10 common Facebook Marketplace scams, and how to avoid and report them

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  • If you are buying or selling items on Facebook Marketplace, beware of scammers.
  • If you are mailing an item, use a tracking number and don't send the product until you receive payment.
  • Here are the most common Facebook Marketplace scams and how to avoid and report them.

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In addition to Craigslist and eBay, Facebook Marketplace has become a go-to destination for people to buy and sell personal goods online, in large part because Facebook doesn't charge any sort of fee for listing on the service.

Unfortunately, Marketplace's popularity also makes it an attractive destination for scams. Thankfully, if you know what to look for, scammers aren't hard to detect. Arm yourself with knowledge about the most common signs of Facebook Marketplace scams so you can buy and sell safely. 

Red flags for common Facebook Marketplace scams

You're asked to send the item before you receive payment.

How the scam works: A scammer may ask you to put down a deposit or send payment in advance to secure your spot. But they'll take off with your money and give you nothing in return.

How to avoid getting scammed: Never agree to pay for an item before you receive it. If the seller continues pressuring you or implies it's urgent that you pay in advance, it's probably a scam.

You think the price seems too good to be true

How the scam works: Beware of anything that's for sale for a fraction of the proper retail price. Scammers could be listing non-working electronics or counterfeit designer clothing.

How to avoid getting scammed: The safest way to ensure you're not being ripped off is to pick up the item locally, in person, and inspect it carefully before paying.

Non-working electronics 

How the scam works: While you can make a successful purchase by having an item shipped to you, there's some risk in that approach. Especially if you're buying something electronic, it's a good idea to complete the transaction in person, so you can verify that the item actually works.

How to avoid getting scammed: Turn on the phone, tablet, laptop, game console, or other gadget and make sure it holds a charge and you can successfully boot it all the way up. 

Someone sends you an overpayment and asks for a refund

How the scam works: This scam is as old as the hills: Someone sends you an overpayment — usually in the form of a check — and, for some convoluted reason, asks you to refund the overage. If you do this, you'll find that the check will eventually bounce. You'll have lost the item you're selling, sent them some of your own money, and to add insult to multiple injuries, you're liable to your bank for the bounced check fee.

How to avoid getting scammed: Never accept an overpayment; it's guaranteed to be a scam. 

You're asked to send back codes texted to your phone

How the scam works: This insidious scam starts when the other party suggests moving the conversation from Marketplace to text messaging. Soon thereafter, he or she will say that in order to "prove you're real," you'll be texted a code. Send the code to the other person, and you can proceed with the sale. Danger! This code can be any number of things, such as a two-factor authorization code that'll let the other party take over one of your own accounts. Or it might be the authorization code to set up a new Google Voice number, which the other party can use to run even more scams, except now their number will be linked to your phone, not theirs.

How to avoid getting scammed: There's no reason why you'd ever have to "prove you're real," especially by forwarding some sort of code. 

Beware of fake rentals

How the scam works: Using Facebook Marketplace to rent an apartment? Be very careful — it's easy to create a fake listing for a property that isn't really for rent. Or just happens to be for rent, but not through this Marketplace seller.

How to avoid getting scammed: Always verify the veracity of a rental by contacting the property listing manager independently of Facebook before handing over any money or even completing a rental agreement, which is chock full of requests for personal and private information. 

Don't agree to a bait and switch

How the scam works: You're trying to buy something on Facebook Marketplace, but when the seller gets back to you, it's already sold. That's okay, though, because they have a similar item instead. Sometimes that might be okay — it's your call — but this is a classic bait and switch scheme designed to entice you to want one product but get you to later agree to a much less appealing one.  

How to avoid getting scammed:  Move on from the seller and find the item you really wanted elsewhere.

Prevent claims of lost packages

How the scam works:  Buyers can claim they never received the item in the mail, even though they did, to attempt to get their money back.

How to avoid getting scammed: If you ship an item to a buyer, do it smartly. Always use a tracking number so you can dispute any claims that a package has been lost or was never shipped. If you're the buyer, be sure to insist on getting a tracking number so you can confirm the item is enroute and know when it arrives. 

Don't trust a payment receipt provided by the buyer

How the scam works: If you're selling an item, you should work with a common online payment system like PayPal, Venmo, or Zelle. And if you're new to online payments, don't accept the word of the buyer that they've made the payment (or an image of a receipt they've texted to you). 

How to avoid getting scammed: The point of using a solution like PayPal, Zelle, or Venmo is that you get an instant verification that payment has been received — you don't need to take the word of the buyer.

Giveaways are often phishing scams

How the scam works: Free is always great, right? Often, people who are moving, for example, are motivated to get rid of household stuff and are happy to offer many items for free. But beware of online giveaways in which you need to fill out a form to get something for free. These are fraught with danger because they are often little more than phishing schemes designed to harvest your personal and confidential information. 

How to avoid getting scammed:  Never give out personal information to an online seller. Someone genuinely getting rid of free items would not need to ask for your sensitive data.

How to report a Facebook Marketplace scam

If you think you are dealing with a scam on Facebook Messenger , you should stop communicating with the buyer or seller and report the incident to Facebook. 

If you encounter a listing on Facebook that you think is a scam, open the listing and then click the three-dot menu to the right of the Share button. In the dropdown, choose Report listing .

If you have a listing and a potential buyer appears to be a scammer, you can also report that individual to Facebook. On the right-hand side of the listing, there's a module titled  Seller information. Hover over the seller's name and then click Report . Click Scam , and then follow the instructions to submit your scam report.

Here's more information about how to get customer support from Facebook .

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How to report seller on Facebook

How to report seller on Facebook

Table of Contents:

Last updated on: July 12, 2023

This article will show you how to find infringement on your product, and how to report a seller on Facebook using various reporting options.

Pursuing claims of copyright infringement on social media platforms is often fraught with confusion and difficulty. While the Copyright Act theoretically provides legal protection and social media companies have policies in place to assist with copyright issues, the reality is that it’s up to rights holders themselves to identify and notify social media platforms of any copyright infringement .

And with millions of profiles, pages, and active groups, finding and reporting instances of counterfeiting is no easy task, so it’s vital for brands to know how to report someone selling counterfeit goods on Facebook.

Red Points Anti Counterfeit Solution

So what can rights holders do to protect their IP?

  • Gather evidence and information by monitoring relevant groups and fan pages. You will need to have a Facebook account to report a seller on Facebook..
  • Review Facebook’s takedown procedures and build a case for review by Facebook analysts.
  • Use Facebook’s tools. Facebook offers a variety of monitoring tools that alert rights holders to suspected infringement issues. Individual “takedown requests” can be filed for unauthorized uses to a panel of Facebook content analysts.
  • Use automated technology services like Red Points and our experienced search and legal teams to quickly and efficiently and detect and report large quantities of infringing listings and links.

If you are seeing counterfeit products of your brand being sold on Facebook, this might be a sign that they are being sold on other marketplaces as well. Red Points  brand intelligence platform  can detect all kinds of infringements being sold online, our technology-empowered bot scans 24/7 on the internet across all online marketplaces.

