How to write a business proposal

Learn how to write a business proposal that’ll stand out from the crowd and increase your chances of success.

Two people sit working at a table next to a wall covered in post-it notes. The table contains a laptop and pizza boxes.

What is a business proposal?

A business proposal is a formal document you send to a prospective client in the hopes of winning a project or making a sale. In your proposal, you outline the service you’ll offer and explain why they should choose you.

Types of business proposals

There are two types of business proposals:

  • Solicited business proposal: This type of business proposal is usually requested by a potential customer. Some companies and government agencies issue an RFP (request for proposal) when looking for bids to complete projects. You’ll know the criteria and have most of the information about the potential customer for these types of project proposals.
  • Unsolicited business proposal: This is similar to a cold pitch. You send a proposal to new clients without an RFP or an established business relationship to attract new business.

The difference between a business plan and a business proposal

A business plan is the roadmap for a business and shows the overall strategy, goals and vision for success. It shows how a business operates and how it will make money. You can create a business plan using our free template .

A business proposal is a pitch to sell a product or service to a prospective customer. The proposal aims to make the sale and shows the potential of the product or service to solve a problem.

An effective business proposal should solve the three Ps:

  • Problem statement: What is the biggest pain point of the customer?
  • Proposed solution: How your business will solve the problem better than anyone else
  • Pricing: How much the solution costs compared to other solutions

A business proposal has a clear format and should ideally include each of the following sections.

1. Title page

This sets the tone and must look professional. You should include your name, your business’s name, the name of the person you’ll submit your proposal to, the date submitted and the title of your proposal.

2. Table of contents

The table of contents allows your potential client to see what’s in your proposal and also lets them skim to find the information they consider important.

3. Executive summary

This is similar to the executive summary in your business plan. Explain why your business meets the client’s needs and why you are better than your competitors. It should:

  • introduce your business and any important team members
  • give an overview of your business goals and why you are a successful business
  • outline the benefits of your products and services
  • showcase milestones and previous clients

4. The problem statement

Outline the main problem your potential client is wanting to solve. This shows them that you understand their pain points. Use data to back up your argument and be specific.

5. Proposed solution

Here’s where you explain in detail your proposed solution and how it’ll solve the client’s problem. Your solution should be specific and personalised. You should include details of what you plan to provide and the benefits of your proposed solution. If you’re pitching for a specific project, share the proposed timeline, and explain how you’ll measure the success of the proposed solution. Visual charts and graphs can help illustrate your points.

6. Qualifications

Use this section to build trust. Explain why your business is the best one for the job and why they should choose you. You can include case studies of previous clients, client testimonials, social media endorsements or praise, relevant industry-specific qualifications, and certifications and years of experience.

7. The timeline

If you’re pitching for a specific project, outline a clear and realistic timeframe of how and when you’ll complete each part of it. Present this in a flowchart or a road map with deadlines and step-by-step actions. If your proposal isn’t for a specific project, give an idea of general timeframes your business works to, for example manufacturing or shipping times, or turn-around times for services.

8. Pricing, billing and legal

This is one of the most important sections. How you structure it will depend on the size of your project and the type of proposal.

For smaller projects and unsolicited proposals, a summary of the fees, or potential fees is sufficient. For a larger project, provide a breakdown of costs to show your potential clients what they’ll be paying for. You can also provide options to allow clients room to move. Check back on the client’s RFP terms if it's a solicited proposal to make sure you meet their requirements.

If there are any permits or licenses required for the project these should be added to this section.

9. Terms and conditions

Clarify the terms and conditions and summarise details for the project, including timeline, pricing and payment schedules. This is where you include items such as cancellation policies, deposits, warranties and shipping. Get your terms and conditions checked by a lawyer before you send them to prospective clients.

10. The acceptance

The final step is to leave a space for signatures. Include a signature box for your client to sign when they accept your proposal. Make sure you include contact information if your client needs to follow up with any unanswered questions.

Business proposal tips

There’s a lot to keep in mind when you’re writing your winning business proposal. The following features can help make your proposal stand out from your competitors.

Start with an outline

Before you begin writing your proposal, plan out everything in an outline. Ensure you have all of the key information you need and research any you don’t have.

Include real data

To impress your client and set you apart from competitors, use hard data that demonstrates the value of your proposal. Highlight your data in flowcharts, graphs or a table to enhance their presentation.

Use visuals

Include visual images to break up and enhance the text of longer proposals. Examples of visuals that are great for business proposals include infographics, flowcharts, timelines, photographs, organisational charts and comparison tables. Make sure they’re relevant and not just decorative. Include captions or explanatory notes with them if it’s not obvious what they’re about.

Incorporate video

If your proposal is online or a PDF, a short video can help to strengthen your proposal and increase engagement with the prospective client. Types of videos that work include:

  • an introduction to your proposal
  • testimonials
  • a demo or brief explainer of your product or service

Add social proof

Use social proof to add credibility and trust to your proposal. It may help convince your client to accept your proposal if they can see positive reviews or case studies from previous clients. Types of social proof include case studies, testimonials, reviews and rankings, customer stories and previous clients you have worked with. Make sure you have approval to share this information though – you don’t want to breach the privacy of customers or previous clients.

Use a call to action

Include a call to action so that your audience knows what action they should take after reading your proposal. Ensure you include contact details so they can ask questions or clarify any issues they have.

Provide pricing options, upsell and add on opportunities

Consider your client’s budget, if you know it, and provide several pricing options (high, mid, low) with extra provided for the higher price. Use a pricing table to present your options.

Include other services or related products your business provides. It’s an opportunity to add on extras to the basic proposal, and gives the client additional information about your business.

Stay on brand

Allow your brand’s personality to stand out. Demonstrate how you are better and different from your competitors.

Keep it simple

Avoid using business jargon and keep your sentences short and simple. There’s no ideal length for a business proposal, but it is important to be succinct and clear. Your proposal should provide enough in-depth information to persuade the decision-maker without overwhelming them.

Be thorough and proofread your proposal. Check your spelling and grammar are accurate and there are no typos. Pay attention to the details and make sure your numbers and all information in your proposal are accurate.

Write a cover letter

Once completed, write a one-page cover letter to send with your proposal and convince the decision maker to read the entire proposal. Your cover letter should include:

  • contact information
  • a brief introduction to your business and the products or service you provide
  • concise details about the client’s problem and the solution that you offer
  • a strong conclusion mentioning the main benefit you will deliver
  • the next steps you want the prospective customer to take

Xero does not provide accounting, tax, business or legal advice. This guide has been provided for information purposes only. You should consult your own professional advisors for advice directly relating to your business or before taking action in relation to any of the content provided.

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Business Plan Writer Malaysia

A well written business plan is an essential component for any company seeking to raise capital. Our team at has over 20 years of experience writing business plans and structuring business models for start-ups, later stage and expansion companies, those seeking venture or angel financing all the way to mezzanine and 144A funding, spanning a wide range of industries across the globe. We have been involved in thousands business projects and assisted with business planning, offering and private placement setup, feasibility studies, drafting financial projections, both for private companies and those seeking initial public offerings or listings on a stock exchange.  Our team is a recognized leader in business plan development. In fact, our CEO is the Chairman and Founder of  ( Business Plans Without Borders ), a not-for-profit 501c3 organization which assist low income families as well as refugees and immigrants with business plan writing services and grants.

