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Canned Presentation

This article covers meaning & overview of Canned Presentation from marketing perspective.

What is Canned Presentation?

Canned presentation is a type of a detailed and structured presentation where the contents are presented in a systematic and well planned manner. As compared to personalized presentation where there is a room for improvisation and spontaneity there is less scope of changes as all necessary information regarding the product are already included.

This type of presentation becomes useful when the same presentation has to be repeated multiple number of times. Minor changes can be made depending on target audience whenever possible in future. This rigidity also proves to be useful to presenters who feel nervous and might forget key points that need to be presented to prospective clients.

There are few key points to be kept in mind while preparing a canned presentation. The first one is the objective of the presentation. The objective of the presentation should be clearly articulated. The next most important point is the prioritization based on time constraint. The crucial information should be presented based on prioritization. Next necessary task is to do a research on the target audience to understand their underlying expectations and beliefs and make it relevant and effective for the people viewing it. Finally a canned presentation should not use too many high tech tools because the same presentation might be needed to address different audience and the high tech equipment may not be always available. Hence it is always advisable to focus on message

Generally Sales presentation to retailers who may not be always educated to catch up with the little content, so presentation should be self explanatory. Classroom presentations prepared by faculty members, since the lecture materials will relate into some assignments or class exercises. New employee orientation presentation gives them a detailed and structured method to understand the company’s policies and procedures.

Hence, this concludes the definition of Canned Presentation along with its overview.

This article has been researched & authored by the Business Concepts Team which comprises of MBA students, management professionals, and industry experts. It has been reviewed & published by the MBA Skool Team . The content on MBA Skool has been created for educational & academic purpose only.

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What is a canned sales presentation [Pros and Cons]

The other day, I had a discovery meeting with the sales head of a thriving SaaS startup. After some initial small talk, he got straight to the point about his concern.

He explained, "We started with the idea of keeping our sales presentations dynamic to tailor them to each audience. However, lately, it feels like a failed experiment because there's no consistency in the message, and many pitches fall flat without connecting with the prospect. Essentially, we lack a winning narrative."

Familiar with this issue from our work as a niche agency in presentation design, I responded, "Perhaps a canned sales presentation, despite its reputation, isn't such a bad idea. After all, not everyone on your team can craft a winning narrative every time."

He asked for more insights into what a canned sales presentation entails and if it could be a viable solution.

"Sure thing, let's dive into the traditional learning style of comparing options," I replied.

In this article, we'll delve into the topics we discussed in that meeting. We'll explore canned sales presentations, their key characteristics, and their advantages and disadvantages.

Defining Canned Sales Presentations

A canned sales presentation is a standardized sales pitch  that has been carefully scripted and memorized  by salespeople. It typically includes all the key selling points of a product or service, arranged in a specific order. The goal is to ensure consistency and efficiency  in delivering the sales message across different salespeople and situations.

Key Characteristics

Scripted: The content is pre-written and memorized by salespeople, leaving little room for improvisation.

Standardized: The same presentation is used for all potential customers, regardless of their specific needs or interests.

Structured: The presentation follows a specific order , ensuring all key points are covered consistently.

Focused on features: The presentation often emphasizes the features and functionalities of the product or service, rather than tailoring it to the customer's individual needs.

Advantages of Canned Sales Presentations

Efficiency: Saves time and effort for salespeople by providing a ready-made script .

Consistency: Ensures all salespeople deliver the same message , maintaining brand consistency.

Training: Offers a framework for training new salespeople on the product and sales process.

Disadvantages of Canned Sales Presentations

Lack of personalization: Can feel robotic and inauthentic , failing to connect with individual customers.

Limited flexibility: Inability to adapt to specific customer needs or objections can hinder conversions.

Potential for overselling: Focus on features can overshadow the value proposition and customer benefits .

The Effectiveness Debate

The effectiveness of canned presentations is often debated  in the sales industry. While they offer some advantages, many argue that a more flexible and customer-centric approach  is crucial for successful sales interactions. This involves:

Actively listening to customer needs

Tailoring the presentation accordingly

Demonstrating genuine engagement to build rapport and trust

The Future of Canned Sales Presentations

In today's dynamic sales environment, a hybrid approach  might be most beneficial. Companies can combine elements of canned presentations with room for customization and personalization  based on individual customer interactions. This allows for consistency in core messaging  while enabling salespeople to adapt to specific situations and build stronger relationships  with potential customers.

Ultimately, the best approach depends on several factors:

The specific product or service being sold

The target audience and their buying behavior

The company culture and sales methodology

By carefully considering these factors and striking a balance between consistency and flexibility, companies can leverage the potential benefits of canned sales presentations while ensuring a customer-centric and effective sales approach .

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As a specialized agency dedicated to presentation design, we excel in crafting both standard and personalized sales presentations tailored to your unique needs. Don't hesitate to get in touch with us through the contact section of our website. We're here to bring your vision to life!

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Canned presentation

A canned presentation is one which presents information in a systematic and well-planned manner. Since all necessary information about the company and product are already included, there is not as much room for improvisation and spontaneity as in a personalized presentation.

As rigid as they may seem, canned presentations may come in handy if the presentation is something that will have to be repeated several times. It is possible that minor changes will be made, depending on the audience, or if updates need to be made in the future. They can also be useful for people who may feel nervous and run the risk of forgetting key points that need to be presented to prospective clients.

The first thing to consider when creating a canned presentation is the objective. Another important factor is the time allotted for the presentation. If the presenter is given a very short time for his spiel, it is crucial that all essential information be prioritized. Another necessary task is research on the people inside the audience.

To make any presentation effective, it is necessary to make it as relevant as possible to the people who will be viewing and listening to it. Canned presentations may be rigid in a sense, but presenters can make slight adjustments to make them more appropriate or well-accepted by different audiences.

Although technology can be useful, it is not necessary to make use of too many high-tech tools when creating canned presentations. After all, if this is something that will be presented again to another audience, the equipment might not always be available. In this case, it is best to focus on the message.

