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Forms and Templates

Downloads for A3 problem solving, standard work , project management, and value stream mapping .

Problem Solving Templates

A3 Action Plan Form (From Getting the Right Things Done)

A3 Action Plan Form (from Getting the Right Things Done)

  • The action plan template helps define the who, what, when, where, and how of a plan on one page.
  • Helps track progress and highlight problems so action can be taken.

A3 Status Review Form

A3 Status Review Form (from Getting the Right Things Done)

  • Top box provides an overview with respect to our critical end-of-pipe metrics.
  • Second box provides an overview of activities, and usually reflects what’s been prescribed on the action plan of the right side of the strategy A3.

problem solving map template

A3 Strategy Form (from Getting the Right Things Done)

  • A strategy A3 is a one-page storyboard on 11-inch by 17-inch paper that helps tell the strategy “story.”
  • Logic flows from top left to bottom right, and each box leads to the next one.

Detailed A3 Template (from Managing to Learn)

Detailed A3 Template (from Managing to Learn)

  • Print this A3 template out to remind you of each section of the problem-solving A3 as you are creating your own.

PDSA A3 Template (from On the Mend)

PDSA A3 Template (from On the Mend)

  • A3 Template, in Excel, following the PDSA cycle.

Problem Definition Worksheet

Problem Definition Worksheet

  • This worksheet can help you breakdown the problem into a clearly defined gap as well as see how the problem aligns to the needs of the business or your True North purpose.

Root Cause Template

Root Cause Template

  • This template gives you space to record the problem as well as the direct causes and underlying causes.

Four Types of Problems Book

Four Types of Problems

Art Smalley

Managing to Learn: Using the A3 management process

Managing to Learn: Using the A3 management process

Perfecting Patient Journeys

Perfecting Patient Journeys

Beau Keyte , Tom Shuker and Judy Worth

Getting the right Things Done

Getting the Right Things Done

Pascal Dennis

Standard Work Templates

Standard Work Operator Balance Chart

Standard Work Operator Balance Chart (OBC)

  • The operator balance chart helps create continuous flow in a multi-step, multi-operator process by distributing operator work elements in relation to takt time.

Standard Work Process Study Sheet

Standard Work Process Study Sheet

  • The Process Study Sheet is used to define and record the time for work elements in a process.

Standard Work Production Analysis Board

Standard Work Production Analysis Board

  • A Production Analysis Board is a display that must be located at the exit of the cell (or the line) to show actual performance compared with planned performance on an hourly basis.

Standard Work Skills Training Matrix

Standard Work Skills Training Matrix

  • The Skills Training Matrix shows the required and attained skills of every operator.
  • The training schedule also should be shown.

Standardized Work Chart

Standardized Work Chart

  • The standardized work chart shows operator movement and material location in relation to the machine and overall process layout.
  • It should show takt time, work sequence, and standard WIP.

Standardized Work Combination Table

Standardized Work Combination Table

  • The standardized work combination table shows the combination of manual work time, walk time, and machine processing time for each operation in a production sequence.
  • This form is a more precise process design tool than the Operator Balance Chart.
  • It can be very helpful to identify the waste of waiting and overburden, and to confirm standard.

problem solving map template

Standardized Work Job Instruction Sheet

  • The job instruction sheet is used to train new operations.
  • It lists the steps of the job, detailing any special knack that may be required to perform the job safely with utmost quality and efficiency.
  • It can also be useful for experienced operators to reconfirm the right operations.

Waste Walk Template (from Perfecting Patient Journeys)

Standardized Work Process Capacity Sheet

  • The Process Capacity Chart is used to calculate the capacity of each machine to confirm true capacity and to identify and eliminate bottlenecks.
  • Processing capacity per shift will be calculated from the available production time, completion time, and tool-change time (and other factors as necessary) for each work piece.

Waste Walk Template (from Perfecting Patient Journeys)

Waste Walk Template (from Perfecting Patient Journeys)

  • Taking a “waste walk” is one way to make the waste visible again.
  • A waste walk is simply a planned visit to where work is being performed to observe what’s happening and to note the waste. It differs from go-see activities in that you are specifically looking for waste.

Kaizen Express

Kaizen Express

Toshiko Narusawa and John Shook

Lean Lexicon 5th Edition

Lean Lexicon 5th Edition

Lean Enterprise Institute

Training Within Industry (TWI) Templates and Downloads

8-Step TWI Problem Solving Card

8-step TWI problem solving card - as presented by IBM

  • 8-steps to problem solving handy pocket card printable.

Solving Problems with TWI

Solving Problems with TWI

  • Solving problems with TWI deployment graphic.

Template of Job Breakdown Sheet

Template of Job Breakdown Sheet

  • Job breakdown sheets are created to list the steps and highlight the main factors or key points that go into completing a job.
  • It also provides reasons for these key points.

TWI Job Instruction Card

TWI Job Instruction Card

  • TWI Job Instruction card in a handy pocket printable.

TWI Job Methods Card

TWI Job Methods Card

  • TWI Job Methods Card in a handy pocket printable.

TWI Job Relations Card

TWI Job Relations Card

  • TWI Job Relations Card in a handy pocket printable.

Lean Solutions

Lean Solutions

James (Jim) Womack, PhD and Dan Jones

Lean Thinking

Lean Thinking, 2nd Edition

Project Management Templates

Master Schedule Template (from Perfecting Patient Journeys)

Master Schedule and Action Plan Template for One Goal (from Perfecting Patient Journeys)

  • Use this template in your project tracking center so you can track both goals and action items on the same form.

End of Project Review Template (from Perfecting Patient Journeys)

End of Project Review Template (from Perfecting Patient Journeys)

  • The following template will help you capture your end-of-project reflections and make decisions about what to do next.

Master Schedule Template (from Perfecting Patient Journeys)

  • This template will help you answer this question by letting you include the project goals with space to indicate whether each goal is on track as originally planned and whether the scheduled progress review has taken place.

Team Board Form (from Getting the Right Things Done)

Team Board Form (from Getting the Right Things Done)

  • A team board is a window on both routine and improvement work.
  • The board on this template addresses both daily production and strategic issues, and is organized according to SQDCM—safety, quality, delivery, cost, and morale.

Value Proposition Template (from Perfecting Patient Journeys)

Value Proposition Template (from Perfecting Patient Journeys)

  • Align the stakeholders around what will be included in addressing the problem,
  • Identify the stakeholders who will be added to the project team and actively engaged in creating the current- and future-state value-stream maps,
  • Identify additional stakeholders necessary to drive the implementation of the future state,
  • Serve as an agreement—a proof of consensus—on the specific problem to be solved, and with the problem statement serve as authorization for the entire project.

problem solving map template

Action Planning Template (from Perfecting Patient Journeys)

  • Identify the specific changes that need to be made and translate those changes into clearly stated goals and actions (i.e., the means) to achieve those goals.
  • Identify the specific methods and action steps you think will help you achieve the goals. These action steps and targets constitute the action plan to achieve a specific goal.

Value-Stream Mapping Templates

Value-stream Mapping Icons for Excel

Value-stream Mapping Icons for Excel

  • At the request of some of our readers we have posted the most commonly used mapping icons so that they can be downloaded for Excel spreadsheets.

Learning to See

Learning to See

Mike Rother and John Shook

Getting Started kit

VSM Getting Started Set

Lean Enterprise Institute , Mike Rother and John Shook


Mapping to See: Value-Stream Improvement Workshop

Beau Keyte , Jim Luckman , Kirk Paluska , Guy Parsons , John Shook , Tom Shuker and David Verble

Improvement Kata / Coaching Kata

Kata Storyboard template

Improvement Kata Learner's Storyboard

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Bryan Lindsley

The Simple Guide to Problem Mapping (only 4 steps)

In this short post I’m going to show you how to create a visual model of your complex problem with a 4-step problem mapping method.

This type of modeling can be applied to any complex social problem, like homelessness, poverty or crime. Whether you’re a street activist or long-time systems change practitioner, the systems thinking method I share below can help you gain understanding about the structure and dynamics of your problem and increase your likelihood of making good decisions about solving it. 

These are the exact steps we use to start mapping in my online course about systems thinking and solving social problems .

In the post I’ll also talk about the different types of problem mapping, how mapping itself is a problem-solving process, and give an example of mapping the issue of illegal opioids.

It doesn’t matter what you call it

Let’s get this out of the way first. There’s a lot of methods for visualizing connected ideas or systems, including problem mapping, mind mapping, cognitive mapping and issue mapping. There’s also a variety of ways people refer to the results: mind maps, mental models, causal loop diagrams, solution maps, and problem solution maps.

When you’re just getting started, jargon and differences in mapping method don’t matter very much. My intent in this blog is to remove the somewhat artificial barriers that prevent people from regularly creating and using problem maps.

For now, I don’t want you to worry about any of this. Just begin with Step 1 below by putting your ideas about the problem and its causes on paper. You can easily adjusting your map later if you want it to reflect a certain mapping protocol.

Problem mapping as problem-solving process

Mapping is just one of many problem solving techniques. But, it is particularly suited to complex problems with many variables and interconnections. Whereas verbally describing a series of complex relationships is very difficult, a simple picture really can be worth a thousand words.

