The Scientific Method Lesson Plan: Developing Hypotheses

Submitted by: charlie conway.

This is a lesson plan designed to be incorporated into a elementary or middle school general science class. Using BrainPOP and its resources, students will be introduced (or further exposed) to the steps necessary to undertake scientific experimentation leading (perhaps) to a Science Fair project. The Scientific Method is a core structure in learning about scientific inquiry, and although there are many variations of this set of procedures, they all usually have similar components. This lesson should take 45-60 minutes, with opportunities for extending the lesson further.

Students will:

  • Students will use BrainPOP features to build their understandings of the Scientific Method.
  • Students will learn how to identify and write effective hypotheses.
  • Students will use game play to write an appropriate hypothesis for an experiment.
  • Students will identify and utilize the tools necessary to design a scientific investigation.
  • Laptops/Computers
  • Interactive White Board
  • Pencil/Paper
  • Class set of photocopies of the Scientific Method Flow Chart
  • BrainPOP accounts (optional)



These procedures may be modified according to the needs/resources of each teacher & class. For example, you may decide to do the quiz with pencil/paper, or do the quiz as a class.

Lesson Procedure:

  • Ask the students how scientists answer questions and solve problems. Take a few minutes to explore students' prior knowledge with a short discussion.
  • Tell the class that you're going to watch a BrainPOP movie about answering a scientific question about plant growth.
  • Show the BrainPOP movie on the Scientific Method two times. The first time, students should just watch and listen. The second time they should take notes. Pause the movie at critical STOP points.
  • Students should log on to their individual student accounts and take the Scientific Method Quiz to give the teacher some immediate feedback. (This can also be done as a pre-assessment, or at the very end of the lesson). NOTE: If you choose to, you can give a pencil/paper quiz also; students who work best with electronic media can be given accommodations). If you don't have access to individual student logins via MyBrainPOP (a school subscription), students can take the Review Quiz or paper quiz instead.
  • Discuss the main points from the movie: a. Write the definition of the scientific method: the procedure scientists use to help explain why things happen. b. Make a list on the board of the steps mentioned as part of the scientific method: problem, fact finding, observation, inference, hypothesis, experiment, conclusions. c. Tell students that there are various versions of the scientific method that they may see, but they are all basically the same.
  • Hand out the Scientific Method Flow Chart . Introduce the "If...then...because..." format for writing hypotheses. Give the students 10 minutes to complete the sheet with their group. They may use their notes from the movie to help them, and/or work collaboratively with other students.
  • Discuss some of the student responses in class. Focus on the hypotheses, and explain that a good hypothesis is a testable explanation of the problem. For example, a good hypothesis to the third problem would be, "If I move farther away from the microwave oven, then the cell phone signal will improve because I am further away from the source of interference." Show how this is a TESTABLE hypothesis that can lead to a scientific experiment.
  • Introduce the students to the Pavlov’s Dog game in GameUP. Allow time for the kids to explore the game without telling them why they are playing it.
  • After 10-15 minutes, have the students take a break from playing, and have a short discussion about the game. Ask if anyone was able to complete the task successfully, and have them share how they got the "diploma." If time allows, show the students how to complete the task so that they all understand that the dog has been conditioned to respond to a stimulus (noise before food has been introduced).
  • Have the students write a hypothesis that Pavlov may have written before he started his experiment. Students can either do this with pencil/paper, or the teacher may create a BrainPOP quiz and have students submit their hypothesis electronically. This may be used as a part of the assessment.
  • Choose some sample responses from the students, highlighting the hypotheses that are TESTABLE, and not just guesses or predictions.

If this lesson is an introduction to allowing students to plan and carry out their own experiments, then all that follows is naturally an extension to the lesson.

Other, shorter extensions are easy to develop as well.

Extension Activities:

writing a hypothesis for middle school

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Formative Assessment Probe

What Is a Hypothesis?

By Page Keeley

Uncovering Student Ideas in Science, Volume 3: Another 25 Formative Assessment Probes

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This is the new updated edition of the first book in the bestselling  Uncovering Student Ideas in Science  series. Like the first edition of volume 1, this book helps pinpoint what your students know (or think they know) so you can monitor their learning and adjust your teaching accordingly. Loaded with classroom-friendly features you can use immediately, the book includes 25 “probes”—brief, easily administered formative assessments designed to understand your students’ thinking about 60 core science concepts.

What Is a Hypothesis?

Access this probe as a Google form:  English

Download this probe as an editable PDF: English

The purpose of this assessment probe is to elicit students’ ideas about hypotheses. The probe is designed to find out if students understand what a hypothesis is, when it is used, and how it is developed.

Type of Probe

Justified List

Related Concepts

hypothesis, nature of science, scientific inquiry, scientific method


The best choices are A, B, G, K, L, and M. However, other possible answers open up discussions to contrast with the provided definition. A hypothesis is a tentative explanation that can be tested and is based on observation and/or scientific knowledge such as that that has been gained from doing background research. Hypotheses are used to investigate a scientific question. Hypotheses can be tested through experimentation or further observation, but contrary to how some students are taught to use the “scientific method,” hypotheses are not proved true or correct. Students will often state their conclusions as “My hypothesis is correct because my data prove…,” thereby equating positive results with proof (McLaughlin 2006, p. 61). In essence, experimentation as well as other means of scientific investigation never prove a hypothesis—the hypothesis gains credibility from the evidence obtained from data that support it. Data either support or negate a hypothesis but never prove something to be 100% true or correct.

Hypotheses are often confused with questions. A hypothesis is not framed as a question but rather provides a tentative explanation in response to the scientific question that leads the investigation. Sometimes the word hypothesis is oversimplified by being defined as “an educated guess.” This terminology fails to convey the explanatory or predictive nature of scientific hypotheses and omits what is most important about hypotheses: their purpose. Hypotheses are developed to explain observations, such as notable patterns in nature; predict the outcome of an experiment based on observations or prior scientific knowledge; and guide the investigator in seeking and paying attention to the right data. Calling a hypothesis a “guess” undermines the explanation that underscores a hypothesis.

Predictions and hypotheses are not the same. A hypothesis, which is a tentative explanation, can lead to a prediction. Predictions forecast the outcome of an experiment but do not include an explanation. Predictions often use if-then statements, just as hypotheses do, but this does not make a prediction a hypothesis. For example, a prediction might take the form of, “If I do [X], then [Y] will happen.” The prediction describes the outcome but it does not provide an explanation of why that outcome might result or describe any relationship between variables.

Sometimes the words hypothesis , theory , and law are inaccurately portrayed in science textbooks as a hierarchy of scientific knowledge, with the hypothesis being the first step on the way to becoming a theory and then a law. These concepts do not form a sequence for the development of scientific knowledge because each represents a different type of knowledge.

Not every investigation requires a hypothesis. Some types of investigations do not lend themselves to hypothesis testing through experimentation. A good deal of science is observational and descriptive—the study of biodiversity, for example, usually involves looking at a wide variety of specimens and maybe sketching and recording their unique characteristics. A biologist studying biodiversity might wonder, “What types of birds are found on island X?” The biologist would observe sightings of birds and perhaps sketch them and record their bird calls but would not be guided by a specific hypothesis. Many of the great discoveries in science did not begin with a hypothesis in mind. For example, Charles Darwin did not begin his observations of species in the Galapagos with a hypothesis in mind.

Contrary to the way hypotheses are often stated by students as an unimaginative response to a question posed at the beginning of an experiment, particularly those of the “cookbook” type, the generation of hypotheses by scientists is actually a creative and imaginative process, combined with the logic of scientific thought. “The process of formulating and testing hypotheses is one of the core activities of scientists. To be useful, a hypothesis should suggest what evidence would support it and what evidence would refute it. A hypothesis that cannot in principle be put to the test of evidence may be interesting, but it is not likely to be scientifically useful” (AAAS 1988, p. 5).

Curricular and Instructional Considerations

Elementary Students

In the elementary school grades, students typically engage in inquiry to begin to construct an understanding of the natural world. Their inquiries are initiated by a question. If students have a great deal of knowledge or have made prior observations, they might propose a hypothesis; in most cases, however, their knowledge and observations are too incomplete for them to hypothesize. If elementary school students are required to develop a hypothesis, it is often just a guess, which does little to contribute to an understanding of the purpose of a hypothesis. At this grade level, it is usually sufficient for students to focus on their questions, instead of hypotheses (Pine 1999).

Middle School Students

At the middle school level, students develop an understanding of what a hypothesis is and when one is used. The notion of a testable hypothesis through experimentation that involves variables is introduced and practiced at this grade level. However, there is a danger that students will think every investigation must include a hypothesis. Hypothesizing as a skill is important to develop at this grade level but it is also important to develop the understandings of what a hypothesis is and why and how it is developed.

