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Social Class in Tagalog Understanding the Roles and Hierarchies in Filipino Society

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Tagalog, the language of a large majority of Filipinos, provides insights into the social class and its accompanying hierarchies in Filipino society. Like many other cultures, the Filipino society is stratified, with individuals occupying different positions based on factors such as wealth, education, and occupation. Understanding the social classes in Tagalog can shed light on the dynamics of Filipino society, the roles people play, and the relationships that exist between different social groups.

In Tagalog, the upper social class is often referred to as the “mayaman,” which translates to “rich” or “wealthy” in English. This class comprises individuals who hold high-paying jobs, have significant investments, and enjoy a luxurious lifestyle. They are typically seen as major contributors to society and often hold positions of power and influence.

The middle class, known as the “nasa kalagitnaan,” represents a significant portion of Filipino society. This class encompasses professionals in various fields, such as doctors, lawyers, engineers, and teachers. They have stable incomes, a comfortable standard of living, and are able to afford education and healthcare for their families.

The lower class, referred to as the “mahirap” in Tagalog, includes those who struggle to make ends meet. This class often comprises blue-collar workers, farmers, and individuals who work in informal sectors. They have limited access to education, healthcare, and other basic amenities, making it challenging for them to improve their socio-economic status.

It is important to note that these social classes are not rigid, and individuals can move between classes based on various factors, such as education, employment opportunities, and personal achievements. The concept of “hiya,” a sense of shame or pride, plays a vital role in maintaining social harmony and cohesion in Filipino society. Respect for elders, strong family ties, and community support are also valued in Tagalog culture, regardless of social class.

Understanding the roles and hierarchies in Filipino society through the lens of the Tagalog language provides valuable insights into the dynamics of social class. It allows for a deeper appreciation of the challenges faced by different segments of society and the interconnectedness of individuals and communities. By recognizing and acknowledging these complexities, there is an opportunity to foster empathy, understanding, and equality among all members of Filipino society.

Table of Contents

Social Class in Tagalog

Tagalog, the primary language of the Philippines, is rich in cultural nuances that shape the understanding of social class within Filipino society. Social class refers to the hierarchy of social groups based on factors such as wealth, education, occupation, and social influence.

In Tagalog, social class is often referred to as “hakbáyan,” which signifies the stratification of individuals or families based on their socio-economic status. The Filipino society recognizes three main social classes: the “mahárlika” or elite class, the “timawa” or middle class, and the “alipin” or lower class.

Class Characteristics Role in Society

Understanding the roles and hierarchies within social class is crucial for recognizing social dynamics and addressing issues of inequality in Filipino society. It is important to promote equal opportunities for all individuals, regardless of their social class, in order to create a more inclusive and just society.

Overview of Filipino Society

In the Philippines, society is characterized by a dynamic mix of cultures, traditions, and social classes. This diverse society can be traced back to the country’s history of colonization by various foreign powers, including Spain, the United States, and Japan. The influences of these colonial powers, along with the indigenous customs and beliefs of the Filipino people, have shaped the social fabric of the country.

One of the defining features of Filipino society is its strong sense of community and close-knit family ties. The concept of “bayanihan”, or the spirit of communal unity and cooperation, is deeply ingrained in Filipino culture. This manifests in various ways, such as helping neighbors in times of need, participating in community events and celebrations, and valuing the welfare of the collective over individual interests.

Social classes in Filipino society are often determined by factors such as wealth, occupation, education, and political power. The country is divided into three main classes: the rich elite, the middle class, and the poor. The rich elite, also known as the “oligarchy”, hold significant economic and political power in the country. They control major industries and often serve as influential figures in government.

The middle class, which forms the majority of the population, is made up of professionals, businessmen, and government employees. They enjoy a moderate level of income and are considered as the backbone of the economy. The middle class values education and upward mobility, as they strive to provide a better future for their families.

The poor, on the other hand, make up a significant portion of the population and often face poverty, limited access to basic services, and lack of opportunities. Poverty in the Philippines is a complex issue, with factors such as unequal distribution of wealth, lack of job opportunities, and high population growth contributing to the problem.

Women play a significant role in Filipino society, both in the household and in the workforce. Gender equality has been a longstanding issue in the country, with efforts being made to promote women’s rights and empower them in various sectors. However, traditional gender roles and expectations still persist, and women continue to face challenges and discrimination in certain areas.

Filipino society is also deeply rooted in religious beliefs, with the majority of the population identifying as Roman Catholic. Religion plays an important role in shaping values, customs, and social norms in the country, influencing everything from family dynamics to political decisions.

Overall, Filipino society is a vibrant and complex tapestry of diverse cultures, traditions, social classes, and beliefs. It is a society that values community, family, and respect for others, while also grappling with issues of inequality, poverty, and gender dynamics. Understanding these dynamics is essential for gaining a deeper insight into Filipino society and the roles and hierarchies that exist within it.

Economic Disparities

Economic disparities play a significant role in shaping social class in the Filipino society. The Philippines, like many other countries, experiences a wide gap between the rich and the poor, leading to a hierarchical class structure.

At the top of the economic hierarchy are the wealthy elites who hold immense power and influence. They have access to the best education, healthcare, and opportunities for prosperity. These individuals often come from old money or have made their fortune through businesses and investments.

Below the wealthy class are the middle class, who enjoy a more comfortable lifestyle compared to the lower class. They have stable jobs, access to education, and a decent standard of living. The middle class is diverse and includes professionals, managers, and small business owners. However, they still face limitations in terms of accumulating wealth and achieving social mobility.

At the bottom of the economic ladder are the poor, who struggle with poverty, unemployment, and lack of basic resources. Many Filipinos in this class work in the informal sector, earning minimal wages and lacking social protection. Poverty is often inherited, and access to education and healthcare is limited. The poor face significant challenges in improving their economic situation and breaking free from the cycle of poverty.

Economic disparities not only affect individuals’ opportunities but also shape their perceptions and social interactions. The wealthier classes may be seen as aspirational figures, while the poor may face stigma and discrimination. These disparities contribute to the social divide and reinforce existing power dynamics.

Addressing economic disparities and creating a more equitable society is a complex challenge but crucial for promoting social equality and overall societal development. It requires efforts to improve access to quality education, healthcare, and job opportunities for all social classes. It also entails implementing fair economic policies and redistribution of wealth to bridge the gap between the rich and the poor.

Upper Class

Upper Class

The upper class in Filipino society is composed of the country’s wealthiest individuals and families. They are typically involved in business and finance, and have significant political influence. Members of the upper class often come from long-established, affluent families and inherit their wealth from previous generations.

Education is highly valued among the upper class, and it is common for them to attend prestigious private schools and universities both in the Philippines and abroad. They have access to various exclusive clubs and organizations where they can network and form connections with other influential individuals.

The upper class lifestyle is characterized by luxury and extravagance. They live in expensive neighborhoods, own luxurious properties, and drive high-end vehicles. They have the financial means to frequently travel internationally and indulge in lavish vacations.

Members of the upper class also have a strong presence in the arts, culture, and philanthropy. They often engage in charitable activities and support various social causes. They may establish foundations and donate significant amounts of money to fund various initiatives, including education, healthcare, and environmental conservation.

The upper class holds significant power and influence in Filipino society. Their economic and political clout allows them to shape policies and have a voice in decision-making processes. They often hold prominent positions in the government and have connections with influential individuals in the business sector.

However, it is important to note that social mobility is possible in the Filipino society, and individuals from lower social classes can also move up the ladder through education, entrepreneurship, and hard work.

Characteristics and Privileges

In Filipino society, social classes are based on a combination of factors such as wealth, occupation, education, and ancestry. These factors determine one’s position in the social hierarchy and the privileges that come with it.

Members of the upper class in Filipino society are typically characterized by their immense wealth, which allows them to lead a luxurious lifestyle. They often have luxurious homes, expensive cars, and can afford to travel internationally. Education and occupation also play a significant role in their social status, as they are likely to have attended prestigious educational institutions and hold high-ranking positions in prestigious companies or government offices.

The middle class in Filipino society tends to be composed of individuals with stable and secure jobs, usually in the professional sector, such as doctors, engineers, lawyers, or teachers. They have a comfortable standard of living and can afford basic necessities, as well as some luxuries. Although they may not have the same level of wealth as the upper class, they have access to quality education, healthcare, and other essential services.

The lower class in Filipino society is characterized by limited access to resources and opportunities. They often have low-paying jobs or are unemployed, living in poverty. Education may not be a priority, as they struggle to meet their basic needs. The lower class faces significant challenges such as inadequate housing, limited access to healthcare, and a lack of social services.

Privileges associated with social class in Filipino society include access to better educational opportunities, healthcare services, and job opportunities. The upper class has the privilege of enjoying a high standard of living, while the middle class benefits from stability and security. However, those in the lower class often face obstacles and limited opportunities, making it difficult for them to improve their social and economic standing.

It is important to note that social class in Filipino society is not set in stone, and individuals can move between social classes through education, career opportunities, and socioeconomic factors. Nonetheless, social class continues to play a significant role in shaping the lives and opportunities of individuals in Filipino society.

Symbols of Status

In Filipino society, there are various symbols that signify an individual’s social status. These symbols can range from material possessions to personal achievements. In many cases, these symbols play a crucial role in defining a person’s position in society.

One of the most common symbols of status in the Philippines is ownership of a house and lot. Owning a property is considered a significant achievement and a reflection of social standing. The size, location, and architectural design of the house can further enhance its symbolic value.

Another symbol of status is the type of vehicle a person owns. In the Philippines, having a car is often associated with wealth and success. Luxury cars such as Mercedes-Benz or BMW are particularly seen as status symbols, as they represent a higher economic class.

Education and occupation also play a significant role in determining one’s status in Filipino society. Holding a prestigious degree or working in a reputable company can bring social recognition and elevate an individual’s status. Attending top universities, such as the University of the Philippines or Ateneo de Manila University, is also seen as a symbol of higher social standing.

In addition to material possessions and achievements, social connections and affiliations can also be symbols of status in Filipino society. Being part of influential social groups or having connections to powerful individuals can provide social upliftment and open doors to better opportunities.

