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  • PhD Programs

PhD Programs at the School of Arts

Developing and transition countries are affected by a multitude of environmental, political, economic, socio-cultural, and technical development problems and disparities. These occur in many different contexts, and their frequency and acuteness have greatly increased in the 20th century. The challenge for research that aims to produce knowledge relevant to prevention and mitigation of such problems and disparities is that these do not occur independently of each other, but are closely interrelated, appearing in clusters.

The major objective of PhD program at SOA is to produce qualified researchers and professionals who are able to coordinate, guide, analyze, evaluate, improve and propagate efforts aimed identifying causes and problems regarding issues related to environmental, economic, socio-cultural issues, problems and disparities in developing countries. By doing so the program aims to produce highly qualified and competent researchers and professionals who can not only proactively and constructively take part in national and international researches and debates in the field, but can also provide effective recommendations based on their studies to the policy making bodies at various levels.

PhD in the Department of Development Studies 

A wide range of issues connected with environmental, political, economic, sociocultural, technical and technological development influence emerging and developing countries that are in transition. These issues occur in various circumstances, and in the twenty-first century, both their frequency and acuity have substantially increased. The challenge for research that strives to develop knowledge pertinent to the reduction, prevention and mitigation of global and local problems and disparities is that these do not occur independently of one another but are instead intricately connected and manifest in clusters. Such clusters of problems are referred to as  “syndromes of global change.”

In the context above, the Department of Development Studies provides excellent opportunities to conduct (interdisciplinary) research with options for a variety of concentrations. The PhD program is designed to offer candidates an outstanding opportunity to carry out cutting-edge research to address the issues surrounding “syndromes of global change” through original contribution. The PhD candidates are expected to significantly advance the discourses on national and international development challenges and discourses.

The Department accepts PhD applicants on A ROLLING basis, any time, throughout the year. The potential PhD applicants can reach out to the Department with their proposal directly or through a potential supervisor from the Department. Before being accepted into the Department’s PhD program, candidates must go through a thorough selection process as per the criteria set by the Department.

Ongoing PhD Research Themes

  • The Returns of Educational Migration in Nepal

The overall objective of this study is to explore the impact of transnational student migration at both household and societal level in Nepal, with particular attention paid to the role of gender and class. A significant number of Nepalese youths migrate with the purpose of pursuing a higher education abroad. Historically speaking India has been the principal destination for Nepalese going abroad for both employment opportunities and education, but in recent years North America, Australia and Europe have provided pathways for student and highly skilled migration for people from the middle and upper classes. With a focus on returnee student migrants this sub-study explores, firstly, how academic, technical and social skills acquired abroad are used when re-establishing a life back in Nepal; secondly how highly educated returnees envision to contribute to build up democratic institutions in post-conflict Nepal through their engagement in civic, social and political organizations. Through its focus on a group of relatively privileged migrants it sheds light on transnational student migration as a potential resource for democracy-building in Nepal, both in relation to a potential increase in political and civic engagement furthered by migrants’ know-how with other socio-political systems, and to the ways in which experiences gained abroad may contribute to challenge existing social hierarchies, including that of gender, at both household and societal level. This project is a collaboration between Aarhus University (Denmark), Kathmandu University (Nepal), North-Eastern Hill University (India) and University of Copenhagen (Denmark). The project is funded by Consultative Research Committee for Development Research (FFU) under Denmark’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Use the menu to the left to see the research team at each university.

PhD Candidate:

Sushant Acharya

Gyanu Maskey

Completed PhD Themes

Lochan Rijal

Khagendra Acharya

Hem Raj Kafle

Ram Chandra Poudel

Laxmi Dhungel

Hritika Rana

  • Social and Territorial Impacts of Armed Conflict-induced Displacement and the Livelihoods of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in Nepal

The main objective of this PhD research was to analyze the socio-economic situation of the IDPs and examine their interaction patterns, coping strategies, available means of livelihoods, vulnerability and risks in the new urban environment and the existing networks with the home villages. The research analyzed the policy response of the state towards IDPs and examined the process of formation of marginal habitats.

This research was conducted by Dr. Anita Ghimire.

  • Access of Dalits and Socially Excluded People to Land Resource: Livelihood Insecurity and Social Conflict

The main objective of this PhD research was to examine the policies, legislations or regulations and practices related to access of and control over land resources by Dalits and other socially excluded groups as well as to identify the problems and opportunities inherent in the current policy and legislative sphere. The study explored the impact of the provisions in these policies and regulations on the livelihoods of socially excluded groups.

This research was conducted by Dr. Purna Nepali.

  • Tourism, Conflict and Peace in Nepal

The main objective of this PhD research was to assess both the role of tourism in conflict and the impact of conflict on the development of the tourism sector in Nepal. Second, it aimed to analyse if and how the tourism industry contributed towards resolving armed conflict and restoring peace in the country as well as to evaluate its potential for sustainable tourism development in the post-conflict period. It analysed the role of such actors towards reducing the conflict proneness of violent economic and political environments and towards achieving sustainable development.

This research was conducted by Dr. Pranil Kumar Upadhyaya.

  • Livelihood Futures in Resource-scarce Areas and the Quest for Inclusion of Marginal Groups

In places where natural resources are scarce, various groups may vie for the control as well as for access to any alternative means of securing a living. Making comparative studies of resource-scarce areas in South Asia and East Africa, this research project aimed to identify new livelihood strategies for groups vulnerable to exclusion, particularly strategies that diminish reliance on natural resources. In Nepal, this research was conducted in the far western region of Nepal, with food insecurity as its central theme. This was a collaborative research project of Department of Development Studies, University of Zurich and NCCR North-South.

Dr. Nirmal Kumar B.K.

  • Contested Development

Though some sections of Nepal’s society have been able to improve their livelihoods in recent years, contemporary life in rural Nepal is still characterized by the widespread persistence of inequality and poverty. Dissatisfied with the developmental performance of the State, social/political movements started to claim to better represent poor people’s aspirations in the recent years. The PhD research addressed this issue by first mapping the existing regional movements, and by then selecting one such movement for in-depth analysis. This PhD aimed to contribute to the growing and very contested global debate on “social movements” as alternatives to state-led poverty-oriented rural development. This was a collaborative research project of Department of Development Studies, University of Zurich, and NCCR North-South.

Dr. Mahendra Sapkota

  • Migration, Transitional Politics and Rural Governance in Nepal

Throughout history, migration has been a major factor in shaping Nepal’s demographic changes. In the long history of Nepal’s migration, there have been many significant phases that have shaped Nepal’s political as well as social fabric. One such phase was observed during the Armed Conflict, between 1996-2006, during which an upsurge in the rural-urban migration as well as international migration from Nepal took place. Many Nepalese, particularly the youth, have continued to migrate to urban areas or even to third countries as the conflict has destroyed much of the infrastructure and socio-political institutions in which their livelihood has traditionally depended. This in turn is having a multidimensional impact on issues such as local governance and politics, education of children, quality of living, income levels and social networking. This study aimed to focus particularly on; 1) how the on-going political transition and identity-based politics is influencing rural out migration, and 2) what the impacts of rural out migration were on local political participation and citizenship. This project was collaboration between Aarhus University (Denmark), Kathmandu University (Nepal), North-Eastern Hill University (India) and University of Copenhagen (Denmark).

