• Wellness And Personal Development

The Pros and the Cons of Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery from a Psychologist’s Viewpoint

Mandy has been working in the mental health field for more than eight years and has worked with a diverse group of clients. These range ...Read More

One thing is clear. Cosmetic surgery stems from low self-esteem and non-acceptance of ourselves. If we truly liked and loved ourselves we wouldn’t feel the need to change anything. Women especially, are conditioned to look good. There is so much pressure to be beautiful and thin and it causes emotional distress and immense amounts of self-loathing in women all over the world.

We are bombarded with perfect images of women on a daily basis. Just look up at an advertising billboard or read a magazine and perfection stares back at you. It is easy to forget that the image you see is probably the best one of a hundred photos taken and has more than likely been airbrushed as well. Yet, these pictures of slim attractive women trigger our insecurities and self-doubt and usually cause us to reach for the first doughnut we can lay our hands on…and so the self-loathing continues.

The cosmetic surgery industry is booming and is likely to continue doing so. Yet it seems there is not enough being done to educate people from the inside out. We automatically assume that beauty on the outside will transform us within but this is wrong. Most women do not adore themselves overnight once surgery has taken place. Many find they are still stuck with the same old insecurities as before and they still compare themselves unfavourably to other women. Surgery can help individuals with deformities and obvious flaws but those women looking for superficial changes – such as breast enlargements, will more than likely find that they don’t miraculously change into the fictional women they always hoped to be. They still live with the same attitudes and beliefs as before.

Plastic Surgery Overview

Plastic surgery has witnessed a growing trend, with increasing numbers of individuals opting for aesthetic procedures to enhance their physical appearance. The appeal often stems from societal influences, including the emphasis on beauty standards in media and social platforms, as well as a desire for improved self-esteem and confidence through perceived physical improvements. [1]

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While plastic surgery can offer desired physical transformations, it comes with inherent risks and disadvantages. Less-discussed negative outcomes may include: [1]

  • Dissatisfaction with results
  • Emotional distress
  • Unforeseen complications such as infections or scarring
  • Swelling and bruising

This article focuses on the disadvantages of plastic surgery and how to weigh these pros and cons effectively.

What Are the Pros and Cons of Plastic Surgery?

There are numerous pros and cons associated with cosmetic surgery. Pros can include increased self-confidence, improved physical health (for instance, rhinoplasty can help with breathing problems), and even improved mental health by reducing anxiety and depression related to one’s appearance. However, there are also cons to consider. Cosmetic surgical procedures can carry the risks of complications such as infections, scarring, and even life-threatening problems like blood clots or anesthesia complications. There may be dissatisfaction with the results, potentially leading to the need for additional cosmetic surgeries. Furthermore, these procedures can be expensive and may not be covered by insurance.

I have given it some thought and here are the pros and cons of cosmetic plastic surgery procedures from a Psychologist’s viewpoint.

What Are the Disadvantages of Plastic Surgery? 

  • Health risks : Surgical complications and adverse reactions to anesthesia or other medications.
  • Psychological harms : Potential dissatisfaction with results and the risk of developing mental health issues.
  • Economic burden : Involves initial costs of surgery and potential expenses for future corrective procedures.
  • Societal and ethical implications : Contributes to the perpetuation of unattainable beauty ideals and raises ethical considerations regarding body image and societal pressures

The Pros of Plastic Surgery

1) Cosmetic surgery can improve body appearance and benefit a person on a superficial level

2) Confidence can be improved by altering the attitude of the person having the cosmetic and plastic surgery done. Some people need very little to jump start their image of themselves in a positive direction and tweaking their physical appearance with certain procedures can be the boost they need in order to see themselves differently. It is not just about the surgery in itself though, there is a change in attitude that helps the transformation

3) Cosmetic surgery helps people to feel more accepted by others and less inferior to some degree.

The Cons of Plastic Surgery

1) Cosmetic surgery can make someone feel less confident as they will always be thinking that others like a ‘fake version’ of them. This is not the true reflection as nature intended and it can lead to a person feeling even less in tune with themselves. They are likely to wonder whether people would still like them if they knew them pre-surgery.

2) Cosmetic surgery deals solely with aesthetics and does nothing for the emotional and mental aspects of a person. This can leave a person feeling even more lost than before they undergo the surgery.

3) Complications of surgery. There is always a risk of pain when undergoing surgery.

Ultimately, there is no right or wrong here. Cosmetic surgery is an individual choice. Some people swear that it has changed their lives for the better whilst others feel that they had unrealistic expectations of how cosmetic surgery could change their lives. It won’t make people love you anymore than they already do (and if it does then those people are incredibly shallow) and it won’t make you the most popular person at the party. Make sure that you are doing it for the right reasons – to please yourself and improve upon yourself not to fit in with others or fit the ideals of others.

Health Risks and Complications

As with any surgical procedure, cosmetic and plastic surgery do come with some medical risks, some of which are specific to each type of surgery. However, some risks that come with all plastic surgeries include:[2]

  • Hemorrhage (excessive bleeding)
  • Blood clots
  • Fluid accumulation
  • Organ or nerve damage
  • Anesthesia complications like an allergic reaction, cardiac arrest, respiratory failure, and coma

Additionally, another major risk is that of an unsatisfactory outcome, potentially leading to the need for revision surgeries. Factors like unexpected healing patterns, asymmetry, or dissatisfaction may cause people to undergo additional procedures.

One study on aesthetic surgeries found that over 8% of procedures needed revisions. Of those, nearly 14% were for thigh lifts, almost 16% were for rhinoplasties or septoplasties, and over 27% were for otoplasties (ear surgery).[3]

Psychological and Emotional Aftermath

While many people are convinced that plastic or cosmetic surgery will fix their issues or improve their mental health, these procedures can also worsen psychological or emotional health. 

Research suggests that a subset of individuals may experience dissatisfaction with their procedure outcomes. Studies have reported cases of postoperative regret, with factors such as unmet expectations, unrealistic aesthetic goals, and psychological factors contributing to negative post-surgery experiences. [1]

Although cosmetic surgery may help improve a person’s self-esteem or satisfaction with their appearance, oftentimes, it doesn’t fix the problem. Many people who seek out plastic surgery, especially several procedures, may have a condition called body dysmorphic disorder (BDD). This mental health disorder involves an obsessive fixation on a perceived flaw in appearance.[4],[5],[6] 

For example, someone may fixate on the shape of their nose and once they get surgery, they may move on to obsessing over their chin or cheekbones. These individuals are typically dissatisfied with their results because the problem is psychological as opposed to physical. With growing awareness of this disorder, many plastic surgeons will not perform procedures on people with body dysmorphic disorder.[4],[5],[6]

Is Cosmetic Surgery Good or Bad?

The evaluation of cosmetic surgery as “good” or “bad” is highly subjective and depends on various factors including the individual’s motivations, expectations, and the potential risks involved. For some people, cosmetic surgery may lead to improved self-esteem and improved quality of life. For instance, someone who has undergone liposuction might feel more comfortable in their skin and experience reduced anxiety about their appearance. However, like any surgical procedure, cosmetic surgery comes with risks, including complications during surgery or dissatisfaction with the results. Therefore, it’s crucial for individuals who undergo cosmetic surgery to thoroughly research, discuss with medical professionals, and carefully consider their decision before undergoing such procedures.

How Does Plastic Surgery Affect Relationships?

Plastic surgery can affect relationships in a variety of ways, both positive and negative. On the positive side, if an individual feels more confident and comfortable with their appearance after surgery, this can potentially improve their interpersonal relationships. However, changes in appearance may lead to issues within relationships. For instance, a partner or spouse undergoing cosmetic surgery may have difficulty adjusting to the change, or might feel insecure or threatened. Furthermore, if the surgery was done to meet unrealistic expectations or without the full support of a partner, it could potentially strain the relationship.

Why Are People Against Plastic Surgery?

There can be multiple reasons why people are against plastic surgery. Some individuals may hold a philosophical belief that one should accept and value their natural appearance rather than altering it surgically. Others may have concerns about the risks associated with a plastic surgery procedure, the potential for complications, or dissatisfaction with the results. There is also a societal debate around the pressures placed particularly on women to conform to certain beauty standards, which can be perpetuated by the availability and normalization of cosmetic procedures. These individuals may argue for a focus on boosting self-confidence and promoting beauty in all forms, rather than resorting to surgical alteration.

  • The American Society of Plastic Surgeons. (2022). 2022 ASPS Procedural Statistics Release .
  • Khunger N. Complications in cosmetic surgery: a time to reflect and review and not sweep them under the carpet . J Cutan Aesthet Surg . 2015;8(4):189-190. doi:10.4103/0974-2077.172188
  • Moura, S. P., Wirth, P. J., Shaffrey, E. C., Attaluri, P. K., & Rao, V. K. (2023). Offering No-Cost Cosmetic Revisions: The Experience of an Academic Cosmetic Surgery Program. Aesthetic surgery journal. Open forum , 5 , ojad033. https://doi.org/10.1093/asjof/ojad033
  • Bjornsson AS, Didie ER, Phillips KA. Body dysmorphic disorder . Dialogues Clin Neurosci . 2010;12(2):221-232. doi:10.31887/DCNS.2010.12.2/abjornsson
  • American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Body dysmorphic disorder may be under-diagnosed in patients seeking cosmetic procedures .
  • American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). https://doi.org/10.1176/appi.books.9780890425596
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Plastic surgery pros and cons: is it really a good idea?

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Why plastic surgery? Looking more attractive? Improving self esteem? Find out more about the pros and cons of plastic surgery and participate in our poll

What is plastic surgery?

Plastic surgery is a medical intervention with the purpose of altering, reshaping or sculpting the human body. Although aesthetic or cosmetic surgeries are the best known types of plastic surgery, there are other reconstructive surgeries that focus not so much on enhancing the appearance but on repairing damage to the body, making it look as it did before some type of trauma.

The history of plastic surgery is very long. There is evidence of the use of surgical techniques in Ancient Egypt to deal with broken noses. This was a forerunner of the now popular Rhinoplasty, or nose-job. Similarly, in 6th century BC in India surgeons conducted plactic surgery including cataract surgery and reconstruction of noses.  A famous Indian healer  known as Sushruta is often considered the first cosmetic surgeon.  Later Greeks and Romans also performed simple techniques of plastic surgery such as the repair of damaged ears. Plastic surgery was much later popularized thanks to the introduction of antiseptics and anesthesia which made cosmetic and reconstructive procedure less painful and safer.

The most common plastic surgery procedures today:

  • Rejuvenation of face using laser, injectable fillers and Botox
  • Facelift surgery
  • Liposuction
  • Breast surgery
  • Rhinoplasty


  • Craniofacial surgery
  • Palate surgery and cleft lip
  • Reconstruction of burnt tissues
  • Reconstruction of damaged and severed limbs, including hand surgery
  • Reconstruction of patients after tumor removal

Plastic surgery pros and cons 

Millions of people choose to have plastic surgery every year for different reasons. Most of them are happy with the results but stories of plastic surgery gone bad are not rare. Some people stress the risks of plastic surgery and claim that cosmetic surgery is bad. Other emphasize the positive effects of plastic surgery in improving physical appearance and self-esteem. 