Our Team’s Business Plan Advisory Services Value-Proposition:

  • Our staff are known as one of the most reliable and affordable Business Plan developers in the U.S. and worldwide. Our straight forward and honest assessment of one’s business is one of our strongest characteristics
  • Offices and associates in numerous countries, including New York, London, Hong Kong Beijing, Singapore and Seattle
  • 1 to 2 weeks’ average time for completing business plans
  • Proven track record of saving entrepreneurs thousands of dollars in needless spending while developing the business plan
  • Ability to draft your business plan and prospectus or private placement memorandum or offering memorandum for debt or equity offerings or any other service and package    everything as one price
  • We are somewhat of a one stop business for most of the startup and later stage company needs.

Malaysia Business Plan Options

There are mainly two types of business plans that are written in Malaysia: capital raising business plans and management or managerial business plans.

Raise Capital with a Business Plan

Most business plans are written with eye towards raising money for their venture. In a business plan that is written for investment capital, the structure of the business plans and therefore the most important point of the document will be the value-added benefit. Information on the products, services and the market will play central roles in the development of the plan, as well as various payout or exit strategies for the investors. Most business plans will focus on either selling equity or debt to investors.

  • Equity : In an equity business plan the company seeking funding will sell an ownership stake. If the company is a corporation, they will sell shares or common stock or a variation of them. If the company is a LLC or a Limited Company (which is popular worldwide) interest or units in the company would be offered. Both a form of ownership, just with a different name for each entity. In additional, there are other sweeteners one can add into any business plan offering, including warrants or preferred shares or preferred units or convertible debt.
  • Debt : in a debt offering business plan the company will be issuing some type of bond or a note to investors. A bond or note differ only in terms of the length of each security, which bonds being considered a longer maturity date than a note. There are also convertible debt securities that would convert the notes/bonds to equity at a certain fixed point in time. The business plan for bonds would detail the terms, such as the maturity date, interest rate and other vital information.

Managerial Guidance Business Plan

  • No Capital Raising : In a managerial or a management business plan, the focus is not on raising money but what strategy a company should employ. While most companies that write business plans do so to raise capital, there are some that simply want to get a second opinion or an outside view of their business. They ask us to write them a business plan for growth opportunities, not to raise money. Said another way, the management of the company wants to see our view and take on their business and what we would do to expand their company.
  • Recommendations : A business plan used to simply strategically plan one’s next move is referred to as managerial guidance business plan document. No capital is being raised initially, although sometimes we may conclude that capital should be raised for the company to penetrate or open new markets or opportunities. In the course of research, we may conclude that, in fact, the company should conduct an offering and raise money. We will recommend the amount to raise based on the company’s expansion needs and the company valuation.

3 Levels of Business Plans

Our firm offers various levels of business plan writing service and consulting, including: Level I Start-up Business Plan »

  •’s team consists of industry expert business plan writers. Our Level I Start-up Business Plan can be used for companies raising initial seed funding and getting off the ground. The dollar amount being raised is not of paramount importance.
  • The Start-up Plan includes complete financials, potential cash-flow, market analysis and marketing strategies as well as a break-even analysis, and a separate executive summary and much more.

Level II Expansion or Series B Business Plan »

  • Prospectus’ Level II Expansion or Series B Business Plan assists companies and entrepreneurs that are seeking to expand or scale their business, including by increasing market share.
  • The Level II Start-up Plan helps to define concepts, target markets and market potential, as well as financial clarity necessary to define your concept, identify your market potential, and identify capital requirements. Executive summary included.

Level III Enterprise Business Plan »

  • Prospectus’ Level III Enterprise Business Plan serves the need of those later stage and established companies seeking to raise additional capital to expand their businesses, often in the form of issuing debt securities such as bonds or convertible notes.
  • The Level III Enterprise Business Plan is our most comprehensive business plan and often our clients will need a prospectus or a private placement memorandum (offering memorandum) written as well.

Our firm has years of experience drafting securities documents and is confident we can assist with your Malaysia Business Plan Writer.  Feel free to contact us anytime, or call us to setup an appointment at any one of our global offices.

Contact Us Today To Schedule Your Free Consultation

  • Prospectus Writing
  • IPO Stock Exchange Listing
  • Bonds Offerings
  • 144A Reg S Offerings
  • Hedge Funds and Mutual Funds
  • Offering Memorandum
  • Private Placement Memorandum
  • Offering Circular
  • Explanatory Memorandum
  • Information Memorandum
  • Fund Setup Formation
  • Securities Identifiers
  • Registration and Filing
  • Business Plans

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business proposal writing services in malaysia

How to write a business proposal: marketing proposals, grants, and more

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If you haven’t got much experience writing a business proposal, it can be a daunting prospect. Not to worry, in this post we’ll show you how to write an engaging proposal, explore the different types of proposals, and share some examples to help get you started.

What is a business proposal?

A business proposal is a formal document that you send to a potential client, to convince them to work with you and secure a business agreement. The goal of your proposal is to sell your product, solution, or service—rather than your business itself.

Broadly speaking, there are two different ways business proposals are sent out: unsolicited and solicited.

Unsolicited proposals are sent out to potential customers, even if they haven’t requested one, with the aim of winning their business. As these proposals are often sent out en masse without extensive knowledge of the buyer or their requirements, they usually take a generic, one-size-fits-all approach.

Solicited proposals are requested directly by a prospective client. They’re often sent out in response to a Request for Proposal (RFP)—so they’re more specific and tailor-made to address the prospect’s specific needs.

The different types of proposal

Sales proposal

Sales proposals are your standard, bread-and-butter proposal. It’s how you document and present your offering to potential clients to try to win their business.

Marketing proposal

A marketing proposal is a detailed plan that outlines an upcoming marketing, brand awareness, or advertising campaign for a prospective client’s business.

If you’re curious about what a good marketing proposal looks like, HubSpot offers a great free template that’s worth checking out.

Grant proposal

A grant proposal is different from a business or marketing proposal, as you’re not directly selling a product, solution, or project. Instead, you’re trying to secure funding for your business—often for research or to support education initiatives.

You can find some examples of grant proposals here .

Though there are some nuances to each of these proposal types, the tips outlined here apply broadly across all three.

How to write a business proposal

Before you start furiously typing out your proposal, you need to know what business you’re writing for. If you’ve received an RFP, great. Read through it carefully until you understand the problems and how your business can solve them. If you’re sending an unsolicited proposal or a less formal request, it still pays to do your research. The more you can learn about the company you’re selling to, the better.

With an understanding of the problem you’re solving, it’s time to start writing. As a starting point, your proposal should follow this rough structure:

  • Start with a title page
  • Create a table of contents
  • Write an executive summary
  • Add proposal and solutions pages
  • Explain pricing options
  • Sell yourself and your company
  • Show off your past testimonials
  • Finish with agreement and CTA

But before you create your proposal, it’s worth having taking a moment think about how to format it. Some clients may prefer a slide-deck, while others will be happy with a standard written document. To put your best foot forward, show that you understand your client’s document culture, and present your proposal in a format that suits them.

Now that’s out of the way, let’s explore how you can structure your proposal.

