Spanish Learning Lab

Learn Spanish with free, communicative lessons

A Lab for Learning Spanish with Free Online Lessons

¡bienvenidos a spanish learning lab.

This website was created as a tool for Spanish students who wish to improve their skills in the language and be an active part in their learning process. We provide free online lessons for lots of topics in the language to help you communicate effectively. We do our best to make sure every lesson contains simple explanations, lots of examples, as well as informative images and lots of educational resources. Furthermore, we hope to make you enjoy an online language lab, with interesting materials and tests to prove your comprehension of each topic. This site contains grammar lessons, vocabulary, and more importantly, a lot of Spanish listening activities  to improve your listening comprehension in Spanish. Welcome again and enjoy learning Spanish!

spanish for experiment

General Spanish Lessons

The lessons in this category are aimed for students who are just starting to learn the language. They cover some basic vocabulary such as ways to introduce yourself in Spanish , common greetings and farewells , classroom objects and numbers in Spanish . Others will explore important grammar topics such as days of the week , dates and phrases for wishing a happy birthday in Spanis h. Most of these lessons include some great interactive quizzes with nice tips that will certainly help you get the best out of each topic.

Basic Spanish greetings and instructions dialogues

This section includes lessons with some vocabulary, grammar and listening activities on several topics such as the family in Spanish , making polite requests , describing people’s appearance and their personalities , the vocabulary and structure for talking about rooms and parts of the house  and more.

Adjectives and verbs for describing houses in Spanish

This section includes lessons that will make use of everything taught in both the basic and pre-intermediate levels. The lessons are easy to follow and include videos from our  Youtube Channel to make your learning experience even richer. Here, you will find topics like:  daily routine activities , hobbies and free time activities , jobs and occupations , clothes and prices , directions of places and more.

spanish for experiment

Spanish Grammar Lessons

Spanish grammar is truly important in order to speak or write properly. The lessons in the category will explore more about specific grammar topics such as the singular and plural of Spanish nouns , gender rules , adjective-noun agreement , how to conjugate regular verbs and many other important topics. The explanations are easy to understand and focus on teaching you how to make sentences in Spanish with these structures.

Using Personal Pronouns in Spanish as the subject of sentences

This section will cover topics that you need to master to speak Spanish at an intermediate level. We focus on topics such as reflexive verbs and pronouns , the past tense in Spanish , the future tense , how to make comparisons and more. As usual, each lesson includes several examples and interactive grammar quizzes.

Making sentences with comparisons of inequality in Spanish

Spanish Listening Lessons

The lessons in this category are aimed at helping you develop your Spanish listening skill through a series of interesting lessons with a variety of examples and listening activities. Each lesson includes two main listening activities followed by interactive quizzes on topics such as common nicknames in Spanish , spelling words , conversations on colors , domestic and farm animals , popular movie genres and a lot more.

Common Farm Animals in Spanish Listening Practice

These lessons can be quite challenging, but they are great for talking your Spanish listening ability to the next level. The topics introduce a lot of useful phrases and questions for real conversations in Spanish. Here you will learn about leaving phone messages in Spanish , ordering food at a restaurant , borrowing and lending things , giving suggestions , how to apologize in Spanish , and a lot more.

Key expressions for illnesses and injuries, and questions to ask at the doctor in Spanish

Spanish PDF Worksheets

Find some free Spanish worksheets to practice vocabulary, grammar, listening and reading about different topics with games, role play activities and more. These exercises aim at helping you practice the content our site on your own, or in the classroom with your students/teacher. We are sure these resources will be very helpful to learn Spanish.

mi casa en español lectura ejercicios this is my house in Spanish pdf reading worksheet

Thanks for using our resources to learn this beautiful language. Looking forward to having you around again! ¡Hasta pronto!

23 thoughts on “A Lab for Learning Spanish with Free Online Lessons”

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It helped me a lot

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very resourcefull

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there is a mistake on the days of the week sheet. Domingo is not Friday.

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Thanks Rebecca. We did not notice. We’ll fix it right away 🙂

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Hey alex how are you doing.

Muy bien, ¿Cómo estás tú? 🙂

Alex,what is the singular word for ayudar?

Hola… AYUDAR is a verb so it does not have a singular form. It is a regular verb, so you can conjugate it as “Yo ayudo”, “tú ayudas” and so on. The singular would apply for nouns and adjectives in Spanish, e.g. “casa” -> “casas”. Hope it helps Jeremiah 🙂

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Hello, On the basic Weather Expressions lesson, there is an error: In general we use three verbs to talk about the weather in Spanish: HABER in its form HAY, ESTAR as ESTÁ and HACER as HAY. The second HAY should be HACE. Thanks.

Hello! Thanks for finding that mistake. We just fixed it. Gracias ¡Que tengas un buen día!

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Alex – you use “esta usando” for talking about what someone is wearing. What about llevar, llevar puesto, ponerse, etc.? I feel like different countries use different verbs to talk about what someone is actively wearing at a particular moment. I’m trying to figure out which countries/regions use which phrases. Gracias!

Hi Jessica. Sorry for the late answer. Yes, I think different countries use different phrases as well. USAR means “to wear” and it would a very basic way to say what you are wearing. I have heard “LLEVAR PUESTO” a lot from Mexican TV shows. Probably, it is more common for them to say “LLEVAR PUESTO”, e.g. “Llevo puesta una chaqueta”, which is the same as “Estoy usando una chaqueta” or “Me puse una chaqueta” (using PONERSE). I could not tell you which countries exactly use which phrases, but I am sure most of them if not all would understand what you mean when you use any of them.

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Very happy to come on to your site. We are three years Americans into living in Ecuador. We like the practicality in techniques and thoughtful selection of subjects. Can you tell us something about yourselves, background, motivation for this effort, and if there may be more from you in the future ? Deucy and Deucet

¡Hola! ¡Mucho gusto! Well, we are from Nicaragua. I studied English as a Foreign Language and learned some methodologies for teaching the language. While learning English, I noticed that I preferred sites with recordings and visual resources. Since I’m a Spanish native speaker, I decided to help people learn Spanish instead of English with a site that included all I liked from English learning websites and more. It is really cool to write these kind of lessons with a communicative focus. After all, that is what languages are for… para comunicarnos. We plan to continue with this effort for sure. Thanks for stopping by! Enjoy Ecuador 🙂

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Estimado Alex, Ante que nada quiero felicitarlo por su extraordinario trabajo. Como instructor de Español de mucha experiencia, he encontrado su material ideal para aplicarlo a mis estudiantes ya sea en línea o en aula.

Me gustaría saber que requisitos pide para tener acceso a su material y poderlo enseñar. Con mucho gusto estoy anuente a sus instrucciones. También solicito su autorización para colocar su logo y enlace en nuestro sitio web

Estimado Joe, Puedes hacer uso del material para enseñar en línea o en el aula. Nos alegra que el material te parezca apto para tus clases. Solamente te pediríamos el favor de dirigir a tus usuarios a las lecciones que les puedan ayudar en su proceso de aprendizaje, sin necesidad de duplicar nuestro contenido en tu sitio. ¡Éxito! Atentamente, Alex

Gracias Alex. Con gusto remito a mis estudiantes a su sitio web. Si en algo más puedo colaborar, solo déjeme saber.

