21 Epic Mobile App Marketing Case Studies

By: Gaurav Sharma

Updated On: August 4, 2021

Word Count: 4212 words | Est. Reading Time: 29 mins

As the mobile app market has evolved over the years, competition among app developers has increased as well. The life cycle of an app in this frantic mobile world will be very short if app developers don't come up with new ideas, and optimization/marketing strategies.

And the best way you can learn how to effectively market your app is by learning from successful mobile app marketing case studies. Check out our list of 21 of the most epic mobile app marketing case studies to learn how you can take your app to the next level.

1. App Name: KLM Airlines – KLM Airlines

The main objective of KLM airlines was to get their users to book flights on mobile. The second motive was to create a platform for other mobile marketing techniques such as mobile passbook and location-based notifications. And this could only be achieved by encouraging more consumers to use the mobile app.

KLM Airlines mobile app marketing strategy

Strategy-Driven Solution

KLM launched a campaign for three weeks during which they gave free app access to those who used their mobile booking engine.

Customers received their access in the form of mobile coupons, which they received in their passbooks for Apple phones and in their Google Wallets for Android phones. The location-based notification reminded them to redeem their coupons while they were in the vicinity of KLM lounges.

KLM Airlines mobile app marketing services

KLM Airlines saw a 17% increase in visits to their mobile site, which generated 34% more bookings and 38% more mobile revenue.

Key Takeaway

Offers and extra benefits can encourage people to use mobile apps and keep them hooked.

Source:  3DoorDigital

2. App Name: ASDA – British Supermarket Chain

ASDA wanted use technology to develop an app to make grocery shopping easier for people, specifically for busy moms. Their goal was to generate 10% of online grocery shopping transactions through the app.

ASDA British Supermarket Chain mobile app marketing plan

Before designing the application, they approached their existing customers and asked them what kind of app would make shopping more convenient for them.

Based on customer feedback, they kept the app design simple so that it would be convenient for people from all walks of life.

They included features like “Did you forget?” to show them their frequently purchased items. This reminds users about the items they may have forgotten to order.

It also featured live petrol prices, which allowed customers to check the current petrol prices at their nearest ASDA petrol stations.

ASDA managed to drive more than 2 million downloads for the app. The app even won the IGD Digital innovation award.

Mobile shopping increased to 18% of all grocery home shopping, out of which more than 90% of the sales are contributed by this app. Shopping frequency from mobiles is 1.8 times higher than desktop.

Keep your app simple and user-friendly so that people of all age groups can use it.

Source: TalkingRetail

3. App Name: HotelTonight

HotelTonight needed to find a better way to introduce new potential users to the app in a way that showcased its functionality and use cases. They wanted to make sure that everyone has an incredible experience using the application.

HotelTonight mobile app marketing companies

HotelTonight’s motive was to showcase how it can help travelers plan a little less and live a little more.

They introduced a mobile video campaign in which they displayed videos of the hotels and all of the facilities users can enjoy. They wanted users to download the app and engage with it regularly. Mobile was the right solution because the app focuses on spontaneous and impulsive bookings.

Another important area in which they focused was publicity. They had a clear vision of providing customers with incredible experiences. And after those satisfactory visits to the hotels, they saw that people were eager to tell other people about their HotelTonight experiences.

They gave users an incentive to share their experiences to further encourage them to do so. This provided a catalyst for this viral marketing.

They came up with a “tell a friend” marketing program where users can invite friends right from the app by email or through a Facebook or Twitter post. Users received $25 every time a new friend joined HotelTonight. The friend also received $25 when they booked their first room through the app.

The HotelTonight team also used the power of social media and focused on Facebook and Twitter to build their customer base. Facebook provided HotelTonight with the platform to share their content such as videos and announcement of new hotels added to the app. They used both Facebook and Twitter to announce special deals and offers.

HotelTonight's cost-per-download was $0.20. 60% of customers come in through word-of-mouth or social media; 40% from mobile. They went from 0 to 70,071 Facebook fans in just nine months. They achieved 115% ROAS (return on ad spend) within one month. Their app install rate also increased to 326%.

Key Takeaways

Incentivize users for referrals to amp up your word-of-mouth marketing. And use social media to promote your app.

Source:  MarketingSherpa

4. App Name: BNP Paribas Wealth Management

BNP Paribas Wealth Management wanted to better engage with customers and prospective customers by making valuable financial information available through mobile devices.

BNP Paribas Wealth Management mobile app marketing agency

The bank developed their mobile-first platform foundation software by creating their application for multiple platforms including Apple, Windows, and tablets.

They also created dynamic user segments, which helped them send out relevant, targeted in-app messages and push notifications.

They used pop-up messages within the app, which asked their frequent and loyal users to give the app a rating in the app stores.

They also began a cross-promotion campaign during which they broadcasted targeted push notifications that promoted a different BNP Paribas app called My Wallet. This helped generate free downloads in the Apple App Store and in the Google Play store.

App store ratings increased from 2.5 to 4 for the app. It also generated significant press coverage for the bank, which ultimately resulted in an increase in customers.

It is essential for businesses to think competitively and come up with solutions that are realistic and advantageous to their customers.

Source: Accengage

5. App Name: Guidecentral

To increase app visibility and drive more downloads.

Guidecentral mobile app marketing campaigns

The app switched to a more attractive icon that stood out from other apps in the category.

They also used the keyword “how to” in their app name in the app store because there was a high search volume for the keyword. And they added relevant keywords in the app description and optimized the section by adding their unique selling points and including a call-to-action (CTA).

The icon change along helped them increase their downloads by 700%.

Pay attention to every detail including your icon, description, and images. And make sure that everything is optimized.

Source: SlideShare

6. App Name: Amazon

Need for Change

Until recently, Amazon was struggling to get the top rank under the shopping category. Due to changes in the Google Play store policies, Amazon's app was removed from the Play store and ultimately, Amazon had to rebrand itself.

Amazon needed to relaunch the shopping app and completely rebrand themselves in order to get to the top of the rankings in the app stores.

Amazon mobile app marketing platform

Optimization Strategy

Keyword optimization played a key role in the success of their new strategy. Simply by adding the keyword “shopping” to the app's name worked wonders for them.

Amazon logo mobile app marketing tactics

Before adding the word “shopping” to their app name, only 2.12% of the traffic resulting from the keyword went to them. After they added the word “shopping,” that numbers increased to 9.88% of the global traffic, which is almost four times more than before.

Adding the right keywords in the right places can work wonders for your app store ranking.

Source: SimilarWeb

7. App Name: Omvana

Since people have never heard of the name “Omvana,” they are not searching for it in the app store. So the team needed to ensure that their app gained visibility among people who are interested in an app for personal meditation.

Omvana mobile app marketing budget

Obstacles Faced

For apps like Omvana, the biggest challenge is to attract people who will download their app. They are targeting people who are looking for an app that will help with their meditation. However, these people have never heard of the app. So the biggest challenge was getting this target audience to discover their app in the first place.

The team discovered that people were searching for terms like “sleep,” “meditation,” “binaural,” etc. So they decided to rename the app in the app store from just “Omvana” to “Omvana – Meditate, Sleep, Focus, Relax, Rest & Nap Better with 1000s of Mindfulness, Hypnosis, Meditation and Binaural Sounds.”

This simple ASO strategy helped them increase their downloads by 125%.

Even the simplest things like keywords in title can make a huge difference

Having your app name alone in the app title may not drive visibility, so you need to work with commonly used and relevant keywords.

Source: BenPhilabaum   SensorTower

8. App Name: Trunk Club

Trunk Club wanted to efficiently convert visitors into paying customers through the app. They also wanted to discover the best customers they could focus their efforts on.

Trunk Club best mobile app marketing

Challenges Faced

The crucial challenge faced by Trunk Club were that visitors were mostly in the browsing stage and not in the mental state of buying products. Due to this, the stylist’s time was spent even on those users who were not really interested in shopping. As they have a lot of users who sign up, it really created a mess for the stylists.

In order to save their stylist’s time, they tried a couple of app mechanics that would separate the window shoppers from serious buyers. Requiring credit card details was one such potential option.

Getting the credit card info filled in before buying anything from the Trunk helped generate more productive leads for the stylists to pursue. The users would be charged only when they choose to keep something in their trunk.

40% of their traffic now comes through mobile. Requiring credit card information led to fewer overall conversions, but the users that requested a trunk were more qualified and converted into purchases at a much higher rate.

43% of the users are more likely to connect to the stylists and make purchases. Since stylists have qualified leads now, they offer exceptional services and are now 90% more efficient than before.

Separating window shoppers from visitors who have actual interest in making a purchase drives profitability.

Source: UpSight   Optimizely

9. App Name: MailTime

MailTime wanted to completely overturn the closed mobile messaging industry. They wanted to use localization to ensure that they could make the desired change at different geographic locations.

MailTime mobile app marketing objectives

The app offers an open messaging service and was developed using decentralized email technology. In other words, it is basically an email messenger. They were trying to bring about a disruption to the existing trend of closed mobile messengers. And sometimes, those apps had limitations in terms of geography.

Charlie Sheng, CMO of MailTime has talked about how they aimed for localization from the beginning because it was the only way they could cross borders with their app.

In some languages, the translations would end up being too long. In some cases, the translations didn’t fit the app’s UI design. This happened to the versions in Russian, German, Portuguese, and French.

So the team ended up working with the developer to customize the UI so that it fit the translated phrases. In some cases, the translators had to change the translations so that they fit the UI. This took the team a long time.

MailTime worked extensively to localize their app for different countries. They carefully worked on translations that perfectly fit different cultures. They also had to change the translations so that they fit the UI.

MailTime now supports 12 languages, including Chinese (in which the app is called 简信), Japanese, and Russian. It also supports ten email providers, including all major email services like Gmail, Outlook, Yahoo Mail, and services like Mail.Ru, QQ Mail, and 163 Mail, which are popular in Asia and Russia. They will soon add another seven languages to their service.

MailTime was featured as the Best New App in countries such as Austria, Brunei, China, Cambodia, Germany, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Laos, Macau, Malaysia, Switzerland, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Taiwan, Vietnam, and the Philippines.

It was also featured on the front page of the Productivity Category in the United States. This coverage lasted over three weeks and drove tens of thousands of downloads every day.

Localizing your application can help you increase visibility, as you get exposed to a larger audience. And a larger audience implies an increase in the number of downloads.

Source: OneSkyApp

10. App Name: Marriott

Marriott wanted to drive 500,000 downloads within the first three months of launching their app. They also wanted to make the most of the smartphone as their secret marketing weapon.

Marriott mobile app marketing and monetization

A theme was carried out with a very different concept, the concept was that the smartphone, like the smartphone traveler, is overworked and needs a vacation. The smartphone pitches the traveler on the benefits of getting the Marriott app and hence getting them both a vacation.

This concept was popularized across all media. This included mobile, social, display, print, and even hotel properties.

The app was ranked as the number 1 travel app on iTunes on the first day of the campaign. It became the third largest m-commerce sales site of all the time. It was the first travel app to break the top five free apps overall in iTunes. It got 500,000 downloads within the first three months.

Fun and witty messaging helped attract and engage the target audience.

Multi-channel promotions helped ensure that they could reach the audience anywhere.

Source: BeeByClarkMeyler

11. App Name: Presspad

To increase the number of downloads for the app, which would eventually increase revenue.

Presspad top mobile app marketing companies

Presspad didn’t follow a specific strategy other than optimizing their app following the basic principles of app store optimization.

They saw an increase in downloads by 140%, which led to an increase in revenue by 87%.

Sometimes just following the best practices can work for you.

Source: PressPadApp

12. App Name: KFC

KFC wanted to find ways to drive foot traffic to their stores by reaching local passerbys on their smartphones.

KFC mobile app marketing plan pdf

KFC started a campaign and used mobile location technology so that they could entice nearby customers to visit their restaurants. KFC worked with an ad company to target consumers to identify and reach the relevant target audience. They found that the most receptive demographic to the location-based targeting were busy parents with families.

The company’s target audience was comprised of young adults. They also targeted busy families whose lives are made simpler in many ways by mobile devices. They used the most accurate location technology so they could reach their target audience at the right time while they were at the right place. KFC delivered relevant offers that would entice these customers to visit the restaurant nearby.

The three-month long campaign helped drive foot traffic by engaging customers who were nearby a KFC store. It also drove a click-through rate that was 40% above the industry benchmark.

Accurate location targeting can help you reach the right audience at the right time.

Identifying your most receptive demographic and reaching them where they are most likely to engage with your business can pay off.

Source:  Youtube

13. App Name: Vodafone's Secret Women App

Domestic violence is rampant in Turkey, where almost one in every three women is a victim of domestic abuse. These victims are afraid to speak out and look for help. Vodafone believed that they could provide help to these women with the use of this powerful technology and created a secret app for them. Now the biggest challenge was spreading the message of this app in secret without any men finding out about it.

Vodafone's what is mobile app marketing

This app was hidden within a flashlight app. When a victim shakes her phone, the app would send out a message to three people that she trusts. The alert will also send out details of her location. Vodafone placed ads in products only used by women such as on wax strips and in the labels of women's underwear. Some ads also appeared in the middle of makeup vlogs.

According to their estimate, Vodafone believed that the secret would remain only for ten months, so they updated the app again. With the update, the flashlight app became a mirror application, so it remained a secret once again. They then used the same marketing techniques as earlier to spread messages about the update.

The app has been downloaded by 254,000 women in Turkey, which is 24% of all female smartphone users in the country. There has been more than 103,000 activations for the app. Since it became a lifeline for women who are in danger from their spouses, the app received the Grand Prix award under the media category during the Cannes Lions 2015.

Smart placement of ads for your app will ensure that it reaches the desired audience, which is especially important for an app such as this.

Source: DigitalTrainingAcademy   WPP

14. App Name: Starbucks

Although smartphone owners may not hesitate to make large purchases using their phones, things would be much simpler for them if they could complete their purchases with a mobile wallet-style program. The most important reason behind this logic is that entering credit card information can be inconvenient and unsafe.

Starbucks mobile app marketing case studies

Starbucks introduced a digital tipping feature called “Shake to Pay.” Using this feature, the users can just bring up a barcode by shaking their phone. Baristas can then scan this barcode to accept the tip using mobile payment.

They also used a rewarding strategy to incentivize their users. Each time a customer makes a purchase through the company’s popular app, they get a star. After collecting a certain number of stars, they can then collect a reward. Under this program, customers can attain a Gold Status when they earn 30 stars within a year. Once they’ve achieved this status, they further get a free beverage or a food item for every 12 stars they earn.

There were 6 million transactions worth $1.5 billion made weekly in the U.S. Mobile payments accounted for 15% of total transactions made in Starbucks-operated stores in the U.S.

Always give multiple payment options to users.

Offer rewards to users for every purchase they make to encourage them to engage with the app.

Source: MBAKnol

15. App Name: CloudOn

To increase downloads and boost store ranking.

CloudOn mobile app marketing plan example

Strategy-Drive Solution

CloudOn thoroughly optimized their Play Store listing and placed their main focus on the app title and description. They made changes that would ensure better visibility of the app when people search for relevant keywords. They also used a new set of keywords that they deemed relevant to their target audience.

With these simple tricks, CloudOn made it to the top 10 lists with only changes to keywords and title. CloudOn downloads went up to 201%.

CloudOn downloads mobile app marketing strategy template

They ranked fifth on the charts with new shiny screenshots.

CloudOn downloads mobile app marketing companies india

  • • Give much heed to the app title and description.
  • • Review your keywords monthly, and change them if need be.
  • • The app description should be appealing.

Source: SensorTower

16. App Name: ASDA Price Guarantee App

To simplify the process of saving money for shoppers without burdening internal teams too much.

ASDA Price Guarantee App mobile app marketing ideas

ASDA came up with the Price Guarantee app, in which customers can enter the details of their shopping receipt to see if they qualify for deals. They will then get money-back vouchers through the app. The app fetches data from a third-party site and outlined eligible discounts according to the customer’s receipt. After developing the app, the team also marketed it online and on television.

There were more than 1,000 downloads a day for the app. ASDA also found that users continued to engage with the app long after their downloaded it.