1. Start with a title page

To kick things off, you need a title page. Here, you’ll introduce yourself and your organization. You’ll need to include your name, your company’s name, the date you’ll submit the proposal, and the name of the client or their business.

This page sets the tone for the rest of the document, so make sure it’s smart, aesthetically pleasing, and professional. Don’t be afraid to add your own creative flair, branding, and design—but make sure it sits within your company’s accepted guidelines. If in doubt, keep it simple.

It’s also worth taking time to name your proposal. Your proposal title is a quick, easy way to get across your message and show that you understand the client’s needs. So, come up with a concise title that aligns with the objective of the project.

Here are some examples of effective business proposal title pages .

2. Create a table of contents

A table of contents lets potential clients know exactly what’s included in your proposal by making it scannable, easy to read, and accessible.

If you’re sending your proposal electronically, it’s also worth including a hyperlinked table of contents instead of just simple text for easy navigation. That way, whoever’s reading your proposal can jump between sections quickly and save themselves from any unnecessary scrolling.

3. Write an executive summary

An executive summary is a staple in everything from annual reports to project plans—and your proposal is no different.

Your executive summary should outline why you’re sending the proposal and why your solution is the best fit for the client. It pays to be specific here so your prospect understands why they should choose you over a competitor.

It doesn’t need to be overly long, but make sure you:

  • Briefly introduce your company
  • Give an overview of the benefits of your solution
  • Explain how you can solve the prospect’s problem

Here’s an example of how you can structure your executive summary .

4. Include proposal or solutions pages

This section is the meat of your business proposal. It’s where you demonstrate your understanding of your prospect’s needs and the problem they need your help with—so you can offer up your solution.

Show how your prospect’s issues impact their wider business. Next, explain your strategies for solving each problem. The more personalized and specific you can make this section, the better.

You’ll also need to cover:

  • Specific deliverables
  • The methods you’ll use
  • Expected timeframes

5. Explain pricing options

Writing a pricing section is straightforward—set out the various pricing options for your product or solution. But be careful not to overvalue or undervalue your offering, as this can cause dissatisfaction on both sides of the table.

If you’re writing a grant proposals, you’ll want to outline exactly how you plan to spend the money you’re receiving in the most specific way possible.

6. About us (sell yourself and your company)

Although you’ve already provided a brief intro to your company in the title and executive summary pages, this section is where you can really hammer home what makes your company unique.

It’s an opportunity for potential clients to get to know you better, so make it personal. Include your mission statement, background, and anything your business is passionate about or sets you apart. If you’ve got a great team behind you, put them front and center. People like to know who they’re working with, so photos and brief biographies can go a long way.

Here’s an example of a basic but effective about us page.

7. Show off your past success

Why should your prospects trust you? What makes you qualified for the job? What results have you delivered for similar businesses? In this section you’ll answer these questions.

Showcase your testimonials, case studies, awards, accreditations—anything that makes you stand out and boosts your authority.

8. Finish with CTA and your contact details

Once prospects are done reading your proposal, you want to make it easy and compelling for them to reach you.

Often proposals are passed around teams, which means many people in the process won’t have your contact information. So make sure to include your contact details at the end of your proposal.

Adding a clear call to action (CTA) to prompt your prospective client to contact you may also be the difference between your proposal and another business’. You want to invoke an immediate response in the reader, so tell them exactly what you want them to do.

A couple things to remember…

‍ Don’t make your proposal too long

The average proposal is about 10 pages . And unless your product is complex and difficult to explain, you shouldn’t need to make it longer than this—a short, engaging proposal will always have a better chance of being read, understood, and accepted.

Include data and visuals where possible

Impactful stats can help cement your authority and capture your prospect’s attention. The same goes for good visual design. Charts, graphs, and other visual elements are a great way of setting your offering apart from the average, run-of-the-mill proposal.

Start writing proposals like a pro

So, now you’ve got everything you need to write an engaging proposal, every time. But once it’s been accepted, you need to send over a contract to your prospects and get it signed.  

With Dropbox Sign , you can send your documents digitally, and give your clients the option to sign contracts from anywhere. This not only speeds up time to completion, but means you can track the progress of the document across its lifecycle, so you’ll always avoid unnecessary hold-ups.

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Writing a Business Plan in Malaysia

  • Writing a Business Plan in…

business proposal writing services in malaysia

A Business Plan is a Company Resume That is Useful at Every Step of the Journey

Writing a Business Plan in Malaysia

Why Is It Necessary

If you were an investor, would you immediately invest in a business in Malaysia without seeing any evidence? My guess exactly, no, of course, you would not. Thus, a business plan is proof that careful thought was put into it realise it. Besides a company profile, a business plan lays out details of the business idea, the current problems where the concept will help resolve it and how it will affect the market as a whole. Okay, maybe this is a bit too far, but still, you need to have a clear conscience of your business. The ultimate reason for having a business plan is to convince an investor to invest in your company. No amount of buddy talk can replace a credible business plan. At least, an investor will have faith in it and hope for the best.

Who Uses It

Besides yourself as the business owner, banks and even your employees will utilise it too. The business plan will serve the purpose of a framework for the company. An employee may understand their job description very well. But, having worked in the market, they have feedbacks as to where the company should work for the better. Thus, by providing such feedbacks to the business plan, the business owner can restructure strategies suitable for current market conditions. You will also keep coming back to the business plan to update and amend wherever necessary. Writing a business plan in Malaysia is never conclusive as time goes by, you may also need expert advice to ensure it remains relevant.

What It Entails

A business plan does not have to be a lengthy thesis-like document. It is your business resume. Hence, it is up to you how you want to write it. It should have the following details but assemble it accordingly.

  • The Business Idea – Create a simple story with a problem and your business idea as a solution. If you are feeling it, you can even add piecemeal information on how you got to this idea.
  • The Team – If you are flying solo for the moment, just put it in. Briefly include all your strength and skills to ensure it is relevant to business success.
  • Market Research – This is where you probably need expert advice and assistance. It is necessary to provide market insight to future investors that you know the market well. Market research will also produce the target market of your product or service offering. Work on it until you get a niche market so that you have a better perspective.
  • Marketing Strategies – When you know your target market niche, you can formulate your marketing strategies. The more concrete your marketing campaign is, the more likely banks or investors will lend you the capital.
  • Financial Matters – Even as a seasoned company, there is always the need to raise capital. By providing a history of your financials and its future projections, an investor can calculate a reasonable return of investment of the business.
  • Various Appendices – This part may consist of any business permits, certifications or clienteles if you want to add in.

Writing a business plan in Malaysia should never be bothersome as it is a vital document for your company’s success. There is no particular format, but if you have no clue what you are planning, try and some expert advice as to how and where the company can go.

Writing a Business Plan in Malaysia

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How to Write a Business Proposal [Steps, Tips, & Templates]

business proposal writing services in malaysia

You need to send a business proposal, and you want it to close. But how can you improve your chances?

Every year, we analyze the proposals sent with our software to discover what makes closing more likely. We used this research to craft this very guide .

To help you write better business proposals, we’ve curated the essential proposal format, a step-by-step process, plenty of templates to help you get started, and strategies for following up.

From images to esignatures, keep reading for data-backed insights into the most successful proposals.