At the beginning, it’s important to recognize that the goal isn’t to create a perfect representation of reality. That’s not possible and it would be foolish to try. Rather, the process of creating the map is about gaining insight about problem in way that can’t be had with words or equations alone.

Along the way, you’ll make explicit many assumptions you have about the problem, as well as how they are connected. In other words, mapping allows you to simultaneously capture details about parts the problem while creating a representation of the “big picture.” This type of switching back and forth from reductive analysis to synthesis is an excellent complex problem-solving approach .

Mapping isn’t a choice

You might not think you need to formally model your problem, but the question is not whether you should model or not. Mental models are always used, even if only implicitly in our heads or baked into the assumptions we make. The choice is really about whether you want to use an implicit and vague model in your head or you want to use an explicit and detailed model.

I know you already have a rudimentary idea about your social problem and what causes it. This is your most basic mental model of the problem. The question is – how accurate is it? For most people who haven’t written it down, the model in their head is simple, perhaps a linear cause and effect model.

Complex problem mapping example: illegal opioids

As an example, let’s look at the issue of illegal opioids.

The two opioid models and policies I show bel0w are adapted from Narcotics and the Community: A System Simulation . Note that this is a simplified version for instruction purposes only and doesn’t reflect the intricacies of more recent opioid issues likes prescription opioids and fentanyl.

problem solving map template

The logic of the model is straight-forward: with less illegal opioid supply, there will be less addiction and thus less addiction-related crime. It’s intuitive and easy to remember. Our minds are full of models like this, each fairly simple because the human brain isn’t able to hold more than a handful of variables in mind at the same time. 

While it is hard to disagree with the premise of the simple cause and effect model, mistakes can happen when we assume the effects of our actions will be similarly simple and linear. For example, one common policy recommendation to reduce opioid addiction has been to curb the supply of illegal opioids. Let’s examine the consequences of this policy with a slightly more detailed model that captures its additional complexity.

Adding variables, or nodes

Let’s add three additional variables (or nodes) not in the simple model.

The number of opioid addicts isn’t one static number (a fixed quantity, or “stock” as it’s referred to in a stock and flow diagram). Rather, the number is determined by rates of addiction and attrition (or “flows”). So let’s add “addiction rate” and “attrition rate” to the map.

Because a reduced opioid supply would make the price of illegal opioids rise, let’s add “opioid price” as well.

problem solving map template

Causal feedback loops

In the simple cause and effect model, price isn’t considered and any reduction in the supply deterministically reduces addiction and crime. But, adding the price of opioids to the model gives us a counterintuitive feedback loop: because addicts need more money to get the same amount of opioids, reducing the supply could actually make crime worse.

On the other hand, the addition of price to the model also mediates the rate at which people become addicted (represented by addiction and attrition rate nodes). When the price is high, there are fewer new users, which is good.

The point of the more complex model is not to show that reducing the illegal supply of opioids is a good or bad policy. Like all actions aimed at social problems, it is a trade-off between benefits and costs.

Rather, my intent is to show that overly simple mental models of a problem, even when logically correct, can lead us to make decisions that lead to unintended consequences. Better models don’t necessarily help us find the right solution, but they can supply needed insight about how the problem works systemically and give a sense of how our actions may cascade through the larger system.

So, if you don’t already have an explicit model of your problem or if you’re just working from a simple linear model in your mind, here are the steps you should take to create your own.

Problem mapping in four steps

Step 1. brainstorm primary causes and concepts.

Think of a problem and spend some time brainstorming all of its causes, including any other relevant concepts. For now, concepts can be any important variables in your problem: actors, stocks (e.g. quantities) and flows (e.g. rates), or even abstract concepts (e.g. wealth, democracy, etc.). Keep these tips in mind:

  • Use nouns and avoid verbs, since actions will be represented in the map with arrows.
  • Try to pick things that can go up or down in quantity, strength or influence over time.
  • Be as specific as possible. When possible choose metrics over abstract concepts.

You might have a long list, and some causes and concepts may be more important that others. That’s OK.

For our purposes to get started, select the top 3-5 causes. These are the issues you believe are most fundamental in causing your problem.

My example below has only three primary causes for simplicity, but yours may have more. After you get through the steps there will be plenty of time for you to add or subtract variables.

problem solving map template

Step 2. Brainstorm second-order causes

Most people think step 2 is about brainstorming solutions. But don’t do that yet! You don’t yet understand how the problem works, so solutions at this point will likely be similarly incomplete. To start getting a fuller picture of how your problem functions as part of a larger system, brainstorm second order causes. To put it simply, what causes each of your primary causes?

You can pull second-order causes from your initial brainstorming list, or brainstorm a new list for each primary cause.

Once you do that, your model may look something like this:

problem solving map template

Step 3. Add interrelationships between causes

We’re getting closer to a comprehensive model – just two more steps to go!

In this step you operationalize the biggest insight about complex systems: the relationships are more important than the components . Right now, you still have a fairly simple, linear model. Every node leads directly to your problem, which makes it a kind of hierarchy.

I’m fairly certain that in real life your problem exists in a more complicated web of connections. In this step you connect causes that have a relationship to any other cause, even those that don’t lead directly to the problem.

For example, one of your second-order causes may be related to another second-order cause. That may sound confusing, but your task right now is just to draw connections between any two nodes that you feel might affect each other (see red lines in model below). 

problem solving map template

Step 4. Define causality of each relationship

The final step is to characterize each of the relationships between nodes as increasing or decreasing (for example, Cause #1a increases Cause #1, or Cause #1a decreases Cause #1).

A plus sign represents increase and a negative sign represents decrease.

problem solving map template

Use this question to help you determine the direction of the relationship:

When this component increases, does the other component increase or decrease?

Note that sometimes nodes will have a two-way relationship. For example, in the model below an increase in Cause #1 increases Cause #2a, but an increase in Cause #2a decreases Cause #1. This is a balancing feedback loop.

The first draft of your model is complete. Who-hoo!

Three problem mapping principles

Here are a few words of guidance to keep in mind as you start modeling.

#1. Always model a problem, never a system

Problems themselves dictate the necessary boundaries that formal systems (like the education system) do not.

#2. The map is not the terrain

Your model is only an abstraction of reality and should always be regarded with a degree of skepticism and knowledge that the terrain may change.

#3. All models are wrong and incomplete

The purpose of using a model isn’t to find the solution, but to increase your understanding of the problem and explore the effects of possible interventions.

The whole process is most valuable when you remember that mapping is more of an art than science.

What to do after you’ve created a first draft

Share it with others for feedback.

There’s a few directions you can go from here. The first is to talk through your model to a trusted colleague who also has some understanding of the problem, or encourage them to create their own model following these steps.

Differing perspectives can uncover different assumptions about the problem and lead to fruitful dialogue. Your model can be updated based on feedback, or you can work with your colleague to combine models, adding and subtracting nodes and relationships as you see fit.

Convert it into a fuzzy cognitive map

The other direction is to convert your model into a fuzzy cognitive map using computer software. This is super exciting because it allows you to run simulations of potential changes you could make and see resulting changes in the system as a whole.

For example, in the earlier opioid addiction model we could run a simulation of a policy that provides free legal supply of opioids to addicts (in an effort to reduce both crime and long-term addition), and calculate system-wide changes. This helps uncover feedback loops and potential unintentional consequences.

Creating a fuzzy cognitive map only requires a few additional steps. I go through them step-by-step plus how to run what-if scenarios in my next blog posts.

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What does a problem-solving mind map look like?

Problem solving mind maps

So what does a problem-solving mind map refer to? Well, when we think of mind mapping, we think of generating ideas or brainstorming. When you brainstorm ideas, it’s not about possible solutions; it’s about all the possibilities. The focus of a mind map is more on where to explore and find strategies. Yet with a stable framework, it can help to find solutions for complex problems.

This is yet another one of many mind map examples out there and one of the most efficient problem-solving strategies you can use. Mind maps are already powerful idea-generating tools to consider. They help with the complexities and chaos to get to the most efficient path.

It can be a particular problem or several problems where you’re trying to process the big picture. It helps to organize solutions that are hiding in the brain, whether those problems come from life or business. The structure of a problem-solving mind map slightly shifts, but the technique of mind mapping stays the same. Of course, it helps to understand how to see the big picture of how to solve a problem first.

Is mind mapping an efficient tool for problem-solving?

Short and long answer, a mind map is excellent for problem-solving. This is because it’ll have all the elements that are different in one place. The central idea instead is the actual problem, and the connections branch out. We now brainstorm ideas that are really there to point out the possible solutions.

If the problem is too complex, creating multiple simpler mind maps will help the brain to process possible solutions easier. A recent study shows how the brain can handle the essentials first against complex problems. This puts less stress on the brain and gives a better chance to solve the problem.

A mind map helps with the rest of the components of the study as well. You’re able to divide up the ideas and content, such as images or even a reference article. The benefit of creating a mind map is that central concept and base for all the detailed information. It all depends on how you use mind maps , to begin with.

How is a problem-solving mind map structured?