Reporting Counterfeits on Facebook

This section will walk you through the process of reporting instances IP infringement on Facebook. Before we get started with reporting, it’s important to first consider the locations within the platform that sellers might use as an online point of sale for counterfeit goods.

There are several places where counterfeit goods are commonly sold on Facebook:

  • Personal Profile Pages : Profiles are personal pages belonging to a private person under their own name.
  • Public Facebook Pages : Pages are specifically created to be the official pages for brands, businesses, celebrities, TV shows, and so on, to engage with their followers.
  • Public and Private Facebook Groups : Groups—both public and private—allow people to connect with others with common interests and opinions. Public groups are open to anyone. There is no need to request entry and posts can be viewed even if you’re logged out of Facebook. Private groups are a little more difficult to access. To view out posts made in private groups, we must be logged into a Facebook account and request to become a member. Additionally, some groups are specifically created as selling groups.
  • Facebook Marketplace is a relatively new feature. It is a place where users can buy and sell products from others. The Marketplace uses geolocation to customize the results shown depending on your location.

Why is it important to monitor Facebook groups?

A Facebook group can be created by anyone. In their Transparency Report , Facebook revealed that private and closed groups are where the vast majority of counterfeit sales occur . Therefore, it is essential to monitor groups relevant to the product in question, as these are where counterfeits are most likely to be sold.

What are Facebook’s policies on removing items?

Under four reporting categories ( Brand Abuse, Counterfeit, Design, and Patent ), Facebook will remove infringing content.

Brand Abuse : Facebook will remove the infringing content.

Counterfeit : This sometimes requires the trademark to be registered in the country where the post was made.

Design : There is no specific form for design infringements, leaving three options :

  • Report using the Trademark Form. If the explanation is complete and substantiated, the content is typically removed.
  • Report using the Copyright Form, alleging artwork.
  • Report using the Counterfeit Form.

Patent: Facebook does not remove patent infringement, but we can attempt it anyway via the Counterfeit Form. To do this, we must try to claim as many brands as possible. There is an option to add more trademarks, which gives us an increased likelihood of the content being removed worldwide instead of within a specific jurisdiction. This is usually quick and effective.

How to report a seller on Facebook

Counterfeits and trademark infringements.

To file a report on Facebook, you must be logged into your Facebook account.

To report a seller on Facebook for brand abuse, fill in the Trademark Report Form as seen below, marking the following boxes:

  • I found content that I believe infringes my trademark
  • Continue with my trademark report

Facebook counterfeit report form

For contact information, check the boxes for:

  • Provide my contact information
  • Me or my organization

And then fill in the rest of the contact details as appropriate.

Facebook Trademark report form contact information

In the next section, trademark information, complete these fields:

  • Provide your trademark information
  • Name of your trademark
  • Where your trademark is registered (whichever country)
  • Your trademark registration number
  • Category of goods (Per Nice Classification )
  • Links to your trademark registration (Click here to search trademarks )
  • Upload your trademark registration documentation (optional, but very recommended)

Multiple submissions can be made at once by checking the “I have additional trademarks” box.

Trademark report form trademark info

To report Counterfeit, fill in the Counterfeit Report Form as below:

  • Select the appropriate form of content which infringes your trademark
  • Paste the links in, as many as you’ve found.
  • Here it is recommended to explain here why the infringing content hosts products which are not official nor authorized by you, or by the trademark holder.
  • Sign the electronic signature by typing your full name.  

Trademark report form content information

Reporting Copyright infringements on Facebook

To report Copyright, fill in the Copyright Report Form by following similar steps to the counterfeit report (images in the above section).

  • Select the option “I found content which I believe infringes my copyright”
  • “Continue with my copyright report”.

Next, you’ll be asked to provide your contact information, including

  • Copyright owner – Select “Me or my organization”.
  • Your job responsibility, as it relates to the copyright.
  • Mailing address, phone number, and email address.
  • Be this yourself, or the organization you represent.
  • Rights owner location

The next steps mimic the processes for reporting counterfeit products, as explained above, and relate to:

  • Content you want to report
  • Here you should provide links to your website, social media and anywhere else your copyrighted work may be seen.

Reporting a design infringement

Reporting and successfully removing design infringements tend to be more difficult on Facebook than on other forms of intellectual property. Though it’s always still worth filing reports.

To report a design infringement, use either the Trademark Form or Counterfeit Form as previously mentioned, and follow the same steps, with a few differences:

  • For the category of goods, add the Locarno Classification instead.
  • Explain here why the content infringes on the registered design, and explain that the reported content is copying the registered unique shape of the design.

Alternatively, for more artistic creations, design infringement can be reported via the Copyright Report Form , alleging that the links are infringing on artwork.

Reporting patent infringements

To report Patents, use the Counterfeit Report Form , as below.

Note: As previously mentioned, Facebook does not close patent infringements. Two workaround options are to:

  • use the counterfeit form, explaining why the reported content is patent infringement, or
  • use the counterfeit form, alleging trademark infringement, even if it’s not the case. When Facebook replies, explain why this content is patent infringement. This workaround is necessary because analysts often ignore reports with the word “patent” in them.

Reporting Locations:

Facebook’s policy regarding locations is as follows:

Facebook location reporting

However, it is possible to report a location using the  trademark form . In the description box, explain in detail that by using the protected trademark and the name of our client or making a clear reference to their distinctive signs, these locations are making the users of the platform believe that they are official or authorized locations of our client’s business. This can be a problem if these locations post confusing or illegitimate content as it may damage our client’s reputation. Furthermore, Facebook users, by following these locations, may think they are reaching our client’s location and go somewhere that has nothing to do with the business.

Once an answer has been received, explain the more specific reasons why these locations are infringing on the business. These could include:

  • Location is linked to a different business (if that is true).
  • Location contains content damaging to the business.
  • Explain that this content could be harmful to the business and reputation, and it’s confusing for Facebook users checking this location. Clearly state that action should be taken to avoid this harmful situation.

What happens when you file a report?

Removal time typically ranges from 1-3 days. Facebook will send a ticket to your email with a complaint number, confirming that the report was made. After processing your request, you will receive an email either confirming the removal or explaining the reasons why they refuse to act.

It is also important to note that when reporting content from a group, the analyst will have requested to join the group in order to upload the link to the portal. To see the content of the group, it is necessary to be logged into the same account that the analyst used to upload the links. Otherwise, we see closed links, as below.

Facebook unavailable content

Why is IP infringement so difficult to control?

Finding sellers of counterfeit products is becoming increasingly difficult. In its emergence as a powerful social media platform, Facebook simultaneously became a global distribution channel, allowing illegitimate sellers to copy patented products and sell them to others via their social networks.

Despite strict procedures in place to remove offending products from its pages, it is almost impossible—without the intervention of the rightsholder—for Facebook to identify which products are legitimate and which are counterfeit. Despite this, Facebook’s recent biannual Transparency Report revealed that it removed almost 2.8 million pieces of content based on 373,934 copyright reports, 222,226 pieces of content based on 61,172 trademark reports, and 459,176 pieces of content based on 28,680 counterfeit reports in 2018. 

