capstone projects for dnp students

All about the DNP project

Understanding the process helps ensure a successful project..

The final doctor of nursing practice (DNP) project provides students with the opportunity to systematically translate the best current evidence into practice. However, variability in how projects are implemented exists among programs. In response, the American Association of Critical Care Nurses (AACN) commissioned white papers from two internal task forces: the Implementation Task Force (ITF) and the Advanced Practice Registered Nurse Clinical Training Task Force. The ITF’s white paper, The Doctor of Nursing Practice: Current Issues and Clarifying Recommendations, describes and clarifies the characteristics of DNP graduate scholarship (including the DNP project), efficient resource use, program length, curriculum considerations, practice experiences, and collaborative partnership guidelines. The Advanced Practice Registered Nurse Clinical Task Force white paper, Re-envisioning the Clinical Education of Advanced Practice Registered Nurses , explores how APRN education can adapt to include more simulation opportunities, academic-practice partnerships, competency-based assessments, and nontraditional APRN clinical education models, such as technology or informatics. However, the AACN doesn’t make specific recommendations with regard to the final DNP project, pointing instead to the DNP Essentials to explain the project’s scope and depth.

This article discusses the issue of project variability, then explores DNP project fundamentals to help eliminate ambiguity and confusion and broaden students’ understanding of the project’s significance. Before initiating a DNP project, several key elements—mentoring, time management, organizational and academic support, potential institutional review board approval, and planning for dissemination—must be in place. (See 8 steps to completion.)

8 steps to completion

Students should take these eight steps to complete their doctor of nursing practice (DNP) projects.

  • Identify and obtain approval for the area of interest.
  • Write a proposal.
  • Create a project timeline.
  • Acquire institutional review board approval (if needed).
  • Implement project.
  • Write final report.
  • Present an oral presentation.
  • Disseminate the project.

Source: Anderson et al. 2015.

DNP project variability

With the increased volume of new programs and growing interest in the DNP degree, the profession must clarify the scope of the final project, including implementation, impact on system and practice outcomes, extent of collaborative efforts, dissemination, and degree of faculty mentorship and oversight. Some universities require students to complete a practice improvement project over the span of a course, whereas others require students to initiate an evidence-based practice (EBP) innovation project when they begin the program and continue it through the final semester.

Despite projects’ various forms, many elements—including planning, implementation, evaluation, and sustainability—must be consistent across programs. Without concrete guidelines, programs have employed several interpretations, including portfolios, case studies, systematic reviews, and writing projects. (See Project dissemination variability. )

Project dissemination variability

Several doctor of nursing practice (DNP) project types are included in the DNP Essentials . The table compares the American Association of Colleges of Nursing’s (AACN’s) white paper recommendations and AACN DNP Tool Kit with regard to dissemination.

Reasons for variability include:

  • lack of faculty familiarity with quality improvement (QI) and EBP methods
  • strain on faculty capacity and time commitment for project completion
  • lack of faculty expertise in DNP education
  • inability to find clinical sites that allow students to implement projects
  • lack of DNP faculty resulting in programs led by PhD faculty
  • lack of graduate-level writing skills
  • differing student education levels (for example, BSN-DNP, MSN-DNP)
  • time constraints within the iterative process requiring multiple revisions of written work.

Although some program variability is expected, concern about the lack of adherence to the DNP Essentials exists . In response, the AACN is committed to enhancing program congruency. To ensure consistency, post-master’s and post-baccalaureate DNP students (who begin their doctoral programs with different education and practice backgrounds) should graduate with the same comprehensive skill set as described in the DNP Essentials .

Project fundamentals

The DNP project, previously called the capstone project or the scholarly project, should demonstrate translation of acquired knowledge into clinical practice and exhibit the student’s growth in clinical knowledge, expertise, and use of the DNP Essentials and DNP Tool Kit. (See DNP Essentials and Tool Kit.)

DNP Essentials and Tool Kit

The American Association of Colleges of Nursing’s (AACN’s) eight DNP program essentials prepare nurse leaders for advanced practice.

  • Scientific underpinnings for practice
  • Organizational and systems leadership for quality improvement and systems thinking
  • Clinical scholarship and analytical methods for evidence-based practice
  • Information systems/technology and patient care technology for the improvement and transformation of healthcare
  • Healthcare policy for advocacy in healthcare
  • Interprofessional collaboration for improving patient and population health outcomes
  • Clinical prevention and population health for improving the nation’s health
  • Advanced nursing practice

DNP Tool Kit

The DNP Tool Kit, which continues to evolve, provides schools with the resources for formatting a DNP program. It combines information from the DNP Essentials and recommendations from the AACN DNP white paper to provide templates, exemplars, frequently asked questions, and other resources.

Projects can focus on QI, executive outcomes management, or an EBP change initiative aimed at strengthening healthcare. (See DNP project examples.)

Project examples

The following are examples of doctor of nursing practice (DNP) projects completed by the authors when they were DNP students.  

Quality improvement projects

  • After evaluating evidence-based practices for type 2 diabetic foot management, the student developed a new standardized protocol for staff education and patient care practices for foot care assessment and management.
  • The student reinforced nursing education as a means to overcoming adherence barriers to an evidence-based sedation protocol for improved ICU outcomes.

Evidence-based practice projects

  • The DNP student used an evidence-based survey tool to measure student anxiety when caring for dying patients. Based on the results, an education module was developed to help students manage their stress.
  • To decrease nonurgent use of the emergency department and increase fever knowledge, the student created an educational program for caregivers of pediatric patients.

Guideline development and improvement project

  • After a systematic evidence search, the student developed a neonatal abstinence syndrome treatment guideline to standardize care and reduce treatment duration, symptom severity, length of hospitalization, and costs.

While working on their projects, students learn to build strong, collaborative partnerships with stakeholders and mentors.

DNP programs throughout the United States require students to conduct various types of projects, which contributes to ongoing confusion about DNP preparation and role. However, all projects should reflect the DNP Essentials in a single, cumulative work that evolves as the student progresses through the program. In addition, this scholarly synthesis should serve as a platform for future scholarship after graduation.

According to the AACN DNP Tool Kit, all projects should:

  • focus on a change that impacts the outcome of healthcare through direct or indirect care
  • have a systems (micro-, meso-, or macro-level) or population/aggregate focus
  • demonstrate implementation in the appropriate practice area
  • include a plan for sustainability (it should take into account financial, systems, or political realities, not only theoretical abstractions)
  • include an evaluation of processes and outcomes (formative or summative).

Frequently, a project is the outcome of a student’s identified need for improvement in clinical practice or patient outcomes guided by the spirit of inquiry. The project results are a compendium of graduate education immersed in nursing leadership, education, health policy, or clinical practice.


All DNP projects should emphasize positive change that advances quality outcomes, attention to systems thinking, strategies for sustainability with an appraisal of processes and outcomes, and a structure for future practice. The expectation is that DNP-prepared nurses will contribute to the body of knowledge in nursing practice by sharing their work with others so that they can apply it to their practice roles. Platforms for dissemination include social media, peer-reviewed journals, presentations, professional conferences, brochures, posters, policy briefs, organizational team meetings, media interviews, academia, and press releases. Many programs require students to summarize their projects for publication in a peer-reviewed journal.

The final requirement of the DNP project is a student’s presentation before their institution’s doctoral panel. In this venue, students deliver elemental details about their project’s processes and impact, including purpose, evidence synthesis, project design, data analysis, frameworks, and dissemination.

Be a trailblazer

DNP students’ final projects reflect the culmination of their educational journey and prepare them to share their work with others to benefit patients, the healthcare system, and the nursing profession. The result is a body of information that bridges the gap between research theory and clinical practice. As trailblazers, DNP-prepared nurses can empower other professionals to improve patient outcomes and achieve benchmarks for practice change supported by collaborative endeavors.

The following authors are DNP graduates from the University of Texas at Tyler in Tyler: Barbara Chapman is a family NP with the INTUNE Mobile Unit and assistant clinical professor in the school of nursing at The University of Texas at Tyler. Chiquesha Davis is department head of post-licensure programs, graduate programs, and assistant professor at Tarleton State University in Stephenville, Texas. Sonya Grigsby is a critical care NP at CHRISTUS Mother Frances Hospital in Tyler, adjunct nursing faculty at University of Texas at Tyler, and locum NP at OSF St. Francis Medical Center in Peoria, Illinois. Cyndi B. Kelley is a nurse manager in the special care nursery and chair of the doctoral collaboration council at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital of Dallas and adjunct faculty in the ADN-to-BSN program at Grand Canyon University in Phoenix, Arizona. Rebecca Shipley is a family NP at CHRISTUS Trinity Mother Frances Health System. Christian Garrett is a DNP student at the University of Texas at Tyler, a family NP at CHRISTUS Trinity Mother Frances Hospital, and an adjunct professor in the school of nursing at The University of Texas at Tyler.

Alexander S. Scholarship in clinical practice: An update on recommendations for doctor of nursing practice programs. Clin Nurse Spec. 2016;30(1):58-61. doi:10.1097/NUR.0000000000000177

American Association of Colleges of Nursing. The doctor of nursing practice (DNP) tool kit.

American Association of Colleges of Nursing. The Doctor of Nursing Practice: Current Issues and Clarifying Recommendations. August 2015.

Anderson BA, Knestrick JM, Barroso R. DNP Capstone Projects: Exemplars of Excellence in Practice. New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company; 2014.

Bednash G, Breslin ET, Kirschling JM, Rosseter RJ. PhD or DNP: Planning for doctoral nursing education. Nurs Sci Q. 2014;27(4):296-301. doi:10.1177/0894318414546415

Broome ME, Riner ME, Allam ES. Scholarly publication practices of doctor of nursing practice-prepared nurses. J Nurs Educ. 2013;52(8):429-34. doi:10.3928/01484834-20130718-02

Brown MA, Crabtree K. The development of practice scholarship in DNP programs: A paradigm shift. J Prof Nurs. 2013;29(6):330-7. doi:10.1016/j.profnurs.2013.08.003

Dols JD, Hernández C, Miles H. The DNP project: Quandaries for nursing scholars. Nurs Outlook. 2017;65(1):84-93. doi:10.1016/j.outlook.2016.07.009

Dreher HM, Glasgow MES. DNP Role Development for Doctoral Advanced Nursing Practice. 2nd ed. New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company; 2017.

Grigsby S, Chapman B, Kelley CB, et al. DNP and PhD: Complementary roles. Am Nurse Today. 2018;13(7):8-13.

Holly C. Scholarly Inquiry and the DNP Capstone. New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company; 2014.

Moran KJ, Burson R, Conrad D. The Doctor of Nursing Practice Project: A Framework for Success. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning; 2019.

Murphy MP, Staffileno BA, Carlson E. Collaboration among DNP- and PhD-prepared nurses: Opportunity to drive positive change. J Prof Nurs. 2015;31(5):388-94. doi:10.1016/j.profnurs.2015.03.001

Pandi-Perumal SR, Akhter S, Zizi F, et al. Project stakeholder management in the clinical research environment: How to do it right. Front Psychiatry. 2015;6(71). doi:10.3389/fpsyt.2015.00071

Shipley R, Chapman B, Davis C, et al. (2019). DNPs: Healthcare change agents. Am Nurse Today. 2019;14(7):16-8.

White KA, Hitzler ET, Anderson KM, et al. Essential knowledge, skills, & attitudes of mentors and mentees for successful DNP scholarly projects. Nurse Educ Today. 2018;71:107-10. doi:10.1016/j.nedt.2018.09.015

Zaccagnini ME, White KW. The Doctor of Nursing Practice Essentials. 3rd ed. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning; 2017.

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  • DNP Student Project Examples

Here are some examples of projects from former DNP students.

Addressing maternal outcomes in rural Indiana mothers through improved prenatal care utilization Yadira Santiago Banuelos, MSN, RN, FNP-BC, CLC | PowerPoint Presentation (PDF)

Examining Knowledge and Knowledge Retention in Nurse Practitioners after the Implementation of an Online Educational Module on Obstructive Sleep Apnea Jessica J. Pietras, BSN, BS, RN | Executive Summary

The impact of a resilience and self-care intervention on senior BSN students and their perception of readiness for practice during the COVID-19 pandemic Paula Morrow, MSN, RN, FNP-BC, FNP-C, CEN

Screening of Postpartum Depression and Stress Among Mothers of Infants in a Pediatric Cardiovascular Care Unit: A Pilot Study Alessi Miller , BSN, RN | Executive Summary

Care of the Obstetric Patient in the Intensive Care Unit: A Quality Improvement Study Caitlin Luebcke , MSN, APRN, AGACNP-BC, AGNP-C, CCRN | Executive Summary

Examining Factors That Influence Confidence and Competence Among Nurse Practitioners Kelsey Allbright

Best Shot: A Motivational Interviewing Approach to Address Vaccine Hesitancy in Pediatric Outpatient Settings Kristin Jamison, MSN, RN, FNP-C | Executive Summary

The Effect of Text Message Reminders on HPV Vaccination Rates in Adolescent Males Madison Plumer, BSN, RN | Executive Summary

Introduction of a Conversation Starter Tool to Improve Health Habits in Young Children Rachel Knafel, MSN, RN, FNP-BC | Executive Summary

The Association Between Use of Nurse Practitioners and Quality Measures in the Long-Term Care Setting Katie Begle, DNP, BSN, RN

Comparing Models of Nurse Practitioner Preceptorship Using a Simulation Approach Samantha Tielker, DNP, MSN, ACNP-BC | Executive Summary

Does Provider Education Increase Rates of Adolescent Sexual Health History Taking? Elizabeth Sigler, DNP 

Identifying Sustainable Improvements to the Nurse-to-Nurse Patient Handoff Process: A Policy Capturing Study Taylor Vandervort, DNP | Executive Summary

Risk Perceptions and E-cigarette Use Among College Students: A Socioecological Model Approach Nachel Rhoades, DNP, BSN, RN | Executive Summary

Increasing Autism Spectrum Disorder Screening and Referrals in a Pediatric Clinic Amber Barney, DNP, RN, MSN, MBA, APRN, CPNP | Executive Summary


The Utilization of Sunscreen Prescriptions to Increase Patient Use: Examination of Healthcare Provider Perceptions James M. Roush, DNP, RN | Executive Summary

Testing a Pediatric Palliative Care Education Workplace Intervention Courtney James, DNP | Executive Summary

Anxiety and Coping Styles of First-Year Nursing Students During COVID Anne Campbell, DNP | Executive Summary

Utilization of Spanish Medical Interpreters for Diabetes Education in a Community Health Center Mariah Scheker, DNP, AGPCNP-BC, Summer 2021 | Executive Summary

Impact of Expedited Partner Therapy Implementation on STI Reinfection in an Urban Public Health Clinic Amy Evans, MSN, NP-C | Executive Summary  | Manuscript

Early Prediction of Cardiac Arrest Using Machine Learning Laura Moffat, MSN, MSK, APRN, AGCNS-BC, CMSRN | Executive Summary

Indicators of Transport Nurses Safety Competency Donna York Clark, MS, RN, CMTE | Executive Summary


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What Is a DNP Capstone Project?

The DNP capstone project (most often referred to as a DNP final project) takes place near the end of your DNP program. It  is your opportunity to take your newly acquired competencies achieved through DNP coursework and clinical experiences and design a project that is focused on positively impacting healthcare outcomes, either through direct clinical nursing care or indirectly from the systems side of nursing. As a culminating project, the goal  is to provide students with the opportunity to demonstrate mastery of  newly acquired skills and knowledge. A successful DNP capstone project reflects the scope of the student’s doctoral level work and focuses on a meaningful change to healthcare outcomes.

Note: The term “DNP capstone project” has given way to the term “DNP final project” in recent years due to the AACN’s 2015 call for nursing schools to use a term that distinguishes the DNP project from other graduate-level projects.

Sponsored School(s)

Your final DNP project is an investigation of an area of nursing practice, the healthcare delivery system, or a healthcare policy issue that aligns with the scope of your doctoral work. It’s your time to translate health research into practice, preparing you to make the transition to the role of active practitioner in the delivery of informed, quality healthcare.

Your final DNP project will be unique to you, although all DNP projects should:

  • Feature a systems or population/aggregate focus
  • Demonstrate how it can be implemented into your area of practice
  • Include a realistic plan for sustainability
  • Include an evaluation of the project’s results
  • Provide a foundation for future practice scholarship

How Do I Choose a Capstone Project?

Your final DNP project will align with your DNP’s focus and clinical experiences and be something meaningful to you. What your DNP looks like will ultimately depend on what’s important to you, although your DNP project coordinator, faculty advisor, or DNP program committee will need to give you the green light to proceed with your project idea.

What Are Some DNP Capstone Ideas?

DNP projects are most often focused on quality improvement initiatives, practice change programs, program evaluations, or the translation of evidence into practice.

For example, if your DNP capstone project is practice-focused, it may involve implementing or evaluating a new practice model, a program of care, or a quality improvement project. If it’s focused on health policy, it may involve analyzing, developing, or implementing policy or legislative change. Or if it’s focused on health systems, it may involve using new technology to enhance or evaluate care or analyzing financial models to improve cost-effectiveness in care models.

Examples include:

  • Pilot study
  • Change initiative
  • Consultation model
  • Policy initiative
  • Quality improvement initiative
  • Design and evaluation of a new model of care

What Will the DNP Capstone Involve?

Your DNP capstone will culminate in a final report that includes a scholarly paper that’s suitable for publication. This scholarly paper will include a description of the project, an evidence-based review of the literature, your findings, the evaluation of your findings, and outcomes, and suggestions for its dissemination to the larger nursing community. Dissemination examples may include presenting at a local, regional, sate, or national conference, publishing in a peer-reviewed journal, developing a webinar presentation, presenting to the general public, developing a digital poster, etc.

Once your DNP capstone is complete and your DNP mentor/project chair confirms that your scholarly paper is ready for committee review, you can move onto the final portion of the project, which is a final presentation and defense.

How Will My DNP Capstone Be Evaluated?

Your DNP capstone project will be evaluated via a review process that includes one or more of the following: peer review, academic review, and/or stakeholder review. In general, this review process includes a final oral presentation and project defense that you’ll complete in front of the DNP project committee.

Approval of the final defense of your DNP final project from the DNP project committee acts as documentation that you have passed. This is usually accomplished by vote among the DNP project committee members. If you don’t pass, you’ll have the opportunity to correct any deficiencies and present your project once again to the DNP project committee. Most programs only allow students two opportunities to pass the final DNP project.