It is important to note, however, that while symbols of status are prevalent in Filipino society, they do not define a person’s worth or character. It is essential to recognize and value individuals for their qualities, values, and actions rather than solely relying on external symbols of status.

Middle Class

The middle class in Filipino society is made up of individuals and families who have achieved a certain level of financial stability and security. They typically have steady jobs or businesses that allow them to earn a comfortable income, own their own homes, and afford a relatively high standard of living.

Members of the middle class often hold white-collar or professional positions, such as doctors, lawyers, engineers, teachers, or managers. They value education and prioritize investing in their children’s future, often sending them to private schools or universities.

The middle class in the Philippines is also known for their consumption patterns. They spend a significant portion of their income on material possessions and experiences, such as travel, dining out, and entertainment. They also value the status symbols associated with their socioeconomic status, such as owning a car or living in a desirable neighborhood.

While the middle class in the Philippines may have achieved a certain level of financial stability, they still face challenges and struggles. They often have to balance their income between paying for daily expenses, saving for the future, and investing in their children’s education. They also have to navigate the social expectations and pressures associated with their socioeconomic status.

Overall, the middle class in Filipino society plays a crucial role in the economy and social fabric of the country. They contribute to economic growth through their consumption and employment, and they also serve as a bridge between the lower and upper classes, often advocating for social mobility and equal opportunities for all.

Lower Class

The lower class, also known as the working class or the working poor, is at the bottom of the social hierarchy in Tagalog society. This class is characterized by its members’ low income and limited access to resources and opportunities.

Individuals in the lower class typically work in manual labor jobs, such as factory workers, construction workers, or domestic helpers. They often earn wages that are barely enough to meet their basic needs and struggle to make ends meet.

Members of the lower class may live in crowded and substandard housing, lacking access to clean water, proper sanitation, and other essential services. They may also face challenges in accessing education and healthcare due to financial constraints.

Despite the many hardships they face, individuals in the lower class often demonstrate resilience and resourcefulness in their daily lives. They rely on informal networks of support, such as extended family or tight-knit communities, to navigate their challenging circumstances.

In terms of social mobility, it can be difficult for individuals in the lower class to move up the social ladder. Limited access to education and job opportunities often perpetuates the cycle of poverty, making upward mobility a significant challenge.

In conclusion, the lower class in Tagalog society face numerous economic and social challenges, often struggling to meet their basic needs and lacking access to resources. However, their resilience and resourcefulness play a vital role in their lives, enabling them to navigate their circumstances and find support within their communities.

Living Conditions

In Filipino society, social class greatly influences a person’s living conditions. The higher a person’s social class, the better their living conditions tend to be.

Individuals from higher social classes typically live in gated communities or upscale neighborhoods that offer amenities such as security, well-maintained streets, and access to recreational facilities like swimming pools or golf courses. These communities often have strict homeowner associations and rules to maintain their exclusivity and ensure a certain standard of living.

On the other hand, individuals from lower social classes often live in informal settlements or shanty towns, commonly known as “squatter areas” or “slums.” These areas are characterized by overcrowded housing, poor sanitation facilities, limited access to clean water, and inadequate healthcare. The living conditions in these areas can be challenging, with a lack of basic necessities and infrastructure.

It is essential to note, however, that not everyone in a particular social class shares the same living conditions. While some individuals from lower social classes might struggle, others may be able to improve their living conditions through hard work or access to better opportunities. Similarly, individuals from higher social classes may experience financial setbacks or choose to live more modestly.

Overall, social class plays a significant role in determining an individual’s living conditions in Filipino society. It influences access to resources, opportunities, and social networks that can greatly impact one’s quality of life.



In Filipino society, social class often determines a person’s occupation. Just like in any other society, occupations in the Philippines vary in terms of prestige, income, and educational requirements.

Here are some common occupations in Filipino society:

  • Politicians – Political positions hold significant power and influence in Filipino society. Whether at the local or national level, politicians play a crucial role in drafting policies and making important decisions for the country.
  • Business owners – Many Filipinos aspire to become entrepreneurs and start their own businesses. From small-scale enterprises to large corporations, business owners contribute to the country’s economy and provide jobs for others.
  • Professionals – Professions like doctors, lawyers, engineers, and accountants require higher education and specialized skills. These professionals play key roles in various sectors and are highly respected in Filipino society.
  • Teachers – Education is highly valued in the Philippines, and teachers play a vital role in shaping the future of the nation. They educate and inspire students from primary to tertiary levels.
  • Skilled workers – Skilled workers, such as craftsmen, electricians, plumbers, and mechanics, provide essential services and contribute to the development of infrastructure and industries.
  • Farmers – Agriculture is a significant sector in the Philippines, and farmers play a crucial role in providing food for the country. They cultivate crops and raise livestock, contributing to the nation’s food security.
  • Service industry workers – The service industry, including hospitality, retail, and customer service, provides employment opportunities for many Filipinos. Cashiers, waiters, salespersons, and call center agents are some examples of service industry workers.
  • Unskilled workers – There are also Filipinos who work in low-skilled and labor-intensive jobs, such as construction workers, janitors, and domestic helpers. These occupations often have low wages and limited career prospects.

It’s important to note that the social class of an individual does not solely define their occupation. There are instances where individuals from lower social classes are able to rise above their circumstances and achieve success in their chosen professions.

Social Mobility

Social mobility refers to the ability of individuals or families to move up or down the social ladder in a society. In Filipino society, social mobility can be influenced by various factors, including education, occupation, wealth, and connections.

Education plays a significant role in social mobility. Higher levels of education can provide individuals with opportunities for better jobs and higher income, which can lead to upward social mobility. On the other hand, the lack of access to quality education or limited educational opportunities can hinder social mobility.

Occupation is another factor that can affect social mobility. Certain professions, such as doctors, lawyers, and businessmen, are often associated with higher social status and can offer greater opportunities for upward mobility. Conversely, individuals in lower-paying or less prestigious occupations may struggle to move up the social ladder.

Wealth and financial resources also play a crucial role in social mobility. In a society where wealth is concentrated in the hands of a few, individuals from lower-income backgrounds may face greater challenges in improving their social standing. In contrast, those born into wealthy families have greater access to resources and opportunities that can facilitate upward mobility.

Connections or social networks can also impact social mobility. Having influential connections or being part of a well-connected family can provide individuals with access to better opportunities and resources, potentially facilitating upward social mobility. Conversely, individuals without such connections may face more barriers to upward mobility, relying solely on their individual merit and efforts.

It is important to note that while social mobility is a possibility for individuals, it is not guaranteed for everyone. Various structural and systemic factors can hinder social mobility, such as inequality and discrimination. Additionally, cultural and societal norms may also play a role in shaping social mobility patterns.

Overall, social mobility is a complex phenomenon influenced by a range of factors. Understanding these factors can provide insight into the dynamics of social class in Filipino society and how individuals navigate their social positions.

Factors Influencing Social Mobility

Social mobility, or the ability of individuals to move up or down in social class, is influenced by a variety of factors in Filipino society. These factors can either hinder or facilitate social mobility, and they can be categorized into several key areas.

Education Economic Factors Family Background Discrimination
Access to quality education plays a crucial role in social mobility. Higher levels of education often lead to better job opportunities, higher income, and upward social mobility. Economic factors, such as income inequality and the availability of job opportunities, can significantly impact social mobility. Individuals from lower-income backgrounds may face greater challenges in moving up in social class due to limited resources and opportunities. Family background, including parental occupation and income, can influence social mobility. Individuals from privileged backgrounds often have more resources and connections that can help them move up in social class. Discrimination based on factors such as gender, ethnicity, or socioeconomic status can hinder social mobility. Individuals facing discrimination may have limited opportunities for education and employment advancement.

It is important to recognize and address these factors in order to promote a more equitable and socially mobile society in the Philippines. By expanding access to quality education, reducing economic disparities, and fighting discrimination, Filipino society can create more opportunities for individuals to improve their social standing and achieve upward mobility.

Challenges Faced by Individuals

Being aware of social class in Filipino society is essential as it helps us understand the challenges individuals face due to their position in the hierarchy. Some of the challenges faced by individuals across different social classes include:

Lower Class Middle Class Upper Class

Limited access to education and job opportunities:

Individuals from the lower class often struggle to access quality education and job opportunities, which limits their upward mobility and perpetuates their position in the lower class.

Balancing financial stability and aspirations:

Individuals from the middle class often face the challenge of balancing their desire for upward mobility with the need to maintain financial stability. They may struggle to afford the aspirations of a higher social class while still meeting their basic needs.

High societal expectations and pressure:

Individuals from the upper class face the challenge of living up to the high societal expectations and pressure that come with their privileged position. They may feel the need to maintain a certain lifestyle and social status, which can lead to stress and anxiety.

Limited access to healthcare:

Individuals from the lower class may struggle to access proper healthcare due to financial constraints. This can result in untreated illnesses and a lower quality of life.

Job insecurity:

Individuals from the middle class may face job insecurity, as they often have jobs in industries that are susceptible to economic downturns. This can lead to financial instability and anxiety about their future.

Maintaining wealth and status:

Individuals from the upper class face the challenge of maintaining their wealth and status over time. They may need to navigate complex family dynamics, business dealings, and economic changes to ensure their position in the upper class.

Limited access to basic services:

Individuals from the lower class may struggle to access basic services such as clean water, sanitation, and electricity. This can affect their overall well-being and quality of life.

Societal pressure to conform:

Individuals from the middle class may feel societal pressure to conform to certain norms and expectations. This can create a sense of restriction and limit their ability to explore different paths in life.

Lack of privacy and excessive attention:

Individuals from the upper class may struggle with a lack of privacy and excessive attention due to their social status. They may feel constantly scrutinized and judged by others, which can be challenging to manage.

Understanding these challenges can help foster empathy and support for individuals across all social classes, as well as drive efforts to address the systemic issues that perpetuate these challenges.


What are the different social classes in filipino society.

In Filipino society, there are three main social classes: the upper class, the middle class, and the lower class. The upper class is composed of the wealthiest individuals and families who have significant control over political and economic power. The middle class consists of professionals, entrepreneurs, and skilled workers who have a more comfortable standard of living. The lower class includes the working class and those living in poverty.

