Metropolitan State University

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Computer Science BS

About the program.

The computer science major provides a firm foundation in computing principles, the development of effective problem-solving and mathematical skills, and the systematic application of theory to the design and development of software. Metropolitan State’s computer science program, available on campus in Minnesota, also provides preparation for graduate school in computer science. A minimum of 16 semester credits of major requirements must be completed at Metro State to earn a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science.

Computer science is the study of systematic approaches for the design and development of application systems that support the functioning of core industries and services and the theory that underpins these techniques. The theoretical issues range from algorithms and data structures that can be readily applied to far more abstract questions such as what is computable and the fundamental questions regarding computing efficiency. The field also studies the software and hardware approaches for the design of computer systems.

Computer science degree career prospects

According to the U.S. Department of Labor, the computer science field is expected to experience exceptional growth, with rates that are projected to exceed all other occupational categories. Most graduates of the program are successfully employed in the industry, and some Metro State computer science program undergraduates have gone on to master's and PhD programs at well-known graduate schools in the country.

Program Educational Objectives

The computer science program is designed to help graduates achieve the following career and professional objectives. Graduates will:

  • Have the flexibility, versatility and problem-solving skills that can be applied to any problem domain, so they will be productively employed in the computing field in roles such as Computer Programmer, Software Developer, Software Engineer, and Software Systems Analyst
  • Be successfully employed and accepted into well-established graduate schools
  • Have strong writing and presentation skills
  • Have a sense of societal and ethical responsibility in professional endeavors

Computer Science student learning outcomes

  • Analyze a complex computing problem and to apply principles of computing and other relevant disciplines to identify solutions.
  • Design, implement, and evaluate a computing-based solution to meet a given set of computing requirements in the context of the program’s discipline.
  • Communicate effectively in a variety of professional contexts.
  • Recognize professional responsibilities and make informed judgments in computing practice based on legal and ethical principles.
  • Function effectively as a member or leader of a team engaged in activities appropriate to the program’s discipline.
  • Apply computer science theory and software development fundamentals to produce computing-based solutions.

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How to enroll

Current students: declare this program.

Once you’re admitted as an undergraduate student and have met any further admission requirements your chosen program may have, you may declare a major or declare an optional minor .

Future students: Apply now

Apply to Metropolitan State: Start the journey toward your Computer Science BS now. Learn about the steps to enroll or, if you have questions about what Metropolitan State can offer you, request information, visit campus or chat with an admissions counselor .

Get started on your Computer Science BS

More ways to earn your degree: Metropolitan State offers the flexibility you need to finish your degree. Through programs at our partner institutions, you can find a path to getting your Computer Science BS that works best for you.

  • Transfer Pathway for Computer Science

About your enrollment options

Program eligibility requirements

Students interested in the Computer Science Bachelor of Science degree will be given premajor status when admitted to the university. They will be assigned an academic advisor in the College of Sciences.

For acceptance into the Computer Science major, students must submit an Undergraduate Program Declaration Form when the following conditions are met:

  • have a minimum GPA of 2.5 for ICS 141, ICS 240, and MATH 215 or transfer equivalents;
  • have a grade of C- or higher for all major prerequisites;
  • complete the General Education Goal I Writing Requirement; and
  • demonstrate competency in the Java programming language either by coursework (e.g., ICS 141) or passing a Java competency exam.

Students in premajor status are unable to take any 400-level major courses. Official acceptance into this major program and the review of transfer coursework equivalency and qualifications are done through the Computer Science and Cybersecurity (CSC) Department.

Courses and Requirements

Requirements for completing the Computer Science major

  • All newly admitted students will be assigned academic advisors and are placed in premajor status until they have met the program eligibility requirements. The Undergraduate Program Declaration Form must be submitted for a student to be considered for acceptance into the major.
  • All courses in the major must be completed with a grade of C- or better.
  • At least 16 credits of major requirements must be completed at Metro State University.
  • At least 32 credits of upper-division (i.e., 300-level, or higher) coursework must be completed in the major.
  • Read and understand the guidelines for transfer courses and prerequisites as listed in the General Guidelines section.

Major Requirements

+ premajor foundation (28 credits).

To declare the Computer Science major, students are required to complete the following premajor foundation courses with a grade of C- or higher and a minimum GPA of 2.5 for ICS 141, ICS 240 and MATH 215 or transfer equivalents. For further details, reference the General Guidelines section below.

Choose one of the following two courses.

ICS 140 Computational Thinking with Programming 4 credits

This course introduces fundamental concepts in computer programming and the development of computer programs to solve problems across various application domains. Topics include number systems, Boolean algebra, variables, decision-making and iterative structures, lists, file manipulation, and problem deconstruction via modular design approaches. Lab work and homework assignments involving programming using a language such as Python form an integral part of the course.

Full course description for Computational Thinking with Programming

ICS 265 C Programming 4 credits

This course is designed to provide a fast-paced exposure to the C programming language for students majoring in a computer-related discipline. The following topics are briefly reviewed using C syntax: looping, selection, variables, scope rules, functions and pass-by-value arguments. New topics include pass-by-address arguments, formatted and unformatted I/O, user defined types (enum, struct, union), preprocessing directives, file handling, pointers, pointer arithmetic, string manipulation and selected library functions.

Full course description for C Programming

Complete all of the following five courses.

MATH 120 Precalculus 4 credits

This course is designed to prepare students for calculus. Topics include polynomial, rational, exponential, logarithmic, and trigonometric functions; the algebra of functions; multiple function representations; and an introduction to analytic geometry.

Full course description for Precalculus

MATH 215 Discrete Mathematics 4 credits

This course covers a variety of important topics in math and computer science. Topics include: logic and proof, sets and functions, induction and recursion, elementary number theory, counting and probability, and basic theory of directed graphs.

Full course description for Discrete Mathematics

ICS 141 Problem Solving with Programming 4 credits

Structure, design, and implementation of object-oriented computer programs. Topics include sequential structures, selection structures, repetition structures, recursion, quadratic sorting algorithms, exceptions, objects, and classes. Emphasis on methods, parameter passing, arrays, and arrays of objects. Exploration of problem-solving and algorithm-design techniques using pseudocode and Unified Modeling Language (UML). Design of good test cases and debugging techniques are highlighted. Programming projects involving multiple classes.

Full course description for Problem Solving with Programming

ICS 232 Computer Organization and Architecture 4 credits

Introduces machine language, digital logic and circuit design, data representation, conventional von Neumann architecture, instruction sets and formats, addressing, the fetch/execute cycle, memory architectures, I/O architectures, as well as hardware components, such as gates and integrated chips.

Full course description for Computer Organization and Architecture

ICS 240 Introduction to Data Structures 4 credits

This course provides basic introduction to data structures and algorithms and emphasizes the relationship between algorithms and programming. Students will learn intermediate object-oriented design, programming, testing and debugging. Topics include inheritance, polymorphism, algorithm complexity, generic programming, linked list, stack, queue, recursion, trees, hashing, searching, and sorting.

Full course description for Introduction to Data Structures

Calculus requirement: choose one of the following two courses.

MATH 208 Applied Calculus 4 credits

This course provides an overview of the differential calculus for single and multivariable functions and an introduction to the integral calculus and differential equations, with an emphasis on applications to the natural and physical sciences. Particular topics covered in the course include limits, ordinary and partial derivatives, applications of derivatives, definite integrals, fundamental theorem of calculus, applications of definite integrals, models involving differential equations, Eulers method, equilibrium solutions.

Full course description for Applied Calculus

MATH 210 Calculus I 4 credits

Since its beginnings, calculus has demonstrated itself to be one of humankind's greatest intellectual achievements. This versatile subject has proven useful in solving problems ranging from physics and astronomy to biology and social science. Through a conceptual and theoretical framework this course covers topics in differential calculus including limits, derivatives, derivatives of transcendental functions, applications of differentiation, L'Hopital's rule, implicit differentiation, and related rates.

Full course description for Calculus I

+ Core (32 credits)

Once the premajor foundation are complete, students must complete all of the following courses with a grade of C- or higher.

The Capstone course, ICS 499, should be taken in the final semester of your program, or at least during the semester you complete the last of the other required major courses.

Students who have not declared their major or have not been accepted into the major will not be allowed to take any 400-level major courses. For further details on prerequisites, reference the General Guidelines section below.

