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Year 2 English/Literacy Home Learning Mini Pack (16 sheets) includes Parental Guidance (Coronavirus)

Year 2 English/Literacy Home Learning Mini Pack (16 sheets) includes Parental Guidance (Coronavirus)

Subject: English

Age range: 5-7

Resource type: Unit of work

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Last updated

21 May 2024

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writing homework year 2

The activity sheets are structured around the narrative, non-fiction and poetry blocks of the new literacy Framework. The content comes from common Year 2 fiction and non-fiction themes. The activities are designed to support work done across the curriculum as well as in literacy teaching.

The activities follow the main literacy priorities in Year 2 and are designed to be used flexibly.

Each activity sheet has a clear focus and advice to the adult as well as the child. There are four main types: • Understanding and engaging with texts; • Shaping texts; • Sentence structure and punctuation; • Spelling.

Each unit contains a mixture of the activity types.

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Home » Writing » Year 2

Writing Year 2

Writing for kids

Writing for Year 2

Writing for Year 2 KS1. English homework help with writing stories, informal letters, postcards, unordered lists, instructions and sentence starters.

Pick a level

Planning what to write.

Before you write, say out loud what you are going to write. Does your sentence sound right? Once it sounds ok, write it down.

Checking your work

Once you have finished your writing, read it out loud to see if it makes sense. Happy with it? That's great! Think you could change something to make it sound better? Then do it!

For a final check read your work clearly to someone.

Ways to say 'said'

There are many different words you can use instead of 'said'.

Story Planning

Every story has a main character(s), a setting and a plot.

Main character(s) - the main person or people in your story.

Setting - Think about when and where your story is taking place.

Plot - This is what happens in your story. There is usually and problem in the story and a solution (how the problem is fixed).

Story order

Every story has a beginning, a middle and an end.

Beginning - This is where we find out who the main characters in the story are. We also describe the setting (when and where) where the story takes place.

Middle - Here we find out the problem.

End - At the end of the story the problem is solved and we find out what happens to the characters of the story. Did they change because of what had happened?

Use your story plan to help you write your story. Write a beginning, a middle and an end.

Free online English games

Beginning of sentences

To make your writing more interesting you can start your sentences in different ways. Here are some ideas:

After walking for a while, they came across the house.

Out of nowhere a car came round the corner.

At the end of the road was a junction.

Writing letters

You can practice writing letters in lots of ways. Some ideas are below:

  • Ask a friend at school to become your pen pal and exchange letters.
  • Invite your friend to come over for tea by writing to them.
  • Except a party invitation by writing a letter.
  • Surprise members of your family by posting them a letter about something you have done recently.
  • Write a letter to a character from a story. For example, a letter of apology from Goldilocks to the Three Bears.

Informal Letters

Informal letters are used when writing to friends and family. This could be a thank you letter for birthday or Christmas presents, or you could be writing to tell them some exciting news.

Unordered Lists


To write good instructions do the following:

Give your instructions a title. Watering the garden.

Write a list of what is needed: Watering can, water, plants

Number the instructions as you go:

  • Fill the watering can up with water.
  • Carefully pour the water onto the plants near the soil.
  • Once the watering can is empty, fill it up again.
  • Continue watering the plants until they are all done.
  • Use bossy words such as press, stir, cut, mix.
  • Use short clear sentences .
  • Use diagrams or pictures.
  • Use time words such as then, next, after.

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Writing Worksheets and Printables

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Tips for Using Writing Worksheets

  • Use letter writing worksheets as a way to introduce your child to a chosen letter of the day, or even a letter of the week! Start your day with a letter writing worksheet to get your child familiar with the symbol and how to draw it. Challenge your child to find the letter written down in three different places over the course of the day. As the day goes on, you can have him write the letter in unusual places, like in a foggy bathroom mirror or with his peas at dinner. Make learning a letter a special event everyday.
  • Writing worksheets for kids can be great pre-reading or post-reading activities. Find a writing prompt that revolves around the subject of your story or lesson to complete before the reading assignment. Writing worksheets can revolve around physical objects that are in the story, such as snow or animals, or they can have a similar lesson about giving, emotions, or anything else.
  • Use writing worksheets to introduce your child to a new language. Our selection of foreign language writing worksheets help your child learn non-alphabetic languages in a simple way. These worksheets are great for kids who are learning about a new culture.


Writing practice worksheets terms of use, finish the story writing worksheets.

