
Assignmentboard terminal

Assignment Board Terminal


Assignment Selection

Assignments are short quests, consisting of a series of missions . You can have one active assignment at a time, and choose it at the Assignment Board in the Space Rig .

Icons Campaign

There are currently 35 assignments available: Conquering Hoxxes IV , Four Promotion Assignments , Seven Prestige , Sixteen Weapon License Assignments , One assignment for unlocking Hazard 5 difficulty, One assignment for unlocking the Mineral Trade Terminal , One assignment for unlocking Industrial Sabotage , Heavy Duty and Weekly Assignments .

  • 1.1 Objective: Conquer Hoxxes IV
  • 1.2 Company Benefits: Mineral Trading Network
  • 1.3 Objective: Breach The Core
  • 1.4 New Hazard Level: Lethal
  • 1.5 Spec Ops: Toilet Training
  • 1.6 Warning: Rival Escalation
  • 1.7.1 Weekly Priority Assignment
  • 1.7.2 Weekly Hunt
  • 1.8.1 Driller
  • 1.8.2 Engineer
  • 1.8.3 Gunner
  • 1.8.4 Scout
  • 1.9.1 Driller
  • 1.9.2 Engineer
  • 1.9.3 Gunner
  • 1.9.4 Scout
  • 1.10.1 Heavy Duty
  • 1.10.2 Pickaxe Hunts
  • 1.10.3 Armor Hunts
  • 1.11.1 Lunar Convergence Cleanup
  • 1.11.2 Anniversary Bonus
  • 1.11.3 The Great Egg Hunt
  • 1.11.4 Hoxxes Summer Cruise
  • 1.11.5 Oktoberfest Celebration
  • 1.11.6 Halloween Party Special
  • 1.11.7 The Horrors of Hoxxes
  • 1.11.8 Yearly Performance Bonus

Assignments [ ]

Objective: conquer hoxxes iv [ ].

This is a 10-mission long assignment that has to be played by every new player to unlock all available mission types and Planetary Regions . These missions are free of Mutators .

Congratulations on your sound decision to sign up for Deep Rock Galactic! In the following series of missions to the surface of (or subsurface, really), you will familiarize yourself with Company mining procedures and on the proper handling of Company gear and resources.
Be aware that only the best make it in DRG, the course has a drop-out rate of 67% and 74% of drop-outs are a direct consequence of applicant fatalities.
Don't trouble yourself with such dark thoughts now, however. Welcome to the family. Together, we dig for a better tomorrow!
- Regards,
— Assignment description
Objective: Conquer Hoxxes IV
Prerequisites: N/A
Mission # Mission Type Rewards
1 Mining Expedition New Mission Type —
2000 50
2 Egg Hunt New Mission Type —
New Mining Expedition Length
2000 50
3 On-Site Refining New Planetary Regions:

4 Mining Expedition New Mission Type —
2500 120
5 Salvage Operation New Planetary Regions:

New Egg Hunt Complexity
3500 120
6 Egg Hunt New Mission Type —
New On-Site Refining Complexity
4000 80
7 Point Extraction New Planetary Regions:

New Mining Expedition Complexity
New Point Extraction Length
4000 120
8 On-Site Refining New Mission Type —
5000 140
9 Escort Duty New Mission Type —
10 Elimination
New Mining Expedition Complexity
New Egg Hunt Complexity
New Elimination Complexity
New Salvage Operation Complexity
6000 180 80 60

Company Benefits: Mineral Trading Network [ ]

This is a short, 3 mission long assignment that will unlock the Mineral Trade Terminal It becomes available after Conquering Hoxxes IV assignment has been completed.

Now that you've completed your introductory training, Management is pleased to announce the company-wide Mineral Trading Network. DRG believes it is important to promote a sense of accomplishment and camaraderie among its' employees, as well as offering opportunities towards achieving the goals of each employee.
Simply put: Use it to sell off what you don't need, and buy what you're missing. Be advised that a small percentage of proceeds will go to DRG in exchange for administration, taxes, transportation, valuation, oversight, insurance, taxes, storage, liability, drive-market positioning, advertising, maintenance, legal fees, and taxes.
- Regards,
— Assignment description
Company Benefits: Mineral Trading Network
Prerequisites: N/A
Mission # Mission Type Rewards
1 Mining Expedition
2 Egg Hunt
3 Point Extraction
40 40

Objective: Breach The Core [ ]

Upon obtaining the first promotion , the end campaign assignment mission is unlocked. Completing this 9 mission long assignment will reward the player with 6 Infused Matrix Cores, as well as unlocks the Weekly Core Hunt assignment.

Congratulations on your first promotion! We have this special one-of-a-kind assignment ready for you. It will be a long and tough drill, but you will be rewarded generously with Infused Matrix Cores. Complete this and you will get a good headstart on your collection of WEAPON OVERCLOCKS and Rare COSMETICS.
- Regards,
Objective: Breach The Core
Prerequisites: Character
Mission # Mission Type Rewards
1 Mining Expedition
2 Point Extraction
3 Elimination
4 On-site Refining
5 Egg Hunt
6 Salvage Operation
7 Point Extraction
8 Industrial Sabotage
9 Escort Duty

New Assignment: Weekly Core Hunt

New Hazard Level: Lethal [ ]

This is a 3 mission-long assignment, upon completion the player is granted access to Hazard 5 - Lethal. The assignment's missions can have mutators and have to be completed at Hazard 4.