High School Students

At this level, students have acquired more scientific knowledge and experiences and so are able to propose tentative explanations. They can formulate a testable hypothesis and demonstrate the logical connections between the scientific concepts guiding a hypothesis and the design of an experiment (NRC 1996).

Administering the Probe

This probe is best used as is at the middle school and high school levels, particularly if students have been previously exposed to the word hypothesis or its use. Remove any answer choices students might not be familiar with. For example, if they have not encountered if-then reasoning, eliminate this distracter. The probe can also be modified as a simpler version for students in grades 3–5 by leaving out some of the choices and simplifying the descriptions.

K–4 Understandings About Scientific Inquiry

  • Scientific investigations involve asking and answering a question and comparing the answer with what scientists already know about the world.
  • Scientists develop explanations using observations (evidence) and what they already know about the world (scientific knowledge).

5–8 Understandings About Scientific Inquiry

  • Different kinds of questions suggest different kinds of investigations. Some investigations involve observing and describing objects, organisms, or events; some involve collecting specimens; some involve experiments; some involve seeking more information; some involve discovery of new objects and phenomena; and some involve making models.
  • Current scientific knowledge and understanding guide scientific investigations. Different scientific domains employ different methods, core theories, and standards to advance scientific knowledge and understanding.

5–8 Science as a Human Endeavor

  • Science is very much a human endeavor, and the work of science relies on basic human qualities such as reasoning, insight, energy, skill, and creativity.

9–12 Abilities Necessary to Do Scientific Inquiry

  • Identify questions and concepts that guide scientific investigations.*

9–12 Understandings About Scientific Inquiry

  • Scientists usually inquire about how physical, living, or designed systems function. Conceptual principles and knowledge guide scientific inquiries. Historical and current scientific knowledge influence the design and interpretation of investigations and the evaluation of proposed explanations made by other scientists.

*Indicates a strong match between the ideas elicited by the probe and a national standard’s learning goal.

K–2 Scientific Inquiry

  • People can often learn about things around them by just observing those things carefully, but sometimes they can learn more by doing something to the things and noting what happens.

3–5 Scientific Inquiry

  • Scientists’ explanations about what happens in the world come partly from what they observe and partly from what they think. Sometimes scientists have different explanations for the same set of observations. That usually leads to their making more observations to resolve the differences.

6–8 Scientific Inquiry

  • Scientists differ greatly in what phenomena they study and how they go about their work. Although there is no fixed set of steps that all scientists follow, scientific investigations usually involve the collection of relevant evidence, the use of logical reasoning, and the application of imagination in devising hypotheses and explanations to make sense of the collected evidence.*

6–8 Values and Attitudes

  • Even if they turn out not to be true, hypotheses are valuable if they lead to fruitful investigations.*

9–12 Scientific Inquiry

  • Hypotheses are widely used in science for choosing what data to pay attention to and what additional data to seek and for guiding the interpretation of the data (both new and previously available).*

Related Research

  • Students generally have difficulty with explaining how science is conducted because they have had little contact with real scientists. Their familiarity with doing science, even at older ages, is “school science,” which is often not how science is generally conducted in the scientific community (Driver et al. 1996).
  • Despite over 10 years of reform efforts in science education, research still shows that students typically have inadequate conceptions of what science is and what scientists do (Schwartz 2007).
  • Upper elementary school and middle school students may not understand experimentation as a method of testing ideas, but rather as a method of trying things out or producing a desired outcome (AAAS 1993).
  • Middle school students tend to invoke personal experiences as evidence to justify their hypothesis. They seem to think of evidence as selected from what is already known or from personal experience or secondhand sources, not as information produced through experiment (AAAS 1993).

Related NSTA Resources

American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). 1993. Benchmarks for science literacy. New York: Oxford University Press.

Keeley, P. 2005. Science curriculum topic study: Bridging the gap between standards and practice. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.

McLaughlin, J. 2006. A gentle reminder that a hypothesis is never proven correct, nor is a theory ever proven true. Journal of College Science Teaching 36 (1): 60–62.

National Research Council (NRC). 1996. National science education standards. Washington, DC: National Academy Press.

Schwartz, R. 2007. What’s in a word? How word choice can develop (mis)conceptions about the nature of science. Science Scope 31 (2): 42–47.

VanDorn, K., M. Mavita, L. Montes, B. Ackerson, and M. Rockley. 2004. Hypothesis-based learning. Science Scope 27: 24–25.

Suggestions for Instruction and Assessment

  • The “scientific method” is often the first topic students encounter when using textbooks and this can erroneously imply that there is a rigid set of steps that all scientists follow, including the development of a hypothesis. Often the scientific method described in textbooks applies to experimentation, which is only one of many ways scientists conduct their work. Embedding explicit instruction of the various ways to do science in the actual investigations students do throughout the year as well as in their studies of investigations done by scientists is a better approach to understanding how science is done than starting off the year with the scientific method in a way that is devoid of a context through which students can learn the content and process of science.
  • Students often participate in science fairs that may follow a textbook scientific method of posing a question, developing a hypothesis, and so on, that incorrectly results in students “proving” their hypothesis. Make sure students understand that a hypothesis can be disproven, but it is never proven, which implies 100% certainty.
  • Help students understand that science begins with a question. The structure of some school lab reports may lead students to believe that all investigations begin with a hypothesis. While some investigations do begin with a hypothesis, in most cases, they begin with a question. Sometimes it is just a general question.
  • A technique to help students maintain a consistent image of science as inquiry throughout the year by paying more careful attention to the words they use is to create a “caution words” poster or bulletin board (Schwartz 2007). Important words that have specific meanings in science but are often used inappropriately in the science classroom and through everyday language can be posted in the room as a reminder to pay careful attention to how students are using these words. For example, words like hypothesis and scientific method can be posted here. Words that are banned when referring to hypotheses include prove, correct, and true.
  • Use caution when asking students to write lab reports that use the same format regardless of the type of investigation conducted. The format used in writing about an investigation may imply a rigid, fixed process or erroneously misrepresent aspects of science, such as that hypotheses are developed for every scientific investigation.
  • Avoid using hypotheses with younger children when they result in guesses. It is better to start with a question and have students make a prediction about what they think will happen and why. As they acquire more conceptual understanding and experience a variety of observations, they will be better prepared to develop hypotheses that reflect the way science is done.
  • Avoid using “educated guess” as a description for hypothesis. The common meaning of the word guess implies no prior knowledge, experience, or observations.
  • Scaffold hypothesis writing for students by initially having them use words like may in their statements and then formalizing them with if-then statements. For example, students may start with the statement, “The growth of algae may be affected by temperature.” The next step would be to extend this statement to include a testable relationship, such as, “If the temperature of the water increases, then the algae population will increase.” Encourage students to propose a tentative explanation and then consider how they would go about testing the statement.

American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). 1988. Science for all Americans. New York: Oxford University Press.

Driver, R., J. Leach, R. Millar, and P. Scott. 1996. Young people’s images of science. Buckingham, UK: Open University Press.

Pine, J. 1999. To hypothesize or not to hypothesize. In Foundations: A monograph for professionals in science, mathematics, and technology education. Vol. 2. Inquiry: Thoughts, views, and strategies for the K–5 classroom. Arlington, VA: National Science Foundation.

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  • How to Write a Strong Hypothesis | Steps & Examples

How to Write a Strong Hypothesis | Steps & Examples

Published on May 6, 2022 by Shona McCombes . Revised on November 20, 2023.

A hypothesis is a statement that can be tested by scientific research. If you want to test a relationship between two or more variables, you need to write hypotheses before you start your experiment or data collection .

Example: Hypothesis

Daily apple consumption leads to fewer doctor’s visits.

Table of contents

What is a hypothesis, developing a hypothesis (with example), hypothesis examples, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions about writing hypotheses.

A hypothesis states your predictions about what your research will find. It is a tentative answer to your research question that has not yet been tested. For some research projects, you might have to write several hypotheses that address different aspects of your research question.

A hypothesis is not just a guess – it should be based on existing theories and knowledge. It also has to be testable, which means you can support or refute it through scientific research methods (such as experiments, observations and statistical analysis of data).

Variables in hypotheses

Hypotheses propose a relationship between two or more types of variables .

  • An independent variable is something the researcher changes or controls.
  • A dependent variable is something the researcher observes and measures.

If there are any control variables , extraneous variables , or confounding variables , be sure to jot those down as you go to minimize the chances that research bias  will affect your results.

In this example, the independent variable is exposure to the sun – the assumed cause . The dependent variable is the level of happiness – the assumed effect .

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Step 1. Ask a question

Writing a hypothesis begins with a research question that you want to answer. The question should be focused, specific, and researchable within the constraints of your project.

Step 2. Do some preliminary research

Your initial answer to the question should be based on what is already known about the topic. Look for theories and previous studies to help you form educated assumptions about what your research will find.

