5 Ways to Score in SPM Sejarah 2023

28 February 2023

6 minutes to read

tips essay sejarah

  • 01. SPM Grading System
  • 02. Use the Sejarah Textbook as Your Primary Reference
  • 03. Mind maps
  • 04. Acronyms
  • 05. Attempt Practice Questions
  • 06. Study together with Friends

Do you dislike the SPM Sejarah subject? Are you finding it difficult to remember many facts and struggling to grasp the right techniques to answer the exam questions? Is it one of the subjects in SPM that you find extremely challenging?

Many students do not score well or fail the Sejarah (History) subject because they fail to understand or do not know how to study for this subject effectively. There are many tips and methods to study for SPM Sejarah which can pave the way to scoring a better grade for this subject.

Did you know that failing the Sejarah subject means failing SPM ? You will not be eligible to get the SPM certificate if you fail this subject which in turn will make it difficult for a student to progress to tertiary education. You have to take the SPM Sejarah repeat paper simply to enable you to continue studying or to even get a job.

There are various ways to study this subject which students can incorporate into their studying techniques in order to get a better grade. In this article, we will focus on giving you excellent tips which will help you not only study more efficiently but to also understand and retain what you have studied and most importantly, lead you to score well for SPM Sejarah.


SPM Grading System

Before looking at the tips, let’s take a closer look at the SPM Grading system. It is important to understand the grading system of this paper in order to know what marks you need to get to not only pass the exam but score an A+. This is why the grading system will help you understand the marking scheme of the Sejarah paper . Please refer to the current grading system for all SPM subjects shown below:

Score/ Grade / Level

90 – 100 : A + : Cemerlang Tertinggi

80 – 89 : A : Cemerlang Tinggi

70 – 79 : A – : Cemerlang

65 – 69 : B + : Kepujian Tertinggi

60 – 64 : B : Kepujian Tinggi

55 – 59 : C + : Kepujian Atas

50 – 54 : C : Kepujian

45 – 49 : D : Lulus Atas

>40 – 44 : E : Lulus

0 – 39 : G : Gagal

TH : TH : Tidak Hadir

Students must take note of this grading system in order to understand their results for their subjects. Getting to know the SPM grading system will help students see for themselves where they stand in their academic performance. This will lead them to set their own goals or targets to improve their future grades based on their current results.

Let’s move on to the tips you can follow and incorporate into your studying techniques in order to ace the SPM Sejarah paper .

Use the Sejarah Textbook as Your Primary Reference

First and foremost, students must use the form 4 and form 5 Sejarah textbooks as the main reference to study for SPM Sejarah. Other reference books published by book companies may be used as a second reference if necessary. This is because the SPM questions are taken/processed/drafted from the main textbooks.

Sejarah's textbooks are excellent examples of writing essays. While it is true that the writings and style of writing in the textbooks are long, with the right studying method, learning history can be interesting and thorough.

Making notes on the textbook with a pencil or using highlighters to highlight important facts, descriptions of facts and examples found in the textbook makes it easier for students to make quick references later and it also stimulates memory.

Read the textbook thoroughly, chapter by chapter in order to have the sense of continuity of historical events and stories in textbooks.

Using mind maps is an effective learning method, especially for the Sejarah subject. Mind maps can attract interest and increase students' understanding of a concept, information, and facts. This is especially beneficial for a student to not only understand but get an overall picture of Sejarah.

By using mind maps, students will be able to understand the topics they are studying and find the focus of each chapter. For example, in chapter 2: Perlembagaan Persekutuan (Federal Constitution) of the Form 5 Sejarah syllabus, a mind map can be used to compare the differences in characteristics between Undang-undang Melayu (Malay Laws) and Undang-undang Ingeris (English Laws).   This method will enable students to learn, understand and remember concepts and connect two sub-topics at once.

Mind maps can help improve students' mastery, especially focus, and understanding and strengthen students' memory, especially in the Sejarah subject.

tips essay sejarah

Everyone has their own learning methods and techniques. One of the most effective and easy way to remember facts is by using acronyms. What is an acronym? According to the Cambridge Dictionary, an abbreviation consists of the first letters of each word in the name of something, pronounced as a word.

For example, if you want to remember the characteristics of the Hwang Ho civilisation, you can opt to use the acronym: PATI.

P - Pertanian (Agriculture)

A - Anyang (City)

T - Tembok (Wall)

I - Istana (Palace)

Making notes by incorporating acronyms makes it easier for students to remember and memorise historical facts. Students are only required to remember the first letter of every keyword to recall the historical facts. This technique is one of the best way to help students retain historical facts and events.

Attempt Practice Questions

Students are encouraged to attempt actual SPM Sejarah past year questions because the questions that come out in the actual exam are sometimes similar and often times repeated, with a slightly different sentence structure and question presentation. This will be helpful for students as if they encounter similar questions that they have encountered before, they will be able to score well as they have read up and attempted it!

Attempting trial examination questions and additional Sejarah practice questions will help students familiarise themselves with the exam format and recall important facts if a similar question is asked during the SPM examination.

Furthermore, looking for Sejarah reference papers and attempting many practice questions is one of the best ways for students to test their knowledge retention. Therefore, it is highly recommended for students allocate some time every week to attempt Sejarah practice questions. Do not get discouraged if you are unable to answer some questions. Refer to the Sejarah textbook and find the answers. As you continue attempting more questions, you will gain more knowledge.

Study together with Friends

Many things can be achieved if done together. Therefore, it is very important to find a   committed group of friends to study the Sejarah subject together. By studying Sejarah in a group, you get the opportunity to share and exchange opinions with each other.

You will also be able to understand the same topic from different angles. Moreover, when you explain a topic to your friends, indirectly you get the chance to learn as well. This method can make the Sejarah subject more interesting and fun to learn.  Interaction can make you more creative in terms of thinking when studying this subject.

Furthermore, when you study together with others, you get the opportunity to share resources to learn better. For example, you might be familiar with good YouTube videos that help students master certain topics in Sejarah while another group member may have information on websites that have good notes that you can refer to. By studying together, you get the opportunity not only to share but gain new information which is mutually beneficial.

tips essay sejarah

There are many ways you can study for SPM Sejarah. While some may find it challenging, it is important to keep in mind that it is not impossible to score A+ for the Sejarah subject in SPM as there are many resources and tips available.   Follow the tips that work best for you to study this subject.

Everyone learns differently. Some may be comfortable reading and making their own notes traditionally while others might prefer to use mind maps. There is no right or wrong way. Just stick with the tips and methods that you find to be the most effective and easy to retain the information. We at Superprof would like to wish you good luck in your upcoming SPM examinations.

Are you looking for a personal tutor to help you master Sejarah? Superprof is here for you! With Superprof, you will be able to find experienced and qualified tutors who will help you achieve your full potential.

Classes are conducted either online or face-to-face according to your preference. You can schedule your lessons to suit your convenience. Discuss with your tutors what times are the best fit for both of you.

In just a few simple steps, you will be able to connect with a Superprof tutor that matches your expectations and requirements when it comes to tutoring experience, teaching methodology as well as your preferred hourly rate.

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tips essay sejarah

Sutha Ramasamy

As a communications graduate, I have always had a passion for writing. I love to read and strongly believe that one can never stop learning.

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Monday 7 october 2013, tips for spm sejarah, 18 comments:.

thanks gan infonya !!! www.bisnistiket.co.id

Thanks...this is what my teacher also recommended us to do in form 4...wahhhh...the moral is 100% true...;D

tips essay sejarah

Thank you... :)

Hi , I realized that I had wrote tanggungjawab , instead of bertanggungjawab for my moral paper today . However I'm sure that the kata kunci and watak is right , so how do the examiner deduct my mark ? Would they deduct for the wrong nilai only which is 1 mark , or the whole sentence would not be accepted since I wrote tanggungjawab?

Hi pop mint, u are having spm this year too? Same here :) i just want to find out whether did u answer the first bahagian b esei question? If yes, what nilai did u write?

tips essay sejarah

Based on the old mark scheme, you will not get any marks for that Nilai and its Penerangan since the mark for Penerangan is dependent on the mark for Nilai. As I have stated in my tips above, the spelling and imbuhan for Nilai is very important. However, I am not sure if this is still the same for the new mark scheme.