Facebook's intellectual property statement

Why not just take legal action against Facebook?

The law protects websites from being held responsible for what is sold by third parties on their platforms, acknowledging that it would be almost impossible for companies to monitor every single product that is being offered for sale on their sites.

This is because, as part of the 1998 Digital Millennium Copyright Act, Congress gave “safe harbor” immunity to companies providing online services, effectively protecting them from copyright infringement liability for their users’ actions. Essentially, websites cannot be held responsible for what is sold on their platforms as long as they have a “rigorous” takedown procedure in place to address complaints about counterfeit goods.

But if social media sites aren’t responsible for monitoring what is being sold on their platform, who is?

With the rise of social media and social selling, that task falls unfortunately on the shoulders of individual rights holders or those acting on their behalf, requiring them to actively police Facebook profiles, pages, and groups for counterfeit products that infringe on their trademarks. Currently, getting these links removed and accounts banned is the only viable strategy. Legal recourse against the sellers is rarely possible as false identities are typically created to participate in these pages and groups.

Much like other social media platforms that experience similar problems with counterfeit and copyright infringement, Facebook’s policies and Terms of Use strictly prohibit the advertisement, promotion, or facilitation of the sale of counterfeit goods.

To combat counterfeit sales, Facebook has a robust manual and automated system in place to review and take action on all reports of copyright infringement and illegal counterfeit products. Despite these measures, it often falls to the copyright holders to owners to bring these infringements to the attention of Facebook analysts. The purpose of this book is to help you do exactly that.

As you can see, detecting and reporting IP infringement on Facebook can be a daunting task. Regardless of the size of your business, the time, expertise, and financial resources required to monitor, detect and report infringements are overwhelming.

At Red Points, our in-house technology allows us to scan online marketplaces and social media platforms for infringements. Our analysts will then compile and send you the results. We provide robust detection technology, the power of a large search team, and the knowledge of an experienced legal department; all available on your desktop 24 hours a day, at a fraction of the time and financial cost, allowing you to do what you do best – run your business!

Having intellectual property issues on other websites? Take a look out our list of counterfeit removal guides:

  • How to remove counterfeits from DHgate
  • How to remove a counterfeit from JD.com
  • How to remove counterfeits from Instagram
  • How to report a counterfeit on Taobao
  • How to report intellectual property infringements on Etsy
  • How to remove a counterfeit from Aliexpress
  • How to report a seller on eBay
  • How to report trademark infringements on Amazon
  • How to report a counterfeit on Wish

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Don't make these mistakes when selling on facebook marketplace.


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Inadequate photos and description, agreeing to mail the item to someone, accepting dodgy payment methods, wasting your own time, pricing your items incorrectly, giving things away for free, holding items for too long, selling multiple items in a single listing, not taking adequate precautions, taking your chat outside of facebook.

Facebook Marketplace is one of the best places to list items to sell locally since the social network is full of buyers. To increase your chances of success and reduce the risk of problems along the way, make sure you avoid these common mistakes.

It might sound obvious, but it takes only seconds of browsing Marketplace to spot items that fall even at the lowest hurdle. To sell your items, you’ll need a detailed listing and enough photos to do the item justice. This avoids unnecessary conversations with interested parties asking for more information.

The downside is you’ll need to do a bit more work before you list the item. In your photos, make sure that the entire item is visible from numerous angles. You can add up to ten photos to a listing, and while this may be overkill for some items, it’s barely adequate for others.

How you go about this depends on what you’re selling. If possible, take the item outside to improve lighting. Some items might benefit from a small tabletop studio . Others just need a good dusting, and for you to remove anything that might detract from the listing.

Highlight any damage and disclose it in the description. Listing item dimensions in the description, particularly for larger items like furniture, can be very helpful. The key is to imagine you were buying the item: what else would you want to know? More detail means less back and forth between you and potential buyers.

Facebook Marketplace is great for selling and buying items locally, and a minefield when it comes to selling further afield. Agreeing to mail an item could be a costly mistake. Unlike eBay and similar services, Facebook Marketplace is not suited to distance selling.

Facebook advert stating item won't be posted or paid for via PayPal.

There is no PayPal seller protection (and the same is true for buyers, too) to safeguard the transaction. There are so many Facebook Marketplace scams that rely on distanced selling. From signing you up for bogus payment services, to insurance scams, and even making it seem like the item has been paid for when it hasn’t.

Some items may be better suited to platforms other than Facebook Marketplace, particularly small and easily posted items, collectibles, antiques, and so on. If in doubt, list your items on eBay instead.

Another surefire way to get scammed is to not do your due diligence when it comes to accepting payments. This commonly takes the form of scammers promising that a friend or family member will be collecting the item in person, but they would like to pay in advance. If it sounds too good to be true, it is.

Make sure you understand which payment methods are genuine and the types of protection they afford. Cash is king, but mobile payments like Venmo and CashApp are also good as long as you sign up beforehand and are ready to accept the payment.

Payments sent using these services cannot be reversed, so the “buyer” can’t pull a fast one on you once they’ve left with the item. Just make sure that the payment has been completed and the money is in your account before you part ways.

Adding a line like “if the ad is still up, the item is still available” to the item description can greatly streamline your selling experience. Sure, you’re still going to get the odd person who didn’t read your listing properly, but for most, you’ll cut out the preamble and get right to the point.

Facebook advert stating that if the ad is up, the item is available.

You could also add details like whether or not you’re happy to deliver for a fee, whether you’re happy to meet halfway, and pick-up instructions like “you’ll need a trailer” or “this is a two-person job” for larger items.

What you’re selling is only worth what someone else is willing to pay. Though the item might have an objective second-hand value, if you want it to sell, you’re going to need to understand your local market. The easiest way to do this is to search Facebook Marketplace for similar items.

If you feel like comparable items are selling too cheap, you might be selling in the wrong place. On the other hand, you might want to explore selling highly valuable items elsewhere, like an auction house, an antique center, or a specialist reseller like a record shop or vintage clothing retailer.

Knowing when to reduce your price is also important. If the item isn’t selling, lowering your price (even by a fraction) will notify others who have saved the item of the price drop. Not only do buyers love spending less, this notification can serve as a reminder for items they have forgotten about.

This isn’t a hard and fast rule, especially if you’re thinking of dumping items in front of your house and listing them on Marketplace or in a local group. That said, listing items for free is a surefire way of attracting time wasters and filling up your inbox.

A $5 listing on Facebook Markeplace with a 'very negotiable' price.

By placing a small fee on the item, you will separate the serious “buyers” from the endless torrent of browsers. When the buyer shows up and you happen to let them have it for free, so be it!

Saving items for someone who can’t meet you right away is a nice idea, but it isn’t necessarily the best way to make a sale. By all means, be considerate, but set some boundaries for how long you’re going to hold an item.

Prioritize buyers who can make the journey and exchange money sooner, particularly when there is a lot of interest in that item. This might mean accepting a lower offer, but it depends on how desperate you are to let the item go.

