Home Blog Presentation Ideas How to Give A Compelling Interview Presentation: Tips, Examples and Topic Ideas

How to Give A Compelling Interview Presentation: Tips, Examples and Topic Ideas

How to Give A Compelling Interview Presentation

Interview presentations have now become the new norm for most industries. They are popular for sales, marketing, technology, and academic positions. If you have been asked to deliver one for your job interview presentation, prepare to build a strong case for yourself as a candidate.

Giving a general presentation is already daunting. But selling yourself is always the hardest. Spectacular credentials and stellar expertise don’t count much if you cannot present them clearly, which you are expected to do during your interview presentation.

So, let’s prime you up for the challenge. This post is action-packed with job interview PowerPoint presentation examples and will teach you the best way to do a presentation without stressing too much!

Table of Contents

What is an Interview Presentation?

What should an interview presentation look like, how to prepare for a job interview presentation: the basics, define your structure, what slides to include, how to come up with 15-minute interview presentation ideas, how to conclude your interview presentation, how to prepare for an interview: the final tips, what to do at the first interaction with the company elevator pitch for interview, presentation design tips, how to overcome presentation anxiety, tips on maintaining positive body language throughout the presentation, your final act.

An interview presentation, also known as a job interview presentation or interview portfolio, is a formal and structured way for candidates to showcase their skills, qualifications, and suitability for a specific job position during an interview. It goes beyond the typical Q&A format of interviews, allowing candidates to demonstrate their expertise through a prepared presentation. Employers commonly request interview presentations in various industries, such as sales, marketing, technology, academia, and management roles. These presentations serve several important purposes: assessing communication skills, evaluating cultural fit, measuring expertise, analyzing problem-solving skills, and observing presentation skills. While the specific format and requirements of interview presentations vary widely, candidates typically receive guidelines from the employer regarding the topic, duration, and any specific criteria to be addressed. In essence, an interview presentation is an opportunity for candidates to make a compelling case for their candidacy, showcasing their qualifications, experience, and suitability for the job. It requires careful preparation, effective communication, and the ability to engage and persuade the interview panel. A successful interview presentation can significantly enhance a candidate’s chances of securing the desired position.

Think of your interview presentation as a sales pitch.

Your goal is to convince the human resources team that you are the best candidate. The kick here is that you will present to a warm audience – you already impressed them enough with your resume to be called in for an interview. We recommend generating a strategy and presentation based on a 30 60 90 Day Plan .

Employers request interview presentations for a few simple reasons:

  • To assess your communication and public speaking skills.
  • To understand whether you are the right cultural fit for the company.
  • To develop a better sense of how well-versed you are in the domain .

So, your first job is ensuring your presentation fits the criteria. Review the company’s job description again and jot down all the candidate requirements. Take the time to read about their company values and mission. Be proactive and ask precisely what you should cover during your presentation.

Most interview presentations will differ in content and style, but here’s a quick example to give you more context:

Iterview PowerPoint template design

[ Use This Template ]

Before you get elbow-deep in designing that PowerPoint for a job interview presentation, do some scouting and reach out to the HR team with a few questions.

You want your presentation to be on-point and technically accurate, so ask your contact the following:

  • How long should an interview presentation be? Fifteen minutes is the golden standard, though some employers may ask to cut it down to just 10 minutes or extend it to 20-25.
  • Who exactly will be present? A conversational presentation would undoubtedly be welcomed by your peers and a team leader but may appear too casual for the senior managers or board of directors.
  • Does the HR team have a particular agenda in mind? Ask some leading questions to understand what kind of skills/experience they want you to demonstrate. If needed, use a proper agenda slide to include your content.
  • What’s the IT setup? Should you bring your laptop? Do you need an adapter to connect to their projector? What kind of presentation software have they installed – PowerPoint, Keynote, Google Slides?

Everyone appreciates clarity.

In fact, 89% of professionals state their ability to communicate with clarity directly impacts their career and income.

Your presentation should flow, not rumble. Make sure that your story is easy to follow and your key message is easy to digest, remember, and pass on. If you want people to retain your main points, opt for the following structure:

3D Ladder with arrow PowerPoint infographic

Source: this infographic was created with  3 Steps Editable 3D Ladder Infographic

Here’s an interview presentation example styled in this fashion.

What is: The company’s presence in the Middle East is low. Only 15% of revenues come from the top markets.

Why this matters: The UAE fashion market alone is expected to grow at a CAGR of 21% during the next five years.

What could be: I have helped my previous employer open a flagship store in Dubai, have a lot of industry contacts, and am familiar with the local legislature. Your brand can expect a 17% revenue growth within one year of opening.

You can find even more ideas for designing your presentations in this post .

The choice of slides will largely depend on whether you are asked to talk about yourself or present on some task that you will be required to do as part of your job (e.g., create marketing campaigns).

Most interview presentation templates feature the following slides:

  • Opening Slide
  • Quick Bio/Personal Summary
  • Career Path
  • Education timeline
  • Key Skills and Expertise
  • Case studies/examples of the problems you have solved at your past jobs
  • Your vision for your future role.
  • What exactly can you bring in as the candidate (we will come back to this one later on!)

Can’t figure out where to start? Check out our AI PowerPoint generator to create an entire interview slide deck in a couple of clicks, or just download a job interview template . Swipe down to learn from the either of the following job interview presentation samples.

Typically, a talent acquisition team will suggest broad interview presentation topics for you. For example, if you are applying for a sales position, they may ask you to develop a sales presentation for some product (real or imaginary).

Some employers will request a short presentation about you or your hobbies to understand whether you are a good “fit” for the team and share the company’s values. Remember this: your audience will be assessing your aptitude for the role, no matter which topic you were given.

In fact, the interviewers at this point don’t care that much about your experience and skills. They want to know how you can apply those to solve the company’s pressing problems – meet sales targets, improve ROI from social media marketing or help them earn more revenue.

Your job is to make an educated guess… predict the most wrenching problem, and pitch your “magic pill” during your interview presentation.

I know what you are thinking – but how do I find the right opportunity/problem to tackle?

Businesses across different industries pretty much struggle with the same generic challenges related to either of the following:

Your topic should clearly address one of these areas and offer a potential roadmap for solving some specific problem within it.

Let’s say that you are applying for a sales role. Clearly, you will want to tackle the “customer audience” set of problems. To refine your idea, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Can you think of a new customer segment the company should target? Who are they, what do they want, and how you can help the company reach them?
  • Do you have a network or experience to identify and pitch new clients?
  • Can you think of new collaboration opportunities the company could use to attract a whole new niche of customers?

So a sample job interview presentation about yourself should include a series of Problem & Solution Slides , showing exactly how you will address that issue if the company hires you.

Here’s another PowerPoint presentation about yourself for job interview example worth using – incorporate a case study slide, showing how you have successfully solved a similar problem for your past employer.

Wrap up your presentation by laying out the key steps the company needs to take. Give an estimate of how much time it will take to tackle the problem, and what changes/investments should be made.

Your conclusion should tell this: “Hire me and I will solve this problem for you in no time!”.

How to Prepare for an Interview: The Final Tips

Source: StockSnap

Dial-Up Your Power

Take a deep breath and strike a “power pose” before you enter the room.

According to her research, power posers performed better during interviews and were more likely to get hired. Another study also proved this theory: unaware judges gave major preference to the power-primed applicants. So yes, pep talks do work!

The first 30 Seconds Count The Most

What you do and say in the first 30 seconds will make the most impact. Psychological  research  shows that listeners form opinions about your personality and intelligence in the first 30 seconds of the interview. So be sure to start with a compelling opening, framing exactly how you want to be perceived.

Try To Appear Similar to the Interviewer

Lauren Rivera, a professor from Kellogg School,  came to the conclusion that interviewers tend to hire “people like them” .

Even the top human resource management folks fall for this bias and tend to base their evaluations on how similar a candidate is to them, instead of trying to decide whether the person’s skill set is ideal for the position. So to be liked, you will have to act relatable.

Back up your statements with facts

To deliver a presentation with a bang, you can make use of pre-analyzed facts to support your hypothesis. Make sure to do your homework, study the company and its competitive landscape, and do the professional work you would have done as a member of the company crew. At some point in your interview presentation, you go “off the script”, and pull out a bunch of documents, supporting your statements.

ppt presentation on interview skills

For example, you can give away a quick plan indicating a number of things the employer could do today to save money, even if they don’t hire you. Make sure to be meticulous; your work will speak for you. But giving away this work will show the employer your commitment, skills, and focus.

And that’s exactly how to make your job interview presentation stand out. Most candidates just ramble about their skills and past career moves. You bring specificity and proof to the platter, showing exactly what makes you a great hire fair and square.

Within a selection process, there are many interactions (interviews and dynamics) that you must successfully complete in order to be the next selected candidate. One of your objectives in this first interaction should be to generate a great first impression in the company. For this, we recommend using the Elevator Pitch for Interview technique.

The Elevator Pitch for Interview will allow you to present yourself in a solid and professional way in less than 60 seconds, in order to generate an outstanding first impression.

What is an Elevator Pitch for an Interview?

The Elevator Pitch is a condensed speech about yourself that aims to generate engagement in no more than 60 seconds. Entrepreneurs widely use this type of speech to persuade investors and job seekers in job interviews. Your Elevator Pitch for the Interview will generate a great first impression to the employer and be better positioned than other candidates. If your goal is to make a convincing presentation in a job interview, your Elevator Pitch needs to be well crafted.

How to Make an Elevator Pitch for an Interview

There are many ways and tips to make an excellent Elevator Pitch for a job interview. This section provides you with essential advice to make your interview more convincing.

Identify your target

You need to know to whom you are presenting yourself. Is it a recruiter? or an executive?. Your Elevator Pitch will change depending on the receiver.

Comprehend the needs of the hiring company

Make an advanced study about the search requirements for the job position. Identify your strengths. Highlight them. Demonstrate your experience. Identify your weaknesses. Show that you have a profile that seeks constant improvement

Create a clear, concise, and truthful Elevator Pitch

This point is critical. Your Elevator Pitch must be clear, concise, genuine, and impactful. Go from less to more. Generate a real hook in your audience. Try not to go off-topic or talk too much, and be brief in everything you want to say.

Speak naturally and confidently

If you can speak fluently and naturally, you can show a confident profile. Show you know what you are talking about and what you want.

Elevator Pitch Example for Job Seekers

This section illustrates an Elevator Pitch Example targeted to Recruiters. It will help you put together your own.

“My name is [NAME]. After graduating with a degree in Business Administration, I have spent the last five years accumulating professional experience as a Project Assistant and Project Manager. I have successfully managed intangible products’ planning, strategy, and launch these past few years. I was excited to learn about this opportunity in Big Data – I’ve always been passionate about how technology and the use of information can greatly improve the way we live. I would love the opportunity to bring my project management and leadership skills to this position.”

Ways to avoid common mistakes in your Elevator Pitch

Keep in mind the following points to avoid making mistakes in your Elevator Pitch for an Interview.

Don’t hurry to make your Elevator Pitch

The Elevator Pitch lasts approximately 60 seconds. Do it on your own time and naturally, as long as you make it clear and concise.

Do not always use the same Elevator Pitch for all cases

One recommendation is not to repeat the same Elevator Pitch in all your interviews. Make changes. Try new options and ways of saying the information. Try different versions and check with your experience which generates more engagement and persuasion.

Make it easy to understand

Articulate your pitch as a story. Think that the person in front of you does not know you and is interested in learning more about your profile. Don’t make your Elevator Pitch challenging to appear more sophisticated. Simply generate a clear and easy-to-understand narrative, where all the data you tell is factual and verifiable.

Don’t forget to practice it

Practice is the key to success. Your Elevator Pitch for Interview will become more professional, convincing, and natural with practice.

How to End an Elevator Pitch?

An essential aspect of ending an Elevator Pitch for an Interview is demonstrating interest and passion for the position. You have already presented yourself and established that you have the necessary background for the job. Closing with phrases revealing passion and attitude will help reinforce your pitch.