Pihak kedua-dua accepted?

Hi! I am sitting for spm this year and i just did my sejarah paper 2 badly this afternoon. But it feels like what I read is different from what i was being tested. I am aiming for straight A+ and the sejarah is definitely going to spoil my dream. Erm anyway it's really kind of you to share your tips, thanks!

http://subashanisuppiah.blogspot.my/2014/01/useful-tips-for-sejarah-spm-is-one-of.html this person is plagarize your blog .

I don't mind about that actually. As I have stated, "All materials on this blog have no copyright. You can freely copy anything from this blog." Thanks for letting me know though.

sir my moral folio has been rejected by my teacher because i didnt pass up on time,will it affected my spm moral seriously?

As far as I know, teachers have no right to reject the folio just because you submit it late. What they are allowed to do is to deduct your marks for it. If your teacher still rejects it, you should make a complaint. Actually, marks for the folio are not included in the SPM. However, you must complete and submit the folio, otherwise you will get no results for SPM Moral.

Hi, the moral essay can we write in paragraphs...like a nilai/fakta with huraian a paragraph, another nilai/fakta another paragraph?

You are allowed to write them in separate paragraphs. However, it is highly recommended that you write everything in one paragraph.

Thanks im worried with paper 2 sejarah because it is essay and we didnt know which one will come out, I always got A+,A,A- for Sejarah but :(( my teacher didnt even teach us history and he still didnt give us our sej trial paper back, I will be sitting spm examination next week sigh :(( the same goes in pt3 year I also got teacher didnt even come to class to teach history...

Same shit happening to me right now😭

Thank you so much for the tips. It's really help me.

thanks for this! I hope I will get A for my SPM

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Fizik/kima/geologi b F1 berlaku perubahan iklim kepada suhu panas F2 menyebabkan berakhirnya Zaman Air Batu F3 Keadaan ini telah mempengaruhi perubahan bentuk fizikal bumi F4 iaitu membentuk daratan dan lautan Berdasarkan pengetahuan saya, perubahan iklim banyak mempengaruhi perubahan bentuk fizikal bumi. Yang pertama ialah berlakunya perubahan iklim kepada suhu panas yang menyebabkan berakhirnya Zaman Air Batu. Seterusnya, keadaan ini telah mempengaruhi perubahan bentuk fizikal bumi dengan terbentuknya daratan dan lautan. c F1 memupuk sikap sayang akan alam sekitar F2 manusia harus berusaha Bersama-sama dalam mengekalkan kelestarian alam sekitar F3 manusia perlu bijak mengurus hal ehwal menjaga bumi daripada berlaku kemusnahan F4 tidak melakukan penebangan pokok secara haram F5 menyokong sepenuhnya kempen sayangi alam sekitar F6 tidak membuang sampah ke dalam sungai F7 tidak menyokong amalan penggunaan baja kimia yang akan mencemarkan tanah. Sebagai warga global, memang menjadi tanggungjawab kita untuk memelihara alam sekitar. Kita haruslah memupuk sikap sayang akan alam sekitar . Kita harus berusaha Bersama-sama dalam mengekalkan kelestarian alam sekitar. Kita perlu bijak menguruskan hal ehwal menjaga bumi daripada berlaku kemusnahan. Kita janganlah melakukan penebangan pokok secara haram. Kita juga hendaklah menyokong sepenuhnya kempen sayangi alam sekitar. Janganlah kita membuang sampah ke dalam sungai. Kita janganlah menyokong amalan penggunaan baja kimia yang akan mencemarkan tanah. Soalan esei F1 Aras laut menjadi rendah 1a H1a Permukaan air laut yang membeku H1b Pulau-pulau bersambung dengan tanah besar H1c memudahkan manusia serta binatang bermigrasi F2 ciri fizikal bumi H2a sebahagian besar bumi dilitupi salji H2b disebabkan permukaan air laut membeku F3 binatang seperti mamot berbulu, badak, kuda dan singa H3a tinggal di Kawasan tanah pamah yang sejuk F4 tumbuhan utama ialah rumput dan tumbuhan renek yang menjalar F5 suhu dunia terlalu sejuk H5a dunia dipenuhi oleh salji H5b terutamanya di Kawasan kutub dan benua Eropah F6 kehidupan manusia H6a tinggal di Kawasan tanah pamah yang sejuk H6b hidup secara nomad dan memburu binatang Ciri-ciri khusus yang berlaku pada Zaman Air Batu Akhir ialah aras laut menjadi rendah. Permukaan air laut yang membeku menyebabkan pulau-pulau bersambung dengan tanah besar. Ini memudahkan manusia serta binatang bermigrasi. Seterusnya, ciri fizikal bumi. Permukaan air laut yang membeku menyebabkan sebahagian besar bumi dilitupi salji. Binatang seperti mamot berbulu, badak, kuda dan singa tinggal di Kawasan tanah pamah yang sejuk. Kehidupan manusia juga sebagai ciri khusus. Manusia tinggal di Kawasan tanah pamah yang sejuk. Manusia hidup secara nomad dan memburu binatang. b F1 Glasier telah menukarkan bentuk fizikal bumi H1a air batu yang cair dari Kawasan tanah tinggi dan gunung membawa bersama-sama batu dan tanah semasa menuruni tanah tinggi H1b Lebihan air yang dibawa akan melimpahi laut dan Kawasan tanah tinggi F2 membentuk fizikal bumi seperti hari ini H2a berlaku perubahan paras air laut dengan kedalaman 100 meter F3 kecairan air batu telah membentuk tasik air tawar C3a seperti great lakes di kanada dan tasik dayang bunting di Malaysia H3a bentuk saliran sungai juga berubah kepada bentuk yang ada pada hari ini F4 berlaku kepupusan binatang yang hidup pada Zaman Pleistosen C4a contohnya mamot, sloth dan harimau bertaring panjang F5 memberikan kesan terhadap kehidupan manusia H5a manusia perlu menyesuaikan aktiviti harian dengan perubahan iklim H5b manusia bergerak keluar dari benua Afrika H5c secara beransur-ansur mendiami benua Eropah dan benua Asia F6 Bumi mula mengalami perubahan iklim daripada terlalu sejuk kepada sederhana sejuk H6a kegiatan radiasi bumi menyebabkan berlakunya peningkatan suhu bumi. _______________________________________________________________________ c F1 memupuk sikap sayang akan alam sekitar F2 manusia harus berusaha Bersama-sama dalam mengekalkan kelestarian alam sekitar F3 manusia perlu bijak mengurus hal ehwal menjaga bumi daripada berlaku kemusnahan F4 pemanasan alam sekitar yang berlaku di dunia perlu dikawal bagi mengelakkan peningkatan aras laut F5 manusia tidak boleh melakukan pencemaran alam kerana memberi kesan yang buruk kepada bumi dan hidupan F6 manusia bertanggungjawab memelihara bumi Iktibar yang dipelajari daripada perkara ini ialah __________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 2 a F1 Sejarah mampu memupuk patriotisme, iaitu semangat cinta akan negara H1a sejarah mengajar kita menghargai warisan negara untuk dihayati oleh generasi akan datang H1b dapat menyemai rasa cinta akan negara dan menaikkan semangat patriotik F2 sejarah mampu memberi ikhtibar H2a memberi pengajaran daripada peristiwa lalu H2b mereka yang tidak mempelajari sejarah berkemungkinan akan mengulangi kesilapan masa lalu F3 sejarah dapat menerangkan asal usul H3a tentang keluarga dan negara kita H3b kita dapat memahami adat istiadat, tradisi dan budaya bangsa kita Tiga kepentingan mempelajari sejarah ialah sejarah mampu memupuk patriotisme, iaitu semangat cinta akan negara. Sejarah mengajar kita menghargai warisan negara untuk dihayati oleh generasi akan datang. Sejarah dapat menyemai rasa cinta akan negara dan menaikkan semangat patriotik. Sejarah juga mampu memberi ikhtibar kepada kita. Ia memberi pengajaran daripada peristiwa lalu. Mempelajari sejarah akan membantu kita tidak mengulangi kesilapan masa lalu. Sejarah juga dapat menerangkan asal usul . Asal usul tentang keluarga dan negara kita. Kita akan dapat memahami adat istiadat, tradisi dan budaya bangsa kita. b F1 Sumber sejarah terbahagi kepada dua H1a iaitu sumber primer dan sumber sekunder F2 sumber primer merupakan sumber yang belum diolah atau diterbitkan H2a bersifat asli H2b sumber yang belum ditafsirkan C2 contohnya fosil, artifak dan batu bersurat F3 sumber sekunder ialah sumber yang telah diolah atau diterbitkan H3a merupakan bahan yang telah tersebar kepada umum C3 contohnya buku, majalah dan ensiklopedia Sumber sejarah terbahagi kepada dua. Ia terdiri daripada sumber primer dan sumber sekunder. Sumber primer merupakan sumber yang belum diolah atau belum diterbitkan. Ia bersifat asli. Ia sumber yang belum ditafsirkan. Contoh sumber primer ialah fosil, artifak dan batu bersurat. Sumber sekunder ialah sumber yang telah diolah atau diterbitkan. Ia merupakan bahan yang telah tersebar kepada umum. Contoh sumber sekunder ialah buku, majalah dan ensiklopedia. c F1 dapat mendidik generasi akan datang agar mencintai negara F2 membentuk generasi yang bersifat empati/memahami perasaan atau emosi orang lain F3 melahirkan generasi yang dapat meneruskan kegemilangan tamadun bangsa Malaysia F4 membentuk generasi muda yang celik tentang sejarah negara F5 membentuk jati diri yang tulen dalam kalangan generasi muda F6 generasi muda akan lebih memahami budaya dan tradisi negara F7 membentuk generasi yang lebih menghargai warisan negara Ikhtibar yang diperoleh daripada mempelajari sejarah ialah dapat mendidik generasi akan datang agar mencintai negara. Ia juga dapat membentuk generasi bersifat empati dan memahami perasaan atau emosi orang lain. Seterusnya dapat melahirkan generasi yang dapat meneruskan kegemilangan tamadun bangsa Malaysia. Mempelajari sejarah juga dapat membentuk generasi muda celik tentang sejarah negara. Ia dapat membentuk jati diri yang tulen dalam kalangan generasi muda. Generasi muda akan lebih memahami budaya dan tradisi negara. Mereka akan lebih menghargai warisan negara.