It’s a good idea to have the key skills required to make a normal mind map. Even before we get there, take a moment to do an exercise on paper. Write the problem down and try to connect or implement solutions throughout. You’ll quickly see the need to organize, and here you can stop and head back to your mind map software. It’s more just to see that structure is essential, as well as data and information collection.

Key skills include knowing typical structures, what main branches are, and mapping out the flows. Getting these key skills mean using a graphic organizer on a constant basis. Whether you make business mind maps , creativity mind maps, or education mind maps , make sure to have the right level of experience. You want this before attempting mind mapping to find solutions to a simple or complex problem.

Once you get the key skills required, the structure of the problem-solving mind map starts out the same.

Here we begin with a hierarchical approach, where the main branches are the problems to address. The sub-branches are either ideas or solutions to the problems. It benefits from the creativity and brainstorming that comes with mapping a mind map.

You can also go with a radiant thinking approach, where you start with the problem in the center. As the central idea, the ideas and solutions will radiant from the center. It’s ok to put imaginative solutions as well as more practical ones as a mind-mapping technique.

Consider colors and symbols

It may be a good idea to color code the sub-branches and write down what each color means. Writing notes is a standard aspect of mind maps focused on solving a problem. Don’t be shy to use images in your mind maps. These images can be of an individual problem, such as a roadblock that represents an obstacle. You can use positive symbols for your mind mapping to show ideas or a solution.

Doing mind maps this way actually ends up making them much more fun to use. That means you’ll be more prone to map out everything that you need to solve.

Mind map templates for problem-solving

You can start creating your mind map from scratch and get inspiration from existing mind map examples, or you can use a predefined template. Here are the most used templates you can copy and edit anytime:

1. Problem solving mind map template

Problem solving mind map template

This mind mapping template helps you solve a problem following the 5 step strategy: describe the problem, set goals, identify possible solutions, make an action plan, and add conclusions.

2. Manage a problem

Manage a problem mind map template

This mind map helps you identify all the information on how the elements of problem management interact with each other. It’s more suitable for complex problems.

3. 6 Thinking Hats


The 6 thinking hats template allows looking at a problem from multiple perspectives. This way, you get significantly higher chances of solving it more effectively.

4. 5-Whys Root Cause analysis

5-Whys Root Cause analysis - problem solving mind map template

This template will help you find the reasons behind the obvious reasons and go back to the root of your problem.

5. Means-end analysis


This is suitable for simple problems and has a similar backward process as the template above.

6. Fishbone diagram

Fishbone diagram - problem solving mind map template

The fishbone diagram is a fantastic example of a mind map for kids , and adults can also use it.

7. Problem description toolbox

Problem description toolbox mind map template

Before starting to solve a problem, it is essential to describe and analyze it constructively and comprehensively. That is exactly what this template will guide you to do.

Mind mapping a problem is not a one-time solution

Problem-solving is typically an iterative approach, and that means your mind map will be a dynamic tool. That’s why it’s always best to use mind mapping software when possible so as to be able to keep track of everything. Whether you’re using it for problem-solving on your business plan or for making life choices, you want it fresh. Even if a particular problem has been resolved, adding on a new creative problem keeps the brain working to find a solution.

Don’t forget to take time to get fresh air once in a while to clear your head. Your daily life problems you’re trying to resolve will still be there. A clear mind will help bring in more ideas and eventually the desired result you were looking for. Problem-solving isn’t always meant to be easy. Mind maps can only be effective at problem-solving when you’re fresh as well.

Use the right mind-mapping tools

When you are creating a mind map for problem-solving, you want to start with an example of an excellent mind map. Mindomo helps you not only with the right starter example but with one ready to handle a problem.

It comes with tools to help organize your thoughts , focus on the moment’s problem, and show all the possibilities. You can place problems on one end and solutions on the other. Or you can map out the whole end-to-end route from problem to solution. Either way, it will help you solve problems.

 Get your problem-solving hat out and be amazed at how mind-mapping software removes the difficulties of getting started. Feel free to try out our flexible tool and simple solution today. You’ll find the answer to your complex problems in no time.

Keep it smart, simple, and creative! The Mindomo Team

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A3 Problem Solving Template

A3 Problem Solving Template

A3 thinking is a logical and structured approach to problem solving adopted by Lean organizations around the world. It can be used for most kinds of problems and in any part of the business. This A3 template uses a four stages model that is based on the PDCA management philosophy. It makes the problem-solving progress visible to the entire team while allowing the lessons to be learned by others.

This template is a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet that you can use and modify to meet your specific requirements. For example, you may expand the implementation or follow-up plans by increasing the number of rows. The template is available in two variations: a user-friendly straightforward version, and a more detailed one that requires providing in-depth information.

A3 Template (32 KB)

A3 Template – Simple (216 KB)

A3 Template – Detailed (340 KB)

Related Templates

Gemba Walk Template

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Problems pinpoint where work process needs to be improved - - - - - - - - - -.

Process dictates results. Your problems provide an opportunity for process clarity. In other words, problem-solving is an opportunity to identify the breakdowns and gaps within your work processes. By conducting a thorough investigation when a problem occurs, you have an opportunity to reveal lessons learned, which can then lead to the implementation of best practices across your organization.

Goal Impacted

These solutions represent continuous opportunities for improving processes at work. While this approach is reactive because we are looking at a problem that has already occurred, the solutions identified are proactive in that they allow us to make changes to the way we execute work processes going forward and mitigate the risk of other problems as well.


Download our FREE Cause Mapping ® template

No special software required! Learn how to leverage root cause analysis across your organization using Microsoft Excel


A systems approach to mitigating risk - - - - - - - - - -

risk image

Harness the power of visual communication - - - - - - - - - -

visual communication

Keeping it simple - - - - - - - - - -

Every problem can be broken down into basic cause-and-effect relationships. Many organizations consider cause-and-effect as too simple for complex issues. It appears simple because it’s fundamental. Cause-and-effect with supporting evidence is the basis of the scientific method. Cause Mapping ® root cause analysis is a practical application of the cause-and-effect principle. It provides a consistent approach to investigating and preventing a wide array of problems across departments and disciplines.

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Getting started with the Cause Mapping ® Method - - - - - - - - - -

We make it easy to get started. Our website contains many helpful resources for learning about Cause Mapping root cause analysis and improving processes at work.


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Problem statement template

Define a clearly articulated problem statement

problem solving map template

Use the problem statement template to clearly define and communicate a problem that needs to be addressed. This template helps to identify the scope, context, and significance of the problem with stakeholders in a structured workshop. 

Identify the customer or user having the problem, where the problem occurs, what the problem is, and what’s causing the issue. Then, take these insights and turn them into an actionable, concise problem statement.

The problem statement template helps to:

  • Improve problem-solving and team decision-making
  • Define expected outcomes for a proposed solution
  • Create a guiding principle for a project
  • Collaborate with stakeholders and build teamwork
  • Build empathy with the end-user

How to use the problem statement workshop

This template can be used in both solo and group settings, either as a solo brainstorming exercise or a guided workshop with team members. Use these steps as a guide to the elements of a problem statement.

1. Identify the target audience

Who is affected by the problem at hand? Is this who will benefit from the solution? What do we know or assume about them?

You may want to conduct a brainstorming session to define the user persona and list out any facts or assumptions you have about them and the problem they’re experiencing.

Pro-tip: Be sure to include any user research or data that can provide further background information.

2. Define the problem

Take some time to ideate and address these questions:

  • What is the problem from the user or customer’s point of view?
  • Is it easy to explain?
  • Is it an actual/real problem?
  • What evidence or examples exist of the problem?

3. Provide context for the problem

Describe when and where the problem occurs. Be sure to identify root causes and downstream effects of the problem. What is the context where the user is experiencing the problem? Include any examples or proof of the specific problem.

4. Explain why it matters

Explain why this is a real problem for your customers or users and why the problem is worth solving. Ask the following questions:

  • What is the most important value for the user?
  • What pain points would a solution help get rid of?
  • Why is it worth our investment?
  • How does it meet or align to business goals or KPIs?

5. Review each section in the template and draft your problem statement

Use the data, ideas, and work from the previous sections to draft an effective problem statement. Now that you have a clear understanding of the problem, your team can get started on brainstorming a viable solution.

Note: Read our full guide on creating problem statements with problem statement examples .

Tips for running a successful problem statement workshop

  • While brainstorming with other team members, turn on Mural's private mode feature to prevent groupthink.
  • Use the built-in timer feature to time-block each activity and stay on schedule.
  • Problem statements are good for more than just project management! Try using the template for internal uses like strategic planning.

How to create a Problem statement template

Build better problem statements with mural.

Sticky notes & text

Sticky notes & text

Add ideas, action items, and more as a sticky note or text box — then change the colors and cluster to identify patterns and new solutions.

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Tags on sticky notes

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Mapping and diagramming

Mapping and diagramming

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Problem statement template frequently asked questions

What is a problem statement, why should you create a problem statement, can a problem statement be a question.

Design Sprint Academy

Template by Design Sprint Academy

Design Sprint Academy helps organizations build sustainable products, discover opportunities for innovation & solve their toughest business challenges.

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Mural is the only platform that offers both a shared workspace and training on the LUMA System™, a practical way to collaborate that anyone can learn and apply.