We recommend you use expressions such as:

“I have always been interested and curious about the area in which the company operates, and it would be a great challenge for me to be able to perform in this position.”

“I have been interested in moving into your company for a while, and I love what your team is doing in IT.”

“I would like to advance my career with an employer with the same values. I know that thanks to my profile and experience, I can make excellent contributions to your company.”

Keep It Visual: Use visuals like images, graphs, and charts to convey your points effectively. Visuals can make complex information more accessible and engaging. Consistency Matters: Maintain a consistent design throughout your presentation. Use the same fonts, color schemes, and formatting to create a cohesive look. Practice Timing: Be mindful of the allotted time for your presentation. Practice to ensure you can comfortably cover your content within the time limit. Engage the Audience: Incorporate elements that engage the audience, such as questions, anecdotes, or real-world examples. Interaction keeps the interview panel interested. Use White Space: Avoid cluttered slides. Use white space to create a clean and uncluttered design that enhances readability.

Presenting during a job interview can be nerve-wracking. Here are some strategies to overcome presentation anxiety:

  • Practice: Practice your presentation multiple times, ideally in front of a friend or mentor. The more you rehearse, the more confident you’ll become.
  • Visualization: Visualize yourself by giving a successful presentation. Imagine yourself speaking confidently and engaging the audience.
  • Breathing Techniques: Deep breathing can help calm nerves. Take slow, deep breaths before and during your presentation to reduce anxiety.
  • Positive Self-Talk: Replace negative thoughts with positive affirmations. Remind yourself of your qualifications and the value you bring to the role.
  • Focus on the Message: Concentrate on delivering your message rather than dwelling on your anxiety. Remember that the interviewers want to learn about your skills and experiences.
  • Arrive Early: Arrive at the interview location early. This gives you time to get comfortable with the environment and set up any technical equipment you use.

Maintain Good Posture: Stand or sit up straight with your shoulders back. Good posture conveys confidence and attentiveness. Make Eye Contact: Establish and maintain eye contact with your audience to show confidence and engagement. Use Open Gestures: Employ open gestures, like open palms and expansive arm movements, to convey enthusiasm and openness. Smile and Show Enthusiasm: Genuine smiles and enthusiastic facial expressions demonstrate passion and eagerness. Control Nervous Habits: Be mindful of nervous habits like tapping or fidgeting, which can distract your audience and convey anxiety.

Stop fretting and start prepping for your interview presentation. You now have all the nitty-gritty presentation tips to ace that interview. If you are feeling overwhelmed with the design part, browse our extensive gallery of PowerPoint templates and cherry-pick specific elements ( diagrams , shapes , and data charts ) to give your interview presentation the top visual appeal.

Here you can see some 100% editable templates available on SlideModel that could be useful for preparing an interview presentation.

1. Versatile Self-Introduction PowerPoint Template

ppt presentation on interview skills

Use This Template

2. Professional Curriculum Vitae PowerPoint Template

ppt presentation on interview skills

This a sample of PowerPoint presentation template that you can use to present a curriculum and prepare for a job interview presentation. The PPT template is compatible with PowerPoint but also with Google Slides.

3. Modern 1-Page Resume Template for PowerPoint

ppt presentation on interview skills

4. Multi-Slide Resume PowerPoint Template

ppt presentation on interview skills

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HR, Human Resources, Interview, Job, Resume Filed under Presentation Ideas

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Complete Guide For Preparing Job Interview Presentation With Examples

Making a presentation during an interview can be intimidating! Still, it’s a terrific method for you to highlight your abilities, personality, and suitability for the position and an excellent approach for employers to learn more about your expertise and knowledge.

Your ability to effectively communicate essential information and the quality of your design can frequently make the difference between a failed and successful presentation. No matter how solid your research or ideas are, excessive slides, packed content, and unreadable fonts might turn interviewers off. However, developing an eye-catching presentation can support your expertise and give you more confidence. It is a skill you should invest time in learning.

In today’s blog, we will go through all the components you should include in a presentation for interview and how to deliver them efficiently.

What Is A Job Interview Presentation?

Before seeing what you should include in a presentation for interview, let us discuss what is an interview PowerPoint presentation: 

As your career advances, especially to an executive position, you might be required to give a presentation during an interview. These kinds of presentations help the hiring manager in doing employee performance reviews and let them decide whether you’re worthy of the position. 

What Is A Job Interview Presentation

You may have to assemble a business plan and present your ideas, finish a task and demonstrate how you approached it, conduct research and submit your findings to a panel, or even give a presentation about why you would be an excellent fit for the position. All these presentations and tasks can be classified as interview presentations as they will convey your knowledge about the industry, organizational skills, communication skills, attention to detail, creativity, and more.

Giving presentations is something that many people find scary, especially when they’re concerned about an interview. However, you might have to do it at some point in your career, so the sooner you learn how to do it, the better. So, in the next section, we will see what an employer expects to see in your presentation for interview. 

What Is the Employer Looking for in a presentation for interview?

The employer searches for a candidate who will stand out throughout the hiring process. They are looking for someone who will blend in with the business culture and who is knowledgeable about their profession. Another method to determine if candidates are qualified for the position is to ask them to give a presentation.

During the interview, your employer might notice the following crucial competencies:

  • Your written and vocal communication style
  • The way you interact with your audience
  • Your profession and industry expertise
  • Your capacity to adhere to a brief
  • Your capacity for organization
  • Your meticulousness

When an employer witnesses a blind presentation, they can additionally note:

  • Your ability to function under pressure
  • How imaginative you are

In the end, the employer is also determining whether you fulfill the requirements listed in the job description, so make sure to review it while you prepare.

What to include in a job interview presentation template

Here are a few components that you should consider while preparing a powerpoint presentation for interview:

Presentation type and topic

Choose a presentation style before you start getting ready for a presentation. It will impact the kind of template you make. For a virtual slideshow presentation, write a simple slide breakdown or a script for an oral presentation. The technologies used during your interview also influence your presentations. Consider contacting a recruiting manager with any queries before making any preparations if you need clarification on what they anticipate. When given a topic for your presentation, you can plan your study accordingly. Alternatively, suppose you have the freedom to select your topic. In that case, it’s advisable to focus on themes that ignite your passion and align with your expertise, ensuring you can effectively convey your message quickly.

Make a shorter presentation with tons of words, even if you want to impress your potential boss by showing how much effort you put in. Keep it simple with short slides that look good and convey your message. Aim for no more than ten slides, and make everything brief. It guarantees that the material you present will stick in the recruiter’s mind and make you stand out from the other applicants. Some recruiters might even allot a certain amount of time for your presentation; be sure to account for this and stay within it to avoid giving the impression that you lack time management abilities.

Include research findings and quotes from prominent figures in the industry in your presentation if you are performing research for it. It exhibits your business awareness and lends authority to your ideas.

Brand Style

Use the presentation and style of the company. It will demonstrate your diligence in research and draw attention to your brand awareness.

How To Prepare A Presentation For A Job Interview

Shows How to prepare for job interview

To prepare a PowerPoint presentation for interview, follow these five steps:

1. Analyze the business

Be sure to research the company you are applying to before submitting your application. By exploring the business, you can incorporate crucial details into your presentation. To learn more about the company’s offerings, application procedure, market size, performance, leadership, and governance, visit their website. Examine news stories, features, and press releases recently covered by the media. If the business has a social media account, review the most recent updates to see the preferred tone and any new advancements.

2. Recognize your target audience

The audience for your interview will probably vary depending on the job you are applying for. It is essential to know who will be at your presentation, their departments, roles, and what they’re good at. For example, suppose you’re applying for human resources. In that case, your presentation will differ from someone applying for a sales or executive role. Hence, it will be more effective if you customize your presentation for the audience. Make a PowerPoint presentation that interests and is relevant to the audience’s technical and non-technical segments.

3. Get notes ready

Make notes on the company or sector you will present for. It’s crucial to be ready to discuss the topic you’ll be given during the interview. The interviewer can gauge your understanding of the more significant business the company works in, so include current industry news in your notes.

4. Adopt a rational framework

Make sure that the format of your presentation is well-organized. An organized presentation makes it easier for your audience to follow along and stay interested. A strong finish, exciting material, and an engaging introduction define a successful presentation. A strong opening grabs the audience’s attention, and your engaging facts persuade them that you are a standout contender.

5. Work on your delivery

Once your presentation is ready, practice delivering it. You can also catch presenting mistakes with proper practice. You can get prepared by using a camera to record yourself. You can also present in front of your friends and solicit their opinions on what went well and what still needs improvement.

How to Deliver Your Presentation For Interview

When delivering a PowerPoint presentation for interview, follow these tips:

  • Seek advice
  • Recognize your target
  • Identify a central idea
  • Tell an engaging tale
  • Take a strategic stance
  • Adopt a constructive mindset
  • Get comfortable delivering
  • Communicate nonverbally
  • Conclude powerfully

How to Deliver Your Presentation?

1. Seek advice

Ask the recruiting manager for any clarification you might need before you start working on your presentation. Read and review all the directions regarding the presentation first. Ask the hiring team if they would prefer to hear about a particular topic or if you should develop your own if the instructions do not specify one. Next, determine how long you can expect to speak with the hiring team. You can show that you are detail-oriented, receptive to criticism, and have practical communication skills by asking for help.

2. Recognise your target

Find out how knowledgeable the audience is so that you can communicate at a level that is understandable and sophisticated. To better understand the audience and adjust your discussion to your audience’s knowledge, experience, and interests, think about asking for names and positions. Obtaining all your information will help you make your discussion more effective and relevant, raising your candidature rating.

3. Identify a central idea

Be careful to choose a focal point when deciding on a presentation topic. Ensure the audience understands your presentation’s main point by organizing it around a single idea. Reduce the points in your presentation to make it seem comprehensive, well-thought-out, and professionally prepared.

4. Tell an engaging tale

Some of the best ways to organize a presentation are through conventional storytelling techniques , whether you’re talking about a finished project or a highly technical subject. Using a proven method, you can make your message stick in people’s minds and grab their attention. To tell an engaging story, take the following actions:

  • Describe the issue.
  • Describe the significance of the issue.
  • Talk about the difficulties you encountered while trying to find the solution.
  • Finish with a powerful impact and resolution.

5. Take a strategic stance

Without being too commercial, use your presentation to establish yourself as the protagonist of your own tale. When feasible, use evidence to support your claims; otherwise, highlight your best traits and the most pertinent experience in your presentation. Seize the chance to show that you are a candidate who can quickly help the organization achieve essential goals.

6. Adopt a constructive mindset

Throughout your presentation, maintain an optimistic attitude while discussing your challenges. Consider emphasizing how you improved a problematic situation or discussing your efforts to overcome difficult circumstances. When appropriate, project an image of being proactive and emphasize your steps to resolve a problem. Let the information and data lead your presentation so the interviewers can grasp your thought processes.

7. Get comfortable delivering

To ensure you leave a positive first impression on the recruiting team:

  • Practice your presentation multiple times in advance.
  • Try presenting without consulting your notes or reading your script after a few practice sessions.
  • Keep track of the time during each practice session to determine the perfect pace.
  • Choose the main themes you want to discuss as you review each presentation segment to help it sound more natural and prevent it from coming across as too prepared.

8. Communicate non-verbally

Practice confidently expressing yourself while standing up and speaking. Face the audience directly, have a cheerful look, and smile naturally. To make points, keep your shoulders back and utilize small hand motions. Keep eye contact throughout your job interview PowerPoint presentation, particularly when making a crucial point.

