
Essay on Importance of Gardening

Students are often asked to write an essay on Importance of Gardening in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Importance of Gardening


Gardening is a fun and rewarding activity. It not only beautifies our surroundings but also offers numerous benefits.

Health Benefits

Gardening is a form of exercise that improves physical health. It also reduces stress, enhancing mental wellbeing.

Environmental Impact

Gardens absorb carbon dioxide and produce oxygen, helping to combat climate change. They also provide habitats for wildlife.

Learning and Creativity

Gardening teaches patience and responsibility. It also fosters creativity, as we design and care for our garden.

250 Words Essay on Importance of Gardening

The therapeutic value of gardening.

Gardening, often perceived as a mundane activity, is in fact a multifaceted discipline that offers a plethora of benefits. It serves as a therapeutic outlet, fostering a connection with nature that is vital in our increasingly urbanized world.

Physical Health and Gardening

Gardening is a form of exercise that promotes physical health. The activity of digging, planting, and watering involves considerable physical effort, contributing to cardiovascular health. Moreover, exposure to sunlight during gardening provides a natural source of vitamin D, essential for bone health and immune function.

Mental Health Benefits

Gardening also offers significant mental health benefits. The nurturing of plants can be a meditative practice that helps reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. The sense of accomplishment derived from watching a plant grow and thrive can boost self-esteem and promote a positive outlook.

Ecological Impact

The ecological impact of gardening is another crucial aspect. It encourages biodiversity, providing habitats for various insects and birds. Additionally, gardening promotes environmental awareness and responsibility, as it necessitates an understanding of the natural cycles and the delicate balance of ecosystems.

Community Building

Finally, gardening can foster community spirit. Community gardens are spaces where individuals can work together, share knowledge, and build relationships. They serve as a platform for social interaction and community development.

500 Words Essay on Importance of Gardening

Gardening, often perceived as a hobby or pastime, holds a profound significance that extends beyond the realm of simple recreation. It is a multifaceted activity that intertwines human life with nature, contributing to both physical and mental health, environmental sustainability, and community engagement.

The Physical and Mental Health Benefits

Gardening is a form of moderate-intensity exercise that can help maintain a healthy weight and reduce the risk of heart disease, obesity, and other health-related issues. It involves a variety of physical activities such as digging, planting, weeding, and watering, which can improve strength, flexibility, and motor skills.

Gardening, particularly when it involves the cultivation of native plants and organic practices, can have a significant positive impact on the environment. Gardens act as mini ecosystems, providing habitat for local wildlife, including insects, birds, and small mammals. They can also improve air and soil quality, as plants absorb carbon dioxide and other pollutants, while enriching the soil with organic matter.

Moreover, vegetable and fruit gardens contribute to food sustainability, reducing dependence on commercial agriculture, which often involves harmful pesticides and fertilizers. This not only benefits the environment but also ensures healthier and more nutritious food for the gardener.

Community Engagement and Education

Furthermore, gardening can be an effective educational tool, especially for students studying biology, ecology, and environmental science. It offers a hands-on understanding of plant life cycles, photosynthesis, pollination, and other key concepts, making learning more engaging and applicable.

In conclusion, gardening is much more than a leisure activity. It is a conduit for physical and mental well-being, environmental preservation, and community building. By embracing gardening, we not only enhance our personal lives but also contribute to a more sustainable and interconnected world. The importance of gardening, therefore, cannot be overstated, as it is an activity that nurtures not just plants, but people and the planet as well.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

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Why Is Gardening Important? It Has Endless Benefits for Our Health and the Environment

Updated Dec. 15 2020, 11:48 a.m. ET

Whether you’re walking in an arboretum during the Cherry Blossom Festival or tending your own lawn, it’s hard to deny that gardens, in general, have a certain universal appeal. There’s something about the presence of gardens in our lives that brightens our sometimes dismal, modern world. Much of this has to do with something intrinsic in human beings: an innate appreciation of the natural world. But why is gardening so important to our lives and culture, and how can it help the environment? 

Why is gardening important?

Gardening is good for a great many things. It can be good for your health, good for your soil, and good for the wildlife in your backyard. It’s a great way to relieve stress, to set goals for yourself, and to nurture something. On top of all that, growing your own produce is a great way to become more sustainable at home and to reduce your environmental impact . 

