Essay on Earth

500 words essay on earth.

The earth is the planet that we live on and it is the fifth-largest planet. It is positioned in third place from the Sun. This essay on earth will help you learn all about it in detail. Our earth is the only planet that can sustain humans and other living species. The vital substances such as air, water, and land make it possible.

essay on earth

All About Essay on Earth

The rocks make up the earth that has been around for billions of years. Similarly, water also makes up the earth. In fact, water covers 70% of the surface. It includes the oceans that you see, the rivers, the sea and more.

Thus, the remaining 30% is covered with land. The earth moves around the sun in an orbit and takes around 364 days plus 6 hours to complete one round around it. Thus, we refer to it as a year.

Just like revolution, the earth also rotates on its axis within 24 hours that we refer to as a solar day. When rotation is happening, some of the places on the planet face the sun while the others hide from it.

As a result, we get day and night. There are three layers on the earth which we know as the core, mantle and crust. The core is the centre of the earth that is usually very hot. Further, we have the crust that is the outer layer. Finally, between the core and crust, we have the mantle i.e. the middle part.

The layer that we live on is the outer one with the rocks. Earth is home to not just humans but millions of other plants and species. The water and air on the earth make it possible for life to sustain. As the earth is the only livable planet, we must protect it at all costs.

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There is No Planet B

The human impact on the planet earth is very dangerous. Through this essay on earth, we wish to make people aware of protecting the earth. There is no balance with nature as human activities are hampering the earth.

Needless to say, we are responsible for the climate crisis that is happening right now. Climate change is getting worse and we need to start getting serious about it. It has a direct impact on our food, air, education, water, and more.

The rising temperature and natural disasters are clear warning signs. Therefore, we need to come together to save the earth and leave a better planet for our future generations.

Being ignorant is not an option anymore. We must spread awareness about the crisis and take preventive measures to protect the earth. We must all plant more trees and avoid using non-biodegradable products.

Further, it is vital to choose sustainable options and use reusable alternatives. We must save the earth to save our future. There is no Planet B and we must start acting like it accordingly.

Conclusion of Essay on Earth

All in all, we must work together to plant more trees and avoid using plastic. It is also important to limit the use of non-renewable resources to give our future generations a better planet.

FAQ on Essay on Earth

Question 1: What is the earth for kids?

Answer 1: Earth is the third farthest planet from the sun. It is bright and bluish in appearance when we see it from outer space. Water covers 70% of the earth while land covers 30%. Moreover, the earth is the only planet that can sustain life.

Question 2: How can we protect the earth?

Answer 2: We can protect the earth by limiting the use of non-renewable resources. Further, we must not waste water and avoid using plastic.

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the Earth as seen by the Apollo 17 in 1972

Planet Earth, explained

Our home planet provides us with life and protects us from space.

Earth, our home planet, is a world unlike any other. The third planet from the sun, Earth is the only place in the known universe confirmed to host life.

With a radius of 3,959 miles, Earth is the fifth largest planet in our solar system, and it's the only one known for sure to have liquid water on its surface. Earth is also unique in terms of monikers. Every other solar system planet was named for a Greek or Roman deity, but for at least a thousand years, some cultures have described our world using the Germanic word “earth,” which means simply “the ground.”

Our dance around the sun

Earth orbits the sun once every 365.25 days. Since our calendar years have only 365 days, we add an extra leap day every four years to account for the difference.

Though we can't feel it, Earth zooms through its orbit at an average velocity of 18.5 miles a second. During this circuit, our planet is an average of 93 million miles away from the sun, a distance that takes light about eight minutes to traverse. Astronomers define this distance as one astronomical unit (AU), a measure that serves as a handy cosmic yardstick.

Earth rotates on its axis every 23.9 hours, defining day and night for surface dwellers. This axis of rotation is tilted 23.4 degrees away from the plane of Earth's orbit around the sun, giving us seasons. Whichever hemisphere is tilted closer to the sun experiences summer, while the hemisphere tilted away gets winter. In the spring and fall, each hemisphere receives similar amounts of light. On two specific dates each year—called the equinoxes—both hemispheres get illuminated equally.

Many layers, many features

About 4.5 billion years ago, gravity coaxed Earth to form from the gaseous, dusty disk that surrounded our young sun. Over time, Earth's interior—which is made mostly of silicate rocks and metals—differentiated into four layers.

At the planet's heart lies the inner core, a solid sphere of iron and nickel that's 759 miles wide and as hot as 9,800 degrees Fahrenheit. The inner core is surrounded by the outer core, a 1,400-mile-thick band of iron and nickel fluids. Beyond the outer core lies the mantle, a 1,800-mile-thick layer of viscous molten rock on which Earth's outermost layer, the crust, rests. On land, the continental crust is an average of 19 miles thick, but the oceanic crust that forms the seafloor is thinner—about three miles thick—and denser.

Like Venus and Mars, Earth has mountains, valleys, and volcanoes. But unlike its rocky siblings, almost 70 percent of Earth's surface is covered in oceans of liquid water that average 2.5 miles deep. These bodies of water contain 97 percent of Earth's volcanoes and the mid-ocean ridge , a massive mountain range more than 40,000 miles long.

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Earth's crust and upper mantle are divided into massive plates that grind against each other in slow motion. As these plates collide, tear apart, or slide past each other, they give rise to our very active geology. Earthquakes rumble as these plates snag and slip past each other. Many volcanoes form as seafloor crust smashes into and slides beneath continental crust. When plates of continental crust collide, mountain ranges such as the Himalaya are pushed toward the skies.

Protective fields and gases

Earth's atmosphere is 78 percent nitrogen, 21 percent oxygen, and one percent other gases such as carbon dioxide, water vapor, and argon. Much like a greenhouse, this blanket of gases absorbs and retains heat. On average, Earth's surface temperature is about 57 degrees Fahrenheit; without our atmosphere, it'd be zero degrees . In the last two centuries, humans have added enough greenhouse gases to the atmosphere to raise Earth's average temperature by 1.8 degrees Fahrenheit . This extra heat has altered Earth's weather patterns in many ways .

The atmosphere not only nourishes life on Earth, but it also protects it: It's thick enough that many meteorites burn up before impact from friction, and its gases—such as ozone—block DNA-damaging ultraviolet light from reaching the surface. But for all that our atmosphere does, it's surprisingly thin. Ninety percent of Earth's atmosphere lies within just 10 miles of the planet's surface .

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The silhouette of a woman is seen on a Norwegian island beneath the Northern Lights ( aurora borealis ).

We also enjoy protection from Earth's magnetic field, generated by our planet's rotation and its iron-nickel core. This teardrop-shaped field shields Earth from high-energy particles launched at us from the sun and elsewhere in the cosmos. But due to the field's structure, some particles get funneled to Earth's Poles and collide with our atmosphere, yielding aurorae, the natural fireworks show known by some as the northern lights.

Spaceship Earth

Earth is the planet we have the best opportunity to understand in detail—helping us see how other rocky planets behave, even those orbiting distant stars. As a result, scientists are increasingly monitoring Earth from space. NASA alone has dozens of missions dedicated to solving our planet's mysteries.

At the same time, telescopes are gazing outward to find other Earths. Thanks to instruments such as NASA's Kepler Space Telescope, astronomers have found more than 3,800 planets orbiting other stars, some of which are about the size of Earth , and a handful of which orbit in the zones around their stars that are just the right temperature to be potentially habitable. Other missions, such as the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite, are poised to find even more.

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Essays About Earth: 7 Essay Examples And Topic Ideas

There are many things you need to know about our planet, so if you’re making essays about Earth , you can read these sample essays and topic ideas.

The planet Earth is where we, humans , and other living creatures live. It also provides us with all the necessities we need – air to breathe, water to drink, and soil to grow fruits and vegetables. Without its natural resources, life would be impossible for all of us. 

Writing an essay about Earth can help give knowledge and spread awareness about climate change or look at the beauty of our planet. If you are writing an essay about the Earth , here are some essay examples and topic ideas to help you get started.

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1. Short Essay On The Structure Of Planet Earth By Shyam Soni

2. interest and concern about the fate of the earth by john olson, 3. our planet in danger by derrick wells, 4. a planet without trees: a nightmare or our future by shannon cain, 5. the possibility of an asteroid falling to earth by lewis rios, 6. save earth before colonizing mars by luz estrada, 7. my earth, my responsibility by poonam ghimire, topic idea essays about earth, 1. are there more planets like earth, 2. how has the earth’s surface changed over the years, 3. causes and effects of global warming, 4. does planting trees and reforestation help limit global warming, 5. how does population growth affect earth’s climate change, 6.  human impacts on the planet earth, 7. how did the planet earth form.

“Direct observation of the interior of the Earth is not possible as the interior becomes hotter with depth which is convincingly indicated by the volcanic eruptions. Apart from the seismological studies, other important sources of data, even though indirect, logically prove that the Earth’s body comprises several layers, which are like shells resting one above the other. These layers are distinguished by their physical and chemical properties, particularly, their thickness, depth, density, temperature, metallic content, and rocks.”

Author Shyam Soni discusses some essential facts about the structure of the planet Earth . This essay focuses on its layered structure and the differences in the density and temperature at different depths.

“I have found myself increasingly interested and concerned with the fate of the Earth and the way humankind views sustainability. In my perspective, many humans believe that Earth’s materials and resources are infinite, they will always be there to feed and maintain human life. The Earth will endlessly support and provide for the needs of the humans that inhabit it. Yet, that is just simply not true, as the human population grows we use more and more of the natural resources Earth provides.”

Author John Olson shares his point of view about the Earth’s “infinite” resources and its sustainability. However, Olson tells us that it may not be as unlimited as we think because of the rapid growth of the human population.

“Since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution in the 18th century that started in England, the people during those times were already writing down the blueprint for a problem that the succeeding generations will have to face – the increasing problem of Carbon Dioxide emissions in our atmosphere. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is released in tons, millions of tons every day in every country – released from various factories and cars most especially. This buildup of toxic gases such as the carbon dioxide heats up our planet thereby increasing the possibility, and the danger of global warming – this is what we call the greenhouse effect.”

Author Derrick Wells talks about one of the environmental problems we are facing today – the Greenhouse Effect and the actions that we could take to save our planet Earth from the danger it can pose.

“Can we imagine a world without trees? What a world without trees would look like? Could such a world even exist? Let us close our eyes, and try to imagine a desolate Earth . Imagine no more paper, and everyone would have to resort to some other source or maybe technology could help, but that is, if anyone was left at that time. Trees are an important factor to our existence not only because they produce paper, lumber, or chewing gum, but due to the fact that they serve an important role in the carbon cycle, they are the key to our very existence! Due to the ever increasing population, that seemingly distant future is getting near each passing day.”

Author Shannon Cain shares his thought about a planet without trees, telling us what it would be like and what we can do to prevent it from happening to our home planet – the Earth . 

“Jonathan Haidt gave a speech about the possibility of an asteroid falling on Earth and asked the audience what people could do to stop them. Haidt notes that if an asteroid threatens to destroy the Earth , people will forget about their differences and stand together to fight for their survival. This is what he refers a common ground in the midst of a crisis. Haidt’s video shows us the many problems that people are facing, but yet people cannot find a common ground to fight them while the issues are threatening all of us.”

Author Lewis Rios talks about the possibility of an asteroid falling on Earth and then relates it to some common problems we are facing right now. Such as poverty, which tells us that we should all cooperate and work together to find a solution to these threats to survive. 

“Has humanity irreversibly defaced Earth from being a sustainable planet for further centuries? Many would believe that humanity has come to a point of constant destruction of Earth with no hope for change. This thought process has come forth with the resolution of starting a new sustainable planet on Mars. However, it is tremendously more challenging to restart than to fix damage and change simplistic daily routines.” 

Author Luz Estrada shares her opinion about the plan of starting a new sustainable planet on Mars. Estrada shares with the readers that it is much easier to save and fix Earth – as it is now – rather than thinking of starting a new life on a different planet, which is impossible for most people.

“ Earth is a beautiful living planet in the Universe and the common habitat of more than 7 billion human population and millions of species of biodiversity. Our Earth provides us with food, shelter, and most of our requirements. Despite unavoidable free services provided by the earth to humans , we are not able to pay off her kindness to us. Rather we humans are being cruel to our Earth with our selfish activities.”

Author Poonam Ghimire talks about the selfish acts that cause Earth’s slow destruction. Ghimire encourages the readers to be responsible enough to protect and preserve our planet for the next generations.

Earth , our home, is the only planet known to support life, although there are current missions determining Mars’ past and future potential for life. While scientists continue to look for signs of life elsewhere in the universe, Earth remains the only place where we’ve ever identified living creatures . If you are writing an essay about the Earth , you can use this topic idea to discuss some Earth -like planets discovered so far.

The planet Earth has not always looked the same way it looks today; the United States, a billion years ago, was in a completely different location compared to where it is today! So, how does this happen? Why does this happen? In your essay about the Earth , you can use this topic idea to give the readers some understanding of how our planet has changed over time – like the things that took place and are still taking place.

