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Never Give Up Essay | Never Give Up Example Essay and Importance of Never Giving Up

August 27, 2021 by Prasanna

Never Give Up Essay: There comes that second in the entirety of our lives when we feel like totally giving up when nothing appears to go the manner in which we arranged, and the future looks depressing, best case scenario. On occasions such as these, we can’t resist the opportunity to feel that there can’t be motivated to continue to attempt; all things considered, why in dealing with something when you realize it will be purposeless eventually? However, to be reasonable, it is never a smart thought to simply give up, not until you have given your best into the circumstance.

To never give up intends to stand up and attempt once again in any event, when you totally feel like you can’t do and are enticed to stop. Whether or not you delayed down or not, you should continue to attempt. One of the principal drivers of accomplishment is determination, steadiness and a goal to continue to attempt. In any event, when your body throbs and the scars appear to be wearing you out; don’t acknowledge to you to stop. Try not to deny your fantasies. Protect instead of being sluggish and allowing cynicism to negatively affect you. We will in general take in these negative indecencies from the general public, our environmental factors and our friends. Try not to permit your current circumstance to dive you into despair; rather consistently have trust that thusly energizes steadiness.

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Essay on Never Give Up

Never give up is the disposition that one should convey and live his/her existence with, regardless of the circumstance is. One should continue battling and battling with the chances and should sit tight for the day when he/she will discover what he/she has really been searching for in his/her life.

Disappointment isn’t a possibility for anybody. Despite the fact that you have fizzled in any interaction, you should stand up and rehash it, one way or the other, you ought to never abandon your fantasies.

One ought to never abandon his/her objectives, and one ought to never abandon a battle that he/she is accomplishing for achieving something which is vital throughout everyday life. This mentality has incredible significance in our lives. To never give up is an ethic that relatively few individuals have.

One point that each person should keep in his/her brain is that no one in this whole world is awesome and nobody could at any point be. Everybody commits errors, and it isn’t the missteps that exacerbate you than others; it is your conduct after those slip-ups. Assuming you right those slip-ups and accomplish your objective, you are the saint, and in the event that you abandon your fantasies only for a misstep that you made, then, at that point, you never had any objective or dream on which you were working in any case.

One ought to consistently recall that regardless of whether you are buckling down for your objectives, there would consistently be an individual who is working much harder for the comparable objectives and it is on you whether you need him/her to win or you will contend energetically and win it for yourself.

Achievement isn’t everybody’s favourite thing in the world. It requires heaps of restless days and evenings, bunches of sweat and a lot of difficult work and it must be accomplished on the off chance that you never abandon the little disappointments that you will look all the while.

On the off chance that you give up after your first disappointment, you will know what you fouled up, yet you won’t ever get familiar with the correct method to get things done. Each time you commit an error and neglect to accomplish your objective, you will know something more that ought not to be finished. Along these lines, by the interaction of disposal alone, you will continue to draw nearer to your objective, lastly, show up at an idiot-proof approach to finish things.

In the event that you abandon your objective after a solitary attempt, or without attempting by any means, you won’t ever know the correct method of getting things done. Disappointments reveal to us that we are accomplishing something incorrectly, compelling us to change follow and learn new things simultaneously. We need to remain refreshed in case we are to hold tight to our fantasies, on the grounds that there is no reason for doing likewise and rehashing our errors. By dealing with various approaches to finish something, we accomplish flawlessness, turning into a specialist in our field simultaneously.

You can foster the idea of not giving up by tolerating that you can be tenacious, appreciating its significance and having clear objectives. Fortunately, you needn’t bother with the extraordinary ability to persevere until you accomplish your goal. With training, difficult work and assurance, you can have everything necessary to continue to attempt till you get what you need.

Never Give Up Essay

FAQ’s on Never Give Up Essay

Question 1. Why one should never give up?

Answer: Never giving up permits you to refute others. At the point when somebody advises you to accomplish nothing, buckle down without giving up and you will refute them. Diligence fabricates certainty for your future undertakings. finish different activities in the future.

Question 2. Why it is important not to give up?

Answer: We become familiar with a ton when we continue onward and choose not to give up. We can discover that there are covered-up strengths and possibilities inside us. We figure out how to keep ourselves roused. All the more critically, we choose not to give up, and we figure out how we can successfully change our disappointments over to progress.

Question 3. What is the attitude of never give up?

Answer: A never-give-up demeanour assists you with becoming versatile to disappointment and focused on your objectives. There will be no other alternative than to proceed in whatever else you do throughout everyday life. Stopping is estranged and the assurance to complete what was begun becomes more grounded.

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Home Essay Samples Life Never Give Up

Never Give Up: Why People Sould Not Stop Pursuing Their Dreams

Never Give Up: Why People Sould Not Stop Pursuing Their Dreams essay

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Robert Puff Ph.D.

The Power of Never Giving Up

Forging a good life from the ashes of the past..

Posted June 7, 2024 | Reviewed by Ray Parker

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Source: Gerd Altmann / Pixabay

Winston Churchill, known for his powerful speeches and writings, once said, "Never, never, in nothing, great or small, large or petty, never give in except to convictions of honor and good sense. Never yield to force, never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy." This quote, delivered during a challenging time in history, became a symbol of resilience and determination. But how does it relate to finding happiness and peace in our own lives?

The Weight of the Past

In my 30 years of experience helping people improve their lives, I've found that one of the biggest obstacles to happiness is the burden of the past. Past events, whether things we've done or things that have been done to us, can hold us back from living a fulfilling life. We all have failures, regrets, and painful experiences. We may have gone through divorces, job losses, relationship struggles, or faced mental health challenges. These experiences can leave us feeling ashamed and wanting to give up. We might even resort to unhealthy coping mechanisms to numb the pain.

Choosing Resilience

But the truth is, our past does not define our future. It may influence us, but it doesn't dictate our path. We have the power to shape our lives through the choices we make. Churchill's words remind us that even when facing overwhelming adversity, we can choose resilience, perseverance, and unwavering resolve. We can choose to learn from our past, forgive ourselves and others, and move forward with courage and hope.