How is social class determined in Filipino society?

Social class in Filipino society is primarily determined by a person’s wealth, occupation, and education. Those who possess significant wealth and hold high-ranking positions in the government or large corporations are generally considered to be part of the upper class. The middle class is typically composed of individuals with stable jobs and a moderate income. The lower class, on the other hand, consists of those who work in low-paying jobs or live below the poverty line.

What are the roles and responsibilities of the upper class in Filipino society?

The upper class in Filipino society typically holds positions of power and influence. They often have the responsibility to make important decisions in political and economic matters that can have a significant impact on the country. Additionally, they are expected to use their wealth and resources for the betterment of society by supporting charitable causes and initiatives. The upper class also tends to have access to better education, healthcare, and other privileges that are not readily available to the lower classes.

What challenges do people from the lower class face in Filipino society?

People from the lower class in Filipino society often face numerous challenges. They may experience limited access to quality education, healthcare, and job opportunities. Many individuals in the lower class work in low-paying jobs and struggle to meet their basic needs. Poverty and lack of resources can also lead to limited social mobility, making it difficult for individuals from the lower class to improve their living conditions. Additionally, there may be a stigma associated with being from the lower class, leading to discrimination and social exclusion.

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Sanaysay: Uri, Bahagi at mga Halimbawa ng Sanaysay

Sanaysay: Uri, Bahagi at Halimbawa ng Sanaysay

Ano ang Sanaysay?

Ang sanaysay o essay  sa wikang Ingles ay isang komposisyon na kadalasan ay naglalaman ng pananaw o kuro-kuro ng may akda. Sa ganitong paraan, naipapahayag ng may akda ang kanyang damdamin sa mga mambabasa. Isa rin itong uri ng pakikipag-komunikasyon na ang layunin ay maipabatid ang iyong saloobin sa isang makabuluhan at napapanahong paksa o isyu.

SEE ALSO: Talumpati: Ano ang Talumpati, Halimbawa ng Talumpati at mga Uri

2 Uri ng Sanaysay

Ito ay may dalawang uri: ang pormal at di-pormal.

Tumatalakay ito sa mga siryosong paksa na nagtataglay ng masusing pananaliksik ng sumulat. Kadalasan itong nagbibigay ng impormasyon tungkol sa isang tao, bagay, lugar o pangyayari. Ang tono nito ay siryoso at walang halong biro.

Isang uri ng pormal na sanaysay ang editoryal sa mga pahayagan. Ito ay tungkol sa opinyon ng sumulat sa mga maiinit na balita.

2. Di-pormal

Ito naman ay tumatalakay sa mga paksang karaniwan, personal at pang araw-araw na nagbibigay-lugod o mapang-aliw sa mga mambabasa. Binibigyan diin nito ang mga bagay-bagay at karanasan ng may akda sa isang paksa kung saan mababakas ang kanyang personalidad na para bang nakikipag-usap lamang siya sa isang kaibigan kaya naman ito ay madaling maintindihan.

Sa madaling sabi, tungkol sa damdamin at paniniwala ng may akda ang paksa ng di-pormal na sanaysay.

Mga Bahagi ng Sanaysay

Mayroon itong tatlong bahagi: ang simula o panimula, gitna o katawan, at wakas.

1. Simula/Panimula

Ang bahaging ito ang pinakamahalaga dahil dito nakasalalay kung ipagpapatuloy ng mambabasa ang kanyang binabasa. Sa simula pa lamang ay dapat mapukaw na ng may-akda ang damdamin ng mga mambabasa.

2. Gitna/Katawan

Dito naman mababasa ang mahahalagang puntos tungkol sa paksang isinulat ng may-akda. Malaman ang bahaging ito dahil ipinapaliwanag ng mabuti dito ang paksang tinatalakay o pinag-uusapan.

Ito ang bahaging nagsasara sa talakayang nagaganap sa gitna o katawan ng sanaysay. Dito rin nahahamon ang pag-iisip ng mambabasa na maisakatuparan ang mga tinalakay sa paksang pinag-usapan.

Mga Halimbawa ng Sanaysay

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  • Tungkol sa Kahirapan
  • Tungkol sa Kaibigan
  • Tungkol sa Wika
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Paano Gumawa ng Sanaysay (Essay)

Paano Gumawa ng Sanaysay.  Ang paggawa ng mga sanaysay o essay ay tila bahagi na ng buhay ng isang estudyante. Quarterly nagpapagawa ng sanaysay si Teacher, minsan naman may mga contest tuwing buwan ng wika sa pagsulat ng sanaysay. Minsan naman, kailangan mo talagang gumawa ng sanaysay dahil requirement ito. Huhulaan ko na, nagbabasa ka ngayon kasi may dapat kang isulat na sanaysay mamaya. Don’t worry na dahil narito na ang aming tutorial kung paano gumawa ng sanaysay.

paano gumawa ng sanaysay

Paano gumawa ng sanaysay o essay?

Heto ang ilang guide at tips kung paano gumawa ng sanaysay:

social group essay tagalog brainly

Isulat ang iyong pangalan at mahahalagang inpormasyon

Kadalasang nagbibigay si Teacher ng format na dapat mong sundin, sundan mo ang format ng maayos at isulat ang iyong pangalan kung saan nararapat. Kung required ang date at iyong section, isulat ito. Minsan naman, kung ikaw ay contestant sa isang contest, pakinggang maiigi ang instructions ng mga dapat mong ilagay sa iyong papel.

Tamang palugid at bantas

Teka, teka. Bago ka magsulat ng isang salita, kailangan mo munang pansinin ang mga bantas at palugid sa papel. Dapat malinis ang papel na pagsusulatan mo at tuwid ang iyong palugid. Kung nahihirapan kang magsulat na tuwid ang palugid, itupi ang papel o kaya naman ay gumamit ng lapis at ruler upang markahan ang iyong palugid. Sa iyong unang talata, dapat nakaurong ang unang pangungusap mo.

Matapos mong masigurado na malinis ang iyong papel at tama ang iyong mga bantas, pwede mo nang gawin ang susunod na step.

Simulan sa pamagat

Isulat mo ang iyong pamagat sa gitna ng iyong papel, o kung sa MS Word mo ito isinusulat, siguraduhing naka-gitna ang iyong pagsulat. Ang iyong pamagat ay dapat may kinalaman sa ibinigay na paksa, dapat itong kaagaw-agaw ng pansin at ang malakas ang dating nito. Kumbaga sa isang tao, ang pamagat ay ang mukha ng iyong sanaysay. Ito ang unang makikita ng mga taong babasa ng iyong sanaysay kaya’t dapat pamagat pa lang, panalo na!

social group essay tagalog brainly

Siguraduhin ring maayos ang capitalization ng iyong pamagat. Ang mga mahahaba at importanteng mga salita ay nag-uumpisa sa malaking titik. Ang mga pangalan, pandiwa, pang-abay, pang-uri ay dapat naka-capitaliza. (Halimbawa: Juan, Naglayas, Matingkad). Ang mga maikli at di importanteng mga salita tulad ng mga inklitik (conjuctive adverbs), pangatnig (transitional devices) ay nag-uumpisa sa maliit na letra, not unless ito ang unang salita ng iyong pamagat. (Halimbawa: raw, lang, nang)

Isipin ang tema

Kadalasang nagbibigay sila ng tema o paksa na iyong isusulat. Minsan rin naman free-choice ang iyong paksa at mayroon kang kalayaang pumili ng iyong isusulat. Kung ano mang paksa ang iyong isusulat, pag-isipan itong mabuti, pag-aralan at suriin. Kung ang iyong paksa ay isang napapanahong  isyu tulad ng pagtaas ng mga bilihin o environmental concerns (tulad ng mga bagyo at climate change) makabubuting magsulat ng mga inpormasyon na may layuning turuan ang iyong mga mambabasa. Kung ang iyong paksa naman ay naglalayong magpahayag ng iyong opinyon (Halimbawa: pagka-upo ng bagong pangulo, pagtaas ng sahod ng mga guro). Kung ang iyong paksa naman ay nangangailangan ng creative writing (Halimbawa: magandang lugar sa bansa, festivals).

Araling mabuti ang iyong paksa bago ka mag-umpisang magsulat. Kung binigyan ka ng free time para mag-research tungkol sa iyong topic, kunin mo ang oportunidad na ito upang makilala ang iyong paksa ng marami kang maisulat na makakabuluhang bagay sa iyong sanaysay.

Gumawa ng mabuting panimula

Sa paggawa ng sanaysay, ang unang salita o pangungusap sa iyong sanaysay ay dapat ay kaagaw-pansin rin. Ito ang pambungad ng iyong sanaysay at magbibigay ng impresyon sa iyong mga mambabasa. Siguraduhing kawili-wili at hindi nakaka-inip ang iyong unang pangungusap. Ito kasi ang unang papansinin ng iyong mga mambabasa kaya’t dapat ito ay kaagaw-agaw pansin talaga.

Alam mo bang pwede kang kumita kahit estudyante ka pa lang kahit na wala kang puhunan? Basahin mo dito:

Paano Kumita Kahit Walang Puhunan Gamit ang Coins.PH?

Isulat ang mga mahahalagang impormasyon

Sa katawan ng iyong sanaysay nakapaloob ang mga mahahalagang impormasyon at bagay na dapat mong banggitin. Iwasan mong pahabain at hilain ang iyong pagpapaliwanag dahil magiging nakakabagot ang pagbabasa ng iyong mga mambabasa. Siguraduhing ang iyong mga pagpapaliwanag ay straight to the point at hindi paligoy-ligoy, lalo na kung ang iyong sanaysay ay naglalayong magbigay-impormasyon.

Kung ang iyong sanaysay naman ay may halong kwento, siguraduhing ang bawat pangyayari sa kwento ay nakakasabik ng mga mambabasa.

Tapusin sa kaaya-ayang wakas

Bukod sa iyong pamagat, isang bahagi ng iyong sanaysay na sadyang mahalaga ay ang wakas. Dahil ito ang huling bagay na mababasa ng iyong mababasa bago niya ilapag ang iyong sanaysay, ito rin ang isa sa mga medaling maalala na bahagi ng sanaysay. Kaya’t kailangan mong pahalagahan ang oportunidad na ito at mag-iwan ng marka sa iyong mambabasa.