Recent global warming is mainly because of human actions, which involve releasing greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. An increase in greenhouse gases leads to a more significant greenhouse effect, which results in increased global warming. Global warming is also being felt everywhere – drought, heatwaves, melting glaciers, rising sea levels, and storms. If you are writing an essay about the Earth , you can discuss this topic in more detail to spread awareness to your readers out there.

Essays About Earth: Does planting trees and reforestation help limit global warming

Planting more trees is one of the most effective ways to lessen atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) and stop global warming. As the forests grow, they remove the carbon dioxide from the air through photosynthesis, which works as a natural reservoir to store carbon. Reforestation, one of the planned projects worldwide, is thought to help protect the environment for the next generations. You can use this topic idea for your essay about the Earth to encourage your readers to plant more trees to reduce the harmful effects of deforestation and save our home planet, Earth , from getting slowly destroyed.

Since humans require fossil fuels to power their increasingly mechanized lifestyles, human population growth is undoubtedly a significant contributor to global warming. More people mean more demand for oil, gas, coal, and other underground fuels that, when burned, release enough carbon dioxide (CO2) into the atmosphere to trap warm air inside like a greenhouse. So, in your essay about the Earth , let your readers know to what extent human population growth affects climate change and what can be done about it. 

Humans affect the planet Earth in many ways – overpopulation, pollution, burning fossil fuels, and deforestation. These things have caused global warming, soil erosion, poor air quality , and non-potable water. In your essay about the Earth , you can detail these negative impacts and how they can affect us, humans . 

The planet Earth’s formation remains a bizarre, scientific mystery. This is because we live on a planet in a solar system with seven other planets, and thousands of exoplanets have been discovered so far. However, the formation of planets like Earth is still a hotly debated topic. So, currently, there are only 2 leading theories about planetary formation – in your essay about the earth , look into this topic in more detail to share some exciting facts about the Earth with your readers. 

If you’re stuck picking your next essay topic, check out our guide on how to write a diverse essay.

If you’re still stuck, check out our general resource of essay writing topics .

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As seen from outer space, Earth looks like a bright blue ball. The blue is water, which covers most…

Every planet in the solar system is named after a god or goddess from Greek or Roman mythology except for Earth. Earth means “the ground” in Old English and German.

Physical Features

The three layers of Earth are the core, the mantle, and the crust. The crust is the thinnest layer.

  • Size: 7,926 miles (12,756 kilometers) in diameter.
  • Surface: Water and land. Water covers about 70 percent of Earth’s surface. This water is in the form of oceans, rivers, and lakes. Land covers about 30 percent of Earth’s surface. The land is divided into seven huge pieces called continents.
  • Structure: Earth is made up of three layers: the core, the mantle, and the crust. The core is the center of the planet. The core is very hot. The mantle covers the core. The crust is Earth’s thin, rocky outer layer. Plants, animals, and people live on the crust.
  • Atmosphere: Mostly water vapor and the gases nitrogen and oxygen. This is the air that living things breathe. Earth’s atmosphere goes up to a few hundred miles above the surface. The atmosphere gets thinner as it gets farther from the surface.
  • Moons: One—the Moon.

Orbit and Spin

Click through the slideshow to view different images of Earth.

  • Orbit: It takes Earth about 365 days to orbit around the Sun. (1 year on Earth = 365 days)
  • Spin: It takes Earth about 24 hours to complete one rotation. (1 day on Earth = 24 hours)

As Earth moves around the Sun, different parts of the planet receive differing amounts of sunlight. This is because the planet is tilted on its axis, an imaginary line through its center. The two ends of the axis are the North Pole and the South Pole. The North Pole is tilted toward the Sun for about half the year. During this time the northern half of the planet, called the Northern Hemisphere, gets more sunlight than the southern half, or the Southern Hemisphere. During the other half of the year, the North Pole is tilted away from the Sun. Then the Southern Hemisphere gets more Sun than the Northern Hemisphere.

These differences in how sunlight hits different parts of Earth cause the seasons. For example, the Northern Hemisphere has its warmest season, summer, when it is tipped closer to the Sun. At the same time the Southern Hemisphere has winter, its coldest season.

Earth Through Time

Take this quiz to find out how much you know about Earth.

The scientists who study changes to Earth are called geologists. They have divided Earth’s history into time periods called eons and eras. They use these periods to explain how and when changes on Earth took place. For instance, geologists have found that the Atlantic Ocean was formed during the Mesozoic Era, a division of the Phanerozoic Eon.

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Earth Book

A photo-essay from NASA’s Earth Science Division — February 2019 Download Earth in PDF , MOBI (Kindle), or ePub formats.

Of all celestial bodies within reach or view, as far as we can see, out to the edge, the most wonderful and marvelous and mysterious is turning out to be our own planet earth. There is nothing to match it anywhere, not yet anyway. —Lewis Thomas

Sixty years ago, with the launch of Explorer 1, NASA made its first observations of Earth from space. Fifty years ago, astronauts left Earth orbit for the first time and looked back at our “blue marble.” All of these years later, as we send spacecraft and point our telescopes past the outer edges of the solar system, as we study our planetary neighbors and our Sun in exquisite detail, there remains much to see and explore at home.

We are still just getting to know Earth through the tools of science. For centuries, painters, poets, philosophers, and photographers have sought to teach us something about our home through their art.

This book stands at an intersection of science and art. From its origins, NASA has studied our planet in novel ways, using ingenious tools to study physical processes at work—from beneath the crust to the edge of the atmosphere. We look at it in macrocosm and microcosm, from the flow of one mountain stream to the flow of jet streams. Most of all, we look at Earth as a system, examining the cycles and processes—the water cycle, the carbon cycle, ocean circulation, the movement of heat—that interact and influence each other in a complex, dynamic dance across seasons and decades.

We measure particles, gases, energy, and fluids moving in, on, and around Earth. And like artists, we study the light—how it bounces, reflects, refracts, and gets absorbed and changed. Understanding the light and the pictures it composes is no small feat, given the rivers of air and gas moving between our satellite eyes and the planet below.

For all of the dynamism and detail we can observe from orbit, sometimes it is worth stepping back and simply admiring Earth. It is a beautiful, awe-inspiring place, and it is the only world most of us will ever know.

NASA has a unique vantage point for observing the beauty and wonder of Earth and for making sense of it. Looking back from space, astronaut Edgar Mitchell once called Earth “a sparkling blue and white jewel,” and it does dazzle the eye. The planet’s palette of colors and textures and shapes—far more than just blues and whites—are spread across the pages of this book.

We chose these images because they inspire. They tell a story of a 4.5-billion-year-old planet where there is always something new to see. They tell a story of land, wind, water, ice, and air as they can only be viewed from above. They show us that no matter what the human mind can imagine, no matter what the artist can conceive, there are few things more fantastic and inspiring than the world as it already is. The truth of our planet is just as compelling as any fiction.

We hope you enjoy this satellite view of Earth. It is your planet. It is NASA’s mission.

Michael Carlowicz Earth Observatory Managing Editor


The astonishing thing about the Earth... is that it is alive.... Aloft, floating free beneath the moist, gleaming membrane of bright blue sky, is the rising Earth, the only exuberant thing in this part of the cosmos.... It has the organized, self-contained look of a live creature, full of information, marvelously skilled in handling the Sun. —Lewis Thomas, The Lives of a Cell


We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time. —T.S. Eliot, “Little Gidding”

We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time. —T.S. Eliot “Little Gidding”


Earth and sky, woods and fields, lakes and rivers, the mountain and the sea, are excellent schoolmasters, and teach some of us more than we can ever learn from books. —John Lubbock, The Use of Life

Earth and sky, woods and fields, lakes and rivers, the mountain and the sea, are excellent schoolmasters, and teach some of us more than we can ever learn from books. —John Lubbock The Use of Life

ice and snow

ice and snow

It seems to me that the natural world is the greatest source of excitement; the greatest source of visual beauty; the greatest source of intellectual interest. It is the greatest source of so much in life that makes life worth living. —David Attenborough

Imagery and data courtesy of:

  • NASA Earth Observatory
  • U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and NASA Landsat Program
  • International Space Station (ISS) Crew Earth Observations Facility
  • LANCE/EOSDIS MODIS Rapid Response Team
  • MABEL Science Team
  • Level-1 and Atmosphere Archive & Distribution System Distributed Active Archive Center (LAADS DAAC)
  • EO-1 Science Team
  • Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership (Suomi NPP)
  • NASA Ocean Biology Processing Group

Adapted for the web by Paul Przyborski

credits image

About the Authors

Michael Carlowicz is managing editor of the NASA Earth Observatory. He has written about Earth science and geophysics since 1991 for several NASA divisions, the American Geophysical Union, the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, and in three popular science books. He is a baseball player and fan, a longtime singer and guitarist, and the proud father of three science and engineering majors.

Kathy Carroll supports the Earth Science Division in the Science Mission Directorate at NASA Headquarters. She previously worked as a manager and organizer at for-profit and non-profit organizations and on political campaigns. She is a diehard baseball and hockey fan, and she volunteers with animal rescue organizations.

Lawrence Friedl directs the Applied Sciences Program in the Earth Science Division of NASA’s Science Mission Directorate. He works to enable innovative and practical uses of data from Earth-observing satellites. He has worked at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and as a Space Shuttle flight controller in NASA’s Mission Control Center. He and his wife have three children, and he enjoys ultimate frisbee and hiking.

Stephen Schaeberle is a graphic designer with the Communications Support Services Center at NASA Headquarters. He holds a bachelor of fine arts from the Pratt Institute, and he has received numerous awards and honors for his work and designs. He enjoys boating and fishing on the Chesapeake Bay.

Kevin Ward manages NASA’s Earth Observatory Group, including the Earth Observatory, Visible Earth, NASA Earth Observations (NEO), and EONET. He holds a master’s degree in library and information science and has spent more than 20 years developing Web-accessible resources in support of NASA Earth science communications. He and his wife have a son and a deep love of music.


Just a few names end up on the title page of a book, but it takes an entire cast of people to bring it from idea to draft to finished product. The cast for Earth begins with Maxine Aldred, Andrew Cooke, Tun Hla, and Lisa Jirousek, who shepherded the words and images through design and layout. Thanks are also due to Kathryn Hansen, Pola Lem, Rebecca Lindsey, Holli Riebeek, Michon Scott, and Adam Voiland, whose reporting and writing contributions gave this book its depth. Joshua Stevens, Robert Simmon, Jesse Allen, Jeff Schmaltz, Michael Taylor, and Norman Kuring applied their strong visual sense and processing skills to make each image pop with color and texture while remaining scientifically accurate.

We owe a debt to our scientific and outreach colleagues, who keep the satellites running, the sensors sensing, and the data and imagery flowing. Every one of the images in this book is publicly available through the Internet, truly making science accessible to every citizen. The Landsat teams at the U.S. Geological Survey and NASA, the LANCE/EOSDIS MODIS Rapid Response Team, and the NASA Earth Observatory deserve extra gratitude for making our planet visible to the scientist and the layman every day.

acknowledgments image


Essay on Our Beautiful Earth

Students are often asked to write an essay on Our Beautiful Earth in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Our Beautiful Earth


Our Beautiful Earth is a unique planet brimming with life and beauty. It’s the only known celestial body to support life, making it extraordinary.

Earth’s Beauty

Earth’s beauty is diverse, from towering mountains to deep oceans. The changing seasons further enhance its charm, each bringing its own magic.

Nature’s Wonders

The Earth is home to various species of plants and animals. The diversity in ecosystems, from dense forests to arid deserts, is truly amazing.

Our Responsibility

As inhabitants, it’s our responsibility to preserve Earth’s beauty. By practicing sustainable living, we can ensure a healthy planet for future generations.

250 Words Essay on Our Beautiful Earth

Introduction: a blue marble in space, the earth’s biodiversity.

Earth’s biodiversity is a marvel, with millions of species coexisting in various ecosystems. From the microscopic organisms dwelling in the deepest trenches of the oceans to the gigantic mammals roaming the vast savannahs, Earth is a cradle of life. The intricate web of life forms an interconnected system, where each species plays a crucial role in maintaining the overall balance.

Earth’s Geographical Wonders

The geographical wonders of Earth are equally mesmerizing. Towering mountain ranges, expansive deserts, lush rainforests, tranquil lakes, and roaring rivers all contribute to the planet’s stunning beauty. Each geographical feature represents a different facet of Earth’s dynamic nature, shaped by millions of years of geological processes.

Human Interaction with Earth

Humans, as intelligent beings, have the privilege and responsibility of interacting with Earth in a mindful manner. Our actions can either enhance Earth’s beauty or lead to its degradation. The current environmental crisis is a stark reminder of the consequences of irresponsible interaction. Therefore, it is imperative to adopt sustainable practices to preserve Earth’s beauty for future generations.

Conclusion: A Call for Preservation

Our beautiful Earth is an irreplaceable gem in the vast cosmos. As we marvel at its beauty, we must also remember our duty to protect and preserve it. The Earth does not belong to us; we belong to the Earth. In this understanding lies the key to ensuring the continued beauty and vitality of our shared home.

500 Words Essay on Our Beautiful Earth

The splendor of our beautiful earth.

