Gun Control Essay: Important Topics, Examples, and More

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Gun Control Definition

Gun control refers to the regulation of firearms to reduce the risk of harm caused by their misuse. It is an important issue that has garnered much attention in recent years due to the increasing number of gun-related incidents, including mass shootings and homicides. Writing an essay about gun control is important because it allows one to explore the various aspects of this complex and controversial topic, including the impact of gun laws on public safety, the constitutional implications of gun control, and the social and cultural factors that contribute to gun violence.

In writing an essay on gun control, conducting thorough research, considering multiple perspectives, and developing a well-informed argument is important. This may involve analyzing existing gun control policies and their effectiveness, exploring the attitudes and beliefs of different groups towards firearms, and examining the historical and cultural context of gun ownership and use. Through this process, one can develop a nuanced understanding of the issue and propose effective solutions to address the problem of gun violence.

Further information on writing essays on gun control can be found in various sources, including academic journals, policy reports, and news articles. In the following paragraphs, our nursing essay writing services will provide tips and resources to help you write an effective and informative guns essay. Contact our custom writer and get your writing request satisfied in a short term.

Gun Control Essay Types

There are various types of essays about gun control, each with its own unique focus and approach. From analyzing the effectiveness of existing gun laws to exploring the cultural and historical context of firearms in society, the possibilities for exploring this topic are virtually endless.

Gun Control Essay Types

Let's look at the following types and examples from our essay writing service USA :

  • Argumentative Essay : This essay clearly argues for or against gun control laws. The writer must use evidence to support their position and refute opposing arguments.
  • Descriptive Essay: A descriptive essay on gun control aims to provide a detailed topic analysis. The writer must describe the history and evolution of gun laws, the different types of firearms, and their impact on society.
  • Cause and Effect Essay: This type of essay focuses on why gun control laws are necessary, the impact of gun violence on society, and the consequences of not having strict gun control laws.
  • Compare and Contrast Essay: In this type of essay, the writer compares and contrasts different countries' gun laws and their effectiveness. They can also compare and contrast different types of guns and their impact on society.
  • Expository Essay: This type of essay focuses on presenting facts and data on the topic of gun control. The writer must explain the different types of gun laws, their implementation, and their impact on society.
  • Persuasive Essay: The writer of a persuasive essay aims to persuade the reader to support their position on gun control. They use a combination of facts, opinions, and emotional appeals to convince the reader.
  • Narrative Essay: A narrative essay on gun control tells a story about an individual's experience with gun violence. It can be a personal story or a fictional one, but it should provide insight into the human impact of gun violence.

In the following paragraphs, we will provide an overview of the most common types of gun control essays and some tips and resources to help you write them effectively. Whether you are a student, a researcher, or simply someone interested in learning more about this important issue, these essays can provide valuable insight and perspective on the complex and often controversial topic of gun control.

Persuasive Essay on Gun Control

A persuasive essay on gun control is designed to convince the reader to support a specific stance on gun control policies. To write an effective persuasive essay, the writer must use a combination of facts, statistics, and emotional appeals to sway the reader's opinion. Here are some tips from our expert custom writer to help you write a persuasive essay on gun control:

How to Choose a Persuasive Essay on Gun Control

  • Research : Conduct thorough research on gun control policies, including their history, effectiveness, and societal impact. Use credible sources to back up your argument.
  • Develop a thesis statement: In your gun control essay introduction, the thesis statement should clearly state your position on gun control and provide a roadmap for your paper.
  • Use emotional appeals: Use emotional appeals to connect with your reader. For example, you could describe the impact of gun violence on families and communities.
  • Address opposing viewpoints: Address opposing viewpoints and provide counterarguments to strengthen your position.
  • Use statistics: Use statistics to back up your argument. For example, you could use statistics to show the correlation between gun control laws and reduced gun violence.
  • Use rhetorical devices: Use rhetorical devices, such as metaphors and analogies, to help the reader understand complex concepts.

Persuasive gun control essay examples include:

  • The Second Amendment does not guarantee an individual's right to own any firearm.
  • Stricter gun control laws are necessary to reduce gun violence in the United States.
  • The proliferation of guns in society leads to more violence and higher crime rates.
  • Gun control laws should be designed to protect public safety while respecting individual rights.

Argumentative Essay on Gun Control

A gun control argumentative essay is designed to present a clear argument for or against gun control policies. To write an effective argumentative essay, the writer must present a well-supported argument and refute opposing arguments. Here are some tips to help you write an argumentative essay on gun control:

an Argumentative Essay on Gun Control

  • Choose a clear stance: Choose a clear stance on gun control policies and develop a thesis statement that reflects your position.
  • Research : Conduct extensive research on gun control policies and use credible sources to back up your argument.
  • Refute opposing arguments: Anticipate opposing arguments and provide counterarguments to strengthen your position.
  • Use evidence: Use evidence to back up your argument. For example, you could use data to show the correlation between gun control laws and reduced gun violence.
  • Use logical reasoning: Use logical reasoning to explain why your argument is valid.

Examples of argumentative essay topics on gun control include:

  • Gun control laws infringe upon individuals' right to bear arms and protect themselves.
  • Gun control laws are ineffective and do not prevent gun violence.

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How to Choose a Good Gun Control Topic: Tips and Examples

Choosing a good gun control topic can be challenging, but with some careful consideration, you can select an interesting and relevant topic. Here are seven tips for choosing a good gun control topic with examples:

  • Consider current events: Choose a topic that is current and relevant. For example, the impact of the pandemic on gun control policies.
  • Narrow your focus: Choose a specific aspect of gun control to focus on, such as the impact of gun control laws on crime rates.
  • Consider your audience: Consider who your audience is and what they are interested in. For example, a topic that appeals to gun enthusiasts might be the ethics of owning firearms.
  • Research : Conduct extensive research on gun control policies and current events. For example, the impact of the Second Amendment on gun control laws.
  • Choose a controversial topic: Choose a controversial topic that will generate discussion. For example, the impact of the NRA on gun control policies.
  • Choose a topic that interests you: You can choose an opinion article on gun control that you are passionate about and interested in. For example, the impact of mass shootings on public opinion of gun control.
  • Consider different perspectives: Consider different perspectives on gun control and choose a topic that allows you to explore multiple viewpoints. For example, the effectiveness of background checks in preventing gun violence.

Effective Tips

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Pro-Gun Control Essay Topics

Here are pro-gun control essay topics that can serve as a starting point for your research and writing, helping you to craft a strong and persuasive argument.