Maaring pamamaraan upang mag-iwan ng isang tumatagal na impresyon sa iyong mambabasa gamit ang iyong wakas. Maari kang gumamit ng isang kasabihan o alegorya/metapor na may magandang kahulugan. Maari mong balikan ang iyong panimula at i-dugtong dito ang iyong wakas. Maari kang mag-iwan ng isang tanong na talaga namang pag-iisipang mabuti ng iyong mambabasa ang sagot. Sabi nga nila may dalawang bahagi kung paano gumawa ng sanaysay ang kailangan mong matutunan nang tama, ang panimula at pangwakas.

Halimbawa ng sanaysay:

Narito ang isang halimbawa ng sanaysay. Gamitin mo ito bilang basehan kung paano gumawa ng sanaysay.

Isang Mabuting Desisyon ang Paghinto sa Pag-inom ng Alak

Kung tutuusin, isang napakadaling gawain ang pagpasok sa kahit anong uri ng addiction. Ang mas mahirap ay ang paglabas sa ganitong kondisyon kapag ikaw ay nalulong na. Ang alcohol ay isang nakaka-addict na substance. Kung patuloy mo itong aabusuhin sa matagal na panahon, maaari kang mahulog sa kanyang patibong. Maaari kang maging addict dito at mamamalayan mo na lamang na hindi mo na pala kayang kumilos kung wala ito. Magigising ka na lamang isang umaga na hindi mo na pala kayang mabuhay nang hindi umiinom. Sapagkat ang alak nga ay nakapasok na sa iyong sistema at ito’y nakagawa na ng isang malakas na impluwensiya sa iyong katawan at isipan. Na parang kasama na ito ngayon sa iyong regular na pangangailangan upang makagawa ng pang-araw-araw na gawain.

Alam nating lahat na ang alak ay isang mapanirang substance. Maraming masamang epekto ang labis na pagkonsumo nito sa ating kalusugan at buhay. At kahit na baliktarin mo ang sitwasyon at mundo, sigurado akong malalaman mong walang mabuting maidudulot ang labis na pag-inom nito lalo na sa pagtagal ng panahon. Kaya nga ang paghinto sa pag-inom ay isang mabuting desisyon na siyang makapagpapabago ng iyong buhay at pati na rin ang kalagayan mo sa iyong community at kapaligirang ginagalawan. Hindi rin natin dapat isa-isantabi na ang desisyong ihinto ang bisyong ito ay makabubuti sa iyong kinabukasan at makapagpapatibay pa ng lubos ng mga relasyong maaaring nasira noong nakaraan habang ipinagpapalit mo kang alak sa iyong mga mahal sa buhay.

Hindi madali ang huminto sa iyong nakasanayan. Lalo pa nga’t naimpluwensiyahan na nito ang iyong katawan at isipan. Pero kung ilalagay mo sa iyong utak ang gawaing ito, maaaring mapagtagumpayan mo ito kahit sa iyong sariling paraan. Mahirap na kung mahirap, ngunit maraming paraan upang makaalis ka sa iyong bisyo. At kung maghahanap ka lamang ng mga programa na maaaring makatulong sa iyo, magiging madali ang paghinto sa pag-inom ng alcohol.

Marami pang panahon para tumigil ka. Marami ring available na paraan para mapaglaban ang iyong kondisyon bilang isang alcoholic. Manghinayang ka sa panahon na inuubos mo lamang sa iyong pag-inom. Sikapin mong pahalagahan ang mga pera na ginagastos mo sa pagtangkilik sa mga inuming nakalalasing. At lagi mong isa-alang-alang ang mga mahal mo sa buhay na umaasang ikaw ay may kapasidad na magbagong buhay. Hindi kailanman maibabalik ang mga nasayang na ito at lalo pang madaragdagan kung patuloy kang iinom ng alak. Ngunit kahit hindi man maibalik ang mga nasayang na panahon at salapi, maaari mo pang baguhin ang takbo ng iyong buhay kung ititigil mo na ang iyong bisyo. At sigurado akong hindi na madaragdagan ang iyong mga problema bagkus ay magkakaroon ka ng mas magandang kalusugan at mabuting pamumuhay ngayon at sa darating pang panahon.

Ngayong alam mo na kung paano gumawa ng sanaysay, isulat mo na ‘yang sanaysay na iyan at maniwala sa iyong sarili na kaya mo itong isulat.

Sana ay may natutunan ka sa article na ito. Pwede ba kaming humingi ng suporta? I-LIKE mo naman ang aming Facebook Page >> PaanoHow o kaya naman ay i-SHARE mo ang article na ito sa iyong mga classmates.

Ano ang Sanaysay, Uri at Mga Halimbawa

Nahirapan ka bang magpahayag ng iyong mga pag-iisip at ideya tungkol sa isang partikular na paksa sa pagsulat? O, nautusan ka bang magsulat ng isang sanaysay at natanong mo sa sarili mo kung ano ito?

Huwag nang mag-alala! Sa artikulong ito, tatahakin natin ang mundo ng mga sanaysay at aalamin natin kung ano kahulugan nito.

Malalaman mo rin dito ang iba’t ibang mga halimbawa at uri ng sanaysay na maaring mong gamitin sa iyong aralin.

Kung ikaw ay isang estudyante o interesado lamang sa pagpapabuti ng iyong mga kasanayan sa pagsusulat, dapat basahin mo ang post na ito.

Kaya, kumuha ka ng tasa ng kape, mag-relaks, at puntahan na natin ang mundo ng mga sanaysay.

Talaan ng Nilalaman

Sanaysay in English

Bago tayo magsimula sa ating aralin, alamin muna nating kung ano ang sanaysay in English o wikang Ingles.

Sa wikang Ingles, ang sanaysay ay tinatawag na “essay”. Ang salitang “ essay ” ay galing sa salitang Pranses na “essai”, na nangangahulugan ng “pagsubok” o “pagsusumikap”, at iyan ang eksaktong ibig sabihin ng isang sanaysay – isang pagtatangka na ipakita ang isang malinaw at maayos na pagsulat sa isang argumento o punto tungkol sa isang partikular na paksa .

Ano ang Sanaysay Uri at Mga Halimbawa Bahagi

Ano ang Sanaysay- Kahulugan o Meaning

Ang sanaysay ay isang uri ng panitikan na naglalayong magpahayag ng kaisipan, opinyon, o mga karanasan sa isang organisadong paraan. Karaniwang may layuning magbigay ng impormasyon, magpaliwanag, maglahad ng mga saloobin, at mag-aliw sa mambabasa.

Ito ay binubuo ng isang pangunahing paksa , mga pangunahing puntos, at mga detalye o halimbawa upang suportahan ang mga punto na inilalahad. Ang sanaysay ay isang komposisyon na nagpapakita ng isang argumento o partikular na pananaw tungkol sa isang paksa .

Ang layunin ng sanaysay ay ipahayag ang ideya o argumento sa isang malinaw at maikli na paraan. Upang makasulat ng mabisang sanaysay, mahalaga na maingat na magsalisik tungkol sa paksa , gumawa ng outline ng mga pangunahing puntos na gusto mong isulat, at pagkatapos ay gumawa ng konklusyon.

Dapat may malakas na pagbubukas ang sanaysay na nag-aakit sa mambabasa at nagbibigay ng impormasyon tungkol sa paksa . Ang katawan ng sanaysay ay dapat nagpapakita ng mga argumento at ebidensya na sumusuporta sa iyong pananaw.

Ang konklusyon ay dapat nag-bubuod ng mga pangunahing punto at nagbibigay ng wakas sa mambabasa.

Dapat may formal na tono ang sanaysay ngunit hindi ito dapat masyadong akademiko, at ang wika ay dapat malinaw at maikli. Ang tamang gramatiko at pagbaybay ay mahalaga, pati na rin ang malinaw na pag-transisyon sa pagitan ng mga parirala at isang logikal na estruktura.

Upang makasulat ng mabisang sanaysay, kailangan mong isipin nang kritikal ang mga impormasyon tungkol sa paksa at gamitin ang ebidensya upang sumuporta sa iyong mga argumento.

Kailangan din na handa kang rebisahin ang iyong ginawa upang siguraduhin na ito ay ang pinakamabuti.

Bahagi ng Sanaysay

Ang isang sanaysay ay karaniwang binubuo ng panimula, katawan at konklusyon o wakas. Basahin ang mga ito sa baba.

Panimula o Introduksyon

Ang panimula o introduksyon ay nagbibigay ng impormasyon tungkol sa paksa at nagsisilbing tulay para sa ibang bahagi ng sanaysay.

Dapat itong maglaman ng isang nagbibigay-diin na panimula, isang maikli na paglalarawan ng paksa, at isang malinaw na punto na nagpapakita ng pangunahing argumento o layunin ng sanaysay.

Ang katawan ay ang pangunahing bahagi ng sanaysay at binubuo ng ilang mga talata. Dapat mayroong pokus ang bawat talata sa isang pangunahing ideya at maglaman ng sumusuportang ebidensya at halimbawa.

Ang katawan ay dapat maglalahad ng argumento o pangunahing punto sa isang lohikal at naiintindihan na paraan, gamit ang malinaw na wika.

Konklusyon o Wakas

Ang konklusyon o wakas ang nagbubuod ng pangunahing punto na ginawa sa katawan. Dapat itong magpahayag muli ng punto sa ibang paraan, at maaring maglaman din ng huling ideya.

Mga Sanggunian Ginamit (References or Citations Used)

Depende sa sanggunian na ginamit, ang sanaysay maaring maglaman ng isang listahan ng mga pinagmulan na ginamit o nasukat sa teksto. Ang seksyon na ito ay nagbibigay ng impormasyon kung saan galing ang impormasyon na ginamit sa sanaysay at nagbibigay sa mababasa ng pagkakataon na hanapin ang mga pinagmulan para sa mas malalim na pagbasa.

Bukod sa mga pangunahing bahaging ito, maaring maglaman din ang mga sanaysay ng isang abstrak, talaan ng nilaaman, at mga apendise, depende sa layunin at mga kinakailangan ng takdang-aralin.

