UK Resume [Format, Tips & Templates for 2024]

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Nestled between the Atlantic Ocean and continental Europe, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is a great place to find a job.

During your job search, though, you might struggle with your UK resume.

Whether you’re a UK native or a foreigner, you might be at a disadvantage when applying if you’re not familiar with its specific requirements.

How long should your resume be, for example, and should you include a picture?

Don’t worry, we’re here to help.

That’s why we’ve prepared the ultimate guide to writing a UK resume!

The topics we’ll break down for you include:

UK Resume Example

  • What Makes UK Resumes Different from US and European Resumes
  • How To Write Your Own UK Resume

Let’s dive in!

UK Resume Example

Here’s what this UK resume example does right:

  • Reverse-chronological format. This format shows your most recent work experience first, and it’s the most popular resume format in the UK by far.
  • Relevant contact details. The candidate lists the most critical contact details, including their first and last name, job title, email address, phone number, location, and links to their profiles on LinkedIn and GitHub, as well as to their personal website.
  • Captivating resume summary. The resume summary in this resume example perfectly summarizes the candidate’s experience, essential skills, and top accomplishments.
  • Quantifiable achievements. This candidate quantifies their achievements by using the Laszlo Bock formula (“Accomplished X as measured by Y by doing Z”).
  • Bullet points. The use of bullet points instead of paragraphs makes the resume appear more organized and easier to read.
  • Additional sections. Certificates, language proficiency, and interests all show greater depth to the candidate, which could make a difference if they’re competing against someone with similar professional background and skills. 

Free UK Resume Templates

Making your resume from scratch can be a hassle.

You need to tweak the margins, keep the fonts uniform, carefully align every element you add, and make sure it never spills over to page two.

So why not make your life easier?

Write your UK resume in minutes by using one of Novoresume’s tried-and-tested resume templates , free of charge. Each of our templates is created in collaboration with hiring managers to match industry standards and help you land a job.

uk resume templates novoresume

UK Resume Specifics

You might think the UK resume is very similar to its US equivalent , and you’d be correct. But there are a few differences that might hinder your job search if you don’t take them into account.

Before you start preparing your UK resume, here’s one thing we need to clear up from the get-go:

A resume and a CV are the same in the UK.

In fact, most of the world uses the terms “ CV ” and “resume” interchangeably, including New Zealand and Australia . In the USA and Canada, however, a CV and a resume are two different things , with a CV being preferred for academic or research-oriented positions.

UK vs US Resume

There are a few key differences between resumes on the two sides of the Atlantic.

While the rule of thumb for resumes in North America is to be no longer than one page , the length of a UK resume is ideally around one and a half to two pages. But for recent graduates and less experienced candidates one to one and a half pages is more than okay.

Another important difference between US and UK resumes is the language used. When applying to universities or companies in the UK, be sure to use British English grammar and terminology .

For example, if you worked as an attorney in the US, in the UK you might be called a barrister or solicitor, depending on your area of expertise.

In terms of spelling, many words in British English contain a “u” where American English has dropped it, such as “colour” and “favourite”. Other things to watch out for are the use of “s” instead of “z” in words like specialise and industrialise, and the spelling of theater and center as theatre and centre, respectively. 

Consider using a grammar checker like Grammarly or QuillBot before submitting your resume, just to make sure everything is spotless.

UK vs European Resume

Like people in the UK, continental Europeans use the terms “CV” and “resume” are synonyms in continental Europe.

The Europass CV is fairly popular in Europe, but not mandatory. Europeans can use as many creative resume templates as UK candidates can.

The main difference between UK and other European resumes is the amount of personal information a candidate is encouraged to share.

You shouldn’t reveal your age, gender, marital status, or other information that may be used to discriminate against you in a UK resume. This also goes for including a photo on your resume - unless specifically requested, don’t add one.

By contrast, recruiters in countries like Germany and Switzerland may expect pictures of the candidate and other personal information, such as their date of birth.

9 Steps to Writing a UK Resume

Now that you know about all the specifics of UK resumes, it’s time to start working on yours.

Just follow along with the steps we’ve outlined and use Novoresume’s builder for convenience and tips as you fill in your chosen template.

Here are the steps to a perfect UK resume:

#1. Choose the Right Format

Before you jump into filling in the contents of your resume, let’s address how to format your UK resume the right way.

Essentially, there are three resume formats you can choose from:

  • Functional resume format
  • Reverse-chronological resume format
  • Combination resume format

Your best option, however, is to pick the reverse-chronological format for your UK resume.

Generally speaking, the reverse-chronological format is the safest choice. It effectively highlights your work experience by listing your most recent jobs first, and it is recruiters’ favorite format.

Here’s what it looks like:

uk resverse chronological resume

Only if you’re a recent graduate with zero work experience or you’re looking to do a big career change, you might consider trying the functional resume format instead.

#2. Take Care of the Layout

You only get to make a first impression once, and the same goes for your resume. If your resume looks cluttered and unorganized, the hiring manager will be less likely to want to dive into its contents. 

Stick to these tips to make your UK resume layout pop:

  • Use separate resume sections for all the information you want to add. Use 14-16 point font size for section headings and 11-12 points for the copy. 
  • Choose a resume font that’s professional but easy to read, such as Arial, Calibri, Times New Roman, or Roboto.
  • The font size should ideally be 10 to 12 points and the recommended color is black.
  • Opt for using describing your achievements and responsibilities in bullet points instead of in blocks of text.
  • Make sure your resume is saved for an A4 document size. With the Novoresume editor, you can easily change this using the “Layout” option in the top menu.)
  • Export your resume as a PDF unless the employer specifically requests a different format. 

#3. Contact Information

Somewhere at the top of your resume, the recruiter should be able to see your name and contact information .

Here’s what this section should contain:

  • Name and surname. There’s no need to list any middle names or more than one last name.
  • Phone number. If possible, add a UK phone number. Note that the UK dialing code is +44, so if you provide a non-UK phone number, the employer might not be able to call you. When listing your number, add the dialing code, whether it’s a UK number or any of the other variants across the world.
  • Address. If you’re a UK resident, you should write your full address, including the postal code.
  • Email address. Make sure you provide a professional email address.

If applicable, you can add links to your LinkedIn, Github, online portfolio, or personal website. Provide social media only if requested by the employer.

Whether you’re looking for a remote position at a UK-based company or are looking to relocate for the job, make sure to mention this in your resume profile so recruiters will know from the start.

#4. Add a Resume Summary or Objective

Hiring managers only have seconds to spare on each resume. This means you need to catch their attention from the get-go. 

Adding a resume summary or objective at the top of your resume is the way to do that.

These are two-three sentence paragraphs that are supposed to sum up your career or highlight your professional goals.

A resume summary gives the hiring manager a brief recap of your years of experience, one or two of your top skills, and a couple of your most impressive achievements.

If you lack experience in the field you’re applying for, you can include a resume objective instead. That way you can showcase your skills and career goals, as well as your motivation to get that particular job. 

Here’s how you can write a great resume summary, visualized:

resume summary formula

#5. Focus on Your Work Experience

The most important section of your resume is your work experience .

This section lets you expand on your past achievements and responsibilities and shows the recruiter that you have what it takes for the job.

Here’s how you should structure your work experience section:

  • Start from your most recent job and move backward in time. Don’t include jobs from ten years back and jobs that are not relevant to the job you’re applying for, unless they’re you’re only experiences. 
  • Add your job title. The hiring manager will know if you have the necessary experience for the job by reading your job title.
  • List the company name and location. You can optionally include a brief description of your previous employer if they aren’t a household name.
  • Include your period of employment. Stick to the mm/yyyy format, as there is no need to specify concrete dates.
  • Opt for accomplishments over responsibilities. Use 4-6 bullets to describe your most recent work experience and 2-3 bullets for older jobs.

To make your work experience really stand out, quantify your achievements whenever possible. Numbers and data always do a better job of painting an impressive picture of you as a candidate.

Check out the following two examples:

Social Media Marketing Manager

02/2021 - Present


  • Prepared marketing campaigns
  • Managed a team of five employees

XY Company, Glasgow

06/2021 - Present


  • Conceptualized and launched promotional social media campaigns that increased sales revenue by 15%
  • Trained and managed over 15 marketing and sales specialists, making sure their targets were always met

Which candidate would you pick as a hiring manager? That’s what we thought! 

Just getting started in your chosen field? Learn how to write an internship resume here. 

#6. Keep the Education Section Short

Unless you have very little work experience, keep your education short and to the point. Hiring managers care much more about your professional achievements and skills than about your degree. 

So, only mention the most important information in your education section. Start with your latest degree and list the details as such:

This section should clearly list the following information, in this order:

  • Degree title. Start with the degree level (e.g.: Bachelor’s, Master’s, etc.) and then the program name.
  • University name. We recommend adding the country the university is located in, especially if it’s from outside the UK.
  • Years attended. There’s no need to specify months or exact dates.
  • Notable achievements and courses. This part is optional and should be tailored to the position you’re applying for. (e.g.: If you’re applying for a job as a graphic designer , you can add your course on Typography and Page Layout or Graphic Web Design). If you have professional Graphic Design experience, though, there’s no reason to mention a class you took years ago at all. 

Here’s an example showing how your education section should look:

education section on uk resume

#7. Skills & Qualifications

The skill section of your UK resume tells recruiters what you can bring to the company.

This makes the skills section one of the most important UK resume sections . 

Ideally, you should list your most important skills somewhere at the beginning of your resume, close to your work experience.

Now, to make this section pop, you don’t need to mention every skill you’ve ever learned. The trick here is to list skills that are relevant to the job you’re applying for.

Here are a few tips for listing skills on your UK resume:

  • Include skills the company is looking for. Carefully read the description of the job advertisement and write down the required skills. Out of those, add the skills you possess to your UK resume to prove you’re a perfect fit for the position.
  • Research in-demand industry skills. If you can’t decide what skills to include on your UK resume, do some research. Learn what skills are currently valued the most in the industry you’re applying for, and highlight the ones you have on your resume. 
  • List hard skills and soft skills separately. By splitting your skills by category, your resume will look more organized and allow the hiring manager to navigate it easier.

#8. Take Advantage of Optional Sections

If you have some space left to fill up, you can take advantage of optional sections.

While they are not as important as your work experience and skills, these sections can give you an advantage if you’re competing with a candidate with a similar background as yours. 

  • Languages . This section shows you’re capable of communicating in more than one language, and can be a potential asset for international roles or projects.
  • Internships. Adding any relevant internships to your UK resume shows you have some know-how and hands-on experience in the field.
  • Volunteering . Any volunteer experience tells the hiring manager that you’re a person who gives back to the community and that you have a strong work ethic.
  • Hobbies and interests . What you do in your free time reveals more about you as a person, and demonstrates qualities like teamwork or creativity.
  • Certifications. Any extra qualifications show your commitment to continuous learning and professional development, as well as specialized skills you may have.
  • Publications. This section demonstrates your expertise and in-depth knowledge of the field, as well as your dedication to research and industry advancement. 
  • Awards. Adding awards to your resume lets potential employers know that you’re a high-achiever and helps you stand out from other candidates.

#9. Cover Letter

You’re now one step away from landing that coveted job interview. All you need to do is write a compelling cover letter to go with your resume.

Knowing how to write a cover letter shows off your communication skills and dedication to the job, which can increase the odds of you getting an interview.

Make sure your cover letter includes:

  • Header. Include your contact information and proofread this section twice to make sure it matches what you’ve added to your resume. Make sure you add the employer’s contact information here, too.
  • Greeting line. Knowing how to address the hiring manager shows professionalism.
  • A strong start. Your introductory paragraph should be a brief summary of why you’re writing the letter and mention your interest in the company’s vacant position. Describe a couple of your biggest accomplishments to catch the hiring manager’s attention.
  • A compelling body. The breadth of your cover letter should emphasize your work experience, education, skills, qualifications, and motivation. Explain what makes you the right candidate for the job and how you’re the right fit for the company.
  • A concise finale. Finish your cover letter with a call to action in the closing statement and an appropriate signature line.

FAQs About UK Resumes

If you need any more information, look through the answers to the most Frequently Asked Questions about UK resumes.

1. How do I create a UK resume as a student?

When creating a resume to impress UK employers or universities , focus on your strengths instead of your lack of work experience.

For example, if you’re a recent graduate with no work experience , focus on your academic achievements and any projects or courses that are relevant to the field you’re applying to.

Don’t go into details about how you don’t have relevant experience. Fill up the space on your resume with volunteer work, personal projects, and any internships you may have completed .

2. Is a CV or a resume used in the UK?

In the UK, “CV” and “resume” are two terms that refer to the same document.

You’re likelier to hear “CV” more often than “resume” but rest assured they’re used interchangeably in the UK. So if you know how to write a CV , writing a UK resume won’t be any different.

However, in countries such as the US and Canada , there is a difference between resumes and CVs . The CV (short for the Latin “Curriculum Vitae”) is a much longer and more detailed document that’s used for academic purposes and senior-level positions.

3. Should a UK resume include a photo?

We advise that you do not add a photo to your UK resume. The UK has anti-discrimination laws which protect candidates from unfair hiring decisions based on any features that can be recognized in a photograph, including age, race, or gender.

As such, photos are generally not included on UK resumes and employers don’t expect them from candidates. However, it’s okay to add a picture when applying to acting and modeling positions.

4. How do I create a UK resume as a healthcare assistant?

To create a strong medical assistant resume , pick a professional resume template and use the reverse-chronological format. Include your name, location, and professional email address in the contact information section, followed by a captivating resume summary.

When listing your work experience, education, and skills, make sure to mention your proficiency with Electronic Health Record (EHR) software and certifications like First Aid or Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR).

Emphasize your accomplishments in healthcare and any related qualifications, like volunteer work, patient care, and time management skills.

Key Takeaways

And that’s a wrap! By now, you should be ready to build a solid UK resume.

Before you go, here are the main points we covered in this article:

  • The standard UK resume length for a seasoned professional is around two pages.
  • Don’t add a picture to your UK resume. Employers don’t expect photographs of candidates and it may seem unprofessional as it breaks UK resume conventions.
  • Separate your resume’s information into clear sections for contact information, work experience, education, skills, and other optional sections you might want to add.
  • The biggest difference between UK resumes and their US equivalent is the terminology and grammar. Make sure your resume is written in British English before you submit it.

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United Kingdom CV Tips & Format Requirements

Applying for a job in the United Kingdom? This guide has the tips, examples, & format requirements needed to write the perfect UK CV. Create your VisualCV today!

UK CV Requirements

Applying for a position in the United Kingdom requires a specific CV format. When you are looking for work in the UK, make sure that your CV is suitable for a UK audience and will meet the expectation of recruiters.

Browse our gallery of resume examples here.

UK CV Image

How to Format a UK CV?

To best format the CV, you need to select the best layout based on your relevant past experience and the type of role you are applying for.

There are three general CV layouts in UK that are popular:

  • Reverse chronological CV format
  • Combination CV format
  • Functional CV format

Reverse Chronological CV Format for UK

reverse chronological uk cv format

Functional CV Format for UK

functional cv format uk example

Combination CV Format for UK

A combination CV format is helpful if you are applying for a job in the UK where you wish to display with clarity how your past skills and experience are transferable to the job you are applying for.

combination cv format for uk

UK CV Examples

Administration uk cv example.

administration uk cv example

Retail UK CV Example

retail uk cv example

Professional British CV Example

professional uk cv example

Engineer UK CV Example

civil engineer uk cv example

Marketing UK CV Example

marketing uk cv template

Management UK CV Example

management uk cv example

Accounting UK CV Example

accountant uk cv template

UK CV Tips and rules:

CV, not Resume: The term ‘CV’ is most common in the United Kingdom. The terms ‘resume’ and ‘curriculum vitae’ are rarely used.

