
Daily Routine: IELTS Speaking Part 1, 2 & 3 Sample Answers

Nehasri Ravishenbagam

11 min read

Updated On Aug 05, 2024


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This article is based on the IELTS speaking topic 'Daily Routine.'

daily routine essay for ielts

Table of Contents

Daily routine ielts speaking part 1.

  • Daily Routine IELTS Speaking Part 2 – Cue Card

Daily Routine IELTS Speaking Part 2 Sample Answer 1

Daily routine ielts speaking part 2 sample answer 2, daily routine ielts speaking part 2 vocabulary, daily routine ielts speaking part 3, daily routine ielts speaking part 3 vocabulary.

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A daily routine is a common topic that everyone has, so it’s not surprising if you encounter questions about it during the IELTS Speaking exam. These questions could appear in Part 1, Part 2, or Part 3 of the test. While discussing daily routines is often seen as straightforward, it can also be perceived as mundane. Although it’s generally easy to describe or invent details about your daily routine, expressing them fluently can be challenging, which is crucial for the IELTS Speaking test.

Therefore, while your responses about your daily routine will naturally come from your personal experience, this blog aims to help you understand the types of answers you should provide and the IELTS Vocabulary you should use to achieve an IELTS Band Score of 8 or higher.

Aiming for a high Speaking score? Take a look at the expert tips and tricks below!

Let’s start practising with some sample responses to the daily routine IELTS Speaking Part 1 now!

  • When do you wake up?

Well, I’m a morning riser, and I wake up at about 5 o’clock. Getting up early not only makes me feel refreshed and productive but also prevents my skin from having wrinkles.

  • What is your daily routine?

Well, in the morning, I get up early to have a light breakfast and hit the gym at about 8 a.m. After one hour of workout, I leave the gym club and go to the supermarket to buy food to prepare lunch and dinner. In the afternoon and evening, I go to my workplace and start working from until 21.00.p.m.

  • What part of the day do you like most?

I enjoy it late at night when I come home from work, and everything is filled with dim grey light. To me, it’s a great time to kick back on the bed to chit-chat with my roommates, surf the Internet, listen to music, or watch a favourite movie.

  • Do you think having a daily routine is boring?

No, I don’t think that having a daily routine is boring because a proper schedule will help you arrange your activities more sensibly, every day.

  • What’s the difference in routine between you and your teenage times?

Well, I can say that there’s a vast difference between my life then and my present life. You know, when I was a teenager, besides focusing on study, I had much free time to pursue my interests like watching films or listening to music. In contrast, my routine and time management have become stricter now. Since I graduated from university and began working as an English teacher, I’ve been so occupied with my work that I have little leisure time.

Here are the types of questions that are asked during IELTS Speaking Part 1

  • What is the busiest part of the day for you?

Afternoons are the busiest time of the day for me. I work for a UK company and my day starts at 2:00 PM. So by 3:00 PM I will be bombarded with client calls and emails and will have no time to breathe.

  • Do you usually have the same routine every day? (or) Do you usually do the same things at the same time each day?

Mostly yes. I’m an early bird though I go to bed late. On weekdays, my work starts at 2:00 PM and I wind up by 11:00 PM. On weekends, I go shopping and sleep a little early. I follow this schedule every week and there aren’t any major changes unless we have celebrations.

  • Have you ever changed your routine?

Yes, it changed about a month ago. I had a very tight schedule and was struggling to manage my targets. So I had to work late until 2:00 AM.

  • What would you like to change in your daily routine?

My work starts at 2:00 PM. So I lazed around until then. I want to use that time productively. Some of my friends go to the gym and I would like to start an exercise regime as well.

  • Do you like to plan what you will do each day?

Yes, I would like to. Planning keeps the day in your control. The more organized you are, the better your life becomes. I’m pretty orderly at work and I want to be the same way in my other activities as well.

  • What do you usually do at this time of day?

[Assuming it is morning] It is 10:30 AM now. You can find me watching television or reading a magazine. Sometimes I go out and talk to my friends.

  • How do you organize your study time?

I’m pursuing a course in Management along with my work. I usually study on the weekends because I want an entire day to myself. I don’t study on weekdays as it becomes stressful.

  • How important is it to have a daily routine?

I believe it is very important to have a daily routine as it helps one build habits. Without a daily routine, people usually do things spontaneously, which could waste their time and reduce their work efficiency. I think those who are disorganized can gain more benefits from creating a daily routine.

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Daily Routine IELTS Speaking Part 2 – Cue Card

You will receive a task card in IELTS Speaking Part 2 that asks you to explain a situation or a topic. There will then be three to four questions on the topic, such as the one below.

Describe an occasion when you got up very early.

You should say :

When did it happen?

Why did you get up early?

Who were you with?

Explain how you felt about getting up early.

I’m a night owl who usually gets out of bed quite late, ranging from 9 am to 10 am every morning. However, there were some occasions when I was forced to get up early, and I still remember the last time that I had to get up soon. In September of last year, I was offered the first job in my life and at that time I was made to get up early, I will elaborate on this now.

At that time, I was a fresh graduate. Thus I had to move to X city to join training sessions at the Head Office of the company. My supervisor booked the flight ticket. Unfortunately, she had no choice but to book an early flight for me at 6 a.m. As I received the ticket information, I was quite anxious about whether I would miss the flight or not. I set off the alarm on my phone and asked my mother to wake me up in time.

My flight was with my supervisor and he arrived at the airport way sooner before me. We both waited for the other three team members to arrive and we all were able to board the flight together on time.

Finally, I made it, though I felt so sleepy. I fell asleep as soon as I was on the plane. It was such a frightening experience as it was the first time I went on a plane, dealing with all kinds of stuff at the airport in the early morning on my own. Luckily, some kind people were willing to help me with my suitcase, which made that experience less difficult for me. As a youngster, I was in the habit of staying late at night and getting up late, too. However, I feel I should change this custom to improve my health.

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I am from the lot who love burning the night owl. For me, it is easier to stay awake till late than to get up early in the morning. However, there was this one time when I had to get up quite early. I got up at 4 am, even before dawn and the time was last summer.

During summer, my family had planned a weekend trip to Rishikesh, a beautiful city located in Uttarakhand. My father is exceptionally disciplined and an ardent follower of time. He doesn’t like anybody wasting even a second. Thus, he decided that we were to have a road trip that commenced at 6 am.

At sharp 6 am, all of us – I, my sister, and my parents began our journey. The early start was indeed a plus point as it gave us extra time to spend in Rishikesh, indulging in varying activities.

While the timing was a bit of a disappointment, the entire idea of a road trip to Rishikesh was the highlight that kept me exhilarated. So, I desperately tried sleeping early on a Friday night but to no avail. Anyway, I still managed to wake up at 4 in the morning on a Saturday, which was pretty unusual for me. Owing to this journey, I realized the importance of getting up early.

Get a hold of the important linking words for IELTS Speaking here!

In IELTS Speaking Part 2, a rich vocabulary helps you provide detailed and vivid descriptions, making your response more compelling and memorable.

  • On a regular basis

Meaning: At the same time every day, week, month, etc. Eg: The sales team meets on a regular basis.

  • Fresh graduate

Meaning: a person who has just graduated recently Eg: A fresh graduate often has difficulties in applying for jobs, as he has no experience.

  • Have no choice but to

Meaning: the last thing anyone can do Eg: As the rain was hard, we had no choice but to cancel the plan.

Meaning: to take action to do something, especially to solve a problem Eg: The government must now deal with the problem of high unemployment

Meaning: a child, young person, or young animal. Eg: Members are organizing a transport survey to find out how youngsters get to school.

  • Disciplined

Meaning: Showing a controlled form of behaviour or self-control, often adhering to rules or routines.

Eg: After years of disciplined training and strict dieting, she finally achieved her goal of running a marathon.

  • Disappointment

Meaning: A feeling of sadness or dissatisfaction when one’s expectations are not met or something desired does not happen.

Eg: Feeling a sense of disappointment, she realized that the movie she had been looking forward to seeing was sold out.

Meaning: Feeling nervous or worried about something that is going to happen.

Eg: She felt anxious about her upcoming presentation, fearing she might forget important points.

Meaning: A person who oversees or manages the work of others, typically in a professional or organizational setting.

Eg: Her supervisor provided valuable guidance and support as she adjusted to her new role in the company.

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  • Linking words for IELTS Speaking
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  • IELTS Speaking Part 3 Topics
  • Idioms for IELTS Speaking

Look at the Daily Routine IELTS Speaking Part 3 questions related to the daily routine cue card and develop your own sample answers.

  • Do you think people need to have a day-to-day plan? | Do you think people can still do their tasks if they don’t plan them?

Yes, because a day-to-day plan is key to effective time management. If you have a clear plan for the day, you can make the most of your time and accomplish other tasks of the day. In my opinion, not everyone needs a plan. Few can still do their daily tasks without a plan.

  • Do you think it is possible to learn how to manage your time?

Yes! I plan my tasks for the day and implement them accordingly which helps me to manage my time. One can learn to manage their time by setting goals and prioritizing them wisely. It’s better to set a time limit for each task and complete them at the earliest.

  • What are some possible advantages of using a time management app for your phone to help you plan your time?

Some of the possible advantages of time management apps are that we can quickly review the profitability of our projects, prioritize and deliver work on time, reduce our stress levels, make bill payments on time, and so on. The time management app can be ideal for understanding all the extra budgets as well. Hence, they are productive and effective.

  • Why do you think some people don’t plan their day in advance?

Some people avoid planning their day in advance because they are worried that their plan won’t work or is not good enough. While some people are good at making a plan, they procrastinate when it comes to implementing the same.

  • Why do some people go to sleep late at night?

Many individuals, like myself, prefer staying up late, and this preference may start from finding an increased concentration and productivity during the night hours compared to mornings. Additionally, factors such as insomnia or other health concerns might disturb the sleep patterns of some and spoil their daily routine.

