
How to Make a Company Profile Presentation (Tips & Examples)

Learn how to make a company profile presentation with our expert tips and company profile presentation examples. Try interactive templates for a personal touch.

best presentation for company overview

Dominika Krukowska

9 minute read

How to make a company profile presentation

Short answer

What is a company profile presentation?

A company profile presentation is a short, visually appealing presentation that tells your company's story — covering its mission, history, key achievements, and future aspirations. It's perfect for making a great first impression on clients and investors, showing them what makes your business special in a clear and engaging way.

Without a compelling company profile, you’re just another logo in a sea of businesses

In a world where every niche is crowded with competitors, both fresh startups and established giants, standing out is not just tough; it's a survival game.

Not having a strong company profile presentation can lead to missed opportunities and potential customers slipping through your fingers.

But here's the good news: I believe your company can not only compete but also shine.

Stick with me, and you'll learn to create a company profile presentation that not only stands out but also holds its own against the big players. I’m going to walk you through easy-to-implement, effective ways to elevate your company profile from just another name to a standout brand.

Let’s get started!

What makes an effective company profile presentation?

An effective company profile presentation blends engaging storytelling, interactivity, and personalized content that speaks directly to your audience. It's about making a connection, tailoring your message to resonate with viewers, and highlighting your company's journey, mission, and successes.

What should a company profile presentation include?

When you're putting together a business profile presentation, think of it as telling your business's story in a way that's both engaging and informative.

It's your chance to connect with your audience, whether they're potential investors, clients, or partners, and give them a real sense of what your company is all about.

Here's a breakdown of what to include to make your business profile presentation shine.

1) The story of your business

Begin with the origins of your company. This isn't just about dates and facts; it's about sharing the journey, the ups and downs, and the lessons learned along the way.

This narrative helps your audience connect with your business on a personal level, understanding where you come from and what has shaped your company.

2) Core principles and goals

Your mission, vision, and values aren't just corporate jargon; they're the heart and soul of your business. They guide your decisions and actions.

Clearly presenting these principles helps your audience understand what your business stands for and what you're striving to achieve.

3) Milestones and success stories

Highlight the key moments that have defined your company's journey. This could be anything from launching a groundbreaking product to expanding into new markets.

These milestones not only showcase your achievements but also demonstrate your growth and adaptability.

4) Awards and recognitions

Displaying awards and recognitions adds a layer of trust and credibility. It shows that external bodies have endorsed your company, which can be a powerful tool in building confidence in your brand.

5) The team

People connect with people, not just brands. Introduce the key figures in your company, highlighting their expertise and roles.

You can also include employee testimonials that offer a genuine look into your company culture and the people who make everything happen. This humanizes your company and builds trust by showing the faces behind the business.

6) What you offer

Clearly outline what your company offers. This section should be straightforward, explaining your products or services and how they benefit your customers.

Keep it simple but informative, ensuring your audience understands your value proposition.

7) What makes you different

In a competitive market, it's crucial to highlight what sets you apart. Discuss your unique selling points and how they differentiate you from your competitors. This is your chance to explain why your company is the better choice.

8) Financial health and growth

Share key financial data that showcases your company's stability and growth potential. This reassures your audience of your business's health and prospects, which is particularly important for investors and partners.

9) Future plans and aspirations

Describe your goals and how you plan to achieve them. This shows that you're not just focused on the present but are actively planning for future growth and success.

10) Clear call to action

Finish your presentation with a clear invitation for your audience to take the next step. Whether it's exploring a partnership, trying out your products, or discussing investment opportunities, make it easy for them to know how to engage with your company.

How do you create a company profile presentation?

Creating a company introduction presentation is more than just listing facts about your business; it's an opportunity to tell a compelling story that resonates with your audience and offer a window into the soul of your business.

Here’s how to create a captivating company introduction presentation in a few easy steps:

1) Understand the purpose of your presentation

Before you start, it's crucial to understand why you're creating this presentation. Is it to attract investors, inform potential clients, or introduce your company to new employees?

Knowing your audience and purpose shapes the content, tone, and style of your presentation, ensuring it resonates with the right people in the right way.

2) Start with a strong introduction

Your introduction is your first impression. Start with something that grabs attention – your company's mission statement, a brief but intriguing history, or an engaging anecdote about how your company came to be.

This isn't just about providing information; it's about setting the stage and getting your audience interested in what comes next.

Here’s an example of a deck with a strong introduction:

how to make a strong introduction slide

3) Personalize your presentation

Customize your presentation to speak directly to your audience's interests and needs. If you're addressing potential clients, focus on how your products or services solve their specific problems. For investors, emphasize business performance and growth potential.

You can also add dynamic variables to your company profile and import relevant data like your reader’s name or company directly from your CRM. This simple trick will get 68% more people to read your deck in full , and share it internally 2.3x more often.

Here’s a great example of a personalized slide:

how to make a good personalized presentation slide

4) Incorporate scrollytelling

Scrollytelling can transform a static presentation into an interactive experience, especially for digital formats.

As the viewer scrolls, new elements of your story appear, keeping them engaged and curious about what's next. This technique works wonders for keeping your audience hooked.

Here’s what scrollytelling looks like in practice:

Narrator slide example

5) Tell your story authentically

Share your company's journey with authenticity. Talk about the challenges you've faced and how you overcame them, the milestones you've achieved, and the reasons behind starting your business.

Authentic storytelling creates a deeper, more emotional connection with your audience.

If you’re looking for inspiration, we have a handy guide including the best presentation storytelling examples and techniques .

6) Add interactive elements

Interactive elements like clickable links, embedded videos, or tiered slides can significantly enhance your presentation's engagement level. These elements provide additional layers of information and interaction without overloading your slides with text.

7) Simplify complex information

Data visualization slides and infographics are powerful tools for presenting complex information in a digestible format.

Whether it's market trends, growth statistics, or financial data, visual representations make it easier for your audience to understand and remember key points.

Here’s a great example of using data visualization in a presentation:

Data slide example

8) Guide your audience to the next step

End your presentation with a clear call to action. What do you want your audience to do next? Whether it’s visiting your website, contacting your team, or exploring a partnership, make this step clear and easy to follow.

Interactive presentation makers let you integrate your calendar into your deck, making it easier than ever for readers to book a meeting with you.

Here’s what a next step slide looks like:

Next step slide example

Company profile examples that make your business stand out

Creating a compelling company profile presentation is an art. It's about striking the perfect balance between informative content and engaging storytelling.

To help you master this craft, let's dive into some standout examples of company profile presentations.

Each one shows just how well creativity and clear thinking can work together to really bring out what a company does best and where it's headed, in a way that's both unique and easy to understand.

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Company highlights

This company highlights template presents your journey, market growth, and customer satisfaction. It's ideal for companies like SMEs, startups, and enterprises looking to illustrate their success in AI-driven innovation.

What makes this company profile presentation great:

Using a mix of storytelling and data to highlight a company’s evolution and expertise.

Interactive elements like clickable data points and embedded testimonials bring the company's impact and client experiences to life.

The presentation strategically targets diverse business segments , demonstrating the company's versatility and wide-ranging applications in AI solutions.

Company profile overview

This template is ideal for businesses seeking to present a comprehensive overview. It effectively communicates your company's mission, vision, achievements, and future goals, making it suitable for all types of businesses aiming to establish a strong brand narrative.

Key metrics like annual revenue growth and customer retention rates are highlighted, demonstrating market impact and growth trajectory.

It cleverly segments its audience , detailing how its AI solutions cater to the specific needs of SMEs, startups, and large enterprises, demonstrating a tailored approach.

The company uniquely positions itself by emphasizing its specialized team , highlighting their expertise in driving AI innovation.

Enterprise snapshot

This template is designed for large-scale organizations. It effectively showcases your company's scale, capabilities, and market position, making it ideal for enterprises aiming to highlight their industry dominance and innovative solutions.

It uses tiered slides with tabs , effectively catering to different use cases and readers, allowing for a personalized presentation journey.

The presentation features easily editable logo placeholders , offering the flexibility to showcase past clients' logos, enhancing credibility and trust.

The ability to embed a case study directly into the presentation, providing tangible evidence of a company’s impact and success in real-world scenarios.

Corporate spotlight

This template is a concise yet impactful tool for highlighting your company's background, values, capabilities, and accomplishments. It's perfect for businesses wanting to emphasize their unique selling points and industry standing.

A smart Call-to-Action (CTA) that's strategically placed to engage viewers and encourage them to schedule a call directly from the company profile deck.

The fully interactive layout of the presentation invites viewers to actively engage with the content, creating a more immersive and memorable experience.

Data visualization elements transform complex data into easily digestible and visually appealing information, enhancing understanding and retention.

Company introduction

This template is tailored for businesses in the finance and technology sector. It effectively communicates your company's solutions, market challenges, and how you address them, making it ideal for companies looking to establish credibility.

The average reading time on the cover slide sets clear expectations for the audience and reduces bounce rate by almost a quarter .

The use of grayed-out content strategically highlights key information, guiding the viewer's focus to the most important aspects of the presentation.

Running numbers dynamically showcase key achievements and growth metrics, capturing attention instantly.

Corporate profile

This corporate profile emplate offers a succinct yet powerful presentation of your company. Highlight your unique selling points and industry standing, making a strong impression on your audience.

A video on the cover slide immediately sets the tone for the company's innovative approach and boosts engagement by up to 32% .

A perfect balance between image and text placeholders ensures a visually appealing layout that communicates effectively without overwhelming the audience.

A built-in analytics panel allows companies to track viewer engagement and gather valuable insights for future presentations and strategies.

General business overview

This general business overview template is a versatile tool for businesses across various industries. It showcases your company's innovative solutions, market growth, and customer satisfaction, suitable for companies aiming to highlight their market impact and user-centric approach.

The presentation begins with a strong, user-centric message , emphasizing commitment to enhancing user experience and streamlining operations.

The ability to add testimonials and case studies can enhance credibility and showcase the real-world impact of your company’s solutions.

A library of data visualization elements to highlight the most important growth metrics in an interactive way.

Company insights

This company insights template is perfect for businesses looking to showcase their innovative solutions and market impact. It highlights your company's growth, customer satisfaction, and industry solutions, ideal for companies aiming to illustrate their success and expertise.

It offers the option to integrate dynamic variables , which enables a personalized experience for each viewer to enhance engagement and relevance.

The ability to use an AI assistant for crafting messages and generating images , showcasing a forward-thinking approach in presentation design.

The presentation design allows for the addition of multiple smart CTAs , giving presenters the flexibility to guide viewer interaction and drive specific actions.

Company overview

This template emphasizes your company's innovative solutions, market growth, and customer satisfaction, making it suitable for e-commerce, startups, and large enterprises aiming to demonstrate their user-centric approach and success.

An intuitive editor makes it easy for users to create and customize their presentations.

Thanks to various CRM integrations , you can personalize your deck at scale, allowing for tailored messaging that resonates with each unique audience segment.

The option to extract branding elements directly from the brand name and company website, ensuring brand consistency and a cohesive visual identity across the presentation.

Company intro

This template showcases your company's innovative solutions, industry challenges, and the benefits of your services, making it ideal for companies aiming to demonstrate their expertise and capacity for digital transformation and financial empowerment.

Using dynamic variables makes personalization quick and easy while ensuring that 68% more people will read your presentation in full .

The layout of the presentation automatically adapts to any changes made, so you don’t have to worry about ever breaking the design.

The option to make changes even after it has been sent , offering flexibility and control over the messaging and content.

Company presentation

This template is perfect for 'About us' decks or company overviews. It tells the story of your business in a way that engages and resonates with the audience, making it ideal for companies looking to create a compelling narrative about their journey and achievements.

A mobile-responsive design ensures it looks great and functions smoothly on any device, enhancing accessibility and viewer engagement.

The option to embed videos directly into the deck adds a dynamic and interactive element that can effectively convey the company's story and values.

The scroll-based design of the presentation creates a seamless and intuitive user experience, guiding viewers through the content in a natural and engaging way.

How to design a company profile presentation?

Designing a compelling company profile presentation is about more than just listing your achievements and services. It's about creating a narrative that resonates with your audience and showcases your company's unique value.

Here’s how to make your company introduction presentation stand out:

1) Tell your company's story visually

Start with a strong visual narrative. Use images, infographics, and timelines to illustrate your company's journey, achievements, and future goals. This approach helps your audience connect with your story on a deeper level.

2) Incorporate your branding

Ensure your presentation reflects your company's branding. Use your brand colors, logos, and fonts consistently throughout the presentation. This does more than just give a polished look; it really helps hammer home what your brand is all about. Use all the toolstack you need for a hgh-end design, from logo creators to brand color palletes.

3) Use data visualization components

When presenting data, such as market growth, financials, or customer demographics, use charts and graphs. This makes complex information more digestible and engaging.

4) Personalize for different audiences

Tailor your presentation to your audience. Whether it's potential investors, clients, or partners, make sure the content speaks directly to their interests and needs.

Also, thanks to CRM integrations, you can extract information such as first name or company name, and use it to personalize your business profile presentations at scale in just a few clicks.

5) Add interactive elements for engagement

Consider adding interactive elements like clickable links, embedded videos, or animated product demos. This interactivity keeps the audience engaged and makes your presentation more memorable.

6) Prioritize clarity and readability

Organize your content in a way that's easy to follow. Use bullet points, short paragraphs, and clear headings. If you have a lot of information, consider using expandable sections or tabs.

7) End with a strong Call to Action

Conclude your presentation with a clear call to action. Whether it’s inviting questions, scheduling a meeting, or directing them to your website, make it easy for your audience to take the next step.

Interactive company profile presentation templates

Starting from scratch on a company profile presentation can be a real challenge. You need to figure out not only what to say but also how to say it in a way that truly represents your brand.

That's where interactive company profile presentation templates are a lifesaver. They give you a solid foundation with professional designs and layouts, so you can focus on customizing the content to tell your company's unique story.

Grab one and see for yourself.

best presentation for company overview

Hi, I'm Dominika, Content Specialist at Storydoc. As a creative professional with experience in fashion, I'm here to show you how to amplify your brand message through the power of storytelling and eye-catching visuals.

best presentation for company overview

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Company Profile Presentation Template

Free Company Profile PowerPoint Template

Number of slides: 10

Build your best company profile presentation in these creative PowerPoint slides. A company profile presentation helps you introduce the essentials of the business to prospects, investors, new employees, and other stakeholders. You’ll be able to outline your company’s history, business goals, products or services, potential growth, and more. The company profile presentation template is ideal for sales meetings, business conferences, and pitch events.