The Earth, our shared home, is an enchanting spectacle of life, diversity, and beauty. Its grandeur is not confined to its biological diversity, but extends to its geographical peculiarities, climatic variations, and the intricate harmony that exists among its various elements.

Geographical Diversity

Climatic variations.

The climatic variations on Earth further add to its allure. The Earth’s tilt and revolution result in distinct seasons, each with its unique characteristics. The blossoming of flowers in spring, the warmth of summer, the falling leaves of autumn, and the serenity of winter, all present a cyclic spectacle of change and renewal. These climatic variations not only add to the Earth’s beauty but also play a crucial role in the survival and evolution of various species.

Biodiversity: The Earth’s Living Tapestry

Earth’s biodiversity is another aspect that accentuates its beauty. It is home to an estimated 8.7 million species, each with its unique traits and roles in the ecosystem. From the microscopic organisms in the ocean depths to the majestic elephants in the African plains, life on Earth is a vibrant tapestry of interdependence and co-existence. This biodiversity is a testament to the Earth’s capacity to sustain life in all its forms, adding to the planet’s aesthetic and intrinsic value.

The Harmony of Earth

While we marvel at the Earth’s beauty, we must also acknowledge our responsibility towards its preservation. The Earth’s beauty is under threat due to human activities like deforestation, pollution, and climate change. As inhabitants of this beautiful planet, it is our duty to protect and preserve it for future generations.

In conclusion, our Earth is a beautiful entity, a complex amalgamation of various elements working in harmony. Its beauty lies in its diversity, its capacity to sustain life, and its resilience. As we continue to explore and understand our planet, let’s also strive to protect and preserve its beauty. After all, there is no Planet B.

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Why is the Earth habitable?

Part of Hall of Planet Earth .

Why is the Earth Habitable

A special planet: the habitable Earth What makes the Earth habitable? It is the right distance from the Sun, it is protected from harmful solar radiation by its magnetic field, it is kept warm by an insulating atmosphere, and it has the right chemical ingredients for life, including water and carbon. The processes that shape the Earth and its environment constantly cycle elements through the planet. This cycling sustains life and leads to the formation of the mineral and energy resources that are the foundation of modern technological society.

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Geography Notes

Essay on the earth: top 8 essays on earth.


Here is a compilation of essays on ‘Earth’ for class 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12. Find paragraphs, long and short essays on ‘Earth’ especially written for school and college students.

Essay on Earth

Essay Contents:

  • Essay on the Energy Intercepted by the Earth

Essay # 1. Origin of the Earth :

The earth came into existence between 5000 to 6000 million years ago from condensed form of a cloud of gases. By studying the hot, luminous gases of the sun, we find that sun is made of the same basic elements that are found by chemical analysis of earth’s material. In fact all the stars which have been studied seem to have the same elements.

Origin of Continents and Basins :

At present the crust of the earth is largely made up of two different kinds of materials of rocks called granite and basalt. The average specific gravity of the earth is 5.5 while that of granite and basalt is 2.7 and 3.0, respectively. Granite is typically found in continental areas and the ocean floors are made of basalt.

If rafts of basalt and granite could be imagined as floating on a very heavy plastic material, the elevation of continents could be imagined as being due to the lower specific gravity of granite in the continents and the greater specific gravity in the basins.

We do not know just how the surface of the crust became separate into granite and basaltic sectors. One theory is that while the earth was still liquid, masses of granite, like flocks of foam, floated in a still liquid basaltic sea.

When the crust was solidified, the granite masses projected to form the continents. Another hypothesis holds that the continents have been growing throughout earth’s history by building of successive thick mountain ranges.

Essay # 2. Composition of the Earth :

The outer envelopes of the gaseous material surrounding the earth are called atmosphere. Under the atmosphere is our earth on which we live. That part of the earth, which is in the form of a land, is known as the earth’s crust. It also includes the highest peaks of mountains and floors of the oceans. Part of the land, which is visible on the Globe, is called the Lithosphere (Greek, Litho = Stone).

We know that nearly 75 per cent of the whole surface of the earth is covered with natural waters like oceans, seas, lakes, rivers etc. Which is in the form of more or less, a continuous envelope around the earth.

This envelope of water is called Hydrosphere (Greek, Hudous = Water). Thus, Lithosphere and Hydrosphere in a combined form is known as the Earth’s crust. Under the Earth’s crust is the interior of the Earth. It is further sub-divided into three shells. Depending upon the nature, the material is made up as shown in the Fig. 1.1.

The earth is composed of different rocks. In an ordinary sense the term rock means something hard and resistant but the meaning of the word has been extended so as to include all natural substances of the Earth’s crust, which may be hard like granite or soft like clay and sand.

It has been estimated that 95 per cent of the Earth’s crust is made up of primary i.e., first formed (Igneous) rocks which is mostly composed of Granite having Quartz, Feldspar, Biotite mica and Hornblende in varying proportions the remaining 5 per cent of the crust is made up of Secondary (Sedimentary or Metamorphic) rocks (as shown in Fig. 1.2). The Earth’s crust is in the form of a very thin layer of solidified rocks and is heterogeneous in nature.

These rocks may be classified on the basis of their density into the following two groups:

1. Sial (Si = Silicon and A1 = Aluminium) having density 2.75 to 2.90.

2. Sima (Si = Silicon and Ma= Magnesium) having density 2.90 to 4.75.

It has been estimated that the Sial rocks are about 70 per cent of the Earth’s crust, which include chiefly Granite and Silica. These rocks are generally on the upper regions of the crust.

Sima rocks include heavy and dark coloured rocks like Basalts. In these rocks, the percentage of Silica is reduced and Magnesium attains the next importance in place of Aluminium of Sial rocks. These rocks are generally found on the floors of the Oceans and beneath Sial rocks.

It is the part of the earth below the crust and surrounding the core. The imaginary line that separates the lithosphere from the mantle is known as ‘Moho’ (Mohorovicic discontinuity). Because of high temperature and great pressure, the mineral matter in this part is the molten condition.

It is the innermost layer of the earth; it extends from below the mantle (Gutenberg discontinuity) to the central part of the earth.

On the basis of earthquake waves, the core has been further divided into two cores:

(a) Outer core.

(b) Inner core.

The outer core is 2,250 km thick and surrounds the core. It is believed that it is still in molten condition.

The inner core is also called ‘Nife’ because it consists of Nickel and iron. Its thickness is about 1,228 km. It is very hard in nature.

Essay # 3. Motions of the Earth :

The earth is held in space by combined gravitational attraction of sun and other heavenly bodies and has motions that are controlled by them.

The two principal motions of earth are:

1. Rotation of earth about its axis

2. Revolution of earth around sun

(i) Rotation :

The earth rotates upon an imaginary axis, which owing to the polar flattening is the shortest diameter. The earth rotates from west to east (in anti-clockwise direction) and it takes 24 hours to complete one rotation. During this period most of the places on the sphere are turned alternately towards and away from the sun, have experienced a period of light and darkness.

This causes day and night. This unit of time is called solar day. The direction of rotation (west to east) not only determines the direction in which the sun and stars rise but is also responsible for the direction of prevailing winds and ocean currents.

Importance of earth’s rotation :

The effects of the earth’s rotation are of great importance to the environment. The rotation indirectly accounts for the diurnal changes in weather such as warming up during daytime and cooling down at night. Thus the rotation affects diurnal rhythm, day light, air temperature, air humidity and air motion. Plants and animals respond to this diurnal rhythm. Green plants store energy during day and consume some part of heat during night.

Rotation of earth turns both air and water in one direction. The flow of air and water are turned towards right in the northern hemisphere towards left in the southern hemisphere. This phenomenon is called the coriolis effect. It is of great importance in studying the earth’s systems of winds and ocean currents.

(ii) Revolution :

The path of the earth around the sun is called orbit and the rotating earth revolves in a slightly elliptical orbit about the sun from which it keeps an average distance of 150 million km.

The time required for the earth to pass one complete orbit fixes the length of the year and this journey takes a few minutes less than 365 1/4 days (365.242 solar days). Earth revolves around the sun in anticlockwise direction. The rate of earth’s revolution is more than 1,06,260 km/hour.

Importance of revolution :

The rotation and revolution of earth are of great significance in meteorology. The rotation indirectly accounts for the diurnal changes in weather such as warming up during daytime and cooling down at night. Seasonal changes are dependent on the revolution of earth. When the earth is at perihelion (January 3), the sun is close to the earth, as a result greater intensity of solar radiation is received at the earth surface.

This position occurs during winter season. When the earth is at aphelion, the earth is farthest from sun, as a result the heat received at the earth surface is less. This occurs during summer season (July 4). However, the distance between sun and earth varies only about 3 per cent during one revolution.

As the earth moves forward in its orbit, its axis remains inclined at 23 1/2° from the perpendicular to the plane of the earth’s orbit. This tilt of 23 1/2° does not change throughout the year as the earth revolves around the sun.

It causes the change in seasons regularly through spring, summer, autumn and winter because of the inclination of the earth’s axis, constant direction of tilt of that axis and revolution of the earth around the sun.

Sidereal day :

The true rotation time is called sidereal day. It is denoted by ‘S’.

The number of hours, minutes and seconds in a sidereal day are given below:

Lengths of the day :

Earth receives solar radiation from the sun during day time. Day length can be defined as the total time between sunrise and sunset. Length of the day is partly controlled by the latitude of the earth and partly by the season of the year. The day length at the equator is about. 12 hours throughout the year, whereas at the poles it varies between 0 and 21 hours from winter to summer.

Solar radiation received at any location of the earth depends upon the day length. Maximum amount of solar radiation is received in the higher latitude during summer solstice because it is period of continuous day.

The amount of solar radiation received during the December solstice in southern hemisphere is theoretically greater than that received in the northern hemisphere during the June solstice. The equator has two radiation maxima at the equinoxes and two minima at the solstices.

Length of the day plays an important role in the life cycle of the crop plants. In fact, day length indicates the photoperiod available for the growth of the crop plants. Every plant requires different photoperiod for the initiation of flowering. On the basis of day length, plants can be divided into different categories. The plants which require less than 10 hours day length, are called short day plants.

If the requirement of the plants is greater than 14 hours day length, then these are called long day plants. In between these two types, there are intermediate plants, which require photoperiod of 12 – 14 hours. However, the plants which are not affected by day length, are called day neutral plants.

Essay # 4. Movement of the Earth:

Many changes on the crust of the earth can be seen as a result of the works of internal forces in the earth’s interior. The works of internal forces are generally called earth movement. Sometimes, the earth movement may be very very slow and sometimes it may be sudden.

It is believed that originally the landmasses were united together in the form of a great landmass known as Pangaea. In course of time the Pangaea had broken into several pieces and drifted into different directions. The drifting is called Continental Drift and the theory was propounded by Alfred Wagner. The northern part of the landmass was known as Laurasia.

Eventually it had broken down to form North America, Europe and Asia. About 120 million years ago, the southern part of India, East Africa, Madagascar, Australia, South Africa, South America and the Antarctica were together and formed the single landmass known as ‘Gondwana land’. The ‘Gondwana land’ started breaking into several pieces and India took its present shape about 60 million years ago.

During the last million years, the Himalayas had risen to its present height due to earth movements. Similarly, it has been proved that the Aravallies and the Vindhyas in the middle of India were once at the bottom of the sea.

The forested areas near Bombay harbour, the Mahabalipuram temple in the sea, submergence of a vast area of nearly 5000 sq km in the Runn of Kutch during 1819 and a land of about 1500 sq km raised to a height of several metres, are some of the results of the earth movement.

The earth movements which bring about vast changes are called Tectonic movements. It has been already mentioned that earth movements may be very slow and sudden.

Slow Movements :

The slow movements of the earth’s crust are due to various chemical and physical reactions that take place at the earth’s interior. The movement may be so slow that its result may not be seen on the surface during 100 to 200 years.

The raising of the eastern coastal plain up to a height of 15-30 metres, the existence of coal beds below the sea level in the Sundarban Delta, the existence of a forest near the Bombay harbour and submergence of a vast area in the Runn of Kutch are some of the Indian examples of slow earth movement.

A change in sea level in its advance or retreat with respect to adjacent land is relative to each other. When the sea advances to land, it is generally called a Positive Movement and the land advancing against the sea is known as Negative Movement.

On the basis of the structural changes that are caused by the tectonic movement, the earth movements may be grouped into two classes:

(i) Vertical or Epeirogenic Movement

(ii) Horizontal or Orogenic Movement.

Vertical Movement :

Due to earth movement some parts of earth surface may be raised or sunk with respect to the surrounding areas. This type of movement is known as Vertical Movement. When a part of the earth’s crust is raised in relation to its surrounding area, it is known as uplift. In the same way when a portion is sunk in relation to its surrounding areas, it is called subsidence.

Earth movement of this type, when takes place over extensive area generally leads to the building up of continents and Plateaus. That is why, this type of movement is also known as Epeirogenic movement or Continent building movement. As a result of their movement, the horizontal arrangement of the earth’s crust remains almost undisturbed.

Millions of years ago there used to be a continent where we find Atlantic Ocean today. In the beginning of the earth’s history such movements had been more frequent and the present-day arrangement of the continents might have been the result of this movement.