Creating apps that simplify the lives of customers can ensure long-term engagement with the app.

Marketing the app through multiple channels can give the desired visibility to drive downloads.

Source: PocketWorks

17. App Name: 10bis

To get high install volumes without spending a fortune on app marketing.

10bis mobile app marketing tools

10bis started out by identifying a broad range of audiences relevant to their services based on interests and demographic. They then created a Facebook ad campaign targeting these audiences, as they are most likely to download the app and use it. This target audience was comprised of people who have an interest in restaurants and food as well as single people and people who belong to younger age groups.

They also created another campaign in which they used the Custom Audiences feature to target people who have already downloaded the app. The ads were designed to encourage them to use the app by offering special promotions for local restaurants.

10bis managed to get 15,000 app installs and 70,000 app interactions between October 2015 and January 2016 alone. Their ongoing campaign manages to deliver thousands of new users every month. The best part is that these users engage with the app since they are highly relevant.

Carefully targeting highly relevant audiences can help deliver the desired results and achieve engaged users.

Running an ongoing campaign can deliver consistent results.

Source:  DigitalTrainingAcademy

18. App Name: Pokemon Go

To promote their newly-launched video game and achieve installs by highly engaged users.

Pokemon Go mobile app marketing tips

The team ran a pre-launch promotional campaign using YouTube videos and press releases. They also made announcements about the app’s main features. But these marketing strategies aren’t the only reason for the app’s massive success. The users themselves help spread the news about the app and helped to make it viral.

The app’s design itself is enough reason for many users to download the app. Since the app makes use of location-based services and augmented reality to create a unique gaming experience, it managed to win the hearts of users.

Pokemon Go now has 26 million active users on a daily basis. The average player spends more than 40 minutes a day on the app. In addition to this, the game continues to attract 500 downloads every minute or 700,000 downloads per day.

Offering advanced features can deliver a unique user experience that encourages word of mouth marketing.

Building hype before the launch can help gain traction for your app marketing.

Source: EasternPeak

19. App Name: MakeMyTrip

To achieve overall growth of the MakeMyTrip mobile app.

MakeMyTrip how to do mobile app marketing

MakeMyTrip worked with AppVirality to create an in-app referral program. The program rewarded new users who downloaded the app through friend’s referrals. It also rewarded users whose friends downloaded the app through their referrals and gave an additional reward when those friends booked a trip using the app.

MakeMyTrip saw a 20% increase in overall downloads. Their conversions increased by 25% and transaction rate went up by 20%.

Referral programs are a great way to motivate users to promote your app.

Source: AppVirality

20. App Name: Paperclip

To increase the number of app users and achieve long-term growth.

Paperclip mobile app marketing insights

Paperclip decided to use AppSamurai, a self-service mobile advertising tool designed mainly for startups. They used the smart ad campaign feature to target highly relevant users and get them to download the app.

They managed to get a 210% increase in user acquisition rate and a 100% increase in daily sessions. The number of daily active users increased by 250% and the app ranking jumped from 100 to top 25 in the shopping category.

Invest in smart ads that will help you target an audience that is highly likely to download and use your app.

Source: AppSamurai

21. App Name: Sing2Learn

To increase app visibility and drive downloads as well as increase their app store rating.

Sing2Learn mobile app marketing conference

Sing2Learn worked with a mobile marketing agency to create a PowerPoint presentation about the app and distribute it through multiple online channels. They created and distributed a highly engaging demo video, which also served as a marketing video. The team created and distributed press releases online to raise more awareness about the app.

Additionally, they did thorough app store optimization to ensure that the app had an accurate description along with screenshots and tags. Sing2Learn created a pay-per-click campaign using relevant keywords to further increase visibility. They amped up their social media marketing strategy to raise more awareness about the app. Journalists helped them gain additional exposure.

The app has since been installed more than 13,000 times and received 480 reviews on Google Play. It has managed to get an app store rating of 4.8.

Promoting your app through multiple channels can help you gain significant exposure.

Source: MobileSoftwareMarketing

These mobile app marketing case studies should help you gain a better understanding of the improvement you can see with the right kind of changes in your mobile app marketing strategy. You should now have a clear idea of all of the changes you can make to improve your app growth. Which of these case studies was the most impressive to you? Let us know in the comments.

app promotion case study

About the Author

app promotion case study

Gaurav Sharma -

CEO/Founder @ Attrock Gaurav Sharma is the Founder and CEO of Attrock , a results-driven digital marketing company. Grew an agency from 5-figure to 7-figure revenue in just two years | 10X leads | 2.8X conversions | 300K organic monthly traffic | 5K keywords on page 1. He also contributes to top publications like HuffPost, Adweek, Business2Community, TechCrunch, and more.

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Case Studies on App Sales: Boost Your Revenue with Real-Life Examples

app promotion case study

As someone who has worked in the mobile app industry for several years, I have seen firsthand the importance of app sales for the success of any app. I'm here today to share with you some of the secrets that I've seen worked for many app developers I've worked with.

In today's highly competitive app market, it is crucial for developers to understand what drives app sales and how to optimize their app's performance in order to achieve maximum revenue.

One way to gain insight into app sales is through case studies. By examining the strategies and tactics used by successful apps, developers can learn valuable lessons and apply them to their own apps. Case studies can provide valuable information on everything from pricing strategies to marketing techniques, and can help developers make informed decisions about how to position their apps in the marketplace.

In this article, I will explore several case studies on app sales and share insights into what makes these apps successful. We will examine factors such as app design, user engagement, and pricing strategies, and discuss how these elements can impact app sales. Whether you are a seasoned app developer or just starting out, this article will provide valuable insights into the world of app sales and help you optimize your app's performance in the marketplace.

Understanding the App Market

As an app developer, it is important for you to understand the dynamics of the app market. This includes knowing the key players and platforms that dominate the market. In this section, I will discuss the App Store dynamics and the key players and platforms in the app market.

App Store Dynamics

The App Store is a digital distribution platform for mobile apps on iOS devices. It is owned and operated by Apple Inc. The App Store is the second-largest app store in the world, with over 2 million apps available for download. As an app developer, it is important to understand the App Store dynamics to ensure that your app is visible and easily discoverable.

One of the most important factors in App Store dynamics is the app's ranking. The App Store uses a complex algorithm to determine the ranking of apps. The algorithm takes into account factors such as the number of downloads, ratings, reviews, and user engagement. As an app developer, it is important to optimize your app's ranking to increase visibility and downloads.

Key Players and Platforms

The app market is dominated by two key players: Apple's App Store and Google Play Store. Apple's App Store is exclusive to iOS devices, while Google Play Store is available on Android devices. These two platforms account for the majority of app downloads worldwide.

As an app developer, it is important to understand the differences between these two platforms. Apple's App Store is known for its strict guidelines and rigorous review process, which ensures that only high-quality apps are available for download. On the other hand, Google Play Store has a more open approach, which makes it easier for developers to publish their apps. However, this also means that there are more low-quality apps available on the platform.

In addition to these two key players, there are also other platforms that are worth considering, such as Amazon Appstore and Microsoft Store. These platforms may have a smaller user base, but they also have less competition, which can make it easier for your app to stand out.

In conclusion, understanding the dynamics of the app market is essential for app developers who want to succeed. By understanding the key players and platforms, developers can optimize their app's visibility and increase their chances of success.

Developing a Successful App

As someone who has worked with many app developers and saw how they've launched several successful apps, I can say that I know that the process of creating a new app can be both exciting and daunting. I've heard many stories of them being scared to dip in deep waters for the first time. However, with careful planning and execution, it is possible to build an app that is not only useful but also profitable. In this section, I will share some tips and insights on how to develop a successful app.

Conceptualizing the App Idea

The first step in developing a successful app is to come up with a great idea. The idea should be unique, useful, and ideally, solve a problem that people are facing. To come up with a good app idea, I recommend brainstorming with friends, family, or colleagues. Ask them for feedback and suggestions if you must. You can also research the app market to see what is currently popular and identify gaps that you can fill with your app.

Once you have a solid app idea, it is crucial to validate it by conducting market research. This will help you determine if there is a demand for your app and if it is feasible to build. You can use online tools to conduct surveys, analyze competitors, and gather data on user behavior. This information will help you refine your app idea and make it more compelling.

Design and Development Process

The next step I've seen people do when it comes to creating a successful app is to design and develop it. This process involves several steps, including wireframing, prototyping, and testing. The goal of the design process is to create an app that is visually appealing, user-friendly, and intuitive.

During the development process, it is important to choose the right technology stack and development tools. This will help you build a robust and scalable app that can handle a large user base. You should also consider factors such as security, performance, and compatibility with different devices and platforms.

Once your app is developed, it is time to launch it in the app store. To ensure that your app gets noticed, you should optimize its listing with relevant keywords, a compelling description, and high-quality screenshots. You should also consider running ads or partnering with influencers to promote your app.

In conclusion, developing a successful app requires careful planning, execution, and marketing. You shouldn't rush into putting an app out in the market because you want it to succeed. By following these tips and insights, you can build an app that is not only useful but also profitable.

Launching and Marketing Your App

When it comes to launching and marketing your app, there are a few key strategies to keep in mind. By optimizing your app store listing and implementing effective marketing strategies, you can increase your app's visibility and drive more downloads.

App Store Optimization

App store optimization (ASO) is the process of optimizing your app store listing to improve its visibility and ranking in app store search results. To optimize your app store listing, you should focus on the following elements:

  • App title: Choose a descriptive and memorable app title that accurately reflects your app's purpose and functionality.
  • App icon: Create an eye-catching and recognizable app icon that stands out in the app store.
  • App description: Write a clear and concise app description that highlights your app's key features and benefits.
  • Keywords: Include relevant keywords in your app title and description to improve your app's visibility in search results.
  • Screenshots and videos: Use high-quality screenshots and videos to showcase your app's user interface and functionality.

By optimizing these elements, you can improve your app's visibility and attract more potential users to your app store listing.

Effective Marketing Strategies

In addition to ASO, there are a variety of effective marketing strategies you can use to promote your app and drive downloads. Some of the most popular app marketing strategies include:

  • Social media marketing: Use social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to promote your app and engage with potential users.
  • Influencer marketing: Partner with influencers in your app's niche to promote your app to their followers.
  • App store advertising: Use paid app store advertising to increase your app's visibility and drive downloads.
  • Content marketing: Create high-quality content like blog posts, videos, and infographics to promote your app and attract potential users.
  • Referral marketing: Encourage your existing users to refer their friends and family to your app through referral programs and incentives.

By implementing these marketing strategies, you can increase your app's visibility and attract more potential users to your app store listing. Working with an app marketing agency can also help you develop and implement a comprehensive app marketing strategy that meets your specific needs and goals.

Case Studies: App Marketing Campaigns

As an app broker, I have seen many success stories in the world of app marketing. In this section, I will share with you some of the most notable app marketing campaigns that I have come across.

5 Notable App Marketing Successes

1. pokémon go.

Pokémon Go was a game that took the world by storm in 2016. The game was launched with a unique marketing strategy that involved using augmented reality to bring the game to life. The game was also marketed through social media channels, which helped it to gain a lot of traction.

2. Candy Crush

Candy Crush is a popular game that has been downloaded over a billion times. The game was marketed through social media channels, which helped it to gain a lot of traction. The game was also marketed through in-game advertising, which helped to increase its revenue.

3. Instagram

Instagram is a social media platform that has become incredibly popular. The app was marketed through social media channels, which helped it to gain a lot of traction. The app was also marketed through influencers, which helped to increase its user base.

Uber is a popular app that has revolutionized the way we travel. The app was marketed through social media channels, which helped it to gain a lot of traction. The app was also marketed through referral programs, which helped to increase its user base.

Airbnb is a popular app that has revolutionized the way we travel. The app was marketed through social media channels, which helped it to gain a lot of traction. The app was also marketed through referral programs, which helped to increase its user base.

Analyzing Marketing Techniques

When it comes to app marketing, there are a few techniques that have proven to be very effective. These include:

  • Social media marketing
  • Influencer marketing
  • Referral programs
  • In-game advertising

By using these techniques, app marketers can create successful campaigns that help to increase their app's popularity and revenue.

In conclusion, app marketing is an essential part of the app development process. By using effective marketing techniques, app marketers can create successful campaigns that help to increase their app's popularity and revenue.

User Acquisition and Retention

Strategies for attracting new users.

As I've worked with many app developers, I have found that user acquisition is a critical component of app sales for many of them. One of the most effective strategies for attracting new users is to optimize app store presence. This includes creating an engaging app description, using high-quality screenshots, and optimizing keywords for search. Additionally, social media marketing and influencer partnerships can help increase app visibility and attract new users.

Another effective strategy is to offer promotions and discounts to new users. This can include free trials or discounted pricing for a limited time. By offering these incentives, users are more likely to download and install the app, which can lead to increased user acquisition.

Keeping Users Engaged

Once a user has downloaded and installed the app, the next challenge is to keep them engaged. One effective strategy is to provide a personalized experience for each user. This can include personalized recommendations, personalized notifications, and customized content.

Another strategy is to provide regular updates and improvements to the app. This can include bug fixes, new features, and improved user experience. By providing regular updates, users are more likely to continue using the app and become active users.

Finally, providing excellent customer support can help retain users. By responding promptly to user inquiries and addressing user issues, users are more likely to continue using the app and become daily active users.

Conversion Metrics and Optimization

I know that the ultimate goal of any app is to generate revenue, and that's where conversion metrics come in. By measuring the conversion rate, we can evaluate the effectiveness of our marketing strategies and optimize our app to drive more sales.

Understanding Conversion Rate

Conversion rate is the percentage of users who take a desired action, such as making a purchase or subscribing to a service. By monitoring this metric, we can identify areas where users are dropping off and take steps to improve the user experience.

One way to improve conversion rate is to optimize the app's landing page. This can be achieved by using clear and concise messaging, highlighting the app's unique features, and minimizing distractions. Additionally, A/B testing can be used to determine which design elements are most effective at driving conversions.

Keyword and Content Optimization

Keyword optimization is another important factor in driving app sales. By identifying and targeting the right keywords, we can improve our app's visibility in the app store and attract more potential users.

To optimize keywords, we can conduct research on popular search terms related to our app's category and features. This can be done using tools such as Google AdWords or App Annie. Once we have identified relevant keywords, we can incorporate them into our app's title, description, and metadata.

Content optimization is also crucial in driving conversions. By providing high-quality content, we can increase user engagement and encourage users to make a purchase. This can include features such as in-app tutorials, user reviews, and social proof.

In conclusion, optimizing conversion metrics is essential for driving app sales. By understanding conversion rate and optimizing keywords and content, we can improve the user experience and drive organic growth.

Monetization Strategies for Apps

As an app developer, you should understand the importance of monetizing your app to generate revenue. There are various monetization strategies that you can use to make money from your beloved app. In this section, I will discuss two popular strategies: In-App Purchases and Advertising, and Subscription Models and Partnerships.

In-App Purchases and Advertising

One of the most common monetization strategies for apps is through in-app purchases and advertising. In-app purchases allow users to buy additional features or virtual goods within the app. This strategy works well for gaming apps, where users can buy extra lives or power-ups to progress through the game.

On the other hand, advertising is a popular way to monetize apps without charging users. App developers can earn revenue by displaying ads within their app. There are different types of ads, such as banner ads, interstitial ads, and rewarded video ads. App developers can use mobile payment services to collect payments from advertisers.

Subscription Models and Partnerships

Another way to monetize an app is through subscription models and partnerships. Subscription models work well for apps that offer premium content or services. Users pay a recurring fee to access exclusive content or features. This strategy works well for news apps, music streaming apps, and productivity apps.

Partnerships are another way to monetize an app. App developers can partner with other businesses to offer exclusive deals or discounts to their users. For example, a food delivery app can partner with a restaurant to offer a discount to its users.

In conclusion, there are various monetization strategies that app developers can use to generate revenue from their apps. By using a combination of these strategies, app developers can maximize their earnings and provide value to their users.

