Frantically Speaking

Formal Vs Informal Speeches: An A-Z Guide

Hrideep barot.

  • Public Speaking , Speech Writing , Workplace Communication

Formal Speech VS Informal Speech

A speech is either formal or informal. Meaning, it can either be a formal address delivered to an audience or the daily use of grammar and words to communicate. The only purpose of either of those speeches is to put across a message well enough to invoke the desired response from your audience. Throughout history, humans all across the world cleverly inspired world-wide revolutions solely through the power of speech. Since then, a lot of tools and techniques of speeches have developed to ensure we use this power to its maximum capacity.  

The two broad classifications of events we use speeches are called formal events and informal events. Therefore, depending on the kind of audience, the situation, the message, the tone and the environment, the orator must decide whether they should address a formal speech or an informal speech. Working out where you use what kind of speech is the most important aspect of being a good communicator.

Man delivering a formal speech to a crowd

Formal Speeches

What are formal speeches.

Formal Speeches are made when you’re speaking to a sizable audience you don’t personally know. These are professional events where you’re expected to make a good impression on the audience. The nature of these events is often serious and decorous. These events therefore demand a similar respectable tone of language and speech.

For example, while at a job interview, speaking to an individual of authority, delivering a lecture, making a presentation, giving a pitch, motivating the audience, hosting a business event etc., you must ensure you speak formally. 

A formal business meeting

What makes a speech formal?

Formal speeches are also called orations. They are used in situations that are more ‘serious.’ They project a specific tone and specific characteristics. A few basic tools and attributes of formal speeches are:

The tone of a formal speech is always polite and respectful. Since formal speeches are mainly used to communicate with people in authority or strangers, it is important to structure your sentences suitably. The use of civilised words, appropriate grammar, complete sentences and enhanced vocabulary maintains the decorum of a formal speech.


A formal communication style usually takes no stances. The sentence is spoken in a passive voice with a minimum use of personal pronouns. When we avoid using personal pronouns such as ‘I’, ‘We’ and ‘You’, the essence of the point changes from being an opinion to a fact. Therefore, the content of your speech sounds more objective than subjective.


A formal speech is more effective than an informal speech because it comprises longer sentences and clear, non-colloquial phrases. It is well-spoken and the pronunciations are fathomable and precise. Its adherence to the Standard English language makes it comprehensible for the entire audience, even the non-native English speakers. It therefore proves to be extremely effective, suitable for a workplace or a business environment.

Standard English Language

A formal speech naturally follows the standards and rules formally set by the language. Languages tend to have regional differences and additional local slang to them. Even within England, British English and Scottish English tend to have different dialects and colloquial. For example, maybe phrases like “sure-fire” or “works like a charm” are deemed normal at your workplace but you cannot expect a non-English speaking trader to know them. When we adhere to the Standard English prescribed by Oxford, everybody who has academically learnt the English language is able to understand what one is trying to say.

The generous use of long sentences, no contractions, minimum abbreviations, proper grammar, complex sentence structure, clear pronunciation and overall objectiveness of the information brings a lot of clarity to one’s speech. There is seldom any room for doubts or misunderstandings. The extensive use of impersonal and formal language brings out professionalism and makes your information more credible.

Employees listening to a formal speech

What should you NOT include in a Formal Speech

The obvious ways of distinguishing between a formal speech and an informal speech are determined through the process of elimination. The following are a few things that you shouldn’t include in a formal speech:

Casual Greeting

There are a number of ways you can greet a person. Each kind of greeting has formal and informal versions that you can use based on how well you know the person and what degree of professionalism you are required to maintain with that person. For example,

  • Formal: Hello, how do you do?
  • Informal: Hey, how are ya?
  • Formal: Nice to meet you/ Pleased to meet you.
  • Informal: Good to see you.
  • Formal: How have you been?
  • Informal: Long time no see!

Slangs and Colloquialism

Slangs include a language that’s peculiar to a particular group, a regional reference, or even curse words. It’s extremely important to keep slang words at bay when you’re delivering a formal speech. A formal tone prescribes standard, professional English language. For example,

  • Informal: Stats say, stress is the reason why this workplace is always screwing up.
  • Formal: According to statistics, stress is one of the most frequent factors that disrupts efficiency and encourages problems in the workplace.
  • Informal: Know yourself honestly and well enough to find what stresses you out.
  • Formal: Being candid with ourselves is the most effective way to establish the triggers of stress we experience.


Contracting words and sentences assert an informal and casual tone. If you are aiming to sound professional and polished, avoiding contractions is recommended. For example,

  • Informal: I’ve had enough, I don’t think I’m gonna let this slide the next time.
  • Formal: Your limit has been surpassed, I do not think this mistake will go unpunished the next time.

Personal Pronouns

The main characteristics of a formal speech are its impersonal nature and the precise, passive and objective delivery of information. While writing a formal speech, avoid using pronouns altogether. However, if required, try using neutral pronouns such as ‘one.’ For example,

  • Informal: I was alarmed when I found out the effects of stress.
  • Formal: The effects of stress were found to be quite alarming.
  • Informal: You shouldn’t stress out about the things you can’t control.
  • Formal: One shouldn’t take stress about the things beyond one’s control.

Poor Vocabulary

Gather your thesaurus before you write your formal speech because the better your vocabulary, more formal the content of your speech sounds. While both your sentences would mean the same thing, the tone in which they are delivered would classify them as informal speeches or formal speeches. For example,

  • Informal: He took the item back to the shop.
  • Formal: He returned the item to the shop.
  • Informal: The CEO of this company gave up his position because his mental health was being affected.
  • Formal: The CEO of this company relinquished his position due to his mental health being compromised.

How should you structure a Formal Speech?

The basic structure of a formal speech is no different than the structure of an essay. Organising your speech not only improves the clarity of thought but also amplifies the effectiveness of your content. A formal speech includes an introduction, a body and a conclusion.

The Introduction

A formal introduction establishes a respectful contact between the speaker and the listener. The introduction should last for one minute at the most. It should sound deferential and strictly adhere to formal English. How should you begin a formal speech?

The Greeting

The introduction of a formal speech can typically begin with a greeting. After wishing ‘good morning’ or ‘good evening’ depending on the time of the day, you may introduce yourself humbly. You can thank the organisers of the event for inviting you to speak or compliment a senior member of the event to pay respect. 

Acknowledging the Audience

It is polite to thank the audience for gathering to hear you out. Greet them with a genuine smile and express what an honour it is to be speaking before them today. After all, they have sacrificed their precious time to be here today.

Placing your Claim

The introduction is the most crucial segment of your speech. The curiosity you are able to pique in this part decides how much audience you will retain throughout your speech. It is extremely important you place your claim in the most catchy manner. Even in a formal speech, you can use quotes, rhetorical devices, imagery, startling elements, stories or even silence. As long as the language used is respectful, professional and follows the formal English, it can be a good opener for a formal speech. 

In case you’re looking for a few creative ways you can open your speech, you can refer to our blogpost for help!

The body makes up everything you have to say about the claim you placed in the introduction. It can have additional facts, supporting arguments and other temporal modes of organising your information. The temporal modes of organising information can be:

  • Cause-effect relation in past, present or future tense
  • Effect-cause relation which is basically inverting it and highlighting the effects before you state how they are achieved.
  • Compare and contrast your entities.
  • Narrate your topics as a story by organising the flow of the speech by finding relation and joint-relevance between two topics.
  • Subdividing a large chunk of information into headings and subheadings is also a good topical way to organise your information formally.

The Conclusion

How do you end a formal speech? The conclusion follows the transition that was laid down by the body. The two main aims of a conclusion are to summarise the ideas of the speech and provide a closure. The conclusion of any formal speech can include:

  • A summary of the speech.
  • A ‘Now-What?’ statement elucidating the takeaway of the speech for the audience.
  • A reference back to the introduction of the speech.
  • An open-ended question to ponder upon.

If the last line of your speech is as important as the introduction segment where you make the claim. The weight and impact of the last sentence decides how memorable your speech would be. If you don’t feel like dropping the mic after the last sentence of your speech, maybe it’s not as mind-blowing and impactful as it ideally should be. 

If you are looking to seek more advice on how you can structure your formal speeches more professionally , be sure to check out our guidelines.

Coworkers informally discussing a project

Informal Speeches

Informal speeches are casual and relaxed. They are made while talking to friends, colleagues or people you personally know. There are no hard and fast rules while making an informal speech other than somehow conveying the message you want to convey. 

What makes a speech informal?

Informal speeches radiate a very comfortable and relaxed energy. They’re friendlier than formal speeches and they often carry the personality of the person addressing them. A few characteristics that can help you identify informal speeches are:

Since casual speeches don’t require a very strict preparation like formal speeches, they are often easygoing. Informal speeches are made sporadically and are mostly off the record. The level of ease informal speeches carry can differ from person to person given how extroverted they are, or how comfortable they are with the audience. 

Informal speeches sound colourful. In the sense, the speaker is given the liberty to express themselves as they truly are. They don’t have a monotonous tone like formal speeches. The speaker can add their own slang, phrases they normally use, their personality, their dialects and in general make the speech as entertaining and fun as they please. 

Informal speeches give you the artistic and comedic liberty to put forth your message. While formal speeches usually adhere to the strictness of sounding ‘serious’ and ‘professional’, informal speeches are like laid back and pleasurable conversations.

You do not normally talk in complex sentence structures or dramatically use vocabulary. Likewise, informal speeches are often simple and straightforward. They use short sentences and terms and references from day-to-day life. You may use words and phrases like ‘that’s dope’, ‘don’t be salty’, ‘bruh’, ‘I’m shook’, ‘No cap’ etc. 

Informal speech is used in day-to-day life. Unlike other languages, most English speakers tend to speak informally with strangers on the street. While they’re friendly, they might not necessarily be polite if the listener cannot interpret the tone of your speech. 

Since informal speeches are more often used in everyday life, they don’t really have a structure. They do not require an introduction, a body or a conclusion. Apart from the unspoken rules of exchanging pleasantries and courtesy, you do not need to ‘prepare’ anything formal, just have the idea of what you want to say in mind.

A few examples of informal speeches would be:

  • A Best Man’s Speech for his Brother’s Wedding: In this example, the occasion is properly informal. The speaker is amongst friends and family, speaking about his brother and his new wife. It is hilarious and also contains a poem to deliver the message!

  • A Valedictorian Speech for the Class of 2010: In this example, while the occasion is formal, the speaker has very cleverly added a subtle informal tone while still maintaining the collective polite structure. He framed all inside jokes in a way everybody could understand. It was overall confident, humorous, ingenious and a great valedictorian speech.

A man giving a toast on his wedding

What are the Main Differences Between Formal and Informal Speeches?

The following table elucidates the main differences between formal and informal speeches, summarising all its characteristics.

Its tone is serious.Its tone is casual.
It sounds polite.It sounds friendly.
When overused, it can come across as cold and distant.When overused, it can come across as brash and rude.
The sentence structures are complex.The sentence structures are simple.
An extensive range of vocabulary is used.Simple words and general vocabulary is used.
Pronouns are either avoided or neutralised. For e.g. ‘one’.Personal pronouns are used expansively.
Slang and colloquial language is not used.Slang and colloquial language can be used.
The content shared is impersonal and objective.The content shared expresses one’s personality and is often subjective.
Abides by the rules of standard English.Need not strictly adhere to the rules of standard English.
Follow an introduction-body-conclusion structure.Need not follow any concrete structure.

Case Study: A Sales Pitch

Let’s study the an applied example of formal and informal speeches. The above video is a sales pitch for electric cars. There are two characters in this video, each used in informal speech and formal speech respectively. Let us analyse both their speeches to understand how you can implement the two styles in your communication. 

Informal Speech

The first man uses an informal style of speech. He begins his speech by saying, “Ladies and gentlemen, electric cars. They’re totally gay.” Naturally, in a work environment where formal tones are expected, the opening statement left all the members of the meeting stupefied. They found his speech disrespectful and all the faces around the room were either shocked, perplexed or disapproving. The casual tone could have easily been found offensive on the pretext of homophobia. He also says things like ‘rock-and-roll-ness’, ‘sexiness of the car’, ‘this model took more virginities than Francis Albert Sinatra’, which can come across as rather controversial in a formal business meeting. Gradually, the informal and blunt approach did work out for the salesperson. However, the chances of it being successful are bleak and you could just be overruled any time. Using a formal tone is therefore a safer option.

Formal Speech

The second man in the film, referred to as Nicholas, takes over and summarises the pitch using formal speech. He uses statements like, ‘We believe we can produce the technology to incorporate an electric motor in your current model.’ He said the exact same thing the first man was trying to communicate but in a far more classy manner. Instead of calling it ‘sexy’ or ‘rock-and-roll’, he refers to its features as ‘exhilarating’ and ‘aggressive’, making the experience ‘visceral’ and retaining a manly retro element of the car than making it look ‘gay’. 

This example distinguishing formal speech with informal speech hopefully gives you a thorough idea of what they are. However, when should you use formal speech? And when should you give an informal speech?

Should you use Formal Speech or Informal Speech?

Knowing what speech is best suited for the given situation always depends on the context. You should be intelligent enough to be able to recognize situations that demand a formal tone and situations that can be handled casually.

Generally, informal speeches are made at weddings while giving a toast or at birthdays to express love etc. Formal speeches are made in professional settings, work places, educational institutes, talking to authorities, job interviews, business meetings, negotiations, elders or people you don’t know.  

However, sometimes in job interviews, the interviewer can be looking for what your personality is like. In situations like this, you need to tone down how formally you talk. Some corporate cultures embrace a casual and informal tone in their business affairs while some companies prefer individuals who can maintain a strong formal and professional persona. 

When you are doubtful about what speech to use, always stick to formal speech. While informal speech is friendly, formal speech is polite. It establishes goodwill and credibility. Although it’s not good to be overly formal either. Saying “Greetings, let me guide you through the floorplans of this building so you can navigate the office easily.” is frankly absurd and foolish. Being too formal can also come across as cold, distant and ironically even impolite. You do not want to be a robot. Sometimes saying, “Good morning, allow me to give you an office tour.” does just the right thing.

To Conclude,

A good communicator can not only convey any kind of message to their audience but also convey their message to any kind of audience. And in order to achieve this, a good communicator is the master of the art of speech as well as the master of knowing the audience and what tone they would appreciate. 

Hrideep Barot

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How to Write an Informative Speech

Last Updated: August 20, 2024 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Lynn Kirkham . Lynn Kirkham is a Professional Public Speaker and Founder of Yes You Can Speak, a San Francisco Bay Area-based public speaking educational business empowering thousands of professionals to take command of whatever stage they've been given - from job interviews, boardroom talks to TEDx and large conference platforms. Lynn was chosen as the official TEDx Berkeley speaker coach for the last four years and has worked with executives at Google, Facebook, Intuit, Genentech, Intel, VMware, and others. There are 13 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 1,396,868 times.

An informative speech tells an audience about a process, event, or concept. Whether you’re explaining how to grow a garden or describing a historical event, writing an informative speech is pretty straightforward. Knowing the topic inside and out is key, so start by conducting thorough research. Organize your speech logically so your audience can easily follow, and keep your language clear. Since speeches are recited out loud, be sure to set aside time after writing to perfect your delivery.

Researching the Topic

Step 1 Choose a subject that interests you if the topic isn’t assigned.

  • Suppose your prompt instructs you to inform the audience about a hobby or activity. Make a list of your clubs, sports, and other activities, and choose the one that interests you most. Then zoom in on one particular aspect or process to focus on in your speech.
  • For instance, if you like tennis, you can’t discuss every aspect of the sport in a single speech. Instead, you could focus on a specific technique, like serving the ball.

Step 2 Gather a variety...

  • For example, if your speech is about a historical event, find primary sources, like letters or newspaper articles published at the time of the event. Additionally, include secondary sources, such as scholarly articles written by experts on the event.
  • If you’re informing the audience about a medical condition, find information in medical encyclopedias, scientific journals, and government health websites.

Tip: Organize your sources in a works cited page. Even if the assignment doesn’t require a works cited page, it’ll help you keep track of your sources. [3] X Trustworthy Source Purdue Online Writing Lab Trusted resource for writing and citation guidelines Go to source

Step 3 Form a clear understanding of the process or concept you’re describing.

  • For instance, if your speech is on growing plants from seeds, explain the process step-by-step to a friend or relative. Ask them if any parts in your explanation seemed muddy or vague.
  • Break down the material into simple terms, especially if you’re addressing a non-expert audience. Think about how you’d describe the topic to a grandparent or younger sibling. If you can’t avoid using jargon, be sure to define technical words in clear, simple terms.

Step 4 Come up with a thesis that concisely presents your speech’s purpose.

  • For example, if your speech is on the poet Charles Baudelaire, a strong thesis would be, “I am here to explain how city life and exotic travel shaped the key poetic themes of Charles Baudelaire’s work.”
  • While the goal of an informative speech isn't to make a defensible claim, your thesis still needs to be specific. For instance, “I’m going to talk about carburetors” is vague. “My purpose today is to explain how to take apart a variable choke carburetor” is more specific.

Step 5 Focus on informing your audience instead of persuading them.

  • For instance, a speech meant to persuade an audience to support a political stance would most likely include examples of pathos, or persuasive devices that appeal to the audience's emotions.
  • On the other hand, an informative speech on how to grow pitcher plants would present clear, objective steps. It wouldn't try to argue that growing pitcher plants is great or persuade listeners to grow pitcher plants.

Drafting Your Speech

Step 1 Write a bare...

  • Delivering memorized remarks instead of reading verbatim is more engaging. A section of a speaking outline would look like this: III. YMCA’s Focus on Healthy Living  A. Commitment to overall health: both body and mind  B. Programs that support commitment   1. Annual Kid’s Day   2. Fitness facilities   3. Classes and group activities

Step 2 Include a hook, thesis, and road map of your speech in the introduction.

  • For example, you could begin with, “Have you ever wondered how a figure skater could possibly jump, twist, and land on the thin blade of an ice skate? From proper technique to the physical forces at play, I’ll explain how world-class skaters achieve jaw-dropping jumps and spins.”
  • Once you've established your purpose, preview your speech: “After describing the basic technical aspects of jumping, I’ll discuss the physics behind jumps and spins. Finally, I’ll explain the 6 types of jumps and clarify why some are more difficult than others.”
  • Some people prefer to write the speech's body before the introduction. For others, writing the intro first helps them figure out how to organize the rest of the speech.

Step 3 Present your main ideas in a logically organized body.

  • For instance, if your speech is about the causes of World War I, start by discussing nationalism in the years prior to the war. Next, describe the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand, then explain how alliances pulled the major players into open warfare.
  • Transition smoothly between ideas so your audience can follow your speech. For example, write, “Now that we’ve covered how nationalism set the stage for international conflict, we can examine the event that directly led to the outbreak of World War I: the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand. [11] X Research source

Step 4 Review your main points in the conclusion.

  • For instance, your conclusion could point out, “Examining the factors that set the stage for World War I shows how intense nationalism fueled the conflict. A century after the Great War, the struggle between nationalism and globalism continues to define international politics in the twenty-first century.”

Step 5 Write a complete draft to edit and memorize your speech.

  • Typically, speeches aren’t read verbatim. Instead, you’ll memorize the speech and use a bare bones outline to stay on track.

Avoid information overload: When you compose your speech, read out loud as you write. Focus on keeping your sentence structures simple and clear. Your audience will have a hard time following along if your language is too complicated. [14] X Trustworthy Source University of North Carolina Writing Center UNC's on-campus and online instructional service that provides assistance to students, faculty, and others during the writing process Go to source

Perfecting Your Delivery

Step 1 Write the main points and helpful cues on notecards.

  • While it’s generally okay to use slightly different phrasing, try to stick to your complete outline as best you can. If you veer off too much or insert too many additional words, you could end up exceeding your time limit.
  • Keep in mind your speaking outline will help you stay focused. As for quotes and statistics, feel free to write them on your notecards for quick reference.

Memorization tip: Break up the speech into smaller parts, and memorize it section by section. Memorize 1 sentence then, when you feel confident, add the next. Continue practicing with gradually longer passages until you know the speech like the back of your hand.

Step 2 Project confidence with eye contact, gestures, and good posture.

  • Instead of slouching, stand up tall with your shoulders back. In addition to projecting confidence, good posture will help you breathe deeply to support your voice.

Step 3 Practice the speech in a mirror or to a friend.

  • Have them point out any spots that dragged or seemed disorganized. Ask if your tone was engaging, if you used body language effectively, and if your volume, pitch, and pacing need any tweaks.

Step 4 Make sure you stay within the time limit.

  • If you keep exceeding the time limit, review your complete sentence outline. Cut any fluff and simplify complicated phrases. If your speech isn’t long enough, look for areas that could use more detail or consider adding another section to the body.
  • Just make sure any content you add is relevant. For instance, if your speech on nationalism and World War I is 2 minutes too short, you could add a section about how nationalism manifested in specific countries, including Britain, Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Serbia.

Sample Informative Speeches

how to write an informal speech

Expert Q&A

Lynn Kirkham

  • You're probably much better at informative speeches than you think! If you have ever told your parents about your day at school or explained to a friend how to make chicken noodle soup, you already have experience giving an informative speech! Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • If you get nervous, try to relax, take deep breaths, and visualize calming scenery. Remember, there’s nothing to worry about. Just set yourself up for success by knowing the material and practicing. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • When composing your speech, take your audience into consideration, and tailor your speech to the people you’re addressing. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

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About This Article

Lynn Kirkham

To write an informative speech, start with an introduction that will grab your audience's attention and give them an idea of where the rest of your speech is headed. Next, choose 3 important points that you want to make to form the body of your speech. Then, organize the points in a logical order and write content to address each point. Finally, write a conclusion that summarizes the main points and ends with a message that you want your audience to take away from it. For tips on researching topics for an informative speech, keep reading! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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How to Write an Informative Speech Outline: A Step-by-Step Guide

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It’s the moment of truth — the anxiety-inducing moment when you realize writing the outline for your informative speech is due soon. Whether you’re looking to deliver a report on the migratory patterns of the great white stork or give a lecture on the proper techniques of candle making, knowing how to write an effective outline is essential.

That’s why we’ve put together this complete, step-by-step guide on how to write an informative speech outline. From selecting a topic to transitioning during your speech, this guide will have you well on your way to writing a compelling informative speech outline . So grab your pen and paper, put on your thinking cap, and let’s get started!

What is an Informative Speech Outline?

An informative speech outline is a document used to plan the structure and core content of a public speech. It’s used by speakers to ensure their talk covers all the important points, stays on-topic and flows logically from one point to another. By breaking down complex topics into smaller, concise sections, an effective outline can help keep a speaker organized, set objectives for their talk, support key points with evidence and promote audience engagement. A well-structured outline can also make a presentation easier to remember and act as an invaluable reminder if nerves ever get the better of the speaker. On one hand, an informative speech outline enables speakers to cover multiple ideas in an efficient manner while avoiding digressions. On the other hand, it’s important that speakers remain flexible to adjust and adapt content to meet audience needs. While there are some tried-and-tested strategies for creating outlines that work, many successful speakers prefer to tweak and modify existing outlines according to their personal preferences. In conclusion, preparing an informative speech outline can boost confidence and create an effective structure for presentations. With this in mind, let’s now look at how to structure an informative speech outline

How to Structure an Informative Speech Outline

The structure of your informative speech outline should be based on the points you need to cover during your presentation. It should list out all of the main points in an organized and logical manner, along with supporting details for each point. The main structure for an informative speech should consist of three parts: the introduction, body and conclusion.


When starting to craft your structure, begin by introducing the topic and giving a brief synopsis of what the audience can expect to learn from your speech. By setting up what they will gain from your presentation, it will help keep them engaged throughout the rest of your talk. Additionally, include any objectives that you want to achieve by the end of your speech.