These are some of the most commonly argue pros and cons of plastic surgery:

  • Some cosmetic surgeries have very positive impact on health. For instance a nose job can reduce sinus infections, and the reduction of large breasts can alleviate or eliminate back pain in some women.
  • Cosmetic surgery can be an excellent way of improving self-esteem. For instance a liposuction, rhinoplasty, or breast augmentation can boost confidence levels in the patient. Plastic surgery can eliminate deformities or correct aesthetic problems which can have a very negative psychological impact on the patient.
  • Improve the chances of getting a job. Many actors and artists undergo plastic surgery in order to look younger, remove unpleasant physical features or accentuate positive ones. Surgery procedures can make people look better and help them getting a job in certain industries.
  • Reconstructive surgery is crucial part of plastic surgery. Plastic surgery is not only about beauty, but also about health. For example plastic surgeons work correcting impairments caused by injuries and congenital abnormalities. Breast reconstructions after a masectomy, regeneration of burnt tissues, scar repairs and hand surgery are crucial to many people. Plastic surgery has a long history of helping those injured in war lead a normal life after they return.
  • Plastic surgery health complications . There are many cases of plastic surgery gone wrong. Surgical procedures entail some risks including infections, hematomas, nerve damage, thrombosis, scarring and organ damage.
  • Plastic surgery is expensive and sometimes the improvements are minimal.
  • Plastic surgery may make you look uglier or unnatural. The results of plastic surgery are not always those expected. Not everyone likes the look of the patients after lip opperations, breast augmentations or nose jobs.
  • The popularization of cosmetic surgery may reflect a materialistic or shallow society, obsessed with physical beauty. In some social contexts there are increasing pressures for people to undertake surgical procedures to conform with the prevailing beauty standards. These pressures and expectations create much frustation among people, and in particular among young women.
  • Exercise and weight loss are often better alternative to many aesthetic surgery procedures, such as liposuction.

Do you think plastic surgery should be avoided at all costs? Should we care so much about our physical appearance?  Have you or has someone close to you considered having plastic surgery?

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The Risks & Rewards of Plastic Surgery

The decision to undergo plastic surgery should not be made lightly

Weighing Risks and Rewards

Frequently asked questions.

Plastic surgery is a range of procedures that reshapes or restores the form of the body. Although the term is usually associated with cosmetic procedures, it actually includes a broad range of practical operations, including reconstructive surgery, craniofacial surgery, burn treatment, and more.

Whatever the motivation, the decision to undergo surgery should never be made lightly—the risks and rewards should always be considered. This article will review the potential benefits and drawbacks to having plastic surgery.

Risks of Plastic Surgery

No surgery is without risk, and the risks that could occur with plastic surgery can affect both mental and physical health.

Mental Health

The potential adverse psychological and social effects of plastic surgery have a lot to do with a patient’s expectations and their mental and emotional state before surgery.

Have Realistic Expectations

While plastic surgery can bring positive outcomes, it will not change your life, the problems you have, or issues in your relationships. It is also important to understand that there is no such thing as physical perfection.

For some people, plastic surgery is an opportunity to fix a perceived flaw that has troubled them for years.

However, people who strongly perceive imperfections within themselves may suffer from body dysmorphic disorder (BDD). This psychological disorder is characterized by an obsessive fixation on a perceived physical flaw. It affects between 1.7% and 2.4% of the general population.

In many cases, people with BDD will seek out multiple plastic surgery procedures and are usually unhappy with the results. Sometimes plastic surgeons will not operate on people with BDD.

If you feel very strong negative emotions toward your physical appearance, it's strongly advised you consult a healthcare provider or mental health professional about body dysmorphic disorder before pursuing surgery.

Physical Health

As with any surgery, plastic surgery carries risks. Surgery does have the potential to cause some unwanted physical side effects. While the worst outcomes are rare, they are a possibility.

While each type of surgery bears its risks that are specific to that particular procedure, certain risks are common to all surgical procedures. These risks include:

  • Excessive or unexpected bleeding (hemorrhage or hematoma)
  • Blood clots
  • Seroma (fluid accumulation)
  • Nerve or organ damage
  • Anesthesia risks (including shock, respiratory failure, drug or allergic reactions, cardiac arrest, coma, death )

Benefits of Plastic Surgery

It's important to remember that there can be good things that happen from plastic surgery as well, both mentally and physically.

Improved Self Esteem and Confidence

For many patients, successful plastic surgery can lead to an increase in self-esteem and confidence.

Correcting a "problem" perceived by the patient can make them less self-conscious, and relieve social anxiety. It may make them more outgoing, less vulnerable, and more willing to show off their new, flattering features. This new confidence might show itself in many aspects of life—socially, professionally, and romantically.

In addition, some studies have shown that physical attractiveness correlates with professional success, such as hiring decisions, promotions, and salary. Some studies have shown that attractive people receive favorable treatment in restaurants and retail establishments.

When you feel comfortable and confident in your skin, you will put forth these positive emotions in everything you do.

Improved Quality of Life

In some cases, plastic surgery can boost a person's quality of life. For instance, an eyelid lift may help reduce vision problems by removing excess skin, and breast-reduction surgery can relieve chronic back and shoulder pain.

The potential rewards of plastic surgery are highly individual. Many plastic surgery patients say their only regret is that they didn’t do it sooner.

Yet, there are also many who wish they had never done it at all, or who at least wish they had done more research or chosen a different surgeon. You can lower your risk by doing your homework and becoming an informed patient.

Do not let price be the determining factor in choosing a surgeon. Check credentials and references, ask lots of questions, and be on the lookout for red flags.

Be sure that you go into surgery in the best health possible by taking care of yourself, and don’t let your desire for the surgery overshadow any serious health considerations.

While the risks of plastic surgery do vary from one procedure to another, certain risks are common among all surgeries, and some of the risks are grave. Only you can decide if it’s worth it for you. Educate yourself. Take into account all the pros and cons. Talk it over with your loved ones.

If you decide to go for it, choose the best surgeon you can find. Follow their preoperative and postoperative instructions to the letter. Then enjoy your new look!

Plastic surgery comprises many different surgeries and procedures, with the goal of changing parts of the body, for either medical necessity or cosmetic reasons. There can be risks and benefits, both mentally and physically, for someone who is deciding to have plastic surgery.

A Word From Verywell

Choosing the surgeon who will perform your surgery is probably the most important step you'll take in having plastic surgery. You have to be confident in their skills and knowledge. Research surgeons who are skilled in the type of surgery you will be having. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) advises looking for a plastic surgeon who's board-certified.

Generally, no. If surgery is successful and there are no complications, then your life span will not be shorter than it would have been had you not had plastic surgery. However, if you experience a life-threatening complication, that may have an impact.

There certainly can be feelings of disappointment, sadness, anger, or depression if surgical outcomes are not what were expected, or if major complications occur due to the surgery.

Bjornsson AS, Didie ER, Phillips KA. Body dysmorphic disorder . Dialogues Clin Neurosci . 2010;12(2):221-232. doi:10.31887/DCNS.2010.12.2/abjornsson

Office on Women's Health. Body dysmorphic disorder .

American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Body dysmorphic disorder may be under-diagnosed in patients seeking cosmetic procedures .

Khunger N. Complications in cosmetic surgery: a time to reflect and review and not sweep them under the carpet .  J Cutan Aesthet Surg . 2015;8(4):189-190. doi:10.4103/0974-2077.172188

Cavico FJ, Muffler SC, Mujtaba BG. Appearance discrimination, lookism and lookphobia in the workplace . JABR . 2012;28(5):791-802. doi:10.19030/jabr.v28i5.7223

Muñoz-Reyes JA, Iglesias-Julios M, Pita M, Turiegano E. Facial features: what women perceive as attractive and what men consider attractive . PLoS ONE . 2015;10(7):e0132979. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0132979

Bai J, Rosen CM, Ngaage LM, et al. Longevity of outcomes following reduction mammoplasty . Eplasty . 2019;19:e18.

By Julie Scott, MSN, ANP-BC, AOCNP Scott is an Adult Nurse Practitioner and freelance health writer with experience in oncology and hematology.

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  • Body Plastic Surgery
  • Pros and Cons of a Plastic Surgery

What Are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Plastic Surgery?

  • Author: Habib Ebrahimi
  • Jan 20 2024
  • latest update: May 07 2024

A brief summary of the article:

Plastic surgery, also known as cosmetic surgery, has become increasingly popular in modern society, with more and more people opting to undergo various procedures. The surgery encompasses a wide range of procedures aimed at enhancing the appearance. From facelifts and breast augmentation to liposuction and rhinoplasty, these surgeries can address physical imperfections and improve self-esteem.

However, it's important to weigh both the advantages and disadvantages of plastic surgery. On one hand, it can improve confidence and quality of life by addressing physical imperfections and discomfort. On the other hand, it carries risks such as surgical complications, unrealistic beauty standards, and financial barriers. In this essay, we will explore the pros and cons of plastic surgery, considering both the positive and negative aspects of this controversial practice. By examining the potential advantages and disadvantages, we can gain a better understanding of the impact that plastic surgery can have on individuals and society as a whole.

Types of Plastic Surgery

Is Plastic Surgery Good or Bad?

Whether plastic surgery is good or bad depends on the circumstances and motivations behind the procedure. It is important to carefully consider the risks and benefits before deciding.

The advantages and disadvantages of plastic surgery are multifaceted. On the positive side, it can help people feel more confident and improve their self-esteem. It can also correct medical conditions such as cleft palate or reconstruct body parts after an injury or illness. On the negative side, plastic surgery can be expensive and risky. There is always a chance of complications such as infection, scarring, or even death. Additionally, some people may become addicted to plastic surgery and go overboard with procedures, leading to an unnatural appearance.

Plastic Surgery

What Are the Pros of Plastic Surgery?

The benefits of plastic surgery may include:

Improved Physical Appearance 

Corrected physical abnormalities, reduced signs of aging , contoured body by removing excess fat, improved health.

Plastic Surgery

Plastic surgery can help improve physical appearance by addressing different aesthetic concerns that individuals may have. For example, breast augmentation can increase the size and improve the shape of breasts, while a tummy tuck surgery can help create a flatter and more toned abdomen. Rhinoplasty can reshape the nose to improve facial symmetry and proportion, while facelifts can reduce wrinkles and sagging skin to create a more youthful appearance. 

Plastic surgery can help individuals achieve a more aesthetically pleasing appearance and boost their self-confidence and self-esteem by enhancing the size, shape, and proportion of different body parts.

Plastic surgery is essential to reconstructive surgery, helping individuals recover from injuries, illnesses, and congenital abnormalities and improve their quality of life. For example, cleft lip and palate repair can help improve speech and eating ability, while ear reconstruction can improve hearing and appearance. Burn reconstruction can help restore function and appearance to areas of the body affected by burns, while scar revision can improve the appearance of scars caused by injury or surgery.

Plastic surgery can also help individuals with congenital abnormalities such as webbed fingers or toes, extra fingers or toes, or other deformities. By correcting these physical abnormalities, plastic surgery can improve the quality of life for people and help them feel more confident and comfortable.