ICS 311 Database Management Systems 4 credits

Covers concepts and methods in the definition, creation and management of databases. Emphasis is placed on usage of appropriate methods and tools to design and implement databases to meet identified business needs. Topics include conceptual, logical and physical database design theories and techniques, such as use of Entity Relationship diagrams, query tools and SQL; responsibilities of data and database administrators; database integrity, security and privacy; and current and emerging trends. Use of database management systems such as MySQL. Coverage of HCI (Human Computer Interaction) topics and development of front ends to databases with application of HCI principles to provide a high level usability experience. Overlap: ICS 311T Database Management Systems.

Full course description for Database Management Systems

ICS 340 Algorithm Design and Analysis 4 credits

Exploration of the design and implementation of data structures and algorithms fundamental to computer systems and applications and to software engineering. Topics include trees, graphs, basic analysis of algorithmic complexity, fundamental questions of computability, and introduction to the algorithmic basis of intelligent systems. Programming projects.

Full course description for Algorithm Design and Analysis

ICS 365 Organization of Programming Languages 4 credits

This course is a comprehensive introduction to the principal features and design of programming languages. It provides a comparative study of programming paradigms including structured programming, object-oriented programming, functional programming and logic programming. This course is a survey of programming concepts and constructs including data types, control structures, subprograms and parameter passing, nesting and scope, derived data types, input and output, and dynamically varying structures. Also covered are the principles of lexical and semantics analysis.

Full course description for Organization of Programming Languages

ICS 372 Object-Oriented Design and Implementation 4 credits

System development using the object-oriented paradigm. Programming topics include: inheritance, polymorphism, dynamic linking, generics, Graphical User Interfaces, and data serialization. Use-case and state-based approaches for the discovery of conceptual classes. Design principles including the Liskov Substitution Principle, Open Closed Principle, and Stable Dependencies Principle. Design patterns such as Factory, Iterator, Adapter, Facade, Bridge, Observer, Command, State, Composite, Singleton, and Mediator. Employment of design principles, design patterns, and the Model View Controller in the design of object-oriented systems. System implementation. Refactoring. Group projects.

Full course description for Object-Oriented Design and Implementation

ICS 440 Parallel and Distributed Algorithms 4 credits

Covers design and development of parallel and distributed algorithms and their implementation. Topics include multiprocessor and multicore architectures, parallel algorithm design patterns and performance issues, threads, shared objects and shared memory, forms of synchronization, concurrency on data structures, parallel sorting, distributed system models, fundamental distributed problems and algorithms such as mutual exclusion, consensus, and elections, and distributed programming paradigms. Programming intensive.

Full course description for Parallel and Distributed Algorithms

ICS 460 Networks and Security 4 credits

Principles and practices of the OSI and TCP/IP models of computer networks, with special emphasis on the security of these networks. Coverage of general issues of computer and data security. Introduction to the various layers of network protocols, including physical, data link, network, and transport layers, flow control, error checking, and congestion control. Computer system strengths and vulnerabilities, and protection techniques: Topics include applied cryptography, security threats, security management, operating systems, network firewall and security measures. Focus on secure programming techniques. Programming projects.

Full course description for Networks and Security

ICS 462 Operating Systems 4 credits

Principles, techniques, and algorithms for the design and implementation of modern operating systems. Topics include operating system structures, process and thread scheduling, memory management including virtual memory, file system implementation, input output systems, mass storage structures, protection, and security. Students will implement process, memory, and file management algorithms.

Full course description for Operating Systems

ICS 499 Software Engineering and Capstone Project 4 credits

This course focuses on the theory and practice of effectively and efficiently building software systems that satisfy the requirements placed upon them by customers. This course gives an overview of the software lifecycle and introduces various process models used to develop software.

Full course description for Software Engineering and Capstone Project

+ Electives (8 credits) or Approved Minor

Either eight upper-division credits, or a minor in a field approved by the academic advisor, are required for the Computer Science major.

Electives Option:

Complete a minimum of eight upper-division credits (i.e, 300-level, or higher) of elective courses. Consult with academic advisor on acceptable electives.

Note the following:

-At least 4 credits of electives must come from upper-division (i.e., 300-level, or higher) ICS courses, not already required for the major, with the following exceptions: ICS 350I, ICS 370, ICS 38*, and ICS 48*.

-The contents of ICS 490 Special Topics in Information and Computer Sciences and ICS 492 Seminar on Emerging Technologies vary from semester to semester and may be taken more than once for elective credits (with permission of the CSC department) as long as they cover different topics.

-Any 300-level or higher CFS, CYBR, ICS, MATH or STAT course may be used as an elective except for the following courses: CFS 350I, CFS 499, CYBR 350I, CYBR 362, CYBR 498, CYBR 499, ICS 370, MATH 350I, MATH 499 and STAT 350I.

-A maximum of 4 credits in ICS 350I Individualized Internship spread over 1-3 semesters may be used as elective credits.

Minor Option:

Work with your academic advisor to assess if the minor option is appropriate for your degree and career plan. Students with a previous bachelor's degree should talk to their advisor about whether that degree can be used in lieu of a minor. Recommended fields for a minor include (but are not limited to): Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Applied Statistics, Biology, Chemistry, Computer Forensics, Cybersecurity, Design of User Experience, Game Studies, Physics, Project Management, and Technical Communication.

+ General Guidelines

Transfer courses.

Transfer coursework equivalency is determined by the Computer Science and Cybersecurity (CSC) department and is initially evaluated upon admission with updates documented on the Degree Audit Report (DARS). When transferring coursework, please be aware that many universities, community, and technical colleges offer courses equivalent to some of our pre-major courses. Sometimes a course at the lower division at another university or college is equivalent to one of our upper-division courses, or an upper-division course at another institution is equivalent to one of our lower-division courses. To calculate upper-division credits for the major electives or for university graduation requirements, the status of the course at the institution where the student took the course is what matters.


Students must be aware of and abide by prerequisites for all courses for which they are enrolled. No student may be enrolled in a course unless they have completed all course prerequisites with a grade of C- or higher. Students will be administratively dropped from a course if they have not met the required prerequisites. For some courses, prerequisites are enforced automatically by the registration system. If your DARS report shows you have met the prerequisites for a course, and the registration system will not let you register, please contact your academic advisor.

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Your chance of acceptance, your chancing factors, extracurriculars, 100 vs 200 vs 300 level courses.

Hey everyone! I'm trying to figure out the difference between 100, 200, and 300 level courses. How do they differ in terms of difficulty and depth of material? Can freshmen take higher level courses as long as they meet the prerequisites?

Hi there! The difference between 100, 200, and 300 level courses primarily lies in difficulty, depth of material, and the target audience of students. Here's a general breakdown:

- 100 level courses: These are typically introductory courses designed for freshmen or students new to a subject area. They provide a foundation in the subject and often have few or no prerequisites. The course material tends to be broader, and the difficulty level is generally lower compared to higher level courses.

- 200 level courses: These courses are designed for students who have completed the introductory level courses or have a basic understanding of the subject. They start delving deeper into specific topics, with a moderate level of difficulty. Some prerequisites might be necessary, including 100 level courses or certain skills/knowledge.

- 300 level courses: These are advanced courses that cater to upper-level students, typically juniors and seniors. They assume a solid understanding of the subject and therefore dive into specialized topics or more complex concepts. The difficulty level is usually higher, and they generally have more stringent prerequisites.

As a freshman, you can indeed take higher level courses as long as you meet the prerequisites and feel confident in your ability to handle the material. Sometimes, prior experience, advanced knowledge, or strong scores on an AP or IB exam in the subject may allow you to start at a higher level. However, make sure to consult with your academic advisor to determine if you're ready for a higher level course, and remember that each college may have its own policies regarding freshmen enrolling in upper-level courses.

Good luck with your course selection!

