626 Dissertation Topics for Ph.D. and Thesis Ideas for Master Students

If you are about to go into the world of graduate school, then one of the first things you need to do is choose from all the possible dissertation topics available to you. This is no small task. You are likely to spend many years researching your Master’s or Ph.D. topic and writing the text. This means that choosing a dissertation topic should not be taken lightly.

No worries! Just read this article by our Custom Writing service, and you’ll find:

  • a collection of great thesis topics on finance, education, management, law, etc.
  • a range of tips on choosing a killing Ph.D. topic.
  • 👍 Top 10 Dissertation Topics
  • 🆚 Thesis vs Dissertation
  • 🔝 Top 10 Thesis Topics
  • 🎓 Thesis Topics List
  • ✅ How to Choose a Topic

👍Top 10 Dissertation Topics

  • Ethical alternatives to animal testing.
  • What’s the future of the Dead Sea?
  • Does accent affect singing ability?
  • The importance of corporate values.
  • How does inflation affect small businesses?
  • Is homeschooling the future of education?
  • How does Tourette’s syndrome affect one’s daily life?
  • How to conduct market analysis for e-commerce.
  • Has globalization affected cultural appropriation?

🆚 Dissertation vs. Thesis: Is There a Difference?

People often consider a thesis and a dissertation to be the same thing. Yet, there is an important distinction between them. The key difference is that you need a thesis to complete a master’s degree, while a dissertation is necessary for obtaining a doctorate. Keep in mind that it’s vice versa in European higher education.

Here are some other differences:

A thesis is usually shorter than a dissertation at approximately 100 pages. A dissertation is usually 200-300 pages long.
In a thesis, you build your work on an already existing idea. In a dissertation, you need to present entirely original hypothesis.
A thesis involves preliminary research. A dissertation requires deeper original research.

Despite these differences, theses and dissertations have a lot in common:

  • You need them to complete a degree.
  • Both require certain levels of expertise and writing skills.
  • You defend an argument in both of them.
  • Plagiarism is prohibited in both theses and dissertations.

🔝 Top 10 Thesis Topics for 2024

  • The consequences of obesity.
  • The influence of social media .
  • Economic development and happiness.
  • Feminism in the United States.
  • The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Racism in schools and colleges.
  • Overeducation in the labor market.
  • DNA evidence in criminal justice.
  • Sales forecasting techniques.
  • Wage difference among athletes.

🎓 Thesis Topics & Ideas

Below, you’ll find a collection of excellent topics for a thesis. To simplify the task, it’s not a bad idea to use a topic chooser. We’ve also prepared a checklist that will help you make the right choice. If you agree with the following statements, you’ve chosen a good thesis topic:

  • You are interested in this subject.  It will be easier for you to work on it if you like your area of research. Remember that you will have to spend long hours looking through various data. You need to stay motivated.
  • The topic is helpful in your career path.  Choose a topic that you can apply to further research if you plan to pursue your career in the academic field. Choose something that you can use in your CV if you decided to work in the industry.
  • There is enough available research data.  Don’t choose a topic that is too trivial or uncommon. It is essential to find enough relevant information. Consult your supervisor to understand if you can proceed with it.
  • The topic isn’t too broad or too narrow.  Otherwise, it will be harder for you to find credible sources and relevant data.
  • You already have an understanding of it . Make a list of thesis topics that include the issues you have researched before. It will save you some time and allow you to evaluate your opportunities.
  • Your topic is unique.  Make sure there are no other papers that explore exactly the same issue. The value of your work is your original contribution to the research. If somebody has already investigated the topic, there is not much sense in proceeding with it.

The picture shows the main characteristics of a good thesis topic.

Wondering where to find the most current topic for your research? We’ve collected them below.

Computer Science Thesis Topics

Computers surround us everywhere. From hospitals to home offices, it’s impossible to imagine life without them. A doctorate in computer science can allow you many career opportunities!

  • The latest developments in AI use for healthcare services . Healthcare in the US is expensive for its citizens. One way to reduce the cost is using computer algorithms. This technology research topic lets you explore how AI helps physicians with their tasks.
  • Computer security for public institutions. Several allegations about hackers stealing data from the US government emerged in recent years. With this dissertation idea, study public cybersecurity. Also, discuss ways to improve cybersecurity practices. 
  • Visual recognition system architecture: real-time object detection. Discuss a system based on neural networks capable of detecting objects. Focus on the virtual environment. You can alter this trending topic in computer science for real-life settings.
  • Blockchain application outside financial technologies. Analyze and discuss the implications of using blockchain systems outside of the fintech sector. For example, study its use for public services and in government agencies. This topic allows exploring ways of applying established algorithms.
  • Machine learning and text structures. Discuss ways of visualizing text categorization. Focus on complex hierarchical structures of texts. This topic is suitable for postgraduates. 
  • Encrypted search: security, performance, and usage. Discuss the use of encryptions to protect data. Say how we can improve it for effective information search.
  • Use of computers in education . Study how algorithms can improve learning. This topic can be altered for other fields. For example, choose AI in business or agriculture.
  • Graphics and visual computing: current state and the future. By now, CAD programs are an integral part of every engineer’s tool kit. Your thesis can analyze the potential of those programs. What would improve their performance? Is there a chance that they will become obsolete?
  • Multimedia databases parsing and indexing. Netflix and YouTube require technology to search across their multimedia databases. This dissertation can be a survey on best practices. Or, add a company name to the title and focus your research on it.
  • AI Marketing: the use of algorithms to improve advertising. In the previous list of research question examples, you can choose a narrow marketing theme. Then, discuss the implications of such algorithms.
  • Study computation of models for virtual environments .
  • Cybersecurity challenges for automated vehicles.
  • AI and vehicle automation: potential safety gaps.
  • Computer graphics: perspectives for medical imaging.
  • Research the use of computer algorithms for medical analysis.
  • Discuss the role of bioinformatics in healthcare improvement.
  • How is a computer-aided design used in creating automobile parts?
  • Review the best practices for System Level Testing of distributed systems.
  • Agile project management for software engineers.
  • Software development risks analysis for successful employment. 
  • Study the security mechanisms for WLAN networks .
  • Malicious botnets and network worms: an overview.
  • What are the best practices in ICT systems development?
  • Web-based document management systems using XML.
  • Best algorithms for cluster generation. 
  • Methods for improving Open Web Architecture.
  • Analyze software solutions for the increased energy efficiency.
  • Protection of systems against terror attacks: a case study and analysis.
  • New methods of risk management during software development. 
  • Analyze how Web space requirements are changing.
  • Analyze how e-publishing is affecting libraries. 
  • New methods for studying the behavior of malware, viruses, and worms with the use of secure programming and runtime environments.
  • Analyze redundancy and fault recovery in the 4G wireless network. 
  • Analyze the implementation and analysis of the optimal algorithm vs the heuristic algorithm for the generation of clusters.
  • Analyze how full-text databases affect search engines.

Humanities and Art History Thesis Topics

Do you want to put your passion into words? Would you like to share your ideas with the world? Then pursuing a Ph.D. in the arts or humanities is the right path for you.

  • The history of cinema : past and present. With this history dissertation topic, focus on how cinema developed. Explore the period starting from the first short films by the Lumiere brothers. Finish the discussion with modern-day Hollywood examples.
  • Art or commerce: a case study of Hollywood films. Discuss the intersection between artistic expression and profit. This exciting arts topic focuses on modern cinema. You can use examples of art-house movies and modern commercially successful ones.
  • Hollywood vs. Bollywood . Compare the two distinct film production centers for this art thesis. Next, discuss how local cultures impact Hollywood and Bollywood movies’ direction, genres, and plots.
  • The use of visual tools in interior design . This dissertation topic is an intersection between arts and computer science. The focus is on how visualization tools help to create design projects.
  • Racism in the 21st-century literature. Focus on how the narratives about racism have changed. Include examples from poetry and prose of this era. Compare it to works published in the past.
  • The cultural aesthetic of Afrofuturism in literature. This dissertation idea allows you to explore the intersection of arts. Specifically, see how culture, philosophy of science, and history manifest in Afrofuturism. 
  • The social value of ecopoetry. Analyze how literature that focuses on ecological problems. Discuss environmental consciousness and environmental issues.
  • Graphic novels: the best examples and implications for the development of literature. What does it mean when literary classics are converted into graphic novels? Incorporate the question if graphic novels can become part of the literary canon.
  • Theater of the Absurd in the 1950s and 1960s. Discuss this form of theatrical art. Examine how it emerged and why it became influential.
  • Post World War II art: cinema and literature. Use examples of films and literary works. Discuss major works of the post-WWII era and their themes.
  • Futurism and the Czech avant-garde : the artistic connection between Europe’s East and West.
  • Study the phenomenon of the hero archetype.
  • Assess dancing as a form of meditation. 
  • Review the common elements of various African dances.
  • Folk dances across Western Europe.
  • Discuss regional dances and dance as a ritual.
  • Animation as a modern art form.
  • Research the art of glass-making and its prospects for the future.
  • Analyze the cultural impact of The Beatles beyond music. 
  • Literature censorship in the US.
  • Examine the intersection of ecology and arts.
  • Heidelberg Project: is it a model for creating art in urban areas?
  • Study kinetic sculptures of the 20th century.
  • What characterizes social activism in 20 th -century rock music?
  • Jazz in the 21st century: a potential for revival. 
  • The history of design in various periods of human existence (the ancient times, the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, etc.). 
  • Design as art.
  • Philosophy of design.
  • Separate branches of design ( interior design , car design, toy design, etc.).
  • Stylistic peculiarities of a certain designer.
  • Web design as a modern quintessence of design. 
  • Social significance of design.
  • The birth of Communism as it relates to Stendhal.
  • The relationship between politics and literature in the 19 th century.
  • An analysis and case study of artists and art during times of war. 
  • How contemporary art is related to American suffering.
  • Analyze of how racism relates to the family unit.

List of Science Topics for Your Thesis

A dissertation in science will probably require you to run numerous experiments. Many of them will probably go wrong. But the one that does work might be the next big breakthrough! Find a suitable research theme in the following list of topics:

  • Bacterial injections for the treatment of cancer tumors. Injecting bacteria into tumors is a fairly new approach to treating cancer. Review the mechanism of action and evaluate the potential of this method for curing cancer.
  • Computer imagining and AI for cancer detection. Examine how AI-assisted cancer screening improves accuracy. Include early detection implications and usage in hospitals.
  • Ethics of organ donations and transplantation. With this dissertation topic in science, examine the ethics of encouraging people to donate their organs. Include the implications for medical research and practice.
  • An epidemiological and molecular approach to cancer prevention. This topic idea suggests assessing the current understanding of how cancer develops as well as potential prevention strategies.
  • Ways of speeding up vaccine development and testing. The COVID-19 pandemic has shown that the process of vaccine development is relatively slow. It takes a long time to ensure proper testing. You may discuss these issues in your biochemistry dissertation.
  • The current state of research into ultra-fast rechargeable batteries. The topic of batteries and energy attracts lots of attention. With this topic, you can examine how to improve the design of aluminum-ion batteries. Include ways to decrease their charging time.
  • Nanotechnologies in drug delivery: electrospraying. Current research shows the great potential of nanotechnologies. In particular, the electrospraying technique makes nanoparticle delivery more efficient.
  • Prevalence of various Helicobacter Pylori virulence in a population. Conduct quantitative research and examine a sample of patients to determine the number infected with Helicobacter Pylori.
  • The relationship between gut microbiota and the person’s appetite. Your research can explore the theory that the gut microbiome has varied effects on the person’s body. Review the implications for obesity treatment for different gut microbiomes. 
  • The age of antibiotics: is it over? Examine the use of antibiotics and the reasons for its decline. Discuss the evolving nature of bacteria that require remedies other than antibiotics. Include quantitative data in this dissertation for a specific type of disease.
  • CRISPR method for studying human DNA.
  • The study of human evolution: latest discoveries.
  • Denisovans from Siberia: a new type of hominid discovered.
  • Study the use of AI in archeology. 
  • Conduct a study of the Neanderthal genome sequence. 
  • What are the ways of improving solar cell efficiency? 
  • The carbon footprint of modern production: how do companies damage the environment?
  • Research the use of cesium in solar panels. 
  • The era of supercapacitors: are we ending the use of batteries?
  • Assess the efficiency of Robot Suits for people with permanent paralysis.
  • Microscale medial robots: potential applications.
  • Look into stem cell mobilization and its mechanisms. 
  • Discuss the ethics of automated cars. 
  • Space robotics: can we design robots capable of exploring space?
  • Evaluate the efficiency and potential of lithium-based rechargeable batteries.
  • Morality and ethics of stem cell research. 
  • Is behavior controlled or affected by genetics and to what level. 
  • A look at methods of improving risk factors post-stroke.
  • Analyze of Chinese herbal practice and its relevance to conventional medicine.
  • Analyze the effect schools have on childhood obesity.

Daniel Keys Moran Quote.

  • New methods of using existing data to gather information that is useful.
  • An in-depth look at the factors affecting the decline of the immune system with age.
  • Analyze of the potential effect of nanotechnology on health and the environment.
  • Analyze of toxicity levels of inhaled nanoparticles.
  • The usefulness of nanotechnology in curing some types of cancer.
  • An analysis and case study of the treatment of patients who have experienced a loss of memory.
  • Analyze the use of DNA typing of remains to identify missing people and the victims of crime.
  • The response of immune deficiency diseases to the activation of T-cell subsets.
  • The influence and importance of IT in the field of biomedicine.

Architecture Thesis Topics

Architecture is more than just aesthetics. That’s become especially clear ever since the doctrine “form follows function” gained traction. Whether you’re into baroque or Bauhaus, there’s plenty to discover about architecture.

  • Religious architecture in the British Empire. Research the transformation of religious buildings and how it affected architecture in general. 
  • Modernist architecture in the USSR at the beginning of the 20th century. Compare modernist architecture in the USSR with other countries.
  • Urban greening and its influence on buildings’ design. The dissertation proposal can include green roofs as the main point of research.
  • Brutalism and its history in New York. Provide historical research of brutalism in New York and discuss how it affects modern architecture.
  • Modern-day aboriginal settlements in Australia. Using examples from media and research, indicate how aboriginal settlements are perceived and handled today.
  • Transformation of the urban design in the 21st century. Using London, Hong-Kong, and New York as examples, provide an in-depth discussion of changes in the urban design.
  • The architectural history of Seattle. Conduct research and write a proposal that will compare different architectural styles seen in Seattle.
  • Integration of culture in environmental design. In this proposal, you can use large cities in Asia as primary examples of the synergy between culture and architecture.
  • The architecture of residential buildings during the second half of the 20th century. Choose one or several large cities (e.g., Berlin, Miami, Kyoto) as the basis for your research.
  • The history of Moscow Avant-Garde. Use both Soviet and modern Russian research on Avant-Garde to present the topic accurately.
  • Use of computer visuals in architecture.
  • Review the trends in modern furniture design.
  • Ecology and architecture: integration of green technologies.
  • Discuss the multiculturalism of contemporary urban architecture.
  • The history of architecture in urban areas of the US: the study of New York.
  • Modern city design case study.
  • Research ways of using wood in modern architecture.
  • Commercial architecture: aesthetics and usability.
  • Evaluate the design of municipal buildings in the US.
  • Creativity in postmodernist architecture.
  • How do we integrate smart home technology into architecture?
  • Small scale homes: a study of growing interest in small housing.
  • Discuss the use of lighting in building design. 
  • Study innovations in structural design in the digital age.
  • What are the implications of inclusive architecture?
  • Sustainable architecture: recycling spaces and materials.
  • Renewable energy in home design.
  • Assess open concept homes for American families.
  • Conduct a study of family homes design.
  • Research architecture suitable for middle-class families.

Thesis Topics in English Literature & World Literature

Was your New Year’s Resolution to re-read the 100 most influential classical works? Then you might want to consider writing a thesis in advanced higher English. Check out these engaging prompts:

  • In-depth stylistic analysis of The Trial by Franz Kafka . Explain what stylistic devices Kafka used in his story.
  • The influence of The Hound of the Baskervilles on the development of modern detective stories. Prepare several comparisons of The Hound with modern detective stories to pinpoint its influence.
  • The Lost Honor of Katharina Blum : women characters in Heinrich BĂśll’s fiction. Using the book mentioned in the topic, examine how the German writer depicted women in his prose.
  • Analysis of the terrorism portrayal in modern journalism: The New York Times case study. Pick several articles related to terrorism published in NYT and describe in detail how it is portrayed (keywords, images, etc.).
  • A formalist approach to Dostoevsky: analysis of The Brothers Karamazov . Provide the reader with an explanation of the formalist approach and use it to analyze the novel.
  • The depiction of sexual violence in young adult literature. Pick several YA novels published in the 2010s for your research.
  • The use of repetition in Samuel Beckett’s Waiting for Godot . Analyze how repetition is used for emphasis and other effects in the play.
  • Feminism and gender in Margaret Atwood’s Cats’ Eye . Review the book from a feminist point of view and discuss how gender issues are presented in the book.
  • How does Phillip K. Dick use intertextuality in The Man in the High Castle ? Find as many references to other literary and historical sources as you can and elaborate how Dick uses them and for what aims.
  • The influence of Steppenwolf on postmodern American literature: the contribution of Herman Hesse. Using Steppenwolf as the primary source, discuss what characteristics common for postmodern literature Hesse uses in this novel. 
  • How does racism manifest itself in classical literature?
  • Discuss the oppression of women in The Handmaid’s Tale.
  • Gender roles in The Miniaturist and A Doll’s House : a comparison.
  • Moral ambiguity in David Harrower’s works.
  • Literary techniques in the Perks of Being a Wallflower.
  • The setting in The Murder in the Rue Morgue and its influence on the detective genre.
  • Review the tropes first introduced in The Moonstone.  
  • Study the depictions of police’s work in Skinner’s Rule .
  • Assess the influence of Victorian Gothic horror on popular culture.
  • Social criticism in The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.
  • Analyze cyberpunk elements in Gibson’s Neuromancer.  
  • Themes of social equality in modern literature.
  • Research the views on Native American writers in Nature’s Poem.  
  • Critique of contemporary children’s literature .
  • Gothic elements in Charlotte Bronte’s works.
  • The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and Dracula : a comparative analysis.
  • Terror in The Picture of Dorian Gray .
  • Examine the connection of mental health and society in J.D. Salinger’s The Catcher in the Rye . 
  • Magical realism and romanticism in Perfume: The Story of a Murderer.
  • How does the cut-up technique contribute to the narration in William S. Burroughs’ Naked Lunch?

Criminal Justice Thesis Topics

Are you a forensic science student who prefers research to actual police work? In that case, a dissertation in criminology is a great idea. This way, you can work on preventing crime from the comfort of your desk.

  • Recidivism rates among underage Latino first-time offenders: a quantitative study. Research a group of first-time offenders of a particular age (e.g., 18 to 25 years old).
  • A comparative analysis of the incidents of gun violence in the USA during the 2010s. Choose several prominent examples and compare them to each other. 
  • Troublesome statements: the role of witnesses in potentially false accusations. In this dissertation, you can write about the unreliability of statements, using documented examples.

Piers Anthony Quote.

  • The patterns of drug trafficking in Germany’s largest cities: a case study of Berlin and Hamburg. Analyze the changes in these patterns in the 2010s. 
  • Money laundering and corruption in the United States in the 21st century. Using media reports, create dissertation research about corruption schemes.
  • Mental health and self-perception of second-time sex offenders. Determine if their self-perception changes.
  • School shootings in the USA: causes and risk factors. Using recent and historical data, analyze the cases of mass shootings.
  • The influence of cyberbullying on suicide rates among Australian adolescents (13-17 years old). You can base your dissertation report on various research on cyberbullying published in Australian scholarly journals.
  • Child abuse and its influence on serial killer’s perception of victims. Discuss interconnections between abuse and potential sadistic behavior. 
  • The history of forensic interviewing in the USA. Present research and practices that contributed to its development.
  • Use of artificial intelligence for forensic investigations.
  • Criminal behavior at a young age and its implications for the future. 
  • Drug use: pattern of recurring arrests among American youth.
  • Incarcerated parents: the impact on the child’s perception of crime.
  • Research the reforms of the US criminal justice system.
  • Propose strategies for improving the juvenile detention system.
  • Police officer’s abuse of power: analysis of reports.
  • Race and criminal justice: the case of War on Drugs.
  • What are the possible alternative forms of incarceration? 
  • A study of public perception of modern serial killers. 
  • Training of sniffer dogs.
  • The implications of eyewitness testimony. 
  • Abuse in Hollywood: a case study of Harvey Weinstein.
  • Bias against African Americans during investigations.
  • A study of college violence.
  • Legal implications of medical marijuana legalization .
  • Ethics of criminal justice: the problem of confidentiality.
  • Review the challenges linked with domestic violence investigations. 
  • Suggest ways of preventing crimes in schools.
  • Gender bias during crime examinations.

Geography Thesis Topics

If you enjoy unveiling Earth’s secrets, this section is for you. Here you’ll find geography dissertation ideas ranging from studies of movement to regional phenomena.

  • Species that became extinct in the 20th century: qualitative research. Address the human influence on various species.
  • Current issues in the exploration of Arctic. Discuss difficulties and specifics of such explorations.
  • A comparison of urban back gardens in the USA and the UK. You can compare their design and other features (for example, vegetation used for decoration).
  • The causes and outcomes of floodings in the USA in the 2010s. Address climate change as one of the leading causes.
  • Prevention of ecosystem changes with modern technology. Provide various examples of how technology is used to sustain ecosystems.
  • Changes in travel destinations in the 2000s: a comparison of the USA and Canada. Demonstrate what changes in preferences were documented in these countries and show what destinations were especially popular.
  • The perception of environmentally friendly technologies and their impact on the environment by citizens of large metropolitan areas: a case study of Miami. Explain how various projects based on environmentally friendly technologies are launched in Miami.
  • A negative impact of global warming on weather conditions in Iceland. Discuss how tourism in Iceland is affected by these changes.
  • The influence of industrialization on climate change. Address the causes of climate change, using industrialization and its consequences as a basis.
  • Compare Greenfield and Brownfield land use for construction projects.
  • Investigate the significance of red salmon for Kamchatka.
  • The social impact of climate change : a study of migration patterns.
  • The potential of community gardening in underprivileged neighborhoods.
  • Study the link between the strengths of hurricanes and climate change.
  • What can be done to stop gentrification in your community?
  • Evaluate coastal tourism, its effect, and implications.
  • The impact of reservoir locations on water quality.
  • How did industrialization affect the development of Chicago?
  • Study soil pollution levels in your community area.
  • Conduct an analysis of air quality in your city.
  • Eco-tourism, its history, and perspectives. 
  • Differences in soil chemistry across several locations. 
  • The impact of organic farming on water quality in your area.
  • Compare the sustainability of organically vs. conventionally farmed tomatoes.
  • Research air pollution levels and data on airborne illnesses in your area.
  • What’s the relationship between rock climbing and cliff vegetation?
  • Study the changes in soil fertility upon volcanic eruption.
  • How does the Chernobyl disaster continue to affect the surrounding area? 
  • Determine the patterns of floods in a particular area of your choice.

Sociology Thesis Ideas

Sociology studies how humans live together. A dissertation is a great way to dive deeper into a particular subject. You can get as specific as your heart desires! Check out our sociology thesis topics:

  • Single parent stigma and its influence on family’s quality of life and parent-child relationships. Present examples from recent research that illustrate how the dynamics of these relationships change over time due to stigma. 
  • Women empowerment in Saudi Arabia in 2000s: breakthroughs and challenges. Discuss how this empowerment affected legislation and women’s rights.
  • Long-term alcohol addiction and self-perception in young adults. With the help of research, demonstrate whether self-perception of these adults transforms significantly due to their addiction.
  • Adoption and its influence on parent-child relationships. Present and discuss challenges that such families face.
  • Comparison of traditions related to family dinners in the USA and the UK. What specific differences are there and how can they be explained?
  • Influence of the emo culture on suicide rates in high school students. Address the influence of such cultures on adolescents’ behavior. 
  • The rates of secularization in elderly individuals living in urban and rural areas. Compare the rates and explain why they are different.
  • Influence of forced outing on transgender individuals and concomitant changes in their quality of life. Explain the effects of forced outing and why this impact is dangerous.
  • Comparison of anti-nuclear movements in Germany and Japan in the 21st century. Explain in detail what differences and similarities are prominent.
  • Performance rates of teenagers in schools in low-income neighborhoods: a case study of Boston schools. When writing your dissertation proposal, consider various factors (poverty, limited access to technology, etc.) that affect performance rates of these teenagers.
  • Black Lives Matter movement’s immediate impact on racism.
  • Research causes of minority bias in the US.
  • Affirmative action and its impact on the perception of varied racial groups.
  • The impact of religion on people’s attitudes towards race. 
  • Review the challenges of the US LGBT community.
  • Bias towards transgender studies.
  • Social activism against gender discrimination in the 21st century.
  • The impact of social assistance in schools on a child’s future.
  • Research the changes in education after WWII.
  • Analyze scholarship policies in the US.
  • The impact of student debt on youth’s perception of education in the US.
  • Outcomes of public vs. private schools: a comparison.
  • Research the preservation of culture in American immigrant families. 
  • Applying Marx’s conflict theory to social justice movements.
  • Assess changing trends in social norms in a country of your choice.
  • Attitudes towards prejudice among people of different social backgrounds.
  • Comparison of women’s rights in Western and Middle Eastern countries.
  • The impact of capitalism on one’s social values.
  • How does capitalism benefit society across multiple post-soviet countries? 
  • Compare healthcare access in autocracies vs. democracies.

💡 Dissertation Topics for Ph.D. students

Below you’ll find a list of excellent dissertation ideas in different fields of study. They are more difficult than thesis topics and require more research. Jump to the section that interests you and find the topic that suits you best! But first:

What Makes a Good Ph.D. Topic?

Usually, universities would expect your dissertation to be original and relevant in the field of the research. Moreover, it would be worthwhile if it has the potential to make a change.

This checklist will help you see whether you’ve made the right choice. Your dissertation topic is good, if:

  • You have an opportunity to research it fully.  You need to know that there is enough data and a theoretical basis. Do some prior research to understand if you will be able to answer all your dissertation questions.
  • You can fill the gaps in the existing knowledge.  Your research matters if you can provide some new information that contributes to the field of your studies.
  • Your dissertation title is catchy.  Try to make it worth the reader’s attention from the first glance.
  • You can evaluate how much time you need.  It is vital to understand all the stages of your research and the challenges you might face to plan your work.
  • You know the subject well.  You will need to explore your topic in-depth. It’s good to have some previous knowledge about it. Starting the research from the very basics will take more time and effort.
  • You have enough resources to investigate it.  Both time and money matter in this case. You need to do high-quality research and meet your deadlines.

Dissertation Topics in Education

Learning is a lifelong experience, and the importance of schools cannot be overestimated. Research in this area is critical to improving education standards. Have a look at these topic ideas to get inspired:

  • Gamification as tools for enhancing learning abilities: theory and practice. Many studies have been conducted on different learning approaches. For young learners, engagement is as critical as the outcome. Therefore, this work focuses on gamification and its effect on children’s improvisation and learning. 
  • Studying the connection between classroom quality and the learning outcome in kindergarten. Children are strongly affected by their environment, especially when it comes to learning. This dissertation topic example is all about looking into different classroom settings and their effect on kids’ learning outcomes. 
  • Evaluating the process of implementation of inclusive education in the US. Professionals argue that inclusive education carries multiple benefits for all students (not just those with limited abilities.) However, it is quite a challenging process to implement all the changes.
  • Factors influencing the decision to transfer to the higher education abroad. In this work, you can focus on finding out the reasons for such a decision. Why do undergraduate students choose to leave their home country? What are the most important factors? 
  • Online education vs. traditional face-to-face lessons for adult learners: compare and contrast. Online courses have their own benefits. However, would adult learners prefer them to in-person classrooms? How does it affect their learning and motivation?
  • How does working as a taxi driver and navigating change a person’s brain?
  • To what extent can reality television be disempowering for students?
  • The role of homework in the lives of immigrant adolescents.
  • The impact of teachers’ shocking behaviors in fostering students’ creativity.
  • The determinants of flossing behavior in college students .
  • The classification of drinking styles in the college-age population.
  • Integrating the computer into the curriculum: why you can’t simply plug it in.
  • The preconditions for serious music-making avocation in computer science students.
  • Adult graduate difficulties with learning new technologies.
  • The effect of academic performance on the health of students. 
  • The impact of mathematic coaching on students’ self-esteem .
  • The influence of internet on the emotional maturity of students.
  • Academic achievements of students who decide to become teachers.
  • Is it true that students are more likely to do homework given by good-looking professors?
  • Informal learning in rural areas via social networks.
  • Educational blogging for professors: the social networks of educationists.
  • Does learning existentialism cause suicides?
  • Is it possible to reduce summer learning loss without students’ consent?
  • Can we reject classical math and do it at the same time? Yes, we can.
  • What are major career prospects with a degree in Liberal Arts?
  • Using electronic games in museums as an effective education tool.

Business Dissertation Topics

There are many things a business administrator should keep in mind. Finances, marketing, and development are just the tip of the iceberg. So, the choice of topics is practically endless. Check out this selection to narrow down the possibilities:

  • How are business strategies adjusted to the globalization process? Small businesses’ perspective. Globalization means huge and profitable opportunities. To seize them, all businesses and companies should make some changes in their strategies. Investigate what would be the best action plan for them.
  • Cultural changes and the effect of feedback in an international company: a case study. Choose a multinational company. Study the impact of feedback (both from the employees and customers) on its organizational culture changes. What reaction does it provoke in the company?
  • Human resource management approaches in international non-profit organizations. In this study, look into the strategies HR managers apply in non-profit organizations. One of their main responsibilities is to monitor the performance of the employees. However, at the international level it becomes more difficult. 
  • Leadership and organizational culture in making decisions about business strategies. In this research, you study the influence of the organizational culture on leaders. In the case of trying to initiate changes in the business strategy, how is a leadership decision taken? 
  • The role of “foreign direct investment” in companies in developing countries: a case study of a large business. For this paper, pick a suitable company first. Aim for large companies in developing countries. Then conduct research and find out what strategies they have for foreign direct investments.
  • COVID-19 pandemic’s effect on workplace management in small businesses . The COVID-19 pandemic caused many companies to readjust their HR policies. For instance, they allowed their staff to work from home. Research this phenomenon in your thesis.
  • Social entrepreneurship for large companies. If you want to make the world a better place, social entrepreneurship is a suitable method. We usually associate it with small start-ups. But what about large companies? With this topic, you can research how the concept works for big firms.
  • How innovation affects demand in technology-driven businesses. This MBA dissertation topic combines business studies and technology. Examine how companies create products for establishing markets.
  • Management strategies in times of COVID-19: a case study. The pandemic has forced companies to use Zoom , Skype, and messaging instead of regular meetings. Review how executives can apply traditional management models in the digital space. 
  • The impact of burnout on employees. Interview staff members and determine how burnout affects performance. Include the name of a company or industry in your dissertation’s title. 
  • Tourism management in the Middle East.
  • How do natural disasters impact the demand for essentials? 
  • Compare and contrast Asian and American leadership styles. 
  • How does fluctuation in the stock market impact business operations?
  • The art of delegation: how to do it effectively and when to avoid it.
  • How can one efficiently lead a company when unforeseen circumstances occur?
  • What factors determine employees’ work satisfaction?
  • Study the link between a company’s success and innovation.
  • What can business managers do to bridge the gap between generations?
  • Research the benefits of global and local brand management.
  • What causes changes in Chinese business culture?
  • Choose a small business and analyze its strategy.
  • Organizational changes : what factors impact transformation?
  • Internet banking : barriers to usage.
  • Create a business plan that is focused on a specific issue. 
  • Conditions necessary for quality management in MNCs.
  • The role of E-commerce for food retailers.
  • Conduct a case study with the purpose to analyze one or several social phenomena.
  • Workplace ethics in small businesses.
  • The phenomenon of remote working and how it is affecting businesses.
  • Comparison of Generation X and the Millennial Generation.
  • Managing the Millennial Generation.
  • Current trends in consumer behavior in relation to advertising.
  • Analyze which countries margin financing is effective and why.
  • Analyze the macroeconomic factors affecting exchange rates. 
  • An empirical analysis of the impact of organizational performance and leadership .

