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  • Astrophysics ( astro-ph new , recent , search ) Astrophysics of Galaxies ; Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics ; Earth and Planetary Astrophysics ; High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena ; Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics ; Solar and Stellar Astrophysics
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  • Nonlinear Sciences ( nlin new , recent , search ) includes: Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems ; Cellular Automata and Lattice Gases ; Chaotic Dynamics ; Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems ; Pattern Formation and Solitons
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Computer Science

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Quantitative Biology

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Quantitative Finance

  • Quantitative Finance ( q-fin new , recent , search ) includes: (see detailed description ): Computational Finance ; Economics ; General Finance ; Mathematical Finance ; Portfolio Management ; Pricing of Securities ; Risk Management ; Statistical Finance ; Trading and Market Microstructure
  • Statistics ( stat new , recent , search ) includes: (see detailed description ): Applications ; Computation ; Machine Learning ; Methodology ; Other Statistics ; Statistics Theory

Electrical Engineering and Systems Science

  • Electrical Engineering and Systems Science ( eess new , recent , search ) includes: (see detailed description ): Audio and Speech Processing ; Image and Video Processing ; Signal Processing ; Systems and Control
  • Economics ( econ new , recent , search ) includes: (see detailed description ): Econometrics ; General Economics ; Theoretical Economics

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  • Part of Cato Institute (Aug. 3, 2021)
  • Part of University of California Press
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  • Part of Perspectives on Terrorism, Vol. 12, No. 4 (August 2018)
  • Part of Leveraging Lives: Serbia and Illegal Tunisian Migration to Europe, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (Mar. 1, 2023)
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Science News

A person types on a keyboard next to a small fan

A new drug shows promise for hot flashes due to menopause

Two clinical trials found that the nonhormonal drug elinzanetant eased hot flashes and improved sleep, two common menopause symptoms.

An illustration of a woman with chronic pain in her upper and lower back, wrists and feet

A next-gen pain drug shows promise, but chronic sufferers need more options

A spiral galaxy shown in a composite image from the James Webb Space Telescope and Hubble Space Telescope

In an epic cosmology clash, rival scientists begin to find common ground 

A photograph of scientific equipment, including a laser beam illuminating gas inside a vacuum chamber.

A nuclear clock prototype hints at ultraprecise timekeeping 

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Fiddler crabs are migrating north to cooler waters

An illustration of a an eel-like fish with very long fins above and below its body and a transparent sac dangling from its abdomen

Despite new clues, this ancient fish has stumped scientists for centuries

A hand manikin rests on a strip of yellow plastic caution tape, to highlight the need to proceed with caution when using or implementing Generative Artificial Intelligence

A new book tackles AI hype – and how to spot it

Trending stories.

An illustration of a an eel-like fish with very long fins above and below its body and a transparent sac dangling from its abdomen

Scientists piece together clues in a shark ‘murder mystery’

A photograph of scientific equipment, including a laser beam illuminating gas inside a vacuum chamber.

Spotlight on Health

A picture of an epinephrine nasal spray for the treatment of severe allergic reactions

People with food and other allergies have a new way to treat severe reactions

A new epinephrine nasal spray gives people a needle-free way to treat severe allergic reactions to food, insect venom and drugs.

What is ‘Stage 0’ breast cancer and how is it treated?

New covid-19 booster shots have been approved. when should you get one, from the archives.

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The Universe: Chaotic or Bioselective?

August 24, 1974 Vol. 106 No. #8

Science News Magazine

Cover of August 24, 2024 issue of Science News

August 24, 2024 Vol. 206 No. 3

A newly approved ‘living drug’ could save more cancer patients’ lives

Nasa’s perseverance rover finds its first possible hint of ancient life on mars, paper cut physics pinpoints the most hazardous types of paper.

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Featured Media

Here’s how an arthropod pulls off the world’s fastest backflip.

While airborne, globular springtails can reach a spin rate of 368 rotations per second, high-speed camera footage shows.