  • Career Resources
  • FAQs About the DNP
  • The Role of DNP-Educated Nurses in Advanced Clinical Practice
  • Education Resources
  • What is a DNP and Who is it Right for?
  • Why a DNP? – DNP vs MSN
  • Post-Bachelor’s BSN-to-DNP Programs
  • Post-Master’s MSN-to-DNP Programs
  • Accredited DNP Programs by State
  • DNP Final Project Guide
  • The Best Value DNP Degree Programs for 2024
  • Top Picks for the 50 Best DNP Programs of 2023
  • DNP Scholarship
  • DNP Track Categories
  • Aggregate/Systems/Organizational Focus (Programs for Administrators, Educators, Executives and Informaticists)
  • Direct Patient Care Focus (Programs for NPs and Other APRNs)
  • Online DNP Tracks with an Aggregate / Systems / Organizational Focus
  • The Role of DNP Nurses in Clinical Education
  • The Role of DNP Nurses in Developing Health Policy
  • The Role of DNP Nurses in Educational Leadership
  • The Role of DNP Nurses in Executive Leadership
  • The Role of DNP Nurses in Health Informatics
  • The Role of DNP Nurses in Public Health
  • Online DNP Tracks for Nurse Practitioners
  • Adult-Gerontology Nurse Practitioner (Acute and Primary Care)
  • Family Nurse Practitioner
  • Neonatal Nurse Practitioner
  • Pediatric Nurse Practitioner (Acute and Primary Care)
  • Psychiatric-Mental Health Nurse Practitioner
  • Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner
  • Online DNP Tracks for Clinical Nurse Specialists
  • Understanding the Difference Between the NP and CNS Roles
  • Adult-Gerontology Clinical Nurse Specialist (Acute and Primary Care)
  • Neonatal Clinical Nurse Specialist
  • Pediatric Clinical Nurse Specialist
  • Women’s Health Clinical Nurse Specialist
  • Online DNP Tracks in Other Direct Patient Care Roles
  • Certified Nurse-Midwife
  • Nurse-Anesthetist

capstone projects for dnp students

List of 500 Plus Nursing Capstone Project Ideas to Consider as a nursing Student

capstone projects for dnp students

In most nursing schools, you might be required to work on a capstone project, often known as a senior capstone. It is usually a prerequisite for your final course in a degree program that requires its completion. Most nursing students prefer undertaking a capstone nursing course.

A capstone project is an individualized research project on a specific nursing topic of your professional or personal interest. It is usually completed within between 4 to 12 weeks, depending on the nursing school and the program you are pursuing. It is usually part of a project-based nursing capstone course that runs within a selected duration and is led by a capstone instructor. The first step of writing a capstone is choosing a topic that focuses on the quality improvement process, procedure, or policy and creating a nursing capstone project proposal/nursing project proposal or presentation.

A standard nursing capstone project is between 20 to 100 pages, but that depends on the institutional requirements and the preference of your capstone instructor. It is a chance to show what you have learned, enhance your professional development, specialize in your nursing career, and investigate/solve community-related health issues. The capstone project paper is based on evidence-based practice (EBP) project , which makes it necessary to follow the PICO format . Therefore, the first step is choosing the topic when doing the capstone at BSN, MSN, or DNP level.

This guide is about the first step, specifically to help you choose a good and manageable topic for your nursing capstone project. Cognizant that selecting a topic depends on the area of specialization that you are interested in (Family nursing, forensic nursing, informatics, pediatrics, nursing administration and management, nursing education, or public health, etc.), we have categorized the ideas and topics into nursing specialties to make it easier for you to brainstorm and choose a good topic for your nursing capstone paper.

General Nursing Capstone Ideas

  • Patient-controlled fluid restriction monitoring
  • The effects of tai chi on cardiovascular risk factors of hypertension, BMI, anxiety, depression, quality of life, and its safety and feasibility
  • Exercise to improve cancer-related fatigue
  • CPM machine protocol for knee replacements
  • Managing hypertension with lifestyle modifications
  • Self-engagement to decrease blood pressure readings and reduce non-compliance
  • The application of the ABCDE bundle in ICU
  • Controlled donation after circulatory death
  • Effectiveness of using virtual reality in oncology settings
  • Impacts of the clinically aligned pain assessment tool (CAPA) on pain management
  • The influence of "deliberate practice" on skill competency
  • Consequences of massage therapy for agitation in dementia
  • Impact of virtual simulation on knowledge transfer
  • Increased discharge compliance through mental health follow-up
  • Impacts of early mobilization
  • Impacts of bedside shift reports on patient safety
  • Effects of physical activity and patient education on rheumatoid arthritis
  • Benefits of non-physician-led hypertension management
  • Reducing the rates of use of emergency departments by homeless and at-risk homeless through screening
  • Improving discharge timeliness and patient outcomes
  • Role of Nurses in policymaking
  • Video education on fever to empower and educate caregivers
  • Protecting the health and safety of nurses working with at-risk populations

Forensic Nursing Capstone Project Ideas

Forensic nursing is a very lucrative area of specialization in nursing. If you consider specializing in forensic nursing to become a Nurse Death Investigator (NDI), sexual assault nurse examiner (SANE), legal nurse consultant, forensic psychiatry nurse, correctional nurse consultant, forensic nurse educator, or forensic nurse examiner, consider these topics and ideas for your capstone. It is not exhaustive but gives you an upper hand when selecting a suitable topic for your forensic nursing capstone project. If you are looking for nursing ebp project ideas related to forensic nursing, check out these:

  • Impacts of forensic nurses in preventing intimate partner violence
  • Role of forensic nurses in developing community interventions to prevent elderly abuse and neglect
  • Coordinated community response as a strategy to address elderly abuse
  • Role of forensic nurses in identifying and preventing sexual abuse in pediatric emergency departments
  • Does Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) training affect the attitudes of Emergency Department nurses toward sexual assault survivors?
  • How sexual assault nurse examiners practice trauma-informed care
  • Roles of forensic outpatient nurses
  • Use of simulation in training forensic nurses
  • Attitudes of forensic nurses working at psychiatric facilities
  • Benefits of incorporating forensic nurses as part of the multidisciplinary teams in psychiatric health facilities
  • Importance of forensic nurse research
  • Collaboration between forensic nurses and law enforcement agencies
  • Implementation of sexual assault services in a clinic setting
  • Effects of an emotional education program on prisoners
  • Occupational injuries and workplace violence among forensic nurses
  • Stress and burnout among forensic nurses working in mental health facilities
  • Role of forensic nurses in examining medical error
  • Role of forensic nurse examiner in patient education for victims of sexual assault
  • The rhetoric of therapy in forensic psychiatric nursing
  • Evaluation of a Standardized Patient Simulation on Undergraduate Nursing Students' Knowledge and Confidence On Intimate Partner Violence
  • Evidence-based practice in forensic mental health nursing
  • Standards of practice for forensic mental health nurses
  • Innovative assessments for retention of sexual assault nurse examiners
  • Collection and preservation of evidence by forensic nurses
  • Compassion fatigue among pediatric forensic nurse examiners
  • Investigating chronic traumatic encephalopathy among national football league players
  • Nurses and Medicolegal Death Investigation
  • Strategies for documenting evidence used by forensic nurses
  • Forensic nurses as expert witnesses in courts of law
  • Role of forensic nurses in research in correctional facilities
  • Causes and consequences of forensic nurse shortage
  • Ethical issues encountered by forensic nurses in correctional facilities
  • De-escalation and limit-setting in forensic mental health units
  • How forensic nurses can prevent human and organ trafficking
  • Risk factors for domestic minor sex trafficking in the United States
  • Mental illness as a vulnerability for sexual assault
  • Cardiovascular risk factors among prisoners
  • Establishing the therapeutic relationship between a forensic nurse and a patient
  • Benefits of a holistic approach to training forensic nurse examiners
  • Impacts of trauma-informed care training on the competency and confidence of forensic nurses
  • Forensic nursing interventions with patients with personality disorder
  • A forensic nurse's perspective of trauma-informed care approaches to medico legal death investigation
  • How forensic nurses handle families and loved ones of those who succumb in emergency departments
  • Forensic nurses and human rights abuse
  • Responsibilities of forensic nurses
  • SANE vs. non-SANE forensic nurses
  • Required skills for forensic psychiatric nurse
  • Veracity for children in pediatric forensics
  • Strategies for screening children for abuse and neglect
  • Trauma-Informed Care Education in Baccalaureate Nursing Curricula in the United States
  • Understanding nonfatal strangulation
  • Role of forensic nurses in advocating for pregnant women in correctional facilities
  • The professional identity of prison nurses
  • Role of education and continuous professional development in strengthening the science of forensic nursing
  • Stress and burnout in forensic health nursing
  • Using telehealth for sexual assault forensic examinations
  • Promoting professional quality of life and resiliency in sexual assault nurse examiners
  • Child labor trafficking essentials for forensic nurses
  • Sexual assault nurse examiner forensic examinations for immigrant victims

You can find more topics concerning forensic nursing from Topics by

Critical Care Nursing Capstone Project Ideas

Critical care nursing, also called intensive care nursing , is a domain of nursing practice that deals with seriously ill patients. If you are interested in pursuing critical care/ICU nursing, you can focus your capstone project on a related topic. Here are some ideas for critical nursing or ICU nursing capstone project.

  • Impacts of critical incident stress debriefing for nurses in acute care departments
  • Strategies to address stress and burnout among critical care nursing staff
  • Role of critical care nurses in palliative care
  • Nursing interventions to prevent central line bloodstream infection (CLABSI) in the ICU settings
  • Benefits of SNF infection prevention online training on CLABSI prevention
  • The role of law and policy in addressing healthcare-associated infections in critical care
  • Impact of needleless connector change frequency on central line-associated bloodstream infection rate
  • Effects of surveillance of hospital-acquired CLABSI in pediatric NICU
  • Impacts of CLABSI on length of stay and readmission in ICU
  • Using Nurse-Driven Protocols to Eliminate Routine Gastric Residual Volume Measurements
  • Implementing a standardized communication tool in an intensive care unit
  • Decreasing 30-day readmission rates in patients with heart failure
  • Strategies for assessing discomfort in critically ill patients
  • Increasing nurses' knowledge of and self-confidence with family presence during pediatric resuscitation
  • The link between perceived and actual risk assessment by ICU nurses and the use of catheters
  • How critical care nurses can prevent blood contamination during transfusion
  • Risk factors and preventive measures for pressure ulcers among patients in critical care units
  • Factors Leading to critical nurses shortage in the USA
  • Compassion fatigue among ICU nurses and strategies to prevent it
  • Pain assessment by critical care nurses through physical and physiological monitoring
  • The use of CDSS in decision-making within the ICU
  • Critical Nurses' education and Competencies in the USA
  • Impacts of nurse-patient Ratio on patient safety and Outcomes in critical care units
  • Prevalence of nurse burnout syndrome among ICU nurses
  • Strategies to help critical nurses achieve excellence
  • Collaborative decision-making between ICU nurses and patients in end-of-life care
  • Attitudes of critical care nurses on terminally ill patients
  • Hand hygiene adherence among critical care nurses
  • How critical care nurses can leverage big data and AI to improve safety and outcomes
  • Strategies to optimize intubation in the ICU
  • The link between ICU staffing and patient outcomes
  • Quality improvement strategies for neonatal ICU
  • The application of telemedicine in ICU settings
  • Strategies to optimize mechanical ventilation in the neonatal ICU
  • Patient education strategies for children with adult patients in the ICU
  • ICU nurses assist patients in making the DNR orders
  • Payment Structure and morale among ICU nurses
  • Challenges experienced by ICU nurses during the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Intensive care nurses' knowledge and practice on endotracheal suctioning of the intubated patient
  • Benefits of promoting shared decision-making in the ICU
  • Intensive care nurses' experiences and perceptions of delirium and delirium care.
  • Reasons why nurses should have empathy with newborn families in neonatal ICU
  • Nurses' Perceptions of Telemedicine Adoption in the Intensive Care Unit
  • Importance of allowing ICU nurses to grieve when patients die
  • The perceptions and attitudes of ICU nurses on the use of ICU diaries
  • The experiences of new nurses in ICU units
  • Strategies ICU nurses use to screen delirium among ICU patients
  • Impacts of brownout on ICU nurses
  • Attitudes of ICU nurses on caring for patients with mental illness
  • Impacts of hemodynamic monitoring training for ICU nurses on patient safety and outcomes
  • Readiness of novice nurses to practice in ICU
  • Nurses' experiences of caring for patients during a prolonged critical illness
  • Oral practices for ICU nurses
  • Caring for non-sedated mechanically ventilated patients: Attitudes of ICU nurses
  • Knowledge and practice of physical restraints in ICU

Nursing Education Topics and Ideas

Nursing education is a vast area. You can never run out of ideas to explore in your nursing education capstone. Here are some potential rn to bsn capstone project ideas to consider:

  • The impacts of the Nurse Residency Program
  • Undergraduate pediatric nursing education: Issues, challenges, and recommendations
  • How mentorship post-residency affects the experiences of new graduates transitioning from novice to competent
  • Benefits of mindful meditation for nursing students
  • A new leadership development model for nursing education
  • Evidence-based practice and quality improvement in nursing education
  • Role of stakeholder engagement in nursing education
  • Strategies to improve nurse to patient ratio through nursing education
  • Use of simulation in nursing education
  • Effectiveness of a venous thromboembolism course using flipped classroom with nursing students
  • Perceptions of the use of reflective learning journals in online graduate nursing education
  • Effects of nursing education on students' pain management knowledge
  • Cultural competencies for graduate nursing education
  • Implications of virtual reality and augmented reality in nursing education
  • The use of gamification in education with digital badges
  • Strategies to dismantle racism and disparities in nursing education
  • Importance of teaching reflective practice among nursing students
  • Arts-based inquiry in nursing education
  • Supporting the integrative health care curriculum in schools of nursing
  • Educational pathways to becoming a registered nurse
  • Strategies to make nursing education lucrative for the millennial generation
  • How educators can influence the success of nursing students
  • Philosophical perspectives of nursing education
  • Use of social media and technology in nursing education
  • Should nurses stay longer in college?
  • Faculty shortage in nursing schools
  • Impacts of the scarcity of clinical experiences on the competency of new nurses
  • The gap between education and practice and the nursing staff shortage
  • Benefits of integrating climate change topics in nursing curricula
  • Impacts of problem-based learning models in nursing schools
  • Benefits of promoting multicultural nursing education
  • Integrating diversity, equity, and inclusion topics into an undergraduate nursing research course
  • Benefits of nurses having a personal philosophy in nursing school
  • Using active simulation to enhance the learning of nursing ethics

You can also consider topics related to mental health issues or mentally ill patients. The goal is to find the best topic to stand out among the nursing capstone projects submitted to your professor. 

Health Promotion Ideas for Capstone Projects

  • Implementing community cooking courses to prevent nutritional knowledge deficit
  • Promoting the use of honey in diabetes foot ulcer management
  • Application of the health belief model in tailoring nursing interventions to prevent adolescent smoking
  • Using an educational program based on the health belief model to improve the preventive behaviors of nurses against cardiovascular diseases
  • Factors affecting health promotion activities by nurses
  • Attitudes of registered nurses and midwives toward health promotion targeting obese patients
  • Attitudes of Nurses towards health Promotion
  • Role of Nurses in health promotion and Disease prevention
  • Health promotion strategies to reduce smoking among nurse practitioners
  • Roles of Nurses in preventive care
  • Impacts of nursing advocacy on health promotion
  • Role of advanced practice nurse in health promotion
  • Healthy lifestyle behaviors and health promotion attitudes in preregistered nurses
  • Practical approaches to health promotion in nursing
  • Translating social ecological theory into guidelines for community health promotion
  • Health promotion strategies that work best with indigenous populations
  • Ethical dilemmas in health promotion by nurses
  • Strategies to promote mental health promotion in psychiatric facilities

Nursing Shortage and Burnout Topics and Ideas for Capstone

  • Benefits of having an official mentoring program on nursing retention and job satisfaction
  • Impacts of burnout and fatigue on patient outcomes
  • Results of implementing patient acuity tool on nurse satisfaction
  • Effects of meaningful recognition on med-surgical unit's staff satisfaction and retention
  • Benefits of compassion fatigue education on oncology nurses

Women's Health Topics and Ideas for Capstone

  • Benefits of early screening for postpartum depression
  • Impacts of patient education on reducing postpartum depression
  • Breastfeeding and consumption of sweetened foods
  • Challenges facing women with disabilities in exclusive breastfeeding
  • Relationship between the mental health of the mother and the outcomes of a pregnancy
  • Promoting physical activity and healthy lifestyles among women
  • Helping women address the challenges that come with menopause: perspectives of a nurse
  • Long-term effects of preeclampsia on mother and neonate
  • Strategies to prevent preeclampsia
  • Preeclampsia screening within healthcare facilities
  • Diagnosis and management of atypical preeclampsia-eclampsia
  • Cardiovascular Sequels During and After Preeclampsia
  • Impacts of superimposed preeclampsia on women
  • Preeclampsia and maternal risk of breast cancer
  • Nursing care approach for women with preeclampsia and eclampsia
  • Administration of NSAIDs during pregnancy and the initiation of lactation
  • Diagnosis and management of fetal alcohol syndrome
  • Educating women on the dangers of consuming alcohol when pregnant
  • Sexual dysfunction in women with alcohol dependence syndrome
  • Impacts of female genital mutilation on the reproductive health of women
  • Assessment and prevention of postpartum depression among pregnant women
  • Etiology and consequences of postpartum depression
  • Use of oxytocin in the management of postpartum depression
  • Postpartum depression and breastfeeding efficacy
  • Diagnosis and treatment of cytomegalovirus during pregnancy
  • Relaxation techniques for pain management during labor
  • Benefits of multiple-micronutrient supplementation for women during pregnancy
  • Methods of milk expression for lactating women
  • Effects of disorder eating on the fertility of women
  • Hypertension disorders of pregnancy
  • Implementation of the maternal-fetal triage index to improve obstetric triage
  • Strategies to prevent obstetric hemorrhage
  • Childbirth experiences of women with an autism spectrum disorder in acute care settings

Pediatrics Topics and Ideas for Capstone

  • Efficacy of using music therapy in NICU
  • Pain and Sedation Scales in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit
  • Impacts of skin-to-skin contact as a method for body warmth for infants with low birth weight
  • How to maintain normothermia among newly born infants
  • Effects of very early skin-to-skin contact on the success of breastfeeding
  • Chest-to-back skin-to-skin contact in regulating body temperature for preterm babies
  • Early intervention to achieve thermal balance in term neonates
  • Benefits of infant massage for infants and parents in the NICU

Patient Falls Topics and Ideas for Capstone

Patient falls management is another excellent area to consider for your capstone. You should inquire into some of the best strategies to solve patient falls associated with mortality and morbidity. Reducing falls is an indicator of quality improvement in healthcare settings. Here are some ideas and topics to get you started:

  • Impact of Hourly Rounding on Fall Rates
  • Evidence-based fall management strategies for patients aging in place
  • Nursing-led interventions to prevent falls in clinical settings
  • A multifactorial approach to fall management in healthcare settings
  • Impacts of patient education on fall rates
  • Multi-professional team approach in fall management
  • Use of telehealth to assess and address fall risk among elderly patients
  • Fall risk assessment and patient safety
  • Evaluation and management of fall risk in primary care settings
  • The link between polypharmacy and fall rates among older adults
  • Rates of falls and hospital readmissions among the older adults
  • Utilizing technology to prevent falls in healthcare settings
  • Benefits of patient-centered fall prevention toolkit in reducing falls and injuries among patients
  • Fall Prevention Decision-Making of Acute Care Registered Nurses
  • Occupational therapy falls prevention interventions for community-dwelling older adults
  • Multifactorial falls prevention programs for older adults presenting to the emergency department with a fall
  • Fall prevention strategies for Emergency departments
  • The effectiveness of exercise for fall prevention in nursing home residents
  • Role of physical therapists and aromatherapy for fall prevention in older people
  • Use of radar and sensor technology to prevent falls in primary care settings
  • Use of alarms to prevent falls on medical-surgical floors
  • Applying bed exit alarms to prevent falls
  • Using bathroom safety constructions to prevent elderly falls
  • Application of intelligent socks system to reduce falls in clinical settings
  • Addressing the nutritional needs of elderly patients to prevent falls
  • Using smartphones to detect and prevent falls in homes and hospitals
  • Use of robots in fall management