Read more about the common English words in IELTS Speaking to stand out from the crowd!

For Part 3, advanced vocabulary is essential for discussing complex ideas and providing well-rounded answers, showcasing your ability to engage in in-depth conversations.

Meaning: successful or achieving the results that you want Eg: The coronavirus vaccine is effective.

Meaning: organize (things) so that the most important thing is done or dealt with first. Eg: It’s always difficult to prioritize between work, school, and family.

Meaning: causing or providing a good result or a large amount of something Eg: We had productive results after implementing the new idea

Meaning: achieve or complete successfully. Eg: Rose accomplished her dream of becoming a pilot.

Meaning: a feeling of emotional or physical tension which can come from any event. Eg: My mother was stressed about the incident.

  • Procrastinate

Meaning: To delay or postpone action, often out of reluctance or indecision.

Eg: Instead of starting his assignment right away, he chose to procrastinate by watching TV.

Meaning: A sleep disorder characterized by difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep, leading to inadequate rest and often resulting in daytime fatigue.

Eg: She struggled with insomnia for months, finding it nearly impossible to get a good night’s sleep.

With the given expert-crafted sample answers for the IELTS Speaking parts 1, 2, and 3 related to ‘Daily routine,’ you would have been able to practice this topic more efficiently! For a band 9 in your speaking test, practice more of the latest IELTS Speaking topics like this consistently!

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The IELTS Speaking test involves more than just being fluent and confident. You are expected to express your ideas concisely, use a variety of language, and proper grammar . Achieving all these on your own by just practising test papers might be a little challenging. So, you can connect with our IELTS experts or join the FREE webinars for tips to take your IELTS Speaking preparation to the next level!

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  • Sports Vocabulary IELTS
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Nehasri Ravishenbagam

Nehasri Ravishenbagam

Nehasri Ravishenbagam, a Senior Content Marketing Specialist and a Certified IELTS Trainer of 3 years, crafts her writings in an engaging way with proper SEO practices. She specializes in creating a variety of content for IELTS, CELPIP, TOEFL, and certain immigration-related topics. As a student of literature, she enjoys freelancing for websites and magazines to balance her profession in marketing and her passion for creativity!

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Describe a Daily Routine that You Enjoy - IELTS Speaking Cue Card Band 9 Model Answer

Describe a daily routine that you enjoy..

You should say:

what you do

when it became your daily routine

whether you will change it in the future

and explain why you enjoy it.

Describe a Daily Routine that You Enjoy - IELTS Speaking Cue Card Band 9 Model Answer - ielts luminary

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Model Answer 1

One of the daily routines that I thoroughly enjoy is my early morning jog. This routine began a couple of years ago, when I realized the need for a healthier lifestyle amidst my busy schedule. Initially, it was a challenge to wake up early, but soon, the freshness of the morning air and the tranquility of the dawn hours made this activity something I eagerly look forward to.

My day starts with this invigorating jog around the local park, typically just as the sun begins to rise. There's something incredibly peaceful about the quiet streets, the gentle rustle of leaves, and the occasional chirping of birds that sets a positive tone for the rest of my day. This routine has not only improved my physical fitness but also provided a much-needed mental clarity. It's a time when I can gather my thoughts, plan my day, or simply enjoy the moment of solitude.

Reflecting on when this became a part of my daily life, I realize it coincided with a period when I was seeking both physical and mental wellness. The transformation was gradual but profound. I noticed improvements in my mood, energy levels, and overall health. What started as a 15-minute jog has now extended to a 30-minute run, followed by a short meditation session at the park. This progression was natural and immensely fulfilling.

Looking ahead, I don't foresee any significant changes to this routine in the immediate future. It has become an integral part of my life, offering a perfect blend of exercise and mindfulness. However, I am open to evolving this routine as my life circumstances change, perhaps by exploring new jogging routes or integrating different forms of exercise.

The reason this routine is so enjoyable lies in its simplicity and the immense benefits it brings. It's a perfect example of how a small daily habit can have a profound impact on one's life. The sense of accomplishment that comes from maintaining this routine is immensely satisfying. It's a reminder that taking care of oneself doesn't always require grand gestures; often, it's the small, consistent efforts that yield the most significant results.

In conclusion, my morning jog is more than just a fitness activity; it's a ritual that nurtures both my body and mind. It's a commitment to my well-being and a testament to the power of a positive routine. This simple practice has taught me the value of self-care and the importance of taking time to connect with oneself, making it a truly cherished part of my day.

Why this is a High Scoring Answer

The sample answer provided to the topic "Describe a daily routine that you enjoy" is an excellent illustration of a high-scoring response in the IELTS Speaking test. Let's delve into the specifics of why this answer stands out:

1.    Comprehensive Coverage of the Topic: The response skillfully addresses all aspects of the given theme. It discusses the nature of the routine (morning jog), its inception, the likelihood of future changes, and the reasons for its enjoyment. This thorough approach ensures that you, as an IELTS candidate, are fully responding to the examiner's expectations.

2.    Fluency and Coherence: The answer flows seamlessly from one point to the next, maintaining a logical progression of ideas. This fluidity in expression is crucial in the IELTS Speaking section, as it demonstrates your ability to communicate effectively in English. The transition from discussing the start of the routine to its current state and future prospects is handled with linguistic finesse.

3.    Lexical Resource: The use of a varied vocabulary, including phrases like 'tranquility of the dawn hours,' 'mental clarity,' and 'ritual that nurtures,' showcases an impressive command of the English language. This diverse vocabulary usage is a key factor in achieving a high score in the IELTS Speaking test.

4.    Grammatical Range and Accuracy: The response demonstrates a wide range of grammatical structures used correctly. From simple sentences to more complex compound and complex sentences, the answer showcases your grammatical proficiency, which is a critical component of the assessment criteria.

5.    Personal Engagement: The answer is personalized, reflecting on individual experiences and feelings. This personal touch not only makes your response more interesting but also demonstrates your ability to articulate personal thoughts in English, a key aspect of the IELTS Speaking test.

Incorporating such elements in your IELTS preparation will significantly boost your performance. To further enhance your preparation, you might consider exploring our exclusive IELTS eBooks . These resources provide in-depth strategies and practice materials tailored to your needs, ensuring you are well-equipped to excel in the exam.

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Model Answer 2

A cherished daily routine that I have cultivated with great affection is my evening reading session. This habit took root about a year ago, when I decided to rekindle my love for literature. Initially, it was a way to unwind after a day's work, but it soon blossomed into a journey of exploration and learning that I eagerly anticipate each day.

Every evening, as twilight paints the sky in shades of orange and purple, I settle into my cozy reading nook by the window. With a cup of herbal tea by my side, I delve into the pages of a novel, a non-fiction book, or sometimes poetry. This quiet hour of reading not only enriches my knowledge but also transports me to different worlds, times, and perspectives. It's a time for self-reflection, growth, and immense joy.

This routine began as a personal challenge to reduce screen time and engage more with the written word. Over time, it has evolved into a treasured part of my daily schedule. The diversity of genres and authors has broadened my understanding of cultures and human experiences, making each reading session a unique adventure.

In terms of future plans, I intend to diversify my reading list even further, exploring works from lesser-known authors and different cultural backgrounds. I believe this will not only enhance my reading experience but also deepen my appreciation for global literature.

The joy of this routine lies in its ability to offer both relaxation and intellectual stimulation. Whether it's getting lost in a gripping storyline or pondering over the insights of a thought-provoking essay, these moments are a highlight of my day. It's a personal retreat that fuels my creativity, enhances my vocabulary, and provides a sanctuary from the hustle of daily life.

In essence, my evening reading ritual is more than just a habit; it's a celebration of the power of words and stories. It's a testament to the fact that in our fast-paced, digital world, the simple act of reading can offer immense solace, wisdom, and pleasure.

Why this is a High Scoring Answer 

The sample response to "Describe a daily routine that you enjoy" exemplifies a high-scoring answer in several key aspects:

1.    Detailed and Engaging Content: The response vividly describes the evening reading routine, using descriptive language that paints a clear picture in the mind of the listener. Phrases like "twilight paints the sky in shades of orange and purple" and "cozy reading nook by the window" are not only engaging but also demonstrate a strong command of the English language.

2.    Depth of Reflection: A high-scoring IELTS Speaking answer requires deep reflection on the topic. This response delves into how the routine started, its evolution, and future intentions, indicating a thoughtful and thorough consideration of the subject. The mention of reducing screen time and broadening cultural understanding shows a meaningful engagement with the activity.

3.    Personalization and Connection: The answer is highly personalized, connecting the routine to the speaker’s feelings and experiences. This personal connection makes the response more compelling and demonstrates the ability to communicate personal perspectives effectively.

4.    Fluency and Coherence: The response is fluent and coherent, with ideas flowing logically from the introduction to the conclusion. This is essential in the IELTS Speaking test, where the ability to express ideas clearly and coherently is highly valued.

5.    Advanced Vocabulary and Grammatical Range: The use of a varied and advanced vocabulary, along with a mix of simple and complex grammatical structures, is evident. For example, phrases like "a testament to the fact" and "provides a sanctuary from the hustle of daily life" showcase linguistic sophistication.

To further enhance your preparation for the IELTS, consider exploring our exclusive IELTS eBooks . They offer you comprehensive strategies and insights to master each section of the exam, tailored to your unique learning style.

Model Answer 3

One of the most fulfilling aspects of my daily life is the time I dedicate to culinary exploration in the evenings. This ritual began nearly two years ago when I embarked on a journey to improve my cooking skills and discover the joys of homemade cuisine. What started as a necessity has now turned into a passionate hobby that I eagerly look forward to each day.

Every evening, after the day's work is done, I find solace in my kitchen, surrounded by an array of spices and fresh ingredients. The process of preparing a meal, from chopping vegetables to the symphony of sizzling pans, is incredibly therapeutic. Whether it's trying a new recipe or perfecting a family favorite, this time is not just about cooking; it's about creating and experimenting with flavors and textures.

