Essay on Constitution of India

500+ words indian constitution essay for students and children in english.

A Constitution is a set of rules and regulations guiding the administration of a country. The Constitution is the backbone of every democratic and secular fabric of the nation. The Constitution of India is the longest Constitution in the world, which describes the framework for political principles, procedures and powers of the government. The Constitution of India was written on 26 November 1949 and came into force on 26 January 1950. In this essay on the Constitution of India, students will get to know the salient features of India’s Constitution and how it was formed.

Constitution of India Essay

On 26th January 1950, the Constitution of India came into effect. That’s why 26th January is celebrated as Republic Day in India.

How Was the Constitution of India Formed?

The representatives of the Indian people framed the Indian Constitution after a long period of debates and discussions. It is the most detailed Constitution in the world. No other Constitution has gone into such minute details as the Indian Constitution.

The Constitution of India was framed by a Constituent Assembly which was established in 1946. Dr Rajendra Prasad was elected President of the Constituent Assembly. A Drafting Committee was appointed to draft the Constitution and Dr B.R. Ambedkar was appointed as the Chairman. The making of the Constitution took a total of 166 days, which was spread over a period of 2 years, 11 months and 18 days. Some of the salient features of the British, Irish, Swiss, French, Canadian and American Constitutions were incorporated while designing the Indian Constitution.

Also Read: Evolution and Framing of the Constitution

Features of The Constitution of India

The Constitution of India begins with a Preamble which contains the basic ideals and principles of the Constitution. It lays down the objectives of the Constitution.

The Longest Constitution in the world

The Indian Constitution is the lengthiest Constitution in the world. It had 395 articles in 22 parts and 8 schedules at the time of commencement. Now it has 448 articles in 25 parts and 12 schedules. There are 104 amendments (took place on 25th January 2020 to extend the reservation of seats for SCs and STs in the Lok Sabha and state assemblies) that have been made in the Indian Constitution so far.

How Rigid and Flexible is the Indian Constitution?

One of the unique features of our Constitution is that it is not as rigid as the American Constitution or as flexible as the British Constitution. It means it is partly rigid and partly flexible. Owing to this, it can easily change and grow with the change of times.

The Preamble

The Preamble has been added later to the Constitution of India. The original Constitution does not have a preamble. The preamble states that India is a sovereign, socialist, secular and democratic republic. The objectives stated by the Preamble are to secure justice, liberty, and equality for all citizens and promote fraternity to maintain the unity and integrity of the nation.

Federal System with Unitary Features

The powers of the government are divided between the central government and the state governments. The Constitution divides the powers of three state organs, i.e., executive, judiciary and legislature. Hence, the Indian Constitution supports a federal system. It includes many unitary features such as a strong central power, emergency provisions, appointment of Governors by the President, etc.

Fundamental rights and fundamental duties

The Indian Constitution provides an elaborate list of Fundamental Rights to the citizens of India. The Constitution also provides a list of 11 duties of the citizens, known as the Fundamental Duties. Some of these duties include respect for the national flag and national anthem, integrity and unity of the country and safeguarding of public property.

Also Read: Difference between Fundamental Rights and Fundamental Duties

India is a republic which means that a dictator or monarch does not rule the country. The government is of the people, by the people and for the people. Citizens nominate and elect its head after every five years.

Related Read: Constitution of India – 13 Major Features

The Constitution serves as guidelines for every citizen. It helped India to attain the status of a Republic in the world. Once Atal Bihari Vajpayee said that “governments would come and go, political parties would be formed and dissolved, but the country should survive, and democracy should remain there forever”.

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Also Read: Independence Day Essay | Republic Day Essay | Essay on Women Empowerment

Frequently Asked Questions on Constitution of India Essay

Who is the father of our indian constitution.

Dr. B. R. Ambedkar is the father of our Indian Constitution. He framed and drafted our Constitution.

Who signed the Indian Constitution?

Dr. Rajendra Prasad was the first person from the Constitution Assembly to have signed the Indian Constitution.

What is mentioned in the Preamble of our Indian Constitution?

The preamble clearly communicates the purpose and emphasis the importance of the objectives of the Indian Constitution.

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Essay on Constitution 500+ Words

The Constitution of India serves as the guiding star of our nation, shedding light on the path to justice, equality, and democracy. Furthermore, it is a remarkable document that molds our country’s destiny, guaranteeing that India maintains its status as a diverse and vibrant democracy. In the following essay, we will delve into the Constitution of India, examining its significance, history, and the fundamental principles that distinguish it as truly exceptional.

The Birth of the Constitution:

The Constitution of India, adopted on January 26, 1950, marked the moment when India became a republic. Furthermore, it was the culmination of years of dedicated effort by a distinguished assembly of minds known as the Constituent Assembly. Notably, Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, the principal architect, played an indispensable role in shaping this significant document.

Guarantor of Rights:

One of the most important aspects of the Indian Constitution is that it guarantees fundamental rights to its citizens. These rights ensure that every Indian is treated fairly and has the freedom to express themselves, practice their religion, and more.

Equality for All:

The Constitution promotes equality in all aspects of life. It does not discriminate based on caste, religion, gender, or place of birth. This principle of equality helps India embrace its diversity and promotes unity among its people.

Democracy in Action:

India is the world’s largest democracy, and the Constitution is the backbone of this system. It outlines how our government works, from elections to the roles of the President, Prime Minister, and Parliament. Every citizen’s vote matters, making India a true democracy.

Directive Principles of State Policy:

The Constitution includes directive principles that guide the government on how to create a just and equal society. These principles focus on eradicating poverty, providing education, and improving the living conditions of the people.

Amendments and Evolution:

The Constitution is not set in stone; it can be amended or changed to suit the evolving needs of the country. This flexibility allows us to adapt to new challenges and make improvements as necessary.

Fundamental Duties:

While the Constitution grants rights, it also emphasizes the importance of responsibilities. It outlines fundamental duties that every citizen should follow to help maintain peace and harmony in the country.

Safeguarding Justice:

The Constitution also established the judiciary as a separate and independent branch of government. The Supreme Court, with its judges, ensures that the laws are followed and justice is served.

Diversity Respected:

India is known for its diversity in languages, religions, and cultures. The Constitution acknowledges and respects this diversity, allowing people to freely practice their religions and preserve their traditions.

Conclusion of Essay on Constitution

In conclusion, the Constitution of India is not just a legal document; it’s the soul of our nation. It embodies the dreams and aspirations of millions, ensuring that India remains a diverse, democratic, and inclusive country. The principles of justice, equality, and freedom that it upholds are the very values that make India a shining example to the world. As citizens of this great nation, it’s our duty to uphold and protect the Constitution, for it is our guiding light towards a brighter and more equitable future. The Constitution of India is not just a piece of paper; it’s the heart that beats within our nation, uniting us all in the spirit of democracy and progress.

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Essay on Constitution of India for Students and Children

500+ words essay on constitution of india.

The constitution of India came into force from 26 January. A special committee is gathered to draw and outline the constitution. The constitution gives all the details related to what is legal and what is illegal in the country. In addition, with the enforcement of the constitution, the Indian sub-continent become the Republic of India . Besides, the drafting committee consists of seven members that were supervised by B.R. Ambedkar. Moreover, the constitution helps in maintaining prosperity and peace in the country.

Essay on constitution of India

Salient Features of the Constitution

The list of salient features of the Indian constitution is very long and there are many uniqueness about it that you won’t find in any other countries constitution.

Longest Written Constitution

The first thing that makes the Indian constitution different is its length. The constitution of India contains a preamble, 448fourhundred, and forty-eight Articles, twenty-five groups, twelve Schedules, and five appendices. Moreover, it takes around 3 years to complete the draft of the constitution.

The Rigidity and Flexibility of the Indian Constitution

The constitution is hard as well as soft both at the same time. While on one side the supreme power needs to be followed carefully to maintain the law and order in the country, on the other side the citizen can appeal to amend the outdated provisions. But there are certain provisions that can be easily amended and there are some that take a lot of time and resources to amend. Furthermore, there have been more than 100 amendments in the constitution from the day of its enforcement.

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The original constitution does not have preamble but it was later on added to the constitution. Also, it gives a detailed account of the constitution’s philosophy. The preamble states that India is a Socialist, Secular, Sovereign, and Democratic republic. In addition, it believes in equality, justice, and freedom of its people . The constitution puts the welfare of its people first rather than the state.

A Secular State

According to the constitution of India is a secular country that means that it does not give special status to any religion. Anyone can perform his religion freely.

It means a dictator or monarch does not rule the country. Moreover, it nominates and elects its head every five years.

Fundamental Policies

The constitution of t5he country states every fundamental duty of its citizens under it. These duties have to be followed by all the citizens of the country equally whether it’s a rich person or a poor one. Besides, these duties include the respect of national flag and national anthem , integrity and unity of the country, the safeguard of public property, and various others.

Directive State Principle or Policy

This policy is simple guidelines to the state in which ensure the development of its socio-economy via its policies.

In conclusion, the constitution serves as guidelines for every citizen. Also, law and rule are completely defined in the constitution. The head of the drafting committee Dr. B.R. Ambedkar has done a remarkable job that no one can forget. He and his team draft constitution that no other country has bale to do till date. Besides, the constitution has helped India to attain the status of the Republic in the world.

FAQs about Essay on Constitution of India

Q.1 Define what is the Indian constitution in simple words? A.1 The constitution is the supreme law of the country. Everything is predefined in it. Besides, the constitution is a framework that guides the procedures, policies, and power of the government.