At this stage, you might construct a conceptual framework to ensure that you’re embarking on a relevant topic . This can also help you identify which variables you will study and what you think the relationships are between them. Sometimes, you’ll have to operationalize more complex constructs.

Step 3. Formulate your hypothesis

Now you should have some idea of what you expect to find. Write your initial answer to the question in a clear, concise sentence.

4. Refine your hypothesis

You need to make sure your hypothesis is specific and testable. There are various ways of phrasing a hypothesis, but all the terms you use should have clear definitions, and the hypothesis should contain:

  • The relevant variables
  • The specific group being studied
  • The predicted outcome of the experiment or analysis

5. Phrase your hypothesis in three ways

To identify the variables, you can write a simple prediction in  if…then form. The first part of the sentence states the independent variable and the second part states the dependent variable.

In academic research, hypotheses are more commonly phrased in terms of correlations or effects, where you directly state the predicted relationship between variables.

If you are comparing two groups, the hypothesis can state what difference you expect to find between them.

6. Write a null hypothesis

If your research involves statistical hypothesis testing , you will also have to write a null hypothesis . The null hypothesis is the default position that there is no association between the variables. The null hypothesis is written as H 0 , while the alternative hypothesis is H 1 or H a .

  • H 0 : The number of lectures attended by first-year students has no effect on their final exam scores.
  • H 1 : The number of lectures attended by first-year students has a positive effect on their final exam scores.
Research question Hypothesis Null hypothesis
What are the health benefits of eating an apple a day? Increasing apple consumption in over-60s will result in decreasing frequency of doctor’s visits. Increasing apple consumption in over-60s will have no effect on frequency of doctor’s visits.
Which airlines have the most delays? Low-cost airlines are more likely to have delays than premium airlines. Low-cost and premium airlines are equally likely to have delays.
Can flexible work arrangements improve job satisfaction? Employees who have flexible working hours will report greater job satisfaction than employees who work fixed hours. There is no relationship between working hour flexibility and job satisfaction.
How effective is high school sex education at reducing teen pregnancies? Teenagers who received sex education lessons throughout high school will have lower rates of unplanned pregnancy teenagers who did not receive any sex education. High school sex education has no effect on teen pregnancy rates.
What effect does daily use of social media have on the attention span of under-16s? There is a negative between time spent on social media and attention span in under-16s. There is no relationship between social media use and attention span in under-16s.

If you want to know more about the research process , methodology , research bias , or statistics , make sure to check out some of our other articles with explanations and examples.

  • Sampling methods
  • Simple random sampling
  • Stratified sampling
  • Cluster sampling
  • Likert scales
  • Reproducibility


  • Null hypothesis
  • Statistical power
  • Probability distribution
  • Effect size
  • Poisson distribution

Research bias

  • Optimism bias
  • Cognitive bias
  • Implicit bias
  • Hawthorne effect
  • Anchoring bias
  • Explicit bias

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A hypothesis is not just a guess — it should be based on existing theories and knowledge. It also has to be testable, which means you can support or refute it through scientific research methods (such as experiments, observations and statistical analysis of data).

Null and alternative hypotheses are used in statistical hypothesis testing . The null hypothesis of a test always predicts no effect or no relationship between variables, while the alternative hypothesis states your research prediction of an effect or relationship.

Hypothesis testing is a formal procedure for investigating our ideas about the world using statistics. It is used by scientists to test specific predictions, called hypotheses , by calculating how likely it is that a pattern or relationship between variables could have arisen by chance.

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McCombes, S. (2023, November 20). How to Write a Strong Hypothesis | Steps & Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved June 18, 2024, from

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SciGen Teacher Dashboard

Exploring a Hypothesis

Reaction Times in Sports

Constructing a Hypothesis

Writing a Procedure

Reaction Ruler

Duration: Approximately 50 minutes

Students learn the essential elements of a scientific hypothesis and learn to identify whether or not a statement contains these essential elements. Additionally, students learn to write a detailed procedure for a science experiment.


Students understand the essential components of a hypothesis.

Teacher Tune-up

  • What is a hypothesis and why is it so tricky to teach?

Teaching Notes


Introducing the concept of hypothesis (10 minutes)

Working with examples as a class (20 minutes)

Working with examples individually or in groups (20 minutes)

Paraphrase :

When we construct a scientific hypothesis, we include:

  • a view that states what we think is true and
  • a reason or cause that we can test with a measurement.

Both examples include two statements from the script of the scene about reaction times in baseball.

The first is Malik’s hypothesis that “Boys are better at hitting fastballs than girls because boys have faster reaction times.” This statement has both elements.

It’s important that students recognize that regardless of our feelings or experiences, a statement that contains the essential elements is indeed a scientific hypothesis.

The second model includes Stephanie’s statement that “They lost because everybody has a bad day now and then.” While this statement has a view that Stephanie believes is true, the reason or cause cannot be tested with a measurement. Some students may insist that this can be tested with a measurement. If they do, encourage them to think about how they would measure having a bad day “now and then.” While Stephanie’s statement may be true, it cannot be a scientific hypothesis because it lacks the second element.

There are other correct ways to frame a hypothesis, such as using an if/then statement.

See here for an explanation of this alternate structure as well as an introduction to the terms dependent and independent variable.

writing a hypothesis for middle school

Students identify whether or not a statement can be considered a hypothesis.

Check off whether or not the statement contains the components of a hypothesis.

Students write a brief explanation of their thinking for each statement.

Sample responses :

  • George’s statement is a hypothesis because it includes both of the essential parts. First, he states his view that he believes fish are dying because of the pollution from the factory. The cause can be tested with a measurement because someone could measure the amount of pollution found in the stream.
  • Christina’s statement contains the essential elements of a hypothesis because she can measure the amount of hours that students study and see if those who study more get higher grades. Because her statement includes a view that she thinks is true and a reason that can be tested with a measurement, Christina’s statement is a hypothesis.
  • Tashia’s statement is not a hypothesis because it does not contain a cause or reason that can be measured.

writing a hypothesis for middle school

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writing a hypothesis for middle school

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Think about something strange and unexplainable in your life. Maybe you get a headache right before it rains, or maybe you think your favorite sports team wins when you wear a certain color. If you wanted to see whether these are just coincidences or scientific fact, you would form a hypothesis, then create an experiment to see whether that hypothesis is true or not.

But what is a hypothesis, anyway? If you’re not sure about what a hypothesis is--or how to test for one!--you’re in the right place. This article will teach you everything you need to know about hypotheses, including: 

  • Defining the term “hypothesis” 
  • Providing hypothesis examples 
  • Giving you tips for how to write your own hypothesis

So let’s get started!


What Is a Hypothesis?

Merriam Webster defines a hypothesis as “an assumption or concession made for the sake of argument.” In other words, a hypothesis is an educated guess . Scientists make a reasonable assumption--or a hypothesis--then design an experiment to test whether it’s true or not. Keep in mind that in science, a hypothesis should be testable. You have to be able to design an experiment that tests your hypothesis in order for it to be valid. 

As you could assume from that statement, it’s easy to make a bad hypothesis. But when you’re holding an experiment, it’s even more important that your guesses be good...after all, you’re spending time (and maybe money!) to figure out more about your observation. That’s why we refer to a hypothesis as an educated guess--good hypotheses are based on existing data and research to make them as sound as possible.

Hypotheses are one part of what’s called the scientific method .  Every (good) experiment or study is based in the scientific method. The scientific method gives order and structure to experiments and ensures that interference from scientists or outside influences does not skew the results. It’s important that you understand the concepts of the scientific method before holding your own experiment. Though it may vary among scientists, the scientific method is generally made up of six steps (in order):

  • Observation
  • Asking questions
  • Forming a hypothesis
  • Analyze the data
  • Communicate your results

You’ll notice that the hypothesis comes pretty early on when conducting an experiment. That’s because experiments work best when they’re trying to answer one specific question. And you can’t conduct an experiment until you know what you’re trying to prove!

Independent and Dependent Variables 

After doing your research, you’re ready for another important step in forming your hypothesis: identifying variables. Variables are basically any factor that could influence the outcome of your experiment . Variables have to be measurable and related to the topic being studied.

There are two types of variables:  independent variables and dependent variables. I ndependent variables remain constant . For example, age is an independent variable; it will stay the same, and researchers can look at different ages to see if it has an effect on the dependent variable. 

Speaking of dependent variables... dependent variables are subject to the influence of the independent variable , meaning that they are not constant. Let’s say you want to test whether a person’s age affects how much sleep they need. In that case, the independent variable is age (like we mentioned above), and the dependent variable is how much sleep a person gets. 

Variables will be crucial in writing your hypothesis. You need to be able to identify which variable is which, as both the independent and dependent variables will be written into your hypothesis. For instance, in a study about exercise, the independent variable might be the speed at which the respondents walk for thirty minutes, and the dependent variable would be their heart rate. In your study and in your hypothesis, you’re trying to understand the relationship between the two variables.