Gardening also happens to be a great hobby. It's something that you can do season after season, year after year, and into your twilight years. Even if you don’t have robust flower beds or a vast back garden, you can still find ways to garden indoors and on a smaller scale. This makes gardening a versatile hobby, as well as a healthy one. 

Why is gardening important for your health?

Gardening comes with a myriad of well-documented health benefits. The most obvious of these has to do with the fact that quite a bit of gardening is done outdoors. Exposure to sunlight increases your vitamin D , which is good for bones, teeth, and muscles. And speaking of muscles, gardening is a great form of low-impact exercise — high impact if you’re hefting huge pots or wheelbarrows of soil around. 

In terms of mental health, gardening has also been shown to decrease the risk of dementia and as a type of therapy for those already suffering from it, according to a study published by the journal Psychiatry Investig . This might have to do with the mental health benefits we experience just being in nature. Gardens, by virtue of the human-made nature of their construction , allow us a means to connect to nature in a sort of self-determined way. 

Why is gardening important for your mood?

Many studies have found that gardening can boost one’s mood . I obviously can’t speak for everyone, but gardening makes me feel great. Even after spending hours pulling weeds and planting new vegetables every spring, I feel like my demeanor is far brighter than it was when I first pulled on my gardening gloves that day. 

This isn’t just because you feel like you’ve accomplished something either — though that does help. As reported by Quartz , several studies have found that exposure to a specific bacteria commonly found in soil can increase levels of serotonin in the human brain. Serotonin is a chemical that increases feelings of well-being or happiness.

Why is gardening important to the environment?

Gardens are important to the planet because, despite being human-made, they represent a natural environment. Plants and trees grow there, taking in carbon and releasing oxygen . The roots of these plants stabilize the soil and filter water. Municipal gardens and national parks become safe havens for all manner of wild creatures that might have been otherwise displaced by the endless urban sprawl of the modern world. 

Birds, bugs, and bees — especially honey bees — are essential to the lifecycle of the world at large. Bees are one of the most important pollinators in this group but they aren’t the only ones. Your backyard garden is bound to have its own native pollinators and your garden is a great way to coax them back into your life. They’ll help your flowers look nicer, keep your perennials coming back, and help your vegetable garden to flourish. 

Why is gardening important for your community?

If you live in an urban or suburban area but lack the space for a backyard garden, you may not be alone. Community gardens are a great way to build togetherness within a community. Working together to split responsibilities, upfront costs, and the fruits of your labor, can help you understand and appreciate your neighbors in ways you might not have thought possible. 

Why is gardening important to your daily life?

Your health, your frame of mind, your community, and the environment — if those are not enough reasons for why gardening is important, we have a few more to give you. Gardening can also be important for your wallet, nutrition, and environmental footprint. 

By growing your own sustenance, your diet becomes more sustainable, since your food won't have to travel more than a few feet to get to your plate (as opposed to store-bought produce, which can sometimes be flown in from other countries). If your thumb is particularly green, you’ll probably save more money than you realize by harvesting your own fruits and veggies — and by growing your produce organically, it could be healthier than the conventional produce you may otherwise buy at the store.

Why is gardening important to your family?

On top of all that, gardening is a great hobby that you can share with your children . Teaching them to nurture a living thing and to be responsible for their own segment of the environment are great lessons to pass down. My own grandparents have imparted their gardening secrets through the generations and those lessons have taught me much about patience, preparedness, and the nature of nature in my own backyard . They are secrets I plan to teach my own children in due course. 

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Why I Love Gardening: How It Changed My Life

Photo of author

Have you ever wondered why some people love gardening and treat their plants like prized possessions? I will share my gardening story here today, starting with my childhood. My grandmother introduced me to gardening. We would spend time planting and caring for different crops in her beautiful backyard.

I’ll share why I love gardening and how it has become an important part of my life. You will also learn about the scientifically proven benefits of gardening, from reducing stress to improving mental health.

Get ready to dig in. Understanding why people love gardening might inspire you to pick up a trowel and join the fun.

7 Key Takeaways on My Love for Gardening

  • My grandmother introduced me to gardening and made it a cherished family tradition.
  • Gardening with family can create lasting memories and strengthen relationships.
  • I faced many challenges in gardening but learned and grew from each one.
  • Gardening offers peace and relaxation, reducing stress and improving heart health.
  • Growing my own fruits and vegetables provides nutritious, fresh food and a sense of accomplishment.
  • Gardening helps reduce carbon footprints, increase biodiversity, and conserve water.
  • Gardening allows me to express my creativity, transforming my space into a beautiful, ever-changing work of art.