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Mil gracias Alex. ¡Las lecciones son super fáciles e interesantes!

Muchas gracias Michelle. Siempre estamos buscando la manera de mejorar y esperamos seguir así. ¡Un abrazo!

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¡Muchas gracias! Siempre he querido aprender español y este sitio web me ha ayudado más que ningún otro. Dios te bendiga

Un placer poder ayudar en algo. Un abrazo 🙂

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Free Spanish resources to learn science


Start learning online with these free resources in Spanish created by the Exploratorium in San Francisco, a world-renowned museum.

Leer en Español

1. Use science to investigate at home with fun, hands-on activities.

Bocadillos científicos are interactive science experiments put to the test by educators using common, inexpensive materials. Explore the collection in Spanish with step-by-step instructions.

2. Experience a total solar eclipse.

The Exploratorium has shared the beauty and science of total solar eclipses for many years. Learn why eclipses occur and how to watch them safely, watch videos of past eclipses, and find out when the next ones will be.

3. See how science helps us understand the world around us.

Enjoy this collection of activity videos, demonstrations, and presentations that show how to engage with science throughout your life.

4. Come learn with us at the Exploratorium at Pier 15.

Are you coming to the museum? Here you will find information to plan your visit . We hold bilingual events annually to celebrate Mother's Day on the second Sunday in May and Engineering Day on the last Sunday in September.


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Free Beginner's Spanish Lessons

spanish for experiment


Spanish greetings You probably already know that “¡Hola!” means “Hi!”, but Spanish greetings and pleasantries don’t stop there. This lesson covers the most common greetings you’ll hear, including the more casual greetings you probably won’t find in your textbook … Question words in Spanish Asking questions in Spanish is quite similar to asking questions in English. It’s really just a matter of learning the vocabulary. There are a couple of small differences, but for the most part these differences actually make it easier… Formal vs informal “you” In Spanish there are two ways of saying “you”: There’s the informal form, tú and the more formal usted. Whether you use tú or usted depends on a variety of different factors, but it can be a bit intimidating for English speakers, so here’s how to tackle it… Spanish plurals: How to get more than one! Spanish is fairly similar to English when it comes to making plurals. There are a few little tricks, but you’ll find them pretty intuitive and predictable. So here’s how to turn one monkey into many monkeys (because who doesn’t want more monkeys?) … Definite and indefinite articles Definite and indefinite articles are words like “the” and “a”. They tell us whether we’re talking about the dog in the park, or just a dog in the park. It seems like a small difference, but it’s quite important, and Spanish adds an extra factor into the mix… Negating statements and saying “no” When it comes to turning an affirmative statement (like “I will take out the trash”) into a negative statement (“I will not take out the trash”), or answering questions with a “no”, Spanish is actually much easier than English. In fact you probably already know how to do it… How to use adjectives in Spanish Adjectives are describing words. They’re what turn a weekend into a sunny weekend, and a cake into a decadent chocolate cake. If you like sunny weekends and chocolate cake then here are some simple tricks to using adjectives in Spanish… Ser vs Estar: The two kinds of “to be” Here’s where Spanish throws you a curve ball: There are two ways of saying “is” (and other forms of the verb “to be”). It all depends on whether something is permanent or temporary. In this lesson we’ll give you some tricks for using “ser” vs “estar”… Weather vocabulary! Welcome to the best conversation starter in the world! You wouldn’t think there would be much complicated about the weather, but it can actually be quite confusing for Spanish learners because you need to know three different verbs just to be able to have elevator smalltalk. Check it out… Feelings and moods You’re probably feeling pretty shattered about needing three verbs for the weather, so here’s a lesson to help you talk about those feelings. You only need two verbs for this one. You’ll also learn how to talk about various degrees of feeling, which is great if you’re only “a little bit” surprised by those three verbs… False cognates (“false friends”) There are some words in Spanish that look very similar to words in English, but are actually embarrassingly (or hilariously) different. Getting these wrong can have pretty amusing consequences, so I recommend you commit these to memory… Telling the time Welcome to the second best conversation starter in the world! Learn how to ask the time and say the time. Combine this with the weather lesson above, and you’ll never be stuck for something to say at dinner parties! ¿Dónde está? or ¿Dónde hay? Where is a public restroom? Where is Moe’s Tavern? Both “estar” and “haber” are verbs you can use to say where something is. So which one do you use? In this lesson we enlist the help of the citizens of Springfield to help explain the difference. Getting directions So you’re lost, and your phone battery is flat, and you need to get somewhere. Here are some directions you might receive from helpful Spanish-speaking folks on the street. Comparisons of inequality How do you say when one thing is better than another thing, or faster than another thing, or less beautiful than another thing? In this lesson you’ll learn how to compare two things that aren’t equal. Talking about pain or sickness If you’re not feeling 100%, this lesson will show you how to use the verbs “dolor” and “tener” to let everybody around you know that you’re hurt or sick. Guaranteed to make you the life of the party!

Part of resource: 

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About the spanish experiment.

Well-known children's stories translated into Spanish and spoken by a native Spanish speaker. Great for kids... and adults too! Read along in Spanish or English.

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Explosive Science Class Vocabulary in Spanish

Giving a science class in Spanish as part of your homeschooling curriculum is a fantastic idea. You’re not only teaching science, but also boosting your child’s Spanish language skills. 

Interdisciplinary teaching is the way to go. Take advantage of any Spanish knowledge your student already has and introduce science vocabulary in Spanish. 

Teaching science words works best in context (I’ll explain more about that later).

Read this post to get equipped with the basic terms that young scientists need to know for their science classes in Spanish.

Download FREE Science Class Vocabulary Poster

Download your FREE poster to hang in your classroom. I hope you enjoy it!

Spanish Vocabulary for Science Class 

The subject we refer to as “science” in elementary school includes multiple areas and topics.

In this post, I focus on 3 natural sciences:

  • Life Science (Biology)
  • Physical Science (Chemistry and Physics)
  • Earth and Space Science

Review this table to learn what to call these disciplines in your science class in Spanish.

Natural science
Life science
Physical science
Earth science
Atmospheric sciences
Space science

People in Science

It’s motivating for kids to see that what they’re learning is useful in real life and that one of these fields of science could be their future career. 

Check out these science-related jobs:


To bring this vocabulary to life, print out pictures of famous scientists and have your child label each one with the correct profession.

Science Class in Spanish: Equipment

Before watching or doing a science experiment, it’s essential to teach kids about the scientific equipment they’ll be using and to review key safety rules. 

Older students could make a safety poster or simply draw the science lab equipment. Visuals are a great help for your science class in Spanish that make abstract vocabulary easier to learn.

balance scales
Bunsen burner
dissecting set
Erlenmeyer flask
eye dropper
florence flask
graduated cylinder
reagent bottle
safety goggles
test tube
test tube holder
test tube rack

Science Class in Spanish: Verbs

These basic science-related verbs are worth teaching. 

to add
to apply
to calculate
to decrease
to determine
to discover, to find out
to research
to experiment
to estimate
to increase
to lower
to measure
to mix
to observe
to prove
to reduce
to test
to weigh

Example Spanish Sentences

No te olvides de agregar agua. Don’t forget to add water.

Podemos medir la cantidad. We can measure the quantity.

Tenemos que investigarlo. We have to research it.