9. Conclude powerfully

Create a memorable conclusion to ensure your presentation is as compelling as possible. A broad, open-ended question that came up throughout your study could be an excellent way to wrap up. A one- to three-word key takeaway that helps your audience recall the presentation’s primary point can also be used to wrap up. Integrating your message with an intriguing quotation next to the organization’s mission, vision, and goals is another effective wrap-up technique. In closing, raise any queries to show you are receptive to criticism and conversation.

ppt presentation on interview skills

Helpful tips For the Job interview Presentation

Here are some tips that you can use during the presentation for interview: 

1. Create the outline

When requested to give a presentation at an interview, you should have enough time to organize it according to a predetermined outline. If the interviewer still needs to provide you with all the necessary information, ensure you know how the process will work out regarding the topic, time limits, available multimedia devices, and participants. Remember that adhering to the brief is a necessary component of the evaluation process, so if you’re requested to do the task in less than or equal to 10 minutes, stay within that amount of time. After you’ve confirmed the nature of the interview, you should begin preparing a presentation that will wow the audience and showcase your qualifications for the post.

2. Establish a framework

Developing a presentation with a coherent framework facilitates the communication of your ideas. A well-considered framework conveys your thoughts intelligibly and concisely rather than jumping from one notion to another. Naturally, an introduction is the ideal place to begin. Set the scene immediately and emphasize how your solution makes a real difference. Next, compose a story using informative statistics and first-hand accounts. It should demonstrate how your skills and expertise help the business achieve its objectives.

3. Improve the visual assistance

Your audience shouldn’t just be able to read the slides from your presentation. They must endorse what you’re saying to keep their attention on you. It entails using fewer wordy slides and increasing the number of images to illustrate your arguments better.

4. Practice For The Job Interview Presentation

Although it may seem obvious, people must practice their presentations long enough. Even if you have a better idea than the other interviewees, there’s a considerable possibility the hiring panel will only understand the relevance of your speech if you convey it well. To find the ideal balance, practice with friends or family and ask for feedback on your areas of weakness.

5. Get ready to adjust

It would be best if you rehearsed to project a powerful presence during your presentation. Still, the hiring panel may try to knock you off balance. Consider potential question topics when you draft your presentation. It might assist you in preparing answers that demonstrate that you have thought through the issue.

6. Pay attention to the little things

Once the creation of your presentation is complete, focus on fine-tuning the minor elements. We’ve already discussed the need to speak deliberately. Still, to project confidence, you should also remember to make eye contact and display open body language. Your presentation will go more smoothly if you are more prepared. Ensure you arrive early on the interview day so you can set up your presentation. Ensure your tech gadgets function properly, bring extra batteries for your remote controls, and allow enough time for a final evaluation.

Lastly, you can ensure you deliver a standout presentation showcasing your most substantial skill sets by giving your job interview presentation more thought and preparation.

Job Interview Presentation Examples:

Here are some job interview presentation examples of a presentation template to assess a candidate’s ability to teach by having them give thesis statements:

What Is A thesis statement?


Brad Cooper

As a seasoned academic writer, I plan to teach English in middle schools. A thesis statement is a crucial sentence that sums up your paper’s central topic. I will define a thesis statement today and give you an example to see what one may look like in an academic work.

Defining a thesis statement

A thesis statement is a sentence that exposes the reader to the primary idea of a paper or essay in the opening paragraph. Your thesis statement is one of the most crucial sentences in your work and one of the first things the reader will see, but it may also be one of the most difficult to compose! 

An example of a thesis statement

It is an illustration of a thesis statement for a literary devices-related English paper: The central premise of this novel is that hardship can lead to triumph with hard effort and perseverance; the author presents this idea through metaphors and foreshadowing.

As I explained in my presentation today, a thesis statement is a paper’s central notion. Since it’s an essential component of the writing process, young children must know this subject as soon as possible. I appreciate your attention to my presentation. Do you have any questions concerning my credentials or the information I provided? I would be happy to help.

Job Interview Presentation Templates

SlideUpLift is well-known for its vast collection of expertly designed PowerPoint templates covering a wide range of subjects and businesses. One notable category within its repertoire is the Job Interview Presentations section. Here, you can find templates explicitly tailored for interview scenarios, enabling seamless presentations during job interviews such as job interview presentation examples. These templates come in various styles, such as making dynamic employee profiles and using the STAR system to highlight skills. 

Interview Resume Presentation PowerPoint Template

Shows Resume Template

The Interview Resume Presentation PowerPoint Template aims to help people with different professional backgrounds increase their chances of getting hired. This template consists of 11 slides, including all the relevant information that a job seeker should include in their resume to seek an excellent job. Job seekers, interns or students, professionals looking for a promotion, independent contractors, consultants, etc. can all use it.

Presentation Agenda PowerPoint Template

Shows Presentation Agenda

The Presentation Agenda PowerPoint template is valuable for incorporating a structured agenda into your job interview presentation. The Agenda Presentation template features four dedicated agendas, providing a clear, organized layout highlighting key topics. The slide can be included in your presentation, allowing you to communicate the issues to be covered effectively. Whether you are outlining the interview process, presenting key points, or discussing specific aspects, this template ensures a professional and visually appealing agenda for a presentation.

Star Job Interview Presentation Template

The Star Interview PowerPoint template adopts a structured format featuring four blocks: Situation, Task, Action, and Results. 

What is a Star Interview Template?

This template is tailored for interviews or presentations using the STAR (Situation, Task, Action, Results) method to assess or communicate experiences. Each block provides dedicated space to articulate the specific Situation, Task at hand, Actions taken, and Results achieved.

30 60 90 Day Plan for Interview PowerPoint Template

What is a 30 60 90 day plan for interview

A 30 60 90 Day Plan for an interview presentation is a structured outline that illustrates your intentions and proposed actions during the first three months of your employment in a new role. It’s a tool used to demonstrate your understanding of the position, your strategic thinking, and your ability to set goals and achieve them.

Animated Job Interview Presentation PowerPoint Template

Shows Animated Resume Template

This is another amazing resume PowerPoint template for you. The unique thing is that it comes with animations. These Animations make your presentation more exciting and attractive for the audience. Download it and customize it as per your requirements. Add your details, and you are good to go.

With all the information and tips in this detailed article, you can end your worries and prepare for your job interview presentation like a pro . You now possess all the specific presenting advice needed to ace the interview. If the design aspect overwhelms you, peruse our vast collection of PowerPoint Presentation templates and select particular components (such as data charts, shapes, and diagrams) to give your presentation the best visual appeal.

How long should my job interview presentation be?

Aim for a concise presentation, typically lasting 5-10 minutes, to maintain audience engagement.

What's the best way to conclude my job interview presentation?

The best way to conclude your job interview presentation is by summarizing key points, expressing enthusiasm for the role, and opening the floor for any questions from the interview panel.

What should be the key focus of my job interview presentation?

Prioritize showcasing your skills and experiences and how they align with the job requirements and company values.

How can I handle questions during or after the presentation for interview?

Be prepared for questions by anticipating potential inquiries related to your content, experiences, or the role.

How can SlideUpLift benefit me in preparing a job interview presentation?

SlideUpLift provides a wide array of professionally designed PowerPoint templates, including specific templates for job interview presentations. This resource can significantly help you create a standout and impactful interview pitch.

Table Of Content

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30 60 90 Day Plan For Interview Presentation Template

30 60 90 Day Plan For Interview Presentation Template

STAR Interview Presentation Template

STAR Interview Presentation Template

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Demonstrate Your Skills in an Interview with a PowerPoint Presentation

Extra effort brings extra results . Everything you do before, during, and after your interview, matters at the end of the hiring process. To prepare a PowerPoint presentation is definitely a good idea–especially when you can use it to demonstrate your knowledge of the job , or to showcase a successful project which you completed . Job seekers typically prepare one of the following presentations:

  • Work portfolio – the presentation gives a brief insight on your career, the jobs you’ve had, the projects you managed, and the things you achieved and learned while working on them. Portfolio is especially useful for people who apply for technical jobs, such as graphic designer, project manager, web developer, application developer, marketing manager, cook , etc.
  • Presentation of a specific project – for example if you apply for job in software development company, you can prepare a PowerPoint presentation of one of the projects you led. From first draft and planning of the application through setting milestones to completing them. Such a presentation helps you to demonstrate your excellent pm skills.

* Do not forget to check also: Project Manager Interview Questions .

Table of Contents

Ask them whether you can use a presentation

A presentation is an effective way of demonstrating your skills, and if you do it in a right way, you will benefit from having it in an interview. Nevertheless, you should always ask the interviewers whether you can do the presentation.

Many hiring managers have their own way of doing things, they follow a strict interview template with each job candidate, and they have a packed schedule from morning to evening. In such a case may not allow you to show your presentation–simply because they want to follow the very same interview template with each job candidate –either everyone shows their PowerPoint presentation, or no one will.

Bearing this in mind, you should call them before the interview and ask about an option to show the PowerPoint presentation. Remember that even if they do not allow you to do it, they will appreciate the idea , and the extra effort you made to prepare something for your interview. All HR managers love the “I do more” attitude.

ppt presentation on interview skills

How to prepare a presentation

From a software point of view, you will find good tutorials on YouTube , and learn how to prepare a great-looking PowerPoint presentation with ease. From the content point of view, check our interview portfolio article to understand what you should include on your presentation, and what you should rather avoid.

Practice makes perfect, bad presentation can kill your chances

It happened to me several times that a job applicant brought their laptop to the interview, and they delivered their presentation. We did not agree about this upfront, but I never follow a strict template in job interviews, and I like applicants that do something more while trying to succeed. Therefor I let them to deliver the presentation.

More often than not, however, the presentation had very little to do with the job offer. Or, even worse, the way they delivered it uncovered their weaknesses in terms of their communication, presentations, or project management skills. Take my advice: Practice your presentation before an interview, and make sure that it relates to the job you try to get. Honestly, no presentation is better than a bad one.

Do not put us under pressure, let us lead the interviews

Most interviewers have an exact schedule for their interviews, and the template, and they try to follow both of them. You should not interrupt them at the beginning and tell that you want to present your portfolio, or certain project with the help of MS PowerPoint.

You should wait for a good time , and a good time comes when:

  • We ask about your working experience.
  • At the end of the interview, when everything else has been said and done.
  • When they ask you a practical question, and the answer can be explained with the help of your presentation (this is actually the best time to suggest doing it).

Conclusion and next steps

Wait for the right time. It may come, and it may not come. Maybe everything goes well, and you won’t even need the presentation to get a job . Do not press the issue, do not try to do the presentation at all costs.

If you get a chance to show us your presentation, ensure that the content relates to the job offer, and demonstrates the value you can bring to our company. Practice your presentation beforehand , and ensure you’d deliver it in a best possible way–showing your strong presentation and communication skills.

While the presentation can help you greatly with your efforts to get a job, other things matter as well in an interview. Let’s prepare for them together:

  • How to answer interview questions – Not only WHAT you say, but also HOW you say it matters in an interview.
  • Salary negotiation tips – Learn how to get the best possible salary offer at the end of your job interview.
  • How to overcome interview nerves – Feeling anxious before your interview? You are not alone, and we will show you how to solve this problem.
  • Recent Posts

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How to Prepare a PowerPoint Presentation for Job Interview Success

Preparing a PowerPoint presentation for a job interview involves summarizing your skills, experiences, and value proposition in a visually appealing way. You’ll need to plan your content, design your slides, and practice your delivery to ensure you make the best impression.

After completing your PowerPoint presentation, you’ll have a powerful tool to help you stand out in the interview process. It will demonstrate your proficiency with technology, your ability to communicate effectively, and your readiness for the role.


When it comes to job interviews, first impressions are everything. In today’s competitive job market, candidates are constantly looking for ways to distinguish themselves from the pack. One effective method is to create a PowerPoint presentation to showcase your skills, experience, and qualifications. Whether you’re applying for a position that requires technical skills, creative thinking, or leadership abilities, a well-crafted presentation can help you demonstrate your expertise in a dynamic and memorable way.

PowerPoint presentations are not only for showing your previous work or the projects you’ve been part of. They’re also a platform to illustrate your thought process, your approach to solving problems, and your ideas for contributing to the potential employer’s success. For professionals in all fields, from marketing to engineering, a PowerPoint presentation can serve as your visual aid and personal brand ambassador. Let’s dive into the steps to craft a presentation that could very well tip the scales in your favor.