A New Day, A New Beginning

No matter what our past holds, today is a new day, and we can focus on making it a good one. You might be thinking, "Dr. Puff, you don't know what I've done. I've made terrible mistakes and experienced devastating failures." I understand. Many of us have. It's part of being human.

The Power of Perseverance

The difference between those who find happiness and those who don't is perseverance. We all face challenges and hardships, some more than others. But the key to happiness is never to give up, no matter what we face.

Jarvis Jay Masters: A Story of Hope

Let me tell you about a man named Jarvis Jay Masters. He's currently incarcerated in San Quentin State Prison on charges of murder, having been sent there in 1981 for armed robbery. In such a situation, many of us might give up. But Masters didn't. He realized his life was more than his past, and he chose to change. He delved into mindfulness and found a path to inner peace and transformation, even in the most challenging circumstances.

Masters studied meditation , wrote books, and even taught others. Despite being 62 years old and having spent most of his adult life in prison, he hasn't given up. He's made a significant impact on his own life, the lives of others in prison, and people around the world.

Steps to a Good Life

So, how do we start working towards a good life? Here are the steps:

  • Acknowledge Our Past: We need to be truthful about our past mistakes. This isn't about dwelling on them but acknowledging them so we can move forward.
  • Learn and Grow: We need to look at our past as a teacher, asking ourselves what we can learn from our mistakes and how we can grow from them.
  • Forgive Ourselves and Others: Holding onto shame , regret, or resentment only keeps us stuck. Forgiveness is key to moving forward.

Seek Help: We don't have to go through this alone. Seeking help from loved ones or professionals can be invaluable in our journey toward healing and growth.

  • Focus on the Present: We need to see each day as a new opportunity to make our lives better.

The Journey to Self-Forgiveness

Self-forgiveness is a crucial step in creating a good life. If we don't forgive ourselves, we remain trapped in a cycle of shame and regret. Here's how to achieve self-forgiveness:

  • See Your Past as a Teacher: Ask yourself what you can learn from your mistakes and how you can grow from them.
  • Forgive Yourself and Others: Let go of shame, regret, and resentment.
  • Seek Help: Share your story with someone who loves you unconditionally and can offer support without judgment.

Resilience and Action-Oriented Hope

Building a good life is not easy. It takes time, effort, and resilience. We will face setbacks, but we must normalize them as part of the growth process. We need to cultivate a resilient mindset and find inspiration in the stories of others who have overcome challenges.

why we should never give up essay

Hope is essential. It fuels us to pursue our goals and become happy individuals. We must foster a hopeful mindset and cultivate tools that nurture hope even in the darkest times. Gratitude , focusing on small victories, expressing appreciation, and recognizing each day as a fresh start are all powerful tools.

Creating a good life requires hope, forgiveness, action, and resilience. No matter what we've done or what has been done to us, we can choose to start today as a new day and commit to making our lives better. By taking each day as a fresh start, acknowledging our past, learning from our mistakes, forgiving ourselves and others, and cultivating resilience, we can create a fulfilling life that we can be proud of.

Remember, as Churchill said, "Never give in. Never give in. Never, never, never."


Robert Puff Ph.D.

Robert Puff, Ph.D. , is host and producer of the Happiness Podcast, with over 19 million downloads.

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Never Give Up

Illustration by Andy Rementer

If I could say one thing to the young people of today, it would be this: Never give up. Keep trying and pushing and struggling, even if you don’t know what your goal is or why you would want to achieve it.

As you march down the street not giving up, hold your head high and swing your elbows. People will recognize you as someone who won’t give up, and they will get out of your way. Some of them will even hide.

Some will try to discourage you. They’ll say that what you’re doing is “illegal,” or a “sin,” or a violation of the health code. They may cling to your legs, causing you to drag them along, or jump onto your back, pleading, “In the name of God, please stop what you’re doing!”

Keep going. Rest assured, they’re jealous.

“We’re not jealous, honestly,” they may say. “Just please stop!” Maybe you’ve struck a nerve.

“No, you haven’t struck a nerve,” they’ll say. “What you’re doing is just awful, and we’d like you to stop!”

Let that be your inspiration. Shake off the naysayers and trudge on, through the mud and the filth and the slime, knowing that you have a higher purpose. Remember, nobody liked van Gogh’s work, and if nobody likes yours it’s probably a sign that you’re a genius.

Look to the horizon. See that little dot? No, not that one—the one that’s even farther out. You can barely see it. Now don’t stop until you reach it. Take out your machete and hack a new path through the jungle, even if there is an old path just a few feet away. Fend off the monkeys of “good manners” and the sloths of “patience.”

We are born with the instinct not to give up. As babies, we cry and scream until we get what we want. But somewhere along the line we lose that ability. People talk us out of our crazy ideas—people who live in the so-called real world, where things “make sense.” They’ve never attempted the impossible. But you have, many, many times.

Keep pushing ahead—not in a way that seems pushy but in a way that says you won’t stop. Some people say you shouldn’t bang your head against a wall. Tell that to the woodpecker.

Along the way, there will be compromises—bribes and torture and “hunting accidents.” You may have to engage in unnatural sex acts. But don’t give up. With each unnatural sex act, you will be one step closer to your goal.

When you finally reach the first stage of success, congratulate yourself. But remember that there are twenty-four more stages of success.

Some people may ask, “If I take a rest, even a little one, is that the same as giving up?” Yes, it is. But if you need to pretend to give up—so that people will leave you alone—go ahead. Then keep doing what you do, but even harder.

Several years ago, there was a man who wouldn’t give up. He was just an actor, but he had bigger things in mind, in the world of politics. People tried to talk him out of his wild-eyed notions, but he wouldn’t listen. And that man was John Wilkes Booth.

Keep pushing and scraping and clawing and begging. Even in your dreams, don’t give up. If you dream that you are wearing nothing but underpants, try to make them expensive, executive underpants.

Eventually, all your determination will pay off. The same people who mocked your ideas and tackled you will now claim to love your vision. “We love it! We love it!” they’ll say. They’ll tell you that the governor is interested in your ideas and will bundle you off in a car to the governor’s mansion. But when you pass under the stone archway you’ll notice that it doesn’t say “Governor’s Mansion” but “Insane Asylum.” Jump out of the car and run into the woods. Keep running. Never give up running. ♦

The Selfie-Stick Photographer


Why You Should Never Give Up In Life (No Matter What)

Why you should never give up in life (no matter what)​ table of contents, author – david wilson, further exploration – articles & media.