Very few dwarves truly have what it takes to work the hardest and most lethal work environments Hoxxes has to offer. By the way - part of what it takes is equal doses of stupidity, recklessness and excellent combat skills! Prove yourself worthy and we will grant you access to Hazard Level 5 missions.
- Regards,
— Assignment description
New Hazard Level: Lethal
Prerequisites: Player Rank 10 - Hazard 4
Mission # Mission Type Rewards
1 Elimination
2 Point Extraction
3 Salvage Operation
Hazard 5 Access
3400 120

Spec Ops: Toilet Training [ ]

A 3 mission long assignment that will grant the player access to the mission type Industrial Sabotage upon completion.

There's a new player on Hoxxes! An unknown mining company is prospecting this part of the galaxy, and we need to sabotage its prospecting operation and prevent it from reporting back about how prosperous Hoxxes is. Hoxxes is DRG property and we can't allow any other businesses to set up mining operations here!

Management takes an extremely dim view of this new development, and it is clear that we must fight fire with fire - the bottom line is at risk!

For that purpose, we have devised this short series of training exercises for you, to prove that you are up to the task of facing this new threat head-on. They will be heavy on the combat, and light on the mining - you will need it once you face our new enemy!
- Regards,

— Assignment description
Objective: Industrial Sabotage
Prerequisites: Conquer Hoxxes IV Assignment
Mission # Mission Type Rewards
1 Salvage
2 Elimination
3 Escort
New mission type: Industrial Sabotage

Warning: Rival Escalation [ ]

Stay frosty, miners!

The bloody machines are retaliating after our sabotage efforts and are sending their troops in to thin our ranks. We have had several reports of machines appearing around Hoxxes and sightings of something sinister and deadly among them. It's time to stand our ground!

Management wants the situation under control immediately and for that purpose we are sending you out on several on-site missions in order to scout the premises for machines and showing them who's boss.

— Assignment description
Warning: Rival Escalation
Prerequisites: Spec Ops: Sabotage Training
Mission # Mission Type Rewards
1 Any Mission Type (aside from ) with the 1000 75 25
Blank Matrix Core
2 Any Mission Type (aside from ) with the 1500 75 25
3 Salvage Operation 2000 75 25
Blank Matrix Core
4 Any Mission Type (aside from ) with the 2500 75 25
5 Any Mission Type (aside from ) with the 3000 25 25
25 25 25 25
6 Industrial Sabotage
5000 5 5 5 5

1 Rewards a Blank Matrix Core if all Weapon Overclocks are owned 2 Rewards a Mineral Canister if all Matrix Core Cosmetics are owned

Note that this assignment is unusual, as it can provide Blank Matrix Cores before a player has promoted their first miner and unlocked The Forge and Machine Events . Because Machine Events cannot be initiated pre-promotion, the only way to preemptively use these cores is to find a Machine Event while playing with another player who has already acquired the Tritilyte Key.

Weekly Assignments [ ]

These assignments are repeatable in order to reward players for continued play. Like Deep Dives , they reset at 11am UTC on Thursdays.

Weekly Priority Assignment [ ]


With the level of incursion on Hoxxes increasing, Management has introduced the Weekly Priority Assignment system to combat the growing workload. It means more jobs done for the Corporation, and hefty dividends paid out to the dedicated employees taking on these priority tasks. This is as close as we'll get to win-win scenarios around here, Miners. Get on it.
- Regards,
— Assignment description
Weekly Priority Assignment
Prerequisites: Player Rank 8
Mission # Mission Type Rewards
2 Any Mission Type 80-130 Minerals
8000 — 80-130 Minerals OR 1 Error Cube

Weekly Hunt [ ]

RnD research suggests this particular strain of bugs is about to evolve into something worse, and reccomend their eradication post haste. They seem adamant about this one, so be sure to leave none alive and HQ might just give you a little bonus if we manage to keep the biodiversity from getting out of hand.
- Regards,
— Assignment description
Weekly Hunt
Prerequisites: Player Rank 8
Mission # Mission Type Rewards
2 Eliminate 90-130 of a Random Non Boss Creature. 80-130 Minerals
8000 — 80-130 Minerals OR 1 Error Cube

Equipment Licenses [ ]

Dwarves will unlock these assignments once reaching specific levels, these assignments grant them licenses to various equipment.

As an interplanetary mining conglomerate, DRG believes our employees should have access to a diverse array of the very best tools with which to accomplish the tasks set before them. Through your hard work and diligent efforts, you have been deemed a likely candidate for an upgrade to your weapons license.
Completing this short training course will ascertain this for certain and unlock the weapon for purchase at the .
— Assignment description

Driller [ ]

License Upgrade:
Prerequisites: 10
Mission # Mission Type Rewards
1 Salvage Operation
2 Egg Hunt
3 Point Extraction
Cryo Cannon License
License Upgrade:
Prerequisites: 15
Mission # Mission Type Rewards
1 Salvage Operation
2 Egg Hunt
3 Elimination
Experimental Plasma Charger License
License Upgrade:
Prerequisites: 18
Mission # Mission Type Rewards
1 On-site Refining
2 Point Extraction
3 Escort Duty
Corrosive Sludge Pump License
License Upgrade:
Prerequisites: 21
Mission # Mission Type Rewards
1 Egg Hunt
2 On-site Refining
3 Mining Expedition
Colette Wave Cooker License

