How to Summarize a PowerPoint Presentation: A Step-by-Step Guide

Summarizing a PowerPoint presentation is a skill that can come in handy in various situations. Maybe you’ve just watched a colleague’s presentation and need to report back to your team, or perhaps you’re studying for an exam and want to condense the material. To summarize a PowerPoint effectively, you’ll need to identify the key points, understand the presentation’s purpose, and distill the information into a concise format. By mastering these steps, you’ll be able to communicate the essence of any presentation to your audience efficiently.

Once you’ve summarized the PowerPoint presentation, you’ll have a handy reference that captures the main ideas and supporting details without the fluff. This summary can serve as a study aid, a quick refresher, or a tool to brief others who may not have the time to go through the entire presentation.


Let’s face it, sitting through a lengthy PowerPoint presentation can sometimes feel like a chore, especially when all you need are the highlights. Maybe you’re a busy professional with back-to-back meetings, a student juggling multiple assignments, or just someone who values efficiency. Whatever the case, being able to summarize a PowerPoint presentation is a valuable skill that can save you time and keep you informed.

Why is this ability so important? For starters, it helps you to quickly sift through information and focus on what’s essential. In our fast-paced world, time is of the essence, and being able to distill a lengthy presentation into a few key points can be a game-changer. Moreover, it’s not only about personal convenience; summarizing skills are crucial when you have to convey the gist of a presentation to others. Whether you’re briefing a colleague, preparing notes for a study group, or delivering a report to a client, a well-crafted summary can make all the difference. So, let’s dive into the how-to of summarizing a PowerPoint presentation, shall we?

Step by Step Tutorial: How to Summarize a PowerPoint Presentation

Before we jump into the steps, let’s establish what we’re aiming for. A good summary of a PowerPoint presentation should capture the main ideas, the supporting details, and the presenter’s intended message, all while being brief and easy to understand.

Step 1: Review the Entire Presentation

Start by going through the entire PowerPoint presentation.

Reviewing the presentation in its entirety allows you to get a sense of the overall flow and the key themes. Pay attention to the title slides and the concluding slides, as they often contain the main message and summary points.

Step 2: Identify the Key Points

Look for the main ideas in each slide.

Each slide usually focuses on a single main idea. Look for bullet points, bolded text, or headings as clues to what the presenter considers important. Make note of these points as they will form the backbone of your summary.

Step 3: Understand the Purpose

Determine the purpose of the presentation.

Understanding why the presentation was created helps to frame your summary. Was it to inform, persuade, or instruct? Knowing the intent will guide you in deciding what details are crucial for your summary.

Step 4: Condense the Information

  • Condense the information into a concise format.

Now that you have the key points and the purpose, start writing your summary. Aim to express the ideas as simply and clearly as possible, without losing the original meaning. If a slide’s content can be said in one sentence instead of three, do it.

Step 5: Review and Edit

Review your summary and refine it.

Go through your summary to ensure it’s coherent and that it accurately reflects the presentation’s content and purpose. Edit out any redundancies or unclear statements.

Saves TimeSummarizing a presentation can significantly cut down the time required to understand its content, freeing up valuable time for other tasks.
Enhances UnderstandingBy focusing on the main points, a summary helps to clarify the presentation’s message, making it easier to grasp and remember.
Improves CommunicationSummaries can be shared with others, providing a quick and efficient way to convey the presentation’s key information without overwhelming them with details.
Potential for OversimplificationSumming up complex presentations may result in oversimplified summaries that omit crucial nuances or context.
Risk of MisinterpretationThe act of summarizing involves interpretation, which carries a risk of misrepresenting the presenter’s original intent or meaning.
Dependent on Note-Taker’s SkillThe quality of a summary largely depends on the summarizer’s ability to discern and articulate the main points effectively.

Additional Information

When summarizing a PowerPoint presentation, it’s essential to keep the audience in mind. Who will be reading your summary? What do they need to know? Tailoring the summary to the needs of your audience can make it more effective. Additionally, consider using visual aids from the original presentation, such as charts or graphs, if they help illustrate a point more clearly.

Remember, a good summary is not just a list of points but a coherent mini-version of the presentation. It should flow logically and be engaging to read. Lastly, practice makes perfect. The more you practice summarizing presentations, the better you’ll become at capturing the essence of the content. So next time you sit through a PowerPoint, why not give it a try?

  • Review the entire PowerPoint presentation.
  • Identify the key points in each slide.
  • Understand the purpose of the presentation.
  • Review and edit your summary.

Frequently Asked Questions

What if the powerpoint presentation is very long.

Start by breaking it down into sections, and summarize each section before attempting to summarize the whole presentation. This will make the task more manageable.

Can I include quotes from the presentation in my summary?

Yes, but use them sparingly and only if they emphasize a key point effectively.

Should I use the same slide titles in my summary?

You can, but it’s not necessary. The aim is to capture the main ideas, not to replicate the presentation’s structure.

Is it okay to leave out examples used in the presentation?

If the examples are used to illustrate key points, briefly mention them. Otherwise, focus on the main ideas and leave out specific examples.

How long should my summary be?

There’s no one-size-fits-all answer, but a good rule of thumb is to make it as brief as possible while still covering all key points.

Summarizing a PowerPoint presentation is an art and a skill that can be honed with practice. Whether you’re a student, a professional, or simply someone who values brevity, being able to condense information efficiently is incredibly valuable. Remember, the goal is to capture the essence of the presentation, not to replicate it.

Use your judgment to determine what’s essential and what can be left out. With the steps and tips outlined in this article, you’re well on your way to becoming an expert summarizer. So next time you’re faced with a lengthy presentation, don’t despair. Embrace the challenge and flex those summarizing muscles!

Matthew Burleigh Solve Your Tech

Matthew Burleigh has been writing tech tutorials since 2008. His writing has appeared on dozens of different websites and been read over 50 million times.

After receiving his Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Computer Science he spent several years working in IT management for small businesses. However, he now works full time writing content online and creating websites.

His main writing topics include iPhones, Microsoft Office, Google Apps, Android, and Photoshop, but he has also written about many other tech topics as well.

Read his full bio here.

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How to Summarize Presentations

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Does your audience seem lost during your long presentation? You can see this happening when you ask them to recall a point and they look blank.

Do they find it difficult to put your information in context?

Chances are you may not be summarizing your points frequently enough. We will see how you can summarize your presentation effectively to enhance audience retention.

Let’s start by asking a simple question:

When should you summarize your presentation?

Did I hear you saying, “Towards the end”?

Wrong! You would’ve lost your audience by then.

An effective presentation habit is to summarize at the end of every major point. It’s all the more important to do so, if your presentation is long and content-rich.

The logic behind summarizing your points:

Do you remember building a tower with playing cards when you were a child? Every time you added a new card on top, you carefully adjusted and aligned all the other cards under it. It helped you build a tall and stable tower.

The principle applies to your presentations as well. Every new point puts a strain on memory of what was covered earlier. Unless you summarize periodically, your audience can’t remember your points beyond a point (pun intended).

How to summarize your presentation in a structured way?

How to Summarize Sample Image

This simple structure allows you to refresh the memory of your audience periodically. It helps your audience to place new information in the right context. It lays the foundation for an effective ‘call to action’. Remember, the call to action and WIIFM has been set right at the start.

Example of an effective presentation summary:

A good summary is short and quick. Here is an example of a sales presentation summary:

“I understood that your main requirements in choosing a home loan are – interest rates, long tenure and high loan amount. So far, we saw how our scheme offers you a highly competitive rate and the longest tenure for your age. Now, we’ll talk about loan amount.”

This summary gives you a chance to showcase your main benefits over and over again- in a reassuring way. It maximizes your opportunity to win business in a sales presentation.  

Some creative ways to summarize your presentations:

Here are 3 creative ways to summarize your presentations.

1. Use a quiz format to summarize a training presentation:

There can be many variations to this. Some presenters choose to show just the title and ask the participants to recollect the content. Some choose to use fill in the blanks format or true/false format to test the memory. Whichever way you choose, summarize your training presentations frequently.

We have found Quizzes to be an extremely effective way to summarize in a training. That is why we put together 45 different types of PowerPoint Quiz templates in a pack. Just select the type of quiz and add your questions. You can find out more about the Quiz pack and download it here:

2. Use a mid-session Q & A to summarize your business presentation:

We’ve seen presenters disguise their summary like – “We’ve covered Point A, Point B, and Point C – are there any questions in what we’ve covered so far?”

This helps them recollect their main benefits without sounding repetitive or pushy.

3. Repeat some key images and terms from earlier points to serve as memory hook:

Repeating images and key terms on your slides help you recount your points automatically. So, constantly referring to your earlier segments is a useful practice.

Finally, to summarize this article on ‘How to Summarize’ your presentation…

  • Summarize at the end of every major point.
  • Use your agenda slide to serve as guidepost.
  • Let your summary be quick and short
  • Explore creative ways to recall your key points

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Have you ever sat through a lengthy PowerPoint presentation and struggled to recall the key points? As a presenter, it’s important to keep your audience engaged and ensure that they leave with a clear understanding of the main takeaways. One effective way to achieve this is by summarizing your presentation. In this article, I will share my personal experience and provide tips on how to summarize a PowerPoint presentation effectively.

A computer screen with a title slide, bullet points, and graphics

When I first started presenting, I would often include too much information on each slide, making it difficult for my audience to keep up. I quickly learned that summarizing my presentation helped me to focus on the key points and made it easier for my audience to follow along. Summarizing a presentation also helped me to stay within the allotted time and prevented me from going off on tangents.

To summarize a PowerPoint presentation effectively, it’s important to review the entire presentation first. This allows you to get a sense of the overall flow and the key themes. Pay attention to the title slides and the concluding slides, as they often contain the main message and summary points. Once you have a clear understanding of the presentation, you can start to identify the key points that you want to highlight in your summary.


Designing with Clarity and Purpose

Incorporating visual aids and media, utilizing ai tools for enhanced productivity, identifying main points, creating a compelling summary slide, effective use of speech and body language, interactive elements and audience participation, exploring powerpoint’s ai capabilities, customizing presentations with advanced tools, crafting an effective powerpoint presentation.

A laptop displaying a well-organized PowerPoint slide with clear headings, bullet points, and relevant images. A laser pointer highlights key information

When it comes to crafting an effective PowerPoint presentation, there are a few key elements to keep in mind. These include designing with clarity and purpose, incorporating visual aids and media, and utilizing AI tools for enhanced productivity.

To design a PowerPoint presentation with clarity and purpose, it is important to choose a theme that is both visually appealing and easy to read. Microsoft PowerPoint and Google Slides offer a variety of templates and themes to choose from, so take the time to explore your options and choose one that fits the content of your presentation.

In addition to choosing a theme, it is important to use a consistent font and color scheme throughout your presentation. This will help to create a cohesive and professional look that is easy for your audience to follow.

Visual aids and media can be a powerful tool for enhancing the effectiveness of your PowerPoint presentation. This can include images, videos, and other multimedia elements that help to illustrate your points and capture the attention of your audience.

When incorporating visual aids and media, it is important to use them strategically and sparingly. Too much visual stimulation can be overwhelming and distracting, so choose your images and media carefully and use them to enhance your message rather than detract from it.

Finally, AI-powered tools like Microsoft Copilot can be a valuable asset when it comes to creating an effective PowerPoint presentation. These tools can help to automate repetitive tasks and suggest content and design elements that are tailored to your specific needs.

When utilizing AI tools, it is important to remember that they are meant to enhance your creativity and productivity, not replace it. Use these tools as a starting point and then customize the content and design of your presentation to fit your unique needs and style.

In summary, crafting an effective PowerPoint presentation requires careful attention to detail and a focus on clarity, purpose, and visual appeal. By following these tips and utilizing the right tools, you can create a presentation that is both engaging and informative for your audience.

Summarizing Key Points for Impact

As I mentioned earlier, summarizing a PowerPoint presentation involves distilling complex ideas or data into concise and easily understandable points. In this section, I will discuss the two most important aspects of summarizing key points for impact: identifying main points and creating a compelling summary slide.

To effectively summarize a presentation, it is important to identify the main points. This involves reviewing the entire presentation and paying close attention to the title slides and concluding slides. These slides often contain the main message and summary points. Additionally, it is important to identify the key themes and supporting data points that reinforce the main message.

One effective way to identify the main points is to create an outline of the presentation. This can be done by breaking down the presentation into sections and identifying the main idea or message of each section. Once you have identified the main points, you can then prioritize them based on their importance and relevance to the overall message of the presentation.