Cara Penyelidikan Secara Berkesan untuk Esei Sejarah

Diterbitkan oleh rahul narain on 16th januari 2024 16th januari 2024.

Kunci untuk menghasilkan esei sejarah yang berwawasan dan menarik terletak pada penyelidikan yang berkesan. Ini bukan sahaja mengenai pengumpulan fakta dan tarikh; ia mengenai menyelam jauh ke dalam konteks sejarah dan menganyam bersama naratif yang menghidupkan masa lalu.

Penyelidikan untuk esei sejarah selalunya boleh dirasakan seperti perjalanan melalui masa, tetapi mengetahui di mana untuk bermula dan cara mengemudi lautan maklumat yang luas adalah kunci. Pada zaman sumber digital, pelajar kerap beralih kepada perkhidmatan penulis esei yang menulis esei dalam talian, mendapatkan bantuan dalam merangka dan mengutarakan hujah sejarah mereka. Daripada mengenal pasti sumber yang boleh dipercayai kepada mensintesis sudut pandangan yang bercanggah, tujuh petua ini direka untuk melengkapkan anda dengan alat yang diperlukan untuk menyelidiki sejarah dengan yakin dan ingin tahu.

tips essay sejarah

1. Kenalpasti Sumber Yang Boleh Dipercayai

Langkah pertama dalam penyelidikan sejarah yang berkesan ialah membezakan antara sumber yang boleh dipercayai dan kurang dipercayai. Jurnal akademik, buku yang diterbitkan oleh akhbar universiti, dan dokumen daripada institusi bereputasi secara amnya boleh dipercayai. Mereka menjalani proses semakan fakta yang ketat. Sebagai contoh, apabila menyelidik Perang Saudara, artikel jurnal daripada Kajian Sejarah Amerika akan lebih boleh dipercayai daripada artikel web generik.

Sebaliknya, berhati-hati dengan sumber seperti blog peribadi, pendapat dan kandungan dalam talian yang tidak disahkan. Walaupun mereka mungkin menawarkan perspektif atau tafsiran yang unik, ketepatan dan kredibiliti mereka mungkin tidak sesuai dengan penelitian akademik.

2. Gunakan Perpustakaan dan Arkib Digital

Perpustakaan dan arkib digital telah merevolusikan penyelidikan sejarah, menyediakan akses kepada banyak sumber di hujung jari anda:

  • Perpustakaan Kongres: Repositori yang kaya dengan dokumen dan foto sejarah Amerika.
  • JSTOR: Akses kepada pelbagai jurnal dan buku akademik.
  • Google Scholar: Untuk artikel ilmiah dan dokumen undang-undang.
  • Projek MUSE: Menawarkan buku dan jurnal daripada akhbar universiti.
  • Galeri Dalam Talian British Library: Akses kepada manuskrip sejarah dan buku yang jarang ditemui.
  • EuroDocs: Dokumen sejarah utama dari Eropah Barat.
  • Arkib Negara: Dokumen dan rekod kerajaan A.S.
  • Perpustakaan Digital Dunia: Sumber dari negara di seluruh dunia.
  • Perpustakaan Digital HathiTrust: Versi digital buku daripada pelbagai perpustakaan.

Selepas membiasakan diri dengan sumber ini, cipta sistem untuk mengatur penemuan anda. Tandai halaman web penting dan simpan nota digital atau fizikal untuk rujukan mudah. Pendekatan sistematik ini akan menjimatkan masa anda dan membantu menyelaraskan proses penyelidikan anda.

3. Baca Secara Kritis dan Ambil Nota Berkesan

Penyelidikan yang mencukupi memerlukan penglibatan yang bermakna dengan sumber. Semasa anda menyelidiki sumber, persoalkan perspektif pengarang, konteks di mana ia ditulis, dan potensi biasnya.

Pengambilan nota adalah komponen penting dalam penglibatan kritikal ini. Sama ada anda lebih suka nota digital atau kaedah pen-dan-kertas tradisional, bangunkan sistem yang sesuai untuk anda. Gariskan fakta asas, catat idea anda, dan catatkan nombor halaman untuk rujukan mudah. Nota ini akan menjadi tidak ternilai apabila anda mula menulis esei anda, menyediakan peta jalan untuk perjalanan penyelidikan anda.

4. Mensintesis Perspektif Pelbagai

Bertujuan untuk memasukkan pelbagai sudut pandangan dalam penyelidikan anda. Contohnya, jika anda menyelidik Pergerakan Hak Sivil Amerika, periksa sumber yang merangkumi pelbagai perspektif kaum, politik dan sosio-ekonomi. Pendekatan ini memperkayakan pemahaman anda.

Mensintesis perspektif ini melibatkan membandingkan dan membezakan sudut pandangan yang berbeza, mencari tema yang sama dan memahami cara ia berinteraksi antara satu sama lain. Sintesis ini membolehkan anda mengembangkan hujah yang lengkap dalam esei anda, menunjukkan bahawa anda telah mempertimbangkan topik dalam kerumitan penuhnya.

tips essay sejarah

5. Urus Masa dan Tetapkan Matlamat Penyelidikan

Penyelidikan yang berkesan juga bermakna menguruskan masa anda dengan bijak dan menetapkan matlamat yang jelas.

  • Tetapkan matlamat penyelidikan tertentu.
  • Gunakan jurnal penyelidikan.
  • Gunakan bibliografi sumber yang baik.
  • Utamakan kualiti daripada kuantiti.
  • Semak dan laraskan matlamat anda dengan kerap.
  • Jejaki tarikh akhir.

Dengan menetapkan objektif yang jelas dan memperuntukkan masa yang mencukupi untuk penyelidikan, anda boleh mengelakkan kekejangan saat-saat akhir dan memastikan proses penyelidikan yang teliti dan bernas.

6. Terlibat dengan Sumber Utama

Sumber utama ialah bahan mentah sejarah, menawarkan akaun langsung tentang peristiwa masa lalu. Melibatkan diri dengan sumber ini, seperti surat, diari, dokumen rasmi atau bahkan artifak, boleh memberikan tetingkap langsung kepada masa anda belajar.