The body of an informative speech outline typically consists of three parts: main points, sub-points, and supporting details. Main points are the core topics that the speaker wishes to cover throughout the speech. These can be further broken down into sub-points, that explore the main ideas in greater detail. Supporting details provide evidence or facts about each point and can include statistics, research studies, quotes from experts, anecdotes and personal stories . When presenting an informative speech, it is important to consider each side of the topic for an even-handed discussion. If there is an argumentative element to the speech, consider incorporating both sides of the debate . It is also important to be objective when presenting facts and leave value judgments out. Once you have determined your main points and all of their supporting details, you can start ordering them in a logical fashion. The presentation should have a clear flow and move between points smoothly. Each point should be covered thoroughly without getting overly verbose; you want to make sure you are giving enough information to your audience while still being concise with your delivery.

Writing an informative speech outline can be a daunting yet rewarding process. Through the steps outlined above, speakers will have created a strong foundation for their speech and can now confidently start to research their topics . The outline serves as a guiding map for speakers to follow during their research and when writing their eventual speech drafts . Having the process of developing an informative speech broken down into easy and manageable steps helps to reduce stress and anxiety associated with preparing speeches .

  • The introduction should be around 10-20% of the total speech duration and is designed to capture the audience’s attention and introduce the topic.
  • The main points should make up 40-60% of the speech and provide further detail into the topic. The body should begin with a transition, include evidence or examples and have supporting details. Concluding with a recap or takeaway should take around 10-20% of the speech duration.

While crafting an informative speech outline is a necessary step in order for your presentation to run smoothly, there are many different styles and approaches you can use when creating one. Ultimately though, the goal is always to ensure that the information presented is factual and relevant to both you and your audience. By carefully designing and structuring an effective outline, both you and your audience will be sure to benefit greatly from it when it comes time for delivering a successful presentation .

Now that speakers know how to create an effective outline, it’s time to begin researching the content they plan to include in their speeches. In the next section we’ll discuss how to conduct research for an informative speech so speakers are armed with all the facts necessary to deliver an interesting and engaging presentation .

How to Research for an Informative Speech

When researching an informative speech, it’s important to find valid and reliable sources of information. There are many ways that one can seek out research for an informative speech, and no single method will guarantee a thorough reliable research. Depending on the complexity of the topic and the depth of knowledge required, a variety of methods should be utilized. The first step when researching for an informative speech should be to evaluate your present knowledge of the subject. This will help to determine what specific areas require additional research, and give clues as to where you might start looking for evidence. It is important to know the basic perspectives and arguments surrounding your chosen topic in order to select good sources and avoid biased materials. Textbooks, academic journals, newspaper articles, broadcasts, or credible websites are good starting points for informational speeches. As you search for information and evidence, be sure to use trustworthy authors who cite their sources. These sources refer to experts in the field whose opinions add credibility and can bolster your argument with facts and data. Evaluating these sources is particularly important as they form the foundation of your speech content and structure. Analyze each source critically by looking into who wrote it and evaluating how recent or relevant it is to the current conversation on your chosen topic. As with any research paper, one must strive for accuracy when gathering evidence while also surveying alternative positions on a topic. Considering both sides of a debate allows your speech to provide accurate information while remaining objective. This will also encourage audience members to draw their conclusions instead of taking your word for it. Furthermore, verifying sources from multiple angles (multiple avenues) ensures that information is fact-checked versus opinionated or biased pieces which might distort accuracy or mislead an audience member seeking truth about a controversial issue. At this stage in preparing for an informative speech, research should have been carried out thoroughly enough to allow confidently delivering evidence-based statements about a chosen topic. With all of this necessary groundwork completed, it’s time to move onto the next stage: sourcing different types of evidence which will allow you to illustrate your point in an even more helpful way. It is now time to transition into discussing “Sources & Evidence”.

Sources and Evidence

When crafting an informative speech outline, it is important to include accurate sources and valid evidence. Your audience needs to be sure that the content you are presenting not only reflects a clear understanding of the topic but is also backed up with reliable sources. For example, if you are speaking about climate change, include research studies, statistics, surveys and other forms of data that provide concrete evidence that supports your argument or position. Additionally, be sure to cite any sources used in the speech so that your audience can double-check the accuracy. In some cases, particularly when discussing sensitive topics, each side of the issue should be addressed. Not only does this make for a more balanced discussion, it also allows you to show respect for different points of view without compromising your own opinion or position. Presenting both sides briefly will demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter and show your ability to present a well-rounded argument. Knowing how to source accurately and objectively is key to creating an informative speech outline which will be compelling and engaging for an audience. With the right sources and evidence utilized correctly, you can ensure that your argument is both authoritative and convincing. With these fundamentals in place, you can move on to developing tips for crafting an informative speech for maximum impact and engagement with the listeners.

Tips for Crafting an Informative Speech

When crafting an informative speech, there are certain tips and tricks that you can use to make sure your outline is the best it can be. Firstly, if you are speaking about a controversial issue, make sure you present both sides of the argument in an unbiased manner. Rely on researching credible sources, and discuss different points of views objectively. Additionally, organize and prioritize your points so that they are easy to follow and follow a logical progression. Begin with introducing a succinct thesis statement that briefly summarizes the main points of your speech. This will give the audience a clear idea of what topics you will be discussing and help retain their attention throughout your speech. Furthermore, be mindful to weave in personal anecdotes or relevant stories so that the audience can better relate to your ideas. Make sure the anecdotes have a purpose and demonstrate the key themes effectively. Acquiring creative ways to present data or statistics is also important; avoid inundating the audience with too many facts and figures all at once. Finally, ensure that all visual aids such as props, charts or slides remain relevant to the subject matter being discussed. Visual aids not only keep listeners engaged but also make difficult concepts easier to understand. With these handy tips in mind, you should be well on your way to constructing an effective informative speech outline! Now let’s move onto exploring some examples of effective informative speech outlines so that we can get a better idea of how it’s done.

Examples of Effective Informative Speech Outlines

Informative speeches must be compelling and provide relevant details, making them effective and impactful. In order to create an effective outline, speakers must first conduct extensive research on the chosen topic. An effective informative speech outline will clearly provide the audience with enough information to keep them engaged while also adhering to a specific timeframe. The following are examples of how to effectively organize an informative speech: I. Introduction: A. Stimulate their interest – pose a question, present intriguing facts or establish a humorous story B. Clearly state the main focus of the speech C. Establish your credibility– explain your experience/research conducted for the speech II. Supporting Points: A. Each point should contain facts and statistics related to your main idea B. Each point should have its own solid evidence that supports it III. Conclusion: A. Summarize supporting points B. Revisit your introduction point and explain how it’s been updated/changed through the course of the discussion C. Offer a final statement or call to action IV. Bibliography: A. Cite all sources used in creating the speech (provide an alphabetical list) Debate both sides of argument if applicable: N/A

Commonly Asked Questions

What techniques can i use to ensure my informative speech outline is organized and cohesive.

When crafting an informative speech outline, there are several techniques you can use to ensure your speech is organized and cohesive. First of all, make sure your speech follows a logical flow by using signposting , outlining the main ideas at the beginning of the speech and then bulleting out your supporting points. Additionally, you can use transitions throughout the speech to create a smooth order for your thoughts, such as ‘next’ and ‘finally’. Furthermore, it is important that each point in your outline has a specific purpose or goal, to avoid rambling and confusion. Finally, use visual aids such as charts and diagrams to emphasise key ideas and add clarity and structure to your speech. By following these techniques , you can ensure your informative speech outline is well organized and easy to follow.

How should I structure the order of the information in an informative speech outline?

The structure of an informative speech outline should be simple and organized, following a linear step-by-step process. First, you should introduce the topic to your audience and provide an overview of the main points. Next, give an explanation of each point, offer evidence or examples to support it, and explain how it relates to the overall subject matter. Finally, you should conclude with a summary of the main points and a call for action. When structuring the order of information in an informative speech outline, it is important to keep topics distinct from one another and stick to the logical progression that you have established in your introduction. Additionally, pay attention to chronology if appropriate; when discussing historical events, for example, make sure that they are presented in the correct order. Moreover, use transition phrases throughout your outline to help move ideas along smoothly. Finally, utilize both verbal and visual aids such as diagrams or graphics to illustrate complex knowledge effectively and engage your audience throughout your presentation.

What are the essential components of an informative speech outline?

The essential components of an informative speech outline are the introduction, body, and conclusion. Introduction: The introduction should establish the topic of your speech, provide background information, and lead into the main purpose of your speech. It’s also important to include a strong attention-grabbing hook in order to grab the audience’s attention. Body: The body is where you expand on the main points that were outlined in the introduction. It should provide evidence and arguments to support these points, as well as explain any counterarguments that might be relevant. Additionally, it should answer any questions or objections your audience may have about the topic. Conclusion: The conclusion should restate the purpose of your speech and summarize the main points from the body of your speech. It should also leave your audience feeling inspired and motivated to take some kind of action after hearing your speech. In short, an effective informative speech outline should strongly focus on bringing all of these elements together in a cohesive structure to ensure that you deliver an engaging presentation that educates and informs your audience.

how to write an informal speech

Planning and Presenting an Informative Speech

In this guide, you can learn about the purposes and types of informative speeches, about writing and delivering informative speeches, and about the parts of informative speeches.

Purposes of Informative Speaking

Informative speaking offers you an opportunity to practice your researching, writing, organizing, and speaking skills. You will learn how to discover and present information clearly. If you take the time to thoroughly research and understand your topic, to create a clearly organized speech, and to practice an enthusiastic, dynamic style of delivery, you can be an effective "teacher" during your informative speech. Finally, you will get a chance to practice a type of speaking you will undoubtedly use later in your professional career.

The purpose of the informative speech is to provide interesting, useful, and unique information to your audience. By dedicating yourself to the goals of providing information and appealing to your audience, you can take a positive step toward succeeding in your efforts as an informative speaker.

Major Types of Informative Speeches

In this guide, we focus on informative speeches about:

These categories provide an effective method of organizing and evaluating informative speeches. Although they are not absolute, these categories provide a useful starting point for work on your speech.

In general, you will use four major types of informative speeches. While you can classify informative speeches many ways, the speech you deliver will fit into one of four major categories.

Speeches about Objects

Speeches about objects focus on things existing in the world. Objects include, among other things, people, places, animals, or products.

Because you are speaking under time constraints, you cannot discuss any topic in its entirety. Instead, limit your speech to a focused discussion of some aspect of your topic.

Some example topics for speeches about objects include: the Central Intelligence Agency, tombstones, surgical lasers, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, the pituitary gland, and lemmings.

To focus these topics, you could give a speech about Franklin Delano Roosevelt and efforts to conceal how he suffered from polio while he was in office. Or, a speech about tombstones could focus on the creation and original designs of grave markers.

Speeches about Processes

Speeches about processes focus on patterns of action. One type of speech about processes, the demonstration speech, teaches people "how-to" perform a process. More frequently, however, you will use process speeches to explain a process in broader terms. This way, the audience is more likely to understand the importance or the context of the process.

A speech about how milk is pasteurized would not teach the audience how to milk cows. Rather, this speech could help audience members understand the process by making explicit connections between patterns of action (the pasteurization process) and outcomes (a safe milk supply).

Other examples of speeches about processes include: how the Internet works (not "how to work the Internet"), how to construct a good informative speech, and how to research the job market. As with any speech, be sure to limit your discussion to information you can explain clearly and completely within time constraints.

Speeches about Events

Speeches about events focus on things that happened, are happening, or will happen. When speaking about an event, remember to relate the topic to your audience. A speech chronicling history is informative, but you should adapt the information to your audience and provide them with some way to use the information. As always, limit your focus to those aspects of an event that can be adequately discussed within the time limitations of your assignment.

Examples of speeches about events include: the 1963 Civil Rights March on Washington, Groundhog's Day, the Battle of the Bulge, the World Series, and the 2000 Presidential Elections.

Speeches about Concepts

Speeches about concepts focus on beliefs, ideas, and theories. While speeches about objects, processes, and events are fairly concrete, speeches about concepts are more abstract. Take care to be clear and understandable when creating and presenting a speech about a concept. When selecting a concept, remember you are crafting an informative speech. Often, speeches about concepts take on a persuasive tone. Focus your efforts toward providing unbiased information and refrain from making arguments. Because concepts can be vague and involved, limit your speech to aspects that can be readily explained and understood within the time limits.

Some examples of topics for concept speeches include: democracy, Taoism, principles of feminism, the philosophy of non-violent protest, and the Big Bang theory.

Strategies for Selecting a Topic

In many cases, circumstances will dictate the topic of your speech. However, if the topic has not been assigned or if you are having difficulty figuring out how to frame your topic as an informative speech,the following may be useful.

Begin by thinking of your interests. If you have always loved art, contemplate possible topics dealing with famous artists, art works, or different types of art. If you are employed, think of aspects of your job or aspects of your employer's business that would be interesting to talk about. While you cannot substitute personal experience for detailed research, your own experience can supplement your research and add vitality to your presentation. Choose one of the items below to learn more about selecting a topic.

Learn More about an Unfamiliar Topic

You may benefit more by selecting an unfamiliar topic that interests you. You can challenge yourself by choosing a topic you'd like to learn about and to help others understand it. If the Buddhist religion has always been an interesting and mysterious topic to you, research the topic and create a speech that offers an understandable introduction to the religion. Remember to adapt Buddhism to your audience and tell them why you think this information is useful to them. By taking this approach, you can learn something new and learn how to synthesize new information for your audience.

Think about Previous Classes

You might find a topic by thinking of classes you have taken. Think back to concepts covered in those classes and consider whether they would serve as unique, interesting, and enlightening topics for the informative speech. In astronomy, you learned about red giants. In history, you learned about Napoleon. In political science, you learned about The Federalist Papers. Past classes serve as rich resources for informative speech topics. If you make this choice, use your class notes and textbook as a starting point. To fully develop the content, you will need to do extensive research and perhaps even a few interviews.

Talk to Others

Topic selection does not have to be an individual effort. Spend time talking about potential topics with classmates or friends. This method can be extremely effective because other people can stimulate further ideas when you get stuck. When you use this method, always keep the basic requirements and the audience in mind. Just because you and your friend think home-brew is a great topic does not mean it will enthrall your audience or impress your instructor. While you talk with your classmates or friends, jot notes about potential topics and create a master list when you exhaust the possibilities. From this list, choose a topic with intellectual merit, originality, and potential to entertain while informing.

Framing a Thesis Statement

Once you settle on a topic, you need to frame a thesis statement. Framing a thesis statement allows you to narrow your topic, and in turns allows you to focus your research in this specific area, saving you time and trouble in the process.

Selecting a topic and focusing it into a thesis statement can be a difficult process. Fortunately, a number of useful strategies are available to you.

Thesis Statement Purpose

The thesis statement is crucial for clearly communicating your topic and purpose to the audience. Be sure to make the statement clear, concise, and easy to remember. Deliver it to the audience and use verbal and nonverbal illustrations to make it stand out.

Strategies For Framing a Thesis Statement

Focus on a specific aspect of your topic and phrase the thesis statement in one clear, concise, complete sentence, focusing on the audience. This sentence sets a goal for the speech. For example, in a speech about art, the thesis statement might be: "The purpose of this speech is to inform my audience about the early works of Vincent van Gogh." This statement establishes that the speech will inform the audience about the early works of one great artist. The thesis statement is worded conversationally and included in the delivery of the speech.

Thesis Statement and Audience

The thesis appears in the introduction of the speech so that the audience immediately realizes the speaker's topic and goal. Whatever the topic may be, you should attempt to create a clear, focused thesis statement that stands out and could be repeated by every member of your audience. It is important to refer to the audience in the thesis statement; when you look back at the thesis for direction, or when the audience hears the thesis, it should be clear that the most important goal of your speech is to inform the audience about your topic. While the focus and pressure will be on you as a speaker, you should always remember that the audience is the reason for presenting a public speech.

Avoid being too trivial or basic for the average audience member. At the same time, avoid being too technical for the average audience member. Be sure to use specific, concrete terms that clearly establish the focus of your speech.

Thesis Statement and Delivery

When creating the thesis statement, be sure to use a full sentence and frame that sentence as a statement, not as a question. The full sentence, "The purpose of this speech is to inform my audience about the early works of Vincent van Gogh," provides clear direction for the speech, whereas the fragment "van Gogh" says very little about the purpose of the speech. Similarly, the question "Who was Vincent van Gogh?" does not adequately indicate the direction the speech will take or what the speaker hopes to accomplish.

If you limit your thesis statement to one distinct aspect of the larger topic, you are more likely to be understood and to meet the time constraints.

Researching Your Topic

As you begin to work on your informative speech, you will find that you need to gather additional information. Your instructor will most likely require that you locate relevant materials in the library and cite those materials in your speech. In this section, we discuss the process of researching your topic and thesis.

Conducting research for a major informative speech can be a daunting task. In this section, we discuss a number of strategies and techniques that you can use to gather and organize source materials for your speech.

Gathering Materials

Gathering materials can be a daunting task. You may want to do some research before you choose a topic. Once you have a topic, you have many options for finding information. You can conduct interviews, write or call for information from a clearinghouse or public relations office, and consult books, magazines, journals, newspapers, television and radio programs, and government documents. The library will probably be your primary source of information. You can use many of the libraries databases or talk to a reference librarian to learn how to conduct efficient research.

Taking Notes

While doing your research, you may want to carry notecards. When you come across a useful passage, copy the source and the information onto the notecard or copy and paste the information. You should maintain a working bibliography as you research so you always know which sources you have consulted and so the process of writing citations into the speech and creating the bibliography will be easier. You'll need to determine what information-recording strategies work best for you. Talk to other students, instructors, and librarians to get tips on conducting efficient research. Spend time refining your system and you will soon be able to focus on the information instead of the record-keeping tasks.

Citing Sources Within Your Speech

Consult with your instructor to determine how much research/source information should be included in your speech. Realize that a source citation within your speech is defined as a reference to or quotation from material you have gathered during your research and an acknowledgement of the source. For example, within your speech you might say: "As John W. Bobbitt said in the December 22, 1993, edition of the Denver Post , 'Ouch!'" In this case, you have included a direct quotation and provided the source of the quotation. If you do not quote someone, you might say: "After the first week of the 1995 baseball season, attendance was down 13.5% from 1994. This statistic appeared in the May 7, 1995, edition of the Denver Post ." Whatever the case, whenever you use someone else's ideas, thoughts, or words, you must provide a source citation to give proper credit to the creator of the information. Failure to cite sources can be interpreted as plagiarism which is a serious offense. Upon review of the specific case, plagiarism can result in failure of the assignment, the course, or even dismissal from the University. Take care to cite your sources and give credit where it is due.

Creating Your Bibliography

As with all aspects of your speech, be sure to check with your instructor to get specific details about the assignment.

Generally, the bibliography includes only those sources you cited during the speech. Don't pad the bibliography with every source you read, saw on the shelf, or heard of from friends. When you create the bibliography, you should simply go through your complete sentence outline and list each source you cite. This is also a good way to check if you have included enough reference material within the speech. You will need to alphabetize the bibiography by authors last name and include the following information: author's name, article title, publication title, volume, date, page number(s). You may need to include additional information; you need to talk with your instructor to confirm the required bibliographical format.

Some Cautions

When doing research, use caution in choosing your sources. You need to determine which sources are more credible than others and attempt to use a wide variety of materials. The broader the scope of your research, the more impressive and believable your information. You should draw from different sources (e.g., a variety of magazines-- Time, Newsweek, US News & World Report, National Review, Mother Jones ) as well as different types of sources (i.e., use interviews, newspapers, periodicals, and books instead of just newspapers). The greater your variety, the more apparent your hard work and effort will be. Solid research skills result in increased credibility and effectiveness for the speaker.

Structuring an Informative Speech

Typically, informative speeches have three parts:


In this section, we discuss the three parts of an informative speech, calling attention to specific elements that can enhance the effectiveness of your speech. As a speaker, you will want to create a clear structure for your speech. In this section, you will find discussions of the major parts of the informative speech.

The introduction sets the tone of the entire speech. The introduction should be brief and to-the-point as it accomplishes these several important tasks. Typically, there are six main components of an effective introduction:

Attention Getters

Thesis statement, audience adaptation, credibility statement, transition to the body.

As in any social situation, your audience makes strong assumptions about you during the first eight or ten seconds of your speech. For this reason, you need to start solidly and launch the topic clearly. Focus your efforts on completing these tasks and moving on to the real information (the body) of the speech. Typically, there are six main components of an effective introduction. These tasks do not have to be handled in this order, but this layout often yields the best results.

The attention-getter is designed to intrigue the audience members and to motivate them to listen attentively for the next several minutes. There are infinite possibilities for attention-getting devices. Some of the more common devices include using a story, a rhetorical question, or a quotation. While any of these devices can be effective, it is important for you to spend time strategizing, creating, and practicing the attention-getter.

Most importantly, an attention-getter should create curiosity in the minds of your listeners and convince them that the speech will be interesting and useful. The wording of your attention-getter should be refined and practiced. Be sure to consider the mood/tone of your speech; determine the appropriateness of humor, emotion, aggressiveness, etc. Not only should the words get the audiences attention, but your delivery should be smooth and confident to let the audience know that you are a skilled speaker who is prepared for this speech.

The crowd was wild. The music was booming. The sun was shining. The cash registers were ringing.

This story-like re-creation of the scene at a Farm Aid concert serves to engage the audience and causes them to think about the situation you are describing. Touching stories or stories that make audience members feel involved with the topic serve as good attention-getters. You should tell a story with feeling and deliver it directly to the audience instead of reading it off your notecards.

Example Text : One dark summer night in 1849, a young woman in her 20's left Bucktown, Maryland, and followed the North Star. What was her name? Harriet Tubman. She went back some 19 times to rescue her fellow slaves. And as James Blockson relates in a 1984 issue of National Geographic , by the end of her career, she had a $40,000.00 price on her head. This was quite a compliment from her enemies (Blockson 22).

Rhetorical Question

Rhetorical questions are questions designed to arouse curiosity without requiring an answer. Either the answer will be obvious, or if it isn't apparent, the question will arouse curiosity until the presentation provides the answer.

An example of a rhetorical question to gain the audiences attention for a speech about fly-fishing is, "Have you ever stood in a freezing river at 5 o'clock in the morning by choice?"

Example Text: Have you ever heard of a railroad with no tracks, with secret stations, and whose conductors were considered criminals?

A quotation from a famous person or from an expert on your topic can gain the attention of the audience. The use of a quotation immediately launches you into the speech and focuses the audience on your topic area. If it is from a well-known source, cite the author first. If the source is obscure, begin with the quote itself.

Example Text : "No day dawns for the slave, nor is it looked for. It is all night--night forever . . . ." (Pause) This quote was taken from Jermain Loguen, a fugitive who was the son of his Tennessee master and a slave woman.

Unusual Statement

Making a statement that is unusual to the ears of your listeners is another possibility for gaining their attention.

Example Text : "Follow the drinking gourd. That's what I said, friend, follow the drinking gourd." This phrase was used by slaves as a coded message to mean the Big Dipper, which revealed the North Star, and pointed toward freedom.

You might chose to use tasteful humor which relates to the topic as an effective way to attract the audience both to you and the subject at hand.

Example Text : "I'm feeling boxed in." [PAUSE] I'm not sure, but these may have been Henry "Box" Brown's very words after being placed on his head inside a box which measured 3 feet by 2 feet by 2 1\2 feet for what seemed to him like "an hour and a half." He was shipped by Adams Express to freedom in Philadelphia (Brown 60,92; Still 10).

Shocking Statistic

Another possibility to consider is the use of a factual statistic intended to grab your listener's attention. As you research the topic you've picked, keep your eyes open for statistics that will have impact.

Example Text : Today, John Elway's talents are worth millions, but in 1840 the price of a human life, a slave, was worth $1,000.00.