A compelling summary slide is an essential component of an effective presentation summary. This slide should contain the main points of the presentation in a concise and visually appealing format. It should be easy to read and understand, and it should capture the audience’s attention.

One effective way to create a compelling summary slide is to use visuals such as graphs, charts, or images to illustrate the main points. Additionally, it is important to use clear and concise language that summarizes the main points in a way that is easy to understand.

To make the summary slide more impactful, it is also important to include a call to action. This can be a simple statement that encourages the audience to take action based on the information presented in the presentation. For example, if the presentation is promoting a product or service, the call to action could be to visit the company’s website or contact the sales team for more information.

Overall, summarizing key points for impact requires careful consideration of the main message and supporting data points. By identifying the main points and creating a compelling summary slide, you can effectively summarize a PowerPoint presentation and leave a lasting impression on your audience.

Engaging Your Audience

When it comes to delivering a PowerPoint presentation, engaging your audience is crucial. It is not enough to simply present your material; you must also find ways to connect with your audience and keep them interested throughout the presentation. In this section, I will discuss some effective methods for engaging your audience during a PowerPoint presentation.

One of the most important ways to engage your audience during a PowerPoint presentation is through effective use of speech and body language. It is important to speak clearly and confidently, using a tone of voice that is both engaging and informative. Additionally, your body language can play a significant role in engaging your audience. Make eye contact with your audience, use natural gestures, and move around the stage to keep your audience’s attention.

Another effective way to engage your audience during a PowerPoint presentation is through the use of interactive elements and audience participation. This can include things like polls, quizzes, and other interactive elements that allow your audience to participate actively in the presentation. Additionally, you can encourage audience participation by asking questions, soliciting feedback, and inviting discussion throughout the presentation.

In conclusion, engaging your audience during a PowerPoint presentation is essential for delivering an effective and memorable presentation. By using effective speech and body language, as well as incorporating interactive elements and audience participation, you can keep your audience engaged and interested throughout the presentation.

Leveraging PowerPoint’s Advanced Features

As a frequent user of PowerPoint, I am always exploring ways to enhance my presentations. PowerPoint offers a wealth of advanced features that can help you customize and summarize your presentations. In this section, I will explore some of the most useful features that can help you take your presentations to the next level.

One of the most exciting features of PowerPoint is its AI capabilities. With the help of Microsoft 365, PowerPoint can now create intelligent slides that can summarize your presentation in real-time. By using the Copilot feature, you can ask PowerPoint to summarize your presentation, and it will automatically generate a bulleted summary of the key points. This can save you a lot of time and effort, especially if you need to create a summary of a long presentation.

PowerPoint also offers a range of advanced tools that can help you customize your presentations. For example, you can use the ribbon to access a range of functions that can help you create charts, diagrams, and other visual aids. You can also use the ribbon to customize the functionality of your presentation, such as adding animations and transitions.

If you have a Microsoft 365 subscription, you can also take advantage of the subscription benefits that come with it. These benefits include access to a range of templates, themes, and other design tools that can help you create professional-looking presentations. You can also use the subscription to access a range of advanced features, such as the ability to collaborate with others on your presentations.

In conclusion, PowerPoint offers a range of advanced features that can help you take your presentations to the next level. By exploring the AI capabilities and customizing your presentations with advanced tools, you can create engaging and informative presentations that will capture your audience’s attention.

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How to write an effective executive summary like a mckinsey or bcg consultant.

Alexandra Hazard Kampmann

Table of contents

Key components of an effective executive summary, an in-depth look at each component of the executive summary (with examples), some practical tips and tricks, the bottom line.

Management consultants at firms like McKinsey, BCG, and Bain are renowned for their ability to present complex ideas in a clear, concise manner that is easy to digest and understand. A key component of this process is the executive summary slide – often presented as the first part of a presentation deck on a given topic or problem. 

An executive summary aims to provide the audience with an overview of the subject at hand or a snapshot of the key points that will be discussed in greater depth. It should serve to quickly get the main messages and conclusions across and motivate audiences to dive deeper into the details.

In this post, we will outline the essential components of an effective executive summary using techniques from McKinsey, BCG, and Bain. We will also provide tips on how to craft a compelling executive summary in practice and give examples of best practices.

For a broader view on how to create consultant-style presentations take a look at our blog post 'How McKinsey Consultants Make PowerPoint Presentations' . Or deep-dive into other specific elements of creating best-in-class presentations, like our post on 'Mastering Risk Mitigation Slides: A Best Practice Guide with Examples'.

A good executive summary provides all the key information in one slide. The goal is to communicate as much information in as few words as possible.

To achieve this goal, you should focus on the following key components when crafting an executive summary slide: 

  • [optional] Objective: Clearly state the purpose and objective of the presentation.
  • Situation: Provide relevant background information to set the context for the problem or opportunity being addressed.
  • Complication: Define the complication (problem or opportunity) the presentation addresses in simple, to-the-point sentences. This includes identifying the root cause of the problem or opportunity and its implications for the organization.
  • Resolution: Present the recommended solution or solutions to the complication in a clear and concise manner. This should be based on data-driven insights and analysis.
  • [optional] Benefits: Articulate the benefits of implementing the recommended solution. These benefits should be linked to the organization's strategic objectives.
  • Call to Action: Provide a clear call to action outlining what the organization needs to do to implement the recommended solution. This should be actionable and linked to the organization's strategic objectives.

This structure is similar to the SCQA (situation-complication-question-answer) framework.

Craft effective executive summaries for your consulting presentations .

Let's take a closer look at each component of the executive summary and how it can be used to craft an effective executive summary deck using the McKinsey/BCG/Bain methodology.

1. Objective

The objective of the executive summary should succinctly define the purpose of the presentation and why it is important for the audience to understand the key points.

To craft an effective objective, you should consider the following: 

  • Who is the target audience?
  • What are the key points that the audience needs to understand?
  • What is the purpose of the presentation?
  • Why is it important for the audience to understand the key points?

An effective objective should be brief, clear, and focused on the needs of the audience. It should be written to clearly communicate what the presentation will cover and why it matters.

 Example: "This presentation will provide an overview of the current state of the industry and highlight key trends and opportunities for growth."

2. Situation

The background or situation section of the executive summary provides relevant context to the audience to help them better understand the problem or opportunity being addressed. 

This section should include:

  • Relevant background information on the industry, market, or organization.
  • Any key trends or developments that are important to the problem or opportunity being addressed.
  • Any relevant historical information that helps to explain the current situation.

Some questions to ask when crafting the background section include:

  • What is the context for the problem or opportunity being addressed?
  • What are the key factors that have led to the current situation?
  • What are the relevant historical or industry-specific factors that are important to understanding the problem or opportunity?

An effective background section should be concise and focused on the most important information. It should provide enough context for the audience to understand the problem or situation being addressed without overwhelming them with unnecessary information.

Here are some examples from McKinsey and BCG:

Executive Summary example from McKinsey presentation

3. Complication

The complication section of the executive summary clearly and concisely defines the reason the situation requires action, either because there is a serious problem or there is a good opportunity. This includes identifying the root cause of the problem or opportunity and its implications for the organization.

  • What is the problem or opportunity that the presentation is addressing?
  • What are the root causes of the problem or opportunity?
  • What are the implications of the problem or opportunity for the organization?

 An effective complication section should be short and to-the-point, focusing on the most important aspects of the problem or opportunity. The root cause of the complication should be clearly identified, along with the most relevant data or evidence that supports this analysis. In addition, the implications of the problem or opportunity for the organization should be clearly articulated, highlighting why it is important for the audience to understand the problem/opportunity and its impact and why it requires action.

Executive Summary example - complication

Enhance your proposal writing with our Consulting Proposal template , or explore our collection of 10 Real Consulting Proposals .

4. Resolution

The resolution section of the executive summary presents the proposed solution or strategy for addressing the complication. This should include a brief overview of the approach and any relevant supporting information or evidence.

  • What is the proposed approach for addressing the problem or opportunity?
  • What are the key elements of the strategy?
  • What are the expected benefits or outcomes of the approach?
  • What evidence is there to support the proposed solution or strategy?

An effective resolution section should provide enough detail for the audience to understand what is being proposed and why without overwhelming them with unnecessary detail. The proposed approach and any relevant supporting information or evidence should be clearly outlined. In addition, the expected benefits or outcomes of the approach should be highlighted, as this helps to emphasize why it is important for the audience to understand and support the proposed solution.

Executive Summary example BCG - Resolution

5. Benefits

The benefits section of the executive summary presents a brief overview of any expected benefits or outcomes from implementing the proposed solution. This section is optional, and sometimes included as a bullet point under the resolution section.

  • What are the primary benefits or outcomes of implementing the proposed solution?
  • What are the secondary benefits or outcomes?
  • How will these benefits impact the organization and its stakeholders?

An effective benefits section should provide a clear and concise overview of any expected benefits or outcomes from implementing the proposed solution. The primary benefits should be highlighted, as well as any secondary benefits that are relevant to the audience. Emphasis should be on quantifiable benefits.

In addition, the impact of these benefits on the organization and its stakeholders should be emphasized, highlighting why it is important for the audience to understand and support the proposed solution. 

Example: "The proposed approach will generate an incremental $10 million in revenue, reduce costs by 5%, and increase customer satisfaction by 10%. This will help to improve profitability, create new growth opportunities, and strengthen our competitive position in the sector."

6. Call to Action

The call to action section of the executive summary presents a brief overview of key proposed actions or decisions that need to be taken by the audience in order to implement the proposed solution. This section is also sometimes a bullet point under the resolution section.

  • What are the proposed actions or decisions that need to be taken?
  • Who needs to take these actions or make these decisions?
  • What is the timeline for implementing the proposed solution?

An effective call to action/recommendation section should provide a clear and concise overview of any proposed actions or decisions that need to be taken by the audience. The proposed actions or decisions and who needs to take these actions or make these decisions should be clearly outlined. 

In addition, the timeline for implementing the proposed solution should be highlighted, ensuring that the audience understands when and how these actions or decisions need to be taken.

Executive Summary example McKinsey - Call to action

Apply these summary techniques in your Business Strategy template .

  • Consultants typically communicate in a 'top down' or pyramid fashion, starting with the conclusion and then providing the supporting information.
  • Write the most important takeaway of each section as the bolded text and follow with numbers and other supporting facts as bullet points.
  • Read through the bolded text and see if the story makes sense.  
  • Spend the majority of the executive summary focusing on the solution/recommendation, rather than the situation and supporting analysis.
  • The executive summary is not a play-by-play summary of a project. Instead, it is a decision document for your audience to understand the proposed solutions they have to decide on, and just enough information to set the solution in context and grasp the expected outcomes.
  • Read through your executive summary and remove anything that is not directly relevant to deciding/agreeing with your proposed solution.  
  • Try to keep the executive summary as a single slide (sometimes two).
  • Eliminate unnecessary words and sentences, and make sure that each sentence adds value to the overall message.

Creating executive summary slides like a McKinsey consultant can have a significant impact on the success of your communication and decision-making efforts. Although it seems simple and many people treat the executive summary like an after-thought, it should in fact be one of the slides you spend the most time on in any presentation.

A well-crafted executive summary helps you structure your entire presentation by making you focus on the solution you are proposing and only keeping in analyses and arguments that help explain the why, what, and how of that solution.

By following the essential components and strategies outlined above you can create a clear, concise, and compelling executive summary that effectively communicates complex ideas and drives action. 

Cheat sheet

What is an executive summary exactly?

A short summary of the key messages and conclusions in a longer presentation, focused on actionable solutions or recommendations. In McKinsey and BCG consulting presentations the executive summary is typically one or two slides, but sometimes executive summary can also refer to a short deck.

What does an executive summary include and how do I write one?

See our 'How to' guide in this post.

Does an executive summary come before or after the table of contents? 

Typically before the table of contents, as the first (or one of the first) slides after a title page.

Is there a good executive summary slide example?

Yes, you can download some examples from McKinsey and BCG here . You can also see full presentations from BCG and McKinsey here and here .

Or take a look at our full Business Strategy template or our Business Case template for real-life client examples.

Should I include visuals? 

Generally McKinsey and BCG executive summaries do not include visuals, except perhaps icons to make the summary more visually appealing.

Download our most popular templates

High-end PowerPoint templates and toolkits created by ex-McKinsey, BCG, and Bain consultants

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A comprehensive library of slide layouts, templates, and typically consulting tools and frameworks.

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  • Business Strategy

This template, created by ex-McKinsey and BCG consultants, includes everything you need to create a complete strategy.

how to write a summary for a powerpoint presentation

Create a full business case incl. strategy, roadmap, financials and more.

