International Journal of Research and Review

International Journal of Research and Review (IJRR)

Issn: 2349-9788 (online) issn: 2454-2237 (print).

International Journal of Research and Review (E-ISSN: 2349-9788; P-ISSN: 2454-2237)is a double-blind, Indexed peer-reviewed, open access international journal dedicated to promotion of research in multidisciplinary areas. We define Open Access-journals as journals that use a funding model that does not charge readers or their institutions for access. From the BOAI definition of "Open Access" users shall have the right to "read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link" to the full texts of articles. The journal publishes original research article from broad areas like Accountancy, Agriculture, Anthropology, Anatomy, Architecture, Arts, Biochemistry, Bioinformatics, Biology, Bioscience, Biostatistics, Biotechnology, Botany, Chemistry, Commerce, Computer Science, Dairy Technology, Dentistry, Ecology, Economics, Education, Engineering, Environmental Science, Food & Nutrition, Forensic Science, Forestry, Geology, Geography, Health Sciences, History, Home Science, Journalism & Mass Communication, Language, Law, Life Science, Literature, Management, Marine Science, Mathematics, Medical Science, Microbiology, Pathology, Paramedical Science, Pharmacy, Philosophy, Physical Education, Physiotherapy, Physics, Political Science, Public Health, Psychology, Science, Social Science, Sociology, Sports Medicine, Statistics, Tourism, Veterinary Science & Animal Husbandry, Yoga, Zoology etc.

The International Journal of Research and Review (IJRR) provides rapid publication of articles in all areas of research.

Frequency: Monthly Language: English

Scope of Journal

International Journal of Research and Review (IJRR) is a double-blind Indexed peer-reviewed open access journal which publishes original articles, reviews and short communications that are not under consideration for publication elsewhere. The journal publishes papers based on original research that are judged by critical reviews, to make a substantial contribution in the field. It aims at rapid publication of high quality research results while maintaining rigorous review process. The Journal welcomes the submission of manuscripts that meet the general criteria of significance and academic excellence. Papers are published approximately one month after acceptance.

IJRR is dedicated to promote high quality research work in multidisciplinary field.

Index Copernicus Value (ICV) for 2023: 100.00; ICV 2022: 100.00; ICV 2021: 100.00; ICV 2020: 100.00; ICV 2019: 96.58; ICV 2018: 95.79; ICV 2017: 85.08; ICV 2016: 67.22; ICV 2015: 73.64; ICV 2014: 52.85

Salient features of our journal.

✵ Journal is indexed with Index Copernicus and other indexing agencies.

✵ Print version (hard copy) with P-ISSN number is available.

✵ Fast Publication Process.

✵ Free e-Certificate of Publication on author's request.

How to Submit Manuscript:

Thesis publication, research articles.

Nitin V Vichare, Rakesh Maggon

Smita Deshkar, Niranjan Patil, Pranali Balmiki

Ashish Choudhary, Riyaz Farooq, Aamir Rashid Purra, Fayaz Ahmed Ahangar

Joshi Medhavi H., Desai Devangi S, Singh Lalli M, Joshi Vaibhavi A

Jasvir Singh

Mariya Thomas Chacko, Tima Babu, Jenin Vincent Parambi, Irene T. Ivan, Sheik Haja Sherief

Click Here to

Anwar Sholeh, Alwi Thamrin Nasution, Radar Radius Tarigan

Arnaldi Fernando, Dairion Gatot, Yan Indra Fajar Sitepu

Iji Clement O, Age Terungwa James

Varsha S. Dhage, Pratibha Chougule

Uzma Khan, Arindam Ghosh

Dr. Uzma Khan, Dr. Arindam Ghosh, Dr. John Pramod

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International Journal of Science and Healthcare Research

Galore International Journal of Health Sciences and Research

Galore International Journal of Applied Sciences and Humanities

International Journal of Current Research and Review

Discontinued in Scopus as of 2021

international journal of current research and review

Subject Area and Category

  • Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous)
  • Dentistry (miscellaneous)
  • Health Professions (miscellaneous)

Radiance Research Academy

Publication type

09755241, 22312196

2014, 2019-2021

international journal of current research and review

The set of journals have been ranked according to their SJR and divided into four equal groups, four quartiles. Q1 (green) comprises the quarter of the journals with the highest values, Q2 (yellow) the second highest values, Q3 (orange) the third highest values and Q4 (red) the lowest values.