Law Dissertation Topics for Ph.D. Students

Legal science is not dull as one may think. It’s crucial to evaluate laws at any point in time. Do they fit the current norms? Does something or someone need more protection than before? If you want to garnish your legal education with a Ph.D., here are some topic suggestions:

  • Trust law: the circumstances when fully secret and half-secret trusts are necessary. Find out what are the principles that dictate the enforcement of the trusts. There are specific circumstances that determine whether creating trusts would be adequate and relevant. Make sure to take them into consideration.
  • Termination of employment in case of employees tested positive for HIV/AIDS. Your task would be to conduct research and see how HIV/AIDS employees are influenced in the workplace. The most common issues are discrimination and termination of employment.
  • The influence of the Global War on Terrorism on international criminal law. When the US launched the campaign against terrorism in 2001, international criminal law faced some changes. You can study the most significant changes that have been made.
  • The level of effectiveness of the US copyright law in relation to the rights of users. It’s an empirical research topic that would require collecting lots of data. Try to find some cases when the users were left cheated by copyright law. It would bring some diversity to the research and make it more interesting.
  • Study the effect that the US immigration policy has on education right now. Educational institutions are also required to adjust to changes connected with immigration. Different requirements and different curriculums are implemented to fit their needs. You are about to look into this issue.
  • Select a country and analyze its worker protection laws. Compare the rights and obligations of employees in two countries of your choice. What potential improvements can solidify employee rights? 
  • Protection of minorities, legal precedents. Minority rights are becoming more and more relevant. This topic allows you to discuss how laws can be changed to reflect it.
  • Regulation of cryptocurrency. Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies allow for anonymity. Besides, they are not regulated by any state. In your thesis, you can analyze cryptocurrency regulations.
  • Fake news : legal responsibility. Review how the United States legal system approaches disinformation. Focus on false publications on news resources. Another possible topic is improvements to defamation laws.
  • Freedom of expression : a case during a pandemic. This topic is about false information in times of COVID-19. Examine how a state can balance freedom of expression with the spread of false information. Focus on this disease and the fake news about it.
  • Legal practices for preventing possible future pandemics.
  • Research ways of online journalism protection.
  • International law vs. the right to self-determination: comparative case studies of de facto states.
  • Review the history of fiscal laws in America.
  • Limits to freedom of expression in the US legal system. 
  • Enforcing regulations concerning domestic violence.
  • Study criminal responsibility for drug possession in the US. 
  • Criminalization of violence against women.
  • Review the legal framework for addressing foreign involvement in elections.
  • What was the government response to the COVID-19 pandemic?
  • Health standards for immigrant detention centers in the US. 
  • Research the loopholes in the US immigration laws.
  • Birthright citizenship in the US: pros and cons.
  • 1951 Refugee Convention: is it obsolete?
  • Illegal immigrants and their rights in the US justice system.
  • How criminal laws have been impacted around the world by the war on terror.
  • Choose a country and analyze their policies on discrimination.
  • Evaluate the protection given to minority shareholders as dictated by company law.
  • Provide a critical analysis of the law of omissions liability. 
  • Investigate and analyze complaints filed in the criminal justice system.
  • A critical analysis of the reform of homicide laws. 
  • The morality and impact of euthanasia and how Canada sets a precedent.
  • A detailed analysis of gender and race profiling of suspects in the criminal justice system.
  • Analyze the right to bear arms relative to the context in which the law was written into The Constitution. 
  • Create case studies that represent a review of criminal negligence related to the Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act 2007.

Psychology Dissertation Topics

The mysterious ways of the human mind offer many research opportunities. Psychology encompasses sub-fields such as behavior and cognition. Whatever your area of expertise, you’ll undoubtedly find something interesting in the list below.

  • The current effect of the “price ending” method on the consumers’ behavior . Nowadays, everybody knows the most popular trick that shops pull to make customers buy the products. However, does understanding it make it easier to resist it? Is this psychological trap still working?
  • Burnout at the executive positions in massive US corporations: is it possible to prevent? The phenomenon of burnout is the most common issue that employees face nowadays. But there are ways to detected it at an early stage. Could they be used to predict and prevent this problem? 
  • Mindfulness practices and their influence on students’ learning abilities at the top universities (e.g., Harvard). Mindfulness is proved to be extremely useful in overcoming stress and anxiety issues. However, does it affect the learning outcome of the students who study at the best universities in the world?
  • The individual struggles with gender issues and their impact on global gender inequality. Everything always starts with a small thing. For this paper, study the relation between some individual cases and the global issue. How do personal struggles contribute to the worldwide movement for justice? 
  • The positive influence of irrational beliefs on mental well-being. In psychology, irrational beliefs are a set of values and opinions that people believe in despite rational evidence against them. However, what positive effect can they bring?
  • Ways of raising awareness of mental health problems. Mental health has been discussed more openly in recent years. Review how this open discussion affects views on personal mental health. As another idea for a psychology dissertation topic, research a specific illness. 
  • Student burnout and ways to prevent it. Focus on the problems students face and what strategies can reduce their stress.
  • Pandemic and mental health. The COVID-19 pandemic forced many people to be in isolation from social contacts. Review the potential effects of this practice on people’s well-being. Discuss possible strategies for supporting mental health during possible future pandemics.
  • Weight, self-image, and mental health. A clinical psychology thesis can focus on the psychology behind excess weight. Discuss how weight affects a person’s perception of self. Assess implications for clinical psychologists who work with overweight patients.
  • Social media vs. reality: normalizing real people. Review current efforts of social media accounts in normalizing body image. Explain how this can reverse the damage that edited photos have on mental health. 
  • How does gender bias affect mental health in America?
  • What factors affect women’s self-esteem in the workplace?
  • Specifics of transgender mental health.
  • Research the effect of immigration on mental well-being.
  • Study the psychology of racism and ways to combat it. 
  • What distinguishes the mental health of minorities in the US? 
  • Research the psychology of dissent in the Soviet Union.
  • The connection between stress and overeating: latest developments.
  • Assess the role of social support for losing weight. 
  • What’s the role of prejudice in politics?
  • Assess the role of endurance in combating stress.
  • Developing hardiness: strategies and exercises.
  • What’s the effect of emotional resilience on mental health?
  • Helping teenagers overcome stress via relaxation techniques. 
  • Look into the perception of anger and its effect on mental health.
  • Understanding the function of the prefrontal cortex in terms of how it is connected to other parts of the brain.
  • Understanding how the prefrontal cortex makes us human.
  • How emotional and anxiety disorders are connected to social cognition that is impaired.
  • Analyze the ability of an MRI to determine brain function.
  • Analyze the relationship between emotional and episodic memory.
  • A comparison of the plasticity of the child’s brain and the adult brain. 
  • Analyze the continued relevance of Piaget’s theory of cognitive development.
  • An in-depth look at the social intuitionist model and how it relates to the emotion and reason involved in moral judgement.
  • How the evolution of the human brain can be understood in terms of children cognitive development. 
  • A demonstration of the multi-dimensional nature of schizophrenia. 
  • How rational thinking and impulse contribute to decision-making.
  • A systematic analysis and review of the psychology of religion.
  • How exposure to nature affects happiness.

Nursing Dissertation Topics

A nurse’s work is hard. Unfortunately, they rarely get the credit they deserve. With a Ph.D., you could become an advocate on the problem. Or you could concentrate on optimizing their work environments.

  • Exercise, changes in lifestyle , and self-tracking for diabetes prevention and management. Center your research on different lifestyle changes (exercise, reduced smoking and drinking) and explain how and why it prevents diabetes.
  • Influence of stigma related to HIV/AIDS on representatives of ethnic minorities: a case study of Native Americans. Using research, provide compelling evidence of how Native Americans are stigmatized and discriminated against.
  • Chronic illness management at home: recommended evidence-based practices. Using current nursing and other professional research, discuss how adults and seniors manage chronic and autoimmune diseases.
  • Depression and stress and their relation to preterm births in first-time mothers. Collect several articles about the issue and using their conclusions show how depression causes preterm births.
  • Burnout in nurses: factors that cause it and practical solutions for prevention. Present outcomes of burnout (decreased performance and concentration, subpar workplace environment) and illustrate how it affects hospitals on a more significant scale. 
  • Public health: community-based measures to prevent morbid obesity. In this research, you can list various methods that include exercise and education and explain in detail how they prevent the spread of obesity.
  • Risk factors and injury rates in psychiatric nursing. Present statistics on different types of injuries in psychiatric institutions.
  • Cultural diversity and inclusion in nursing education. When researching diversity, make sure you are using examples of different minority groups’ perception of education.
  • Euthanasia legislation in the USA: ethical issues and debates. Provide a thoughtful discussion of ethical and legal issues surrounding euthanasia.
  • Organizational climate and its influence on perceived patient safety. Your study should focus on the importance of positive relationships between staff members, and its influence on the prevention of medical errors.
  • Dietary practices and their influence on the quality of life in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus. SLE is a complex disease that requires a multidisciplinary approach. Describe nutritional research approaches to SLE.
  • Fluoride application training in dental nursing.
  • Describe the specifics of nursing care for patients with diabetes.
  • Assess gender disparity in nursing research.
  • Study nurse burnout prevalence in neonatal care in your community.
  • Nursing staff advising DASH diet: effects on patients’ blood pressure.
  • What are the challenges of asthma management for nurses? 
  • Nursing for autistic patients: the best strategies. 
  • Racial differences in nursing care: a case study.
  • Evaluate nurses’ role in pain management for patients with dementia. 
  • Study the connection between nursing staff turnover and burnout.
  • How is the role of a nurse changing in the modern healthcare system?
  • Review nursing practices for managing elderly patients.
  • A holistic approach to obesity management in nursing.
  • Describe the specifics of nursing in rural areas.
  • Physical activity and mental health: a nursing case study.
  • Discuss nursing pain relief strategies for general care. 
  • Determine the ethical implications of nursing malpractice.
  • Nurses consultations for spinal cord injuries.
  • Nursing in an urban setting: challenges and prospects. 
  • What are the specifics of pain management in obstetrical nursing?

Marketing Dissertation Topics

Good marketing is what made you buy that product you didn’t know you needed. Marketing needs plenty of scientific research for it to be successful. You can contribute to this effort with one of the following topic ideas:

  • Compare and contrast the effectiveness of traditional and digital marketing in the last five years. Marketing moves towards digital campaigns more and more every year. Though, traditional marketing still exists, of course. Your task is to compare every aspect of these two types in the span of the previous five years.
  • The specifics of the relationship marketing and its influence on the loyalty rates among customers: a case study of fast-food chains. Take a few fast-food chains to conduct this research. Then analyze their relationship marketing strategies. There should be a correlation between the methods they use and the loyalty of their customers.
  • Direct marketing and artificial intelligence: how do companies use it? The industry of marketing couldn’t have missed the opportunity to use the latest technologies for their benefit. Artificial intelligence helps some companies gain a competitive advantage. Find out what those benefits are.
  • Collectivism and individualism : how does culture influence supermarkets? There are some apparent differences in cultures when it comes to shopping. Each shop owner has to implement a specific marketing strategy for targeting the customers. Work on aspects that make those strategies successful in different cultures.
  • The strategies that make personalized products sell effectively. Everybody loves customized products, but it seems like not everybody is willing to share their data to get it. Therefore, businesses are forced to work it out. This research looks into marketing tools and methods they use to sell personalized products.
  • Influence of online shopping apps on impulsive buying behavior . Using prominent examples such as Amazon and eBay, elaborate how apps affect customer’s decision to purchase an item through recommendations.
  • Product design and its impact on consumer’s purchase decision. When preparing this thesis topic, consider using examples of large corporations such as Apple or IKEA to prove your point. 
  • Customer loyalty : the importance of satisfaction and loyalty programs. Conduct research using available surveys on satisfaction and draw conclusions from these statistics.
  • Ethnic differences and their impact on brand perception. This research can review the types of products that target White or Black Americans specifically.
  • Preferences for green products: analysis of the income’s influence on consumer decisions. Compare what households are more likely to prefer green products.
  • Shopping habits of Muslim consumers in the USA: qualitative research. Here, you will need to do research by engaging Muslim Americans in your study; you can use interviews or surveys for this topic.
  • Social media and its impact on the promotion of small business. Make sure your reader understands how social media can promote or negatively present small business through customers’ comments.
  • Does globalization make preferences of customers from different socioeconomic backgrounds similar? Interview people from lower, middle, and upper class and discuss the preferences of American households.
  • Social media usage by international companies: a case study of Electronic Arts. Study the influence of customers’ reviews and opinions on EA’s sales.
  • Consumers’ perception of transaction safety in online shopping applications. Discuss how consumers learn to differentiate between reliable and unreliable apps for payments .
  • Marketing high tech products: a case study.
  • Study changing marketing techniques during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • The future of big data uses in marketing.
  • Conduct a comparative analysis of offline vs. online advertising .
  • Explore the relationship between marketing strategies and sales.
  • Holiday marketing strategies in the 21st century.
  • Is marketing tailed towards model devices effective?
  • Study the rise of influencer marketing. 
  • Review the newest trends in digital advertising. 
  • Brand management in 2020: an analysis. 
  • Assess the effect of advertising on consumer behavior. 
  • Targeted ads: are they efficient?
  • How did marketing change during the COVID-19 pandemic?
  • Assess brand management’s contribution to consumer loyalty. 
  • Impact of social media marketing on brand perception.
  • Google Analytics insights for marketing campaigns. 
  • Marketing for minority populations.
  • Youtube marketing: the effectiveness of videos for brand promotion.
  • How does partnering with influencers impact brand perception?
  • Social influencer marketing for SMEs.

History Dissertation Topics

History is written not only by the victors but also by history students. Your dissertation can shine a light on understudied cultures. Or perhaps you want to focus on how a specific event impacted the world. Find inspiration among the following dissertation questions and ideas:

  • The historical context of the creation of Guernica by Pablo Picasso . War wasn’t the only inspiration for Pablo Picasso during the process of making Guernica . In this paper, you would look into the environment of the artist and try to identify what else brought him to the creation of this masterpiece.
  • Bismarck and radical nationalism: what influenced the political state? For this research, you would study the underlying reasons for German Nazism before the beginning of World War II. What factors gave it a start when Otto von Bismarck was in charge?
  • The rise of Bollywood: historical context. This paper focuses on the success of Indian Bollywood movies in the 1930s. You would need to look into the events that made those movies famous in the whole world. Don’t forget to mention the social views of Bollywood movies.
  • The influence of secrecy in the technology intervention during World War II. You would study the role that the US Patent and Trademark Office played in the development of special war technology . Secrecy helped to keep it away from the public and enemies. How did it influence the war?
  • Italian prisons in the 19th century: how were they managed after Unification? This paper would require you to study documentation on the management system prison used in Italy at the beginning of the 19th century. You should try to find some practices that might have been socially harmful. 
  • Gender perceptions in the Middle Age. When preparing the dissertation, use both historical and literary sources to show how gender was presented.
  • Secularization in the American South during the post-war period. Provide a detailed discussion of secular societies forming in the South after the 1940s.
  • Representation of Jewish history in contemporary art: a case study of Art Spiegelman’s Maus . Using the comic book as the primary basis, explain how Jewish culture and history are presented there.

Quote by Elie Wiesel: “In Jewish history there are no coincidences.”

  • The history of medieval warfare and its influence on Modern Era warfare . When constructing this thesis, make sure you are using both historical and current research to provide details.
  • American-British relations during the Cold War Era . Explain how the Cold War Era changes these relations and what has affected it the most.
  • Germany’s foreign relations during the 1980s. Present a detailed overview of different foreign relations (e.g., with the USA, the USSR, the UK) Germany had during this period.
  • The financial crisis in the USA in 2007-2009. Using research and media sources, explain to the reader how the crisis is still affecting the USA. 
  • The development of Austrian identity after World War II. In this case, you can use both historical evidence and Austrian literature that provides personal opinions of writers and artists on the issue.
  • The impact of the Great Depression on the American involvement in the World War II. To show your understanding of historical processes, demonstrate how the Great Depression affected the USA’s perception of WWII. 
  • How I stopped worrying and learned to love the bomb: the development of nuclear warfare in the 20th century. Discuss the development of nuclear warfare in the USA and the USSR.
  • What was the role of China in the Cold War?
  • How did the Spanish Flu affect the pandemics that followed it?
  • Determine the influence of the stock market crash in 1929 on the World Wars.
  • First Battle of Marne’s impact on the outcomes of WWI.
  • Tool usage and creation: Aztecs vs. Mayas.
  • How did the enlightenment philosophy impact the development of the natural sciences?
  • The effects of Christianization in sub-Saharan Africa.
  • Assess the role of slavery in the US civil rights movement. 
  • Study the history of LGBT rights establishment in the US.
  • What are the origins of slavery in Africa?
  • The Moon Landing and its impact on space exploration. 
  • Explore the role of the Bible in Jewish history.
  • The US’ involvement in WWII.
  • The aftermath of WWII: major historical events.
  • Research the link between the Mexican-American War and the Gold Rush.
  • Cold War insights: lessons from the Suez Crisis.
  • Explore the role of democratization in the Soviet Union collapse.
  • Global cooperation in early modern Europe.
  • Study the legacy of the arms race.
  • How did the First Ladies influence life in the 20th century America?

Dissertation Topics in Management

Companies and employees alike benefit from well-thought-out management strategies. So, a thesis in management has the potential to improve work environments even further. Kickstart your research by choosing one of the following topics:

  • Ecotourism in Canada: issues and trends in small business. Explain issues that arise in ecotourism with climate change.
  • Management ethics: how social media affects employees’ privacy and organizational climate. Present examples of negative and positive influence.
  • Leadership styles: a comparison of democratic and autocratic leadership. Discuss what leadership style should be chosen to rule various companies, depending on their business plan.
  • Political risk and its influence on emergency management. Explain how political crises affect and shape emergency management.
  • Cultural diversity and its impact on employees’ satisfaction and commitment. Show what advantages and disadvantages there are in cultural diversity.
  • Economic growth and unemployment rates in Australia during the 1990s: a historical perspective. Explain the causes of economic growth and unemployment.
  • Challenges in human resources management working with millennials: qualitative research. Discuss what particular challenges HR managers face and how they can be addressed. 
  • The significance of organizational routines in international corporations: a case study of Google. Conduct research on the importance of routine and its impact on performance. 
  • Computer skills and management: the effectiveness of computerized management information system in rural areas. Describe how digital management can be effectively applied in companies working in rural areas.
  • The history of digital rights management in the USA. Present the changes in the field during the 1990s-2010s. 
  • Analyze the best leadership styles for SMEs. 
  • Examine the changes entrepreneurship underwent in the past decades.
  • How do leadership styles relate to work satisfaction? 
  • Overview of business negotiation methods using technology.
  • Ways of integrating corporate social responsibility (CSR) practices.
  • Discuss the specifics of airline companies’ management. 
  • Choose a theory of motivation in the workplace and make a case study on it.
  • Study change management in SMEs in times of a crisis.
  • Managing diverse workforce: a qualitative analysis.
  • Use of employee voice in US companies.
  • Research the relationship between the organization’s goals and a manager’s behavior.
  • What are the best current practices in public administration?
  • Applying strategic human capital principles in practice.
  • The study of female CEOs in a country of your choice.
  • Employees’ perception of change management : a quantitative analysis.
  • A study of employees’ resistance to change.
  • What’s the correlation between a CEO’s leadership traits and employee motivation ?
  • Workplace risk management : a study of psychosocial hazards.
  • Conduct a quantitative study of the gender pay gap for CEOs.
  • Research the relationship between management style and employee productivity .

Qualitative Dissertation: Ideas for Proposals

If you want your thesis to be more practical, you’ve come to the right section. Common approaches for qualitative dissertations include researching case studies, surveys, or ethnographies. Because of this, fieldwork will be an integral part of your doctorate journey.

  • A comparison of teaching techniques that targeted children with autism in the 20th and 21st centuries. Provide a detailed overview of techniques and explain how research affected them.
  • The development of cognitive-behavioral therapy and its effectiveness in patients with eating disorders. Present the history of CBT and use recent research to demonstrate its effectiveness. 
  • Ageism and sexism in international organizations of the fashion industry. Describe how the fashion industry defines what it means to be “young and beautiful.”
  • Addressing sexual harassment at the workplace : the influence of organizational policies on targets’ decision to file a complaint. Explain what policies can support the target and what can prevent such decision.
  • Strategies to eliminate bias in self-evaluation reports of employees. Using research in HRM, outline the best strategies that are currently used to avoid bias. 
  • Post-cancer therapy: issues and trends. Present and discuss various trends, the research behind them, and the effectiveness of different types of therapy.
  • A family history of abuse and its influence on drug use in adults. Explain how abuse can provoke addiction in the future.
  • The importance of trusting doctor-patient relationships on patient’s medication adherence and management of a healthy lifestyle. Describe how such relationships negatively or positively affect a patient’s decision to take medicine as prescribed.
  • Barriers to the acquisition of social support among young men and women veterans in the USA. Discuss mental and physical disorders as major barriers.
  • Single mothers’ perceptions of breastfeeding in public places: qualitative research. Conduct interviews to find out their opinion.
  • The impact of online learning on student’s academic performance.
  • A study of the youths’ perception of learning smartphone applications.
  • Research the issue of gender bias in college education. 
  • Student’s perception of the mental health support and impact on campus.
  • Perceptions of charter school education in the 21 st century.
  • Discuss homeschooling and its effect on a child’s socialization.
  • What’s the impact of cyberbullying on teenagers’ mental health?
  • How inmates perceive alternative forms of incarceration.
  • Gun violence from the perspective of victims.
  • Research bias towards video games as an art form.
  • In what ways are minorities disadvantaged in America?
  • Evaluate cooking as a therapeutic exercise.
  • Assess the link between a principal’s leadership style and the school’s rating.
  • The effect of online counseling on patients’ mental health. 
  • Perception of mental health stigma among students. 
  • How does gig economy re-define work?
  • The implications of freelancing in the 2020s.
  • Opinions about a 6-day work week in your community.
  • Assess the process of adaptation to working from home.
  • Conduct a research study of views on the BLM movement outside the US. 

Quantitative Dissertation Proposal Topics

Some scholars just love working with data. Are you one of them? Then you’ll probably enjoy quantitative research. If you’re into finding patterns and making predictions, here are some enticing topics:

  • A study of a major city’s livability index. Choose a city and assess whether it’s well-designed or not.
  • A quantitative study of biofilms in technology. Discuss methods of using biofilms in technology. Include a list of recent advances and new tools.
  • A quantitative study of teachers’ perception of online learning. This topic prompts you to use an evaluation scale. 
  • An assessment of a link between product reviews and intention to purchase. Study the effect online reviews have on potential customers.
  • Immigration and its connection to crime statistics. Analyze data on immigration to the US and the number of violent crimes. Determine the relationship between the two phenomena. 
  • The relationship between obesity and occupation. Assess the BMIs of participants of different professions. Then, test the results for a correlation and discuss its implications.
  • A relationship between nurses’ knowledge of diabetes management and patient satisfaction. Assess the nurses’ knowledge about diabetes and compare the results with patient satisfaction scores. Thus, you can determine if expertise translates into better care. 
  • A study of the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on SMEs financial operations. With this qualitative dissertation proposal in business and management, choose a small company. Analyze its financial data pre- and post-pandemic. Include a discussion of financial management during pandemics.
  • A study of millennials’ pet ownership. Determine the percentage of millennials who have pets. Compare these patterns with previous generations. 
  • Economic growth and urbanization. Compare the empirical data about the state of economics and the number of people living in cities.
  • Determine how urbanization affects bacterial community compositions.
  • The economic impact of immigration on SMEs.
  • Study the rates of crimes in the US in relation to nonviolent crimes.
  • How do various teaching styles affect learning? 
  • Compare overconfidence in CEOs of SMEs and corporations.
  • How does inclusive language influence social behavior?
  • Assess consumers’ satisfaction with online banking in your area. 
  • Evaluate crude oil price prediction methods. 
  • Is there a link between smartphone use and mental illness?
  • Correlation between eyewitness identification and memory.
  • What are the attitudes towards AI development among women?
  • Determine the rates of cybercrimes since the 1990s.
  • A study of the police brutality cases across the US in the last decade.
  • Correlation between education level and employment.
  • The presence of sleep disorders in mental illnesses.
  • Assess the attitudes towards medical care in the US.
  • Determine the correlation between eating disorders and physical illness. 
  • Study the rates of cyberbullying among minority students. 
  • How various religious groups influence politics : a game-theoretical approach.
  • Does regular exercise decrease symptoms of depression in adults? 

Dissertation Topics in Educational Leadership

Educational leadership is a science focused on helping students to achieve their academic goals. It includes the motivation of staff and learners, improvement of educational programs, and creation of a healthy, productive environment in institutions. Want to dedicate your research to it? Take a look at these topic samples:

  • Fatigue among American medical students. Medical students often need to memorize and analyze big portions of information. That is why many of them don’t sleep enough, get tired quickly, and find it hard to concentrate. What can be done about it?
  • How did the COVID-19 pandemic and distance learning affect students’ motivation? Online education has multiple benefits and drawbacks. Some students might find it easier to get access to various textbooks online. Others want to return to campus. What is their motivation? 
  • Creating better learning conditions on campus: the challenges in 2022. With the increasing speed of technological progress, it is hard to catch up with the latest innovations. Explore them in your dissertation. For instance, you can focus on facilities for students with special needs. 
  • How can we enhance discipline among first-year students on campus? For some younger students, it is hard to get used to living on their own. They need to accept new responsibilities, find time to take care of themselves, and organize their lives. How can we help them?
  • Development of soft skills among undergraduate students. For future employers, soft skills are as important as hard skills. That is why colleges need to pay attention to soft skills such as time management, communication, and creativity. 
  • The efficiency of workshops for enhancing students’ creativity.
  • Do nutrition habits influence the studying process?
  • The importance of mental health care in high school.
  • What leadership styles are the most efficient in college communities? 
  • Does the implementation of early childhood education lead to further academic success?
  • What is the role of school counseling among teenagers?
  • What psychological factors make students drop out of college? 
  • Developing leadership qualities among MBA students. 
  • How to help college athletes to cope with psychological and physical pressure.
  • Ways of reducing anxiety levels among criminology students.
  • Helping students to choose their majors and find a career path.
  • How to enhance communication between higher education administration and students?
  • Motivating students to succeed after graduation .
  • Why do we need psychology classes in high school?
  • How can we prevent the bullying of Latin American students in middle and high school?

✅ How to Choose a Thesis Topic: Main Steps

In case you have no idea where to start from, here is a quick guideline on how to choose a Ph.D. thesis topic:

Check every tiny detail. Sometimes the only restrictions would be time and word count. Some universities might restrict your topic choice within your field of study.
In case you don’t have to stick to a specific area, feel free to play around and find what you like. However, it is better if it’s something you’re familiar with. Starting your dissertation from scratch is not the best idea.
It will give you a boost of inspiration. Don’t forget to take notes! You might come across some unsolved issues that can interest you.
Adjust your topic so that it would be specific enough. However, be careful and don’t overdo it! Otherwise, you won’t have enough data to work with.
Consider the methods of data collection, as well as approaches for analyzing it. It’s not unusual to combine different types, so don’t worry if you can’t decide on just one.
What change can your work bring into this world? Perhaps it can contribute to the academic field or is practical enough to help with real-life issues. Or, maybe, it carries a social relevance and can change our society for the better.
Before deciding on the topic, make sure it meets your requirements. It means that you should be 100% sure you have enough time, resources, and knowledge to finish the research on the chosen topic.
Seeking some advice from your supervisor is always a good idea. You can discuss your ideas together. After that, go ahead and start the writing process!

We hope this article helped you to choose a suitable topic for your dissertation. We wish you good luck with your research!

Learn more on this topic:

  • Dissertation Critique: Examples, How-to Guide
  • The Ultimate Guide to Writing an Outstanding Dissertation
  • How to Write an Abstract: Brief Steps and Structure Example

✏️ Dissertation FAQ

While working on a dissertation, you might deal with several types of research. The main research types are primary, qualitative, quantitative, and legal. In any case, it’s the way in which a researcher studies the subject using a particular methodology.

First of all, make sure that you are personally fascinated by the subject. This is essential for any thesis, be it master’s or an undergraduate dissertation. Besides, make sure the topic is feasible and hasn’t been studies much.

A good dissertation title is the one that represents the subject under study. To state which aspect is being studied is also important. The title should include neither a hypothesis nor a conclusion: think about it as “spoilers”—nobody likes them.

Just like any paper, a great dissertation is the one that is well-organized. The topic of the paper should correspond to the title. The text should have a cohesive structure with a definite introduction, argumentative main part, and a logical conclusion.

🔗 References

  • Dissertation Topics 1961-Present: Rudgers University
  • Completed Thesis and Dissertation Topics: University of Florida
  • Current Legal Topics: Library of Congress
  • The Right Dissertation Topic: Academics.com
  • Days and Nights at the Museum…there’s a Dissertation for that!: Proquest.com
  • Dissertation Titles: University of Michigan
  • How to Pick a Master’s Thesis Topic: Medium.com
  • How to Come Up With a Thesis Topic: Gradschools.com
  • How to Choose Your Thesis Topic: Central European University
  • How Do I Choose a Thesis Topic?: Grad School Hub
  • Senior Thesis Topics: Hamilton College
  • Arizona Research Topics: Arizona State Library
  • Dissertation Proposal: Bartleby.com
  • Dissertation Guide Essay
  • How to Start Your Dissertation: 10 Top Tips: Studential.com
  • How to Write a Dissertation or Bedtime Reading for People Who do not Have Time to Sleep: Purdue University
  • A Step-By-Step Guide to Writing a Ph.D. Dissertation: ThoughtCo
  • Dissertations Guide from The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
  • Developing a Thesis Statement: University of Wisconsin Madison
  • Thesis/Dissertation Writing and Editing, Formatting, and Defending: Massey University
  • Business Management Research Topics: Top Universities
  • Law Topics: Law.com
  • Psychology Topics: APA
  • Marketing Topics: Marketing Profs
  • Topics: History.com
  • Computer Science: Encyclopedia Britannica
  • Humanities: Research Topics Ideas: University of Michigan-Flint
  • Art Topics: Art UK
  • Topics: American Association for the Advancement of Science
  • Nurses Topics: Medscape
  • Architecture: Research Topics: University of Washington
  • Topics in Geography: Research Gate
  • New Topics in Sociology: University of Toronto
  • Business Management Topics: The University of Maine
  • Qualitative Case Study: Science.gov
  • All Topics: Science News
  • Criminology: Science Direct
  • Topics in Literature: Sheridan College: Libguides
  • Advanced Computer Science Topics: The University of Texas at Austin
  • Application of Computer Techniques in Medicine: NIH
  • Important Leadership and Management Topics: WHO
  • Quantitative Research: University of Southern California
  • Action Research: Brown University
  • 10 Traits of Successful School Leaders: University of San Diego
  • HIST 280 Topics: Texas A&M University
  • The Relationship Between Burnout, Depression, and Anxiety: Frontiers In
  • College of Nursing: University of Missouri–St. Louis
  • All Topics: Educause
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postgraduate research topics

How To Find A High-Quality Research Topic

6 steps to find & evaluate high-quality dissertation/thesis topics.

By: Caroline Osella (PhD, BA)  and Derek Jansen (MBA) | July 2019

So, you’re finally nearing the end of your degree and it’s now time to find a suitable topic for your dissertation or thesis. Or perhaps you’re just starting out on your PhD research proposal and need to find a suitable area of research for your application proposal.

In this post, we’ll provide a straightforward 6-step process that you can follow to ensure you arrive at a high-quality research topic . Follow these steps and you will formulate a well-suited, well-defined core research question .

There’s a helpful clue already: your research ‘topic’ is best understood as a research question or a problem . Your aim is not to create an encyclopedia entry into your field, but rather to shed light on an acknowledged issue that’s being debated (or needs to be). Think research  questions , not research  topics  (we’ll come back to this later).

Overview: How To Find A Research Topic

  • Get an understanding of the research process
  • Review previous dissertations from your university
  • Review the academic literature to start the ideation process
  • Identify your potential research questions (topics) and shortlist
  • Narrow down, then evaluate your research topic shortlist
  • Make the decision (and stick with it!)

Step 1: Understand the research process

It may sound horribly obvious, but it’s an extremely common mistake – students skip past the fundamentals straight to the ideation phase (and then pay dearly for it).

Start by looking at whatever handouts and instructions you’ve been given regarding what your university/department expects of a dissertation. For example, the course handbook, online information and verbal in-class instructions. I know it’s tempting to just dive into the ideation process, but it’s essential to start with the prescribed material first.

There are two important reasons for this:

First , you need to have a basic understanding of the research process , research methodologies , fieldwork options and analysis methods before you start the ideation process, or you will simply not be equipped to think about your own research adequately. If you don’t understand the basics of  quantitative , qualitative and mixed methods BEFORE you start ideating, you’re wasting your time.

Second , your university/department will have specific requirements for your research – for example, requirements in terms of topic originality, word count, data requirements, ethical adherence , methodology, etc. If you are not aware of these from the outset, you will again end up wasting a lot of time on irrelevant ideas/topics.

So, the most important first step is to get your head around both the basics of research (especially methodologies), as well as your institution’s specific requirements . Don’t give in to the temptation to jump ahead before you do this. As a starting point, be sure to check out our free dissertation course.

Free Webinar: How To Find A Dissertation Research Topic

Step 2: Review past dissertations/theses

Unless you’re undertaking a completely new course, there will be many, many students who have gone through the research process before and have produced successful dissertations, which you can use to orient yourself. This is hugely beneficial – imagine being able to see previous students’ assignments and essays when you were doing your coursework!

Take a look at some well-graded (65% and above) past dissertations from your course (ideally more recent ones, as university requirements may change over time). These are usually available in the university’s online library. Past dissertations will act as a helpful model for all kinds of things, from how long a bibliography needs to be, to what a good literature review looks like, through to what kinds of methods you can use – and how to leverage them to support your argument.

As you peruse past dissertations, ask yourself the following questions:

  • What kinds of topics did these dissertations cover and how did they turn the topic into questions?
  • How broad or narrow were the topics?
  • How original were the topics? Were they truly groundbreaking or just a localised twist on well-established theory?
  • How well justified were the topics? Did they seem important or just nice to know?
  • How much literature did they draw on as a theoretical base? Was the literature more academic or applied in nature?
  • What kinds of research methods did they use and what data did they draw on?
  • How did they analyse that data and bring it into the discussion of the academic literature?
  • Which of the dissertations are most readable to you – why? How were they presented?
  • Can you see why these dissertations were successful? Can you relate what they’ve done back to the university’s instructions/brief?

Dissertations stacked up

Seeing a variety of dissertations (at least 5, ideally in your area of interest) will also help you understand whether your university has very rigid expectations in terms of structure and format , or whether they expect and allow variety in the number of chapters, chapter headings, order of content, style of presentation and so on.

Some departments accept graphic novels; some are willing to grade free-flow continental-philosophy style arguments; some want a highly rigid, standardised structure.  Many offer a dissertation template , with information on how marks are split between sections. Check right away whether you have been given one of those templates – and if you do, then use it and don’t try to deviate or reinvent the wheel.

