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Kutcha House - Construction, Purpose and Significance!

Updated : April 16, 2021

What is a kutcha house you ask; well, these are temporary houses that can be found built all across the country. The materials used to build kutcha houses are easily found in the forest and other natural surroundings in the area where they are constructed. These houses are considered need-based houses and then they can be built into more permanent structures. The materials used for kutcha houses are natural, and thus are not able to prevent the infiltration of the environment, but they serve the purpose of sheltering those who live within them. 

To understand the kutcha house meaning, you need to know that any house, where the walls are made up of bamboo, mud, grass, reed, stones, thatch, straw, leaves and unburnt bricks, is known as a kutcha (kulcha) house. These are not permanent structures like flats or buildings. Kutcha houses are usually seen in rural areas or in cities where workers choose to make make-shift homes. 

Investment in a pucca house is expensive, which is why the poor opt for temporary structures. About the Kutcha house, these form an ideal abode for many families, and under the UN guidelines, they are considered as a shelter.

Why We Need Shelter?

  • To protect ourselves from harsh weather conditions
  • To protect ourselves from wild animals
  • To keep ourselves safe, secure and comfortable

The house type depends upon the climate and weather of the area. Houses are built with readily available materials in the area. 

Common Materials Utilised in Kutcha Houses

Some of the common materials that are used in Kutcha houses are primarily derived from nature. As sourced from nature, they are not only cheap (completely free in many cases), but are also extremely eco-friendly – meaning cool summers, and warm winters. That said, they are not durable, given that is made up of raw materials such as bamboo, reeds, thatches, stones, grass, unburnt bricks, mud etc.  

Kutcha Houses: Advantages and Disadvantages

Some of the advantages/ benefits of a kutcha house are:.

  • They are cost-effective given they are made up of materials easily found in nature. Compared to pucca houses, they do not need expensive concrete, bricks, metals etc.
  • They provide great insulation meaning cool summers and warm winters
  • They are eco-friendly and biodegradable, which means they do not cause pollution due to the use of artificial items

Some of the Disadvantages of Kutcha Houses are:

  • While they are cost-effective to build, kutcha house designs are unstable as they are not made up of durable materials. This means the cost of repairing a kutcha house will be higher than pucca houses.
  • Kutcha houses are biodegradable meaning they will be more prone to wear and tear, requiring frequent repairs.

How to Distinguish a Kutcha House?

Kutcha houses are mostly found in remote areas and villages and are built with readily available material like wood, stones, clay, mud, leaves, thatch or crop residue. Kutcha house materials are generally nature-based; thus, these houses are not durable and are thus called kutcha houses.

Kutcha Houses in India as Per Census 2011

The highest percentage of ‘good’ houses in 2011, according to that year’s census, was in Goa (76%) and the least number of these houses was in Odisha (29.5%). However, at 5.4% which was the national average, dilapidated houses also featured in the Census 2011. West Bengal had the highest number of dilapidated houses in 2011 and Goa, the least with only 1.5%. Census 2011 also featured permanent, semi-permanent and temporary houses. Of these, the last two categories together made up 48% of the houses.

However, there was a wide difference between rural and urban areas, in housing stock in 2011. The difference was as much as 33% in permanent houses, 20% in semi-permanent houses, 13% in temporary houses and 7.8% in serviceable and 5.2% in non-serviceable temporary houses.

Types of Kutcha Houses

Depending upon the material used, kutcha houses may look different from each other. However, they constitute a semi-permanent or temporary accommodation, running the risk of destruction owing to floods, cyclones, earthquakes and other natural disasters and security threats due to crime.

The following are some of the most prominent and well-known kutcha house examples that can be found across the country and the world at large – depending on the types of rooms to have in a house:

Caravans: In ancient times some people used to carry their goods on bullock carts and camels. They used to move from one place to another in groups, in search of markets for their goods. Such people were known as nomads. Their moving houses were called caravans – a great example of kutcha houses on the move. Nowadays, a caravan refers to a special vehicle that has all the facilities of a house.  

Igloo: These houses are also known as snow houses or snow huts. Igloos are found in Greenland and the Arctic region of Canada. People who live in Igloos are called Eskimos. Igloos are made of snow and ice blocks. Though they are made of ice they are warm inside.

Houseboats: In India, houseboats are found in Dal Lake in Kashmir and Kerala. Such boats have all the facilities of a house.

Stilt houses : They are also known as pile dwellings or palafitte. These houses are built on piles of soil or water. These houses can be found in flood-prone areas.

Amenities in Kutcha Houses

Those living in kutcha houses often struggle for basic amenities, such as access to clean water, 24/7 electricity, bath/toilet facility at home or even LPG/PNG in the kitchen.

Difference Between Kutcha and Pucca House

Made of easily available raw materials, like mud, straw, stones or wood.Built with iron, bricks, cement, steel, etc., to form a concrete structure.
Owned by the economically/financially handicapped sections.Owners are above the poverty line.
An unstable structure often runs the risk of being damaged by natural disasters or criminal actions.Stable and concrete buildings cannot be broken into easily.
Often built as makeshift accommodations.Permanent accommodations counted as an investment.
Owners have very basic amenitiesOwners/residents enjoy amenities as per their income standard.
Room demarcations may or may not be present.Rooms are demarcated and there are dedicated bedrooms, hallways, living rooms, kitchens and baths, in such units.

Pucca houses are strong houses. They are made up of wood, bricks, cement, iron rods and steel. Flats and bungalows are pucca houses. Such houses are called permanent houses. Kutcha houses are made up of wood, mud, straw and dry leaves. Caravan, tents and houseboats are examples of kutcha (temporary) houses. Differences between kutcha and pucca houses. 

The houses which are made up of mud, grass, straw etc are called kutcha houses. A kind of house, where the walls are made up of bamboo, mud, grass, reed, stones, thatch, straw, leaves and unburnt bricks, are known as kutcha (kuccha) houses. These are not permanent structures like flats or buildings.

As we all know the three basic needs of any person are Roti, Kappada and Makan. So be it wherever you would like to live, you must find yourself a home. You can then make this home of yours, the palace of your dreams. So, now, if you are planning to get your very own place anywhere, worry not, NoBroker shall have you covered. You can find homes on rent for any budget and SAVE on brokerage. Click the link below and start your search. You can even drop us a comment with your requirement and we will assist you. 

Ans. Yes, units under the PMAY Gramin are meant for those who cannot afford a property on their own and are living in kutcha houses, with little or no access to basic amenities.

Ans. There are fewer kutcha houses in cities but these are not altogether uncommon. Often, people build makeshift houses in cities’ peripheral areas.

Ans. People who live in kutcha houses are generally those who live in a place for a short period or people who cannot afford a pucca house.

Ans. They are made out of mud, straw, bamboo and seeds, so naturally, they will not hold during intense weather. These houses are not very strong. These houses are called temporary houses. They can get damaged easily.

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Kutcha House: Meaning, Purpose, Construction Method And More

Materials | Need For Shelter | Pros And Cons | Types Of Houses | Kutcha And Pucca | FAQ

Have you heard of the kutcha house? These are temporary houses that were once very common all over the country. There are different types of materials that are used for the sake of making such houses. These houses are not designed to be very sturdy and are often termed need-based houses. These houses are a little temporary but if needed and with a little work, they can be upgraded to stronger and more permanent structures.

kutcha homes village

The Construction Materials

As the name symbolizes, this sort of temporary house makes use of natural materials. So, they don’t offer extreme protection but, in the end, they will offer the right shelter to those who live in such houses.

The naturally found materials are often used for constructing these houses. This is why they are cheap and are also eco-friendly at the same time. Most of the materials are such that they will help in keeping the insides cool during summer and warm during winter. This is a great aid because most people who live in kutcha houses are not able to afford AC or heaters. So, natural means allow them to regulate the temperature as per need. Some of the common materials that are used for making these houses include

kutcha house

  • Unburnt bricks

Most villages have such houses as a lot of rural areas have an abundance of kutcha homes. You may find these in the cities also where the concentration of workers is more as they may choose to build such makeshift homes.

The Need For Shelter

We do understand that kutcha homes are more of a temporary structure and don’t offer a great deal of protection. Yet, as per the UN guidelines, these still categorize as shelters. So, this brings us to the question- why do you need shelter? Let us address this question right away.

  • You need to protect yourself from the different wild animals
  • You need to keep the kids safe and have a roof over their head
  • You need to feel safe and comfortable
  • You need to protect yourself from the adverse weather conditions

So, all of us need shelter. It doesn’t matter how basic the home may be, but having a home comes with a great deal of perks.

The Pros And Cons Of Kutcha Houses

We will also like you to check out the details of the pros and cons associated with kutcha houses. This is important to give you a clear picture of what to expect out of such homes.

Here are some of the merits that the kutcha homes have. Of course, the pucca homes are always better but for those who cannot afford pucca homes, they have to do with the kutcha ones.

  • The kutcha houses are very cost-effective. They don’t entail a fortune when they are being made and are thus affordable for all
  • They are made up of easily available natural materials. One doesn’t need expensive metals or bricks to make them. Most of the raw materials can be sourced from nature
  • The kutcha homes are biodegradable and eco-friendly as they are made of naturally available materials.
  • These homes don’t add to the pollution as they are made of simple materials derived from nature. No artificial items are used in making such houses
  • They offer great insulation as such homes tend to remain cool during the summers and warm during the winters

So, these are the obvious advantages that these homes have to offer. There is no denying the fact that the economically weaker section of society always prefers such homes as it is a means to get the right shelter.

The Demerits Of Kutcha Homes

  • The kutcha houses are unstable and they are not likely to stay in place for a long time. They are prone to wear and tear
  • They are likely to entail frequent repairs as no concrete or metal is used for making such houses
  • They are likely to get destroyed easily in wake of a natural calamity or torrential rain and fierce winds

So, now that you know the pros and cons associated with each of them, it is going to be easier to decide what to expect out of a kutcha house.

The Types Of Kutcha Houses

Kutcha houses can be segregated on the basis of the materials used. Some of them can be semi-temporary, others can be semi-permanent and so on. Of course, these houses have the risk of being ruined owing to natural calamities but regardless they serve as a means of housing and shelter.

Let us see some of the different types that are commonly found.

1. The caravans

This was mainly used back in the old times. Here, people used to move from one place to the other in big groups. They used to find markets wherein they could sell their products. These people did not have a home of their own. So, they carried their stuff in moving houses that were called a caravan.

So, a caravan was like moving home.

2. Stilt houses

stilt house

These houses are also called pile dwellings. They are made on piles of soil or water. You will find such homes in abundance in areas where floods are frequent and common.

3. Houseboat


If you have been to Kashmir, you would know the popularity of houseboats that are found in abundance in the Dal Lake and Kerala. They have almost all the facilities of a house.


The igloo is also referred to as a snow hut or snow house. You will find them in abundance in the North Pole, the Greenland area, the Arctic region and even parts of Canada that tend to get too cold.

Snow and ice blocks are used for the sake of making the igloos. They are made of ice, but they are pretty warm on the inside and thereby help people regulate their temperature.

So, these are the different types of kutcha houses and you can choose the ones you like to have. You can also check other types of houses in India .

The Kutcha And Pucca House

While the difference is pretty evident between the two, here are some of the key differences that are present between a pucca and a kutcha house.

kutcha hpmes in rural india

The materials

While the kutcha house is made of easily available raw materials that are eco-friendly and cheap, the pucca house makes use of materials like iron, cement, steel, and bricks. They’re not naturally available in nature and are also expensive in comparison.