Example Text : Today I'd like to tell you about the Underground Railroad.

In your introduction, you need to adapt your speech to your audience. To keep audience members interested, tell them why your topic is important to them. To accomplish this task, you need to undertake audience analysis prior to creating the speech. Figure out who your audience members are, what things are important to them, what their biases may be, and what types of subjects/issues appeal to them. In the context of this class, some of your audience analysis is provided for you--most of your listeners are college students, so it is likely that they place some value on education, most of them are probably not bathing in money, and they live in Colorado. Consider these traits when you determine how to adapt to your audience.

As you research and write your speech, take note of references to issues that should be important to your audience. Include statements about aspects of your speech that you think will be of special interest to the audience in the introduction. By accomplishing this task, you give your listeners specific things with which they can identify. Audience adaptation will be included throughout the speech, but an effective introduction requires meaningful adaptation of the topic to the audience.

You need to find ways to get the members of your audience involved early in the speech. The following are some possible options to connect your speech to your audience:

Reference to the Occasion

Consider how the occasion itself might present an opportunity to heighten audience receptivity. Remind your listeners of an important date just passed or coming soon.

Example Text : This January will mark the 130th anniversary of a "giant interracial rally" organized by William Still which helped to end streetcar segregation in the city of Philadelphia (Katz i).

Reference to the Previous Speaker

Another possibility is to refer to a previous speaker to capitalize on the good will which already has been established or to build on the information presented.

Example Text : As Alice pointed out last week in her speech on the Olympic games of the ancient world, history can provide us with fascinating lessons.

The credibility statement establishes your qualifications as a speaker. You should come up with reasons why you are someone to listen to on this topic. Why do you have special knowledge or understanding of this topic? What can the audience learn from you that they couldn't learn from someone else? Credibility statements can refer to your extensive research on a topic, your life-long interest in an issue, your personal experience with a thing, or your desire to better the lives of your listeners by sifting through the topic and providing the crucial information.

Remember that Aristotle said that credibility, or ethos, consists of good sense, goodwill, and good moral character. Create the feeling that you possess these qualities by creatively stating that you are well-educated about the topic (good sense), that you want to help each member of the audience (goodwill), and that you are a decent person who can be trusted (good moral character). Once you establish your credibility, the audience is more likely to listen to you as something of an expert and to consider what you say to be the truth. It is often effective to include further references to your credibility throughout the speech by subtly referring to the traits mentioned above.

Show your listeners that you are qualified to speak by making a specific reference to a helpful resource. This is one way to demonstrate competence.

Example Text : In doing research for this topic, I came across an account written by one of these heroes that has deepened my understanding of the institution of slavery. Frederick Douglass', My Bondage and My Freedom, is the account of a man whose master's kindness made his slavery only more unbearable.

Your listeners want to believe that you have their best interests in mind. In the case of an informative speech, it is enough to assure them that this will be an interesting speech and that you, yourself, are enthusiastic about the topic.

Example Text : I hope you'll enjoy hearing about the heroism of the Underground Railroad as much as I have enjoyed preparing for this speech.

Preview the Main Points

The preview informs the audience about the speech's main points. You should preview every main body point and identify each as a separate piece of the body. The purpose of this preview is to let the audience members prepare themselves for the flow of the speech; therefore, you should word the preview clearly and concisely. Attempt to use parallel structure for each part of the preview and avoid delving into the main point; simply tell the audience what the main point will be about in general.

Use the preview to briefly establish your structure and then move on. Let the audience get a taste of how you will divide the topic and fulfill the thesis and then move on. This important tool will reinforce the information in the minds of your listeners. Here are two examples of a preview:

Simply identify the main points of the speech. Cover them in the same order that they will appear in the body of the presentation.

For example, the preview for a speech about kites organized topically might take this form: "First, I will inform you about the invention of the kite. Then, I will explain the evolution of the kite. Third, I will introduce you to the different types of kites. Finally, I will inform you about various uses for kites." Notice that this preview avoids digressions (e.g., listing the various uses for kites); you will take care of the deeper information within the body of the speech.

Example Text : I'll tell you about motivations and means of escape employed by fugitive slaves.


For example, the preview for a speech about the Pony Express organized chronologically might take this form: "I'll talk about the Pony Express in three parts. First, its origins, second, its heyday, and third, how it came to an end." Notice that this preview avoids digressions (e.g., listing the reasons why the Pony Express came to an end); you will cover the deeper information within the body of the speech.

Example Text : I'll talk about it in three parts. First, its origins, second, its heyday, and third, how it came to an end.

After you accomplish the first five components of the introduction, you should make a clean transition to the body of the speech. Use this transition to signal a change and prepare the audience to begin processing specific topical information. You should round out the introduction, reinforce the excitement and interest that you created in the audience during the introduction, and slide into the first main body point.

Strategic organization helps increase the clarity and effectiveness of your speech. Four key issues are discussed in this section:

Organizational Patterns

Connective devices, references to outside research.

The body contains the bulk of information in your speech and needs to be clearly organized. Without clear organization, the audience will probably forget your information, main points, perhaps even your thesis. Some simple strategies will help you create a clear, memorable speech. Below are the four key issues used in organizing a speech.

Once you settle on a topic, you should decide which aspects of that topic are of greatest importance for your speech. These aspects become your main points. While there is no rule about how many main points should appear in the body of the speech, most students go with three main points. You must have at least two main points; aside from that rule, you should select your main points based on the importance of the information and the time limitations. Be sure to include whatever information is necessary for the audience to understand your topic. Also, be sure to synthesize the information so it fits into the assigned time frame. As you choose your main points, try to give each point equal attention within the speech. If you pick three main points, each point should take up roughly one-third of the body section of your speech.

There are four basic patterns of organization for an informative speech.

  • Chronological order
  • Spatial order
  • Causal order
  • Topical order

There are four basic patterns of organization for an informative speech. You can choose any of these patterns based on which pattern serves the needs of your speech.

Chronological Order

A speech organized chronologically has main points oriented toward time. For example, a speech about the Farm Aid benefit concert could have main points organized chronologically. The first main point focuses on the creation of the event; the second main point focuses on the planning stages; the third point focuses on the actual performance/concert; and the fourth point focuses on donations and assistance that resulted from the entire process. In this format, you discuss main points in an order that could be followed on a calendar or a clock.

Spatial Order

A speech organized spatially has main points oriented toward space or a directional pattern. The Farm Aid speech's body could be organized in spatial order. The first main point discusses the New York branch of the organization; the second main point discusses the Midwest branch; the third main point discusses the California branch of Farm Aid. In this format, you discuss main points in an order that could be traced on a map.

Causal Order

A speech organized causally has main points oriented toward cause and effect. The main points of a Farm Aid speech organized causally could look like this: the first main point informs about problems on farms and the need for monetary assistance; the second main point discusses the creation and implementation of the Farm Aid program. In this format, you discuss main points in an order that alerts the audience to a problem or circumstance and then tells the audience what action resulted from the original circumstance.

Topical Order

A speech organized topically has main points organized more randomly by sub-topics. The Farm Aid speech could be organized topically: the first main point discusses Farm Aid administrators; the second main point discusses performers; the third main point discusses sponsors; the fourth main point discusses audiences. In this format, you discuss main points in a more random order that labels specific aspects of the topic and addresses them in separate categories. Most speeches that are not organized chronologically, spatially, or causally are organized topically.

Within the body of your speech, you need clear internal structure. Connectives are devices used to create a clear flow between ideas and points within the body of your speech--they serve to tie the speech together. There are four main types of connective devices:


Internal previews, internal summaries.

Within the body of your speech, you need clear internal structure. Think of connectives as hooks and ladders for the audience to use when moving from point-to-point within the body of your speech. These devices help re-focus the minds of audience members and remind them of which main point your information is supporting. The four main types of connective devices are:

Transitions are brief statements that tell the audience to shift gears between ideas. Transitions serve as the glue that holds the speech together and allow the audience to predict where the next portion of the speech will go. For example, once you have previewed your main points and you want to move from the introduction to the body of the Farm Aid speech, you might say: "To gain an adequate understanding of the intricacies of this philanthropic group, we need to look at some specific information about Farm Aid. We'll begin by looking at the administrative branch of this massive fund-raising organization."

Internal previews are used to preview the parts of a main point. Internal previews are more focused than, but serve the same purpose as, the preview you will use in the introduction of the speech. For example, you might create an internal preview for the complex main point dealing with Farm Aid performers: "In examining the Farm Aid performers, we must acknowledge the presence of entertainers from different genres of music--country and western, rhythm and blues, rock, and pop." The internal preview provides specific information for the audience if a main point is complex or potentially confusing.

Internal summaries are the reverse of internal previews. Internal summaries restate specific parts of a main point. To internally summarize the main point dealing with Farm Aid performers, you might say: "You now know what types of people perform at the Farm Aid benefit concerts. The entertainers come from a wide range of musical genres--country and western, rhythm and blues, rock, and pop." When using both internal previews and internal summaries, be sure to stylize the language in each so you do not become redundant.

Signposts are brief statements that remind the audience where you are within the speech. If you have a long point, you may want to remind the audience of what main point you are on: "Continuing my discussion of Farm Aid performers . . . "

When organizing the body of your speech, you will integrate several references to your research. The purpose of the informative speech is to allow you and the audience to learn something new about a topic. Additionally, source citations add credibility to your ideas. If you know a lot about rock climbing and you cite several sources who confirm your knowledge, the audience is likely to see you as a credible speaker who provides ample support for ideas.

Without these references, your speech is more like a story or a chance for you to say a few things you know. To complete this assignment satisfactorily, you must use source citations. Consult your textbook and instructor for specific information on how much supporting material you should use and about the appropriate style for source citations.

While the conclusion should be brief and tight, it has a few specific tasks to accomplish:

Re-assert/Reinforce the Thesis

Review the main points, close effectively.

Take a deep breath! If you made it to the conclusion, you are on the brink of finishing. Below are the tasks you should complete in your conclusion:

When making the transition to the conclusion, attempt to make clear distinctions (verbally and nonverbally) that you are now wrapping up the information and providing final comments about the topic. Refer back to the thesis from the introduction with wording that calls the original thesis into memory. Assert that you have accomplished the goals of your thesis statement and create the feeling that audience members who actively considered your information are now equipped with an understanding of your topic. Reinforce whatever mood/tone you chose for the speech and attempt to create a big picture of the speech.

Within the conclusion, re-state the main points of the speech. Since you have used parallel wording for your main points in the introduction and body, don't break that consistency in the conclusion. Frame the review so the audience will be reminded of the preview and the developed discussion of each main point. After the review, you may want to create a statement about why those main points fulfilled the goals of the speech.

Finish strongly. When you close your speech, craft statements that reinforce the message and leave the audience with a clear feeling about what was accomplished with your speech. You might finalize the adaptation by discussing the benefits of listening to the speech and explaining what you think audience members can do with the information.

Remember to maintain an informative tone for this speech. You should not persuade about beliefs or positions; rather, you should persuade the audience that the speech was worthwhile and useful. For greatest effect, create a closing line or paragraph that is artistic and effective. Much like the attention-getter, the closing line needs to be refined and practiced. Your close should stick with the audience and leave them interested in your topic. Take time to work on writing the close well and attempt to memorize it so you can directly address the audience and leave them thinking of you as a well-prepared, confident speaker.

Outlining an Informative Speech

Two types of outlines can help you prepare to deliver your speech. The complete sentence outline provides a useful means of checking the organization and content of your speech. The speaking outline is an essential aid for delivering your speech. In this section, we discuss both types of outlines.

Two types of outlines can help you prepare to deliver your speech. The complete sentence outline provides a useful means of checking the organization and content of your speech. The speaking outline is an essential aid for delivering your speech.

The Complete Sentence Outline

A complete sentence outline may not be required for your presentation. The following information is useful, however, in helping you prepare your speech.

The complete sentence outline helps you organize your material and thoughts and it serves as an excellent copy for editing the speech. The complete sentence outline is just what it sounds like: an outline format including every complete sentence (not fragments or keywords) that will be delivered during your speech.

Writing the Outline

You should create headings for the introduction, body, and conclusion and clearly signal shifts between these main speech parts on the outline. Use standard outline format. For instance, you can use Roman numerals, letters, and numbers to label the parts of the outline. Organize the information so the major headings contain general information and the sub-headings become more specific as they descend. Think of the outline as a funnel: you should make broad, general claims at the top of each part of the outline and then tighten the information until you have exhausted the point. Do this with each section of the outline. Be sure to consult with your instructor about specific aspects of the outline and refer to your course book for further information and examples.

Using the Outline

If you use this outline as it is designed to be used, you will benefit from it. You should start the outline well before your speech day and give yourself plenty of time to revise it. Attempt to have the final, clean copies ready two or three days ahead of time, so you can spend a day or two before your speech working on delivery. Prepare the outline as if it were a final term paper.

The Speaking Outline

Depending upon the assignment and the instructor, you may use a speaking outline during your presentation. The following information will be helpful in preparing your speech through the use of a speaking outline.

This outline should be on notecards and should be a bare bones outline taken from the complete sentence outline. Think of the speaking outline as train tracks to guide you through the speech.

Many speakers find it helpful to highlight certain words/passages or to use different colors for different parts of the speech. You will probably want to write out long or cumbersome quotations along with your source citation. Many times, the hardest passages to learn are those you did not write but were spoken by someone else. Avoid the temptation to over-do the speaking outline; many speakers write too much on the cards and their grades suffer because they read from the cards.

The best strategy for becoming comfortable with a speaking outline is preparation. You should prepare well ahead of time and spend time working with the notecards and memorizing key sections of your speech (the introduction and conclusion, in particular). Try to become comfortable with the extemporaneous style of speaking. You should be able to look at a few keywords on your outline and deliver eloquent sentences because you are so familiar with your material. You should spend approximately 80% of your speech making eye-contact with your audience.

Delivering an Informative Speech

For many speakers, delivery is the most intimidating aspect of public speaking. Although there is no known cure for nervousness, you can make yourself much more comfortable by following a few basic delivery guidelines. In this section, we discuss those guidelines.

The Five-Step Method for Improving Delivery

  • Read aloud your full-sentence outline. Listen to what you are saying and adjust your language to achieve a good, clear, simple sentence structure.
  • Practice the speech repeatedly from the speaking outline. Become comfortable with your keywords to the point that what you say takes the form of an easy, natural conversation.
  • Practice the speech aloud...rehearse it until you are confident you have mastered the ideas you want to present. Do not be concerned about "getting it just right." Once you know the content, you will find the way that is most comfortable for you.
  • Practice in front of a mirror, tape record your practice, and/or present your speech to a friend. You are looking for feedback on rate of delivery, volume, pitch, non-verbal cues (gestures, card-usage, etc.), and eye-contact.
  • Do a dress rehearsal of the speech under conditions as close as possible to those of the actual speech. Practice the speech a day or two before in a classroom. Be sure to incorporate as many elements as possible in the dress rehearsal...especially visual aids.

It should be clear that coping with anxiety over delivering a speech requires significant advanced preparation. The speech needs to be completed several days beforehand so that you can effectively employ this five-step plan.

Anderson, Thad, & Ron Tajchman. (1994). Informative Speaking. Writing@CSU . Colorado State University.

My Speech Class

Public Speaking Tips & Speech Topics

Informative Speech Outline – Template & Examples

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Jim Peterson has over 20 years experience on speech writing. He wrote over 300 free speech topic ideas and how-to guides for any kind of public speaking and speech writing assignments at My Speech Class.

Informative Speech Outline - Template & Examples featured image intro image

Informative speeches are used in our day-to-day lives without even noticing it, we use these speeches whenever we inform someone about a topic they didn’t have much knowledge on, whenever we give someone instructions on how to do something that they haven’t done before, whenever we tell someone about another person. Informative speaking is fairly new to the world of public speaking. Ancient philosophers like Aristotle, Cicero and, Quintilian envisioned public speaking as rhetoric, which is inherently persuasive.

In this article:

What is an Informative Speech?

Here are some ways to prepare for your speech, 1. develop support for your thesis, 2. write your introduction and conclusion, 3. deliver the speech, example of an informative speech outline.

Woman Pointing to White Background While Smiling

An informative speech is designed to inform the audience about a certain topic of discussion and to provide more information. It is usually used to educate an audience on a particular topic of interest. The main goal of an informative speech is to provide enlightenment concerning a topic the audience knows nothing about. The main types of informative speeches are descriptive, explanatory, demonstrative, and definition speeches. The topics that are covered in an informative speech should help the audience understand the subject of interest better and help them remember what they learned later. The goal of an informative speech isn’t to persuade or sway the audience to the speaker’s point of view but instead to educate. The details need to be laid out to the audience so that they can make an educated decision or learn more about the subject that they are interested in.

It is important for the speaker to think about how they will present the information to the audience.  

Informative Speech Preparation

Close-Up of a Black Microphone

When you are preparing your informative speech, your preparation is the key to a successful speech. Being able to carry your information across to the audience without any misunderstanding or misinterpretation is very important.

1. Choose Your Topic

Pick a topic where you will explain something, help people understand a certain subject, demonstrate how to use something.

2. Make a Thesis Statement

Think about what point you are trying to get across, What is the topic that you want to educate your audience on? “I will explain
” “I will demonstrate how to
” “I will present these findings

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3. Create Points That Support Your Thesis

Take a moment to think about what would support your thesis and take a moment to write the points down on a sheet of paper. Then, take a moment to elaborate on those points and support them. 

Typical Organization for an Informative Speech:

How to Speech: 4 Key steps to doing what you are talking about.

Example: Step One: Clean the chicken of any unwanted feathers and giblets. Step Two: Spice the chicken and add stuffings. Step Three: Set oven to 425 degrees Fahrenheit. Step Four: Place chicken in the oven and cook for an hour. 

History/ What Happened Speech: Points listing from the beginning to the latest events that you want to discuss in your speech.

Example: First, Harry met Sally. Second, Harry took Sally out to the roadhouse. Third, Harry and Sally started their courtship. Fourth, Harry and Sally moved in together and adopted a dog named Paco.

What is it Speech: Two to Four main points that discuss the key elements of your subject.

Example: First, there must be four wheels. Second, the car’s engine must be functioning. Third, the doors must be functional. Fourth, in order to get to your destination, the car’s steering has to be functional.

Explain it Speech: Two to Four main points that go through the key elements of the topic to explain it.

Example: Firstly, the car drives by the engine that powers it to move forward. Secondly, by the wheels that rotate in a forward or backward motion. Thirdly, the car’s engine is powered by gas which gives it the ability to function and essentially move the car.

Write down support for your points. Take some time to research your topic thoroughly. It is good to gather statistics, expert opinions, facts, and much more to make your speech unique and effective. 

There are three main types of support you should use to strengthen your speech: 

Interest supports.

Interest supports are used to increase the audience’s interest in the topic you are presenting.

  • Personal experiences
  • Interaction (e.g., Questions to the audience)

Evidence Supports

Evidence increases solid factual support in your speech. Examples of evidence supported are statistics, expert opinions, direct quotations. Studies, surveys, and facts.

Multimedia Aids

Multimedia aids such as posters with pictures and writing, DVDs, music or recordings on a stereo player, videotapes, and PowerPoint presentations.

Write your introduction. Provide a quick attention getter, state your thesis, elaborate on why it is important to you and your audience. It is expected that you preview your main points in the introduction by listing all your main points of discussion in your introduction.

Write your conclusion. Tie the speech together, build to a higher point and give it a sense of conclusion.

Practice your speech until you feel confident. Present your material as effectively as possible.

Informative Speech Outline

Woman Speaking in a Conference Room - Four People Smiling and Clapping

Creating an outline for an informative speech will help you organize your ideas and information to share with your audience in an effective manner. A well-planned outline will ensure that all the important information is included in your speech and ensure that you don’t wander off-topic.

Topic: This will be the title of your speech.

Purpose: To inform the audience about the topic.

Thesis: A theme statement that clearly describes the topic and points made in the presentation.

  • Introduction
  • Attention-grabbing opening statement
  • Reason to listen to the speech
  • Thesis statement
  • Preview of points to be covered
  • First main point
  • First subpoint
  • Supporting detail
  • Second subpoint
  • Second main point
  • Third main point
  • Restatement of main points
  • Restatement of thesis
  • Concluding remarks

When developing an outline, follow these rules to ensure a successful speech:

  • Include one idea for every point, subpoint, or supporting detail.
  • If there is one point, there must be a second point. If there is one supporting point, there should be a second supporting point. 
  • Be consistent. If you are using full sentences to describe points and subpoints, use full sentences throughout the outline. Ensure that the verb tense is consistent throughout your outline as well.

Informative Speech Outline Examples

Man Holding a Book With the Words Information Written on it

Topic: Adoption

Purpose: To inform people about adoption

Thesis: Adoption is the act of transferring parental rights and duties to someone other than the adopted person’s biological parents. The number of children adopted each year by American families is an estimate only.

  • What do Edgar Allan Poe, John Lennon, Steve Jobs, and Eleanor Roosevelt all have in common? They were all adopted. Adoption is the act of transferring parental rights and duties to someone other than the adopted person’s biological parents. The adoption process is lengthy, expensive, and varies from country to country and even state to state. Not only does adoption vary from state to state, but sometimes the adoption process even varies within regions of a state.
  • Many children get adopted every year. No one knows how adoption works.
  • Adoption is a life-changing event, not just for the children involved but also for every single family made whole through adoption.
  • Adoption processes vary from place to place. Types of adoption. Benefits and detriments to adoption. Many children who are adopted have experienced neglect and abuse.
  • Adoption processes vary from place to place.
  • The adoption process varies from state to state.
  • It is more expensive in certain states than in others.
  • The amount of paperwork throughout the process also depends on the state legislature.
  • The adoption process varies within a state.
  • In certain states, the adoption process is different from one region to the next.
  • The process is different depending on the child protection laws set in each region inside a state.
  • Types of adoption
  • There are different types of adoption.
  • There is step-parent or other family member adoption
  • There is also adoption across state lines
  • The more traditional adoption types are commonly known.
  • There is private adoption which is most commonly found throughout the U.S.
  • Adoption through foster care is a good thing to try for first-time adopters.
  • The adoption process is expensive.
  • There are a lot of upfront expenses.
  • You are subjected to adoption agency fees to help you find a suitable match for your family.
  • You also have to pay to adopt the child you want to adopt.
  • There are a lot of big expenses in terms of the child too.
  • Readying a living space to suit a child’s wants and needs can be expensive.
  • Many new expenses come to light like healthcare, school, etc.
  • Adoption processes vary from state to state. There are many different types of adoption. Adoption can be expensive, so you have to ensure that you are financially capable of caring for another human being.
  • Adoption is the act of transferring parental rights and duties to someone other than the adopted person’s biological parents. The number of children adopted each year by American families is an estimate only.
  • Adoption is an absolutely life-changing adventure, but everyone needs to be more educated before walking into a demanding process. There will be many emotions, expenses, and frustration, but it truly is worth it in the end.

Topic: Snakebites and how they’re treated

Purpose: To inform the audience of the dangers of snakes and how to respond to being bitten by a snake.

Thesis: Snakebites are dangerous and could ultimately lead to loss of life if not acted upon correctly.