Horizontal Movement :

The forces of horizontal movement affect tangentially. It involves both the forces of compression and tension. These two types of movements are related to each other. Compression in one part of the crust is bound to produce tension at another place. The compression leads to the bending of horizontal layers into a shape known as fold.

The tension is responsible for breaking of rock layers with subsequent sliding or displacement. It is known as fault. The processes of making folds and faults are known as folding and faulting.

When two horizontal forces act towards a common point from opposite directions folding takes place. Deep within the earth, this force tends to cause bending of rock strata. Like seawaves, rocks are thrown into upfolds and downfolds. The upfolds are called anticlines and the downfolds are known as synclines.

When two forces act horizontally in opposite directions from a common point, it generates tension and the process is known as faulting. As a result, the rocks break along a line which is known as fault line. The faulted rocks may be thrown upwards or slided downwards.

The mountains over the surface of the earth owe their origin to the process of folding and faulting. That is why, the horizontal movement is also known as orogenic or mountain building movement. The Himalayas on the northern border of India, the Alps of Europe, the Rockies of the North America and the Andes of South America are some of the newly folded mountain ranges of the world.

Aravallies, Ural, Tiensan and Appalachia are some of the old folded mountains of the world. Similarly, the Black Forest of Germany, the Voges of France, the Vindhyas and the Satpura of India are some of the examples of fault or block mountains of the world.

Plate Tectonics :

Plate tectonics is the most modern theory about the formation of folded mountains. According to this theory, the world has been divided into six major plates and several smaller plates. Each of the plates is composed of crust up to a depth of 100 km from the surface of the earth.

Due to the forces at the earth’s interior, these plates are moving in different directions. As a result of rubbing of the two plates, the folded mountains have been formed at the edges of the plates.

The six major plates are:

(1) Pacific Plate

(2) North American Plate

(3) South American Plate

(4) African Plate

(5) Eurasian Plate

(6) Indo-Australian Plate.

The smaller plates are:

(a) China Plate

(d) Nazca Plate

(c) Cocos Plate

(b) Antarctic Plate

(e) Caribbean Plate

Where plates separate and new ocean floor is created, mid-ocean ridges are the boundaries. The plates are rigid. Their boundaries are marked by earthquakes and often by volcanoes. Where plates collide and overlap, young mountains, arcs and trenches are the boundaries.

Sudden Movement :

Sudden movement of the earth crust can be noticed during earthquake. Some parts of the land surface of New Zealand were raised by about 3 metres during the earthquake of 1885. Similarly, some areas of Japan sank by about 6 metres during 1891 earthquake. Recently, during the earthquake of 1950, the bed of the Brahmaputra River had been raised leading to various changes in the valley.

Essay # 5. Interior of the Earth :

To know exactly about the interior of the earth is more difficult than that of taking photograph of other planets with the help of satellites or by walking on the surface of the moon. It has not been possible till today to collect direct evidences about the structure of the earth.

However, geographers and geologists have collected indirect evidences about the structures and composition. On the average, the radius from the centre to the surface of the earth is 6320 km but, the deepest mine in the world in South Africa is about only 4 km deep and man could dig up to a maximum depth of 6 km in search of oil.

In other words, man has been able to get direct evidences about the structure and composition of the earth’s interior up-to a depth not more than 5 to 6 km from the surface.

The knowledge beyond this limit is based primarily on indirect scientific evidences. The indirect evidences are based on temperature and pressure inside the earth, density of materials and behaviour of earthquake waves. Still uncertainty persists. On the basis of the different scientific observations it has been concluded that there exists different layers inside the earth.

Temperature and Pressure of the Earth’s Interior :

The hot and molten lava, ash, smoke that come out at the time of volcanic eruption as well as the hot water springs are some of the evidences which confirm that interior of the earth is having a very high temperature. It has been found from mining operations also that the temperature increases at the average rate of 1°C per 32 metres depth.

At this rate of increase of temperature, the rocks at great depth of the earth’s interior should be in molten state. Actually, this was the view earlier that the crust of the earth is floating on a massive molten materials.

But, the study of earthquake waves has indicated that the temperature does not increase uniformly from the surface to the centre of the earth. The rate of increase in temperature is not uniform. Scientists also have proved that the main reasons of increase in temperature are the fusion of radio-active materials and other chemical reactions. The tremendous pressure from the overlaying materials makes the melting point higher.

On the basis of this, in upper 100 km, increase of temperature is estimated to be 12°C per km; in the next 300 km it is 2°C per km and below it 1°C per km. At this rate the temperature at the core of the earth is estimated to be 6000°C.

At this temperature, the materials in the central part of the earth’s interior should have been at gaseous state but due to tremendous pressure from the outer layers, the materials assume liquid properties and acquire properties of solid or plastic state. Therefore, the earth behaves mostly as solid down to a depth of 2900 km because of tremendous pressure.

Density and Composition of the Earth’s Interior :

By studying the speed and path of earthquake waves, temperature and pressure conditions inside the earth, scientists are of the opinion that the physical properties, density and composition of the materials are different at varying depths. The structure of the earth is therefore layered. The earth consists of three layers, one inside the other like an onion. They are the crust, the mantle and the core.

The topmost layer of the earth is solid, the thinnest, and the lightest and is known as Lithosphere. The lithosphere has again two layers-outer part immediately below the newer sedimentary formation, popularly known as crust and the inner part of greater strength. The crust of the earth is composed of sedimentary and granitic rocks.

The inner layer of lithosphere has basaltic and ultra-basic rocks. While the outer layer of lithosphere is found mainly under continents, the inner layer is found partly under oceans. The average density of lithosphere is 2.65 to 2.90. ‘Silica’ and ‘Aluminium’ are abundant. Therefore, it is popularly known as SIAL (Silica + Aluminium). The average thickness is 8 to 100 km.

Below this top layer is the layer of basalt rock which is heavier than the topmost layer. The density varies from 3.1 to 5.00. It assumes the properties of solid and partly plastic materials. The average thickness of this layer is 100 to 2900 km. In this layer, Silica and Magnesium elements predominate and it is popularly known as SIMA (Silica + Magnesium).

The SIMA also has two layers—Inner silicate layer at the top with average thickness of 100 to 1700 km and Transitional zone of mixed metals and silicates with an average thickness of 1700 to 2900 km. These two SIMA layers are also known as MANTLE. The surface that separates crust and mantle is known as Mohorovicic Discontinuity or simply MOHO.

Finally, the innermost layer exists at the central core of the earth with density 5.1 to 13.00. It is composed of the heaviest mineral materials. This central mass is mainly made of ‘nickel’ and ‘iron’ therefore known as NIFE (Nickel + Ferrous). The core contains 1/3 of the entire mass of the earth.

The materials of this part may be in liquid, plastic or even solid state due to tremendous pressure from above. It has also two layers-outer metallic core with average thickness of 2900 to 4980 km and inner metallic core between 4980 to 6400 km. The inner metallic core is also known as Barysphere (Fig. 2.4).

The three layers of the earth have been called by different geologists in different manners. German scientist Gracht called them SIAL, SIMA and NIFE. Jeffrey called them as Top, Middle and Lower layers while Professor Holmes called them the Crust, the Substratum and the Core. The relationship has been mentioned in Table 2.2.

From Table 2.2, it can be estimated that crust of the earth forms less than 1 per cent; mantle 16 per cent and 83 per cent makes the core. The earth being a spherical body has materials of varying densities at varying depths.

Materials of the Earth’s Crust :

The word ‘Lithosphere’ means a sphere of rocks. The upper portion of lithosphere is referred to as the crust of the earth. Down to depth of nearly 16 km from the surface under the continents, 95 per cent of the materials that form the crust consist of rocks and the rest 5 per cent minerals.

The term rock refers to hard masses of earth’s crust as well as loose and soft particles like sand and clay. The rocks are formed of the mixture of various minerals. All rocks do not have same chemical composition and structure.

But, every mineral has its own chemical composition and physical properties. The minerals generally occur in the form of crystals. The rocks and minerals are generally composed of certain chemical elements like oxygen, silica, aluminium, iron and calcium, etc.

Each mineral usually contains two or more simple substances called elements. There are about 2000 minerals but only 12 are common all over the earth. These 12 minerals are basically responsible for the formation of rocks.

Mineral may be defined as a naturally occurring non-living solid substance possessing certain physical properties and definite chemical composition. The minerals may be either elements or compounds and also metallic or non-metallic.

The most abundant elements in nature are silicates, carbonates, chlorides, sulphates and oxides. As much as 87 per cent of the minerals of the earth’s crust are silicates and 59 per cent of the rocks are formed of the minerals of silica group.

The distribution of minerals in the earth’s crust is as follows (Table 2.3):

Minerals are of two types -Rock forming and Ore forming:

It is one of the most abundantly available minerals in earth’s crust. It has two elements— Silicon and Oxygen. They unite together to form a compound, known as carbonate of lime. It is transparent in its pure state. However, quartz may be of different colours when it is mixed up with other elements. Its hardness is 7, specific gravity 2.65. Quartz is hexagonal and its structure is SiO 2 (Silicon dioxide).

Feldspar is one of the important elements of rock and nearly 50 per cent of the earth’s crust is composed of feldspar. It is made of silicates of aluminium, potassium, sodium, calcium and oxygen. Feldspar is of two types—Orthoclase and Plagioclase.

Orthoclase has specific gravity of 2.57, its hardness is 6 and structure is Ca 2 SiO 4 (Calcium Silicate). The specific gravity of plagioclase feldspar is 2.60 to 2.74, hardness is 6 to 6.5 and the structural formula is Na 2 OAl 2 O 6 SiO 2 (Sodium Aluminium Silicate) and CaOAl 2 O 3 2SiO 2 (Calcium Aluminium Silicate).

Mica is formed of the elements of hydrogen, potassium, aluminium, magnesium, iron and silicon. Mica is of two types—Black Biotite and White Muscovite. Mica is found in thin sheets.

Its hardness is 2.5 to 3, specific gravity is 2.70 to 3 and the structural formulae are:

Black Biotite – (AlFe) 2 (MgFe) (HK) 2 (SiO 4 ) 3

White Muscovite – K 2 O 3 Al 2 O 3 6SiO 2 2H 2 O. (Potassium Aluminium Silicate)

Calcite is formed of the chemical composition of calcium, magnesium, carbon dioxide and oxygen. It is white in colour, it may take other colour also. Its hardness is 3, specific gravity 2.70 and structural formula is CaCO 3 (Calcium Carbonate).

Magnetite :

It is composed of Silicon, Iron and Oxygen. Its hardness is from 5.5 to 6.5 and specific gravity is 5.19. Magnetite is not transparent and chemical formula is Fe 3 O 4 (Ferros Ferric Oxide).

Haematite :

Haematite is also made up of Iron and Oxygen. Its hardness is 5.5 to 6.5, specific gravity is 4.9 to 5.3 and structural formula is Fe 2 O 3 (Ferric Oxide).

Graphite is another mineral made of carbon. Its hardness is 1.5 to 2, specific gravity is 2.15 and structural formula is C (Carbon).

In addition to the above, there are many other rock and ore forming minerals. The minerals that form with oxygen are called oxides. Quartz, Magnetite, Limonite (2Fe 2 O 3 ) 3 , (Ferric Oxide), Cromite (FeOCr 2 O 3 ), Alumina (Al 2 O 3 ) belong to oxide group.

The minerals that form of Calcium, Carbon and Oxygen are called carbonates. Calcite (CaCO 3 ) (Calcium Carbonate), Dolomite (CaMg) (Calcium Magnesium), Cidarite (FeCO 3 ) (Ferrous Carbonate) ‘etc.’ belong to this group. Mineral salt (NaCl) belong to chloride group and Gypsum (CaSO 4 2H 2 O) (Hydrated Calcium Sulphate) are of sulphate group.

The minerals that have only one element are known as Native Minerals, Gold, Silver, Lead, Copper, etc., belong to this group.

The Rocks :

In terms of origin, the rocks can be classified into two main varieties, namely, Igneous rocks and Sedimentary rocks. But when these rocks are subjected to prolonged fluctuations of temperature and pressure, they are transformed to a new variety which is termed as metamorphic rocks.

Essay # 6. Theories of the Earth:

There are several hypotheses about the origin of the universe and the earth. In 1755, German philosopher Immanuel Kant put forward a theory that a spherical mass of gas called Nebula was rotating and its size was like that of the sun.

Due to rotation and cooling through radiation, the outer portion became denser and rings were thrown out. In course of time, these rings condensed into planets while the remnant continues as the sun (Table 2.1).

In 1796, Laplace- a great French Mathematician supported the Nebular hypothesis. However, there are several criticisms against Laplace’s theory and the most important one is that rings cannot condense into planets.

Kelvin’s Nuclear clots Hypothesis and Chamberlin and Moulton’s Planetesimal Hypothesis are other two hypotheses relating to the origin of the earth. However, they also lack in certain aspects of acceptability.