Dr. Binayak Krishna Thapa

Eligibility and Selection Process for PhD Program

  • Completion of a Master’s Degree MA, MSc or MPhil on a related discipline with a minimum cumulative grade point average (CGPA) of  3.0  out of 4.0 or an equivalent of  65 percent  marks. The candidates must have completed a minimum of 7 years of university education  after SLC.  Research and work experience in relevant fields, and experience of field research, data analysis, and scientific writing will be an advantage. Candidates should have strong oral and written English language skills.
  • The eligible candidates will first have to sit for a written examination, which basically tests their written skills on related subjects/issues.
  • Only those who pass the written exam will be invited for an interview.
  • Shortlisted candidates from the interview will be given about three weeks to prepare and present their PhD research proposal on the required theme. A selection committee will make the final decision and recommend the best candidate to present her/his final proposal to the PhD Research Committee Board of School of Arts.
  • The PhD Research Committee will make the final decision regarding the selection of the PhD candidate.
  • Master in Development Studies
  • Master in Human and Natural Resources Studies
  • Master in Urban Studies (MUS)
  • Bachelor in Media Studies
  • Masters in Media Studies
  • Department of Music
  • Department of Art and Design
  • Bachelor in Community Development Programme
  • Bachelors in Economics
  • Landscape Management and Heritage Studies
  • Disability Research Center
  • Center for Buddhist Studies
  • Confucius Institute at KU
  • Himalaya Centre for Asian Studies
  • Kathmandu University-Nepal Centre for Contemporary Studies (KU-NCCS)
  • National College Center for Development Studies
  • Bachelor in Arts – Social Work (BSW) at St. Xavier’s College

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phd study in nepal

Message from Dean

Research is the main focus of higher education around the world. In line with this practice, Graduate School of Education, Faculty of Education, Tribhuvan University, focuses on incorporating research in the field of education as the major component. We are committed to investigating the problems, explore the issues, and forward viable solution in the field.

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Message from Director

It is outward that the Graduate School of Education (GSE) has been working as a part of the Faculty of Education, Tribhuvan University, the oldest university in Nepal, for several years, thereby demonstrating its excellence as its disciplinary identity, particularly through the Master of Philosophy (M.Phil.) and Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)                |Read More|

Our Programs

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About M. Phil.

This program is an advanced level program with special focus on research and knowledge. GSE provides six specializations in MPhil program: Education studies, English education, Nepali Education, Mathematics Education, Health Education and Social studies Education. This program is eighteen months long and divided into three semesters. The first two semesters have 24 credit hour courses and third semester is of eight credit hours of dissertation writing. Two modes used to operate this program will be face-to-face and online (blended).

This program is an advanced level program with special focus on research and knowledge. GSE provides six specializations in PhD program: Education studies, English education, Nepali Education, Mathematics Education, Health Education and Social studies Education. Minimum duration of this program is 2 years from PhD registration and it is 24 credit hours course.

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MPhil chance exam Result of 20th batch

Interview Schedule for PhD 9th Batch 2081

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Southwestern Center for PhD Studies (PhD Center)

Southwestern Centre for PhD Studies (PhD Centre), an independent and autonomous research facilitation institution, focused on PhD level studies, was established in late 2010 in Koteshwor, Kathmandu, Nepal by a group of academicians to promote research particularly PhD studies in Nepal. The Centre has good networking with National and International Universities and Research Centres. The primary focus of this Centre is to support qualified individuals in pursuing PhD. The main aim of the Centre is to assist the development process and nation building by applying quality research at all levels of society. It provides services to the scholars on admission, synopsis preparation, arranging supervisor, documentation, access on the digital library, networking, guiding on research methodology and philosophy, data analysis through SPSS/NVivo, report writing, article publishing, etc. It also offers training on ‘Research Methodology and Philosophy’ for other organizations. Researchers completing the training from the Centre are capable of independently conducting both: action or basic research. By 2020, the Centre would provide a quality environment to add 2020 more qualified PhD graduates (doubling the present level of the total number in Nepal). This is the mission of the Centre.

Visit the PhD center website

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  • About PhD 2024

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Doctoral in Buddhist Studies

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Buddhist Studies (three years full-time equivalent) is a rigorous program of advanced study and research. This program is intended to produce graduates with the capacity to conduct research independently at a high level of originality and quality.

Lumbini Buddhist University (LBU) was established in 2004 at the behest of the 1 st World Buddhist Summit held in Lumbini, the birthplace of Shakyamuni Buddha, in 1998. Accepting and following the teachings of Gautam Buddha, LBU is dedicated to core Buddhist values of Maitri, Karūṇā, Muditā and Upkeṡā (Amity, Compassion, Inner Peace, and Forgiveness) in promoting World Peace and Harmony. It is running academic programs and research in the areas of Buddhist Philosophy, Literature, Education and Culture.

Since 2011 LBU has been offering Ph.D. program in  two major streams – core Buddhist studies  and applied Buddhism

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Researchers and PhD scholars can access to LBU E-library and other Research Vendors anytime anywhere. 

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Online classes available. Scholars can access their classes from anywhere.

University calls for new applications in the Ph.D. Batch 2024 has been closed

Lumbini Buddhist University calls for application for admission in the Ph.D. Degree Programin the Faculty of Buddhist Studiesfor the academic year 2024.

Before filling up the application form, it is advisable to refer to the program information for gathering basic information about the intended programs and make sure the requirements are fulfilled.


Research Methodology and Buddhist literature are very precious

"I am a Ph.D. student in the Faculty of Buddhist studies at Lumbini Buddhist University. I am interested in increasing my knowledge of Buddhism so I applied for the Ph.D. program. I am busy with dhamma teaching in my country and I am very satisfied to join the online Ph.D. program of LBU. I am very impressed by the level of support, structure, and professors of LBU. The courses for Research Methodology and Buddhist literature are very precious for the students. I have learned so much and it is believed that the skills I have learned through this program will support me in my research work. So, I am very pleased to be a student of LBU."