My Gardening Story: From Novice to Enthusiast

I’m sharing my story about starting a garden, from the first feeling that inspired me to the challenges that made me doubt my gardening skills. Whether you’re new to gardening or have been doing it for years, I hope my gardening journey resonates with you.

My Love of Gardening – The Initial Spark

My grandmother Jenny holding me when I was still a young girl, the main reason why I love gardening.

I always admired my grandmother Jenny’s gardening skills. But it wasn’t until a sunny afternoon in her backyard that I became interested in gardening myself. We were there to grow tomatoes. She handed me a tiny seedling and shared stories of her own grandmother doing the same. It’s a family tradition!

Over time, the tiny seedling had grown into a large tomato plant with many juicy red tomatoes. Harvesting those tomatoes with my grandma was a joy I won’t forget. We spent hours in her kitchen making delicious homemade spaghetti sauce out of them. Just the smell alone brought back so many memories.

My time in the garden with my grandma showed me that gardening is more than just a hobby; it’s a way to connect with our roots — literally and figuratively. The garden became something we both loved, bringing us closer together and creating a strong bond. Now, I share that same bond with my daughters.

If the garden is your favorite place, consider inviting other family members to join you in the dirt. It’s a great way of bonding with people. The memories you’ll create will be worth every ounce of soil.

Overcoming My Challenges With Gardening

My daughter and I are standing in a lush garden filled with tomato plants, one of the reasons why I love gardening.

Gardening isn’t all sunshine and blooming roses. It has its thorny moments, but the good thing is that every setback teaches us to be strong.

My first attempts at all aspects of gardening didn’t go very well. I watered the plants too much, didn’t realize how important sunlight was, and neglected to take care of the soil. It was a learning experience, to say the least.

But I didn’t give up. Instead, I saw these moments as opportunities to learn. I read books, went to workshops, and asked experienced gardeners in my community for advice.

I’ll share some other challenges I faced with gardening and the life lessons I learned:

  • Bugs – Dealing with annoying bugs can be a big problem for gardeners. When I first dealt with aphids, my beautiful roses suffered a lot. Instead of using chemical sprays, I used natural ways to control pests . I brought helpful bugs like ladybugs and lacewings to my garden and planted companion plants.
  • Soil – I learned that different soil types pose challenges for my plants. To address this, I became knowledgeable about soil. I improved my clay soil with compost . I added organic matter to my sandy beds. I also tried using raised beds and containers for more control over the growing medium.
  • Weather – Mother Nature can be unpredictable, from scorching heat to unexpected frosts. I lost some of my favorite plants due to extreme weather, but I started planting with the climate in mind instead of getting upset. I used drought-tolerant plants and protective coverings like shade cloths and frost blankets to help my strong plants thrive.

I encountered many challenges, but each one helped me become a better gardener and more determined to succeed. Gardening has shown me that setbacks are just opportunities in muddied overalls.

Reasons Why I Love Gardening

Gardening is more than just a hobby for me. I find joy and peace in it. In the following sections, I will explain why I love gardening and how it enriches my life.

1. Gardening as My Therapeutic Escape

My grandmother and my younger self joyfully picking green tomatoes together in her garden, the moment that made me realize why I love gardening.

Gardening is my refuge, sanctuary, and personal therapist. Everything else fades away when I enter my garden. Caring for plants in this lovely space, feeling the soil, and watching them grow brings peace and joy to people who experience it.

Research shows that spending time in nature can help reduce stress and anxiety and lower blood pressure ( source ). Gardening also improves your heart rate, making it heart-healthy.

Gardening is calming because it engages multiple senses. You see bright colors, feel soft petals, and smell earthy scents, contributing to your overall peace. This moment with nature relaxes me, and you’ll be surprised at how this simple act can transform your mental state. 

2. Gardening as My Lifelong Learning Pursuit

My daughter and I smile joyfully while standing in a sunlit tomato garden, one of the reasons why I love gardening.

Gardening is a lifelong journey of learning. It’s always changing and requires us to stay open to new knowledge. It’s like finding a hidden library, where each plant and plot offers something new to discover.

The more time I spend in the garden, the more I realize that the soil is not just a place for plants to grow — it’s also fertile ground for my personal growth.