  • Stricter gun control laws are necessary to reduce gun violence in America.
  • The Second Amendment was written for a different time and should be updated to reflect modern society.
  • Gun control and gun safety laws can prevent mass shootings and other forms of gun violence.
  • Owning a gun should be a privilege, not a right.
  • Universal background checks should be mandatory for all gun purchases.
  • The availability of assault weapons should be severely restricted.
  • Concealed carry permits should be harder to obtain and require more rigorous training.
  • The gun lobby has too much influence on government policy.
  • The mental health of gun owners should be considered when purchasing firearms.
  • Gun violence has a significant economic impact on communities and the nation as a whole.
  • There is a strong correlation between high gun ownership rates and higher gun violence rates.
  • Gun control policies can help prevent suicides and accidental shootings.
  • Gun control policies should be designed to protect public safety while respecting individual rights.
  • More research is needed on the impact of gun control policies on gun violence.
  • The impact of gun violence on children and young people is a significant public health issue.
  • Gun control policies should be designed to reduce the illegal gun trade and access to firearms by criminals.
  • The right to own firearms should not override the right to public safety.
  • The government has a responsibility to protect its citizens from gun violence.
  • Gun control policies are compatible with the Second Amendment.
  • International examples of successful gun control policies can be applied in America.

Anti-Gun Control Essay Topics

These topics against gun control essay can help you develop strong and persuasive arguments based on individual rights and the importance of personal freedom.

  • Gun control laws infringe on the Second Amendment and individual rights.
  • Stricter gun laws will not prevent criminals from obtaining firearms.
  • Gun control laws are unnecessary and will only burden law-abiding citizens.
  • Owning a gun is a fundamental right and essential for self-defense.
  • Gun-free zones create a false sense of security and leave people vulnerable.
  • A Gun control law will not stop mass school shootings, as these are often premeditated and planned.
  • The government cannot be trusted to enforce gun control laws fairly and justly.
  • Gun control laws unfairly target law-abiding gun owners and punish them for the actions of a few.
  • Gun ownership is a part of American culture and heritage and should not be restricted.
  • Gun control laws will not stop criminals from using firearms to commit crimes.
  • Gun control laws often ignore the root causes of gun violence, such as mental illness and poverty.
  • Gun control laws will not stop terrorists from using firearms to carry out attacks.
  • Gun control laws will only create a black market for firearms, making it easier for criminals to obtain them.
  • Gun control laws will not stop domestic violence, as abusers will find other ways to harm their victims.
  • Gun control laws will not stop drug cartels and organized crime from trafficking firearms.
  • Gun control laws will not stop gang violence and turf wars.
  • Gun control laws are an infringement on personal freedom and individual responsibility.
  • Gun control laws are often rooted in emotion rather than reason and evidence.
  • Gun control laws ignore the important role that firearms play in hunting and sport shooting.
  • More gun control laws will only give the government more power and control over its citizens.

Example Essays

Whether you have been assigned to write a gun control research paper or essay, the tips provided above should help you grasp the general idea of how to cope with this task. Now, to give you an even better understanding of the task and set you on the right track, here are a few excellent examples of well-written papers on this topic:

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Final Words

In conclusion, writing a sample rhetorical analysis essay requires careful analysis and effective use of persuasive techniques. Whether you are a high school student or a college student, mastering the art of rhetorical analysis can help you become a more effective communicator and critical thinker. With practice and perseverance, anyone can become a skilled writer and excel in their academic pursuits.

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Daniel Parker

Daniel Parker

is a seasoned educational writer focusing on scholarship guidance, research papers, and various forms of academic essays including reflective and narrative essays. His expertise also extends to detailed case studies. A scholar with a background in English Literature and Education, Daniel’s work on EssayPro blog aims to support students in achieving academic excellence and securing scholarships. His hobbies include reading classic literature and participating in academic forums.

thesis statement for gun violence essay

is an expert in nursing and healthcare, with a strong background in history, law, and literature. Holding advanced degrees in nursing and public health, his analytical approach and comprehensive knowledge help students navigate complex topics. On EssayPro blog, Adam provides insightful articles on everything from historical analysis to the intricacies of healthcare policies. In his downtime, he enjoys historical documentaries and volunteering at local clinics.

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Gun Control Essay: Goals, Topics, And How to Write

13 October, 2020

14 minutes read

Author:  Mathieu Johnson

The issue of gun control is yet one of the top topics for heated debates. Some people have rather a negative opinion regarding gun control; others support it and believe that loose gun control rules lead to violence and devastation. And since the topic of gun control is represented by a multitude of contrasting opinions, it might be the topic for your next college paper.

gun control essay

The subject of gun control is an ongoing question, that is why many students either get assigned  a gun control essay or do so for personal motives. What to include in your gun control essay and how to outline your ideas? You can find the answers to your questions in this guide.

gun control argumentative essay sample

Gun Control Essay: Definitions, Goals & Topics

Once you get assigned a gun control essay, you first need to make sure that you fully understand what a paper’s main idea is. As you can tell from the name ‘gun control essay’, such an essay asks you to indicate your opinion regarding restrictive regulations of gun use and production. While most countries have been limiting gun possession to minimize the risk of innocent people dying, the USA hasn’t. On the contrary, the US has persuasive gun control, meaning that almost anyone can buy and hold a gun. Many people share an idea that gun possession should be limited and permitted only to particular categories of people, that is why the question is very ongoing.  So the most critical goal of a gun control essay is to present reasonable ideas about why people need or don’t need gun control. 

Some of the compelling and relevant topics for a gun control essay may be:

  • Gun ownership promotes violence among young people
  • Gun ownership is unlikely to prevent some people from murdering 
  • Gun possession as the only way to protect oneself
  • The wide accessibility of guns is the reason for suicides in the US

Gun Control Essay Titles

When writing a pro gun control essay, your initial task is to pick an intriguing, catchy title. You shouldn’t underestimate the importance of such a step if your goal is to attract the reader’s attention and make them aware of a topic. The thing to keep in mind is intriguing the audience and making them willing to take a deep dive into the subject. If you have no precise vision of which title to choose, take a look at a few tips we prepared for you.

First and foremost, you need to have a precise position regarding gun control in America. Are you a supporter, or are you firmly against gun control? Since there is yet a heated debate on this issue in the USA, you can decide to write either a for or against essay on gun control. 

Titles supporting gun control: 

  • Violence has never solved any problem
  • Guns out of control: why should innocent people die?
  • Youth violence as the result of no gun control

Titles opposing gun control:

  • Gun control won’t prevent people from killing 
  • Gun control: why should we sacrifice our lives just because we can’t defend ourselves?
  • Illegal weapons trade as the only guaranteed outcome of gun control.