The SJR is a size-independent prestige indicator that ranks journals by their 'average prestige per article'. It is based on the idea that 'all citations are not created equal'. SJR is a measure of scientific influence of journals that accounts for both the number of citations received by a journal and the importance or prestige of the journals where such citations come from It measures the scientific influence of the average article in a journal, it expresses how central to the global scientific discussion an average article of the journal is.

Evolution of the number of published documents. All types of documents are considered, including citable and non citable documents.

This indicator counts the number of citations received by documents from a journal and divides them by the total number of documents published in that journal. The chart shows the evolution of the average number of times documents published in a journal in the past two, three and four years have been cited in the current year. The two years line is equivalent to journal impact factor ™ (Thomson Reuters) metric.

Evolution of the total number of citations and journal's self-citations received by a journal's published documents during the three previous years. Journal Self-citation is defined as the number of citation from a journal citing article to articles published by the same journal.

Evolution of the number of total citation per document and external citation per document (i.e. journal self-citations removed) received by a journal's published documents during the three previous years. External citations are calculated by subtracting the number of self-citations from the total number of citations received by the journal’s documents.

International Collaboration accounts for the articles that have been produced by researchers from several countries. The chart shows the ratio of a journal's documents signed by researchers from more than one country; that is including more than one country address.

Not every article in a journal is considered primary research and therefore "citable", this chart shows the ratio of a journal's articles including substantial research (research articles, conference papers and reviews) in three year windows vs. those documents other than research articles, reviews and conference papers.

Ratio of a journal's items, grouped in three years windows, that have been cited at least once vs. those not cited during the following year.

Evolution of the percentage of female authors.

Evolution of the number of documents cited by public policy documents according to Overton database.

Evolution of the number of documents related to Sustainable Development Goals defined by United Nations. Available from 2018 onwards.

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international journal of current research and review

Subject Area

  • Life Sciences / Biology
  • Architecture / Building Management
  • Asian Studies
  • Business & Management
  • Computer Science
  • Economics & Finance
  • Engineering / Acoustics
  • Environmental Science
  • Agricultural Sciences
  • Pharmaceutical Sciences
  • General Sciences
  • Materials Science
  • Mathematics
  • Nanotechnology & Nanoscience
  • Nonlinear Science
  • Chaos & Dynamical Systems
  • Social Sciences & Humanities

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  • Open Access
  • Peer Reviewed
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international journal of current research and review

SJIF Scientific Impact Factor: 8.132 ;  ISI Impact Factor 2019-2020: 1.532, Doi:

International Journal of Current Research, (IJCR) is an international double-blinded referred and peer-viewed monthly online academic research journal in all the streams. IJCR encourages new ideas and works in all fields and it publishes high-quality original papers, theory-based empirical papers, review papers, case reports, conference reports/papers, technology reports, book reviews, commentaries, events, and news. We welcome papers from both academicians and practitioners papers on theories, business models, conceptual paradigms, academic research, and consultancy projects. All subject areas of Biology and life sciences : Agriculture, Anatomy, Astrobiology, Behavior, Bioacoustics and etc., Computer and Information Sciences : Artificial intelligence, Catalogs, Computer applications, Computer architecture, and etc., Earth sciences: Atmospheric science, Earth, Geochemistry, Geography, Geology and etc., Ecology and environmental sciences : Aquatic environments, Biogeochemistry, Biogeography, Bioindicators, Conservation science and etc., Engineering and technology: Aerospace engineering, Architectural engineering, Automotive engineering, Bioengineering, Chemical engineering and etc., Medicine, health sciences and Dental : Anatomy, Anesthesiology, Cardiology, Cardiovascular medicine and etc., People and places: Demography, Geographical locations, Population groupings and etc., Physical sciences : Astronomical Sciences, Chemistry, Materials science, Mathematics, Physics and etc., Research and analysis methods : Animal studies, Bioassays and physiological analysis, Biological cultures and etc., Science policy: Bioethics, Open science, Research funding and etc., Social sciences: Anthropology, Archaeology, Economics and etc. Authors are cordially invited to submit the full-length paper, Original and unpublished research articles, based on theoretical or experimental works, are solicited for publication in the journal. Submission of an article implies that the work described has not been published previously (except in the form of an abstract or academic thesis) and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere.