Here are a few of the many skills and insights gardening has taught me:

  • Creative Problem-Solving – Every season brings challenges, like pests, diseases, and climate issues. But these problems also create opportunities for innovation. You can try approaches like companion planting. You can also use homemade remedies. Or, you can just observe and adapt.
  • Experimentation – Gardening is a fun and interesting hobby for curious people. Over the years, I have tried growing different types of plants. Some of my experiments succeeded. Others taught me about resilience and letting go.
  • Patience – Gardening teaches us that good things take time. It shows us the value of patience and care. When we see the first shoots or blooms, it feels even more rewarding.

Gardening isn’t just about turning empty land into lush gardens. It has made me a lifelong learner and enhanced my awareness of life. It’s a journey of never-ending fascination and self-discovery, all sparked by planting and watching a seed grow.

3. Gardening as My Source of Fresh, Nutritious Food

A white plate filled with various fresh leafy greens is placed on a rustic wooden table, one of the reasons why I love gardening.

My garden is not just a piece of land; it’s where I grow fresh, healthy food. Gardening has changed the way I think about food. The happiness I feel when I pick a ripe tomato or bite into a freshly harvested cucumber is amazing. It’s not just about the taste; it’s about the incredible nutrition.

Here’s how growing your own delicious produce can be a game-changer for your diet:

  • Nutritional Superiority – Growing your own fruits and vegetables at home can result in produce that tastes better. It is also more nutritious than the store’s. This is because you have full control over the soil quality, the fertilizers, and the methods used to control pests.
  • Rich in Antioxidants – When you grow your own crops, you can enjoy them at their best. They’re packed with vital antioxidants that are good for your health.
  • Variety and Seasonality – Ever wondered why a tomato from the farmers’ market tastes better than one from the supermarket in the winter? Homegrown produce lets you try different varieties of plants and fruit-bearing trees and enjoy food when it’s in season and at its best.
  • Reduced Chemical Exposure – Controlling plant growth can help you avoid or reduce synthetic pesticides and herbicides. This helps ensure that your food is as clean and safe as possible.

I find it satisfying to know that the food on my plate comes from just steps away. I eat mindfully, savoring each bite. I appreciate the journey from seed to table. I’ve learned that the freshest, healthiest food is not just an indulgence. It’s a daily celebration of nature’s gifts.

4. Gardening’s Positive Environmental Impact

A person's hands gently surrounding a small green seedling planted in the soil, embodying why I love gardening.

Gardening is not just about making our surroundings beautiful. It is also about taking care of the earth we live on. Gardening has a big positive effect on the environment and goes beyond just the surface.

Let me walk you through some of the key reasons gardening is good for the environment :

  • Carbon Footprint Reduction – By growing my own food, I’ve reduced the produce I buy from stores. Store-bought produce often travels long distances, adding to carbon emissions. I also compost kitchen scraps and yard waste. This reduces the organic matter that goes to landfills. It helps stop the creation of harmful greenhouse gases.
  • Increased Biodiversity – I planted various plants and wildlife-friendly trees in my garden. I’ve created homes and food for pollinators, birds, and helpful insects. Watching these different species thrive in my garden has made me realize how important it is to conserve and protect the intricate web of life.
  • Water Conservation – I use smart watering methods, including collecting rainwater and using drip irrigation. They have helped me use less water. Putting mulch on garden beds keeps the soil moist, so I don’t have to water as much.
  • Soil Health and Conservation – I’ve improved my soil’s health. I did this by switching from synthetic fertilizers to organic amendments and compost. This has made the soil more resilient and less likely to erode. Practices like crop rotation and cover cropping keep the soil’s structure and fertility good. They stop nutrients from running off into nearby water bodies.

Gardening may seem small, but it greatly impacts the environmental balance when many people garden. It has given me a real way to help the environment, making me feel a strong connection to wildlife and our planet.

5. Gardening as My Creative Outlet

I’ve always loved art, but it wasn’t until I started gardening that I found a truly dynamic creative outlet. Gardening is like painting with nature. I’m the director, and the plants are my actors. Every step allows me to use my artistic instincts, from planning to seeing the changes each season.

My garden is like a blank canvas. I can shape it with my ideas and a few basic design principles. Planning the layout of beds, walkways, and focal points is where the fun begins. Choosing beautiful plants with colors, textures, and heights creates a masterpiece.

You must capture your artistic vision to create a successful garden design plan . You must also think about the practical aspects of your space and climate. By thoughtfully placing plants of different heights and textures, you can add depth and layers to your landscape.