Step by Step Tutorial: Preparing a PowerPoint Presentation for a Job Interview

Before we start, remember that a PowerPoint presentation for a job interview should be concise, relevant, and engaging. Here’s how to create one that’ll help you nail the interview.

Step 1: Define the Objective of Your Presentation

Identify what you want to achieve with your presentation.

Before opening PowerPoint, take a moment to think about the message you want to convey to your interviewers. Are you aiming to showcase your expertise, outline your experience, or present a case study? The objective will guide the content and structure of your presentation.

Step 2: Research the Company and Role

Tailor your presentation to the company and position you’re interviewing for.

Understanding the company’s culture, values, and challenges allows you to tailor your presentation accordingly. Highlight experiences and skills that align with what they’re looking for. Use the company’s color scheme or logo to personalize your slides and show that you’ve done your homework.

Step 3: Plan Your Content

Outline the key points you want to cover in your presentation.

Create an outline of what you’re going to talk about. Start with an introduction about yourself, followed by your relevant experiences, accomplishments, and conclude with how you can contribute to the company. Keep it simple—three to five main points should suffice.

Step 4: Design Your Slides

Create visually appealing slides that reinforce your message without distracting from it.

Use a clean, professional design with plenty of white space. Stick to a few key colors and use high-quality images or graphics. Make sure the text is large enough to be easily read, and don’t overcrowd your slides with too much information.

Step 5: Practice Your Delivery

Rehearse presenting your PowerPoint to ensure a smooth delivery on the day of the interview.

Practice makes perfect. Rehearse your presentation several times to get comfortable with the flow and timing. Anticipate questions you might be asked and prepare answers. The more you practice, the more confident you’ll be during the actual presentation.

Engages the InterviewerA PowerPoint presentation can make your interview more interactive and engaging. It breaks the monotony of standard question-answer sessions and allows you to guide the conversation.
Demonstrates Technical SkillsCrafting a presentation showcases your proficiency with PowerPoint, an essential tool in many workplaces. It also shows that you’re capable of translating complex information into an easily digestible format.
Highlights Communication SkillsA well-prepared presentation is a testament to your communication skills. It requires you to express your thoughts clearly and concisely, an invaluable trait in any job.
Overdependence on SlidesRelying too much on your PowerPoint can hinder the natural flow of conversation. It’s important not to let the slides do all the talking.
Technical IssuesTechnology can be unpredictable. If you rely solely on your presentation, technical difficulties could disrupt your interview. Always have a backup plan.
Misaligned ExpectationsSome interviewers may prefer a traditional interview format. Always confirm beforehand if a PowerPoint presentation is appropriate for your interview.

Additional Information

When preparing your PowerPoint presentation for a job interview, it’s important to remember that less is more. Keep your slides clean and uncluttered, using bullet points rather than paragraphs of text. Use graphs, charts, and images to illustrate your points visually, as these can be more impactful than words alone.

Be mindful of the time constraints you might have during your interview and design your presentation accordingly. Aim for no more than 10-15 slides, each covering a single topic or idea. It’s also a good idea to prepare a leave-behind, a printed version of your presentation or a summary document that you can give to your interviewers for later reference.

Remember, the goal of your presentation is to supplement your spoken responses, not replace them. Use the slides to emphasize and enhance what you’re saying, not as a script to read from verbatim.

Lastly, make sure to weave in your personality throughout the presentation. This is your chance to make a connection with your audience, so let your passion and enthusiasm for the role shine through.

  • Define your presentation’s objective.
  • Research the company and role.
  • Plan your content efficiently.
  • Design visually appealing slides.
  • Practice your delivery thoroughly.

Frequently Asked Questions

How many slides should my presentation have.

Aim for 10-15 slides to keep your presentation concise and impactful.

Should I bring a printed version of my presentation?

Yes, providing a printed summary or leave-behind is always a good idea.

Can I use animations in my presentation?

Use animations sparingly and only if they add value to your presentation.

How can I avoid technical issues during the presentation?

Always have a backup plan, such as a PDF version of your presentation on a USB drive.

Is it appropriate to ask if I can present a PowerPoint during my interview?

Yes, it’s best to confirm with your interviewer beforehand if they welcome a PowerPoint presentation.

Preparing a PowerPoint presentation for a job interview is a strategic move that can set you apart from other candidates. It’s an opportunity to demonstrate your skills, knowledge, and passion for the role. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can create an engaging and informative presentation that will impress your potential employers and increase your chances of landing the job.

Remember, the key is to be prepared. Research the company, plan and design your slides carefully, and practice your delivery. With a well-crafted PowerPoint presentation, you’ll be able to showcase your best self and leave a lasting impression. So, go ahead and give it your best shot—your dream job awaits!

Matthew Burleigh Solve Your Tech

Matthew Burleigh has been writing tech tutorials since 2008. His writing has appeared on dozens of different websites and been read over 50 million times.

After receiving his Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Computer Science he spent several years working in IT management for small businesses. However, he now works full time writing content online and creating websites.

His main writing topics include iPhones, Microsoft Office, Google Apps, Android, and Photoshop, but he has also written about many other tech topics as well.

Read his full bio here.

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Stages // require(['jquery'], function ($) { $(document).ready(function () { //removes paginator if items are less than selected items per page var paginator = $("#limiter :selected").text(); var itemsPerPage = parseInt(paginator); var itemsCount = $(".products.list.items.product-items.sli_container").children().length; if (itemsCount ? ’Stages’ here means the number of divisions or graphic elements in the slide. For example, if you want a 4 piece puzzle slide, you can search for the word ‘puzzles’ and then select 4 ‘Stages’ here. We have categorized all our content according to the number of ‘Stages’ to make it easier for you to refine the results.

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Example Presentation For Job Interview PowerPoint Presentation Slides

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  • Finding a Job

19+ Best Free Job Interview PowerPoint PPT Presentation Templates 2024

ppt presentation on interview skills

Multipurpose Slide-Deck

  • 150+ unique slides
  • Uses free fonts
  • Color theme
  • Easy to customize

Multipurpose Powerpoint Presentation

Multipurpose PowerPoint Presentation

  • 1000 icon set
  • Fully animated
  • 16:9 full HD quality

STRATEGY Multipurpose Powerpoint V219

STRATEGY -  Powerpoint V219

  • 30 unique slide designs
  • 5 color schemes
  • Master Slide Based

The Arsislide Multipurpose Powerpoint Template

The Arsislide - PowerPoint Template

  • 55+ unique slides
  • Image place holder
  • Fully editable

These free premium interview PowerPoint presentation templates are great options to get you started. Not convinced?

Here's a top tier selection of interview PowerPoint templates  for you to choose from.

Minimalist CV free presentation template

Free Job Interview Presentation

This template uses geometric patterns. Bright and vibrant colors like blue and pink are used to grab attention. 

Modern CV Free PowerPoint Template Google Slides Theme

Modern CV - Free Presentation for Interview 

Modern CV - Free Presentation for Interview Sample is a light template. It comes with a green and blue border. 

Fluid CV Free Presentation Template

Fluid - Free Job Interview Presentation Template

Fluid CV is a free dark job interview template found online. There are colorful, fluid designs the slides. 

Flat Resume Free Presentation Template

PowerPoint Presentation for Job Interview

This template has four background colors. A white text box on the background makes the bright color pop

Geometric Resume free presentation template

Geometric - Free Job Interview Presentation Samples

This template has a white background and colorful geometric shapes on the corners. Blue and red are the primary colors in this template. 

Curriculum Vitae Free Presentation Template

Curriculum Vitae - Free Interview Presentation Ideas

This free job interview presentation example template has a white background, yellow graphics, and gray fonts. It's made to resemble a resume. 

RyanCV Resume Google Slides Template

RyanCV - Free Job Interview Presentation Samples

Fun doodles are used in this job interview presentation example template. It's not a very formal-looking design, but it works well for freelancers. 

Zurich Free Google Slides CV Presentation Template

Zurich - Free PowerPoint Presentation for Job Interview PPT

This is a free job interview presentation example. The colors used in this template are blue, white, and black. It's simple and clean. 

Yellow Resume Powerpoint Template FREE

Yellow Resume - Free Presentation for Interview Sample

Here's a free template to present your biography, portfolio, skills, education, work experience, etc. It's got a yellow banner at the top of the slide. The fonts are in black. 

Free Business Self Introduce Resume PowerPoint Template

Business - Free Interview Presentation Ideas 

This is a simple and minimalistic interview presentation examples template. Blue and red are the main colors. Straight lines are used in various ways as the design element. 

Purple self introduction ppt template

Purple Self Intro - Free Job Interview Presentation Samples

This interview presentation examples template has a black background and purple highlights. All fonts are white.

CV Resume Powerpoint Templates

CV Interview Presentation Examples

CV Resume - Free Sample PowerPoint Presentation for Job Interview PPT's background is black. Graphics and highlights are in green. The fonts are in white and black. 

Marble Free Job Intreview Presentation Samples

Marble - Free Job Interview Presentation Examples

This is a black and white template with a marble background design. White fonts stand out well against this marble background. 

Flat CV

Flat Modern - Free Interview Presentation Ideas

Here's a template with geometric shapes as its design elements. It helps you present your education, work experience, and other relevant details well. 


Colorful CV - PowerPoint Presentation for Interview 

The background of this interview presentation example slides is light gray. The graphics are multicolored, and the fonts are in black. 


Green CV - Free PowerPoint Presentation for Interview 

This template uses a lively green gradient background. Be sure to test your presentation on a big screen as there's little color contrast between the fonts and background. 

Geometric CV

Geometric CV - Free Job Interview PPT Template

This template is clean and minimalistic. Each slide has colorful geometric shapes that pop against the white background. 

Timeline Free Interview Presentation Template

Timeline - Free PowerPoint Presentation for Interview

This is a free timeline template that was created for job interviews. It's a single slide and not a complete interview PPT template. 

Geometry CV

Geometry CV - Free Job Interview PPT Template

This is a light template with an off-white background. There are colorful geometry graphics at the corners of each slide. 

Business minimal slides

Business Minimal - Interview Presentation Ideas

This PowerPoint presentation for an interview is a great option to put together a great job interview presentation example.

Premium Job Interview PowerPoint Presentation Templates

Persoon - Resume Powerpoint Template

Persoon - Resume Powerpoint Template

Persoon is a modern minimalistic template. It comes with 30 unique animated slides that you can quickly customize. It's got dark and light backgrounds and three color themes.  

Resume PowerPoint Template

Resume - PowerPoint Template

All graphics on this template are resizable and customizable. Easily drag and drop your images into the picture placeholders. Replace your text, and you're all done. 

PERZONA Curriculum Vitae Presentation

PERZONA - Curriculum Vitae Presentation

Perzona is brightened up with the use of lively colors. This light template has a calm feel to it. It's got 30 professional slides and can be used for job interviews in any industry. 

PERSONA Professional CV Presentation Template

PERSONA –  CV Presentation Template

PERSONA is a powerful pack of interview presentation templates. 15 custom slides are included in the deck, and you can edit all of them easily. 

Download a Premium Job Interview PowerPoint Presentation Template Today!

Why start from scratch when you've got loads of pre-built job interview presentation templates out there? Good pre-built templates help you work around your skill and time limitations. You've got an option between free and premium templates. 

Free job interview presentation templates are generally background images or three-slide files. You'd still need to have good design skills to use free templates found online.

If you need to be more efficient, go premium. Envato Elements has the best PowerPoint templates for job interviews . You'll find these modern and creative templates easy to work with.  

Get a premium best PowerPoint template for job interview presentations from Envato Elements. Explore, subscribe, and download it now! 

Editorial Note: This article has been completely rewritten to make it more usable for the reader.

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How to Deliver a Winning Interview Presentation

How to Deliver a Winning Interview Presentation

Written by: Unenabasi Ekeruke

ppt presentation on interview skills

The average corporate job opening receives about 250 resumes . To find the most suitable candidates, many companies make interview presentations a decisive part of their hiring process.