Usually, the kutcha house is owned by people belonging to economically weaker segments and those living under the poverty line. The pucca homes on the other hand are not owned by such poor people. People with better finances own pucca homes.

The kutcha home doesn’t come with any amenities or facilities. There may not be any room demarcation. They are the simplest form of house you can imagine. The pucca homes, on the other hand, come with different amenities and facilities. Based on the category of house you have, you will have clear and different bedrooms and kitchens and other units. You may have a very luxurious and stylish design of homes too.

Kutcha homes are not durable and are pretty unstable. Heavy torrential rains or fierce cycles can easily uproot homes and render people homeless. As they don’t use any concrete or steel to make strong ties, they can be uprooted easily in face of natural calamity. The pucca homes, on the other hand, cannot be broken down easily and are pretty stable. They are also likely to succeed in battling adverse climatic and weather conditions with ease.

Permanent option

The kutcha homes are usually a makeshift option. A lot of workers choose to build kutcha homes as temporary accommodations. The pucca homes on the other hand offer permanent accommodation. 

So, these are the key differences that exist. The main thing is that those who can afford it will always choose pucca homes. Kutcha homes are for those who can’t afford to get a pucca one.

Do you find kutcha homes in Indian cities?

Mostly, these homes are found in villages but you may find a few of them in some cities where the concentration of workers is high or there are a lot of slum dwellers.

Are kutcha houses environment-friendly?

Yes, as they are made of natural and biodegradable materials, these houses are environmentally friendly but they are not very durable.

Can people living in kutcha homes opt for houses under the PMAY Gramin scheme?

Yes, if the kutcha home comes with little or no privilege, people can choose to apply for the PMAY gamin scheme and they may be eligible to obtain a new home from the government.

Feel free to check out the house design options .


Table of Contents

What is a kutcha house, materials used to build kutcha houses, types of kutcha houses available in india, are kutcha houses still prevelant in india , what is a pucca house, materials used to build pucca houses, differences between kutcha houses and pucca houses:, advantages of kutcha houses:, disadvantages of kutcha houses:, advantages of pucca houses.

In the world of housing, two terms often come up - kutcha houses and pucca houses. These terms have different implications and are deeply rooted in the cultural and socio-economic fabric of various regions. The term   ' kutcha '   means raw and the term   ' pucca '   means solid or permanent. Through this article, we aim to give you a thorough understanding of the concepts of kutcha houses and pucca houses, through their definitions, characteristics, and the fundamental differences between them. By the end of this article, you will gain a comprehensive understanding of these housing structures and their significance in different contexts.

A kutcha house, also known as a temporary or makeshift dwelling, refers to a structure constructed with materials that are readily available and easily accessible in the immediate vicinity. Kutcha houses are usually constructed by economically disadvantaged individuals or communities facing resource limitations. Kutcha houses typically have a simple and rudimentary construction, often lacking proper foundations, sturdy walls, and durable roofs. In many cases, the walls are made of mud or thatch, providing little insulation or protection against the weather. The roofs are thatched or covered with tarpaulin, which leaves them susceptible to damage during heavy rains.

Kutcha houses are typically constructed using natural, locally available materials such as mud, bamboo, grass, reed, thatch, straw, leaves, unburnt bricks, and loosely packed stones.

Kutcha houses are not sturdy structures and can be easily damaged by natural disasters such as floods, cyclones, or earthquakes. They generally lack amenities such as electricity, water supply, and sanitation facilities

The materials used in kutcha houses are eco-friendly and cost-effective, making them a viable option for those with limited resources.  However, these houses have lower stability and longevity compared to pucca houses and are more susceptible to damage from natural disasters and other incidents.  They require frequent repairs and maintenance due to the usage of low-strength and interior-quality materials

There are two major types of kutcha houses: non-serviceable and serviceable

Non-serviceable kutcha houses have walls and roofs made with hay, twigs, reeds, and other materials, primarily housing those in the financially weaker sections

Non-serviceable kutcha house.jpg

Serviceable kutcha houses, on the other hand, can be changed into permanent buildings

Serviceable Kutcha house.jpg

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Here are some common types of Kucha houses found in India:

Chukka Houses

Common in parts of Gujarat and Rajasthan, Chukka houses are made with mud walls and thatched roofs. They often have a square or rectangular layout and may feature decorative elements on the exterior.

chukka house.jpg

Kutcha Kutcha Houses:

Found in rural areas across India, Kutcha Kutcha houses are typically made of mud walls reinforced with bamboo or wooden supports. The roofs are usually thatched with materials like straw or palm leaves.

kutcha kutcha house.jpg

Adivasi Huts

Adivasi communities (tribal) in various states like Madhya Pradesh, Jharkhand, and Odisha build traditional huts using natural materials like bamboo, mud, and thatch. These huts are often circular or oval in shape and are well-suited to the local climate.

Various tribal communities across India, such as the Santhals in West Bengal and the Bhils in Madhya Pradesh, have their own styles of traditional housing. These huts are often constructed with locally available materials and reflect the cultural practices of the community.

Advisai Huts.jpg

Constructed by the Toda tribe in the Nilgiri Hills of Tamil Nadu, Toda huts are barrel-vaulted structures made of bamboo and grass. These unique dwellings are known for their distinctive shape and intricate construction techniques.

essay on kutcha house

Kachcha Mud Houses

Common in states like Uttar Pradesh and Bihar, Kachcha mud houses are built using mud bricks or clay mixed with straw. The roofs are typically thatched or covered with tiles, and these houses offer simple yet functional shelter.

essay on kutcha house

These types of Kucha houses represent the rich diversity of vernacular architecture in India, each adapted to local climates, cultural practices, and resource availability. Despite their simple construction, these dwellings often provide comfortable living spaces suited to the needs of their inhabitants.

According to the 2011 Census, there were 13 percent kutcha houses in India, with 7.8 percent being serviceable kutcha houses and 5.2 percent being non-serviceable kutcha houses.

The state with the highest percentage of pucca houses was Goa, with 76 percent, while the state with the lowest percentage of pucca houses was Odisha, with 29.5 percent

Despite their prevalence in rural areas, kutcha houses have several disadvantages, about which we will learn in the later part of the article.

In recent years, there has been a growing trend towards converting kutcha houses into pucca houses, particularly in rural areas. This trend is driven by the desire for more durable and safe housing, as well as the need for better insulation and protection from natural disasters

The Indian government has also launched programs to convert kutcha houses into pucca houses, recognising the importance of providing safe and secure housing for all citizens

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Pucca house.jpg

A pucca house, on the other hand, represents a permanent and well-constructed dwelling. They are considered more resilient, stable, and comfortable compared to kutcha houses. Pucca houses are built with proper foundations, solid walls, and robust roofs.

Pucca houses are commonly found in urban areas and formal housing developments. They offer improved living conditions, access to basic amenities, and greater security. Pucca houses provide a sense of permanence and stability, contributing to a better quality of life. Furthermore, these structures have a higher resale value and can be modified or expanded as per the occupants' requirements.

Pucca houses in India are typically built using more durable and permanent materials compared to Kucha houses. Here are the common materials used


Bricks as they offer strength, durability, and stability to the structure. Cement helps hold bricks together, creating strong walls and foundations. Concrete is used for constructing foundations, pillars, and slabs in pucca houses and It provides structural stability and support.  Steel reinforcement bars (rebars) are often used in concrete construction to add tensile strength to the structure, especially in beams and columns. In some regions, particularly hilly areas, natural stone is used for construction. It provides strength and stability to the walls. Mortar, made by mixing cement, sand, and water, is used to bond bricks or stones together in walls and other structural elements. Pucca houses often have c oncrete roofs or roofs made of materials like terracotta tiles, asbestos sheets, or metal sheets, providing better protection from weather elements. Plastering materials like cement plaster or gypsum plaster are applied to the walls to create smooth and even surfaces, enhancing the appearance of the house and providing protection against moisture.

These materials contribute to the durability, strength, and longevity of pucca houses, making them more resilient to environmental factors and providing better living conditions for residents.

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Less durable and prone to damage from weather

More durable and resistant to weather and natural disasters


Short lifespan, may require frequent repairs

Long lifespan, requires minimal maintenance


Provides limited insulation from heat and cold

Offers better insulation and comfort


Lower cost due to inexpensive materials

Higher cost due to quality materials and construction


Less safe, especially in extreme weather conditions

More safe and secure, better withstands disasters


Difficult to upgrade or expand

Easier to renovate, expand, or upgrade over time


Often found in rural or economically disadvantaged areas

Common in urban and developed areas

Despite the vulnerability of Kutcha houses to natural disasters and shorter lifespan, kutcha houses offer several advantages that make them a preferred choice for many people, particularly in rural areas and among economically disadvantaged communities.

Cost-effective: Kutcha houses are generally more affordable to build than pucca houses due to the use of locally available and often free or low-cost materials.  This makes them an attractive option for low-income families and laborers who cannot afford the high costs of pucca houses.

Insulation for thermal comfort: Kutcha houses, particularly those made of mud or clay, provide excellent insulation against extreme temperatures, keeping the interiors cool during summers and warm during winters.  This natural insulation is achieved without the need for energy-consuming heating or cooling systems.

Biodegradable: The materials used in kutcha houses are biodegradable and environmentally friendly, causing minimal harm to the environment when they degrade or are demolished. This is in contrast to pucca houses, which often use non-biodegradable materials like steel, concrete, and plastic.

Durable to an extent:   If properly maintained and stabilised, kutcha houses made of mud-brick can be lasting and strong structures that can withstand mild floods and earthquakes for several decades without cracking

Thermal insulation: Kutcha houses made of mud usually have mild temperatures due to the insulating properties of mud walls, providing thermal comfort inside the home

Recyclable : The materials used in kutcha houses, such as mud, are reusable or recyclable once the houses are demolished, reducing waste and environmental impact

Provide shelter: Despite their vulnerabilities, kutcha houses provide basic shelter and protection from harsh weather conditions and wild animals, fulfilling a fundamental human need for shelter

In conclusion, kutcha houses offer several advantages that make them a preferred choice for many people, particularly in rural areas and among economically disadvantaged communities.

Vulnerability to Natural Disasters:

Kutcha houses are more susceptible to damage during natural disasters like floods, storms, cyclones, and earthquakes due to their construction with weaker materials.  The lack of structural strength and stability in kutcha houses increases the risk of collapse or severe damage in the face of extreme weather events.

Lack of Durability:  Kutcha houses have a shorter lifespan compared to pucca houses, requiring frequent repairs and maintenance to sustain their structural integrity.  The materials used in kutcha houses, such as mud, thatch, and bamboo, are prone to deterioration over time, leading to structural weaknesses.

Limited Amenities:  Basic amenities like electricity, water supply, and sanitation facilities are often lacking in kutcha houses, impacting the comfort and convenience of occupants.  The absence of essential services can pose challenges in daily living and compromise the overall quality of life for residents.

Biodegradability:  While environmentally friendly, the biodegradability of kutcha house materials can result in quicker wear and tear, reducing the longevity of these structures.  Natural materials like mud and thatch may degrade faster, necessitating regular maintenance and reconstruction of kutcha houses.

Limited Security:  Kutcha houses may offer less security compared to pucca houses, as their construction with lightweight materials makes them more vulnerable to break-ins or damage.  Occupants of kutcha houses may face safety concerns due to the ease with which these structures can be compromised.

Limited Investment Potential:   Kutcha houses are not considered sound investments due to their lower durability and potential for depreciation over time.  The lack of appreciation in value and limited structural stability may deter individuals from viewing kutcha houses as viable long-term assets.