What’s in this guide:

  • What is a business proposal?
  • Basic proposal format
  • What to prepare before writing a business proposal
  • How to write a business proposal in 7 steps
  • 8 business proposal templates
  • 5 ideas to take your business proposal to the next level
  • What to do after you send a business proposal
  • Using analytics for business proposal insights

A business proposal is sent by a salesperson or account manager to a prospective client in order to pitch a product or service. A great proposal should include an executive summary or cover letter, details on the project timelines and deliverables, what makes the company the right choice for the job, and pricing and payment details.

Business proposals are typically sent from one business to another for all sorts of different services, such as enterprise software subscriptions, interior design, accounting, marketing, event catering, etc.

The purpose of a business proposal is to:

Sell your product or service with details, client results, testimonials, etc.

Clarify what is and isn’t included in the proposal to accurately manage expectations

Layout terms and conditions to protect both parties

Lock in the deal right away with esignatures built into the proposal

Large corporations and government agencies will typically send out a request for proposal to competing companies and then choose the best (or cheapest) one.

A business proposal is very different from a business plan, because it is typically written to clarify a paid engagement between two companies. This might be a short project or a long contract. A business plan, on the other hand, is typically an internal document crafted to chart a businesses path forward towards goals, such as market expansion, revenue growth, new product lines, etc.

Types of business proposals

There are many different types of business proposals. They are typically broken down by industry.

Here are some common types of business proposals, by industry :

Real estate and construction

Professional services

Proposals can also be categorized based on the type of offering :

One-off projects

Recurring subscription

Ongoing service

Package options

Later on in this guide, we include a variety of proposal templates. Depending on what you selling, you might find it easier to begin with a template designed for your industry or for the type of offer you’re selling (such as a one-off project). So be sure to peruse through the previews of each proposal so that you can see which template will save you the most time.

Business proposal example

An excellent business proposal addresses the client’s pain points and showcases the proposed solution.

Here’s an example business proposal to inspire you. The accounting proposal kicks things off with an attractive cover page.

business proposal writing services in malaysia

All in all, it includes the cover page, an executive summary letter, an about us section, team photos and bios, a project summary, a breakdown of the proposed services, a pricing section, onboarding steps, and a contract with esignatures.

The services breakdown offers a great example of how to categorize your services and provide hourly estimates.

business proposal writing services in malaysia

After researching over 1 million proposals, we found that winning proposals are most likely to include all of the following.

Here’s the idea proposal structure :

1. Cover page

The cover page, also called a title page, should be kept simple. It prominently features a photograph or graphic design that is on-brand, you can use graphic design templates as a starting point. It also usually includes the project name, or the client name, as well as your company name. Some companies might include contact information on the cover page, while others will save that for a separate page.

Check out this cover page , which is bright, bold, and on-brand.

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2. Executive summary

The executive summary is essentially your pitch.

It’s your shot at capturing the client’s attention and showing them that you have an approach that will exceed their expectations.

It’s typically written in paragraph form (1 to 3 paragraphs) but can also include a bulleted list for a more skimmable style.

Make sure that your executive summary includes:

A quick description of the client’s problem or starting point

How your company will serve the client and why you’re suggesting this unique approach

Why your company is the best choice (average results, unique selling propositions, differentiators, awards, etc.)

This content marketing proposal offers an excellent example of an executive summary. Though in this proposal, the section is instead titled “Focus and Objectives.” What makes it great is that it’s on brand, goal-oriented, personable, and skimmable.

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3. Approach or solution

In this section, you write about your process and why you approach things the way you do. For example, a Facebook marketing agency might say that they believe that creative work is essential to advertising success, and that’s why they devote 90% of their time to developing videos, images, and copy.

Some companies will craft a custom approach section for each client, while others will re-use the section again and again. It all comes down to the number of services you offer and how much or how little you customize your work.

In corporate training, it’s essential to clarify your approach so the client knows why your system will be effective. In this training template example , their process shows the essential steps in their proprietary approach.

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4. About the company

This is your chance to brag. In your company bio, be sure to mention all of the important things that set your company apart. That might include your management style, the talent you have on your team, your average client retention rate or contract length, and any accolades.

With their location, awards, and team structure, this About Us page is an excellent example of how to sell yourself with authority.

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5. Deliverables

Use the deliverables section to summarize exactly what the client will receive from the engagement.

A TikTok ads management firm might include 15 ad creatives per month in their deliverables, for example. While an accounting firm might list the reports that will be sent weekly or monthly, along with the bookkeeping service.

In a construction project, on the other hand, the company might showcase the different milestones that the project will hit, and when these milestones are expected to be completed.

In this proposal , the Deliverables section is titled “Scope of Services,” and it includes a list of all of the services that the prospective client will receive. Deliverables are mentioned within the scope, including a logo, brand colors, business cards, and brand guidelines.

business proposal writing services in malaysia

6. Social proof or work samples

No matter what you sell, prospective clients will want to know that you have the right experience for the job.

Social proof can come in the form of written testimonials and case studies, video testimonials and case studies, portfolio photographs, G2 and Capterra badges, and rating averages from Google, Trustpilot, or other review sites.

For an architecture firm, construction company, or website designer, work examples can prove more powerful than testimonials. Prospects want to see what you can do. This architecture proposal showcases the company’s work on a rehabilitation project.

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The pricing section is of course the one that your clients will read again and again and deliberate over. That’s why it’s so important to make it clear, simple, and well-formatted.

Tables are a great way to showcase what’s included in the total project cost or to provide package options.

Similar to interior design and construction services, event planning typically includes both hourly costs and hard costs (for products and venues). Here’s an example of an event management proposal that includes a breakdown of the hourly work and the hard costs.

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8. Terms and conditions

When you use modern proposal software , you can build a contract right into your proposal, eliminating the need for separate contract software.

Your proposal should include legal jargon that can protect both you and your client. You might have a statement of work and a master service agreement or terms and conditions.

In this website design proposal , there are 6 pages in total for the contract section. The potential client can easily click around to view all of these pages and share the proposal with their legal team if needed.

business proposal writing services in malaysia

For proposals that are longer than 8 pages, it’s wise to include a table of contents. If you use Proposify as your proposal software, then every proposal will automatically have the table of contents on the left-hand side, making it easier for the potential client to click around and review important sections multiple times.

A lot goes into writing a proposal. Before you can get to the writing part, you need to prepare.

This means talking with the client to figure out their needs, using your experience to pitch the best project, and talking with colleagues who will be involved in the project to see if they agree on the services you plan to propose.

You might also need to talk with your legal department and ask them for a contract template that you can include at the end of the proposal so that when the client signs off, it's legally binding.

Everything you need to prepare to write a business proposal:

An understanding of the client's needs

Your determination of the best approach

Details that will get the client to say yes

Agreement with internal colleagues

The pricing options you want to offer

Knowledge of who needs to sign off

Legal contract language or templates

To be a good writer , you must be concise, specific, and detailed. It really is that simple. The more examples and details you provide, the better.

That said, it does help to follow a process so that you can be sure you’re providing everything that the decision-makers expect and more.

Here are the 7 essential steps for writing a business proposal:

Step 1. Determine the client’s needs

The first step is to figure out what your client needs.

As mentioned in our section on preparation above, you’ll need to speak with your client. If this is a new client, it might take two to five sales calls to collect all of the information you need. For an existing client, you can probably figure out what to include in their renewal proposal with just one call.