Dr.Khin Maung Kyi -

Sandhya Regmi

I feel privileged to have been enrolled in Ph. D. at LBU in my search for an interface where Buddhism meets modern civilization to solve emerging environmental problems. I hold the belief that we need more than technological advancement and legislative intervention to deal with the ongoing degradation of the environment, over-exploitation of natural resources, conflicts, and threats to mankind and our mother earth. I see a crucial element missing from it to constitute a holistic approach that could lead towards achieving environmental preservation and sustainable development for our healthier, happier, and peaceful coexistence. This missing element is BUDDHIST PHILOSOPHICAL TEACHINGS and the application of its ETHICAL and MORAL CODES in our lives. I, therefore, seek to explore ways to mitigate the environmental problems through a HYBRID APPROACH comprising the blend of Materialistic/Technical and Spiritual/Buddhist approaches. Out of my passion for Buddhism, I have painted over 50 portraits of Buddha on canvas and have exhibited them both inside and outside Nepal to spread the message of peace, creativity, and harmony. I have attended several international Buddhist conferences, and have been conducting a series of philanthropic and charity events under the umbrella of Buddha Harmony Foundation, of which I am the Founder President. Currently, I am working in Manila as an International Consultant in a Megaproject funded by ADB and JICA. Being a scholar of Science and Technology throughout my life with post-graduate degrees in Engineering from the Universities of Germany and Singapore and a research fellowship at the University of Tokyo Japan, and with over 20 years of professional experience as an Environmental Specialist, Energy Advisor, Program Manager, and Contracts Manager in Infrastructure Development Projects in Nepal and abroad, I have now resolved to undertake doctoral research in Applied Buddhism at LBU, which, I believe, will become an international center for its excellence in Buddhist studies developing Lumbini as an academic hub.

Sandhya Regmi -

Eligibility, application process, application requirements, research papers from alumni, बौद्ध र जैनदर्शनको तुलनात्मक अध्ययन.

ज्ञानदेव हटुवाल, पिएच डी लेख सार ईशा. पूर्व छैठौँ र पाँचौ शताब्दीमा सिर्जित भएका यस

Buddhism, National Security and Place of Violence

Keshar Bahadur Bhandari, PhD    Abstract The practice of national security in vary many forms

Vipassanā: An Expedition from Inner Peace to

Netra P. Sharma, PhD   Abstract Peace has been the most crucial issue of every

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Council for Doctoral Studies

Sunday, January 6, 2019


As the scope of teaching and professional jobs is expanding in the country along with the expansion of Pokhara University, there is a growing demand for doctoral studies from within and outside of Pokhara University. Similarly, many foreigners are interested in doing a doctoral research in Nepal and there is a growing collaborative research work of Pokhara University with other foreign universities, research institutions and commission research of international organizations/institutions. Within this context, the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Management, Humanities, Social Sciences, and Sustainable Development is a constituent programmes of the University. The PhD programme is operational under the Pokhara University Council for Doctoral Studies and managed by the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. Among the operational programmes, Humanities, Social Sciences, and Sustainable Development degrees are managed by the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.

The Doctoral programme aims at producing expert and specialized high-level human resources for teaching, research and professional services, who shall profess theoretical excellence and practical comprehension in a particular area of humanities, management, science and technology, or social sciences.

Modality and Eligibility for Application

The Pokhara University Doctoral programme shall be an integrated programme under the “Pokhara University Doctoral Programme”. The programme constitutes the following two tracks:

  • Research Only Track for those who have already completed an MPhil degree. The eligibility for admission into the Research Only Track of the Doctoral programme is an MPhil degree in a related area of studies with a CGPA of 3.30 in a scale of 4.00 grading system, or 60 per cent on aggregate system of evaluation.
  • Coursework-Research Track for those who have simply a Master’s degree. The eligibility for the Coursework-Research Track of the Doctoral programme is a Master degree in a related area of study with a CGPA of 3.00 in a scale of 4.00 grading system, or Second Division on aggregate system of evaluation. [ Note: This programme track has not been started, but planned to be started by the coming academic year.]

Duration of the Programme

The doctoral programme is a three year programme, constituting six normal semesters. However, students are allowed to complete different stages according to the following time duration: (i) 2 years for coursework (as applicable); (ii) 1 year for proposal defence; and (iii) 5 years for research work from the date of candidacy i.e. from the date of proposal defence, (conditions apply).

Requirements for the Award of the Degree

The requirements for the award of Doctoral degree are as follows.

  • A minimum of 24 credit advance courses for the Coursework-Research Track;
  • Research Only Track students audit course(s) if recommended by the Doctoral Student Supervisory Committee (DSSC);
  • Successful candidacy for the advancement to the doctoral dissertation upon writing a proposal and defending it in an academic gathering;
  • One conference paper with the first authorship of the student, based on the student’s doctoral dissertation research;
  • One research article with the first authorship of the student, based on the student’s doctoral dissertation research;
  • A successful presentation of the doctoral dissertation in a doctoral seminar; and
  • Approval of the doctoral dissertation by the final examiners of Doctoral Dissertation.

Application for admission

The following documents are required to be submitted for application: (i) Application Form; (ii) A statement of purpose; (iii) A preliminary research proposal (within 2,000 words); (iv) A portfolio of works; and (v) Copies of Academic Certificates.

Fee Structure

Reasonable fees are set for the two streams of the programme. The fees are payable by semester.

Entrance Test and Evaluation of Applicant

Admission to the Doctoral programme shall be granted based on the combined score of the following three types of evaluations.

  • Written entrance test. This test constitutes of the following 3 (three) sections with corresponding weightage.
  • Quantitative Reasoning (30 marks) with data analysis and problem solving sections.
  • Verbal Reasoning (30 marks) with sentence correction and critical reasoning sections.
  • Analytical writing (40 marks) with Analysis of an Issue and Analysis of an Argument sections.
  • Evaluation of the application documents; and
  • Interview of the candidate.

Application Form



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Doctor of Philosophy

Doctor of Philosophy

The PhD program at Kathmandu University Centre for Buddhist Studies (KU-CBS) is a three-year research program leading to the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. The aim of the program is to produce qualified researchers and professionals who are able to undertake research projects within Buddhist Studies, elicit substantial new findings in the field, and teach in their field of expertise.

Entry into the PhD program is normally contingent upon successful completion of the MA degree in Buddhist Studies or the MA in Translation, Textual Interpretation, and Philology at Kathmandu University Centre for Buddhist Studies at Rangjung Yeshe Institute and a satisfactory evaluation by the RYI Graduate Committee. Students with sufficient background, usually the successful completion of a relevant MA degree at another institution, may be considered for admission into the PhD program.

Students are expected to fulfill the language requirements, design a research proposal, fulfill the residence requirements and publication requirements, and to write and defend a dissertation.

Students are expected to demonstrate the ability to do original research utilizing primary languages of Buddhist traditions in accordance with their chosen research project. Students are required to demonstrate competence in two scholarly languages relevant to their research project, normally classical Tibetan and Sanskrit. In addition and depending on the project, other languages such as Newar, Nepali, Pāli, or Chinese may be relevant. Where appropriate, students will be strongly encouraged to acquire competence in a modern research language in order to pursue research in the field. Missing language requirements should be completed at RYI prior to enrolling in the PhD program.

