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Believe In Yourself

In "Believe in Yourself" Dr. Murphy shows you how the power of believing in yourself will help you achieve your dreams. He illustrates his points with wonderful stories about how inventors, writers, artists, and entrepreneurs have used this power to reach the highest of heights. By the end of the book you will have the tools for success.

Have your faith lost in yourself? Have you left trusting your subconscious mind because it cannot fulfill your dreams? Or do you want to achieve your goals with the help of the subconscious mind, but you need a better way?

If the answer to these questions is yes, this summary is for you. In this Believe In Yourself book summary, we will discuss a small but powerful book by the best-selling author of “The Power of Your Subconscious Mind” Dr. Joseph Murphy . The book is “Believe In Yourself.”

Why read the summary here?

This book has so many articles and blogs, so why read here?

I must congratulate you first for this question and then tell you that I am a bibliophile, and I read books, note the steps, try them and then summarise the book’s lessons’ impact on me.

So, if you know me from my YouTube Channel – Readers Books Club – you may know how deeply I get into books and bring out nothing but the best! The same treatment I have done with this book, and the result is your reading summary.

About the author

Joseph Murphy was born on May 20, 1898, in a small town in Ireland. In his late teen years, he arrived in the United States with only $5 in his pocket. Along with working odd jobs, he enrolled in a school to study pharmacy. With his keen mind and desire to learn, he passed the qualification exam and became a pharmacist.

When the United States entered World War II, Joseph was assigned to work in the medical unit. At that time, he renewed his interest in religion and began to read extensively about various religious beliefs. From his studies, Joseph became interested in the various Asian religions and came to India to learn about them in depth. He studied all of the major religions from the time they began.

Joseph, in the Bible, means ‘disciplined or controlled imagination.’ It is one of the first facilities of the mind. It has the power to make your ideas real. Imagination is the mighty instrument used by great scientists, artists, physicists, inventors, and mystics.

When the world said, “It is impossible; it can’t be done,” the man with imagination said, ‘It is done!’. A great industrialist once told the author how he started in a small store. He said that he used to dream of a large corporation with branches all over the country. He also said that he regularly and systematically pictured the giant offices, factories, stores, and buildings in his mind because he knew that he could make this real through the alchemy of the mind.

Believe in Yourself

He prospered and began to attract himself by the law of attraction –  the ideas, friends, money, and everything needed to manifest his dream. He cultivated his imagination. Then he started living with these mental patterns until imagination clothed them in the form. The author liked that this man said, “It is just as easy to imagine yourself successful as it is to imagine failure, but far more interesting.”

Imagination wears a coat of many colors. A coat is a psychological covering. Your psychological garments are the mental attitudes, moods, and feelings you entertain. For example, you can imagine your friend who is poor and living in the lap of luxury. You can see his face light up with joy. It can make any idea or desire real.

You can imagine abundance where lack is, peace where discord is, and health where there is sickness. With your imagination, you can actually hear the invisible voice of your mother, even though she lives 10000 miles away from you. You can also see her clearly, quite as vividly as if she is with you. This is the wonderful power you possess. You can develop and cultivate this power to become successful and prosperous.

What is a right mental attitude?

The author shares a story here. Many years ago, he printed an article on reincarnation. These pamphlets were on display on a book counter of a church where he lectured. In the beginning, very few of the pamphlets were sold because the salesgirl disliked the contents.

The author then explained the Biblical meaning of reincarnation to her. She understood all the contents and became enthusiastic about the booklets. They were all sold before the author’s lecture was completed. The author was astonished after seeing this. This is an example of a right mental attitude.

Believe in Yourself Book

Your mental attitude means what your mental reaction to people, circumstances, and objects near you is.

It directs your relationship with your co-workers? Are you friendly with people, animals, and the Universe? Do you think that the Universe is doing wrong things to you? In short, what is your attitude?

So, if your attitude is not right, then how can you develop the right mental attitude? Let’s see how you can do it.

Developing the right mental attitude

You can develop the right mental attitude when you realize that nothing external can irritate you or hurt you without your mental consent. You are the only thinker in your world, and nothing can move you into anger or sorrow without your mental consent.

Realize that you are the master of your thought world. Emotions follow thought. Hence, you are supreme in your own orbit. Just believe in yourself.

Do you permit others to influence you? Do you allow the headlines in the newspapers and the gossip of others to frustrate you? If you do, then your attitude is wrong, and you need to change it and just believe in yourself.

Do you imagine the evil of others? If you do, notice the emotion generated in your deeper self; it is negative and destructive to your health and prosperity. Imagine that another person is mean and dishonest; notice the emotion generated in yourself.