Limited Space:   Kutcha houses are often smaller and less spacious than pucca houses, restricting living areas and limiting comfort for occupants.The constrained space in kutcha houses may impact the quality of life for residents, especially in terms of privacy and functionality within the household.


he advantages of Pucca houses when compared to Kutcha houses are unparalleled.

Here are a few of the advantages that pucca houses bring

Durability and Longevity:  Pucca houses are constructed with durable materials like iron, bricks, steel, and cement, ensuring long-term structural integrity and stability.  The robust nature of pucca houses makes them resilient to extreme weather conditions and natural disasters, providing a safe and secure living environment for residents.

Amenities and Facilities:  Pucca houses, commonly found in urban areas, offer a range of amenities such as 24x7 electricity, water supply, and other modern conveniences.  Residents of pucca houses benefit from facilities like weather safety measures, ensuring a comfortable and well-equipped living space.

Financial Stability and Affluence:  Pucca houses are preferred by financially stable individuals and families due to their higher construction costs and superior quality.  Variants of pucca houses like villas, apartments, and bungalows cater to diverse preferences and lifestyles, reflecting a higher standard of living.

Structural Safety:  The use of durable materials in pucca houses enhances their structural safety, providing residents with a sense of security and protection.  Pucca houses are designed to withstand various external pressures and maintain their structural integrity over an extended period.

Energy Efficiency:  Pucca houses are often built with energy-efficient considerations, optimizing insulation and reducing energy consumption for heating and cooling.  The design and construction of pucca houses prioritize energy efficiency, contributing to a more sustainable and comfortable living environment.

Permanent Housing Solution:   Pucca houses are considered permanent housing solutions, offering long-term accommodation for residents and ensuring stability and continuity.  Unlike kutcha houses, pucca houses provide a lasting and reliable living space that can adapt to the changing needs of occupants over time.

Pucca houses offer advantages such as durability, amenities, financial stability, structural safety, energy efficiency, aesthetic appeal, and permanency, making them a preferred choice for individuals seeking a secure, comfortable, and long-lasting living environment.

In essence, kutcha and pucca houses represent more than just different building materials they reflect the challenges and aspirations of communities. Kutcha houses, built with simple materials, show resilience in tough circumstances. They're affordable and eco-friendly but lack durability and amenities.

Pucca houses, made with stronger materials, offer stability and comfort. They're more expensive but provide better living conditions and long-term security.

Both types of housing have their pros and cons, but ultimately, they're more than just structures but are indeed symbols of perseverance and progress. Whether kutcha or pucca, every home tells a story


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Beyond Materials: The Cultural Significance of Kutcha and Pucca Houses in India


The terms kutcha and pucca houses are reminiscent of school days when we most likely encountered these words for the first time. 

India is rich in heritage and has lots of weight to its tangible and intangible heritage. Let us deconstruct kutcha and pucca houses in the Indian context. Have you ever wondered what the cultural significance of the kutcha and pucca places in the Indian context is? And, more often than not, whenever we wish to go for a retreat or a vacation in nature, we are looking for the material palette that Kutcha Houses offer. In this blog, we will look at how these concepts originated and what they meant for Indians in the past. 

The difference between the Kutcha house and the Pucca house

The structural differences between Kutcha houses and Pucca houses are super evident, as is evident in the very name. But, the cultural significance of both is different, and it becomes even more emphasized in a country like India. 

Since we will explore the cultural significance of these material palettes and construction methodologies in the following lines, let us first decode the  difference between kutcha House and pucca house .

Kutcha Houses

  • From all things natural and show respect for nature

Kutcha houses personify earthy hues, appeal and feel since they are made from a natural palette. Since they are made of materials from mother nature, there is respect for nature and its creations. This is precisely why these building typologies do not go against nature or intentionally try to cause harm to it. While we approach treehouses as a means of recreation or an aesthetically beautiful setup, our ancestors created the same because they wanted to be in harmony with nature and build so that no tree was unnecessarily felled.

  • Temporal inhabitation

In the olden times, kutcha houses were designed particularly when a particular place was meant to be inhabited temporally. This temporal inhabitation can be attributed to the change of season or staying uphill to gather fodder for their animals. On the other hand, Pucca houses were symbolic of places to be inhabited permanently.  

This material palette comes directly or with very slight modifications from nature. 

Made with raw and earthy materials, these houses also provide excellent insulation. Be it the kath khuni and dhajji divari houses of Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand or the timber and wattle houses in parts of Gujarat. 

  • Eco Friendly

In this era where everyone advocates for using natural materials because of being sensitive to carbon emissions, these houses are eco-friendly and respect the context of their location. Our ancestors were wise individuals who never went against the forces of nature; co-existing with all living beings has been a part of Indian culture. It is all evident in the worship of trees to date. 

Pucca Houses

Let us now look at deconstructing a pucca house. 

The government has continually advocated for the importance of pucca houses and roofs since natural calamities then hit such places worse. 

  • Material palette and construction techniques that speak of durability and strength 

Pucca houses can look like corrugated iron sheet pitched roofs, concrete block walls in Himachal Pradesh, and kissing RCC skyscrapers in Mumbai. Material for kutcha houses typically includes stone, block, concrete, cement, brick, and wood. These houses are durable, sturdy, solid and intended for longevity.

  • Signifiers of permanence of residence

Since everything in the past was done manually, it required a lot of time and physical effort; pucca houses were thus built only at places of permanent residence or significant importance. Also, specific Architectural styles were achieved by inviting master craftsperson from overseas. Examples still stand as pitched roof houses, dome-capped palaces with gorgeous marble inlay work.

  • Learnings from the past

Be it kutcha or pucca houses, people in the past passed on hands-on knowledge to their posterity, and their posterity proudly carried forward the same and even executed it. However, these materials and styles are vanishing today, and the craftsperson and individuals trained at this are also fewer.

  • Vernacular construction re-imagined

With the advancements in Architecture and Building Technology, using local and sustainable materials, buildings that last long, do little to no harm to the environment, and offer insulation and protection are now very much possible. Modern-day engineered materials may have their disadvantages, and it is essential to be cautious of the same. 

In the End 

We started this piece by looking at the difference between kutcha house and pucca house and then walked through the cultural significance of these typologies when they were envisioned in the past. Today, they have come a long way, and pucca houses are becoming symbolic of concretization! However, there is a community of Architects and civil engineers who respect the natural context and are promoting and envisioning built forms with lessons from the past. This material palette and construction techniques are increasingly being acknowledged and encouraged. 


Vastu is an ancient Indian system of architecture and design that aims to create harmony between humans and nature by balancing the five elements - earth, water, fire, air and space.


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essay on kutcha house

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Home » Smart/Green Homes » Kutcha House

𝑲𝒖𝒕𝒄𝒉𝒂 𝑯𝒐𝒖𝒔𝒆: Types, Difference, Design, and Features

Last Updated -- April 3rd, 2024


Kutcha houses are a type of housing structure that is both resilient and economical and serve as an important part of the developing world’s housing solutions. The term ‘Kutcha’ is derived from the Hindi word for ‘temporary’, indicative of the fact that these types of homes are not permanent but can be changed and adjusted to suit the needs of the occupants. 

Kutcha homes are made of easily accessible and low-cost materials and typically come equipped with basic amenities such as a kitchen, a bathroom, and a sleeping area. These kinds of houses are an important part of the developing world’s housing solutions, as they are relatively cheap and easy to construct . In addition to providing housing solutions, these types of homes also provide communities with a sense of pride and ownership. 

So, let’s learn more about these houses in detail. 

Table of contents

What is a kutcha house, what is a pucca house, stilt houses, disadvantages, kutcha house: materials used, kutcha house: amenities, faq’s about kutcha house.

kutcha house meaning

Kutcha houses, also known as kaccha houses, are temporary and makeshift structures made up of natural materials like mud, bamboo, grass, stones,  reed, thatch, leaves, straw, and unburnt bricks. These homes are not permanent structures like buildings or flats and are usually small, with one or two rooms shared by several families.

Kutcha house designs are usually found in rural areas of India, where families and workers with limited finances choose to build these houses in order to accommodate their needs. The materials used for these houses are easily found in the local environment and are not able to prevent the infiltration of the environment. The walls and roof of these houses are made of mud and straw, and the roof is typically thatched with grass, leaves, or bamboo. The floors are made of mud and often have a layer of cow dung to help keep the floor dry. 

Kutcha homes are examples of need-based buildings and can be built into more permanent structures as needed. These houses can be very dark and humid, as they don’t have windows or proper ventilation. In recent years, some kutcha house designs have been replaced with pucca houses, which are more durable and have better ventilation.

pucca house

A pucca house, also known as a pakka house, is a solid structure built from durable materials such as cement concrete, jack board, burnt bricks, stone or timber. It is designed to provide its inhabitants with safe, secure, and long-lasting shelter. The roof and walls of a pucca house are built to withstand extreme weather conditions such as heavy rains, strong winds, and seismic activity. 

The pucca house structure is also designed to be energy efficient, with proper insulation and ventilation to keep the interior cool during summers and warm during winters. Additionally, pucca houses are aesthetically pleasing, with attractive designs and finishes that can be customised to suit the tastes and preferences of the owner.

Types of Kutcha Houses

Kutcha houses are a type of semi-permanent accommodation which can be found in various locations around the world. These dwellings often lack certain modern amenities such as running water and electricity. Despite their vulnerability to destruction, kutcha houses remain a common form of accommodation for rural and impoverished communities around the world. 

Some of the Different Types of Kutcha Homes are as Follows:


In ancient times, people who travelled in groups searching for markets for their goods were referred to as nomads. They would transport their belongings using bullock carts or camels, and the moving houses they built were called caravans – a great example of makeshift dwellings on the go. Nowadays, a caravan is a special vehicle equipped with all the amenities of a house.


In India, houseboats are a popular form of accommodation, particularly in Kashmir’s Dal Lake and Kerala. These boats are designed to be just like a house, with all the modern amenities required for comfort, such as beds, showers, toilets, kitchens and living rooms. Many houseboats also offer a variety of activities and amenities, such as fishing expeditions, sightseeing tours and cruises, along with dining options. 


Igloos are traditionally built snow houses or huts found in Canada’s and Greenland’s Arctic regions. They are made from snow and blocks of ice but are surprisingly warm inside. Igloos are the primary residence of the Eskimos, the indigenous people of the Arctic region. The building process of an igloo involves packing blocks of snow in a spiral fashion until it forms a dome shape. 

Stilt Houses

Stilt houses, also called pile dwellings, are built on piles of water or soil, usually in areas where flooding is a risk. These houses are constructed by driving poles or piles into the ground and then building the house on top of them. The piles provide support and protection from flooding, as well as a more stable foundation than a traditional house. These types of houses have been used for centuries, providing a safe and secure home for those living in flood-prone areas.

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Types of  Houses
Cottage House
Cabin House
Open House
A-Frame House
Narrow House
Duplex House
Service Apartments

Advantages and Disadvantages of Kutcha House

The advantages and disadvantages of Kutcha house design are as follows:

  • Eco-Friendly: Kutcha houses are made of traditional materials like mud, straw, bamboo, jute and other natural resources. These materials require little or no processing and, thus, help reduce carbon emissions. 
  • Economical: Kutcha house prices are far more cost-effective than permanent houses, as they require fewer materials, labour and other resources to build. 
  • Flexible: Kutcha houses can be easily disassembled and reassembled, making them ideal for shifting settlements and seasonal migration. 
  • Accessible: Kutcha houses are relatively easy to build and, thus, are often employed to provide shelter to homeless people and those living in poverty.
  • Durable: Kutcha house designs are known to be resilient and last long, despite being made of mostly natural materials. 
  • Poor Ventilation: Kutcha houses are often poorly ventilated and do not have adequate windows or doors for ventilation. This can make the interior of the house very stuffy and uncomfortable, especially during the summer months.
  • Unsafe Materials: Kutcha houses are usually constructed from materials that are not very durable and can be easily damaged. As a result, they are more prone to damage from weather and animals.
  • Potential Health Hazards: Kutcha houses are often built without adequate sanitation facilities and are therefore more prone to diseases and other health hazards.
  • High Maintenance: Kutcha homes need to be regularly maintained and repaired in order to remain structurally sound. This can be a costly and time-consuming process.