Once a student has been accepted by the Graduate Committee of RYI, they will work with their advisor to compose a final project proposal. The proposal is then presented to the PhD Research Committee Board of Kathmandu University School of Arts who will make the final decision regarding the selection of the PhD candidate.

Students who have completed a Master of Arts at RYI-KU CBS will have fulfilled the residence requirement for the PhD Students from other universities are expected to be on campus for a minimum of one year during which they participate in the thesis writing workshop and the graduate methodology seminar. Additional coursework might be appropriate.

Within the duration of the PhD program, students must complete the publication of either two papers in internationally recognized journals or one paper in an internationally recognized journal plus two chapters in peer-reviewed books.

The PhD is conferred once a candidate has achieved the completion of three years of research, fulfilled the publication requirement (see above), and submitted a dissertation. This will be reviewed by two external examiners, one national and one international. The candidate must successfully defend the dissertation before the RYI graduate committee, and then receive approval by the Kathmandu University PhD Research Committee.

Please refer to the  Eligibility Requirements  for the PhD program for more details.

If you are interested in pursuing a PhD at RYI, we invite you to contact us with a first draft of your project proposal and your CV. We will then advise you on your project and on any questions you might have before making your application. Contact the PhD program directors at [email protected] .

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About PhD Centre

Welcome Southwestern Centre for Research and PhD Studies. 

Southwestern Centre for Research and PhD Studies was established in 2010 by a group of academicians and researchers as one of the independent institutions of Southwestern Foundation. The Foundation is dedicated on promotion of research based education and promoting the academic and applied research by establishing research hubs through the global networks and collaboration.

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Workshop on gba+ analysis, ongoing research.

PhD centre has a strong team for facilitating research studies. Sincere gratitude for the academic support provided towards my deeper understanding and the achievements.

Dr. Achut Nepal

I completed my PhD in IT from infrastructure University- Kuala Lumpur through Southwestern PhD centre. I am extremely grateful to have this position I have today. Thankyou PhD Centre for connecting me to my goals with proper guidance. This really makes me proud.

Dr Rameswore Subedi

Quality Education Its a best place for the PhD studies. I can work and study at the same time. I am now a PhD from Centre of Excellence. Thank you
PhD Centre is one of the best harnessing educational points for academics. It equips scholars with all essentials to ease the way toward the doctoral destination.
Best Learning Place PhD centre has been a good place for the student like us to enroll and clear our education. We are given the best guidance.

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  • Tips for writing PhD Thesis
  • Strategy for writing PhD Thesis
  • Presenting your Thesis
  • All about PhD Thesis
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  • Writing a PhD Thesis
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Our Affiliate University

  • University of CyberJaya, Malaysia
  • Infrastructure University, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  • Sikkim Professional University, East Sikkim
  • Universiti of Kuala Lumpur (UniKL), Malaysia
  • University of the Fraser Valley, Canada

Kathmandu University

Program Details

Kathmandu University

Ph. D. in Statistics

 Applications are invited for admission to the PhD in Statistics for the academic year 2022 – 23 from the candidates meeting the minimum eligibility criteria.

  •  PhD: Must have completed their 17 years of education obtained Master level at least in second division or a CGPA if 3.0 from any recognized University.


Application form is available at the administrative office of the Department of Mathematics School of Science, Dhulikhel, Kavre or on-line at the School of Science website: https://sos.ku.edu.np/downloads-628. All eligible candidates are informed to fill the prescribed application form, deposit application fee of NRs. 1500/- deposited at any to Nepal Investment Bank Limited account no.: 00501030255530, along with the photocopies of previous academic and citizenship certificates at the administrative office of the Department of Mathematics School of Science, Kathmandu University, Dhulikhel, Kavre.

Last date of submission of application is November 30, 2022 (Mangsir 14, 2079 BS). Only short-listed candidates will be informed to appear for written test and / or interview.

For scholarships and other details please visit : https://sos.ku.edu.np or call (+977-11) 415100 / 415200 (Extn 4413)

Qualification for Application:

At least 17 years of education 10+2+3+2 in the relevant subject at various levels, with a minimum of first division or Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 3.0 or above.


Once the necessary minimum qualification is obtained through programs run by the relevant department, an application for a Ph.D. can be made. If such programs are not available in the relevant department or are not available for an individual, the department may reject the application.

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Kathmandu University

  • Ph.D. Research Guidelines [Nepali version]  [Unofficial Translation in English]
  • Checklists for a complete Ph.D. Application (For the applicant)
  • Checklists for a complete Ph.D. Application (For the concerned department)
  • Check List for PhD Dissertation Defense

PhD Graduates from the Department

  • Dr. Bal Krishna Bal Research Topic: Analyzing opinions and argumentation in news editorials and opinionated texts: Building Resources and techniques for a computational model. Supervisors: Prof. Patrick A.V. Hall, Prof.Patrick Saint-Dizier Graduated year: 2015
  • Dr. Purusottam Kharel Research Topic: E-Government in Developing Countries: Problem and Prospects in the context of Nepal. Supervisors: Prof. Patrick A.V. Hall, Prof. Dr. Subarna Shakya. Graduated Year: 2016
  • Dr. Pranita Upadhyaya Research Topic: An Empirical Study of E-Government Security implementation in developing countries: A Case Study of Nepal. Supervisors: Prof. Dr.Subarna Shakya, Dr. Manish Pokharel Graduated Year: 2017
  • Dr. Sushil Shrestha Research Topic: Online Learning System Supervisor: Prof.Dr. Manish Pokharel  Graduated Year: 2021
  • Dr. Sameer Kharel Research Topic: Exploration of Novel Usability Methodologies for Transcending the Gap between Apps and the Web for Same Service Delivery in Different Media Supervisors: Dr. Mikael Fernström, Dr. Bal Krishna Bal Graduated Year: 2021

