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Open House & Back to School Info for Preschool & Kindergarten Parents

Preschool Open House Template

Preschool, Pre-K, and Kindergarten Parent Orientation and Open House resources.

Preschool Open House Template

Open House PowerPoint Template for Preschool and Kindergarten

A ready made PowerPoint template for your preschool, pre-k, or kindergarten open house event.

Parents of young children – especially first time parents or parents of children who are attending school for the first time, have many questions at the beginning of the year!

Based on my many years of experience as a classroom teacher I created this presentation you can personalize to show to parents at your open house, back-to-school, meet the teacher or parent night event.

Having a prepared presentation will help make the beginning of the year less stressful for you, your students, and their parents.

What To Tell Parents At The Back To School Open House

This template is only offered in PowerPoint format so you can personalize the slides to meet your needs; the template contains 29 slide templates with text headings PLUS 4 blank template pages without headings.

You can also duplicate the blank templates so you can have as many as you like.

Reorder the slides to meet your needs and delete the those you don’t need. Insert text boxes and type your own text to personalize the presentation for your classroom.

This product is included in our Teacher Success Bundle or you can purchase it individually in our TPT shop here .

Meet the Teacher Contact Information Start Time End Time Drop Off Pick Up After School Care Breakfast Procedures Tardy Policy Attendance Policy Lunch Procedures Meal Payment Procedures Weekly Folder Daily Folder Homework Policy Report Card Schedule Grading Policy Absence Procedures Dress Code Backpack Suggestions Extra Clothes Transportation Procedures School Supplies Birthday Policy Classroom Rules School Rules Helping the Teacher Helping My Child

** Note to Purchaser: You cannot change the layout or template of the document. This file is offered in PowerPoint format to allow you to easily add text to each slide for personalization. Please make sure you can add text in your version of PowerPoint and you don’t have a Read-Only version. If you do not have PowerPoint or do not know how to use PowerPoint please do not purchase this product. **

Teaching Trailblazers

Having a fantastic open house presentation is awesome! But let’s face it, an open house template won’t make you a better teacher. If you really want to up your teaching game, the best place to get the support you need is in the Teaching Trailblazers . We have many printable lessons and on-demand video trainings to help you become the best teacher you can be! If you want to get on the waiting list for the Teaching Trailblazers , do it soon so you don’t miss the next open enrollment period!

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Thanks for visiting! Yes, the school theme open house PPT template is available in our Teacher Success Bundle here: Or you can purchase it individually in our TPT shop here:

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top 8 keys to a great parent open house.

What impression did parents take away from your school’s last Open House? What did they think of you as a teacher—did you come across more as a nurturing caretaker or a stern taskmaster? Did they see you as more intimidating than approachable? Did you seem to have a one-track mind about standardized test scores, or did you communicate willingness to take the time to build a positive classroom climate?

Every teacher knows that a positive Open House experience can set a positive tone and establish good parent-teacher communication for the whole year. Below are eight tips to help you take full advantage of this terrific opportunity to connect with your students’ families.

A great open house can make all the difference in the world.

8.  Use an Integrated Presentation – Open Houses often involve PowerPoint presentations. Try mixing it up a bit by using the presentation not only to go over the curriculum and classroom rules, but also to celebrate what makes each child unique and to showcase the great time kids are having in school. If your Open House is held several weeks after school starts, take photos or even videos of each child and integrate them into the presentation. Another option is to take a photo of—or scan in—something that each child has produced, whether it is artwork, a math problem, or a written product. Electronic presentations are also an excellent opportunity to demonstrate the use of technology (e.g., smartboards, podcasting, blogging) that students will use throughout the year.

7.  Make it Interactive – Regardless of grade level, parents want to know what their child is learning. The Open House is the perfect time to clearly define your curriculum and get parents involved in their child’s education. Use broad strokes rather than trying to cover every tiny detail; handouts can provide more in-depth information for interested parents. Make sure to allow time for questions. If parents are tempted to tune out during this part of the presentation, try engaging them by assigning them some of the same tasks that their kids would be asked to complete in class.

6.  Don’t Rush – The point of the event is to build a relationship, and that becomes less likely when the event is treated like an assembly line. Be mindful of the time, but be careful not to come across like a fast-talking auctioneer. Take time to clearly express your expectations for the year so that everyone starts off on the same page. By the same token, talk about what you are committing to provide for students and parents. Discussion of classroom rules should be friendly rather than threatening. Likewise, you don’t want to sound like you are overwhelmed by all that you need to cover during the year. Instead of saying, “We have an unbelievable amount to cover this year,” try saying “We are all in this together, and I know that we are up to the challenge.”

5.  Make it Welcoming – Hang a “Welcome” sign and offer refreshments, if possible. Keep the mood light by offering fun activities and “goody bags.” Scavenger hunts are a popular way of encouraging active participation and acquainting parents with different areas of the classroom and school. Other ideas include trivia questions, friendly contests and competitions, or activities that encourage parents to share information about their child. Great questions to ask include “What does your child need from me [the teacher] in order to succeed?” and “What are your child’s strengths?” Another favorite activity is to have parents write a message to their child, or better yet—read a message their child has left for them and reply to it.

4.  Get the Invite Right – The school probably sends out a notice of the Open House a few weeks before the event. In addition to this general announcement, send an invitation from yourself personally. Let parents know exactly what you have planned and what you’ll be going over. This will help with any apprehension they may be feeling about the event, and will provide them with some basis on which to form questions.

Keep in mind that some parents will find it difficult to attend the Open House due to factors such as lack of transportation, lack of childcare, work obligations, language barriers, or even feelings of alienation due to negative experiences they may have had in school themselves. Consider alternatives to a single event: hold both day and evening Open Houses, or even make home visits. Providing transportation, babysitting, and a meal can also increase attendance. Consider offering prizes or incentives for attendance (make sure students know about these, as kids can be your biggest salespeople). Have one of the class parents help spread the word and encourage the attendance of other parents. Follow up with parents who do not attend so that they receive needed information. Consider videotaping your presentation or making your PowerPoint presentation available online, so that parents who missed the event won’t be left in the dark.

3.  Say “Thank You” – Keep track of the parents that attend and send a thank-you note home a few days later. Be attentive during the open house and jot down little things you notice about students’ family members. That way you can mention them in your thank-you note (e.g., “Mr. Smith, thank you for participating so enthusiastically in our Open House last week. It will help Timmy in his Social Studies lessons to have such a history buff in the house!”).

2.  Put It Into Perspective – Parents may want to discuss their child at length. Practice good crowd control by offering an activity for parents to complete, or areas or items to browse, while they are waiting for a chance to speak with you one-on-one. Limit the length of these conversations; remind them that because it is early in the school year, you are still getting to know each student fully. Also, with other parents within earshot, confidentiality of discussions may be a concern. Take advantage of the opportunity to invite them to a one-on-one meeting at another time, when you can give them the undivided attention and privacy they deserve.

1.  Keep Communicating After the Event – Open Houses need not be a one-time event. Some schools opt to schedule multiple parent events throughout the year. Establishing a good rapport and a history of good communication with parents will make all the difference when a problem arises. Be creative about engaging parents throughout the year. Offer a variety of ways for them to get involved. Not every parent can volunteer on-site during the school day, and not every parent can afford to buy items for the classroom. Think about off-site tasks or projects that would help the class but which don’t cost anything except a parent’s time.

Related resources

Keys to a Great Open House

Article by Jason Tomaszewski , EducationWorld Associate Editor Education World ®     Copyright © 2011 Education World

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3 Secrets to the Best Elementary Open House Ever!

  • Back to School , For Teachers , Seasonal Activities , Tips & Tricks

Can I be real here? Seeing Open House on the calendar brought on a huge wave of anxiety for at least the first 5 years of my teaching career. I’m great in a room full of kids, but swap them out for parents and I’m nervous wreck! No more. I’m going to let you in on my 3 secrets to have the best elementary open house ever!

open house presentation

The switch from dread to excitement happened when I started thinking of Open House in the same way I think about teaching a lesson to my class: active engagement, clear delivery, independent work time. Done!

In this post, I’m going to tell you my secret sauce for the best Open House ever! ( And trust me, they are such easy ideas that will completely transform your Open House!) Plus, I’ll hook you up with some epic FREEBIES to make your Open House a breeze!!

Secret #1: Open House Stations for Parents

Parents show up at different times on parent night and there’s always awkward down time before your Open House presentation starts. Give them something to do while you wait for the room to fill up! Stations are an ideal way to get parents actively engaged in your Open House.

Here are the Parent Stations I use, and links to the activities you’ll need the kiddos to prepare beforehand . Stations can be completed in any order:

open house presentation

Parent Playlist – We love playing music in the classroom, if this is something you haven’t tried, add it to your list of “must do’s” this school year! The objective of this station is to collect a playlist created by the parents. Students love hearing “their song” come on and it brings back memories of time spent with their families!