Whether you're looking to switch jobs or move up the ladder in your organization, a well-crafted interview presentation might be the key to landing your next role.

Interview presentations give you a chance to pitch your skills and showcase your knowledge about the position. Delivering an exceptional presentation will put you a step ahead of other candidates.

But how do you make your interview presentation stand out?

In this article, we've rounded up the best tips for preparing and delivering a winning interview presentation that will help you stand out and land you the job.

Let's get to it.

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Table of Contents

What is an interview presentation, what employers look for in an interview presentation, how to prepare for your interview presentation.

  • 11 Interview Presentation Tips to Help You Stand Out

In many industries, interview presentations help recruiters pick the best candidate for the job.

They also help managers gauge a candidate's presentation skills, especially if the job role involves pitching to clients or top management.

Interview presentations often involve presenting formal talks about subjects that interest recruiters. These subjects could be directly related to your job role or the industry your prospective organization operates in.

Your interview presentation could potentially revolve around topics like:

  • Emerging trends and innovations in a particular industry
  • Competitive landscape and future predictions
  • Business, operations and marketing strategies
  • Improving sales and customer retention

It could also be about pitching your work experience, ideas and why you're the best fit for the role.

Let's say you're interviewing for a high-level position in the sales and marketing department. You may be asked to pitch the company's product or services to prospects or do these things:

  • Predict trends in the industry where the company operates
  • Talk about how the current market trend may affect sales for a particular line of products
  • Present a marketing plan for your prospective role

Below is an interview presentation template that you can edit and use.

Sometimes, prospective employers may give you specific topics in advance, giving you ample time to prepare.

At other times, you may have to make blind presentations. This means you'll get topics shortly before the presentation and may have limited time to prepare.

Whatever be the case, nailing your interview presentations will up your chances of landing your new role.

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Improve your HR materials and communication with visuals

Take a moment to think about your best job interview.

Why did your employer choose to hire you ahead of other candidates? You probably ticked all the right boxes in terms of skills, experiences, education, personality and other factors.

But most importantly, it's how you presented your skills, capabilities and knowledge about the role that probably blew their minds.

At every stage of the hiring process, employers look for outstanding candidates who measure up to their expectations. These expectations may differ based on the job role, industry and organizational structure.

However, on a general note, recruiters will readily opt for candidates who:

  • Understand the organization and its line of business
  • Know their job role and what's expected
  • Understand the company mission and will fit into the company culture
  • Show passion, ambition and leadership qualities
  • Demonstrate the ability to use their skills and experience to drive the company forward
  • Know how to communicate and present in front of a small or large group of people

What specific presentation skills do employers look for?

Excellent presentation skills are a must-have for most client-facing roles or high-level positions. Therefore, asking a candidate to make presentations during interviews can help companies assess whether they can deliver on the job.

Not only that, interview presentations provide deeper insight into your abilities and skills, such as:

  • Presentation design skills
  • Verbal and written communication style
  • The ability to hook, engage and interact with your audiences
  • Ability to deliver the message with clarity
  • Diligence and attention to details
  • Work experience and sector knowledge
  • Ability to read and interpret the mindset of listeners
  • Use of visual aids
  • Time management and organization skills

For a blind presentation, the employer may want to feel your pulse or perspective on issues or take notice of things like:

  • The ability to think on your feet
  • How you perform under pressure
  • How persuasive and creative you can be

Ultimately, the recruiter is also checking to see if you meet the core competencies for the job. Therefore, make sure to revisit them during the blind presentation.

Beyond landing the job, getting it right with your presentation can set the tone for further engagements with your colleagues and top management.

Preparation is one of the keys to delivering an excellent interview presentation.

Once you've received the details about the interview, don't leave your preparation till the last minute or assume you can wing it. Use the days leading up to the interview to put the necessary things in place.

Here's what you should know. Preparing for your interview presentation puts you in control and increases your chances of securing the job.

ppt presentation on interview skills

Unfortunately, knowing how to prepare for interviews may be a big challenge for many people.

But we've got you covered.

Use these tips below to get yourself interview-ready.

1. Ask the Right Questions

Whether you receive a phone call or email about your interview, ensure you're clear about the details. Rather than make sweeping assumptions, go ahead and do these things:

  • Find out what your prospective employers expect from you.
  • Ask if you'll get a topic before the presentation date or if it's a blind presentation. Also, find out if you'll be allowed to choose from a list of topics.
  • Find out who your audience will be (recruitment agencies, HR, supervisors, top-level management).
  • Ask how many people will be present at the interview.
  • Make sure to ask how long the presentation will last. Having a timeframe will help you decide what to add or delete from the presentation.
  • Find out if they have a preferred presentation style.
  • Ask what technical equipment and presentation tools will be available.
  • Find out whether there'll be provision for sound, audio and visuals.

By asking these questions, you'll know what recruiters expect from you and align your presentation to match their needs. Plus, they'll judge your suitability for the role based on how you pay attention to the finest details.

2. Research the Company and the Position Before the Interview

Now you have answers to the fundamental questions, go ahead and research the company and the position you've applied for.

That's not all. Find out the industry the company operates, the major players and where the company ranks within the industry.

Doing this will enable you to:

  • Structure your presentation and
  • Interpret your job role within the context of the industry where the company operates.

For example, if you're an accounting professional, it's not enough to understand general accounting principles.

You'll have to understand what your role entails within the context of the industry you'll be working in. It could be oil and gas, mining, tech, construction, health, finance or entertainment.

Here are other things you should find out during your research.

Company Vision, Mission and Goals

Find out the company's history, what they stand for and their area of interest. It's also a good idea to research their major competitors and how they've fared in the market.

But how do you find this valuable information?

The company's website and social media channels are good starting points. News, blogs and third-party sites can provide more information about what the company has been up to.

Having this essential info will help you:

  • Determine subjects relevant to the company and the area you should focus on,
  • Tailor your interview presentation to their needs and
  • Impress your potential employers.

Not only that, but it also shows you're prepared to be part of that organization's culture.

Potential Audience

Part of your research should be to find out who is going to be interviewing you. One way to get that information is by asking the company's HR or using your intuition.

For example, if you're applying for a sales and marketing position, the marketing, sales and HR managers will most likely be on the interview panel.

Next, find out their interests and job responsibilities. Platforms like LinkedIn , Meetup , Indeed and other job boards can come in handy.

You might want to take note of their experience levels.

Professionals with different experience levels have varying concerns.

For example, while top management may care about your administrative or leadership abilities, a team lead may be more interested in your technical or problem-solving skills.

If you focus on what matters most to your audience, you'll attract their interest and win them over.

3. Structure Your Interview Presentation

If you want to keep your audiences hooked to your slides, ensure your presentation is well-structured.

Doing this will keep you on track and prevent your audience from zoning out of your presentation.

Here's how to create an excellent presentation structure.

In its simplest form, a well-structured presentation should have an introduction, body and conclusion.

  • Compelling introduction: Your introduction should briefly sum everything about you, your presentation objectives and why it's relevant to your audience. You can ask a question, tell a story, share facts or use humor to spark interest.
  • Engaging body: This is where you present the main details of your topic. Make sure to back your argument with facts or a wealth of information that shows that you're the best candidate for the job. Talk about the company goals and how you'll help to achieve them.
  • Memorable conclusion: Here, you should present your key takeaways about the topic. Likewise, briefly reiterate your skills, experience, expertise, past achievements and why they should hire you.

You can use presenter notes to ensure you stick to the structure. Throughout your presentation, keep your message clear. Plus, make sure every part of your presentation relates to the topic.

Check out this article for more tips on how to structure your presentation .

Structure your interview presentation to make it appealing and impactful like the one below.

ppt presentation on interview skills

4. Pay Attention to Design

Remember, first impressions count. And your interview presentation isn't an exception to this rule. Excellent presentation designs help you create an impactful first impression on your interviewers.

Think of your design as the aesthetic element that etches your presentation in your viewer's minds and sways them in your favor.

Whether you're pitching the company's product or your resume , having flawless interview presentation designs will help you tell stories better.

Not only does it create a memorable impression, but it also makes your presentation pack a punch.

You can start from scratch or jumpstart your creativity with interview presentation examples like the one below.

ppt presentation on interview skills

While creating your presentation slides , here are some things you should keep in mind:

Keep It On-Brand

Try to tailor your presentation design (font, color scheme, background, image) to the company's identity and visual language. Companies like Starbucks, Skype, Spotify and Netflix provide brand guidelines on their website.

Brand guidelines generally contain a set of rules on using the company’s branding elements. If the company doesn't have a brand guide, you can use the colors on their logo or website for your slide design.

Interviewers will most likely focus on a presentation designed in their organization's brand format. And doing this will show you've done your research about the company.

Pro Tip:  Use Visme's Brand Design Tool to automatically generate a branded presentation template with your employer's logo, colors and fonts. Simply enter in the URL to their website and watch the magic happen!

Create branded content & graphics with ease

  • Add your brand color’s hex codes for easy access
  • Upload or select your brand fonts
  • Easily incorporate brand elements into your Vismes

Create branded content & graphics with ease

Use Lots of White Space

Avoid cluttering your interview presentation slides with too many ideas, text or images. This could overwhelm your audience and make your presentation a pain in the eyes.

When designing a clean and effective presentation, it's important to use lots of white space. Don't use more than six words per slide . Stick to one idea and a minimum of two images per slide.

Use High-Quality Images

Be sure to use high-quality visuals that drive an emotional appeal.

Better yet, every visual you use should have a purpose behind it. If you're presenting an overview of yourself, it makes sense to use a nice, high-quality headshot of yourself. Take a cue from the interview presentation sample to create yours.

ppt presentation on interview skills

Even if you're using stock photos  to spice up your slides, make sure the images are carefully selected to balance the text on each slide and are relevant to the topic that's being discussed.

Using low-quality, irrelevant or pixelated images can not only make your presentation boring, but it can also negatively impact your image and make you come across as careless or lazy.

Make Your Slides Easy to Read

When selecting fonts and sizing them, use fonts that are readable on small and large screens. Stick a font size of 36 pixels for titles and at least 30 pixels for body text.

Additionally, to make your message pop, maintain a solid contrast between your text and background. If you use a dark background, use a white font color and vice versa. You can grab inspiration from the job interview presentation sample below.

ppt presentation on interview skills

In the template above, notice how the dark text color pops vibrantly on the white background. Additionally, the fonts are legible enough for readers to digest the message in the slide.

If you want to learn more about making your slide designs shine, read our in-depth article on how to create good presentation design .

5. Use Charts and Graphs to Visualize Data

As mentioned before, sprawling text and bullets aren't enough to drive visual appeal. You need to use visual aids to break up text and boost visual appeal.

By using a range of formats like graphs, statistics, diagrams , video clips and images, you can easily maintain audience attention and get your points across.

Notice how the job interview presentation sample below uses data visualization to present information.

ppt presentation on interview skills

Are you looking for high-resolution visuals for your interview presentations?

If the answer is yes, Visme's presentation maker has everything you need. The tool has a robust library of free and premium stock images, elegant fonts, icons, graphs, charts, infographics and other visual aids.

6. Keep Your Presentation Clear, Unique and Impactful

When it comes to making presentations or a pitch deck, less is more.

As a presenter, you want recruiters to glance at your slide, gain interest and listen to you. Hence it's best to keep your slide short and simple, aiming for ten slides or less.

Be careful not to load too much information on your slides or break off tangents that don't support your topic.

Just like you, other applicants are looking to give an impressive presentation. Make your presentation memorable and unique. This will convince your employer that you are the ideal candidate for the job.

One way to make your presentation unique is by:

  • Creating a simulated project or demo
  • Using case studies related to the company's operations
  • Creating a strategic plan for your intended role or department
  • Depicting how you would use your skills to achieve the desired project goals

If you're doing a job presentation for a marketing position, for example, you can create a detailed strategic plan that wins the heart and minds of your interviewers using the template below.

ppt presentation on interview skills

7. Practice Your Delivery

Your interview presentation is a critical stage in the recruiting process. And having an excellent delivery will solidify your chances of getting the job.