Tenía que observarlo durante dos semanas. I had to observe it for two weeks.

Primero, tienes que pesar los ingredientes. First, you have to weigh the ingredients.

Reduce el fuego. Reduce the flame.

Tienes que probar la hipótesis. You have to prove the hypothesis.

Science Project Vocabulary

Kids love to do projects for a science class in Spanish. Here are the key words they’ll need to do a science experiment or prepare for a science fair.

dependent variable
independent variable
observations, notes
scientific method

How to Use Science Vocabulary in Spanish 

Interdisciplinary teaching is effective because it broadens students’ horizons and opens new perspectives. 

Helpful teaching aids for science vocabulary include posters, flashcards, songs, and memory games. Keep in mind that the best way for kids to learn new vocabulary is to see it used and to use it themselves.

Do you know the Netflix show, “Emily’s Wonder Lab”? In Spanish, it’s called El Fascinante Laboratorio de Emily . It talks about science in a fun and comprehensible way. Consider switching the language to Spanish and turning on the Spanish subtitles. 

Check out Language Learning with Netflix: How to Use the Chrome Extension to learn how to use the show to learn new vocabulary.

Depending on your child’s Spanish level, you could repeat the experiments from the show and describe them in Spanish or make drawings with the experiment stages and label them in Spanish.  

On Youtube, the Smile and Learn Channel in Spanish has an interesting playlist with science videos . Choose a topic that interests your kids and watch the show during a science class in Spanish. It’s an ideal way to see vocabulary in action while helping your child improve their Spanish comprehension skills.

Empower Your Learner to Speak Spanish

Working on your child’s Spanish is a potent investment in their future. Spanish is an important subject that many kids start learning in elementary school. In high school, they could even take AP or SAT Spanish subject exams. Preparing for these exams will be less stressful with strong Spanish foundations. And taking science classes in Spanish will help them on their way to fluency.

Sign your child or student up for a free Spanish class with one of our professional, native Spanish-speaking teachers from Guatemala. See for yourself how quickly your child can use their newly learned science vocabulary in Spanish and start speaking in their very first class. 

Want more free Spanish lessons, fun content, and easy learning strategies? Check these out!

  • ‘How Much Is It?’ in Spanish: A Guide to Travel and Shopping
  • Familial Bonds: Expressing ‘Sister-in-Law’ in Spanish and Family Vocabulary
  • 100 Easy Spanish Words for True Beginners
  • Earth Day Projects for Kids + Spanish Earth Day Vocabulary
  • How to Talk About the Temperature in Spanish: Fahrenheit, Celcius, and Descriptions
  • Car Parts Spanish Vocabulary List: Learn Using Pictures
  • Top 15 New Year’s Resolutions in Spanish
  • Talk About Hurricanes And The Weather in Spanish
  • Recent Posts
  • Familial Bonds: Expressing ‘Sister-in-Law’ in Spanish and Family Vocabulary - May 2, 2024
  • 10 Homeschooling Styles You Need to Explore in 2023 - March 14, 2024
  • Home Sweet Classroom: Creating Engaging Spanish Lessons at Home - October 13, 2023

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Pagina Del Profe

The Spanish Experiment

May 28, 2022 | Learning Resources

The Spanish Experiment offers a varied set of resources for language learners of Spanish including short children’s stories, basic grammar information, and online lessons. Lessons include numbers, days of the week, months of the year, question words, family, directions, and more.

The website includes world known stories Chicken Little, The Seagull and the Whale, Three Little Pigs, Little Red Riding Hood, or Goldilocks and the Three Bears.

The Spanish Experiment


spanish for experiment

Free resources to help you enjoy learning Spanish quickly.

  • Spanish 101
  • Spanish Grammar Video & Quizzes
  • Flashcards & Drag and Match
  • Alphabet & Pronunciation
  • Spanish Dialogues with English
  • Word of the Day
  • Phrase of the Day
  • Verb of the Day

Hundreds of Spanish worksheets from which to choose. Full list of teacher resources here.

  • Wacky Word Search
  • Sentence Scramble

Use our free online Spanish test to estimate your level of fluency.

  • Spanish Placement Test
  • Interactive Quizzes
  • Drag-N-Match! Quizzes

We offer free self-study courses for students of all levels.

  • Travel Spanish
  • Spanish for Work
  • Medical Spanish
  • Spanish for Business

Games and activities featuring high-quality images and audio. Learning Spanish should be fun.

  • Wake Up the Box
  • Tank Battle Game
  • Paint Gunner
  • Cargo Bridge
  • Wonder-Putt Mini Golf

Spanish resources for kids of all ages.

  • Music Videos
  • Flashcards & Drag-N-Match!
  • Short Stories
  • Clinical Interview
  • Past Medical History
  • Medical Vocabulary
  • Dialogue Flashcards
  • Review of Systems


  • Meeting People
  • Asking Questions
  • Expressing Obligation
  • Expressing Possession
  • Making Comparisons
  • Resources for Learning Spanish
  • Daily Spanish Resources
  • Teacher Resources & Worksheets

Verb Conjugator

On your own.

  • Online Spanish Tests
  • Spanish Courses

Kids Corner

  • Free Spanish Games
  • Spanish for Kids
  • Spanish Medical Dictionary
  • Conversational Spanish
  • Spanish/English Dictionary
  • Spanish Sentences Maker
  • Spanish Games
  • Language schools

Spanish Word for experiment -->   -->

5 Simple, At Home Spanish STEM Challenges

5 Simple, At-Home Spanish STEM Challenges

These 5 simple, at-home Spanish STEM challenges are fun, have minimal mess, and can be completed with everyday household items. They foster a love of science, technology, engineering, and math all while bringing these disciplines into the Spanish or bilingual classroom. 

I’ve chosen activities that have minimal prep and mess, and materials that are easy to find (most are probably lying around your house). These Spanish STEM challenges can even be completed virtually as students watch along with the teacher or assigned for students to complete at home (with some parent supervision). 

But first, what’s STEM?

STEM stands for S cience, T echnology, E ngineering, and M ath. It’s become popular in education because it promotes problem-solving in fun, real-life ways by combining at least two or more disciplines (engineering and math, science and technology, etc.).

Why STEM and Spanish?

Because you need to communicate those newfound problem-solving skills. And as we are living in a global community, being able to communicate in more than one language is not only a benefit but a necessity. 

While I’ve chosen well-known (yet quick and easy) STEM challenges, I’ve adapted them for Spanish learners. You’ll find vocabulary, materials needed, and just how to tie them into your Spanish class, bilingual classroom, homeschool, or at-home learning.

5 Simple, At home Spanish STEM Challenges

#1 Make a Paper Chain/ Haz una Cadena de Papel

This first activity comes from Little Bins Little Hands . It’s an engineering and math challenge that’s as quick and easy as you can get. The goal is to make the longest paper chain using ONE piece of paper. This is genius because of its minimal setup. 

Materials : a piece of paper, scissors, tape, tape measure (optional)

Materiales : una hoja de papel, tijeras, cinta adhesiva, cinta de medir (opcional)

Tie this into your Spanish or bilingual class by:

  • Describing length ( largo/corto ) and thickness ( ancho/estrecho )
  • Comparing – Mi cadena es más larga que la tuya. Mi cadena es más corta que la tuya.
  • Counting – ¿Cuantos anillos tiene tu cadena? Mi cadena tiene ____ anillos.
  • Number Forms – Students write the number in word form ( uno ) and standard form (1) as they count each ring.
  • Measuring – Mi cadena mide ___ pulgadas/centímetros.
  • Gender – Cadena de papel is feminine while anillo is masculine. Kids will have to take that into account when describing each word. La cadena es larg a . El anillo es anch o .