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Canned Reports vs. Ad-hoc Analysis: Which to Use and When [Infographic]


So how can you keep up with increasing demands (and stay sane)? The key to saving your time and energy is determining which reports can be "canned," or automatically generated based on pre-set specifications. 

Either way, you can maximize efficiency:

  • For insights that can be canned, you can automate pre-built reports.
  • For all other use cases, give business users the ability to perform quick and easy ad-hoc analysis.

So, how do you know which reporting requests are good candidates for canned reports? And which requests are better suited for spontaneous ad-hoc analysis? You can view the flow chart to get a quick answer ! In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at each type of reporting and how to maximize efficiency.

Download the Flow Chart

What is a canned report?

The key difference between a canned report and ad-hoc report is reusability. For reports on data pertaining to a recurring set of specifications  or corporate interests, you will want a prebuilt or “canned” report that you can easily create (and recreate) using your organization's BI tool.

Canned reports are typically distributed across a wide audience with polished formatting. These reports are short and sweet, batched and scripted data for weekly or monthly metrics. For example, a good candidate for a canned report would be a monthly reporting package produced for a CFO and finance managers that displays data on how the company is measured (e.g. balance sheet, P&L, operational metrics, cash flow).

How to produce canned reports

If you're producing reports for the finance  department or any functional area that requires very highly formatted reporting ,  Oracle Hyperion Financial Reporting is a popular tool for creating, automating, and distributing book-quality management reports.

Compliant with all regulations and external requirements, these automated reports can be delivered immediately or scheduled for later distribution. The tool also enables you to generate multiple reports from single report structures.

Financial Reporting is included in Oracle’s EPM suite of products and BI suite of products , meaning you can access multidimensional performance management data sources and turn the enterprise data into insights.

If your needs go beyond financial reporting, you might consider a business intelligence tool ,  like OBIEE, BICS, or Data Visualization.

What is an ad-hoc report?

Ad-hoc reporting is a business analyst’s quick and off-the-cuff tool for drill-down analysis on the fly , usually contained to a small number of power users. These reports represent more of a snapshot in time. You'll get a look at the details of the data, comparing different variables to explain results made evident in canned reports.

For example : A canned report will show a company’s revenue and whether it is lower or higher than expected; an ad-hoc drill-down can be used by financial and business analysts to understand why this occurred.

How to produce ad-hoc reports

Oracle Smart View is specifically designed for business users who need to have a conversation with the data. This tool  provides a common Microsoft Office interface for accessing and integrating data from Oracle's EPM and BI products. Users can start with templates to help begin the process or a blank sheet where they can begin building grids of data with drag-and-drop functionality. 

These ad-hoc analysis capabilities are invaluable for business analysts who need to interactively investigate data contained in sources such as OBIEE, Oracle Essbase, Planning, and HFM. 

Reducing time spent on reporting

Take one of our clients — a retail grocery chain with 66 stores   —   as an example .  IT management was faced with a legacy BI system that was slow and fell short of providing the answers that business analysts needed to perform their highly specialized roles.

To support more agile and accurate business decisions, they needed the right tool — a modern reporting and analysis solution with high-volume, high-speed data handling capabilities. The company needed to:

  • Deliver customized reports with less IT staff time and effort.
  • Ensure data quality with fewer IT assets and resources.
  • Make business data easier to visualize, understand, and report on.

By giving business analysts the ability to perform sophisticated ad-hoc analysis , the IT team reduced their number of customized reports from approximately 300 to 30. And the analysts could get back to what they do best — supporting the organization’s business goals. Find out how in the full case study .

Which do you need, canned or ad-hoc?

Get the Flow Chart to find out!


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13 phrases that will make a sales script sound ‘canned’.

Forbes Communications Council

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In the 21st century, consumers have learned how to pick up on the “canned,” pre-written language businesses use in sales scripts to make their communications with customers come across as more “genuine.”

Recent studies have found that consumers are more satisfied after interacting with a company if its sales representatives use specific and concrete language , as it shows that they are actually listening to the customer’s issues. Consumers value truly authentic brand experiences, and using cliché or canned wording in sales and marketing scripts suggests the exact opposite of those principles.

Below, 13 associates of Forbes Communications Council take a look at common phrases businesses should never use in marketing and sales scripts if they hope to sound authentic and not turn off potential customers.

Forbes Communications Council members discuss common phrases that sound "canned" in sales scripts.

1. ‘We Care About You’

The phrase “ we care about you” should not be used unless it is reflected in the actual level of service that the company demonstrates regularly to customers. Overusing words like “care,” “empathy” and “authenticity” while exhibiting a poor customer experience, employee experience or user experience is patronizing and shows a lack of interest in helping customers solve their problems. - Kenneth Kinney , Ai Media Group, Inc.

2. ‘In These Uncertain Times’

Avoid using the phrase “in these uncertain times.” That phrase has been completely played out in 2020. While the sentiment is often important because uncertainty is a pain point for many businesses dealing with the pandemic, no one wants to hear that anymore. - Christina Hager , Ovations Digital

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3. Anything Related To Covid-19

Don’t mention anything related to Covid-19 or the pandemic, as it’s overused and ineffective now. To sound authentic, ask people how they are and if any help is needed. Make it conversational, be empathetic and build a relationship. Then, you will uncover real opportunities while building trust in the process. - Stacy Sherman , Customer Experience Expert

4. ‘Don’t Miss This Chance Of A Lifetime’

One phrase you should avoid using is “don’t miss this chance of a lifetime.” This line probably works for contests and big-time giveaways. But outside of these situations, it only makes a brand sound too lazy to think through its pitch. If you have a limited-time offer, accentuate its value and why people should take advantage of it. Additionally, don’t say “chance of a lifetime” if you plan on offering the same thing in the future. - Steve Tan , LeapVista

Forbes Communications Council is an invitation-only community for executives in successful public relations, media strategy, creative and advertising agencies. Do I qualify?