Gun Control Essay Structure

Most likely, you already know that a good structure largely predicts the success of a gun control argumentative essay. Whenever you are willing to present your opinion on a specific issue and want to convince the audience that your arguments are valid, you should sound logical. The ultimate way to make your gun control essay structure coherent and comprehensive is to draw an outline and plan the essay thoroughly. To assure that your argumentative essay on gun control communicates your idea to the reader, make sure to follow the structure that includes an introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion.


It would help if you organized your gun control essay introduction in a way that serves as an attention grabber. Namely, you can feel free to include some rhetorical question at the beginning or literally any good essay hook. To grab the reader’s attention, you may also outline some background information so that a reader grasps the idea of your gun control persuasive essay. And last but not least, don’t forget to introduce the most important part of a gun control essay outline – a thesis statement. A sound thesis statement gives a reader a general understanding of what you will cover in your essay.

Main body paragraphs’ role is to reveal what you mentioned in the thesis statement. Since your gun control essay will most likely be argumentative, you need to devote one paragraph to one argument. In each and every body paragraph, your main task is to build on some solid evidence and refer to numbers or facts to protect your position. It is better to include 3-5 body paragraphs so that the gun control essay doesn’t look messy. 

When writing a gun control essay conclusion, you should avoid adding any extra information. Try to be very precise and make sure you restate the arguments you have indicated before. All in all, your gun control essay should logically end up with a summary of all the points. The reader has to be 100% sure that he or she fully comprehended your idea. 

Best Tips For Writing Gun Control Essay

An outline is everything.

Create an outline even if you think that this step isn’t indeed necessary. Even when you have all those sparkling ideas and structure in your mind, it requires no effort to confuse them. And if we talk about an argumentative essay, it is fundamental for you as a writer to sound convincing and confident. An outline helps you to sound so. Hence, don’t neglect dedicating a few minutes to creating a helpful essay plan.  

Find some convincing evidence 

The goal of any gun control essay is to communicate an idea of why strict gun control is necessary or should be abandoned. After reading your essay, the audience will form an exact opinion: gun control is either good or bad. Try to search for some substantial evidence, numbers, particular cases that you find helpful while supporting your arguments. Otherwise, you undermine the chances of being heard. 

Write about the topic that bothers you 

Don’t try to figure up titles and topics that aren’t interesting for you. The point of a gun control essay is to make your voice heard and to be sincere while presenting your ideas. Try to give some ideas the way you see them, discuss only those topics that cannot let you stay indifferent. Only in this way will you end up with an excellent essay. 

Edit and proofread

Once your essay is ready, don’t forget to proofread it and check it at least twice. So many excellent essays get a terrible score just because some minor mistakes spoiled the general impression! You can use a wide array of means to make sure your paper is polished: ask your friends to check it, use online tools, or ask a professional essay writing and editing service to get your paper checked by an expert.

Gun Control Essay Examples

If you feel like you need to refer to an example to get a profound insight into an idea of a gun control essay, here is one for you.  

Strict gun control deprives people of their legal rights

The US is the country in which the share of people who own a gun is impressively high. Besides, there is no single country in the world that can be compared to the US by the number of firearms in the citizen’s hands. According to the official statistics, 80 percent of adults own a gun, meaning that the likelihood of  a stranger you come across in the street possessing one are unbelievably significant. Recently, several regulations attempted to restrict gun possession to impose gun control. However, gun control is not only unjustifiable, but it also deprives people of their right for self-defence and peaceful life.

First and foremost, gun control, unfortunately, does not reduce the murder and crime rates in the US. Although it should generally hold true, the statistics contradict the misbelief that limiting gun possession minimizes the number of crimes committed. The research on weapon ban which was carried out during the past twenty years demonstrates that there is no correlation between reducing gun ownership and a falling number of murder cases. The research also indicated that the states that imposed strict gun control have witnessed a larger number of crimes.

This all leads to the conclusion that imposing a ban on gun possession is not a way to fight crime. Also, as the evidence shows, the number of guns in the US had been steadily growing in the last century, and this coincided with a decrease in the number of crimes committed. Essentially, gun control is unlikely to resolve the issue of crimes, since some people are likely to commit crimes even when they have no gun at their disposal.

Another argument against gun control is that the first inevitably infringe the citizen’s rights, Namely, banning weapons contradicts the right that the constitution of the US guarantees. According to the second amendment, under no circumstances should the citizen’s rights to possess a gun  be infringed. The right to own a gun had already existed long before many countries appeared on the map. That is why many people deem gun control as a crime against humanity. Even though there is yet some logical explanation to an attempt to control gun usage and manufacturing, it still deprives US citizens of their inviolable right.

What is even more, the supreme court together with the constitution considers gun ownership as one of the liberties that all the US citizens have. Just like the freedom of speech, the space to protect oneself is crucial, and it should remain untouchable. Introducing gun control, therefore, leads to violating people’s freedom and liberties since people become incapable of even defending themselves in their property.

Gun control robs people of the right for safety and self-defence. Imposing strict gun regulations will inevitably make millions of people incapable of defending themselves if something threatens their and their close ones’ lives. According to the data represented by the National Rifle Association, the number of cases of gun usage solely for self-defence purposes equals 2.5 million times annually. People use guns to protect their families and property, but, apparently, the states find the self-defence motive weak enough. If they impose strict gun control, it means that these 2.5 million people may literally sacrifice their lives and die just because they couldn’t hold a gun legally.

The truth is, the Police are physically incapable of protecting all the people who need protection, so these people are bound to defend themselves on their own. But how to protect yourself  if you cannot even possess a gun? So far, using a weapon for self-defence has proved to be the most effective way . Therefore, depriving people of the right for self-defence or for saving other people in trouble is inhumane and unjustified.

Overall, gun control has lately become a hot topic that has both its advocates and opponents. So far, the evidence against gun control is very reasonable and convincing. Gun control robs the citizens of their exceptional right – the right to protect themselves and those in danger. Besides, gun control contradicts the second amendment, which guarantees the right to possess a gun for adult US citizens. Finally, it is unlikely to reduce the crime rate as the science hasn’t yet found any valid proof for that.

Write a Gun Control Essay with HandmadeWriting

Composing a brilliant essay about gun control is somewhat challenging due to the peculiarity of this topic. But this is not something above your capacity. Keeping all the tips in mind as well as following a precise gun control essay structure will significantly facilitate the writing process. And if you need help with writing or editing – HandmadeWriting will have you covered! At any time of day and night, essay writers at HandmadeWriting work hard to deliver top-quality papers and support students from all over the world. So if you’re struggling with your essay, feel free to get in touch with us. 