Patient Education Capstone Project Ideas

  • Impacts of polypharmacy teaching in reducing adverse effects at an acute setting
  • Benefits of patient education in promoting healthy lifestyles
  • Patient education and reduced falls within home settings
  • Impacts of using social media to facilitate patient education
  • Role of patient-centered education in improving adherence and outcomes of patients in long-term care facilities
  • Patient education in wound management and outcomes
  • Impact of patient education on utilization of nonpharmacological modalities for persistent pain management
  • Patient education and self-care management practices
  • Benefits of patient education in medical rehabilitation
  • Therapeutic patient education and outcomes in heart failure patients
  • Benefits of multi-professional approach in diabetes patient education
  • The benefits and challenges of providing patient education digitally
  • Factors affecting patient education in healthcare settings
  • Using healthcare information infrastructure to deliver education to patients with chronic conditions
  • Impacts of using electronic health records to facilitate education for patients in rural areas
  • The Effects of Tailored Diabetic Education in the Patient with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

Emergency Nursing Topics and Ideas for Capstone

If you are struggling to develop a perfect topic for your capstone project and are interested in emergency nursing, you can consider these capstone ideas and topics. Emergency nurse practitioners often face many challenges, including workplace incivility, lateral violence, bullying, brownout, stress, and high workload, which is a great place to start. You can also address their roles in emergency preparedness and management. Here are some ideas:

  • Solutions and strategies to address Emergency Department overcrowding
  • Causes and consequences of emergency room overcrowding
  • Nurse-led strategies to prevent emergency room overcrowding
  • Evidence-based approaches to address ED overcrowding
  • Challenges for patient onboarding in the ED
  • Use of technology and data modeling to address ED overcrowding
  • Use of RFID technology to reduce ED overcrowding
  • Application of telemedicine in addressing ER overcrowding
  • Innovations to reduce demand and crowding in emergency care
  • The use of wearable tech to address overcrowding in the ER
  • Strategies to improve access to ER in rural areas
  • Role of ER nurses in disaster management
  • Factors affecting emergency nurses' perceptions of the triage systems
  • Attitudes and skills of ER nurses in triage decision-making
  • Perceptions of ER nurses in the assessment of the risk of emerging infectious disease in ED
  • Role of ER nurses in disease surveillance
  • Role of ER Nurses in disease outbreaks
  • Strategies to prevent ER nurses from burnout and stress
  • Addressing compassion satisfaction and fatigue among ER nurses
  • Benefits of cultural competence training for ER nurses
  • Feelings and emotions of ER nurses related to dying and death of patients
  • Factors causing high turnover among emergency room nurses
  • Pediatric pain management strategies that ER nurses managing pediatric patients use
  • Strategies to address work fatigue and musculoskeletal disorders among ER nurses
  • Strategies to improve communication skills among ER nurses and other healthcare practitioners in the ED
  • Enhancing systems thinking for undergraduate nursing students using Friday night at the ER
  • How ER nurses can apply nursing theories when caring for patients
  • The impact of reflective journaling and diaries for ER nurses
  • Perceptions and attitudes of ER nurses on teamwork in ED
  • Causes of occupational stress among ER nurses
  • Factors affecting radiation protection behaviors among ER nurses
  • How ER nurses provide care to patients with self-harm
  • Impacts of incivility, bullying, and workplace violence on effectiveness and performance of ER nurses
  • Strategies to foster collegiality and civility
  • Impacts of educational intervention through online training on incivility among ER nurses
  • Lateral violence among ER nurses
  • Interventions to reduce the risk of violence toward emergency department staff
  • The emergency nurse's perception of incivility in the workplace
  • Impacts of cognitive rehearsal training for ER nurses on confronting bullying and lateral violence
  • Importance of implementing a psychiatric triage algorithm
  • Use of simulation-based emergency to train ER nurses on responding to emergency situations
  • Benefits of using emergency nursing competency scale for school nurses
  • The lived experiences of ER nurses encountering patients with mental illness in prehospital emergency care
  • Knowledge and practice of nursing students regarding bioterrorism and emergency preparedness
  • Impacts of continuous competency assessment and education for ER nurses
  • Emergency nurses' knowledge, attitude, and perceived barriers regarding pain Management in Resource-Limited Settings
  • Effect of problem-based learning on severity classification agreement by triage nurses
  • Effects of a standardized patient-based simulation in anaphylactic shock management for new graduate ER nurses
  • Emergency Room nurses' perceptions of leadership, teamwork, turnover intention and patient safety
  • Attitudes of ER nurses towards patient safety
  • Factors affecting patient satisfaction in nurse-led triage in ED
  • ER Nurses' experience with emergency room psychiatry services
  • Impacts of CPR training for ER nurses on patient outcomes
  • Nurses' attitudes to supporting people who are suicidal in emergency departments

Telemetry Capstone Ideas and Topics

  • Improving cardiac telemetry use
  • Improving Quiet-at-Night on a telemetry unit
  • Reducing Cardiac Telemetry Alarm Fatigue
  • Impacts of alarm fatigues on patient safety
  • Evaluation of Telemetry Utilization in Medical-Surgical Unit
  • Customizing Physiologic Alarms in the Emergency Department
  • Impacts of default order set settings on telemetry ordering
  • Strategies for transitioning Novice Nurses to Expert Nurses in Progressive Telemetry Care
  • Preventing stress and burnout among nurses in the telemetry unit
  • Strategies to optimize the use of telemetry in nursing training
  • Is simulation efficient for telemetry nurse trainees?
  • An Evidence-Based Approach to Reducing Cardiac Telemetry Alarm Fatigue.
  • Physiologic monitoring alarm load on medical/surgical floors of a community hospital.
  • Impacts of alarm management program on alarm fatigue among telemetry and ICU RNs
  • Benefits of customizing physiologic alarms in ED
  • Effect of a Nurse-Managed Telemetry Discontinuation Protocol on Monitoring Duration, Alarm Frequency, and Adverse Patient Events
  • Impacts of introducing patient-customized monitoring bundle in decreasing alarm fatigue in ICU
  • Alternative strategies for cardiac alarm management on telemetry units
  • Role of monitor watchers in decreasing alarm burden of nurses
  • Stress and burnout among telemetry nurses

Geriatrics/Gerontology Topics and Ideas for Capstone

  • Perspectives of nursing students undertaking a practicum at a gerontology facility on their experience
  • Geriatric assessment in daily oncology practice for nurses and allied health care professionals
  • Hospital nurses' perception of the geriatric nurse practice environment
  • Use of a screening tool and primary health care gerontology nurse specialist for high-needs older people
  • Competency and skills of nurses practicing in elderly homes
  • Assessing the perceptions and attitudes among geriatric resource nurses
  • Attitudes of nurses on physical restraint for hospitalized elderly people
  • Role of geriatric nurses in addressing falls among elderly patients
  • Strategies to reduce restraint use for older adults in acute care
  • Strategies to care for elderly patients with schizophrenia and dementia
  • Addressing the nutritional needs of elderly adults who are homeless through a community nursing center
  • Strategies to promote physical activity among the elderly patients
  • How to improve the quality of life of elderly adults who are veterans
  • Caring for elderly adults with cerebrovascular accidents
  • Burnout and stress among registered nurses working in nursing homes
  • Addressing social isolation and loneliness among elderly patients
  • The application of robots in dementia care
  • Benefits of administering vitamin C supplements to elderly adults
  • Impacts of tai chi and yoga on improving the health of elderly patients
  • Nonpharmacological interventions to improve sleep patterns among elderly patients
  • Effectiveness of geriatric nurses getting trained in dementia care
  • Use of social media to reduce depression among elderly adults
  • Role of community health nurses in addressing osteoporosis among the elderly populations

To find more topics you can search for nursing capstone project examples pdf online and peer-reviewed nursing journals. You can be inspired to choose a unique, memorable, and manageable topic.

Final Remarks!

For topics on nursing informatics, check out our exclusive blog article, where we share a list of nursing informatics topics that you can choose for your capstone project.

Related Reading:

  • Critical nursing research topics for nursing papers
  • Writing an outstanding personal nursing philosophy paper.
  • Is WGU BSN worth it?
  • Tips and tricks for shadow health assessments

The main goal of a capstone project is for the nursing student to demonstrate their ability to identify specific health issues, conduct community assessments, and develop evidence-based strategies, interventions, or plans to address these critical health problems in the healthcare environment.

It is also a chance for students to demonstrate their awareness of the importance of nursing research and the nursing profession/practice in addressing societal challenges. It also helps students disseminate knowledge on pertinent issues that face the rapidly changing healthcare industry from the nursing perspective within a scholarly environment. A nursing student who completes a nursing capstone is ready to undertake leadership, administration, management, and educational functions, which promotes career growth and development.

We understand that the senior nursing capstone is an intensive and demanding project, so we have writers who can help you at every stage. As you work with your nursing capstone instructor, preceptor, or supervisor (visiting nurse), our nursing capstone project writers will work with you to produce relevant papers.

After choosing your topic from the list above or developing one of your own, you can get help from our website. As a leading nursing writing website , we guarantee 100% confidential, private, reliable, and available service. You will also get 100% original paper written from scratch using nursing lingo, format, and peer-reviewed sources published in the last 5 years.

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DNP Capstone Project

Planning & Designing a DNP Capstone Project

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For more information about Madonna's Graduate Nursing program visit the  DNP  program page.

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What is the DNP Capstone Project?

 DNP students will develop a theory-driven Scholarly Project that reflects on a phenomenon of interest in nursing and includes development, implementation, evaluation, and dissemination components. The student works collaboratively with faculty and in partnership with health care organizations to implement and evaluate the results.

Through the Scholarly Project, students exhibit their advanced interpersonal and leadership skill development. This reflects the student’s ability to effectively and efficiently influence health care teams and systems for positive improvement to the delivery of patient care.

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Capstone Projects for Nursing Programs

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Are you ready to earn your online nursing degree?

Capstone courses function as a bridge between the end of school and the beginning of a career, allowing nursing students to put what they’ve learned into practice. As the name suggests, students complete capstones toward the end of their nursing training. Not every nursing program requires a capstone, but those that do generally culminate in a bachelor of science in nursing (BSN) or doctor of nursing practice (DNP) degree.

Each nursing program sets their own requirements. While capstone formats differ between programs, they typically consist of an evidence-based practice formal paper or presentation. Students might complete their capstone projects as team leaders, and BSN candidates may present their papers to a faculty panel. Projects could include case studies, program evaluations, and policy analyses.

The focus on evidence-based practice allows students to apply research and experiential evidence toward solving a healthcare problem. For example, candidates may develop intervention strategies that promote health, improve outcomes, enhance quality of life, and foster safe practices for patients.

Capstone goals center on the application of knowledge gained during nursing training programs, including topics related to leadership , management, research, theories, and evidence-based practice, along with the strategies needed to transition from students to baccalaureate-level nurses.

Choosing Your Nursing Capstone Topic

When selecting a capstone topic, students should evaluate their interests, strengths, and weaknesses, along with their chosen nursing specialty area. Luther College recommends that students with lower GPAs and weaker nursing skills consider a basic medical-surgical topic. Those with strong clinical skills and high GPAs might choose emergency or intensive care medicine, although some students might prefer outpatient topics, such as clinical services, long-term care, or public health. However, this is simply an example of one school’s approach, and readers should keep in mind that each school sets its own policies and recommendations.

Asking for guidance from faculty, supervisors, preceptors, and fellow students also helps narrow down capstone topics. Advisors can also provide assistance in choosing an appropriate capstone site, helping with questions of geographical location, facility size, patient population, and care delivery model.

Students develop and learn the skills needed to complete their capstones throughout their training. These include organization and time management, knowledge of evidence-based practice, writing, and critical thinking. They also learn to conduct literature searches, identify research designs, and evaluate evidence.

Completing Your Nursing Capstone

Capstone formats and completion times widely vary between programs. Students at Luther College and Purdue University Northwest complete their capstones in 4-5 weeks, while Ferris State University specifies a timeframe of 30 hours of online classes and 90 hours of applied project work. Case Western Reserve University’s capstone spans 10 weeks.

Regardless of the program, most students follow a PICO format for project proposal questions of inquiry: population, intervention, comparison or condition, and outcome.

Some universities allow capstone projects to be completed in teams, in which students develop and implement the project. Capstone components may include defining the project and the team leader’s role, selecting team members, and formulating the project plan.

In addition to the skills previously referenced, such as knowledge of evidence-based care, critical thinking, and effective writing, capstone courses hone leadership and management abilities These include mastering therapeutic communication, applying leadership and management concepts, and developing collaborative relationships and working on multidisciplinary teams.

Presenting Your Nursing Capstone

The capstone process culminates in a paper or presentation that measures students’ skills in communication, information dissemination, and application of evidence-based practice skills. Members of the public may attend.

Utilizing the poster format, students commonly use three panels to illustrate: (1) the background, problem, and purpose; (2) methodology; and (3) 2-3 key findings and implications. Students who present using PowerPoint on a laptop or other device should pay attention to time limits, planning for one slide per minute, and verify that equipment and internet connectivity are available.

Visuals like graphs, figures, and bullet points are more effective than large blocks of text . Students should practice presenting in front of others to ensure that they thoroughly know their content and can answer questions. Backing up a copy of a PowerPoint presentation and printing out copies or transparencies guards against last-minute glitches.

How is a Nursing Capstone Graded?

Capstone grading methods differ between programs, with some issuing letter grades and others using a pass/no pass system. Grades typically hinge on a percentage basis of the project’s written sections, the final proposal, and the presentation. Faculty evaluate how students execute the capstone course objectives, which may include the following:

Students’ presentation skill evaluation criteria include exhibiting thorough preparation and knowledge of the subject matter, clear and concise communication, adherence to any time limits, ability to answer questions and cite references, and persuasiveness.

What is the Difference Between a Nursing Capstone and a Thesis?

Students complete capstones individually or in groups, while thesis projects must be done alone. Capstone project time lengths span between four and 12 weeks, while graduate students work on their thesis projects throughout their 2- to 3-year programs. Graduate thesis courses generally take place over 1-2 semesters to keep students on track.

Finally, capstone topics evaluate current issues and theories; thesis students incorporate existing case studies and literature while exploring and arguing for their own original research. Some schools require students to publish their thesis papers in a healthcare journal.

Reviewed By:

Portrait of Theresa Granger

Theresa Granger

Theresa Granger, Ph.D., MN, NP-C With over two decades of teaching and clinical practice as a family nurse practitioner, Dr. Granger is an expert in nursing education and clinical practice at all levels of education (associate, baccalaureate, and graduate). She has published and lectured extensively on nursing education and clinical practice-related content. Her expertise ranges from student advising and mentoring to curricular and content design (both on ground and online) to teaching and formal course delivery. Dr. Granger is one of the founding faculty members of the University of Southern California’s first ever fully online graduate family nurse practitioner program .

Whether you’re looking to get your pre-licensure degree or taking the next step in your career, the education you need could be more affordable than you think. Find the right nursing program for you.

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DNP Projects

The dnp scholarly project overview.

The DNP Scholarly Project is the required culminating deliverable in a DNP program whereby the student scholar demonstrates mastery of the scholarship of practice and bridges the gap between new science and the integration into clinical practice.

The clinical scholar questions existing models and methods of care delivery within systems, agencies, or communities, and engages in the development of innovative healthcare delivery models, translates, and disseminates evidence-based outcomes, evaluates systems of care using best practices, develops and refines new protocols for care and implements policy changes to achieve improved care and outcomes (AACN, 2015a).

DNP students will create a DNP project that:

• Reflects a translation of evidence into practice • Focuses on health, practice, or policy outcomes • Reflects a systems or population focus • Demonstrates implementation of the change in the appropriate area of practice • Includes a plan for sustainability and an evaluation of processes and/or outcomes.

At UCI, DNP students will focus on these broad areas for their individual projects:

• Quality improvement project implementation • Health care policy project implementation • Evidence-based practice project implementation

View previous projects

Class of 2022.

  • DNP Chair: Jung In Park
  • DNP Team Member: Nicole Martinez
  • DNP Chair: Jung-Ah Lee
  • DNP Team Member: Julie Rousseau
  • DNP Chair: Michelle Fortier
  • DNP Team Member: Jung-Ah Lee
  • DNP Chair: Mark Lazenby
  • DNP Team Member: Angela Jun
  • DNP Chair: Amir Rahmani
  • DNP Chair: Melissa Pinto
  • DNP Chair: Angela Jun
  • DNP Chair: Nicole Martinez
  • DNP Chair: Dana Rose Garfin
  • DNP Chair: Alison Holman
  • DNP Team Member: Nakia Best
  • DNP Chair: Sanghyuk Shin
  • DNP Team Member: Mark Lazenby
  • DNP Chair: Miriam Bender
  • DNP Chair: Dave Holmes
  • DNP Team Member: Candace Burton

Class of 2021

The Doctor of Nursing Practice Program – Post-Master’s graduated its inaugural class in 2021.

  • DNP Chair: Susanne Phillips
  • DNP Team Member: Susanne Phillips


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The DNP degree is tailor-made for individuals who have reached the pinnacle of their nursing practice. If you’re on the path to pursuing a Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP), you might be feeling a bit concerned about that challenging capstone project. But fear not, because you’re in good company – many nursing professionals face this same challenge.

At our Capstone Dissertation Writing Services, we’re here to lend a helping hand. Our team of experienced nursing experts excels in Clinical Scholarly Projects (CSP) and Quality Improvement Projects, making the process of transforming clinical expertise into tangible achievements a whole lot smoother. So, if you’re working on your DNP, you don’t have to go it alone – we’re here to provide dedicated DNP dissertation help and support you every step of the way.

Why Should You Pursue a DNP?

Embarking on a journey to attain a Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) degree can bring forth a multitude of advantages for nurses seeking to elevate their professional trajectories and leave a profound mark on the healthcare sector. Among these advantages are:

  • Expanded Career Opportunities

DNP alumni possess the expertise to excel in diverse and elevated nursing roles, encompassing leadership roles within healthcare institutions, groundbreaking research, educational pursuits, and advanced clinical practice. This expanded spectrum of career possibilities not only fosters enhanced job contentment but also opens doors to increased income potential.

2. Enhanced Clinical Expertise

DNP programs prioritize the cultivation of advanced clinical expertise, resulting in the potential for enhanced patient outcomes. DNP graduates are armed with the essential knowledge and skills to craft and execute evidence-based care, assess healthcare results, and navigate intricate patient scenarios.

3. Leadership Development

DNP programs shine a spotlight on honing leadership and managerial proficiencies, a valuable asset for nurses with ambitions of assuming leadership positions within healthcare entities. DNP alumni acquire adeptness in effective communication, strategic plotting, and organizational oversight, empowering them to steer healthcare innovation and enhance the delivery of healthcare services.

4. Contribution to the Nursing Profession

DNP graduates possess the tools to make remarkable contributions to the nursing field, spanning the realms of research, education, and advanced clinical practice. With their wealth of knowledge and expertise, they stand ready to influence healthcare policy, pioneer fresh nursing care paradigms, and nurture the next generation of nursing trailblazers.