But of course, asking your client what they need isn’t enough. You need to use your expertise to choose the best solution for them, even if it’s not what they want or expect.

Step 2. Kick off your proposal with a template

Once you’ve done your due diligence, the next step is to choose a proposal template so you’ll save time on both writing and designing.

You can use a template that matches your specific business or click around to find one with all the sections and a design style you like. Even if it’s not created for your specific industry, it’ll be easy to update the content to match your service or product.

Check out our full library of proposal templates.

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Step 3. Write the evergreen messaging about your company

It’s always smart to tackle writing section by section. This way, you don’t get overwhelmed.

We recommend starting with the sections that are relevant to your business and that can be reused again and again. Your value propositions should guide the content.

Tackle these sections:

The cover page

The approach section

The about us page and team bios

The social proof or portfolio pieces

By starting off with what makes your company special, you’ll break the ice during your writing process and also create your own custom template that you can use for further proposal writing.

business proposal writing services in malaysia

Step 4. Craft the meat of the proposal (executive summary, approach, deliverables, etc.)

By now, you should have chosen a template and written your core company messaging.

Now it’s time to write the meat of the proposal.

In this step, you’ll be catering your proposal to the new client. A startup will require a different proposal than a small business, and the same goes for an enterprise.

Here are some of the things you might need to write:

The unique methodology or approach you’ll offer this client (if it changes per client)

The problem statement or executive summary

The client’s goals

The scope of work

The project process and timelines

The deliverables

business proposal writing services in malaysia

You can fill in your template’s sections and take a peek at other templates to get inspiration and see if there are any additional sections or details you should add.

Step 5. Add in the project total or pricing options

Next, you should calculate your fees.

Depending on your business, you might add up flat rates, product costs, or hourly estimates to come up with a fixed project total. Or, you might present a price range that the project will likely fall between (making it clear that additional hourly costs could arise. Or perhaps, you’ll offer a pricing table with different options to choose from.

business proposal writing services in malaysia

Step 6. Add legal terms and conditions and esignatures

When you use proposal software (instead of just a PDF or Google slides), you can add a contract directly to your proposal.

If you already have approved contract language from your legal department, you can simply add it to the contract section of your proposal in Proposify. If not, you’ll need to chat with your legal team or business lawyer to ensure you’re adding all the right stipulations.

Proposals with esignatures close 35% faster and are 426% more likely to be accepted. So be sure to assign an esignature both to yourself and your client.

business proposal writing services in malaysia

Step 7. Finalize the design and review all of the content before sending

Now it’s time to review and finalize your proposal. Check for errors, places in the template you forgot to fill out, and wording that can be improved.

Make sure the graphic design is on point too. Switch out the template with your own brand colors and fonts. You can have a designer on your team handle this, or handle style customization yourself (with no design experience necessary).

The best way to write a business proposal? With a template of course.

We’ve rounded up 10 of the best templates for different types of businesses. And for each, we show you the proposal sections included to help you pick the right one for you.

Keep in mind that with any of these proposals, you can add and remove sections and also customize any page with text, headlines, images, videos, fee tables, and more.

1. Business consulting proposal template

business proposal writing services in malaysia

This consulting proposal template can be used by any type of consulting firm.

Proposal sections :

Project Summary

Project Activities

Your Investment

2. Advertising Proposal Template

With this advertising proposal template, you can showcase your digital or traditional advertising services. The template includes TV, web, radio, and magazine, but you can update it to reflect your pitch.

Cover Letter

Who Are We?


Your Advertising Media Mix

3. Branding Proposal Template

Perfect for branding consultants, logo designers, and messaging strategists, this branding proposal template includes the project scope and timeline to help you clarify your process to potential clients.

Overview & Goals

Scope of Services

Sample Case Study

4. Commercial Lease Proposal Template

This commercial lease proposal template can be used for leasing office buildings, manufacturing facilities, warehouses, and event spaces.

Our Process

Meet Our Team

Terms and Conditions

5. Construction Bid Template

Use this construction bid template for new construction projects or renovations. It includes a detailed cost estimate table and a required deposit.

Cost Estimate

6. Catering Proposal Template

This catering proposal template is perfect for corporate projects but can work for weddings or personal events as well. You can use it for conferences, luncheons, retreats, or any other type of event.


Event Details

7. Corporate Photography Proposal Template

With a beautifully designed portfolio section and a very detailed pricing table and print options, this is the perfect template for corporate photography . It also includes tips for success, so clients know how to make the most of their photoshoot time.

What We Offer

Photography Packages

Tips for Success

8. Financial Services Proposal Template

You can use this financial services proposal template to pitch financial services like risk management, budgeting, and investment management.

Services and Fees

Looking to kick up your proposals a notch?

Try one of these smart ideas:

1. Make your pricing dynamic

Dynamic pricing means that clients can choose what they want and that will automatically change the project total that they sign off on.

Proposals with options and add-ons have a 35.8% higher closing rate . Try giving package options and including add-ons such as ancillary services or maintenance work.

business proposal writing services in malaysia

2. Create graphic designs for timelines and processes

Winning business proposals often include informative visuals to help clients understand your process at a glance.

You could create a graphic for project phases, milestones, or big deliverables.

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3. Get creative with your social proof

Client testimonials are an easy starting point when it comes to social proof.

But can you do better? Can you get more creative and stand out from other consulting firms?

Here are some ways to improve your social proof game:

Include visuals for your average ratings (for example 4 and a half stars filled in).

Add any badges or graphics available from review sites like G2 and Trustpilot.

Film professional case study videos and embed them in your proposal.

Create a screenshare video where you talk through your digital portfolio samples.

Include an informal video testimonial from your client.

Add a video showing your team at work (ie, on the job site, running a workshop, speaking, etc.)

Write mini case studies with before and after transformations, result data, etc.

4. Have an “excludes” section

Is there something that is definitely not included in your proposal? Do clients often assume it’s included or do they get confused?

If so, try adding a section that describes everything that isn’t included in the proposal. You could mention that you don’t offer these services, or state that they’re available at an additional fee (if you want to upsell them).

business proposal writing services in malaysia

5. Include videos for introductions or complex concepts

When you add a video to your proposal, you increase its chances of closing by 41% .

Here are some video ideas to try:

Informal intros filmed with Loom

Professional videos of your team at work

Case study videos

Quick descriptions of complex deliverables, methodologies, etc.

business proposal writing services in malaysia

You sent the proposal. Now what?

Here’s what to do next.

Sign it yourself

Make sure you sign the proposal right away (before your client opens it). This offers a more professional presentation and makes it more likely that your new client will add their signature too.

business proposal writing services in malaysia

Be prepared to follow up

Project proposals don’t always close all by themselves. As any good salesperson knows, follow-up is essential.

With Proposify, you can set up automated reminders. When we analyzed over 1 million proposals sent with our software, we found that proposals with pre-scheduled reminders have a 35% higher closing rate than those without.

Make adjustments to the proposal to close the deal

It’s okay to make changes. In fact, proposals that get revised are actually more likely to close than ones that don’t. When a client asks for revisions, it means they’re interested.

business proposal writing services in malaysia

You might need to adjust your proposal document for its scope, deliverables, timeframe, or payment schedules.

