English Compositions

Short Essay on Communal Harmony [100, 200, 400 Words] With PDF

In this lesson, you will learn how you can write short essays on Communal Harmony . I will write three sets of essays covering different word limits in very simple language.

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Short essay on communal harmony in 100 words, short essay on communal harmony in 200 words, short essay on communal harmony in 400 words.

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As part of a community, we exist with several other components of nature. All these form a greater community or associations with which we connect ourselves. Communal harmony refers to the peace and stability that are created by the members of a specific community towards other members of the society. This harmony is intended to create a sustainable place of living for all.

Humans and animals both have the right to communicate in a happy environment. Communal hatred is generally created upon human beings, although a specific group of animals also doesn’t escape the violence. Having communal harmony is important as it enables the people to stay connected together and creates a suitable place for the next generations.

A community created by people must ensure that all members living within it, be human or animal, are comfortable being a part of it. By communal harmony, we mean the balance and peace that are found in a specific society or something that we must create for the good running of the larger society that the world. Recently in India, we are coming across the news of several incidents of communal and racial hatred.

A certain group of people, supported by their evil ideas are creating problems in society. When a group of people believes that their religion or class or the wealth they have are much more important than the sentiments of other members of that society, then communal disharmony happens.

Communal harmony is the responsibility of all. According to the constitution of every country, every living being has the right to stay happily and peacefully within a community. No one can be judged or tortured for belonging to a minor group in name of certain racial supremacy. Maintaining this balance is tough since several groups have their own opinions and as a result, one can be highly affected by that.

Such opinions can be both good and bad. Hence any communal decision must be undertaken to benefit all. There should be no rule that will create an imbalance between people or make a certain class of people dictate over the others.

Any country remains happy and prosperous due to the balance and communication between several communities with which the country is formed. A country like India does not include only one big race or religion but is an assimilation of several classes, cultures, religions, tribes, languages, food habits, clothes, preferences, and wishes.

Hence it is impossible to give one specific community greater importance than the other. If such biases are found in a diverse setting then it will lead the county to racial issues and communal wars. Recently we are seeing how every country is becoming a victim of communal hatred and people are fighting against each other without any reason.

Communal harmony is described as the balance that is created within a specific class of people or a society to ensure all get their rightful position in the country. Every citizen has the right to live happily and equally. If such rights of people are destroyed then the communal harmony is lost and the communal ideals are disturbed. Not only humans but also animals become the tags of a certain religion. Hence it is to be observed that the animals are also kept in peace.

There should be no religion, class, or language as an official communal system. One must embrace all diversities and make society a balanced living space for everyone. This, in turn, will save the country from internal political and secular problems.

A diverse country like India has often seen communal riots that have created lots of tension and fear among the people. Many innocent people have died due to this and these racial policies were present even before the arrival of the British in India. The time of colonial rule in India also saw how the people of a certain community had been tortured by the British. Even today in the name of a religion a greater number of people do not even think twice before murdering the other class. All happens due to a lack of understanding and love between the community members. People are selfish now to think of others.

Thus specific rules should be kept and applied for communal harmony. It is to be ensured that no one with stronger powers ever dares to disturb the communal harmony that is present in society. Maintaining communal peace is not only important for the group but also for personal well-being since a peaceful environment only can create a wonderful citizen.

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Essay on Communal Harmony | Communal Harmony Essay for Students and Children in English

February 14, 2024 by Prasanna

Essay on Communal Harmony:  Secularism is one of the many imbibed ideologies in the Indian constitution. The word secularism is in the preamble as well. India does not advocate state-sponsored religion, nor does it have a national religion of any sort. India is home to citizens who have different religious affiliations. The principle of secularism allows them to practice and preach their religion.

However, communal riots in India occur due to differences between religious communities. These turn incredibly violent and gruesome. Communal harmony is a prerequisite for a country like India, with its diverse population and cultures. Communal harmony ensures that every religion gets equal treatment, and tolerance builds amongst citizens.

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Long and Short Essays on Communal Harmony for Students and Kids in English

Below we have provided one long essay on Communal Harmony of 400-500 words and one short essay on Communal Harmony of 200 words.

Long Essay On Communal Harmony 500 Words in English

The long essay on communal harmony is suitable for students of Classes 7, 8, 9, 10, and competitive exam aspirants.

The ideology of secularism is one of the many doctrines present in our constitution. India does not have a state-sponsored religion. Every citizen must equally be treated, and the state must now favor any one religion. One of the fundamental rights guaranteed is the right to freedom of religion, article 25-28. Citizens can practice and profess their faith. Communal harmony is the principle of peace and harmony existing amongst various religious communities, free from violence and hatred. It involves toleration and respect for each other’s belief such that non-violence prevails.

Maintenance of communal harmony hasn’t been easy for India. These instances require intervention and strict action. India has experienced communal disharmony, which causes intolerance and riots against communities. Some incidents of communal disharmony:

  • Bharuch riots : These riots occurred after the 1857 rebellion, when Bejonji Sheriaiji Bharucha, a Parsi, was held for insulting a Mosque that ignited riots. During this time, Sheriaiji was lynched, a prominent fire temple Dastur Kamdin Dar-e Mihr burnt down, and the high priest killed.
  • Anti – Sikh riots : These riots broke out after the assassination of former prime minister Indira Gandhi, killed by her two bodyguards who were Sikhs on 31st October 1984. Her murder was a response to Operation Blue star, which damaged the holy Golden Temple, hurting Sikh sentiments. The riots witnessed more than 3,000 Sikhs in Delhi killed and over hundreds outside the capital.
  • Bombay riots : The Babri Masjid demolition has also been a contentious and sensitive issue in India. The Bombay riots were a response to the destruction by the Hindu Karsevaks of 1992; Muslims protested against this demolition. The riots took place in December 1992 up till January 1993; nearly 900 killed. The Bombay bombings were a response to the riots.
  • Gujarat riots : The Gujarat riots are one of the worst riots that India has witnessed, which damaged communal harmony in India. The disturbances arose in Ahmedabad in 2002. The riots were resultant of the demolition of the Babri Masjid and the burning of the Godhra train, which led to the deaths of many Hindus and Muslims; more than a thousand people killed and 2500 injured. The riots saw fatalities from both communities.
  • Muzaffarnagar riots : One of the worst riots of Uttar Pradesh, the Muzaffarnagar riots saw a clash between the Hindu Jats and Muslims between August and September of 2013 with nearly 62 people killed, and more than 50,000 displaced. The cause for these riots was a part of many instances between the communities that escalated tensions between them.

These are just a few of the many instances of violence between religious communities, with the most recent Delhi riots, which escalated due to the Citizenship (Amendment) Act of 2019. Communal harmony is necessary for our country. Every citizen has the right to follow a religion of their choice, and intolerance threatens this right. Equality is an essential aspect of communal harmony, along with acceptance. Peace can exist between communities once the importance of communal harmony is understood. Communal harmony day or Sadhbhavana Diwas celebrates this idea on 20th August of every year in India.

Communal Harmony Essay

Short Essay On Communal Harmony 200 Words in English for Kids

Essay on Communal Harmony essay is suitable for students of Classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

Communal harmony exists when there are peace and harmony among different religious communities. India is a diverse country, is home to many religions. The constitution of India mentions that India is a secular country meaning that its people can practice and profess the faith of their liking. All citizens can follow any religion they want, and the state cannot support or favor any one religion. The constitution also provides us with a fundamental right to freedom of religion. All Indians have fundamental rights that they have since birth.

However, communal disharmony treats peace and harmony among religions, causing riots. These riots turn violent, killing, and injuring many people of different religious communities. Many have to leave their homes due to these riots. Some instances of communal riots include the Bombay riots of 1993, Gujarat riots of 2002, the Muzaffarnagar riots of 2013, and the Delhi riots of 2020.

These riots show us the importance of communal harmony for a country such as India. We need to respect another person’s religion and faith. The constitution provides for laws and protection of citizens. The government takes strict action during these riots. The importance of communal harmony should be spread and made aware of all. The right to freedom of religion protects us, but at the same time, we must build tolerance and respect towards different faiths. Communal harmony day or Sadhbhavana Diwas celebrates this idea on 20th August of every year.

10 Lines on Communal Harmony Essay in English

These ten lines are helpful for competitive exam aspirants and making speeches.

  • The ideology of secularism is one of the many doctrines present in our constitution. There is no state-sponsored religion.
  • Every Indian citizen has the fundamental right to freedom of religion (article 25-28), which lets them practice and profess any faith.
  • Communal harmony is the principle of peace and harmony existing amongst various religious communities, free from violence and hatred.
  • India has witnessed many instances of communal disharmony throughout its history.
  • Some include Bharuch riots of 1857 between Muslims and Parsis and the anti-Sikh riots directed at the Sikh community in 1984.
  • The Bombay riots of 1992-93 were a response to the demolition of the Babri Masjid, a very contentious issue in India, with nearly 900 killed. After these riots, the Bombay bombings took place.
  • Gujarat riots of 2002 are one of the worst riots that India has witnessed due to the demolition of Babri Masjid and the burning of Godhra train, leading to the deaths of many Hindus and Muslims.
  • The recent communal riots in India were the Muzaffarnagar riots of 2013 and the Delhi riots of 2020.
  • Communal harmony is necessary for our country. Every citizen has the right to follow a religion of their choice, and intolerance threatens this right. Equality, along with acceptance, encompasses communal harmony.
  • Communal harmony day or Sadhbhavana Diwas celebrates this idea on 20th August of every year in India.

Essay About Communal Harmony

FAQ’s On Essay on Communal Harmony

Question 1. What is the meaning of communal harmony?

Answer: Communal harmony is the principle of peace and harmony existing amongst various religious communities, free from violence and hatred.

Question 2. What is the provision in the constitution regarding religion?

Answer: Every Indian citizen has the fundamental right of freedom of religion (article 25- which lets them practice and profess any religion.

Question 3. What are some instances of communal disharmony?

Answer: Some of the instances of communal disharmony include Some cases of communal riots include the Bombay riots of 1993, Gujarat riots of 2002, the Muzaffarnagar riots of 2013, and the Delhi riots of 2020.

Question 4. When does India commemorate Communal Harmony Day?

Answer: India commemorates Communal Harmony Day or Sadhbhavana Diwas on 20th August of every year.

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Essay on Communal Harmony

Kunika Khuble

Introduction to Communal Harmony

Communal harmony refers to peace, tolerance, and understanding among diverse religious, ethnic, and cultural communities within a society. It embodies the spirit of unity, respect, and peaceful living together to promote an environment where individuals from different backgrounds can grow together. Promoting communal harmony involves embracing diversity, encouraging dialogue, and celebrating shared values. People from different religions or cultures communities can build strong bonds that contribute to social stability and progress. It is a vital foundation for a peaceful and inclusive society where people can live together harmoniously, appreciating the richness that diversity brings to the cultural tapestry of a nation.

Essay on Communal Harmony

Historical Perspectives on Communal Harmony

Communal harmony has been a longstanding ideal in societies throughout history, reflecting the collective desire for peaceful coexistence among diverse communities. Examining historical perspectives on communal harmony provides valuable insights into the evolution of intergroup relations and the factors that have either fostered or hindered unity.

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  • Ancient Civilizations: Evidence suggests a degree of cultural and religious diversity in ancient civilizations, such as the Indus Valley and Mesopotamia. The coexistence of multiple communities and their cultural exchanges indicates an early acknowledgment of the benefits of communal harmony.
  • Golden Age of Islamic Civilization: During the Islamic Golden Age (8th to 14th centuries), Islamic societies celebrated a rich tapestry of cultural and religious diversity. Scholars from various backgrounds contributed to advancements in science, philosophy, and the arts, emphasizing the importance of collaboration and mutual respect.
  • Medieval Europe: Medieval Europe experienced periods of religious conflict, such as the Crusades, but also witnessed instances of religious tolerance in certain regions. For instance, the convivencia in medieval Spain showcased coexistence between Muslims, Christians, and Jews, fostering a climate of intellectual and cultural exchange.
  • Mughal Empire in India: The Mughal Empire of India, which ruled from 16 to 19 centuries, was renowned for encouraging religious tolerance. Emperor Akbar’s policy of religious tolerance, symbolized by the Din-i Ilahi, aimed to integrate diverse religious beliefs and foster a sense of unity among the populace.
  • Colonial Period: The colonial era, marked by European expansion, often exacerbated communal tensions by implementing divisive policies. Instances of communal harmony, however, emerged through resistance movements and shared struggles against colonial oppression.
  • Post-Independence Movements: Post-independence movements in various countries witnessed efforts to forge national identities that transcended communal boundaries. In India, leaders like Mahatma Gandhi advocated for unity among diverse religious and ethnic groups, emphasizing the principles of nonviolence and mutual understanding.
  • Civil Rights Movements: The 20th century witnessed civil rights movements worldwide, challenging discriminatory practices and advocating for equal rights. These movements were crucial in promoting communal harmony by addressing systemic inequalities and fostering a sense of shared humanity.
  • Contemporary Challenges and Achievements: In the modern era, global challenges to communal harmony persist, including religious conflicts, ethnic tensions, and political polarization. However, numerous instances of successful interfaith dialogue, cultural exchange, and international cooperation serve as beacons of hope for a harmonious future.

Impact of Communal Harmony

  • Social Cohesion: Communal harmony fosters a sense of unity and belonging among diverse communities, promoting social cohesion. This interconnectedness strengthens the social fabric and contributes to a shared identity, transcending cultural, religious, and ethnic differences.
  • Peaceful Coexistence: The primary outcome of communal harmony is peaceful coexistence. When communities respect and understand each other, conflicts are minimized, and the potential for violence and unrest is significantly reduced.
  • Cultural Enrichment: Communal harmony allows for celebrating and preserving diverse cultures. Interaction and exchange between communities contribute to cultural enrichment, creating a vibrant and dynamic societal tapestry.
  • Economic Prosperity: A peaceful community creates an atmosphere favorable to prosperity and economic success. Collaboration among diverse communities leads to a more robust and inclusive economy, as people work together for mutual benefit.
  • Education and Knowledge Exchange: Communal harmony facilitates educational opportunities and knowledge exchange between communities. Access to diverse perspectives and experiences enhances the quality of education and contributes to a more informed and enlightened society.
  • Reduced Social Injustice: Communal harmony is a powerful force against social injustice. In a harmonious society, discrimination and marginalization based on religion, ethnicity, or culture are minimized, promoting fairness and equal opportunities for all.
  • Improved Health and Well-being: Better results for mental and physical health are connected with less stress and tension brought on by social disputes. Better mental and physical health outcomes are connected with less stress and tension resulting from social disputes.
  • Stability and Security: Communal harmony is key to ensuring societal stability and security. When communities coexist peacefully, the risk of internal conflicts and security threats is diminished, contributing to overall stability.
  • Interfaith Understanding: Communal harmony fosters interfaith understanding, breaking down barriers between religious communities. This understanding promotes respect for diverse beliefs and encourages collaboration on shared values and goals.
  • Civic Participation: A harmonious society encourages active civic participation. Individuals from different communities are more likely to engage in community-building activities, participate in governance, and contribute to society’s overall well-being.
  • National Integration: Communal harmony plays a vital role in national integration. When different communities feel a sense of unity and shared identity, it contributes to a stronger and more cohesive nation.
  • Global Reputation: Nations promoting communal harmony often enjoy a positive global reputation. International collaboration, cultural exchange, and peaceful coexistence contribute to a favorable image on the global stage.

