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How to write a presentation (and deliver it, even via Zoom)

Jack elliott.

31 minute read

A woman at a microphone giving a presentation.

You’ve been asked to give a presentation. Chances are, your response will be roughly one of the following:

1. It’s a subject you’re passionate about and you’re a confident speaker. You’re pleased to have the opportunity.

2. You secretly worry that your style is flat and unengaging. You’re not looking forward to it.

3. At best, the prospect makes you nervous; at worst, terrified. You’d rather have root canal surgery.

If you belong in one of the last two categories, you probably know you’re not alone. You may have heard the statistic that public speaking is more widely feared even than death .

Quote from Mark Twain, illustrated with his photo: ‘There are only two types of speakers in the world: those who are nervous and liars.’

However you feel about the prospect of presenting, this comprehensive guide will take you step by step through the process of planning, writing and delivering a presentation you can be proud of (even via Zoom).

Use the contents links below to jump to the section you need most, make your way through methodically from start to finish, or bookmark this page for next time you need it.

What is a presentation?

Essentially, it’s a story. And its origins go back thousands of years – to when our ancestors gathered around the campfire to listen to the wise elders of the tribe. Without PowerPoint!

These days, presentations encompass the glitz and scale of the Oscars or the new iPhone launch through to business briefings to smaller audiences, in person or – increasingly – online. We’re focusing on the business side.

Whatever the occasion, there’s always an element of drama involved. A presentation is not a report you can read at your leisure, it’s an event – speakers are putting themselves on the spot to explain, persuade or inspire you. Good presentations use this dynamic to support their story.

Always remember: everyone wants you to do well

If you are nervous, always remember: no one sets out to write a poor presentation and no one wants to go to one either. There may be private agendas in the room, but for the most part audiences approach presentations positively. They want to be engaged and to learn. They want you to do well.

First things first: the date’s in the diary and you need to prepare. Let’s break it down.

Preparing a presentation

1. Preparing your presentation

Imagine you’re a designer in the automotive industry and your boss has asked you to give a presentation. The subject: the future of the car and how it will fit with all the other modes of transport.

Where to start? How to approach it? First you need an angle, a key idea.

We talk about ‘giving’ a presentation – and of course it’s the audience who will be receiving it. So, instead of beginning with cars (in this case), let’s think about people. That way we can root the talk in the everyday experience we all share.

Maybe you remember a time you were stuck in traffic on a motorway. Morning rush hour. No one moving. Up ahead children were crossing a footbridge on their way to school, laughing at the cars going nowhere. And you thought, ‘Enjoy it while you can! This will be you one day.’ But maybe not. Surely we can do better for future generations!

There’s your opening – the whole issue captured in a single image, and you’ve immediately engaged your audience with a simple story.

The who, the why and the what

Always begin with the people you’ll be addressing in mind. Before you start writing, answer three fundamental questions: who is your audience, why are you talking to them and what do you want to say?

The answers will provide the strong foundations you need and start the ideas flowing. Ignore them and you risk being vague and unfocused. Clear writing is the result of clear thinking and thinking takes time, but it’s time well spent.

Got a presentation to write? Before you do anything else, answer three fundamental questions: who is your audience, why are you talking to them and what do you want to say? @EmphasisWriting Share on X

Start with the audience

Are you a senior car designer talking to your team? If the answer’s yes, you can assume high-level, shared knowledge.

But if you’re talking to the sales or marketing departments, you can’t make the same assumptions – there are issues you might have to explain and justify. And if it’s a press briefing, it’s about getting the message out to the general public – a different story again.

Knowing your audience will also dictate your tone. Your presentation to the board is likely to be quite formal, whereas a talk for your team can be more relaxed.

And what’s the audience’s mood? On another occasion you might have bad news to deliver – perhaps the national economy and the company’s finances are threatening people’s jobs. Then you must empathise – put yourself in their position and adapt your tone accordingly.

I want to …

You also need a clear objective (the why ). For our car designer, the overriding objective should be to plant a key idea in the audience’s mind. Starting with that image of the schoolchildren, it’s to convince the audience that the company has a radical and distinctive design future.

That’s the takeaway. How should they do that? Should they explain, persuade or inspire – the three key strategies for any presentation? You may need to use several of them to achieve your goal.

Objectives should always complete the statement ‘I want to …’. What do you want to do ?

It’s about …

The what is the substance of your presentation – the building blocks, all the facts and figures that tell the audience ‘It’s about …’.

Back to our designer. The move away from petrol and diesel will allow a complete rethink of car design. The electric power unit and battery can lie under the car’s floor, freeing up all the space taken up by the conventional engine. And then there are all the issues around emission-free, autonomous vehicles in the ‘smart’ cities of the future.

When you’re planning, it can be helpful to get all the information out of your head and onto the page, using a mind map , like the example below (for a talk on UK transport policy).

This is an effective way of unlocking everything you know (or still need to do more research on). Start with your main topic, then keep asking yourself questions (like who, what, when, where, how and why) to dig into all the aspects.

Mind map to plan talk on UK transport policy. Full description below, under summary field labelled 'Open description of image'

Mind map with the topic of ‘UK transport policy at the centre. Arrows point out to six bubbles with the labels ‘Who’, ‘When’, ‘Why’, ‘How’, ‘What’ and ‘Where’. More arrows point out from each of these bubbles to explore related points in each area, and still more arrows from some of those points to expand further. The information reads:

  • Special interests / NGOs
  • Need for clear government direction
  • What industry will do
  • R&D spend
  • What industry is doing
  • Congestion [this leads to the sub-point ‘Wasted time and money’]
  • More pollution
  • More congestion
  • More wasted time and money
  • Climate change
  • Road pricing
  • Legislation
  • Working together
  • New technology
  • Exports/revenue
  • Social policy
  • Rest of world
  • Emerging economies

Once you’ve got it all out on the page, you can identify which parts actually belong in your presentation. Don’t try to include every last detail: audiences don’t want to process piles of information. They are more interested in your ideas and conclusions.

Now let’s put all this research and planning into a structure.

2. How to structure your presentation

On 28 August 1963, Dr Martin Luther King Jr stood on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington DC and delivered one of the most powerful speeches in history: ‘I have a dream’.

He was the leader of the civil rights movement in the US and his audience that day numbered in the hundreds of thousands. His goal was to inspire them to continue the struggle.

Presentations usually aim to either explain, persuade or inspire – sometimes with elements of all three. Your aim will determine your structure. This will be the backbone of your presentation, giving it strength and direction.

Explain in a logical sequence

When you explain, you add to people’s knowledge to build the key idea. But ask yourself, what does this audience already know?

If you’re an astrophysicist talking to an audience of your peers, you can use terms and concepts you know they’ll be familiar with. If you’re explaining black holes to Joe Public, you can’t do that. Typically, you’ll have to use simple analogies to keep the audience with you (‘Imagine you’re in a huge dark room …’).

Whether it’s black holes or new software, good explanations start with what we know and then build on that understanding, step by step, layer by layer. The audience will stay with you if they can follow your logic and you can help this with linking comments – ‘Building on that … ‘, ‘This means …’, ‘To illustrate that, I’ve always found …’.

Presentations usually aim to either explain, persuade or inspire – sometimes with elements of all three. Your aim will determine your presentation's structure. @EmphasisWriting Share on X

We need to change

If you’re writing a persuasive presentation, you also need to follow a particular sequence.

Whether you’re writing a pitch for a prospective customer or making research-based recommendations to a client, you follow the same structure. That structure is the Four Ps . It’s a powerful way of leading your audience’s thinking.

Start with the current situation – where you are now ( position ). Explain why you can’t stay there, so the audience agrees things have to change ( problem ). Suggest up to three credible ways you can address the issue ( possibilities ). Then decide which one is the optimum solution ( proposal ).

Three is a magic number for writers – not too many, not too few. But there may be one standout possibility, in which case you go straight to it ( position, problem, proposal ).

Think about how the pandemic has profoundly changed our working lives. Towns and cities are full of offices that people used to commute to. But to maintain social distancing, we’ve been encouraged to work from home where possible and to stay away from public transport.

At some point, decision-makers within organisations will have to make a call – or share a recommendation – about what to do long term. Should we go back to the office, stay at home or combine the two?

If we had to present on this choice using the Four Ps structure, we could outline the pros and cons of each possibility and then make a push for the one we recommend above the others. Or we could join the likes of Google and Twitter and simply propose purely remote working well into the future.

I have a dream

A presentation that inspires is about the future – about what could be. Scientists inspire children to follow careers in astronomy or physics with their passion and stunning visuals. Designers re-energise companies with their radical, exciting visions. Business leaders convince their staff that they really can turn things around.

The Rosette Nebula

An audience watching an inspirational presentation is not going to take away lots of facts and figures. What’s important is their emotional and intellectual engagement with the speaker, their shared sense of purpose. One way to build that engagement is with your structure.

From dark to light

The most inspiring presentations are so often born of shared struggle. On 13 May 1940, Winston Churchill addressed the British parliament – and the British people listening on their radios – in the darkest days of the Second World War.

He was brutally realistic in his assessment of the current position: ‘We have before us many, many long months of struggle and of suffering.’ He then set out his policy: ‘To wage war by sea, land and air, with all our might … against a monstrous tyranny’, and the prize: ‘Victory, however long and hard the road may be.’

In difficult situations, audiences immediately see through false hope and empty rhetoric. They want honest acknowledgement, and the determination and clear strategy to lead them to the future.

We can imagine how the same structure could show up in a more business-related context:

‘I’m not going to sugar-coat the figures. We have to change to save jobs and secure our future. There will be dark days and sacrifices along the way, but what’s the hardest part of any turnaround? It’s getting started. To do that, we all need to keep asking two fundamental questions: where can we improve, how can we improve? And if we push hard enough and if we’re utterly relentless, change will come and our momentum will build.’

Insight boxout. Transcript below, under summary field labelled 'Open transcript of image’

Are you going to appeal to your audience’s

  • habits of thought (current beliefs)?

If your recommendations run counter to their current beliefs, try appealing to their emotions.

3. Writing your presentation script

You don’t have to write a script. Some people put a few PowerPoint slides together and wing it; others make do with bullets on a smartphone, laptop or cue cards. It depends on the event and the presenter.

Writing a full script takes time, but if it’s a very important presentation and you might use it again – perhaps to appeal for investment – it will be worth it.

Some people will write a full script because the company or organisation that’s commissioned a presentation will want to see a copy well ahead of the event (often for legal reasons). Others will write the script, edit it down to the required time and then edit it down again to bullets or notes.

If the presentation is to a small audience, your notes or bullets will suit a more conversational approach. There are no rules here – see what works best for you. But what you must do is know your subject inside out.

To write clearly, you must think clearly and a full script will expose the areas that aren’t clear – where an explanation needs strengthening, for example, or where you should work on a transition.

Timing is everything

A full script also helps with working out timing, and timing is crucial. TED talks, for example, have a strict 18-minute limit, whether in front of an audience or online. That’s short enough to hold attention, but long enough to communicate a key idea. (The ‘I have a dream’ speech lasted 17 minutes 40 seconds and it changed the world.)

It takes a very skilled presenter to go much over 30 minutes. If you are taking questions during or after your presentation , however, it’s fine to build in extra time.

Imagine you’re writing your presentation in full and your slot is 20 minutes. On an A4 page with a 14-point Calibri font and 1.5 line spacing, that will equate to about 10 pages.

You can also divide the page in two, with slides on the left and text on the right (or vice versa). Then you can plan your words and visuals in parallel – and that will be roughly 20 pages.

Example excerpt of presentation script. Full description and transcript below under summary field labelled 'Open description and transcript of image

Script page with a slide on the left-hand side and text on the right. The slide has the heading ‘What is your purpose?’ and has a photo of a smiling person at a whiteboard mid-presentation. The text on the slide reads:

Do you want to:

  • do a combination of all three?

The notes next to the slide read:

How should they do that? Should they explain, persuade or inspire – the three key strategies for any presentation? You may need to use several of them to achieve your goal.

The most powerful key on your keyboard – Delete

Use these numbers as your goal, but your first draft will probably be longer. That’s when you start deleting.

Be ruthless. Anything not adding to the story must go, including those anecdotes you’ve been telling for years ( especially those anecdotes). It’s not about what you want to tell the audience, it’s about what they need to hear.

Don’t feel you have to include every single issue either. Dealing with two or three examples in some detail is far better than saying a little bit about many more.

And interpret visual material you’re displaying rather than describing it, just as you wouldn’t repeat the text that’s on the screen. The audience can see it already.

It’s a conversation

Be yourself – don’t write a script that’s not in your style. We want the real you, not a supercharged version.

Some people are naturals when it comes to presenting – which can mean they’ve learned how to draw on their authentic strengths.

Sir David Attenborough is a great example. He has a wide-ranging knowledge of the natural world. He has an infectious passion and enthusiasm for his subject. And most importantly, he doesn’t lecture the camera: he talks naturally to his audience (and he’s now using Instagram to inspire new generations).

You can take a cue from Sir David and make your presentation style your own. Knowing your own strengths and really understanding your why will help you speak with purpose and passion.

And aim to speak naturally. Use conversational, inclusive language. That means lots of personal pronouns ( I believe, we can) and contractions ( Don’t you wonder …, you’re probably thinking …).

Sir David Attenborough introduces his new series, Our Planet at its premiere. He builds up our awareness by layering information alongside arresting statistics. These are framed simply, in relatable terms (‘96% of mass on the planet is us …’), so we easily grasp their shocking significance. He also uses ‘we’ and ‘us’ a lot to underline how this environmental emergency affects us all on ‘the planet we all call home’.

Finding the right words

Imagine you’re talking to someone as you write. And try saying the words out loud – it’s a good way to catch those complex, overlong sentences or particular words that will be difficult to say.

Presentations are not reports that can be reread – the audience has to understand what you are saying in the moment . Don’t leave them wondering what on earth you’re talking about, as they will only fall behind.

So avoid using long or complex words, or words you wouldn’t hear in everyday conversation (if your everyday conversation includes ‘quarks’ and ‘vectors’, that’s fine). And beware of jargon – it can exclude the audience and it quickly becomes clichéd and outdated.

Here are some more hints and tips on how to write effectively for speaking:

Syntax (word order): Disentangle your thoughts and arrange the words in your sentences to be simple and logical. Often, complex syntax shows up when the main point is getting lost inside excess information (or that the speaker is unsure what their main point is).

Pace, rhythm and tone: Varying the pace, rhythm and tone of sentences makes both the speaking and listening experience far more enjoyable.

Make sure the stress falls on the most important words. For example, ‘To be or not to be ‘ (where the stress rises and falls on alternate words) or ‘I have a dream ‘ (where the stress falls on the final word).

Vary the length of sentences and experiment with using very short sentences to emphasise a point.

Play with rhythm by arranging words in pairs and trios. Saying things in threes gives a sense of movement, progression and resolution: Going, going … gone . Saying words in pairs gives a more balanced tone (‘courage and commitment’, ‘energy and effort’) or a sense of tension between the words (‘war and peace’, ‘imports and exports’).

Analogies: Good analogies can work well in presentations because they paint vivid pictures for the audience. The best way to do it is to use either a simile (‘It wasn’t so much a dinner party, more like feeding time at the zoo’) or a metaphor (‘He was the fox and the company was the henhouse’).

Alliteration: This means using two or more words that start with the same sound, like ‘big and bold’, ‘sleek and shiny’ or ‘key components’. On the page alliteration may look contrived, but it can effectively highlight important phrases in a presentation.

Words to avoid: Be careful about using clichés like ‘pushing the envelope’, ‘playing hardball’ and ‘thinking outside the box’. And think carefully about using any word that ends with -ism, -ise, -based, -gate, -focused and -driven.

Be careful with humour too: don’t write jokes unless you can naturally tell them well. Keep the tone light if it fits the occasion, but a badly told joke can be excruciating.

4. How to start your presentation

People tend to remember beginnings and endings the most, so make sure your opening and conclusion are both strong.

You have about a minute to engage an audience. You want them to be intrigued, to want to know more, to come slightly forward in their seats. If you only learn one part of your presentation by heart, make it that minute.

A quick ‘thank you’ is fine if someone has introduced you. A quick ‘good morning’ to the audience is fine too. But don’t start thanking them for coming and hoping they’ll enjoy what you have to say – you’re not accepting an Oscar, and they can tell you what they thought when it’s over. Get straight down to business.

There are four basic types of introduction which will draw your audience in:

  • News – ‘Positive Covid-19 tests worldwide have now reached …’
  • Anecdotal – ‘About ten years ago, I was walking to work and I saw …’
  • Surprise – ‘Every five minutes, an American will die because of the food they eat.’
  • Historical – ‘In 1800, the world’s population was one billion. It’s now 7.8 billion.’

You can interpret these beginnings in any number of ways. If you were to say, ‘I have an admission to make …’, we will expect a personal anecdote relating to your main theme. And because you’re alone in front of us, it’s playing on your vulnerability. We’re intrigued straight away, and you’ve established a good platform for the rest of the presentation.

You can also combine these techniques. The historical beginning creates a sense of movement – that was then and this is now – as well as a surprising fact. It may prompt a thought like, ‘Wow, where’s this going?’ And you can trade on this with your own rhetorical question: ‘What does this mean for everyone in this room? It’s not what you think …’.

As well as setting up your story, you need to quickly reassure the audience they’re in safe hands. One way to do that is to give them a map – to tell them where you’re going to take them and what they’re going to see along the way.

Then you’re starting the journey together.

5. How to end your presentation

Your ending is what you want the audience to take away: your call to action, your vision of the future and how they can contribute.

If your presentation is online or to a small group in a small room, your ending is not going to be a battle cry, a call to man the barricades – that would be totally inappropriate. But equally don’t waste it with something flat and uninspiring.