Teacher Prep: Stick an anchor chart/extremely large Post-It note (I LOVE THESE) somewhere in the room and leave a basket of markers. Add your own song or two to get parents going.

Notebook Notes – In this station, parents write a note to their child in one of their notebooks for them to find!

Teacher Prep: Make sure there is a notebook or two at each student’s desk, and something to write with. If you don’t have desks and use individual bins like I did (you can read about my classroom set up HERE ), don’t worry, you’ll see an option for you in the freebie!

open house presentation

Guess Who? – This is SO fun! Parents will have to read clues and guess which mystery student is their child.

Teacher Prep: Print out page 5 of the Open House Freebie and have each student fill it out with 7 facts about themselves. While they’re doing that, snap a photo of each student and send it to your printer (or upload them to a store for printing). Fold construction paper in half, and attach the clues on the outside and the students’ photos on the inside! Hang these in a place where parents can see and interact with them!

Kid Quiz – A classic Open House activity that kiddos and parents love equally!

Teacher Prep: This freebie comes from Rachel Lynette on TpT! Have your students fill out the side that says “My Favorites…” with all of their favorite things. Then, fold the paper in half and leave the blank side facing up. This is the side parents will fill out to see if they “know” their child. I leave this on top of students’ desks when parents walk in so it’s ready for them!

Hopes & Dreams – Start the year off with some positivity and get to know what your parents envision for their children.

Teacher Prep: Put an anchor chart/large sticky note somewhere in the room that is accessible to parents. Leave a basket of pens or markers and a stack of sticky notes .

open house presentation

Secret #2: Collect Important Info

This secret is disguised as a parent station but is really so. much. more!

There are a ton of back to school forms that provide valuable information about our new students that give us insight into their likes/dislikes, learning styles, etc. But that’s just the thing, there are a ton of them, which makes it hard to organize and sift through all the information. That’s why I love a good flipbook. Everything in one place! CLICK HERE to download !

Snack Attack – The objective of this station is to give parents time to complete a flipbook that provides you with important information about their child. (The “snack” part is just a way to get them to sit down and enjoy a snack while they’re working!)

open house presentation

Teacher Prep: To set up this station, print out enough flipbooks for each student in your class and put them on a table, along with some snacks for parents to choose from. Place the station directions nearby and provide pencils for parents to use! **This station will also work if you provide a flipbook or pamphlet of information about yourself! Just choose the station header that correspond s.

Speaking of important info, read about out my all-in-one system for maintaining positive communication with parents and students!

Secret #3: There’s Power in PowerPoint

PowerPoint, Google Slides, Keynote, whatever it is that you use, USE IT! Know what information you need to share with parents, and have it all in one place.

For years I’ve used my First Day and Open House PowerPoint and it has truly made the crazy first weeks of school more manageable and streamlined time after time. I just add my information and tweak it as things change over the years. I never forget what I’m supposed to talk about at Open House, or leave out important info that parents need to know. 👍

open house presentation

P.S.- I use the same resource to teach my students all about myself, our classroom and my expectations during the first week of school. It’s a win-win!

Open House can be fun and exciting for all! Will you be trying out these ideas at your parent night this year? Tell me all about it! Don’t forget to follow me on Instagram and Facebook for more classroom ideas and inspiration!

open house presentation

-Courtney 💕

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Uncategorized   |   Apr 27, 2012

Tips for Open House and Back to School Night

open house presentation

By Angela Watson

Founder and Writer

Learn how to prepare for a successful Back-to-School Night or Open House!  On this page (which has been excerpted from  The Cornerstone book ) You’ll find tips and tricks for making parents feel welcome, handling small children who attend, and creating an engaging and memorable presentation.

Holding an informative, stress-free event for families


Open House (or Back-To-School Night) can be a source of great stress for teachers who hate speaking in front of a group of adults.  It’s natural to be nervous and concerned about creating a good impression on the families you will have to partner with for an entire school year. One of the most important elements of a successful Open House is letting your personality shine through so that parents can make a real connection with you as a person who cares about their children. The following guidelines will help you feel calm and prepared so that you can let parents see the real you: a person who loves their kids and wants to help them succeed.

Prior to open house: creating a parent letter

It’s helpful to send a letter to families to introduce yourself, provide an overview of the school year, and inform parents of rules and procedures.  If you send these letters out before Open House, you won’t have to go into as much detail in your presentation because parents will have already had a chance to familiarize themselves with how your classroom is run.  You can also use your letter (or a class handbook that you provide in advance) as the basis for your presentation.

What back-to-school night is and isn’t

The purpose of Open House or Back-to-School Night is to provide a time for parents to meet the teacher and review expectations.  It is NOT a time for individual conferences, and you’ll need to make that clear to parents.  Open House is usually held in the early evening and lasts between 30 and 90 minutes, depending on the format that your school uses.  In some schools, the teacher will need to present for as long as 45 minutes; in others, the teachers are lucky to get 15 minutes.  Ask your colleagues what Open House is normally like at your school.

How to organize and prepare for open house

There are several components of the typical Open House.  Some schools have parents go to the cafeteria or auditorium first for a general welcome, then to individual classrooms.  No matter how your school sets it up, you should expect to have families trickling in for a good 30-45 minutes, if not longer: some will be very early, and others will come in when it’s nearly over, especially if they had to visit siblings’ classrooms first.  The younger the children you teach, the higher the priority parents will give to your classroom.  Pre-K and kindergarten classrooms often get the best turnout in the school and parents will visit them before going to their older children’s classrooms.  Some schools have two 30-minute sessions so parents with more than one child can visit multiple teachers without missing a lot of information.

After most people arrive, you will give a short presentation about your class.  However, because of the trickle-in effect, you will need productive activities for your families to do while they wait for you to begin.  Talking with you will not be an option as you attend to a million other things that seem to pop up.  Open House is not always the best time to have parents fill out forms because they are often rushed and distracted.  You can, however, have volunteer sign-up sheets for them and handouts to peruse.


Have a self-running sign-in system that you don’t have to operate yourself.  Right inside my classroom door I have a desk with nametags, a sign-in sheet, and a packet of materials that I will be reviewing that night.  (If you place the desk in the hallway, you won’t be able to ensure that all parents have signed in.)  Some teachers like to offer a small bowl of candy or treats, as well.  My sign-in sheet asks for the parent’s name and the child’s name, as well as a daytime phone number, so that when conferences come, I don’t have to rack my brain wondering, “Did I meet her before?  Didn’t she come to Back-to-School night, or was it dad that came?”  I have introduced myself to the same parent several times, only to have them say, “Yes, I remember…we met at Back-To-School night.”  Whoops!  There will be dozens of people in and out of your room and family situations can be complicated, so it’s very hard to keep track of everyone.  Make notes to yourself in the margin afterwards (woman with red hair, had infant with her, grandma came along, didn’t speak much English, etc.) to help you place the name with the face later on.

Make it clear where parents should sit: normally, at their child’s desk.  Some teachers like to have work samples or other materials out; I have done this in the past and found that papers wind up on the floor or somewhere else they don’t belong in all the hustle and bustle.  Have extra chairs available for families to sit together.  You may want to have all the children sit on the floor in the front or back of the room if space is limited.

Fun ways to make the back-to-school night special

It’s not necessary to create a lot of elaborate things for families to do at Open House.  However, if you’re looking for easy-to-implement, high-interest activities, here are a few ideas:

  • Scavenger hunt :  Families can complete this activity while they wait for you to begin the presentation, and/or afterward while they wait to talk to you. One parent sent me an email afterward saying how much she enjoyed it because she had a purpose in walking around the room and knew what she was looking at.  The scavenger hunt can end with the parent at the child’s desk, waiting for you to begin talking.
  • How well do you know me? Fun survey :   Parents can complete this at anytime during the evening–it’s waiting for them on the child’s desk.  The kids get to grade it for the parents the next day, which they love!  Note:  Have something enjoyable to do the next day for the kids whose parents couldn’t come so they don’t feel left out while the others read the surveys.
  • Shared journal entry:  The kids write on a topic such as “The Hardest Part/Best Part of Being a Kid”.  They then set up the page across from that page with the title, “The Hardest Part/Best Part of Being a Parent”.  The families complete the journal entry at Back-To-School night and children read them in the morning.  (Have another morning warm-up for kids whose parents did not come.)  This is a good activity if you use journals and workbooks a lot: it lets parents see how much work the child is doing in class, even though it may not all come home because it’s not on loose-leaf paper.  Be aware that some parents may not feel comfortable with their own reading or writing skills or may be preoccupied with their young children or the papers you have handed them, and may not take part.  I have had moderate success with this activity in that regard, but the parents who did do the journal entry absolutely raved about it.