The types of nursing roles that DNP students prepare for

The Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) program equips its students with the skills and knowledge needed for a diverse array of advanced nursing positions within a wide spectrum of healthcare environments. Here are a few of the nursing roles that become accessible to DNP graduates:

  • Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN):

DNP graduates can take on the role of Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRNs), a group encompassing Nurse Practitioners, Certified Nurse-Midwives, Clinical Nurse Specialists, and Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists. These APRNs hold the authority to diagnose and treat patients, offer prescription medications, and deliver a range of healthcare services within the boundaries of their professional expertise.

2. Nurse Executive

DNP graduates have the potential to assume roles as nursing executives, taking on the vital responsibility of guiding healthcare organizations and orchestrating healthcare teams. These nurse executives play a crucial role in ensuring the provision of top-tier patient care, resource management, and the formulation of innovative strategies to enhance healthcare results.

3. Clinical Educator

DNP graduates can venture into the realm of clinical education, where they serve as instructors to enlighten nursing students, healthcare practitioners, and even patients on the intricacies of healthcare and nursing. These dedicated clinical educators craft educational curricula, provide guidance and mentorship to students and healthcare professionals, and meticulously assess the impact and efficiency of their educational initiatives.

4. Healthcare Informaticist

DNP graduates have the potential to forge a path as healthcare informaticists, and experts in harnessing technology and data to enhance the landscape of healthcare results. In this capacity, they are at the forefront of designing, executing, and assessing healthcare information systems, while also delving into the creation and scrutiny of healthcare data. By seamlessly integrating technology, they work to elevate the quality of patient care and the broader healthcare ecosystem.

5. Quality Improvement Coordinator

DNP graduates have the potential to step into the role of quality enhancement champions, charged with the task of elevating the caliber of patient care. These dedicated coordinators are at the forefront of crafting and executing initiatives aimed at boosting quality. They meticulously assess healthcare results, pinpointing areas ripe for enhancement and driving the implementation of strategies that make a tangible difference in the healthcare experience.

The types of courses offered by the DNP program.

The Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) program stands as the ultimate stepping stone, molding nurses for advanced clinical expertise, leadership responsibilities, and groundbreaking research within the nursing domain. Within the framework of this program, you can expect to encounter a variety of courses, some of which traditionally encompass:

  • Advanced Pathophysiology: Ever wondered about the ins and outs of health conditions and diseases? This course dives deep into the why’s and how’s, and how it all ties into patient care.
  • Advanced Pharmacology: We’ll unlock the secrets of medications, from how they work in your body to how they’re used in patient care.
  • Advanced Health Assessment: Get ready to level up your skills in physical assessment – from gathering patient histories to hands-on examinations and making sense of it all.
  • Healthcare Policy and Advocacy: Explore the world of healthcare policy and its real-world impact on how care is delivered. Plus, we’ll talk about strategies for being a healthcare advocate and making change happen.
  • Healthcare Informatics: Want to know how technology and data can boost healthcare results? This course delves into creating, using, and evaluating healthcare information systems.
  • Evidence-Based Practice: Dive into the art of using solid evidence to guide your nursing decisions. We’ll show you how to critically assess research studies and apply those findings to real patient care.
  • Leadership and Management in Nursing: It’s all about being a confident leader and manager in healthcare. Learn the ropes of communication, strategic planning, and running the show while keeping your nursing roots strong.

8. Clinical Practicum: This is where it all comes together in practice. You’ll get hands-on experience in advanced nursing and leadership roles, with the guidance of experienced nursing professionals by your side. It’s where theory meets the real world!

What is the difference between a DNP and a Ph.D. in nursing?

  • Program Focus: A Ph.D. in Nursing is like the Sherlock Holmes of the nursing world, dedicated to the art of research and geared towards nurturing future scholars and educators. Conversely, the DNP program takes a different route, shining its spotlight on advanced clinical expertise, leadership, and the intricacies of healthcare management.
  • Career Aspirations: Graduates with a Ph.D. in Nursing often set their sights on careers entrenched in research, the noble act of teaching, and scholarly endeavors. On the flip side, DNP graduates generally embark on journeys in the clinical realm, assuming advanced practice roles like nurse practitioners or nurse anesthetists.
  • Research Emphasis: While DNP programs do carve out a space for research, their primary focus tends to be on the practical application of research within clinical practice, rather than the creation of groundbreaking knowledge. Ph.D. in Nursing programs, in contrast, shine a brighter spotlight on crafting original research and making lasting contributions to the nursing field’s knowledge bank.
  • Academic Prerequisites: Ph.D. in Nursing programs tend to expect a higher level of academic prowess and research experience, sometimes even requesting prior research publications or a master’s degree in nursing. In contrast, DNP programs often prioritize clinical know-how and might even require professional certification as a nurse practitioner or clinical nurse specialist as a ticket to admission.

The importance of capstone projects in DNP programs

The capstone project stands as the cornerstone of the Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) degree program, holding immense significance for a variety of reasons, including:

  • Integration of Knowledge and Skills

The capstone project serves as the grand stage where DNP students have the chance to weave together the tapestry of knowledge and skills they’ve amassed during the program, all converging into a comprehensive endeavor aimed at tackling a genuine healthcare challenge head-on.

2. Practical Application

The capstone project is essentially a hands-on, real-world voyage where DNP students get to put their knowledge and skills into action, addressing genuine challenges within clinical or organizational settings.

3. Professional Development

The capstone project acts as a crucible, forging DNP students’ critical thinking, leadership, and project management skills into the potent tools they need for steering the ship of advanced nursing practice and leadership roles.

4. Contribution to Nursing Practice

The capstone project, customarily tailored to bridge a gap in nursing practice or healthcare delivery, carries within it the potential to etch a profound mark on the canvas of nursing and healthcare, making a substantial and lasting contribution.

5. Career Advancement

The capstone project becomes a tangible showcase of DNP students’ knowledge, skills, and expertise, akin to a sparkling gem on their resumes. This shines a favorable light on their career prospects within the nursing realm, opening up exciting opportunities.

What is the structure of the DNP Capstone Project?

The demands for a DNP capstone project can fluctuate depending on the unique program and institution you’re part of. But, as a compass, here are some typical structural expectations for a DNP capstone project to help guide you:

  • Title page:

On the title page, you’ll want to assemble the key details like the project’s title, the student’s name, the institution’s name, and the date when you’re presenting your masterpiece.

2. Abstract

The abstract, in essence, serves as a condensed snapshot of your project, encapsulating its purpose, methodology, findings, and the conclusions you’ve drawn.

3. Introduction

In the introduction, you’re like a tour guide, leading your readers through the historical backdrop of the challenge or issue you’re tackling. You’ll unveil the project’s significance and unveil the compass by explaining its purpose.

4. Literature review

Within the literature review, you embark on a deep dive into the sea of knowledge surrounding your chosen topic. Here, you’ll explore a wealth of relevant literature, spanning theoretical and empirical research, and your task is to cast a discerning eye, offering a critical analysis of this treasure trove of information.

5. Methodology

In the methodology section, you’re the architect, sketching out the blueprint for your project. You’ll detail the research design, the composition of your sample, the tools and techniques you employed to gather data, and the step-by-step process for analyzing that data, all painting a vivid picture of your project’s inner workings.

The results section is like opening a treasure chest – here, you reveal the jewels of your study, showcasing your findings with the aid of tables, figures, and graphs as they fit. It’s where the data you’ve collected takes center stage.

7. Discussion

In the discussion section, you don the hat of an interpreter, translating the results into a meaningful narrative. You’ll draw connections between your findings and the existing literature, exploring how your study’s implications reverberate in the real world of practice and illuminate the path for future research.

8. Conclusion

In conclusion, you’re the conductor, orchestrating the grand finale. Here, you’ll harmonize the key findings, unveil their real-world implications, and finally, cue in the recommendations for both practice and future research, ensuring your project’s crescendo leaves a lasting impact.

9. References

The reference section acts as the credits at the end of a film, where you acknowledge all the sources that played a role in shaping your project. It’s a comprehensive list of your citations, carefully adhering to the specific citation style stipulated by your institution, ensuring the due credit is given where it’s deserved.

10.  Appendices

The appendices serve as the project’s treasure trove, housing all the extra gems of material or data that are relevant to your endeavor but didn’t quite find a home within the main body of the report. It’s like the bonus content of a DVD, where you provide in-depth background information for curious minds.

What will you Discover?

Elevate your DNP capstone project with our exceptional writing services! Click the "Order Now" button below to achieve that higher grade!

What are the different types of DNP Capstone Projects?

DNP Capstone Projects exhibit a diversity of types, contingent upon the nuances of individual programs and faculty proficiencies. Nonetheless, several recurrent categories include:

  • Pilot Studies: These initiatives are designed to scrutinize the viability and efficacy of a novel intervention or program, offering insights into its potential impact on the healthcare landscape.
  • Practice Change Initiatives: Focused on implementing and appraising alterations to established practices, these projects seek to enhance the quality and efficacy of existing healthcare procedures.
  • Program Evaluations: DNP candidates engaged in program evaluations assess the effectiveness and efficiency of ongoing programs, fostering an evidence-based understanding of their impact on patient outcomes and overall healthcare delivery.
  • New Practice Model Assessments: Projects in this category evaluate the efficacy of innovative models of care delivery, contributing valuable perspectives on the evolving landscape of healthcare practices.

What are the key components of a successful DNP Capstone Project?

An exemplary DNP Capstone Project embodies the following key characteristics:

  • Clear and Focused Problem Statement: The project initiates with a meticulously crafted problem statement, targeting a substantial healthcare dilemma or issue. Clarity and precision in defining the problem set the stage for a purposeful and impactful investigation.
  • Strong Theoretical Foundation: Grounded in pertinent theory and evidence, the project demonstrates a robust theoretical underpinning. This foundation serves as a guiding framework, ensuring that the research is informed, principled, and aligned with the current knowledge landscape.
  • Well-Defined Methodology: The project’s success hinges on a meticulously outlined methodology for both data collection and analysis. A sound methodology not only ensures the reliability and validity of the findings but also enhances the overall credibility of the project.
  • Measurable Outcomes: A hallmark of a successful DNP Capstone Project is the incorporation of clear and measurable outcomes. These outcomes provide tangible benchmarks for evaluation, enabling a comprehensive assessment of the project’s impact and contribution to the field.
  • Actionable Findings: Beyond generating insights, the project should culminate in actionable findings. These findings translate research outcomes into concrete recommendations for improving healthcare practice, ensuring that the project’s implications extend beyond academia to positively influence real-world healthcare scenarios.

What are some common challenges faced by DNP students when working on their Capstone Projects?

Embarking on a DNP Capstone Project entails navigating a spectrum of challenges inherent in the research process. Some common hurdles encountered by aspiring scholars include:

  • Choosing a Topic: The initial step, while seemingly straightforward, presents a challenge in selecting a topic that is not only personally engaging but also addresses a significant healthcare concern. The delicate balance between passion and practicality requires careful consideration to ensure the chosen topic aligns with the project’s objectives and contributes meaningfully to the field.
  • Completing the IRB Process: Negotiating the Institutional Review Board (IRB) process can be a formidable challenge. Ensuring compliance with ethical standards and gaining approval for research involving human subjects demands meticulous attention to detail, patience, and adherence to regulatory protocols.
  • Data Collection: The practical implementation of the research plan introduces challenges related to data collection. From securing participant cooperation to managing logistical constraints, the process requires adeptness in handling unforeseen obstacles and maintaining the integrity of the data.
  • Data Analysis: Transforming raw data into meaningful insights involves confronting the intricacies of data analysis. Navigating statistical methodologies and drawing valid conclusions demand a nuanced understanding of research techniques, posing a challenge for researchers seeking to derive accurate and impactful findings.
  • Writing the Final Report: The culmination of the project, synthesizing findings into a cohesive and compelling final report, is a multifaceted challenge. Balancing technical rigor with clarity and ensuring the seamless communication of research outcomes to diverse audiences necessitates adept writing skills and a keen eye for detail.

What makes us worth your trust?

High-quality dnp assignments.

Our seasoned professionals boast extensive expertise in the realm of Nursing. When it comes to online nursing assignments, they’re akin to navigators who’ve charted every nook and cranny of the field, using their wealth of knowledge to guide students toward achieving exceptional scores. The experts are like vigilant guardians, ensuring that your DNP assignments are not only top-notch but also precisely tailored to the task at hand before they’re submitted.

Every project undergoes a rigorous process of editing and proofreading, with our dedicated writers working tirelessly to guarantee that you receive not only quality assignments but also original, plagiarism-free content. This way, you’re spared the ordeal of grappling with the intricacies of your DNP Assignment.

Affordable DNP Capstone Project Help

In the realm of pricing, online DNP assignment assistance providers prioritize affordability. They recognize that students often have limited budgets, which is why you can avail yourself of their services for as little as $12 per page. Many websites offer highly cost-effective packages that not only cover academic writing but also extend to additional services such as DNP editing and proofreading. Moreover, these providers frequently roll out special promotional offers, granting students access to these services at reduced rates and thus safeguarding their hard-earned money.

Timely Delivery of DNP Assignments.

In the realm of DNP assignments, the timing of delivery is absolutely critical. Most providers understand the importance of working according to your schedule. Their dedicated experts go the extra mile to ensure that you can receive your assignment within your specified timeframe, and they’re known for their ability to deliver DNP tasks even on short notice, with deadlines as tight as a couple of hours. It’s as simple as requesting assistance, and your assignment will promptly land in your inbox, aligned with the timeline you’ve proposed.

Unique Content

Reliable customer support..

The majority of online DNP assignment services feature customer support teams that are both highly responsive and exceptionally friendly. These dedicated professionals operate around the clock, committed to addressing client inquiries and concerns with utmost efficiency. Communication with these platforms is a breeze, as they offer swift responses through email, live chat, or phone calls. Their team members are not only well-trained but also well-versed in the art of customer care, ensuring that your experience is a smooth and pleasant one.

Flexible and Safe Payments.

Lastly, online DNP assignment providers offer a variety of secure payment methods. They prioritize the safety of customers’ funds and financial information, safeguarding them from potential threats like third-party interference or cyberattacks. To achieve this, they implement encrypted payment systems that allow users to seamlessly pay for their services without any security concerns. These payment systems are not only highly secure but also efficient, saving a significant amount of time. Most platforms accept payment through various channels, including credit cards, wire transfers, and popular e-wallets such as Paypal, giving customers the flexibility to choose the method that suits them best.

What Do Online DNP Assignment Help Providers Offer?

In terms of services, these seasoned professionals provide an array of offerings designed to facilitate the journey of nursing students as they nurture their careers. In the following section, we’ll delve into the spectrum of services available from these dedicated providers. This exploration will grant you a comprehensive understanding of what to anticipate from these experts. So, let’s dive right in!

The Help You Choose DNP Capstone Assignment Topic and Develop it

Selecting a DNP capstone project topic can sometimes be a daunting task, causing stress and uncertainty. To navigate this journey, you can draw upon your wealth of clinical expertise to guide you toward a fitting DNP capstone assignment topic. Experts are at your service to provide the support you need when grappling with the challenge of selecting the right topic for your project.

Each DNP assignment is a stepping stone on your path to fulfilling specific objectives. It’s your responsibility to ensure that your chosen topic aligns with the requisite standards, enabling you to craft a flawless DNP assignment. To maintain focus throughout your project, consider the following questions:

  • Does your DNP capstone assignment center on individuals or community systems?
  • Does it have a foundation in existing clinical literature?
  • Is your assignment deeply rooted in clinical practice?
  • What precise challenge does your DNP project tackle?

It’s crucial to opt for a topic that resonates with your field of study, ensuring that your content remains relevant. Select a topic within your realm of familiarity, one you can confidently handle. This approach not only streamlines your point of view but also paves the way for a smooth presentation, ultimately leading to the submission of a flawless assignment.

Help With Validity and Reliability of DNP Data Collection Instruments

For many DNP students, the process of selecting trustworthy and dependable data collection tools can pose a significant challenge. This is where experts step in to provide invaluable assistance in formulating or choosing the most suitable tools for their assignments. When it comes to data collection tools, two commonly considered options are questionnaires and interview procedures.

It’s important to recognize that the reliability and validity of the chosen data collection tool play a pivotal role in influencing the applicability of the results within a clinical context. Opting for credible and valid data collection tools not only enhances the clarity of your findings but also reduces the risk of introducing bias.

Moreover, failing to scrutinize the validity and reliability of your data collection tools can present a hurdle when it comes to identifying errors and understanding the theoretical relationships being investigated in your assignment. So, what makes an ideal method of data collection?

An ideal method is characterized by being detailed, compatible, repeatable, and robust. It should offer your readers ample information and empower them to discern the presence of relationships between variables. Notably, validity underscores the importance of ensuring that your findings align with the stipulated study methods. Rest assured, experts are here to guide you through the process of validating and selecting the most appropriate research method for your DNP Project Help.

Specific Questions

How do i choose a topic for my dnp capstone project, what are the irb requirements for dnp capstone projects, what are some tips for data collection and analysis, how do i write a successful dnp capstone project report, what are some tips for presenting my dnp capstone project.

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Capstone Documents: DNP Doctoral Project

  • Supplemental Resources for the PhD Social Work
  • DBA Capstone: Traditional Capstone Options
  • DBA Capstone: Portfolio Project Options
  • DBA Capstone: Consulting Capstone Option
  • DHA Doctoral Study (Summer 2021 or before)
  • DIT Doctoral Study
  • DNP Doctoral Project
  • Doctor of Nursing Program Capstone Resources
  • DNP Capstone Resources NURS 8702 and NURS 8703
  • DPA Doctoral Study
  • DrPH Doctoral Study
  • DSW Doctoral Study
  • EdD Doctoral Study
  • PsyD Doctoral Study
  • Doctoral Prospectus Resources This link opens in a new window
  • Oral Defense
  • Capstone Committee Process
  • Doctoral Prospectus Resources
  • DHS Doctoral Study
  • DHA Doctoral Study Landing Page
  • DHA Doctoral Study (Fall 2021 or after)
  • Previous Page: DIT Doctoral Study
  • Next Page: Doctor of Nursing Program Capstone Resources

Doctor of Nursing Program Capstone Resources NURS 8700 and 8701

Welcome to the DNP Project Website for students enrolled in DNP program of study prior to May 2021. This site is for students who will be enrolled in  NURS 8700 for the DNP project mentoring course and NURS 8701 for project completion. You must be enrolled in NURS 8700 or NURS 8701 to use the processes described on this site. Below is a step-by-step guide to completing your project, including links to the resources you'll need along the way.  The project process is collaborative and iterative, and we recommending reviewing the steps below when you begin the DNP program. Bookmark this page as well, so you can refer back to it often.