Role of Communal Harmony

  • Human Rights: A harmonious society is more likely to respect and protect the human rights of all its citizens. People are less prone to discrimination, violence, or prejudice based on religion, ethnicity, or other differences when communal harmony prevails.
  • Educational Opportunities: In an environment of communal harmony, academic institutions can function effectively. Students from various backgrounds can learn together and strengthen a sense of understanding and tolerance that can be carried into adulthood.
  • Political Stability: Communal harmony is crucial for political stability. When different communities are at peace, it reduces the likelihood of political disruptions and conflicts arising from religious or ethnic tensions.
  • International Image: A nation that promotes communal harmony presents a positive image internationally. It attracts investments and tourists and encourages diplomatic relationships when perceived as a tolerant and inclusive society.
  • Economic Development: A harmonious society will likely experience economic growth and development. Working peacefully creates a positive collaboration, entrepreneurship, and economic environment.
  • National Integration: In a country with diverse demographics, communal harmony is vital in promoting national integration. It helps build a sense of belonging and shared identity among citizens, regardless of their differences.
  • Cultural Richness: Communal harmony encourages the exchange of cultural values and traditions among different communities. This cultural diversity enriches the societal fabric, contributing to a vibrant and dynamic culture.

How to Promote Communal Harmony

  • Education and Awareness: Integrate cultural diversity and tolerance into educational curricula at all levels. Organize workshops, seminars, and awareness programs on the importance of communal harmony.
  • Interfaith Dialogue: Facilitate regular interfaith dialogues to promote understanding and respect among followers of different religions. Encourage religious leaders to participate in and support multi-religious initiatives.
  • Cultural Exchange Programs: Promote cultural exchange programs that allow people from different communities to share their traditions, arts, and customs. Organize cultural events that showcase the diversity within the community.
  • Community Building Activities: Engage in community service projects that involve individuals from various backgrounds working together for a common cause. Organize community events, festivals, and celebrations that bring people together.kl
  • Media and Communication: Encourage positive and inclusive portrayals of diverse communities in the media. Use media platforms to disseminate messages of tolerance, unity, and communal harmony.
  • Legal Safeguards: Implement and enforce laws that protect the rights and interests of minority communities. Ensure equal access to opportunities, resources, and justice for all citizens.
  • Political Leadership: Political leaders should promote inclusivity, tolerance, and unity in their speeches and actions. Foster policies that address the concerns of all communities and promote equal representation.
  • Youth Engagement: Establish youth communities and organizations that focus on promoting communal harmony. Encourage young people to participate in activities that foster understanding and tolerance.
  • Conflict Resolution Mechanisms: Develop effective mechanisms for resolving conflicts peacefully and addressing grievances. Encourage open dialogue and mediation to resolve disputes at the community level.
  • Social and Economic Development: Implement policies that promote equal economic opportunities for all communities. Support programs that uplift marginalized communities and promote social justice.

Challenges to Communal Harmony

Communal harmony, the coexistence of diverse communities in peace and mutual respect, faces several challenges that can impede its realization. Identifying and understanding these challenges is crucial for developing effective strategies to promote unity and understanding within societies. Here are some key challenges:

  • Religious Differences: Religious diversity can be a source of strength, but it also poses challenges when differences lead to misunderstandings, intolerance, or extremism. Fueled by fundamentalism or rigid interpretations, religious tensions may undermine efforts to establish communal harmony.
  • Ethnic and Cultural Divide: Ethnic and cultural diversity, while enriching societies, can also be a source of division. Prejudice, stereotypes, and historical grievances based on ethnicity or culture may contribute to discrimination and social stratification, hindering the development of communal harmony.
  • Political Manipulation: Political leaders and entities may exploit communal differences for personal or political gain. Divisive rhetoric, identity politics, and manipulating communal sentiments can exacerbate tensions and create an environment conducive to conflict.
  • Socioeconomic Disparities: Economic inequality often intersects with communal divisions, creating disparities that can lead to resentment and social unrest. Marginalized communities may feel excluded, leading to a sense of injustice and hindering efforts to foster a harmonious society.
  • Historical Grievances: Lingering historical grievances between communities, whether based on colonization, conflicts, or other injustices, can create deep-seated animosities. Addressing and reconciling historical wounds is essential for building trust and achieving communal harmony.
  • Media Influence: Irresponsible media reporting can contribute to the perpetuation of stereotypes, biases, and misinformation, amplifying communal tensions. Sensationalism and the spread of divisive narratives can further polarize communities.
  • Lack of Education: Limited access to high-quality education and awareness programs may exacerbate community ignorance and misunderstanding. Educational initiatives that promote diversity, inclusivity, and intercultural understanding are crucial for building communal harmony.
  • Globalization Challenges: While globalization can foster cultural exchange, it also brings challenges such as cultural imperialism and the erosion of local traditions. Balancing the benefits of global interconnectedness with preserving cultural identities is essential for maintaining communal harmony.
  • External Influences: External forces, including geopolitical factors, international conflicts, or interference, can have a significant impact on communal relations within a country. Managing external influences is crucial for maintaining internal peace and harmony.
  • Rise of Extremism: The rise of extremist ideologies, whether religious or political, poses a direct threat to communal harmony. Efforts to combat radicalization and promote moderate, inclusive values are essential in addressing this challenge.

Causes of Disruption in Communal Harmony

  • Discrimination or intolerance based on religious beliefs can lead to tension and conflict within communities.
  • Political trouble, corruption, or lack of effective governance can contribute to a breakdown in communal harmony.
  • Limited access to education or misinformation can foster ignorance and contribute to the constancy of stereotypes and biases.
  • Negative stereotypes and cultural biases can lead to misunderstandings and conflicts among different cultural or ethnic groups.
  • Marginalization of some groups can result from a lack of legal protections and protection for minority rights.
  • Biased reporting and promoting divisive narratives in the media can contribute to the segmentation of communities.
  • Communities can become more divided as a result of hate speech, the dissemination of false information, and improper use of social media platforms.

Initiatives for Promoting Communal Harmony

Promoting communal harmony requires proactive efforts and initiatives that foster understanding, respect, and cooperation among diverse communities. These initiatives should be comprehensive and address various aspects of society. Here are key initiatives to promote communal harmony:

  • Educational Programs: Implementing programs emphasizing diversity, inclusivity, and intercultural understanding. Integrating cultural and religious studies in school curricula can help dispel stereotypes and promote tolerance from an early age.
  • Interfaith Dialogue: Facilitating interfaith dialogue platforms where representatives from different religious communities can engage in open discussions. These dialogues promote mutual understanding, dispel misconceptions, and build bridges of empathy between religious groups.
  • Cultural Exchange Programs: The organization hosts cultural exchange programs that facilitate sharing of traditions, customs, and art among individuals from diverse backgrounds. Cultural festivals, exhibitions, and events can celebrate diversity and foster a sense of unity.
  • Legal Measures: Enforcing and strengthening legal measures against discrimination, hate crimes, and incitement to violence based on communal differences. Robust legal frameworks can serve as deterrents and provide justice for victims of communal violence.
  • Community Outreach Initiatives: Engaging in community outreach programs that encourage interaction and collaboration among different communities. Initiatives like community service projects, joint celebrations, and neighborhood events can promote shared responsibility and solidarity.
  • Leadership and Advocacy: Empowering community leaders, including religious leaders, to advocate for communal harmony. Influential individuals can dispel divisive narratives, encourage tolerance, and promote unity among their followers.
  • Media Sensitization Campaigns: Conducting media sensitization campaigns to promote responsible reporting and counter the spread of stereotypes. Media organizations can be encouraged to highlight positive stories of intercommunity cooperation and showcase the benefits of communal harmony.
  • Inclusive Policies: Implementing inclusive policies at the governmental level that ensure equal opportunities and protection for all communities. Policies addressing socioeconomic disparities, affirmative action, and minority rights contribute to a more equitable and harmonious society.
  • Conflict Resolution Workshops: Organizing conflict resolution workshops and training programs that equip individuals with skills to address conflicts peacefully. Such initiatives can empower communities to resolve disputes through dialogue rather than violence.
  • Youth Engagement Programs: Creating programs that engage young people in activities promoting communal harmony. Youth forums, leadership training, and cultural exchange opportunities can empower the next generation to embrace diversity and reject divisive ideologies.
  • International Collaboration: Encouraging international collaboration on initiatives promoting communal harmony. Sharing best practices, resources, and experiences with other nations can provide valuable insights and strengthen global efforts toward peace and unity.
  • Social Media Campaigns: Utilizing social media to spread positive messages and create awareness campaigns. Social media platforms can disseminate tolerance messages, share success stories of communal harmony, and counteract divisive narratives.

Case Studies on Communal Harmony’s

  • India’s Independence and Partition (1947): The partition of British India into India and Pakistan in 1947 led to communal tensions and mass migrations along religious lines. The event resulted in violence and displacement, displaying how communal harmony can be disrupted during times of political transition.
  • Bosnian War (1992-1995): The breakup of Yugoslavia led to the Bosnian War, which was marked by ethnic and religious conflicts. Communities that had existed together for centuries turned against each other, resulting in atrocities, ethnic cleansing, and the massacre at Srebrenica.
  • Post-9/11 Communal Tensions: The result of the 9/11 attacks was an increase in anti-Muslim sentiment and hate crimes in various parts of the world. Misunderstandings and prejudices fueled by global events demonstrated the vulnerability of communal harmony, even in diverse societies.
  • Rwandan Genocide (1994): The Rwandan Genocide, fueled by historical ethnic tensions between the Hutu and Tutsi communities, resulted in the mass slaughter of hundreds of thousands of people. The event underscored how historical grievances can escalate into devastating conflicts.
  • Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is a longstanding example of communal discord. Deep-rooted historical and religious differences contribute to ongoing tensions and illustrate the challenges of fostering harmony in the face of complex geopolitical issues.

Individual Responsibility in Building Communal Harmony

  • Tolerance and Acceptance: Cultivate a tolerance mindset, accepting differences in culture, religion, and ethnicity.
  • Engaging in Dialogue: Inter-community dialogue fosters understanding and bridges gaps.
  • Supporting Inclusive Policies: Advocate for and support policies that promote equality, justice, and inclusivity at all levels.
  • Volunteering for Community Initiatives: Contribute time and effort to community service projects that unite people for a common cause.
  • Respecting Diversity: Embrace the richness of diversity and avoid perpetuating stereotypes or discriminatory behavior.
  • Educating Oneself: Continuously educate oneself about different cultures, religions, and perspectives to broaden understanding.
  • Rejecting Prejudice: Challenge and reject prejudiced attitudes or discriminatory practices, personally and within one’s community.
  • Promoting Positive Narratives: Share positive stories and experiences highlighting unity, cooperation, and collaboration among diverse communities.
  • Acting Against Discrimination: Intervene against discrimination when witnessed, whether subtle or overt and support victims.
  • Civic Engagement: Engage in civic activities and community events that promote social cohesion and unity.
  • Being Inclusive: Ensure inclusivity in personal and professional circles, respecting the contributions of individuals from all backgrounds.
  • Building Cross-Cultural Friendships: Actively seek and nurture friendships with people from different cultural and religious backgrounds.

Government Policies and Communal Harmony

  • Inclusive Legislation: Enact and enforce laws that promote equality, protect minority rights, and prohibit discrimination based on religion, ethnicity, or culture.
  • Social Welfare Programs: Implement social welfare programs that address socioeconomic disparities, providing opportunities for marginalized communities to uplift themselves.
  • Affirmative Action: Adopt affirmative action policies to ensure equitable representation and participation of all communities in education, employment, and governance.
  • Educational Reforms: Introduce curriculum reforms that promote multicultural education, instilling values of tolerance, diversity, and communal harmony in schools and universities.
  • Interfaith Dialogue Platforms: Establish and support interfaith dialogue initiatives to encourage understanding and cooperation among religious communities.
  • Community Policing: Implement community policing strategies that build trust between law enforcement and diverse communities, fostering a sense of security and collaboration.
  • Hate Crime Legislation: Strengthen laws against hate crimes, ensuring swift and severe consequences for those who incite violence or discriminate on communal grounds.
  • Crisis Management Protocols: Develop and implement crisis management protocols that address communal conflicts promptly and effectively, prioritizing reconciliation and community engagement.
  • Minority Representation: Ensure adequate representation of minority communities in government bodies, fostering a sense of inclusion and participation in decision-making.
  • Cultural Preservation Initiatives: Support initiatives that preserve and promote the cultural heritage of various communities, recognizing the importance of cultural diversity in national identity.
  • Media Regulations: Implement regulations that encourage responsible and unbiased media reporting, preventing the spread of divisive narratives and stereotypes.
  • Promotion of Secularism: Advocate for secular policies that separate religion from state affairs, ensuring equal treatment for all citizens regardless of their religious affiliations.
  • Conflict Resolution Mechanisms: Establish conflict resolution mechanisms at various administrative levels to address disputes and tensions before they escalate into communal conflicts.
  • International Collaboration: Collaborate internationally to share best practices for promoting communal harmony.
  • Public Awareness Campaigns: Launch public awareness campaigns emphasizing the importance of communal harmony and encouraging citizens to participate actively in building a cohesive society.