However, having a flawless delivery starts with practice, practice and more practice.

For example, Steve Jobs was one of the most phenomenal speakers of his time. His keynotes and demos were compelling and filled with passion and energy.

But if you pull back the curtain, you'll realize why presentations were magical. What seemed spontaneous took hours and hours of practice.

Here's the thing. Rehearsing your presentation beforehand will help avoid babbling or being caught off guard.

Not only that, practice will make you become confident, familiar with you presentation outline or structure and deliver your presentation smoothly.

How do you practice your interview presentation?

First off, deliver your presentation in front of a mirror and record yourself while you're at it. Repeat this as many times as possible and watch out for mistakes that could hurt your presentation.

Next, practice your presentation before your friends and ask them to take notes. Doing this will enable you to get feedback or work on areas that require improvements.

Encourage them to provide detailed feedback rather than general feedback like: "you did well" or "great design".

Before presenting his first TED Talk, author and business podcaster Tim Ferriss practiced his presentation with a group of friends and strangers. He went ahead to incorporate their feedback and suggestions in his next rehearsal.

During practice, go ahead and do these things:

  • Time yourself to ensure your presentation falls within the allowed time
  • Keep your shoulder and head high up
  • Maintain eye contact with your audience (friends, family or professional colleagues)
  • Be expressive and articulate your words with confidence.
  • Take deep breaths and pauses in between your presentation
  • Be audible and avoid speaking too fast

As you practice repeatedly, you'll have your points at your fingertips. Plus, you'll become more confident about your interview.

Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor practiced her 18-minute TED Talk about 200 times before getting on stage. Her speech below, “ My Stroke of Insight,” has amassed well over 25 million views on the TED site alone.

8. Follow Presentation Guidelines

While preparing for your big day, adhere to the employer's rules for the interview presentation.

The interview rules could include:

  • Interview arrival time
  • Document required
  • The focus of the presentation and allotted time

For instance, if your interviewer says candidates must complete their presentation in 10 minutes, don't exceed the allocated time.

If you've not been given a time limit, keep your presentation between 10-20 minutes. Remember — people have short attention spans.

When you adhere to the guidelines, employers will believe you're reliable and can work with available resources.

9. Use the Right Presentation Tool

The tool you use to prepare your presentation is as important as the content. You'll find tons of presentation software out there, including PowerPoint, Keynote, Google Slides, Visme, Prezi and more.

Sometimes, your potential employer may favor a particular platform for your interview presentation. But more often than not, they'll leave you to make a choice.

In this case, it's advisable to build your presentations using a tool that's not only familiar but has everything you need to make your content shine. We strongly recommend a feature-rich tool like Visme .

Whether you're a novice or expert, Visme is precisely made to help you craft beautiful presentations and nail your delivery. The tool has 500+ templates, animations, fonts, and design themes that match your style and any niche you can think of.

You can also check out our quick video on how to create beautiful and professional interview presentations in Visme.

ppt presentation on interview skills

10. Have a Backup Plan

Keep in mind that complications could arise. Having a backup plan can help you put things back on track and complete your presentation successfully.

Your employer will mainly provide a screen, laptop, USB and other equipment.

Still, it would help to bring along your laptop and USB drive. They could come in handy if you want to quickly make some adjustments to your slide or review them before the presentation.

In addition, make sure to:

  • Have duplicate copies of your presentation. You can save a copy on a USB stick, external drive or cloud drive.
  • Email the file to yourself and the interviewers.
  • Bring along a few printed handouts or copies of your slides, which you'll share with your audience.

Taking these steps can save the day if anything goes wrong such as computer breakdown, corrupt files, power disruption and other technical glitches.

11. Determine Follow-up Questions and Provide Answers

Now your preparation is in top gear. But wait, there's one more thing.

After creating your presentation, review the content and check for readability and spelling errors.

Then think up questions your audience might ask after your delivery. You'll want to brace up for questions that are both related and not related to the topic.

Here is a list of the common interview presentation questions that you can expect:

  • What solutions do you recommend in light of the current realities and trends?
  • Why do you recommend this solution?
  • What strategy do we use to solve this problem?
  • How do we convince investors to buy into this project?
  • What resources do we need to execute these projects?
  • What processes can we put in place to ensure the success of this project
  • How do you plan to minimize the risks of this project?
  • How does your recommendation align with the company's short-term and long-term goals?

Create a stunning presentation in less time

  • Hundreds of premade slides available
  • Add animation and interactivity to your slides
  • Choose from various presentation options

Create a stunning presentation in less time

11 Interview Presentation Tips

You've put in the work to prepare your interview presentation. Great job! Now the day and time of your presentation have arrived.

These 11 interview presentation tips will help you win your employers over.

1. Pick the Right Outfit

There's no hard and fast rule to picking the right interview outfit. And that’s because different companies and industries have preferred dress codes.

So your best bet will be to ask the hiring manager before the interview date. This will enable you to align your attire with the company culture.

Whether the acceptable dress code is formal or casual, wear something that makes you appear smart and confident. But when in doubt, stick to formal and smart business attire.

2. Arrive Early and Settle In

Whether you have an online or physical interview or presentation, this is a no-brainer. Showing up late doesn't only leave a bad impression, but it could cost you the job.

Arriving early to your interview will give you enough time to settle your nerves and tie loose ends.

A good rule of thumb is to arrive 15 to 20 minutes before your presentation. You'll have ample time to get comfortable with the equipment and the environment.

3. Start Strong and Build Rapport

The opening part of your interview presentation is where you set the mood for the rest of the presentation.

Here, you have to draw your audience in and convince them to listen to you. So aim to make it impactful and enthralling.

Once you get on the stage, build rapport with your audience.

Start by introducing yourself, professional experience, skills and educational background. Then, highlight your career achievements, records, awards and portfolio like the example interview presentation slide below.

ppt presentation on interview skills

The goal is to impress and attract your audience's attention. This is the moment where you convince recruiters that you’re worth listening to.

When it comes to your presenting your topics, you can kick off your presentation with the following techniques:

  • Use captivating quotes
  • Mention compelling statistics about the organization, industry or subject
  • Tell an interesting story about yourself or the subject
  • Talk about a trending news topic

Not only will this help draw your interviewers in, but it will engross them and set the mood for the rest of the presentation.

4. Be Confident

You've worked so hard to get to this point. Be confident that you've got this. Projecting confidence is also as important as having an incredible resume.

Recruiters love to listen to confident candidates. And developing this mindset will help you inspire trust and build connections with your potential employer.

If you're looking to keep your confidence high, do these things:

  • Speak with authority and make eye contact with your audience: This is you selling yourself and reiterating that you've got all it takes to do the job.
  • Pay attention to your body language: That's the first thing people notice. The way you carry yourself says a lot about how confident you are. Do your best to maintain the right body posture, smile, keep your head up and appear comfortable.
  • Use hand gestures: Utilizing strong hand gestures adds personality to your speech and makes you expressive. For example, moving your hand in an upward motion can describe growth rate or increase. Likewise, opening or closing your hands depicts sizes.

5. Deliver Like a Pro

While making your presentation, ensure your delivery is crisp and clear.

Whether you're using your voice or microphone, command attention by enunciating words clearly and projecting them to the back of the room. Otherwise, you'll come across as timid or unsure of your assertions.

Resist the temptation to use a dull tone or communicate without facial expressions.

Instead, deliver your speech with passion and vary your pitch to convey feelings and different emotional intensities. Delivering your message with emotion and liveliness will keep your audience hooked.

Most people tend to speak fast when they're nervous. Well, if this happens, your interviewer may miss out on important points.

Thus, maintain a reasonable pace and have occasional pauses in between. This will give you time to catch your breath, collect your thoughts and let your messages sink in.

Remember your slide is supposed to support your presentation, so avoid reading your slides or notes. Doing this will bore your audience and give them the impression that you're inept on the subject.

Showcase your expertise with the help of the presentation interview template below.

ppt presentation on interview skills

6. Tell a Compelling Story

Storytelling is one the most effective ways to structure your interview presentation.

Whether you're simulating a project, discussing a technical topic or pitching your skills, storytelling is the key to winning audience interest.

Top business leaders are making the most of it. You should make it the foundation of your interview presentation.

For example, in the video below, Sara Blakely, founder of Spanx, leverages storytelling to explain how she built a successful product.

One of the reasons why Steve Jobs stood out during presentations is his ability to tell captivating stories. He used storytelling during his keynote addresses, pitches and notably during the launch of the first iPhone in 2007.

Here's the thing. Telling stories engages your audience and helps understand your points. Also, it makes your presentation more impactful and memorable.

Here's how to use storytelling during your interview presentation

  • Plot: Select an area of focus and make it resonate with your audiences
  • Characters: Highlight the major players in your story. It could be you, the company, the industry, competitors, etc.
  • Opposition: Present a problem and why it matters to the organization or audience
  • Journey: Discuss what you bring to the table regarding the solution, planning, execution, monitoring, problem-solving and management
  • Conclusion: End with a strong resolution

What's more? To make your presentation cohesive and well-thought-out, use practical examples.

For example, the slide below highlights current gaps or problems.

ppt presentation on interview skills

Then, the next slide suggests practical steps to address the gaps or solve the problems.

ppt presentation on interview skills

7. Use Visual Aids

We discussed this during the preparation phase. And you've got to make it count while delivering your presentation.

Adding visuals to your story is a winning formula that works all the time.

Why? Interestingly about 65% of people are visual learners. Plus, our brains are wired to pay more attention to visual content.

But those are not the only reasons you should incorporate visuals into your presentation.

  • Visuals attract audience attention and enhance your delivery
  • With visuals, your audiences can quickly understand complex ideas
  • They appeal to your viewer's imagination and drive an emotional connection
  • Visual add power to your words and keeps your speech on track

You can use video, images, infographics and symbols to describe ideas or concepts. Map charts or statistical maps can help visualize geographical information.

You can visualize numbers using graphs, line charts, pie charts, bar charts and maps like in the slide template below.

ppt presentation on interview skills

8. Use Speaker Notes

While creating your slides, you can store essential talking points in your presenter notes. These notes are visible to you but aren't visible to your audience.

They help you recall key points like quotes, stats or ideas as you present.

Visme makes it super easy to add presenter notes to your slides. You can view your notes for the current and next slides as you present.

ppt presentation on interview skills

The tool also comes with a timer that helps you stay within the allocated time. If you're pressed for time, cut out the least relevant points and move the most important ones. Ultimately make sure you don't exceed the allotted time.

9. Be Prepared To Adapt

We get it. You've practiced your presentation and put other things in the right place.

However, keep in mind that things don't always go as planned. So you have to be willing to adapt to changes.

For example, you may have prepared a 10 minute presentation for interview and you’re given less than five minutes. Also, you may have planned to deliver your presentation and then take questions. But your interview may commence with questions or ask questions while you’re presenting.

Whatever the case, be prepared to pause for questions or switch to further discussion unexpectedly.

10. Have a Strong Closing

Your conclusion is as important as the intro. It determines what your audiences will walk away with and how they will feel about you.

Generally, it should be a summary of everything you discussed earlier. Therefore you have to bring it full circle and make it connected to the rest of your presentation.

Most importantly, make it convincing and memorable.

If your interviewer can remember the key takeaways from your presentation, you'll have the edge over other candidates.

Here's how to end your interview presentation in a memorable way:

  • Ask your audience questions about the topic that sparks curiosity and gets them thinking.
  • End with key takeaways that highlight the main points of your presentation.
  • Double down on the problems and how you can help solve them.
  • Mention how your recommended solution can help the company grow and increase their competitive edge
  • Tie your message to an interesting quote that aligns with the company vision, mission and goals
  • Highlight intriguing milestones and figures you can help the company achieve like profit margins, growth rate, market valuation, increased productivity, revenue growth, etc.
  • Demonstrate that you are open to feedback, questions and further discussion about the topic

Use the job interview presentation example below to craft a striking conclusion that leaves a lasting impression on your audience.

ppt presentation on interview skills

11. Take Questions and Feedback at the End

After you've concluded your presentation, get ready for questions and feedback from interviewers.