Paano Gumawa ng Sanaysay

Narito ang ilang hakbang sa pagsulat ng isang sanaysay:

  • Pumili ng paksa : Pumili ng isang paksa na mayroong personal na interes o kahalagahan para sa iyo.
  • Gawin ang pagsasaliksik : Gumawa ng pag-sasaliksik tungkol sa iyong paksa upang masiguro na mayroong sapat na impormasyon at datos upang suportahan ang iyong argumento.
  • Gumawa ng outline o balangkas : Gumawa ng isang balangkas ng iyong sanaysay upang masiguro na mayroong lohical na pagkakasunod-sunod sa iyong mga argumento at mga halimbawa.
  • Gumawa ng introduksyon : Gumawa ng isang nagbibigay-diin na panimulang salita upang makakakuha ng atensyon sa mga mambabasa, ibigay ang maikli na paglalarawan sa paksa, at ilahad ang malinaw na punto.
  • Gumawa ng katawan : Gumawa ng ilang mga talata na nagpopokus sa bawat pangunahing ideya at maglaman ng sumusuportang ebidensya at halimbawa.
  • Gumawa ng konklusyon : Gumawa ng isang konklusyon na nagwawakas sa iyong sanaysay at gumawa ng buod sa mga pangunahing puntos. Maaaring maglaman ng huling pag-iisip o tawag sa aksyon.
  • Isulat ang mga ginamit na sanggunian o references : Depende sa sanggunian na ginamit, gumawa ng isang listahan ng mga pinagmulan na ginamit o nasukat sa teksto.
  • Suriin ang iyong sanaysay : Suriin ang iyong sanaysay para sa mga maling gramatiko, maling pagbaybay, at upang masiguro na mayroong malinaw na pagkakasunod-sunod sa iyong mga argumento.
  • Rebisahin at pagbutihing muli : Rebisahin at pagbuting muli ang iyong sanaysay para sa pagkakataon na mapabuti pa ang iyong sinulat.

Uri ng Sanaysay

Ang sanaysay ay may iba’t ibang uri. Sa artikulong ito, tatalakayin natin ang pormal at di-pormal, naratibong sanaysay, deskriptibong sanaysay, argumentatibong sanaysay, at malikhaing sanaysay.

Uri ng Sanaysay

Ang mga pormal na sanaysay na tumatakbo sa mga malalim at mahalagang paksa ay kadalasang nangangailangan ng malawak na pag-aaral at pag-unawa sa paksa.

Ang layunin ng manunulat ay hikayatin ang mga mambabasa na mag-isip nang kritikal, bumuo ng kanilang sariling opinyon at makarating sa mga napag-aralang desisyon na maaaring gawin.

Kailangan ng manunulat na ipakita ang impormasyon sa isang malinaw at maikli na paraan, na nangangailangan ng pagbabago sa maraming pinagmulan at pananaw upang magbigay ng komprehensibong pagtingin sa paksa.

Ang layunin ay pagpapadali sa pag-unawa ng mambabasa sa paksa, hikayatin sila na pag-isipan ang kanilang sariling pananaw at makarating sa mga napag-aralang konklusyon. Ang layunin ng manunulat ay pagpapadulas sa mambabasa, hamunin ang kanilang mga pananaw, at pagpapadali sa mas malalim na pag-iisip tungkol sa paksa.

Ang mga hindi pormal na sanaysay ay kadalasang nakatuon sa mga personal, araw-araw na paksa na mas madaling pag-usapan. Ang mga sanaysay na ito ay nagbibigay ng pagkakataon sa manunulat na ipahayag ang kanilang natatanging pananaw, ibahagi ang kanilang mga karanasan at ipakita ang mga aspeto ng kanilang pagkatao.

Sa pamamagitan ng ganitong uri ng pag-uulat, ang layunin ng manunulat ay makapag-ugnayan sa mambabasa at itatag ang pakiramdam ng pagkakakilala sa kanilang mambabasa. Ang pokus ng mga sanaysay na ito ay sa pagbabahagi ng personal na karanasan at pananaw ng manunulat.

Sa pamamagitan nito, ang layunin ng manunulat ay lumikha ng pakiramdam ng pagkakakilala sa mambabasa at magbigay ng ideya sa kanilang pagkatao, pag-iisip, at karanasan.

Naratibong Sanaysay

Ang naratibong sanaysay ay isang uri ng sanaysay na naglalaman ng mga kuwento o salaysay tungkol sa mga personal na karanasan ng manunulat. Karaniwan, ang naratibong sanaysay ay nagsisimula sa pagpapakilala ng paksa at ng mga tauhan sa kwento, at sinusundan ng paglalahad ng mga pangyayari at karanasan sa isang kronolohikal na paraan.

Naglalaman ito ng mga detalye at karanasan ng manunulat, at maaaring maglaman ng mga damdamin, mga repleksyon, at mga aral na natutunan mula sa karanasan. Sa iba’t ibang anyo ng sanaysay, ang naratibong sanaysay ay naglalayong magpakalat ng personal na karanasan at magbigay ng pag-unawa sa mga mambabasa.

Ito ay isang paraan upang magpakita ng kaugnayan sa iba’t ibang tao, magbigay ng leksyon o mensahe, at magpakalat ng kaisipan at pag-unawa. Ang naratibong sanaysay ay nagbibigay ng pagkakataon sa manunulat na magpakita ng kanyang mga karanasan sa buhay at magpakalat ng inspirasyon at kaalaman sa iba.

Deskriptibong Sanaysay

Ang deskriptibong sanaysay ay isang uri ng sanaysay na naglalayong maglarawan o magbigay ng paglalarawan tungkol sa isang tao, lugar, bagay, karanasan, o sitwasyon. Sa isang deskriptibong sanaysay, ang manunulat ay naglalarawan ng mga detalye sa pamamagitan ng mga imahen, sensasyon, at mga pang-akit na detalye upang makatulong sa mga mambabasa na maunawaan o maipakita ang isang paksa.

Ang deskriptibong sanaysay ay maaaring maglaman ng paglalarawan sa pisikal na aspeto ng isang tao, lugar, o bagay, tulad ng kulay, hugis, sukat, at iba pa. Maaari rin itong maglaman ng paglalarawan sa mga sensasyon tulad ng amoy, lasa, o pandinig, o sa mga emosyonal na reaksiyon tulad ng takot, kasiyahan, at kalungkutan.

Sa pamamagitan ng deskriptibong sanaysay, ang manunulat ay naglalayong magbigay ng masusing paglalarawan sa mga detalye ng isang paksa. Ito ay nagbibigay ng malinaw at masining na pag-unawa sa mga mambabasa, at nagbibigay din ng inspirasyon sa kanila na maunawaan at maappreciate ang mga bagay, lugar, karanasan, o sitwasyon na inilalarawan sa sanaysay.

Argumentatibong Sanaysay

Ang argumentatibong sanaysay ay isang uri ng sanaysay na naglalayong magpahayag ng opinyon o pananaw ng manunulat tungkol sa isang tiyak na paksa, kasama ang mga dahilan at mga datos na nagpapalakas ng kanyang posisyon. Sa isang argumentatibong sanaysay, ang manunulat ay nagbibigay ng isang argumento o pagpapaliwanag upang mapatunayan ang kanyang punto de vista sa paksa.

Ang mga bahagi ng isang argumentatibong sanaysay ay karaniwang nagsisimula sa pagpapakilala ng paksa at ng posisyon ng manunulat tungkol sa paksa. Sumusunod dito ang pagpapakita ng mga datos, mga halimbawa, at mga impormasyon upang maipakita ang pagiging makatwiran at mapanuri ng posisyon ng manunulat. Sa huli, nagbibigay ang manunulat ng isang konklusyon na nagbibigay ng kasiguruhan sa kanyang posisyon sa paksa.

Ang argumentatibong sanaysay ay isang paraan upang magbigay ng impormasyon at kaisipan upang makapag-ambag sa mga usaping panlipunan at magpatibay ng pananaw ng mga mambabasa sa isang paksa. Sa pamamagitan ng pagbibigay ng malakas at maaaring suportadong argumento, ang manunulat ay naglalayong makumbinsi ang mga mambabasa na tanggapin ang kanyang pananaw sa isang paksa.

Malikhaing Sanaysay

Ang malikhaing sanaysay ay isang uri ng sanaysay na naglalaman ng mga personal na karanasan, imahinasyon, o kaisipan ng manunulat. Ito ay naglalayong magpakalat ng kreatibong kaisipan at paglikha ng mga salita, pangungusap, at mga kwento na nanggaling sa imahinasyon o karanasan ng manunulat.

Sa isang malikhaing sanaysay, ang manunulat ay naglalayong magpakita ng kanyang mga ideya sa pamamagitan ng paglikha ng isang masining at kakaibang paraan ng pagsulat. Naglalaman ito ng mga personal na karanasan, pangarap, at mga imahinasyon na nais ibahagi ng manunulat sa kanyang mga mambabasa.

Maaaring maglaman ang malikhaing sanaysay ng mga makabagong ideya, mga pagsusuri, o repleksyon ng manunulat tungkol sa mga paksa tulad ng musika, sining, kultura, o personal na mga karanasan at mga pang-araw-araw na karanasan. Ang malikhaing sanaysay ay naglalayong magbigay ng kasiyahan, inspirasyon, at pagkakataon sa manunulat na magpakita ng kanyang malikhain at kakaibang perspektiba tungkol sa isang paksa.