Engineer [ ]

License Upgrade:
Prerequisites: 10
Mission # Mission Type Rewards
1 Point Extraction
2 Salvage Operation
3 Mining Expedition
"Stubby" Voltaic SMG License
License Upgrade:
Prerequisites: 15
Mission # Mission Type Rewards
1 Egg Hunt
2 On-site Refining
3 Elimination
Breach Cutter License
License Upgrade:
Prerequisites: 18
Mission # Mission Type Rewards
1 Salvage Operation
2 On-site Refining
3 Escort Duty
Lok-1 Smart Rifle License
License Upgrade:
Prerequisites: 21
Mission # Mission Type Rewards
1 Escort Duty
2 Salvage Operation

Mining Expedition

Shard Diffractor License
License Upgrade:
Prerequisites: 10
Mission # Mission Type Rewards
1 Point Extraction
2 Mining Expedition
3 Elimination
"Thunderhead" Heavy Autocannon License
License Upgrade:
Prerequisites: 15
Mission # Mission Type Rewards
1 Mining Expedition
2 Escort Duty
3 Egg Hunt
BRT7 Burst Fire Gun License
License Upgrade:
Prerequisites: 18
Mission # Mission Type Rewards
1 Elimination
2 On-site Refining
3 Point Extraction
"Hurricane" Guided Rocket System License
License Upgrade:
Prerequisites: 21
Mission # Mission Type Rewards
1 Mining Expedition
2 Elimination
3 Escort Duty
ArmsKore Coil Gun License
License Upgrade:
Prerequisites: 10
Mission # Mission Type Rewards
1 Egg Hunt
2 Mining Expedition
3 Escort Duty
M1000 Classic License
License Upgrade:
Prerequisites: 15
Mission # Mission Type Rewards
1 Escort Duty
2 Point Extraction
3 Mining Expedition
Zhukov NUK17 License
License Upgrade:
Prerequisites: 18
Mission # Mission Type Rewards
1 Egg Hunt
2 Mining Expedition
3 Point Extraction
DRAK-25 Plasma Carbine License
License Upgrade:
Prerequisites: 21
Mission # Mission Type Rewards
1 Point Extraction
2 Mining Expedition
3 Salvage Operation
Nishanka Boltshark X-80 License

Promotion [ ]

When one of your dwarves reaches Character Level 25, they become eligible for a promotion . In order to promote, you have to complete a 4-mission long assignment, and pay a large amount of Credits and Crafting Materials.

Once in a while, exceptional employees like yourself prove to be a real asset for the company. We applaud your efforts and wish to express our gratitude.
For that reason, we are considering to put you up for a promotion. However, in order to fully qualify, you will need to complete a short series of high-risk/high-payout missions. These missions will also handily serve towards gathering whatever resources you need to settle and outstanding bills and/or fines with DRG Accounting before a promotion can be granted.
- Regards,
— Assignment description
Qualification - Driller
Prerequisites: 25
Mission # Mission Type Rewards
1 Mining Expedition
2 Escort Duty
3 On-site Refining
4 Point Extraction
Driller Promotion
Qualification - Engineer
Prerequisites: 25
Mission # Mission Type Rewards
1 Mining Expedition
2 Salvage Operation
3 Egg Hunt
4 On-site Refining
Engineer Promotion
Qualification - Gunner
Prerequisites: 25
Mission # Mission Type Rewards
1 Mining Expedition
2 Salvage Operation
3 Egg Hunt
4 Escort Duty
Gunner Promotion
Qualification - Scout
Prerequisites: 25
Mission # Mission Type Rewards
1 Mining Expedition
2 Salvage Operation
3 Egg Hunt
4 Escort Duty
Scout Promotion

Prestige Assignments [ ]


You have steadily been climbing the ranks and proven yourself an important asset on the company! Management are rewarding you with access to a SPECIAL PRESTIGE ASSIGNMENT.
- Regards,
— Assignment description

Heavy Duty [ ]

This assignment becomes available after Conquering Hoxxes IV assignment has been completed. It's focused on the big machinery Missions and will reward 50 of each crafting materials, credits and a special helmet.

You have proven yourself to be a hard working dwarf! Management are rewarding you with access to a HEAVY DUTY Assignment, where you get the chance to show off your mining skills and obtain a unique HELMET. You are welcome!
- Regards,
— Assignment description
Heavy Duty
Prerequisites: Player Rank 5
Mission # Mission Type Rewards
1 Point Extraction 50 50
2 Escort Duty 50 50
3 On-site Refining
Heavy Duty Fixer Helmet
2500 50 50

Pickaxe Hunts [ ]