What to include in your presentation

Your school will probably give you guidelines on the material they want you to cover.  There is no one right way to do this, but I have found the following format effective:

1) Tell a little about yourself.

If it’s your first year teaching, don’t feel obligated to announce that, but definitely don’t lie, either!   At my first Open House, I said, “This is my first year teaching this grade level,” and left it at that.  Some teachers show their family photos, which can be very endearing and encourages parents to view you as an approachable, real person.  I like to tell why I chose the grade level I did and what I think is special about it.  This is a good transition into the presentation and if someone comes in late, they’re able to catch up easily.

2)  Give an overview of the most exciting things you have planned for the year to get parents enthusiastic about what’s happening in the classroom.

I spend just a minute or two telling them that their children will be choosing community outreach and charity projects to get involved with, doing a home and school fitness plan, and so on.  Be sure to mention anything out of the ordinary that you plan to do (specific field trips, etc.) that sets your class apart.

3)  Use your daily schedule to introduce parents to the way their children will be learning.

This is the ‘meat’ of your presentation.  Without burdening them with too much detail, walk your families through the children’s day, from Morning Work to dismissal procedures.  Each time you mention a specific subject area, explain how it will be taught.  For example, you might mention small group reading instruction, centers or centerjobs, integration of content areas (such as using social studies to teach reading comprehension strategies, etc.).  Use photos of the kids working or actual materials as props to keep everyone focused.  I like to also call on kids who are in attendance to explain things (“Would one of our class members tell how we use the math games?”).  This gives parents a break from listening to me talk and it’s always entertaining to hear the kids’ explanations.

4)  Spend no more than a minute or two discussing standardized tests.

You can also mention your grading system or scale if necessary, but in the primary grades, this shouldn’t be a big deal.  Do NOT get bogged down with state standards and outcomes–you can provide these in a handout and parents can read them later.  If your grade level doesn’t give any standardized tests, you could even skip this altogether.

Let parents know that all of your instruction and assessment is aligned with state standards, and in plain English that means you design all of your lessons to meet state requirements in order to prepare students for the tests and for the next grade level.  Tell them that you will be providing handouts, conferences, benchmark tests results, workshops, etc., throughout the year to help them understand the testing expectations, and that your communication with them will be routine and ongoing.  Promise that there will be no surprises and that they will have an indication if their child may have difficulty passing long before the actual test date arrives.

5)  Outline your approach to behavior management and class rules.

Make your expectations clear now so parents know what to expect!  For example, if you never accept late homework or papers without names on them, are a stickler about tardies and make-up work, or don’t let kids call home when they forget a book or agenda, explain your philosophy up front.  I wouldn’t run down a list of no-no’s, but I do explain that I make class rules and consequences collaboratively with the students, and send them home in writing for parents and students to sign.  (By Open House, this is usually done, anyway.)  I tell them that after a grace period, which usually ends around October, I enforce the rules without exception in order to be fair and to teach the students responsibility and accountability.  For example, one year I decided that all no-name papers would have one letter grade taken off beginning in November.  When a parent called to complain once, I reminded her of the written notice and announcement of that policy at Open House.  If you can’t discuss these things at Open House due to time constraints, be sure to have them in writing so anyone with concerns can bring them to you before they become a problem.  End this portion on a positive note by explaining the reward systems and fun activities you have planned for the students (Fun Friday, etc.).

6)  Close with the methods of communication you will use (newsletters, email lists, class webpage, daily agendas, and so on).

If parents are welcome to volunteer in your classroom, briefly explain the procedures for this as well.  If you want them to sign up for volunteer opportunities or specific classroom tasks, tell them where the sign-up sheet will be and encourage them to add their names to the list after the presentation.  Be sure to thank them for coming out and urge them to call, email, etc., anytime they have a question or concern.  Let them know that due to time constraints, you’ve been specifically instructed not to discuss any individual students during Open House, but that you have a conference sign-up sheet available for that purpose.


7) Explain how you will handle parent questions.

One year, things were very calm and settled and I took questions and answered them in front of the group for about five minutes.  Another year, things were very hectic and I asked parents to either approach me individually with questions or write them down and I would call them the following day.  You may begin taking questions and realize that parents are asking things that only pertain to their child or a small percentage of the class; you can always give a general response and tell the parent you will follow up with them later on (give a specific time and method of communication).

If you notice that a lot of side conversations begin and the whole group isn’t listening anymore, they’ve probably had enough ‘lecturing’ for the evening and you can end it!  With some groups, I can literally see how tired they are from working all day long and then rushing to the school and sitting through lengthy presentations, knowing they still have to get home and bathe the kids, do homework, get everyone ready for bed…and then get up again in a few hours for another work day!  Make it brief for those groups.  You can also help by not assigning homework on Open House night, or excusing it for the students of parents who attend (that’s always a great motivator for kids to get their families to show up!).

What parents REALLY want from an open house

In my experience, what family members expect is relatively simple:

1)   A clean and organized classroom that their child takes ownership of 2)   A warm and friendly teacher who welcomes them 3)   An informal, easy-to-understand presentation that provides a good sense of what the year will be like

Parents have no idea what to expect from a teacher their children have never had before.  Most of them are not worried about how often you’ll be giving science tests or what materials you’ll use to teach addition.  They want to know:

*   Does the teacher like my child? *   Does the teacher care about the kids and enjoy teaching? *   Does the teacher want to support me and my child? *   Is the teacher going to be fair and easy to work with?

These things are communicated through the energy you put out and the environment you create in the classroom.  Some of it can be communicated verbally, but most of is conveyed in your demeanor.  Smile!  Smile!  Smile!  Act relaxed even though you’re not.  Listen attentively to parents and treat their questions and concerns seriously.  They are not your superiors there to observe you, so don’t be intimidated.  They are your equals, so treat them with kindness and respect and don’t worry about what they’re thinking.  Most of them are extremely grateful to have you in their children’s lives, and want to support you in having a successful Open House and school year.

Making a personal connection with each family


Ideally, you should be able to connect with parents and make them feel valued and appreciated in the same way you treat your students as unique individuals.  That can be difficult to do during Open House when you’re short on time, but I try to always say something specific and positive to each parent as we meet.  (“Oh, you’re Edward’s dad! I am so glad to meet you!  He is such an awesome kid; he always has some fact to share with the class! Just the other day, he said…” or “Brianna’s mom!  Great to see you again!  Brianna is the sweetest child; I can always count on her to help her friends and to be a peacemaker.  I’m so glad she’s in our class!”)  No matter how awful a child has been in class, it’s possible to find some good attribute to comment on so that the first feedback a parent hears is a compliment.  The type of quotes above could easily be used for challenging students: Edward, for instance, could be a child who talks non-stop in class about totally random information, and Brianna may be a busy-body who’s always telling the other kids what to do.  Look through to each child’s heart and intentions, and you’ll be able to come up with something good to say about all of your students.  Plan it out in advance for certain children if you need to.

You can’t fit it all into one presentation

There’s a lot of pressure on teachers to say everything they need to about behavioral expectations, homework, testing, grading systems, key skills and concepts, and how to support learning at home…all in one night!  It’s just not possible.  Parents, like kids, need time to digest information and make it their own, and hands-on experiences are the best way to do that.  I hold a parent workshop each month, but I know teachers who hold only one a year or one a quarter.  Start with whatever you are comfortable with and use parental feedback to determine what to do the following school year.  I hold a variety of festivities, some of which are just opportunities for families to socialize with one another and build a sense of community.  After each event, there is an evaluation form for parents to fill out to help me revise for next year.

Angela Watson

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In the past, I have used an idea that I got from a Mailbox publication: I converted my open house discussion topics into a student-friendly readers’ theater. I allowed the students to have free reign (for the most part) of how they were going to present their part, what props (if any) they were going to use, etc. Throughout the first week of school we practiced. After that week, we video taped the readers’ theater. This taping is what I showed during parent open house. It was especially fun for the students because they kept it a secret from their parents so it would be a surprise on the night of Open House. I got a lot of positive responses from the parents about the creative idea. This was not only a great way for the students to practice fluency, but it also a different way to teach the classroom expectations and rules!

What a fabulous idea! I love the concept of kids helping to present the Open House info–it helps the kids internalize your classroom expectations and makes it far more engaging for the parents! Half the time, in my experience, kids show up to Open House, anyway, so they might as well get involved. Thank you for sharing!

Your post is FULL of clever, fun ideas for open house. It’s that time of year when my thoughts turn back to school and I am searching for ideas to use in my FULL classroom. Thanks for sharing! ~Mrs. Full

You’re welcome, Nancy! Thank you for the kind words!

Thank you Angela for the best tips ever

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Good ideas. Funny how we avoid the talk of all the Standardized Tests the politicians are forcing upon everyone involved. One of the reasons many parents and teachers are so upset about this. There is a big avoidance about this topic while millions are being sent out of our states to the testing big corporations. Why are they also forcing students to take so many tests in High School or they are penalized for not doing so?