Language: Be sure to write your CV in proper British English - for example, write ‘labour’ rather than ‘labor’ and ‘optimise’ rather than ‘optimize’.

Length: Your UK CV should not exceed two pages - “no longer than two sides of A4”, according to Rachel Swain at

Resume template: Browse through our gallery of UK resume templates .

UK CV Format, Order and Layout:

Photo: A photo is not expected on your UK CV. While common in the rest of Europe, it is rare to see a picture on a CV in the United Kingdom. In certain roles, such as some sales positions or a creative job where visual presentation is key, a picture may be acceptable, but be sure to research the company first.

Personal Information: The only personal information required for a UK CV is your contact information - your name, home address, mobile phone number and email address (which should be some variation of your name: [email protected] or something similar). No other personal information should be included.

Personal Statement: Your CV should begin with a brief description, no more than five lines of text, that describes who you are, what you can do, and what you bring to the position you are applying to. Your personal statement should be tailored to the job description - focus on the skills and experience that make you suited for this particular job. Personal statements are not mandatory, but they are a great way to grab an employer’s attention. According to Michael Cheary at , “a well written personal statement can mean the difference between standing out from the crowd and your application being rejected.”

Work experience: Display your previous jobs in reverse chronological order, beginning with the most recent. Use this space to showcase your achievements in each position - important milestones and quantifiable data are more impressive than daily duties. Use proactive action words to make your experience sound interesting and dynamic.

Education: Education should also be listed from most recent to least recent. Include all relevant certifications, including institution names and dates. Your education section should come after your work experience, unless you graduated very recently.

Other sections for your UK CV:

Skills: It is common to include a simple list of skills kept separate from your work history. This provides a quick, at-a-glance look at what you excel at, without delving into your experience too much.

Volunteer experience: Volunteering experience should be noted on your CV. If you prefer, you can include volunteer experience in your Work History section, but remember to specify when a role is a volunteer position.

Languages: Feel free to note any languages you are fluent in. This is particularly important when the job calls for multiple languages.

References: It is not necessary to include references in your CV. Instead, follow up with references to an employer separately when asked.

How do I Write a UK CV in 2024?

To write a UK CV in 2024 follow these steps:

  • First, select the right UK CV format based on your experience level. A reverse chronological CV format is good for experienced professionals, and a functional UK CV format is perfect for most entry level professionals.
  • Second, right the perfect CV header.
  • Third, write your UK CV summary or objective.
  • Fourth, describe your work experience on your CV.
  • Lastly, list any skills or achievements you’ve in a CV skills or an accomplishments section.

What is a UK CV Format?

The UK CV format requires your CV to be:

  • A maximum of two pages long.
  • In an A4 format.
  • Either be a reverse chronological or a functional CV.

How do I Write a Good UK CV?

To write a good UK CV ensure that you start with the right CV format and then customize the CV based on the job you are applying for. Pick up keywords and skills that are mentioned in the job description and modify your UK CV to show relevant skills and experience.

What Font Should a CV be in the UK?

The following fonts are preferred for a UK CV - Roboto, Arial, Calibri or Times New Roman. To give your UK CV a modern look you can select a Sans serif font e.g. Roboto, and for traditional looking CVs you can go for a Serif type font e.g. Times New Roman.

2024 UK CV Trends

In 2024, UK CV trends emphasize adaptability and precision to align with job market demands.

  • Functional CVs are increasingly popular, particularly for showcasing skills over employment history, which is ideal for career changers or those with gaps in their work history​.
  • Combination CVs blend skills and experience, favored for their ability to highlight how past roles prepare candidates for future positions​.
  • Brevity and Structure: A two-page limit ensures CVs are concise and scannable, making key qualifications quickly visible to recruiters​​.
  • Personal Profiles: Strong introductory statements or profiles are crucial, offering a tailored summary of skills and experiences relevant to the job.
  • Simple Design: Clear, well-organized CV layouts help ensure information is easy to read and professionally presented.

How Many Pages a UK CV Should Be?

Your CV should be one page if you are either an entry-level or a mid-career professional with less than 15 years of experience. For those who have more than 15 years of experience, a CV can be more than one page.

What Font Size Should my CV be in the UK?

A font size between 10 to 12 is considered easy to read. So make sure that your UK CV’s font size isn’t less than 10, but not greater than 12 either.


Though CVs in English-speaking countries are very similar, each country has its own nuances that must be observed for best results. When writing a UK CV, pay attention to the specific requirements of each employer and if possible, have someone you trust read over your CV before submitting your application.

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700+ ATS-Approved, Recruiter-Preferred UK Resume Samples

Explore our extensive collection of over 700 UK Resume samples, meticulously designed to meet ATS requirements, align with UK formatting standards, and earn the approval of recruiters. These Resume samples are not just visually appealing; they are the perfect blend of form and function, ensuring your resume passes through ATS filters and resonates with hiring professionals. Whether you're a seasoned pro or just beginning your career journey, our diverse range of samples offers a wide array of options to help you create a resume that reflects your skills, ambitions, and fits the UK job market like a glove.

  • Social services
  • Information technology
  • Healthcare and support
  • Food service
  • Fitness & nutrition
  • Data & systems administration
  • Customer service
  • Construction
  • Computers software
  • Business operations
  • Billing and collections
  • Administrative

Accounting Resume examples

An accountant’s primary duties include analyzing financial data and budget forecasts, creating balance sheets, profit and loss and taxation reports, and assisting organizations in finance management, tax strategies and effective use of resources. Accountants also work in specialized areas such as tax, cost, investment or management accounting.

Accounting Resume examples

  • Cost Accountant
  • Accounting Assistant
  • Internal Auditor
  • Accounting Administrator
  • Accounting Manager
  • Assistant Corporate Controller
  • Project Accountant
  • Staff Accountant
  • Staff Auditor
  • Accounting Clerk

Administrative Resume samples

Review some of these samples of a Resume for administrative work for Resume ideas to feature your organizational and collaboration skills.

Administrative Resume samples

  • Administrative Assistant
  • Office Assistant
  • Assistant Front Office Manager
  • Office Manager
  • Administrative Assistant Manager
  • Administrative Officer
  • Administrative Coordinator
  • Procurement Analyst
  • Executive Assistant
  • Procurement Specialist
  • Facilities Manager
  • Receptionist
  • Administrative Front Desk Clerk
  • Front Office Assistant

Billing and collections Resume examples

In addition to our featured example Resume for billings and collections, we offer more examples of a Resume for a job to help you shine in this industry. .

Billing and collections Resume examples

  • Accounts Payable Clerk
  • Debt Collection Manager
  • Accounts Payable Manager
  • Night Auditor
  • Accounts Receivable Clerk
  • Payroll Analyst
  • Accounts Payable Receivable Manager
  • Payroll Manager
  • Accounts Payable Specialist
  • Collections Representative
  • Collections Team Lead
  • Accounts Payable Supervisor
  • Billing Specialist

Business operations Resume samples

Examples of Cv s for jobs in your field can help you write a great Cv . These professional Resume examples for leadership jobs show how to display your interpersonal skills.

Business operations Resume samples

  • Business Development Associate
  • Business Management
  • Enterprise Management Trainee
  • General Manager
  • Iso Management Representative
  • Liaison Officer
  • Operations Manager
  • Pmo Analyst
  • Risk Analyst
  • Salon Manager

Child care Resume examples

Use these samples of Cv s as guides for displaying your ability to keep the household organized and your interpersonal skills.

Child care Resume examples

  • After School Teacher
  • Daycare Teacher Assistant
  • After School Program Director
  • Daycare Worker
  • Playground Supervisor
  • Child Care Center Administrator
  • Day Care Center Administrator

Computer software Resume samples

As detailed in the examples of good Cv s for computer software jobs below, list programs required for the position and any additional certifications or training you have in software.

Computer software Resume samples

  • Cloud Computing Engineer
  • Java Developer
  • Software Engineering Manager
  • Ecommerce Qa Tester
  • Sql Developer
  • Remote Software Engineer

Construction Resume examples

Let our construction work Resume examples help you stress special skills like specialties, such as plumbing or electrical systems.

Construction Resume examples

  • Flooring Installer
  • Certified Crane Operator
  • General Laborer
  • Chief Estimator
  • Construction Manager
  • Construction Chief Executive Officer
  • Project Manager
  • Construction Laborer
  • Construction Safety Officer
  • Construction Worker
  • Construction Site Supervisor

Culinary Resume samples

Find a Resume example for a job in the culinary field from these sample Cv s and grab some ideas on showing your expertise with specific cuisines and ability to collaborate with others.

Culinary Resume samples

  • Bakery Assistant
  • Food Service Specialist
  • Personal Chef
  • Restaurant Assistant Manager
  • Restaurant Chain Manager
  • Restaurant General Manager
  • Restaurant Manager
  • Restaurant Shift Leader
  • Restaurant Shift Manager
  • Restaurant Shift Supervisor
  • Junior Sous Chef

Customer service Resume examples

Use an example of a Resume to apply to a job in customer service, emphasizing intangible qualities such as communication, teamwork and flexibility.

Customer service Resume examples

  • Customer Service Advisor
  • Banking Representative
  • Call Center Manager
  • Call Center Representative
  • Call Center Team Leader
  • Camp Counselor
  • Client Service Specialist
  • Customer Experience Manager
  • Customer Relationship Officer
  • Customer Service Assistant Manager
  • Customer Service Representative
  • Customer Success Manager
  • Customer Service Supervisor
  • Director Of Member Services

Data & systems administration Resume samples

Use these great Resume examples for guidance on how to feature your key soft skills such as collaboration and problem-solving.

Data & systems administration Resume samples

  • Backup Administrator
  • Control Systems Engineer
  • Cyber Security Specialist
  • Data Analytics Manager
  • Network Admin
  • Entry Level Network Engineer
  • Salesforce Administrator
  • Salesforce Developer
  • Solutions Architect
  • Telecommunication Project Manager

Fitness and nutrition Resume examples

Follow our Resume samples to see how to best display your fitness training experience and any knowledge or training you’ve had in diet and nutrition programs.

Fitness and nutrition Resume examples

  • Dietary Aide
  • Exercise Physiologist
  • Fitness And Personal Trainer
  • Gym Assistant
  • Nutritionist
  • Personal Trainer
  • Yoga Instructor

Food service Resume samples

Note how these professional Resume examples feature skills such as a strong work ethic, the ability to work well with others, multitasking and flexibility.

Food service Resume samples

  • Bar Supervisor
  • Cafeteria Worker
  • Catering Server
  • Cocktail Server
  • Crew Member
  • Fast Food Server
  • Food And Beverage Manager
  • Food And Beverage Server
  • Restaurant Server

Healthcare Support Resume Examples

These professional healthcare support examples for a Resume cover major health support fields. Use one of these sample Cv s as a guide to writing a great Cv .

Healthcare Support Resume Examples

  • Assisted Living Coordinator
  • Assisted Living Executive Director
  • Companion Caregiver
  • Direct Support Professional
  • Healthcare System Administrator
  • Healthcare Operations Manager
  • Healthcare Program Manager
  • Home Health Aide
  • Intensive Care Nurse
  • Medical Assistant
  • Occupational Therapist
  • Patient Coordinator
  • Personal Care Assistant
  • Personal Support Worker
  • Phlebotomist

Information technology Resume samples

Take a cue from some of the best Resume examples from My Perfect Resume and show off your problem-solving abilities. Let these examples of a good Resume be your guide.

Information technology Resume samples

  • Agile Project Manager
  • Assistant Project Manager
  • Contracts Manager
  • Devops Engineer
  • Global Project Manager
  • Help Desk Support
  • Project Management Director
  • Technical Project Manager
  • Technical Support Engineer

Medical Resume examples

Highlight specialized medical training and certifications using these medical job Resume examples as a guide. Include experience in hospitals and private practice.

Medical Resume examples

  • Anesthesia Technician
  • Clinical Director
  • Dialysis Technician
  • Ekg Technician
  • Hospital Volunteer
  • Intensive Care Physician
  • Medical Coding Specialist
  • Medical Records Specialist
  • Certified Lactation Consultant
  • Nuclear Medicine Technologist
  • Optometrist
  • Pediatrician
  • Physician Assistant
  • Registered Mri Technologist
  • Speech Language Pathologist
  • Ultrasound Technician

Nursing Resume samples

We have the perfect Resume examples to help you display your interpersonal and communication skills, time management, attention to detail and empathy. Choose a nursing job Resume example below to get started!

Nursing Resume samples

  • Acute Care Nurse
  • Advanced Practice Rn
  • Geriatric Nurse Practitioner
  • Labor And Delivery Nurse
  • Nurse Practitioner
  • Nursing Assistant
  • Oncology Nurse
  • Pediatric Nurse
  • Registered Nurse
  • Public School Nurse
  • Trauma Nurse

Production Resume examples

A professional experience Resume example from the following list of Resume examples for jobs in production can show how to display licenses for operating specialized equipment.

Production Resume examples

  • Apparel Production Manager
  • Assembly Line Operator
  • Chemical Plant Operator
  • Forklift Operator
  • Machine Operator
  • Picker And Packer
  • Pipeline Inspector
  • Pipeline Welder
  • Plant Manager
  • Production Manager
  • Supply Chain Manager
  • Telecommunications Technician
  • Logistics Assistant Manager

Retail Resume samples

Use the example Cv s below as guides to showcase your customer service skills and experience managing products and services on your retail employee Cv .

Retail Resume samples

  • Retail Assistant Manager
  • Sales Associate
  • Bookstore Clerk
  • Clothing Sales Associate
  • Convenience Store Clerk
  • District Manager
  • Fine Watches Sales Specialist
  • Retail Management Professional
  • Retail Manager
  • Retail Parts Pro
  • Store Manager
  • Walgreens Service Clerk

Sales Resume Examples

Like the Resume samples below, it’s important to provide details on experiences where you’ve hit sales targets. You’re sure to find a good Resume sample among the professional experience Resume examples below to help you do so.

Sales Resume Examples

  • Sales Assistant Manager
  • Channel Sales Manager
  • Direct Sales Representative
  • Franchise Owner
  • Independent Sales Representative
  • Inside Sales Representative
  • Sales Account Executive
  • Outside Sales Representative
  • Sales Representative
  • Experienced Telemarketer

Social Services Resume samples

Show you can relate well with others and have a strong problem-solving approach,like the professionals in the social services job Resume examples below.

Social Services Resume samples

  • Case Manager
  • Case Worker
  • Child Protection Social Worker
  • Community Outreach Specialist
  • Community Service Coordinator
  • Domestic Violence Counselor
  • Human Service Worker
  • Humanitarian Aid Worker
  • Juvenile Probation Officer
  • Social Worker
  • Drug And Alcohol Counselor
  • Medical Social Worker

Teaching Resume examples

The following professional Resume examples for teaching job Cv s focus on important intangible skills such as communication, enthusiasm and patience.

Teaching Resume examples

  • Preschool Teacher
  • Adjunct Professor
  • Assistant Teacher
  • Early Childhood Teacher
  • Elementary Teacher
  • Esl Teacher
  • High School Teacher
  • Homeschool Teacher
  • Language Professor
  • Middle School Teacher
  • Nurse Educator
  • Piano Teacher
  • Summer Teacher

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Types of Resume Formats

There are multiple resume formats available that you can choose from, and the most suitable one for you depends on your profile. Although the fundamental structure of all resume types is similar, the variation arises based on the level of experience and the type of job you are applying for.

Chronological Format

The reverse chronological format is the most widely used UK resume format. This format requires you to list your work experience in reverse chronological order, starting from your current position and working backwards.

This makes it an ideal format for those with a strong work history who want to showcase their work experience in a structured and chronological manner. 

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UK Resume Format 2024: Samples & Tips

Functional Format

A functional resume is a format that focuses on showcasing your skills, achievements, and qualifications rather than your work experience. In this format, your experience is de-emphasized, allowing you to compensate for any gaps in employment or lack of experience. 

