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Research Ranks

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Research rank faculty hold a PhD, MD, or equivalent degree. There are three categories of research ranks: Associate Research Scientist (ARS) , Research Scientist (RS) , and Senior Research Scientist (SRS) , as detailed in the Yale Faculty Handbook.

Teaching is not required for these ranks. Persons who are asked to undertake teaching should also be given a teaching appointment as a lecturer . In such circumstances, an appropriate portion of the salary may be paid from a teaching budget; however, for research appointees who are already employed full-time, the total compensation cannot be increased by payment for teaching.

Research rank faculty conduct or oversee research as a skilled or advanced member of a research group, center, or core. Typically support for the position is derived from PI sponsor or research program and there is no expectation, if not otherwise specified by the sponsoring PI, for the research rank faculty to obtain independent funding on which they serve as sole PI.

The career pathway descriptions below for research rank faculty ( Associate Research Scientist [ARS] , Research Scientist [RS] , and Senior Research Scientist [SRS] ) are meant to provide guidance on the hiring and career development of research rank faculty. In practice, however, many research rank faculty engage in activities that are a blend of different activities or that shift over time based on funding and other laboratory or institutional priorities. Advancement in the research ranks may reflect essential contributions and outstanding achievements in a very specific area or across different domains of research.

Areas of Concentration

1. area of concentration : research projects.

Associate Research Scientists (ARS) , Research Scientists (RS) , and Senior Research Scientists (SRS) whose area of concentration is on Research Projects are pursuing longer-term research careers within existing research programs at Yale (not as independent investigators) as well as some who wish to obtain experiences and skillsets for careers in other research-related industries. They typically work on one or more research projects in the laboratory of one or more PIs.

Roles and responsibilities vary but typically involve some combination of project direction, research execution, research staff/trainee training and supervision, leading or assisting in the development of papers for publication and conference presentations, and supporting the preparation of grant applications and reports to funding agencies.

2. Area of Concentration : Research Methods

Associate Research Scientists (ARS) , Research Scientists (RS) , and Senior Research Scientists (SRS) whose area of concentration is in Research Methods play a pivotal role in the laboratory of one (or more) PI or a research core/center. They are often highly skilled experts in the development or utilization of research materials (e.g., specimen, agents, assays, assessments, diagnostics), techniques or technologies. They may serve important roles as biostatisticians, research design consultants, and managers of major laboratory equipment or trainers for use of services.

Their essential, high-level technical or methodological experience promotes the success of multiple investigators within or across sections/divisions/departments and often in support of core facilities and major centers. The contributions of their specialized or consultative expertise within the research team ensures laboratory productivity, delivery of core services, and competitive grant applications.

3. Area of Concentration : Research Administration

Associate Research Scientists (ARS) , Research Scientists (RS) , and Senior Research Scientists (SRS) whose area of concentration is in Research Administration serve a critical administrative and oversight role that requires significant scientific knowledge and expertise. These individuals may be providing expertise in the implementation and management of large grants or numerous research projects within or across sections, departments, centers or institutions. They may serve as the operational director of a research core or administrative director of large center grants or multisite studies.

These are experienced and skilled leaders of scientific personnel and managers of research environments and resources. They oversee critical research infrastructure and provide essential support to faculty scientists and their trainees, students, and staff. The pursuit of one’s own area of research interests is not expected in this pathway. It is anticipated that this pathway would be appropriate for a very limited number of faculty within a department, and that the position would be funded by multiple PIs and/or departmental or school-wide programs.

Research Rank Review and Reappointment Process

There is no limit on the number of reappointments at Associate Research Scientist (ARS) , Research Scientist (RS) , and Senior Research Scientist (SRS) ranks assuming there is PI or other departmental, core/center, or school support for the position. Contributions to the laboratory, center, or field should be evaluated during annual professional development reviews by the PI or center leader.

ARS and RS faculty should be reviewed to determine readiness for promotion at a minimum of 5-year intervals. ARS faculty who have been in rank for 1 year are eligible for renewal of their appointment for terms of up to 3 years contingent on satisfactory performance and available funding for the duration of the proposed term.

Research Rank Promotion Readiness

It is unusual for promotion to occur from Associate Research Scientist (ARS) to Research Scientist (RS) before 3 years or from Research Scientist (RS) to Senior Research Scientist (SRS) before 5 years in the lower rank. Exceptions can occur when there is evidence of extraordinary productivity, achievements, or recognition beyond an individual PI’s laboratory or Yale. Years spent as a staff scientist, research faculty or research administrator at another institution or in industry can factor into the timing of promotion.

At the time of promotion, all activities conducted by the research faculty are considered. Indicators for promotion may vary somewhat as a function of which area of concentration (Research Projects, Methods, or Administration) that best describes their main research focus, but typically include evidence of outstanding contributions to the success of research projects in two or more of the following areas in the prior 5 years:

  • First author publications and scientific presentations
  • Co-Investigator on larger grants or PI/Co-PI on smaller grants (extramural or intramural)
  • Recognition by field for specialized technical, methodological, or scientific expertise, creativity, and/or innovation
  • Recognition by PIs and colleagues for essential contributions to the success of projects, cores, or centers at Yale
  • Evidence of outstanding operational leadership or support of numerous projects and investigators within and/or beyond Yale
  • Significant contributions to the writing of research SOPs, sections of successful grant applications and renewals, and other important reports to funders/sponsors

Research Faculty Transition to Ladder Faculty

There may be instances in which sufficient individual funding and other scientific/scholarly accomplishments merit consideration of the research faculty for a ladder track position. Transitioning of associate research scientists, research scientists or senior research scientists to the ladder ranks requires a national search. Only those who achieve Senior Research Scientist (SRS) status may be considered for targeted appointments to the ladder faculty, most often at the associate professor rank.

Associate Research Scientist

Research scientist, senior research scientist, description:.

This appointment is given to individuals who are engaged in scholarly research in association with a faculty member or as a member of a research group. Such individuals will normally have at least two years of research experience following a PhD (or equivalent), will have demonstrated professional ability in fields related to the work or program of the department or area concerned, and will be expected to contribute to it as a colleague.

Terms for this rank are for one year and renewable without limit.

Appointment to the associate research scientist rank does NOT require an RFP, search, letters of reference, formal review by department faculty, presentation to a YSM A&P committee, the BPO, or the Yale Corporation. Fringe benefits may vary according to the source of salary. Research appointees who are paid from grants should be informed by the principal investigator of any change in the status of the grant as soon as possible after the information becomes available.

Appointment to this rank requires:

  • Non-Yale CV Cover Template with Curriculum Vitae
  • Signed offer letter
  • Workday entry

Reappointment information is summarized on a different webpage, and reappointment to this rank requires:

  • Workday update

This appointment is given to persons who are engaged in scholarly or scientific research as advanced scholars or as senior members of a research group.

Terms for this rank can be for up to three years and renewable without limit.

Appointment to the research scientist rank does NOT require an RFP, search, presentation to a YSM A&P committee, the BPO, or the Yale Corporation. Fringe benefits may vary according to the source of salary. Research appointees who are paid from grants should be informed by the principle investigator of any change in the status of the grant as soon as possible after the information becomes available.