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  • Custom Design Services

Free Company Profile PPT Template

Company introduction ppt.

Present your growing company in the best light using a creative and elegant PowerPoint. The Company profile presentation template has multiple business slides that help you showcase a clear overview of your company. From your mission statement, team, and history to your current market, services, and potential growth, you’ll end up with a solid and effective company profile ppt.

Company Team PowerPoint Slide

Introduce your team to your key stakeholders. Use the company team PowerPoint slide to showcase the incredible talents that work at your company and manage all the business operations. Communicate their strengths and highlight the results of their teamwork. 

Company History Timeline Slide

Share your company’s achievements in a history timeline. Use this PowerPoint timeline to create a narrative about your company goals and how you were able to meet them through the years. Add any milestones and events that communicate your company’s development and growth.

Company business icons in PowerPoint

Use the company business PowerPoint icons in these slides to highlight results and bring attention to your key ideas.

Company PowerPoint Charts for Data Visualization

You’ll find donut PowerPoint charts and column charts to deliver facts and figures about your company’s growth.

Customer Testimonials

The company profile PowerPoint presentation makes room to share customer testimonials. Ask your best clients to give a review of your services and showcase them here.


Todd Speranzo

VP of Marketing at Avella

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Gretchen Ponts

Strata Research

"The key to the success with working with 24Slides has been the designers’ ability to revamp basic information on a slide into a dynamic yet clean and clear visual presentation coupled with the speed in which they do so. We do not work in an environment where time is on our side and the visual presentation is everything. In those regards, 24Slides has been invaluable."

"After training and testing, 24Slides quickly learnt how to implement our CVI, deliver at a high quality and provide a dedicated design team that always tries to accommodate our wishes in terms of design and deadlines."

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View Information about Landscape A5 Company Profile Template for Word

Landscape A5 Company Profile Template for Word

This professional company profile template comes with a clean and simple design. Making it perfect for creating company profiles for modern agencies a...

View Information about Real Estate Business Company Profile PowerPoint Template

Real Estate Business Company Profile PowerPoint Template

Making a professional company profile for your real estate business will be much easier when you have this PowerPoint template. It features modern and...

View Information about RUNSHELL Company Profile Word Template

RUNSHELL Company Profile Word Template

Runshell is a simple company profile template that features minimalist page layouts with fewer visual elements. It has 24 different pages for showcasi...

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HEXA Corporate Company Profile Word Template

If you’re looking for a template to design a physical brochure of your company profile, this template is for you. It comes in both MS Word and I...

View Information about Modern Company Profile Word Template

With this Word template, you can design a highly professional company profile to showcase your brand and business. It includes 18 page layouts with fu...

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Agency & Company Profile Word Template

A professional brochure template with a clean design. It’s a great choice for crafting company profile documents for agencies, small businesses,...

View Information about Creative Landscape Company Profile Template

Creative Landscape Company Profile Template

A creative company profile template with a landscape design. This template features a highly visual design that will allow you to create a modern and ...

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Creative Presentation Template

Making a presentation for a creative agency or a brand? Then this PowerPoint template will come in handy. It features a bright and attractive design t...

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Krypton Corporate Business Profile Template

Krypton is a multipurpose business profile template you can use to create various styles of company profile brochures. It features a minimal design wi...

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Snipship – Business PowerPoint Template

If you’re looking for a PowerPoint template with a clean and minimal layout to design a company profile presentation, this template is for you. ...

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Ronin Business Presentation Template

Ronin is a trendy and colorful PowerPoint template you can use to design company profiles and business portfolios for fashion and lifestyle brands. Th...

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Business Proposal & Profile Word Template

This is a business profile template that you could easily customize and use to make company profile brochures. It features a minimalist and clean page...

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Dagon Presentation Template

This colorful and stylish PowerPoint template will allow you to craft company profiles and many other business presentations with ease. It includes 39...

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Azurey Corporate Profile PowerPoint Template

Azurey is a modern PowerPoint template featuring a minimalist slide design. It’s perfect for designing company profiles for corporate brands. Th...

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SINDE Business Presentation Template

Sinde is a multipurpose PowerPoint template you can use to create all kinds of business presentations, including company profiles. The template includ...

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Porto & Profile PowerPoint Template

Porto is a multipurpose company profile PowerPoint template you can use to create both company profiles for corporations as well as to create personal...

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Martin Business Profile PowerPoint Template

A business PowerPoint template featuring a dark and elegant design. This template is most suitable for designing company profiles and portfolio slides...

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Asmirah Presentation Template

This PowerPoint template is designed with modern corporate brands in mind. The colorful and highly visual design of this template will allow you to cr...

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AEGIS Agency PowerPoint Template

Aegis is a company profile PowerPoint template made for small and corporate agencies. The template includes 30 unique slides in HD resolution and allo...

FAQs About Company Profile Presentation Templates

What are company profile presentation templates.

Company profile presentation templates are pre-made designs that allow you to showcase crucial details about your business. These features often include your company's history, mission and vision, products or services, team structure, achievements, and future goals. They allow for a professional, consistent approach to presenting this information, with a well-crafted layout that captivates your audience's attention.

Templates are versatile and customizable, designed to accommodate different company sizes and business sectors. This means you get to tailor the template to align with your brand's unique visual identity and selling points. You can use these templates for business meetings, pitch presentations, employee orientation materials, and client introductions.

Why Are Company Profile Presentation Templates Important?

First, company profile presentation templates save time and effort. Instead of starting from scratch, you have a start point that you only need to customize to fit your business. This convenience allows you to devote more time to other aspects of your business that need attention. Additionally, with a template, design novices can easily create professional looking presentations.

Secondly, templates contribute to brand consistency. They help you present your business information consistently across different platforms or meetings, ensuring your brand identity stays intact. They also promote clarity and comprehensibility, as audiences easily understand the information presented in a well-structured and eye-pleasing way.

How to Choose the Right Company Profile Presentation Template?

To choose the right company profile presentation template, start by understanding your brand's aesthetic and the kind of impression you want to make. The template should be visually appealing and align with your brand colors, typography, and overall style. It should also suit the purpose of the presentation, whether it's for company introduction, sales pitching, or team training.

Look for a layout that accommodates all the information you aim to showcase without appearing crowded or complex. The template should be easy to modify to match your needs. If you're unsure, consider templates that are widely used in your industry. They typically address the patterns of information conveyance commonly employed in your sector.

How Can I customize these Templates to Match My Company’s Branding?

All presentable company profile templates allow customization. Most of them come with editable sections where you can insert your content, such as texts, images, and graphics. You can also change background colors, font types, font sizes, and shapes to match your company's brand identity. In some templates, you can even modify the slide orders or add extra slides if you need more space to present your information.

Remember the importance of maintaining visual consistency while customizing. Pay attention to your color scheme, typography, use of logos, image styles, and overall branding rules. This way, the customization keeps your brand identity cohesive while making the template accurately represent your business.

Where Can I Access Company Profile Presentation Templates?

There are numerous online platforms offering an array of these templates. Popular options include PowerPoint, Google Slides, Canva, SlideModel, and GraphicRiver. These platforms provide versatile templates that can be downloaded on your device and customized offline. Some sites offer free templates, while others require a subscription or individual purchase.

Ensure whatever platform you choose offers quality templates that can easily be customized to suit your company's branding. Also, consider whether the platform supports the software you intend to use for customization. Most websites clearly indicate which software (like PowerPoint or Google Slides) is compatible with their templates. logo

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Company Overview Template

Every company has a unique story to tell. However, it can be difficult to put together a beautiful presentation that tells your story effectively and looks great at the same time. Our company overview template is the answer. With this presentation template, you can share your company’s philosophy, specific goals, team members, products or services, plans for the future, and more.’s company overview template is perfect for:

  • Annual meetings
  • Potential customer or investor pitches
  • New hire orientations

Use the Company Overview Template to highlight your story

A company overview presentation requires brevity and organization, with each part designed to tell a different aspect of your company’s story. Create visual interest by adding graphics, photos, charts, or videos to engage your audience. These visual design features can be added to your slides with a single click.

Title Slide

Tips for creating a Company Overview Presentation

There are many ways to design a successful company overview presentation. Some tips to consider during creation include:

Keep your copy short and simple on your slides. Your company overview presentation is a guide that supports what you’re saying; it’s not an essay.

Share your history, why your company was founded, and the challenges you’ve overcome to get where you are. Don’t be afraid to use stories, brand voice and tone, and humor to keep it interesting.

Your presentation should unfold in a story that keeps your audience engaged. The order of your slides impacts the ultimate outcome and whether or not your audience is persuaded at the end of your presentation.

Use graphics, photos, carts, and videos to bring your story to life. Visuals capture your audience’s interest and can help you tell your story in impactful, memorable ways.

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Company Profile Presentation templates

Focus on your prospective buyers and stakeholders and talk about your products, services and current status with our free google slides themes and ppt templates. a well-written company profile is a great opportunity for your company to differentiate itself from your competitors..

  • Calendar & Weather
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Coal Industry Business Company Profile presentation template

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best presentation for company overview

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Coal industry business company profile.

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Writing tone, number of slides, blace company profile.

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Everyone wants and needs to know what businesses and commercial establishments do and what these companies can offer, especially in the competitive labor market. The company profile is one of the most important tools for promotion, publicity, advertising, and expression of the culture in which companies operate. It is the milestone of every successful businessman.

A company profile can be a previous business, a commercial identity, or an advertising and presentation offer to share some data with customers. The company’s profile may contain one page or a large number of pages depending on the volume of data and the volume of services provided by the facility.

In this article, we will provide you with all kinds of Best Company Profile PowerPoint Templates that will make your company stand out and give it a very unique and respective look that will win the trust and affection of customers and investors alike.

TOP PICK – iConference – Animated Presentation Template

Best Company Profile PowerPoint Templates

1. Company Profile PowerPoint Presentation Template

Best Company Profile PowerPoint Templates

This multipurpose Company Profile PowerPoint Presentation Template comes with a huge number of infographic designs and icons. Additionally, it fits for any type of corporate or company you have, any images can be easily added or edited in via PowerPoint software with a modern look and a flat design that has 90 themes color.

2. Company Profile in PowerPoint

Best Company Profile PowerPoint Templates

Make your business presentation pain-free, professional and excel. Don’t waste time on creation process, just download this ace template and spend the rest of the time on preparation for your speech speaking about your achievements and objectives with a 2022 calendar and 50+ unique slides and pixel perfect infographics.

3. Company Profile Free PowerPoint Template

Best Company Profile PowerPoint Templates

If you have a new startup company and you have to save expenses but you need to create a unique company profile that you count on, then this Free Company Profile PowerPoint Template is your perfect choice for your next major presentation that will alter the course of your career.

4. Company Profile PowerPoint Template

Best Company Profile PowerPoint Templates

This template is specifically designed for company profile, annual report or business proposals. Big typefaces and a one-colored theme(with 5 colors to choose from) to allow your client to focus on your data and final analysis. It contains many slides like: Letter from Our CEO, Company Overview \ Mission and Vision, History, What we do, Marketing Research, Financial condition and a lot more.

5. Company Meeting Free PowerPoint Template

Best Company Profile PowerPoint Templates

Looking for ways to clarify the meeting’s agenda between the members within your company but don’t know where to start or what to use? This Free Company Meeting PowerPoint Template is a great choice for you to make a professional presentation. Slides include Meeting Agenda, Status Report, Project phases and more, just copy/paste the ones you need into your presentation.

6. Groste – Company Profile PowerPoint Template

Best Company Profile PowerPoint Templates

Groste – Company Profile PowerPoint Template focuses on clean style that will be understandable by your audience. It’s of course a very time-consuming task to come up with such design that will reflect the creativity and responsibility of your company at its best with 30 unique slides in HD resolution.

7. Iprofile – Company Profile PowerPoint Template

Best Company Profile PowerPoint Templates

This modern and innovative company profile PowerPoint Template uses triangles in a very artistic way to create a catching and worthy presentation that will have the attention of your attendees directed to you straight so you won’t worry about making them focus on you and let them get every detail of the presentation.

8. Company Profile Free Presentation Template

Best Company Profile PowerPoint Templates

Another free, yet wonderful and pro-company profile template that will impress your audience (and they will never tell that it is free) with its very well made 111 slides that can work with PowerPoint, Google Slides and Keynote all at the same time in addition to XD file and very cool infographics.

9. Monochrome Company Profile Presentation

Best Company Profile PowerPoint Templates

Introducing the neat Monochrome Company Profile Presentation with its simple and clean template that features a well-organized layout with a variety of compositions based on your presenting needs. You may use this template for a presentation, marketing kit, company profile, and other purposes.

10. Visitor Investor Business Presentation Template

Best Company Profile PowerPoint Templates

Visitor Investor Business Presentation Template combines various design aspects and usability to make the company profile template more engaging. Every slide is useful and fully functional. No more useless shapes and infographics. Imagine a whole presentation template with 20 useful and awesome slides that are ideal for your company profile and business.

11. Simple Company Profile Presentation

Best Company Profile PowerPoint Templates

For who love and prefer simplicity, this company profile presentation template is perfect for you. Simple is known for its simpleness and ease on the eye so investors and customers won’t find any problem looking at your presentation for long period of time and be totally satisfied with what they see!

12. Company Profile Free PPT Template

Best Company Profile PowerPoint Templates

28 unique and free slides, each one has a different layout style, Chart & Agenda Slides PowerPoint Template is ready to fulfill your presentation purposes. Retro color scheme, world map slide and icons ready to improve your business and suits your needs. You’ll find company profile infographics, vectors, charts, and layouts that you can use inside your presentation.

13. Stragetic Business PowerPoint Template

Best Company Profile PowerPoint Templates

Stragetic is a clean and dandy Business PowerPoint Template that has creative and professional themes with 30+ multipurpose slides and unlimited color options for widescreen (16:9 aspect ratio) and handmade infographic, and it’s of course fully customizable to adapt to your company profile at its best!

14. Free Corporate PowerPoint Template PPT Slides

Best Company Profile PowerPoint Templates

Free Corporate PowerPoint Template with clean slide design ideas to show your confidence and determination while impressing your audience with an informative and well-planned presentation. You can customize it easily to fit your branding colors just with one click. Use it to create a fresh presentation for inspiring speeches, company profile, or even personal use.