Apabila bekerja dengan sumber utama, pertimbangkan punca, niat dan konteks di mana ia dicipta. Analisis ini membantu anda memahami kebolehpercayaan sumber dan tempatnya dalam naratif sejarah yang lebih luas. Ia juga membolehkan anda membuat tafsiran anda sendiri dan membuat kesimpulan yang boleh menambah kedalaman dan keaslian kepada esei anda.

7. Nilaikan Sumber Sekunder

Sumber sekunder, seperti buku dan artikel yang ditulis oleh ahli sejarah, memberikan tafsiran dan analisis peristiwa sejarah. Sumber ini menawarkan konteks dan perspektif ilmiah untuk membantu membentuk pemahaman anda tentang sesuatu topik.

Walau bagaimanapun, adalah penting untuk menilai sumber ini secara kritikal. Pertimbangkan kelayakan ahli sejarah, hujah yang mereka kemukakan, dan cara mereka mentafsir sumber utama mereka. Cari kemungkinan bias atau andaian yang mungkin mewarnai analisis mereka.

Membungkus Up

Ingat, menyelidik untuk esei sejarah adalah kemahiran yang berkembang dari semasa ke semasa. Setiap esei adalah peluang untuk memperhalusi teknik anda, daripada mengenal pasti sumber yang boleh dipercayai kepada mensintesis sudut pandangan yang pelbagai. Anda juga boleh mendapatkan bimbingan daripada penulis profesional. An Semakan Perkhidmatan Esei boleh membantu anda mencari penyelidik untuk bekerjasama. Menerima bantuan dan pembelajaran berterusan adalah penting dalam mengasah kemahiran anda sebagai penyelidik dan penulis. Dengan menggunakan strategi ini, anda memperkayakan esei anda dengan mendalam dan berwawasan serta berkembang sebagai pelajar sejarah, dilengkapi untuk meneroka masa lalu dengan mata yang arif dan fikiran yang ingin tahu.

tips essay sejarah


Rakan utama - BaseKamp Rahul mempunyai lebih daripada 18 tahun pengalaman perniagaan & operasi dalam bidang pendidikan. Dia berkomitmen untuk membawa perubahan positif pada ekosistem pendidikan yang menggabungkan pembelajaran yang lebih baik dengan daya maju kewangan untuk semua pihak yang berkepentingan. Rahul telah bertanggungjawab untuk menubuhkan sekolah K - 12 serta pusat pembelajaran vokasional untuk institusi pendidikan utama seperti Aptech , EuroKid , iDiscoveri & Sesame Street . Dia telah membina rangkaian francaisi yang lestari dan pengurusan saluran yang mantap. Sebagai rakan kongsi utama Basekamp dia membawa semangat keusahawanan & pengalaman langsung membina dan membesarkan projek dengan jayanya dari awal. Rahul adalah lepasan dalam Pengurusan Perniagaan dan disahkan dalam Pengurusan Persekitaran & Strategik Perniagaan dari IIT Delhi .


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In today’s competitive job market, having a professional and well-structured CV can be the difference between landing an interview and being overlooked. Writing a history essay requires a blend of critical thinking, research, and well-structured writing. In this blog post, we’ll walk through how to write a history essay, including an outline, tips for writing, and history essay examples to guide you.

The History Essay Format

Before you begin, it’s essential to understand the history essay format. History essays demand a balanced combination of fact-based evidence and argumentation. A well-structured history essay typically follows this format:

  • Introduction
  • Thesis Statement
  • Main Body (divided into paragraphs)
  • Bibliography

How to Write a History Essay: A Step-by-Step Guide

Let’s break down the process of writing a history essay, from brainstorming ideas to polishing your final draft.

Step 1: Choose a Topic and Formulate a Question

The first step in writing a history essay is choosing a topic or question. In most cases, your professor will provide a set of questions. However, if you are given the flexibility to choose your own topic, pick something that piques your interest and is relevant to your course.

Example : "To what extent did the Industrial Revolution impact British society in the 19th century?"

Step 2: Conduct Research

A history essay demands thorough research from reliable sources. Use academic books, journals, and reputable websites to gather data. When conducting research, always ensure you’re sourcing both primary and secondary materials. Take detailed notes and cite all your sources to avoid plagiarism.

Tip : Create a research folder or digital notebook to keep track of useful articles, quotes, and references.

Step 3: Create a History Essay Outline

Before jumping into writing, it’s essential to outline your essay. An outline helps you organise your thoughts, structure your argument, and ensure a logical flow throughout the essay. Here's a simple history essay outline example:

Introduction : Background information Significance of the topic Thesis statement

Main Body : Paragraph 1: First point (with evidence) Paragraph 2: Second point (with evidence) Paragraph 3: Counterargument (if applicable)

Conclusion : Restate the thesis Summarise the key points Offer final thoughts or implications

History Essay Introduction: Setting the Scene

The history essay introduction is crucial as it sets the tone for your argument. Your introduction should provide context to the historical event or period you’re discussing. It must be engaging and informative, but avoid overloading it with too many details. Most importantly, it should end with a clear thesis statement—the central argument of your essay.

Example of a history essay introduction:

The Industrial Revolution, a period of dramatic technological advancements, reshaped British society in the 19th century. As factories and industries grew, so did the challenges faced by urban populations. This essay will explore the extent to which the Industrial Revolution impacted British social structures, arguing that while it brought about significant economic growth, it also exacerbated social inequalities.

Writing a History Essay: The Main Body

The main body of your history essay should contain a series of well-structured paragraphs that provide evidence to support your thesis. Each paragraph should focus on a single idea or point and include:

  • Topic sentence : The main idea of the paragraph.
  • Evidence : Historical facts, quotes, and examples to back up your claim.
  • Analysis : Explain how this evidence supports your argument.
  • Link to the thesis : Always relate the paragraph back to your central thesis.

History Essay Conclusion: Wrapping It Up

The history essay conclusion is your final chance to summarise your arguments and reinforce your thesis. A strong conclusion doesn’t introduce new information but instead reaffirms what has already been discussed in the body of the essay. It should also provide some reflection on the broader significance of your findings.

Example of a history essay conclusion:

In conclusion, the Industrial Revolution was a transformative period in British history, driving significant economic development. However, the social ramifications, particularly for the working class, cannot be overlooked. While technological advancements brought wealth to certain sectors, they also deepened the divide between rich and poor, a legacy that continues to shape British society today.

History Essay Example: Final Draft

Let’s put all these elements together and look at a brief history essay example based on the outline above:

Essay Title: The Impact of the Industrial Revolution on British Society

Introduction : The Industrial Revolution, which began in the late 18th century, marked a significant turning point in British history. Technological innovations revolutionised manufacturing, transforming the economy and society at large. However, while industrialisation brought prosperity to some, it also resulted in severe social consequences. This essay will argue that the Industrial Revolution, while economically beneficial, greatly increased social inequality in 19th-century Britain.

Main Body : The rapid development of factories and industries was at the heart of the Industrial Revolution. Urbanisation surged as people moved to cities in search of work. According to historian Eric Hobsbawm, by 1850, nearly half of Britain's population lived in urban areas, marking a sharp contrast to the agrarian society of previous centuries. This shift resulted in overcrowded living conditions and poor working environments for many. Moreover, child labour became rampant during this period. Historian E.P. Thompson notes that children as young as five were employed in factories under deplorable conditions. This exploitation underscored the widening gap between the industrial elite and the working class. On the other hand, industrialisation led to the growth of a new middle class. Entrepreneurs and factory owners amassed great wealth, and new technologies improved the efficiency of production. However, this economic prosperity was not evenly distributed, and many working-class families lived in extreme poverty.

Conclusion : In summary, while the Industrial Revolution brought about unprecedented economic growth, it also deepened social inequality in 19th-century Britain. The divide between the wealthy industrialists and the impoverished working class was a direct consequence of unchecked industrial expansion, leaving a lasting legacy on British society.

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UCLA Department of History

Steps for Writing a History Paper

Writing a history paper is a process.  Successful papers are not completed in a single moment of genius or inspiration, but are developed over a series of steps.  When you first read a paper prompt, you might feel overwhelmed or intimidated.  If you think of writing as a process and break it down into smaller steps, you will find that paper-writing is manageable, less daunting, and even enjoyable.  Writing a history paper is your opportunity to do the real work of historians, to roll up your sleeves and dig deep into the past.