The Pros of Plastic Surgery

Plastic surgery can help individuals look and feel more youthful and confident. As we age, our skin loses elasticity and begins to sag, wrinkles and fine lines appear, and our facial features may lose definition. Plastic surgery can help address these concerns by tightening and lifting the skin, smoothing out wrinkles and lines, and restoring volume to areas that have lost it.

Facelifts are a popular plastic surgery procedure for anti-aging, as they can help lift and tighten the skin on the face and neck. Brow lifts can also help lift the eyebrows and smooth out forehead wrinkles. Eyelid surgery, or blepharoplasty, can remove excess skin and fat from the eyelids, making the eyes appear more youthful and alert.

After significant weight loss, excess skin and fat may remain on the body, which can be uncomfortable and cause skin irritation. Plastic surgery procedures such as body contouring can help remove this excess skin and fat, resulting in a more toned and sculpted appearance.

Body contouring procedures may include a tummy tuck, thigh, arm, and breast lift. These procedures can help remove excess skin and fat from various body areas, producing a more proportional and aesthetically pleasing appearance.

Liposuction can also be used to remove stubborn pockets of fat that may not respond to diet and exercise. This procedure can help contour specific body areas, such as the abdomen, thighs, and arms.

The Pros of Plastic Surgery

While plastic surgery is not typically seen as a medical procedure, it can have some health benefits for individuals. Here are a few ways that plastic surgery can help improve an individual's health:

  • Improved Breathing: Rhinoplasty , or nose surgery, can help improve breathing for individuals with structural abnormalities in their nose that cause breathing difficulties.
  • Reduced Pain: Breast reduction surgery can help alleviate back, neck, and shoulder pain caused by the weight of large breasts.
  • Improved Vision: Eyelid surgery, or blepharoplasty, can help improve vision by removing excess skin and fat that may obstruct the field of vision.
  • Better Mobility: Liposuction can help remove excess fat that may hinder an individual's mobility, making it easier for them to move around and engage in physical activity.
  • Reduced Risk of Infections: Some plastic surgeries, such as tummy tucks or body contouring after weight loss, can help reduce the risk of infections by removing excess skin that may be prone to infection.

Moreover, plastic surgery can also help individuals who have experienced trauma or physical deformities. For instance, individuals who have suffered from burns or injuries may feel self-conscious about their scars or physical appearance. Plastic surgery can help improve their physical appearance and restore their confidence and self-esteem.

Contact us for a free initial consultation about plastic surgery.

What Are the Cons of Plastic Surgery?

Exploring the pros and cons of plastic surgery, some drawbacks may include the disadvantages of plastic surgery:

Potential Risks and Complications

Unrealistic expectations, expensive costs, recovery process.

Pros and Cons of a Plastic Surgery

Plastic surgery, like any surgical procedure, carries risks and potential complications. Some of the common risks and complications associated with plastic surgery may include anesthesia risks (such as allergic reactions, breathing difficulties, and even death), infections, bleeding, visible scarring, nerve damage, and dissatisfaction with results.

Patients may have a certain idea in mind of what they want to look like after plastic surgery, but the reality may not match up with their expectations. This can lead to disappointment and dissatisfaction with the results, even if the surgery was successful from a medical standpoint.

Plastic surgery can be expensive, and many insurance companies do not cover the cost of cosmetic procedures. This means that patients may have to pay for the entire cost of the surgery out of pocket, which can be a significant financial burden.

In addition to the cost of the surgery itself, patients may also have to pay for other expenses, such as anesthesia, facility fees, and follow-up appointments. These costs can add up quickly, making plastic surgery inaccessible for many people.

Depending on the type and extent of the procedure, recovery can range from a few days to several weeks or even months.

During the recovery time of plastic surgery, patients may experience pain, swelling, bruising, and limited mobility. They may need to take time off work or other activities to rest and allow their body to heal. Some procedures may require compression garments or other devices to aid in healing.

In addition to physical recovery, patients may experience emotional and psychological effects during recovery. They may feel self-conscious or anxious about their appearance during the healing process and may need support from friends and family.

What Are the Non-Invasive Cosmetic Procedures?

Several less invasive options exist to improve the appearance without undergoing surgical procedures. Some of these options include:

  • Dermal Fillers: Injectable fillers can add volume to areas of the face, such as the cheeks, lips, and under-eye area, reducing the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.
  • Botox: Botulinum toxin injections, commonly known as Botox, can help reduce the appearance of wrinkles and lines by temporarily relaxing the muscles that cause them.
  • Chemical Peels: Chemical peels can improve skin texture, reduce fine lines, and even out skin tone by removing the outer layer of damaged skin.
  • Laser Skin Resurfacing: Laser treatments can address skin concerns like sun damage, wrinkles, and acne scars by stimulating collagen production and promoting skin rejuvenation.
  • Micro-needling: This minimally invasive procedure uses fine needles to create micro-injuries in the skin, stimulating collagen production and improving skin texture and firmness.
  • Non-Surgical Facelift: Some clinics offer non-surgical facelift procedures using a combination of injectables, radiofrequency, and other non-invasive techniques to lift and tighten facial skin.

What Are the Non-Invasive Cosmetic Procedures?

Why Iran for Plastic Surgery?

Iran has become a popular destination for medical tourism, with many patients traveling from different countries to undergo plastic surgery procedures. In Iran, physical appearance is highly valued, and there is a strong emphasis on beauty and aesthetics. As a result, many Iranians are willing to undergo plastic surgery to enhance their appearance.

Plastic Surgery

The country has a well-developed healthcare system, modern medical facilities, and highly trained medical professionals. Iranian plastic surgeons are highly skilled and experienced, with many trained in top medical schools and hospitals worldwide. Plastic surgery procedures in Iran are significantly cheaper compared to other countries, making it an attractive option for patients seeking affordable cosmetic procedures. Procedures such as rhinoplasty, breast augmentation, and liposuction can be notably cheaper compared to other nations. For instance, a rhinoplasty procedure in Iran can cost between $1,500 to $3,000, while breast augmentation may range from $2,000 to $4,000, and liposuction from $1,500 to $3,000, making Iran an appealing destination for those seeking cost-effective cosmetic enhancements.

Plastic Surgery in Iran

Plastic surgery can offer both benefits and drawbacks. While it can improve self-confidence, address physical discomfort, and provide medical benefits, it also carries risks, financial implications, and societal considerations. 

Before making a decision, individuals should carefully consider their motivations for seeking plastic surgery and ensure that they have realistic expectations for the outcome. Additionally, it is crucial to address any underlying mental health conditions that may be contributing to dissatisfaction with one's appearance. Ultimately, the decision to undergo plastic surgery should be made after careful consideration and consultation with a qualified surgeon.

Pros and Cons of a Plastic Surgery

Frequently Asked Questions About Plastic Surgery

1) What is the Most Common Plastic Surgery?

The most common plastic surgery procedures can vary depending on geographic location, cultural trends, and evolving patient preferences. However, the 3 most frequently performed plastic surgeries worldwide include breast Augmentation, liposuction, and rhinoplasty.

2) Does Plastic Surgery Hurt?

Patients are typically under anesthesia during the surgery, so they do not feel pain. However, after the surgery, it is common to experience some discomfort, swelling, and soreness as the body heals. The amount of pain experienced can vary depending on the specific type of surgery, the patient's pain tolerance, and the surgical techniques used.

3) Which Countries Are Popular for Plastic Surgery?

Several countries are known for being popular destinations for plastic surgery due to their advanced medical facilities, skilled surgeons, and often lower costs than some Western countries. Some of the most popular countries for plastic surgery include South Korea, Thailand, and Iran.

4) What are the Benefits of Having Cosmetic Surgery Abroad?

There can be some potential advantages to having surgery abroad. First, medical procedures can often be less expensive in other countries due to lower labor and overhead costs and currency exchange rates. Also, some countries have advanced medical facilities and highly skilled healthcare professionals who can provide excellent care. Patients may sometimes experience shorter wait times for procedures in other countries compared to their home countries.

5) Is Cosmetic Procedure Covered by Medical Insurance?

Whether a cosmetic procedure is covered by medical insurance depends on the specific policy and the nature of the procedure. Most medical insurance plans generally do not cover elective cosmetic procedures performed solely for aesthetic purposes. However, there are some situations where insurance may cover a cosmetic procedure. For example, Reconstructive surgery (such as after an accident or to correct a congenital abnormality) and Medical necessity (to address a health issue, such as breathing difficulties caused by a deviated septum). 

6) What type of anesthesia is used for plastic surgery?

Several types of anesthesia can be used for plastic surgery depending on the specific procedure, the patient's health, and the surgeon's preference. Plastic surgery's main types of anesthesia include local, regional, and general anesthesia.

pros and cons essay plastic surgery

Habib Ebrahimi

Habib Ebrahimi is a university student in English translation. He is interested in researching and studying the latest and most up-to-date information in medical science. He started to work as a content creator in the Raadina Health team about 4 years ago and obtains first-hand information from reliable sources. He writes articles under the supervision of Raadina Health's professional medical team of doctors, nurses, and midwives.

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Plastic Surgery Con’s and Pro’s, Essay Example

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Medical science has come a long way over the last few decades and one only needs to look at the state of plastic surgery to be convinced. Plastic surgery is not limited to correcting minor scars anymore but instead now it is also possible to change literally any aspect of physical appearance. The original intention of plastic surgery might have been to help victims of accidents or medical conditions that affect physical attributes, most of the procedures are now performed for aesthetics purposes. The decline in costs as well as easier access to plastic surgeons has contributed towards abuse of the plastic surgery privilege and it is not uncommon for individuals to opt for cosmetic surgery without properly educating themselves. The excessive demand for plastic surgery is a dangerous trend and the public needs to realize the cumulative costs of plastic surgery usually outweigh the benefits.

Celebrities have emerged as an effective ambassador of plastic surgery from cultural point of view while the media has promoted the trend for economic purposes. Celebrities are always in the limelight and feel pressured to look perfect due to which they opt for plastic surgery. The looks achieved by these celebrities are then promoted by the media as standards of beauty because media has economic incentives in strengthening public fascination with celebrities as well as establishing ties with marketers. This constant coverage gradually gives birth to new cultural perceptions of beauty which are often unrealistic but nonetheless inspire individuals to opt for plastic surgery to eliminate any deviations from the ‘perceived beauty standards’ in their appearance. The unfortunate reality is that plastic surgery is usually approached just like any other commercial product or service, without proper understanding of the costs which could turn out to be life-altering.

Plastic surgery was probably meant to helping people lead normal lives by correcting abnormalities in physical appearance that draw unwanted attention and may even subject the individual to discrimination. Unfortunately, the plastic surgery trend is now damaging the self-esteem of vulnerable individuals some of whom suffer from psychological disorders such as Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD) (Mayo Clinic). In other individuals, it has created dissatisfaction with natural looks because plastic surgery shows them the dream of obtaining celebrity-like features and enhancing physical attractiveness.

It is surprising yet true that the awareness regarding the benefits and costs association with plastic surgery remains low, despite the popularity of the procedure. This is why the demand remains strong because most of the candidates have based their decision upon unrealistic expectations. At the same time, media also does a poor job of educating the masses and refuses to give as much coverage to plastic surgery mishaps as it does to the ‘miracles’ of plastic surgery. Even rarer is the media coverage about plastic surgery deaths that could lead to more responsible social attitude towards plastic surgery.