15. Business Showcase – PowerPoint Template

Best Company Profile PowerPoint Templates

Introduce your business to investors and customers with all the needed details using a presentation that will keep them attracted and deliver this info in a simple and understandable way, Business Showcase – PowerPoint Template is a wonderful choice to start designing company profile and for almost any kind of content in the business domain.

16. Featured – Business PowerPoint Template

Best Company Profile PowerPoint Templates

39 featured and modernly designed slides that you will definitely like to use in your next Presentation. This Template can be used for any variety of purposes, such as: Creative Agency, Company Profile, Corporate and Business, Portfolio, Photography, Pitch Deck, Startup, and also can be used for Personal Portfolio.

17. Megalodon Company Profile PowerPoint presentation

Best Company Profile PowerPoint Templates

With Megalodon your company profile is already designed, all you have to do is utilizing our PowerPoint presentation to fit your brand guideline. to meet the standards of the business world you have to present your company as an expert. All the requirements are totally met and you will find all that you need and more in these 40 unique slides

18. Company Profile – Business Presentation PowerPoint

Best Company Profile PowerPoint Templates

This is one of the most versatile templates for company profile presentations with its unique set of editable slides, shapes, infographics and many other features. The template is designed to suit all the necessary contents such as team, services types, SWOT, projects, portfolio and almost any other company-related content.

19. Starting – Company Profile PowerPoint Template

Best Company Profile PowerPoint Templates

We will spare you the effort of creating or searching for the exact template which will save you time and will be easy to edit with the minimum skills required to create the perfect presentation for your company profile and have just the perfect start with Starting – Company Profile PowerPoint Template.

20. Company Profile – PowerPoint Template

Best Company Profile PowerPoint Templates

If you are bothered about how to design the ideal Company Profile presentation, then this template will be really helpful to get things starting very smoothly and productively for you, keeping you focused on the important task of getting people know more about your company in the best way to help achieving your business goals and objectives.

It is a high-level strategy in identifying the best markets for promotion, awareness and building sales for your brand to maintain the success of your business, to provide an opportunity for customers and investors on how to learn about the company’s commercial or industrial activities, and to enable them to interact directly with your sales and marketing team. This will be easily done using a suitable template where you can finally send a high-end profile with the options we provided above, which will eventually lead to the growth and prosperity of the business between you and your customers.


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Top 7 Company Overview Templates with Samples and Examples

Top 7 Company Overview Templates with Samples and Examples

Devesh Sharma


" I will tell you how to become rich. Close the doors. Be fearful when others are greedy. Be greedy when others are fearful. " - Warren Buffett, CEO of Berkshire Hathaway.

The great quote from the CEO of leading industry giant Berkshire Hathaway, clearly states that investments, however risky, are a great way to build a stairway to being a successful capitalist. Investment can help the company as well as its investors grow mutually. Sometimes the trust of an investor in your organization is sufficient to help the business reach new levels of success.

Investors are always out and about looking for more and more sources to invest in and earn profits. Being in a competitive environment, it becomes hard for a business to attract the attention of a potential investor from the wide domain. However, using some smart tactics, any business can stimulate investments for the organization. One such way is presenting a strong and futuristic company overview.

A company overview allows the business to give a brief outline of the future goals as well as the present situation of the business. If the overview of the organization is strong, any company can easily attract investors and investments. But now the question that arises is how to develop an overview for your business.

As overviews can be of different types and specifics, it's quite complicated to design one from scratch. Hence, a more feasible and proven alternative is to use a content-ready company overview template.

Luckily, SlideTeam’s company overview PPTs are 100% editable and ready to use for you. There are multiple templates to select from. As per your requirements, you can compare the PPTs and then use the ones you find suitable. So, let’s find the most appropriate template for your business.

Template 1: Company Overview PowerPoint Presentation Slides

The first PPT in this list of the company overview templates is much more than a slide but a collection of multiple slides. In the document, you can present the upcoming agenda of the business to your clientele. Just as in some company profile templates , there is a section for an executive summary that allows you to present organizational structure and future capabilities. So, download this template and represent everything that you need.

Executive Summary

Download This Template

Template 2: Company Overview Investor Funding Pitch Deck PPT Slide

The next template is very suitable for the application software development firm. In this PPT, you can represent data like the entire company overview in pointers, your actual mission statement, the vision of the company in the coming years, general informational facts in a specific year, and various other data. You can also stake the help of supportive company fact sheets . The PPT allows you to cover a lot of information in a smaller space. The document also contains a map on which you can pin the geographical reach. Download the template today and showcase your business model smartly.

Company Overview

Template 3: Company Profile Information Technology Company’s Operational Overview

If you are looking for an overview PPT that can help you showcase your operational cycle, then you can give this document a try. In this slide, you can start with the Company Overview in the form of pointers. You can share your year of establishment so that your clientele can have an idea about your run in the industry. Moreover, you can also share your entire business operational cycle divided into various sections, three in this case. Download this template today and allow your investors to make an informed decision according to the service area of your business.

Company’s Operational Overview

Template 4: Financial Services Company Profile Company Overview

The next in this company overview PPTs is one provided below. This is an all-inclusive form of document that helps you represent the core values of the business model. In the document, you can represent all the basic deities related to the organization like the company's organizational structure, number of employees, official location, etc. Next, you can then showcase all the core values offered to the customers thereon. Lastly, to sum up, this company overview document with awards, global presence, number of products, etc. Download the template and showcase the business model attractively.

Company overview with core values

Template 5: Manufacturing Company Overview Profile Template

Here’s another smart PPT for your company overview. If your business is associated with the manufacturing of products, this document will be of great help in reaching the required clientele. You can represent the logo of your company with the slide and then provide some supporting details thereon. You can also create a category for the type of products you manufacture like beauty care, home care, health, product, and more. Download this template as it’s quite great in showing your business model with customer centricity.

Manufacturing company overview with key products

Template 6: Company Overview PPT Model Guidelines

This PPT is of a simple form to showcase your company overview. With the help of this document, you can represent the company’s introduction. This part can contain the main principles of your business. Next, the mission statement can also be included as it allows you to motivate the clientele. And then there is a vision statement as well, showing what are your business plans for the future. Download this template and add as much information you want in the form of a structural tree of the service area and more.

Company Overview

Template 7: Investor One-Page Sample Company Overview Template

The name of this PPT is quite self-explanatory. This document allows you to showcase your company overview on a single page using information sections. You can start with the information of the company and then move on to the contact info, problems that serve, opportunities that you offer, the call to action for investments, etc. Download this template and showcase your company overview in detailed categories.

Investor One Page Sample Company Overview

Template 8: Target Company Overview Mission Vision Template

This is a pre-designed Template that allows you to showcase the service area while keeping in mind customer centricity. This document is quite useful in listing your company’s vision and mission. The bottom part of the document contains some information in the form of infographics to inform the clientele quickly and effectively. Download this template and say everything there is about your business actively.

Target company overview - mission vision and accomplishments

Communicate What Your Clientele and Investors Seek with Company Overview Templates

These were some of the most helpful PPTs and documents that you can use to showcase your company overview. These documents are proven ways to seek the attention of your audience and drive in investments for your business by attracting stakeholders and new potential investors. These documents are completely editable and thus offer the flexibility you need to represent your business ideologies.

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Company Profile Presentation Templates

In the digital age, an effective company profile plays a crucial role in showcasing your business to potential customers and partners. Whether you’re a budding startup or an established enterprise, our range of presentation templates is here to help your company profile shine.

Introducing our collection of PowerPoint, Keynote, and Google Slides templates, tailored to craft a compelling narrative of your organization’s journey, values, and offerings. These templates, rich in professional design and minimal design aesthetics, ensure your business profile stands out.

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Eva theme free powerpoint google slides keynote

Why Choose Our Company Profile Presentation Templates?

  • Free & Premium Choices: From free company profile templates to premium designs, we cater to every budget.
  • Diverse Designs: Whether you’re searching for a simple company format, creative company profile, or a stylish company profile, our vast library has it all.
  • Versatile Formats: Our templates are available in ppt, pptx, and slideshare (export PDF) formats. For those wanting an editable option, we offer editable slides for easy customization.
  • Comprehensive Content: From contact information, company history, products or services offered to the tone of your company, our templates guide you on what to include in your company profile.

Key Features:

  • PowerPoint and Google Slides Compatibility : These templates can be used on both platforms seamlessly.
  • Editable Content : Each company profile template is designed to allow easy edits. Tailor them to match your company’s profile and ethos.
  • Multiple Themes : Whether it’s for a technology company or a manufacturing entity, find a business powerpoint template that resonates with your sector.
  • Download & Use Instantly : Find a design that speaks to you? Simply download and start crafting your business profile template.

Looking to write a company profile or create a company profile from scratch? Our company profile examples, ranging from company profile sample to business company profile, are perfect inspirations. Plus, with options in various languages, including ฟรี and gratis, our collection is as diverse as the global market.

Whether you’re gearing up for an important pitch or updating your portfolio, our presentation templates can help you design a company profile presentation that’s both informative and engaging. From the company name to detailed information about the company, our templates guide you at every step, ensuring you present a professional company profile.

The purpose of a company profile for your business isn’t just to relay facts. It’s about sharing your company’s story, ethos, and vision in a manner that resonates. Our PowerPoint templates, combined with templates for PowerPoint and Google Slides, ensure your narrative is presented in the best light possible.

Conclusion :

Your best company profile is a great tool to establish trust, provide an overview, and highlight your offerings. With our free to use and premium templates, crafting an introduction, highlighting contact information, or presenting products or services becomes a seamless task. Dive in, explore, and let our templates help you create a company profile that leaves a lasting impression.

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Home PowerPoint Templates Company Overview

Company Overview Slides for Presentations

Download Company Overview slides for PowerPoint presentations. The templates under this section are slides that can be used to prepare compelling Business Plans and Company profile presentations describing your business, the team and the unique value proposition.

Featured Templates

Professional Company Profile PowerPoint Template

Professional Company Profile PowerPoint Template

One Pager Company Profile PowerPoint Template

One Pager Company Profile PowerPoint Template

Global Company Profile PowerPoint Template

Global Company Profile PowerPoint Template

Introduce Company Profile PowerPoint Template

Introduce Company Profile PowerPoint Template

Latest templates.

Professional Board Meeting Presentation Slide

Professional Board Meeting Presentation Template

Restaurant Company Profile Template - Title Slide

Restaurant Company Profile PowerPoint Template

Editable Business Company Profile PPT Template

Creative Business Company Profile PowerPoint Template

Client Meeting Template PPT Slide

Client Meeting Presentation Template

Investment Pitch Book Template for PowerPoint

Investment Pitch Book PowerPoint Template

Editable Company Profile PPT Template

Hotel Company Profile PowerPoint Template

Title Slide - Company Profile Presentation Template

Black & White PowerPoint Template

Graphic Design Company PowerPoint Slide

Graphic Design Company PowerPoint Template

Coffee Company Profile Slide Template

Coffee Company Profile PowerPoint Template

Editable Project Planning PPT Template

Project Planning PowerPoint Template

Company Investment Proposal Template for PowerPoint

Company Investment Proposal PowerPoint Template

Editable Project Overview Title Slide

Project Overview PowerPoint Template

A company overview is an essential part of a business plan. In a PowerPoint presentation, the company overview slide represents the central information about the company, normally identified as Who we are, and Our services, but sometimes also referred as Our Company Summary slide or Executive Summary slide.

Company overview slides can be part of business plan presentations and presentation designs containing Company Profile information.

The company overview includes the most important points about your company, which may include History, Management team, the location, Mission statement but also the Legal structure and org chart.

Usually, it appears after the executive summary slides in a Business Plan PowerPoint presentation, but the exact order can vary from presentation to presentation.

When presenting the company information to people or stakeholders outside of your company, the company overview slide represents an important slide of your PowerPoint presentation where you can introduce yourself and introduce your business to potential stakeholders, clients, or actors.

How to prepare an Effective Company Overview slide?

Our PowerPoint templates can help to prepare effective company overview slides with a good look and feel. However, when designing a PowerPoint presentation, it is important to describe the company information accurately.

Imagine that you are part of the audience, and looking a PowerPoint presentation that a presenter is delivering to you. If you don’t know about the business plan document or the business that is behind, an effective company overview slide is such slide that will help you to grab the overall idea of the company and understand who they are. When planning a good company overview slide, put in the shoes of the stakeholders or audience and understand what are the takeaways you want they to remember about you and your company.

A good idea to prepare a company overview slide is to focus on the highlights. And instead of using bullet points, include the main points, which may include the Founder and Company owner, but also the locations where the business is serving customers (for this purpose, representing a world map or a country map is good).

Then, list the team members and present your product or service, and why it is unique (through a Unique Selling proposition slide which can suppor tthis part). Think of this company overview slide as the: who, what, when, where, and why of your business.

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Company Profile Presentation Templates

Boost your business introduction presentations with our free company profile powerpoint templates and google slides themes. each template offers fully editable features, ensuring flexibility and adaptability. streamline your business narratives, and ensure every pitch or proposal creates a lasting, impactful first impression. stand out with slide egg.

Company Profile

We're here to help you!

What is company profile.

A company profile summarizes the business's past, present, and potential future hits. It overviews a company's history, services, and capabilities to prospective clients, investors, and other stakeholders. It's also an effective way to share information about the company's mission, core values, and goals.

What are Company Profile PowerPoint Templates?

Company Profile PowerPoint Templates are pre-made templates designed for companies to create business presentations. These templates usually include a range of slides with customizable layouts, images, and text boxes, allowing businesses to quickly develop professional-looking presentations to showcase their company's products or services.

Where can we use these Company Profile Slides?

These Company Profile PowerPoints can present a company's history, mission, products or services, goals, financials, competitive advantages, and other similar topics. You can also use them to demonstrate the company's brand identity, discuss new business initiatives, or introduce a new product or service to prospective clients or customers.

How can I make Company Profile PPT Slides in a presentation?

Collect your company's goal, future product, and motto thoroughly before creating your PPT slides. Ensure you understand the core idea of your business and what you want to convey in your presentation. Search online for pre-designed PowerPoint templates. A variety of websites offer a range of templates you can customize to your needs. To create the slides, visit our tips and tricks page to make your unique PowerPoint.

Who can use Company Profile PPT Templates?