Now reverse the situation and imagine the same person as honest, sincere, and loving; notice the emotion generated in you. Is it positive? Are you not, therefore, master of your attitudes?

In reality, the truth of the whole matter is that your view of God determines your whole attitude toward life in general. If your view is that God is the spiritual power within you, who is always guiding you and taking you towards prosperity, then you will look at the world in a positive and affirmative way.

A young boy of sixteen going to school said to the author, ‘I am getting very poor grades. My memory is failing. I do not know what’s the matter?’ The only thing wrong was his attitude. He adopted a new mental attitude by knowing how important his studies were to get entrance into a good college and become a lawyer.

He began to pray significantly, which is one of the quickest ways to change the mentality. This young boy realized that there was a spiritual power within him. He also began to claim that his memory was absolutely perfect and that infinite intelligence always told him everything he needed to know.

He began to radiate love and goodwill to teachers and fellow students. This young boy is now enjoying greater freedom than he has ever enjoyed earlier, and you can do this too. Just believe in yourself.


Believe in Yourself Summary

We have said previously that all our mental attitudes are conditioned by imagination. If you imagine that it is going to be a black day today, that business is going to be very poor, that it is raining, and that no customers will come into your store, then you will see the result of your negative imagery.

Imagine that things are lovely, noble, and good. Your entire emotional attitude towards life will change. What do you imagine about life? Is your life going to be happy? Or is it one trapped with frustration?

It is really out of the imaginative mind of man that all religions are born. It is out of the realm of imagination that television, the radio, super jets, and all other modern inventions came. Your imagination is the treasure house of infinity, which releases to you all the precious jewels of music, art, poetry, and inventions.

For a more detailed understanding of the imagination, you can also read the summary of “The Power of Your Subconscious Mind”. The link is just down below:

The Power of Your Subconscious Mind

A businessman whose business is growing, yet dwells on negativity, is an example of the destructive use of imagination. He comes home from the office, creates a motion picture in his mind of failure, imagines an empty bank balance, and imagines selling his house and business.

If he constantly indulges in this mental picture, he will cause failure to happen. He had the choice of failure or success, but he chose failure. This is the power of imagination.

They take useless worries; they never seem to imagine anything good or lovely. They seem to know that something bad or destructive is always going to happen. They cannot tell you one reason why something good should happen. However, they are ready with all the reasons why something evil should occur. Now you can ask why is this?

Why people think negative?

The reason is simple. These people are habitually negative; that is, most of their thinking is of a negative and destructive nature. As they continue to make a habit of these negative patterns of thought, they condition their subconscious mind negatively.

So make a choice now. Begin to think constructively. To think is to speak. Your thought is your word. Let your words be like a honeycomb, which is sweet to the ear.

What is your inner speech like at this moment reading this summary? Perhaps you are saying to yourself, “I can’t do it. It is impossible. I’m too old now. What chance have I? I have no money.”

You can see your words are not like honey. They are not sweet to your ear; they do not lift you up or inspire you. So take a pledge by saying these words to yourself. Repeat them with me. “From this moment, I will allow only those ideas and thoughts in my mind that inspire me and strengthen me.”

Talking to subconscious mind

So now, let’s see how you may positively convey an idea or mental image to your subconscious mind.

Believe in Yourself English

The conscious mind of man is personal and selective. It chooses, analyses, and selects. It does all the work of reasoning. Just believe in yourself and move.

The subconscious mind can also be seen as a servant of the conscious mind. The subconscious obeys all the orders of the conscious mind. The conscious mind of a man is the motor and the subconscious is the engine. You have to start the motor, and the engine will do the work. Because of the conscious mind, the power of the subconscious mind is awakened.

Step 1: The quiet mind

The first step in conveying your clarified desire, idea, or image to the subconscious mind is to relax and immobilize the attention to get quiet. This quiet, relaxed, and peaceful attitude of mind prevents extra matter and false ideas from going into your mind. Furthermore, in the quiet, passive, receptive attitude of mind, the effort is reduced to a minimum.

Step 2: Imagine

In the second step, you begin to imagine the reality of that which you desire. Here the author gives his example, and you too can use this example to achieve your desired thing. Just believe in yourself and imagine.

The author wanted to sell his home. So he placed the board in front of his garden that said ‘For sale by owner.’ The second day after placing the sign, he asked himself as he was going to sleep, ‘Suppose you sold the House, what would you do?’

Then he answered his own question. And said, ‘I would take that board down and throw it in the garage.’ In his imagination, he took out the board and threw it in the garage, and he felt the inner satisfaction of it all, realizing that it was finished. He just believed in himself.