Picture of David Wilson - Happy Life Guru - Guest Author - Peaceful Soul

Author: David Wilson

David Wilson is the Content Manager at happylifeguru.com . They help thousands of people every day to live a happier life. They have an email list where they share daily tips to live a more conscious and happier life.

Person pushing a boulder up a hill - Why You Should Never Give Up In Life (No Matter What)

It’s easy to feel down and give up when things don’t go our way. We all experience failure at some point in our lives, but it’s how we react to that failure that determines our future. Some people give up on their dreams and aspirations, while others continue to fight no matter what. In this blog post, we will discuss the importance of never giving up and believing in yourself no matter what life throws your way!

Why is it important to never give up in life?

The answer is simple: because giving up means that you are no longer trying to improve your situation. When you give up, you stop growing and learning. You become content with where you are in life, even if it’s not where you want to be. Giving up is also a sign of weakness. It shows that you’re not strong enough to handle the challenges life throws at you. It’s important to be strong and resilient, especially when things get tough.

Most importantly, giving up means that you no longer believe in yourself. If you don’t believe in yourself, then who will? You have to be your own biggest cheerleader and motivator. Nobody else is going to do it for you!

So, the next time you’re feeling down and ready to give up, remember these reasons why you should never give up in life. You are strong, capable, and most importantly, you deserve to achieve your dreams!

Don’t let anything or anyone hold you back from living your best life!

How can someone stay motivated when things get tough?

There are a few things you can do to stay motivated when things get tough. First, it’s important to remind yourself why you’re doing this in the first place. What are your goals and aspirations? What do you want to achieve? Keep these things in mind when times get tough and you’ll be more likely to push through.

It’s also helpful to think about all the progress you’ve made so far. Don’t focus on how far you have to go, but rather on how far you’ve come. This will help you to stay positive and motivated.

Finally, it’s important to seek out support from others when things get tough. Talk to your friends and family, or even join a support group. There’s nothing wrong with admitting that you need help to stay on track!

What are some tips for never giving up on your dreams?

Here are a few tips for never giving up on your dreams:

-Set realistic goals for yourself. If your goals are too lofty, you’re more likely to get discouraged and give up.

-Create a plan of action. What steps do you need to take to achieve your goal? Write these down and refer to them when you need motivation.

-Make a commitment to yourself. This is perhaps the second most important tip of all. You have to be willing to put in the hard work and dedication required to achieve your dreams. If you’re not committed, you’ll never succeed!

-Find a support system. Surround yourself with people who believe in you and your dreams. These people will help to keep you motivated and on track.

-Believe in yourself. This is the most important thing of all. If you don’t believe in yourself, nobody else will. You have to talk positive about yourself !

What are the consequences of giving up?

The consequences of giving up can be significant. When you give up, you stop trying to improve your situation. You accept your current position in life, even if it isn’t where you want to be. Giving up is also a sign of weakness, and it shows that you’re not strong enough to handle the challenges life throws at you. Additionally, giving up means that you no longer believe in yourself. If you don’t believe in yourself, then who will? You have to be your own biggest cheerleader and motivator. Finally, giving up can lead to regret. You may look back on your life and wonder what could have been if you had only kept going.

Don’t let the fear of failure hold you back from chasing your dreams. Remember, you only fail if you give up! So never give up on yourself, and never give up on your dreams.

Doing so will only lead to a life of regret.

What would happen if everyone gave up on their dreams?

If everyone gave up on their dreams, the world would be a very different place. There would be no innovation or progress. People would simply settle for whatever they have, even if it’s not what they want. Additionally, there would be no motivation for people to better themselves or their situation. Everyone would just accept mediocrity and live a life of quiet desperation.

Of course, this is not to say that everyone has to have grandiose dreams. But it is important to have dreams and goals that inspire you to better yourself and the world around you. So don’t give up on your dreams! Pursue them with passion and determination, and never let anyone tell you that you can’t achieve them.

What are the causes of giving up?

There are many causes of giving up. One cause is fear of failure . When people are afraid of failing, they often give up before they even start. This is because they don’t want to risk failing and looking foolish. another common cause of giving up is discouragement. When people become discouraged, they may feel like their goal is unattainable. They may also feel like they are not good enough or that they don’t have what it takes to succeed. Additionally, some people give up because they become overwhelmed. When people feel like the task at hand is too daunting, they may simply throw in the towel. Finally, some people give up because they don’t have a support system. If they don’t have anyone to encourage them or help them stay on track, they may give up out of sheer frustration.

Final Words:

Giving up should never be an option when it comes to chasing your dreams. You have to work for them and give it all you have. Use the tips in this blog post as a guide to help you achieve success. Remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day so don’t expect everything to happen overnight. Keep pushing forward and you will eventually reach your goals. What are some of your dreams? How are you going to achieve them? Let us know in the comments below!

Further Exploration - Articles & Media

Addicted to success logo

Article: 5 Reasons You Can Never Give Up on Yourself Even When Others Do

5 reasons you should never give up from Addicted 2 Success including all problems have a solution, you can find other sources of help and your past does not dictate your future.

why we should never give up essay

Article: 10 Powerful Reasons Why You Should Never Give Up

Exports 10 powerful reasons to never give up including that self-doubt is common, success is always difficult and failures are important.

Medium Logo

Article: 3 Compelling Reasons Why You Should Never Give Up

Article by Tony Fahkry on Medium discussing 3 reasons why you never give up; A Relentless Desire To Succeed, Extend Yourself Each Time & Enjoy The Journey.