Any business or organization can use Company Profile PPT Templates to create a visual presentation of their company profile. Entrepreneurs, sales, and marketing teams can use these templates, and other professionals must present their company profiles to potential clients, investors, or other stakeholders to gain trust.

Why do we need Company Profile PowerPoint Slides?

Company Profile PowerPoint slides effectively introduce your business to potential customers, partners, and investors. They provide an overview of your company, highlight your products and services, and give a glimpse into your company's culture and values.

Where can I find free Company Profile PPT Templates?

You can find a variety of Company Profile PPT templates for free on sites such as Slide egg. Our websites have a selection of uniquely designed templates that you can customize and modify to suit your needs.

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10 Slides you should have in your company profile

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Featured image for “10 Slides you should have in your company profile”

Creating a business presentation from scratch is never an easy task – you always have to consider and start from the type of presentation you’d need, the goals you want to achieve through it, your audience’s profile, needs and expectations, and the context of the presentation (how and where it’s going to be delivered and how much time will you have).

But when you have a guideline of how to figure out these elements and what you should include in your business presentation, then it all starts to make sense. That’s why we decided to put together several guides and how-tos on the most common business presentations out there. We started our series with the slides you should have in your pitch deck , followed by what to add in your sales deck and now in this article, we want to cover another very common type of presentation: the company profile.

We started this series with the structure for a pitch deck, followed by a sales presentation and now a company profile.

What is a company profile and when & where to use it?

Company profiles are presentations made to be used in introduction emails, to introduce your company before getting to specifics. You won’t need to actually present it, so make it explicit and easy to understand. 

Compared to a live presentation, where your focus is on the audience, in a company profile it is ok to talk about you. The reader’s purpose is to get to know you. 

A company profile is essential, from a startup to any major company

It is what most of your future partners and clients will see for the first time. What impression do you want to make? 

It happens for a lot of companies to get so involved in making the company profile that they forget for who is actually made. Putting in all the information about you will make it boring for the reader and at the same time won’t leave any mystery about you. 

As the Business Dictionary would define it: 

A company profile is a concise description which, among other items of information, includes  firm’s history, number and quality of its human, financial, and physical resources, organizational and management structure, past, current and anticipated performance, and its reputation, and the standing of its goods or services.

But let’s not get wrapped around a definition and see how we can make a unique profile. Even if it’s your company profile, we recommend you to focus on how your company helps your customers. 

It can also take many forms, some companies have it in a word document, others in a brochure, or as a presentation. We will talk about the 10 elements any company profile should have:

1. Mission statement/vision 

This is the moment where you tell customers what drives you to do what you do. Continue with your mission and what are the values the brand stands for. Without knowing all the details about your products, they judge you by your values and your vision. 

What does your company aspire to achieve? 

You probably know the mission’s company, as it is part of your brand identity. With it, or with some additional information, also cover here details as who are your primary customers and where are your operations active.  

best presentation for company overview

2. Brief history of the company 

A very simple way to tell your history is with a timeline slide. This way you can put all the steps that got you to the present in a visual way that is easy to understand. For the important one you can always add a short paragraph.

Keep in mind that you should include both ups and downs from your company. Show your readers that you have been through difficult moments, but you overcame them. 

best presentation for company overview

3. Overview of the solution

Spark some curiosity. Before getting into more details about each product/service you have, do an overview of the solution you are offering. Talk about what problem your solution tackles and how it does that.

You can also walk the reader through the process of creating this solution, what were your drivers and aspirations. This slide is meant to paint the big picture of your work.

best presentation for company overview

4. Development & Growth 

Hit me some numbers. Use real facts and data to show the difference between where you started, where you are now and where the company is going. Based on the internal data make a connection with external factors. They will be of much more interest for the reader, and at the same time will be explained by your work.

Tell stories of how much effort all the company did to grow. It’s up to you if you want to share struggles your company faced or specific actions of improving.

best presentation for company overview

5. Detailed Products & Services

If your company has only a few products/services you can present them individually. Each product/service needs to be described from a technical point of view ( specific characteristics ) and from a customer point of view ( how can it be used/ for what it is used ). 

In case there are too many products/services and it will take a lot of space to write about all, put them in categories. Under each category make a list of the products that it includes and add a general description. 

It would be very helpful for your potential client and also for you if you add pricing and offers for the products/services. This will save time and you will continue discussion with those who are interested even after seeing the pricing.

best presentation for company overview

6. Industry recognition/position

Let your reader know what your position is in the market. Include details about market size, your contribution to the market and what is the course of the industry. Don’t forget to differentiate yourself from other players in the market. 

Even better, if you have received any recognitions or awards don’t be shy to mention them. Your readers will trust your company more if they see you have been acknowledged by specialized institutions. 

best presentation for company overview

7. Client portfolio & Testimonials

Show your potential partner/customer with whom you have already worked. Having testimonials form the biggest clients will bring value to your brand. Try to get a quote from a well known person in that organization or from an authoritative one.  

Real feedback will strengthen your image without being too promotional. And is more credible as it comes from an external source.

best presentation for company overview

8. Case studies

A very good way to showcase your work is with a case study. This means that you take a client that you worked with and start explaining how you worked together, what were the challenges, how you handled them, what was your approach and what were the results.

This is the process from the first talk until the end of the collaboration. Focus on the relevant aspects that showcase your solution and your communication during the collaboration. It is also helpful to have feedback from the client here. 

best presentation for company overview

9. Team & Departments

Who are the people behind the company? 

In a startup it may be easier to present every member of the team, their background and area of expertise and it is also more important. A strong team sends a clear message, that you are ready for business.

For a bigger company having only the ones in leadership won’t be as meaningful. They must appear in the company profile together with the departments of the company. You want to transmit the image of a united company where every employee has its contribution.

best presentation for company overview

10. Call to Action & Contact

A must have in your company profile is a simple push toward the next step. If the reader doesn’t know exactly what to do when they finish going through the document give them a few ideas, like:

“For more information contact us”, “Let’s schedule a call to talk more”.

In the end put the contact info where you can be found, address, email, telephone number. You can also have more contact persons for different situations. This will make it easier for the reader and will shorten the contacting process. 

best presentation for company overview

Company profiles can get very formal and have a lot of pages, the difference is that you can make it more interactive. Use creativity and put yourself in the customer shoes to see what they would be interested to see. May it be in a word document form or a presentation format do the best to personalize it and add your colors to it (metaphorically and literally).

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10 Slides you should have in your sales presentation

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This is mind blowing, thanks for sharing.

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Thank you so much for this blog post, now i know what should i add in my comopany profile presentation? all these three slides are fabulous..!!

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20 Great Examples of PowerPoint Presentation Design [+ Templates]

Carly Williams

Updated: August 06, 2024

Published: May 24, 2010

When it comes to PowerPoint presentation design, there's no shortage of avenues you can take.

PowerPoint presentation examples graphic with computer monitor, person holding a megaphone, and a plant to signify growth.

While all that choice — colors, formats, visuals, fonts — can feel liberating, it‘s important that you’re careful in your selection as not all design combinations add up to success.

In this blog post, I’m sharing some of my favorite PowerPoint tips and templates to help you nail your next presentation.

Table of Contents

What makes a good PowerPoint presentation?

Powerpoint design ideas, best powerpoint presentation slides, good examples of powerpoint presentation design.

best presentation for company overview

10 Free PowerPoint Templates

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In my opinion, a great PowerPoint presentation gets the point across succinctly while using a design that doesn't detract from it.

Here are some of the elements I like to keep in mind when I’m building my own.

1. Minimal Animations and Transitions

Believe it or not, animations and transitions can take away from your PowerPoint presentation. Why? Well, they distract from the content you worked so hard on.

A good PowerPoint presentation keeps the focus on your argument by keeping animations and transitions to a minimum. I suggest using them tastefully and sparingly to emphasize a point or bring attention to a certain part of an image.

2. Cohesive Color Palette

I like to refresh my memory on color theory when creating a new PowerPoint presentation.

A cohesive color palette uses complementary and analogous colors to draw the audience’s attention and help emphasize certain aspects at the right time.

best presentation for company overview

Image source

Mesmerize your audience by adding some neon colors and effects to your PowerPoint slides. Adding pops of color to your presentation will create visual interest and keep your audience engaged. 

What I like: Neon will add personality and depth to your presentation and will help the information you're providing stand out and be more memorable. 

2. Use an interesting background image.

Interesting PowerPoint

Do you have some interesting nature photos from a recent road trip? Or maybe a holiday passed, and you have gorgeous photos to share? If so, consider incorporating them into your PowerPoint. 

What I like: PowerPoints don't have to be stuffy and boring. They can be fun and a unique or interesting background will enhance the experience of your presentation.

3. Or be minimal.

Powerpoint Minimal

Have you ever heard of K.I.S.S.? Not the band! I mean, Keep It Simple, Sweetheart. If you're worried too many colors or visuals could take attention away from the message of your presentation, consider going minimal. 

Pro tip: Stick to no more than three colors if you're going for a minimalist design in your slides. 

4. Incorporate illustrations.

PowerPoint Illustration

Illustrations are a great way to highlight or break down a point in your presentation. They can also add a bit of whimsy and fun to keep viewers engaged.

5. Use all caps.

PoiwerPoint Capital Letters

Using all capital letters can draw your audience's eyes to where you need them, helping cement your message in their minds. It can also just be aesthetically pleasing.

Pro tip: If you choose to use all capital letters, use varying fonts so readers can tell which information is important and which are supporting details.

6. Alternate slide layouts

PowerPoint alternate slides

You don't want readers to grow bored with your presentation. So, to retain visual interest, use alternating slide layouts. The example above shows PowerPoint slides alternating between vertical and horizontal layouts.

This keeps things interesting and ensures your presentation isn't monotonous.  

7. Inject a little humor.

Humor is a great way to drive a point home and help people remember the information you're presenting. People remember a good joke, so if you have a funny pun to connect to a concept in a presentation, why not use it in a slide?

Pro tip: Remember you're in a professional setting, so keep your jokes appropriate. If you're worried a joke can get you a meeting with HR, then keep it to yourself. 

8. Use duotones.

PowerPoint Duotones

Duotones (or gradience) can take the aesthetic of your PowerPoint to new levels. They can provide a calming energy to your presentation and make viewers feel relaxed and eager to stay focused. 

9. Include printed materials.

Let's say you have a PowerPoint you're proud of, but you want to go that extra mile to ensure your audience understands the material. A great way to do this would be to supplement your presentation with printed materials, as such as:

  • Pamphlets 
  • Printed slides
  • Short quizzes on the material

10. Keep it to one chart or graph per slide.

powerpoint chart

This is both a design example and a warning. Graphs and charts are an excellent way of displaying quantitative data in a digestible format.

However, you should have no more than one graph or chart per slide so your presentation doesn't get too confusing or muddled. 

11. Use a large font.

PowerPoint Large Font

Just like capital letters, a large font will help your shift your audience's focus to key points in your presentation.

Pro tip: You can combine large fonts and capital letters to boost its effectiveness. 

12. Include videos.

Embedding a video into your PowerPoint can help you expand on a point or effectively break down a complex topic. You can either embed a video from a platform like YouTube or TikTok or use HubSpot's Clip Creator to make your own.

Pro tip: Try to keep videos short, like, under a minute, and don't use more than one or two. 

13. Use GIFs.

GIFs add more visual interest, and they can be a great way to add humor or personal touch to your PowerPoint presentation.

14. Use contrasting colors when comparing two ideas or arguments. 

powerpoint contrast

Contrasting colors can convey the difference between two opposing thoughts or arguments in a way that is visually appealing. 

15. Add a touch of nature.

PowerPoint nature

If you want your presentation to exude a calming energy to your audience, including images of trees, flowers, and natural landscapes can do the trick.

PowerPoint Theme Ideas

Atlas (theme).

Covering a more creative subject for a younger or more energetic audience? I’d recommend using the cover slide design below. Its vibrant red color blocks and fun lines will appeal to your audience.

best presentation for company overview

This simplistic presentation example employs several different colors and font weights, but instead of coming off as disconnected, the varied colors work with one another to create contrast and call out specific concepts.

What I like: The big, bold numbers help set the reader's expectations, as they clearly signify how far along the viewer is in the list of tips.

10. “Pixar's 22 Rules to Phenomenal Storytelling,” Gavin McMahon

This presentation by Gavin McMahon features color in all the right places. While each of the background images boasts a bright, spotlight-like design, all the characters are intentionally blacked out.

What I like: This helps keep the focus on the tips, while still incorporating visuals. Not to mention, it's still easy for me to identify each character without the details. (I found you on slide eight, Nemo.)

11. “Facebook Engagement and Activity Report,” We Are Social

Here's another great example of data visualization in the wild.

What I like: Rather than displaying numbers and statistics straight up, this presentation calls upon interesting, colorful graphs, and charts to present the information in a way that just makes sense.

12. “The GaryVee Content Model,” Gary Vaynerchuk

This wouldn‘t be a true Gary Vaynerchuk presentation if it wasn’t a little loud, am I right?

What I like: Aside from the fact that I love the eye-catching, bright yellow background, Vaynerchuk does a great job of incorporating screenshots on each slide to create a visual tutorial that coincides with the tips. He also does a great job including a visual table of contents that shows your progress as you go .

13. “20 Tweetable Quotes to Inspire Marketing & Design Creative Genius,” IMPACT Branding & Design

We‘ve all seen our fair share of quote-chronicling presentations but that isn’t to say they were all done well. Often the background images are poor quality, the text is too small, or there isn't enough contrast.

Well, this professional presentation from IMPACT Branding & Design suffers from none of said challenges.

What I like: The colorful filters over each background image create just enough contrast for the quotes to stand out.

14. “The Great State of Design,” Stacy Kvernmo

This presentation offers up a lot of information in a way that doesn't feel overwhelming.

What I like: The contrasting colors create visual interest and “pop,” and the comic images (slides 6 through 12) are used to make the information seem less buttoned-up and overwhelming.

15. “Clickbait: A Guide To Writing Un-Ignorable Headlines,” Ethos3

Not going to lie, it was the title that convinced me to click through to this presentation but the awesome design kept me there once I arrived.

What I like: This simple design adheres to a consistent color pattern and leverages bullet points and varied fonts to break up the text nicely.

16. “Digital Transformation in 50 Soundbites,” Julie Dodd

This design highlights a great alternative to the “text-over-image” display we've grown used to seeing.