Future Prospects for Communal Harmony

  • Technology and Global Connectivity: The increasing interconnectedness facilitated by technology holds the potential to break down barriers and promote understanding among diverse communities globally. Social media and online platforms can be leveraged to foster dialogue and bridge cultural gaps.
  • Youth Engagement and Leadership: Young people’s openness to diversity and progressive values can shape a harmonious future. Investing in youth education, leadership development, and empowerment can contribute to building inclusive societies.
  • International Cooperation for Peace: By tackling global issues like economic injustice, pandemics, and climate change, international cooperation may promote a feeling of common humanity. Diplomatic initiatives and international cooperation contribute to a more harmonious world.
  • Cultural Exchange Programs: Continued emphasis on cultural exchange programs can deepen mutual understanding and appreciation among communities. These programs facilitate the sharing of traditions, values, and experiences, promoting harmony on a global scale.
  • Education for Global Citizenship: A shift towards education emphasizing global citizenship, critical thinking, and empathy can prepare future generations to navigate an interconnected world with respect for diversity and a commitment to communal harmony.
  • Inclusive Policies and Governance: Ongoing efforts to enact and enforce inclusive policies can create a foundation for social equity and harmony. Governments committed to transparent, accountable, and inclusive governance contribute to a more harmonious society.
  • Environmental Sustainability Initiatives: Shared environmental sustainability concerns can unite diverse communities in collaborative efforts. Addressing climate change and environmental issues requires global cooperation, fostering a sense of shared responsibility.
  • Promotion of Interfaith Dialogue: Investing in sustained interfaith dialogue initiatives can contribute to religious tolerance and understanding. Such dialogues promote a shared appreciation for common values and foster relationships based on respect and cooperation.
  • Economic Integration: Initiatives that promote economic integration and cooperation among diverse communities can contribute to social cohesion. Economic partnerships that benefit all segments of society reduce disparities and enhance communal harmony.
  • Art and Media as Agents of Change: Art, literature, and media have the power to shape narratives and influence public perceptions. Fostering artistic pursuits that honor diversity and dispel prejudices can help create a more peaceful and inclusive cultural environment.
  • Cross-Border Collaboration: Encouraging collaboration across borders can promote understanding among neighboring communities. Shared economic projects, educational exchanges, and cultural partnerships can foster connections that transcend national and regional divides.
  • Community-Led Initiatives: Sustainable change can result from giving local communities the authority to lead projects aimed at promoting community peace. Grassroots efforts, community-based projects, and volunteerism strengthen social bonds and promote a sense of collective responsibility.

The pursuit of communal harmony is crucial for creating inclusive and resilient societies. Understanding and addressing the underlying causes of disruptions, such as religious conflicts, political manipulation, and economic inequality, is crucial in today’s interconnected world. Embracing diversity, promoting education, and fostering open dialogue are vital to achieving communal harmony. The benefits of communal harmony extend beyond social cohesion and include economic prosperity, cultural enrichment, and global reputation. By working together towards a future where differences are celebrated, societies can build a foundation for lasting peace, unity, and progress, ensuring a harmonious coexistence for future generations.


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Article on Communal Harmony | Key to the World Peace

Article on Communal Harmony – Communal harmony is a state of mutual respect and social equality among all members of a society. We will explore new ways to achieve communal harmony in this article.

You must have heard about the Babri Masjid and Ram Janambhoomi controversy. What do you think about it? Write an article for a newspaper about the need for communal harmony and peaceful co-existence.

Ans:-                                                            THE NEED OF COMMUNAL HARMONY


India is a land of different sects, religions and communities. There is a great diversity in our tastes, manners, customs, and habits. We speak different languages , and yet we are all Indians. ‘Unity in Diversity’ has been the distinctive feature of our culture . ‘Peaceful co-existence has been our motto. But unfortunately, this peace has been endangered now. India is at present facing many problems. The gravest of these is the problem of communalism. It is the biggest threat to the unity and integrity of the country. Anti-national elements are exploiting the religious feelings of innocent people. It is most unfortunate for our country. In fact, corrupt and dishonest leaders are the root cause of this problem. They fan the fire of communal hatred. They invite people to do violence. They play in the hands of foreign agents for the sake of a few pieces of silver. Innocent people are unable to see through their wicked designs. The evil of communalism did irreparable harm to the nation in 1947. It will be very unfortunate if this evil is allowed to grow once again.  It is the duty of every right-thinking citizen to fight these communal and anti-national forces tooth and nail. Conscientious leaders of all political parties should join hands. They should expose the evil designs of communal leaders. The government should come down heavily on anti-national elements. None should be allowed to endanger the unity and integrity of the nation.

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Communal harmony essay- 100 words.

Communal Harmony Essay edumantra.net

It is no secret that communal harmony is essential to the success of any society. What people forget, however, is that it is not always easy to maintain this level of peace and equilibrium.  Indeed, there are many factors that can cause unrest in a community, and often times it takes a concerted effort by everyone involved to make things right again. One reason for this difficulty may be cultural differences. One group may see themselves as superior to others, which can lead to tension and conflict. Similarly, if one group dominates the social scene and excludes others, resentment will inevitably build over time. In both cases, it is important for members of different groups to understand and respect one another’s traditions and beliefs in order to maintain communal harmony. Indeed, it can sometimes be difficult for individuals who feel marginalized or excluded to regain trust in their community. However, with patience and perseverance – as well as an understanding of why things are happening – communal harmony can be restored relatively quickly.

Communal Harmony Essay – 150 Words

Communal Harmony Essay – 150 Words edumantra.net

Communal harmony is the coming together of different individuals and groups in a society to form a united community. It is the peace and understanding that exists between different social groups, religions, and cultures. The concept of communal harmony is based on the belief that people of different backgrounds can live together in peace and respect for one another. This includes both those who are different in terms of race or ethnicity, and those who are different in terms of religion or culture. There are many ways in which communal harmony can be promoted.  One way is through education, which can help people to understand and respect the differences between them. Another way is through legislation and public policy, which can create an environment in which all members of society feel equally valued. Ultimately, communal harmony is about creating a society in which everyone can feel safe, respected, and included.  It is about understanding that we are all human beings with common needs and aspirations. And it is about working together to build a better future for all of us.

Communal Harmony Essay- 200 Words

One of the most important aspects of communal living is maintaining harmony within the group. This can be difficult to achieve, and often requires compromise on both sides. However, when done correctly, communal living can be a highly satisfying experience.  The key to harmonious communal living is communication. Each member must be able to understand and respect the views of the others, and must be willing to compromise in order to maintain unity. It is also important for members to be able to trust one another. If one member feels that they are not being given an opportunity to share their opinion, they may become frustrated and eventually leave the community.  It is also important for members to feel a sense of belongingness. If everyone feels like they are just passing through, there is little incentive to live together harmoniously. Instead, communities need to create a sense of community spirit which will bind the members together. This can be achieved by hosting social events, promoting cooperation and sharing common values. While it may seem difficult at first, communal living can be a very rewarding experience if done correctly. By working together towards a common goal, communities can create a strong sense of community spirit which will make everyone feel welcome and valued.

Article on Communal Harmony- 300 words

Communal harmony is an important part of any society. It allows for the exchange of ideas and the sharing of resources between members, without conflict. It is essential for a society to have communal harmony in order to function smoothly. 

There are many factors that contribute to communal harmony in a society.  

Trust Among Members: –  One key factor is the level of trust among members. People need to trust one another to communicate and share information freely. They also need to trust that others will not hurt or take advantage of them. Building trust requires time and patience, and it is often difficult to achieve. Level of Participation: –  Another key factor in maintaining communal harmony is the level of participation by members. Everyone needs to be involved in order for the community to function effectively. This includes people who are traditionally seen as inactive, such as older citizens or minority groups. Participation allows these groups to have a voice and makes them feel valued. It also helps create consensus among the community members on important issues. Shared values and norms: –  One of the key factors that contribute to communal harmony is the shared values and norms that are prevalent in a community. These values and norms should be ones that all members of the community can agree on, as they are essential for creating a sense of cohesion and belongingness. If these values and norms are not shared by all members of a community, then tensions will likely arise. Mutual Respect: –  It is also important for communities to have mutual respect for one another. This means that members of the community should Respect each other’s rights and dignity, regardless of their differences. If members do not respect each other, then tensions will likely continue to run high. Communal identification: –   Another key factor that contributes to communal harmony is communal identification. This means that members of the community feel a sense of kinship or affiliation with one another, which strengthens bonds between them. When communities have strong communal identification, tensions tend to be reduced as there is less competition for resources or status within the group. Social Interaction: Finally, social interaction plays an important role in promoting communal harmony. This means that people should interact with one another frequently – both socially and physically – in order to build relationships and foster cooperation. Too much isolation from one’s peers can lead to feelings of loneliness or isolation, which can ultimately lead to tension within a community.  It is important for societies to periodically review their policies and practices related to communal harmony in order to ensure that they are still effective. This can be done through surveys or focus groups with community members.

Communal Harmony Long Essay- 1000 Words


It is said that “A community is a group of people who live together and share a common culture.” In this way, any society can be described as a form of communal harmony.  It is through the sharing of collective experiences and ideas that we create a sense of belonging and solidarity. In our increasingly digital world, it is important to remember the importance of communal harmony. We mustn’t forget the value of relationships, whether they are personal or professional. As technology continues to evolve, so too must our understanding of communal harmony.  With this in mind, here are four ways that digital communality can improve our lives: 1) Increased Communication & Cooperation: Communal harmony can be increased by increased communication and cooperation between individuals. By working together to solve problems, we can build stronger relationships and create a sense of community.  2) Improved Collaborative Workflows: When individuals cooperate and communicate effectively, they can create better collaborative workflows. This allows for more efficient work and greater productivity.  3) Increased Engagement with Virtual Communities: Virtual communities offer an engaging way for individuals to connect with others from all over the world. Through virtual communities, we can develop new relationships and strengthen

The Importance of Community

Communities are vital to a healthy, functioning society. Without them, individuals would be isolated and unable to interact with one another on an interpersonal level. Communities provide a sense of security and stability for their members, while teaching them the skills they need to thrive in society. Many people believe that communities are important because they offer a sense of social solidarity and support. In fact, research has shown that people are more likely to achieve their goals when they feel supported by their community. This is because communities provide members with a network of people who can share resources and help them get ahead in life. People also benefit from being part of a community because it allows them to learn new skills. Communities often have programs that offer training in different fields, such as education or health care. This is why it is so important for communities to provide opportunity for their members. Finally, communities provide a place where individuals can connect with each other on an emotional level. They can share stories and experiences, which can create strong bonds between members. This is why it is so important for communities to maintain close ties with their residents。

Communal Harmony is an Important Concept in Society

Communal Harmony is an important concept in society. It helps to maintain a stable and peaceful environment for all members of the community. It helps to prevent conflicts and promote positive relationships between people. There are many ways that communal harmony can be maintained in society. One way is through the use of rules and regulations. These rules help to ensure that everyone behaves in a respectful and polite manner. They also help to prevent conflicts from happening in the first place. Another way that communal harmony can be maintained is through the use of social norms. These norms dictate how we should behave as members of society. They help us to understand what is considered appropriate behavior and how we should act when we encounter someone who does not follow these norms. Finally, communal harmony can be promoted through the education system. Young children are often taught about the importance of communal harmony from a very early age. This helps them to understand why it is important to follow certain rules and norms and why it is unacceptable to behave in a disrespectful manner towards others.

Communal Harmony can be found in many aspects of life

One of the many ways in which communal harmony can be found is through the way in which different cultures are treated. For example, some cultures are given more respect than others and this can lead to conflict. By giving all cultures the same level of respect, communal harmony can be achieved. Another way in which communal harmony can be found is through the way that people interact with each other. For example, when someone is polite to another person, this can lead to a feeling of peace and community.

The benefits of communal harmony

When people live in close proximity, they tend to get along better. This is because they have to rely on each other to get their needs met. In a society, this type of relationship is called communal harmony. There are a number of benefits to communal harmony. For one, it can create a sense of community. When people are together often, they learn to trust and respect each other. This strengthens the social fabric of the society and makes it more resistant to breakdowns. Another benefit of communal harmony is that it can help reduce crime rates. When people are living in close quarters with each other, they are more likely to know who is responsible for what crimes and who can be trusted not to commit crimes in the future. This combination of social pressure and deterrence helps keep crime rates low overall. Overall, communal harmony has many benefits for both the individual and the society as a whole. By creating a strong sense of community, we increase our resistance to breakdowns and maintain lowered crime rates; two things we can all use right now!

The Role of Communal Harmony in Our Lives

The cohesion that exists within communal groups is one of the most important aspects of human life. It allows for the sharing of resources and a sense of security, which helps to maintain order and stability in society. The role that communal harmony plays in our lives is evident in everything from our interactions with friends and family to our work relationships. There are many benefits to living in a community that is harmonious. For example, it can help us connect more closely with others, build stronger relationships, and support each other through difficult times. In addition, being cohesive can help us increase our chances of success when working together on a common goal. One of the challenges that communities face is maintaining a sense of harmony. Certain tensions can often arise over issues such as competition or differences in opinion. When these tensions become too great, they can lead to discord or conflict. It is important for communities to find ways to manage these tensions so that everyone remains unified and cooperative. There are several things that communities can do to maintain harmony. First, they should strive to create a climate where all members feel welcome and respected. This means providing opportunities for everyone to participate regardless of their position within the group. Second, communities should create mechanisms for resolving disagreements peacefully and democratically. Finally, communities should make sure that their policies reflect the needs and interests of all members.

How Communities Affect Our Lives

Communities have a significant impact on our lives. They provide a sense of belonging and social support, which can be vital for our wellbeing. They also help us to share resources and knowledge, and to connect with others who share our interests. In general, communities are positively associated with mental health. For example, people who are socially isolated are more likely to experience anxiety and depression symptoms. Conversely, being part of a supportive community has been shown to protect against mental health problems in the long term. Furthermore, communities can also have a positive impact on physical health. For example, living in a neighbourhood with lots of green space is associated with decreased rates of obesity and heart disease. Communities also play an important role in promoting social mobility – that is, helping people from disadvantaged backgrounds succeed in life. So it’s clear: communities are important for our wellbeing both mentally and physically. They’re essential for creating a sense of belonging and social support, as well as sharing resources and knowledge. And they’re particularly beneficial for promoting social mobility – helping people from disadvantaged backgrounds achieve their goals in life.

What can go Wrong when Communal Harmony is Lost?

When communal harmony is lost, it can lead to conflict and even violence. For example, if one group of people feels that they are being treated unfairly by another group, they may become angry and begin to fight. This can quickly turn into a dangerous situation, as groups begin to clash with each other. In extreme cases, this fighting can lead to riots or worse. It is important to remember that losing communal harmony can have serious consequences, both for the people involved and for the community as a whole.

As humans, we are naturally social creatures. We crave the companionship of others and need to feel a sense of belonging in order to function properly. Unfortunately, today’s society often fails to provide us with the opportunity to experience communal harmony. With so many people living alone or in close quarters with others who they may not particularly like, there is a growing demand for venues and platforms that can help reintroduce us to the joys of communal living. Hopefully, this essay has provided you with some insights into why communal harmony is so important and how it can be achieved through various mediums. If nothing else, I hope that it has encouraged you to think about ways that you can contribute your own bit towards restoring communal harmony in our societies today.