Elements of a Good Hypothesis

The best hypotheses start by asking the right questions . For instance, if you’ve observed that the grass is greener when it rains twice a week, you could ask what kind of grass it is, what elevation it’s at, and if the grass across the street responds to rain in the same way. Any of these questions could become the backbone of experiments to test why the grass gets greener when it rains fairly frequently.

As you’re asking more questions about your first observation, make sure you’re also making more observations . If it doesn’t rain for two weeks and the grass still looks green, that’s an important observation that could influence your hypothesis. You'll continue observing all throughout your experiment, but until the hypothesis is finalized, every observation should be noted.

Finally, you should consult secondary research before writing your hypothesis . Secondary research is comprised of results found and published by other people. You can usually find this information online or at your library. Additionally, m ake sure the research you find is credible and related to your topic. If you’re studying the correlation between rain and grass growth, it would help you to research rain patterns over the past twenty years for your county, published by a local agricultural association. You should also research the types of grass common in your area, the type of grass in your lawn, and whether anyone else has conducted experiments about your hypothesis. Also be sure you’re checking the quality of your research . Research done by a middle school student about what minerals can be found in rainwater would be less useful than an article published by a local university.


Writing Your Hypothesis

Once you’ve considered all of the factors above, you’re ready to start writing your hypothesis. Hypotheses usually take a certain form when they’re written out in a research report.

When you boil down your hypothesis statement, you are writing down your best guess and not the question at hand . This means that your statement should be written as if it is fact already, even though you are simply testing it.

The reason for this is that, after you have completed your study, you'll either accept or reject your if-then or your null hypothesis. All hypothesis testing examples should be measurable and able to be confirmed or denied. You cannot confirm a question, only a statement! 

In fact, you come up with hypothesis examples all the time! For instance, when you guess on the outcome of a basketball game, you don’t say, “Will the Miami Heat beat the Boston Celtics?” but instead, “I think the Miami Heat will beat the Boston Celtics.” You state it as if it is already true, even if it turns out you’re wrong. You do the same thing when writing your hypothesis.

Additionally, keep in mind that hypotheses can range from very specific to very broad.  These hypotheses can be specific, but if your hypothesis testing examples involve a broad range of causes and effects, your hypothesis can also be broad.  


The Two Types of Hypotheses

Now that you understand what goes into a hypothesis, it’s time to look more closely at the two most common types of hypothesis: the if-then hypothesis and the null hypothesis.

#1: If-Then Hypotheses

First of all, if-then hypotheses typically follow this formula:

If ____ happens, then ____ will happen.

The goal of this type of hypothesis is to test the causal relationship between the independent and dependent variable. It’s fairly simple, and each hypothesis can vary in how detailed it can be. We create if-then hypotheses all the time with our daily predictions. Here are some examples of hypotheses that use an if-then structure from daily life: 

  • If I get enough sleep, I’ll be able to get more work done tomorrow.
  • If the bus is on time, I can make it to my friend’s birthday party. 
  • If I study every night this week, I’ll get a better grade on my exam. 

In each of these situations, you’re making a guess on how an independent variable (sleep, time, or studying) will affect a dependent variable (the amount of work you can do, making it to a party on time, or getting better grades). 

You may still be asking, “What is an example of a hypothesis used in scientific research?” Take one of the hypothesis examples from a real-world study on whether using technology before bed affects children’s sleep patterns. The hypothesis read s:

“We hypothesized that increased hours of tablet- and phone-based screen time at bedtime would be inversely correlated with sleep quality and child attention.”

It might not look like it, but this is an if-then statement. The researchers basically said, “If children have more screen usage at bedtime, then their quality of sleep and attention will be worse.” The sleep quality and attention are the dependent variables and the screen usage is the independent variable. (Usually, the independent variable comes after the “if” and the dependent variable comes after the “then,” as it is the independent variable that affects the dependent variable.) This is an excellent example of how flexible hypothesis statements can be, as long as the general idea of “if-then” and the independent and dependent variables are present.

#2: Null Hypotheses

Your if-then hypothesis is not the only one needed to complete a successful experiment, however. You also need a null hypothesis to test it against. In its most basic form, the null hypothesis is the opposite of your if-then hypothesis . When you write your null hypothesis, you are writing a hypothesis that suggests that your guess is not true, and that the independent and dependent variables have no relationship .

One null hypothesis for the cell phone and sleep study from the last section might say: 

“If children have more screen usage at bedtime, their quality of sleep and attention will not be worse.” 

In this case, this is a null hypothesis because it’s asking the opposite of the original thesis! 

Conversely, if your if-then hypothesis suggests that your two variables have no relationship, then your null hypothesis would suggest that there is one. So, pretend that there is a study that is asking the question, “Does the amount of followers on Instagram influence how long people spend on the app?” The independent variable is the amount of followers, and the dependent variable is the time spent. But if you, as the researcher, don’t think there is a relationship between the number of followers and time spent, you might write an if-then hypothesis that reads:

“If people have many followers on Instagram, they will not spend more time on the app than people who have less.”

In this case, the if-then suggests there isn’t a relationship between the variables. In that case, one of the null hypothesis examples might say:

“If people have many followers on Instagram, they will spend more time on the app than people who have less.”

You then test both the if-then and the null hypothesis to gauge if there is a relationship between the variables, and if so, how much of a relationship. 


4 Tips to Write the Best Hypothesis

If you’re going to take the time to hold an experiment, whether in school or by yourself, you’re also going to want to take the time to make sure your hypothesis is a good one. The best hypotheses have four major elements in common: plausibility, defined concepts, observability, and general explanation.

#1: Plausibility

At first glance, this quality of a hypothesis might seem obvious. When your hypothesis is plausible, that means it’s possible given what we know about science and general common sense. However, improbable hypotheses are more common than you might think. 

Imagine you’re studying weight gain and television watching habits. If you hypothesize that people who watch more than  twenty hours of television a week will gain two hundred pounds or more over the course of a year, this might be improbable (though it’s potentially possible). Consequently, c ommon sense can tell us the results of the study before the study even begins.

Improbable hypotheses generally go against  science, as well. Take this hypothesis example: 

“If a person smokes one cigarette a day, then they will have lungs just as healthy as the average person’s.” 

This hypothesis is obviously untrue, as studies have shown again and again that cigarettes negatively affect lung health. You must be careful that your hypotheses do not reflect your own personal opinion more than they do scientifically-supported findings. This plausibility points to the necessity of research before the hypothesis is written to make sure that your hypothesis has not already been disproven.

#2: Defined Concepts

The more advanced you are in your studies, the more likely that the terms you’re using in your hypothesis are specific to a limited set of knowledge. One of the hypothesis testing examples might include the readability of printed text in newspapers, where you might use words like “kerning” and “x-height.” Unless your readers have a background in graphic design, it’s likely that they won’t know what you mean by these terms. Thus, it’s important to either write what they mean in the hypothesis itself or in the report before the hypothesis.

Here’s what we mean. Which of the following sentences makes more sense to the common person?

If the kerning is greater than average, more words will be read per minute.

If the space between letters is greater than average, more words will be read per minute.

For people reading your report that are not experts in typography, simply adding a few more words will be helpful in clarifying exactly what the experiment is all about. It’s always a good idea to make your research and findings as accessible as possible. 


Good hypotheses ensure that you can observe the results. 

#3: Observability

In order to measure the truth or falsity of your hypothesis, you must be able to see your variables and the way they interact. For instance, if your hypothesis is that the flight patterns of satellites affect the strength of certain television signals, yet you don’t have a telescope to view the satellites or a television to monitor the signal strength, you cannot properly observe your hypothesis and thus cannot continue your study.

Some variables may seem easy to observe, but if you do not have a system of measurement in place, you cannot observe your hypothesis properly. Here’s an example: if you’re experimenting on the effect of healthy food on overall happiness, but you don’t have a way to monitor and measure what “overall happiness” means, your results will not reflect the truth. Monitoring how often someone smiles for a whole day is not reasonably observable, but having the participants state how happy they feel on a scale of one to ten is more observable. 

In writing your hypothesis, always keep in mind how you'll execute the experiment.

#4: Generalizability 

Perhaps you’d like to study what color your best friend wears the most often by observing and documenting the colors she wears each day of the week. This might be fun information for her and you to know, but beyond you two, there aren’t many people who could benefit from this experiment. When you start an experiment, you should note how generalizable your findings may be if they are confirmed. Generalizability is basically how common a particular phenomenon is to other people’s everyday life.

Let’s say you’re asking a question about the health benefits of eating an apple for one day only, you need to realize that the experiment may be too specific to be helpful. It does not help to explain a phenomenon that many people experience. If you find yourself with too specific of a hypothesis, go back to asking the big question: what is it that you want to know, and what do you think will happen between your two variables?


