Verilog procedural assignments.

The primary discussion of procedural assignments is in Procedural assignments<add link> . However, a description of the basic ideas in this clause highlights the differences between continuous assignments and procedural assignments.

As stated in Continuous assignments<add link> , continuous assignments drive nets in a manner similar to the way gates drive nets. The expression on the right-hand side can be thought of as a combinatorial circuit that drives the net continuously. In contrast, procedural assignments put values in variables. The assignment does not have duration; instead, the variable holds the value of the assignment until the next procedural assignment to that variable.

Procedural assignments occur within procedures such as always, initial (see Structured procedures <add link> ), task, and function( see Tasks and functions <add link> ) and can be thought of as “triggered” assignments. The trigger occurs when the flow of execution in the simulation reaches an assignment within a procedure. Reaching the assignment can be controlled by conditional statements. Event controls, delay controls, if statements, case statements, and looping statements can all be used to control whether assignments are evaluated. topic Behavioral modeling <add link> gives details and examples.

Variable declaration assignment: The variable declaration assignment is a special case of procedural assignment as it assigns a value to a variable. It allows an initial value to be placed in a variable in the same statement that declares the variable. The assignment shall be to a constant expression. The assignment does not have duration; instead, the variable holds the value until the next assignment to that variable. Variable declaration assignments to an array are not allowed. Variable declaration assignments are only allowed at the module level. If the same variable is assigned different values both in an initial block and in a variable declaration assignment, the order of the evaluation is undefined.

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When Is An Assignation Not An Assignation?

Date: 23/02/2018 | Construction , Real Estate

In the recent case of Edinburgh Schools Partnership Ltd v Galliford Try Construction (UK) Ltd the Outer House of the Court of Session considered, amongst other matters, the principles of assignation under Scots law.

The case related to an agreement that Edinburgh Schools Partnership (“ESP”) entered into with the City of Edinburgh Council (“CEC”) in 2004 in connection with the design and construction of a number of schools in Edinburgh. Having contracted with CEC to deliver the project, ESP then entered into a building contract with Galliford Try Construction (“Galliford”) for the design and construction of the project. Subsequently, ESP entered into an arrangement with their funder, the Bank of Scotland, in terms of which, as is fairly common practice, the Bank required ESP to assign its rights under the building contract to the Bank in security for the debt. A dispute later arose between ESP and Galliford under the building contract, which was referred to adjudication. Following the issue of the adjudicator’s decision and enforcement action taken by ESP, Galliford sought to resist enforcement of the adjudication decision on several grounds, one of which was that ESP had no title to refer the dispute to adjudication on the basis that they had assigned their rights under the building contract to the Bank.

After consideration, Lord Bannatyne found that ESP had not assigned all of its rights to Bank, as there had only been an “assignation in security” and accordingly this entitled ESP to sue and pursue an adjudication under the building contract. Under Scots law, an assignation results in the assignor transferring its interest in the contract to the assignee, but the court in this case drew a distinction between an ‘absolute’ assignation and an ‘assignation in security’, noting that when rights are assigned in security the assignor (i) does not divest itself of all of its rights and (ii) retains an interest in the contract assigned. In this case, that retained interest was a financial interest, giving ESP title to sue under the contract notwithstanding that it had been assigned in security to the Bank, and accordingly Galliford’s jurisdictional challenge to the enforcement action failed.

So, an assignation is therefore not an assignation when it’s granted in security for a debt – in which case it’s not to be treated as an assignation of all of the assignor’s rights but rather as an assignation of only some of the assignor’s rights. Professional indemnity insurers may now therefore look to restrict the right of a party to assign a contract in security, in order to avoid a situation where an original party to a contract and a funder to whom they have assigned the contract in security both have rights under the same contract. 

If you would like any further information please contact a member of our  Construction team . 

Disclaimer  The matter in this publication is based on our current understanding of the law.  The information provides only an overview of the law in force at the date hereof and has been produced for general information purposes only. Professional advice should always be sought before taking any action in reliance of the information. Accordingly, Davidson Chalmers LLP does not take any responsibility for losses incurred by any person through acting or failing to act on the basis of anything contained in this publication.