Current PhD Candidate

  •  Santosh Khanal Email: [email protected] Research Topic: Integrating Clinical Information for Predictive Analysis Supervisor: Dr. Rabindra Bista Start Date: 26 March, 2019
  • Ganesh Gautam Email: [email protected] Research Topic: Infrastructure Analysis and IOT Framework Development for Smart City Nepal Supervisor: Dr. Gajendra Sharma Start Date: 22 May, 2018
  • Pankaj Raj Dawadi Email: [email protected] Research Topic: Performance Measurement using Machine Learning Approach: A Perspective From Smart Transportation Supervisors: Prof.Dr. Manish Pokharel, Dr. Bal Krishna Bal Start Date: 22 May, 201 8
  • Hari Prashad Aryal Email: [email protected] Research Topic:  Leveraging Big Data for Disaster Management Supervisor: Dr. Gajendra Sharma Start Date: 2 Jan, 2022
  • Manish Joshi  Email: [email protected] Research Topic: AI for climate change Supervisor: Prof.Dr. Manish Pokharel Start Date: 2 Jan, 2022
  • Nawaraj Paudel Email: [email protected] Research Topic:  Optimizing Database Queries Using Genetic Algorithms Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Manish Pokharel Start Date: 24 Jan, 2022
  • Rupak Raj Ghimire Email: [email protected] Research Topic:  Automatic speech Recognition for Nepali Using Deep Learning Supervisor: Dr. Bal Krishna Bal Co-Supervisor: Dr. Prakash Poudyal Start Date: 2 Jan, 2022
  • Sushil Nepal Email: [email protected] Research Topic:  Building an Optimal Model for Intrusion Detection System to Protect Educational IT Infrastructure Supervisors: Dr. Bal Krishna Bal, Dr. Rabindra Bista Start Date: 24 Jan, 2022
  • Computer Engineering (BE)
  • Computer Science (B.Sc)
  • Bachelor of Information Technology (BIT)
  • Graduate Updated 2020
  • ME in Computer Engineering
  • MS by Research
  • MTech. in Information Technology
  • Undergraduate Course Catalog
  • Graduate Course Catalog

List of PhD in Science and Technology Colleges in Nepal

Top institutions in nepal to pursue your doctoral journey in science and technology.

In Nepal, there are several prestigious institutions that offer PhD programs in the field of science and technology. These programs provide advanced research and training opportunities for individuals aspiring to make significant contributions to their respective fields. 

Below is a compilation of colleges in Nepal that provide PhD programs specializing in Science and Technology.

Kathmandu University School of Science

  • Kathmandu University
  • Dhulikhel, Kavrepalanchok
  • Tribhuvan University
  • Kirtipur, Kathmandu

Central Department of Botany | Tribhuvan University

Foreign Affiliated

Affiliation, ugc accreditation.

Table of Contents

  • admission_req
  • eligibility

PhD (Education) | KU

  • Basic Facts

Objectives of PhD (Education)

The main objectives of PhD in Education program are as follows:

  • To enable students to develop the capacity to independently design and conduct original research by formulating genuine inquiry questions.
  • To help students gain a thorough understanding of the prime areas, focus, and framework of their investigation area, along with critical assessment skills of academic literature and intellectual conventions.
  • To equip students with problem-solving abilities, skills, knowledge, and attitudes essential to their field of study, including the capability to interpret study within the paradigms, methodologies, models, and methods relevant to their inspection.
  • To instill in students a sense of intellectual honesty, academic integrity, and a realization of their responsibilities as researchers.

Admission Requirements in PhD (Education)

Eligibility Criteria for Admission:

The eligibility criteria for the admission of PhD Education program are as follows:

  • Candidates must hold a Master of Philosophy (MPhil) degree or a Master of Science (MSc) by Research or any equivalent Master's degree in the relevant field from a recognized college/university affiliated with Kathmandu University.
  • Candidates must have achieved a minimum CGPA of 3 out of 4 or at least a second division in the aggregate of their Higher Secondary Examination.
  • Candidates should have at least one individual research article published (or accepted for publication) in a regional, national, or international journal or have presented a research paper at a recognized national or international conference.

Admission Procedure for Doctor of Philosophy in Education:

The admission process involves admission tests, presentation of research, viva voce, and a personal interview conducted by the research team.

Selection of candidates is based on various factors like:

  • Evaluation of published or presented research articles
  • Presentation and viva voce examination on the research article
  • Scores on the Admission Test
  • Personal interview
  • Merit of academic achievements

Career and Scope

Education plays a crucial role in society, and highly knowledgeable and skilled educators are needed to improve the education system. PhD graduates in education can pursue various career paths, including:

  • Teachers, trainers, tutors, and mentors in educational institutes, schools, colleges, and universities.
  • Researchers in organizations working in the field of education.
  • Positions such as advisors, administrators, supervisors, and curriculum developers.
  • Opportunities in international organizations for research work and other responsibilities.

PhD graduates in education have a wide range of career opportunities both within and outside the country, including positions that involve:

  • Policy-making
  • Curriculum development
  • Consultancy in the field of education

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47+ PhD Scholarships, Fellowships and grants for international students in Nepal

Full list of PhD Scholarships, Fellowships and grants for International students in Nepal- eligibility criteria, deadlines, application form, selection process & more!

[Updated 3 days ago] PhD Scholarships for International students in Nepal are below:

  • Nagao Natural Environment Foundation (NEF) - Research Grant Programme 2024 |
  • Momeni Iranian Financial Assistance Scholarships, 2024 |
  • Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds MD Fellowships 2024 |
  • Crivelli Europe Scholarships by UniCredit Foundation 2024 |
  • Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds (BIF) PhD Fellowships 2024 |
  • Dissertation Fieldwork Grants 2024 |
  • Sanders Prize in the History of Early Modern Philosophy 2024 |
  • Horowitz Foundation Grants 2024 |
  • Nokia Scholarship 2024-25 |
  • CSIRO Alumni Scholarship In Physics 2025 |
  • more scholarships below
  • Date posted

Nokia Foundation Scholarship programs

Nokia Scholarship 2024-25

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Scholarship can be taken at:

The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) Scholarship programs

CSIRO Alumni Scholarship In Physics 2025

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Nagao Natural Environment Foundation Scholarship programs

Nagao Natural Environment Foundation (NEF) - Research Grant Programme 2024

UniCredit Foundation Scholarship programs

Crivelli Europe Scholarships by UniCredit Foundation 2024

Marc Sanders Foundation Scholarship programs

Sanders Prize in the History of Early Modern Philosophy 2024

Horowitz Foundation for Social Policy Scholarship programs

Horowitz Foundation Grants 2024

Carlsberg Foundation Scholarship programs

Carlsberg Foundation Internationalisation Fellowships 2024

Wenner-Gren Foundation Scholarship programs

Dissertation Fieldwork Grants 2024

Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds (BIF) Scholarship programs

Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds (BIF) PhD Fellowships 2024

Momeni Foundation Scholarship programs

Momeni Iranian Financial Assistance Scholarships, 2024

Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds MD Fellowships 2024

The Leakey Foundation Scholarship programs

The Leakey Foundation-Franklin Mosher Baldwin Memorial Fellowships 2024

John Monash foundation Scholarship programs

John Monash Scholarships 2024

VSBfonds Scholarship programs

VSB Fund Scholarship for Dutch Students to Study Abroad 2024

Asia Centre, Bangkok Scholarship programs

Oxfam Young Leaders Fellowship Programme 2023

FinancialCAD Corporation Scholarship programs

Women in Finance Scholarship by Numerix 2024

Roberto Rocca Education Program Scholarship programs

Roberto Rocca Fellowships 2024

The Center for Cyber Safety and Education Scholarship programs

Center for Cyber Safety and Education Certification Scholarship 2024

Croucher Foundation Scholarship programs

Croucher Scholarships for Doctoral Study 2024

Facebook Scholarship programs

Facebook Emerging Scholar Program 2023

Our scholarship team will help you with any questions.