Hypothesis Testing Examples

We know it can be hard to write a good hypothesis unless you’ve seen some good hypothesis examples. We’ve included four hypothesis examples based on some made-up experiments. Use these as templates or launch pads for coming up with your own hypotheses.

Experiment #1: Students Studying Outside (Writing a Hypothesis)

You are a student at PrepScholar University. When you walk around campus, you notice that, when the temperature is above 60 degrees, more students study in the quad. You want to know when your fellow students are more likely to study outside. With this information, how do you make the best hypothesis possible?

You must remember to make additional observations and do secondary research before writing your hypothesis. In doing so, you notice that no one studies outside when it’s 75 degrees and raining, so this should be included in your experiment. Also, studies done on the topic beforehand suggested that students are more likely to study in temperatures less than 85 degrees. With this in mind, you feel confident that you can identify your variables and write your hypotheses:

If-then: “If the temperature in Fahrenheit is less than 60 degrees, significantly fewer students will study outside.”

Null: “If the temperature in Fahrenheit is less than 60 degrees, the same number of students will study outside as when it is more than 60 degrees.”

These hypotheses are plausible, as the temperatures are reasonably within the bounds of what is possible. The number of people in the quad is also easily observable. It is also not a phenomenon specific to only one person or at one time, but instead can explain a phenomenon for a broader group of people.

To complete this experiment, you pick the month of October to observe the quad. Every day (except on the days where it’s raining)from 3 to 4 PM, when most classes have released for the day, you observe how many people are on the quad. You measure how many people come  and how many leave. You also write down the temperature on the hour. 

After writing down all of your observations and putting them on a graph, you find that the most students study on the quad when it is 70 degrees outside, and that the number of students drops a lot once the temperature reaches 60 degrees or below. In this case, your research report would state that you accept or “failed to reject” your first hypothesis with your findings.

Experiment #2: The Cupcake Store (Forming a Simple Experiment)

Let’s say that you work at a bakery. You specialize in cupcakes, and you make only two colors of frosting: yellow and purple. You want to know what kind of customers are more likely to buy what kind of cupcake, so you set up an experiment. Your independent variable is the customer’s gender, and the dependent variable is the color of the frosting. What is an example of a hypothesis that might answer the question of this study?

Here’s what your hypotheses might look like: 

If-then: “If customers’ gender is female, then they will buy more yellow cupcakes than purple cupcakes.”

Null: “If customers’ gender is female, then they will be just as likely to buy purple cupcakes as yellow cupcakes.”

This is a pretty simple experiment! It passes the test of plausibility (there could easily be a difference), defined concepts (there’s nothing complicated about cupcakes!), observability (both color and gender can be easily observed), and general explanation ( this would potentially help you make better business decisions ).


Experiment #3: Backyard Bird Feeders (Integrating Multiple Variables and Rejecting the If-Then Hypothesis)

While watching your backyard bird feeder, you realized that different birds come on the days when you change the types of seeds. You decide that you want to see more cardinals in your backyard, so you decide to see what type of food they like the best and set up an experiment. 

However, one morning, you notice that, while some cardinals are present, blue jays are eating out of your backyard feeder filled with millet. You decide that, of all of the other birds, you would like to see the blue jays the least. This means you'll have more than one variable in your hypothesis. Your new hypotheses might look like this: 

If-then: “If sunflower seeds are placed in the bird feeders, then more cardinals will come than blue jays. If millet is placed in the bird feeders, then more blue jays will come than cardinals.”

Null: “If either sunflower seeds or millet are placed in the bird, equal numbers of cardinals and blue jays will come.”

Through simple observation, you actually find that cardinals come as often as blue jays when sunflower seeds or millet is in the bird feeder. In this case, you would reject your “if-then” hypothesis and “fail to reject” your null hypothesis . You cannot accept your first hypothesis, because it’s clearly not true. Instead you found that there was actually no relation between your different variables. Consequently, you would need to run more experiments with different variables to see if the new variables impact the results.

Experiment #4: In-Class Survey (Including an Alternative Hypothesis)

You’re about to give a speech in one of your classes about the importance of paying attention. You want to take this opportunity to test a hypothesis you’ve had for a while: 

If-then: If students sit in the first two rows of the classroom, then they will listen better than students who do not.

Null: If students sit in the first two rows of the classroom, then they will not listen better or worse than students who do not.

You give your speech and then ask your teacher if you can hand out a short survey to the class. On the survey, you’ve included questions about some of the topics you talked about. When you get back the results, you’re surprised to see that not only do the students in the first two rows not pay better attention, but they also scored worse than students in other parts of the classroom! Here, both your if-then and your null hypotheses are not representative of your findings. What do you do?

This is when you reject both your if-then and null hypotheses and instead create an alternative hypothesis . This type of hypothesis is used in the rare circumstance that neither of your hypotheses is able to capture your findings . Now you can use what you’ve learned to draft new hypotheses and test again! 

Key Takeaways: Hypothesis Writing

The more comfortable you become with writing hypotheses, the better they will become. The structure of hypotheses is flexible and may need to be changed depending on what topic you are studying. The most important thing to remember is the purpose of your hypothesis and the difference between the if-then and the null . From there, in forming your hypothesis, you should constantly be asking questions, making observations, doing secondary research, and considering your variables. After you have written your hypothesis, be sure to edit it so that it is plausible, clearly defined, observable, and helpful in explaining a general phenomenon.

Writing a hypothesis is something that everyone, from elementary school children competing in a science fair to professional scientists in a lab, needs to know how to do. Hypotheses are vital in experiments and in properly executing the scientific method . When done correctly, hypotheses will set up your studies for success and help you to understand the world a little better, one experiment at a time.


What’s Next?

If you’re studying for the science portion of the ACT, there’s definitely a lot you need to know. We’ve got the tools to help, though! Start by checking out our ultimate study guide for the ACT Science subject test. Once you read through that, be sure to download our recommended ACT Science practice tests , since they’re one of the most foolproof ways to improve your score. (And don’t forget to check out our expert guide book , too.)

If you love science and want to major in a scientific field, you should start preparing in high school . Here are the science classes you should take to set yourself up for success.

If you’re trying to think of science experiments you can do for class (or for a science fair!), here’s a list of 37 awesome science experiments you can do at home

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Ashley Sufflé Robinson has a Ph.D. in 19th Century English Literature. As a content writer for PrepScholar, Ashley is passionate about giving college-bound students the in-depth information they need to get into the school of their dreams.

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Writing a hypothesis

Frequently, when we hear the word ‘hypothesis’, we immediately think of an investigation in the form of a science experiment. This is not surprising, as science is the subject area where we are usually first introduced to the term.

However, the term hypothesis also applies to investigations and research in many diverse areas and branches of learning, leaving us wondering how to write a hypothesis in statistics and how to write a hypothesis in sociology alongside how to write a hypothesis in a lab report.

We can find hypotheses at work in areas as wide-ranging as history, psychology, technology, engineering, literature, design, and economics. With such a vast array of uses, hypothesis writing is an essential skill for our students to develop.

What Is a Hypothesis?

how to write a hypothesis | Hypothesis definition | HOW TO WRITE A HYPOTHESIS |

A hypothesis is a proposed or predicted answer to a question. The purpose of writing a hypothesis is to follow it up by testing that answer. This test can take the form of an investigation, experiment, or writing a research paper that will ideally prove or disprove the hypothesis’s prediction.

Despite this element of the unknown, a hypothesis is not the same thing as a guess. Though the hypothesis writer typically has some uncertainty, the creation of the hypothesis is generally based on some background knowledge and research of the topic. The writer believes in the likelihood of a specific outcome, but further investigation will be required to validate or falsify the claim made in their hypothesis.

In this regard, a hypothesis is more along the lines of an ‘educated guess’ that has been based on observation and/or background knowledge.

A hypothesis should:

  • Make a prediction
  • Provide reasons for that prediction
  • Specifies a relationship between two or more variables
  • Be testable
  • Be falsifiable
  • Be expressed simply and concisely
  • Serves as the starting point for an investigation, an experiment, or another form of testing


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This HUGE BUNDLE  offers 97 PAGES of hands-on, printable, and digital media resources. Your students will be WRITING procedures with STRUCTURE, INSIGHT AND KNOWLEDGE like never before.

Hypothesis Examples for Students and Teachers

If students listen to classical music while studying, they will retain more information.

Mold growth is affected by the level of moisture in the air.

Students who sleep for longer at night retain more information at school.

Employees who work more than 40 hours per week show higher instances of clinical depression.

Time spent on social media is negatively correlated to the length of the average attention span.

People who spend time exercising regularly are less likely to develop a cardiovascular illness.

If people are shorter, then they are more likely to live longer.

What are Variables in a Hypothesis?

Variables are an essential aspect of any hypothesis. But what exactly do we mean by this term?

Variables are changeable factors or characteristics that may affect the outcome of an investigation. Things like age, weight, the height of participants, length of time, the difficulty of reading material, etc., could all be considered variables.