The Impact of Social Media on App Sales

I have seen firsthand the impact that social media can have on app sales for many app developers I've partnered with. With the right social media marketing strategy, you can capture the attention of potential users and drive downloads. In this section, I will discuss two key ways that social media can impact app sales: leveraging platforms for promotion and user-generated content (UGC) and engagement.

Leveraging Platforms for Promotion

One of the most effective ways to use social media for app promotion is to leverage popular platforms like Facebook. Facebook ads can be targeted to specific demographics, making it easier to reach your target audience. By creating eye-catching ads and targeting the right people, you can increase app downloads and drive sales.

Another way to leverage social media for app promotion is to use influencer marketing. By partnering with influencers who have a large following on social media, you can reach a wider audience and increase app downloads. Influencers can create content that showcases your app and encourages their followers to download it.

User-Generated Content and Engagement

User-generated content (UGC) is another powerful tool for app promotion on social media. UGC refers to content that is created by users, such as reviews, photos, and videos. By encouraging users to create and share UGC, you can increase engagement with your app and drive downloads.

One way to encourage UGC is to create social media contests. For example, you could ask users to share photos or videos of themselves using your app, with the best entry winning a prize. This can generate a lot of buzz around your app and increase downloads.

Another way to encourage UGC is to create a community around your app on social media. By engaging with users and creating a sense of community, you can foster loyalty and encourage users to share their experiences with others.

In conclusion, social media can have a significant impact on app sales when used effectively. By leveraging platforms for promotion and encouraging UGC and engagement, you can increase app downloads and drive sales.

Adapting to Market Trends and Changes

Being in the app and game industry for years, I have learned that staying ahead of market trends and changes is crucial to the success of any app. In this section, I will discuss how adapting to market trends and changes has helped a lot of app developers improve their app sales.

The Role of COVID-19 in App Usage

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on app usage. With more people staying at home and relying on their smartphones for entertainment and communication, mobile-first apps have seen a surge in downloads. Many app developers have adapted to this trend by focusing on creating apps that are optimized for mobile devices.

In addition, I have noticed that users are spending more time on social media and messaging apps, which has led a lot of people to also incorporate more social features into their apps. By staying up-to-date on how COVID-19 is affecting app usage, they have been able to make informed decisions about how to improve their apps and increase sales.

Emerging Technologies and User Behavior

As technology continues to evolve, user behavior is changing rapidly. For example, the rise of voice assistants and smart speakers has led to a shift in how people interact with technology. As an app developer, you can try to adapt to these changes by incorporating voice commands and other hands-free features into your apps as well.

I have also noticed that users are becoming increasingly concerned about privacy and security. To address these concerns, make sure you implement robust security measures and make it easy for users to control their data. By staying on top of emerging technologies and user behavior, you will be able to create apps that meet the needs of modern smartphone users.

In conclusion, adapting to market trends and changes is essential for any app developer looking to improve sales. By staying up-to-date on emerging technologies, user behavior, and the impact of COVID-19, you'll be sure to create apps that meet the needs of modern smartphone users and increase sales.

Global Reach: Localizing Your App

It's important for any app developer to understand the importance of reaching relevant users across the world. To achieve that, I have found that localizing an app has been a game-changer for many people. In this section, I will share how localizing an app helped a lot of app developers stand out from the crowd.

Cultural Considerations and Translation

When localizing an app, I realized that cultural considerations and translation are crucial. It's important to ensure that your app is culturally appropriate for the countries you're targeting. This meant that you had to research the cultural norms, values, and beliefs of the countries to ensure that your app wouldn't offend anyone.

Additionally, you can also translate your app into different languages to cater to users who do not speak English. I found that using a professional translation service was beneficial to a lot of app developers as they were able to accurately translate their apps without losing their meaning.

Expanding to New Markets

Expanding to new markets was a daunting task, but it was worth it. I found that by localizing apps, many app and game developers were able to reach a wider audience and increase their app sales. To expand to new markets, they shared that they had to research the countries they were targeting and tailor the app to their needs.

For example, some of them added features that were specific to the countries they were targeting. This helped them stand out from the crowd and attract more users.

In conclusion, localizing your app is essential if you want to reach relevant users across the world. By considering cultural norms and values, translating your app, and tailoring it to specific countries, you can increase your app sales and stand out from the crowd.

Analyzing and Improving App Performance

As an app developer, you should understand the importance of analyzing and improving app performance. It is essential to track app metrics to understand how the app is performing and identify areas for improvement. In this section, I will discuss two methods that can help improve app performance: in-depth analysis of app metrics and iterative design and feature updates.

In-Depth Analysis of App Metrics

To improve app performance, it is crucial to analyze app metrics regularly. It helps to identify trends, understand user behavior, and make data-driven decisions. Some of the essential app metrics to track include app growth, app marketing channels, number of downloads, and downloads within the first few days.

One way to analyze app metrics is by using a tool like Google Analytics. It provides valuable insights into user behavior, such as how long users spend on the app, what features they use the most, and where they drop off. By analyzing these metrics, you can identify areas for improvement and make changes to the app accordingly.

Iterative Design and Feature Updates

Iterative design and feature updates are essential to improving app performance. It involves making small changes to the app and testing them to see if they improve user engagement and retention. By making iterative changes, you'll be able to identify what works and what doesn't work, and make informed decisions about future updates.

One way to approach iterative design is by using A/B testing. It involves creating two versions of the same feature and testing them with different users to see which one performs better. By doing this, you can identify which version of the feature is more engaging and user-friendly and make changes accordingly.

In conclusion, analyzing app metrics and making iterative design and feature updates are essential to improving app performance. By regularly tracking app metrics and making small changes to the app, you can identify areas for improvement and make data-driven decisions about future updates.

How do I boost my app sales in the app market?

Boosting your app sales in the competitive app market is a multifaceted endeavor. Start with a robust app marketing strategy that encompasses both app store optimization (ASO) and a solid digital marketing plan. Focus on keyword optimization in your store listing to improve visibility, and invest in social media marketing to build awareness. Also, consider working with a mobile marketing agency or app marketing agency that can help you fine-tune your strategies and implement effective marketing techniques .

Why are case studies important for app marketing?

Case studies , especially app marketing case studies , play a crucial role in app promotion . They provide real-life examples of successful strategies, helping you understand what might work for your mobile app . Marketing case studies can also offer valuable insights into user behavior and preferences, helping you tailor your app marketing campaigns more effectively. Plus, they are great tools for convincing stakeholders of the effectiveness of a proposed strategy.

What role does app store optimization play in boosting app sales?

App store optimization (ASO) is vital for increasing your mobile app ’s visibility in the App Store and Google Play Store . By optimizing your app’s store listing through strategic keyword placements and compelling visuals, you can improve your app’s download rate. Focus on key elements such as your app title, description, and screenshots. Remember, higher visibility leads to more downloads , which can significantly boost your app sales.

How can I use social media marketing to increase user acquisition for my app?

Social media marketing is an effective tool for increasing your app’s user acquisition . Create engaging content that highlights your app’s unique features and encourages users to download and install the app . Leverage various platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook, and consider using targeted ads to reach potential app users . Engaging with your audience and responding to their queries can also boost your app's reputation and encourage more installs.

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6 Commending Mobile App Marketing Case Studies

app promotion case study

With the mobile app market evolving over the years, there is a lot of competition among the developers of mobile apps. As a mobile app developer, if you fail to come up with unique ideas and marketing strategies, the life cycle of your app will be bound to be shorter.

Here are a few excellent mobile app marketing case studies that should give you an idea about how to market your mobile app efficiently:

Page Contents

Case Study #1: KLM Airlines

app promotion case study

The goal was to get the users of KLM Airlines to use their mobile app to make their flight bookings. They also wanted to provide a platform for mobile passbooks as well as location-based notifications.

Marketing Strategy

They launched a three-week-long campaign wherein free app access was given to people who made use of their mobile booking engine. This access was provided as mobile coupons that were sent to the Google Wallets (for Android users) and Passbooks (for Apple users) of users. Through location-based notifications, KLM reminded the users who were in the vicinity of KLM lounges, to redeem their coupons

KLM mobile site visitors increased by 17 percent. There was a 34 percent increase in bookings and a 38 percent increase in mobile revenue.

You can encourage more people to use your mobile app by giving them offers and extra benefits.

Case Study #2: ASDA – British Supermarket Chain

app promotion case study

ASDA wanted to develop a mobile app for busy moms to make their grocery shopping more convenient. They were looking at generating at least 10 percent of the grocery transactions through this mobile app.

They decided to take the opinions of their existing customers on the kind of app that would make their shopping more convenient. They designed the app based on their customer feedback and kept it as simple as possible. They included a ‘Did You Forget?’ feature that showed them the items they had purchased recently so that they don’t forget to order the items that they usually order. The app also displayed live petrol prices to help customers fill fuel at the closest ASDA petrol stations.

The number of app downloads crossed 2 million. The app bagged the IGD Digital innovation award. There was an 18 percent increase in home grocery shopping and around 90 percent of it was made through the mobile app. Mobile app shopping exceeded desktop shopping by 1.8 times.

Make sure your mobile app is simple so that everyone finds it easy to use, irrespective of the age group they belong to.

Case Study #3: HotelTonight

app promotion case study

HotelTonight wanted to introduce more potential users to their mobile app by showcasing its usability and functionality. They wanted to enhance the user experience of their app.

They launched a mobile video campaign by uploading videos of their hotels, highlighting all the facilities that the users could enjoy. The idea was to make sure the users downloaded the app and engaged with it regularly.

By providing incredible experiences to their customers, they made sure their customers reviewed and shared their HotelTonight experiences with others. They encouraged them further by launching a ‘Tell a Friend’ Marketing Campaign, through which users could get $25 every time they invited a new friend to join HotelTonight, via Email or Facebook or Twitter post. The friend they invited would also receive $25 upon booking their first room using the app.

HotelTonight leveraged the power of social media to expand its customer base. They used Facebook to share videos and make announcements about new hotels that were added to their mobile app. They also used Twitter to promote their offers and special deals.

70,071 people followed their Facebook page in a span of nine months. They saw a 326 percent increase in their app install rate. Within just one month they managed to achieve 115 percent returns on their ad spends.  60 percent of their customers came through Word of Mouth and the rest through their mobile app.

Word-of-mouth marketing can be very effective if you incentivize your users for referrals. Leveraging social media is a great way to promote your app.

Case Study #4: BNP Paribas Wealth Management

app promotion case study

BNP Paribas Wealth Management intended to increase its customer engagement by providing them access to their financial information via their mobile devices.

They created their application for iOS, Android, and Windows and launched their mobile-first platform foundation software.

By creating dynamic user segments, they started sending out personalized, relevant, and targeted in-app messages as well as push notifications to their users.

They encouraged their loyal and frequent users to rate their app, by using pop-up messages in the app.

They also broadcasted targeted push notifications to promote their ‘My Wallet’ app, as a cross-promotion campaign. Through this, they managed to generate a lot of free downloads in Google Play Store as well as Apple App Store.

Their App store ratings went up to 4 from 2.5. They also got adequate press coverage, which increased the customer base of the bank.

Think competitively to come up with realistic solutions that can be beneficial for your customers

Case Study #5: Guidecentral

app promotion case study

The objective of Guidecentral was to increase the visibility of their app and achieve more downloads.

They replaced their app icon with a more attractive one so that it would stand out from the rest of the apps.

They used the ‘how to’ keyword in their app name, because of its huge search volume. They optimized their app by adding some relevant keywords, their unique selling points and a call-to-action (CTA), to their app description.

They saw a whopping 700 percent increase in their app downloads because of the new icon

Minor details such as your app icon and app description play a major role in the success of your app. Make sure you optimize everything.

Case Study #6: Amazon

app promotion case study

Amazon wished to relaunch its shopping app and rebrand itself to increase its ranking in the App store. The app was removed from the Play Store because of its low ranking, following certain changes in Google policies.

They optimized their app by adding the ‘shopping’ keyword to their app name.

The traffic increased from 2.12 percent to 9.88 percent after they optimized their app using the keyword ‘Shopping.’

One way to increase your ranking in the app store is to add the perfect keyword to your app name

The Bottom Line

The above app marketing case studies may have revealed a few successful strategies to help you achieve more app downloads and increase your customer base. Of course, a well-developed app is a must; but the promotion of the app also plays a major role in the success of your mobile app.

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9 Mobile Apps Marketing Case Studies – Conjoining Marketing with Technology

You should recognize some, if not all, of the companies on this list who took specific measures to achieve growth through targeted mobile marketing strategies..

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According to a recent report released by Statista, the number of applications available in the Google Play Store touched  3.5 million in December 2017. On the other hand, as of January 2017,  2.2 million apps were available on the Apple App Store. The figures indicate that mobile app marketing is no longer the "next big thing"; it is here to stay.

With the mobile apps market encompassing a wide variety of applications, users are surrounded by an extensive number of choices. Let’s quickly glance through some facts to understand the disruptive impact of mobile applications and the users’ response to it:

  • 25% of all the apps that are installed on the mobile phones are never used
  • 51% of the companies’ mobile marketing strategy encompasses user engagement and ROI measurement
  • An average Android application loses 90% of daily active users within the first month
  • 30% users would re-use an app if offered a discount and 24% would use the app again if they are offered bonus content or exclusive content

Let us now go through some case studies on mobile apps to get a sneak peek into the successful marketing strategies for mobile apps:

1. Multi-Channel Marketing Redefined

A UK based retailer

Multi-channel marketing ensures that enterprises can connect with their customers through a combination of indirect and direct communication channels. Argos set an ambitious target of meeting the needs of its customers through a wide range of channels. The British retail major wanted to deliver a multi-channel experience comprising 14 combinations of order and fulfillment.

Strategy Implemented

The multi-channel experience encompassed a mobile-optimized website and applications for both Android and iOS devices. This meant that customers can start off their journey from one channel and can complete the same through another.

As a result, Argos.co.uk started registering 440m visitors per year. Its multi-channel sales comprised over 50% of the total sales. The company’s fastest-growing channel was Check and Reserve, where consumers had the option to reserve products available at the local store. A slice of 42% of total company sales was accounted from the internet. At the app front, their iPhone, iPad and Android applications recorded downloads exceeding 2.5 million, 450,000 and 625,000 times respectively.

2. A User-Friendly App that Exceeded Expectations

UK’s second largest supermarket chain that has more than 500 stores

To provide customers with a quick and convenient shopping experience through a mobile application. ASDA specifically wanted to come up with an industry-leading app to drive sales, especially home shopping of grocery.

According to customer feedback, ASDA found out that customers wanted a simple and user-friendly mobile app. Based on the feedback, the company included a barcode scanner, a recipe finder, and a store locator.

Exceeding its objectives, their app accounted for 90% of all grocery sales. The shopping frequency from their mobile app was 1.8 times higher than their desktop site. Shoppers from their app are likely to become repeat customers.

3. Using Instagram Wisely

Bejeweled  .

Created by PopCap Games, Bejeweled is a top gaming app.

This is one of the best marketing case study examples where the company’s objective was to generate a campaign (using the #shinyplace hashtag) that would grow its user base, enhance brand engagement, and drive game lovers to download their gaming app.

Image title

In order to create campaign awareness, the gaming app company got on board popular Instagram influencers. The "Instagrammers" shared photos of themselves playing the puzzle game using the hashtag #shinyplace.

After the campaign was launched, Bejeweled’s ranking in the U.S Apple App Store rose 520 places – from the 702 nd positions to 182 nd positions. It also climbed from 454 to the 135 rank on the Apple top-grossing U.S. iPhone games chart.

4. Bidding Goodbye to Paper Work

Cumberland farms.

A leading privately held retail company with over 500 retail stores and gas stations across the globe.

The company had a widespread presence with over 6,000 employees. The organization wanted to eliminate paperwork and reduce operational costs as it had become impossible for their employees to compile and organize data from each store in a timely way.

The company switched to mobile with the launch of Cumberland Farms application specifically for their employees. The application consisted of forms Part Inventory, Parts Request, Guest Experience, and more.

The company successfully reduced paper costs by $11,000 per year and collected over 145,000 digital reports. They realized a full return on investment within the time frame of 6 months after deploying the solution for their field teams. Cumberland Farms has registered a recurring ROI of over $400,000 as a result of a tremendous increase in productivity.