5. ‘Made By You, For You’

“ Made by you, for you” is one sales line that should probably be retired. If you have a product that’s made by your customer, why would they even need to use it when they could theoretically create it themselves? Also, a product or service is usually meant to elevate an experience or alleviate a pain point. Customers want to know that it’s been built by knowledgeable experts. - Melissa Kandel , little word studio

6. ‘This Is The Lowest Price You’ll Find’

Consumers can easily see through phrases that guarantee the cheapest price. By stating “this is the lowest price you’ll find,” you are devaluing the product and showing the customer that you’re only considering price as a factor. We always aim to reassure customers that we can help them find the best product for their sleep needs while also keeping price and shopping preferences in mind. - G’Nai Blakemore , Mattress Firm

7. ‘We’re The No. 1 Product In...’

“ We’re the No. 1 product in...” is a phrase to be avoided. Consumers are tired of listening to sales pitches that declare their product or service to be the best in the market. Consumers want to know how a brand will solve their problems better than any other alternative. This phrase can be salvaged, however, if a credible rating system, such as Amazon reviews, determines this leadership to be true. Even so, use it sparingly. - Ajit Ghuman , Narvar

8. ‘Trust Us’

“ Trust us” is a phrase that automatically alerts consumers that this is a sales pitch. What could happen is exactly the opposite: Consumers become distrustful of the company. Moreover, using gimmicky phrases can date a company, making the message irrelevant to a majority of consumers and turning the brand’s audiences off. Keep your language fresh and conversational to avoid salesy messaging. - Maura Kennedy , Pond Lehocky, LLP

9. ‘Revolutionary’

Avoid using words such as “revolutionary.” How many solutions, products or services can actually revolutionize an entire industry? Very few. Instead, focus on what differentiates your brand and connect with customers using your true value proposition. “Revolutionary” is too often an empty claim. - Lynn Kier , Diebold Nixdorf

10. ‘Value’

This might seem contradictory, but “value” as a term has been overused in the business-to-business space. You certainly want to provide value to your customers, but don’t lead with that in your messaging. Marketers too often lean into using language rather than demonstrating why their company is better through content, case studies and testimonials. Show, don’t tell. It’s an old adage, but it still applies. - Patrick Ward , Rootstrap

11. ‘Can We Schedule A Quick Call?’

This is the phrase I’m tired of seeing in sales messages. The problem with “quick calls” is that they usually aren’t quick enough, and they focus on extracting as much information from us as possible without providing value in return. Instead, I’d love to see messaging about what they can teach us (e.g., new trends, a case study or valuable data) in exchange for a call. - Tom Treanor , Treasure Data

12. ‘As Per My Last Email, Just Checking In’

In a recent study , “as per my last email” and “just checking in” were voted to be among the most annoying phrases used in sales copy and emails. The golden rule of marketing should be applied: The call to action should be included, but it should never be patronizing. For instance, per this rule, saying “trust us” is not as good as writing a trustworthy email where trustworthiness is implied. - Christina Utz , CRK

13. Industry Jargon

Jargon is unhelpful and a turnoff. Talking about “turnkey solutions” or “innovative technology” and using other vague phrasing is never as helpful as using facts and figures to clearly articulate the specific features and benefits of your product or service. You can add authenticity with customer testimonials and a competitor comparison chart that reinforce your value and differentiation. - Amanda Ponzar , CHC: Creating Healthier Communities

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Perfecting Your Pitch: Navigating Types of Sales Presentations

Imagine walking into a room filled with potential customers, armed with nothing but your product and a memorized pitch. How do you engage your audience, stand out from the competition, and close the deal? It all starts with understanding the types of sales presentations and using the right one to your advantage.

Sales is often compared to an art form, and like any artist, a good salesperson needs an array of tools in their repertoire. One of the most critical tools is the sales presentation, the bridge that connects your product to the customer. But did you know there are several types of sales presentations, each with their unique strengths and ideal scenarios? Let’s take a deep dive into these presentation styles and explore how they can bring you closer to your next successful sale.

The Essential Trio: Types of Sales Presentations

Sales presentations typically fall into three primary categories: the standard memorized presentation, the formulated sales presentation, and the need-satisfaction presentation. Each has its unique characteristics, making them suitable for different sales scenarios.

1. The Scripted Path: Standard Memorized Presentation

Standard Memorized Presentations, often dubbed as ‘canned presentations,’ bank on the precision of a meticulously prepared script. By covering every nook and cranny of a product or service, they ensure not a single crucial detail slips through the cracks. They allow the salesperson to deliver a well-rehearsed, seamless presentation, leaving no room for potential inaccuracies or misinterpretations.

Pros of a Standard Memorized Presentation

A major advantage of Standard Memorized Presentations is the uniformity they bring. They ensure that every salesperson delivers a consistent message, thereby maintaining the integrity of the product or service description. This type of presentation is extremely detail-oriented, reducing the risk of accidentally overlooking critical points about the product or service.

Cons of a Standard Memorized Presentation

However, Standard Memorized Presentations also have their drawbacks. Given their scripted nature, they may come off as robotic or impersonal, lacking the genuine warmth that can be critical in establishing rapport with the customer. Furthermore, their rigid format offers little flexibility, limiting the salesperson’s ability to react spontaneously to unexpected situations or queries from the customer.

2. The Flexible Approach: Formulated Sales Presentation

A Formulated Sales Presentation is akin to a guided improv performance. While it rests on a structured outline, it offers room for salespeople to tweak and adjust their presentation in real time based on the customer’s reactions. This flexibility means the sales presentation is not set in stone but evolves to cater to the client’s preferences and queries.

Pros of a Formulated Sales Presentation

The Formulated Sales Presentation’s standout feature is the balance it strikes between rigidity and flexibility. While it ensures the salesperson stays on track, it allows them to tailor the pitch to resonate with the specific needs, interests, and pain points of the customer. This approach fosters personalized selling, making the customer feel valued and understood.