  • Departmental A&P narrative
  • Yale CV2A (part A only) highly recommended
  • Letters of evaluation with referee list template and Chair's letter of solicitation
  • Department Vote
  • OAPD (department chair presentation not needed)

Promotion to this rank requires:

This appointment is appropriate for individuals of high professional attainment, outstanding ability, and critical importance to a major research program.

Term for this rank can be for up to five years and is renewable without limit.

Appointment to the senior research scientist rank does NOT require an RFP or search. Fringe benefits may vary according to the source of the salary. Research appointees who are paid from grants should be informed by the principal investigator of any change in the status of the grant as soon as possible after the information becomes available.

  • Letters of evaluation with referral list template and Chair's letter of solicitation
  • Department vote
  • BPO (department chair presentation not needed)
  • Yale Corporation

Documents & Links

  • Non-Yale CV Cover Template
  • ARS request for longer term

Associate Scientist vs. Scientist: What’s The Difference?

Associate Scientist vs. Scientist: What's The Difference?

  • Updated December 20, 2023
  • Published February 7, 2023

Associate Scientist vs. Scientist – what are the differences? Learn everything you need to know about the differences between an Associate Scientist and a Scientist.

Scientists are typically responsible for the generation of scientific knowledge through research and experimentation. They are also typically involved in designing and conducting experiments, analyzing data, and formulating conclusions and recommendations.

An associate scientist, on the other hand, is usually responsible for assisting a lead scientist in the development, execution, and analysis of experiments. Associate scientists typically require more oversight and direction from the lead scientist than scientists do.

What is an Associate Scientist?

An Associate Scientist is a professional in a scientific field who performs research, experiments, and tests as part of their job responsibilities. They are typically employed by a research laboratory or organization, and they typically report to a principal scientist or other supervisor.

They are expected to perform a wide range of tasks, such as developing new methods, conducting experiments, analyzing data, and writing reports. Associate Scientists may also be involved in teaching or training activities.

What is a Scientist?

A scientist is a person who systematically studies the natural world and performs experiments in order to gain knowledge about it. Scientists use their knowledge to develop theories, test hypotheses, and create technologies that can improve the lives of people.

Associate Scientist vs. Scientist

Below we discuss the main differences between the job duties, job requirements, and work environment of an Associate Scientist and a Scientist.

Associate Scientist vs. Scientist Job Duties

The job duties of an Associate Scientist typically involve assisting senior scientists in their research projects. This may include conducting experiments, collecting and analyzing data, and presenting results.

Associate Scientists may also be responsible for maintaining laboratory equipment and ensuring that experiments are conducted in compliance with industry standards and protocols. They may work with teams and collaborate with other scientists to ensure that projects are completed efficiently and effectively.

The job duties of a Scientist are more extensive and include leading complex research projects. Scientists are responsible for the design, execution, and analysis of experiments. They must have a deep understanding of their field and be able to analyze data independently and make informed decisions based on their findings.

Scientists must also effectively communicate their results to both technical and non-technical audiences, including upper management and stakeholders. They may also mentor junior scientists and lead teams of researchers. In addition, Scientists may be responsible for writing grant proposals and publishing research papers in peer-reviewed journals.

In conclusion, while both Associate Scientists and Scientists play important roles in laboratory and research settings in the technology industry, their job duties differ.

Associate Scientists typically assist senior scientists in their research projects, while Scientists lead complex research projects, analyze data, and communicate results.

Both roles involve conducting experiments and analyzing data, but the level of responsibility and complexity of tasks can vary depending on the role.

Related :  Associate Scientist vs. Research Associate: What’s The Difference?

Associate Scientist vs. Scientist Job Requirements

To become an Associate Scientist, an individual typically needs to have a Bachelor’s degree in a relevant field, such as biology, chemistry, or physics. They may also have experience working in a laboratory or research setting and possess strong analytical and critical thinking skills.

Associate Scientists must be able to effectively communicate their findings and results, both in written and oral form. They should be comfortable working with teams and be able to follow instructions and protocols accurately.

To become a Scientist, an individual typically needs to have a Master’s or Ph.D. degree in a relevant field and several years of experience in the industry. Scientists must possess a deep understanding of their field and be able to independently lead complex research projects. They must have strong critical thinking skills, be able to analyze complex data sets and be able to make informed decisions based on their findings.

Scientists must also be able to effectively communicate their findings and results to both technical and non-technical audiences, including upper management and stakeholders. In addition, Scientists may be expected to mentor junior scientists and lead teams of researchers.

In conclusion, while both Associate Scientists and Scientists play important roles in laboratory and research settings in the technology industry, the job requirements for each role differ. Associate Scientists typically need a Bachelor’s degree and experience working in a laboratory or research setting, while Scientists typically need a Master’s or Ph.D. degree and several years of experience in the industry.

Both roles require strong analytical and critical thinking skills, as well as effective communication skills, but the level of responsibility and complexity of tasks can vary depending on the role.

Related :  Principal Scientist vs. Associate Director – What’s The Difference?

Associate Scientist vs. Scientist Work Environment

In the technology industry, Associate Scientists and Scientists both work in laboratory and research settings, but the work environment for each role can differ.

Associate Scientists typically work in a team setting, with other scientists and technicians, under the guidance of a senior scientist. Their work environment is fast-paced and dynamic, with a focus on conducting experiments, analyzing data, and presenting results. Associate Scientists may work long hours and be expected to meet tight deadlines, but they also benefit from close collaboration with colleagues and the opportunity to learn from more experienced professionals.

Scientists, on the other hand, often lead research projects and mentor junior scientists. Their work environment is focused on strategic decision-making, critical thinking, and problem-solving.

Scientists must be able to work independently, as well as collaborate with a team, and may spend a significant amount of time communicating with stakeholders and presenting results to upper management. Scientists may also have more opportunities for international travel, attending conferences, and collaborating with scientists in other countries.

In conclusion, while both Associate Scientists and Scientists work in laboratory and research settings in the technology industry, the work environment for each role can differ.

Associate Scientists work in a fast-paced, team-oriented environment, with a focus on conducting experiments and analyzing data. Scientists lead research projects, make critical decisions, and have more opportunities for strategic thinking and international collaboration.

Both roles offer unique challenges and opportunities, but the work environment for each role can vary depending on the responsibilities and tasks required.

Associate Scientist vs. Scientist Skills

In the technology industry, Associate Scientists and Scientists both play important roles in conducting research and development, but the required job skills for each role can vary.

Associate Scientists typically have a strong background in science or engineering, as well as experience in conducting research and development projects. They may have a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in a relevant field and typically have several years of experience in a laboratory setting.

The main job skills required for Associate Scientists include technical knowledge, problem-solving skills, and the ability to work in a team. They must also be able to communicate their findings effectively and maintain accurate records of their work.

Scientists, on the other hand, typically have a Ph.D. or advanced degree in a relevant field, as well as extensive experience in conducting research and development projects. They have a deep understanding of their field and are responsible for leading research projects, mentoring junior scientists, and making critical decisions that impact the direction of their research.

The main job skills required for Scientists include advanced technical knowledge, leadership skills, problem-solving skills, and the ability to communicate effectively with both technical and non-technical audiences.