5. Empowering Patients Digitally

Janssen (psoriasis 360).

A pharmaceutical company based in Belgium

To help psoriasis patients in understanding their health condition, especially the severity of psoriasis in a precise manner. The intention was to enable them to have an idea of when to seek professional assistance.

The company launched a mobile phone application that helped psoriasis patients to track the seriousness of their condition. The app index allowed medical professionals access the condition of psoriasis patients. JANSSEN (PSORIASIS 360) also came up with a Facebook page providing patients a platform to share their stories.

The Facebook page received more than 30,000 posts and comments from patients. The investment made for the mobile app development overachieved the return on investment. The company said that they were happy with the right therapy to the right patient during critical times was delivered.

6. An App with Something More for Foodies

A five-star hotel with over 4,000 properties spread across 80 countries worldwide

Marriott intended to distinguish its steak restaurant — Gillray’s Steakhouse & Bar — from their competitors and explore new possibilities through their mobile app.

The five-star giant opted to launch a mobile application. It provided interesting information related to steak and gin to the users, and also allowed them to book tables. Users could also access exclusive deals and updates through the app.

As a result of Marriott’s mobile move, the app registered a download of over 1,500 in 60 countries. It also had 27,000 screen views. More than 60% of the users returned to its application several times, each of them accessing 11 screens in every session on average.

7. The Late-Night Restaurant Finder App

A U.S. based restaurant with stores across the world

To help late-night customers in finding McDonald’s stores that remain open till late through a "restaurant finder" app.

Image title

In order to direct their potential customers to the right store at the right time, the burger giant incorporated location-based technology into its app. Employing the geo-targeting capability, the company was able to deliver above-the-time messaging to their customers, intuitively guiding them to the nearest open outlet.

With a huge proportion of customers having a taste for late-night bites, the app had over 1,300,000 downloads. This campaign boosted sales and registered an ROI of 2:1.

8. An Intuitive App for Anesthesiologists

Providence anesthesiology associates (paa)  .

A U.S. based team of over 60 anesthesiologists offering care for 100,000 patients each year at 19 locations.

Providence Anesthesiology Associates (PAA) is a team of 60+ anesthesiologists providing care for over 100,000 patients each year across all the 19 locations in the country.

The app developed initially consisted of a dashboard that had the capability to cull out various internal resources required by clinicians and employees. This enabled the workforce to collaborate well and function more effectively as they could find all internal resources in one place.

The app helped to get access to all important documents at a centralized point. Information was drawn not only drawn from the internal cloud storage solution but also from internal mobile sites that comprised of data collection and surveys. The mobile application has now been adopted by all PAA physicians.

9. Personalizing Coffee Experiences through Mobile App

Starbucks  .

An American coffee company that has a presence in over 23,768 locations worldwide. Around 21% of Starbucks transactions are carried out through their mobile app, making it a good case study on mobile apps.

Image title

To stay on top of the mind of its audience and gather customer information for better service.

The coffee giant offers loyalty programs and special deals to its customers through their mobile app. Starbucks’ application scored high on the personalization scale, delivering relevant messages and notifications to the customer on a regular basis. Customers could also place their order and pay for it using the app.

With 11 million users signing up on the Starbucks mobile app, about 21% of transactions are done through the app. Due to the immense usage of their app across geographies, Starbucks is able to collect a wealth of anonymized data regarding the audience engagement. This helped the coffee major to deliver increasingly personalized the experience to customers through their mobile apps.

Mobile application case studies are the best way to understand how some marketing minds are implementing intelligence through mobile apps and mobile app development . So, what’s your mobile marketing strategy?

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The Success of Starbucks App: A Case Study

Starbucks has the most regularly used loyalty rewards app among major restaurant chains. But what keeps users coming back for more? This case study will look at the design of the app, its features, and the bold moves that the coffee chain has made to make the app a “must have” for consumers.

Updated May 12, 2023 

A recent study found that Starbucks has the most regularly used loyalty rewards app (48%) among a list of major restaurant chains. Why is the app so popular? What is it that keeps users coming back for more?   The answer is digital engagement .   From ordering and paying ahead of time to creating your own Spotify playlist, the Starbucks app provides a user experience that is both inviting and innovative, much like the coffee chain itself.   That digital engagement has paid tremendous dividends for the company. At a JPMorgan forum in March, Starbucks CFO Scott Maw said almost all of the company’s same-store sales growth has come from customers that have digital relationships with the company and those that are in the Starbucks Rewards program.    This case study will discuss four main reasons why the Starbucks app is a “must have, must use” app for customers:

  • Easy Navigation
  • Personalization
  • Geo-location
  • Mobile pay and ordering
  • Integration with other platforms and services

1. Easy Navigation

The app's layout is simple, yet elegant, making the app appealing to the user. However, the platform's navigation is what makes it stand out. Navigating through the Starbucks app is quick and easy, making it conventient for users to place an order. 

Five menu options at the bottom of the app page give the user access to the major functions: Home, Scan, Order, Gift, and Offers. Having the menu at the bottom of the screen makes it easier for users to access the most important pages on the screen because it's well within reach of a user's thumb. 

Starbucks App Order Page

Additionally, the Starbucks app is exceptionally innovative because it provides a similar experience to visiting the store . Many of us have stood in line at Starbucks thinking, “I should get a gift card for (insert person/occasion).” The Gift menu brings up a variety of gift cards for nearly every occasion, and even suggests cards for upcoming holidays.   Starbucks added the convenience functionality despite the risk of placing too many “bells and whistles” in the app. Chief Digital Officer Adam Brotman acknowledged that the company didn’t “ want the app to become too much of a Swiss Army knife .” 

However, the innovative features have been well received and have not overwhelmed users. The Starbucks app provides its users with a personalized experience. 

2. Personalization

Starbucks added personalization elements allowing the app to recall your favorite order, suggest what food items might pair well with that order, and where you’d like to pick it up.  Again, this simplifies the user experience and makes it especially easy to place an order. It keeps track of what you've ordered in the past and your favorite drinks to ensure that it's easy for users to place their order during their morning commute. 

3. Geo-Location

There are Starbucks everywhere, so it's important for users to be able to select which one they wish to visit when they place an order. The app uses geo-location to show where each storefront is located and how close a user is to each one. 

Using the geo-location feature, a user can see where the closest Starbucks locations are, the menu at each location, and even place an order that can be ready upon arrival. 

Starbucks Geo-Location map

 If you often order from a specific location, the app will automatically select that location, limiting the number of clicks a user has to make to place an order. 

4. The Starbucks Rewards Loyalty Rewards Program Leads the Competition

The Starbucks Rewards program is a prime example of how to get customers to utilize a mobile app. Simply put, the more you spend at Starbucks, the more rewards points (or “stars”) you earn. Not only is this great for users on the app, but it also helps foster brand loyalty. With the promise of rewards, users are more likely to order from Starbucks in the future. 

Starbucks rewards in app

The rewards program gives a number of benefits for app users. In addition to earning two stars for every dollar spent, rewards members get other benefits like free in-store refills, special member offers/events, and the ability to pay by phone and order ahead.

The rewards program also offers plenty of customization for users, including a free beverage on the user’s birthday and personalized suggestions based upon past orders.   In return, Starbucks solidifies an instant digital relationship with the 14.2 million active U.S. rewards program members. The loyalty program has seen hefty growth , with an 11% growth in users in Q2 2018. And Starbucks rewards program members in certain places actually spend more, representing 39% of the entire chain’s sales .   However, Starbucks recognizes that not all customers want to join the rewards program. Starbucks is planning to ramp up digital interactions by offering mobile order and pay options to all customers—not just rewards members. The company also will take advantage of Wi-Fi sign-ins at various stores to help drive mobile order and pay options.     The Starbucks rewards program encourages users to utilize the app to track purchases, as well as the stars earned. To facilitate their usage, stars have a limited shelf life—one year for basic (or “Green”) level rewards customers, and six months for upper-tier (or “Gold) members.   The app provides reminders about stars that are expiring, as well as the number of stars needed to maintain Gold status. Gold members also get special double-star days when they earn four stars per $1 spent.

5. Starbucks’ Mobile App Makes Online Ordering and Paying Easy

Since launching the initiatives in 2015, Starbucks has become the standard bearer when it comes to mobile ordering and payments. Mobile Order and Pay is a feature that let customers order via Starbucks’ app and skip the line.   At first, the growth of Mobile Order and Pay caused some congestion issues inside stores for customers while picking up their coffee and/or food. As one customer stated, “Why should I order ahead if I just have to stand in line to retrieve my order?” 

Starbucks responded by adding dedicated stations for mobile order-ahead customers, distinct from existing in-store registers, and giving baristas new tablets.   The mobile ordering system acts as a digital marketing tool, allowing customers to see new items ahead of time. Coupled with notifications from the app or email blasts, Starbucks creates interest in new menu items long before the customer sets foot in the store. Often, these digital tools create a sense of urgency for customers to sample the latest offerings.   Starbucks also enabled orders via Amazon's Alexa, and the feature has also been integrated into Ford vehicles.   The coffee chain also expanded its My Starbucks barista, a feature integrated into the Starbucks app, which allows customers to order via voice command or messaging. The goal was to boost speed and convenience.   In-store payments are also encouraged through the app, which utilizes a Starbucks gift card to process the payments. This creates seamless transactions, as the gift card can be automatically or manually reloaded using a credit card, Apple Pay or Google Pay, or even with the balance from another gift card. The app screen can be scanned at the register to process the payment.   For iOS users, the app integrates with the Apple Watch, producing a bar code that also can be scanned for those on the go.

By offering a wide variety of functionalities, Starbucks’ Mobile Order and Pay allows users to order and pay in the way that is most convenient for them – which encourages greater sales.

Starbucks’ App Exemplifies Loyalty App Success

The Starbucks app is the center of the company’s digital ecosystem, bringing together loyalty, mobile payment, and content partnerships, all seamlessly integrated into one convenient application.    Restaurants can follow Starbucks’ example to create a successful restaurant loyalty rewards app.

David 'DJ' Oragui

Founder & Lead Growth Engineer at Grow Hack Scale, Balanced Narrative and Balanced Life Academy Group., Grow Hack Scale

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MoPeak’s Case Studies with Huge ASO Results

Rank your awesome app and start earning money

Video Dating App

Sport betting app, cheap flights booking app.

Our client’s Video Dating App was looking to increase its Google Play and App Store rankings for the «video dating» and «online dating» in the Tier 1 geos: US, UK, CA, DE.

  • Improve the App Store Optimization with the new high quality promo graphics and keyword optimized texts
  • Make an A/B test to find the most suitable graphics and texts for the app’s targeted audience
  • Launch the Keyword Search Installs campaign in order to boost the targeted keyword positions for all GEOs
  • Launch the app reviews campaign to boost the average rating and to speed up the rankings growth
  • Design the app’s website in order to gain traffic through SEO sources

Total Costs: $4,500

Keyword Rankings

Client’s app achieved the Top3 position for «video dating» in UK and top10 positions for other targeted keywords on all 4 GEOs

Daily Installs Growth

65% Growth in the Organic Daily Installs amount

App Revenue

117% Growth of Daily Revenue because of increase Conversion Rate


Boost an Average Rating in US from 3,5 to 4,5 Boost the “sports betting” keyword ranking from Top50 to Top5 in Germany and UK

  • Provide the 1000 high quality App reviews & ratings within 1 month for the USA iTunes app page
  • Provide 10,000 keyword search app installs from Germany and UK to bring the App into Top3 rankings and provide the lower amounts per day afterwards to keep the positions during the other 4 weeks

Total Costs: $10,000

Sports betting” keyword Top2 position at USA and Top5 at Germany

Up to 400% installs growth because of the rating and rankings

3x Daily Revenue Growth


Do the pre-launch ASO with targeted keywords/competitors research and the eye-catching premium Promo Graphics (Icon/Screenshots). Launch the Keyword Installs campaign in order to make an App visible for “cheap flights” keyword at USA/Canada/UK/France countries

  • Connect the client with our App Store Optimization Manager and the Designers Team in order to achieve the best possible CR results after doing the A/B test for graphics and texts
  • Run the ~1000/day keyword installs Worldwide Campaign with the gradual volumes growth

Total Costs: $4,000

Top10 rankings in 3 geos after only 2 weeks

+75% installs growth because of new Promo Graphics +280% growth because of keyword positions

4x revenue growth based on ticket bookings and banner ads


Client Feedback

MoPeak helped us without any pay ads or promotions to increase our daily installs. The company’s hard work and know-how proved to be both quick and efficient.

Audrey Throne, CEO, Web Technologies

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100,000 Users in a Day: An App Marketing Case Study

by dreamwalkapps | blog



This is a real life app marketing case study that follows the launch of our popular music app, Jam for iPhone (Now Jam:Instant Song Creator ).

Hopefully this case study will provide readers with some useful app marketing tips and strategies. More importantly though, I hope it demonstrates just how important a marketing strategy is and how much thought and effort needs to go into one.

I’ve included the following details in the case study:

  • Cost breakdowns
  • Marketing plans
  • Press releases
  • Real results


Jam has been downloaded by almost a million users since its launch in 2013. This case study will focus on the first four months. During this time, Jam was downloaded by approximately 290,000 users.

As far as benchmarks go, this number certainly puts it in the ‘successful launch’ category but isn’t so big as to push it into ‘unicorn’ territory. This makes it a very useful case study, as the strategies we used are universal and the results are attainable for many app startups.

We worked with an app marketing agency, who were integral in the planning and execution of the Jam marketing strategy.

We had a marketing budget of approximately US$170,000. But, before you dismiss this as not relevant to startups bootstrapping it, consider these three things:

  • The majority of those 290,000 users were acquired with just $8,000 of this budget.
  • Over 100,000 of these users were acquired overnight
  • There is no ‘right’ amount to spend on marketing. Apps with lower budgets have been more successful than Jam and apps with much bigger budgets have failed completely.

$170,000 is simply the budget we had to launch Jam and our strategy was developed around this number.


The effective user acquisition cost we achieved was approximately 58 cents per user. The average paid media CPI (cost-per-install) in the US in 2013 was $2.96. If you do the math, our app marketing campaign effectively earned Jam around $688,400 in free installs.

Of course user acquisition cost is not the only metric we use to measure the success of a marketing campaign. Here were our goals of the launch campaign:

  • 1 million installs within 12 months
  • An engaged and active user base
  • Self-sustaining growth (enough revenue and virality to continue to grow the user base on an ongoing basis without spending more money on marketing)



The Jam launch campaign focused on 4 key areas:

Press Coverage

Social Media

Social media marketing advice is easy to come by, so we won’t focus on that in this case study. It was also the least successful aspect of our campaign and I don’t believe it contributed much to the app’s success, largely due to us starting it too late. Where social media did play a role, I will be sure to mention it.

I’m using a timeline style format for this case study, so you can see when things happened as they happened.

NOVEMBER – Planning Begins

Jam app development took twelve months with a team of three internal mobile app developers and it was ready for beta testing in November of 2012. This is when our Jam marketing efforts officially kicked off. 

We had our hearts set on a Christmas day release.

Most professional marketers will tell you marketing should begin as soon as you decide to build the app .

In my experience though, most app startups operate in stealth mode and the thought of disclosing their precious idea to anyone before the app is finished makes them very nervous. This was certainly the case for us with Jam.

So, less than two months before the public launch date, we reached out to a handful of reputable app marketing agencies and selected one.

DECEMBER – A Strategy Forms

December was spent strategizing, preparing collateral and content, making bookings and getting ready for launch.

We identified early on that Jam was one of those apps that really needed to be seen to be believed.

Jam uses artificial intelligence to create original music based on any vocal input. The user just picks a music style, hits record and sings. Then, within seconds, Jam generates original backing music and allows you to share your masterpiece via SMS, email, social media or to the internal community and charts. 

app promotion case study Item Budgeted Cost PR & Marketing Agency Retainers $18,000 (4 months @ $4,500) Sponsored Blogger Reviews $5,000 Social Media Management $7,000 (4 months @ $1,750) Awards Entries and Events $20,000 Advertising $110,000 Social Media Seeding $10,000

WEEK 1 – Burst Campaigns Begin

We missed our Christmas release.