This culinary journey began as a simple resolution to eat healthier and rely less on takeout food. Gradually, it evolved into an exploration of various cuisines, bringing a taste of the world into my home kitchen. It's fascinating how experimenting with different herbs, spices, and cooking techniques can transport you to different countries and cultures.

In the future, I plan to expand my culinary repertoire by enrolling in cooking classes and maybe even starting a small blog to share my recipes and experiences. This would not only enhance my cooking skills but also allow me to connect with fellow food enthusiasts.

The joy of this routine lies in its ability to blend creativity with practicality. It's immensely satisfying to see simple ingredients transform into a delicious meal that can be shared with loved ones. Moreover, the act of cooking has taught me patience, precision, and the importance of savoring life's simple pleasures.

In conclusion, my evening cooking sessions are more than just a daily task; they are a canvas for creativity and a source of endless delight. This routine has enriched my life, providing both nourishing meals and a cherished opportunity for personal growth and relaxation.

The sample response to "Describe a daily routine that you enjoy" exemplifies a high-scoring IELTS Speaking answer for several reasons:

1.    Comprehensive and Detailed: The answer comprehensively covers the theme of enjoying a daily culinary routine. It delves into the origins of this routine, its evolution, and future aspirations, effectively addressing the subject in a full-circle narrative. For instance, the transition from cooking as a necessity to a passionate hobby showcases a deep engagement with the topic.

2.    Fluent and Coherent: The response flows smoothly, demonstrating excellent coherence and fluency. It logically progresses from one idea to the next, making it easy to follow and understand. For example, the narrative begins with the initiation of the routine and seamlessly moves through its development and personal significance.

3.    Rich Lexical Resource: The use of vivid and varied vocabulary is evident. Descriptive phrases like "symphony of sizzling pans" and "canvas for creativity" not only enrich the narrative but also demonstrate a strong command of language, essential for a high score in IELTS Speaking.

4.    Reflects Personal Growth and Insight: The answer shows personal reflection and growth, an element that resonates well in the IELTS Speaking test. The speaker’s journey from simple cooking to exploring global cuisines reflects an expanding worldview, an appealing aspect in a test evaluating communication skills.

As you continue to prepare for your IELTS, consider leveraging our exclusive IELTS eBooks . These resources provide you with comprehensive strategies and insights, tailored to help you excel in each aspect of the exam, including the Speaking section.

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IELTS Speaking Part 2 and 3 : Daily Routine

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IELTS Speaking Part 2 and 3 : Daily Routine

IELTS Speaking Part 2 – Describe a daily routine that you enjoy

You should say: What it is When and why you started to follow this routine Whether it is easy to follow this routine And explain why you enjoy having this routine in your daily life

In the past, I struggled with maintaining a healthy routine, often falling ill or feeling lazy. However, when I started boarding school, I was introduced to a structured daily routine that, despite initially disliking it, has become something I now enjoy and benefit from.

The routine begins early at 5:00 in the morning. We start with 30 minutes of exercise followed by a hearty breakfast. Initially, I found the early start and heavy breakfast challenging, feeling a bit bloated. But over time, the exercise and nutritious meal provided me with more energy throughout the morning. By lunchtime, I’m able to enjoy a satisfying meal and take a 50-minute break, which I use for relaxation and sometimes even a nap. This midday rest was something I didn’t prioritize before, but it has become crucial for sustaining my energy levels through the afternoon classes, which start at 2:00 and end at 5:00.

After classes, we engage in another physical exercise session, initially feeling odd but eventually serving as a way to unwind. Dinner follows, and then we have a few hours for study before lights out at 9:00. This routine has taught me time management, ensured I have a nutritious breakfast, and allowed for enough sleep, which was a struggle initially but now leaves me feeling rejuvenated.

Overall, I’ve come to appreciate this routine because it helps me maintain high energy levels throughout the day, manage my time effectively, and prioritize both physical and mental well-being.

In the past, I had trouble sleeping and functioning early in the morning. A friend from university suggested changing my routine. She recommended waking up around 5:00 AM and starting my day early. For the first two weeks, I struggled, but by the third week, I started adjusting to the new habit and felt more energized.

Previously, I didn’t usually have breakfast, but with the new routine, I began jogging for 30 minutes around 5:30 AM and then having a heavy breakfast. From 6:00 to 11:00 AM, I felt satisfied and full, which gave me energy throughout the day. My friend also suggested that instead of browsing my phone for an hour after my meal, I should take a nap without any phone use. Although it was unusual for me to avoid my phone during lunch, it turned out to be relaxing. I no longer felt tired or strained in my eyes, and my afternoons became less tiring and sleepy. By 4:00 PM, I still had energy.

My friend also advised changing my dinner time from 6:00 PM to 5:00 PM. I started eating dinner at five. One of the most challenging aspects of this routine was going to bed around 9:00 or 9:30 PM, as I used to sleep around 11:00 PM. I worked on managing my time better and stuck to this new regimen. By the third week, I was able to fall asleep easily, felt comfortable, and woke up energized. Overall, I’m enjoying my life more thanks to this new, healthy daily routine.

IELTS Speaking Part 3 – Daily Routine

Should children have learning routines.

Absolutely. As a father, I’ve discussed this extensively. It’s crucial for children to have routines to help them focus in school. Regardless of the weather or other distractions, they need to study consistently. Teaching them to wake up early and work for eight hours a day instills discipline that will benefit them later in life. By establishing a learning routine early on, children learn the importance of structure, which they’ll carry into adulthood.

Yes, having learning routines is beneficial for children, and it can also help parents, especially in today’s world where both parents are often working. A structured routine helps children avoid aimlessly roaming around and doing whatever they please. Enforcing a strict learning routine makes it easier for parents to manage their child’s activities and know what is happening at specific times of the day. This structure is important for both parents and children.

What are the advantages of children having a routine at school?

There are two main advantages. Firstly, parents feel more confident knowing their children have a set schedule at school. This routine also maximizes the students’ time and productivity. Without a routine, classes would be chaotic, taking time for students to adjust each day. Additionally, routines provide security, especially in today’s world. With a strict routine, schools can better monitor students, enhancing safety measures and protecting them from potential threats.

Children appreciate predictability because it reduces their stress levels. Knowing what to expect helps them feel more secure. Another advantage is that both schools and parents gain confidence in the education system with a clear routine, allowing them to maximize time effectively. Children should learn the value of routine early on to become more productive adults. A structured routine helps prepare them for future responsibilities.

Does having a routine make kids feel more secure?

Yes, absolutely. While routines might not be the most enjoyable aspect of life, they provide security. For example, if a child is outside of school during school hours, it raises concerns. Routines help establish boundaries and norms, ensuring that children are where they should be. This not only reassures parents but also creates a sense of order and safety within the community.

While children might not always be aware of their own security, having a routine can definitely make them feel more secure. For school management and parents, a strict routine ensures that children are accounted for at specific times, which enhances safety. In case of any anomalies, such as an unexpected absence, it is easier to detect and address them. A routine helps ensure the children’s safety and provides peace of mind for parents and schools.

How do people’s routines differ on weekdays and weekends?

One significant difference is the wake-up time. While some people, especially children, may wake up early on weekdays, they tend to sleep in on weekends. Weekdays usually involve earlier bedtimes and structured activities, while weekends offer more freedom and flexibility in terms of waking up and scheduling activities.

People’s routines often change between weekdays and weekends. On Fridays, people might stay up later because they don’t need to wake up early on Saturday. Similarly, their sleep patterns might differ. Weekends might also have longer lunch breaks because there are fewer scheduled activities. People generally have more free time and opportunities to go out on weekends.

What daily routines do people have at home?

Cleaning and maintenance are common daily routines for adults, often reserved for weekends. However, some people integrate these tasks into their weekdays to free up their weekends. Additionally, leisure activities like playing video games are part of people’s daily routines, providing relaxation and entertainment.

At home, people often follow daily routines related to work, personal tasks, and chores. Some people may have specific days for certain chores, such as cleaning on Mondays. Additionally, some people have leisure routines, like watching movies in segments throughout the day, to fully enjoy them. There are many different routines that people incorporate into their daily lives.

What are the differences between people’s daily routines now and in the last 15 years?

Fifteen years ago, routines were different, with more emphasis on outdoor activities and limited computer usage. Nowadays, there’s a trend towards staying indoors, with increased reliance on computers and unlimited internet access. Accessing computers used to be a scheduled activity, often requiring a visit to the library. Now, with personal computers and smartphones, internet access is readily available anytime, anywhere.

Fifteen years ago, around 2005, life was different in terms of technology and work routines. While cellphones were used, they didn’t fully integrate into work, allowing people to disconnect more easily. Back then, people had more opportunities for play and leisure on weekends. Nowadays, routines have shifted, with more focus on studying and working, leaving less time for relaxation and enjoyment.

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Please visit the website Educatorian to find suggested answers for IELTS speaking questions. Additionally, I recommend checking out Ian’s website f or further information. 请访问 Educatorian 网站,找到雅思口语问题的建议答案。此外,我建议查看伊恩的个人网站以了解更多信息。

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Ian Tanpiuco – Virtual Assistant, Educatorian, and IELTS Rizz Tutor. Ian’s goal is to enhance his students’ IELTS scores through a comprehensive curriculum that focuses on understanding rather than mere memorization.

daily routine essay for ielts

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Daily Routine: IELTS Speaking Part 1 Question with Model Answers

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Daily routine ielts speaking part 1

Daily routine is a topic that often comes up in the IELTS speaking part 1. Below you will find a list of some example questions and answers that you could encounter during part 1 of the IELTS Speaking test.

The questions below are based on the real IELTS speaking exam. They serve as a great IELTS Speaking Part 1 prediction questions to help you prepare better before your test.