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Problem Solving

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  • Process Flowchart
  • Cross-Functional Flowchart
  • Data Flow Diagram
  • IDEF Diagram
  • Basic Org Chart
  • Photo Org Chart
  • Creative Org Chart
  • Family Tree
  • Rack Diagram
  • Network Topology
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  • Security and Access Plan
  • Fire Escape Plan
  • Reflected Ceiling Plan
  • Plumbing and Piping Plan
  • Arrow Diagram
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  • Pyramid Chart
  • Venn Diagram
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  • 2D Block Diagram
  • 3D Block Diagram
  • SWOT Matrix
  • Brainstorming
  • Marketing Diagram
  • Fishbone Diagram
  • Value Stream Map
  • Enterprise Architecture
  • Concept Map
  • Bubble Diagram
  • Strategy and Analysis
  • Main Idea and Details
  • Sequence Chart
  • Compare and Contrast
  • Vocabulary Study
  • Grid and Matrix
  • Fact and Opinion
  • K-12 Education
  • Process Flow Diagram
  • Electrical Diagram
  • Circuit and Logic
  • Schematic Diagram
  • Laboratory Equipment
  • Human Anatomy
  • Mathematics
  • Gantt Chart
  • Project Timeline
  • Quotation Form
  • Report Form
  • UML Diagram
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  • More Templates


8D Problem Solving Template

Subject: template.

8D Problem Solving Template - Feature Image - Learnleansigma

8D Problem Solving Excel Template

8D Problem solving does not need to be an unstructured problem-solving processes with our 8D Problem Solving Excel Template. This template is designed to streamline your problem-solving journey by providing a structured and systematic approach. With a clear to follow and customizable fields, you can easily track your problem-solving progress and store important information.

Download now and experience a hassle-free problem-solving process that saves you time and effort. Best of all, it’s completely free to download!

Learn More about 8D Problem solving


Training information.

Here are some of the key features of the 8D Problem Solving Excel Template:

Structured 8D approach: Follows the standard 8D (Eight Discipline) problem-solving methodology for effective and efficient problem resolution.

Customizable Sections: Allows you to tailor the template to fit your specific needs and requirements.

User-friendly Design : Easy-to-use interface with clear and concise information flow.

Problem tracking: Keep track of the progress made in solving a problem and monitor its status.

Evidence collection: Store and organize relevant information, such as root cause analysis, corrective actions, and verification results.

Time-saving: Automates completion of fields from previous sheets so the problem-solving process and saves you time and effort compared to manual methods.

Completely free: This template is completely free to download and use, providing a cost-effective solution for your problem-solving needs.

This template works on any recent Microsoft Excel software, including Office 365.

No Information

8D Problem Solving2 - Learnleansigma

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Harness the A3 problem solving template to effectively solve problems

A3 methodology template

We recently explored the way visual thinking can be used on Conceptboard , so now we’re taking it a step further and look at how visual thinking can be used to collaboratively solve problems using a methodology pioneered by Toyota and presently used worldwide by practitioners of lean sigma : the A3 problem solving template.

Visual thinking is a great way to unlock creative potential. Our brain’s capacity to hold visual elements is huge, so when you start thinking visually you are able to tap into an extensive resource that feels effortless. And dare we say it, fun! 

problem solving map template

Discover visual collaboration

To explore alternative brainstorming techniques, check out these 15 brainstorming techniques and templates you can use collaboratively with your team. 

The A3 problem solving template to drive continuous improvement

There are hundreds of ways to problem solve, from mind mapping , to design thinking or customer journey mapping . But the simple effectiveness of the A3 template is hard to beat. 

The basis of the A3 problem solving template is collectively mapping out a flow chart to break down complex processes, and highlighting the flaws in the system. From there, teams need to re-do the chart, highlight the key changes they need to make to improve the system. Then, create a plan of attack to implement those changes. It is a simple way to get everyone on the same page to visually solve problems. Remote or co-located teams can easily collaborate in real time on an A3 template using Conceptboard’s simple template featuring a rectangular space broken into four quadrants.

A3 Problem solving free Template

Use template

To get started, book a meeting time (at least an hour) for your team and send them a link to the collaborative board. Then, conduct the problem solving session in four simple steps:

  • Detail the problem you are trying to solve in the top left quadrant.
  • In the next quadrant underneath, as a team, illustrate the problem as a system including steps and links. You can do this using the pen, sticky notes, graphics or images. Then talk about each step as a group and give each step a general rating as to how well it’s functioning. This should result in a frame of reference of the current state of the system.
  • In the third quadrant, again as a team, draw a visual map of the target state: that is what the ideal system would look like. You can highlight areas of focus where you want to try and do things differently, and what the intended results will be.
  • Comparing these two visual maps, you should now be able to assess what actions need to be taken to achieve the target state. List these in the final quadrant. To make sure the list is actionable, detail Who, will do WHAT, by WHEN.

A3 Problem Solving template with examples

Once you have completed the four quadrants and an actionable list, make sure you send the link to the shared file to all stakeholders or involved team members. You could also export it in PDF form and print it on an A3 sheet once you are done filling it out.

The A3 methodology is extremely powerful as it enables you to synthesize different points of view into one manageable approach. This will create a shared understanding of the problem, as well as the effects it has on different departments within the business. If you want to learn more about how collective visual thinking can be used, watch this great TED Talk by Tom Wujec.

Feel free to explore Conceptboard’s free library of templates that will save you time and money in the planning process, allowing you to focus on the bigger picture .

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🌲 AI Issue Tree Map Template

Map out issues to systematically solve problems.

This template is designed to help organizations visualize and organize complex issues, such as those related to sustainability or public policy. 

With this template, you can easily create a hierarchical map of issues and sub-issues, and connect them to specific actions or solutions. 

Whether you’re a business leader, policy maker, or community organizer, this template can help you gain a clearer understanding of the issues you’re facing and develop effective strategies to address them.

What Is An Issue Tree Mind Map?

An issues tree map is a visual representation of a complex problem or set of issue, organized in a hierarchical manner. 

It typically includes a main issue at the top level, with related sub-issues branching out from it. Each sub-issue can also have its own sub-issues branching out from it, creating a tree-like structure. 

The purpose of an issues tree map is to provide a clear and organized way to understand and analyze a complex problem and to identify possible solutions or actions to address it. It can be used in various fields such as sustainability, public policy, business management, and more. 

Each level of the map can be labeled with specific information, such as the issue or sub-issue name, a description, and relevant actions or solutions.

Who Is This Issue Tree Map Template For?

An issue tree map can be beneficial for a wide range of individuals and organizations, including but not limited to:

  • Business leaders: By identifying the key issues facing their company and their potential solutions, business leaders can develop more effective strategies for addressing those issues.
  • Policymakers: By visualizing the complex web of issues related to a particular policy area, policymakers can better understand the implications of different policy choices and make more informed decisions.
  • Community organizers: By creating an issues tree map of a community’s problems and potential solutions, organizers can identify areas of agreement and disagreement among stakeholders, and develop more effective strategies for building coalitions and achieving their goals.
  • Researchers and academics: An issues tree map can provide a useful way to organize and analyze data related to a specific research topic.
  • Non-profit organizations, NGOs: By identifying the key issues facing their cause and their potential solutions, Non-profit organizations can develop more effective strategies for addressing those issues.

In general, anyone who is trying to understand and address a complex problem or set of issues can benefit from using an issues tree map.

How Do You Get Started Using An Issue Tree Mind Map With This Template?

Are you and your team looking to better understand and tackle a problem in the path of your organization? Here are some tips on getting started using an issues tree mind map:

  • Clearly define the main issue: Start by identifying the main issue or problem that you want to address. This should be the main focus of your issues tree map and will be the top-level node on the map.
  • Involve your team: Encourage participation from your team members by asking for input on what sub-issues and solutions should be included on the map. This will ensure that the issues tree map reflects the perspectives of everyone involved.
  • Break down the main issue into smaller sub-issues: Once you have identified the main issue, break it down into smaller sub-issues that are related to it. These sub-issues should be specific enough that they can be addressed with specific actions or solutions.
  • Connect sub-issues to solutions: As you identify sub-issues, connect them to possible solutions or actions that can be taken to address them. This will help you to identify which sub-issues are most critical and which solutions are most likely to be effective.
  • Use visual aids: Use colors, images, and other visual aids to make the issues tree map more engaging and easier to understand.
  • Update and review regularly: Regularly review and update the issues tree map as new information becomes available or new solutions are developed. This will help ensure that the map remains relevant and useful over time.
  • Communicate the map: Share the issues tree map with your team and stakeholders. This will help to build a shared understanding of the problems and solutions and will facilitate communication and collaboration.
  • Use the map as a tool: Use the issues tree map as a tool for decision-making, problem-solving, and planning. It can also be used as a tool to prioritize the issues and solutions according to their importance.

How to Use This Issue Tree Mind Map Template in Taskade

  • Click “Use Template” to create a project instantly in your workspace.
  • Click “Save Template” to create a reusable template for you and your team.
  • Customize your project , make it your own, and get work done!