Step 3: Review the academic literature

Now that you (1) understand the research process, (2) understand your university’s specific requirements for your dissertation or thesis, and (3) have a feel for what a good dissertation looks like, you can start the ideation process. This is done by reviewing the current literature and looking for opportunities to add something original to the academic conversation.

Kick start the ideation process

So, where should you start your literature hunt? The best starting point is to get back to your modules. Look at your coursework and the assignments you did. Using your coursework is the best theoretical base, as you are assured that (1) the literature is of a high enough calibre for your university and (2) the topics are relevant to your specific course.

Start by identifying the modules that interested you the most and that you understood well (i.e. earned good marks for). What were your strongest assignments, essays or reports? Which areas within these were particularly interesting to you? For example, within a marketing module, you may have found consumer decision making or organisation trust to be interesting. Create a shortlist of those areas that you were both interested in and academically strong at. It’s no use picking an area that does not genuinely interest you – you’ll run out of motivation if you’re not excited by a topic.

Understand the current state of knowledge

Once you’ve done that, you need to get an understanding of the current state of the literature for your chosen interest areas. What you’re aiming to understand is this: what is the academic conversation here and what critical questions are yet unanswered? These unanswered questions are prime opportunities for a unique, meaningful research topic . A quick review of the literature on your favourite topics will help you understand this.

Grab your reading list from the relevant section of the modules, or simply enter the topics into Google Scholar . Skim-read 3-5 journal articles from the past 5 years which have at least 5 citations each (Google Scholar or a citations index will show you how many citations any given article has – i.e., how many other people have referred to it in their own bibliography). Also, check to see if your discipline has an ‘annual review’ type of journal, which gathers together surveys of the state of knowledge on a chosen topic. This can be a great tool for fast-tracking your understanding of the current state of the knowledge in any given area.

Start from your course’s reading list and work outwards. At the end of every journal article, you’ll find a reference list. Scan this reference list for more relevant articles and read those. Then repeat the process (known as snowballing) until you’ve built up a base of 20-30 quality articles per area of interest.

Reference list

Absorb, don’t hunt

At this stage, your objective is to read and understand the current state of the theory for your area(s) of interest – you don’t need to be in topic-hunting mode yet. Don’t jump the gun and try to identify research topics before you are well familiarised with the literature.

As you read, try to understand what kinds of questions people are asking and how they are trying to answer them. What matters do the researchers agree on, and more importantly, what are they in disagreement about? Disagreements are prime research territory. Can you identify different ‘schools of thought’ or different ‘approaches’? Do you know what your own approach or slant is? What kinds of articles appeal to you and which ones bore you or leave you feeling like you’ve not really grasped them? Which ones interest you and point towards directions you’d like to research and know more about?

Once you understand the fundamental fact that academic knowledge is a conversation, things get easier.

Think of it like a party. There are groups of people in the room, enjoying conversations about various things. Which group do you want to join?  You don’t want to be that person in the corner, talking to themself. And you don’t want to be the hanger-on, laughing at the big-shot’s jokes and repeating everything they say.

Do you want to join a large group and try to make a small contribution to what’s going on, or are you drawn to a smaller group that’s having a more niche conversation, but where you feel you might more easily find something original to contribute? How many conversations can you identify? Which ones feel closer to you and more attractive? Which ones repel you or leave you cold? Are there some that, frankly, you just don’t understand?

Now, choose a couple of groups who are discussing something you feel interested in and where you feel like you might want to contribute. You want to make your entry into this group by asking a question – a question that will make the other people in the group turn around and look at you, listen to you, and think, “That’s interesting”.

Your dissertation will be the process of setting that question and then trying to find at least a partial answer to that question – but don’t worry about that now.  Right now, you need to work out what conversations are going on, whether any of them are related or overlapping, and which ones you might be able to walk into. I’ll explain how you find that question in the next step.

Need a helping hand?

postgraduate research topics

Step 4: Identify potential research questions

Now that you have a decent understanding of the state of the literature in your area(s) of interest, it’s time to start developing your list of possible research topics. There are (at least) three approaches you can follow here, and they are not mutually exclusive:

Approach 1: Leverage the FRIN

Towards the end of most quality journal articles, you will find a section labelled “ further research ” or something similar. Generally, researchers will clearly outline where they feel further research is needed (FRIN), following on from their own research. So, essentially, every journal article presents you with a list of potential research opportunities.

Of course, only a handful of these will be both practical and of interest to you, so it’s not a quick-fix solution to finding a research topic. However, the benefit of going this route is that you will be able to find a genuinely original and meaningful research topic (which is particularly important for PhD-level research).

The upside to this approach is originality, but the downside is that you might not find something that really interests you , or that you have the means to execute. If you do go this route, make sure that you pay attention to the journal article dates, as the FRIN may already have been “solved” by other researchers if the article is old.

Use the FRIN for dissertation topics ideas

Approach 2: Put a context-based spin on an existing topic

The second option is to consider whether a theory which is already well established is relevant within a local or industry-specific context. For example, a theory about the antecedents (drivers) of trust is very well established, but there may be unique or uniquely important drivers within a specific national context or industry (for example, within the financial services industry in an emerging market).

If that industry or national context has not yet been covered by researchers and there is a good reason to believe there may be meaningful differences within that context, then you have an opportunity to take a unique angle on well-established theory, which can make for a great piece of research. It is however imperative that you have a good reason to believe that the existing theory may not be wholly relevant within your chosen context, or your research will not be justified.

The upside to this approach is that you can potentially find a topic that is “closer to home” and more relevant and interesting to you , while still being able to draw on a well-established body of theory. However, the downside is that this approach will likely not produce the level of originality as approach #1.

Approach 3: Uncensored brainstorming

The third option is to skip the FRIN, as well as the local/industry-specific angle and simply engage in a freeform brainstorming or mind-mapping session, using your newfound knowledge of the theory to formulate potential research ideas. What’s important here is that you do not censor yourself . However crazy, unfeasible, or plain stupid your topic appears – write it down. All that matters right now is that you are interested in this thing.

Next, try to turn the topic(s) into a question or problem. For example:

  • What is the relationship between X, Y & Z?
  • What are the drivers/antecedents of X?
  • What are the outcomes of Y?
  • What are the key success factors for Z?

Re-word your list of topics or issues into a list of questions .  You might find at this stage that one research topic throws up three questions (which then become sub-topics and even new separate topics in their own right) and in so doing, the list grows. Let it. Don’t hold back or try to start evaluating your ideas yet – just let them flow onto paper.

Once you’ve got a few topics and questions on paper, check the literature again to see whether any of these have been covered by the existing research. Since you came up with these from scratch, there is a possibility that your original literature search did not cover them, so it’s important to revisit that phase to ensure that you’re familiar with the relevant literature for each idea. You may also then find that approach #1 and #2 can be used to build on these ideas.

Try use all three approaches

As mentioned earlier, the three approaches discussed here are not mutually exclusive. In fact, the more, the merrier. Hopefully, you manage to utilise all three, as this will give you the best odds of producing a rich list of ideas, which you can then narrow down and evaluate, which is the next step.

Mix different approaches to find a topic

Step 5: Narrow down, then evaluate

By this stage, you should have a healthy list of research topics. Step away from the ideation and thinking for a few days, clear your mind. The key is to get some distance from your ideas, so that you can sit down with your list and review it with a more objective view. The unbridled ideation phase is over and now it’s time to take a reality check .

Look at your list and see if any options can be crossed off right away .  Maybe you don’t want to do that topic anymore. Maybe the topic turned out to be too broad and threw up 20 hard to answer questions. Maybe all the literature you found about it was 30 years old and you suspect it might not be a very engaging contemporary issue . Maybe this topic is so over-researched that you’ll struggle to find anything fresh to say. Also, after stepping back, it’s quite common to notice that 2 or 3 of your topics are really the same one, the same question, which you’ve written down in slightly different ways. You can try to amalgamate these into one succinct topic.

Narrow down to the top 5, then evaluate

Now, take your streamlined list and narrow it down to the ‘top 5’ that interest you the most. Personal interest is your key evaluation criterion at this stage. Got your ‘top 5’?  Great!  Now, with a cool head and your best analytical mind engaged, go systematically through each option and evaluate them against the following criteria:

Research questions – what is the main research question, and what are the supporting sub-questions? It’s critically important that you can define these questions clearly and concisely. If you cannot do this, it means you haven’t thought the topic through sufficiently.

Originality – is the topic sufficiently original, as per your university’s originality requirements? Are you able to add something unique to the existing conversation? As mentioned earlier, originality can come in many forms, and it doesn’t mean that you need to find a completely new, cutting-edge topic. However, your university’s requirements should guide your decision-making here.

Importance – is the topic of real significance, or is it just a “nice to know”? If it’s significant, why? Who will benefit from finding the answer to your desired questions and how will they benefit? Justifying your research will be a key requirement for your research proposal , so it’s really important to develop a convincing argument here.

Literature – is there a contemporary (current) body of academic literature around this issue? Is there enough literature for you to base your investigation on, but not too much that the topic is “overdone”? Will you be able to navigate this literature or is it overwhelming?

Data requirements – What kind of data would you need access to in order to answer your key questions?  Would you need to adopt a qualitative, quantitative or mixed-methods approach to answer your questions? At this stage, you don’t need to be able to map out your exact research design, but you should be able to articulate how you would approach it in high-level terms. Will you use qual, quant or mixed methods? Why?

Feasibility – How feasible would it be to gather the data that would be needed in the time-frame that you have – and do you have the will power and the skills to do it? If you’re not confident with the theory, you don’t want something that’s going to draw you into a debate about the relative importance of epistemology and ontology. If you are shy, you won’t want to be doing ethnographic interviews. If you feel this question calls for a 100-person survey, do you have the time to plan, organise and conduct it and then analyse it? What will you do if you don’t get the response rate you expect? Be very realistic here and also ask advice from your supervisor and other experts – poor response rates are extremely common and can derail even the best research projects.

Personal attraction – On a scale of 1-10, how excited are you about this topic? Will addressing it add value to your life and/or career? Will undertaking the project help you build a skill you’ve previously wanted to work on (for example, interview skills, statistical analysis skills, software skills, etc.)?

The last point is particularly important. You will have to engage with your dissertation in a very sustained and deep way, face challenges and difficulties, and get it to completion. If you don’t start out enthusiastic about it, you’re setting yourself up for problems like ‘writer’s block’ or ‘burnout’ down the line. This is the reason personal interest was the sole evaluation criterion when we chose the top 5. So, don’t underestimate the importance of personal attraction to a topic – at the same time, don’t let personal attraction lead you to choose a topic that is not relevant to your course or feasible given your resources. 

A strong research topic must tick all three boxes – original, relevant and feasible. If not, you're going to run into problems sooner or later.

Narrow down to 3, then get human feedback

We’re almost at the finishing line. The next step is to narrow down to 2 or 3 shortlisted topics. No more!  Write a short paragraph about each topic, addressing the following:

Firstly,  WHAT will this study be about? Frame the topic as a question or a problem. Write it as a dissertation title. No more than two clauses and no more than 15 words. Less than 15 is better (go back to good journal articles for inspiration on appropriate title styles).

Secondly, WHY this is interesting (original) and important – as proven by existing academic literature? Are people talking about this and is there an acknowledged problem, debate or gap in the literature?

Lastly,  HOW do you plan to answer the question? What sub-questions will you use? What methods does this call for and how competent and confident are you in those methods? Do you have the time to gather the data this calls for?

Show the shortlist and accompanying paragraphs to a couple of your peers from your course and also to an expert or two if at all possible (you’re welcome to reach out to us ), explaining what you will investigate, why this is original and important and how you will go about investigating it. 

Once you’ve pitched your ideas, ask for the following thoughts :

  • Which is most interesting and appealing to them?
  • Why do they feel this way?
  • What problems do they foresee with the execution of the research?

Take advice and feedback and sit on it for another day. Let it simmer in your mind overnight before you make the final decision.  

Step 6: Make the decision (and stick with it!)

Then, make the commitment. Choose the one that you feel most confident about, having now considered both your opinion and the feedback from others.

Once you’ve made a decision, don’t doubt your judgement, don’t shift.  Don’t be tempted by the ones you left behind. You’ve planned and thought things through, checked feasibility and now you can start.  You have your research topic. Trust your own decision-making process and stick with it now. It’s time to get started on your research proposal!

Let’s recap…

In this post, I’ve proposed a straightforward 6-step plan to finding relevant research topic ideas and then narrowing them down to finally choose one winner. To recap:

  • Understand the basics of academic research, as well as your university’s specific requirements for a dissertation, thesis or research project.
  • Review previous dissertations for your course to get an idea of both topics and structure.
  • Start the ideation process by familiarising yourself with the literature.
  • Identify your potential research questions (topics).
  • Narrow down your options, then evaluate systematically.
  • Make your decision (and don’t look back!)

If you follow these steps, you’ll find that they also set you up for what’s coming next – both the proposal and the first three chapters of your dissertation. But that’s for future posts!

postgraduate research topics

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This post was based on one of our popular Research Bootcamps . If you're working on a research project, you'll definitely want to check this out ...


Opio Joshua

I would love to get a topic under teachers performance. I am a student of MSC Monitoring and Evaluations and I need a topic in the line of monitoring and evaluations

Kafeero Martin

I just we put for some full notes that are payable


Thank you very much Dr Caroline


I need a project topics on transfer of learning

Fran Mothula

m a PhD Student I would like to be assisted inn formulating a title around: Internet of Things for online education in higher education – STEM (Science, technology, engineering and Mathematics, digital divide ) Thank you, would appreciate your guidance

Akintunde Raheem

Well structured guide on the topic… Good materials for beginners in research writing…


Hello Iam kindly seeking for help in formulating a researchable topic for masters degree program in line with teaching GRAPHIC ART

Jea Alys Campbell

I read a thesis about a problem in a particular. Can I use the same topic just referring to my own country? Is that being original? The interview questions will mostly be the same as the other thesis.


Hi, thanks I managed to listen to the video so helpful indeed. I am currently an MBA student looking for a specific topic and I have different ideas that not sure they can be turned to be a study.

Letkaija Chongloi

I am doing a Master of Theology in Pastoral Care and Counselling and I felt like doing research on Spiritual problem cause by substance abuse among Youth. Can I get help to formulate the Thesis Title in line with it…please

Razaq Abiodun

Hello, I am kindly seeking help in formulating a researchable topic for a National diploma program

kenani Mphakati

As a beginner in research, I am very grateful for this well-structured material on research writing.


Hello, I watched the video and its very helpful. I’m a student in Nursing (degree). May you please help me with any research problems (in Namibian society or Nursing) that need to be evaluate or solved?


I have been greatly impacted. Thank you.


more than useful… there will be no justification if someone fails to get a topic for his thesis


I watched the video and its really helpful.

Anjali kashyap

How can i started discovery

Zimbabwe Mathiya Ndlovu

Analysing the significance of Integrated reporting in Zimbabwe. A case of institutional investors. this is my topic for PHD Accounting sciences need help with research questions

Rohit Bhowmick

Excellent session that cleared lots of doubts.

Excellent session that cleared lots of doubts


It was a nice one thank you

Izhar Ul haq

Wow, This helped a lot not only with how to find a research topic but inspired me to kick it off from now, I am a final year student of environmental science. And have to complete my project in the coming six months.

I was really stressed and thinking about different topics that I don’t know nothing about and having more than a hundred topics in the baggage, couldn’t make the tradeoff among them, however, reading this scrubbed the fuzzy layer off my head and now it seems like really easy.

Thanks GRADCOACH, you saved me from getting into the rabbit hole.


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Prize-Winning Thesis and Dissertation Examples

Published on September 9, 2022 by Tegan George . Revised on July 18, 2023.

It can be difficult to know where to start when writing your thesis or dissertation . One way to come up with some ideas or maybe even combat writer’s block is to check out previous work done by other students on a similar thesis or dissertation topic to yours.

This article collects a list of undergraduate, master’s, and PhD theses and dissertations that have won prizes for their high-quality research.

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Award-winning undergraduate theses, award-winning master’s theses, award-winning ph.d. dissertations, other interesting articles.

University : University of Pennsylvania Faculty : History Author : Suchait Kahlon Award : 2021 Hilary Conroy Prize for Best Honors Thesis in World History Title : “Abolition, Africans, and Abstraction: the Influence of the “Noble Savage” on British and French Antislavery Thought, 1787-1807”

University : Columbia University Faculty : History Author : Julien Saint Reiman Award : 2018 Charles A. Beard Senior Thesis Prize Title : “A Starving Man Helping Another Starving Man”: UNRRA, India, and the Genesis of Global Relief, 1943-1947

University: University College London Faculty: Geography Author: Anna Knowles-Smith Award:  2017 Royal Geographical Society Undergraduate Dissertation Prize Title:  Refugees and theatre: an exploration of the basis of self-representation

University: University of Washington Faculty:  Computer Science & Engineering Author: Nick J. Martindell Award: 2014 Best Senior Thesis Award Title:  DCDN: Distributed content delivery for the modern web

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University:  University of Edinburgh Faculty:  Informatics Author:  Christopher Sipola Award:  2018 Social Responsibility & Sustainability Dissertation Prize Title:  Summarizing electricity usage with a neural network

University:  University of Ottawa Faculty:  Education Author:  Matthew Brillinger Award:  2017 Commission on Graduate Studies in the Humanities Prize Title:  Educational Park Planning in Berkeley, California, 1965-1968

University:  University of Ottawa Faculty: Social Sciences Author:  Heather Martin Award:  2015 Joseph De Koninck Prize Title:  An Analysis of Sexual Assault Support Services for Women who have a Developmental Disability

University : University of Ottawa Faculty : Physics Author : Guillaume Thekkadath Award : 2017 Commission on Graduate Studies in the Sciences Prize Title : Joint measurements of complementary properties of quantum systems

University:  London School of Economics Faculty: International Development Author: Lajos Kossuth Award:  2016 Winner of the Prize for Best Overall Performance Title:  Shiny Happy People: A study of the effects income relative to a reference group exerts on life satisfaction

University : Stanford University Faculty : English Author : Nathan Wainstein Award : 2021 Alden Prize Title : “Unformed Art: Bad Writing in the Modernist Novel”

University : University of Massachusetts at Amherst Faculty : Molecular and Cellular Biology Author : Nils Pilotte Award : 2021 Byron Prize for Best Ph.D. Dissertation Title : “Improved Molecular Diagnostics for Soil-Transmitted Molecular Diagnostics for Soil-Transmitted Helminths”

University:  Utrecht University Faculty:  Linguistics Author:  Hans Rutger Bosker Award: 2014 AVT/AnÊla Dissertation Prize Title:  The processing and evaluation of fluency in native and non-native speech

University: California Institute of Technology Faculty: Physics Author: Michael P. Mendenhall Award: 2015 Dissertation Award in Nuclear Physics Title: Measurement of the neutron beta decay asymmetry using ultracold neutrons

University:  Stanford University Faculty: Management Science and Engineering Author:  Shayan O. Gharan Award:  Doctoral Dissertation Award 2013 Title:   New Rounding Techniques for the Design and Analysis of Approximation Algorithms

University: University of Minnesota Faculty: Chemical Engineering Author: Eric A. Vandre Award:  2014 Andreas Acrivos Dissertation Award in Fluid Dynamics Title: Onset of Dynamics Wetting Failure: The Mechanics of High-speed Fluid Displacement

University: Erasmus University Rotterdam Faculty: Marketing Author: Ezgi Akpinar Award: McKinsey Marketing Dissertation Award 2014 Title: Consumer Information Sharing: Understanding Psychological Drivers of Social Transmission

University: University of Washington Faculty: Computer Science & Engineering Author: Keith N. Snavely Award:  2009 Doctoral Dissertation Award Title: Scene Reconstruction and Visualization from Internet Photo Collections

University:  University of Ottawa Faculty:  Social Work Author:  Susannah Taylor Award: 2018 Joseph De Koninck Prize Title:  Effacing and Obscuring Autonomy: the Effects of Structural Violence on the Transition to Adulthood of Street Involved Youth

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George, T. (2023, July 18). Prize-Winning Thesis and Dissertation Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved August 12, 2024, from https://www.scribbr.com/dissertation/examples/

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postgraduate research topics

  • How to Choose a PhD Research Topic
  • Finding a PhD


Whilst there are plenty of resources available to help prospective PhD students find doctoral programmes, deciding on a research topic is a process students often find more difficult.

Some advertised PhD programmes have predefined titles, so the exact topic is decided already. Generally, these programmes exist mainly in STEM, though other fields also have them. Funded projects are more likely to have defined titles, and structured aims and objectives.

Self funded projects, and those in fields such as arts and humanities, are less likely to have defined titles. The flexibility of topic selection means more scope exists for applicants to propose research ideas and suit the topic of research to their interests.

A middle ground also exists where Universities advertise funded PhD programmes in subjects without a defined scope, for example: “PhD Studentship in Biomechanics”. The applicant can then liaise with the project supervisor to choose a particular title such as “A study of fatigue and impact resistance of biodegradable knee implants”.

If a predefined programme is not right for you, then you need to propose your own research topic. There are several factors to consider when choosing a good research topic, which will be outlined in this article.

How to Choose a Research Topic

Our first piece of advice is to PhD candidates is to stop thinking about ‘finding’ a research topic, as it is unlikely that you will. Instead, think about developing a research topic (from research and conversations with advisors).

Consider several ideas and critically appraise them:

  • You must be able to explain to others why your chosen topic is worth studying.
  • You must be genuinely interested in the subject area.
  • You must be competent and equipped to answer the research question.
  • You must set achievable and measurable aims and objectives.
  • You need to be able to achieve your objectives within a given timeframe.
  • Your research question must be original and contribute to the field of study.

We have outlined the key considerations you should use when developing possible topics. We explore these below:

Focus on your interests and career aspirations

It is important to choose a topic of research that you are genuinely interested in. The decision you make will shape the rest of your career. Remember, a full-time programme lasts 3-4 years, and there will be unforeseen challenges during this time. If you are not passionate about the study, you will struggle to find motivation during these difficult periods.

You should also look to your academic and professional background. If there are any modules you undertook as part of your Undergraduate/Master degree that you particularly enjoyed or excelled in? These could form part of your PhD research topic. Similarly, if you have professional work experience, this could lead to you asking questions which can only be answered through research.

When deciding on a PhD research topic you should always consider your long-term career aspirations. For example, as a physicist, if you wish to become an astrophysicist, a research project studying black holes would be more relevant to you than a research project studying nuclear fission.

Read dissertations and published journals

Reading dissertations and published journals is a great way to identify potential PhD topics. When reviewing existing research ask yourself:

  • What has been done and what do existing results show?
  • What did previous projects involve (e.g. lab-work or fieldwork)?
  • How often are papers published in the field?
  • Are your research ideas original?
  • Is there value in your research question?
  • Could I expand on or put my own spin on this research?

Reading dissertations will also give you an insight into the practical aspects of doctoral study, such as what methodology the author used, how much data analysis was required and how was information presented.

You can also think of this process as a miniature literature review . You are searching for gaps in knowledge and developing a PhD project to address them. Focus on recent publications (e.g. in the last five years). In particular, the literature review of recent publications will give an excellent summary of the state of existing knowledge, and what research questions remain unanswered.

If you have the opportunity to attend an academic conference, go for it! This is often an excellent way to find out current theories in the industry and the research direction. This knowledge could reveal a possible research idea or topic for further study.

Finding a PhD has never been this easy – search for a PhD by keyword, location or academic area of interest.

Discuss research topic ideas with a PhD supervisor

Discuss your research topic ideas with a supervisor. This could be your current undergraduate/masters supervisor, or potential supervisors of advertised PhD programmes at different institutions. Come to these meetings prepared with initial PhD topic ideas, and your findings from reading published journals. PhD supervisors will be more receptive to your ideas if you can demonstrate you have thought about them and are committed to your research.

You should discuss your research interests, what you have found through reading publications, and what you are proposing to research. Supervisors who have expertise in your chosen field will have insight into the gaps in knowledge that exist, what is being done to address them, and if there is any overlap between your proposed research ideas and ongoing research projects.

Talking to an expert in the field can shape your research topic to something more tangible, which has clear aims and objectives. It can also find potential shortfalls of your PhD ideas.

It is important to remember, however, that although it is good to develop your research topic based on feedback, you should not let the supervisor decide a topic for you. An interesting topic for a supervisor may not be interesting to you, and a supervisor is more likely to advise on a topic title which lends itself to a career in academia.

Another tip is to talk to a PhD student or researcher who is involved in a similar research project. Alternatively, you can usually find a relevant research group within your University to talk to. They can explain in more detail their experiences and suggest what your PhD programme could involve with respect to daily routines and challenges.

Look at advertised PhD Programmes

Use our Search tool , or look on University PhD listing pages to identify advertised PhD programmes for ideas.

  • What kind of PhD research topics are available?
  • Are these similar to your ideas?
  • Are you interested in any of these topics?
  • What do these programmes entail?

The popularity of similar PhD programmes to your proposed topic is a good indicator that universities see value in the research area. The final bullet point is perhaps the most valuable takeaway from looking at advertised listings. Review what similar programmes involve, and whether this is something you would like to do. If so, a similar research topic would allow you to do this.

Writing a Research Proposal

As part of the PhD application process , you may be asked to summarise your proposed research topic in a research proposal. This is a document which summarises your intended research and will include the title of your proposed project, an Abstract, Background and Rationale, Research Aims and Objectives, Research Methodology, Timetable, and a Bibliography. If you are required to submit this document then read our guidance on how to write a research proposal for your PhD application.

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Everything you need to know about your research project.

For many postgraduate students, the RESEARCH PROJECT is the quintessential part of their course and the basis of their dissertation/thesis . The project is not only integral in passing the course but also serves as the final test of students’ capability to work independently and think critically.

Because postgraduate research projects bear such high importance, we have compiled the most important information that you as a prospective postgraduate student need to know about starting your first research project.

1. WHEN should I start planning my research project?

When to start planning your research project

2. What FREEDOM will I have in choosing my research topic?

What freedom will I have for my Research project

3. HOW do I choose an appropriate research topic?

How to choose an appropriate research project

4. WHAT should my research proposal contain?

As a masters student, your research proposal will need to be brief and contain only essential information. It will usually be between 500 and 1,000 words long. In contrast, PhD proposals are longer, between 1,000 and 2,500 words, and contain more comprehensive information. However, regardless of whether you are writing a masters or a PhD research proposal, it will need to cover the same key points:

What should a researh project contain

5. What are the QUALITIES of a good research proposal?

A.  It should be clearly written, well-structured, and presumably follow the chronology described under the previous section.

B.  Your research project must be achievable and realistic rather than too ambitious. This means that you need to pay attention to time constraints, support all your statements by relevant literature, and show that you can think coherently about your subject.

C.  Your research topic needs to ‘fill in’ some of the existing gaps encountered within the relevant literature.

D.  If you are applying for a PhD under a specific supervisor, you need to show that you are familiar with his/her work and that you understand how it relates to your research topic.

E.  If you are applying for funding, you need to make sure that your proposal clearly explains why your research is both relevant to the “real world” and to your research field, and you need to give convincing reasons for what makes your research idea outstanding.

F.  Your research proposal must be driven by the curiosity to expand the knowledge about your research field rather than by choosing a research question just because you know that it can be easily answered and earn you the degree.

6. What will the CYCLE of my research project look like?

Once that your research proposal has been approved you will need to start your actual research project. Each research project is unique and different people have different ways of carrying out their research. However, there are some basic stages which may be relevant to all the research projects and we have compiled these stages to show you what a typical research cycle looks like:

The cycle of a research project

 7. Is it better to START writing the dissertation/thesis after my research has been completed or to write it in small sections?

When to start writing your research project


•  A research project is at the core of many postgraduate courses. For PhD and research masters students it is the most important element of their course, whereas for taught masters students it is relatively less important but still highly relevant.

• Postgraduate research projects are usually written up in the form of a dissertation/thesis .

• Taught masters students usually need to start thinking about their research project during or after the second term of their studies, whereas research masters and PhD students need to know their research project in advance and describe it in a research proposal when applying for the course.

• The initial step in any research project is to choose the appropriate research topic. The most important factors to consider when choosing the research topic is whether it is personally inspiring for the student, whether it will contribute to existing literature in the field, and whether it is practical enough to be investigated within the specific time limit.

• PhD students usually have higher freedom in choosing their research topic because their course lasts for 3-4 years and they have the necessary knowledge to tackle more complex research issues. However, their choice is limited by their supervisor’s research interests and they need to undertake a project that can be completed within the duration of their course. In contrast, taught and research masters students are more limited in choosing their research topic because the duration of their course is shorter and their knowledge is still not developed enough to tackle more complex research issues.

• Once the appropriate research topic has been chosen, the student uses it to formulate the research proposal. Taught masters students usually need to submit their research proposal after the start of their course, whereas research masters and PhD students need to submit it while applying for the course. PhD research proposals are usually more comprehensive and 1,000-2,500 words long, whereas masters research proposals are simpler and 500-1,000 words long.

• Each research proposal should contain a title, the main research question, the explanation of why the topic studied is relevant, literature review, methodology, and time schedule.

• Good research proposals should have a clear structure and be adjusted to the time constraints of the course undertaken and to the research interests of the course supervisor.

• Once a research proposal has been approved, the student needs to start carrying out the actual research project. This process usually consists of a few stages: conducting a more comprehensive literature review, reconsidering the research question, devising a more detailed methodology and testing it to see whether it works, collecting research data and analysing it, drawing conclusions based on the data analysis, and describing the research in the dissertation/thesis.• Because PhD research projects are long and comprehensive, it is necessary that PhD students write their thesis in small steps to ensure that they keep track of what's going on in their research. Research masters students are also advised to write their thesis in two or three phases to break their research into smaller units that are easier to describe. Although research projects of taught master’s students are relatively less complex, and writing the thesis before the research has ended may sometimes not be necessary, it is always better to be early than to be late!

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  • http://orcid.org/0000-0003-4637-1416 Trevor Duke 1 , 2 , 3
  • 1 Centre for International Child Health , University of Melbourne , Melbourne , Victoria , Australia
  • 2 School of Medicine and Health Sciences , University of Papua New Guinea , Port Moresby , Papua New Guinea
  • 3 Paediatric Intensive Care Unit , Royal Children’s Hospital , Melbourne , Victoria , Australia
  • Correspondence to Prof Trevor Duke, University of Melbourne Department of Paediatrics,Royal Children’s Hospital, Parkville, VIC 3052 ; trevor.duke{at}rch.org.au

Many universities and colleges in low-income and middle-income countries require a masters dissertation or thesis for as part of postgraduate training, and some colleges offer a 1-year to 2-year diploma of child health as a clinical qualification to enable skills in child health for generalists, or as part of the early phase of paediatric training. This paper describes the stages of doing a research project for such a masters or diploma, and describes in detail how to write a minor thesis. The paper is designed to provide a practical approach for junior researchers, and their supervisors. Colleges differ in their formal requirements of a minor thesis (word count, line spacing, referencing style), but this paper outlines the principles and practical issues rarely covered elsewhere.

  • medical education
  • paediatric training
  • research training
  • low and middle income countries


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What is a minor thesis and why do it.

A minor thesis is a written, systematic description of your project. It has a structure, and tells the story of your research: why you did it, how you did it, what you found and what it means.

The reasons to do a research project during your postgraduate training include to:

learn the basics of research theory and techniques, including epidemiology and biostatistics;

understand how to do a literature review, and how to appraise the literature to address questions;

explore an area of interest for you (develop some expertise and a deeper understanding of a topic);

give you tools to critically and thoughtfully appraise problems you are faced with every day;

learn to communicate scientific research in verbal presentations and written form.

Making a start on your project

Figure 1 shows many of the stages in conducting a research project. The order is not necessarily fixed, some steps, such as a literature search can be done early when considering a research question, or done later in the writing phase (often it is done in both phases). The literature review summarised in the thesis is usually focused on the research question, that is the question leads to the literature review (which is done in a systematic way). Learning about literature searching (through PubMed or Medline), learning about a reference manager database like EndNote and learning about databases and statistical analysis programs like Excel or SPSS can be done at any time, but best to start these early in the process. Not all steps are needed for some projects, such as a relatively simple clinical audit, but it is good to know what steps to consider.

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Stages in a research project and writing a minor thesis.

Choosing a research topic

A diploma of child health (DCH) thesis should address a simple clinical or public health question. It could be an audit of a condition or practice which is of interest to you. A research project often starts with an idea that interests you, or a problem you have noticed. You may have 12 months for your DCH (realistically even less, about 10 months prior to exams). The project should ideally be able to be completed in 4–6 months. This is because the main part of DCH training is developing clinical competence in paediatrics, and being a good registrar.

A masters project is expected to be more involved, and should be planned early, ideally in the year before you begin collecting data. You usually have 18 months to 2 years. You should choose a topic of interest, explore what has already been written on the subject, what local research exists, in what context this has been done, talk to your supervisors and take time to identify clear research questions and choose a feasible and practical method for your study. But a masters project and thesis should not dominate your time, as the main task of postgraduate training is to develop the all-round skills to be a good paediatrician. This includes an understanding of child health epidemiology and research methods, but too much of a focus on research can detract from clinical responsibilities and clinical learning.

A clear research question

While many students find it easy to identify a theme or topic, it is often more difficult to define a research question or questions. A research question should be objective and answerable using a research methodology. Research questions can be quantitative, qualitative or a combination of both. Quantitative research questions generate data that are measures or values, which can be used for descriptive and inferential statistics (such as ‘what are the causes of anaemia in children presenting to Kimbe Hospital?’ ‘what is the prevalence of disability among children admitted to hospital in Vientiane?’ or what ‘what is the long-term outcome for very low birth weight neonates in Honiara?’ The questions may be general (‘what are the patient  characteristics of children with MDR TB?’) or specific (‘what is the success rate of outpatient treatment of moderate gastroenteritis?’ and ‘what proportion of newborns with PROM will need antibiotic treatment?’). Many questions will be objective/numerical (‘what is the case fatality rate for birth asphyxia at Goroka Hospital between 2011 and 2016?’); some will be categorical (‘what are the common types of seizures that children with epilepsy in Yogyakarta have?’).