In conclusion, while both Associate Scientists and Scientists play important roles in conducting research and development in the technology industry, the required job skills for each role can vary.

Associate Scientists are typically entry-level or early-career professionals with a strong technical background, while Scientists are more senior professionals with advanced degrees and extensive experience in their field.

Both roles require technical knowledge, problem-solving skills, and the ability to communicate effectively, but Scientists also need to have strong leadership skills and the ability to guide and mentor junior scientists.

Associate Scientist vs. Scientist Salary

In the technology industry, the salary for Associate Scientists and Scientists can vary widely based on several factors, including the size and type of organization, location, industry, and years of experience.

On average, Associate Scientists in the technology industry can expect to earn a salary in the range of $60,000 to $100,000 per year, although this can vary greatly depending on the specific role and responsibilities within the company.

Associate Scientists with a strong technical background and several years of experience may earn higher salaries, as can those working in high-demand areas such as biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, and research and development.

Scientists, on the other hand, can expect to earn a higher salary due to their more extensive experience and greater responsibility within the company. On average, Scientists in the technology industry can expect to earn a salary in the range of $100,000 to $150,000 per year, although this can also vary widely depending on the specific role and responsibilities within the company.

Scientists with exceptional research skills, a strong technical background, and several years of experience may earn even higher salaries.

In conclusion, the salary for Associate Scientists and Scientists in the technology industry can vary widely based on several factors, including the size and type of organization, location, industry, and years of experience. However, on average, Scientists can expect to earn a higher salary due to their more extensive experience and greater responsibility within the company.

Related :  Senior Scientist Interview Questions & Answers

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  • Associate Scientist vs. Research Associate: What’s The Difference?
  • Principal Scientist vs. Associate Director – What’s The Difference?
  • Junior Associate vs. Senior Associate: What’s The Difference?
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Associate Research Scientist Job Description

Associate research scientist duties & responsibilities.

To write an effective associate research scientist job description, begin by listing detailed duties, responsibilities and expectations. We have included associate research scientist job description templates that you can modify and use.

Sample responsibilities for this position include:

Associate Research Scientist Qualifications

Qualifications for a job description may include education, certification, and experience.

Licensing or Certifications for Associate Research Scientist

List any licenses or certifications required by the position: AALAS, ASR, ASCP, ACLS, MT, PMP, CLS, HTL, HT

Education for Associate Research Scientist

Typically a job would require a certain level of education.

Employers hiring for the associate research scientist job most commonly would prefer for their future employee to have a relevant degree such as Master's and Bachelor's Degree in Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Engineering, Science, Education, Molecular Biology, Biochemistry, Electrical Engineering, Technical

Skills for Associate Research Scientist

Desired skills for associate research scientist include:

Desired experience for associate research scientist includes:

Associate Research Scientist Examples

  • Microsoft Word (.docx) .DOCX
  • PDF Document (.pdf) .PDF
  • Image File (.png) .PNG
  • Collaborate internally to contribute to the group's mission in neuropsychiatric research
  • Identify and evaluate new bioprocess technologies
  • Participate in process technology transfer activities, from the bench to the manufacturing site
  • Identify and utilise appropriate analytical techniques
  • Effectively communicate findings to multi-disciplinary Process Development Teams
  • Excellent reporting and written communication skills, necessary for the provision of accurate and traceable documentation required to support drug development and regulatory filings
  • Execute preclinical experiments to assess the efficacy and pharmacokinetic/ pharmacodynamics of novel drugs to treat hemophilia or sickle cell disease
  • Build novel (mouse) models and execute experiments to explore novel targets and or proof of biology
  • Deliver data to support preclinical project milestones and publication goals
  • Maintains a specialist knowledge of one area of safety assessment
  • Three years in a supervisory role (any combination of supervision of laboratory personnel, mentoring/training of undergraduate/graduate students, medical students, teaching)
  • Experience with a variety of information management tools
  • Comfortable in a fast-paced small company environment
  • Experience with relevant diagnostic technologies, particularly multiplex EIA and ELISPOT
  • Hands-on expertise culturing of cell lines and primary cells (human T cells and/or PBMCs highly desirable)
  • A desire to meticulously execute bench work
  • Lead and execute validation and impact studies
  • Execute clinical tests flawlessly in the clinical research center through following clinical testing protocol
  • Conduct clinical testing with bioinstrumentation on human subjects
  • Collect instrumentation data and data analysis/image analysis for clinical studies
  • Prepare clinical test protocols, obtaining IRB approval and informed consent for clinical studies, and reports as needed
  • Manage clinical instruments, supplies and maintenance
  • Provide technical support to internal/external customers when needed
  • Providing scientific and technical support to customers and collaborators
  • Lab Method stewardship and assay development for Capillary Electrophoresis–Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate (CE-SDS), capillary isoelectric focusing (CIEF), imaged capillary CIEF (iCIEF)
  • Exercise initiative within QC Lab and stewardship such as sample coordination, lab equipment maintenance, QC document management, QC inventory control and reconciliation of sample requests/documents as needed
  • Self-motivated and adaptable mindset
  • PhD degree with major in process / chemical engineering or process technology
  • Oversea study experience will be a plus
  • Hands-on experience in modeling or simulation of complex chemical processes will be a plus
  • You have earned a PhD degree in chemistry with strong background in polymer synthesis
  • Fresh PhD with oversea study background or experienced with at least three years’ working experience in the field of polymer system dispersion will be preferred
  • Monitor laboratory instrumentation for temperature and conformance to specifications
  • You will work independently within the QC laboratory, and apply scientific rigor to your everyday biochemistry tasks
  • Recombinant protein expression
  • Fermentation process development to improve process robustness and performance by suggesting and implementing process improvements
  • Identifying and evaluating new technologies for fermentation processes
  • Participating in strain, process, and cost efficiency improvement efforts
  • Execute experiments and monitor processes to ensure consistency and reliability
  • Develop and maintain work plans and schedules to meet project timelines, process improvement initiatives
  • Drive the development and validation strategy for all analytical methods necessary for commercialization of pharmaceutical products
  • Partnering with regional instructional design teams to develop a global assessment and evaluation strategy
  • Intermediate proficiency with Microsoft Office products, including Project (or other project management software), Word, Excel, Adobe Acrobat, the Internet and Outlook required
  • Diagnostic Information
  • Be interested in R&D and can work stably in research for at least 3-5 years
  • Be comfortable working in an international and interdisciplinary team and be keen to expand your area of expertise
  • Good written and spoken English, command of Chinese is not necessary
  • With at least 6 years’ experience of conducting scientific experiments in chemical labs (including PhD period) or at least 1 year’s international experience in polymer related R&D in industry or during postdoc will be considered as candidate for research scientist
  • Developing capability to create valid tests within our global training teams
  • Leading development of assessments that measure skills, training readiness, and work readiness of new associates during pre-hire, training, and post-training activities
  • Guiding development of assessment and evaluation instruments that support emerging strategic training initiatives
  • Validating assessments linked to associate selection, retention, or advancement with input from Operations, Legal, HR, and Knowledge Management stakeholders
  • Routinely act as the project leader on multiple projects, interacts with clients, reviews and evaluates data, writes reports and protocols
  • Document research results by technical reports and external publications
  • Work with supervisor to design, execute and troubleshoot experiments and to analyze and interpret results
  • Document and communicate experimental results clearly and concisely
  • Due to the demands of maintaining healthy human pluripotent stem cell cultures, weekend work will be required
  • Develop biochemical and cell biology assays for efficacy and mechanism evaluation of novel biotherapeutics
  • Research experience abroad is an asset
  • Excellent communication skills English in spoken and written form
  • If you are willing to accept local contract and willing to work in Shanghai, all the nationalities are welcomed
  • Minimum of 6 months of relevant experience in industry or an academic setting in formulations or analytical R&D
  • Proven ability to conduct analytical tests according to SOP's in compliance with FDA regulations
  • Competent hands on laboratory skills, including proficiency in wet chemistry or analytical laboratory equipment including HPLC, dissolution
  • Culturing, engineering, and assaying mammalian cells
  • Plan and execute experiments independently
  • Support the daily activities of the Protein Therapeutics group
  • Helping to advise more than 8 Ph.D
  • Development of next-generation, very large-scale recording and stimulation electronics for observing and manipulating brain activities
  • Developing fabrication strategies for biocompatible materials to be used in the central nervous system
  • Designing and implementing software for analysing signals recorded from the brain
  • Guiding and oversight of animal related work in the laboratory
  • Testing our custom-built electronics in animals
  • Bachelor Degree in Microbiology or related scientific discipline with 3 to 7 years of experience in pharmaceutical microbiology
  • Ability to maintain a healthy work/life balance in spite of work commitments
  • Be proficient in immune cell isolation
  • Have experience with assay development -
  • Have experience with in vivo work, such as dosing via different routes
  • BS/MS in life sciences discipline with at least 2-3 years laboratory experience
  • Excellent written and oral communication skills, proven ability to work independently in a team environment