Kutcha house construction typically utilises materials such as untouched bricks, grass, bamboo, thatch, reeds, mud, and stones that are loosely packed. These materials are often used to build walls and roofs of homes, providing a cost-effective and traditional construction method.

Living in a kutcha house is a difficult experience, as many of the basic amenities that we take for granted are often not available. Without access to 24-hour electricity, clean water, a bath facility, and LPG/PNG for cooking, families living in these homes must struggle to get by. Members of these families are often forced to walk for miles to get access to drinkable water, and there is often little to no sanitation. This lack of access to basic amenities can cause immense difficulties for kutcha house residents.

Difference Between Kutcha House and Pucca House

The difference between Kutcha House and Pucca House is included in the form of a tabular representation below:

Materials Used Made of effortlessly available materials like straw, mud, stones or wood. Made of materials like bricks,  iron, cement, etc., to build a concrete structure.
Owned By Kutcha houses are possessed by the financially weaker sections of the society. Pucca house residents are generally above the poverty line.
Risk of Damage Kutcha homes are unstable structures that often run the risk of being harmed by criminal actions or natural disasters. Pucca houses are stable and can’t be broken easily.
Duration Kutcha house designs are often constructed as temporary accommodations and not for the long term. Pucca houses are permanent and considered as an investment.
Amenities Kutcha house residents can enjoy only basic amenities Pukka house owners enjoy amenities in accordance with their income standard.
Room Demarcations In a kutcha home, room demarcations might or might not be present. Rooms are demarcated along with dedicated hallways, bedrooms, baths, living rooms, and kitchens.

In conclusion, Kutcha house designs are an eco-friendly and sustainable form of dwelling found in rural areas worldwide, and they offer many advantages over pucca houses. They help to create a lifestyle that is both sustainable and environmentally-friendly, and are a great option for those looking for a more eco-friendly dwelling.

Q1. Are kutcha houses a good idea?

Kutcha houses can be a good idea in certain situations, such as in short-term, or in areas where other housing options are limited. However, they are usually not suitable for long-term living, as they are not as safe and secure as permanent housing.

Q2. Who lives in a kutcha house?

Kutcha houses are most commonly found in rural areas of India, and they are typically inhabited by families with lower incomes.

Q3. Why are Kutcha homes not long-lasting?

Kutcha homes are typically constructed with materials such as mud, bamboo, and wood, which are not long-lasting and can easily deteriorate over time. Moreover, these houses often lack basic amenities such as running water, electricity, etc, which further contributes to their lack of longevity.

Q4. Are there kutcha houses in Indian cities?

Yes, there are kutcha houses in many Indian cities and are usually found in urban slums and rural areas. Such homes can provide shelter to low-income families.

essay on kutcha house

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Kutcha Houses: Meaning, Types, Advantages And Intiatives

By Investoxpert | 11 Aug 2021 | Real Estate

essay on kutcha house

Kutcha Houses: Meaning, Types, Advantages And Intiatives , Kutcha houses are structures made up of bamboo, clay, grass, flax, pebbles, mulch, crop residues, twigs, and unburnt bricks. They are not stable as the apartments for sale or buildings.

These houses are also refers to as need-based dwellings, and as per the wish of the owner can be converted into more permanent buildings.

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The material required for building a kutcha house are easily available from the environment or the forests around the region where they are built. All the resources used are natural and are unable to prevent environmental penetration. But these residential houses do manage to provide shelter for individuals who live there and fulfil their basic need.

You can easily found Kutcha houses in rural regions or towns where labourers choose them for temporary housing. Whereas a pucca house is an expensive consideration, and that is why the poor choose to live in temporary constructions.

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What Are The Types Of Kutcha Houses?

Kutcha houses have its type based on the materials utilized and they are, however, semi-permanent or short-lived structures. The houses are vulnerable to natural calamities such as floods, hurricanes, earthquakes, and other environmental disasters as they are not strong enough.

There are two types of kutcha houses

• Serviceable kutcha house are made with strong mud walls and thatch roofs.

• Non-Serviceable kutcha huts are those with both walls and roofs composed of materials like hay, twigs, reeds, or bamboo.

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What’s The Difference Between Pucca Vs Kutcha House?

Kutcha House

1. Materials used are readily accessible resources such as clay, reeds, pebbles, and woo

2. Socially and economically disadvantaged categories people are the owners.

3. These unstable structures are often exposed to natural catastrophes and criminal acts.

4. Frequently constructed for the purpose of makeshift housing.

5. Limited amenities are available to the owners and the family.

6. There may or may not be room demarcations.

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Pucca House

1. These homes for sale are made with solid construction made of iron, bricks, concrete, metal, and other materials.

2. The home owners are well-off.

3. Buildings are solid and concrete, hence are hard to break.

4. Pucca houses are a source of investment as they can earn good return as well as rental.

5. Residents get access to ample facilities based on their income level.

6. In such residential properties for sale, rooms have distinct borders, bedrooms, corridors, living areas, kitchens, and bathrooms spaces.

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What Are The Advantages Of Kutcha Houses Made Out Of Mud?

As clearly poverty and economic constraints are prevailing, there are several people who prefer mud houses because of the benefits they provide.

Without a doubt a kutcha house is not better than pucca house but unlike contemporary materials, they do not emit carbon when destroyed. Many people in urban regions are surprisingly opting for mud houses owing to the environmental benefits they offer.

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Strong, Durable, And Disaster-Proof

Mud-brick may be a strong and long-lasting building material for floors and walls. It can withstand earthquakes and floods for decades without cracking. To prevent any damage, stabilizers such as wheat fiber, straw, gypsum, and agricultural waste can be used. This makes the structure strong, durable and disaster-proof.

Thermal Insulation

Houses made with mud walls have mild temperatures because they are insulating and provide thermal comfort within the home. The interior temperature will be cooler during hot summers, while the warmth of the mud walls will keep you warm during cold winters. Furthermore, the pores enable pleasant air to permeate the home.

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For maintaining environmental sustainability in recent years, recycling is majorly practised. Therefore, Mud huts are preferred as they are recyclable or reusable once they have been demolished.

The material used while constructing is re-usable, and mud may simply be returned to nature if broken down. Along with other benefits, these environmentally friendly elements also significantly reduce the building cost.


In modern days, we use materials that take ages to degrade, such as plastics, steel, glassware, and copper, owing to rapid consumerism. Thus, mud is a brilliant example of a bio-economy in action. It quickly returns to its origins in nature without causing any harm to the nature.

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Mud may be easily obtained at affordable prices attributable to its availability and it is cost effective as it lowers or eliminates shipping expenses.

Carbon Footprint

Mud is beneficial and has a very low carbon footprint because of its high reusability and can be dug out from the ground. Furthermore, it is supplied locally, obviating the need for carbon-emitting transit.

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Major Objectives Of This Centralized Housing Scheme

Various centralised housing schemes are launched in order to give the nation a better today and great tomorrow. The requirement of owning a home by every individual, these housing schemes have benefitted mainly. With objectives mentioned below, it is a boon in the industry:

It gives a platform for eligible candidates with low-interest housing loans in order to boost the building and purchase of homes for sale.

People living in slums can move to cheap homes to attain a better living and by providing financial help.

The affordable housing schemes, is an initiative to bring the public and private sectors together. It will eventually guarantee that all Indians have access to affordable housing. Moreover, affordable home renovation and development for qualified households will also be provided.

The Pradhan Mantri Awaas Yojana – Gramin (PMAY-G) was created to support the "Housing for All" initiative. The central government has set a goal of completing the “Housing for All' project by 2022.

The PMAY-G scheme's major goal is to offer pucca housing with some essential facilities to the underprivileged section of the society. This programme is for those who do not possess a home and reside in kutcha dwellings or houses that have been badly impacted. The minimum size of dwellings to be developed under the PMAY-G programme has been extended from 20 to 25 square meters.

Thus, a better tomorrow is waiting!!!

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Difference between pucca house and kutcha house – its different types and list of materials used, what is a pucca house.

Pucca house is one whose roofs and walls at least are made of burnt bricks, cement concrete, jack board, stone, or timber. For the construction of roofs if the materials like tiles , galvanized iron, asbestos cement sheets, or stone blocks are used then it is considered as a pucca material. These are made with hard-wearing materials to last for long periods. The building material should provide complete protection from the elements like high wind, rain, humidity, solar heat, etc. Your budget is another thing to take into consideration.

pucca house

The quality and the style of the house you want are also among the considerations you should keep in mind. These are made up of permanent and strong materials. The types of materials used to build pucca houses depend on the climate and the characteristics of the land in which these are built.

Types of pucca house

Some of the types of pucca houses are apartments, bungalows, and mansions. It is only in big cities that pucca homes are built in masonry. When it comes to pucca houses, the material used depends on the location. The types of pucca houses you will find in cities are apartments, villas, mansions, and bungalows. Each type of pucca house has its own purpose and purpose. When you are looking for the right house for yourself, you will have to look into the type of pucca house that you want.

What is a semi-pucca house?

Semi-pucca house is neither completely pucca nor kutcha. These kinds of semi-pucca house structure has walls made of pucca materials like stones , oven burnt bricks , etc. and the walls will be made of Kutcha materials like mud, grass, etc. Sometimes these kinds of semi-pucca houses may consist of walls of kutcha materials like bamboo, unburnt bricks, etc., and roofs of pucca materials like jack board, timber, etc.

semi-pucca house

What is a kutcha house?

Kutcha house is one with walls and roofs made of mud, bamboo , grass, leaves, unburnt bricks, reeds, or thatch. These are mainly temporary houses and need a lot of maintenance in long run. Mostly seen in rural areas. Since they are made up of temporary materials they are not very strong. The strength of a Kutcha House is not very much. As the materials used in the construction of these houses are very weak. There is only one way to strengthen the Kutcha house. In addition to natural materials, they need to add cement as well. But this makes them not so feasible and costly.

kutcha house

Difference between kutcha house and pucca house

Made of Raw materials like wood, stone, mud, or straw Made up of strong materials like iron, cement, bricks, steel
Temporary materials are used Durable materials are used
Constructed mostly in the economically backward or financially backward areas Constructed in the economically well or stable areas
No proper plan or advanced skilled labor is required for the construction of Kutcha houses. Proper planning and skilled labor are required for the construction of pucca houses.
Vulnerable to extreme weather conditions and natural disasters Strong and protects people against extreme conditions of weather
Eco-friendly Building materials are used for construction Non-eco-friendly materials are also  are used for construction
Kutcha houses have a Feasible and affordable cost of construction Pucca houses have a high cost of construction compared to Kutcha houses

List of materials used in building a Pucca house

The materials used for building the Pucca house are burnt bricks, stone, cement concrete, jack board, or timber. The most cost-effective, easiest to build, and quickest option to start your Pucca house construction is using bricks.

materials used in building a Pucca house

List of materials used in building a Kutcha house

The materials used for building kutcha houses are unburnt bricks, bamboo, mud, grass, leaves, reeds, or thatch. The building material used in Kutcha houses is eco-friendly. You can use locally available resources and eco-friendly materials to build your own Kutcha house. Kutcha houses are eco-friendly and cost-effective.

materials used in building a Pucca house

Kutcha house and Pucca house images

Kutcha house and Pucca house images

Question and Answer

Pucca house is made up of.