Further Mental Wellbeing Guides from Peaceful Soul

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Click here for the latest guides to enhance mental wellbeing

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Never Give Up Essay Examples

Never give up is a phrase that many of us have heard throughout our lives. It has been used to encourage and motivate people during difficult times and remind them not to give in despite the struggles they may be facing. The idea behind never giving up can be applied to any situation, no matter how big or small it might seem. Whether it’s a challenge you are facing at work, school, or even in your personal life, never giving up can help you overcome adversity and reach success. First and foremost, perseverance is key when trying to achieve something worthwhile. If you don’t put in the effort and dedication necessary for success, then your chances of succeeding decrease greatly. When we face a setback or failure it’s important to remember that this is part of the process towards achieving our goals ” learning from mistakes helps us grow stronger each time we fail or make a mistake so that next time we know what not do differently. Additionally, having supportive people around us who remind us not to give up and believe in ourselves can be incredibly helpful during tough times because their motivation gives us an extra boost when needed most. Lastly, if we want something bad enough then nothing should stop us from pursuing it until we have achieved our desired outcome; this doesn’t mean there won’t be obstacles along the way but with hard work comes great reward. Keeping focused on what matters most provides determination which will lead you closer towards reaching goals – always look ahead instead of dwelling on past failures as this attitude brings forth positive energy that leads towards growth rather than discouragement. With patience and resilience anything is possible so long as the belief remains strong within oneself – never give up.

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How to Easily Tackle a “Never Give Up Essay”

never give up essay

The attitude towards a never give up essay differs among various students. Some feel that this is a motivational paper which has been exhaustively written on by many renowned authors.

However, what many students forget is that there is no monopoly of ideas. That one new idea that they would bring on board in a “never gonna give you up essay” might be all that someone else has been yearning to hear. That leads us to the sole purpose of this post, to bring you to that point of making a unique paper that would give hope to many on the verge of giving up.

Essential Tips on the Structure of a Never Give Up Essay

Never give up essay titles play a critical role in the reception of your paper. For you to catch, not only the eyes but hearts of many, the title should be:

Unique A Catchy Hook In line with the tone of your essay Of interest to you and the reader too!


A top-grade essay on never give up introduction paragraph should be both engaging and informative. It should be able to connect with the reader’s current state of emotion or feeling at first glance. Your introduction should:

First, give the context and background Set up the scope and purpose of your essay Show the reader that he/she is in the right place

Have you ever read or heard about the importance of an oasis in a desert? Well, your essay body should be more or less the same – quenching the thirst of your reader sufficiently. The never give up a paragraph that makes up the organisation provides the real chunk of meat. You can achieve this by using:

Real-life experiences Surprising facts or statistics Human interest occurrences that relate to the situation

You should also choose the right words for never giving up.

The Conclusion

One dirty little secret that you can use here is a punch line, for example: “Take the blow, get back up, and punch it back.” Make the reader see how all that comes to us in this life can make them who they want to be.

Now to the most anticipated essay example!

Sample Speech on Never Give up on Your Dreams “We all have dreams on our minds, but hardly do we manage to achieve them in our first attempt. There is nothing as sweet as dreaming, you know why? Dreaming is all about what we love and hope for the most. But do you know what is the most adorable in all these? Making dreams a reality! There is only one making this happen – by never giving up! It implies that you do not let your failures be a stumbling block, but rather act as your stepping stone. I remember the story of Albert Einstein, who made 1000 attempts to make a light bulb. True to his resilience, there was light at the end of the tunnel. My father was the firstborn in a family of four. He grew up in a humble background where having two meals a day would call for a grand celebration. Being raised by a single mother, the siblings grew up knowing nothing but the smell of poverty. It must have saturated their minds and reached to their lungs. When he was around ten years old, their mother passed on, leaving them as orphans. It meant that life for them had to take a different turn. Being the firstborn, my father had to take up the leadership mantle for the three siblings. He would move from bin to bin and collect as many leftovers as possible. In the evening, the four would have their “feast.” After that, they would resort to their cartoons in anticipation for yet another day. However, my father had a dream, and no one was going to shutter it. He wanted to be an aeronautical engineer at all costs. Therefore, he would visit the airport daily and watch the planes take off and land. One day, a certain man pulled over by him and rolled down his tinted Prado car window. “Young man,” he began, “I have noticed that you are always here. What is it that you want?” Without hesitation, my father let out his dream, “I want to be an aeronautical engineer.” The man sighed a bit and told him, “Well, then, your dream has just become true.”

The man was the head of the engineering department at the airport. He took my father in and enrolled him in the engineering classes. The rest is history!

To sum up, never give up, use every obstacle to better yourself and pursue your dream!”

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Never Give Up - Free Essay Examples and Topic Ideas

Never give up is a mindset and attitude that suggests that one should keep striving towards their goals, no matter how challenging or difficult the journey may seem. It means having the determination and resilience to overcome obstacles and setbacks, and to persist even when facing adversity. Never giving up is a key trait of successful people, as it shows that they are willing to push themselves to their limits and stay focused on their aspirations, no matter what obstacles they encounter along the way.

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Essays on Never Give Up

A never give up attitude consists of a mindset that allows one to face everything and overcome it. It helps to abolish doubts, negativity, and fear in order to gain a stronger self-confidence and perseverance. It is also a key factor in starting and completing a battle. Whether you’re trying...

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Never Give Up Essay Example

All of us have many dreams in our minds, but hardly a few manage to get them fulfilled in the first attempt. Dreaming is the sweetest thing ever because we always dream about things we love and hope for. The best way to reach your dreams and hopes is to work to achieve them and to change them to reality and never giving up in any situation. "Never give up” means keep trying and never stop working for your goals. For many people, failure is nothing but the first step towards success. This should be our approach in life. For instance, when small babies learn to walk, they fall down many times. But they don't give up. They keep trying and when they make it, their happy faces say it all. It is rightly said, "Winners never quit, and quitters never win" I remember that one moment in the late 90s, it was half-past ten in the night, and my uncle was talking to my grandfather that he could not work more in that company because they are not paying him good according to his qualification and he wants to quit that job. My grandfather said to my uncle, "you know boy never give up is key to success”

My father was a marine soldier, so he was always strict with everyone, even me too. His decisions were always straightforward. If he commits any decision that means that’s his final decision and we have to follow them. He always told me to never give up. His words are always strong with me. I remember those days when he always pushed me to work out and he always competed with me for pushups and he always won. He doesn’t like to lose because he was a marine soldier. I remember that day when we both were competing against each other. His arms and shoulders were too strong, he would start from, ten, twelve, eighteen, twenty-five, thirty-five, and fifty.