Simone Young | Davidson Chalmers Stewart

Simone Young

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  • Organization: EngenderHealth
  • Follow @UNjobs

Requisition Name: Awards and Compliance Manager

Requisition No: VN266

Salary Range: $90,000 - $100,000

Employment Type: Regular Full Time

Country Location: Ethiopia


EngenderHealth envisions a gender-equal world where all people achieve their sexual and reproductive health and rights. We believe this is essential for ensuring all people can achieve their full potentials. To achieve this vision, we implement high-quality, gender-equitable programs that advance sexual and reproductive health and rights.


The Awards & Compliance Manager provides operational assistance to EngenderHealth programs and responsible for overseeing the administrative management and compliance of prime awards including subawards, and various contractual tools for procuring professional services. They liaise with donors, home and country offices, subcontractors, and consultants in order to support timely and high-quality work conducted for programs under implementation.

The Awards & Compliance Manager adds value by developing and implementing administrative and operational systems which adhere to EngenderHealth and U. S. Government Rules and Regulations and other donors. They will create, revise, and update EngenderHealth approved contractual and award management tools and templates as necessary. They will be required to have detailed knowledge of all project requirements so as to properly disseminate that knowledge to others. They will orient and train appropriate staff regarding donor requirements, rules, and regulations.

The position will also provide support to the project life cycle through award administration. The manager will support the development of business processes, policies, and procedures including maintaining, filing, and updating as necessary.

The Awards and Compliance Manager will implement strategy and execute the strategic vision for funding and procurement agreements via well balanced and written contractual mechanisms.

Looking for a candidate preferably located in the DC-Metropolitan Area.


Must possess the following requirements with or without a reasonable accommodation.

  • Bachelor's degree in accounting, finance, business, or related field
  • At least five (5) years' of progressively responsible grants management work experience on donor-funded projects, such as activity management, financial management, procurement, and/or sub-contracting
  • Experience in award management (Grants & Contracts) focused on ensuring that procurement, finance, logistics, and programmatic aspects are being implemented on-time and in accordance with the specifications of the approved activity
  • Review and revise grants and contracts SOPs, support documents, templates, and systems to ensure compliance with donor requirements
  • Demonstrated experience reviewing and supporting administration of awards, subawards, contracts, and/or donor solicitations, and understanding compliance concepts
  • Advanced understanding of terms and conditions of funding agencies, U. S. Government Rules & Regulations for Assistance & Acquisition, (USAID, CDC, UN, CIDA, DFID, foundations, etc. ), and provision of guidance in operationalizing terms and conditions
  • Demonstrated experience in assessing potential partner or subawardees' risk areas in financial, administrative and program planning capacities and supporting the organizations for successful project implementation
  • Support the procurement of good and services for US-based staff and international procurements
  • Strong training skills to effectively transfer working knowledge of rules, regulations, policies, and procedures through formal or informal training activities
  • Ability to work independently with minimal supervision, to prioritize multiple work assignments, to build consensus, to meet deadlines, and to exercise good, professional judgment that reflects positively on the organization
  • Internal customer service skills, and excellent written and oral communication skills ESSENTIAL SOFT SKILLS eP9MZju Beu37S
  • Committed to EngenderHealth's core organizational values of reflection, inclusion, integrity, respect, and transformation
  • Approaches work with curiosity and has demonstrated experience with process improvement
  • Collaboratively shares information and supports colleagues
  • Able to learn the business and fully understand how and why tasks satisfy business needs
  • Ability to synthesize information from multiple sources
  • Flexibility and adaptability with changing priorities and deadlines
  • Proficiency in French highly desirable
  • Non-profit experience with global health, reproductive health (family planning, maternal and child health), women's rights, and international development
  • Ability to travel to country offices based on business need approximately 15% of the time
  • Excellent oral communication and writing skills
  • Excellent interpersonal skills and team spirit
  • Ability to work in a team setting with people of different backgrounds
  • Ability to use initiative and independent judgment, identify and resolve problems, and strong negotiation skills
  • Process focused with the ability to understand and follow set requirements as put forth by a donor

The salary shown above applies to US based personnel only. International salaries will be agreed upon during contract negotiations.