  • cadena de papel – paper chain
  • anillo – ring
  • largo – long
  • corto – short
  • ancho – wide
  • estrecho – narrow
  • más larga que – longer than
  • más corta que – shorter than
  • forma estándar – standard form (numeral)
  • forma en palabras – word form
  • medir – to measure

#2 Screen-Free Coding/ Coding Sin Pantalla

This next activity also comes from Little Bins for Little Hands , and is another fantastic STEM find. Kids learn the basics of coding by using a printable grid and small objects they have at home. Kids essentially create a maze. Then follow that up with directions on how to get from start to finish. In the coding world, those direction are technically an algorithm (or a series of steps). 

Coding is really popular right now, and rightfully so since code is what makes our technology function. But the real gem here, is that with all the screen time our kids are getting these days, this STEM challenge gives them a quick break. 

Materials : printable grid, index cards (or small pieces of paper), small objects

Materiales : papel cuadriculado, fichas, objetos pequeños

  • Practicing giving directions

Vocabulary :

  • algoritmo – algorithm
  • coding/ programación – coding
  • Sigue recto – Go straight
  • Gira a la derecha – Turn right
  • Gira a la izquierda – Turn left
  • Para – Stop
  • Vuelve atrás – Go back

#3 Walking Water Experiment/ Agua Andando

This activity, thanks to Coffee Cups and Crayons , is a science experiment that shows capillary action ( acción capilar ) and color mixing ( mezcla de colores ).

Students place three cups in a row, filling the outer cups with water, but leaving the center cup empty. Next, add food coloring. You’ll want to use primary colors in the outer cups (blue and red, red and yellow, or blue and yellow). Then place a rolled paper towel from cup one to cup two, and another paper towel is placed from cup two to cup three. Finally, the magic happens! Watch as water walks up the paper towels from the outer cups to the center cup until all cups have an equal amount of water. As this happens you’ll see the colors combine to make a secondary color in the center cup (blue and red make purple, red and yellow make orange, blue and yellow make green).

Note: Capillary action is when water moves upward against gravity. This is how trees and plants get water and nutrients from soil.

Materials : three glass cups, water, food coloring, paper towels

Materiales : tres vasos de vidrio, agua, colorante, toallitas de papel

  • Describing quantity/volume – Este vaso tiene más agua que el otro.
  • Reviewing colors and color mixing
  • más que – more than
  • menos que – less than
  • la misma cantidad – the same amount
  • lleno – full
  • vacío – empty
  • colores primarios – primary colors
  • colores secundarios – secondary colors

#4 Water Cycle Bag / La Bolsa del Ciclo del Agua

This next experiment from Playdough to Plato , is a great way to observe and discuss t he water cycle and weather.

By drawing a sun and cloud on the bag, adding some water, and taping it to a window students will be able to observe the water cycle in action over a few hours/days. So while this activity is quick to set up, its best for long term observation or a class project. 

Materials : a plastic sandwich bag, black marker, water, tape, food coloring (optional) 

Materiales : una bolsa de plástico para sándwiches, marcador negro, agua, cinta adhesiva, colorante (opcional) 

  • Discussing the water cycle
  • Talking about the weather
  • el ciclo del agua – the water cycle
  • el tiempo/ el clima – the weather
  • precipitación – precipitation
  • condensación – condensation
  • evaporación – evaporation
  • nubes – clouds
  • vapor de agua – water vapor
  • Está soleado – It’s sunny
  • Está lloviendo – It’s raining
  • Está nublado – It’s cloudy

#5 How Strong is Spaghetti?/ ¿Qué tan fuerte es el espagueti?

Finally, Frugal Fun 4 Boys , has a fun spaghetti strength test. They test how much weight spaghetti can hold both vertically (you’ll need styrofoam for this and not every family has that on hand) and horizontally (I recommend this way as you don’t need styrofoam). This challenge is a great introduction to engineering .

Materials : spaghetti, books, small toys, styrofoam (optional)

Materiales : espagueti, libros, juegetes pequeños, poliestireno (opcional)

  • Describing strength; or
  • Counting the number of objects spaghetti holds
  • fuerte – strong
  • débil – weak
  • El espagueti sostenga ____ juguetes/libros – Spaghetti holds ___ toys/books.

I know we are all racking our brains for activities that can be done at home. These 5 simple, at-home Spanish STEM challenges check that box, plus they give kids the opportunity to have fun, learn STEM skills, and practice their Spanish. Win-Win.

5 Simple, At-Home Spanish STEM Challenges

For more at-home activities try 10 Simple First Week of School Activities for Online Learning (in Spanish!) or 8 No Hassle, No Prep, At Home Spanish Activities for Kids .

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Translation of experiment – English-Spanish dictionary

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  • Don't forget to try out the equipment before setting up the experiment.
  • In the second experiment they obtained a very clear result .
  • For the experiment to be valid , it is essential to record the data accurately .
  • The experiments were conducted by scientists in New York.
  • Our experiment worked better than we could have expected , and soon the baby was happy to sleep in her own bed .
  • The young film-makers were given free rein to experiment with new themes and techniques .
  • I like to experiment with different light filters on my camera .
  • For a while the poet experimented with the idea of chanting his poems to music .
  • The artist experimented with different pigments and mediums, often with disastrous results .
  • I'd be very nervous about letting a trainee hairdresser experiment with my hair .

Related word

(Translation of experiment from the Cambridge English-Spanish Dictionary © Cambridge University Press)

Translation of experiment | GLOBAL English–Spanish Dictionary

(Translation of experiment from the GLOBAL English-Spanish Dictionary © 2020 K Dictionaries Ltd)

Examples of experiment

Using our knowledge of the genome as a starting point, clinical experiments are then required.
We should not conclude that the experiment has failed and that we should move on.
I think it important that we obtain a combined database of this kind so that we avoid repeating experiments that have already been carried out.
We must oblige laboratories to resort to the use of animals for scientific experiments as little as possible, especially those taken from the wild.
The situation at the moment is that this experiment, which began in 2000, may come to an end unless it is extended.
Come on, it should be fun to have an experiment!
That would mean experimenting with the health of bathers in the first few years.
Devoting more money to tackling animal disease would serve us better than experimenting with nature.
In so doing, countries must be free to experiment and try out a variety of routes.
We must therefore have confidence, above all in ourselves, and decide to experiment with new ways of doing things.
Perhaps we should revert to this former practice; it would be an interesting area in which to experiment and see what progress this enables us to make.

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How to Say Experiment in Spanish

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Translate experiment from English to Spanish

  • experimento ; tentativa ; prueba ; esfuerzo ; ensayo ; intento
  • experimentar
  • experiment → experimentar
  • experiment → experimento
  • experiment → experimento , ensayo , experimentar , intento , prueba , tentativa

Detailed Translations for experiment from English to Spanish

Experiment:, experiment [ the ~ ] noun, the experiment.