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10 Free Six Sigma Templates to Elevate Your Process Improvement Game

Praburam Srinivasan

Growth Marketing Manager

February 13, 2024

Ever wondered about the origins of the Six Sigma approach? It all began at Motorola in the mid-1980s! Originally developed to reduce manufacturing defects, Six Sigma has since evolved into a popular data-driven methodology used by various industries to improve efficiency and customer satisfaction.

But here’s the kicker: How do you put Six Sigma into action? Well, pre-built templates are the answer you’re looking for. They’re your trusty partners in problem-solving, process optimization, and fostering continuous improvement, all while adhering to the Six Sigma approach in a standardized manner.

Join us as we delve into the top 10 free Six Sigma templates to help you discover the ideal template for your business and inch closer to perfection. 👌

What Is a Six Sigma Template?

How to choose the best six sigma template for your project , 1. clickup process fmea lean six sigma template, 2. clickup dmaic template, 3. clickup process improvement wbs template, 4. clickup process audit and improvement template, 5. clickup pdca process whiteboard template, 6. clickup communication plan template, 7. clickup chatgpt prompts for six sigma template, 8. excel project charter template by goleansixsigma, 9. excel a3 problem solving template by citoolkit, 10. excel sipoc diagram template by goleansixsigma.

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In its purest form, Six Sigma is a statistical concept that refers to a quality measurement denoting 3.4 defects per million opportunities. 

In project management , Six Sigma encourages the pursuit of near perfection . It’s a structured approach to improving the quality of products, services, and processes. Think of it as a guiding roadmap for continual enhancement, waste reduction, and increased customer satisfaction. 

Six Sigma templates are pre-designed tools that assist in implementing Six Sigma methodologies in process improvement. They provide a structured format to gather and process data, visualize processes, and apply Six Sigma techniques effectively.

ClickUp 3.0 Table view with Calendar bundle

Here’s a quick guide on how to choose the best Six Sigma template for improving your project management processes:

  • Understand your project : Gain a solid understanding of the project’s specifics, like its scope, key objectives and goals, and its unique characteristics
  • Identify the problem : Define your project’s problem or improvement opportunity to select a template that matches your goal, whether it’s error reduction, efficiency enhancement, or process optimization
  • Assess data availability : Consider the availability of data relevant to your project. Some templates are suitable for extensive data collection and analysis, while others are more qualitative
  • Select the right tool : The Six Sigma approach uses tools like process maps, fishbone diagrams, control charts, and Pareto charts. Pick the template with tools that match your project’s requirements (e.g., control charts are great for monitoring processes, while fishbone diagrams are suitable for pinpointing root causes)
  • Consider your team’s expertise : If your team has experience with a specific tool, choose a template that offers it to ensure more efficient project execution 

10 Free Six Sigma Templates for Process Improvement and Project Management

Choosing the right Six Sigma template is like picking the perfect Sigma tool for a job—it can make all the difference between a smooth, successful project and a bumpy road full of uncertainties. 🏞

Let’s explore the top 10 Six Sigma templates in ClickUp and Excel to set your project up for success!

Spot potential risks quickly and create a plan of action with the ClickUp Process FMEA Lean Six Sigma Template

Introducing the ClickUp Process FMEA Lean Six Sigma Template , your go-to solution for identifying process risks, illuminating areas for improvement, and crafting the perfect corrective action plan. 

Combining Six Sigma techniques with Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) is a guaranteed recipe for success—pinpoint areas for improvement through FMEA and use Lean Six Sigma tools to reduce defects, increase efficiency, and enhance process and product quality. 👨‍🍳

This template offers a visually intuitive structure for assessing your processes with the following views:

  • FMEA List view : Provides a rundown of process failures with details like function, severity, probability of occurrence, and potential causes, all neatly organized through Custom Fields
  • By Occurrence Board view : Shows process failures in the form of Kanban cards, sorted by their likelihood of happening, probability of detection, or level of severity
  • The RPN Computation Table view : Displays failures along with their severity, likelihood of occurrence, probability of detection scores, and the resulting Risk Priority Number (RPN) to help you prioritize processes in your action plan

Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control your processes easily with the ClickUp DMAIC Template

The ClickUp DMAIC Template is the perfect Six Sigma tool for D efining, M easuring, A nalyzing, I mproving, and C ontrolling any business process. 

DMAIC is like a secret detective, uncovering hidden problems where you least expect them. It’s the ultimate Six Sigma project management strategy for problem-solving and process improvement. 🕵️‍♂️ 

This Whiteboard template simplifies DMAIC analysis with color-coded sections for each stage and customizable sticky notes for assessing your problem. ClickUp Whiteboards offer flexibility, allowing you to adapt colors and shapes, add/remove notes, and include images or charts to suit your project’s requirements .

Let’s say you’re in the business of making cupcakes and want to employ DMAIC to improve the quality of your product. Use the template to:

  • Define : Identify the problem (cupcakes of varying quality) and set specific goals (cupcakes that are consistently perfect)
  • Measure : Gather data to understand the issue—make multiple cupcake batches and record the production and quality variations
  • Analyze : Examine the data to identify the root cause . This can be oven temperature, the quality and quantity of ingredients, or inconsistent mixing
  • Improve : Develop and implement solutions to address the cause. E.g., calibrate your oven for consistent temperature, source ingredients from the same supplier, or create a standardized mixing process
  • Control : Establish control measures to maintain the improvements. Monitor baking times, regularly calibrate the oven, and train your staff to follow the standardized mixing process

Stay on top of process improvement to-dos with the ClickUp Process Improvement WBS Template

Unlock a new level of efficiency with the ClickUp Process Improvement WBS Template . As its name suggests, it provides a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) and turns complex projects into manageable tasks for complete workflow optimization .

The template comes with numerous elements to aid your process improvement exercise, most notably:

  • List view : See all of your tasks grouped by stages like Initiation , Planning , and Execution for easier progress tracking and prioritization
  • Custom Statuses : Determine if a task is Ready , In Progress , or In Review
  • Custom Fields : Attribute your tasks by identifying assignees, setting due dates, and adding comments 💬

If you want to visualize how your process improvement project is coming along, the Status Board view displays associated tasks as cards categorized by status. Drag and drop the cards across the board to change their status, or click on individual cards to view more details like deadlines, stages, and the person in charge.

Conduct audits, identify drawbacks, and take the necessary corrective steps with the ClickUp Process Audit and Improvement Template

Don’t let outdated or inefficient processes hold you back. Give them a makeover with the ClickUp Process Audit and Improvement Template , a tool designed to keep your workflow optimized even as your business grows. 🌱

This handy template empowers you to conduct thorough process audits, identify bottlenecks that impact efficiency and profitability, and take the necessary steps to eliminate them.

The template divides your audit plan into four sections:

  • CATWOE Analysis : Used to analyze and understand complex situations or problems by considering the perspectives of the Customer, Actor, Transformation, Worldview, Owner, and Environment
  • Change Management : Covers all tasks related to change preparation, management, and reinforcement
  • Model Conception : Defines your audit plan, offering a task Summary List view and a Timeline view
  • Process Analysis : Lists the processes you’ll be auditing and establishes your criteria for assessment

Within each section, you can effortlessly create tasks, assign and prioritize them, and set due dates. Keep an eye on progress using Custom Statuses like Not Started and Archived .

Use this visual template to categorize tasks into four stages: Plan, Do, Check, and Act

The Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) process—a continuous improvement cycle—offers a smarter path to streamlined quality management. To simplify your PDCA exercise, use the ClickUp PDCA Process Whiteboard Template that lets you effortlessly arrange entries by stage.

PDCA can be integrated into both lean and agile methodologies , as it’s all about identifying issues, experimenting with solutions, measuring results, and making adjustments, which can lead to more efficient processes and better outcomes.

This Whiteboard template contains a pre-made PDCA diagram neatly divided into four transformative stages:

  • Plan : Focus on seizing opportunities and crafting a strategic plan for success
  • Do : Include activities for testing the plan’s feasibility
  • Check : Delve into review and evaluation, ensuring every step aligns with your goals
  • Act : Apply the actions that lead to positive and desired outcomes

To add your entries, open the template’s List view, click the New Task button, and categorize the entry under the relevant PDCA stage. Then, find the entry via the ClickUp Cards icon on your side menu and drag and drop it onto the whiteboard. 🖱️

Use the ClickUp Communication Plan Template to create a process roadmap for seamless team and customer communication

The ClickUp Communication Plan Template is your handy tool for crafting a winning business messaging strategy . It assists you in enhancing both internal and external communication through pre-designed ClickUp Docs sections for detailed planning and analysis.

Create your roadmap to success by populating the template’s sections such as:

  • Data collection : Start by gathering valuable data for in-depth analysis, laying the foundation for a strategic execution plan
  • PEST analysis : Dive into the Political, Economic, Social, and Technological (PEST) analysis section to identify external factors shaping your business landscape
  • SWOT analysis : Harness SWOT Analysis to inspect your company’s Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats
  • Tool selection : Identify essential tools to drive goal attainment
  • Strategy crafting : Develop your strategy by addressing the What, When, and How of your communication plan

But that’s not all! This template features an evaluation section to gather invaluable feedback from your team, ensuring continuous evolution and improvement of your communication plan . 📈

The template offers 190+ ChatGPT prompts to generate ideas and content for Six Sigma project management

Generate ideas and content effortlessly with the ClickUp ChatGPT Prompts For Six Sigma Template . It’s a collection of over 190 ChatGPT prompts designed to support teams implementing the Six Sigma approach across a spectrum of business processes and projects. Whether trying to improve your quality management, budgeting, or cost control, this template has you covered!