Sangkap ng Sanaysay

Sangkap ng Sanaysay

Ang mga sangkap ng isang sanaysay ay ang sumusunod:

  • Paks a – Ang paksang pag-uusapan sa sanaysay, ito ay ang sentro ng pagsulat.
  • Layunin – Ito ang hangarin ng manunulat sa pagsusulat ng sanaysay, kung ano ang kanyang nais iparating sa mga mambabasa.
  • Simula – Ang bahagi ng sanaysay kung saan ipinakilala ng manunulat ang kanyang paksa at layunin, at kung paano niya ito susulatin.
  • Gitna – Ang bahagi ng sanaysay kung saan ipinapakita ng manunulat ang kanyang mga argumento, mga ebidensiya, at iba pang mga kaisipan na sumusuporta sa kanyang layunin.
  • Wakas – Ang bahagi ng sanaysay kung saan nagbibigay ng kasagutan o konklusyon ang manunulat sa kanyang mga argumento at kaisipan. Dito rin nakapaloob ang kanyang mga huling mensahe sa kanyang mga mambabasa.
  • Estilo – Ito ay tumutukoy sa mga paraan ng pagpapahayag ng manunulat ng kanyang mga kaisipan. Ito ay maaaring magpakita ng kanyang bokabularyo, grammar, pagpapahalaga sa wikang ginagamit at iba pa.
  • Boses – Ang uri ng pananalita na ginagamit ng manunulat, ang kanyang personalidad at kung paano niya hawakan ang kanyang paksa ay nagpapakita ng kanyang boses sa sanaysay.

Halimbawa ng Sanaysay

Narito ang ilimang halimbawa ng sanaysay.

Ang Kahalagahan ng Pagtitiyaga

Ang pagtitiyaga ay isa sa mga katangiang mahalaga sa pagpapakatotoo ng mga pangarap sa buhay. Hindi ito basta-basta nakukuha, kailangan itong paghirapan at paglaanan ng oras at pagsisikap. Sa mundo ngayon, kung saan ang teknolohiya ay mabilis na umuunlad at ang kasiyahan ay madaling makamit, mahirap manatiling mayroong determinasyon at pagtitiyaga.

Ang pagtitiyaga ay hindi lamang tungkol sa pagkakaroon ng layunin o pangarap sa buhay. Mahalaga rin ang pagtitiyaga upang makapagsimula at magpatuloy sa pagpapakatotoo ng mga pangarap na ito. Kailangan natin ng disiplina at pagpupunyagi upang malampasan ang mga hamon at hadlang sa pag-abot ng mga ito.

Sa larangan ng edukasyon, halimbawa, ang pagtitiyaga ay napakahalaga upang makamit ang mga layunin sa buhay. Hindi lamang ang mga mataas na marka ang nagpapakita ng pagtitiyaga, kundi ang patuloy na pag-aaral at pagpupursige upang maabot ang mga pangarap. Sa katunayan, ang pagtitiyaga ang nagiging susi sa matagumpay na karera sa hinaharap.

Sa buhay personal naman, ang pagtitiyaga ay nagpapakita ng ating determinasyon upang maabot ang ating mga pangarap. Sa bawat hakbang na ating ginagawa, kailangan nating magtiyaga upang maabot ang ating mga layunin. Hindi ito madaling gawin, ngunit sa katapangan at pagtitiyaga, malalampasan natin ang mga hamon at hadlang sa buhay.

Sa kabuuan, ang pagtitiyaga ay isang mahalagang katangian na kailangan nating pagyamanin sa ating buhay. Ito ang magiging susi sa ating tagumpay sa buhay. Kailangan nating magtiyaga upang maabot ang ating mga pangarap at magtagumpay sa mga larangan ng buhay. Sa kabila ng mga pagsubok at hadlang, kailangan nating manatiling matatag at magpatuloy sa pagpupunyagi upang maabot ang tagumpay na ating ninanais.

Ang Aking Mga Natutunan sa Panahon ng Pandemya

Sa loob ng mahigit isang taon na ang lumipas, maraming bagay ang nagbago sa aking buhay. Hindi ko inakala na magkakaroon ng pandemya at magkakaroon ng ganitong malaking epekto sa mundo. Sa mga nakalipas na buwan, naranasan ko ang iba’t ibang damdamin, mula sa takot at pagkabahala hanggang sa pag-asa at tiwala.

Sa panahon ng pandemya, natutunan ko ang halaga ng pamilya at mga kaibigan. Habang naghihintay ako sa loob ng aming bahay, nagkaroon ako ng oras upang makipag-usap sa aking pamilya at mga kaibigan sa telepono o online. Napagtanto ko na mahalaga sila sa aking buhay at hindi ko dapat ipagwalang-bahala ang oras na kasama sila.

Natutunan ko rin ang kahalagahan ng kalusugan at kalinisan. Dahil sa takot na magkasakit, mas maingat ako sa paglilinis ng aming bahay at sa aking personal na kalusugan. Pinalakas ko rin ang aking immune system sa pamamagitan ng pagkain ng mas malusog at pagsasanay.

Sa trabaho, natuto akong magtrabaho mula sa bahay. Kahit na medyo nahirapan ako noong una, natuto akong mag-adjust sa bagong paraan ng pagtatrabaho. Nalaman ko rin na hindi ko kailangang magtungo sa opisina upang makapagtrabaho nang maayos. Mas nakakatipid ako sa oras at gasolina sa pagtatrabaho mula sa bahay.

Sa kabuuan, natutunan ko na mahalaga ang pagkakaisa at pagtitiwala sa mga nasa kapangyarihan upang malagpasan ang pandemya. Dapat tayong magtulungan upang masiguro na ang bawat isa sa atin ay ligtas at mayroong kinabukasan. Sa kabila ng mga pagsubok na kinakaharap natin, naniniwala akong mayroon pa rin tayong pag-asa sa kinabukasan.

Ang Edukasyon: Susi sa Pag-angat ng Buhay

Ang edukasyon ay isa sa mga pundasyon ng bawat lipunan. Ito ang nagpapakatotoo sa pangarap at tagumpay ng isang tao, at nagbibigay daan upang maiangat ang antas ng pamumuhay at kabuhayan ng isang indibidwal at ng buong lipunan. Hindi lamang ito tungkol sa pag-aaral ng mga aralin at pagsusulat, ngunit pati na rin sa pagbuo ng kasanayan sa pag-iisip, pagpapasya, at pagiging responsable sa sariling buhay.

Ang edukasyon ay nagbibigay ng oportunidad para sa pagkakapantay-pantay ng bawat isa, hindi lamang sa oportunidad sa trabaho, ngunit sa pag-unlad ng personal na kakayahan at kakayahan. Ito ay mayroong malaking papel sa pagpapalawak ng kaalaman ng bawat indibidwal upang maipakita ang kanilang mga kasanayan at talino. Sa tulong ng edukasyon, malalaman ng isang tao kung saan siya nababagay sa lipunan, at kung saan siya dapat mag-focus upang magtagumpay sa buhay.

Sa bawat indibidwal, ang edukasyon ay may malaking papel sa pagbuo ng kanilang pagkatao at pagpapanday ng kanilang kaisipan. Ang edukasyon ay hindi lamang nagtuturo sa atin kung paano magbasa at sumulat, ngunit nagtuturo rin sa atin ng mga kasanayan sa pag-iisip, pagpapasya, at pagpapakita ng kaalaman at kakayahan. Ito ay nagpapalawak ng kaalaman at kasanayan ng bawat isa sa mga aralin at kasanayan, na nagsisilbing daan sa kanila upang magtagumpay sa kanilang buhay.

Sa ating lipunan, ang edukasyon ay mayroong malaking papel sa pagpapaunlad ng bansa. Sa pamamagitan ng edukasyon, ang bawat isa ay mayroong kakayahang magbahagi ng kanyang kaalaman at kasanayan upang mag-contribute sa pag-unlad ng lipunan. Ito ay nagbibigay ng pagkakataon upang maiangat ang kabuhayan at antas ng pamumuhay ng mga mamamayan, na nagbibigay daan upang magkaroon ng pagkakapantay-pantay sa lipunan.

Sa kabuuan, ang edukasyon ay isang pundasyon upang magkaroon ng mas magandang buhay. Ito ay may malaking papel sa pagpapalawak ng kaalaman at kasanayan ng bawat isa, na nagsisilbing daan upang magtagumpay sa buhay. Sa tulong ng edukasyon, mabibigyan ng oportunidad ang bawat indibidwal na makapag-ambag sa pag-unlad ng lipunan at magkaroon ng magandang kinabukasan.

Ang Pag-ibig: Salamin ng Ating Kaluluwa

Ang pag-ibig ay isa sa mga pinakamagandang bagay sa mundo. Ito ay nagbibigay ng ligaya, kasiyahan, at tunay na kasiyahan sa buhay ng bawat isa. Hindi lamang ito tungkol sa romantikong pag-ibig, ngunit pati na rin sa pagmamahal sa pamilya, mga kaibigan, at sa ating mga kapwa tao.

Sa larangan ng romantikong pag-ibig, ang pag-ibig ay nagbibigay daan upang mahanap natin ang taong magpapakumpleto sa ating buhay. Ito ay nagbibigay ng saya, kasiyahan, at tibok ng puso sa bawat isa. Sa pag-ibig, natututunan natin ang pagbibigayan, pagtitiwala, at pagpapahalaga sa isa’t isa. Ito ay nagpapalawak ng ating pananaw at nagbibigay ng pag-asa sa buhay.

Sa pagmamahal naman sa pamilya at mga kaibigan, ang pag-ibig ay nagpapakita ng pagpapahalaga sa mga taong mahalaga sa atin. Ito ay nagbibigay ng lakas ng loob sa panahon ng kahirapan at pagsubok, at nagbibigay ng kasiyahan at kaligayahan sa buhay ng bawat isa. Sa pag-ibig, natututunan natin ang pagtitiwala, pagpapakumbaba, at pagiging handa na magbigay ng sarili sa mga taong mahalaga sa atin.

Sa kabuuan, ang pag-ibig ay nagbibigay daan upang makilala natin ang ating sarili at ang ating kaluluwa. Ito ay nagbibigay ng lakas ng loob sa panahon ng kahirapan at pagsubok, at nagbibigay ng kasiyahan at kaligayahan sa buhay ng bawat isa. Sa pag-ibig, natututunan natin ang pagpapahalaga sa buhay, pagiging mapagmahal, at pagkakaroon ng puso para sa ating kapwa.

Sa huli, ang pag-ibig ay nagpapakita ng kagandahan ng buhay at nagbibigay ng ligaya sa ating mga puso. Ito ay isang napakahalagang bagay na dapat nating pangalagaan at ipahalaga sa ating mga buhay. Sa pag-ibig, malalaman natin ang kahalagahan ng pagmamahal sa ating kapwa at pagbibigay ng saya at pag-asa sa buhay.