Cons of a Formulated Sales Presentation

However, this improvisational aspect can also be a double-edged sword. It requires the salesperson to think on their feet and adapt quickly to changing situations. This can lead to potential inconsistencies if not carefully managed, which may confuse the customer or dilute the primary selling points of the product or service.

3. The Customer-Centric Style: Need-Satisfaction Presentation

The Need-Satisfaction Presentation pivots toward a customer-centric approach. In this style of presentation, the salesperson concentrates on understanding and satisfying the customer’s specific needs. The emphasis here is on creating a dialogue rather than delivering a monologue, inviting the customer into an interactive exchange that revolves around their unique requirements.

Pros of a Need-Satisfaction Presentation

The Need-Satisfaction Presentation stands out for its highly personalized nature. The salesperson focuses on meeting the customer’s unique needs, making the customer feel heard and understood. This interaction fosters a sense of connection, enhancing engagement and satisfaction. By encouraging two-way communication, this approach not only uncovers the customer’s needs but also builds a rapport, vital for long-term customer relationships.

Cons of a Need-Satisfaction Presentation

Despite its benefits, the Need-Satisfaction Presentation does present some challenges. It requires exceptional listening and empathy skills from the salesperson to truly understand the customer’s needs. Moreover, its highly interactive and tailored nature makes it potentially more time-consuming than traditional, streamlined sales presentations. For sales teams dealing with high volumes of customers, this could prove a logistical challenge.

Choosing the Right Presentation: When and How?

The success of a sales presentation largely depends on choosing the appropriate style based on your customer’s needs and your selling environment.

When to Use a Standard Memorized Presentation?

Standard memorized presentations are particularly effective when uniformity and precision are paramount. They are excellent for scenarios such as trade shows or product launches, where consistency is key, or when the product has complex technical details that need accurate communication.

When to Use a Formulated Sales Presentation?

Formulated sales presentations thrive in situations where products or services are customizable. This type of presentation gives experienced salespeople the flexibility to adjust their pitch according to the customer’s responses and preferences, creating a personalized selling experience.

When to Use a Need-Satisfaction Presentation?

Need-satisfaction presentations are the perfect choice when a customer has unique or specific needs. This style of presentation is particularly successful in B2B sales or when selling high-value products or services, as it can be customized to address the unique requirements of the customer.

Amplifying Your Sales Presentation Skills

Mastering the types of sales presentations is crucial, but the delivery of your presentation plays a significant role in its success. From body language and tone of voice to visuals and design elements, every aspect can influence the effectiveness of your presentation. This is where Fully Decked Up, India’s leading presentation design agency, can step in and help you take your sales presentations to the next level.

Fully Decked Up: Upping Your Presentation Game

Fully Decked Up is not just another presentation design agency. It specializes in creating engaging, professional, and highly effective presentation designs. Here’s what sets us apart:

Expertise: Our team of seasoned designers and presentation experts completely understand the art of effective selling through compelling visuals.

Custom Designs: Every presentation is unique, and Fully Decked Up understands this. We customize every design to suit your presentation style, your product or service, and your target audience.

Wide Range of Services: From infographics to slide designs and everything in between, Fully Decked Up has you covered.

Boost Your Sales with the Right Presentation Style

Understanding the different types of sales presentations is just the beginning. To truly excel in sales, you need to master the art of delivering each type effectively. This means choosing the right presentation style for the right situation, understanding your audience, and leveraging powerful visuals to convey your message effectively.

But why stop there? Boost your sales presentations with Fully Decked Up. With their custom designs and wide range of services , they can help you make a lasting impression and close more deals.

Ready to amplify your sales presentation skills? Contact Fully Decked Up today, and discover how their services can transform your sales presentations into compelling selling tools.

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4 Ways to Energize a ‘Canned’ Corporate Keynote Speech

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3 Tips for Great On-Camera Interviews

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As a leading authority in leadership communication I spend hours every week pouring over ‘canned’ corporate keynote speeches with my clients and  finding ways to bring them back to life . It’s part of my  executive speech coaching service . I know you may not have access to someone like me, so here’s a quick and easy guide to what you can do on your own the next time someone gives you a ‘canned’ speech to delivery:

Be part of the creative process.  ‘Canned’ material is very common in the corporate world – it might be a keynote speech at a luncheon with the media present or a six-figure sales presentation you have to give many times over. Either way it’s ‘canned’ for consistency and accuracy, usually the Communications or Human Resources Department. Usually they put together the PowerPoint presentation too (see tip below). Then they just hand it off to the executive or manager to deliver. As a leader or emerging leader you must be part of the creative process and help edit the speech (if you can). You are the one delivering it after all.

Prepare thoroughly.  Get  really  comfortable with the material. It’s going to help you have a more natural and authentic delivery, so you don’t sound forced or awkward. Practice it out-loud, standing up just as if you were delivering it in front of an audience. Make sure you understand what the numbers, graphs, charts and stats mean. Learn how to pronounce all the names of companies and people correctly.

Raise your speaking game.  You must take it upon yourself to improve your public speaking and presentation skills to point where even if you were reading a telephone book out loud (remember telephone books – I’m showing my age now!) you would be enthralling! Learn how to use your voice, improve your body language and wow the audience with your powerful executive presence.  Ready to raise your game?   Contact me here. 

Edit down the PowerPoint.  Almost every ‘canned’ speech I’ve seen comes with an equally uninspiring PowerPoint presentation. If you can go through the deck of slides and delete all unnecessary words and sentences. Make sure that the remaining content speaks to you and see how it connects to your speech. Review the two together – giving the speech out-loud and changing the PowerPoint slides as you go through them.

It might surprise you to learn that the higher up you get on the corporate food chain, the more often someone else (or a group of people) will write your speeches, because there’s so much on the line.  So get used to it now, make the best of it and learn how to work it to your benefit. 

If you’re an executive and need help with your speech or you’re in the media and want to interview me as an expert  contact me here .