Q.2 Who is known as the father of the Indian constitution? A.2 Dr. B.R. Amberdkar is the father of the Indian constitution because he was the head of the drafting committee that completed the constitution.

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Essay On Indian Constitution – 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 500 words

The Indian Constitution, adopted on January 26, 1950, is not only the longest written constitution in the world but also a living document that serves as the cornerstone of India’s democracy. Enshrined with values of justice, equality, liberty, and fraternity, the Indian Constitution stands as a testament to the country’s diverse cultural heritage and inclusive democracy.

In this blog post, we will explore various aspects of the Indian Constitution through a series of essays that delve into its historical significance, key features, fundamental rights, directive principles, and amendments. We will analyze how the Constitution has evolved over the years to uphold the principles of democracy, secularism, and social justice in a rapidly changing world.

Through a critical lens, we will examine the challenges and opportunities presented by the Indian Constitution in ensuring the Rule of Law, protecting the rights of its citizens, and fostering a pluralistic society. Join us on this journey to unravel the complexities of the Indian Constitution and its enduring impact on the nation’s socio-political landscape.

100 words Essay On Indian Constitution

The Indian Constitution, adopted on January 26, 1950, is a sacred document that lays down the framework of the world’s largest democracy. It embodies the ideals of justice, liberty, equality, and fraternity. The Constitution is a living document that has been amended numerous times to reflect the changing needs of society. It guarantees fundamental rights to all citizens, ensures a federal system of government, and enshrines the principles of secularism and socialism.

The Constitution also establishes a system of checks and balances to prevent the abuse of power and protect the rights of the people. It is the backbone of the Indian legal system and serves as a beacon of hope for millions of Indians, ensuring that the country remains a vibrant democracy where the voices of the people are heard and respected.

150 words Essay On Indian Constitution

The Indian Constitution, adopted on January 26, 1950, is the supreme law of the land and the longest written constitution in the world. It is a living document that embodies the aspirations and values of the Indian people, providing a framework for governance, rights, and duties. The Constitution lays down the fundamental principles of justice, equality, and liberty, enshrining the idea of a sovereign, socialist, secular, and democratic republic.

The Indian Constitution is a blend of both rigidity and flexibility, featuring a robust system of checks and balances between the three branches of government. It also guarantees fundamental rights to all citizens, ensuring social, economic, and political justice. Through its parliamentary democracy and federal structure, the Constitution ensures representation and autonomy for diverse regions and communities across the country.

In conclusion, the Indian Constitution is a dynamic and evolving document that serves as a blueprint for a just and inclusive society, reflecting the plurality and unity of India.

200 words Essay On Indian Constitution

The Indian Constitution, adopted on January 26, 1950, is a living document that lays down the framework for the functioning of the largest democracy in the world. It is a unique blend of borrowed features from various countries’ constitutions and indigenous practices that reflect the diversity and pluralism of India.

The Indian Constitution is a bulwark of fundamental rights and directive principles of state policy that guarantee equality, liberty, and justice for all citizens. It also establishes the structure and powers of the government, including the executive, legislature, and judiciary, to ensure checks and balances.

One of the distinctive features of the Indian Constitution is its flexibility, allowing for amendments to meet the evolving needs of society. The Parliament has the authority to make changes through a prescribed procedure while upholding the basic structure of the Constitution.

Moreover, the Indian Constitution is a symbol of unity in diversity as it accommodates the aspirations of various linguistic, cultural, religious, and ethnic groups. It enshrines the principles of federalism, secularism, and democracy that are the essence of Indian polity.

In conclusion, the Indian Constitution is not just a legal document but a moral compass that guides the nation towards progress, inclusivity, and social justice. It embodies the ideals of our freedom struggle and continues to inspire generations to uphold the principles of justice, liberty, equality, and fraternity.

250 words Essay On Indian Constitution

The Indian Constitution is a document that lays down the framework for the governance of India. It is the supreme law of the country and is the longest written constitution in the world. The Constitution of India was adopted in 1950, and it embodies the ideals of justice, liberty, equality, and fraternity.

The Indian Constitution is a comprehensive document that not only defines the powers and responsibilities of the different organs of the government but also guarantees fundamental rights to all citizens. It also provides for the directive principles of state policy, which guide the government in making laws and policies that promote the welfare of the people.

One of the key features of the Indian Constitution is its federal structure, which divides powers between the central government and the state governments. This ensures that there is a balance of power and that both levels of government have the authority to make laws on matters that fall within their jurisdiction.

The Indian Constitution also lays down the procedure for amending the Constitution, which is a complex process that requires the approval of both houses of Parliament and of the majority of state legislatures. This ensures that the Constitution is not easily amended and reflects the will of the people.

In conclusion, the Indian Constitution is a visionary document that reflects the aspirations and values of the people of India. It has stood the test of time and continues to be a beacon of democracy and justice in the country.

300 words Essay On Indian Constitution

The Indian Constitution, adopted on January 26, 1950, is not just a legal document but a living document that governs the world’s largest democracy. It embodies the ideals of justice, liberty, equality, and fraternity as enshrined in the Preamble.

The Constitution of India is a unique blend of rigidity and flexibility. It provides for a federal system with a strong center, ensuring a balance of powers between the Union and the states. It also guarantees fundamental rights to its citizens, including the right to equality, freedom of speech, and protection from discrimination. These rights are enforceable in the courts through writ petitions.

The Constitution establishes a parliamentary form of government with a President as the ceremonial head of state and a Prime Minister as the head of government. The Parliament consists of the President, the Lok Sabha (House of the People), and the Rajya Sabha (Council of States). The President is elected indirectly by an electoral college, while the members of the Lok Sabha are directly elected by the people.

The Indian Constitution provides for a system of checks and balances to ensure that no one branch of government becomes too powerful. The Supreme Court, as the guardian of the Constitution, has the power of judicial review to ensure that laws passed by the Parliament are in conformity with the Constitution. The Constitution also establishes independent institutions like the Election Commission, the Comptroller and Auditor General, and the Union Public Service Commission to ensure transparency and accountability in governance.

Over the years, the Indian Constitution has been amended several times to meet the changing needs of the society. The 42nd Amendment Act in 1976 introduced the concept of a secular state and added socialism and secularism to the Preamble. The 73rd and 74th Amendments in 1992 introduced the system of local self-government through Panchayats and Municipalities, empowering grassroots democracy.

In conclusion, the Indian Constitution is a remarkable document that lays down the framework for a diverse and democratic society. It reflects the values and aspirations of the Indian people and serves as a beacon for other countries striving for democracy and social justice.

500 words Essay On Indian Constitution

The Indian Constitution stands as the backbone of the world’s largest democracy, guiding the nation towards progress and unity. Enacted on January 26, 1950, the Indian Constitution is a remarkable document that not only outlines the fundamental principles and rights of the people but also reflects the diverse cultural, social, and political landscape of the country.

The Indian Constitution was drafted by a Constituent Assembly comprising some of the finest minds of the time, including Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, Jawaharlal Nehru, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, and many others. The assembly held numerous deliberations and debates to ensure that the Constitution represented the aspirations of a newly independent nation.

The Indian Constitution is a comprehensive document that not only lays down the framework for governance but also guarantees fundamental rights to every citizen. It enshrines the principles of justice, liberty, equality, and fraternity, ensuring that the dignity and rights of individuals are protected. The Constitution also provides for a separation of powers between the executive, legislature, and judiciary, ensuring a system of checks and balances.

One of the key features of the Indian Constitution is its federal structure, which divides powers between the central government and the state governments. This system of federalism ensures that power is not concentrated in one central authority but is distributed among various levels of government, allowing for greater autonomy and representation at the state level.

Another significant aspect of the Indian Constitution is its commitment to secularism, which guarantees the freedom of religion to all citizens. The Constitution prohibits discrimination on the basis of religion, ensuring that individuals have the right to practice and propagate their faith without fear of persecution.

The Indian Constitution also lays down the framework for affirmative action, providing for reservations for marginalized communities in education, employment, and politics. This ensures that historically disadvantaged groups have equal opportunities to participate in the social and economic life of the nation.

The Indian Constitution is a living document that has evolved over the years through amendments and judicial interpretations. It has stood the test of time, adapting to the changing needs and challenges of an ever-growing and diverse nation.

Despite its strengths, the Indian Constitution faces certain challenges, including issues of corruption, inequality, and social injustice. However, the resilience of the Constitution lies in its ability to address these challenges through democratic processes and legal mechanisms.

In conclusion, the Indian Constitution is a testament to the vision and foresight of the framers who sought to build a just and inclusive society. It continues to be a beacon of hope and inspiration for millions of Indians who strive to uphold its principles and values. As we celebrate the legacy of this remarkable document, it is essential to reaffirm our commitment to upholding the ideals of our Constitution and working towards a more just and equal society for all.

Final Words

In conclusion, the Indian Constitution stands as a remarkable document that has laid the foundation for the world’s largest democracy. Its comprehensive framework encompasses a wide range of rights and principles that uphold the values of justice, liberty, equality, and fraternity. The Constitution has played a crucial role in shaping the socio-political landscape of the country and continues to serve as a beacon of hope for millions of citizens.

Despite the challenges and criticisms it has faced over the years, the Indian Constitution remains a living document that has evolved with time to meet the changing needs of society. It is a testament to the vision and foresight of the framers who drafted a document that has withstood the test of time and served as a bulwark against authoritarianism and tyranny.