  • Imagine that you and your friend are walking in the woods, one sunny day in the fall when leaves cover the ground. Suddenly, your friend accidentally steps on a snake and gets bitten.
  • Your friend’s chance of survival depends on your knowledge of acting promptly and taking proper measures in this situation.
  • Today I will inform you about three common poisonous snakes seen in our country and explain to you the effects of a snake bite.
  • Three poisonous snakes. Effects of the snake’s venom. How to administer first aid in the event of a snake bite.
  • Three poisonous snakes
  • There are two types of Rattlesnakes.
  • William Pinkston: Responsible for more deaths in this country.
  • Western diamondback: found from Texas to Eastern California.
  • Copperhead and Cottonmouth
  • Before striking, it opens its mouth wide to reveal its white inside.
  • That’s how it got its name.
  • The effects of snake venom on the human body
  • Hepatotoxic
  • Destroys blood vessels and red blood cells.
  • Deadly and fatal to the victim.
  • It affects the optic nerves in the eyes, causing blindness.
  • It affects the nerves controlling the respiratory muscles, causing suffocation and eventually leading to death if left untreated.
  • How to administer first aid in the event of a snake bite.
  • Immobilize the bitten area slightly lower than the heart.
  • Apply a flat constricting band 2-4 inches above the bite.
  • With a sterile scalpel or knife, make one incision that connects the fang marks.
  • Squeeze venom gently from the incision with your fingers for 30 minutes.
  • Get the victim to the hospital as soon as possible.
  • Snake bites are dangerous and could ultimately lead to loss of life if not acted upon correctly.
  • Snake bites are dangerous and could ultimately lead to loss of life if they are not cared for properly, and the victim doesn’t get the necessary treatment in time.

Informative speeches have one main goal: to inform the audience of a specific topic of interest. For you to have an effective and successful informative speech, it is important to do your research and draw up an informative speech outline. The speech outline ensures that you do not wander off topic or get carried away with one point. 

If, on the other hand, you have to prepare persuasive speech, we have a guide on outlining and preparing for it the right way right here .

Avoid Any Awkward Silence With These 35+ Topics to Talk About

16 Tips to Help You Write Like a Pro

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Informative Speeches — Types, Topics, and Examples

What is an informative speech.

An informative speech uses descriptions, demonstrations, and strong detail to explain a person, place, or subject. An informative speech makes a complex topic easier to understand and focuses on delivering information, rather than providing a persuasive argument.

Types of informative speeches

The most common types of informative speeches are definition, explanation, description, and demonstration.

Types of informative speeches

A definition speech explains a concept, theory, or philosophy about which the audience knows little. The purpose of the speech is to inform the audience so they understand the main aspects of the subject matter.

An explanatory speech presents information on the state of a given topic. The purpose is to provide a specific viewpoint on the chosen subject. Speakers typically incorporate a visual of data and/or statistics.

The speaker of a descriptive speech provides audiences with a detailed and vivid description of an activity, person, place, or object using elaborate imagery to make the subject matter memorable.

A demonstrative speech explains how to perform a particular task or carry out a process. These speeches often demonstrate the following:

How to do something

How to make something

How to fix something

How something works

Demonstrative speeches

How to write an informative speech

Regardless of the type, every informative speech should include an introduction, a hook, background information, a thesis, the main points, and a conclusion.


An attention grabber or hook draws in the audience and sets the tone for the speech. The technique the speaker uses should reflect the subject matter in some way (i.e., if the topic is serious in nature, do not open with a joke). Therefore, when choosing an attention grabber, consider the following:

What’s the topic of the speech?

What’s the occasion?

Who’s the audience?

What’s the purpose of the speech?

Attention grabbers/hooks

Common Attention Grabbers (Hooks)

Ask a question that allows the audience to respond in a non-verbal way (e.g., a poll question where they can simply raise their hands) or ask a rhetorical question that makes the audience think of the topic in a certain way yet requires no response.

Incorporate a well-known quote that introduces the topic. Using the words of a celebrated individual gives credibility and authority to the information in the speech.

Offer a startling statement or information about the topic, which is typically done using data or statistics. The statement should surprise the audience in some way.

Provide a brief anecdote that relates to the topic in some way.

Present a “what if” scenario that connects to the subject matter of the speech.

Identify the importance of the speech’s topic.

Starting a speech with a humorous statement often makes the audience more comfortable with the speaker.

Include any background information pertinent to the topic that the audience needs to know to understand the speech in its entirety.

The thesis statement shares the central purpose of the speech.


Include background information and a thesis statement

Preview the main ideas that will help accomplish the central purpose. Typically, informational speeches will have an average of three main ideas.

Body paragraphs

Apply the following to each main idea (body) :

Identify the main idea ( NOTE: The main points of a demonstration speech would be the individual steps.)

Provide evidence to support the main idea

Explain how the evidence supports the main idea/central purpose

Transition to the next main idea

Body of an informative speech

Review or restate the thesis and the main points presented throughout the speech.

Much like the attention grabber, the closing statement should interest the audience. Some of the more common techniques include a challenge, a rhetorical question, or restating relevant information:

Provide the audience with a challenge or call to action to apply the presented information to real life.

Detail the benefit of the information.

Close with an anecdote or brief story that illustrates the main points.

Leave the audience with a rhetorical question to ponder after the speech has concluded.

Detail the relevance of the presented information.

Informative speech conclusion

Before speech writing, brainstorm a list of informative speech topic ideas. The right topic depends on the type of speech, but good topics can range from video games to disabilities and electric cars to healthcare and mental health.

Informative speech topics

Some common informative essay topics for each type of informational speech include the following:

Informative speech topics
What is the electoral college? Holidays in different cultures/different countries Best concert Bake a cake
What is a natural disaster? Cybersecurity concerns Childhood experience Build a model (airplane, car, etc.)
What is the “glass ceiling?” Effect of the arts Day to remember Build a website
What is globalization? How the stock market works Dream job Apply for a credit card
What is happiness? Impact of global warming/climate change Embarrassing moment Change a tire
What is humor? Important lessons from sports Favorite place Learn an instrument
What is imagination? Influence of social media and cyberbullying First day of school Play a sport
What is love? Social networks/media and self-image Future plans Register to vote
What is philosophy? Evolution of artificial intelligence Happiest memory Train a pet
What was the Great Depression? Impact of fast food on obesity Perfect vacation Write a resume

Informative speech examples

The following list identifies famous informational speeches:

“Duties of American Citizenship” by Theodore Roosevelt

“Duty, Honor, Country” by General Douglas MacArthur

“Strength and Dignity” by Theodore Roosevelt


“Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death” by Patrick Henry

“The Decision to Go to the Moon” by John F. Kennedy

“We Shall Fight on the Beaches” by Winston Churchill


“I Have a Dream” by Martin Luther King, Jr.

“Pearl Harbor Address” by Franklin Delano Roosevelt

“Luckiest Man” by Lou Gehrig


The Way to Cook with Julia Child

This Old House with Bob Vila

Bill Nye the Science Guy with Bill Nye

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  • Informative Speech
  • Presentation
  • Presentational Speaking
  • Public Speaking
  • Public Speaking Skills

Education Standards

Aasl 21st century learner standards 2007.

Learning Domain: Knowledge Sharing and Civic Engagement

Standard: Use writing and speaking skills to communicate new understandings effectively.

Standard: Demonstrate leadership and confidence by presenting ideas to others in both formal and informal situations.

Standard: Use knowledge and information skills and dispositions to engage in public conversation and debate around issues of common concern.

Standard: Contribute to the exchange of ideas within and beyond the learning community.

How to Write an Informative Speech

How to Write an Informative Speech

This module features a step-by-step process to create an informative speech. It provides concise instructions supported by topical learning resources (textbook chapters, short online articles, brief videos).

How to Create a Speech Your Audience Cares About

So, you've been tasked with creating an informative speech. How do you do that? Just follow these step-by-step instructions.

Step 1: Analyze Your Audience

Before you begin writing your speech, you should analyze the audience of that speech.  After all, every effective speech is crafted with it's real audience in mind.  When you tailor your speech to your real audience, you give yourself the best opportunity to meet your specific purpose - your goal for your audience.  When analyzing your audience, ask yourself these questions:

  • Who will hear/see my message?  
  • What are their backgrounds?  
  • What do they have in common?  
  • Where are their areas of difference?  
  • What do they already know about my topic?
  • What new information might they find useful?
  • How can I connect my speech to my audience members' real lives?

The answers to these questions will help you write a speech that has maximum positive impact.  For even more techniques about connecting to your real audience, read the article  "Common Speaker Pitfalls"  by  Craig Valentine  in  Toastmasters Magazine.

How to Write the Body of Your Speech

Step 2: write your speech body.

"Wait, shouldn't I start with the introduction?" you might ask yourself.

No.  Not unless you are a fan of doing extra, repetitive, unnecessary work.  Are you?  I'm not. :)

While an introduction comes first in your speech (and your outline), you need to know what you're introducing before you can write it.  How can you introduce the content of your speech if you haven't written that content yet?  Sure, you can guess, but one of two things will likely happen:

  • You'll guess wrong, and your introduction won't match your speech body when you finally write it.  Then you'll have to either fix it (creating extra work for you), or stick with a disjointed speech that is difficult for the audience to follow.  Neither of these are great options.
  • You'll be so worried about making the mistake above that you will force the body of your speech to match the introduction, even when your initial plan isn't the most effective one.  Then, when you do a peer feedback activity in class, you'll get advice from a classmate in which s/he will recommend that you change the introduction and the speech body to make sense (which, again, is more extra work for you).

To Read: 

Save yourself the time and the hassle and write your speech body (approx. 80% of your speech content) first.  How do you do this?  Read  chapter 10, "Creating the Body of a Speech"  in Stand Up, Speak Out: The Ethics and Practice of Public Speaking.

How to Transition Between Your Main Points

You decided on the main points of your speech body.  Good!

You developed those main points with subpoints.  Excellent!

Those subpoints include some combination of examples, definitions, statistics, and testimony to help your audience understand your ideas.  Rock on!

Now you need to tie everything together so your speech body flows logically, which will help your audience follow your speech. Your textbook explained transitions in chapter 10 , but they can be a tricky concept to grasp without an example.  

To Watch: 

Watch this short student speaker video montage to clarify how presenters use transitions to help clarify the organization of their speech body:

Click here for captioned version

How to Write the Introduction to a Speech

You did it!  You wrote the speech body which means you completed about 80% of the speech writing process.  Nice work :)  Only a bit left to do.

Step 3: Write Your Introduction

Now that you have a speech body, you can introduce it to your audience.  Effective introductions intrigue and entice the audience into listening to your message.  They also lay out an organizational plan to help the audience follow your train of thought.  Effective introductions include five important elements to accomplish this goal:

  • Attention-getter
  • Purpose statement -  I tend to refer to this as a "topic statement"
  • Establishment of credibility
  • Audience connection
  • Main idea preview -  I sometimes refer to this as a "thesis statement preview"

To learn about each of these elements, read  chapter 9 "Introductions Matter: How to Begin a Speech Effectively"  in Stand Up, Speak Out: The Ethics and Practice of Public Speaking.

How to Capture the Audience's Attention

The attention-getter is the most important part of the introduction because it convinces your audience to listen to the rest of your speech.  If you can't catch the audience's attention from the very beginning, getting them to listen to your message later in the speech will be extremely difficult.

Tips for success:

  • The attention-getter requires a lot of creativity.  If you get stuck while trying to write it, move on to the easier elements in the intro (topic statement, thesis statement) then circle back around.
  • Brainstorm by running through the list of attention-getting devices and consider how you might use them in your speech (ex: "What interesting brief story could I tell about my topic?"  "What thought-provoking question could I ask my audience relating to my topic?"  "What presentation aid could I show to illustrate my topic in a unique way?")
  • Don't go with the first attention-getter you think of.  Write down a list of possible ideas (5 - 10) and give yourself time to analyze, refine, and improve them before you commit to one. 
  • Don't be afraid to replace your attention-getter with a better one if you have an "aha" moment!

Want some examples of attention-getters?  

Watch this student-produced montage from a variety of public speeches: Click here for captioned version

How to Establish Your Credibility

In addition to convincing the audience to listen to your speech (the attention-getter), you also need to convince them to trust you and the information you're sharing with them.  One way you establish your credibility is nonverbal - how you dress, your posture, eye contact, etc.  Another way is verbal - tell your audience explicitly why they should believe you in a sentence or two in the introduction.

  • Do you have personal experience  with your topic?  If so, briefly explain that experience.
  • Did your research your topic using credible sources?  If so, briefly preview those.

You will continue to build your credibility throughout the speech body, but mentioning it in the introduction helps the audience trust you from the very beginning of your speech.  

Want to see how real speakers establish their credibility?  Check out this student speaker montage: Click here for captioned version

How to Write the Conclusion of a Speech

Step 4: write your conclusion.

The conclusion of your speech is the shortest part - around 5% - 10% of your total speech length.  Even though it's a small section, it's a powerful one because it helps you reinforce your message for your audience for lasting impact.  An effective conclusion has three specific elements:

Clearly signal the end of your speech by reviewing your topic

  • Your textbook authors label this a thesis statement review
  • Use a concluding statement at the very beginning of your conclusion.  Common concluding statements include "In conclusion..." "To close..." "Let's review" "To sum it up..." etc.  
  • Then add in a reminder of your topic.  For example, "To review, today we learned how to create a natural deodorant from common kitchen products" 

Review your main points

  • You may hear me call this a thesis review, because that's how I was trained.  
  • I'm trying to switch to the phrasing "main point review" instead to reduce confusion.

End with a concluding device

  • I often refer to this as a final thought or memorable ending.
  • In a persuasive speech, I'm looking for a clear call to action.  

What are your options for concluding devices?  Read chapter 11, "Concluding with Power,"  in Stand Up, Speak Out: The Ethics and Practice of Public Speaking.

How to Choose the Right Concluding Device

Your concluding device (aka, final thought or memorable ending) is going to be different in an informative speech than it is for a persuasive speech.  

  • In an informative speech, you'll leave your audience with a residual message.  You won't ask them to do anything, because doing something is inherently persuasive and thus out of line with your general and specific purpose.
  • In a persuasive speech, you will provide a call to action.  

So what's the difference?  Read  the article "How to End a Speech" by Lisa B. Marshall  to find out.

That's it! You just wrote your informative speech. Congratulations :)

Now it's time to create a set of speaking notes, select your presentation aids, rehearse your speech, and present with confidence! Stay tuned for future modules which will cover these topics.

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Informative speech examples

4 types of informative speeches: topics and outlines

By:  Susan Dugdale  | Last modified: 08-05-2023

The primary purpose of an informative speech is to share useful and interesting, factual, and accurate information with the audience on a particular topic (issue), or subject.

Find out more about how to do that effectively here. 

What's on this page

The four different types of informative speeches, each with specific topic suggestions and an example informative speech outline: 

  • description
  • demonstration
  • explanation

What is informative speech?

  • The 7 key characteristics of an informative speech

Image - Label: 4 Informative speech example outlines: definition, description, explanation, demonstration

We all speak to share information. We communicate knowledge of infinite variety all day, every day, in multiple settings.

Teachers in classrooms world-wide share information with their students.

Call centers problem solve for their callers.

News outlets (on and offline) issue reports on local, national and international events and issues, people of interest, weather, traffic flow around cities...

Health care professionals explain the treatment of addictive behaviors, the many impacts of long Covid, the development of new treatments...

Specialist research scientists share their findings with colleagues at conferences.

A pastry chef demonstrates how to make perfect classic croissants.

The range of informative public speaking is vast!  Some of us do it well. Some of us not so well - largely because we don't fully understand what's needed to present what we're sharing effectively. 

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The key characteristics of an informative speech

So, what are the key characteristics or essential elements, of this type of speech? There are seven.

1. Objectivity

The information you give is factual, neutral and objective. You make no attempt to persuade or push (advocate) a particular viewpoint.

Your personal opinions: feelings thoughts, or concerns about the topic you're presenting are not given. This is not a persuasive speech.

As an example,  here's an excerpt from a Statistics Department report on teenage births in New Zealand - the country I live in.

Although it's a potentially a firecracker subject: one arousing all sorts of emotional responses from outright condemnation of the girls and their babies to compassionate practical support, the article sticks to the facts. 

The headline reads: "Teenage births halved over last decade"

"The number of teenage women in New Zealand giving birth has more than halved over the last decade, Stats NZ said today.

There were 1,719 births registered to teenage women (those aged under 20 years) in 2022, accounting for around 1 in every 34 births that year. In 2012, there were 3,786 births registered to teenage mothers, accounting for around 1 in every 16 births that year."

For more see: Statistics Department NZ - Teenage births halved over last decade 

You present your information clearly and concisely, avoiding jargon or complex language that may confuse your audience.

The candidate gave a rousing stump speech , which included a couple of potentially inflammatory statements on known wedge issues .

If the audience is familiar with political jargon that sentence would be fine. If they're not, it would bewilder them. What is a 'stump speech' or a 'wedge issue' ?

Stump speech: a candidate's prepared speech or pitch that explains their core platform.

Wedge issue: a controversial political issue that divides members of opposing political parties or the same party.

For more see: political jargon examples

3. Relevance

The content shared in your speech should be relevant and valuable. It should meet your audience's needs or spark their curiosity.

If the audience members are vegetarians, they're highly unlikely to want to know anything about the varying cuts of beef and what they are used for.

However, the same audience might be very interested in finding out more about plant protein and readily available sources of it.  

4. Organizational pattern

The speech should have a logical sequential structure with a clear introduction, body, and conclusion.

If I am giving a demonstration speech on how to bake chocolate chip cookies, to be effective it needs to move through each of the necessary steps in the correct order.

Beginning with how to spoon the mixture on to the tray, or how to cool the cookies on a wire rack when you've taken them out of the oven, is confusing.   

5. Research and credibility

Informative speeches are based on thorough research and reliable sources to ensure accuracy and credibility. And sources need to be properly cited.

My friend told me, my mother says, or I saw it on Face Book is neither authoritative nor enough. â˜ș

Example: My speech is on literacy rates in USA. To be credible I need to quote and cite reputable sources.


6. Visual aids

Slides, charts, graphs, or props are frequently used to help the audience fully understand what they're being told.

For example, an informative speech on the rise and fall of a currency's daily exchange rate is made a great deal easier to follow and understand with graphs or charts illustrating the key points.

Or for a biographical speech, photos of the person being talked about will help hold the attention of your audience.  

7. Effective delivery

To be effective your speech needs to be delivered in a way that captures and hold the audience's attention. That means all aspects of it have been rehearsed or practiced. 

If you're demonstrating, you've gone through every step to ensure you have the flow of material right.

If you're using props (visual aids) of any sort you've made sure they work. Can they be seen easily? Do they clearly illustrate the point you're making?

Is your use of the stage (or your speaking space) good? Does your body language align with your material? Can your voice be heard? Are you speaking clearly? 

Pulling together a script and the props you're going to use is only part of the task of giving a speech. Working on and refining delivery completes it.

To give a successful speech each of these seven aspects needs to be fine-tuned: to hook your audience's interest, to match their knowledge level, your topic, your speech purpose and, fit within the time constraints you've been given.

Types of informative speeches

There are four types of informative speeches: definition, description, explanation and demonstration. A speech may use one, or a mix of them.

1. Informing through definition 

An informative speech based on definition clearly, and concisely, explains a concept * , theory, or philosophy. The principal purpose is to inform the audience, so they understand the main aspects of the particular subject being talked about.

* Definition of concept from the Cambridge dictionary - an  abstract principle or idea 

Examples of topics for definition or concept speeches

A good topic could be:

  • What is global warming?
  • What are organics?
  • What are the core beliefs of Christianity?
  • What is loyalty?
  • What is mental health?
  • What is modern art? 
  • What is freedom?
  • What is beauty?
  • What is education?
  • What are economics?
  • What is popular culture?

These are very broad topic areas- each containing multiple subtopics, any of which could become the subject of a speech in its own right. 

Example outline for a definition or concept informative speech

Speech title:.

What is modern art?

- people who want an introductory overview of modern art to help them understand a little more about what they're looking at - to place artists and their work in context 

Specific purpose:

- to provide a broad outline/definition of modern art 

Image: The Scream - Edvard Munch Text: What is modern art? An example outline for a concept or definition informative speech

Modern art refers to a broad and diverse artistic movement that emerged in the late 19th and early 20th centuries and continued to develop throughout the 20th century. 

It is characterized by a radical departure from traditional artistic styles and conventions and encompasses a wide range of artistic styles, techniques, and media, reflecting the cultural, social, and technological changes of the time.

Key characteristics or main points include:

  • Experimentation and innovation : Modern artists sought to break away from established norms and explore new ways of representing the world. They experimented with different materials, techniques, and subjects, challenging the boundaries of traditional art forms.
  • Abstraction : Modern art often features abstract and non-representational elements, moving away from realistic depictions. Artists like Wassily Kandinsky and Piet Mondrian explored pure abstraction, using shapes, lines, and colors to convey emotions and ideas.
  • Expression of the inner self : Many modern artists aimed to convey their inner emotions, thoughts, and experiences through their work. This led to the development of various movements like Expressionism (See work of Evard Munch) and Surrealism (See work of Salvador Dali). 
  • Rejection of academic conventions : Artists sought to break free from the rigid rules of academic art and embrace more individualistic and avant-garde approaches. For example: Claude Monet, (1840 -1926) Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Édouard Manet
  • Influence of industrialization and urbanization : The rapid changes brought about by industrialization and urbanization in the 19th and 20th centuries influenced modern art. Artists were inspired by the dynamics of the modern world and its impact, often negative, on human life. 
  • Multiple art movements : Modern art encompasses a wide array of movements and styles, for example Cubism, Futurism, Dadaism, Abstract Expressionism, Pop Art... Each movement brought its own unique perspective on art and society.
  • Focus on concept and process : Modern artists began to emphasize the underlying ideas and concepts behind their work, giving greater importance to the creative process itself. ï»ż

Modern art should not be confused with contemporary art. While modern art refers specifically to the artistic developments of the early to mid-20th century, contemporary art encompasses art created by artists living and working in the present day. The transition from modern art to contemporary art happened around the late 20th century- 1950s onward.


  • artists
  • vs surrealism
  • who died without recognition
  • industrial revolution the influence on art
  • art movements
  • Image: The Scream, Edvard Munch  

2. Informing through description

Informing through description means creating detailed, vivid verbal pictures for your audience to make what you're talking about come to life in the minds of those listening which in turn, will make your subject matter memorable.

Examples of good informative speech topics that could be used for descriptive speeches

  • How I celebrate Christmas
  • My first day at school
  • My home town
  • A time I feared for my life
  • A time when I felt contented and happy

My first car

  • An object I find fascinating: lotus shoes, bustles, corsets, panniers (These are historical items of women's clothing.)
  • Working from home: the joys, the hazards
  • My dream home, job, or holiday
  • An event I'll never forget
  • The most valuable or interesting thing I own
  • Martin Luther King, Benjamin Franklin, President Lincoln... a notable person from the past or present, including someone you may know: a family member, friend or yourself, or a public figure (an artist, singer, dancer, writer, entrepreneur, inventor...)

Example outline for a descriptive informative speech

- to take the audience with me back to the time when we bought our first car and have them appreciate that car's impact on our lives 

Central idea:

Our Austin A50 was a much-loved car

Image: Austin A50 advertising picture Text: Austin A50 Cambridge - the car that gives you more

About the car:

- English, Austin A50, 1950ish model - curvy, solid, a matron of cars

Background to purchase:

  • 1974 - we were 20 and 21 - young and broke
  • The car cost $200 - a lot of money for me at that time. I raided my piggy bank to buy it.
  • It was a trade up from the back of the motorbike - now I could sit side by side and talk, rather than sit behind and poke my husband, when I wanted to say important things like, 'Slow down', or 'I'm cold'. The romance of a motorbike is short-lived in winter. It diminishes in direct proportion to the mountain of clothes needing to be put on before going anywhere - coats, scarf, boots, helmet... And this particular winter was bitter: characterized by almost impenetrable grey fog and heavy frosts. It was so cold the insides of windows of the old house we lived in iced up.
  • It was tri-colored - none of them dominating - bright orange on the bonnet, sky blue on the rear doors and the roof, and matt black on the front doors and the boot. (Bonus - no one would ever steal it - far too easily identified!)
  • The chrome flying A proudly rode the bonnet.
  • The boot, (trunk lid) was detachable. It came off - why I can't remember. But it needed to be opened to fill the tank, so it meant lifting it off at the petrol station and leaning it up against the boot while the tank filled, and then replacing it when done.
  • There were bench seats upholstered in grey leather (dry and cracked) front and back with wide arm rests that folded down.
  • The windows wound up and down manually and, in the rear, there were triangle shaped opening quarter-windows.
  • The mouse-colored lining that had been on the doors and roof was worn, torn and in some patches completely missing. Dust poured in through the crevices when we drove on the metal roads that were common where we lived.
  • It had a column gear change - 4 gears, a heater that didn't function, proper old-school semaphore trafficators indicators that flicked out from the top of the door pillars and blinked orange, a clutch that needed a strong push to get it down, an accelerator pedal that was slow to pick up and a top speed of around 50 mph. 