Pucca house is made up of strong materials like cement, stone, iron, timber, and concrete. These house protects from all kinds of weather conditions and is also expensive to be affordable by everyone.

Who lives in a kutcha house?

People who are not economically well or stable and cannot afford to live in pucca houses live in a kutcha house. These are mainly seen in the rural areas. In some countries, you can even find Kutcha houses made up of only stones, earth, or straw. But for most, they are made up of natural materials

What are the different types of pucca houses?

Some of the types of houses which are pucca houses are bungalows, apartments, residential houses, mansions, etc.

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Difference Between Kutcha House and Pucca House

Harish Gowda

Kutcha houses and Pucca houses both help the residents in various ways. And it has a lot of differences as well. Read this article to know what is the difference between kutcha house and pucca house and their advantages.

Page Contents

  • What is Kutcha House?
  • What is Pucca House?

Difference between Kutcha House and Pucca House

Types of kutcha house available:, types of pucca house available:, cost effective – , helps in insulation – , biodegradable – , good facility, long-term safety, what is kutcha house .

Difference Between Kutcha House and Pucca House - What is Kutcha House

A Kutcha House is one in which the walls are built of mud, bamboo, grass, stones, leaves, and unburnt bricks. 

This kind of house is usually available in rural areas. 

The material utilized to build kutcha houses is easily available in forests. Such houses are commonly built by underprivileged sections of India. The government also helps the people who faced destruction of their house due to natural disasters like floods, etc.

As the materials used to construct the kutcha house are natural, they provide shelter to the people and keep the environment safe as well. This is the main advantage and important difference between kutcha house and pucca house.

What is Pucca House ?

Difference Between Kutcha House and Pucca House - What is Pucca House

A Pucca House is one in which walls and roofs are built of cement, jack board, concrete, or timber. 

The roof is constructed using materials like galvanized iron, stone blocks, tiles, or cement sheets.

For pucca houses, the materials are used to make the house stand for a long period. The house should stand protected from elements like rain, solar heat, high wind, humidity, etc. This is the most prominent advantage of pucca house. And important difference between kutcha house and pucca house.

The below-mentioned are the main classified difference between kutcha house and pucca house. It specifies the important aspects and the crucial differences.

Raw materials used for the kutcha house are stone, wood, mud, etc. Strong materials used for the pucca house are cement, iron, steel, bricks, etc.
Materials used are temporary in nature Materials used are for a long-term basis
Usually built in financially backward areas. Usually built in financially stable areas.
No advanced skilled labor and plan are required to construct a kutcha house. Experienced & skilled labor and proper planning are required to construct a pucca house.
Easily get affected by extreme weather conditions and natural disasters. Stays strong and protects residents in extreme weather conditions.
Materials used for building a kutcha house are eco-friendly in nature Materials used for building a pucca house are non-eco-friendly in nature.
Kutcha house is affordable in cost Compared to a kutcha house, the pucca house has a high cost of construction.
Kutcha houses may or may not have separations like bedrooms, hallways, kitchens, etc. A pucca house has separations like bedrooms, kitchens, hallways, living rooms, etc.

Types of Kutcha House and Pucca House

Both kutcha houses and pucca houses are available in various types. These also specify the main difference between kutcha house and pucca house.

Difference Between Kutcha House and Pucca House - Types of Kutcha House

The Kutcha house varies from shape to size. The appearance of each of them depends on the material used for it.

Basically, Kutcha house is divided into two types which are non-serviceable & serviceable. 

Kutcha houses with mud walls and thatch roofs are usually built for serviceable purposes .

Kutcha houses with roofs and walls made of hay, twigs, reeds, or bamboo are built for non-serviceable purposes.

Difference Between Kutcha House and Pucca House - Types of Pucca House

The most famous types of pucca houses are villas, apartments, bungalows, and mansions. These types of houses are usually available in cities.

Each of these types has its purpose.

Advantages of Kutcha House and Pucca House

Kutcha house and Pucca house provide various kinds of advantages for residents. These advantages have also proven to be helpful in our day-to-day lives. And clarifies that what are the actual difference between kutcha house and pucca house

Advantages of Kutcha House

Difference Between Kutcha House and Pucca House - Advantages of Kutcha House

Rural people prefer kutcha houses more because it comes with various advantages. Some of the most important advantages are mentioned below:

Constructing a kutcha house doesn’t require more resources which directly reduces cost. And repairing the kutcha house is also less compared to a pucca house.

Due to the material used in the kutcha house, it provides thermal insulation inside the house. This will be helpful during the winter season. 

Residents can also ignore the installation of heaters.

Kutcha houses are biodegradable and eco-friendly in nature. 

As these houses are built using natural materials like hay, clay, and other materials. This doesn’t affect the environment as the materials are not artificial like chemical paints, plastics, etc. 

Advantages of Pucca House

Difference Between Kutcha House and Pucca House - Advantages of Pucca House

Pucca house is most preferred by city people because of its added advantages. Some of them are mentioned below:

Pucca houses are for those who are financially stable. And for that reason, such houses are famous in the city.

Pucca houses like villas, apartments, bungalows, etc come with good facilities like 24/7 electricity, and water supply. weather safety, etc. This facilities are the main difference between kutcha house and pucca house

Pucca houses is made of durable materials for long-term safety. This helps in the safety aspect of the residents during extreme weather conditions.

Pucca houses are made of using materials like iron, bricks, steel, cement, etc. Whereas, kutcha houses are made of mud, grass, bamboo, stones, etc. So, pucca houses are durable for a long duration.

Pucca houses are majorly available in cities of India. 

Kutcha houses provide advantages to the residents by being cost-effective, biodegradable, and helping with insulation. This is the main difference between kutcha house and pucca house.

Harish Gowda

Harish Gowda is a blog writer at A long-standing expert, he writes in-depth articles in the home decor & automation space, property laws, & current market trends. He further provides valuable insights on the investment opportunities in the current Indian real estate scenario.

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Kutcha House vs. Pucca House: Understanding the Meaning and Differences!

Kutcha House vs. Pucca House: Understanding the Meaning and Differences!

In the realm of housing, the terms “kutcha house” and “pucca house” are often used to describe different types of dwellings. These terms, commonly found in India and other parts of the world, represent distinct construction styles and materials. In this blog post, we will delve into the meaning of kutcha houses and pucca houses, highlighting their differences in terms of construction, durability, and socioeconomic implications.

  • Definition and Meaning: A kutcha house refers to a dwelling constructed with temporary or locally available materials such as mud, thatch, bamboo, or corrugated sheets. It is typically associated with low-cost, traditional housing found in rural areas or economically disadvantaged communities. On the other hand, a pucca house represents a permanent and more substantial structure constructed using durable materials such as bricks, concrete, steel, and cement. Pucca houses are associated with more permanent settlements, urban areas, and higher socioeconomic standards.
  • Construction and Materials: Kutcha houses are built using readily available materials found in the local environment. Mud, straw, bamboo, and thatch are commonly used for walls, roofing, and flooring. The construction techniques are simple and require minimal skilled labor. In contrast, pucca houses involve more complex construction processes, utilizing modern materials like bricks, concrete, steel, and cement. The use of these durable materials provides better structural stability and longevity.
  • Durability and Resilience: Kutcha houses, being constructed with temporary materials, have limited durability and resilience against natural elements such as heavy rainfall, strong winds, and earthquakes. They may require frequent maintenance and repairs due to their vulnerability. Pucca houses, with their solid construction and use of durable materials, offer greater resilience and can withstand harsh weather conditions and natural disasters with minimal damage.
  • Comfort and Amenities: Kutcha houses generally lack proper insulation and amenities like electricity, plumbing, and sanitation facilities. They often have open spaces or inadequate ventilation, leading to discomfort and health hazards. Pucca houses, on the other hand, are designed to provide better comfort and modern amenities. They typically have proper insulation, electricity, plumbing, and sanitary provisions, ensuring a more comfortable living environment.
  • Socioeconomic Implications: The choice between kutcha houses and pucca houses often reflects the socioeconomic status and access to resources of individuals or communities. Kutcha houses are prevalent in economically disadvantaged areas where affordability and availability of resources are limited. Pucca houses are associated with higher standards of living, urban areas, and greater financial resources.
  • Housing Upgrades and Social Development: The transition from kutcha houses to pucca houses is often seen as a sign of progress and social development. Government initiatives and housing programs aim to upgrade kutcha houses, providing better-quality housing to underprivileged communities. These initiatives focus on improving living conditions, ensuring access to basic amenities, and enhancing overall well-being.

Conclusion: Kutcha houses and pucca houses represent contrasting housing types in terms of construction, materials, durability, and socioeconomic implications. While kutcha houses are constructed with temporary materials and often lack essential amenities, pucca houses offer greater stability, comfort, and modern conveniences. Understanding the differences between these two types of houses is essential for addressing housing challenges, promoting social development, and improving the quality of life for individuals and communities.

Disclaimer:  The views expressed above are for informational purposes only based on industry reports and related news stories. PropertyPistol does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or reliability of the information and shall not be held responsible for any action taken based on the published information .

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Kutcha House: Meaning, Types & Advantages

Kutcha House: Meaning, Types & Advantages

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Kutcha house

Types of Kutcha Houses

Difference Between Kutcha & Pucca House:

Kutcha and pucca house difference



Kutcha houses are built with readily available raw materials like brick, wood, mud, or straws.

Introduction Kutcha (Kulcha) houses are defined as structures with walls made of bamboo, mud, bushes, reed, stones, thatch, straws, leaves, and unburned bricks. These aren't fixed structures like apartments or buildings. Kutcha houses are common in rural areas and cities in which workers choose to live in makeshift shelters. The Kutcha house...

Iron, cement, concrete blocks, and steel are used to construct Pucca houses.

Kutcha houses are typically constructed by the economically disadvantaged.

The majority of Pucca homeowners are wealthy and have enough money to live comfortably.

Because kutcha houses are made of mud, straw, and other similar materials, they are especially vulnerable to inclement weather and natural disasters.

A pucca house made of stronger materials and capable of protecting people from the elements

People who live in kutcha houses frequently lack basic necessities such as electricity and running water.

Those who live in a pucca house typically have access to amenities that are in proportion with their income level.

Room demarcations aren't always present in kutcha houses because they are typically small and constructed to meet the instant needs of the residents.

Pucca houses are constructed on a larger area and have more rooms. 

Advantages and Disadvantages Of A Kutcha & Pucca House:

Kutcha house

Advantages  of Kutcha House:

Advantages  of Kutcha House

Disadvantages of Kutcha House:


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The Fascinating World of Kutcha Houses

Welcome to the intriguing world of kutcha houses! Have you ever wondered how these unique structures are built and what makes them so special? In this article, we will explore the beauty and simplicity of kutcha houses, answering the question: How are kutcha houses constructed? Prepare to be amazed by the fascinating details and gain a deeper understanding of these remarkable dwellings.

Table of Contents

Unveiling the Secrets: How Kutcha House?

1. location matters.

Choosing the perfect location is the first crucial step in constructing a kutcha house. The site should be free from potential hazards such as flooding or unstable soil. Additionally, it’s essential to consider the availability of resources for construction and the overall accessibility of the area.

2. Gathering Building Materials

3. laying the foundation, 4. constructing the walls.