  • Submission Date: Open
  • Publication Date: Open

international journal of current research and review

  • Free full-text availability of articles
  • Email Notification of new issue release
  • Search Articles by author name, titles, issues and volumes
  • Open Access Journal
  • The facility of Online Submission of Articles on the website

What's News

  • Volume 16, Issue 09 is now available online
  • Online Publication any time for Every Month
  • Submit your Research articles/papers/case study at   [email protected] (or) [email protected]

Important Notes:

  • SJIF Scientific Journal Impact Factor: 8.132
  • Fast Publication and Indexing Journal
  • All changes in published articles may be made only 7 days after the online release
  • Corresponding authors are responsible for their own paper contents and authors have to refer and cite those contents which come from other papers thus, in case of plagiarism journal doesn't have any responsibility
  • Post-publication removal of articles from the website is impossible and all inquiries won't be answered

international journal of current research and review

  • [email protected]
  • For all communication regarding how to publish a paper, the status of the paper, and other general information.
  • [email protected]
  • For communication regarding submission acceptance of the papers. For all communication related to payment-related and clarification.

international journal of current research and review


Ijmce recommendation.

international journal of current research and review

Monthly archive

  • October 2024
  • September 2024
  • August 2024
  • November 2023

Advantages of IJCR

  • Rapid Publishing
  • Professional publishing practices
  • Indexing in leading database
  • High level of citation
  • High Qualitiy reader base
  • High level author suport

Plagiarism Detection

IJCR is following an instant policy on rejection those received papers with plagiarism rate of more than 20% . So, All of authors and contributors must check their papers before submission to making assurance of following our anti-plagiarism policies.

international journal of current research and review

National Academy of Agricultural Sciences (NAAS) : NAAS Score: *3.92 (2024)[Effective from January 1, 2024] For more details click here

Ijcrar is now doi (crossref) registered research journal. the dois are assigned to all published ijcrar articles., ijcrar impact factor: 5.2*, volume 12-issue 10 october 2024 published, aim & scope.

The International Journal of Current Research and Academic Review (ISSN 2347 - 3215) aims at the publication of original research, reviews and short communications on the latest developments in all fields of Science & Humanities and Engineering technology. The journal publishes original papers in English which contribute to the understanding of science and Humanities and also developments of the engineering technology and education. Papers may be theoretical, experimental or both. The contribution should be unpublished before and not under consideration for publication elsewhere. The Journal is a peer reviewed international journal publishing high-quality articles dedicated to all aspects of Science and Humanities and Engineering technology. The Journal considers only manuscripts that have not been published (or submitted simultaneously), at any language, elsewhere. The Journal is issued only in electronic form.

Subject areas for suitable for publications include:

Life sciences.

•Biological Sciences, •Biochemistry, •Genetics, •Environmental Science, •Immunology and Microbiology, •Cellular Microbiology, •Environmental Microbiology, •Medical Microbiology, •Industrial Microbiology, •Soil and Agricultural, •Microbial Genetics, •Microbial Ecology, •Vermitechnology, •Medicinal Plants, •Biotechnology, •Pharmacology Science, •Botany, •Cellbiology, •Conservation biology, •Developmental biology, •Ecology, •Evolutionary biology, •Evolutionary genetics, •Food science, •Genetics, •Genomics, •Immunology, •Marine biology, •Molecular biology, •Parasitology, •Pathology, •Pharmacogenomics, •Pharmacology, •Physiology, •Population dynamics, •Proteomics, •Structural biology, •Systems biology, •Zoology.

Physical Sciences

•Chemical Engineering, •Chemistry, •Computer Science, •Earth and Planetary Science, •Energy, •Mathematics, •Physics and Astronomy, Engineering, •Material Science, •Statistics, •Comparison of chemistry and physics, •Natural and physical sciences, •Earth science, •Biophysics, •Mathematics and Computer Science Research,  •Pure and Applied Chemistry,  •Geology and Mining Research, •Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology,  •Internet and Information Systems, •Oceanography and Marine Science,•Petroleum Technology and Alternative Fuels

Health Science

•Medicine and Dentistry, •Nursing and Health Professions, •Pharmacology and Toxicology,   •Pharmaceutical Science •Veterinary Science •Veterinary Medicine, •Nutrition and Metabolism,  •Cancer Research and Experimental Oncology,  •Clinical Pathology and Forensic, Medicine,  •Diabetes and Endocrinology,  •Infectious Diseases and Immunity,  •Medical Laboratory and Diagnosis,  •Neuroscience and Behavioral Health,  •Public Health and Epidemiology, •Medical Case Studies, •Medical Practice and Reviews