Qualitative research generates broader understanding of opinions, or reasons, providing insight. It can help explain the reasons for quantitative results. Qualitative research questions may include perceptions of patients, parents or healthcare workers (‘what do adolescents with rheumatic heart disease understand about their condition?’ or ‘what are the greatest concerns of the parents of children with epilepsy?’ or ‘what are the perceptions and experiences of families of children with cancer?’). Such qualitative research may help explain, for example, why adolescents have low (or high) adherence rates with secondary prophylaxis with benzathine penicillin for rheumatic heart disease. But qualitative research helps us understand more deeply the reasons why things are as they are. 1 2

Many projects will have a mix of both quantitative and qualitative questions, and it is important to identify the differences early, so the right methodologies can be applied. Most research projects have more than one research question, and some research questions are not fully defined when you start a study, they develop along the way. However, it is important to have at least one clearly defined research question to begin.

Definition of terms and metrics of measurement

From an objective research question, the clear definition of terms and metrics of measurement are derived. For example, the population should be described in detail. A population descriptive could be as broad as ‘all children admitted to "X" hospital between March and July 2018’, or as focused as ‘infants with HIV as diagnosed by PCR testing’  box 1 .

Case example

Definition of terms: ‘what is the long-term outcome for very low birth weight (VLBW) neonates in Honiara ( the population )?’ The definition of terms might include:

Definition of population: VLBW 1000–1499 g, born in Honiara national referral hospital or born outside and referred to the special care nursery between January and December 2018.

Definition of outcomes and standardised methods of measurement:

Nutrition: z-scores weight for length and weight for age at 12 months. The proportion of children with moderate and severe malnutrition.

Motor outcomes: the proportion of children at 12 months with moderate or severe neurological deficit identified by a standardised developmental examination (such as the Bayley’s test).

Sensory outcomes: the proportion of children with impaired hearing based on autoacoustic screening.

Anaemia: the proportion of infants at 12 months with a haemoglobin <10 g/dL (WHO standardised definition).

Infectious disease morbidity: the number of hospital admissions from infections in the first 12 months, after initial hospital discharge: these could be subcategorised into acute respiratory infections, gastrointestinal infections, febrile illnesses, etc.

P—among children under 2 years of age with moderate-to-severe pneumonia or bronchiolitis presenting to an emergency department.

I—does nebulised hypertonic saline given in up to three doses over 2 hours?

C—compared with standard care including antibiotics, oxygen.

O—result in a lower respiratory distress score and fewer children requiring inpatient care.

T—over the first 12 hours.

Such a description of a study is not suitable to all studies that are not controlled intervention studies, and PICOT can rarely be used to describe all aspects of a study. However, if you read a journal article abstract of a randomised trial and cannot summarise it in terms of PICOT, then it is either a poorly written article, or poorly conducted study.

Choosing a valid methodology

Broadly, there are two major types of studies—descriptive and analytical. Descriptive studies describe a problem or outcome; analytical studies describe an association between exposures and outcomes. Descriptive study designs include case-reports, case series and descriptive epidemiology. Analytical study designs include randomised controlled trials, cohort studies, case-control studies, case-crossover studies, cross-sectional studies, pre-post studies and some observational studies.

What study design you use depends on many factors, including the research question being addressed, how common the condition is, whether the question is asking about short-term or long-term outcomes, how long you have to do the study, etc. You should discuss with your supervisor exactly what type of methodology is appropriate to answer the question(s) being addressed.

Basic steps to collecting, analysing and presenting qualitative descriptive information 2

Verbatim recording of responses from interviews, focus groups or observations.

Coding of this information, deidentifying where appropriate to ensure confidentiality.

Recording insights and reflections on the data.

Sorting through the data to identify similar phrases, themes, patterns, opinions and also identifying where these differ or diverge.

Gradually deciding on a small group of common themes that address the question, or generalisations (such as opinions or commonly reported practices) that hold true for the population studied.

Examine these generalisations in the light of existing knowledge and/or quantitative data.

Presenting the data according to themes, described in an objective way, with the verbatim responses from subjects as evidence for that generalisation. This helps to ensure that the analysis stays close to the informants’ points of view.

Developing your database: be clear about the metrics

An important element in successful research is the development of a data analysis plan. An analysis plan informs how you organise your data. It ensures your data collection form will have questions designed specifically to address your research questions, and that resultant databases are set up to answer your research questions. It is useful to develop a data analysis plan with your supervisor prior to designing any data collection tools, in order to ensure necessary questions are included in the most appropriate format, and that you understand the statistical tests you will be using.

With guidance from your data analysis plan, the data collection forms should will be designed to answer your research questions. The database should be developed early and checked by you and your supervisor to ensure it reflects the data collection forms, and that it is easy to enter data and analysable in order to answer these questions.

Some quantitative variables will have a numerator and denominator, and you should identify these. Identify the metrics clearly and early, and ensure you record them consistently (do not mix up metrics in your spreadsheet, such as recording some ages as months and some as years, or some weights in grams and others in kilograms). If there is more than one metric for an outcome—such as the definition of severe malnutrition, which may differ depending on age and tests done (weight-for-age / weight-for-height / mid-upper arm circumference / body mass index) then have four columns each labelled as the separate metric, and a ‘summary column’, which is binary 1/0 if severe malnutrition, based on whether the appropriate metric is present.

Ethics and funding

All studies should have ethics review. This is mandatory for publication in a peer-reviewed journal, and needed to fulfil the international standards of ethical research (Declaration of Helsinki 1964). Ethics approval is usually not required for a systematic review of previously published research, but most masters theses require an original research project with primary data collection. Research ethics is not meant to be a barrier, but an enabler of good research that is in the patients’ interests. There are a number of ethical principles that all researchers should adhere to, including consent, autonomy and human dignity, confidentiality, non-maleficence (doing no harm), beneficence (maximising good outcomes), justice and scientific integrity. 3 4 It is good to learn about ethics along the way, as this can help you be a good doctor and paediatrician, as well as a good researcher.

Set aside some time every week to do some work on your study and thesis

Begin to write your thesis early, just making a start is a big hurdle. You will have done a lot of work in the proposal stage, so use that document and expand on it. Organise your computer, with a separate folder for your study and thesis documents. Allocate time each week to work on your study or writing.

A masters study and thesis are best done over an extended period of time, and it is good to keep making some progress each week . Trainees sometimes have a writer’s block, or their study falters, or they become discouraged if they leave it for weeks or months. If you do something each week you maintain the threads of thought and keep others around you interested in your study, and it is good for your morale! Registrars who leave their project or writing to the end do not get as much out of their research experience as those who work steadily on it over 2 years, keeping clinical and research training requirements balanced.

Refer regularly back to the study questions

Each research project will have a number of questions, some major or primary outcomes and some supplementary or additional questions. They should be described clearly in the methods of the thesis and you should be able to identify them in your data collection form, your database and your thesis.

Keep your supervisor informed and interested in your study and thesis progress

Your supervisor is a busy person, with clinical, teaching and other responsibilities. But your supervisor should feel involved in your study, so keep them up to date on your progress, discuss problems with them early and listen to their feedback. Sometimes small research obstacles can be overcome easily if you discuss them, but if you keep them to yourself they become magnified in your mind. A problem shared is a problem halved! Communicate with your supervisor in person and by email, share your thesis writing with them. You should plan to meet your supervisor regularly; while some of these meetings will be to discuss clinical aspects of your training, set aside some time to focus on your project specifically. Sometimes your clinical supervisor will be different from the person who is supervising your research project. If you feel you are not getting the support you need from your supervisor, contact the masters coordinator or the professors to seek more assistance. Often this will be because your supervisor is busy, or may not be sure of how to help you—it is not because they do not want to! Do not let problems go unaddressed—always ask.

Documents and backup

Write one master document, which can be used for the initial technical and ethics proposal, then expanded during your study to form your thesis, or sometimes adapted as a report to a funding agency, and concisely revised as a journal article you may write after completion of the study. Some people use multiple documents for each of these purposes and have multiple thesis versions on their computer. That is OK if it works for you, but it can be inefficient and confusing. The advantage of using one master document is that when you update or revise it, add a table, figure or reference or correct an error, everything gets updated and you do not have ‘version confusion’. You will inevitably end up with a couple of versions: first the proposal, then use that document to expand to a thesis document, then a paper you might write that is based on your study. Clearly name (and date) each type of document and each version, for example, Audit of antibiotic use Masters project proposal Your Name February 10  2018.doc and Audit of antibiotic use Masters thesis Your Name May 6  2018.doc , or a file name that clearly indicates what the purpose of the document is and when it was written or revised. Discuss version control with your supervisor(s) early in your research project—ensure you all agree on a system. A good method might be for you to date each version, and when your supervisor(s) review or edit your work, they add their initials to the file name. This ensures it is clear who has worked on the document. Ask your supervisor to ‘track changes’ so any suggested edits are found easily.

Set up a folder that contains all the separate documents for your thesis, do not just have them randomly scattered in your computer.

Back up the latest version of all thesis and study documents regularly, and keep the backup flash-drive or external hard drive in a safe and secure place. On your backup drive, only have your project documents, and do not use it in other people’s computers to minimise the risk of viruses. Backing up your data and study documents on cloud storage can be useful if you have reliable internet access: Dropbox is an open-access program, which provides free (up to 2 GB) cloud storage ( https://www.dropbox.com ), Google Drive is another method for cloud storage of documents for security in case your computer malfunctions. Cloud storage also enables sharing of documents with your supervisor.

Writing style

In a thesis write in the past tense. A study proposal (ie, for a study not yet underway) is usually written in the future tense: " In this study we plan to recruit 30 children with asthma. Children with acute intermittent asthma and chronic persistent asthma will be eligible. Children with a past history of Tb or bronchiectasis will be excluded" . In a thesis the same information in the past tense reads: " In this study we recruited 30 children with asthma. Children with acute intermittent asthma and chronic persistent asthma were eligible. Children with a past history of Tb or bronchiectasis were excluded" .

Writing should be concise and clear. I find it useful to read sentences out aloud to myself and ask, is the meaning clear and unambiguous? It is useful to ask someone else to read over your thesis at the end; not necessarily a medical person who is familiar with the topic, but an educated person who writes well (such as a teacher or scientist in another field). A thesis should be written in language that people without specific knowledge of the subject can understand.

Thesis structure

There is no one right way to write a thesis, but there is a generally accepted structure which has a number of major parts. A thesis can be written with these major parts as chapters, or as one document like a journal article with major subheadings. The major parts are mentioned here in this article.

A very brief (total  250–300 words) overview of the whole minor thesis. It usually has a structure (introduction, method, results, conclusions), each part with just one or two sentences. The abstract should fit on one page. It should state clearly the research question, the study type, the main method, the primary results and a conclusion (one to two sentences) based on the primary result. The abstract does not need references.

Introduction should state why you did the study, why it is an important topic to research. This may only be three to four paragraphs, especially if you have a literature review which follows. The introduction provides contextual information as to why you did the study. The introduction can highlight the burden of the disease or condition, why it is an important one in your country or in the region or globally, why it is important for your specialty. Your introduction may outline whether the condition or topic has been well studied or neglected in terms of research or study, and identify the gap that will be addressed by your study. In a DCH thesis, you might just write about why you became interested in the topic because you cared for a patient with the condition, or you are seeing a lot of such problems in your ward or hospital, etc. In the introduction, you should state clearly the objectives of your study, and the research question(s) being addressed.

Literature review

Literature review is a summary of the existing knowledge of the research topic. It should be focused, on the general topic and specific research question being addressed. In doing a literature review, keep notes on the search terms you use and on the search engines used (eg, PubMed, Google Scholar). For accessing full-text articles, papers are increasingly published as open access and you can access these through these search engines, however if your university or hospital has registered for Hinari program set up by WHO ( http://www.who.int/hinari/en/ ), and you have good internet band speed you will have access to thousands of other journals and ebooks.

In the opening paragraph of your literature review state how you did the search, for example, " I searched the published literature using PubMed and Google Scholar using the terms ‘asthma’ ‘spacer device’ ‘salbutamol’ ‘treatment’ ‘metered dose inhaler’ ‘home-made’ and ‘developing country’ or ‘low and middle income country’" . While there are formal methods of searching for information using standardised key words, phrases and MESH terms, when you are starting out with literature searching, try to make the search reflect closely your research question, and record exactly the words you use in the search.

Usually a literature review is written from ‘general to very specific’; the opening paragraph outlines the previously published information on the burden of the condition or the magnitude and significance of the problem, then subsequent paragraphs focus more narrowly on the previous literature on your specific research question(s). A good literature review integrates existing research under themes or subheadings, rather than having a series of paragraphs which just state what previous studies have found. A literature review may be structured thematically and have subheadings to identify themes. For example, a literature review for a study of the role of home-made spacers for asthma could start with the literature on the burden/prevalence of asthma in the community, and a paragraph about overall treatments (beta-2 agonists, corticosteroids), another about mechanisms of drug delivery (oral, metered dose inhalers, nebulisation), one about the effectiveness of spacers and their availability in certain areas and then focus specifically on the existing literature about home-made spacer devices. It is not necessary to write everything about asthma, but focus the review on the question you are studying; start general and move to very specific. Sometimes there may not be much literature on the subject you are studying, that is OK, just summarise what exists and highlight the gaps. There is no need to ‘pad out’ the literature review with peripheral information, make it relevant, concise and informative.

See references and reference manager program (below) to plan how to organise and cite your references.

In most journal articles, the literature review is incorporated into the discussion (and a little by way of background in the introduction). This can be the case in a minor thesis, but it is up to you. Most people find it easier to have a separate section, which is the literature review at the beginning, but there are no fixed rules.


Methodology is a detailed description of how you actually did the study. It should be reproducible, that is, be written in a way that would enable another investigator to reproduce the same methodology and arrive at the same result (or a different result in a different population). Write the methodology of your study early, while you are doing it. Details of the exact method can be missed if it is not written until the end of your study. You will have written a methodology for your study proposal, you should start with this, change the future to past tense and add any details that have changed. Often at the end of a study, the methodology is a little refined or different to that which was submitted as a proposal. In the methodology there are no results, or other literature, and the only references are for methodology, or statistical or analytical methods described by another researcher in the literature. The methodology should include:

the study population;

definitions of all terms, cases, conditions;

how the study was planned and carried out;

the exact data you collected;

how, when, how often and where it was collected;

how the data were managed (entered into a database);

what the database is;

the analytical tests you did;

ethics approval;

explain any methodological problems and how they were addressed.

Results are presented as narrative, tables, graphs and figures. There are no fixed rules, except the results should be organised and logical. Unless it is very important and central to your thesis, it is best not to duplicate the exact result in each medium of presentation (eg, the same information—such as the baseline characteristics of the study population presented in a figure, table and narrative). Tables can provide a lot of detail and be informative; if presented as a written narrative, this can make the results too long and be tedious. The narrative should highlight the main results, describing in detail the outcomes for the primary research question, important secondary outcomes and orientate the reader to the tables, graphs and figures: explain what they describe, their main findings (without describing every detail). Each table, figure or graph must be referenced in the narrative (eg, ‘see figure 2’) at the appropriate point in the narrative, or this can be written as ‘table 1 describes the baseline characteristics of the children with asthma’, then describe in narrative the key baseline characteristics, but other details can be left for the reader to discover from examining the tables.

It is often thought that the results cannot be written until the study is complete. While this is partly true, it is important to plan and organise the results section early. Put subheadings into your thesis document that will help guide your subsequent analysis and writing. Draw up ‘dummy tables’ that contain the variables you want to report even before you have analysed the data, but leave the cells which will contain the numerical result blank. You may add other variables later, but drawing up such tables as you do the study will help you organise the presentation of results.

There is no fixed limit to the number of tables a minor thesis can have, but avoid duplicating data in the tables and the figures, and avoid a figure or graph that describes an obscure or unimportant aspect of the study. You do not have to include every result or data point that you gathered in the results, this can make a thesis seem to be lacking perspective, you may not ‘see the wood for the trees’, that is, you may miss the really important points because of too much information being reported, and the reader will find it tedious to read.

In tables and the narrative, include numbers (%), not just percentages. Percentages give no indication of the spread or precision of the data. Saying that 33% of children with asthma have chronic symptoms tells us limited information, as it does not indicate precision. The CIs may be extremely wide depending on the number of subjects investigated: 3/10=30% (0.3; 95% CIs 0.06 to 0.65), which means the true proportion could be anything from 6% to 65% in a small sample of 10 children with asthma. If the sample that yielded 30% of children with asthma as having chronic symptoms was 100 children, that is, 30/100=30% (95% CIs 0.21 to 0.40), that is, the true proportion is somewhere between 21% and 40%, a much more precise result. So never just quote a % in the results without clarifying what ‘n’ is (the number with the characteristic/number studied), and ideally include a CI around such proportions. There are many programs that can calculate CIs around a simple proportion, one is: http://www.sample-size.net/confidence-interval-proportion/

The analyses of most diploma and masters studies involves primarily basic descriptive epidemiology , rather than the need for any complex analytical tests, like regression or p values. It is important to get the descriptive epidemiology right, describe the population or subjects in the study in a logical way, numbers, percentages or proportions, median or means, ranges, IQRs or CIs. Be clear about numerators and denominators. Denominators will sometimes be different depending on the variable being described, and the number of observations made. It is not useful to have p values for every statistic, and many good thesis can be written without p values at all! For some analytical tests, such as the comparison of two proportions to determine if they are different (5 of 83 children in grade 1–4 have asthma, whereas 9 of 206 children in grades 5–7 had asthma) a p value can be useful in indicating whether an observed difference is likely to have arisen by chance.

For the presentation of most analyses of a comparison between groups, CIs are much more informative than p values. Avoid the trap of reporting multiple p values and the mistaken view that finding a p value of <0.05 is ‘significant’. If you do enough statistical tests a p value of <0.05 will arise merely by chance, not because a real difference exists. A p value alone cannot determine that a hypothesis is ‘true’, or if results are important. Only report p values and other analytical tests on your primary and major secondary results if indicated. Avoid using p values to report minor post hoc results (findings from your study that you did not plan), these are often just chance findings that reflect unanticipated bias or confounding. Unanticipated post hoc results may be interesting and generate further hypotheses for another study, but they should not be interpreted as definitive or conclusive. Often inexperienced researchers or readers assume that a ‘significant p value’ is conclusive when it provides preliminary information only. So do not overinterpret your results or fill them with p values and obscure statistical tests, but describe the findings clearly and concisely in plain language. The results section of a minor thesis does not have to be long, it can be one to two pages of narrative, and can have subheadings for each of the relevant results.

Discussion is an interpretation of the results, what they mean. The discussion should return to the objectives and the primary research questions of the study and indicate whether they have been achieved. The discussion should be organised into thematic paragraphs or sections, and subheadings can be a good way to guide the reader. The first paragraph of the discussion should restate the main result(s) of the study in plain language (without statistical tests). The discussion should compare the results with previous studies or pre-existing knowledge of the subjects. It should not duplicate the literature review (but it can link to this), but the discussion should cite other research where the results can be compared or contrasted with your own. Other research may be in different contexts (different populations, different level of resources, different methodologies, different outcomes measured). It is important to understand why two different studies addressing the one problem may yield different results, it does not mean that one study is inferior or inadequate.

The primary outcome or question is usually addressed in the first few paragraphs (with comparisons with other research if appropriate) and then secondary outcomes discussed (with similar comparisons).

Write in ways that indicate you are scientifically open to unexpected outcomes, and understand the uncertainty of your study. Do not write, for example: "I did this study to prove that probiotics reduce the duration of watery diarrhoea", but rather ‘this study was done to evaluate whether probiotics would reduce the duration of watery diarrhoea’. Similarly, do not be too categorical or certain: ‘this study proves that steroids should be used to treat chronic otitis media’, rather ‘in this small study of school aged children with chronic serous otitis media, topical corticosteroids reduced the duration of purulent ear discharge’.

A discussion of the shortcomings or limitations of the study is appropriate. Every study ever done has some limitations, so it does not mean you have done a poor study, just because there are some limitations. You should be honest about the limitations, but do not overstate them either (ie, it is not necessary to make excuses for a study). This is especially the case for so-called ‘negative studies’, that is, studies that did not find a difference or a significant result in the primary outcome; such studies can be just as important as ‘positive studies’, so you should not feel such a study is unworthy. Furthermore, you should not try to highlight an obscure post hoc p value that is <0.05 in order to give your study ‘significance’. In the limitations section, try to identify if there are any systematic biases or confounding in your study; this will help you avoid overstating the results. In reading other papers for your literature review, and for your own research, beware of the risk of type II error; the finding that there is ‘no difference’ when this could be due to a small sample size (a study that is underpowered to find a statistical difference, even when one exists). Again, for a DCH or masters thesis, do not worry if your study seems ‘too small’, it is the quality of the work that is important, and this will not be judged solely on the number of patients recruited into a study.

No new results can be introduced in the discussion section; if in writing the discussion you find a new result that you want to include or comment on, you need to incorporate it in the results section first, and then you can make comment on it in the discussion.


The conclusions should be brief. Return to the research questions and suggest whether they have been answered or solved, and what the main finding was. Return to the objectives of the study and suggest if they have been achieved. Indicate what has been learnt from the study and how it might be applied. And indicate any clear recommendations that you think can come out of your study, which may be a change in clinical practice, increased awareness of the topic or problem, the adoption of your research method into everyday practice or the need for further research to be conclusive about a finding.

Any important statement of fact in the thesis should have a reference; this is obvious in the literature review, but applies equally to the introduction and discussion. References are not usually included in the methods, unless you are referencing another investigator’s method that you have used, or a statistical test or program that you used. Appropriate references may be journal articles identified during your literature review, or books or websites. When referencing a fact or finding from a journal ideally go to the original research paper which identified the finding, not an opinion paper which just repeated the finding. Ideally, you should get a copy of the full-text (not just the abstract) of the article that contains the finding that you are reporting as a fact, to verify that the paper did indeed say that. This is a type of fact checking that is good to do.

There are many ways to reference a thesis, references can be cited in the text as numbers (eg, 3, 5 , or [3, 5]) or (authors name, year). It does not matter as long as it is consistent throughout the thesis. I find the (authors name, year) format can make it hard to read the text if there are many references interspersed throughout the paragraphs. The numerical citations are more acceptable for the vast majority of journal styles, so it is best to do it this way, so it is easier to revise your thesis into a journal article.

There are various standards for referencing, including the Harvard Referencing Standard. There is no source document for Harvard style, but many universities have their own guidelines based on the Harvard style, such as Adelaide University: http://www.adelaide.edu.au/writingcentre/referencing_guides/harvardStyleGuide.pdf.

It is best to have a reference manager program , which can make reference lists in a particular journal style for you after you input the references from your literature search. There are many such programs now, including EndNote ( www.endnote.org ), which is used by a lot of scientists and clinical researchers. Using EndNote you can import citations directly from Google Scholar and PubMed searches, and you can download the full-text article if it is Open Access. EndNote is a commercial product, but other reference manager programs are freely available. Zotero is a free, open-source reference manager with cloud backup into which you can manually insert citations or extract citations from internet search engines ( https://www.zotero.org/download/ ). Other programs include Mendelay ( https://www.mendeley.com/ ) and ‘Cite This For Me’ ( http://www.citethisforme.com/harvard-referencing ).

It takes a bit of work learning how to use EndNote or Zotera and how it links to Pubmed and Google Scholar and to learn how to insert references into such a program, but it is well worth it.

When referencing a website, you should state the title of the website, the title of the web page, the exact URL and the date you accessed it.

If in your thesis you include or adapt tables or figures from another source (such as a website), you need to reference these.

Journals have different styles as to the number of authors listed in a reference. Some, if a reference has six authors or less include all their names. If a reference has seven or more authors just include six names, then ‘ et al ’.

Thesis order and length

The order of the pages of a thesis.

The full title of the thesis.

The full name of the candidate.

The name of the school associated with the research.

The year the thesis was submitted.


Except where acknowledgement has been made, the work is your own.

The work has not been submitted previously, in whole or in part, to qualify for another degree or assessment.


Table of contents

Lists of tables, figures and diagrams

Main body of the thesis (as described above)

Introduction—including objectives and specific research question(s);

Literature review;


Conclusions and recommendations;

Reference list.

Appendices—these are not mandatory in every thesis, but appendices can be helpful in enabling the reader to see what research tools you used or exactly how you gathered the data. Appendices may include:

Tables of raw data if appropriate, they have to be well formatted and not identify any patient by name or place of origin (confidentiality);

Ethics approval document;

Consent form used in the study;

Data collection form used in the study;

Any educational material used in the study.

Anything included in the appendices should be cited in the text of the main thesis, so the reader understands why they are included, for example, "We used a survey form that included basic demographic information, questions on frequency of asthma, asthma severity, previous hospitalisations, medication use, whether the child has an asthma action plan and what method the child used for taking Ventolin (see appendix 2)”. The reader can then refer to appendix 2 to see exactly what questions were asked.

Avoid plagiarism

It is really important that a postgraduate diploma or masters thesis be all your own work. It is too tempting these days to cut-and-paste information from Wikipedia, journal articles found online or other internet sites, but this is plagiarism and it is unacceptable and a form of cheating. Sometimes plagiarism occurs inadvertently if you are unsure of what the university standard is, or sometimes it occurs when people are under stress of deadlines. Regardless, it is always unacceptable. If you start only writing in your own words you will not fall into the trap of plagiarism. Do not directly copy anything from another source, but write it completely in your own words and add the original source as a reference. Many universities use programs like Turnitin to check for plagiarism. Another good program is Grammarly, which is both a Grammar and Plagiarism check. It is available at https://www.grammarly.com/1.

Writing up a paper for publication

It often takes several rounds of revisions to get a paper in shape for submission, but you should aim to write your thesis in a format where the most important or original data are publishable. You may not be able to include all the results or text in a journal publication. Brevity is important, and often ‘less is more’. Ask your supervisor about writing up your thesis for submission to a journal.


The author would like to thank Professor Mike English (Kenya Medical Research Institute), Eleanor Neal, Dr Jocelyn Chan, Dr Hamish Graham (University of Melbourne) and Dr Bob Phillips for very helpful comments, and to the postgraduate students for their inspiration and examples. This paper drew on a number of sources, including ‘Minor thesis and research report structure’, from the Study and Learning Centre, RMIT University: http://mams.rmit.edu.au/8zbeww6e1n3i.pdf (accessed 11 February 2017). There is a book by Paul Gruber and Justin Zobel from University of Melbourne, which the author could not access, but this may be a useful reference. ‘How to write a better minor thesis’ Melbourne University Press, 2014 ( https://www.mup.com.au/items/135100).

  • Taylor SJ ,
  • Neergaard MA ,
  • Andersen RS , et al
  • Munyaradzi M ,

Funding The author gratefully acknowledges the RE Ross Trust for support to child health research training in Papua New Guinea and the Pacific, which is the basis of this work.

Competing interests None declared.

Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.

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Postgraduate research topics.

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You can do postgraduate research at the Wellington School of Business and Government towards an Honours , Master of Commerce , and PhD degree. As part of these degree pathways you are embedded in the research culture at the faculty, bring in your personal experience and interests, and choose to work on something that really matters to you.

If you’re still unsure about what research topic you could work on, get inspired by some of the research Wellington School of Business and Government academics are already working on as listed below. We encourage you to contact the listed academics directly or the academic programme leader to learn more and discuss your individual circumstances.

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During a crisis, organisations need to take decisive action to protect their reputations. What can they do to minimise the damage? A former Master of Commerce student examined this issue and found that when a company donates employee time during an earthquake, its reputation is enhanced more when compared with donations given by a company not adversely impacted by an earthquake. This ‘helping when hurting’ phenomena provides insights to other organisations facing different types of crises as well. There are many interesting areas to explore related to protecting a reputation during a crisis, and effectively managing crises is an area of great interest around the world.

Contact: Associate Professor Dan Laufer

COVID-19 and the related lockdown has shown the importance digital work plays in our daily lives. During the lockdown, many office workers began to make sense of a new range of benefits, but also challenges, of digital work tools. Many questions are still open, such as:

  • What rules and policies do we need for remote work?
  • How can we support employees in maintaining their wellbeing and productivity?
  • How will expectations towards the professionality of work from home change?

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In Mandarin language, the term crisis (wéi jī) is comprised of two characters: danger (危) and opportunity (机). This topic will explore how national culture, generational values, and personal culture orientations influence our perceptions of crises and our attitudes to uncertainty. This topic combines international business with social psychology and is especially relevant in the current COVID-19 landscape.

Contact: Dr Matt Raškovic

Google and co. are our regular assistants when we search for the best restaurant or when we gather information as part of our job. But do the algorithms inside these systems hide content from us? What do we see that others might not and vice versa? How does that impact our personal and professional development? Investigate these and other questions on the impact of algorithmic biases and filter bubbles.

Contact: Associate Professor Markus Luczak-Roesch

Unlike personal and organisational resilience, the concept of social resilience is less understood and has been most often confined to studies of disaster management. New Zealand is believed to be one of the most socially resilient societies in the world, which has undoubtedly helped it to effectively address the COVID-19 pandemic and receive widespread international recognition for it. This topic will explore the dimensions and factors of social resilience in New Zealand.

The existing international HRM literature assumes a rather narrow perspective on expatriate adjustment which has remained unchanged since the 1990s. This topic applies a holistic concept of well-being to expatriate adjustment and ask which determinants and antecedents of expatriate well-being are most important in a New Zealand context, marked by high levels of high-skilled migrant employee turnover.

The outbreak of the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 has shown in unprecedented ways how scientists try to rapidly understand the characteristics of a new disease in order to support the design and application of effective countermeasures. Phylogenetic analysis is a standard tool for this but only allows us to look at the genomic properties of a pathogen. We work on methods that combine genomic data and case metadata (e.g. severity of illness, travel history of a patient) using complex network approaches. Novel questions that arise in this context range from very applied to more mathematical ones. For example: How do we best visualise large complex networks for decision and policy makers who work in crisis response? Is there a measurement that may help decide whether a disease outbreak is under control in a country?

Change happens everywhere and all the time—in biological systems, in social systems, in the economy, and even in basic everyday situations. Sometimes we can anticipate or predict change because we understand the likelihood of the underlying events happening. But there are events that are rare and have potentially never happened at the same time as other events. These events change the overall system significantly and persistently. This property of most so-called complex systems is also known as emergence. We look at questions like: What are the unifying mathematical properties of emergence? Does emergence happen similarly across different systems we can find in our world? Can we improve resilience and response to changes when we gain a better formal understanding of emergence?

Data, documents, and artefacts in our personal collections tell a story about us, our life and work, our history and identity. Join us to explore how people organise, preserve, present and share information and documents from their personal collections. Research in this area (called information behaviour, personal information management and cultural heritage preservation) can help people develop better information management skills and inform libraries, archives, museums and other information institutions that provide relevant service to the society. So far, we have studied how writers, artists, civil servants, and other significant individuals manage their personal collections. We have also explored how immigrants and their descendants manage personal multicultural heritage.

Contact: Dr Maja Krtalic

Innovation is a big buzz word in the public sector, but what does it really mean? What makes some governments more innovative than others? Is innovation always a goal to pursue or are there any unexpected and unintended consequences of it? Is there such a thing as too much innovation? Where should we draw the line?

Contact: Dr Flavia Donadelli

There has been a lot of commentary stating that patent law negatively impacts our access to pharmaceuticals. But to what extent might the regulatory review system that checks the safety of human medicines inhibit such access? Examine the relationship between patent law and the regulatory regime, and their interrelated impact on the access to pharmaceuticals.

Contact: Associate Professor Jessica Lai

The feminist movement has slowly revealed that the law is built upon gendered constructs. How is it that law relating to innovation might be gendered, for example, copyright, trademark and patent law? How is it that they have come to be gendered? Investigate these questions and the deeper issue of what de-gendered laws relating to innovation might look like.

Producers have incentives to use marks and labels to sell their products. This is often through signalling that a product is healthy, environmentally friendly or socially ‘woke’. For example, through the use of an image of a dolphin or the word ‘organic’. Marketers and behaviour scientists are keenly aware of the signal effects of such marks and labels. Investigate whether and how the law reflects these insights. For example, examine the signals from the packaging of real-life product and their legal compliance.

New Zealand protects innovation through various laws, such as patent law and copyright law. But, are these western laws suitable for protecting mātauranga Māori? Examine the diversity of Māori interests and concerns, how existing laws might be used by or against Māori, and some possible legal changes required for the Crown to fulfil its Treaty of Waitangi obligations. For example, undertake a case study of a Māori business.

Today’s visitors are looking for products and services that are individualised, authentic, interactive, and unique. Many are less attracted to cookie cutter travel—they want experiences that represent them and their values, that are unique, and that have an impact. Research on value co-creation (the creation of value through active participation and interaction) can help you understand how visitors engage with not only their experiences but also host communities and other social actors, identifying potential to design services that are personalised and unforgettable while providing benefits to destinations.

Contact: Dr Ina Reichenberger

Nearly 20 years after the release of the first Lord of the Rings movie, film-related tourism offerings in New Zealand are still going strong. For a while, Dubrovnik was at risk of losing its World Heritage status due to Games of Thrones fans invading the city by thousands per day. And the Wizarding World of Harry Potter has even expanded to Japan, not losing its global appeal since the first book was released in 1997. Research on popular culture and tourism will allow you to understand the increasing importance of popular culture for contemporary society, its relevance for and impact on the tourism industry, and contribute to a worldwide phenomenon that spans music, books, movies, tv series, comics, cosplay, and more.