However, it’s worth noting that a functional resume may not be suitable for all industries or job roles, so it’s essential to research and understand the expectations of your target industry or employer before deciding on the format of your resume.

Combination Format

A combination resume format is a blend of both chronological and functional types of resumes. It allows you to highlight your skills, achievements, and qualifications while presenting your work history in reverse chronological order. This format starts with a summary or objective statement, followed by your work experience, education, and relevant skills. 

This type of resume is the most commonly used format in the UK as it presents a comprehensive picture of your work profile while supporting it with your skillset and achievements. It’s essential to ensure that the content is well-structured, concise, and tailored to the job requirements.

UK Resume Format: How to Structure your Resume with Samples

The chronological format of CVs in the UK is a widely accepted and standard structure. The reverse chronological format follows a defined structure that highlights your work experience, education, and other relevant qualifications.

It is recommended that the CV should be ideally presented on a single page to provide a concise and clear overview of your skills and experiences to potential employers. This one-page format helps recruiters assess your suitability for the job role quickly and saves their time. 

Let’s look at how to structure your resume:

  • Contact information : When creating a CV, it’s essential to start with your name and contact details. This information should be placed at the top of the page and presented in a clear and easy-to-read format using a relatively large font size. Providing accurate contact information is crucial, as it enables potential employers to contact you easily.
  • First and last name
  • Address, not very specific details
  • Email Address
  • Phone Number
  • Personal Statement : Write a brief outline of who you are, what your achievements are and how you achieved them. You can also add your goals. It should be about 3-4 sentences long. It should quickly introduce the recruiter to your CV.
  • Work Experience : This section contains employment details. Start by providing a reverse chronological for your jobs, starting with the most recent. You should also add an overview of your duties in each job. 
  • Education : Start with the most recent education. You should list your level of education and your grades. Don’t go back to your primary education. This is especially important for freshers, as it provides a foundation for recruiters to evaluate your suitability.
  • Skills : List down relevant job-related skills. A mix of soft and hard skills categories in about 7-8 bullet points will do. For example, Coding is a hard skill, whereas communication skills are a soft skill. 

Here is a sample based on the structure:

[email protected]

13th Avenue, New York

Hardworking and Creative Graphic Designer with over a decade of experience and proven success using software knowledge and spectacular creativity. 

01/2022- Current

Organic Media

Senior Graphic Designer

-Managed and developed a graphic designer team that helps the business in brand development

-Created a visual identity for the brand, including brand positioning, colour palettes, fonts,  promotions, and focus texts.

-Created a logo design, animations, websites, photos and posts for the website and social media channels.


Ruth Clothing

Graphic Designer

-Developed creative advertising content for various media. Including catalogues, business cards, and flyers.

-Produced e-commerce creative website layouts and content for the use of clients.

-Prepared graphics and layouts for the product illustrations and created creatives for daily posting on different media channels.

Bachelor of Fine Arts and Visual Arts

University of British Columbia

  • Adobe Suite

Photoshop, Illustrator, After Effects

HTML, Java & CSS

  • Video Editing

Adobe Premiere Pro

  • Communicational skills
  • Leadership Skills
  • Team Player

Writing Tips for UK Resume

When it comes to UK Resume Format, there are a few tips to keep in mind:

1. Keep it concise: UK employers prefer shorter resumes that get straight to the point. Try to keep your resume to no more than two pages.

2. Tailor your resume: Make sure your resume is tailored to the specific job you are applying for. Highlight the skills and experience that are most relevant to the position.

3. Use a professional format: Stick to a professional format that is easy to read and understand. Use bullet points and clear headings to make it easy for employers to skim through your resume.

4. Emphasize your achievements: Rather than just listing your responsibilities, focus on your achievements and the impact you’ve had in your previous roles. This will help you stand out from other applicants.

5. Proofread thoroughly: Proofread your resume for typos and grammatical errors. A mistake-free resume will help you make a good impression on potential employers.

6. Have a proper layout : Use a clean and modern layout that is easy on the eyes and highlights your crucial information. Avoid using fancy fonts or colours that can distract the reader. Use bold and italic formatting selectively to emphasise important points.

7. Cover Letter : A cover letter is an excellent opportunity to show interest in the position and explain why you are the best fit for the role. Use it to highlight your skills and experience that match the job requirements. Keep it concise and to the point, and address it to the hiring manager by name.

By following these additional tips, you can create a UK Resume Format tailored to the job market and help you stand out from other applicants.

Job Prospects in the UK 2024

The job market in the UK is expected to grow steadily over the next few years, with a projected increase in employment opportunities across various sectors. The UK job market is expected to increase in job opportunities by 2024, with a particular emphasis on jobs in healthcare, technology, and finance.

The healthcare sector is expected to see significant growth, with an increasing demand for professionals in nursing, medicine, and social care. The rise in the ageing population and the implementation of new healthcare policies are some of the factors that are driving this growth.

The technology sector is also expected to grow significantly, driven by the increasing demand for digitalisation across all industries. This has created a need for skilled IT professionals, such as software developers and cybersecurity experts.

The finance sector is also expected to see modest growth, with an increasing demand for financial analysts, accountants, and auditors. This growth is attributed to the growing complexity of financial regulations and the need for companies to comply with them.

Overall, the UK job market will provide ample opportunities for you in the coming years. However, it is essential to keep in mind that competition for jobs may still be high, and job seekers will need to stay up-to-date with the latest industry trends and have the necessary skills to stand out from other applicants.

Final Thoughts

In this blog, we learned more about the UK Resume Format when applying for universities, colleges, or jobs in the UK. The UK resume format follows a defined structure that highlights your work experience, education, and other relevant qualifications. It is crucial to keep your resume concise, use a professional format, and emphasise your achievements. 

By following these tips, you can stand out from other applicants and increase your chances of securing your desired position. As the UK job market is expected to grow steadily over the next few years, it’s essential to stay up-to-date with the latest industry trends and have the necessary skills to succeed.

Also Read: Easy Ways to Write SOP for UK: Format & Samples for 2023-2024

High Demand Jobs in UK for Indians: Exciting Opportunities in 2024

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. what is the uk style of resume.

A. The UK Resume Format style is generally called a CV (Curriculum Vitae), a comprehensive document that outlines a person’s academic and professional achievements, qualifications, and experiences. A CV is usually more detailed than a resume and is typically used in educational and research positions.

Q. How long should a CV be in the UK?

A. The length of a UK CV can range from one to multiple pages, depending on the level of experience and the job requirements. However, it is recommended to keep the CV concise, preferably no more than two pages long.

Q . Does the UK use a CV or resume?

A. The UK primarily uses a CV and not a resume. A CV is a comprehensive document that outlines a person’s academic and professional achievements, qualifications, and experiences. At the same time, a resume summarises a person’s skills, knowledge, and qualifications.

Q. How do I structure my CV in the UK?

A. To structure a UK Resume format, it is essential to highlight the most relevant information first, starting with a personal statement, followed by work experience, education, and skills. It is crucial to tailor the CV to the specific job requirements and to keep it clear, concise, and easy to read.

Q. What are the skills of a CV UK?

A. The skills section in the UK Resume Format should be tailored to the specific job requirements, highlighting the applicant’s most relevant skills. This section can include hard skills, such as technical abilities and qualifications, and soft skills, such as communication and teamwork.

Q. How long should a UK CV be?

A. The UK Resume Format should be concise and to the point, with no more than two pages. However, there are exceptions to this rule, as the size of your CV may vary depending on factors such as your level of experience and the specific requirements of the job you’re applying for. It’s essential to balance providing enough detail to showcase your skills and knowledge while also being mindful of the reader’s time and attention.

Q. What is the objective of Resume UK?

A. The objective of a UK CV is to showcase the applicant’s qualifications, experiences, and skills to potential employers. It should provide a clear and concise overview of the applicant’s background and suitability for the job.

Q. What are the three different styles of resume?

A. There are three different styles of UK Resume Format: chronological, functional, and combination. A chronological CV lists work experience and education in reverse chronological order, an available CV highlights skills and achievements, and a combination CV combines both styles.

Q. How do you make a CV for a university application?

A. To make a CV for a university application, it is essential to highlight academic achievements, extracurricular activities, and relevant skills. The CV should demonstrate the applicant’s potential to succeed in the educational environment.

Q.  How to make a CV for a UK work visa?

A. To make a CV for a UK work visa, it is important to highlight skills, qualifications, and relevant work experience. The UK Resume format should showcase your suitability for the job and demonstrate your ability to contribute to the UK economy.

Q. What does a good CV look like in 2024 UK?

A. A good CV in 2023 UK should be visually appealing and easy to read, with a clear structure and relevant information. It should be tailored to the specific job requirements and highlight the applicant’s most relevant skills and experience.

Q. Should I put a photo on my CV in the UK?

A. Including a photo on a CV is considered an outdated practice in the UK. Resume Format. It is believed that personal appearance or physical characteristics should not be a factor in the job application process, and therefore, attaching a photo to a CV can create opportunities for discrimination. Additionally, it is considered irrelevant to job qualifications and competencies. Employers in the UK are advised to focus on the candidate’s skills, experience, and education rather than their appearance. Therefore, it is recommended to avoid including a photo on a CV unless the employer specifically requests it.

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Debasmita Das

Study abroad professional with 14 years of extensive experience in advising associates, recruiting and counselling students.

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Best CV format 2024 (+ UK examples)

Karl Kahler

Sections within a traditional reverse chronological CV:

Top 3 benefits of focusing on skills in a functional cv.

Successful CV formatting depends on the CV template  that you choose and how your CV format showcases your experience, skills and achievements.

Format your curriculum vitae well and both the recruiter and ATS software will find exactly what they are looking for. 

But what are the considerations when formatting a CV? While fonts and graphics are visually important, there are also deeper structural considerations. If telling your career story requires a slightly different format from the norm, you should feel empowered to make that decision. It is your story - tell it in the way you feel is best.

In which circumstances might you highlight your skills over your experience? Is there a benefit in following the format norms? How is the job seeking environment of 2024 influencing the structure of CV templates? Here is what we will cover:

How to format a CV: accepted norms

  • Reverse chronological CV format
  • Functional CV format
  • Combination CV format
  • Europass curriculum vitae format
  • Three 2024 influences on CV formatting

How you structure your CV format will depend on what aspects of your candidature a future employer wants to see in your application, but it is also very much dictated by the hard realities of your previous career. When you only have one or two pages to highlight your value, how you present your narrative can make a huge difference.

Firstly, let’s explore some more universal curriculum vitae formatting questions:

Tailor your format as well as your content . While we will explore how your career circumstances might dictate a particular format choice, your CV should be designed to optimally indicate your fit with each role. If one job description is deeply prescriptive in terms of the skillset they are looking for, a skills-led functional CV might well make more sense than a traditional reverse chronological format.

There are certain widely accepted norms on how to format a UK CV that no job seeker should ignore. No matter how “innovative” you consider your application, these few simple CV format rules are nearly set in stone:

  • Choose a professional-looking font (Calibri, Arial, Times New Roman)
  • Opt for a 11-12 font size, depending on the chosen font
  • Headings should be 4-6 sizes larger than the text font
  • Aim for 1-inch page margins as standard on all four sides
  • Your CV format should be no longer than two pages
  • It is not customary to share a photo in the UK CV format
  • Always save your curriculum vitae in PDF format to preserve how it looks on different devices (unless the application specifically requests a Word file).

While there are many CV format choices to make, you should never veer too far away from the norm on the above questions. You want the recruiter to be noticing your skills and experience rather than questioning left-field typeface choices.

Choose a font that your future employers are used to reading . Changing a font on a CV format is not difficult, so a sneaky way of seeming to fit in is to choose one that your employers are used to reading. Look at their emails and employer branding materials – what font are they using? You might not think that it matters, but subconsciously it might well start to ring a few bells.

Now we have covered the basics, there are three main types of CV :

  • A reverse chronological (or traditional) CV
  • A functional (or skills based) CV
  • A combination curriculum vitae

This is when they are typically used :

  • Reverse chronological focuses on work experience
  • Functional brings your skills and education to the fore
  • Combination is a fusion with more emphasis on skills than normal.

Let’s explore the three CV format types in more detail:

Reverse Chronological CV Format

Here’s a reverse chronological CV format that places recent experience at the top:

sample resume for uk

The reverse chronological format (sometimes known as traditional or chronological) is widely accepted as the best way of proving employment suitability.

Your most recent roles and experiences are considered to be most relevant to any new role, your recent employers will be scrutinised with interest and even something as simple as scanning how long you were at your most recent role will lend a degree of credibility to your potential fit.

The “reverse” aspect of the CV format means that your roles are listed in reverse order. While you don’t need to list your very earliest roles, you should be careful to avoid gaps as the chronological curriculum vitae can make them stand out.

Familiarity lets a reader focus on the content. There are many reasons why the reverse chronological CV format is ubiquitous. If you have standard work experience, there is little reason to distract from it with funky formatting choices.

Every reverse chronological CV format should have the following sections:

  • Personal Statement ( CV Summary or CV Profile)
  • Work Experience (or Employment History)

Let’s look at these in detail below.

1. CV Header

Essential contact information will be expected to be in the header of any CV format. Make sure that it doesn’t take up too much space and choose colours and designs that don’t distract from your core content.

  • Include your name, contact email, mobile and any personal websites.
  • Link to your LinkedIn profile (read some tips on how to improve it in this LinkedIn profile guide ).
  • Don’t include your date of birth, family details or gender pronouns.

2. Personal Statement

The short elevator pitch of the personal statement (or CV summary) is also included prominently in either format. It is a free-flowing block of text that is bespoke for each role and it should grab a recruiter’s attention with its personal format.

  • Ensure that your motivations match up with the requirements of the role.
  • Highlight accomplishments with action verbs and quantifiable context.
  • Consider including a CV objective if changing roles or seeking promotion.

Why you need a personal profile for your CV

The personal profile is the employer’s first introduction to your skills and experience so it’s important to get this section right. In this blog, we’ll walk you through the most important elements of the personal profile and offer examples to get you started.

3. Work Experience

The trick with including work experience in a reverse chronological format is to include an equal amount of content for the past 2-3 roles. This will make your experience seem more significant than if you include a lot of info on the most recent role and less on previous ones. Spread out the experience you wish to demonstrate.

  • Most recent role goes first – include prominent employer names for all roles.
  • Use bullet points – with action verbs in third person and past tense.
  • Focus only on those accomplishments that are relevant for the role

4. Education

If you are a student or recent university graduate, then your education section should be included above the work experience. Education offers an important indication of potential in any early-career CV format. If you don’t have much work experience, then you should consider the merits of a functional CV.

  • A-levels should be included as well as a degree if you are early in your career.
  • GCSEs should only be included if you are a recent school leaver.
  • List the name of your university degree course and any relevant modules.

5. CV skills section

While the skills section may not come at the bottom of the CV in some CV template formats, it is probably a section that is less visible. Your work experience sections will contain many of the key skills and attributes that an employer is looking for, so in this format skills are an added bonus (and ideally should not repeat what has been said in the employment part).

  • Skills can be included in a separate section as well as in your summary and work experience. Give your skills as much quantifiable context as possible.
  • Include the hard and soft skills that sit behind the role’s job description.
  • Skills are still important in a chronological CV, so choose a format that works.

The hiring manager will notice the format before they get into the content, so the format choices that you make will form their first impression. Clean formatting and an absence of grammatical errors is one of the first things that recruiters take in when they scan a CV, according to Mashable .

Functional CV Format

Here’s an example of effective functional CV formatting putting skills first:

sample resume for uk

There are certain situations when your skills and abilities will be more important to securing your next role than your past employment experiences. A functional CV format can put your skills front and centre in the following situations:

  • Skilled tradespeople and freelancers who are “deep” in certain skills.
  • Gig workers who want to emphasize skills over their employment portfolio.
  • Career changers who want to show that their skills make them a great fit.
  • Students and recent university graduates

In situations where your past is not the best indicator of future potential (maybe because you did not have sufficient chance to practice your skills), or when your skills base is simply too varied to outline in the work experience section, a functional CV will do the job nicely.