Step-by-Step Process to Completing Your DNP Project

Review DNP Project Process Guide and DNP Practicum Manual before starting your first course

  • DNP Project Process Guide (PDF)
  • DNP Practicum Manuals
  • Start NURS 8110: Scientific Foundations for Nursing
  • Develop a Practice Focused Question
  • Review project process manual
  • Always keep your project at the forefront of your work in the class; plan for the end at the beginning.
  • Use your coursework to explore your chosen topic and start learning how to use the subscription databases provided by Walden Library.
  • Clinical Practice Guidelines Development Manual
  • Staff Education Manual
  • Quality Improvement Evaluation Manual
  • Nominate Chair

You will be enrolled in NURS 8700 for the DNP project mentoring course and NURS 8701 for project completion. For questions about the Doctoral Committee Request form, contact [email protected] For questions about enrollment in NURS 8702 8703, contact Student Success Advising [email protected]

  • Review the DNP Project Prospectus Guide, Rubric, & Template
  • Project Prospectus Guide November 2021
  • DNP Prospectus Checklist 11/18/2021
  • DNP Prospectus Rubric
  • DNP Templates
  • Register and work in your  NURS 8700 or NURS 8701: DNP Project Mentoring  classroom
  • Start working with your chair on your DNP project prospectus/paper while also completing your other coursework, practicum, and field experience (if applicable)
  • Post your term plans and prospectus/paper drafts in your NURS 8700 or NURS 8701classroom every week when you complete revisions
  • Use the Writing Center Resources (Grammarly, webinars, paper reviews, etc.)
  • Use the Walden Library Resources (Doctoral research appointments, webinars, subscription databases, Ask a Librarian service)
  • DNP Quarter Plan template
  • DNP Project Checklist updated July 2023
  • Work your chair when you’re ready to submit your final draft of your prospectus into MyDR prospectus/project into MyDR
  • Review MyDR Student Guide
  • Please expect to revise and resubmit your drafts based on feedback from your committee.
  • DNP Minimum Standards Rubric updated July 2023
  • DNP Final Quality Rubric Updated July 2023
  • After prospectus approval, repeat steps 5 and 6 to complete your proposal.
  • Review Oral Defense Information when you get closer to completing your final draft of your proposal
  • Prepare for and present your Oral Defense of your proposal
  • DNP Proposal Defense PowerPoint Template
  • Oral Defense Information & Request Forms
  • Once the chair has approved your oral proposal defense you will receive an e-mail to upload your DNP Proposal for committee review in Taskstream.

You will also receive an emailed set of “next steps” from IRB within 10 business days.

Complete and return the Online Form A as directed by the IRB

To prevent delays, please copy your chair on all correspondence with IRB.

  • Conduct project and collect data.
  • Complete sections 4 and 5 with your chair’s feedback.
  • Review feedback and revise as needed, using the DNP Project Checklist  
  • Use the Walden Library Resources (Search alerts, grey literature, Doctoral research appointments, webinars)
  • Work with your chair to submit final drafts through Taskstream
  • After your final paper is approved by your committee, complete the Form & Style process.
  • F&S Resources
  • Remember to check for any feedback and revisions from Form & Style.
  • Complete all recommended editing changes and provide clean edited copy to the chair to review before uploading to the final committee rubric analysis.

Questions? [email protected] .

  • Schedule, prepare for, and attend the Final Oral Defense
  • Revise as needed.
  • Oral Defense Information and Request Forms
  • DNP Final Defense PowerPoint Template
  • Once the committee has approved your final oral presentation you will receive an e-mail to upload your final DNP Project Paper to Taskstream. Submit the final project final paper to Taskstream for committee review.
  • Once approved by the committee, the faculty advisor will upload for CAO approval.
  • CAO provides feedback and requests for revision or approves.

Abstract Resources  (See Abstract Assistance)

  • Student completes revisions and resubmits as needed.
  • Submit approved project for publication in ProQuest/UMI, using instructions provided.

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10 Capstone Project Examples for MSN and DNP

  • April 17, 2024
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10 Capstone Project Examples for MSN and DNP

Capstone projects are comprehensive assignments designed to culminate a student’s learning experience. They require students to synthesize and apply knowledge gained throughout their academic journey. Here are Capstone Project Examples for MSN and DNP to help you start your capstone project

Purpose of Capstone Projects

A capstone project serves multiple purposes. The primary goal is to engage nursing students in rigorous scholarly work that showcases their research, analytical, and critical thinking skills. These projects bridge academic knowledge with real-world practice, allowing students to delve deeply into a specific area of study. For instance, students might explore  capstone project ideas  that align with their career goals or personal interests.

Further, capstone projects provide a platform for students to demonstrate their proficiency in their field of study. By undertaking these projects, students can enhance their resume, showing potential employers their commitment to their profession and their ability to tackle complex issues.

Importance for Nursing Students

For nursing students, capstone projects are of particular importance. They are often a prerequisite for graduation and are crucial in preparing students for the transition from education to practice.

Capstone projects enable nursing students to:

  • Develop and demonstrate mastery of nursing concepts
  • Apply theoretical knowledge to practical healthcare scenarios
  • Research and address current challenges in the healthcare industry
  • Innovate and propose improvements to patient care and healthcare systems

Nursing capstone projects come in various forms, from  BSN capstone projects  to more advanced DNP capstone projects. Each type necessitates a different level of research and expertise, but all share the common goal of enhancing the student’s educational and professional development.

By engaging in capstone projects, nursing students make significant contributions to the field of healthcare. They might, for example, propose a  capstone project proposal  that aims to reduce patient readmission rates or create a program to improve community health outcomes. These projects not only benefit the students’ growth but also have the potential to positively impact the healthcare sector at large.

The process of completing a capstone project requires effective  capstone project management , which involves choosing a topic, conducting research, and presenting findings. The successful completion of such projects is a testament to a student’s ability to apply academic learnings to real-world problems, a skill highly valued in the nursing profession.

Types of Capstone Projects

Capstone projects are culminating assignments designed to consolidate and demonstrate the knowledge and skills students have acquired during their academic program. In the field of nursing, these projects are pivotal in shaping competent and dedicated professionals. Here, we explore the different types of capstone projects nursing students undertake at various educational levels.

BSN Capstone Projects

Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) capstone projects allow undergraduates to showcase their clinical and theoretical competencies.

These projects often entail identifying a problem in healthcare settings, developing a detailed plan to address it, and implementing a solution.

BSN capstone projects emphasize evidence-based practice and typically involve significant research.

MSN Capstone Projects

Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) capstone projects are more complex and require a higher level of expertise. MSN students are expected to take on projects that not only improve patient care but also contribute to the advancement of the nursing field. These projects might include conducting original research, performing a comprehensive literature review, or developing new nursing models or protocols.

Selecting a well-defined and relevant  capstone project topic  is crucial for MSN students to ensure their project’s success and relevance to the field.

DNP Capstone Projects

Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) capstone projects represent the pinnacle of practice-based nursing education. These projects are expected to make a substantial and impactful contribution to the field of nursing and healthcare delivery. DNP capstone projects typically involve implementing change in healthcare practice, evaluating the outcomes, and focusing on sustainability.

DNP students often engage in  capstone project management  and development, from the initial  capstone project proposal  to the final presentation and dissemination of their findings.

For nursing students, capstone projects are not just a requirement for graduation but a stepping stone into their future careers. These projects demonstrate students’ ability to apply their knowledge in real-world scenarios, providing tangible solutions to complex healthcare challenges. By understanding the different types of capstone projects and their requirements, nursing students can better prepare to undertake this significant academic endeavor.

Characteristics of Successful Capstone Projects

The crowning achievement of any nursing program is the capstone project. It is a multifaceted assignment that culminates students’ academic and intellectual experiences. Here are the defining characteristics of successful capstone projects in nursing education.

Research Focus

The cornerstone of any capstone project is a strong research component. It demonstrates the student’s ability to apply classroom theory to real-world issues. Projects should be grounded in extensive literature review and should display the student’s ability to conduct thorough research. The research focus should align with  capstone project topics  that are relevant and current in the field of nursing.

Practical Application

A successful capstone project transcends theoretical research by including practical applications that can contribute to the nursing field. This application could be a pilot program, a policy analysis, or a case study, among others. The practical application should aim to solve a real-world problem or improve current nursing practices.

Contribution to the Field

Capstone projects should showcase the student’s knowledge and skills and make a meaningful contribution to the field of nursing. Whether it’s proposing a new healthcare protocol, enhancing patient care strategies, or contributing new insights to a pressing issue, the project should aim to have a lasting impact. The project’s contribution is often detailed in the  capstone project proposal , outlining the expected outcomes and benefits to the nursing profession.

Incorporating these characteristics into a capstone project can significantly increase its effectiveness and the value it adds to the nursing field. Whether for a BSN, MSN, or DNP program, students should strive to integrate a strong research foundation, practical application, and a significant contribution to the field in their projects. For inspiration, students may explore various  capstone project examples  that exemplify these qualities.

Capstone Project Examples for MSN

In the realm of nursing education, capstone projects stand as a testament to a student’s academic and practical prowess. Here, we delve into a few impactful capstone project examples that not only demonstrate a mastery of nursing skills but also leave a lasting impact on the healthcare industry.

Addressing Healthcare Disparities

Projects that focus on healthcare disparities aim to identify and propose solutions to the inequalities that exist within healthcare systems. For example, a project might explore the barriers to healthcare access in rural communities and develop strategies to overcome these obstacles.

A table summarizing the project’s findings might include:

Such projects hold immense value as they pave the way for fairer health outcomes. For more information on selecting a topic that addresses these critical issues, students can refer to  capstone project ideas  and  capstone project topics .

Implementing Evidence-Based Practices

Evidence-based practices are the cornerstone of modern nursing. Capstone projects in this domain typically involve the integration of the latest research into clinical practice. An example might be a project that assesses the impact of a new evidence-based protocol on post-operative infection rates.

The project’s outcomes could be represented in a table like the following:

These projects underscore the importance of research in enhancing patient care and the role of nurses as agents of change. Nursing students looking to draft a comprehensive plan for such projects can explore  capstone project proposal  for guidance.

Enhancing Patient Outcomes

The ultimate goal of any healthcare professional is to improve patient outcomes. Capstone projects that target patient outcomes may revolve around interventions designed to reduce hospital readmission rates or initiatives to boost patient satisfaction.

A table presenting the results of such a project might look like this:

Enhancing patient outcomes not only reflects a student’s ability to apply their knowledge but also their commitment to patient-centered care. To ensure the success of such projects, students should consider  capstone project management  strategies.

These capstone project examples represent just a fraction of the myriad of ways nursing students can contribute to the healthcare field. Whether it’s through addressing disparities, implementing evidence-based practices, or directly enhancing patient outcomes, these projects serve as a powerful culmination of a nursing student’s educational journey.

Key Elements of a Strong Capstone Project

A capstone project is an academic endeavor that serves as the culmination of a student’s learning experience. To create a compelling capstone project, certain elements must be meticulously crafted and executed. Below are the essential components that form the foundation of a robust capstone project.

Clear Problem Statement

The cornerstone of any capstone project is a well-defined problem statement. It sets the stage for the entire project by pinpointing the issue that the research or project aims to address. A clear problem statement should articulate the scope of the challenge, its significance, and the potential impact of its resolution. It must be precise, focused, and comprehensible, allowing readers to grasp the purpose of the project immediately.

In a capstone project, the problem statement is often followed by the research question(s) or objectives that guide the investigation. For example, a project might aim to answer a question related to patient care improvements in nursing or to achieve a specific objective such as reducing medication errors in a healthcare setting.

Methodology and Data Analysis

The methodology section is where the student outlines the approach taken to tackle the problem statement. It includes the research design, data collection methods, and analytical procedures used to interpret the data. This section must detail the steps taken to ensure the reliability and validity of the findings.

In the data analysis subsection, the student presents the results of their research. This often involves statistical testing, thematic categorization, or other data synthesis methods to draw meaningful conclusions from the data collected.

Recommendations and Future Implications

After analyzing the data, the student must present practical recommendations based on their findings. These suggestions aim to address the problem statement and contribute to the field of study. The recommendations should be actionable, evidence-based, and directly tied to the research results.

Furthermore, the capstone project should discuss the potential future implications of the research. This includes how the findings could influence future studies, policy changes, or advancements in practice, particularly within the nursing profession. Highlighting the project’s potential for long-term impact can underscore its value and the student’s contribution to their field.

The recommendations and implications must be presented in a way that showcases the student’s critical thinking and ability to translate academic research into real-world applications. For guidance on formulating a compelling capstone project proposal, students might find value in exploring  capstone project proposal  resources.

In conclusion, a strong capstone project is characterized by a lucid problem statement, a methodical approach to research and analysis, and insightful recommendations and implications. Nursing students embarking on their capstone projects can find inspiration by examining various  capstone project examples  and by considering diverse  capstone project ideas  and  capstone project topics . Effective  capstone project management  strategies are also crucial to the success of their academic endeavors.

Tips for Excelling in Your Capstone Project

The capstone project represents the culmination of a nursing student’s education, requiring a blend of knowledge, practical skills, and critical thinking. To ensure the success of this important academic endeavor, students should consider the following strategies.

Selecting a Relevant Topic

The first step to a successful capstone project is choosing a topic that is not only of personal interest but also of significance to the nursing field. A relevant topic will provide motivation and drive the research forward. When selecting a topic, consider current challenges in healthcare, emerging technologies, or areas needing improvement. Utilize resources such as  capstone project ideas  and  capstone project topics  to help spark inspiration.

To aid in topic selection, consider the following criteria:

  • Relevance to the nursing field
  • Potential for a meaningful contribution
  • Accessibility of data and resources
  • Alignment with personal interests and career goals

Collaborating with Faculty and Peers

Collaboration is key to expanding the scope and depth of your capstone project. Working closely with faculty advisors can provide valuable insights and guidance throughout the process. They have the expertise to help refine your research question, develop a solid methodology, and navigate any challenges that arise.

Similarly, engaging with peers can offer support and fresh perspectives. Form study groups, solicit feedback on your work, and share resources to enhance the learning experience for everyone involved. For strategies on effective collaboration, explore our article on  capstone project management .

Managing Time and Resources

Effective time and resource management are crucial components for successfully completing your capstone project. Break down the project into manageable tasks and set a realistic timeline with specific milestones. This approach can help mitigate overwhelm and ensure steady progress.

Consider using the following table as a template for managing your capstone project timeline:

Be sure to allocate time for unexpected issues and seek assistance from resources such as your institution’s library or writing center when necessary. By planning ahead and utilizing available resources, you can navigate the capstone project with confidence and deliver a comprehensive and impactful final product.

The Significance of Capstone Projects

Capstone projects are comprehensive assignments designed to culminate a student’s learning experience. They require students to synthesize and apply knowledge gained throughout their academic journey.

Capstone projects are culminating assignments designed to consolidate and demonstrate the knowledge and skills students have acquired during their academic program. In the field of nursing, these projects are pivotal in shaping competent and dedicated professionals. Here, we explore the different types of capstone projects undertaken by nursing students at various educational levels.

Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) capstone projects provide undergraduates with an opportunity to showcase their clinical and theoretical competencies. These projects often entail identifying a problem in healthcare settings, developing a detailed plan to address it, and implementing a solution. BSN capstone projects emphasize evidence-based practice and typically involve a significant amount of research.

Students can find a variety of  capstone project ideas  that cater to their interests and career aspirations.

The crowning achievement of any nursing program is the capstone project. It is a multifaceted assignment that serves as a culminating academic and intellectual experience for students. Here are the defining characteristics of successful capstone projects in nursing education.

A successful capstone project transcends theoretical research by including practical application that can contribute to the field of nursing. This application could take the form of a pilot program, a policy analysis, or a case study, among others. The practical application should aim to solve a real-world problem or improve current nursing practices. For guidance on developing this aspect, students can refer to resources on  capstone project management .

Capstone projects should not only showcase the student’s knowledge and skills but also make a meaningful contribution to the field of nursing. Whether it’s through proposing a new healthcare protocol, enhancing patient care strategies, or contributing new insights to a pressing issue, the project should aim to have a lasting impact. The contribution of the project is often detailed in the  capstone project proposal , outlining the expected outcomes and benefits to the nursing profession.

Examples of Power-Packed Capstone Projects

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NURS 652 - DNP Scholarly Project II

The Rise of Doctor of Nursing Practice Programs

Doctor of Nursing Practice Programs

The Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) is one of the most innovative and cutting-edge degrees in healthcare today. DNP programs continue to expand across the country as the demand for highly skilled nursing leaders grows.

In this blog, we’ll explore what these competitive nursing doctorate programs entail and the affordable options available.

What is a DNP Degree?

A Doctor of Nursing Practice Program is a terminal practice degree in the nursing profession. The DNP prepares nurses to tackle complex healthcare challenges by combining clinical expertise with leadership skills.

DNP programs build on traditional Master of Science in Nursing degrees with additional coursework focused on evidence-based practice, quality improvement, and system-level leadership.

Key Features of the DNP Curriculum

DNP curriculums emphasize advanced skills in a range of critical areas:

  • Advanced practice nursing roles like nurse practitioner or clinical nurse specialist
  • Application of research and analytics for quality improvement
  • Health policy and leadership coursework
  • Extensive clinical practicum hours that provide hands-on patient care experiences

Most DNP programs take three years to complete for full-time students, with options for part-time enrollment as well. Programs culminate with a scholarly capstone project where students solve a practice issue that impacts patient care delivery or policies.

Why Enroll in a DNP Program?

The DNP opens up excellent job opportunities and salary potential. As our population ages and healthcare delivery models change, the need for highly educated nursing leaders continues to grow exponentially.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), employment of nurse practitioners and other advanced degree nurses will increase 31% from 2020 to 2030, much faster than the average across all occupations. The median annual wage for nurse practitioners in 2021 topped $115,000 per year.

Investing in a DNP gives nurses upward mobility in their careers to earn higher salaries and take on leadership roles, improving patient outcomes across healthcare settings. It also serves the public by addressing physician shortages, reducing costs, and improving access to care.

Most Affordable DNP Program

Dominican University holds accreditation from the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE) for its Doctor of Nursing Practice program . With full-time and part-time online options, Dominican allows nurses to conveniently advance their education without putting careers or life responsibilities on hold.

Our curriculum focuses on training compassionate, ethical nursing leaders equipped to guide healthcare innovations that promote health equity and improve population outcomes. Dominican also touts small class sizes for personalized attention and mentoring from doctoral-prepared faculty members.

With competitive total costs under $40,000, Dominican University offers an affordable path to attain innovative DNP credentials and maximize career success. The cheapest DNP program prepares nurses for advanced specialty careers with coursework tailored to goals ranging from nurse practitioner to nursing administrator roles.

As the only small, private CCNE-accredited university offering a DNP in the Chicago area, Dominican University stands out with its mission-driven, personalized approach.

Connect with us today or visit our website to learn more.

The DNP focuses more on clinical skills and nursing leadership, while Ph.D. programs concentrate on nursing research and academia.

Full-time students can complete a DNP in 2-3 years. Part-time options allow working nurses to graduate in 3-4 years.

A DNP equips nurses for advanced careers as nurse practitioners, clinical nurse specialists, healthcare administrators, policy analysts, informatics specialists, and clinical educators.

Nurse practitioner and clinical nurse specialist are two high-paying DNP specializations with average salaries above $110,000 per year.

Identify your career objectives and preferred nursing role, then select an affordable CCNE-accredited DNP program that aligns with your needs for online flexibility, specialty focus, and curriculum design.

June 5, 2024

capstone projects for dnp students

DNP Capstone Project Help


DNP Capstone Project Help

Welcome to, your ultimate resource for comprehensive assistance throughout your DNP project journey

Comprehensive DNP Project Help

Whether you’re seeking assistance with a specific aspect of your project or require comprehensive guidance from start to finish, our team is here to cater to your unique needs. Our services encompass a wide range of support, including:

Help with DNP Class

Struggle with a particular DNP course or assignment? Our tutors will provide personalized instruction and clarity to help you grasp the concepts and succeed in your coursework.

Help with DNP Class

DNP Literature Review

Our team will conduct thorough literature searches and synthesize relevant information to provide a comprehensive literature review for your DNP project.

DNP Literature Review

DNP Project Writers

Our expert writers will craft a high-quality, research-backed DNP project that aligns with your specific requirements and academic standards.