The next day a man gave him a deposit of $1000 and said, “Take your board down; we are buying this home now”. Immediately the author pulled the board down and took it into the garage. The outer action happened because of the inner. The type of image impressed on the subconscious mind, so is the type of image formed in your life.

If a person has a mortgage due at the bank but he does not have much money to cover it – if he applies this principle, then the subconscious mind will provide him with the money. Never think about how it happened and from where it will happen. Just believe in yourself.

The subconscious mind has ways you know not of. It is one of the instruments that God gave to man, so he could complete his needs. The man who hasn’t the money to give the mortgage to the bank can imagine himself giving a cheque to the cashier.

The important point is to become intensely interested in the mental picture you have created and make it real and natural . The more nicely you engage with that picture, the more effectually will the imaginary picture be deposited in the subconscious mind.

Suppose you are saying that I am not able to see any way to get the money to pay off the mortgage. But do not worry about it. Realize that there is a power inherent within you that can provide you with everything you say to provide it. You can now live with the feeling that: ‘My house is free from all debt, and I have a lot of money.’

Do not question where you will get money to repay the mortgage. You can also imagine a letter from the bank in which it is written that you have paid up all the debt. Live with it until it becomes real for you.

Become convinced now that there is a power within you that is capable of bringing what you imagine . And the important thing is that sitting idly by day, daydreaming, or just imagining the things you would like to possess will not attract them to you. You must actually believe that you are operating a law of mind.

Know what you want

The subconscious mind will carry out the idea because you have a clear-cut concept of what you wish to possess. Imagine clearly the fulfillment of your desire. The subconscious mind is the film upon which the picture is impressed. And then, the subconscious develops the picture and sends it back into real-world – meaning – in the material form.

The individual who habitually maintains a mental attitude of faith succeeds in life. The individual who remains depressed attracts failure in his life. That’s why make an attitude of faith.

Believe in Yourself Hindi

God is always successful in his undertaking. Man is equipped to succeed because God is within him. All the potentialities and all the qualities of God are within man. You are born to win.

Also, the intelligence of God is within you, which can raise you above all difficulties. Accept the fact that you have inner creative power. This power is responsive and reactive to your thoughts. If a man thinks of failure, the thought of failure attracts failure. That’s why always think and speak positively.

A business friend of the author, who was a tailor one time, told the author that: “All I ever do is add. I never subtract.” He means that success is a plus sign. Just believe in yourself and let the magic unfold.

Add to your growth, wealth and power, and knowledge. You add to your life by imagining whatsoever things are true and lovely. Imagine yourself being successful and feeling this thing with your heart. You must become successful. You are never a slave to external conditions. You are the master of them.

Friends, you just saw a miracle unfold before you in this summary.

Go to your reservoir of immense possibilities and think and be like anything you ever wanted. Just imagine, and be positive, and wonders are bound to happen as you are the creation of this Universe.

God bless you all !

Believe In Yourself Book Review

The book is for anyone who is witnessing blockages in any aspect of life. The simple and lucid steps to reach the subconscious mind mentioned in this book will be convenient to conquer the mind and make life a truly happening one.

However, a lot of places, the book has gone too much into details of mind that any person may find challenging to understand and follow.

Overall, the book is a gift for anyone who wants to decode his mind, strengthen his belief system, and create the life of his dreams!

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142 thoughts on “believe in yourself”.

Yah bahut hi achha summery he jo apni life ko leke negative ho raha ho uske liye toh a bahut hi sahi he…

This is really happen and i believe that i get success in my interview that is going to held on 16 may . thankyou so much for the beautiful book with amazing title believe in yourself ❤️

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  • Sep 11, 2023

Believe in Yourself Joseph Murphy Summary

Have you ever had a day when you wanted to do something, but then suddenly negative thoughts crept in and you started doubting yourself. You know, you are not alone. When it comes to negative self-talk, I think I could’ve easily win a Nobel Prize on that. Gosh, I used to be a miserable person. I remember sometimes these negative thoughts were so strong that I gave up even before starting. I got to a point and I said to myself, enough is enough. And since then, I've been doing all I can to change that negative self-talk. And one of the books I found super helpful is this one, Believe in Yourself by Joseph Morphy. His other book, The Power of Subconscious Mind, absolutely changed the way I look at my subconscious mind. And this book is also filled with great insights.