Your garden is always changing. Feel free to try new things, take risks, and let your personality show. It’s a way to express yourself, whether in an outdoor garden or an indoor space. A touch of nature makes every environment more vibrant and personal, adjusting to the pace of life around it.

24 Creative Garden Container Ideas

My Love for Gardening Final Thoughts

Gardening has taught me patience, resilience, and the beauty of life’s cycles. It’s given me a sense of purpose, a sanctuary to retreat to, and the joy of nurturing something from seed to bloom. In the garden, I’ve found solace during difficult times and celebration during moments of triumph.

I highly recommend it if you haven’t started this green journey yet. The benefits are varied, like the flowers in a meadow. They offer a break from city life. They are a chance to grow as a gardener and person. And they bring the joy of watching life thrive under your care.

Don’t forget the satisfaction of growing your own fruits and vegetables in the summer. From crunchy lettuce to juicy tomatoes, the rewards are visual and delicious. There’s a sense of accomplishment in knowing that you contributed to the growth and nourishment of these plants.

So, get a trowel, put your hands in the soil, and let gardening change your life. It’s a love affair that will only strengthen over time, enriching your beautiful life.

What’s Your Gardening Story?

Now it’s your turn to step into the spotlight. I want to hear your amazing stories about gardening, your successes, and even your epic failures. Gardening is a journey we all take, and each journey is unique.

Share your experiences to help us build a connected community of advocates of gardening. We aim to celebrate gardening’s joy and learn from its challenges. By sharing your story, you can deepen our understanding of gardening. Plus, it will inspire others to start and explore new things.

Whether you have a big backyard or just a single windowsill, your opinion is important, and I’m excited to hear it. The garden is a place for plants and us to grow, so let’s grow together.

My Love for Gardening FAQs

1. what is a person who loves gardening.

People who enjoy gardening are often called gardeners or horticulturists. They like growing and caring for plants and find happiness and relaxation in this activity.

2. Is Gardening a Girly Hobby?

Gardening is not a girly hobby. People of all genders enjoy it. It offers benefits and pleasures that appeal to a wide range of individuals.

3. Why Do Humans Like Gardening?

Gardening is popular because it brings a sense of calm and a connection with nature. It also provides exercise and stress relief. It’s a multi-sensory experience that promotes well-being. Watching plants grow and thrive gives us a feeling of satisfaction and fulfillment.

4. Does Gardening Release Dopamine?

Engaging in gardening activities, such as planting and harvesting, can trigger dopamine release. It is a neurotransmitter linked to pleasure and reward. It adds to happiness and satisfaction.

5. Does Being Around Plants Make You Happy?

Being around plants can make you happy. Plants can reduce stress and improve mood. They enhance well-being through their calming presence and connection with nature.

Learn more about gardening through these interesting reads:

  • Tips for Starting a Vegetable Garden
  • Ways to Keep Animals Out of Garden
  • Wild Edible Plants Guide
  • Facts About Flowers
  • https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6334070/
  • https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5153451/
  • https://health.osu.edu/health/general-health/health-benefits-of-gardening
  • https://sncs-prod-external.mayo.edu/hometown-health/speaking-of-health/dig-into-the-benefits-of-gardening

Fast Growing Trees and Plants

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Essay on Gardening | Gardening Essay for Students and Children in English

February 13, 2024 by Prasanna

Essay on Gardening: Gardening is such an activity, which can be both considered as a discipline and as a habit. Many people do Gardening based on their hobbies and their love for plants. Whatever it is, Gardening is, no doubt, a very accurate and beautiful skill.

The topic of Gardening is popular among school students who are asked to write essays on this particular topic. We have compiled for them one extended Essay, one short essay, and a set of ten lines on the subject of Gardening. They can refer to these sample pieces and take help. They are asked to write such compositions in their assignments and examinations.

You can read more  Essay Writing  about articles, events, people, sports, technology many more.

Long and Short Essays on Gardening for Students and Kids in English

The short Essay is 100-150 words long. Essay on Gardening is usually convenient for students in classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. The Gardening Essay is of 450-500 words; students require it of grades 7, 8, 9, and 10.

Long Essay on Gardening in English 500 Words

For many people, Gardening is an addictive hobby. For others, it is a strict disciplinary measure to keep their garden neat and tidy. The garden or the surrounding lawn of a house is very important. It not only adds to the visual beauty of the place, but also allows the residents to dwell a bit amidst nature. People who are fond of plants and flowers usually prefer to keep gardens; they are also generally interested in Gardening and treat it as their hobby.