The above statements describe the general nature and level of work being performed by the person(s) assigned to this job. They are not to be construed as an exhaustive list of all responsibilities, duties, and skills required of personnel so classified. Employees can be asked to do other comparable duties as assigned.

EngenderHealth provides equal employment opportunities (EEO) to all employees and applicants for employment, without regard to race, creed, ancestry, citizenship, religion, color, gender, gender identity, gender expression, age, national origin, political belief, sexual orientation, genetic information, status as a victim of domestic violence, marital status, disability or any other protected characteristic or status under applicable federal, state, and local laws.

EngenderHealth complies with applicable federal, state, and local laws governing nondiscrimination in employment in every location in the United States in which the company has facilities. This policy applies to all terms and conditions of employment, including, but not limited to, hiring, placement, promotion, termination, layoff, recall, transfer, leaves of absence, compensation, and training.

EngenderHealth is committed to safeguarding all people, particularly children, vulnerable adults, and beneficiaries of assistance from any harm that may be caused due to contact with EngenderHealth. This includes harm arising from the conduct of staff, associates, and partners; and the design and implementation of programs and activities.

Not-for-Profit Journal Entries

Diving into the specifics of not-for-profit accounting, Nick Palazzolo unpacks the complexities around recording journal entries in this sector. With his usual clarity, he explains the importance of correctly classifying contributions, detailing unrestricted cash contributions, temporarily restricted cash contributions, and how donations such as land or other non-cash assets should be handled. Furthermore, Nick provides insights into the procedures for releasing net assets from restrictions, handling expenses, and accounting for pledges, endowments, grants, and contracts. This session offers a comprehensive look at trial journal entries that not-for-profit entities may encounter, enhancing understanding of unique financial reporting requirements in this area.

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Medical Assistant: Renal Clinic

Allied health - general-medical assistants.

  • 725 Albany Street, Boston, Massachusetts


Performs clinic support in both the clinical and administrative areas:

In the clinical area the practice assistant, under the direction and supervision of a licensed Nurse or Provider, and in accordance with hospital policies, procedures, protocols, and standards of practice participates in the delivery of patient care.

In the administrative area the practice assistant gathers patient information for registration, schedules appointments, verifies demographic and financial information and assists in the facilitation of patient flow throughout the ambulatory setting.

Position: Medical Assistant: Renal Clinic       

Department: Renal Clinic

Schedule: Full Time

ESSENTIAL RESPONSIBILITIES / DUTIES: Delivers care in a non-judgmental, non-discriminatory manner that is sensitive to and demonstrates respect for patients. Duties include: Clinical Support:  Under the direction of the licensed Nurse or Provider, performs a variety of appropriately delegated patient care interventions for patients and their families. 1.  Collaborates with the licensed Nurse/clinic manager, as a member of the interdisciplinary team throughout the shift to determine appropriate work assignment and priorities, as well as communicates status of delegated task completion and outcome of patient data findings. Maintains timely ongoing verbal communication. 2.  Monitors patient flow including waiting room activity and communicating wait time updates to patients. Informs nursing staff, technical staff and/or supervisor of arrival of patients. 3.  Conducts pre-visit chart review and preparations for upcoming visits, including:

Identification and documentation of patient care needs based on clinic guidelines and protocols (e.g. live interpreter needs, Hoyer-lift).

Enters order for labs and tests to be completed at upcoming visit per clinic guidelines and protocols.

4.  Greets patient in waiting room and escorts to exam room 5.  Uses recognized and accurate medical terminology and abbreviations for all documentation, avoiding the use of unapproved abbreviations, per Hospital policy. 6.  Assists with intake process in the following areas as determined by departmental needs:

Checks two patients identifiers

Accurately collects and documents in the medial records vital signs, chief complaint/reason for visit, and medical/family/social history

Enter allergies and smoking status

Documents current medications and prescriptions that need to be renewed

Obtains immunization records/history, and enters findings into patient medical record

Instructs patient on how to prepare for the provider (assisting as necessary)

Anticipates/sets up special equipment and/or supplies needed for visit

Administers preventative/population health management screens and questionnaires (e.g. PHQ2 and other behavioral health screens) and records in medical record.