Many of the best-known theories that appear in management textbooks bear little resemblance to what those theorists actually came up with. For example, Maslow did not create that pyramid that represents his hierarchy of needs theory, Kurt Lewin's foundational three-step change management model 'unfreeze–change–refreeze' was developed by others after his death and Irving Janis was not the first to develop the concept of 'groupthink'. How did these myths come about and why do they endure? How might we teach foundational theories of management differently? Join me and let's bust another management theory myth.

Contact: Associate Professor Todd Bridgman

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  • Ind Psychiatry J
  • v.32(1); Jan-Jun 2023
  • PMC10236658

Selecting a thesis topic: A postgraduate’s dilemma

Rajiv k. saini.

Department of Psychiatry, Command Hospital (EC) Kolkata, West Bengal, India

Mohan Issac

1 Department of Psychiatry, The University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia

K. J. D. Kumar

2 Department of Psychiatry, Military Hospital, Pathankot, Punjab, India

Suprakash Chaudhury

3 Department of Psychiatry, D. Y. Patil Medical College, Dr. D. Y. Patil Vidyapeeth, Pimpri, Pune, Maharashtra, India

Rachit Sharma

4 Department of Psychiatry, Armed Forces Medical College, Pune, Maharashtra, India

Ankit Dangi

5 Department of Psychiatry, Command Hospital, Panchkula, Haryana, India

It is said that well begun is half done. Choosing a thesis topic and submitting a research protocol is an essential step in the life cycle of a postgraduate resident. National Medical Commission of India mandates that all postgraduate trainees must submit at least one original research work (dissertation), one oral paper, one poster, and one publication to be eligible for final year examination. It is the duty of the faculty to ensure that trainees take active interest and submit their theses on time. However, their journey is often marred by multiple challenges and hurdles. The literature was searched from year 2000 onwards till 2011 using Pubmed, ResearchGate, MEDLINE, and the Education Resources Information Centre databases with terms related to residency training, selecting thesis topic, challenges or hurdles, and conversion of thesis into journal article. Existing literature on the subject matter is sparse. Current article advocates promotion of ethical and original research during postgraduation and proposes a checklist for residents before submission of their proposals.


Residency is an extremely important period in the life cycle of a modern medical graduate. During this period, a resident learns to practice and acquire proficiency in a subject under guidance of a teacher. Along with acquiring new skills, it is also expected that they learn to critically analyze clinical scenarios and reach a rational conclusion. They are also expected to formulate and conduct original research which is submitted in form of a dissertation or thesis. Research work by a postgraduate should eventually translate into a scientific publication in a peer-reviewed medical journal, which helps in dissemination of thesis findings to the community and scientists. It is essential toward furthering medical knowledge, clinical practice, and the progression of science.[ 1 ] The National Medical Commission has stated the aims of completing this task as “Writing the thesis is aimed at contributing to the development of a spirit of inquiry, besides exposing the candidate to the techniques of research, critical analysis, acquaintance with the latest advances in medical science and the manner of identifying and consulting available literature.”[ 2 ]


The most intriguing question while conducting research is “How do I choose the right topic and will I be able to find the right answer?” Starting off with fire in the belly gives the best chance of seeing one’s work through. So, it is important to choose something that entices one’s mind and promises a gratifying result. Existing literature on the topic suggests that the journey of choosing the right topic is often marred by multiple challenges and dilemmas at various stages of this tumultuous journey. There are constraints of time, availability of resources, and support network.[ 3 ]

Therefore, students must remain open to suggestions from within and outside their minds. It is also important to allow the research area to simmer inside their mind for some time so that they can analyze various facets of the chosen area. It is at deeper layer of learning where higher order thinking skills such as analysis, synthesis, and evaluation reside. This then justifies the longer period it takes to arrive at a meaningful thesis title as it represents the highest order of cognitive reasoning referred to as “create” stage.[ 2 ] Short of this, novice researchers operate at lower order and remain “copy-paste” type of researchers.[ 4 ]

Lord “Dhanwantri” also known Physician of Gods brought “ Amrit ” elixir of life after “Samudra Manthan,” which was the result of intensive deliberations.[ 5 ] A systematic stepwise approach for answering any research question offers the best chance of finding the right answer. Succeeding paragraphs in this article shall delve into an enriching scientific journey toward zeroing onto a suitable thesis title.

Area of interest

A journey into an area of one’s interest is bound to be fulfilling. It is a good idea to review one’s past works and experiences, which may be intriguing. A frank and one-to-one discussion with the guide further helps in unravelling novel ideas. Starting with an open and fertile mind promises novel ideas and helps to sustain long-term interest and enthusiasm.[ 6 ] Tendency to merely replicate similar studies should be avoided as they fail to ignite the zest for newer information.[ 7 ] Think about why you got into your field of study. Consider what you like to read about in your free time, especially things related to your field.

From general to specific

A dissertation topic in medicine needs to be captivating and must intrigue the reader to look closer into the research work.[ 8 ] At the outset, it is a good strategy to just define a broad area and a dissertation topic need not be very specific or restrictive. The defined general area must be studied thoroughly and all its facets analyzed in detail. Look for gaps in knowledge which offer an avenue for research. For example, while studying factors responsible for relapse in alcohol dependence, doing a research on employment status of the spouse may be a good idea as it may not have been studied as extensively as other factors. It is needless to say that the student must first be familiar with the disease and all the variables which define its long-term trajectory. Medical science is an evolving field . There are factors of significance that can crop up during course of the study. Therefore, some scope for minor modifications must be kept for unexpected spinoffs. Most of the institutional review board permit minor revision of the protocols though they adhere to their own standards to safeguard interests of the patients. Authors conducted a survey and found that out of 184 submitted, 96 (52%) received requests for minor revision of research protocols. The acceptance resulted in further refinements in research methodology and outcomes.[ 9 ] Therefore, while submitting any protocol, some scope for minor change with probable reasons must be endorsed so that there are no complications while submitting final draft. After discussion with the guide, a suitable title can be given to the research proposal. Selection of the title should be such that it reflects the gist of the whole research and must attract attention of the reader. The title has a long shelf life and may be the first (and many a times, also the only) part of an article that readers see or read. Based on their understanding of the title, readers decide if the article is relevant to them or not.[ 8 ]

Do not bite more than you can chew

The average time allotted for completion of the MD/MS/DNB thesis is 2 years. It may be further reduced due to administrative delays like allotment of thesis guides and selection of topic. It is safe to assume that it takes around 1 month to finalize and submit the protocol and 2 months to write, print, and submit the complete thesis. That leaves just around year and nine months for actual and adequate data collection. All these facts must be kept in mind to ensure genuineness of data.[ 10 ]

A bird in hand is worth two in the bush

Modern medical science thrives on multispecialty approach, and it is not uncommon that students may end up with a research topic involving more than one department or more than one facility of the institution. Studies conducted during Covid pandemic are perfect examples owing to multiple facets of the illness in terms of prevention, pathophysiology, and long-term sequele.[ 11 ] A realistic check for the available resources in terms of infrastructure, availability of study materials, and support from affiliated departments must be done before finalizing the research topic. It is highly unlikely that your thesis is the first or the last research work in a particular area. Negotiating with other department/institution to regularly avail their facilities is often challenging. It is because of the difference in timing, priorities, work culture, and administrative barriers. One way to deal with it is to have a co-guide from that facility/institution. Dissertation reviewers have noticed that students often select topics that become unmanageable during course of their study. It can lead to development of stress and uncertainty about findings at the time of analysis. It was found that institutional support in terms of guidance, access to other departments, and statistical guidance improved overall performance of students and led to timely submission of thesis for publication in journals.[ 12 ]

Avoid controversy

Getting into controversy during initial years of residency is bound to raise stress levels and may dissuade the worker from continuing the research work. Field of medicine is fast evolving on the wheels of technology. Moral and ethical boundaries are slowly getting blurred. Many a times, laws are not revised and many laws are land specific. Therefore, it is a sound practice to familiarize oneself with existing laws and to take care that they are not violated. Central Drug Standard and Control Organization is the regulatory authority responsible for clinical trial oversight, approval, and inspections in India. It functions under Director General of Health Servicesand part of Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. The information is available online on their website and it is updated regularly. It is a good idea to visit the website and familiarize oneself about the existing laws before undertaking any research work. The website also gives information about National Ethical Guidelines for biomedical and health research involving human participants. Similarly, informed consent needs to be spelt out quite clearly and should be devoid of incomplete information or concealment of vital health related information. It is now mandatory that all research proposals be vetted by institutional ethical committee prior to submission to the university.[ 13 - 15 ]

Conformation with national health policy

Young medical professionals can contribute immensely by their research designs and valuable inputs in ratifying existing health-related measures or to suggest further refinements. This concept must always be kept in mind while formulating any research designs. Researchers of today are planners for tomorrow and their work is reflection of their goal toward health of the nation. In a comprehensive report, it was found that merely 0.5% of the 4230 thesis citations were quoted in policy decision.[ 16 ] The figures may be even lower for this country. The figures are abysmal compared to the magnitude of the research undertaken in centers of higher learning. The success of National Iodine Deficiency Disorder Control Program in India owes credit to sound scientific inquiries beginning in 1956. Despite stiff opposition and cultural bias, the program gained strength and helped in significantly reducing burden of iodine deficiency disorders.[ 17 ] The findings led to significant policy change and legislation supporting sale of only iodized salt in the country.

Scope for publication

Any research work is considered futile if it does not reach the stage of publication in a reputed journal. A genuine research must eventually translate into a research article. It has become increasingly difficult to translate thesis into a scientific publication in an indexed journal due to stringent standards and peer review. In a retrospective analysis of 85 theses, it was found that the conversion rate to peer-reviewed publication was 32.5%. The most common reasons for not publishing were a lack of originality and poor design. The authors further encouraged publication of full length articles as it helped residents in long term.[ 18 ] Originality of research, sound methodology, and analysis of data besides cogency in manuscript writing have been defining factors that promote acceptance of an article in a reputed journal.[ 19 ] Lure of quick publishing in a predatory journal can be damaging in the long run. Young and inexperienced authors publishing in a predatory journal must be aware of the damage of their reputation, of inadequate peer-review processes and that these journals might get closed any time for variety of reasons. Such publishing harms the scientific community in the long run, and hence such an approach is best avoided.[ 20 ] It is prudent practice to check whether an intended journal is predatory or not from the https://predatoryjournals.com/journals/or Beall’s list (https://beallslist.net/). Similarly, increasing the score by “salami” publication is unethical and should be avoided.

Familiarization with research methodology

Imagine you are gifted a do-it-yourself kit to build a plane which can fly. It is meant for an age group of 18 years or more and should take 1 h to assemble. It has all the wheels, gears, levers, motors, wires, motherboard, etc., required to assemble it into a functioning plane. The kit also has a manual. How long should it take to assemble? 60 min? Now imagine trying to assemble without the manual. It may be extremely difficult if not impossible to assemble the plane and is surely bound to take much longer. Research methodology is exactly like a manual for research. A major confounding factor in medical research is student’s conceptual understanding and comfort level with research methodology.[ 21 ] Findings indicate that there were noticeable differences in perspectives regarding what constitutes research methodology and its utility at least during the first year of residency.[ 21 ] Familiarizing with basic research methods is now mandated for all the medical postgraduates before they submit their research proposals, and free certificate online courses are available on their website. Writing a thesis during MD/MS and DNB courses, without having a correct research methodology planning, is practically impossible. Some of the prominent causes of rejection of submitted manuscripts are poor methodology, small sample size, and poor statistical analysis.[ 22 ] Furthermore, postgraduate students choose research methodology based on a number of factors such as familiarity with a method, methodological orientation of the primary supervisor, the domain of study, and the nature of research problems pursued. Participants reported key challenges that they faced in understanding research methodology include framing research questions, understanding the theory or literature and its role in shaping research outcomes, and difficulties in performing data analysis.[ 23 ]

Motivation level of the researcher

Dr APJ Abdul Kalam, former president of India, quoted that “Dream is not that you see in sleep but it is something that doesn’t let you sleep.” No research work will reach its logical conclusion till the time a researcher has strong motivation to pursue it. Another factor that defines sustained interest in thesis topic is motivation. As described by David Langford, there exists a continuum from extrinsic to intrinsic motivation.[ 24 ] Extrinsic motivation basically refers to a situation wherein the students are ordered (to study). As we move along this continuum, the quality of learning improves consistently with the maturing of the relationship between teacher and student. The culmination of the relationship occurs when the teacher becomes an enabler while the student becomes an active self-learner (intrinsic motivation). The process involves a definitive element of mentorship. In traditional Indian context, Gurukul envisages a firm and enduring relationship between “Guru” (teacher) and “Shishya” (student). Vedas in ancient times were combined with prepared commentaries in the form of “Upanisads.” The term upanisad refers to “Sitting down near a teacher in order to learn.” Though many students have inherent intrinsic motivation, a dynamic “Guru” can really shape the “Shishya.” Though the concept is old, it still remains relevant in modern times because learning medical practice is both art and science and best habits are still passed on to the next generation by trained and experienced teachers.[ 25 ]


The authors of this article put their minds together to devise a questionnaire that can act as a checklist for the residents before they actually submit their draft proposal for submission [ Table 1 ]. The checklist contains 10 questions and the responses can be marked from strongly disagree to strongly agree on a five-point likert scale. The checklist can be self-administered and the responses will give an insight into the lacunae. The residents can gradually work on these lacunae so that they feel at ease during the fantastic journey of scientific research and publication.

Postgraduate thesis topic selection questionnaire

The tool is primarily designed to explore dilemmas faced while choosing topic of your research work.
Q1. How do you rate importance of thesis work during postgraduation?
Ans: a) Strongly disagree b) Disagree c) Neutral d) Agree e) Strongly agree
Q2. How much do you rate degree of your interest in the chosen topic of your research?
Ans: a) Strongly disagree b) Disagree c) Neutral d) Agree e) Strongly agree
Q3. Do you think that your research question probes an important scientific problem affecting the society as a whole?
Ans: a) Strongly disagree b) Disagree c) Neutral d) Agree e) Strongly agree
Q4. Do you think that your research question is backed by sufficient literature search?
Ans: a) Strongly disagree b) Disagree c) Neutral d) Agree e) Strongly agree
Q5. Do you feel that your research question will be able to generate a meaningful outcome?
Ans: a) Strongly disagree b) Disagree c) Neutral d) Agree e) Strongly agree
Q6. How confident are you that you will be able to complete your research within the available resources?
Ans: a) Strongly disagree b) Disagree c) Neutral d) Agree e) Strongly agree
Q7. How confident are you that your research question will be able to accommodate unexpected spin offs during the stipulated time of your research work?
Ans: a) Strongly disagree b) Disagree c) Neutral d) Agree e) Strongly agree
Q8. Have you catered sufficiently about ethical concerns before finalizing your research question?
Ans: a) Strongly disagree b) Disagree c) Neutral d) Agree e) Strongly agree
Q9. Have you sufficiently studied the methodological design of your research question?
Ans: a) Strongly disagree b) Disagree c) Neutral d) Agree e) Strongly agree
Q10. How confident are you that your research will translate into publication?
Ans: a) Strongly disagree b) Disagree c) Neutral d) Agree e) Strongly agree

Note: Rate your responses after regular intervals while preparing your research proposal and work on areas that feel difficult

Choosing thesis topic and submitting the protocols is an important milestone in the career of a postgraduate resident. However, its importance cannot be undermined from the fact that it is usually the first scientific pursuit of a medical graduate. Challenges and hurdles are expected but can be overcome with sustained and systematic effort. The authors of this article reviewed the literature concerning this topic and found some key areas which a resident must familiarize with before finalizing their research topic. The postgraduate thesis selection questionnaire can further act as a checklist to facilitate the process.

Financial support and sponsorship

Minds United for Health Sciences & Humanity Trust, IToP STEPS program grant.

Conflicts of interest

There are no conflicts of interest.


Minds United for Health Sciences & Humanity Trust, IToP STEPS program grant for financial support and motivation.

Accounting and Finance Thesis Topics

Academic Writing Service

This page provides a comprehensive list of accounting and finance thesis topics designed to assist students in selecting an impactful subject for their thesis. Whether you are pursuing undergraduate, graduate, or postgraduate studies, the diverse array of topics presented here covers a broad spectrum of specialties within the field of accounting and finance. From traditional areas like audit and taxation to emerging fields like fintech and behavioral finance, this collection aims to cater to a variety of research interests and academic requirements. Each category is meticulously curated to inspire innovative thinking and encourage a deeper exploration of both established and contemporary issues in the discipline.

600 Accounting and Finance Thesis Topics

Accounting and Finance Thesis Topics

Academic Writing, Editing, Proofreading, And Problem Solving Services

Get 10% off with 24start discount code, browse accounting and finance thesis topics:.

  • Accounting Thesis Topics
  • Audit Thesis Topics
  • Banking Thesis Topics
  • Behavioral Finance Thesis Topics
  • Capital Markets Thesis Topics
  • Corporate Finance Thesis Topics
  • Corporate Governance Thesis Topics
  • Finance Thesis Topics
  • Financial Economics Thesis Topics
  • Financial Management Thesis Topics
  • Fintech Thesis Topics
  • Insurance Thesis Topics
  • International Finance Thesis Topics
  • Investment Thesis Topics
  • Management Accounting Thesis Topics
  • Personal Finance Thesis Topics
  • Public Finance Thesis Topics
  • Quantitative Finance Thesis Topics
  • Risk Management Thesis Topics
  • Taxation Thesis Topics

1. Accounting Thesis Topics

  • The impact of artificial intelligence on financial reporting and compliance.
  • Blockchain technology in accounting: disrupting traditional processes.
  • The role of ethical leadership in promoting sustainable accounting practices.
  • Comparative analysis of global accounting standards post-IFRS adoption.
  • Cultural influences on multinational accounting practices.
  • The future of green accounting in corporate sustainability initiatives.
  • Digital currencies and their accounting implications within multinational corporations.
  • The efficacy of automated accounting systems in small to medium enterprises.
  • Forensic accounting as a tool against cyber financial fraud.
  • Tax strategy and accounting ethics in the digital age.
  • Non-profit accounting challenges in a post-pandemic world.
  • Gig economy impacts on financial reporting and tax obligations.
  • Continuous auditing in real-time financial data environments.
  • Ethical conflicts in accounting decisions: a case study analysis.
  • The integration of blockchain for transparency in financial auditing.
  • Strategic management accounting techniques in agile organizations.
  • Predictive analytics in accounting and its impact on business strategy.
  • Cost management innovations in healthcare accounting.
  • Regulatory impacts on financial disclosures and corporate accounting.
  • Innovative financial planning tools for startup sustainability.
  • The role of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria in financial decision-making.
  • Public sector accountability and accounting reforms.
  • Big data analytics in financial statement analysis.
  • Adapting accounting frameworks for emerging markets.
  • The dynamics of accounting professionalism and ethical standards.
  • Real-time financial reporting: challenges and advantages.
  • Mergers and acquisitions: accounting for corporate restructuring.
  • Artificial intelligence in audit operations: reshaping traditional frameworks.
  • Corporate sustainability reporting: critical analysis of current practices.
  • Tax evasion strategies and their impact on international accounting standards.

2. Audit Thesis Topics

  • The effectiveness of continuous auditing in detecting and preventing fraud.
  • Implementing a risk-based auditing framework in emerging markets.
  • Enhancing corporate governance with robust audit committee functions.
  • The comparative reliability of external audits versus internal controls.
  • The impact of the latest regulatory frameworks on auditing standards.
  • Ensuring auditor independence in a complex corporate milieu.
  • Blockchain applications in enhancing audit trail transparency.
  • Strategies for cybersecurity audits in financial institutions.
  • Cultural impacts on audit practices in global organizations.
  • The future of auditing: integrating real-time data analytics.
  • The relationship between audit quality and investment decisions.
  • Leveraging machine learning for enhanced audit precision.
  • Auditing ethics in the face of financial technology innovations.
  • The role of internal audits in reinforcing cybersecurity measures.
  • Auditing challenges in decentralized platforms using blockchain technology.
  • Comparative study of traditional and modern audit methodologies.
  • The impact of data privacy regulations on audit practices globally.
  • Developing effective audit strategies for cloud-based accounting systems.
  • The role of audits in enhancing business resilience during economic downturns.
  • Fraud detection techniques in an AI-driven audit environment.
  • The effectiveness of environmental auditing in promoting corporate sustainability.
  • Auditing for non-financial information: challenges and methodologies.
  • Enhancing the transparency of public sector audits to improve trust.
  • Implementing forensic auditing techniques in corporate fraud detection.
  • The evolution of auditing standards in response to global financial crises.
  • The role of technology in transforming audit documentation and reporting.
  • Impact of auditor-client relationships on audit quality.
  • Strategies for overcoming challenges in cross-border audit practices.
  • Auditing supply chain operations for financial integrity and sustainability.
  • The future of regulatory audits in a dynamically changing global market.

3. Banking Thesis Topics

  • The future of digital banking post-COVID-19.
  • Analyzing the impact of blockchain technology on international banking transactions.
  • The role of central banks in managing digital currency implementations.
  • Sustainable banking practices: integrating ESG factors into bank operations.
  • The evolution of consumer banking behavior influenced by mobile technologies.
  • Cybersecurity strategies in banking: preventing breaches in a digital age.
  • The effectiveness of monetary policy in digital banking ecosystems.
  • Banking regulations and their impact on global economic stability.
  • Fintech innovations and their integration into traditional banking systems.
  • The impact of banking deserts on rural economic development.
  • Artificial intelligence in banking: reshaping customer service and risk management.
  • The role of ethical banking in promoting financial inclusion.
  • Impact of Brexit on UK banking: challenges and opportunities.
  • Stress testing in banks: approaches and implications for financial stability.
  • Consumer data protection in online banking: challenges and solutions.
  • The influence of microfinancing on developing economies.
  • The impact of interest rate changes on banking profitability.
  • Role of banking in supporting sustainable energy financing.
  • Technological disruptions in banking: a threat or an opportunity?
  • The effect of global banking regulations on emerging market economies.
  • Strategies for managing credit risk in post-pandemic recovery phases.
  • The growing role of Islamic banking in the global finance sector.
  • The impact of non-traditional banking platforms on financial services.
  • Data analytics in banking: enhancing decision-making processes.
  • Cross-border banking challenges in a globalized economy.
  • The future of branchless banking: implications for customer engagement.
  • Banking transparency and its effects on consumer trust.
  • The role of banks in facilitating international trade.
  • Innovations in mortgage banking and their impact on housing markets.
  • The effects of banking consolidation on competition and service delivery.

4. Behavioral Finance Thesis Topics

  • The psychological effects of financial losses on investment behavior.
  • Behavioral biases in financial decision-making: a case study of stock market investors.
  • The impact of social media on investor behavior and market outcomes.
  • Cognitive dissonance and its effect on personal financial planning.
  • The role of emotional intelligence in financial trading success.
  • Exploring the herding behavior in cryptocurrency markets.
  • Behavioral finance strategies to mitigate impulse spending.
  • The influence of cultural factors on investment decisions.
  • Psychological factors driving risk tolerance among millennials.
  • The effect of behavioral finance education on individual investment choices.
  • Overconfidence and trading: an analysis of its impact on stock returns.
  • Decision-making processes under financial stress: a behavioral perspective.
  • The role of behavioral factors in the success of financial advisement.
  • The impact of behavioral insights on retirement savings plans.
  • Anchoring bias in financial forecasting and market predictions.
  • The role of optimism and pessimism in financial markets.
  • Behavioral finance and its role in shaping sustainable investing.
  • Understanding the gap between perceived and actual financial knowledge.
  • Behavioral interventions to improve financial literacy.
  • The influence of personality traits on financial decision-making.
  • Behavioral economics: redesigning financial products for better decision outcomes.
  • The effectiveness of nudge theory in personal finance management.
  • The impact of financial anxiety on decision-making efficiency.
  • The behavioral aspects of financial negotiation.
  • Market sentiment analysis: behavioral finance in algorithmic trading.
  • The psychological impact of financial news on market movements.
  • Behavioral finance insights into crowd-funding behaviors.
  • Ethical considerations in behavioral finance research.
  • The influence of age and life stage on financial risk-taking.
  • Behavioral finance in corporate decision-making: case studies of strategic financial planning.

5. Capital Markets Thesis Topics

  • The future trajectory of global capital markets in the post-pandemic era.
  • Impact of quantitative easing on emerging market economies.
  • The role of technology in enhancing liquidity in capital markets.
  • Analysis of market efficiency in different economic cycles.
  • The effects of political instability on capital market performance.
  • Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) criteria and their impact on capital market trends.
  • Cryptocurrency as an emerging asset class in capital markets.
  • The role of sovereign wealth funds in global capital markets.
  • Algorithmic trading and its influence on market dynamics.
  • The impact of international sanctions on capital markets.
  • High-frequency trading: market benefits and systemic risks.
  • The role of capital markets in financing green energy initiatives.
  • Impact of fintech on traditional capital market structures.
  • Corporate bond markets and their responsiveness to economic changes.
  • The influence of central bank policies on capital market stability.
  • Market anomalies and behavioral economics: exploring the deviations from market efficiency.
  • The role of investor sentiment in capital market fluctuations.
  • Crowdfunding as an alternative financing mechanism in capital markets.
  • Regulatory challenges facing capital markets in developing countries.
  • The future of securitization post-global financial crisis.
  • Derivatives markets and their role in risk management.
  • The impact of technology IPOs on market perceptions.
  • Venture capital and its influence on market innovation.
  • Corporate governance and its effect on equity prices.
  • The role of market makers in maintaining market stability.
  • Ethical investing and its traction in the capital market.
  • The impact of demographic shifts on investment trends.
  • The interplay between macroeconomic policies and capital market growth.
  • Leveraging machine learning for capital market predictions.
  • The role of media in shaping public perceptions of capital markets.

6. Corporate Finance Thesis Topics

  • The impact of global economic shifts on corporate financing strategies.
  • Analyzing the role of corporate finance in driving sustainable business practices.
  • The influence of digital transformation on corporate financial management.
  • Risk management in corporate finance during uncertain economic times.
  • The effects of corporate financial restructuring on shareholder value.
  • Financing innovation: How corporations fund new technology investments.
  • The role of private equity in corporate finance.
  • Strategies for managing corporate debt in a fluctuating interest rate environment.
  • Impact of mergers and acquisitions on corporate financial health.
  • ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) factors in corporate finance decisions.
  • The future of corporate finance in the era of blockchain and cryptocurrencies.
  • The role of financial analytics in optimizing corporate investment decisions.
  • Corporate finance challenges in emerging markets.
  • Venture capital and its impact on corporate growth.
  • Corporate financial transparency and its effect on investor relations.
  • The role of CFOs in navigating new global tax laws.
  • Financial technology innovations and their implications for corporate finance.
  • The impact of international trade agreements on corporate financing.
  • Corporate finance strategies in the healthcare sector.
  • The influence of shareholder activism on corporate financial policies.
  • The future of corporate banking relationships.
  • Capital allocation decisions in multinational corporations.
  • The role of artificial intelligence in financial forecasting and budgeting.
  • The impact of demographic changes on corporate finance strategies.
  • Managing financial risks associated with climate change.
  • The role of corporate finance in business model innovation.
  • Financing strategies for startups versus established firms.
  • The effect of corporate culture on financial decision-making.
  • Corporate governance and its influence on financial risk management.
  • The evolving landscape of securities regulations and its impact on corporate finance.

7. Corporate Governance Thesis Topics

  • The impact of governance structures on corporate sustainability and responsibility.
  • Board diversity and its effect on corporate decision-making processes.
  • Corporate governance mechanisms to combat corruption and enhance transparency.
  • The role of stakeholder engagement in shaping governance practices.
  • Analyzing the effectiveness of corporate governance codes across different jurisdictions.
  • The influence of technology on corporate governance practices.
  • Governance challenges in family-owned businesses.
  • The impact of corporate governance on firm performance during economic crises.
  • Shareholder rights and their enforcement in emerging market economies.
  • The future of corporate governance in the digital economy.
  • The role of ethics in corporate governance.
  • Corporate governance and risk management: interlinkages and impacts.
  • The effects of regulatory changes on corporate governance standards.
  • ESG integration in corporate governance.
  • The role of internal audits in strengthening corporate governance.
  • Corporate governance in non-profit organizations.
  • The influence of activist investors on corporate governance reforms.
  • The effectiveness of whistleblower policies in corporate governance.
  • Cybersecurity governance in large corporations.
  • Succession planning and governance in large enterprises.
  • The impact of international governance standards on local practices.
  • The role of governance in preventing financial fraud.
  • Corporate governance in the fintech industry.
  • The relationship between corporate governance and corporate social responsibility.
  • The impact of global economic policies on corporate governance.
  • Data privacy and security: Governance challenges in the information era.
  • The role of governance in managing corporate crises.
  • The impact of leadership styles on corporate governance effectiveness.
  • Corporate governance and its role in enhancing business competitiveness.
  • The evolving role of board committees in strategic decision-making.

8. Finance Thesis Topics

  • Financial implications of global climate change initiatives.
  • The future of financial markets in the face of geopolitical uncertainties.
  • The impact of microfinance on poverty alleviation in developing countries.
  • Cryptocurrency: emerging financial technology and its regulatory challenges.
  • The role of financial institutions in fostering economic resilience.
  • Innovations in financial products for an aging global population.
  • The impact of digital wallets on traditional banking systems.
  • Financial literacy and its role in promoting socio-economic equality.
  • The effect of fintech on the global remittance landscape.
  • Risk management strategies in finance post-global financial crisis.
  • The influence of behavioral finance on investment strategies.
  • The evolving role of central banks in digital currency markets.
  • Financing sustainable urban development.
  • The impact of artificial intelligence on personal finance management.
  • Peer-to-peer lending and its effect on traditional credit markets.
  • The role of finance in facilitating international trade and development.
  • The implications of Brexit on European financial markets.
  • Financial derivatives and their role in modern economies.
  • The effects of sanctions on financial transactions and economic stability.
  • The future of investment banking in a technology-driven world.
  • Financial models for predicting economic downturns.
  • The impact of financial education on consumer behavior.
  • Securitization of assets: benefits and risks.
  • The role of financial services in disaster recovery and resilience.
  • Emerging trends in global investment patterns.
  • Financial strategies for managing corporate mergers and acquisitions.
  • The influence of cultural factors on financial systems and practices.
  • The effectiveness of financial sanctions as a geopolitical tool.
  • The future of financial privacy in an interconnected world.
  • The role of finance in promoting renewable energy investments.

9. Financial Economics Thesis Topics

  • The economic impact of quantitative easing in developed versus emerging markets.
  • The implications of negative interest rates for global economies.
  • Economic predictors of financial market behavior in crisis periods.
  • The relationship between government debt and economic growth.
  • Economic consequences of income inequality on national financial stability.
  • The effects of consumer confidence on economic recovery.
  • The role of economic policy in shaping housing market dynamics.
  • The impact of global trade wars on financial economics.
  • The influence of demographic shifts on economic policy and financial markets.
  • Macroeconomic factors influencing cryptocurrency adoption.
  • The role of economic theory in developing financial regulation.
  • The impact of tourism economics on national financial health.
  • Economic strategies for combating hyperinflation.
  • The role of sovereign wealth funds in global economic stability.
  • Economic analyses of environmental and resource economics.
  • The implications of fintech on traditional economic models.
  • Economic impacts of global pandemic responses by governments.
  • The future of labor markets in a digitally transforming economy.
  • Economic considerations in renewable energy finance.
  • The economics of privacy and data security in financial transactions.
  • The role of international economic organizations in financial regulation.
  • Economic effects of technological innovation on traditional industries.
  • The impact of economic sanctions on international relations and finance.
  • The role of consumer spending in economic recovery phases.
  • Economic policies for addressing wealth gaps.
  • The economic impact of climate change on financial sectors.
  • The role of economic research in crafting sustainable development goals.
  • The economics of health and its impact on national economies.
  • Global economic trends and their implications for financial forecasting.
  • The relationship between educational economics and workforce development.

10. Financial Management Thesis Topics

  • The strategic role of financial management in corporate sustainability.
  • Impact of global financial regulations on corporate financial management.
  • Financial management techniques for optimizing supply chain operations.
  • The role of financial management in crisis recovery and resilience.
  • Emerging technologies in financial management systems.
  • The impact of corporate social responsibility on financial management strategies.
  • Financial planning for long-term business growth in volatile markets.
  • The influence of global economic conditions on financial management practices.
  • Financial management challenges in the nonprofit sector.
  • The role of financial management in mergers and acquisitions.
  • The impact of digital currencies on corporate financial management.
  • Financial risk management strategies in an era of global uncertainty.
  • The role of financial management in enhancing operational efficiency.
  • Financial management best practices in the tech industry.
  • The impact of consumer behavior trends on financial management.
  • Financial management in the healthcare sector: Challenges and strategies.
  • The influence of artificial intelligence on financial decision-making processes.
  • Financial management strategies for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).
  • The role of financial management in international expansion.
  • Ethical considerations in financial management practices.
  • Financial management in the energy sector: challenges and innovations.
  • Financial strategies for managing environmental risks.
  • The role of financial management in startup success and sustainability.
  • The impact of financial transparency on corporate governance.
  • Financial management and investor relations: integrating strategic communication.
  • The role of financial management in educational institutions.
  • Managing financial instability in emerging markets.
  • Financial management practices in the gig economy.
  • The role of financial managers in driving business model innovations.
  • Financial management tools for effective capital allocation.