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how to write a summary for a powerpoint presentation

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Creating an Executive Summary PowerPoint Presentation in 2024: Expert Tips and Techniques

  • By Judhajit Sen
  • March 20, 2024

What is an Executive Summary in PowerPoint Presentations?

A n executive summary slide gives a quick peek into a more extended presentation, usually found at the start of a slide deck. Its job is to summarize the main points so readers don’t have to go through the whole thing. These slides often have more text than regular slides because they’re meant to be read, not presented live. It’s important to keep live presentations engaging by avoiding too much text on slides.

Think of an executive summary as a short version of a big document, giving important info in an easy-to-understand way. Even though it’s short, an excellent executive summary must focus on the main message. Executives and decision-makers, who are often busy, like presentations that get to the point quickly and professionally. If you can’t do that, you might seem unprepared or unable to communicate well.

An executive summary PPT slide makes presenting vital info from a bigger report or business plan easier. It usually includes a title slide, an agenda or outline slide, and a few summary slides. This helps quickly share critical details like the problem you’re addressing, solutions, expected outcomes, and budget plans.

An executive summary template condenses a more extended presentation into crucial points. It aims to catch readers’ interest, clarify the presentation’s goals, and prepare the audience for the discussion. A good executive summary grabs attention and sets the stage for a complete understanding of the topic.

What are the Benefits of an Executive Summary in Slide Presentations?

In slide presentations, a business plan executive summary is a crucial connection between the presenter and the audience, giving a quick look into what’s coming up. Stakeholders often need to understand proposals, project details, or research quickly, especially in business. Creating a well-organized executive summary ensures that essential points are easy to see, setting the stage for deeper exploration if needed.

In the midst of a PowerPoint slide deck, it’s easy for readers to get lost, trying to remember earlier slides and the main story. Executive summary slides help guide readers through the presentation. They have a few main jobs:

1. Providing Context: Executive summaries provide background information, explaining why the slide deck’s topic is important, which helps the audience understand better.

2. Showing the Main Argument: Executive summaries help readers understand the main idea of the presentation before getting into the details by summarizing the central argument right away.

3. Acting as a Guide: These summaries work like maps for readers, helping them stay on track with the presentation’s story.

Executive summaries, especially in PowerPoint, are handy in the business world. They’re the first thing the audience sees, grabbing attention and making people curious by summarizing long and potentially dull content. The benefits of using an executive summary PowerPoint template include:

1. Saving Time: Executive summaries save presenters and audience members time by condensing important points from long reports or presentations.

2. Clear Organization Overview: These summaries give a quick and optimistic overview of the organization, showing its successes and goals, which makes the audience want to learn more about it.

Executive summaries in slide presentations are crucial for smoother communication and ensuring everyone can easily understand important information. By guiding the audience to deeper insights, they make engagement and understanding easier, moving the story along with clarity and purpose.

How To Write an Effective Executive Summary Slide

How To Write an Effective Executive Summary Slide

To ensure clarity and engagement, crafting a compelling executive summary for slide templates involves several key steps.

1. Start with a Clear Problem Statement: Think of your first paragraph as the opening slide of a presentation. You need to make a strong statement that immediately communicates the agenda. Address the urgency of the issue, highlight its importance, or provide background information to set the scene. Clearly outline the chief goals of the report or document and always communicate in an Active voice. However, an online paraphraser tool can also aid in this situation.

2. Present the Main Discussion Points: Expand on the points or scope of the report to meet audience expectations. Break down large blocks of text into bullet points for easier digestion. Use figures to highlight key findings and quantify significant results. Discuss the research methods and data sources, and mention any report limitations. Summarize the conclusions in a paragraph or as a featured quote to highlight critical information. Use concise language throughout the executive summary. For this, an AI summary generator is a useful solution. It uses AI technology to accurately summarize your information around the key points.

3. List Recommendations or Next Steps: Allocate a section at the bottom of the summary to emphasize outcomes, conclusions, and follow-up actions expected from the reader. Summarize the research findings and identify any recommended solutions or actions. Seek feedback from team members who have not seen the full report to ensure the summary effectively conveys the document’s content and piques interest without additional context.

By following these steps, you can create an executive summary that effectively communicates the main points of your presentation and encourages audience engagement. 

How To Make an Executive Summary Engaging

How To Make an Executive Summary Engaging

A creative executive summary presentation involves several vital strategies to capture your audience’s attention and convey the main points effectively.

1. Create an Engaging Slide Title: The title of your slide is the first thing your audience will see. Make it count by clearly stating the main takeaway and setting the tone for the rest of the slide.

2. Use Basic Story Structure: Your summary should provide a complete presentation overview, including a clear beginning, middle, and end. Many summaries focus solely on insights or data without providing a proper introduction or conclusion.

3. Ensure Scannability: Executive summary slides often contain lots of information, making them dense and challenging to navigate. Make it easier for your audience by organizing information into easily discernible sections. Group related text and graphs together, and include text headers for each section so even those scanning will understand the main points.

4. Maintain Consistent Tone: Ensure that the tone and language used in your slide match those of the primary document. Consistency in tone prevents confusion and keeps the audience engaged.

5. Focus on The Story: While stakeholders may have time to read the full report later, your goal during the presentation is to draw their attention to the most critical issues and highlight the value within the report, enticing them to delve deeper.

6. Use Bullet Points: Present information in bullet points to keep it concise and easily digestible. Avoid overloading your audience with long lists or full sentences, as this can overwhelm them and diminish the impact of your presentation.

7. Limit Data Overload: While data is essential, too much of it can overwhelm your audience. Choose three main data points to highlight on your executive summary slide and provide context for why these points are significant.

8. Utilize Professional Presentation Templates: Consider using presentation templates designed specifically for executive summaries. These help you create visually appealing slides that enhance your message and engage your audience. Prioritize white space and use icons and simple visualizations to minimize clutter and make your slides visually appealing.

By incorporating these strategies, you can create an executive summary slide that conveys important information and keeps your audience curious and engaged.

Crafting a compelling executive summary in slide presentations is essential for conveying critical information concisely and engagingly. 

By following strategies such as creating an engaging slide title, using basic story structure, ensuring scannability, maintaining a consistent tone, focusing on the story, using bullet points, limiting data overload, and utilizing professional presentation templates, presenters can captivate their audience’s attention and communicate their main points effectively. 

An engaging executive summary sets the stage for a deeper exploration of the topic and facilitates smoother communication, ultimately leading to better stakeholder understanding and engagement.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is the purpose of an executive summary slide in a presentation?

An executive summary PPT slide gives a quick overview of a more extended presentation, usually at the beginning of a slide deck. It summarizes the main points so readers don’t have to review the entire presentation. These slides are more text-heavy because they’re meant to be read, not presented live.

2. Why is it essential to have an executive summary in slide presentations?

Executive summaries are a crucial connection between presenters and audiences, offering a glance into the content ahead. They help stakeholders quickly understand proposals, project details, or research findings. By guiding readers through the presentation and providing context, they ensure that important points are easily grasped, setting the stage for deeper exploration if needed.

3. What are the key sections typically included in an executive summary?

An executive summary usually includes sections such as introduction, problem statement, outcomes/recommendations, and importance. These sections help readers understand the document quickly. It’s common to organize them into a clear outline using bullet points to make them easier to turn into slides for a PowerPoint presentation.

4. How can I make an executive summary slide engaging?

Crafting a creative executive summary slide involves:

  • Creating an engaging slide title.
  • Using basic story structure.
  • Ensuring scannability.
  • Maintaining a consistent tone.
  • Focusing on the story.
  • Using bullet points.
  • Limiting data overload.
  • Utilizing professional presentation templates.

Presenters can capture their audience’s attention by incorporating these strategies and effectively communicate their main points.

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How to Create the Perfect Executive Summary Slide [Examples and Templates]

How to Create the Perfect Executive Summary Slide [Examples and Templates]

Most business communication necessitates a quick overview – a precis of the information that follows. While it is called an executive summary, even personnel in non-executive positions benefit from this summary. They are commonly used in business settings but are also used in scientific discussions, education, projects, and so on.

Getting the design of the executive summary template for PowerPoint and ensuring its clarity can be pretty challenging. After all, it is the abridged version of the business document that follows, and yet, it has to impress the viewer and convey the message properly. We can guide you if you’re worried about creating a good executive summary slide.

Check out our collection of PowerPoint templates for executive summary slides here.

What is an Executive Summary?


It is simply a summary of business documents like whitepapers, business plans, or annual reports, which provides the important points of discussion in a concise preview of the main document. This helps the audience understand the contents to follow before they dive headlong into the details.

A more detailed definition is provided by The University of Arizona, which says that an executive summary should:

  • Reiterate the aim of the following document.
  • Emphasize the important points of discussion and crucial facts.
  • Mention prominent outcomes, suggestions, or conclusions.

Much effort goes into creating the ideal executive summary as you have to squeeze in a great deal of information in a short space.

Executive Summary Examples

Almost all documents have executive summaries, and some are structured and presented in a better manner than others. Here are some of the most effective executive summary slide examples we collected:


Executive Summary Format

There isn’t any single format that can be touted as ideal for an executive summary slide. It all depends on the type of document to be presented, the purpose behind it, and what it contains. However, there are certain norms it needs to follow, like conveying important information at a single glance, offering a preview of the main document, highlighting outcomes and suggestions, and so on. Most readers or viewers expect to see these on the first page as it is.

An executive summary should ideally have these sections:

  • A generic introduction and explanation of the important points to be discussed
  • A statement of the main issue
  • Handpicked outcomes, recommendations, etc.
  • The importance of the points discussed.

You are likely to present this summary to other stakeholders. It may be a good idea to keep this structure as a bulleted list. You can then move the important ideas to your executive summary in PowerPoint slides.

You also need expertise in PowerPoint to ensure that your executive summary looks appealing – eye-catching, neat, and clear. It is important to make good use of white space. You can use icons and other minor visual elements to reduce text blocks; use crisp headings and subheadings to make the slide look leaner.  If you’re unsure how to do this, check out the templates listed in this article.

Length of your Executive Summary

Ideally, an executive summary should be one page, or about 500 words maximum, depending on the font, of course. If the document to be presented is voluminous, you could have a two-page summary, but it is always better to be brief. Think of an executive summary as a trailer for a movie: you reveal just enough to pique the reader’s interest.

The need for Executive Summary Slides

Your audience can easily lose interest in a PowerPoint slide deck, or lose interest in it. After all, you need to remember the information presented in the previous slide and follow the argument presented, and then link everything into a narrative that makes sense to you.

This is where executive summary slides help:

  • They provide the reader with context and explain the importance of the topic of the PowerPoint slide deck.
  • They convey the high-level argument prior to the reader getting into the details, which allows the reader to understand your slide deck and its details.
  • These slides function like a map for the viewer to refer to in case they lose the trail of the argument or report in the slide deck.

Executive Summary Slide Templates

There is no ‘perfect’ look for an executive summary slide; presenters use custom slides to align with the content they want to project. However, there are some universal examples like these below:


How to Write an Executive Summary for a Presentation

Here are some ideas we collected from various sources that can help you create a solid draft executive summary for a presentation:

1. State the Problem

Your first paragraph is akin to the first slide of a presentation, which means you need to create an impact and convey the agenda – set the scene, so to speak. This can be achieved by stressing the urgency of the matter, showcasing the importance of the issue to be discussed, or explaining the background behind the research. You can then go on to convey the chief goals of the report or other document.

2. Talk About the Main Discussion Points

Expand the points or the report scope to fulfill the audience’s expectations. For example, utilize the subheads in the report as the main points of discussion; you can even create more descriptive and appealing statements. Here are some tips:

  • Break down big blocks of text into bullet points.
  • Use figures for the most important findings.
  • Be sure to clarify the scope of the report and what it does not include.
  • Talk about the resources and methods of research used.
  • If space permits, include a summary of the findings as a conclusion, or keep it as a featured quote to catch the viewer’s attention to critical information.

3. List the Next Steps

Towards the bottom of the page, dedicate a small paragraph to stress the outcomes and deductions and what follow-up action you expect your viewer to take. Finally, summarize what you found during your research and if there’s any solution or action you have recommended.

When this is done, get feedback from team members who have not seen the report to be presented, and ask if they can say what is included in the report after reading the summary. For example, does it pique their interest, and can they understand it without getting additional context? Use their feedback to make necessary improvements.

Tips to Make the Summary Engaging

1. use a consistent tone.