We called her Prudence. We loved, and remember, her fondly because:

  • I was taught to drive in her - an unforgettable experience. I won the bunny hopping record learning to coordinate releasing the clutch and pressing down on the accelerator. Additionally, on metal roads, I found you needed to slow before taking corners. Sliding on two wheels felt precarious. The bump back down to four was a relief.  
  • We did not arrive places having to disrobe - take off layers of protective clobber.
  • We could talk to each without shouting and NOW our road trips had a soundtrack - a large black portable battery driven tape player sat on the back parcel shelf blasting out a curious mix of Ry Cooder, Bach, Mozart's Flute Concerto, Janice Joplin... His choice. My choice. Bliss.
  • My father-in-law suggested we park it down the street rather than directly outside his house when we visited. To him Prudence was one eccentricity too many! An embarrassment in front of the neighbors. â˜ș

3. Informing through demonstration

Informing through demonstration means sharing verbal directions about how to do a specific task: fix, or make, something while also physically showing the steps, in a specific chronological order.

These are the classic 'show-n-tell', 'how to' or process speeches.

Examples of process speech topics:

  • How to bake chocolate chip cookies
  • How to use CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) correctly
  • How to prepare and plant a tub of vegetables or flowers
  • How to read a topographic map
  • How to make a tik-tok reel
  • How to knit a hat

How to brainstorm material for a speech

For literally  100s more demonstration topic ideas

A demonstrative informative speech outline example

To demonstrate the brainstorming process and to provide practical strategies (helpful tips) for freeing and speeding up the generation of ideas

Main ideas:

Understanding brainstorming - explanation of what brainstorming is and its benefits

Preparing for brainstorming - the starting point - stating the problem or topic that needs brainstorming, working in a comfortable place free from distractions, encouraging open-mindedness and suspension of judgment.

Techniques for brainstorming : (Show and tell on either white board or with large sheets of paper that everyone can see) mind mapping, and free writing. Take topic ideas from audience to use.

Example : notes for maid of honor speech for sister

Example of brainstorming notes - free writing - ideas for a maid of honor speech for my sister

Benefits : Demonstrate how mind maps can help visually organize thoughts and connections, how free writing allows ideas to flow without stopping to judge them

Encourages quantity over quality - lots of ideas - more to choose from. May generate something you'd never have thought of otherwise.

Select, refine, develop (show and tell) 

For more see: brainstorm examples

4. Informing through explanation 

Informing through explanation is explaining or sharing how something works, came to be, or why something happened, for example historical events like the Civil War in the United States. The speech is made stronger through the use of visuals - images, charts of data and/or statistics.

Examples of explanatory informative speech topics

  • How did the 1919 Treaty of Versailles contribute to the outbreak of World War Two?
  • What led to The American Civil War (April 12, 1861 – May 26, 1865)?
  • Why is there an increase in type two diabetes and problems associated with obesity in first world countries, for example, in UK and USA?
  • How do lungs work?
  • What causes heart disease?
  • How electric vehicles work?   
  • What caused the Salem witch trials?
  • How does gravitation work?
  • How are rainbows formed?
  • Why do we pay taxes?
  • What is cyberbullying? Why is it increasing?

Example explanatory informative speech outline

The Treaty of Versailles: how did it contribute to the outbreak of World War Two

Image: Signing The Treaty of Versailles 1919 - dignitaries gather in the Hall of Mirrors, Palace of Versailles to sign the treaty, June 28, 1919

- to explain how the Treaty of Versailles (1919) was a significant causal factor leading up World War two

Central ideas:

Historical context : World War One, 'the war to end all wars' ended in 1918. The Allied Powers: USA, UK, France, Italy and Japan, met in Paris at the Paris Peace Conference 1919 to work out the details and consequences of the Treaty of Versailles, which would impact the defeated Central Powers, principally Germany. 

These included:

  • territorial boundary changes which stripped Germany of land in Europe, and established new nations - e.g. Poland and Czechoslovakia
  • military restrictions - the disarmament of the German military, restrictions on weapons and technology, demilitarization of the Rhineland
  • reparations - demands that they were unable to meet, plus being forced to accept a "war guilt" clause (Article 231) had an enormous impact, economically and psychologically. The country plunged into deep recession - albeit along with many other countries. (The Great Depression 1929-1939 which ended with the beginning of World War Two.)

The League of Nations - The League of Nations was an international diplomatic group developed after World War I as a way to solve disputes between countries before they erupted into open warfare. Despite being active in its set up, USA refused to join it - a stance that weakened its effectiveness.

Controversies within Germany: Public anger and resentment, plus political instability as result of reparations, territory loss and economic hardships

Controversies with Treaty partners: The Treaty's perceived fairness and effectiveness: Italy and Japan felt their settlements were inadequate compared to what had been taken by UK, USA and France.

The rise of 'isms'   Simmering discontent eventually emerged as the rise of Fascism in Italy, Nazism in Germany and Statism (a mix of nationalism, militarism and “state capitalism”) in Japan.

Expansionist Nationalism Spread of expansionist nationalism - a state's right to increase its borders because it is superior in all ways. Therefore, Hitler was 'right' to take back what had previously been regarded as German territory (Czechoslovakia and Austria), and to go after more, all the while goading the Allied Powers to act. When his armies went into Poland, Britain declared war against Germany - 21 years after the end of the last.

  • Image:

speaking out loud 

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How to Write an Informative Speech (With Outline and Examples)

Nathan Umoh

Speechwriting can seem like a difficult skill to master. Knowing how to get your point across in a set time limit while engaging an audience feels tricky. But it's not so hard when you've got the right structure with an outline example for an informative speech.

Speaker giving a talk on corporate Business Conference to audience at the conference hall

That's why I'll walk you through how to write an informative speech in this tutorial. Once you follow these steps, you'll be able to make a speech that'll leave any crowd more informed on any topic you choose.

Jump to content in this section:

Different Types of Informative Speeches

  • Choose Your Topic
  • Perform Research
  • Define Your Thesis Statement
  • Outline Your Speech
  • Consider Your Audience
  • Write a Draft
  • Prepare Your Visual Aid (Optional)
  • Rehearse and Rewrite

More Tips for Your Informative Speech

Envato elements: a subscription for unlimited creativity.

Before you can even consider putting pen to paper (or more likely, fingers to keyboard), you must know not all informative speeches are the same. There are a many different types to be aware of. But we'll focus on definition, demonstration, explanatory, and descriptive informative speech styles.

Let's dive into what makes them unique:

  • Definition . These speeches aim to define concepts or theories that audiences may not know. Use this type if you've got a new idea or concept your audience is unfamiliar with.
  • Demonstration . This speech is all about process. Walk your audience through the steps on how to perform, create, or fix something. Make sure your steps are in order!
  • Explanatory . An explanatory speech is about the state of a given topic. This could be the state of a business, country, or sports team. The goal is to show why the chosen topic is in the state that it finds itself.
  • Descriptive . This type of speech is all about the details. You'll want to use it when you want to paint a vivid picture about your topic. These speeches tend to be filled with descriptions of physical characteristics, comparisons, and functions as a result.

black young man entrepreneur giving speech encouraging colleagues to get the best

As you can see, knowing that you want to inform your audience is just a small part of your speech. To make your speech as effective as possible, write with the right type of speech in mind.

1. Choose Your Topic

Before starting your informative speech outline example, you need to know what you're writing about. That's why it's important to pick the right topic. Now, I understand that in some situations where you've got no choice in what you speak about. But if you get to pick yourself, let me give you some pointers.

First, you want to pick something that you're passionate about. It's a lot easier to engage an audience when they can tell that you care about the topic you're speaking about. Think about the types of things you're drawn too and see if there's an opportunity to choose it as your speech topic.

Think of Ideas

Also ask yourself how much you know about the topic. Even if you're passionate about it, you might not have the facts and figures to draw upon to properly inform a crowd. Consider the time you have available to prepare your speech before you lock in your topic.

But arguably your most important consideration when choosing a topic is your audience. What will be interesting to them? Think about the demographics of who you'll be talking to as you select your topic. We'll talk later about how this will affect your writing.

2. Perform Research

It's hard to write an example of an outline for an informative speech if you're not informed yourself! That's why it's important to do some research. Providing verified sources is one of the best ways to strengthen what you've got to say.

The key word there is verified. Make sure your sources are trustworthy before including them in your speech. Look to reputable journalists, peer-reviewed papers, and accredited universities. Find out who are the leaders in the niche your topic is in and see what they've got to say on the subject.

3. Define Your Thesis Statement

If your speech is our solar system, your thesis statement is the sun everything orbits around. Don't start thinking about other attention getters for informative speeches without your thesis in place.

So, what's a thesis statement? It's a summary of the central point of your whole speech that's part of your introduction. This isn't a long summary either. Your thesis statement shouldn't be longer than a sentence. Sure that's short, but it's plenty opportunity to get the point of your speech across.

Thinking about problems

A strong thesis is important to have. It gives you a north star to write towards, so you never lose focus of your main point. A focused speech is a strong one that'll engage your audience. 

4.  Outline Your Speech

Now that you've defined your thesis, it's time to structure your speech. And the best way to do that is to create an example of an outline for your informative speech.

Keep in mind that the outline of your informative speech is an overview example. You're not going into full detail of your speech just yet, that'll come in your draft. What you want to do is create the flow you'd like your speech to take. These can be as simple as bullet points.

Start with your introduction, end with your conclusion, and place all the important beats in between. You can even add one or two sentences for each point of your speech. This is the basic structure you should have if you've never made an example of an outline for an informative speech.

Freelancer working, typing on laptop keyboard, searching information

5. Consider Your Audience

Playing to your audience is one of the biggest keys to giving a successful speech. As I mentioned earlier, understanding the demographic is important. After all, teenagers and adults have different viewpoints that must be considered.

But that's not the only consideration. Before you start your informative speech outline, think about how knowledgeable your crowd is. A general audience will require you to simplify so that everyone can understand. But if you're speaking to people with technical understanding in your subject, you can dive into the nitty-gritty of your topic.

This is made easier with a strong example of an outline for your informative speech in hand. And so is the next step, which is writing.

6. Write a Draft

It's now time to write your informative speech draft. This is where you bring your topic, research, and audience knowledge to life. So have fun with it! You're the one providing the information, so write with confidence.

Serious guy in casualwear typing on keyboard while sitting in front of computer

As you write, keep your outline example for an informative speech in mind, as well as these points:

Writing Your Introduction

Your introduction might be the most important part of your speech. As they say, you only get one chance at a first impression. So, make yours memorable.

You can do that by starting your informative speech with a line that'll hook your audience. This can be with an intriguing question or concept, an anecdote, or a quote. We've got an incredible tutorial that can give you more information on attention getters for informative speeches.

how to write an informal speech

Once you've nailed your opener, it's time to introduce your thesis statement. As mentioned earlier, your thesis statement is a brief summary of the rest of your speech. Add a transition that allows you to flow into the first key point of your informative speech outline example.

Constructing the Body of Your Speech

Writing the body of your informative speech is a lot easier thanks to your outline. The perfect example is to say it's the GPS for the rest of your speech. How long that journey will be and what twists and turns it'll take all depend on your content.

Even if your body paragraphs have different focuses, there will be similarities in how you present their contents. You'll always want to start by introducing what the key point you're introducing will be. Then dive further into the point and present any facts or figures you found in your research. And, if you've structured your speech well, introduce a transition into the next key point.

Businesswoman typing on laptop at office desk

Now, notice how I said there will be similarities, and not that your paragraphs will be identical. That's because an identical structure is easy to spot and not very interesting for your audience. Find ways to mix things up in your writing to make sure you're keeping audiences engaged. Take some time to watch some informative speech examples online. Notice that the best ones always find ways to inform without following a strict writing style.

Concluding in Style

All good things must come to an end, and that includes the stellar speech you're writing. So, when it's time to bring it all to a close, do so in a memorable way.

Your conclusion needs a few elements. One of them is a summary of all the topics you've discussed. It's like a brief recap of your key points. Also restate your thesis. Remember, the last time you brought up your thesis statement was in the introduction! It's a good idea to reinforce your main goal before you end. And make sure your end feels like an end. Even if you're informing your audience about ongoing efforts, your speech will need to have a sense of finality.

Business women finished her tasks

7. Prepare Your Visual Aid (Optional)

Unlike creating an outline example for your informative speech, this step isn't mandatory. but if you know you'll have a screen at your disposal, take advantage of it. One of the best attention getters for informative speeches is a visual presentation. It's especially helpful when your topic can be easily shown, but it's also helpful for abstract concepts.

A slide deck is easy to create if you use a template. You can find the one that best fits your topic from Envato Elements. The creative service has thousands of presentations with a great offer. But I'll tell you more about that later. For now, check out some of the PowerPoint and Keynote presentation templates you can use to share any visuals you've got for your audience:

how to write an informal speech

8. Rehearse and Rewrite

You've come a long way from selecting your topic and creating the outline for your informative speech. You're just about ready to give your speech, but before you do you've got one last thing to do: practice.

There are a couple ways to practice. You can do it by yourself, with or without the help of a mirror. If you do go this route, make sure you force yourself to fully do your informative speech out loud. It's the best example of what you'll do in front of a crowd. If you've got a willing friend or family member, sit them down and rehearse with them. An outside perspective will give you the best feedback of what you can do to improve your delivery.

Man At Home Practising Giving Speech Or Presentation In Bathroom Mirror

If you're speech has a time limit, make sure you time yourself with each run through. Doing this will help you see how close you are to your max allotment. You'll also be able to see whether you're rushing through your speech or speaking a bit too slowly.

Sometimes the words we write don't always translate when speaking out loud. Take this as an opportunity to rewrite when necessary. Make your speech more natural so it's easier for you to get the words out. You might also realize you left out key details you think your audience needs to know.

These steps are always going to be helpful when writing your speech. but I've got a few more tips to keep in mind if you want to take things to the next level:

  • Inform, don't persuade . Once you've finished your informative speech outline example and prepare to write, don't forget its goal. You're here to share information. Avoid using words and phrases that may aim to convince. You don't want your audience to leave with the feeling that they've just heard a sales pitch.
  • Make everything flow . For effective speeches, you'll hear a lot about storytelling. A story makes sure your audience stays engaged. You don't have to structure your speech like a fairytale. But think about how you'd like each key point and idea to connect with each other. Have this at the front of your mind when putting together your outline example for your informative speech.
  • Personal touches are nice . If you had the freedom to pick your topic, you probably picked one that you care about. Don't be afraid to let that show in your speech! If you found a key point to be especially interesting, verbalize it. Audiences engage better with your information if they know you're engaged with it too.
  • Interact with your audience . Look to interactivity if you're looking for easy ways to engage your audience. Now, you don't need to invite someone from the crowd to stand next to you while you talk. But you can ask them questions or open the floor so you can answer some yourself. Props, quizzes, or even asking for a show of hands are options at your disposal.
  • Use key points for memorization . Remembering everything in your speech can be tricky. But there are some memorization tricks you can use. One of them is to focus memorizing the key points first. This helps you keep the flow of your informative speech in mind. Brenda Barron, an Envato Tuts+ instructor, has even more useful memorization tips that you can check out:

how to write an informal speech

I mentioned earlier how you can get presentation templates from the Envato Elements platform. But that's not all you can get. Envato Elements has a great offer: for a low monthly fee, you get unlimited downloads of everything available on the creative site. You can access and download premium PowerPoint templates, fonts, and photos for no extra fees.

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There are few services with an offer this useful. If you give speeches, are a student, or work as a creative professional, it's a no-brainer. Take advantage of this compelling offer by signing up for Envato Elements today.

You're Ready to Write Your Informative Speech

No matter the niche, you can trust that these steps apply to your speech. Download a template and get started.

We started off by picking a topic and performing research. We then defined a thesis and created an outline of your informative speech example. After thinking about your audience, we wrote a draft, rehearsed, and made our edits.

You've done the work in putting together a well-structured foundation. Now comes the fun part in giving your speech. Good luck!

Nathan Umoh

Informative Speech Maker

  • ✅ 6 Benefits of the Tool

💬 What Is an Informative Speech?

📍 how to write an informative speech, 💡 top 26 informative speech topics, 📝 4 world-famous informative speech examples, 🔗 references.

Writing informative speeches is not as hard as you may think. In this short informative speech generator, you will learn the automatic skill of creating informative speeches that will be remembered.

After reading this guide, you will learn more about the following:

  • Differentiating between informative and other types of speeches
  • Organizing your ideas logically
  • Connecting with the audience
  • Selecting engaging topics
  • Editing and proofreading your speech
  • Presenting the speech in an engaging manner

Read on to learn more about perfecting your informative speeches and becoming an efficient informative speech maker.

✅ 6 Benefits of This Informative Speech Generator

How does this free informative speech generator benefit your efforts?

We will focus on the 6 essential benefits:

💾 Free No longer worry about subscription or renewal fees. You can use our informative speech generator for free and enjoy its functionality without spending a penny.
🩄 Inspiring This speech maker will help you draft your informative speech effortlessly, saving you the dreaded writer’s block.
🎯 Specialized Our tool is designed to match all the requirements of making an informative speech that will be remembered.
🔱 Structural This online generator lets you create well-structured speeches that motivate your audience to listen to you until the end.
🎹 Creative This informative speech generator ensures you don’t worry about the correct vocabulary for your assignment. It does everything for you and chooses the most suitable language based on your speech’s theme.
🚀 Quick The tool saves you precious writing time to enable you to invest that time in other exciting activities.

Informative speech is an academic assignment aimed at communicating specific information to the audience to educate and raise awareness.

Its purposes are as follows:

  • Define the topic and outline the main issues surrounding it
  • Explain the state of knowledge surrounding the selected topic
  • Describe the topic to help the audience understand it better
  • Demonstrate how the topic can be approached in practice

An important thing to understand is that informative speeches only communicate information without calling to action or trying to convince the audience.

The educational goal of informative speeches is to teach students to collect, analyze, and present information clearly. It helps students develop their research, logical thinking, and communication skills.

Informative Speech Vs. Persuasive Speech

Unlike informative speech, persuasive one seeks to:

  • Present the information and translate a specific point of view.
  • Make the audience form a specific opinion about something.
  • Ensure that the audience shares the speaker's point of view or at least makes them reflect and re-assess their beliefs.

Informative speeches do not pursue such goals:

  • They provide information, so listeners or readers can process it and make their own conclusions.
  • They are often less emotionally charged and biased than persuasive ones.

We recommend following this step-by-step guide to simplify the process of speech writing.

Choose and Research the Topic

While it may seem obvious, the first thing you will want to start with is finding the topic you want to present.

If it’s something widely discussed, make sure you find an interesting approach to it instead of reiterating information people already know.

Work with the Sources

After you settle down on a topic, start collecting the literature . Look through the scholarly articles published within the last five years to make sure your information is relevant. This tip particularly concerns topics in areas that are fast-developing (e.g., IT or medicine).

Stick to reliable sources, such as peer-reviewed articles, books, and official reports. Don’t forget to include references to the sources you are using on the reference page.

Build a Good Understanding of the Topic

No matter how tempting it may be, it’s not enough to read one source and call it a day.

You must research the topic thoroughly and examine seminal studies and the most recent findings to become an expert people would want to listen to.

Formulate a Clear Thesis Statement

The next step is to settle down on the main idea you want to communicate, which appears in the thesis statement at the beginning of the speech.

A good thesis statement not only attracts attention in an instant but also guides you as you write your speech.

Draft the Speech

Now, let’s get down to business. Create the outline of your speech, which should include the following:

  • Introduction + thesis statement
  • Body paragraphs

Organize each main idea in a separate paragraph and make sure they are logically connected so that the speech “flows” well.

Everything you include in the body of the speech should be linked to the thesis statement.

Edit and Proofread

Re-read your draft several times to get a general sense of what impression it makes. Don’t be afraid of switching sentences and paragraphs or removing some unnecessary information.

Don’t forget: a good speaker is a good writer.

Practice, Practice, Practice

The tried-and-true method of becoming a great speaker is to practice as much as possible .

So, read your speech out loud and memorize it to be confident before the audience and free yourself from anxiety.

Feel stuck at the first stage of choosing the topic? Get inspired by these ideas for school:

  • Mental health benefits of regular exercising.
  • Why everyone should try going meatless once a week.
  • The impact of climate change on small island states.
  • Is sugar as bad for our health as we think?
  • The effect of social media filters on young users’ body image.
  • Military logistics and commercial logistics .
  • Best ways to find friends when you are middle-aged.
  • Nike: corporate and production strategies .
  • How to be more productive?
  • Cryptocurrency crimes in financial markets .
  • Are learning styles a real thing?
  • Capitalism: definition and history .
  • Effect of remote work on mental wellbeing.
  • College graduation rate in the US .
  • How did COVID-19 change the world?
  • The digital learning impact during the pandemic .
  • Should we always fight procrastination?
  • Plastic pollution and its impact on aquatic species .
  • Social media and conspiracy theories.
  • How climate change could impact the global economy .
  • How can AI change our daily lives?
  • Deforestation of the Amazon: Amazon fires .
  • Why are yawns contagious?
  • Government’s policy actions and role in society .
  • Ethical dilemmas of genetic modification.
  • Mandatory military training in the US .

To get a better understanding of how a winning speech should look like, read the following world-famous informative speeches.

Eleanor Roosevelt – What Libraries Mean to the Nation

Eleanor Roosevelt was really good at giving memorable speeches. In this one , she speaks about the role of libraries in the USA and the future stored for them in the 20th century.

Marie Curie – On the Discovery of Radium

This speech is an example of how a very complicated topic can be made engaging if the speaker is truly passionate about it.

George W Bush – On the Capture Of Saddam Hussein

A great example of political speech, this informative speech by the US President illustrates how logos, pathos, and ethos can be combined to send a clear message.

Courtney Love – On Piracy and Music

If you are more into art, this example of an informative speech will give you a better idea of how to cover such topics.

❓ Informative Speech Maker FAQ

Speech-making is an art that every student will have to master at some point in their studies. With these hands-on tips and guidance, you now know all ins of outs of this type of assignment. Scroll down for answers to the remaining questions.

Updated: Jul 19th, 2024

  • Informative Speaking | Department of Communication
  • 9 Types of Informative Speeches To Educate an Audience
  • Informative Speeches – Communication in the Real World
  • Informative Speech | Definition, Types & Examples
  • Planning and Presenting an Informative Speech
  • An Overview of Informative Speaking
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Informative Speaking – Creating a Solid Foundation

Download the Informative Speaking - Creating a Solid Foundation handout. Use this resource to help students understand how to create a solid structure for an Informative Speaking speech.

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Informative Speech Outline

Cathy A.

Informative Speech Outline - Format, Writing Steps, and Examples

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Understanding Different Types of Informative Speeches with Examples

Are you facing the challenge of delivering an informative speech and unsure where to start? You've come to the right place!

An informative speech aims to educate the audience about a specific topic by presenting information in a clear, systematic manner. It ensures that listeners grasp the key points effectively.

So, how do you prepare for your speech? It all begins with crafting a well-structured outline. 