Here are four effective ways to end your talk (like the intros, you can combine them or come up with your own):

  • Predict the future – ‘So what can we expect in the next ten years? …’
  • Quotation – ‘As our chief exec said at the meeting yesterday, …’
  • Repeat a major issue – ‘We can’t carry on with the same old same old.’
  • Summarise – ‘Continuous improvement isn’t our goal. It’s our culture.’

Predicting the future fits well with a historical beginning – it completes the arc of your presentation.

If you end with a quotation, make sure it’s relevant and credible – it has to be an authoritative stamp.

Repeating a major issue means pulling out and highlighting a major strand of your presentation, while summarising is about encapsulating your argument in a couple of sentences.

Your ending can also be a change of tone, perhaps signalled by the single word ‘Finally …’. It’s the audience’s cue to come slightly forward again and pay close attention.

As with your opening, it will have more impact if you’ve learned your ending – put down your notes, take a couple of steps towards the audience and address them directly, before a simple ‘Thank you.’

6. Creating your PowerPoint slides

We’ve all been there – watching a seemingly endless, poorly designed slide deck that’s simply restating what the presenter is saying. So common is this tortuous experience that there’s a name for it: Death by PowerPoint. But it doesn’t have to be like this.

Do you need slides at all?

As with your script, the first thing you should ask is ‘Do I actually need this?’ In 2019, Sir Tim Berners-Lee gave the Richard Dimbleby lecture for the BBC. He spoke for about 40 minutes with no autocue (he’d memorised his script) – and no speaker support.

This is a uniquely powerful form of presentation because the audience’s attention is totally focused on that one person. The call to action at the end of a presentation and delivering bad news are also best done without visuals.

Visual support

But if they’re well-judged and relevant, slides or other visuals can add enormously to a presentation – whether it’s photography, video or the ubiquitous PowerPoint. There are, however, two things everyone should know about PowerPoint in particular:

  • It’s incredibly versatile and convenient.
  • In the wrong hands, it can be unbearably tedious.

Your PowerPoint slides should not essentially be your cue cards projected onto a screen. They shouldn’t be packed margin to margin with text or full of complex diagrams.

If the presentation is live, the audience has come to watch you, not your slide deck. Online, the deck may have to work harder to sustain visual interest.

As with the script, keep your finger poised over that Delete key when you’re putting the deck together.

How many slides?

There’s no hard-and-fast rule about how many slides you should use, but think in terms of no more than one or two a minute on average. And don’t use more than a couple of short video inserts in a 20-minute presentation.

You might have a section where you show a few slides in a sequence or hold a single slide for a couple of minutes, which is fine. Varying the pacing helps to keep a presentation moving.

Optimise for psychology

As self-professed presentation aficionado David JP Phillips notes in his TEDx talk , people – and that includes your audience – have terrible working memories. If you don’t account for this fact in your slides, your talk will not have a lasting impact. In fact, most of it will be forgotten within around 30 seconds.

To counter this effect, David identifies five key strategies to use when designing your PowerPoint:

  • Only have one message per slide: more than that and you’re splitting your audience’s attention.
  • Don’t use full sentences on slides, and certainly don’t imagine you can talk over them if you do. People trying to read and listen at the same time will fail at both and absorb nothing. Move your running text into the documentation section instead, and keep the slide content short and sweet.
  • People’s focus will be drawn to the biggest thing on the slide. If your headline is less important than the content below it, make the headline text the smaller of the two.
  • You can also direct people’s attention using contrast. This can be as simple as guiding their point of focus by using white text (on a dark background) for the words you want to highlight, while the surrounding text is greyed out.
  • Including too many objects per slide will sap your audience’s cognitive resources. (Your headline, every bullet, any references, even a page number each count as an object.) Include a maximum of six objects per slide and viewers will give a mental sigh of relief. This will probably mean creating more slides overall – and that’s fine.

More Powerpoint and visual aid tips

Here are a few more guidelines for creating your visual aids:

  • Never dive into PowerPoint as job one in creating your presentation. Work out your talk’s structure (at least) before designing your slide deck. Making a genuinely effective PowerPoint requires that you know your subject inside out.
  • List any visuals you’ll need as you prepare your script. That terrific photo you saw recently could be difficult to track down, and you might need permission and to pay to use it.
  • It bears repeating: keep each slide to one key idea.
  • Use the build effect of adding one bullet at a time (or use the contrast trick above) and try not to use more than three bullets per frame (or six objects overall).
  • Strip each bullet to the bare minimum – no articles (‘a’, ‘an’ and ‘the’), no prepositions (‘in’, ‘at’, ‘to’ etc) and cut right back on punctuation.
  • Every word that’s not there for a reason has to go. Delete, delete, delete.

‘Extra’ slides

  • Use a ‘walk-in’ slide. Rather than have the audience arrive to a blank screen, this tells them who you are and your presentation’s title.
  • Use occasional holding slides in between those with more content – perhaps an image but no text. They give the audience a visual rest and put the focus back on you.
  • A plain white background might look fine on a computer monitor, but it will be glaring on a big screen. Invert the norm with a dark background, or use shading or ‘ghosted’ images to break up backgrounds and add visual interest.
  • Some colours work better than others on-screen. Blues and greys are soft and easy on the eye. Red is a no-no, whether for backgrounds or text. And if you stick with a light background, favour a more subtle dark grey over black for the text.
  • Use sans serif fonts (like Arial, Helvetica or Calibri) and think about point size – make sure it’s easily legible.
  • Only use upper case where absolutely necessary.

Images and data

  • Photos work well full screen, but they also really stand out well on a black background.
  • Make sure your charts and graphics aren’t too complex. The dense information that’s fine on the page will not work on-screen – it’s too much to take in. Graphs behind a TV newsreader are often reduced to a single line going dramatically up or down.
  • Don’t present data or graphs and expect them to speak for themselves. You need to find the story and significance in the data and present that .

And finally

  • Proofread, proofread, proofread – or risk standing in front of an embarrassing spelling mistake.

Technical check

  • Check what laptop they’re using at your venue. If you’ve written your deck on a PC, run it on a PC (and, of course, the same rule applies if you’ve used a Mac).
  • If you’ve emailed your presentation to the venue, take a USB copy along as back-up.
  • If you’re presenting online, check which platform you’ll be using and get comfortable with it. If someone else will be hosting the event, make sure you arrange a time for a rehearsal, especially if there will be a producer.

7. Delivering your presentation

You’ve put a lot of time and effort into preparing your presentation and now you’ve come to the sharp end – it’s time to stand and deliver.

Run it through

You don’t have to rehearse, but most presenters do and for good reason – it catches weak points and awkward transitions. And, crucially, it bolsters confidence.

Read your script or go through your bullets aloud – it will help to settle your nerves. If you use colleagues as a dummy audience, you can do a sense check too: ‘Does that bit work?’ ‘Have I explained it clearly?’ ‘Do you get the big picture?’ And rehearsing out loud will catch those words and sentences you thought you could say but can’t.

The more you rehearse, the more familiar and natural the presentation will become. Rehearse the technical side too – where the video is going to come in, how you’re going to vary your pace and tone to maintain interest.

Try speaking slightly more slowly than you would normally so the audience catches every word, and don’t be afraid to pause now and again. It gives a breathing space for you and the audience.

A businesswoman presenting points to a smiling member of the audience

Connect with your audience

When you deliver your presentation for real, establish eye contact with the audience, just as you would in a conversation. In a small room with a small audience, talk to individuals. In a larger space, don’t talk to the first couple of rows and ignore the rest – include everyone.

And if you stumble over your words here or there, carry on and don’t dwell on it – you’ll lose your concentration. Audiences are generally forgiving and they might not even notice.

Each audience is unique: they react differently in different places. And although tomorrow might be the tenth time you’ve done the same presentation, it will be the first time this audience sees it. Your duty is to keep it fresh for them.

A final point

This is your presentation – you’re in control and the audience needs to feel they’re in safe hands.

It’s perfectly natural to feel nervous , but it’s the thought of doing it that’s the worst bit. Once you get going – and especially when you sense the audience is with you – the nerves will start to disappear. Try to enjoy it. If you enjoy it, it’s far more likely the audience will too.

And remember: everyone wants you to do well.

presentation of the letter

8. How to present online

Taking to Zoom or another online platform to present was once the exception. These days, online presenting is as essential a skill as presenting in person.

The switch to online can be nerve-wracking and cause even usually skilled presenters to falter. But there’s no need for that to happen.

Indeed, all of the advice we’ve talked about on preparing, structuring and writing for in-person presenting is equally relevant for your online delivery. You just need to be ready for the unique challenges that remote presentations pose.

An obvious one is that while you still have an audience, it will probably be muted and possibly even unseen (if webcams are switched off). This makes it far more difficult to gauge audience reaction, and if the event is pre-recorded, there might not be any at all – at least not immediately. Clapping and laughing emojis are not quite like the real thing.

Keep eye contact

But although your audience may be many miles away, there are still ways you can – and should – create a sense of connection with them. Your presentation will have much more impact if you do.

Whether the event is live or recorded, at least start with your webcam on (unless you really can only use slides). If it’s an option and feels appropriate, consider keeping your camera on throughout – remember, you are the presentation as much as any visuals.

If you will be on display, make sure you know where your webcam’s lens is and at key moments of your talk look directly into it – and out at your audience – to punctuate those points.

And don’t look at a second screen to cue up your PowerPoint – viewers will think your attention is wandering.

Engage your online audience

Being an engaging speaker is always important, but remember that the online world is already a place we associate with distraction. It’s also easier for a viewer behind their laptop to disguise their wandering attention than it would be for one in an auditorium or boardroom.

This isn’t to say your audience don’t want to give you their attention. But it is more important than ever to keep your presentation sharp and concise. Revisit your structure, your script or cue cards and your slides. Take a really critical eye to it and (as always) delete, delete, delete anything that’s not directly relevant.

If it works for your format, you can look at making your presentation interactive. You can then break the content into short segments, interspersed with comment, polls, questions and discussion. The variety will be a welcome change for your viewers.

Your visuals are part of what will keep people with you – along with the interplay you create between you and them. This means following the best-practice guidance we covered earlier is even more important.

Using Zoom for your presentation? Master the art of online delivery through this simple mix of set-up, delivery and technical tricks @EmphasisWriting Share on X

Modulate your voice

Your tone of voice is extremely important here because presenting online is like radio with pictures. When people say ‘You have a great voice for radio’ what they mean is that it’s easy to listen to, often because you’re using quite a low-pitched, warm and relaxed register.

Listen to voices on the radio and voiceovers and identify the ones you particularly enjoy. What do you like about them? Why do you enjoy some voices and not others?

A flat, unmodulated voice, for instance, is difficult to listen to for long periods (and isn’t likely to inspire anyone).

Experiment with intentionally adding energy to your voice, as internet audio can have a dulling effect. As our trainer Gary Woodward puts it: ‘Turn up the enthusiasm dial even higher than you think, to make sure it comes through.’ And always vary your pace and tone as you would in a normal conversation.

And if it suits the tone of your talk, smile now and again. Smiling is contagious, and people will hear it in your voice even if they can’t see you.

Perfect your transitions

One of the other key challenges of remote presentations is that you have another layer of technology to wrestle with: sharing your PowerPoint online.

This means that many presentations begin with the popular catchphrase ‘Can you see my screen?’

This can also cause many presenters to stumble through their transitions, making the links between their slides clunky. And while remote audiences may be forgiving, for a slick presentation it’s best to prevent these sort of fumbles.

Naturally, practice plays a part here. But you can also give yourself the advantage with your set-up.

Dave Paradi from Think Outside the Slide explains one great way of setting up Zoom so you can smoothly cue up and run your slide deck – and be certain what’s being displayed.

You’ll even be able to see the rest of your screen (but the audience won’t). As you’ll be able to see what’s coming up, your transitions can also be seamless.

The trick is to use one of Zoom’s advanced settings after you hit ‘Share screen’, to share only a portion of your screen:

Screensharing options in Zoom. Full description below, under summary field labelled 'Open description of image'

Advanced screensharing options pop-up box in Zoom, with the options ‘Portion of Screen’, ‘Music or Computer Sound Only’ and ‘Content from 2nd Camera’. The ‘Portion of Screen’ option is highlighted in blue.

This will give you a frame you can move to the part of the screen you want the audience to see.

Put your PowerPoint slides into ‘presenter view’ before launching the screenshare. Then you’ll be able to see the upcoming slides and your notes throughout, and your animations (like build slides) will work as normal.

PowerPoint presenter view using Zoom's portion of screen. Full description below, under summary field labelled 'Open description of image'

Zoom’s ‘portion of screen’ setting in action

Presenter view in PowerPoint, with the current displayed slide on the left and the upcoming slide displaying smaller on the right, with notes below it. There is a notification saying ‘You are screen sharing’ at the top and a sharing frame positioned around the current slide.

The other part of the trick? Set it up in advance shortly before you’re due to speak. Once you’re happy with the set up, you can stop sharing until it’s time to kick off your talk. When you return to ‘Share screen’ again, it will reopen the frame in the same place.

Dave shows you the process in this video:

Five practical tips for a truly professional online presentation

You’re happy with the content of your talk, you’ve ruthlessly streamlined your slides and mastered your radio voice. Now just make sure you cover these crucial practicalities for a polished presentation:

1. Create a good space Make sure you have your environment well set up:

  • Keep the background on display as tidy and minimalist as possible – a plain wall or backdrop is great, if you can.
  • Manage and minimise background noise (shut the window, ensure your phone’s on silent, put the cat out, make sure someone’s watching the kids in another room – whatever it takes).
  • Check your lighting: have your light source in front of you, not behind you (or you’ll be in shadow).
  • Set up your computer or device at eye level so that you are well-framed and facing it straight on – avoid looming above it while providing a lovely view into your nostrils.

2. Think about your appearance Dress in the same way you would if the presentation were in person, and judge your choice of attire based on the formality of the event and your audience.

3. Practise! Run through the presentation and rehearse the technical side. Practise your transitions, including the initial cueing up of your slides (perhaps using the Zoom tip above), so that you can be confident in doing it all smoothly.

4. Be primed and ready Log in early on the day of your talk. Check all your tech is working, get your headset on and ensure everything is set up well ahead of time. This will save any last-minute issues (and stress) and means you can hit the ground running.

5. Stand and deliver Even online, consider giving your presentation standing up, if you can do so comfortably (adjusting your device or webcam accordingly). This may put you more into a presenting frame of mind and will differentiate you from most remote presenters.

Are you still there?

Live audiences have a group dynamic – as soon as a few people start laughing it becomes infectious and the others join in. It’s naturally different online. But that doesn’t have to throw you.

You might not get that immediate feedback, but don’t overcompensate and feel you have to win them back.

Yes, it’s often more difficult to gauge an audience’s reaction online – especially if their audio is muted and their webcams off. Yes, this can be daunting. But they are still out there listening. You may or may not hear (or see) laughter, but they could still be smiling and very interested in what you have to say. Have faith in your own content. Whatever form your delivery will take, keep coming back to your purpose and message for giving this talk – and keep considering the people you’ll be talking to. Whether the address will be online or in person, it is keeping this focus which is the key to every powerful presentation.

Ready to learn even more? Work one-to-one on your presentation-writing skills with one of our expert trainers or join our scheduled presentation-writing courses . If your team are looking to upskill, we also offer tailored in-house training . And if fear of presenting is holding your team back, check out our in-house course The reluctant presenter .

Image credit: lightpoet / Shutterstock

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Jack Elliott

These days he's one of Emphasis' top business-writing trainers, but in previous career lives Jack has written for many public and private sector organisations. He has an in-depth knowledge of the engineering and manufacturing sectors, particularly the UK automotive industry. As the lead scriptwriter for chairmen and CEOs, he has been responsible for proposals, pitches and reports as well as high-profile speeches and global product launches.

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Letter of Presentation

A letter of presentation can be any letter where you share information or and idea to another party. Commonly it is used in business as a marketing letter to other businesses or clients, explaining what you have to offer or introducing them to your product(s) or services.

One form of letter of presentation is a letter that you send to a potential employer to demonstrate your desire to gain employment within their organization. It is usually the first letter your potential employer will read, so it is extremely important to sell yourself to them, explicitly stating why you would like to work for them and what benefits you could bring to their organization.

Letter of Presentation to a Company Sample

Starting to Write

Letters of presentation are mostly unsolicited so it is important to jump right in with your selling point.

Keep it short and snappy, the recipient is unlikely to read anything long winded.

Stay targeted. Send your letter only to people you know could potentially benefit from your business, idea etc, and pitch directly to them.

Don’t forget to leave plenty of contact information for follow-up.

Letter of Presentation to a Company Sample

General Accountants of Cambridge

Kimberly J. Adamo

2705 Dane Street Cambridge, MA 02141

Dear Mrs. Adamo,

I wish to offer my services to you in the form of an account executive, starting immediately.

I have 5 years experience in this field being an account executive for 3 different companies, all leaders in their field. While participating in those positions, I grew the level of sales that our team achieved every year, and I am sure I can do the same thing for you.

I have attached my resume and references to give more background on who I am and what qualifications I have.

Thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing from you!

Jane Clever

Letter of Presentation of a Business Sample

Dear Milton Offices Managers,

Is your company’s internet connection and network fast enough? MK Internet Solutions is the premiere fibre internet provider to small businesses.

We have the fastest speed in the industry and never throttle bandwidth at peak times. We tailor our service specifically to businesses like yours, so much so that our broadband is not even available to the general public.

Our 24/7 American based customer service provides you with up to 3 free service call outs a year, so if you’re ever having technical problems we can help solve the problem.

Fastest speeds in the industry, amazing support, and did we mention free setup – including networks of hundreds of computers?

Our standard packages is just $50 per month, but we would love to discuss the needs of Milton Offices further, tailoring a package just for you.