Plastic surgery also threatens the great progress society has made towards creating more equitable environment for women. Christine Rosen is mindful of the dangers plastic surgery poses to the progress towards greater women rights when she claims that society has once again become obsessed with physical attributes in both professional and private arena. This is contributing towards decline in moral standards as well as mental wellbeing of the average person. Rosen also expresses her concerns that our freedom and individuality are at stake and trends such as plastic surgery increases the pressure to conform to society’s expectations rather than being ourselves (Rosen).

In order to effectively tackle the social and cultural challenges posed by plastic surgery, one should take the efforts to identify the factors contributing towards the popularity of plastic surgery. One major factor behind plastic surgery’s popularity is the psychosocial changes in young people which force them to develop unique personal identity and increase their awareness of how society perceives them (Cherry). For some young people, plastic surgery offers the best solution to escaping bullying or taunts as a result of particular aspect of their physical appearance (Goddard). Similarly, we all desire to enhance our physical appearance and gain popularity with the opposite sex which makes plastic surgery quite a tempting choice. As previously noted, media also contributes towards popularity of plastic surgery by constantly bombarding us with images of individuals who achieved perfect results with plastic surgery and social media has only worsened the situation by increasing exposure to these images. Social media has also increased the pressure to look good because sharing pictures is a major activity on social media and young people are particularly sensitive to comments regarding their appearance.

Given the stakes involved, it is important to understand both pros and cons of plastic surgery. First of all, plastic surgery may increase confidence if one is able to achieve the ‘desired’ looks and this will significantly boost self-esteem. Plastic surgery is also blessing for individuals who face discrimination or draw undesirable attention due to an abnormal injury or medical condition which alters appearance (Coila). Similarly, plastic surgery can help people boost their career prospects in professions where looks are important

As far as plastic surgery’s cons are concerned, many may simply consider it a harmless procedure and don’t realize that it can even prove life-altering or life-threatening. Similarly, not all plastic surgeons have similar skills and some patients only end up looking worse. Some people also overestimate the ability of the procedure in achieving perfect, natural look and the final results fall short of expectations. Similarly, plastic surgery is not cheap and it is not uncommon for procedures to cost tens of thousands of dollars. Plastic surgery can also become an addiction for vulnerable individuals with psychological issues. Last but not least, many people just take the direct costs of plastic surgery into account such as the fees they pay for the procedure and ignore the opportunity costs such as lost income during the recovery period or missed school days (Coila).

Plastic surgery’s origins might have been in noble intentions but now it is mostly utilized by people who have no need for it. The trend has mostly been a negative social and cultural force in the society and by placing undue importance on physical appearance, it threatens to reverse some of the progress towards gender equality. Media and celebrities have played a major role in popularizing the trend and have helped turn it into a commodity. The shocking reality is that most people don’t take the effort to properly understand the potential costs of plastic surgery which can be quite high in some cases. In addition, the trend has led to an increase in psychological disorders such as BDD as well as discontent with one’s physical appearance, especially among teens. Instead of celebrating natural beauty, the society has become obsessed with perfectly symmetrical yet unnatural looks.

Cherry, Kendra. Erikson’s Stages of Psychosocial Development. 10 April 2013 <http://psychology.about.com/library/bl_psychosocial_summary.htm>.

Coila, Bridget. What are the Pros and Cons of Cosmetic Surgery? 4 May 2011. 10 April 2013 <http://www.livestrong.com/article/71935-pros-cons-cosmetic-surgery/>.

Goddard, Jacqui. American teenagers resort to plastic surgery to beat bullies. 2 September 2012. 11 April 2013 <http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/northamerica/usa/9514215/American-teenagers-resort-to-plastic-surgery-to-beat-bullies.html>.

Mayo Clinic. Body dysmorphic disorder. 10 April 2013 <http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/body-dysmorphic-disorder/DS00559>.

Rosen, Christine. “You – Only Better.” Nature. n.d. 612-616.

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Pros and Cons of Plastic Surgery

Not everyone is blessed with perfect skin, a cute nose or perky breasts. Every year, millions of women and men select surgical treatments to enhance, minimize, nip and tuck all manner of physical features. From face lifts and tummy tucks, breast augmentation and liposuction, to laser hair removal and botox injections, there is a procedure out there that can repair, remove, lift and smooth just about every inch of the human body.

These physical imperfections don’t upset everyone who has them, of course. But for some, they can shape poor self-image and influence low confidence levels. So how can you weigh the pros and cons of plastic surgery and make an informed, balanced decision about your beauty and long term wellbeing?

Considering Plastic Surgery

Consider very carefully the benefits and drawbacks of the surgery you’re interested in. Some men, women and teens find that their physical flaws seriously limit their social interaction and personal success, and have an effect on their overall self-satisfaction. While this is a common issue, when taken to obsession it can become a serious problem, and is likely more a matter of mental health than an issue of physical appearance.

Before plunging head-long into plastic surgery it’s incredibly important to consider your mental state, not simply what you see as your physical shortcomings. Sometimes, outer appearance can seem like the main problem, when in reality, it’s what’s inside that’s making you feel insecure.

Review Your Cosmetic Surgery Goals

If you’ve been deliberating about a cosmetic procedure, your fist step should be a careful and objective review of your goals, expectations and needs. Keep in mind that Hollywood and our beauty-obsessed culture can create false impressions of plastic surgery and its results. Not every patient will react the same way to the same surgery even with the same surgeon. A satisfied cosmetic surgery patient is one who understands that even a positive result will come with some drawbacks. The first important step to take in the process is to locate a reputable board-certified plastic surgeon and make an appointment for a free consultation.

Benefits (Pros) of Plastic Surgery

Clearly, the most obvious benefit of plastic surgery is improved appearance, improved self-confidence and better body image. However; there are no sure-fire ways to guarantee that you’ll get the results you really want. Depending on the procedure you’re considering, cosmetic surgeries are sometimes invasive and painful, and recovery time can range from one day to six months. Final results may not even be evident for as long as one year. Make sure you’re informed about the procedure, the degree of pain involved, recovery times, the cost of plastic surgery, and the total time it will take to see the long-term results.

Risks (Cons) of Cosmetic Surgery

Above all, it is important to know all of the dangers involved before making a final decision. While the procedures are “cosmetic” in nature, cosmetic plastic surgery is still real, surgery. Talk to your doctor. Be sure that you are fully informed about the risks involved.

The bottom line is that plastic surgery, no matter how minor, is still a medical procedure that can affect your physical wellbeing and health. While physical beauty is something we all appreciate and strive for, sometimes surgery isn’t the answer. Making a well informed decision with the help of a qualified surgeon can be one of the best ways to ensure that you get the most from your chosen procedure

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Writing an A+ Plastic Surgery Argumentative Essay

By: Max Malak

Writing an A+ Plastic Surgery Argumentative Essay

Plastic surgeries are a debatable issue that has been raising heated discussion for years. That is why, when teachers and professors have to give their students an argumentative essay topic, the ambiguity on plastic surgery often comes up.

Plastic Surgery Essay Sample

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Pros of Cosmetic Surgery

Cons of plastic surgery, sources to use in an argumentative essay, more tips on writing a brilliant argumentative essay on plastic surgery.

If you have an assignment to write an argumentative essay on plastic surgery, you will find all the information you need in this guide. Read ahead for detailed examples and effective tips on writing an A+ plastic surgery argumentative essay!

Below you will find an example of an essay written by Erica, a high school student from Florida:

Botox, liposuction, facelift, breast reduction - all these procedures are not foreign to the ear nowadays. In the 21st century, many people make the choice of undergoing plastic surgery. It is done to address birth defects, traces after accidents, burns, or scars.

Doctors eliminate subjective body imperfections so that a person feels comfortable in society - after all, there is so much attention drawn to body image. Also, aesthetic plastic surgery enables people to combat wrinkles, excess fat, stretch marks after pregnancy, corrects the shape of the nose, lips, breasts, and ears.

Changing the physical appearance is a difficult step, which becomes even more of a challenge for its proponents, considering the social pressure that exists around this topic. In this essay, I will introduce the opposing points of view on esthetic surgery.

Plastic surgeons can perform miraculous transformations with human beings, and some people are willing to take this opportunity. The greatest benefit of plastic surgery is undoubtedly the chance to get rid of serious congenital or acquired physical defects, which often have a very strong effect on a person's mental health and greatly interfere with their life. This refers, for example, to defects such as a cleft lip or scars and injuries from accidents.

Plastic surgery gives a person a way to regain self-confidence, get rid of certain stress factors, and establish happier personal relationships. Dissatisfaction with oneself disappears, self-esteem rises, and a person begins to look at the future with optimism.

On the other hand, there are always risks involved, and sometimes surgeries do not go as planned. Therefore, no matter how much we would like, it is impossible to guarantee a positive outcome.

Besides, the rehabilitation period after the surgical operation can be ruined by the patient's failure to follow the doctor's recommendations or due to an individual physical reaction.

Also, sometimes the result does not match the patient's expectations, resulting in a depressive state. Besides, the hematomas and edema may lead a person to a stressful state.

Why Is It Not an Excellent Essay?

Erica's essay is an example of a finely written work that follows the Rogerian model. It provides value to the reader and has smooth transitions between sections. However, it is not likely to receive an A grade. Here is why:

The first paragraph of the essay is undoubtedly informative. However, it fails to make the reader want to learn more.

To improve it, Erica could have included an element that would fascinate the reader, such as statistics or an interesting fact. For example:

$16.7 billion was spent on aesthetic surgeries in 2019 in the US alone!

It is a surprising number that will make the reader engage more in the text.

Even though you want your writing to sound vivid, it is best to keep argumentative essays impersonal. Thus, Erica's sentence "In this essay, I will introduce the opposing points of view on esthetic surgery." can be replaced with:

This essay will focus on describing the pros and cons of cosmetic surgery and driving a conclusion regarding this practice.

Avoiding personal statements makes an argumentative essay sound more proficient and less subjective.

Erica's essay doesn't have a logical ending, leaving the reader second-guessing the purpose of the text. How to improve it? By adding a conclusion! For example:

Plastic surgeries are rather expensive, and it may be challenging to find a trustworthy specialist. However, regardless of many underlying risks, aesthetic surgery practice has proven to be effective for the majority of people choosing to do it. For many patients, plastic surgeries have opened the doors to a new life, which makes them an attractive solution for thousands of people every year.

This conclusion manages to reveal the author's point of view without resorting to any radical claims.

Which Structure Is Suitable for a Plastic Surgery Argumentative Essay?

Argumentative essays typically use one of the following formats:

  • The Toulmin model: introduction, claim, grounds, data, and evidence to support the claim, counter-arguments, conclusion.
  • The Rogerian model: introduction, analysis of two opposing views on a topic, opinion statement, conclusion.

The structure you select in your essay depends on the assignment requirements you have received and your own preferences.

Which Pros and Cons Can You Include in the Essay?

An argumentative essay on plastic surgery should tackle a variety of factors. For a clear structure, it is best to divide them into pros and cons.