  • experimento [ el ~ ] noun
  • tentativa [ la ~ ] noun
  • prueba [ la ~ ] noun

the experiment ( try ; test )

  • esfuerzo [ el ~ ] noun
  • ensayo [ el ~ ] noun
  • intento [ el ~ ] noun

to experiment verb (experiments, experimented, experimenting)

To experiment.

  • experimentar verb

Conjugations for experiment:

  • experiments

simple past

  • experimented

present perfect

  • have experimented
  • has experimented

past continuous

  • was experimenting
  • were experimenting
  • shall experiment
  • will experiment

continuous present

  • am experimenting
  • are experimenting
  • is experimenting


  • be experimented
  • experiment!
  • let's experiment!
  • experimenting

Translation Matrix for experiment :

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
; ;
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
; ;
VerbRelated TranslationsOther Translations
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;

Related Words for "experiment":

  • experimenting , experiments

Synonyms for "experiment":

  • experimentation; scientific research ; research project
  • inquiry ; enquiry ; research
  • investigate ; look into

Related Definitions for "experiment":

  • the act of conducting a controlled test or investigation 1
  • as an experiment he decided to grow a beard 1
  • it was an experiment in living 1
  • We are experimenting with the new drug in order to fight this disease 1
  • Students experiment sexually 1
  • The composer experimented with a new style 1

Wiktionary Translations for experiment :

→ ; ↔ — experiment
↔ — ( ) iets uitproberen, een proef nemen, een experiment uitvoeren
↔ — ( er)
↔ — , absichtliche Herbeiführung einer Erscheinung, um Gesetzmäßigkeiten erkennen zu können:
→ ; ; ; ; ↔ — test
↔ — Essai pratiqué avec le matériel réduit d’un laboratoire dans un but scientifique ou industriel.

Related Translations for experiment

  • animal experiment
  • 1 WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University


2 Translation results for experiment in Spanish

Experiment noun.


Example sentences of experiment noun

  • • Students will carry out simple laboratory experiments .
  • • They did some experiments with magnets.
  • • These theories have not yet been confirmed by experiment .
  • • We want to conduct an experiment in living more frugally.
  • • The city's experiment with a longer school year was a success.

experiment verb

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'; audChoice = audChoice.replace(/ selected=["']selected["']/gm, '');var audT = document.getElementById('audT');if ((audT) && (audPref)) { //Parse the content if(audPref.indexOf(':') > -1) { var audPrefAccent = audPref.split(':')[0]; var playbackRate = audPref.split(':')[1]; } else { var audPrefAccent = audPref; var playbackRate = 1; } var re = new RegExp('( UK and possibly other pronunciations : /ɪkˈspɛr mənt/, : /ɪkˈspɛr mənt/ /ɪkˈspɛr mɛnt/

USA pronunciation: IPA/ ɪkˈspɛrəmənt; -ˌmɛnt/

US:USA pronunciation: respellingUSA pronunciation: respelling( ik sper ə mənt; ek sper ə ment′)

| | | | | |
WordReference English-Spanish Dictionary © 2024:

experiment (scientific)experimento
 There is an experiment taking place in the laboratory.
 Se está realizando un experimento en el laboratorio.
 The house was built as an experiment to see if living ecologically was really possible.
 La casa fue construida como experimento para ver si vivir de manera ecológica era realmente posible.
(attempt, trial)experimento
 I haven't tried this recipe before, so it's an experiment; I'm not sure how it will turn out.
 No he probado esta receta antes, así que es un experimento; no sé cómo saldrá.
 The scientists are experimenting to see if they can find a cure for this disease.
 Los científicos están experimentando para ver si pueden encontrar una cura a esta enfermedad.
(try different things)experimentar
  probar cosas nuevas
 Glenn likes to experiment in the kitchen.
 A Glenn le gusta experimentar en la cocina.
(test things)experimentar con
 The doctor is experimenting with different drug combinations to find the right treatment for the patient.
 El doctor está experimentando con diferentes combinaciones de medicamentos para encontrar el tratamiento adecuado para el paciente.
(use subjects to test [sth])experimentar con, experimentar en
  hacer experimentos con, hacer experimentos en
 Scientists often experiment on animals before giving new drugs to human subjects.
 Los científicos a menudo experimentan con ( experimentan en) animales antes de suministrar los nuevos medicamentos a sujetos humanos.

WordReference English- Spanish Dictionary © 2024:

(try, experience: drugs, etc.)experimentar con
  probar con

(test: information is withheld)experimento ciego
 Se probó la eficacia del nuevo medicamento con un experimento ciego comparándolo con un placebo.
(test [sth] scientifically)llevar a cabo un experimento
(test carried out in a laboratory)experimento de laboratorio
  prueba de laboratorio
 The chemistry exam will consist of a written paper and a laboratory experiment.
 El examen de química constará de un ensayo escrito y un experimento de laboratorio.
(hypothetical study or question)disquisición teórica

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Spanish startup Soletrax creates custom trackers for individual projects

The new Trxone, a single-row tracker with short independently tracked rows that are not subject to the tracking algorithm of the master row. The trackers are manufactured separately for each project.

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From pv magazine Spain

New Spanish startup Soletrax has announced the launch of Trxone, a short single-row tracker that is manufactured for each project and allows independent tracking of the rows, so that they are not subordinated to the tracking algorithm of the master row.

“Having a limited length means it adapts better to the terrain, both in the Z axis and in the X-Y,” the company explains.

The single-row tracker allows independent tracking of the rows, so that plant generation is optimal and some rows are not subordinated to the tracking algorithm of the master row. This tracking optimization is combined with an economy of scale, as only one set of power supply, backup battery, and tracker controller are used for each set of rows. “In short, the best of both worlds: the benefit of single-row with respect to generation and that of multi-row with respect to economies of scale,” the company notes.

Soletrax says it is an “innovative solar tracker, based on optimizing generation, reducing earth movement, improving the GCR (Ground-Coverage Ratio), taking care of back-up systems and minimizing operations and maintenance expenses.” The company explains that “one of the most innovative aspects is the custom design of the products for each of the projects, which allows greater versatility, use, adaptation to the terrain, reduction of shadows, in short, greater efficiency. In addition, they use predictive weather analysis and machine learning to increase energy generation over the life of the plant.”

Its Optitrax controller incorporates algorithms such as 3D backtracking, diffuse radiation response, optimization of split-cell panels, and alerts for various extreme wind, snow, and hail situations.

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DNV Energy has approved the tracker's Calculation Report. Soletrax states that it has already signed a pipeline of projects totaling 4 GW that it will execute between 2024 and 2029 “with an IPP of renowned global prestige.”

Soletrax has also designed Fixone, a fixed structure for PV plants that is “versatile, reliable, competitive and capable of adapting to each project.”

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Pilar Sánchez Molina

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For years and with various levels of success, U.S. news outlets have tried to engage Latinos and Spanish-language audiences with new bureaus abroad , Latino-focused verticals , new products , bilingual storytelling and/or translations . In May, Spain’s El País took a different approach: it launched its own digital edition to cover the United States in Spanish instead of trying to cover a targeted demographic. It’s casting a purposely wide net to reach Latin American and Spanish immigrants, U.S.-born Spanish speakers, non-heritage language learners (like me!), and any other news consumer who wants to get their U.S. news in Spanish.