What is the need for communal harmony- 10 Points

1. There should be no discrimination based on caste, creed, religion or gender. 2. People should respect each other’s beliefs and traditions. 3. There should be equal opportunities for all to grow and progress. 4. People should work together for the overall development of the society. 5. Harmony among different sections of the society is essential for its peace and prosperity. 6. It is important to inculcate the values of tolerance and respect for others in the younger generation. 7. Educational institutions should promote communal harmony by teaching students about different cultures and religions. 8. The media should play a positive role in promoting communal harmony by projecting positive stories and images of different communities. 9. The government should take effective measures to prevent and punish acts of violence and discrimination against any community. 10. We all need to work towards creating a harmonious and inclusive society where everyone can live with dignity and peace

Some Ways to promote communal harmony

1. Promote understanding and respect for different cultures and religions. 2. Encourage people to learn about and celebrate the diversity of cultures and religions in our community. 3. Foster positive relationships between people of different cultures and religions. 4. Help people to develop an appreciation for the value of each person’s contribution to our community. 5. Work together to create a community that is inclusive and welcoming to everyone. 6. Show respect for all people, regardless of their culture or religion. 7. Speak out against discrimination and bigotry in all its forms. 8. Promote harmony by celebrating our commonalities and differences. 9. Teach children the importance of tolerance, respect and understanding.

Write 10 lines on Communal Harmony

1. Communal harmony is the absence of hatred, animosity, or violence between different religious, ethnic or other groups. 2. It is essential for the maintenance of peace and stability in any society. 3. Without communal harmony, members of different groups would be constantly at loggerheads with each other, leading to disharmony and chaos. 4. Harmony between different groups promotes understanding and respect for each other’s beliefs and cultures. 5. It helps to build a strong and cohesive society where people can live and work together in peace and harmony. 6. Communal harmony is essential for the progress of any nation as it provide the much-needed social cohesion. 7. It also helps to create an environment conducive to economic development and growth. 8. A harmonious society is also more likely to be stable and peaceful, making it attractive for investment and tourism. 9. The promotion of communal harmony should be a priority for all governments as it is the key to a successful society. 10. Efforts should be made to inculcate values of tolerance, respect and understanding from a young age so that future generations can live in communal harmony.

People Also Ask:

1.Who started communalism? Ans: The first recorded use of communalism was in the French Revolution. It is a political philosophy that advocates for the establishment of a society in which property is held in common.

2.Why communal harmony is celebrated? Ans: The answer to this question is quite simple. Communal harmony is celebrated because it helps to bring people of different religions and cultures together. It helps to promote peace and understanding between different groups of people.

3.How does our Constitution communal harmony? Ans: The Constitution of India envisages a society that is pluralistic, secular, and harmonious. It provides for equality of all citizens regardless of religion, caste, or creed. It also promotes fraternity among all citizens and ensures the free practice of religion.

4. What is the importance of Communal Harmony- 9 points- 

Community harmony is when people within a community get along well with one another. A harmonious community is cohesive, with a strong sense of shared purpose and values. 1. Community harmony strengthens social cohesion. 2. Community harmony leads to greater trust and cooperation between individuals and groups. 3. Community harmony reduces crime and anti-social behaviour. 4. Community harmony improves mental health and wellbeing. 5. Community harmony promotes economic development. 6. Community harmony creates a more attractive place to live, work and visit. 7. Community harmony increases social capital and civic engagement. 8. Community harmony makes communities more resilient to shocks and stressors. 9. Community harmony contributes to international peace and security.

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Communal Harmony Essay

Need for communal harmony.

The 42nd Amendment Act in the Indian Constitution states secularism, socialism and integrity. The National Integration Council was constituted by the Indian Government in 1992 for strengthening and promoting communal harmony.

1.) Name two personalities who preached communal harmony.

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Communal Harmony Essay

India is a land of diverse religions. It has set an example of unity in diversity as people of different castes and religions live in harmony in the country. However, this harmony is disturbed many a times by different religious groups and communities. India is a multi-religious and multi-lingual land. People belonging to different religions live here in harmony. Different festivals, be it Holi, Diwali, Eid or Christmas, are celebrated with equal zeal. However, communal harmony is disrupted at times due to differences between certain religious groups.

Long and Short Essay on Communal Harmony in English

Below we have provided short and long essay on communal harmony in English for your information and knowledge.

The essays have been written in simple yet impressive language to make them easy to remember and presented on need. After going through these short and long communal harmony essays you will know about the incidents in history when communal harmony was compromised; laws to maintain communal harmony; how to maintain communal harmony etc.

These communal harmony essay will be helpful to you for the school/college essay writing, debate or speech giving events.

Communal Harmony Essay 1 (200 words)

India is a secular state. The Constitution of our country gives its citizens the freedom to practice any religion of their choice. They also have the liberty to change their religion, if they wish. The state does not have any official religion. Every religion is treated and respected equally in India and this goes a long way in maintaining the communal harmony in the country.

However, even as the Constitution of India enforces laws to maintain communal harmony and the government of the country takes strong measures to ensure the same. There have been several instances in the past that have disrupted the peace in the name of religion.

Parsee-Muslim riots 1851, Bharuch riots 1857, Parsee-Muslim riots 1874, Salem riots of 1882, Mappila riots 1921, Nagpur riots 1927, Ranchi-Hatia riots 1967, Gujarat riots 1969, Moradabad riots 1980, Bhiwandi riots 1984,  anti-Sikh riots 1984, Bhagalpur riots 1989, Hyderabad riots 1990, Anti-Tamil violence of Karnataka 1991, Bombay riots 1992-93, Anti-Urdu riots 1994, Gujarat riots 2002, Vadodara riots 2006, Canning riots 2013 and Muzaffarnagar riots 2013 are some of the instances of communal riots that caused mass destruction in the country and created major panic among the citizens.

It is essential for every individual to understand the importance of communal harmony and contribute towards maintaining the same so that such instances are not repeated in future.

Communal Harmony Essay 2 (300 words)


Communal Harmony is necessary for every nation. Only if there is peace and harmony in the country can it grow. India is known to maintain communal harmony even as people of different religions and castes reside here. It is known for its secular ways. The state does not follow any official religion. It gives its citizens the freedom to choose their religion and change it at any time. Strict action is taken against individuals or groups who try to tamper with the communal harmony of the country.

Disruption of Communal Harmony

Communal Harmony has been disrupted several times in our country. Riots between different religious groups have been common. Mentioned below are some of the instances of communal harmony:

  • Parsee-Muslim Riots 1851

These protests were done against by Muslims against a Parsee-owned publication Chitra Dynan Darpan.

  • Parsee-Muslim Riots 1874

These riots broke out because of the publishing of Prophet Mohammed in Famous Prophets and Communities by Rustomji Hormusji Jalbhoy.

  • Salem Riots 1882

These riots supposedly occurred as the Hindus showed resentment against the construction of a mosque on the path of a Hindu religious procession.

  • 1989 Meerut Communal Riots

These Hindu-Muslim riots continued for 3 months and approximately 350 people were killed during these.

  • 2013 Gujarat Riots

These riots took place between the Bengali Muslims and Bengali Hindus in West Bengal in February 2013.

Apart from these, the 1927 Nagpur Riots, 1967 Ranchi-Hatia Riots, 1984 Anti-Sikh Riots, 1989 Meerut Communal Riots, 1990 Hyderabad Riots, 1992 Bombay Riots, 2002 Gujarat Riots and 2013 Muzaffarnagar Riots also disrupted communal harmony majorly.

The Constitution of the country has enforced laws to ensure communal harmony in the country and the government is taking all the necessary measures to ensure the same. Unfortunately, there have still been several instances that have hampered the communal harmony in the country.

Communal Harmony Essay 3 (400 words)

India is one of the biggest examples of unity in diversity. People belonging to different religions do not only live here in complete harmony but also rejoice each other’s company. Different festivals are celebrated here with equal enthusiasm and people from different castes, backgrounds and religions work in perfect harmony with each other in offices and elsewhere.

Laws to Maintain Communal Harmony

India is a secular state. The Constitution of the country gives each of its citizens the right to choose his/ her religion and change it at any time. Strict action is taken against any individual, group or community who tries to tamper with this constitutional law.

Communal Harmony Disrupted by Groups

Even though there are laws to protect the peace of the nation, however, communal harmony has still been disrupted many times in the country. Here are some such instances:

  • Mappila Riots

These were a series of riots carried out by the Mappila Muslims of Malabar, South India between 1836 and 1921 against the native Hindus in the state.

This caused serious Hindu-Muslim disturbances in Salem, Tamil Nadu. It is believed that these riots occurred as the Hindus objected to the construction of a mosque on the path of a Hindu religious procession.

  • 1927 Nagpur Riots

These were a series of riots that took place in different cities during 1920s between the Hindu and Muslim groups.

  • 1984 Anti-Sikh Riots

It is said that these riots were carried out to avenge the death of former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi who was shot at by her Sikh bodyguards.

These were a series of violent riots between Hindus and Muslims. The riots that took place in Uttar Pradesh’s Meerut continued for around 3 months from March to June 1987. Around 350 people were killed during these riots.

  • 1990 Hyderabad Riots

These riots occurred in Hyderabad in the year 1990 and resulted in the killing of around 200-300 innocent people. It also left thousands of people injured.

  • 2013 Muzaffarnagar Riots

The riots took place between Hindus and Muslims in Uttar Pradesh’s Muzaffarnagar district. The clashes continued for almost 2 months and resulted in taking lives of around 60 people.

It is essential to ensure communal harmony among people. Communal violence disturbs the normal life of the people of the affected city/state and also creates panic in the rest of the country.

Communal Harmony Essay 4 (500 words)

India is a peace loving country. No wonder people from diverse backgrounds live here in harmony with each other. While the people of the country largely help in maintaining communal harmony in the country. However, the same has been disturbed several times. Here is how communal harmony is maintained and the instances when it has been disrupted in the country.

Maintaining Communal Harmony

India is a secular nation. The country does not have any particular official religion. It gives its citizens the freedom to choose and change their religion as per their will. The state treats all the religions equally. This is a way to promote communal harmony in the country. Strict action is taken against any person or group trying to disturb communal peace in the country.

While the government takes stern measures to ensure communal harmony in the country, the same has been disturbed several times. Some of these instances are as follows:

  • 1980 Moradabad Riots

These riots occurred in the Indian city of Moradabad during August-November 1980. It all began when a group of Muslims threw stones at the police as they refused to remove a pig from the Idgah. The police fired back and it resulted in the killing of several people.

  • 1989 Bhagalpur Violence

The 1989 Bhagalpur riots occurred between Hindus and Muslims in Bihar’s Bhagalpur district. These began in October 1989 and continued for two months. Not only Bhagalpur, around 250 nearby villages got affected by the violence caused due to these riots. More than 1,000 people were killed and as many as 50,000 were displaced during these two months.

  • 1992-93 Bombay Riots

The riots that took place in December 1992 and January 1993 took the lives of around 900 people. These were said to be a reaction to the 1992 Babri Masjid Demolition in Ayodhya.

  • 2002 Gujarat Riots

The burning of train that led to the death of 58 Hindu pilgrims caused these riots. The train returning from Ayodhya that carried karsevaks was burned at Godhra station. These riots led to the deaths of around 254 Hindus and as many as 790 Muslims. Near about 2,500 people were injured and 223 were reported missing.

  • 2013 Canning riots

These riots took place between the Bengali Muslims and Bengali Hindus in West Bengal in February 2013. The outbreak happened after the murder of a Muslim clerk by unidentified attackers. Muslims burned down Hindu homes in Goladogra, Gopalpur, Herobhanga and Naliakhali villages in the Canning police station area.

Apart from these, 1857 Bharuch Riots, 1927 Nagpur Riots, 1969 Gujarat Riots, 1984 Sikh Riots, 1984 Bhiwandi Riots, 1985 Gujarat Riots, 1989 Meerut Communal Riots, 1990 Hyderabad Riots, 2002 Gujarat Riots, 2006 Vadodra Riots and 2013 Muzaffarnagar riots also caused mass destruction and disturbed the communal harmony of the country.

India has been appreciated worldwide for its secular ways. People from different religions live here in harmony. However, the peace of the country has been disrupted several times by different religious groups and communities. The need for communal harmony needs to be sensitized among the citizens as maintaining peace and harmony is the first step toward building a nation.

Communal Harmony Essay 5 (600 words)

India is home to people from different religions and castes. People belonging to different ethnic groups and religions live here in harmony with each other. At workplaces, in schools, while doing business dealings people from different backgrounds come together and work/study together. A harmonious atmosphere is maintained at such places. However, there have been times when there have been problems due to religious differences among citizens of our country. Here is how our government binds the citizens in unity and how they have fallen apart at various points.

Secularism Binds People

With the 42 nd Amendment of the Indian Constitution enacted back in 1976, the Preamble to the Constitution stated that India is a secular nation. The country does not follow any official state religion. The laws require the state and its institutions to accept and respect all the religions. Each individual in the country is free to choose his religion and change it at any time. Treating all the religions equally and giving freedom to choose one’s religion is a way to ensure communal harmony in the country.

Instances of Communal Riots

While the Constitution of the country is imbued with the spirit to maintain communal harmony, the same has been disrupted many a times. Here are some instances of communal riots in India:

  • 1857 Bharuch Riots

These riots occurred between the Bohra Muslims and Parsis in May 1857. The riots broke out as some Muslims accused Bejonji Sheriaiji Bharucha, a Parsi of desecrating a mosque. Five days later as many as 200 Muslims gathered together and attacked Dastur Kamdin Dar-e Mihr, a fire temple and brutally murdered its High Priest.

  • 1969 Gujarat Riots

This refers to the riots between Hindus and Muslims during September-October 1969 in Gujarat. This was the first major communal violence in Gujarat that involved looting and massacre on a wide scale. Near about 660 people were killed and 1074 were injured during these riots.

Also known as the 1984 Sikh Massacre, these were a series of attacks against the Sikhs in India. These riots were said to be carried out by agitated mobs in reaction to former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi’s murder by her Sikh bodyguards. Around 2800 people across the country were killed during these riots of which approximately 2100 were from Delhi.

  • 1984 Bhiwandi Riots

These riots took place in and around Maharashtra’s Bhiwandi town in the year 1984. As many as 278 people were killed and more than 1000 injured during the Bhiwandi riots. The outbreak occurred when a saffron flag was placed on the top of a mosque.