Social Science and Humanities

•Arts and Humanities, •Business Management, •Management Accounting, •Decision, •Economics, •Econometrics, •Finance, Anthropology, •Communication studies,   •Human geography, •History, •Political science, •Public administration,   •Psychology,    •Sociology, •Geography and Regional Planning, •Hospitality Management and Tourism, •Sociology and Anthropology, •Public Administration and Policy Research, •Social Psychology, •Social Sciences by publishing original research work, short communications and review articles.

Agriculture Science

•Agricultural Economics •Agricultural Engineering •Agricultural Extension •Agronomy •Water Resource Management •Agricultural Biotechnology •Agricultural Microbiology •Agricultural Botany •Soil Science •Organic Farming •Sustainable Agricultural Practices •Plant Breeding •Plant and Agricultural Technology •Entomology •Integrated Pest Management •Biological Pest Control •Crop Improvement •Horticulture •Plant Pathology •Weed Management •Forestry and All the Fields of Allied Agricultural Sciences.

Animal Husbandry, Veterinary and Allied Sciences

•Animal Anatomy •Animal Breeding •Animal Nutrition •Animal Therapy •Veterinary Pathology •Fodder Crops •Veterinary Medicine •Livestock Production •Transgenics •Pet Animals •Vaccination •Aquaculture •Feed Science •Sericulture •Poultry Science

Plant Biology

•Angiosperm Taxonomy •Adaptation •Allelopathy in Plants •Biosystematics •Ethnobotany •Ethnopharmacology •Traditional Medicinal Plants •Plant Physiology •Plant Stress Biology •New Records of Flora •Plant Tissue Culture •Gene Transfer Studies •Plant Ecology •Economic Botany •Ecophysiology •Plant-microbe interactions •Mycology •Phycology •Lichens • Endemic and Endangered Plants •Embryology and Seed Science •Palaeobotany •Medicinal Botany, etc.

Ecology and Environmental Sciences

•Animal Behaviour •Biodiversity and Conservation •Biological Invasion •Biological Interaction •Climate Change •Carbon Sequestration •Ecosystem •Ecobiology •Environmental Biology •Ecotoxicology •Extreme Environment •Environmental Safety •Environmental Microbiology •Environmental Monitoring •Evolutionary Biology •Evolutionary Genetics •Pollution Studies •Population Biology •Vermitechnology •Waste Management

•Medicine and Dentistry •Nursing and Health Professions •Pharmaceutical Science •Nutrition and Metabolism •Cancer Research and Experimental Oncology •Clinical Pathology and Forensic Medicine •Diabetes and Endocrinology •Infectious Diseases and Immunity •Medical Laboratory and Diagnosis •Neuroscience and Behavioral Health •Public Health and Epidemiology •Medical Case Studies •Medical Practice and Reviews

•Chemical Engineering, •Chemistry, •Computer Science, •Earth and Planetary Science, •Energy, •Mathematics, •Physics and Astronomy, Engineering, •Material Science, •Statistics, •Comparison of chemistry and physics, •Natural and physical sciences, •Earth science, •Biophysics, •Mathematics and Computer Science Research, •Pure and Applied Chemistry, •Geology and Mining Research, •Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology, •Internet and Information Systems, •Oceanography and Marine Science,•Petroleum Technology and Alternative Fuels.

•Arts and Humanities, •Business Management, •Management Accounting, •Decision, •Economics, •Econometrics, •Finance, Anthropology, •Communication studies, •Human geography, •History, •Political science, •Public administration, •Psychology, •Sociology, •Geography and Regional Planning, •Hospitality Management and Tourism, •Sociology and Anthropology, •Public Administration and Policy Research, •Social Psychology, •Social Sciences by publishing original research work, short communications and review articles.

Engineering and Technology

•Computer Science and Engineering, •Electrical Engineering, •Civil Engineering, •Infrastructure Engineering, •Electronics & Communication Engineering, •Industrial Engineering, •Mechanical Engineering, •Manufacturing Engineering, •Graphics and Multimedia, •Software Engineering, •Biological Engineering, •Chemical Engineering, •Agricultural engineering, •Remote sensing and information system. The Journal accepts various types of articles defined as follows: Types of articles include

  • Original research papers,
  • Mini-reviews,
  • Short research communications,
  • Letters to the editor.