There were a few reasons. Last-minute bugs meant we missed Apple’s Christmas submissions cutoff. We also missed the exhibitor registration cutoff for CES.

So we decided to soft launch on January 11. This gave us a couple of weeks to iron out any potential issues and gain a bit of exposure before a hard launch at Macworld on Jan 31.

On the 14th we sent out press releases ( read it here ) and the marketing agency started reaching out to their media contacts. It didn’t take long to see the results and by the end of the week, we had dozens of articles and reviews around the internet.

Meanwhile, a few of our smaller ad campaigns kicked off and data started coming in. We initially ran ads with the following networks, spending approximately $8,000 in the first week of launch:

  • Facebook Ads – $1,800
  • AppsGratis – A site to discover apps that were free for just one day. – $3,000
  • Millennial Media – Mobile ad banners – $1,700
  • Meta Resolver – Mobile ad banners – $1,500
We were surprised to reach over 200,000 downloads in the first week and the number one spot on the App Store music app charts in twenty-four countries.

AppsGratis was a big contributing factor, driving 50,000 downloads in just one day (very cost effective at just $3,000!). The viral impact of the burst campaign led to around 148,000 organic installs and the paid ad banner campaigns contributed a couple of thousand more.

app promotion case study Money Spent Users Revenue $12,500 200,00 $2,600

WEEK 2 – More Ad Tests

Following the success of the AppsGratis campaign, which achieved an unprecedented 6 cents per install, we were keen to run another free-for-a-day campaign.

We managed to secure a spot in the popular App-o-day, but the cost was much higher than AppsGratis. We were also keen to get our hands on as much mobile ad banner inventory as we could for a big second week burst campaign. So, when the AppsFire network guaranteed us at least 100,000 clicks within a week, we added them into the mix.

Here’s what we spent in week 2:

  • App-o-day – $29,000
  • AppsFire – $20,000
  • Millennial Media – $1,700
  • Meta Resolver – $1,500

Though we spent $52,200 on ads in week two (almost seven times more than week one) the results fell well short. App-o-day performed the best, bringing in just under 20,000 new users but the ad networks performed terribly achieving just a few thousand additional installs at a cost of $3-$5 per user.

In spite of the poor banner ad conversions, Jam still had some media buzz and good app store reviews. This, plus users sharing tens of thousands of Jam creations on social media, meant the app managed to stay at the top of the music app charts for another week. But, by the time MacWorld arrived, Jam had dropped to #201.

Money Spent Users Revenue
$66,500 226,00 $3,100

WEEK 3 – Macworld

Hard launch.

With the money we saved not attending CES, we wanted to pull some kind of stunt to get media exposure and help make the most of our Macworld investment. That stunt came in the form of a live chapulin monkey named Abu.

Monkeys are a big part of the app design, so bringing a live monkey to Macworld was an on-brand gimmick.

Macworld organisers said no, but we opted to bring him along anyway and ask for forgiveness later if required. 

The cost to hire the monkey was $3,500. We printed a little Jam T-Shirt for him and attendees went bananas!


Over the course of the conference, we serenaded attendees with live Jam demos, ran an iPad giveaway and a took part in the Macworld Media Preview press conference. But, it was Abu the monkey who attracted the most attention, with people queuing up for a photo with Abu on their shoulder. Watch Video.

The Guardian, Star-Telegraph, ABC7, TUAW, MacObserver and others all raved about Jam and our monkey friend. Even Macworld themselves named Jam and Abu one of the highlights of the conference. Needless to say, an apology to Macworld for breaking their ‘no monkey’ rule was never required.

Despite the hype, the attention we got at Macworld didn’t translate into downloads. In all, our user base only grew by about 8,000 and most could be credited to the banner ads we were still running. Macworld also ended up costing more than we anticipated.

Money Spent Users Revenue
$88,750 234,00 $3,450

WEEK 4 – What next?

Deflated by lacklustre Macworld results and more than half way through our budget, we went back to the drawing board. We’d seen how quickly we could eat through our money and didn’t want to waste what we had left.

At this point we switched off our ad campaigns and just let our social media marketing chug along. In doing so we were able to ascertain our organic baseline.

Without spending anything, Jam organically achieved around 2,000 new installs this week.

The marketing agency floated the idea of attending SXSW in Austin, Texas. A massive music, film and tech festival sounded perfect for our rock star app, so we jumped on it. We wanted to make a big splash and resolved to spend the rest of our app marketing budget on it. A hail Mary of sorts.

Here’s what we had learned so far:

  • Free-for-a-day promotions worked really well but you could only run them every so often or get diminishing returns
  • Mobile banner campaigns were expensive and getting enough inventory to run big bursts was difficult.
  • Events were great for creating a buzz but the hype didn’t immediately convert into new users.
  • Advertising in big bursts did help to push Jam to the top of the charts
  • Once in the charts, the virality kicked in but it was relatively short lived

One thing we hadn’t tried yet was a celebrity endorsement. SXSW would be our chance.

Money Spent Users Revenue
$94,700 236,00 $3,550

WEEK 5 – SXSW Planning

With the festival less than a month away, it became our sole focus. We spent the next few weeks coming up with a killer strategy.

We would sponsor the lounge at the SXSW Music Tech Expo, turning it into the Jam lounge. Here we could run live Jam demos to attendees and offer them free drink cards to use at the Jam bar if they installed the app in front of us.

And finally, the highlight of our plan – we’d have a famous rock star make an appearance in the lounge to generate hype.

We threw around a bunch of names and the marketing agency started calling agents. We figured it wouldn’t be hard to find someone, with hundreds of bands and artists already in Austin to perform at the festival.

app promotion case study Money Spent Users Revenue $134,250 240,00 $4,200

app promotion case study

Fans started moving through the photo booth, every one of them leaving with a smile and posting their Jam-branded photos to Facebook and Instagram. Here’s a video of them in the photo booth (Sorry for the low resolution).

The extra downloads we gained on the day were great but the real impact came in the form of media exposure. 

I’d been interviewed by a few journalists already but on day two, the crowds kicked this into second gear. An Australian journalist from the AFP asked me what Jam was and why it was so popular. I’m not sure he even knew we had a major celebrity signing autographs five feet away. The app got the credit for the crowds and though we didn’t know it yet, his story would soon be syndicated to hundreds of publications around the world.


The final day was mostly spent with journalists who heard about the excitement the previous day and wanted the lowdown.

Among them was a young woman doing a video blog for Fuse TV. She sang a song into my phone and we grooved along to the result. I didn’t know it at the time, but she was mega-famous fashion model Alexa Chung. View the video here .

That day 50 Cent also showed up to sign autographs at the headphone booth next to our lounge. This generated a lot more buzz and we sang more demos.

In total, we gained around 40,000 new users during our time at SXSW, which equated to about $1.34 per user. We attributed about 5,000 of these to event attendees, 5,000 to mobile banner ads and the remainder to media publicity and organic growth.

Money Spent Users Revenue
$170,000 280,00 $4,600

WEEK 10 – Back to Australia

Our app marketing budget dried up and our engagement with the marketing agency drew to an end.

Alexa’s Fuse TV segment, the AFP syndication and hundreds of other articles and press mentions, turned Jam into an Australian export success story.

We’d only been home for a day when I got a call from the Today Show. We were on air the next morning telling our story and listening to Karl Stephanovic Jamming to a TV audience of almost half a million viewers. Watch Video .


Following our Today Show appearance we were interviewed by a handful of other local news outlets, then things slowed back down.

Our mobile ad campaigns ended and I took over social media management. It was time to assess the impact of the launch campaign. Had we met the goals we set out to achieve?

  • 1 million installs within 12 months? – Not yet achieved and not likely within the next 9 months at the current growth rate
  • An engaged and active user base? – Yes, our users were very active and engaged
  • Self-sustaining growth? – No. The revenue we were bringing in was nowhere near enough to sustain the growth of the product. Nor were our organic downloads.

But, this isn’t a post mortem. The app lived on.

Money Spent Users Revenue
$170,000 281,50 $4,850

We had just over 280,000 users in total and almost 10,000 were active on any given day. We spent the next few weeks tweaking the features of the app and monetisation model in an effort to improve their experience and generate more revenue.

Organic downloads continued at around 1,500 per week. 

Despite our optimisations, revenue didn’t get much better and we continued to pull in around $300 per week.

After being on the App Store for 4 months our app marketing launch campaign had achieved the following results:

Money Spent Users Revenue
$170,000 290,00 $6,700

We also achieved:

  • 315,000 songs created
  • 34,200 songs published
  • 1.3 million song plays
  • 2,925 in-app-purchases
  • No. 1 Music App in 26 countries
  • No. 1 Free App Overall in 2 countries
  • Top grossing music app in 1 countries
  • Featured by Apple in ‘New and Noteworthy’
  • 2nd place in the Appy Awards (Runner up to Shazam)

What we learned:

  • People love to create and share music. All kinds of people.
  • App marketing plans need to cover a much longer period than just a four month launch window.
  • It is not about how much money you spend but where you spend it. We had more success with $8,000 of our budget that we did with the remaining $162,000.
  • Make sure you have the right app before spending money promoting it. Scale up a profitable app, not one that is costing you money.
  • It’s better to get feedback from test users, make iterations and ensure you are build an app people will pay to use before you launch publically.
  • Run smaller ad tests and carefully measure the data to ensure you are getting a return from a particular channel before increasing the spend.
  • Get social right. We didn’t focus heavily enough on social and it was a wasted opportunity. Social influencers should have played a much bigger role in our strategy.
  • Momentum is key, especially early on. Plan marketing activities to bounce off each other to maximise exposure and keep people talking about your app.
  • Not all downloads are created equal. Focus your efforts and marketing spend on users that will be engaged in the platform and generate virality and revenue.
  • Make the most out of every opportunity. One thing we did really well was media interactions. We said yes to every opportunity and went out of our way to create newsworthy stories.


Where is Jam now?

Jam is still alive and kicking. The user base isn’t as active as it once was and we don’t spend nearly enough time maintaining the platform but it still has a following and people still love making music with it.

It has been installed by just under a million users now and while we never gained much financially from the whole exercise, what we gained in experience and knowledge is priceless.

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100,000 Users Over Night

A blow-by blow app marketing case study following the launch of popular music app, Jam.

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  • Ad Creatives , ASO

Case Study: Achieving 66% growth through App Store Optimization

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This is an in-depth case study by Jiri Chochlik, an ASO Expert at AppAgent

Good mobile marketing managers are relentlessly looking for new ways to improve their user acquisition efforts. They spend time finding the best strategies to follow , hoping that they will give them an advantage over the competition. If you’re a big publisher or an indie developer, ASO is an essential strategy that you can use to grow your app business.

In this case study, we will give you an in-depth insight into the steps we took to achieve a 66% growth in organic downloads for Kiwi.com . We hope it will offer some useful app store optimization strategies that can use for your own app.

In this case study you will learn:

  • How we defined opportunities for growth through ASO.
  • What our ASO strategy for Kiwi.com looked like.
  • Our keyword optimization process for US and non-US countries.
  • Which assets have been tested and how we achieved an incredible 82% increase in the conversion rate from over 30 experiments.

Case study results


Kiwi.com is one of the five biggest online sellers of airline tickets in Europe, and the fastest-growing startup in the CEE region, according to Deloitte Technology Fast 50. The company’s turnover increases massively every year, reaching an impressive €700 million in 2017. Kiwi.com currently employs over 1,500 people and operates in nine countries across the world.

AppAgent acted as the full-service mobile marketing team for Kiwi.com for nearly two years. We’ve built up an incredible relationship with the business and the brand during this time. It’s a powerful partnership that’s delivering results.


When we first assessed Kiwi’s app store presence, we found some common issues with both keywords and store conversions:

  • Keywords weren’t properly structured, and they were frequently placed in the inappropriate field (title, subtitle, keywords).
  • Many keywords were not generating decent traffic.
  • In major non-US countries, keywords had been just simply translated without considering—and properly researching—local search queries.

Store conversion

  • There had been very few A/B tests and store experiments in the past.
  • Screenshot design was rather “dull”, did not stand out in the search results, and was due for an immediate update.

At a strategic level, while Kiwi.com offers flight tickets to travelers around the globe, its focus was mainly on the US store. This meant that they were missing key opportunities in foreign markets including France, Japan, Spain and the UK.


ASO consists of two distinct, but interconnected, areas: conversion rate optimization of the store listing and keyword optimization.

In order for us to have a solid understanding of the landscape, the first step we took was to perform an in-depth analysis of Kiwi.com’s competitors. We needed to understand how they present their services; their visual and language style; whether they use video or not; and their store listing experiments. All of these would need to be considered when we created the strategy, and calculated potential rankings for Kiwi.com.

In order to identify the countries where additional investment into ASO could be profitable, our data analyst prepared a list of top markets using available sales and market data. To narrow down the list of countries we looked primarily at three metrics: the average revenue per user; top-10 countries in terms of revenue; and market size (downloads potential etc.)

Being “on brand”, while keeping sufficient space for experimentation, is a never-ending challenge for any big brand. There are always keywords that could work well volume-wise in the title/subtitle, but which fall foul of the brand guidelines. To ensure we were always on point, Kiwi’s Head of Mobile Karel Soucek was always engaged in our discussions, giving his view on our messaging.

The whole optimization process was split into two phases: 1. ASO for the US market both on GP and iOS (including keyword optimization + store listing). 2. Localization for the most attractive non-US countries.


A) identifying competitors and kiwi positioning.

In order to understand the possibility of achieving a high ranking (within the top 10) we first needed to assess Kiwi’s place in the travel category, as well as identifying the best apps in this niche.

The ranking potential is strongly dependent on aspects like reach, brand strength, visibility, number of reviews, etc. As the travel category is a very competitive one, we knew that Kiwi.com wouldn’t be able to outrank the best apps like Skyscanner or Kayak for the most searched-for keywords (those with Top 10 rankings).

Our strategy was to look for less competitive keywords with less traffic but the much higher probability for Kiwi to rank in the top 10–and ideally in the top three–as that’s where most installs happen.

B) Keyword research

The travel category, and especially its niche–offering cheap flight tickets–is tricky as users are more likely to search directly for well-known brands rather than for generic phrases like “flight tickets”.

However, our assumption was that there is also a considerable number of users who are not familiar with big brands. I personally confirmed this hypothesis by simply searching and recording how many brands within this category were unknown to me.

This diagram explains the whole keyword optimization process:

The keyword optimization process

Simply put, we:

  • Start with in-depth research to create a long list of possible keywords that are relevant, have decent traffic, and assess if the app already ranks for them.
  • Evaluate our chances of reaching a top-10 or higher position based on the level of competition.
  • Select the final keywords set(s).
  • Submit the new keyword set.
  • Measure, iterate, measure…

Note: We always check all of the keywords that we select manually by using multiple techniques and tools; we know that we cannot rely on any single tool for this crucial part of the process.


The level of localization ranged from simple keyword translation to a full localization of the store listing, including screenshots.

For keyword research in the most important countries, we utilized our network of native speakers including experts in Germany, France, the UK, Spain, China, and Japan. For the rest of the world, we did just simple translations, as the ratio of time investment and growth opportunity didn’t justify a more complex approach.

Instead of including more countries on iOS, we expanded localizations to Google Play. Another hard learning point was the accuracy of translations. After finding a few mistakes using paid online translation services, we decided to hire at least two translators per country to double-check the final keyword sets.

Checking typos or spotting nonsensical words is impossible without a local knowledge of the language. We wanted to absolutely nullify the chance for any grammar errors on Kiwi.com’s store page and therefore invested in building a network of verified translators who were also trained in keyword research.

Our network of verified translators

In the end, when we examined the results, an interesting difference between iOS and Google Play appeared. On iOS, we saw a great uplift across all metrics. However, ASO on Google Play had been much tougher to implement and we didn’t see such big growth – even though Kiwi ranked #1 for one of the main keywords “flight tickets” for some time. (While not as successful, we still consider a 31% increase in app downloads within the first year as a great result.)