There are at least 42 million Spanish speakers in the United States. On the heels of the U.S. presidential election, when 36.2 million Latinos are eligible to vote, the audience for Spanish-language news is a mixed bag. Just 24% of all U.S Latino adults prefer to get their news in Spanish compared to 51% in English, according to the Pew Research Center . That number jumps to 47% for Latino immigrants and drops to 3% for U.S. born Latinos. Half (50%) get their news from Hispanic news outlets at least sometimes.

“There isn’t a single ‘Latino’ reader just like there is no single ‘Latino’ vote, nor is there a single way to approach these readers,” said Jan Martínez Ahrens , director of El País América. “We can’t be so presumptuous as to believe that we are going to interest everyone. We will interest some. We’re going to get to know these readers and they’re going to get to know us, too.”

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The U.S. edition operates much like the others with breaking news and enterprise stories about politics, the economy, business, sports, arts and culture, entertainment, immigration, and more. Recent stories include an analysis of a study’s findings that the United States needs seven million immigrants to be able to retire the country’s baby boomers , gun sales skyrocketing among Latinos in the U.S. , a Supreme Court ruling against a Salvadoran man who was apparently denied entry into the country because of his tattoos , and the New York City Mermaid Parade .

El País started as a daily Spanish newspaper in Spain in 1976. It has been methodically expanding from “Spanish news outlet” to “news outlet in Spanish” since it launched El País América in March 2013 to cover Latin America. Its first digital country edition launched in Mexico in 2020, with later editions rolled out in Colombia and Argentina (2022), Chile (2023), along with an English-language homepage with translated stories. Today, each edition is curated with El País stories that are most relevant to readers of each country. It’s always covered the United States in relation to Latin America and Spain, but will now cover the U.S. for an audience here.

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RELATED ARTICLE U.S. Latinos’ news consumption differs depending on their dominant language and birthplace Hanaa' Tameez March 19, 2024 The benefit of having a U.S. edition is two-fold, Martínez said. News consumers in the country will get reliable, high-quality journalism in Spanish and El País can shape its coverage based on what they’re interested in. Readers outside of the country will get reliable, high-quality journalism with the reassurance that they’re hearing from journalists on the ground who really understand the issues at hand.

“The best reader is the one who reads you a lot,” Martínez said. “In this world of clickbait, that’s been forgotten. We have to try to make the readers who read us, read us more and more. It’s not about reaching infinite figures [of metrics], but rather, increasing our reach. You always have to have new readers who come in and refresh your ecosystem of readers.”

El País already has an established base of 11 bilingual correspondents and editors across the United States reporting and writing about the country. U.S. editor-in-chief Inés Santaeulalia is based in New York. Martínez, who has previously worked as an El País correspondent in the U.S. and is now based in Mexico, said he and his team are conscious of not parachuting into communities and the dangers of reporting as outsiders.

“We’re conscious of the fact that not everyone is going to subscribe at once.” Martínez said. “Subscription takes a lot of time and you have to generate a loyalty and [build] a mutual understanding of what your reader likes and what you can offer. The reader has to know you and know what you offer them is what they’re interested in. You never achieve that overnight.”

Photo courtesy of PRISA Media

Cite this article Hide citations

Tameez, Hanaa'. "El País aims for the U.S. with a new, American Spanish-language edition." Nieman Journalism Lab . Nieman Foundation for Journalism at Harvard, 27 Jun. 2024. Web. 28 Jun. 2024.

Tameez, H. (2024, Jun. 27). El País aims for the U.S. with a new, American Spanish-language edition. Nieman Journalism Lab . Retrieved June 28, 2024, from

Tameez, Hanaa'. "El País aims for the U.S. with a new, American Spanish-language edition." Nieman Journalism Lab . Last modified June 27, 2024. Accessed June 28, 2024.

{{cite web     | url =     | title = El País aims for the U.S. with a new, American Spanish-language edition     | last = Tameez     | first = Hanaa'     | work = [[Nieman Journalism Lab]]     | date = 27 June 2024     | accessdate = 28 June 2024     | ref = {{harvid|Tameez|2024}} }}

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Computer Science > Computation and Language

Title: spanish and llm benchmarks: is mmlu lost in translation.

Abstract: The evaluation of Large Language Models (LLMs) is a key element in their continuous improvement process and many benchmarks have been developed to assess the performance of LLMs in different tasks and topics. As LLMs become adopted worldwide, evaluating them in languages other than English is increasingly important. However, most LLM benchmarks are simply translated using an automated tool and then run in the target language. This means that the results depend not only on the LLM performance in that language but also on the quality of the translation. In this paper, we consider the case of the well-known Massive Multitask Language Understanding (MMLU) benchmark. Selected categories of the benchmark are translated into Spanish using Azure Translator and ChatGPT4 and run on ChatGPT4. Next, the results are processed to identify the test items that produce different answers in Spanish and English. Those are then analyzed manually to understand if the automatic translation caused the change. The results show that a significant fraction of the failing items can be attributed to mistakes in the translation of the benchmark. These results make a strong case for improving benchmarks in languages other than English by at least revising the translations of the items and preferably by adapting the tests to the target language by experts.
Subjects: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI)
Cite as: [cs.CL]
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Spanish police dismantle international cocaine smuggling operation

The operation by a specialist unit reveals how a criminal network sought funding from the albanian mafia to finance the entry of 100 kilos of the drug into spain.

Bulent Aslanoglu after his arrest on May 9 for his alleged involvement in the stash of 100 kilos of cocaine discovered in Fuenlabrada, in an image provided by the Bogotá authorities.

Drug trafficking is big business and, as such, it has suppliers, buyers, intermediaries, logisticians, and investors. In recent months, the Spanish National Police have dismantled a complex scheme comprising criminals of various nationalities who had to seek financial help from an Albanian mafia group to pay to smuggle a cache of 100 kilos of cocaine from Ecuador into Spain . Operation Botnia resulted in the seizure of the drugs and the arrest of 10 people in Spain and a further two in Colombia. Among the latter, Bulent Aslanoglu, alias “El Padrino,” a dual Swedish-German national who is considered by the Swedish police to be the former leader of a gang called Södertälje and who was listed as HVT (High Value Target) for his alleged connection with drug trafficking. The Spanish Ministry of the Interior described the operation as an “unprecedented blow to the structure of one of the most powerful international criminal organizations.”

The investigation began just over a year ago, in early 2023, when agents of the Spanish Drugs and Organized Crime Unit (Udyco) detected meetings in Madrid and Málaga between alleged drug traffickers from various organizations. Among them were three old acquaintances of the Spanish security forces. One was Asnaloglu, who was arrested in 2013 in Málaga for his involvement in a shipment of 246 kilos of cocaine seized in France. The other two were the Atrach brothers, French citizens of Moroccan origin and the alleged ringleaders of a gang specializing in the reception and storage of drugs in Spain. The investigations indicated that the three were allegedly organizing the smuggling of large quantities of cocaine from Colombia, a country where Asnaloglu had contacts with producers.

The investigations took a twist at the end of last year, when agents detected the arrival on the scene of Lucien Berisha, the alleged head of an Albanian mafia clan in Spain, and his lieutenant, Kujtim Tanase. According to the investigation, Asnaloglu and the Atrach brothers had contacted them through a Moroccan based on the Costa del Sol , who allegedly played the role of intermediary to obtain financing. Surveillance revealed that after these initial contacts the Albanians began to travel frequently to their home country and the city-emirate of Dubai, which with its 3.4 million inhabitants and very high standard of living has become a sanctuary for drug lords in the last five years.