Tidal Hypothesis :

Looking from different angles, the Tidal Hypothesis of Jean and Jeffreys – well-known scientist of England has been found to be more acceptable. According to this hypothesis, the sun was a big and extensive mass of gas moving in space. Once, another much larger star happened to come closer to the sun and due to gravitational pull of this star a tide occurred on the surface of the sun.

As a result, protuberances of material from the sun came out towards the approaching star and in course of time it gave birth to earth and other planets of the solar system (Fig. 2.1).

There are several points in favour of Jean and Jeffreys (Tidal Hypothesis):

(1) If the density of the sun increases from its surface towards the interior, it is quite natural that the protuberances come out from the surface like a filament having lesser density. Naturally, the protuberances produced by the passing star should have been thicker in the middle and thinner at both the ends. The arrangement of the planets in the solar system is also like a cigar-middle portion bigger and tapering towards the two ends.

When the passing star had gone far away, the filament has been broken into pieces and due to the gravitational force of the sun started rotating around the sun. The planets of bigger size in the middle and smaller size towards the two ends can be seen in Fig. 2.2. Mercury is the smallest and nearest to the sun, Jupiter, the largest is in the middle.

(2) The arrangement of the satellites of respective planet also confirms the validity of this hypothesis. Saturn, the second largest planet has the largest number of 18 satellites and Jupiter, the largest planet has 16 satellites. Uranus and Neptune have 17 and 8 satellites respectively.

(3) Lastly, on the basis of this hypothesis it can be seen that bigger planets remained in the gaseous state for a longer time and have helped in formation of more number of satellites than that of the smaller planets which condensed quickly and did not have scope for formation of satellites.

This hypothesis is also known as Hit and Run Hypothesis or Catastrophic Hypothesis or Tidal Action Hypothesis.

Tidal Disruption Theory :

The earth and planets and their satellites were all part of the sun or another sun like star at that time. There are many theories regarding the formation of the solar system and our earth. One is the tidal disruption theory by Jaans and Jeffereys. This theory states that in the beginning sun was hot and in a gaseous state.

A big star moved across, which caused the tidal disruption of hot gas and it left the sun with a revolving arm or a filament of hot gas, like a spiral nebula .The cooling of filament broke up the sun into masses which began to contract toward nuclei forming planets. The gaseous planets and their satellites continued to revolve as they did after the star passed away. Gradual cooling formed liquids and final solids.

The more volatile material of the earth remained in the gaseous state and formed our atmosphere, originally much deeper and of a higher temperature than now. As the atmosphere cooled, the water vapour condensed and formed clouds. As cooling continued, rain fell and oceans formed.

Steady State Theory:

Another theory which can be considered as alternative to the Big Bang Theory is the Steady State Theory. It is propounded by Hoyle. Here, Hoyle propounded that the Universe remained of the same size at any given point of time. However, this theory has been discarded after evidences of expanding universe.

Big Bang Theory :

Another recent and most convincing proposition regarding the origin of the universe including the planet earth is the Big Bang Theory or Expanding Universe Theory. Eduin Hubble provided evidence of expanding universe in 1920. The theory assumes that the universe began from huge mass of atoms called primeval atoms or cosmic eggs having a state of infinite density.

The universe initiated its origin 15 million years ago when a dense mass of material exploded in the so-called big bang. The explosion sent all of the materials of the universe outward in a cosmos that is still expanding. All of the galaxies, planets, asteroids, and other bodies in the universe were formed from the gas and dust of this extraordinary explosion.

This theory was put forward by an astronomer cum priest named George Lamaitre in 1927. It is felt that the expansion of the universe will continue for a long time. After that perhaps the expansion will slow down. At any point of time, if similar condition prevails the stimeval atoms may become active again and another explosion (big bang) may take place.

Although many scientists contributed to the development of this theory, it was George Gamow who coined the term Big Bang in 1946. Gamow with RA Alpher envisaged a high temperature state in the beginning of the universe.

Evolution of the Earth and Life forms :

The evolution of the earth can be described as follows in terms of various stages. In the initial stages the earth was barren, rocky and hot. It had thin layers of hydrogen and helium. During the period of 4000 million years till now the earth had been through several processes and life evolved.

From the top of the atmosphere to the centre of the earth different density materials have formed different layers. The process of separating denser materials from the lighter materials is called differentiation. The present atmosphere contains water vapour, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, methane and small quantity of oxygen. Plants are the major sources of oxygen on earth.

The oceans formed within 500 million years from the formation of the earth. Life began approximately 3000 million years ago. The process of photosynthesis began between 2500 and 3000 million years ago. The first life of the earth was confined to oceans in the form of small bacteria. The evolution of life from bacteria to modern man is shown by Geological Time Scale expressed in terms of Eons, Era, Period and Epoch.

Essay # 7. Numerical Facts about the Earth :

The earth is spherical in shape with a bulge at the middle and a slight flattening at the poles. The equatorial radius is 6374 km and the polar radius is 6357 km. The mean distance from the sun is 150 million km.

Continental Drift Theory :

The making of the continents began 200 million years ago (during the Persian period) with the split of gigantic landmass known as PANGEA. Two continents laurasia to the north and Gondwana to the south were formed. Later on, these were sub divided into smaller parts approximately the shapes of Africa, Eurasia North and South America, Australia and Antarctica as we know today. This theory is known as continental drift theory.

Continents and Oceans of the World :

During Persian period, outer surface of the earth was broken into 10 major and a number of minor sections called plates. It is on these plates that continents rest. The rifts between the plates were filled with molten material from the mantle pushing the plates to either side and farther and farther as the material continued to seep through. Since this material was heavier, it levelled off below sea level forming ocean floors as water from the pacific flowed in.

A continent is a large, continuous area of land on the earth. All continents together constitute less than one-third of the earth’s surface, more than two-third of the earth’s surface are covered with water. Two third of the continental land mass is located in the northern hemisphere.

There is no standard definition for the number of continents in the world. By most standards, there are a maximum of seven continents Africa, Antarctica, Asia, Australia/Oceania, Europe, north America and south America. In Europe, many students are taught about six continents, where north and south America are considered to form one America.

Many geographers and scientists now refer to six continents, where Europe and Asia are combined, called Eurasia, because they are one solid land mass. By the definition of a continent as a large continuous area of land, the pacific islands of Oceania are not a continent, but one could say, they belong to a continent e.g. Oceania is sometimes associated with the continent of Australia.

Essay # 8. Energy Intercepted by the Earth :

Radius of the earth = r

Area of the earth = π r 2

Solar constant = S

Total energy intercepted by the earth in unit time = π r 2 S

= 6.37 x 10 21 cal day -1

Surface area of the earth = 4 π r 2

If this energy is spread uniformly over the full surface of earth, then the energy received per unit area per unit time (Q S ) can be given as follows:

But the distribution of solar radiation over the earth surface is not uniform, annual value at the equator is 2.4 times that at the poles. Incident solar energy at the surface depends upon geographic location, orientation of the surface, time of the day, time of the year and atmospheric conditions i.e. clear, cloudy, foggy etc..

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Layers of the Earth

Layers of the Earth

The Earth, like an onion, consists of several concentric layers, each with its own unique set of properties and characteristics. The four primary layers are the crust, the mantle, the outer core, and the inner core. However, geologists subdivide these layers into a complex structure that better describes the Earth’s intricate composition and behavior. Let’s start with the basic four-layer model before delving into greater detail.

The 4 Basic Layers of the Earth

The crust is the Earth’s outermost layer and it’s where we live. It has an irregular thickness, varying from about 5 km beneath the oceans (oceanic crust) to about 30 km beneath the continents (continental crust). The crust mainly consists of lighter rocks , such as basalt in the oceanic crust and granite in the continental crust.

The Mohorovičić discontinuity, often referred to as the Moho, is the boundary between the Earth’s crust and the mantle. Named after the Croatian seismologist Andrija Mohorovičić who discovered it in 1909, the Moho occurs from 5 to 10 kilometers beneath the ocean floor to about 20 to 70 kilometers beneath continental interiors.

The significance of the Moho discontinuity lies in the change in seismic wave velocities that it represents. Seismic waves from earthquakes travel at different speeds depending on the material they move through. Mohorovičić noted that seismic waves speed up abruptly below certain depths. This observation led him to conclude that Earth has a layered structure. The Moho represents the transition from the relatively low- density crust to the higher-density mantle.

Beneath the crust lies the mantle, extending to a depth of about 2,900 km. It contains silicate rocks that are rich in iron and magnesium . There are two sections of the mantle: the upper mantle, which is more rigid and behaves elastically on short time scales, and the lower mantle, which is solid but flows on geological timescales.

The Outer Core

The outer core extends from 2,900 km to about 5,150 km beneath the Earth’s surface. It mainly consists of liquid iron and nickel . The motion within this layer generates the Earth’s magnetic field.

The Inner Core

The inner core is the central part of the Earth. It extends from a depth of about 5,150 km to the Earth’s center at about 6,371 km. Although it is very hot, the inner core is solid due to the immense pressure at this depth. It’s composed primarily of iron, with minor amounts of nickel and other lighter elements.

Detailed Layer Model of the Earth

For a more intricate understanding of the Earth’s structure, geologists divide the layers of the Earth a bit differently, based on their physical and chemical properties.

1. The Lithosphere

The lithosphere, about 10 to 200 km thick, includes the uppermost mantle and the crust. It’s rigid and breaks under stress, which is why it’s broken up into tectonic plates . The lithosphere varies in thickness, being thinner at oceanic ridges and thicker beneath older oceanic and continental regions.

2. The Asthenosphere

Beneath the lithosphere, from about 100 to 350 km, lies the asthenosphere. The asthenosphere is the part of the upper mantle that exhibits plastic (or ductile) behavior. The tectonic plates slide around on top of this layer. It’s composed of similar material to the rest of the upper mantle – mainly peridotite, a rock rich in silicate minerals.

3. The Mesosphere

Below the asthenosphere and extending to about 2,900 km is the mesosphere or lower mantle. The mesosphere is a region of strong, rigid rocks that deform slowly under the intense heat and pressure. It’s composed of silicate minerals that change in structure with depth due to increasing pressure.

4. The Outer Core

The outer core spans from 2,900 to about 5,150 km deep. The convection currents within this liquid layer create the Earth’s magnetosphere through a dynamo effect.

5. The Inner Core

The inner core extends from 5,150 km to the center of the Earth at about 6,371 km. In recent years, it has been suggested that the inner core itself may have an inner-inner core with distinct physical properties, but this remains an area of active research.

Physical Properties of the Earth’s Layers

Each of these layers has unique physical properties, including temperature, pressure, density, and composition. The crust and uppermost mantle (lithosphere) are cool and rigid, while the asthenosphere is partially molten and plastic. Deeper in the Earth, temperatures and pressures rise dramatically. The core, for example, has temperatures similar to the Sun’s surface and pressures more than 3 million times atmospheric pressure.

The Earth’s density also increases with depth, from around 2.2 g/cm³ in the crust to over 13 g/cm³ in the core. This density gradient is due to both increasing pressure and changes in composition.

In terms of composition, the crust is mostly silicate rocks and oxygen, while the core is largely iron and nickel. The mantle, which comprises the majority of Earth’s volume, is predominantly composed of silicate minerals rich in iron and magnesium.

10 Facts About the Layers of the Earth

Now, let’s explore ten interesting facts about the layers of the Earth:

  • Thickest Layer: The mantle is the thickest layer of the Earth, accounting for about 84% of the Earth’s volume. It extends approximately 2,900 kilometers beneath the crust, which makes it nearly twice the thickness of the Earth’s outer and inner cores combined.
  • Pressure: The pressure of the inner core at the Earth’s center is extreme. Estimates place it at over 3.5 million times greater than the pressure at sea level.
  • Temperature: The temperature of the core is similar to that of the Sun’s surface, around 5,500 degrees Celsius.
  • Dynamo Effect: The Earth’s magnetic field results from the convection of liquid iron and nickel in the outer core, a phenomenon known as the dynamo effect.
  • Oceanic vs. Continental Crust: Oceanic crust is thinner and denser than continental crust. The average thickness of oceanic crust is 5 km, while continental crust averages around 35 km.
  • Crust Composition: The crust is primarily composed of silicate rocks. The oceanic crust is mainly basalt, and the continental crust is primarily granite.
  • Tectonic Plates: The Earth’s lithosphere is broken into variously sized “tectonic plates.” It’s the movement of these plates that causes earthquakes, volcanic activity, and the creation of mountain ranges.
  • Asthenosphere Behavior: Despite being solid, the asthenosphere flows over geologic time scales, which assists the movement of the tectonic plates of the lithosphere.
  • Core Composition: The core is primarily composed of iron, with smaller amounts of nickel and other lighter elements. It’s also believed that there might be “oceans” of liquid iron in the core.
  • Inner Core Anomaly: Recent studies suggest that the inner core itself may have an “inner inner core” with distinctive physical properties, although this is still a topic of ongoing research.