What I like: By leveraging a split-screen approach to each presentation slide, Julie Dodd was able to serve up a clean, legible quote without sacrificing the power of a strong visual.

17. “Fix Your Really Bad PowerPoint,” Slide Comet

When you‘re creating a PowerPoint about how everyone’s PowerPoints stink, yours had better be terrific. The one above, based on the ebook by Seth Godin, keeps it simple without boring its audience.

What I like: Its clever combinations of fonts, together with consistent color across each slide, ensure you're neither overwhelmed nor unengaged.

18. “How Google Works,” Eric Schmidt

Simple, clever doodles tell the story of Google in a fun and creative way. This presentation reads almost like a storybook, making it easy to move from one slide to the next.

What I like: This uncluttered approach provides viewers with an easy-to-understand explanation of a complicated topic.

19. “What Really Differentiates the Best Content Marketers From The Rest,” Ross Simmonds

Let‘s be honest: These graphics are hard not to love. I especially appreciate the author’s cartoonified self-portrait that closes out the presentation. Well played, Ross Simmonds.

What I like: Rather than employing the same old stock photos, this unique design serves as a refreshing way to present information that's both valuable and fun.

20. “Be A Great Product Leader,” Adam Nash

This presentation by Adam Nash immediately draws attention by putting the company's logo first — a great move if your company is well known.

What I like: He uses popular images, such as ones of Megatron and Pinocchio, to drive his points home. In the same way, you can take advantage of popular images and media to keep your audience engaged.

And if you want more templates and examples, you can download them here .

PowerPoint Presentation Examples for the Best Slide Presentation

Mastering a PowerPoint presentation begins with the design itself.

Get inspired by my ideas above to create a presentation that engages your audience, builds upon your point, and helps you generate leads for your brand.

Editor's note: This post was originally published in March 2013 and has been updated for comprehensiveness. This article was written by a human, but our team uses AI in our editorial process. Check out our full disclosure to learn more about how we use AI.

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51 Best Presentation Slides for Engaging Presentations (2024)

Written by: Chloe West

When you're creating a presentation for a live audience or embedding it on a webpage for visitors to access on their own time, you want it to be engaging. And unfortunately, too many presentation slides are boring and forgettable.

But with Visme, we've put together 51 of our top presentation slides to help you find the perfect template for your next presentation.

To make navigation easier, we've broken them down into six categories.

Browse through each below to find your next presentation slides. But if you're eager to begin, head over to our rich library of expertly designed presentation templates to get started.

Here's a short selection of 8 easy-to-edit presentation templates you can edit, share and download with Visme. View more below:

best presentation for company overview

Before you dive in, watch this video to discover valuable tips for designing captivating presentation slides.

51 Best Presentation Slides for Engaging Presentations

Business Presentation Slides

Finance presentation slides.

  • Sales & Marketing Presentation Slides

Education Presentation Slides

Pitch deck presentation slides, nonprofit presentation slides, presentation slide faqs.

There are so many reasons you might need to give a presentation in your business or career. And we’ve got just the right templates to get you started.

After all, you’re probably spending enough time creating the content and rehearsing your presentation deck . You don’t need to worry about your presentation slide design at the same time.

Here are a few of the best presentation slide ideas based on topic material, like the ones you’re regularly using. And if you're racing against the clock, tap into Visme's AI presentation maker to create eye-catching presentations in seconds. Just input your prompt, provide more context, select your preferred style and watch the tool generate your slides. Customize every part of your presentation with our intuitive editor.

1. Meeting Agenda Template

presentation slides - meeting agenda template visme

Customize this presentation template to make it your own! Edit and Download

Sick of seeing team members nod off or lose focus during your team meetings?

Put together your meeting agenda ahead of time using these presentation slides to help keep your team engaged and informed throughout.

This template comes with 15 premade presentation slides that cover everything from project management to charts showing performance and overall meeting objectives. Whatever you need to share in your meeting, you can find in this theme.

Plus, you can completely customize these business slides to match your company colors directly in Visme!

2. Company Goals Template

presentation slides - company goals template visme

It’s important to ensure everyone on your team knows and understands the company’s goals. After all, everyone’s work should be geared towards achieving those goals.

You can use these nice business slides to put together a background of your company and how far it’s come, as well as detail your upcoming goals, launches and more.

3. Company Overview Template

presentation slides - company overview template visme 2

If you’re speaking to a networking group about your company or pitching to investors, you likely need to give an overview of your company, its leadership team and its offerings.

These are the perfect presentation slides to help you put together a minimalistic design that draws focus towards your company and its mission.

Plus, all of these good-looking slides are perfectly set up to highlight your company’s most important assets.

And best of all, they’re completely customizable. Add in your own brand fonts and colors to create the perfect presentation for your business.

Make the goal-setting or design process a collaborative activity with the help of Visme’s collaborative feature . Team members can edit your presentation, leave feedback and draw annotations in real-time or at their own pace.

4. Project Status Report Template

presentation slides - project status template visme

When it comes to project management, you could always just send over a boring email or report update, but a better way would be to put together a presentation updating your team and/or your supervisors on the status of the project and the remaining timeline.

This presentation theme comes with 14 different slides to help you put together a status report that covers all aspects of your project: the various phases and how far along each one is, the timeline for your project, a project health card and more.

You can also gain even more inspiration for your project timeline slides from these timeline infographic ideas .

5. Business Annual Report Template

presentation slides - business annual report template visme

Want to show your boss how the company is doing? Or share how your team’s efforts have affected the bottom line? Put together a corporate presentation that shows your business’s results over the year.

While this presentation template comes with a fun geometric accent pattern, you’re able to swap out any of these shapes for ones that more accurately represent your business or your message right in Visme’s design dashboard.

Working on this design with your team? Effectively manage the process with Visme’s workflow management tool . You can assign different sections of the slide to your team members to work on set deadlines, manage progress, track corrections and more.

6. Business Plan Template

presentation slides - business plan template visme

Are you starting a new business? You might be looking for investors, or perhaps you want to pitch the idea to a potential cofounder. You need to deploy the best presentation slides possible.

You can use this theme to put together a polished business plan presentation that showcases your business idea, the market summary, the industry opportunities and more.

You can also use Visme’s color themes to find the perfect color scheme for your presentation and your upcoming business. After all, your brand colors can say a lot about your business.

7. Product Introduction Template

presentation slides - product introduction template visme

Put together a presentation that introduces a new product idea to your boss, your board of directors or your investors. Take advantage of the charts and graphs in Visme’s design dashboard to showcase various studies and statistics that prove why your idea will be profitable.

Or you can utilize this presentation theme to introduce a product to the public. If your company is in the process of developing a new product to release, a presentation introduction can be a great and engaging way to share it with your audience.

8. Product Presentation Template

presentation slides - product presentation template visme

Whether you’re launching a new product or sharing the features of an already existing one, you can show off your product through a presentation with nice slides.

You can share your presentation on social media, on your website or at a large company event to announce it to your audience. Include bright, high-quality photos of your product and a list of its best features to really highlight your new release.

9. Visual Brand Identity Template

presentation slides - visual brand identity template visme

There are many different ways to create a brand style guide for your business. One great way is with a presentation.

These presentation example slides allow you to seamlessly input your fonts, colors and other visual guidelines into a single presentation so that you can easily share your brand with the designers, marketers and other members of your team.

10. Special Business Presentation Template

presentation slides - special business presentation template visme

These presentation slides can help you easily put together a business introduction template for a conference or networking event.

Just click above to edit in Visme, switch out your background with one of the thousands of options in our photo library, add in your own key facts, vision and values and download!

If you’re running out of ideas for your presentation , you can use Visme’s Writer AI to produce high-quality drafts, proofread your content or adjust its tone.

11. Industry Trends Template

presentation slides - tech industry trends template visme

Put together a presentation to showcase upcoming trends in your industry. You can leave the patterns and colors the way they are in these existing presentation slides, or you can add in your own brand colors or product colors.

Understanding developing trends in your industry each year is important so that you know where your business should focus its efforts.

Sharing a presentation with your team is a great way to stay ahead of the curve.

12. Services Template

presentation slides - services template visme

Use these slide presentation examples to showcase your services and what you can offer your clients/customers. If you have a visual business, a presentation is an excellent way to highlight your work and show it off to prospective leads.

Swap out each photo in the example slides with photos of your work, update the fonts to match your brand voice (or upload your brand fonts) and add in the services you offer.

13. Slideshow Template

presentation slides - slideshow template visme

A slideshow presentation is a great way for you to showcase photos of your work alongside your service offerings. This template even includes social media icons on the last page so that viewers know how to find the business online.

Again, you’ll want to swap out all of the photos with your own work, but this presentation theme is a great way to get started.

14. How To Presentation Template

presentation slides - how to presentation template visme

Are you presenting a tutorial or step-by-step guide on how to do something? Using example slides to put together your content is a great idea.

It’s a disservice to your company and your customer to assume that everyone automatically knows how to use your product or service. Showing your audience exactly what to do is essential to your customer service strategy.

Spice up your presentation by adding stunning, high-resolution images and stock photos , videos , icons , widgets and other design elements.

Didn’t find any photos that caught your eye? We’ve got you. Use Visme’s AI image generator to whip up captivating images that match your presentation theme and design.

Even if you have photos that need editing, use Visme's AI Edit tools to touch up, unblur, upscale, erase and replace images with one click.

15. Survey Results Template

presentation slides - survey results template visme

Putting together a customer survey is a great idea to understand how your audience feels about your industry or even your company. Grab those results and insert them into these presentation slides to share with your team.

You can also put together a blog post or webpage with survey results and embed this presentation directly into it so your audience can understand the state of the industry as well.

Visme’s design dashboard allows you to add in various charts and graphs that adjust automatically based on the numbers you input. After all, ain’t nobody got time for manually adjusting the sizes of bar graphs and pie charts.

16. Company Overview Presentation Template

presentation slides - company overview template visme

Utilize these beautifully designed presentation slides to create a brief overview of your company and its offerings.

Having a readily available presentation overview of your company is a great idea for when you’re pitching investors, journalists for coverage and more. You don’t need to recreate a presentation each time. Instead, put together a visually appealing and informative one-size-fits-all overview.

You can add in your own photos or choose from Visme’s photo library to keep the same beautifully minimalistic appeal.

When sharing financial information, it’s always helpful to put together some kind of visual aid. This can be used to further emphasize your content, whether it’s about going over budget, showing off exciting revenue increases and more.

Check out these finance slide presentation examples to find the perfect template for your goals.

17. Financial Report Template

presentation slides - financial report template visme

Use this template to put together a presentation that goes over your company’s expenses, sales, profits and more.

The built-in data visualization options allow you to showcase your point with more than just numbers. Add in a table of contents to keep your report organized and cohesive, letting your team know exactly what information they’ll find inside.

18. Statistical Presentation Template

presentation slides - statistical presentation template visme

Need to report some financial statistics and data? These presentation slides are perfect for helping you insert cold, hard facts into your presentation.

Each slide includes a different type of chart or graph for you to choose from to fully represent your data and statistics. You can easily switch your color scheme by inputting your own brand colors or by choosing a preset color theme from Visme’s dashboard.

19. Map Presentation Template

presentation slides - map presentation template visme

It’s important to know where it makes the most sense to market your product geographically. Showcase sales and overall company growth and profitability by location.

Knowing your revenue based on geographic location is essential for a global company, and this presentation template is perfect for the job.

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  • Hundreds of premade slides available
  • Add animation and interactivity to your slides
  • Choose from various presentation options

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Create a stunning presentation in less time

Sales and Marketing Presentation Slides

When it comes to sales and marketing for your company, there is a lot of data and information that can be represented visually. Creating sales and marketing presentations helps with keeping your team on the right track, but can also be a great way to make a pitch.

Learn more about creating essential sales and marketing presentations with these templates.

20. Visualization for Sales and Marketing Template

presentation slides - visualization for sales and marketing template visme

When you’re putting together a sales and marketing plan, you have to present it to your boss for approval, then to your team for implementation.

Use these presentation slides to help visualize your sales and marketing plan , including each of the upcoming tactics and strategies and the steps for putting them in place.

Having a presentation to refer back to allows your team to ensure they’re implementing the strategies properly.

21. Simple Marketing Presentation Template

presentation slides - simple marketing presentation template visme

Whether you’re introducing new marketing ideas to your team, pitching a new marketing strategy to your boss or to a new client, a presentation with nice slides is the perfect format.

Grab this presentation template that helps you to define your new ideas and share specific tactics for how they should be implemented for the business. Then get ready to rock your pitch and share your awesome new ideas.

22. Market Analysis Template

Market Analysis Report

Review market trends with your team so you know where to take your company’s marketing messaging. You can send out a customer survey or take a look at a few studies that have been done surrounding your industry to put together your market analysis report.

Input all of your findings into this presentation template so you can easily present it to your team or grab the link and send it in an email. Even if you’re not standing up to give a presentation, these presentation slides are still an engaging way to share necessary information.

23. Marketing Plan Template

presentation slides - marketing plan template visme

Building a new marketing plan for your business? Put together  great presentations for your marketing plan to share with your team.

Presenting your new marketing plan to the company is a great way to get everyone motivated and on board with new strategies and ideas.

You can add in your goals, objectives and even user personas with this ready-made marketing plan template.

24. Sales Report Template

presentation slides - sales report template visme

Your sales team should be regularly providing insight on how much revenue the company is generating. And a great way to do that is through a sales report presentation or slideshow.

It’s important to stay informed of sales growth throughout the year. Share graphs of sales quarter-over-quarter or year-over-year to see where the company/sales team needs to improve.

25. Press Release Template

presentation slides - press release template visme

Don’t just write a boring old press release to send out to journalists and media publications. Instead, create an interactive press release showcasing your launch.

A presentation press release will help your business stand out from the dry press releases most publications receive, offering even more incentive for them to highlight your business and its products/services.

Edit this business slide to add in your own brand touches, voice and launch information before grabbing the link and sending it off.

26. Social Media Report Template

presentation slides - social media report template visme

Sharing results of any marketing strategy is always essential. This is how you keep your team updated of any strategies that are working, and any strategies that need some adapting.

This presentation theme is a great way to share your current strategy and results. Input your platforms, your strategies and your metrics before presenting it to your team. Customize the presentation slides so that they cater perfectly to your company’s strategy.