Daily Routine Speaking Part 1 – Set 1

  • Tell me a little about your daily routine? I wake up at 5 am because college starts at around seven. I am often late because the micro buses come jam-packed, and I miss many of them in a row. I get home by six pm, fully drained. Then I watch TV, catch up with my parents about their day, and hit the bed as soon as my homework is done.

Other IELTS Speaking Part 1 Topics

Here are other common topics that you could come across during the IELTS Speaking Part 1 test.

  • Garden / Parks
  • Tell me about your daily routine. Normally, I wake up at about 7am and get shower and dressed. We start school at 9.00am, study different subjects all day and get home around 4. In the evening, I do my homework or walk the dog around the block.

Set 2 Vocabulary

  • a block – a residential group of houses

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  • How important is a daily routine to you? I´m a student so it’s not that important! I get up late if I can but early if I need to get to a class on time. Some days I stay up late into the night studying or partying and at the weekends I like to lie in and have time to myself. The only routine is my university timetable, I try to stick to that.

Set 3 Vocabulary

  • stick to something – continue to do something difficult

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  • Do you have a morning routine? I try to wake up at the same time every morning. I wash my face to freshen up then I make myself some breakfast, starting with a cup of coffee. I them brush my teeth, get dressed and go to my lectures.
  • Where are you from? I am from Murcia, a coastal region in Spain. I attend the university there and I have grown up close to my friends and family. It is a great place to live because of the natural beauty and beaches.
  • Do you work or study? I study translation at Murcia University. I am in my first year and it is quite a difficult course. I hope to do well and go on to translate in other countries – that’s why it is important that my English is perfect.
  • How do you manage your time effectively? I put all my tasks and appointments into my phone and then I receive reminders about where I need to be or about an essay deadline for example. Personally, I have the memory of a goldfish so this really helps me to stay on track with my studies and social life.
  • Why do some people find it difficult to manage their time? I suppose before we had all the technology to help us it was difficult. Nowadays, some people are absent minded or tend to be late for things. This is a lack of organization usually or maybe they are unrealistic about what they can achieve in a day.

Set 5 Vocabulary

  • go on to – progress to something different, better
  • stay on track – continue in the right direction
  • absent minded – forgetful
  • Do you work or study? I am currently pursuing my Bachelors in Nursing from HAMS Nursing College in Kathmandu. It’s an intensive four-year course!
  • What do you typically do at college each day? Well, I have theory classes in the morning, and these are followed by practical sessions in the afternoons. I much prefer practicals but it’s not so interesting when we work with dummies. I wait for the field trips to nursing homes where we can meet actual people.
  • Where are you from? I am from the city of Beijing, which is a megacity and the capital city of China. It is famous for the historic Tiananmen Square and the Forbidden Palace.
  • when you go out at night, do you usually stay out late? If I have lectures the next day, I try to avoid going out. However, if my schedule allows it, I might stay out late. I enjoy going to pubs, house parties and nightclubs with my friends, but not too frequently.
  • When was the last time you got back home late? The last time was for my birthday a few days ago! We went to a bar with my friends and we danced until morning at my favourite night club. It was grand!
  • How do you feel after a late night out? I am a responsible drinker, but if I drink a little too much, I might feel a little unwell in the morning. If I have a night without excessive drinking, I might just feel a little tired the next day.

Set 7 Vocabulary

  • grand – (informal) great
  • responsible drinker – a person who can control the amount of drinking they do
  • Where do you come from? I come from Athens, in Greece. Athens is the capital city of Greece and it is a world-famous historic city. It is known for being the birthplace of democracy, and it is also the oldest capital city in Europe.
  • Where do you live now? I live just outside of Edinburgh. It is easier to commute to work that way. I would love to live closer to the centre, but the cost of living is a little too steep for me, at the moment.
  • What do you do for entertainment there? I enjoy going out with friends some evenings. I am not a heavy drinker, so I prefer to go out for meals or for walks in nearby parks. Edinburgh also has a rich art scene which I enjoy very much.
  • Do you like to wear jeans? Why/Why not? I like to wear jeans quite a bit. I feel very comfortable in them because of how tightly they fit on my legs. They are also durable, so I feel confident wearing them for all sorts of activities.

Set 8 Vocabulary

  • steep – high
  • heavy drinker – a person who drinks a lot
  • art scene – a location that offers a range of artistic performance and exhibitions.
  • durable – long-lasting
  • Where are you from? I am from Ostuni, a town in Italy. It is a beautiful place overlooking the sea and is full of small white streets and white buildings. The town is vibrant and popular with tourists and is a great location for weddings and events.
  • Are you a person who likes to plan your day? I am definitely a planner, I like to have everything organised. I am meticulous and thorough in my studies, I make lists and use a system to make sure I get everything done on time.
  • How do you use your time effectively? I hate wasting time so I tend to write a list and prioritise important tasks. I use an app on my phone which sends me reminders to attend classes or complete homework. I might be a bit over the top compared to most students but it works for me.
  • Are there some things that are difficult to plan for? Not everyone is as good at planning, some people prefer spontaneity so it is good to have a rough idea and then go with the flow sometimes. For example, when I travel I plan an itinerary but without filling every moment so we can decide what to do at that time.

Set 9 Vocabulary

  • thorough – complete with attention to detail
  • over the top – excessive
  • a rough idea – more or less, a general idea
  • go with the flow – be of the moment
  • Where are you from? I am from Beijing in China. It is a mega city with more than 20 million people living there. It has lots of modern architecture as well as some ancient sights. It is a global city and the centre for lots of business activity.
  • Do you manage your time well? I think I do reasonably well as I have all my appointments on the calendar on my phone and I make lists of things I need to remember to do. Of course I waste some time looking at my phone or browsing the internet but overall I think I am quite effective.
  • Is it difficult for you to be on time? No, I am a very punctual person and I have to keep people people or to wait for others. I think that being late is very rude, especially if you are meeting a friend. Good manners cost nothing and it doesn’t take much effort to be punctual.
  • Do you prefer to be busy or relaxed? To be honest, I generally prefer to be busy. I always seem to have a project on the go and I struggle to sit and do nothing. I occasionally will have a day when I take it easy and rest but they are few and far between. Being on the go is a natural thing for me.

Set 10 Vocabulary

  • on the go – started something and busy with it
  • few and far between – not frequently
  • How often do you wear jeans? I wear jeans on the weekends and when I am spending time with friends because they are casual and comfortable. During the week, I wear a school uniform. I have quite a few pairs of jeans in different colours as they are in fashion at the moment.
  • Would you spend a lot on jeans? Why? Personally, I wouldn’t spend a lot because you can get them fairly cheaply and sometimes a bargain in the sales. My parents give me money for clothes and I have to stick to a budget so I can´t get designer jeans, for example.
  • Where do you wear jeans? If I am visiting a friend or going shopping I will put on jeans. I have some pairs that are more casual than others and some that are tight or loose. The loose jeans are more comfortable to wear in the house. I would never wear jeans to a wedding or something, you have to dress up then.

Set 11 Vocabulary

  • a bargain – something bought for a cheap price, in the sale
  • to dress up – to wear your best clothes
  • Are you good at planning? I am pretty good at planning and I quite enjoy organising things. For example, I often organise trips away for me and my friends. I like searching the internet for a good deal on hotels, planning a rough itinerary and getting everyone to the airport on time.
  • Can you remember a situation where something didn’t go to plan?. A few weeks ago, I organised a bbq party at my house and invited lots of friends and family. I had bought loads of food and drinks and organised games for the kids. In the middle of the afternoon though, it started bucketing it down. The whole bbq was ruined and I didn’t have space inside to continue in the house. I should have made a contingency plan.

Set 12 Vocabulary

  • rough – approximate
  • bucketing it down – raining a lot
  • Where do you currently live? I share a house with other history students. We are renting the house but we each have our individual rooms. We do share some areas of the house, such as the living-room, kitchen and bathroom. So far so good!
  • What is the first thing you do after you get up? After I get up, I go freshen up a little bit. I head to the bathroom and wash my face with cold water, as it helps me feel more awake.

Set 13 Vocabulary

  • so far so good – it’s going well so far
  • What do you do at weekends? On a typical weekend, I go into the city and do some shopping, meet friends for lunch or sometimes I will stay at home and go out for a run at some point. I often get invited to hang out at friends’ houses or go to a party, I’m a bit of a party animal.
  • What did you do last weekend? I went to a shopping centre as I needed to buy some new trainers. After that, I met some friends in the afternoon and we went out locally for a drink and something to eat. We ended up staying out until the early hours.
  • What are your plans for next weekend? I have made arrangements with my friends to go on a trip to the seaside, it was a bit off the cuff, we only booked it yesterday but thought we would stay in a guest house in Brighton and visit the beach and local discos.
  • Is there anything you would like to take up doing at the weekends? It would be good to take up more sports, I sometimes go for a run but I would like to join a team. The student lifestyle can be bad for your waistline so I would like to get back in shape. Maybe by joining a football or rugby team.

Set 14 Vocabulary

  • a party animal – a person who enjoys parties regularly
  • off the cuff – without preparation
  • get back in shape – to become fit and healthy again
  • Do you frequently drink water? I try to be better at it. In the summer, I drink plenty of water to avoid getting dehydrated. It is trickier during the winter, as I don’t get as thirsty, but I aim to improve on that.

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Author, Band 9.0 Achiever (First Attempt - IELTS Speaking)


  • Daily Routines

IELTS Speaking Part 3 -Details Discussion

daily routine essay for ielts

1. What is your typical daily routine like?

Sample Answer, C1 English Level, Advanced, Band Score 6.5-7.5

My typical daily routine revolves around a balance between work, personal commitments, and leisure activities. I usually wake up early in the morning and start my day with some light exercise and meditation to set a positive tone. After that, I have breakfast and proceed to work or attend to any appointments. In the evening, I allocate time for relaxation and pursuing my hobbies, such as reading or playing a musical instrument. Finally, before bed, I unwind by listening to calming music or engaging in a brief reflection on the day’s events.