What is a History paper?

History papers are driven by arguments.  In a history class, even if you are not writing a paper based on outside research, you are still writing a paper that requires some form of argument.  For example, suppose your professor has asked you to write a paper discussing the differences between colonial New England and colonial Virginia.  It might seem like this paper is straightforward and does not require an argument, that it is simply a matter of finding the “right answer.”  However, even here you need to construct a paper guided by a larger argument.  You might argue that the main differences between colonial New England and Virginia were grounded in contrasting visions of colonization.  Or you might argue that the differences resulted from accidents of geography or from extant alliances between regional Indian groups.  Or you might make an argument that draws on all of these factors.  Regardless, when you make these types of assertions, you are making an argument that requires historical evidence.  Any history paper you write will be driven by an argument demanding evidence from sources.

History writing assignments can vary widely–and you should always follow your professor’s specific instructions–but the following steps are designed to help no matter what kind of history paper you are writing.  Remember that the staff of the History Writing Center is here to assist you at any stage of the writing process.

  • Sometimes professors distribute prompts with several sub-questions surrounding the main question they want you to write about.  The sub-questions are designed to help you think about the topic.  They offer ideas you might consider, but they are not, usually, the key question or questions you need to answer in your paper.  Make sure you distinguish the key questions from the sub-questions.  Otherwise, your paper may sound like a laundry list of short-answer essays rather than a cohesive argument. A helpful way to hone in on the key question is to look for action verbs, such as “analyze” or “investigate” or “formulate.”  Find such words in the paper prompt and circle them.  Then, carefully consider what you are being asked to do.  Write out the key question at the top of your draft and return to it often, using it to guide you in the writing process.  Also, be sure that you are responding to every part of the prompt.  Prompts will often have several questions you need to address in your paper.  If you do not cover all aspects, then you are not responding fully to the assignment.  For more information, visit our section, “Understanding Paper Prompts.”
  • Before you even start researching or drafting, take a few minutes to consider what you already know about the topic.  Make a list of ideas or draw a cluster diagram, using circles and arrows to connect ideas–whatever method works for you.  At this point in the process, it is helpful to write down all of your ideas without stopping to judge or analyze each one in depth.  You want to think big and bring in everything you know or suspect about the topic.  After you have finished, read over what you have created.  Look for patterns or trends or questions that keep coming up.  Based on what you have brainstormed, what do you still need to learn about the topic?  Do you have a tentative argument or response to the paper prompt?  Use this information to guide you as you start your research and develop a thesis.
  • Depending on the paper prompt, you may be required to do outside research or you may be using only the readings you have done in class.  Either way, start by rereading the relevant materials from class.  Find the parts from the textbook, from the primary source readings, and from your notes that relate to the prompt. If you need to do outside research, the UCLA library system offers plenty of resources.  You can begin by plugging key words into the online library catalog.  This process will likely involve some trial and error.  You will want to use search terms that are specific enough to address your topic without being so narrow that you get no results.  If your keywords are too general, you may receive thousands of results and feel overwhelmed.  To help you narrow your search, go back to the key questions in the essay prompt that you wrote down in Step 1.  Think about which terms would help you respond to the prompt.  Also, look at the language your professor used in the prompt.  You might be able to use some of those same words as search terms. Notice that the library website has different databases you can search depending on what type of material you need (such as scholarly articles, newspapers, books) and what subject and time period you are researching (such as eighteenth-century England or ancient Rome).  Searching the database most relevant to your topic will yield the best results.  Visit the library’s History Research Guide for tips on the research process and on using library resources.  You can also schedule an appointment with a librarian to talk specifically about your research project.  Or, make an appointment with staff at the History Writing Center for research help.  Visit our section about using electronic resources as well.
  • By this point, you know what the prompt is asking, you have brainstormed possible responses, and you have done some research.  Now you need to step back, look at the material you have, and develop your argument.  Based on the reading and research you have done, how might you answer the question(s) in the prompt?  What arguments do your sources allow you to make?  Draft a thesis statement in which you clearly and succinctly make an argument that addresses the prompt. If you find writing a thesis daunting, remember that whatever you draft now is not set in stone.  Your thesis will change.  As you do more research, reread your sources, and write your paper, you will learn more about the topic and your argument.  For now, produce a “working thesis,” meaning, a thesis that represents your thinking up to this point.  Remember it will almost certainly change as you move through the writing process.  For more information, visit our section about thesis statements.  Once you have a thesis, you may find that you need to do more research targeted to your specific argument.  Revisit some of the tips from Step 3.
  • Now that you have a working thesis, look back over your sources and identify which ones are most critical to you–the ones you will be grappling with most directly in order to make your argument.  Then, annotate them.  Annotating sources means writing a paragraph that summarizes the main idea of the source as well as shows how you will use the source in your paper.  Think about what the source does for you.  Does it provide evidence in support of your argument?  Does it offer a counterpoint that you can then refute, based on your research?  Does it provide critical historical background that you need in order to make a point?  For more information about annotating sources, visit our section on annotated bibliographies. While it might seem like this step creates more work for you by having to do more writing, it in fact serves two critical purposes: it helps you refine your working thesis by distilling exactly what your sources are saying, and it helps smooth your writing process.  Having dissected your sources and articulated your ideas about them, you can more easily draw upon them when constructing your paper.  Even if you do not have to do outside research and are limited to working with the readings you have done in class, annotating sources is still very useful.  Write down exactly how a particular section in the textbook or in a primary source reader will contribute to your paper.
  • An outline is helpful in giving you a sense of the overall structure of your paper and how best to organize your ideas.  You need to decide how to arrange your argument in a way that will make the most sense to your reader.  Perhaps you decide that your argument is most clear when presented chronologically, or perhaps you find that it works best with a thematic approach.  There is no one right way to organize a history paper; it depends entirely on the prompt, on your sources, and on what you think would be most clear to someone reading it. An effective outline includes the following components: the research question from the prompt (that you wrote down in Step 1), your working thesis, the main idea of each body paragraph, and the evidence (from both primary and secondary sources) you will use to support each body paragraph.  Be as detailed as you can when putting together your outline.

If you have trouble getting started or are feeling overwhelmed, try free writing.  Free writing is a low-stakes writing exercise to help you get past the blank page.  Set a timer for five or ten minutes and write down everything you know about your paper: your argument, your sources, counterarguments, everything.  Do not edit or judge what you are writing as you write; just keep writing until the timer goes off.  You may be surprised to find out how much you knew about your topic.  Of course, this writing will not be polished, so do not be tempted to leave it as it is.  Remember that this draft is your first one, and you will be revising it.

A particularly helpful exercise for global-level revision is to make a reverse outline, which will help you look at your paper as a whole and strengthen the way you have organized and substantiated your argument.  Print out your draft and number each of the paragraphs.  Then, on a separate piece of paper, write down each paragraph number and, next to it, summarize in a phrase or a sentence the main idea of that paragraph.  As you produce this list, notice if any paragraphs attempt to make more than one point: mark those for revision.  Once you have compiled the list, read it over carefully.  Study the order in which you have sequenced your ideas.  Notice if there are ideas that seem out of order or repetitive.  Look for any gaps in your logic.  Does the argument flow and make sense?

When revising at the local level, check that you are using strong topic sentences and transitions, that you have adequately integrated and analyzed quotations, and that your paper is free from grammar and spelling errors that might distract the reader or even impede your ability to communicate your point.  One helpful exercise for revising on the local level is to read your paper out loud.  Hearing your paper will help you catch grammatical errors and awkward sentences.

Here is a checklist of questions to ask yourself while revising on both the global and local levels:

– Does my thesis clearly state my argument and its significance?

– Does the main argument in each body paragraph support my thesis?

– Do I have enough evidence within each body paragraph to make my point?

– Have I properly introduced, analyzed, and cited every quotation I use?

– Do my topic sentences effectively introduce the main point of each paragraph?

– Do I have transitions between paragraphs?

– Is my paper free of grammar and spelling errors?

  • Congratulate yourself. You have written a history paper!