  • 1985 Gujarat Riots

These riots started in February 1985 and continued for almost 9 months that is until October. It is believed that this violence was invoked by the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in an attempt to defame the ruling government. This was initially an intra Hindu caste issue owing to the reservation policy. However, gradually it turned into Hindu-Muslim communal riots.

  • 2006 Vadodara Riots

Also referred to as the 2006 Dargah Riots, these occurred in May 2006 in Vadodara, Gujarat. The riots were a result of the municipal council’s decision to remove the Sufi saint Syed Chishti Rashiduddin’s dargah. It is said that the police targeted Muslims during this incident. Incidents of Hindu-Muslim clashes were reported in several areas during these riots.

Religion is a very sensitive issue. India has always followed a policy of secularism. The Constitution of our country gives absolute freedom to every individual to choose his/her religion. However, there are certain groups and individuals that disrupt the peace and harmony in the country by spreading communal violence. But ultimately peace has always triumphed over communal violence.

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Essay on Communal Harmony, Meaning, Values and Example for Students

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Essay on Communal Harmony: Communal Harmony is that the great nature of India and India is that community, wherever a numerous sort of religion and belief live within the country.

“The nation voted us to power to examine unity and communal harmony, not for any division of commonality”. “We should understand our own roles. we must always conjointly understand the roles that others play, and also the rules such roles follow. during this manner, social harmony is maintained. it’s after we overstep our roles or act without knowing them, that social disorder ensues”.

It is an awfully necessary nature of the country, within which the community takes place and reduces the stress and friction of the country. In countries like India, it’s important, being a Precondition to internal peace, that is important for the progress and development of the country.

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As we know, India possesses the multiplicity of religions and the extreme nature of the culture is composite. However, faith has ne’er been a source of co between the communities in Indian society. Mutual tolerance and regard for different religions is an old tradition of the country. Still, the unconditional interests have continuously been active to make inharmoniousness be them.

Religious Obstruction:

There was, however, not one instance some years back wherever obstruction in spiritual performance has been an explanation for communal. This development within the Indian context is politically motivated and perpetually been built by unconditional interests. it absolutely was there at the foreign rule similarly as in the post-independence era.

Communal Harmony Values in Traditional:

Communal harmony as such is a very sensitive problem and can’t be soft-pedaled any longer insight of our ancient value, com cultural heritage and secular character of our state.

For the sake of maintaining communal harmony, Akbar started a new faith Din-e-Iiahi. He made a Hindu girl his partner gave equal respect to his Hindu faith.

During the time of Bahadur Zafar, the last king of the Mughal dynasty, a function, Foolwalon-ki Sai: accustomed be organized often in Delhi, wherever individuals of each the faith idolized in temples and mosques along.

Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar, who was the founders of our constitution conjointly underlined the necessity of co harmony and provided for equal rights to all or any Indians regardless of caste, color, and creed.

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It created our democracy system stronger main downside is the way to maintain communal harmony at the body and social levels.

There is an absence of political consciousness armor, folk because of illiteracy. Secondly, delinquent and skilled criminals are enjoying a key role in communal riots and happening as agents of unconditional interests and their hirelings. Finally, there’s a desire for an efficient mechanism to subsume it. The present mechanism is smooth. It lacks coordination and people’s involvement.

The intelligent agencies report earlier to the District and State authorities concerning the communal tension and also the component actively related to growing tension and potential of disturbances etc. But typically, no action is and authorities look forward to the riots. it’s solely thenceforth that police move in and a curfew is clamped to regulate matters. throughout curfew arrests created for violations.

For the last 10 years Ram Janambhoomi – Babri mosque issue could be a major root of communal dissonance Muslims and Hindus are face to every different on this issue. within the early, the communal riots on this issue have taken several lives in Gujarat.

Three bogies of a train within which Ramsevaks were coming back from Ayodhya were burnt by a mob of 2000 Muslim fundamentalists at Godhra train station. within which fifty-eight persons were burnt alive.

Suddenly in an exceedingly reaction to that, Hindu started burning the properties and men and ladies in numerous areas of Gujarat.

To being with, therefore, the primary factor is to possess a recent examine it and change our approach consequently. Foremost within the method so is resolute toil on the part of a government to guard the inspiration pillar of the Indian state.

With the recent approach to the matter, recent measures are to be taken to subsume it effectively. The life would come with the appropriate change within the existing applicable law, referring to a terror of breach of peace and criminal conspiracy against the state and other people of India.

A new mechanism involving people and social organizations on completely different levels to look at and vigil over matters exchange existing native peace committees can need to be evolved to assist the executive machinery in taking preventive and follow-up action in cases of tries and conspiracy of breach of communal harmony.


It is an excellent conception that India becomes a great country. It makes a potential numerous sort of method and development of the country if communal harmony can maintain within the country by everybody.

Importance of National Integration for Students and Children

500+ words essay on importance of national integration.

National Integration is the bond and togetherness between people regardless of their caste, creed, religion or gender . It is the feeling of oneness, brotherhood and social unity under communities and society in a country. National Integration helps to keep the country unified and strong from within despite the diversities. So, the importance of national integration can be from the fact that the nation which remains integrated. It will always progress on the track of development and prosperity.

importance of national integration

What is the Importance of National Integration?

National integration plays a dynamic role in making the country as one. This happens only by uniting every section of society. It provides an equal opportunity for each citizen. It also offers an equal platform in terms of social, cultural and economic development .

National integration also helps to unite the minorities as well as gives them the freedom to live their life in their way without any interference. Thus National integration is also essential for the country’s development. Because the country with national unity will always flourish and develop.

Aims of National Integration

National integration principally aims at providing a better environment for the people of a country. Thus they can develop themselves in all the aspects. It also aids to bind multi-racial and multilingual country like India, which has people with diverse culture and tradition. It also multiplies the union of brotherhood amongst communities, societies and the people.

National integration also helps in keeping the stability of a country and adds up to its whole development. It supports to nurture communal harmony and fights casteism, regionalism, and linguism, etc. National Integration improves the feeling of loyalty and fraternity towards the nation. It unites the people in case of any national emergency.

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How to Promote National Integration?

As national integration demonstrates a crucial part in the development of a country, it becomes important to develop the feeling of national integrity among its citizens. Therefore, focus on all the sections of society and making them financially dependent will promote national integration.

This will help to promote economic integrity. This is one of the most important factors in promoting national integration. Tolerance and respect for other caste or religion also support to promote national integrity. Education, social and cultural unity, equality among people also helps to teach the feeling of national integration.

Advantages of National Integration

National integration plays a very important role in the political, economic, cultural and social dimensions of a country. It helps the country in the following ways:

  • Promotes Social Harmony

National integration makes the people of a country be present in harmony. This works only by strengthening the social bond between them. It indorses brotherhood, peace, and tolerance among them.

  • Unites the Nation

National integration aids to unite people of different race, caste, creed or thoughts and makes the country as a single entity. it strengthens the country and makes it powerful on the international platform.

  • Increases Economic Growth

It is a well-known fact that the country has less internal matters and problems. They will always prosper and develop. The country which is united will always have fewer problems as compared to the country which is socially unstable.

  • Promotes Loyalty for the Nation

National integration indorses loyalty of the citizen for the country. It aids to make people join hands and stand for the advancement of the country forgetting their petty issues.

Significance of National Integration in Modern Era

National integration plays a more significant role in modern times. Hence it has challenges like communalism, regionalism, linguism, etc. Global terrorism is also one of the major threats to national integration. While few people with radical thoughts convince the population and brainwash them. They provoke them against their motherland.

In the era of technological advancements and the accessibility of social media. It is very easy to get deceived. National integration helps to ignore these situations. It makes people intellectually mature and tolerant.

National integration is very significant for a country because it is seen many times in the history of mankind that the integrity of a nation fell in danger. It had confronted major challenges from within and also became a victim of foreign assaults. Hence national integration plays a significant role in making of a nation. It keeping it alive in history with sustained development.

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Essay, Paragraph or Speech on “Communal Harmony” Complete Essay, Speech for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Communal Harmony 

Essay No. 01

Fifty year on, the spectre of Communal Harmony still haunts us. We saw its macabre form during the trauma of partition. How far the British played `mischievous game in dividing Hindus and Muslims during the last phase of empire will be debated for decades to come. Separate electorate was the most pernicious practice which divided Hindus and Muslims and Sikhs. It struck a blow to the composite character of nation. To a large extent, the Hindus and Muslim divide has been the legacy of British Empire; for centuries, the two major comminutes lived together like brother in almost all the cities in North and East.

A great and resilient country like India learn to outlive the nightmare of 1947 and our constitution makers did not leave any thing to chance the preamble of our constitution reads “We, the people of India, having solemnly resolved to constitute India into sovereign secularist, socialist and democratic Republic”. In a secular state religion is purely an individual affair with the state neither promoting nor running down any religion. In other words, there is no state religion as in Pakistan or Israel.

Right from the very beginning, the Indian state sought to promote total harmony among people professing different faiths, granting them freedom of worship and extending certain privileges to the members of minority community. Despite the best efforts of farsighted leaders, communalism and occasional communal rights have besmirched the fair name of the country known through ages as an oasis of tolerance and amity. The ugly eruptions have been more of an exception than the rule and they have been the handiwork of disgruntled politicians, anti-social elements and criminals. The people of India stand for a plural and multi-religions society.

It would indeed be foolish to judge India’s secular credentials and its innate capacity to tolerance by what happened recently in Gujrat, in Ayodhya and Mumbai ten years ago; and during the anti Sikh riots in Delhi and elsewhere in 1984.

These have been aberrations indulged in by petty minded people for immediate gains. The culpability of certain politicians and other elements including a section of media in stoking the embers of hatred can not be ruled out. But, man to man people have shown they could live as human beings with an inexhaustible fund of love, compassion and concern for one another.

This has been proved even by the information collected from the gory interlude in Gujrat, families going out to help others of a different community and even sheltering them.

Eternal vigilance is the shield against those who are out to tear apart our secular fabric. It is a happy augury that our media and saner public opinion have stood as a solid rock against those who sought to sow hatred between people in the name of religion. But there is no room for despair for we stand on firm ground, the base built through centuries of understanding, love, compassion and the fundamental realisation that Truth can be reached through different paths.

A glimpse into the past would show that communal harmony and tenets of tolerance have been an integral part of the great Indian tradition; an unassailable thought flows through the Rig Veda. “Truth is one, the learned may describe it variously”, says the Atharveda “The earth which accommodates peoples of different persuasions and languages as in a peaceful harmony benefit all of us.” Echoes the Rig Veda ”All human beings are of same race.”

None could have put the broad vision of India than the great son of India Swami Vivekanand who addressed the world parliament of religions in Chicago, USA on September 11, 1893; addressing his audience as “Sisters and brothers of America” he thundered “I am proud to belong to a religion which has taught the world both tolerance and universal acceptance, we believe not only in universal toleration but accept all religions as true. I am proud to tell you that I belong to a nation which has sheltered the persecuted and the refugees of all religions and all nations of earth. I am proud to tell you that we have gathered in our bosom the pure remnants of Aryans who came to Southern India and took refuge with us in the very year in which their holy temple was shattered to pieces by Roman tyranny.”

Can the people ever forget Ashoka the great ? The only Monarch who abandoned warfare after victory. This great emperor said in one of his edicts “All sects deserve respect for one reason of another. By this acting a man exalts his own sect and does service to the sect of other people.

And during Mughal period Akbar the Great with his liberal and catholic outlook said, “Truth is no monopoly of any religion or sect.”

And how on earth can we overlook the contribution of the Bhakti movement in promoting the religious harmony. Kabir, one of the protagonists of Hindu-Muslim unity described himself as the son of Ram and Allah. If you say that I am a Hindu that is not true nor I am a Mussalman. I am a body made of five elements where the unknown plays.”

Guru Nanak Devji went through Hindu places of pilgrimage like Mathura, Banaras, Gaya, Junagarh. His last long journey was his piligrimage to Macca and Madina. Guru Nanak is still respected in Punjab–the king of Holy men, the Guru of Hindus and the pir of Mussalman.

“Baba Nanak Shah Faquir/Hindu ka Guru Musalmankapir.”

One of the greatest integrating forces of our country has been the world of art and culture and here we can include music, drama, camera, TV and the like. Some our great stars in different realm of entertainment have been Dilip Kumar, MeenaKumari, Ajit, Madhubala, Mohammed Rafi, TalatMahood, Begum Akhtar, Bismillah Khan, Jesudas and these great people have been human beings first, Indians second and then only followers of their respective religions. Rafi, through his inimitable rendering of immortal Hindu songs brings tears to the eyes of ardent devotee. So is Jesudas, a Christian by birth, has sung more songs for Hindu gods than any Hindu in Kerala or elsewhere.

Without being formerly initiated into doctrines, Sri Ramakrishna realised the ideals of religion other than Hindusim. He said “I have practised all religious Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, I have found that it is the same God towards whom all are directing their steps, though along different paths. But they never reflect that he who is called Krishna is also called Shiva and bears the name of Jesus. God is Allah and Allah is God. Sri Ramkrishna used a simple ex-ample which even a child can follow to drive home the point of fact “A lake has several ghats. At one, the Hindus takes water in pitchers and call it ‘jal’. The Muslims take in leather and call it Pani. At the third the Christians call it ‘water’. Can we imagine that it is not jal but only pani or water; how ridiculos! The substance is one. All are seeking the same substance…Let each man follow his path.

In brief our life on this planet is short, let us learn to live together be-cause we belong to same family-Man. Harmony is the keynote of the river of life

Essay No. 02

Communal Harmony in India

  India, a country of diverse ethnic groups and over 1,650 spoken languages, dialects and their regional variations, is a virtual Tower of Babel. Myriad tongues, numerous modes of apparel, countless mannerisms and group of characteristics weave the yarn of multi-hued fabric that his country of almost continental dimensions is It is, therefore, in the fitness of things that the State shows equal reverence for all religions and faiths; there is no effort at proselytisation at any level. Religion is a matter of personal faith with the State’s role reduced to the minimal in religious affairs. The Constitution itself has been framed with full consent of the people and it guarantees to each citizen, regardless of sex, creed or religion, freedom of thought and expression.

Communal tension in the country may be traced back to early or mid-eighteenth century. With the acceptance of the two-nation theory propounded by M.A. Jinnah and the subsequent creation of Pakistan, it was felt that the communal tension would disappear from the sub-continent. On the contrary, Hindu-Muslim clashes have been rather too frequent in recent years. This has been largely due to the rise of fundamentalist forces which have been exploiting religious sentiments of both the communities on one  pretext or another. The latest issue to add fuel to the burning communal fire is the explosive Ram Janmabhoomi-Babri  Masjid imbroglio that set most parts of the country aflame in 1992.