You might ask, how should I believe in myself? Very good question. To answer that, first we have to know who is me. Here it's you. You have the conscious mind, subconscious mind, and then you have the body. Now the conscious mind has the ability to choose thoughts. Those thoughts turn into pictures and we turn those pictures into subconscious mind. And the subconscious mind has no ability to reject any thoughts. So it accepts them without any question and then it expresses the action through the body. Now, what is the problem? We have to go back to our childhood. When we were a child, the conscious mind wasn’t developed, and this is how we arrive at this world. This is the baby. No conscious mind. There is only the subconscious mind and it is wide open. You can put anything in it. Why do you think you speak the language you speak, you speak that language because you were surrounded by people that speak that language and the language just went into the subconscious mind. Why do you think you like the foods you like? It's programming. That's right. Now, let's stop and think about the environment we were raised in. Here is the baby. The ideas and thoughts and concepts that are going on around that baby are going right into that baby's subconscious mind. Now through repetition over and over and over again, and remember, the baby is getting it all day, every day, and this goes on for four or five years. And the baby reaches the age of four or five where they can start to think. That baby is programmed to think like the people he was surrounded by. If the people that were surrounding that baby, always lived in hard times, never believed in themselves, always doubted themselves, that's probably how that baby is going to grow up. Now, this is bizarre, but this is how it happens. It's how it happened to me. I was raised in a small village in an undeveloped country. We never believed in ourselves. There was always talk about how others can do it, but we can't. That you should be satisfied with what you've got.

Here we've got the baby with the subconscious programming and the conscious mind has developed. They have the ability to think, what are they going to think? They are going to think thoughts that are in harmony with programming of the subconscious mind. Now, this programming is literally controlling the behavior. Consciously, you can think of one thing, but subconsciously the other idea will be controlling you. We can sit down and read these self-help books and we say, yeah, I can do that. That makes sense. It's logical, but then we can't do it. Why? Because the subconscious programming is literally controlling your life. Now, let's think about of how this programming was formed. It was formed through repetition, the ideas being planted in your subconscious mind. Now you know why you are getting the results you're getting. It has nothing to do with your intellect, your intellect. You can figure out how to do things, but that doesn't mean you are going to do them. You hear people say, I believe that, but their behavior indicate they've never heard of it. Why? We believe something in the conscious level. On the subconscious level, the programming believes something else. We've got to take the beliefs that we have consciously determined by thinking and plant them in the place of the old belief. See, I used to believe that I couldn't do anything better than I was doing. The idea of doing something worthwhile with my life was farthest from my mind. You know something, as I am changing this programming, my whole world is changing. That's what it's all about. That's how we believe in ourselves. You've got to change your subconscious programming if you want to change your life. It's a beautiful concept to understand. It's terrible if you don't understand because it literally controls your life. Why do you think most people go right through their lives and keep getting the same results year after year after year? Well, it's just the way it is and they don't know. How the subconscious programming was formed? Through the repetition of information. How is this programming change? Repetition of information. You replace the negative and self-doubt thoughts with positive ones and you've got to repeat it maybe a thousand times a day. As I started reading more books from successful people and listening to their talks, I slowly changed my subconscious programming and I'm still doing that. That's how you start to believe in yourself. I want to thank you for watching this, but I'm going to ask you to share it with one of your friends. Say, come and read this. This is a great information to understand.

Thanks for reading. It's Bahman and I enjoy sharing it with you. If you want a one-page summary of the book, click the link below and I'll be happy to send it to you.

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Home › Moral Boosting › ‘Believe in yourself’ by Dr. Joseph Murphy

‘Believe in yourself’ by Dr. Joseph Murphy

By Himanshu dev Sharma on December 18, 2020 • ( 0 )

“Imagination is all we have as a creator… Believe in the power of imagination and so in yourself…”

This is, in my opinion, should be the summary of the book ‘Believe in yourself’ by Dr. Joseph Murphy.

Though the majority of the book is essentially a kind of sequel of his previous book ‘The Power of Your Subconscious Mind’, wherein he described how to train your subconscious mind through faith and vivid imagination. (Read my review here : )

The book showcases the power of imagination and suggests this, as a prime quality of highly successful people. Imagination empowers us as it suggests a likely outcome. It then keeps us guided and motivated till we see it in reality. It makes us believe in ourselves. What else one can ask for… ?

The vital part of imagination is happiness and disruption. We attain happiness and go for guided disruption. Entrepreneurship survives on imagination of a great product and service.

A great topic and a very interesting read by Dr. Joseph Murphy.

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Follow the authors

General Press

Believe in Yourself Paperback – September 2, 2010

  • Print length 80 pages
  • Language English
  • Publication date September 2, 2010
  • Dimensions 6 x 0.2 x 9 inches
  • ISBN-10 157898971X
  • ISBN-13 978-1578989713
  • See all details

Product details

  • Publisher ‏ : ‎ Martino Publishing (September 2, 2010)
  • Language ‏ : ‎ English
  • Paperback ‏ : ‎ 80 pages
  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 157898971X
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1578989713
  • Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 4.5 ounces
  • Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 6 x 0.2 x 9 inches
  • #665 in New Thought
  • #2,272 in Happiness Self-Help
  • #3,353 in Motivational Self-Help (Books)

About the authors

General press.