IJCRAR is designed for the prompt publication of peer-reviewed articles in all areas of the subject. The journal articles will be accessed freely online. All manuscripts are pre-reviewed by the editor, and if appropriate, sent for blind peer review. Contributions must be original, not previously or simultaneously published elsewhere, and are critically reviewed before they are published. Manuscripts submitted to the IJCRAR are peer reviewing, initially reviewed according to the flow diagram reviewing and then reach to the technical reviewer. A minimum of three reviews related to subject is required for each Journal manuscript. IJCRAR publishes original articles, short communications to editor and reviews monthly. IJCRAR is currently accepting manuscripts; you can support this journal (IJCRAR) by sending your manuscripts to us at  [email protected] A manuscript number will be emailed to the corresponding author within 48 hours.

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international journal of current research and review

IC Value (2018): 90.90

SJIF (2021): 6.66

IPI Factor : 4.02

Impact Factor (CiteFactor) (2020-21): 1.84

ISI Impact Factor (2021-2022): 2.176

IC Value (2019): 90.81

IC Value (2020): 91.47

SJIF (2020) = 7.893

IJCRR DOI Prefix (CrossRef): 10.31782/2231-2196

Information Matrix for the Analysis of Journals (ICDS = 9.6)

Peer Reviewed::Scientific

Frequency: Fortnightly

Language: English

Indexed and Abstracted in : Crossref, CAS Abstracts, Publons, Google Scholar, Open J-Gate, ROAD, Indian Citation Index (ICI), ResearchGATE, Ulrich's Periodicals Directory, WorldCat (World's largest network of library content and services)

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international journal of current research and review


international journal of current research and review

IJCRR Policy on Publication Ethics:

  • No manuscript with plagiarized content shall be considered for publication in IJCRR.
  • Manuscript in IJCRR shall not be published until authors submit copyright form duly signed by all authors (co-authors).
  • The authors need to add separate note (format) of acknowledgment suggested by IJCRR in their manuscript. This format of acknowledgment includes the contribution of authors of cited articles and IJCRR reviewers in bringing quality to the manuscript.
  • Manuscript without a signed declaration on ‘Conflict of Interest’ by authors shall not be considered for publication in IJCRR.
  • Research work / clinical investigation involving patient participation, patient opinion, patient record, animal studies cannot be considered for publication in IJCRR without submission of Ethical Clearance Letter / Institutional Review Board’s report, informed consent, and other necessary documents as suggested by COPE.
  • Reports of clinical trials submitted to IJCRR for publication should be in compliance with the Declaration of Helsinki, and Good Clinical Practice.
  • Manuscripts published in IJCRR cannot be reproduced in whole or in part (s) without written permission from the IJCRR journal management team. If scholars need to refer content of the manuscript for their research/review work, then it should be mentioned appropriately in the part of references of their work.

IJCRR Policy on Double Blind Peer Review Process:

We at IJCRR understand the importance of the peer- review process in upholding the quality of scholarly publications. Once the manuscript is received (online) from authors it passes from following stages-

  • The manuscript is first handled by the IJCRR journal management team (team consists of subject experts and experts on language and copyediting). During this process, the manuscript is checked for plagiarism and grammatical errors. The use of software to detect plagiarized content and grammatical errors in the manuscript ensures more accuracy in this process. Subject experts decide the relevance of the scope of the manuscript and its category with IJCRR’s scope.   
  • After successfully passing this step, the manuscript assigns a unique code, and the decision regarding primary acceptance is communicated to the corresponding author. The coded manuscript then forwarded for the blindfolded review process.
  • Primarily accepted manuscript then forwarded for reviewers evaluation (three reviewers). Reviewers are selected by the IJCRR journal management team on set parameters including the area of expertise, experience, and availability. All three reviewers are provided with a template of reviewers report facilitating structured review in a uniform format. Reviewers need to submit their evaluation report within the stipulated time.
  • Evaluation report received by any two reviewers (first come basis) then analyzed by the journal management team and communicated to one of the editorial board members for his / her approval for publishing in the upcoming issue of IJCRR.
  • The entire report then communicated to the corresponding author to make suggested changes in the manuscript. Authors are also provided with copyright form along with a journal template to resubmit their manuscript with necessary corrections.
  • The corrected manuscript then handled by the journal management team for possible copyediting. Copyright form, ethical clearance letter, a letter from the institutional review board, the informed consent form is scrutinized by the journal management team for its authenticity.
  • The authors are then communicated about the publication of the corrected manuscript in the upcoming issue of IJCRR and the possible date of publication.
  • This process may take a few days depending upon the reviewers’ response to the manuscript evaluation. IJCRR does not guarantee fast review or publication.
  • The process ensures that the identity of reviewers is kept confidential and cannot be revealed to authors.