As we reflect on the significance of the Indian Constitution, it is crucial to recognize the importance of upholding its principles and ensuring that the rights enshrined within it are protected for all citizens. By staying true to the values outlined in the Constitution, India can continue to strive towards a more inclusive and equitable society for all.

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Essay on Preamble Of Indian Constitution

Students are often asked to write an essay on Preamble Of Indian Constitution in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Preamble Of Indian Constitution

Introduction to the preamble.

The Preamble is like the introduction to the Indian Constitution. It tells us about the values and principles of the country. It is like a promise to its people to give them justice, liberty, equality, and to promote brotherhood.

Goals of the Preamble

The Preamble sets goals for India. It wants to make sure everyone is treated fairly and has the same rights. It also wants to keep the country united and maintain peace among all its people.

Words in the Preamble

The Preamble starts with “We, the people of India,” showing that the power of the government comes from the citizens. It talks about making India a sovereign, socialist, secular, and democratic republic.

Importance of the Preamble

The Preamble is important because it guides the people who make laws in India. It helps them remember the core values of the Constitution when they make decisions or create new laws.

250 Words Essay on Preamble Of Indian Constitution

The Preamble of the Indian Constitution is like an introduction to a book. It tells us about the values, principles, and goals of our country. It is the opening statement of the Constitution and gives us a brief idea of what the rest of the document is about.

What the Preamble Says

The Preamble declares India as a “Sovereign Socialist Secular Democratic Republic.” This means that India is free to make its own decisions, supports social equality, respects all religions equally, believes in fair and equal voting rights, and is run by the people for the people. It also aims to secure justice, liberty, equality, and to promote fraternity among all citizens.

The Goals of the Preamble

The Preamble sets the direction for the country. It aims to make sure that every person gets fair treatment, has the freedom to speak, think, and worship as they like, and is treated equally before the law. It also wants to make sure that people from different backgrounds feel like they belong to the same big family.

Significance of the Preamble

The Preamble is very important because it guides the people who make laws and the courts that explain these laws. It also helps the citizens understand the essence of the Constitution and the rights and duties it gives them.

The Preamble of the Indian Constitution is like a guiding light. It sets the path for the nation to follow and helps everyone understand the core values that India stands for. It is not just an introduction but the soul of the Constitution, reflecting the dreams and aspirations of its people.

500 Words Essay on Preamble Of Indian Constitution

Words and their meaning.

The Preamble starts with the words “We, the people of India.” This means all the rules in the Constitution come from the citizens of India. It says that India will be a “Sovereign, Socialist, Secular, Democratic Republic.” Sovereign means no other country can tell India what to do. Socialist means the wealth of the country should be shared fairly among its people. Secular means the government will treat all religions equally. Democratic means the people have the power to choose their leaders. Republic means the head of the country is not a king or queen but someone elected by the people.

The Preamble sets four main goals: Justice, Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity. Justice means everyone should be treated fairly by the law. Liberty means everyone has the freedom to speak, believe, and think what they want. Equality means everyone should have the same chance to succeed in life, no matter where they come from. Fraternity means we should all treat each other like brothers and sisters, and make sure everyone feels like they belong to India.

Changes to the Preamble

The Preamble was changed once. In 1976, three new words were added: Socialist, Secular, and Integrity. Integrity means that the country should be united and strong, with no parts wanting to break away.

The Preamble of the Indian Constitution is a short but powerful text. It shows the dreams and promises of India as a country. It tells us that India belongs to its people, and it is up to everyone to make sure the country is fair, free, equal, and friendly. The Preamble is not just an introduction to the Constitution; it is a promise of what India strives to be.

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Essay On Constitution Of India | Indian Constitution Essay for Students and Children in English

February 14, 2024 by Prasanna

Essay On Constitution Of India:  The constitution of India is one of the lengthiest and longest written constitutions in the whole world. The constitution is the backbone of the democratic and secular fabric of the nation and every institution in the country follows the constitution of India.

In this essay on constitution of India, we shall be talking about the salient features of our constitution, has how it was formed and what are the important articles in the Constitution that define past, present and future of India.

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Long and Short Essays on Constitution of India for Students and Kids in English

If you are a student or an IAS aspirant searching for a perfect essay on constitution of India, then you have come to the right place. We have provided a 600-word long essay on constitution of India is helpful for students of classes 7,8,9 and 10. and 200-word short essay on constitution of India is helpful for students of classes 1,2,3,4,5 and 6 which can be used by students for various purposes.

Long Essay On Constitution of India 600 Words in English

The supreme law of the country in a democratic system is the constitution. The word constitution has a French origin which is usually used to refer to law and order. Constitution of India starts with a preamble with the phrases “we the people” and talks about the values of the constitution which are equality, liberty, secularism and fraternity. Indian Constitution is one of the longest constitutions in the world. Our Indian Constitution consists of 465 articles, 12 schedules, 22 amendments and 146385 words in it.

Indian Constitution is an amalgamation of the Constitution of France, Britain, USA, Germany, and the former USSR. Some of the best features of the best constitutions in the world were taken and adjusted in the Indian Constitution as a result of which Indian Constitution in today’s world is considered one of the most detailed and comprehensive constitutions to exist. The reason why Indian Constitution is so lengthy is because of the kind of diversity and unique problems that exist only in India. The constitution of India addresses each and every issue that can possibly be imagined in a country like India which has many religions, ethnicities, cultures and languages.

Dr BR Ambedkar is known as the father of Indian constitution and he was the main person behind the framing of the Indian Constitution. He was the head of the drafting committee and he travelled across the world for many democratic countries to get inspiration to draft the Indian Constitution. It is also said that Dr BR Ambedkar wanted to burn the constitution of India. With regard to the powers of the governor, Ambedkar had heated debate with the members of the drafting committee and was hell-bent on preventing any harm or injury to the minorities of the country.

The Indian Constitution was originally written in Hindi and English. The constituent assembly and the members of the same signed two copies of the Constitution, one in the language of Hindi and the other in English. At that point in time when the Constitution was drafted, the Indian Constitution was only handwritten. It was neither printed nor typed and hence it is the only longest handwritten constitution on earth.

The values that the constitution represents is the values that India celebrates every day. The fundamental rights that the constitution of India guarantees its citizens to keep them safe from the bad elements in the section of the population are important. The values of liberty, equality, fraternity and secularism are some of the values that are celebrated all over the world and the Indian Union stands as a testimony for these values. It is because of the robustness and strength of our constitution that India is has become the second-largest democracy in the world. The Preamble of the Constitution of India declared the country as a power in a socialist, secular and democratic republic and the welfare of the state is committed to attaining justice, liberty and equality for all the people without any discrimination based on religion, caste, creed, sex or place of birth.

It took nearly three years to complete the Indian constitution and to be precise it took 2 years 11 months and 18 days to come up with the final draught. The constitution of India has been amended over 94 times in the last 60 years of India’s Independence.

I would like to conclude by saying that the essence of the Constitution is what makes India one of the strongest nations in the world. Without such a robust constitution, India would slip into a fascist and an authoritarian regime. Every government, irrespective of the political ideologies and bend of mind, should obey the constitution of India and follow the law of the land for the healthy democratic republic of India.

Constitution of India Essay

Short Essay On Constitution of India 200 Words in English

The constitution of India is one of the lengthiest constitutions in the whole world which contains a preamble, 22 parts with 448 articles, 12 schedules 5 appendices, and 15 amendments. It is the only constitution in the whole world which was handwritten completely in two languages, Hindi and English. Constitution of India was handwritten by Prem Behari Narain Raizada.

The constitution of India says that the republic of India is a sovereign, socialist, secular and a democratic republic. The constitution also celebrates the values of justice, liberty, equality and fraternity for all the people in the country without any discrimination. The constitution of India assures the citizens their economic and political justice, liberty of thought, expression faith, belief and worship. Although, in recent years certain articles and clauses of the constitution have been overstepped which is a dangerous precedence for the democratic values of the country.

I would like to conclude by saying that the Indian Constitution takes influences from the constitutions of France, Russia, America, Britain and Japan. It is one of the longest constitutions in the world and addresses each and every problem in a country like India with so much diversity in culture and ethnicity. It is because of the Constitution of India that India is known as the second biggest democracy and if there comes a time when the constitution of India is not followed, then India might slip into fascism and authoritarianism.

10 Lines on Constitution of India Essay

  • Indian Constitution is one of the longest constitutions in the world.
  • Indian Constitution is the only constitution that was handwritten in two languages, English and Hindi.
  • Dr. BR Ambedkar is known as the father of the Indian Constitution.
  • The constitution of India declared the country as a sovereign, socialist, secular and democratic republic.
  • Constitution of India assures its citizen of justice, equality, liberty and helps in promoting fraternity without any discrimination based on caste, creed, religion, gender or place of birth.
  • It took nearly 2 years 11 months and 18 days to finish the constitution of India.
  • The concept of the five-year plan was borrowed by the constitution of the USA and the concept of an independent judiciary was taken from the constitution of Japan.
  • The national constitution day is celebrated on the 26th of November every year.
  • The Constitution of India was officially adopted and came into force on 26 January 1950, which is also known as the Republic Day of India.
  • The English version of the Constitution has 117369 words, 444 articles, 22 parts, 12 schedules and 104 amendments.

essay about Constitution of India

FAQs on Essay On Constitution Of India

Question 1. Who is the father of the Indian Constitution?

Answer: Dr. BR Ambedkar is known as the father of Indian Constitution

Question 2. When was the Indian Constitution adopted?