Keep in mind that the questions may differ from what you rehearsed. Still, make sure you answer the question with confidence and demonstrate expertise.

If the question is challenging, take a moment to compose your thoughts before responding. Also, if the question isn't clear, don't be afraid to ask for clarification.

In any case, the panel will judge your suitability for the role based on what you say, how you present yourself and how you approach questions.

Ace Your Interview Presentations with Visme

Creating an effective interview presentation can be your weapon to launch or advance your career. With a winning interview, you can outperform other candidates and convince your prospective employers that you're the right fit for the job.

But it all starts with setting aside hours to prepare for your presentations. In addition, make sure you follow all the tips we've shared for delivering your presentation.

Looking to create a presentation that will land you that new role? Then you need to use intuitive presentation software like Visme.

Whether you're a learner or an expert, Visme is easy to use. We guarantee that it will pay off more than you can imagine. The tool offers hundreds of pre-built presentation templates, built-in graphics, multimedia, design elements and more.

Beyond creating stunning presentations, you'll be able to share your presentation live. You can also embed it to your website or download it as a video or editable file formats like PDF, PPTX and more.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How do you start an interview presentation.

There are a few great ways to start your presentation with style, immediately grabbing your audience’s attention:

  • Start with a provocative question or statement.
  • Tell a story.
  • Quote an influential person.
  • Ask a question.
  • Tell a joke.

What is a good presentation topic for an interview?

When creating a presentation as a part of a job interview, you want to choose a topic that will help to sell yourself and your knowledge. This might mean a prior project you worked on, some new tech in your industry, new industry trends, etc.

What is the point of an interview presentation?

An interview presentation helps potential employers understand your actual knowledge level in the industry. If you’re able to give an in-depth presentation showcasing how well you know about something related to your field, they’re much more likely to want you on their team.

How do you improve your interview presentation skills?

Looking to improve your presentation skills ? A few key interview presentation ideas and tips include:

  • Keep your slides short and sweet.
  • Practice before you present.
  • Don’t read off your slides.
  • Create a visually appealing presentation design .
  • Show off your personality.

Easily put together winning interview presentations in Visme

ppt presentation on interview skills

Trusted by leading brands


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ppt presentation on interview skills

About the Author

Unenabasi is a content expert with many years of experience in digital marketing, business development, and strategy. He loves to help brands tell stories that drive engagement, growth, and competitive advantage. He’s adept at creating compelling content on lifestyle, marketing, business, e-commerce, and technology. When he’s not taking the content world by storm, Unenabasi enjoys playing or watching soccer.

ppt presentation on interview skills

ppt presentation on interview skills

  • Google Slides Presentation Design
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  • Powerpoint Redesign
  • Other Design Services

How to create and give a great presentation at a job interview?

  • Guide & How to's

How to create and give a great presentation at a job interview?

A job interview presentation can be your own initiative or the company’s requirement for meeting with HR or a recruiter. In both cases, it is your chance to demonstrate your mind, approach, and skills from your vacancy perspective. Additionally, a quality and attractive interview PowerPoint presentation shows your ability to analyze, talk, explain, and persuade. If you’re a designer, you should make a pitch on colors, fonts, and other visual components. If you are a sales manager, you should concentrate on numbers and better send a presentation design to the agency.

If you feel you can rely on yourself, we’d like to share some tips on how to make a presentation for an interview and present it confidently.

interview presentation

Slides to Include in an Interview Presentation PPT

The zero advice here is to include only the most relevant details and facts of your biography. If you apply for a manager position, mentioning psychology as a hobby will add points. However, if you apply for a programmer, there is no need to show your rewards in ballet or box.

To begin with, aim for one slide per minute. If given 10 minutes, try to contain 10 to 12 slides. Let’s outline some basic slides in your presentation for the interview ppt.

All these slides cover a simple 3-stage presentation structure:

  • Introduction: tell them what you’re going to tell them.
  • Middle: tell them.
  • End: tell them what you told them.

Slide 1: Welcome the audience.

Welcome people to your presentation by introducing them, saying what you will cover, assuring their comfort as observers, and asking them to leave all questions until the end.

Slides 2-3: About me (education, past jobs, courses, skills).

Slides 4-5: What I can do for you (the reason to apply, strengths, previous achievements).

Slides 6-7: Why I can do it (skills, solutions).

Slide 8: Summary.

Some positions allow including slides about hobbies or some interest outside the work, but we suppose that depends on the seniority of your position and its type. If those interests strengthen your skills required, add them but briefly.

Tips to Improve Your Presentation for Interview

Research the company.

The first interview presentation tip is to personalize slides for the company’s industry and their latest challenges/news/issues. What kind of products and services do they sell? You adjust your expertise to the company’s current problems showing how your skills impact and contribute as soon as they hire you. However, we advise not adding these references to every slide because it may look obsessive.

Know yourself

The second tip to ace your interview presentation slides is to know your strengths. You can list dozens of certifications, but how do they really work and help in practice? Name advantages related to the company. Tell the audience what you have done and can do to assist the company in current challenges. For example, you’ve researched the company’s goals to achieve, and you should focus on those strengths that complement these aims.

Present with PCS format

PSC is an abbreviation meaning Problem, Consequences, and Solution. For example, you start the presentation by identifying a company’s problem, continue with the consequences they face without your expertise, and end with the clear solution you propose to overcome the problem. The solution shouldn’t be perfect, but this approach shows you’re a creative problem-solver.

work interview

6 C’s to Consider to Give Top-Notch PowerPoint Presentation for Job Interview

Psychologically, you need to do a couple of preliminary things to recognize what interviewers are looking for in the first place. Let’s review what they specifically search:

1. Communication

They will look at how you communicate, articulate, or are cohesive and smooth. Not only slides but words coming out of your mouth must make sense.

2. Carry yourself

They will notice whether you’re enthusiastic, energetic, polished, professional, persuasive, etc. For example, if you apply for a senior position, the interviewer will definitely consider if you can give confident pitches or arguments.

Are you comfortable with this entire environment? Is it easy for you to be present? People who interview dozens of candidates easily read your comfort or discomfort level by analyzing body gestures: how you click the clicker, look at the slides, bite lips, change voice tone, react at the interruption, etc.

4. Construction of presentation

It is more than just an outline structure, and it is about whether the person is going through a cohesive story with all the necessary information and prepared slides. It is about the packaging you must put together from PowerPoint or Google slides , a deck, handouts, etc.

It is the biggest key of the whole meeting. Sure, presentations are about introducing yourself, but the insight, information, and sequencing will cover the most time.

6. Compelling

You’ll often need to make a persuasive argument for the audience to see it as a good “deal” and you as a profitable “offer” they want to buy. Don’t consider it offensive but aren’t you selling your expertise and time, right?

To get the offer, you need to know what they want to give something valuable. People make mistakes when they think about their personalities while creating slides. The right approach is to consider the company’s needs when compiling skills, adding certifications, and listing advantages. Don’t waste anyone’s time 🙂

If you consider our tips, you know now how to give a good interview presentation. It is all about focusing on the company’s current needs or challenges. If you use this perspective, you’ll look like a more valuable candidate interested in the vacancy and able to propose solutions to real problems and ways to achieve current goals. Companies will never kick off individuals who know their strengths, communicate confidently, and show sincere interest in the company.

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Tips for Great Job Interviews

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5 Steps to Acing Your Interview Presentation

woman presenting

As if a job interview isn’t stressful enough , now you’ve been asked to give a presentation as part of the process.

Well, considering that an interview is a chance for your potential employer to fully assess your abilities, it’s no surprise. Giving a presentation allows you to share your public speaking skills, knowledge of a specific topic, ability to stay calm under pressure, and more. And this is a good thing! After all, a well-developed and delivered presentation can let you shine like nothing else.

The flip side, though, is that a poor presentation can have a tremendously damaging effect on your chances of landing the job. So, how do you make sure that your presentation is flawless?

Try these steps for interview presentation success.

1. Know What You’re Working With

As soon as you’re asked to give a presentation, start by asking the hiring manager a few questions. Learn more about the topics you should present on, see how much time you’ll have, and ask what technology, if any, you’ll have access to.

It’s particularly important to ask to whom you’ll be presenting. What is the knowledge or expertise level of the audience? Will they be your colleagues, your bosses, or your potential clients? Knowing this will help you determine how to pitch your presentation, what focus you should take, and what tone would be most appropriate.

2. Start With a Structure

Once you’ve identified the purpose and key message of your presentation, you can start to structure it. Developing a clear structure will help you stay on point and help your audience follow you.

Of course, you’ll want to make sure you have the basic components of a well-structured presentation, including a captivating introduction, a compelling argument in the body, and a memorable conclusion. But this is an interview, and you want to impress your audience. No matter what you’re talking about, weave in examples of your skills and abilities , recommendations of how you would tackle a project for the company, or some other way of connecting your experience with what the employer needs.

One of the best presentations I’ve seen tied all the above together. The candidate’s presentation was so well-organized that it felt like a story, and the hiring committee was along for the ride. The story included how she got started in her line of work and what her interest in the company was. It ended with the candidate sharing her vision for the department she was hoping to lead, complete with ideas for new programs and innovative ways to reach new clients.

3. Prepare Aids

No matter how exceptional a public speaker you are, most presentations benefit from a little help. Use a presentation tool (PowerPoint or Prezi are great tools to familiarize yourself with) to highlight the key points you want to get across. But don’t rely on these—it’s called “Death by PowerPoint” for a reason. Besides, you want your audience to be focusing on you and what you’re saying, not your PowerPoint design.

A good rule of thumb is to treat each slide as you would a sign on the highway—just enough information to catch someone’s attention, but not so much that you distract people.

Also consider preparing handouts for the audience to keep—they can serve as a reminder of you and your presentation. Similar to slides, your handouts should call back to your key concepts and points, giving audience members exactly the information you want them to remember.

4. Practice, Practice, Practice

Once your presentation is structured and written, rehearse it. Practice it often, in front of other people if you can, or record yourself practicing. Ask for feedback, and incorporate that feedback into your edits.

You’ll especially want to look out for nervous habits—saying “like” and “um,” for example, or fidgeting, which makes your audience nervous for you. While you don’t have to memorize your presentation, you should run through it enough times so that you’re comfortable with it and can consciously avoid these habits.

Another presentation that really sticks out in my mind was from a young woman who was so nervous she could barely get a full sentence out. She kept her eyes down, looking at her notes the entire time. And even then, she stumbled over her words and got lost in her presentation. It was uncomfortable, and it was clear that she had not spent much time becoming familiar with her presentation. She was certainly memorable—but for all the wrong reasons.

5. Ace the Delivery

A solid delivery of your presentation begins before you even walk in the room. In other words, don’t forget the interview basics: dressing professionally, carrying yourself with confidence, and wearing a smile on your face.

Also pay attention to your body language when giving your presentation. You should be standing, not sitting down, as you speak. A great way to stand out from other candidates is to step out from behind the podium or a desk, bringing yourself out in front of the audience so they can see you, your gestures, and your stance.

As you’re giving your presentation, speak with confidence and authority. Make eye contact with different members of the audience to draw them in and engage them in what you’re saying. Remind yourself to take a few deep breaths at various points—this will help you stay calm, and will also naturally slow your speech a bit (most people tend to speak quickly when giving a presentation).