Save different proposal templates

After you’ve created one proposal, you should save it as a template and give it a name. You might also want to duplicate it and adjust it to create a new proposal template. For example, if you offer SEO services , you might want to have one proposal for an SEO audit and another one for your monthly SEO retainer.

Create email templates

You can also create and store email templates that will save you time in the long run.

Try creating different templates for sending, reminders, and thank yous. If you offer different types of services, you can craft a unique sending template for each one.

business proposal writing services in malaysia

Get feedback from clients on both won and lost proposals

One of the best ways to improve is to take feedback. Whether you win or lose the proposal, find out why.

Here are some tips on how to do this:

Won - When you win a proposal, you might ask the client why they decided to move forward with you on their first strategy call. Or, have their account manager ask the same question and pass the info to you.

Lost - If a client doesn’t sign the proposal after 3 weeks, you can send a quick email with something like, “Just looking for some feedback. Can you let me know why you decided not to move forward? Thanks.”

In today’s digital world, a business proposal should be more than a formal document.

When you use the right tool to create and send your proposal, you should be able to gather important insights and trends.

Viewing metrics for a specific client

With Proposify, you can see the activity for every proposal. Know when clients are opening and viewing proposals so you can follow up in a way that matches their activity.

business proposal writing services in malaysia

Average viewing metrics

Proposify also offers average viewing metrics that help you benchmark your views:

Total viewed

Average time to view

Average length of viewing

Average views per proposal

This is great for gauging how a new client compares with past activity.

business proposal writing services in malaysia

Average closing metrics

You can also check your average closing rate and track it over time.

Check these closing metrics:

Closing rate

Try setting goals for improving your closing rate and then check your progress each month.

Insights by proposal type

Segment viewing and closing metrics by workspace, client name, or stream. A stream is a custom category that you can use for different service types, client industries, etc.

Growth trends

And lastly, you can check your growth trends to find out how much you’re earning in new contracts and existing contracts. This is great for seeing your past revenue growth and for forecasting.

Trends include:

New won proposals (chart)

Active income (chart)

business proposal writing services in malaysia

Start with a solid understanding of your client’s goals and needs. Use a template to save time creating messaging and tables that will seal the deal. Then, try advanced techniques like dynamic pricing and videos to improve your closing rates even further.

Sign up for Proposify free for 14 days or get started with one of our templates .

Dayana Mayfield

Dayana Mayfield is a B2B SaaS copywriter who believes in the power of content marketing and a good smoothie. She lives in Northern California. Connect with her on LinkedIn here:

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Related posts.

It’s Closing Time with Five New Free Business Proposal Templates!

All accounts allow unlimited templates.

Create and share templates, sections, and images that can be pulled into documents.

Images can be uploaded directly, videos can be embedded from external sources like YouTube, Vidyard, and Wistia

You can map your domain so prospects visit something like and don't see "proposify" in the URL

Basic Team Business

All plans allow you to get documents legally e-signed

Allow prospects to alter the quantity or optional add-ons

Capture information from prospects by adding form inputs to your documents.

Basic Team Business

Get notified by email and see when prospects are viewing your document.

Generate a PDF from any document that matches the digital version.

Get a full exportable table of all your documents with filtering.

Basic Team Business

Connect your Stripe account and get paid in full or partially when your proposal gets signed.

Create your own fields you can use internally that get replaced in custom variables within a document.

All integrations except for Salesforce.

You can automatically remind prospects who haven't yet opened your document in daily intervals.

Lock down what users can and can't do by role. Pages and individual page elements can be locked.

Create conditions that if met will trigger an approval from a manager (by deal size and discount size).

Use our managed package and optionally SSO so reps work right within Salesforce

Our SSO works with identity providers like Salesforce, Okta, and Azure

Great for multi-unit businesses like franchises. Enables businesses to have completely separate instances that admins can manage.

Basic Team Business

Our team is here to provide their fabulous support Monday - Thursday 8 AM - 8 PM EST and on Fridays 8 AM - 4 PM EST.

Sometimes the written word isn't enough and our team will hop on a call to show you how to accomplish something in Proposify.

Your own dedicated CSM who will onboard you and meet with you periodically to ensure you're getting maximum value from Proposify.

We'll design your custom template that is built with Proposify best-practices and train your team on your desired workflow.

Our team of experts can perform advanced troubleshooting and even set up zaps and automations to get the job done.

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freelance writer in malaysia

Are You A Freelance Writer in Malaysia? Here’s The Business Side of It

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Table of Contents

Being a freelance writer in Malaysia was not something I planned. Yet, somehow, here I am, making ends meet with nothing more than my laptop, internet access, and some brainpower.

This isn’t an article about how to write well (refer to The Beginner’s Guide to Writing Good Articles (for Power, Profit and Pleasure) for that), but I do want to talk about the business side of it: the income and expenses side, the business setup and accounting and all that. After searching online, I realised there aren’t many resources for Malaysian freelance writers.

So I made one. If you are a freelance writer in Malaysia, either doing it as full-time work or as a side income , here are some finance-related information about incomes and expenses that you should know about. I’ve divided the article into 5 sections:

  • Part 1: How much can you make as a freelance writer in Malaysia (including how to set your rates)
  • Part 2: Where to find clients
  • Part 3: What you need to start working as a freelance writer
  • Part 4: Business setup and accounting, and
  • Part 5: How my freelance writing journey looked like

Let’s start.

Part 1: How much can you make as a freelance writer in Malaysia?

Honestly, your income will be somewhat tied to how financially strapped you are when you first start out. If you are in need of fast cash, you will tend to accept lower-paying jobs. I’ve seen content mills paying as low as $1 per article!

If you can afford to wait it out while you look and apply for other jobs, chances are you’ll come across better-paying clients.

How much do Malaysian freelance writers charge for an article?

I asked around in the Malaysian Writers Facebook page to get an idea of typical payment. They said that they earn:

  • Person A – RM250-RM850 per article (between 600-1700 words)
  • Person B – USD5 per 400 words via Fiverr
  • Person C – RM50 upwards
  • Person D – RM1000 per magazine article
  • Person E – RM1 per word for magazine article (looking for 2000 words)

As you can see, the range is quite wide. This is why I said your income is somewhat tied to your financial situation. As you get more established, you might increase your rates.

The good thing about freelance writing as a career is that you’re not limited to Malaysian employers. I’ve completed jobs just via emails before – the clients didn’t care about my nationality or timezone, just my ability to complete the work well and on time. I get paid in USD, too.

How much should YOU charge?

I wrote an entire article about this: check out the 5 Methods to Figure Out How Much to Charge Clients article

Part 2: Where freelance writer in Malaysia can find paying clients

You can find jobs from these three places

#1 – Freelancing platforms

Personally, I started with Upwork (other similar websites: Freelancer,   Fiverr  (note: referral link). These websites connect freelancers with potential clients.

Note: It’s very easy to get discouraged by the competition – an article-writing job might attract hundreds of USD1 bids from freelancers (many from India, Philippines). Apply with your usual rates anyway, and make sure you focus on the quality of work you can deliver. One writer earns USD100+ per hour from Upwork – find her tips here .