Investigators suspect that the alleged Albanian criminals were making these trips to inform their bosses in both locations about the possibility of financial participation in the operation. “It was something very similar to a capital increase,” said sources familiar with the investigation. Once the approval of the bosses had been obtained — and despite the arrest in December of Berisha on the orders of the Tirana authorities, who were trying to track him down to serve a 20-year sentence for murder — the various groups involved intensified their meetings, allegedly with the aim of arranging a first shipment of drugs by air from Guayaquil (Ecuador) .

The first phase of the operation took place last April, after the agents detected that four Albanians — residents of Tarragona, Spain, and allegedly members of what in police jargon is known as the “operational arm” of the network — were travelling by car to a warehouse located in an industrial estate in Fuenlabrada (Madrid). The police then decided to blow the operation and arrest them. When the agents raided the premises, the suspects were trying to pack the 100 kilos of cocaine distributed in backpacks into false compartments in two vehicles. Simultaneously, Tanase (who had taken Berisha’s place) and the mediator were arrested in Marbella when they held a meeting, supposedly to coordinate the reception of the drugs and their subsequent distribution to Catalonia and, from there, to Europe.

After that first strike, the Spanish High Court issued eight international arrest warrants for the rest of the identified members of the group. On May 9, Asnaloglu, who was in Colombia to coordinate the operation, and a Colombian alleged to be a member of the group producing the drug, were arrested. A second person of Colombian nationality was also arrested the same day at Madrid-Barajas airport upon landing.

Of the 12 arrested — 10 in Spain and two in Colombia — 11 have been remanded in custody. The last, a woman who allegedly played a secondary role in the scheme, has been released on bail. Two more suspects remain at large. The police believe that this operation, which also involved the seizure of $424,000 in crypto-assets, has dismantled the group’s logistical base in Spain.

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Bundles of cocaine seized in Marbella (Málaga) in 2022.

Don Carlos, the 78-year-old drug trafficker surprised by undercover agents

Laboratorio Droga Cocaina

Inside a drug lab: Trafficking rings import chemists to teach ‘cooks’ how to disguise cocaine

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Acciona consortium lands grid projects to unlock Peru’s renewables

Acciona consortium lands grid projects to unlock Peru’s renewables

A consortium led by Spanish infrastructure builder Acciona SA ( BME:ANA ) has secured a major award for power transmission projects in Peru that will facilitate the development of over 10 GW of renewables in the southern part of the country.

Acciona said on Thursday that the consortium was awarded three concession projects by Peru’s ministry of energy and mining via the state’s government agency Proinversion. These projects will involve building over 400 kilometres (248.5 miles) of transmission lines, constructing six new substations, and modernising six existing ones, with an investment estimated at USD 337 million (EUR 314.4m).

The projects will benefit over one million residents in the Ica and Arequipa regions, while also paving the way for a gigawatt-scale renewables development in these areas, according to Acciona.

The specific sub-projects include construction of new substations, such as Hub Poroma, Colectora, Hub San Jose, Marcona II, San Isidro and Pampa, and various links between them. Each of the three contracts specifies a 50-month period for construction and thirty years of operation and maintenance.

With the latest awards, Acciona has become one of the leading power transmission concessionaires in Peru. The company says it currently has an existing portfolio of four similar projects in the country.

(USD 1.0 = EUR 0.933)

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Sladjana has significant experience as a Spain-focused business news reporter and is now diving deeper into the global renewable energy industry. She is the person to seek if you need information about Latin American renewables and the Spanish market.

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Spain: EIB Group and Spanish Ministry of Economy sign agreement to implement the Regional Resilience Fund

  • Fund to channel Next Generation EU loans to facilitate strategic investments in the Spanish Autonomous Communities.
  • The Ministry has asked the Autonomous Communities to appoint representatives to the governing bodies of the various financial instruments to initiate the selection of projects.
  • The agreement activates a first financing phase up to €3.4 billion.
  • Investments to finance projects in social and affordable housing, urban regeneration, sustainable transport and tourism, energy transition, water and waste management, care sector, research, development and innovation, and industrial and SMEs competitiveness.

The European Investment Bank Group (EIB Group) and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Enterprise of Spain have signed a framework finance agreement to implement the Regional Resilience Fund (in Spanish Fondo de Resiliencia Autonómica). The Fund, led by the Ministry of the Economy and in which the Autonomous Communities will play a key role in the selection of projects to be financed, will spur environmental, and social investments in the Spanish Autonomous Communities, and will channel financing of the Next Generation EU loans under the Spanish Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan.

The Fund’s objective is to facilitate access to financing in the Spanish Autonomous Communities using Next Generation EU loans to develop projects in eight priority areas:  social and affordable housing, urban regeneration, sustainable transport and tourism, energy transition, water and waste management, care sector, research, development and innovation, and the competitiveness of industries and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

The agreement represents a major milestone in the implementation of the loans of the Spanish Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan. The implementation of the Fund will be coordinated between the Ministry of Economy, the Autonomous Communities, and the EIB Group. The Autonomous Communities will participate in the Fund through the Investment Councils,  governing bodies for each of the financial instruments and responsible for monitoring operations.

As a strategic partner for the management of the Fund, the EIB Group, which has extensive experience in financing sustainable investments in the Autonomous Communities, will provide Spain with its technical, economic and financial expertise to ensure the development of high impact projects.

¨The Regional Resilience Fund is a safety net that will facilitate strategic investment of Next Generation EU loans. The EIB will act as a strategic partner, helping to drive the dual green and digital transition in the Autonomous Communities and the overall competitiveness of the Spanish economy," said EIB Director General, Head of EU Lending and Advisory, Jean Christophe Laloux ,

Today’s signature includes a framework agreement among the European Investment Bank (EIB), the European Investment Fund (EIF) and the Kingdom of Spain to launch the Fund. In addition, a first phase of available funding up to €3.4 billion will be activated including:

  • a direct facility to co-finance EIB-supported operations in sectors such as renewable energy, clean transport or sustainable infrastructure
  • an intermediated facility to be invested by financial intermediaries selected by the EIB, to support urban development and sustainable tourism projects
  • two instruments intermediated by the EIF, to be launched in the coming weeks, that will facilitate SME financing in areas such as innovation, sustainability and competitiveness.

The phase approach is a flexible way to adapt finance products to meet market demand and the needs of the Autonomous Communities maximising the impact of the funds.

The EIB Group has a proven record and extensive expertise as implementing partner of EU financing for Member States. Specifically for the Next Generation EU’s loans, the EIB Group is currently an implementing partner for the governments of Greece, Romania and Italy.

In addition, the EIB Group will complement the financing of projects with own resources beyond the Fund itself and will mobilise private investment, having a catalyst effect.

About the EIB Group

The European Investment Bank (ElB) is the long-term lending institution of the European Union, owned by its Member States. It finances sound investment contributing to EU policy objectives . EIB projects bolster competitiveness, drive innovation, promote sustainable development, enhance social and territorial cohesion, and support a just and swift transition to climate neutrality.