To illustrate its use, here’s an example of a Six Sigma prompt :

“Create a comprehensive guide for project managers in ‘{specific industry}’, explaining how ‘Quality Control’ in Six Sigma can enhance ‘{specific outcome or effect}’.

Fill in the variables with relevant information to use the prompt. For example:

“Create a comprehensive guide for project managers in the healthcare industry, explaining how ‘Quality Control’ in Six Sigma can enhance patient satisfaction and safety.”

Then, lean back and let ChatGPT do the heavy lifting for you . 🏋🏻

Feel free to get creative! You can customize this Doc template to fit your project management methodologies and needs by modifying, adding, or removing prompts. Mix and match or combine prompts to create unique and engaging challenges for your project team. 

Excel Project Charter Template by GoLeanSixSigma

Take the first step in Lean Six Sigma and easily outline your process improvement plan for your project with the Excel Project Charter Template by GoLeanSixSigma. The template provides sections for all the necessary project charter elements so you can analyze the issue at hand, the rationale for addressing it, and the definition of “success” from the project team’s perspective. 🤝

The elements included in this template are:

  • Problem statement : The issue is documented through measurements (frequency, time of occurrence, impact, etc.)
  • Business case : Your business reasons behind the project
  • Goal statement : The target of the process measurements
  • Timeline : The time when each project phase will be completed
  • Scope : What falls within the project scope and what doesn’t
  • Team members : A list of project participants 

The template comes with practical use case examples in areas like manufacturing, finance, and healthcare, and it offers pre-made questions to guide you through project charter stages. 

This Six Sigma Excel template is fully customizable to fit your project requirements. Add new rows and columns, change table colors and formatting, and adapt cell style to your liking. 

Excel A3 Problem Solving Template by CIToolkit

A3 thinking is a structured, globally embraced problem-solving approach within Lean project management . It involves using a single A3-sized sheet of paper to capture the essence of a problem, its analysis, and proposed solutions.

The Excel A3 Problem Solving Template by CIToolkit adheres to the A3 thinking problem-solving method and streamlines it further. It uses a spreadsheet instead of a piece of paper to help you solve issues more efficiently. 🚩

The template is structured into a sequence of sections, allowing you to:

  • Define current and target conditions
  • Identify cause-and-effect relationships
  • Craft effective solutions
  • Validate outcomes and plans for continuous improvement

The tool is adaptable to your unique requirements—you can incorporate additional sections and expand the implementation or include a follow-up plan by adding more rows. You can also adjust headers and spacing to align with your specific needs.

This template is available in two variations : the first is simple and beginner-friendly, while the second one encourages a more comprehensive information input.

Excel SIPOC Diagram Template by GoLeanSixSigma

Initiating your process improvement plan with a SIPOC (Supplier, Input, Process, Output, Customer) diagram provides a standardized process definition, ensuring your team’s alignment from the start. With the Excel SIPOC Diagram Template by GoLeanSixSigma , your diagram is already in place—all you need to do is fill in the relevant details. 📊

This diagram serves as the foundation for creating a detailed process map during the Define Phase of the DMAIC strategy. The template transforms the typical SIPOC diagram into an Excel table, making it easy to edit and adapt to your needs. 

Let’s once again imagine that you’re running a cupcake-baking business and want to improve your delivery process. Using the template would look like this:

  • Supplier : Flour suppliers, sugar suppliers, and suppliers for other baking ingredients
  • Input : Baking ingredients, customer preferences, and delivery addresses
  • Process : Mixing ingredients, baking the cake, decorating it, and planning the delivery route
  • Output : Finished custom cakes, ready for delivery
  • Customer : People who placed cake orders and are awaiting delivery

When you have a well-defined process map, all you have to do is stick to it, and everything else is a “piece of (cup)cake.” 🧁

Master the Six Sigma Process with Free Templates to Ensure Quality Improvement

Perfectly executing your projects is a breeze when using these 10 free Six Sigma templates . They empower you to elevate your products, services, and processes with minimal effort, ensuring customer satisfaction and the thriving success of your company. 🏆

Interested in exploring more ready-made frameworks for improving all kinds of processes? Visit the ClickUp template library with 1,000+ templates for FMEA , risk assessment , and efficient process management . 

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Problem Solving Map

A graphic organizer that guides the process of problem-solving by identifying the problem, brainstorming possible solutions, and evaluating the pros and cons of each, in order to determine the preferred solution.



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10 graphic organizers are available to all users, with the full set of over 100 organizers available to teachers on a premium or schools and district plan.

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How to Use Mind Mapping for Problem Solving

Why create a mind map.

Mind mapping is among the business analysis techniques that provides a visual representation of ideas, thoughts, problems… anything. It’s a great brainstorming tool for generating new ideas and exploring a problem. There’s no real rules to using mind maps. You just enter your central idea, maybe it’s a requirement or a problem, and then start adding everything that comes to mind. Mind maps are excellent in interviews and workshops, or as a personal thinking tool.

In this post you will be given the steps to creating a mind map.

problem solving map template

Impress both your team and your clients!

Looking to streamline your business analysis process and produce high-quality work more efficiently? Check out this collection of customisable business analysis templates! With a range of templates to choose from, you can be sure to find the perfect solution for your needs and take your analysis to the next level.

Step 1 – Identify the central idea and add it to your mind map

Maybe you’ve been told to develop requirements for a new system. The business has stated “We need a new bug management system because we are getting too many product bugs reported back to us by our customers.” At this point it would be easy to assume that we should indeed investigate a new system or, exploring the issue closer, there may be other factors that could be resolved first.

I use the free software called FreeMind  to create my mind maps. However, some requirements management tools, such as Sparx Enterprise Architect, also offer mind mapping functionality. You could also use Visio, Powerpoint or any tool that can draw circles and lines.

Step 2 – Identify the main areas that impact the problem

When you’ve added to the central concept to the mind map just start adding your ideas around it. To organise my thinking I use the  six categories for describing a problem: strategy, service, process, applications, information and infrastructure.  It helps to have some structure or starting point for generating ideas. The diagram below shows the “high level of product bugs” example with the six categories as a starting point for generating ideas.

Mind Mapping Technique for Problem Solving

Step 3 – Brainstorm things that impact each of the 6 categories

Around the central idea or, in this case, the central problem, I added six categories and then let loose on a few things that may be a contributing factor to the “high level of reported product bugs” problem. The ideas were written down as they were identified and in no particular order. Reordering and culling can come later.

The important thing is to continue generating ideas until all of the obvious ones are exhausted. This way the real thinking and creativity in exploring the problem can begin.

Mind Mapping Technique for Problem Solving

Mind maps are a powerful business analysis technique for brainstorming ideas and uncovering the root cause of problems.

As you can see in the example above, a lot of ideas were generated from a quick 20 minute session with a mind map. The new identified ideas could be used as central concepts for further analysis. For example, under the “process” category above, the issue identifying poor QA and release processes could be used as a central concept for further exploration. This is because maybe a new system is not required.

A review of current processes, some re-engineering, and re-configuration of the current system may shed better light on how well bugs are being managed and resolved before they are found by the customer. That way management can implement new strategies to reduce the level of report product bugs.

problem solving map template

Problem-Solving Mind Map

Problem-Solving Mind Map

comprehensive overview of the  critical steps  involved in solving problems effectively. The Mind  Map  lists 11 steps, including defining  the problem , identifying the cause, generating solutions, evaluating solutions, and implementing and monitoring the solution.

The first component, Define the problem, involves identifying and clarifying the issue at hand. Once the problem is defined, individuals can move on to the next step, which is identifying the root cause of the problem.

The second component, Identify the cause, involves determining the underlying issue that is causing the problem. Once the cause is identified, individuals can move on to the next step, which is generating potential solutions.

The third component,  Generate Solutions , involves brainstorming and exploring different options and developing creative solutions.  Mind mapping  is a useful tool in this step, as it helps to organize thoughts and ideas in a structured manner.

The fourth component,  Evaluate Solutions , involves assessing the potential solutions based on feasibility, effectiveness, and cost. Cost-benefit analysis and  decision matrix  are useful tools in this step as they help to evaluate potential solutions objectively.

Benefits of creating this mind map

Creating a Mind Map for Problem-Solving offers several benefits. Firstly, it provides a clear and comprehensive overview of the  critical steps  involved in solving problems effectively. The Mind Map helps individuals to identify and prioritize key components such as defining the problem, identifying the cause, generating solutions, evaluating solutions, and implementing and monitoring the solution. This understanding ensures that individuals can make  informed decisions  about problem-solving and take the necessary steps to solve problems efficiently and effectively.