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Modul Soalan Sejarah Tingkatan 5 Bab 6 + Jawapan (Zam) (Sab) [1]

Modul Soalan Sejarah Tingkatan 5 Bab 7 + Jawapan (Zam) (Sab) [1]

Modul Soalan Sejarah Tingkatan 5 Bab 8 + Jawapan (Zam) (Sab) [1]

Modul Soalan Sejarah Tingkatan 5 Bab 9 + Jawapan (Zam) (Sab) [1]

Modul Soalan Sejarah Tingkatan 5 Bab 10 + Jawapan (Zam) (Sab) [1] (a)

Modul Soalan Sejarah Tingkatan 5 Bab 10 + Jawapan (Zam) (Sab) [1] (b)

Skema Jawapan Latihan Soalan Objektif Tingkatan 5 (Zam) (Sab) [1]

Modul Soalan Sejarah Tingkatan 5 + Jawapan (PTRS) (Sel) [1]

Modul Soalan Sejarah Tingkatan 5 Bab 1 + Jawapan (PTRS) (Sel) [1]

Modul Soalan Sejarah Tingkatan 5 Bab 2 + Jawapan (PTRS) (Sel) [1]

Modul Soalan Sejarah Tingkatan 5 Bab 3 + Jawapan (PTRS) (Sel) [1]

Modul Soalan Sejarah Tingkatan 5 Bab 4 + Jawapan (PTRS) (Sel) [1]

Modul Soalan Sejarah Tingkatan 5 Bab 5 + Jawapan (PTRS) (Sel) [1]

Modul Soalan Sejarah Tingkatan 5 Bab 6 + Jawapan (PTRS) (Sel) [1]

Modul Soalan Sejarah Tingkatan 5 Bab 7 + Jawapan (PTRS) (Sel) [1]

Modul Soalan Sejarah Tingkatan 5 Bab 8 + Jawapan (PTRS) (Sel) [1]

Modul Soalan Sejarah Tingkatan 5 Bab 9 + Jawapan (PTRS) (Sel) [1]

Modul Soalan Sejarah Tingkatan 5 Bab 10 + Jawapan (PTRS) (Sel) [1]

Modul Soalan Objektif Sejarah (Kertas 1) Tingkatan 4 + Jawapan (LH) (Prk) [0] :

Soalan Objektif Sejarah Tingkatan 4 Bab 1 + Jawapan (LH) (Prk) [0]

Soalan Objektif Sejarah Tingkatan 4 Bab 2 + Jawapan (LH) (Prk) [0]

Soalan Objektif Sejarah Tingkatan 4 Bab 3 + Jawapan (LH) (Prk) [0]

Soalan Objektif Sejarah Tingkatan 4 Bab 4 + Jawapan (LH) (Prk) [0]

Soalan Objektif Sejarah Tingkatan 4 Bab 5 + Jawapan (LH) (Prk) [0]

Soalan Objektif Sejarah Tingkatan 4 Bab 6 + Jawapan (LH) (Prk) [0]

Soalan Objektif Sejarah Tingkatan 4 Bab 7 + Jawapan (LH) (Prk) [0]

Soalan Objektif Sejarah Tingkatan 4 Bab 8 + Jawapan (LH) (Prk) [0]

Soalan Objektif Sejarah Tingkatan 4 Bab 9 + Jawapan (LH) (Prk) [0]

Soalan Objektif Sejarah Tingkatan 4 Bab 10 + Jawapan (LH) (Prk) [0]


Modul Soalan Sejarah Tingkatan 4 + Jawapan (Zam) (Sab) [1] :

Modul Soalan Sejarah Tingkatan 4 Bab 1 + Jawapan (Zam) (Sab) [1]

Modul Soalan Sejarah Tingkatan 4 Bab 2 + Jawapan (Zam) (Sab) [1]

Modul Soalan Sejarah Tingkatan 4 Bab 3 + Jawapan (Zam) (Sab) [1]

Modul Soalan Sejarah Tingkatan 4 Bab 4 + Jawapan (Zam) (Sab) [1]

Modul Soalan Sejarah Tingkatan 4 Bab 5 + Jawapan (Zam) (Sab) [1]

Modul Soalan Sejarah Tingkatan 4 Bab 6 + Jawapan (Zam) (Sab) [1]

Modul Soalan Sejarah Tingkatan 4 Bab 7 + Jawapan (Zam) (Sab) [1]

Modul Soalan Sejarah Tingkatan 4 Bab 8 + Jawapan (Zam) (Sab) [1]

Modul Soalan Sejarah Tingkatan 4 Bab 9 + Jawapan (Zam) (Sab) [1]

Modul Soalan Sejarah Tingkatan 4 Bab 10 + Jawapan (Zam) (Sab) [1]

Skema Jawapan Latihan Soalan Objektif Tingkatan 4 (Zam) (Sab) [1]


Modul Soalan Sejarah Tingkatan 4 + Jawapan (Insp) (Prk) [1] :

Modul Soalan Sejarah Tingkatan 4 Bab 1 + Jawapan (Insp) (Prk) [1]

Modul Soalan Sejarah Tingkatan 4 Bab 2 + Jawapan (Insp) (Prk) [1]

Modul Soalan Sejarah Tingkatan 4 Bab 3 + Jawapan (Insp) (Prk) [1]

Modul Soalan Sejarah Tingkatan 4 Bab 4 + Jawapan (Insp) (Prk) [1]

Modul Soalan Sejarah Tingkatan 4 Bab 5 + Jawapan (Insp) (Prk) [1]

Modul Soalan Sejarah Tingkatan 4 Bab 6 + Jawapan (Insp) (Prk) [1]

Modul Soalan Sejarah Tingkatan 4 Bab 7 + Jawapan (Insp) (Prk) [1]

Modul Soalan Sejarah Tingkatan 4 Bab 8 + Jawapan (Insp) (Prk) [1]

Modul Soalan Sejarah Tingkatan 4 Bab 9 + Jawapan (Insp) (Prk) [1]

Modul Soalan Sejarah Tingkatan 4 Bab 10 + Jawapan (Insp) (Prk) [1]

Skema Jawapan Latihan Soalan Objektif Sejarah Tingkatan 4 (Insp) (Prk) [1]

Modul Soalan Sejarah Tingkatan 4 + Jawapan (PTRS) (Sel) [1] :

Modul Soalan Sejarah Tingkatan 4 Bab 1 + Jawapan (PTRS) (Sel) [1]

Modul Soalan Sejarah Tingkatan 4 Bab 2 + Jawapan (PTRS) (Sel) [1]

Modul Soalan Sejarah Tingkatan 4 Bab 3 + Jawapan (PTRS) (Sel) [1]

Modul Soalan Sejarah Tingkatan 4 Bab 4 + Jawapan (PTRS) (Sel) [1]

Modul Soalan Sejarah Tingkatan 4 Bab 5 + Jawapan (PTRS) (Sel) [1]

Modul Soalan Sejarah Tingkatan 4 Bab 6 + Jawapan (PTRS) (Sel) [1]

Modul Soalan Sejarah Tingkatan 4 Bab 7 + Jawapan (PTRS) (Sel) [1]

Modul Soalan Sejarah Tingkatan 4 Bab 8 + Jawapan (PTRS) (Sel) [1]

Modul Soalan Sejarah Tingkatan 4 Bab 9 + Jawapan (PTRS) (Sel) [1]

Modul Soalan Sejarah Tingkatan 4 Bab 10 + Jawapan (PTRS) (Sel) [1]


Nota Ringkas dan Padat Sejarah KSSM Tingkatan 4 dan 5 :

  • Nota Ringkas dan Padat Sejarah Tingkatan 5 (SPM) (Bab 1 – Bab 10)
  • Nota Ringkas dan Padat Sejarah Tingkatan 4 (SPM) (Bab 1 – Bab 10)
  • 400+ Kata-Kata Kunci Penting Sejarah Tingkatan 4, 5, SPM (Shifu Sejarah)
  • Teknik Menjawab, Tips, KBAT, Nota Penting, Buku Teks, Soalan Sebenar Sejarah SPM

Koleksi Nota Ringkas dan Padat, Soalan, Latihan, Modul Tingkatan 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 dan Tahun 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 :

  • Koleksi Nota Ringkas dan Padat, Soalan, Latihan, Modul Tingkatan 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 dan Tahun 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6