General Press publishes high-quality POD books in almost all popular genres including Fiction, Nonfiction, Religion, Self-Help, Romance, Classics, etc.

Joseph Murphy

Dr. Murphy changed the lives of people all over the world. His legacy is being carried forward by the and

Dr. Murphy wrote, taught, counseled, and lectured to thousands of people all over the world, as Minister-Director of the Church of Divine Science in Los Angeles. His lectures and sermons were attended by thousands of people every Sunday. Millions of people tuned in his daily radio program and have read the over 30 books that he has written, which have sold over ten million copies worldwide.

Dr. Joseph Murphy has been acclaimed as a major figure in the human potential movement, the spiritual heir to writers like James Allen, Dale Carnegie, Napoleon Hill, and Norman Vincent Peale and a precursor and inspirer of contemporary motivational writers and speakers like Tony Robbins, Zig Ziglar, Louise Hay and Earl Nightingale. He was one of the best selling authors in the mid-twentieth century. His book THE POWER OF YOUR SUBCONSCIOUS MIND has sold millions of copies and has been translated into thirty languages. This book has never been out of print and is still one of the best sellers in the self-help genre. The only authorized edition is published by Penguin Random House and JMW Group.

Over the years Dr. Murphy has given lectures and radio talks to audiences all over the world. In his lectures he points out how real people have radically improved their lives by applying specific aspects of his concepts, and gives the listener guidelines on how they too can enrich their lives.

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Customers find the book readable, inspiring, and refreshing. They also say it's useful and one of the best self-help books. Readers mention it'll be great for newbies starting on a positive thought pattern.

" This book is PHENOMENAL !!!!..." Read more

"Great Book! Loved every word in it . Very inspiring...." Read more

" Excellent narration . Deep discussion with a truly inspired meaning. Dr. Murphy makes the thought of success and the actuality of success attainable...." Read more

"... One of the best self help books I have read among a few others that I will always refer to." Read more

Customers find the book's content insightful, informative, and interesting. They also appreciate the deep discussion with a truly inspired meaning. Readers mention the book elevates and illuminates their lives.

"...nothing but time, quiet time it that is, on his hands These books gave my son hope , helped him to target where his self defeating feelings spiraled..." Read more

"...As I read it got me back on track with positive thinking. Motivated me all over again . Worth the price and to be honest it should cost more." Read more

"Excellent narration. Deep discussion with a truly inspired meaning . Dr. Murphy makes the thought of success and the actuality of success attainable...." Read more

"...The information in the book is life changing. The author included many practical examples to further illustrate his points...." Read more

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"Packed well, shipped quickly , great price!! A+++++!!!!" Read more

Customers have mixed opinions about the print size of the book. Some mention it's quite short but very informative, while others say the words should be much larger for readers to enjoy it.

"...This book is short and easily read in an afternoon. It basically gives you the formula for manifesting anything you want in life...." Read more

"The lady letters are to tiny " Read more

"This book and all of Joseph Murphy’s books are amazing, this book is quite short but very informative and interesting you can learn a lot from him!" Read more

"The book was good, however, the words should be much bigger for the readers to enjoy it more." Read more

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Believe in Yourself PDF

believe in yourself book review pdf

Title Believe in Yourself
Released Date 2020-09-13
Language English
Format EPUB
Pages 54
Total Downloads 223
Total Views 802

Experience the life-changing power of Joseph Murphy with this unforgettable book....

Chapter List (8 chapters):

  • Chapter 1: Believe in Yourself
  • Chapter 2: Preface
  • Chapter 3: Chapter 1
  • Chapter 5: Chapter 2
  • Chapter 7: Chapter 3

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“Groundbreaking and insightful, Trust Yourself is essential reading for every sensitive, introverted professional.”

— Susan Cain, author of Quiet and creator of Quiet Revolution

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Are you a Sensitive Striver®?

  • Often feel "not good enough"?
  • Take things too personally?
  • Judge yourself harshly?
  • Struggle with burnout and setting boundaries?

It's time to trust yourself.

In this groundbreaking book that explores sensitivity and achievement in the workplace, executive coach and human behavior professor, Melody Wilding, LMSW, offers concrete action steps to help you break free from stress, perfectionism, and self-doubt so you can find the confidence to work and lead effectively.

If you’re an empathetic, driven person trying to navigate your career and learn how to believe in yourself in the process, Trust Yourself offers the mindset and tools you need to succeed. 