Layers of the Earth Worksheet

The Layers of Earth Worksheet

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  • Engdahl, E.R.; Flinn, E.A.; Massé, R.P. (1974). “Differential PKiKP travel times and the radius of the inner core”. Geophysical Journal International . 39 (3): 457–463. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-246x.1974.tb05467.x
  • Harris, P. (1972). “ The Composition of the Earth “. In Gass, I. G.; et al. (eds.). Understanding the Earth: A Reader in the Earth Sciences . Horsham: Artemis Press for the Open University Press. ISBN 978-0-85141-308-2.
  • Haynes, William M.; David R., Lide; Bruno, Thomas J., eds. (2017). CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics (97th ed.). Boca Raton, Florida: CRC Press. ISBN 978-1-4987-5429-3.
  • O’Reilly, Suzanne Y.; Griffin, W.L. (December 2013). “Moho vs crust–mantle boundary: Evolution of an idea”. Tectonophysics . 609: 535–546. doi: 10.1016/j.tecto.2012.12.031
  • Rogers, N., ed. (2008). An Introduction to Our Dynamic Planet . Cambridge University Press and The Open University. ISBN 978-0-521-49424-3.

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The Rock Cycle with arrows showing the constant recycling of rocks between the different states.

The rock cycle, showing the constant recycling of rocks on Earth between sedimentary, igneous, and metamorphic states.

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The primary agent driving these processes is the movement of Earth’s tectonic plates, which creates mountains, volcanoes, and ocean basins. Changes in the rate that rocks are made and destroyed can have a profound effect on the planet. As the rate of plate tectonic movements has changed over geologic time scales, the rock cycle has changed as well, and these changes have been able to affected climate. For example, at times when the rate of plate movements has been high, there is more volcanic activity, which releases more particles into the atmosphere. Faster plate tectonic movements also mean more mountains are built in areas where plates converge. As rocks are uplifted into mountains, they start to erode and dissolve, sending sediments and nutrients into waterways and impacting the ecosystems for living things.

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Earth Structure

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Earth Science, Geology, Geography, Physical Geography

What makes Earth unique?

Scientists have found thousands of other worlds, but they're not like Earth.

A 2014 image of Earth taken by the NASA-NOAA Suomi NPP satellite.

Plate tectonics

  • Other worlds

To date, astronomers have discovered nearly 5,000 exoplanets, or planets beyond our solar system. But many people still have a soft spot for one particular planet, Earth.

That might be biased, but still: Given what scientists have learned about exoplanets so far, a combination of several different factors seems to make Earth unique, no many how many worlds humans dream of visiting.

"You hear all the time how Earth-like Mars is, but if you were taken to Mars you wouldn't feel happy there at all," Don Brownlee, an astronomer at the University of Washington, told in 2008. "It's not Earth-like."

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Size and location

First off, Earth has established itself in a particularly comfortable neighborhood.

Although our sun experiences an 11-year activity cycle, the star isn't too disruptive to Earth even at its peak activity. That's a marked contrast to, for example, red dwarfs, small stars known for sizeable outbursts of radiation.

Earth is a cozy distance from the sun as well, orbiting at an average of 92,955,807 miles (149,597,870 kilometers) away. The pairing of planet and star also allows Earth to retain liquid water on its surface.

A diagram of Earth's orbit around the sun.

"A planet much farther in would receive too much energy from the sun, and a planet too far out would quickly freeze," Diana Valencia, a planetary scientist now at the University of Toronto Scarborough in Canada, told in 2008. In addition, Earth's size lets it hold onto our precious atmosphere.

Friendly neighbors

Earth is also shaped by its partnership with the moon , which is relatively large compared to Earth.

Earth's moon stabilizes our planet's rotation, preventing drastic movements of the poles that would cause massive changes in climate. The moon also shapes conditions on the surface by creating the ocean's tides.

Jupiter is also a key player, despite its vast distance from Earth. Because of its huge mass, Jupiter acts as a sort of celestial vacuum cleaning up the debris that clutters the solar system — rocks as small as cars and as huge as moons that would dramatically change Earth's surface if they impacted.

(The Mars-size object that scientists believe collided with the early Earth to form our planet and the moon would have snuck past Jupiter, of course.)

A watery world

The planet's vast oceans are a key trait that make Earth unique.

Perhaps the most strikingly unique feature of Earth is its vast oceans, which cover 70% of the planet's surface. Earth is the only world in our solar system with liquid water at its surface today.

Scientists believe that Mars and Venus may have long ago had oceans, but these are long gone. And while scientists have found signs of water ice on worlds from Mercury to large asteroids to Saturn's strange moon Titan , they have so far struggled to find its liquid form.

Intriguingly, water is tied to another unique feature of Earth, its system of plate tectonics , the slip-sliding movements of Earth's crust that are thought to have shaped the planet's towering mountain ranges and plummeting ocean depths.

Many scientists have argued water enables plate tectonics to happen. "Water is what lubricates plate tectonics, which is what leads to the extreme difference between continents and seafloors, the large amount of earthquakes and volcanoes, fresh mountain-building," Mike Brown, a planetary scientist at Caltech, told in 2008.

Meanwhile, plate tectonics keep the planet's temperature regulated, remaining in temperature ranges at which liquid water can endure.

Habitability and beauty

An image of Earth captured during Apollo 11, the mission that saw humans land on the moon for the first time.

From the liquid oceans to the steady spin, all these features combine to make Earth unique in one particularly important way: Earth is the only world known to host living beings. Examining how that life is possible isn't just glorying in our luck to share the planet with everything from amoebas to elephants and from oaks to zebrafish.

Scientists also believe that understanding what's unique about Earth is crucial for understanding what other planets might be like. After all, even with all the spacecraft humans have sent out to explore our neighboring worlds, Earth remains the only one with which we have first-hand knowledge.

That Earth hosts intelligent life — and life capable of studying the galaxy around us  — makes it doubly unique. Gregory Laughlin, an astrophysicist and planet hunter now at Yale University, told in 2008 that he believes these achievements too should be credited to our planet.

"During the last half century, the planet Earth has fashioned together tiny pieces of the metal in its crust, and has flung these delicately constructed objects to all of the other planets in the solar system," Laughlin said. "From our anthropocentric viewpoint, we naturally separate ourselves from the planet that we live on, but if one adopts the point of view of an external observer, it is the 'planet' (taken as a whole) that has done these remarkable things."

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Different worlds

Artist's depictions of some of the exoplanets discovered by NASA's Kepler mission.

So far, we haven't seen any planet outside the solar system that looks quite like Earth. Scientists have discovered nearly 5,000 exoplanets to date, and while they can know only very limited information about each of these worlds, nothing matches Earth's unique set of characteristics.

Instead, scientists have discovered a treasure trove of planets each unique in their own way: hot gas giants zipping around their stars in just hours, planets where one side is eternally hot enough to vaporize iron, planets with no star at all.

As our technology improves, many planet hunters hope to find Earth's twin. The search has led scientists to debate whether Earth is really as unique as we think it is. Many scientists believe that Earth's most celebrated trait, life, may well exist on some of those countless other planets out there, if only astronomers can develop the tools to see it.

"Certainly there will be other planets that support life," he said. "I think life is actually quite common. I think we're going to find there are literally billions of them in the galaxy."

Additional resources

  • Visit NASA's hub for understanding Earth as a planet.
  • Explore NASA's kid-friendly resources for learning about Earth.
  • Browse NASA's hub for understanding exoplanets.

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Clara Moskowitz is a science and space writer who joined the team in 2008 and served as Assistant Managing Editor from 2011 to 2013. Clara has a bachelor's degree in astronomy and physics from Wesleyan University, and a graduate certificate in science writing from the University of California, Santa Cruz. She covers everything from astronomy to human spaceflight and once aced a NASTAR suborbital spaceflight training program for space missions. Clara is currently Associate Editor of Scientific American. To see her latest project is, follow Clara on Twitter.

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The four major types of landforms are the flat plains and plateaus, the rolling hills, and mountains. Minor landforms include sunken basins, flat-topped buttes, wide valleys, and steep canyons.

What are some famous landforms?

Mount Everest between China and Nepal and the Mariana Trench off the coast of the Philipinnes are respectively the highest and lowest altitude on the planet. Ayers Rock also known as Uluru is a massive sandstone landform in the middle of Australia. Monument Valley in Utah and Arizona boasts the most famous flat-topped buttes in the world. Mount Kilimanjaro is a volcano in Africa near the equator with a glacier on top.

Table of Contents

Physical characteristics of earth, landforms of the earth, lesson summary.

Several physical characteristics of the earth make it unique among the planets of our solar system. It is the only one with liquid water on its surface; in fact, 70% of Earth's surface is covered in oceans. Together with an oxygen-rich atmosphere that supports life, the water and air circulate to create the planet's climate. As far as we know, Earth is the only planet with life that interacts with the environment to form various ecosystems in different climatic zones. The dry land has an extensive continental structure covered in unique landforms, such as mountains, valleys, and hills. Dynamic plate tectonic activity, volcanism, and erosion by wind and water are responsible for many landforms. Landforms, climates, and ecosystems all interact and affect one another.

Figure 1: A satellite view of the Earth showing its physical characteristics

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  • 0:04 Landforms
  • 2:03 Ecosystems & Climate
  • 4:08 Lesson Summary

The definition of a landform is a natural topographic feature on the earth's surface. It is the form of terrain shaped by the forces of nature. Among landforms of the earth, the highest in the world is Mount Everest, and the lowest is a submarine canyon called the Mariana Trench. These landforms were created by tectonic forces that move around large plates of the earth's crust, at times colliding or pulling apart. In the case of Everest, two of these plates collided and crumpled upwards to form the Himalayas. In the case of the Mariana Trench, two plates collided and bent downward, creating a very deep canyon.

Examples of Landforms

And how many landforms are there? The four major types of landforms are plains, plateaus, hills, and mountains. Minor landforms include basins, buttes, canyons, and valleys (Figure 2). Examples of landforms include the great prairies of the Midwest, which are very fertile plains, and the breadbasket of the US. The Colorado Plateau is the largest in the US and covers around 130,000 square miles in four western states. Another example would be Mount Mitchell in North Carolina, the highest peak in the Appalachians at 6,684 ft.

Examples of minor landforms include the Great Basin centered on the state of Nevada, which was created by geological forces that have stretched the crust of the earth, causing parts of the surface to subside. Other examples include the buttes of the Badlands in South Dakota and Bryce Canyon in Utah.

Figure 2: An example of different major and minor landforms on earth

Famous Landforms in the World

And what are the most famous landforms in the world? Already mentioned were the Mariana Trench at nearly seven miles deep, and Mount Everest (Figure 3) at approx. 29,035 feet tall. In reality, the tallest mountain in the world is mostly submerged in the Pacific Ocean. The Mauna Kea volcano on the island of Hawaii stands at 32,696 feet from its base to the peak, over 3.600 feet taller than Everest. While both peaks are located at latitudes not known for freezing temperatures, because of their altitude, they are snowcapped. The Grand Canyon in Arizona, one of the most iconic landforms of the world, boasts a depth of over a mile and was created by the erosion of the Colorado River over millions of years. Among the most famous buttes in the world are those of Monument Valley in Utah and Arizona. These buttes were created by erosion as well. The flat-top is composed of a more resistant cap rock that resists erosion by the rain and, like an umbrella, protects the underlying material from being washed away.

Figure 3: Mount Everest, highest elevation in the world at approx. 29,035 feet

An ecosystem is defined as a natural community of plants, animals, and other organisms interacting with and adapting to their environment. Climates are a fundamental basis for ecosystems as temperature and precipitation patterns determine whether a place is hospitable for a certain species.

An example would be the Nevada desert ecosystem (yellow in Figure 4) where, because of the arid conditions in the rainshadow of the Sierra Nevada range, plants must adapt by exhibiting water-saving strategies. On the other hand, the rainy coast of the Pacific Northwest (dark blue in Figure 4) is home to verdant temperate rainforests.

The highland climates of the mountainous regions (grey in Figure 4) make for a great diversity of ecosystems thanks to the topography. From grasslands and forests at lower altitudes to tundra higher up, highland climates support many different kinds of ecosystems. Not unlike moss growing on the shady north side of a tree, mountain slopes that face away from the sun are generally cooler, wetter, and more vegetated while those that face the direct rays are drier, warmer, and more barren by comparison.

Of course, not all ecosystems are on land. Examples of aquatic ecosystems include a pond that supports a certain variety of fish and plants, or a coral reef, which is so fabulously diverse in marine species that it is known as the rainforest of the ocean.

Figure 4: Map of climates in the United States

Climate is defined as the prevailing weather conditions of a particular place over a long period of time. A place's climate is influenced by a host of interacting processes and factors. One of the most important factors in determining climate is latitude, or how far one is from the equator. Because the Earth is round, the sun's energy is distributed unevenly across the globe, and the sweltering tropics are warmed by more sunshine than the frigid arctic. Landforms can also influence climate. The higher the altitude, the colder it gets, so Mauna Kea's peak gets snow, even in tropical Hawaii. Prevailing winds blowing across such a high landform create very different climates. The upwind side of the Big Island (Hilo) receives a lot of precipitation, while the downwind (Kona) is a desert-like rainshadow (Figure 5). Ocean currents such as the warm Gulf Stream also affect climates at higher latitudes by transporting heat poleward. If it were not for the Gulf Stream, northern Europe would be a much colder place.