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Persuasive Essay Guide

Persuasive Essay About Gun Control

Caleb S.

Read Excellent Examples of Persuasive Essay About Gun Control

Persuasive Essay About Gun Control

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Are you looking for inspiration for your persuasive essay about gun control? You are at the right place!

Gun control is a controversial but common topic for students. However, with extensive debate on both sides, students often find it challenging.

However, reading some sample essays can be a good start! 

This blog provides several example essays on the controversial topic of gun control that you can read for inspiration. Moreover, you'll get the steps to help you craft your own persuasive essay about the topic.

So let’s get started!

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  • 1. Persuasive Essay Examples on Gun Control 
  • 2. Persuasive Essay Against Gun Control
  • 3. Persuasive Essay on Pro-Gun Control
  • 4. Argumentative Essay About Gun Control
  • 5. Steps to Write a Persuasive Essay
  • 6. Persuasive Essay Topics about Gun Control

Persuasive Essay Examples on Gun Control 

Start with these general persuasive essay samples on gun control. They will help you understand what makes a good gun control essay.

Check out the example 5-paragraph essay on gun control:

Gun control remains a contentious issue in many countries, especially in the United States, where the debate over the Second Amendment rights and public safety continues to polarize opinions. The need for stricter gun control laws is imperative to reduce gun violence, protect public safety, and ensure responsible gun ownership. This essay argues that implementing stricter gun control laws is essential for a safer society.

The prevalence of gun violence in the United States is alarming. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), firearms are involved in tens of thousands of deaths and injuries each year, including homicides, suicides, and accidental shootings. High-profile mass shootings, such as those at schools, workplaces, and public events, have brought national attention to the issue, highlighting the urgent need for more robust gun control measures. The devastating impact on families and communities underscores the importance of enacting stricter laws to prevent such tragedies.

One of the most effective ways to reduce gun violence is through comprehensive background checks. Current federal laws require background checks for purchases from licensed dealers but not for private sales or gun shows. This loophole allows individuals with criminal records or mental health issues to acquire firearms easily. By closing this gap and requiring universal background checks, we can significantly reduce the likelihood of guns falling into the wrong hands, thereby enhancing public safety.

Stricter gun control laws also promote responsible gun ownership. Licensing and training requirements ensure that individuals who own guns understand the responsibilities and risks associated with firearm use. Mandatory safety courses and periodic renewals of licenses can educate gun owners about safe storage practices, reducing the likelihood of accidental shootings and thefts. Responsible gun ownership is crucial for maintaining a balance between the right to bear arms and public safety.

In conclusion, stricter gun control laws are necessary to address the pervasive issue of gun violence and ensure public safety. Comprehensive background checks, limitations on high-capacity magazines, and promoting responsible gun ownership are key measures that can significantly reduce the incidence of gun-related deaths and injuries. While respecting the Second Amendment rights, it is crucial to implement these sensible regulations to create a safer society for everyone. The time for action is now, and we must work together to advocate for and support stricter gun control laws.

Here is another example of a persuasive essay on pro-gun control:

Gun violence is a pressing issue that demands immediate action. Implementing stricter gun control laws is essential to reduce the alarming rates of gun-related deaths and injuries. Comprehensive background checks are crucial to prevent firearms from falling into the hands of criminals and individuals with mental health issues. The current loopholes allow easy access to guns, posing a significant threat to public safety.

Limiting access to high-capacity magazines is another vital measure. These magazines enable shooters to cause mass casualties rapidly, as seen in numerous tragic mass shootings. By restricting their sale and possession, we can mitigate the potential for such devastating events.

Moreover, promoting responsible gun ownership through mandatory training and licensing ensures that gun owners understand the responsibilities and risks associated with firearms. Safe storage practices and periodic license renewals can prevent accidental shootings and thefts.

Stricter gun control laws respect the Second Amendment while prioritizing public safety. The evidence is clear: countries with stringent gun regulations have significantly lower rates of gun violence. It is time to follow their example and implement sensible measures to protect our communities. Stricter gun control is not just a policy choice; it is a moral imperative to save lives.

Persuasive Essay about Gun Control

Persuasive Essay Examples Gun Control

Want persuasive examples on other topics? Check out our persuasive essay examples blog to find samples on a variety of topics.

Persuasive Essay Against Gun Control

Check out these few examples of anti-gun control essays. These will help you understand the claims of those who are against gun control.

Why Gun Control is Bad

Argumentative Essay Against Gun Control

Check out this short video below on the pros and cons of gun control to find good claims for both sides.

Persuasive Essay on Pro-Gun Control

Some people believe that stricter gun control laws should be a priority to prevent gun violence. Here are some examples that will introduce you to their positions in detail.

Why We Need Gun Control Essay

The Pros of Gun Control Essay

Free Persuasive Essay on Gun Control

Argumentative Essay About Gun Control

An argumentative essay about gun control is a paper that looks at both sides of the debate on this important issue. The goal is to make sure that you can support your position with facts, figures, and logical arguments.

Read these argumentative essay examples about gun control to see how it's done!

Steps to Write a Persuasive Essay

Now that you have read some good examples of persuasive essays about gun control, it's time for you to start writing your own paper.

But how exactly do you write a good essay by yourself? Here are some steps you should follow:

Step 1- Research the Topic

Before you start writing your essay, it’s important to do some research on gun control.

Read up on the different stances and viewpoints on the issue to get a better understanding of what you are discussing. Gather as many facts and evidence as you need.

Make sure to take notes, so you can cite anything you use later.

Step 2- Make an Outline

Having a persuasive essay outline will help you stay organized and on track.

Start by making an outline of the main points you want to discuss in your essay. Then, break it down into subsections with specific facts and perspectives.

In short, make sure to create a clear structure for your essay.

Step 3- Take a Stance

After doing your research, decide which side of the debate you agree with. Choose whether you will argue for or against gun control, ensuring you can defend your opinion with logical claims and maintain consistency throughout your paper. Your thesis statement should clearly outline your stance and main claim.

Step 4- Support Your Position 

When making your point, make sure to back them up with evidence. Use data, statistics, and quotes from experts to strengthen your points. In addition, you should use rhetorical strategies such as ethos, pathos, and logos to make your essay more effective.

Step 5- Address the Opposition  

In the body paragraph make sure to address any counterclaims that you come across while researching or writing your essay. This will show your readers that you have done your research and considered both sides of the argument.

Step  6- Proofread and Revise

Before submitting your paper, make sure to proofread for any mistakes or typos. Having a second pair of eyes look over your work can help catch any errors that you may have missed.