Pickaxe Hunt: Chasm-Borne Cliffhanger
Prerequisites: Player Rank 20
Mission # Mission Type Rewards
1 Elimination Chasm-Borne Cliffhanger Pommel
2 Escort Duty Chasm-Borne Cliffhanger Handle
3 Salvage Operation Chasm-Borne Cliffhanger Shaft
4 Mining Expedition
Pickaxe Paintjob
Chasm-Borne Cliffhanger Blades, Head
Pickaxe Hunt: Gadgeteer's Favorite
Prerequisites: Player Rank 30
Mission # Mission Type Rewards
1 Salvage Operation Gadgeteer's Favorite Pommel
2 Egg Hunt Gadgeteer's Favorite Handle
3 Escort Duty Gadgeteer's Favorite Shaft
4 Elimination
Pickaxe Paintjob
Gadgeteer's Favorite Blades, Head
Pickaxe Hunt: Reaper's Claw
Prerequisites: Player Rank 50
Mission # Mission Type Rewards
1 Point Extraction Reaper's Claw Pommel
2 Mining Expedition Reaper's Claw Handle
3 On-site Refining Reaper's Claw Shaft
4 Egg Hunt
Pickaxe Paintjob
Reaper's Claw Blades, Head
Pickaxe Hunt: Drift Crusher
Prerequisites: Player Rank 70
Mission # Mission Type Rewards
1 Salvage Operation Drift Crusher Pommel
2 Egg Hunt Drift Crusher Handle
3 Elimination Drift Crusher Shaft
4 Escort Duty
Pickaxe Paintjob
Drift Crusher Blades, Head

Armor Hunts [ ]

Armor Hunt: Toxic Defender + Gloomstalker Mask MK1
Prerequisites: Player Rank 40
Mission # Mission Type Rewards
1 Egg Hunt 1000 50
2 Elimination 1500 50
3 Mining Expedition 2000 50
4 Point Extraction

Gloomstalker Mask MK1 Headwear
Armor Hunt: Regal Aegis + Gloomstalker Mask MK2
Prerequisites: Player Rank 60
Mission # Mission Type Rewards
1 Egg Hunt 1000 100
2 Salvage Operation 1500 100
3 Mining Expedition 2000 100
4 On-site Refining

Gloomstalker Mask MK2 Headwear
Armor Hunt: Black Crag + Gloomstalker Mask MK3
Prerequisites: Player Rank 80
Mission # Mission Type Rewards
1 Mining Expedition 1000 150
2 On-site Refining 2000 150
3 Egg Hunt 3000 150
4 Elimination

Gloomstalker Mask MK3 Headwear
Armor Hunt: Scale Brigade
Prerequisites: Player Rank 100
Mission # Mission Type Rewards
1 Mining Expedition 500 50
2 Point Extraction
1000 75
3 Escort Duty
1500 100
4 Salvage Operation
2000 100
5 On-site Refining
2500 100
6 Elimination
Scale Brigade
Scale Brigade Headwear

Special Events [ ]

Lunar convergence cleanup [ ].

Assignment temporally available during the Hoxxes Lunar Festival event in January.

The peculiar energies released during the Lunar Convergence of the Hoxxes system are rumored to bring out extraordinary numbers of Glyphids, and R&D asks for more date. Management deems this an excellent opportunity to fulfill both R&D's request as well as get in some much-needed overtime, so they are sending you in post-haste! As incentive, complete this Assignment before the Festival ends, and unlock a very special Festival Hat!
Lunar Convergence Cleanup
Prerequisites: Hoxxes Lunar Festival
Mission # Mission Type Rewards
1 Salvage Operation 1000 50 50
2 On-site Refining 1500 50 50
3 Elimination 2000 50 50
4 Mining Expedition 3000 25 25
25 25 25 25
5 Egg Hunt
Lunar Festival Widebrim Headwear
5000 5 5 5 5

Anniversary Bonus [ ]

Assignment temporally available during the Anniversary Bonus event in February.

The Space Rig has now been operational for 4 years and that calls for a celebration! Many dwarves have lost their lives in the underground of Hoxxes, but their sacrifice has not been in vain! DRG is prospering like never before and Management wants to share this milestone celebration with you! Therefore you get this limted chance to earn your self a fat payout by taking on this lucrative Bonus Assignment
Let the celebrations begin, but go easy on the beer!
Anniversary Bonus
Prerequisites: 4 Years in Orbit Anniversary Event
Mission # Mission Type Rewards
1 Egg Hunt
Paper Crown Headwear
1000 75 25
2 On-site Refining 1500 75 25
3 Mining Expedition 2000 75 25
4 Salvage Operation 2500 75 25
5 Point Extraction 3000 25 25
25 25 25 25
6 Escort Duty
Party Hat - Year Four Headwear
5000 5 5 5 5

The Great Egg Hunt [ ]

Assignment temporally available during the Easter event in April.

It's time for another eggciting eggsercise, our most eggceptional Miners! The GREAT EGG HUNT is upon us, and that means Management is shelling out on a cracking list of eggstravagant rewards for you to earn. So get eggsploring, and we're sure this shall all end sunny-side up!
The Great Egg Hunt
Prerequisites: Easter Event
Mission # Mission Type Rewards
1 Egg Hunt 1500 75 50
2 Egg Hunt 2000 75 50
3 Egg Hunt 3000 75 50
4 Egg Hunt 3500 75 50
5 Egg Hunt
Great Egg Hunt - Bunny Bun Bun Headwear
Great Egg Hunt - Sunny Side Up Headwear
5000 5 5 5 5

Hoxxes Summer Cruise [ ]

Assignment temporally available during the Space Beach Party event in June.