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Nagao Natural Environment Foundation (NEF) - Research Grant Programme 2024 is a Partial Funding international scholarship offered by the Nagao Natural Environment Foundation for international students. Students eligible for this scholarship are: Open to applicants of developing countries in the Asia-Pacific region

This scholarship can be taken for pursuing in Projects concerning nature conservation in developing countries. 15 Oct is the deadline to send applications for Nagao Natural Environment Foundation (NEF) - Research Grant Programme 2024. Applicants' own country. You may apply on Nagao Natural Environment Foundation (NEF) - Research Grant Programme 2024 application form .

Check out other international Fellowships and Grants and Scholarships offered by Nagao Natural Environment Foundation

Momeni Iranian Financial Assistance Scholarships, 2024 is a Partial Funding international scholarship offered by the Momeni Foundation for international students. Students eligible for this scholarship are: Open to applicants of Iranian descent

This scholarship can be taken for pursuing in All subjects offered by the university . 30 Jun is the deadline to send applications for Momeni Iranian Financial Assistance Scholarships, 2024. Any institution across the world. You may apply on Momeni Iranian Financial Assistance Scholarships, 2024 application form .

Check out other international Fellowships and Grants and Scholarships offered by Momeni Foundation

Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds MD Fellowships 2024 is a Partial Funding international scholarship offered by the Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds (BIF) for international students. Students eligible for this scholarship are: Open to Germany nationals

This scholarship can be taken for pursuing in Biomedicine. Deadline varies is the deadline to send applications for Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds MD Fellowships 2024. Renowned research laboratories all over the World except their home institution and city.. You may apply on Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds MD Fellowships 2024 application form .

Check out other international Fellowships and Grants and Scholarships offered by Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds (BIF)

Crivelli Europe Scholarships by UniCredit Foundation 2024 is a Partial Funding international scholarship offered by the UniCredit Foundation for international students. Students eligible for this scholarship are: Open to nationals of all countries where UniCredit is present

This scholarship can be taken for pursuing in Economics, Banking or Finance. 15 Nov is the deadline to send applications for Crivelli Europe Scholarships by UniCredit Foundation 2024. Anywhere across the globe . You may apply on Crivelli Europe Scholarships by UniCredit Foundation 2024 application form .

Check out other international Fellowships and Grants and Scholarships offered by UniCredit Foundation

Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds (BIF) PhD Fellowships 2024 is a Partial Funding international scholarship offered by the Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds (BIF) for international students. Students eligible for this scholarship are: Open to all nationals

This scholarship can be taken for pursuing in Biomedical research. 01 Oct is the deadline to send applications for Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds (BIF) PhD Fellowships 2024. Any Internationally leading laboratory. You may apply on Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds (BIF) PhD Fellowships 2024 application form .

Dissertation Fieldwork Grants 2024 is a Partial Funding international scholarship offered by the Wenner-Gren Foundation for international students. Students eligible for this scholarship are: Open to all nationals

This scholarship can be taken for pursuing in Anthropology. 01 Nov is the deadline to send applications for Dissertation Fieldwork Grants 2024. Any research institution around the World. You may apply on Dissertation Fieldwork Grants 2024 application form .

Check out other international Fellowships and Grants and Scholarships offered by Wenner-Gren Foundation

Sanders Prize in the History of Early Modern Philosophy 2024 is a Partial Funding international scholarship offered by the Marc Sanders Foundation for international students. Students eligible for this scholarship are: Open to all nationalities

This scholarship can be taken for pursuing in History of Early Modern Philosophy. 01 Oct is the deadline to send applications for Sanders Prize in the History of Early Modern Philosophy 2024. Any institutions across the world. You may apply on Sanders Prize in the History of Early Modern Philosophy 2024 application form .

Check out other international Fellowships and Grants and Scholarships offered by Marc Sanders Foundation

Horowitz Foundation Grants 2024 is a Partial Funding international scholarship offered by the Horowitz Foundation for Social Policy for international students. Students eligible for this scholarship are: Open to all nationals

This scholarship can be taken for pursuing in Social Policy. 01 Dec is the deadline to send applications for Horowitz Foundation Grants 2024. Institutions/Universities across the World. You may apply on Horowitz Foundation Grants 2024 application form .

Check out other international Fellowships and Grants and Scholarships offered by Horowitz Foundation for Social Policy

Nokia Scholarship 2024-25 is a Partial Funding international scholarship offered by the Nokia Foundation for international students. Students eligible for this scholarship are: Open to all nationals

This scholarship can be taken for pursuing in Information, Communication technology. 18 Sep is the deadline to send applications for Nokia Scholarship 2024-25. Any university in Finland or abroad. You may apply on Nokia Scholarship 2024-25 application form .

Check out other international Fellowships and Grants and Scholarships offered by Nokia Foundation

CSIRO Alumni Scholarship In Physics 2025 is a Partial Funding international scholarship offered by the The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) for international students. Students eligible for this scholarship are: Open to all nationalities

This scholarship can be taken for pursuing in Physics and Mathematics. 29 Nov is the deadline to send applications for CSIRO Alumni Scholarship In Physics 2025. Any overseas or interstate institution, such as a university or research establishment of international standing... You may apply on CSIRO Alumni Scholarship In Physics 2025 application form .

Check out other international Fellowships and Grants and Scholarships offered by The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO)

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Degree Based Scholarships

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  • Medicine (MBBS/ MD) Scholarships in Nepal
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  • Film degree Scholarships in Nepal
  • Pharmacy degree Scholarships in Nepal
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Ph.D Scholarships for Nepal students 2024-2025

Find Ph.D scholarships for Nepal students 2024-2025 to study abroad and in Nepal

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Imperial College London President's PhD scholarships 2025 (Full funded)

If you are a high performing undergraduate or Master's student and have a strong desire to undertake a PhD programme at a world-class research institution, a President's PhD Scholarship could provide you with the outstanding opportunity to receive full funding for tuition fees and

Published: 19 Sep 2024 Type: PhD Study in: United Kingdom Deadline: 01 Nov 2024

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City Law School PhD Law Scholarships for Black British Researchers 2024

The City Law School is offering a full-time, three-year doctoral scholarships (entry in September 2024) specifically addressed to Black British applicants. Applications are invited from exceptional and ambitious graduates wishing to pursue cutting-edge research in any of the School's key rese

Published: 27 Mar 2024 Type: PhD Study in: United Kingdom Deadline: 01 Apr 2024

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Institute for Advanced Studies (IAS) Scholarships for PhD Students at University of Stirling 2024

Our Institute for Advanced Studies (IAS) Studentships represent a £3.6m investment by the University in doctoral research from 2023-2025. Apply Now!!!!  