DNP Project Writers

  • DNP Data Analysis

Unsure about analyzing your DNP project data? Our experts will guide you through the process, ensuring accurate and meaningful interpretation of your findings.

DNP Data Analysis

DNP Proposal Help

Crafting a compelling DNP proposal is crucial for project approval. Our experts will assist you in developing a strong proposal that captures the essence of your research.

DNP Proposal Help

DPI Project Writers

Our team comprises experienced DPI project writers who can handle your DPI project requirements with expertise and precision.

DPI Project Writers

Why Choose DNP Capstone Project Help?

At DNP Capstone Project Help, we understand the significance of your DNP project and the dedication it demands. That’s why we’ve assembled a team of experts who are committed to providing you with the best possible support and guidance. Our services are designed to:

  • Elevate your academic performance and help you achieve your desired grades.
  • Enhance your understanding of DNP project methodologies and research techniques.
  • Empower you to conduct rigorous and meaningful research that makes a meaningful contribution to the field of nursing practice.
  • Ensure timely completion of your DNP project, allowing you to meet deadlines without compromising quality.
  • Free up your time to focus on other academic and personal commitments, reducing stress and improving overall well-being.

Navigating the DNP Capstone Project with Expert Guidance

The DNP capstone project represents a significant milestone in the journey of becoming a Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP). This culminating project demands meticulous research, rigorous analysis, and the ability to synthesize complex information into actionable solutions. To ensure your success in this challenging yet rewarding undertaking, DNP Capstone Project Help offers a comprehensive suite of services designed to provide personalized support and guidance throughout your project journey.

Unwavering Support for Every Stage of Your Project

We understand that each stage of your DNP capstone project presents unique challenges and opportunities. That’s why we offer a wide range of services to support you from conception to completion:

DNP Project Writing

Our team of experienced DNP project writers is dedicated to crafting high-quality, research-backed DNP projects that align perfectly with your academic standards and expectations. We will work closely with you to understand your research objectives, methodology, and findings, ensuring that your project is well-written, organized, and persuasive. We will also take care of all the formatting and referencing requirements, so you can focus on the content of your project.

Crafting a compelling DNP proposal is crucial for project approval. Our experts will guide you through the process of developing a strong and persuasive proposal that effectively captures the essence of your research. We will help you identify a clear and relevant research problem, develop a feasible and well-designed research plan, and articulate the potential impact of your research on nursing practice. We will also provide feedback on your writing and ensure that your proposal meets all the submission requirements.

  • Literature Review for DNP Project

A comprehensive literature review is essential for establishing the context of your DNP project and demonstrating your understanding of the relevant literature. Our team will conduct thorough literature searches to identify and gather relevant peer-reviewed articles, books, and other research materials. We will then synthesize and analyze this information to provide a clear and concise overview of the existing knowledge on your research topic. Our literature review will serve as a solid foundation for your DNP project.

DNP projects often involve the collection and analysis of complex data. Our experts will guide you through the process of analyzing your data using appropriate statistical methods. We will help you interpret your findings and draw meaningful conclusions that support your research objectives. We will also help you present your findings in a clear and visually appealing way.

DNP Capstone Project Writers

Our team of experienced DPI project writers is dedicated to handling your DPI project requirements with expertise and precision. We will work closely with you to understand your specific needs and deliver a high-quality DPI project that meets the highest standards. We will take care of all the writing, formatting, and referencing, so you can focus on other aspects of your project.

Online DNP Project Tutors

Our online DNP project tutors are available to provide you with personalized guidance and support at your convenience. We can help you with any aspect of your DNP project, from developing your research proposal to analyzing your data. We can also provide you with feedback on your writing and help you prepare for your project presentation.

We are confident that our services can help you achieve success in your DNP capstone project. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you.


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Skilled DNP Capstone Project Writing Services by Expert Nursing Writers

Obtain exceptional DNP capstone project support from adept US writers. Nursing, noted for its rigor, demands integrity as students endeavor to enhance patient care and well-being. As part of their doctoral program, Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) scholars must fulfill a comprehensive nursing capstone project. At Capstone Dissertation Writing Services, our focus is assisting you in crafting a DNP capstone project that effectively applies clinical expertise. With over a decade of experience, our nursing writers specialize in Clinical Scholarly Projects (CSP) and Quality Improvement Projects. A well-crafted capstone project is crucial for nurses to effectively convey information to patients and healthcare experts. For professional guidance in completing your DNP project, utilize our reliable capstone project writing services for assured success. Visit for additional details.

Main Areas of Our DNP Capstone Writing Services: Step-by-Step Help From Our Project Writers

At, we offer a comprehensive range of  DNP Capstone Writing Services  to assist you at every stage of your project. Our expert project writers provide step-by-step help in various areas, including:

  • Crafting DNP nursing capstone project topics based on literature gaps or clinical needs, including the development of a clinical or PICOT question.
  • Composing a DNP capstone project premise, proposal, or prospectus tailored to university specifications.
  • Generating the capstone project from scratch, with our proficient project writers handling the manuscript.
  • Selecting appropriate statistical tests and conducting data analysis through SPSS or preferred software.
  • Revising DNP projects that have been rejected or require corrections according to feedback from supervisors or committee members.
  • Offering expert capstone project consultation services to assist DNP students encountering challenges in any chapter or stage of the writing process.
  • Editing and proofreading DNP capstone projects for students who have already completed their projects.
  • Providing support for writing DNP dissertations and assignments, including Reflection Papers, Discussion Boards and Responses , SOAP Notes , essays, and Signature Assignments.

Feel free to explore our services at for comprehensive and reliable DNP Capstone Writing Assistance.

Help With Possible Nursing Capstone Project Ideas for DNP Capstone Paper

In search of DNP Capstone Project Ideas for your DNP Capstone Paper? Look no further. Irrespective of your enrolled learning institution, the AACN offers comprehensive guidelines for the structure of a DNP nursing capstone project.

Consider the following potential DNP project areas:

  • Healthcare policy change: Delve into the critical analysis of healthcare policies within a specific healthcare setting, examining their impact on care quality, and proposing amendments for an improved healthcare system.
  • Development of a new model of care: Revamp existing models into new, enhanced, efficient, and potentially rapid simulations.
  • Evidence-based practice guideline development: Review nursing practices to establish and implement guidelines that yield optimal results, thus significantly influencing the nursing field.
  • Evaluation of existing healthcare practices or programs: Undertake sustainable projects that advance healthcare knowledge.
  • Utilizing data for informed decision-making: Explore data-driven approaches for the development and enhancement of healthcare practices in your chosen setting.

Unlock your potential with the leading DNP capstone writing company in the U.S. Connect with our professional nursing capstone writers through live chat and explore our blog for further insightful capstone project topic ideas at

General Components of a DNP Capstone Paper

Here are the key components typically found in a DNP Capstone Paper. We take into account the specific templates and guidelines provided by individual learning institutions when offering DNP capstone project assistance. Despite variations, the elements in a DNP project remain relatively consistent across different institutions. Most universities mandate the development of a topic and a DNP proposal before commencing the main capstone writing process.

The primary components of a nursing capstone project include an abstract, serving as a succinct summary of the project’s purpose, its potential impact on the healthcare field, and its implications for policies, laws, and ethical considerations in the field. Our professional writers outline the approach/methodology employed in investigating the problem.

The body of the DNP project typically encompasses the introduction, literature review (and nursing theory), methodology/approach, findings, discussion, and conclusion. Often, a scholarly product for dissemination, such as a tri-fold poster, a PowerPoint presentation, or a journal article, is required. It’s essential for DNP projects to be evidence-based, drawing on credible peer-reviewed sources to support claims. Our expert writers meticulously source journal articles from databases like PubMed and EBSCOhost, ensuring the presentation of results through tables and charts. The conclusions drawn are based on a comprehensive analysis of the results and in response to the formulated hypothesis or PICOT question.

DNP Capstone Project Writing Assistance by Chapter – Expert Guidance from a Dedicated Project Writer

A DNP capstone project typically comprises 6 chapters: introduction, literature review, methodology, findings, discussion, and conclusion. Although the structure may vary, most institutions follow a similar outline.

The Abstract

  • The abstract is a concise summary providing an overview of the entire project. It should encompass a brief introduction, a description of the methodology, a summary of the results, and a conclusion of the study.

Chapter One: Introduction

  • This chapter presents the project’s background information, its rationale, and the purpose of the paper. It should also include subsections like background and purpose, problem statement, objectives, historical and societal perspective, incidence and prevalence, and healthcare costs.

a). Background and Purpose of the Paper

B). problem identification, c). incidence and prevalence, d). picot foundation, chapter two: literature review.

  • The literature review section involves the interpretation of the PICOT question, database usage, and results obtained from related studies. The purpose is to support the need for improvement, emphasizing theories, explanations, and findings.

Chapter Three: Methodology/Approach

  • This section offers a detailed description of the study’s procedure, study design, population and sample, instrumentation, data collection, and data analysis.

a). Study Design

B). population and sample, c). instrumentation, d). data collection and analysis, chapter four: findings.

  • The findings section presents the statistical results obtained from the study in the form of informative tables and figures.

Chapter Five: Discussion

  • This chapter involves a comprehensive discussion of implications, limitations, sustainability, and application of the DNP Essentials.

a). Implication

B). limitations and sustainability, c). dissemination and application to dnp essentials, chapter six: conclusion.

  • The conclusion chapter provides a concise summary of the study’s significant findings, implications, and relevance. It should also suggest areas for future inquiry and ensure thorough editing and proofreading.

20 DNP Nursing Capstone Project Topic Ideas to Get You Started

here are 20 DNP Nursing Capstone Project Topic Ideas to Get You Started:

  • Impact of nurse-led patient education on medication adherence and healthcare outcomes
  • Effectiveness of telehealth interventions in managing chronic conditions among underserved populations
  • Exploring the role of nurse practitioners in promoting mental health awareness and reducing stigma
  • Evaluating the impact of interprofessional collaboration on patient safety and quality of care
  • Investigating the effectiveness of innovative nursing interventions in reducing hospital readmission rates
  • Assessing the impact of nursing leadership on staff satisfaction, retention, and patient outcomes
  • Exploring the role of technology in improving nursing documentation and communication
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of nurse-led pain management strategies in reducing patient suffering
  • Investigating the impact of cultural competency training on nursing care for diverse patient populations
  • Assessing the effectiveness of patient education interventions in promoting healthy lifestyle choices
  • Exploring the role of nurses in promoting palliative care and end-of-life care
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of nursing interventions in reducing healthcare costs
  • Investigating the impact of work-life balance initiatives on nurse well-being and job satisfaction
  • Assessing the effectiveness of nurse-led discharge planning interventions in reducing post-hospital care needs
  • Exploring the role of nurses in advocating for patient safety and quality improvement
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of nursing interventions in promoting patient engagement in healthcare decisions
  • Investigating the impact of mindfulness and stress management training on nurse resilience
  • Assessing the effectiveness of nursing interventions in reducing healthcare disparities
  • Exploring the role of nurses in promoting social justice and health equity
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of nursing interventions in improving global health outcomes.

Enhancing Your DNP Capstone Project with DNP Capstone Project Help

By partnering with DNP Capstone Project Help, you gain access to a team of experienced experts who can guide you through both formative and summative evaluation processes, ensuring that your DNP capstone project reaches its full potential. Our comprehensive support services will help you:

  • Identify and address any potential issues early on
  • Refine your research design and methodology
  • Analyze your data effectively and draw meaningful conclusions
  • Communicate your findings clearly and persuasively
  • Achieve academic excellence and make a significant contribution to nursing practice

Contact DNP Capstone Project Help today to discuss your specific evaluation needs and how we can help you excel in both formative and summative evaluation of your DNP capstone project. Let us be your trusted partner in navigating the evaluation process and achieving success in your academic journey.

Help With Application of Nursing Theory in DNP Projects

The Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) degree represents the pinnacle of nursing education, preparing nurses to assume leadership roles in advancing nursing practice and improving patient outcomes. A cornerstone of the DNP curriculum is the application of nursing theory, which provides a framework for understanding and addressing complex nursing care challenges.

The Significance of Nursing Theory in DNP Projects

Nursing theory serves as a foundation for evidence-based practice, guiding nurses in making informed decisions that optimize patient care. By integrating nursing theory into their DNP projects, students can:

  • Develop a deeper understanding of the nursing phenomena being studied
  • Identify and address the root causes of nursing care problems
  • Design and implement effective interventions to improve patient outcomes
  • Contribute to the advancement of nursing knowledge and practice

Examples of Nursing Theories

Numerous nursing theories have been developed over the years, each offering unique perspectives on nursing practice. Some of the most widely recognized nursing theories include:

  • Orem’s Self-Care Model: Emphasizes the importance of self-care in maintaining health and preventing illness
  • Roy’s Adaptation Model: Focuses on the individual’s ability to adapt to physical, psychological, and social stressors
  • Peplau’s Interpersonal Relations Theory: Explores the dynamic nurse-patient relationship and its impact on patient outcomes
  • Watson’s Theory of Caring: Highlights the significance of caring and compassion in nursing practice
  • Neuman’s Systems Model: Views the client as an open system interacting with the environment

Approaches to Applying Nursing Theory in DNP Projects

There are various approaches to applying nursing theory in DNP projects. Common methods include:

  • Conceptual Framework: Utilizes a nursing theory to guide the development of the project’s conceptual framework
  • Theoretical Analysis: Analyzes the project’s findings through the lens of a nursing theory
  • Theory-Based Intervention: Designs and implements an intervention based on a nursing theory
  • Theory-Based Measurement: Develops and utilizes nursing theory-based instruments to collect and analyze data

Benefits of Applying Nursing Theory in DNP Projects

The application of nursing theory in DNP projects offers several benefits:

  • Enhances the rigor and credibility of the project
  • Provides a systematic approach to problem-solving
  • Promotes the development of evidence-based nursing interventions
  • Contributes to the advancement of nursing knowledge

Strategies for Successfully Applying Nursing Theory in DNP Projects

To successfully apply nursing theory in DNP projects, consider the following strategies:

  • Select an appropriate nursing theory that aligns with the project’s focus
  • Consult with nursing theory experts to gain deeper understanding
  • Clearly articulate the theoretical underpinnings of the project
  • Integrate theory-based concepts throughout the project
  • Discuss the implications of the findings in relation to nursing theory

DNP Capstone Project Help: Your Trusted Guide to Success

Embark on your DNP capstone project journey with confidence, knowing that DNP Capstone Project Help is here to support you every step of the way. Our team of experienced DNP project writers, tutors, and experts is dedicated to providing personalized support and guidance throughout your project journey.

With DNP Capstone Project Help, you can:

  • Gain expert assistance in applying nursing theory to your DNP project
  • Receive personalized feedback and guidance on your project proposal and findings
  • Access a comprehensive library of nursing theory resources
  • Connect with a network of experienced DNP practitioners and scholars

Contact DNP Capstone Project Help today to learn more about how we can help you achieve success in your DNP capstone project.

Data Analysis Services For DNP Capstone Projects

Data analysis stands as a critical component of your DNP capstone project, enabling you to extract meaningful insights from your research findings. However, data analysis can be a daunting task, especially for those who are not well-versed in statistical methods. This is where DNP Capstone Project Help steps in, offering comprehensive data analysis services to guide you through this intricate process.

Unveiling the Significance of Data Analysis in DNP Projects

Data analysis plays a pivotal role in DNP capstone projects, serving as the foundation for drawing evidence-based conclusions and translating research findings into practical applications. By effectively analyzing your data, you can:

  • Gain a deeper understanding of the research problem and its underlying factors
  • Identify patterns, trends, and relationships within your data
  • Assess the effectiveness of your interventions or strategies
  • Draw statistically sound conclusions that support your research objectives

Our Expertise in Data Analysis for DNP Capstone Projects

At DNP Capstone Project Help, we understand the complexities of data analysis and the unique challenges faced by DNP students. That’s why our team comprises experienced data analysts, statisticians, and nursing experts who are dedicated to providing personalized and comprehensive support throughout your data analysis journey.

Our services encompass a wide range of data analysis techniques, including:

  • Descriptive statistics: Summarizing and organizing your data to provide a clear overview of its characteristics
  • Inferential statistics: Testing hypotheses and drawing inferences about larger populations based on sample data
  • Correlation analysis: Assessing the strength and direction of relationships between variables
  • Regression analysis: Examining the relationship between dependent and independent variables
  • Multivariate analysis: Analyzing complex relationships among multiple variables

Why Choose DNP Capstone Project Help for Data Analysis?

By partnering with DNP Capstone Project Help for your data analysis needs, you gain access to a team of experts who can:

  • Guide you in selecting the appropriate data analysis methods for your research question
  • Ensure the accuracy and reliability of your data analysis procedures
  • Interpret your data findings in a meaningful and insightful way
  • Help you communicate your findings effectively in your capstone project report

We are committed to helping you navigate the complexities of data analysis and transform your data into powerful insights that contribute to the advancement of nursing practice.

Common Data Analysis Software Used in DNP Projects

A variety of data analysis software programs are commonly used in DNP capstone projects, each with its own strengths and limitations. Some of the most widely used programs include:

  • SPSS Statistics : A comprehensive statistical software package that offers a wide range of data analysis tools and techniques
  • SAS : A powerful statistical software package that is particularly well-suited for complex data analysis and modeling
  • R : A free and open-source programming language that is widely used for statistical computing and graphics
  • Stata : A statistical software package that is known for its user-friendly interface and ease of use
  • Excel : A spreadsheet program that can be used for basic data analysis and visualization

The choice of data analysis software will depend on the specific needs of the project, the researcher’s expertise, and the availability of resources.

Formative Evaluation for DNP Projects: Guiding Continuous Improvement

Formative evaluation is an ongoing process of data collection and analysis that occurs throughout the DNP capstone project journey. It serves as a valuable tool for identifying strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement, allowing for timely adjustments and revisions to enhance the project’s overall quality and effectiveness.

Key Purposes of Formative Evaluation in DNP Projects

  • Monitor project progress and identify any potential issues early on
  • Provide feedback to the student and project team to guide decision-making
  • Refine the research design, methodology, and data collection procedures
  • Ensure that the project is aligned with the DNP program’s objectives and expectations

How DNP Capstone Project Help Can Assist with Formative Evaluation:

DNP Capstone Project Help can provide comprehensive support throughout the formative evaluation process by:

  • Developing formative evaluation plans and tools tailored to the specific project
  • Collecting and analyzing data from various sources, including student self-assessments, peer reviews, and project milestones
  • Providing regular feedback to the student and project team on their progress and areas for improvement
  • Helping the student implement formative evaluation findings to enhance the project’s direction and outcomes

Summative Evaluation for DNP Projects: Assessing Final Outcomes

Summative evaluation occurs at the completion of the DNP capstone project and aims to assess the project’s overall effectiveness and impact. It provides a comprehensive evaluation of the project’s outcomes, strengths, and weaknesses, contributing to the student’s overall academic evaluation and the advancement of nursing knowledge.