It's time for a summer cruise across the many scenic spots of Hoxxes!
Hoxxes Summer Cruise
Prerequisites: Space Beach Party
Mission # Mission Type Rewards
1 Point Extraction 1500 75 50
2 Salvage Operation 2000 75 50
3 On-site Refining 3000 75 50
4 Elimination 3500 75 50
5 Egg Hunt
5000 5 5 5 5

Oktoberfest Celebration [ ]

Assignment temporally available during the Oktoberfest event in September.

The bar is decorated, there's a new beer on the tap, and the Space Rig is all ready for the party. But best of all, you get to join the Oktoberfest celebration in the best way possible - Work! This assignment will, besides rewarding you handsomely, as usual, grant you the two new Oktoberfest hats.
ATTENTION! THIS ASSIGNMENT CAN NOT BE ABORTED WHEN FIRST BEGUN! And, it is LIMITED TIME ONLY, ending at the announced date or when we run out of beer. Whichever comes first!
Oktoberfest Celebration (2022)
Prerequisites: Oktoberfest
Mission # Mission Type Rewards
1 Escort Duty 1500 75 50
2 Egg Hunt 2000 75 50
3 Point Extraction 3000 75 50
4 Elimination 3500 75 50
5 Mining Expedition
5000 5 5 5 5

Halloween Party Special [ ]

Assignment temporally available during the Halloween Season event in October.

The Spooky Season is upon us, even in the Outer Rim! Yes, Halloween is here, and Management has as usual seen fit to have the drones deck out the Space Rig in the garb of the time. Do not ask where they manage to find pumpkins all the way out here. And as always, a series of lucrative special missions are offered, in return for a significant bonus.
ATTENTION! THIS ASSIGNMENT CAN NOT BE ABORTED WHEN BEGUN! And, it is LIMITED TIME ONLY, so complete it before the pumpkins rot away!
DRG wishes all employees a merry occasion, and kindly asks you not to clog the lavatories with shredded pumpkins once again. Let us not have a repeat of that nightmare.
Halloween Party Special (2021)
Prerequisites: Halloween
Mission # Mission Type Rewards
1 Egg Hunt 1000 75 25
2 Mining Expedition 1500 75 25
3 Elimination 2000 75 25
4 Salvage Operation 2500 25 25
25 25 25 25
5 On-site Refining 5000 5 5 5 5
6 Point Extraction
Deep One Galactic Headwear
Headcracker Headwear

The Horrors of Hoxxes [ ]

Attention, Miners! For this Halloween assignment, we ask you to venture deep within Hoxxes and deal with the horrors that dwell there. Which you normally do. So essentially, just keep doing your job and you will be handsomely rewarded.
The Horrors of Hoxxes (2022)
Prerequisites: Halloween
Mission # Mission Type Rewards
1 Egg Hunt 1500 75 50
2 Mining Expedition 2000 75 50
3 Elimination 2500 75 50 25
4 Salvage Operation 4000 75 50 25
5 On-site Refining
Hooded Monster Headwear
Scary Rubber Mask Headwear

5000 5 5 5 5

Yearly Performance Bonus [ ]

Assignment temporally available during the Holiday Season event at the end of the year.

Another year on Hoxxes IV is coming to an end, and that means it's time to go through a few checks and balances! Your performance has been deemed exemplary, and you have been selected to participate in this very lucrative Bonus Assignment.
ATTENTION: THIS ASSIGNMENT CAN NOT BE ABORTED WHEN FIRST STARTED! ...And it is LIMITED TIME ONLY, so complete it before the end of the year!
DRG wishes you Happy Holidays and all the best wishes for the New Year.
Yearly Performance Bonus (2020)
Prerequisites: End of the Year
Mission # Mission Type Rewards
1 On-site Refining 1000 75 25
2 Egg Hunt 1500 75 25
3 Point Extraction 2000 75 25
4 Mining Expedition 2500 75 25
5 Elimination 3000 25 25
25 25 25 25
6 Escort Duty
5000 5 5 5 5
Frosty Top Hat Headwear
Stay Frosty Headwear

Yearly Performance Bonus (2021)
Prerequisites: End of the Year
Mission # Mission Type Rewards
1 Escort Duty 1000 75 25
2 Egg Hunt 1500 75 25
3 Point Extraction 2000 75 25
4 Elimination 2500 75 25
5 Mining Expedition 3000 25 25
25 25 25 25
6 On-site Refining
5000 5 5 5 5
Bauble Head Headwear
Treebeard Headwear

Yearly Performance Bonus (2022)
Prerequisites: End of the Year
Mission # Mission Type Rewards
1 Escort Duty 1000 75 25
2 Egg Hunt 1500 75 25
3 Point Extraction 2000 75 25
4 Elimination 2500 75 25
5 Mining Expedition 3000 25 25
25 25 25 25
6 On-site Refining
5000 5 5 5 5
Bauble Head Headwear
Treebeard Headwear

Yearly Performance Bonus (2023)
Prerequisites: End of the Year
Mission # Mission Type Rewards
1 Escort Duty 1000 75 25
2 Egg Hunt 1500 75 25
3 Point Extraction 2000 75 25
4 Elimination 2500 75 25
5 Mining Expedition 3000 25 25
25 25 25 25
6 On-site Refining
5000 5 5 5 5
Bauble Head Headwear
Treebeard Headwear

Yearly Performance Bonus (2024)
Prerequisites: End of the Year
Mission # Mission Type Rewards
1 Escort Duty 1000 75 25
2 Egg Hunt 1500 75 25
3 Point Extraction 2000 75 25
4 Elimination 2500 75 25
5 Mining Expedition 3000 25 25
25 25 25 25
6 On-site Refining
5000 5 5 5 5
Bauble Head Headwear
Treebeard Headwear

d The features of
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Other  •   •   •   •   •   •   •   • 
  • 1 Error Cube
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deep rock galactic switch assignments

Deep Rock Galactic Guide by

Deep Rock Galactic Guide

Deep Rock Galactic: Assignment Missions Deep Rock Galactic guide, tips

This page of the Deep Rock Galactic guide explains what Assignment Missions are and how to complete them.

