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How I Spent my Last Holiday Essays 100, 150, 200, 450 Words

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How I Spent my Last Holiday Essays 100, 150, 200, 450 Words

Table of Contents

English Essay Writing or Composition on How I Spent My Last Holiday

There are many topics that you may be required to write an essay on in your English language classes. But writing an essay about how you spent your last holiday is one of the most enjoyable. The reason is because it brings back lovely memories as you thoughtfully reflect on your holiday experience and put them in writing.

As you write, your goal is to capture your readers’ attention and sustain their interest from the beginning of the essay till the end.

You can achieve this goal by:

  • writing clear and simple sentences.
  • using so, but, and, because and other transition words to ensure that your ideas flow smoothly throughout your essay.
  • being as descriptive as possible by using adjectives that paint a vivid picture of what you are saying.
  • being honest and authentic as you share your feelings about your experience.

I will give you a basic outline that you can develop into the compelling essay you have in mind.

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Basic Outline for Composing an Essay on “How I Spent My Last Holiday”

Here is a basic outline that will help you to write a good composition about how you spent your last holiday:


You need to begin your essay with a catchy opening sentence that would grab your reader’s attention. Then quickly introduce the topic or purpose of your essay, and say where you went for the holiday and what you did.

Body Paragraphs

Just like you would do in the body of any other essay, divide your holiday experience into several key events or activities.

Then describe each event or activity in details in different paragraphs. Remember that, as much as possible, each paragraph should focus on a specific event or activity.

The number of paragraphs would depend on the number of words the essay is expected to cover.

Whatever the target word-count, ensure that your essay is vivid and engaging by using sensory details. It’s simple. Just describe what you saw, heard, smelled, tasted, and felt during each experience.

Then reflect on the significance or impact of each event or activity. How did it make you feel? What did you learn from it? Did it change your perspective on anything? And so on.

This is where you end your essay. A good conclusion would provide a brief summary of the key points of your essay, including the lessons you learned.

You can tell whether the holiday experience met your expectations, and how you feel about it even at the point of penning down your essay. Then state whether you plan to do anything in the future drawing inspiration from your holiday experience.

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Sample How I Spent My Last Holiday Essays

The following are sample essays of different word counts on how I spent my last holiday. You can choose any composition that comes close to your own holiday experience and use it to craft yours.

My Relaxing Holiday 200 Words

My last holiday was amazing! I did not travel to any new or interesting location, but I had a lot of fun staying home. I took time to enjoy early morning sleep every day. This alone felt like a treat after waking up early for school the entire term.

In the afternoons, I went outside to play with my friends. We played the soccer ball around in the park, and would enjoy pretending to famous athletes.

Sometimes during the holiday, it would rain. And when that happened, I just stayed inside and got cozy. I got a good book and devoured it with a mug of hot chocolate by my side. I also liked watching funny movies with my family and munching on popcorn.

In some evenings, we had barbecues in the backyard. We grilled hamburgers and hotdogs, while Dad told us stories about when he was a kid. I don’t think that anything can feel more special than spending so much time together.

Although I did not travel anywhere, my holiday was full of fun and relaxation. I feel recharged and ready to go back to school now!

My Last Holiday Adventure 250 Words

Since I have been spending my holidays, none had been as enjoyable as the last one. When we vacated last term, I spent two weeks at home in order to assist my parents in farm work. After this, I left for Onitsha in order to visit some places of interest.

I visited the modern and popular Niger bridge which links Onitsha and Asaba, Mid-West. I also visited the famous Onitsha Main Market. It has no rival in comparison in West Africa just as Ibadan Liberty Stadium has no comparison in West Africa. When I was being taken round the great Onitsha Main Market by a friend, I observed that traders in their respective stalls felt at home. Some of them tuned in their radio sets. They were happy.

I spent one week at Onitsha and departed for Enugu. When I was at Enugu I visited the Eastern Nigeria Parliament, and I saw Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe’s Statue just close to the house of Assembly. I also visited Enugu Airport and several other places of interest. I spent five days in Enugu and departed for Lagos by a train. “Lagos Limited”, and that was my first time of entering train. When I reached Lagos, I hardly believed that it was a town in Nigeria. It was very beautiful indeed just like London.