IJCRR Policy in dealing with plagiarism, scientific misconduct, and handling complaints:

Plagiarism, scientific misconduct committed by authors noticed by the IJCRR journal management team shall be dealt with promptly and precisely. IJCRR journal management team is authorized to suspend the manuscript immediately on observing scientific misconduct by authors until the issue is cleared legitimately. Authors accused of scientific misconduct shall be given enough time and support to put forward their views on the issue. IJCRR journal management team then refers to the issue to Editorial Board members of IJCRR online notepad . A separate (independent) investigation committee will be set up to investigate the matter as per the severity of the misconduct. If found guilty, the issue of scientific misconduct shall be communicated to the author’s institutional officials for the future course of action. Such authors will be banned to publish manuscripts in IJCRR in the future.

Complaints received from readers shall be handled promptly by the IJCRR journal management team in a structured way. All complaints and reported scientific misconduct shall be handled as per the guidelines given by COPE and OASPA.

IJCRR Policy on Corrections on Published Manuscripts:

IJCRR is open and prompt in publishing corrections on errors cited in published manuscripts. A separate section is provided in individual issues as well as a website (webpage) to publish these corrections. Errors will be corrected promptly and with due prominence and displayed in the ‘Corrigendum’ section.

IJCRR’s Article Retraction Policy:

In the view of IJCRR journal management team or Editorial board member, if a manuscript (under consideration or published) is violating journal publication ethics on the ground of plagiarism, infringement of professional ethical code, multiple submissions, bogus claim of authorship, fraudulent / manipulated data would be retracted as per the guidelines given by COPE and OASPA.

General Guidelines:

  • International Journal of Current Research and Review publishes papers that are judged and peer-reviewed by a team of expert reviewers (in the individual subject).
  • Types of articles include original research papers, reviews, mini-reviews, short research communications, and letters to the editor.
  • International Journal of Current Research and Review aims at the rapid publication of quality research results and reviews while maintaining a rigorous review process.
  • The main criteria for accepting a manuscript for publication in IJCRR are originality, innovative and scientific importance, and interest.
  • Each article published by the International Journal of Current Research and Review is open access, and the full text is displayed on and on the official webpage of IJCRR indexing agencies and freely available to thousands of researchers, scientists, faculties, students that use the archive every day.
  • International Journal of Current Research and Review ensures that the published articles will be properly displayed and available for readers for the many generations to come.
  • To cater for international audiences and promote international collaboration, we encourage submissions that present results of collaborative research of more than one institution of different countries.

Handling of Special Issues:

IJCRR publish Special issues based on either we receive proposal for publishing Special issue or we invite articles in specific field of research. Special issues are dedicated to particular themes. Editor-in-Chief either invite a Guest Editor to handle special issue or an editor himself/herself approach the journal to lead a special issue. Peer-review process for the special issue is same as for regular issues. For special issue Guest Editors serve the same function as Academic Editors to process articles right from submission to publication. All articles in the special issue are published online and carry indexing in the same way as regular articles. 


Dr. Pramod Kumar Manjhi joined Editor-in-Chief since July 2021 onwards

COPE guidelines for Reviewers

SCOPUS indexing: 2014, 2019 to 2021

Awards, Research and Publication incentive Schemes by IJCRR

Best Article Award: 

One article from every issue is selected for the ‘Best Article Award’. Authors of selected ‘Best Article’ are rewarded with a certificate. IJCRR Editorial Board members select one ‘Best Article’ from the published issue based on originality, novelty, social usefulness of the work. The corresponding author of selected ‘Best Article Award’ is communicated and information of award is displayed on IJCRR’s website. Drop a mail to [email protected] for more details.