1. It is not the norm, so you will stand out.

When you write a functional CV with a large emphasis on your skills, your CV will read differently to 95% of other candidates. If your skill base is sufficiently impressive, then this can only be a positive thing.

2. You can tell the story behind your skills later.

No one gets a job by walking into an interview and reeling off a list of skills. You will still have to tell the story behind your skills, but by highlighting them in a CV you are inviting the recruiter to explore further. Be ready to talk about them.

How to write a CV

Knowing how to write a CV takes effort, but we help break down the mystery. Take a look at this detailed guide to learn more about how to structure, write, and design a job-winning CV.

3. Recruiters won’t like it, but it will make them look again.

This is a counterintuitive one, but when you put your work experience later in the CV, a recruiter or hiring manager cannot help but read your skills first. You want as much of your candidature to be considered, so this backwards approach could work.

  • Choose a functional CV format if your skills are the most important aspect of your job and what sets you apart from other candidates.
  • Create a functional CV just because you lack work experience in a field that traditionally requires a chronological CV.

Combination CV Format

Here’s an example of a combination CV format with a larger emphasis on skills:

sample resume for uk

With the format of many CV templates, it is entirely possible to have an incredibly visible skills section while at the same time including a reverse chronological work history.

The combination CV format above makes the most of the space dedicated to skills and emphasizes just what a breadth of skills the candidate possesses. 

You would normally include 5-6 key skills in a CV as you would want your work experience to be more prominent, but a combination CV can definitely do both. A combination CV may seem more visually “busy” than the two other CV formats, but if you have that much to say about yourself, then why not make the most of it.

Understand the value of white space. An effective CV format optimises the balance of white space to text. You need to give the reader a mental break before they move on to the next section, so make sure that there is not an unrelenting wall of text. Give a taster – they can find out more at an interview.

Pros and cons of each CV format

While this is a lot of information to take in, it is worth taking the time to decide on the right CV format for your situation. Here is a brief summary of what we have shared above with a couple of pros and cons for each format.

Reverse chronological CV format - pros

  • Highlights career progression clearly, showcasing professional growth.
  • Favoured by recruiters for quick assessment of work history relevance.
  • Simplifies identification of candidate's most recent and relevant job experiences.

Reverse chronological CV format - cons

  • May emphasise employment gaps or frequent job changes to your detriment.
  • Less effective for fresh graduates with limited work experience.
  • Doesn't highlight skills or achievements outside traditional career paths.

Functional CV format - pros

  • Focus on skills and abilities over specific job titles or companies.
  • Ideal for career changers, highlighting transferable skills effectively.
  • Minimises gaps in employment or frequent job changes.

Functional CV format - cons

  • Can obscure career progression and specific work experiences.
  • Sometimes viewed with skepticism by employers, suspecting hidden employment gaps.
  • Lacks detailed context about roles and accomplishments in each job.

Combination CV format - pros

  • Blends skills and experiences, offering a comprehensive professional profile.
  • Showcases relevant skills upfront, paired with chronological work history.
  • Ideal for those with diverse job experiences - in particular gig workers.

Combination CV format - cons

  • Can become lengthy, risking dilution of key professional achievements.
  • May confuse recruiters preferring traditional reverse chronological or functional formats.
  • Requires careful balancing to avoid redundancy in skills and experience.

Best CV format for the UK (for international applicants)

Choosing the best CV format for the UK can be more difficult if you’re an international applicant and are used to the North American or continental European job markets. Here are only some of the differences between a United States resume and a United Kingdom CV:

  • A 2-page CV format is more acceptable in the UK than in the U.S . (in America, 2-page CVs are usually only for candidates with decades of experience). One-pagers do exist, but it’s also common to have your CV printed on BOTH sides of the sheet.
  • Cover letters are often used in the U.S . (and globally) instead of that 2nd page of the UK CV.
  • British CVs can have a bit more personal flair, interests or character in certain industries since there is a strong focus on teamwork and workplace culture.
  • Custom sections (such as Volunteering or Accomplishments) are slightly more common in UK CV formats.

Keep in mind though that these differences can be seen as subjective/debatable and will vary depending on region, city, company and so on.

Here’s a (subjective) take from the perspective of an American with CV experience in the United Kingdom:

Or a more formal/expert take from the Financial Times (note how the advice differs regarding 1 and 2-page CVs):

At the end of the day, the best CV format for UK jobs is entirely dependent on the situation. Always analyze the employer and job position. In creative industries, you may add more flair and personality. For entry-level jobs a one-page CV may be more than enough. The best CV format in the UK will change with the circumstances… just as in any other country.

Europass Curriculum Vitae Format

The Europass curriculum vitae system is a well-intentioned initiative to standardize the paperwork that people use to look for jobs in Europe. It’s a web-based system for producing a free electronic document that contains your contact info, work experience, education and other credentials that qualify you to obtain employment.  

It should be said that not many European job seekers use it, for various reasons:

  • The format is unattractive with a wasteful use of space in the design.
  • The interface is difficult, with inefficient editing and software bugs.
  • Most employers will wonder why you didn’t create a better option.

There will always be organisations that will request a Europass CV (often in the public sector), but unless it is requested, avoid this CV format at all costs. 

Don’t be afraid to try different formats. Certain job application processes may require more information on skills, while others will want to dig deeper into your work experience. Don’t feel that you are obligated to stick with the same CV format for every role. When you use a CV builder, the possibilities of playing around with the formats are unlimited. Go with your gut in terms of what feels right.

Three 2024 trends in CV Formatting 

2024 has brought some seismic shifts that will have an impact on the medium-term jobs market and although the reverse chronological CV has held sway for so long, the employment market is creating pockets of activity where a functional CV would work just as effectively. Here are the top 3 trends in 2024 CV formatting and formats (based on our experience and research):

  • The rise of freelancer CVs
  • Increase in the number of highly specialized CVs
  • Lots of CVs from fresh graduates (less experience, more potential)

1. 2024: the continued rise of the freelancer

According to  CNBC , the freelance market is booming, with more than one-third of Americans turning to freelance work this year and employers looking to hire them, especially in the fields of ecommerce, web and mobile design.

For freelancers looking to build on their current skill set, a functional CV is perfect to explore their skills in depth, especially as they are often pitching their services with little knowledge of what might be required of them.

Freelancers often have multiple clients at any one time, so rather than list them all in a reverse chronological CV, it may be more efficient to list your experiences by skill or area of functional expertise.

How to improve your CV layout

A good layout and great content is the magic recipe that recruiters won't fail to appreciate. Take your CV layout to a new level with our CV builder.

2. 2024: the dawn of the deep specialist

According to  McKinsey , specialization is the way of the future. Employees who can handle one task well are likely to fare better than generalists in the long run.

When you are deep in a certain specialization, you often require more CV real estate to do justice to your knowledge. If you also have some huge career wins, then a combination CV might be able to paint enough of a picture.

3. 2024: graduates with little experience focus on potential

Most grads might have muddled through 2020-2024 in terms of their studies, but very few will have undertaken the traditional internships and volunteer positions that have traditionally set up graduates for their first roles.

Employers are therefore being more forgiving and not expecting so much employment experience, so more early career professionals are exploring their potential with functional or combined CV formats.

How do I format my CV for the ATS?

When an ATS algorithm is scanning your curriculum vitae for keywords, you need to select a format where each CV section contains the normal headings and that the keywords are sprinkled throughout the document. The order of the headings doesn’t matter, but in even the most extreme of functional CVs there should still be a work experience section.

Key Takeaways 

Some key considerations to bear in mind when choosing the best CV format:

  • The format should be well-organised and easy to scan by a reader and an ATS.
  • The CV format should fit your career rather than the other way around.
  • Your job application should play to your strengths, so be brave with the CV format.
  • Doing something different is fine, as long as you have a good reason for doing so in your CV.

Sometimes a job search can be tough. If you have been rejected a few times and you don’t quite understand why, it may be worth considering a slightly different CV format. You can also avoid confusion and guesswork by using our recruiter-approved CV templates - a great way to save time and achieve top results!

Key strengths on your CV: Top 5 examples

CV Examples and Guides

Browse a wide range of UK templates and good CV examples suitable for recent graduates, experienced professionals, and everyone in between. Our easy-to-use CV Builder tool allows you to customise your CV to highlight your unique skills and experience.

Academic CV sample

Academic CV

California template

Account Manager CV sample

Account Manager CV

Auckland template

Accountant CV sample

Accountant CV

Harvard template

Actor CV Sample

Yale template

Admin CV sample

Administrator CV

Oxford template

Apprenticeship CV sample

Apprenticeship CV

Erasmus template

 Architecture CV sample

Architect CV

Michigan template

Artist CV sample

Columbia template

Barista CV sample

Edinburgh template

Bartender CV sample

Bartender CV

Wisconsin template

Beauty therapist CV example

Beauty Therapist CV

Biomedical Scientist CV sample

Biomedical Scientist CV

Bookkeeper CV example

Bookkeeper CV

 Business Analyst CV sample

Business Analyst CV

Cabin Crew CV Sample

Cabin Crew CV

Call Centre CV Example

Call Centre CV

Toronto template

Care Assistant CV sample

Care Assistant CV

Otago template

Career change CV sample

Career change CV

Caregiver CV template

Caregiver CV

CV example - Carpenter - Cambridge template

Carpenter CV

Cambridge template

Cashier CV sample

Wheaton template

Catering Assistant CV Example

Catering Assistant CV

CV example - Chef - Otago template

Chronological CV

CV example - Civil Engineer - Harvard template

Civil Engineer CV

Civil Service CV Example

Civil Service CV

Duke template

Cleaner CV example

Computer Science CV

Stanford template

Concierge CV example

Concierge CV

Construction CV Example

Construction CV

CV example - Consultant - Erasmus template

Consultant CV

Counsellor CV Example

Counsellor CV

Cornell template

Credit Controller CV Example

Credit Controller CV

Customer Service CV example

Customer Service CV

Cyber Security CV sample

Cyber Security CV

Dancer CV Example

Data Analyst CV

Data Entry CV Example

Data Entry CV

Princeton template

Data Scientist CV Example

Data Scientist CV

Dentist CV sample

Designer CV

Developer CV example

Developer CV

CV example - Digital Marketing - Harvard template

Digital Marketing CV

Doctor CV sample

Electrical Engineer CV

Electrician CV sample

Electrician CV

Engineer CV sample

Engineer CV

Estate Agent CV Example

Estate Agent CV

Event Manager CV Example

Event Manager CV

Factory Worker CV example

Factory Worker CV

Fashion Designer CV sample

Fashion Designer CV

Finance CV Example

Financial Analyst CV

Firefighter CV example

Firefighter CV

Football CV example

Football CV

French CV template

Hopkins template

Gardener CV sample

Gardener CV

German CV Example

Graduate CV

CV example - Graphic Designer - Otago template

Graphic Designer CV

Hairdresser - CV Example - Erasmus

Hairdresser CV

Erasmus example

Healthcare CV sample

Healthcare CV

Hospitality CV sample

Hospitality CV

CV example - Human Resources - Auckland template

Human Resources CV

Interior Designer CV example - Hopkins template

Interior Designer CV

CV example - Internship - Princeton template

Internship CV

Investment banker CV example

Investment Banking CV

IT CV example

Journalist CV

Kitchen Porter CV example

Kitchen Porter CV

Lab technician CV template

Lab Technician CV

Lawyer CV template

Librarian CV

Machine Learning Engineer CV example

Machine Learning Engineer CV

Makeup artist CV example

Makeup Artist CV

CV example - Berkeley - Marketing

Marketing CV

Berkeley template

Mechanic CV sample

Mechanic CV

Medical CV example

Merchandiser CV

Microbiologist CV Example

Microbiologist CV

Midwife CV Example

Musician CV

Nanny CV sample

Nursery assistant CV

Office Manager CV Example

Office Manager CV

Operations Manager CV Example

Operations Manager CV

Optometrist CV example

Optometrist CV

Painter CV sample

Paralegal CV

Part-time CV Sample

Part-time CV

Personal trainer CV example

Personal Trainer CV

Pharmacist CV sample

Pharmacist CV

CV example - PhD - Otago template

Photographer CV

Physiotherapist CV sample

Physiotherapist CV

Plumber CV Example

Police officer CV

Peking template

Postperson CV Example

Postperson CV

Procurement CV Example

Procurement CV

CV example - Product Manager - Erasmus template

Product Manager CV

Project Manager CV sample

Project Manager CV

Prompt engineer CV example

Prompt engineer CV

Psychology CV sample

Psychology CV

Quantity Surveyor CV sample

Quantity Surveyor CV

Radiographer CV Example

Radiographer CV

CV example - Receptionist - Harvard template

Receptionist CV

CV example - Recruitment - Stanford template

Recruitment CV

Stanford Template

Restaurant Manager CV Example

Restaurant Manager CV

CV example - Retail - Auckland template

School Leaver CV

Scrum Master CV sample

Scrum Master CV

Secretary CV Example

Secretary CV

Security Guard CV example

Security Guard CV

SEO CV Example

Shop Assistant CV

CV example - Simple CV - Yale template

Simple template

CV example - Skills-based CV - Peking template

Skills-based CV

Social media CV sample

Social media CV

Social worker CV sample

Social worker CV

Edinburgh CV template

CV example - Software Developer - Toronto template

Software Developer CV

Sports CV Example

Store Manager CV

Student CV example

Supermarket CV

Supply Chain CV Example

Supply Chain CV

Support Worker CV Example

Support Worker CV

Sustainability CV Example

Sustainability CV

Talent Acquisition CV sample

Talent Acquisition CV

Teacher CV sample

Translator CV

Travel Agent CV

Tutor CV template

UI/UX Designer CV

Undergraduate CV sample

Undergraduate CV

CV example - Vet - Erasmus template

Video Editor CV

Videographer CV example

Videographer CV

Virtual Assistant CV Sample

Virtual Assistant CV

Volunteer CV Example

Volunteer CV

CV example - Waiter/Waitress - California template

Waiter/Waitress CV

Warehouse CV sample

Warehouse CV

Welder CV example

Impress recruiters and hiring managers with professional CV examples. Browse a wide range of templates and CV examples suitable for recent graduates , experienced professionals, and everyone in between. Our easy-to-use CV Builder tool allows you to customise your CV to highlight your unique skills and experience. Explore our blog for valuable career advice and tips on crafting an industry-standard CV.

How do I create my CV?

Creating a strong CV can be daunting, especially if it's something you do only sometimes. But don't worry, CVMaker is here to help. Our selection of good CV examples can inspire your own CV, no matter your background, experience, or industry. With various CV samples available, we've simplified the writing process.

Looking to create a professional CV?

How to write a good cv uk example.

To help you craft a successful CV , we have compiled some essential tips to remember:

Once you know the jobs you are targeting, highlight the skills and experience relevant to the position.

A simple CV should be at most two pages, and make sure your writing is relevant and tailored towards your career goals. Learn more about how long a CV should be.

Make sure your CV format and structure follow a simple, easy-to-read font .

List your current experience or last-held job title first. If you have no experience or are a recent graduate, consider creating a skills-based CV. Refer to our student or undergraduate CV examples.

Start each sentence with a strong action verb highlighting your experience, skills, or achievements.

While it might be the last thing you consider, choosing the best colour for your CV can make a small difference in your application.

Simple errors can be easily avoided by just running a spell check. These minor mistakes could make a bad impression and hurt your chances of getting an interview.