11. Fintech Thesis Topics

  • The impact of blockchain on global payment systems.
  • Regulation challenges for fintech innovations: A cross-country analysis.
  • The role of fintech in democratizing access to financial services.
  • Machine learning and artificial intelligence in predictive financial modeling.
  • The evolution of peer-to-peer lending platforms and their impact on traditional banking.
  • Cryptocurrency adoption: consumer behavior and market dynamics.
  • The future of robo-advisors in personal finance management.
  • The impact of mobile banking on financial inclusion in developing countries.
  • Fintech solutions for microfinance: scalability and sustainability issues.
  • Data privacy and security challenges in fintech applications.
  • The role of fintech in enhancing cybersecurity in financial transactions.
  • The impact of fintech on traditional banking employment.
  • Regulatory technology (RegTech) for compliance management: trends and challenges.
  • Fintech and its role in combating financial crime and money laundering.
  • The influence of fintech on the insurance industry: insurtech innovations.
  • Fintech investments: market trends and future prospects.
  • The role of big data analytics in fintech.
  • Digital wallets and the future of consumer spending behavior.
  • Impact of fintech on wealth management and investment strategies.
  • Challenges and opportunities of implementing distributed ledger technology in financial services.
  • Consumer trust and fintech: building relationships in a digital age.
  • The evolution of payment gateways: fintech at the forefront.
  • Fintech’s impact on cross-border payments and remittances.
  • The role of fintech in the development of smart contracts.
  • The influence of fintech on financial market transparency.
  • Fintech as a driver for financial sector innovation in emerging markets.
  • The impact of artificial intelligence on risk assessment in fintech.
  • Fintech and financial stability: an analysis of systemic risks.
  • The role of fintech in streamlining government and public sector finance.
  • Ethical considerations in fintech: balancing innovation with consumer protection.

12. Insurance Thesis Topics

  • The future of insurance in the age of climate change.
  • The impact of artificial intelligence on underwriting and risk management.
  • Cyber risk insurance: emerging challenges and opportunities.
  • The role of insurance in managing public health crises.
  • Innovations in health insurance: technology-driven approaches to coverage.
  • The evolution of automotive insurance in the era of autonomous vehicles.
  • Insurance fraud detection using big data analytics.
  • Regulatory challenges in the global insurance market.
  • The influence of behavioral economics on insurance product design.
  • The role of reinsurance in stabilizing insurance markets.
  • Insurance and financial inclusion: strategies for reaching underserved communities.
  • The impact of technological advancements on insurance pricing models.
  • The role of insurance in disaster risk reduction and management.
  • Customer data management in the insurance industry: privacy versus personalization.
  • The future of life insurance: adapting to demographic shifts.
  • The integration of IoT devices in home insurance policies.
  • Blockchain applications in the insurance industry.
  • The impact of social media on insurance marketing and customer engagement.
  • Insurance as a tool for sustainable business practices.
  • The role of insurance companies in promoting corporate social responsibility.
  • The challenges of health insurance in a post-pandemic world.
  • Emerging risks and insurance: addressing the needs of the gig economy.
  • The role of insurance in mitigating financial risks associated with sports and entertainment.
  • Ethical challenges in insurance: discrimination in risk assessment.
  • The impact of global political instability on the insurance sector.
  • Insurance products tailored for the elderly: opportunities and challenges.
  • The role of insurance in fostering innovation in the construction industry.
  • Insurance and climate resilience: protecting vulnerable communities.
  • The evolving landscape of travel insurance amid global uncertainties.
  • The role of insurance in the transition to renewable energy sources.

13. International Finance Thesis Topics

  • The impact of currency fluctuations on international trade.
  • Strategies for managing foreign exchange risk in multinational corporations.
  • The effects of global economic sanctions on financial markets.
  • The role of international financial institutions in economic development.
  • Cross-border mergers and acquisitions: challenges and opportunities.
  • The influence of geopolitical tensions on global financial stability.
  • International tax planning and its implications for global investment.
  • The future of international financial regulation in a post-Brexit Europe.
  • The impact of emerging markets on global finance.
  • Foreign direct investment trends and their economic impacts.
  • The role of sovereign wealth funds in international finance.
  • The challenges of implementing international accounting standards.
  • The impact of international remittances on developing economies.
  • The role of digital currencies in reshaping international finance.
  • The effects of protectionist trade policies on global finance.
  • International financial market trends and their implications for investors.
  • The role of expatriate remittances in national economic stability.
  • The impact of international trade agreements on financial services.
  • Global risk management strategies in the finance sector.
  • The role of green finance in promoting sustainable development.
  • The impact of international environmental policies on financial strategies.
  • The future of global banking in the context of rising nationalism.
  • The role of international finance in disaster recovery and resilience.
  • The influence of international finance on poverty reduction strategies.
  • Strategies for financing international healthcare initiatives.
  • The evolving role of Islamic finance in the global market.
  • The impact of fintech on international banking and finance.
  • Challenges in financing international infrastructure projects.
  • The role of international finance in climate change mitigation.
  • Ethical considerations in international finance: fostering global financial integrity.

14. Investment Thesis Topics

  • The role of ESG criteria in investment decision-making.
  • The impact of technological innovation on investment strategies.
  • Market reaction to unexpected global events and its effect on investment portfolios.
  • Behavioral biases in investment: a study of market anomalies.
  • The future of real estate investment in a fluctuating economic landscape.
  • The role of quantitative analysis in portfolio management.
  • The impact of demographic changes on investment trends.
  • Strategies for sustainable and responsible investing.
  • The influence of regulatory changes on investment strategies.
  • The role of artificial intelligence in enhancing investment decisions.
  • Cryptocurrency investment: risks and opportunities.
  • The impact of global trade tensions on investment strategies.
  • Investment strategies for low interest rate environments.
  • The role of crowdfunding in the investment landscape.
  • The impact of social media on investor sentiment and stock prices.
  • The effectiveness of passive versus active investment strategies.
  • The role of venture capital in driving technological innovation.
  • The future of bond markets in a changing economic context.
  • The role of international investments in diversifying portfolios.
  • Impact of inflation expectations on investment decisions.
  • The evolving landscape of commodity investments.
  • Investment opportunities in emerging markets.
  • The impact of fiscal policy changes on investment strategies.
  • The role of hedge funds in the current financial market.
  • The influence of central bank policies on investment strategies.
  • The role of pension funds in the global investment market.
  • Ethical investing: balancing profit and principles.
  • The future of investments in renewable energy.
  • The impact of political stability on foreign investments.
  • The role of technology in asset management and valuation.

15. Management Accounting Thesis Topics

  • The role of management accounting in strategic decision-making.
  • Cost management strategies in the era of global supply chain disruptions.
  • The impact of digital transformation on management accounting practices.
  • The role of management accounting in environmental sustainability.
  • Performance measurement and management in diverse organizational settings.
  • Risk management strategies in management accounting.
  • The evolving role of management accountants in corporate governance.
  • The impact of regulatory changes on management accounting.
  • The role of management accounting in healthcare cost containment.
  • The influence of management accounting on operational efficiency.
  • Management accounting practices in nonprofit organizations.
  • The role of cost analysis in pricing strategies.
  • The impact of technological advancements on budgeting and forecasting.
  • The effectiveness of management accounting tools in project management.
  • The role of management accounting in mergers and acquisitions.
  • The impact of cultural differences on management accounting systems.
  • The role of management accounting in enhancing business resilience.
  • The influence of management accounting on business model innovation.
  • Management accounting in the digital economy: challenges and opportunities.
  • Strategic cost management for competitive advantage.
  • The role of management accounting in supply chain optimization.
  • The future of management accounting in the context of AI and automation.
  • The impact of financial technology on management accounting.
  • The role of management accounting in crisis management and recovery.
  • Performance metrics and their impact on organizational success.
  • The role of management accounting in supporting sustainable practices.
  • The impact of global economic conditions on management accounting.
  • The role of predictive analytics in management accounting.
  • The effectiveness of internal controls in management accounting.
  • The role of management accounting in international business expansion.

16. Personal Finance Thesis Topics

  • The impact of financial technology on personal savings strategies.
  • Behavioral insights into personal debt management.
  • The role of personal finance education in shaping financial literacy.
  • The influence of economic downturns on personal investment choices.
  • Retirement planning: trends and strategies in the current economic climate.
  • The effectiveness of digital tools in personal budgeting and financial planning.
  • Analyzing the gender gap in personal finance management.
  • The impact of cultural factors on personal saving and spending habits.
  • Personal finance challenges for the gig economy workers.
  • The role of personal finance in achieving long-term financial security.
  • Cryptocurrency as a personal investment: risks and rewards.
  • The impact of peer-to-peer lending platforms on personal finance.
  • The influence of social media on personal financial decisions.
  • Ethical considerations in personal financial advice.
  • The evolution of consumer credit markets and its impact on personal finance.
  • Strategies for managing personal financial risk.
  • The role of emergency funds in personal financial planning.
  • The impact of student loans on financial planning for millennials.
  • Personal finance strategies for different life stages.
  • The effect of inflation on personal savings and investment strategies.
  • The future of personal finance in the age of AI and automation.
  • The role of insurance in personal financial planning.
  • The impact of tax laws changes on personal finance strategies.
  • The psychology of spending: understanding consumer behavior.
  • Personal financial planning for expatriates: strategies and challenges.
  • The role of estate planning in personal finance.
  • Impact of healthcare costs on personal financial stability.
  • The role of financial advisors in the era of self-directed financial planning.
  • Financial planning for sustainable living: integrating environmental considerations.
  • The challenges and opportunities in personal wealth building.

17. Public Finance Thesis Topics

  • The role of public finance in addressing income inequality.
  • Fiscal policies for sustainable economic growth.
  • The impact of taxation on small businesses.
  • Public finance management in times of economic crisis.
  • The role of government spending in stimulating economic development.
  • Strategies for managing national debt.
  • The effectiveness of public welfare programs.
  • The challenges of healthcare financing in public sectors.
  • The impact of international aid on public finance.
  • Public finance strategies for environmental conservation.
  • The role of public finance in urban development.
  • Tax evasion and its implications for public finance.
  • The impact of public finance on education quality and access.
  • Financing public infrastructure: challenges and solutions.
  • The role of public finance in disaster management.
  • The effectiveness of fiscal decentralization.
  • Public finance reforms and their impact on service delivery.
  • The challenges of pension financing in the public sector.
  • The impact of political stability on public financial management.
  • Public-private partnerships: financial implications and models.
  • The role of transparency in public finance.
  • The impact of corruption on public financial management.
  • Financing renewable energy projects through public funds.
  • The role of public finance in health care reform.
  • The effectiveness of government subsidies in promoting economic sectors.
  • The challenges of financing sustainable transportation systems.
  • The impact of demographic changes on public finance.
  • The role of digital technologies in improving public finance management.
  • The global trends in public finance and their implications for domestic policy.
  • The impact of climate change on public financial strategies.

18. Quantitative Finance Thesis Topics

  • The application of machine learning algorithms in predicting stock market trends.
  • The role of quantitative methods in risk management.
  • Developing advanced models for credit risk assessment.
  • The impact of high-frequency trading on market stability.
  • The use of big data analytics in portfolio management.
  • Quantitative approaches to asset pricing in volatile markets.
  • The effectiveness of quantitative strategies in hedge funds.
  • The role of algorithmic trading in enhancing market efficiency.
  • Quantitative models for predicting bond market movements.
  • The impact of quantitative finance on regulatory compliance.
  • The application of blockchain technology in quantitative finance.
  • The challenges of quantitative finance in cryptocurrency markets.
  • The integration of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors in quantitative analysis.
  • The role of quantitative finance in private equity valuations.
  • Developing quantitative approaches for derivatives pricing.
  • The impact of quantitative finance techniques on financial advising.
  • Quantitative methods for assessing market liquidity.
  • The role of sentiment analysis in quantitative finance.
  • Quantitative trading strategies for commodities markets.
  • The application of game theory in financial strategy.
  • Quantitative finance and its role in insurance underwriting.
  • The impact of geopolitical events on quantitative financial models.
  • The use of quantitative finance in forecasting economic downturns.
  • Machine learning models for real estate investment analysis.
  • Quantitative finance techniques in sports betting markets.
  • The impact of artificial intelligence on financial market predictions.
  • Quantitative methods for managing currency exchange risks.
  • The role of quantitative finance in managing pension fund assets.
  • The effectiveness of quantitative models in emerging financial markets.
  • The future of quantitative finance in a globally interconnected economy.

19. Risk Management Thesis Topics

  • The role of risk management in enhancing corporate resilience.
  • Cybersecurity risks in financial institutions: management strategies.
  • The impact of climate change on risk management in insurance.
  • Risk management techniques in the fintech sector.
  • The effectiveness of enterprise risk management (ERM) frameworks.
  • Risk management in global supply chains.
  • The role of risk management in sustainable business practices.
  • Financial risks associated with political instability.
  • The challenges of operational risk management in complex organizations.
  • Risk management strategies for digital transformation projects.
  • The impact of regulatory changes on risk management practices.
  • Risk assessment techniques for investment in volatile markets.
  • The role of data analytics in risk identification and mitigation.
  • Risk management considerations in mergers and acquisitions.
  • The impact of reputation risk on corporate strategy.
  • Risk management in the healthcare industry.
  • The challenges of risk management in the energy sector.
  • The role of risk management in nonprofit organizations.
  • Implementing risk management in public sector entities.
  • The future of risk management in the context of AI advancements.
  • Credit risk management in banking post-global financial crisis.
  • Risk management strategies for emerging technologies.
  • The role of psychological factors in risk management decision-making.
  • Legal risks in international business operations.
  • The impact of cultural differences on risk management strategies.
  • Environmental risk management and corporate responsibility.
  • Risk management techniques for protecting intellectual property.
  • The role of insurance in comprehensive risk management.
  • The challenges of liquidity risk management in financial markets.
  • The future of risk management education and training.

20. Taxation Thesis Topics

  • The impact of digital economy on global taxation frameworks.
  • Tax policy as a tool for economic recovery post-pandemic.
  • The effectiveness of tax incentives in promoting renewable energy investments.
  • The role of taxation in addressing wealth inequality.
  • International tax competition and its implications for global economic stability.
  • The challenges of implementing value-added tax (VAT) in developing countries.
  • Tax evasion and its impact on national economies.
  • The role of tax policy in encouraging corporate social responsibility.
  • The impact of tax reforms on small and medium-sized enterprises.
  • Comparative analysis of progressive versus flat tax systems.
  • The effectiveness of digital services taxes in the global economy.
  • The role of taxation in sustainable development goals.
  • Taxation strategies for digital currencies and blockchain transactions.
  • The impact of tax policies on consumer behavior.
  • The role of taxation in healthcare financing.
  • Tax compliance challenges in the gig economy.
  • The implications of tax havens on international relations.
  • The role of automated systems in improving tax collection efficiency.
  • Taxation and its impact on foreign direct investment flows.
  • The future of estate taxes and their role in wealth distribution.
  • Taxation of e-commerce transactions.
  • The impact of international tax treaties on cross-border investments.
  • The role of taxation in the informal economy.
  • The challenges of carbon taxes in combating climate change.
  • The role of tax audits in enhancing fiscal transparency.
  • The impact of tax policies on retirement planning.
  • Taxation challenges in the pharmaceutical industry.
  • The role of taxation in funding public education.
  • The impact of taxation on agricultural development.
  • The future of consumption taxes in an increasingly digital world.

This comprehensive list of accounting and finance thesis topics has been curated to reflect the latest challenges and emerging trends within the field. Whether you are exploring traditional areas like taxation and corporate finance or delving into the evolving realms of fintech and international finance, these topics are designed to provide a robust foundation for your thesis research. Each category is intended to spark innovative thinking and encourage a deep exploration of issues that are pivotal to the current and future landscape of accounting and finance. By selecting a topic from this extensive collection, students can ensure their research is relevant, timely, and contributes meaningfully to their academic and professional growth in the field of accounting and finance.

The Range of Accounting and Finance Thesis Topics

Accounting and finance stand as critical pillars in the modern economic and corporate world, guiding everything from daily business operations to global financial strategies. The study of these disciplines is not just about learning to balance books or manage corporate assets; it’s about understanding the forces that drive economic activities and shape financial landscapes. Research in accounting and finance is paramount as it provides the empirical evidence needed to develop robust financial models, innovative management practices, and effective regulatory policies. The relevance of accounting and finance thesis topics is thus foundational to nurturing informed, adept professionals capable of navigating the complexities of financial markets and addressing the challenges of economic flux.

Current Issues in Accounting and Finance

  • Globalization and Regulatory Complexity : As businesses operate across borders, the complexity of regulatory compliance increases. Researchers are tasked with exploring the implications of global regulatory frameworks and their synchronization, or lack thereof, which affects multinational corporations and global financial stability.
  • Technological Disruptions : The rapid integration of technologies such as blockchain, AI, and machine learning in financial operations presents both opportunities and challenges. Studies focus on their impacts on financial privacy, security, and new types of financial crime, as well as their potential to improve efficiency and transparency.
  • Ethical and Sustainability Challenges : With rising concerns over corporate responsibility and sustainable development, research is increasingly focusing on how financial practices can be aligned with ethical standards and sustainability goals. This includes studies on green financing, ethical investing, and the financial implications of corporate sustainability initiatives.

Recent Trends in Accounting and Finance

  • Automation and Data Analytics : The adoption of advanced data analytics and automation tools is transforming traditional accounting tasks. Research topics explore the impact of these technologies on workflow efficiencies, data accuracy, and strategic decision-making within financial departments.
  • Sustainable Finance : As the demand for environmentally and socially responsible investment options grows, there is an increasing focus on how financial markets can support ESG principles. Researchers examine the integration of sustainability into financial analysis and decision-making processes.
  • Fintech Innovations : The emergence of fintech and its components like mobile payments, peer-to-peer lending, and cryptocurrencies are reshaping the financial services industry. Theses may focus on the regulatory challenges, market dynamics, and consumer behavior influenced by these innovations.

Future Directions in Accounting and Finance

  • Digital Transformation : Future research will likely delve deeper into the consequences and potentials of continued digital transformation in finance, such as the widespread adoption of internet of things (IoT) technologies and further advancements in AI for automated trading and personal finance management.
  • Predictive Finance and AI : With AI’s increasing capability to predict financial outcomes, future topics could include the development of AI-driven models for credit scoring, risk management, and investment strategies, emphasizing their accuracy, ethical considerations, and regulatory needs.
  • Sustainability and Finance : An emerging research frontier is the intersection of finance with global sustainability challenges. Potential topics include the financing of climate change initiatives, the role of financial institutions in promoting sustainable practices, and the creation of innovative financial products that support sustainable economic growth.

The breadth of accounting and finance thesis topics is indicative of the field’s extensive scope and its significant impact on societal and economic frameworks. Continued research is essential for advancing theoretical foundations and developing practical applications that address both current challenges and future opportunities. This ongoing academic inquiry is crucial for fostering a financial landscape that is not only robust and dynamic but also ethical and sustainable, ensuring that the field of accounting and finance remains at the forefront of economic innovation and societal advancement.

iResearchNet’s Thesis Writing Services

At iResearchNet, we understand the unique challenges and pressures that come with academic thesis writing. Our custom thesis writing services are designed to be a valuable resource for students who are striving for excellence in their academic endeavors. Whether you are tackling complex accounting and finance thesis topics or any other subject, our expert team is here to support you every step of the way, ensuring that your academic journey is smooth and successful.

  • Expert Degree-Holding Writers : Our team consists of highly qualified writers who hold advanced degrees in their respective fields. They bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to each project, ensuring that your thesis is handled with expert care.
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  • In-depth Research : We commit to conducting thorough and comprehensive research for every thesis, utilizing a wide range of credible sources to enrich your work with valuable insights and robust data.
  • Custom Formatting (APA, MLA, Chicago/Turabian, Harvard) : Formatting is key in academic writing, and our writers are proficient in all major formatting styles. Whatever your formatting needs, we ensure that your thesis meets the strictest academic standards.
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HRM Dissertation Topics

Published by Carmen Troy at January 6th, 2023 , Revised On April 16, 2024


Human resource management studies stated that employees should be hired, retained and managed. It is an extensive field that requires an in-depth understanding of the underlying factors and concepts.

As a human resource management student, you will study many different concepts, frameworks, and theories related to employee management. However, before your graduation, you will be required to submit a dissertation on a human resource management research topic of your choice.

Even though several topics and concepts are yet to explore in the field of human resource management, you will want to make sure that your proposed topic has sufficient literature to support and justify the content of a theoretical framework , or else you might struggle with data collection .

This article provides you with a comprehensive list of HRM topics that are relevant to your field and identifies some interesting literature gaps.

Choosing from our list of topics will certainly improve your chances of submitting an outstanding dissertation. So, go ahead and choose an HRM dissertation topic of your interest. We can even customize these topics based on your project needs.

PhD qualified writers of our team have developed the proposed topics, so you can trust to use these topics for drafting your dissertation.

Note –

You may also want to start your dissertation by requesting  a brief research proposal  from our writers on any of these topics, which includes an  introduction  to the topic,  research question ,  aim and objectives ,  literature review  along with the proposed  methodology  of research to be conducted.  Let us know  if you need any help in getting started.

Check our  dissertation examples  to get an idea of  how to structure your dissertation .

Review the full list of  dissertation topics for here.

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2024 HRM Dissertation Topics

Topic 1: how human resources departments achieve equal employment opportunities.

Research Aim: The research will aim to investigate how HR departments achieve equal employment opportunity in organizations. EEO, or Equal Employment Opportunity, is the notion everybody has an equal chance to pursue a job on the basis of merit, regardless of skin color, gender, or gender identity. It is the duty of HR department to give every employee and equal right in the organization. The research will examine how HR department keep the organization environment friendly by controlling equal employment opportunities.

Topic 2: The effect of motivating strategies on employee performance

Research Aim: The research will aim to find the impact of motivating strategies on employee performance. Employee motivation plays a huge part on performance. Employee engagement cannot be substituted by anything else in order for any organisation to run efficiently and without interruption. It is critical that a company and its employees not only have a strong connection with the top management, but also have a good and healthy relationship with their colleagues. The study will also make recommendations on what further might be done to obtain optimal results utilising motivating methods for the benefit of both the company and the individual.

Topic 3: Organizational Conflicts as Antecedents of Staff Turnover: Evidence from the UK Food Sector

Research Aim: The research will aim to review recent available literature on employee turnover in order to determine organizational conflicts as antecedents of employee turnover in the UK food sector in order to close gaps in the literature and present a broader range of turnover factors and understanding of employee motivational factors in their job decision.

Topic 4: How does AI involvement in HRM provide Zara with a competitive advantage?

Research Aim: The research will aim to inspect the benefit of competitive advantage at Zara through the involvement of artificial intelligence in their HRM. AI assists the human resources department in identifying their personnel’ skill sets and recommending a training programme based on their work positions. It combines all of the data and assists the HR staff in making succinct decisions about what training to do in which sector to boost abilities. The study will also explain the importance of AI in organizations and organizations success. It will also look into strategies and policies Zara used to achieve competitive advantage.

Topic 5: The role of HR in creating a respected working environment that contributes in sustainable revenue growth

Research Aim: The research aims to examine the role of HR in creating a respected working environment and sustainable revenue growth. The study will identify current misunderstandings and disparities in understanding of topics such as sustainable development, corporate social responsibility, and the link between strategic human resource management and sustainable HRM through a comprehensive literature review. It will also identify and recognise the challenges that sustainable HRM encounters in reality, with a particular emphasis on the prevalent strategic HRM schema and the misunderstanding of corporate social responsibility.

Covid-19 HRM Research Topics

The role of managers during the pandemic.

Research Aim: In this study, the Human resource management techniques which HR managers will adopt for performing their operations during the COVID -19 will be discussed.

The management techniques for employees.

Research Aim: This study will focus on how the employees are trained during the Coronavirus pandemic.

The economic Crisis for HR Managers during Covid-19

Research Aim: This study will discuss how the economic crisis will disturb the payroll and how the managers will work.

The policies of HR for affected employees.

Research Aim: In this study, HR will design policies on how HR will manage when there is a gap between employees working. How will the ill patients be provided with support by companies through HR?

The employees' cooperation for HR

Research Aim: This study will highlight how well the employees support the decisions of the HR policymakers during the pandemic.

HRM Dissertation Topics for 2023

Topic 1: effect of employee engagement on customer loyalty in the service-based industry.

Research Aim: Employees engagement means that employees are passionate and committed to their work. In the service industry, where employees’ performance can greatly influence the quality of service, it is worth exploring employee engagement in customer loyalty in the service-based industry. Therefore, in this study, survey-based research will be conducted to identify employee engagement in customer loyalty.

Topic 2: Contingent workforce and its impact on organisation’s performance – Evaluating the IT Industry

Research Aim: Nowadays, companies hire freelancers and contractual workers, unlike permanent payroll employees. Various cost benefits can be obtained by hiring such a workforce. However, such a workforce may not have the required skills to do a job as effectively as a trained staff would have done. Thus, the present study focuses on identifying the impact of a contingent workforce on its performance in the IT industry.

Topic 3: Factors of growing mental health issues of employees at workplace in service-based industries

Research Aim: The wellness of employees at the workplace is necessary for their mental health and work performance. This study will identify the factors that can increase employees’ mental health issues at the workplace based on survey-based of employees and managers of service-based industries.

Topic 4: Analysing the importance and impact of training and development on an organisation’s sustainability during economic crises.

Research Aim: to achieve organizational objectives and milestones, leaders and business owners have realized the importance of training and developing their workforce to align with the organizational objectives. This research aims to analyze the importance and impact of employee training and development on the organization’s sustainability during economic downturns.

Topic 5: How online digital platforms have helped organisations in recruiting effectively and efficiently

Research Aim: With the advent of technology, firms have revolutionized their business operations. Under this revolution, many organizations have adopted different techniques and methods to recruit talented employees. Therefore, this research intends to determine how online digital platforms have helped organizations find employees more efficiently and effectively.

Topic 6: Analysing the factors which directly impact an employee's personal decision to leave employment

Research Aim: Employee turnover rate has always been a major concern for many organizations regardless of their size and nature. A valuable and talented employee is usually hard to find and retain. However, it has been found out that different factors motivate an employee to search for a new job. Keeping this phenomenon in mind, the current research will be analyzing the factors that directly impact the employee’s personal decision to leave employment.

Topic 7: Critically analysing the concept of workplace flexibility and how it impacts employee and organisational performance

Research Aim: In today’s modern era, the workplace environment has been transformed drastically from a strict and conventional style to a more flexible one. Therefore, this research aims to critically analyze the concept of workplace flexibility and how it impacts employee and organizational performance.

Topic 8: A comparative analysis of employees' job satisfaction and motivational factors in public versus private organisations.

Research Aim: Job satisfaction and employee motivation are regarded as the most important element of HR practices. The main aim of HR policies is to satisfy, retain, and motivate employees. Therefore, this research aims to conduct a comparative analysis of the employee’s job satisfaction and motivational factors in public versus private organizations.

Topic 9: The influence of COVID-19 on virtual employee management practices by organisations

Research Aim: This research is highly useful in the current context of COVID-19. Organisations all around the world are getting impacted by the COVID-19 and are closed at the moment. The current study will focus on using different virtual employee management practices that companies can use in the current context of COVID-19. These practices will be beneficial for organizations in almost all business sectors.

Topic 10: The role of using transformational leadership style in the improvement of organisational creativity at Morrisons

Research Aim: The aim of this research will be the benefits of using the transformational leadership style by Morrisons’ leaders to improve organizational creativity. This study will research how leaders can get the advantage of a transformational leadership style for increasing creativity at the organization.

Topic 11: The green HRM practices and their impacts on the corporate image of IKEA

Research Aim: This study will aim to study different green HRM practices and their role in improving IKEA’s corporate image and reputation. It will be researched how companies can improve their corporate image by focusing on green HRM practices and processes. The findings will be beneficial for the management, customers as well as employees.

Topic 12: Involving employees in the decision-making process and its influence on employee productivity at Subway

Research Aim: It will be researched in this study how Subway and other companies in this industry can involve the workers in the decision-making process to improve employee productivity. It will be studied that employee productivity is increased by involving the employees in the decision-making process. The findings will be useful in designing useful HR practices by Subway.

Topic 13: The impact of a flat organisational structure on the decision-making process

Research Aim: The main objective of this study is to evaluate the decision-making difficulties and issues faced by HR managers of companies with a flat organizational structure. This study will also investigate the benefits and challenges related to the flat organizational structures used by companies. A case study approach will be used.

Topic 14: The role of workforce diversity in improving organisational capability and innovation at Toyota Motors

Research Aim: To carry out this study, an innovative company named Toyota Motors will be selected. The main objective for carrying out this study will be to analyze how the organizational capability and innovation at Toyota Motors are improved due to workforce diversity. The main emphasis will be on studying the workforce diversity present at Toyota Motors and its significance in improving innovation and organizational capability. The success factors of Toyota Motors for HR will be studied.

Topic 15: The impact of digitalization on changing HRM practices at Aviva

Research Aim: The contemporary business world moves towards digitalization due to technological advancements. This research will study the different impacts of digitalization in changing various HRM practices at Aviva. Different HRM practices used by Aviva before and after the digitalization era will be discussed, and the changes will be analyzed. This study will show how digitalization has changed HRM practices in the contemporary business world.

Topic 16: The influence of employee learning and development opportunities on employee satisfaction at British Airways

Research Aim: It will be studied in this research that how employee satisfaction at British Airways is influenced by employee learning and development opportunities. Different employee learning and development opportunities at BA will be studied, along with their impact on workforce satisfaction.

Topic 17: The impact of recognizing employee contributions on employee retention at Shell

Research Aim: This study’s main objective is to analyse whether Shell can retain its employees by recognizing their contributions or not. Different strategies used by Shell for recognizing employee contributions will be studied that lead towards motivating the employees, which ultimately impact the retention of workers.

Topic 18: The role of green HR practices in employee engagement and retention

Research Aim: Green HR practices is a newly emerged concept in HRM. The study will aim to research the impact of green HR practices on employee engagement and retention. It will be studied how companies can improve employee engagement and retention by focusing on green HR practices.

Topic 19: The role of providing daycare facilities in increasing the productivity of female employees

Research Aim: This study will be focusing on the productivity of female workers. It will be studied how female workers’ productivity is increased by providing daycare facilities for their children. The impact on the satisfaction level of female employees due to the daycare facility will also be explored.

Topic 20: The impact of artificial intelligence on enhancing the human resource practices of Zara

Research Aim: For this study, the researcher will focus on the concept of artificial intelligence and use it in the HR context. It will be studied that either the HR practices at Zara can be enhanced by implementing AI. The benefits and implications of implementing AI in the HR context will also be part of this study.

Topic 21: The role of e-leadership in improving employee productivity and motivation.

Research Aim: The contemporary business world has become highly advanced due to technological capabilities. The concept of e-leadership has emerged due to advancements in technology. The purpose of this study will be to analyse the impact of e-leadership in improving the productivity and motivation level of the workforce.

Topic 22: The role of effective HR planning in a successful strategic alliance process.

Research Aim: This study will study the importance of effective HR planning for the strategic alliance process. It will be studied how HR management can mould the HR practices and focus on effective HR planning to make the strategic alliance process successful.

Topic 23: The impact of different personality traits on teamwork at Microsoft

Research Aim: The main focus of this research will be studying Microsoft’s teamwork. It will be further analyzed how Microsoft’s teamwork is influenced by the personality traits possessed by different team members. Different types of personality traits will be studied in this research that impacts teamwork positively and negatively.

Topic 24: The impact of career growth opportunities on employee loyalty at HSBC Holdings.

Research Aim: This study will aim to review different types of career growth opportunities offered by HBSC Holdings to its employees. Moreover, it will also be studied how employee loyalty is improved due to various career growth opportunities. The findings of this study will be beneficial for the banking sector.

Topic 25: The role of adapted HR practices in improving organisational performance at the international branch of DHL.

Research Aim: The study’s main objective will be to analyse companies’ changes in their HR practices for international branches. How and why the HR practices are adapted by HR management for improving the organisational performance at the company’s branch, which is located outside the country. For this, the DHL case study will be selected, and it will be assessed how and why DHL has used adapted HR practices across different countries.

HR Learning and Development Dissertation Topics

All organisational activities aimed at improving the productivity and performance of groups and individuals can be classified as HRM’s learning and development function elements. Learning and development encompass three pivotal activities, including education, training, and development.

As such, the training activities help to evaluate an employee based on his existing job responsibilities. Educational activities include those focusing on jobs that an employee can expect to carry out in the future.

Finally, the development activities are those that the employer may partake in the future. If you’re interested in exploring this human resource topic in-depth, we have some interesting dissertation topics for you:

Topic 1:The importance of appreciative inquiry with respect to organisational learning and development culture – A case study of ExxonMobil

Research Aim: This research will discuss the importance of appreciative inquiry and its impact on organisational learning and development culture with a specific focus on ExxonMobil.

Topic 2:To establish the correlation between organisation competency development and learning activities & programmes

Research Aim: This research will discuss how organisational competency development and organisational learning activities are correlated.

Topic 3:An examination of knowledge management and organisational learning for sustained firm performance. A case study of British Telecom

Research Aim: This research will examine how organisational learning and knowledge management helped British Telecom sustain their firm performance.

Topic 4:Investigating learning and development of human resources in the public sector in the UK

Research Aim: This dissertation will evaluate the different ways of achieving the learning and development of human resources in the UK’s public sector.

Topic 32:The importance of HR learning and development activities for SMEs

Research Aim: This research will focus on how SMEs utilize HR learning and developmental activities to improve their employees’ performance.

Topic 33:Human resource practices and employees’ decision to quit – Does Lack of Learning and Development play a Role.

Research Aim: This research will focus on whether or not lack of learning and development in an organization leads to employee turnover,

Topic 34:Developing organisational competitive advantage through strategic employee training in computer knowledge

Research Aim: This dissertation will explore how companies can gain a strategic advantage over their competitors through employee training.