  • The possibility of getting rid of the features considered as defects.
  • The opportunity to feel attractive after improving the body parts aesthetically.
  • Boost of self-esteem, which further on has an impact on the person's life.
  • A chance to look younger.
  • Potential post-operational side effects.
  • Psychological impact, such as depression, anxiety, disappointment.
  • Possible disfigurement.
  • The risk of harming the health due to an unsuccessful operation.

Thus, while describing positive elements, you must also highlight the potential dangers of cosmetic surgical procedures mentioned in research papers. An essay on plastic surgery must provide a balanced overview of the topic.

For example, while explaining the potential contentment of a person willing to undergo a rhinoplasty or breast augmentation, the essay must also mention the surgery procedure's possible side effects.

Research is an important prerequisite before providing essay arguments. Thus, it is crucial to use only reliable sources for your written work. Here are some links you will find useful when writing an argumentative essay on cosmetic surgery:

  • 2019 Plastic Surgery Statistics Report
  • The Hidden Dangers Of Cosmetic Surgery (forbes.com)
  • Complications of Reconstructive Plastic Surgery | Stanford Health Care
  • Does cosmetic surgery improve psychosocial wellbeing? (nih.gov)

Even when you know the structure for essay writing, you should still be aware of the following tips to achieve an A+ grade:

  • Decide on your opinion regarding the topic and form a powerful thesis statement. For example: "Despite all the potential benefits of cosmetic surgeries, such procedures have significant drawbacks."
  • Make sure your argumentation is not ambiguous. Provide a balance of the pros and cons of plastic surgery. However, don't mix the arguments in one paragraph not to confuse the readers.
  • Draft your argumentative essay. A draft will allow you to see whether you are missing any arguments. Or, perhaps, you forgot to include a conclusion just like Erica?
  • Proofread your essay and check its uniqueness. Don't let grammar mistakes lower your grade. Also, do not copy the information from medical resources. Instead, rephrase it to avoid plagiarism.

Also, remember that sticking to deadlines is crucial. If you happen not to have enough time to fulfill the requirements for a persuasive essay, do not hesitate to turn to professional homework help services, such as Studybay!

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pros and cons essay plastic surgery

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The Positive and Negative Effects of Plastic Surgery

by Zenith L. | Mar 7, 2023 | Issue 164 , Issues | 0 comments

Plastic surgery has experienced an explosion in popularity over the past two decades. Some researchers attribute the increase in demand for plastic surgery in the 2000s to the proliferation...

Plastic surgery has experienced an explosion in popularity over the past two decades. Some researchers attribute the increase in demand for plastic surgery in the 2000s to the proliferation and popularity of plastic surgery reality TV shows. In comparison, the increase in the 2010s is partly ascribed to the influence of social media .

According to a Precedence Research report , the American cosmetic surgery industry will be worth $205.1 billion by 2030, growing at a compounded annual growth rate of 12.42% between 2022-2030. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons’ 2020 statistics report 15.6 million cosmetic procedures in the U.S. alone.

With plastic surgery occupying such a prominent role in the 21st century, it begs the question: does plastic surgery have a net positive impact on society? Supporters affirm that plastic surgery can improve one’s self-image and boost self-esteem. In contrast, detractors argue that plastic surgery contributes to the root of body image issues and bears unnecessary risks.

To objectively and reasonably conclude the costs and benefits of plastic surgery, we must thoroughly analyze the arguments of both sides of the aisle.

What Are the Benefits of Plastic Surgery?

The primary reason for someone to seek plastic surgery is to alter their appearance, therefore feeling more comfortable and confident in their skin. In theory, a successful cosmetic procedure causes increased self-esteem and self-confidence.

Plastic Surgery Benefits Vary Across Population Segments

A review of 37 studies on the psychosocial outcomes of plastic surgery published in the Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Journal found that most patients were satisfied with the results of their procedures. 

The review notes, however, that patients should be screened for their suitability for these types of procedures and that certain groups are more prone to adverse psychosocial outcomes than others. For example, individuals afflicted by body dysmorphia (a condition whereby one obsessively focuses on a perceived physical flaw) and other mental health issues, such as anxiety and depression, had an increased chance of a negative outcome. Moreover, males going for surgery to resolve relationship issues and those with a history of unsatisfactory plastic surgeries were also at an increased risk for poor psychosocial outcomes.

Plastic Surgery Benefits Are Broad

A substantial amount of research attests to the positive outcomes of plastic surgery. A study published in the Clinical Psychological Science journal compared 554 patients who underwent plastic surgery against a control group of 264 individuals who were interested in these procedures but decided against going under the knife. The group that underwent surgery experienced numerous positive outcomes, including self-esteem, overall well-being, mental health, physical health, anxiety, depression and social phobia.

A two-year study of 360 women who had gone for breast augmentation found that 75-85% of the participants felt that the benefits of their surgeries outweighed the costs and associated risks.

While plastic surgery benefits seem vast and accessible to most, certain population groups need to be cautious before undergoing plastic surgery. The best starting point is to consult a medical professional to determine if you can and, if so, how to avoid adverse plastic surgery effects.

What Are The Negative Effects of Plastic Surgery?

People predisposed to mental health concerns, such as anxiety, depression and personality disorders, can be at an increased risk of experiencing a negative outcome from cosmetic procedures.

The Negative Effects of Plastic Surgery Can Impact Mental Health

A Danish study of 2,761 women who underwent breast surgery found that they were at a notably greater risk of suicide and admission into a psychiatric institution. The study also concluded that these women were more likely to pass away from breast cancer and lung disease. 

Furthering these findings, a review of studies of women following cosmetic breast augmentation found that the suicide rate among women who have undergone these procedures is between two and three times higher than the average population.

Some scholars have suggested that plastic surgeons must use new and improved screening methods before agreeing to take on a patient for cosmetic procedures.

The Negative Effects of Plastic Surgery Can Impact Physical Health

Invasive cosmetic procedures are no different from other surgeries risk-wise. Some of the most common complications of plastic surgery include scarring, damaged nerves, the occurrence of a seroma (fluid build-up under the skin), infection and adverse reactions to anesthesia. Even minimally invasive cosmetic procedures can result in complications , such as facial paralysis from BOTOX, inflammation and scarring.

The reported complication rate of plastic surgery varies considerably across sources and according to the type of procedure performed. A review published in the Journal of Cutaneous and Aesthetic Surgery notes that the complication rate can exceed 40% for some treatments. 

Contrastingly, the American Society of Plastic Surgeons reported that across 26,302 procedures performed by board-certified plastic surgeons between 1995-2017, the complication rate within a 48-hour period was less than 1%. Meanwhile, a review of 108,303 plastic surgery patients between 2012-2016 found that 5.78% experienced at least one postoperative complication.

There Are Ways to Mitigate The Risks of Plastic Surgery’s Negative Effects

People considering cosmetic surgery can take tangible steps to significantly reduce their risk of complications. Due to the extensive testing and training involved, using a board-certified plastic surgeon can increase the safety of one’s cosmetic procedure. In addition, opting to go for plastic surgery in a single-specialty setting, such as a plastic surgery outpatient center, reduces the risk of surgical site infection compared to procedures performed in a multi-specialty center (e.g., a hospital).

Can You Be Body Positive and Get Plastic Surgery?

Body positivity is intrinsically linked to body image, which describes an individual’s subjective view of their physical appearance. Body positivity is the idea that anyone deserves a positive and encouraging body image regardless of their physical characteristics.

Contrary to popular belief, being body positive and seeking out plastic surgery are not mutually exclusive. Undergoing cosmetic procedures does not nullify the idea that everyone is entitled to view themselves positively regarding their body image.

Unfairly expecting an individual to accept aspects of themselves that they could change and consequently make themselves feel more comfortable in their skin — the essence of body image acceptance — goes against the premise of body positivity. An individual who goes for plastic surgery is not inherently opposed to accepting diverse body types, skin tones and other physical characteristics.

Balancing Plastic Surgery Pros and Cons

The benefits and risks of plastic surgery are often distinct. Deciding whether the gains of the former outweigh the costs of the latter requires a careful examination of one’s circumstances.

You can make a sound decision by taking the time to research how a given procedure may affect your overall health and provide you with a range of benefits.

Zenith L.

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Persuasive Essay About Plastic Surgery

Plastic surgery persuasive essay

Table of contents:

  • Introduction
  • Body paragraphs

So, you’ve decided to explore writing a persuasive essay about the very controversial topic of plastic surgery. When you’re considering the pros and cons and trying to determine what your thesis should be, remember that you want to persuade people to agree with your side, so pick a strong thesis statement to begin with, but do also recall that there are benefits to both sides as well as negative effects. Here’s a couple of sample thesis statements.

Introduction examples

Pro: People own their bodies, so they should have the right to do with them as they please, including getting plastic surgery if that makes them happy.

Con: Plastic surgery is mainly used by shallow people to try to be prettier or have bigger breasts, but natural beauty shines through no matter what.

The reasons why people want to get plastic surgery are many and varied, from car accident victims to people who indeed just want to make themselves more attractive. As you move into writing the body of your essay, consider the causes of plastic surgery, as well as both the advantages and disadvantages. This doesn’t mean you have to be neutral on the topic or wishy-washy in your argument, but it’s important to recognise that both sides have legitimate points.

Body paragraphs examples

Pro: Plastic surgery happens for all kinds of reasons. If your face was injured in a car accident, surely you wouldn’t be happy until it was reconstructed via plastic surgery. People who have had plastic surgery done are, for the most part, very happy with the result, and feel it improves their quality of life. This kind of surgery is stereotyped as being the preserve of people who just want their breasts enhanced but there are many young teenage girls who suffer from having breasts which are too large for their body frame, and plastic surgery can help them with a reduction.

Con: For the most part, plastic surgery isn’t needed or necessary. It can be dangerous just like any other surgery. Do you really want to run the risk of dying just to have bigger boobs or a prettier face? Apart from people who legitimately need it, like accident victims or people who are genuinely suffering physical pain, plastic surgery shouldn’t be approved lightly, or done simply for vanity purposes. People will be much better off learning to love their imperfect bodies for what they are.

For your conclusion, don’t forget to reiterate your points, briefly, so that they can be reinforced in the minds of your audience. Then leave them with a call to action, which can include just thinking about the situation from your perspective.

Conclusion examples

Pro: To conclude, plastic surgery is useful for a huge variety of reasons, including reconstruction after accidents, breast reductions, and mental health purposes. Don’t stereotype the next person you meet who’s had it done. You never know if or when you might need it yourself.

Con: Natural beauty is always better than plastic. Ladies, you don’t need plastic surgery. Leave it for the few people who really do need it and learn to love yourself as you are.

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Cosmetic Surgery

pros and cons essay plastic surgery

Mr Debashis Ghosh

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Deciding whether you should follow through with a plastic surgery procedure can be tricky, to say the least. There are many factors you should consider before you make your final decision which will have permanent consequences to your physical appearance.   Flawless is here to help you and give you all the information about undergoing such surgeries, especially as recent articles have suggested that 90% of people are misinformed about cosmetic surgery .