You’ve probably seen listings for multiple items; maybe you’re guilty of posting a few yourself. The price is set at some arbitrary number like “1” or “1” or “1234.56” to get your attention, and in the description is an itemized list of things for sale.

This is a nightmare when it comes to discussing potential sales since different sellers may want different items. It might be a good idea if you’re advertising a garage sale or selling a large collection of similar items (like records), but most of the time, it’s limiting for both you and the seller.

The right way to list multiple items in a single listing on Facebook Marketplace.

Set your items free and let them shine with their own listings. You’ll get more space for adding photos of each item, you can list correct prices, make use of dropped price notifications, and you’ll spend less time scratching your head deciphering who’s who in your inbox.

Perhaps the biggest mistake you can make is to be too trusting of other Facebook Marketplace users. This is especially true with high-value items like jewelry or electronics. Where possible, always meet in public places during the day. Take a friend with you, or at least notify others of what you’re up to.

Not all items can be taken to a public place, so make sure you take precautions when selling from home. Don’t give your address out to anyone but serious sellers who are trying to arrange a time to come inspect the item (and who understand what payment methods you accept).

If possible, don’t let people into your house unnecessarily. Meet sellers outside, or move items into a shed or garage so that potential buyers can’t see inside your house.

Lastly, never take your Facebook Marketplace chats outside of Facebook . Scammers do this to avoid being reported to Facebook so that they can keep their grift going. Not everyone who tries to do this is a scammer, but it’s best for everyone involved to keep it on Meta’s platform.

Facebook Marketplace is one of the best places to turn the things you no longer want into cash. Selling items locally means easy cash or mobile payments, no postage fees, and no auction listing fees. You can even list items for trade or encourage people to make offers.

The most important thing to keep in mind is your personal safety. Don't jump through hoops for buyers who make odd requests, attempt to use obscure payment methods, or won't meet your terms.

  • Social Media

Ohio sheriff suggests residents keep a list of homes with Harris yard signs

A sheriff in Ohio who made disparaging remarks about Vice President Kamala Harris and immigrants on social media suggested that residents compile a list of addresses where they see yard signs in support of the Democratic presidential nominee .

In a public Facebook post Friday, Portage County Sheriff Bruce Zuchowski used anti-immigrant rhetoric and denounced both Harris and her supporters.

Bruce Zuchowski's official pohoto

"When people ask me...What’s gonna happen if the Flip — Flopping, Laughing Hyena Wins?? I say...write down all the addresses of the people who had her signs in their yards! Sooo...when the Illegal human ‘Locust’ (which she supports!) Need places to live...We’ll already have the addresses of the their New families...who supported their arrival!" the post said.

Zuchowski, the sheriff’s office and the Harris campaign did not immediately respond to requests for comment Monday afternoon.

The post Zuchowski shared also included TV images mentioning Aurora, Colorado , and Springfield, Ohio — towns that have become flashpoints in the immigration debate.

Springfield in particular has been subject to security t hreats amid baseless claims about Haitian immigrants living there. former President Donald Trump amplified the claims at Tuesday's presidential debate, which drew more than 67 million viewers , when he said, “They’re eating the pets.”

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Trump's running mate, Sen. JD Vance of Ohio, has made similar remarks on social media, and he doubled down on them in an interview Sunday on NBC News' " Meet the Press ."

Springfield Mayor Rob Rue has said "a lie" is tearing apart the city of nearly 59,000 residents. "We'd like that to stop," he said Saturday .

Springfield is a little less than 200 miles southeast of Portage County.

Zuchowski's Facebook page includes a photo of him with Vance and other pictures of him with Trump allies such as former national security adviser Michael Flynn and former GOP presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy.

The photo with Vance is dated July 15 . One of the photos with Flynn is dated June 13 , and the other is dated March 30 and includes Ramaswamy.

Raquel Coronell Uribe is a breaking news reporter. 


Lions 1st injury report for week 3 shows five players sidelined, share this article.

The first practice participation report from the Detroit Lions as the team preps for the Week 3 trip to play the Arizona Cardinals features five players who were not practicing due to injury on Wednesday.

LB Alex Anzalone (concussion)

CB Terrion Arnold (illness)

LG Graham Glasgow (knee)

S Ifeatu Melifonwu (ankle)

CB Ennis Rakestraw (hamstring)

Anzalone suffered the brain injury late in the Week 2 loss to the Buccaneers. Melifonwu has not practiced in full since the second preseason game, and was only a limited participant for a couple of sessions ahead of Week 1. Rakestraw injured himself in the pre-game warmups on Sunday.

In addition to the quintet of non-participants, two other Lions were limited.

S Kerby Joseph was listed with a back issue, while WR Isaiah Williams was limited with an abdomen. Williams missed the Week 2 game with the injury.

On a positive note, WR Amon-Ra St. Brown and EDGE Marcus Davenport were both full participants in the practice session.

Read all the best Lions coverage at the Detroit Free Press and Lions Wire .

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Detroit Lions Week 3 injury report: Amon-Ra St. Brown, Marcus Davenport practice in full

The Detroit Lions released their Week 3 Wednesday injury report and Amon-Ra St. Brown and Marcus Davenport returned to the practice field in full.

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Los Angeles Rams v Detroit Lions

The Detroit Lions were back on the practice field on Wednesday as they began preparations to take on the Arizona Cardinals in Week 3. The Lions have been hit by the injury bug of late. After entering Week 2 with nine players on the injury report, they saw another five players injured last Sunday, while also seeing several removed from this week’s initial report.

Let’s take a look at Wednesday’s injury report and get you up to date with what we know. Of Note, any changes from last week’s report will be bolded .

Injured reserve, Non-Football injury list

  • G Christian Mahogany (Illness, mono) — NFI list , eligible to return in Week 5
  • DT Brodric Martin (knee) — injured reserve , eligible to return in Week 5
  • DL John Cominsky (MCL) — injured reserve , eligible to return in Week 5
  • CB Emmanuel Moseley (pec) — injured reserve , eligible to return in Week 5

No changes to the injured reserve list. Mahogany and Martin could return as soon as the Lions’ bye week or shortly after, while Cominsky and Moseley will likely return late in the season, if at all.

No practice

  • LG Graham Glasgow (knee) — New injury
  • LB Alex Anzalone (concussion) — Injured in Week 2
  • CB Terrion Arnold (illness) — Injured in Week 2
  • CB Ennis Rakestraw (hamstring) — injured in warmups ahead of Week 2
  • S Ifeatu Melifonwu (ankle) — Did not play Week 2

It’s common practice for the Lions to not practice players who were injured in the previous weekend’s game. That is once again represented here in Week 3, as four of the five players injured against the Bucs did not practice on Wednesday.

Glasgow played every offensive snap in Week 2 , but he did take a few shots during the game. If Glasgow is unable to return to action against the Cardinals, Kayode Awosika or Michael Niese would be in line to potentially start at left guard.

Of the players new to the injury report this week, Anzalone’s concussion could be the most worrisome.