Published: 23 Mar 2024 Type: PhD Study in: United Kingdom Deadline: 25 Mar 2024

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Arthritis Society Canada Training Graduate PhD Salary Award (TGP) 2024

Salary awards are offered to graduate students who are undertaking full-time research training in an area of clear relevance to arthritis and Arthritis Society Canada's Strategic Plan 2020-2025: Accelerating Impact - Research Strategy which aims to identify research avenues that f

Published: 18 Mar 2024 Type: PhD Study in: Canada Value: $105,000 Deadline: 16 Apr 2024

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University of British Columbia Gustave O. Arlt Scholarship Award in Humanities 2024

This award is named in the honor of Gustave O. Arlt (1895-1986) who was the first president of the Council of Graduate Schools, former faculty member and Dean of the Graduate School at UCLA, and a scholar of German language and literature. Since 1972, this award is made annually to recognize a young

Published: 15 Mar 2024 Type: PhD Study in: Canada Deadline: 12 Apr 2024

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University of Kent Law School PhD Research Studentship in UK 2024

This studentship is offered by Kent Law School in association with the UKRI-funded Future Leaders Fellowship project led by Dr Connal Parsley, “The Future of Good Decisions: an Evolutionary Approach to Human-AI Government Administrative Decision-Making”. The project will take a new appro

Published: 05 Mar 2024 Type: PhD Study in: United Kingdom Value: £23,334 Deadline: 31 Mar 2024

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Canadian Government NSERC Postgraduate Scholarships for PGS-Doctoral Students 2024

The Canada Graduate Scholarships — Doctoral (CGS D) program is a federal program of scholarships administered by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (S

Published: 27 Feb 2024 Type: PhD Study in: Canada Value: $105,000 Deadline: 17 Oct 2024

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The Human Frontier Science Program Research Grants for Innovative Basic Researchers 2024

HFSP Research Grants support innovative basic research into fundamental biological problems with emphasis placed on novel and interdisciplinary approaches that involve scientific exchanges across national and disciplinary boundaries (see guidelines). Participation of scie

Published: 23 Feb 2024 Type: PhD Study in: Value: 500,000 USD Deadline: 19 Mar 2024

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Funds For Women Graduates ?Foundation Grants for PhD or DPhil Students 2024

?Foundation Grants are designed to help women graduates in the final year of a PhD or DPhil with their living expenses. We do not provide funds to cover fees. To be eligible you must be registered for study or research at an approved institution of higher education in Great Britain and doing the bul

Published: 23 Feb 2024 Type: PhD Study in: United Kingdom Value: £6,500 Deadline: 28 Mar 2024

University of Kent Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) Scholarship for PhD Students 2024

The University of Kent is pleased to offer four EPSRC studentships starting in September 2024 to exceptional students undertaking PhD study in the following schools on a full-time basis: School of Physics and Astronomy School of Chemistry and Forensic Sciences School of Computing School

Published: 22 Feb 2024 Type: PhD Study in: United Kingdom Value: £18,622 Deadline: 24 Mar 2024

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Victoria University of Wellington Doctoral Scholarship Call for Application 2024

These scholarships are intended to encourage and support doctoral study (PhD) at Victoria University of Wellington. History To encourage postgraduate research Victoria University of Wellington offers scholarships to those about to begin their doctoral studies. These scholarships are awarded on

Published: 21 Feb 2024 Type: PhD Study in: New Zealand Value:  $29,500 Deadline: 01 Nov 2024

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University of Southampton Horizon Europe Fee Waivers for Postgraduate Students 2024

The University of Southampton is introducing a new programme to support the reassociation of the UK with the Horizon Europe programme, and the University strategy to grow the international diversity of its doctoral cohort. The University will apply a fee waiver - equivalent to the diffe

Published: 20 Feb 2024 Type: PhD Study in: United Kingdom Value: £26,100 Deadline: Not Specified

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Newcastle University Konishi Foundation Scholarship for PhD Students 2024

The Konishi Foundation Scholarship provides support to an excellent candidate who wishes to pursue a PhD in Politics in topics related to East Asian politics within the School of Geography, Politics and Sociology at Newcastle University. For purposes of this call, East Asia includes China, Hong Kong

Published: 16 Feb 2024 Type: PhD Study in: United Kingdom Value: £18,622 Deadline: 19 Feb 2024

Newcastle University Adaptive Management Strategies of Amenity Grasslands PhD Scholarship 2024

Recreational and amenity land provides important green space for people but can be poor for biodiversity. Frequent mowing regimes by local authorities have left many areas of amenity grassland thin and compacted, with low botanical diversity. Changes to mowing regimes could significantly improve bio

Published: 12 Feb 2024 Type: PhD Study in: United Kingdom Value: £18,622 Deadline: 23 Feb 2024

Newcastle University AHRC-funded PhD Studentship in Early Modern Studies 2024

Interested in early modern books, print culture and politics? This project investigates how the early modern English state used the book trade guild known as the Stationers’ Company to censor publications.  You will work with the Stationers’ Company’s extensive archive (in

Published: 09 Feb 2024 Type: PhD Study in: United Kingdom Value: £17,668 Deadline: 28 Feb 2024

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TWAS-Fayzah M. Al-Kharafi Award for Developing and Developed Countries 2024

TWAS is inviting nominations for the 2024 Award from all its members as well as science academies, national research councils, universities and scientific institutions in developing and developed countries.

Published: 09 Feb 2024 Type: PhD Deadline: 10 May 2024

Newcastle University Overseas Research Scholarships (NUORS) for International PhD Students 2024 entry

Newcastle University is committed to offering support to the very best international students hoping to pursue a programme of research. We are pleased to offer a small number of University funded NUORS awards for outstanding international students who apply to commence PhD studies in any subject in

Published: 08 Feb 2024 Type: PhD Study in: United Kingdom Value: £24,088 Deadline: 10 May 2024

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University of Bristol Black Heritage PhD Scholarships 2024

We welcome applications for full scholarships to postgraduate research programmes starting in 2024. As part of our commitment to the Black community, the University of Bristol has launched a number of postgraduate research scholarships exclusively for students of Black heritage for 2024/25 entry.

Published: 02 Feb 2024 Type: PhD Study in: United Kingdom Value: £18,622 Deadline: 27 Feb 2024

  • Best Scholarships
  • University of Miami 2025 Stamps Scholarship (Fully-funded)
  • Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at the University of British Columbia 2024
  • UK Commonwealth Scholarships for Developing Countries 2024
  • Korea Advanced Institute Of Science and Technology (KAIST) Undergraduate Scholarship 2024
  • King's College London Chevening Scholarship for International Students 2024
  • US-CDC 2024 Public Health Informatics Fellowship Program (PHIFP)
  • Czech Republic Government Scholarships for Developing Countries 2025-2026 (Fully-funded)
  • Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship Programme 2024


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  1. PhD Programs

    PhD in the Department of Development Studies ... The Returns of Educational Migration in Nepal; The overall objective of this study is to explore the impact of transnational student migration at both household and societal level in Nepal, with particular attention paid to the role of gender and class. A significant number of Nepalese youths ...