My typical daily routine entails finding a balance between work, personal responsibilities, and leisure activities. I usually commence my day by waking up early and engaging in light exercise and meditation to establish a positive mindset. Following that, I have breakfast and proceed to work or attend to any necessary appointments. During the evening, I allocate time for relaxation and pursue my hobbies, such as reading or playing a musical instrument. Prior to bedtime, I unwind by listening to soothing music or engaging in a short reflection on the day’s occurrences.

My typical daily routine revolves around striking a harmonious equilibrium between work, personal obligations, and recreational pursuits. I typically rise early in the morning and embark upon a regimen of gentle exercise and meditation to foster a positive outlook. Subsequently, I indulge in breakfast before commencing work or addressing any pressing commitments. During the evening, I allocate time for unwinding and engaging in hobbies, such as reading or playing a musical instrument. Prior to retiring for the night, I unwind by immersing myself in soothing music or undertaking a brief contemplation of the day’s events.

2. How do you usually start your day?

I usually start my day by waking up early and setting aside a few minutes for some light stretching and deep breathing exercises. This helps me wake up my body and mind and prepares me for the day ahead. After that, I have a healthy breakfast to fuel my body and provide me with the energy I need. I also like to spend a few minutes planning my tasks and goals for the day, which helps me stay organized and focused.

My typical morning routine involves waking up early and dedicating a few moments to gentle stretching and deep breathing exercises. This helps me awaken my body and mind and sets a positive tone for the day. Following that, I have a nutritious breakfast to provide me with the necessary energy. Additionally, I take a few minutes to plan my tasks and objectives for the day, ensuring I have a clear direction and focus.

To kickstart my day, I adhere to a consistent morning routine. Upon awakening, I allocate time for gentle stretching and deep breathing exercises, invigorating my body and mind. This establishes a positive foundation for the day ahead. Subsequently, I indulge in a nourishing breakfast, fuelling my body with the essential nutrients it requires. Furthermore, I dedicate a few moments to meticulously plan my tasks and goals for the day, ensuring clarity and focus in my approach. This routine empowers me to commence each day with vitality and purpose.

3. Do you have any specific morning rituals or habits that you follow?

Yes, I have specific morning rituals that I follow to start my day on a positive note. One of them is to practice gratitude. As soon as I wake up, I take a few moments to reflect on things I am grateful for in my life. It helps me cultivate a positive mindset and sets the tone for the rest of the day. Additionally, I enjoy drinking a cup of warm water with lemon to refresh and hydrate my body. These morning rituals help me feel more centered and prepared to face the day ahead.

Absolutely, I have certain morning rituals that I adhere to in order to commence my day positively. One of them is expressing gratitude. Upon waking up, I take a few moments to reflect on and appreciate the things I am grateful for in my life. This practice helps me cultivate a positive mindset and sets a favourable tone for the remainder of the day. Additionally, I relish drinking a cup of warm water with lemon to invigorate and hydrate my body. These morning rituals contribute to a sense of centeredness and readiness to embrace the day ahead.

Certainly, I incorporate specific morning rituals into my routine to initiate my day on a positive and enriching note. One such ritual is the practice of gratitude. Upon awakening, I dedicate a few moments to reflect on and express gratitude for the blessings in my life. This conscious act cultivates a positive mindset and establishes a harmonious tone for the day. Furthermore, I derive pleasure from consuming a cup of warm water infused with lemon, which serves to rejuvenate and hydrate my body. These morning rituals contribute to a sense of equilibrium and preparedness as I embark on the day’s journey.

4. What are the activities you usually do during your free time in the afternoon or evening?

During my free time in the afternoon or evening, I engage in a variety of activities based on my interests and preferences. I enjoy going for walks or jogs in the park, as it helps me relax and clear my mind. I also like to read books or listen to podcasts to expand my knowledge and stimulate my imagination. Additionally, I find pleasure in pursuing creative hobbies such as painting or playing a musical instrument. Spending quality time with family and friends, either by going out for dinner or having a movie night at home, is another favourite pastime of mine.

In my leisure time during the afternoon or evening, I partake in a range of activities that align with my interests and inclinations. Going for leisurely walks or jogs in the park allows me to unwind and rejuvenate. Reading books or listening to podcasts serves as a means of intellectual enrichment and imaginative stimulation. Engaging in creative pursuits like painting or playing a musical instrument brings me immense joy. Additionally, I cherish moments spent with loved ones, whether by dining out or enjoying a movie night at home.

During my leisure hours in the afternoon or evening, I actively engage in a diverse array of activities tailored to my personal interests and inclinations. Taking serene walks or invigorating jogs amidst the tranquil ambience of the park enables me to unwind and recharge. I relish the consumption of literature or the auditory exploration provided by podcasts, both of which foster intellectual enrichment and kindle the fires of imagination. The pursuit of creative outlets such as painting or musical expression brings me profound satisfaction. Furthermore, I treasure the bonds forged through quality time spent with cherished companions, be it by relishing culinary delights in restaurants or indulging in cozy movie nights at home.

5. Do you prefer to have a structured schedule or do you prefer a more flexible daily routine? Why?

Personally, I prefer to have a structured schedule for my daily routine. Having a set schedule helps me stay organized, prioritize tasks, and make the most of my time. It provides a sense of direction and allows me to allocate specific time slots for different activities, ensuring that I can accomplish everything I need to do. Additionally, a structured schedule helps me maintain a good work-life balance and avoid procrastination.

In terms of my daily routine, I lean towards having a structured schedule. This approach enables me to stay organized and effectively manage my time. By having a clear plan and designated time slots for various activities, I am able to prioritize tasks and ensure their completion. Furthermore, a structured schedule aids in maintaining a healthy work-life balance and minimizes the likelihood of procrastination.

Personally, I find that adhering to a structured schedule for my daily routine yields the most favourable results. A well-defined schedule allows me to effectively manage my time and responsibilities. By assigning specific time periods to different tasks and activities, I can prioritize effectively and ensure their timely completion. Moreover, a structured schedule facilitates the maintenance of a healthy equilibrium between work and personal life, while also mitigating the risks associated with procrastination.

6. Are there any particular tasks or activities that you prioritize in your daily routine? Why are they important to you?

Yes, there are certain tasks and activities that I prioritize in my daily routine. One of them is exercise. Regular physical activity is important to me as it helps me stay fit, boosts my energy levels, and improves my overall well-being. I also prioritize tasks related to my work or studies, as they contribute to my personal growth and advancement in my chosen field. Additionally, I make it a point to allocate time for self-care activities such as reading, meditating, or spending quality time with loved ones, as they nurture my mental and emotional well-being.

In my daily routine, I place importance on specific tasks and activities. Exercise is one of my top priorities, as it enables me to maintain physical fitness, enhances my energy levels, and promotes overall well-being. I also prioritize tasks related to my work or studies, as they contribute to my personal development and progression in my chosen field. Furthermore, I allocate time for self-care activities such as reading, meditating, or engaging in meaningful connections with family and friends, as they nourish my mental and emotional health.

Within my daily routine, I assign great significance to certain tasks and activities. Exercise occupies a prominent place among my priorities, as it facilitates the preservation of physical fitness, amplifies my energy levels, and fosters holistic well-being. I also accord high importance to tasks pertaining to my professional or academic endeavours, as they facilitate personal growth and propel me forward in my chosen domain. Additionally, I allocate time for self-care activities such as reading, meditation, or nurturing meaningful relationships with loved ones, as they nurture my mental and emotional equilibrium.

7. How do you ensure a healthy work-life balance in your daily routine?

Maintaining a healthy work-life balance is crucial to me, and I take specific steps to achieve it in my daily routine. Firstly, I set clear boundaries between work and personal life by establishing designated work hours and sticking to them. I also make sure to allocate time for activities that bring me joy and relaxation, such as spending quality time with family and friends, pursuing hobbies, and engaging in self-care practices. Additionally, I prioritize self-reflection and self-care, which helps me recharge and maintain overall well-being.

Ensuring a healthy work-life balance is of utmost importance to me, and I employ various strategies to achieve it within my daily routine. Firstly, I establish distinct boundaries between my professional and personal life by defining specific work hours and adhering to them. Moreover, I allocate dedicated time for activities that bring me pleasure and relaxation, such as connecting with loved ones, engaging in hobbies, and practising self-care. Additionally, I place value on self-reflection and self-care, as they enable me to recharge and uphold holistic well-being.

Preserving a healthy work-life balance holds paramount significance in my life, and I adopt several measures within my daily routine to achieve it. To begin with, I define clear boundaries between my professional and personal spheres by establishing fixed work hours and honouring them. Furthermore, I carve out dedicated time for activities that ignite joy and foster relaxation, such as fostering meaningful connections with family and friends, immersing myself in hobbies, and dedicating attention to self-care practices. Additionally, I accord weight to self-reflection and self-care as indispensable components that aid in rejuvenation and the maintenance of holistic well-being.


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IELTS Speaking Part 3 Topic

Daily routine.

IELTS Speaking Part 3 Topic Daily Routine

1. Do you think people need to have a day-to-day plan?

Yes, having a plan for each day can be useful. It helps people know what they need to do and when to do it. With a plan, people can organise their time better and make sure they don’t forget important things. It can make life easier and less confusing.

Yes, having a day-to-day plan is helpful for many people. It can help them stay organised and make sure they get everything done that they need to do. A plan can include things like what tasks to do, when to do them, and how long they might take. It can also help people set priorities and manage their time effectively. Overall, having a day-to-day plan can make life easier and less stressful.