Answer: Indian constitution was adopted on 26th November 1949, which is also known as National Constitution Day of India

Question 3. Where is the original copy of the Indian constitution located?

Answer: The original copies of the Indian Constitution is kept in a special helium-filled case in the library of the Parliament of India

Question 4. Which amendment is known as the most controversial constitutional amendment in the history of India?

Answer: The 42nd amendment, which reduces the powers of Judiciary, is known as the most controversial part of the Indian Constitution

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Essay on Constitution of India for Students and Children in 1000 Words

In this article, you will read about Constitution of India, its background, Constituent Assembly, Membership, Drafting, Structure.

Table of Contents

Essay on Constitution of India (1000 Words)

The supreme law of India is known as the Constitution of India. The framework of demarcating fundamental political code laid down in the documents, structure, procedures, powers, and duties of state institutions. It sets out fundamental rights , directive principles, and, therefore, the responsibilities of citizens.

The Constitution B. R. Ambedkar cannot override by the Parliament and Constitution of India on the 2015 India postage. It was embraced by the Constituent Assembly of India on 26 November 1949 and has become effective on 26 January 1950.

Background of Indian Constitution

India stopped to be a dominion of the British Crown and have become a sovereign democratic republic with the Constitution. Articles 5, 6, 7, 9, 8, 60, 324, 367, 366, 379, 388, 394, 391, 393, 392, and 380 of the Constitution came into force on 26 November 1949, and therefore on 26 January 1950, the remaining articles became effective.

Constituent Assembly

The home is perhaps aware that of the seven members nominated by you, one had resigned from the House and was replaced. One died and wasn’t replaced. Another one was away in America, and his place filled up, and another person was involved in State matters, and there was a void to its extent.

Membership in Constitution of India

Judges, like Alladi Krishnaswamy Iyer, K. M. Munshi, Benegal Narsing Rau, and Ganesh Mavalankar, were members of the assembly. Female members included Sarojini Naidu, Durgabai Deshmukh Hansa Mehta, Amrit Kaur, and Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit. Sachchidananda Sinha, who was the first two-day president of the assembly; Rajendra Prasad was later elected president. The group met for the first time on 9 December 1946.

Drafting of Constitution of India

The Constitution embraced on 26 November 1949, which was signed by 284 members. The day is widely known as National Law Day or Constitution Day; the day chosen to widespread the significance of the Constitution and to spread thoughts and concepts of Ambedkar.

Structure of Constitution of India

The Constitution of India is the world’s lengthiest for an autonomous nation. At its legislation, it had 395 articles in 22 parts and eight schedules. At about 145,000 words, it’s the second-longest active Constitution – after the Constitution of Alabama – within the world.

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Essay on Article 370 of Indian Constitution

Article 370 of the Indian Constitution provided special rights to the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir. It gave most of the power to the government of this state. Centre was left with limited power over J&K.

Article 370 has recently been scrapped making it a historic event which is expected to change the face of the state for good. This move has received mixed reactions from political parties and general public though it has largely been appreciated.

Long and Short Essay on Article 370 of Indian Constitution in English

Here are long and short essay on Article 370 of the Indian Constitution of varying lengths to help you with the topic in your exams. These Article 370 essay are written in simple English language to easily convey the information, yet it does so effectively. These Article 370 essays will let you have a deeper understanding of article 370, its removal and repercussions.

After going through the following essays you will know about Article 370 and its provisions; history of Article 370; advantages and disadvantages of Article 370; how was it revoked; what will be the consequences of scrapping Article 370; what bills were passed for its revokal, etc.

Short Essay on Article 370 – (200 Words)

Article 370 that came into effect in the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir in the year 1949 was supposed to be a temporary provision; however, it continued for decades even though many political leaders and other prominent people in the county demanded its revocation from time to time.

The article exempted J&K from the Indian Constitution. The state attained the right to make its own laws related to any matter except foreign affairs, communications and defence.

The state government thus went on to draft a separate constitution. It also came up with a separate flag. The Fundamental Duties mentioned in the Indian Constitution were not applicable in J&K. It had its own set of rights and duties.

The condition of the state hasn’t been very good ever since the enforcement of Article 370. Life of people in the Kashmir region has especially been miserable. The place is prone to terrorist attacks.

Article 370 has been seen as a hindrance in the development of the state. It is also known to be a cause of growing corruption and terrorism in the state.

As per the constitutional order passed by Indian President Ram Nath Kovind on 5 th August 2019, Article 370 stands ineffective. The decision has been taken to improve the condition of J&K and its citizens.

Essay on Article 370: Enforcement – (300 Words)


Article 370 of the Indian Constitution was drafted in Part XXI of the Constitution: Temporary, Transitional and Special Provisions. However, soon after it came to be known as a permanent feature of the Indian Constitution. It has remained in effect in J&K for decades.

The Origin of Article 370 of the Indian Constitution

Article 370 was drafted by Sheikh Abdullah in the year 1947. Abdullah had been appointed as the Prime Minister of Jammu and Kashmir by Pundit Jawahar Lal Nehru and Maharaja Hari Singh of Kashmir.

Abdullah wanted complete autonomy for J&K and demanded that Article 370 must not remain a temporary provision. However, the Centre deemed this demand unreasonable and did not approve of it.

Special Status Given to Jammu and Kashmir

As Article 370 came into being, the Constituent Assembly of Jammu and Kashmir gained special power wherein it got the right to recommend the articles of the constitution that should be enforced on the state. It even got the power to annul Article 370 altogether.

Article 35 A and Article 370 together stated that a different set of laws apply for the residents of the state of J&K. The Indian Parliament could only exercise laws related to finance, defence, communications and foreign affairs in the state.

It required the approval of state government for applying all the other laws. The residents of J&K enjoyed completely different laws when it came to ownership of property, laws related to citizenship and fundamental rights.

As per the laws enforced by the state, the Indian citizens from other parts of the country were denied the right to purchase property in Jammu and Kashmir.

The residents of J&K fear that the scrapping of Article 370 may hamper their local business and thus be a threat to their livelihood. Adapting to the changes that are likely to follow this big decision also seems to be a cause of concern for the residents of J&K. Their concerns are genuine. We hope the condition of the place improves henceforth.

Essay on Article 370: Advantages and Disadvantages – (400 words)

Article 370 of the Indian Constitution that gave special power to the state of Jammu and Kashmir was annulled on 5 th August 2019. The decision taken by the Centre has been appreciated by several political parties, leaders, celebrities and majority of general public. However, many others have criticized it outright. Article 370 had few advantages and several disadvantages.

Advantages of Article 370 of the Indian Constitution

Here is a look at the advantages of Article 370:

1) Article 370 is advantageous for the citizens of J&K. The state gives priority to the interest of its local citizens. There is less competition in the state and greater opportunities for its citizens.

2) J&K boasts of its local handicraft items. The government of this state has kept its culture and local businesses alive. It has always encouraged local businesses over foreign brands.

This is the reason why several local brands are running in the state. This means more work, greater growth opportunities and good income for the locals.

Disadvantages of Article 370 of the Indian Constitution

Here is a look at the disadvantages of Article 370:

1) The state of J&K hasn’t developed as much as the other parts of the country. This is particularly true when we look at the medical facilities here. The condition of the hospitals and healthcare centres in the state are not that good.

2) The law and order in J&K is weak because the centre is not allowed to intervene. This has given rise to terrorism in the state. Terrorism is a major concern here and nothing much is being done to fight it.

3) Corruption in the state is high due to its alienation from the centre. There is no check on the government of J&K. It makes its own laws and works as per its convenience.

4) Article 370 prevented the implementation of Right to Education in the state. This is why students were forced to move to other states.

5) Outsiders cannot establish business in J&K. Professionals and industrialists are not allowed to settle here. This is a major hindrance in the growth and development of the state.

6) This provision is anti- women in nature. It has led to extreme gender bias in the state.

The disadvantages of Article 370 of the Indian Constitution clearly outweigh its advantages. The atmosphere of tension in the state is a clear evidence of the same. Scrapping of Article 370 seems like a ray of hope for the state that has been gripped by terrorism since long. We hope it sees better times ahead.

Long Essay on Article 370 – (500 words)

Article 370 is a temporary provision in the Constitution of India. It provides special autonomous status to the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir.

The provisions of the Indian Constitution that are applicable to other states of India are not applicable to J&K.

The article was adopted in November 1956 and was enforced in the state in January 1957 by Sheikh Abdullah.

Special Provisions in Jammu and Kashmir as per Article 370

Some special provisions were made in Jammu and Kashmir as Article 370 came into force in the state. These include:

  • J&K acquired different national flag.
  • Insulting the national flag and national symbols is considered a crime in India. It is a punishable offence. But this rule did not apply in J&K.
  • The highest court orders in India did not apply in J&K.
  • Jammu and Kashmir citizens enjoyed dual citizenship.
  • Women in Kashmir had to abide by the Sharia law.
  • The tenure of the Assembly of J&K was 6 years unlike other Indian states in which the Assembly tenure is 5 years.
  • RTI, RTE and CAG were not applicable in Kashmir.
  • The J&K citizenship of a woman who married a person from another Indian state ended. On the other hand, if a woman from the state married someone from Pakistan, he acquired J&K citizenship.
  • If a Pakistani married a Kashmiri girl, he acquired Indian citizenship.
  • Article 370 did not allow people from other states to purchase property in J&K.
  • The minority group in Kashmir that consists of Hindus and Sikhs did not get 16% reservation.