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Online Degrees and CLEP and DSST Exam Prep Discussion

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05-26-2022, 06:36 PM
  • 05-26-2022, 07:11 PM

To be considered for enrollment into a College of IT bachelor's degree program, students must possess a high school diploma or its equivalent AND demonstrate program readiness through one of the following: 

Option 1: Submit transcripts documenting completion of previous IT coursework. IT coursework must be 300 level or higher.
Option 2: Possess a bachelor’s or associate degree (A.A, A.S. or A.A.S. acceptable) from an accredited post-secondary institution.
Option 3: Demonstrate at least two years of IT work experience through resume review.
Option 4: Submit official records of completion of current and active IT certifications, some of which   into various programs. 
Option 5: (For applicants to the B.S. in Information Technology, B.S. Network Operations and Security, B.S. Data Analytics and Data Management, and B.S. in Cybersecurity and Information Assurance) Submit high school transcripts with a minimum GPA of 2.75 GPA and a B grade or higher in a S.T.E.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) course. *Only advanced mathematics courses will satisfy this requirement. : MLIS

June 2022, Thomas Edison State University (TESU):
e-Packs: Computer Concepts; Industrial Psych.
Guided Study: Comp. Architecture
Online: Intro. to PLA; Database Mgmt.; Software Eng.; Data Structures; Liberal Arts Capstone; DSI-610 (

May 2019, a residential, RA institution: BA in Political Science and Educational Studies
Relevant equivalencies: MAT-321; MAT-431; STA-315
  • 05-26-2022, 10:21 PM
  • 05-26-2022, 10:38 PM EducationSeeker Wrote: If my son selects the Cybersecurity program at his STEM High School, I believe he could get a COMPTIA Network + or A+ by his graduation date.
As my WGU enrollment counselor said, "Stop right there." This is Option 4 in the requirements, and it's what many people use for acceptance to the College of IT. Any certification that can be transferred will qualify.

And if he can accumulate 90 CUs by the time he graduates high school, then he will have a better chance than most at completing the remaining 30 in one six-month term. However, be aware that WGU can change their degree programs without warning, so the longer it takes to start, the higher the chance that one or more courses he prepared to transfer will go to waste. This is true of any school, to a certain extent, but because WGU is very specific about their degree plans and what is accepted for transfer, and there's no way to lock it in before you enroll, it is definitely something to consider.
  • | »
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New Jersey Institute of Technology

University Catalog 2024-2025

University catalog.

(120 credits minimum)

Plan of Study Grid
First Year
1st SemesterCredits
General Calculus I 3
General Physics I 3
General Physics I Lab 1
Introduction to Computing 3
English Composition: Introduction to Academic Writing 3
Engineering Graphics and Intro. to CAD 2
Introduction to Engineering Technology 0
First-Year Student Seminar 0
 Term Credits15
2nd Semester
General Calculus II 3
General Physics II 3
General Physics II Lab 1
Circuits I 3
Introduction to Digital Electronics 3
English Composition: Introduction to Writing for Research 3
 Term Credits16
Second Year
1st Semester
Circuits II 3
Technical Elective (200 level or higher) 3
Economics 3
Computer Architecture 2
History and Humanities GER 200 level 3
 Term Credits14
2nd Semester
Fundamentals of Analog Electronics 3
Introduction to Communications 3
Technical Elective (200 level or higher) 3
Free Elective (200 level or higher) 3
 Term Credits12
Third Year
1st Semester
Mathematical Analysis for Technology 4
Circuit Measurements 2
Embedded Systems I 3
Digital Logic and Circuit Design 3
Technical Writing 3
 Term Credits15
2nd Semester
Differential Equations for Applications 3
Embedded Systems II 3
Circuit Analysis: Transform Methods 3
Integrated Circuit Applications 3
Numerical Computing for Engineering Technology 3
Free Elective (300 level or higher) 3
 Term Credits18
Fourth Year
1st Semester
Industrial Cost Analysis 3

Statistics for Technology
Engineering Ethics and Technological Practice: Philosophical Perspectives on Engineering 3
ECET Technical Elective 3
ECET Technical Elective 3
 Term Credits15
2nd Semester
Senior Project 3
Chemical Technology 3
ECET Technical Elective 3
Technical Elective (300 level or higher) 3
 Term Credits15
 Total Credits120

Tech Electives: Any course with a technical subject matter. Lower division must be 200 level or higher, upper division must be 300 level or higher. Excludes CPT 310.

Free Electives: Any course offered by the university, may be technical or non-technical. Lower division must be 200 level or higher, upper division must be 300 level or higher

ECET Electives: ECET 350,412,414,415,416,418,419,430,440, and 444. ECE Bridge Courses may also be used to fill these ECET Elective courses.

 Alternates for Eng 352: ENG 340

ECET Technical Electives

ECET Technical electives are 300 and 400 level courses offered by the ECET program that are not previously required courses within the program. All ECET students are required to take at least two of these courses for their degree. ECET elective courses taken in addition to the two required can fill any of the elective requirements.  Note: ECET 329 is not considered an ECET Technical Elective course as it is only for non-ECET majors and cannot be used towards the ECET degree.

Course List
Code Title Credits
Computerized Industrial Controls3
Power Generation and Distribution3
Fundamentals of Telecommunications3
Networking Applications3
Transmission Systems3
Clinical Internship3
Technology Applications of Object-Oriented Programming3

Technical Electives

Technical electives can be satisfied only by courses with a technical subject matter; this excludes Humanities, History, Economics, Social Sciences, Literature, and any other non-technical subject. In general, the following subjects qualify as Technical Electives: ARCH, BIO, BIOL, BME, CE, CET, CHEM, CPT, CS, ECE, EM, ENGR, IE, IS, IT, MATH, ME, MECH, MET, MIS, MNET, OPSE, PHYS, and SET. Except CPT 310 or MATH 305 Statistics for Technology or MATH 309 Mathematical Analysis for Technology or MATH 322 Differential Equations for Applications or CHEM 301 Chemical Technology or MNET 315 Industrial Statistics or MNET 414 Industrial Cost Analysis .  Additionally, any course required for the ECET degree cannot be used as a technical elective, in the case where a class has been substituted in place of a required course, the originally required course cannot be used as an elective.

Free Electives

Free electives may be satisfied by any course offered at the university. The ECET program contains two free electives, one 3 credit course, 200 or higher level and one 3 credit course, 300 or higher level.

Co-op Work Experience (Internship)

Co-op Work Experience is not required as part of the ECET program, although it is highly recommended. Students can participate in a sixteen-week paid internship at a variety of local companies. Students who pass Co-op can use the credit to fulfill any of the six non-ECET required electives.

To apply for Co-op students must first visit the Career Development Services office at NJIT and fill out a Co-op application. The application will be sent to your academic advisor for approval and you will be notified of the decision.

Co-op Classes

The ECET Co-op classes are ECET 395 Co-op Work Experience I and ECET 495 Co-op Work Experience II .

This curriculum represents the maximum number of credits per semester for which a student is advised to register.  A full-time credit load is 12 credits.  First-year students are placed in a curriculum that positions them for success which may result in additional time needed to complete curriculum requirements. Continuing students should consult with their academic advisor to determine the appropriate credit load.  

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Southern Illinois University Logo

Information Technology Requirements | 2024-2025 Academic Catalog | SIU

2024-2025 academic catalog.

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Associate Provost for Academic Programs Anthony Hall, Suite 220 1265 Lincoln Drive - MC 4305 SIU Carbondale Carbondale, Illinois 62901


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Information Technology (ITEC) is a baccalaureate degree major designed to prepare students for careers in a wide variety of work settings that rely on information technologies to accomplish organizational goals. ITEC is a great fit for students who enjoy using computing technology to provide solutions to issues facing individuals, organizations, and societies. ITEC is distinct from computer engineering, computer science, and management information systems because it focuses on meeting the needs of users within organizational and societal contexts through the selection, creation, application, integration and administration of computing technologies.

The ITEC curriculum is based on the latest version of the nationally recognized ACM/IEEE IT Computing Curricula for undergraduate information technology degree programs. The curriculum recognizes that graduates must have good computing skills as well as an understanding of the principles and fundamentals of IT, including programming, networking, human computer interaction, databases, web systems, and cybersecurity. Many courses require significant hands-on computer activities. Students also choose a number of elective courses to reflect their personal interests in IT professional careers.

An online delivery option for place-bound or working students to complete a Bachelor of Science degree or a minor in ITEC is available. The same curriculum requirements apply to both residential and online students.