Called ‘The Secret Weapon’ by one journalist, Narges Nirumvala is a world renowned leadership communication expert and international speaker. She is the CEO of ExecutiveSpeak Coaching International and author of the bestselling book “Capture the Spotlight”. Narges works with executives and leadership teams to help them find their authentic voice and speak the language of leadership. Narges has received numerous accolades; most recently she was nominated for the 2016 Wendy McDonald Awards as Community Catalyst.


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Solutions to the Top Three Mistakes that Business Speakers Make: Receive the free audio by joining our mailing list!

How to avoid sounding “canned” when you make a business presentation.

If you prepare your business presentation by memorizing, you will probably end up sounding “canned” — the quickest way to get prospects, clients, and other business listeners to tune you out.   To avoid this problem, do what the best actors do:  internalize, don’t memorize.

Most actors try to avoid rote memorization of a script, because memorization has a tendency to block the most important part (and the most connective part) of speaking: our communication actions that lie beneath the words.  Effective rehearsal is the rehearsal of communication actions/”objectives” (rather than the words themselves), in order to sound conversational and authentic at every moment.

When I played Amanda in  The Glass Menagerie last summer, I was working with a young actor who tried to memorize lines by associating them with his blocking (i.e., where he sat, stood, and moved on stage).  The director changed the blocking many times during our rehearsal process:  of course, the actor then had difficulty remembering his lines!  He was then forced to learn lines with a different strategy: he began to internalize his lines by associating them with his underlying actions/objectives.  This allowed him to not only remember his lines perfectly, but to sound conversational, authentic, and believable.  His lines and physical behavior created a unified, seamless whole.

Business speakers, whether using notes or not, should internalize (not memorize) your content.  You need a strategy to help you become deeply connected to your message, so that listeners will believe that you are fully committed and that you and your message are “one”.

Do the following:  divide your notes for a talk into “beats” (individual topics that are smaller than your overall message).  For each beat, choose a communication action directed toward the listeners.  As you rehearse aloud, focus on the underlying communication action of each beat; keep it at the forefront of your mind, and pursue it energetically.

You will be better able to remember your content fully; you won’t have to worry about “memorizing” anything.  Your voice and body language will support your words,  turning your content and demeanor into one  organic , unified, and seamless message.

When you rehearse this way, you’ll never have to worry about “over-rehearsing”, because your rehearsal will never produce a “canned” delivery.  Instead, your rehearsal will help you speak with authenticity and maximum impact.

Tags: acting techniques for business speaking , business speaking skills , executive presence , executive speaking , persuasion techniques , projecting spontaneity and authenticity , successful business speaking , visual and vocal impact

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canned responses

Canned Responses: Best Practices and Examples


Canned responses are prepared answers to common questions or inquiries, crafted in advance and stored for quick and consistent use. They save your team a tremendous amount of time and keep messaging consistent.

Businesses can significantly reduce response times by eliminating the need to craft individual responses to frequent queries, ensuring that customers are not left waiting. This efficiency boost is crucial for addressing customer needs promptly and freeing up valuable time for customer service teams to focus on more complex tasks that require personalized attention.

Using preset replies in customer service fosters communication consistency vital for maintaining a positive and professional brand image. With carefully crafted responses, companies ensure that customer interactions reflect their values and standards, regardless of who in the team is responding. This uniformity is especially crucial in an era where customer interactions span multiple platforms, from emails and live chats to social media engagements.

The benefits of using canned responses in business

Preset replies offer a trifecta of benefits: time efficiency, enhanced customer satisfaction, and consistent communication.

Time-saving wonders

The most immediate benefit of preset replies is the significant amount of time they save. Consider a customer support team that receives hundreds of similar queries daily. Crafting individual responses to each query is not just time-consuming but also repetitive.

With TextExpander’s Snippets , these frequently asked questions can be addressed in a fraction of the time it would normally take. This efficiency doesn’t just speed up response times; it allows customer service professionals to allocate more time to complex, unique customer issues that require a personalized touch, thereby increasing overall productivity and effectiveness.

Elevating customer satisfaction

Speedy responses facilitated by preset replies directly translate to improved customer satisfaction. TextExpander enables businesses to respond to customer queries almost instantaneously, making customers feel heard and valued. This rapid engagement not only solves customer issues more quickly but also helps in building a positive brand image that customers appreciate and remember.

Consistency is key

Inconsistent communication is a pitfall many businesses face, especially when different team members respond to customer queries. Preset replies ensure that every response is uniform, both in tone and in information provided. This consistency is crucial in maintaining a professional image and ensuring that customers receive reliable information regardless of whom they interact with.

Businesses using TextExpander are not just streamlining their operations; they’re enhancing their customer engagement and maintaining a consistent, professional brand voice across all platforms.

4 keys to crafting effective preset replies

Mastering the art of crafting effective preset replies is crucial for any business aiming to maximize efficiency and consistency. The key lies in striking a perfect balance between automation and personalization, ensuring that while replies are “canned,” they don’t come across as robotic or impersonal. Let’s delve into some tips for creating versatile and effective preset replies for various scenarios.

  • Balance automation with personalization

The essence of an effective preset reply is its ability to feel personal to each customer. This balance begins with the language used. Start with a friendly greeting and consider including fill-ins in your Snippets that can be quickly personalized with the customer’s name or specific details relevant to their inquiry. This approach ensures that each response, while automated, has a touch of personalization, making the customer feel recognized and valued.

  • Creating versatile replies

Versatility in preset replies is essential, as they need to cater to a range of scenarios. The key is to draft replies that are specific enough to be helpful but general enough to apply to various situations. For instance, a reply addressing a common query about product availability can be crafted to provide immediate information and also guide the customer on how to find more details if needed. This not only resolves the query but also empowers the customer with additional resources.

  • Incorporate a clear call-to-action

Every preset reply should ideally conclude with a clear call-to-action (CTA). Whether it’s guiding a customer to a webpage for more information, inviting them to reply with further questions, or directing them to a customer service hotline, a CTA provides clear next steps, enhancing the customer experience and engagement.