Ensure you continue with the same voice tone and choice of words in the summary slide as you have in the main document. Significant differences in the tone and terms between the presentation and the summary can cause your audience to get confused and lose interest.

2. Tell a Story

Your audience will get time to read the report in its entirety; when you present it before them, you need to focus on getting them to pay attention to the most critical issues, highlight the value contained within the report, and get them interested enough to go through the entire document later. The summary must thoroughly outline the whole communication with a proper starting, middle, and ending. Most people tend to focus their summaries on the data or observations without a proper introduction or conclusion – and you can lose the audience this way. Formulating a clear narrative in your mind at the outset is important.

3. Use Bullet Points

We’ve already touched on this point briefly. People today prefer snippets of information; with attention spans dwindling, short sentences and phrases are preferred. Trim your text and resist the urge to overload your audience with information. Bulleted lists present information crisply and quickly.

4. Cut Down on Data

While figures and data visualizations are great, going overboard with data slides does not create a bigger impact – in fact, the opposite happens. You should convey what the data means, rather than the data itself. By showcasing a lot of numbers, you won’t be able to convince your audience as they cannot process all those figures. Stick to a couple of important data points in the executive summary slide – and maybe you can elaborate on why these are depicted here.

5. Give an attention-grabbing slide title

The title or heading is where anyone’s attention naturally gravitates to at first; use this to your advantage. The title must clearly state the important takeaway and set the stage for the rest of the slide.

6. Ensure it can be scanned

Even summary slides can have tons of information, making them difficult to go through; you can make it easy for your audience to consume such a slide by cutting it up into sections that can be easily noticed. For example, you could put graphs and related text in the same group. You can also use text headings for every section so that any person who is skimming through for a few seconds will get the important points.  You can also do the same for visuals – like bar charts, for example.

To Conclude

As your executive summary is the very first page or slides your audience will see, it is critical to perfect it. Now, with these tips and tricks, we’re sure it’s no longer a problem! Do you have any more tips for creating a compelling executive summary slide? Let us know.

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Crafting the Perfect Executive Summary in PowerPoint

  • December 27, 2022

how to write a summary for a powerpoint presentation

An executive summary is a short presentation of the most important points in your business plan. It serves to provide an overview of the company, its products, and its goals. It’s one of the first things potential investors will want to see when you are pitching your company.

However, no two companies are exactly alike, which means there isn’t a single template for an executive summary. Instead, it’s up to you to tailor the presentation according to the type of funding you are seeking. If you are raising capital from private investors or venture capitalists, be sure that your executive summary has enough information about your key risks and competitive advantages.

For government grants or loans, focus on how your business plan will benefit society and create jobs. And for crowdfunding campaigns, highlight the social media following and number of backers that you already have in order to attract potential donors.

An executive summary is a brief overview of your company’s business. It usually includes the company’s vision, some financials such as revenue and earnings, and its goals for the future. This document is often shared with potential investors or other key stakeholders to give them a concise, easy-to-read overview of what you’re all about. A well-written executive summary, crafted with precision and care, serves as a crucial asset for any company. This succinct document can significantly enhance your prospects during fundraising and M&A endeavors. Utilizing a proficient summary generator can streamline the process and improve the overall quality of your executive summary.

The goal of this task is not only to explain what you would like to present, but also summarize the key points of your presentation . Here are some tips on how to create one that will make a lasting impression on anyone who reads it.

What is an executive summary?

An executive summary is one of the most important documents in your company. It’s a one-page document that summarizes your company. This document is often shared with potential investors or other key stakeholders in your company to give them a concise overview of the company’s business.

Why is an Executive Summary important?

An executive summary is an important document because it is one of the first things people will read about your company. If you want to make an impression on a potential investor , it’s important that your executive summary stands out and gets their attention.

A good executive summary should be concise and easy to read, with the goal of summarizing the key points of your presentation. A poorly written or confusing executive summary can cause your business to not get as much interest as you would like.

In this article we’ll provide 3 best practices for creating an effective summary in PowerPoint : 1) create a brief summary of your presentation including the key points; 2) identify and summarize each section of your presentation; 3) highlight the main takeaway and how it solves the problem. Not sure where to start? We’ve got some tips that will help you out!

Who reads the Executive Summary?

The Executive Summary is usually distributed to potential investors or other key stakeholders. The goal is to engage them and keep them interested in your business!

Begin by introducing the company, including its background information and current financials. Include an overview of the company’s strategy for the future. This should include what the company hopes to accomplish in the next 1-2 years. Finally, provide an outlook of what might happen if they implement their plan.

Don’t forget to include any other salient information about your company that might be important to your readers (for example, if you are a small privately-held company).

How to Create a Successful Executive Summary

Business-focused presentations often include an executive summary, and it’s important to know how to create one. This document is a quick overview of your company’s business and should be concise and easy to read.

How to highlight the main takeaway and how it solves the problem

Your presentation is not always going to have a single takeaway. It’s important to identify the main story of your presentation and how it solves the problem.

A great example of this is what we see in movies, when there’s the big reveal at the end of the film. This is often done by showing what was really happening throughout the movie, but it could also show how one event led to another event.

The purpose of this is to keep your audience engaged for longer periods of time. You want them to stay focused on your message and remember what you’re saying. It should be easy for them to understand where you’re coming from, why you’re talking about it, and how they can benefit by listening to you.

How to identify and summarize each section of your presentation

When you’re summarizing each section of your presentation, it’s important to be as concise as possible. You want to briefly cover the key points of that section.

For example, if you have a PowerPoint slide about your company’s vision, it would be helpful to summarize what your business is trying to achieve in the near future. The key points are the things that are most relevant for investors or other decision makers.

Another example would be if you have a slide on how your company is performing financially. If this slide includes revenue and earnings , then it would be helpful to include some projections for the following year. This can help potential investors make an informed decision about investing in your company.

General tips for making a successful executive summary

-Keep it brief. Your summary should be concise and to the point. Provide the key points of your presentation without too much detail. The goal is not to provide an in-depth description, but to clarify what you would like to present.

-Be clear about your intentions. This is a summary of your presentation, so it should include which audience you want to present to and why this topic is important to that audience.

-Provide an overview of each section of the presentation. It’s often helpful for readers to see all the information in one place rather than reading through slides one by one.

-End with a takeaway message or how it solves the problem at hand. Think about what your audience will remember most from your summary and make sure that’s included in the final paragraph!

Tips for different industries

Tips for a tech company.

Tech companies are in a fiercely competitive market. Considering that, it’s important for them to use all the tools at their disposal to get ahead of the competition. Some of the tools include executive summaries—a brief overview of your company’s business.

Tips for a law firm

If you work in a law firm, these 3 tips will help you create a good summary for your executive summary.

In the business world, the term “partner” is often associated with someone who has been working with a company for many years and is an integral part of the organization. A partner often has a stake in the company, takes on leadership roles, and is responsible for helping to set the long-term goals. Becoming a partner is usually a clear sign that an employee is trusted and valued by their company.

Tips for the fashion industry

Are you in the fashion industry? If so, your biggest competitor is up-to-date trends. The fashion world moves fast. But to stay on top of the game, it’s important to be aware of what’s happening in the industry and know what consumers want.

-Stay on top of current trends by reading trade magazines or having a subscription to a website that provides overviews on what’s new in the industry.

-Keep a running list of all the brands you’re interested in and note any items from those brands that you want, as well as why they’re on your list. This is a good way to help remember trends or styles that interest you.

-Gain inspiration from other industries as well! Fashion often takes cues from other industries such as architecture, art, and engineering.

An executive summary is an important document that can help you get your message across to your audience. Hope the above information was useful to understand what an executive summary is, what it’s used for, how to create one, and what you should be aware of when writing one.

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5 Tips to Help You Write the Most Amazing Presentation Summary

Ashish Arora

Before we delve into the article, I want you to imagine a conference room filled with eager attendees waiting for the company’s marketing executive to deliver a presentation . Armed with an array of data, the executive steps up to the podium to present the latest market analysis. The audience listens attentively, jots down notes, and absorbs the wealth of information being presented.

As the presentation draws to a close, the executive concludes with a dynamic summary. She highlights the top trends and reiterates the strategies to gain a competitive edge. She runs a recap of the critical data points, showcasing the impressive growth achieved in the previous quarter and the ambitious targets set for the following year. The audience, now fully engaged, feels a sense of excitement about the company’s prospects and leaves with a stunning impression.

Thus, the summary plays an extremely crucial role in solidifying the impact of the presentation and empowering the audience to retain and act upon the information presented. By providing a condensed and memorable snapshot of the presentation’s main points, the summary becomes a valuable resource that extends the presentation’s influence beyond the confines of the conference room.

A well-crafted summary presents the information coherently and logically, ensuring that the main concepts are effectively conveyed. It allows the audience to quickly review their understanding of the material, making it an invaluable tool for retaining and applying the knowledge shared during the presentation.

Here are some tips to help you craft a mind-blowing presentation summary.

1. Begin by Summarizing the Key Takeaways

The purpose of a presentation summary is to deliver the message clearly and reinforce ideas in the audience’s minds. But before you begin to write it, start by answering a few questions-

  • What is the central theme of my presentation?
  • What are the problems and threats that I am addressing?
  • Can I talk about the causes and underlying issues?
  • Are there any potential solutions that I can include?
  • What does my audience expect to learn from this presentation?

Let us understand with the help of an example. Consider you’re delivering a presentation about your Business Plan. The entire presentation includes critical information such as details about the competitors, prospects of growth, market analysis, case studies, etc. However, to sum it up and make an impact on your investors, you must conclude it in a single slide and mesmerize your stakeholders. But how can you sum up a dozen slides and fit them into one? 

Well, begin by answering the questions above, and you will realize that half of your summary is already done. You can then tailor the material accordingly and use a pre-designed Executive Summary template to communicate the same effectively.

2. Use Graphs and Charts to Showcase Numbers

If you want to increase the impact of your summary, you must incorporate visuals such as graphs and charts, as they provide a clear and concise way to present complex numerical data. Instead of overwhelming the audience with rows of numbers and statistics, these graphical elements convert the information into easily digestible visuals. They enable viewers to grasp critical insights at a glance, enhancing their retention.

By visually illustrating trends, patterns, and comparisons, graphical elements can bring the numbers to life and add a compelling narrative to the presentation. When used strategically, they can emphasize key points, highlight significant findings, and back your arguments. 

For instance, if you want to showcase the comparison of your project’s increasing revenue over different quarters, you can use a bar graph. It will make the information much more pleasing to look at, and rather than having to fathom through digits of numbers, the graph can show the audience an upward trend in the blink of an eye and prove your point.

3. Include Roadmaps and Timeline to Showcase Milestones

Roadmaps and timelines offer a structured and organized representation of the project’s or plan’s progress over time. They provide a precise visual sequence of events, milestones, and goals, enabling the audience to comprehend the project’s development at a glance. This visual clarity helps the audience stay on track and follow the presentation’s flow, making it easier to grasp the project’s scope, timeline, and major achievements.

They serve as excellent tools for setting expectations and managing stakeholders’ understanding of the project’s timeline and progress. By displaying key milestones and expected completion dates, these visuals enable stakeholders to see the project’s trajectory and better align their expectations with the proposed timeline. This helps avoid misunderstandings and facilitates effective communication between the presenter and the audience. 

They transform abstract concepts and ideas into a tangible and relatable story by visually showcasing the journey from the project’s inception to its anticipated completion. This engagement is particularly crucial in presentations involving long-term planning or complex processes. Such use of visuals inspires and motivates the audience to be invested in the project’s success. 

4. Harness the Power of Icons and Illustrations 

Summaries are quite tedious when they are overloaded with information. Rather than using separate texts for each element, it is much better to harness the power of self-explanatory illustrations and icons . They can inject creativity and personality into the slides, and a touch of artistry can make the content more engaging and relatable. 

One of the most important factors is that visuals have a universal language that transcends linguistic differences, making them particularly valuable in presentations with an international or diverse audience . While text-heavy slides may pose challenges for non-native speakers or those unfamiliar with technical terms, icons and illustrations can bridge the gap and ensure that the main points are communicated effectively. 

This inclusivity allows the presentation summary to reach a broader audience and ensures that the message is accessible and comprehensible to everyone.

For instance, if you want to talk about the details of a board meeting in your summary slide, you can use an expert-designed template and add a touch of life to your slides instead of writing every point and detail. This template includes all necessary details, such as the meeting agenda, time, goals, location, etc., and can be used to make your presentation inclusive and stand apart.

Such visually pleasing illustrations can help break chains of monotony and reduce clutter. They also improve the audience’s comprehension by serving as visual anchors for specific points, helping them quickly identify key topics and understand the relationships between different elements. 