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Associate Scientist vs. Research Associate: What Are the Differences?

Learn about the two careers and review some of the similarities and differences between them.

an associate research scientist

If you’re interested in a career in science, you may be wondering what the difference is between an associate scientist and a research associate. Both of these positions require a high level of education and skills in research and data analysis. However, there are some key differences between the two, which are important to consider when choosing a career path. In this article, we discuss the similarities and differences between an associate scientist and a research associate, and we provide tips for choosing the right career for you.

What is an Associate Scientist?

Associate Scientists conduct research in a laboratory setting to develop new products or processes or to improve existing ones. They work in a variety of industries, such as pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, environmental science and food science. Associate Scientists use scientific methods and equipment to conduct experiments, collect data and analyze results. They document their findings in reports and presentations to share with colleagues, managers or clients. They may also be responsible for training other scientists or technicians on new procedures or equipment.

What is a Research Associate?

Research Associates conduct research in a wide variety of fields in order to develop new products or solve problems. They work in laboratories and offices, often using computers to record and analyze data. They use their research findings to develop new theories or to support or refute existing theories. Research Associates typically have a bachelor’s degree in a scientific discipline, although some jobs may require a master’s degree or higher. They must be able to clearly communicate their findings to others, either in writing or verbally.

Associate Scientist vs. Research Associate

Here are the main differences between an associate scientist and a research associate.

Research associates and associate scientists share some of their job duties. These professional roles help scientists conduct experiments, record data and analyze results. However, there are differences in the tasks each of these professionals perform. Associate scientists typically have more responsibility within a laboratory setting. They assist senior scientists with designing experiments and conducting research but don’t usually make decisions about an experiment’s design or implementation.

Research associates support scientist by performing administrative tasks that allow the lab to function smoothly. They may organize and store scientific data or manage a lab’s budget. Associates also communicate with other employees outside of the laboratory, such as colleagues in other departments or PAs who schedule experiments.

Job Requirements

Associate scientists typically need to have a bachelor’s degree in a scientific field, such as biology, chemistry or physics. They might also need to have experience working in a laboratory setting. Research associates usually need to have a master’s degree in a scientific field. They might also need to have experience working in a research capacity.

Work Environment

Research associates and associate scientists typically work in laboratories, where they perform experiments and analyze data. They may also travel to different locations to collect samples for testing or visit clients’ facilities to provide advice on how to improve their processes. Associate scientists often spend more time working with clients than research associates do because of the nature of their jobs.

Research associates usually work in a laboratory setting, but some may occasionally travel to meet with clients. Research associates who work in pharmaceutical companies may travel to hospitals to administer drugs to patients.

Both associate scientists and research associates use scientific skills in their jobs. This includes skills like data analysis, mathematical modeling and statistical analysis. They also both need to be able to develop hypotheses, design experiments and collect data.

However, there are some differences in the specific skills that each of these professionals uses. Associate scientists tend to focus more on the laboratory side of things, so they need to be skilled in using lab equipment and performing various types of tests. Research associates, on the other hand, may spend more time working with computers, so they need to be skilled in using various software programs. They also may need to have strong writing skills to prepare reports of their findings.

The average salary for an associate scientist is $75,799 per year, while the average salary for a research associate is $65,171 per year. Both of these salaries can vary depending on the type of research you’re doing, the company you work for and the level of experience you have.

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Average Associate Research Scientist Salary

The average salary for an Associate Research Scientist is $70,461 in 2024

Featured Content

What is the pay by experience level for associate research scientists .

An entry-level Associate Research Scientist with less than 1 year experience can expect to earn an average total compensation (includes tips, bonus, and overtime pay) of $61,098 based on 134 salaries. An early career Associate Research Scientist with 1-4 years of experience earns an average total compensation of $68,331 based …Read more

What Do Associate Research Scientists Do?

An associate research scientist helps design and implement research projects, which includes analyzing information for those projects. They may perform different laboratory tests and analyze project information; the research may include medical testing with laboratory equipment. These scientists help store project data and must be good at organizing the data and information that is part of the research. They also need to be able to communicate about results and data with other supervisors and …Read more

  • Follow experimental protocols and document results.
  • Create standard operating procedures and other documentation.
  • Supervise interns, students, or junior staff members.
  • Maintain laboratory space and equipment, including basic maintenance and troubleshooting.
  • Analyze data and present findings in team meetings.

How do Associate Research Scientists Rate Their Jobs?

Common health benefits for a associate research scientist, gender breakdown for associate research scientists.


FAQs About Associate Research Scientists

What is the highest pay for associate research scientists.

Our data indicates that the highest pay for an Associate Research Scientist is $97k / year

What is the lowest pay for Associate Research Scientists?

Our data indicates that the lowest pay for an Associate Research Scientist is $50k / year

How can Associate Research Scientists increase their salary?

Increasing your pay as an Associate Research Scientist is possible in different ways. Change of employer: Consider a career move to a new employer that is willing to pay higher for your skills. Level of Education: Gaining advanced degrees may allow this role to increase their income potential and qualify for promotions. Managing Experience: If you are an Associate Research Scientist that oversees more junior Associate Research Scientists, this experience can increase the likelihood to earn more.