Inside the book you’ll find actionable strategies, templates, scripts and more to help you turn your sensitivity into a superpower. You’ll also get access to a locked vault of worksheets and exercises to turn your discoveries into action. 

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Ready to get out of your own way?

Discover neuroscience based strategies to reclaim control of your life and reach your full potential at work.

ACHIEVE CONFIDENCE  and overcome imposter syndrome.

SPEAK UP and act assertively.

BUILD RESILIENCE and bounce back from setbacks.

ENJOY YOUR SUCCESS without sacrificing your well-being.

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Regain your confidence and turn your sensitivity into a superpower with TRUST YOURSELF. Enter your name and email to get the free chapter and weekly tips.


Praise for Trust Yourself

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A note from author Melody Wilding, LMSW

This is the book I wish I’d had as an empathetic, driven person trying to find my way in my career and figure out how to believe in myself in the process. 

It’s a guide to master your sensitivity and enjoy success—however you define it—without stress and overwhelm.

And once you redirect your sensitive striving toward strength and not self-sabotage, you can move through the world with ease and reach your full potential.

Drawing on my experiences as an executive coach, licensed social worker, and professor of human behavior, this book combines stories based on my clients’ experiences with sound, actionable tools you can use to cut through the stress, identify your purpose, and find the confidence to be true to who you are. 

It’s entirely possible to channel your ambition in healthy ways and to use your sensitivity as the superpower that it is.

I can’t wait to show you how., official bio.

Melody Wilding, LMSW, has coached hundreds of private clients, from CEOs and Fortune 500 executives at Google and Facebook to leaders from the US Department of Education, the Federal Reserve, and the United Nations.

She has been named one of Business Insider’s “Most Innovative Coaches” and is a professor of human behavior at the Silberman School of Social Work at Hunter College in New York.

She writes regularly for Harvard Business Review, Forbes, and Fast Company. Her advice has been featured in The   New York Times, The Wall Street Journal,  US News and World Report, and more.

As seen on:

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The book goes on sale May 4th, but you can start to Trust Yourself right now with exclusive bonus gifts worth over $400.

Plus, pre-ordering is crucial to the book’s success. It ensures that Trust Yourself is available on bookshelves all around the country and the world. So thank you in advance for doing your part to spread the book’s message to Sensitive Strivers worldwide.

Bonuses apply to pre-order purchases of any format – hard cover, audiobook, or ebook format – or a combination thereof. 

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For access to a digital workbook companion.

Created for pre-order buyers, use this custom workbook to document your takeaways, spark rich insights, and journal your way through TRUST YOURSELF. The workbook includes exercises and worksheets so you can take action on your discoveries and put what you learn into practice. 


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For the workbook plus the trust yourself live vip experience.

Happening in May, this is a 4-week guided immersion with the author to help you achieve confidence, speak assertively, and build resilience. You’ll receive weekly coaching, accountability, facilitated discussion, guest interviews and more. You and those you purchase the book for will receive access! 

TOTAL VALUE: $397 each

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#1 Amazon New Release · APPLE "BEST BOOKS OF THE MONTH" MAY 2021

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Pre-order one copy and get the Digital Workbook Companion

Created for pre-order buyers, use this custom workbook to document your takeaways, spark rich insights, and journal your way through  TRUST YOURSELF. The workbook includes exercises and worksheets so you can take action on your discoveries. 

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Recent SPEAKING Engagements:

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  • A private community for motivation, connection, and belonging
  • Bonus interviews with guest instructors

Note: You can purchase 3+ copies from any retailer except Amazon (they do not allow purchase of multiple copies).

Interviews & Press

Dig deeper in these interviews with Melody for more great content to regain your confidence and turn your sensitivity into a superpower.

Interested in interviewing Melody or having her come speak to your organization?   Click here to contact Melody now . 

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How to Turn Sensitivity Into a Superpower

Watch now →.

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How to Build Resilience by Ending the Habit of Overthinking


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How to Manage the Emotional Impact of Getting Laid Off

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Why You Don't Need to Explain Your Reason for Taking a Day Off

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How to Speak Confidently in Meetings (No Matter How Anxious You Are)

Listen now →.

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How to Beat Imposter Syndrome as a Sensitive Striver

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Why We Can’t Get Enough of Watching Other People Organize Their Lives



How to Stop Overthinking Everything

5 times when you should get rid of your lofty goals.

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The Challenges and Strengths of Sensitive Strivers in the Workplace

How to handle the stress of an unplanned chat with your boss.

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Sensitive Strivers and Imposter Syndrome

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Trust Yourself

Managing your wfh paranoia, anxiety when there’s a lot to be anxious about.