5. Include a Compelling Call to Action

A compelling call to action at the end of your presentation summary is crucial in motivating your audience to take the desired next steps. To ensure effectiveness, it’s essential to be specific and concrete, leaving no room for ambiguity. 

Clearly state what you want your audience to do, whether it’s signing up for a service, scheduling a meeting, making a purchase, or investing in a project. Emphasizing the benefits of taking action is equally important, as it helps your audience understand how it will positively impact them or solve their problems. By presenting a persuasive case for the value they’ll gain, you increase the likelihood of a positive response.

Additionally, instilling a sense of urgency can prompt immediate action. Mentioning limited-time offers, upcoming deadlines, or time-sensitive elements related to your presentation encourages your audience to act promptly. 

Providing clear and accessible contact information facilitates the follow-up process, boosting your audience’s confidence in taking the desired action. Including a strong closing statement that reiterates the main message and connects it back to the call to action leaves a lasting impression and reinforces the significance of the action you’re proposing. 

Lastly, confidently and enthusiastically delivering your call to action makes your audience more receptive and eager to embrace the proposed action. A well-crafted call to action turns your presentation from a passive experience into an active and transformative one, yielding positive results for you and your audience.

A presentation summary is a valuable asset that every presenter must use. Not only does it maintain a flow of thoughts and connects the dots between multiple topics, but it also keeps the audience engaged . 

By crafting a concise and well-structured summary, presenters can ensure that the main concepts and takeaways remain at the forefront of the audience’s minds long after the presentation.

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Ashish Arora

Ashish Arora

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How to Create a Summary Slide in PowerPoint?

A powerpoint slide with a summary of key points

Creating a summary slide in PowerPoint is an essential part of putting together a presentation that grabs and holds your audience’s attention. Not only does it help to reinforce the key themes of your presentation, but it also serves as a powerful tool for summarizing complex information and data in an easy-to-understand format for your audience. In this article, we will explore the importance of a summary slide in PowerPoint presentations, how to plan and design an effective summary slide, and some best practices and tips for creating an engaging and informative summary slide.

Table of Contents

The Importance of a Summary Slide in PowerPoint Presentations

One of the key reasons why a summary slide is so important in PowerPoint presentations is its ability to reinforce the main themes and ideas of your presentation. By highlighting the most important points and takeaways, a summary slide can help to ensure that your audience remembers your presentation long after it is over. Additionally, a summary slide provides a clear and concise way to summarize complex data or information, helping to make your presentation more accessible and engaging for your audience.

Another benefit of including a summary slide in your PowerPoint presentation is that it can serve as a roadmap for your audience. By providing a clear overview of the topics covered in your presentation, a summary slide can help your audience to follow along and stay engaged throughout the entire presentation. This can be especially helpful for longer presentations or those that cover a lot of complex information.

Finally, a summary slide can also be a useful tool for reinforcing your call to action or key message. By summarizing the main points of your presentation and highlighting the key takeaways, you can help to ensure that your audience understands the importance of your message and is motivated to take action. This can be particularly important in business or marketing presentations, where the ultimate goal is to persuade your audience to take a specific action or make a purchase.

Understanding the Purpose of a Summary Slide in Your Presentation

Before you start creating your summary slide, it’s essential to understanding its purpose in your overall presentation. The summary slide is typically the last slide of your presentation, and it should summarize the most important points covered in your presentation along with a memorable final thought. For example, if you’re delivering a sales pitch, your summary slide should highlight the key benefits of your product or service and provide a clear call to action for your audience.

Another important aspect of a summary slide is that it helps your audience to remember the key takeaways from your presentation. By providing a concise summary of the main points, your audience is more likely to retain the information and be able to recall it later. Additionally, a well-crafted summary slide can also serve as a visual aid to reinforce your message and leave a lasting impression on your audience.

Planning Your Summary Slide: What to Include and What to Leave Out

When planning your summary slide, it’s important to strike the right balance between including enough information to summarize your presentation effectively while also avoiding overwhelming your audience with too much detail. Some key elements to consider including in your summary slide include the main themes and ideas covered in your presentation, key data points or statistics, any notable quotes or testimonials, and a final call to action. However, be sure to leave out any extraneous information that isn’t directly relevant to your main message or themes.

Another important factor to consider when planning your summary slide is the visual design. Your summary slide should be visually appealing and easy to read, with clear and concise text and graphics. Use a consistent color scheme and font throughout your presentation to create a cohesive and professional look. Additionally, consider using visual aids such as charts, graphs, or images to help illustrate your main points and make your summary slide more engaging for your audience.

Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a Summary Slide in PowerPoint

Creating a summary slide in PowerPoint is a straightforward process that can be accomplished using a few simple steps. First, choose the template or design for your summary slide. Most PowerPoint templates include a suitable summary slide layout, so you don’t need to start from scratch. Next, consider the key message and themes of your presentation and decide what information to include in your summary slide. Be sure to keep your text concise and focused, and use bullet points or other visual aids to help keep things clear and easy to understand. Finally, add any relevant images, charts, or graphs to your summary slide, and make sure to use fonts and colors that are consistent with your overall presentation design.

It’s important to note that the summary slide should be the last slide in your presentation. This slide should provide a quick overview of the key points and takeaways from your presentation. It’s also a good idea to include a call to action or next steps on this slide, so your audience knows what to do next. Remember, the summary slide is often the slide that your audience will remember the most, so make sure it’s clear, concise, and visually appealing.

Designing an Eye-Catching Summary Slide for Your Presentation

While the content of your summary slide is essential, the design also plays a crucial role in creating an engaging and memorable summary slide. To design an eye-catching summary slide, consider using bold colors and fonts, incorporating relevant images or graphics, and using animations or slide transitions to help emphasize key points. Remember to keep your design consistent with your overall presentation theme and style.

Another important aspect to consider when designing your summary slide is the placement of information. You want to make sure that the most important information is prominently displayed and easy to read. This can be achieved by using larger font sizes or bolding key words. Additionally, consider using bullet points or numbered lists to break up information and make it easier to digest.

Finally, don’t forget about the importance of white space. A cluttered summary slide can be overwhelming and difficult to read. Leave enough space between elements to create a clean and organized design. This will not only make your summary slide more visually appealing, but it will also make it easier for your audience to understand and remember the information presented.

Tips and Tricks for Creating an Effective Summary Slide in PowerPoint

When creating your summary slide, there are a few tips and tricks that can help you to ensure its effectiveness. First, consider using a strong headline or tagline that sums up the main message or takeaway from your presentation. Second, use bullets or numbers to break down complex information into manageable chunks, making it easier for your audience to understand. Finally, use visuals like images or charts to help illustrate your key points, making them more memorable and engaging for your audience.

Another important tip to keep in mind when creating a summary slide is to keep it simple and concise. Avoid cluttering the slide with too much information or unnecessary details. Stick to the most important points and use clear and concise language to convey your message effectively.

Additionally, it can be helpful to include a call to action on your summary slide. This could be a request for feedback, a call to visit your website or social media pages, or an invitation to continue the conversation after the presentation. Including a call to action can help to keep your audience engaged and interested in your message beyond the presentation itself.

How to Customize Your Summary Slide with Animations and Transitions

PowerPoint offers a wide range of options for customizing your summary slide with animations and transitions. Animations can be used to bring attention to key points or data, while transitions can help to create a seamless flow between slides. When using animations and transitions, be sure to use them sparingly and consistently throughout your entire presentation.

Best Practices for Using Images and Graphics on Your Summary Slide

Images and graphics can be powerful tools for enhancing the impact of your summary slide. When using images and graphics, be sure to choose visuals that are relevant to your presentation and that help to reinforce your main message or themes. Additionally, use high-quality images and graphics that are visually appealing and easy to understand for your audience.

Adding Charts and Graphs to Your Summary Slide: A Comprehensive Guide

If your presentation includes complex data or information, charts and graphs can be an effective way to present it in a clear and easy-to-understand format. When adding charts and graphs to your summary slide, consider using simple designs and labels that are easy to read and interpret. Additionally, be sure to only include the most important data points or information on your summary slide, leaving out any unnecessary information that could confuse your audience.

Creating a Memorable Conclusion with Your Summary Slide

The last slide of your presentation should leave a lasting impression on your audience. To create a memorable conclusion with your summary slide, consider including a final call to action or memorable quote that reinforces your presentation’s main message. Additionally, use images, graphics, or animations to help emphasize your main points and leave a lasting impression on your audience.

How to Use a Summary Slide to Engage Your Audience

A summary slide can also be an effective tool for engaging your audience throughout your presentation. By previewing your summary slide at the beginning of your presentation, your audience will have a clear understanding of what to expect and will be more engaged and attentive throughout the rest of your presentation. Additionally, use your summary slide to encourage audience participation by asking questions or soliciting feedback on your key messages.

Examples of Amazing Summary Slides: Inspiration for Your Next Presentation

Looking for some inspiration for your next summary slide? There are plenty of examples of amazing summary slides that you can draw inspiration from. Some great examples include TED Talks and other presentations from thought leaders in your industry. Take note of how they use visuals, text, and other design elements to create engaging and memorable summary slides.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Creating a Summary Slide in PowerPoint

When creating your summary slide, there are a few common mistakes to avoid. These include including too much information or detail, using fonts or colors that are difficult to read, and failing to use visuals or other design elements effectively. Additionally, be sure to proofread your summary slide carefully to avoid any spelling or grammatical errors that could detract from your message.

Wrap Up: Final Thoughts on Creating a Perfect Summary Slide in PowerPoint

Creating an effective summary slide is a crucial part of any PowerPoint presentation. By following the tips and best practices outlined in this article, you can create a summary slide that not only reinforces the key themes and ideas of your presentation but also engages and informs your audience in a memorable and effective way.

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How to Summarize a PowerPoint Presentation

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"The key to effective slides," says Cliff Atkinson, author of "Beyond Bullet Points," is to distill the essential details of your presentation and tell a story that "takes your audience on a journey." A summary slide in your PowerPoint presentation gives the table of contents for your story and a handy way to move between different sections of the slide show. In PowerPoint 2003 and older, there was an automated feature that created a summary slide. That feature has been removed from more recent versions of the software.

Open your unsummarized PowerPoint presentation. On the Home tab, click the arrow under "New Slide." If you want a text summary, choose "Title and Content." If you want a graphical summary, choose "Blank."

Click on the first slide in the Slide Pane on the left side of the PowerPoint window. Right-click and select "Copy." Or, if you want to copy the text of the slide title, click the "Outline" tab at the top of the Slide Pane, click and drag to highlight the title of the first slide and then copy it.

Right-click on the new slide you created; under Paste Options, you'll see several options. For a text summary, choose "Keep Text Only." For a graphical summary choose "Picture."

Repeat the copy and paste process for all the slides you want in your summary. If you have a large presentation, you may want to summarize only the main headings rather than every slide.

Click the first image or highlight the first line of text. Click the "Insert" tab and then "Hyperlink." Choose "Place in This Document" from the options on the left. Click to select the first slide from the list and click "OK." Now you can click on the image or title in the presentation and you'll automatically go to that spot in the slide show.

  • Microsoft Office: What Happened to the Summary Slide and Table of Contents Options??
  • Microsoft Office: Copy and Paste Your Slides
  • Size your images to 1.7 inches high by 2.27 inches wide and you can fit 16 of them on your summary slide with even spacing between them.
  • Add a hyperlink on each slide or at the end of each section to return to the summary slide for easy, non-linear navigation.

James T Wood is a teacher, blogger and author. Since 2009 he has published two books and numerous articles, both online and in print. His work experience has spanned the computer world, from sales and support to training and repair. He is also an accomplished public speaker and PowerPoint presenter.

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3 Tips for Designing a Killer Summary Slide to Make Your Presentation Stand Out


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When it comes to presenting information, one of the most important aspects is the ability to summarize insights effectively. A summary slide is a powerful tool that can help you conclude your presentation concisely while highlighting the most important aspects.

In this blog, we will share inspiration on how to create such a wrap-up slide that will make your presentations more impactful and memorable.

Three things to remember while creating the summary slide

A summary slide typically highlights the top 3 to 5 crucial points discussed during a presentation, while being visually appealing and attention-grabbing. Summaries aid in the recollection of critical details.

In our summary slide example, three key components can be identified: a header section, a section for a more detailed description, and an icon representing the content. Each summary point is an individual element enclosed in a simple arrow shape.