 It is no hyperbole to say that the British created the Hindu-Muslim divided and set the two communities on the path of confrontation to serve their own nefarious ends. At different times, they pampered one community at the expense of the other under the well-formulated policy of divide-and-rule. The fact is that the British did not create this great divide; they only accentuated it and encouraged separatist tendencies which had always been simmering under the surface. The chief contributing factor to this divide was the carrot of political power that the British dangled before leaders of both the communities during the struggle for freedom.

The persistence of communal forces that threaten to tear asunder the very fabric of India as a nation may be attributed to several factors, the chief among these being the feeling of veiled hostility between these two communities that the alien rulers had spotlighted. It is in the name of religion that the most atrocities are perpetrated on each other at the instance of so-called community leaders. There is a rampant feeling of mutual distrust and the politicians in power do their utmost to strengthen it. Charges of extra-territorial loyalties are often bandied about and desecration of places of worship is common.

 There should be no basis for mutual distrust and accusations, but this feeling has been fanned indiscriminately by leaders of both the communities. While professing to be ‘secular’ in public, religious leaders often incite their followers to be at loggerheads with their brethren belonging to different faiths. This could not be more true than the divide that has crept into Hindu-Sikh relations or Shia-Sunni differences within the same communities. Our effort should be to meet such forces and defeat in the larger interests of the integrity of the nation.

The need for communal harmony has never been felt more acutely than today. We must all realise that there is no alternative to secularism in web and woof of the body politic. We must distinguish between the leaders who ‘practise secularism’ and those who only mouth platitudes and-`profess secularisms’ as a way of life for the citizens of India. If we don’t, the country is doomed to the ranging fires of communalism and may disintegrate sooner rather than later. Ethnic cleansing has no place in the planet fast marching towards the 21st century when it is likely to become a global village. The perpetrators of disharmony and communal tension must be decisively dealt with and their designs effectively nipped in the bud. Direct responsibility must be fixed for disturbing communal peace in various parts of the country. The media that preach communal hatred and violence must be banned forthwith and the various practising democratic parties must have nothing whatsoever to do with communal groups and parties. They must not enter into any coalition with them in any part of the country for such short term ends as formation of governments at the regional level or getting favourable legislation passed in the national legislature. This will strengthen communal harmony and secularism in the country.

We must, at all costs, maintain and strengthen the “unity in diversity” that India is fabled for. Culture, language, manners and religion must be matters of individual taste and preference without affecting the overall fabric of life in this land. In this matter, the government of the day has a special responsibility to ensure communal harmony in the interests of the nation. School and college text books much preach the virtues of secularism and teachers as well as parents inculcate these values in their wards if the canker of communalism is to disappear from the scene. Communal harmony is, indeed, the need of the hour.

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Role of Media in Communal Harmony Essay

Role of Media in Communal Harmony Essay for Students and Children in English

Role of Media in Communal Harmony Essay: The values and ethos enshrined in the constitution have been the guiding force in making a path of stability and progress for the nation. The institutions deriving their vitality from these golden tenets and furthering this wisdom and philosophy into society maintain a healthy progressive balance. With the roll of time in this independent nation, the three pillars-executive, legislature and judiciary‘-have successfully shouldered the responsibility of navigation in troubled waters.

Threat to sovereignty, deepening of democracy, promotion of inclusivity in every sphere of life or maintaining communal cohesiveness have all received at different times collaborative contributions from these wings of the Indian system. A fourth pillar has emerged over time to lend stability to the edifice and uphold the constitutional ethos and play a constructive part in the journey of nation building. The role of media as this all pervasive force, expected to compliment the traditional structures cannot be undermined in the present day scenario. This is an age of media’s overpowering presence in every domain. As the accessibility to information simplifies, media manages to meet our senses through every other device.

Students can find more English Essay Writing Topics, Ideas, Easy Tips to Write Essay Writing and many more.

Long and Short Essays on Role of Media in Communal Harmony for Students and Kids in English

Here we have provided one brief long essay of 500 words, one short essay of 100-150 words, and ten important lines covering the topic.

Essay on Role of Media in Communal Harmony

Long Essay on Role of Media in Communal Harmony 600 Words in English

Diversifying from conventional sources of newspaper, magazines, television and radio, it now greets us through internet sites, billboards and mobile based ads. We are never too far from its all embracing presence. It is this reach which bestows media with a baggage of expectations and responsibility, in sensibly tackling the situations affecting the society at large. Amongst several situations in the society where the role of media can be scrutinized and responsibility assigned, communal flare-ups remain a sensitive segment.

The diversity and richness of threads weaving the fabric of Indian society forms the cause of it’s’ strength. The plurality of caste, colour, religion, language Essays bestows us a unique set-up, rich with opportunities and challenges. In unity lies our strength, but we still have witnessed occasions where trivial situations have snowballed into major communal flare-ups.

The present day media is itself struggling on the crossroads of conflicting demands. The arena has expanded to promote competition between different brands-both in print and electronic media. The competition to attract eyeballs has recklessly clouded the fundamental role media was designed to perform. Often the ethics of responsible journalism are sacrificed at the altar, in bargain of sensationalism in reporting.

Communal flare-ups can be often traced back to some minor incident which could have been nipped in the bud. In contrast, they explode with evil repercussions, staining the smooth fabric of the society. Innocent lives are lost, families destroyed and properties ruined by invoking religious sentiments. Religion- the garb with the warmth of the same Almighty, albeit of different colours, is given a notorious interpretation and projected as the dividing wall on such occasions. The situation poses a challenge to the state machinery where each element has to work responsibly in restoring peace and order in minimal time to minimize the damage from the unmindful acts of perpetrators.

Can media be abdicated from all responsibility in such an eventuality? The free nation guarantees under Article 19 of Fundamental Acts, the freedom of expression, with media deriving its powers. But can the principle of self-restrain to deliver responsible reporting be discarded in the face of such challenges to the social harmony? The power of media transmits the voices and images of riot struck families straight into our living rooms. With photographs of horror splashed across the front pages and bold lettering announcing the numerical record of the ghastly act, the coverage manages to transmit the fear and horror of the locality across geographical barrier.

The flare-ups in one corner of the nation is dished out, often with inciting remarks, unaccountable figures and opinionated version of causes to every part of the nation. In a race to grab the eyeballs, the breaking news culture promotes the high speed transmission to acclaim being the first channel to beam the images of the horror. Often the research into the real cause of the outbreak is sidelined and the focus shifts to use of provocative language and promotion of blame game.

Irresponsible journalism ends up inflaming passions of community rather than highlighting the unmindful acts of few individuals. In such testing times, the media is expected to fulfill its role of fourth pillar in the system effectively and promote all possible measures to bring back calm and order in the society. Such Essays times are the litmus test to judge the level of responsibility displayed by media in complementing authorities to normalize the situation.

An irresponsible reporting ends up making statements of gross generalization, demonizing an entire community for the pervert acts of a few. The words used-both by the print and electronic media-should be calibrated, measured $ and befitting the situation. A regulator for this purpose would face heavy resistance from media fraternity, but then these are the situations when self-regulation is put to real test. Sensitive situations of communal flare-ups are often covered by novice reporters who skip the ground realities to indulge in self-investigated judgments and opinionated reporting. Often the personal biases of the reporter or the channel cloud the vision of the media, incapacitating it to present the objective realities of the situation.

Though large segment of Indian population has been swarmed by the availability of information, the discretion to dissect and analyze every news item is not a popular attribute. Most consumers in general and the rural population in particular, receive the news-piece on face value. Efforts are not made to scrutinize the report and decipher the finer unsaid elements. There is an implicit trust in media and the voice of the reporter carries enough weight for people at large. With its ability to highlight mis-governance and plight of the common man, media is seen as the voice of the masses. This rust has developed over years and hence the portrayal of any event by media makes a significant impact. The realty is seen through the lens of media. And this underlines the need of all the more sincerity and ethics in journalism in times of communal discord.

The curative role of media in maintaining communal harmony, post a communal event is immense. Steering away from any exaggeration or unmindful indulgence in blame game, media must confine itself to facts, without stressing on religious affiliations. The need of the hour is to invoke the humanity, which forms the base of all religions, rather than focus on the religious hues of the victims or perpetrators. Media can be the calming influence, working in tandem with the administration to bring a semblance of sanity back in the locality. It must relay the message of peaceful coexistence by broadcasting messages of reconciliation, brotherhood and harmony. Media must return to the basic of upholding national interest against any other narrow plausible gain while delivering its report.

Media’s role in maintaining communal harmony is not linked to curative actions, but also has preventive aspects. All the ethos and values of constitution need to be continuously re-inforced amongst the population to enable them take Essays incipient deep roots in the society. With its all pervasive coverage and continuous impact on almost entire population of the nation, media must promote peaceful coexistence between people of different region, religion and languages.

It must promote seminars, debates and discussions bringing forth the richness of the pluralistic social existence. It can involve celebrities to deliver such meaningful messages of maintaining communal harmony.

Short Essay on Role of Media in Communal Harmony 150 Words in English

Short Essay on Role of Media in Communal Harmony is usually given to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

Stories of tolerance, trust and understanding between neighbors of different religions abound in different corners of the nation. Tele-series focusing on such human bonding which are more deep and fundamental than the shallow barriers of religion can be played on television and radio to deliver the message of communal harmony. The power of media, as the voice of a vibrant civil society cannot be snubbed. As the fourth pillar of system, its’ constructive role in nation building must be appreciated and utilized in full measure.

On one hand it acts as the mirror to the government of the day to rectify the apathy and shortcomings in facilitation, while on other it has the power to influence masses and bring about corrective action. It can be the force multiplier which magnifies goodness and values in the society. Any sort of communal disturbance jolts the society and the nation. As levels of tolerance take a dip in a fast paced society, the role of media in portrayal of events and perception building has a far reaching effect. Any communal disturbance affects the healthy pace of development of the society and the nation.

Trade, manufacturing and tRe economy suffers but worse is the evaporation of trust, affection and understanding between the communities. This vacuum is tough to fill and must be prevented from being created at all. It is here that media must act as a messenger of peace and harmony. It must act as a medium which not only highlights the facts but also rouses the larger question to enable people question the sanctity of such reckless spurts of violence. Media’s positive role can be the most significant difference in mitigating damage.

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India is a vast country, with people belonging to different religions living amicably for centuries together. The rich traditions of tolerance, perseverance, plurality and assimilation have kept the identity of the country intact, and civilization thriving. Declared a secular country in the constitution, India has several provisions for protection of minority communities. The State does not discriminate on the basis of any particular religion. There are constitutional provisions for equality of opportunities for all. Despite precautionary, preventive and positive measures having been envisaged in the constitution, to rule out any feeling of being left-out, communal disturbances keep recurring. The Government has, often expressed its commitment toward maintaining communal harmony in the country, and has been taking steps- statutory, legal, administrative, economic, and so on.

The Government has taken initiatives to promote communal harmony.

  • The Constitution casts an important fundamental duty on its citizens in Part IVA. Article 51-A (e) of the Constitution says that “it shall be the duty of every citizen of India to promote harmony and the spirit of common brotherhood amongst all the people of India transcending religious, linguistic and regional or sectional diversities.”
  • It is the spirit of brotherhood that is emphasized by the use of the term ‘fraternity’ in the preamble.
  • These include constitution of the  National Integration Council (NIC) (1960s),  setting up of  the National Foundation for Communal Harmony (1992)  and laying down of  the guidelines for the promotion of communal harmony from time to time .
  • The NIC, comprising of prominent members of various sections of society, besides several union ministers and chief ministers of states, has been meeting regularly, to discuss and sort out the issues of discord.
  • The Religious Institutions (Prevention of Misuse) Act, 1988  was enacted by the Parliament for maintaining the sanctity of religious places and to prevent their misuse for political, criminal, subversive or communal purposes.
  • Under this law, it is the duty of the manager to inform the police in the event of misuse of the place of worship. The Act also prohibits the storage of arms and ammunition inside any place of worship.
  • Another initiative taken by the government,  The Places of Worship (Special Provisions) Act 1991,  was passed to prohibit conversion of any place of worship and to provide for the maintenance of the religious character of any place of worship as it existed on the 15th day of August, 1947.
  • Other than these initiatives, the  Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India  has issued the  “Guidelines On Communal Harmony, 2008”  to prevent and avoid communal disturbances/riots and in the event of such disturbances occurring, action to control the same and measures to provide assistance, relief and rehabilitation to the affected persons.
  • Communal Violence Prevention Bill, 2010  yet has to be passed by the Parliament which would help in controlling the menace of communal violence

However, in the present time, various untoward incidents are affecting the communal harmony in different parts of the country. Communalism is the most serious threat to our sovereign, secular, socialist and democratic polity. The number of communal incidents is increasing day by day, which is not a good sign for our democracy.

The result of communal violence is the loss of private property in the form of household articles of families, movables and loss of earning by loss of lives of bread earners. Even Communal peace and harmony gets completely shattered after any communal violence. It was observed in the recent past that the government has totally failed to control communal violence’s in the country.

The characterization by  the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF)  of India as a country of particular concern, in its annual report, is not entirely surprising, considering its dim and known views about sectarian violence and aggravating governmental measures over the last year.

Steps to check the growth of Communalism:

  • Poverty is one of the major factors for communal violence. Poverty alleviation measures are thus important for promoting communal harmony.
  • Eradicating the problem of unemployment  among the youths, illiteracy and poverty and that too with honesty and without any discrimination.
  • Reducing educational and economic backwardness of minorities like Muslims.
  • This can uplift their socio economic status and reduce their deprivation compared to Hindus
  • The religious leaders and preachers should promote rational and practical things through religion promoting peace and security.
  • Children in schools must be taught through textbooks and pamphlets to maintain brotherhood and respect for all religions
  • Creating awareness in the society about the ill effects of communism through mass media
  • Political communism should be avoided recent Supreme court’s directives
  • Identification and mapping of riot prone areas. For Example, Delhi police used drones to monitor to maintain vigil during communal festivals
  • Media, movies and other cultural platforms  can be influential in promoting peace and harmony.
  • Social Media  should be monitored for  violent and repulsive content  and taken off immediately.
  • Joint celebration of community festivals
  • Observing restraint by Hindus while taking processions before the mosques
  • Formation of peace and brotherhood communities at local level to prevent anti-social elements from engaging in communal riots
  • Respect for religious customs, rituals and practices

Way forward:

Utmost care and attention requires to be given to the planning and implementation of a range of measures to alleviate the sufferings of those affected by any incidents of communal violence, including the provision of relief and rehabilitation assistance to the victims of such violence.