Getting to grips with both the advantages and disadvantages of plastic surgery is the first step you should take if you’re considering cosmetic surgery.

  • What is Cosmetic Surgery?

It is a common misconception that cosmetic surgery and plastic surgery are the exact same procedures, just different terms. There are clear differences that you should be made aware of before you begin to read about the advantages and disadvantages of cosmetic surgery.

The first question is, are you looking for cosmetic OR plastic surgery?

The main purpose of cosmetic surgery is to e nhance an individuals’ appearance. The procedures are solely focused on aesthetic appearance. Examples of the most   common cosmetic surgery procedures are:

pros and cons essay plastic surgery

  • Facial Contouring (Chin, Cheek and Rhinoplasty )
  • Breast Enhancement (Lift, Reduction and Augmentation )
  • Body Contouring ( Liposuction and Tummy Tuck)
  • Skin Rejuvenation (Laser Resurfacing, Filler Treatments and Botox)
  • Facial Rejuvenation (Eyelid Lift, Neck Lift, Brow Lift and Facelift )                    

  (Copyright: Photomaxx/shutterstock.com)

  • What is Plastic Surgery?

Contrastingly, plastic surgery does not focus on the aesthetic outcome. Plastic surgery repairs birth defects or deals with burns and disease. Examples of plastic surgery procedures are:

  • Burn Repair Surgery
  • Hand Surgery
  • Scar Revision Surgery
  • Lower Extremity Reconstruction
  • Breast Reconstruction

This post focuses solely on the benefits and disadvantages of cosmetic surgery; howe ver, the points do often overlap with those for pros and cons of plastic surgery. Continue reading for all you need to know before under-going these types of surgeries.

Benefits of Cosmetic Surgery

Enhanced appearance.

pros and cons essay plastic surgery

(Copyright: Africa Studio/shutterstock.com)

Improved Physical Health

Anothe r advantage of cosmetic surgery procedure is that in some cases it can enhance your physical health. For example, a rhinoplasty surgery, not only will enhance the l ook and shape of your nose but may also help with respiratory issues that you may have.

The same goes with liposuction – allowing patients who undergo this surgery to be more physically active after its completion. This, therefore, reduces the chances of developing issues such as an increased blood pressure, heart disease and diabetes.

Improved Confidence

By fixing and altering your appearance to suit your wishes, you will automatically have an improved self-esteem. This does wonders for your social life and your mental health. Being confident in the way you look makes you feel better in all aspects of life. Gone are the days of insecurities about your physical appearance. This is one of the great est benefits of cosmetic surgery for many patients who have lived their whole life unhappy with their exterior.

pros and cons essay plastic surgery

(Copyright: Aysezgicmeli/shutterstock.com)

Psychological Benefits

The previous point briefly touches on the suggestion that cosmetic surgery has psychological benefits. You are more inclined to socialise due to your improved state of mind regarding how you feel towards yourself. Some people who are unsatisfied with their looks frequently struggle with anxiety and depression, which are both mental health problems. However, more often than not, these problems reduce or even disappear completely after cosmetic surgery procedures. This is a huge bonus for many and is what encourages them to proceed with surgery. The positive psychological outcomes are worth it.

Pain is Over Estimated 

Many people who consider cosmetic surgery are hesitant because of the fear of the ‘extreme pain’ that is often associated with cosmetic surgery. While cosmetic surgery is not painless, it is not as painful as it is believed to be. This is true now more than ever because of the recent and ongoing advances in technology. The procedures have been improved to reduce the feelings of pain – bringing a feeling of reassurance to many.

Permanent Results

Another key advantage to cosmetic surgery is that it produces results which often last a long time or are permanent. This relieves any sort of worries of getting your ‘undesired’ looks back. However, you must keep in mind that you have to look after yourself after the procedures in order to make them more long-lasting. For example, if you undergo a tummy tuck surgery – it’s high advised that you stick to a healthy and active lifestyle to maintain your results.

Easily Accessible

With more and more individual opting for cosmetic surgery, there are now many clinics that offer these services. So, this means that it is relatively easy to find somewhere to do your procedure. Also, if you don’t want to do your surgery in the UK, there are many clinics aboard that you can easily access too. This is also known as ‘cosmetic tourism’ and has been on the rise in recent years.

Disadvantages of Cosmetic Surgery

pros and cons essay plastic surgery

(Copyright: Pretty Vectors/shutterstock.com)

Chance of Addiction

A grav e disadvantage of cosmetic surgery is that some individuals get addicted to it. This has extreme effects on patients’ state of mind as they may increase the severity of or develop Body Dysmorphic Disorder, or BDD, (whereby they continuously find faults and flaws with their appearance.) Individuals who are diagnosed with this believe that they can get rid of BDD through multiple cosmetic surgeries, but this is not the case. Surgery is not the correct treatment for this type of serious disorder.

There are grave consequences for those individuals who become addicted to cosmetic surgery and continue undergoing such procedures. Common dangers include the fact that it can permanently damage the individual’s muscles and skin.

Risk of Death

Although this isn’t common, it can happen during or after surgery. In most cases, this happens due to the reaction to anesthesia or because of your health history (a person with bad health is more likely to have complications during surgery than those who are in good health). It is highly recommended that you take this factor into consideration, and although unlikely, it can occur. Making this a very serious risk of cosmetic surgery.

Doesn’t Always Meet Expectations

Anot her disadvantage of cosmetic surgery is that after the procedure, it’s not fully guaranteed that you will come out of the other end completely satisfied with the changes. These adjustm ents made to your face or body may have been desirable before you had them, however, they may not look as you expected and fill you with regret. So, you must always be sure exactly of what you want and do your research before committing to the surgery in order to avoid disappointment!

Mistakes can Happen

Another key risk that should not be overlooked is that cosmetic surgeries can go wrong. This is more common than the risk of death but is still quite uncommon due to advancement in technology. However, mistakes during surgery do still occur. For example, a facelift can cause permanent nerve damage which leads to face paralysis. This is undoubtedly a devastating outcome, which should be taken into consideration before undergoing a surgery. These types of errors in surgery will lower your self-esteem even more than it was, prior to the surgery. In extreme cases, these mistakes are irreversible and cannot be fixed.

Recovery Time

Another unfavourable factor that you should bear in mind is that, after surgery, the recovery period can last quite a long time. This period can last up to 2 or 3 weeks, depending on the type of procedure. This means your life, immediately post-surgery, is drawn to a halt as you need time to recover. Therefore, you aren’t able to go through your daily life like you normally would straight after the operation. This is off-putting for many who have jobs and would need to take a considerable amount of time off to do this. 

Also, pain is apparent during the recovery time which can make some individuals reliant on pain killers, which is clearly a negative outcome, post-surgery.

The Right Surgeon

Ther e is a risk of cosmetic surgery regarding the surgeon. You have quite a lot of pressure to choose the right surgeon for you. They must be experienced and have good reviews. It can sometimes be difficult to find someone you can trust with the procedure, as your life and appearance lies in their hands. This can be an off-putting factor for some.

Depression Post-Surgery

A con of cosmetic surgery is that it sometimes takes time to adjust to the new changes that have been made to your appearance. It may not be the case that you dislike your ‘new’ self, but you are simply not accustomed to it (yet), which can sometimes be unsettling and cause further insecurities than you s tarted off with.

pros and cons essay plastic surgery

(Copyright: Stock-Asso/shutterstock.com)

The Reaction of Others

If you’re one that cares about other’s opinions, cosmetic surgery may not be for you. Your relatives and friends may have a bad reaction to you getting cosmetic surgery. This is an upsetting reality for some who value the opinions of others but are stuck with their own gut feeling about undergoing surgery to enhance their appearance. However, if you are confident in your decision to have surgery, you shouldn’t let other’s completely influence your decision. Afterall, it’s your body, so it’s ultimately your choice.

These are the main advantages and disadvantages of cosmetic surgery that you should be aware of before making a concrete decision. It is also advised that you do your research thoroughly, so that you’re familiar of the ins and outs of the procedure you wish to have. Our website aims to help those learn more about cosmetic and plastic surgery – so be sure to explore our other informational posts too.

The Royal College of Surgeons of England 38 – 43 Lincoln's Inn Fields London WC2A 3PE


Essay on Cosmetic Surgery Pros And Cons

Students are often asked to write an essay on Cosmetic Surgery Pros And Cons in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Cosmetic Surgery Pros And Cons

Understanding cosmetic surgery.

Cosmetic surgery is a type of operation that changes a person’s appearance. Doctors use special tools to reshape the body in ways that the patient wants. This can make people feel better about how they look.

Pros of Cosmetic Surgery

Cosmetic surgery can have many benefits. It can improve a person’s self-esteem and confidence. If someone is unhappy with a part of their body, surgery can change it. For example, a person might get a nose job to fix a nose they think is too big.

Cons of Cosmetic Surgery

But, cosmetic surgery also has downsides. It can be risky. Any surgery can lead to health problems like infection. Also, it can be expensive. Not everyone can afford it. Plus, the results might not be what the person expected.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, cosmetic surgery has both good and bad points. It can boost self-esteem, but it can also be risky and costly. It’s important for someone thinking about this surgery to understand both sides.

250 Words Essay on Cosmetic Surgery Pros And Cons

What is cosmetic surgery, benefits of cosmetic surgery.

Firstly, cosmetic surgery can boost self-esteem. If someone is unhappy with a part of their body, changing it can make them feel better about themselves. Secondly, it can fix physical problems. For example, a nose job can help someone breathe better. Lastly, it can help people recover from accidents or illnesses that changed their appearance.

Drawbacks of Cosmetic Surgery

On the other hand, cosmetic surgery has downsides too. It’s often expensive and not covered by health insurance. Also, like all surgeries, it carries health risks, such as infection or complications from anesthesia. Additionally, people may not be happy with the results, leading to disappointment or further surgeries.

In conclusion, cosmetic surgery can have both positive and negative impacts. It can boost self-esteem and fix physical issues, but it also carries risks and costs. It’s a personal decision that should be made carefully, considering all the pros and cons.

500 Words Essay on Cosmetic Surgery Pros And Cons


Cosmetic surgery is a type of medical procedure that changes the way a person looks. Some people choose to have cosmetic surgery to change parts of their body they are not happy with. While it can make people feel better about how they look, it also has some risks. Let’s look at the pros and cons of cosmetic surgery.

One of the biggest benefits of cosmetic surgery is that it can boost a person’s self-confidence. When people feel good about how they look, they often feel better about themselves. For example, if a person feels their nose is too big and it makes them feel bad, having surgery to change it can make them feel happier.

On the other hand, cosmetic surgery can have some downsides too. One of the biggest cons is the risk of complications. Like any surgery, there can be risks like infection, bleeding, or bad reactions to anesthesia.

Cosmetic surgery can also be very expensive. Most health insurance plans do not cover cosmetic surgery unless it is needed for health reasons. So, people often have to pay out of their own pocket.

In conclusion, cosmetic surgery has both pros and cons. It can help people feel better about themselves and even improve their physical health. But it also has risks and can be costly. It is important to think carefully and talk to a doctor before deciding to have cosmetic surgery. It’s also crucial to have realistic expectations about what the surgery can and cannot do.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

Happy studying!