“Anytime you lose somebody like Alex—if he’s not able to go, that’s going to hurt,” Lions coach Dan Campbell said of Anzalone. “I mean, Alex is a hell of a player for us. And so, we’ll just take it as it comes with that, but I’ve got all the confidence in the world with Jack [Campbell] and really all of those (linebackers).”

If Anzalone can’t get through the NFL protocol in time for this week’s game, look for Jack Campbell’s snaps to increase, while Malcolm Rodriguez and Derrick Barnes see more time at WILL.

Arnold briefly exited last weekend’s game but was able to return and finish the game on the field. He is not listed as having a finger injury, so it appears that will not be an issue. He is listed as out with an illness which can have a wide range of possibilities. We will likely know more tomorrow.

Rakestraw injured his hamstring during warmups for the Bucs game and was ruled inactive as a result. With soft tissue injuries, the Lions typically take things slow and won’t rush the rookie back on the field.

Melifonwu has only practiced once during the regular season and has apparently been dealing with this injury since the middle of training camp. This slow-moving recovery process is surely taking longer than the team imagined, or he likely would have been placed on injured reserve a few weeks ago.

Limited practice

  • WR Isaiah Williams (abdomen) — Did not play Week 2, returned to practice
  • S Kerby Joseph (back) — NEW INJURY

Williams showed up on the injury report last week on Thursday, and like most mid-week injuries, he was not able to play in the weekend’s game. Getting him back on the field is a good sign he could be healing up quickly.

Joseph only practiced on Thursday and Friday last week due to a hamstring injury, but now he is dealing with a back injury. He did play a full complement of snaps on Sunday, so it’s unclear if he injured his back in the game or if occurred at another time. A limited practice is encouraging and if he practices again on Thursday, he’ll likely be in a good spot for the Cardinals game.

Full practice

  • WR Amon-Ra St. Brown (quad) — Injured in Week 2
  • EDGE Marcus Davenport (groin) — Did not play Week 2, returned to practice

St. Brown needed assistance from trainers twice during the Bucs game, but early week reports were that he was dealing with a contusion and cramping , which were not considered long-term injuries. The fact that he is practicing in full is a very encouraging sign.

Davenport was dinged up in Week 1 and missed a full week of practices and the game in Week 2. His return to the practice field in full is promising and the Lions are hoping he will be ready to play against the Cardinals.

“Yeah, I mean, we’re going to have him out there, running around today,” Campbell said of Davenport. “So, we’re hopeful for him.”

No longer listed with an injury

  • WR Jameson Williams (ankle)
  • LT Penei Sewell (ankle)
  • DT DJ Reader (quad)
  • CB Carlton Davis (chest)
  • S Loren Strickland (thumb)

Cardinals' initial injury report

  • DL Dante Stills (Shoulder)
  • WR Xavier Weaver (Oblique)
  • OL Will Hernandez (Ankle)

From Zach Gershman of the Cardinals team site :

Earlier in the week, Jonathan Gannon kicked off his press conference sharing that outside of a couple “bumps and bruises,” the Cardinals are healthy going into Week 3 against the Lions. Once again, no players from the Cardinals 53-man roster missed practice on Wednesday. However, three players landed on the report limited participants. Defensive lineman Dante Stills was limited with a shoulder injury. Offensive lineman Will Hernandez (ankle) and wide receiver Xavier Weaver, who was on the report last week as a limited participant with an oblique injury, were full participants. Stills did not play Sunday, so it’s likely his injury happened in Wednesday’s work.

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Hong Kong’s Biggest Listing in Years Lures Back Global Investors

  • Midea shares jumped in its debut on Tuesday in Hong Kong
  • The $4 billion offering drew investors such as Hillhouse, GIC

Midea Group's Fang Hongbo during the company's listing ceremony at the Hong Kong Stock Exchange on Sept. 17.

Midea Group's Fang Hongbo during the company's listing ceremony at the Hong Kong Stock Exchange on Sept. 17.

Chinese appliance maker Midea Group Co. ’s $4 billion listing in Hong Kong is fueling cautious optimism that the worst of the city’s capital markets drought may be coming to an end.

Midea’s Hong Kong-listed shares jumped almost 8% from its offer price on Tuesday, a strong performance that vindicates the company’s decision to price at the top of the range and increase the size of the share sale by 15%. The listing was Hong Kong’s biggest since Kuaishou Technology ’s $6.2 billion initial public offering in early 2021. Beyond a much-needed fee bonanza for banks, the deal has been closely watched as a sign of the city getting its mojo back after years of slumping deal activity.

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  • Dallas Cowboys Injuries
  • Cowboys injury report: Trevon Diggs, CeeDee Lamb miss practice with injury

Here is the Dallas Cowboys injury report for Wednesday.

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Atlanta Falcons v Dallas Cowboys

As the Dallas Cowboys pick themselves up from the rubble after a demolition by the New Orleans Saints , the team looks introspectively for answers to some of their biggest questions: How did the defense, led by Micah Parsons, allow five consecutive scoring drives by halftime? How did Dallas surrender a QBR of 99.4 to Derek Carr? Or how did the Cowboys allow 22.1 yards per reception?

The Cowboys will now face a Baltimore Ravens team this Sunday. Before we dive into the injury report, Dallas made one injury transaction this morning.

#Cowboys roster transactions: Jordan Phillips to IR (wrist) and will miss a minimum of four games. Carlos Watkins signed to the active roster as a replacement, returning to Dallas, poached from the Commanders practice squad. — Patrik [No C] Walker (@VoiceOfTheStar) September 18, 2024

Carlos Watkins should step in and provide the team with support in stopping the run better than what happened against New Orleans.

Here is the Wednesday practice report for the Dallas Cowboys and Baltimore Ravens: - It’s a back injury for Cowboys DT Mazi Smith who was seen walking off the practice field - CB Trevon Diggs (foot) and WR CeeDee Lamb (ankle) DNP - Multiple key Ravens defenders listed as DNP pic.twitter.com/jABvrjZqab — Nick Harris (@NickHarrisFWST) September 18, 2024

Defensive tackle Mazi Smith left practice today with an injury that was characterized as a back injury. Trevon Diggs (foot) and CeeDee Lamb (ankle) did not practice today. The severity of injury for Diggs and Lamb has not been released, but at this point there doesn’t seem to be a lot of worry.

Jake Ferguson worked into team activities still nursing a knee injury suffered in the home opener against the Cleveland Browns and earned the limited designation; a great sign for Ferguson. As for John Stephens Jr., he’s was limited with a hamstring injury. Hopefully, one of them can be healthy enough to return this week against Baltimore. The Ravens have allowed the second-most yards to tight ends (90).

For the Ravens, offensive linemen Ronnie Stanley (ankle) and Malaesala Aumavae-Laulu (personal) were absent from Baltimore’s practice. Their secondary was also without a few notable names. Safety Kyle Hamilton (back) did not practice nor did cornerback Jalyn Armour-Davis (personal). Coach Jon Harbaugh says that he expects Stanley to play although he did not practice Wednesday. Finally, versatile linebacker Kyle Van Noy was also not at Ravens practice.