Program Educational Objectives

The Information Technology program at Southern Illinois University Carbondale prepares students to:

Student Outcomes

Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Information Technology

Degree RequirementsCredit Hours
University Core Curriculum Requirements 39
Require MATH 106 or MATH 108. Recommend PHIL 104 or PHIL 105, and ECON 113, PSYC 102 or SOC 108
Foundation Course Requirements - ITEC 209, ITEC 216, ITEC 224, ITEC 225, ITEC 235, ITEC 236, ITEC 265, ITEC 280 24
Requirements for Major in Information Technology 42
Required Major Courses - ITEC 312, ITEC 314, ITEC 370, ITEC 380, ITEC 390, ITEC 404, ITEC 412, ITEC 419 or ITEC 495 24
Approved Major Electives (Note: 18 hours must be at the 300- or 400-level) 18
Additional Electives 15
Total 120

1 Students may meet these requirements through an approved AA/AS degree from an accredited community college.

2 Students may meet these requirements through an articulated approved AA/AS degree from an accredited community college.

3 Students may choose any combination of major electives or focus their interest in one of the following areas: cybersecurity, network and system administration, web and mobile app development, applied data analytics.

Information Technology Minor

The minor in Information Technology (ITEC) is offered to meet the demands of the 21st century workplace. The ITEC minor introduces students to the study of information technology principles and skills and is an excellent complement to any degree program, regardless of major.

The ITEC minor requires 18 credit hours that consists of two required and four elective courses. The courses required to complete this minor include ITEC 209 and ITEC 216. At least six credit hours must be at the 300-level or higher. ITEC 229, ITEC 265, and ITEC 280 do not count toward the minor. A maximum of 3 credit hours may be substituted with approved electives. All prerequisites for these courses must be fulfilled prior to enrollment in each course. All courses for this minor must be completed with a grade of C or better.

Capstone Option for Transfer Students

The Capstone Option is available to qualified students entering the ITEC degree program. More information about the Capstone Option can be found within the University Core Curriculum tab of the Undergraduate Catalog. The ITEC degree program has signed Program Articulation Agreements with several community college computing-related degree programs in order to facilitate the transfer of community college students to SIU. These agreements take full advantage of the Capstone Option for admission to the Bachelor of Science in Information Technology.

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Computer Science - department hero

CS Major Requirements

Why Study Computer Science? What’s required to earn a degree? It's all summarized in our major map for Computer Science (CS) .

Apply Now​​​​​​

Declare the CS Major

Major Concentrations

Concentrations highlight areas of specialization within the department and guide student elective choices. Each concentration has an approved list of CS courses, available from the computer science office or the department website. Concentrations may also include recommended science or mathematics courses or a recommended minor in another field.

Major Concentrations  

Computer Science (CS) Major

Cs general information.

Computer science is a vast source of intellectual challenges, from understanding the fundamental mathematics of computational complexity to designing the next generation of Internet protocols to organizing and distributing vast stores of genomics data. Computer science is a rapidly-growing field, and graduates are in demand in the job market and for graduate school. The CS major provides a broad, comprehensive education that prepares graduates not only to adapt to future opportunities, but also to create them.

CS General University Requirements

To earn a UO bachelor's degree, you must satisfy general university requirements as stated in the UO Catalog for the year you entered the major.

The College of Arts and Sciences awards both Bachelor of Science (BS) and Bachelor of Arts (BA) degrees to students who major in CS. If you fulfill the CS major requirements, you will automatically qualify for a BS degree. To qualify for the BA degree, you must also fulfill the College of Arts and Science's language requirement.

Declaring the CS Major

Students interested in a CS major must meet with a Tykeson Hall Academic Advisor on the Scientific Discovery and Sustainability (SDS) team prior to declaring the major.

During the advising appointment, you will develop an academic plan for completing the CS major. You are also encouraged to meet with an advisor as you progress through the major to be sure that you are satisfying your major and UO degree requirements.

CS Degree Overview

To obtain a computer science degree, you must satisfy the specific CS major requirements as stated in the UO Catalog at the time you are admitted to the major:

CS Upper-Division and Elective Concentration Requirements

Concentrations highlight areas of specialization within the department and guide student elective choices. Each concentration has an approved list of CS courses, available from the computer science office or from the list below. Concentrations may also include recommended science and math courses; some include a recommended minor in another field. The department offers the following choices of CS concentrations:

CS Major Progress Review

Students should schedule an appointment with a CS advisor and complete a CS Major Progress Review Form after beginning CS upper-division core courses .

Satisfactory Progress in the CS Major Lower Division

Computer Science supports student preparedness for upper-division courses, as indicated by grades earned in lower-division courses. Strong preparation in lower-division courses provides the foundation for success in major upper-division courses and continuous progress toward major and UO degree requirements. Students must earn grades of B- or higher in CS 210, 211, 212 and Math 231, 232 to automatically advance to upper-division CS courses.

When a student receives a grade lower than a B- in one of these courses, Computer Science strongly recommends that students repeat the course to earn the required B- or higher grade prior to attempting subsequent courses. Students repeating a course should plan to take advantage of supplemental instruction opportunities such as Class Encore weekly small group meetings.

If there were exceptional circumstances, students with at most one C grade (any level) in the lower-division required courses may petition for a prerequisite override to register for upper-division computer science courses. Students should be aware that such petitions are not automatically approved.

Students are required to meet with a Tykeson Hall Academic Advisor on the Scientific Discovery and Sustainability (SDS) team before submitting a petition for a prerequisite override to register for upper-division courses. You may speak with the advisor about any issues that may have prevented you from making satisfactory progress in the lower-division major course. Your advisor will assist you in determining next steps and submitting a petition, if this is determined to be appropriate.

In addition to your statement, CS UEC will review your experience and grades in all of the lower-division foundational core courses to determine your preparedness for upper-division courses in the major.

Satisfactory Progress in the CS Major Upper Division

All upper-division coursework must be completed with a grade of C- or better. Unless otherwise indicated, all required coursework used to satisfy major requirements must be taken graded. At least 12 credits of CS upper division elective courses numbered 410 or higher must be taken graded.

Students who receive two grades below C- in upper-division courses are not making satisfactory progress in the major. Students not making satisfactory progress should schedule an appointment with a Tykeson Hall Academic Advisor on the Scientific Discovery and Sustainability (SDS) team as soon as possible to discuss the best way to proceed, for example, modifying the degree plan or exploring options including other majors, possibly with a CS minor.

CS Petitions

Exceptions or modifications to departmental requirements may be requested via a CS Petition form to the Undergraduate Education Committee. It is expected that you will have discussed the matter with a CS advisor before filing the petition.

Students with appropriate background who have consulted with a CS advisor may submit a CS Prerequisite Override Request form to the Undergraduate Education Committee to register for a particular course.


Admission to a given CS course requires completion of all the prerequisites listed in the UO Catalog. Waiver of a prerequisite is possible only through a CS Prerequisite Override Request form to the Undergraduate Education Committee.

Prerequisite Override Requests should be submitted 10 days before the registration time for which the student needs that exception.

CS Core Requirements

Lower-Division Core Courses (20 credits)

Complete the following sequences concurrently. All courses must be taken Graded.

Upper-Division Core Courses (28 credits)

Complete the following courses. All courses must be taken Graded.

Mathematics (16 credits)

Complete one of the following two-course sequences. All courses must be taken Graded.

Students also choose eight credits from the following courses. Taken Graded.

CS Upper-Division Concentration and Elective Requirements (20 credits)

Complete 20 credits of upper-division CS electives.

CS Math, Science, and Writing requirements

Math Requirement (4 credits)

Complete four credits of upper-division math electives.

Science Requirement (12 credits)

Complete one of the following options. Accompanying labs are recommended, but not required. The courses may be taken Pass/No Pass or Graded.

To support interdisciplinary study, students on any concentration are encouraged to complete a minor (typically 24–32 credits) or major in a computing-related field. Students who complete a minor (other than computer information technology or mathematics) or another major (including mathematics) in a computing-related field may, with the approval of the Undergraduate Education Committee, replace the CS laboratory science requirement with the completed minor or major. Approval of a major or minor in substitution for the science concentration is not automatic. Students who wish to substitute a minor or second major for the science concentration should talk to an advisor and petition for the substitution as early as possible. The petition should clearly explain how computer science and the other major or minor are complementary.