Changes after the Revocation of Article 370

Now that Article 370 has been revoked, Jammu and Kashmir will no longer enjoy the autonomous status. All the special powers that came with this article have been annulled. Here are some of the other changes that are being brought about:

  • All the residents of J&K shall be entitled to single citizenship only.
  • Article 360 that is enforced during financial emergency is now applicable in J&K.
  • People from other states shall be able to purchase property in J&K.
  • Duration of Legislative Assembly has been changed to 5 years.
  • RTI will be applicable in J&K.
  • Minorities will be eligible for 16% reservation.
  • Children will benefit from the Right to Education.
  • Directive Principle of State Policy shall be applicable.
  • J&K will not have a separate flag.

The Atmosphere in J&K as Article 370 Revoked

J&K’s prominent leaders, Omar Abdullah, Sajjad Lone and Mehbooba Mufti were under house arrest as the bill for abolition of Article 370 was passed in the Rajya Sabha.

Internet and mobile services in Kashmir’s Srinagar district were suspended and a ban imposed on all public gatherings.

With so many changes underway after the revocation of Article 370, it seems like J&K will finally experience peace and prosperity. This is just the first step towards the betterment of the state.

There are miles to go! Whether the decision taken by Centre is right or wrong is still being debated. We hope it proves to be beneficial for the state as well as the country as a whole.

Long Essay on Article 370: Revocation – (600 words)

Article 370 was enforced by Sheikh Abdullah on 26 th January 1957. The article gave special power to the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir. This was a temporary provision.

However, it remained in force for decades. Even though many political leaders and other prominent people in the country suggested its revocation from time to time, it remained intact; however, it has finally been annulled.

Indian President, Ram Nath Kovind issued constitutional order to revoke Article 370 and apply all the rules and provisions of the Indian constitution to Jammu and Kashmir. This historic move was made on 5 th August 2019.

Bill to Revoke Provisions of Article 370

Union Home Minister, Amit Shah, moved a resolution in Rajya Sabha to introduce a bill scrapping all the provisions of Article 370. This was approved by President Ram Nath Kovind.

Shah also introduced bills seeking bifurcation of the State into Jammu and Kashmir as a Union Territory with an Assembly and Ladakh as a Union Territory without a legislature.

The opposition benches protested against this resolution; however, the decision has been made. Revoking Article 370 of the Indian Constitution had been a major part of BJP’s agenda. Shah’s announcement was thus received with elation by the BJP leaders.

Mixed Reactions on Revocation of Article 370

While many political parties opposed the decision to scrap Article 370 of the Indian Constitution, several others extended their support to the BJP government.

Parties that Supported the Decision

Among those that showed support to this decision were the Aam Aadmi Party,   Bahujan Samaj Party, Shiv Sena, AIADMK, Shiromani Akali Dal, YSR Congress, Telugu Desam Party, Biju Janata Dal, BPF and AGP. All these parties backed the Centre’s decision.

Many of them mentioned that they awaited this move since long and welcome the decision wholeheartedly. They now look forward to peace and development in J&K. The decision of scrapping Article 370 has been termed as bold and courageous.

BSP member, Satish Chandra Misra was among the first ones in the Rajya Sabha to support this move. Mayawati also extended support to the bifurcation of Jammu and Kashmir.

AIADMK mentioned that their leader, Jayalalithaa had always wanted this. Shiv Sena members expressed their joy and support by celebrating outside their party head office.

BJD members said that with this decision, Jammu and Kashmir has become an integral part of the country and they are glad about it.

Parties that Opposed the Decision

The parties those opposed the Centre’s decision to revoke Article 370 include Congress, Trinamool Congress, Nationalist Congress Party, Janata Dal (United), Rashtriya Janta Dal, Left, National Conference, DMK and People’s Democratic Party. All these parties condemned and criticised the resolution.

Congress members mentioned that this was a “catastrophic step” and it should be seen as a “black day” in the constitutional history of our country. It further said that this decision is a publicity stunt by BJP to fetch more votes. Likewise, Left mentioned that it is an attack on the Indian Constitution.

Members of People’s Democratic Party expressed their anger over the decision by shouting slogans and tearing copies of Indian Constitution. National Conference called the decision shocking and unilateral. Trinamool Congress also expressed its objection against the Centre’s decision.

DMK went on to say that this was simply the murder of democracy. It said that BJP is forcing its agenda and that it has no respect for the sentiments of the Jammu and Kashmir residents.

Revocation of Article 370 of the Indian Constitution is indeed a big decision. A major change in J&K is likely underway now. We hope things change for good for this beautiful state which has long struggled for peace and justice. The Centre must make special efforts to resurrect J&K and make it a better and safer place to live.

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Essay on Article 370 for Students in 500 Words

essay on indian constitution 500 words

  • Updated on  
  • Jun 26, 2024

essay on Article 370

Essay on Article 370: Article 370 of the Indian Constitution gave the State of Jammy and Kashmir a special status. However, on 5 August 2019, the Indian Government abrogated this special status and bifurcated the state into two union territories; Jammu and Kashmir, and Ladakh. Left-wing extremists have raised their concerns over the removal of this special status but the government and the Indian Military have welcomed this decision as it will reduce cross-border terrorism in the valley. Today, we will discuss sample essays on Article 370 for school students.

Table of Contents

  • 1.1 Historical Context and Provisions
  • 1.2 The Need for Change
  • 1.3 The Abrogation of Article 370
  • 1.4 Impacts of the Abrogation
  • 1.5 Challenges and Criticisms
  • 1.6 Conclusion

Essay on Article 370 in 500+ Words

On 5 August 2019, the Indian Government issued a Presidential order to remove Article 370, followed by the Jammu and Kashmir Reorganisation Act, 2019. This act converted the state into two Union Territories: Jammu and Kashmir, and Ladakh. This essay delves into the implications of this decision, the historical context of Article 370, and the debates surrounding its abrogation.

Historical Context and Provisions

Article 370 was incorporated into the Indian Constitution on October 17, 1949, to grant special autonomy to Jammu and Kashmir. This special status was rooted in the Instrument of Accession signed by Maharaja Hari Singh in 1947, which allowed Jammu and Kashmir to accede to India on matters of defence, foreign affairs, and communications. The state was exempted from the complete applicability of the Indian Constitution and had the power to form its own Constitution. The central government’s power was limited, and certain central laws could be extended to the state only with the concurrence of the state government.

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The Need for Change

Over the decades, Jammu and Kashmir became a flashpoint for conflicts, notably between India and Pakistan, leading to wars in 1947, 1965, 1971, and the Kargil conflict in 1999. The special status under Article 370 contributed to a sense of isolation and alienation among the people of Jammu and Kashmir. Critics argued that this provision hindered economic development, allowed for the perpetuation of outdated laws, and fostered a breeding ground for terrorism.

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The Abrogation of Article 370

On August 5, 2019, the Indian Government, led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, took a historic step to revoke Article 370. This move was justified on the grounds of integrating Jammu and Kashmir more closely with the rest of India, promoting economic development, and curbing terrorism. The decision was passed by a two-thirds majority vote in both houses of Parliament, reflecting significant political support.

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Impacts of the Abrogation

  • Economic Development: With the abrogation of Article 370, private investors can now invest in Jammu and Kashmir, leading to job creation and economic growth. The region’s integration into the national market is expected to open up new opportunities.
  • Social Integration: The removal of Article 370 aligns Jammu and Kashmir with the rest of India, fostering a sense of unity. Citizens of other states can now buy land in the region, promoting social and cultural integration.
  • Women’s Rights: The abrogation has rectified gender-discriminatory laws. Previously, women who married non-residents lost their property rights. Now, women have equal property rights regardless of their marital status.

Challenges and Criticisms

  • Political Discontent: The decision to abrogate Article 370 has faced significant opposition, particularly from political leaders in Jammu and Kashmir who argue that it undermines the region’s autonomy and unique identity.
  • Security Concerns: There have been concerns about increased security risks and unrest in the region. The central government has deployed additional security forces to maintain peace, but the situation remains tense.
  • Legal Challenges: Several petitions have been filed in the Supreme Court of India challenging the constitutional validity of the abrogation. The legal battle over Article 370 continues, adding to the uncertainty.

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The abrogation of Article 370 marked a significant turning point in the history of Jammu and Kashmir. While it aimed to integrate the region fully into India and promote development, it also raised important questions about federalism, autonomy, and states’ rights. Understanding the multifaceted impacts of this decision requires a nuanced analysis of its potential benefits and the concerns it raises. As India navigates the post-Article 370 era, the outcomes of this decision will continue to shape the region’s future and the broader national discourse.

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Ans: Jammu and Kashmir, an Indian state, was granted special status under Article 370. This article made it possible for J&K to have a unique government, constitution, and other special statuses. The State of Jammu and Kashmir did not implement the rulings of the Indian Supreme Court or the Indian Government.

Ans: The Indian Constitution’s Article 370 gave the state of Jammu and Kashmir special status. It gave the state the authority to fly its flag, establish its constitution, and run its internal affairs independently. Article 370 was meant to provide Jammu and Kashmir with a provisional, interim framework.

Ans: The same day, Advocate Manohar Lal Sharma filed a petition under Article 32 challenging the constitutionality of the dilution of Article 370.