When I was in Lagos, I went to the House of Representatives, the Senate, National Stadium, Air- port, Tinubu Square and other places of interest.

I spent 5 days in Lagos and returned home to resume School. I wrote a story on all my observations in the journey.

My Last Holiday Essay 300 Words

Last summer, I went on a trip that I will not easily forget. This is because it meant much more to me than just a vacation; rather, my perception was changed.

I had never been in Thailand before the holiday but only heard of its beauty. Finally visiting the country made my holiday worthwhile. The place was so different from home! Their market was busy with many colorful items for sale and their food was so delicious. I tried several new and amazing dishes, and they were all lovely. While in Thailand, I couldn’t fail to notice how beautiful their temples are with roofs gold plated and other carvings done wonderfully.

I am an outdoor kind of person. That is why spending time in nature during my holiday made me very happy. Some days I would hike through forests while others would find me relaxing at the beach. On one fine morning, I woke up early to witness sunrise over New Zealand’s mountains. It was simply breathtaking and that made me feel alive.

Lastly, to add some holiday fun into it; i did some daring activities too. For instance, skydiving and bungee jumping were included in my itinerary. Although at first scared, it turned out pretty awesome! I learned that it’s good to challenge yourself and try new things sometimes.

Looking back on my last holiday, I feel very grateful for all the experiences I had. I discovered a lot of new things and also made new friends. Yes, the holiday is over, but the memories I made will stay with me forever.

From the samples above, you can see that the key to writing a good essay about your holiday is to engage your readers with descriptive details and thoughtful reflections.

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My Favourite Holiday Essay: 100,200,250 Words For Class 3

My favourite holiday essay 100 words.

My favorite holiday brings a pause to the daily rush, offering a cherished chance to unwind and reconnect with loved ones. This day is eagerly awaited, as it promises freedom from the routine, allowing for leisure and the pursuit of hobbies.

Whether it’s spending quality time with family, exploring new places, or simply enjoying the tranquility of home, every moment is treasured. The joy of not waking up early for school or work, and the liberty to plan the day as desired, makes it profoundly special. This holiday symbolizes relaxation, happiness, and the simple pleasures of life, making it my absolute favorite.

My Favourite Holiday Essay 150 Words

My favorite holiday stands as a beacon of relief in the relentless flow of daily commitments, offering a much-needed respite that reinvigorates my spirit. This special day, freed from the clutches of routine, is a sanctuary where time slows, and life’s simple joys are amplified.

It’s a day marked by the warmth of family gatherings, the laughter shared over meals, and the serene moments of solitude that replenish my soul. Each activity, whether it’s a leisurely stroll in the park, diving into the pages of a gripping novel, or engaging in cherished hobbies, is imbued with a sense of freedom and contentment.

The anticipation leading up to this holiday is filled with dreams of relaxation and the joy of stepping away from the usual demands of life. It’s a time when connections are deepened, and memories are made, embodying the essence of joy and the importance of taking time to celebrate life’s beautiful moments.

My Favourite Holiday Essay 200 Words

My favorite holiday stands out as a beacon of relaxation and joy in the relentless tide of daily routines. It’s the time when the constant ticking of the clock seems to pause, allowing us to breathe freely and immerse ourselves in the warmth of cherished moments. This holiday is not just about stepping away from the demands of work or school; it’s about reconnecting with the essence of life that often gets overshadowed by our responsibilities. It provides a perfect blend of leisure and adventure, enabling us to explore new places or rediscover the comfort of our own homes through a different lens.

On this special day, the joy of sleeping in without an alarm, indulging in hobbies that time usually doesn’t permit, and savoring unhurried meals with family transforms the ordinary into the extraordinary. It’s a day where laughter fills the air, and the worries of life are put on hold. For students, it’s a break from the pressures of academics, a time to play and dream. For working adults, it’s a precious opportunity to unwind, rejuvenate, and perhaps tick off some long-postponed personal projects.