Having a day-to-day plan can be quite beneficial for many individuals. It provides a structure for organising tasks and activities, ensuring that important responsibilities are not overlooked. With a plan in place, people can effectively manage their time and allocate resources to various tasks throughout the day. Additionally, having a plan allows individuals to set priorities, establish goals, and track progress towards achieving them. This sense of organisation can lead to increased productivity and reduced stress levels, as people feel more in control of their daily activities. Overall, having a day-to-day plan can contribute to a more efficient and fulfilling life.

Having a day-to-day plan is super helpful for staying organised and getting things done. It’s like having a roadmap for your day. With a plan, you know what you need to do and when to do it. It helps you stay on top of your tasks and make sure nothing important slips through the cracks.

Plus, having a plan can reduce stress because you’re not scrambling to figure out what needs to be done next. You can set priorities and tackle tasks one by one, which feels really satisfying. And when you see everything you’ve accomplished at the end of the day, it’s a great feeling of accomplishment!

Overall, having a day-to-day plan is a game-changer for staying productive and feeling in control of your day.

Maintaining a day-to-day plan can be incredibly beneficial for individuals seeking to optimise their productivity and effectively manage their responsibilities. It provides a framework for organising tasks, appointments, and commitments, ensuring that nothing falls through the cracks amidst the hustle and bustle of daily life.

With a structured plan in place, individuals can prioritise their tasks based on importance and urgency, allowing them to allocate their time and resources efficiently. This strategic approach to time management fosters a sense of clarity and purpose, enabling individuals to focus their efforts on activities that align with their goals and values.

Furthermore, having a day-to-day plan promotes accountability and discipline. By committing to a set schedule and specific goals for each day, individuals hold themselves accountable for their actions and progress. This self-imposed structure encourages consistency and helps cultivate habits of diligence and perseverance.

Moreover, a day-to-day plan serves as a tool for effective decision-making and resource allocation. It empowers individuals to make informed choices about how to allocate their time, energy, and attention to different tasks and projects. This deliberate approach enables individuals to balance competing priorities and optimise their efforts towards achieving desired outcomes.

In essence, maintaining a day-to-day plan is a key practice for enhancing productivity, achieving goals, and fostering personal growth and development. It empowers individuals to take control of their time and actions, leading to greater fulfilment and success in both their personal and professional lives.

2. Do you think people can still do their tasks if they don’t plan them?

Yes, people can still do their tasks without planning them. They might just do things when they remember or when they feel like it. But planning can help them remember what they need to do and make sure they have time for everything. It can make things easier, but it’s not always needed.

Yes, people can still do their tasks even if they don’t plan them. They might just do them whenever they remember or feel like it. But having a plan can help them remember what they need to do and when to do it. It can also help them make sure they have enough time for everything. So, planning can make it easier to get things done, but it’s not always necessary.

People can definitely still accomplish their tasks even without planning them ahead of time. They might rely on their memory or simply tackle things as they come up. However, having a plan can make the process smoother and more organised. It helps people prioritise their tasks, manage their time effectively, and ensure that nothing important gets overlooked. So while it’s possible to get things done without planning, having a plan can certainly make life easier and more efficient.

So, while it’s totally doable to get things done without planning ahead, having a solid plan can really make life smoother. Think of it like having a game plan for your day. With a plan, you know exactly what needs to get done and when, which can help you stay focused and on track.

Without a plan, you might find yourself scrambling to remember everything you need to do or feeling overwhelmed by the sheer volume of tasks. But with a plan in place, you can tackle each task with purpose and confidence, knowing that you’ve got everything under control.

Plus, having a plan allows you to prioritise your tasks based on what’s most important or urgent. This means you can focus your energy on the things that matter most, rather than getting bogged down by less important tasks.

Ultimately, while you can certainly wing it without a plan, having one can make your life a whole lot easier and more organised. It’s like having a roadmap to success, guiding you every step of the way towards your goals.

Absolutely! Think of planning like having a secret weapon in your arsenal for tackling life’s challenges. Without it, you might still manage to get through the day, but with planning, you’re equipped to conquer it like a pro.

Picture this: You wake up knowing exactly what you need to do, when you need to do it, and how you’ll make it happen. It’s like having a roadmap for your day, guiding you through the twists and turns with confidence and ease.

With a plan in place, you’re not just reacting to whatever comes your way; you’re proactively shaping your day and making intentional choices about how you spend your time. You’re able to prioritize tasks based on their importance and urgency, ensuring that you’re always working towards your goals.

But perhaps the best part of planning is the sense of control and empowerment it gives you. Instead of feeling overwhelmed by the chaos of everyday life, you’re the one calling the shots and charting your own course. It’s a game-changer that transforms stress into serenity and uncertainty into clarity.

So, while you could certainly muddle through without a plan, why settle for just getting by when you could be thriving? With planning, the world is your oyster, and there’s no limit to what you can achieve!

3. Do you think it is possible to learn how to manage your time?

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IELTS Speaking Lesson about Daily Routines

👇 take this lesson with you 👇, table of contents, ielts speaking vocabulary: daily routines.

Fill in the gap with one word

  • I have a steady routine in the mornings, I ___ get up at 7am and then have a shower
  • I am busy at work, but I like to study Chinese every now and _____

See answers

  • I have a steady routine in the mornings, I usually / always / will / often / inevitably / mostly  get up at 7am and then have a shower
  • I am busy at work, but I like to study Chinese every now and then / again

IELTS Speaking: Daily routines

Ways of expressing habits and routines  

  • I get up early   everyday  
  • I will get up early  (present habit)
  • I always get up early
  • I tend to get up early
  • I typically get up early
  • More often than not I get up early

My schedule/routine goes something like this…

  • I always / usually / often / sometimes get up early

Other ways of expressing these Adverbs of Frequency

Adverbs of Frequency

TIP: If the adverb of frequency is long it usually goes at the beginning or end of a phrase, not in the middle!

I get up at 7am on a regular basis  From time to time I get up at 9 am  I go to work every Monday without fail

Common morning routines

Here are some useful phrases to describe common morning routines people have.

Note : Phrases in pink are more colloquial (informal)

  • To sleep in = to stay in bed a longer time

Note: This is different from ‘to oversleep’ = to stay in bed a longer time by mistake  

  • To crawl out of bed = get out of bed slowly and with difficulty
  • To have breakfast
  • To have a big/hearty breakfast 

Note we use ‘a’ if you add an adjective

  • To grab breakfast = take it quickly
I grab a coffee  I get myself a coffee To brush my teeth  To have a shower To go to the gym I go down the gym I hit the gym I work out


I prepare the kids for school  I get the kids ready for school I sort the kids out for school
  • I do the school run = to take the kids to school

Instead of saying ‘I cook’ in spoken English, we often use the form ‘I do the ____’, especially when talking about chores and household tasks .

I do the cooking  I do the cleaning I do the washing (clothes I do the pots/dishes (=wash the dishes)

For more household routines, check this post and video –

  • I commute to work  = to travel to work, some distance
I check my emails I waste time scrolling on TikTok  
  • I hit the books every evening (=to study)
I go down the library  I hit the library 

IELTS students reading books

Are routines good or bad? Why?

Here are some phrases you can use to say what routines maybe good, bad or both!

  • Build productive habits
  • Give a sense of productivity
  • Give me a sense of progress
  • Can lead to good studying results
  • Perfection comes through repetition
  • They help us stay disciplined and stay on track 

Find out the benefits of routines here

  • They make out lives boring and monotonous 
  • They are absolutely, mind numbingly mundane 
  • I feel I am stuck in a rut 
  • They can cause anxiety 
  • They could lead to depression 
  • Our lives end up lacking freshness

Old People 

  • Give a sense of certainty  
  • Can reduce stress
  • Give a sense of safety 
  • Establish clear boundaries

Working people 

  • Make you more productive 
  • Easy for managers to organise and control staff

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IELTS Speaking topic: Daily routines

Listening task .

1. Watch this person talk about a routine they have

a) What is the main routine?

2. Watch the video above again and note any useful phrases and collocations

Daily routines: Useful phrases

See answers and full script

  • I will tell something I do everyday religiously and that is to go for a morning stroll 
  • Day in, day out  (every day without fail)
  • Come rain or shine (every day without fail)
  • I really feel the benefit(s)  
  • I typically get up reasonably early
  • I get myself a (prepare myself) glass of lemon water 
  • I put some exercise clothes on – if it’s cold 
  • Grab my phone and headphones 
  • I head out (go out and go somewhere)
  • As I start walking I will be choosing a podcast I want to listen to
  • I pick up the pace (to go more quickly)
  • All in all, (overall) it takes anywhere from 40 to 60 minutes
  • I do it mainly for health reasons but also to clear my head
  • It sets me up for the day (it prepares me for the day ahead)
  • Have some ‘me time’ (have time for yourself)

IELTS Speaking: Idioms about daily routines

  • As regular as clockwork  = very regularly and predictably 
I brush my teeth every morning, as regular as clockwork 
  • As per usual = as always, as usual
My girlfriend is late again, as per usual!
  • To be a creature of habit  = someone who likes to have the same routine
I hate to miss my early morning walk, I guess you could say I am a creature of habit

Your daily routine matters

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Fixed Routine or a Change in Routine IELTS writing

Recent IELTS Exam Question: Fixed Routine or a Change in Routine

Today, we will be discussing the recent IELTS Writing task 2 exam question – Many people like having a fixed daily routine, while other people enjoy a change in their life. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

We will be going through a sample student essay to understand how it has been written. We will then be evaluating the student essay on parameters such as task response, coherence and cohesion, lexical resources and grammar. After the evaluation, we will be talking about ways in which the student could have brainstormed about the topic and the pointers that he/ she could have included in his/ her essay. After understanding the nitty gritties of how to go about writing such essays, we will be attempting an ideal essay that will fetch us the band score that we need. Doing well in the IELTS Writing task pulls up the overall band score that a candidate receives in IELTS Writing . 