Take your time to revise and edit your essay keeping in view the writing conventions . Make sure that each point is clearly laid out and supported with facts, figures, and logic. This is important to make sure that the essay is compelling and error-free!

Persuasive Essay Topics about Gun Control

Wondering which gun topic you should write about? Here are a few persuasive essay topics related to gun control that you can choose.

  • The Impact of Stricter Gun Control Laws on Reducing Gun Violence
  • The Role of Background Checks in Preventing Firearms Access for Criminals
  • Mental Health and Gun Control: Addressing the Connection
  • Gun Control vs. Second Amendment Rights: Finding a Balance
  • The Necessity of Banning Assault Weapons for Public Safety
  • Why Gun Control Won’t End School Shootings
  • The Influence of Lobbying Groups like the NRA on Gun Control Policies
  • The International Perspective: Comparing Gun Control Measures in Different Countries
  • How Can Gun Control Help Suicide Prevention
  • The Economics of Gun Control: Analyzing the Costs and Benefits of Stricter Regulations

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To sum it up for you,

Gun control is an important issue that needs to be discussed in our society. The example essays in this blog have shown different viewpoints for and against gun control. Plus, you’ve received useful steps on how to write a persuasive essay about this topic.

Whether you are for or against gun control, make sure to conduct thorough research and use evidence when writing your paper. So keep these steps in mind and start writing your own gun control essay today!

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is a good thesis statement for an argumentative essay on gun control.

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A strong thesis statement for an argumentative essay on gun control should clearly state your position and outline the main arguments you will present. For example , "Stricter gun control laws are essential to reduce gun violence, protect public safety, and ensure responsible firearm ownership."

What are some argumentative essay topics about gun control?

Here are some topics for a writing an argumentative essay on gun control:

  • Should the U.S. implement universal background checks for all gun purchases?
  • Should stricter gun control laws be applied to law-abiding citizens to enhance public safety?
  • Does the Second Amendment protect the right to own all types of firearms?
  • Should high-capacity magazines be banned to prevent mass shootings?
  • Is arming teachers an effective solution to school shootings?
  • Should certain types of guns, such as assault rifles, be banned to reduce gun violence?

How can I outline a persuasive speech on gun control?

Here is a basic outline for a persuasive speech on gun control:

  • Introduction
  • Attention-grabbing opening
  • Thesis statement
  • Preview of main points
  • Point 1: Importance of comprehensive background checks
  • Supporting evidence and examples
  • Point 2: Limiting access to high-capacity magazines
  • Point 3: Promoting responsible gun ownership through mandatory training and licensing
  • Restate thesis
  • Summary of main points
  • Call to action

What are some good topics for a research paper on gun control?

Here are some topics to consider for a research paper on gun control:

  • The effectiveness of background checks in preventing gun violence
  • Comparative analysis of gun control laws in different countries and their impact on gun violence rates
  • The role of mental health in gun violence and the need for mental health screenings
  • The impact of gun control laws on crime rates and public safety
  • Historical evolution of gun control laws in the United States and their social implications

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Essay Samples on Gun Violence

Examining the pros and cons of gun control.

The debate surrounding gun control has been a longstanding and contentious issue, with proponents and opponents presenting valid arguments from their respective standpoints. This essay delves into the multifaceted discussion by exploring the pros and cons of gun control policies, shedding light on the complexities...

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The Auckland Mass Shooting: a Tragedy at the Women's World Cup 2023

On the morning of July 20th, 2023, Auckland, New Zealand suffered a devastating mass shooting that left three dead and several others injured. This tragic event occurred just hours before the opening ceremonies of the Women's World Cup, set to be held in Auckland that...

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The Shooting of Ralph Yarl: Unraveling the Racial Dynamics and Gun Violence

On April 13, 2023, a tragic incident occurred in Kansas City, Missouri that garnered national attention. 16-year-old Ralph Yarl, an African American teenager, was shot and wounded after mistakenly ringing the doorbell at the wrong house while attempting to pick up his younger twin brothers....

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The Gun Control Laws And Gun Violence In America

Have you ever stopped to suppose about how scary it would experience and be like to lose a household members or close friends loss of life innocently, because they had been victims of a gun shooting? Having to never being capable to talk to them...

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The Link Between Violence In Video Games And Gun Violence In America

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The Rise Of Gun Violence Because Of Video Game Violence

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Gun Violence In America: Protection Of Citizen Rights

The United States Constitution promises that the government will protect citizens and their natural-born rights. The second amendment states“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed”...

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Gun Violence In America: The Issue Of Mass Shootings

When you turn on the news, there are frequent reports of mass shootings and gun violence. Families are heart broken after their loved ones have been killed. This is the sad and disturbing reality in our country. Olivia Wesch woke up on February 14 excited...

The Risk Of Increased Homicide Rates Due To Gun Violence In America

Gun violence is a public health tragedy that affects millions of lives in the United States every year (Christensen, Cunningham, Delamater, & Hamilton, 2019). It is a problem because its complex nature and frequency of occurrence have a considerable impact on the health and safety...

On Gun Violence In America: The Need For Action

Guns are violence, these three words usually hear when it comes to weapons. During the last few years and among US history there has been an issue with gun control, causing it to fall in the wrong hands and therefore end in mass shootings or...

The Advertisement Analysis Of The Anti Gun Violence Campaign

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The Need To Ban Guns To Decrease Gun Violence In America

In the US, what is your biggest concern right now? For me, it's gun violence. Through the Second Amendment of the Constitution, people have a right to own a gun. There was research from Gallup in 2017, there was 43% of people in the United...

Gun Violence And Gun Control: The Influence On America

When thinking of America, many people recall the great things one loves about this country. People can explain the many ways to achieve lifelong dreams and goals. They are able to ramble about the vacation spots, business opportunities, and celebrities who reside in America. What...

Dissecting Obama's Speech On School Shooting And Gun Violence

More than 1,700 children and teenagers die in the U.S every year as a result of gun violence. the deaths are much higher for black children (Every Town, 2020). Many of these children die as a result of school shootings that have become more prevalent...

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Gun Violence In America: Inexcusable Death Rates And Shootings

We are never going to get a serious grip on gun violence in this country until we adopt comprehensive measures to keep guns away from people who should not have them,” (Reno). The United States government has neglected to counteract the issue of the developing...

Gun Control Laws On Gun Violence In America

The swelling number of gun violence in the United States, is an alarming situation faced by this great nation, that has led to many innocent civilian, getting affected by it. According to Amnesty International, every year, nearly 30,000 people are killed due to the escalation...

The Problem of Gun Violence in America

In today’s society, one of the major problems that we face is gun violence. Gun violence is related to violence that can be considered criminal, however, some cases aren’t considered criminal. In data collected by the FBI showed that firearms were used in sixty-eight percent...