27. Social Media Strategy Template

presentation slides - social media strategy template visme

Pitching a social media strategy to your boss can also be done well with a presentation. Showcase why social media is important to invest in, what your plan is and how it will affect the bottom line.

This presentation template already gets you started in perfectly pitching your own strategy. Simply adjust it to your brand colors and fonts and update the information with your own.

Presentations are huge in educational settings.

Whether you’re a teacher looking for an interactive way to share your lesson plan or a student trying to finish up a school project, we’ve got the presentation templates for you.

Take a look at our education presentation slide options to find one that works for you.

28. Training Plan Template

presentation slides - training plan template visme

When working one-on-one with a student or mentee, it can be a good idea to put a training or education plan into place. These presentation slides are the perfect start to your lesson and can help to visualize the content and learn in a different way.

Putting together educational content in a presentation helps offer different formats for learning. Students are often not provided with all of the tools they need to learn the material, and an interactive presentation is a great place to start.

29. Book Report Template

presentation slides - book report template visme

Putting together a book report to present for your class? Get started with a presentation theme that you can fully customize for your specific book.

These presentation slides allow you to seamlessly enter in the information about your main characters, the theme of the book, its timeline and any other pertinent information you need to share with the class.

Don’t worry about presentation design in your next project. We’ve already got it all put together for you! Simply click edit, insert your book content and download your presentation.

30. Trivia Template

presentation slides - trivia template visme

Help your class remember fast facts before a text with this trivia template. It’s a great way to host a study session in your classroom, and the content is easily interchangeable.

Or if you’re a student, put together a presentation study guide to help you memorize the most important key facts and information from class. A trivia presentation format can make for a fun study sesh before the test.

31. Lesson Plan Template

presentation slides - lesson plan template visme

Don’t waste time putting together a dry Microsoft Word or PowerPoint lesson plan. Instead, create an interactive lesson plan that helps you stay on message during your class, and helps your students to know exactly what’s going to come next.

32. Group Project Template

presentation slides - group project template visme

Group presentations just got a little more exciting. Blow the rest of your class’s projects away by using these presentation slides to compile your overall project objectives and results.

You can easily adjust colors and fonts, add in your team members and insert copy relevant to your class and your group project.

Don’t forget to thank your classmates and your teacher for listening in the end.

A pitch deck is an essential presentation for all businesses and entrepreneurs to have. There are many times you might need to pitch your business, whether it’s to investors for funding, journalists for media coverage and more.

Using a presentation template to put together your pitch deck is a great idea so that you can focus on pitching your business without having to worry about the design.

Browse through the pitch deck presentation slides below to find one that works for your business and its goals.

33. Airbnb Pitch Deck Presentation Template

presentation slides - airsns airbnb pitch deck template visme

Give this Airbnb-inspired pitch deck presentation theme a go when putting together a slideshow for your business. In your company slide, include the solution that your business provides its customers, product/service information, and excerpts from press acknowledgements.

34. Front Pitch Deck Presentation Template

presentation slides - upfront front pitch deck template visme

Showcase your business with this geometric pitch deck template inspired by Front. Add in the planned acquisition channels for your business, your leadership team and more.

Your pitch deck is meant to showcase your business to people who may want to work with you, so it’s important to share the most imperative information.

35. Buffer Pitch Deck Presentation Template

presentation slides - buffer buffit pitch deck template visme

Showcase the state of the industry and your business’s role in it with this pitch presentation slides idea inspired by Buffer. The information these presentation slides include helps you to share the impact your company has had on your industry.

Since industries are ever-changing, you can easily update the information within your pitch deck in Visme and it will automatically sync to the webpage where you embed this presentation.

36. Comms Pitch Deck Presentation Template

presentation slides - comms intercom pitch deck template visme

Use these presentation slides inspired by Intercom to give your audience an idea of what your product is going to look like and how it will work.

This is the perfect pitch deck template to take advantage of when launching a new SaaS product or app so that you can share what the technology will look like and how it will work.

Showcasing specific features and tutorials is a great way to get people talking about your product.

37. WeWork Pitch Deck Presentation Template

presentation slides - iworkuwork wework pitch deck template visme

Is your company helping to fuel a movement? Share how your company is changing the industry with this pitch deck template inspired by WeWork.

It’s exciting when your business is doing more for your industry than simply adding another product or service. Focusing on a movement that really switches up the way your industry does things is an incredible feat.

Utilize a pitch deck template like the one above to showcase how your company is involved.

38. Buzzfeed Pitch Deck Presentation Template

presentation slides - newbuzz buzzfeed pitch deck template visme

Does your business focus on content? Or perhaps you’re creating a new kind of media outlet?

Show off your content and analytics with this Buzzfeed-inspired pitch deck presentation template. Getting advertisers on board and other media outlets to talk about you is important for success.

This is why you need to be putting together a pitch deck that shares that kind of information. No one will want to work with you if you keep your analytics in the dark.

Use dynamic fields to ensure your brand information and other key details stays consistent across slides and other projects. These fields are customizable and change automatically based on input or predefined conditions.

39. Investor Pitch Deck Template

presentation slides - investor pitch deck template visme

Starting a new venture that you need funding for? Use these presentation slides to put together a pitch for investors in your business.

From showcasing the problem in the industry to your business’s solution, along with your business plan and pricing table is a great way to get potential investors interested in what you’re selling.

40. LinkedIn Pitch Deck Presentation Template

presentation slides - work biz linkedin pitch deck template visme

Compare and contrast what processes look like with and without your business with this pitch deck template inspired by LinkedIn.

It’s a great idea to take care of this in your pitch deck so that you make the job of any media outlet or writer covering your business even easier. After all, you’ve done the hard work for them.

They were going to share how your business helps. You’ve already visualized this in your pitch deck. This increases the chances that people will cover your business.

41. Mattermark Pitch Deck Presentation Template

presentation slides - startup index mattermark pitch deck template visme

Use this pitch deck presentation theme inspired by Mattermark to put together key questions about the industry that showcase why your business is so essential.

Launching a startup is hard work, and that’s why a pitch deck is an essential marketing tool to have. Creating a pitch deck that already answers the why and how questions of your business is a great way to introduce who you are and what you’re doing to investors and reporters.

42. Foursquare Pitch Deck Presentation Template

presentation slides - map your day foursquare pitch deck template visme

Put together an overview of how your product works with this pitch deck presentation template inspired by Foursquare.

With presentation slides already in place to showcase a step-by-step tutorial, all you have to do is input your content and publish your presentation.

43. Fyre Festival Pitch Deck Presentation Template

presentation slides - l'ete events fyre festival pitch deck template visme

If your company has been doing some awesome stuff lately, you want your potential investors and those looking to work with your business to know about it.

Show off your company achievements with this pitch deck presentation template inspired by the famous Fyre Festival pitch deck.

44. Biogrify Pitch Deck Presentation Template

presentation slides - journalvision biogrify pitch deck template visme

Use these presentation slides inspired by Biogrify to excite people about how they can use your product. If you have a unique product or service, you just need to drum up a little excitement and attention!

A pitch deck is the perfect way to do that. Add in your company’s logo, mission and unique selling proposition to get people looking forward to becoming customers/users.

45. Launchrock Pitch Deck Presentation Template

presentation slides - rockingit launchrock pitch deck template visme

Influencer marketing is a huge marketing strategy that can generate some serious results. What better way to pitch influencers about your business than with this pitch deck inspired by Launchrock?

Don’t email off some boring PDF or Google Doc. Create enticing pitches to influencers with this pitch deck theme, and start watching the replies from influencers pour in.

Working with influencers to promote your product is a great way to increase your audience base and word of mouth about your company.

When you’re running a nonprofit, there is a lot of pitching your organization, talking to donors and working on events to increase donations. This is why you need great slide presentations.

Putting together a presentation for your nonprofit is a great way to showcase what your organization does and why people should donate to it.

Here are a few nonprofit presentation slides to choose from, where all you have to do is insert your information, change colors and fonts and present.

46. Nonprofit Report Template

presentation slides - nonprofit report template visme

Put together a report that covers what your nonprofit is working against as well as your nonprofit’s achievements each year.

47. Nonprofit Art Template

presentation slides - nonprofit art template visme

Use this presentation slides idea to provide an overview of your nonprofit and its main projects. To generate even more support and donations, it’s important to provide clear insight into your key products and objectives.

48. Nonprofit Environmental Template

presentation slides - nonprofit environmental template visme

This presentation theme is perfect for showcasing the key issues your nonprofit fights for and its process for doing so.

Being transparent about what your nonprofit works on is important so that your donors know exactly where their money is going. Being secretive can generate some bad press, so it’s better to be open with your supporters.

49. Nonprofit Animals Template

presentation slides - nonprofit animals template visme

These presentation slides use earthy colors to convey their nonprofit’s connection to animal rights. Use this to showcase your nonprofit. You can use the current colors or update it to match your nonprofit’s brand/industry.

50. Wildlife Conservation Template

presentation slides - wildlife conservation template visme

Use these presentation slide examples to cover why your nonprofit matters and why donors should consider contributing.

A nonprofit only exists when people donate, so putting together a compelling pitch deck showcasing why your nonprofit is so important to your main issue is important. These slides are perfect for sharing your goals and mission.

51. Pet Adoption Slideshow Template

presentation slides - pet adoption slideshow template visme

If you're looking for stunning presentation slide ideas , we've got more than enough. This pitch deck presentation template is perfect for SPCAs and other animal societies working on finding forever homes for their animals.

However, it can also be adapted to any other nonprofit or business need. The great thing about these presentation slides is how versatile they are. Each one is completely customizable to fit your specific needs. For example, you can turn it into a video presentation .

Q. What is a PowerPoint Slide Deck?

A PowerPoint slide deck is a collection of slides that are created using an online presentation maker. These slides are used to create presentations for various purposes, like sales , marketing , research , case studies , webinars , onboarding and business in general.

PPT presentation slides typically consist of a series of slides that contain text, images, charts, graphs, and other multimedia elements that are used to communicate information to the audience in an engaging and visually appealing manner.

So why is it called a slide deck? In the early days, presenters would create slides by photographing images or text onto transparent film. These slides would then be loaded into a slide projector and displayed on a screen. The collection of slides was referred to as a "deck," and the presenter would advance through them one by one. Today, the term "slide deck" is still used to refer to a collection of slides or presentation materials, even though most presentations are now created and displayed digitally.

Q. What is a good presentation slide?

A good presentation slide is one that engages your audience and effectively communicates your message.

Here are some key characteristics of a good presentation slide:

1. Keep your slides simple and uncluttered: Avoid excessive text and use bullet points or concise phrases to convey your main points. Use clear and legible fonts, and maintain a consistent design throughout the presentation.

2. Visual appeal: Incorporate visually appealing elements such as relevant images, charts, graphs, or diagrams. Use high-quality visuals that enhance understanding and make the content more engaging

3. Make it readable: Use a readable font size. Stick to a maximum of two or three font styles and sizes. Blend bright and dark colors for the text and background to ensure visual contrast and good visibility.

4. Consistent structure: Use consistent formatting, such as font styles, colors, and alignment, throughout the presentation.

5. Make it interactive: Include animation and interactivity to add flair to your presentation. It can make your presentation powerful and memorable.

Q. How do you make a good presentation slide?

There are lots of presentation software available for creating presentations. But Visme offers users a wide range of features to create visually stunning and engaging presentations.

All you need to do is choose a template from our extensive library of over 500 presentation templates and customize it with your text. You can edit content, change image(s), apply custom colors, input your own fonts and logo, and more. You can visualize data using our wide range of customizable charts and widgets.

Spruce up your presentation by adding audio, video, animations and other interactive elements. Download it as a PDF, PPTX, MP4, and HTML5 to share with your recipient , or generate a shareable link for online sharing.

Q. How do you design a presentation?

Here's a step-by-step guide to help you design some of the best business presentations:

1. Define Your Objective: Determine the purpose of your presentation and identify the main message or key points you want to convey

2. Plan Your Content: Outline the structure and flow of your presentation. Divide it into sections or key topics to ensure a logical progression. Read this article to learn more about creating an effective presentation outline .

3. ​​Create a Storyline: Craft a compelling narrative that ties your key points together. Storytelling can help engage your audience and make your presentation more memorable.

4. Choose a Design Theme: Select a visually appealing design theme or template that aligns with your topic and audience. You can use the ones we've shared above as your presentation inspiration.

Visme’s branding kit streamlines on-brand content creation and ensures you stay consistent across all channels. With our AI-powered brand wizard , you can automatically generate branded templates fitted with your brand elements.

5. Use Visual Elements: Incorporate relevant visuals such as images, charts, graphs, icons, or diagrams to enhance understanding and engagement.

6. Maintain Visual Hierarchy: Organize your content with a clear visual hierarchy. Use headings, subheadings, and bullet points to guide the audience's attention and emphasize key points.

7. Use Transitions and Animations: Apply transitions and animations to enhance the flow and engagement of your presentation.

8. ​​Practice and Test: Review and rehearse your presentation to ensure a smooth delivery. Test your presentation on the actual equipment or platform you'll be using to ensure compatibility and optimal display.

9. Seek Feedback: Before delivering your presentation, consider sharing it with a trusted colleague or friend for feedback. Ask for their input on the content, design, and overall effectiveness. Incorporate their suggestions to improve your presentation.

Q. Which slide is best for presentation?

The best slide for a presentation highly depends on the topic and the target audience. For example, if it's a pitch deck presentation, the financial projections or business model slide would be the best.

However, here are some of the most common slides you should know about:

1. Title Slide: It announces the presentation's topic and introduces the speaker. It grabs the audience's initial attention.

2. Agenda Slide : This gives the audience an idea of what to expect throughout the presentation.

3. Content Slide : These are dense with information. They're best when broken down into bullet points for readability.

4. Visual Slide: Slides with infographics, charts, or other visuals can improve understanding and retention of complex data.

5. Interactive Slide: Encourages audience participation and engagement, especially in virtual presentations.

6. Conclusion/Summary Slide: Reinforces your presentation's key points or takeaways.

7. Question & Answer Slide: Allows interaction and clarification, ensuring the audience fully grasps the presented materials.

8. Contact Information Slide: Provides follow-up information for further questions or networking.

Q. What are the 3 main types of presentation slides?

While there's no one-size-fits-all rule for making presentation slides, you can group them into three main categories:

Introduction and Closing Slides

These slides bookend your presentation. The introduction slide typically includes the title of your presentation, your name and any relevant introductory information. The closing slide summarizes key points, provides a conclusion and often includes contact information or a call to action.