Give us a call on (228) 235-3417, or drop us an email at [email protected]

Have a great day!

Harry Rookes

MK New York

Letter of Presentation of a Product Sample

Dear Garden Force,

As former gardeners ourselves we understand that speed and efficiency is important if you are to finish multiple gardens per day, that’s why we invented the Transform Mower!

This state of the art device first operates as a sturdy petrol lawn mower, but with a folding of the handle and a press of the button it contracts in to a strimmer.

No more walking back to the van, no more time wasted setting up, just one clean simple job.

Want to give it a try? Our team will drive out to one of your jobs and give you a live demonstration!

We can’t wait to hear from you,

(620) 301-9746

[email protected]

Related Letters

Other letters.

ESL Advice

A Guide to the Proper Business Letter Format with Examples

presentation of the letter

This article covers the following areas –

What is a business letter, key elements of a business letter, formatting a business letter, practical tips for effective business letters, examples of business letters, final thoughts.

Navigating the world of professional correspondence can be daunting. As an SEO writer and digital marketer, I’ve learned the importance of effective communication, especially in the form of a well-crafted business letter. Here, I’ll share insights and practical tips on the proper format for business letters, going beyond the basics to help you make your letters stand out.

A proper business letter format includes a sender’s address, date, recipient’s address, salutation, body, and closing with a signature. It should maintain a formal tone, using clear, concise language, and adhere to standard margins and alignment.

Continue reading for comprehensive insights into crafting effective business letters, including detailed examples and practical tips to enhance your professional communication skills.

A business letter is a formal document used in the professional world to communicate between individuals or organizations. Despite the rise of emails and instant messaging, business letters have maintained their importance. They are especially used for situations where a permanent record or a formal tone is necessary.

Business letters are more than just a means of communication; they represent your professionalism and attention to detail. A well-written letter can open doors to new opportunities, while a poorly formatted one can close them just as quickly.

Here’s how your business letter might look:

presentation of the letter

Note: The subject line in a business letter is not strictly mandatory, but it is highly recommended, especially in formal or professional correspondence.

Crafting a business letter requires attention to various elements that together make your communication clear, professional, and effective. Each part of a business letter has a specific function, contributing to the overall impact of your message. Understanding and implementing these elements correctly can greatly enhance the quality of your business communication.

1. Heading and Sender’s Address

The heading of your business letter should include your full name, address, contact number, and email address. This provides the recipient with your contact information and sets a professional tone for the letter. If you are representing a company, it’s standard to use the company’s letterhead, which usually includes this information along with its logo and other contact details.

The Purdue University Online Writing Lab offers comprehensive guidelines on formatting business letters, which can be a useful reference.

Here’s a sample of how the heading and sender’s address part of a business letter would typically look:

Jordan Smith Marketing Manager Smith & Associates Marketing Solutions 123 Business Ave, Suite 456 Newtown, NY 12345 Email: [email protected] Phone: (123) 456-7890

In this sample:

  • Jordan Smith is the sender’s name.
  • Marketing Manager is the position/title of the sender.
  • Smith & Associates Marketing Solutions is the name of the company or organization the sender is representing.
  • 123 Business Ave, Suite 456, Newtown, NY 12345 is the physical address of the company.
  • Email: [email protected] and Phone: (123) 456-7890 provide additional contact information.

If this were written on a company’s letterhead, it would typically include its logo and possibly other company details, such as a website URL. Using a letterhead adds to the professionalism and brand identity of the correspondence.

Directly below the sender’s address, leave a line space and then write the date. It’s important to use the full date format (e.g., January 26, 2024) to ensure clarity and avoid any confusion. The date on the letter is crucial as it indicates when the communication was sent, which can be important for record-keeping and follow-ups.

Here’s how it would look in the context of a business letter:

January 26, 2024

In this example, the date “January 26, 2024” is written in a full format, providing clear and unambiguous information about when the letter was composed. This standard format is universally understood and helps maintain a formal tone in the correspondence. The date is positioned a line space below the sender’s address, maintaining a clean and organized layout.

3. Recipient’s Address

Next, include the recipient’s name, title, company name, and address. This not only ensures that the letter reaches the correct person but also shows that you have taken the time to personalize your communication. Accuracy in the spelling of the recipient’s name and their title is essential for a professional approach.

Here’s an example:

Alex Taylor Senior Purchasing Manager Global Tech Innovations 456 Industry Road Tech City, CA 98765

In this example:

  • Alex Taylor is the recipient’s name.
  • Senior Purchasing Manager is the recipient’s title.
  • Global Tech Innovations is the name of the recipient’s company.
  • 456 Industry Road, Tech City, CA 98765 is the company’s address.

This format not only ensures that the letter is directed to the correct person and place but also demonstrates professionalism and attention to detail. Personalizing the letter in this way helps establish a respectful and formal tone for the communication.

4. Salutation

Begin the body of your letter with a formal salutation. Address the recipient with “Dear Mr./Ms. [Last Name].” If the recipient’s name and gender are unknown, “Dear Sir/Madam” is a respectful alternative. The salutation sets the tone of respect and formality in the letter.

Here’s how it would look in a business letter:

Dear Mr. Taylor,

In this example, the salutation “Dear Mr. Taylor,” is used to formally address the recipient, Alex Taylor. It is a respectful and professional way to begin the letter, ensuring that the tone is appropriate for a business setting. If the gender of the recipient is unknown or if the sender prefers a gender-neutral approach, “Dear Alex Taylor” or a general salutation like “Dear Sir/Madam” can be used.

5. The Body of the Letter

Crafting the body of a business letter is akin to telling a well-structured story. It must have a clear beginning, a detailed middle, and a conclusive end. Each part plays a crucial role in conveying your message effectively and ensuring the recipient understands and responds to your communication as intended. Your message truly takes shape in the body of the letter, and your words must be clear, concise, and purposeful.

Opening Paragraph

The opening of your business letter should immediately clarify the purpose of your correspondence. This part is crucial as it sets the tone and context for everything that follows. A well-crafted opening paragraph not only grabs the recipient’s attention but also gives them a clear understanding of what the letter is about.

For example:

“Dear Mr. Taylor,

I am writing to propose a collaboration between Smith & Associates Marketing Solutions and Global Tech Innovations on your upcoming digital marketing campaign.”

Middle Paragraph(s)

The middle paragraphs are the core of your letter, where you elaborate on the subject introduced in the opening. This is your chance to provide detailed information, explanations, and justifications. It’s important to be as specific as possible while still being concise. The goal is to convey your message clearly and persuasively without overwhelming the reader with unnecessary information.

For instance:

“Our team has specialized expertise in digital marketing strategies that align closely with the goals of Global Tech Innovations. We have successfully executed similar campaigns for other tech companies, resulting in increased online visibility and customer engagement.”

Closing Paragraph

The closing paragraph of your business letter should summarize the main points and include a call to action or suggest the next steps. It’s your opportunity to wrap up the letter neatly and prompt the recipient to respond or take specific action.

“I am confident that a partnership between our companies would be mutually beneficial. I would welcome the opportunity to discuss this proposal in more detail and explore how we can tailor our services to meet your needs. Please let me know a convenient time for a meeting.”

The body of your business letter is where you make your case, present your argument, or offer your services. It’s essential to maintain a professional tone throughout and ensure your letter is informative and engaging. By following this structure, you can write effective business letters that achieve your communication objectives.

6. Closing and Signature

End your letter with a formal closing phrase such as “Sincerely” or “Best regards.” After leaving a space for the signature, type your full name and your title if relevant. Signing the letter by hand, if sending a hard copy, adds a personal touch to your communication.

Remember, a well-structured business letter reflects your professionalism and can significantly impact your business relationships. Ensure that your business letters are not only well-received but also respected for their clarity and professionalism.

Here’s how this part of a business letter would typically look:

Closing of the Letter:

“I am looking forward to your response and am eager to discuss how we can collaborate for mutual success. Thank you for considering my proposal, and I hope to hear from you soon.”

[Handwritten Signature (if sending a hard copy)]

Jordan Smith Marketing Manager Smith & Associates Marketing Solutions

  • “Sincerely,” is used as the formal closing phrase. It’s polite and universally appropriate for business correspondence.
  • A space is left for the handwritten signature, which personalizes the letter and adds a touch of authenticity (this is applicable for printed letters).
  • The typed name “Jordan Smith” ensures the recipient knows who the letter is from, even if they can’t read the handwritten signature.
  • The title “Marketing Manager” and the company name “Smith & Associates Marketing Solutions” reiterate the sender’s professional identity.

This format not only concludes the letter respectfully but also reinforces the sender’s identity and professionalism, making it an effective closing for a business letter.

7. Subject Line: Not Mandatory

The subject line in a business letter is not strictly mandatory, but it is highly recommended, especially in formal or professional correspondence. The subject line serves a practical purpose: it provides a clear and concise summary of the letter’s main point or purpose. This helps the recipient understand the letter’s context at a glance and can be particularly useful in prioritizing and organizing correspondence.

How to Write the Subject Line of a Business Letter

Including a subject line can also increase the efficiency of communication, as it directly informs the recipient of the letter’s content, reducing the time needed to discern the purpose of the letter. In busy professional settings, where recipients may receive a large volume of mail, a well-defined subject line can ensure that your letter is given appropriate attention.

In summary, while not a strict requirement, the inclusion of a subject line in a business letter is a best practice that can enhance the effectiveness and clarity of your communication.

The presentation of your business letter is just as important as its content. Proper formatting not only makes your letter more readable but also conveys a sense of professionalism. The framework holds your content in a neat, accessible structure, ensuring that your message is communicated effectively. Let’s delve into the key aspects of formatting a business letter.

Importance of Margins

1-inch margins on all page sides are standard in business letter formatting. This provides a clean and uncluttered frame for your content, making the letter appear organized and professional. Margins also ensure that your letter looks good even after being printed and possibly filed or scanned.

Alignment for Clarity

Left-aligning your text is a standard practice in business communication. This alignment is easier to read and looks more formal and organized than centered or right-aligned text. It guides the reader’s eye in a natural flow from left to right, ensuring that your message is communicated effectively.

Choosing the Right Font

A professional font, such as Arial or Times New Roman, in a 10-12 point size, is ideal for business letters. These fonts are clear, professional, and universally readable. Avoid using decorative or overly stylized fonts, as they can detract from the letter’s professionalism and readability.

The Role of Spacing

Single spacing of your letter with a blank line between paragraphs enhances readability. It makes the letter easier to scan and allows the reader to identify key points quickly. Consistent spacing also contributes to the overall neat appearance of the letter.

Quality of Paper

When printing your business letter, use high-quality, standard-sized paper (usually 8.5″ x 11″ in the United States). Choosing a slightly heavier paper than regular printer paper can add a touch of professionalism.

Printing Considerations

Ensure that the print quality is high, with no smudges or faded areas. If you’re using a company letterhead, the colors and logo should be accurately and clearly printed.

Email Attachments

If you’re sending your business letter as an email attachment, consider saving it as a PDF to preserve the formatting. This ensures that the recipient sees the letter as intended, regardless of their device or software.

When sending a business letter in the body of an email, maintain the same formatting standards. Use a standard, readable font, and ensure the margins and alignment are clean and professional.

By adhering to these formatting guidelines, you can ensure that your business letter not only conveys your message effectively but also reflects your professionalism and attention to detail. Remember, how you present your letter can significantly impact how your message is received.

Regarding business letters, it’s not just about what you say, but also how you say it. The effectiveness of a business letter lies in its clarity, tone, and attention to detail. These practical tips will help ensure that your business letters are not only professional but also impactful and reflective of your intent.

1. Clarity and Conciseness

Clear and concise writing is paramount in business letters. Get straight to the point and avoid beating around the bush. This respect for the recipient’s time is appreciated in the business world.

Avoid using jargon or overly complex language. While it’s important to sound professional, your main goal is to be understood. The Harvard Business Review provides insights into clear business communication, emphasizing simplicity’s importance.

2. Tone and Formality

While maintaining a formal tone is crucial, letting your personality subtly shine through is equally important. This helps in building a rapport with the recipient. Keep the tone professional, but don’t be afraid to add a personal touch, especially if you have a relationship with the recipient.

Consider the context and your relationship with the recipient when deciding how formal your letter should be. For a new client, a more formal tone is appropriate. However, a slightly more relaxed tone might be suitable if you’re writing to a long-time colleague.

3. Proofreading

Proofreading your letter is essential. Errors in spelling, grammar, and punctuation can undermine the professionalism of your message. A letter free of mistakes reflects attention to detail and respect for the recipient.

Use tools like Grammarly for basic grammar and spelling checks. However, don’t rely solely on automated tools. A manual review is important as it allows you to catch errors that software might miss and ensure that the letter’s tone and flow are appropriate.

4. Cultural Sensitivity

When talking to people from different countries in business, it’s really important to understand their culture. Each culture has its own way of being polite and liking to talk in business. For example, some cultures are very formal, and others are more relaxed. It’s good to do a bit of research to make sure you’re speaking in a way that’s respectful to them. This helps avoid misunderstandings or accidentally offending someone.

Changing how you write to match different cultures is a good idea. This could mean being more formal or changing how you structure your letter. You still want to sound like yourself, but showing you understand their culture can make your communication better and show respect.

5. Follow-Up

Saying what you’ll do next in your letter is a good way to keep things moving. You could say you’ll call them or send another email. Or, you can ask them to contact you. This lets them know what to expect and keeps the conversation going. It’s important, though, not to be too pushy. Let them have time to reply.

This way, you show you’re interested and organized but also that you respect their time. Finding this balance is important for good business communication and keeping good relationships.

By incorporating these practical tips into your business letter writing, you ensure that your letters are not just read but also respected and acted upon. Remember, a well-crafted business letter can open doors and build bridges in your professional journey. For more in-depth guidance, resources like MindTools offer detailed advice on effective business communication strategies .

Business letters come in various forms, each serving a unique purpose in professional communication. From job applications to customer inquiries and even formal complaints, how you structure and write these letters can significantly impact their effectiveness. To better understand how to apply the principles of effective business letter writing, let’s explore some examples of different types of business letters.

Example 1: Job Application Letter

Jordan Smith 123 Main Street Anytown, NY 12345 [email protected] (123) 456-7890

June 10, 2024

Hiring Manager XYZ Corporation 456 Business Rd. Business City, NY 67890

Dear Hiring Manager,

I am writing to express my interest in the Marketing Coordinator position listed on your company website. With my background in digital marketing and proven record of increasing brand awareness, I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to the success of XYZ Corporation.

In my previous role at ABC Agency, I successfully managed several digital marketing campaigns that resulted in a 30% increase in website traffic and a significant boost in social media engagement. My experience in SEO and content marketing aligns well with the requirements of your position. I am particularly drawn to this opportunity at XYZ Corporation because of your commitment to innovation and excellence in the marketing field.

I am eager to bring my creativity and strategic approach to your team. I look forward to the possibility of discussing this exciting opportunity with you. Thank you for considering my application. I will follow up next week to confirm receipt of my application and hope to schedule an interview at your earliest convenience.

Jordan Smith

Example 2: Customer Inquiry Response Letter

Customer Service Team ABC Company 789 Service Lane Help City, CA 12345 [email protected] (987) 654-3210

July 15, 2024

Jane Doe 123 Park Avenue Anytown, CA 98765

Dear Ms. Doe,

Thank you for contacting ABC Company regarding your recent purchase of the XYZ product. We understand your concern about the issue you’ve experienced and are here to assist you.

After reviewing your situation, we would like to offer a replacement for the product, as it seems there was a defect in the unit you received. We value your satisfaction and strive to ensure all our customers have a positive experience with our products. We will ship the replacement to the address provided and expect it to arrive within 5-7 business days.

Should you have any more questions or require further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us. Our team is always here to help and ensure you get the best from our products.

Best Regards,

Customer Service Team ABC Company

Example 3: Formal Complaint Letter

Alex Johnson 456 Elm Street Complaintown, ST 12345 [email protected] (321) 654-9870

August 20, 2024

Manager XYZ Store 123 Retail Road Shopping City, ST 67890

Dear Manager,

I am writing to formally complain about an unsatisfactory experience I had at XYZ Store on August 15, 2024. I purchased a home appliance, and not only was it defective, but the response from your staff was highly unprofessional and unhelpful when I sought assistance.

On visiting the store to address the issue, I was met with dismissive and rude behavior from one of your sales associates, which is unacceptable and not the standard I expect from XYZ Store. I am requesting a full refund for the defective appliance and an official apology for the poor service I received.

I have been a loyal customer of XYZ Store for several years, and this experience has significantly impacted my view of your business. I hope that this matter will be resolved promptly and that steps will be taken to improve customer service in the future.

Alex Johnson

Example 4: Networking Letter

Taylor Martinez Marketing Consultant 789 Connection Blvd. Network City, MA 02130 [email protected] (555) 123-4567

September 5, 2024

Jamie Lee Director of Marketing Innovative Solutions Inc. 1234 Market St. Tech Valley, MA 02129

Dear Mr. Lee,

I recently came across your insightful article on digital marketing trends in the “Marketing Weekly” journal. Your perspective on leveraging AI in marketing strategies particularly resonated with me, as I have been exploring similar avenues in my recent projects.

As a marketing consultant with a focus on digital innovation, I am always looking to connect with forward-thinking professionals in our field. I believe that a conversation between us could be mutually beneficial, as we share similar interests and expertise.

I would appreciate the opportunity to discuss your work and insights more deeply, perhaps over a coffee or a brief meeting at your convenience. I am confident that this could be the start of a valuable professional connection.

Thank you for considering my request, and I hope to hear from you soon.