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How to create Facebook reports with Sprout Social

Written by by Dominique Jackson

Published on  December 10, 2020

Reading time  8 minutes

Reporting and analytics are key to any social strategy . Whether it’s reviewing content relevancy, looking at your share of voice or tracking your audience engagement, data helps your brand make smarter decisions on social. Of all the social networks, Facebook arguably gives you the most amount of data to work with. And sometimes sorting through all those reports, particularly if you have multiple profiles, can be overwhelming. Let Sprout help!

Our Facebook reports contain a wealth of analytics to help you shape your social media presence. Specifically, we’re going to focus on three main Facebook reports you can access in Sprout to get insights into how your brand is performing, as well as how to build your own custom report:

  • Facebook Pages Report
  • Sent Messages Report
  • Facebook Competitor Report
  • Sprout’s My Reports
Want to follow along with this guide? Sign up for a free trial and dig into your brand’s own Facebook reports.

How to Create a Facebook Pages Report

To see an overview of everything going on with your Facebook Page, run the Facebook Pages report. This report shows:

  • The number of paid and organic likes for your Page over a specific period of time.
  • Your top performing Facebook posts, and how your content has been shared including reach, likes, comments and so on.
  • A glimpse at how your content is traveling across Facebook by looking at how information is shared. This includes the number of stories (comments, mentions, posts, etc.) created and the number of users posting your content.
  • Audience demographics, such as the age, gender and location of your fans. You’ll also see which demographic engages with your content the most.

Keep in mind, this report can only be run for Facebook Pages with 30 or more fans or followers.

How to see this report:

  • Go to the Reports tab
  • Click Facebook Pages under Facebook Reports
  • Select the appropriate date range and Page
  • View it directly in Sprout or export to a PDF or Excel—whatever is most useful for you

Facebook Pages report in sprout

Understanding the Facebook Pages Report

Your Facebook Pages Report has a number of metric graphs and data for the dates you’ve selected.

Facebook Performance Summary

What this section shows you: A general overview of of impressions, engagement and post link clicks for your page during your selected period of time.

Why it’s important: It gives you a high level view of your page performance. This is great for a quick view of your page’s engagement during a specific month, quarter or any other length of time.

Facebook Audience Growth

What this section shows you: How many paid and organic likes your page has received over a selected period of time.

Why it’s important: It’s crucial to know whether or not your audience is growing or shrinking. The Net Page Likes metric is where you’ll really want to focus. Getting 100 new followers isn’t as valuable if you had 50 unlikes over the same period of time. When your number of unlikes outpaces your new likes, it’s a sign your fans aren’t engaged. Follow these tips to improve Facebook engagement and keep your followers around.

Facebook Publishing Behavior

What this section shows you: How many times you publish per day on Facebook, as well as the type of content you share.

Why it’s important: With the Facebook algorithm slashing organic reach for brands, you constantly have to test different publishing cadences to get as much exposure as possible. With this report, you can see how often you currently publish each day. To get the most from this data, compare it against your impressions and engagement data to see if there’s a correlation between publishing behavior and engagement.

Facebook Top Posts

What this section shows you: Your top three performing Facebook posts.

Why it’s important: Once you know your most engaging posts, you can analyze why they worked. It could be the copy, your image or maybe the time you posted. Find why the content resonated then try to replicate it with future posts.

Facebook Impressions

What this section shows you: The number of impressions your content has received on Facebook as well as the users reached. The users reached metric includes the number of users that saw any content associated with your Page via the News Feed, ticker or visits to your Page.

Impressions are broken down into two sections:

  • Paid impressions: The number of impressions of Sponsored Stories or Ads pointing to your page.
  • Organic impressions: The number of times any organic content associated with your Page was seen in News Feed, ticker or on visits to your Page.

Why it’s important: If you dedicate time and resources into creating and sharing content on Facebook, you probably want to get it in front of as many people as possible. This report helps you visualize how many people you’re reaching. If you see negative trends, look into what the potential problem could be. If you see a sudden spike, check the content you shared that day to understand what went well.

Facebook Video Performance

What this section shows you:  How well your video content performs on Facebook. You can see how many people watch your full videos, paid vs. organic views and more. Note, this is only available if your brand publishes videos.

Why it’s important: Facebook video is more prevalent than ever. In fact,  45% of people watch more than an hour of Facebook or YouTube videos a week. So needless to say, it’s well worth it to invest in Facebook videos. But just sharing a video doesn’t guarantee success. You need to measure how your videos actually perform so you can optimize your strategy for success.

Facebook Engagement

What this section shows you: How much engagement your Facebook posts receive each day broken down by reactions, comments and shares.

Why it’s important: Engagement is one of the most important metrics for your Facebook efforts and a key factor in Facebook’s ranking algorithm. If you want your posts to get more organic visibility, you need people to engage with your posts. Similar to what we mentioned about impressions, look for dips or spikes in your engagement. Then you can look deeper into what happened on those specific days.

How to Create a Post Performance Report for Facebook

While the Facebook Pages report helps you understand overall Page performance, the Post Performance report helps you understand the performance of individual Facebook posts .

  • Go to the Reports tab.
  • Click Post Performance under the Cross-Network Reports dropdown.
  • Make sure Facebook is selected in the right bar.
  • Select the appropriate date range & profiles.
  • View the report directly in Sprout or export to a PDF or Excel—whatever is most useful for you.

sprout post performance report

Understanding the Post Performance Report for Facebook

Your Post Performance Report has various data for the dates you’ve selected. The report gives a breakdown by post for each Facebook profile you select. You can see overall engagement, impressions and break metrics down further by seeing post clicks, shares and average reach.

From the Right Bar, you can specify which published status you want to view, including your Boosted Facebook posts to see how they’re performing. You can also see the status for published Facebook content by the Sprout author to see whose content has the best engagement rates.

How to Create a Facebook Competitors Report

The Facebook Competitors Report gives your brand the ability to track key metrics for any Facebook page, and benchmark their performance against your own. Whether you want to see how you stack up against the competition or just want to keep your finger on the pulse of other brands in your industry, our Facebook Competitors Report will give you the intel you need to make more informed decisions.

Sprout facebook competitors report

This report is available for Professional and above plans .

  • Click Facebook Competitors under Facebook Reports.
  • Add your competitors. For newly added competitors, Sprout needs to gather at least three days’ worth of data to surface the report which can take some time.
  • Select the competitors you want and then select your date range.

Facebook competitors report

Understanding the Facebook Competitors Report

There are a few different sections within this report that’ll give you insights into what you competitors are doing, and how much success they’re seeing from their efforts.

Competitors Overview

The first thing you’ll see is an overview of your audience compared to your competitors. It shows which competitor has the most fans, as well as the average number of fans across all your competitors. Now you can see how your audience size stacks up against the competition.

Audience Growth

Knowing the size of your audience is nice, but it’s also important to understand how quickly (or slowly) your audience grows. With the Facebook Competitors report, you can see how your audience growth compares to other brands.