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Essay on Fundamental Duties for Students & Children in English

January 25, 2021 by Sandeep

Essay on Fundamental Duties: The constitution of India has listed down every citizen’s fundamental duties. They are a gentle reminder to every person to perform his duties towards the nation for its well-being. Part 4 –A of the Indian constitution provides insights about fundamental duties. It imposes certain democratic conduct, responsibility and obligations for citizens. Countries like USA, Canada and Australia do not have fundamental duties listed in their constitution.

Essay on Fundamental Duties 500 Words in English

We have provided Fundamental Duties Essay in English, suitable for class 6, 7, 8, 9 & 10.

“O, citizens of Bharat! As our ancient saints and seers, leaders and preceptors have performed their duties righteously, similarly, you shall not falter to execute your duties.” ~ Rig Veda

Our constitution has given us many constitutional or fundamental rights, but we need to remember that it contains some constitutional or fundamental duties too! Rights and Duties are inseparable. The existence of one without other is meaningless. You can’t ask of a right, without a corresponding duty or vice versa. They are the two sides of the same coin. Even, Mahatma Gandhi once said: “The very performance of a duty secures us our right. Rights cannot be divorced from duties.” Surprisingly, the Fundamental Duties weren’t part of the original Indian Constitution, when it was written at the time of Indian Independence. They were later added in the constitution in 1976 through a constitutional amendment.

By observing the duties, it can be concluded that these duties were taken from the Indian traditions, mythologies, religions and practices. These duties were, essentially, the reflection of the Indian way of life. The concept of fundamental duties was taken from the erstwhile U.S.S.R constitution, as the socialist countries considered the rights and duties to be of equal importance. Till then, Japan was the only democratic nation to have duties for its citizens. Still, not having ‘duties’ in the constitution, doesn’t mean that the citizens of that country behave irresponsibly.

  • to abide by the Constitution and respect its ideals and institutions, the National Flag and the National Anthem;
  • to cherish and follow the noble ideals which inspired our national struggle for freedom;
  • to uphold and protect the sovereignty, unity and integrity of India;
  • to defend the country and render national service when called upon to do so;
  • to promote harmony and the spirit of common brotherhood amongst all the people of India transcending religious, linguistic and regional or sectional diversities; to renounce practices derogatory to the dignity of women;
  • to value and preserve the rich heritage of our composite culture;
  • to protect and improve the natural environment including forests, lakes, rivers and wildlife, and to have compassion for living creatures;
  • to develop the scientific temper, humanism and the spirit of inquiry and reform;
  • to safeguard public property and to abjure violence;
  • to strive towards excellence in all spheres of individual and collective activity so that the nation constantly rises to higher levels of endeavour and achievement;
  • for a parent or guardian, to provide opportunities for education to his child or, as the case may be, ward between the age of six and fourteen years.

The Fundamental duties are a constant reminder that along with rights, there is also some moral obligation of the citizens towards the nation. Various nations worldwide have embodied the principle of ‘responsible citizens’, and moved towards developed countries’ path. In the current times, the fundamental duties are of utmost importance. For example, the duty under Article 51-A(g) asks for protecting the environment, which is extremely needed today in the climate change crisis. The importance of these fundamental duties is immense.

Even the Bhagavad Gita and Ramayana also ask people to perform their duties. Lord Krishna in Gita says, “One should do one’s duties without expectation of any fruits.” Democracy can’t be there unless the citizens become responsible for their country’s progress. For democracy to survive, a high sense of duty is a must. Also, rights and duties have to exist together. Rights without duties can lead to anarchy. Since time immemorial, Indian culture has always stressed upon an individual’s “Kartavya” – the performance of one’s duties towards society, family and his/her country.

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Essay on Article 370 of Indian Constitution in English for Children

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Essay on Article 370 of Indian Constitution:

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Target Exam ---

Article 370 of the Indian Constitution provided special rights to the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir. It gave most of the power to the government of this state. Centre was left with limited power over J&K.

Article 370 has recently been scrapped making it a historic event which is expected to change the face of the state for good. This move has received mixed reactions from political parties and general public though it has largely been appreciated.

Long and Short Essay on Article 370 of Indian Constitution in English

Here are long and short essay on Article 370 of the Indian Constitution of varying lengths to help you with the topic in your exams. These Article 370 essay are written in simple English language to easily convey the information, yet it does so effectively. These Article 370 essays will let you have a deeper understanding of article 370, its removal and repercussions.

After going through the following essays you will know about Article 370 and its provisions; history of Article 370; advantages and disadvantages of Article 370; how it revoked; what will be the consequences of scrapping Article 370; what bills passed for its revokal, etc.

Short Essay on Article 370 – (200 Words)

Article 370 that came into effect in the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir in the year 1949 was supposed to be a temporary provision; however, it continued for decades even though many political leaders and other prominent people in the county demanded its revocation from time to time.

The article exempted J&K from the Indian Constitution. The state attained the right to make its own laws related to any matter except foreign affairs, communications and defence.

The state government thus went on to draft a separate constitution. It also came up with a separate flag. The Fundamental Duties mentioned in the Indian Constitution were not applicable in J&K. It had its own set of rights and duties.

The condition of the state hasn’t been very good ever since the enforcement of Article 370. Life of people in the Kashmir region has especially been miserable. The place is prone to terrorist attacks.

Article 370 has been seen as a hindrance in the development of the state. It is also known to be a cause of growing corruption and terrorism in the state.

As per the constitutional order passed by Indian President Ram Nath Kovind on 5 th August 2019, Article 370 stands ineffective. The decision has been taken to improve the condition of J&K and its citizens.

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Essay on Article 370: Enforcement – (300 Words)


Article 370 of the Indian Constitution was drafted in Part XXI of the Constitution: Temporary, Transitional and Special Provisions. However, soon after it came to be known as a permanent feature of the Indian Constitution. It has remained in effect in J&K for decades.

The Origin of Article 370 of the Indian Constitution

Article 370 was drafted by Sheikh Abdullah in the year 1947. Abdullah had been appointed as the Prime Minister of Jammu and Kashmir by Pundit Jawahar Lal Nehru and Maharaja Hari Singh of Kashmir.

Abdullah wanted complete autonomy for J&K and demanded that Article 370 must not remain a temporary provision. However, the Centre deemed this demand unreasonable and did not approve of it.

Special Status Given to Jammu and Kashmir

As Article 370 came into being, the Constituent Assembly of Jammu and Kashmir gained special power wherein it got the right to recommend the articles of the constitution that should be enforced on the state. It even got the power to annul Article 370 altogether.

Article 35 A and Article 370 together stated that a different set of laws apply for the residents of the state of J&K. The Indian Parliament could only exercise laws related to finance, defence, communications and foreign affairs in the state.

It required the approval of state government for applying all the other laws. The residents of J&K enjoyed completely different laws when it came to ownership of property, laws related to citizenship and fundamental rights.

As per the laws enforced by the state, the Indian citizens from other parts of the country were denied the right to purchase property in Jammu and Kashmir.

The residents of J&K fear that the scrapping of Article 370 may hamper their local business and thus be a threat to their livelihood. Adapting to the changes that are likely to follow this big decision also seems to be a cause of concern for the residents of J&K. Their concerns are genuine. We hope the condition of the place improves henceforth.

Essay on Article 370: Advantages and Disadvantages – (400 words)

Article 370 of the Indian Constitution that gave special power to the state of Jammu and Kashmir was annulled on 5 th August 2019. The decision taken by the Centre has appreciated by several political parties, leaders, celebrities and majority of general public. However, many others have criticized it outright. Article 370 had few advantages and several disadvantages.

Advantages of Article 370 of the Indian Constitution

Here is a look at the advantages of Article 370:

1) Article 370 is advantageous for the citizens of J&K. The state gives priority to the interest of its local citizens. There is less competition in the state and greater opportunities for its citizens.

2) J&K boasts of its local handicraft items. The government of this state has kept its culture and local businesses alive. It has always encouraged local businesses over foreign brands.

This is the reason why several local brands are running in the state. This means more work, greater growth opportunities and good income for the locals.

Disadvantages of Article 370 of the Indian Constitution

Here is a look at the disadvantages of Article 370:

1) The state of J&K hasn’t developed as much as the other parts of the country. This is particularly true when we look at the medical facilities here. The condition of the hospitals and healthcare centres in the state are not that good.

2) The law and order in J&K is weak because the centre is not allowed to intervene. This has given rise to terrorism in the state. Terrorism is a major concern here and nothing much done to fight it.

3) Corruption in the state is high due to its alienation from the centre. There is no check on the government of J&K. It makes its own laws and works as per its convenience.

4) Article 370 prevented the implementation of Right to Education in the state. This is why students forced to move to other states.

5) Outsiders cannot establish business in J&K. Professionals and industrialists not allowed to settle here. This is a major hindrance in the growth and development of the state.

6) This provision is anti- women in nature. It has led to extreme gender bias in the state.

The disadvantages of Article 370 of the Indian Constitution clearly outweigh its advantages. The atmosphere of tension in the state is a clear evidence of the same. Scrapping of Article 370 seems like a ray of hope for the state that has gripped by terrorism since long. We hope it sees better times ahead.

Long Essay on Article 370 – (500 words)

Article 370 is a temporary provision in the Constitution of India. It provides special autonomous status to the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir.

The provisions of the Indian Constitution that are applicable to other states of India are not applicable to J&K.

The article adopted in November 1956 and was enforced in the state in January 1957 by Sheikh Abdullah.