Ang Magulang: Haligi ng Buhay at Tagapagtaguyod ng Pamilya

Ang magulang ay mga indibidwal na nagbibigay ng buhay sa bawat isa sa atin. Sila ang nagsisilbing haligi ng ating buhay at tagapagtaguyod ng ating pamilya. Sila ang nag-aalaga at nagmamahal sa atin sa pamamagitan ng pagsasakripisyo ng kanilang oras, enerhiya, at malasakit.

Ang mga magulang ay nagtuturo sa atin ng mga aral at kasanayan na kailangan natin sa buhay. Sila ang nagtuturo sa atin ng tamang pag-uugali, pagpapakumbaba, at pagiging responsable. Sa kanilang pagtuturo, natututo tayo ng kasanayan sa buhay na hindi natin matututunan kung walang mga magulang na nagtitiyaga sa atin.

Bilang tagapagtaguyod ng pamilya, ang mga magulang ay nagtatrabaho para sa ikabubuti ng kanilang mga anak. Sa pamamagitan ng kanilang pagsusumikap at pagsasakripisyo, napapakain at napag-aaral nila ang kanilang mga anak at nagbibigay ng magandang kinabukasan para sa kanila.

Sa kabila ng lahat ng kanilang sakripisyo at pagod, ang mga magulang ay patuloy na nagbibigay ng pagmamahal at suporta sa kanilang mga anak. Sila ang nakikinig sa ating mga problema at nagbibigay ng payo sa mga panahong tayo ay nangangailangan ng gabay at tulong. Sila ang nagbibigay ng seguridad at kaligayahan sa ating buhay.

Sa kabuuan, ang mga magulang ay nagpapakita ng pagmamahal at malasakit na walang katumbas. Sila ang nagsisilbing haligi ng ating buhay at nagbibigay ng kasiyahan at kaligayahan sa ating mga puso. Sa kanilang pagtitiyaga, sila ang nagpapakita ng kahalagahan ng pagmamahal at pagbibigay sa ating kapwa. Kaya naman, mahalaga na ipakita natin ang ating pagmamahal at pasasalamat sa ating mga magulang sa pamamagitan ng pagmamalasakit at pagpapakita ng kahalagahan na kanilang ginagampanan sa ating buhay.

Ang sanaysay ay isang uri ng pagsulat na naglalayong maglahad ng opinyon, ideya, kaisipan, o karanasan ng isang tao. Ito ay isang paraan upang maipahayag ang mga personal na pananaw sa isang tiyak na paksa. Karaniwan, ang sanaysay ay nagsisimula sa pagpapakilala ng paksa, pagsusuri ng mga detalye o impormasyon, at pagbibigay ng konklusyon o pagsusuri sa mga ideya.

Ang mga bahagi ng isang sanaysay ay maaaring mag-iba depende sa layunin ng manunulat. Halimbawa, ang mga bahagi ng isang sanaysay ay maaaring maglaman ng panimula, gitna o konklusyon.

Sa kasalukuyan, mayroong iba’t ibang uri ng sanaysay na nagsisilbing paraan upang maipahayag ang mga personal na pananaw. Halimbawa, mayroong pormal at di-pormal, naratibong sanaysay, deskriptibong sanaysay, argumentatibong sanaysay, at malikhaing sanaysay.

Ang sanaysay ay hindi lamang isang uri ng pagsulat, kundi isang paraan rin upang magpakalat ng kaalaman at pag-unawa tungkol sa isang tiyak na paksa. Ito ay maaaring maging inspirasyon upang magbigay ng boses sa mga personal na karanasan at pananaw, at magdulot ng pagbabago sa lipunan.

Salamat sa iyong pagbabasa! Sana ay may natutunan ka sa ating aralin.

Basahin ang iba pang aralin: Pang-ukol , Pang-angkop , Pangatnig , Panghalip , Pandiwa , Pang-uri , Tayutay , Pang-abay , Pangngalan , Replektibong Sanaysay


Learn Tagalog online!

Ano Ang Sanaysay?

What is an essay.

It is a literary work that attempts to describe and give meaning to life.

Ano ang sanaysay?

Ito ay akdang pampanitikan na nagtatangkang lumarawan at magbigay-kahulugan sa buhay.

What is an essay?

Dalawang Uri ng Sanaysay: pormal at di-pormal

Tatlong Bahagi ng Sanaysay : simula, gitna, wakas

Just like a regular essay , a critical thinking essay can be divided into three general parts — an introduction, the main body, and a conclusion. While a regular essay may require simply presenting an idea by analyzing relevant sources, a critical thinking essay requires reviewing the idea in more detail. Extracting evidence for or against a specific position, recognizing weaknesses and strengths of the argumentation and providing a well-sourced, preferably objective opinion is all part and parcel of a good critical thinking essay. Being able to reflect on the idea in a more profound way than usual is also a plus.

Mga Halimbawa ng Sanaysay

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  • Wikang Taglish, Kamulatang Taglish

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sanaysáy : maikling komposisyon na may tiyak na paksa o tema, karaniwang nása prosa, analitiko, at nagpapahayag ng interpretasyon o opinyon

sanaysáy : anumang komposisyong katulad nitó

Young student writing an essay

11 thoughts on “Ano Ang Sanaysay?”

di nmn to sobrang detailed bruh Add me at roblox: urielatgelo

I hope you’ll add some more information but I guess maybe this blog is for your project😅

Ang saya Ng mga reply HAHA btw thank you

Thank you po

walang kwenta

ikaw bobo ka naman maka walang kwenta iakw bobo bobo bobo bobo

Putangina mo wala kang jowa

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  • Countries and Their Cultures
  • East / Southeast Asia

Tagalog - Sociopolitical Organization

The head of state in the Republic of the Philippines is a president ( pangulo ). There are two legislative houses (one elected by district and the other at large) and a series of appointed courts and judges with a supreme court at the summit.

Social Organization. Tagalog society seems to have a strongly kinship-based set of parameters, although nonkin are generally incorporated in networks of reciprocal obligation and interaction. There are horizontal class distinctions based on wealth and closeness to economic resources and political power, which are crosscut vertically by genealogical and ritual ties of kinship so that the lower and upper classes are linked at various levels into a series of pyramidal (but illdefined) networks. Their boundaries and internal relationships are constantly being rearranged.

Political Organization. The Tagalog-speaking area (Katagalugan), as part of the Philippines (Bayan ng Pilipinas), is divided into provinces (singular, lalawigan ), each with an elected governor and legislative body. Provinces are divided into municipalities (singular, bayan or munisipyo ). One of the municipalities is designated provincial capital. Each municipality has an elected mayor and council. There is usually a central area (also called the bayan or munisipyo) where municipal business is carried on, with an administration building, frequently a market, and religious center. The municipality is divided into segments called baryo, nayon, or baranggay. These basic units have had an elected head since the middle 1950s called tiniente del baryo, who was promoted to kapitan del baryo a few years later. There is also an elected baryo council representing subdivisions called sitio or pook. At each level police, education, public works, etc. are managed by presidential appointees.

Social Control. Aside from the legal system and police functions, most Tagalog communities outside the urban centers operate according to local custom similar to the adat found elsewhere in insular Southeast Asia. Local officials exert power insofar as they are personally respected and have influence with people involved in disputes. Ostracism and ridicule are often used as means for social control.

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Sikolohiyang Pilipino: 50 Years of Critical-Emancipatory Social Science in the Philippines

Profile image of Narcisa Canilao

Sikolohiyang Pilipino, or efforts of Filipino psychologists and social scientists to indigenize Psychology in the Philippines started in the 1960s, further crystallized into a distinct movement from the mid-1970s and continued to flourish in the 21 st century. Using the broad outlines of critical-emancipatory social science, we argue in this paper that Sikolohiyang Pilipino since its inception in the works of V.D. Enriquez, was meant and has proven to be a liberated and liberating psychology (literally malaya at mapagpalayang sikolohiya), and may therefore be a unique type of criticl psychology in the Philippine setting. We first examine the academic and cultural circumstances that led to the movement of Sikolohiyang Pilipino, then describe its aims, methodologies, advocacies and theoretical contributions and how these resulted in the establishment of professional organizations, research programs, and curricular offerings. The movement from the traditional academic psychology as tau...

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Tsarskoe Selo (Pushkin)

If any proof is needed for the extravagance of Russia's Imperial rulers, then it can be found in the fact that, in less than two centuries, the Romanov Tsars established not one but two suburban estates - at Tsarskoe Selo and Pushkin - that, in terms of grandeur and excess, outstrip even Versailles. What is more, at Tsarskoe Selo, the 18 th century saw the construction of two vast and truly exceptional palaces, both surrounded by extensive landscaped gardens with diverse and fascinating decorative architecture.

Built for Empress Elizabeth by Bartolomeo Rastrelli, the architect of St. Petersburg's Winter Palace, the Catherine Palace is undoubtedly Tsarskoe Selo's top attraction, particularly renowned for the extraordinary Amber Room. Less well known, and currently much more dilapidated, the Alexander Palace is nonetheless a neoclassical masterpiece, and has a particularly poignant connection with the family of the last Tsar, Nicholas II.

The town of Pushkin, which surrounds the Tsarskoe Selo estates, is St. Petersburg's most charming suburb. Renamed in Soviet times to honour Russia's greatest poet, the town has numerous sights connected to Alexander Sergeevich, including a museum in the former Imperial Lycee, where he was schooled.

Like Pushkin, Tsarskoe Selo is one of St. Petersburg's must-see attractions, and can easily occupy visitors for a full day. And, like Pushkin, it can be very crowded during the tourist high-season in the summer. Arrive early or be prepared to join long queues, especially for the Catherine Palace.

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Saint-Petersburg, Russia.

  • Saint Petersburg

Sankt-Petersburg in nativity, Petrograd from 1914 to 1924 and Leningrad until 1991, is adorned by Russians and global tourists alike. This port-bound metropolis, located in the extreme northwest of the largest country in the world, Russia , comprises a major historical and cultural mecca, with an area of 550 square miles (1,400 square km). As the former day capital of the Russian Empire (from 1712 to 1918), this, Russia's second-largest city, lies some 400 miles (640 km) northwest of Moscow and only about 7° south of the Arctic Circle. Architecturally magnificent, state-of-art St. Petersburg is remembered for the Russian Revolution and is commemorated for its fierce defense during the Second World War.