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What is an associate research scientist and how to become one

An associate research scientist is an individual who assists in conducting research experiments, analyzing data, and presenting findings. They work in a variety of fields, including healthcare and academia. Associate research scientists typically have a master's or Ph.D. degree in their field of study and work under the supervision of a principal investigator or higher-level researcher. Their duties may include preparing research proposals, collecting and organizing data, performing statistical analysis, and preparing reports or publications.

How long does it takes to become an associate research scientist?

It typically takes 9-11 years to become an associate research scientist:

  • Years 1-4: Obtaining a Bachelor's degree in a relevant field, such as biology, chemistry, or physics.
  • Years 5-8: Pursuing a Doctoral degree in a related field, such as biochemistry, molecular biology, or neuroscience.
  • Years 9-10: Accumulating the necessary work experience in research and development, lab work, and data analysis.
  • Year 11: Completing 1-2 years of on-site or on-the-job training in a research setting.

Avg. Salary $72,409

Avg. Salary $59,228

Growth Rate 17 %

Growth Rate 0.3 %

American Indian and Alaska Native 0.15 %

Asian 29.06 %

Black or African American 6.19 %

Hispanic or Latino 9.38 %

Unknown 4.05 %

White 51.17 %

female 41.57 %

male 58.43 %

American Indian and Alaska Native 3.00 %

Asian 7.00 %

Black or African American 14.00 %

Hispanic or Latino 19.00 %

White 57.00 %

female 47.00 %

male 53.00 %

Stress level is manageable

Complexity Level is advanced

7 - challenging

Work Life balance is fair

What are the pros and cons of being an Associate Research Scientist?

Opportunity to contribute to cutting-edge research

Chance to work with and learn from established scientists

Potential for career advancement and growth

Possibility of making significant discoveries

Intellectual stimulation and challenge

Long hours and intense workloads

High pressure to produce results

Limited autonomy and independence in research direction

Limited job security and funding uncertainty

Competitive job market with limited available positions

Associate Research Scientist career paths

Associate research scientists often move on to roles like research scientists, scientists, or senior research associates. They can also transition into management positions like project managers or quality managers. Some associate research scientists go on to work in academia, becoming assistant professors.

Key steps to become an associate research scientist

Explore associate research scientist education requirements.

The educational requirements for an associate research scientist are typically a doctorate degree, with a master's degree being the second most common requirement. According to Dr. Richard Knight , Teaching Professor, Associate Department Head, and Undergraduate Advisor at Drexel University's Department of Materials Science and Engineering, "A significant number of MSE majors do, however, pursue a broad range of minors in addition to their MSE major. Popular minors include Chemistry, Business, Nuclear Engineering, and other Engineering disciplines." This suggests that a diverse educational background can be beneficial for aspiring associate research scientists.

Most common associate research scientist degrees



Start to develop specific associate research scientist skills

Associate research scientists need coding skills, usually in Python, and quantitative problem-solving skills. They should also be able to write, speak, and present clearly, as well as work as part of a team. According to Fronefield Crawford , Professor at Franklin and Marshall College's Department of Physics and Astronomy, "probably the two biggest skills that one graduates with that are immediately applicable are coding skills (usually Python) and quantitative problem solving skills."

Data Analysis6.41%
Cell Culture5.34%
Molecular Biology5.02%

Complete relevant associate research scientist training and internships

Research associate research scientist duties and responsibilities.

Associate research scientists perform a variety of responsibilities. They develop computational models, isolate and examine receptors, and maintain laboratory equipment. They also manage instrument scheduling, prepare analytical methods, and conduct data collection. According to Glenn Starkman , Distinguished University Professor and Co-chair at the Department of Physics, Case Western Reserve University, "For students planning to head off to graduate school, what really counts is sustained and meaningful research in collaboration with faculty. For students looking for work, it is harder to determine what's needed. Anecdotally, what seems to matter is obtaining, and better yet, creating opportunities instead of only doing what is expected of you, and thereby doing new things that will set you apart from other job candidates."

  • Manage sample inventory via in-house laboratory information management system (LIMS) and implement additional systems for sample and chemical organization.
  • Select anti-IgE antibodies that block the binding of IgE to receptor using solid-phase panning and ELISA.
  • Develop ELISA's for quantifying IGF-1 in serum and determining antibody levels in porcine and bovine serum.
  • Improve sequence throughput by a factor of four by streamlining DNA template purification protocols and incorporating new magnetic bead technology.

Prepare your associate research scientist resume

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You can use Zippia's AI resume builder to make the resume writing process easier while also making sure that you include key information that hiring managers expect to see on an associate research scientist resume. You'll find resume tips and examples of skills, responsibilities, and summaries, all provided by Zippi, your career sidekick.

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Associate Research Scientist Resume

Apply for associate research scientist jobs

Now it's time to start searching for an associate research scientist job. Consider the tips below for a successful job search:

  • Browse job boards for relevant postings
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Average associate research scientist salary

The average Associate Research Scientist salary in the United States is $72,409 per year or $35 per hour. Associate research scientist salaries range between $49,000 and $104,000 per year.

What Am I Worth?

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Associate research scientist reviews.


Science of observation

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Updated June 25, 2024

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The Zippia Research Team has spent countless hours reviewing resumes, job postings, and government data to determine what goes into getting a job in each phase of life. Professional writers and data scientists comprise the Zippia Research Team.

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  • Associate Research Scientist

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an associate research scientist

Associate Research Scientist

Columbia University’s Department of Biomedical Informatics, is seeking a qualified candidate with interest in translational (research-to-practice) and implementation research with an emphasis on technology-based interventions. The qualified candidate will participate in  IRB -approved research studies to promote informed/shared decision-making on risk-stratified breast cancer prevention, integration of clinical decision support and patient decision aids, understanding technology adoption, work processes and practices, and innovative approaches to complex informatics implementation problems. Our  NIH  funded research is conducted by an interdisciplinary research team and builds on the strength of the resource-rich environment at Columbia University and the Columbia University Medicine Center ( CUMC ). The qualified candidate will be co-mentored by Dr. Rita Kukafka (Professor of Biomedical Informatics and Sociomedical Sciences) and Dr. Kathy Crew (Associate Professor of Medicine and Epidemiology).

This position is enabled by  NIH  funded research.

Requires doctorate degree or equivalent in Biomedical or Health informatics, Implementation Science, Public Health, or related fields.

Candidate should: Have strong project management skills; Have experience with computer programming in popular languages such as Python or Java; Have experience in implementation science research, evaluation, and mixed methods research designs; Have outstanding written and oral communications skills; Have experience with statistical analysis; computational and/or mathematical models.

If you are interested in applying for this position, please use link provided  http://pa334.peopleadmin.com/postings/2358 and submit an application for the position of Associate Research Scientist. Job Requisition Number 0000342.

Columbia University is an Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action Employer.

an associate research scientist

Associate Research Scientist Salary in the United States

Associate research scientist salary.

How much does an Associate Research Scientist make in the United States? The average Associate Research Scientist salary in the United States is $65,179 as of July 29, 2024, but the salary range typically falls between $58,661 and $79,257 . Salary ranges can vary widely depending on many important factors, including education , certifications, additional skills, the number of years you have spent in your profession. With more online, real-time compensation data than any other website, Salary.com helps you determine your exact pay target.