In this guide, we'll take you through the process of creating an informative speech outline step by step. Plus, we'll provide inspiring examples to guide you along the way.

Let’s get into it!

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  • 1. What is an Informative Speech Outline?
  • 2. How to Write an Informative Speech Outline?
  • 3. Informative Speech Outline Examples

What is an Informative Speech Outline?

An informative speech outline is like a roadmap for your presentation. It's a structured plan that helps you organize your thoughts and information in a clear and logical manner.

Here's what an informative speech outline does:

  • Organizes Your Ideas: It helps you arrange your thoughts and ideas in a logical order, making it easier for your audience to follow your presentation.
  • Ensures Clarity: An outline ensures that your speech is clear and easy to understand. It prevents you from jumping from one point to another without a clear path.
  • Saves Time: With a well-structured outline, you'll spend less time searching for what to say next during your speech. It's your cheat sheet.
  • Keeps Your Audience Engaged: A well-organized outline keeps your audience engaged and focused on your message. It's the key to a successful presentation.
  • Aids Memorization: Having a structured outline can help you remember key points and maintain a confident delivery.

How to Write an Informative Speech Outline?

Writing a helpful speech outline is not so difficult if you know what to do. Here are 4 simple steps to craft a perfect informative outline. 

Step 1: Choose an Engaging Topic

Selecting the right topic is the foundation of a compelling, informative speech. Choose unique and novel informative speech topics that can turn into an engaging speech. 

Here's how to do it:

  • Consider Your Audience: Think about the interests, knowledge, and expectations of your audience. What would they find interesting and relevant?
  • Choose Your Expertise: Opt for a topic you're passionate about or knowledgeable in. Your enthusiasm will shine through in your presentation.
  • Narrow It Down: Avoid broad subjects. Instead, focus on a specific aspect of the topic to keep your speech manageable and engaging.

With these tips in mind, you can find a great topic for your speech.

Step 2: Conduct Some Research

Now that you have your topic, it's time to gather the necessary information. You need to do thorough research and collect some credible information necessary for the audience to understand your topic.

Moreover, understand the types of informative speeches and always keep the main purpose of your speech in mind. That is, to inform, educate, or teach. This will help you to avoid irrelevant information and stay focused on your goal.

Step 3: Structure Your Information

Now that you have the required information to make a good speech, you need to organize it logically. This is where the outlining comes in! 

The basic speech format consists of these essential elements:


Here’s what you should include in your introduction outline: 



Moreover, there are two different ways to write your outline: 

  • The complete sentence format 
  • The key points format

In the complete sentence outline , you write full sentences to indicate each point and help you check the organization and content of the speech. 

In the key points format, you just note down the key points and phrases that help you remember what you should include in your speech.

Step 4: Review and Revise

Finally, once you've created your initial informative speech outline, you need to review and revise it. 

Here's how to go about it:

  • Ensure Clarity: Review your outline to ensure that your main points and supporting details are clear and easy to understand. 
  • Verify Logical Sequence: Double-check the order of your points and transitions. Ensure that the flow of your speech is logical and that your audience can follow it easily.
  • Eliminate Redundancy: Remove any redundant or repetitive information. Keep your outline concise and to the point. 
  • Time Yourself: Estimate how long it will take to deliver your speech. Ensure it fits within the allotted time frame, whether it's a few minutes or an hour.
  • Get Feedback: Share your outline with a friend, family member, or colleague and ask for their input. Fresh eyes can provide valuable suggestions for improvement.

Follow these basic steps and write a compelling speech that gives complete knowledge about the topic. Here is a sample outline example that will help you better understand how to craft an informative speech outline.

Informative Speech Outline Format

Informative Speech Outline Examples

Let’s explore a few example outlines to help you visualize an informative speech outline.

Here’s a sample Global Warming Informative Speech Outline:

Start with a compelling fact or statistic about global warming.
Clearly state the purpose of your speech on global warming.
Briefly introduce what global warming is and why it's a significant issue.

Define global warming and its primary causes (greenhouse gases, human activities, etc.).
Discuss the environmental, social, and economic consequences of global warming.

Present evidence of rising global temperatures over the years.
Discuss how global warming contributes to more frequent and severe weather events (hurricanes, droughts, etc.).
Explain the effects of global warming on polar ice caps and sea levels.

Describe how activities like burning fossil fuels and deforestation contribute to global warming.
Explain the role of greenhouse gasses (carbon dioxide, methane, etc.) in trapping heat in the atmosphere.

Discuss ways individuals and communities can reduce their carbon footprint (renewable energy, energy-efficient practices, etc.).
Highlight the importance of government policies and international agreements in combating global warming (Paris Agreement, etc.).
Explore strategies for adapting to the impacts of global warming (climate-resilient infrastructure, disaster preparedness, etc.).

Recap the key points discussed about global warming.
Encourage the audience to take steps to reduce global warming and support climate action initiatives.

Anticipate audience questions about global warming and be ready to provide informed answers.

Here are some more examples that illustrate the outlines for different topics and subjects.

Mental Health Informative Speech Outline

Stress Informative Speech Outline

Social Media Informative Speech Outline

Informative Speech Outline Template

Informative Speech Outline Sample

Chronological Informative Speech Outline

Informative Speech Outline on Culture

To sum it up,

Creating an effective outline is your pathway to delivering an impactful, organized, and engaging speech. Making an outline for your speech ensures that your message shines through with clarity and purpose. 

With the help of the steps and examples given above, you will be able to create a well-structured outline for your informative speech. So go ahead and deliver an engaging informative speech with the help of outlines.

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how to write an informal speech

How To Write a Speech that Matters – 10 top tips

August 23, 2024

To write a speech that works, you need to know the tricks of the trade. And writing a great speech is challenging.

The biggest problem you have when speech writing is that every speech and every audience is different. that means it’s hard to know if your speech will be successful. for this reason, speech writing is both an art and a science..

I will repeat that: The most important thing to understand about writing a speech is that speech writing is both a science and an art.

So, you will only write a compelling speech if you use a careful mix of logic and emotion. And that is why writing speeches is so complex and so interesting.

Speech writing is both a science and an art.

  • Speech writing is a science because how to write a speech has been studied and we know what works and what does not work.
  • Writing a speech is also an art because every speech is different and every good speech is successful in different ways.

To help you write a great speech, our speech writers have here given you ten of their top lessons for speech writing successfully. These tips are equally valid for big keynote speeches and for other types of speeches.

This advice is based on over 15 years of successfully supporting business people when they need to write a speech that makes a difference.

How to write a speech – Top ten tips

Let’s review each of these tips in more detail:

1. Speak to your audience using their language

The number one rule of how to write a speech is to know your audience. But what should you look out for?  To really know your audience, you should put yourself in their shoes.  For example, what about asking yourself: 

  • Why are they coming to this speech? 
  • What are they expecting? 
  • What ideas are familiar to them?
  • What ideas will resonate?
  • What are their worries?
  • What matters to them?
  • What metaphors do they use?

The more you can get into your audience’s head and speak their language, the more you will be able to write a great speech.

2. Help your audience like the speaker

It’s a truth that audiences will only listen if they like the speaker. So, when writing a speech, what do you do? Three speech writing tricks that will help your speaker be more likeable include:

  • Connect with your audience in your opening words. If you grab attention early and show a connection between the speaker and the audience, then you have started your speech well.
  • Be human. We all like people who are like us. If you read the research it tells us that we like people with whom we share something in common. The link could be a school, a hobby, friends, past employers or even nationality or first name. Find that link and you’ll find it easier to persuade people.  And when you write a speech, share something about the speaker,  it will make them more human.
  • Keep your audience nodding. This means showing in your writing that you know your audience and care about your audience. Because you knomw your audience you can talk about things they care about. For example, you can write about what they speak about, using the same words they use and what’s top of their minds.

This will help your speech writing to hit home.

3. Make your audience feel comfortable during your speech

As well as helping your audience like you, to write a great speech you want to make your audience feel comfortable. You can do this in many ways, and this will depend who you are talking to. One obvious way is to avoid Death by PowerPoint. In fact, a good speech should involve few if any visual aids.  

Another way to help your audience feel comfortable is to avoid contradicting their beliefs. For example, if you start your speech by stating that the universe is 1000 years old, you will alienate most people. Instead, you want to get your audience nodding along with you towards the start of your speech.

With our bespoke public speaking coaching, you can learn these skills quickly. Learn more about public speaking coaching here.

4. A great speech should feel more like a conversation

The art of great speech writing is using simple words, simple phrases and clear ideas.  The topic you are speaking about might be complex, but you want to use the same sort of language that you’d use when chatting to somebody. 

One mistake that inexperienced speech writers make it to use lofty language or to use language that sounds like someone addressing a giant crowd. 

In fact, the best speech writers and the best speakers use clear, simple language that is accessible by all. 

You can learn all these skills with our award-winning public speaking coaching . Find out how we can help you transform your speeches and speech writing.

Learn how we can help – schedule a free consultation now

5. Understand that logic alone will not win your audience

“ Don’t be a logic bully” is a favourite phrase of ours. That’s because logic by itself is not persuasive. If logic could be persuasive, then speeches would become lists of facts, and presentations would become spreadsheets.

Aristotle, 2,500 years ago, outlined how to create a persuasive argument. He said that persuasion required all three of logos, ethos and pathos. You can translate these Greek words as Logic, Credibility and Emotion. This means that to persuade your audience your speech writing needs a healthy balance of logic, credibility and emotion. To understand this in more detail, have a look at this article.

6. Great speech writing means making the complicated simple to understand

One of the most common mistakes of inexperienced speech writers is to make their speeches too complex. They assume that because the speaker is smart, they (and their audience) will be most comfortable with complex ideas and complex words. This is wrong. Complexity is off-putting. Our brains love simplicity. When you write a speech you should make it easy for your audience.

Having written and edited hundreds successful speeches during our public speaking coaching, we are often surprised how simple the best speeches become. But making complex speeches simple is hard work. Anyone can write a speech with extra facts. It takes real skill to write a speech with just simple words, short phrases and big ideas. Big ideas expressed with small words.

7. To grab your audience, be a teacher

Generally, audiences don’t like being preached to or sold to. Audiences prefer to feel they are making decisions on their own. On the other hand, most audiences love learning new things. One of the joys of listening to great speeches is that you are constantly coming across new ideas and new ways of seeing the world.  So, when you write a speech, ask yourself:

  • How can you help your audience see the world differently?
  • What can you teach them?
  • If your audience comes away feeling they have learned something new, they are more likely to be impressed by your speech and your speech writing.

8. Use stories, examples and anecdotes when speech writing

One of my favourite sayings when you write a speech is “Facts get forgotten, but stories get repeated.” A story is more compelling than the most powerful numbers. Yet, too many speeches fail to harness the power of a compelling story.

A good story in your speech can be like one of those multi-tools. It can do many jobs at once. A powerful story can help bring a complex idea to life. A story can make it easy for someone to understand what good looks like and a strong story will grab attention and be memorable.

We’ve written a few good articles on business storytelling and this is one of my favourite

9. Have a strong start and a strong end to your speech

When you write a speech, you’ll get very used to carefully crafting the beginning and end of your speech.  The start is important because it sets the tone of the entire talk and it grabs attention.  The end is important because audience tend to remember what they heard and how they felt at the end.  This means you want to spend time crafting these bookends to your speech. 

Many speech writers have written advice about speech writing.  One of my favourite pieces of advice is from Winston Churchill who gave this process for writing speeches:

  • A strong beginning
  • One tight theme
  • Simple language
  • Word pictures e.g. “Iron curtain”
  • Emotional ending

If you can incorporate these ideas when you write a speech, you’ll create much better speeches. 

10. Keep editing your speech writing until it can’t get better

Never be happy with the first draft of your speech.  The hard work of writing a speech only starts when many people think its over.  For example:

  • You need to read your speech out loud
  • You need to try it out in front of an audience
  • You want to make changes where anything is not quite right
  • You rehearse your speaker thoroughly so that any wrinkes are ironed out,

These final stages of improving how you write a speech will help transform an ordinary speech into a compelling speech.  The work of a speech writer is not done until the speech is delivered.  Until then you should aim to improve it word by word.  See this photo of Obama working on a script by speech writer John Favreau.  Photo from The White House’s official Flickr account.

obama speeech script

How to write a great speech – Next steps

The tools above will all help.

  • Your speech must be simple.
  • Your speech must be engaging.
  • You need to include case studies and stories to bring it to life.

Of course, speech writing is not easy. If it were, our firm would not exist. Every day we help people create compelling speeches and presentations. With advice and coaching we add value by making speeches compelling.

We’ve been transforming speeches for 15 years and we do it for some of the most successful businesses in the world. Learn more about how to write a speech and our public speaking training.

If you want help making sure your next speech is outstanding, or to improve your speech writing skills, get in touch. Call Louise Angus, our client services director for a no obligation chat about how we can help you write and deliver compelling speeches.

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Informative Speech

Caleb S.

Learn How to Write and Deliver an Effective Informative Speech

12 min read

Published on: May 20, 2022

Last updated on: Jul 23, 2024

Informative Speech

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Informative Speech Topics To Engage and Delight Your Audience

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Have you ever sat through a presentation that left you feeling bored and uninterested? 

As students, we are often required to give presentations, and it's essential that we know how to captivate our audience. That's where informative speeches come in!

Informative speeches are an excellent way to inform and educate while keeping your audience engaged. 

In this blog, we'll explore what an informative speech is and why it's essential to master this skill. We will also explore how you can give an informative speech that leaves a lasting impression.

So, get ready to learn the art of delivering an informative speech that will leave your audience wanting more!

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Informative Speech Definition & Importance

An informative speech aims to educate the audience about a specific topic, providing them with valuable information, insights, and knowledge.

Importance of Informative Speech

Here is why informative speeches are important:

  • Knowledge dissemination: Informative speeches play a crucial role in sharing knowledge and information with the audience. It allows the audience to expand their understanding and broaden their perspectives.
  • Education and learning: Informative speeches offer a chance to learn, gain insights, and enhance intellectual growth.
  • Promoting awareness: Informative speeches can help raise awareness about important social, cultural, or environmental issues. It encourages the audience to take action or make informed decisions.
  • Professional development: It helps enhance public speaking skills, and research abilities, which are valuable assets in both personal and professional settings.
  • Engaging and entertaining: Well-crafted informative speeches captivate the audience by delivering information in an enjoyable manner.
  • Building credibility: Presenting informative speeches on topics of expertise establishes the speaker as an authority, building trust among the audience.
  • Influencing opinions: Informative speeches shape audience opinions, attitudes, and behaviors through credible information.
  • Fostering curiosity: Informative speeches spark curiosity and encourage further exploration of the topic among the audience.

Types of Informative Speeches

Let's take a brief look at the various types of informative speeches:

  • Descriptive Speech: Portrays vivid images of people, places, objects, or events using sensory details.
  • Explanatory Speech: Clarifies complex concepts or processes by providing step-by-step explanations and examples.
  • Demonstration Speech: Guides the audience through a specific task or skill using visual aids or live demonstrations.
  • Definition Speech: Offers clear explanations of abstract or specialized terms to enhance understanding.
  • Comparative Speech: Highlights similarities and differences between subjects, fostering understanding through balanced analysis.
  • Persuasive Speech: Presents arguments and evidence to influence the audience's opinions or actions.
  • Historical Speech: Explores past events, eras, or figures to provide historical context and insights.
  • Biographical Speech: Examines the life and achievements of notable individuals, sharing their contributions and impact.
  • Current Events Speech: Discusses recent news, issues, or trends to provide up-to-date information and analysis.
  • Instructional Speech: Teaches the audience how to perform a specific task or acquire a particular skill through clear instructions.

Check out this informative blog to improve your speech-writing abilities and get practical tips for your upcoming speech.

Informative Speech Outline

Here is how to structure an informative speech:

Engage the audience's interest with a captivating opening statement, anecdote, question, or startling fact.
Clearly state the objective of your speech and what the audience will gain from listening.
Provide a brief overview of the main topics or ideas you will cover in your speech.

Organize your speech into distinct and coherent main points that support your objective. Each main point should focus on a specific aspect of the topic.
Use facts, statistics, expert opinions, examples, anecdotes, and visuals to support and illustrate your main points.
Use clear and seamless transitions between main points to help the audience follow your flow of ideas.

Recap the main points discussed in the body of your speech.
Remind the audience of the objective you set out to achieve.
End with a memorable and impactful statement that leaves a lasting impression on the audience.

a. Use visuals such as slides, charts, or props to enhance understanding and engagement.
b. Ensure the visual aids are clear, visually appealing, and complement your spoken content.
c. Integrate the visuals seamlessly into your speech, referring to them at appropriate moments.

a. Prepare for potential questions from the audience related to your topic.
b. Respond clearly and concisely, drawing on your knowledge and research.
c. Remain open and receptive to different perspectives or opinions.

Here is a sample outline for an informative speech about events. Take a look:

Informative Speech Outline Example

How to Prepare for an Informative Speech 

Preparing for an informative speech involves several important steps to ensure that your presentation is engaging and well-organized. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to prepare for an informative speech:

Step# 1 Choose a Topic

Select a topic that is interesting, relevant, and suitable for your audience. Consider your own knowledge and expertise in the subject to ensure that you can provide valuable information.

Step# 2 Research your Topic

Gather information from credible sources such as books, scholarly articles, reputable websites, and interviews with experts. Take detailed notes and keep track of your sources for future reference.

Step# 3 Define your Objective

Determine the purpose of your speech. Are you aiming to educate, raise awareness, or provide a comprehensive overview of a specific subject? Clearly articulate your objective to guide the content and structure of your speech.

Step# 4 Analyze your Audience

Consider the characteristics and interests of your audience. Tailor your speech to their level of knowledge and use language and examples that resonate with them. Understanding your audience will help you make your speech more engaging and relevant.

Step# 5 Outline your Speech

Create a clear and logical structure for your speech. Start with an attention-grabbing introduction to hook your audience, followed by a well-organized body that presents the main points.  Finally, end with a concise and memorable conclusion.

Step# 6 Develop Key Points

Identify the main points you want to convey in your speech. Limit them to a manageable number to ensure that you can effectively cover each point within your allotted time. Arrange the points in a logical order, such as chronological, cause and effect, or problem-solution.

Step# 7 Support Your Points

Gather supporting evidence, examples, statistics, and anecdotes to back up your main points. Use a variety of sources to provide credibility and make your speech more compelling. Ensure that your information is accurate, up-to-date, and relevant to your topic.

Step# 8 Create Visual Aids

If appropriate for your speech, consider using visual aids such as slides, charts, or props to enhance your presentation. Visual aids can help clarify complex information, engage the audience, and make your speech more memorable.  Keep the visuals simple, uncluttered, and easy to read.

Step# 9 Practice your Speech

Rehearse your speech several times to become familiar with the content and improve your delivery. Pay attention to your pacing, clarity of speech, body language, and eye contact. Practice in front of a mirror, record yourself, or present to a small audience for feedback.

Step# 10 Time Management

Keep track of your speech's length and ensure that it fits within the allocated time. Make adjustments if necessary by trimming or expanding certain sections. It's essential to respect the time constraints to maintain the audience's interest and engagement.

Step#  11 Seek Feedback

Before delivering your speech, ask trusted friends, family members, or colleagues to provide feedback on your content, delivery, and overall effectiveness. Incorporate their suggestions to refine and improve your presentation.

Step# 12 Prepare for Questions

Anticipate potential questions from the audience and be ready to address them. Familiarize yourself with the topic beyond the main points to demonstrate your expertise and provide comprehensive answers.

By following these steps, you'll be well-prepared to deliver an informative speech that captivates your audience.

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Methods of Informing

In this section, we will explore the diverse methods of informing, each offering distinct ways to captivate and enlighten an audience.

Informing through Definition

This method involves providing a clear and concise definition of a concept or term to help the audience understand its meaning. 

For example: If you are giving a speech on climate change, you may define it as 

"the long-term alteration of temperature and typical weather patterns on Earth, primarily due to human activities such as burning fossil fuels and deforestation."

Informing through Description

With this method, you provide vivid and detailed descriptions to paint a picture in the audience's mind. 

For instance, if you are describing a famous landmark like the Taj Mahal, you might say:

"The Taj Mahal is an ivory-white marble mausoleum located in Agra, India. Its magnificent architecture features intricate carvings, domed roofs, and reflective pools, creating a mesmerizing sight that symbolizes eternal love."

Informing through Demonstration

This method involves physically showing or illustrating a process or technique to help the audience understand it better. 

For example, if you are teaching a cooking class and explaining how to make a soufflé, you would demonstrate the step-by-step process . It will show the audience how to beat the egg whites, fold in the ingredients, and bake them to perfection.

Informing through Explanation

This method involves providing a detailed explanation of a concept, process, or idea. It may involve breaking down complex information into simpler terms or providing a logical sequence of events. 

For instance, if you are explaining the theory of relativity , you might explain how Einstein's theory revolutionized our understanding of space, time, and gravity. You can do that by describing the concepts of time dilation and the bending of light.

Examples of Great Informative Speeches

Let's take a look at some inspiring, informative speech examples: 

Informative Speech Harvard

Informative Speech About Ramadan

Informative Speech About Covid-19

Informative Speech About Communication

Here are some informative speech examples from well-known personalities: 

5 Lessons from Steve Jobs' Stanford Commencement Address

Ellen DeGeneres' Tulane University Commencement Speech

Neil deGrasse Tyson's "The Most Astounding Fact"

Informative Speech Topics

Here is a list of informative speech topics that you can consider:

  • The History and Significance of Space Exploration
  • The Rise of Veganism: Benefits for Health and the Environment
  • The Impact of Music on Mental Health and Well-being
  • The Importance of Financial Literacy for Young Adults
  • The Science Behind Mindfulness and Its Effects on Stress Reduction
  • The Role of Women in STEM (Science, Technology and Engineering) Fields
  • The Importance of Physical Exercise for a Healthy Lifestyle
  • Understanding and Managing Anxiety and Panic Attacks
  • The Origins and Cultural Significance of Traditional Festivals
  • The History and Evolution of Fashion Trends

Informative Speech Topics For College Students

Here are some good informative speech topics for college-level students: 

  • The Starting Point - Navigating the Transition from High School to College
  • Engaging Audience Members - Techniques for Captivating and Connecting with Your Audience
  • The Impacts Of Climate Change And Sustainable Solutions
  • The Rise Of Mental Health Issues Among College Students
  • The Influence Of Social Media On Society And Relationships
  • The Importance Of Financial Literacy For Young Adults
  • The Science Behind Mindfulness And Its Effects On Stress Reduction
  • Exploring The Pros And Cons Of Renewable Energy Sources
  • The History And Significance Of Space Exploration
  • The Impact Of Artificial Intelligence On The Job Market

Informative Speech Topics For University Students

  • The Importance of Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving Skills in Higher Education
  • The Impact of Social Media on Mental Health and Well-being
  • Exploring the Future of Artificial Intelligence and Its Ethical Implications
  • Understanding the Science of Climate Change and Its Effects on the Environment
  • The Rise of Online Education: Advantages and Disadvantages
  • The Significance of Diversity and Inclusion in Higher Education Institutions
  • The Power of Effective Time Management and Productivity Strategies for Students
  • The Role of Emotional Intelligence in Personal and Professional Success
  • Exploring Sustainable Lifestyle Choices: Green Living on Campus and Beyond
  • Navigating Mental Health Challenges in University: Resources and Support Systems

Tips for Delivering an Effective Informative Speech

Here are some tips for delivering an effective informative speech:

  • Start with a strong opening to grab the audience's attention.
  • Use clear and concise language to communicate your message.
  • Utilize visual aids effectively to enhance your speech.
  • Engage the audience through interactive elements.
  • Vary your delivery to keep the speech dynamic.
  • Maintain eye contact with the audience.
  • Incorporate storytelling techniques for relatability and memorability.
  • Transition smoothly between points.
  • Summarize key points periodically to reinforce information.
  • Conclude with a strong ending that leaves a lasting impression.
  • Remember to practice your speech for improved delivery and confidence.