  • Practice continual optimization

Finally, the creation of effective preset replies is an ongoing process. Regularly reviewing and updating your Snippets based on customer feedback and changing business needs ensures that your replies remain relevant, helpful, and effective. TextExpander’s for Teams allows for easy updates and modifications, ensuring that your preset replies evolve alongside your business.

Crafting effective preset replies is a blend of art and science. By focusing on personalization, versatility, clear CTAs, and continual optimization, businesses can harness the full power of TextExpander’s Snippets, turning every customer interaction into an opportunity to impress and engage.

Examples of reply templates for various situations

To illustrate the practical application of preset replies, here are generic templates that any business can adapt. These examples cover common customer queries and complaints, showcasing the adaptability and effectiveness of TextExpander’s Snippets in real-world scenarios.

For more helpful canned responses, check out our template library .

Canned response for general inquiry response

Subject : Your Query About [Topic]

Hello [Customer Name],

Thank you for reaching out to us with your question about [Topic]. We appreciate your interest! Here’s the information you need: [Provide specific details or a brief answer].

If you have more questions or need further assistance, feel free to reply to this email or call our support team at [Phone Number].

Best regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Position]

[Your Company]

Preset reply for handling complaints

Subject : Your Concern About [Issue]

Thank you for contacting us regarding [Issue]. We understand your concern and apologize for any inconvenience you’ve experienced. Our team is currently looking into this matter, and we aim to resolve it promptly.

We value your feedback as it helps us improve our services. We will update you as soon as we have more information. In the meantime, if you have any additional information to share or further queries, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Canned response for product availability

Subject : Inquiry About [Product Name] Availability

Body : Hi [Customer Name],

Thank you for your interest in [Product Name]! As of now, [provide information on product availability – e.g., “it’s in stock” or “it will be available from [Date]”].

For the latest updates and detailed information, you can check our website [Insert Link] or subscribe to our newsletter.

If you need further assistance or have other questions, please feel free to reach out.

Best wishes,

These templates serve as a starting point and can be customized to suit the specific needs and tone of any business. They demonstrate how TextExpander’s Snippets can be effectively used to address a variety of customer interactions, ensuring professionalism, consistency, and efficiency in every response.

Monitoring and updating your preset replies

Ensuring that your preset replies remain effective and relevant is an ongoing process. Regularly monitoring and updating these replies is crucial for maintaining the high standard of customer service that your business strives for. Here are some insights on the importance of this practice and methods for collecting feedback and measuring the effectiveness of your replies.

The importance of regular review

The business environment and customer expectations are constantly evolving. What works today might not be as effective tomorrow. Regularly reviewing and updating your preset replies ensures they stay in tune with current trends, customer needs, and your business’s evolving products or services. This practice not only helps in maintaining the relevance of your responses but also in reinforcing your brand’s image as attentive and up-to-date.

Methods for collecting feedback

Feedback is the cornerstone of improvement, and this applies to your preset replies as well. Here are some methods to collect valuable feedback:

  • Customer surveys : After resolving customer queries, consider sending a short survey to gather feedback on their satisfaction with the response they received.
  • Team input : Regularly consult with your customer service team for insights. They are the frontline users of your canned responses and can provide practical feedback on what’s working and what’s not.
  • Performance metrics : Use customer service metrics like response time, resolution rate, and customer satisfaction scores to gauge the effectiveness of your preset replies.

Measuring effectiveness

To measure the effectiveness of your preset replies, focus on key performance indicators (KPIs) relevant to customer service. This includes metrics such as:

  • Response time : How has the implementation of preset replies impacted the average response time?
  • Customer satisfaction : Monitor changes in customer satisfaction ratings after the implementation of preset replies.
  • Resolution rate : Measure if there’s an improvement in the rate at which customer issues are resolved.

By closely monitoring these KPIs, you can get a clear picture of how your preset replies are performing and make data-driven decisions for updates and improvements.

Embrace the future of customer service with canned responses

The advantages of preset replies are clear:

  • Time efficiency : Dramatically reduce response times to common queries.
  • Enhanced customer satisfaction : Provide prompt, accurate, and helpful information, boosting customer experience.
  • Consistency in communication : Maintain a uniform tone and quality in responses, regardless of who in the team is replying.

However, the true strength of preset replies lies in their adaptability. Each business is unique, with its own tone, customer base, and specific needs. TextExpander empowers companies to not only use preset replies but to customize and adapt them to fit their specific requirements. This customization ensures that while businesses enjoy the benefits of automation, they do not lose the personal touch that is so crucial in customer service.

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  • BI Best Practices , Business Intelligence

Ad hoc Analysis vs Canned Reports: Which One Should You Use?

  • By Scottie Todd
  • July 31, 2019

If you're a regular user of any type of data dashboard or analytics system, you've likely encountered a serious question about how to produce reports.

If you’re a regular user of any type of data dashboard or analytics system, you’ve likely encountered a serious question about how to produce reports. Do you go with a canned report, or should you create ad-hoc analysis? Both approaches have their virtues, and your circumstances will often dictate which one you use. Let’s take a closer look at the question itself and the available options to make sure you make the right decision the next time the choice comes up.

What is the Difference?

Before getting too involved with this issue, it’s wise to clarify what we mean by canned versus ad hoc. A canned product is one that either:

  • Comes right out the box with your analytics program
  • Is based on a template someone at your organization has created or acquired

Generally, canned reports have limitations. In particular, you usually can’t squeeze more out of them than your BI dashboard allows you to. This can seriously limit customization.

Conversely, ad-hoc analysis is more of an off-the-cuff approach. This generally involves more labor and time because you have to put time into creating and formatting the report, even if your preferred dashboard provides you the necessary tools.

Pros and Cons of Ad Hoc Analysis

Time and labor are the biggest traps when trying to do anything on an ad-hoc basis. Without rails to guide you, the process you use can develop a big of mission creep. As you fiddle around with the knobs on the dashboard, you’ll find that time can get away from you. That can become a major problem, especially in situations where the first commandment of the job is to just get the report done in a timely manner.