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Sample Student IELTS Essay – Fixed Routine or a Change in Routine

IELTS essay

Evaluation Of The Student Essay

After having gone through this sample student essay, we can say that the student has more or less understood the question and has given points in support of it. Let us begin with the first band descriptor- Task Response. This band basically assesses if a question has been answered properly and whether all parts of it have been addressed.

Here, the student has indeed done that and provided a balanced view. If we look at the introduction-  All of us need a purpose in life to keep going. One can have many purposes as one has different areas of life that need to be taken care of – personal, social, professional and the like. The recent IELTS essay topic debated how some people feel more comfortable following a streamlined routine while few prefer deviations from their usual routine in order to keep the monotony at bay. Both views will be discussed in this essay but in my personal opinion, I would prefer a change in my routine every now and then.

The highlighted lines are unnecessary and the student could have begun from the later part. These lines do not add any value to the overall introduction. These lines are also distracting us from what the student intends to do in this essay. There is a lack of punctuation as well. 

Looking at the second paragraph, he has written – The primary reason behind why people prefer a fixed daily routine is because they are fixated on the idea of discipline

When you’re starting with something such as the primary reason, you are simply required to state the cause of it. He could have said – The primary reason behind why people prefer a fixed daily routine is their fixation with the idea of discipline .

The tense too keeps changing here. There are full stops in between sentences and that makes no sense. The points and the supporting points used are not very strong

The second paragraph is written well but the first paragraph could have used stronger supporting points. The conclusion too is written properly. Let’s take a look at the band descriptor’s chart for Band 6 and Band 7

IELTS exam

This essay is a prototype of band 7 when it comes to task achievement.

Coming to coherence and cohesion, we will assess how connected all the paragraphs seem. By and large, there is some connectivity between the paragraphs. Let us look at band 6 for this parameter.

Recent IELTS question

This description is not apt for the essay that we have just read. The essay is definitely better than what’s stated here.  Let us look at band 7 now.

Online IELTS exam

The next parameter that we will be evaluating is grammatical range. We will be evaluating how articulate the student has been while writing this essay. How his ideas and thoughts have come together is also seen. We notice that there are punctuation errors here and there but the overall meaning that the student has tried to convey is clear here. Let us look at the band descriptors chart and see which band fits here.

Online IELTS exam

Band 6 fits accurately when it comes to grammatical range and accuracy for this essay type.

Now, we will be checking the last part that is lexical resources. We can observe that the student has used a good range of vocabulary and has used appropriate words wherever needed.  Not only does he stick to an advanced vocabulary but also uses words that are befitting and not too complex.

Let us look at band 8 of lexical resources.

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Overall, the student has achieved a band score of 7 on this essay. 

The entire essay was quite well written. The only hiccups that have brought down the readability of the entire essay are the first few lines of the introduction as well as the punctuation errors committed. There are many areas within the paragraphs where coherence and cohesion are lost. However, achieving a band score of 7 on the IELTS Writing task 2 is not easy and so, the student deserves an applause.

When we first read the question, what comes to our mind? “Many people like having a fixed daily routine, while other people enjoy a change in their life. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Here, the question is asking us to discuss both points of view i.e. how some people prefer a disciplined routine whereas others prefer a deviation from it. Both of these views need to be elucidated upon here and strong supporting points need to be used in the two paragraphs.

The conclusion should contain a summary of the entire essay as well as your personal opinion. You should also substantiate your opinion with relevant pointers.

IELTS Online

Many people like having a fixed daily routine, while other people enjoy a change in their life. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

A change every now and then in one’s regular routine is refreshing. However, some people prefer following the same regime day after day. This essay will delve deep into both points of view and substantiate the point of view that I agree with.

On one hand, following the same routine day after day brings about monotony and makes things less interesting for us. If a general boredom about the way in which we do things sets in, we will have to drag ourselves to achieve daily tasks such as working, exercising, commuting, eating etc. Breaking this pattern helps us in expanding our creativity and also reduces the risk of burning out. Imagine an entrepreneur who is trying to come up with a new business idea for his cafe. Unless he does things a little differently, he will never be able to explore ideas that could work for his new venture and help him gain new customers.

On the other hand, following a routine brings about discipline in the way in which we do things. A routine is especially necessary in the lives of people who have a lot to accomplish within a single day. It helps them attend to every single priority. People who belong to the older generation are often comfortable with doing things in a stipulated manner. They feel more in control of their day if they have a regime that they stick to such as walking, eating well, meditating, sleeping on time etc.

To conclude, I would like to say that an occasional change in one’s schedule can help rejuvenate both the body and the mind. Being disciplined when it comes to priorities is essential but remaining rigid about how to go about them will only fill you with regrets in the long run. A change in the way in which you do things regularly will help you remain flexible and make your life more interesting.

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Describe a daily routine that you enjoy, you should say, –       what it is, –       where and when you do it, –       who do you do it with, –       explain) why you enjoy it, introduction:-, we can stay organized, effective, and motivated all day long with the aid of a regular routine. my daily schedule includes things i like to do, which makes me feel accomplished and satisfied., here, i want to discuss a meditation practice that i do on daily basis., being a health conscious person, i always focus on an active lifestyle. to keep in shape, i perform a daily mediation and yoga for an hour in the morning. it involves several breathing exercises followed by certain yoga practices to keep myself active., where and when you do it, i perform all these activities in a park, which is just opposite to my home. it is a lush green park with a separate place to perform exercises and i basically do it there as air is quite fresh there in the morning., who do you do it with, i carry out it with a yoga and meditation expert who stays in my neighborhood only. her name is joe and she is an excellent trainer. she helps me to do some of the tough yoga practices at ease and her knowledge of the subject is exceptional., explain why you enjoy it, i like it because of the health benefits it comes along with. yoga helps to  stay healthy by promoting many of the body’s self-healing methods that are already naturally present. there are other physical benefits include increased flexibility, increased muscle strength and tone, improved respiration, a balanced metabolism and weight reduction., yoga is also great for managing stress, which can have significant effects on the body and mind., on the other hand, practicing meditation regularly helps to clear your mind and offers a level of calm, focusing your attention on the matter at hand and increases concentration.,  conclusion:-, overall, i enjoy my daily routine because it keeps me on track and i look forward to it every day..


1.     Should children have learning routines?

They should have learning routines, of course. These improve life discipline. Children who adhere to routines learn how to manage their time. It can be a learning experience because, in my opinion, every routine teaches us something. Children can learn a lot of lessons, for instance, when they share their day’s events with their parents during a simple family meal routine. They grow closer to their family and pick up a lot of social skills. Children’s mental health can develop with a regular bedtime schedule.

2.     What are the advantages of children having a routine at school?

The benefits of routines at school are numerous. It provides students with a routine school day. They consequently feel more assured and secure. Time is also saved. They are not required to inquire as to what they should do next. Things have already been simplified for them by teachers. Students find it simpler to pay attention and focus.

3.     Does having a routine make kids feel more secure at school?

Most definitely. A routine encourages learning in younger children and makes them feel secure in their surroundings, while it gives older children a sense of security and predictability. Routines in the classroom are crucial for this reason. Routines in the classroom increase student engagement and boost learning. They give students a feeling of security. Students will understand the expectations of their teachers if there are established rules and procedures in the classroom.

4.     How do people’s routines differ on weekdays and weekends?

Weekends and weekdays have completely different routines because of this. Routines during the week are beneficial, but people can afford some flexibility on the weekends. Of course, one should also schedule their weekends. Otherwise, they will vanish before you have a chance to enjoy yourself. A person should unwind over the weekend after a busy week in order to prepare for a productive week ahead. The weekend should include time spent with family, going to the movies, going on adventures, socializing, and anything else that cannot be done during the workweek.

5.     What daily routines people have at home?

People follow daily rituals like family meals, morning prayers, doing chores together, and so on. Every family has established routines that make life easier for all of the members. For instance, my mother does the cooking and laundry while my father shops for groceries, fruits, and vegetables. My father makes sure all the windows, doors, and the main gate are locked before going to bed. Twice a day, I take my dogs for walks. These procedures are essentially set in stone.

6.     What are the differences in people’s daily routines now and 15 years ago?

The past was a slower, more straightforward time. People had more time to socialize because they were spending less time on social networking sites than in the past. Routines included socializing with others. Routines today emphasize time spent alone and with technology.

daily routine essay for ielts

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Describe a daily routine that you enjoy IELTS Cue Card

Describe a daily routine that you enjoy IELTS Cue Card

Table of Contents


Describe a daily routine that you enjoy

Where and when you do it

Who do you do it with

Explain why you enjoy it

Sample Answer 1


There is no denying this conviction that having a daily routine is of utmost importance to have consistency in our lives. There is a practice that I follow daily.

What is it?

It is writing a gratitude journal daily, which is in the habit of counting and regularly writing your blessings in your diary.

Where and when do you do it?

I do it every night in my study room before hitting the bed.

Who do you do it with?

As it is a personal task, I do it alone, and I have never shared my gratitude journal with others.

Please explain why you enjoy it.

I enjoy doing it daily because it provides me with many benefits.

Firstly this routine improves my mental well-being by empowering me to focus on things I am grateful for. Moreover, it inclines positive emotions inside me and nosedives the negative ones.

Secondly, it helps me to increase my self-esteem by allowing me to appreciate my worth and the positive features of my life.

Additionally, writing a gratitude journal has strengthened my relationships by bridging my gap with my near and dear ones, inspiring me to improve my communication with others.

 Furthermore, pursuing it helps me sleep better, have less boredom, and increase my willpower.

Additionally, it helps me to tackle challenging situations, like stress or trauma, by focusing on the positive aspects of my life.

Lastly, it helps me handle the conflicts in my life adroitly by encouraging me to look at the same problem from different angles.

Sample Answer 2

Although I have many chores which I do daily, there is a new unique feature I have added to my routine which is worth mentioning .

It is the routine of practising intermittent fasting every weekday. I do it to remain fit. To do this, I take all my meals between 8 am to 5 pm.