The walls of a kutcha house are where craftsmanship truly shines. One of the most popular techniques is wattle and daub, which involves weaving flexible branches (wattle) and covering them with a mixture of mud, clay, or dung (daub). This ingenious method creates sturdy yet beautiful walls, providing insulation and protection from the elements.

5. Thatching the Roof

Things you should know about kutcha houses, 1. sustainability at its core, 2. flexibility and adaptability, 3. cultural significance, tips for building a kutcha house, 1. embrace local resources, 2. prioritize structural integrity, 3. enhance comfort and safety, 4. embrace minimalism, 5. community collaboration, frequently asked questions, 1. are kutcha houses safe to live in.

While kutcha houses may not provide the same level of structural robustness as permanent structures, they can be safe to live in if constructed carefully. Proper foundation, construction techniques, and regular maintenance are vital in ensuring the safety of the dwelling.

2. Can kutcha houses withstand harsh weather conditions?

3. can modern amenities be incorporated into kutcha houses, 4. how long does it take to build a kutcha house.

The construction time for a kutcha house can vary depending on factors such as the size of the structure, the availability of resources, and the skill level of the builders. It could take anywhere from a few weeks to several months to complete.

5. Are there any regulations or permits required for building a kutcha house?

Related topics, the cultural significance of traditional architecture, sustainable construction: building for a greener future.

Discover innovative construction techniques and materials that prioritize sustainability, and explore the role of architecture in mitigating climate change and promoting eco-friendly practices.

Nomadic Living: Embracing a Life on the Move

Inspiring community-building projects.

Now that you have delved into the enchanting world of kutcha houses, you possess a deeper understanding of their construction process, cultural significance, and sustainability. Whether you’re considering building your own kutcha house or simply appreciating the beauty of these unique dwellings, you are undeniably part of a global movement that values simplicity, connection with nature, and cultural heritage.

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what is Kutcha house and Pucca House? Understanding the Difference

June 29, 2023

In the realm of housing, two terms often come up: kutcha house and pucca house. These terms have different implications and are deeply rooted in the cultural and socio-economic fabric of various regions. In this blog, we will delve into the concepts of what is kutcha house and pucca house are, understanding their definitions, characteristics, and the fundamental differences between them. By the end of this article, you will gain a comprehensive understanding of these housing structures and their significance in different contexts.

what is Kutcha House and Pucca House?

Kutcha house:  .

Kutcha House

Definition and Characteristics:

A kutcha house, also known as a temporary or makeshift dwelling, refers to a structure constructed with materials that are readily available and easily accessible in the immediate surroundings. Common materials used in kutcha houses include mud, thatch, bamboo, wood, and tarpaulin. Kutcha houses are usually constructed by economically disadvantaged individuals or communities facing resource limitations.

Features and Construction:

Kutcha houses typically have a simple and rudimentary construction. They often lack proper foundations, sturdy walls, and durable roofs. In many cases, the walls are made of mud or thatch and provide little insulation or protection against the weather. The roofs are thatched or covered with tarpaulin, which leaves them susceptible to damage during heavy rains.

Significance and Challenges:

Kutcha houses are prevalent in rural areas and informal settlements. They are associated with poverty, lack of access to basic amenities, and precarious living conditions. Residents of Kutcha houses face numerous challenges, including vulnerability to natural disasters, inadequate sanitation facilities, and limited security. The transient nature of these structures also makes them prone to degradation and constant repair.

Pucca House:


A pucca house, on the other hand, represents a permanent and well-constructed dwelling. Pucca houses are made using durable and long-lasting materials such as bricks, concrete, cement, and steel. They are considered more resilient, stable, and comfortable compared to kutcha houses.

Pucca houses are built with proper foundations, solid walls, and robust roofs. The walls are constructed using materials like bricks or concrete blocks, providing better insulation and structural integrity. The roofs are often made of reinforced concrete or high-quality metal sheets, ensuring greater protection against external elements.

Significance and Advantages:

Pucca houses are commonly found in urban areas and formal housing developments. They offer improved living conditions, access to basic amenities, and greater security. Pucca houses provide a sense of permanence and stability, contributing to a better quality of life. Furthermore, these structures have a higher resale value and can be modified or expanded as per the occupants’ requirements.

Understanding the Difference:

Material and construction:.

The primary distinction between kutcha houses and pucca houses lies in the materials and construction techniques employed. While kutcha houses rely on locally available and temporary materials, pucca houses are built with more durable and permanent materials.

Stability and Durability:

Kutcha houses are often unstable, susceptible to damage, and require frequent repairs. Conversely, pucca houses are designed to be more stable, durable, and capable of withstanding environmental pressures and wear over time.

Living Conditions and Amenities:

Kutcha houses generally lack basic amenities such as proper sanitation facilities, electricity, and piped water supply. In contrast, pucca houses are equipped with these amenities, ensuring a better standard of living.

Socio-Economic Implications:

The distinction between kutcha and pucca houses is not just physical but also carries socio-economic implications. Pucca houses are often associated with improved financial conditions, social status, and access to better opportunities.

Understanding the difference between kutcha houses and pucca houses provides valuable insights into the socio-economic dynamics and living conditions of various communities. While kutcha houses represent temporary and economically constrained dwellings, pucca houses symbolize permanence, stability, and improved living standards. By acknowledging these disparities, policymakers, urban planners, and society at large can work towards bridging the gap, ensuring access to safe and adequate housing for all.

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Kutcha House and Pucca House: Understand The Difference Between The Two

What is the Difference Between Kutcha House and Pucca House

Different kinds of living spaces are chosen based on the availability of land, money, and availability of materials. Given below are a few factors that mark the difference between the kutcha house and pucca house , two kinds of shelters that are prevalent in this country.

What is a Kutcha House?

What is a Kutcha House

A kutcha house is a temporary dwelling place often used by the underprivileged sections of society. Kutcha houses are mostly seen in rural areas although sometimes one might also chance upon them in cities where workers live in makeshift homes. Since investing in a pucca house can be quite expensive, the poor have to settle for temporary structures.

What is a Pucca House?

What is a Pucca House

A pucca house is made up of substantial, hard-wearing materials including stones, bricks, and concrete. Pucca houses , including apartments and buildings, are designed to last for long periods

Difference Between Kutcha House and Pucca House

Kutcha and pucca houses are two contrasting kinds of dwelling places. From their basic structure to the materials used, kutcha houses are wildly different from pucca houses. Listed below are some vital differences between kutcha and pucca houses.

1) A major difference between kutcha house and pucca house is the kind of material used for construction. Kutcha houses are made of raw materials that are easily available such as stone, wood , mud, or straw. On the other hand, pucca houses are built using materials including iron, cement , bricks  and steel .

It is explicitly clear from the differences in the materials used for the construction of these houses that kutcha houses are temporary while pucca houses are durable and generally withstand the test of time as well as that of natural elements.

2) Kutcha houses are usually built by those who are economically or financially struggling whereas most pucca house owners are well-to-do and have the means to live comfortably.

3) Since a kutcha house is made up of mud, straw, and other such materials, it is particularly vulnerable to extreme weather conditions and natural disasters, unlike a pucca house that is made up of stronger materials and can safeguard people against external elements.

4) Another difference between kutcha and pucca houses is the amenities available to the residents. People who reside in a kutcha house have to often struggle for basic facilities such as electricity and access to clean water while those living in a pucca house generally enjoy amenities as per their standard of income.

5) Since a kutcha house is generally small in stature and built to fulfill the immediate needs of the inhabitants, room demarcations may not necessarily exist. The same space may serve as the living room, bedroom and kitchen. On the other hand, in a pucca house, separate rooms are allotted for sleeping, studying, and cooking.

Kutcha and pucca houses vary in several different ways, especially regarding the materials used for construction, the residents inhabiting these spaces, and the availability of space and basic facilities.

Kutcha House and Pucca House FAQs :

1. why are kutcha houses easily damaged .

Kutcha houses can be easily damaged since they are mostly made of materials like mud, straw, bamboo, or grass which can easily succumb to extreme external conditions.

2.What are pucca houses made of ?

Pucca houses are made of strong materials such as cement, timber, concrete, and tiles. These kinds of houses are expensive and cannot be afforded by many.

3.What is the difference between pucca house and kutcha house ?

A pucca house, usually found in villages, is made of durable materials and is permanent while a kutcha house, mostly found in urban spaces, is made from natural raw materials and is temporary.

4.What are some examples of kutcha and pucca houses ?

Examples of kutcha houses include caravans, tents, houseboats, and huts while some examples of pucca houses are apartments, bungalows, and mansions.

5. Who lives in kutcha houses ?

People who generally live in kutcha houses are those who cannot afford pucca houses. These people are mostly underprivileged, underpaid, and may have financial difficulties.

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Types of Houses

There are different types of houses where we live in. It protects us from many things like sun, rain, wind and enemies. Houses are of two types: (i) pucca house and (ii) kutcha house.

are strong houses. They are made up of wood, bricks, cement, iron rods and steel. Flats and bungalows are pucca houses. Such houses are called permanent houses.

are made up of wood, mud, straw and dry leaves. A hut is a kutcha house. Some people live at one place for a very short time. They build houses that can be moved from one place to another. Such houses are called temporary houses.

Caravan, tent and houseboats are examples of temporary houses. Gypsies live in houses on wheels called caravans . A house made of cloth is a tent . A houseboat is a floating house. Many soldiers live in tents in their camp. A house made of snow or blocks of ice is called an igloo . Eskimos make it. They live in very cold places.

What are the things needed to build a house?

Most of us live in houses made out of bricks, cement and steel. Wood and glass are used to make doors and windows. Many people use other things to make their houses, such as straw, wood, mud and stones.

Different roofs of houses:

Houses on hills have sloping roofs.

People living in areas where it rains a lot make houses on stilts with sloping roofs.

People living in plains usually make houses with flat roofs.

How can we define a good house?

A good house should have plenty of fresh air and sunshine.

A good house should have trees nearby.

A good house should be neat and clean.

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I moved with my kids to a hotel room. It's cheaper than renting an apartment and has many amenities.

  • I was on a month-to-month lease at our previous place when the owner gave me 30 days' notice.
  • I looked for other places to rent, but the rent was beyond what I could pay.
  • I found a hotel room for $2,200 a month, which is cheaper than other places and has amenities.

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"I am not sure what I am asking for exactly, but I need some sense of ease." I prayed the words as I walked into my bedroom and confronted the piles of clothes on the floor.

It wasn't just the clothes that had me feeling overwhelmed — it was everything. The bills, the upkeep of the house I had been living in for six years, the laundry, and the load of doing it all as a single mom of three. My plate was full, and I was so damn close to giving up —whatever that meant.

I loved my house. It had a charm of its own and was within walking distance to both my ex's house and the kids' schools, and my landlord never increased the rent.

I was, however, on a month-to-month lease , and with that came a sense of unease. In other ways, too, the house contributed to my sense of unease. The yard required an infinite amount of work, the oil tank and furnace were constantly malfunctioning, and don't even get me started on the mice issue.

I was drowning and needed to find a way out, though I didn't know what that was, so I prayed.

The house was put up for sale, and we had to move

Imagine my surprise when I read the email from my landlord that said, "We are putting the house up for sale and need you out by March 1." That was only 30 days away. Where would we go? How would I afford it? I didn't have savings to rely on ; hell, I didn't even have a credit card.

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I had prayed for a solution, for a sense of ease. This couldn't be my answer. This was more stress.

So, I hit Zillow. Two bedrooms, 1,000 square feet, $2,700 a month. Three bedrooms, 1,200 square feet, $3,000 a month. The prices were outrageous and well beyond my budget. When I finally found a place that left me feeling positive, my application was denied because my credit was subpar.