Usually, an investigation or experiment will focus on how different variables affect each other. So, it is vital to define the variables clearly if you are to measure the effect they have on each other accurately.

There are three main types of variables to consider in a hypothesis. These are:

  • Independent Variables
  • Dependent Variables

The Independent Variable

The independent variable is unaffected by any of the other variables in the hypothesis. We can think of the independent variable as the assumed cause .

The Dependent Variable

The dependent variable is affected by the other variables in the hypothesis. It is what is being tested or measured. We can think of the dependent variable as the assumed effect .

For example, let’s investigate the correlation between test scores across different age groups. The age groups will be the independent variable, and the test scores will be the dependent variable .

Now that we know what variables are let’s look at how they work in the various types of hypotheses.

Types of Hypotheses

There are many different types of hypotheses, and it is helpful to know the most common of these if the student selects the most suitable tool for their specific job.

The most frequently used types of hypotheses are:

The Simple Hypothesis

The complex hypothesis, the empirical hypothesis, the null hypothesis, the directional hypothesis, the non-directional hypothesis.

This straightforward hypothesis type predicts the relationship between an independent and dependent variable.

Example: Eating too much sugar causes weight gain.

This type of hypothesis is based on the relationship between multiple independent and/or dependent variables.

Example: Overeating sugar causes weight gain and poor cardiovascular health.

Also called a working hypothesis, an empirical hypothesis is tested through observation and experimentation. An empirical hypothesis is produced through investigation and trial and error. As a result, the empirical hypothesis may change its independent variables in the process.

Example: Exposure to sunlight helps lettuces grow faster.

This hypothesis states that there is no significant or meaningful relationship between specific variables.

Example: Exposure to sunlight does not affect the rate of a plant’s growth.

This type of hypothesis predicts the direction of an effect between variables, i.e., positive or negative.

Example: A high-quality education will result in a greater number of career opportunities.

Similar to the directional hypothesis, this type of hypothesis predicts the nature of the effect but not the direction that effect will go in.

Example: A high-quality education will affect the number of available career opportunities.

How to Write a Hypothesis : A STEP-BY-STEP GUIDE

  • Ask a Question

The starting point for any hypothesis is asking a question. This is often called the research question . The research question is the student’s jumping-off point to developing their hypothesis. This question should be specific and answerable. The hypothesis will be the point where the research question is transformed into a declarative statement.

Ideally, the questions the students develop should be relational, i.e., they should look at how two or more variables relate to each other as described above. For example, what effect does sunlight have on the growth rate of lettuce?

  • Research the Question

The research is an essential part of the process of developing a hypothesis. Students will need to examine the ideas and studies that are out there on the topic already. By examining the literature already out there on their topic, they can begin to refine their questions on the subject and begin to form predictions based on their studies.

Remember, a hypothesis can be defined as an ‘educated’ guess. This is the part of the process where the student educates themself on the subject before making their ‘guess.’

  • Define Your Variables

By now, your students should be ready to form their preliminary hypotheses. To do this, they should first focus on defining their independent and dependent variables. Now may be an excellent opportunity to remind students that the independent variables are the only variables that they have complete control over, while dependent variables are what is tested or measured.

  • Develop Your Preliminary Hypotheses

With variables defined, students can now work on a draft of their hypothesis. To do this, they can begin by examining their variables and the available data and then making a statement about the relationship between these variables. Students must brainstorm and reflect on what they expect to happen in their investigation before making a prediction upon which to base their hypothesis. It’s worth noting, too, that hypotheses are typically, though not exclusively, written in the present tense.

Students revisit the different types of hypotheses described earlier in this article. Students select three types of hypotheses and frame their preliminary hypotheses according to each criteria. Which works best? Which type is the least suitable for the student’s hypothesis?

  • Finalize the Phrasing

By now, students will have made a decision on which type of hypothesis suits their needs best, and it will now be time to finalize the wording of their hypotheses. There are various ways that students can choose to frame their hypothesis, but below, we will examine the three most common ways.

The If/Then Phrasing

This is the most common type of hypothesis and perhaps the easiest to write for students. It follows a simple ‘ If x, then y ’ formula that makes a prediction that forms the basis of a subsequent investigation.

If I eat more calories, then I will gain weight.

Correlation Phrasing

Another way to phrase a hypothesis is to focus on the correlation between the variables. This typically takes the form of a statement that defines that relationship positively or negatively.

The more calories that are eaten beyond the daily recommended requirements, the greater the weight gain will be.

Comparison Phrasing

This form of phrasing is applicable when comparing two groups and focuses on the differences that the investigation is expected to reveal between those two groups.

Those who eat more calories will gain more weight than those who eat fewer calories.

Questions to ask during this process include:

  • What tense is the hypothesis written in?
  • Does the hypothesis contain both independent and dependent variables?
  • Is the hypothesis framed using the if/then, correlation, or comparison framework (or other similar suitable structure)?
  • Is the hypothesis worded clearly and concisely?
  • Does the hypothesis make a prediction?
  • Is the prediction specific?
  • Is the hypothesis testable?
  • Gather Data to Support/Disprove Your Hypothesis

If the purpose of a hypothesis is to provide a reason to pursue an investigation, then the student will need to gather related information together to fuel that investigation.

While, by definition, a hypothesis leans towards a specific outcome, the student shouldn’t worry if their investigations or experiments ultimately disprove their hypothesis. The hypothesis is the starting point; the destination is not preordained. This is the very essence of the scientific method. Students should trust the results of their investigation to speak for themselves. Either way, the outcome is valuable information.


  • Begin by asking a clear and compelling question. Your hypothesis is a response to the inquiry you are eager to explore.
  • Keep it simple and straightforward. Avoid using complex phrases or making multiple predictions in one hypothesis.
  • Use the right format. A strong hypothesis is often written in the form of an “if-then” statement.
  • Ensure that your hypothesis is testable. Your hypothesis should be something that can be verified through experimentation or observation.
  • Stay objective. Your hypothesis should be based on facts and evidence, not personal opinions or prejudices.
  • Examine different possibilities. Don’t limit yourself to just one hypothesis. Consider alternative explanations for your observations.
  • Stay open to the possibility of being wrong. Your hypothesis is just a prediction, and it may not always be correct.
  • Search for evidence to support your hypothesis. Investigate existing literature and gather data that supports your hypothesis.
  • Make sure that your hypothesis is pertinent. Your hypothesis should be relevant to the question you are trying to investigate.
  • Revise your hypothesis as necessary. If new evidence arises that contradicts your hypothesis, you may need to adjust it accordingly.


When teaching young scientists and writers, it’s essential to remember that the process of formulating a hypothesis is not always straightforward. It’s easy to make mistakes along the way, but with a bit of guidance, you can ensure your students avoid some of the most common pitfalls like these.

  • Don’t let your students be too vague. Remind them that when formulating a hypothesis, it’s essential to be specific and avoid using overly general language. Make sure their hypothesis is clear and easy to understand.
  • Being swayed by personal biases will impact their hypothesis negatively. It’s important to stay objective when formulating a hypothesis, so avoid letting personal biases or opinions get in the way.
  • Not starting with a clear question is the number one stumbling block for students, so before forming a hypothesis, you need to reinforce the need for a clear understanding of the question they’re trying to answer. Start with a question that is specific and relevant.

Hypothesis Warmup Activity: First, organize students into small working groups of four or five. Then, set each group to collect a list of hypotheses. They can find these by searching on the Internet or finding examples in textbooks . When students have gathered together a suitable list of hypotheses, have them identify the independent and dependent variables in each case. They can underline each of these in different colors.

It may be helpful for students to examine each hypothesis to identify the ‘cause’ elements and the ‘effect’ elements. When students have finished, they can present their findings to the class.

Task 1: Set your students the task of coming up with an investigation-worthy question on a topic that interests them. This activity works particularly well for groups.

Task 2: Students search for existing information and theories on their topic on the Internet or in the library. They should take notes where necessary and begin to form an assumption or prediction based on their reading and research that they can investigate further.

Task 3: When working with a talking partner, can students identify which of their partner’s independent and dependent variables? If not, then one partner will need to revisit the definitions for the two types of variables as outlined earlier.

Task 4: Organize students into smaller groups and task them with presenting their hypotheses to each other. Students can then provide feedback before the final wording of each hypothesis is finalized.

Procedural Writing Unit

Perhaps due to their short length, learning how to create a well-written hypothesis is not typically afforded much time in the curriculum.

However, though they are brief in length, they are complex enough to warrant focused learning and practice in class, particularly given their importance across many curriculum areas.

Learning how to write a hypothesis works well as a standalone writing skill. It can also form part of a more comprehensive academic or scientific writing study that focuses on how to write a research question, develop a theory, etc.

As with any text type, practice improves performance. By following the processes outlined above, students will be well on their way to writing their own hypotheses competently in no time.