Great Article. Thanks for the info, super helpful. Does anyone know where I can find a blank parent letter form to fill out?

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Meet The Teacher Night /Open House Tips and Templates

open house presentation

  • Back to School

Do you want to welcome your students and parents into your classroom and make a great first impression? Check out these super cute resources that include editable Google Slides presentations, welcome letters, a meet the teacher template (Editable) page, and a editable supply list. These products are designed to work in both in-person and online learning environments from preschool through grade 5! Grab your bundle now and start building a positive classroom community from day one!

open house presentation

Click here to get the bundle

What is “meet the teacher” night.

“Meet the Teacher” is a phrase that can refer to an event or occasion where students and their parents have the opportunity to meet their new teacher for the upcoming school year. This event is typically held at the beginning of the school year and can include activities such as classroom tours, introductions, and the opportunity for parents to ask questions and get to know the teacher. It can also be a way for the teacher to share important information about the class, such as expectations, curriculum, and classroom rules.

Tips to Rick your Meet the Teacher/ Open House Night

  • Set a date and time. Choose a date and time that works for most families and is also convenient for you and your school.
  • Make a schedule: Plan the events and activities that will happen at the open house. This can include a tour of the classroom, a chance to talk to the teachers, and informational sessions about the school and upcoming events.
  • Send invitations: You can email or mail invitations to families with all the important information, such as the date, time, place, and schedule.
  • Prepare materials: Make things like handouts, sign-up sheets, presentation and displays to show off student work and give information about the school and classroom.
  • Coordinate with other teachers: Work with other teachers to make sure the open house goes well and that families get all the information they need.
  • Follow-up: Contact the families after the open house to make sure they have all the information they need and to answer any questions they may have.
  • And make sure you have a plan in case COVID-19 happens. Like social distance, masks, and rules about how to keep clean.

Let’s Check out some Resources to help you plan and rock your Meet the teacher night/ open house without any stress!

Back to School Presentation

When back to school night or meet the teacher day occurs, it is nice to have a beautiful presentation on your interactive white board or television. We have created a variety of back to school presentation slides that are completely editable Google Slides resources. All you need to do is simply insert your own text on each slide you’d like to present to students and/or families and you’re all ready to go! Welcome everyone back in style and share pertinent information about your school and classroom with both parents and students.

open house presentation

Click here  to get the Presentation

Included in this presentation are 36 pre-labeled slides and 8 blank slides in four different colors that you can edit and customize as needed. Feel free to add, delete, and edit each of the slides as you wish in this presentation making it look and feel like YOU created the whole thing from scratch! Each slide also includes a text box to fill with your own personal classroom information. Be sure to check it out today!

Meet the Teacher Welcome Letter (EDITABLE)

Do you send a letter prior to welcoming students back in the building? Maybe it is the end of the summer and you’d like to make sure your students know a little bit about you and your classroom environment or perhaps you have a new student to the school joining your class this fall, this meet the teacher and welcome letter welcomes your parents and students back to school in an adorable (and editable) way!

open house presentation

Click here  to get the resource

This resource includes a welcome letter, meet the teacher template, sample (editable) supply list, and a classroom student information page. These pages make the perfect packet to send home to families, or give out at meet the teacher events – even before school begins!

Welcome & Meet Your Teacher Templates

You know that first day of school is approaching quickly and you want your students (and parents) to be amazed at all of your hard work and dedication to your classroom and students! We have created welcome letter templates and meet the teacher templates that are fully editable PowerPoint templates. They are different from our other meet the teacher and welcome letter pages you have ever seen!

open house presentation

This resource is formatted with an adorable, kid-friendly design and has also been designed in an ink-saver mode for easy printing in either color or black and white which makes printing or using digitally a hard decision. Check them out today and welcome your students back in a fun and adorable way this school year!

open house presentation

Back to School Scavenger Hunt

If you’re wanting to get your students up and moving on the first day of school or you have a large group of parents and new students coming in for a back to school night activity, we’ve got you covered! This is an amazing resource for your next back-to-school night, open house, or parent-teacher conference. Our completely FREE scavenger hunt activity is fun and engaging while also putting your students in the position to explore your classroom right from the start!

open house presentation

Use our pre-designed scavenger hunt included in this resource for a no-prep, easy-to-print activity OR you can change up the text and create your very own guided scavenger hunt! No matter which routes you choose to go, your families are sure to have a blast and it will make your room feel very fun and inviting!

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Hosting a Successful Open House

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The Universal After-School Question

Expert opinion.

Here's a nifty idea I always share with parents: invite parents to change the typical question they ask their children every day. Instead of asking their children, “What did you learn in school today?” they should inquire, “What questions did you ask in school today?” By making this slight change, parents will be able to have more stimulating conversations with their youngsters instead of a series of painfully brief responses (“Nothing!”; “I dunno!”).

By this point you may be thinking, “Hey, there seems to be a lot of stuff to juggle and manage as a teacher.” Well, that's true. But here's a tip on how you can make that juggling a little easier and double your influence as a teacher: enlist parents as partners in your classroom instructional program.

But first, a story: in 1944, the nuclear physicist Isidor Isaac Rabi won the Nobel Prize for his work on atomic nuclei. After his acceptance speech, he was asked about some of the major influences in his life. He told the story about how he grew up in Brooklyn. When his friends all came home from school, their parents always asked them, “What did you learn in school today?” However, when Isidor came home from school each day, his mother always asked him, “Izzy, did you ask a good question today?” He told how that single question from his mother every day helped him develop the inquisitive mind necessary for academic success and his eventual scientific discoveries.

Most teachers have discovered that parents can be very powerful allies in any child's education—from preschool up through twelfth grade. Keeping parents informed and inviting them to become part of the educational process can significantly influence any youngster's scholastic success. Teachers who take advantage of “parent power” are those who significantly multiply their teaching effectiveness.

Putting Out the Welcome Mat

Secondary thoughts.

Parent involvement is not just for elementary students. The success of students at the middle school or high school level is highly dependent upon the engagement parents as educational partners. Former high school teacher Phil Monteith says, “You better be in touch with parents, or you are missing a tremendous public relations opportunity. When middle school and high school teachers start a conversation with parents, then positive opinions about teachers in the community escalate.”

Open houses—and their close cousins, the back-to-school night and the meet-the-teacher night—are one of the annual rites of passage for every classroom teacher. Whether you are teaching elementary school or high school, you will undoubtedly be part of this event every year. Open houses occur sometime during the first few weeks of the school year and are an opportunity for parents to get to know you and their child's academic program.

Open houses , back-to-school night, and meet-the-teacher night provide parents with an “inside look” into the daily activities and occurrences of your classroom. It's also a wonderful opportunity for you to actively recruit parents as partners in the education of their children. Here are some tips and ideas that can help you make this annual event successful and purposeful:

Daily schedule Discipline policy
Homework Homework
Grading Grading
Classroom rules Field trips
Remedial help Report cards
Special programs Fund-raisers
Reading curriculum Extracurricular activities

Send out personal invitations beforehand. You may want to invite your students to construct the invitations using art materials. Instead of asking students to take them home (where they may wind up in the washing machine), consider mailing the invitations. On the invitation, include the following information: name and address of the school, date and time of the event, your room number (and how to find the room), your name, and a brief outline of the evening's schedule.

Plan your presentation and what you will be saying to parents beforehand. Be sure you share something about yourself (where you grew up, your education, your family, your educational philosophy) as well as some of your goals for the year. Your presentation should be no longer than 10 to 11 minutes tops! If your presentation is longer than 11 minutes, it will definitely fall on deaf ears (take it from me—this is an inviolable rule!). Here are some topics you might want to cover:

It's Elementary

A friend of mine shares this very important piece of advice:

When setting up your room for back-to-school night or open house, be sure to have plenty of adult chairs available. My first year of teaching first grade, I forgot this rule. As a result, I had many very large adults trying to sit in many very small chairs. It was quite embarrassing to watch people trying to stand up at the end of my presentation.

For open houses at the middle school and high school levels, parents typically follow a much-abbreviated schedule of classes that their child participates in each day. It's important that you keep your presentation short and snappy because parents will need to move to several additional rooms throughout the evening.

Dress professionally—remember, first impressions are often lasting impressions. Men should wear a coat and tie or at least a dress shirt and tie along with pressed slacks. Women should wear a pantsuit, blouse and skirt, or dress. Incidentally, go “light” on the perfume and aftershave.