How our free CV examples help you achieve your career goals

Written by experts, our CV examples help shape your CV. One that reflects your personality, key skills, strengths , and career aspirations. Tailor your CV to the specific job and organisation, ensuring it stands out. With our user-friendly and professional templates, you can create a winning CV in just a few minutes. Choose from our collection of over 20 expertly-designed CV templates , trusted by over 100,000 satisfied users.

What are the core sections to include in your CV? 

When crafting a modern CV , including the right sections to make your application stand out is important. Our CV examples follow this format, ensuring they are easily scannable and well-structured.

1. Personal details

Includes your full name, address, phone number, email address, and link to professional websites, online portfolios, or LinkedIn.

2. Personal profile

This brief summary at the top of your CV focuses on your skills, experience, and career goals. It's your chance to make a great first impression and give employers a snapshot of who you are as a candidate. Refer to our personal profile article for more CV examples.

3. Work experience

List your current and previous jobs, starting with the most recent job. Include the job title, the company’s name, the dates of employment, and a brief description of your duties, followed by measurable achievements with strong action verbs. Refer to our work experience article for more CV examples.

4. Education

Remember that education can come in many forms, formal and informal. List your qualifications in reverse chronological order, starting with the most recent. Make sure to include the name of the institution, the degree or qualification you earned, and the dates of attendance. Refer to our education CV section article for more inspiration.

It's important to keep a few things in mind. Instead of listing all your skills, consider organising them into hard, soft, and technical skills categories. Additionally, highlight any transferable skills throughout your CV that may be relevant to the position you're applying for. Refer to our skills article for more CV examples.

What are the optional CV sections to include in your CV?

If you want to distinguish yourself from other candidates with similar qualifications, consider adding the following additional sections to your CV. These can be especially useful if you have extra space or need relevant work experience. However, it's important to remember that these sections should complement, not overshadow, the main sections of your CV.

1. Additional experience

This section on its own should be used for experiences more than 15 years ago or that are short-term. It can also be leveraged by including volunteer experience, hobbies and interests relevant to your job targets.

2. Achievements

These are important throughout your CV, but having a section called achievements or career accomplishments could set you apart from other candidates. Check out our article on how to list achievements in a CV .

3. Courses and certificates

An additional section accompanying your skills and work experience. It should be brief, concise, and targeted to your career goals. Learn more about how to list certifications and courses on a CV .

4. Languages

List your language skills in a dedicated section on your CV or under the skills or education section. Before adding them, carefully review the job requirements and company website to determine if including them is relevant. Refer to our article to learn more about effectively showcasing your language skills on a CV .

What makes a good CV?

A good CV is one that effectively showcases your skills, qualifications, and experience in a concise and clear manner. The information should be relevant and tailored to the job. Moreover, a clear structure should be applied while incorporating keywords and phrases from the job description.

What is an ATS-friendly CV example?

An ATS-friendly CV is a curriculum vitae optimised for applicant tracking systems (ATS), software tools employers use to screen job applications. Our CV examples have been designed to ensure that the ATS can accurately read and interpret the content.

How do I write my first CV example?

If you are a student or recently graduated, consider a skills-based CV format where you focus on your skills over work experience. We have various CV examples and guides, including students and graduates, which you can use for inspiration. Learn more about how to write a CV for a first job .

What is the best layout for a CV?

This depends on the type of job and industry you are applying for. Different layouts to suit different job types and categories, such as chronological, functional, and combination formats. Choosing a layout that highlights your skills and experiences is essential and easy for the hiring manager to read and scan.

How to write a CV with no experience? 

Writing a CV with no experience can be challenging, but there are several things to consider, such as highlighting your skills and achievements or making use of a functional CV format (also known as a skills-based CV). This format highlights your skills and accomplishments rather than focusing on your work history. Our CV library contains a variety of examples if you have little to no experience for the job you are applying for.

How to write a cover letter for a CV?

To ensure coherence between your CV and cover letter , it is crucial that both are tailored to your career goals. Your CV provides a comprehensive overview of your skills and experience, whereas a cover letter expands on some of the key points within your CV, showcasing why you are the best candidate for the role.

Start creating your CV

Create a professional CV quick and easy with our advanced CV Builder

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Increase your chances of landing your dream job with CVMaker.

How to write a winning UK CV with templates

Briony Ranasinghe

Briony Ranasinghe

The resume format for the U.K. is not similar to that of most European countries . There are certain specific requirements for the UK resume that need to be known when creating a resume. In this article, we'll tell you everything you need to know when you are making your UK resume, targeting how to write a UK cv  with examples.

For instance, in the UK the resume is commonly known as the CV; not resume and curriculum vitae. Most job adverts, therefore, will ask for a CV rather than a resume.

Need help creating a UK CV? Try Cresuma’s resume builder.

UK CV Format 2024

There are two main UK CV formats that are used for the UK. The reverse chronological format and the skills-targeted format. There are certain standards that should be practiced for both formats.

UK CV Format Standards

  • The CV should be no more than 2 sides of an A4.
  • No need to have the header of CV
  • CV must be in British English, e.g., colour instead of color.
  • All text should be in a standard font such as Arial, Times New Roman, Calibri or Georgia.
  • Text should be no less than 10 points and no more than 12 points and the same size throughout.
  • Headings should be between 14-18 points.
  • Text should be left-aligned
  • Margins must be between 1.7 - 2.5 cm
  • CV should be saved as a PDF before being sent.

The Chronological Format

This is the most common format for resumes and the one most recruiters and hiring managers expect to see.

The format here which is known as the reverse chronological format refers to stating the most recent experience or qualifications that you've obtained first and then move on to the rest in an orderly manner.

For professionals who have seen steady career growth or have more experience in their field, this is the best UK CV format with regard to employment as it highlights your employment history.

The Best Template for Chronological Format

Chronical Template

The Skills-based Format

This format is ideal for those who are entering into the field for the first time either as a fresher or career-changer. This is also a good format for those who are coming back to the field after an absence. As the name suggests, this format focuses on skills that you have attained rather than work experience.

The Perfect Template for the Skills-oriented format

Skill based template

So now that you know the formats, you need to know what sections you need to add to your CV.

What do you include in a CV?

There are six main sections in a UK CV. They are:

Personal Details

Work experience.

  • Hobbies, Interests and Achievements

You need to add very few personal details for a UK CV. Just your name, telephone number and email address are enough. You can also add links to professional accounts such as LinkedIn. You should not add any photos or extra details to your personal details section. This section should be at highlighted in your CV, ideally at the top no matter which format you use.

An idea for the personal details section

Personal details section

The profile is a few short sentences that provides a summary of who you are and what you hope to do in the future. Tailoring your profile to the company will make you sound like the best person for the job. It is important that your profile be highlighted in your CV, by placing it at the top of the first page for example.

The best format for your profile

Professional Experience

Your most recent job should be the first in your employment history. If you have volunteer experience relevant to the role you are applying for include that and mention it is volunteer work. You should mention the title, name of the company, how long you were there, and what your role consisted of. It’s a good idea to mention in bullets or two to three lines key achievements and awards that you received while you were working.

Try making your CV unique by using keywords and action verbs that show what a good candidate you are to the hiring manager.

Use Cresuma’s keyword tool to find the best keywords.

The perfect work experience example

Work experience

If you don’t have much work experience and are using a skills-based CV format, your skills should be placed above your work experience.

Group your skills under one clear skill and elaborate on why a particular skill would help you in the position you’ve applied for or how you learned the skill. Remember, it doesn’t have to be very long, just convincing. Try to avoid buzzwords that will negatively impact your prospects.

The Best Template to Highlight your Skills

Highlight Skills

The Education section of a CV is the same standard that is used all over the world. You need to mention your qualifications; the school, college or university you studied at; and the years attended. This section should follow either the skills or work-experience section depending on the format that you have selected.

How to write the perfect education section

Education System

Interests or Achievements

This section does not have a structured format and only should be used if it is relevant to the job you are applying for.

However, this data can give a positive picture about your personality before the actual interview, hence can be a good move.

For instance, if you speak five languages, but are applying for a job as a computer programmer, you don’t need to mention it in your CV.

The best template for interests or achievements


Should I include references?

You don’t need to mention references in your CV unless the job posting specifically requests it. On the CV, you can simply mention “References are available on request”, like in the picture below.


Now that you know how to write a CV, you can create your own. Here are a few CV templates for a few fields that will help you get started.

The best template for a Teacher

CV template for teacher

The best template for a Sales Executive

CV template for sales executive

The best CV template for an Accountant

A recognized UK CV format for an accountant is depicted in the image below which you can use as a guide.

CV template for an accountant

More tips on how to write UK CV

Other than all the discussed factors, writing a winning UK resume includes some other key concerns as denoted below.

  • Incorporate a strong personal statement known as a profile summary too, as the personal statement conveys a gist about who you are at the beginning.
  • List out facts in your UK resume clearly in precise bullet points. Also, it’s important to make the bullet points as brief as possible to serve to page count limitation.
  • Dedicated cover letters that align with the job description are also vital to be shortlisted as cover letters are the initial source of information that sums everything up about you.

Now it's high time to get started on creating your own CV for that UK job with our guide on the United Kingdom CV format. For more ideas on international resume formats, see our international resumes page.

Or if you need more handy articles for CV tips and tricks, try our career guides.

StandOut CV

Example of a good CV

Andrew Fennell photo

When it comes to  writing a CV , it helps to have a solid  example of a good CV for guidance and inspiration.

So, we’ve put together hundreds of real-life professional CVs that have been used to win job interviews for our users, and included some helpful tips to help you create your own winning CV.

There are over 1,000 CV examples across every industry and profession.

Top CV examples

CV templates 

  • Administrator CV example

Administrator CV example-1

Why is this an effective Administrator CV?

See more Admin & Business CV examples

  • Admin Assistant CV
  • Admin Clerk CV
  • Administration Manager CV
  • Administrative Coordinator CV
  • Administrative Secretary CV
  • Agile Business Analyst CV
  • Agile Delivery Manager CV
  • Agile Project Manager CV
  • Assistant Buyer CV
  • Assistant Director CV
  • Assistant Manager CV
  • Assistant Project Manager CV
  • Bid Manager CV
  • Board Director CV
  • Board Member CV
  • Business Administrator CV
  • Business Analyst CV
  • Business Architect CV
  • Business Consultant CV
  • Business CV
  • Business Management CV
  • Business manager CV
  • Business Operations Manager CV
  • Business Owner CV
  • Business Support Manager CV
  • Buying Admin Assistant CV
  • Call Centre CV
  • Call Centre Agent CV
  • Call Centre Manager CV
  • Call Handler CV
  • Category Manager CV
  • Change Management Consultant CV
  • Change Management CV
  • Change Manager CV
  • Chief of Staff CV
  • Chief Operating Officer CV
  • Chief Risk Officer CV
  • Claims Handler CV
  • Clerical Officer CV
  • Client Relationship Manager CV
  • Client services manager CV
  • Commercial assistant CV
  • Commercial Director CV
  • Communications Manager CV
  • Complaints Handler CV
  • Consultant CV
  • Continuous Improvement Manager CV
  • Contract Administrator CV
  • Corporate Communications CV
  • Corporate Receptionist CV
  • Corporate Social Responsibility CV
  • Corporate Trainer CV
  • Crisis Management CV
  • Customer Advisor CV
  • Customer Service Associate CV
  • Customer Support Manager CV
  • Data Analyst Intern CV
  • Data Entry Clerk CV
  • Digital Project Manager CV
  • Digital Strategist CV
  • Director CV
  • Diversity and Inclusion Manager CV
  • Ecommerce Manager CV
  • Estate agent CV
  • Estate Manager CV
  • Event Assistant CV
  • Executive assistant CV
  • Executive Coach CV
  • Executive Director CV
  • Executive PA CV
  • Facilities Assistant CV
  • Facilities coordinator CV
  • Facilities manager CV
  • Front Desk Officer CV
  • Front Desk Receptionist CV
  • Front Office Manager CV
  • Grant Manager CV
  • Gym Receptionist CV
  • Head of Customer Service CV
  • Head of HR CV
  • Head Of Procurement CV
  • Head Receptionist CV
  • HR Administrator CV
  • HR Advisor CV
  • HR Analyst CV
  • HR assistant CV
  • HR Consultant CV
  • HR Coordinator CV
  • HR Director CV
  • HR CV examples
  • HR Executive CV
  • HR generalist CV
  • HR manager CV
  • HR Officer CV
  • HR Project Manager CV
  • Human Resources Assistant CV
  • Implementation Manager CV
  • Independent Consultant CV
  • Innovation Manager CV
  • Insurance Manager CV
  • Insurance Underwriter CV
  • Internal Communications Manager CV
  • Inventory Controller CV
  • Junior Analyst CV
  • Junior Project Manager CV
  • Learning And Development Manager CV
  • Management consultant CV
  • Managing director CV
  • Monitoring and Evaluation Assistant CV
  • Non Executive Director CV
  • Office assistant
  • Office Clerk CV
  • Office Coordinator CV
  • Office manager CV
  • Office Supervisor CV
  • Operations Analyst CV
  • Operations Assistant CV
  • Operations Coordinator CV
  • Operations Director CV
  • Pensions Administrator CV
  • Performance Analyst CV
  • Personal assistant CV
  • PMO Analyst CV
  • PMO Manager CV
  • Principal Consultant CV
  • Private PA CV
  • Process Analyst CV
  • Procurement CV
  • Procurement Assistant CV
  • Procurement Director CV
  • Procurement Engineer CV
  • Procurement Manager CV
  • Procurement Officer CV
  • Program Coordinator CV
  • Programme Director CV
  • Programme manager CV
  • Programme Officer CV
  • Project Administrator CV
  • Project Analyst CV
  • Project Assistant CV
  • Project Controller CV
  • Project coordinator CV
  • Project Support Officer CV
  • Purchasing Administrator CV
  • Purchasing Assistant CV
  • Purchasing Manager CV
  • Quality Auditor CV
  • Reception Manager CV
  • Reception Supervisor CV
  • Receptionist CV example
  • Recruiter CV
  • Recruitment Administrator CV
  • Recruitment Coordinator CV
  • Recruitment Manager CV
  • Recruitment Resourcer CV
  • Research Executive CV
  • Research Manager CV
  • Risk Analyst CV
  • Secretary CV
  • Senior Administrator CV
  • Senior Buyer CV
  • Senior HR Business Partner CV
  • Senior Manager CV
  • Senior Project Manager CV
  • Senior Recruitment Consultant CV
  • Service Designer CV
  • Shift Manager CV
  • Strategy Consultant CV
  • Strategy Manager CV
  • Supply Chain Analyst CV
  • Supply Chain Assistant CV
  • Supply Chain Coordinator CV
  • Supply Chain Manager CV
  • Supply Chain Planner CV
  • Sustainability Consultant CV
  • Talent Acquisition Manager CV
  • Talent Manager CV
  • Trainee Recruitment Consultant CV
  • Training Coordinator CV
  • Transcriptionist CV
  • Underwriter CV
  • Virtual Assistant CV

CV builder

Customer Service CV example

Customer service CV example

Why is this an effective Customer Service CV?