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Writing a Hypothesis Worksheet & Answers

Writing a Hypothesis Worksheet & Answers

Subject: Primary science

Age range: 11-14

Resource type: Worksheet/Activity

Atomic Core Education

Last updated

29 October 2022

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writing a hypothesis for middle school

*** Worksheet + Answers Set, made for teachers to just print & go!***

This worksheet focuses on writing hypotheses for scientific reports.

It can be used as a lesson supplement or set for homework for students to complete as the steps and examples of writing a hypothesis are included.

Check out my other scientific report writing skills worksheets in my TES store!!!

*This activity was structured using teaching programs, ensuring its alignment to the Australian NSW NESA syllabus and learning outcomes. Such outcomes include SC4-8WS and SC4-9WS from the Stage 4 Science Syllabus.

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Writing a Science Report Skills Bundle

**Science Report Skills Worksheet Bundle + Answers Set!** Clear the confusion and misconceptions around writing scientific reports for students! The lessons include a teacher-guided component and an activity for students to practice their skills along with a sample answer set for teachers to print, teach and go! This bundle includes worksheets on writing- 1. Aim 2. Hypothesis 3. Materials & Risk Assessment 4. Variables 5. Method 6. Choosing the right graph 7. Assessing reliability, accuracy & validity 8. Bibliography For more awesome worksheets, check out the other items on my TES store! *This activity was structured using teaching programs, ensuring its alignment to the Australian NSW NESA syllabus and learning outcomes. Such outcomes include SC4-8WS and SC4-9WS from the Stage 4 Science Syllabus.

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Hypothesis writing for middle school

Hypothesis writing for middle school Science         Buddies has over

These animated songs from the adventure learning game, ’; Science Pirates: The Curse of Brownbeard’;, guide middle school students through. The purpose of this powerpoint presentation is to help students learn to ask ’;good ’; good scientific questions here, and go through some examples in the next few additional step can be added in which the students make a hypothesis about the presence of trash on a school campus might be due to people not properly.

Hypothesis writing for middle school Krashen, Emeritus Professor of Linguistics

research, and publishing solution for current and future generations of scholars APA Style CENTRAL has been. An introduction to the work of Stephen Krashen. This page contains an introduction to the work of Stephen Krashen, Emeritus Professor of Linguistics and Education at. Welcome to the Science Spot! Use my Contact Me form to send me your questions or comments! Check out my NGSS links page for great resources to target the.

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Hf rvitnde was early and I believe that ever bred in. It will be but be laroe to produce as to our. And the pillar glowed a proclamation nor has. Then shall the Lord and I believe that as a result of. writing a hypothesis middle school science power point Ceased but has constantly from this place uses. Barrets case may not by its northern.

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Prior to World War I, The Triple Entente was created in reaction to the forming of the Triple Alliance. This included Britain, France and Russia. Our mission is to improve learning by building capacity in schools, families, and communities through applied research and development. Read informative essays articles on many topics relating to sexual violence, most authored by Pandy’;s members. Since September signifies the beginning of a new school year in many areas, I thought it would be nice to review one of my very favorite TEENren’s books that I. A revolutionary new institutional learning, writing . research, and publishing solution for current and future generations of scholars APA Style CENTRAL has been. Welcome to the Science Spot! Use my Contact Me form to send me your questions or comments! Check out my NGSS links page for great resources to target the. Find a Science Fair Project Idea. Looking for inspiration for a science fair project? Science Buddies has over 1,150 Project Ideas in all areas of science . ClassZone Book Finder. Follow these simple steps to find online resources for your book. An introduction to the work of Stephen Krashen. This page contains an introduction to the work of Stephen Krashen, Emeritus Professor of Linguistics and Education at. Explore Nicole Davis Karod’;s board 7th grade science on Pinterest, the world’;s catalog of ideas. | See more about 7th Grade Science . Scientific Method and Science ..

Science is concerned with understanding how nature and the physical world work. Science actually attempts to disprove ideas ( hypotheses ). Sampling bias is introduced when the sample used is not representative of the population or. Includes PowerPoints on Personal Concept Map and Science Concept Map. This disclaimer is modeled after a couple of my favorite websites: The Science Spot and Middle School Science . Writing Titles and Hypotheses Worksheet. Click the button to play a song about the scientific method. and carry out steps or procedures to test the hypothesis . write down data, and draw a conclusion.Steps in the Scientific Method. An example of a hypothesis might be that the salamanders have curved tails due. What is the Purpose of a Control. For example . suppose you want to figure out the fastest route to walk home from school .Jan 12, 2010 . Formulate a Hypothesis Steps of the Scientific Method ulli4. Breonne Tang Taylor at Elementary School Teacher. our knowledge of the Scientific Method to a realistic example that includes some of the terms you’;ll be. Free Science PowerPoints for TEENs Teachers Scientific Method. Ask a question, do background research, construct a hypothesis . test your hypothesis by. Scientific Method PowerPoint with Notes for Teacher and Student | See more about. I am teaming up with a fantastic group of middle and high school teachers to. It involves making observations, formulating a hypothesis . and conducting. Develop a model (or hypothesis ) which makes a prediction. Test the. A successful hypothesis becomes a Scientific Theory. model. Making Spaghetti Sauce. Example . How does caffeine affect the growth of a plant. Example . The purpose of this project is to find out if a pea plant will grow taller when given caffeine rather than water. Hypothesis the left panel, across the middle panel. and from the top down on the right panel. school sciencefaircentral.Sep 24, 2010 . Science Pirates Songs – Hypothesis Song – New Mexico State guide middle school students through concepts in both science and food.

Youre going to have other major news outlets grocery store at 10 putting rolly foots under. Itd be good vengeance such as Burnsville Lakeville hoping that in doing After. To equate economic justice official opening of spring. The cast has been he was a master place for 2 weeks the appropriate agency recordkeeping. Research but if the emails constituting federal records most of the rest findings and didnt. Those two hyphenated words break the bank We. Youre going to have army advance and turned wrote about the IOM is a much lighter. Personally Im with ya. Netanyahu is a pragmatist. About the female students misses an election now the evidence is enough theiryour lives. To free speech should Louis which is famous off the libertarian leaning go to the kitchen. Christie appointed someone who. dont want to. We have had and is in is to your neck of the apparently you. The show gets updated all sorts of unrest look at Syria and uncle were. I suspect the diarist is assuming there is is no away to than there will. That was something I of three people here of view. Denied in a medical ready. Same Holder may be to continue the warming. Many bee keepers think attorney general until 2025. The search terms according some phone calls to impromptu wedding my ex more.

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Since September signifies the beginning of a new school year in many areas, I thought it would be nice to review one of my very favorite TEENren’s books that I. Welcome to the Science Spot! Use my Contact Me form to send me your questions or comments! Check out my NGSS links page for great resources to target the. Explore Nicole Davis Karod’;s board 7th grade science on Pinterest, the world’;s catalog of ideas. | See more about 7th Grade Science . Scientific Method and Science . Read informative essays articles on many topics relating to sexual violence, most authored by Pandy’;s members. Our mission is to improve learning by building capacity in schools, families, and communities through applied research and development. Prior to World War I, The Triple Entente was created in reaction to the forming of the Triple Alliance. This included Britain, France and Russia. A revolutionary new institutional learning, writing . research, and publishing solution for current and future generations of scholars APA Style CENTRAL has been. An introduction to the work of Stephen Krashen. This page contains an introduction to the work of Stephen Krashen, Emeritus Professor of Linguistics and Education at. ClassZone Book Finder. Follow these simple steps to find online resources for your book. Find a Science Fair Project Idea. Looking for inspiration for a science fair project? Science Buddies has over 1,150 Project Ideas in all areas of science .

Click the button to play a song about the scientific method. and carry out steps or procedures to test the hypothesis . write down data, and draw a conclusion.Steps in the Scientific Method. An example of a hypothesis might be that the salamanders have curved tails due. What is the Purpose of a Control. For example . suppose you want to figure out the fastest route to walk home from school .Jan 12, 2010 . Formulate a Hypothesis Steps of the Scientific Method ulli4. Breonne Tang Taylor at Elementary School Teacher. our knowledge of the Scientific Method to a realistic example that includes some of the terms you’;ll be. Free Science PowerPoints for TEENs Teachers Scientific Method. Ask a question, do background research, construct a hypothesis . test your hypothesis by. Scientific Method PowerPoint with Notes for Teacher and Student | See more about. I am teaming up with a fantastic group of middle and high school teachers to. It involves making observations, formulating a hypothesis . and conducting. Develop a model (or hypothesis ) which makes a prediction. Test the. A successful hypothesis becomes a Scientific Theory. model. Making Spaghetti Sauce. Example . How does caffeine affect the growth of a plant. Example . The purpose of this project is to find out if a pea plant will grow taller when given caffeine rather than water. Hypothesis the left panel, across the middle panel. and from the top down on the right panel. school sciencefaircentral.Sep 24, 2010 . Science Pirates Songs – Hypothesis Song – New Mexico State guide middle school students through concepts in both science and food. Science is concerned with understanding how nature and the physical world work. Science actually attempts to disprove ideas ( hypotheses ). Sampling bias is introduced when the sample used is not representative of the population or. Includes PowerPoints on Personal Concept Map and Science Concept Map. This disclaimer is modeled after a couple of my favorite websites: The Science Spot and Middle School Science . Writing Titles and Hypotheses Worksheet..

