should be free to all people and should be paid for and managed by the government.

Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Much of our world today is heavily influenced by technology and so many aspects of our lives are impacted by this topic. Various Task 2 questions have technology as the main idea.

Nowadays, children watch a lot of TV and play video games. However, some think that these activities are not beneficial for a child’s mental health.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Modern technology now allows rapid and uncontrolled access to information in many countries. This is a danger to our societies.

Health is another common topic on the IELTS writing Task 2 as healthcare is becoming more complex with people in many countries becoming more concerned with their health and having varying opinions on how to care for themselves.

Doctors recommend that older people exercise regularly. However, many of them do not get enough exercise.

What are the reasons?

What can be done to encourage them to exercise more?

Health care costs are increasing and many governments are finding it difficult to balance their healthcare budget. Should citizens be totally responsible for their own health with private health insurance or should the government provide free healthcare for all?

Discuss your viewpoint on this issue.

The environment is a worldwide issue that affects everyone. For this reason, it is a common topic on writing Task 2.

Some feel that it is impossible for a country to be economically progressive and environmentally friendly at the same time. Others disagree with this view.

Discuss both points of view and give your opinion.

Water pollution has become an increasing problem over the past few decades.

What causes water pollution?

How can we prevent this problem?

Government spending affects everyone within a country, so many citizens have strong opinions on how government funds are allocated. For writing Task 2, questions could discuss government spending on a wide range of topics.

Governments should lower budgets for arts in order to allocate more money to education.

Do you agree with this view?

Some believe governments should spend more money on improving roads and highways, while some think money should be spent improving public transportation, such as buses, trains, and subways.

People and the way they behave in different situations is the focus of many questions. This is why sociology is a common topic on the writing section of the IELTS exam.

Many parents put a lot of pressure on their children to succeed.

To what extent do you agree?

Most societies are based on rules and laws. If individuals were free to do whatever they wanted, society could not function.

Now that you know some common topics, here are some strategies to feel comfortable writing about any of them:

Read the news

All of these topics are commonly found in the news, in various types of stories and articles. Reading the news is a good way to get a sense of each topic and the vocabulary that is commonly associated with each of these topics.

Develop common vocabulary for each topic

Reading the news will allow you to see what words are common across these topics. Writing this vocabulary down and noting how to use it will help develop your writing skills. When you practice writing Task 2 essays, try to use this vocabulary in the correct form and in different questions.

Practice writing about these topics

Although this is not an inclusive list of topics, it's a good place to start. Look at common questions about these topics and practice writing them. This will allow you to get more comfortable with writing a Task 2 essay as well as using more advanced, topic-specific vocabulary.

Know these topics in different essay types

When you look at Task 2 questions, think about all essay types because you never know what kind of essay you are going to have to write on the IELTS test. If you read a topic about sports, think about your opinion, how you would discuss both views, what are the advantages and disadvantages of differing views, any problems or solutions associated with the topic, etc. Following this advice will help you understand how you would answer any type of essay question and aid in your success with writing Task 2.

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IELTS Writing Task 2: Mastering Essays on Biodiversity Preservation in the Face of Climate Change – Band 7 and 8 Sample Essays

The Importance Of Preserving Biodiversity In The Face Of Climate Change is a critical topic that has gained significant attention in recent IELTS examinations. Based on analysis of past papers and current environmental trends, this theme is likely to appear with increasing frequency in future tests. Let’s explore a relevant question that has appeared in recent IELTS exams and provide sample essays to help you prepare effectively.

Table of Contents

  • 1 Analyzing the Question
  • 2 Sample Essay 1 (Band 8-9)
  • 3 Sample Essay 2 (Band 6-7)
  • 4 Key Points to Remember When Writing
  • 5 Vocabulary to Remember

Analyzing the Question

Some people believe that preserving biodiversity is crucial for addressing climate change, while others argue that technological solutions are more important. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

This question requires candidates to:

  • Discuss the importance of preserving biodiversity in combating climate change
  • Explore the role of technological solutions in addressing climate change
  • Provide a balanced argument considering both perspectives
  • Present and justify their own opinion on the matter

Sample Essay 1 (Band 8-9)

Biodiversity preservation and technological advancements are both considered vital strategies in the fight against climate change. While some argue that maintaining ecological balance through biodiversity is paramount, others contend that innovative technologies hold the key to mitigating global warming. This essay will examine both viewpoints before presenting my own perspective on this critical issue.

Those who advocate for biodiversity preservation argue that diverse ecosystems are more resilient to climate-related stresses. Intact forests, for instance, act as carbon sinks, absorbing vast quantities of greenhouse gases from the atmosphere. Moreover, biodiversity ensures the survival of numerous species that may hold the key to future climate adaptation strategies. The preservation of mangrove forests, for example, not only protects coastlines from rising sea levels but also supports a wide array of marine life crucial for maintaining ecological balance.