I was defeated. My plate was not just full. It was breaking and leaving a mess all around me. My mom generously offered that we could stay with her until I found something. I was grateful, but at 46 years old I was desperate for a solution that would honor my need for independence, privacy, and affordability. It was time to get creative.

I found a hotel room that rents for long-term stays

I frantically searched Airbnb and Vrbo, but the few long-term options were already booked. As a last-ditch effort, I reached out to local hotels and inquired about rates for long-term stays. That's when I received surprise email No. 2. Only this one was from Avon Old Farms Hotel , and, with it, I felt as if I had won the lottery.

"We have a two-bedroom apartment on-site that we rent out for longer stays. It's $2200 a month and includes all utilities and hotel amenities," the email said.

Sure, this was only a temporary solution — the apartment was on the small side, and the location was not perfect. But it was a place my kids and I could call our own, even if only for a few months.

After taking a look at the apartment, I signed on the dotted line. Quickly after moving in, I was told the cleaning team would be coming every Tuesday to do a deep clean, change the bedding, and swap out our used towels with clean ones. The gift of having towels laundered and stocked on top of the weekly cleaning was going to be the greatest gift in the world for me.

I still had to tell my kids, though, whom I assumed would be less than thrilled with a small temporary arrangement further from their father. But they found the adventure in our setup right away as they explored the beautiful hotel grounds. Their eyes lit up when I showed them the pool, the game room, the sauna, and the gym. They quickly discovered that the hotel restaurant hosted trivia every Thursday night, and it has since become our favorite weekly activity. We swim on hot days, cook s'mores at the firepits on the weekends, and enjoy continental breakfast in the mornings.

This is not an apartment I would've ever looked for, and I would not have known to look at a hotel for my housing needs. On paper, it is not a great fit for me and my kids. But the amenities are the answer to my prayers. They have offered me the gift of ease, and that, after all, is exactly what I prayed for.

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Monday 28 December 2015

Student project - model of kutcha house, make model of kutcha house.

essay on kutcha house

What is Kutcha House

Items required:.

  • Small/ medium size box to make hut
  • Yellow chart paper to cover ground and hut
  • Straw, or Stem of dried long grass to make roof and door
  • Broom stick to make window
  • Thick carton box paper to make window, ground structure and roof structure


  • Color the yellow chart paper with brown oil pastel to get the color of soil/ mud. 
  • Cover the carton box paper with this chart paper to make the ground.

Body of hut

  • Color the yellow chart paper with brown oil paste to get the color of walls. 
  • Window - Cut a portion of the chart paper in rectangular shape of a window. Cut the broom sticks and stick on the inner portion to make window.
  • Take the small/ medium size box. Cover it with the chart paper with window on one side of the box.
  • Door - Take a rectangle shaped carton box paper. Stick the pieces of straw on it as in picture. Paste the door on the hut.
  • Make the roof structure with carton box paper. 
  • Arrange the straw pieces on it and fix it using glue or tapes. 
  • Fix the roof structure on the body of hut.


essay on kutcha house

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About 500K undocumented immigrants will benefit from this executive order. How to apply

essay on kutcha house

President Joe Biden's executive order Keeping Families Together went into effect Monday, initiating a process that could allow over half a million family members of U.S. citizens to stay in the country legally, the Department of Homeland Security announced.

The United States Citizenship and Immigration Services will begin accepting requests as of Aug. 19 to grant parole-in-place to eligible noncitizen spouses and stepchildren of U.S. citizens who are present in the country without lawful immigration status.

The notice follows Biden’s June directive to expand lawful pathways to keep families together and address "our broken immigration system."

“This is something that will help members of a community, people who have been working, contributing (to) and building their families in this country,” said Ben Monterroso, co-founder and senior advisor at Poder Latinx, a nationwide civic and social justice organization dedicated to building and strengthening Latino political power.

The Department of Homeland Security estimates that more than two-thirds of noncitizens who are married to U.S. citizens are present in the country without due admission or parole, which makes them ineligible for status adjustment. Under the Keeping Families Together process, 500,000 noncitizen spouses and 50,000 noncitizen stepchildren may qualify for parole-in-place.

“Too often, noncitizen spouses of U.S. citizens — many of them mothers and fathers — live with uncertainty due to undue barriers in our immigration system,” said Ur M. Jaddou, director of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, in a statement. “This process to keep U.S. families together will remove these undue barriers for those who would otherwise qualify to live and work lawfully in the U.S., while also creating greater efficiencies in the immigration system, conducting effective screening and vetting, and focusing on noncitizens who contribute to and have longstanding connections within American communities across the country.”

Applicants who are granted parole through this process and are eligible could then apply for lawful permanent residence without having to leave the country.

“We have an opportunity to start coming out of the shadows of society and to continue contributing and living lives in this country, especially the half a million eligible to become legal permanent residents, to move on and to become U.S. citizens,” Monterroso said, adding he encourages everyone with the opportunity to apply to do so as soon as possible even amidst the current political climate, which may spook some potential applicants.

“I was legalized through the amnesty of the 80s,” he said, referring to the Simpson-Mazzoli Act of 1986 enacted by President Ronald Reagan that offered legalization and prospective naturalization to undocumented migrants and farm workers who entered the country prior to 1982.

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Besides the immigration reform in the 80s, Monterroso said a similar process occurred during the enactment of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program established by President Barack Obama in 2012 that prompted fear among eligible individuals to put their names in official papers saying they were present in this country.

“The bottom line is we are here, we cannot (remain) invisible and afraid of being known. We have an opportunity to benefit and move forward with a legalized process in the U.S.,” he said.

Monterroso said Poder Latinx will continue its efforts to educate the community on the process and their rights, keeping in mind that the biggest opportunity citizens of this country have will come in November. 

“This is a step in the right direction, but it’s by no means the solution we need. We cannot ignore the fact that we have millions of others who also deserve an opportunity to come out of the shadows,” he said, adding that this is a problem that cannot be fixed solely through executive orders but through proper legislation.

“Those who are families, (those) married to a citizen should be able to participate in the elections to make sure elected officials do the right thing for everyone in this country,” Monterroso said.

Who is eligible to apply for the parole-in-place program?

Eligibility requirements for noncitizen spouses include having been continuously physically present in the country since June 17, 2014, and marriage to a U.S. citizen on or before June 17, 2024.

Applying noncitizen stepchildren must have been under the age of 21 and unmarried on June 17, 2024, and continuously physically present in the country since at least that date. Stepchildren must have a noncitizen parent married to a U.S. citizen on or before June 17, 2024, and before their 18th birthday.

Both noncitizen spouses and stepchildren must be in the country without admission or parole and have no disqualifying criminal history.

How to apply for the parole-in-place program

Interested and eligible individuals must file an Application for Parole in Place for Certain Noncitizen Spouses and Stepchildren of U.S. Citizens, or Form I-131F , by creating an account online and paying a $580 fee.

No fee waiver requests are accepted for this process, according to the USCIS website.

Immigration resources in Arizona

Many organizations in Arizona currently offer services that can assist immigrant community members and may assist in filing this form:

Poder Latinx  hosts workshops throughout the year that help immigrants apply for residency and become naturalized citizens. Find them at 1616 E. Indian School Road, Suite 480, Phoenix, [email protected], .

Latinos United for Change in Arizona  offers help with DACA applications, residency renewals and the naturalization process. Find them at 5716 N. 19th Ave., Phoenix, 602-388-9745, .

Phoenix Legal Action Network  offers legal support for non-detained immigrants in Arizona by representing them before court in immigration cases. Find them at 602-730-1726, [email protected], .

The Florence Project  offers legal representation for detained immigrants and education services related to immigration processes in Arizona. Find them at Phoenix line 602-307-1008, Tucson line 520-777-5600, [email protected], .

La Voz reporter Erick Treviño contributed to this article.

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House Republicans release their impeachment report on Biden but the next steps are uncertain


President Joe Biden talks to reporters upon his arrival to Joint Base Andrews, Md., en route to the White House, Sunday, Aug. 18, 2024. (AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana)

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WASHINGTON (AP) — House Republicans have released their initial impeachment inquiry report on President Joe Biden , alleging an abuse of power and obstruction of justice in the financial dealings of his son Hunter Biden and family associates.

The nearly yearlong investigation by Republicans stops short of alleging any criminal wrongdoing by the president. Instead, the almost 300-page report out Monday, the opening day of the Democratic National Convention , covers familiar ground, asserting the Biden family traded on its “brand” in business ventures in corrupt ways that rise to the Constitution’s high bar for impeachment.

With Biden no longer running for reelection , next steps are highly uncertain. House Republicans have not had support from their own ranks to actually impeach the president, and removal by the Senate is even further afield. Many Republicans prefer to focus attention on the Democratic Party’s presumptive presidential nominee Vice President Kamala Harris , with some probes getting underway.

The White House has dismissed the House impeachment inquiry as a “stunt” and encouraged House Republicans to “move on.”


“The totality of the corrupt conduct uncovered by the Committees is egregious,” wrote the House Oversight and Accountability, Judiciary and Ways & Means panels leading the inquiry .

The report said the Constitution’s “remedy for a President’s flagrant abuse of office is clear: impeachment by the House of Representatives and removal by the Senate.”

Republicans have spent the better part of their time in the House majority with a hyper focus on Biden and his family’s businesses, encouraged by Donald Trump as the twice impeached and indicted former president makes a comeback bid for the White House.

The impeachment inquiry has been a cornerstone of the House GOP’s effort, launched by former Speaker Kevin McCarthy shortly before he was booted from leadership and formalized in December under new Speaker Mike Johnson. Republicans are investigating many aspects of Biden family finances going back to 2009 when he was vice president to Barack Obama.

In a statement Monday, Johnson was non-committal on what the House will do with the findings. “We encourage all Americans to read this report,” he said.

Through bank records, interviews from some 30 witnesses, whistleblower accounts and millions of documents, House Republicans allege a years-long practice by Hunter Biden and his associates to solicit foreign business deals using the family’s proximity to power in Washington.

Much of the focus of the report is not on Biden’s time as president, but on the years when the Biden family was in turmoil after the 2015 death of his oldest son, Beau, and as the vice president was bowing out of elected office, declining to run for president in 2016.

Hunter Biden has acknowledged a serious addiction to crack in these years. He was convicted in June of felony gun charges and is set to stand trial next month on federal tax charges .

Former Hunter Biden associate Devon Archer , who was sentenced to a year in prison in 2022 in another matter, told the committee, “At the end of the day, part of what was delivered is the brand.”

To tie the elder Biden to his son’s actions, the Republicans rely on a series of phone calls and pop-by dinner meeting visits Joe Biden made while Hunter was conducting business. At times, Hunter would put his dad on speakerphone for his guests as the father and son exchanged pleasantries.

The Bidens are a famously tight-knit family and acknowledge they speak almost daily, including during this time, with the father checking on his son’s well-being.

In his own defiant closed-door deposition to House investigators, Hunter Biden insisted he did not involve his father in his business.

All told, the House Republicans allege the Biden family and its associates received some $27 million in business payments from partners or clients in Russia, China and other countries. They allege an additional $8 million in loans, including some from Hunter Biden benefactor Kevin Morris, a Hollywood attorney, and question the purchases of the son’s artwork .

The report said it is “inconceivable” that President Biden did not understand what was going on.

“President Biden participated in a conspiracy to monetize his office of public trust to enrich his family,” the report claims.

Biden himself declined a request to testify before the House.

Touchbacks to Trump’s impeachments at the hands of Democrats run throughout the report’s pages as Republicans work to contrast his grounds for removal to Biden family’s dealings and “grift.”