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13 Pros and Cons of Plastic Surgery

Plastic surgery is a procedure performed on patients who, due to injuries, birth defects or burns, require tissue or skin repair or reconstruction. To specialize in this area, plastic surgeons undergo a special kind of training. Technically, when it comes to purpose, this is distinct from cosmetic surgery.

Plastic Surgery Pros Cons

For aesthetic reasons, cosmetic surgery is typically performed with the desire of the patient to improve his or her appearance. Nowadays, however, it is used interchangeably by most people. These two are often referred to as one and the same by other plastic surgeons who also perform cosmetic surgery.

Patients with lip or cleft palate, hypospadias, birth marks, abnormally formed heads, tiny ears and webbed fingers, to name a few, have disorders present at birth that can be fixed with plastic surgery. These include patients who have suffered from serious burns, cancers, Bell’s palsy, trauma from injuries and animal bites, osteoarthritis and carpal tunnel syndrome with regard to cases where plastic surgeries are called for later in life.

There are many setbacks associated to undergoing reconstruction, despite the need and importance of plastic surgery. Here is a glimpse at plastic surgery’s pros and cons.

Pros of Plastic Surgery

1. Appearance

Improve your appearance. Needless to say, your appearance can be greatly changed by procedures such as liposuction, breast augmentation, and nose work, and it is also one of the most common desires of patients. A lot of individuals want to change a body attribute they don’t like, and according to them, it’s a life-changing experience. A person’s self-image will change for the better with plastic surgery.

2. Social Skill Enhancement

People who have always been aware of their physical defects and deformities have typically been too shy to engage with other people, which is why their social skills have not been developed as they should be. Plastic surgery will eradicate those defects and thereby improve your relationships with other individuals.

3. Gain Self-Esteem

People born with birth defects such as a cleft palate have speech difficulties. For this reason, they will find it difficult to communicate what they want to say and be mocked by other children growing up at the same time. This can have an emotional impact on them and can cause them to think less of themselves and have low self-esteem.

Burn victims and women who have undergone mastectomy may also be affected by their conditions and might not be able to feel secure facing other individuals. These issues can be resolved with plastic surgery and, hopefully, patients will be able to recover their self-esteem.

4. Quality of Life

It also improves your quality of life. Plastic surgery can also greatly enhance the quality of the life of a patient, and the fact is that when it comes to changing their sex life, many people resort to it. The presence of their vaginas does not satisfy a significant number of women, which is why they chose to undergo the labiaplasty surgery. These women also say that, as they felt more secure with their bodies after it, this procedure enhanced the quality of their lives.

5. Better Nasal function

Deviated septums cause issues with breathing that contribute to repetitive snoring and sleeping disorders. In order to treat long term sinusitis, remove nasal polyps, and relieve other problems that obstruct the nasal airway, a surgeon may perform a rhinoplasty.

6. Improved Vision

The benefit of plastic surgery also involves blepharoplasty, which corrects the droopy eyelid and enhances vision. The dry eye problem is solved by this procedure. The majority of patients are pleased with better physical appearance and improvised vision.

7. Life Expectancy

When fats are removed, you have a better heart condition and a healthy lifestyle, better diet and daily exercise which will not only helps to improve self-confidence, but also to achieve a better lifestyle. This will enhance the patient’s lifestyle, and life expectancy will increase with all of these health benefits.

Cons of Plastic Surgery

1. the cost.

The amount of money needed to do plastic surgery is one of the setbacks. This can result in thousands of dollars, depending on the type of treatment. For people who do not have enough money to spend on surgery, this may be a concern. Some may not even have health insurance benefits. In order to get the desired results, there are also situations where several procedures are required. Cases such as severe burns and imperforate anus require a number of procedures before the treatment itself.

2. Can be Risky

The risk depends on how severe the injury is and the process of treatment. Infection may occur in the area of the incision and blood clots, damage to the nerves, and the danger of anesthesia. This method itself is complicated, so the simple mistake could have a large impact and lead to serious complications.

3. Time Consuming

The time needed for the procedure also counts as a drawback of plastic surgery. Even a small surgery requires recovery time. We are talking about critical and difficult surgeries here. Depending on the treatment, time is the essential factor. It is necessary to rest some patients undergoing multiple surgeries and operate again, which takes time.

Another concern about plastic surgery is that for patients like skin grafting, it can be painful. There are times when recovery takes time and pain and discomfort are part of the healing process and medication is given to patients to reduce the pain. There are, however, those who are intolerable to pain who, to the point of being dependent on them, get used to taking pain relievers and drugs. If this isn’t controlled, it can lead to drug problems.

5. Not Permanent Results

Plastic surgery might become helpful to the patient, while a threat exists because it may not be the same as it was. It will be difficult to restore the naturally grown extremities, skins, the structure as it was. But after the treatment, that would have worked better. It is a must to follow the instructions given by the doctor about diet and exercise. There will be an exception for everything, not all but some of the operations may not have long-term effects. It is essential to consult the better doctors.

Surgeries can leave scars. Depending on the process, many plastic surgery operations can leave noticeable scars. For many people, this is not a huge problem, but a lot of them are actually quite disappointed when they see a large scar instead of perfectly smooth skin.

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Cosmetic Surgery Implications Essay

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The benefits and disadvantages that are associated with plastic surgery (cosmetic surgery) are one of the most debatable topics currently. Before going into plastic surgery, an individual should take time to critically analyze what is in it for them. They should evaluate themselves and have a plausible and sensible reason enough that should compel them to engage in cosmetic surgery. A good evaluation of the pros and cons of cosmetic surgery should be considered because after all, this is surgery and there are high possibilities of complications that arise later on after surgery. The essay that follows will give a detailed evaluation of the disadvantages that go hand in hand with cosmetic surgery. No one in this world is perfect, but since medicine has opened a door for this phase to be breached, people have grabbed at the chance of making themselves perfect as in the case of Xiaoqing. They cease to think about the aftermath of surgery. The essay that follows will give a detailed account of cosmetic surgery and the negatives that come with this surgery (Snyderman, par 4).

Cosmetic surgery entails the utilization of techniques that are intended to improve the appearance of an individual. This appearance is usually enhanced by using medical practices and skills. The procedure involves the maintenance of normal appearance, repairing the appearance to the way it used to be or should be, or altogether enhancing it to a level that is beyond the normal for the basic purpose of achieving an aesthetic ideal (Fraser 23).

In Xiaoqing’s case, she wants to undergo surgery because she has problems with her body image, which were both inflicted in her brain by her perception of herself and then later worsened by the fact that her partner preferred her to look something like Jessica Alba. Some people might hold the same opinion as that of Xiaoqing. They might say that after cosmetic surgery, an individual gains better esteem of himself or herself. Overall, they say that the body image together with body features is altered all together towards improvement. This might be true, however, studies that have been recently conducted reveal that although there are positive outcomes that come with plastic surgery, there are also negative implications that present themselves. More often than not, there is a correlation between plastic surgery and pitiable post-surgery results that have been recorded. These negative outcomes are majorly for those patients who had a personality disorder, others are those who decided to take the surgery because they visualized it as a way of saving their relationships with their spouses or friends. The other category is of those who had already had unrealistic objectives and goals that they had set ahead of themselves.

These kinds of individuals are usually dissatisfied with the result of the surgery and there has been a close connection between such patients and suicide. In such a situation, cosmetic surgery has done nothing to improve the self-esteem or body image of a person. In any case, cosmetic surgery will just worsen the situation. This is the kind of risk that Xiaoqing is exposing herself to not to mention the fact that she wants to please her boyfriend which is the main driving force behind which Xiaoqing wants to have the surgery (Santoni-Rugiu 103).

The argument that self-esteem is improved through cosmetic surgery might not be true for all. There are those individuals who suffer from a disorder known as body dysmorphic disorder (BDD). BDD is a kind of disorder where a person is severely preoccupied with an appearance of part of their body. At a high chance, this could be a disorder that Xiaoqing might be suffering from. She says she is psychologically ill and that cosmetic surgery would help her build a strong personality. From this kind of talk, it can be seen clearly that Xiaoqing is most probably not content with the way her body is and chances are she is suffering from BDD without her knowledge. This becomes a dangerous case because people who suffer from this disorder become obsessed with their bodies and in turn interfere with the approach towards life. Studies conducted show that most cosmetic patients have a case of BDD and in most cases, the surgery does not bring about improvement in this disorder (Greene, par 11).

Some argue that surgery should not be conducted to please or gratify the cravings of a sexual or romantic partner. This is a conclusion that has been reached even by professional psychologists. These psychologists advise and encourage the surgeons to identify the reasons that the patient proposes to have a surgery conducted so that they might determine whether the patient is suffering from BDD. In case a patient is suffering from BDD, the psychologists recommend that the patient should undergo psychological treatment rather than cosmetic surgery in which chances are that the patient would not have any change in the way they perceive themselves. Among the unrealistic reasons that psychologists hold for conducting cosmetic surgery are such as those induced by pressure coming from either a romantic partner or friend which are those that are causing Xiaoqing to opt for cosmetic surgery. Such a case should not even be considered because chances are the victim might undergo depression later on in life because the partner might opt for divorce because the physician does not change the emotional and inner makeup of an individual (Fraser 84)

Considering that Xiaoqing is at such a tender age of 21 is another caution that she should have in mind. At such an age, the romantic relationship that she thinks is the pillar of her romantic life is probably just a fling that will be short-lived. Therefore, she should think and critically look at the fact that she is still too young to be thinking about such a serious life-changing decision that is made to a commitment that may die away sooner rather than later. This is reinforced with the fact that the boyfriend has already dumped her meaning that she does not appreciate her personality but only wants to use her since he knows she has a weakness so that he may satisfy his fantasies for Jessica Alba through Xiaoqing (Snyderman, par 14)

It is also a compromising situation that she wants to change and specifically become entirely someone else. This is not her wish to become the living image of Jessica Alba but it is a fantasy imposed on her by her boyfriend. It is entirely one thing to want to modify yourself to look better from wanting to completely change your appearance to look like someone else. Considering that Xiaoqing is young and still growing, she is still developing, and given time she might turn out to be a beautiful person. It is partly ironic to think that no one is perfect but she wants to change imperfection into imperfection (Haiken 93)

Xiaoqing should consider her stand in wanting to have cosmetic surgery. This is because cosmetic surgery has its disadvantages such as the body might react to the anesthetics administered and other complications that arise from surgery because cosmetic surgery is just a surgery like any other and also the risks of infection. What makes the situation worse is the fact that she wants to take on the appearance of another person and even worse is the fact that she wants to change her appearance because of pressure from another person and not from her own self-made decision. Cosmetic surgery should therefore be a decision that Xiaoqing makes based on her wish for it (Gilman 53).

In conclusion, Xiaoqing should desist from taking cosmetic plastic surgery mainly because it is a decision that she made out of pressure that she received from a romantic partner which is the main reason why she wants to have the surgery. Wanting to please a romantic partner should be the last option that she has if she wants to undergo cosmetic surgery because the partner can always grow tired of her and what will she do with her appearance once the romantic partner leaves her. She should realize that other post-surgical complications might arise from surgery that might not be worth the experience of having to undergo through the knife. Having in mind that this will be a permanent alteration to herself. She should first consider what her long-term benefits will be instead of looking at the selfish wants of her already ex-partner.