Prepare your room appropriately. Hang a “Welcome” sign outside the door, and be sure your name and the room number are prominently displayed. Have a sign-in sheet for parents as well as a handout listing the activities and presentations for the evening. Freshen up your bulletin boards, and print a daily schedule on the chalkboard. Set out sample textbooks, and be sure all desks and tables are clean. Be sure each child's desk has a folder with samples of the student's work. Post additional student work (be sure to have at least three samples for each student) on bulletin boards. Post photographs of students and activities throughout the room. Keep in mind that some parents may not have fond memories about their school experiences, so here's a great opportunity for you to win them over!

Greet each and every parent at the door with a handshake and a smile. This is a wonderful opportunity for you to put your best foot forward. Be sure every parent has a name tag (remember that the last name of a student and the last name of her or his parents may be different—always, always check beforehand). Provide a tray of refreshments (ask for contributions, particularly if different cultures are represented in your classroom) and appropriate drinks.

As parents arrive, direct them to a table on which you have a stack of index cards, pencils/pens, and an empty shoebox. Invite parents to write a question or two on a card and place it in the box. At the end of your presentation, quickly shuffle through the cards and respond to general questions or those most frequently asked (“How much homework do you give?” “How is reading taught?”). Inform parents that you will contact them personally to respond to more specific questions or ones that focus exclusively on their child's work or progress (“Why did Angela miss recess the other day?” “When will Peter be able to see the reading specialist?”).

Keep your presentation brief (remember K.I.S.S.—Keep It Short and Sweet!). Afterward, invite parents to stay and look at their child's work. Circulate around the room, try to meet all the parents again with another handshake and smile, and offer at least one positive remark about their child. This is not the time for personal conferences (“I'd really like to talk with you, Mrs. Smith. May I call you to set up a personal meeting at another time?”).

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Last updated by Linda Kamp on May 28, 2023 • 1 Comment

What to Include in a Meet the Teacher PowerPoint

Does your school require you to give a presentation when you meet your new families? Using a Meet the Teacher PowerPoint to guide your open house can ease any anxiety, help you manage parents, and ensure that you cover all the important details. In this post, I’ll show you what to include in your parent presentation so you can confidently communicate important information about your classroom. Read how to plan a successful Meet the Teacher Night here . See how to set up your classroom and manage Meet the Teacher here . If you’re holding a virtual Meet the Teacher Night, read here .

How to Create a Meet the Teacher PowerPoint Presentation

Meet the Teacher Night PowerPoint template

All About Your Teacher

Share something fun or interesting about yourself with your families. Provide pictures of your family, pets, vacations, etc. Tailor it to fit your students age and grade level.

Meet the Teacher Night PowerPoint template

Slideshow template source

Tell parents about your education and how long you have been teaching. Consider adding your school picture from when you were in the same grade level as your students. Parents and students love to learn more about their teacher because it helps them make a connection with you. It can put them at ease to know more about the person that they are entrusting for their child’s education.

I also recommend making a Meet the Teacher letter that you can put on each child’s desk as well as send to families who were not able to attend.

Meet the Teacher letter template

Newsletter template source

Teacher Contact Information

Provide parents with the best way to get in contact with you. Explain to parents your policy on phone calls, emails, and setting up a conference if needed. Similarly, explain to parents your communication response time. For example, emails sent during the day will get a response after school on the same day, but emails sent after school or in the evening will be responded to the following day. Tailor this to fit your needs and the expectations of your school.

Meet the Teacher open house PowerPoint template

Customize a back to school brochure with your contact info and important things to know about your classroom. Include your daily classroom schedule , specials schedule, homework policies, contact info attendance office phone number, and anything else parents will need to keep handy. Make simple refrigerator magnets by customizing these templates and gluing a piece of magnetic tape to the back. These keep important contact and classroom info handy for parents.

Meet the Teacher brochure templates

Brochure and magnet templates source

What to do with Supplies

Explain to parents and students where they need to put their different school supplies. Many families bring in their supplies on Meet the Teacher Night which is very helpful! Show families what supplies will go in student desks (pencil box, scissors, ruler, etc.) and what supplies are for the class (highlighters, expo markers, glue sticks, etc.). Consider placing bins out on a table for extra supplies. This will help with organization and save you time later so you don’t have to open packages and sort supplies at the end of the night.

Supply organization labels and bins for Meet the Teacher Night open house

What to Expect on the First Day of School

Communicate with families what time the campus opens and where you will be on the first morning before school. For example, some schools have students go to the playground while other schools have students go straight to their classroom upon entering campus. Tailor this to fit your school procedures and expectations. Provide lunch information for those students who will buy lunch on their first day of school. Explain your procedures for the end of the day including students that will be picked up by parents, ride the bus, or go to an after school care program that your district provides.

Your Class Schedule

Provide your families with your daily classroom schedule as well as a special classes schedule. It is important for parents to know when their student needs to wear tennis shoes for P.E. and when library books are due back. 

Lunch Procedures

Communicate how lunch and recess works at your school. Provide information on how to set up a lunch account so students can purchase lunch. Include your lunch time in the class schedule.  

Forms & Information You Need From Parents

Call attention to the parent forms that need to be completed during the open house as well as forms due back during the first week of school. Provide examples of any information that may come home during the first week so that parents are expecting it. Communicate to parents how you will send home important fliers or school memos. Stress the importance of checking student’s folders and backpacks every day.

editable student information forms for back to school

Student information forms source

I set up stations for parents to visit after the presentation to fill out or turn in important student forms. Read more about using parent stations to manage Meet the Teacher Night and get helpful tips for how to plan a stress-free open house .

Meet the Teacher Night stations

Editable back to school parent forms and stations (source)

Click here for Meet the Teacher kits with editable parent stations and student forms, in both English and Spanish, that you can customize for your classroom.

Homework Folders

Familiarize parents with your homework routine in your Meet the Teacher PowerPoint. Explain what will be assigned each week and expectations for completing it. Provide examples of what the homework will look like and when it is due. Show an example of how their child’s daily folder will look and the expectations for that folder. Your folders may include a behavior chart, spelling lists, practice pages, a reading log, notes from the teacher etc.

Walk parents through the type of homework assignments their student will have each week. Explain how to use the reading logs and do fluency passages if you use them. It is important for parents to know what requirements their child has each week as some younger students won’t remember in the beginning.

Classroom Rules and Behavior Expectations

I usually provide a back to school newsletter with all of this info as well as include it at Curriculum Night with parents . If the norm at your school is to do a Meet the Teacher open house presentation, you can certainly include rules and behavior expectations.

Consider including a slide with an explanation of your management style as well as your classroom rules for students. I try not to have more than five simple rules for students which is helpful because then they are not overwhelmed. It’s useful to communicate this early to parents so they know what to expect. You can also provide your class behavior plan. Try these easy to use   editable Curriculum Night PowerPoint templates with example slides.

Volunteer Information

Parents love to volunteer! Provide families with a list of ways they can volunteer in and out of the classroom. Make sure to include when this will start. I usually wait at least a month so I can establish routines within my class.

Always Include a Thank you

Thank your families for coming and let them know you look forward to an amazing school year. Send your presentation, and any important forms, to families that cannot attend. 

Meet the Teacher Night doesn’t have to be stressful. By planning ahead and using the right templates, you can create a clear, concise, and polished Meet the Teacher Powerpoint presentation. 

Click here for a BRIGHTS theme. Click here for a BURLAP theme. Both are also available in bundles with Curriculum Night and First Day Rules & Procedures PowerPoint templates.

Meet the Teacher letter, forms & PowerPoint templates product cover

Save this post on Pinterest so you have it when you plan.

What to include in a Meet the Teacher PowerPoint article cover

Get more back to school help in these posts:

How to Plan & Manage Meet the Teacher Night

blog post article on how to plan your Meet the Teacher Night open house

What to Do on the First Day of School 

Youre Finally Here first day of school activities

How to Plan & Manage Curriculum Night

Curriculum Night Tips for Elementary Teachers with FREE Checklist

Happy teaching!

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Back to school grammar review activities for 2nd grade

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I’m Linda Kamp, a 20 year primary grade teacher with a passion for creating educational materials that excite students and make learning fun! I'm so glad you're here!

Linda Kamp


How to download the Open house template for Powerpoint

How to download the template open house in google slides, description.

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Real Estate Open House PowerPoint Template

The Real Estate Open House PowerPoint Template is a professional slide deck for creating open house marketing presentations. In real estate, the open house is a display event where potential buyers are invited to visit the property at a certain time. This marketing method is usually adopted for mansions, large buildings, or high-cost properties where the campaign never exceeds the affordable limit. We have designed this 100% editable slide deck featuring catchy slides to mention the open house’s positive points and business aspects. Users can download this template and edit the text placeholders according to their requirements and data. The slides can be customized using all PowerPoint versions, Google Slides, and Keynote software. 