What truly elevates this holiday above all others is the way it stitches memories that last a lifetime. Whether it’s a simple family dinner, an impromptu backyard camping adventure, or a quiet afternoon spent with a good book, these moments become treasures. This holiday is a reminder that in the pursuit of our ambitions, taking time to cherish life and loved ones is paramount. It encapsulates the essence of joy, peace, and the simple yet profound pleasure of just being.

My Favourite Holiday Essay 250 Words

Holidays serve as a precious break from the monotonous rhythm of daily life, offering a sanctuary for relaxation and the pursuit of hobbies. Among all, my favorite holiday encapsulates the essence of joy and tranquility, standing out as a cherished pause in the ceaseless flow of responsibilities. This holiday, observed amidst the bustling life, is eagerly anticipated for its promise of leisure and family time. It’s a period when the usual rush to school or work halts, allowing for moments of unhurried pleasure and togetherness.

On this particular holiday, the significance extends beyond mere respite; it embodies the joy of being home, not bound by the constraints of time and schedules. It’s a day when sleep is not cut short by alarms and the day’s agenda is filled with activities of choice rather than obligation. For students, it brings the delight of freedom from academic duties, offering ample time to indulge in play or to dive into the world of their favorite books. Working individuals find solace in this break too, seizing the opportunity to unwind, attend to personal projects, or cherish quality moments with family and friends.

What makes this holiday my favorite is the blend of relaxation and the opportunity it offers to strengthen bonds with loved ones. It’s a time when families come together, sharing stories, laughter, and possibly embarking on short, memorable excursions. The simplicity of enjoying a home-cooked meal with family or watching a beloved movie together holds unparalleled charm.

This holiday reminds us of the importance of taking a pause, stepping back from the hustle of life to relish the simpler joys. It reinforces the idea that while pursuing our goals is vital, finding moments of peace and happiness in the company of our dear ones is equally essential. It’s a testament to the fact that sometimes, the best memories are forged not through grand adventures but through the warmth of spending time with those we love.

My Favourite Holiday Essay For Class 2

My favorite holiday is Christmas. I love Christmas because it is very happy and exciting. We put up a big tree in our house and decorate it with lots of colorful balls and lights. It looks so beautiful.

Santa Claus comes on Christmas night. I put a sock near my bed, and in the morning, I find gifts in it. Opening the gifts is so much fun. I wonder what I will get every time.

We eat yummy food like cake and cookies. My family sits together, and we laugh and talk. We also sing Christmas songs, which makes me feel very happy.

I love Christmas because I spend time with my family and get presents. It is the best holiday for me.

My Favourite Holiday Essay For Class 3

My favorite holiday is Christmas because it is very fun and special. Christmas means we get to decorate our house with lights and a big Christmas tree. The tree looks so pretty with all the colorful ornaments and shiny tinsel. On Christmas morning, I wake up excited to open the presents that Santa left under the tree. I love guessing what each gift could be before I unwrap it.

On this day, my family comes together, and we all help to make a delicious dinner. We have tasty foods like turkey, mashed potatoes, and lots of cookies for dessert. After dinner, we sit together and watch Christmas movies. It makes me so happy to see everyone smiling and having a good time.

What I love most about Christmas is not just the presents but being with my family and feeling happy together. We play games, tell stories, and laugh a lot. Christmas is a time when we show love to each other, and that makes it my favorite holiday. It’s a very special day that I always look forward to every year.

My Favourite Holiday Essay For Class 5

My favorite holiday is Christmas, and I love it because it’s a time filled with happiness, beautiful lights, and family gatherings. Christmas is special to me not just because of the presents, but because it’s a day when my whole family comes together to celebrate. We decorate our house with sparkly lights and a big, green Christmas tree. The tree gets decorated with colorful balls, stars, and lights. It looks so beautiful that I could stare at it all day.

On Christmas morning, I wake up early, excited to see what Santa has brought for me. Opening presents with my family is the best part. We all sit together, and it feels like a big treasure hunt. After opening gifts, we have a big meal. My family cooks delicious food like turkey, pies, and my favorite, mashed potatoes.

Another reason I love Christmas is that we get to share joy and love. We sing Christmas songs, and sometimes, we even go caroling around our neighborhood. It’s fun to see everyone’s smiling faces. We also spend time talking, playing games, and watching Christmas movies together. It’s a holiday that brings my family closer, and we make lots of happy memories.