Last update: 16 January 2022

In this section of the guide, you will find out what are the Assignment Missions in Deep Rock Galactic and how to complete them.

Assignment Missions are tasks that every aspiring miner must complete in order to unlock access to many of the attractions featured in Deep Rock Galactic. What's more, Assignment Missions are an excellent way to get additional raw materials and credits that can be used to improve your equipment or personalize the appearance of your miner.

Depending on the type of Assignment Missions, the player will have to complete a series of several tasks (usually 3 to even 10) for which they will receive a corresponding reward - Deep Rock Galactic: Assignment Missions - General information - Deep Rock Galactic Guide

Depending on the type of Assignment Missions, the player will have to complete a series of several tasks (usually 3 to even 10) for which they will receive a corresponding reward. The first Assignment task is assigned to each player from the beginning and must be completed to unlock access to all types of missions available in Deep Rock Galactic. Next quests are optional and you can get rewards from them, such as access to alternative weapons or unlocking the most difficult threat level (Hazard 5).

How to perform Assignment Missions?

Assignment missions are performed throughout the whole Hoxxes IV planetary system and are associated with various primary objectives. Typically, the player has a specific type of mission to complete in the proper part of space. Also, missions have various difficulty levels, so some should be completed in a group - especially when it comes to hunting extremely dangerous Dreadnoughts.

Assignment Missions are well visible on the main planetary map and are marked by a small white diamond that is shown in the picture above - Deep Rock Galactic: Assignment Missions - General information - Deep Rock Galactic Guide

Assignment Missions are well visible on the main planetary map and are marked by a small white diamond that is shown in the picture above. At the top of the screen you can also notice a mission progress bar which shows that the player is currently on stage 8 and will have a Salvage Operation to perform.

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Exploring My Options achievement in Deep Rock Galactic

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Can I do a Deep Rock Galactic promotion assignment on a different class than the one I am promoting?

If I start the Driller Promotion Assignment (for example) do I have to complete the missions on the Driller? Or can I use one of the other three classes?

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Alex's user avatar

You can complete them on any of the four classes and still get credit.

It is actually better to use a different class because the class you are promoting has already hit their experience cap and so won't benefit from the experience points awarded at the end of each mission.

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deep rock galactic switch assignments

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Deep rock galactic's rocktoberfest 2024 event sticks to tradition despite new name.

Deep Rock Galactic's Rocktoberfest 2024 Event Sticks to Tradition Despite New Name

Deep Rock Galactic’s annual Oktoberfest event celebrated beer, mugs, and various other things that dwarfs casually enjoy, but has now been officially put to rest in a manner of speaking. In its place, the Rocktoberfest 2024 event aims to provide all the usual goodies and rewards but under a much cooler name.

The much-requested rename was officially confirmed today, when we also learned the event’s start date alongside what rewards and activities it will introduce when it kicks off later in September.

Deep Rock Galactic Rocktoberfest 2024 Event

Deep Rock Galactic's Rocktoberfest 2024 Event Sticks to Tradition Despite New Name

DRG’s Rocktoberfest 2024 event has locked in its start date to September 26, 2024. Although its end date wasn’t confirmed at first, we now know that it will end on the 10th October at 13:00 CEST.

  • Deep Rock Galactic Rocktoberfest 2024 start date: September 26, 2024
  • Deep Rock Galactic Rocktoberfest 2024 end date: 10th October at 13:00 CEST.

In terms of rewards, the Brass Wurstblower hat, pictured above, leads the charge, growing our golden hat collection while allowing us to take a snack with us during expeditions.

To unlock it, we’ll need to complete its dedicated assignment, which usually involves simply playing through specific mission types.

Last year’s Lederhosen outfit is also making a comeback with its own dedicated assignment, as are all past hats awarded during previous editions. Both will have their own assignments (which brings the number up to a total of three) while DRG’s Rocktoberfest 2024 event is live.

In addition, the Best Wurst Bier will be available at the Abyss Bar, while recovering lost mugs during expeditions doubles our mission performance point bonus. Longbeard Freight strikes again.

Deep Rock Galactic’s Rocktoberfest 2024 event is one of several annual events that keep miners busy as developer Ghost Ship Games shifts its focus to Rogue Core , the equally dwarfy roguelite spinoff announced a while back.

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When not brewing coffee or debating serious topics with my cat, you'll either find me playing video games or writing about them.