Columbine Shooting and Relation to Gun Violence in America in Bowling for Columbine

“It was the morning of April 20th, 1999, and it was pretty much like any other morning in America...And out in Littleton, Colorado, two boys went bowling at six in the morning. Yes, it was a typical day in the United States of America.” (Moore,...

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Second Amendment: Gun Violence Statistics

Introduction The right to bear arms was inserted into the constitution and has been something that has remained in place today. With all the violence and deaths by guns that has been occurring throughout the United States in the past decade, it has caused law...

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Gun Violence And Mass Shooting In The United States

The world is being taken over by gun violence, on average 96 people are killed by guns in the United States every day. I will be comparing the number of gun violence and mass shooting in the United States over a long period of time...

Best topics on Gun Violence

1. Examining the Pros and Cons of Gun Control

2. The Auckland Mass Shooting: a Tragedy at the Women’s World Cup 2023

3. The Shooting of Ralph Yarl: Unraveling the Racial Dynamics and Gun Violence

4. The Gun Control Laws And Gun Violence In America

5. The Link Between Violence In Video Games And Gun Violence In America

6. The Rise Of Gun Violence Because Of Video Game Violence

7. Gun Violence In America: Protection Of Citizen Rights

8. Gun Violence In America: The Issue Of Mass Shootings

9. The Risk Of Increased Homicide Rates Due To Gun Violence In America

10. On Gun Violence In America: The Need For Action

11. The Advertisement Analysis Of The Anti Gun Violence Campaign

12. The Need To Ban Guns To Decrease Gun Violence In America

13. Gun Violence And Gun Control: The Influence On America

14. Dissecting Obama’s Speech On School Shooting And Gun Violence

15. Gun Violence In America: Inexcusable Death Rates And Shootings

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Essay on Gun Control & Gun Violence

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Gun control and gun violence are among the most contentious and divisive issues in modern society, especially in countries like the United States. The debate encompasses a range of complex and intertwined topics, including public safety, individual rights, and the role of government. This essay aims to explore various aspects of gun control and gun violence, examining the impacts, the arguments for and against stricter gun laws, and the potential solutions to reduce gun-related incidents.

The Current State of Gun Violence

Gun violence is a significant issue that affects thousands of lives every year. It manifests in various forms, including mass shootings, homicides, suicides, and accidental discharges. The prevalence of gun violence is often attributed to the easy accessibility of firearms, cultural attitudes towards guns, and gaps in the legal and mental health systems. The impact of such violence is far-reaching, affecting not only the victims and their families but also the broader community in terms of trauma, fear, and economic costs.

The Debate on Gun Control

The gun control debate is highly polarized. Proponents of stricter gun control argue that it is essential for public safety. They cite statistics showing that countries with stringent gun laws have lower rates of gun violence. Their argument is based on the premise that reducing the availability of firearms will lead to fewer gun-related incidents.

On the other hand, opponents of gun control assert that it infringes on individual rights, particularly the Second Amendment in the United States, which guarantees the right to bear arms. They argue that responsible gun ownership can deter crime and that restrictions punish law-abiding citizens rather than criminals who are unlikely to obey the laws.

Legislative Measures and Their Effectiveness

Legislative measures aimed at controlling gun violence involve laws and regulations that govern the sale, possession, and use of firearms. Key legislative measures include:

  • Background Checks: These are designed to prevent individuals with criminal records or mental health issues from purchasing guns. While widely supported, their effectiveness depends on the comprehensiveness of the databases used and the thoroughness of the checks.
  • Waiting Periods: Imposed between the purchase and possession of a firearm, waiting periods aim to reduce impulsive acts of violence, including suicides. Studies have shown that waiting periods can lead to a reduction in gun-related suicides.
  • Assault Weapons Ban: Bans on certain types of firearms, particularly those designed for military use, aim to reduce the firepower available to the general public. The effectiveness of such bans is debated, with some studies suggesting a reduction in mass shooting incidents, while others see little impact on overall crime rates.
  • Restrictions for High-Risk Individuals: Laws that prevent individuals with a history of domestic violence or mental illness from accessing guns are crucial. These laws aim to reduce the likelihood of firearms falling into the hands of those most likely to use them harmfully.

The effectiveness of these legislative measures is a subject of ongoing debate. Critics argue that criminals do not obey laws and that such measures only restrict law-abiding citizens. Proponents, however, point to statistical evidence from regions with strict gun laws, showing reduced rates of gun violence. The ultimate effectiveness often depends on the specific context and enforcement of these laws.

The Role of Mental Health in Gun Violence

Mental health is often a focal point in the discussion of gun violence. While a small percentage of gun violence incidents are committed by individuals with mental health issues, the stereotype that mental illness is a primary cause of gun violence is misleading. Nonetheless, improving mental health care and ensuring that individuals with severe mental illnesses do not have access to firearms are essential components of any comprehensive approach to reducing gun violence.

Community and Societal Interventions

Community and societal interventions are crucial in the fight against gun violence. These interventions often focus on addressing the root causes of violence and involve:

  • Education and Awareness Programs: These programs aim to educate the public about gun safety and the risks associated with firearms. They can include training on safe storage and handling of guns.
  • Community Policing Strategies: Building relationships between law enforcement and communities can help in the early identification and prevention of potential gun violence incidents. Community policing emphasizes trust-building and cooperation with community members.
  • Youth Engagement Programs: Programs that engage youth in positive activities can provide alternatives to gang involvement and reduce urban crime. Mentorship and after-school programs are examples of effective strategies to engage young people.
  • Mental Health Support: Providing accessible mental health care and support can play a significant role in preventing gun violence. This includes not only treatment but also early identification of individuals at risk.

The Impact of Gun Control on Crime Rates

The impact of gun control on crime rates is a complex and often controversial topic. Several factors influence the effectiveness of gun control measures in reducing crime:

  • Reduction in Suicides: Evidence suggests that stricter gun control laws can lead to a decrease in suicides, as firearms are a common method of suicide.
  • Mass Shootings: Some studies have found that regions with stricter gun control laws have fewer mass shooting incidents. However, the overall impact on crime rates is less clear.
  • Overall Crime Rates: The relationship between gun control and overall crime rates is nuanced. While stricter gun laws may reduce gun-related crimes, they do not necessarily lead to a decrease in other forms of violent crime.
  • Illegal Gun Markets: The availability of illegal firearms can undermine the effectiveness of gun control measures. The impact on crime rates is diminished if criminals can easily access guns through illegal means.