Christmas is about giving, caring, and sharing joy with others. It reminds me to be thankful for what I have and to spread happiness. That’s why Christmas is my favorite holiday. It’s a magical time that fills my heart with joy.

My Favourite Holiday Essay 200 Words In English

My favorite holiday is Christmas because it is full of joy and brings my family together. Every year, we decorate our house with colorful lights and a big Christmas tree. The tree looks amazing with all its decorations and twinkling lights. It makes our home feel very cozy and festive.

Christmas morning is the most exciting part. I wake up early, full of excitement to open the presents Santa left under the tree. My family gathers around, and we take turns opening our gifts. It’s fun to see everyone’s happy faces.

We also enjoy a special meal on Christmas. My family cooks delicious foods like turkey, stuffing, and lots of sweet treats like cookies and pies. We all sit together at the table, share stories, and enjoy the food. It feels great to be with everyone I love.

During Christmas, we do fun activities like singing carols and watching holiday movies. These moments are special because we laugh and have a good time together. Christmas is about giving, loving, and spending time with family. It reminds me to be thankful for all the good things in my life.

I love Christmas because it’s a happy time that brings joy and peace. The time I spend with my family. Christmas always leaves me with beautiful memories that I cherish all year long.

My Favourite Holiday Essay 100 Words

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Narrative Essay on How I spent my holiday

Narrative essay generator.

Holidays hold a special place in everyone’s life, offering a respite from the routine of daily tasks and providing an opportunity to explore, relax, and create unforgettable memories. This year, I decided to spend my holiday in a way that was both enriching and exhilarating. I ventured on a journey to a small coastal town, renowned for its pristine beaches, rich culture, and vibrant local life. This narrative essay unfolds the experiences, discoveries, and personal growth I encountered during my holiday.

The Journey Begins

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Essay on My Favorite Holiday

Students are often asked to write an essay on My Favorite Holiday in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on My Favorite Holiday

My favorite holiday: christmas.

Christmas is my favorite holiday because it is a time of joy and giving. During Christmas, my family decorates our home with bright lights and a beautiful tree. We share gifts, showing love and thinking of others.

Family Gatherings

On Christmas Day, we gather with relatives. Everyone brings tasty food, and we enjoy a big meal together. The laughter and stories make me feel warm inside.

Spreading Cheer

I also love Christmas because we can help those in need. Giving to others makes the holiday special. It teaches us to be kind and generous, which is the true spirit of Christmas.

250 Words Essay on My Favorite Holiday

My favorite holiday is Christmas, which comes on December 25th every year. It is a special time when families and friends come together to share joy and warmth. The festive mood, the twinkling lights, and the beautiful decorations make this holiday the most cheerful for me.

Decorations and Music

Gift-giving and santa claus.

Another exciting part of Christmas is the tradition of giving and receiving gifts. I put a lot of thought into choosing presents for my family and friends, and I can’t wait to see their faces when they open them. The story of Santa Claus, who brings gifts to children around the world, adds to the magic of the holiday.

Family Time and Food

Most importantly, Christmas is about spending time with my family. We eat a big meal together, with lots of delicious food like roast turkey and sweet pies. We talk, laugh, and enjoy each other’s company, creating memories that last a lifetime.

In conclusion, Christmas is my favorite holiday because it is a time of joy, giving, and family. The beautiful decorations, festive music, and the spirit of sharing make it a celebration I look forward to every year.

500 Words Essay on My Favorite Holiday

Introduction to my favorite holiday.

Everyone loves holidays because they are times when we can relax, have fun, and spend time with our families and friends. Of all the holidays, my favorite is Christmas. It is a special time when we celebrate joy, kindness, and the spirit of giving.

The Joy of Christmas Decorations

One of the things that makes Christmas my favorite holiday is the decorations. Streets and houses shine with colorful lights. Inside homes, Christmas trees stand tall, decorated with sparkly ornaments and twinkling lights. The reds, greens, and golds make everything look magical. At night, the lights make the snow sparkle like a blanket of stars.

Spending Time with Family

Gift-giving and receiving.