On the other hand, proponents of technological solutions emphasize the potential of human innovation to address climate change more rapidly and efficiently. They argue that advancements in renewable energy technologies, such as solar and wind power, can significantly reduce our reliance on fossil fuels and cut greenhouse gas emissions. Furthermore, emerging technologies like carbon capture and storage systems offer the promise of actively removing CO2 from the atmosphere, potentially reversing some of the damage already done.

In my opinion, a synergistic approach combining both biodiversity preservation and technological innovation is essential for effectively combating climate change. While technology can provide immediate and scalable solutions, the long-term resilience of our planet depends on maintaining robust and diverse ecosystems. For instance, the development of advanced satellite monitoring systems can enhance our ability to protect and manage biodiversity hotspots, illustrating how technology and conservation can work hand in hand.

In conclusion, preserving biodiversity and advancing technology are not mutually exclusive approaches to addressing climate change. Rather, they are complementary strategies that, when implemented together, offer the best hope for mitigating the impacts of global warming and ensuring a sustainable future for our planet.

(Word count: 310)

Biodiversity and Climate Change

Sample Essay 2 (Band 6-7)

Climate change is a big problem in the world today, and people have different ideas about how to solve it. Some think that keeping different types of plants and animals alive is very important, while others believe that new technology is the answer. This essay will talk about both ideas and give my opinion.

People who think biodiversity is important say that having many different living things helps the environment stay healthy. For example, forests with lots of different trees can take in more carbon dioxide, which is a gas that makes the Earth warmer. Also, some animals or plants might have special abilities that could help us fight climate change in the future, but we don’t know about them yet.

On the other hand, people who support technology think that new inventions can help us solve climate change faster. They say that things like solar panels and wind turbines can give us clean energy without making the air dirty. There are also new machines being made that can take carbon dioxide out of the air, which could help stop the Earth from getting too hot.

I think that both biodiversity and technology are important for fighting climate change. We need to protect nature because it helps keep the Earth healthy in ways we might not even understand yet. But we also need new technology to help us stop pollution and find cleaner ways to make energy. By using both nature and technology together, we have a better chance of solving the problem of climate change.

In conclusion, keeping different types of plants and animals alive and making new technology are both good ways to fight climate change. We should try to do both things to help make sure the Earth stays healthy for the future.

(Word count: 282)

Key Points to Remember When Writing

Structure : Ensure your essay has a clear introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. The introduction should paraphrase the question and outline your approach. Body paragraphs should each focus on a single main idea, and the conclusion should summarize your arguments and restate your opinion.

Balance : For this type of question, it’s crucial to discuss both viewpoints fairly before presenting your own opinion. Aim for roughly equal treatment of both perspectives in your body paragraphs.

Lexical Resource : Use a range of vocabulary related to the environment, biodiversity, and technology. Higher band scores require more sophisticated and precise language use.

Grammatical Range and Accuracy : Employ a variety of sentence structures and complex grammatical forms. For band 8-9, ensure near-perfect grammar throughout the essay.

Cohesion and Coherence : Use linking words and phrases to connect ideas within and between paragraphs. Ensure your essay flows logically from one point to the next.

Vocabulary to Remember

  • Biodiversity (noun) /ˌbaɪəʊdaɪˈvɜːsəti/ – the variety of plant and animal life in the world or in a particular habitat
  • Ecosystem (noun) /ˈiːkəʊsɪstəm/ – a biological community of interacting organisms and their physical environment
  • Resilient (adjective) /rɪˈzɪliənt/ – able to withstand or recover quickly from difficult conditions
  • Mitigate (verb) /ˈmɪtɪɡeɪt/ – make (something bad) less severe, serious, or painful
  • Carbon sink (noun) /ˈkɑːbən sɪŋk/ – a forest, ocean, or other natural environment viewed in terms of its ability to absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere
  • Greenhouse gas (noun) /ˈɡriːnhaʊs ɡæs/ – a gas that contributes to the greenhouse effect by absorbing infrared radiation
  • Renewable energy (noun) /rɪˈnjuːəbəl ˈenədʒi/ – energy from a source that is not depleted when used, such as wind or solar power
  • Carbon capture (noun) /ˈkɑːbən ˈkæptʃə/ – the process of trapping carbon dioxide produced by burning fossil fuels or other chemical or biological processes
  • Synergistic (adjective) /ˌsɪnəˈdʒɪstɪk/ – relating to the interaction or cooperation of two or more organizations, substances, or other agents to produce a combined effect greater than the sum of their separate effects
  • Sustainable (adjective) /səˈsteɪnəbəl/ – able to be maintained at a certain rate or level

In conclusion, mastering essays on the importance of preserving biodiversity in the face of climate change requires a deep understanding of environmental issues, strong analytical skills, and the ability to present balanced arguments. Practice writing essays on this topic and related themes, such as the impact of deforestation on biodiversity or the effects of climate change on marine ecosystems. Remember to post your practice essays in the comments section for feedback and to engage in constructive discussions with fellow IELTS candidates. This active participation will significantly enhance your writing skills and prepare you for success in the IELTS Writing Task 2.

  • IELTS essay samples
  • Sample Essay
  • Vocabulary List

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