International Perspectives on Gun Control

Comparing gun control laws and gun violence rates in different countries offers valuable insights. Countries like Japan and the United Kingdom, with strict gun control laws, have significantly lower rates of gun violence compared to the United States. These international examples are often used in the gun control debate to argue for stricter regulations in countries with higher rates of gun violence.

The Future of Gun Control

The future of gun control is uncertain and heavily dependent on political, cultural, and societal dynamics. Any progress in this area requires a balanced approach that considers the rights of individuals, public safety, and the effectiveness of proposed measures. It also demands a comprehensive strategy that includes not only legal changes but also educational initiatives, community engagement, and mental health support.

Gun control and gun violence are complex issues with no easy solutions. While legislative measures are crucial, they must be part of a broader strategy that includes community involvement, mental health support, and addressing socio-economic factors contributing to violence. The debate over gun control requires thoughtful discussion, respect for differing viewpoints, and a commitment to finding balanced and effective solutions. Ultimately, the goal is to create a society where the rights of individuals are protected while ensuring public safety and reducing the incidence of gun violence.


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Argumentative Essay Writing

Argumentative Essay About Gun Control

Cathy A.

Crafting an Unbeatable Argumentative Essay About Gun Control

Published on: Feb 28, 2023

Last updated on: Jan 31, 2024

argumentative essay about gun control

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Are you in the middle of an argumentative essay about gun control?

If so, you're in luck!

Crafting a compelling argument for or against any topic can seem daunting. The good news is, with some practice and helpful tips, it's easy to create an essay that will engage your readers.

In this blog post, we'll cover different approaches to constructing effective arguments on gun control. Along with that, we will explore some strategies you can use no matter what side of the debate you're taking.

By the end of this blog, you'll feel confident in crafting an argument that is well-supported and powerful.

So let's get started!

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What is an Argumentative Essay?

An argumentative essay is an article written to convince readers of a particular point of view. It typically uses logic and evidence to prove the position taken. 

The goal is to provide sufficient information and analysis so that readers can understand the subject matter.

To do this, you'll need to use reliable sources and consider different points of view.

Purpose of Writing an Argumentative Essay About Gun Control

The purpose of writing an argumentative essay about gun control is to explore the complexities of the issue.

By researching both sides, you can gain a better understanding of the nuances of the debate. This will ultimately lead to a stronger opinion-based argument. 

No matter what position you take, your argument should be based on facts, not emotions.

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How to Write an Argumentative Essay About Gun Control?

When crafting an argumentative essay about gun control, it's important to consider the following steps: 

Do Your Research

The first step to writing an argumentative essay is to do thorough research on both sides of the gun control debate.

This means researching pro-gun control sources and anti-gun control sources as well.

To ensure you have reliable information, look for articles from credible news outlets and academic journals.

Pick an Appropriate Title

Choosing a title for your essay is an important step as it will help you focus your argument. 

For example, if you are writing in support of gun control, your title could be something like: 

"The Benefits of Gun Control: Why We Need Stricter Regulations."

Make an Outline for Your Argument

Once you've chosen a title, the next step is to outline your argument. An effective argument should have three parts: an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

In your introduction, provide some background information on gun control and state your opinion. Here is a sample outline for an argumentative essay about gun control.

I. Introduction

A. Background Information 

    1. History of gun control in the US 

    2. Overview of current gun control policies 

B. Thesis Statement: Although gun control has always been a controversial topic, reasonable restrictions on firearm ownership can help to reduce violence and protect citizens from harm without infringing upon their Second Amendment rights.

II. Body 

A. Argument in Favor of Gun Control 

    1. Evidence that gun control reduces violent crime 

    2. Legality of gun control regulations 

B. Argument Against Gun Control 

    1. Protection of Second Amendment rights 

    2. Lack of evidence to support gun control

III. Conclusion 

A. Summary of Arguments 

B. Reiteration of Thesis Statement 

C. Implications for the Future of Gun Control in the US 

IV. Works Cited 

Check out this amazing blog on argumentative essay outline to craft perfect outlines.

Here is a thesis statement sample for an argumentative essay about gun control. Check it out to get a better understanding of the topic.

Write a Brief Introduction

Your introduction is the first thing readers will see, so it's important to make a good impression. 

Start off by providing some background information on the issue and giving your opinion on gun control. You should also explain why you think your opinion is valid and how your argument will be structured. 

Write Body Paragraphs With Evidence

The body paragraphs are where you'll provide evidence for your argument. Each paragraph should focus on one point and include evidence to support it. 

For example, a body paragraph could explain the risks associated with owning firearms, such as accidental shootings.

You should also include counterarguments so that your essay is well-rounded.

Conclude Your Essay

Your conclusion should summarize your main points and the evidence you used to support them. You can also use your conclusion to suggest potential solutions or steps forward for the issue. 

Finally, end your essay with a call to action that encourages readers to take action on gun control.

What Are Some Arguments For Gun Control

These are a few popular arguments for gun control in the United States. Check them out to learn more about the topic and its complexity.

1. Gun control can reduce the number of firearms in circulation. It makes it more difficult for dangerous individuals to possess weapons.

2. Research has found that there is a correlation between gun availability and suicide rates. So, fewer guns may lead to fewer suicides.

Check out this informative video!

3. Increased gun control could prevent mass shootings by limiting access to semi-automatic weapons.

4. Gun control laws can help ensure that all firearms owners are properly trained and educated on safety.

5. Gun control could reduce the number of accidental shootings.

Examples Of Argumentative Essays About Gun Control

Gun control is a controversial subject in the United States of America. 

In the wake of so many tragic mass shootings, the conversation tends to pull in two directions: 

Those who believe gun laws should be less strict and those pushing for more restrictions. 

Below are some examples of argumentative essays on gun control.

argumentative essay against gun control

argumentative essay about gun control on pro gun control

Persuasive essay about gun control

Persuasive essay examples gun control

Is greater gun control a good idea argumentative essay

Check our extensive blog on argumentative essay examples to ace your next essay!

Argumentative Essay Topics About Gun Control

Here are a few topics about gun control. Check these out to get inspired for your next essay.

  • Should there be more restrictions on the current process of purchasing a gun?
  • Is the assault weapons ban effective in reducing gun violence? 
  • How does mental health play a role in firearm regulations? 
  • What are some current laws that support or restrict gun ownership? 
  • Are stricter background checks needed for gun purchases? 
  • Should more guns be allowed in public places such as schools and churches?
  • Is the current system of gun control effective enough to protect citizens? 
  • What are the implications of allowing citizens to carry concealed weapons? 
  • Is there any evidence that suggests increased gun ownership reduces crime? 
  • What can be done to reduce gun deaths and injuries in America?