Gardening is a very skillful hobby, and it also makes the practitioner a very patient and hardworking person; this is so because Gardening requires utmost dedication and care. A garden is a very dear place for the owner. Having a garden of one’s means one can stroll in it whenever one wants. Having a garden allows people to grow fruits and vegetables of their own; they can do organic and ayurvedic plantations. Many people even carry out hybrid planting to obtain a hybrid quality of flowers and seeds.

Growing flowers in the garden make it look gorgeous and colorful; they also bring a natural fragrance within the living spaces. Flowers are an essential part of the garden and add to the marvel of the place. For these various reasons, having a garden surrounding the house is desirable. However, to reap the benefits of a beautiful garden, one should also take good care of it and maintain it. This is why the practice of Gardening is essential.

Gardening includes the growing of plants and flowers, maintenance of the plants, and the timely care of them. It is a tricky business, and whoever does not have prior experience can face difficulties in the beginning. It is not an easy task. Growing plants takes patience. Planting seeds on the ground and regularly watering it would not suffice. Other factors, such as soil fertility, the surrounding temperature, the manure, etc. need to be taken care of.

They also need sufficient sunlight for photosynthesis and nourishment. People who have a genuine love for growing plants can take the responsibility of gardening themselves. Those who want to have a garden but are not very interested in the gardening part can hire a professional gardener who would do the job for them.

Gardeners basic chores include daily watering of the plants, looking after their nourishment, supplying the soil with manure and fertilizers, and planting new seeds. New plants can also be grown by buying saplings from the nursery. If interested, bonsais can also be improved.

Thus Gardening is an exciting activity. It does require utmost dedication, but it is worth the wait. Gardening helps a person to buildable hands, which can look after the very minutest of details. It makes the gardener faithful and patient. Gardening also incites a newfound love for plants in the mind of the gardener. It is an investing job and requires an able, responsible person.

Short Essay on Gardening in English 150 Words

Gardening includes a wide array of activities under its domain. Broadly, Gardening is the practice of growing plants in a garden. Many houses, apartments, buildings, and offices possess yards; they are of various sizes, and depend upon the amount of area available. Many people also love to grow a kitchen garden – that is, a garden where only vegetables and edible plants, flowers, and herbs are cultivated. The activity of Gardening needs to be done very carefully. Accuracy is of importance. One wrong move here or there can result in the entire ruination of the plant. Thus it should be done by taking sufficient time and with proper care.

10 Lines on Essay on Gardening in English

  • Gardening includes in its domain growing, cultivating and planting of new plants and taking care of them.
  • Plants are an essential item of nature.
  • Having them cultivated in a garden helps us to remain in constant touch with greenery and nature.
  • Garden makes a house look gorgeous. For this purpose, Gardening is of necessity.
  • Without Gardening, the garden would look wild and dirty with excessive growth and dense bushes.
  • Gardening is a tiresome task, and it needs to be done regularly.
  • Gardening is more than just watering of plants.
  • It also includes nipping, clipping and cutting of bushes and dense growth wherever necessary.
  • The mark of good Gardening is seen in the beauty of the garden itself.
  • The first step to having a garden is to have a dedicated and skillful gardener.

FAQ’s on Essay on Gardening

Question 1. Is gardening a hobby?

Answer: Yes. Gardening is a hobby. It is an entertaining activity to do and can also serve as a productive pastime. People can do it in their leisure time as well.

Question 2. Is Gardening important?

Answer: Yes. Gardening is important. Without Gardening, the garden loses its beauty and charm; the plants die from being neglected.

Question 3. Is gardening an expensive job?

Answer: Not necessarily. Gardening can be done from scratch with necessary gardening tools that are cheap and easy to get. However, the top level of professional Gardening is expensive and requires a lot of materials.

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Cornell CALS - College of Agriculture and Life Sciences

The Reasons to Garden

The following excerpt, “The Reasons to Garden,” is the fourth of a series of essays written by Bill Duesing from the book Living on the Earth: Eclectic Essays for a Sustainable and Joyful Future .

As the days get longer and the soil begins to warm — thoughts of spring and the promise of a new beginning on the land abound.  Part of this optimism relates to the planting of the home garden.  In this essay Bill explores reasons to garden from the minds of second graders and shares the youthful excitement that gardening brings to a practicing lawyer in his senior years. 