Content Slides

Content slides make up the core of your presentation and contain the primary information you want to convey to your audience. They can include text, images, charts, graphs and other visual or textual elements supporting your presentation's message.

Transition Slides

Transition slides signal a change in topic or create a smooth flow between different sections of your presentation. They often feature a brief title or heading that previews the upcoming content. Transition slides help guide your audience through the presentation and make it easy to follow.

Q. What are the 4 types of presentation?

The four types of presentations are informative, instructional, persuasive and arousing.

1. Informative Presentations: These are used to educate the audience on a particular topic. They present facts, data and information to increase the audience's knowledge and understanding.

2. Instructional Presentations: These presentations provide step-by-step guidance or training on a specific task, process or concept. You can use this type of presentation for teaching or coaching purposes, emphasizing learning and development.

3. Persuasive Presentations: The primary goal of these presentations is to influence the listeners' attitudes, beliefs or behaviors. Use this presentation type when you want your audience to accept certain arguments or propositions.

4. Arousing Presentations: These presentations aim to evoke interest and awaken curiosity about the topic among the audience. They often aim to inspire, motivate or raise awareness about an issue.

Q. How do you make a 5-minute presentation interesting?

Creating an intriguing 5-minute presentation may be challenging due to the time constraint. Yet, you can deliver an impactful and engaging presentation with a focused approach and attention to detail.

Here are some of the ways to do it:

1. Focus on a single core message : Since you have limited time, choose a specific topic and stick to it. Present only the crucial information that will help the audience understand your point.

2. Engage from the start: Start your presentation with a compelling story, anecdote or a surprising fact. This will grab the audience's attention and spark curiosity.

3. Keep slides simple and visual: Avoid cluttered slides with too much text. Use visuals such as images, graphs or infographics to illustrate your points clearly and concisely.

4. Tell a story: A narrative structure engages the audience and helps them follow your message. Consider using metaphors or anecdotes to explain complex ideas.

5. Encourage questions or interaction: Since time is limited, you might opt for a brief Q&A session, ask a rhetorical question or request audience feedback for further discussion later.

6. Finish strong: Conclude with a powerful statement, call-to-action or takeaway summarizing your main point. Leave your audience with a lasting impression of your message.

Q. How many slides should a 20 minute presentation be?

The number of slides you should have for a 20-minute presentation can vary depending on several factors, such as the complexity of the topic and the pace of your speech.

However, the general rule of thumb is to allocate at least 1-2 minutes per slide, which suggests 10-20 slides for a 20-minute presentation.

Q. What Is the 5 5 5 Rule for Presentation?

The 5 5 5 rule is a framework that ensures your presentation is clear and remains engaging. A presentation should have no more than five words per line of text, five lines of text per slide and five slides that apply the first two rules in a row.

Q. How Do You Make a Presentation Slide?

With Visme’s presentation software, creating a presentation slide is a breeze. Follow these steps to create a presentation slide with Visme.

Step 1: Log in to Visme and choose from hundreds of beautifully designed presentation templates. Each template is equipped with various intuitive layouts, typography, color themes, data widgets and graphics. Or Use Visme’s AI presentation maker to swiftly create a presentation based on your specific needs.

Step 2: Customize your presentation with your company’s logo, colors and other brand items. Upload your own creative collateral or use our assets library to add photos, images, graphics, icons and animations to your content.

Step 3: Once you have finished editing and are ready to share, download your presentation as a live webpage, video, PDF, or HTML file, a customizable PPTX, or embed it on your website.

Q. What Is the 10 Rule for Slides?

The 10 rule for slides is part of Guy Kawasaki’s 10/20/30 rule which emphasizes that no presentation should have more than 10 slides, last longer than 20 minutes, and contain fonts smaller than thirty points.

Q. Which is better Google Slides or PowerPoint?

When it comes to PowerPoint vs Google Slides , both have they're pro's and con's. You'll need to decide what's worth the trade if you should pick one over the other, or simply choose Visme.

Ready to Create Engaging Presentation Slides?

Ready to get started with creating your presentation? Choose from any of these 51 slides for presentation, or browse Visme’s complete template library to find the perfect match for creating your own presentation.

Each one of these presentation themes can be adapted to match your business, school, nonprofit and other needs so that you can create something perfect for your goals and objectives. Create your free account to start customizing with our drag-and-drop presentation maker.

And once you’ve finished creating your presentation, check out our video to help you present like a pro and wow your audience.

best presentation for company overview

Create beautiful presentation slides with Visme

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Create Stunning Content!

Design visual brand experiences for your business whether you are a seasoned designer or a total novice.

best presentation for company overview

About the Author

Chloe West is the content marketing manager at Visme. Her experience in digital marketing includes everything from social media, blogging, email marketing to graphic design, strategy creation and implementation, and more. During her spare time, she enjoys exploring her home city of Charleston with her son.

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23 presentation examples that really work (plus templates!)

Three professionals engaged in a collaborative meeting with a Biteable video maker, a laptop, and documents on the table.

  • 30 Mar 2023

To help you in your quest for presentation greatness, we’ve gathered 23 of the best business presentation examples out there. These hand-picked ideas range from business PowerPoint presentations, to recruitment presentations, and everything in between.

As a bonus, several of our examples include editable video presentation templates from  Biteable .

Biteable allows anyone to create great video presentations — no previous video-making skills required. The easy-to-use platform has hundreds of brandable templates and video scenes designed with a business audience in mind. A video made with Biteable is just what you need to add that wow factor and make an impact on your audience.

Create videos that drive action

Activate your audience with impactful, on-brand videos. Create them simply and collaboratively with Biteable.

Video presentation examples

Video presentations are our specialty at Biteable. We love them because they’re the most visually appealing and memorable way to communicate.

1. Animated characters

Our first presentation example is a business explainer video from Biteable that uses animated characters. The friendly and modern style makes this the perfect presentation for engaging your audience.

Bonus template:  Need a business video presentation that reflects the beautiful diversity of your customers or team? Use  Biteable’s workplace scenes . You can change the skin tone and hair color for any of the animated characters.

2. Conference video

Videos are also ideal solutions for events (e.g. trade shows) where they can be looped to play constantly while you attend to more important things like talking to people and handing out free cheese samples.

For this event presentation sample below, we used bright colours, stock footage, and messaging that reflects the brand and values of the company. All these elements work together to draw the attention of passers-by.

For a huge selection of video presentation templates, take a look at our  template gallery .

Business PowerPoint presentation examples

Striking fear into the hearts of the workplace since 1987, PowerPoint is synonymous with bland, boring presentations that feel more like an endurance test than a learning opportunity. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Check out these anything-but-boring business PowerPoint presentation examples.

3. Design pointers

This PowerPoint presentation takes a tongue-in-cheek look at how the speakers and users of PowerPoint are the problem, not the software itself.

Even at a hefty 61 slides, the vintage theme, appealing colors, and engaging content keep the viewer interested. It delivers useful and actionable tips on creating a better experience for your audience.

Pixar, as you’d expect, redefines the meaning of PowerPoint in their “22 Rules for Phenomenal Storytelling”. The character silhouettes are instantly recognizable and tie firmly to the Pixar brand. The bright colour palettes are carefully chosen to highlight the content of each slide.

This presentation is a good length, delivering one message per slide, making it easy for an audience to take notes and retain the information.

Google slides examples

If you’re in business, chances are you’ll have come across  slide decks . Much like a deck of cards, each slide plays a key part in the overall ‘deck’, creating a well-rounded presentation.

If you need to inform your team, present findings, or outline a new strategy, slides are one of the most effective ways to do this.

Google Slides is one of the best ways to create a slide deck right now. It’s easy to use and has built-in design tools that integrate with Adobe, Lucidchart, and more. The best part — it’s free!

5. Teacher education

Here’s a slide deck that was created to educate teachers on how to use Google Slides effectively in a classroom. At first glance it seems stuffy and businessy, but if you look closer it’s apparent the creator knows his audience well, throwing in some teacher-friendly content that’s bound to get a smile.

The slides give walkthrough screenshots and practical advice on the different ways teachers can use the software to make their lives that little bit easier and educate their students at the same time.

6. Charity awareness raiser

This next Google slide deck is designed to raise awareness for an animal shelter. It has simple, clear messaging, and makes use of the furry friends it rescues to tug on heartstrings and encourage donations and adoptions from its audience.

Pro tip: Creating a presentation is exciting but also a little daunting. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed — especially if the success of your business or nonprofit depends on it.

Prezi presentation examples

If you haven’t come across  Prezi , it’s a great alternative to using static slides. Sitting somewhere between slides and a video presentation, it allows you to import other content and add motion to create a more engaging viewer experience.

7. Red Bull event recap

This Prezi was created to document the Red Bull stratosphere freefall stunt a few years ago. It neatly captures all the things that Prezi is capable of, including video inserts and the zoom effect, which gives an animated, almost 3D effect to what would otherwise be still images.  

Prezi has annual awards for the best examples of presentations over the year. This next example is one of the 2018 winners. It was made to highlight a new Logitech tool.

8. Logitech Spotlight launch

What stands out here are the juicy colors, bold imagery, and the way the designer has used Prezi to its full extent, including rotations, panning, fades, and a full zoom out to finish the presentation.

best presentation for company overview

Sales presentation examples

If you’re stuck for ideas for your sales presentation, step right this way and check out this video template we made for you.

9. Sales enablement video presentation

In today’s fast-paced sales environment, you need a way to make your sales enablement presentations memorable and engaging for busy reps.  Sales enablement videos  are just the ticket. Use this video presentation template the next time you need to present on your metrics.

10. Zuroa sales deck

If you’re after a sales deck, you can’t go past this example from Zuora. What makes it great? It begins by introducing the worldwide shift in the way consumers are shopping. It’s a global phenomenon, and something we can all relate to.

It then weaves a compelling story about how the subscription model is changing the face of daily life for everyone. Metrics and testimonials from well-known CEOs and executives are included for some slamming social proof to boost the sales message.

Pitch presentation examples

Pitch decks are used to give an overview of business plans, and are usually presented during meetings with customers, investors, or potential partners.

11. Uber pitch deck

This is Uber’s original pitch deck, which (apart from looking a teensy bit dated) gives an excellent overview of their business model and clearly shows how they intended to disrupt a traditional industry and provide a better service to people. Right now, you’re probably very grateful that this pitch presentation was a winner.

You can make your own pitch deck with Biteable, or start with one of our  video templates  to make something a little more memorable.

12. Video pitch template

This video pitch presentation clearly speaks to the pains of everyone who needs to commute and find parking. It then provides the solution with its app that makes parking a breeze.

The video also introduces the key team members, their business strategy, and what they’re hoping to raise in funding. It’s a simple, clear pitch that positions the company as a key solution to a growing, worldwide problem. It’s compelling and convincing, as a good presentation should be.

13. Fyre Festival pitch deck

The most epic example of a recent pitch deck is this one for Fyre Festival – the greatest event that never happened. Marvel at its persuasion, gasp at the opportunity of being part of the cultural experience of the decade, cringe as everything goes from bad to worse.

Despite the very public outcome, this is a masterclass in how to create hype and get funding with your pitch deck using beautiful imagery, beautiful people, and beautiful promises of riches and fame.

Business presentation examples

Need to get the right message out to the right people? Business presentations can do a lot of the heavy lifting for you.

Simply press play and let your video do the talking. No fumbling your words and sweating buckets in front of those potential clients, just you being cool as a cucumber while your presentation does the talking.

Check out two of our popular templates that you can use as a starting point for your own presentations. While they’re business-minded, they’re definitely not boring.

14. Business intro template

Modern graphics, animations, and upbeat soundtracks keep your prospects engaged as they learn about your business, your team, your values, and how you can help them.

15. Business explainer template

Research presentation examples.

When you’re giving a more technical presentation such as research findings, you need to strike the perfect balance between informing your audience and making sure they stay awake.

As a rule, slides are more effective for research presentations, as they are used to support the speaker’s knowledge rather can capture every small detail on screen.

With often dry, complex, and technical subject matter, there can be a temptation for presentations to follow suit. Use images instead of walls of text, and keep things as easy to follow as possible.

16. TrackMaven research deck

TrackMaven uses their endearing mascot to lighten up this data-heavy slide deck. The graphs help to bring life to their findings, and they ensure to only have one bite-size takeaway per slide so that viewers can easily take notes.

17. Wearable tech research report

Obviously, research can get very researchy and there’s not a lot to be done about it. This slide deck below lays out a ton of in-depth information but breaks it up well with quotes, diagrams, and interesting facts to keep viewers engaged while it delivers its findings on wearable technology.

Team presentation examples

Motivating your team can be a challenge at the best of times, especially when you need to gather them together for….another presentation!

18. Team update template

We created this presentation template as an example of how to engage your team. In this case, it’s for an internal product launch. Using colorful animation and engaging pacing, this video presentation is much better than a static PowerPoint, right?

19. Officevibe collaboration explainer

This short slide deck is a presentation designed to increase awareness of the problems of a disengaged team. Bright colors and relevant images combine with facts and figures that compel viewers to click through to a download to learn more about helping their teams succeed.

Recruitment presentation examples

Recruiting the right people can be a challenge. Presentations can help display your team and your business by painting a dynamic picture of what it’s like to work with you.

Videos and animated slides let you capture the essence of your brand and workplace so the right employees can find you.

20. Company culture explainer

If you’re a recruitment agency, your challenge is to stand out from the hundreds of other agencies in the marketplace.

21. Kaizen culture

Showcasing your agency using a slide deck can give employers and employees a feel for doing business with you. Kaizen clearly displays its credentials and highlights its brand values and personality here (and also its appreciation of the coffee bean).

Explainer presentation examples

Got some explaining to do? Using an explainer video is the ideal way to showcase products that are technical, digital, or otherwise too difficult to explain with still images and text.

Explainer videos help you present the features and values of your product in an engaging way that speaks to your ideal audience and promotes your brand at the same time.

22. Product explainer template

23. lucidchart explainer.

Lucidchart does a stellar job of using explainer videos for their software. Their series of explainers-within-explainers entertains the viewer with cute imagery and an endearing brand voice. At the same time, the video is educating its audience on how to use the actual product. We (almost) guarantee you’ll have more love for spiders after watching this one.