Special Provisions in Jammu and Kashmir as per Article 370

Some special provisions made in Jammu and Kashmir as Article 370 came into force in the state. These include:

  • J&K acquired different national flag.
  • Insulting the national flag and national symbols considered a crime in India. It is a punishable offence. But this rule did not apply in J&K.
  • The highest court orders in India did not apply in J&K.
  • Jammu and Kashmir citizens enjoyed dual citizenship.
  • Women in Kashmir had to abide by the Sharia law.
  • The tenure of the Assembly of J&K was 6 years unlike other Indian states in which the Assembly tenure is 5 years.
  • RTI, RTE and CAG were not applicable in Kashmir.
  • The J&K citizenship of a woman who married a person from another Indian state ended. On the other hand, if a woman from the state married someone from Pakistan, he acquired J&K citizenship.
  • If a Pakistani married a Kashmiri girl, he acquired Indian citizenship.
  • Article 370 did not allow people from other states to purchase property in J&K.
  • The minority group in Kashmir that consists of Hindus and Sikhs did not get 16% reservation.

Changes after the Revocation of Article 370

Now that Article 370 has revoked, Jammu and Kashmir will no longer enjoy the autonomous status. All the special powers that came with this article have annulled. Here are some of the other changes that brought about:

  • All the residents of J&K shall be entitled to single citizenship only.
  • Article 360 that is enforced during financial emergency is now applicable in J&K.
  • People from other states shall be able to purchase property in J&K.
  • Duration of Legislative Assembly has changed to 5 years.
  • RTI will be applicable in J&K.
  • Minorities will be eligible for 16% reservation.
  • Children will benefit from the Right to Education.
  • Directive Principle of State Policy shall be applicable.
  • J&K will not have a separate flag.

The Atmosphere in J&K as Article 370 Revoked

J&K’s prominent leaders, Omar Abdullah, Sajjad Lone and Mehbooba Mufti were under house arrest as the bill for abolition of Article 370 was passed in the Rajya Sabha.

Internet and mobile services in Kashmir’s Srinagar district suspended and a ban imposed on all public gatherings.

With so many changes underway after the revocation of Article 370, it seems like J&K will finally experience peace and prosperity. This is just the first step towards the betterment of the state.

There are miles to go! Whether the decision taken by Centre is right or wrong still debated. We hope it proves to be beneficial for the state as well as the country as a whole.

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Long Essay on Article 370: Revocation – (600 words)

Article 370 enforced by Sheikh Abdullah on 26 th January 1957. The article gave special power to the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir. This was a temporary provision.

However, it remained in force for decades. Even though many political leaders and other prominent people in the country suggested its revocation from time to time, it remained intact; however, it has finally annulled.

Indian President, Ram Nath Kovind issued constitutional order to revoke Article 370 and apply all the rules and provisions of the Indian constitution to Jammu and Kashmir. This historic move made on 5 th August 2019.

Bill to Revoke Provisions of Article 370

Union Home Minister, Amit Shah, moved a resolution in Rajya Sabha to introduce a bill scrapping all the provisions of Article 370. This approved by President Ram Nath Kovind.

Shah also introduced bills seeking bifurcation of the State into Jammu and Kashmir as a Union Territory with an Assembly and Ladakh as a Union Territory without a legislature.

The opposition benches protested against this resolution; however, the decision has made. Revoking Article 370 of the Indian Constitution had a major part of BJP’s agenda. Shah’s announcement thus received with elation by the BJP leaders.

Mixed Reactions on Revocation of Article 370

While many political parties opposed the decision to scrap Article 370 of the Indian Constitution, several others extended their support to the BJP government.

Parties that Supported the Decision

Among those that showed support to this decision were the Aam Aadmi Party, Bahujan Samaj Party, Shiv Sena, AIADMK, Shiromani Akali Dal, YSR Congress, Telugu Desam Party, Biju Janata Dal, BPF and AGP. All these parties backed the Centre’s decision.

Many of them mentioned that they awaited this move since long and welcome the decision wholeheartedly. They now look forward to peace and development in J&K. The decision of scrapping Article 370 has been termed as bold and courageous.

BSP member, Satish Chandra Misra was among the first ones in the Rajya Sabha to support this move. Mayawati also extended support to the bifurcation of Jammu and Kashmir.

AIADMK mentioned that their leader, Jayalalithaa had always wanted this. Shiv Sena members expressed their joy and support by celebrating outside their party head office.

BJD members said that with this decision, Jammu and Kashmir has become an integral part of the country and they are glad about it.

Parties that Opposed the Decision

The parties those opposed the Centre’s decision to revoke Article 370 include Congress, Trinamool Congress, Nationalist Congress Party, Janata Dal (United), Rashtriya Janta Dal, Left, National Conference, DMK and People’s Democratic Party. All these parties condemned and criticised the resolution.

Congress members mentioned that this was a “catastrophic step” and it should seen as a “black day” in the constitutional history of our country. It further said that this decision is a publicity stunt by BJP to fetch more votes. Likewise, Left mentioned that it is an attack on the Indian Constitution.

Members of People’s Democratic Party expressed their anger over the decision by shouting slogans and tearing copies of Indian Constitution. National Conference called the decision shocking and unilateral. Trinamool Congress also expressed its objection against the Centre’s decision.

DMK went on to say that this was simply the murder of democracy. It said that BJP is forcing its agenda and that it has no respect for the sentiments of the Jammu and Kashmir residents.

Revocation of Article 370 of the Indian Constitution is indeed a big decision. A major change in J&K is likely underway now. We hope things change for good for this beautiful state which has long struggled for peace and justice. The Centre must make special efforts to resurrect J&K and make it a better and safer place to live.

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  • Article 370 Essay


Essay on Article 370

Through this essay on Article 370, one will learn how Article 370 of the Indian Constitution gave special status to Jammu and Kashmir, which is located in the northern part of the Indian subcontinent. This state has been administered by India since 1954.

The Article is drafted in part XXI of the Constitution which is titled as "Temporary, Transitional and Special Provisions". The Article 370 essay in English will give a clear overview of what actually Article 370 is?

A Long Essay on Article 370 in English

The Constituent Assembly of Jammu and Kashmir after being established, has been given the power to recommend which Articles of the Indian Constitution can be applied in the state and also to cancel the 370 altogether. After being advised by the State Constituent Assembly of Jammu and Kashmir, a Presidential order was issued in 1954 that specified the Articles which will be applied to the state. Through this Article 370 essay, one will learn how the Constituent Assembly didn't recommend cancellation of Article 370 before it got dissolved. As a result, the Article was deemed to become a permanent feature of the Indian Constitution.

Different Laws And Rights

The Article 370 in English essay explains how Article 370  was incorporated to keep the residents of Jammu and Kashmir under a Law that is different from the rest of the Country. The different Laws include those relating to citizenship Rights, ownership of property Rights, and different fundamental Rights. Due to these separate Laws, Indians from other states were forbidden to buy any land or property in the state of Jammu and Kashmir.

While the Indian Government was planning out the Constitution of India, they requested the advice of each and every state on the number of constitutions to be incorporated. All the states agreed to have one Constitution in spite of having one for each state except the state assembly of Jammu and Kashmir. The state assembly of Jammu and Kashmir requested that only those Articles of the Constitution will be applied in the state that corresponds to the original instrument to accession and other rules will be incorporated by the state assembly after being formed. But the state assembly got dissolved, and the Article was considered as a permanent feature of the Indian Constitution. This was confirmed by various rulings of India such as the Supreme Court and High Court.

The essay on Article 370 can help one understand the four Provisions of Article 370:

The state was exempted from the complete applicability of the Constitution of India. The state has the power to form its own Constitution.

The power of the central government in this state is limited to three subjects: defense, foreign affairs, and communications.

Some central government’s constitutional power can be extended to the state only with the concurrence of the state government.

The State Government's power to give concurrence is only active until the State Constituent Assembly was convened. After the scheme of powers is dispersed by the State Constituent Assembly, no further extension of powers is possible.

As studied in the Article 370 essay, it is clear that the state of Jammu and Kashmir has a special status and can incorporate its own Constitution, no other states in the Country have these powers.

Impact On Abolition Of Article 370

With the elimination of Article 370 in 2019, people of J&K will no longer have dual citizenship and would be treated similarly to other Indian citizens. Because the citizenship clause is no longer in force, all of the additional benefits and grounds for discrimination associated with the title are effectively gone. 

One of the most significant advantages was that non-J&K residents were unable to purchase land within the state. As a result, persons living in J&K have plenty of resources that they haven't put to good use in order to have a safe place to live. Women were the worst victims of this equation, as they lost their land Rights if they married someone from outside the state. Furthermore, neither she nor her children were eligible to inherit the land. A Kashmiri man, on the other hand, was free to marry any lady from any state and preserve his property Rights. A non-resident of J&K was not permitted to vote in state legislature elections or to run for office. Non-J&K residents were unable to enrol in postgraduate professional courses since state universities in Jammu and Kashmir require a Permanent Resident Certificate (PRC). Furthermore, they were not eligible for any government help or scholarships to utilize while working for the government since permanent residence is necessary, which was not attainable at the time but is today. 

The state was not automatically rendered subject to any Laws passed by Parliament. As a result, disadvantaged populations in the state, such as SCs and STs, were denied the benefits that the Indian Constitution ordinarily provides. Even within the state, Rights such as the Right to education and the Right to information apply. More than that, the middle did not have the authority to declare a financial emergency within the state, but that is no longer the case; Kashmir now follows the same rules and regulations as the rest of the nation.

Short Essay on Article 370

150 words paragraph on article 370.