Percentile Salary Location Last Updated
10th Percentile Associate Research Scientist Salary $52,727 US July 29, 2024
25th Percentile Associate Research Scientist Salary $58,661 US July 29, 2024
50th Percentile Associate Research Scientist Salary $65,179 US July 29, 2024
75th Percentile Associate Research Scientist Salary $79,257 US July 29, 2024
90th Percentile Associate Research Scientist Salary $92,073 US July 29, 2024


Leidos - San Antonio, TX



University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources - Davis, CA

AI Research Scientist - New York- Global Quant Firm

Oxford Knight - New York, NY

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an associate research scientist

  • RESEARCH SCIENTIST II - RADIOFREQUENCY HEALTH EFFECTS Leidos - San Antonio, TX Description. Looking for an opportunity to make an impact. Unleash your potential. at Leidos. where we deliver innovative solutions through the efforts of ... - 4 Days Ago
  • PROJECT SCIENTIST WITH CALIFORNIA INSTITUTE FOR WATER RESOURCES (PROJECT SCIENTIST, ASSISTANT-ASSOCIATE RANK-REPRESENTED) 24-06 University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources - Davis, CA Project Scientist with California Institute for Water Resources (Project Scientist, Assistant-Associate Rank-Represented) 24-06. University of California A... - 2 Days Ago
  • AI Research Scientist - New York- Global Quant Firm Oxford Knight - New York, NY Salary. up to $250k + bonus. Summary. Leading HFT fund looking for motivated research scientists with a demonstrated ability to apply machine learning to a... - Just Posted
  • AI Research Scientist - NYC- Leading Global Prop Trading Firm Oxford Knight - New York, NY Salary. up to $300,000 USD base + annual bonus. Summary. Exciting opportunity to work at one of the world's leading prop trading firms with offices across ... - Just Posted

Career Path for this job

0 - 2 years experience Bachelor's Degree

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Instructional technology specialist.

2 - 4 years experience Bachelor's Degree

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Regeneron Careers

Associate Scientist- DNA Core

  • Tarrytown, New York, United States of America
  • Research & Preclinical Development

Job Description

We are seeking a collaborative and motivated Associate Scientist to join the DNA Core. Our group provides Regeneron laboratories with services vital for conducting scientific research, including plasmid preparation and purification.

As an Associate Scientist, a typical day might include:

Expanding E.coli cultures to various scales with an array of growth medias/conditions

Purifying plasmids, bacterial artificial chromosomes, and viral vectors

Stamping Sanger and Long Read sequencing assays for construct confirmations/mutation screenings

Sorting, labeling, storing, and shipping of sample preps/plasmid aliquot requests using automated platforms

Using database portals to ensure smooth and efficient workflow processes

Operating liquid handlers, high throughput spectrophotometers, and stand-alone plasmid extraction platforms

Carrying out technology development

This role may be for you if:

You are interested in high throughput sample processing for therapeutic focus areas/technology centers across

You are looking to contribute to technology development by conducting experiments leading to process improvement

In order to be considered for this role, you must have at least a BS/MS and 0-3 years of relevant experience. We need someone who is able to troubleshoot technical issues and be able to clearly communicate with other team members. Must have experience with high throughput printing. Must have previous hands-on experience working in a research lab. Computer science background and familiarity with automation technology is strongly preferred. Familiarity with filter and bead-based plasmid purification, bacterial transformation, and liquid handling systems such as Tecan Fluent are highly desired skills.

Does this sound like you? Apply now to take your first step towards living the Regeneron Way! We have an inclusive and diverse culture that provides comprehensive benefits, which often include (depending on location) health and wellness programs, fitness centers, equity awards, annual bonuses, and paid time off for eligible employees at all levels!

Regeneron is an equal opportunity employer and all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion or belief (or lack thereof), sex, nationality, national or ethnic origin, civil status, age, citizenship status, membership of the Traveler community, sexual orientation, disability, genetic information, familial status, marital or registered civil partnership status, pregnancy or parental status, gender identity, gender reassignment, military or veteran status, or any other protected characteristic in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. The Company will also provide reasonable accommodation to the known disabilities or chronic illnesses of an otherwise qualified applicant for employment, unless the accommodation would impose undue hardship on the operation of the Company's business.

For roles in which the hired candidate will be working in the U.S., the salary ranges provided are shown in accordance with U.S. law and apply to U.S.-based positions. For roles which will be based in Japan and/or Canada, the salary ranges are shown in accordance with the applicable local law and currency. If you are outside the U.S, Japan or Canada, please speak with your recruiter about salaries and benefits in your location.

Please note that certain background checks will form part of the recruitment process. Background checks will be conducted in accordance with the law of the country where the position is based, including the type of background checks conducted. The purpose of carrying out such checks is for Regeneron to verify certain information regarding a candidate prior to the commencement of employment such as identity, right to work, educational qualifications etc.

Salary Range (annually)


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Seeking a few Senior Scientists, Research Scientists, Postdoctoral Researchers or Research Associates (W24140)

  • Japanese Page

Nanophotonic Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics Research Team , RIKEN Center for Quantum Computing (Team Leader: Takao Aoki)

Research Field

The missions of RIKEN Center for Quantum Computing (RQC) are to deepen our understandings of quantum mechanics and quantum information, develop techniques for quantum control and measurement, build quantum computing hardware and software, and explore novel applications. We promote basic research on quantum information science and contribute to society through quantum technology.

This research team study cavity quantum electrodynamics (QED) based on nanophotonic devices. A cavity QED system is a hybrid system with photons and atoms confined in an optical cavity, and it is an ideal interface between atomic and photonic qubits. We develop novel nanophotonic devices, such as optical nanofiber cavities, and construct cavity QED systems. Based on such systems, we will aim to realize scalable quantum technologies.

Job title and Job description

Senior Scientist, Research Scientist, Postdoctoral Researcher or Research Associate a few positions

In general, those who earned a doctoral degree more than 5 years ago and have excellent achievements and abilities will be appointed as Senior Scientist, those who earned a doctoral degree more than 5 years ago will be appointed as Research Scientist, those who earned a doctoral degree within the past 5 years will be appointed as Postdoctoral Researcher, or doctoral degree not yet obtained will be appointed as a Research Associate.

Job description

Research on optical fiber devices and nanophotonic devices, and quantum optics and quantum electronics using these devices.

The job description may be changed during the contract period or upon contract renewal to the extent described above.


The candidate should possess a doctoral degree or be expected to obtain a doctoral degree by the date of hire or aim to obtain a doctoral degree.

Work location

RIKEN Wako (2-1 Hirosawa, Wako, Saitama 351-0198)

RIKEN has implemented a work-from-home system. Employees can work from home in accordance with the prescribed procedures. RIKEN may order the employee to change work locations, if necessary.