#2 – Writing job boards

They’re easy enough to google, so go ahead and find one ( like the freelance writer resources in this page ). Companies pay a fee to post an advert, give details about the work, and invite writers to apply. Send them an email containing an introduction about yourself, samples of your work, and how you can help them.

For the love of God DO NOT send them emails like ‘Hi I’m interested in this job’ with no examples or introduction – that’s amateurish and will probably get you zero replies!

#3 – Networking and Outreach

This is how I get most of my clients. Some of them found me on this website, some found me on chatting groups, some by word of mouth. Network around and keep telling people you do freelance writing. A pleasant personality helps. You don’t have to be an extroverted social butterfly – networking online counts, too.

For more tips and tricks, read  Make A Living Writing . It’s a great resource for everything related to making money as a freelance writer. Read also my guide –  How to Get Clients: A Guide for Malaysian Freelancers .

Note : Some clients may bully you into late, or even no payment. Here are my tips to get great clients who pay & treat me well

Part 3: What do freelance writers need to start?

You can be a freelance writer in Malaysia with just the basics (see basic expenses below), although it’s recommended to invest a bit more in professionalism (see professional expenses below). In addition, you need to know the business and accounting side of it, because you ARE running a business.

Basic expenses

  • Laptop + internet access
  • Phone + phone plan
  • A comfortable space where you can write without interruptions
  • Notebook and stationery
  • Dining, transportation and meeting cost for face-to-face interviews or events

Professional expenses

  • Website hosting for your online writer portfolio
  • Website template + extra paid plugins
  • Proofreading software
  • Writing and SEO tools
  • Access to further literature
  • Online graphic design services
  • Stock photography (if you can’t find royalty-free ones)
  • Registered company
  • Advertising/Marketing
  • Paid help, if any

Part 4: Business setup, accounting and freelance invoice template

Setting up a company.

After you’ve done 3 or so jobs and decided to continue freelance writing work, I highly recommend you to set up a company. You can register as  sole proprietorship  (RM60 registration cost – easiest to start with this) or  Limited Liability Partnership (RM500+ registration cost). 

Aside from looking professional to potential clients and increasing the likelihood of them hiring you, the great thing about setting up a company is you can claim some expenses as business expenses, thus reducing your payable tax amount.

Some of the things you can claim are:

  • Office expense (hardware, software, furniture, ect for work)
  • Telecommunications for work purposes
  • Toll/parking/petrol for work purposes
  • Vehicle maintenance
  • Gifts to clients, meals & entertainment for clients (max 50%, apparently)
  • Utilities (also max 50%, as far as I know)

This page has a list of other things you may be able to claim as business expenses, as a freelance writer in Malaysia.

DISCLAIMER: I am not a tax agent. I have engaged the services of an accountant and gotten advice from tax professionals, but this is based on my specific situation which may be different to yours. Please engage the services of an accountant in your own tax payment.

Having a registered business is also quite handy for receiving government grants and help, where available. As of time of writing, I received ~RM6500 from Geran Khas Prihatin , the government cash assistance for small businesses in Malaysia (applications are currently closed but follow my social media for updates).

Accounting and invoice template

For simple, uncomplicated businesses, I recommend BlogJunkie’s Simple Accounting System for Freelancing Business guide, which includes freelance invoice templates and bookkeeping tips.

Part 5: How did I personally start freelance writing in Malaysia?

I’m not saying this is the correct way, and it’s probably not the most efficient way either, but this was how I established myself as a freelance writer, during the beginning and getting-the-hang-of-it stages:

Beginning stage

I joined freelancing platforms. Was on Upwork for a few months. Cashed out ~USD500 for various work.

At the same time, I submitted articles to websites (non-paid) . Submitted to Vulcan Post and The Financial Diet. I just wanted some work published online on high-authority sites, so I can use them as work samples – potential clients tend to be impressed with this.

Created Ringgit Oh Ringgit.  I didn’t expect RoR to help my freelance writing career, but it did. If you have time (and money) to spare, I suggest you make a website to attract clients (instead of you chasing them). For info, see my  The Exact Steps I Use to Earn Money from Blogging guide.

Applied for as many writing jobs as I can from the freelancing platforms and job boards I mentioned. I learn how to sell myself better from this step.

Accepted full-time remote work which allows for extra time to freelance.  I like stability, so I like having a steady income stream. It helps to counter the times of the year when work is scarce.

If I were to do it again, I would take the How to Become a Freelance Writer (in 60 Days) course  by Aisha of ; $45 (~RM200). The course includes:

  • 110+ page ebook
  • Pitching templates (I spent years learning this)
  • SEO training (this is the moneymaker guys. Everyone can write but not everyone can optimise for search engine)
  • writing opportunities,

business proposal writing services in malaysia

Getting-the-hang-of-it stage

Network like heck. Networking is just being consistent at telling everyone you meet that you do freelance writing (but obviously don’t be spammy).

Optimise everything that can be optimised .  I created and automated social media (I have a Facebook page and Twitter ), made tweaks to increase user experience on RoR website, and created blog posts that help me reach more audiences. In addition, I paid for advertising, virtual assistance and a better website theme, among others.

Increase rates regularly. At one point, I had way too much work and did not manage to deliver the same quality. Instead of getting less work (and earning less), I simply raised my rates.

This is good for 3 reasons:

  • (1) it helps you to keep a reasonable workload without overworking yourself (burnout is a thing),
  • (2) you can pass on some work to other writers, which helps them make money too, and
  • (3) higher rates imply higher quality

Picking a niche (specialisation). In my experience, most people start off being a freelance writer, then later ‘niche down’ and select a specialisation. For example, you could call yourself:

  • Freelance translator
  • Freelance editor
  • Freelance copywriter for websites
  • Freelance proofreader
  • Freelance resume-writer
  • Freelance academic writer
  • Freelance article writer
  • Freelance social media copywriter
  • Freelance script writer
  • Freelance grant writer
  • Freelance ghostwriter
  • Freelance ebook writer
  • Freelance whitepaper writer

A great way to command high rates is to niche down further and specialise in specific industries, like beauty, health, legal and so on. For example,

  • English-Spanish translator specialising in medical industry
  • Grant writers specialising in government proposals
  • Speech writers for politicians
  • Whitepaper writer specialising in crypto and blockchain industry
  • You get the gist 🙂

The interesting thing is you can also transition into selling your own services. Personally, I niched down to personal finance, and later worked on my personal branding and focused on publishing content on this website

Again, I’m not saying you should follow or expect these steps. These were just my personal experience when I first started out. Be efficient; learn from my mistakes 🙂

Shoutout to Zoe  (professional article writer) and Jasveena  (professional academic editor), two Malaysian freelance writers for providing helpful information on this page! Click their links to engage their services.

Are there any more useful information about being a freelance writer in Malaysia that we should know about? Comment, FB, or tweet me at @surayaror!

As always, please share if you find this useful!

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May I know if rm25 per article of 300-1000 words in interior design blogging (both research-based and opinion-based) considered low?

Hey Fala. Yes that is way too low. Assuming it takes you 5 hours or half a day for research, writing, editing and proofreading, that’s just RM5 per hour.

What would be the average rate for that, for a non-experienced writer?

Sorry I missed this!

There’s no such thing as ‘average rates’. Sorry for being vague, but it really depends whether you get a client with high budget or a client with low budget.