Proper differentiation of text is crucial, such as using a larger font size for headers and underlining them with colored borders (e.g. blue). Icons are overlaid on a background, which is preferably a thematically-related photo to the slide or presentation. The background should occupy roughly a quarter of the slide, rather than split it evenly. This design approach prevents slide overload and creates a visually appealing result.

More slide inspiration

Here are more summary slide examples for your inspiration:


Whether you are a business professional, or a public speaker, these simple tips will help you create effective summary slides.

Creating a summary slide is an essential aspect of effective communication. Remember to keep your recap slide simple, focused, and visually appealing, and you will be sure to capture your audience’s attention and leave a lasting impression. We hope that our blog has provided you with valuable insights and practical tips to enhance your presentations.

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How to Summarize a Presentation

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Summarizing a presentation provides the opportunity to leave a lasting impression on the audience. The concluding remarks of a presentation are what usually sticks in the audience's head. At one level, the concluding remarks of a summary are like sound bites. They are short and condensed version of the the presentation. If someone missed the actual presentation and only heard the summary, they should have a good idea about the essence of the presentation.

Tell the audience that you are concluding the presentation. This sets the context for the summary and prepares the audience members for your concluding remarks.

Briefly summarize the primary points of the presentation. Avoid digressing into new information, arguments or points of view. Also avoid running a point into the ground that you have already discussed in detail during the presentation. The point of the summary is to remind the audience about the essential core of the presentation. Concentrate on the major ideas and the argument you made that supported the ideas..

Inform the audience about future work that you are interested in pursuing. The subject matter of a presentation usually has room for growth,development or elaboration. It is impossible to cover all of the bases in the time span of a presentation.

Conclude the summary be thanking the audience for listening. Tell the audience that you would be happy to respond to any questions they may having that relate to the presentation.

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How to create a summary slide in PowerPoint: dynamic summary

How to create a summary slide in PowerPoint: dynamic summary

This guide will teach you how to create a summary slide for a PowerPoint presentation. This brief slide can be used to summarize all of the main points discussed in your presentation.

What is a summary slide in PowerPoint?

The summary slide aims to summarize all the main information of your presentation, as well as your contact details, email address, website, QR code, etc. Typically this slide will come at the end of a presentation to summarise what was shown throughout the presentation. Alternatively, you can include the summary slide at the beginning to show the audience what they can expect in the presentation. 

How to create a summary slide in PowerPoint

Summary Slides in Office 2003 and Earlier Versions

  • Go to Slides > Normal View and select the slides you want to appear in the summary slide.
  • Click on Outlining toolbar > Summary Slide .
  • PowerPoint will create a new slide summarizing the titles of the selected slides.

Summary Slides in Office 2007 Onwards

The Summary Slide option was removed from newer versions of Microsoft Office (Office 2007 onwards), but you can create your summary slide manually.

  • The first step is to add a new slide to your presentation.
  • Go to Home > Slide > Layout and select a layout with a title and content (unless you want to create the textboxes manually). This will be your summary slide.
  • Next, go to Slides tab (next to Outline ) and then paste the title of each of your slides into the summary slide.

How to create a dynamic summary and add hyperlinks to titles in the summary slide

If you would like to link the titles displayed in the summary slide to their corresponding slides in the presentation, you can use hyperlinks to link them together.

  • Go to the summary slide and highlight the first title.
  • Right-click and select  Hyperlink from the Insert menu.
  • Go to Link to  and select  Place In This Document and then locate the desired slide .
  • Click OK  to validate. Repeat the operation for the other titles.
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Home Blog Presentation Ideas How to Write a Presentation Script

How to Write a Presentation Script

Cover for How to Write a Presentation Script guide by SlideModel

Delivering a successful presentation is a combination of a confident speech and professional-quality graphics. The first element is sometimes neglected, as presenters rely mostly on the slides and add an improvisation element to the speech. Truth is, if you aim to hone your presentation skills, you need to work on the speech. And for that to be a powerful asset, the answer is to learn how to write an effective presentation script.

This article will detail how to create a presentation script, which elements it should contain, how to relate the script to the presenter’s notes, and much more.

Table of Contents

What is a Presentation Script

How do you start a presentation script, how do you write a presentation script, how to connect a presentation script with presenter notes, recommended ppt templates to write a presentation script, final words.

A presentation script is a written guide that outlines what a speaker will say during a presentation. It includes the key points, transitions, and supporting details needed to communicate the message clearly and effectively. The script helps the speaker stay on track, ensuring the presentation is organized, concise, and delivered within the allotted time. It often integrates cues for visual aids and other presentation elements.

Structure of a presentation script

Defining the Purpose and Objective

Every effective presentation script starts with clearly understanding its purpose and objectives. Defining these elements early ensures your script remains focused, relevant, and aligned with your desired outcomes. 

Your core message is the central idea you want your audience to take away from your presentation. It should be clear, concise, and memorable. To define your core message, ask yourself:

  • What is the one thing I want my audience to remember?
  • Why is this message important?
  • How does this message benefit my audience?

Once you have a clear core message, everything in your script for a speech should support and reinforce it. This focus will help you avoid straying into irrelevant topics and ensure your presentation remains cohesive.

Next, the presenter should establish clear objectives for the talk. Objectives must be specific, measurable outcomes you want to achieve with your presentation. They give you a clear direction and help you measure the success of your presentation. Objectives can be:

  • Informational: Educate the audience on a particular topic.
  • Persuasive: Convince the audience to adopt a viewpoint or take a specific action.
  • Motivational: Inspire the audience to feel or act in a certain way.
  • Instructional: Teach the audience how to do something.

For example, suppose your core message is about the importance of cybersecurity. In that case, your objectives might include informing the audience about common threats, persuading them to adopt better security practices, and instructing them on implementing them.

Check our article on SMART goal setting for a practical approach to defining measurable goals.

Aligning the Script with Desired Outcomes

Once you’ve defined your core message and objectives, your script should be structured to achieve these outcomes. This involves:

  • Prioritizing content: Focus on the information and arguments directly contributing to your objectives.
  • Building logical flow: Ensure that each section of your presentation leads naturally to the next, creating a narrative that reinforces your core message.
  • Incorporating calls to action: If your objective is to persuade or motivate, include clear, actionable steps your audience can take after the presentation.

By defining the purpose and objectives of your presentation script, you set the stage for a focused, effective, and impactful delivery.

In this section, we’ll explore section by section how to write a presentation script. The following image is a guideline of presentation script examples on how to create icebreakers for each section

how to write a summary for a powerpoint presentation

Crafting a Compelling Introduction

The introduction is your opportunity to capture the audience’s attention and set the tone for the rest of the presentation. It should be engaging and clearly overview what the audience can expect.

If you are wondering how to start a presentation , key elements of a strong introduction include:

  • Opening hook: Start with a statement, question, or anecdote that grabs the audience’s attention. This could be a surprising statistic, a relevant quote, or a provocative question.
  • Purpose statement: Clearly state the purpose of your presentation and what you hope to achieve. This helps the audience understand why they should care about your words.
  • Agenda overview: Briefly outline the main points you will cover. This will give the audience a roadmap of what to expect and help them follow along.

Let’s say your presentation is about digital marketing trends. In that case, you might start with a surprising statistic about the growth of AI technology usage, followed by a statement about the importance of staying ahead of digital trends, and then outline the specific trends you will discuss in an upcoming slide.

Introduction slide presentation script

Organizing the Body of the Script

The body of your script is where you present your main content. It should be organized logically, with each section building on the previous one to reinforce your core message. 

Break down your content into clear, manageable sections. Each section should cover a specific point or idea. Smooth transitions between sections help maintain the flow of your presentation and keep the audience engaged . Phrases like “building on that idea,” “another important factor,” or “let’s now shift our focus to” can help guide the audience through your presentation.

Use data, examples, case studies , and visuals to support your points. This will strengthen your argument and make your presentation more engaging. 

For instance, in a presentation about social media’s impact on consumer behavior, you might organize the body into sections on social media usage trends, the psychology of social media influence, and case studies of successful social media campaigns.

Script of a speech for a body slide on digital marketing

Engaging the Audience with Stories and Examples

One of the most effective ways to make your presentation engaging and relatable is by incorporating stories and examples. These elements help illustrate your points, making them more memorable and impactful. 

Consider the following strategies:

  • Use personal anecdotes: Sharing personal experiences related to your topic can help establish a connection with the audience and make your presentation more relatable.
  • Include case studies: Real-world examples or case studies can help illustrate how the concepts you’re discussing apply in practice. This is especially effective when presenting to a business or professional audience.
  • Tell a story: Structure part of your presentation as a narrative, with a clear beginning, middle, and end. Stories are inherently engaging and can make complex information more digestible.

You can learn more about this technique with our article on storytelling for presentations .

Developing a Memorable Conclusion

The conclusion is your final opportunity to reinforce your core message and leave a lasting impression on your audience. 

A strong conclusion should:

  • Summarize key points: Recap the main points of your presentation to reinforce them in the audience’s mind.
  • Reiterate the core message: Restate your core message in a way that resonates with the audience and underscores its importance.
  • End with impact: Conclude with a powerful statement, call to action, or thought-provoking question that leaves the audience with something to think about or do.

If your presentation was about the importance of innovation in business, you might conclude by summarizing its key benefits, restating that innovation is crucial for long-term success, and ending with a call to action for the audience to start thinking about how they can innovate in their roles.

Conclusion slide for a script for presentation example

Get more insights on how to end a presentation with our article.

Although the presentation script is a fantastic resource for preparing your presentation and also for rehearsal, presenters cannot bring lengthy text pages with them and start reading if they feel lost. This is where presenter notes come in handy, and in this section, we’ll learn how to turn the presentation script into presenter notes. 

The first step in this process is to go through the detailed script a couple of times, highlighting the main ideas, data, and messages to convey to the audience. You can follow the process as with meeting notes and apply the strategies explained in that article.

Now, we need to condense the information into simpler sentences, direct phrases, or keywords that trigger memory recall. These phrases will be added to the slides in the format of speaker notes linked to each slide. It’s crucial to mark the transitions from one topic to another in the presentation so we can articulate the speech or remember to emphasize a point. 

Remember, if we suddenly need to include last-minute details, we can use visual cues or a printed version of our slides with extra handwritten notes.

Before we conclude this article, we want to recommend some PowerPoint templates that can help the presentation script creation process, especially for team collaboration, where the presentation goes through multiple iterations. Remember these designs also serve as Google Slides templates .

1. 6 Step Creative Timeline Diagram for Presentation Scripts

Infographic Steps Shape of Timeline Slide

Say you need to create a sample script for a presentation or work with your team for a department presentation: this is where this best PPT template is beneficial. We can summarize processes or points that we intend the presentation to cover into six actionable steps that can be discussed within the team. The icons included help us to connect concepts with the steps we’re describing.

Use This Template

2. Product Timeline Script of Speech PPT Template

how to write a summary for a powerpoint presentation

In sales and product presentations, we need to contextualize the dates on which we expect things to happen. By using this timeline PPT template as a visual aid, presenters can carry a printed version or digital version on another device to remind themselves of the milestones that a product or service is due in the near future.

3. The Presentation Experience Script PowerPoint Template

PowerPoint Templates for Sales Pitch

Although this template is tailored to sales presentations, this slide deck is ideal for writing a recap of the presentation script. You can add facts, questions, numeric data, and more.

4. Steps & Stairs Diagram Presentation Script Google Slides Template

how to write a summary for a powerpoint presentation

This diagram template for PowerPoint and Google Slides is a highly visual 3D aid intended for defining the steps to write the script or to present processes. Use this staircase design template to summarize key information about your presentation speech.

Creating a detailed, professional presentation script doesn’t have to be a daunting process. As long as we understand the basis of how to structure what we intend to say, questions and answers about which content to include shall arise. 

Follow the steps shown in this article and you will master the process to create your own presentation scripts in no time.

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Presentation Skills, Speech Filed under Presentation Ideas

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  • Presentations

How to Learn PowerPoint Quickly (Complete 2024 Beginner's Guide + Video)

Andrew Childress

Trying to figure out how to use PowerPoint? This PowerPoint tutorial for beginners will help get you started. Learn basic tools as well as how to use PowerPoint templates in this PowerPoint beginner's guide. 

Man giving presentation

In this PowerPoint tutorial for beginners, I'll help you get up and running in Microsoft PowerPoint. Ever wanted to know how to use PowerPoint templates? You'll learn how to use PowerPoint to build a presentation in less time than you ever thought possible. We'll also cover some PowerPoint best practices to make sure you're doing things the easy way.