He told me to get down on the floor and he started counting one, two and I ended at ten and then I heard my dad's voice come one you can do it two more and five more, and again two more like that I end at twenty push-ups. He would see my reddened, sweating face and pain in my body but still, he wanted me to continue. I just heard the words never give up and you can also do it and then I fell down and I said no more. Then, with his squinting eyes, he would laugh at me, a high laugh, and said do you think you can do more than me?'' I was so angry and would not answer and look at him; I just went to my next exercise. I never thought that was easy at all. That was the way I felt for so many years during my teens when I was ten years old. I still love to challenge my father. We had always been in a physical relationship with each other. We never communicate with each other in speech as well as in writing. My mother always wrote me letters and called me on the phone when I was in high school. Even my dad never helps me in my studies too, but he is always in the stands during my tennis games. He always tries to communicate with me during the game about how I have to play. He always shows me new moves for my game because he was a great athletics and tennis player. That shows how much he had a love for me. I remember that game when I was almost losing my tennis final in high school. Whereat the end of the set my father came to me and talk to me that how can I back into the game and how can I beat my rival. He told me never to give up, to fight till the end of the game which is always stuck in my mind.

I remember how happy he was when I won that final tennis game. At that moment something occurred to me, something unexpected. My feelings changed towards my dad within a second. I realized that I was feeling sorry for my dad. He was always right that if you have self-determination and confidence, you can chase and win anything in this world. That day that moment sticks in my mind and now whenever I have that kind of situation I always go back to my earlier days and solve my problems. I remember that one time, a few years ago while I was still in high school; one of my dreams was to move to the United States and to pursue a college education there. I tried and I failed with accomplishing this plenty of times. But no matter what anyone said and no matter what obstacles I came across I had made a promise to myself to never give up on that dream because I always had those three words of my father with me "never give up”.

Although it wasn’t the most far-out dream, it was still something I really, really wanted to do. I worked hard through high school, I got a job on the side to help me save up money, and I looked around for schools and places I could imagine myself living. I did this all by myself, and it eventually paid off. I am now living and studying in the United States, and loving every single day of it. I’m proud of myself for never giving up. I now know to keep motivated for my dreams, and that with work hard, fight and passion, anyone can do anything. To sum up, never giving up is the key to success in human life. If someone gets good support from their family and friend’s things will definitely work out in the end. I don’t think that I will ever give up on my life now. I am doing my majors in computer science and I am not going to stop now till I do not achieve my goals.

Never giving up is the attitude that one should carry and live his/her life with, no matter what the situation is. One should keep struggling and fighting with the odds and should wait for the day when he/she will find what he/she has actually been looking for in his/her life. Failure is not an option for anyone. Even though you have failed in any process, you should stand up and do it again, but in any case, you should never give up on your dreams. One should never give up on his/her goals, and one should never give up on a struggle that he/she is doing for attaining something which is very important in life. This attitude has great importance in our lives. To be able to never give up is a virtue that not many people possess. Keeping all the above points in mind, always make sure that no matter what the situation is, you should never ever give up on your life.

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15 Powerful Reasons Why You Should NEVER Give Up

why we should never give up essay

The words “Give” and “Up” should never be together in your mind. Rather the word NO shouldn’t even be in your dictionary. Without diving into the details simply being part of the human race puts you in a very special group. You are one of the most resilient and strongest species to have ever walked on the earth. Your species has survived thousands of years and you have dominated every single specie on earth by getting right to the very top of the food chain. Just by being a Human, you are practically legendary .

That said when you zoom in to human individuals — life is difficult and when you face setbacks after setbacks, problem after problem, it can get very hard to stay optimistic and keep this same perspective of resilience that is found at the macro level. It gets very difficult to remind yourself that you are strong and that you can get through whatever problem you are facing . When life is tough, giving up always seems like the easiest option. 

The actual reality is, when you feel like giving up,  there is a LOT of untapped inner strength inside of you that you probably haven’t even realized. That is why when you are in a “dark place” it can help to remind yourself of your strengths and your potential so that you can overcome the negativity that creeps into your mind.

These 15 Mantras I will share with you below in this article are simple reminders that will inspire and motivate you in your “dark times” when you just want to stop and give up on whatever you are dealing with. I have used these mantras with great success and I am confident they will help you recharge and will inspire you to keep going!

15 Powerful Reasons Why You Should NEVER Give Up:

1. you are alive and you can.

There is only one certainty in life and that is death. As long as you are alive you have no excuse to say you can’t. If you put your mind to it, you can do anything — anything is possible. This might seem like cliché advice for the first mantra but I find this to be extremely important because it reminds you of the ticking clock that is your life. Every second you are hesitating or overthinking or are frozen with anxiety is a second closer to the inevitable yet only certain thing in life, your death.

Some might say this is a morbid way to think, but frankly, I disagree because death is the biggest motivator. Understanding that my time is limited always centers me and helps me to balance my priorities. Most problems and difficulties in life when compared with the ever-looming shadow of death always seem minuscule and is a good reminder to keep going. I’m alive so I CAN continue and I will continue.

So many of our dreams at first seem impossible, then they seem improbable, and then, when we summon the will, they soon become inevitable. –  Christopher Reeve

The only valid excuse to give up is that you are dead and if you’re reading this well…

2. You Believe In Your Dreams

Would you give up on your family, your spouse or your children? Then why would you give up on yourself? You and your dreams are worth more than that. Don’t  sell yourself short  and don’t let anybody bring you down. If you can dream it you can do it and your dreams and goals are WORTH PURSUING. There have been millions of dreamers before you and if they had given up the world would not have been the same.

Take the example of the Wright brothers who faced severe ridicule when they tried to make “flight” a reality. Everybody laughed at them and told them it was impossible. They proved the world wrong, and now flight and airplanes are now considered a common means of travel. If they gave up on their dreams we would still be taking “ships” across the ocean and to travel from New York to London would have taken you 3 days and 12 hours!

Be like the Wright Brothers — Never give up on your dreams!

Hold fast to your dreams, for without them life is a broken winged bird that cannot fly. -Langston Hughes

3. You Have Everything You Need

Everything you need to reach your goal is already  inside of you .  You and the person in your life you may look up to or the person who is your role model are genetically 99.99% the same! This might come as a surprise to you but the reality is people who are successful are not very much different than you. So stop making excuses for yourself!