Another reason I love Christmas is the tradition of giving and receiving gifts. I enjoy thinking about what my family and friends might like and then finding the perfect presents for them. Wrapping the gifts in bright paper and ribbons is fun, too. On Christmas morning, we all sit around the tree and open our presents. Seeing the happy faces when someone opens a gift I gave them is a wonderful feeling.

The Meaning of Christmas

Christmas is not just about the presents and decorations; it’s also about kindness and helping others. Many people do nice things for those who are less fortunate during this time. We might donate food, clothes, or toys to those who need them. This part of Christmas shows us that giving to others can make us feel good inside.

Christmas Traditions

Conclusion: why christmas is special to me.

Christmas is my favorite holiday for many reasons. The beautiful decorations, spending time with family, giving and getting presents, the true meaning of the holiday, and the fun traditions all make it a time of happiness and warmth. It’s a time when we can forget about our problems and enjoy being together. That’s why Christmas will always be the holiday I love the most.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

Happy studying!

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Essay on Holiday


Essay on Holiday for Students

‘Holiday’ is such a fascinating word that catches the fancy of each one, be it she or he, everybody finds it bliss to go for a holiday. We may be from any walk of life but we quite relate to this term ‘holiday’ equally. Professional people love holidays and children pray for the same. When it comes to holidays every grown-up and the working person acts like a child, desperate to relish the days of holidays. With the odds, if the holiday is cancelled, they will be sad and grumble as a child.  

Holidays are rightly known as pressure busters for the people. The normal routine of life requires a few days to relax. The holidays are always welcomed and awaited by all. Holidays give us immense peace and we cherish the memories of these well-spent days for the rest of our lives. Holidays help us in the following ways:

Mental Peace:  

We can derive mental harmony and mental calmness by staying at home and also by spending the holiday time with friends and family. 

Social Activities:  

The students in their holidays can also include the social activities that they do with their loved ones. 

Family Trip:  

We enjoy a family trip or a family excursion during these holidays.  

It is to be understood that gaining money is significant for livelihood, but relaxing the mind to make it function better is also as important. Hence, for the smooth working of life, a break is certainly required. 

Essay 1: Essay about Holiday with My Family

This time, in the winters, our small family planned for a holiday in the hills of Darjeeling. This was a much-needed break for the members of this family to remain quite busy in their daily scheduled life. They remain occupied in the strictly disciplined life of either work or study. My little sister and I study in grades 8 and 4, respectively, my father is a deputy manager in his reputed company, and my mother is a working lady and also a housewife. So, you can guess how our life will be in the strict realms of schedule. Thus, this time, my father and I decided on a short trip to the hills. 

We started our journey on the 1st of December, 2019. On the way, we played a variety of games. The view over the hills was quite pleasant to watch. When we were on the top of the summits, we looked down at our town, which seemed like a toy town; how small that was from the top! 

We clicked pretty snaps of the places, clicked pictures of us, of the local residents there, after which we went to a famous restaurant to eat our afternoon meal. We had the most delightful dumplings and noodles, which were cooked and served to us when still on steam. 

As dusk dawned on us, the jungles over the hills seemed to tell us another story of spirits and supernaturals. My sister and I were quite fantasized about this view. We preferred to keep our eyes shut till we reached our destination. It was half-past 8 when we reached the hotel where we would spend the night. The hotel staff was kind people who welcomed us with great warmth. We freshened up and went downstairs to watch their cultural program. The tribes danced to the music of one of their traditional songs, which was quite amazing for us to watch. After this, dinner was served. The dinner was quite rich and they served us in a sophisticated manner. After the tiring day, we decided to call it off and went to sleep.

The next day, we went hiking in the mountains. When we reached the peak of the mountains, it was a very delightful view. We decided to camp for the rest of the day there in the hills. The scenario and being on the lap of nature were quite peaceful and serene.   

After the trip, we came down to our town and normalized our lives. 

This trip had ushered a sense of great peace and calmness in my mind, which was to be instilled. The memories of the trip were to remain fresh in my mind like the fresh droplets on the leaves. 

Essay 2: Essay on Holiday 

Holidays have joyous feelings related to them. My favorite holiday is Christmas. I love this holiday because it comes in December, which is also my birth month. There are a lot of exciting things we do during Christmas. We start making preparations for Christmas early before the month starts. 