See more Retail & Hospitality CV examples

  • Amazon Warehouse Worker CV
  • Area Manager CV
  • Assistant Bar Manager CV
  • Assistant Chef CV
  • Assistant Restaurant Manager CV
  • Assistant Store Manager CV
  • Bakery Assistant CV
  • Bank Assistant CV
  • Bank Branch Manager CV
  • Bank Cashier CV
  • Bank Relationship Manager CV
  • Banking Business Analyst CV
  • Bar manager CV
  • Bar Supervisor CV
  • Bartender CV
  • Beauty Consultant CV
  • Beauty Sales Assistant CV
  • Bookseller CV
  • Branch Manager CV
  • Cafe Assistant CV
  • Cafe Manager CV
  • Cafe Worker CV
  • Cake Decorator CV
  • Camp Counsellor CV
  • Catering assistant
  • Catering Manager CV
  • CCTV Operator CV
  • Charity Shop Volunteer CV
  • Checkout Operator CV
  • Chef de partie CV
  • Cleaning Manager CV
  • Cleaning Operative CV
  • Clothes Shop Assistant CV
  • Cocktail Bartender CV
  • Coffee Maker CV
  • Coffee Shop Assistant CV
  • Coffee Shop Manager CV
  • Commissioning Manager CV
  • Crew Member CV
  • Croupier CV
  • Customer Assistant CV
  • Customer Service Manager CV
  • Department Manager CV
  • Domestic Housekeeper CV
  • Door Supervisor CV
  • Duty Manager CV
  • Event Director CV
  • Event Hostess CV
  • Event Staff CV
  • Executive Chef CV
  • Fashion Buyer CV
  • Fashion Sales Assistant CV
  • Fast Food Worker CV
  • Floor Manager CV
  • Floor Staff CV
  • Floor Supervisor CV
  • Food and Beverage Assistant CV
  • Food And Beverage Manager CV
  • Food and Beverage Supervisor CV
  • Food Scientist CV
  • Fragrance Consultant CV
  • Front Of House Manager CV
  • Gallery Assistant CV
  • General manager CV
  • Guest Service Agent CV
  • Head Barista CV
  • Head Bartender CV
  • Head chef CV
  • Head Housekeeper CV
  • Head Waiter CV
  • Health and Safety Officer CV
  • Hospitality CV
  • Hospitality Manager CV
  • Hospitality Receptionist CV
  • Hospitality Supervisor CV
  • Hotel Cleaner CV
  • Hotel Duty Manager CV
  • Hotel General Manager CV
  • Hotel Housekeeper CV
  • Hotel Operations Manager CV
  • Hotel manager CV
  • Hotel Porter CV
  • Hotel receptionist CV
  • Hotel Sales Manager CV
  • Hotel Supervisor CV
  • Indian Restaurant Chef CV
  • Kitchen Assistant CV
  • Kitchen Manager CV
  • kitchen porter CV
  • Kitchen Supervisor CV
  • Laundry Assistant CV
  • Line Cook CV
  • Luggage Porter CV
  • Mixologist CV
  • Mystery Shopper CV
  • Night Porter CV
  • Nightclub Manager CV
  • Office Cleaner CV
  • Pastry Chef CV
  • Petrol Station CV
  • Petrol Station Attendant CV
  • Pizza Chef CV
  • Private Chef CV
  • Pub Manager CV
  • Regional Manager CV
  • Reservation Agent CV
  • Reservation Manager CV
  • Restaurant Cleaner CV
  • Restaurant Hostess CV
  • Restaurant Job CV
  • Restaurant manager CV
  • Restaurant Operations Manager CV
  • Restaurant Owner CV
  • Restaurant Receptionist CV
  • Retail Area Manager CV
  • Retail Associate CV
  • Retail Buyer CV
  • Retail Merchandiser CV
  • Retail Sales Manager CV
  • Room Attendant CV
  • Salon Assistant CV
  • Salon Manager CV
  • Security guard CV
  • Self Employed Cleaner CV
  • Shelf Stacker CV
  • Shift Supervisor CV
  • Shop assistant CV
  • Shop Floor Assistant CV
  • Shopkeeper CV
  • Sommelier CV
  • Spa Manager CV
  • Spa Receptionist CV
  • Stable Hand CV
  • Supermarket CV
  • Supermarket Manager CV
  • Supervisor CV
  • Sushi Chef CV
  • Waiter/waitress CV example

Teaching Assistant CV example

Teaching Assistant CV example 1

Why is this an effective Teaching Assistant CV?

  • Age of students worked with
  • Type of institution worked in School/University/College etc.
  • Subjects and Curriculum taught
  • Number of students worked with

See more Teaching & Education CV examples

  • Academic Professor CV
  • Accounting Teacher CV
  • Arabic Teacher CV
  • Archaeologist CV
  • Art Teacher CV
  • Art Technician CV
  • Assistant Lecturer CV
  • Associate Professor CV
  • Biology Teacher CV
  • Business Teacher CV
  • Caretaker CV
  • Chemistry Teacher CV
  • Chinese Teacher CV
  • Cover Supervisor CV
  • Dance Teacher CV
  • Deputy Head Teacher CV
  • Digital Learning Consultant CV
  • Dinner Lady CV
  • Drama Teacher CV
  • Education Consultant CV
  • Education Officer CV
  • Employment Advisor CV
  • English Teacher CV
  • ESL Teacher CV
  • Exam Invigilator CV
  • Examination Officer CV
  • EYFS Teacher CV
  • Fashion Lecturer CV
  • French Teacher CV
  • Geography Teacher CV
  • Guitar Teacher CV
  • Head of Department CV
  • Headteacher CV
  • History Teacher CV
  • ICT Teacher CV
  • Instructional Designer CV
  • Language Tutor CV
  • Learning Mentor CV
  • Learning Support Assistant CV
  • Librarian CV
  • Maths Teacher CV
  • Maths Tutor CV
  • MFL Teacher CV
  • Montessori Teacher CV
  • Music Teacher CV
  • Nursery assistant CV
  • Nursery Manager CV
  • Nursery Teacher CV
  • NVQ Assessor CV
  • Online Tutor CV
  • PE Teacher CV
  • Piano Teacher CV
  • Physical Education Teacher CV
  • Physics Teacher CV
  • Preschool Teacher CV
  • Primary School Teacher CV
  • Professor CV
  • Research Associate CV
  • Science Teacher CV
  • Science Technician CV
  • Secondary Teacher CV
  • SEN Teacher CV
  • SEN Teaching Assistant CV
  • Senior Lecturer CV
  • Spanish Teacher CV
  • Student Counsellor CV
  • Student Representative CV
  • Supply Teacher CV
  • Teacher CV example
  • Teaching assistant CV example
  • Teaching Abroad CV
  • Trainee Teacher CV

Finance CV example

Finance CV example 1

Why is this an effective Finance & Accounting CV?

See more finance & accounting cv examples.

  • Account Officer CV
  • Accounts Administrator CV
  • Accounts assistant CV example
  • Accounts Payable Manager CV
  • Accounts Receivable CV
  • Actuarial Analyst CV
  • AML Analyst CV
  • Asset Manager CV
  • Assistant Finance Manager CV
  • Assistant Management Accountant CV
  • Audit Associate CV
  • Audit Assistant CV
  • Audit Intern CV
  • Audit Manager CV
  • Audit Senior CV
  • Audit Trainee CV
  • Bank Teller CV
  • Bank Customer Service CV
  • Bookkeeper CV
  • Chartered Accountant CV
  • Chief Accountant CV
  • Commercial Finance Manager CV
  • Commodity Trader CV
  • Company secretary CV
  • Corporate Banking CV
  • Corporate Finance CV
  • Cost Accountant CV
  • Cost Controller CV
  • Credit Analyst CV
  • Credit Control Assistant CV
  • Credit Control Manager CV
  • Credit controller CV
  • Credit Manager CV
  • Credit risk analyst CV
  • Equity Analyst CV
  • Equity Trader CV
  • External Auditor CV
  • Finance Administrator CV
  • Finance and Administration Manager CV
  • Finance assistant CV
  • Finance Business Analyst CV
  • Finance Business Partner CV
  • Finance director CV
  • Finance Executive CV
  • Finance Officer CV
  • Finance manager CV
  • Financial Accountant CV
  • Financial Accounting CV
  • Financial Administrator CV
  • Financial Advisor CV
  • Financial analyst CV
  • Financial Crime CV
  • Financial Controller CV
  • Financial Planner CV
  • Forex Trader CV
  • FP&A Manager CV
  • Fraud Analyst CV
  • Fraud Investigator CV
  • Fund Accountant CV
  • Fund Manager CV
  • Group Accountant CV
  • Insurance Advisor CV
  • Insurance Agent CV
  • Internal Audit Manager CV
  • Internal Auditor CV
  • Investment Analyst CV
  • Investment Banking Analyst CV
  • Investment banking CV
  • Investment Manager CV
  • Investor Relations CV
  • KYC Analyst CV
  • Loan Officer CV
  • M&A Analyst CV
  • Management accountant CV
  • Mortgage Advisor CV
  • Night Auditor CV
  • Part Qualified ACCA Accountant CV
  • Part Qualified Accountant CV
  • Payroll Administrator CV
  • Payroll Assistant CV
  • Payroll Manager CV
  • Portfolio Manager CV
  • Practice Accountant CV
  • Pricing Analyst CV
  • Private Banker CV
  • Private Equity CV
  • Private Equity Analyst CV
  • Project Accountant CV
  • Purchase Ledger Clerk CV
  • Qualified Accountant CV
  • Quantitative Analyst CV
  • Quantitative Researcher CV
  • Reconciliation Officer CV
  • Revenue Officer CV
  • Revenue Manager CV
  • Risk Management Specialist CV
  • Senior Accountant CV
  • Senior Auditor CV
  • Stock Broker CV
  • Tax Accountant CV
  • Tax Consultant CV
  • Tax Manager CV
  • Trainee accountant CV
  • Treasury Analyst CV
  • Treasury Manager CV
  • Venture Capital Analyst CV
  • Wealth Manager CV

Graduate CV example

Graduate CV example 1

Why is this an effective Graduate CV?

See more junior & student cv examples.

  • 15 year old CV template
  • Academic CV example
  • Accounting graduate
  • Accounting Intern CV
  • Accounting Student CV
  • Architect Student CV
  • Aerospace Engineering Graduate CV
  • Apprentice Carpenter CV
  • Apprentice Mechanic CV
  • Apprentice Plumber CV
  • A Level Student CV
  • Biochemistry Graduate CV
  • Biology Graduate CV
  • Biology Student CV
  • Biomedical Science Graduate CV
  • Business Analyst Intern CV
  • Business Development Intern CV
  • Business Management Graduate CV
  • Business Student CV
  • Care Assistant With No Experience CV
  • Chemical Engineering Graduate CV
  • Chemistry Graduate CV
  • Childcare CV (no experience)
  • Civil Engineering Student CV
  • Cloud Engineering Graduate CV
  • College Student UK CV
  • Computer Science Internship CV
  • Computer Science with no experience CV
  • Consulting Internship CV
  • Criminology Graduate CV
  • CV for internship
  • CV for research internship
  • Data Analyst Graduate CV
  • Data Science Graduate CV
  • Dental Nurse Apprenticeship CV
  • Dental Student CV
  • Design Student CV
  • Digital Marketing Apprenticeship CV
  • Digital Marketing Intern CV
  • Economics Graduate CV
  • Electrical Apprenticeship CV
  • Electrician Apprenticeship CV
  • Engineering Apprenticeship CV
  • Engineering graduate CV
  • Engineering Internship CV
  • Entry level CV
  • Entry Level Accountant CV
  • Entry Level Accounts Assistant CV
  • Entry Level Business Analyst CV
  • Entry Level Cyber Security CV
  • Entry Level Data Analyst CV
  • Entry Level Data Scientist CV
  • Entry Level Digital Marketing CV
  • Entry Level HR CV
  • Entry Level IT Support CV
  • Entry Level Marketing CV
  • Entry Level Programmer CV
  • Entry Level Project Manager CV
  • Entry Level Recruitment Consultant CV
  • Entry Level Software Developer CV
  • Entry Level Software Engineer CV
  • Entry Level Yacht Stewardess CV
  • Environmental Graduate CV
  • Environmental Science Graduate CV
  • Fashion Design Student CV
  • Fashion Graduate CV
  • Fashion Intern CV
  • Finance graduate CV
  • Finance student CV
  • Foundation Dentist CV
  • Foundation Doctor CV
  • Fresh Grad CV
  • Fresh Graduate without experience CV
  • Geography Graduate CV
  • Google Intern CV
  • Graduate CV
  • Graduate Analyst CV
  • Graduate Business Analyst CV
  • Graduate Career Changer CV
  • Graduate Civil Engineer CV
  • Graduate Data Analyst CV
  • Graduate Data Scientist CV
  • Graduate Developer CV
  • Graduate Early Career CV
  • Graduate Electrical Engineer CV
  • Graduate Environmental Consultant CV
  • Graduate Project Manager CV
  • Graduate Quantity Surveyor CV
  • Graduate Recruitment Consultant CV
  • Graduate Software Developer CV
  • Graduate Software Engineer CV
  • Graduate Structural Engineer CV
  • Graduate Teacher CV
  • Graduate Teaching Assistant CV
  • Graduate Web Developer CV
  • Graphic Design Graduate CV
  • History Graduate CV
  • High School Student CV
  • Hospitality Student CV
  • HR Graduate CV
  • HR Intern CV
  • HR With No Experience CV
  • Interior Design Student CV
  • International Business Graduate CV
  • International Relations Student CV
  • International Student CV
  • Internship Medical Student CV
  • IT Graduate CV
  • Journalism Graduate CV
  • Junior Account Manager CV
  • Junior Accountant CV
  • Junior Android Developer CV
  • Junior Architect CV
  • Junior Auditor CV
  • Junior Buyer CV
  • Junior Data Engineer CV
  • Junior Data Scientist CV
  • Junior Deckhand CV
  • Junior DevOps Engineer CV
  • Junior Environmental Scientist CV
  • Junior Financial Analyst CV
  • Junior Front End Developer CV
  • Junior Full Stack Developer CV
  • Junior Game Designer CV
  • Junior Java Developer CV
  • Junior Mechanical Engineer CV
  • Junior .Net Developer CV
  • Junior Network Engineer CV
  • Junior Product Manager CV
  • Junior Programmer CV
  • Junior Python Developer CV
  • Junior Software Engineer CV
  • Junior Software Tester CV
  • Junior Sous Chef CV
  • Junior UI UX Designer CV
  • Junior UX Designer CV
  • Law Student with no experience CV
  • Marketing graduate CV
  • Masters Degree Application CV
  • Maths Graduate CV
  • Masters student CV
  • MBA Application CV
  • MBA Graduate CV
  • Media Graduate CV
  • Media Student CV
  • Medical student CV
  • Newly Qualified Accountant CV
  • Newly Qualified Beauty Therapist CV
  • Newly Qualified Gas Engineer CV
  • Newly Qualified Midwife CV
  • Newly Qualified Nurse CV
  • Newly Qualified Pharmacist CV
  • Newly Qualified Social Worker CV
  • Newly Qualified Teacher CV
  • Occupational Therapy Student CV
  • Office Junior CV
  • PGCE Student CV
  • Pharmacy Student CV
  • PhD Graduate CV
  • Physics Student CV
  • Physiotherapy Student CV
  • Project Manager No Experience CV
  • Psychology Graduate CV
  • Psychology Intern CV
  • Psychology Student CV
  • Physics Graduate CV
  • Politics Graduate CV
  • Postgraduate CV
  • Recent Graduate CV
  • Research Intern CV
  • Retail Job No Experience CV
  • Saturday Job CV
  • Scholarship CV
  • Science Graduate CV
  • Sixth Form Student CV
  • Sociology Graduate CV
  • Software Developer Graduate CV
  • Student Midwife CV
  • Student Nurse CV
  • Student Placement CV
  • Supply Chain Graduate CV
  • Teaching Assistant with no experience CV
  • Trainee Dental Nurse CV
  • Trainee Engineer CV
  • Trainee Estate Agent CV
  • Undergraduate CV
  • University Applicant CV
  • Volunteer CV

CV profile examples – Job search statistics – Average UK salary – Highest paid jobs UK

IT CV example

IT CV example 1

Why is this an effective IT CV?

See more it (information technology) cv examples.