Are they growing faster than you? Did one of them get a sudden spike in fans over the weekend? How many new fans do other brands get every day? The Audience Growth by Profile section of the report will help you answer these types of questions so you can better judge whether or not your own audience is growing at a reasonable rate.

Message Volume

One of the most common questions brands have is “how often should I post on Facebook?”

Typically you end up blindly guessing how many times you should post each day, or you might not have a posting cadence at all. The Message Volumes section of this Facebook report will help shed some light on your posting schedule. You’ll see how many times your competitors post per day, and you can toggle this report section to see the number of comments and public stories each page receives.

Again, this is extremely valuable for benchmarking your data. But additionally, it’ll give you an idea of whether or not your posting frequency is too high or low. For instance, if you publish once a day on average, but your competitors tend to publish at least three times per day and have more engagement, it could be a sign you need to share more content to compete.

Stats by Page

This section of the Facebook Competitors report gives you a breakdown of publishing and engagement metrics for you and your selected competitors. One area in particular that’s interesting is the Post Breakdown column. Do your competitors primarily publish videos, photos or standard text posts? Look for correlations between the type of content they share and their engagement.

You can also click the down arrow on each row to expand the data for any of your competitors and see their top three posts over a selected time period.

Build a Custom Facebook Report

Want more flexibility over what you show on your Facebook reports? Whether you want to prove the value of your Facebook efforts to clients or you just want to show your CMO the data they care about the most, My Reports  can help you create a report tailored to your use case.

Use Sprout’s Facebook Reports to Improve Your Social Media Strategy

Consider running periodic reports (monthly, bi-weekly or whatever makes sense for you) to identify strengths and weaknesses in your social media strategy . With this data at your fingertips you can:

  • Analyze the impact of your published content.
  • Make smarter decisions on how to increase your social media presence.
  • Follow-up on the results of your work by visualizing how these changes in your social strategy translated into responses among your followers and fans.

Learn more about Sprout Social’s Facebook management tools and additional features here.

  • Social Media Analytics

How to use Facebook audience insights for more effective targeting

  • Social Media Engagement

Best times to post on Facebook 2024

How to get verified on Facebook: Your step-by-step guide

Facebook reach: What it is and how to increase yours quickly

  • Now on slide

Build and grow stronger relationships on social

Sprout Social helps you understand and reach your audience, engage your community and measure performance with the only all-in-one social media management platform built for connection.

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Surprise! Russell Wilson limited... again... to kick off Week 3 practices

Some injury updates to kick off this week of practices...

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Quarterback Russell Wilson #3 of the Pittsburgh Steelers stretches prior to an NFL football game against the Denver Broncos, at Empower Field at Mile High on September 15, 2024 in Denver, Colorado

The Pittsburgh Steelers are off to a 2-0 start, but undoubtedly, they’d Iike to keep that winning streak going as long as possible. A big key to that will be getting the roster as healthy as they can moving forward, and it seems like the team is making progress toward that goal ahead of Week 3.

Here’s a full breakdown of Steelers injury report for Wednesday, September 18 ahead of their Week 3 home opener against the Los Angeles Chargers .

Steelers Week 3 injury report: Wednesday, September 18

DNP : OG Isaac Seumalo ( pectoral ), TE MyCole Pruitt (knee), RB Najee Harris (rest)

Limited : Russell Wilson ( calf ), WR Roman Wilson (ankle), DL Larry Ogunjobi (knee), T.J. Watt (rest)

Though Russell Wilson ’s name tops the list of players to watch heading into Week 3, the team is fully prepared to move forward with Justin Fields against the Chargers as they go through practices this week, Mike Tomlin announced in his Tuesday presser. No big surprises there in terms of his status to open up the week.

The Steelers gave RB Najee Harris a full rest day, while Watt practiced in a limited fashion for the same reason.

TE MyCole Pruitt’s injury could force him out of action for the week, logging a “DNP” with a knee injury and promoting practice squad tight end Rodney Williams to the active roster on Wednesday.

One name to watch closely as the week progresses will be starting LG Isaac Seumalo , who is working his way back from a pectoral injury suffered ahead of Week 1. His original projected timeline for return fell somewhere around a month, which would put him at the end of September for a comeback, so it seems likely it will still be OL Spencer Anderson playing in his place for Week 3 with him missing the first practice of the week. However, Tomlin says Seumalo is making some progress, which is great news all around.

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  • Steelers Reacts Survey: How high are your black and gold expectations?
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  • Six Steelers earn nominations for Pro Football Hall of Fame Class of 2025
  • Steelers place Ben Skowronek on IR, make practice squad changes
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Diarrhea med above prep table, workers not washing hands found at Phoenix-area eateries

PHOENIX (AZFamily) — Every week, Arizona’s Family looks up restaurants recently inspected by Maricopa County’s Environmental Services Department. Restaurants with some of the highest numbers of “risk factors,” considered major health code violations by inspectors, are selected for our Dirty Dining Report. For more details on the restaurant inspection scoring system, visit Maricopa County’s website .

Here are the Valley restaurants that did not make the grade for Sept. 18, 2024:

Chou’s Kitchen - 910 N Alma School Rd, Chandler

3 violations

  • Employee peeled raw cucumbers without wearing gloves
  • No soap at hand wash sink
  • Raw beef and raw pork stored above raw fish

The Breakfast Club - 2 E Jefferson Street, Phoenix

  • Employee grabbed raw sausage then bread slices
  • Hash browns and Hollandaise sauce not kept hot enough
  • Deli ham and turkey not kept cold enough

Whataburger - 9990 N 90th Street, Scottsdale

  • Raw eggs over vanilla milk shakes
  • Sink plumbing not installed correctly
  • Lettuce and tomatoes not cooling properly

Brooklyn V’s Pizza - 20911 S Rittenhouse Rd, Queen Creek

4 violations

  • No towels at hand sink
  • Heavy accumulation of build-up on slicer
  • Ranch dressing not kept cold enough
  • Chemical spray bottle not labeled

Los Favoritos Taco Shop - 5351 S Power Rd Suite #105, Mesa

  • Employee doughnuts found in prep area
  • Sandwich cooler not kept cold enough
  • Pepto-Bismol above prep table
  • Guacamole and pico de gallo out of temperature

List of restaurants with a perfect health inspection score make the Dirty Dining "Dean's List."

Dean’s List - Valley restaurants with perfect health inspection scores

Subway9666 E Riggs Road, Sun Lakes
Nuevo Burrito8202 W Indian School Road, Phoenix
Bisbee Breakfast Club3605 S Gilbert Road, Gilbert
Longhorn Steakhouse14127 W Bell Rd, Surprise
Zoyo Neighborhood Yogurt4740 E Shea Blvd, Phoenix
Arrowhead Grill8280 W Union Hills Drive, Glendale

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    Dave Johnson. If you have a listing and a potential buyer appears to be a scammer, you can also report that individual to Facebook. On the right-hand side of the listing, there's a module titled ...

  5. About listings in review on Facebook Marketplace

    All listings go through a standard review. It may take up to a day to complete the review. If you see There are issues with your product next to your listing, it wasn't approved because it goes against our Commerce Policies. Other people on Marketplace can't see this listing. Learn what you can do if your listing wasn't approved on Marketplace.