Works Cited

Fraser, Suzanne. Cosmetic surgery, gender and culture , New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2003

Gilman, Sander. Creating Beauty to Cure the Soul: Race and Psychology in the Shaping of Aesthetic Surgery , California: Duke University Press, 2005.

Greene, Jim. “Advantages and Disadvantages of Plastic Surgery.” Advantages and Disadvantages of Plastic Surgery. 2008 . Web.

Haiken, Elizabeth. Venus Envy: A History of Cosmetic Surgery , New York: JohnsHopkins University Press, 1997

Santoni-Rugiu, Paolo. A History of Plastic Surgery, New York: Springer, 2007.

Snyderman, Reuven. Prophylactic mastectomy: Pros and cons, 2006. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2021, December 12). Cosmetic Surgery Implications. https://ivypanda.com/essays/cosmetic-surgery-implications/

"Cosmetic Surgery Implications." IvyPanda , 12 Dec. 2021, ivypanda.com/essays/cosmetic-surgery-implications/.

IvyPanda . (2021) 'Cosmetic Surgery Implications'. 12 December.

IvyPanda . 2021. "Cosmetic Surgery Implications." December 12, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/cosmetic-surgery-implications/.

1. IvyPanda . "Cosmetic Surgery Implications." December 12, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/cosmetic-surgery-implications/.


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pros and cons essay plastic surgery


What are the Pros and Cons of Plastic Surgery

by Bett N. | Jul 2, 2022

Plastic surgery has become mainstream in recent years. This happens as techniques have dramatically improved and plastic surgeons are able to pull off precision procedures with a high degree of safety and patient satisfaction. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), there were more than 2 million surgical cosmetic procedures completed in 2020 alone. This is in addition to another 6.8 million reconstructive surgical and over 13 million non-surgical cosmetic treatments. Based on these statistics, more and more Americans seem to be comfortable turning to plastic surgeons in order to achieve both aesthetic and functional goals.

If you have thought about having plastic surgery yourself, it is important to make sure that you are having it for the right reasons. This article highlights the pros and cons so you can make a better-informed decision.

Pros of plastic surgery

Some of the main advantages of going to a plastic surgeon in Baton Rouge include the following:

1. Boost Confidence

Many people who have plastic surgery in order to alleviate an aesthetic concern end up feeling more confident about their appearance. This in turn helps to enhance their sense of self-image and thus self-esteem and confidence. Ultimately, the procedure may end up resulting in an improved quality of life.

2. Hide Flaws

The main reason people pursue cosmetic surgery is to conceal specific aesthetic flaws. For instance, women with small breasts may choose to have breast enlargement in order to enhance their size and shape. Similarly, an individual who is bothered by under-eye bags can benefit from eyelid surgery to reveal a refreshed and youthful facial appearance. Plastic surgeons have a variety of techniques and procedures that they can use to address diverse cosmetic flaws. The specific treatment method is determined by the problem at hand.

3. Look Younger

Many plastic surgery procedures result in a refreshed and youthful appearance that removes years from your perceived age. Examples of cosmetic procedures that are very good at accomplishing this include facelifts and neck surgery. It is not unheard of for patients to look as much as 15 years younger than they actually are after this kind of treatment.

4. Improve Scarring

Nasty scars resulting from injuries or car accidents may leave you looking deformed and even eat into your sense of self-confidence. Cosmetic surgeons have mastered techniques to improve unsightly scarring in order to give the patient a higher quality of life.

5. Treat Obesity

Diet and exercise and the primary interventions to alleviate obesity. However, these do not always work. In extreme cases, plastic surgeons can perform a type of plastic surgery referred to as bariatric surgery (weight loss surgery) to help patients shed off those excess pounds and overcome obesity. Additional cosmetic procedures may also be performed in order to remove excess skin and fat (in order to reveal a better-contoured appearance).

Cons of plastic surgery

Despite the benefits, plastic surgery is not without its drawbacks. These include the following:

1. Expensive

Many cosmetic surgeries are considered to be elective in nature. For this reason, health insurers typically do not pay for the treatment. Patients usually need to foot the cost of treatment out of pocket . This can be a disadvantage given that the costs of even the simplest treatments can easily run into thousands of dollars.

2. Surgical Risks

There are inherent risks associated with any surgical procedure. These include the risk of bleeding, blood clots, or infections. Patients also have to deal with side effects of the surgery, which often include discomfort, bruising, and swelling. The best safeguard you can take to lower the risk of complications is to work with a highly qualified Baton Rouge plastic surgeon.

3. Unsatisfactory Outcome

The majority of patients are happy with the outcome of their plastic surgery treatment. For instance, breast enlargement (one of the most common cosmetic procedures) has a satisfaction rate of over 95%. That means that, still, 5% of women who have this type of treatment are not entirely happy with the outcome of the procedure. Taking the time to thoroughly prepare, and choosing to work with a highly skilled plastic surgeon, can go a long way to ensure that you are pleased with the outcome of your surgery.

4. Recovery Downtime

Once your treatment has been completed, you can expect to go home to continue with recovery. This recovery duration can range from a few weeks to a couple of months depending on the specific procedure that you’ve had. Regardless, this requirement can be inconvenient, especially for individuals who have very demanding schedules.

Before you choose to move forward with plastic surgery, it is absolutely important that you conduct thorough research and consider both the positives and negatives. Attending a consultation visit with a board-certified plastic surgeon can also help get some personal questions answered.

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Arguments in Favor of Plastic Surgery

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  • Maalouf, A. (1998). In the Name of Identity: Violence and the Need to Belong. Aeon Retrieved from http://veraznanjemir.bos.rs/materijal/in_the_name_of_identity_-_maalouf.pdf
  • Paglia, C (). The Pitfalls of Plastic Surgery. Retrieved from
  • The Socialist Health Association (2018, December 4). Plastic surgery pros and cons. The Socialist Health Association. Retrieved from https://www.sochealth.co.uk/sp/cosm/plastic-surgery-pros-and-cons/

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Plastic Surgery: Pros and Cons essay

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Persuasive Essay on Plastic Surgery

How it works

Plastic surgery, you know, is all about changing or fixing up parts of the body. It’s been getting more and more popular over the years. Sure, lots of folks think of it as just making someone look better, but it’s got a whole other side too. It can fix things folks are born with, or stuff that happens from accidents and sickness. I wanna talk about why plastic surgery is actually a good thing, clear up some misunderstandings, and chat about why doing your homework before going under the knife is super important.

First off, plastic surgery can give a big boost to someone’s self-esteem and confidence. Lots of people feel pretty down about how they look, and that messes with their mental health and how they live day-to-day. Imagine having a big scar on your face or being born with something that looks different—people can be really mean. Getting surgery to fix or change that can make a huge difference. You feel better about yourself, and life gets a lot easier. Same goes for stuff like nose jobs or breast implants. It’s not just about looking good; it’s about feeling good in your own skin.

Then, there’s the health side. Plastic surgery isn’t just about looks; it can actually help with medical problems too. Take breast reduction, for example. It can help with back pain and bad posture if your breasts are too big. Or a nose job that helps you breathe better if you’ve got a crooked septum. And after accidents or cancer, surgery can help folks get back to their normal lives by fixing up damaged body parts. So, it’s not just vanity—it’s about feeling better physically too.

But even with all these good things, plastic surgery gets a bad rap. People say it pushes unrealistic beauty standards and makes folks shallow. But honestly, deciding to get surgery is a personal choice. Lots of people just wanna feel good about themselves. And with all the new tech and better methods, plastic surgery is safer and easier to get than before. If you talk with a good doctor and know what to expect, you can get results that look natural and still keep what makes you unique.

That said, it’s super important to really think it through before getting any surgery done. Do your research and talk to qualified doctors to get a clear picture of what could happen. Know the risks and what the results might be. Also, remember surgery isn’t a magic fix for deep emotional problems. Sometimes, talking to a therapist can help you make better decisions and handle any changes after surgery.

So, to wrap it up, plastic surgery can do a lot more than just make you look good. It can help you feel better about yourself, fix health problems, and give people a second chance after accidents or illness. Even though some people still have negative views about it, getting surgery is a personal choice and should be respected. With the right info, advice, and expectations, it can lead to really positive changes. In the end, plastic surgery is a valuable medical field that can truly change lives for the better.


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    Plastic surgery should not be banned due to the following reasons. Firstly, plastic surgery is needed for medical purposes. Secondly, every human has the rights to choose what they want to do, as long as it is not against the law. Thirdly, plastic surgery often leads to success. There is often a misconception that plastic surgeries are only ...

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    If you have thought about having plastic surgery yourself, it is important to make sure that you are having it for the right reasons. This article highlights the pros and cons so you can make a better-informed decision. Pros of plastic surgery. Some of the main advantages of going to a plastic surgeon in Baton Rouge include the following: 1.

  17. Arguments in Favor of Plastic Surgery

    Many are convinced that plastic surgery is the best and the easiest way to enhance individuals' self-esteem, as well as the realization of ourselves in society. This is really true, because people with an unattractive appearance face some problems in their lives. For example, it is difficult for them to get a job, interact with new society ...

  18. Pros and Cons of Cosmetic Surgery Essay

    Pros and Cons of Cosmetic Surgery. Cosmetic Surgery is a great discovery that has been around for many centuries. "The history of plastic surgery origins in the early 800 B.C. when surgeons in India restored noses to persons who had them taken off as a form of punishment." (History of Cosmetic Surgery, 2008) Many people have used over the ...

  19. Plastic Surgery: Pros and Cons Free Essay Example

    Plastic surgery, for aesthetic purposes or as a physical requirement, does improve the quality of life. Although there are a number of advantages with regard to plastic surgery, there are also a number of disadvantages. It is not a procedure that should be taken lightly. Firstly, it has to be mentioned that plastic surgery is dangerous.

  20. The Pros and Cons of Plastic Surgery Essay

    This causes people to undergo plastic surgery. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, plastic surgery was first used in India as early as 800 B.C. Not only does it enhance self-image but also self concept. Reconstructive ways has also been done nearly more to children than adults. Plastic surgery 's categorized as either ...

  21. Cosmetic Surgery: The Pros And Cons Of Plastic Surgery

    Although plastic surgery can improve patients' appearance and self-image through both reconstructive and cosmetic procedures, it can induce a lot of detriments whichmay lead to the perilous risks, even death.One of the prohibitive disadvantages of plastic surgery is the cost.

  22. The Pros and Cons of Plastic Surgery Essay

    The Pros and Cons of Plastic Surgery Essay. Believing that talent and intelligence will get you just as far if your ugly as it will if you were pretty is an idealistic thought for an idealistic world, however the fact of the matter is that talent takes a backseat to beauty under most circumstances. With the economy rising, cosmetic surgery is ...

  23. Persuasive Essay on Plastic Surgery

    Essay Example: Plastic surgery, you know, is all about changing or fixing up parts of the body. It's been getting more and more popular over the years. Sure, lots of folks think of it as just making someone look better, but it's got a whole other side too. It can fix things folks are born