This year, my friends and I made snowmen with snow outside our houses. My dad put up all the lights in the interior and exterior of the house. It was looking really bright and pretty. My mom made a lot of food, cakes, and snacks, and ate with our family. My cousins from the US came over to spend time with us. 

Our whole group of family and friends ate and talked and laughed with each other, sitting cozily near the fireplace, with the Christmas tree towering over us. I had a lot of fun. It is one of my best experiences and I hope to feel it again. 

Essay on Importance of Holidays for Students 

Holidays are very important for students. The importance of the same can be listed as follows:

Students can join courses, like in extra activities like arts, crafts, pottery, candle making, and more. 

Students get to visit new places in the holidays. 

They can go out with their families and friends and can make abundant memories, which will leave an imprint on their life. 

Holidays give them time to relax with their close ones.

Students also get a lot of time to complete their homework and revise their syllabus.

How to Spend School Holidays Essay 

To spend the school holidays, students must include this list:

Educating self

De-stressing and relaxing 

Improving physical health 

Getting a new hobby

Visiting interesting and fun workshops

Learning skills, like martial arts

Being a part of a book club or a public library

My Best Holiday Experience Essay 

In writing about the ‘Best Holiday Experience’ Essay, I would say the best holiday I spent was on the sea beach; the sunny weather on the beach of goa was no less than a divine holiday. The best experience of this holiday came from sharing nature’s beauty and also staying at the best resort in Goa. 

The holiday is a day off or a few days off from the monotonous routine of the everyday schedule. Holidays are equally loved by students as well as by the working people. Holidays prove to be beneficial to us in many ways when they are spent with memories and good activities.


FAQs on Essay on Holiday

1. How important are Holidays for Working People?

 Vacation or holidays improves the blood pressure levels and also the mental health of the working people. Vacationing ensures that these people have a healthy body and also a happy heart. The working people crave to spend their days with their family and loved ones; what better can it be than going on vacations with them. Honestly, holidays keep working people from becoming monotonous robots who only work to get paid. The holidays help them feel recharged and relaxed, after which they are more receptive and active towards work.

2. What kind of Social Activities are to be done on a Holiday?

Social activities such as getting a new hobby, starting to read a new book, organizing a get-together party, playing games, talking about an interesting and informative topic, visiting a peaceful place, paying a visit to the parents or grandparents can make wonderful holidays.  

3. How would you Define a Holiday?

A holiday is such a day that is given a day off by a custom or by law on which all the normal activities, especially the business or work including the school cease to operate. Holidays are stress-busters, which act the same for all the people. 

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Paragraph on Holiday 100, 150, 200, 250 to 300 Words for Kids, Students, and Children

January 7, 2024 by Prasanna

Paragraph on Holiday:  Everybody needs to get some help from their bustling schedule. Our metabolism even requires some an ideal opportunity to relax. The holiday gives the best opportunity to relax and seek after our preferred side interests. Life becomes rhythmless when you constantly follow a schedule, so a holiday is very much important.

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Paragraph On Holiday – 100 Words for Classes 1, 2, 3 Kids

A holiday is an awaited break from bustling life. Everyone needs some time to unwind from the tedious lifestyle. Regardless of whether it is one day leave or several days, everybody spent it well. Holidays are additionally significant for working individuals as significant for students.

Working individuals use their days off in unwinding, completing other significant work, or spent it with loved ones. For students, it gives the delight of being at home and not going to school or college. They don’t need to rise early and rush for the school. These are the days’ people can also involve themselves in recreational activities.

Paragraph On Holiday - 100 Words for Classes 1, 2, 3 Kids

Paragraph On Holiday – 150 Words for Classes 4, 5 Children

Holiday, the name even give the assent of relief and relaxation in students and working individuals. A single Sunday or single national occasion even refill happiness in individuals. A long break from routine gives abundantly of chances to chase for students and working individuals. They get time to remain at home and follow their interests. In working life, 4-5 days leave adequate to boost individuals’ vitality to start with new enthusiasm.