  6. Report a Facebook Marketplace seller

    Report a seller. Log in to Facebook. In the left menu on your News Feed, click Marketplace. Click a listing from the seller that you want to report, then click the seller's name below Seller information. Click , then click Report.

  7. How to report seller on Facebook

    To report a seller on Facebook for brand abuse, fill in the Trademark Report Form as seen below, marking the following boxes: For contact information, check the boxes for: And then fill in the rest of the contact details as appropriate. In the next section, trademark information, complete these fields:

  8. How to Report and Avoid Scammers on Facebook Marketplace

    Step 1: Launch Facebook Messenger and go to Marketplace. Step 2: Select a conversation with the buyer. Tap on the buyer's name at the top. Step 3: Scroll down and tap Report. Step 4: You can ...

  9. Don't Make These Mistakes When Selling on Facebook Marketplace

    Agreeing to Mail the Item to Someone. Facebook Marketplace is great for selling and buying items locally, and a minefield when it comes to selling further afield. Agreeing to mail an item could be a costly mistake. Unlike eBay and similar services, Facebook Marketplace is not suited to distance selling. There is no PayPal seller protection (and ...

  10. Ohio sheriff suggests residents keep list of Kamala Harris yard sign

    Ohio sheriff suggests residents keep a list of homes with Harris yard signs ... Zuchowski's Facebook page includes a photo of him with Vance and other pictures of him with Trump allies such as ...

  11. Lions 1st injury report for Week 3 shows five players sidelined

    The first practice participation report from the Detroit Lions as the team preps for the Week 3 trip to play the Arizona Cardinals features five players who were not practicing due to injury on Wednesday. LB Alex Anzalone (concussion) CB Terrion Arnold (illness) LG Graham Glasgow (knee) S Ifeatu Melifonwu (ankle) CB Ennis Rakestraw (hamstring)

  12. Steelers List Five Players on Initial Injury Report

    The Pittsburgh Steelers have released their first injury report leading into their Week 3 home opener against the Los Angeles Chargers on Sunday. Quarterback Russell Wilson remained limited with a ...

  13. Lions Week 3 injury report: St. Brown, Davenport practice in full

    The Detroit Lions released their Week 3 Wednesday injury report and Amon-Ra St. Brown and Marcus Davenport returned to the practice field in full.

  14. Hong Kong's Biggest Listing in Years Lures Back Global Investors

    Chinese appliance maker Midea Group Co.'s $4 billion listing in Hong Kong is fueling cautious optimism that the worst of the city's capital markets drought may be coming to an end.

  15. What happens when I report something to Facebook? Does the person I

    When something gets reported to Facebook, we'll review it and take action on anything we determine doesn't follow our Community Standards.Unless you're reporting an incident of intellectual property infringement, your report will be kept confidential and the account you reported won't see who reported them.

  16. 17 Facebook Marketplace scams to avoid in 2024

    2. Facebook Marketplace Venmo scams. Venmo scams can take many forms, but a few of the most common include: Rental property deposit scams. Phishing scams. Overpayment scams. Shipping scams. A scammer might create a fake listing for a rental property and ask you to send a deposit to a Venmo account.

  17. Lions at Cardinals practice report: Sept. 18

    Lions at Cardinals practice report for Wednesday, September 18. The browser you are using is no longer supported on this site. It is highly recommended that you use the latest versions of a supported browser in order to receive an optimal viewing experience.

  18. Dallas Cowboys injury report: Trevon Diggs, CeeDee Lamb miss practice

    Defensive tackle Mazi Smith left practice today with an injury that was characterized as a back injury. Trevon Diggs (foot) and CeeDee Lamb (ankle) did not practice today.

  19. Report a Facebook Marketplace scam

    To report a scam by a seller on Marketplace: From your Feed, in the left menu, click Marketplace. In the left menu, click Buying. Click the listing of the seller you want to report as a scam. Click the name of the seller. Click , then click Report. Click Scam, then follow the on-screen instructions to submit your report.

  20. How to Create Facebook Page Reports

    How to see this report: Go to the Reports tab. Click Post Performance under the Cross-Network Reports dropdown. Make sure Facebook is selected in the right bar. Select the appropriate date range & profiles. View the report directly in Sprout or export to a PDF or Excel—whatever is most useful for you.

  21. Facebook Community Standards

    Community Standards Enforcement Report. Quarterly report on how well we're doing at enforcing our policies on the Facebook app and Instagram. Intellectual Property. Report on how well we're helping people protect their intellectual property. Government Requests for User Data. Report on government request for people's data.

  22. Steelers injury report: Russell Wilson still limited

    Steelers Week 3 injury report: Wednesday, September 18 DNP : OG Isaac Seumalo ( pectoral ), TE MyCole Pruitt (knee), RB Najee Harris (rest) Limited : Russell Wilson ( calf ), WR Roman Wilson ...

  23. Dallas Cowboys injury report: Latest on CeeDee Lamb, Zack Martin

    Diggs worked his way back from a major injury after suffering a torn ACL last season. While a DNP is never good news, it's thankfully not related to the knee. Thursday's report should clarify a lot more about the defensive back's status for the game. Similar can be said about Lamb, dealing with an ankle injury.

  24. Vikings vs. Texans Week 3 Injury Report

    EAGAN, Minn. — The Minnesota Vikings listed 10 players on their initial injury report for Week 3 ahead of hosting the Houston Texans at noon (CT) Sunday.

  25. Report a Facebook Marketplace seller

    In the left menu on your News Feed, click Marketplace. Click a listing from the seller that you want to report, then click the seller's name below Seller information. Click , then click Report. Follow the on-screen instructions. Learn how to report a seller that blocked you.

  26. Report a Problem

    Report that something isn't working on Facebook. Log into Facebook on a computer. Click your profile picture in the top right of Facebook. Select Help & support, then select Report a problemand follow the on-screen instructions. Learn more about what data gets sent to us when you report something that isn't working.

  27. Report a Page

    Facebook Lite App Help. Report a Page. Go to the Page you want to report by clicking its name in your Feed or searching for it. Click below the Page's cover photo. Select Find Support or Report. To give feedback, click the option that best describes how this Page goes against our Community Standards.

  28. Reporting Things

    Click your profile picture in the top right of Facebook. Select Settings & privacy, then click Settings. Click Blocking in the left menu. In the Block users section, enter the name of the profile you want to block, then click Block. Select the specific profile you want to block from the list that appears and click Block, then Block [profile ...

  29. Diarrhea med above prep table, workers not washing hands found at

    At Gray, our journalists report, write, edit and produce the news content that informs the communities we serve. Click here to learn more about our approach to artificial intelligence. A Gray ...

  30. Report items for sale on Facebook Marketplace

    Report a listing on Marketplace. From your Feed, in the left menu, click Marketplace. Click a listing that you want to report. Click . Click Report post. To submit your report, follow the on-screen instructions. If the person has blocked you, learn how to report something you can't see. Bear in mind these tips to stay safeon Marketplace.