A photograph of the OceanXplorers ship in the background with crew members standing on an inflatable motorboat in the foreground

National Geographic’s ‘OceanXplorers’ dives into the ocean’s mysteries

image of house sparrow

A risk-tolerant immune system may enable house sparrows’ wanderlust

An illustration of element 120 shows 120 electrons arranged around a nucleus.

A new element on the periodic table might be within reach 

The pelt of a 52,000 year-old woolly mammoth complete with reddish-brown fur is being measured and photographed with a smart phone by two men. The man on the left wears a black baseball cap and an olive green jacket. He is holding a yellow tape measure. The man on the right has a white beard and glasses and is wearing a long-sleeved light blue shirt. He holds the phone in a gloved hand.

Freeze-drying turned a woolly mammoth’s DNA into 3-D ‘chromoglass’

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golden coral

Remote seamounts in the southeast Pacific may be home to 20 new species

This protist unfolds its ‘neck’ up to 30 times its body length to scout prey, the largest known genome belongs to a tiny fern.

Usain Bolt crouches next to a digital display showing his new world record while pointing to a crowd in a stadium

World record speeds for two Olympics events have fallen over time. We can go faster

Does social status shape height, rain bosworth studies how deaf children experience the world.

A photograph of James Price Point, in Western Australia.

Summer-like heat is scorching the Southern Hemisphere — in winter

Zapping sand to create rock could help curb coastal erosion, the world’s record-breaking hot streak has lasted 14 months. when will it end.

A bright concentration of stars on a dark sky.

The nearest midsized black hole might instead be a horde of lightweights

A distant quasar may be zapping all galaxies around itself, some meteors leave trails lasting up to an hour. now we may know why.

A spoon scooping mayonnaise out of a jar.

Mayo is weirdly great for understanding nuclear fusion experiments

The world’s fastest microscope makes its debut, health & medicine.

A black and white mosquito sits on the skin of a white person, sucking up a meal. Its abdomen is slightly filled with blood.

Extreme heat and rain are fueling rising cases of mosquito-borne diseases

50 years ago, antibiotic resistant bacteria became a problem outside hospitals.

Brown mountains stand in the background, with golden grass covered foothills in the foreground.

Mantle waves buoy continents upward and bedeck them with diamonds

‘turning to stone’ paints rocks as storytellers and mentors, why japan issued its first-ever mega-earthquake alert, science & society.

A black-and-white woodcut engraving depicting Phoenician sea traders, who thrived after the Bronze Age

‘After 1177 B.C.’ describes how societies fared when the Bronze Age ended

Scientists are fixing flawed forensics that can lead to wrongful convictions, language models may miss signs of depression in black people’s facebook posts.

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Physical sciences.

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Advancing thermoelectric potential: strontium telluride under compression strain analyzed with HSE hybrid functional and Wannier interpolation

  • Hiren S. Patel
  • Vishnu A. Dabhi
  • Aditya M. Vora

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Modeling and validation of purification of pharmaceutical compounds via hybrid processing of vacuum membrane distillation

  • Ahmad J. Obaidullah
  • Abdulrahman A. Almehizia

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A PV cell defect detector combined with transformer and attention mechanism

  • Zhenzhen Lv

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A smart system for student performance assessment (SPA)

  • Samar Mouti
  • Hani Al-Chalabi

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Transport diagrams of germanium double quantum dots/Si barriers using photocurrent measurement

  • I-Hsiang Wang
  • Yu-Wen Chiu

Subjects within Physical sciences

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Earth and environmental sciences

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Quantitative classification evaluation model for tight sandstone reservoirs based on machine learning

  • Xinglei Song
  • Congjun Feng

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Remote sensing analysis of spatiotemporal impacts of anthropogenic influence on mountain landscape ecology in Pir Chinasi national park

  • Muhammad Akhlaq Farooq
  • Muhammad Asad Ghufran

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Soil heavy metals contamination and health risk of an endemic plant in southeast of Damavand Mt., Iran

  • Maryam Naeimi
  • Parvaneh Ashouri
  • Zohreh Boromand

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Detecting rare earth elements using EnMAP hyperspectral satellite data: a case study from Mountain Pass, California