Make a winning video presentation with Biteable

Creating a winning presentation doesn’t need to be difficult or expensive. Modern slide decks and video software make it easy for you to give compelling presentations that sell, explain, and educate without sending your audience to snooze town.

For the best online video presentation software around, check out Biteable. The intuitive platform does all the heavy lifting for you, so making a video presentation is as easy as making a PowerPoint.

Use Biteable’s brand builder to automatically fetch your company colors and logo from your website and apply them to your entire video with the click of a button. Even add a  clickable call-to-action  button to your video.

Share your business presentation anywhere with a single, trackable URL and watch your message turn into gold.

Make stunning videos with ease.

Take the struggle out of team communication.

Try Biteable now.

  • No credit card required
  • No complicated design decisions
  • No experience necessary


Company Overview

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Product details

A company overview is an essential part of a business plan. It is an overview of the most important points about your company — your history, management team, location, mission statement and legal structure. It usually appears after the executive summary in your business plan. This is typically the shortest chapter of a business plan document, but that does not reduce it is importance. If you are presenting this plan to people outside of your company, this is your opportunity to introduce yourself and your business.

Imagine that the person reading your business plan document has never heard of you, and does not know anything about your business. What should be their takeaway? What do they need to remember about you and your company? When composing this section of your business plan, focus on the highlights: who you are as the founder and owner, other prominent team members, your product or service, and why it is unique. Think of this chapter as the who, what, when, where, and why of your business.

The company overview in your business plan will include the following sections. Company overview or company summary – this is the meet and greet section of your business plan. The company history section will start out with when your business was founded and who was involved, and will go into a little of the backstory. The management team section of your business plan is your opportunity to paint a picture of your team and showcase their finest attributes. Related to the management team, you may want to include a separate section outlining the legal structure and ownership of your organization. Locations and facilities – use this section to describe where you are going to do business.

Make it clear what the long-term plan is for any space that you have, or what your needs will be for a future facility. Be as succinct as possible when crafting your mission statement. What idea can you distill into one or two sentences that conveys the primary mission of your company?

The Company Overview template consists of four professional slides. All slides are modern in style and have a striking design. The slides of this template will be useful for company executives and company directors. You can use the slides in preparation for your meeting with potential investors. Also, the slides of this template can be used by startups. Different solutions for each slide give you the ability to create multiple Company Overviews.

The slides can be used by sales managers when preparing to meet with different clients. For example, you can use stylish and rigorous presentations to meet with corporate representatives, and bright and light presentations for non-manufacturing companies. The slides of this template will be useful for entrepreneurs as they prepare to meet with investment funds. Company Overview template will harmoniously complement your collection of professional presentations.

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Boeing factory workers strike for first time since 2008 after overwhelmingly rejecting contract

Boeing ’s factory workers walked off the job early Friday, halting production of the company’s best-selling airplanes after staff overwhelmingly rejected a new labor contract.

It’s a costly development for the manufacturer that has struggled to ramp up production and  restore its reputation  following safety crises.

Workers in the Seattle area and in Oregon voted 94.6% against a  tentative agreement  that Boeing and the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers unveiled Sunday. The workers voted 96% in favor of a strike, far more than the two-thirds vote required for a work stoppage.

“We strike at midnight,” said IAM District 751 President Jon Holden at a press conference where he announced the vote’s results. He characterized it as an “unfair labor practice strike,” alleging that factory workers had experienced “discriminatory conduct, coercive questioning, unlawful surveillance and we had unlawful promise of benefits.”

He said Boeing needs to bargain in good faith.

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Boeing didn’t comment on his claims.

“The message was clear that the tentative agreement we reached with IAM leadership was not acceptable to the members,” the company said in a statement. “We remain committed to resetting our relationship with our employees and the union, and we are ready to get back to the table to reach a new agreement.”

Stephanie Pope, CEO of Boeing’s commercial airplane unit, told machinists earlier this week the tentative deal was the “best contract we’ve ever presented.”

“In past negotiations, the thinking was we should hold something back so we can ratify the contract on a second vote,” she said. “We talked about that strategy this time, but we deliberately chose a new path.”

The tentative proposal included 25% wage increases and other improvements to health care and retirement benefits, though the union had sought raises of about 40%. Workers had complained about the agreement, saying that it didn’t cover the increased cost of living.

The vote is a blow to  CEO Kelly Ortberg , who has been in the top job for five weeks. A day before the vote, he had urged workers to accept the contract and not to strike, saying that it would jeopardize the company’s recovery.

Under the tentative agreement, Boeing had promised to build its next commercial jet in the Seattle area, a bid to win over workers after the company moved the 787 Dreamliner production to a nonunion factory in South Carolina.

The agreement, if approved, would have been the first fully negotiated contract for Boeing machinists in 16 years. Boeing workers went on strike in 2008 for nearly two months.

The ultimate financial impact of this strike will depend on how long it lasts. Boeing shares fell 4% in premarket trading Friday.

Jefferies aerospace analyst Sheila Kahyaoglu estimated a 30-day cash impact from a strike could be a $1.5 billion hit for Boeing and said it “could destabilize suppliers and supply chains.” She forecast the tentative agreement would have had an annual impact of $900 million if passed.

Boeing has burned through about $8 billion so far this year and has mounting debt. Production has fallen short of expectations as the company works to stamp out manufacturing flaws and faces other industry-wide problems such as supply and labor shortages.

A blowout of a nearly new Boeing 737 Max 9 at the start of the year has brought additional federal scrutiny of Boeing’s production lines. 

The 11 best movies and shows to stream this weekend, from the 'Inside Out' sequel to a new season of 'The Great British Baking Show'

  • "Inside Out 2," "Oddity," and "Will & Harper" are three movies you can stream now.
  • New seasons of "Grey's Anatomy" and "Saturday Night Live" premiere this week.
  • There are also new series like "Grotesquerie" out now.

Insider Today

One of the biggest box-office successes of the year is finally streaming.

"Inside Out 2," which broke records when it hit theaters in June, is now available on Disney+.

Other films now streaming include the horror movie "Oddity," Will Ferrell's acclaimed documentary "Will & Harper," and the Brad Pitt-George Clooney team-up "Wolfs."

Several TV shows are back, too. "Grey's Anatomy" enters its landmark 21st season, while Ryan Murphy's latest series "Grotesquerie" premiered on FX.

Here's a complete rundown of all the best movies, shows, and documentaries to stream this weekend, broken down by what kind of entertainment you're looking for.

If you're looking for something kid-friendly, watch "Inside Out 2."

best presentation for company overview

The sequel to the beloved 2015 Pixar hit "Inside Out," about the emotional inner life of a little girl named Riley, broke records to become the highest-grossing animated movie of all time .

Several voice actors from the original, including Amy Poehler (Joy), Phyllis Smith (Sadness), and Lewis Black (Anger), returned for the follow-up; they're joined by new additions like Maya Hawke , who voices the new emotion, Anxiety, and "The Bear" star Ayo Edebiri as Envy.

Streaming on: Disney+

If you're ready for spooky season to kick off, check out "Oddity."

best presentation for company overview

"Longlegs" may have gotten hyped as the scariest horror movie of the year, but I'd argue that "Oddity" is a lot spookier.

The movie, about a blind medium who uses cursed objects to avenge her twin sister's mysterious death, got a limited theatrical release earlier this year. Despite not getting as much buzz from the general public, its character design (that wooden mannequin!) and simple, straightforward plot make this one an instant classic.

Streaming on: Shudder

Or "Apartment 7A," a new prequel to "Rosemary's Baby."

best presentation for company overview

"Inventing Anna" actor Julia Garner stars as Terry Gionoffrio, a struggling dancer who, after suffering an injury, finds herself living with an older couple in a New York City apartment building called the Bramford.

If you've seen the original 1968 movie starring Mia Farrow as the tormented young newlywed also living in the Bramford, you already know Terry's fate.

Streaming on: Paramount+

WWE fans should tune into "Mr. McMahon."

best presentation for company overview

There's no shortage of shocking revelations in the new Netflix docuseries about controversial former WWE head Vince McMahon .

Streaming on: Netflix

If you want to de-stress, there's a new season of "The Great British Baking Show."

best presentation for company overview

The ultra-comforting baking competition series kicked off with a new group of bakers this week for what's being billed as "Collection 12" on Netflix (but is actually the 15th season of the series overall).

Prue Leith and Paul Hollywood return as judges, while Alison Hammond and Noel Fielding are back as hosts.

"Will & Harper" is an uplifting documentary.

best presentation for company overview

In this critically acclaimed doc, comedian Will Ferrell travels cross-country with Harper Steele, a former "Saturday Night Live" writer and Ferrell's close friend of 30 years, after she comes out to him as a trans woman. It's a touching watch that manages to be educational without being preachy.

If you've been thinking "Hey, I could go for a third Ryan Murphy production this month," good news: "Grotesquerie" just premiered.

best presentation for company overview

If you've already watched the controversial "Monsters: The Lyle and Erik Menendez Story" on Netflix and are all caught up on "American Sports Story: Aaron Hernandez," you can continue your journey into the cross-network Murphyverse with "Grotesquerie."

The horror drama is about a series of killings being investigated by a detective ( Niecy Nash-Betts ) and a nun-journalist (Micaela Diamond). It also features Travis Kelce . Yes, that Travis Kelce.

Streaming on: Hulu

"Grey's Anatomy" has returned for its 21st season.

best presentation for company overview

The long-running ABC medical drama is back, and so is Ellen Pompeo's Meredith Grey — at least in the premiere. ( Pompeo stepped away from the show as a series regular in 2023, though she's been back on screen on a recurring basis since then.)

The 50th season of "Saturday Night Live" also kicks off this weekend.

best presentation for company overview

"Hacks" star ( and recent Emmy winner ) Jean Smart hosts the season premiere with musical guest Jelly Roll.

Streaming on: Peacock and Hulu Live TV

For action-comedy, watch "Wolfs."

best presentation for company overview

George Clooney and Brad Pitt star as two professional fixers who butt heads when they're forced to work together.

Streaming on: Apple TV+

Daryl Dixon's "The Walking Dead" spinoff returns for its second season.

best presentation for company overview

Season two of the spinoff, being billed as "The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - The Book of Carol," features the return of Melissa McBride as the fan-favorite original "TWD" character Carol.

Streaming on: AMC+

Disclosure: Mathias Döpfner, CEO of Business Insider's parent company, Axel Springer, is a Netflix board member.

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  7. Company Overview Presentation Template

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    Download the "Design Inspiration Company Profile" presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides. Presenting a comprehensive company profile can be a game-changer for your business. A well-crafted profile connects with potential clients and vendors on another level, giving them a deep understanding of your organization.

  10. Company Profile PowerPoint Template & Presentation Slides

    Global reach slide. These slides of our Company Profile PowerPoint Template have a minimal background design with a blue theme. Users can easily replace the placeholders and add their presentation points conveniently. In addition to the slides mentioned above, this best PPT template provides a data-driven bar chart for statistical data.

  11. 20 Best Company Profile PowerPoint Templates (Free & Pro) 2023

    This Free Company Meeting PowerPoint Template is a great choice for you to make a professional presentation. Slides include Meeting Agenda, Status Report, Project phases and more, just copy/paste the ones you need into your presentation. 6. Groste - Company Profile PowerPoint Template. Groste - Company Profile PowerPoint Template focuses on ...

  12. Top 7 Company Overview Templates with Samples and Examples

    Template 1: Company Overview PowerPoint Presentation Slides. The first PPT in this list of the company overview templates is much more than a slide but a collection of multiple slides. In the document, you can present the upcoming agenda of the business to your clientele.

  13. Company Profile Presentation Templates

    Our PowerPoint templates, combined with templates for PowerPoint and Google Slides, ensure your narrative is presented in the best light possible. Conclusion: Your best company profile is a great tool to establish trust, provide an overview, and highlight your offerings. With our free to use and premium templates, crafting an introduction ...

  14. Company Overview Slides for Presentations

    A company overview is an essential part of a business plan. In a PowerPoint presentation, the company overview slide represents the central information about the company, normally identified as Who we are, and Our services, but sometimes also referred as Our Company Summary slide or Executive Summary slide. Company overview slides can be part ...

  15. Company Profile Presentation Templates

    26 slides. Coca Cola Journey PPT, Google Slides, And Canva Templates. 21 slides. Best Company Profile PowerPoint Template & Google Slides. Free. Juice Company Profile PowerPoint Template & Google Slides. Disney Magic PowerPoint And Google Slides Templates. Free. 26 slides.

  16. 10 Slides you should have in your company profile

    This slide is meant to paint the big picture of your work. 4. Development & Growth. Hit me some numbers. Use real facts and data to show the difference between where you started, where you are now and where the company is going. Based on the internal data make a connection with external factors.

  17. 20 Great Examples of PowerPoint Presentation Design [+ Templates]

    6. "Blitzscaling: Book Trailer," Reid Hoffman. If you're going to go the minimalistic route, I'd take note of this PowerPoint presentation example from Reid Hoffman. This clean design adheres to a simple, consistent color scheme with clean graphics peppered throughout to make the slides more visually interesting.

  18. 51 Best Presentation Slides for Engaging Presentations (2024)

    Use clear and legible fonts, and maintain a consistent design throughout the presentation. 2. Visual appeal: Incorporate visually appealing elements such as relevant images, charts, graphs, or diagrams. Use high-quality visuals that enhance understanding and make the content more engaging.

  19. 23 presentation examples that really work (plus templates!)

    We love them because they're the most visually appealing and memorable way to communicate. 1. Animated characters. Our first presentation example is a business explainer video from Biteable that uses animated characters. The friendly and modern style makes this the perfect presentation for engaging your audience.

  20. Company Overview Template

    The Company Overview template consists of four professional slides. All slides are modern in style and have a striking design. The slides of this template will be useful for company executives and company directors. You can use the slides in preparation for your meeting with potential investors. Also, the slides of this template can be used by ...

  21. Boeing factory workers strike after rejecting contract

    Boeing's factory workers walked off the job after midnight on Friday, halting production of the company's best-selling airplanes after staff overwhelmingly rejected a new labor contract.

  22. Best Shows, Movies Streaming September 27 Weekend on ...

    The 11 best movies and shows to stream this weekend, from the 'Inside Out' sequel to a new season of 'The Great British Baking Show' Caralynn Matassa 2024-09-27T21:47:33Z