Key Purposes of Summative Evaluation in DNP Projects:

  • Determine whether the project has achieved its stated objectives and met the program’s standards
  • Evaluate the quality of the research design, methodology, and data analysis
  • Assess the project’s contribution to the advancement of nursing practice and knowledge
  • Provide feedback to the student and project team on their overall performance

How DNP Capstone Project Help Can Assist with Summative Evaluation:

DNP Capstone Project Help can offer valuable support in the summative evaluation process by:

  • Developing summative evaluation rubrics and criteria aligned with the project’s objectives and program expectations
  • Collecting and analyzing data from various sources, including the final project report, presentations, and external evaluations
  • Providing comprehensive feedback to the student and project team on the project’s overall effectiveness and impact
  • Helping the student prepare for summative evaluation presentations and discussions.

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Professional and efficient— made my DNP Capstone Project a breeze

capstone projects for dnp students ensured my DNP Capstone Project was a success

These guys at were pros, they made my DNP Capstone Project feel like a cakewalk!

A DNP capstone project is a culminating research project required for completion of a Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) degree. The project is designed to demonstrate the student’s ability to apply their knowledge and skills to a real-world nursing practice problem.

DNP capstone projects cover a wide range of topics related to nursing practice. Some of the most common topics include:

  • Quality improvement and patient safety
  • Evidence-based practice
  • Healthcare policy and advocacy
  • Nursing leadership and management
  • Health informatics

There are many benefits to using DNP capstone project help. Some of the most common benefits include:

  • Improved quality of your project
  • Reduced stress and anxiety
  • More time to focus on other aspects of your studies
  • Increased likelihood of project approval
  • Greater confidence in your ability to complete your project

DNP capstone project help providers offer a wide range of services, including:

  • Project writing and editing
  • Proposal development
  • Literature review
  • Data analysis
  • Tutoring and coaching

The cost of DNP capstone project help varies depending on the provider and the services you need. However, in general, you can expect to pay between $500 and $2,000 for comprehensive project help.

Here are some tips for success when working with a DNP capstone project help provider:

  • Communicate your needs and expectations clearly.
  • Be proactive in providing feedback.
  • Meet deadlines and complete your assigned tasks.
  • Utilize the provider’s resources and expertise.

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  • School of Nursing Community  /  For Students  / 2024 UVA School of Nursing Graduation

2024 UVA School of Nursing Graduation

class of 2024 graduates

Celebrating our 258 nurse graduates.

Under sunny skies on the North steps of the famed UVA Rotunda, 258 Class of 2024 UVA School of Nursing students earned their nursing degrees Sunday, May 19, including:

  • 154 students earned Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) degrees, including 20 Accelerated BSNs (our School's first-ever cohort!) and 43 RNs who earned BSNs through the RN to BSN program
  • 36 Clinical Nurse Leader students earned a Master's of Science in Nursing degree (MSN)
  • 43 students earned MSNs and post-master's specialty certificates
  • 20 students earned Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) degrees
  • 5 students earned a PhD in Nursing degree
  • In all, the Class of 2024 includes 145 brand new nurses

2024 Award Winners

BSN Class of 2024 Award Winners

BSN students chosen by faculty members for their clinical skill, leadership, and academic strength

  • Breanna Roach Virginia Nurses Association Leader Award
  • Frances Atangan The Susan Hutchinson Memorial Award
  • Sarah Rockecharlie Anne Pollok Hemmings Clinical Excellence Award
  • Dante Principe The 2024 Z Society Edgar Shannon Award for Academic Excellence winner

CNL Class of 2024 Award Winners

Clinical Nurse Leader students chosen by their faculty for their clinical skills, academic prowess, and leadership skills

  • Dianna Hays, Kaitlyn Leonard, Katherine MacAllister, and Brittany Schoeb The Outstanding CNL Capstone Award 
  • Hayden Van Hout The Clinical Nurse Leader Clinical Excellence Award

MSN, PhD, and DNP Class of 2024 Award Winners

Graduate students chosen by their faculty mentors for their academic skill, their clinical dedication, and for the power and strength of their scholarly pursuits

  • Ross Scallan The Lindsey Grizzard Braun Award
  • Tiffany Bittle The DNP Scholarly Practice Project Award
  • Maria McDonald The Verhonick Dissertation Award
  • Katy Hall The Brodie Award, the Outstanding GTA Award, and the Global Visionary Award

ROTC Nursing Students

  • Mya Johnson The U.S. Navy
  • Maria Sobriesk The U.S. Army

Closely guided by their faculty mentors, PhD in nursing students spend years doing a deep dive into original research topics before presenting their final projects to a committee. The following individuals successfully created, completed, and defended their dissertations:

  • Maria McDonald , RN, FNP-BC (PhD `24) Consequences of synthetic Oxytocin in the maternal brain (mentored by Drs. Jeanne Alhusen, Kathryn Laughon, Jessica Connelly, MD, and Jennifer Payne, MD)
  • Yeonsu Kim , RN (PhD `24) Blood pressure variability and its psycho-behavioral corrlates (mentored by Drs. Jeongok Logan, Jill Howie-Esquivel, Meghan Mattos, and Eric Davis, MD)
  • Katherine Platz , RN (PhD `24) The biobehavioral effects of gentle stretching in patients with heart failure (mentored by Drs. Jill Howie-Esquivel, Casey Cavanagh, Linda Park, Maureen Metzger, and Kathryn Laughon)
  • Shinae Seo , RN (PhD `24) The relationship between social support, social strain, and sleep quality among older adults with and without cognitive impairment (mentored by Drs. Meghan Mattos, Ishan Williams, Shannon Reilly, and Wen You)
  • Sarah Eaton-Rivera , RN (PhD `24) An egocentric network analysis of intimate partner violence (mentored by Drs. Kathryn Laughon, Katrina Debnam, Steven Johnson, and Shigehiro Oishi)
  • Anna Kutcher , RN (PhD `24) Exploring the feasibility and acceptability of acupuncture among patients with advanced cancer pain and their primary caregivers (mentored by Drs. Virginia LeBaron, Jill Howie-Esquivel, Regan Royer, MD, and Bethany Bell)
  • Vanessa Amos , RN, CNL (PhD `24) Measuring moral distress and moral distress consultation: A tiered investigation (mentored by Drs. Beth Epstein, Jeanne Alhusen, Virginia LeBaron, and Kevin Sullivan)

With the guidance of their advisers and clinical mentors, Doctor of Nursing Practice students identify a clinical problem, gather existing research on it, pursue their own avenues of study, and present their findings and the clinical implications. The following DNP students successfully presented and defended their scholarly practice projects:

  • Tiffany Bittle , MSN, RN, NNP-BC (DNP `24) - Evaluating racial disparities in a neonatal intensive care unit parental support bundle (mentored by Drs. Barbara Reyna, Melissa Gomes, and Beth Quatrara)
  • Claire Lewis , MSN, RN, ACNP-BC, AOCNP-BC (DNP `24) - Palliative care screening in gynecological oncology: An evidence-based practice pilot (mentored by Drs. Regina DeGennaro and Beth Quatrara)
  • Kristin Long , MSN, RN, CCRN (DNP `24) - A multidisciplinary implementation of a sleep-promoting schedule and its impact on patient sleep quality (mentored by Drs. Beth Hundt, Jeanel Little, Beth Quatrara, and Clareen Wiencek)
  • Capt. Ross Scallan , MSN, APRN, AGCNS-BC (DNP `24) - A quality improvement project to enhance emergency nurse workplace violence reporting (mentored by Drs. Beth Quatrara and Ha Do Byon)
  • Jamie Myers , MSN, ACNPC-AG, BSN, CCRN, AAS, NRP (DNP `24) - Advance practice provider-led critical care team: A program evaluation (mentored by Drs. Kathryn Reid, Richard Ridge, and Beth Quatrara)
  • Sarah Hogan , MSN, RN, CCRN, CCNS, PMGT-BC, TCRN (DNP `23) - Improving nursing assessment using the Richmond Agitation Sedation Scale (RASS) (mentored by Drs. Regina DeGennaro, Richard Ridge, and Beth Quatrara
  • Rose Livengood (DNP `24) - Implementation of a mindfulness-based intervention to decrease loneliness and depression in the community setting (mentored by Drs. Terri Yost, Regina DeGennaro, and Beth Quatrara)
  • Osiris Grainger (DNP `24) - The implementation of a de-escalation program to reduce the number of violence occurrences to healthcare workers (mentored by Drs. Gina DeGennaro and Beth Quatrara)
  • Allen Magnone  (DNP `23) - Implementation of a Broset violence checklist to combat workplace violence events: An evidence-based practice initiative (mentored by Drs. Beth Quatrara and Terri Yost)

CNL Class of 2024 Capstone Presentations

  • Rachel Conner-Gorby, Lily Latimer, Ava Sansovich, and Gracie Williams Utilizing whiteboards to improve patient satisfaction in communication with labor and delivery nurses
  • Sarah Beasley, Meredith Derucki, Claire Robinson, and Kate Walden What's all this racket about quiet at night?
  • Seth Bagley, Julia Gatens, and Hayden Van Hout Patient education: The importance of CHG bathing
  • Bridget Bodley, Jacob Dean, Lee Ann Solo, and Luke Tokman Reducing heparin administration errors via standardization of nursing handoff
  • Dianna Hays, Kaitlyn Leonard, Kate MacAllister, and Britt Schoeb Standardizing nurse shift handover in the ED to improve nurse communication and patient safety
  • Patience Kilel and Emily Kucklick Bedside handoff to reduce patient falls
  • Moneeb Iqbal, Robert Kortz, Sarah Post, and Brandon Till CHG bathing adherence in the UVA MICU
  • Briana Jacobs, Mellanee Gilkerson, Devi Shome, and Kaity Sorrell Kangaroo care in the UVA Neonatal ICU
  • Heidi Dawley, Taylore Hardisty, Cat Mischou, and Jamie Werner For trauma ICU patients, what interventions reduce the incidence of hospital-acquired pressure injuries (HAPIs) related to cervical collar use?
  • Tyler Bailey, Grace Yang, and Rahmatullah Zahid Standardizing orthostatis management
  • Megan Lee, Annika Morrison, Kennedy Radix, and Carla Woodard Building bridges: Enhancing interprofessional communication for patient-centered care

BSN students who complete Distinguished Majors Projects - work that is over and above what is required to graduate and outside the traditional BSN curriculum - spend the final year of their nursing program investigating a topic of their choice under the guidance of a faculty mentor. The following students, some of whom will publish their findings in academic journals, proposed, tested, and presented their findings to the School community, and graduate as our 2024 Distinguished Majors:

  • Kate Kim (mentor Kathryn Reid) Surgical smoke hazards awareness of healthcare professionals and occupational health
  • Andrew Nguyen (mentor Sarah Craig) RNs' perceived barriers to central line-associated bloodstream infection (CLABSI) prevention bundle adherence in the critical care setting
  • Morgan Allen (mentor Melissa Gomes) Sexual health disparities among Black youth and young adults
  • Catherine Beiter (mentor Emma Mitchell) STI education and the role of the school nurse: A descriptive study of public school nurses in Virginia
  • Molly Yeo (mentor Emma Mitchell) Analyzing state-based legislative initiatives on HPV vaccination and understanding the role of the school nurse in the mandate-implemented state of Virginia
  • Molly Gannon (mentor Marion Kyner) The use of psychogenic medications in the care of dementia patients in the emergency department
  • Laney Peters (mentor Barbara Reyna) Providing developmentally supportive positions in the NICU
  • Donna Nkurunziza (mentor Ishan Williams) Accuracy in the EHR: Assessing the quality of data collection on patients' social determinants of health in the clinical setting
  • Sam Dioneda (mentor Beth Epstein) The moral distress experience in minority nurses in the post-COVID-19 era
  • Connor Brumbaugh (mentor Ashley Apple) Barriers to cervical screening in transmasculine individuals
  • Leah Boone (mentor Christine Connelly) Vitiligo amongst (Black) individuals with cancer
  • Genevieve Herbert (mentor Meghan Mattos) Understanding the needs of care partners of homebound persons with dementia
  • Kana Roarty (mentor Kathryn Laughon) The efficacy of medical marijuana on treating weigh-loss related symptoms in the adult oncology population
  • Cate Rooney (mentor Bethany Coyne) HPV vaccination in organ transplant recipients

Meet our Class of 2024 nurses

Melissa Neck, RN to BSN Student

Meet RN to BSN Grad Melissa.

The veteran labor and delivery nurse at Riverside Health in Newport News is now a two-time UVA alumna.

Photo of ABSN student McKenna Mason enjoying the outdoors with nursing freinds.

Meet ABSN Grad McKenna.

McKenna Mason, part of the first-ever cohort of ABSNs, heads to Yale University in fall 2024.

Connor Brumbaugh 2024

Meet BSN Grad Connor.

Brumbaugh, of Winchester, VA, played in the Marching Band and led the qRN student group.

Download the video file .

[VIDEO] Preparing School Nurses to Battle Sex Trafficking

With support from the Sahm Family Foundation, PhD candidate Simone Jaeckl researches how to help kids who are sex trafficked.

[VIDEO] Class of ’24: Ballerina’s Career Takes a Turn to Nursing

Molly Yeo's journey from professional ballerina to nurse to emerging nurse scientist.

[VIDEO] Buddy Up

They had questions about handling bullying, getting homework help, and understanding ventilator settings, and turned to RN to BSN mentors like Melissa Neck and Mark Benedict (RN to BSN ’24) for advice.

Morgan Allen (SBN 24) with President Joe Biden in February 2023. Also pictured is central Virginia NBNA chapter president Vivienne McDaniel.

My Vote, My President

Third-year student Morgan Allen (BSN' 24) never dreamed she'd shake hands with the president. Then she went to Virginia Beach.

RN to BSN student Yasaman Khadem, an ICU nurse, speaking at her NVCC graduation.

Meet RN to BSN Grad Yasi.

Yasi Khadem, an ICU nurse at Johns Hopkins, considered all-online programs, but UVA's “personal” RN to BSN has been “everything [she] expected and more.”

VNA Lobby Day - Ashley Apple and students.

Nurses in the House!

Just 9% of nurses are part of a professional organization. VNA Lobby Days and prof. Ashley Apple give students a glimpse of nurse politics in action.

An alarm clock ringing

Waking Up to Your Alarm? It Could be Putting You at Risk

Nursing doctoral student and Class of 2024 grad Yeonsu Kim’s study adds to a body of research on the best way to wake up.

Francis Atangan, RN to BSN student who attends class at UVA's Northern VA site.

Meet RN to BSN Grad Francis.

Francis Atangan, a native of the Philippines, is a licensed practical nurse who works full time at INOVA's ER and will graduate from UVA's RN to BSN program in 2024.

MSN student and pediatric acute care NP student Larissa Gregory

Peds Nurse Larissa Gregory Chosen for NEF Scholarship

Larissa Gregory, an acute care pediatric nurse in Richmond, was one of 42 graduate students chosen from 699 applicants for the highly competitive NEF scholarship.

Luke Tokman, CNL 2024

Meet CNL Grad Luke.

After a layoff from his job in museum educator, CNL grad Luke Tokman - a patient care tech at UVA Health - did some thinking about what he 'really wanted to do.'

Theresa Carroll and members of the BSN Class of 2024

The Difference 'Mattering' Makes

The concept of mattering is increasingly being used as a way to fortify forward-thinking organizations that want to strengthen their workforce. But what is mattering, and how might it strengthen healthcare organizations, nursing, and medical schools, too?

Birthing simulation - the patient experiences contractions while a student tends her

Move over, Noelle. Get a look at some new, wearable, birthing sim tech that's bringing nursing students' preparation for labor and delivery to a new level.

BSNA leaders

Black, Latinx Leaders to Nursing Students. You Belong Here

Two new student groups offer learning, activities, advocacy, and safe, supportive spaces of belonging to students of color.

Grayce Gunn with fellow ABSN students in sim lab

Meet ABSN Grad Grayce.

Grayce Gunn, in the first cohort of accelerated BSN students, is a future ER nurse who loves pediatric nursing, advocacy, being outdoors, and her cat Coraline.

Zahid Rahmatullah CNL student

Why is the World Coming to UVA?

Nearly 1 in 10 UVA nursing students is born outside the U.S. What's bringing them, like CNL student Zahid Rahmatullah, of Afghanistan, to Grounds?

the ABSN Class of 2024

Transfers, Transformed

Our first-ever cohort of 2-Year Accelerated Transfer-In BSN students, 25 strong, has arrived. And already, they're looking a lot like nurses.

social network

PhD Student and Class of ’24 Grad Investigates Social Networks' Impact on Victims of Violence

Andrew Nguyen and Jared Hart, MAN Club leaders, and members of the BSN class of 2024

Men at Work

UVA was named one of 13 'Best Schools for Men in Nursing' by the American Association for Men in Nursing for 2023. We asked a few fellows about it.

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College of Professional Studies

Sustainable Urban Planning Students Showcase Capstone Projects

Four posters on display in GW CPS lobby with bright blue and darker blue walls

Four spring 2024 graduates presented their Capstone Projects on May 10th to an enthusiastic audience at GW’s Arlington Education Center. The in-person event was open to students, alumni, faculty and the public, as well as live-streamed to far-flung families and friends.

The Capstone is the culminating experience for students in the master’s program in Sustainable Urban Planning (SUP) . Students complete individual projects to showcase the knowledge, skills and abilities they have learned. Students’ research projects are used to demonstrate mastery of the program’s key skills and knowledge. Students often share their capstone and studio projects with prospective employers and on LinkedIn to show that they can do professional-level planning work. Each capstone project has a specific audience who can use the student’s work to advance their goals.

"The capstone project is the culmination of each student’s experience in our program and the showcase is their opportunity to share that work with our community. I’m so proud of each of our spring graduates and their accomplishments."

Dr. Sandra Whitehead Program Director, Sustainable Urban Planning Program

Jason Kendall

Jason Kendall

Triple Bottom Line - Ecosystem Services with Native Plant Design

Native plants are uniquely adapted to local conditions and provide numerous ecological, social, and economic benefits compared to non-native species.  This work examines the advantages of using native plants in landscape design through the lens of the triple bottom-line framework: planet, people, and profit. Native plant landscapes support biodiversity, provide habitat for wildlife, improve soil health, reduce water consumption, and require less maintenance than traditional lawns and gardens.  Native plants also offer psychological and physical health benefits to people by reducing stress, improving air and water quality, and limiting exposure to harmful pesticides and fertilizers that lead to acute and chronic diseases. From an economic perspective, case studies demonstrate that the public has a high willingness to pay for native landscapes, and the reduced maintenance costs for water, fertilizer, and general upkeep make native plants an attractive alternative and cost-saving approach.  The insurance and financial sectors are beginning to recognize the risks of biodiversity loss and the value of ecological resilience that native plants provide. This work concludes that the evidence clearly shows native plant landscaping is beneficial for the environment, human well-being, and the economy. Policymakers, developers, and property owners should leverage these multifaceted benefits to accelerate the transition to more biodiverse, sustainable, and economically advantageous landscapes.

Joy McFadden

Joy McFadden

The Use of Adaptive Reuse to Fill Gaps in Early Childhood Education in Baltimore City, MD

 Adaptive reuse is a planning mechanism that allows planners to redevelop cities by transforming older buildings to meet the needs of current and future generations. One immediate need is the gap in access to affordable, sustainable childcare facilities and early childhood education centers. This is true in Baltimore, Maryland, where spatial analysis found several neighborhoods where less than 50% of the target population have access to childcare and experience built environments ill-disposed to walking. To tackle this issue, Baltimore can utilize its surplus of vacant properties and brownfields to create new green early childhood education centers to fill this gap in access. Other properties can be used to improve walkability in the built environment, making streets safer for children, providing connections between community institutions, and building mixed use beneficial for families. To accomplish this, Baltimore City should develop several key policies—an Adaptive Reuse Ordinance, a Childcare Master Plan, and updates to the “Whole Block, Whole Cities” initiative for vacant properties—that would highlight the importance of adaptive reuse as a tool.