Remember to check out Envato Elements. One low price gets you unlimited access to thousands of professional PowerPoint presentations —as well as fonts, stock photos, audio, and much more! It's the ultimate resource for fast, simple, and professional assets.

Guide to Making Great Presentations (Free eBook Download)

Before you read on, be sure to grab our free eBook:  The Complete Guide to Making Great Presentations . It'll help you master the presentation process, from initial idea through to writing, design, and delivering with impact.

Free presentation eBook

How to Learn PowerPoint Quickly (Beginner Tutorial With Tips Video) 

Are you ready to start learning PowerPoint? Watch this quick screencast to learn all about what PowerPoint is and how to use it . It's a perfect PowerPoint tutorial for beginners. 

how to write a summary for a powerpoint presentation

Or study the complete written tutorial below.

Jump to content in this section:

What Is PowerPoint?

How to use powerpoint's ribbon, the steps to create a powerpoint presentation for beginners, how to power up powerpoint, how to customize a premium ppt template quickly (in 5 simple steps), powerpoint tools to learn (for presenters), 5 tips and tricks for a successful powerpoint presentation, more beginner powerpoint tutorials (free to learn online).

Microsoft PowerPoint is undoubtedly the most popular app used to give presentations. You're likely to see PowerPoint presentations being used for everything from presentations at the world's largest companies to grade schoolteachers sharing lessons.

PowerPoint is often the butt of the joke. Many decry PowerPoint as boring and a crutch for poorly prepared speakers.

Only a bad carpenter blames the tools. And like any tool, PowerPoint is incredibly useful when used properly. Use it as an aid on your speaking engagements to build comfort and drive points visually with your audience.

Simplicity PowerPoint Themes

In this tutorial, we're going to focus on working inside of PowerPoint to build a presentation. This PowerPoint guide has everything you need to get comfortable in the app. To master the app, we'll talk about and cover the most common steps a rookie PowerPoint user needs to know.

Here are the key actions you'll need to take to build a PowerPoint presentation:

  • You'll need to add  slides,  the individual pages in the presentation.
  • You'll add  content  to the slides, such as text boxes, images, charts and graphs.
  • Change themes and styles  to make your presentation look professional and fit the occasion at hand.
  • Prepare presentation aids like  Speaker Notes  and Presenter View to help you feel comfortable with presenting.

We'll cover each of these in this PowerPoint tutorial so that you can get up and running quickly. 

To get up to speed with PowerPoint, it helps to understand the layout of the app. Let's walk through the key menu options so that you can learn PowerPoint quickly. If you understand the way that the app is laid out, you're likely to find any feature you need quickly.

This part of the PowerPoint guide will focus on the interface. Note that these previews are in Microsoft PowerPoint for Mac OS, but the same will apply for PC.

1. The Ribbon

The ribbon menu is found across many of Microsoft's apps, such as Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. It lives above the main area of the application. In this example, "Home" is the selected tab in the Ribbon.

PowerPoint Ribbon screenshot example

The ribbon contains a series of tabs that you can switch between. Each of these have a unique set of tools to work with your presentation differently. When you switch tabs on the ribbon, you'll see new buttons and options to change your presentation:

  • Home . A general-purpose collection of the most common tools that you'll use in PowerPoint.
  • Insert . An all-in-one tool to add every imagine-able type of content, such as tables, pictures, charts, video, and more.
  • Draw. Use this tab to draw elements in your presentation.
  • Design . Controls the look and feel of your presentation with theme and style settings.
  • Transitions . Add animations when you switch slides.
  • Animations . Controls the order and style that objects will enter or exit your slide with.
  • Slide Show . Control settings related to the way your presentation appears when sharing it with an audience.
  • Review. Check spelling, check accessibility, and leave comments on your presentation here.
  • View. You can choose multiple ways to view your work from this tab. 
  • Record. Record video, audio, or take a screenshot here.
  • Acrobat. You can create PDF files using Adobe Acrobat from this tab.
  • Tell Me. Click this to ask a question—it's an easy access help space.

Now that you understand the layout, you've got a better idea of how you can jump to the feature you need. Let's dive a bit deeper into how you can use several of these key tabs.

2. The Home Tab

Use it for: a general selection of the most popular tools in PowerPoint.

I usually stay on the Home tab when I'm working in PowerPoint. The reason is because it's got practically every tool you need. From adding a new slide to changing text and paragraph settings, the Home tab is the default for most users.

Home on Ribbon

3. The Insert Tab

When you're working on adding content to a slide, the  Insert  tab has every possible tool to add new content to a slide. Choose one of these types of objects to add it to the slide.

Insert tab PowerPoint ribbon

PowerPoint has a variety of views that are simply different ways to work with the same presentation. Change the view to get a different perspective on your content.

Use views for a different way to edit and build your PowerPoint presentation.

Views tab

In the screenshot below, you can see the difference between the default  Normal  view and  Slide Sorter  view. Normal view shows each slide front and center. Slide Sorter view creates thumbnails that you can drag and drop to reorder the presentation. 

powerpoint normal view

Normal View in Microsoft PowerPoint

powerpoint slide sorter view

Slide Sorter View in Microsoft PowerPoint

5. The Design Tab

An attractive presentation can really grab your audience's attention. We use themes and styles in PowerPoint to add visual appeal to the presentation, and the  Design  tab really controls these settings.

Design Tab PowerPoint

On the Design tab, click one of the themes to restyle the presentation. Or try out a different Style thumbnail to overhaul the color theme.

We've tackled the interface of PowerPoint, so you should be feeling comfortable with how to get around the app. Now, let's talk about the actions you'll find yourself using repeatedly and how you can do that in PowerPoint. Whether you want to know how to use PowerPoint templates or how to build a presentation from scratch, these will be handy.

1. How to Add Slides

Think of  slides  as the individual units in your presentation that you can fill with content. To insert a new slide, go to the  Insert  tab on PowerPoint's ribbon. Then, click on the  New Slide  button to add a new slide to your presentation.

New Slide Added

Each of the thumbnails that you'll see on the sidebar represents a slide. Then, you'll add content to each slide.

There's no practical limit to the number of slides that your PowerPoint file can contain. But you should consider how many slides it actually takes to make your point. It's often the 

2. How to Add Content

Content is what defines each slide. PowerPoint accommodates a wide range of content like text, graphs, tables, charts, and more.

The easiest way to add content is to start off by choosing a  Layout,  which you can choose from the  Home  tab. This PowerPoint template comes with premade layouts we can choose from too.

PowerPoint layouts

These layouts have content boxes that are easy to add your own content to. Simply choose a layout, and then start adding your content.

3. How to Choose a Theme and Style

After you build out your presentation's content, it's a great idea to think about adding visual style. For this, you'll jump over to the  Design  tab, and click on one of the thumbnails for a theme. Choosing a new theme in this PowerPoint template made it easy to switch from an orange to a green theme. Check it out. 

PowerPoint theme dropdown

Using a PowerPoint theme is the preferred alternative to adding backgrounds, color and type styles to each slide. Changing the theme typically will adjust the entire presentation simultaneously. This greatly reduces the time involved with building a presentation.

With just these three steps, you've got the repeatable sequence of actions needed to build a presentation. 

With every creative app I've ever learned, there are always those insider tricks of the trade that you learn many months later. They make you wish that you had known them all along and think about the many hours you wasted on the learning curve.

PowerPoint is no exception to this rule. It's especially important that you can cut to the chase when you're rushing to prepare for your presentation.

The best way to save time on your presentation is to start with a pre-built PowerPoint theme .  And you can find those on Envato Elements, which is an unlimited download service for creatives.

PowerPoint Presentations List on Elements

Discover  simple PowerPoint template designs with powerful features on Envato Elements. The right premium PPT template  will help you make a great presentation quickly. 

Browse through these  simple professional presentation designs  that you can use today:  

how to write a summary for a powerpoint presentation

Now, most of the files that you'll grab from the Elements PPTX themes will appear to be finished presentations. You might be wondering how to use these pre-built presentations for your own needs.

Curious about how to use PowerPoint templates? To use Elements themes, it's really all about cutting it down to the slide designs that you'll use. A premium theme is really about the ideas  that are included as part of it. Simply use these ideas as starting points that you can add your own content to.

Volt Elements Example

Again, the value of Elements is that you can download as many files as you want while you're a subscriber. And if you stop subscribing, you'll still have the right to use the creative assets you grabbed. It's much faster than building every slide from scratch.

When you contemplate how to use PowerPoint, don’t imagine building slide decks from scratch. That’s where premium PPT templates come in. They take the hard work out of using PowerPoint. 

You can take advantage of designer styles in a simple format. That’s the ultimate PowerPoint lesson to take to heart. Let’s look at just how easy it is to customize premium PPT templates in this quick PowerPoint training tutorial!

If you want to follow along, download the beautiful Agio PowerPoint template from Envato Elements.

Agio template for PowerPoint lesson

Let's get started:

1. Choose Slides for Your Presentation

Premium PowerPoint PPT templates often include hundreds of handcrafted slides. For you, it’s best to select only a handful to build a slide deck. In PowerPoint, find Slide Sorter on the View tab. 

In Slide Sorter view, click and drag on the slide thumbnails to reorder them. Hold down Shift , click, and press Delete to remove unwanted slides. Jump back and start working by clicking Normal on the View tab.

How to create a PowerPoint presentation for beginners

2. Add Your Own Text

The PowerPoint basics include text and images. Adding custom text is one of the easiest and most common edits to make. 

Pre-built layouts include text boxes already arranged on the slide. To add your own words, highlight the contents of any text box. Then, simply start typing. Repeat throughout the presentation. 

PowerPoint basics

3. Add Images

Wondering how to add PowerPoint presentation images? The easiest way is to turn to premium templates with image placeholders. Identify them by finding the image icons on a given slide. Jump to where images are stored on your computer. 

Then, simply drag and drop them onto the placeholder. Not only will all your photos import automatically, they’ll also size and scale to fit perfectly!

How to use PowerPoint presentation

4. Change Object Colors

Changing theme colors is a fast way to adjust the visual look of your slides. For example, change object colors to add a bit of contrast. 

To get started, click on any object, like a shape, to select it. Choose Format at the top menu, to view your formatting options. Try Format Object to open the Format Pane .

In the Format Pane, you can choose things like a new Fill Color for this shape. 

Microsoft powerPoint tutorial

5. Customize Fonts

No Microsoft PowerPoint tutorial would be complete without customizing fonts. Sometimes, it’s easy to overlook text as a design element, but with a few quick edits you can make your words really stand out. 

Highlight a block of text, then go up to the Font section of the Home tab. You’ll see drop downs to change the font style, size, and color. After that, add quick effects like bold letters, italics, and more!

PowerPoint instructions

The content and design will vary greatly from one presentation next. But, no matter what the goal of your presentation is, there are common tools that every presenter can benefit from using. We've developed PowerPoint lessons for those tools.

Let's focus on the most valuable tools for speakers in this PowerPoint tutorial. I always mention these tools as a way to build confidence and comfort for presenters.

1. Speaker Notes

Forget writing out note cards or keeping a printed outline nearby. Speaker notes are a way to add the things you need to say to each slide.

Speaker notes are added to each individual slide, and the best way to add them is from  Normal  view. Click on  Notes  below the presentation area and type your slide-specific notes.

how to write a summary for a powerpoint presentation

Speaker notes will show up in printed copies of your presentation. So, it's easier to build them into PowerPoint instead of scribbling note cards you may lose.

2. Presenter View

Another feature that's a must-use is Presenter View , which is perfect for two screen setups while presenting. While your audience will see the presentation you've built on the projector or LCD screen, you'll have your own private view with speaker notes, upcoming slides, and more.

Turn on Presenter View from the slideshow tab by clicking  Use Presenter View.

Example of PowerPoint Presenter View

Check out a full guide below on getting the most from Presenter View:

how to write a summary for a powerpoint presentation

3. Spelling and Grammar Check

There's nothing worse than missing a key typo before you give your presentation. To avoid this problem, it's a great help to run a spelling and grammar check before you give your presentation.

To check for common spelling issues, simply jump to the  Review  tab and click Spelling . PowerPoint will check for the most common issues and allow you to correct them as needed.

powerpoint spell check

4. Insert Multimedia

You can use multimedia in your PowerPoint presentations, and they can really enhance the experiences. Remember, you can find these tools in the Ribbon, via Insert . For example, how about inserting a short audio clip of a quote or maybe a short video relevant to your topic? If you'd like to make these additions, Insert makes it very easy to do.