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Season 05 banner.png

Season 05: Drilling Deeper

Version : 1.39.101466.0

Release Date : June 13th, 2024

Key Features

  • New Mission: Deep Scan
  • New Event: Core Stone
  • Stalker , Scalebramble , Barrage Infector Enemies
  • New Performance Pass

View The Update Article View The Development Q&A Article

Ghost Ship Games


Deep Rock Galactic is a space mining corporation that prides itself on having established practical dominance of some of the most lucrative systems in the outer rim. At this time, DRG have 89 orbital space rigs in operation throughout more than a dozen outer rim systems, with 16 more currently under construction.

They are currently engaged in their most daring and heavily orchestrated mining operation to date: the complete subjugation of the planet Hoxxes IV. Hoxxes IV is the single most lucrative mining location in the galaxy, containing the richest and most dense concentrations of valuable minerals. Several competitors before them have tried to tame hoxxes IV, without success.

Deep Rock Galactic is not in the business of failing. Management bids you welcome, new miner. Welcome aboard!
[ ]

Release date : May 13, 2020

deep rock galactic switch assignments

Deep Rock Galactic

deep rock galactic switch assignments

Originally posted by Zaddy : Play for the sake of fun!
Originally posted by Senjin : For context to the last post, to unlock Deep Dives / Overclocks you need to get a character to level 25 then do the assignment to prestige. This resets your level to 1 and gives you a star over your portrait, you do not lose any upgrades or anything like that, it's entirely cosmetic. But yeah, work towards prestige. Then you can unlock Overclocks, Deep Dives and the weekly core hunt (which results in further overclocks).
Originally posted by KING - NVIDIA : Originally posted by Senjin : For context to the last post, to unlock Deep Dives / Overclocks you need to get a character to level 25 then do the assignment to prestige. This resets your level to 1 and gives you a star over your portrait, you do not lose any upgrades or anything like that, it's entirely cosmetic. But yeah, work towards prestige. Then you can unlock Overclocks, Deep Dives and the weekly core hunt (which results in further overclocks).
Originally posted by Zaddy : Originally posted by KING - NVIDIA : ah okay. My gunner is level 22 at the moment. Guess I will grind it up to 25 for deep dives

deep rock galactic switch assignments

Originally posted by Vash(88) : With this logic, you'd have to stop playing l4d the moment you buy it

deep rock galactic switch assignments

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  1. Assignments Guide

    deep rock galactic switch assignments

  2. Deep Rock Galactic: The Assignment Board, Explained

    deep rock galactic switch assignments

  3. Assignments

    deep rock galactic switch assignments

  4. Deep Rock Galactic: The Assignment Board, Explained

    deep rock galactic switch assignments

  5. Assignments Guide

    deep rock galactic switch assignments

  6. Assignments

    deep rock galactic switch assignments


  1. All in Turret build goes CRAZY

  2. Deep Rock Galactic

  3. Deep Rock Galactic February maintenance update(plus some corrections)


  5. Deep Rock Galactic's endless mission

  6. Assignments on Haz 5 DRG


  1. Assignments

    Assignments are short quests, consisting of a series of missions. You can have one active assignment at a time, and choose it at the Assignment Board in the Space Rig. You are free to play any available mission even when an assignment is active, however the assignment only proceeds when you finish the next mandatory mission. Assignment missions are marked with a small white diamond. There are ...

  2. Assignments

    Assignments are short quests, consisting of a series of missions. You can have one active assignment at a time, and choose it at the Assignment Board in the Space Rig. You are free to play any available mission even when an assignment is active, however the assignment only progresses when you finish the mission specific to that assignment.

  3. How to abort an assignment? :: Deep Rock Galactic General Discussion

    21's bitch Dec 28, 2020 @ 3:24pm. Originally posted by CCShad: Assignments can be aborted by selecting another assignment. some can't be aborted like the initial tutorial assignment, which takes you through each type of mission. Ty for the answer, this was an assignment from 1 year ago when i last played, after promoting my Scout for the ...

  4. Can I switch Assignments? : r/DeepRockGalactic

    Can I switch Assignments? Question Me and my friend wanna play the christmas assignment but we still have active assignments. Can we cancel them? ... Deep Rock Galactic is a 1-4 player co-op-first sci-fi FPS featuring badass space Dwarves, 100% destructible environments, procedurally-generated caves, and endless hordes of alien monsters. ...

  5. How do assignments work : r/DeepRockGalactic

    The assignment mission is random on each cycle of the missions, happens every 25 mins I think. But will be locked to a certain type, like egg hunt ... Deep Rock Galactic is a 1-4 player co-op-first sci-fi FPS featuring badass space Dwarves, 100% destructible environments, procedurally-generated caves, and endless hordes of alien monsters. ...

  6. Switching Assingments : r/DeepRockGalactic

    Idea: make it possible to switch between 2 assignments. I play the game with a friend. We try to do the same assignment every time we play. But when one of us is online you have to finish or abort the mission. It would we great if you could have two slots and switch between them.

  7. Assignments Guide

    Assignments Guide. Completing missions is an integral part of Deep Rock Galactic. Aside from the neverending grind and missions, your progression as a dwarf will depend on the Assignments you complete. In this page, we will discuss the various assignments in the game. Assignments can be considered as the game's main campaign or story mode ...

  8. How do I select another assignment? :: Deep Rock Galactic General

    Derpykat5 Jan 23, 2023 @ 7:56am. You have to complete or abort your currently active one first. #1. Paintbrush Jan 23, 2023 @ 12:03pm. If I recall correctly some assignments cannot be aborted once started. #2. Zeitseele Jan 23, 2023 @ 12:42pm.