Salary and benefits

  • 1. A one-year fixed-term employment contract, renewable based on evaluation, Senior Scientist or Research Scientist may be reappointed for a period of up to seven years from the date of hire and Postdoctoral Researcher or Research Associate maybe reappointed for a period of up to five years from the date of hire.
  • 2. RIKEN may adjust the above maximum period of renewability based on a) the employee’s abilities, workload at the time of contract completion, performance and work attitude and b) the continuation of the employee’s center, laboratory or project and RIKEN’s management situation and budget at the time. In principle, employment contracts will not be renewed for individuals older than 70 years.
  • 3. When the Employee's research is scheduled to be reviewed in employee's 4 year at RIKEN, and when it is concluded that there is reason* to believe it will be difficult for the research (or technology development) to be continued, the employment contract will not be renewed for 6 year. (*The reason may relate to the Employee's abilities, performance and/or work attitude.)

In principle, the first two months of employment is considered a trial period. Salary will be an annual salary based on experience, ability, and performance, and will consist of a base salary and a variable salary. The variable salary will be determined each fiscal year based on experience, ability, and performance. The monthly base salary is 433,800~484,100 JPY as of April 1, 2024 for Senior Scientist, 361,000~456,800 JPY for Research Scientist, 305,100 JPY for Postdoctoral Researcher, 248,700 JPY for Research Associate. The monthly base salary and variable salary are subject to change due to amendments to RIKEN regulations. Discretionary work, commuting and housing allowances will be provided. Social insurance will be applied.

The approximate amount of annual salary at the time of employment: The monthly salary including discretionary work allowance at the time of employment will be 750,000 JPY or more for Senior Scientist, 650,000 JPY or more for Research Scientist, 500,000 JPY or more for Postdoctoral Researcher, 300,000 JPY or more for Research Associate. Mandatory membership in the RIKEN Mutual Benefit Society (RIKEN Kyosaikai). This position falls under the specialized duties discretionary work system; one working day will be calculated as 7 hours and 30 minutes. Days off include public holidays, New Year's holidays (Dec. 29 - Jan 3), and RIKEN Foundation Day. Paid leave includes annual paid leave (up to 20 days depending on the month of employment), special paid leave (childcare, family nursing care, etc.), and work life balance holidays (up to 7 days depending on the month of employment). There are also additional leave systems such as maternity leave, childcare leave, and family nursing care leave. Smoking will be entirely prohibited on site. These and other provisions are in accordance with RIKEN regulations.

RIKEN is actively undertaking initiatives to promote gender equality and diversity , and moving forward with the establishment of a diverse and vibrant research environment. If multiple candidates are found to have the same aptitude following a fair assessment, active efforts will be made to recruit female candidates.

Also, eligible for an exemption from repayment for category 1 scholarship loans provided by the Japan Student Services Organization before fiscal year 2003, and eligible applying for the MEXT Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research ( Kakenhi ).

The Wako Campus has an on-site daycare, RIKEN Kids Wako . For details, please send an email to the HR at kids [at] riken.jp.

Application and required documents

Required documents.

  • * Write the RIKEN job ad number “W24140”, indicated in the parentheses next to the job title, in the RIKEN job ad number section in the upper right corner of your CV.
  • 2. List of research achievement and publications
  • 3. Major papers (not more than 3 for Postdoctoral Researcher or Research Associate, 5 for Senior Scientist or Research Scientist)
  • 4. Summary of past research and future research plan (not more than 3 pages for Postdoctoral Researcher or Research Associate, 5 pages for Senior Scientist or Research Scientist)
  • * Please specify the referee’s contact information (Name, affiliation, job title, phone number, and email address)
  • * If unavailable, a letter from a substitute reference will be acceptable.
  • You will find detailed information about General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) on the following website: Data protection | European Commission
  • You will find detailed information about Regulation of the European Parliament and of the council of on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (UK GDPR) on the following website: Data Protection and the EU | Information Commissioner’s Office

How to apply

The above documents except the recommendation letter combined into a Zip file should be uploaded to the following link:

RQC Nanophotonic Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics Research Team Application BOX_W24140

The file name should contain your contact email address. After you uploaded the file, please let us (takao.aoki [at] riken.jp) know the file name of the uploaded file.

Recommendation letter must be directly submitted from the referee to the following link with the file name "RQC Nanophotonic Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics Research Team [applicant’s name] (Recommendation letter)". Please specify the applicant's name, referee's name and contact information in the recommendation letter.

After the referee uploaded the recommendation letter, please let us (takao.aoki [at] riken.jp) know the file name of the uploaded file. If a confirmation email is not received within 7 days after submission, please contact: takao.aoki [at] riken.jp.

Note: All the submitted documents will not be returned.

Open until the position is filled

Handling Personal Data

Submitted documents are strictly protected under the RIKEN Privacy Policy and will be used only for the purpose of applicant screening at RIKEN. Personal information will not be disclosed, transferred or loaned to a third party under any circumstances without just cause.

Selection process

Application screening and interview for selected applicants

Start of Employment

January 1, 2025 (negotiable)

Contact Information

Team Leader Takao Aoki, Nanophotonic Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics Research Team, RIKEN Center for Quantum Computing Email: takao.aoki [at] riken.jp For inquiries, please send an email.

  • General Information : (217) 383-3311
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Associate research scientist, job description.

  • The Research Assistant Professor will develop an independent, externally funded research program focused on development and application of advanced biomedical imaging processing methods.
  • Support investigators in their biomedical imaging studies.
  • Manage and pursue research using a de-identified imaging database.
  • Pursue original research and support collaborators using data from the Champaign Urbana Population Study.

All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability, or status as a protected veteran. We are committed to creating a diverse and welcoming workplace that includes partners with diverse backgrounds and experiences. We believe that enables us to better meet our mission and values while serving customers throughout our communities. People of color, women, LGBTQIA+, veterans and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply. Qualified applicants with criminal histories will be considered for employment in a manner consistent with all federal state and local ordinances. Carle Health participates in E-Verify and may provide the Social Security Administration and, if necessary, the Department of Homeland Security with information from each new employee's Form I-9 to confirm work authorization. | For more information: [email protected] . Positions are not available for remote work in the state of Colorado.

Effective September 20, 2021, the COVID 19 vaccine is required for all new Carle Health team members. Requests for Medical or Religious exemption will be permitted.

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Federal Required Notices

  • Employee Rights under FLSA
  • Employee Rights under FMLA
  • EEO It's The Law
  • Pay Transparency Nondiscrimination Provision
  • Employee Polygraph Protection Act
  • Your Rights under USERRA


  1. Associate Scientist: What Is It? and How to Become One?

    an associate research scientist

  2. Clinical Research Associate Job Description

    an associate research scientist

  3. Require Associate Research Scientist at Unilever

    an associate research scientist

  4. What does a Clinical Research Associate do? // Talentmark

    an associate research scientist

  5. Definitions: What is a Research Associate? ClinLab Staffing

    an associate research scientist

  6. Clinical Research Associate (CRA)

    an associate research scientist


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  2. Presidency University faculty recruitment IIT research associate research scientist #jobs #hiring

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  4. Opioid Addiction: A Conversation with Professionals in the Trenches

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  1. Research Ranks < Yale School of Medicine

    Associate Research Scientists (ARS), Research Scientists (RS), and Senior Research Scientists (SRS) whose area of concentration is in Research Methods play a pivotal role in the laboratory of one (or more) PI or a research core/center. They are often highly skilled experts in the development or utilization of research materials (e.g., specimen ...