Want to learn more about adding Multimedia to your PowerPoint presentations? Check out these free tutorials to learn more:

how to write a summary for a powerpoint presentation

5. Add Bullet Points 

How you organize your content can make a huge difference—both for your audience and for you, as the presenter. Presenting a long passage of text can be difficult and even boring for the viewer. Consider breaking your content up into easy to read and easy to digest bullet points. 

PowerPoint makes this easy. When you edit your text, select Home in the Ribbon. There, again, you'll see your text options. Need some extra help with bullet points? Check out this easy-to-follow walkthrough:

how to write a summary for a powerpoint presentation

6. Transitions and Animations

PowerPoint has so many different options, when it comes to transitions and animations. You can have specific transitions from slide to slide. You can animate specific elements in your presentations.

Looking the PowerPoint Ribbon, remember to turn to the Animations section. There, you can find a host of options that you can apply to your presentation.

Never used these tools before? Check out these walkthroughs. They'll show you how it's done.

how to write a summary for a powerpoint presentation

In this PowerPoint tutorial for beginners, you’ve learned how to use PowerPoint presentation templates. We walked through a quick PowerPoint lesson to customize them. But you may be wondering: is that enough to deliver a winning PowerPoint presentation? 

Part of PowerPoint training comes from adopting the tips and tricks used by the best presenters. Follow these, and you’ll have a happy (and engaged) audience every time!

1. Have a Clear Objective

Let’s face it: we’ve all endured lengthy, boring PowerPoint presentations that seem to drift without a clear purpose. When you build your own PowerPoint, start with a goal in mind. Typically, that goal will be to inform or persuade an audience. It pays to outline that goal in advance and work towards your objective with a series of clear and concise slides.

It may sound daunting, but you can learn the technique in moments with our full PowerPoint training to help build persuasive slide decks:

how to write a summary for a powerpoint presentation

2. Illustrate Concepts With Infographics

A key PowerPoint lesson for beginners is this: never get bogged down trying to talk through concepts. Visual aids are essential, and audiences demand them today. Infographics are a successful presenter’s best friend. Infographics combine information and graphics to create stunning visuals. 

Learn to build them yourself. Or sample from the very best pre-built PPT templates today in our infographic-centric set of PowerPoint instructions:

how to write a summary for a powerpoint presentation

3. Be Subtle Animations and Transitions

Animations and transitions: fundamental elements of any deck, they should be used sparingly. When carefully applied, they create beautiful segues between slides. They can also help introduce new ideas in exact sequence. But use too many, and they become obnoxious distractions guaranteed to annoy an audience. 

Moderation is the name of the game here. Read our full Microsoft PowerPoint tutorial on animations to use them with confidence:

how to write a summary for a powerpoint presentation

4. Be Interactive to Engage the Audience

No matter how compelling your narrative, you can’t simply talk to an audience and expect full participation. Instead, you need to engage your audience. A quick and fun way is with a quiz slide. They get the audience involved and help your slide deck stay focused. 

Even better: pre-built templates make it a breeze. They're PowerPoint instructions inside a PPTX file. Get started building interactive quizzes in PPT today with our guide on how to create PowerPoint quizzes:

how to write a summary for a powerpoint presentation

5. Close Strong for an Enduring Message

The very best PowerPoint presentations make a great first impression. But equally (and perhaps even more) important is the winning last impression. It’s critical to conclude with a strong close. Leave on a memorable anecdote, recap your key points, or make a big “ask.” All these techniques and more help to ensure a strong close.

Don’t go it alone. We’ve created expert PowerPoint training on building a strong close. Check it out here:

how to write a summary for a powerpoint presentation

This PowerPoint tutorial helped you get off the ground with using Microsoft PowerPoint. You learned the steps for creating slides and the shortcut to a better presentation with pre-built themes.

At Tuts+, we've been building out a series of PowerPoint tutorials that can help you build your presentation skills. Check out all these PowerPoint tutorials for free. One ideal place to start is the PowerPoint Ultimate Tutorial Guide that we've developed. If you're feeling nervous about giving a presentation for your job or freelance practice, try out more of these tutorials like the ones below.

how to write a summary for a powerpoint presentation

Need Help? Grab Our Making Great Presentations eBook (Free)

You can find more information in our eBook on making great presentations . Download this PDF eBook now for FREE with your subscription to the Tuts+ Business Newsletter.

It'll help you master the presentation process, from: initial creative ideas, through to writing, design, and delivering with impact.

Get Started Using PowerPoint Today

Presentations can be daunting to take on, but a bit of knowledge about Microsoft PowerPoint can ease the process. We've got tutorials that show you how to create a PowerPoint presentation, for beginners. Jump to the following links to speed up your learning process and spend less time in PowerPoint:

  • Envato Elements is the best place to grab premium PowerPoint templates  that save you hours of design work and leave you with a finished presentation that you'll feel confident in.
  • Courses included with Envato Elements are complete walkthroughs of how to build a presentation. They're perfect PowerPoint tutorials for beginners.
  • The PowerPoint Ultimate Tutorial Guide  is a complete learning resource with the top tutorials to take you from beginner to expert. 

Editorial Note : This post was originally published in 2017. It's been comprehensively revised to make it current, accurate, and up to date by our staff—with special help from Andrew Childress and Daisy Ein .

Andrew Childress

PPT Summary with AI

Convert PPT to text and use AI to summarize PPT in one click, the free AI PPT summarizer is faster and simply powered by NoteGPT.

Learn PPT Faster with AI PPT Summary Generator

AI PPT Summarizer helps convert PPT to text for easy copying and note-taking. It uses AI to summarize PPT and create mind maps, facilitating quick understanding summary of PPT material and enhancing learning efficiency and quality.

Learn PPT Faster with AI PPT Summary Generator - NoteGPT

How to Using AI PPT Summarizer?

To summarize a PPT using AI, follow these steps:

Upload PPT file - NoteGPT

Step1:Upload PPT file

Upload your any PPT file to the AI PPT Summarizer tool.

Convert PPT to text - NoteGPT

Step2:Convert PPT to text

Convert the PPT to text format page by page using the tool.

Get PPT Summary - NoteGPT

Step3:Get PPT Summary

Generating summary of PPT automatically by the AI PPT Summarizer.

Trusted by Our Users

See what professionals and students are saying about the AI PPT Summary tool and how it's transforming their workflow!

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  • Powerpoint Tutorials

How to Make a Flowchart in PowerPoint

Banner Image of the blog "How to Make a Flowchart in PowerPoint"

A flowchart is a great way to visually represent processes, workflows, or systems. From business plans to troubleshooting guides, a well-designed flowchart can make complex information clear and easy to understand. But how do you create a professional-looking flowchart in PowerPoint? This guide will explain the process in detailed, easy-to-follow steps.

Why Use Flowcharts?

Flowcharts help in:

  • Clarifying complex processes
  • Improving communication
  • Identifying bottlenecks and inefficiencies
  • Documenting processes for training or compliance

Steps to Create a Flowchart in PowerPoint

PowerPoint offers two main ways to build your flowchart: SmartArt and Shapes.

  • SmartArt: This built-in tool comes with a library of pre-designed flowchart templates. It’s perfect for beginners or those who want a quick and easy solution. You can simply choose a template, customize the text, and you’re good to go!
  • Shapes: This method gives you more flexibility in terms of design. You can choose from various shapes like rectangles, diamonds, and arrows, and arrange them to create your own unique flowchart. It requires a bit more effort but allows for a more personalized touch.

Method 1: Creating a Flowchart Using SmartArt

SmartArt in PowerPoint offers a straightforward way to create flowcharts. Here’s how you can do it:

  • Open PowerPoint and Select a Slide: Open PowerPoint and select the slide where you want to insert the flowchart. A blank slide works best for an uncluttered look.
  • Insert SmartArt: Go to the “Insert” tab on the Ribbon, and click on “SmartArt” in the Illustrations group.
  • Choose a Flowchart Layout: In the SmartArt gallery, navigate to “Process” from the left-hand categories. Choose a layout that best fits your needs, such as “Basic Process” or “Vertical Chevron List.”

Choosing flowchart layout in PowerPoint by selecting Process > pick a layout like Basic Process, Vertical Chevron List, etc.

  • Add Text: Click on the [Text] placeholders and enter your text. You can add more shapes by pressing “Enter” within the text pane.

Adding text to SmartArt Flowchart graphic in Microsoft PowerPoint using editable [Text] placeholders.

  • Customize: Customize your flowchart by changing colors, fonts, and styles. Use the “Design” and “Format” tabs that appear when your SmartArt graphic is selected.

Method 2: Creating a Flowchart from Scratch with Shapes

Creating a flowchart from scratch provides more flexibility and allows for more complex designs. Here’s how you can do it:

  • Open PowerPoint and Select a Slide: Open PowerPoint and select a blank slide where you want to insert your flowchart.
  • Insert Shapes: Go to the “Insert” tab on the Ribbon, and click on “Shapes” in the Illustrations group. You’ll find various shapes under “Flowchart” like Process, Decision, and Data shapes.

Inserting flowchart shapes in MS PowerPoint using the "Insert" tab > "Shapes" for the flowchart option.

  • Draw Shapes: Click on a shape, then click and drag on the slide to draw it. Repeat this step to add all the necessary shapes for your flowchart.
  • Add Text: Click inside each shape to add text.
  • Connect Shapes: To connect the shapes, go back to “Shapes” and select a connector (such as Arrow or Line). Draw connectors between the shapes to represent the flow of the process.
  • Customize: Customize your flowchart by changing the shape styles, colors, and line styles from the “Format” tab.

Save Time with Pre-Designed Templates

A pack of colorful flowchart templates from SlideEgg with various diagram styles and layouts for PPT and Google Slides.

Creating flowcharts manually can be time-consuming, especially for complex processes. Slide Egg offers a collection of pre-designed Flowchart PowerPoint templates that can save you significant time and effort. These templates are professionally designed and fully customizable, ensuring that you can tweak them to fit your specific needs.

Additional Resources

For more hacks on using PowerPoint effectively, be sure to check out the PowerPoint Tips and Tricks page on Slide Egg. This resource is filled with helpful information to enhance your PowerPoint skills, from designing compelling presentations to using advanced features.

Final Thoughts

Creating flowcharts in PowerPoint is a valuable skill that can enhance your presentations and help you convey complex information in a clear, visual way. With the step-by-step methods outlined above, you can be well on your way to creating professional flowcharts with ease. 

Whether you choose to use SmartArt or create your flowchart from scratch with shapes, PowerPoint provides the tools you need to create clear and effective flowcharts. Using these methods can help you communicate processes more effectively and improve understanding among your audience. And don’t forget, if you’re looking to save time, Slide Egg’s pre-designed templates are a fantastic resource to get you started quickly. Happy charting!

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Arockia Mary Amutha

Arockia Mary Amutha is a seasoned senior content writer at SlideEgg, bringing over four years of dedicated experience to the field. Her expertise in presentation tools like PowerPoint, Google Slides, and Canva shines through in her clear, concise, and professional writing style. With a passion for crafting engaging and insightful content, she specializes in creating detailed how-to guides, tutorials, and tips on presentation design that resonate with and empower readers.

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  3. The Best Ways for Summarizing Business Presentations

    2. Call to Action. A call to action in the presentation summary can help solidify the main points and key takeaways of the presentation while also motivating the audience to take action. It is especially important if the goal of the presentation is to inspire change or promote a product or service.

  4. Executive Summary: A Guide to Writing and Presentation

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  5. How to create an executive summary slide

    An executive summary slide is a one- or two-page overview of a much longer presentation added to the start of a deck. The goal is to provide a reader with the main messages, so they don't have to read the entire communication. Executive summary slides often retain the horizontal orientation of the rest of the slide deck.

  6. How to Summarize a PowerPoint Presentation: Tips and Tricks for Techies

    To summarize a PowerPoint presentation effectively, it's important to review the entire presentation first. This allows you to get a sense of the overall flow and the key themes. Pay attention to the title slides and the concluding slides, as they often contain the main message and summary points. Once you have a clear understanding of the ...

  7. How to Write an Executive Summary Like McKinsey

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  8. Mastering Executive Summary Slides in PowerPoint Presentations

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    Her expertise in presentation tools like PowerPoint, Google Slides, and Canva shines through in her clear, concise, and professional writing style. With a passion for crafting engaging and insightful content, she specializes in creating detailed how-to guides, tutorials, and tips on presentation design that resonate with and empower readers.

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    Magic Write . Go from idea to your first draft *in seconds with Magic Write, our content generation tool powered by OpenAI. ... Download your presentation as a PowerPoint template or use it online as a Google Slides theme. 100% free, no registration or download limits. Content. PowerPoint; Google Slides; Canva;