Here’s some info about getting clients:

I also got problem when started as a freelancer. Thank you for this informative content!

You’re welcome and all the best!

Hi need some advice on what or how to charge for social media postings and brochures

I think you’ll like this ‘how to charge clients’ article of mine 🙂

All the best!

Generally, for business writing, the rate is around 50 sen a word. If you are lucky, can get 60 sen a word. For technical writing (e.g. medical, engineering), can be higher, like 70-80 sen a word. For company profiles, I usually charge RM200 per page (there’ll be around 300 words per page). It helps to find out early if the client already has a budget, and decide if this budget is acceptable.

Thanks for sharing your experience here, Hui Min!

Interesting. Very interesting. An eye-opener as well as a mind-opener too. Thanks Suraya.

Thanks Nadia for the kind words 🙂 All the best to you!

Hi, From your article, can I know what skills or certification you had prior to starting out as a writer? Do you think writing or copywriting requires a degree or even coding, graphic designing skills?

I’m a comms major, and studied up until Masters in Corporate Communications. The certs help, but you certainly don’t need it. You can also combine skills ie writer specialising in coding-related articles (that would make good money actually!)

I can recommend browsing through – they have lots of resources for people who want to make a living from writing

Thanks, I enjoyed reading the article. I like how you break down the professional expense and treat it like a business. Essentially, that becomes your “product”.

Exactly, you worded that perfectly 🙂 P/s – cool website you have there!

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Soft Skills Training Provider Malaysia | Soft Skills Training Services Malaysia | Soft Skills Training Centre Malaysia

Proposal Writing Skills


Writing good business proposals will enhance the image of the organisation and create a good impression of the writer. In the same note, poor writing and bad grammar can stall or sink an otherwise successful business outcome. Don’t let that happen to you or a member of your team. This programme empowers the participants in the use of appropriate language, templates and proof-reading tools. This course is interactive, fast-paced, fun, and provides tips and techniques that you can use immediately for your work.

  • Description
  • Learn the basics of written communication process
  • Identify the purpose of proposal writing for the audience
  • Acknowledge the common pitfalls of proposal writing.
  • Use proper tone and register
  • Understand the Rules of Language in Writing.
  • Compose result-based business proposals/case
  • Apply proof-reading technique to vet writing.


  • Case study and group discussions
  • Using writing samples to illustrate explicitly the difference between clear writing and ambiguous or complicated writing
  • Written exercises
  • Review and work on your own written document and Peer Editing
  • Learn with Games and Puzzles


Executives, Assistant Managers, Managers


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Formatting Service

Tired of working on your Microsoft Office document for hours long? Don’t have the energy to format your paper? Or perhaps, you just don’t want to look at it anymore? If you have landed here looking for formatting service for any type of Microsoft Word or PowerPoint presentations, like academic papers, annual reports, legal papers and pitch deck presentations, we can help you format based on your requirements and turnaround time. Send us your queries and we will answer soonest possible.

Formatting rates 2023

Price in USD is inclusive of PayPal merchant and fixed fee rates if you are residing out of Malaysia. If you have LaTeX document for formatting , please get in touch with us for the rates.

My Cuci

For documents other than academic papers

If you’re looking for formatting service for documents other than academic papers, please contact us for a quote.

Formatting your thesis or journal paper according to the requirements of publishers and universities can be a daunting and messy process if you are not a tech-savvy person, especially when you have decided to format your paper after writing the content . This challenging work is not just time-consuming but would also add up to your stress to graduate on time. At IBP Editing Services, we understand the struggles you had to go through to produce a fine academic paper. We are here to lend you our expertise so that you could focus on your research better. We provide formatting services for thesis and journal papers.

View the thesis formatting service Malaysia samples below to gauge the standard of our work. 

Read our client testimonials to see what our valued customers have to say about us.

Formatting service outcome sample

Why should you consider working with us? We have partnered with trusted service providers who have been formatting academic documents in Malaysia since 2016 . As our formatters are providing dissertation formatting service for many years, they are familiar with the challenges that come their way. We have been formatting theses and journals from various universities across the world. Give us your formatting guidelines from your institution and we will work our magic. Therefore, we can assure you that we have the expertise at IBP Editing Services to format your document according to university or journal guidelines professionally within 3 days. We provide assurance that our work complies with your requirements. If you have any issues with our work, we will fix them for FREE.

What do we need from you? Submit your document in Microsoft Word format. Send us the university or journal formatting guidelines. Speak to us if you have any university or journal formatting requirements you need to adhere to. We will walk you through the process of explaining your requirements in detail so that we produce work that meets your expectations. We will also need your Mendeley password and log-in ID if you require us to format your references and in-text citations

What do you get from us? You can choose one of the three types of services we offer under thesis formatting service Malaysia:

  • Formatting document, in-text citations, and references – We will format your document as per the university or journal guidelines. We will recreate your table of content and format your figures in the document for FREE. Formatting in-text citations and references is painstaking and time-consuming, which is why we charge separately for this work. Therefore, you will receive a combined quote to format your document as well as the in-text citations and references.
  • Formatting document only – We will only format your document, table of content, and figures if you opt for this service.
  • Formatting in-text citations and references only – We will only format your in-text citations and references if you opt for this service. However, the cost to format your references and in-text citations TOGETHER with your document is cheaper than choosing to format the in-text citations and references only. 

We will return your formatted thesis/dissertation in Word format as well as a print-ready PDF so you can easily send it to your chosen printers. Setting the correct scaling on your printer is essential. Just make sure that you set NO SCALE or 100% scale when you print your document.

When can you get the documents returned to you? Within THREE working days unless specified otherwise. Let us know your urgency. We’ll cater to your needs and advice your accordingly.

How does the process work? You will submit your inquiry stating your project title, number of pages, number of references, and special requirements or instructions that you need us to know. We will communicate closely with you to obtain as much information as needed prior to starting the project. This process ensures that our understanding of your requirements is aligned with university or journal formatting guidelines. We would then format your document and deliver it before the specified deadline. The sooner you submit your information, the easier it would be for us to work on your project. We reserve the right to extend your project deadline should we not get prompt responses to our inquiries from you. We process payments through PayPal, a safe and secure way to handle online payments. You can complete the payment with or without a PayPal account. Read the guideline from PayPal if you choose to pay without creating an account with them. Alternatively, for local students, payments can be made through bank transfer. We quote you based on the standard 3-day turnaround time. If you need your documents to be formatted urgently, please indicate that in the ‘specific requirement’ field when filling up the form below. 

Will you get a Non-Disclosure Agreement signed by us to protect your work? Yes, we provide an NDA upon request to safeguard your work. In addition, we will also delete your files and related documents from our database after 6 months of the completion of work. Read our Privacy Policy for further information.


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    INTRODUCTION Writing good business proposals will enhance the image of the organisation and create a good impression of the writer. In the same note, poor writing and bad grammar can stall or sink an otherwise successful business outcome. Don't let that happen to you or a member of your team. This programme empowers the participants in the use of appropriate language, templates and proof ...

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  23. View the thesis formatting service Malaysia samples below to gauge the

    You can choose one of the three types of services we offer under thesis formatting service Malaysia: Formatting document, in-text citations, and references - We will format your document as per the university or journal guidelines. We will recreate your table of content and format your figures in the document for FREE.