This Real Estate Open House PowerPoint Template begins with a title slide carrying the image placeholder of the property for sale. This slide has a turning page theme with appropriate title and logo spaces. All slides of this template have a blue color scheme and uniform arrangement of the elements to create a positive impression on the audience. After the title slide, this PPT template has pages to discuss the following:

  • Neighborhood
  • Community amenities and highlights
  • Property Overview
  • Photo album
  • Floor plans
  • Local schools and amenities
  • Market Comparison
  • Potential for growth and investments
  • Mortgage and Financing
  • Reviews from previous clients
  • Making an offer

The slides provide styled elements like image container shapes, attractive graphical icons, block layouts (on album slides), editable maps (for showing nearby places and amenities), and background silhouettes. The financial discussion slides also carry data-driven charts for presenting the relevant data. Real estate professionals can conveniently download and insert their data or images. The slides are compatible with multiple sizes and thus can be printed and used for physical presentation before the clients. So, grab this professional real estate slide deck for your client campaigns. Try it now!

Real Estate Open House Template for PowerPoint

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open house presentation


The Art of Open House Presentations for Agents: Engaging Buyers and Sellers

Here, we'll explain how to make open house presentations and discover how to captivate your audience while maintaining a professional touch - read on!

Welcome, real estate agents and enthusiasts alike, to the world of open house presentations!

As an agent, your open house can be a powerful tool to engage both buyers and sellers, leaving a lasting impression on potential clients.

So, let's dive into the art of masterful open house presentations and discover how to captivate your audience while maintaining a professional touch.

1.) Prepare, Prepare, Prepare


(Photo from Casita)

Long before the doors open, preparations are made for a successful open house . Start by doing extensive research on the property, its distinctive features, and its neighborhood. Learn everything there is to know so you can confidently respond to questions. Create sign-in sheets, brochures, and fact sheets to collect important contact information. To make a good first impression, make sure the property is clean, staged, and welcoming.

2.) Create an Inviting Atmosphere


(Photo from Home Bay)

Creating the ideal atmosphere is essential for attracting buyers and sellers. To create a welcoming atmosphere, think about playing calming background music. With the curtains open to let in natural light, the lighting should be bright. To add a pleasing aroma, use strategically placed fresh flowers or scented candles. The objective is to create a setting in which potential buyers can picture living.

3.) Greet with Warmth and Enthusiasm

Give potential buyers and sellers a warm welcome and a genuine smile as soon as they enter the building. To start the conversation, introduce yourself and provide them with a brochure or fact sheet. Be alert, actively listen, and enthusiastically respond. Always keep in mind that successful open house presentations rely heavily on developing rapport and earning trust.

4.) Showcase the Highlights


(Photo from SSA School)

Draw attention to the property's best qualities in a methodical and interesting way. Create a well-rehearsed script that highlights the home's distinctive selling points . Know the history, the most recent updates, and any unique features of the property. Use visual aids to improve your presentation and draw in potential customers, such as large photos, videos, or virtual tours.

5.) Encourage Exploration


(Photo from RISMedia)

Allow potential buyers to explore the property freely . Be available to answer questions, provide additional information, or offer guidance whenever needed . Encourage visitors to imagine themselves in the space by asking open-ended questions like, "Can you envision hosting gatherings in this spacious living room?" or "How would you utilize this backyard for your family?" This approach actively engages buyers and gets them emotionally invested in the property.

6.) Provide Local Insights

You are the local authority because you are an informed agent . Share interesting information about the area, such as the locations of nearby parks, schools, and retail establishments. Both buyers and sellers are investing in a way of life in addition to a piece of real estate. You can assist prospective customers in visualizing their lives in the neighborhood by showcasing your knowledge of the area .

7.) Utilize Technology


(Photo from CRMJetty)

Make use of technology's potential to improve your open house presentation . To generate interest before the event and encourage RSVPs and questions, use social media platforms. Use interactive displays or tablets to display virtual tours, floor plans, or comparable listings during the open house. Utilizing technology demonstrates to clients and customers that you are tech-savvy and committed to offering cutting-edge real estate services.

8.) Follow Up with Personalized Touches

After the open house, take the time to follow up with potential clients in a personalized manner . Send a thank-you email or handwritten note expressing your gratitude for their visit. Include any additional information they requested during the open house. By going the extra mile, you leave a lasting impression and show your dedication to exceptional customer service.

To conclude, mastering the art of open house presentations is an essential skill for real estate agents . By preparing diligently, creating an inviting atmosphere, and engaging buyers and sellers with enthusiasm and expertise, you can leave a lasting impact. Remember, an open house is not just about showcasing a property; it's about building relationships, establishing trust, and helping people find their dream home .

So, go forth, put these tips into action, and watch your open house presentations become truly masterful.

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Open House template

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Classroom Open House Presentation Template For PowerPoint

For teachers and school administrators who need to meet parents to welcome them and their children back to school , you would need to create a beautiful presentation that would strike these discerning parents a good impression. With such a presentation, you would need to assure these parents that they have made the right decision by choosing your school or university for their children. 

School Open House Template for Teachers

Build Rapport with Parents

The Classroom Open House Presentation Template for PowerPoint is a beautifully designed template specially created for welcoming parents to the educational institution that will teach and guide their children for the coming school year and possibly the years to come. This template is crucial in making that make-or-break first impression that would help form the opinions of parents about the institution.

This Classroom Open House Presentation template comes complete with a cover page and inside slides that all contain the same theme of education and learning. It contains 10 slides that are structured and organized to both impress and inform parents.

Welcome Parents and Set Expectations with Them

The first slide is a cover or also called title slide that contains a photo of books stacked high up on one side. On the other is a gradient-style background that uses shades of blue. This background matches the blue line in the middle of the slide, separating the image and the background. In the background side of the slide, you can type in the title or theme of your Open House, as well as the name of the school and the date of the activity.

Create a Well-Organized Slideshow

The next slides each have their own subtopics, starting with a welcoming slide for the parents. This slide also lists down the goals of the open house activity. The rest of the slides helps set expectations for parents, as well as give them an overview of what to expect from the school and the school year. The subtopics include Curriculum Goals, Class Rules, School Policies, In-Class Activity, Class Information and more.

Follow Guides and Easily Customize the Whole Template

This template can be used as a school presentation to be included in parent-teacher meetings , or as a standalone slideshow for actual open house activities in school. Either way, this will help foster a good and mutually beneficial relationship between parents and teachers, which will ultimately be great for the students.

Go to Download Classroom Open House Presentation Template for PowerPoint

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15 Open House Invitation Templates & Tips to Attract Buyers

15 Open House Invitation Templates & Tips to Attract Buyers

Julia Del Rosario

Julia is a staff writer based in Manila, Philippines. She researches and revises most of our real estate education articles while creating evidence-based rubrics to provide unbiased data on the best real estate schools in every state. See full bio

Melanie Patterson

  • Use Welcoming Language
  • Use Color to Highlight Key Information
  • Sell a Lifestyle, Not Just a Home
  • Showcase Photos of the Property’s Exterior
  • Send an Open House Email Invitation
  • Build Intrigue With a Simple Design
  • Highlight Special Features of the Listing
  • Create Video Open House Invitations
  • Post Invitations on Social Media
  • Add QR Codes
  • Use Door Hangers for Invitations
  • Add Your Realtor Headshot to Invitations
  • Use Flyers as Open House Invites
  • Animate Your Invites
  • Include Reviews on Your Invites
  • What to Include in Your Open House Invites
  • Tools & Resources
  • Bringing It All Together

Hosting open houses is an effective strategy for marketing a property listing and reducing its time on the market. To drive traffic and interest to your event, a customizable open house invitation template is an efficient way to broadcast your listing without spending hours perfecting a design. I’ve compiled a list of 15 open house invitation templates, tips for using them, and the tools for distributing them.

1. Use Welcoming Language

Open house invitation template with "Stop by our open house" message

Recipients of your real estate brochure or invitation to the open house should feel encouraged to attend. Using casual and warm open house invite wording like “stop by our open house!” shows you are inviting and welcoming. Plus, instead of generally mentioning that there will be an event, it is specifically and personally asking the recipient to join. This type of message appeals to a wide range of audiences, rather than formal open house invitation verbiage like, “You are cordially invited to,” which could deter visitors who want to just pop by quickly to see the property.

2. Use Color to Highlight Key Information

Monochrome open house invite with a pop of red in the middle

Using a pop of color on an invitation or flyer helps identify the most important pieces of information. This free open house invitation template uses red on top of a black and white image to highlight the title, “Open House Event.” Easily change this color to more closely fit your real estate brand .

3. Sell a Lifestyle, Not Just a Home

Simple open house invite with a background photo of the property's exterior

On this invitation for an open house, property photos aren’t showcased front and center. Instead, one photo is placed behind an elegant design accompanied by a more formal open house invitation text, “Please join us for an open house.” However, it’s still easy to see that the photo shows a waterfront property. The overall design and feel of this template are clearly targeting a luxury real estate audience.