Figure 5: A rainshadow is the drier downwind side of a mountain.

This lesson defined a landform as a natural terrain feature on the earth's surface. The four major types of landforms are plains, plateaus, hills, and mountains. Minor landforms include basins, valleys, canyons, and buttes. Examples of landforms were given, such as the Grand Canyon and the deepest canyon on earth: the Mariana Trench.

Climate is defined as the long-term average of weather conditions of an area or zone. The factor that best determines where different climate zones are located has to do with how far one is from the equator, that is, latitude. Climate zones offer hospitable conditions for the life forms that make up a given ecosystem. An ecosystem is defined as a community of biological organisms that interact with the place that they live, their environment. Landforms, climates, and ecosystems all interact with each other to create the unique planet we live on today.

Video Transcript

Have you ever noticed the physical features of the Earth's surface where you live? If you live in the countryside, take a walk outside and begin to notice your surroundings. Are the surface features of your neighborhood located on a high hilltop or part of a large mountain range? If you then take a trip a few hours away, these features may then change to a flat plain.

Physical characteristics that are used to define the surface of the Earth are known as landforms . There are four main types of landforms: mountains, plains, hills, and plateaus. Minor forms include buttes, canyons, valleys, and basins. Each of these landforms is formed and shaped by the activity that the Earth may be under.

The mountain or hill that you're living on is formed by a process called plate tectonics , whereby the land is pushed up through the surface of the Earth. Erosion , deterioration caused by wind and rain (such as from strong storms occurring over time) can create valleys and canyons by eroding the land. One such example is the Grand Canyon in Arizona, where it took about 6 million years for the Colorado River to carve it out. An example of the highest landform on the Earth is Mount Everest in Nepal with a height of 8,500 meters (29,035 feet) above sea level. The deepest landform involves a basin: the Mariana Trench in the South Pacific Ocean.

If you've ever visited states such as Utah, Oregon, Idaho, and California, you might have driven into a large basin called the Great Basin Range. Here, the land is affected by the Wasatch Mountains in Utah and the Sierra Nevada and Cascade Mountains in Washington, Oregon, and California. These ranges create a rain shadow (a dry area on the downwind side of a mountain) over a large part of the basin, preventing storms in this area. The formation of this basin due to plate tectonics also created the largest desert in the United States. This readily affects the ecosystem, as we will see in the next section.

Ecosystems and Climate

Have you ever gone fishing on a lake on a sunny day and noticed insects among the living organisms found there, besides the plants and the fish? Actually, they interact with one another, acting as food for the fish or the plants. This interaction between living organisms and the environment (including the sunlight, water, temperature, and air pressure) is known as an area's ecosystem .

These are just some of the major components that make up ecosystems, which fall into two categories: terrestrial and aquatic. Terrestrial or land-based ecosystems include forests, grasslands, deserts, and tundra, while aquatic or water-based ecosystems include freshwater and marine bodies of water. What is important to note about these different ecosystems is that, although they are all complex, there are processes at work that produce certain patterns associated with each type of ecosystem. For instance, the tundra ecosystem has a surface that is frozen year-round and is snow-covered. This is due to the high latitude that causes these types of ecosystems (as in the Arctic).

Closely tied to ecosystems and the processes involved to produce certain characteristic features are the different climate zones , areas with distinct temperatures and levels of humidity/rainfall. There are three major climate zones (polar, temperate, and tropical), which are mainly driven by the latitude of the region. For example, the tropics are characterized by hot and humid weather and a high amount of rainfall.

If you observe the Gulf Stream on an infrared temperature map of the Earth, you will see a winding flow of warm water in red in the western North Atlantic along the Florida coast up to the northeastern part of the ocean. It is actually a strong ocean current that transports warm water from the tropics to the higher latitudes, such as in the temperate climate zone. What is interesting to note is that this strong current system brings nutrients from the deep waters of the ocean to marine ecosystems. This is another physical process that occurs in the tropical climate and effects, in this case, a major ecosystem.

Many different patterns and features of the Earth are determined by the physical processes acting on the environment to produce them. These physical processes yield mountains, plains, hills, and plateaus, the four main types of landforms , physical characteristics that are used to define the surface of the Earth. Plate tectonics can form mountains and hills by moving parts of the Earth over long periods of time, while erosion , the deterioration of land by wind and water, can wear away the land to produce valleys and canyons. A rain shadow is a dry area on the downwind side of a mountain.

Ecosystems are defined by the interaction of the environment and the living organisms within that environment. There are both terrestrial or land-based and aquatic or water-based ecosystems. Animals such as fish in a lake, for example, interact with the surrounding lifeforms (like insects) as well as water temperature. If the lake temperature changes, the fish must adapt to that change. Closely related to ecosystems are climates , areas of distinct temperature ranges and rainfall/humidity, such as the polar, temperate, and tropical climates. These different climates possess patterns that form due to the different processes acting upon them.

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Lesson: Characteristics of Earth Science • First Year of Preparatory School

In this lesson, we will learn how to describe the characteristics of Earth that are essential to supporting life.

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Students will be able to

  • describe Earth’s atmosphere and list the main gases of which it consists,
  • discuss the importance of Earth’s atmosphere,
  • describe Earth’s hydrosphere and its importance to living organisms,
  • compare the proportions of land and water coverage on planet Earth and the proportions of salt water and fresh water,
  • discuss the importance of temperature, atmospheric pressure, and gravity in creating our environment,
  • describe the inner structure of Earth, including the crust, mantle, inner core, and outer core.

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Identifying the Incorrect Statement regarding the Importance of Earth’s Atmosphere

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Earth as Compared With the Other Planets Essay

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The earth is the fifth largest planet and is placed third from the sun. The earth is the only planet that scientists are able to study in detail. This is because its atmospheric conditions can be monitored minute by minute. In addition, the earth is the only planet that supports life and has water. The planet earth is divided into three layers; at the top is the crust; the mantle comes in the medial position and finally the core. This discussion will be based on the comparison of the earth’s properties with the other planets.

The earth has properties that have been identified through many studies which have been done. One of its distinct properties is that it is divided into three layers according to their distinctive seismic and chemical properties. On the surface about forty kilometers in depth we have the crust. It is followed by the upper mantle between 40 and four 400 kilometers. The transition region follows between 400 and 650 kilometers. Then the lower mantle follows between 650 and 2700 kilometers. The D’’ Layer is found between 2700 and 2890 kilometers and lastly is the inner core which is subdivided into the outer and inner core found between 2890 and 5150 and 5150 and 6378 kilometers respectively. The thickness of the crust varies. It has been found to be thicker beneath the continents and thinner below oceans. The crust is divided into two layers. There is the inner and the outer layers which are solid. The mantle layer is semi fluid. The layers of the earth are separated by discontinuities for example we have the Mohorovicic discontinuity that separates the upper mantle and the earth crust. On the other hand the mantle consists most of the earth’s mass (Bill, 2006).

The different earth layers consist of various chemical compositions. The chemical compositions of the earth’s core are nickel and iron; nonetheless they are not the only elements present. The lower mantle is made up of elements like of magnesium, oxygen, iron, and others. On the other hand the upper mantle consists of elements such as olivine, calcium and pyroxene. The earth’s crust has elements like silicates and quartz. “The earth’s chemical composition is 0.05 % Titanium, 1.9% sulfur, 2.4% nickel, 12.7% magnesium, 15.2% silicon, 29.5% oxygen and 34.6% iron” (Bill, 2006). To carry out the studies on the chemical compositions of the earth’s interior the scientists rely on lava samples collected on the surface of the earth because some parts of the earth are not accessible.

The earth contains several materials made up of the different elements. Some of these materials are: chemical elements for example gold, mercury, diamond; compounds such as salt, water, ammonia; mixtures like milk, sand; minerals like rocks, silicate; gemstones such as rubies, turquoise, beryl; synthetic substances like plastics, drugs and inorganic properties like starch, natural gas and so on (The Planet Earth n.d).

The study of the earth is made possible by various disciplines. The geological sciences are used to study the structure, minerals compositions as well as chemicals. Hydrological sciences help in the study of how water behaves thus things like erosion can be explained. Atmospheric sciences are applied in climatology, atmosphere planetary and meteorology. Trigonometry and geometry sciences have been used to give information about the locations as well as the size. Therefore using these disciplines there is precise information about the planet earth as well as the other planets.

There are factors that form the shape of the earth and modify it. The first one is its large surface area that has made the earth to cool more slowly. In fact studies show that the earth is cooling still (Earth Properties, 2009). Energy is transmitted from materials with high temperatures to ones that are cool; thus the hot materials in the earth’s core are pushed to towards the crust. On the contrary materials on the crust that are cold such as rocks are forced inside by the convection currents. Secondly we have forces that work on the plate tectonics due to the heat at the earth’s surface which pushes the plate tectonics. The earth has plate tectonics that are huge segments separated by faults and are capable of colliding. When they collide they cause potent tectonic forces that lead to the squeezing and folding of the solid rock. This leads to changes on the earth’s crust through the formation of mountains, valleys and so on. (Earth Properties, 2009).

Erosion is another factor that shapes the earth’s structure. It is brought about by factors like the wind, water from lakes, rivers, oceans as well as ice. These factors lead to modification of the forms found on the earth’s structure due to the rapid erosion process. Water may lead to erosion by washing away the top soil and thus creating gullies. Thus through erosion the shape of the earth is changed when some elements are washed away. (Earth Properties, 2009).

In addition volcanic activities are responsible for shaping the earth. The volcanic activities take place under special conditions thus they are not found everywhere. Volcanism occurs in four key settings. One, along divergent plate boundaries, second, areas with continental extension, third, along converging tectonics and in areas located in the interior of the earth’s plate called hot spots (Nelson, 2008). Through volcanic activities features like craters are formed when hot magma is forced out to the surface. The vent used by the magma may become a crater at the top. Some of the craters may retain water thus becoming lakes. All these features change the earth’s surface.

The earth is just one planet among seven others. It is the densest body and may have some similarities with the other planets. It is also one of the most important planets due to its ability to support all the living organisms. Its is also a unique planet because it is the only one that has liquid water except for some satellites in Jupiter that are said to have water and some scientists believe some form of bacteria exist. The earth can be used as a central point in comparing the rest of the planets in the solar system which has seven other planets; namely, Mercury, Venus, mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.

The planet mercury is the closets to the sun. It has a larger core compared to the earth. It has a very eccentric orbit thus giving strange effects to observers on its surface. The observers saw at some point the sun stop as it moved towards the zenith. At the same time the stars would be moving at a very fast pace on the sky. The temperatures in mercury are very hot and this makes this planet the most extreme in temperature variations. The temperatures are very high and vary from between 90K and 700K. Due to these high temperatures no living things are found here unlike in the earth (Bill, 2006).

Venus is the other planet positioned second from the sun. This planet is very bright like the moon and the earth thus different from the earth in this sense. Its rotation is very slow that is about 245 days on earth to one Venus day and therefore it does not have a magnetic field. This planet is often called the Earth’s sister due to its similarities with the earth. To begin with their sizes are almost similar though Venus is slightly smaller. Both planets contain very few craters in addition they have similar chemical compositions as well as densities. Venus’ temperature is very hot and ironically its surface is hotter than mercury’s yet it is further from the sun. Therefore its surface is very dry as its water boiled away due to its high temperatures. In addition it does not have any satellites (Bill, 2006).

Mars planet has a red color and its surface is very cold. It is smaller than the earth but the surface are is just about the size of Earth’s. Both planets are similar in that they have an atmosphere; however the mars’ atmosphere contains typically of carbon dioxide though there is some oxygen just like in the earth. The two planets are similar in that the length of their day is almost equal. The earth has 24 hours while mars has 24 ½ hours. It has two satellites and its orbit is elliptical. Its unique characteristic is its terrain which is spectacular. This planet is said to have supported life though no prove has been found yet.

Jupiter is the largest planet is it is about 318 times the mass of the earth. It has a huge magnetic field which is stronger compared to the earth. Jupiter has a ring like Saturn but it is smaller in size and fainter. It has sixty three satellites. On the other hand Saturn is the second largest planet after Jupiter. It has rings around it and they are very bright. The rings are unstable and thus are regenerated by the processes ongoing like the break up of satellites. Just like the earth Saturn has a magnetic field. It has thirty four satellites. Saturn has the least density in all the planets (Bill, 2006).

Uranus is seventh from the sun and by diameter the third largest. Just like the earth Uranus contains rocks and ice. Its core is not rocky and hence the material at the core is less evenly distributed. Its magnetic field is peculiar because it is not found at the center like in other planets. Its rings are darker than Jupiter’s. Lastly there is Neptune. It comes in the eighth position from the sun. It has a rich blue tint in color which is as a result of the absorption of the red light by methane. The winds found in this planet are the fastest of all winds in the entire solar system. It radiates its own heat from its internal heat source. It has thirteen satellites (Bill, 2006).

The earth remains the only planet that supports life due to its favorable conditions that support life. However there is a reason to be alarmed with the level of greenhouse gases being released into the atmosphere thus leading to the rising of global temperatures. This has led to erratic rain patterns in most parts of the world and this has created shortages in food production, water to produce hydroelectric power and so on. Action needs to be taken now to protect our planet and avoid the rising of the temperatures least we find in uninhabitable conditions.