  2. Requirements For PhD in Nepal

    Must have work experience on Research, or teaching experience for higher education or similar work experiences having following scores in Masters/M. Phil degree: For Second division or 3.0/4.0 CGPA: 2 years of work experience. First Division or 3.3/4.0: 1 year of work experience. Distinction or 3.7/4.0 CGPA: No work experience is required.

  3. PhD in Management

    Kathmandu University (KU) is an autonomous, not-for-profit, self-funding public institution established by an Act of Parliament in December 1991. It is an institution of higher learning dedicated to maintaining the standard of academic excellence in various classical and professional disciplines. The mission statement of the University is "to provide quality education for leadership". The ...

  4. List of PHD Programs in Nepal

    University and Program Search. Find the list of all PHD Programs in Nepal with our interactive Program search tool. Use the filters to list programs by subject, location, program type or study level.

  5. PhD in Education

    Nepal Open University. Doctorate. ·. 3 years. The PhD in Education program in the Faculty of Social Sciences and Education at Nepal Open University (NOU) intends to prepare students for careers as researchers, scholars, leaders, and practitioners in a range of academic fields and subfields, including English education, linguistics, Nepali ...

  6. GSETU

    This program is an advanced level program with special focus on research and knowledge. GSE provides six specializations in PhD program: Education studies, English education, Nepali Education, Mathematics Education, Health Education and Social studies Education. Minimum duration of this program is 2 years from PhD registration and it is 24 ...

  7. PhD

    Southwestern Centre for PhD Studies (PhD Centre), an independent and autonomous research facilitation institution, focused on PhD level studies, was established in late 2010 in Koteshwor, Kathmandu, Nepal by a group of academicians to promote research particularly PhD studies in Nepal. The Centre has good networking with National and ...

  8. PhD

    D octor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Buddhist Studies (three years full-time equivalent) is a rigorous program of advanced study and research. This program is intended to produce graduates with the capacity to conduct research independently at a high level of originality and quality. Lumbini Buddhist University (LBU) was established in 2004 at the ...

  9. Council for Doctoral Studies

    Within this context, the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Management, Humanities, Social Sciences, and Sustainable Development is a constituent programmes of the University. The PhD programme is operational under the Pokhara University Council for Doctoral Studies and managed by the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.

  10. PhD Studies

    The Centre motivates PhD scholars from Nepal and abroad to pursue their study. As the Centre associates the strong academic background and it has close formal connections with many universities globally. The Centre is connecting scholars to recognize and renowned universities. The Centre has created learning environment for scholars to continue ...

  11. Doctor of Philosophy

    The PhD program at Kathmandu University Centre for Buddhist Studies (KU-CBS) is a three-year research program leading to the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. The aim of the program is to produce qualified researchers and professionals who are able to undertake research projects within Buddhist Studies, elicit substantial new findings in the field, and teach […]

  12. PhD Centre

    Welcome Southwestern Centre for Research and PhD Studies. Southwestern Centre for Research and PhD Studies was established in 2010 by a group of academicians and researchers as one of the independent institutions of Southwestern Foundation. The Foundation is dedicated on promotion of research based education and promoting the academic and ...

  13. Kathmandu University

    For scholarships and other details please visit : https://sos.ku.edu.np or call (+977-11) 415100 / 415200 (Extn 4413) Qualification for Application: At least 17 years of education 10+2+3+2 in the relevant subject at various levels, with a minimum of first division or Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 3.0 or above. Clarification:

  14. List of Universities for PHD Studies in Nepal

    Explore Other Recommended Universities. Find the list of all universities for PHD Studies in Nepal with our interactive university search tool. Use the filter to list universities by subject, location, program type or study level.

  15. Department of Computer Science and Engineering

    Research Topic: E-Government in Developing Countries: Problem and Prospects in the context of Nepal. Supervisors: Prof. Patrick A.V. Hall, Prof. Dr. Subarna Shakya. Graduated Year: 2016; Dr. Pranita Upadhyaya Research Topic: An Empirical Study of E-Government Security implementation in developing countries: A Case Study of Nepal.

  16. List of PhD in Science and Technology Colleges in Nepal

    Master of Arts194. Master in Education166. Bachelor of Computer Application147. BSc in Computer Science and Information Technology106. Master of Business Administration104. Bachelor in Science89. Bachelor of Social Work86. Bachelor in Hotel/Hospitality Management83. Bachelor of Business Management80.

  17. PhD (Education)

    PhD graduates in education have a wide range of career opportunities both within and outside the country, including positions that involve: PhD Education program affiliated with Kathmandu University. Find fee structure, admission, eligibility, entrance exam, date, result, and notice for the Doctor of Philosophy Education program at Colleges Nepal.

  18. nepal PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

    South Asian countries, including India, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bhutan, and Pakistan, are rich in cultural heritage and have long histories of traditional and sustainable business practices, many of which are deeply embedded in their social and cultural fabric, art, and design. Read more. Supervisor: Dr R Gallellalage. Year round applications PhD ...

  19. Scholarships to study a PhD in Nepal

    1 of 1. Search and apply online for scholarships to study in Nepal for international PhD students.

  20. Research Opportunities In Nepal For PHD Students

    If you are pursuing your PhD thesis related to Nepal or conducting research on topics concerning Nepali culture, people, and geography, VCD Nepal offers unique research opportunities for international researchers, university professors, graduates, post-graduates, and individuals. Our Nepal research program provides you with a local coordinator ...

  21. 47+ PhD Scholarships in Nepal 2024-25 [Updated]

    Nagao Natural Environment Foundation (NEF) - Research Grant Programme 2024. Eligible Degrees: PhD, Post Doc. Funding Type: Partial Funding. Eligible Courses: Projects concerning nature conservation in developing countries. Deadline: 15, Oct 2024.

  22. Ph.D Scholarships for Nepal students 2024-2025

    Find Ph.D scholarships for Nepal students 2024-2025 to study abroad and in Nepal City Law School PhD Law Scholarships for Black British Researchers 2024 The City Law School is offering a full-time, three-year doctoral scholarships (entry in September 2024) specifically addressed to Black British applicants.

  23. Best Universities for PHD Programs in Nepal 2024

    Finding the right PhD program should be elementary. PHDSTUDIES connects prospective doctoral students with exciting PhD programs around the world. As a part of the Keystone Education Group family of student-centered websites, PHDSTUDIES makes it easy for postgraduate students to find specialist degrees in a variety of fields of study.