Arranges refills information for provider approval

Downloads glucometer and other device data for provider review

Alerts the provider when patient is ready and communicates abnormalities in findings (e.g. elevated temperature )

Complies with department documentation standards to ensure a complete and accurate patient record

Update patient pharmacy information

7.  Collects, labels, sends and may deliver specimens with appropriate laboratory slips and or requisitions. 8.  Identifies emergency/crisis situations and initiates appropriate response actions within the scope of his/her role, including immediate communication of such events to the licensed Nurse/Physician. 9.  Under direction of the licensed nurse or designee maintains competence of tasks and performs tasks in relation to a variety of technical skills which may include but are not limited to:

Cast/splint care

Guaiac, sugar and acetone, urine pH

Glucose finger stick

Application of external monitors

GU irrigation set up

Routine EKGs

Hearing Test

POCT (i.e. glucometer, pregnancy test, etc.)

Visual acuity

Vital signs

Oxygen saturation by pulse oximeter

Personal patient glucometer downloads

Leg/girth measurements

Biopsy set up

Procedure tray set up

Urine culture prep

Simple dressing changes eg. DSD

Suture removal

Specimen Collection

10.  Provides basic skin care, including but not limited to: application of heat and cold, diabetic foot care, application of elastic stockings, and ace wraps. 11.  Uses Universal precautions, performs wound care inclusive of simple dressing changes and saline irrigations. Must arrange for Registered Nurse to be present for wound assessment with each dressing change. 12.  Assists licensed nurse/health team members with various minor procedures limited to set up and breakdown of simple sterile procedure (e.g. sterile biopsy). Draping and prepping patient under the direction of the licensed nurse or provider, including but not limited to:

Endometrial biopsy

IUD insertion and removal

Pelvic exam

Incision and drainage

Punch biopsy


Suprapubic tube changes

13.  Provides basic patient equipment care including but not limited to: changing hearing aid batteries, applying splints/prostheses, etc. 14.  Helps to complete patient visit:

Prints disposition forms and patient education materials

Assists with staging selected prior authorization for medication or supplies needed under the direction of nurse manager or designee

15.  Strictly adheres to isolation procedures as initiated by licensed personnel. 16.  Performs initial cleaning/decontamination of equipment/materials and instruments. 17.  Checks inventories, and restocks, replaces, assembles patient equipment and supplies. 18.  Utilize the care team's population health management registry or other applicable database for preventative care outreach, including:

Review of patient data

Reminding patients of test/screening needs (i.e. by phone, letter)

Prints and displays care team registry data or other applicable database data

19.  Restocks, replaces assembles patient equipment and supplies ordered by Nurse Manager and/or designee. Responsible for alerting licensed nurse, manager or designee of broken, or otherwise non-functional supplies or equipment. Prepares supply order form. 20.  Understand, respect and demonstrate patient confidentiality in all endeavors. 21.  Performs other duties as needed Advanced Clinical Activities: The list below is not an all-inclusive list, but illustrates the nature and scope of some tasks/procedures that a Practice Assistant in a Specialty clinic may 1) assist with or, 2) perform. These procedures may require specific training (typically provided by a BMC staff member or vendor training).Some procedures may require special certification. Some examples of these tasks/procedures are: Assist with:

Chronic wound treatment (e.g. assist in wound graft)

MOHS surgery

Excisional surgery

Laser treatment

Cool/Sculpting treatment

Other Cosmetic Procedures (e.g. peels, fillers)