Reference List

  • Bill, A. (2006), Earth . Web.
  • Nelson, A.S. (2008). Volcanic Landforms, Volcanoes and plate Tectonics . Web.
  • The Planet Earth .
  • Properties of Earth and the Moon n.d.
  • Plate Tectonics Theory and Features
  • Physics Fundamentals in Astronomy
  • Ways to Explain Plate Tectonics Theory
  • Astronomy of the Planets: Kepler's Law, Lunar Eclipse, Moon
  • Military in Space: What Will It Give the US?
  • The Phenomenon of Gamma-Ray Bursts
  • Discovering Live on Other Planets Before 2050
  • Temperature Changes in Celestial Themes
  • Chicago (A-D)
  • Chicago (N-B)

IvyPanda. (2021, November 11). Earth as Compared With the Other Planets.

"Earth as Compared With the Other Planets." IvyPanda , 11 Nov. 2021,

IvyPanda . (2021) 'Earth as Compared With the Other Planets'. 11 November.

IvyPanda . 2021. "Earth as Compared With the Other Planets." November 11, 2021.

1. IvyPanda . "Earth as Compared With the Other Planets." November 11, 2021.


IvyPanda . "Earth as Compared With the Other Planets." November 11, 2021.

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What are Earth sciences?

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High-oblique view of the extra-tropical unnamed cyclone that merged with Hurricane Earl is featured in this image taken by an Expedition 24 crew member on the International Space Station (Sept. 2010).

Earth sciences

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  • Table Of Contents


Earth sciences are the fields of study concerned with the solid Earth , its waters , and the air that envelops it. They include the geologic , hydrologic , and atmospheric sciences with the broad aim of understanding Earth’s present features and past evolution and using this knowledge to benefit humankind. Earth scientists observe, describe, and classify all features of Earth to generate hypotheses with which to explain their presence and their development.

Earth sciences study largely inaccessible objects: many rocks , water bodies, and oil reservoirs are at great depths in the Earth, while air masses circulate high above it. Also required is an understanding of time , as Earth scientists consider how Earth evolved, examining such matters as the physical and chemical conditions operating on Earth and on the Moon billions of years ago and the evolution of the oceans , the atmosphere , and life itself.

There are six groups of Earth science topics. One includes disciplines examining water and air at or above Earth’s surface, while another studies the makeup of the solid Earth. A third group considers landforms , and another examines Earth’s history . A fifth group considers Earth science’s beneficial practical applications—whether related to energy use and construction or guarding against natural hazards—whereas a sixth, made up of astrogeology and similar disciplines, studies celestial bodies’ rock record.

Earth sciences , the fields of study concerned with the solid Earth , its waters, and the air that envelops it. Included are the geologic, hydrologic, and atmospheric sciences.

The broad aim of the Earth sciences is to understand the present features and past evolution of Earth and to use this knowledge, where appropriate, for the benefit of humankind. Thus, the basic concerns of the Earth scientist are to observe, describe, and classify all the features of Earth, whether characteristic or not, to generate hypotheses with which to explain their presence and their development, and to devise means of checking opposing ideas for their relative validity. In this way the most plausible, acceptable, and long-lasting ideas are developed.

The physical environment in which humans live includes not only the immediate surface of the solid Earth but also the ground beneath it and the water and air above it. Early humans were more involved with the practicalities of life than with theories, and, thus, their survival depended on their ability to obtain metals from the ground to produce, for example, alloys, such as bronze from copper and tin, for tools and armour, to find adequate water supplies for establishing dwelling sites, and to forecast the weather , which had a far greater bearing on human life in earlier times than it has today. Such situations represent the foundations of the three principal component disciplines of the modern Earth sciences.

The rapid development of science as a whole over the past century and a half has given rise to an immense number of specializations and subdisciplines, with the result that the modern Earth scientist, perhaps unfortunately, tends to know a great deal about a very small area of study but only a little about most other aspects of the entire field . It is therefore very important for the layperson and the researcher alike to be aware of the complex interlinking network of disciplines that make up the Earth sciences today, and that is the purpose of this article. Only when one is aware of the marvelous complexity of the Earth sciences and yet can understand the breakdown of the component disciplines is one in a position to select those parts of the subject that are of greatest personal interest.

iceberg illustration.

It is worth emphasizing two important features that the three divisions of the Earth sciences have in common. First is the inaccessibility of many of the objects of study. Many rocks, as well as water and oil reservoirs, are at great depths in Earth, while air masses circulate at vast heights above it. Thus, the Earth scientist has to have a good three-dimensional perspective. Second, there is the fourth dimension: time. The Earth scientist is responsible for working out how Earth evolved over millions of years. For example, What were the physical and chemical conditions operating on Earth and the Moon 3.5 billion years ago? How did the oceans form, and how did their chemical composition change with time? How has the atmosphere developed? And finally, How did life on Earth begin? and From what did humankind evolve?

Today the Earth sciences are divided into many disciplines, which are themselves divisible into six groups:

  • Those subjects that deal with the water and air at or above the solid surface of Earth. These include the study of the water on and within the ground (hydrology), the glaciers and ice caps (glaciology), the oceans (oceanography), the atmosphere and its phenomena (meteorology), and the world’s climates (climatology). In this article such fields of study are grouped under the hydrologic and atmospheric sciences and are treated separately from the geologic sciences, which focus on the solid Earth.
  • Disciplines concerned with the physical-chemical makeup of the solid Earth, which include the study of minerals (mineralogy), the three main groups of rocks (igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic petrology), the chemistry of rocks (geochemistry), the structures in rocks (structural geology), and the physical properties of rocks at Earth’s surface and in its interior (geophysics).
  • The study of landforms (geomorphology), which is concerned with the description of the features of the present terrestrial surface and an analysis of the processes that gave rise to them.
  • Disciplines concerned with the geologic history of Earth , including the study of fossils and the fossil record (paleontology), the development of sedimentary strata deposited typically over millions of years (stratigraphy), and the isotopic chemistry and age dating of rocks (geochronology).
  • Applied Earth sciences dealing with current practical applications beneficial to society. These include the study of fossil fuels (oil, natural gas , and coal); oil reservoirs; mineral deposits; geothermal energy for electricity and heating; the structure and composition of bedrock for the location of bridges, nuclear reactors, roads, dams, and skyscrapers and other buildings; hazards involving rock and mud avalanches, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, and the collapse of tunnels; and coastal, cliff , and soil erosion .
  • The study of the rock record on the Moon and the planets and their satellites (astrogeology). This field includes the investigation of relevant terrestrial features—namely, tektites (glassy objects resulting from meteorite impacts) and astroblemes (meteorite craters).

With such intergradational boundaries between the divisions of the Earth sciences (which, on a broader scale, also intergrade with physics , chemistry, biology , mathematics , and certain branches of engineering), researchers today must be versatile in their approach to problems. Hence, an important aspect of training within the Earth sciences is an appreciation of their multidisciplinary nature.

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Wisdom: a pillar of strength, compassion: a healing touch, resilience: standing firm in adversity.

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characteristics of earth essay

Developmental characteristics of an inverted trapezoidal glacial valley and its influencing factors in the Geladandong snowy mountain

Discovering the Versatility and Health Benefits of Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth

This essay discusses the numerous benefits and versatile uses of food-grade diatomaceous earth (DE). It highlights DE’s role as a natural detoxifier, aiding in the elimination of toxins and promoting digestive health. The essay explains how DE effectively combats parasites in both humans and animals, serving as a gentle insecticide. Additionally, it covers DE’s contributions to skin, hair, and nail health due to its high silica content. Beyond personal health, DE’s household applications are explored, including its use as a cleaning agent and pest deterrent. The essay also touches on DE’s benefits in gardening and animal husbandry, emphasizing its role in organic pest control and soil enrichment.

How it works

Food-grade diatomaceous earth (DE), derived from the fossilized remains of microscopic aquatic organisms known as diatoms, is gaining recognition for its wide array of applications and health benefits. Though its industrial counterpart is commonly used for filtration and pest control, the food-grade variety offers a plethora of advantages, particularly for human and animal health. This unique powder has a surprising number of uses that make it an essential addition to many households.

One of the most remarkable benefits of food-grade DE is its detoxifying properties.

Composed mainly of silica, DE helps the body rid itself of toxins, heavy metals, and other impurities. When ingested, the fine, abrasive particles of DE gently cleanse the digestive tract, promoting a healthier gut environment. Users often report improved digestion, enhanced nutrient absorption, and a general boost in energy levels after incorporating DE into their daily routine. This gentle internal cleansing can lead to a noticeable increase in overall vitality and well-being.

In addition to its detoxifying effects, DE serves as a natural insecticide within the body, effectively combating parasites. The microscopic sharp edges of DE particles can pierce the exoskeletons of intestinal parasites, causing them to dehydrate and die. This makes DE a powerful yet gentle remedy for parasitic infestations, eliminating the need for harsh chemical treatments. For pet owners, adding a small amount of food-grade DE to their pets’ diets can help keep them free from worms and other internal parasites, enhancing their health and longevity.

Food-grade DE also offers significant benefits for skin, hair, and nail health. The high silica content is essential for the production of collagen, a protein that maintains skin elasticity and strength. Regular consumption of DE can lead to thicker hair, stronger nails, and a more youthful complexion. Additionally, DE can be applied topically as an exfoliant to remove dead skin cells, promoting clearer, smoother skin. Its natural drying and anti-inflammatory properties make it an effective treatment for acne and other skin conditions, providing a natural alternative to commercial skincare products.

Beyond its health benefits, food-grade diatomaceous earth is incredibly versatile for household use. Its abrasive quality makes it an excellent cleaning agent, ideal for scrubbing pots and pans, polishing metal, and even acting as a gentle abrasive in homemade toothpaste. DE can also be sprinkled around the home as a natural pest deterrent. Its ability to dehydrate insects makes it effective against ants, bedbugs, and other common household pests without introducing harmful chemicals into the living environment.

In the garden, DE serves as a natural pesticide, protecting plants from insect damage. When dusted onto plants, the fine particles adhere to insects, causing them to dehydrate and die. This organic solution to pest control is safe for the environment and does not compromise soil health or the safety of fruits and vegetables. Additionally, the silica in DE can enrich the soil, promoting stronger and healthier plant growth.

For those involved in animal husbandry, food-grade diatomaceous earth is invaluable. Farmers often mix DE into livestock feed to prevent parasitic infections and improve the overall health of their animals. Chickens, for example, benefit from DE as it helps control mites and other parasites when dusted onto their feathers and nesting areas. The result is healthier animals and a reduction in the need for chemical interventions, making DE an excellent addition to any farm management strategy.

While the benefits of food-grade diatomaceous earth are numerous, it is important to use it correctly to avoid potential issues. When consuming DE, it is crucial to ensure it is food-grade and to start with small amounts, gradually increasing the dosage to prevent digestive discomfort. Additionally, while DE is generally safe for most people and animals, those with respiratory issues should handle it with care to avoid inhaling the fine dust, which can irritate the lungs.

Incorporating food-grade diatomaceous earth into daily life can lead to a host of improvements. For example, individuals looking to enhance their personal care routine might mix DE with water to create a natural face mask that exfoliates and revitalizes the skin. Those interested in boosting their pet’s health can simply sprinkle a small amount into their food, helping to maintain their internal health without synthetic medications.

Gardeners might find that using DE as a natural pesticide not only protects their plants but also improves the quality of their soil. The ability to control pests without harmful chemicals means that gardens can thrive organically, producing healthier fruits and vegetables. In the kitchen, a sprinkle of DE can keep the pantry free from unwanted pests, ensuring that stored foods remain fresh and uncontaminated.

In essence, food-grade diatomaceous earth is a multifaceted substance that offers significant benefits across various aspects of life. From enhancing personal health and beauty routines to providing practical household solutions and improving agricultural practices, DE proves to be an indispensable tool. As more people become aware of its versatile applications, it is likely that food-grade diatomaceous earth will become a staple in many homes around the world, valued for its natural effectiveness and wide-ranging benefits.


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Discovering the Versatility and Health Benefits of Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth. (2024, Jun 17). Retrieved from

"Discovering the Versatility and Health Benefits of Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth." , 17 Jun 2024, (2024). Discovering the Versatility and Health Benefits of Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth . [Online]. Available at: [Accessed: 18 Jun. 2024]

"Discovering the Versatility and Health Benefits of Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth.", Jun 17, 2024. Accessed June 18, 2024.

"Discovering the Versatility and Health Benefits of Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth," , 17-Jun-2024. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 18-Jun-2024] (2024). Discovering the Versatility and Health Benefits of Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth . [Online]. Available at: [Accessed: 18-Jun-2024]

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  • Corpus ID: 270531666

A Comprehensive Review of the Physical and Mechanical Characteristics of Agricultural By-Products as Cementitious Alternatives in the Production of Sustainable Concrete

  • Sunita Sarangi , Suganya Om
  • Published in Materials Today… 1 June 2024
  • Materials Science, Environmental Science, Engineering

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