Check our comprehensive blog on argumentative essay topics to get more topic ideas!

Although gun control is a highly debated topic, there are many ways to approach writing an argumentative essay on the subject.

By utilizing tips and examples discussed in this blog post, you can write a compelling argumentative essay about gun control.

When you find yourself thinking, "I need someone to write an essay for me ," look no further than our expert writing service.

We understand the challenges of academic writing and are here to help you achieve excellence with ease. Our dedicated team ensures that your essay is not only well-written but also reflects your unique voice and meets your specific needs.

To take your essays to the next level, try our AI essay writer , an innovative tool designed to refine and enhance your work with the latest AI technology. 

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Human Rights Careers

5 Essays about Gun Violence

Gun violence impacts every part of society. There are certain places in the world where it’s more prevalent. According to a 2018 report, the United States had the 28th highest rate of gun violence deaths in the world. That puts the US above other wealthy countries. Gun violence is also a major issue in places like the Caribbean, Central America, and Venezuela. Here are five essays that address the financial and emotional impact of gun violence, how people use art to cope, and how the problem can be addressed.

“What Does Gun Violence Really Cost?”

Mark Follman, Julia Lurie, Jaeah Lee, and James West

This article opens with the story of a woman and her fiance shot on their way to dinner. After being close to death and staying in a hospital for five months, Jennifer Longdon couldn’t move her body from the chest down. After more hospitalizations, the bills got close to $1 million in just the first year, forcing her to file for personal bankruptcy. More expensive hospital stays followed for problems like sepsis, while wheelchair modifications for her house added up, as well.

For many people, their knowledge of gun violence comes from the news or movies. These venues tend to focus on the moment the violence occurs or the emotional impact. The long-term financial consequences as a result of health issues are less known. This article examines the existing data while telling a personal story.

“I Think of People Who Died At Sandy Hook Every Day”

Mary Ann Jacob

In this essay from 2016, Mary Ann Jacob remembers the horrific elementary school shooting from 2012. She worked at the library at the time and recalls hearing shouting from the intercom on the morning of December 14. Believing someone had pushed it by mistake, she called in, only to have the secretary answer the phone and shout, “There’s a shooter!” Mary Ann Jacob lived through one of the deadliest school shootings in US history. The essay goes on to describe what happened after and the steps survivors took to advocate for better gun control.

“You May Not See Me On TV, But Parkland Is My Story, Too”

Kyrah Simon

In 2018, a gunman at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School killed 17 students and wounded 17 others. Several students became vocal afterwards, challenging the lack of gun control in the face of such violence. They founded an advocacy group and many of the young people became household names. Kyrah Simon, a senior at the school, lost one of her best friends. She also wanted to speak up and share her story but realized that the media wanted certain speeches, certain faces. She writes, “I was just a girl that lost her friend. And it wasn’t enough.” Raw, honest, and enlightening, this personal essay is a must-read.

“Mexican Artist Transforms 1,527 Deadly Guns Into Life-Giving Shovels To Plant Trees”

In Culiacan, Mexico, the city with the highest rate of deaths by gun violence in the country, an artist and activist began a special project. Pedro Reyes used local media and TV ads paid for by the city’s botanical garden to advertise his gun-trading project. In exchange for bringing their weapons, people received electronics and appliances coupons. Reyes made over 1,500 trades. What came next? The guns were crushed by a steamroller and melted down. Reyes used the material to create shovels. He made the same number of shovels as guns, so each gun was represented as something new.

Turning guns into art is not an uncommon action. Reyes has also made instruments while other artists make sculptures. The transformation of an object of death into something that plays a part in fostering life – like planting trees – sends a powerful message.

“Forum: Doing Less Harm”

David Hemenway

What is the best approach to gun violence? David Hemenway, a professor of health policy and director of the Harvard Injury Control Research Center and Harvard Youth Violence Prevention Center, advocates for a public-health approach. He believes gun violence is a public-safety problem and a problem-health problem, but gun lobbyists dismiss both claims. The gun lobby focuses on the shooter – the individual – so attention is diverted from the firearms industry. In focusing so much on who to blame, prevention is left out of the equation.

A public-health approach returns the attention to prevention and asks everyone to work together on the issue. Hemenway uses motor-vehicle injury prevention as a blueprint for why gun violence prevention can work. Not sure what prevention could look like? Hemenway provides examples of how actors like healthcare workers, consumers, and the federal government can work together.

Learn about the consequences of gun violence in America and which interventions are most effective to reduce gun violence in homes, schools and communities!

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About the author, emmaline soken-huberty.

Emmaline Soken-Huberty is a freelance writer based in Portland, Oregon. She started to become interested in human rights while attending college, eventually getting a concentration in human rights and humanitarianism. LGBTQ+ rights, women’s rights, and climate change are of special concern to her. In her spare time, she can be found reading or enjoying Oregon’s natural beauty with her husband and dog.

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This is a comparison paper that called "Gun control argumentative essay thesis statements". Here the topic is discussed from both negative and positive viewpoints. We know that all people share a need for safety. Yet how people desire to attain safety has resulted in conflict...

Pro Gun Control Personal Statement

Everyone knows that in the majority of the US states keeping guns is allowed. And it is an eternal question whether gun control should be implemented or not. Exactly in this paper that called "Pro gun control essay" I will share some arguments due to...

A Good Guys with Gun in Chicago

People routinely have different priorities and different information, so it is no surprise we also have different opinions on what to do about gun violence in this country. I want to look at the good arguments and some of the dumb ones. Reasonable people who...

Gun Control and Gun Violence

In the last few years, several events have shaken the foundation of American society: The Covid-19 pandemic has ravaged American cities and rural areas to unimaginable levels since 2020. The wildfires in the west in 2019 propelled by climate change disrupted Americans' lives in the...

Gun Violence: Mass Shooting in New Zealand

In the recent past, there has been tremendous increase in violence by guns. Nowadays, it is quite common to hear stories about people especially young adults or children engaging in crossfire. Most horrifying effects of gun violence are mass shootings, which unfortunately has been alarmingly...

Prevention of Gun Violence

On a chilly winter morning in Newtown, Connecticut, parents are kissing their children goodbye as they send them off to school, anticipating seeing them later on that day. Little do they know that those kisses will be their final goodbyes because their children won’t be...

The Story About Gun Violence in Toronto

2018 has been one of the most dangerous years in the history of Toronto. Since 2013, gang-related offences in Canada’s largest cities have almost doubled, according to Public Safety Canada. Maclean's recently put out an article stating in 2018 Toronto was Canada's 18th most dangerous...

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