  9. Deep Rock Galactic: Assignment Missions

    The first Assignment task is assigned to each player from the beginning and must be completed to unlock access to all types of missions available in Deep Rock Galactic. Next quests are optional and you can get rewards from them, such as access to alternative weapons or unlocking the most difficult threat level (Hazard 5).

  10. Season 03: Plaguefall

    Prepare for PLAGUEFALL! — With Love, The Ghost Ship Crew. Season 03: Plaguefall is the third season for Deep Rock Galactic, introducing a new Performance Pass, new Assignments, a new creature type, one new Grenade for each class, a new mission event and a new mutator. Season 03: Plaguefall was released on November 3rd, 2022 for PC.

  11. How to change assignments so they dont rip apart teams. :: Deep Rock

    How to change assignments so they dont rip apart teams. 1. Arrange all missions that are available in a fixed hidden cycle. 2. Always have an equal amount of each mission type, distributed randomly to regions. Result: If two players share a mission in different assignments, the next mission will always be the same, so they can keep playing ...

  12. Exploring My Options achievement in Deep Rock Galactic

    How to unlock the Exploring My Options achievement. You will first need to complete the initial assignment that the game gives you in order to unlock the ability to select new assignments. Then ...

  13. Can I do a Deep Rock Galactic promotion assignment on a ...

    Can I do a Deep Rock Galactic promotion assignment on a different class than the one I am promoting? Ask Question Asked 3 years, 11 months ago. Modified 3 years, 11 months ago. Viewed 2k times 3 If I start the Driller Promotion Assignment (for example) do I have to complete the missions on the Driller? Or can I use one of the other three classes?

  14. Deep Rock Galactic assignment progression

    Just a quick guide on where to view assignment progression and how to progress current assignment.

  15. Season 05: Drilling Deeper

    Welcome to SEASON 05 - DRILLING DEEPER! Management's got their sights set on mineral riches deeper down toward Hoxxes' core, which means we're increasing your depth of operations. You're venturing down deeper than ever before, claiming unprecedented treasures for the company, and confronting all the lethal horrors that stand in your way.

  16. How do I cancel an assignment halfway though it

    You can abandon an assignment at the terminal, but some assignments warn you they can't be abandoned. Holiday assignments usually can't be aborted. Also Breach the Core IIRC ... Deep Rock Galactic is a 1-4 player co-op-first sci-fi FPS featuring badass space Dwarves, 100% destructible environments, procedurally-generated caves, and endless ...

  17. how do assignments work? :: Deep Rock Galactic General Discussion

    Originally posted by Dwarfurious: The assignment will put a flashing icon on the map indicating which specific egg mission you have to complete, this will change when the missions rotate. You can also see the icon for your mission when browsing servers. Showing 1 - 2 of 2 comments. The author of this thread has indicated that this post answers ...

  18. Does aborting an assignment reset its progress? :: Deep Rock Galactic

    This assumption is correct. When they introduced the assignment it was bugged so the progress counter didn't reset when the assignment did. Everyone finished it the week it was introduced, and then played it again the second week and got absolutely nothing. That was a fun one. I was wondering whether aborting an assignments works in the same ...

  19. Deep Rock Galactic's Rocktoberfest 2024 Event Sticks to

    Deep Rock Galactic Rocktoberfest 2024 start date: September 26, 2024 Deep Rock Galactic Rocktoberfest 2024 end date: mid-October 2024 (GameWatcher estimation) In terms of rewards, the Brass Wurstblower hat, pictured above, leads the charge, growing our golden hat collection while allowing us to take a snack with us during expeditions.

  20. How to manage multiple assignments with friends?

    The assignments are important, but in all truth if you play half way regularly, you'll get through them right quick. ... Deep Rock Galactic is a 1-4 player co-op-first sci-fi FPS featuring badass space Dwarves, 100% destructible environments, procedurally-generated caves, and endless hordes of alien monsters. Now fully released!

  21. How do I get more assignments? :: Deep Rock Galactic General Discussion

    CCShad Oct 17, 2021 @ 6:50am. Sadly the assignments run dry and you're left with weeklies and promotion assignments. If you level your dwarves equally you can minimize the time between promotion assignments. If you simply lack direction in what to do next, check out the "Random mission selection" mod.

  22. Official Deep Rock Galactic Wiki

    DWARVES. ". Deep Rock Galactic is a space mining corporation that prides itself on having established practical dominance of some of the most lucrative systems in the outer rim. At this time, DRG have 89 orbital space rigs in operation throughout more than a dozen outer rim systems, with 16 more currently under construction.

  23. I'm new to DRG can comeone explain assignments to me? I don't ...

    Deep Rock Galactic is a 1-4 player co-op-first sci-fi FPS featuring badass space Dwarves, 100% destructible environments, procedurally-generated caves, and endless hordes of alien monsters. Now fully released!

  24. What to do when there are no assignments? :: Deep Rock Galactic General

    Originally posted by Senjin: For context to the last post, to unlock Deep Dives / Overclocks you need to get a character to level 25 then do the assignment to prestige. This resets your level to 1 and gives you a star over your portrait, you do not lose any upgrades or anything like that, it's entirely cosmetic.