  • 1st Line Support CV
  • Accenture Consultant CV
  • Active Directory CV
  • AI Engineer CV
  • Android Developer CV
  • Angular Developer CV
  • API Testing CV
  • Application Support Analyst CV
  • Application Support Engineer CV
  • Apple Specialist CV
  • Associate Product Manager CV
  • Automation Tester CV
  • AWS Cloud Engineer CV
  • AWS Solution Architect CV
  • Azure Administrator CV
  • Azure Cloud Engineer CV
  • Azure Solution Architect CV
  • Back End Developer CV
  • Blockchain Developer CV
  • BI developer CV
  • BI Developer CV
  • Big Data Engineer CV
  • Business Intelligence CV
  • Business Intelligence Analyst CV
  • Business Process Analyst CV
  • C# Developer CV
  • CAD Technician CV
  • Chief Data Officer CV
  • CIO CV (Chief information officer)
  • Cisco Engineer CV
  • Cisco Network Engineer CV
  • Cloud Architect CV
  • Cloud Computing Engineer CV
  • Cloud Engineer CV
  • Cloud Solution Architect CV
  • Computer Engineer CV
  • Computer science CV
  • Controls Engineer CV
  • Cyber se curity CV
  • Data Administrator CV
  • Data Architect CV
  • Data analyst CV example
  • Data Centre Engineer CV
  • Data Clerk CV
  • Data Collector CV
  • Data Engineer CV
  • Data Governance CV
  • Data Manager CV
  • Data Mining CV
  • Data scientist CV
  • Data Science CV
  • Database Administrator CV
  • Database Developer CV
  • Desktop Support Engineer CV
  • DevOps Engineer CV
  • Digital Director CV
  • Digital Transformation Consultant CV
  • Django Developer CV
  • Embedded Software Engineer CV
  • Enterprise architect CV
  • ERP Consultant CV
  • ERP Project Manager CV
  • Ethical Hacker CV
  • ETL Developer CV
  • Flutter Developer CV
  • Freelance Developer CV
  • Freelance Graphic Designer CV
  • Freelance Web Designer CV
  • Front end developer CV
  • Front End Web Developer CV
  • Full Stack Engineer CV
  • Full Stack Web Developer CV
  • Game Design CV
  • Game Developer CV
  • Game Programmer CV
  • Game Tester CV
  • Google Engineer CV
  • Google Software Engineer CV
  • Head of IT CV
  • Helpdesk CV
  • ICT Technician CV
  • Implementation Consultant CV
  • Incident Manager CV
  • Information Analyst CV
  • Information Security Analyst CV
  • Information Security Consultant CV
  • Information Security Manager CV
  • Information Security Officer CV
  • Infrastructure Engineer CV
  • Infrastructure Manager CV
  • Infrastructure Project Manager CV
  • Integration Engineer CV
  • Intelligence Analyst CV
  • IOS Developer CV
  • IT CV examples (various)
  • IT Administrator CV
  • IT Account Manager CV
  • IT Analyst CV
  • IT Auditor CV
  • IT Business Analyst CV
  • IT Consultant CV
  • IT Contractor CV
  • IT Developer CV
  • IT Director CV
  • IT Engineer CV
  • IT Manager CV
  • IT Operations Manager CV
  • IT Project Manager CV
  • IT Service Delivery Manager CV
  • IT Support Engineer CV
  • IT System Administrator CV
  • IT Technician CV
  • Java Software Engineer CV
  • JavaScript Developer CV
  • Junior Business Analyst CV
  • Junior Software Developer CV
  • Laravel Developer CV
  • Lead Developer CV
  • LightGBM CV
  • Linux Administrator CV
  • Machine Learning Engineer CV
  • Magento Developer CV
  • Manual Tester CV
  • MEP Engineer CV
  • MI Analyst CV
  • ML Engineer CV
  • Mobile App Developer CV
  • Network Administrator CV
  • Network Architect CV
  • Network engineer
  • Network Manager CV
  • Network Security Engineer CV
  • Network Support Engineer CV
  • Network Technician CV
  • NOC Engineer CV
  • Oracle DBA CV
  • Oracle Developer CV
  • Penetration Tester CV
  • Performance Tester CV
  • PHP Developer CV
  • Power BI Specialist CV
  • Programmer CV
  • Python Developer CV
  • Python Programmer CV
  • QA Analyst CV
  • QA Automation Engineer CV
  • QA Engineer CV
  • QA Tester CV
  • Quality Analyst CV
  • Quality Assurance Engineer CV
  • Quality Assurance Manager CV
  • Quality Assurance Officer CV
  • React Developer CV
  • Release Manager CV
  • Reliability Engineer CV
  • Reporting Analyst CV
  • Research Analyst CV
  • RPA (Robotic Process Automation) CV
  • RPA Developer CV
  • Salesforce Administrator CV
  • Salesforce Business Analyst CV
  • Salesforce Consultant CV
  • Salesforce Developer CV
  • SAP Business Analyst CV
  • SAP Consultant CV
  • SAP Project Manager CV
  • Scrum master CV
  • Security Analyst CV
  • Security Architect CV
  • Security Consultant CV
  • Senior .Net Developer CV
  • Senior Android Developer CV
  • Senior Business Analyst CV
  • Senior Data Analyst CV
  • Senior IT Manager CV
  • Senior Network Engineer CV
  • Senior Software Engineer CV
  • Senior Test Analyst CV
  • Service Delivery Manager CV
  • Service Desk Analyst CV
  • Service Desk Manager CV
  • Service Manager CV
  • ServiceNow Developer CV
  • SharePoint Developer CV
  • Shopify Developer CV
  • Site Reliability Engineer CV
  • SO C Analyst CV
  • Software Consultant CV
  • Software developer CV example
  • Software engineer CV
  • Software Quality Assurance Manager CV
  • Software Tester CV
  • Software Test Manager CV
  • Solution Architect CV
  • Solution Engineer CV
  • SQL Data Analyst CV
  • SQL Developer CV
  • System Administrator CV
  • System Analyst CV
  • Tech Lead CV
  • Technical Consultant CV
  • Technical Manager CV
  • Technical Project Manager CV
  • Test Analyst CV
  • Test Lead CV
  • Test Manager CV
  • Unity Developer CV
  • UX designer
  • UX Researcher CV
  • Web developer CV
  • WordPress Developer CV

Management CV example

Manager CV example 1

Why is this an effective Management CV?

See more management CV examples

Marketing CV Example

Marketing CV example 1

Why is this an effective Marketing CV?

See more sales & marketing cv examples.

  • Account Director CV
  • Advertising CV
  • Advertising Account Manager CV
  • Advertising Manager CV
  • Affiliate Marketing CV
  • Assistant Brand Manager CV
  • Assistant Editor CV
  • Assistant Marketing Manager CV
  • Assistant Merchandiser CV
  • Assistant Sales Manager CV
  • Brand Ambassador CV
  • Brand Director CV
  • Brand Manager CV
  • Brand Marketing CV
  • Brand Strategist CV
  • Book Editor CV
  • Business Development Assistant CV
  • Business Development Associate CV
  • Business Development Consultant CV
  • Business Development Executive CV
  • Business Development manager CV
  • Cameraman CV
  • Campaign Manager CV
  • Car sales CV
  • Car Sales Executive CV
  • Chief Digital Officer CV
  • Client Advisor CV
  • Client Manager CV
  • Cold Calling CV
  • Copy Editor CV
  • CMO CV (Chief marketing officer)
  • Commercial Analyst CV
  • Commercial Manager CV
  • Communications Assistant CV
  • Communications officer CV
  • Content Designer CV
  • Content Editor CV
  • Content Manager CV
  • Content Marketing Manager CV
  • Content Moderator CV
  • Content Producer CV
  • Content Strategist CV
  • Content writer CV
  • Contract Manager CV
  • Copywriter CV
  • Country Manager CV
  • Creative Director CV
  • Creative Marketing CV
  • CRM Manager CV
  • Customer Experience Manager CV
  • Customer Relationship Manager CV
  • Customer service CV
  • Customer Success Manager CV
  • Digital Analyst CV
  • Digital marketing CV example
  • Digital Marketing Consultant CV
  • Digital Marketing Director CV
  • Digital Producer CV
  • Digital product manager CV
  • Digital Transformation Manager CV
  • Director of Marketing CV
  • Director of Sales CV
  • Door To Door Sales CV
  • Editorial Assistant CV
  • Event Planner CV
  • Event Project Manager CV
  • Fashion Editor CV
  • Field Sales Executive CV
  • Freelance writer CV
  • Fundraising Manager CV
  • Head of Digital Marketing CV
  • Head of Marketing CV
  • Head of Product CV
  • Head of Sales CV
  • Insurance Broker CV
  • Insurance Sales Executive CV
  • Jewellery Sales Assistant CV
  • Lead Generation Manager CV
  • Luxury Brand CV
  • Magazine Editor CV
  • Marketing Analyst CV
  • Marketing assistant CV
  • Marketing Associate CV
  • Marketing Consultant CV
  • Marketing Director CV
  • Marketing executive CV
  • Marketing Officer CV
  • Marketing manager CV
  • Marketing Placement CV
  • Market Research Analyst CV
  • Merchandiser CV
  • National Account Manager CV
  • National Sales Manager CV
  • Partnership Manager CV
  • Pharmaceutical Sales Rep CV
  • PPC Manager CV
  • PR CV (Public relations)
  • PR Assistant CV
  • PR Executive CV
  • PR Manager CV
  • Pre Sales Consultant CV
  • Press Officer CV
  • Product Analyst CV
  • Product Developer CV
  • Product Marketing Manager CV
  • Product manager CV
  • Product owner CV
  • Product Photographer CV
  • Promoter CV
  • Public Relations Manager CV
  • Public Relations Officer CV
  • Publisher CV
  • Regional Sales Manager CV
  • Relationship Manager CV
  • retail manager CV example
  • SaaS Sales Professional CV
  • Sales Account Manager CV
  • Sales Administrator CV
  • Sales advisor CV
  • Sales Analyst CV
  • Sales assistant example CV
  • Sales Consultant CV
  • Sales Director CV
  • Sales executive CV
  • Sales Manager CV
  • Sales Rep CV
  • Sales Representative CV
  • Senior Account Manager CV
  • Senior Brand Manager CV
  • Senior Marketing Manager CV
  • Senior Sales Assistant CV
  • SEO Executive CV
  • SEO Manager CV
  • SEO Specialist CV
  • Social Media Assistant CV
  • Social Media Coordinator CV
  • Social media manager CV
  • Social Media Strategist CV
  • Tech Sales CV
  • Technical Account Manager CV
  • Telesales Executive CV
  • Visual merchandiser CV

Project Manager CV example

Project Manager CV example 1

Why is this an effective Project Manager CV?

See more Project Manager CV examples

Sales CV Example

Sales CV example 1

Why is this an effective Sales CV?

See more sales CV examples

School leaver CV example

School Leaver CV example 1

Tips for creating a school leaver CV

Cv profil e.

  • An outline to show who you worked for and an overview of the job
  • Bullet pointed responsibilities to show your input
  • Highlighted achievements to show the impact you made

See more student CV examples

Waitress/waiter CV example

Waiter CV example 1

Tips for creating a Waitress CV

Cv profile tips, work experience.

See more Hospitality CV examples

Lawyer CV example

Lawyer CV example 1

Tips for writing a Legal CV

See more legal & compliance cv examples.

  • Associate Solicitor CV
  • Barrister CV
  • Case Manager CV
  • Commercial Lawyer CV
  • Commercial Property Solicitor CV
  • Compliance Analyst CV
  • Compliance Manager CV
  • Compliance Officer CV
  • Conveyancer CV
  • Corporate Lawyer CV
  • Data Protection Officer CV
  • Employment Lawyer CV
  • Entry Level Paralegal CV
  • Environmental Manager CV
  • Family Solicitor CV
  • HSE advisor CV
  • HSE Manager CV
  • In House Lawyer CV
  • Law student CV
  • Legal Administrator CV
  • Legal Advisor CV
  • Legal Assistant CV
  • Legal Associate CV
  • Legal Consultant CV
  • Legal Counsel CV
  • Legal Executive CV
  • Legal Secretary CV
  • Litigation Lawyer CV
  • MiFID Business Analyst CV
  • Newly Qualified Solicitor CV
  • Paralegal CV
  • Paraplanner CV
  • Patent Attorney CV
  • Policy Advisor CV
  • Policy Analyst CV
  • Private Client Solicitor CV
  • Property Solicitor CV
  • Trainee Solicitor CV
  • Solicitor CV

More CV examples

Construction & property.

  • Aeronautical Engineer CV
  • Air Conditioning Engineer CV
  • Apprentice Joiner CV
  • Architect CV
  • Architectural Assistant CV
  • Architectural Designer CV
  • Architectural Technician CV
  • Architect Part 1 CV
  • Assistant Engineer CV
  • Assistant Quantity Surveyor CV
  • Assistant Site Manager CV
  • Assistant Surveyor CV
  • AutoCAD Draftsman CV
  • Auto Electrician CV
  • BIM Coordinator CV
  • BIM Manager CV
  • BMS Engineer CV
  • Bricklayer CV
  • Building Manager CV
  • Building Services Engineer CV
  • Building Surveyor CV
  • CAD Designer CV
  • Carpenter CV
  • CCTV Technician CV
  • Chartered Engineer CV
  • Chartered Surveyor CV
  • Civil Project Manager CV
  • Civil Site Engineer CV
  • Construction CV
  • Construction Engineer CV
  • Construction Foreman CV
  • Construction Labourer CV
  • Construction Manager CV
  • Construction Project Manager CV
  • Construction Worker CV
  • Contractor CV
  • Cost Engineer CV
  • Crane Operator CV
  • Document Controller CV
  • Domestic Gas Engineer CV
  • Draftsman CV
  • Drainage Engineer CV
  • Drilling Engineer CV
  • Electrical engineer CV
  • Electrical Improver CV
  • Electrical Maintenance Engineer CV
  • Electrical Project Manager CV
  • Electrical Supervisor CV
  • Electrical Technician CV
  • Electrician CV
  • Electricians Mate CV
  • Energy Consultant CV
  • Energy Engineer CV
  • Engineering Project Manager CV
  • Estimator CV
  • Excavator Operator CV
  • Fire Alarm Engineer CV
  • Forklift Driver CV
  • General Builder CV
  • Ground Worker CV
  • Handyman CV
  • Health and Safety Manager CV
  • Heating Engineer CV
  • HGV Mechanic CV
  • Highway Engineer CV
  • House Manager CV
  • Housing Manager CV
  • Housing Officer CV
  • HVAC Technician CV
  • Industrial Electrician CV
  • Interior Architect CV
  • Kitchen Designer CV
  • Kitchen Fitter CV
  • Lettings Manager CV
  • Labourer CV
  • Land Surveyor CV
  • Lettings Administrator CV
  • Lettings Negotiator CV
  • Liaison Officer CV
  • Maintenance Assistant CV
  • Maintenance Electrician CV
  • Maintenance Manager CV
  • MEP Manager CV
  • Painter and decorator CV
  • Piping Designer CV
  • Piping Engineer CV
  • Planning Engineer CV
  • Planning Manager CV
  • Plasterer CV
  • Project Director CV
  • Project Planner CV
  • Property Consultant CV
  • Property Developer CV
  • Property manager CV
  • Quality Control Officer CV
  • Quantity surveyor CV
  • QC Analyst CV
  • Safety Engineer CV
  • Safety Manager CV
  • Sales Negotiator CV
  • Scaffolder CV
  • Security Controls Engineer CV
  • Self Employed Carpenter CV
  • Self Employed Electrician CV
  • Senior Architect CV
  • Senior Civil Engineer CV
  • Senior Quantity Surveyor CV
  • Shuttering Carpenter CV
  • Site Engineer CV
  • Site manager CV
  • Structural Engineer CV
  • Surveyor CV
  • Water Engineer CV
  • Welding Inspector CV
  • Window Fitter CV
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Do your research – Before you write your CV, you need to know what your target employers are looking for in a successful candidate. Head over to job boards and read plenty of relevant job adverts to learn exactly what skills and experience will impress them.