  • Beginning Finish the Story - The Snow Day
  • Beginning Finish the Story - The Fair
  • Beginning Finish the Story - Summer Camp
  • Beginning Finish the Story - The Birthday Party
  • Beginning Finish the Story - The Halloween Costume
  • Beginning Finish the Story - The 4th of July
  • Intermediate Finish the Story - The Beach Trip
  • Intermediate Finish the Story - The Great Find
  • Intermediate Finish the Story - Which Way?
  • Intermediate Finish the Story - Finding Muffin
  • Intermediate Finish the Story - The Zoo
  • Advanced Finish the Story - The Troublemaker

Question Response Writing Worksheets

  • Beginning Question Response - Your Favorite Color
  • Beginning Question Response - Your Favorite Day
  • Beginning Question Response - Your Favorite Number
  • Beginning Question Response - In Your Family
  • Beginning Question Response - Your Favorite Sport
  • Beginning Question Response - Your Favorite Clothes
  • Beginning Question Response - Your Favorite Music
  • Beginning Question Response - How You Relax
  • Beginning Question Response - Lunch Time
  • Beginning Question Response - With Your Friends
  • Beginning Question Response - Collecting Stamps
  • Beginning Question Response - Your Birthplace
  • Beginning Question Response - Starting Your Day
  • Intermediate Question Response - Your Favorite Food
  • Intermediate Question Response - Your Favorite Movie
  • Intermediate Question Response - Your Favorite Song
  • Intermediate Question Response - TV Programs
  • Intermediate Question Response - Your Favorite Time
  • Intermediate Question Response - Which Country?
  • Intermediate Question Response - The Wisest Person
  • Intermediate Question Response - Someone You Admire
  • Advanced Question Response - A Great Accomplishment
  • Advanced Question Response - The Most Exciting Thing
  • Advanced Question Response - Oldest Memory
  • Advanced Question Response - The Most Productive Day of the Week
  • Advanced Question Response - An Interesting Person
  • Advanced Question Response - What Have You Built?
  • Advanced Question Response - What You Like to Read

Practical Writing Worksheets

  • Beginning Practical - Grocery List
  • Beginning Practical - TO Do List
  • Beginning Practical - At the Beach
  • Beginning Practical - The Newspaper
  • Intermediate Practical - Absent From Work
  • Intermediate Practical - Your Invitation
  • Intermediate Practical - Paycheck
  • Intermediate Practical - The New House
  • Advanced Practical - Soccer Game Meeting
  • Advanced Practical - Note About Dinner
  • Advanced Practical - A Problem
  • Advanced Practical - A Letter to Your Landlord
  • Advanced Practical - A Product

Argumentative Writing Worksheets

  • Intermediate Argumentative - Cat, Star, or Book?
  • Intermediate Argumentative - Soccer or Basketball?
  • Intermediate Argumentative - Giving and Receiving
  • Intermediate Argumentative - Does Practice Make Perfect?
  • Advanced Argumentative - Five Dollars or a Lottery Ticket?
  • Advanced Argumentative - The Most Important Word
  • Advanced Argumentative - An Apple
  • Advanced Argumentative - Too Many Cooks

Writing Worksheets

  • Beginning Writing Worksheet
  • Intermediate Writing Worksheet
  • Advanced Writing Worksheet

Using Precise Language

  • Using Precise Language - An Introduction
  • Using Precise Language Practice Quiz

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Talk for Writing English Booklets

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  1. PDF Year 2

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  3. Creative Writing Homework

    Resource type: Worksheet/Activity. File previews. doc, 261 KB. doc, 242 KB. doc, 67.5 KB. doc, 1.09 MB. 4 homework sheets I have used to back up creative writing in class. Each homework sheet has a picture for inspiration and a number of prompts o support childrens writing. Generally well received by children.

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  5. Year 2 English/Literacy Home Learning Mini Pack (16 sheets) includes

    The content comes from common Year 2 fiction and non-fiction themes. The activities are designed to support work done across the curriculum as well as in literacy teaching. The activities follow the main literacy priorities in Year 2 and are designed to be used flexibly.

  6. How to Teach Year 2 Creative Writing

    Step 2: Writing Narratives. Your child will develop greater stamina for writing in year 2. They will start to write longer, more complex stories, putting together a series of ideas rather than just a series of sentences. Through the use of conjunctions (joining words, e.g. 'when', 'if', 'because', 'and', 'but'), your child ...

  7. Year 2 Handwriting: Handwriting Practice Year 2

    This bumper Year 2 handwriting pack is perfect for helping out with Year 2 handwriting practice! This excellent resource pack is crammed full of handwriting sheets featuring words with various phonemes. This fab resource downloads as organised folders, containing Year 2 handwriting sheets from Term 1, week 1, all the way through to half-term. Plus, each sheet is available in multiple ...

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    Year 2. Writing for Year 2 KS1. English homework help with writing stories, informal letters, postcards, unordered lists, instructions and sentence starters. Pick a level. Early Years Reception Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Planning what to write.