Landscape And Climate Of St. Petersburg 

St. Petersburg

Sitting at a very low elevation, in the vicinity of the mainland floodplain, it is no surprise that the originally marshy site makes the city subject to frequent and recurrent autumn and spring floods, with cyclonic winds driving the gulf waters upstream. Severe cases of flooding occurred in 1777, 1824, and 1924. The city has built an 18 mile (29 km) long dike across the Gulf of Finland and cut numerous canals to assist the drainage to avoid such disasters.

Although the harsh winter temperatures can occasionally drop below 40 °C, the Atlantic Ocean has blessed St. Petersburg with a milder climate, despite its northern location and proximity to the Arctic Circle, with the mean January temperature being around -6 °C. The city sees varying degrees of snow cover for some 132 days of the year, while the Neva river begins to freeze in mid-November, with the last ice breaking up in April. The moderately warm and wet summers see temperatures of around 65 °F (18 °C) in July, while the yearly mean precipitation is around 25 inches (634 mm).

Layout Of  St. Petersburg 

The Moyka River embankment in Saint Petersburg

Set in the Neva River's delta at the head of the Gulf of Finland, 42 islands spread around the delta to comprise the city of Saint Petersburg. Much of the cultural and historical identity of the horseshoe-shaped Greater city is centered on the Admiralty Side, being the nucleus of the Tsar's original city, and containing an elegant spire topped by a weather vane in the form of a ship, as its principal landmark. East of there, the grand Palace Square has the 600-ton Alexander Column made of granite. The famed Winter Palace is the former main residence of the tsars, lying between the square and the river. It is a Baroque masterpiece built in eight years from 1754 to 1762, with dazzling-of-luxury exterior and interior. Destroyed by a fire in 1837, with only the adjoining Hermitage, a treasury of paintings and sculptures, and an art collection of worldwide significance that was the private holdings of Tsarina Catherine II, surviving, the palace was restored almost identically, just two years after. 

The river divides central St. Petersburg into four sections, while the Nevsky Prospekt, the main avenue, extending from the Admiralty to the Moscow Railway Terminal, is considered the city center. The Admiralty Side is on the south left bank of the Neva, where the river is also called the Bolshaya or Big Neva. In between the Bolshaya Neva and the river's other main arm, the river's other main arm, the Malaya or Little Neva, is the Vasilyevsky Island. Between the latter and the north right distributary called the Bolshaya Nevka is the Petrograd Side island group, and east of the Bolshaya Nevka is the Vyborg side, just north of the Neva proper.

Notable Sites And Communities In Petersburg 

Saint Petersburg

The Nevsky Prospekt contains the Pushkin Academic Drama Theatre, the Stroganov, Shuvalov, and Anichkov palaces, the St. Peter's Lutheran Church (1833–38), as well as the St. Catherine's Roman Catholic Church (1763–83) and Kazan Cathedral (1801–11). Gostiny Dvor (1761–85), an irregular-square former mercantile center that opens up onto four streets, is also there, as is the Alexander Nevsky Square, at the eastern end of the Prospect, in the embrace of gardens.

Many natural channels cut through the Admiralty Side, including the Griboyedov and Obvodny canals and the Moyka and Fontanka rivers. Downstream from the northern entrance of the latter is a beautiful open space, known as the Field of Mars, intended for popular festivities and fireworks. Extreme east to the center within the sharp bend of the Neva is the Smolny complex of a former convent containing a five-domed cathedral and the Smolny Institute, which was designated Lenin's headquarters in 1917. Further east on the island, the Summer Garden contains more than 250 statues made by Venetian masters, with the Summer Palace, Peter's first building project in the city, also on its territory. 

Palace bridge.

Peterhof, a unique garden-park that contains works from two centuries of Russian architectural and park styles as well as The Great Palace itself, is one of the most famous communities with stretching terraces rising above the Gulf of Finland. The Pushkin town, or the former Tsarskoye Selo, is a beautifully decorated large space containing the Catherine Palace, with the Amber Room of Russian Baroque style at its peak. The former country residence for Tsar Paul I in the south, Pavlovsk, contains the central Great Palace built over 64 columns, while Gatchina community with the namesake Park, full of monuments, sculptures, and gardens, was Catherine's favorite.

Zelenogorsk, to the north of the city, is a recreation and relaxation suburb set among extensive coniferous forests. Bordered by fine beaches and sand dunes, and surrounded by a collection of dormitory towns, resorts, sanatoriums, and children's camps, some of the upper-class city dwellers also have their summer cottages or dachas there.

Pedestrians pass Nevsky Prospekt in summer sunny day near the Kazan cathedral

The population of St. Petersburg is overwhelmingly Russian, whereas prior to the Revolution there were sizeable communities of Polish, Baltic, and German people, as well as smaller groupings of Tatars, Jews, and Chinese, who emigrated soon after 1917, for remaining in the city made them subject to Joseph Stalin's purges as alleged "enemies" to be sent to the prison camps in the 1930s. Although hate crimes against different-looking nationalities were popular even in the post-soviet period, they have declined in the last decade and a half, with the more tolerant and open-minded generation of the new century inhabiting the city that is designed a cultural mecca.

Cultural Life In  St. Petersburg

St. Petersburg festival

St. Petersburg has some of the most known cultural attractions in the world, including The Mariinsky Theatre, of international reputation, whose company is frequently on tour abroad, and the October Great Concert Hall that sits some 4,000 people. The reputable museums, the Hermitage and the State Russian Museum, are both of international prominence, while the outdoor recreational sites include the Kirov Park of Culture and Rest, the zoo, and botanical gardens.

Having been found by Peter the Great as Russia's "window on Europe," Saint Petersburg is a definitive cultural capital of Europe that is to the east, although in a long-lasting competition with Moscow. The equal mix of western European and Russian architecture, the ultra-developed riverside historic embankment containing many of the city's most famed architectural sites, as well as the "White Nights" from June 11 to July 2, with over 19 hours of daylight, give St. Petersburg an upper hand as the top acclaimed characteristics of the city.

Economy Of  St. Petersburg

While during the late Soviet era, more than half of the city's population labored in factories, that number has fallen to one-fifth post-USSR, with the rest mainly working in the service industry. After a decade of decline, by the early 21st century, St. Petersburg's economy was growing faster than Russia's as a whole, with the industrial output also booming more than ever and new industries emerging while older ones were being revived.

Today, St. Petersburg is only outperformed industrially by Moscow. Its most prominent industries evolved from mechanical engineering and metalworking of the late 20th century to engineering that requires a skilled labor force. The original shipbuilding industry also remains an important pillar of the economy and one of the country's largest in this port city. Plants producing nuclear reactors, electrical and power machinery, cable, diesel engines, batteries, generators, medical equipment, cameras, elevator parts, automotive machinery, food processing, large breweries, and dairy are the other prominent industries in St. Petersburg.

Municipal Services In  St. Petersburg

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Much of the city's population resides in modern apartments, some of which are skyscrapers. Many Soviet-style buildings surviving the 900-day siege during World War II remain in use for communal living, where several families occupy one apartment with a shared kitchen and bathroom. Many of those are located in the historical area of St. Petersburg. Still, just like the contemporary buildings, they have access to central heating and are part of the city's sanitation and power services.

Although the overall quality of the city's healthcare deteriorated following the breakup of the Soviet Union, St. Petersburg is fully equipped to provide modern health services. Nevertheless, many private health clinics claim to be higher on the healthcare provision scale than those run by the state. Still, with the latter being free, they are more economically accessible to the larger population. All-in-all, several hundred public and private clinics providing medical, dental, nursing, and maternity services, along with many general and specialized hospitals, have become available in the 21st century. 

It is no surprise that in this culturally-advanced city, much of the population finds employment in arts, education, and sciences, with St. Petersburg posing as a major center for education and scientific research not only in Russia but worldwide. Following Moscow and with dozens of public and private universities in St. Petersburg, the most notable ones include St. Petersburg State University, founded in 1724, the Academy of Arts (1757), the Institute of Mines (1773), and the Military Medical Academy (1798).

Although the headquarters of the Russian Academy of Sciences moved back to Moscow after the Revolution, its library remained in St. Petersburg. Some of its research establishments include the Pulkovo Observatory and the Botanical, Geological, Forestry, and Zoological institutes. Last but not least, St. Petersburg is one of the world's leading cities for Arctic research, headed by the Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute and the Institute for the Study of Permafrost.


Palace bridge in St. Petersburg

An equally important hub for transportation, as Moscow is, the port of St. Petersburg is also of international significance, with the main harbor protected by breakwaters and reachable from Kronshtadt via a dredged channel, as well as regular summertime ferry departures to various western European ports. Unfortunately, with the insufficient infrastructure for cruise vessels of the 21st century, those wishing to board ships have to pass through cargo facilities, while the smaller sea ships have access throughout the inland waterway system of European Russia from Neva to Lake Ladoga. Onward, there are water pathways to the White Sea and the Russian Arctic coast, the Volga basin and the Caspian Sea, and the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov.

St. Petersburg

Pre-Covid-19 times, international train connections outside of Russia's main cities, such as Helsinki and Warsaw, were also subject to regular usage. Suburban electric tram service connects the outer parts of St. Petersburg to its satellite towns, while the internal city traffic is handled by a subway system, which was opened in 1955. The city's circulation system also includes a well-developed network of buses, streetcars, and trolleybus lines. The main Pulkovo International Airport sits 11 miles (18 km) south.

St. Petersburg experienced a major change upon the fall of the Soviet Union like the rest of Russia and its adjoining countries. Over the years, it has bloomed in terms of culture and services it forwards to the public and international visitors. New cafés and restaurants have sprouted everywhere, and bridges and landmarks have been illuminated. Nevertheless, the never-before-seen amount of homelessness also appeared on its decorated streets coinciding with the time that native residents begun to serve in influential posts and in the national government.

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