Warm regards,

Taylor Martinez Marketing Consultant

Example 5: Letter of Inquiry

Samantha Green Project Manager EcoTech Innovations 456 Greenway Drive Eco City, NV 89001 [email protected] (702) 555-0198

October 10, 2024

Dr. Richard Kim Head of Research SolarTech Enterprises 890 Solar Avenue Sunnytown, NV 89002

Dear Dr. Kim,

I am writing to you as the Project Manager of EcoTech Innovations, a company dedicated to sustainable technological solutions. We have been closely following the groundbreaking research SolarTech Enterprises has published in the field of solar energy efficiency.

Given our shared commitment to sustainable energy, I am reaching out to inquire about potential collaboration opportunities. We believe that joining forces on a project could lead to significant advancements in solar technology and its practical applications.

Could you please provide more information on your current research projects and any opportunities for collaboration? We are particularly interested in your recent work on photovoltaic cell efficiency and would like to explore ways we can contribute to and benefit from this endeavor.

I look forward to the possibility of working together for a greener future. Thank you for considering this inquiry, and I hope to hear from you soon.

Samantha Green Project Manager EcoTech Innovations

Example 6: Letter of Recommendation

Dr. Elizabeth Johnson Professor of Computer Science University of Techville 123 University Lane Techville, TX 75001 [email protected] (214) 555-0321

November 15, 2024

To Whom It May Concern,

I am writing to highly recommend Mark Thompson for the position of Software Engineer at your esteemed company. As a Professor of Computer Science at the University of Techville, I have had the pleasure of teaching and mentoring Mark for the past four years.

During his time at the university, Mark has consistently demonstrated exceptional skills in programming and problem-solving. He has been a key contributor to several successful projects, including an award-winning software development project in our annual tech fair.

Mark’s technical abilities are matched by his teamwork skills and commitment to excellence. He is a natural leader, often inspiring and guiding his peers towards achieving common goals. I am confident that he will be a valuable asset to your team.

Please feel free to contact me if you need further information or insights into Mark’s abilities and contributions. I am more than happy to provide additional details.

Dr. Elizabeth Johnson Professor of Computer Science University of Techville

Mastering the art of the business letter is an essential skill in the professional world. Following these guidelines and tips ensures that your letters effectively communicate your message while presenting a professional image. Remember, a well-written business letter can significantly impact your professional journey.

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Letter of Introduction Examples and Writing Tips

presentation of the letter

Types of Introduction Letters

Tips for writing a letter of introduction, letter of introduction examples, related types of letters.

Sam Edwards / Getty Images

Do you need to write a letter introducing yourself to a prospective employer, networking contact, or potential new client? A well-written letter of introduction can result in a valuable relationship, and help you find a new job or acquire a new client. As a result, you should learn why and how to send a letter, email, or LinkedIn message introducing yourself that makes the best possible impression on the reader.

Not every networking success story involves a direct connection. Sometimes, it’s less about who you know, and more about who your friends know. A letter of introduction is one way to forge a new connection.

There are two types of letters of introduction.

In the first type, you introduce a connection to someone else you know. That someone might be a potential candidate for employment, or someone looking for career assistance.

In the other type of letter of introduction, you write to someone you haven’t met. You introduce yourself to ask them for a  job referral  or  request assistance with a job search.

A letter of introduction can be a useful way to network and gain job search advice, or even possibly a job opportunity.

The most important tip to remember when writing a letter of introduction is to keep it short and to the point. The person you are contacting is a busy professional, and you want to get his or her attention right away.

Use a Professional Tone

When writing your letter, make sure the tone matches your relationship. If you are close friends, you can write in a slightly less formal style. However, if you are introducing yourself, make sure your letter is extremely professional.

Mention Who You're Introducing

First, include a quick introduction that explains who you are, or a short synopsis of the person you are introducing.

Explain Why You're Writing

Then, briefly describe what you would like to accomplish by sending your letter. Does the other person wish to apply for a job opening? Are you hoping to set up an  informational interview  for yourself? Be as clear as possible.

Share Your Contact Information

Conclude with a description of how the recipient of the letter can either get in touch with you or the third party. Make it as easy as possible for the recipient to respond.

Proofread and Edit

Whether or not you are already acquainted, be sure to thoroughly edit and proofread your letter before sending it.

In many cases, the letter can be sent via email because that's the quickest and easiest way to connect.

This is a letter of introduction example for introducing two people. This type of letter is typically sent to someone you know well. Download the letter of introduction template (compatible with Google Docs and Word), or see below for more examples.

The Balance

Letter of Introduction Example: Introducing Two People

Barbara Nygaard 123 Main Street Anytown, CA 12345 555-212-1234

April 11, 2024

Bob Smith Talent Evaluation Acme Recruiting 123 Business Rd. Business City, NY 54321

I'm writing to introduce you to Janice Dolan, who I have the pleasure of being acquainted with through the Brandon Theater Group. I am the Technical Director for the group, as you know, and I have worked with Janice on several local theater projects. She is a terrific stage manager with over ten years of experience.

Janice is interested in relocating to the San Francisco area soon and would appreciate any recommendations you could offer her for conducting a job search for a theater position and any help you can provide with the logistics of relocating to California.

I've attached her resume for your review, and you can contact her at or 555-555-5555. Thank you in advance for any assistance you can provide.

Signature (hard copy letter)

Barbara Nygaard

Letter Introducing Yourself

This letter is an example of a letter written to introduce yourself.

Letter of Introduction Example Introducing Yourself

Subject: Introduction From Katherine Sussman

Dear Mr. Randall,

My name is Katherine Sussman, and I am currently a recruitment associate for XYZ Recruiting. I have been working as a recruiter for the past three years.

I am interested in moving from recruitment work in a large corporation to internal recruitment for a nonprofit. I used to work in development for ABC Nonprofit and would love to bring my current skills to a similar nonprofit. I know you do this kind of work for Sunshine Nonprofit, and I would appreciate hearing a bit about your experience in this field. I would love to arrange a time to meet with you for an informational interview.

I have attached my resume for your review. If you have time for a brief conversation, please let me know. You can contact me via email ( or phone (555-555-5555). I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you so much.

Katherine Sussman

More Introduction Letter Examples

Here's more information on introducing yourself, including how to introduce yourself in a job interview, and tips on reaching out to others for career advice.

  • Tips for Writing a Letter Requesting Career Advice
  • How to Introduce Yourself in a Job Interview
  • How to Introduce Yourself at a Job Fair

People often confuse a letter of introduction with other types of job search letters:

A cover letter is a document sent with your resume and other job application materials. Your cover letter serves as an introduction to your resume. Sometimes, you’ll mention a referral from a mutual acquaintance who told you about the job or passed on the hiring manager’s name. The letter explains why you are qualified for the specific job for which you are applying.

A referral letter is a letter you write to someone you don’t know following a lead by a mutual acquaintance. In the letter, you would begin by mentioning your common contact, and then make your request—perhaps you are applying to a job they have available, or you are looking to conduct an informational interview or learn about career opportunities.

A letter of recommendation is a letter written by someone who is familiar with your academic work or your job skills and can endorse your candidacy for a position. The letter would be addressed to the admission officer, department head, or hiring manager, and would include specific skills and experiences that highlight your suitability for the position you’re applying to.

Key Takeaways

  • A letter of introduction can forge a new connection. Use these letters to introduce yourself to a potential new client or employer, or to do the same for one of your contacts.
  • Keep your letter concise and to the point. The reader is a busy professional. State your purpose early on.
  • If time is of the essence, emailing your note can help make an introduction quickly.
  • Edit and proofread before sending. Even if you know the recipient well, make sure your letter is perfect before you mail or send it.
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  • Letter Writing

How to Format a Formal Letter (with Examples)

Last Updated: January 26, 2024 Fact Checked

Sample Letters

Block style letter, ams style letter, sending a letter, expert interview, expert q&a.

This article was co-authored by Shannon O'Brien, MA, EdM and by wikiHow staff writer, Aly Rusciano . Shannon O'Brien is the Founder and Principal Advisor of Whole U. (a career and life strategy consultancy based in Boston, MA). Through advising, workshops and e-learning Whole U. empowers people to pursue their life's work and live a balanced, purposeful life. Shannon has been ranked as the #1 Career Coach and #1 Life Coach in Boston, MA by Yelp reviewers. She has been featured on, Boldfacers, and the UR Business Network. She received a Master's of Technology, Innovation, & Education from Harvard University. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 8,447,435 times.

Formal letters can come in handy when you need to communicate professionally. Maybe you’re emailing your boss about an upcoming vacation, confirming an appointment, asking for references, or resigning. No matter the case, a well-formatted formal letter can help you correspond with your boss or coworkers in an authoritative and organized manner. In the business world, there are 2 main types of formal letters: block style and Administrative Management Style (AMS). Block style is most widely known, while AMS is for quick internal memos; however, both styles are good to have in your tool belt.

Things You Should Know

  • Block style letters include your address, the date, the recipient’s address, and an opening and closing salutations.
  • AMS style letters also have your address, the date, and the recipient’s address, but they include an all-caps subject line instead of a salutation.

Shannon O'Brien, MA, EdM

  • If you live in the United States, write your date as June 15, 2017.
  • If you live in a European country, write your date as 15 June 2017.

Step 3 Put the recipient’s name beneath the date.

  • If you don’t know the recipient’s title, do some background research or call the company.

Step 4 Greet the recipient with a polite salutation.

  • Only use the greeting “To whom it may concern” as a last resort if you don’t know the recipient’s name or title.
  • If you typically address the recipient by their first name, it’s okay to address them as such in your letter.

Step 5 Compose the body of the letter.

  • “I am writing to confirm our arrangements for Sunday, March 26th in the Plaza Hotel at 6 PM. As we discussed, I will have the necessary paperwork on hand, along with additional information you may need. I believe this partnership will benefit both of our companies…”
  • “Since we last spoke, the Baking It website has gained over 50% more traffic and earned 11% more income through ads and affiliate links. Combining our expertise will certainly help us grow even more…”
  • “I have enclosed the initial deposit and will forward the remaining amount by Monday, March 27th, our agreed-upon date. I cannot thank you enough for supporting my business endeavors, and I look forward to working with you. Please reach out at (555)888-9000 if you have any questions…”

Step 6 Sign your letter with a formal goodbye.

  • If you’re printing your letter, leave enough space between your goodbye and printed name to physically sign your name.
  • If you’re emailing your letter, digitally sign the document .

Step 7 Add an enclosure to the bottom of the document if you’ve attached materials.

  • If you’re using a letterhead , you don’t need to put the sender’s address. Instead, begin the letter with the date in the top left corner.

Step 2 Place the date directly below your address.

  • For instance, your subject line could be something like, “YOU’RE INVITED TO METROPOLITAN MEDICAL CONFERENCE” or “YOUR PRESENCE IS REQUESTED IN TOWN SQUARE.”
  • If you’re sending your letter via email, make sure to also include a non-caps subject line in the email’s title field, even if it conveys the same message.

Step 5 Put together the body of your letter.

  • “On behalf of the University of Tennessee’s Arts Department, we would like to invite you and your family to a benefit banquet on Saturday, March 25th at the Tennessee Performing Arts Center. Your contribution to the theatre has not gone unnoticed, and we’d like to honor you as a leading Fine Arts professor…”
  • “As my resume indicates, I have hands-on experience working in the culinary field. I am have managed ten kitchens while implementing dining room customs and design changes…”

Step 6 Sign your name at the bottom of your letter.

  • Leave enough space for a physical or digital signature.

Step 7 Add any enclosures.

  • If you’re using a standard rectangular envelope, fold your letter in horizontal thirds.
  • If you’re using a square envelope, fold your letter in half horizontally and then in half vertically, so it forms a rectangle.
  • Try only folding your letter once, as a letter with too many creases could make your envelope bulky and more difficult to mail.

Step 3 Place the letter inside the envelope.

  • If you don’t like licking envelopes, no worries! Use some tape to seal it shut.

Step 4 Write your name and address in the top left-hand corner.

  • Typically, it costs $0.63 to mail a standard letter first class.
  • One stamp generally equals $0.63, but if your envelope is heavier than 1 oz of paper, it may need 1 or 2 stamps to cover the cost.
  • If you’re unsure how many stamps to use , head to your local post office to weigh your envelope.

Shannon O'Brien, MA, EdM

Reader Videos

  • Use 1 inch (2.5 cm) margins for all formal letters. [23] X Research source Thanks Helpful 1 Not Helpful 0
  • In cases where you represent a business, consider putting the business’s logo and address in the middle of the page as a background. Thanks Helpful 1 Not Helpful 0
  • Always proofread your letter before sending it. This way, you can catch grammatical errors before your boss or potential employer. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 1

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Thanks for reading our article! If you’d like to learn more about writing letters, check out our in-depth interview with Shannon O'Brien, MA, EdM .

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Shannon O'Brien, MA, EdM

To write a formal letter, start in the top left corner. Write the sender's name or business, then write their address on the next line and their phone number one line below that. Skip one line, then write the date out, like "November 16th, 2015." Skip another line, then write the recipients name, job title, and address on their own respective lines. Skip another line, then write the body paragraph of your letter, which should be no more than 3 paragraphs. When you're ready to sign off, include your name, job title, and contact information, as well as space for you to sign. If you're enclosing other materials with the letter, put "Enclosure" at the bottom of the page, followed by the name of the documents enclosed. For more information about writing formal and direct memos, continue reading! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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Top 10 Business Letter Templates with Samples and Examples

Top 10 Business Letter Templates with Samples and Examples

Hanisha Kapoor


When a heartbroken Claire Smith wrote letters to Shakespeare’s tragic heroine Juliet about his long-lost lover in the movie ‘Letters to Juliet’, the moving letters helped him reunite with his love. For centuries, letters have been used to express love and concern for those we hold dear. Business letters are the perfect medium to create the desired impact on the reader, and stir positive, mountain-moving emotions. This personal touch that makes the reader feel special and touches a chord with his/her unique sensibilities is one of the reasons companies still use business letters as their prime form of communication.

If you wish to find that perfect cover letter to introduce your proposal, here’s our comprehensive collection of cover letter PowerPoint Templates .

A world-renowned example of a business letter as a powerful tool for communication is the annual letter that investment guru and business magnate, Warren Buffet, writes to shareholders in his company, Berkshire Hathaway. The 91-year-old business legend has been sending/publishing the letter for six decades now; the last was sent in February this year. Buffet’s piece of communication (publicly available now) is a fabulous example of a business letter resonating with genuine concern for his shareholders, and radiating awe-inspiring honesty. Buffet is among the world’s richest and can afford any technology in the world, yet he has found it fit to convey his thoughts through the evergreen medium of a business letter.

On more mundane terms, business letters are usually written to suppliers, debtors, creditors, customers, clients, or any other party concerned to convey information, conclude transactions, enquire about prices or features, place an order, etc. Business letters are so popular as these have specific formats designed to convey your message with clarity; in fact, clear communication is the key goal of a business letter in the first place. Misunderstanding cannot creep in at any cost.

Business Letters to Communicate the Message on the Record

It is vital that business owners write effective, impactful letters to create the right persona for their company, reflecting their values and professionalism. Information contained in business letters is recorded and preserved for the ages. Mistakes in the letter can damage your reputation and stay on record, in perpetuity.

Writing a persuasive business letter is not exactly rocket science, but it can be tricky. Looking for a cost-effective way to communicate with your clients? Grab this exclusive blog replete with business newsletters PPT Templates to showcase your newly added products, deals, services, etc.

SlideTeam offers a repository of ready-made business letter templates to ease your workload. Deploy these customizable and content-ready PowerPoint Slides to post (email in the modern world) well-formatted business letters that convey the desired message with flair and conviction; at the cost of repetition, please remember there is no scope for misunderstanding, or someone loses his/her job.

Use these actionable business letters to create the right impression on readers and compel them to write back.

Browse our collection of well-crafted business letters PPT Slides and download these to meet your requirement.

Let’s dig in!

Template 1: Writing a Business Letter Steps PPT Template

This predesigned PowerPoint Template will help you craft a professional business letter. This slide showcases the format that needs to be followed for writing a neat and crisp company letter. Follow the instructions on the slide and give your business letter a proper outline. Deploy this easy-to-use PowerPoint Diagram to pen down a compelling business letter. Download now!

Business Letter Structuring PPT Template

Grab this template

Template 2: Cover Letter for Business Proposal PowerPoint Slide

Use this ready-made PowerPoint Template and kick-start your presentation with an amazing cover letter. Walk your client through your business proposal and engage them in your presentation using this cover letter PPT Slide. Help them understand your company and processes. Grab this PPT graphic and persuade your clients to get onboard with you. Download now!

Business Proposal Cover Letter PPT Template

Download this template

Template 3: Cover Letter for Business Presentation PPT Diagram

Want to leave the first right impression on your audience? Incorporate this PowerPoint Template and give your presentation a fantastic start. Use this ready-made PPT slide to exhibit the purpose of your organization, its functions, processes, past work, and more. Give a brief overview of your experience in the field using this content-ready presentation template. Get yourself a deal and create a phenomenal impact on your business with the use of cover letter in this striking PPT layout.

Cover Business Letter PPT Diagram

Download this slide

Template 4: Cover Letter for Business Plan Services PowerPoint Layout

Here is another predesigned PowerPoint Template to attract your audience to your services. Deploy this PPT slide and write a convincing cover letter to start your presentation. This content-ready PowerPoint diagram is well-formatted and written as pro. You can personalize it by adding your company’s name and services. Incorporate this ready-to-use presentation template and craft a compelling business proposal to get hold of your clients. Download now!

Business Cover Letter PowerPoint Slide

Template 5: Cover Letter for Business Transformation Proposal PowerPoint Slide

Are you facing a hard time crafting a professional business letter? Grab this ready-to-use PowerPoint Template and outline a professional and engaging cover letter for your clients and stakeholders. Use this actionable PowerPoint Diagram to follow the proper format and add correct salutations in the business letter. Deploy this predesigned PPT slide and personalize it by adding your content to it to meet your business requirement. Grab this presentation template now!