Need help finding the perfect topic for your informative speech? This blog has you covered with an extensive list of thought-provoking informative speech topics .

Common Mistakes to Avoid in an Informative Speech

Here are common mistakes to avoid in an informative speech:

  • Overwhelming the audience with excessive information.
  • Using complex language or jargon that the audience may not understand.
  • Neglecting to engage the audience through interactive elements or visual aids.
  • Speaking too quickly or monotonously makes it difficult for the audience to follow.
  • Failing to maintain eye contact with the audience.
  • Lacking clear transitions between points, causing confusion.
  • Providing inaccurate or outdated information .
  • Neglecting to summarize key points for reinforcement.
  • Running over the allotted time , disregarding time management.
  • Ending abruptly without a strong conclusion or call to action.

By avoiding these mistakes, you can deliver an informative speech that effectively communicates your message and engages the audience.

In conclusion, we have covered everything you need to know about informative speeches, from outlines to examples and topics.  We hope this blog has helped you gain a clearer understanding and provided you with tips to deliver an impactful speech.

If you're still struggling to get started, don't hesitate to contact Our college essay writer team is here to help you craft an outstanding speech tailored to your needs. 

Don't struggle alone with your informative speech. Use our AI essay writing tools today to get started!

Caleb S. (Literature, Marketing)

Caleb S. has extensive experience in writing and holds a Masters from Oxford University. He takes great satisfaction in helping students exceed their academic goals. Caleb always puts the needs of his clients first and is dedicated to providing quality service.

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how to write an informal speech

How to Master the Art of the Impromptu Speech: 13 Practical Tips

  • The Speaker Lab
  • August 14, 2024

Table of Contents

Impromptu speeches can strike fear into the hearts of even the most seasoned speakers. The thought of standing up in front of a crowd with little to no preparation is enough to make your palms sweat and your heart race. But here’s the thing: with the right mindset and a few key strategies, you can absolutely crush your next impromptu speech.

Whether you’re speaking at a meeting, a wedding, or any other unexpected occasion, our pro tips will help you organize your thoughts, engage your audience, and speak with confidence. So, let’s dive in and discover how you can become an impromptu speaking rockstar!

What Is an Impromptu Speech?

If you’ve ever been asked to speak at an event without much notice, you know the feeling of panic that can set in. Suddenly, you’re expected to come up with something insightful and engaging to say in front of a crowd—with little to no time to prepare. This, my friend, is the dreaded impromptu speech.

But here’s the thing: impromptu speeches are a part of life. Whether it’s a toast at a wedding , a few words at a company meeting, or a class assignment, there will be times when you need to speak off-the-cuff. And while it can be nerve-wracking, mastering the art of impromptu speaking is a valuable skill that can serve you well in both your personal and professional life.

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Impromptu Speech Definition

So, what exactly is an impromptu speech? Simply put, it’s a speech that you have to make without much or any time to prepare. You might be given a topic on the spot, or you might have to come up with one yourself. Either way, you don’t have the luxury of crafting a carefully-written script or rehearsing your delivery.

Examples of an Impromptu Speech

Impromptu speeches can take many forms, from lighthearted toasts to serious discussions. In school, teachers might use impromptu speeches as homework assignments to help students develop communication skills and prepare for real-life situations. These speeches can be based on a wide range of prompts, from current events to celebrities to sports.

In the world of competitive public speaking, impromptu is a popular event. Participants have just a few minutes to select a topic, brainstorm ideas, outline their speech, and deliver it—all without the aid of notes. These speeches often follow a standard structure, with an introduction, body, and conclusion, and can be either serious or humorous in tone.

However, impromptu speeches aren’t just for students and competitors. In our daily lives, we might be called upon to say a few words at a birthday party, give a quick update at a meeting, or even deliver a eulogy at a funeral. The key is to be prepared for these moments, so you can speak with clarity and purpose—even when you don’t have time to prepare.

Tips for Delivering an Effective Impromptu Speech

So, you need to give an impromptu speech. Maybe it’s at a wedding, or a company meeting, or even a class assignment. Whatever the occasion, the prospect of standing up and speaking off-the-cuff can be intimidating. But fear not. With a few key strategies, you can learn to deliver effective impromptu speeches with confidence and ease.

Focus on What You Already Know

When you’re given an impromptu speech topic, it’s tempting to try to come up with something entirely new and original. But the trick is to not overthink it; you don’t have to reinvent the wheel. Instead, focus on what you already know. Draw on your own experiences, knowledge, and opinions to craft a speech that feels authentic and genuine.

For example, if you’re asked to speak about a current event, think about how it relates to your own life or work. If you’re dealing with a more abstract topic, like “happiness” or “success,” consider what those concepts mean to you personally. By grounding your speech in your own perspective, you’ll be able to speak with authority and conviction.

Pretend You’re Having a Conversation

One of the biggest challenges of impromptu speaking is the pressure to perform. When you’re standing in front of a crowd, it’s easy to feel like you need to be polished and perfect. But here’s the thing: your audience doesn’t expect perfection. They just want to hear what you have to say.

So, instead of trying to deliver a flawless speech, pretend you’re having a conversation. Imagine you’re talking to a friend or colleague, and speak in a natural, conversational tone. Use simple language and short sentences, and don’t be afraid to pause or take a breath when you need to. By speaking like a human, rather than a robot, you’ll be able to connect with your audience on a more personal level.

Finish Early

When you’re giving an impromptu speech, it can be tempting to try to fill up all the allotted time. After all, you don’t want to seem unprepared or like you don’t have enough to say. But here’s a counterintuitive tip: it’s okay to finish early. In fact, finishing early can be a sign of confidence and clarity. If you’ve made your point and don’t have anything else to add, there’s no need to ramble on just for the sake of filling time. Instead, wrap up your speech with a strong conclusion and a clear call-to-action. Your audience will appreciate your brevity and your ability to get to the point.

Don’t Panic

Finally, the most important tip for delivering an effective impromptu speech is simply this: don’t panic. It’s normal to feel nervous or anxious when you’re asked to speak without preparation. But remember, your audience is on your side. They want you to succeed, and they’re not expecting perfection.

So take a deep breath, smile, and remind yourself that you’ve got this. Focus on your message, speak from the heart, and trust that your words will resonate with your listeners. With a little practice and a lot of self-confidence, you’ll be delivering killer impromptu speeches in no time.

Impromptu Speech Frameworks and Techniques

If you’re about to give an impromptu speech and have just a few minutes to prepare, don’t panic. There are some simple frameworks and techniques you can use to structure your thoughts quickly and deliver a coherent, engaging speech. Namely, there’s the diplomatic approach, the storytelling approach, and the 5 W’s framwork.

The Diplomatic Approach

One useful framework for impromptu speeches is the diplomatic approach. Start by discussing the advantages and disadvantages of the topic, then wrap up with a conclusion. This allows you to present a balanced perspective and speak for a longer time than some other frameworks. Just remember, it’s okay to pause and collect your thoughts if needed.

The Storytelling Approach

Another effective technique, especially for more informal events, is storytelling. Begin with a personal anecdote related to the topic (the small), expand to a broader group or national perspective (the medium), and conclude with the big picture implications (the large). This creates a natural flow and helps you connect with your audience.

The 5 W’s Framework

If you’re speaking about a specific event or person, try the 5 W’s framework:

  • Who is involved
  • What is the event or goal
  • Where is it taking place
  • When is it happening
  • Why is it important

Following this structure provides instant organization to your impromptu speech. You can start with the context of who and end on the most impactful note of why it matters.

No matter what approach you use, the key with any impromptu speech is to avoid rambling or getting off track. Focus on one or two main points and support them with examples, anecdotes, or facts. And if you’re really in a bind, don’t be afraid to embrace the power of brevity. A shorter speech delivered with confidence is better than a long, meandering one.

Remember, the ability to speak informally with limited preparation time is an invaluable skill. Whether it’s a class assignment, a business meeting, or a social event, being able to think on your feet and communicate effectively will serve you well. With practice and these frameworks in mind, you’ll be ready to tackle any impromptu speaking occasion that comes your way.

Mastering the Art of Topic Selection

One of the most daunting aspects of an impromptu speech can be selecting a topic to speak about with little or no advance notice. But with a few strategies up your sleeve, you can confidently rise to the challenge and even have fun with it.

Consider Your Audience

First, consider your audience and the event itself. What subjects would be appropriate and engaging for that particular crowd and occasion? If you’re at a business conference, topics related to your industry, current market trends, or professional development would be suitable. At a wedding, you might speak about relationships, love, or personal growth.

Work with What You Already Know

Next, think about your own experiences, knowledge, and passions. You’ll always speak more naturally and engagingly about a topic you genuinely care about or have firsthand insights on. Perhaps you have a unique perspective on a current event, a lesson you learned from a challenge you overcame, or an area of expertise from your studies or career. Don’t be afraid to draw from your own life and share your story.

If you’re really stumped, try a brainstorming technique like mind mapping. Jot down the first word or phrase that comes to mind, then branch out with related ideas and see where it takes you.

Make Your Impromptu Speech Unique

Another tip: embrace the element of surprise. An unexpected or even quirky topic can be memorable and help you stand out. Just be sure to keep it appropriate for the audience and event. For example, you could speak about what we can learn from children’s books or how your favorite hobby relates to success in life.

Ultimately, the best impromptu speech topic is one that you can speak about sincerely, passionately, and from a place of knowledge or experience. Trust your instincts, don’t overthink it, and remember—the speech itself is what matters most. With practice and an open mind, you’ll soon be a pro at thinking on your feet and crafting a compelling speech on the fly.

Impromptu Speaking in Various Everyday Settings

Impromptu speeches can pop up when you least expect them. Whether you’re in a business meeting, at a speaking event, or even back in graduate school, being able to think on your feet and speak off-the-cuff is a valuable skill.

In the business world, impromptu speaking often comes into play during meetings. You might be called upon to give an update on a project or weigh in on a decision. In this case, the ability to organize your thoughts quickly and articulate them clearly can make a big impression on your colleagues and superiors.

At speaking events, you may find yourself fielding questions from the audience or even being asked to fill in for a speaker who couldn’t make it. Being prepared for these impromptu moments can help you seize opportunities to showcase your expertise and connect with potential clients.

Even in academic settings like graduate school or business school, impromptu speaking skills come in handy. You might be asked to lead a discussion or debate a point in class. The more comfortable you are thinking and speaking on the spot, the more you’ll be able to contribute and make the most of your education.

The key in all these situations is to stay calm, focus on what you know, and structure your thoughts in a clear, logical way. With practice, you’ll be able to handle any impromptu speaking scenario with confidence and poise.

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Developing Your Impromptu Speaking Skills

So how do you get better at impromptu speaking? The short answer is practice. In addition, there are several specific things you can do to hone your skills.

Practice Communication and Quick Thinking

First, work on your general communication skills. The better you are at expressing yourself clearly and concisely, the easier it will be to do so on the spot. Consider joining a group like Toastmasters to get regular practice speaking in front of others.

Next, make a habit of practicing quick thinking. This could mean participating in improv classes or even just challenging yourself to come up with a short speech on a random topic in a limited amount of time. The more you practice thinking on your feet, the more natural it will become.

Stay Informed

Another helpful exercise is to stay informed on a wide range of topics. The more knowledge you have to draw upon, the easier it will be to formulate thoughts and opinions on the fly. Make a point to read widely, watch the news, and engage in discussions on various subjects.

Seek Opportunities to Improve

Finally, don’t be afraid to embrace the discomfort of impromptu speaking. It’s normal to feel nervous or put on the spot. But the more you put yourself in those situations, the more comfortable you’ll become. Over time, you’ll start to see impromptu speaking not as a source of anxiety, but as an opportunity to share your ideas and make an impact.

With dedication and practice, you can turn impromptu speaking into a strength—a skill that will serve you well in all areas of life. It may not happen overnight, but if you commit to developing this ability, you’ll be amazed at how far it can take you. From the boardroom to the stage, the power to speak with confidence at a moment’s notice is one that will open doors and create opportunities you never imagined.

FAQs in Relation to Impromptu Speech

What are the 3 parts of impromptu speech.

An intro that grabs attention, a body with your main points, and a crisp conclusion that ties everything together.

What is an example of an impromptu?

Giving a sudden thank-you speech at work when awarded unexpectedly counts as an impromptu.

How do you prepare for impromptu speaking?

Brush up on current topics. Practice thinking on your feet. Stay calm and collected no matter what comes up.

How to do a 2 minute impromptu speech?

Pick one idea. Support it with two strong points. Wrap it up clearly. Keep eye contact and breathe.

Impromptu speeches don’t have to be a source of anxiety. By focusing on what you already know, pretending you’re having a conversation, and using simple frameworks, you can deliver an engaging and effective speech on the fly. Remember, the key is to stay calm, be yourself, and let your passion for the topic shine through. With practice and experience, you’ll become more and more comfortable with impromptu speaking until it feels like second nature. So, the next time you’re called upon to give an impromptu speech, take a deep breath, smile, and know that you’ve got this. You have the skills and the confidence to captivate your audience and leave a lasting impression.

  • Last Updated: August 6, 2024

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UTNIF-IE Summer Camps: An Introduction to Writing Informative Speeches

  • Eva Margarita, Curriculum Director for Speech
  • 512-666-0146
  • Brendon Bankey, Curriculum Director for Debate
  • 512-937-2984

UTNIF - Summer Camps for Speech

A Video Primer

Informative speeches.

An informative speech teaches the audience about something they do not know about, or gives the audience a new perspective on something they do know about. What constitutes a "good" informative topic is difficult to define, as informatives come in many different styles and types. You can write a technical or scientific informative, a general interest informative, info-tainment, etc. The type of informative speech you choose is entirely up to you and what is best suited to your personal interests and presentation needs.

The informative speech is an original, factual speech on a realistic subject. Visual aids often can be used to supplement and reinforce the message. Multiple sources should be used and cited in the development of the speech.

Here are a few tips that may help as you work through the construction of your presentation:

I. Before you begin to write

A. finding a topic.

If you do not already know what you would like to inform an audience about, you can find interesting topics for informative speaking in many places. Look in science magazines like Scientific American,  Discover, Popular Science, Psychology Today,  etc. Also, look in the science report in the  New York Times  on Tuesdays, the "Science and Technology" section in  The Economist , and the "Developments to Watch" section in  BusinessWeek . Also, check in engineering magazines like,  Machine Design  and  Mechanical Engineering . These are just a few ideas--there are plenty of other places to look for informative topics. New connections and interpretations in history, for example, sometimes make for very interesting subject material.

B. Researching the topic

1. Once you have selected a topic--before you attempt to figure out what approach you want to take--research!! Go to the digital and physical libraries, use computerized research databases, and look up your idea. Rack your brain for related words that your topic might be listed under. For example, if you're doing something on, say, ice-- don't limit your search to the word "ice." Look up words like "frozen water," "icebergs," etc. Look up any type of phrase or word that is even remotely related--the results may surprise you. Look for printed information about your topic. Check bibliographies and reference sections to identify names and titles of people who have done work on your topic. It may be the author or someone who was quoted in the article. Try contacting these people to get some information that they may have--ask them questions (this type of evidence is called a primary source). 

2. After you've found some materials, don't stop researching-- you need to read your sources and highlight, underline, block off (or something similar) information which is strong (could be statistics, an example, a statement about the significance of your topic, etc.) After this step is completed, you should know whether you're missing a piece of evidence that is crucial (e.g., you don't have a solid significance statement). If you're missing something, go back and do more research or get back on the phone to call more primary sources.

II. Writing the speech

A. the introductory section.

1. Begin with an anecdote or some other Attention-Getting-Device to grab your audience right off the bat. You need something that will make them sit up and will draw them into your speech.

2. Next, you need to add a significance statement-- the "somebody else who's really important thinks this is a big deal, too" statement. Sometimes you can find an article which states the significance in a very general way-- sometimes you may even be able to cite an authoritative person who knows something about your topic.

3. State your thesis explicitly.

4. Preview your structure. Forecast your main points and be very specific. For example, "First, we'll look at the development of trains; second, we'll focus on the current level of the technology; and, finally, we'll examine the plans that could revolutionize the industry and the implications they hold." If you can come up with a metaphor or analogy that will sum up the speech and that you can carry through each of the transitions--use it in the preview.

5. Last but not least--the wrap statement. You need a nice finish statement that helps you to move out of the preview and into the first point.

B. The body of the speech

In light of the fact that there are a million different types of informative topics, there are a million different types of organization you can use-- it all depends on the information you have on your topic. There's the "past-present-future," the "what it is-where we are with it-and where we might be going with it," the "what it is-how beneficial it is for us-what problems it poses," etc.

Refer to your public speaking instructor for possibilities. For example, you may choose a topical breakdown, or a spacial structure, or an investigative informative structure. Your instructor may have other suggestions.

C. The conclusion

In many respects, the conclusion is a mirror image of the introduction. At the end of the third area, you need to have some sort of wrap statement (as per usual), but this one needs to have some sense of finality (simply put--you need to let the audience know that this is the end of the information you have). Then, you need an opening line to get you into the conclusion section; this can either refer to the intro or analogy (if you pulled one throughout) or refer generally to the topic. You may want to restate your thesis explicitly, and follow it with a structural summary-- make sure you keep your tag phrases the same as in your preview. Finally, wrap up the whole speech. Preferably, you should tie this into the intro if you didn't do so with the opening line. Most of all in this wrap statement--make sure to pull out all the stops with the topic. Don't let your audience lose sight of its significance. If your ending isn't catchy, full of hope for a better world, etc., you could leave the audience wondering why they even bothered listening for the past several minutes!

For some example competition speeches from the American Forensic Association, see:

2019 AFA National Final Round videos:

2018 AFA National Final Round videos:

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Informative Speech

Informative speech generator.

how to write an informal speech

As a speaker, you’re given a special role. You’ve been given the power for your voice to be heard. For those who deliver an informative speech, this role can come as a challenge. Not only do you have to write a speech , but you also need to deliver it well. Of course, there’s also the challenge of making your speech interesting enough to capture the attention of your audience.

What Is an Informative Speech? An informative speech is a type of speech designed to educate the audience on a particular topic. It aims to provide interesting and useful information, ensuring the audience gains new knowledge or insights. Unlike persuasive speeches that seek to convince the audience of a particular viewpoint, informative speeches focus on explaining a subject matter clearly and objectively, without trying to influence the audience’s opinions or beliefs.

Informative Speech Examples Bundle

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An informative speech must be made memorable for it to be effective. Check out these examples and outlines of speeches that have tried to do just that. If they succeeded or failed, you’ll be the judge of that. Take what works and replicate it in your own speech drafts.

Informative Speech Format


Attention Getter : Start with a hook to grab the audience’s attention. This could be a surprising fact, an intriguing question, or a relevant story. Purpose Statement : Clearly state the purpose of your speech. This tells the audience exactly what they will learn. Preview : Briefly outline the main points you will cover. This gives the audience a roadmap of your speech.
First Main Point : Introduce your first key point. Support this point with evidence, such as data, examples, or expert quotes. Explain how this information is relevant to your topic. Second Main Point : Follow the same format as the first point, presenting new information and supporting evidence. Third Main Point : Continue with the format, ensuring each point is distinct and contributes to your overall topic. Remember to transition smoothly between points to maintain the flow of your speech.
Summary : Briefly recap the main points you’ve covered. This reinforces the information for the audience. Closing Statement : Conclude with a strong closing statement. You can reiterate the importance of the topic, share a concluding thought, or call to action if relevant.

Example of Informative Speech

The Impact of Technology on Society Good morning, everyone. Today, I am excited to delve into a topic that affects us all profoundly: the impact of technology on society. From the way we communicate to how we work and learn, technology has transformed every facet of our lives. But what does this mean for us as a society? Let’s explore this together. Imagine a world without smartphones, social media, or the internet. It’s hard, isn’t it? These technologies have become so integral to our daily lives that living without them seems almost unthinkable. My aim today is to shed light on both the positive and negative effects of technological advancements on our societal structures, behaviors, and relationships. We will explore three main areas: communication, privacy, and education. Technology has revolutionized the way we communicate. Social media platforms have made it easier than ever to stay connected with loved ones around the globe. While this keeps relationships alive across distances, it also raises questions about the depth and quality of these connections. The digital age has brought about significant concerns regarding privacy. Personal information is often collected by companies for targeted advertising, sometimes without explicit consent. This practice has led to a global conversation about the rights to privacy and the need for stricter regulations to protect personal information. Technology has transformed the educational landscape. Online learning platforms and digital textbooks make education more accessible than ever. However, this shift also presents challenges, such as the digital divide, where not all students have equal access to technology. In conclusion, technology’s impact on society is multifaceted, influencing our communication, privacy, and education. While it offers unprecedented opportunities for growth and connectivity, it also presents significant challenges that we must address. As we navigate this digital age, let us embrace the benefits of technology while also being mindful of its implications. By doing so, we can ensure that technological advancements serve to enhance, rather than diminish, the quality of our societal fabric. Thank you for your attention, and I look forward to any questions you might have.

Good Topics for Informative Speech with Samples

  • Cli mate Change : Discuss the causes, effects, and solutions related to climate change.
  • Artificial Intelligence : Explore the impact of AI on various industries and daily life.
  • Space Exploration : Cover recent advancements in space exploration and missions to other planets.
  • Cybersecurity : Explain the importance of cybersecurity and how individuals can protect their online privacy.
  • Mental Health Awareness : Discuss common mental health issues and strategies for maintaining mental well-being.
  • History of a Notable Figure : Present a biography of a historical figure and their contributions.
  • Healthy Eating Habits : Share tips for maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle.
  • Renewable Energy Sources : Explain different types of renewable energy and their benefits.
  • The Impact of Social Media : Discuss the positive and negative effects of social media on society.
  • The Importance of Education : Explain the significance of education in personal and societal development.
  • Cultural Diversity : Explore the value of cultural diversity and its impact on societies.
  • Medical Breakthroughs : Highlight recent advancements in medical science and healthcare.
  • Effective Time Management : Provide strategies for better time management and productivity.
  • The History of a Local Landmark : Share the history and significance of a well-known local landmark.
  • The Power of Positive Thinking : Discuss the benefits of a positive mindset and its impact on success.
  • Economic Trends : Explain current economic trends and their implications for businesses and individuals.
  • Animal Conservation : Discuss endangered species and efforts to protect them.
  • The Importance of Voting : Explain the significance of participating in the democratic process.
  • DIY Home Improvement : Offer tips and tricks for various home improvement projects.
  • The Art of Public Speaking : Provide insights into effective public speaking techniques.

Examples of Informative Speeches

  • Technological Advancements in Renewable Energy (Environment)
  • The Evolution of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare (Technology)
  • The Influence of Cryptocurrency on Global Finance (Economics)
  • Conservation Efforts for Endangered Species (Ecology)
  • The History and Cultural Impact of Hip Hop Music (Culture)
  • The Rise of Electric Vehicles in Modern Transportation (Technology)
  • Understanding the Global Water Crisis (Environmental Science)
  • The Psychological Effects of Social Media on Teenagers (Psychology)
  • The Development of Quantum Computing (Computer Science)
  • The Role of the United Nations in Promoting Global Peace (International Relations)

Informative Speech Example

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Informative Speech for Students

Informative Speech for Students

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Informative Speech about Love Example

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Example Informative Speech Outline

Example Informative Speech Outline

Guidelines for an Effective Informative Speech

Always maintain your focus. It’s easy to swerve lanes with topics that are too broad, as there just too many areas that may be covered. So instead, identify the specific areas that you wish to tackle. You may also see tribute speech examples & samples.