Secondly, the  Mind Map  can be used as a communication tool between individuals. The Mind Map provides a common vocabulary for discussing problem-solving and the different steps involved. This is particularly useful when individuals have different  communication styles  or when they are discussing complex or sensitive topics. The Mind Map can be used to ensure that everyone is on the same page, and decisions are made collaboratively with the best interests of the problem-solving process in mind.

In summary, creating a Mind Map for Problem-Solving offers several benefits. It provides a clear and comprehensive overview of the critical steps involved in solving problems effectively, enhances communication between individuals, and helps individuals make informed decisions about problem-solving. By using a Mind Map, individuals can develop effective strategies to solve problems efficiently and effectively, prioritize components, and ensure the long-term success of the problem-solving process.

Visual Paradigm Online offers a range of customizable mind map templates to suit your individual needs. You can explore their collection and choose a template that best fits your specific requirements.

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Free Microsoft Word Flowchart Templates

By Kate Eby | June 1, 2024

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We’ve gathered the most useful flowchart templates to help you visualize your processes in Microsoft Word. Included in this article, you’ll find the following:

  • Types of flowchart templates
  • How to create a flowchart template
  • Related flowchart templates
  • Basic flowchart template
  • Process flowchart template
  • Decision flowchart template  

Microsoft Word Basic Flowchart Template

Microsoft Word Basic Flowchart Template

Download the Basic Flowchart Template for Microsoft Word

When to Use This Template : Use this basic flowchart template to streamline or document any process within your organization. It works well for projects that require a clear, step-by-step process visualization. Notable Template Features : This template allows you to outline and communicate processes efficiently, and it includes various shapes and connectors for you to map out activities and decision points. This template enables you to visually represent every step in the process, whether you are documenting a new hire orientation process or an intricate manufacturing workflow.

Microsoft Word Process Flowchart Template

Microsoft Work Process Flowchart Template

Download the Process Flowchart Template for Microsoft Word

When to Use This Template : Use this template when your team needs to capture and analyze complex procedures in your organization. This template is ideal for in-depth operational reviews or when integrating new systems, so you can dissect each component of a process and ensure that everyone understands it. Notable Template Features : This template supports detailed process mapping. It includes a variety of shapes and lines to illustrate the flow of multiple steps and the interactions between them. This template allows users to pinpoint inefficiencies, dependencies, and bottlenecks in the process for greater optimization. 

Microsoft Word Swimlane Flowchart Template

Microsoft Word Swimlane Flowchart Template

Download the Swimlane Flowchart Template for Microsoft Word

When to Use This Template : Opt for this template when your project involves multiple teams or departments, and you need to visualize how their processes intersect and flow together. It's particularly effective for cross-departmental projects when you need to understand each team’s role in the overall process. Use this template to identify potential delays or conflicts between departments so that you can streamline the entire process.

Notable Template Features : This template organizes process steps into distinct lanes, each of which represents a different department or team. This layout helps clarify responsibilities so that you can visualize the sequence of tasks across different parts of the organization. 

Microsoft Word Decision Flowchart Template

Microsoft Word Decision Flowchart Template

Download the Decision Flowchart Template for Microsoft Word

When to Use This Template : Use this template whenever your team needs to make a critical decision. It’s particularly useful in strategic planning sessions, risk management meetings, or any situation where you need to evaluate the consequences of different choices, so you can guide stakeholders toward informed decisions. Notable Template Features : This template includes decision points and branching paths so that you can explore various scenarios. The layout helps you visualize and analyze the impact of each potential choice.

Microsoft Word Cross-Functional Flowchart Template

Microsoft Word Cross Functional Flowchart Template

Download the Cross-Functional Flowchart Template for Microsoft Word

When to Use This Template : Utilize the cross-functional flowchart template when you need a detailed analysis of how different departments interact and contribute to the overall project workflow. This template is essential for complex projects that involve multiple teams or stakeholders, when you need clarity about how their functions integrate. Notable Template Features : This template includes horizontal or vertical lanes for each department or function. This feature allows you to clearly visualize how individual tasks move through different parts of the organization, so you can effectively map out the roles in each department. This template also allows you to highlight interactions and dependencies between each role and task.

Microsoft Word Data Flowchart Template

Microsoft Word Data Flowchart Template

Download the Data Flowchart Template for Microsoft Word

When to Use This Template : Choose this template when you need to meticulously track and manage how data moves through various systems or processes within your organization. This template excels for projects that involve data integration, migration, or system analyses, where you need to understand the flow of information to ensure data integrity and security. Notable Template Features : This template is specifically designed to represent how data moves — from input to storage and output — across different systems. It also allows you to pinpoint where and how you capture, process, store, and distribute your data. You can also customize each element in the flowchart to represent different types of data interactions and transformations. 

Microsoft Word System Flowchart Template

Microsoft Word System Flowchart Template

Download the System Flowchart Template for Microsoft Word

When to Use This Template : Use this template to visualize the interactions and operations in a computer system or network. This template details the role of each component in a system, making it particularly useful when setting up new systems, troubleshooting existing systems, or conducting system audits. Notable Template Features : This template illustrates the logical flow between different software, hardware, and user interfaces that make up a system. It shows how information is processed and how you accomplish tasks from start to finish. The template also includes symbols that represent different system components and data flows. These features facilitate a deep understanding of how system elements interact and operate together. 

Microsoft Word Cause and Effect Flowchart Template

Microsoft Word Cause and Effect Flowchart Template

Download the Cause and Effect Flowchart Template for Microsoft Word

When to Use This Template : Use this template — also known as the fishbone or Ishikawa diagram — when you need to thoroughly investigate the root causes of a specific problem or quality defect. This template is especially valuable in quality assurance processes, project management, and product design, where you need to identify underlying issues to resolve problems. Notable Template Features : This template organizes potential causes into major categories to systematically explore and visualize the sources of variability in a process. After identifying each “bone,” the template prompts you to explore the factors that might contribute to the problem. This helps teams pinpoint specific areas for improvement.

Microsoft Word Feedback Loop Flowchart Template

Microsoft Word Feedback Loop Flowchart Template

Download the Feedback Loop Flowchart Template for Microsoft Word

When to Use This Template : Use this template when you need to establish or refine the feedback mechanisms within your projects or operations. This template is particularly useful for iterative development cycles, continuous improvement programs, or customer feedback systems, where continuous feedback is crucial for success. Notable Template Features : This template includes customizable flowchart shapes to represent different feedback stages, as well as pre-designed connectors to illustrate the sequence and flow of activities. It also features color-coding options to differentiate between various types of actions or departments involved.

Types of Flowchart Templates

There are many types of flowchart templates, including those for documenting complex processes, making pivotal decisions, or mapping out data flow. You can find basic flowchart templates and more specialized formats, such as swimlane or cross-functional templates. Below, learn how to navigate the options and select the perfect template to streamline your work and enhance your organizational efforts.

General Process Mapping Flowcharts

General process mapping templates are essential for visually organizing and understanding simple to complex workflows. These templates assist users in documenting sequential steps in a process, which will help you identify inefficiencies and areas for improvement. General process mapping templates include the following:

  • The  basic flowchart template  is essential for beginners or anyone who needs to map out simple processes. This type provides a straightforward way to visualize step-by-step sequences.
  • A  process flowchart template  is ideal for more complex procedures. This template helps detail the various steps involved in a process and is perfect for operational documentation and process improvement.

Decision-Making Flowcharts

Decision-making templates are designed to help visualize the paths and outcomes associated with different potential choices. By laying out potential decisions in a structured format, these templates enable users to foresee the consequences of each option to facilitate informed decision-making.  Templates in this category include:

  • The  decision flowchart template  is great for mapping out decision-making processes. Use this template as an aid in strategic planning conversations to visualize possible outcomes based on different decisions.

Team and Department Coordination Flowcharts

Team and department coordination flowchart templates are tailored to manage and clarify the interactions between multiple groups or divisions within an organization. Often formatted as swimlane diagrams, these templates delineate responsibilities and illustrate how separate processes integrate and overlap. Below are a few templates in this category:

  • A  swimlane flowchart template  is useful for processes that involve multiple teams or departments. The swimlane format delineates responsibilities and shows how different parts of the organization interact.
  • A  cross-functional flowchart template  is similar to the swimlane template, but is often more complex. This tool works well for detailed processes that cross several functional boundaries.

Technical and Data Management Flowcharts

Technical and data management flowchart templates focus on the flow of information and technical processes within systems. These templates are indispensable in IT and data-heavy projects, as they help map out data inputs, storage, and outputs, as well as the relationships between different technological components. Templates in this category include the following:

  • A  data flowchart template  works well for information systems where you need to illustrate data inputs, outputs, and storage. This tool is crucial for IT and data management projects.
  • System Flowchart Template : This type focuses on the technical or physical flow within a system and is ideal for IT system design and troubleshooting.

Problem-Solving Flowcharts

Problem-solving flowchart templates, such as the fishbone or root cause analysis diagrams, are specifically developed to break down and diagnose the causes of issues within a process or system. These templates guide users in tracing a problem back to its source, facilitating a thorough analysis that goes beyond treating surface-level symptoms. Below is a template in this category: 

  • A  cause and effect (fishbone) flowchart template  helps identify the root causes of a problem by branching out the main issue into major categories of potential causes. This type is also known as a fishbone or  Ishikawa diagram .