We also saw that keyword rankings were moving up and down all the time. You can see how dramatic these rises and falls are below in the Google Play Store through this “ visibility score ” diagram generated by AppTweak :

app promotion case study

Key takeaways

  • Don’t split your forces – Find out the platform on which your app performs better in terms of revenue and downloads, and focus on it when you start with ASO.
  • Don’t go head against the wall – Keep in mind that the competition in US App Stores is the fiercest and that shifting your focus to other territories can bring quick wins. It’s important to learn what the best performing countries are and assess whether localization would be effective there.
  • No shortcuts – If you want to see real benefits in keyword optimization, you need to invest in in-depth keyword research, ideally using locals who can brainstorm the most frequently used search queries and typical phrases.

Organic growth by country

It’s important to note that downloads also increased as a result of the conversion optimization work we complete, as you will see in the next section.


1. store listing analysis and how to stand out.

Have you ever asked yourself whether it’s better to start with keywords or conversion rate optimization? So did we…

Our thought process was as follows: If Kiwi.com doesn’t rank well, then the rankings need to be improved first so we can learn about the true performance of the default store listing.

That performance then served as a baseline for our experiments with store assets. It’s crucial to run just one test at a time because doing so allows you to evaluate it properly. That’s the reason we stopped iterating on different keyword sets once listing experiments were running, and vice-versa.

app promotion case study

We completed a large number of tests on both iOS and GP. This diagram demonstrates how the process works. Below we discuss the most interesting findings.

a) iOS11 early adoption

In the beginning, Kiwi.com’s screenshots looked generic, which resulted in a low conversion rate. At that time, with the release of iOS11 fast approaching, we knew that having landscape screenshots in search results offered us an opportunity to capture the attention of visitors. The goal was to take advantage of the new features of iOS11 and create something a bit different that would stand out from the crowd.

iOS11 early adoption

b) Testimonials

Another experiment we came up with was the idea of using some of the great testimonials the app had received from trustworthy outlets. Kiwi.com has had positive reviews from across the world, including publications like the New York Times. Once we checked screenshots of our competitors and saw that no one else was leveraging such social proof, we decided to give it a try.

We saw an incredible 30% increase , even after such a minor change.

app promotion case study

c) Preview video

This feedback encouraged us to experiment more; this time with an app preview video that was auto-played in iOS11.

The problem was that we wanted to show the New York Times testimonial in the search results as well as the new preview video at the same time. Therefore, we created new versions of the screenshots in portrait orientation while keeping the same colors. We also included additional testimonials, including one from Business Insider, that would address frequent business travelers.

This experiment resulted in an additional 29% increase in conversions.

29% increase in conversions

d) Further tests and learnings

We focused extra attention on the localization of screenshots as well. This time, besides just translating the dominant one-liners, we also decided to fully localize the app’s contents as they were visible on-screen; also showing regional airlines and relevant currencies.

app promotion case study

One of our experiments in France and Japan also included culturalization, where we attempted to tailor the listing to local preferences. It was a great idea, but the results were inconclusive, so we didn’t consider it worth pursuing further.

Key Takeaways

  • Dwell on details – Even a seemingly minor change like using a testimonial from a trustworthy outlet can have a big impact on conversion rate.
  • Think outside of the box – Many apps are just following the store listing of others which creates something like a loop and results in all of them looking very similar. This can be a great opportunity for you to create something that will stand out.
  • Don’t stop – If some of your experiments have little impact on performance, you didn’t fail, you just found what doesn’t work. Keep generating new ideas and don’t be scared to test. Sometimes they will work, sometimes they won’t.
  • Take your time   – Our experience suggests that you need to run a decent amount of experiments to find out what works best for your app. Factor this into your plans.



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To Summarize

  • The potential impact of App Store Optimization strongly depends on the niche you are in , if it has an active user base or not, if users are actually searching for apps like yours, and the level of competition.
  • Being aware of the quality of your app is crucial – ASO is influenced by reviews, ratings, and other in-app factors!
  • Keep in mind that ASO is not just about keywords and screenshots – it’s about optimizing everything. You need to improve the user journey between the store listing visit and a successful app install. If you have a game, look at your APK/IPA size to increase the download rate. When you start with a new product, include keywords in the bundle ID and in the Play Store. There are many small wins that compound if you take your time with them.
  • ASO is a great strategy for both big and small publishers . Some apps can leverage it more and some less, but for many, it’s a great strategy for attracting the most relevant users.
  • Even when you stop actively doing ASO, you will still benefit from free downloads which can last for months or years. It’s a great advantage when compared to paid campaigns.

We would like to thank Kiwi.com for giving us such a free hand to test different strategies and grow their business. Because testing is what ASO is about!

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App Development & Marketing Case Study: 1000+ Downloads Boosted Like A Rocket

App Development & Marketing Case Study

The main motive behind the development of the Checkin App was to give users a better and feature-rich platform for socializing, especially while travelling.

In this Mobile app development And Marketing case study , we briefly explain the agile process we followed for designing and developing the check-in app in a user-friendly and interactive manner.

We also share the thing we did for marketing the app to the targeted audience and making it a success in its respective market.

In just three months of launch, Checkin saw a 40% increase in app store ranking, which resulted in 60% more downloads and sign-ups.

But, it’s not just that.

Continue to read the complete Checkin App Development Case Study by SAG IPL.

Table of Contents

What is check-in?

Checkin is a complete social media and chatting app which is inspired by Instagram but offers much more services, including location sharing, social media sharing and travel updates.

Want to know How Much Does it Cost to Build an App Like Instagram in 2022 ? Read this blog.

app promotion case study

With Checkin, we wanted to create an app to enable users to share live updates, from wherever they are, along with their location with their social media followers/friends.

<<<<<<<<<< Make An App Like Instagram for Me >>>>>>>>>>>>

We developed both iOS and Android app versions for Checkin.

In the beginning, we didn’t have much in the form of project data. What we had was an idea of an app which is very unique from others but, at the same time, provides a much-needed thing to the users – a convenient way to socialize.

The client also didn’t have a very clear idea of the kind of app they were looking to develop, just a social media app of a different kind. We suggested they take inspiration from existing apps like Instagram and then develop something which these apps do not already have.

And we ended up developing what you see today as the check-in app.

Click here for new mobile app ideas

Mobile App Development

As usual, we developed the Checkin app through our standard app development life cycle, which includes the following stages:

  • Research & Planning
  • App Designing
  • App Development
  • Deployment/Launch

In the planning stage, we researched the target market and gathered requirement details from the clients.

Based on the available data, we created a realistic plan, outlining the app details, specifications, design, and other things, along with an estimated timeline for development and launch. The same was communicated with the client.

The next stage was designing the app interface (UI), graphics, pages, logo, images and user experience (UX) .

>>>>>>>> Design App For Me <<<<<<<<

We made use of the latest design tools & technologies for designing the app wireframes first and then the user interface.

Our expert web designers having amazing skills and experience in the use of Sketch, Adobe XD, Proto.io, Adobe Photoshop, and other designing tools created an outstanding and user-friendly interface for the Checkin app.

Based on the design prototype, the app development started with a team consisting of 2 expert Android app developers and 3 iOS developers.

We followed an agile-based development process to create the app functionalities and specifications just the way the client wanted .

Worrying about how much an application will cost? Here is the estimated cost of mobile app development

While developing the Checkin app, we created each app feature & functionality in great detail. The following features were enabled in the first version of the app.

  • Photo/Text/Video sharing in real time
  • Live video chat
  • Edit & upload photos/videos/collages
  • User profiles
  • Private chat & sharing
  • Location sharing

It took just 7 days to develop the core app , after which the testing was conducted.

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During the app testing phase, we test our apps in both simulator and real-world environments to make sure that there are no bugs.

We did the same for check-in and removed the lags . We also reviewed the app code for any errors and optimized it for the best performance.

Related : Which Is Better? Hire Mobile App Developer or Make An App Yourself

Once the app was ready for deployment, it was sent to the client for a final check. Then, we proceeded with the deployment part. Since there were two different app versions  – Android & iOS, we created accounts and uploaded the apps to both the App Store and the Google Play Store.

We also created the SEO titles & descriptions for the app on both platforms.

App Optimization Stage

App Optimization (App Store Optimization) is the process of making good & short titles, making standard descriptions that describe the app in a simple yet complete way, inserting & optimizing keywords in the description, etc.

app store optimization of Checkin

Know What is App Store Optimization (ASO) and How this would help you to get ranked first in the App Store.

There are many app store optimization factors that need to be considered when you are optimizing the app . Some of these things are:

  • Description
  • Screenshots
  • User Reviews
  • App Downloads

Keyword Optimization

  • Keyword Proximity
  • App Localization
  • Updates & Releases
  • Number of installs and uninstalls

We optimized the check-in app for all these factors and some more. As you can see, all these factors are important but not as much as the title, description, demo video and User reviews.

Please Optimize App For Me

We created the Checkin app to be very unique from the other existing apps such that it could solve a real problem of the market/consumers, and it does. The Checkin app helps people to share their photos, and videos, along with the location with their friends in real-time.

Before App Marketing, We Define Their Audience & Customer

app promotion case study

Checkin App Marketing Case Study

After the app store (on-page) optimization of the Checkin app, we should have started off-page marketing for the promotion of the app in the online world.

But we didn’t.

Want to know why?

As usual, our first step is to find the target audience of the app, i.e. the target customer who will use this app or who can benefit from using this app.

We have one suggestion for you: if you know your target audience very well and your app is problem-solving then there is nothing that can stop you from ranking well on the Google Play Store (and the App Store) and getting the maximum users for your app.

app promotion case study

Many people say that there is a fixed number of marketing activities you can do for your app.

But that’s not the truth.

If you know the above two things about your app, then there are infinite techniques for the marketing of your app.

So, we did the same. First, we found out the target audience/users for the Checkin app and then promoted the app via our result-focused marketing techniques.

Our App Marketing Strategy & Techniques To Get Higher Rankings & Leads

Keyword research.

app promotion case study

Keyword research is the first and foremost step in the app marketing journey. We did keyword research on the Checkin app to find out the most relevant keywords that users search for in order to find this kind of app.

Click here to know Latest App Marketing Techniques

Our primary focus was on choosing brand-specific keywords to increase the brand reputation of the app. Then, we started finding all the relevant keywords that describe the app and may be used by the targeted audiences.

Some keyword examples include photo-sharing apps, video-sharing apps, live location apps , etc.

Competitor Research

We did competitor research on the app and managed to find many other apps providing similar kinds of services, that were performing very well in the market. We tried to analyse their strategies and then implemented some of them for promoting our own app in order to reach a wider audience.

An important thing to know here is that we did not follow the strategy of just one competitor, rather, we researched many competitors and analysed their market strategies and then designed our own app marketing strategy based on the findings.

As someone said once,

If you steal from one author, then it’s plagiarism, if you steal from many then it’s research.

Good quote

Do you agree with this statement? If you do, then let us know in the comment section.

App analysis.

We’ve run the app analysis campaign for the check-in app. In this campaign, our developers checked the app carefully by doing A/B testing the app for finding bugs and issues with the app and removing the same.

App analysis of checkin

This helped to ensure that the app runs very smoothly without any bugs and errors.

We optimized the keywords in the description of the app.

Wondering why?

To tell the Google play store search algorithm what our app is about, for what keywords it should be ranked, etc.

Strategic Content Creation

Our content writers did a very good job of creating the best quality and strictly relevant content for the marketing of the Checkin app.

strategic content creation

They clearly understood the target audience/market of the app and prepared optimized marketing copies for the same.

This is the main reason why the Checkin app is ranking at the top of the google play store. And yes, we agree that the “ content is king ”. If your content has power, has a strong point of view to tell the audience and has the motive to engage the audience, then nobody can stop your app from ranking well on the Google play store .

Wix And Strikingly Blog Creation

We also created a dedicated Wix blog for the Checkin app as a part of our customer engagement strategy, as we know how to engage with our audience in the best possible way.

app blog creation

We also believe that Quality is better than quantity.

Quality vs quantity

We believe that posting just one high-quality blog is much more beneficial than creating and publishing 10-15 normal or low-quality blogs on a daily basis, as quality content will always win the engagement race .

User Experience & User Interface Improve

This is another very important factor one needs to consider while optimizing and marketing their app. A mobile app should have a really good, friendly and intuitive user interface.

User interface easy

Suppose a user visits your food delivery app but does not find any straightforward option for ordering the food, then what is the meaning of such an app.

That’s why we did not ignore this factor while designing and optimizing the check-in app .

We developed and optimized the Checkin app for the customers and not for the search robots or Google play store search algorithms, as we believe this is something Google loves the most.

Content Readability & Optimization For Voice Search

We already optimized our app for voice search while creating its description, as it was written in a very user-friendly manner with a special focus on user intent optimization to rank well for voice search.

Content Promotion & Marketing

We also ran content marketing activities for the app. We contacted many major blogging platforms that accepted content related to photo sharing, location sharing apps, etc., for extensive promotion and link building for the app through high-quality content.

app promotion case study

We also used Google preferred Post/Title formats such as Top 5 apps , etc. while writing content for the Checkin app. Our content marketing strategy greatly helped in reaching our app to the top of the Google play store .

Amazing Images Graphics Creation

Checkin image graphics

Again, we want to say that “quality matters”. Our expert designing team created the best quality images/graphics both for app promotion and on-page, helping guide the targeted audience more clearly about our app.

graphics checking

We’ve made different types of graphics that help to convey the app’s message to the audience.

Social Media Handling

We also handled the social media accounts of the check-in app. With this particular marketing strategy, our focus was on creating and maintaining healthy user engagement for the app.

social media handling

We regularly shared updates about the app on the Facebook group/pages, replied to user reviews/comments, etc.

We Believe In Download Results First And Then App Ranking Results

Our App Marketing Strategy To Get Downloads & Installs

App Marketing : As discussed above.

Social Media Strategy

We created multiple groups and communities on a number of popular social media sites, including Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, for promoting the Checkin app, gathering the opinions of the audience for your app and spreading the word around.

app promotion case study

This also helped us know about some app issues being faced by the users. We resolved these issues immediately. There are many ways to promote your app on Social Media :

This also helped us know about some app issues being faced by the users. We resolved these issues immediately.

App Submission

We submitted the check-in app on various famous platforms. We first researched and found a number of relevant app submission sites, both types paid and free, and then submitted the app there.

app submission checkin

The app has already gained many users from those sites.

Review Submission

Besides encouraging the users to share their reviews, we regularly reply to the user reviews and solve their issues at the earliest in order to build happy clients and engage with our audience.

taking reviews

This is something that the Google play store algorithm likes.

Also Read : 8 Highly Effective Mobile App Branding Strategy You Need to Follow

Questions And Answers

We provided answers to the users’ questions regarding the check-in app on various popular platforms such as Quora and Yahoo Answers.

This helped us spread the word about our app while solving user issues at the same time.

quora answers

We answered many app-related questions like

  • What is Checkin App?
  • What are the benefits of using the check-in app?
  • Is Checkin app the best photo-sharing app now?

Relevant Content Marketing

relevant blogs

We published articles and blogs related to the Checkin app on some of the most famous platforms that are related to entertainment, young people, design platforms, etc.

This was our game-changing marketing strategy which gave relevant users to the app.

Now It’s Time For Results:

app promotion case study

Keywords Rankings:

You must now be wondering about the app ranking results of check-in. As we said, we believe in showing real results with 100% proof and screenshots. You must now be wondering about the app ranking results of check-in. As we said, we believe in showing real results with 100% proof and screenshots.

keywords ranking checkin

There are many keywords for which the Checkin app is currently ranking well, including Checkin app, location sharing app, photo sharing app Checkin, etc. You can check the screenshots for details:

app promotion case study

But it took some time to see significant results and reach the thousand install milestone. In the first month, the Checkin app received not many installs but after some time and effort, the app got boosted in ranking and download volume.

Installation Report: The Checkin app received hundreds of downloads and installs in just a few months of the app launch, thanks to the effort of our app development & marketing teams.

app promotion case study

The installs of the app are now coming at rocket speed like there is no tomorrow.