In this Article 370 short essay, one will gain some basic knowledge of Article 370. Article 370 was incorporated, especially for the state of Jammu and Kashmir. This Article was formed along with Article 35a. The Article vested some important powers in the hands of the State Constituent Assembly. It restricted the Central Government from interfering with the matters of Jammu and Kashmir. One can gain a lot of knowledge from this essay on Article 370.

Article 370 gave the authority to the State Constituent Assembly to incorporate its own Constitution that will give the state several different Laws. Such separate Laws include citizenship Rights, ownership of land Rights, and many others. People from other states are restricted from buying land in this state.

In this short speech on Article 370 in English, it is clear that the state of Jammu and Kashmir is an important state of India and experiences a special status among all the other states.

The 370 Article essay in English will educate a person on how the instrument of accession affected the state of Jammu and Kashmir. Clause 7 of the Instrument of Accession signed by the Maharaja Hari Singh says that the state of Jammu and Kashmir is not compelled to accept any future Articles of the Constitution of India. The state assembly has the power to incorporate its own Constitution. The state assembly will also decide how much power should be vested in the hands of the Central Government. The state of Jammu and Kashmir was experiencing a special status because of the conflict that was prevailing on the land.The Article 370 paragraph in English explains the special status of the Jammu and Kashmir experiences.


FAQs on Article 370 Essay

1. What powers are vested by Article 370?

From the knowledge we have gained from the Article 370 essay, it is clear that the State Constituent Assembly has the power to make its own rules for the state without getting interfered with by the Central Government. The state government has the power to make separate laws in terms of citizenship, ownership of land, etc.

2. In what subjects the Central Government has power over Jammu and Kashmir?

The central Government has power on a total of three subjects that are defense, foreign affairs and communication according to an essay on Article 370. In spite of these three subjects, the central government is restricted to interfere because of the special status of the state of Jammu and Kashmir. If the state government extents some powers then the centre can interfere.

3. What is the background of Article 370?

When India was about to gain independence and the British were departing, they gave all of India's rulers the Right to reside anywhere they wanted. Internally, this resulted in the development of hundreds of provinces. Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel's efforts resulted in all of those regions agreeing to merge to establish a country. However, one province, Jammu & Kashmir, governed by the then-king Hari Singh, was unwilling to join the union. They didn't want to be combined, and they wanted to keep their identity as a separate province. In October 1947, Pakistan attempted to capture Kashmir by invading it with its army. Hari Singh requested India's assistance in combating the Pakistani troops. India assisted on the condition that Kashmir joins India. Under Article 370 of the Indian constitution, India promised to provide it with special status.

4. What are the benefits and drawbacks of Article 370?

People in Jammu and Kashmir held dual citizenship, meaning they were citizens of both Jammu and Kashmir and India. They had a different flag than we had. In J & K, elections were held every six years. In J&K, criticising the Indian flag was not a crime. The Supreme Court of India's regulations were not applicable to J&K. A Kashmiri girl loses her Kashmiri citizenship if she marries a guy from outside the state. And if she married a Pakistani, he was automatically granted citizenship in J&K. The Right to Information Act did not apply to J&K. In J&K, there were no reservations for minorities. Outside of J&K, no one could acquire land there. J&K was exempt from financial emergencies. Kashmir has never had an issue with overcrowding or overpopulation since no one from outside the state may enter and reside there. Because employment possibilities were few in J&K, many young people turned to terrorism. There was a low GDP and a high level of corruption. China had acquired 10% of Kashmir after independence, whereas Pakistan had grabbed 30% of Kashmir. Only 60% of Kashmir is still in India's possession. Article 370 was enacted as a temporary measure, which allowed India to repeal it and eventually unite J&K with the rest of the states.

5. What is the end result of Article 370?

Article 370's revocation will have a favourable influence. It has the potential to help both the people of J&K and the rest of India. People in J&K will suddenly have a plethora of job options. A number of business opportunities will arise. Girls from J&K can now marry anyone in India. Their gross domestic product will rise. People from other states can now invest in J&K. They can establish manufacturing units, resulting in more work prospects for individuals in J&K. Foreign investors were also looking forward to the repeal of Article 370, therefore we should see an increase in FDI in J&K. Let us all wish for a strong, united, and prosperous India.

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essay on indian constitution 500 words

Article 370 of the indian constitution : Article 370 gives special powers and status to the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir.

When India obtained its independence from the British rule in the year 1947, many states such as the Deccan, Mysore region and Madras presidency joined the Indian union. Some were forced to join and others were given a choice of sorts. Kashmir, given the population of Muslims in the region, was reluctant to join either of the forces on their sides i.e, India or Pakistan. In the year 1949, October article 370 was added to the Indian constitution on a temporary basis under Maharaja Hari Singh and congress leader Sheikh Abdulla.  And ever since that day, article 370 has been a part of Jammu and Kashmir rule until 2019 when it was abrogated.

Article 370 of the Indian constitution is a special provision in the Indian constitution which allows the state of Jammu and Kashmir to draft its own constitution and put curbs on the power of the Indian Union over the state of Jammu and Kashmir. Basically, it granted a high amount of autonomous powers to the Jammu and Kashmir legislature.

Except for defence, communication, foreign affairs and financier, the Jammu and Kashmir leaders had enormous power over the states without the impending influence of the Indian central government. Leaders have used the powers of article 370 to form their own laws and put in place restrictions for the people of Jammu and Kashmir. This special status will empower the state with a separate constitution, flag and national anthem. Also, the people of Jammu and Kashmir will be eligible for dual citizenship. The assembly of the state can make its laws for land and properties, and they have banned people outside Jammu and Kashmir to buy land in the state.

All this came to a sudden halt when article 370 was abrogated in 2019. As this article 370 of the Indian constitution essay in being written, a curfew is imposed all over the state of Jammu and Kashmir, for over a year now, to prevent unrest and violence in the state as a result of the abrogation of article 370.

Now that the special powers are taken away from the government of Jammu and Kashmir, two new union territories in India is formed, which are a union territory of Jammu and Kashmir and Union territory of Ladakh, Leh and Kargil. The whole region is under the control of the Indian central government and AFSPA (Armed Forces Special Powers Act), which gives powers to the Indian army to detain anyone suspicious without any kind of accountability and trial, is put in place in certain sensitive regions of the state.

Some say the abrogation was unconstitutional and authoritarian in nature. But the fact of the matter is that abrogation has caused enormous amounts of unrest in the state with curfews being imposed for over a year now and an unspeakable amount of humanitarian crisis looming over the state of Jammu and Kashmir.

There are plenty of reasons that the central government has given to the people asking the reason for the abrogation of the article. Some of the reasons are:

  • To prevent terrorist operation across the border
  • To prevent human rights violations happening in the state
  • To maintain law and order properly
  • To develop a sense of inclusion for the people of Jammu and Kashmir into the Union of India
  • To develop the state economically and make it socially stable

These were a few of the reasons that the central government gave in defence of the abrogation of article 370.

Irrespective of what the future holds of Kashmiris, they’ve been under humanitarian crisis and turmoil for more than 6 decades now. With or without article 370, an entire generation of Kashmiris has been bearing the brunt of military power, both from the Indian army as well as the Pakistani army.  Kashmir should not be a guinea pig for a bigger diplomatic war between India and Pakistan.

Thousands of people (both civilians and soldiers) have been killed and thousands of crores of money has been spent on military resources in the state. Kashmir is one of the most militarized zones in the country. A proper and long-lasting solution has to be found out for the people of Jammu and Kashmir so that they prosper and grow in the future.

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    Essay on Article 370 in 500+ Words. On 5 August 2019, the Indian Government issued a Presidential order to remove Article 370, followed by the Jammu and Kashmir Reorganisation Act, 2019. ... Ans: The Indian Constitution's Article 370 gave the state of Jammu and Kashmir special status. It gave the state the authority to fly its flag, establish ...

  19. Constitution Of India Essay 200, 500, 300 Words

    Essay on Constitution of India (500 words) Introduction. Constitution of India - The Supreme Power of Country. The Constitution of India is rightly said to be the supreme power of the country. The laws, codes, rights and duties mentioned in the Indian Constitution need to be followed strictly by the citizens of the country.

  20. Essay on Fundamental Duties for Students & Children in English

    Essay on Fundamental Duties: The constitution of India has listed down every citizen's fundamental duties. They are a gentle reminder to every person to perform his duties towards the nation for its well-being. ... Essay on Fundamental Duties 500 Words in English. We have provided Fundamental Duties Essay in English, suitable for class 6, 7 ...

  21. Essay on Article 370 of Indian Constitution in English for Children

    The disadvantages of Article 370 of the Indian Constitution clearly outweigh its advantages. The atmosphere of tension in the state is a clear evidence of the same. Scrapping of Article 370 seems like a ray of hope for the state that has gripped by terrorism since long. We hope it sees better times ahead. Long Essay on Article 370 - (500 words)

  22. Article 370 Essay for Students in English

    Through this essay on Article 370, one will learn how Article 370 of the Indian Constitution gave special status to Jammu and Kashmir, which is located in the northern part of the Indian subcontinent. This state has been administered by India since 1954. ... Short Essay on Article 370 150 Words Paragraph on Article 370.

  23. Essay on Article 370 of the Indian Constitution in 500 Words

    Article 370 of the Indian constitution is a special provision in the Indian constitution which allows the state of Jammu and Kashmir to draft its own constitution and put curbs on the power of the Indian Union over the state of Jammu and Kashmir. Basically, it granted a high amount of autonomous powers to the Jammu and Kashmir legislature.