Women Researcher Award:

This award is instituted to encourage women researchers to publish her work in IJCRR. Women researcher, who intends to publish her research work in IJCRR as the first author is eligible to apply for this award. Editorial Board members decide on the selection of women researchers based on the originality, novelty, and social contribution of the research work. The corresponding author of the selected manuscript is communicated and information is displayed on IJCRR’s website. Under this award selected women, the author is eligible for publication incentives. Drop a mail to [email protected] for more details.

Emerging Researcher Award:

‘Emerging Researcher Award’ is instituted to encourage student researchers to publish their work in IJCRR. Student researchers, who intend to publish their research or review work in IJCRR as the first author are eligible to apply for this award. Editorial Board members decide on the selection of student researchers for the said award based on originality, novelty, and social applicability of the research work. Under this award selected student researcher is eligible for publication incentives. Drop a mail to [email protected] for more details.

Best Article Award

List of Awardees

A Study by  Ese Anibor et al. " Evaluation of Temporomandibular Joint Disorders Among Delta State University Students in Abraka, Nigeria " from Vol 13 issue 16 received Emerging Researcher Award

A Study by Alkhansa Mahmoud et al. entitled " mRNA Expression of Somatostatin Receptors (1-5) in MCF7 and MDA-MB231 Breast Cancer Cells " from Vol 13 issue 06 received Emerging Researcher Award

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International Journal of Current Research and Review (IJCRR) provides platform for researchers to publish and discuss their original research and review work. IJCRR can not be held responsible for views, opinions and written statements of researchers published in this journal

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Post covid lower limb axonal neuropathy – a case report, a cross-sectional study on menstrual coping among reproductive age group women in chengalpattu, tamil nadu, comparison of ultrasound guided versus nerve stimulator guided technique of supraclavicular brachial plexus block in patients undergoing upper limb surgeries, c-reactive protein and neutrophil lymphocyte ratio levels as predictive biomarkers for severity of covid-19 infection, a cross-sectional study on quality of life of menopausal women in rural area, chengalpattu district, tamil nadu, liquid chromatography- mass spectrometry method development and its validation for the estimation of favipiravir and remdesivir in the rat plasma, utility of fluorescence immunoassay in early diagnosis of dengue, the role of pulse oximetry as a screening tool for early detection of critical congenital heart disease in newborn, the potential role of carotenoid pigment isolated from a new rhodotorula species in ameliorating cerebral ischemic stroke experimentally, export citation format, share document.


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  1. IJCRR : International Journal of Current Research and Review

    International Journal of Current Research and Review (IJCRR) is the official publication of Radiance Research Academy which is governed by Swadesh Bahu-uddeshiya Kalyankari Shikshan Sanstha, Nagpur (Registered under Society's Act 1860, XXI, Regd. No. 868/11 Ngp and Bombay Trust Act 1950 Regd. No. F-287/4 Ngp).

  2. International Journal of Research and Review

    ISSN: 2454-2237 (Print) International Journal of Research and Review (E-ISSN: 2349-9788; P-ISSN: 2454-2237)is a double-blind, Indexed peer-reviewed, open access international journal dedicated to promotion of research in multidisciplinary areas. We define Open Access-journals as journals that use a funding model that does not charge readers or ...

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    International Journal of Current Research, (IJCR) is an international double-blinded referred and peer-viewed monthly online academic research journal in all the streams. IJCR encourages new ideas and works in all fields and it publishes high-quality original papers, theory-based empirical papers, review papers, case reports, conference reports ...

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    Aim & Scope. The International Journal of Current Research and Academic Review (ISSN 2347 - 3215) aims at the publication of original research, reviews and short communications on the latest developments in all fields of Science & Humanities and Engineering technology. The journal publishes original papers in English which contribute to the ...

  6. International Journal of Current Research and Review (Ijcrr) (Issn

    IJCRR is a peer reviewed, indexed and online journal that publishes research and review articles in all fields of Science and Technology. It has a pending impact factor, a global editorial board and an award for best article.

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    International Journal of Current Research and Review publishes papers that are judged and peer-reviewed by a team of expert reviewers (in the individual subject). Types of articles include original research papers, reviews, mini-reviews, short research communications, and letters to the editor.

  10. International Journal of Current Research and Review

    A peer-reviewed journal published by Radiance Research Academy, covering various topics in medicine, science and technology. Browse the latest publications, most cited documents, related sources and keywords on ScienceGate.