Focus on these areas and provide supporting details for each.

If you wish to paint a mental picture for your audience, make your speech as detailed as possible. You can do so by describing even the tiniest detail of a given subject.

Additionally, consider your audience’s needs when crafting your speech. Make sure that it caters to their knowledge level and group. You need to be accurate, clear, and meaningful in order for your speech writing to be effective enough.

How to Create an Outline for Informative Speech

1. Before you create the actual outline for your speech, you need to decide on your topic of interest. This will help you brainstorm on key points that you would want to emphasize in your speech. You may also like dedication speech examples .

2. Next, it would be necessary to arrange these points in a certain manner. It may be in topical, spatial, or chronological order. This will help you make smooth transitions between different points.

3. Finally, conclude your speech . Since you aren’t meant to provide a call of action for this type of speech, simply summarize the main points.

Remember, your speech outline isn’t your whole speech but it will serve as a draft to guide you with your final speech.

Why Is an Informative Speech Important?

An informative speech is an essential part of learning, especially if you want to share your knowledge on a given matter or even spread awareness to the public. An effective informative speech provides an audience with information that are significant, yet uncommon.

Listeners wouldn’t want to hear about things that they already know, it’s the speaker’s job to expand the knowledge of an audience. At the end of the day, this ideal of educating a public proves to be beneficial for both the speaker and the audience. You may also check out orientation speech examples & samples.

What is Informative Writing Speech?

Informative writing and informative speech both aim to provide valuable information to an audience, but they differ in their presentation formats. Informative writing refers to the act of conveying information through written text, while an informative speech is the oral presentation of information to an audience. Here’s a brief explanation of each:

Informative Writing : Informative writing is a form of writing that is designed to educate or inform readers about a specific topic. It typically presents factual information, explains concepts, or provides an analysis of a subject. Informative writing can take many forms, including essays, articles, reports, research papers, blogs, and more. The primary goal is to convey information clearly and concisely to the reader. It often includes supporting evidence, examples, and details to enhance the reader’s understanding of the topic.

Informative Speech: An informative speech, on the other hand, is an oral presentation delivered to an audience with the purpose of conveying information, facts, or insights about a particular topic. It is a spoken form of communication that allows the speaker to engage with the audience in real-time. An informative speech typically follows a structured format, with an introduction, body, and conclusion. The speaker’s goal is to educate the audience, and the speech may include visual aids or props to enhance comprehension.

Types of Informative Speech

  • Descriptive Speeches – These speeches aim to provide a detailed description of a subject, allowing the audience to form a clear mental image.
  • Explanatory Speeches – Focused on explaining the reasons behind phenomena or processes, offering a deeper understanding of how and why things happen.
  • Demonstrative Speeches – These are how-to speeches that guide the audience through the steps of doing something, emphasizing practical skills and techniques.
  • Definition Speeches – Aim to clarify the meaning, background, and context of a particular term or concept, especially complex or abstract ones.
  • Informative Report Speeches – Present factual reports on specific events, findings, or research, providing detailed information and analysis.
  • Comparative Speeches – Discuss the similarities and differences between two or more entities, offering insights into their unique characteristics and relationships.
  • Biographical Speeches – Focus on the life and achievements of a person, providing a detailed account of their contributions, experiences, and legacy.
  • Historical Speeches – Offer a detailed examination of past events, including their causes, effects, and significance in history.
  • Technical Speeches – Deal with complex technical information, aiming to make specialized knowledge accessible and understandable to the audience.
  • Scientific Speeches – Present scientific concepts, discoveries, or research findings, emphasizing the methodology, results, and implications of scientific studies.

What are examples of informative writing?

  • News Articles: News reports provide information about current events, often answering the who, what, when, where, and why questions.
  • Expository Essays : These essays present information, facts, and explanations about a specific topic or subject.
  • Research Papers: Academic papers that provide in-depth information and analysis on a particular subject or research question.
  • How-to Guides: Instructions on how to perform a specific task, such as cooking a recipe, assembling furniture, or using software.
  • Textbooks: Educational materials that provide information on various subjects, often used in schools and colleges.
  • Encyclopedias: Reference books that offer detailed information on a wide range of topics.
  • User Manuals: Instruction manuals that explain how to operate and troubleshoot devices, appliances, or software.
  • Travel Guides: Publications that provide information about travel destinations, including attractions, accommodations, and local culture.
  • Scientific Journals: Articles that report the methods, results, and conclusions of scientific research studies.
  • Technical Documents: Documents that explain technical specifications, processes, or procedures in various fields, such as engineering or computer science.
  • Historical Accounts: Writings that provide historical facts and analysis of past events, periods, or figures.
  • Biographies: Accounts of individuals’ lives that offer information about their personal and professional experiences.
  • Health and Wellness Articles: Articles that provide information on various health topics, including medical conditions, nutrition, and fitness.
  • Product Reviews: Reviews that give detailed information about the features, performance, and quality of products or services.
  • FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions): Lists of questions and answers that provide information about a specific topic or product.
  • Documentary Narration: Narration scripts for documentaries that educate viewers on various subjects.
  • Lecture Notes: Notes taken during educational lectures that summarize information presented by the lecturer.
  • Financial Reports: Documents that present financial information and analysis of a company’s performance.
  • Government Publications: Documents released by government agencies that provide information on laws, regulations, policies, and statistics.
  • Blogs and Online Articles: Informative content published on blogs or websites covering a wide range of topics, from technology to lifestyle.

How do you write a good informative speech?

  • Choose a Topic: Select a topic that interests you and is relevant to your audience. Ensure it’s not too broad or too narrow for the allotted time.
  • Research: Gather reliable information from various sources, including books, articles, websites, and expert interviews. Take thorough notes.
  • Organize Your Content:  Introduction, Body, Conclusion
  • Engage Your Audience:  Use stories, anecdotes, or real-life examples to make your speech relatable.
  • Practice: Rehearse your speech multiple times to become comfortable with the content and timing. Practice your delivery, tone, and gestures.
  • Timing: Stay within the allotted time. Being too brief or too long can diminish the impact of your speech.
  • Feedback: Seek feedback from others to improve your speech’s clarity and effectiveness.
  • Delivery: When delivering the speech, maintain good eye contact with the audience, use a clear and audible voice, and control your body language.
  • Q&A Session: If appropriate, be prepared for a question-and-answer session following your speech. Anticipate potential questions related to your topic.

What does a good informative speech look like?

  • Clear Structure: It follows a clear and logical structure, typically consisting of an introduction, body with main points, and a conclusion. The main points are well-organized and flow seamlessly.
  • Engaging Introduction: It begins with an attention-grabbing introduction, which may include a compelling anecdote, quote, rhetorical question, or startling fact. The introduction also introduces the topic and states the purpose or thesis of the speech.
  • Thorough Research: It is well-researched, presenting accurate and reliable information from credible sources. The information is presented in a clear and organized manner.
  • Well-Defined Main Points: The main points are distinct, well-defined, and supported with relevant evidence, examples, statistics, or anecdotes.
  • Effective Transitions: The speech includes smooth transitions between main points, ensuring that the audience can follow the progression of ideas easily.
  • Engagement: It engages the audience through effective storytelling, relatable examples, and a conversational tone.
  • Clarity and Simplicity: It uses clear and concise language to convey complex concepts, making it understandable to a diverse audience.
  • Audience Focus: The speech is tailored to the needs and interests of the audience. The speaker considers the prior knowledge and expectations of the listeners.
  • Audience Interaction (if appropriate): It incorporates opportunities for the audience to engage, such as asking questions, participating in polls, or sharing their thoughts.

How do you start an informative speech?

1. Select a Clear and Engaging Opening:

Begin with an attention-grabbing opening that piques the audience’s interest. You can use a surprising fact, a rhetorical question, a relevant quote, a brief anecdote, or a compelling story. This opening should relate to your topic and set the stage for what’s to come.

2. Introduce Yourself:

After your opening, briefly introduce yourself. Share your name and any relevant qualifications or expertise that establish your credibility on the topic.

3. State the Topic and Purpose:

Clearly state the topic of your speech and its purpose. In one or two sentences, explain what you’ll be discussing and why it’s important or relevant.

4. Provide an Overview:

Offer a brief preview of the main points or subtopics you’ll cover in your speech. This gives the audience a roadmap of what to expect.

5. Establish a Connection:

Establish a connection with the audience by demonstrating the relevance of the topic to their lives or interests. Explain why they should care about the information you’re going to present.

6. Set the Tone:

Consider the tone of your speech. Depending on your topic, you may want to set a serious, informative, motivational, or humorous tone. Ensure that the tone aligns with the subject matter and the audience’s expectations.

7. Engage the Audience:

Encourage audience engagement by asking a rhetorical question or by posing a question that you’ll answer later in your speech. This can pique their curiosity and involve them from the beginning.

8. Transition to the Body:

Conclude your introduction with a smooth transition to the main body of your speech. This transition should connect the opening to the content that follows.

What not to do in an informative speech?

In an informative speech, avoid vague or biased information, complex jargon, excessive detail, disrespect, and lack of organization. Maintain clarity, engage the audience, and stay focused on the topic.

How do you write a hook for an informative speech?

To create an engaging hook for an informative speech, use a startling fact, anecdote, question, quote, or humor that captivates the audience’s interest and introduces your topic effectively.

What is an informative speech for kids?

An informative speech for kids is a presentation designed to educate young audiences about a specific topic in a simple, engaging, and age-appropriate manner, promoting understanding and learning.

Mastering the art of informative speeches is pivotal for effective communication in various settings. These speeches play a key role in educating and enlightening audiences on diverse topics, emphasizing the importance of clarity, engagement, and factual accuracy. The speaker’s ability to present information in an interesting and accessible manner can significantly enhance the audience’s understanding and retention of the subject matter.

For a deeper understanding of informative speeches, including their structure and purpose, explore the resources at Southwest Tennessee Community College’s guide on Competent Communication . Additionally, Modesto Junior College Library offers a comprehensive guide on writing and delivering informative speeches , which can be an invaluable resource for anyone looking to improve their speech-making skills.


Text prompt

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Develop an informative speech on the history of the school's founding

Compose an informative speech about the benefits of a balanced diet for students.

Informative Business Speech Example

How to Create an Outline for Informative Speech

Student Informative Speech Example

Talk to our experts


  • Easy Steps to Write an Effective Speech


A Step-by-Step Guide to Writing an Effective Speech: Tips and Examples

A speech is a way to share your thoughts or stand up for a cause. To make an effective speech, it's important to not only speak clearly, but also to carefully plan what you'll say. By preparing your speech well, you can ensure your message is delivered effectively. At Vedantu, students can learn how to create strong speeches with a clear structure and engaging content.


The platform offers resources to help students practise speech writing, improve their presentation skills, and gain confidence in public speaking. This preparation helps students communicate their ideas better and make a strong impact on their audience.

help everyone understand and follow what you’re saying.

How to Write a Speech?

Writing a speech involves thorough research and careful planning to effectively convey your message. Great speeches often include compelling details and inspiring content that resonates with the audience. Learning to write impactful speeches can be achieved with a bit of guidance. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you craft a speech:

Self Introduction Start your speech by introducing yourself. If there's a host or master of ceremonies, they might introduce you first. Regardless, you should clearly state who you are and briefly explain what your speech will cover. The introduction can be formal or informal, depending on your audience. For example, a formal introduction might include your professional title, while an informal one might simply mention your name and a fun fact.

Introduction to the Topic Next, introduce the topic of your speech. Provide a brief overview of what you will discuss. Make sure to grab the audience's attention with a hook, like a surprising fact or a question. This helps in engaging the audience right from the start.

Main Points Outline the key points you want to address in your speech. Make sure each point is clear and relevant to the topic. Use examples, anecdotes, or data to support your points. This helps in making your speech more relatable and persuasive.

Conclusion End your speech with a strong conclusion. Summarise your main points and restate the purpose of your speech. Aim to leave a lasting impression by delivering a memorable closing statement or call to action.

Practice and Delivery Finally, practice your speech several times. Focus on your tone , pace, and body language. Practising helps you deliver your speech confidently and effectively, ensuring that your message is communicated clearly to your audience.

Addressing Friends/Classmates/Peers

Hello everyone! My name is ________, and today, I’d like to discuss _________ with you all.

Good morning, friends. I am ________, and I am excited to speak with you about _________.

Addressing Teachers/Higher Authorities

Good morning/afternoon/evening. I would like to begin by thanking _______ for the opportunity to share my thoughts on _________ today.

Good day to everyone. I am ________, and I am honoured to speak about _________ with you.

The Opening Statement

The first seven seconds of a speech are crucial, as they determine whether the audience will stay engaged. Therefore, starting with a compelling opening statement is essential to capture their attention. Crafting a speech involves thorough research and structuring it in an engaging, informative, and coherent way is crucial.

When assigned a topic, begin by brainstorming ideas and jotting down everything that comes to mind. This process helps identify which aspect of the topic to focus on, guiding the drafting of your speech.

An effective opening statement should be relevant to your topic. Use clever wording to make a strong impression and capture the audience's interest . Here are some strategies for framing an engaging opening statement:

Asking an Engaging Question Starting with a question can immediately grab the audience's attention. It sparks curiosity and encourages them to think, thus preparing them to listen more attentively.

Fact or a Surprising Statement Presenting an intriguing fact or statement can captivate the audience. This could include a joke, as long as it's relevant and appropriate. A well-timed laugh can refresh their interest and make them eager to hear more.

Adding a Quote Select a quote that aligns with your topic and resonates with your audience. Whether it’s from a famous person or a story, a relevant quote can add depth and set the tone for your speech. Choose a quote that is memorable or thought-provoking to make a significant impact.

Choice of Words

When delivering or writing a speech, it's crucial to choose your words with care. Selecting the right language is essential, whether you're expressing support for or opposition to a topic. Be sure to provide sufficient evidence to back up your points. Use short, clear sentences to enhance the impact of your speech. Your choice of words and what you emphasize will shape how your audience perceives your message.

When writing a speech, ensure that you:

Avoid long, confusing sentences.

Check for spelling, grammar, and sentence structure errors.

Refrain from using contradictory statements that might confuse the audience.


Authenticity in a speech engages the audience more effectively. Incorporate personal anecdotes, experiences, and genuine thoughts to build rapport. However, stay focused on the topic and avoid getting sidetracked with unrelated details.

Writing in 1st Person

Using the first-person perspective in a speech can be more effective than a third-person approach. However, make sure it does not become too subjective or divert from the main topic.

Tips for Writing a Speech

Before you start writing, know what your speech is about and what you want to achieve. Decide if you want to inspire, entertain, or inform your audience.

Think about who will be listening to your speech. Tailor your content to fit their interests and needs so they stay engaged.

Make sure your speech is clear and to the point. Avoid making it too long or it might become boring. Stick to the important details.

After writing your speech, check it for mistakes and make changes if needed. Practice saying it out loud so you feel confident and don’t stumble.

Finish your speech by summarising the main ideas. Leave your audience with something to think about, so they remember your message.

Format on How to Write a Speech

Here’s a structured format of How to write a speech:

Start with a clear and engaging title that reflects the main topic of your speech.

2. Introduction

Greet the audience and introduce yourself.

State the purpose of your speech.

Give a brief overview of what you will talk about to grab the audience's attention.

Main Points : Organise your speech into several main points. Each point should be clear and supported with examples, evidence, or anecdotes.

Sub-points : Include supporting details under each main point to add depth and clarity.

4. Transitions

Use smooth transitions between different points to help your speech flow naturally.

5. Conclusion

Summarise the key points of your speech.

Restate the purpose or main message.

End with a strong closing statement or call to action to leave a lasting impression.

6. Q&A (if applicable)

Prepare to answer any questions from the audience if your speech includes a question-and-answer session.

7. Practice

Rehearse your speech multiple times to ensure you are familiar with the content and delivery.

How to Write a Speech: Examples

Example 1: Speech on Environmental Conservation

Good morning everyone!

My name is John Smith, and today I’m here to talk about the importance of environmental conservation. Our planet is facing severe challenges due to pollution, deforestation , and climate change. We must take action to protect our environment .

Firstly, we need to reduce our waste by recycling and composting. Secondly, conserving energy by using renewable sources is essential. Lastly, planting more trees will help restore balance in our ecosystems.

Each one of us can make a difference by adopting these simple practices in our daily lives. Together, we can ensure a healthier planet for future generations. Thank you for your attention!

Example 2: Speech on the Importance of Education

Good afternoon everyone!

I’m Sarah Johnson, and I’m excited to discuss the value of education in our lives. Education is not just about gaining knowledge, but also about preparing ourselves for the future. It opens doors to new opportunities and helps us grow personally and professionally.

To begin with, education empowers individuals to make informed decisions. It also enhances critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Finally, it helps us understand and appreciate diverse cultures and perspectives.

Investing in education is investing in a better future for ourselves and our communities. Let’s value and support educational opportunities for everyone. Thank you!

To Test Your Knowledge of How to Write a Speech, try these Tasks:

Task 1 - Write a Short Speech: Pick a topic you are passionate about, such as your favourite hobby or a cause you care about. Write a 3-minute speech on this topic. Make sure to include a clear introduction, main points, and a conclusion. Practise delivering your speech in front of a mirror or a friend.

Task 2 - Analyse a Famous Speech: Watch a famous speech online, like Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” or a speech from a recent event. Take notes on how the speaker introduces themselves, the key points they make, and how they conclude. Try to identify any special techniques they use to keep the audience engaged and use these techniques in your speech writing.

Now check out if you got them all right from the answers below:

Task 1 - Write a Short Speech:

Good morning everyone,

Today, I want to talk about something that has a huge impact on our lives – reading. Reading is not just a way to pass the time; it is a gateway to knowledge and imagination. Through books, we explore different worlds, understand diverse cultures, and learn new ideas. Reading also helps improve our language skills and concentration. Whether it's a novel, a biography, or a magazine, each piece of reading material offers something valuable. I encourage all of you to make reading a part of your daily routine. It’s a small habit that brings great rewards. Thank you.

Taks 2 -Review and Improve a Sample Letter:

To analyse a famous speech like Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream,” start by noting how he introduces himself and sets the tone. King begins with a reference to the Emancipation Proclamation, connecting his message to historical struggles for freedom. He introduces his main points by addressing the ongoing racial injustice and articulating his dream of equality, creating a vivid picture of a hopeful future. His conclusion uses a powerful repetition of the phrase “I have a dream” to reinforce his vision and leave a lasting impression. The speech employs imagery, metaphors, and emotional appeals to engage the audience. To apply these techniques, focus on a strong introduction, clear key points, and a memorable conclusion in your speech, using repetition and vivid descriptions to make it impactful.

Takeaways from this Page

Writing a speech involves careful planning and practice. Begin with a clear introduction to capture attention and state your main points clearly. Use simple and engaging language to keep your audience interested. Rehearse your speech to ensure smooth delivery and correct any mistakes. Finally, end with a strong conclusion that reinforces your main message and leaves a lasting impression.


FAQs on Easy Steps to Write an Effective Speech

1. How to write a speech format? 

To understand how to write a speech format, start by organising your speech into three main parts: introduction, body, and conclusion. Clearly outline your main points and supporting details. This format helps in delivering a structured and effective speech.

2. How to write a welcome speech? 

When learning how to write a welcome speech, begin with a warm greeting and introduce yourself. Mention the purpose of the event and the key individuals present. Keep it brief and engaging to set a positive tone for the event.

3. How to write a speech on teacher's day? 

To write a speech on Teacher's Day, start by expressing appreciation for teachers. Highlight their contributions and impact on students' lives. Use personal anecdotes or quotes to make the speech heartfelt and memorable.

4. How to write a welcome speech for chief guest? 

When writing a welcome speech for a chief guest, ensure you acknowledge their presence respectfully. Mention their achievements and the significance of their visit. Craft your speech to reflect the honour of having them as a guest.

5. How to write a speech for students? 

For writing a speech for students, choose a topic relevant to their interests and needs. Use simple language and relatable examples. Structure your speech to be engaging and motivational to keep students attentive.

6. What is the best way to structure how to write a speech format? 

The best way to structure how to write a speech format is to divide your speech into three main parts: introduction, body, and conclusion. This format helps in organizing your thoughts and ensures a clear flow of ideas.

7. How to write a welcome speech effectively? 

To write a welcome speech effectively, start with a friendly greeting and introduce yourself. Outline the purpose of the event and acknowledge key guests or participants. Make sure to keep it concise and engaging.

8. How to write a speech on teacher's day to make it impactful? 

To make a speech on Teacher's Day impactful, focus on the role of teachers in shaping students' futures. Share personal stories or experiences that highlight their dedication. Conclude with a heartfelt thank you.

9. How to write a welcome speech for chief guest in a formal setting? 

Writing a welcome speech for a chief guest in a formal setting involves greeting them warmly, mentioning their achievements, and explaining the importance of their presence. Keep the tone respectful and appreciative.

10. How to write a speech for students to ensure it is engaging? 

To ensure a speech for students is engaging, choose a topic that resonates with their interests. Use simple language and interactive elements. Structure your speech to include relatable examples and a motivational conclusion.

11. What are the key points in how to write a speech format? 

Key points in how to write a speech format include having a clear introduction, a well-organized body with main points, and a strong conclusion. This format helps in delivering a coherent and effective speech.

12. How to write a welcome speech for various events? 

How to write a welcome speech for various events involves greeting the audience, introducing the event’s purpose, and acknowledging any special guests. Tailor the speech to fit the nature of the event and keep it engaging.

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How to give a great speech.

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Giving a speech

It's the season of speeches.

Every four years, Americans are treated to oratory by speakers of both parties who address their national party conventions. The purpose of such oratory is less to persuade than to fire up the attendees who will sally forth from their respective conventions determined to mobilize forces for their candidates up and down the ballot.

Some of the speeches are downright scary, while others are joyous and uplifting. Regardless, the focus on so many speeches in such a condensed period of time emphasizes the power of the spoken word.

As a former speechwriter turned executive coach, I have helped many women and men hone their messages. I want to share a few things I have learned, mainly through trial and error.

Know your audience. People want to hear what you say, but you need to do your homework before you can connect. Understand what the audience expects of you and tailor your remarks to resonate with their needs.

Acknowledge your limitations. Many times, what a leader has to say is what they must say. That is, the situation is challenging and presents problems. A leader can only accomplish so much. Failure to acknowledge what you can do and what the organization must do is asking for trouble. People will simply tune out.

Address objections. Everyone wants to give an uplifting speech that resonates with harmony and joy. Unfortunately, life is not like that. Leaders need to paint a realistic picture, citing the pluses and minuses. What the leader must do may conflict with what the organization wants to do. It is the leader's responsibility to be honest about the decisions and set the course forward.

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Tell stories. Reveal yourself through stories. Cite examples of individuals in organizations who are making positive contributions. No leader succeeds alone. Every leader needs the team's buy-in. So, make that clear.

Issue the call to action. Not every speech may need a formal call to action, but every public utterance needs to be understood as a call for unity, a coming together to achieve the mission. However, if there is a call to action, learn from the politicians—ask for their support. Simultaneously, include your commitment to supporting the individuals and teams that make up the organization.

Uplift your audience

Knowing, acknowledging, addressing and challenging are just the basics of speechmaking. Each speaker must craft a message that reveals who they are and what they want to accomplish. Give people a reason to believe in you because you believe in them.

One thing I have yet to emphasize in this little essay is delivery. So let me quote the legendary film director, John Ford , “You can speak well if your tongue can deliver the message of your heart.” In short, relax. If you have a good message, speak directly. Show people how you feel with the words you deliver. Doing so will encourage listeners to have faith in you and your leadership.

So often, it is said that a leader's job is to elevate followers and enable them to do their best. If that is the case, a good speech—well-honed or off-the-cuff remarks—is an excellent way to begin the uplifting process.

John Baldoni

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