Ad hoc analysis has the virtue of specificity, though. Depending on the nature of the report, it can be helpful to take the time to develop deep dives on specific topics. This is, after all, one of the joys of living in the age of Big Data. Most dashboards are equipped for producing on-the-fly items, and you can generate some impressive results in surprisingly little time once you know where all the controls are located.

The learning curve, however, can be a challenge. If you’re dealing with team members who often resist taking initiative or who don’t pick up tech stuff easily, this can create a barrier. Sometimes, giving them a way to can their reports is just the most painless solution.

Pros and Cons of Canned Analysis

Far and away, the biggest pro of using a canned method is speed. In many cases, you only need to verify the accuracy of the numbers before you click an onscreen button. A report can be spit out in no time, making it very efficient.

One major downside of this approach is that people can tune out when they read canned reports. Especially if you’re putting a work product in front of the same folks every few weeks or months, they can flat-out go blind to the repetitive appearance of the reports.

A big upside, though, is that canned solutions reduce the risk of user errors. Particularly in a work environment where folks may not be savvy about tech or layout and design, it’s often best to have as close to a one-click solution in place. This reduces the amount of technical support required to deliver reports, and it can help folks develop confidence in using the system. Oftentimes, people will begin to explore the options for creating ad-hoc analysis once they’ve had some success with the safer and more boring canned option.

In some cases, canned is the only option. For example, a company that has to produce reports for compliance purposes may have to conform to very specific guidelines for what the work product is formatted. It’s best not to stray under such circumstances, especially if your organization has a track record of generating such reports without issue.

The Fine Art of Choosing

As previously noted, your situation will often be the main driver of what choice you might make. If you’re working on a tough deadline, going the canned route has the benefit of making sure you can deliver a minimally acceptable product on time. There’s a good chance literally no one will be impressed with your efforts, but at least the report will be done.

Some topics deserve more attention than a canned product can afford. As long as you’re confident you have the required skills, you should consider putting them to work to do a deep dive in your report. This affords you the chance to tailor graphics and data tables to your audience. Especially when you’re first introducing folks to a particular topic or a unique dataset, this level of extra attention can be a difference-maker.

There is no perfect answer to the timeless question of canned versus ad hoc. Every situation has its parameters, and it’s prudent to be considerate of those requirements when you make your choice. With a bit of forethought about your approach, however, you can make sure that you’ll deliver a work product that will exceed the expectations of your target audience.

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Scottie Todd

“Level 4 marketing wizard on a quest for data insights one blog post at a time.”

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Personalized vs. Canned Video: What to Use & When During the Sales Process [Film School for Marketers Podcast, Ep. 7]

Personalized vs. Canned Video: What to Use & When During the Sales Process [Film School for Marketers Podcast, Ep. 7]

Video is such a crucial tool to use in the sales process.

It adds a whole new level of engagement and trust during the process that plain email just can’t do. As a salesperson, you might be wondering when to use personalized videos vs. pre-made canned videos.

In this episode of Film School for Marketers, we talk about the differences of both, when to use them, and wherein the sales process they’ll be the most effective.

Listen to the full episode here (or scroll down to watch the video):

What is personalized video and what is a canned video?

Personalized video is a video that you’re one time for one person. It’s a message that is personalized to the recipient.

Whereas a canned video is very similar to a canned email template. It’s something that can be used time and time again for a similar audience. Typically the messaging is a bit more general and doesn’t call out the recipients specific name or information.

What type of video should you use for managing inbound leads?

If you are a company that has a large number of inbound leads coming through each day, and your sales team struggles to get back to people quick enough you should consider using a canned video. Reason being, the amount of time it takes to get back to someone is most important and you want to ensure the experience is quick and that you can include a personable element like video.

If you are a company that has a manageable amount of leads coming through each day we recommend you do personalized videos. Personalized videos are always the first option you should go with if you have the time as people will appreciate them even more.

It’s not to say someone won’t appreciate your canned video. In fact, we talk about how you can make a canned video feel personalized with the way you approach your messaging.

Meeting Follow-Ups

We talk about the importance of using personalized video for meeting follow-ups and not canned video. How it can ultimately save sales teams time from having to write out long recap emails. We also talk about how video follow-ups can be a powerful tool for prospects to share with their team cutting down on additional meetings with other people involved and getting a consistent message across to everyone.

Stalled Opportunities

You can use your best judgement on what will work best for your sales process - but it comes down to how your team deals with stalled opportunities. We talk about how you can use both, and how you can setup automation with video to send out if an opportunity goes cold after a certain amount of days.

SOW’s + RFPs

You should always use personalized video for your SOW’s and RFP’s, never canned. We talk about why, and how to best use personalized videos during this stage in the sales process.  


We talk about the importance of using video during transitions whether that be in the sales process or in a hand-off post-sale. These are videos that do not need to be personalized and that you can be as effective with when canned. We talk about how this makes a big difference in building trust and ensuring no hiccups occur when introductions to new people on the team happen.

Learn about how I manage our inbound leads here at IMPACT.

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Second, leave us a review on iTunes or share the love with fellow marketers and sales professionals who could benefit from our content.

Lastly, have a question or idea for a future episode? Let us know!


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Business Jargons

A Business Encyclopedia


Definition : A presentation is a form of communication in which the speaker conveys information to the audience. In an organization presentations are used in various scenarios like talking to a group, addressing a meeting, demonstrating or introducing a new product, or briefing a team. It involves presenting a particular subject or issue or new ideas/thoughts to a group of people.

It is considered as the most effective form of communication because of two main reasons:

  • Use of non-verbal cues.
  • Facilitates instant feedback.


Business Presentations are a tool to influence people toward an intended thought or action.