Topic 35:The impact of various training and learning based activities on employees’ productivity

Research Aim: The main aim of this research will be to determine the impact of different pieces of training and learnings on employees’ productivity.

Topic 36: The role of HR analytics and metrics in improving organizational performance at Tesco

Research Aim: This study aims to research a new concept in human resource management, named HR analytics and metrics. Moreover, their impact on improving organizational performance will also be studied. This study will be beneficial for Tesco in using HR analytics and metrics in different HR practices that can lead to improved organizational performance.

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HR Performance Review Dissertation Topics

A performance review, also known as a career development discussion, performance evaluation and employee appraisal, can be defined as a method to evaluate an employee based on their job performance, mainly for appraisals. This might be an interesting area to focus your dissertation on. Here are some interesting topics in this area of HRM:

Topic 37:To understand the relationship between performance review and employee motivation in large and diversified business organisations

Research Aim: This research will understand the relationship between employee motivation and employee performance review. Large and diversified businesses will be the main focus of this study.

Topic 38:Effective performance appraisal – A study to establish a correlation between employer satisfaction and optimising business results

Research Aim: This research will analyse the impact of performance appraisal on employer satisfaction and how it optimises business results.

Topic 39: Investigating the efficacy of performance appraisal from the perception of employees in UK retail industry – A case study of Tesco

Research Aim: This research will analyse the efficacy of performance appraisal concerning employees, with a specific focus on Tesco.

Topic 40: Employee performance appraisal and the role of fairness and satisfaction

Research Aim: This dissertation will explore whether employees report satisfaction and fairness when performance appraisal is conducted.

Topic 41:Investigating performance review and appraisal methods employed by human resource department of any large oil and gas company

Research Aim: This research will study the human resource department of a large oil and gas company and will investigate how “performance review” and appraisals are conducted.

Topic 42: Job satisfaction and performance appraisals – Are they Interconnected?

Research Aim: This research will study in-depth whether job satisfaction and performance appraisals are interconnected or not.

Topic 43:Investigating the relationship between public sector appraisals and the spinal pay reward

Research Aim: This research will talk about the spinal pay reward system and evaluate its effectiveness in the public sector.

Topic 44:Analysing the impact of performance management on employee performance improvement

Research Aim: This research will investigate how performance management helps companies improve their employees’ performance.

Topic 45: Can HR performance drive employee engagement? Studying the UK banking industry

Research Aim: This research will talk about the different ways through which HR performance review helps in improving employee engagement. The UK banking industry will be in focus in this study.

Topic 46:The role of HR performance review in increasing employee retention and productivity

Research Aim: This research will investigate how organisations utilize performance reviews as a tool to improve employee retention and productivity.

HR Employee Motivation Dissertation Topics

Employees need objectives and goals to remain focused. The quality of work may significantly drop if they are not constantly motivated by their employers.

Business organizations employ various employee motivation methods and techniques to keep their employees motivated. Thus, this is an interesting topic to explore for your final year dissertation. Here are some HRM dissertation topics related to employee motivation.

Topic 47:To investigate the role of motivation in HRM – A study highlighting the most important motivation factors for future business leaders

Research Aim: This research will discuss the different motivation factors organisations should use to develop future leaders. In addition to this, the role of motivation throughout HRM will be discussed.

Topic 48:Employee satisfaction and work motivation – Are they both related?

Research Aim: This research will understand the relationship between motivation and employee satisfaction and the different motivation techniques companies can employ to increase employee satisfaction.

Topic 49: Evaluating the Role of Employee motivation in performance Enhancement

Research Aim: This study will discuss the role of employee motivation concerning employee performance, i.e. whether it enhances performance or not.

Topic 50:Human resource management – Motivation among workers in large and diversified business organisations

Research Aim: This dissertation will talk about motivation in large and diversified organisations and how these companies ensure that their employees are motivated at all times.

Topic 51:Effects of motivational programmes and activities on employee performance

Research Aim: This research will focus on the different motivational techniques and programs that impact employee performance.

Topic 52: Does motivation play a role in decreasing employee turnovers? A case study of British Airways

Research Aim: This research will discuss the role of motivation in decreasing employee turnover with a specific focus on British airways.

Topic 53:Motivation and performance reward – Are the two interrelated?

Research Aim: This research will talk about motivation and performance rewards and will assess whether the two are interrelated and directly related.

Topic 54: Work productivity and the role of employee motivation programmes and activities

Research Aim: This study will assess employee motivation programs’ impact on employee productivity, i.e. if it increases or decreases.

Topic 55:To discuss the role of employee motivation in relation to retention levels

Research Aim: This research will analyze employee motivation’s role to help companies retain employees.

Topic 56:Differences and similarities between traditional and contemporary theories

Research Aim: This research will discuss and compare traditional and contemporary motivation theories implemented by companies.

Topic 57: The role of employee empowerment in employee motivation and satisfaction at British Petroleum.

Research Aim: This study will aim to analyse different strategies of employee empowerment carried out by British Petroleum and their impact on workers’ motivation and satisfaction. The research will be studied that either different employee empowerment strategies improve employee motivation and satisfaction. The findings will be beneficial for companies working in the petroleum sector.

Topic 58: The impact of open communication in improving employee engagement at Zara

Research Aim: In this research, different modes of communication used by organisations will be studied and especially the impact of open communication in improving employee engagement at Zara will be analyzed. The importance of open communication for different organisations in the fashion and retail sectors will be discussed. Moreover, different communication strategies that can help improve employee engagement at Zara will be discussed based on past literature, theories, and framework.

HR Performance Management Dissertation Topics

All processes and activities to consistently meet organisational goals and objectives can be considered the HR performance management mechanism elements. Different organisations employ different performance management strategies to gain a competitive advantage. To explore this area of human resources, here are some intriguing topics for you:

Topic 59:Investigating different performance management techniques for retaining employees

Research Aim: This research will talk about companies’ various performance management techniques to retain employees.

Topic 60:The role of performance management activities in improving employees’ skills and abilities

Research Aim: This research will discuss how performance management helps employees improve their skills and abilities and how it ultimately helps companies.

Topic 61:Managing performance of workers through performance management techniques – A Case Study of Google

Research Aim: This research will explore how organisations use different performance management techniques to manage employees and their performance. A specific focus of this study will be Google Incorporation.

Topic 62:Employee performance and performance management systems – A qualitative study

Research Aim: This study will conduct a qualitative study to understand the different performance management systems for improving employee performance.

Topic 63:Performance management examinations in human resource management of profit-oriented organisations

Research Aim: This research will understand performance management in profit-oriented companies regarding how their human resource department ensures optimal performance.

Topic 64:Exploring the essentials elements of the performance management framework

Research Aim: This research will explore its vital features and performance management framework.

Topic 65:Human resource management practices and business performance – The role of environmental uncertainties and strategies

Research Aim: This research will explore whether environment uncertainties and strategies play a role in employee and business performance.

Topic 66:The efficacy of performance management systems in the UK’s retail industry

Research Aim: This research will explore the UK’s retail industry’s performance management efficacy.

Topic 67:Towards a framework for performance management in a higher education institution

Research Aim: This research will investigate performance management in the educational setting.

Topic 68:Should wages be capped through performance management – A qualitative study

Research Aim: This research will analyse whether wages should be adjusted and capped concerning performance management with a focus on its effects.

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Strategic Human Resource Management Dissertation Topics

Strategic human resource management is tying the human resource management objective to the company’s goals and objectives. This helps companies in innovating and staying ahead of their competitors by gaining a competitive advantage.

Being a relatively new concept, there are various aspects of strategic HRM that are left to be explored. Here are some interesting strategic HRM dissertation topics for you:

Topic 69:The efficacy of communication processes and employees’ involvement plans to improve employee commitment towards organisational goals – A case study of Sainsbury

Research Aim: This research will study the role and efficacy of the communication processes and employees’ involvement in order to improve employees’ commitment towards organisational goals.

Topic 70:To investigate SHRM theory and practice in a call centre – A case study of any UK call centre

Research Aim: This dissertation will discuss the various SHRM theories and how it is implemented. A UK-based call center will be focused on this study.

Topic 71: Differences and similarities between SHRM strategies and policies employed by German and Japanese automobile companies

Research Aim: This research will compare the different SHRM techniques and policies implemented by German and Japanese automobile companies.

Topic 72: A resource-based view assessment of strategic human resources quality management systems

Research Aim: This research will understand the resource-based view of strategic human resources quality management systems.

Topic 73: To understand and critically evaluate the HRM strategies employed by small and medium sized enterprises in the UK

Research Aim: This research will discuss and evaluate the different strategic HRM strategies employed by small and medium-sized enterprises in the UK.

Topic 74: Relating organisational performance to strategic human resource management – A study of small scale businesses in the UK

Research Aim: This study will analyse whether organisational performance and strategic human resource management are interconnected by assessing small scale businesses in the UK.

Topic 75: Investigating strategic human resource management in Singapore – A qualitative study

Research Aim: This research will analyse strategic human resource management in Singapore by undertaking a qualitative method.

Topic 76: The role of organisational support programmes to enhance work outcome and employees behaviour

Research Aim: This research will understand the organisational support program in order to enhance employee work outcome and their behaviour.

Topic 77: To establish the most important components of strategic HRM for SMEs in the UK to develop a competitive advantage

Research Aim: This research will talk about the relationship between the different SHRM components for SMEs in the UK in order to gain a competitive advantage.

Topic 78: To establish the significance of the relationship between organisational performance and strategic human resource management

Research Aim: This research will explore the relationship between organisational performance and strategic human resource management and how it helps companies achieve their objectives.

Human Resource Theory Dissertation Topics

The human resource theory framework consists of a soft and hard approach to human resources management. Various theories cover the different aspects of the soft and hard human resource approach.

Exploring this area of HRM will help in understanding more about the soft and hard HRM approaches. Here are some dissertation topics in this area that you can choose from.

Topic 79: A comparative analysis of various human resources theory approaches

Research Aim: This research will discuss various human resource theories and approaches and provide a comparative analysis.

Topic 80:To study human resources systems practiced by Multinationals in the UK

Research Aim: This research will discuss the various human resource systems as practised by multinational companies operating in the UK.

Topic 81:The role of human resources management (HRM) in regards to addressing workers’ concerns.

Research Aim: This research will discuss the importance of human resources in understanding and addressing worker’s concerns.

Topic 82: Can HRM have a negative influence on the performance of business organisations – A qualitative study?

Research Aim: This research will discuss a unique aspect of human resource management, i.e. whether it harms the company’s performance or not.

Topic 83: Is Human resources the only option for employees? An exploratory study

Research Aim: This study will analyze human resources’ role in solving employee issues and assess whether it is the only option for employees.

Topic 84:Exploring the contribution of human resource to the success of organisations

Research Aim: This research will aim to understand the role and contribution of the human resource department in companies’ success.

Topic 85:To investigate the most predominant human HRM and control strategies employed by business organisations

Research Aim: This research will discuss an interesting topic, i.e. the most predominant HRM strategies organisations implement.

Topic 86:To investigate the role of HR as a shared service.

Research Aim: This study will discuss human resources’ role as a shared service in the organisation.

Topic 87:Does a supervisor has a role to play in implementing HR practices – A critical study

Research Aim: This study will critically analyze supervisors’ role in implementing human resource practices in an organization.

Topic 88:The ethics of firing employees – Do companies really follow it?

Research Aim: This research will focus on how employees are fired at organizations and whether human resources follow the ethics of firing or not.

HR Organisational Culture Dissertation Topics

Organisational culture, also known as organisational climate, is defined as the process by which an organisation’s culture can be quantified. The properties of the work environment that are either considered positive or negative by the employees (and that may influence their behaviour) are the most important components of the organisational culture framework.

Studying this aspect of human resources will help you gain an in-depth knowledge of the role of culture in human resource management. Here are some interesting dissertation topics in this area:

Topic 89:The role of leadership, HRM and culture in vitalising management systems in firms

Research Aim: This research will understand the role of leadership and culture in human resource management and how it helps companies manage their systems.

Topic 90:Finding the right balance between differentiation and standardisation of HRM practices and policies – HRM of multinational companies operating within the European Union

Research Aim: There are certain human resource practices that are standardized throughout the world. This research will investigate the differences between such standard policies with respect to culture. Multinationals operating in the European Union will be focused.

Topic 91:Cross-cultural human resource management – The role it plays in the success of different organisations

Research Aim: This research will study the role of cross-cultural human resource management in the success of companies.

Topic 92:The impact of cross-cultural competencies in start-up companies

Research Aim: A lot of companies do not encourage cross-cultural human resources in the workplace. This research will analyse how cross-cultural competencies help startups grow and succeed.

Topic 93:The role of organisational cultural on HRM policies and practices – A case study of Cambridge University

Research Aim: This research will aim to understand the role of organisational culture on human resource policies and practices. The main focus of this study will be at Cambridge University.

Topic 94:The relationship between human resource management practices and organisational culture towards organisational commitment

Research Aim: This research will assess the relationship between different cultures and human resource practices with respect to organisational commitment.

Topic 95: Investigating cultural differences between the work values of employees and the implications for managers

Research Aim: This study will conduct an investigation related to the work values of employees based on their various cultural differences. It will then be concluded what this means for the managers.

Topic 96:To effectively manage cultural change without affecting work productivity

Research Aim: This research will discuss an interesting topic as to how managers should manage organisational cultural change without harming productivity.

Topic 97:Inducting new employees into the culture – Does it help organisations?

Research Aim: This research will discuss whether or not it is feasible for organisations to hire employees when the company is undergoing a cultural change.

Topic 98:Recruiting to change the culture – The Impact it has on the Profitability of the Company

Research Aim: This research will discuss whether companies should hire to lead change in the organisation, i.e. whether hiring should be done for this specific purpose, and what this new hiring means for the company in terms of profitability.

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HR Diversity Dissertation Topics

The changing corporate world has provoked organisations to develop and implement diversity management systems as part of their human resource management system. Although relatively new, diversity management is an important research area of human resource management that brings challenges and learning to employees.

With many areas unexplored and literature gaps in this subject, there are some extremely interesting dissertation topics you can select for your final year project. Some of them are listed here:

Topic 99: Investigating the difference between discrimination and diversity – How Do they Impact Organisations

Research Aim: This research will discuss the differences between the two concepts, diversity and discrimination and their impact on organisations.

Topic 100:Managing diversity through HRM: A conceptual framework and an international perspective

Research Aim: This study will discuss how the human resource department can manage diversity. The study will be conducted in an international setting.

Topic 101:Managing diversity in the public sector – How do companies manage to remain successful

Research Aim: This research will explore managing diversity in the public sector and how these companies can be successful even through diversity.

Topic 102:Managing cultural diversity in human resource management

Research Aim: As much as a human resource helps companies manage diversity, how will companies manage diversity in their main HR department. This research will answer this exact question.

Topic 103:The managerial tools, opportunities, challenges and benefits associated with diversity in the workplace

Research Aim: This research will focus on the tools available to human resources in managing diversity, and how they change it to opportunities and overcome diversity-related challenges.

Topic 104: Investigating the challenges of exclusion and inequality in organisations – Assessing HR’s role.

Research Aim: This research will first investigate the exclusion and inequality challenges that organisations face and how human resources overcome these challenges.

Topic 105:How does HRM Help in managing cultural differences and diversity

Research Aim: This research will discuss HR’s role in managing cultural differences and diversity in organisations.

Topic 106: Can HR eliminate diversity-related discrimination from workplaces? Assessing its role

Research Aim: This research will talk about HR’s role in eliminating diversity-related discrimination from organisations, and whether it will be successful in doing so or not.

Topic 107:Training managers for diversity – How difficult is it for companies and HR

Research Aim: This research will discuss and analyse the role of HR and companies in ensuring manager’s learning and development for diversity.

Topic 108:Training the newly hired staff for diversity in a large and diversified business organisation

Research Aim: This research will investigate the role of HR in training employees and staff to deal with, manage and coexist with diverse employees.

Important Notes:

As a human resource management student looking to get good grades, it is essential to develop new ideas and experiment with existing human resource management theories – i.e., to add value and interest to your research topic.

Human resource management is vast and interrelated to many other academic disciplines like management , operations management , project management , business , international business , MBA and more. That is why it is imperative to create a human resource management dissertation topic that is articular, sound, and actually solves a practical problem that may be rampant in the field.

We can’t stress how important it is to develop a logical research topic based on your entire research. There are several significant downfalls to getting your topic wrong; your supervisor may not be interested in working on it, the topic has no academic creditability, the research may not make logical sense, there is a possibility that the study is not viable.

This impacts your time and efforts in writing your dissertation , as you may end up in the cycle of rejection at the initial stage of the dissertation. That is why we recommend reviewing existing research to develop a topic, taking advice from your supervisor, and even asking for help in this particular stage of your dissertation.

While developing a research topic, keeping our advice in mind will allow you to pick one of the best human resource management dissertation topics that fulfil your requirement of writing a research paper and add to the body of knowledge.

Therefore, it is recommended that when finalizing your dissertation topic, you read recently published literature to identify gaps in the research that you may help fill.

Remember- dissertation topics need to be unique, solve an identified problem, be logical, and be practically implemented. Please look at some of our sample human resource management dissertation topics to get an idea for your own dissertation.

How to Structure your HRM Dissertation

A well-structured dissertation can help students to achieve a high overall academic grade.

  • A Title Page
  • Acknowledgements
  • Declaration
  • Abstract: A summary of the research completed
  • Table of Contents
  • Introduction : This chapter includes the project rationale, research background, key research aims and objectives, and the research problems. An outline of the structure of a dissertation can also be added to this chapter.
  • Literature Review : This chapter presents relevant theories and frameworks by analyzing published and unpublished literature on the chosen research topic to address research questions . The purpose is to highlight and discuss the selected research area’s relative weaknesses and strengths while identifying research gaps. Break down the topic and key terms that can positively impact your dissertation and your tutor.
  • Methodology : The data collection and analysis methods and techniques employed by the researcher are presented in the Methodology chapter, which usually includes research design , research philosophy, research limitations, code of conduct, ethical consideration, data collection methods, and data analysis strategy .
  • Findings and Analysis : Findings of the research are analysed in detail under the Findings and Analysis chapter. All key findings/results are outlined in this chapter without interpreting the data or drawing any conclusions. It can be useful to include graphs, charts, and tables in this chapter to identify meaningful trends and relationships.
  • Discussion and Conclusion : The researcher presents his interpretation of the results in this chapter and state whether the research hypothesis has been verified or not. An essential aspect of this section is establishing the link between the results and evidence from the literature. Recommendations with regards to the implications of the findings and directions for the future may also be provided. Finally, a summary of the overall research, along with final judgments, opinions, and comments, must be included in the form of suggestions for improvement.
  • References : Make sure to complete this following your University’s requirements
  • Bibliography
  • Appendices : Any additional information, diagrams, and graphs used to complete the dissertation but not part of the dissertation should be included in the Appendices chapter. Essentially, the purpose is to expand the information/data.

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ResearchProspect is a  UK based academic writing service  that provides help with  Dissertation Proposal Writing ,  PhD. Proposal Writing ,  Dissertation Writing ,  Dissertation Editing, and Improvement .

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How to find hrm dissertation topics.

For HRM dissertation topics:

  • Research HRM trends and challenges.
  • Explore workplace issues or diversity.
  • Investigate HR technology impact.
  • Analyze employee well-being.
  • Consider performance management.
  • Select a topic aligning with your passion and career path.

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Top 170 Project Management Research Topics to Work in 2024

Home Blog Project Management Top 170 Project Management Research Topics to Work in 2024

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In the ever-evolving field of project management, staying ahead of the most recent research trends is essential for professionals who wish to enhance their skills and increase successful project outcomes. This article highlights the top ten project management research topics expected to impact the project management field in 2024 significantly.

Along with Project Management certification courses , this thorough list will be an invaluable tool for exploring the main research frontiers in the dynamic field of project management. Whether you are an aspiring project manager, an academic researcher, or an industry professional looking to optimize your project strategies, project management certifications will support your growth.

What is a Project Management Research Paper?

Project management research papers are academic documents that go deeply into a single topic or aspect of the field of project management. It is usually written by students, researchers, or professionals in the field of project management, and its goal is to add new knowledge, insights, or views to the field.

A research paper on project management will look at some aspects of project management, be it a theoretical framework, methodology, best practices, or case studies. It entails conducting a systematic investigation into the chosen topic, accumulating and analyzing relevant information, and drawing conclusions or making suggestions based on the findings. The study of the project management research topics 2024 will help budding project managers along with PMP certification training .

List of Project Management Research Topics and Ideas

 Here is a list of project management research topics, for writing your project research paper.

1Impact of Global Leadership in Leading to the Success of a Project
2Effects of Cultural Diversity on Project Performance
3Popular Leadership Style Used by Project Managers
4Evaluate PMBOK Guidelines
5Stakeholder Approach to Successful Adoption of Projects
6Effect of Change Mobilization on Companies
7Impact of Reward System on Boosting Productivity
8Relation Between Leadership and Change Management
9How to Develop Cost-effective Projects in Developed Nations?
What is a Project Management Research Paper?

Top 10 Project Management Research Topics

The following are the top project management thesis topics in 2024. Let us look into key points and overview of each project management research proposal:

1. Impact of Global Leadership in Leading to the Success of a Project

The following are the key points covered in the thesis on project management of “Impact of global leadership in leading to the success of a project”.

  • Global Leadership in Leading Projects: Global leadership is the skill of project managers to lead and manage project teams that are from different cultures, different time zones, and different parts of the world. It means learning and adjusting to different cultural norms, ways of communicating, and ways of doing work.
  • Communication and Working Together: Good communication and working together are key to the success of a project, especially when it's a global project.
  • Team Building and Motivation: Global leaders must establish trust, develop a sense of a common goal, and provide adequate support and recognition to team members regardless of their geographic location.
  • Knowledge Transfer and Learning: The importance of knowledge transfer and learning among project teams should be highlighted by global leadership.

The influence of global leadership on the success of a project has become an increasingly vital subject of research in the discipline of project management. Project teams are becoming more diverse, multicultural, and geographically dispersed as organizations continue to expand their global operations. This trend has created an urgent need for effective global leadership to navigate the complexities and challenges of managing projects across multiple countries, cultures, and time zones.

2. Effects of Cultural Diversity on Project Performance

How cultural diversity affect teams

  • Understanding Cultural Diversity: People from other cultures bring their own unique set of values, beliefs, behaviors, and modes of communication to the table, creating a rich stew of cultural diversity.
  • Benefits of Cultural Diversity in Project Management: Cultural diversity has various advantages for project management in addition to highlighting differences.
  • Challenges of Cultural Diversity in Project Management: Even though cultural diversity can have a lot of positive effects on a project, it also poses special difficulties that project managers must overcome to ensure project success.
  • Effective Management of Culturally Diverse Teams: It can be difficult to manage a team with different cultural backgrounds, but with the correct strategy, project managers can capitalize on diversity's advantages and complete projects successfully.

This research topic, it is examined how cultural diversity affects project performance as well as how project managers may successfully lead a multicultural team to project success.

In today's globalized world, cultural diversity is more common than ever and has a big impact on project management. Project managers need to understand how cultural variations between the team, stakeholders, and clients might impact project performance.

3. Popular Leadership Style Used by Project Managers

The following are the key points discussed in the research paper “Popular leadership style used by project managers”.

  • Qualities of Effective Leadership.
  • Leadership Styles of Project Managers:
  • Democratic leadership style
  • Transformational leadership style
  • Situational leadership style
  • Comparative analysis
  • Charismatic leadership style
  • Summarizing the main findings and contributions of the research.

The paper begins by emphasizing the significance of effective project management leadership and its influence on project outcomes. It emphasizes that project managers require not only technical expertise but also the ability to inspire and lead their teams to deliver results. The purpose of this study is to identify the most prevalent leadership styles employed by project managers and cast light on their effectiveness within the context of project management.

Overall, the project management research paper offers insightful insights into the most prevalent leadership styles employed by project managers. It provides a thorough comprehension of the significance of leadership in project management and emphasizes the effectiveness of transformational leadership in motivating high-performance teams. The findings are a valuable resource for project managers and other professionals who wish to improve their leadership skills and project outcomes.

4. Evaluate PMBOK Guidelines

The following are the key points in “Evaluate the PMBOK guidelines”.

  • Introduction to PMBOK Guidelines
  • Evaluation of Strengths
  • Identification of Weaknesses
  • Areas for Improvement
  • Suggestions for Enhancements

This research paper tries to evaluate the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) guidelines, a widely accepted project management standard. The PMBOK provides a comprehensive framework and best practices for effectively managing projects. This study analyzes the strengths and weaknesses of the PMBOK guidelines, identifies areas for improvement, and proposes potential enhancements to increase its relevance and applicability in modern project management practices.

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5. Stakeholder Approach to Successful Adoption of Projects

The following are the key points discussed in the research paper “Stakeholder Approach to Successful Adoption of Projects.”

  • This paper examines the significance of stakeholder management to the successful adoption of projects.
  • Understanding Stakeholders
  • Significance of Stakeholder Management
  • Stakeholder Analysis
  • Engaging Stakeholders
  • Stakeholder Engagement Strategies
  • Managing Stakeholder Expectations
  • Overcoming Challenges
  • Benefits of the Stakeholder Approach

This research paper begins with an overview of stakeholders and their significance in project management. It emphasizes that stakeholders include individuals, groups, and organizations that can influence a project or be influenced by it. The paper emphasizes the necessity of identifying, analyzing, and ranking stakeholders based on their interests, power, and influence while acknowledging the wide variety of stakeholders involved in any given project.

The paper concludes by highlighting the importance of adopting a stakeholder-based approach to project management for attaining successful project outcomes. It prioritizes the need for project managers to recognize stakeholders as essential collaborators and engage them actively throughout the project lifecycle. By considering the interests of stakeholders, managing their expectations, and maintaining open communication channels, projects can increase their likelihood of successful adoption and long-term sustainability.

6. Effect of Change Mobilization on Companies

The following are the key points discussed in the research paper “Effects of change mobilization in Companies.”

  • Importance of Change Mobilization
  • Change Mobilization Strategies
  • Impact on Organizational Performance
  • Challenges and Barriers to Change Mobilization
  • Overcoming Challenges and Enhancing Change Mobilization

The "Effect of Change Mobilization in Companies" research paper investigates the influence of change mobilization on organizational performance and employee engagement. The study investigates the numerous strategies and approaches utilized by businesses to successfully carry out and oversee initiatives to change. The findings demonstrate a positive relationship between effective change mobilization and increased productivity, innovation, and employee satisfaction. The paper highlights the significance of leadership, communication, and employee participation in facilitating organizational change.

7. Impact of Reward System on Boosting Productivity

The following are the key points included in the project management research paper “Impact of a reward system on boosting productivity”.

  • This paper investigates the effect of a reward system on boosting productivity in a variety of contexts.
  • Importance of Rewards in Motivation.
  • Factors Affecting the Effectiveness of Reward Systems.
  • Types of Rewards
  • Case Studies and Empirical Evidence.
  • Challenges and Limitations.
  • The research paper also concludes that well-designed reward systems can have a positive impact on productivity by motivating individuals and fostering a sense of purpose and satisfaction.

The research paper investigates the effects of implementing a reward system on organizational productivity levels. The study investigates how incentives and recognition can positively impact employee motivation, engagement, and overall performance.

Overall, the research paper illuminates the significant influence of a reward system on increasing organizational productivity. It provides administrators and human resource professionals with valuable insights and recommendations that can be used to improve employee motivation and performance, leading to increased productivity and organizational success.

8. Relation Between Leadership and Change Management

The following are the key points discussed in the research paper “Relation between Leadership and Change Management”:

  • Definition of leadership and change management in the project management context.
  • Leadership's Role in Change Management.
  • Leadership Styles and Change Management.
  • Key Factors for Effective Leadership in Change Management.
  • Case Studies and Examples.
  • Challenges and Recommendations.

This project management research topic examines the vital connection between leadership and change management in the context of project management. It attempts to examine how effective leadership influences the success of organizational change initiatives. Examining various leadership styles and their influence on change management processes, the study identifies the important factors that contribute to effective leadership in driving successful change.

9. How to Develop Cost-effective Projects in Developed Nations?

The following are the key points discussed in the research paper “How to Develop Cost-effective Projects in Developed Nations”:

  • A survey of project management in developed countries
  • The significance of efficiency in project development.
  • Objective and methodology of research.
  • Cost-effectiveness factors in developed countries.
  • Cost-Effective Project Management Strategies.
  • Case Studies and Effective Methods.
  • Cost-Effective Project Management Framework for Developed Nations.

This research paper concentrates on the identification of strategies and methods to build cost-effective projects in developed nations. The study acknowledges the challenges project managers experience in high-cost environments and aims to provide practical insights and suggestions for achieving optimal project outcomes while minimizing costs. The paper synthesizes current research and case studies to highlight key contributors to cost-effectiveness and presents a framework for project management in developed nations.

10. Analyze the Role of Soft Skills in Project Success Rates

The following are the key points included in the research paper “Analyze the Role of soft skills in project success rates”:

  • Definition of soft skills
  • Importance of soft skills in project management
  • Relation between soft skills and project accomplishment
  • Effective communication
  • Leadership and team management
  • Resolution of disagreements and problem-solving
  • Importance of soft skills development
  • Team composition and selection
  • Integration of soft skills in project management practices

The "Analyze the Role of Soft Skills in Project Success Rates" research paper examines the significance of soft skills in determining project success rates. Soft skills are a collection of personal characteristics and interpersonal abilities that enable individuals to communicate, collaborate, and manage relationships in professional settings. This study seeks to investigate the effect of these abilities on project outcomes, shedding light on their contribution to project success.The paper begins with an introduction to the significance of soft skills in the contemporary workplace, emphasizing their increasing recognition alongside technical expertise. It emphasizes the growing complexity of initiatives and the need for effective teamwork, communication, and leadership skills to successfully navigate such complexity.

Software Project Management Research Topics

These topics cover a range of critical issues, tactics, risk management, AI integration, and agile methodologies in software project management.

  • Software Project Management Challenges in Distributed and Remote Teams.
  • Effective Software Project Risk Management Strategies.
  • The Role of DevOps in Accelerating Software Project Delivery.
  • Agile vs. Waterfall: Comparative Analysis in Software Project Management.
  • Quality Assurance and Testing Practices in Software Project Management.
  • Project Portfolio Management in Software Organizations.
  • Managing Scope Changes and Requirements Volatility in Software Projects.

Construction Project Management Research Ideas

These topics cover sustainability, safety, technology adoption, and stakeholder engagement in construction project management.

  • Risk Assessment and Mitigation in Large-Scale Construction Projects.
  • The Role of Technology in Improving Construction Project Efficiency.
  • Resource Allocation and Cost Control in Construction Methods.
  • Safety Management and Accident Prevention in Construction.
  • Optimizing Construction Project Scheduling and Time Management.
  • Green Building Practices and Sustainable Construction Projects.
  • Stakeholder Collaboration and Communication in Complex Construction Projects.
  • Impact of Lean Construction Principles on Project Delivery.

Research Topics for Project Management in Healthcare

These topics cover various aspects of healthcare project management, facility construction, implementing technology, quality improvement, and crisis management.

  • Healthcare Supply Chain Management and Project Efficiency.
  • Managing Change in Healthcare Organizations: A Project Management Perspective.
  • Optimizing Healthcare Facility Construction and Renovation Projects.
  • Telemedicine Project Management and its Impact on Health care Delivery.
  • Healthcare Project Risk Management: A Case Study Analysis.
  • Patient-Centered Care Initiatives and Project Management Best Practices.
  • Quality Improvement Projects in Healthcare: Challenges and Success Factors.