Enjoy! By Bill Duesing

It feels good to get our hands into the soil again.  Late snows and freezing temperatures kept us out of the garden longer than usual this year.  Last weekend though, we found the soil in wonderful conditions (warm and with just the right amount of moisture) as we planted early greens and peas.

Seedlings qc2582

Plant some seeds for your health, pleasure and sanity.

We also found some treasures left from last year’s garden.  A row of turnips we’d been using for greens into December has lovely rosettes of tasty leaves.  We found garlic we’d missed at the harvest.  We lifted it, took some inside to cook with, and separated and replanted the rest.  We also discovered parsnips, just starting to put on their second year’s growth to flower and reproduce.  Sauteed in butter, they were delicious.

Recently, I asked the 28 students in Suzanne’s fifth-grade class at Hallen School in Bridgeport to list some reasons to grow a garden. Over the course of the school year the students have harvested produce from the garden started by last year’s class.

They’ve also planted flower and garlic bulbs with the second-graders, sown a winter cover crop of rye inside in different media, i.e., compost, soil, sand and clay.  Currently they are excited by growing seedlings of many garden vegetables and flowers for spring planting.  We hadn’t discussed the benefits of a garden, except perhaps to talk about saving money and transportation energy by growing lettuce in Connecticut instead of in California’s deserts.

I was astounded and moved, by the reasons they provided and the quickness with which they produced a long list.  These children want to garden:

To eat For beauty To save money(instead of growing to the store) For health To provide a sue for food wastes, that is, compost To see something new To have fun To earn money To feed others To become more responsible For experience To learn To feel good about themselves To produce more seeds To do something good for the environment – you don’t have to drive and can avoid packaging if your food is near your home. To keep busy To save energy To impress family and friends Because fresh vegetables taste better To win contests at fairs Because the food id fresher and more nutritious

These fifth graders understood the reasons to garden.  And, judging by the enthusiasm with which they show me their seedlings, growing plant generates excitement.

Two days after this lesson, I was visiting a client in New Haven who is a successful lawyer, still practicing well past normal retirement age.  As soon as he greeted me, he took me down to his basement.  There, just beyond clothes drying on a rack in the boiler room, were his seedlings, hundreds of them, growing under lights – vegetables, herbs, and flowers – most for his own garden, but some for his friends, too.

The near miracle of the growth of seeds, with their promise of beauty, nutrition and pleasant activity for the rest of the year, brings the same excitement to this well-to-do 70 year-old as it does to the fifth-graders from Bridgeport.  This excitement has been shared by gardeners throughout history, all over the Earth.

Since tax time is near, it may be useful to point out that, like the heat the sun delivers to our south windows in winter and the air conditioning that trees provide in the summer, food from our gardens is really tax-free income.  When we do for our lives and for our families, we receive full value for our labor, we avoid the costs of subsidies and regulations which have become such a large part of everything else we do.

Doing more for ourselves and our community is consistent with what, more and more each day, seems like our only hope: to withdraw money and power as smoothly and quickly as possible from Washington and Wall Street, to shrink the political and financial bureaucracies which have ballooned to fill the space between us and the real world. Get your hands into the soil this weekend.  Plant some seeds for your health, pleasure and sanity.

Living on the Earth: Eclectic Essays for a Sustainable and Joyful Future  includes essays from the first three of the ten years that Living on the Earth essays were aired weekly on public radio from Fairfield, CT.  The essays were written by Bill Duesing and edited by Suzanne Duesing. Bill and Suzanne operate Old Solar Farm in Oxford, CT where they produce organic vegetables, fruits and poultry.  The book is available for $10 plus $3 S&H from Solar Farm Education, Box 135, Stevenson, CT 06491.

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Bill Duesing

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  • Essay on Gardening


Gardening Essay

Gardening is indeed a favourite pastime for us. With our busy and concrete lifestyle, gardening is the only way that keeps us connected to mother nature. Gardening gives us immense joy, as we can see the shrubs and the flowers growing right from their tender stage till it completely shoots and lush into their green life. This literally gives us a sense of mortality which the living creatures have on this planet.

Gardening keeps our daily life fresh, watering the plants, nurturing them, cleaning them all gives us a sense of freshness and calmness in our mind.