The European Investment Fund (EIF) is part of the European Investment Bank Group (EIB Group). Its central mission is to support Europe's micro, small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) by helping them to access finance. The EIF designs and develops venture and growth capital, guarantees and microfinance instruments that specifically target this market segment. In this role, it contributes to the achievement of key EU policy goals such as competitiveness and growth, innovation and digitalisation, social impact, skills and human capital, climate action and environmental sustainability.

The European Investment Bank Group (EIB Group), consisting of the European Investment Bank (EIB) and the European Investment Fund (EIF), reported total financing signatures in Spain of €11.4 billion in 2023, approximately €6.8 billion of which went to climate action and environmental sustainability projects. Worldwide, the EIB Group signed €88 billion in new financing in 2023.

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Spain: sme initiative finances small and medium-sized businesses to the tune of eur 3.2 billion.

The Spanish Ministry of Finance and the Civil Service, the European Commission and the EIB Group presented today in Madrid the results of the “SME Initiative”, a financial instrument which has already generated EUR 3.2 billion worth of financing for small and medium-sized Spanish businesses.

Spain: EIB and Junta de Extremadura sign €225 million loan to finance investment under EU funding programmes

On Friday 10 November, the European Investment Bank (EIB) signed a €225 million framework loan with the Spanish autonomous community of Extremadura to co-finance investment in the region included in the operational programmes of EU cohesion policy funds, particularly the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and European Social Fund Plus (ESF+).

EIB Group financing in Spain increases to almost EUR 9bn in 2019

The EIB Group presented the results of its 2019 activity in Spain today in Madrid. Financing provided by the group in 2019 grew to EUR 8.966bn, a 6% increase compared to the previous year. Spain was the second biggest beneficiary of EIB Group funds among EU countries, with financing going to 92 investment projects in both the public and private sectors. The EU bank offers flexible and attractive financing – in terms of both maturities and interest rates – for investments with a real impact on the economy.

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To celebrate the International Day of Persons with Disabilities on 3 December, the EIB organises a full week of events to promote exchanges on disability inclusion with staff and expert guests. Diversity is the essence of humanity and a core value of the European Union. As the EU bank, we are committed to promote diversity and inclusion in everything we do.

spanish for experiment

Question words in Spanish

Who what when where why and how.

Asking questions in Spanish is quite similar to asking questions in English. It's really just a matter of learning the vocabulary.

Spanish question words

Here are the words to help you solve all the world's mysteries. (At least the mysteries in the Spanish-speaking world.)

The words in square brackets like [this] are optional. (More about that later!)

spanish for experiment

Asking questions without question words!

Just like in English, you can ask a question without using any question words. All you need to do is say it with a rising intonation at the end. (Consider the difference between saying,  "He finished it."  and saying  "He finished it?" )

You'll usually find that if the question includes one of those personal pronouns (you, me, he, she, they, etc) the question will make it move to after the verb, but either way is fine.

spanish for experiment

Differences between Spanish and English questioning

You might have noticed, there are a few differences between asking questions in English and asking questions in Spanish. These are the main differences between Spanish and English:

No auxiliary verbs (hoorah!)

In Spanish you don't need to use words like "do" or "will" (auxiliary verbs). So there's no  "will she come?" , it's just  "she comes?"

The important part is your intonation: Rise at the end of the question, so it doesn't sound like you're just affirming  "yes, she comes."

You can usually leave out the personal pronoun (yay!)

As you saw in the examples above, in Spanish you can often leave the he / she / you / me (personal pronoun) out of the question. So instead of  "You stole my iPod?"  you'd just say  "Stole my iPod?" .

Of course this doesn't make much sense in English, but in Spanish each verb (like "to steal") changes to agree with the personal pronoun (he, she, they, etc).

So you can tell who it's talking about just by looking at the verb, and you don't actually need to say "you". There are a few exceptions to this, and you may need to clarify in some instances, but this is true a lot of the time.

Different word order

In Spanish you'll put a verb immediately after the question word. So instead of  "How do you know?"  it would be more like  "How know you?" . 

Or you could even just say  "How know?"  since the "you" isn't really necessary either.

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Renewco and INDHO Forge New Joint Venture for Green Hydrogen Development in Spain

June 27, 2024 | 2 min read

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Renewco and INDHO Forge New Joint Venture for Green Hydrogen Development in Spain

UK-based  Renewco Power  and Ciudad Real’s  INDHO  have launched Indhyco, a joint venture dedicated to pioneering green hydrogen projects throughout the Spanish market. This collaboration is set to develop projects that are focused on the industrial consumption of green hydrogen, prioritizing efficient production near consumption points and leveraging renewable energy sources.

Indhyco aims to bring 1 GW of green hydrogen projects to the ready-to-build (RTB) stage within the next five years, showcasing a significant commitment to advancing Spain’s hydrogen economy. The venture combines Renewco’s broad expertise in renewable energy project development in Europe and the US with INDHO’s deep-rooted experience and pioneering efforts in Spain’s green hydrogen sector since 2016.

Renewco has been actively expanding its portfolio since its inception in 2021, developing a 5 GW pipeline from 50 projects, including solar, wind, battery storage, and green hydrogen across multiple countries. INDHO’s track record includes the successful advancement of two green hydrogen projects in Spain to the RTB stage, positioning it as a leader in the region’s shift towards renewable energies.

Pedro Perejon, Renewco ’s Business Development Director in Spain, highlighted the strategic importance of this new platform, stating, “This new platform will strengthen Renewco’s position and diversify our existing green hydrogen development strategy in Spain, one of the key regions in what is a fast-growing sector.” He emphasized the value of partnering with Fernando and Ricardo, leaders in the green hydrogen sector in Spain, noting that their extensive experience would provide invaluable insights and accelerate project development.

This joint venture marks a significant step forward in the integration of renewable energy solutions in Spain, aiming to reduce carbon emissions and enhance the sustainability of industrial energy consumption. As Indhyco progresses, it is expected to play a crucial role in shaping the future of energy in Spain and potentially set a benchmark for green hydrogen development in Europe.

Read the most up to date Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Industry news at  FuelCellsWorks

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    transitive verb. 1. (to go through) a. to experience. Experimenté una sensación de mareo en la noria.I experienced a sensation of dizziness on the ferris wheel. b. to suffer. Alfredo experimentó una gran pérdida con la muerte de su madre. Alfredo suffered a great loss with the death of his mother. c. to feel.

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    conduct an experiment v expr. (test [sth] scientifically) llevar a cabo un experimento loc verb. laboratory experiment n. (test carried out in a laboratory) experimento de laboratorio grupo nom. prueba de laboratorio grupo nom. The chemistry exam will consist of a written paper and a laboratory experiment.

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  29. Question words in Spanish

    Spanish question words. Here are the words to help you solve all the world's mysteries. (At least the mysteries in the Spanish-speaking world.) The words in square brackets like [this] are optional. (More about that later!) ¿Quién? Who? (one person) ¿Quién eres [tú]? Who are you?

  30. Renewco And INDHO Forge New Joint Venture For Green Hydrogen

    UK-based Renewco Power and Ciudad Real's INDHO have launched Indhyco, a joint venture dedicated to pioneering green hydrogen projects throughout the Spanish market. This collaboration is set to develop projects that are focused on the industrial consumption of green hydrogen, prioritizing efficient production near consumption points and leveraging renewable energy sources.