Business Letter PPT Graphic

Template 6: Cover Letter for Business Services Proposal PPT Diagram

This is a well-structured PowerPoint Slide to help you craft a business letter. This PPT Layout is special for its visual-appeal and easy recall. Use this PowerPoint layout to present your services, processes, team, etc., to the client. Incorporate this actionable PowerPoint Diagram and showcase how you are unique with this engaging cover letter. Download now!

Cover Letter PPT Diagram

Template 7: Business Letter PowerPoint Template

Incorporate this beautifully designed business letter PPT template in portrait orientation. Use this PowerPoint Diagram to structure your cover letter to introduce yourself and your company. This PPT slide comes with ready-made content to ease your workload. Personalize the template by adding your name, contact details, and company logo and communicate in a stress-free manner with your clients. Download now!

One-page Business Letter PPT Template

Template 8: One-page Business Letter PPT Slide

Wish to craft a compelling business letter for your client? Look no further! Deploy this actionable PowerPoint Slide and write a business letter that makes an impact on your audience. This well-structured PPT Template will walk your stakeholders and clients through your job profile, company history, services, products, etc. Outline your cover letter and customize it with your brand logo and name using this PowerPoint Design. Download now!

Corporate Business Letter PowerPoint Template

Grab this slide

Template 9: Company Letter PowerPoint Diagram

Here is another well-designed PowerPoint template to help you draft a fantastic introductory business letter to onboard new clients. Use this actionable PPT slide as a base to format and structure your business letter. Deploy this PowerPoint diagram and showcase your work experience, skills, business processes, and more to present your proposal. Outline a comprehensive company letter with this ready-made PPT graphic. Download now!

Sales Business Letterhead PPT Design

Template 10: Business Advisory Cover Letter PowerPoint Template

The business advisory cover letter PPT Slide is a top-notch choice to help you craft a business letter that takes care of pain-points of the business owner (your client) in terms of conveying the value he/she offers to clients. Incorporate this content-ready PPT Slide and use it to outline your cover letter that meets all requirements. Customize and personalize the template by showcasing your company name and logo. Craft an engaging business letter and impress your stakeholders by highlighting your services and business in a professional and concise manner. Download now!

Business Letter PPT Template

Establishing a business relationship with clients, stakeholders, and customers requires a robust operational plan, workforce, services, and a well-crafted business letter to seal the deal. Ensure your products, proposal, and processes are communicated to your clients with well-written, tastefully-designed business letters. Incorporate SlideTeam’s ready-made business letter PPT Templates to exchange confidential or any other information with ease. You can download these customizable presentation templates from our monthly, semi-annual, annual, annual + custom design subscriptions here .

PS : Looking for company letterhead ideas? Read this exclusive guide featuring beautifully designed PPT templates for professional communication.

FAQs on Business Letters

What are the three major hallmarks of an excellent business letter.

1 . APPROPRIATE LENGTH A business letter needs to be long enough to cover all that the the sender needs to say, and match what the receiver needs to know. Before putting pen to paper, or the finger on the keyboard, DECIDE the information you need to put in the business letter. Too much will make it long, in which case it will not be read fully; too little information will render it useless and not convey, fully, what you wanted to say.

2. SIMPLE LANGUAGE AND STYLE Business letters can sometimes lull the writer into assuming a pompous tone, peppered with old-style English as the writer is a little shy of stating the mistake of a customer, a vendor or a supplier. This, in fact, makes things difficult for the all stakeholders as no one is sure of the what the communication means. AVOID VAGUE LANGUAGE AT ALL COST. For instance, ‘Winning A Deal’ can mean many things. Translate into concrete, simple language by saying: We will now be supplying to XXX corporation, which will give us higher margins.

3. PLANNING Plan before you write, with the critical question of what the purpose of the letter is at the back of you mind. Note everything you want to say in the business letter and ensure you have all relevant points. Finally, just these sets of information in the right order. The result: A memorable business letter, and more business orders! Believe us, this happens.

What are types of business letters?

Composing business letters is vital for organizations. Whether you want to introduce yourself to a client or encourage someone to read a report, a well-structured and formatted business letter can help engage your audience. You must construct and write a professional business letter to make the right impression on your clients. Business letters are categorized into types, some of which are listed below:

Cover letters

Thank You letters

Adjustment letters

Acknowledgement letters

Bad News letters

Congratulatory letters

What is the purpose of a business letter?

Every company needs to create and maintain relationships with its clients, stakeholders, and customers. Exchanging information, placing orders, executing processes, etc., requires written communication. Business letters help execute transactions in the written form. According to accomplished experts and business writers Ricks and Gow, the top use of business letters is to ‘inform, instruct, request, enquire, order, advice, correct, and to question’.

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How To Write A Presentation 101 | Step-by-Step Guides with Best Examples | 2024 Reveals

Jane Ng • 05 April, 2024 • 11 min read

Is it difficult to start of presentation? You’re standing before a room full of eager listeners, ready to share your knowledge and captivate their attention. But where do you begin? How do you structure your ideas and convey them effectively?

Take a deep breath, and fear not! In this article, we’ll provide a road map on how to write a presentation covering everything from crafting a script to creating an engaging introduction.

So, let’s dive in!

Table of Contents

What is a presentation , what should be in a powerful presentation.

  • How To Write A Presentation Script
  • How to Write A Presentation Introduction 

Key Takeaways

Tips for better presentation.

  • How to start a presentation
  • How to introduce yourself

Alternative Text

Start in seconds.

Get free templates for your next interactive presentation. Sign up for free and take what you want from the template library!

Presentations are all about connecting with your audience. 

Presenting is a fantastic way to share information, ideas, or arguments with your audience. Think of it as a structured approach to effectively convey your message. And you’ve got options such as slideshows, speeches, demos, videos, and even multimedia presentations!

The purpose of a presentation can vary depending on the situation and what the presenter wants to achieve. 

  • In the business world, presentations are commonly used to pitch proposals, share reports, or make sales pitches. 
  • In educational settings, presentations are a go-to for teaching or delivering engaging lectures. 
  • For conferences, seminars, and public events—presentations are perfect for dishing out information, inspiring folks, or even persuading the audience.

That sounds brilliant. But, how to write a presentation?

How To Write A Presentation

  • Clear and Engaging Introduction: Start your presentation with a bang! Hook your audience’s attention right from the beginning by using a captivating story, a surprising fact, a thought-provoking question, or a powerful quote. Clearly state the purpose of your presentation and establish a connection with your listeners.
  • Well-Structured Content: Organize your content logically and coherently. Divide your presentation into sections or main points and provide smooth transitions between them. Each section should flow seamlessly into the next, creating a cohesive narrative. Use clear headings and subheadings to guide your audience through the presentation.
  • Compelling Visuals: Incorporate visual aids, such as images, graphs, or videos, to enhance your presentation. Make sure your visuals are visually appealing, relevant, and easy to understand. Use a clean and uncluttered design with legible fonts and appropriate color schemes. 
  • Engaging Delivery: Pay attention to your delivery style and body language. You should maintain eye contact with your audience, use gestures to emphasize key points, and vary your tone of voice to keep the presentation dynamic. 
  • Clear and Memorable Conclusion: Leave your audience with a lasting impression by providing a strong closing statement, a call to action, or a thought-provoking question. Make sure your conclusion ties back to your introduction and reinforces the core message of your presentation.

presentation of the letter

How To Write A Presentation Script (With Examples)

To successfully convey your message to your audience, you must carefully craft and organize your presentation script. Here are steps on how to write a presentation script: 

1/ Understand Your Purpose and Audience

  • Clarify the purpose of your presentation. Are you informing, persuading, or entertaining?
  • Identify your target audience and their knowledge level, interests, and expectations.
  • Define what presentation format you want to use

2/ Outline the Structure of Your Presentation

Strong opening.

Start with an engaging opening that grabs the audience’s attention and introduces your topic. Some types of openings you can use are: 

  • Start with a Thought-Provoking Question: “Have you ever…?”
  • Begin with a Surprising Fact or Statistic: “Did you know that….?”
  • Use a Powerful Quote: “As Maya Angelou once said,….”
  • Tell a Compelling Story : “Picture this: You’re standing at….”
  • Start with a Bold Statement: “In the fast-paced digital age….”

Main Points

Clearly state your main points or key ideas that you will discuss throughout the presentation.

  • Clearly State the Purpose and Main Points: Example: “In this presentation, we will delve into three key areas. First,… Next,… Finally,…. we’ll discuss….”
  • Provide Background and Context: Example: “Before we dive into the details, let’s understand the basics of…..”
  • Present Supporting Information and Examples: Example: “To illustrate…., let’s look at an example. In,…..”
  • Address Counterarguments or Potential Concerns: Example: “While…, we must also consider… .”
  • Recap Key Points and Transition to the Next Section: Example: “To summarize, we’ve… Now, let’s shift our focus to…”

Remember to organize your content logically and coherently, ensuring smooth transitions between sections.

You can conclude with a strong closing statement summarizing your main points and leaving a lasting impression. Example: “As we conclude our presentation, it’s clear that… By…., we can….”

3/ Craft Clear and Concise Sentences

Once you’ve outlined your presentation, you need to edit your sentences. Use clear and straightforward language to ensure your message is easily understood.

Alternatively, you can break down complex ideas into simpler concepts and provide clear explanations or examples to aid comprehension.

4/ Use Visual Aids and Supporting Materials

Use supporting materials such as statistics, research findings, or real-life examples to back up your points and make them more compelling. 

  • Example: “As you can see from this graph,… This demonstrates….”

5/ Include Engagement Techniques

Incorporate interactive elements to engage your audience, such as Q&A sessions , conducting live polls, or encouraging participation. You can also spin more funs into group, by randomly dividing people into different groups to get more diverse feedbacks!

6/ Rehearse and Revise

  • Practice delivering your presentation script to familiarize yourself with the content and improve your delivery.
  • Revise and edit your script as needed, removing any unnecessary information or repetitions.

7/ Seek Feedback

You can share your script or deliver a practice presentation to a trusted friend, colleague, or mentor to gather feedback on your script and make adjustments accordingly.

More on Script Presentation

presentation of the letter

How to Write A Presentation Introduction with Examples

How to write presentations that are engaging and visually appealing? Looking for introduction ideas for the presentation? As mentioned earlier, once you have completed your script, it’s crucial to focus on editing and refining the most critical element—the opening of your presentation – the section that determines whether you can captivate and retain your audience’s attention right from the start. 

Here is a guide on how to craft an opening that grabs your audience’s attention from the very first minute: 

1/ Start with a Hook

To begin, you can choose from five different openings mentioned in the script based on your desired purpose and content. Alternatively, you can opt for the approach that resonates with you the most, and instills your confidence. Remember, the key is to choose a starting point that aligns with your objectives and allows you to deliver your message effectively.

2/ Establish Relevance and Context

Then you should establish the topic of your presentation and explain why it is important or relevant to your audience. Connect the topic to their interests, challenges, or aspirations to create a sense of relevance.

3/ State the Purpose

Clearly articulate the purpose or goal of your presentation. Let the audience know what they can expect to gain or achieve by listening to your presentation.

4/ Preview Your Main Points

Give a brief overview of the main points or sections you will cover in your presentation. It helps the audience understand the structure and flow of your presentation and creates anticipation.

5/ Establish Credibility

Share your expertise or credentials related to the topic to build trust with the audience, such as a brief personal story, relevant experience, or mentioning your professional background.

6/ Engage Emotionally

Connect emotional levels with your audience by appealing to their aspirations, fears, desires, or values. They help create a deeper connection and engagement from the very beginning.

Make sure your introduction is concise and to the point. Avoid unnecessary details or lengthy explanations. Aim for clarity and brevity to maintain the audience’s attention.

For example, Topic: Work-life balance

“Good morning, everyone! Can you imagine waking up each day feeling energized and ready to conquer both your personal and professional pursuits? Well, that’s exactly what we’ll explore today – the wonderful world of work-life balance. In a fast-paced society where work seems to consume every waking hour, it’s vital to find that spot where our careers and personal lives harmoniously coexist. Throughout this presentation, we’ll dive into practical strategies that help us achieve that coveted balance, boost productivity, and nurture our overall well-being. 

But before we dive in, let me share a bit about my journey. As a working professional and a passionate advocate for work-life balance, I have spent years researching and implementing strategies that have transformed my own life. I am excited to share my knowledge and experiences with all of you today, with the hope of inspiring positive change and creating a more fulfilling work-life balance for everyone in this room. So, let’s get started!”

🎉 Check out: How to Start a Presentation?

presentation of the letter

Whether you’re a seasoned speaker or new to the stage, understanding how to write a presentation that conveys your message effectively is a valuable skill. By following the steps in this guide, you can become a captivating presenter and make your mark in every presentation you deliver.

Additionally, AhaSlides can significantly enhance your presentation’s impact. With AhaSlides, you can use live polls , quizzes , and word cloud to turn your presentation into an engaging and interactive experience. Let’s take a moment to explore our vast template library !

Frequently Asked Questions

How to write a presentation step by step .

You can refer to our step-by-step guide on How To Write A Presentation Script: Understand Your Purpose and Audience Outline the Structure of Your Presentation Craft Clear and Concise Sentences Use Visual Aids and Supporting Material Include Engagement Techniques Rehearse and Revise Seek Feedback

How do you start a presentation? 

You can start with an engaging opening that grabs the audience’s attention and introduces your topic. Consider using one of the following approaches: Start with a Thought-Provoking Question: “Have you ever…?” Begin with a Surprising Fact or Statistic: “Did you know that….?” Use a Powerful Quote: “As Maya Angelou once said,….” Tell a Compelling Story : “Picture this: You’re standing at….” Start with a Bold Statement: “In the fast-paced digital age….”

What are the five parts of a presentation?

When it comes to presentation writing, a typical presentation consists of the following five parts: Introduction: Capturing the audience’s attention, introducing yourself, stating the purpose, and providing an overview. Main Body: Presenting main points, evidence, examples, and arguments. Visual Aids: Using visuals to enhance understanding and engage the audience. Conclusion: Summarizing main points, restating key message, and leaving a memorable takeaway or call to action. Q&A or Discussion: Optional part for addressing questions and encouraging audience participation.

Jane Ng

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A Perfect Letter of Introduction [Examples]

By Editorial Team on June 14, 2023 — 15 minutes to read

  • How To Write a Letter of Introduction Part 1
  • Types of Introduction Letters Part 2
  • Letter of Introduction Template Part 3
  • Templates: Letter of Introduction for Job Seekers Part 4
  • Templates: Letter of Introduction for Networking Part 5
  • Templates: New Team Member Letter of Introduction Part 6
  • Employee to Customer Introduction Letter Template Part 7
  • Business Introduction Template Part 8
  • Tips for Writing a Perfect Letter of Introduction Part 9

A good letter of introduction can be a valuable tool in making new connections, whether for personal, professional, or business purposes. In this article, we’ll explore how to write a perfect letter of introduction.

To begin, it’s important to understand the difference between a letter of introduction and other forms of introductory communication. An introduction letter isn’t a cover letter – rather, it serves to establish relationships and spark interest.

Difference Between Introduction Letter and Cover Letter

An introduction letter is not a cover letter. While both documents are used to make introductions, they serve different purposes. An introduction letter is typically written to introduce yourself, your business, or a third party, whereas a cover letter is used when applying for a job or sending a proposal. In an introduction letter, you should briefly highlight your background, accomplishments, and goals, while in a cover letter, you should focus on how your skills and experiences relate to a specific job opportunity.

Introduction Letter vs. Letter of Recommendation

An introduction letter is also not a letter of recommendation. A letter of recommendation is written by someone who knows you well, like a former employer, teacher, or mentor, to vouch for your abilities and accomplishments. It often includes specific examples of your work and contributions, as well as why the person is recommending you for a certain position or opportunity.

Related: A Perfect Letter of Recommendation [8 Templates]

An introduction letter is written by you or on behalf of an individual or company to make an initial connection with others. While you might mention your skills and experience in an introduction letter, it doesn’t have the same weight or credibility as a letter of recommendation, since it lacks the endorsements from others.

Related: How to Ask for a Letter of Recommendation [Examples]

The Full Guide to Reference Letters [Best Templates]

  • An introduction letter is used to introduce yourself, your company, or a third party to others.
  • A cover letter is used when applying for a job or submitting a proposal, focusing on how your skills and experiences relate to the specific opportunity.
  • A letter of recommendation is a formal endorsement of your abilities and accomplishments, written by someone who knows you well.

Remember to use the appropriate type of letter for each situation and adhere to the specific guidelines and tone for each document: this will ensure your communication is effective and appropriate, increasing your chances of making a positive impression.

Part 1 How To Write a Letter of Introduction

Format and structure.

To write an effective letter of introduction, start with proper formatting. Use a standard font, such as Arial or Times New Roman, and set the font size to 12. Stick to a formal tone, and use single spacing with a space between paragraphs.

Greeting and Opening Remarks

Begin your letter with a professional greeting. If you know the recipient’s name, use “Dear [Name].” If not, use “Dear [Title]” or “To Whom It May Concern.” Your opening remarks should briefly explain the purpose of the letter and introduce yourself or the person you are introducing.

Related: How to Start a Letter (and Mistakes to Avoid)

In the main body of the letter, provide details about yourself or the person you are introducing. Focus on the key qualifications, skills, and experiences that are relevant to the recipient. This is also an ideal place to mention any mutual connections or shared interests.

  • Keep the paragraphs short and concise.
  • Highlight your achievements or expertise.
  • Use bullet points or tables to enumerate qualifications or experiences, if necessary.