Parts of Presentation


  • Introduction : It is meant to make the listeners ready to receive the message and draw their interest. For that, the speaker can narrate some story or a humorous piece of joke, an interesting fact, a question, stating a problem, and so forth. They can also use some surprising statistics.
  • Body : It is the essence of the presentation. It requires the sequencing of facts in a logical order. This is the part where the speaker explains the topic and relevant information. It has to be critically arranged, as the audience must be able to grasp what the speaker presents.
  • Conclusion : It needs to be short and precise. It should sum up or outline the key points that you have presented. It could also contain what the audience should have gained out of the presentation.

Purpose of Presentation

  • To inform : Organizations can use presentations to inform the audience about new schemes, products or proposals. The aim is to inform the new entrant about the policies and procedures of the organization.
  • To persuade : Presentations are also given to persuade the audience to take the intended action.
  • To build goodwill : They can also help in building a good reputation

Factors Affecting Presentation


Audience Analysis

Communication environment, personal appearance, use of visuals, opening and closing presentation, organization of presentation, language and words, voice quality, body language, answering questions, a word from business jargons.

Presentation is a mode of conveying information to a selected group of people live. An ideal presentation is one that identifies and matches the needs, interests and understanding level of the audience. It also represents the facts, and figures in the form of tables, charts, and graphs and uses multiple colours.

Related terms:

  • Verbal Communication
  • Visual Communication
  • Non-Verbal Communication
  • Communication
  • 7 C’s of Communication

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Abbas khan says

October 2, 2022 at 11:33 pm

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Farhan says

February 23, 2023 at 9:45 am

yusra shah says

July 3, 2023 at 2:04 am

it was helpful👍

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CANNED PRESENTATION Definition & Legal Meaning

Definition & citations:.

A memorized speech that is designed to target all audience members without any discrimination.

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  3. Canned presentation

    A canned presentation is one which presents information in a systematic and well-planned manner. Since all necessary information about the company and product are already included, there is not as much room for improvisation and spontaneity as in a personalized presentation. As rigid as they may seem, canned presentations may come in handy if ...

  4. Canned Reports vs. Ad-hoc Analysis: Which to Use and When [Infographic]

    Ad-hoc reporting is a business analyst's quick and off-the-cuff tool for drill-down analysis on the fly, usually contained to a small number of power users. These reports represent more of a snapshot in time. You'll get a look at the details of the data, comparing different variables to explain results made evident in canned reports.

  5. Canned sales presentation

    A canned sales presentation is a standardised sales presentation that incorporates all the key selling points arranged in specific order, designed to evoke t...

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    Photos courtesy of the individual members. 1. 'We Care About You'. The phrase " we care about you" should not be used unless it is reflected in the actual level of service that the company ...

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  8. PDF Learning Canned Presentations or Scripts

    business and your profitability. 1) ... meaning your belief becomes stronger because you now own that script by having made it part of who you are and what you do. • Also, a canned presentation or script is uninterrupted in its flow, meaning you're not going to be thrown off track by questions or interruptions. You are able to keep yourself ...

  9. canned approach

    Definition of. canned approach. Dictionary of Business Terms: canned approach. company-prepared selling presentation. Sales representatives memorize and repeat it verbatim when making a sales presentation. This selling approach can be effective for inexperienced sales personnel, but it is inadequate for complex selling transactions.

  10. What is canned presentation? definition and meaning

    Definition of canned presentation: Memorized, 'one size fits all' presentation or speech repeated, without discrimination or modification, before every audience or prospect. ... As a manager of a business, your employees will not be same page as you 100% of the time. No matter how hard you try to build a cohesive workforce in meetings, there ...

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  12. 4 Ways to Energize a 'Canned' Corporate Keynote Speech

    'Canned' material is very common in the corporate world - it might be a keynote speech at a luncheon with the media present or a six-figure sales presentation you have to give many times over. Either way it's 'canned' for consistency and accuracy, usually the Communications or Human Resources Department.

  13. How to Avoid Sounding "Canned" When You Make a Business Presentation

    If you prepare your business presentation by memorizing, you will probably end up sounding "canned" — the quickest way to get prospects, clients, and other business listeners to tune you out. To avoid this problem, do what the best actors do: internalize, don't memorize. Most actors try to avoid rote memorization of a script, because ...

  14. Canned Responses: Best Practices and Examples for 2024

    5. Canned responses are prepared answers to common questions or inquiries, crafted in advance and stored for quick and consistent use. They save your team a tremendous amount of time and keep messaging consistent. Businesses can significantly reduce response times by eliminating the need to craft individual responses to frequent queries ...

  15. Ad hoc Analysis vs Canned Reports: Which One Should You Use?

    Before getting too involved with this issue, it's wise to clarify what we mean by canned versus ad hoc. A canned product is one that either: Comes right out the box with your analytics program; Is based on a template someone at your organization has created or acquired; Generally, canned reports have limitations.

  16. Personalized vs. Canned Video: What to Use & When During the ...

    Whereas a canned video is very similar to a canned email template. It's something that can be used time and time again for a similar audience. Typically the messaging is a bit more general and doesn't call out the recipients specific name or information.

  17. What Is Ad Hoc Reporting & Analysis? Definition, Benefits & Goals

    However, canned reports are typically clean and polished and provide answers to general — yet vital — business questions. Between canned reports and ad hoc reporting and analysis, leadership, managers and employees can access a comprehensive view of the organization's data, enabling them to better respond to potential business challenges ...

  18. What is Presentation? Definition, Parts and Factors

    A word from Business Jargons. Presentation is a mode of conveying information to a selected group of people live. An ideal presentation is one that identifies and matches the needs, interests and understanding level of the audience. It also represents the facts, and figures in the form of tables, charts, and graphs and uses multiple colours.

  19. CANNED PRESENTATION Definition & Legal Meaning

    Definition & Citations: A memorized speech that is designed to target all audience members without any discrimination. Find the legal definition of CANNED PRESENTATION from Black's Law Dictionary, 2nd Edition. A memorized speech that is designed to target all audience members without any discrimination....