  • Modul Latihan Sejarah Tingkatan 4 Kertas 2 (Bab 1 – Bab 10) + Jawapan


  • Nota + Latihan – Sejarah KSSM Tingkatan 4  Bab 1, 2, 3, 4
  • Nota + Latihan – Sejarah KSSM Tingkatan 4  Bab 1, 2, 3, 4 (Skema)
  • Nota dan Latihan Bab 1 – Bab 4 Sejarah Tingkatan 4
  • Skema Jawapan Nota dan Latihan Bab 1 – Bab 4 Sejarah Tingkatan 4
  • Latihan + Jawapan – Bab 1  Sejarah KSSM Tingkatan 4
  • Latihan + Jawapan – Bab 2  Sejarah KSSM Tingkatan 4
  • Latihan + Jawapan – Bab 3  Sejarah KSSM Tingkatan 4
  • Latihan + Jawapan – Bab 4  Sejarah KSSM Tingkatan 4
  • Latihan + Jawapan – Bab 5  Sejarah KSSM Tingkatan 4
  • Koleksi Istilah Sejarah KSSM Tingkatan 4

Latihan Topikal Soalan Sejarah Tingkatan 1 + Jawapan (M)


  • Koleksi Soalan dan Latihan Sejarah Tingkatan 5 (SPM) + Jawapan
  • Koleksi Soalan dan Latihan Sejarah Tingkatan 4 + Jawapan
  • KOLEKSI Soalan Peperiksaan Percubaan SPM + Skema Jawapan (Semua Subjek) (Terkini) .


  • Koleksi Soalan dan Latihan Tingkatan 4 + Jawapan
  • Koleksi Soalan dan Latihan Tingkatan 5 + Jawapan
  • Koleksi Buku Teks Digital KSSM Tingkatan 4 (Empat)
  • Koleksi Buku Teks Digital KSSM Tingkatan 5 (Lima)
  • KOLEKSI Soalan Peperiksaan Percubaan SPM + Skema Jawapan (Semua Subjek) (Terkini)
  • Koleksi Nota Ringkas dan Padat, Soalan, Latihan, KBAT, Peperiksaan, Ujian Tingkatan 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 dan Tahun 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6


  • SPM, Tingkatan 5 : Soalan, Nota, Peperiksaan, Ujian, Bahan Rujukan Penting Semua Subjek
  • Tingkatan 4 : Soalan, Nota, Peperiksaan, Ujian, Bahan Rujukan Penting Semua Subjek
  • Bahan-Bahan Rujukan Penting dan Berguna untuk Subjek-Subjek Utama SPM, Tingkatan 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, dan Tahun 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
  • Koleksi Karangan Bahasa Melayu, Bahasa Inggeris (English Essays), Bahasa Arab, PA : SPM, STPM, MUET, Tingkatan 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, dan Tahun 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

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Tips Last Minit Skor A dalam Subjek Sejarah SPM

Diterbitkan oleh Afterschool.my pada Feb 17, 2022 , 10:44 am

Minggu pertama peperiksaan SPM adalah subjek penting yang akan menentukan korang layak lulus dan mendapat sijil SPM atau sebaliknya. Jadi tanpa buang masa, kami kongsikan tips last minit untuk skor A dalam subjek sejarah. 

Tonton Video

Tak perlu buang masa baca nota ye, sekarang bukan masanya dah. Kalau nak mudah faham sila tonton video di youtube berkaitan bab-bab dalam subjek Sejarah Tingkatan 4 dan 5. Salah satu video yang paling bagus di Youtube adalah video yang diterangkan oleh Izzue Islam. Ye artis tu. Memang sangat menarik selain mudah difahami dan diingati. Nanti time exam korang mesti terbayang dan gerenti boleh jawab soalan yang ditanya. Untuk tonton video, korang boleh klik video-video yang kami senaraikan dibawah. Untuk video bab lain boleh cari sendiri di youtube tu.

Nota kecil dan Ringkas

Nota ni sebenarnya dah tak relevan kalau korang memang tak buat dari awal lagi. Cara paling mudah adalah dengan cari nota sejarah sedia ada di internet iaitu di website slideshare.com . Memandangkan Slideshare Subjek Sejarah yang dikongsikan korang tak boleh nak copy, cara paling mudah korang boleh buka slideshare dengan menggunakan telefon masing-masing. Kemudian, screenshoot semua slides tersebut. Senang kan?. Gunakan teknologi, takkan tu pun nak kena ajar.

Voice Notes Menggunakan Aplikasi WhatApps

Kalau baca sahaja memang susah nak masuk dalam kepala otak tu. Jadi, korang boleh voice notes dengan kawan-kawan rapat menggunakan aplikasi WhatApps. Buat group ke, setiap sorang cover 1 bab. Nanti sebelum tidur dengar balik voice notes tu kalau nak refresh semula topik-topik sejarah tadi. Mudah kan? Sambil bercerita tu buat la lawak sikit supaya member yang dengar akan lebih mudah ingat dan tak boring. 

Buat Soalan Sejarah

Terakhir dan paling penting adalah jawab soalan-soalan sejarah tahun-tahun sebelumnya dan soalan ramalan. Mungkin korang dah buat latihan sebelum ni cuma kalau ada yang belum download, boleh klik untuk download soalan ramalan sejarah yang digubal oleh guru pakar pengubal soalan SPM setiap tahun, sila download sekarang!. Free sahaja bukan kena bayar pun. Lepas buat tips yang kami kongsikan di atas tu, korang boleh jawab soalan untuk make sure korang familiar dengan soalan tersebut dan boleh jawab dengan baik selain untuk mengelakkan korang confuse dengan pilihan jawapan yang diberikan.

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Akhir kata, semoga berjaya kami ucapkan. Jangan gelabah buat yang terbaik okay! Baca juga artikel berkaitan dibawah.


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  • Senarai Kerjaya Lulusan SPM yang Boleh Dipohon Tanpa Memerlukan Pengalaman & Terjamin Masa Depan!  



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Home > Blog > How To Write a College Essay: Top Tips and Strategies

How To Write a College Essay: Top Tips and Strategies

How To Write a College Essay: Top Tips and Strategies

  • Smodin Editorial Team
  • Updated: September 24, 2024
  • Step-by-Step Instructions for Writing

Writing a college essay can seem daunting, but it’s your chance to shine and stand out from other applicants! This guide walks you through the steps to create a compelling and memorable essay that showcases your unique qualities.

We will cover everything from brainstorming ideas to final proofreading. You will learn how to avoid common mistakes and stay focused on the prompt. We will also provide tips on using online tools to help you perfect your essay .

Follow these steps on how to write a college essay. They will help you craft an essay that reflects who you are and show why you’re perfect for your chosen college!

A woman sitting next to a river in a park while writing in a notebook.

How To Write a Good Hook for a College Essay

Learning how to write a good hook for a college essay is essential as a great hook can captivate your reader’s attention from the start.

Begin with a bold statement, a thought-provoking question, or a vivid scene. The goal is to intrigue your readers and make them want to read more.

Tip: Revisit your hook after writing the essay to ensure it ties seamlessly with the rest of your story.

Understanding the Purpose of a College Essay

A college essay helps admissions officers understand who you are beyond grades and test scores. It’s your chance to showcase your writing skills, personality, and what you’ll bring to the campus community. Think of it as a personal statement that highlights your strengths and experiences.

Tip: Reflect on what makes you unique and how you can contribute to the college community.

A desk with lots of books, an apple, clock, and pieces of paper.

The 6 Main Steps of the Essay Writing Process

Writing a college essay involves several steps to ensure your final piece is polished and impactful. Let’s take a look at a few key things that will help you create a well-structured and engaging essay.

1. Brainstorm Ideas

Start by brainstorming a college essay topic that reflects your experiences and values. Consider moments of personal growth, challenges you’ve overcome, or activities that define you. Write down several ideas and choose the one that resonates most with you.

Tip: Discuss your ideas with family members or friends to get different perspectives.

2. Create an Outline

You need to draft an outline for your essay as this will help you organize your thoughts and ensure your essay has a clear structure. Divide your essay into an introduction, body, and conclusion. Outline the main points you want to cover in each section.

Tip: Keep your outline flexible. You might find new ideas as you start writing.

3. Write the First Draft

Begin writing your first draft without worrying about perfection. Focus on getting your ideas down on paper. Start with your hook and follow your outline to develop your story.