Be thankful for your God-given capabilities and strive for success. You have all the tools inside of you to persevere and keep going. Do you think great minds like Prophet Muhammad (saw), Aristotle, Martin Luther King Jr. or Steve Jobs never dealt with anxiety or difficulties? They absolutely did and their legacies were built only after they persevered, pushed through and they never gave up!

4. You Don’t Want To Regret This

Regret is the worst feeling a person can feel. Don’t put yourself in that position and do what you have to do, now. Tony Robbins created a “Rocking Chair Test” which he uses with his clients and utilizes the powerful feeling of regret to motivate and inspire people to push through their anxieties. It goes like this:

Take a moment and imagine yourself at 85 years old. You’re in your rocking chair, reflecting on how you’ve lived. Imagine your life if you did whatever it is that makes you anxious or fearful; maybe it’s changing careers, learning to fly a helicopter or taking a trip somewhere new. How do you feel? What’s your life been like as a result of the decision? – Tony Robbins

Reflect on this scenario and put yourself in a position where you don’t regret giving up and are happy that you persevered and pushed through your difficulties.

5. You Need To Prove It To Yourself

You want to prove it to yourself and the world that you can.

I want you to always have an “underdog mentality” when it comes to life. As DJ Khaled very famously says on Snapchat “THEY DON”T WANT YOU TO WIN” and this is absolutely true. The “they” in this scenario are all the successful people in the world who want to hold you back and do NOT want to give you any piece of their pie. You must fight and claw and never give up. Imagine Steve Jobs didn’t fight and let the “they” of his time win. We wouldn’t have smartphones and apps and everything else that we today take as granted.

Don’t let anything stop you from your goal. True failure isn’t when you miss the mark, but it’s when you give up . You are capable and quitting is only for weak minds.

6. Success Feels Great

There is no better feeling in this world other than knowing that you faced an obstacle and that only through grit and determination you overcame it and became successful.

When you are down and feel like giving up I want you to imagine and visualize the sweet taste of victory. This is different for everyone, maybe this is you crossing the finish line, getting your research published or as ambitious as lifting up an NBA Finals MVP trophy. Point is success feels great and the taste of victory is very sweet.

Let your desire, your craving, your thirst for this sweet taste motivate and inspire you to keep going, to never give up and to keep striving towards your goal.

7. It Could Change For The Better

It might be really tough now, but it can all  instantly change . If you keep going at it you never know when you will hit a breakthrough. Don’t be like the person who dug a well for  50 meters  and then gave up justifying to himself that he was digging a dry well and the person who came right after him dug for only 1 meter and he hit the water.

8. This Is Meant To Happen

Before every success, there is a vision, a dream. Only those people, those dreamers who are brave enough to know who they are and what they truly want are able to become successful. You can’t give up right now because your success is destined to happen, you must believe this mantra like it is a reality today.

You were destined to do this. Nothing can stop you but yourself. So keep going at it and never give up. # BecomeLegendary

9. You Are Strong

You have the strength to do whatever  you want  and no matter the number of setbacks you face you have the strength to keep going. The only way you can win is if you are first winning in your mind. If you tell yourself and believe that you absolutely cannot run a 50 Kilometer Marathon, I can guarantee you that you will NOT ever be able to run the 50km. Strength comes from within, not from big muscles or from working out in the gym. Only you have the power to stop yourself.

Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude. ― Thomas Jefferson

10. It Could Be Worse

The situation could be a lot worse and you should  be thankful  for being able to face what you are facing because there are people out there who have much bigger problems.

The reality is, your problems, no matter how severe they might seem to you, historically speaking are quite insignificant and mundane compared to problems faced by billions and billions of humans who lived before you . For example, maybe you are working on new business and are burning through thousands of dollars cash every month with no sales and just want to give up. Maybe you are extremely stressed out and feel anxious every night. Sure this is stressful, and I don’t mean to put less emphasis on your problems but compare your problems to another human (who is once again 99.9% just like you) living in poverty, in worn-torn Syria with his wife and 3 children, under constant fear that a drone missile can hit anytime and destroy and kill him and his entire family.

This perspective is important because it helps to grow gratitude in one’s heart and heart that is full of gratitude will never have enough space for fear or anxiety.

11. You Deserve Happiness And Success

Everyone deserves happiness and success, including you. Don’t let these small bumps in the road take away your right.

Think about your journey to success like a long road trip. There is first a beginning that begins at home in your comfort zone. You then make a plan to travel to a destination and map out your entire route; you make a goal. After this, you start your journey and begin your drive. You travel in the rain, sleet, strong winds, and storms. Sometimes it’s dark and cold and sometimes it is hot with a blazing sun. But you keep your eye on the goal and focus on the destination because that is what brings you happiness.

You would NEVER just give up and stop halfway on the journey, would you? Don’t you deserve better than to just be left in the middle of the road trip like a stowaway? Yes, you do. You deserve to reach your destination , you deserve to be happy, you deserve to be successful and you deserve to never give up on yourself.

12. You Must Inspire Others

Who is your biggest role model? Now imagine their life. Doesn’t it seem like they have everything put together and that their life is all in order… Well, this is completely false. The grass really does look greener on the other side and the person you call your role model might be under a very huge amount of stress and anxiety. For example, when NBA All-Star Demar DeRozan opened up about his battle with depression and anxiety, people were shocked! Like how could this 6’7″, 220 Lbs Tower of person, competing at the highest level in the world feel any pain? All of us are human and all of us have our own demons and battles, Demar isn’t any different than me and you.

So when you feel like giving up I want you to remember that someone out there is looking up to you. So sure you might feel weak, you might feel overwhelmed, but when lfie is tough you must keep going because you are teaching those looking up to you how to properly react when they are tested with difficulties in their life. Become an inspiration for others . Refuse to give up and try your hardest; you never know who is watching. Your hard work and dedication could be the spark that was needed to light the dreams of those around you . You never know who is watching.

13. Failure Is Normal

It’s impossible to reach success without first facing failure, so don’t let anything stop you. Failure is a normal process in life. It’s not the end but just a stream changing directions before it finally reaches the ocean.