Writing Requirement (4 credits)

Complete one of the following courses. The course may be taken Pass/No Pass or Graded

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Required Courses

Course List
CodeTitleCredit Hours
Computer Science Requirements (36)
Introduction to the Profession2
Object-Oriented Programming I2
Object-Oriented Programming II 2
Discrete Structures3
Data Structures and Algorithms3
Computer Organization and Assembly Language Programming3
Systems Programming3
Database Organization3
Introduction to Algorithms3
Programming Languages and Translators3
Operating Systems3
Computers and Society3
Software Engineering I3
Computer Science Electives (12)
Select 12 credit hours 12
Mathematics Requirements (20)
Calculus I5
Calculus II5
Multivariate and Vector Calculus4
Elementary Linear Algebra3
or  Matrix Algebra and Complex Variables
Probability and Statistics3
or  Probability
Mathematics Elective (3)
Select one of the following:3
Introduction to Differential Equations4
Introduction to Computational Mathematics3
Introduction to Mathematical Modeling3
Number Theory3
Linear Optimization3
Graph Theory and Applications3
Introduction to Stochastic Processes3
Science Requirements (8)
General Physics I: Mechanics4
General Physics II: Electricity and Magnetism4
Science Electives (6)
Select six credit hours 6
Communication Elective (3)
Select one of the following:3
Technical Communication3
Document Design3
Verbal and Visual Communication3
Intercultural Communication3
Interprofessional Projects (IPRO) (6)
Humanities and Social Sciences Requirements (21)
Free Electives (12)
Select 12 credit hours12
Total Credit Hours127

CS 201 is a one-semester, accelerated course equivalent to the two-semester CS 115 / CS 116 sequence.

Computer science electives: Any computer science course at the 300-level or higher (including graduate CS courses) may be used as a computer science elective, except CS 401  and  CS 402 .  ECE 218 and ECE 441 may also be used as computer science electives. Higher mathematics or computational science courses at the 300-level or above can also be used as computer science electives, with CS department approval. Students pursuing the data science specialization may only apply the two required computer science courses toward this requirement. 

Science electives (no lab required): Chosen from the natural sciences (biology, chemistry, material science, and physics), or courses marked with an (N) (natural science attribute) in the Undergraduate Bulletin. At least one course must be in a field other than physics.

The Bachelor of Science in Computer Science degree is accredited by:

Computing Accreditation Commission of ABET 415 N. Charles Street Baltimore, MD 21201 telephone: 410.347.7700

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science Curriculum

Year 1
Semester 1Credit HoursSemester 2Credit Hours
2 2
2 5
5 4
Humanities 200-level Course3Humanities Elective (300+)3
Social Sciences Elective3Social Sciences Elective (300+)3
 15 17
Year 2
Semester 1Credit HoursSemester 2Credit Hours
3 3
3 3
4 or 3
4Humanities Elective (300+)3
Social Sciences Elective (300+)3Science Elective 3
 17 15
Year 3
Semester 1Credit HoursSemester 2Credit Hours
3 3
3 3
or 3IPRO Elective I3
Communication Elective 3Mathematics Elective3
Computer Science Elective 3Free Elective3
 15 15
Year 4
Semester 1Credit HoursSemester 2Credit Hours
3 3
IPRO Elective II3Computer Science Elective 3
Computer Science Elective 3Computer Science Elective 3
Science Elective 3Free Elective3
Humanities or Social Sciences Elective3Free Elective3
Free Elective3 
 18 15
Total Credit Hours: 127

CS 201 is a one-semester, accelerated course equivalent to the two-semester CS 115 / CS 116  sequence.

Communication elective must be COM 421 , COM 424 , COM 425 , COM 428 , or COM 435 .

Specializations in Computer Science

Students in the CS program may elect to complete one of these specializations by choosing their computer science electives and free electives appropriately, or by taking extra classes. The student must receive department approval and notify the Office of Undergraduate Academic Affairs. A minimum of four courses are required for a specialization.

Computer Science Honors Research

A minimum of 13 credit hours are required for this specialization.

Course List
CodeTitleCredit Hours
Introduction to Computer Science Research 1
Undergraduate Research 6
or  Special Projects
Graduate Computer Science Electives 6

Students will be required to take  CS 492 in their first or second year.

Students must complete an ambitious research project and associated honors thesis, advised by a computer science faculty member. The thesis/project culminates in a presentation to a committee for approval in their last semester (six credit hours of CS 491 or CS 497 ).

Students must take at least two adviser approved 500-level computer science courses.

Data Science

A minimum of four courses are required for this specialization. Only two courses may be applied as computer science electives.

Course List
CodeTitleCredit Hours
Marketing Fundamentals3
Data Mining3
or  Machine Learning
Introduction to Parallel and Distributed Computing3
Introduction to Stochastic Processes3
or  Design and Analysis of Experiments

Note: MATH 481 has prerequisites of MATH 332 or MATH 333 and MATH 475 ; MATH 483 has a prerequisite of MATH 476 .

Distributed and Cloud Computing

A minimum of four courses are required for this specialization.

Course List
CodeTitleCredit Hours
Mobile Applications Development3
or  Distributed Objects
Introduction to Parallel and Distributed Computing3
Data Communications3
Cloud Computing3

Information and Knowledge Management Systems

Course List
CodeTitleCredit Hours
Database Organization3
Information and Knowledge Management Systems3
Select a minimum of two courses from the following:6
Data Mining3
Information Retrieval3
Artificial Intelligence Language Understanding3
Natural Language Processing3

Information Security

Course List
CodeTitleCredit Hours
Database Organization3
Introduction to Information Security3
Data Communications3
Cryptography and Network Security3
or  Advanced Computer Security

Illinois Institute of Technology

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The Dreaded "300 Level" Course

By  Dean Dad

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Although I've been doing this for some time, I still don't fully understand how course levels are determined. This is particularly true in the social sciences and humanities, where you don't have relatively hard and fast prerequisites to settle the question.

Is "Women in Film" properly a 200 level course or a 300 level course? What about "Psychology of Aging" or "Civil Liberties"? More interestingly, how do you know?

In my neck of the woods, this is becoming a high-stakes question.

By law, cc's here aren't allowed to offer classes above the 200 level. The idea is that 300 level classes are intended for juniors and seniors majoring in a given discipline, so they properly belong to the four-year colleges. (In return, we have a very strong claim on having credits for 100 and 200 level classes transfer.) If we overstep our curricular bounds, the four-year schools won't take our credits in transfer, and our graduates will have to repeat -- and pay for repeating -- courses they've already taken.

Worse, it's at least theoretically possible that continued, sustained curricular overreach could land us in serious trouble with the state, which would not be a happy outcome for us.

Over time, as one might expect, there have been border skirmishes. Northern Midtier State says Advanced Basketweaving is a 200 level class, and it accepts our credits in transfer; Southern Midtier State says it's a 300 level class and gives our grads a hard time. We defend ourselves by pointing out that NMS says it's a 200-level class, but you can imagine how much that means to the faculty at SMS.

Now that the state is pushing harder for regularized transfer of credits, the stakes are being raised. Now we aren't just talking about a course here and there; we're talking about the entire midsection of the curriculum. Some of the four-year schools have started renumbering some 200 level courses as 300 level, specifically to defeat the transfer initiative. (They'd rather have the students pay them for the course a second time.) Of course, others haven't, and there's a surprising level of disagreement among the four-year schools when you get down to specifics. And, to be fair, we'd love to run some of the classes that the four-year schools claim as their exclusive domain.

Both sides have an economic interest in the outcome of the squabbling, so nobody can credibly claim impartiality. In the absence of some sort of authoritative list of what goes where, it can be hard to know where intellectual arguments end and resource battles begin.

So I'll ask my wise and worldly readers, since y'all can afford a certain honesty.

How do you know a 300 level class when you see one? Is there a reasonable way to distinguish the 200 from the 300 level on a course-by-course basis? And if there is, how does one square "statewide transfer" with local faculty governance?

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2023-24 General Bulletin

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Academic Requirements

Academic requirements for master's degrees, academic requirements for the doctor of philosophy and doctor of musical arts degrees, course designations, grading system.

In recognition that the objectives of master’s degrees differ for various departments and for individual students, especially in the importance given to research, two general plans for master’s degrees may be followed. The Master's Thesis Option is for MA or MS degrees with a thesis based on individual research and a final oral examination. The Master's Non-Thesis Option is for MA, ME, MEM, MFA, MPH, or MS degrees without a thesis but requiring a comprehensive examination, major project or other culminating experience to be administered by the academic unit.