Closing and Sign Off

To close the letter, express your gratitude to the recipient for their time and attention. Offer your assistance if they have further questions or would like additional information. Use a standard sign-off, such as “Sincerely,” “Best Regards,” or “Yours Faithfully,” followed by your full name and contact information (e.g., email, phone number).

Related: How to End an Email Professionally (Examples)

Remember to proofread your letter of introduction and ensure that spelling, grammar, and punctuation are accurate before sending it off.

Part 2 Types of Introduction Letters

Job-related introductions.

In job-related introduction letters, you are typically introducing yourself as a potential employee or applicant. This is useful when seeking new job opportunities, submitting your resume, or reaching out to potential employers. Your letter should showcase your skills, experience, and enthusiasm for the position while also expressing your interest in the company and its mission.

Networking Introductions

When networking, it’s important to make a great first impression by introducing yourself effectively. In a networking introduction letter, the goal is to establish a connection with an individual or a group within your industry. Mention your title, role, and any common acquaintances you may have. Also, highlight some of your accomplishments or notable experiences relevant to the people you’re introducing yourself to.

Agency or Freelancer Introductions

If you are an agency or a freelancer looking for clients, an introduction letter is a great way to showcase your services and expertise. The focus should be on how you can support the client’s needs and help them achieve their goals. Provide a brief overview of your industry experience, the services you offer, and some examples of successful projects or satisfied clients.

Team Introduction

In a team introduction letter, your objective is to introduce your team members to a new client, project team, or department. Detail the relevant qualifications, skills, and areas of expertise for each team member. This will help establish trust and confidence in your team’s abilities. Be sure to include contact information to facilitate further communication.

Letter of Introduction Examples

Part 3 letter of introduction template.

Dear [Recipient],

I hope this letter finds you well. My name is [Your Name], and I am writing to introduce myself to you. [Insert a brief sentence or two about yourself, such as your current position or relevant experience]. I am reaching out to you because [insert reason for writing the letter, such as expressing interest in a job opportunity or seeking to establish a professional relationship].

I am excited to learn more about your organization and explore opportunities for collaboration. Please feel free to reach out to me at [insert contact information] if you have any questions or would like to discuss further.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Best regards, [Your Name]

Templates for various types of introduction letters:

Part 4 Templates: Letter of Introduction for Job Seekers

When you are seeking a new job, it’s essential to introduce yourself professionally. Here’s an example of a letter of introduction for job seekers:

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I hope this message finds you well. My name is [Your Name] and I am writing to express my interest in the [Job Title] position at [Company Name]. I came across your job posting on [Job Board/Website] and believe my skills and experience make me an ideal candidate.

Throughout my career, I have worked on various projects focusing on [specific skills or subject matter]. At my previous job at [Previous Company Name], I [describe a significant achievement or responsibility]. Additionally, I am skilled in [list relevant skills] and have experience using [software or tools related to the job].

I have attached my resume for your review, which includes more information on my background and qualifications. I would appreciate the opportunity to discuss my suitability for the position during an interview. Please feel free to contact me at [Your Email] or [Your Phone Number] to schedule a meeting or for any further information.

Thank you for taking the time to consider my application. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Sincerely, [Your Name] [Your Email Address] [Your Phone Number]

Related: Best Job Interview Request Email Responses (Examples)

Subject: [Your Name] – [Target Job Title]

I came across the [Job Title] opening at [Company Name] and after reviewing your company’s impressive accomplishments in [Industry], I believe that my [Number of Years] years of experience in a similar role make me an ideal fit.

Enclosed is my resume, which highlights my expertise in [Specific Skills or Accomplishments]. I am confident that my experience in [Area of Expertise] would make a valuable contribution to your team.

[Optional: Mention any mutual connections, if applicable.]

I would welcome the opportunity to discuss my qualifications further and explore how I could contribute to [Company Name]’s success. Thank you for considering my application.

Part 5 Templates: Letter of Introduction for Networking

A networking introduction letter aims to establish connections with potential clients, partners, or colleagues.

Subject: Introduction – [Your Name] and [Recipient’s Name]

Hi [Recipient’s Name],

I hope this message finds you well. I came across your profile while searching for professionals in the [Industry] field, and I am impressed by your experience and accomplishments.

As a fellow professional in the [Industry], I believe that connecting with like-minded individuals like yourself can greatly benefit both our careers. I am particularly interested in [Specific Area of Interest] and would appreciate any insights or advice you may have.

If you’re open to it, I’d love to set up a time to chat over a coffee or a quick phone call. Looking forward to your response.

Best regards, [Your Name] [Your Email Address] [Your Phone Number]

I hope this email finds you well. My name is [Your Name], and I am a [Your Profession or Title] at [Your Company or Organization]. I recently attended the [Event or Conference Name] and saw your insightful presentation on [Topic]. Your ideas resonated with me, and I believe your expertise could benefit the projects I am currently working on.

My current projects involve [briefly describe your projects, e.g., developing new software or implementing a marketing strategy]. I am eager to learn more about your work in [Recipient’s Field of Expertise] and would love to schedule a phone call or coffee meeting to discuss our shared interests and potential collaboration.

Please let me know when you are available, and I will be happy to make arrangements. You can contact me at [Your Email] or [Your Phone Number].

Looking forward to connecting with you.

Part 6 Templates: New Team Member Letter of Introduction

Template 1: introducing yourself.

When joining a new team, a letter of introduction helps introduce you to your colleagues and establish rapport.

Subject: Hello from [Your Name], your new [Job Title / Team Role]

Dear [Team Name or Colleagues],

I hope this email finds you all in good spirits. My name is [Your Name], and I am excited to join the [Company Name] team as your new [Job Title / Team Role]. It’s a pleasure to meet all of you!

A little bit about myself: I have been working in the [Your Industry] for [Number of Years] years, mainly focusing on [Area of Expertise]. My skills include [list relevant skills], and I am proficient in [software or tools you will be using].

In my spare time, I enjoy [mention personal hobbies or interests to connect on a personal level].

I am eager to contribute to the team’s success and look forward to learning from each of you. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or concerns, or if you would like to grab lunch or coffee together.

Thank you for the warm welcome, and have a great day!

Best, [Your Name]

Template 2: New Team Member

Welcome a new team member with this template, outlining their role and initial responsibilities.

Subject: Welcome [New Team Member’s Name]!

Dear [Existing Team Members],

Please join me in extending a warm welcome to our newest team member, [New Team Member’s Name]. [He/She/They] will be joining us as a [New Team Member’s Job Title] effective [Start Date].

[New Team Member’s Name] brings with them a wealth of experience in [Area of Expertise], having worked at [Previous Company] for [Number of Years Experience]. In their new role, they will be responsible for [Responsibilities].

We are excited to have [New Team Member’s Name] on board and look forward to their contributions as we continue to grow and succeed.

Please take the time to introduce yourself to [New Team Member’s Name] and offer any assistance they may need as they familiarize themselves with our processes and systems.

Best regards, [Your Name] [Your Title]

Part 7 Employee to Customer Introduction Letter Template

Introducing an employee to clients or customers:

Dear [Customer],

I am writing to introduce you to our newest team member, [Employee Name]. [He/She] is joining us as [Position/Title] and brings with [him/her] [Number] years of experience in [Industry/Specialization].

[Employee Name] is an expert in [Skill/Expertise] and has a proven track record of delivering exceptional [Service/Product]. [He/She] is committed to providing our customers with the highest level of service and ensuring that their needs are met with the utmost care and attention.

We are thrilled to have [Employee Name] on board and believe that [he/she] will be a valuable asset to our team and to our customers. [He/She] is excited to meet and work with all of you, and we are confident that you will find [him/her] to be a knowledgeable and helpful resource.

Please join me in welcoming [Employee Name] to our team and we look forward to continuing to serve you with excellence.

Sincerely, [Your Name] [Your Title] [Company Name]

Part 8 Business Introduction Template

Introduce your business to potential clients, partners, or investors with this template.

Subject: Introducing [Your Company Name]

I would like to take this opportunity to introduce you to [Your Company Name], a [Description of Your Business] that specializes in [Product/Service Offering]. We have successfully served clients in [Industry] for [Number of Years/Timeframe].

Our key services/products include: – [Service/Product 1] – [Service/Product 2] – [Service/Product 3]

We understand the challenges faced by businesses like yours in the [Industry] sector and have a track record of delivering solutions tailored to your needs. Our expertise in [Specific Area] allows us to offer you the best possible service.

We would be thrilled to explore how our offerings can provide value to your organization. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or would like to schedule a meeting.

Best regards, [Your Name] [Your Title] [Your Company] [Your Email Address] [Your Phone Number]

Part 9 Tips for Writing a Perfect Letter of Introduction

When writing a letter of introduction, it is important to keep it brief. Clearly state the purpose and get straight to the point. Remember, your recipient may have a busy schedule, so limit your introduction to a few paragraphs. Being concise ensures that your message is understood and remains memorable.

Use a Professional Tone

Maintain a professional tone throughout your letter of introduction. Be confident, knowledgeable, and clear. Avoid using casual language or informal expressions. This demonstrates your respect for the recipient and reflects well on your professionalism.

Include Contact Information

Ensure that you include your contact information, such as email address and phone number, so the recipient can easily reach you. This can be placed at the beginning or end of the letter. Including your contact information allows the recipient to respond and take the desired action.

Before sending your letter of introduction, proofread it carefully for errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation. A well-written, error-free letter shows attention to detail and care in your communication. Ask a colleague or friend to review your letter for additional insights and suggestions.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you start a good introduction letter.

To start a good introduction letter, ensure you have a clear purpose for the letter. Begin by addressing the recipient by name if possible and introducing yourself. State the reason for writing the letter and try to engage the recipient’s interest with a hook, such as a shared connection or a relevant accomplishment. Example:

My name is [Your Name] and I am writing to introduce myself and express my interest in [reason for writing the letter]. I hope this letter finds you well.

I wanted to reach out to you because [hook – shared connection or relevant accomplishment]. As someone who is [briefly describe your background or experience], I believe that I would be a valuable asset to your [company/organization/project].

I am excited to learn more about your work and how I can contribute to it. Please feel free to reach out to me at [contact information] to discuss this further.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

What distinguishes a letter of introduction from other types of letters?

A letter of introduction is specifically written to introduce yourself, your business, or an employee to another party. It aims to establish a relationship, provide information about your expertise or service offerings, and potentially open up opportunities for collaboration. Unlike cover letters, which focus on a specific job position, introduction letters highlight your skills or experiences more broadly and are often used for networking purposes.

What are the different types of introduction letters?

Introduction letters come in various forms, such as:

  • Business to Business (B2B) – Introducing a company, product, or service.
  • Employee to Customer – Introducing an employee to clients or customers.
  • Self-introduction – Introducing oneself for networking, job applications, or collaboration opportunities.
  • New Hire Introduction – Introducing a new employee to the team or organization.

What are some effective tips for writing a letter of introduction?

  • Be concise and clear about your purpose.
  • Use a professional tone and language.
  • Personalize the letter by addressing the recipient by name.
  • Emphasize your strengths, experiences, or areas of expertise.
  • Include a call-to-action, such as requesting a meeting or asking the recipient to review your attached documents.
  • Proofread and edit your letter for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors.
  • How to Ask for a Letter of Recommendation [Examples]
  • How to Start a Letter (and Mistakes to Avoid)
  • How to End an Email Professionally (Examples)
  • Emotional Intelligence (EQ) in Leadership [Examples, Tips]
  • A Perfect Letter of Recommendation [8 Templates]
  • Effective Nonverbal Communication in the Workplace (Examples)

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Home / For applicants / Cover letter

How to Write Your Cover Letter

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Sintetic sheet

The advantage of the presentation letter is to have a very simple structure that frames the communication so that the reader is slid and, in any case, the contents are well positioned.

What to keep

Essential elements for writing a good letter of presentation:

  • Sender's details (name, surname, phone number, and email address);
  • recipient data (possibly name and surname, to address it to a specific person);
  • The place and date (the letter must be updated, you should not have the impression that you have sent a dated or left-to-case document, with standard texts);
  • consent to the processing of your personal data (with reference to Legislative Decree 196/2003: it must be reported especially in the Curriculum Vitae, but indicating it in the letter is a sign of completeness).

Logical distribution

The presentation letter by practice is divided into three basic paragraphs:

  • Who am I and why am I writing? It is advisable not to repeat name and surname again (to which other spaces are dedicated). The only weapons available to us are the words: no matter how nice or affable we are to be able to relate through the submission letter (these will be cards to be played at the interview), but we will prove to be able to go straight to the point. NO to "my name is Mario Rossi, I'm an engineer ...", and yes to "I'm a young graduate" (if you graduate with the maximum and in a short time, you can use the expression "I'm a brilliant neolaureato in" ), or if you already have experience, you can present yourself through the professional role (no references to the job, which are in the CV!): I am a chemical expert, a marketing manager, an electronic engineer, a computer engineer, a skilled worker, etc.
  • motivations: clarify what leads us to look for a specific job position and talk about our stimuli: why did we choose that company rather than another?
  • Objectives: The professional goals we set for short and medium to long term. What are we looking for in this company? On what basis do we think we can reach this goal?
  • Quality and strengths: can be internships and internships, other work experience, thesis and research on business-related issues, experiences abroad, knowledge of multiple languages, and a particular personal interest in strategic business activities.
  • Thanks and conclusions. With the concluding part we can appeal to the reader's attention ("thank you for the attention"), claiming to be available for further clarification of the candidacy and, in the meantime, to be awaiting a response, inviting him contact us again, pointing to our direct contact details and our availability.

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Last modified 01/27/2024

How to write a cover letter to go with your curriculum vitae and apply for a job   in Usa ? :


Looking for a job in the United States might become a torture for any immigrant if he or she does not know how to do it, because it is not only about competing against each other, but it also implies fighting against the economic crisis that has hit the unemployment rates in the United States of America. The first affected by this crisis are the professional immigrants, because even the Program of Financial Rescue for companies has established as a condition for its inclusion, not to hire immigrants with the H – 1 B visa.

But in this competition having a pile of knowledge with updates and specializations, or having a great working experience, is not enough if you do not know how to present yourself before a company.

When we talk about not knowing how to do it, we mean that we do not know that before reading our curriculum, what the responsible staff of the human resources offices read is the presentation or cover letter, and that is through it that they decide whether to read or not the curriculum.

A well written presentation letter means telling the employer, in a few words, who we are and why we are interested in working with him or her; on the other hand, a cover letter poorly written will not show the employer anything interesting about us or about our expectations, despite we might be the perfect fit for all the requirements of the job position’s profile.

For an adequate redaction of the presentation or cover letter, it is necessary that we perform a series of previous actions, such as: • Get acquainted of the company which is offering the vacant spot and find out who we are supposed to address the letter to. • Identify the characteristics of the vacant spot. • Evaluate if our knowledge, skills and experience, fit the vacant position. • Do a brainstorm about the motives that are pushing us towards applying for the job.

After this previous evaluation, we must have pretty clear what is pushing as to apply to the mentioned position and which will be our contribution towards the development of the company.

You cannot do only one model of presentation letter for different positions and / or companies, because they are rapidly intercepted and eliminated by the human resources departments, because they consider that the person is not showing any sign of interest towards the company he or she is applying to work at.

A presentation or cover letter, must, at least, content the following information:

• Personal information: name and last name, postal address, phone and e – mail address. • Company information: name and charge of the person that we are addressing ourselves to, name and address of the company. • Greetings: Dear Mr. (Miss, Madame, etc.) • The body of the presentation letter must not exceed the four paragraphs limit: o Point out to what position we are applying for. o Indicate the reasons for which we are applying; among them, we must highlight why we are applying precisely to that company. o Mention which qualifications we have to apply to that position. o Indicate the most important aspects of our working and formation experience, which must be related to the working position. o Highlight what you are offering to the company, in a brief and concise way. o Refer to the fact that you are enclosing your curriculum. o Apply for a job interview, pointing out you telephone number and / or contact e – mail address. o Thank the company for reading your presentation or cover letter and considering your petition, say good bye. o Signature.

The presentation or cover letter, must be presented in an impeccable appearance, in both orthographic and type and letter, including the type of paper used. It would be better if you do not write more than a page or sheet of paper.

Summing up, the presentation or cover letter is the presentation that you make from yourself before the company who is offering the job position, and if it is well written, in both contents and aesthetics, it might open the doors of the working market pretty fast.

Cover letter free sample   1 :

Dear Human resources Director :   Please consider this presentation letter as an expression of my interest in exploring and identifying career opportunities with your organization. My résumé is enclosed for your review and consideration.   As an Industrial Engineer with more than Twenty years’ experience in high-volume, world-class manufacturing environments in the Dubai,Australia,England and USA with a diverse mix of products and technologies I bring valuable hands-on operations management experience in diverse areas that has provided me with the ability to work in Operations, Engineering, Quality and Purchasing as a few examples of the areas in which I have gained knowledge and experience. Each of the areas in which I have worked has focused on elevating the company to achieve a world wide level. Targets that we have successfully achieved have been through design strategy and imaginative leadership. This leads to new ideas and encourages the process for more educated decisions.   Throughout my career I have provided proactive leadership to improve the company performance, to make it grow and make it more profitable. This is necessary in order to succeed in this world of creative economies. More hands-on work is needed in order to achieve this goal.   I’m confident that with my experience and skills I will be able to contribute significantly to your business. I would appreciate an opportunity to meet with you to discuss your needs and my potential to contribute as a team member. In the interim, thank you for your attention, consideration and forthcoming response.  


Jonny Sinclair   Cellular (123) 4567891  Jonny [email protected]

Cover letter free sample   2:

Dear Sirs, Human Resources.: Good morning !   I have the pleasure to address you. In order to participate in the selection of professionals in their prestigious project of recruitment.   As for my training, I have the Petroleum expertise, Industrial project development, also expertise in computer tools. I think proactive and leadership.   Enclosed are my curriculum vitae. A personal interview is the appropriate framework which can deepen my professional profile issues that are of interest.     Without further ado, I take this opportunity to greet cordially .