Tip: Don’t stress about word count in your first draft. You can trim or expand later.

4. Revise and Edit

After completing your first draft, set it aside for a few days. Return to it with fresh eyes and revise for clarity and flow. Pay attention to grammar, punctuation, and word choice. Ensure your essay reflects your voice and personality.

Tip: Reading your essay aloud can help catch awkward phrases and errors.

5. Seek Feedback

Ask others to read your essay and provide feedback. Choose people who know you well and can offer constructive criticism. Consider their suggestions but ensure the final essay reflects your voice.

Tip: Be open to feedback but stay true to your story.

6. Write Your Final Draft

After revising based on feedback, write your final draft. Ensure it meets any specific requirements, such as word limits or essay prompts. Your final draft should be polished and free of errors.

Tip: Double-check for typos and formatting issues before submitting.

A laptop with a clipboard and balck glasses in front of it.

What Makes a Great College Essay

A great college essay goes beyond listing achievements. It delves into the deeper aspects of your personality and experiences. Let’s explore how to create an engaging and authentic essay that stands out.

Show, Don’t Tell

Instead of listing achievements, show how they’ve impacted you. Use anecdotes and vivid details to illustrate your points. This approach makes your essay more engaging and memorable.

Focus on Deeper Themes

Admissions officers want to understand what drives you. Focus on deeper themes such as personal growth, resilience, and values. Explain how your experiences have shaped who you are today.

Be Authentic

Write in your own voice and avoid trying to impress with big words or complex sentences. Authenticity resonates more than a polished facade in any type of essay . Admissions officers want to see the real you.

Highlight Personal Achievements

While it’s important to be humble, don’t shy away from highlighting your achievements. Explain how these accomplishments reflect your strengths and potential.

Tip: Connect your achievements to your future goals and how the college can help you achieve them.

A girl sitting at a desk at home and leaning back while having an open book on her face.

How To Write a College Essay About Yourself

If you’re unsure of how to write a college essay about yourself, remember that you’re not the only one! Writing essays about yourself can feel strange, but it’s essential to show college admissions officers exactly who you are. This is an opportunity to bring your grades off the paper and create a more holistic image of you.

Start your essay with a clear story or experience that highlights your personality and values. Use vivid details to paint a picture of your life. Be honest and authentic—the admissions committees want to see the real you.

Tip: Use specific examples from your life to illustrate your points. Instead of saying, “I’m hardworking,” describe a time when you worked hard to achieve a goal.

How To Write a “Why This College” Essay

Understanding how to write a “Why this college” essay can significantly improve your college application and make you stand out. When writing about why you want to attend a particular school, do your research.

Mention specific programs, professors, or campus culture elements that appeal to you. Explain how these aspects align with your academic and career goals.

Tip: Avoid generic statements like “I love the campus.” Be specific about what excites you about the college and how it fits your aspirations.

A college student reading a book in between two shelves in a library.

4 Common Mistakes To Avoid When Writing an Essay

If you want to write the best college essay, you must avoid common pitfalls that can weaken your application. Here are some key mistakes to watch out for.

1. Being Too Generic

Avoid vague statements that could apply to anyone. Be specific about your experiences and aspirations. For example, instead of saying “I love helping others,” describe a time you volunteered at a local shelter. This approach shows your unique experiences and personal growth.

Admissions officers want to see your individuality and genuine passion. A specific story leaves a lasting impression and makes your essay memorable. Use detailed examples to illustrate your points and make your essay stand out.

2. Ignoring the Prompt

Make sure you answer the essay prompt directly. Tailor your essay to the specific requirements and questions posed by the college. Read the prompt carefully and address all parts of it. Avoid writing a generic essay that doesn’t fit the prompt. Colleges want to see how well you can follow directions and respond to their questions.

By addressing the prompt directly, you show attention to detail and respect for the application process. This also ensures your essay is relevant and focused.

3. Overloading the Essay With Information

Stick to one or two main ideas and develop them thoroughly. An overly wordy essay can lose the reader’s interest. Focus on quality over quantity in your writing. Too many ideas can make your essay feel scattered and confusing. Choose your most compelling stories and explore them in depth.

This approach helps maintain a clear and engaging narrative. The admissions officer will appreciate essays that are concise and well-organized. Clear writing reflects clear thinking, which is crucial in a college essay.

4. Forgetting To Proofread

Spelling and grammar errors can distract from your message. Always proofread your essay multiple times and consider using tools like Smodin’s AI essay grader to catch mistakes. Errors can make your essay look careless and unpolished. A well-proofread essay demonstrates attention to detail and commitment to quality.

Reading your essay aloud can help catch awkward phrases and errors. Ask friends or family to review your essay as well. Fresh eyes can spot mistakes you might have missed. Using an AI essay grader can provide additional insights and corrections.

A person holding a card in front of their face with a question mark on top of it.

Frequently Asked Questions

What should i write about in my college essay.

Write about a topic that is meaningful to you and reflects your personality and values. Choose experiences that have shaped who you are.

How long should my college essay be?

Most college essays are around 500-650 words. Check the specific requirements for each college you’re applying to.

How important is a college essay?

The importance of the college essay varies by school. For highly selective colleges, it can be a key component of your application. For others, it may be less critical.

Can I use the same essay for multiple colleges?

You can use the same core essay, but make sure to tailor it to each college’s prompt and specific requirements.

How can I make my essay stand out?

Be authentic, show your unique perspective, and focus on deeper themes. Use vivid details and anecdotes to bring your story to life.

A female college student is holding her college books and smiling.

Improve Your College Essay Writing With Smodin.io

Writing a college essay can be challenging, but it’s an opportunity to showcase your unique qualities. By following these steps on how to write a college essay, you can create a compelling and memorable piece. Remember to be authentic, focus on deeper themes, and proofread carefully.

Ready to write your college essay? Enhance your writing skills and create a compelling essay with Smodin’s AI writing tool. With its advanced features, you’ll create a great college essay and get the chance to be considered even in the most selective colleges.

Join now at Smodin.io and get ahead of other students by taking your essay writing to the next level.


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  18. Any tips in studying SPM Sejarah? : r/Bolehland

    SPM candidate 2019 here 🏻 I heard yall doesn't have kertas 3 anymore. So I'm guessing it's just 1 and 2... Objective and short - long essay (subjective).... To me, sejarah is not just about memorizing. You won't remember shit just from reading and forcing yourself to digest all the details. What I did back then was:

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    Once you are satisfied with your argument, move onto the local level. Put it all together: the final draft. After you have finished revising and have created a strong draft, set your paper aside for a few hours or overnight. When you revisit it, go over the checklist in Step 8 one more time.

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    。 Soalan Sejarah Tingkatan 4 5 SPM KSSM Objektif Esei Struktur + Skema Jawapan. pdf download KBAT. Kertas 1, 2. Soalan Struktur, Esei, Objektif. Modul. Bahan Rujukan, Persediaan, Ulang Kaji, Soalan Pentaksiran Sumatif dan Formatif untuk : Peperiksaan, Ujian, Peperiksaan Pertengahan Tahun, Peperiksaan Percubaan SPM. . Modul Soalan Objektif Sejarah (Kertas 1) Tingkatan 5 + Jawapan (T2V ...

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    Tips Last Minit Skor A dalam Subjek Sejarah SPM. Minggu pertama peperiksaan SPM adalah subjek penting yang akan menentukan korang layak lulus dan mendapat sijil SPM atau sebaliknya. Jadi tanpa buang masa, kami kongsikan tips last minit untuk skor A dalam subjek sejarah. Tonton Video. Tak perlu buang masa baca nota ye, sekarang bukan masanya dah.

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    Penerangan ringkas mengenai cara-cara menjawab soalan esei Sejarah.

  24. Expository Essay Examples

    The expository essay samples in this article will help you with everything from writing the introductory paragraph to compiling the body paragraphs. An expository essay generally is all about the facts, so make sure to do extensive research. Furthermore, you can learn from the countless number of expository essay examples in this article.

  25. How To Write a College Essay

    A well-proofread essay demonstrates attention to detail and commitment to quality. Reading your essay aloud can help catch awkward phrases and errors. Ask friends or family to review your essay as well. Fresh eyes can spot mistakes you might have missed. Using an AI essay grader can provide additional insights and corrections. Frequently Asked ...