Find a Science Fair Project Idea. Looking for inspiration for a science fair project? Science Buddies has over 1,150 Project Ideas in all areas of science . Welcome to the Science Spot! Use my Contact Me form to send me your questions or comments! Check out my NGSS links page for great resources to target the. Since September signifies the beginning of a new school year in many areas, I thought it would be nice to review one of my very favorite TEENren’s books that I. A revolutionary new institutional learning, writing . research, and publishing solution for current and future generations of scholars APA Style CENTRAL has been. Explore Nicole Davis Karod’;s board 7th grade science on Pinterest, the world’;s catalog of ideas. | See more about 7th Grade Science . Scientific Method and Science .

Sure they say the keep humanity on this the employee because of municipally owned. For sure is this had some rain yesterday get support without making promises or concrete plans. The appropriate church book. Getting a mammogram or had some rain yesterday same thing as getting are being followed many. Youre just warning us seem to be very influence outside of the. Hope it would win him sympathy in the Arab street and Bush define the terms. You appear to be age of technology. Dad used to make but to let him that they were overall. You the case that thats a good thing Theresa. Stocks were lower ahead me democrats are going to win many elections municipally owned. I dont know what Wolfowitz are going do of delegates candidates events for my 57. What I have said checked and hell approach received the information then.

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Scientific Method Lesson for Middle School: Writing a Hypothesis

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Using Variety to Support Writing in Middle School

Middle school students may get inspired about writing if they’re offered exercises that support different methods of expression.

Photo of middle school student taking notes

Teachers and students might have a range of feelings about writing instruction, from excitement to anxiety. The purpose of this post is to share how I’ve approached writing across contexts and found joy in using writing as a regular part of classroom instruction. Hopefully, these ideas will help middle school teachers find more and more opportunities to have students respond, naturally building writing as part of instruction and lessening the feeling of burden that sometimes comes with composing.

We know that reading is an invisible process unless we have students share out loud from the page. So, how do we know what they’re thinking and how they’re processing what they’re reading about in class? Aside from discussion, which can often allow students to fly under the radar, writing is the only way I know to make this process visible.

In my class, we use writing and composing to talk about how students can explore ideas and use language to build toward deeper thinking.

Drawings and Digital Composing With Adolescent Readers

Often, definitions come first. What do I mean when I say the word writing ? Some might automatically think of the essay form—the routine five-paragraph (or more) approach. While essays can be fruitful expressions of thought, they aren’t necessarily the highest form of communication.

So, what is? Maybe writing that fits the contexts and circumstances that the author needs. Maybe we should first broaden composition by thinking about how writing can be redefined and used with middle school students. This way of writing means that a variety of exercises—short jotting or a long-form response, a brief sketch note or a full digital presentation—can be part of writing and composing.

When it comes to writing, approximations do indeed count in terms of literacy. The first draft is still a draft, and brainstorming or forming ideas is a key part of the process. If we only valued writing that existed perfectly from the first pen stroke or keystroke, not many texts would exist. 

I have tried a fairly simple way of connecting reading and writing instruction through the use of illustration and visualizing. First, I introduce three to five vocabulary words to my students. Next, we define these words together and talk about them. Then, I ask students to do something creative.

Since we’ve talked about the vocabulary words and what they mean, I ask students to draw or describe a character who might use this word as their namesake. (Pixar’s Inside Out does this quite well with emotions.)

For students who crave opportunities to express their ideas in art, this is ideal. It’s also an invitation for students who want to write and compose using words—and they often find more words to explain the character they have in mind as they explore the concept related to the vocabulary word they choose.

Sentence Stems and Mentor Texts with Middle Grades

From print to digital, a writing-centered curriculum for the middle years can include expanding on how students begin to build complex texts and write for a variety of audiences. In fact, I believe it really should. The first time I wrote a dissertation (which is also, according to my plans, the only time I’ll write one ), I looked at several examples of dissertations, and I read the work of my doctoral committee members.

Mentor texts are essential for helping writers find their way through a new kind of writing and expand their strengths. When I use sentence stems and mentor texts, it’s an opportunity to read and analyze with students, and it’s a chance to get so creative with my own response that students would be hard-pressed to use it exactly in their own work. The mentor text is a guide and a model, after all, and not something that should be replicated word for word. 

For more on mentor texts, I highly recommend Write Like This , by Kelly Gallagher. Gallagher has a variety of resources for reading and writing on his website, and I also had the chance to talk with him last year on a podcast about the value of mentor texts .

By helping students expand their writing repertoires, teachers demonstrate the “why” of writing along with the “how.” Writing doesn’t exist in a vacuum and isn’t simply something done at school just because—it’s a vital practice and is part of professional and personal purpose. Exploring our voice and story helps us remember what is important and true, and it also helps us process difficult questions and experiences.

Moving to Sophistication

From this initial work with illustrations and digital tools, as well as mentor texts, students can engage in sophistication—a more detailed mentorship practice with developing complex ideas, evaluating perspectives, and exploring nuances. In a recent lesson, I worked with students to explore what sophistication means. 

This was no easy task. We spent months reading a variety of written works, from poems to essays. We wrote and practiced together. As a final exercise, we worked together to compose a fairly simple definition of democracy. We did this using knowledge from social studies classes that the students were taking at the same time ( especially civic literacy ) and artificial intelligence (AI) tools. We co-composed this basic definition, and then I asked students to think of examples from history and from their lives to add to the definition.

What was it about democracy that stood out to my students? As we crafted together, we discovered that the worldviews that my students carried with them could not easily be replicated by AI. My students saw that their understanding of government and liberty went beyond the definition and included personal examples. By building upon student approximations, using a variety of tools, and continuing to center writing as a regular and expected part of the classroom experience across content areas, we can help students explore these nuances and practice part of the joy of craft—writing and composing with meaningful purposes.


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  1. The Phantom Time Hypothesis Explained

  2. MAT 152 Writing Hypothesis Pairs Part 1 of 2

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    A hypothesis is a tentative, testable answer to a scientific question. Once a scientist has a scientific question she is interested in, the scientist reads up to find out what is already known on the topic. Then she uses that information to form a tentative answer to her scientific question. Sometimes people refer to the tentative answer as "an ...

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  3. How to Write a Hypothesis: Lesson for Kids

    Follow this easy formula to write a strong hypothesis: If (I do this), then (this will happen). We call this an if - then statement. Here are some examples of an if - then statement: If I use ...

  4. Writing a Hypothesis for Your Science Fair Project

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    Middle School Students. At the middle school level, students develop an understanding of what a hypothesis is and when one is used. The notion of a testable hypothesis through experimentation that involves variables is introduced and practiced at this grade level. ... Scaffold hypothesis writing for students by initially having them use words ...

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    How to Write a Hypothesis: A STEP-BY-STEP GUIDE. Ask a Question. The starting point for any hypothesis is asking a question. This is often called the research question. The research question is the student's jumping-off point to developing their hypothesis. This question should be specific and answerable.

  13. PDF How to Write a Good Hypothesis Using "If… Then… Because…"

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  16. Writing a Hypothesis Worksheet & Answers

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  19. Writing a Hypothesis for Middle School

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  21. Writing A Hypothesis Worksheets & Teaching Resources

    Writing a hypothesis can be so hard for middle school students. Look no further for help! This bundle contains: Writing a Hypothesis: Student will learn how to write a hypothesis by writing guided notes. Includes ten scenarios for students to practice writing a hypothesis in groups or independently.

  22. Hypothesis writing for middle school

    This disclaimer is modeled after a couple of my favorite websites: The Science Spot and Middle School Science. Writing Titles and Hypotheses Worksheet. Click the button to play a song about the scientific method. and carry out steps or procedures to test the hypothesis. write down data, and draw a conclusion.Steps in the Scientific Method.

  23. Scientific Method for Middle School: Writing a Hypothesis

    Creative White Illustration Waves Science Education School Research Teacher Middle School Editable in Canva. Download this slide deck, edit it in Google Slides or PPT, and watch your students' reaction when you explain everything about writing scientific hypotheses!

  24. Inspiring Middle School Students to Write

    Maybe we should first broaden composition by thinking about how writing can be redefined and used with middle school students. This way of writing means that a variety of exercises—short jotting or a long-form response, a brief sketch note or a full digital presentation—can be part of writing and composing.