Judy Chang

Equity in Extreme Heat Adaptation: An Analysis of Two Cities’ Approaches

As the effects of climate change intensify and the global population becomes increasingly urbanized, extreme heat is becoming a growing threat for cities worldwide. This paper explores the extent to which two cities–Singapore and Freetown, Sierra Leone–have taken an equity-informed approach to their extreme heat adaptation planning. To answer this question, I examined publicly available documents detailing each city’s approach to heat adaptation. Based on a review of each city’s context, I identified vulnerable groups based on exposure and adaptive capacity, and then analyzed the extent to which equity was considered, using the four dimensions of distributive, procedural, recognitional, and reparative equity. My analysis found that neither city has a comprehensive heat adaptation plan or a stated approach to equity. Singapore’s response is largely technocratic, and does little to acknowledge the existence or work to target any vulnerable groups.  Freetown’s response reflects a more intentional approach to understanding and addressing the experience of heat for vulnerable populations, including the large proportion of residents who live in informal settlements. The findings of this analysis show that while cities have taken steps to address equity in extreme heat adaptation, more intentional efforts are needed to ensure that the unique experiences of vulnerable populations are adequately addressed.

Vanessa Walter

Vanessa Walters

Economic Development Practices that Lead to Revitalization in the Finger Lakes

The Finger Lakes Region (NY) has continued to face issues related to industrial decline and economic changes throughout its history. When exploring the region, it is visible that there are many remnants of the economic prowess that once existed there. This research aims to understand the theories of change that will lead to revitalization in the Finger Lakes Region. After reviewing expert insight on regional development and community revitalization, toolkits for rural development, and case studies from around the country, best practices emerged. These best practices are broad but employ successful solutions for other areas across the country. From this, an additional case study review was performed. The comparative case study analysis reviewed four towns in similar situations as the study area across the Northeastern United States. These case studies in Eastport (ME), Poultney (VT), Mount Morris (NY), and Madison County (NY) discussed leveraging their historic economies and downtowns to move revitalization efforts forward in their communities. From further analysis, knowledge of the Finger Lakes Region, and understanding of the local economic drivers, Six Strategies for Economic Revitalization in Finger Lakes emerged. These strategies were then applied to Seneca Falls, Geneva, and Penn Yan. Within these applications, discussions around their local histories, assets, opportunities for future growth, and highlights of current projects were assembled to better understand the strategies in action.

"This year's posters and presentations were particularly inspiring, covering a range of topics from heat equity to native plants, re-development, and childcare inequity. Congratulations to Jason Kendall, Joy Mcfadden, Judy Chang and Vanessa Walters for completing this important milestone. I can't wait to see what you all achieve in the future!"

Dr. Liesl Riddle Dean, College of Professional Studies

The event was hosted by the Sustainable Urban Planning Student Organization (SUPSO). For more information about the Capstone process and SUPSO activities, visit the SUPSO website.  

Case Western Reserve University

  • News & Events

Nursing Research News: May 2024

capstone projects for dnp students

Each month, the Center for Research and Scholarship at the Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing sends an internal research newsletter to faculty, staff, students and researchers. A recap is posted here.

Message from the Associate Dean for Research

Last summer, Celeste Alfes , assistant dean for academic affairs, and I sponsored a 2-day workshop/retreat for FPB faculty and postdoctoral researchers to enable the participants to focus on research and academic manuscripts they had begun or had been meaning to write, but had not found the time to start or complete during previous semesters.  

A number of faculty, including postdocs and a VA Quality Scholar, participated and found the event last July to be helpful, informative, and productive.

Publication is key to advancing your career to a tenure-track position. We understand that it can be challenging to find the time and a quiet place to focus on transferring your knowledge and experience to the written word for publication.

This summer, we’ve split our workshop/retreat in two single-day events to choose from, though you are certainly welcome to attend both. We’ll provide you with a large, comfortable conference room in the Samson Pavilion at the Health Education Campus on Friday, June 28 , and Friday, July 19 , to join with your colleagues to conquer “writer’s block” and procrastination on that unfinished/unwritten manuscript you’ve wanted to get ready for submission to a journal.

  • On June 28 , Celeste Alfes, who has published a number of journal articles and co-authored a book, will lead a discussion on two topics: “Publishing Your DNP Project,” and “Tackling Peer Reviewers’ Comments.” 
  • On July 19 , Daniela Solomon, research librarian at the Kelvin Smith Library, and also a published book author, will return to the HEC to address (1) Publishing in interdisciplinary journals: weighing impact factor and visibility in the journal selection process; and (2) Finding journals that report on American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) essentials and competency-based education with simulation in nursing.

Daniela’s presentation will be followed by a special screening of a previously recorded talk, “How to Get Your Book Published: Tips, Tricks, and Best Practices in Publishing,” presented by Justin Race , director of acquisitions, and Tara Saunders , production editor, at Purdue University Press.

For the remainder of these 2 separate days in June and July, participants will be free to stay in the workshop conference room to write, or come and go as they please, but the room will be available to all of them from 8:30 a.m. until 5 p.m. on both days. Matt McManus will be on hand to facilitate. After the retreats, when you have a draft completed for submission to a nursing or healthcare publication, he can schedule a thorough edit of your paper.

These free writing workshop/retreats will be held on Fridays, June 28 and July 19, in Samson Pavilion room 139, from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. both days.

If you would like to register for this event, simply contact Matt McManus at [email protected] and he’ll get back to you with more details.

Ronald Hickman , PhD, RN, ACNP-BC, FNAP, FAAN Associate Dean for Research

Scholarship Awards & Grants

Nephrology Researcher Award

Christine Horvat Davey , assistant professor, was recently honored with the 2024 Nephrology Nurse Researcher Award by the American Nephrology Nurse Association.

Sigma Grant Recipients

Rayhanah R. Almutairi and Shemaine Martin , students at the Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing, each received $1,000 research grants from the Alpha Mu Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau International (STTI) Honor Society of Nursing. Almutairi was awarded a grant for her proposal, “Depressive Symptoms, Sleep Quality, and Resourcefulness in Family Caregivers of People with Dementia,” and Martin’s grant is for “A Phenomenological Inquiry into Stigma and Sickle Cell Disease in the African American Community.”

Allocation of these STTI funds is based on the quality of the proposed research, the future promise of the applicant, and the applicant’s research budget. Applications from novice researchers who have received no other national research funds are encouraged.

NIH News & Updates

Fellowship Review and Application Revised

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) recently announced revisions to the NIH fellowship review and application process. Details of changes to be implemented for applications submitted for due dates on or after January 25, 2025, can be found on this webpage .

NIH will be hosting a webinar, “Updates to NIH Training Grant Applications,” on June 5, 2024. More information and registration details for this webinar can be found here.

RPPR Update

NIH will be updating its Research Performance Progress Report (RPPR) instructions to address the NIH Data Management and Sharing Policy. NIH plans to implement new questions about updates on the status of data sharing and repositories and unique identifiers for data that have been shared for RPPRs submitted on or after October 1, 2024.

Recent School of Nursing Publications

Aaron, S., DeSimio, S., & Zhang, A. Y. (2024). Behavioral interventions for managing lower urinary tract symptoms in men: A literature review from 2018 to 2024. Andrology, 13(3).

Adhiambo, H. F., Cook, P., Erlandson, K. M., Jankowski, C., Oliveira, V. H. F., Do, H., Khuu, V., Horvat Davey, C., & Webel, A. R. (2024). Qualitative Description of Exercise Perceptions and Experiences Among People With Human Immunodeficiency Virus in the High-Intensity Exercise to Attenuate Limitations and Train Habits Study. Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing. 

Gillani, B., Prince, D. M., Ray-Novak, M., Feerasta, G., Jones, D., Mintz, L. J., & Moore, S. E. (2024). Mapping the Dynamic Complexity of Sexual and Gender Minority Healthcare Disparities: A Systems Thinking Approach. Healthcare, 12(4), 424. 

Johnson, C. R., Barto, L., Worley, S., Rothstein, R., & Wenzell, M. L. (2024). Follow-up of Telehealth Parent Training for Sleep Disturbances in Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Sleep Medicine. Advance online publication.

Moore, S. E., Davey, C. H., Morgan, M., & Webel, A. (2024). Symptoms, Lifetime Duration of Estrogen Exposure, and Ovarian Reserve Among Women Living With HIV: A Cross-Sectional Observational Study. Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care, 35(3), 264-280.

Melnyk, B. M. and Click, E. R. (2024). Creating and sustaining wellness cultures for faculty, staff, and students to thrive. Higher Education Today, American Council on Education, May 13, 2024. 

Narendrula, A., Brinza, E., Horvat Davey, C., Longenecker, C. T., & Webel, A. R. (2024). The Relationship Between Objectively Measured Physical Activity and Subclinical Cardiovascular Disease: A Systematic Review. BMJ Open Sport & Exercise Medicine, 10(1).

Scahill, L., Lecavalier, L., Edwards, M. C., Wenzell, M. L., Barto, L., Mulligan, A., Williams, A., Ousley, O., Sinha, C., Taylor, C., Kim, S. Y., Johnson, L., Gillespie, S., & Johnson, C. R. (in press). Toward better outcome measurement for insomnia in children with autism spectrum disorder. Autism.

St Marie, B. J., & Bernhofer, E. I. (2024). Ethical considerations for nurse practitioners conducting research in populations with opioid use disorder. Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners. Advance online publication.  

Vangone, I., Arrigoni, C., Magon, A., Conte, G., Russo, S., Belloni, S., Stievano, A., Alfes, C. M., & Caruso, R. (2024). The efficacy of high-fidelity simulation on knowledge and performance in undergraduate nursing students: An umbrella review of systematic reviews and meta-analysis. Nurse Education Today, 139. 

Wenzell, M. L., Burant, C., & Zauszniewski, J. A. (in press). Evaluating the Need for Resourcefulness Training for Parents of Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Pediatric Nursing.


  1. Discover DNP Capstone Project Ideas and Choose the Ideal One

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  2. Example of DNP Capstone Project

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  3. Best Nursing Capstone Project Ideas 2018! Find more useful tips, guides

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  4. The Best DNP Capstone Project Ideas!

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  5. DNP Capstone Project Sample by Nursing Capstone

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  6. DNP Capstone Project Guide

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  1. DNP Capstone Project Guide

    An example of how one DNP student followed this 5-step evidence-based process to develop a change project with the goal of increasing vaccination among healthcare personnel working in a college: Step 1. A change project was initiated to increase influenza vaccination among healthcare personnel at a college. Step 2.

  2. Doctor of Nursing Practice Projects

    DNP Projects Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) students create a DNP project at the culmination of study. Students' projects must: The DNP program prepares students to bridge the gap between new science and integration into practice. At the Johns Hopkins School of Nursing, graduates of our DNP program have created projects that implement research, plans, […]

  3. DNP project fundamentals: steps to successful completion

    8 steps to completion. Students should take these eight steps to complete their doctor of nursing practice (DNP) projects. Identify and obtain approval for the area of interest. Write a proposal. Create a project timeline. Acquire institutional review board approval (if needed). Implement project.

  4. DNP Final Project

    The DNP final project is the student's original work that establishes them as a Hopkins Nursing clinical scholar. Completion of the project demonstrates the student has achieved the program outcomes and provides evidence of: Expertise in a particular practice arena. Critical evaluation of the evidence. Thorough, disciplined approach to ...

  5. DNP Student Project Examples

    Here are some examples of projects from former DNP students. Addressing maternal outcomes in rural Indiana mothers through improved prenatal care utilization Yadira Santiago Banuelos, MSN, RN, FNP-BC, CLC | PowerPoint Presentation (PDF). Examining Knowledge and Knowledge Retention in Nurse Practitioners after the Implementation of an Online Educational Module on Obstructive Sleep Apnea Jessica ...


    DNP, ACNP-BC Lecturer in Nursing MISTY EVANS DNP, APRN, CPNP-AC Instructor in Nursing SARAH C. FOGEL PhD, RN Professor of Nursing Director, ASN-MSN DIANE FOLK DNP, CNM, NP Instructor in Nursing MARK E FRISSE MD, MS, MBA Professor of Medicine SARAH GAST DNP, APRN, AG-ACNP-BC Assistant Professor of Nursing Co-Director DNP Critical Care Fellowship


    The DNP projects of the 2021 graduates cross geographical and discipline boundaries to bridge gaps in evidence and practice. Self-described change experts, their impact on quality outcomes for patient-centric healthcare will be recognized across a myriad of organizations and settings nationally and globally.

  8. 90+ Strong DNP capstone project Ideas for NPs [+Prompts]

    The DNP capstone project is a comprehensive, culminating experience for nursing students. This article includes 90 DNP capstone project Ideas for NPs to write about. Does resilience mediate the effects of bullying on nurses. Self-care behaviors of college students with Diabetes.

  9. Strategies for successfully completing a DNP final project

    Figure. Before a nursing student can graduate with a Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) degree, a final DNP project must be completed. The project is sometimes referred to as the DNP capstone project, but according to the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN), the final project should be called "DNP project" to avoid confusion with the term "capstone," which is used in ...

  10. What is a DNP Final Project?

    A successful DNP capstone project reflects the scope of the student's doctoral level work and focuses on a meaningful change to healthcare outcomes. Note: The term "DNP capstone project" has given way to the term "DNP final project" in recent years due to the AACN's 2015 call for nursing schools to use a term that distinguishes the ...

  11. Capstone Project Ideas and Topics for Nursing (ADN & BSN-DNP)

    Most nursing students prefer undertaking a capstone nursing course. A capstone project is an individualized research project on a specific nursing topic of your professional or personal interest. It is usually completed within between 4 to 12 weeks, depending on the nursing school and the program you are pursuing.

  12. Introduction to Writing the DNP Project Study

    DNP students can focus on writing the following types of project studies: Evaluation of Existing Quality Improvement Projects; Staff Education Projects; Clinical Practice Guidelines Development; To introduce students to writing a DNP Project Study capstone, here is a description of the main goals and outcomes associated with this process and ...

  13. DNP Capstone Project (NUR 7200, 7310, 8200, and 8350): Getting Started

    DNP students will develop a theory-driven Scholarly Project that reflects on a phenomenon of interest in nursing and includes development, implementation, evaluation, and dissemination components. The student works collaboratively with faculty and in partnership with health care organizations to implement and evaluate the results.

  14. Capstone Projects For Nursing Programs

    Completing Your Nursing Capstone. Capstone formats and completion times widely vary between programs. Students at Luther College and Purdue University Northwest complete their capstones in 4-5 weeks, while Ferris State University specifies a timeframe of 30 hours of online classes and 90 hours of applied project work.

  15. DNP Projects

    The DNP Scholarly Project is the required culminating deliverable in a DNP program whereby the student scholar demonstrates mastery of the scholarship of practice and bridges the gap between new science and the integration into clinical practice. The clinical scholar questions existing models and methods of care delivery within systems ...

  16. DNP Capstone Project Help

    3. Professional Development. The capstone project acts as a crucible, forging DNP students' critical thinking, leadership, and project management skills into the potent tools they need for steering the ship of advanced nursing practice and leadership roles. 4. Contribution to Nursing Practice.

  17. Academic Guides: Capstone Documents: DNP Doctoral Project

    You will be enrolled in NURS 8700 for the DNP project mentoring course and NURS 8701 for project completion. For questions about the Doctoral Committee Request form, contact [email protected] For questions about enrollment in NURS 8702 8703, contact Student Success Advising [email protected].

  18. DNP Capstone Projects

    DNP Capstone Projects. The Capstone incorporates evidence-based strategies for implementing and achieving health care outcomes such as a significant pilot study, a program evaluation project, a quality improvement project, or a practice change initiative derived from translational science and the DNP role.

  19. DNP Projects

    Students will complete a scholarly DNP project that reflects the synthesis and application of knowledge gained throughout the curriculum. DNP project areas will include quality improvement projects, policy analysis, clinical demonstration projects, clinical program development, and projects focused on improved improving patient care and safety.

  20. 10 Capstone Project Examples For MSN And DNP

    DNP students often engage in capstone project management and development, from the initial capstone project proposal to the final presentation and dissemination of their findings. For nursing students, capstone projects are not just a requirement for graduation but a stepping stone into their future careers.

  21. Nursing capstone project ideas oncology

    Mar 18, 2024. Nursing capstone projects serve as a culmination of a nursing student's academic journey, allowing them to apply their knowledge and skills to address real-world healthcare challenges. In the field of oncology, where the complexities of cancer care and support are ever-evolving, nursing students have a unique opportunity to make ...

  22. DNP-801A Introduction to DNP Studies

    The DPI Project is a capstone project that all DNP students must complete. It is a real-world project that is designed to improve nursing practice or patient care. DNP students work with their faculty advisors to develop and implement their DPI projects. The DPI Project is an opportunity for DNP students to demonstrate their knowledge, skills ...

  23. NURS 652

    NURS 652 - DNP Scholarly Project II. Credits: 3 This course is the second in a three semester sequence required of all DNP students. It focuses on the continued development and implementation of the DNP Capstone Project. It is expected that you will begin this course with a first draft of Chapters one and two completed.

  24. Affordable Online Doctor of Nursing Practice Programs for Career

    Most DNP programs take three years to complete for full-time students, with options for part-time enrollment as well. Programs culminate with a scholarly capstone project where students solve a practice issue that impacts patient care delivery or policies. Why Enroll in a DNP Program? The DNP opens up excellent job opportunities and salary ...

  25. Home

    A DNP capstone project is a culminating research project required for completion of a Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) degree. The project is designed to demonstrate the student's ability to apply their knowledge and skills to a real-world nursing practice problem.

  26. 2024 UVA School of Nursing Graduation • UVA School of Nursing

    36 Clinical Nurse Leader students earned a Master's of Science in Nursing degree (MSN) 43 students earned MSNs and post-master's specialty certificates. 20 students earned Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) degrees. 5 students earned a PhD in Nursing degree. In all, the Class of 2024 includes 145 brand new nurses.

  27. 4395 Capstone Ct, Roswell, GA 30075

    The listing broker's offer of compensation is made only to participants of the MLS where the listing is filed. Georgia. Cobb County. Roswell. 30075. 4395 Capstone Ct. Zillow has 43 photos of this $1,059,900 4 beds, 4 baths, 3,300 Square Feet single family home located at 4395 Capstone Ct, Roswell, GA 30075 built in 2024. MLS #7365599.

  28. Struggling with my dnp capstone project

    There's a service called DNP Capstone Project that specializes in assisting students with their DNP capstones. They have a team of experienced writers and editors who can help you with everything from refining your research questions to finalizing your methodology and polishing your writing. They're experts in the field and can provide you ...

  29. Sustainable Urban Planning Students Showcase Capstone Projects

    The Capstone is the culminating experience for students in the master's program in Sustainable Urban Planning (SUP). Students complete individual projects to showcase the knowledge, skills and abilities they have learned. Students' research projects are used to demonstrate mastery of the program's key skills and knowledge.

  30. Nursing Research News: May 2024

    News & Events. Nursing Research News: May 2024. May 31, 2024. Each month, the Center for Research and Scholarship at the Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing sends an internal research newsletter to faculty, staff, students and researchers. A recap is posted here.