But the difference are stark, as the indicted Trump faces actual criminal charges, including in the conspiracy to overturn Biden’s 2020 election and draw supporters to Washington on the day of the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol attack.

The report also accuses Biden of obstructing justice in the probe, revisiting previously aired complaints about the Justice Department’s handling of the investigation into Hunter Biden. Attorney General Merrick Garland has forcefully denied those accusations, defending the department against claims of political influence.

The report focuses heavily on what Republicans have long alleged was a pattern of “slow-walking” investigative steps and delaying enforcement actions to the benefit of the president’s son.

But the report provides no evidence that Biden had any involvement in his son’s investigation, which was launched under Trump’s presidency and has been led by a Delaware U.S. attorney appointed by Trump. The U.S. attorney, David Weiss, was kept on by Garland to insulate the probe from claims of political interference.

Garland has insisted that no one at the White House gave him or other senior officials at the Justice Department direction about the handling of the Hunter Biden investigation.

Beyond Hunter Biden, the report includes details of the involvement of Joe Biden’s brother, James, in the various family businesses.

Republicans have pointed to a series of payments that they claim show the president benefited from his brother’s work. They point to a $200,000 personal check from James Biden to Joe Biden on the same day in 2018 that James Biden received an equal amount from Americore, a healthcare company.

House Democrats have defended the transaction, pointing to bank records they say indicate James Biden was repaying a loan provided by his brother, who had wire transferred $200,000 to him about six weeks earlier. The money changed hands while Joe Biden was a private citizen.

Short of impeaching Biden, the House Republicans have issued criminal referrals recommending the Justice Department prosecute Hunter Biden and James Biden, accusing them of making false statements to Congress as part of the GOP investigation. Attorneys for those men have argued those claims are baseless or a distraction.

Until recently, the president had been a focal point for Republicans in Congress, but his decision last month to drop out of the presidential race and Harris’ ascent to the top of the ticket have forced GOP leaders to reevaluate their marquee investigation.

A year ago, GOP lawmakers had hoped the Biden inquiry would build a strong enough case for impeachment’s “high crimes and misdemeanors.” But the longer the inquiry dragged and the little direct evidence against Biden investigators were able to produce in public hearings or even in closed-door sessions, the more concerns grew from moderate Republicans wary of a vote on the matter.

The report released Monday makes more than 20 mentions of the “Biden-Harris administration,” while previous releases from the committees investigating Biden typically only made direct references to him.

And while Harris is not mentioned on her own in the report, the same committees leading the inquiry have begun to open new probes into her and her vice presidential pick, Tim Walz.

Associated Press writers Alanna Durkin Richer, Gary Fields, Fatima Hussein and Nicholas Riccardi contributed to this report.


Donald J. Trump, wearing a blue suit and a red tie, walks down from an airplane with a large American flag painted onto its tail.

Trump and Allies Forge Plans to Increase Presidential Power in 2025

The former president and his backers aim to strengthen the power of the White House and limit the independence of federal agencies.

Donald J. Trump intends to bring independent regulatory agencies under direct presidential control. Credit... Doug Mills/The New York Times

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Jonathan Swan

By Jonathan Swan Charlie Savage and Maggie Haberman

  • Published July 17, 2023 Updated July 18, 2023

Donald J. Trump and his allies are planning a sweeping expansion of presidential power over the machinery of government if voters return him to the White House in 2025, reshaping the structure of the executive branch to concentrate far greater authority directly in his hands.

Their plans to centralize more power in the Oval Office stretch far beyond the former president’s recent remarks that he would order a criminal investigation into his political rival, President Biden, signaling his intent to end the post-Watergate norm of Justice Department independence from White House political control.

Mr. Trump and his associates have a broader goal: to alter the balance of power by increasing the president’s authority over every part of the federal government that now operates, by either law or tradition, with any measure of independence from political interference by the White House, according to a review of his campaign policy proposals and interviews with people close to him.

Mr. Trump intends to bring independent agencies — like the Federal Communications Commission, which makes and enforces rules for television and internet companies, and the Federal Trade Commission, which enforces various antitrust and other consumer protection rules against businesses — under direct presidential control.

He wants to revive the practice of “impounding” funds, refusing to spend money Congress has appropriated for programs a president doesn’t like — a tactic that lawmakers banned under President Richard Nixon.

He intends to strip employment protections from tens of thousands of career civil servants, making it easier to replace them if they are deemed obstacles to his agenda. And he plans to scour the intelligence agencies, the State Department and the defense bureaucracies to remove officials he has vilified as “the sick political class that hates our country.”

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    Kutcha houses are made up of wood, mud, straw and dry leaves. Caravan, tents and houseboats are examples of kutcha (temporary) houses. Differences between kutcha and pucca houses. The houses which are made up of mud, grass, straw etc are called kutcha houses. A kind of house, where the walls are made up of bamboo, mud, grass, reed, stones ...

  2. Kutcha House: Difference between Kutcha House and Pucca House

    The Kutcha houses are usually frequently constructed and are not built for the long term. The pucca houses are permanent and are considered an investment. The Kutcha houses have very few amenities. The residents/owners receive access to the facilities and amenities as per the income level of the owner/proprietor.

  3. Kutcha House: Meaning, Purpose, Construction Method And More

    The materials. While the kutcha house is made of easily available raw materials that are eco-friendly and cheap, the pucca house makes use of materials like iron, cement, steel, and bricks. They're not naturally available in nature and are also expensive in comparison.

  4. Kutcha Houses and Pucca Houses: Differences, Types, Benefits

    Discover the world of housing through the lens of 'kutcha' and 'pucca' houses. From their definitions and characteristics to the diverse types found in India, explore the implications of these structures on communities' socio-economic fabric. Uncover the advantages, disadvantages, and cultural significance of each, as we delve into the intricacies of housing diversity and resilience.

  5. Beyond Materials: The Cultural Significance of Kutcha and Pucca Houses

    Material for kutcha houses typically includes stone, block, concrete, cement, brick, and wood. These houses are durable, sturdy, solid and intended for longevity. Signifiers of permanence of residence. Since everything in the past was done manually, it required a lot of time and physical effort; pucca houses were thus built only at places of ...

  6. 𝑲𝒖𝒕𝒄𝒉𝒂 𝑯𝒐𝒖𝒔𝒆 and Pucca House: Difference, Types, Pros and Cons

    Kutcha House: Materials Used. Kutcha house construction typically utilises materials such as untouched bricks, grass, bamboo, thatch, reeds, mud, and stones that are loosely packed. These materials are often used to build walls and roofs of homes, providing a cost-effective and traditional construction method. Kutcha House: Amenities

  7. Kutcha Houses: Meaning, Types, Advantages And Intiatives

    Pucca House. 1. These homes for sale are made with solid construction made of iron, bricks, concrete, metal, and other materials. 2. The home owners are well-off. 3. Buildings are solid and concrete, hence are hard to break. 4. Pucca houses are a source of investment as they can earn good return as well as rental.

  8. Difference Between Pucca House and Kutcha House

    The materials used for building kutcha houses are unburnt bricks, bamboo, mud, grass, leaves, reeds, or thatch. The building material used in Kutcha houses is eco-friendly. You can use locally available resources and eco-friendly materials to build your own Kutcha house. Kutcha houses are eco-friendly and cost-effective.

  9. Difference Between Kutcha House and Pucca House

    It specifies the important aspects and the crucial differences. Kutcha House. Pucca House. Raw materials used for the kutcha house are stone, wood, mud, etc. Strong materials used for the pucca house are cement, iron, steel, bricks, etc. Materials used are temporary in nature. Materials used are for a long-term basis.

  10. Kutcha House vs. Pucca House: Understanding the ...

    While kutcha houses are constructed with temporary materials and often lack essential amenities, pucca houses offer greater stability, comfort, and modern conveniences. Understanding the differences between these two types of houses is essential for addressing housing challenges, promoting social development, and improving the quality of life ...

  11. "All About Kutcha Houses

    Introduction Kutcha (Kulcha) houses are defined as structures with walls made of bamboo, mud, bushes, reed, stones, thatch, straws, leaves, and unburned bricks. These aren't fixed structures like apartments or buildings. Kutcha houses are common in rural areas and cities in which workers choose to live in makeshift shelters.

  12. The Fascinating World of Kutcha Houses

    Typically, a kutcha house's foundation consists of compacted soil or stones, ensuring stability and durability. This foundation acts as a solid base for the rest of the structure. 4. Constructing the Walls. The walls of a kutcha house are where craftsmanship truly shines.

  13. Real Estate & Property Blog

    A kutcha house, also known as a temporary or makeshift dwelling, refers to a structure constructed with materials that are readily available and easily accessible in the immediate surroundings. Common materials used in kutcha houses include mud, thatch, bamboo, wood, and tarpaulin. Kutcha houses are usually constructed by economically ...

  14. Kutcha House And Pucca House: Understand The Difference

    Listed below are some vital differences between kutcha and pucca houses. 1) A major difference between kutcha house and pucca house is the kind of material used for construction. Kutcha houses are made of raw materials that are easily available such as stone, wood, mud, or straw. On the other hand, pucca houses are built using materials ...

  15. Types of Houses

    Houses are of two types: (i) pucca house and (ii) kutcha house. Pucca houses are strong houses. They are made up of wood, bricks, cement, iron rods and steel. Flats and bungalows are pucca houses. Such houses are called permanent houses. Kutcha houses are made up of wood, mud, straw and dry leaves. A hut is a kutcha house.

  16. 20 different types of houses in India

    Types of houses in India #17: Kutcha house. Source: Pinterest . Kutcha houses, indigenous to rural India, are traditional huts constructed using natural materials such as wood, straw, mud, and thatched leaves. These humble dwellings can be found across various locations, showcasing enchanting designs on their mud walls that add a touch of ...

  17. Kutcha house

    Search for Kutcha house in Wikipedia to check for alternative titles or spellings. Start the Kutcha house article , using the Article Wizard if you wish, or add a request for it ; but please remember that Wikipedia is not a dictionary .

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    Kutcha houses are made up of wood, mud, straw and dry leaves. A hut is a kutcha house. These are seen in villages. Houses made with high quality materials throughout, including the floor, roof, and exterior walls, are called pucca houses. These are seen in cities.

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  25. Here's What's In Kamala Harris's Economic Plan

    Key Takeaways Vice President Kamala Harris laid out her economic agenda Friday, promising tax breaks for middle-class families and to crack down on companies raising rent and grocery prices.Many ...

  26. House Republicans release their impeachment report on Biden

    Republicans have spent the better part of their time in the House majority with a hyper focus on Biden and his family's businesses, encouraged by Donald Trump as the twice impeached and indicted former president makes a comeback bid for the White House.. The impeachment inquiry has been a cornerstone of the House GOP's effort, launched by former Speaker Kevin McCarthy shortly before he was ...

  27. 10 Beautiful Moments at the Paris Olympics

    The Summer Games are known for athletic excellence, but they provide plenty of aesthetic excellence along the way. Léon Marchand and the rest of the Olympians at the Paris Games have put on a ...

  28. How Harris Has Completely Upended the Presidential Race, in 14 Maps

    Mr. Sosnik was a senior adviser to President Bill Clinton from 1994 to 2000 and has advised more than 50 governors and U.S. senators. Aug. 16, 2024 With Kamala Harris now at the top of the ticket ...

  29. Trump and Allies Forge Plans to Increase Presidential Power in 2025

    Donald J. Trump and his allies are planning a sweeping expansion of presidential power over the machinery of government if voters return him to the White House in 2025, reshaping the structure of ...