Everyone loves holidays. We all holidays, the explanation is basic everybody wants to sit back at home spent a day with no pressure. We all get time to complete our pending talks and school-home works. Students adore holidays as they spent a ton on playing and watching Television. Guardians sort out family outings and cookout for their children, which includes travelling and even picnic. Family members love to spend time together on holiday, whether they are working or a non- working member.

Paragraph On Holiday – 200 Words for Classes 6, 7, 8 Students

Holiday’s are the greatest days to be with loved ones. Everyone enthusiastically watches the calendar for the times of the holiday. We love to be at home and use times of relaxation. Children wait for their parents will spend time with them. This honest wish for children is satisfied by the holidays of their parents. Individuals of each age and profession sit tight for a holiday. Kids additionally discover satisfaction for not getting rushed up for school.

Ways to Spend Long Holiday: A Long Holiday can be enjoyed by arranging an excursion with loved ones. Students can join innovative classes and help their parents in the day by day work. Guardians can build up a habit for regular study and yoga or wellness exercises during a long excursion. Visiting grandparents’ or cousins’ place can likewise be a smart idea for spending a holiday.

Ways to Spend 1-2 Day Holiday: The best use of short or one-day holidays is relaxation and spending time with family and friends. For working ladies, human services and skincare can be the best strategy for using a holiday. Guardians can help their children in their homework and schoolwork. Remaining at home and spending time with family is the best holiday plan one could get.

Paragraph On Holiday – 250 to 300 Words for Classes 9, 10, 11, 12 And Competitive Exams Students

Holidays can likewise be called as pressure busters for the people. The normal surge of life needs a few days to relax. The holidays are welcomed and waited for all.

What could one get from the Holidays?

There are numerous advantages of holidays. One could derive a source of satisfaction and joy from the times of relaxation. How about we look at the great advantages of holidays.

  • Mental Peace: One could derive mental harmony and calm by being at home and spending some time with friends and family. The time can be spent on trips, and other recreational exercises give a sentiment of joy and calm.
  • Social Activities: One could appreciate with their loved ones by arranging a gathering or visiting some friends’ place. The sentiment of being around with individuals of a similar wavelength is energizing the minds.
  • Family Trip: People can plan a family excursion with their loved ones. Guardians can plan a visit to an entertainment park or similar activities for their children.

Each individual needs some time for recreational minutes; gaining money is significant for livelihood; however, for the smooth working of life, a break is required. The psychological pressure can be discharged constantly of relaxation. A holiday is significant for students and working individuals both. The two get some an ideal opportunity to go through with their family and finish their unfinished works.

A holiday spends on travelling can have a long-lasting impact on our brains. A Sunday can bring mental rewards for the following working days. Everyone looks for an end of the week for relaxation.

Paragraph On Holiday - 250 to 300 Words for Classes 9, 10, 11, 12 And Competitive Exams Students

FAQ’s on Paragraph on Holiday

Question 1. What is the main reason behind the holiday?

Answer: Holiday is very much necessary in our life. People need relaxation time after following their continuous working schedule. Holidays help everybody to refresh their minds and regain their energy to invest in the coming working days again. Students to office workers, everybody waits for holidays.

Question 2. Which days in the week can be considered as a holiday?

Answer: In a week of seven days, Saturday and Sunday are considered a holiday for everybody. Saturday as a holiday might differ for office workers, but Sunday is a holiday for everybody. In those small holiday breaks, people spend their time together with their families, eat good food, watch movies and relax completely. These days are known as weekends.

Question 3. Other than weekends, which days can be considered as holidays?

Answer: Each country in the world has their number and days which they consider as holidays for different reasons. These reasons definitely might vary, but the soul purpose is to provide a relaxation day for people who work continuously and for the students. Those days can be considered as holidays because of a festival or any national celebration day; even season breaks can be considered as a holiday like a summer break or winter break for the students.

Question 4. Who first declared Sunday as a holiday in India?

Answer: British people are the ones in the year 1843 declared Sunday as a holiday in India because in Christianity, God created this world in 6 days, and one day he took rest according to them.

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What the Best Holiday Means for Me

  • Category: Life , Sociology
  • Topic: Party , Personal Life , Personality

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