Peter Radsmon  Petroleum engineer Cellular (123) 4567891  [email protected]  

Cover letter free sample   3:

Dear Human resources Director :

As a Petroleum Engineer,for a long time I have been waiting for a chance to apply for a job in a leading institution within Petroleum field,like yours, that contributes in the creation of value to its area.  In that sense, I have great interest in becoming a member of your working team and I took this opportunity to enclose my resume for your review and consideration for current or future opening I could be eligible.

You will notice that I have ten years experience in international Petroleum companies. If you need any additional information, please do not hesitate in contacting me at 123456789 (home), 5888574521 (Mobile) or by email [email protected]. I will be glad to meet and hear from you soon.

Best regards,

James Tylor Petroleum Engineer

Cover letter free sample   4:

Dear Human resources Director : I am sending to you my resume, to be considered for vacant positions on areas such as Marketing, Sales, Customer Service, Human resources and/or Administration.

I have over 10 years of work experience and my relevant qualifications include leadership on my activities, work focusing on objectives.

As I have lived in different countries,each of them with their particular mix of cultures,  I consider myself capable of interacting and developing on multicultural environment.

I hope that you find my resume suitable for a vacant position.  Best regards,   Mary Smith Cellular (123) 4567891  Mary [email protected]

Cover letter free sample   5:

I am replying to your advertisement offering a position as a computer/network engineer. As a recent graduate from Australia University with significance experience on both networks and computers I believe that my backgroung education is appropiate for the position. I also have made several courses as CISCO and LINUX to support my undergraduate education. This position seems ideal for my education, skills and, most important, career interests and I am very enthused on hearing back from you. 

My main interest lies in networking and programming as a whole, I have knowledge on databases, programming, network management and hardware. My mathematical knowledge is impressive and I am also very familiar with AUTOCAD, Microsoft Office and NetBeans. 

My matching qualifications are as follows:  • Bachelor of Computer Science • CISCO CCNA 1 and 2 certificates • Advanced TCP/IP Network Theory and Design • Experience in Network Design and Management, Databases Management and JAVA Programming. • Strong Technical knowledge in network architecture and databases structures • Strong technical skills with in depth knowledge of data networking and networking protocols • Strong Technical knowledge in JAVA and BASIC programming • Advanced mathematical skills 

I am confident that through these skills I can make a great contribution to your company. I would be very interested in discussing this opportunity with you further. Thank you for your valuable time and consideration. 

Tim Robinson Systems engineer Cellular (123) 4567891  Tim [email protected]

Cover letter free sample   6: Dear Sirs, Human Resources.: Good morning! I am very interested on working on your great company and continue  my professional development. I have attached my resume and picture. Please let me know if you need copies of letters of recommendation, university certificate and GPA proof, or any other paperwork.   

 Besides the information included in the curriculum, I am currently about to finish a certification in Business Analyst (a certificate registered by the International Institute of Business Analysis), aligned with the Business Analysis Body of Knowledge (BABOK)   For any further information, you can reach me at the number in the resume or the one included on this e-mail. Thank you,

Tony Mc. Clain MBA Cellular (123) 4567891  Tony Mc. [email protected]

presentation of the letter

Presentation Letter For Job Application

[Your Name]

[Your Address]

[City, State, ZIP Code]

[Your Email Address]

[Your Phone Number]

[Today's Date]

[Recipient's Name]

[Recipient's Job Title]

[Company/Organization Name]

[Company/Organization Address]

Dear [Recipient's Name],

I am writing to express my strong interest in the [Job Title] position at [Company/Organization Name]. As a highly motivated and skilled professional, I am excited about the opportunity to contribute my expertise and dedication to your esteemed organization.

[Optional: Begin with a personalized opening sentence, mentioning any common connection, or expressing enthusiasm for the company's recent achievements or projects.]

Throughout my career, I have developed a diverse skill set and demonstrated success in [relevant skills and accomplishments related to the job you are applying for]. With a background in [mention your relevant education or work experience], I am confident in my ability to excel in the [Job Title] role and make meaningful contributions to the team.

What makes me particularly passionate about joining [Company/Organization Name] is your commitment to [mention the company's values, goals, or any specific aspects that align with your career objectives]. I firmly believe that my values and work ethic align perfectly with those of your organization, and I am eager to collaborate with a team that shares my dedication to excellence.

In my previous roles at [Previous Company/Organization], I [mention specific achievements, projects, or responsibilities that showcase your skills and capabilities]. These experiences have honed my ability to [mention any relevant skills, such as problem-solving, communication, leadership, etc.].

Beyond my professional qualifications, I am an enthusiastic learner always striving to stay up-to-date with industry trends and best practices. I am confident that my ability to adapt to new challenges and my passion for continuous improvement will be valuable assets to [Company/Organization Name].

Enclosed is my resume, which provides a comprehensive overview of my qualifications. I would welcome the opportunity to further discuss how my skills and experiences align with the goals of [Company/Organization Name] during an interview. Please find my contact details above, and I am available at your convenience.

Thank you for considering my application. I am excited about the prospect of contributing to the success of [Company/Organization Name] and look forward to the opportunity to demonstrate my potential as a valuable member of your team.

presentation of the letter

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Presenter Cover Letter Example

Writing a cover letter for a presentation can be an important step in the job application process. It is an opportunity to introduce yourself and to outline your qualifications and experience to a potential employer. Crafting a strong cover letter that catches a hiring manager’s attention can be a challenge, but with the right preparation and guidance, it can be an effective way to make the most of your presentation application. This guide provides tips and an example of a cover letter to help you get started.

If you didn’t find what you were looking for, be sure to check out our complete library of cover letter examples .

presentation of the letter

Start building your dream career today! 

Create your professional cover letter in just 5 minutes with our easy-to-use cover letter builder!

Presenter Cover Letter Sample

[Your Name] [Your Address] [Your City, State, Zip Code] [Today’s Date]

[Recipient Name] [Title] [Organization] [Address] [City, State, Zip Code]

Dear [Recipient Name],

I am writing to apply for the position of [Presenter] that I recently saw advertised on [Name of Website]. With my extensive background in [describe relevant experience], I am confident I have the necessary skills and qualifications to be successful in this role.

I have a proven track record of delivering engaging and informative presentations to large audiences. My experience includes [list some of your presentation or speaking experience], and I have received a great deal of positive feedback from audiences. I am highly organized and experienced in preparing detailed presentations, as well as efficient at creating slides, visuals, and other elements of a presentation.

I am passionate about teaching, inspiring, and motivating others, and am confident I can be a valuable asset to your team. I am available to meet and discuss my qualifications at your convenience, and I look forward to hearing from you in the near future.

[Your Name]

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What should a Presenter cover letter include?

A presenter’s cover letter should include information about their background and experience in the field they are applying for, emphasizing why they are the ideal person for the job. The cover letter should show the employer that the presenter has the skills and expertise needed to be a successful presenter. It should also demonstrate the presenter’s enthusiasm and passion for the job by highlighting their unique qualities and experiences.

Additionally, the cover letter should include examples of past presentations the presenter has delivered, as well as any awards, accolades, or recognition they have received for their work. It should also demonstrate the presenter’s ability to communicate effectively and engage with an audience. The letter should clearly outline the presenter’s goals and objectives for the presentation, as well as the desired outcomes. Finally, the cover letter should show that the presenter is organized, reliable, and committed to success.

Presenter Cover Letter Writing Tips

Writing a great presenter cover letter is essential for aspiring presenters. By putting together an effective letter, you can set yourself apart from other applicants and demonstrate your enthusiasm for the position. Use the following tips to help you craft an effective cover letter:

  • Begin with a greeting: Start your cover letter with a formal greeting that is appropriate to the hiring manager or organization.
  • Explain why you are interested in the role: Use your cover letter to explain why you are interested in the role and why you believe you are a great fit for the job.
  • Highlight your key skills and qualifications: Use your cover letter to highlight your key skills and qualifications. Make sure you mention any relevant experience you’ve had in the past, such as working as a presenter for a radio station or television program.
  • Make sure you use the right language: When you write your cover letter, it’s important to use the right language. Use strong, confident language that conveys your excitement and enthusiasm for the role.
  • Demonstrate your knowledge of the industry: Show that you have a good understanding of the industry by referencing current trends or news stories.
  • Proofread your cover letter: Before you submit your cover letter, take the time to read it over and check for any spelling or grammar errors.

Following these tips can help you make a great impression with your presenter cover letter and set yourself apart from other applicants. Make sure you take the time to write a well- crafted cover letter and you’ll be on your way to getting the job you want.

Common mistakes to avoid when writing Presenter Cover letter

Writing a presenter cover letter is essential to securing an interview. It’s your chance to show why you are the best candidate for the job and demonstrate the unique qualities you possess. While you want to make sure you stand out, it’s important to avoid certain common mistakes. Here are some tips for writing a successful presenter cover letter:

  • Use a professional and well- structured letter format: Make sure your cover letter is well- organized and easy to read. Use a business letter format, with a clear subject line, and include your contact information at the top.
  • Focus on your strengths: Use the cover letter to explain why you are the ideal candidate for the job. Highlight your qualifications, experience, and skills that you have that make you the perfect fit for the role.
  • Avoid overfamiliarity: It’s important to keep your cover letter professional. Avoid using informal language or overly familiar phrases.
  • Proofread: Make sure to thoroughly proofread your cover letter before submitting it. Even small errors can be off- putting to potential employers.
  • Keep it concise: Your cover letter should be concise and to the point. Avoid adding unnecessary information or rambling on.

By following these tips and avoiding common mistakes, you can ensure that your presenter cover letter stands out and presents you in the best possible light.

Key takeaways

Writing an impressive cover letter for a presenter position is key to getting an interview. A cover letter can be a great way to highlight your skills and experience, and make a good impression on a potential employer. Here are some key takeaways for writing an impressive cover letter for a presenter position:

  • Research the company and position you are applying for. Doing research will help you tailor your cover letter to the position and make sure you address the specific qualifications that the employer is looking for.
  • Make sure you address the letter to a specific person. This shows that you took the time to research and find the person’s name, which will make a good impression.
  • Include your key skills and experience in your cover letter. Make sure you emphasize how your qualifications match up with the job requirements.
  • Don’t forget to add a few sentences about why you are passionate about the job. This will help you stand out from other applicants.
  • Use clear and simple language in your cover letter. Make sure to avoid using any jargon or overly complicated words.
  • Proofread your cover letter multiple times. This will ensure that your cover letter is free from any spelling or grammar errors.

Following these tips will help you create an impressive cover letter for a presenter position and increase your chances of getting an interview. Good luck!

Frequently Asked Questions

1. how do i write a cover letter for an presenter job with no experience.

Writing a cover letter for a presenter job with no experience can be a daunting task, but there are several strategies you can use to make sure your letter stands out. First, emphasize transferrable skills and experience you do have. Highlight any experience you have in public speaking, teaching, or leading a team. Additionally, include any volunteer experience you may have in the field of presentation. Finally, focus on how your skills and talents will benefit the company.

2. How do I write a cover letter for an Presenter job experience?

When writing a cover letter for a presenter job with experience, you should emphasize the skills and qualifications that make you a great fit for the job. Begin your letter by introducing yourself and your experience. Describe any awards or accolades you have earned, and the presentations you have given in the past. Additionally, make sure to focus on your knowledge of the industry and the qualities that make you a great presenter.

3. How can I highlight my accomplishments in Presenter cover letter?

When writing a cover letter for a presenter job, it is important to showcase your accomplishments. Make sure to highlight any awards you won, the presentations you gave, and the topics you specialize in. Additionally, emphasize any feedback you received from audiences, instructors, and colleagues. This will demonstrate your ability to engage and captivate audiences, which are essential skills for a presenter.

4. What is a good cover letter for an Presenter job?

A good cover letter for a presenter job should be concise and to the point. Begin by introducing yourself and your experience. Highlight any awards or accolades you have earned and the presentations you have given in the past. Additionally, make sure to focus on your knowledge of the industry and the qualities that make you a great presenter. Finally, emphasize your transferable skills and how they will benefit the company. An effective cover letter should capture the reader’s attention and demonstrate why you are the best candidate for the job.

In addition to this, be sure to check out our cover letter templates , cover letter formats ,  cover letter examples ,  job description , and  career advice  pages for more helpful tips and advice.

Let us help you build your Cover Letter!

Make your cover letter more organized and attractive with our Cover Letter Builder

presentation of the letter

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presentation of the letter

  • This letter commonly serves as a personalized way to strengthen your relationship with your clients and workmates and to encourage new ones.
  • Make the reader interested.
  • Relay the invitation and at the same time provide the reader an incentive to attend.
  • Give details of the event such as the time, date and place where it will be held.
  • Tell the reader that you are looking forward to his or her acceptance


[Letter Date]

[Subject: Normally bold, summarizes the intention of the letter] -Optional-

Dear [Recipients Name],

This letter is your chance to take a look at the ultralight aircraft that is quickly taking over the whole industry. There is, of course, the Lancaster STORM to view, as well as ultra light aircraft from many other manufacturers. All can be seen at the Great York Fly-In, scheduled for July 4, 5, and six at the York Airfield, New England. We would like to see as many of you there as possible. On presentation of this letter, you will also be given a free GPS unit to be fitted with your purchased Lancaster STORM ultra light.

Sincerely, [Senders Name] [Senders Title] -Optional-

[Enclosures: number] - Optional - cc: [Name of copy recipient] - Optional -

Invitation sample letter to a presentation.

Further things to consider when writing invitation letters to professionals

Further things to consider when writing invitation letters to professionals

Invitation Letters

Invitation letters are letters you write to request people to meetings, formal occasions, or events. As the name suggests, the first and primary purpose of invitation letters is to request the presence of the recipient and the second is to confirm that the recipient will be present. Although invitation letters are mostly used to invite people to social events, they can also be used when applying for visas. Depending on the event, these letters can be formal or informal. Regardless, all invitation letters must be sent in advance to give the recipient enough time to respond or plan ahead. Great invitation letters are brief and easy to understand. Start by introducing yourself and write a sentence or two about the host. Provide the necessary information regarding the event such as the date and time of the event, venue, dress code, how to accept or decline the invitation, etc. Mention some of the activities that would be taking place during the event and which ones the recipient would be taking part in if any. Provide your contact details in case the recipient needs further information. End by expressing anticipation of the recipient's attendance to the event.

Letters to Professionals

Letters to professionals are letters sent to people who are engaged and qualified in a profession. The recipients of such letters could be professionals in business and administration, health, information and communication technology, legal issues, science and engineering, teaching, etc. There are many occasions where you may want to write to a professional. For instance, to obtain information, to apply for a job or academic program, to raise a complaint, or just to express your opinion in a coherent manner. In all scenarios, letters to professionals must be well-written and correctly formatted. When writing to any professional, your letter needs to be focused and concise, so that your point is made clearly, definitively, and politely. State the purpose of your letter in the beginning without veering from the subject. Use a polite and respectful tone even if you are complaining; avoid slang or jargon and any other informal language. Adhere to the standard conventions and format of good formal letter writing and present your letter attractively. Reread your letter to find spots that need grammar and punctuation correction and to make sure that the recipient is addressed properly. Close the letter with your full, formal name and signature.

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  • Presentation
  • invitation letters

types of letters

Types of Letters

Jul 11, 2014

1.94k likes | 6.74k Views

Personal—Business Letter A personal-business letter is a letter that is sent from an individual to a person or business/organization. Business Letter A business letter is sent from a business or organization to another or to an individual.

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  • times new roman arial
  • author types
  • letter address inside address
  • copy notation typed
  • mixed punctuation


Presentation Transcript

Personal—Business Letter A personal-business letter is a letter that is sent from an individual to a person or business/organization. Business Letter A business letter is sent from a business or organization to another or to an individual. Business letters are usually keyed on letterhead. The letterhead can consist of the business’ name, address, phone/fax/email, and logo. Types of Letters

Major Parts of a Letter • Return Address-the address of the person writing the letter. Letterhead if the letter is from a business. • Dateline-Complete and current date. • Letter Address/Inside Address-the address of the person receiving the letter. • Salutation-the greeting of the letter. Example: Dear Sir or Madam: • Body-the message of the letter. • Complimentary Close-the ending of the letter. Example: Sincerely yours, • Keyed Name-the authors typed name. • Handwritten Signature-the author signs the letter after it has been printed. • Reference/Typist Initials-initials of the typist..

Formatting a Letter Margins: TM-2inches RM-1inch BM-1inch LM-1inch • Paragraphs should not be indented in this style of letter. • Use a standard font style and font size i.e. Times New Roman/Arial and 12 point font. • Single Space within paragraphs and double space between paragraphs. Block Style is one method of formatting a letter. In this style of letter writing all parts of the letter are keyed at the left margin.

Return address Letter address Body Date Salutation Complimentary Close Enclosure notation Writer Parts of a Block Style Letter Copy Notation—key a DS after the last line of the letter.

Open Punctuation There is not a colon or comma in the salutation and there is not a comma in the complimentary closing. Example: Dear Ms. Smith Sincerely yours Punctuation Styles Example: Dear Ms. Smith: Sincerely yours, Mixed Punctuation • A colon is in the salutation and a comma is in the close.