Someone said very right that “ Slow and steady wins the race .”

We did not give up, as we were constantly improving our strategy and the app. We were regularly doing our app marketing activities.

Slow and study win the race

And then the results started appearing like magic.

Do you agree with the above statement? If you do, then please let us know in the comments.


So, this is the complete story of the Checkin app development and marketing by SAG IPL. As you see, we believe in continuously improving our app and market strategy to fit the targeted user needs.

And because continuous improvement is the key.

Continous Improvement is the key

The readers are welcome to try these techniques and strategies to market their own apps. With our app marketing techniques, your app will definitely become famous in no time.

If you do not have the time to market your app, then you should hire a good app marketing company like SAG IPL which can understand your app business model and market your products/services efficiently.

Client Review:

“To be honest, I had never expected that my app will turn out to be so good. I was quite impressed with the first version itself and instantly decided to hire them for the marketing of my app. And I must say, they did a very good job. As you can see the results, my app now has more users than some of the most popular apps in the industry. I greatly appreciate the dedication and commitment the SAG IPL team has shown towards my project and would love to work with them, again and again.”

Do You Also Want Your App To Be Famous on the Google Play Store? Then you have only two options:

app promotion case study

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10 Marketing Case Study Examples: Learn How to Master Them in Your Campaigns


There are millions of blog posts, articles, and videos across the internet that try to give you advice about marketing. According to Google, at least 7,050,000 unique content pieces include the phrase “marketing tips.”

But with plenty of outdated and filler content creation to just build out a website, it’s hard to find applicable advice that actually works online.

In this article, you’ll learn from marketing case study examples that demonstrate what it takes to master channels like social media, email marketing , and PPC, as well as how to use case studies in your own campaigns.

Don’t rely on empty words. Learn powerful marketing best practices that are backed up with examples and data.

What is a marketing case study?

In marketing, a case study is an in-depth study of the effectiveness of a certain tool, tactic, or strategy. It focuses on measurable outcomes, like an increase in sales, visitors, or production hours.

Typically, it includes a few key elements:

  • Introduction to the customer/client
  • The problem the client needed to solve (should align with problems prospective clients also need to solve)
  • The solution (and context of why your company/software was the right fit)
  • Data from before and after implementing the solution

diagram of the elements of a case study

In a sense, a case study documents the journey of working with your company. And it gives potential future customers a reason to trust your company.

What are the different types of case studies in marketing?

In marketing, three main types of case studies are commonly used:

1. Third-person or client case studies: These highlight the experience of a specific client working with your company or using your product.

2. Explanatory case studies: These case studies explore the impact of a phenomenon or tactic, such as the company’s marketing strategy, and how it impacted its growth. In this case, it’s not based on first-hand experience, but rather observation and inference.

3. Implementation case studies: An implementation case study takes the average client case study a bit further, focusing on the actual implementation and covering it in detail.

You can also divide the case studies further by the type of medium they use — video or text.

And in 2024, video case studies are becoming more and more popular. Many companies even use them as remarketing ads to address potential objections.

Why should you use case studies?

Case studies are a powerful way to prove that your products or services work, showcase your expertise, and build trust with potential customers.

It’s a way to transition away from just “telling” your customers and instead start “showing” them through examples. There’s a reason the old copywriting maxim goes, “Show, don’t tell.”

Consumers’ trust in companies to tell the truth in advertising materials is lower than ever. In 2020, only 14% of consumers said they trust advertising to be honest about a product or service.

But that doesn’t mean you can’t generate trust with your company’s website.

Consumers trust third-party reviews, testimonials, and data. In fact, 91% of 18–34-year-olds trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations.

So you need social proof. And client case studies — especially those that interview the current clients — are the best of both worlds. You get to highlight data while getting powerful social proof that shows that your product works.

When just adding a simple customer testimonial to your website can increase conversion rates by up to 34% , imagine what a detailed, compelling case study can do.

1. Email marketing case study: Your Therapy Source

If you think that email is a marketing medium of the past, think again. At ActiveCampaign, we have hundreds of recent case studies that prove the opposite.

For example, Your Therapy Source receives a 2000% return on investment (ROI) from our campaigns simply by taking advantage of basic marketing automation .

Your Therapy Source marketing case study

In particular, a basic abandoned cart email represents around 30% of all revenue generated by automations.

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Because the case study goes into detail about exactly how the company achieved the results, it’s a combination of an implementation case study and a regular third-person case study.

2. Instagram marketing case study: Converse

If you look at all the top Instagram accounts in clothing, Converse has a much higher engagement rate than its competitors.

At 1.79%, their social media posts have an organic engagement rate over 15 times higher than Nike.

boomsocial screenshot showing how Converse has a higher engagement rate than NIke

Why is that?

Let’s take a closer look at how they achieve these numbers:

When looking at Converse’s top Instagram posts, you quickly notice a trend. Collaborations with influential creators and artists — lately Tyler, the Creator — get a different level of engagement.

Tyler the Creator and Converse Instagram post case study example

The post promoting their new collaboration shoe got over 183,000 likes in a few weeks. Converse even took it a step further and produced a short film with Tyler.

If you want to reach a wider number of people, combining audiences is a great strategy.

instagram post showing cross-collaboration between Converse and Tyler the Creator

This is an example of an explanatory case study.

First, we worked backward from Converse’s powerful Instagram results. Then, we identified tactics that contribute to their high levels of engagement.

Because we didn’t work directly with Converse, and we’re only observing as an outsider, this is an explanatory case study.

3. Content marketing case study: porch.com

Fractl is a content marketing agency that worked with porch.com for over a year to earn 931 unique domain links, 23,000 monthly organic visits, and more.

Fractl link building case study showing how they earned 931 unique domains for Porch.com in a year

The case study focuses on results over method — that means it’s a typical third-person case study.

They’re showcasing the results the company generated for a specific outside client without getting into the how-to.

These types of case studies are most useful for persuading hesitant potential customers to get on board. Showing that you’ve generated results for similar companies or people in the past is the best way to prove your skill set.

Depending on your target audience, going into detail with an implementation case study may be a better option.

4. SEO case study: Zapier study by Ryan Berg

This in-depth case study by Ryan Berg is a perfect example of how you can use explanatory case studies in your marketing.

It breaks down Zapier’s SEO strategy and how they created over 25,000 unique landing pages to improve their search rankings for different search terms.

blog post by Ryan Berg demonstrating a Zapier case study

Zapier’s main strategy revolves around targeting relevant long-tail keywords like “app A + app B integration.” That’s the key they used to generate serious organic traffic over the long term.

By breaking down industry leaders and how they rose to success, you can borrow some of their brand power and credibility.

You can use these kinds of case studies if your current clients don’t allow you to go into detail about the tactics you use to grow their online presence.

These case studies demonstrate to potential clients that you know what you’re talking about and have the expertise needed to help them succeed in their industry.

5. PPC case study: Google Ads and Saraf Furniture

When it comes to pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, Google was one of the earliest innovators. And in 2021, it’s still the largest digital advertiser globally, with $146.92 billion in ad revenue in 2020.

You might not think they need any more credibility, but Google still uses case studies, especially in emerging markets like India.

This case study shows how Google Ads helped Saraf Furniture generate 10 times more inbound leads each month and hire 1,500 new carpenters as a result.

Google Ads case study showing impact for Saraf Furniture

Without going into details about the methods, it’s another typical third-person case study designed to build trust.

6. Video marketing case study: L’Oréal and YouTube

In this case study, various members of L’Oréal’s global marketing team break down exactly how they used YouTube ads to launch a new product.

As a result of the campaign, they were able to establish their new product as the No. 2 in its category and earn 34% of all mass sales across a network of online retailers.

The case study breaks down how they used YouTube for different stages — from awareness to loyalty. It’s another example of a third-person implementation case study.

7. Remarketing case study: AdRoll and Yoga Democracy

AdRoll is a remarketing platform that tracks your visitors and lets you show them targeted ads across the internet.

Their case study with Yoga Democracy perfectly showcases the power of the platform.

remarketing case study between Adroll and Yoga Democracy

Look at these highlights:

  • 200% increase in conversions
  • 50% reduction in CPA
  • 19% of total revenue attributed to AdRoll

These are metrics you’d love to show any potential customer. The case study goes into detail about how they built an effective remarketing campaign, including cart recovery emails and ads.

Because of the detail, you can classify this as an implementation case study.

8. Influencer marketing case study: Trend and WarbyParker

This influencer marketing case study from Warby Parker and Trend showcases how you can use influencer marketing even with a limited budget.

Warby Parker influencer marketing case study

The “Wearing Warby” campaign was centered around showcasing influencers wearing Warby Parker glasses in their everyday life.

From mundane tasks like eating breakfast to artists creating a new masterpiece — it showcased Warby Parker’s products in use and made the brand more approachable for influencers’ followers.

This is another third-person case study, as it doesn’t go into much detail beyond the results.

9. Customer experience case study: App Annie and Coca-Cola

In this case study, Greg Chambers, the director of innovation for Coca-Cola, explains what App Annie brings to the table.

Instead of specific numbers and metrics, it focuses on the big-picture benefits that App Annie has on Coca-Cola’s customer experience.

The video interview format is also perfect for driving trust with potential customers.

Again, this is a typical third-person case study that you see a lot in the marketing world.

10. SaaS case study: Asana and Carta

Of course, it’s not just agencies and advertising platforms that need to master the use of case studies in digital marketing.

Let’s explore an example of a case study outside the marketing industry, in this case specifically for B2B marketers.

Asana is a project management platform that helps companies make their workflows more efficient.

Asana marketing case study for Carta

It’s a good example of a case study that focuses more on the lived experience and less on the metrics.

This is a third-person case study that is closer to a client interview or testimonial, which is a good option if it’s hard to quantify improvements with metrics.

Best practices: How to use case studies in your own marketing campaigns

best practices of using case studies in marketing

In this section, you’ll learn best practices to help you maximize the value of case studies in your own marketing campaigns.

Let’s look at four steps you can take to effectively use case studies.

Include a dedicated case study/customer stories page on your website

Most companies with a successful online presence have one of these pages. Emulate the top competitors in your industry by creating an improved version of their pages.

You can also add a case studies section to your resources page or blog.

Build CTAs into your case study pages

The chances are low that a random Googler will make it to your case studies. Most likely, it’s someone who thinks they might need your product.

So don’t be afraid to include calls to action throughout your case study pages.

Share case studies as part of your email marketing campaigns

Email marketing is hands-down the best channel for nurturing potential needs . That means you should always use case studies and customer success stories in your campaigns.

But it’s important that it doesn’t feel too promotional. Instead, share the unique steps they took to ensure success to deliver value, not just pitch.

Use case study video ads to overcome objections

When you’re thinking about buying a product, it’s easy to talk yourself out of it.

“It’s too expensive.” “It won’t work for me.” There are a lot of excuses and objections out there.

A case study video can be a powerful tool to overcome these objections in potential buyers.

Don’t overlook case studies when you’re planning your next marketing campaign. Towards the bottom end of the funnel, in stages like decision and action, they’re a powerful marketing tool.

When used right, case studies will help you fill your sales pipeline and provide your sales team with qualified leads.

Hopefully, the examples in this article taught you how you can use case studies in social media, email, and content marketing strategy to further your business goals.

You should also have learned how to use case studies to sell your company’s expertise.

If you want to grow your business, it’s crucial to learn from the people who have gone before you. In marketing, trying to learn all principles from scratch through trial and error would be a costly mistake.

If you’re ready to take advantage of marketing automation and email marketing tools that help similar businesses generate ROIs of 20x or higher, start your ActiveCampaign trial today .

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Boeing Charged with 737 Max Fraud Conspiracy and Agrees to Pay over $2.5 Billion

The Boeing Company (Boeing) has entered into an agreement with the Department of Justice to resolve a criminal charge related to a conspiracy to defraud the Federal Aviation Administration’s Aircraft Evaluation Group (FAA AEG) in connection with the FAA AEG’s evaluation of Boeing’s 737 MAX airplane.

Boeing, a U.S.-based multinational corporation that designs, manufactures, and sells commercial airplanes to airlines worldwide, entered into a deferred prosecution agreement (DPA) in connection with a criminal information filed today in the Northern District of Texas. The criminal information charges the company with one count of conspiracy to defraud the United States. Under the terms of the DPA, Boeing will pay a total criminal monetary amount of over $2.5 billion, composed of a criminal monetary penalty of $243.6 million, compensation payments to Boeing’s 737 MAX airline customers of $1.77 billion, and the establishment of a $500 million crash-victim beneficiaries fund to compensate the heirs, relatives, and legal beneficiaries of the 346 passengers who died in the Boeing 737 MAX crashes of Lion Air Flight 610 and Ethiopian Airlines Flight 302.

“The tragic crashes of Lion Air Flight 610 and Ethiopian Airlines Flight 302 exposed fraudulent and deceptive conduct by employees of one of the world’s leading commercial airplane manufacturers,” said Acting Assistant Attorney General David P. Burns of the Justice Department’s Criminal Division. “Boeing’s employees chose the path of profit over candor by concealing material information from the FAA concerning the operation of its 737 Max airplane and engaging in an effort to cover up their deception. This resolution holds Boeing accountable for its employees’ criminal misconduct, addresses the financial impact to Boeing’s airline customers, and hopefully provides some measure of compensation to the crash-victims’ families and beneficiaries.”    

“The misleading statements, half-truths, and omissions communicated by Boeing employees to the FAA impeded the government’s ability to ensure the safety of the flying public,” said U.S. Attorney Erin Nealy Cox for the Northern District of Texas. “This case sends a clear message: The Department of Justice will hold manufacturers like Boeing accountable for defrauding regulators – especially in industries where the stakes are this high.” 

“Today's deferred prosecution agreement holds Boeing and its employees accountable for their lack of candor with the FAA regarding MCAS,” said Special Agent in Charge Emmerson Buie Jr. of the FBI’s Chicago Field Office. “The substantial penalties and compensation Boeing will pay, demonstrate the consequences of failing to be fully transparent with government regulators. The public should be confident that government regulators are effectively doing their job, and those they regulate are being truthful and transparent.”

“We continue to mourn alongside the families, loved ones, and friends of the 346 individuals who perished on Lion Air Flight 610 and Ethiopian Airlines Flight 302. The deferred prosecution agreement reached today with The Boeing Company is the result of the Office of Inspector General’s dedicated work with our law enforcement and prosecutorial partners,” said Special Agent in Charge Andrea M. Kropf, Department of Transportation Office of Inspector General (DOT-OIG) Midwestern Region. “This landmark deferred prosecution agreement will forever serve as a stark reminder of the paramount importance of safety in the commercial aviation industry, and that integrity and transparency may never be sacrificed for efficiency or profit.”

As Boeing admitted in court documents, Boeing—through two of its 737 MAX Flight Technical Pilots—deceived the FAA AEG about an important aircraft part called the Maneuvering Characteristics Augmentation System (MCAS) that impacted the flight control system of the Boeing 737 MAX. Because of their deception, a key document published by the FAA AEG lacked information about MCAS, and in turn, airplane manuals and pilot-training materials for U.S.-based airlines lacked information about MCAS.

Boeing began developing and marketing the 737 MAX in or around June 2011. Before any U.S.-based airline could operate the new 737 MAX, U.S. regulations required the FAA to evaluate and approve the airplane for commercial use.

In connection with this process, the FAA AEG was principally responsible for determining the minimum level of pilot training required for a pilot to fly the 737 MAX for a U.S.-based airline, based on the nature and extent of the differences between the 737 MAX and the prior version of Boeing’s 737 airplane, the 737 Next Generation (NG). At the conclusion of this evaluation, the FAA AEG published the 737 MAX Flight Standardization Board Report (FSB Report), which contained relevant information about certain aircraft parts and systems that Boeing was required to incorporate into airplane manuals and pilot-training materials for all U.S.-based airlines. The 737 MAX FSB Report also contained the FAA AEG’s differences-training determination. After the 737 MAX FSB Report was published, Boeing’s airline customers were permitted to fly the 737 MAX.