Presentations are always nerve-wracking, but remember that the audience wants you to succeed. The hiring committee invited you in because they probably think you have something to offer, and they want to see more. Follow the steps above, and show them exactly what that is.

ppt presentation on interview skills

competency based interviewing skills

Competency-Based Interviewing Skills

Aug 16, 2014

660 likes | 1.38k Views

Competency-Based Interviewing Skills. “Past, demonstrated behavior is the best indicator of future performance”. Workshop Objectives. Develop an understanding of the competency-based Human Resources system. Learn the key skills of preparing for an interview

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Presentation Transcript

Competency-Based Interviewing Skills “Past, demonstrated behavior is the best indicator of future performance”

Workshop Objectives • Develop an understanding of the competency-based Human Resources system. • Learn the key skills of preparing for an interview • Have an opportunity to practice competency based-interviewing questions. • Appreciate the importance of fairness and objectivity in selection.

What are Values & Competencies? • Values are shared principles and beliefs that underpin the Organisation’s work and guide actions and behaviors of staff. • Competencies are skills, attributes and behaviors directly related to successful job performance. • Core and managerial competencies: not specific to any occupation. • Functional (or technical) competencies: related to the specific requirements for a particular occupation or position.

Competency Framework (SAMPLE)

Why are Competencies Important? Defining Organizational competencies are important both for organisations and staff. • Competencies are forward-looking; they describe skills and attributes that staff and managers need to build human capital and meet future challenges. • Competencies help organisations clarify expectations and define future development needs.

The Integrated Competency-Based HR System UN HR System Staff Development Performance Management Succession Planning Recruitment Competencies

Why do Organisations Use Competency-Based Interviewing? • Predictors of performance: • Work samples .54 • Structured Competency-based Interview .51 • Intellectual capacity tests .51 • Trial period .44 • Unstructured interviews .38 • Assessment Centres* .37 • References .26 • Personality questionnaires .26 • Years of education .10 • Graphology .02

Preparing for an Interview • Deciding on what jobs to apply for: • Do I meet the qualifications and experience requirements? • Am I ready to apply now? • Have I considered all the implications should I be given the position? • Will I actually take the job if given it? • Is my resume/CV or P-11 tailored for the specific position? • Have I taken a copy of the vacancy announcement? • What do I know about this Organisation? • What do I know about this particular job?

Now – I Have Been Given an Interview – What Next? • Be flexible and non-demanding with timing. • Reference the vacancy announcement and look at the competencies • Find out as much as you can about the organisation including mandate, publications, organigram, strategic directions, scandals etc. • Try to find out why the position is vacant • If a face-to-face, know what outfit you are going to wear and err on the side of conservative. • If a telephone (or skype/VTC) make sure you are in a private location and all equipment is working.

Preparing for CBI Questions • CBI Questions ask about past professional experiences that can demonstrate the candidate is competent. • The theory is that if you can demonstrate that you have done it in the past, chances are that, you will be able to do it in the future. • When assessing the candidates responses, panels will ascertain the depth and complexity of the responses given by candidates. • CBI is sometimes referred to as behavioral or situational interviewing.

The CAR (L) Principle • Context: You will be expected to give an overview of the situation: what the situation was about, when it was, how you first got involved, what were the key events and the time frame. • Actions: You will be expected to cover significant events, specific instances, that were clearly attributable to you rather than the team • Results: What was the outcome, impact or results of your actions: You may be asked questions such as how did it turn out? What was the final result? • (L)earning: What learning did you take away from this experience.

Things to Avoid When Being Interviewed • Answering in the hypothetical. • Talking about “we”, rather talk in the “I”. • Espousing theories or values (“waffling on”). • Blanket generalizations. • Making statements about the future. • Interrupting the panel. • Asking questions about benefits and entitlements

Sample Questions (# 1 - Teamwork) • Tell me about the last time you were part of a successful team. • What made the team successful? • What was your role in the team? • How did you deal with disagreements in the team? • What was the impact or the achievements of the team?

Sample Questions (# 3 - Planning) • Tell me about the last time you had to organize or plan a major event • What was the nature of the event? • What was your role in organizing it? • How did you plan the sequence of what needed to be done? • How did the event turn out? • Reflecting back on that experience, what would you have done differently next time?

Sample Questions (# 3 - Values) • What are the three values that are most important to you? • How do these values translate into you daily work/study? • Can you give me a specific example when you felt one of your values was compromised. • What did you do about the situation? • What was the result?

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5 Key Lessons from DPR's Design & Construction Strategy

5 Key Lessons from DPR's Design & Construction Strategy

Design and construction teams are fundamental to how every project in the world gets built. But far too often, there are gaps and silos between design and construction teams, which can lead to unpredictability, project delays, and higher costs.

At DPR, innovation and collaboration are at the core of how we build and deliver projects. Particularly, we've found that integrating design and construction teams and workflows at the earliest project phases leads to better outcomes for our teams, business, and clients.

As Atul Khanzode, our CTO, pointed out on a recent podcast, "The biggest cause of the lack of predictability is not having key stakeholders like builders, GCs, and subs involved early in the design process. This adds to a lot of missed opportunities to incorporate their knowledge into the complete design to be buildable."

Everyone can agree that stakeholder involvement and collaboration are crucial. Of course, doing it is easier said than done, given that team members (especially from external organizations) often have different processes, standards, and tools.

At DPR, we've prioritized integrating design and construction workflows, and we’ve seen great project outcomes as a result. With that in mind, DPR Superintendent Adam Valles and I recently joined a webinar with Autodesk where we shared how we've been able to drive more successful projects by implementing “construction-informing design” workflows and improving teamwork.

Check out these five key learnings from the session.

1. Get involved early and often

With incorrect, late-issued, and incomplete designs being among the top five causes of capital project claims and disputes , it's clear that early stakeholder involvement can prevent major issues.

When it comes to construction projects, we strive to bring everyone together at every stage . The type of contract we use in our projects is a big factor in making this happen. In some contract scenarios, particularly traditional design-bid-build, there isn't much room for early engagement since the team isn't on the project yet. However, progressive design-build contracts and integrated project delivery (IPD) allow for early involvement or "left of line" engagement.

The good news is owners increasingly recognize these advantages. As Adam points out, "We're seeing more and more clients realizing the benefit of construction-informing design workflows, having the model complete before construction."

It's also worth noting that some of this work takes place during the pre-bid phase. We bring partners on board based on their processes and ability to perform the job efficiently, not just their bid price. In other words, we're selecting teams based on their efficiency and methodology.

2. Use a single source of truth for everyone

Bringing people together is incredibly challenging if team members use different tools and platforms. That's why we implement a centralized document control system that ensures all parties are working with the latest information.

Beyond giving teams a single source of truth, having a central data and document management hub allows us to improve client satisfaction and trust. According to a global study by Deloitte Access Economics, commissioned by Autodesk , 61% of general contractors agree that clients seek greater transparency in key data points and information about a project. 

At DPR, we use Autodesk Construction Cloud as our single source of truth for document control, with a big focus on model-based workflows. We like to say that “if it’s not in the model, it doesn’t exist”, and that’s because we want our teams working in 3D and tracking decisions in the model. It's been a huge asset in streamlining communication from architects to management to the field. With Autodesk Construction Cloud, we can publish web-based 3D viewers, so our entire team doesn't need to be in Revit to see the model. We give project managers and project executives access to both the 2D drawings the 3D model directly rather than having them wait until plans are published.

These steps also ensure that all team members speak the same language. This is critical because the sooner we reach that common data language as a team, the more successful we'll be.

3. Inform the design with constructability feedback

We want to eliminate the boom-bust cycle on construction projects. For instance, if an architect and owner designs something too expensive, they must value engineer the costs down and cut the scope. One way to avoid that is to bring builders like us into a virtual environment before it physically exists so we can give input on the design long before we break ground.

The goal isn't to change the design intent, but to inform it with real-world constraints and experience from past projects. Let's say we're looking to prefabricate a panel. With construction-informing design, we would get involved early and work directly with design teams to figure out the best way to do that. What is the ideal width for that panel? And if that width makes a door move, does the design team or owner have concerns about that?

These are types of things we can address early on to create a smoother project experience down the line. By collaborating with architects, engineers, owners, and specialty contractors in a shared environment, we can make more informed decisions that enhance both design and constructability.

4. Empower field teams to review designs and give input

In lean management, there’s a principle called the “Gemba Walk,” in which leaders walk through a workspace or a factory floor to observe what happens where the core work takes place. At DPR, we apply a similar approach to construction projects.

Our version of the Gemba Walk is a virtual one, using model-based workflows. We have our field teams look at the work before it makes it to them, so they can review the design and provide input before the actual construction takes place. In doing so, we bridge the gap between field realities and design intentions, promoting a smoother construction process.

As Adam puts it, "When you close the gap between field issues to the design team, your project will be that much more seamless and efficient."

It doesn't stop there, though. We continue to connect design and field teams throughout the project through iPads and BIM stations that our team and our trade partners can all engage with.

5. Get every stakeholder communicating

Good relationships are built on communication, and this also applies to office and field teams in construction. For projects to move forward efficiently, all stakeholders must be on the same page. That's why having a common data environment (CDE) is crucial—it keeps everyone in sync. At DPR, our CDE is central to all project-related matters, whether you're in the office or the field.

"We make sure it's up to date, so it's almost instant when the field gets information," shares Adam. We're not just relying on the shop drawings; we're relying on the real-time information from the design team.

That real-time component is incredibly important, given that most teams work on compressed timelines. Schedules are getting shorter, so we often need to move quickly. Anytime there's a silo of information—even between teams coordinating with each other—we're already past that in the main source of truth.

Beyond getting people to commit to using a shared platform, establishing regular meetings and using technology to facilitate those touchpoints greatly improve stakeholder communication.

"We set up a BIM station on every floor, and if they have any questions, we have coordination meetings every morning," explains Adam. “Then, if there are issues in the field, we'll validate them with the model first. If it's a true issue, we'll capture it, get it to the office, and get on the phone with the architect by 10 a.m. Communication is faster now that we have more technology out in the field."

Final words

With rapid changes in our industry, shorter timelines, and increased competition, integrating your design and construction workflows will be more important than ever to stay ahead of the curve. If you haven't done so yet, start taking steps to enhance collaboration and streamline your processes. Bring stakeholders together early on, equip teams with the best tools, and keep everyone on the same page using a centralized platform.

To learn more about how DPR does all of that, watch our webinar for deeper insights , tips, and strategies.

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  16. Interview Skills

    Interview Skills PPT - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (.ppt / .pptx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. This document provides information about interview skills, including how to prepare for an interview, what to do at the beginning, middle, and end of an interview, and dos and don'ts. Some key points include: do research on the company beforehand ...

  17. How To Prepare An Interview PowerPoint Presentation

    Open PowerPoint and navigate to the slide where you want to add an object. Click on the "Insert" tab in the top menu bar. To add a picture, click on the "Pictures" button and select the image you want to add. To add a shape, click on the "Shapes" button, select the desired shape and then click and drag on the slide to draw the shape.

  18. 5 Steps to Acing Your Interview Presentation

    Try these steps for interview presentation success. 1. Know What You're Working With. As soon as you're asked to give a presentation, start by asking the hiring manager a few questions. Learn more about the topics you should present on, see how much time you'll have, and ask what technology, if any, you'll have access to.

  19. 10 Tips for Delivering a Winning Interview Presentation

    How to give a good job interview presentation. Use these tips to deliver a presentation in an interview: Ask for guidance. Know your audience. Find a focal point. Tell a compelling story. Position yourself effectively. Take a positive approach. Practice your delivery.

  20. PPT

    Presentation Transcript. Workshop Objectives • Develop an understanding of the competency-based Human Resources system. • Learn the key skills of preparing for an interview • Have an opportunity to practice competency based-interviewing questions. • Appreciate the importance of fairness and objectivity in selection.

  21. 5 Key Lessons from DPR's Design & Construction Strategy

    Chad Arthur is the VDC Manager & Design Integration Leader at DPR Construction. Chad leads teams in Northern California and the Pacific Northwest to collaboratively deliver projects leveraging DPR's strategies: Virtual Design and Construction (VDC) and Design to Build - a relentless drive to provide design partners and clients with the very best experience, best value, and best building.