Urodynamic studies

Flow rate/voiding trials

Low-dye taping

Phototherapy and PUVA

Suture Removals

Clerical Support : Performs all duties associated with an Ambulatory Services Representative, including but not limited to registration, scheduling, and collecting co-payments. 1.  Gathers and/or assist patients with registration information at every visit. Ensures accurate data entry and updates data into the computer system. Data includes demographic, billing data and patient payment information. 2.  Verifies third-party insurance coverage for patients, including day of service and whether prior approval for service is necessary for proper reimbursement of services rendered. Obtains this approval whenever it is necessary, and enters into the hospital billing system appropriately 3.  Follow internal collection and cash control policies by informing patients of their financial obligations, collecting payment (deposits, co-payments) at time of service and controlling cash. 4.  Directs patients with financial concerns to staff who can assist them in the completion of applications forms. 5.  Creates and/or obtains medical records for patients and distributes copy to the appropriate person. 6.  Assigns medical record numbers to new patients in order to ensure current information on the patient record system. Collaborates with Medical Records department for suspected duplicate records. 7.  Maintains clinic files and patient records; screen patient's chart prior to appointment, checks for lab work, x-ray, and other pertinent results, and verifies information as required. 8.  Uses computer terminal for access/input of patient information, lab results, x-ray and other automated requests and communicates findings to appropriate healthcare team members. 9.  Stamps and dates charts as required; prepare files and other clinic specific forms 10.  Mails out clinic specific notices and letters as required. 11.  Handles clinic mail and delivers to the appropriate person. 12.  Creates cross-booking activities for both linked appointments (social services, nutrition, interpreters, etc.). 13.  Reschedules patients from canceled or bumped clinic sessions. 14.  Enters charge code and updates diagnosis codes into the patient account system, as directed and as appropriate. 15.  Tracks and arranges for return of borrowed/rented equipment. 16.  Maintains appropriate equipment logs and records. General duties: 1.  Demonstrates the knowledge and skills necessary to provide age appropriate care to the groups of patients regularly served. 2.  Orientation of new staff; serves as a resource to float pool staff 3.  Conforms to hospital standards of performance and conduct, including those pertaining to patient rights, so that the best possible customer service and patient care may be provided. 4.  Utilizes hospital's cultural beliefs and RESPECT attributes as the basis for decision making and to support the hospital's mission and goals. Advanced Administrative Duties: 1.  The list below is not an all-inclusive list, but illustrates the nature of administrative duties associates with advanced clinical action: 2.  Schedule urgent patients into providers schedule for immediate evaluation 3.  Completion of billing batch for advanced clinical activity (e.g. photo and PUVA, suture removal, dressing change batch) 4.  Creates and maintains special procedure and sub-specialty patient list for reference 5.  Maintain special procedure and sub specialty areas:

Cleaning and audit

Inventory and inspection of special equipment and instruments

Stocking and ordering of special items

Maintain vendor logs/relationship and informs nurse manager or designee of equipment needing service

6.  Other duties as assigned Work Rules, Standards, and Competency Compliance : 1. Maintains a presentable appearance in accordance with dress code requirements, including wearing visible hospital identification badge that identifies self as a Medical Assistant. 2.  Adapts to changing patient and practice unit needs including but not limited to: offering assistance to other team members, floating, adjusting assignments, etc. 3.  Collaborates with the nurse manager/clinic supervisor to coordinate break periods with the practice unit's activities. 4.  Acts in a manner that supports a positive and collaborative work environment and that is congruent with established standards, policies, procedures, and regulations 5.  Works cooperatively and constructively with all staff members and takes appropriate steps to effectively resolve interpersonal conflicts, seeking assistance from his/her superior when needed. 6.  Seeks out and acts upon constructive feedback regarding daily performance and works towards achieving goals identified during performance evaluations. 7.  Participates in staff meetings/initiatives including appropriate quality improvement and education activities, or if unable to attend non-mandatory activities, accepts responsibility to review meeting minutes and becomes knowledgeable of issues discussed. 8.  Participates in ongoing educational activities to maintain technical competency and updates requisite skills in his/her area of responsibilities, maintains required certificates, e.g., safety regulation and infection control standard review, departmental and unit specific competencies, etc. 9 . Attends in-services on new equipment, procedures and programs; maintains accurate annual education record. 10.  Complies with established practice standards, policies, procedures, protocols, guideline, and regulations, e.g., DPH, TJC, Fire Codes, OSHA, etc. 11.  Adheres to attendance, safety, and infectious disease control policies/standard; consistently available on the unit. 12.  Delivers care in a non-judgmental, non-discriminatory manner that is sensitive to and demonstrates respect for patients. 13 . Treats patients in a manner that preserves and protects patient autonomy, dignity, confidentiality, and patient rights. 14.  Demonstrates the knowledge and skills necessary to provide age appropriate care to the groups of patients regularly served. 15.  Conforms to hospital standards of performance and conduct, including those pertaining to patient rights, so that the best possible customer service and patient care may be provided. 16.  Utilizes hospital's cultural beliefs as the basis for decision making and to support the hospital's mission and goals.