Research Topics in the Agile Project Management  

  • How can project managers survive the agile scare?  
  • Can a project manager be an effective scrum master?  
  • Agile leadership - Looking beyond the project management horizon  
  • Lean agile principles and project management - applying these constructively  
  • Zeroing down on the role of a functional manager in agile project management  
  • Measuring agile adoption across the organization  
  • Tips for being an effective impediment remover while driving projects successfully across the industries  
  • Scrum best practices with project management - creating high performing teams  
  • How utilization metrics help and what can project managers do to address low team utilization ratios?  
  • Beyond velocity - a look at key metrics for agile teams  
  • Roadmap planning - how does it help project managers?  
  • Understanding the overlapping roles of product and project management  
  • DevOps framework - explainer of the 4 pillars of DevOps  
  • Can a project manager be an effective impediment remover for teams  
  • How to manage risks effectively in case of distributed teams  
  • Changes in project management after the pandemic era  
  • Proven change management strategies for project managers  
  • Demystifying resource utilization to solve project problems  
  • How to drive effective retrospectives for any agile team  
  • Improving collaboration a key ingredient for project success  
  • Evolution of project lifecycle - from traditional to agile  
  • Avoiding pitfalls when scaling agile   
  • SAFe vs LeSS - understanding distinct agile methodologies  
  • Why is scrum the most popular agile methodology  
  • Product backlog - the key to agile project success  

Project Management Research  Topics in by Project Phases  

A. project initiation    .

  • Explained - the art of choosing the right projects for the organization  
  • Mapping portfolio vision to project execution methods  
  • Understanding patterns of successful project selection methods   
  • What must project managers know about benefits management  
  • Project tradeoffs and how, what and when to make the choice  
  • The 4 quadrants of choosing the right projects  
  • Sunk costs - how to avoid hitting the tip of the iceberg  
  • The art of stakeholder management in project management  
  • Move stakeholders from unaware to leading - a guide for project managers  
  • Stakeholder engagement - the hidden truth of project management  
  • Identifying stakeholders - the first step to effective project management  
  • How to convert business documents to project documentation  

B. Project Planning  

  • Peeling the agile planning onion layer by layer  
  • Shift left project planning from top-down to bottoms-up  
  • Understanding importance of Gantt charts in project planning  
  • Planning cross-vertical projects - Do’s and Don'ts  
  • Avoiding project planning pitfalls  
  • Project planning for dummies  
  • Passing the baton from project planning to implementation  
  • Planning projects as a servant leader  
  • Capacity planning and its applications across software development  
  • A guide to rolling-wave planning and its benefits  
  • Comparative analysis - project scheduling and planning tools  
  • Scope management - establishing clear boundaries for project success  

C. Project Execution  

  • Handover from project planning to execution - A checklist  
  • Balancing the project management triangle in a chaotic environment  
  • Project documentation - the backbone of project management and execution  
  • Executing projects with the help of modern day GPTs  
  • Execute projects using AI - going beyond traditional project management  
  • How AI can change the way project managers think about project execution  
  • Different ways to capture unknown-unknowns in project management  
  • Contingency planning - how to plan for the worst and prepare for the best  
  • Executing cross-vertical projects - common challenges and pitfalls  
  • Linking themes, initiatives, and user stories - lessons for project managers  
  • Success stories on project communication - how to engage team members effectively  
  • Communication tools and strategies - chalking the project management path  

D. Project Monitoring and Controlling    

  • What metrics must project managers see on a daily basis  
  • Fix the scope creep and gold plating problems the traditional way  
  • The art of project management - how to monitor and control projects effectively  
  • Effective risk management for project managers  
  • How to monitor projects using ChatGPT prompts  
  • Risk management 101 - 101 common risks every PM must know  
  • Patterns in risk management - how to uncover risks early and easily  
  • Quality control - the most effective methods for project success  
  • Impact of continuous improvement on project success and methods  
  • What cannot be fixed in projects - tips every project manager must know  
  • Triaging meetings - the lesser known project management gemstone  
  • Common project monitoring and control pitfalls every PM must avoid  

E. Project Closure    

  • Simplifying project closure - ways to effectively close projects  
  • Why 90% project managers fail to close projects convincingly  
  • Balancing stakeholders during project closure  
  • Project closure - transitioning from project management to benefits management  
  • Project closure checklist - common handoffs to complete and close projects  
  • The what and how of post project evaluations   
  • How to perform effective retrospectives in any project  
  • Creating Organization Process Assets and lessons learned while closing projects  
  • Knowledge transfer - moving from project management to operations  
  • Establishing measures to address challenges when closing projects  
  • How can project managers learn from failures while closing projects  
  • Common project closure pitfalls every PM must avoid.  

Project Research Topics by Domain  

A. finance and accounting    .

  • A guide to key financial performance indicators (KPIs) to measure projects  
  • Cost benefit accounting and analysis in financial project selection   
  • Comparative analysis of project budgeting methods in finance and accounting projects  
  • Knowing what types of financial metrics are used in project evaluation  
  • Transparency and Accountability in project management reporting  
  • Project financial management - a guide to cost benefit analysis  
  • Key to project financial disclosures for project managers  
  • Risk mitigation and management in project financial analysis  
  • Key financial ratios to review project performance  
  • Project financial statements that a project manager must analyze during project closure  

B. Sales and Marketing    

  • Borrowing techniques from project management for effective campaign planning  
  • Strategies for conducting comprehensive market research  
  • Product launch - creating a step-by-step path using project management practices  
  • How to add project management best practices to establish robust marketing management plans  
  • Project management in the digital age - tools to run digital marketing strategies  
  • Best practices and pitfalls for sales and marketing projects   
  • Project management practices to design and conduct impactful sales trainings  
  • Successful planning and control techniques experienced marketing managers must know  
  • How can project managers drive transition from sales management to service management  
  • How can project managers draft a successful CRM implementation plan  

C. Manufacturing Industry    

  • TQM - the role of Total Quality Management in the manufacturing industry   
  • Getting the hands dirty - techniques PMs must employ for project management in factories  
  • Green manufacturing initiatives - how do they influence projects and project management  
  • Exploring project communication strategies and challenges in manufacturing project management  
  • How has six sigma and lean quality principles helped project management  
  • Waste reduction - the science every project manager in manufacturing must know  
  • Meeting labor needs - techniques for project managers to work with labor unions  
  • Project management and Internet of Things - driving innovation in industry 4.0  
  • Why quality is everyone’s responsibility in the project  
  • How can project managers create an effective documentation strategy for manufacturing industry  

D. Service Industry    

  • Bridging the customer experience gap in project management  
  • Project management and customer satisfaction - making two ends meet  
  • Analysis of Agile adoption across industries and domains  
  • Embracing project management success strategies in the digital PM drive  
  • Risk management in service industry - an overview  
  • ChatGPT prompts that every project manager must know   
  • How ChatGPT can calculate Key Performance Indicators for any project  
  • Common project pitfalls that every project manager must know  
  • Applying agile techniques in service industry   
  • Enhancing digital adoption via various channels and techniques  

Project Research Topics for the  Non IT  Industry  

  • Application of project management practices in Finance and Accounting  
  • Project management best practices for healthcare industry  
  • How project management can help optimize operations management  
  • Establishing measures for effective project management in primary industries  
  • Building effective project management strategies in secondary industries  
  • Improvising project management practices in tertiary industries  
  • Agile transformations in the retail space  
  • Harnessing project management practices for stock broking and trading  
  • Building engaging and successful team dynamics in the defense industry  
  • Creating meaningful OKRs for projects in the Non-IT industry  
  • How knowledge areas and processes of project management can help non-IT industries  
  • Creating meaningful metrics for measuring project performance  
  • Driving automobile sales and delivery using project management practices  
  • Insights for CRM based project applications  
  • PM best practices applied in non-IT based projects  

How to Write a Project Management Research Paper?

It is suggested to get certified in PRINCE2 certification training for aspiring project managers, which will help them work on well-organized and logical project management topics for research papers. Here is a step-by-step guide to writing your research paper on project management:

  • Select a topic of project management that sparks your interest.
  • Utilize credible sources such as academic journals, books, Google research, websites, and scholarly articles to conduct extensive research on the selected topic.
  • Create a plan to organize your primary ideas and thoughts.
  • Write an appealing introduction that provides perspective and states your research question.
  • Provide a comprehensive survey of the appropriate research by summarizing existing studies and theories.
  • Clearly describe your method, including how you plan to collect and examine data.
  • Use tables, charts, or graphs as necessary to present your findings or results.
  • Consider any restrictions or limitations of your study and explain how they may have affected your findings.
  • Your paper should be proofread and edited for clarity, coherence, grammar, and spelling.
  • Format your paper according to the specific instructions provided by your institution or the journal to which you are submitting.
  • To avoid plagiarism, cite your sources using the appropriate format (e.g., APA, MLA).
  • To enhance the quality and rigor of your research paper, solicit feedback from peers or professors.

These topics for research in project management provide an excellent roadmap for project management academicians and practitioners to follow as we move forward. By focusing on these areas, we can obtain valuable insights, foster innovation, and elevate the project management discipline to new heights. The discipline of project management, such as construction project management research topics and ideas, is in a constant state of evolution, and researchers need to explore new avenues and address new challenges. Along with getting trained in these project management research proposal topics, it is suggested to enroll in KnowledgeHut Project Management courses for beginners and get globally recognized accreditations.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Project management for research is the process of planning, coordinating, and carrying out research tasks in a way that helps reach certain goals within certain limits. 

The questions that a study or research project is trying to answer are the research questions. Most of the time, this question is about a problem or issue that is answered in the study's result through the analysis and interpretation of data.

The latest emerging project topics are Hybrid Project Management, Artificial Intelligence (AI) And Automation, Rise in remote working, Advanced Resource and Project Management Software, and Projects and Organizational strategy.


Kevin D.Davis

Kevin D. Davis is a seasoned and results-driven Program/Project Management Professional with a Master's Certificate in Advanced Project Management. With expertise in leading multi-million dollar projects, strategic planning, and sales operations, Kevin excels in maximizing solutions and building business cases. He possesses a deep understanding of methodologies such as PMBOK, Lean Six Sigma, and TQM to achieve business/technology alignment. With over 100 instructional training sessions and extensive experience as a PMP Exam Prep Instructor at KnowledgeHut, Kevin has a proven track record in project management training and consulting. His expertise has helped in driving successful project outcomes and fostering organizational growth.

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Need Help with Developing a Great Topic?

  • A great topic is certainly the foundation of a successful research project. If you seek help with, say, a dissertation topic or guidance with developing a relevant & researchable topic , we got you.
  • Do you have ideas on the topic you want to research? Maybe you are totally unsure and not even aware of where to start. Our services are comprehensive, and we will guide you through them.
  • Our support desk will guide you and we shall develop sample topics for you, each with some background information, and then you choose the best from the same.

Our service Advantage

01. - Develop a Relevant Research Topic.

You need to have a great research idea that addresses a relevant research gap. We are more than willing to support you, let us know.

02. - Defend & have your Topic Approved.

If possible, review or have your topic approved by your supervisor or senior research advisor so that you do not start and later stall midway.

03. - You can now Start your Research Process.

When your topic has finally been approved & is researchable, you can now start the research process : We can help you Step by Step.

 Guidelines for Writing an Exceptional Research Project Topic!

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Research Topics for (Postgraduate) PG Students - Free Samples

A list of latest & hot research topics for postgraduate students.

Research propels humanity forward, bridging the gap between what we know and what we aim to understand. As we navigate the rapidly evolving landscape of the 21st century, it is essential for postgraduate students to get into contemporary issues that align with global advancements. Here are examples of cutting-edge research topics for these students to consider:

1. Quantum Computing and Its Applications: As traditional computers inch closer to their limits, quantum computers promise unparalleled computational power. Exploring algorithms, material science for qubits, or quantum cryptography could revolutionize industries from healthcare to finance.

2. CRISPR and Gene Editing Technologies: With the capability to modify genes, CRISPR holds the potential to treat genetic diseases, enhance crop yields, or even address climate change. Research might focus on ethical implications, precision in editing, or novel applications.

3. Neuroprosthetics and Brain-Computer Interfaces: Merging the human brain with technology can offer solutions for paralysis, and neurodegenerative diseases, or even augment human capabilities. Potential studies could examine long-term effects, enhancing precision, or societal implications.

4.  Decentralized Finance (DeFi): The blockchain world is revolutionizing traditional finance through DeFi platforms. Research can get into security concerns, economic implications, or potential regulations. Therefore, if you are looking for help with postgraduate research topics we have the best writers who are just a click away.

5. Climate Change and Sustainable Solutions: As global temperatures rise, so does the urgency to address this crisis. Research can focus on renewable energy innovations, carbon capture techniques, or understanding the social impacts of climate change.

6. The Role of AI in Mental Health: AI-driven applications are emerging as tools to diagnose, understand, and even treat mental health issues. Exploring the efficacy, ethics, and potential risks associated with these tools can be a rich area of study.

7. Space Exploration and Colonization: With initiatives like the Mars missions, understanding the challenges and opportunities of space colonization is crucial. Topics can range from life support systems, and planetary terraforming, to the psychological challenges of space travel.

8. Microbiome and Human Health: The complex ecosystem of microbes within us plays a pivotal role in our health. Delving into how the microbiome influences diseases, mental health, or even aging can offer novel insights into human well-being.

The choice of research topic is a profound statement of a student's interests and passions. By focusing on these contemporary subjects, postgraduate students not only contribute to academic discourse but also help shape the future .

Guidance on How to Develop PG Research Topics from Us

We are specialists in research. Therefore, we have vast skills in how we should create for you the best  topic ideas for research . We have investigated and come up with a list of researchable problems in PG degrees. It is possible for you to select a topic for your research but you might be busy on other PG degree assignments. Give us the guidelines and instructions, and we will identify unique topic ideas for PG research for you. Scholars have different interests when it comes to research writing. When creating the ideas for you, we will adhere to your instructions and choose the best ideas that match your passion. Remember that; a research topic that matches your interest will boost your creativity. We have enjoyed a high level of success in offering postgraduate research writing help because we;

  • Listen to your ideas and areas of interest
  • Research thoroughly to get recent topic ideas in your area
  • Identify relevant research problems
  • Come up with broad topics
  • Narrow down the broad topic into researchable and specific topics
  • Write your research from scratch
  • Deliver your work on time

To experience our quality help with PG topic ideas, all you have to do is call, chat, or email us. We will gladly help you until you are fully satisfied.  Selecting apt research topics for PG students is often the first and most critical step in a postgraduate student's academic journey. By offering assistance in crafting these topics, we bridge the gap between uncertainty and clarity for budding researchers. Our free samples serve as a testament to our commitment to academic excellence, giving PG students a head start in their scholarly pursuits. By alleviating the initial challenges faced during topic selection, we empower students to focus more on their research, driving innovation and fostering academic growth. Partner with us, and ensure that your research journey begins on a solid foundation.

Most Recent (Postgraduate) PG Project Topics - Experts Help

Benefits of choosing unique project topics for pg students.

Postgraduate (PG) education is a significant phase in the academic journey of a student. As they go deeper into their chosen fields, PG students are often tasked with undertaking research projects. One key aspect of this is the selection of the project topic. While it might be tempting to choose well-trodden paths, opting for unique topics can offer a plethora of benefits. Here are seven compelling reasons why:

✓ Innovation and Originality: Selecting a unique topic means venturing into areas less explored. This can lead to novel findings and fresh perspectives, pushing the boundaries of existing knowledge and contributing to the evolution of the field.

✓ Skill Development: Tackling a novel topic often requires students to develop or refine specific skills. Whether it's a new methodology, analytical technique, or tool, it can foster versatile skill sets that are valuable in the professional world.

✓ Increased Engagement: A fresh and intriguing topic can rekindle passion and enthusiasm. Being one of the few, or perhaps the only one, exploring a particular topic can instill a sense of responsibility and drive in the student, enhancing their commitment to the research.

✓ Competitive Edge: A unique project can make a PG student stand out in academic and professional spheres. It can be a talking point in job interviews or a highlight in academic applications, showcasing their ability to think outside the box.

✓ Networking Opportunities: Exploring a unique topic can attract attention from experts intrigued by your fresh perspective. This can lead to collaborations, mentorships, or even opportunities for presenting in seminars and conferences.

✓ Fewer Comparisons, Less Repetition: A common pitfall with popular topics is the likelihood of repetition. By choosing a unique topic, PG students can minimize the chances of echoing someone else's work, ensuring that their contributions remain distinctive.

✓ Personal Satisfaction: There’s a unique joy in knowing you’ve made a mark in an area less traveled. The sense of accomplishment, when one uncovers insights from a unique topic, can be immensely gratifying.

While it might seem challenging at first, choosing a unique project topic for PG research can be a transformative decision. It not only elevates the academic and professional prospects of the student but also enriches their personal growth and fulfillment.

We offer Personalized Help with Crafting Great Project Titles

In the ever-evolving academic landscape, staying updated with the most recent PG project topics is imperative for students aiming to create relevant and impactful research. Leveraging expert guidance can be a game-changer in this endeavor, ensuring that one's work is not only current but also deeply insightful. Such expertise can streamline the research process, providing clarity and direction to postgraduate students at a crucial juncture in their academic journey. As the world moves forward with rapid technological and societal changes, it's essential for PG students to align their research with the present needs. Turning to experts for help is not just beneficial it's pivotal for producing outstanding and timely research.

Different Subject Areas

  • B.Ed . |  B.A . 
  • B.Com  |  BSc  
  • BSN  |  DBa  
  • DNP  |  Doctoral
  • Ed.D  |  M.Ed  |  RN  
  • Masters  |  MBA  
  • MBus  |  MCom
  • MEntr  |  Msc  
  • MSN  |  PhD  
  • Post graduate  
  • Undergraduate

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Topic Ideas by Paper Type

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  • Research Paper Topics
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  • Literature Review Help
  • Methodology Writing Aid
  • Research Proposals Help
  • Research Writing Service
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postgraduate research topics

Naval Postgraduate School

Naval Research Program

Topic portal - naval research program, topic portal access.

To review current sponsored topics, create a topic, or submit an IREF, please login and follow prompts.

FY25 IREF submissions are now closed. Thank you for all your IREFs! NRP will prepare them for funding selections.

How to use the NRP Topic Portal

Topic submission.

Research topics are submitted by Fleet Topic Advocates looking for NPS faculty to perform research in specific areas.

How to create and input a Research Topic (PDF)

Initial Research Estimate Form (IREF) Submission

IREFs are how NPS faculty submit an official preliminary proposed research Statement of Work for NRP Research Topics.

Submit an Initial Research Estimate Form (IREF)  - printable web guide

Approve an Initial Research Estimate Form (IREF)  - printable web guide

Meeting Fleet Objectives

Strategic Resources

  • Summary of the National Defense Strategy of The United States of America 2018
  • Advantage at Sea Prevailing with Integrated All-Domain Naval Power
  • DON Business Operations Plan 2020-2022
  • DON Strategic Guidance 2020-2023
  • US Fleet Cyber Command Strategic Plan 2020-2025
  • CNO Navigation Plan 2021
  • CNO - "A Design for Maintaining Maritime Superiority (v2)"
  • Navy Program Guide 2017
  • Future Naval Capabilities Guide Book 2017
  • A Cooperative Strategy for 21st Century Seapower
  • Navy's 30 Year Shipbuilding Plan
  • Naval Key Strategic Issues List (Naval KSIL)
  • Non-Lethal Weapons Program Planning Guidance
  • Strategic Library
  • Unmanned Campaign Framework
  • 38th Commandant's Planning Guidance
  • Aviation Plan 2019
  • Force Design 2030
  • USMC S&T Strategic Plan 2018
  • MARSOF 2030 - A Strategic Vision for the Future
  • Naval R&D Framework
  • ONR S&T Departments
  • Naval Research Lab Overview
  • Disruptive Naval Technologies
  • Navy Unmanned Systems and Autonomy
  • Naval Innovation in Challenging Times
  • Delivering Disruptive Technologies with Affordable Asymmetric Advantages
  • Naval Aviation Vision 2014-2025
  • Naval Aviation Enterprise Air Plans
  • PEO C4I Annual Acquisition Gaps for S&T
  • Naval Power Systems Technology Roadmap
  • Information Dominance Roadmap 2013-2028
  • Undersea Warfare S&T Objectives 2016
  • Warfare Centers Technical Capabilities Manual, Rev 7 2018
  • NAVWAR Strategic Vision 2018-2027
  • Information Dominance Science and Technology Cross Functional Team & Technology Objectives
  • Navy Cyber Center of Excellence: Strengthening Critical Infrastructure
  • DIU Intro & Select Projects   (NPS login required)
  • Space Portfolio   (NPS login required)

Study Postgraduate

Phd in philosophy and literature (2022 entry), find out more about our philosophy and literature phd..

The Philosophy and Literature PhD is a leading course, suiting students who thrive on independent, interdisciplinary study. You will explore a topic in depth as part of an active research community, supervised by experts. Study Philosophy with English or Modern Languages.

postgraduate research topics

Course code

3 October 2022

3-4 years full-time; Up to 7 years part-time


University of Warwick

About this research graduate course

Course overview.

The Warwick PhD in Philosophy and Literature is aimed at outstanding students who wish to pursue advanced research and ultimately to become professional researchers in, and/or teachers of, philosophy. The Philosophy and Literature degree is for candidates whose research projects combine philosophical and literary concerns. The combination can be achieved in a number of ways, as aspects of literature can be treated as topics of philosophical inquiry, or a more combined and interdisciplinary approach can be taken.

While many UK philosophy departments possess strength in analytic philosophy or continental philosophy, we are distinctive in having world-leading philosophers from both fields. We also collaborate extensively with academics and practitioners in other subjects including English and other modern European languages.

Teaching and learning

In addition to regular supervisions, in the first year you will also take our core PhD seminar, which engages you with a broad range of philosophical issues beyond your thesis topic that are central to different philosophical traditions.

Additionally, you are expected to attend any relevant postgraduate seminars, including modules on our taught MA programmes.

General entry requirements

Minimum requirements.

A Master’s level degree in Philosophy or a Master’s degree (or equivalent) with a significant Philosophy component; a writing sample of 2,500 words; a strong research proposal.

English language requirements

You can find out more about our English language requirements . This course requires the following:

  • IELTS overall score of 7.0, minimum component scores of two at 6.0/6.5 and the rest at 7.0 or above.

International qualifications

We welcome applications from students with other internationally recognised qualifications.

For more information, please visit the international entry requirements page .

Additional requirements

There are no additional entry requirements for this course.

Our research

The department has particular research strengths in:

  • Philosophy of Mind and Psychology
  • Epistemology
  • The Philosophy of Art and Literature
  • Moral and Political Philosophy
  • 20th Century Continental Philosophy
  • Kant and 19th Century Post-Kantian Philosophy

Full details of our research interests are listed on the Philosophy web pages .

You can also read our general University research proposal guidance.

Find a supervisor

Please see our Philosophy 'How to Apply' web page for guidance on completing your application form.

Before completing your application you may wish to make contact with the convenor of the programme to discuss your application.

Tuition fees

Tuition fees are payable for each year of your course at the start of the academic year, or at the start of your course, if later. Academic fees cover the cost of tuition, examinations and registration and some student amenities.

Taught course fees   Research course fees

Fee Status Guidance

We carry out an initial fee status assessment based on the information you provide in your application. Students will be classified as Home or Overseas fee status. Your fee status determines tuition fees, and what financial support and scholarships may be available. If you receive an offer, your fee status will be clearly stated alongside the tuition fee information.

Do you need your fee classification to be reviewed?

If you believe that your fee status has been classified incorrectly, you can complete a fee status assessment questionnaire. Please follow the instructions in your offer information and provide the documents needed to reassess your status.

Find out more about how universities assess fee status

Additional course costs

As well as tuition fees and living expenses, some courses may require you to cover the cost of field trips or costs associated with travel abroad. Information about department specific costs should be considered in conjunction with the more general costs below, such as:

As well as tuition fees and living expenses, some courses may require you to cover the cost of field trips or costs associated with travel abroad.

For departmental specific costs, please see the Modules tab on the course web page for the list of core and optional core modules with hyperlinks to our  Module Catalogue  (please visit the Department’s website if the Module Catalogue hyperlinks are not provided).

Associated costs can be found on the Study tab for each module listed in the Module Catalogue (please note most of the module content applies to 2022/23 year of study). Information about module department specific costs should be considered in conjunction with the more general costs below:

  • Core text books
  • Printer credits
  • Dissertation binding
  • Robe hire for your degree ceremony

Scholarships and bursaries

postgraduate research topics

Scholarships and financial support

Find out about the different funding routes available, including; postgraduate loans, scholarships, fee awards and academic department bursaries.

postgraduate research topics

Living costs

Find out more about the cost of living as a postgraduate student at the University of Warwick.

Philosophy at Warwick

Can living morally be too demanding? Could what you see be just an illusion? How do we know what’s going on in other people’s minds?

Explore these questions with our expert teachers and researchers. Learn how to think independently and analytically and take on different points of view. Interact with other subjects, like psychology, law, politics, economics or literature.

Join our open and friendly learning environment and become a confident communicator with the resilience to thrive in the pursuit of your goals.

Find out more about us on our website.

Our Postgraduate courses

  • Continental Philosophy (MA)
  • Philosophy (MA)
  • Philosophy and Literature (PhD)
  • Philosophy and the Arts (MA)
  • Philosophy (MPhil)
  • Philosophy (PhD)

postgraduate research topics

Taught course applications

Here is our checklist on how to apply for taught postgraduate courses at Warwick.

postgraduate research topics

Research course applications

Here is our checklist on how to apply for research postgraduate degrees at the University of Warwick.

postgraduate research topics

After you’ve applied

Find out how we process your application.

postgraduate research topics

Applicant Portal

Track your application and update your details.

postgraduate research topics

Admissions statement

See Warwick’s postgraduate admissions policy.

postgraduate research topics

Join a live chat

Ask questions and engage with Warwick.

Postgraduate Open Day

Postgraduate fairs.

Throughout the year we attend exhibitions and fairs online and in the UK. These events give you the chance to learn about our Master's and PhD study routes, and the wider context of postgraduate study.

Find out more

Every week, you can connect directly with representatives from Warwick, who will be answering your questions on applying to and studying postgraduate studies at Warwick.

Sign up for Live Chats

Departmental events

Some academic departments hold events for specific postgraduate programmes, these are fantastic opportunities to learn more about Warwick and your chosen department and course.

See our online departmental events

Connect with us

Want to hear more about postgraduate study at Warwick? Register your interest and find out more.

Learn more about Postgraduate study at the University of Warwick.

Why Warwick

Discover why Warwick is one of the best universities in the UK and renowned globally.

6th in the UK (The Guardian University Guide 2022) Link opens in a new window

64th in the world (QS World University Rankings 2023) Link opens in a new window

6th most targeted university by the UK's top 100 graduate employers Link opens in a new window

(The Graduate Market in 2022, High Fliers Research Ltd. Link opens in a new window )

About the information on this page

This information is applicable for 2022 entry. Given the interval between the publication of courses and enrolment, some of the information may change. It is important to check our website before you apply. Please read our terms and conditions to find out more.

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Joyce Yang

During this summer’s Bowers Undergraduate Research Experience, Joyce Yang ’27, a computer science major, worked with Cornell’s EmPRISE Lab to develop a robotic system to transfer a patient from a bed to a wheelchair.

Summer program gives undergraduates a taste of research life

By louis dipietro cornell ann s. bowers college of computing and information science..

Research takes time.

“On top of classes and extracurricular commitments, I often struggle to find enough time for research during the semester,” said James Kim ’25, a computer science and math major.

But this summer, thanks to the  Bowers Undergraduate Research Experience (BURE) , Kim, along with 60 of his undergraduate peers from the Cornell Ann S. Bowers College of Computing and Information Science, can give research the time it requires. In the process, Kim is discovering a career path. Working alongside  Amy Kuceyeski , adjunct associate professor of statistics and data science and professor of mathematics in radiology and of mathematics in neuroscience in the Feil Family Brain and Mind Research Institute at Weill Cornell Medicine, Kim uses machine learning models to analyze brain scans and predict the onset of various neurological disorders. He plans to pursue a doctoral degree in computer science, with a focus on artificial intelligence, neuroscience and health care.

Kabir Samsi ’26, a computer science major and music minor, spent his summer working in a Cornell lab as part of the Bowers Undergraduate Research Experience.

Kabir Samsi ’26, a computer science major and music minor, spent his summer working in a Cornell lab as part of the Bowers Undergraduate Research Experience.

“What I was able to get done over two months during the semester, I got done in maybe a week or two here during the summer,” Kim said. “BURE has been extremely worthwhile. The mentorship and the support have been priceless.”

Hosted by the Cornell Bowers CIS and encompassing Cornell’s Ithaca campus and Cornell Tech in New York City, BURE is a 10-week summer program where Cornell undergraduates are paired with one of nearly 40 faculty mentors and their doctoral students to tackle a specific research project. BURE students work full time for an hourly wage or a research stipend. Open to all Cornell Bowers CIS undergraduates, the program is meant to give undergraduate students a preview of the open, free-form nature of research so that they can decide whether pursuing a doctoral degree is the right choice, said  Adrian Sampson , associate professor of computer science and a BURE mentor. 

“If students are at all considering a career in research, it does not make sense to immediately apply to a Ph.D. program without doing any,” said Sampson, who is mentoring six undergraduate students in his  Computer Architecture and Programming Abstractions (CAPRA) lab this summer. “By the end of the summer, I hope students get a sense of whether this is something they want to do long term. Maybe they like research, or they don’t. There’s no shame in either direction.” 

BURE student Joyce Yang ’27 is working with the  EmPRISE Lab , directed by  Tapomayukh Bhattacharjee , assistant professor of computer science, to develop a robotic system that can safely transfer a care recipient from a bed to a wheelchair. While there has been limited research on this topic, human transferring is one of caregivers’ most challenging daily tasks, making her work all the more meaningful, Yang said. 

“With research, I think it’s fun that you never really know when you’re going to be done with a project, and that it can go as far as you’d like it to go,” said Yang, a computer science major. “There’s a possibility of discovering or inventing something that’s novel, and, especially with robotics, something that could truly have a positive impact in people’s lives.”

Along with research opportunities, BURE offers a series of weekly talks from mentors about life as a researcher, and regular social events throughout the summer. At BURE’s conclusion, participating students showcase their work during a research symposium.

BURE has given Kabir Samsi ’26 the time and experience to decide what he’d like to do after his undergraduate studies, he said.

“The experience has been fantastic,” said Samsi, a computer science major and music minor who is working in Sampson’s CAPRA Lab on a project related to packet scheduling, a model for improving the way computer systems handle flows of data. “I think it's hugely inspired me to want to continue a path of research.”

New this summer is  BURE Next , run by the Cornell Bowers CIS’s Office of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging. It was created to encourage research opportunities for undergraduate students from underrepresented groups everywhere – not just at Cornell; anyone can apply. Four students are participating in BURE Next this summer.

BURE is offered every summer, and Cornell Bowers CIS students can apply via the  college’s website .

Louis DiPietro is a writer for the Cornell Ann S. Bowers College of Computing and Information Science.

Media Contact

Becka bowyer.

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    How to Choose a Research Topic Our first piece of advice is to PhD candidates is to stop thinking about 'finding' a research topic, as it is unlikely that you will. Instead, think about developing a research topic (from research and conversations with advisors).

  8. Research Project

    KEY POINTS. • A research project is at the core of many postgraduate courses. For PhD and research masters students it is the most important element of their course, whereas for taught masters students it is relatively less important but still highly relevant. • Postgraduate research projects are usually written up in the form of a .

  9. Research Methods for Postgraduates

    An indispensable reference for postgraduates, providing up to date guidance in all subject areas Methods for Postgraduates brings together guidance for postgraduate students on how to organise, plan and do research from an interdisciplinary perspective. In this new edition, the already wide-ranging coverage is enhanced by the addition of new chapters on social media, evaluating the research ...

  10. Postgraduate research areas

    Research. Teaching and learning. Social responsibility. Discover more about The University of Manchester here.

  11. How to do a postgraduate research project and write a minor thesis

    The reasons to do a research project during your postgraduate training include to: learn the basics of research theory and techniques, including epidemiology and biostatistics; understand how to do a literature review, and how to appraise the literature to address questions; explore an area of interest for you (develop some expertise and a deeper understanding of a topic); give you tools to ...

  12. Postgraduate research topics

    Postgraduate research topics If you're unsure what your research topic could be, find out about the research our academics are working on that you could help with. You can do postgraduate research at the Wellington School of Business and Government towards an Honours, Master of Commerce, and PhD degree.

  13. PDF Guide to Research for Postgraduate Theses, Dissertations and Projects

    Research Project As a general guide, a research project should be undertaken by students enrolled for postgraduate certificates or diplomas and should be characterised by the following: It should demonstrate a basic understanding of the research process. The student should demonstrate ability to systematically sustain a research argument.

  14. Selecting a thesis topic: A postgraduate's dilemma

    Selecting a thesis topic: A postgraduate's dilemma. It is said that well begun is half done. Choosing a thesis topic and submitting a research protocol is an essential step in the life cycle of a postgraduate resident. National Medical Commission of India mandates that all postgraduate trainees must submit at least one original research work ...

  15. 600 Accounting and Finance Thesis Topics

    This page provides a comprehensive list of accounting and finance thesis topics designed to assist students in selecting an impactful subject for their thesis.

  16. Research topics and degrees

    Research topics and degrees. Accountancy. Arab and Islamic Studies. Archaeology. Art History and Visual Culture. Biological Sciences. Business and Management. Classics and Ancient History. Climate Change and Environment.


    gy Management are given in Appendix 14.9. WRITING. RESEARCH ARTICLE FOR A SCIENTIFIC JOURNALIt is a requirement of the Department of Engineering and Technology Management that all post-graduate students submit research artic. es for publication in scientific journals. The following are the m.

  18. Crafting a Winning Research Topic: Tips and Activities for Postgraduate

    A well-crafted research topic ensures the research is feasible, relevant, and significant. In this article, we will provide five tips and three activities that postgraduate students can use to ...

  19. Graduate Research Topics

    Graduate Research Topics. Bacteriophage Ecology, History, and Behavior. Detection of other microbial species and the host environment by Salmonella. Biochemistry of central carbon metabolism. Molecular mechanisms of transcription elongation,elongation control of virulence genes in proteobacteria. Patrick Bradley.

  20. 100s of Free HRM Dissertation Topics and Titles

    Need interesting HRM dissertation topics? Here are the trending HRM dissertation titles to choose one that best suits your requirements

  21. Top 170 Project Management Research Topics to Work in 2024

    In the ever-evolving field of project management, staying ahead of the most recent research trends is essential for professionals who wish to enhance their skills and increase successful project outcomes. This article highlights the top ten project management research topics expected to impact the project management field in 2024 significantly.

  22. Masters, PhD & Post-Graduate Research Project Topic Ideas

    Do you need assistance with the most recent research ideas for a postgraduate project topic? Get guidance from our skilled and experienced researchers.

  23. Topic Portal

    Topic Portal Access To review current sponsored topics, create a topic, or submit an IREF, please login and follow prompts.

  24. PhD in Philosophy and Literature (2022 Entry)

    The Philosophy and Literature PhD is a leading course, suiting students who thrive on independent, interdisciplinary study. You'll explore a topic in depth as part of an active research community, supervised by experts at the University of Warwick's Philosophy department.

  25. Summer program gives undergraduates a taste of research life

    The Bowers Undergraduate Research Experience is a 10-week summer program where Cornell undergraduates are paired with one of nearly 40 faculty mentors and their doctoral students to tackle a specific research project.

  26. News Archive Item

    Various topics were discussed at the seminar, all aimed at empowering the postgraduate students in attendance. These included personal branding that enlightened the students on how to position themselves for the work environment, being clued up about the basics of an employment contract, as well as pursuing global research opportunities and ...