4. Showcase Photos of the Property’s Exterior

White and yellow open house invitation with three photos of the property listing

Showing the exterior of your listing on the invitation will not only showcase its curb appeal but also help visitors know what to look for. Even without additional property details, the exterior photo will provide insight into property size and style, attracting buyers with similar tastes to this listing. The exterior photo is particularly helpful if the property is slightly hidden from the curb or if others have shared difficulties in finding the property.

5. Send an Open House Email Invitation

Muted green open house invitation template with one property photo and essential details of the event

In addition to printed invites sent by mail, successful real estate agents know that every piece of content should be repurposed. Plus, it’s easy to send an invitation to your email list with just a few clicks. Emails get 50 to 100 times higher click-through rates than Facebook and Twitter combined, so this is an ideal method of reaching your audience.

6. Build Intrigue With a Simple Design

Minimalist open house invitation with an illustration of a house and "Today! Open House" text

Unlike many other examples, this template from DesignCap doesn’t contain traditional features like photos, features, or square footage. Instead, it uses a digital graphic and provides basic details about the open house event and the agent’s contact information. Providing only a tiny amount of information, similar to the ones you put on a just-sold sign , with a call to action may make potential buyers curious about the home— generating more real estate leads and traffic. It’s also a great strategy if you cannot get professional photos of the property beforehand.

7. Highlight Special Features of the Listing

Open house invite with property listing photos and details about the property

Here’s a template you can easily customize on Canva . Although showcasing a home’s exterior on open house invites can be appealing, interior photos can have a similar impact. If your listing has a particularly stunning feature or listing photos that stand out, use these to attract buyers to your event. This example shows three different interior pictures of the property, and their cohesiveness and luxurious feel significantly impact the design.

8. Create Video Open House Invitations

Open house invitation template in video format

The use of marketing videos can massively increase traffic and generate leads. In fact, 86% of marketers say that video has helped them grow their businesses. Videos are engaging and can help differentiate your invite from other open house invitations. They also provide prospective clients with an accurate preview of the property before their visit. Videos also allow you to showcase more of the property’s features in a short time and can be sent as virtual tours to individuals who can’t attend the open house.

9. Post Invitations on Social Media Platforms

Minimalist open house invitation template in square format for Instagram

Agents can use social platforms like Instagram or Facebook to generate real estate leads and to attract more open house event attendees. To gain the attention of social media users, make sure to use high-quality, attractive photos or videos of your property. Including the date, time, and location of the open house, like the example above, ensures users have all the details without needing to look elsewhere.

10. Add QR Codes to Your Open House Announcement

Open house invitation template with a QR code

QR codes have been around for decades but have grown in popularity over the last few years because they simplify the process of getting or saving information to your phone. Adding a QR code to your real estate postcard , letter, or flyer makes it easy for interested buyers to get more information and go deeper into your sales funnel. Use your QR to drive traffic to your website, single property landing page, or Zillow Premier Agent profile. Include a CTA (call to action) next to the code so recipients know what to expect.

11. Use Door Hangers for Invitations

Open house invitation used as a door hanger

Door hangers are a real estate marketing strategy that is affordable, does not get lost in a pile with other mailers, and can be placed in frequently used entryways. The best door hanger designs must have the right calls to action, like “you’re invited to our open house,” to make the recipient feel welcome. Target areas with door hangers based on statistics like income, current property value, and age. Targeting the right neighborhood to distribute door hangers will maximize interest.

12. Add Your Realtor Headshot to Invitations

White and grey open house invitation template with realtor headshot and property listing photos

One effective way to customize your open house invitation templates and build brand recognition is by including your realtor headshot . Having a face instead of just property photos on the invitation can feel more personal and welcoming and builds trust with potential buyers and open house visitors. People will feel more comfortable approaching you at the open house with any questions.

13. Use Flyers as Open House Invites

Three open house invitation templates used as flyers

Although most open house invites are made on a postcard, real estate flyers provide more space for copy and photography. This open house invitation template includes one banner photo, four small interior photos, a headshot, a written description, bullet points of features, contact information, and event details. Take advantage of the ample space on open house flyer templates by giving more details on the property, so prospective clients have all the information to interest them in attending your open house events. 

14. Animate Your Invites

Draw attention to your brand and open house invitation message using animated digital social media posts to invite people to your open house. Adding a simple animation can attract users and draw attention to the open house details. In this example, the blue border also complements the blue tones of the home. The copy is kept to just the pertinent information to offset the busy animation surrounding the invite. If you like this animated style, make a similar design for your email marketing templates .

15. Include Reviews on Your Invites

Open house invite with a client testimonial and property listing photos

Reviews and testimonials are incredibly important for building trust with potential clients. When you get positive reviews from your clients, using the reviews on your open house invite can give insight into your level of service and help you develop trust with interested buyers even before they meet you in person. This example strategically includes listing photos, open house details, and a customer testimonial with five stars to grab the recipient’s attention.

Open houses are an excellent opportunity to meet prospective clients, generate leads, and connect with neighboring residents. However, to host an active and successful open house , you need to create your invitation with specific information strategically. Here are items you should include on your open house invitations: 

  • Contact information: Just like what’s in your real estate yard signs , ensure interested buyers can contact you with any questions before or after the open house.
  • Property location: It’s important to include the exact location of the listing; if a buyer cannot find the house easily using their GPS, they won’t attend.
  • Open house time and date: Ensure potential buyers arrive on the right date and time so you don’t miss any prospective leads. Plus, limiting event times will maximize the number of attendees and allow you time to perform open house follow-ups after the event.
  • Property specifications: Use key features of the listing, like the number of beds, baths, and square footage, to provide a preview of the listing before clients see the property in person.
  • Photos of property: If you have professional real estate photos of the property , include them on your invitations. Real estate is highly visual, so clients may be motivated to attend from one high-quality image.
  • Property pricing: Listing the property pricing can assist buyers in determining if it fits within their budget. This prevents buyers from wasting their time and yours.
  • Consider giveaways or promotional items: Giveaways and promotional items help attract visitors to your open houses. Use sites like AnyPromo to create real estate-related promotional items that can be a takeaway for your attendees.

Tools & Resources to Design & Distribute Open House Invitation Template

After reviewing the open house invitation templates above, you can see how they can be effective with the right strategy. To successfully design, print, and deliver your invites, you need to use the right software and tools. There are many different options for both print and online marketing strategies, so evaluate what is most important for your strategy. The top software tools for creating and delivering invitations include:

Agents and teams who want to customize their own invitations and designs
Real estate professionals wanting the widest range of
Agents and teams wanting the largest variety of premade print marketing campaigns for real estate
Professionals wanting affordable print options and unique items to customize

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

​​how do you write an open house invitation.

Similar to your other marketing materials , keep your invite precise, with only the essential information included. You’ll want your visitors to have something to look forward to, so your open house invitation message should have an inviting language or a catchy headline. Don’t forget to include a photo or two of your property listing!

How do you invite people to the house opening ceremony?

Try sending your invitations via email , social media, or direct mail, and see which avenue works best for you. If you’re sending out real estate newsletters with open house invites to clients you already know, add personal touches like a handwritten note or a quick phone call to let them know you want to see them at your event.

Do you put an RSVP on an open house invitation?

RSVPs can be handy but are only sometimes necessary for an open house event. However, if you’re marketing a luxury property and want to get a headcount or add a touch of exclusivity, go ahead and ask for RSVPs. Also, remember to send a thank you note to your open house attendees.

Bringing It All Together 

Learning to attract visitors to your open houses can be key to growing your real estate business. With the right strategy and open house invitation template, you can quickly generate interest and host an open house event that sells your listing and gives you new clients. What’s your go-to source of open house invitation templates? Share them in the comments!

Julia is a staff writer based in Manila, Philippines. She researches and revises most of our real estate education articles while creating evidence-based rubrics to provide unbiased data on the best real estate schools in every state.

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NYS Equal Rights Amendment Presentation To Be Held At Marvin House Thursday

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The NYS Equal Rights Amendment presentation will be held at the Marvin House on Sept 5. P-J file photo

The Jamestown branch of the AAUW is looking to educate the local community on the New York State Equal Rights Amendment.

The AAUW will be hosting a presentation on the amendment at the Marvin House, 2 W. Fifth St., on Thursday at 6 p.m. The event is free and open to the public, and attendees will hear from public speakers, which are the two candidates for the region’s seat in the state Assembly, Andrew Molitor and Michael Bobseine.

Kathleen Stanton, AAUW branch president, said the presentation event is something that the AAUW wanted to do as the Equal Rights Amendment connects to the organization’s mission.