Write a powerful profile – The profile is the introductory paragraph that sits a the top of your CV. It’s the first thing that an employer will see when they open your CV, so make sure it gets their attention by highlighting your in-demand talents  and selling yourself .

Use a professional layout – A messy CV with no structure will leave employers confused. Divide your CV into clear sections and layout each section to provide readers with a document that is easy to navigate and understand. Use a CV template if you want help with this.

Add facts and figures – Include lots of numbers throughout your CV to quantify the scale and impact of your work. E.g. Leading a team of 10, managing a budget of £10,000 or increasing sales by 25%.

Write a strong cover letter – Introduce yourself to the recruiter and encourage them to open your CV by writing a persuasive cover letter when you send a job application , and attach your CV .

See also: Resume examples USA – Resume examples Australia

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The facade of the original Toronto Stock Exchange building is seen in Toronto

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The Premier League games to look forward to in 2024-25

There are some eye-catching encounters when the action resumes..

Pep Guardiola and Erik ten Hag will lock horns again

Next season’s Premier League fixtures have been released and there are several big games to look out for.

Familiar foes will lock horns again in the 2024-25 season, while other teams will renew rivalries. Erik ten Hag is staying with Manchester United while Liverpool and Chelsea are just two of the clubs with a new manager.

Here, PA’s Oliver Capewell looks at a selection of the game which could prove to be captivating viewing.

Man Utd v Man City

United beat City to the FA Cup in May

The Manchester derby is one of the most intense derbies in the world, with a rivalry dating back more than 100 years and stadiums less than five miles apart. Champions City have dominated the league in recent years but United beat them in their most recent meeting, the FA Cup final in May, adding extra spice to their first tussle on December 14 at the Etihad.

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Anthony Gordon hopes Cristiano Ronaldo’s book endorsement can help him improve

Chelsea v arsenal.

Arsenal have enjoyed recent dominance over Chelsea

Chelsea finished the season strongly under Mauricio Pochettino but it is Enzo Maresca who will be charged with seeking to end Arsenal’s domination of this fixture on November 9 – the Blues have not beaten their London rivals since 2021.

Leicester v Nottingham Forest

Nuno Espirito Santo helped keep Forest up

Foxes fans will have a new  manager in the dugout for the first instalment of the east Midlands derby on October 26. The Championship winners will hope to go well against a team who successfully avoided relegation under Nuno Espirito Santo.

Arsenal v Man City

Mikel Arteta (left) and Pep Guardiola have developed a fascinating rivalry

The Gunners threatened to end City’s run of title domination last time out, falling just short at the end as Pep Guardiola’s men landed the trophy for a fourth successive season. Both teams have top-class squads, so the September 21 contest will be one to look forward to and provide an early measure of how their rivalry has developed.

Aston Villa v Man City

Unai Emery has brought success to Aston Villa

Villa will aim to compete with the best again, although Champions League football could test their Premier League credentials. Unai Emery’s men were one of the sides to beat City in 2023-24 and will be hoping for the same four days before Christmas.

Tottenham v Arsenal

Arsenal got the better of Tottenham last season

The north London derby is always keenly anticipated and the first one of the 2024-25 campaign takes place at just four rounds in on the weekend of September 14. The teams produced nine goals in 180 minutes last season, with Arsenal having the upper hand as they jostled for the title and taking north London bragging rights.

Everton v Liverpool

Jurgen Klopp’s final Merseyside derby ended in a costly defeat

Liverpool’s Premier League hopes effectively ended with defeat at Goodison Park in April and Toffees fans will be dreaming of a repeat against new manager Arne Slot’s men when the sides meet on the weekend of December 7.

Wolves v West Ham

Julen Lopetegui quit Wolves on the eve of last season

Former Wolves boss Julen Lopetegui is now West Ham’s manager and the Molineux faithful are likely to make their frustration towards him heard in this fixture after his departure due to an apparent disagreement over the club’s recruitment policy last summer. Wolves go to London on December 7, with the return set for April 1.

Chelsea v Man City

Cole Palmer impressed throughout last season

The teams shared eight goals in one instalment of this this fixture last season, with Erling Haaland and Cole Palmer – the top two goalscorers in the Premier League last season – both on target. Do not rule out another pulsating goal-fest when battle resumes on the opening weekend.

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Manchester City begin quest for fifth straight Premier League title at Chelsea

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Former Arsenal and Everton striker Kevin Campbell dies aged 54

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Kevin Campbell: Striker who won league with Arsenal and saved Everton from drop

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Highly-rated striker Benjamin Sesko extends RB Leipzig deal

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Traffic resumes through Baltimore's busy port after $100M cleanup of collapsed bridge

Authorities anticipate commercial shipping traffic through the port of baltimore will soon return to normal levels after its main channel fully reopened earlier this week, article bookmarked.

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Authorities anticipate commercial shipping traffic through the Port of Baltimore will soon return to normal levels since the channel fully reopened earlier this week for the first time since the Francis Scott Key Bridge collapse.

“They are back open for business, ready to bring in the largest container ships that call there,” U.S. Coast Guard Rear Admiral Shannon Gilreath said during a virtual press briefing Tuesday afternoon.

Some shipping companies rerouted their cargo to other ports following the deadly bridge collapse in March. The disaster halted most maritime traffic through Baltimore’s busy port as crews worked around the clock to clear an estimated 50,000 tons of fallen steel and concrete from the Patapsco River — a roughly $100 million effort that involved federal, state and local agencies, officials said.

Companies that steered clear of Baltimore during the cleanup efforts will likely come back now that the channel has been returned to its original depth and width, officials said. The city’s port processes more cars and farm equipment than any other in the country.

All that rerouted commercial traffic “belongs in Baltimore today,” U.S. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg said. “We have every indication that that is what is taking place, but we will be reinforcing that expectation as we speak with players up and down the supply chains.”

Crews were able to reopen portions of the deep-draft channel in phases, restoring some commercial traffic in recent weeks. Some cruise ships and large container ships have already passed through, officials said.

But thousands of longshoremen, truckers and small business owners have seen their jobs impacted by the collapse and its economic ripple effects, which extend well beyond the Baltimore region.

Officials estimated the salvage operations will cost up to $75 million, while the Coast Guard response has cost $24 million to date.

Rebuilding the bridge could cost nearly $2 billion, officials have said. They hope it’s completed by 2028.

The Biden administration approved $60 million in immediate federal aid, which Buttigieg referred to as “a down payment on the work ahead.” All of that aid has been committed, said White House Deputy Chief of Staff Natalie Quillian.

President Joe Biden has pledged that the federal government will cover the full cost of rebuilding the bridge, though officials said the funding is still awaiting approval from Congress.

In a statement Tuesday, Biden praised the work of everyone involved in the recovery effort to date.

“Baltimore can count on us to stick with them every step of the way, and we will continue to have your back until the bridge is rebuilt,” he said.

The cargo ship Dali crashed into a critical support column of the Francis Scott Key Bridge in the early hours of March 26, collapsing the span and sending six members of a roadwork crew plunging to their deaths. The ship had lost power shortly after leaving Baltimore for Sri Lanka. A National Transportation Safety Board investigation found it experienced power outages before starting its voyage, but the exact causes of the electrical issues have yet to be determined. The FBI is also conducting a criminal investigation into the circumstances leading up to the collapse.

The Dali remained stuck amid the wreckage for almost two months, with a massive steel truss draped across its damaged bow. On May 20, the ship was refloated and guided back to port. That allowed officials to open a channel that was 50 feet (15 meters) deep and 400 feet (122 meters) wide, big enough for most of the largest commercial vessels.

The full federal shipping channel is 700 feet (213 meters) wide. Officials said two-way traffic can resume now that it has reopened. They said additional safety requirements have also been lifted because of the increased width.

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  4. Исправляем резюме, корректируем описание опыта. CV на английском языке

  5. Revising your resume (technical writing)

  6. Applying for a Masters Degree UK


  1. UK Resume [Format, Tips & Templates for 2024]

    The biggest difference between UK resumes and their US equivalent is the terminology and grammar. Make sure your resume is written in British English before you submit it. Author Andrei Kurtuy - Resume, CV and Cover Letter Writing Expert. To provide a safer experience, the best content and great communication, we use cookies. ...

  2. 6 CV UK format examples 2024

    CV UK format examples. If you're searching for a job in the UK, it's important that you write your CV in UK format. Although CVs are largely the same across the globe, every region has style preferences that you need to adapt to if you want to get shortlisted for jobs. This guide, along with 6 example CVs will show you the preferred CV ...

  3. 2024 UK CV Guide: 10+ Examples with Free CV Templates ...

    UK CV Tips and rules: CV, not Resume: The term 'CV' is most common in the United Kingdom. The terms 'resume' and 'curriculum vitae' are rarely used. Language: Be sure to write your CV in proper British English - for example, write 'labour' rather than 'labor' and 'optimise' rather than 'optimize'. Length: Your UK CV should not exceed two pages - "no longer than ...

  4. Best Resume Examples for UK

    700+ UK Resume Samples - Unleash Your Professional Potential . Explore our extensive selection of over 700 professionally crafted UK Resume samples, each one a key to unlocking your full potential in the United Kingdom job market. These Resume samples are more than just eye-catching; they are meticulously designed to align with UK industry ...

  5. UK Resume Format: Examples & Best Practices [2024]

    UK Resume Format: Best Practices & Examples. According to Tony Wilson, director at the Institute for Employment Studies, the UK has seen a sharp rise in unemployment in 2024. Indeed, redundancies are rising, inflation remains high, and the unemployment rate is expected to be at 4.4% and remain there through 2025.

  6. UK Resume Format 2024: Samples & Tips

    Writing Tips for UK Resume. When it comes to UK Resume Format, there are a few tips to keep in mind: 1. Keep it concise: UK employers prefer shorter resumes that get straight to the point. Try to keep your resume to no more than two pages.

  7. British CV example & guide 2024 [Land a top UK job]

    Many of us are looking to land a job in the UK, but it can be tough to land one in today's market. This guide contains an example British CV and plenty of tips on how to create your own winning CV, so you can stand out amongst the other candidates and get the job you want. Guide contents. British CV example. Structuring and formatting your CV.

  8. CV Template UK

    An American resume is generally shorter than a British CV, comprising only one page. This page covers your personal statement, relevant work, academic history, skills, and achievements. Resumes don't cover your entire work history, and the information doesn't have to be in chronological order. In the UK, CVs are used instead of resumes.

  9. Complete guide with everything you need for a UK resume format

    Personal information on a CV or resume. For a UK resume, you need to include just your normal contact information. Name, phone number, address, email, and optionally a LinkedIn or website link. Don't include any other personal information like race, gender, marital status, nationality, or religion. This is also true for a US resume.

  10. Best CV Examples & Sample CVs for UK Jobs [2024-ready]

    Customer service CV. CV for a 16-year-old. CV for a part-time job. Data analyst CV. Designer CV. Digital marketing CV. Electrician CV. Engineering CV. Executive assistant CV.

  11. UK Resume [Format, Tips & Templates for 2024]

    1. Traditional UK Format Over American Stylization. Unlike the one-page resume favoured in the U.S., UK CVs typically span two pages. This provides applicants with ample space to detail their ...

  12. 150+ CV Examples & Samples for UK Jobs (2024) ·

    Mental health professional CV examples. 1. Create an interview-winning psychology or counselling CV in minutes! Our library of free CV examples and guides is the best place to start. You can use any CV sample guide and our tech-powered CV builder now. Stand out from the sea of candidates for all the right reasons.

  13. Job Winning CV Templates 2024 (Free UK Format) ·

    Try our professional CV builder now! Save time with our easy 3-step CV builder. No more writer's block or formatting difficulties in Word. Rapidly make a perfect CV employers love. Create My CV CV Examples. Free CV templates that gets you hired faster Pick a Modern, Simple, Creative or Professional CV template. Download in 5 min. (PDF, Word)

  14. 100+ Best CV Examples & Sample CVs for Any Job in 2024

    Other CV Examples. These guides aren't geared for a specific industry but are examples of CVs for different scenarios you'll find yourself at different stages of your career. Career Change. Cleaner. CV for 16 Year Old. CV for Part-time Job. CV for work experience. CV ideas.

  15. Free CV Templates (UK Format) for Download: 20+ Examples

    A CV template in the UK should never feature a photograph or personal info like your date of birth or marital status. 1. Red Monogram. Simple but stylish layout, an eye-catching red colour scheme and a distinctive monogram featuring your initials. This free CV template for Word looks fresh, but keeps it professional.

  16. Best CV Format 2024 (+ UK Examples) ·

    Choosing the best CV format for the UK can be more difficult if you're an international applicant and are used to the North American or continental European job markets. Here are only some of the differences between a United States resume and a United Kingdom CV: A 2-page CV format is more acceptable in the UK than in the U.S. (in America, 2 ...

  17. Good CV Examples & Sample CVs for the UK

    Our sample CVs not only show job-winning templates but also provide tips for entry-level candidates. With our advice, you'll learn how to start your CV strong and discover the best CV styles. Over 200 CV examples for any job and industry in the UK. Make a professional CV with our ready-to-use CV samples and land your dream job in 2024.

  18. Professional CV examples for jobs in the UK for 2024

    1. Personal details. Includes your full name, address, phone number, email address, and link to professional websites, online portfolios, or LinkedIn. 2. Personal profile. This brief summary at the top of your CV focuses on your skills, experience, and career goals.

  19. How to write a winning UK CV [With Examples]

    UK CV Format 2024 . There are two main UK CV formats that are used for the UK. The reverse chronological format and the skills-targeted format. There are certain standards that should be practiced for both formats. UK CV Format Standards. The CV should be no more than 2 sides of an A4. No need to have the header of CV

  20. The complete CV format guide: examples and tips

    In many cases, a CV should only be one or two pages, depending on the amount of relevant experience you have. For example: If you are an entry-level candidate or recent graduate, you may have a shorter CV that highlights education, training and volunteer experience over limited professional experience. As an experienced candidate, you may use ...

  21. CV Examples and Samples CVs for UK Jobs (2024 ready)

    1. Personal Details - This is where you should include your name, contact information, and any other relevant personal details. 2. Personal statement - Your personal statement, also called a profile or CV summary, should be a short summary of who you are and what you offer as a job candidate.

  22. 1,000+ good CV examples

    Use a CV template if you want help with this. Add facts and figures - Include lots of numbers throughout your CV to quantify the scale and impact of your work. E.g. Leading a team of 10, managing a budget of £10,000 or increasing sales by 25%. Write a strong cover letter - Introduce yourself to the recruiter and encourage them to open your ...

  23. Resume Samples and Examples

    Warehouse Clerk. Warehouse Delivery Driver. Warehouse Supervisor. Warehouse Worker. Welder. X-Ray Technician. Write an engaging resume using Indeed's library of free resume examples and templates. Customized samples based on the most contacted resumes from over 700 resumes on file.

  24. Norway gas flow to Britain resumes after repair

    The flow of Norwegian gas to northern England via the Langeled pipeline resumed on Friday as repairs were completed following a June 2 outage that triggered renewed concerns over energy security ...

  25. The Premier League games to look forward to in 2024-25

    Tottenham v Arsenal. The north London derby is always keenly anticipated and the first one of the 2024-25 campaign takes place at just four rounds in on the weekend of September 14. The teams ...

  26. Traffic resumes through Baltimore's busy port after $100M cleanup of

    Traffic resumes through Baltimore's busy port after $100M cleanup of collapsed bridge Authorities anticipate commercial shipping traffic through the Port of Baltimore will soon return to normal ...

  27. UK Elections 2024: What Happens After the Election Results Are ...

    Richard Wolffe is a Guardian US columnist. After the UK general election on July 4, 2024, votes are counted immediately, and results are declared overnight. The winning party forms a new ...