Within the framework of these general regulations, it is expected that a relevant program of study will be planned for each candidate for the master's degree by the student and the faculty advisor or advisory committee. If applicable, a Planned Program of Study (PPOS) must be submitted to the School of Graduate Studies by the end of the second semester. Check with your program to determine if a PPOS is required.  Such a program should include appropriate courses, thesis, and/or project hours, and may also include, where relevant, such experiences as field work or practicum. Guides to submitting and updating the PPOS through the Student Information System (SIS) are available from the University Registrar .  Some departments have the degree requirements coded in the Student Information System and do not require a PPOS.  For these programs, the academic requirements report in the Student Information System replaces the PPOS.

Master’s Thesis Option 

Unless stated higher by the department, a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.00 is required for the awarding of the graduate degrees from the School of Graduate Studies. The master's degree under the thesis option requires a minimum of 30 total semester hours, with 18-21 regular hours of course work, plus a thesis equivalent to at least 9-12 semester hours of registration. At least 18 hours of coursework must be at the 400 level or higher. Courses taken at the 300 level should only be allowed when no 400 level course is available, or under unusual circumstances, both of which must be approved in advance via a petition to Graduate Studies.  At least 12 semester hours of course work must be graded. Once registered for thesis credit (Course 651), a student must continue 651 registration each succeeding regular semester until graduation. However, if a student is registered for course work or research toward the doctorate in the semester in which the thesis examination is expected to occur, concurrent registration for 651 is not required.

Each student must prepare an individual thesis. Joint theses are not permitted. The written thesis must conform to regulations concerning format, quality, digital accessibility, and time of submission as established by the School of Graduate Studies. Detailed instructions can be obtained from the School of Graduate Studies website.

For completion of master’s degrees under the thesis option, an oral examination (defense) of the master’s thesis is required. This examination is conducted by a committee of at least three members of the University faculty. The candidate’s thesis advisor customarily serves as the chair of the examining committee. The other members of the committee are appointed by the chair of the department or curricular program faculty supervising the candidate’s course of study. The examining committee must agree unanimously that the candidate has passed the thesis examination. When the research relates to proprietary material, the student and advisor are responsible for making preliminary disclosures to the sponsor sufficiently in advance to permit timely release of the thesis, and these plans should be disclosed when the thesis is submitted to the School of Graduate Studies. These arrangements, and any requests for delayed publication, must be disclosed to the School of Graduate Studies using the  Electronic Thesis and Dissertation (ETD) Document Approval and Certification Form  as part of the final graduation materials . 

Master’s Non-Thesis Options

Unless stated higher by the department, a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.00 is required for the awarding of the graduate degrees from the School of Graduate Studies. The minimum requirements for the master’s degree under the non-thesis option are 30 semester hours of course work with at least 12 semester hours of letter-graded course work, and a comprehensive examination, approved project or other culminating experience. At least 18 semester hours of course work must be at the 400 level or higher.  Courses taken at the 300 level should only be allowed when no 400 level course is available or under unusual circumstances, both of which must be approved in advance via a petition to Graduate Studies.

The Case School of Engineering offers a non-thesis, course focused master's degree.  The minimum requirements for the course only masters are 30 semester hours of coursework with at least 12 hours of letter-graded coursework and at least 24 hours at the 400 level or above.  

Each candidate for the master’s degrees under the non-thesis option must pass satisfactorily a comprehensive examination, project or other culminating experience to be administered by the department or curricular program committee. The examination may be written or oral or both. A student must be registered during the semester in which any part of the comprehensive examination is taken. If not registered for other courses, the student will be required to register for one semester hour of EXAM 600  before taking the examination.

Academic Requirements for Graduate Certificates

Case Western Reserve University awards University Certificates as a credential for completing a set of courses (possibly in combination with other learning experiences) that focus on a specific topic or theme.  A graduate certificate program contains courses taught at the graduate or professional level. The program must include a minimum of 15 credit hours. The student must earn a minimum GPA of 3.00 in order for the graduate certificate to be awarded. Certificate programs may be embedded within degree programs and offered as an option for degree-seeking students, or can be stand-alone programs to which students apply and are granted admission.  Courses taken as part of a certificate program may be double counted for degree programs. Certificates are recorded in the Student Information System and will appear as awarded on the student’s official University transcript upon final confirmation from the School of Graduate Studies. 

The degrees of Doctor of Philosophy and Doctor of Musical Arts are awarded in recognition of in-depth knowledge in a major field and comprehensive understanding of related subjects together with a demonstration of ability to perform independent investigation and to communicate the results of such investigation in an acceptable dissertation.

Curricular Requirements

Within the framework of these general regulations, it is expected that a relevant program of study will be planned for each candidate for the doctorate by the student and the faculty advisor or advisory committee. This Planned Program of Study (PPOS), if applicable, must be submitted to the School of Graduate Studies before the end of the second semester. Guides to submitting and updating the PPOS through the Student Information System (SIS) are available from the University Registrar.   Some programs have the degree requirements built into the Student Information System and do not require a PPOS.  For these programs, the Academic Requirements Report in the Student Information System replaces the PPOS.

Academic Requirements for the Doctor of Philosophy

Unless stated higher by the department, a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.00 is required for the awarding of the graduate degrees from the School of Graduate Studies. Although specific requirements vary among departments, students entering with a bachelor’s degree will satisfactorily complete a minimum of 36 semester hours of courses (which may include independent study/research), tutorials, and seminars.  All course work must be at the 400 level or higher, and at least 24 semester hours of course work must be graded. For students entering with an approved master’s degree, completion of at least 18 semester hours of 400 level or higher course work and at least 12 semester hours of this course work must be graded. A minimum of 18 semester hours of dissertation research (Course 701) is required for all PhD students. 

Academic Requirements for the Doctor of Musical Arts Degree

Unless stated higher by the department, a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.00 is required for the awarding of the graduate degrees from the School of Graduate Studies. A minimum of 36 credit hours of course work (at least 24 hours must be graded work and at the 400 level or above)  is required for the DMA, together with a minimum of 18 hours of applied music and 6 hours of lecture-recital/document preparation. Students are also required to give a recital, to pass a jury and qualifying examinations, and to demonstrate proficiency in two foreign languages relevant to their field of study. Students should contact the Department of Music for additional details.

Advanced Dissertation Research

For students matriculating in Summer 2019 and later, in order to accurately reflect the time and effort accrued in completing the dissertation, 36 hours of advanced dissertation research will be posted to the PhD/DMA student's record upon successful completion of the dissertation defense and submission of final certification paperwork. 

Examination Requirements

In order to meet the requirements for the doctorate, a student must pass a general examination (or a series of examinations covering different fields) specified and administered by the student’s department or supervising committee. The examination generally precedes Advancement to Candidacy. A student must be registered during the semester in which any part of the general or qualifying examination is taken. If not registered for other courses, the student will be required to register for one semester hour of EXAM 700 , before taking the examination. A student who fails the examination on the first attempt may be permitted to take the examination a second time within one year at the discretion of the department. Except in unusual circumstances, a student who fails the examination a second time will be separated from further graduate study within the same department or program.

Advancement to Candidacy

The formal acceptance of a student as a candidate for the doctoral degree is the responsibility of the student’s department or the committee supervising the doctoral program in accordance with the written procedures of the academic unit. Once a student has advanced to candidacy, notification to the School of Graduate Studies should be submitted using the Advancement to Candidacy form . Generally, advancement to candidacy allows the student to enter the dissertation research phase of the degree program, and occurs after all course work and exam requirements are satisfied. At its discretion the supervising unit may require a student to pass qualifying examinations before candidacy is granted. Students are expected to make regular and continuous progress toward the degree. Advancement to candidacy in a PhD program should occur within a maximum of 6 years post-matriculation with a bachelor’s degree (no later than at the completion of 36 semester hours of graduate study) and 4 years post-matriculation with a master’s degree (no later than at the completion of 18 semester hours of graduate study). Students may continue in pre-candidacy status beyond this time on a limited basis by means of a petition to the School of Graduate Studies by the student and program director, based on evidence of student progress toward the degree. Individual programs can require Advancement to Candidacy before the time limit set in this policy.