  2. Associate Scientist vs. Research Associate: The Differences

    Conclusion. In summary, while both Associate Scientists and Research Associates play important roles in scientific research and development, the primary difference between the two positions is the level of expertise and responsibility in conducting experiments and analyzing data. Associate Scientists typically have a more specialized focus and ...

  3. What does a Research Scientist do? Role & Responsibilities

    Research scientists conduct laboratory-based experiments and trials and work in many fields including medicine, political science, computer science, and environmental science. They plan and conduct experiments that become topics of research papers and reports. They collect samples and carry out other types of field research and monitor their ...

  4. Associate Scientist vs. Scientist: What's The Difference?

    Conclusion. In conclusion, while both Associate Scientists and Scientists work in laboratory and research settings in the technology industry, the work environment for each role can differ. Associate Scientists work in a fast-paced, team-oriented environment, with a focus on conducting experiments and analyzing data.

  5. Research associate

    In academic and research institutions, as well as in some industries, a research associate is a common professional position. Typically, research associates work with other researchers, scientists, and faculty members on a variety of research projects. The duties of research associates can change depending on the organization and the particular ...

  6. Salary: Associate Research Scientist in United States 2024

    The estimated total pay for a Associate Research Scientist is $135,996 per year in the United States area, with an average salary of $103,890 per year. These numbers represent the median, which is the midpoint of the ranges from our proprietary Total Pay Estimate model and based on salaries collected from our users.

  7. What does an Associate Research Scientist do?

    Employees in both associate research scientist and chemist positions are skilled in data analysis, chemistry, and elisa. There are some key differences in the responsibilities of each position. For example, associate research scientist responsibilities require skills like "patients," "cell culture," "molecular biology," and "research projects."

  8. 4,704 Associate research scientist jobs in United States

    4,704 Associate research scientist jobs in United States | Glassdoor. 4,704 Associate research scientist jobs in United States. Most relevant. Forensic Psychology and Neuropsychology Service, P.C. TWO-YR POSTDOCTORAL FELLOWSHIP - CLINICAL NEUROPSYCHOLOGY SPONSORED BY ACPN. Pennington, NJ. $55K (Employer est.)

  9. Research Associate Scientist jobs

    Equity Research Associate, Health Care - Biotechnology. TD Bank. New York, NY. $125,000 - $175,000 a year. Full-time. Work Location: New York, New York Hours: 40 Pay Details: $125,000 - $175,000 USD TD is committed to providing fair and equitable compensation…. Posted 30+ days ago ·.

  10. Associate Scientist: What Is It? and How to Become One?

    An associate scientist takes on more responsibilities than an assistant scientist, supporting research and each experiment under the lead scientist, often in a laboratory environment. As an associate scientist, there are many industries you can work in, including the research field where the lead scientist oversees your project, and you help ...

  11. Associate Research Scientist Job Description

    Responsibilities for associate research scientist. Collaborate internally to contribute to the group's mission in neuropsychiatric research. Identify and evaluate new bioprocess technologies. Participate in process technology transfer activities, from the bench to the manufacturing site. Identify and utilise appropriate analytical techniques.

  12. Associate Research Scientist jobs

    Research Associate. Q² Solutions. Durham, NC 27703. $62,400 - $104,000 a year. Full-time. :root {--reach-menu-button:1;} The candidate will have the opportunity to shadow scientists in their daily activities and, eventually, support experimental work when required.

  13. Associate Scientist vs. Research Associate: What Are the ...

    The average salary for an associate scientist is $75,799 per year, while the average salary for a research associate is $65,171 per year. Both of these salaries can vary depending on the type of research you're doing, the company you work for and the level of experience you have. Learn about the two careers and review some of the similarities ...

  14. Associate Research Scientist Salary in 2024

    An entry-level Associate Research Scientist with less than 1 year experience can expect to earn an average total compensation (includes tips, bonus, and overtime pay) of $61,098 based on 134 salaries.

  15. Associate Research Scientist in New York, NY for Columbia University

    Research position at the level of Associate Research Scientist (ARS) is available at the Center for Radiological Research (CRR.columbia.edu) at Columbia University Irving Medical Center in New York for the advanced development of our protein biomarker-based, high throughput FAST-DOSE biodosimetry tool, designed to quantify radiation dose in an exposed individual and guide medical management ...

  16. What is an associate scientist and how to become one

    It typically takes 8-10 years to become an associate scientist: Years 1-4: Obtaining a Bachelor's degree in a relevant field, such as biology, chemistry, or physics. Years 5-7: Pursuing a doctorate degree in a relevant field. Years 8-10: Accumulating the necessary work experience and completing on-site and on-the-job training in areas such as ...

  17. How to Become a Research Scientist: Complete Career Path

    A professional certification is a powerful way to show potential employers that you know your stuff. Organizations such as the Society of Clinical Research Associates (SOCRA) and Dell Technologies offer a variety of educational and certification services to novice research scientists, such as: Certified Clinical Research Professional (CCRP)

  18. What is an associate research scientist and how to become one

    An associate research scientist is an individual who assists in conducting research experiments, analyzing data, and presenting findings. They work in a variety of fields, including healthcare and academia. Associate research scientists typically have a master's or Ph.D. degree in their field of study and work under the supervision of a ...

  19. Associate Research Scientist

    Associate Research Scientist Columbia University's Department of Biomedical Informatics, is seeking a qualified candidate with interest in translational (research-to-practice) and implementation research with an emphasis on technology-based interventions. The qualified candidate will participate in IRB-approved research studies to promote informed/shared decision-making on risk-stratified ...

  20. Associate Research Scientist Salary

    The average Associate Research Scientist salary in the United States is $65,179 as of July 29, 2024, but the salary range typically falls between $58,661 and $79,257. Salary ranges can vary widely depending on many important factors, including education , certifications, additional skills, the number of years you have spent in your profession.

  21. Associate Scientist- DNA Core

    We are seeking a collaborative and motivated Associate Scientist to join the DNA Core. Our group provides Regeneron laboratories with services vital for conducting scientific research, including plasmid preparation and purification. As an Associate Scientist, a typical day might include: Expanding E.coli cultures to various scales with an array of growth medias/conditionsPurifying plasmids,…

  22. Associate Research Scientist: Postdoctoral Researcher- Material

    Apply for Associate Research Scientist: Postdoctoral Researcher- Material Sciences job with Thermo Fisher Scientific in Collegeville, Pennsylvania, United States of America. Research & Development jobs at Thermo Fisher Scientific

  23. Seeking a few Senior Scientists, Research Scientists, Postdoctoral

    A one-year fixed-term employment contract, renewable based on evaluation, Senior Scientist or Research Scientist may be reappointed for a period of up to seven years from the date of hire and Postdoctoral Researcher or Research Associate maybe reappointed for a period of up to five years from the date of hire. 2.

  24. Associate Research Scientist

    The Associate Research Scientist will develop an independent, externally funded research program focused on development and application of advanced biomedical imaging processing methods; support investigators in their biomedical imaging studies; manage and pursue research using a de-identified imaging database; and pursue original research and ...