Communal harmony is the hallmark of democracy in a country governed by the rule of law. Rule of law pervades over the entire field of administration and every organ of the state is regulated and governed by the Rule of law. It is an eternal value of constitutionalism and inherent attribute of democracy and good governance has to be maintained.

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Essay on National Integration and Communal Harmony in India

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Meaning of National Integration and Communal Harmony:

National Integration refers to the perception of single national identity among people of a country belonging to various races, castes and religion.

Communal Harmony refers to the harmony, acceptance and love among the people of various communities belonging to different castes, races and religion.

Communal Harmony is the most important pre-condition for feeling of Unity and National Integration in India.


From time Immemorial, it has been seen that different races fought battles against each other on Indian soil and got themselves firmly entrenched, but India has assimilated them all into her blood. The conflicting cultures were at last modeled by this country to her own genesis and pattern.

India has witnessed a great diversity of faith and religion from the earliest times, but this has not interfered with the peaceful pursuit of the ways of life of different sections. Christians and Jews who came to India in the first century of the Christian era found hospitable reception here. After several centuries, the Parsis and Muslims received equal reception. Ever since then, India has been marked by the prosperity of communities belonging to different religions. The people of India values the importance of National Integration.

The dictum of catholicity of Indian Culture, ‘live and let live’, have been forged through ages, different religious races and cultures of the vast country into a united concept of oneness that is India. It was this inherent unity and communal harmony which enabled India to fight against the British might as one man for freedom.

communal harmony essay 100 words

The Preamble to the Constitution described India as a Sovereign Socialist Secular Democratic Republic and secures to all citizens liberty of thought, expression belief, faith and worship.

Articles 25 to 30, in particular, guarantee to everyone the right of freedom of religion freedom of conscience and the right freely to profess, practice and propagate religion.

Communal Harmony is a pre-requisite for National integration in India

Communalism endangers National Integration. National integration is thus an established fact. Why are we then worried? The cause of anxiety is the separatist tendency which tends to endanger the age-old communal harmony and unity of the country. The fissiparous tendencies like aggressive communalism, regionalism, linguism, religious bigotry and casteism are threatening the natural integration. Let us therefore, study the genesis and forms of operation of these tendencies, so that concrete steps may be taken to eliminate these trends from our society.

The foremost danger to National Integration is rapid communalism.

Communalism’s ugliest manifest is communal riots which occur in this country with a disconcerting frequency. The worst affected States are Uttar Pradesh, Gujarat, Bihar and also in Delhi city.

Admittedly, there is no doubt that the communal question was nurtured and grew to menacing proportions with the politically motivated encouragement given by British rulers to certain communities. The expectations of Mahatma Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru did not come into reality. The spurt of communal riots in the post independence years is as a reminder of the harsh reality and proved that communalism has now deeper roots than before. Now, steps should therefore, be taken to to strengthen the feeling of National Integration, Unity and Communal Harmony.

Linguism is yet another problem and sectarian sentiment which has been granulated in the recent past. The reorganization of states on linguistic basis is considered to have given impetus to linguism. Again, the adoption of Hindi as the official language of India roused linguistic sentiments.

Casteism constitutes yet another potential threat to the Communal Harmony and National Integration in India. From the time immemorial this system has been grown up. Now it is one of the great problems of our society. Casteism might have done well but at the moment it endangers our national unity. But it is a misfortune that our political parties in their keenness to win the elections have revived caste feelings.


It is the sacred duty of our political leaders to inject the importance of communal harmony in their political programs. The danger of communalism can be averted if the self-defeating and suicidal slogans like ‘my state’, my language’, my caste’ and after all ‘my religion’ are supreme, give way to the noble sentiment of India first and last and always. It will integrate our emotions and aspirations and ensure Communal Harmony and National integration of the country. Then the slogan ‘unity in diversity’ will be true and be our hopes and aspirations.

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Essay on National integration for Children and Students

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Table of Contents

Essay on National integration: National integration is a feeling of oneness and togetherness by the citizens of a nation. It is very important for the citizens to live in harmony and for the progress of the nation. Father of the nation Mahatma Gandhi had also stressed on national integration as he knew its importance in fighting with the Britishers. National Integration is very important and significant from nation’s security point of view. There is an urgent need to raise national integration in the best interest of the nation and its people.

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Long and Short Essay on National Integration in English

  • National integration is a way to make people aware about the power of unity among people living in a country.
  • It makes people aware about the necessity of Rastriya Ekta by bringing equality among people of different culture, race, cast and religion.
  • We have provided essay on national integration in various words limit for your lovely kids and school going children. Let them know about national integration in very simple words and sentences.
  • Let your children be smart enough in the class by helping him to learn such simple national integration essay.

Essay on National integration in 100 words

National integration is also known as Rastriya Ekta and National integration day as Rastriya Ekta Diwas. It is a positive aspect to reduce the differences of socio-cultural and economic as well as inequalities among people of the country.

  • It promotes to strengthen the unity among people of any group, society, community and whole country to bring national unity a day.
  • It is not a force by any authority however it is a request from people to make our country a developed country.
  • It is possible only through the unity and harmony of the people. They should share their ideas, values and other issues to enhance their emotional bonds.
  • People must feel and live the unity within diversity and make our national identity a supreme power.

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Essay on National integration in 150 words

National integration is of great importance in India to enhance the individual level development in this country and make it a strong country.

In order to make people aware of it completely, it is celebrated as an event every year on 19 th of November (birthday anniversary of first woman Indian prime minister, Indira Gandhi) as National Integration Day (means Rastriya Ekta Diwas) and National Integration Week ((means Quami Ekta Week) from 19 th of November to 25 th of November. The real meaning of the integration is combination of various parts to make it one.

India is a country where people from various regions, religions, culture, tradition, race, cast, colour, and creed are living together. So, people integration is must in India to make a national integration. If people from different religions and culture live together by uniting, there will be no any social or developmental problems. It is known as unity in diversity in India however it is not true but we (youth of the country) have to make it possible.

National Integration Essay in 200 words

In India National Integration Day is observed as a most important social event every year on 19 th of November. For more awareness among public about the national integration, a whole week programme has also been implemented by the government of India to observe annually as National Integration Week from 19 th to 25 th November. India is a country famous for its different cultures, traditions, races, religions, castes and creeds but it cannot be unseen that it is still comes under the developing countries because of the diversity in the thinking of people living here. People living here think differently according to their own culture and religion which is a big issue of hindering the individual and country development.

India is famous for its unity in diversity but it is not true as people here are not ready to accept others opinion for development. Everyone always try here that his religion is best than others and what he does is always great. People from different races living here are fighting physically, emotionally, arguing, debating in many ways to prove them best only for their own benefits. They never think by getting together about their country. They never think that the development of our country is possible only with growth and development of individual and single identity of everyone.

Essay on National integration in 2 00 words

National integration is a process to bring unity among people of different religions to create a single identity of India as “Unity of People”. It is one and only way to remove inequality and other social issues like diversities, racial discriminations, etc in the society as well as strengthen the solidarity and unity. India is a multi-caste and multi-lingual country where people from different castes live and speak different languages. They follow their own customs and traditions according to the religion they belong. In India there is not only a diversity among people of religions, castes, creeds, colours and cultures but there is also a diversity of thinking which is a big issue of improper development in India.

There is a high degree of disintegration exists among Indian people which make a bad present scenario here with communal and other problems. Because of the disintegration in India, we have faced lots of social problems like partition in India in 1947, destruction of Babri Masjid in 1992, riots between people of Muslim and Hindu religions. Barrier of untouchability, barrier of language, status barrier and other social barriers are pulling us back. Various rules and regulations have been planned and implemented by the government of India to bring artificial unity in diversity however it is only human mind which can bring natural unity in diversity among people.

All the social issues arising here is because of the lack of national integration. We all should understand the need and requirement, real meaning and purpose of this national integration. We should live and think equally as well as follow all the rules and regulations by the Indian government for the ultimate development of our country.

Essay on National integration in 3 00 words

India is a land where contrast people with their unique culture and diverse facets of lifestyle are living. Obviously, it is quite clear that we need to understand the meaning of national integration in our lives and follow everything to give a single identity of our country. People in India belong to different castes, races, religions, communities and cultural groups and lived together for years. Diversity of religions, castes and creeds has enriched the cultural heritage of the India which arisen here a composite culture however it is very clear that India has always lacked political unity.

Indian has attained only once a political unity in the history in 1947 when Britishers were forced to go from here. They had followed various types of planned policies to divide and rule here however finally they became unsuccessful. Some of the points like cultural unity, defensive continuity, constitution, art, literature, common economic problems, national flag , national festivals, national anthem and national emblem are promoting the National Integration in India.

Instead of being from different religions and cases we should recognize that all are one in order to build a strong and prosperous nation. We need to understand the real meaning of the unity in diversity in India. It never means kind of oneness should be here because of racial and cultural similarity, it means that oneness instead of great differences here. India is counted as the country having second largest population all over the world, where more than one thousand six hundred fifty-two languages are spoken and people from all major religions of the world are living here together. In spite of all differences we should co-exist here with each other peacefully without any political or social conflicts. We should enjoy the unity in this great country where everything is diverse to fulfil the purpose of national integration.

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Essay on National integration in 4 00 words

India is a country of diversity in people’s races, religions, languages, castes, etc however unity is also seen here many times under the influence of common territory, history and continuous fight for the freedom from British rule. Britishers followed many years the policy of Divide and Rule in India in order to continue their ruling power over India. However the unity of Indian people from different races, religions and castes makes possible to run away the Britishers. However, after independence disintegration took place which divided India into Bharat and Pakistan.

Indian is a land of various religious communities like Hindus, Sikhs, Muslims, Christians, Jains, Buddhists and Parses. National integration is possible here only when each community live peacefully together, appreciate other community, love people of other community and respect culture and tradition of others. People from each community should observe their fairs, festivals and other great days peacefully. Each community should help each other and share the celebration of religious festivals. Any religious community should not do anything bad which is banned or prohibited in other religious community.

People of different religions speak different languages like Hindi, English, Urdu, Oriya, Bengali, Assamese, Gujarati, Marathi, Punjabi, etc. There should be equality among people of all religions and same facility for students of all castes. National integration in India is an immediate need in the modern time to bring equality among people of all races and equal growth and development of all communities for the ultimate development of the country. Indian government has founded the Council of National Integration in the hope that people living here would co-operate in fulfilling the purpose of its all programmes.

National integration is one combining group of all the people living of the nation to make a single identity. National integration is a particular sentiment which binds people together into one common bond of nation without noticing the religion, caste, background or language. We should identify ourselves as people of India not as from particular religion or caste. India is a big country having vast population of various creed and castes. It is a heritage rich country however we cannot say it a country having unity of people. It is possible through the huge awareness of the youths of the country. As a youth, we are the future of our country so we should fully understand our responsibility towards our nation and do all the required activities needed for the national integration.

Long Essay on National integration in 8 00 words

National integration refers to the feeling of oneness and unity among the citizens of a country. It is the recognition of being one despite the difference in caste, creed, colour and religion. National integration is extremely essential to maintain peace and prosperity of a country. A country where people live in harmony with each other stands far better prospects of growth and development compared to one where people lack unity. Government must take initiatives to invoke and promote the feeling of oneness among citizens.

Importance of National Integration

National integration is of utmost importance for any nation. It helps in bringing people closer and promotes peace and harmony in the society. It is the basis of a peaceful nation. The government must take it as its duty to ensure national integrity in order to give a safe and secure environment to the citizens. Only when the individuals feel safe can they prosper and grow. It is thus essential for the overall development of a nation.

Many third world countries including India have not been able to come at par with the first world nations due to lack of national integration. People in these countries are so engrossed in pulling each other down that they do not understand that they are barring their own growth in the event. They keep fighting for their petty issues and are unable to look at the bigger picture. They lack the capacity of viewing the nation as a whole.

A handful of such people instigate those around them and form groups thereby promoting hatred among people which is a threat to national integration which in turn is a threat to the peace and harmony of the country. The government must intervene here and sensitize people about the need to do away with the feeling of hatred and contribute towards national integration. However, the government of many such nations often neglects and overlooks this issue thereby giving rise to disintegration.

National Integration Week India

19 th November is celebrated as National Integration Day in India since the year 2013. It happens to be the birth anniversary of Indira Gandhi, the first woman Prime Minister of the country. The entire week starting 19 th November and ending 25 th November has been dedicated to national integration of the country. It is called the National Integration Week or the Qaumi Ekta Week.

The introduction of National Integration Week by the government of India is an attempt to promote brotherhood and oneness among the citizens of the country.

Several events are organized to celebrate this week. National Integration Camp, National Youth Festival and Inter State Youth Exchange Programme are among some of the events conducted to rejoice this week and encourage unity among the people of our country. Apart from this, various cultural activities and seminars are held to bring people closer and disseminate their differences.

Factors Affecting National Integration in India

Though we proudly say that India is a land of unity among diversity, we do know that this is not completely true. Even as the Indian government is making attempts to ensure national integration, it often falls short. There have been several instances of communal and religious riots in our country and several innocent lives have suffered due to the same. A number of factors affect national integration of our country. Main factors impacting the same are as follows:

  • Caste : Caste system in India has divided people more than anything. Since ancient times, people have been divided into four different castes including the Brahmanas, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas and Shudhras. People belonging to the upper castes such as Brahmanas and Kshatriyas look down upon those belonging to the lower castes. This has given rise to several clashes and fights.
  • Religion : People from different religions live in our country and each one of them is determined to prove that his religion and language is superior to the other. This is another cause of disintegration.
  • Economic Disparity : There is huge economic disparity among the citizens of our country. This is another cause of division among people and a hindrance to national integration.

National Integration and Communal Harmony

The need for national integration is strongly felt in a country like India as it is home for people belonging to different castes, creed and religion. Each religious group and caste in India believes that it is superior to the other and that it is not getting the due respect and privileges it should. In an attempt to prove their superiority, they often get into fight with the other groups. This disturbs the communal harmony of the country. In order to maintain peace and harmony it is important to stop fighting in the name of religion, caste and culture and see ourselves as one.

National integration plays a key role in building a nation. The need for the same is felt but the attempts to encourage it haven’t been as successful in India. There is still a lot of disparity and hatred among people of our country. The government must take some stringent steps to promote national integration and people must support it to strengthen the nation and give a better future to the coming generations.

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Essay on National integration FAQs

What is the summary of national integration.

National integration is the process of promoting unity and harmony among diverse communities within a country.

What is national integration 5 marks?

National integration, in 5 marks, refers to fostering a sense of oneness, inclusivity, and shared identity among the people of a nation, regardless of their differences in culture, religion, or language.

What national integration means?

National integration means bringing people from various backgrounds together to work and live as one united nation.