“AAUW is an organization that supports equity for women in education, at work and all aspects of our lives,” Stanton said. “We knew that the NYS ERA would be on the ballot this November and yet, there is not a lot of media coverage of it. Thinking back to our mission, the AAUW works to advance gender and education equality for girls through advocacy. It is important for ERA to be recognized as a part of the Constitution, as gender equality is not there.”

Stanton added that it was important to educate the local community as they move forward toward election day. When it comes to ERA, Stanton noted that it is one of the rare times that both the state Senate and Assembly passed a concurrent resolution and it will now be on the ballot in November.

open house presentation

Michael Bobseine, a candidate for the New York State Assembly, will join Andrew Molitor as the other speaker at the presentation. Submitted photo

“It should be noted that the AAUW does not endorse political candidates or parties,” Stanton said. “Rather, we are interested in the lives of women and as life-long learners, we endeavor to provide opportunities for education and awareness. This presentation will provide community members the opportunity to learn about the amendment. The NYS constitution contains protections prohibiting discrimination based on race and religion. As voters, we need to understand why other classifications, including gender, are not delineated in the constitution.”

Both Molitor and Bobseine will speak for 15 minutes at the presentation about state Equal Rights Amendment, followed by the opportunity for a question-and-answer session. Stanton said this will include index cards, and give the audience the opportunity to ask the two speakers questions to help understand ERA better.

“The Marvin House is a wonderful place to host events for women’s organizations, and it’s always fun to go there,” Stanton said. “I am also excited to see their new flooring. We are always welcoming new members to AAUW Jamestown, so check us out on our website and get involved.”

For more information visit

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Pictured is Andrew Molitor, candidate for the New York State Assembly, and his family. Molitor will be one of two speakers at the AAUW New York State Equal Rights Amendment Presentation. Submitted photo

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Kemerovo Oblast, Russia

The capital city of Kemerovo oblast: Kemerovo .

Kemerovo Oblast - Overview

Kemerovo Oblast is a federal subject of Russia located in the south-east of Western Siberia, part of the Siberian Federal District. This region is also known as Kuzbass . In 2019, “Kuzbass” officially became the second name of Kemerovo Oblast. Kemerovo is the capital city of the region.

The population of Kemerovo Oblast is about 2,604,300 (2022), the area - 95,725 sq. km.

Kemerovo oblast flag

Kemerovo oblast coat of arms.

Kemerovo oblast coat of arms

Kemerovo oblast map, Russia

Kemerovo oblast latest news and posts from our blog:.

11 February, 2019 / Kemerovo - the view from above .

21 April, 2016 / The carnival-parade at the festival GrelkaFest in Sheregesh .

2 June, 2013 / Summer snowfall in Kemerovo .

9 February, 2012 / "BelAZ 75600" - the biggest truck in the former USSR .

31 October, 2010 / The ship-house in Kemerovo oblast .

History of Kemerovo Oblast

People began to settle in what is now the Kemerovo region several thousand years ago. The indigenous peoples of the region were Shortsy and Teleuts. In 1618, Russians founded Kuznetsky stockaded town in the south of the present region to protect Russian lands from the raids of the Mongols and Jungars. In 1698, Mariinsk was founded.

In 1721, Mikhailo Volkov found “burning mountain” (a burning coal seam) on the banks of the Tom River and thus became the person who discovered the Kuzbass coal deposits. Industrial development of this land started at the end of the 18th century.

During the 19th century, the territory of the Kemerovo region was part of the Tomsk province. During this period, the first industrial enterprises appeared here: Tomsk ironworks, Gavrilovsky and Gurievsky silver plants, Suharinsky and Salairsky mines. Construction of the Trans-Siberian Railway was one of the main reasons for the rapid development of the local industry.

More historical facts…

In Soviet times, the region became part of the West Siberian krai, and then - Novosibirsk oblast. The development of the coal, metallurgical and chemical industries continued: Kemerovo Coke Plant, Kuznetsk Metallurgical Plant, a lot of new mines. The workers’ settlements built near the industrial enterprises quickly obtained the status of towns: Kiselyovsk, Osinniki, Krasnobrodsky, Tashtagol, Kaltan, Mezhdurechensk and others.

During the Second World War, this region was a major supplier of coal and metal. More than 50 thousand tanks and 45 thousand aircraft were produced using steel from Novokuznetsk. 71 industrial enterprises were evacuated to Kuzbass from the occupied regions, most of them remained in the region after the war.

In 1943, Kemerovo Oblast became a separate region that included 17.5% of the territory and 42% of the total population of Novosibirsk Oblast. After the war, the region continued to grow rapidly. On September 18, 1984, about 100 km from Kemerovo, a peaceful underground nuclear explosion was carried out, the power of the explosive device was 10 kilotons.

In the 1990s, the region’s economy declined. However, by the end of the 20th century, there were some positive developments - the development of the coal industry in the first place. Special attention was paid to the development of open-pit coal mining, as a more effective and safe way.

Beautiful nature of Kemerovo Oblast

Mountain stream in the Kemerovo region

Mountain stream in the Kemerovo region

Author: Sergey Timofeev

On the shore of a small lake in Kemerovo Oblast

On the shore of a small lake in Kemerovo Oblast

Kemerovo Oblast landscape

Kemerovo Oblast landscape

Kemerovo Oblast - Features

Kemerovo Oblast is one of the few Russian regions that has a recognized and well-known alternative name “Kuzbass” - the abbreviation of “Kuznetsk coal basin” occupying a large part of the territory of the region.

It is the most densely populated part of Siberia. The length of the region from north to south is about 500 km, from west to east - 300 km. Russians make up more than 90% of the population. There are small nations of Shortsy, Teleuts, Siberian Tatars who have preserved their cultural traditions.

The climate is sharply continental with long cold winters and warm short summers. The average temperature in January is minus 17-20 degrees Celsius, in July - plus 17-18 degrees Celsius.

Today, about 86% of the population of Kemerovo Oblast lives in cities and towns making it one of the most urbanized regions of Russia. The largest cities are Kemerovo (548,000), Novokuznetsk (540,000), Prokopievsk (185,000), Mezhdurechensk (95,400), Leninsk-Kuznetsky (91,600), Kisilyovsk (83,700), Yurga (79,700), Belovo (70,100), Anzhero-Sudzhensk (65,700).

Sheregesh, a village located at the foot of Zelenaya Mountain in Tashtagol district, is one of Russia’s most popular ski resorts. The ski season lasts from November to May. Kuznetsky Alatau Reserve and Shorsky National Park are the main natural attractions.

Kemerovo Oblast plays a significant role in Russian industry. The following mineral resources are mined here: coal, gold, silver, iron ore, manganese ore, aluminum, nepheline ore, lead, zinc, barite, quartz, limestone, clay, dolomite, sand.

Kuznetsk coal basin is one of the largest coal basins in the world. The most important centers of the local coal industry are Prokopyevsk, Mezhdurechensk, Belovo, Kemerovo, Novokuznetsk, Osinniki, Leninsk-Kuznetsky. Coal mines can be found almost everywhere in the Kemerovo region. About 180 million tons of coal is mined annually.

Rail transport is well developed in the region. The Trans-Siberian Railway, the South Kuzbas branch of West Siberian Railway cross its territory. There are large airports in Kemerovo (Kemerovo International Airport) and Novokuznetsk (Spichenkovo Airport).

Kemerovo oblast of Russia photos

Pictures of kemerovo oblast.

Kemerovo Oblast scenery

Kemerovo Oblast scenery

Author: Sergey Ustuzhanin

Autumn in Kemerovo Oblast

Autumn in Kemerovo Oblast

Winter in Kemerovo Oblast

Winter in Kemerovo Oblast

Author: Max Palchevsky

Landscapes of Kemerovo Oblast

Kemerovo Oblast landscape

Churches in Kemerovo Oblast

Orthodox church in Kemerovo Oblast

Orthodox church in Kemerovo Oblast

Author: Yury Marchenko

Church in the Kemerovo region

Church in the Kemerovo region

Author: Ludmila Boriskina

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  24. Kemerovo Oblast, Russia guide

    Kemerovo oblast latest news and posts from our blog: 11 February, 2019 / Kemerovo - the view from above.. 21 April, 2016 / The carnival-parade at the festival GrelkaFest in Sheregesh.. 2 June, 2013 / Summer snowfall in Kemerovo.. 9 February, 2012 / "BelAZ 75600" - the biggest truck in the former USSR.. 31 October, 2010 / The ship-house in Kemerovo oblast.

  25. Kemerovo Oblast

    Kemerovo Oblast — Kuzbass, also known simply as Kemerovo Oblast (Russian: Ке́меровская о́бласть) or Kuzbass (Кузба́сс), after the Kuznetsk Basin, is a federal subject of Russia (an oblast). Kemerovo is the administrative center and largest city of the oblast. Kemerovo Oblast is one of Russia's most urbanized regions, with over 70% of the population living in its ...

  26. Kemerovo Oblast

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