Process Optimization Flowcharts

Process optimization flowchart templates are designed to enhance and refine existing processes. These templates provide a framework to assess and improve workflow efficiency, as well as help identify bottlenecks and eliminate unnecessary steps.  Here is a template in this category:

  • The  feedback loop flowchart template is designed to map out the feedback mechanisms within a project or process. Use this tool to identify and create effective feedback loops to optimize processes.

How to Create a Flowchart Template

Download a flowchart template from this page to help you map out your processes, identify inefficiencies, and optimize, or to make decisions by visualizing the consequences of potential choices. See the following how-to guide to download and use a template. 1. Download the basic flowchart template . 2. Open the downloaded template file.

MS Word Flowchart 1

3. Click on the placeholder text at the top of the flowchart to enter the name of the process or procedure as the flowchart title.

MS Word Flowchart 2

4. Define the process steps. First, click on each shape in the flowchart and add a description of the step in the process. Ensure each step is clearly described to guide the user through the process accurately.

MS Word Flowchart 3

5. Select and organize new steps and decision points. Identify decision points within the process, and add diamond shapes to represent them. Use rectangle shapes to represent process steps.

MS Word Flowchart 4

6. Adjust the directional arrows to show different paths depending on the decision outcomes.

MS Word Flowchart 5

7. Review and adjust the flow of steps. Check the logical progression of the flowchart to ensure that all steps and decision points are correctly aligned and lead to appropriate outcomes. Make adjustments to the layout or step descriptions to enhance clarity and flow. 8. Finalize and save your flowchart. Review the completed flowchart for any typos or errors. To save the document, click File and then Save As, and select the desired location and file format. Consider creating a backup copy for future reference or updates

Related Flowchart Templates

Use the following templates to further map out data, ideas, processes, and strategies. In conjunction with flowchart templates, these templates can enhance your understanding of the workflow in a wide variety of applications.

Free Workflow Templates

Draw on these  free workflow templates to streamline your business processes. These tools are designed to help you map out and optimize various operational flows to ensure clarity and consistency across tasks. Use these templates to effectively coordinate activities, manage responsibilities, and enhance productivity within your team, so you can focus on growth and performance improvements.

Free Workflow Templates for Microsoft Word

Use our collection of  free workflow templates for Microsoft Word to optimize your project execution and task management. These templates are specifically designed to streamline your business processes, help you organize tasks effectively, and achieve your objectives with greater efficiency. These tools can also enhance your planning strategies and boost productivity within your team.

Free Process Mapping Templates

Discover our assortment of  free process mapping templates , designed to visually outline and optimize your business processes. Use these templates to clearly define each step of a workflow, highlight areas for improvement, and enhance overall operational efficiency. They will also help your team gain a deeper understanding of your processes and drive effective business strategies.

Organization Charts in Microsoft Word

Utilize our  free organization chart templates for Microsoft Word to structure and visualize your organization’s hierarchy of roles. These templates provide a straightforward way to display the relationships and reporting structure within your company, which can enhance internal communication and enable effective management planning.

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Bring an innovative approach to teach and learn math to your school!

Our program prepares your teachers to transfer effective quantitative thinking skills to their students.

problem solving map template

Problem Solving Maps method has been used by hundreds of teachers impacting thousands of children in different countries

What is the Problem Solving Maps method?

Problem Solving Maps (PSM) are graphical representations of critical thinking processes needed to solve math problems successfully. The maps are 1) Example-Conclusion Map, 2) the Multi-Rule Map and 3) the Math-Breaker Map.  The purpose of these maps is twofold: 1) to provide support in learning a specific topic and 2) to map out problem-solving strategies that are generic enough to be used on a large variety of math content.

  • Instructors, tutors or parents can use PSM to teach a large variety of topics
  • PSM do not take a long time to learn
  • Students learn thinking and problems solving skills that are transferable from one math topic to the next
  • PSM are very effective to diagnose where students are having trouble
  • With PSM, students can have better notes to study
  • With PSM, student can improve self confidence and performance

Training Content

We create a dedicated space for your school.  the training program has the following features:, prerecorded videos, private online community.

Participate in a private online community  to share their examples and get feedback from the instructor and other participants.

Live sessions

Join several live sessions via Zoom to ask any questions and learn additional information.

Access a library of examples to use as a starting point to create teaching materials.

Use ready-to-use blank PSM templates to do your Maps

Download a 150+ page workbook that you can use as a reference

Train others with worksheets that are included to streamline the process of learning the Maps


Get a certificate of participation.

Praises for Problem Solving Maps

problem solving map template

 "We are glad that we turned to the Problem Solving Maps (PSM) system as one of one of our strategies to improve students' quantitative thinking skills in the Philippines.  We have been able to positively impact thousands of students in our schools." 

Dr. Jeni Corpuz Superintendent, Department of Education - Philippines

problem solving map template

 "I attribute much of the success of my Math students to the use of the Problem Solving Maps (PSM). This mathematical tool helped my students understand different concepts in Math, which are crucial to their success not only in school but in preparation for the Math portion of the ACT and SAT Tests as well". 

Felesia M. Harrel Johnson Founder, College Bound Academic Center - USA

problem solving map template

 "We have observed that with Problem Solving Maps (PSM) students get a deeper and quicker understanding of math concepts for topics that are usually challenging.  PSM methods are without a doubt a cutting edge process to teach quantitative and logical reasoning skills." 

Maciej Winiarek Critical Thinking Specialist - Poland

problem solving map template

 "The Problem Solving Maps are helping our students make concrete their thinking about abstract concepts. This process also allows teachers to clearly see where students are struggling so they can address these concerns easily and directly."

Vikki Wandmacher Principal, White Pine Middle School - USA

problem solving map template

 "The [PSM] math tools enable us to organize our thought by a pattern. Learning a thinking pattern makes life much easier, not only in studying math but also in various aspects of everyday life." 

Motoi Tobita, Ph.D., Master Lead Facilitator, TOCFE - Japan

problem solving map template

 "With the Problem Solving Map (PSM) system, it is very easy to find out the gaps students have in their knowledge.  I am glad I learned PSM so I can help my students being successful." 

Karyna Lopez Award Winning Math Teacher-Mexico

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Meet the instructor.

problem solving map template

Dr. Danilo Sirias has a Master’s degree in Industrial and Systems Engineering and a Ph.D. in Business Administration. He is also a certified Critical Chain Project Manager and a certified TOCICO thinking process implementer. Dr. Sirias created the Problem Solving Maps methodology to teach mathematics which is currently being used in several countries.

problem solving map template

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  3. Problem Solution Mapping

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  12. Problem Solving

    Problem Solving Template. A free customizable problem solving template is provided to download and print. Quickly get a head-start when creating your own problem solving mind maps. The problem solving process is divided into 6 steps, with each step further analyzed in the form of mind map.

  13. A3 Problem Solving Template

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  15. A3 Problem Solving Template

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  16. Issue Tree Map

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    The Excel A3 Problem Solving Template by CIToolkit adheres to the A3 thinking problem-solving method and streamlines it further. It uses a spreadsheet instead of a piece of paper to help you solve issues more efficiently. 🚩 ... This diagram serves as the foundation for creating a detailed process map during the Define Phase of the DMAIC ...

  18. Problem Solving Map

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  19. How to Use Mind Mapping for Problem Solving

    Step 1 - Identify the central idea and add it to your mind map. Maybe you've been told to develop requirements for a new system. The business has stated "We need a new bug management system because we are getting too many product bugs reported back to us by our customers.". At this point it would be easy to assume that we should indeed ...

  20. Problem-Solving Mind Map

    The Mind Map lists 11 steps, including defining the problem, identifying the cause, generating solutions, evaluating solutions, and implementing and monitoring the solution. The first component, Define the problem, involves identifying and clarifying the issue at hand. Once the problem is defined, individuals can move on to the next step, which ...

  21. Problem Solving Maps Workbook

    What is the Problem Solving Maps method? Problem Solving Maps (PSM) are graphical representations of critical thinking processes needed to solve math problems successfully. The maps are 1) Example-Conclusion Map, 2) the Multi-Rule Map and 3) the Math-Breaker Map. The purpose of these maps is twofold: 1) to provide support in learning a specific ...

  22. Free MS Word Flowchart Templates: Editable & Downloadable

    General process mapping templates include the following: The ... Problem-solving flowchart templates, such as the fishbone or root cause analysis diagrams, are specifically developed to break down and diagnose the causes of issues within a process or system. These templates guide users in tracing a problem back to its source, facilitating a ...

  23. Problem Solving Maps

    The purpose of these maps is twofold: 1) to provide support in learning a specific topic and 2) to map out problem-solving strategies that are generic enough to be used on a large variety of math content. Instructors, tutors or parents can use PSM to teach a large variety of topics. PSM do not take a long time to learn.

  24. Problem Solving: MindManager mind map template

    Use the Problem Solving template to map out an organised approach to problem solving and decision making. This is one of many problem solving templates that is available as standard in MindManager 2012's new and improved template library. Created using: MindManager. Category: Library ...

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