How to write an essay on national integration?

To write an essay on national integration, discuss the importance of unity, tolerance, and shared values among citizens in building a strong and inclusive nation.

In summary, national integration is about uniting a diverse population under a common identity and purpose.

What is the importance of national integration in present society?

The importance of national integration in present society lies in promoting social cohesion, preventing conflicts, and fostering a strong, harmonious nation where every citizen feels a sense of belonging and equality.

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Essay on Communalism in India

Students are often asked to write an essay on Communalism in India in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Communalism in India


Communalism in India refers to the practice of promoting hostility between different religious communities. It is a significant social issue that hinders national unity.

Communalism originated during the British rule in India. The British used ‘divide and rule’ policy to maintain control, which fueled communalism.

Communalism leads to violence, disrupting peace. It also hampers the progress of the nation by creating divisions among people.

To maintain harmony in India, it’s essential to combat communalism. Education and awareness about unity in diversity can help in this regard.

250 Words Essay on Communalism in India

Historical context.

The roots of communalism in India can be traced back to the colonial era. The British policy of ‘divide and rule’ exacerbated religious differences, leading to the partition of India in 1947. This historical event has left a lasting impact on the psyche of the Indian populace, often exploited by political entities for electoral gains.


Communalism disrupts the social fabric, leading to loss of lives, property, and communal harmony. It creates an environment of suspicion and fear, hindering national integration. Moreover, it diverts attention from pressing issues like poverty, unemployment, and education.

Curbing Communalism

Addressing communalism requires a multi-pronged approach. Education can play a pivotal role in promoting secular values and mutual respect. Media should responsibly report communal incidents, avoiding sensationalism. The legal framework should be strengthened to ensure swift justice for victims of communal violence.

Communalism, a deep-rooted problem in India, needs to be addressed with urgency. By fostering a culture of tolerance and inclusivity, India can uphold its secular ethos, ensuring peace and harmony for all its citizens. The fight against communalism is not just a legal battle, but a moral one, integral to the preservation of India’s diverse cultural heritage.

500 Words Essay on Communalism in India

Communalism in India, a multifaceted phenomenon, has emerged as a critical issue that impacts the socio-political fabric of the country. It is a tool that induces a sense of division among different religious communities, leading to conflicts, violence, and a threat to the harmony of the nation.

The Roots of Communalism

Manifestations of communalism.

Communalism manifests itself in various forms, ranging from discrimination and prejudice to communal violence and riots. It often results in the marginalization of certain communities, creating an environment of fear and hostility. The 1984 Anti-Sikh riots, the 1992 Babri Masjid demolition, and the 2002 Gujarat riots are stark examples of the devastating effects of communalism.

Impact on Society and Politics

Communalism has a profound impact on both society and politics. It disrupts social harmony, impeding the process of national integration. Politically, it leads to vote bank politics, where political parties manipulate communal sentiments to secure votes, further widening the communal divide.

Combating Communalism

Communalism poses a significant challenge to India’s unity in diversity. It is crucial to address this issue with sensitivity, fostering a culture of acceptance and respect for all religions. Only then can India truly progress towards becoming an inclusive and harmonious nation.

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Essay on communal harmony in english in very simple words.

Essay on Communal Harmony in English in Very Simple Words

Essay in very simple language with the boundaries of different words here. Here you can find Essay on Communal Harmony  in English language for 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 or IAS, IPS Banking and other competitive exams.

1 - Essay on Communal Harmony - 200 Words

India is a secular state. Our country's constitution gives its citizens the freedom to practice any religion of their choice. They also have the freedom to change their religion, if they want. The state has no official religion. Every religion in India is treated equally and is respected and it sets a long way in maintaining communal harmony in the country.

However, the Constitution of India also enforces laws to maintain communal harmony and the Government of India takes stern steps to ensure it. There have been many instances in the past who have disrupted peace in the name of religion.

Parsi-Muslim riots 1851, Bharuch riots 1857, Parsi-Muslim riots 1874, Salem riots 1882, Mipila riots 1921, Nagpur riots 1927, Ranchi-Hatiya riots 1967, Gujarat riots 1969, Moradabad riots 1980, Bhiwandi riots 1984. Dang 1984, Bhagalpur riots 1989, Hyderabad riots 1990, anti-Karnataka violence 1991, Bombay riots 1992-93, anti-Urdu riots 1994, Gujarat riots 2002, Vadodara riots 2006, canning riot 2013 and Muzaffarnagar riots 2013 are some examples of communal riots Who caused massive destruction in the country and created great panic among the citizens.

It is important for every person to contribute in understanding and maintaining the importance of communal harmony so that such cases should not be repeated in the future.

2 - Essay on Communal Harmony - 300 Words

Communal harmony is essential for every country. Only if there is peace and harmony in the country can it develop. India is known for maintaining communal harmony, because people of different religions and castes live here. This is known for its secular methods. The state does not follow any official religion. It gives its citizens the freedom to choose their religion at any time and change it. Strict action is taken against those individuals or groups who try to tamper with the communal harmony of the country.

Disintegration of communal harmony

Communal harmony has been interrupted many times in our country. Riots are common among different religious groups. Some examples of communal harmony mentioned below are:

Parsi-Muslim riots 1851

This protest was done by Muslims against a Parsi-owned publication Chitra Dyan Darpan.

Parsi-Muslim Riots 1874

Due to the publication of the prophet Muhammad in the famous prophets and communities by Rustamji Hormozzi Jal Bhoy, these riots broke out.

Salem Riots 1882

These riots were allegedly caused by Hindus showing displeasure against the construction of a mosque on the path of a Hindu religious procession.

1 989 Meerut communal riots

These Hindu-Muslim riots continued for 3 months and nearly 350 people were killed during these times.

2013 Gujarat Riots

These riots took place in February 2013 between Bengali Muslims and Bengali Hindus in West Bengal.

Apart from these, the riots of 1927, riots of Ranchi-Hatia in 1967, 1984 anti-Sikh riots, communal riots of Meerut in 1989, riots of Hyderabad in 1990, Bombay riots in 1992, 2002 riots in Gujarat and Muzaffarnagar of 2013 The riots also obstruct communal harmony on a large scale.

The Constitution of the country has enacted laws to ensure communal harmony in the country and the government is taking all necessary measures to ensure it. Unfortunately, there are still many instances which have disrupted communal harmony in the country.

3 - Essay on Communal Harmony - 400 Words

India is the biggest example of unity in diversity. People belonging to different religions not only live here in full harmony but also enjoy each other's company. Various festivals are celebrated with the same enthusiasm and people of various castes, backgrounds and religions work in complete cohesion with each other at offices and elsewhere.

Law to maintain communal harmony

India is a secular state. The Constitution of the country gives every citizen the right to choose and change his religion at any given time. Strict action is taken against any person, group or community who is compromising this constitutional law.

Interrupted by communal harmony groups

Even though there are laws to protect the peace of the nation, however, communal harmony in the country has still been interrupted many times. Here are some examples:

Mpila riots

It was a series of riots by the Mappila Muslims of Malabar, South India, between 1836 and 1921 against the original Hindus of the state.

This led to Hindu-Muslim disturbances in Salem of Tamil Nadu. It is believed that these rioters were protesting against the creation of a mosque on the way of Hindu religious procession by Hindus.

1927 Nagpur riots

These were a series of riots in different cities during the 1920s between Hindu and Muslim groups.

1984 anti-Sikh riots

It is said that these riots were done to take revenge for the death of former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, who were shot by their Sikh bodyguards.

1989 Meerut communal riots

This was a series of violent riots between Hindus and Muslims. Between March to June 1987, rioting in Uttar Pradesh's Meerut continued for about 3 months. About 350 people were killed during these riots.

1990 Hyderabad Riots

These riots took place in Hyderabad in the year 1990 and as a result, about 200-300 innocent people were murdered. Thousands of people were injured.

2013 Muzaffarnagar riots

There were riots between Hindus and Muslims in Muzaffarnagar district of Uttar Pradesh. Skirmishes continued for almost 2 months and nearly 60 people lost their life.

It is necessary to ensure communal harmony among the people. Communal violence disturbs the normal life of the affected city / state and also creates panic among the rest of the country.

4 - Essay on Communal Harmony - 500 Words

India is a peaceful country. No wonder people of diverse backgrounds live here with each other. While people of the country at large scale help in maintaining communal harmony in the country. However, he has been troubled many times. Here is an example of how communal harmony prevails and inhibiting it in the country.

Maintaining communal harmony

India is a secular nation. There is no special official religion in the country. It gives its citizens the freedom to choose and change their religion according to their wishes. The state treats all religions equally. This is a way of promoting communal harmony in the country. Strict action is taken against any person or group trying to dissolve communal peace in the country.

While the government is taking stringent measures to ensure communal harmony in the country, it has been troubled many times. Some examples of this are:

1980 Moradabad riots

These riots took place in Moradabad city of India during August-November 1980. All this started when a group of Muslims threw stones at the police because they refused to remove a pig from Idgah. Police fired counter-attacks and as a result many people were killed.

1989 Bhagalpur Violence

Bhagalpur Riot of 1989 was held between Hindus and Muslims in Bhagalpur district of Bihar. It started in October 1989 and continued for two months. Not only Bhagalpur, around 250 villages were affected by the violence due to these riots. More than 1,000 people were killed and more than 50,000 people were displaced during these two months.

1992-93 Bombay Riots

The riots in December 1992 and January 1993 killed approximately 900 people. They were told in 1992 about the reaction of Babri Masjid demolition in Ayodhya.

2002 Gujarat riots

The riots caused the burning of the train due to the death of 58 pilgrims. The train that was returning from Ayodhya to Karaswak was burnt to Godhra Station. In these riots, about 254 Hindus were killed and 790 were Muslims. About 2,500 people were injured and 223 were missing.

2013 Canning Riots

These riots took place in February 2013 between Bengali Muslims and Bengali Hindus in West Bengal. The outbreak happened after unknown assailants followed the murder of a Muslim clerk. The Muslims burnt Hindu homes in Goladogra, Gopalpur, Harabhanga and Naliyakhali villages of the Canning Police Station area.

Apart from these, the Bharuch riots of 1857, the Nagpur riots of 1927, the Gujarat riots of 1969, 1984 Sikh riots, 1984 Bhiwandi riots, 1985 Gujarat riots, 1989 Meerut communal riots, 1990 Hyderabad riots, 2002 Gujarat riots, 2006 Vadodara riots and 2013 Muzaffarnagar riots Too Demonstrate mass destruction and communal harmony of the country.

India has been praised for its secular methods throughout the world. People from different religions live here in harmony. However, peace of the country has been interrupted many times by various religious groups and communities. There is a need for communal harmony between the citizens, because maintaining peace and harmony is the first step towards building a nation.

5 - Essay on Communal Harmony - 600 Words

India is home to different religions and castes. People belonging to different ethnic groups and religions are here to meet each other. At work, in schools, people of different backgrounds come together and work together / study while doing professional work. Cordial atmosphere is maintained at such places. However, at times it has happened when the citizens of our country have caused problems due to religious differences. Here's how our government binds citizens into unity and how they break down at different points.

Secularism binds people

With the 42nd amendment to the Indian Constitution in 1976, the Preamble Constitution states that India is a secular nation. The country does not obey any official state religion. Laws require the state and its institutions to accept and respect all religions. Every person in the country is free to choose his religion and change it at any time. To give equal rights to all religions and to choose the religion of any one is a way of ensuring communal harmony in the country.

Examples of communal riots

While the country's constitution is self-centered to maintain communal harmony, at times it has been interrupted. Here are some examples of communal riots in India:

1857 Bharuch riots

These riots took place between Bohras Muslims and Parsis in May 1857. The riots started because some Muslims accused Parsi for breaking a mosque on Bezonji Sheriyaji Bharucha. After five days, more than 200 Muslims gathered together and attacked Dastur Kamdin Dar-e-Mehr, brutally assassinated a fire temple and its high priest.

1969 Gujarat Riots

It refers to the riots between Hindus and Muslims in Gujarat during September-October 1969. This was the first major communal violence in Gujarat that included sweeping massacre and genocide. During these riots, about 660 people were killed and 1074 injured.

Also known as the 1984 Sikh Massacre, it was a series of attacks against Sikhs in India. It is said that former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi was attacked by her Sikh mob in a protest against the murder. During these riots, about 2800 people were killed across the country, of whom approximately 2100 were from Delhi.

1984 Bhiwandi riots

These riots took place in and around the city of Bhiwandi in Maharashtra in 1984. During the Bhiwandi riots, 278 people were killed and more than 1000 were injured. The outbreak happened when a saffron flag was placed on top of a mosque.

1985 Gujarat Riots

These riots began in February 1985 and continued till about 9 months till October. It is believed that this violence was done by the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in an attempt to defame the ruling government. It was initially an issue of Hindu caste due to reservation policy. However, gradually it turned into Hindu-Muslim communal riots.

2006 Vadodara riots

Apart from this, the 2006 Dargah is known as the riots, it happened in Vadodara, Gujarat in May 2006. The riots were the result of the decision of the municipal council to remove Sufi saint Syed Chishti Rashiduddin's dargah. It is said that the police targeted the Muslims during this incident. During these riots, incidents of Hindu-Muslim clashes took place in many areas.

Religion is a very sensitive issue. India has always followed the policy of secularism. The Constitution of our country gives every person complete freedom to choose his religion. However, there are some groups and individuals who inhibit peace and harmony in the country by spreading communal violence. But peace has always conquered communal violence.

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communal harmony essay 100 words

Communal Harmony : Anything Violence can do, Peace can do better.

Communal harmony exists when there are peace and harmony among different religious communities. India is a diverse country, is home to many religions. The constitution of India mentions that India is a secular country meaning that its people can practice and profess the faith of their liking. All citizens can follow any religion they want, and the state cannot support or favor any one religion. The constitution also provides us with a fundamental right to freedom of religion. All Indians have fundamental rights that they have since birth.

However, communal disharmony treats peace and harmony among religions, causing riots. These riots turn violent, killing, and injuring many people of different religious communities. Many have to leave their homes due to these riots. Some instances of communal riots include the Bombay riots of 1993, Gujarat riots of 2002, the Muzaffarnagar riots of 2013, and the Delhi riots of 2020.

These riots show us the importance of communal harmony for a country such as India. We need to respect another person’s religion and faith. The constitution provides for laws and protection of citizens. The government takes strict action during these riots. The importance of communal harmony should be spread and made aware of all. The right to freedom of religion protects us, but at the same time, we must build tolerance and respect towards different faiths. Communal harmony day or Sadhbhavana Diwas celebrates this idea on 20th August of every year.

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