Within Boeing, the 737 MAX Flight Technical Team (composed of 737 MAX Flight Technical Pilots) was principally responsible for identifying and providing to the FAA AEG all information that was relevant to the FAA AEG in connection with the FAA AEG’s publication of the 737 MAX FSB Report. Because flight controls were vital to flying modern commercial airplanes, differences between the flight controls of the 737 NG and the 737 MAX were especially important to the FAA AEG for purposes of its publication of the 737 MAX FSB Report and the FAA AEG’s differences-training determination.

In and around November 2016, two of Boeing’s 737 MAX Flight Technical Pilots, one who was then the 737 MAX Chief Technical Pilot and another who would later become the 737 MAX Chief Technical Pilot, discovered information about an important change to MCAS. Rather than sharing information about this change with the FAA AEG, Boeing, through these two 737 MAX Flight Technical Pilots, concealed this information and deceived the FAA AEG about MCAS. Because of this deceit, the FAA AEG deleted all information about MCAS from the final version of the 737 MAX FSB Report published in July 2017. In turn, airplane manuals and pilot training materials for U.S.-based airlines lacked information about MCAS, and pilots flying the 737 MAX for Boeing’s airline customers were not provided any information about MCAS in their manuals and training materials. 

On Oct. 29, 2018, Lion Air Flight 610, a Boeing 737 MAX, crashed shortly after takeoff into the Java Sea near Indonesia. All 189 passengers and crew on board died. Following the Lion Air crash, the FAA AEG learned that MCAS activated during the flight and may have played a role in the crash. The FAA AEG also learned for the first time about the change to MCAS, including the information about MCAS that Boeing concealed from the FAA AEG. Meanwhile, while investigations into the Lion Air crash continued, the two 737 MAX Flight Technical Pilots continued misleading others—including at Boeing and the FAA—about their prior knowledge of the change to MCAS.

On March 10, 2019, Ethiopian Airlines Flight 302, a Boeing 737 MAX, crashed shortly after takeoff near Ejere, Ethiopia. All 157 passengers and crew on board died. Following the Ethiopian Airlines crash, the FAA AEG learned that MCAS activated during the flight and may have played a role in the crash. On March 13, 2019, the 737 MAX was officially grounded in the U.S., indefinitely halting further flights of this airplane by any U.S.-based airline.

As part of the DPA, Boeing has agreed, among other things, to continue to cooperate with the Fraud Section in any ongoing or future investigations and prosecutions. As part of its cooperation, Boeing is required to report any evidence or allegation of a violation of U.S. fraud laws committed by Boeing’s employees or agents upon any domestic or foreign government agency (including the FAA), regulator, or any of Boeing’s airline customers. In addition, Boeing has agreed to strengthen its compliance program and to enhanced compliance program reporting requirements, which require Boeing to meet with the Fraud Section at least quarterly and to submit yearly reports to the Fraud Section regarding the status of its remediation efforts, the results of its testing of its compliance program, and its proposals to ensure that its compliance program is reasonably designed, implemented, and enforced so that it is effective at deterring and detecting violations of U.S. fraud laws in connection with interactions with any domestic or foreign government agency (including the FAA), regulator, or any of its airline customers.

The department reached this resolution with Boeing based on a number of factors, including the nature and seriousness of the offense conduct; Boeing’s failure to timely and voluntarily self‑disclose the offense conduct to the department; and Boeing’s prior history, including a civil FAA settlement agreement from 2015 related to safety and quality issues concerning the Boeing’s Commercial Airplanes (BCA) business unit. In addition, while Boeing’s cooperation ultimately included voluntarily and proactively identifying to the Fraud Section potentially significant documents and Boeing witnesses, and voluntarily organizing voluminous evidence that Boeing was obligated to produce, such cooperation, however, was delayed and only began after the first six months of the Fraud Section’s investigation, during which time Boeing’s response frustrated the Fraud Section’s investigation.

The department also considered that Boeing engaged in remedial measures after the offense conduct, including:  (i) creating a permanent aerospace safety committee of the Board of Directors to oversee Boeing’s policies and procedures governing safety and its interactions with the FAA and other government agencies and regulators; (ii) creating a Product and Services Safety organization to strengthen and centralize the safety-related functions that were previously located across Boeing; (iii) reorganizing Boeing’s engineering function to have all Boeing engineers, as well as Boeing’s Flight Technical Team, report through Boeing’s chief engineer rather than to the business units; and (iv) making structural changes to Boeing’s Flight Technical Team to increase the supervision, effectiveness, and professionalism of Boeing’s Flight Technical Pilots, including moving Boeing’s Flight Technical Team under the same organizational umbrella as Boeing’s Flight Test Team, and adopting new policies and procedures and conducting training to clarify expectations and requirements governing communications between Boeing’s Flight Technical Pilots and regulatory authorities, including specifically the FAA AEG. Boeing also made significant changes to its top leadership since the offense occurred.

The department ultimately determined that an independent compliance monitor was unnecessary based on the following factors, among others: (i) the misconduct was neither pervasive across the organization, nor undertaken by a large number of employees, nor facilitated by senior management; (ii) although two of Boeing’s 737 MAX Flight Technical Pilots deceived the FAA AEG about MCAS by way of misleading statements, half-truths, and omissions, others in Boeing disclosed MCAS’s expanded operational scope to different FAA personnel who were responsible for determining whether the 737 MAX met U.S. federal airworthiness standards; (iii) the state of Boeing’s remedial improvements to its compliance program and internal controls; and (iv) Boeing’s agreement to enhanced compliance program reporting requirements, as described above.

The Chicago field offices of the FBI and the DOT-OIG investigated the case, with the assistance of other FBI and DOT-OIG field offices.

Trial Attorneys Cory E. Jacobs and Scott Armstrong and Assistant Chief Michael T. O’Neill of the Fraud Section and Assistant U.S. Attorney Chad E. Meacham of the Northern District of Texas are prosecuting this case.

Individuals who believe they may be an heir, relative, or legal beneficiary of one of the Lion Air Flight 610 or Ethiopian Airlines Flight 302 passengers in this case should contact the Fraud Section’s Victim Witness Unit by email at: [email protected] or call (888) 549-3945.

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  • SMS Marketing Case Studies

SMS Marketing Case Studies (2023)

app promotion case study

Artem Dogtiev | August 3, 2023

One of the oldest forms of mobile marketing is SMS marketing. Sending SMS, or as it is more familiar to the North American audience, texting is one of the basic functions on both featured and smartphones. Limited to text only, it’s still a powerful mobile marketing technique precisely for the same reason – it allows delivering ad messages to audiences who still use a featured phone and text is the only medium in mobile marketers’ disposal.

Throughout the years, SMS marketing has been used to boost app marketing efforts for brands and mobile apps from multiple categories such as Gaming, Travel, Health, and more. To give you a comprehensive picture of this marketing channel’s potential, we’re going to review six SMS marketing case studies below.

Case Study #1 Expedia

Expedia is one of the leading travel planning websites and mobile apps for the travel industry. The company has been operational since 1996, and as of 2022, its team grew to 25,000 employees. As of today, the company provides booking services for flights, hotels, car rentals, cruises, vacation packages, and more. In 2022 the global revenue of the Expedia Group. Inc. was estimated to be $11.66 billion.

Expedia iOS app interface

app promotion case study

Source: Expedia

SMS Marketing campaign objective

Over the years the company ran multiple SMS marketing campaigns to grow the number of its users and increase engagement. One of the most successful was the campaign it ran in partnership with VisitBritain, the UK national tourism agency. The company’s goal was to promote British tourism and invite people to visit the United Kingdom.

Expedia’s marketing team used SMS messages to send personalized offers and recommendations to travelers who had searched for flights and hotels in the UK on Expedia’s website or the app. Each message contained a special URL to get more details about each deal or recommendation. On top of that, Expedia used SMS messages to stay in touch with travelers during their trip, sending them tips for what sights to visit and various activities to do in the UK. The SMS messages were customized to the traveler’s location, preferences, and interests.

As a result of this SMS Marketing campaign,  17,000 clicks were generated with the URL included in SMS messages sent to Expedia users, and the Conversion Rate reached 28%.

Featured SMS Marketing Platforms


Switching from one of the leading travel platforms to an apparel brand that set a new standard to inspire its consumers through a unique combination of product, creativity, and cultural understanding.

Case Study #2 Urban Outfitters

With more than 200 stores across the United States, Canada, and Europe, Urban Outfitters has been one of the leading retail brands for young generation buyers. The feature that sets the brand apart is offering a collection of handpicked vintage clothing. The company’s revenue for 2022 was $4.74 billion.

Urban Outfitters iOS app App Store’s listing

app promotion case study

Source: App Store

To tap SMS marketing potential, the company hired Attentive, an SMS marketing platform that helped Urban Outfitters to build clients’ phone numbers database. The database grew really fast to the point where it required optimization to retain initial sms marketing campaigns efficiency.

It was decided to split the database into two parts – subscribers who were active on other Urban Outfitters marketing channels and subscribers who weren’t active. The database was further divided into Test and Control groups to identify what marketing text messages were driving results.

The overall SMS program ROI was 27x+, the program resulted in a 230% year-over-year increase in purchase volume and a 32% YoY increase in onsite conversions.

Switching the gears, from a young-generation beloved apparel brand to a world-famous Pizza brand that is famous for its speed delivery without compromising the quality.

Case Study #3 Pizza Hut

Founded in 1958 in Wichita, Kanzas by Dan and Frank Carney, Pizza Hut is an American multinational restaurant chain with more than 18,000 restaurants worldwide. Each day, Pizza Hut serves more than a million pizzas around the world.

Pizza Hut mobile app

app promotion case study

Source: Pizza Hut

The objective of this particular SMS campaign run by Pizza Hut in the UK was to increase sales among existing customers.

It was decided to use SMS geofencing to send Pizza Hut customers messages when they were within half a mile of the closest restaurant.

During the 15 months the company ran the SMS geofencing ad campaign, it was found that this marketing technique was 142% more efficient in increasing incremental sales, 4.4 more effective than TV ads, and even 2.6 times more effective than online ads.

Moving away from the world of pizzas to LSKD (Loose Kid) – an Australian-owned and operated brand that produces high-quality, functional sportswear with a street aesthetic.

Case Study #4 LSKD

One of the leading Australian clothing brands that sell functional sportswear and street aesthetic since 2007, the company’s annual revenue estimate is around $5 million.

LSKD marketing SMS message example

app promotion case study

Source: LSKD

Objectives for this marketing campaign were to help the brand to build a community of users, which wasn’t an easy task, given how saturated the eCommerce market was, as well building a user base for the brand to launch a points system to reward loyal customers for submitting product reviews.

To tackle this challenging objective, LKSD turned to the Yopto eCommerce retention marketing platform to use the number of marketing products they offer, including SMS marketing solutions.

Using the SMS Marketing platform in conjunction with loyalty campaigns, the company managed to build a vibrant community of loyal customers. 39% of product reviews were generated via SMS, the ROI on the SMS marketing campaign was 147x, and the company enjoyed a 173% increase in subscribers.

Here comes another pizza brand on our list of brands that used SMS marketing to achieve various marketing objectives – Domino’s Pizza.

Case Study #5 Domino’s Pizza

Founded in 1960, Domino’s Pizza has grown into a multinational pizza restaurant chain with branches in 90 countries.

Domino’s Pizza mobile app

app promotion case study

Source: Domino’s Pizza

In this particular case study, SMS marketing was brought up to help Dominos’s Pizza restaurant increase the ROI of existing TV and Facebook video ads. The 30 and 60-second ads underperformed and required help from another marketing channel to increase the number of views.

It was decided to turn to SMS marketing with the assumption that SMS solutions would garner solid, measurable results with an original video ad.

With only $25 of investment into this ad campaign, the brand saw an increase of 125 orders from a single SMS message. With every additional message, an opt-in list grew by 100-200 subscribers. Over the course of the entire SMS marketing campaign, Domino’s Pizza could acquire 850 text message marketing subscribers and CPA equal to 15 cents per subscriber.

Now let’s turn to a mobile app to mobile app for parents to have meaningful conversations with their children.

Case Study #6 Game of Thrones

Premiered in 2011, Game of Thrones is one of the best HBO shows ever aired, after eight seasons the number of its fans is in the tens of millions. The show won 59 Emmy Awards, and spent $15 million per episode for the final season.

Game of Thrones promo SMS marketing message

app promotion case study

Source: HBO

After the fifth season of Games of Thrones was over, the company was looking for the right tool to keep the fan base anticipating the next season, and the choice was made to use SMS because of its massive reach.

The SMS marketing channel was used to deliver a series of messages with reminders about the show and links with an invitation to subscribe to the service with content featuring the upcoming season.

After two months, the SMS ad campaign resulted in 70,000 subscribers. The link to a sneak peek video content, contained in the SMS messages, was temporary but fans captured the video content and shared it via their own social media profiles, it resulted in 1.5 million videos for the sneak peek video on YouTube.

From one of the best fantasy TV shows to the healthcare system that was designed to increase the accessibility of preventive medicine for millions.

Final Thoughts

Despite the wide use of such popular digital marketing channels as social media paid platforms, in-app advertising, email marketing, and others, to this day SMS marketing remains a viable channel for brands to market their products or services.

In fact, SMS marketing has the widest reach, given the technical simplicity of supporting SMS on a wide spectrum of mobile phones – from expensive and super advanced iPhone and Android phones to cheap feature phones.

We hope these six case studies are capable to demonstrate the viability of the SMS marketing channel for a broad spectrum of businesses.

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Edexcel A Level  Business Case Studies 1.3.5 Marketing Strategy

Edexcel A Level Business Case Studies 1.3.5 Marketing Strategy

Subject: Business and finance

Age range: 16+

Resource type: Worksheet/Activity

Mrs Trickey's Shop

Last updated

8 September 2024

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app promotion case study

A series of 10 case studies for Edexcel A Level Business Studies 1.3.5 Marketing Strategy including:

a) The product life cycle b) Extension strategies: o product o promotion c) Boston Matrix and the product portfolio d) Marketing strategies appropriate for different types of market: o mass markets o niche markets o business to business (B2B) and business to consumer (B2C) marketing e) Consumer behaviour – how businesses develop customer loyalty

Each case study contains key points to consider and key discussion points along with a mark scheme and answer structure guidance following the PeCAN-PiE and AJIM models.

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app promotion case study

Studies show alarming increase in PTSD among first responders

app promotion case study

No country experiences more mass shootings than the United States. But as victims and their families deal with the emotional and mental toll of those tragedies, there is another — not often talked about group — also in need of help coping with tragedy.

Studies show that the number of first responders dealing with post-traumatic stress disorder has increased since the COVID-19 pandemic.

According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, one in three first responders develop PTSD.

Dr. Geoffrey Mount Varner is a trauma emergency physician who's seen it all. And like most surgeons, he says each patient weighs heavily on the health of the people trying to save their lives.

"Unfortunately, I have taken pediatric patients who have had violence put on them," Varner said.

"There are some days that, for the entire staff, because of the acuity, it gets a little more difficult," he added.

RELATED STORY | App helps first responders help people in health crises

A recent study from the American Hospital Association shows there's been a rise in mental health disorders among first responders. However, only 13% of front-line health care workers say they've received behavioral health services.

Dr. Dan Bober encourages everyone to seek mental health services, saying it could be the difference between life or death.

"You need to talk to a therapist," he said. "Because after dealing with all of this negativity and toxicity and pain and suffering, you know — if you're doing it right — it's something that you internalize and something that very often you need to reach out to get some help."

Bober added that certain reactions he expects are things like shock, disbelief, fear, and anxiety. According to the Institutes of Health, other PTSD symptoms first responders show are depression, insomnia and numbing.

"So I think it's important to check in with people to make sure that they're really okay," Bober noted. "Because sometimes people are not always going to tell you that they're having a difficult time."

RELATED STORY | New survey of nurses shows more than a third 'very likely' to change jobs in 2024

As for Dr. Varner, he says he cherishes family time and meditates daily to help his mental health.

"This is probably the most important thing that I can say: Anyone who's experienced trauma, it is absolutely key for them to get some kind of professional help," he said. "Because trauma is unusual. You may not feel it then, but you're going to feel it later."

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