Work requires of HS diploma or GED plus at least one of the following:

Successful completion of a medical assistant program or

Successful completion of the-second medical-surgical clinical rotation or

Equivalent combination of education and healthcare related work experience. EXPERIENCE: Requires at least two years of previous work experience. Experience in clinical setting is preferred KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS:

Must pass clinical competency testing.

Ability to effectively speak, read, and write English.

Ability to perform basic math and quantitative measurements, e.g. obtains height and weight, measures urine output, etc.

Excellent customer service skills and ability to communicate in a courteous, pleasant and professional manner with patients, general public, staff members, outside agencies, and all other internal and external contacts.

Organizational skills to set priorities and efficiently complete assigned work.

Ability to accurately interpret and utilize basic medical terminology and abbreviations.

Ability to work independently and to make decisions based on department polices and established procedures..

Basic computer proficiency inclusive of ability to access, enter, and interpret computerized data/information.

Must be able to maintain strict protocols of all confidential or sensitive information

Equal Opportunity Employer/Disabled/Veterans

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Parsons Corporation is hiring for remote Quality Control Manager (virtual with seasonal rotation to Antarctica)

Parsons Corporation

Quality control manager (virtual with seasonal rotation to antarctica), disclaimer: before you apply, please make sure the job is legit..

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  • Provides Quality Systems leadership using the ISO 9001 Standard as the basis for process development and optimization, procedure development, data collection and reporting and Quality Systems training. Interfaces at senior and executive levels with regard to ISO 9000 process improvement and reengineering.
  • Develops and maintains Quality Policy, Processes, Procedures and related documents. Reviews Quality Manuals, documents, and implementation procedures to verify compliance with industry codes and standards, regulations and regulatory commitments.
  • Plans and executes required audit activities (schedules, plans, reports, finding resolutions, etc.).
  • Performs and adequately documents Internal Quality Audits of assigned office, projects and jobsites, and manages all related follow-up activities. Audits conducted to assure compliance with Parsons' standards, contract requirements, and applicable codes, specifications and drawings, including but not limited to: Design, Engineering, Estimating, Procurement, Project Controls, Vendor/Subcontractor.
  • Management, Receiving, Handling & Storage, Construction, etc.
  • Facilitates all internal and external Quality audits and briefs management with the results.
  • Effectively documents, follows-up and closes corrective actions - both internal and external. Analyzes findings/ issues/ non-conformances identified during audits to determine program quality and identify performance trends. Analysis includes all available oversight results, both internal and external, and trending data.
  • Handles qualification audits of suppliers of purchased items and services.
  • Assures audited activities meet Parsons' quality program, and Client quality requirements.
  • Performs quality engineering reviews of design documentation for compliance with stated requirements, including vendor quality manuals and company quality records.
  • Promotes safety awareness including adhering to safety rules and requirements. Participates, as needed, in safety field audits and assessments.
  • Reviews from a quality perspective (and approves if required) documents prepared by internal or external organizations such as quality manuals and procedures, technical deliverables, test plans and procedures, purchase orders, and subcontracts.
  • Collaborates with management for interface on Quality activities with internal or external organizations (customers, suppliers, subcontractors, and others).
  • Participates in the interview and selection process (including hiring recommendations), and makes staffing assignments in accordance with schedule requirements. Conducts performance evaluations and makes appropriate recommendations for required actions, including recommendations for advancement, changes in status, or disciplinary action.
  • Performs other responsibilities associated with this position as may be appropriate.
  • Bachelor's Degree in Engineering, Business or Quality discipline or related field (or equivalent work experience)
  • 12+ years of related work experience in the field of Quality, including 5+ years experience in management capacity. Lead Auditor certification (ISO 9001 or equal) or ASQ certification (CMQ/OE, CQA, or CQE).
  • Background in construction to include fieldwork in a remote/austere environment. Experience with steel erection, SIP panels, and/or MEP systems.

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procedural assignment to non register


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