There is not one successful person alive today who has not tasted failure in their life — think about failure as a necessary ingredient to becoming successful. For example, salt is an essential part of most baked desserts. If you look at it separately you might be like wait WHAT?! why would you put salt in a sweet cake. But if you look at it overall, a small amount of salt will bring out and enhance the other flavors of the cake. So sprinkle some problems and failure into your “Success Cake”, trust me, in the end, it will make it that much sweeter! 🙂

I can accept failure, everyone fails at something. But I can’t accept not trying. -Michael Jordan

14. Things Can Only Get Better

By sticking to your goal and being persistent things can only get better. If you’ve hit rock bottom or feel you’re on your way down. Remind yourself that with the right amount of hard work what comes down must go up. 

Being in a really dark place in life can actually be a quite positive space to be in. When you are the top of the world and everything is going perfect you will always have fear of losing your success. But when you are in darkness and have hit rock bottom, you should have satisfaction knowing that things can only get better, and with the right mindset, they will! Hard work and determination can get you anywhere in life.

15. It’s Always The Darkest Before Dawn

Understand that the hardest trials are the ones that come right before the breakthrough. So stay persistent because at any given moment you are at the  tipping point and success awaits you.

Commitment leads to action. Action brings your dream closer. – Marcia Wieder

Best of Luck!

why we should never give up essay

Osman Hameed is an Entrepreneur, Investor & Founder of CodeofLiving.com. Being in the self-help industry for over 10+ years, Osman has a plethora of knowledge which he loves to share and discuss with the Code of Living community. Follow him on Instagram + All major social media platforms via @osmanxhameed.

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Importance of never giving up in life

There comes that moment in all of our loves when we feel like completely giving up, when nothing seems to go the way we planned, and the future looks bleak at best. In times like these, we cannot help but feel that there cannot reason to keep on trying; after all, what is the point in working on something when you know it is going to be futile in the end? But to be fair, it is never a good idea to just give up, not until you have given of your best into the situation. Here’s why.

importance of never giving up

7 reasons why it is important to never give up

Success might take longer.

There is nothing to say that success will come to you at the very first attempt. Sometimes, you have to struggle for years before you can reach the place you aimed for. There will be multiple setbacks on the way, and if you give up every time you encounter a roadblock, it will be impossible to ever achieve anything. So, you must keep trying in order to make it in the end, and the taste of success will be even sweeter.

You are satisfied

This is perhaps the most important benefit of not giving up. Your goals may seem tough or almost impossible to reach, but you will never really know that unless you have tried. It is only by trying, and trying again, that you will finally understand whether the goal was achievable or not. If you give up without trying at all, or at the first hint of failure, you will always have the nagging thought at the back of your mind: ‘what if I tried?’ If you do try enough, and then finally step back, you will definitely know that this was not doable, or otherwise, because you gave it your best efforts.

Learn from your mistakes

If you give up after your first failure, you will know what you did wrong, but you will never learn the right way to do things. Every time you make a mistake and fail to achieve your goal, you will know one more thing that should not be done. This way, by process of elimination alone, you will keep getting closer to your goal, and finally arrive at a foolproof way to get things done.

The end of the line

If you give up even before you begin the race, or after the first lap, you will never know what is at the end of the line. You have a goal in mind, sure, but do you know what it will be like to finally be there? Persevering on your way will get you to the very top, and the view will be breathtaking. If you stop midway, that is it for you; the end of the line with no excitement.

It’s a competitive world

We live in a fairly competitive world, which means that every time we let go of our dreams, someone else makes them their own. A million people are chasing the same dream all their lives, and if you don’t keep trying, somebody else will be living your dream, and you will spend the rest of your life mired in regret and jealousy. Giving up is not an option if you have to stay ahead in the race.

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If you give up on your goal after a single try, or without trying at all, you will never know the right way of doing things. Failures tell us that we are doing something wrong, forcing us to change track and learn new things in the process. We have to stay updated if we are to hang on to our dreams, because there is no point in doing the same thing and repeating our mistakes. By working on different ways to get something done, we achieve perfection, becoming an expert in our field in the process.

More self-reliant

When we are used to working hard to succeed, we tend to become self confident and dependent on ourselves. We do not need to rely on anyone else to do the job for us, because we are quite certain that we are ourselves quote capable of handling it on our own. Since we don’t give up on our dreams, we have no regrets, and no one needs to help us out along the way.

All said and done, there is always a time to take a step back. But that does not mean you are giving up; it only means you have done all that you could and realized that there is nothing more to be done. There is an innate difference between giving up and stepping back; one is not even trying, and the other is accepting that not everything is under our control, no matter how much we try. One brings a sense of defeat and dissatisfaction, while the other brings peace in the knowledge that you tried.

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How can we make this world a better place? I’ll write an essay in 150 words to answer this question.One of the most important things we can do is to focus on promoting kindness, empathy, and understanding. By treating each other [...]

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why we should never give up essay


  1. Never Give Up Essay Example

    why we should never give up essay

  2. Essay on Never Give Up [ Meaning, Concept & Importance ]

    why we should never give up essay

  3. Explaining The Importance Of Never Giving Up

    why we should never give up essay

  4. We Should Never Give up on Our Hopes and Dreams: [Essay Example], 839

    why we should never give up essay

  5. Never Give Up Essay

    why we should never give up essay

  6. Essay about never give up in 2021

    why we should never give up essay


  1. Proof That you Should NEVER Give Up ❤️


  3. This is why you should never give up🥺❤️

  4. Why you should NEVER give up! #youtubeshorts

  5. Why you should never give up💪🏻

  6. Why you should never give up: Bradley Cooper #psychology #inspiration #depression silver lining #bpd


  1. The Power of Never Giving Up: [Essay Example], 559 words

    Never giving up is the act of persisting in the face of adversity, even when one encounters significant obstacles or setbacks. While it may be difficult to continue working towards a goal when faced with challenges, the importance of never giving up cannot be overstated. In this essay, we will explore the power of perseverance, the benefits of ...

  2. Never Give Up Essay

    Answer: Never giving up permits you to refute others. At the point when somebody advises you to accomplish nothing, buckle down without giving up and you will refute them. Diligence fabricates certainty for your future undertakings. finish different activities in the future. Question 2.