The School of Graduate Studies must be notified promptly in writing of the decision concerning a student’s advancement to candidacy, and a copy of the notification must be sent to the student concerned. A student who is refused candidacy status may not undertake further study for credit toward the doctoral degree within the same department or supervising unit. With the approval of both the department concerned and the School of Graduate Studies, such a student may:

Course 701 Requirements (Dissertation Research, Pre- and Post-Candidacy)

When a student has been advanced to candidacy, they may begin dissertation research by formally registering for course 701 credits. At the point at which students begin registering for course 701, the department must identify a University faculty member who will serve as the doctoral student’s principal research advisor and formally notify the School of Graduate Studies. Students who have been advanced to candidacy may register for 1-9 credits of course 701 each fall and spring semester (or up to 6 credits for the summer when needed).

In certain cases, students who have not advanced to candidacy may be given predoctoral standing status at the discretion of the department and upon submission of the Predoctoral Standing form to the School of Graduate Studies. These students may register for up to a total of 6 credit hours of course 701 over a maximum of two regular semesters. Pre-Candidacy 701 hour(s) may be taken concurrently with coursework.

Once a student begins registration of 701 hours, they must register for at least one credit hour of 701 each semester until graduation. Doctoral students have five consecutive academic years from the semester of the first credited 701 registration, including leaves of absence, to complete all requirements for the doctorate.

Dissertation Requirements

All candidates for the PhD degree must electronically submit a dissertation as evidence of their ability to conduct independent research at an advanced level. The dissertation must represent a significant contribution to existing knowledge in the student’s field, and at least a portion of the content must be suitable for publication in a reputable professional journal or as a book or monograph. Students must prepare their own dissertations. Joint dissertations are not permitted. The dissertation must conform to regulations concerning format, quality, digital accessibility, and time of submission as established by the School of Graduate Studies in the Electronic Theses and Dissertation Guidelines . Research work connected with a dissertation is to be carried out under the direct supervision of a member of the University faculty.

When the research relates to proprietary material, the student and advisor are responsible for making preliminary disclosures to the sponsor in advance to permit timely release of the dissertation. These arrangements, and any requests for delayed publication, must be disclosed when the dissertation is submitted to the School of Graduate Studies on the Electronic Thesis and Dissertation (ETD) Document Approval and Certification Form  as part of the final graduation materials . Once approved by the School of Graduate Studies, dissertations are to be uploaded to  OhioLINK  before certification of the doctorate. Because dissertations are made public immediately upon acceptance, they should not contain unauthorized, proprietary, or classified material. 

Dissertation Research Advisor

Each doctoral student is responsible for becoming sufficiently familiar with the research interests of the department or program faculty to choose in a timely manner a faculty member who will serve as the student’s research advisor. The research advisor is expected to provide mentorship in research conception, methods, performance, and ethics, as well as focus on development of the student’s professional communication skills, building professional contacts in the field, and fostering the professional behavior standard of the field and research in general. The research advisor also assists with the selection of the other faculty to serve as members of the dissertation advisory and defense committee.

Dissertation Advisory and Defense Committee

The composition of each student’s dissertation committee must have formal approval by the School of Graduate Studies on recommendation of the chair of the department, division, or curricular program committee.

The dissertation committee includes:

Throughout the development and completion of the dissertation, members of the dissertation advisory committee are expected to provide constructive criticism and helpful ideas generated by the research problem from the viewpoint of their particular expertise. Each member will make an assessment of the originality of the dissertation, its value, the contribution it makes, and the clarity with which concepts are communicated, especially to a person outside the field. The doctoral student is expected to arrange meetings and maintain periodic contact with each committee member. A meeting of the full committee for the purpose of assessing the student’s progress should occur at least once a year until the completion of the dissertation.

Final Oral Examination (Defense of Dissertation)

Each doctoral candidate is required to pass a final oral examination in defense of the dissertation. The examination may also include an inquiry into the candidate’s competence in the major and related fields.

The defense must be scheduled with the School of Graduate Studies no later than three weeks before the date of the examination. The chair of the examining committee should give approval to schedule the defense when the written dissertation is ready for public scrutiny. The candidate must provide to each member of the committee a copy of the completed dissertation at least ten days before the examination so that the committee members have an opportunity to read and discuss it in advance.

Scheduled defenses are publicized by the School of Graduate Studies, and any member of the University may be present at that portion of the examination pre-designated as public by the chair of the dissertation defense committee. Others may be present at the formal defense only by invitation of that chair.

It is expected that all members of the dissertation defense committee be present at the defense. Exceptions to this rule: a) must be approved by petition to the School of Graduate Studies and only under extraordinary circumstances; b) no more than one voting member can ever be absent; c) the absent member must participate through real-time video conferencing at the department’s expense; and d) the student must always be physically present. The petition should outline who will be attending the defense in person and who will be attending via video conferencing.

The dissertation defense committee is responsible for certifying that the quality and suitability of the material presented in the dissertation meet acceptable scholarly standards. A student will be certified as passing the final oral examination if no more than one of the voting members of the committee dissents.

Institutional Review Board (IRB)

The promotion of scholarship and the discovery of new knowledge through research are among the major functions of Case Western Reserve University. If this research is to be meaningful and beneficial to humanity, involvement of human subjects as experimental participants is necessary. It is imperative that investigators in all disciplines strive to protect human subjects. University policy and federal regulations demand compliance. Per federal regulations (45 CFR 46), all research involving human subjects requires submission of an IRB application prior to initiation of research to the Case Western Reserve IRB.

Each IRB application must have a faculty member noted as the Responsible Investigator. Applications that are not fully completed as instructed will not be accepted. See the University IRB Policies and Procedures on the involvement of human participants in research for guidelines under which investigations involving human subjects may be pursued.

Foreign Language Requirements

Although there is no general foreign language requirement for the doctorate, each department or supervising committee may set such requirements as are appropriate to the student’s program of study. It is the student’s responsibility to ascertain the foreign language requirements approved by the supervising unit. 

Courses numbered 100 to 399 are undergraduate-level courses. Courses numbered 400 and higher are graduate-level courses.

Graduate Students are expected to take courses at the 400 level or above. Some departments do allow courses at the 300 level to be used for master's programs, however, this should only occur when no graduate-level course is available or under unusual circumstances, both of which require a petition to Graduate Studies. Departments are strongly encouraged to create cross-listed graduate-level courses to accommodate this need. Graduate-level versions of courses must require additional work beyond that which is assigned to the undergraduate students in the course.   

See the University Registrar section of this Bulletin for a list of valid grades for the School of Graduate Studies and their appropriate use in assigning to graduate students. The only grades that can be changed after they have been assigned by the instructor are Incompletes (I). All others will remain permanently on the student’s academic record. Additional work cannot be done to change an existing grade to a higher grade.

There are some grading schemes in the School of Graduate Studies that have important policy implications. They are:

Incomplete (I)

Grades of I can only be assigned for letter-graded and Pass/No Pass courses for extenuating circumstances and only when a student who is passing the course fails to complete a small, evaluative segment of the course. Students may not sit in the same course in a later semester to complete the work required for the original course. All work for the incomplete grade must be made up and the change of grade recorded in the Student Information System (SIS) by the date specified by the instructor, but no later than the 11 th week of class in the semester following the one in which the I grade was received.

In exceptional circumstances, a student may petition for an extension of the incomplete deadline.  The petition should be submitted by the original deadline date and must contain the reasons for the extension, a proposed new completion date, and a letter from the instructor supporting the extension. 

When a student fails to submit the work required for removing the Incomplete by the date established, the instructor will enter a final grade that assumes a failing performance for the missing work. In the absence of the assignment of a grade by the instructor, the Registrar will convert the I to F when the deadline for making up Incomplete grades from a previous semester has passed.

Pass/No Pass (P/NP)

Some graduate courses are graded on a Pass/No Pass basis, and students need to be aware of the regulations governing letter graded and Pass/No Pass credits. Of the minimum credit hours required beyond the bachelor’s degree to complete course work requirements, at least 12 credits must be letter graded for the master’s degree, and at least 24 credits must be letter graded for the PhD degree. For students with approved master’s degrees who are admitted to PhD programs, at least 12 credits of the required minimum of 18 credits of course work must be letter graded. Letter graded courses should be the courses most central to the student’s plan of study. Additional requirements of letter graded course work may be specified by departmental policy. Students in the School of Graduate Studies do not have the option to change a graded course to Pass/No Pass.  

Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (S/U)

Grades of Satisfactory (S) and Unsatisfactory (U) are to be used exclusively for 651 thesis research and 701 dissertation research and the  M.S. Project course (695) in the School of Engineering . Satisfactory indicates an acceptable level of progress towards completion of the research required for the degree, and Unsatisfactory indicates an unacceptable level of progress towards completion of the research for the degree. Any student who receives a grade of U will automatically be put on academic probation, and if a second U is received, the student will be separated from further study in their degree program. Students who receive a U must repeat the course for the same number of credits the following semester.

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  1. Is It Coursework or Course work? (Helpful Examples)

    it coursework must be 300 level or higher

  2. What is Coursework and Why Coursework Matters So Much

    it coursework must be 300 level or higher

  3. What is Coursework: A Guide To Help You Understand How To Do It

    it coursework must be 300 level or higher

  4. Tips for successful completion of Coursework

    it coursework must be 300 level or higher

  5. Guidelines and Steps for Writing a Coursework

    it coursework must be 300 level or higher

  6. Coursework Rules For Undergraduates: Format & Exposition

    it coursework must be 300 level or higher


  1. I don't have any of the "unique admission requirements" for BS SD

    From the WGU website: To be considered for enrollment into a College of IT bachelor's degree program, you must possess a high school diploma or its equivalent AND demonstrate program readiness through one of the following: Option 1: Submit transcripts documenting completion of previous IT coursework. IT coursework must be 300 level or higher.

  2. B.S. or M.S. in Cybersecurity

    IT coursework must be 300-level or higher. Option 2: Possess a bachelor's or associate degree (A.A, A.S., or A.A.S. acceptable) from an accredited post-secondary institution. Option 3: Demonstrate at least two years of IT work experience through résumé review.

  3. Online Bachelor of Information Technology Degrees

    Option 1: Submit transcripts documenting completion of college-level coursework with a minimum of 2.75 GPA or higher. ... Option 5: Submit transcripts documenting completion of previous IT coursework. IT coursework must be 300 level or higher. NOTE: You do not need to take the ACT or SAT to be admitted to this program. ...

  4. IT Bachelors with no experience? : r/WGU

    To be considered for enrollment into this bachelor's degree program, students must possess a high school diploma or its equivalent AND demonstrate program readiness through one of the following: Option 1: Submit transcripts documenting completion of previous IT coursework. IT coursework must be 300-level or higher.

  5. School of Technology

    To be considered for enrollment into this program, you must possess a high school diploma or its equivalent AND demonstrate program readiness through one of the following: Option 1: Submit transcripts documenting completion of college-level coursework with a minimum of 2.75 GPA or higher. Option 2: Possess a bachelors or associate degree (A.A, A.S. or A.A.S. acceptable) from an accredited post ...

  6. No prior tech experience but looking to get into cybersecurity

    Option 1: Submit transcripts documenting completion of college-level coursework with a minimum of 2.5 GPA or higher. Option 2: Possess a bachelors or associate degree (A.A, A.S. or A.A.S. acceptable) from an accredited post-secondary institution. ... IT coursework must be 300 level or higher. Reply reply

  7. Computer Information Technology Bachelor Degrees

    At least 28 credits of upper-division (i.e., 300-level, or higher) coursework must be completed in the major. Read and understand the guidelines for transfer courses and prerequisites as listed in the General Guidelines section. Major Requirements + Premajor Foundation (20 credits)

  8. Computer Science Programs in MN

    At least 32 credits of upper-division (i.e., 300-level, or higher) coursework must be completed in the major. Read and understand the guidelines for transfer courses and prerequisites as listed in the General Guidelines section. Major Requirements + Premajor Foundation (28 credits)

  9. 100 vs 200 vs 300 level courses

    The difference between 100, 200, and 300 level courses primarily lies in difficulty, depth of material, and the target audience of students. Here's a general breakdown: - 100 level courses: These are typically introductory courses designed for freshmen or students new to a subject area. They provide a foundation in the subject and often have ...

  10. WGU Degree Plan for Cybersecurity Degree

    IT coursework must be 300 level or higher. Option 2: Possess a bachelor's or associate degree (A.A, A.S. or A.A.S. acceptable) from an accredited post-secondary institution. Option 3: Demonstrate at least two years of IT work experience through resume review.

  11. Cybersecurity Courses Online

    Option 1: Submit transcripts documenting completion of college-level coursework with a minimum of 2.75 GPA or higher. ... Option 5: Submit transcripts documenting completion of previous IT coursework. IT coursework must be 300 level or higher. NOTE: You do not need to take the ACT or SAT to be admitted to this program. ...

  12. B.S. in Electrical and Computer Engineering Technology

    2. Free Electives: Any course offered by the university, may be technical or non-technical. Lower division must be 200 level or higher, upper division must be 300 level or higher. 3. ECET Electives: ECET 350,412,414,415,416,418,419,430,440, and 444. ECE Bridge Courses may also be used to fill these ECET Elective courses. 4.

  13. Information Technology Requirements

    The courses required to complete this minor include ITEC 209 and ITEC 216. At least six credit hours must be at the 300-level or higher. ITEC 229, ITEC 265, and ITEC 280 do not count toward the minor. ... All prerequisites for these courses must be fulfilled prior to enrollment in each course. All courses for this minor must be completed with a ...

  14. CS Major Requirements

    All upper-division coursework must be completed with a grade of C- or better. Unless otherwise indicated, all required coursework used to satisfy major requirements must be taken graded. ... Choose any upper division math course (300-level or higher) with a prerequisite of Math 252 or higher, or CS 413, 420, 427, 473 Probabilistic Methods.

  15. Currently I'm taking some classes

    What is IT coursework must be 300 level or higher meaning? can I get admitted with only transcript? Share Add a Comment. Sort by: Best. Open comment sort options. Best. Top. New. Controversial. Old. Q&A.

  16. Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

    1 . CS 201 is a one-semester, accelerated course equivalent to the two-semester CS 115 / CS 116 sequence.. 2 . Computer science electives: Any computer science course at the 300-level or higher (including graduate CS courses) may be used as a computer science elective, except CS 401 and CS 402. ECE 218 and ECE 441 may also be used as computer science electives.

  17. The Dreaded "300 Level" Course

    The idea is that 300 level classes are intended for juniors and seniors majoring in a given discipline, so they properly belong to the four-year colleges. (In return, we have a very strong claim on having credits for 100 and 200 level classes transfer.) If we overstep our curricular bounds, the four-year schools won't take our credits in ...

  18. IT Accelerated Degree Programs

    Move into graduate-level coursework with four master's-level bridge courses. 4. Earn your bachelor's degree and industry-relevant certifications. 5. Complete six more master's-level courses and a capstone. ... IT coursework must be 300 level or higher. NOTE: You do not need to take the ACT or SAT to be admitted to this program.

  19. Academic Requirements < Case Western Reserve University

    At least 18 hours of coursework must be at the 400 level or higher. Courses taken at the 300 level should only be allowed when no 400 level course is available, or under unusual circumstances, both of which must be approved in advance via a petition to Graduate Studies. At least 12 semester hours of course work must be graded.

  20. PDF B.S. Computer Science Program Guide

    The Bachelor of Science in Computer Science prepares students for a career in the high demand field of Computer Science. Upon program completion, students will apply their learned knowledge and skills in the designing, developing and optimizing of systems to meet current and future industry needs. The curriculum includes innovative courses in ...

  21. Declined admittance! : r/WGU

    IT coursework must be 300-level or higher. Option 2: Possess a bachelor's or associate degree (A.A, A.S. or A.A.S. acceptable) from an accredited post-secondary institution. Option 3: Demonstrate at least two years of IT work experience through resume review. Option 4: Submit official records of completion of current and active IT ...

  22. Graduated Bootcamp looking to attend WGU for SWE : r/wgu_devs

    Currently, the website states the following for requirements: Option 1: Submit transcripts documenting completion of college-level coursework with a minimum of 2.5 GPA or higher. Option 2: Possess a bachelors or associate degree (A.A, A.S. or A.A.S. acceptable) from an accredited post-secondary institution.

  23. If you complete the study/Sophia courses before applying are ...

    To be considered for enrollment into this program, you must possess a high school diploma or its equivalent AND demonstrate program readiness through one of the following: Option 1: Submit transcripts documenting completion of college-level coursework with a minimum of 2.5 GPA or higher.