  9. Writing in Year 2 (age 6-7)

    In Year 2 (age 6-7), your child will learn to: Write simple, coherent narratives about personal experiences and those of others (real or fictional) Write about real events, recording these simply and clearly. Demarcate most sentences in their writing with capital letters and full stops, and use question marks correctly when required.

  10. How to Teach Year 2 Creative Writing

    Step 2: Writing Narratives. Your child will develop greater stamina for writing in year 2. They will start to write longer, more complex stories, putting together a series of ideas rather than just a series of sentences. Through the use of conjunctions (joining words, e.g. 'when', 'if', 'because', 'and', 'but'), your child ...

  11. Year 2 Handwriting and Spelling Practice Resource Pack

    A great way to help Year 2 children practise their handwriting is to use this excellent resource pack which is full of activities for children to complete. Having different options on types of handwriting, for example, cursive or non-cursive will help Year 2 children understand and recognise the different techniques. Using this handy handwriting practice pack will save you hours of preparation ...

  12. Handwriting in Year 2 (age 6-7)

    In Year 2 (age 6-7), your child will learn to: Form lowercase letters of the correct size relative to one another. Start using some of the diagonal and horizontal strokes needed to join. Letters and understand which letters, when adjacent to one another, are best left unjoined. Write capital letters and digits of the correct size, orientation ...

  13. English: Age 6-7 (Year 2)

    Comprehension Age 6-7. This activity book will encourage your child to develop their comprehension skills while having fun. It will focus on building children's understanding of text, something essential not only for school but life more generally too. Includes stickers and a progress chart. More kids' activities.

  14. Year 2 English Lesson Plans

    Group Readers. Group Readers are charmingly illustrated short books written to facilitate reading and comprehension progression from Reception right through to Year 6. R Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Y6. Hamilton's Flexible English provides all you need to teach Year 2 SPAG, comprehension or extended writing. Superb resources, from vibrant images to writing ...

  15. Year 2 (6-7) English : printable worksheets and curriculum-aligned

    Receive teacher and parenting tips and advice. Gain exclusive access to all of our free content. Find all you need for Year 2 (6-7) English worksheets. Created by teachers and designed by education experts to keep your students engaged with their lessons.

  16. Writing Worksheets & Free Printables

    Use writing worksheets to introduce your child to a new language. Our selection of foreign language writing worksheets help your child learn non-alphabetic languages in a simple way. These worksheets are great for kids who are learning about a new culture. Writing worksheets are helpful for all writing stages, from an early writer's first word ...

  17. Year 2 Writing Worksheets for Kindness

    These Year 2 writing worksheets are available in several state fonts and/or handwriting lines; including Queensland (QLD), New South Wales (NSW), South Australia (SA), Tasmania (TAS) and Victoria (VIC). There are 12 different sheets to choose from. You could introduce one each month throughout the year.

  18. Writing Practice Worksheets

    In these writing practice worksheets, students practice reading and practical writing. Each worksheet begins with a prompt that gives students a chance to write practically. Each prompt features a real world writing activity. Example answers are provided for students to read and model their answer after. Beginning Practical - Grocery List.

  19. Spelling in Year 2 (age 6-7)

    How to help at home. There are lots of ways you can help your Year 1 child with spelling. Here are our top ideas. 1. Practise phonics. Phonics is the main way your child will learn to spell at the start of primary school. You can use phonics by encouraging your child to spell a word by breaking it up into individual sounds and then matching ...

  20. Year 2 Resouces and Worksheets

    Plenty of free Year 2 rescources and worksheets to help your children progress through maths and english. Couting, mental maths, problem solving and more! ... Year 2 • Year 3 • Year 4 Free Easter Writing Prompts for Kids. 6 months ago. 1,321 Views.

  21. Talk for Writing English Booklets

    Mavis's friend Jane Ralphs will guide you through the activities and read Mavis's story to you. Bookshop (book orders and book finance): [email protected]. Tel: 07514 034010. General Enquiries: [email protected]. Tel: 01484 682221. , , , Home-school units for each Primary year group. Free to download.

  22. Grammar & punctuation in Year 2 (age 6-7)

    There are lots of ways you can help your Year 2 child with grammar and punctuation. Here are our top ideas. 1. Read to your child. Your child will learn about how language works by speaking and listening, but the type of language we use in writing is often different from that used in speech. Reading regularly to your child therefore helps them ...

  23. Year 2 Independent Activities

    Take the stress out of home learning with these fantastic independent Maths and English activities for year 2. Our Year 2 Independent Maths & English Work Booklets are the perfect way to promote independent learning for children remote learning during lockdown. They feature Year 2 resources on the essentials, such as number, calculation, reading and phonics. They are ideal to use as ...