Return Address: The personal-business letter uses the return address with the dateline a single space beneath. Mixed Punctuation: The colon is keyed in the salutation and the comma is keyed in the complimentary close. Personal—Business Letterwith Mixed Punctuation

Letterhead: The business letter uses letterhead instead of a return address, which consists of the business’ name, address, phone/fax/email, and logo. Open Punctuation: The colon is not keyed in the salutation and the comma is not keyed in the complimentary close. Business Letter with Open Punctuation

Special Letter Parts • Reference/Typist initials are used when someone other than the author types the letter. Typed a DS below the writer’s name, in lowercase letters, with no space or punctuation. • Enclosure notation is used when additional items are included in the envelope with the letter. • Attachment notation is used when additional items are clipped, stapled, etc… to the letter. • Copy notation is used when a copy of the letter is sent to someone in addition to the addressee/letter address.

Block Style Letter with Special Parts • Typist Initial Typed a double space below the author’s keyed name. • Enclosure Notation Typed a double space below the typist initials. • Copy Notation Typed a double space below the enclosure notation.

Notes to Remember! • A personal business letter is correspondence sent from an individual to a person or organization. • A business letter is correspondence sent from a business to another business or to an individual. Because letterhead stationery is used, the return address is not keyed. • The top margin is usually 2“, side and bottom margins are typically 1". • Block format is one style of writing for personal-business and business letters in which all parts of the letter begin at the left margin. • Reference/Typist initials are the initials of the typist and are used when someone other than the writer prepares the letter. Lowercase letters are used, with no space, and with no punctuation, appearing a double space below the signature. • Enclosure/Attachment and Copy notations appear a double space below the typist initials.

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presentation of the letter

Read in full: Resignation letter from US official who quit over Gaza war

A contractor with the US Agency for International Development (USAID) has resigned in protest over the Biden administration’s support for the war in Gaza — and in an interview with The Independent said that political pressure from the White House was silencing dissent at the agency.

Alex Smith, a senior adviser on gender, maternal health, child health, and nutrition, said he was given a choice of resigning or being fired after a presentation he was due to deliver on child mortality among Palestinians was cancelled by USAID leadership.

In his resignation letter to the head of USAID, Samana Power, he alleged that the agency was treating the war in Gaza and Palestinians differently than other conflicts and humanitarian emergencies.

Read his resignation letter in full below:

27 May, 2024

Dear Administrator Power,

After years of service to USAID, this will be my last communication to your office in my position as a Senior Advisor on Gender, Maternal Health, Child Health, and Nutrition.

This is a heartbreaking and dangerous moment in world history. Since October last year, Israel has launched a deadly campaign of collective punishment, ethnic cleansing, mass starvation, and cultural erasure of the Palestinian people in Gaza and the West Bank. More than 35,400 people (two thirds of them women and children) have been killed in Gaza, and another 500 people (100 of them children) have been killed in the West Bank. At least 10,000 more people are missing under the rubble. More than 7,350 West Bank Palestinians have been abducted, often without charge or in “administrative detention.”

Over 1.7 million people, more than 75% of Gaza’s population, have been displaced since October. The UN estimates that around 640,000 Gazans have been displaced from Rafah, since May 6th. Hundreds of thousands of children and other civilians are at risk of death or life-long illness due to poor living conditions and intentional starvation. Over 79,000 people in Gaza have been injured. UNICEF estimates a thousand children have lost one or more limbs. The intentional bombing of all 36 of Gaza’s hospitals means most Palestinians lack access to even basic first aid, let alone maternal care and other vital health services.

Rather than sanctioning this horrific violence, the United States has consistently provided political cover for Israel’s actions, blocked UN votes for ceasefire and recognition of Palestinian statehood, dismissed the possibility of legal redress in the international courts, and provided tens of billions in financial support and arms to continue the slaughter. Years ago, I read all of your books on genocide, on the integrity of international humanitarian systems, and on idealism. I had thought that you and our leadership at USAID would surely speak out or allow others to speak out about what is true and what is right in a framework of international law.

USAID has always prided itself on our programs supporting democracy, human rights, and rule of law. USAID defends human rights norms and international law when Ukrainians suffer from Russia’s crimes. In Ukraine, we call for legal redress when people are victimized, and name perpetrators of violence. We even work with human rights organizations collecting evidence for international prosecution. We boldly state “Slava Ukraini” in peppy promotional videos. When it comes to the Palestinians, however, we avoid saying anything about their right to statehood, the abuses they’re currently suffering, or which powers have been violating their basic rights to freedom, self-determination, livelihoods, and clean water. When Ukraine was invaded, we at USAID volunteered and rallied with Ukrainian partners to plan for the “day after the war” and rebuilding of health systems. For the Palestinians, however, no such plan exists, and worse: the US continues to deny vital funding to the most effective aid coordinator, UNRWA, despite zero evidence of malfeasance.

On May 22nd, 2024, I was scheduled to present a session to a conference of USAID colleagues and partners. My abstract “An Intersectional Gender Lens in Gaza: Ethnicity, Religion, Legal Status, and Maternal/Child Health Outcomes” was submitted in February 2024 and vetted for quality in three rounds by 35 reviewers. My presentation was one of a few selected out of 368 submissions. One of the discussion themes of the conference focused on intersectional gender and the fact that “indigenous women and women from racial and ethnic minorities often experience higher maternal mortality rates and other negative maternal health outcomes.” My presentation addressed this issue directly, citing UN and US government sources and data. It focused on maternal and child health outcomes in Gaza and the long-term implications of starving and bombarding pregnant women in this and previous conflicts.

One day before I was to present, however, I received from leadership a list of words I was forbidden to say, including “Israel-Gaza border,” “Palestinian state,” and “Palestinians” in reference to Palestinian/Arab citizens of Israel who identify as Palestinians. I was also told that a UN OCHA map of Gaza which accurately describes the 2022 borders was “unacceptable.” Later the same day, my session was canceled without explanation. Every reference to it was quietly deleted from the conference website. This decision denied the conference participants the opportunity to receive accurate, relevant, data-driven information about a serious global health and human rights crisis.

On the same day that I was to have given my presentation based on credible reporting, data, and facts, Israel’s Minister of Strategic Affairs told Sky News, “there is no famine in Gaza and there never has been famine in Gaza.” What a sad state of affairs we’re in when offencive, perhaps criminal, misinformation and propaganda can be broadcast to millions around the world while at the same time important and accurate information cannot be whispered at a conference on gender equality and human rights.

As a Senior Advisor on Gender, Maternal Health, Child Health, and Nutrition, it has been my job to address harmful social and human rights issues impacting health outcomes in a wide range of contexts, including conflict-affected areas. I’ve carried out these duties for four years, providing technical and policy assistance across our missions in Africa, Asia, and the Middle East. As specific needs arose, I also volunteered for rotations on the COVID Vaccine Task Force, the Gender Equality and Womenʼs Empowerment (GenDev) Hub, and the Ukraine Response Management Team (RMT).

I cannot do my job in an environment in which specific people cannot be acknowledged as fully human, or where gender and human rights principles apply to some, but not to others, depending on their race. I can no longer in good conscience continue to be silent amidst USAID’s de facto policy of ignoring human suffering when that suffering is perpetrated by an ally. Actively silencing discussion of Palestinian lives and the ongoing global health disaster is dehumanizing, not only to the people of Gaza, but to the people of the United States who deserve to know the extent to which we are paying for and supporting crimes against Palestinians.

I sincerely hope that in future years the leaders of USAID regain their moral footing and speak truthfully in important and dangerous times such as these.

Alexander Smith

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Zambia mission (1).jpg

Trump allies: Stop debasing our courts. He got a fair trial and could have testified.

What disturbs me the most about the Donald Trump phenomenon in this country is how educated representatives of United States citizens are so willing to jeopardize the very constitutional republic in which they function.

It is absolutely despicable, some would say deplorable, that individuals like Speaker of the House Mike Johnson, as well as many other Republican congressional representatives and senators deride a fundamental tenet of our republic. 

I’m speaking of our judicial system that includes the right of every American, including ex-presidents, to a fair trial by jury. Donald Trump was indicted on 34 counts in New York by a grand jury of his fellow citizens.

Subsequently a trial was legally structured that allowed him freedom, in spite of being indicted, legal representation of his choice, and participation in the selection of a jury of his peers. The laws governing trial by jury were adhered to throughout the presentation of evidence to this jury, and Mr. Trump was given an opportunity to call any witnesses he wished to testify in his behalf.

Not only that, Mr. Trump could have taken the stand himself to testify against any and all witnesses who were brought by the prosecution in its presentation of evidence. Following weeks of presentation of evidence the jury, not the judge, not President Biden, not Democrats in general, the jury found Mr. Trump guilty of 34 counts of indictment. 

Letter: Donald Trump is guilty and he's not above the law. No one is

Now we have Republican leaders in our country attacking our legal system as a weaponized instrument of politics. I suppose I should not be surprised in that the same Republican leaders publicly undermined our electoral process , and our judicial system that protects our electoral process during and after the presidential election of 2020.  

Our republic is not infallible. There are inherent weaknesses that our founders recognized, yet held faith in the ability and desire of their fellow citizens to be informed and fair minded; citizens not subjects.

The founders also had faith that informed and fair-minded citizens would recognize and deny power to scoundrels and despots seeking personal enrichment and authoritarian power. I continue to hold this faith as well.

I hope that I will not be proven a fool.

Robert Landry, M.D., Chattanooga 37405

Agree or disagree? Or have a view on another topic entirely? Send a letter of 250 words or fewer to  [email protected] . Include your full name, city/town, ZIP and contact information for verification. Thanks for adding to the public conversation.


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  1. B9 Week 18 Presentation Letter D

  2. Formal letter

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  5. Presentation letter

  6. B.A. 1st semester Unit


  1. How to write a presentation: a step-by-step guide

    First things first: the date's in the diary and you need to prepare. Let's break it down. 1. Preparing your presentation. Imagine you're a designer in the automotive industry and your boss has asked you to give a presentation. The subject: the future of the car and how it will fit with all the other modes of transport.

  2. Letter of Presentation

    1. Letters of presentation are mostly unsolicited so it is important to jump right in with your selling point. 2. Keep it short and snappy, the recipient is unlikely to read anything long winded. 3. Stay targeted. Send your letter only to people you know could potentially benefit from your business, idea etc, and pitch directly to them.

  3. A Guide to the Proper Business Letter Format with Examples

    The presentation of your business letter is just as important as its content. Proper formatting not only makes your letter more readable but also conveys a sense of professionalism. The framework holds your content in a neat, accessible structure, ensuring that your message is communicated effectively. Let's delve into the key aspects of ...

  4. How To Write a Business Introduction Letter (With Examples)

    As you write your letter, you might keep it between 300 and 400 words and include just the details you want the reader to know about your business. Avoid unrelated information or details that make your purpose unclear. 7. Create a call to action. Before closing your letter, you may consider adding a call to action.

  5. How to Write a Formal Letter (With Examples)

    2. Write your name and contact information. Once you choose a style, start your letter with your name and contact information. In the upper left-hand corner of the letter, write your first and last name or the company's name. Then, write your address in the lines below. 3. Include the date.

  6. Letter of Introduction Examples and Writing Tips

    A letter of introduction can forge a new connection. Use these letters to introduce yourself to a potential new client or employer, or to do the same for one of your contacts. Keep your letter concise and to the point. The reader is a busy professional. State your purpose early on.

  7. How to Write a Formal Letter: Formatting, Tone & Templates

    5. Compose the body of the letter. Keep your letter clear, concise, and polite. Write in a formal tone and include at least 2 paragraphs about 5 sentences long that explain the purpose of your letter. Use a single space left-aligned format throughout, using the enter key to divide each paragraph.

  8. Parts of a Business Letter: Examples of the 7 Components

    7. Signature. Leave two to four lines between the closing line and typing your name so that you can sign the business letter. Your name should be your first, middle initial (if you have one) and your last name. Include any appropriate suffixes to your name, such as MA or MD.

  9. Presentation Letter

    Enclosed with this letter is my resume, which provides further details about my education, work experience, and accomplishments. I would greatly appreciate the opportunity to discuss how my background and enthusiasm align with the needs of [Company/Organization Name]. Please feel free to contact me at [your phone number] or [your email address ...

  10. Letter of Introduction: Overview and Examples

    You should include the following pieces of information in a letter of introduction: 1. Write a greeting. To start, write a short greeting that opens the letter in a thoughtful way. Here, you will include their name on the first line, followed by a friendly start. For example: "Hi Linda,

  11. Top 10 Business Letter Templates with Samples and Examples

    Template 6: Cover Letter for Business Services Proposal PPT Diagram. This is a well-structured PowerPoint Slide to help you craft a business letter. This PPT Layout is special for its visual-appeal and easy recall. Use this PowerPoint layout to present your services, processes, team, etc., to the client.

  12. Formal Letter Format: How to Write a Formal Letter

    4) Use the right greeting or salutation. The tip to starting a formal English letter is to greet the person you're writing to in the correct way. This is known as the 'Salutation'. If you know the name of the person you're writing to then use 'Sir' or 'Madam' here, otherwise write their full name, including their title.

  13. How To Write A Presentation 101

    When it comes to presentation writing, a typical presentation consists of the following five parts: Introduction: Capturing the audience's attention, introducing yourself, stating the purpose, and providing an overview. Main Body: Presenting main points, evidence, examples, and arguments. Visual Aids: Using visuals to enhance understanding ...

  14. A Perfect Letter of Introduction [Examples]

    Begin your letter with a professional greeting. If you know the recipient's name, use "Dear [Name].". If not, use "Dear [Title]" or "To Whom It May Concern.". Your opening remarks should briefly explain the purpose of the letter and introduce yourself or the person you are introducing.

  15. How to Write Your Presentation Letter

    Essential elements for writing a good letter of presentation: Sender's details (name, surname, phone number, and email address); recipient data (possibly name and surname, to address it to a specific person); The place and date (the letter must be updated, you should not have the impression that you have sent a dated or left-to-case document ...

  16. How to write a presentation letter,cover letter free samples

    Cover letter free sample 1: Dear Human resources Director : Please consider this presentation letter as an expression of my interest in exploring and identifying career opportunities with your organization. My résumé is enclosed for your review and consideration. As an Industrial Engineer with more than Twenty years' experience in high ...

  17. Presentation Letter For Job Application

    Dear [Recipient's Name], I am writing to express my strong interest in the [Job Title] position at [Company/Organization Name]. As a highly motivated and skilled professional, I am excited about the opportunity to contribute my expertise and dedication to your esteemed organization. [Optional: Begin with a personalized opening sentence ...

  18. Presenting a Formal Letter

    Presenting a Formal Letter. Nov 28, 2016 • Download as PPTX, PDF •. 7 likes • 5,602 views. S. SIYABONGA DINGWAYO. This is how a formal letter should be. Education. 1 of 19. Download now.

  19. How To Write A Cover Letter (Slide Presentation)

    6. Salutation/Greeting. Address your cover letter to a specific person e.g. "Dear Mr. Brown:" or "Dear Ms. Smith:". If you don't know the name write "Dear Hiring Manager:". 7. Opening/Introductory Paragraph. Say why you are interested in this company. Indicate where you saw the job posting and the date of the posting.

  20. Best Presenter Cover Letter Example for 2023

    Presenter Cover Letter Sample. Dear [Recipient Name], I am writing to apply for the position of [Presenter] that I recently saw advertised on [Name of Website]. With my extensive background in [describe relevant experience], I am confident I have the necessary skills and qualifications to be successful in this role.

  21. PDF Elliott's Letter to the Board of Texas Instruments

    Dear Members of the Board: We are writing to you on behalf of Elliott Associates, L.P. and Elliott International, L.P. (together, "Elliott" or "we"), which have an investment of more than $2.5 billion in Texas Instruments (the "Company" or "TI"). This investment is among our largest public-equity positions and reflects our deep ...

  22. Invitation sample letter to a presentation

    This letter commonly serves as a personalized way to strengthen your relationship with your clients and workmates and to encourage new ones. Make the reader interested. Relay the invitation and at the same time provide the reader an incentive to attend. Give details of the event such as the time, date and place where it will be held.

  23. PPT

    Letterhead if the letter is from a business. • Dateline-Complete and current date. • Letter Address/Inside Address-the address of the person receiving the letter. • Salutation-the greeting of the letter. Example: Dear Sir or Madam: • Body-the message of the letter. • Complimentary Close-the ending of the letter.

  24. Advice Letter Information

    Revised Advice Letter Process Effective January 1, 2020. Effective January 1, 2020, the Communications Division (CD) will implement a new streamlined advice letter process that is more efficient and environmentally friendly.Resolution T-17670 (effective November 7, 2019) authorized CD to modify the current advice letter process.The major changes are the following:

  25. Read in full: Resignation letter from US official who quit over ...

    Alex Smith, a senior adviser on gender, maternal health, child health, and nutrition, said he was given a choice of resigning or being fired after a presentation he was due to deliver on child ...

  26. Donald Trump got a fair trial and he's mad a jury found him guilty

    Following weeks of presentation of evidence the jury, not the judge, not President Biden, not Democrats in general, the jury found Mr. Trump guilty of 34 counts of indictment. Letter: Donald Trump ...

  27. 2024 Digital Humanities Research Showcase

    12-12:30 pm -- Lunch, Welcome Remarks, and Presentation on "A Decade of CESTA Data" 12:30-3:30 pm -- DH Research Fellows' Showcase 12:30 - 1:50 PM : The Meaning and Measurement of Place with presentations from: Matt Randolph (PhD Candidate in History): "Bringing AI to Archibald Grimké's Archive: A Case Study of Artificial Intelligence for Histories of Race and Slavery" This digital project ...

  28. Search for DHS Pages and Documents

    Local, state, and federal government websites often end in .gov. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania government websites and email systems use "" or "" at the end of the address.

  29. Novacyt S.A. 2023 Q4

    May 30, 2024 11:30 PM ET Novacyt S.A. (NVYTF) Stock. SA Transcripts. 147.1K Follower s. The following slide deck was published by Novacyt S.A. in conjunction with their 2023 Q4 earnings call. View ...