  3. Essay on Never Giving Up

    Essay on Never Giving Up. It has been said that life can never be carried out and truly lived to its fullest unless there has been some sort of suffering and pain. Mistakes are to be learned from, and a hard past can only result in a stronger present. Though many might find themselves alone in their misery the truth is they are not, everyone ...

  4. Essay Samples on Never Give Up

    Never Quit Or Give Up: Personal Story Of Not Stopping. 2. Negative Habits That Make People Lose Faith And Motivation. 3. Never Give Up in 'I Have Lived a Thousand Years' 4. Never Give Up On Your Dreams. 5. Never Give Up: Why People Sould Not Stop Pursuing Their Dreams. 6. Why You Should Never Give Up On Your Purpose

  5. Never Give Up No Matter How Hard The Situation Is: 'Believe It to

    Often times we are told that we are what we eat, and this book actually talks about 'mental protein' and the fact that we are what we think. The authors help us realize why it is important for us to keep thinking of happy and positive thoughts, because without it our brain will go back to a default mode, which is a negative mode.

  6. Never Give Up: Why People Sould Not Stop Pursuing Their Dreams

    This essay beautifully delves into the realm of pursuing dreams and overcoming obstacles, resonating with the words of Paulo Coelho. With a clear introduction and insightful quotes, the writer grabs the reader's attention.

  7. The Power of Never Giving Up

    Winston Churchill, known for his powerful speeches and writings, once said, "Never, never, in nothing, great or small, large or petty, never give in except to convictions of honor and good sense ...

  8. Never Give Up

    October 10, 2016. Illustration by Andy Rementer. If I could say one thing to the young people of today, it would be this: Never give up. Keep trying and pushing and struggling, even if you don't ...

  9. Why You Should Never Give Up In Life (No Matter What)

    The answer is simple: because giving up means that you are no longer trying to improve your situation. When you give up, you stop growing and learning. You become content with where you are in life, even if it's not where you want to be. Giving up is also a sign of weakness.

  10. Essay Examples on Never Give Up

    The Human's Dilemma to Give Up The Idea of Giving Up. 4 pages / 1921 words. We, humans, are projected to the concept of striving in order to obtain our respective desires and goals during our lifetime. There has always been an implication that we are obliged to make an effort in order for us to achieve the longings that we... Never Give Up. 4.

  11. Never Give Up Essay Examples

    The Role of Success in Life Essay Example. "If you cannot fly, then run…. I f you cannot run; then walk…. If you cannot walk, then crawl… but do whatever you have to do to move forward". This is a famous quote by the great Martin Luther King, which also acts as a great motivation whenever I think about success.

  12. The Power of Persistence: Overcoming Obstacles to Achieve Your Dreams

    I'm proud of myself for never giving up. I now know to keep motivated for my dreams, and that with work hard, fight and passion, anyone can do anything. To sum up, never giving up is the key of success in human life. If someone get good support from their family and friends things will definitely workout in the end.

  13. Never Give Up Essay: Sample, Essay Outline

    A top-grade essay on never give up introduction paragraph should be both engaging and informative. It should be able to connect with the reader's current state of emotion or feeling at first glance. Your introduction should: First, give the context and background; Set up the scope and purpose of your essay; Show the reader that he/she is in ...

  14. Never Give Up

    The expression 'Never, never give up' encapsulates the spirit of perseverance and determination, urging individuals to persistently work towards their goals despite obstacles. In this essay, we will explore the significance of this advice, examining how it resonates with the complexities of real-life situations and the potential benefits it can ...

  15. Essays on Never Give Up

    Essays on Never Give Up. A never give up attitude consists of a mindset that allows one to face everything and overcome it. It helps to abolish doubts, negativity, and fear in order to gain a stronger self-confidence and perseverance. It is also a key factor in starting and completing a battle.

  16. Short Essay On 'Never Give Up'

    The best way to reach your dreams and hopes is to work to achieve them and to change them to reality and never giving up in any situation. "Never give up†means keep trying and never stop working for your goals. For many people, failure is nothing but the first step towards success. This should be our approach in life.

  17. 15 Powerful Reasons Why You Should NEVER Give Up

    Point is success feels great and the taste of victory is very sweet. Let your desire, your craving, your thirst for this sweet taste motivate and inspire you to keep going, to never give up and to keep striving towards your goal. 7. It Could Change For The Better.

  18. Never Give Up and Don't Afraid of Failure

    Think of a situation in which you are afraid of failure. Visualize yourself now hitting an obstacle, allow yourself to feel the fear, and then see yourself moving forward. Next, spend a few minutes planning how to overcome whatever obstacles may stand in your way. Then see yourself succeeding despite these obstacles Today Ever Widening Circles ...

  19. Importance of never giving up in life

    Giving up is not an option if you have to stay ahead in the race. By the way, with a few clicks you can pay WriteMyPaperHub to have someone who will write your essay on any never give up topic. Self-improvement. If you give up on your goal after a single try, or without trying at all, you will never know the right way of doing things. Failures ...

  20. 15 Powerful Reasons Why You Should Never Give Up

    Understand that the hardest trials are the ones that come right before the breakthrough. So stay persistent because at any given moment you are at the. Commitment leads to action. Action brings your dream closer. - Marcia Wieder. The words "Give" and "Up" should never be together in your mind.

  21. Why Is It Important to Never Give Up (Essay Sample)

    Never Give Up In Life. Life is full of ups and downs. Everything can change in a matter of seconds and we can't do anything about it. All we can do is feel sorry for the effort and the time lost in pursuing life. That's what those think who believe we are slaves to our destiny. The reality is we make our destiny.

  22. We Should Never Give Up on Our Hopes and Dreams

    Imagine a world where countless impossibles were achieved, a place where everyone did what they loved to do and excelled at what they did. The difference in systematic views in this alternate universe would be so diverse and yet it's something we can't seem to grasp. The way society has amputated so many of our imaginations has left all ...

  23. Free Essay: Never Give Up

    Success is one of the most important things in life. Many people need to remember that you can't succeed until you try. without trying you never have a chance to succeed. You should never give up on your goal. I believe that you were made to achieve that goal you just have to keep trying.…. 332 Words. 2 Pages.