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Succeed If You're Empathetic & Driven

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How You Can Use Your Superpowers at Work

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How to Stop Negative Self-talk, Beat Impostor Syndrome, and Feel Confident

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Sensitivity as a Superpower

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Make Your Sensitivity Your Superpower

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Author Fishbowl with Melody Wilding

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Channel Your Emotions into an Advantage at Work


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Sensitive Strivers

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Sensitive + Successful: How to Manage Your Energy as a Personal Brand

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Is Your Empathy Exhausting You?

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How Sensitivity Can Be Your Super Power

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Stop Overthinking Everything

4 emotional signs that you may need stronger boundaries.

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Understanding Your Qualities as a Sensitive Striver

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Techniques for Overcoming Overthinking

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A Chance to Tame Your Inner Workaholic

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Trusting Yourself

How to delegate when you’re a die-hard perfectionist.

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Is Now the Best Time for a Promotion?

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5 Unproductive Thought Patterns With the Power to Hijack Your Brain

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Breaking the Cycle of Overthinking and Emotional Reactivity

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Author Q & A

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How Sensitive Strivers Can Release Worries and Fulfill Your Greatest Contributions

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How Perfectionists Can Learn to Delegate and Relinquish Some Control

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Trusting Your HSP Strengths in Your Career

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Your Sensitivity is a Stength

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Why Every CEO Should have a Personal Mission Statement

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Creating Space for Sensitive Strivers

Stop being so hard on yourself.

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This Personality Type is the Most Susceptible to Imposter Syndrome Post-Pandemic

Why is anxiety crying *a thing* and how can you make it stop (especially at work).

For questions, contact [email protected]     |      Design by Fabiana Nilsson       |      Copyright © 2021 Melody Wilding

For questions, contact [email protected]. Design by Fabiana Nilsson Copyright © 2021 Melody Wilding


  1. Believe In Yourself by Dr. Joseph Murphy: Summary and Review

    In "Believe in Yourself" Dr. Murphy shows you how the power of believing in yourself will help you achieve your dreams. He illustrates his points with wonderful stories about how inventors, writers, artists, and entrepreneurs have used this power to reach the highest of heights. By the end of the book you will have the tools for success.

  2. PDF B e l i e ve i n You r s e l f

    Joseph, in the Bible, means "disciplined or controlled imagination.". It is one of the primal faculties of mind, and has the power to project and clothe your ideas, giving them visibility on the screen of space. Israel loved Joseph. Israel is the spiritually awakened man who knows the power of controlled imagination.

  3. Believe in Yourself

    Dr. Murphy gives you in this book a universal guide in the art of making your life much more effective and satisfying by developing Belief in Yourself. The magic formula is, "All things are possible to him that Believeth." You want freedom, health, and happiness. You can have them by changing your conscious belief to subconscious belief.

  4. Believe in Yourself Joseph Murphy Summary

    Unlock the boundless potential within you with the "Believe in Yourself" by Joseph Murphy summary. Explore the transformative teachings that guide you to harness the power of self-belief. Learn how to overcome doubt and fear, and discover the secrets to unlocking your inner strength and achieving your dreams. Uncover the path to a life filled with confidence, success, and self-realization ...

  5. Believe in Yourself

    Dr. Joseph Murphy (20th May 1898 - 16th Dec 1981), the author of the book grew up in a devout religious home. His father, Denis Murphy, was a deacon and professor at the National School of Ireland. The major focus of Dr. Murphy was to explain things lucidly so that it would explain how it affects any individual. His basic theme was that the solution to all the problems lies within oneself.

  6. Believe In Yourself

    First published in 1955, "Believe in Yourself" by Dr. Joseph Murphy, the Irish-American author and New Thought minister with a Ph.D. in Psychology, is the inspiring and fascinating book on the power of self-confidence and positive thinking. Dr. Murphy draws on the experiences of highly successful and talented people, such as inventors, artists, and businessmen, to show that believing in your ...

  7. Believe in Yourself by Dr. Joseph Murphy (Ebook)

    Dr Joseph Murphy was the author of The Power of your Subconscious Mind. In Believe in Yourself Dr. Murphy shows you how the power of believing in yourself will help you achieve your dreams. He illustrates his points with wonderful stories about how inventors, writers, artists, and entrepreneurs have used this power to reach the highest of heights. By the end of the book you will have the tools ...

  8. 'Believe in yourself' by Dr. Joseph Murphy

    This is, in my opinion, should be the summary of the book 'Believe in yourself' by Dr. Joseph Murphy. Though the majority of the book is essentially a kind of sequel of his previous book 'The Power of Your Subconscious Mind', wherein he described how to train your subconscious mind through faith and vivid imagination. (Read my review ...