  • Saeid Asadzadeh
  • Nicole Koellner
  • Sabine Chabrillat

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Enhancing the performance of paraffin's phase change material through a hybrid scheme utilizing sand core matrix

  • Hossam A. Nabwey
  • Maha A. Tony

Subjects within Earth and environmental sciences

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Biological sciences

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Genetic variants regulating the immune response improve the prediction of COVID-19 severity provided by clinical variables

  • Pablo Delgado-Wicke
  • Sara Fernández de Córdoba-Oñate
  • Isabel Iturrate

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Raman imaging unveils heme uptake in endothelial cells

  • Aleksandra Wajda
  • Jakub Dybas
  • Katarzyna M. Marzec

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Teaching old docks new tricks with machine learning enhanced ensemble docking

  • Roshni Bhatt
  • Jacob D. Durrant

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Larvicidal potential of Trachyspermum ammi essential oil and Delphinium speciosum extract against malaria, dengue, and filariasis mosquito vectors

  • Alireza Sanei‑Dehkordi
  • Amir Masoud Tagizadeh
  • Hossein Nazemiyeh

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Collagen protein-chitosan nerve conduits with neuroepithelial stem cells promote peripheral nerve regeneration

  • Chenping Yun

Subjects within Biological sciences

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Health sciences

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Cocos nucifera and glycerine afterwork moisturizers for secondary prevention of hand dermatitis among fabric worker: a randomized, double-blind, cross over trial

  • Windy K. Budianti
  • Retno W. Soebaryo
  • Cita R. S. Prakoeswa

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Early screening for chronic liver disease: impact of a FIB-4 first integrated care pathway to identify patients with significant fibrosis

  • C. E. Costentin

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A systematic review and meta-analysis of differences between men and women in short-term outcomes following coronary artery bypass graft surgery

  • Daniela Dumitriu LaGrange
  • Elena Tessitore
  • Christoph Huber

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Factors influencing mortality in intracranial infections caused by carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella Pneumoniae

  • Chengcheng Lai

Subjects within Health sciences

  • Endocrinology
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Author Correction: Insights into polycrystalline microstructure of blood films with 3D Mueller matrix imaging approach

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Toilet construction under the Swachh Bharat Mission and infant mortality in India

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Giant impact on early Ganymede and its subsequent reorientation

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Reconstructing contact and a potential interbreeding geographical zone between Neanderthals and anatomically modern humans

Science jobs, director, clinical translational program, center for alzheimer’s and related dementias.

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Assistant Professor - Plant Single Cell Biology

The Department of Cell & Systems Biology in the Faculty of Arts & Science at the University of Toronto invites applications for a full-time tenure ...

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University of Toronto

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Assistant Professor, Tenure Track

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Scripps Research Institute

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Faculty Recruitment, Westlake University School of Medicine

Faculty positions are open at four distinct ranks: Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Full Professor, and Chair Professor.

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Postdoctoral Researcher - Neural Circuits Genetics and Physiology for Learning and Memory

A postdoctoral position is available to study molecular mechanisms, neural circuits and neurophysiology of learning and memory.

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    Adaptable control over the disposition of groups at each end of a carbon-carbon double bond remains a challenge in chemical synthesis. In the E configuration, the largest groups are diagonally opposed, whereas in the Z configuration, they're on the same side. Li et al. paired up copper and palladium catalysts to deliver either E- or Z-configured double bonds in unnatural amino acids ...

  22. is a gateway to government science information provided by U.S. Government science agencies, including research and development results. An official website of the United States government Here's how you know expand_more expand_less. Official websites use .gov. A .gov website belongs to an official government ...

  23. Publish with Scientific Reports

    Scientific Reports has a 2-year impact factor of 3.8 (2023), and is the 5th most-cited journal in the world, with more than 734,000 citations in 2023*. *2023 Journal Citation Reports® Science ...

  24. ScienceOpen

    ScienceOpen offers state-of-the-art technology and a range of solutions and services. For faculties and research groups to promote and share your work; For research institutes to build up your own branding for OA publications; For funders to develop new open access publishing paradigms; For university libraries to create an independent OA publishing environment