To practice it properly, I take all my meals at home. Firstly I take breakfast around 8 am. After that, I go to college and come back at 1 pm, and that is the time when I have my lunch. And at 5 pm I eat dinner.

Earlier I used to do it alone, but after seeing a significant improvement in me, my family members have joined me, and we do it together.

I enjoy it for many reasons. Firstly, it helps me lose weight as it creates a calorie deficit. During fasting, my body burns stored fat for energy so that I can maintain optimum weight.

After following this routine, my looks have enhanced as I have lost extra fat in my body. People have started giving me compliments for my changed face. Furthermore, my doctor has given me a clean bill of health .

Moreover, my energy level has doubled. Earlier I used to get tired by afternoon, however, now I remain active throughout the day, and this change in routine has brought a paradigm shift in my performance at work.

Lastly, as we all, family members pursue this routine together. It has bridged the gap because we spend quality time with each other by having our meals in unison.

Sample Answer 3

It is unequivocal to say that we all require consistency to succeed in our lives and to maintain it, we must include good habits in our routine. Although I do many activities daily, one of them is unique and worth mentioning .

It is the routine of cycling. 

I do it in my neighbourhood every morning.

I do it in a group consisting of my neighbours.

Firstly it is a cardiovascular workout that elevates the heart rate, strengthens the heart and better blood circulation.

Moreover, it is a low-intensity workout that exerts less pressure on the joints, which is a must to have good strength in the legs.

Apart from this, it works as a charm for burning, and it is helping me in achieving my weight-loss goal.

It is a complete workout that works for several muscle groups, like legs, glutes, and core.

Lastly, I encounter daily stress due to the pressure of studies and work. In such a scenario, cycling is a charm for me because it makes me feel fresh and full of beans . The extra energy at my disposal helps me do everything from soups to nuts with tremendous ease

Moreover, the routine of cycling every day has widened my social circle. Taking flashers of inspiration from me, other people in my neighbourhood have also joined me. Now we have a big group of cyclists. Every Sunday, we have a get-together after cycling. The beautiful moments from these parties will always remain etched in my memories.

Sample Answer 4

There are many routines which I follow daily. One of them is exciting and hence worth mentioning.

Reading something motivational before hitting the sack at night is the daily routine.

I do it every night while sitting on my bed at around 10 pm.

I do it alone.

Explain why did you enjoy it?

I enjoy doing it for many reasons. Firstly, it helps me to end the day on a good note. There is no denying this conviction that we must encounter numerous daily challenges. Some of them bring success, and the rest are failures.

Whether the day is good or bad, we must get up to do our tasks effectively the following day. The routine of reading motivational content helps me to have more energy after a successful day. On the contrary, if the day goes on, it motivates me enough to start my next day with a bang.

The next benefit of this habit is that it keeps me away from playing chin music with my neighbours. Before following this habit, I used to spend time discussing with my neighbour’s various pressing problems in our township. It was a habit which would make me feel agitated. But now, I remain calm and composed.

Lastly, this habit is good for my health because most experts opine that we shouldn’t watch TV or use a smartphone for one hour before hitting bed. So this routine is suitable for both physical and mental fitness.

Follow up Questions

Here are some examples of follow-up questions that the examiner might ask during your speaking part 3 related to the cue card “ Describe a daily routine that you enjoy IELTS ”.

1. Should children have learning routines?

In this modern era, fierce competition has become integral to our lives. Due to this reason, children must follow a learning routine because, in its absence, they need to study with determination, dedication and discipline.

Our routine empowers us to constantly learn, which is a must-have for improvement in our knowledge. Moreover, those students who follow a learning routine have less stress during exams.

2. What are the advantages of children having a routine at school?

Having a routine at school make children disciplined, and their concentration while studying improves considerably.

Moreover, they do not waste time on unnecessary pursuits; their central focus is on studies.

3, Does having a routine make kids feel more secure at school?

It is unequivocal to say that a routine makes children feel safer at school. In the budding years, a routine diverts their minds towards learning and gives them the feeling of safety in educational institutions. Moreover, it presents older children’s expectations in front of them and makes their learning in school comfortable. It is why it is imperative to have a classroom routine.

Apart from this, routines lead to more classroom enjoyment and output. 

4. How do people’s routines differ on weekdays and weekends?

On weekdays the routine is of work and study. People get up early, do household chores and rush to their respective study centres or workplaces. Apart from this, they also engage in physical workouts like yoga and gymming.

On the other hand, people have no opportunity to unwind during weekends. Firstly most people get up late and play sports instead of exercising. Moreover, they love to go out to eat mouth-watering delicacies. Apart from this, they go to shopping malls and multiplexes to spend their leisure time.

5. What daily routines do people have at home?

At home, people have a routine of study, and some individuals a part of their office work at home. Moreover, they spend a sizeable portion of their time doing household chores like making their bed, cutting vegetables, cooking meals, etc.

When all family members are back from work, they watch tv together or do chit chats in the evenings.

6. What are the differences in people’s daily routines now and 15 years ago?

Fifteen years back, social media was in its infancy, and people’s routine was simple. They used to spend more time with nature, and families used to have meals together because the operational timings of most people were the same.

However, the world has experienced a paradigm shift in terms of people’s routines. Nowadays, individuals, especially youngsters, spend time on social media. Moreover, due to technological breakthroughs, work happens 24*7, due to which family members usually have different working hours. Due to this the trend in families of having meals together is on a decline.

7. Is changing your daily routine essential?

There is no denying this conviction that having a daily routine provides immense benefits. However, in the long run, it becomes tiring and monotonous and does the same things repeatedly.

Many people tend to dislike their work if the nature of the tasks remains more or less the same. In such a scenario, change is the key. It is vital to make a few changes in our routine after every two months by adding some new features. This initiative gives a sense of freshness to our brains, and our work seems dynamic.

1.  Nosedive

Meaning : Decline

Sentence : After initial success, cricketer Vinod Kambli became a party boy. He started spending his evenings in discos and pubs. Due to that, his focus at practice nosedived and he lost his place in the team.

2. Worth mentioning

Meaning:  Important enough to require a comment.

Sentence:  The role of T20s in contemporary cricket is worth mentioning. This is the format which has brought a paradigm shift in cricketers’ lives as most of them earn a substantial amount of money for their performances.

3. Plays chin music

Meaning : Gossip

Sentence : Those having sufficient free time at their disposal have this uncanny knack for playing chin music with their near and dear ones.

4. Full of beans

Meaning : Happy One

Sentence:  Due to umpteen failures, I was at the bottom of the barrel, but a small success changed everything, and I was full of beans.

5. A clean bill of health

Meaning : Declaration that one is healthy

Sentence:  Regular exercise has helped me get a clean bill of health from my doctor.

6. Everything from soups to nuts

Meaning : A variety of things.

Sentence:  Doing everything from soups to nuts is optional to be successful. One needs to focus on the task at hand; improvement is a byproduct.

Latest Cue Cards Jan to Apr 2023

1. Describe something that you did with someone/a group of people IELTS Cue Card

2. Describe a daily routine that you enjoy IELTS Cue Card

3. Describe a place you visited where the air was polluted IELTS Cue Card

4. Describe an actor or actress whom you admire IELTS Cue Card

5. Describe a person you would like to study or work with IELTS Cue Card

6. Describe a time when you were late IELTS Cue Card

8. Describe an advertisement that you don’t like IELTS Cue Card

9. Describe a person who inspired you to do something interesting IELTS Cue Card

10.  Describe a website which helped you to do something/ website you visit often/use regularly IELTS Cue Card

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Daily Routines

Daily Routines

Here's a lesson on vocabulary related to "Daily Routines" for the IELTS band score 3.0-4.5:

I. Waking Up:

Alarm clock : A device used to wake up at a specific time.

Snooze : To delay waking up by a few minutes.

Stretch : To extend one's body after waking up.

II. Morning Routine:

Brush teeth : To clean teeth using a toothbrush and toothpaste.

Wash face : To cleanse the face with water and soap.

Take a shower : To bathe using water and soap.

Get dressed : To put on clothes for the day.

III. Meals and Eating:

Breakfast : The first meal of the day, typically eaten in the morning.

Lunch : A midday meal, usually around noon.

Dinner : The main meal of the day, usually eaten in the evening.

Snack : A small portion of food eaten between meals.

IV. Activities and Tasks:

Go to work/school : To commute to the workplace or educational institution.

Study : To engage in learning or academic activities.

Work : To perform tasks or duties for employment.

Exercise : Physical activity for fitness and health.

V. Household Chores:

Clean : To make something tidy and free from dirt or mess.

Cook : To prepare food by heating or combining ingredients.

Do laundry : To wash and dry clothes.

Vacuum : To clean floors or carpets using a vacuum cleaner.

VI. Evening Routine:

Have dinner : To eat the evening meal.

Relax : To unwind and rest after a day's activities.

Watch TV : To view television programs for entertainment.

Go to bed : To prepare for sleep and rest for the night.

Remember to practice using these vocabulary words in sentences and conversations to improve your understanding and fluency in English.

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  5. IELTS Speaking Part 1: Daily routine

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  19. Describe A Daily Routine That You Enjoy IELTS Cue Card

    Sentence: Doing everything from soups to nuts is optional to be successful. One needs to focus on the task at hand; improvement is a byproduct. Latest Cue Cards Jan to Apr 2023. 1. Describe something that you did with someone/a group of people IELTS Cue Card. 2. Describe a daily routine that you enjoy IELTS Cue Card.

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  21. Daily Routines

    I. Waking Up: Alarm clock: A device used to wake up at a specific time. Snooze: To delay waking up by a few minutes. Stretch: To extend one's body after waking up. II. Morning Routine: Brush teeth: To clean teeth using a toothbrush and toothpaste. Wash face: To cleanse the face with water and soap. Take a shower: To bathe using water and soap.

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