  9. Believe in Yourself by Dr. Joseph Murphy: Read Online and ...

    Dr. Joseph Murphy wrote the book "Believe in Yourself" to show readers how believing in themselves can help them achieve their dreams. He provides examples of inventors, writers, artists, and entrepreneurs who used self-belief to succeed. The book teaches that repeating positive affirmations about success to oneself will compel the subconscious mind to accept it as true and drive one to ...

  10. Believe in Yourself: Murphy, Dr. Joseph: 9781604597301: Books

    Believe in Yourself. Paperback - March 25, 2014. by Dr. Joseph Murphy (Author) 4.6 8,021 ratings. See all formats and editions. Dr Joseph Murphy was the author of The Power of your Subconscious Mind. In Believe in Yourself Dr. Murphy shows you how the power of believing in yourself will help you achieve your dreams.

  11. Believe In Yourself

    ""Believe in Yourself"" by Joseph Murphy is a motivational book that empowers readers to embrace their inner potential and cultivate a positive mindset for success. Through a combination of inspiring stories, practical techniques, and transformative affirmations, Murphy guides readers on a journey of self-belief and personal empowerment. The book explores the power of thoughts, beliefs, and ...

  12. Believe in Yourself: Murphy, Joseph: 9781578989713: Books

    Believe in Yourself. Paperback - September 2, 2010. by Joseph Murphy (Author) 4.6 8,048 ratings. See all formats and editions. 2010 Reprint of 1955 edition. "You were born to win, to conquer, and to overcome! The Intelligence, Wisdom, and Power of God are within you waiting to be released, and enabling you to rise above all difficulties."

  13. Download Believe in Yourself by Dr. Joseph Murphy

    DR. JOSEPH MURPHY, the author of The Power of Your Subconscious Mind, wrote, taught, counseled, and lectured to thousands all over the world for nearly 50 years. Studying the world's major religions convinced him that some great power lay behind them all. In Believe in Yourself, Murphy shows how you can use the power of believing in yourself to achieve your dreams. Illustrating his points ...

  14. Believe in Yourself by Joseph Murphy (ebook)

    Dr. Joseph Murphy was the author of The Power of your Subconscious Mind. In Believe in Yourself, Dr. Murphy shows you how the power of believing in yourself will help you achieve your dreams. He illustrates his points with wonderful stories about how inventors, writers, artists, and entrepreneurs have used this power to reach the highest of heights. By the end of the book you will have the ...

  15. Believe in Yourself by Dr. Joseph Murphy

    The book focuses on - 'Making your dreams come true' and 'how to use Subconscious mind in business'. In the author's words - It is just as easy to imagine yourself Successful, as is to imagine failures but far more interesting". The master architect within you will project on the screen of visibility what you impress on your mind.

  16. Believe in Yourself

    In this book, Dr. Murphy shows you how you can make those dreams come true. It starts with developing the right mental attitude--the conviction that you have what it takes. This faith in yourself will enable you to program your subconscious mind to convert your dreams and hopes into achievements. God has given you talents.

  17. Download Believe in Yourself by Joseph Murphy

    Chapter List (8 chapters): Chapter 1: Believe in Yourself. Chapter 2: Preface. Chapter 3: Chapter 1. Chapter 4: MAKE YOUR DREAMS COME TRUE. Chapter 5: Chapter 2. Chapter 6: USING THE SUBCONSCIOUS MIND IN BUSINESS. Chapter 7: Chapter 3. Chapter 8: HOW TO IMAGINE SUCCESS.

  18. Trust Yourself Book

    On Sale Now Regain your confidence and turn your sensitivity into a superpower "Groundbreaking and insightful, Trust Yourself is essential reading for every sensitive, introverted professional." — Susan Cain, author of Quiet and creator of Quiet Revolution Get a Free Chapter #1 Amazon Best Seller · #1 Amazon New Release · Apple "Best Books of […]

  19. Believe in Yourself

    Joseph Murphy. Sumaiyah Distributors Pvt Limited, 2018 - Body, Mind & Spirit - 110 pages. Believe in Yourself by Dr. Joseph Murphy, first published in 1955, shows you how the power of believing in yourself will help you achieve your dreams. He illustrates his points with wonderful stories about how inventors, writers, artists, and entrepreneurs ...

  20. Believe in Yourself

    Believe in Yourself. Dr. Joseph Murphy. Xlibris Corporation, Jan 9, 2010 - Self-Help - 199 pages. BOOKS BY DR. JOSEPH MURPHY The Amazing Laws of Cosmic Mind Power The Cosmic Energizer: Miracle Power of the Universe The Cosmic Power Within You Great Bible Truths for Human Problems The Healing Power of Love How to Attract Money How to Pray with a ...