Essay on Gardening for Students

In this essay on gardening, the gardening paragraph has been described in detail. A garden can be defined as a piece of property that is structured near or around our house. Different kinds of trees, beautiful flowers, fruits, vegetables, and so on are cultivated. 

People are fond of grooming many types of gardens. A flower garden which consists of varieties of beautifully scented flowers, a fruit garden that holds nutritious fruits, a vegetable garden is very much loved by the households as they bear healthy vegetables which are then cooked and included in their meal are the best examples. Apart from these, botanical gardens and medicinal herb gardens that cure diseases are also included in the hobby.

We love to grow fruit or vegetable gardens near our homes, as this gives us the opportunity to savour the fruit of our hard work in real. These kinds of gardens are known as gardens of the kitchen. Colleges have their own gardens in order to work as a learning lad for the students. Gardening gives us an insight into some of the best practices of the same.

Gardening as a Hobby Essay

Gardens are a good and enjoyable pastime. Enjoying in the fenced lap of nature is something which would seem artificial to the common people but quite peaceful to the city people as they are busy in the other parts of their life, hustling to get something, but gardening helps them to re-start fresh their mornings or evenings. The garden is surrounded by a fence to protect them from stray animals like dogs, cats, or cows. Usually, these fences are made of wood or bamboo.

The garden is designed into splits, the splits are the various parts. All the sections split into flower beds. While every bed is surrounded by an earthen uplift. For these flower crops, fruit trees, vegetables, and medicinal herbs, some parts are intended to be cared for.

In different seasons, people also plant seasonal vegetables. Pumpkin, gourd, lettuce, bitter gourd, garlic, tomato, potato, brinjal, bean, pea, cabbage, turnip, cauliflower, radish, carrots, chilies, and other vegetables. While, among fruit trees apples, chikoos, oranges, plums, etc. In addition to this people also grows climbers and creepers to decorate their garden. Among these includes a money plant, various shrubs. All of these come under the kingdom of plants.

How to Take Care of Plants Essay

People root the grasses, prepare the beds, sow the seeds, plant the trees, and water the crops on a routine basis. People work in their gardens both during the morning and evening, they keep their garden neat and tidy.

We must love and nurture the gardens as well. We must keep in mind to take care of the insect crops in the garden. For these crops, insects can be dangerous. On the crops, flowers, and fruit crops, insects lay eggs, thus we need to sprinkle insecticides that can destroy these eggs. In the soil as well, lime should be occasionally blended to kill the germs and the bacteria that breed in it. This helps the soil’s fertility to improve.

If we attempt to write any 5 Simple Sentences about Garden it can be as follows:

Gardening refines the mood and calms the life of the individual practising it.

In the gardens, we grow various flowers, fruits, and vegetables.

We tender and care for the life of these beautiful crops, thus we grow them with utmost love and care.

These plants in our garden purify the air around us, thus making the air healthy which we breathe.

Also, watching greenery is good for our eyesight. Gardening gives us the scope for the same.

Short Essay on Pleasure of Gardening

Gardening gives us pleasure as we watch the plants grow. With our care, love, and nurture we see the plants growing and flowers blooming, this is a sight to cherish, thus we say gardening gives us a sense of pleasure and enjoyment. From our garden we can get fruits, vegetables and flowers, by this we can enjoy our own hard work. We can get healthy fruits, vegetables, and flowers to decorate. Thus, in this manner too, gardening helps us.

If you will take the time to stop and enjoy gardening, you will realize that it can offer you many pleasures. Finding the perfect plant for your garden can even make you feel an essence of accomplishment. If you’ve got enough space in your garden, you can plan a small pond or a recreation spot into your garden, creating a haven for yourself to simply relax and enjoy the beauty of nature. 

If there are certain flowers you like, you can incorporate them into particular places in your garden. Each time you step out you will see those flowers blooming giving you a true feeling of well-being.

Short essay on Gardening in 100 Words

Gardening is a really good practical activity. You can grow your own vegetables and fruits and thereby you can ensure that you have healthy organic food on the table. When you cook vegetables from your garden, you do so knowing that you’re getting the freshest meal. Gardening necessitates learning about different plants that thrive in various conditions and planning the layout of the garden. Achieving all these gives obvious mental happiness and it opens up our mood.

Gardens can provide a healthier diet, a healthier lifestyle, and also financial relief. Gardening is also a great life lesson that is passed on through generations. it is a great learning experience, no matter the age.

Benefits of Gardening

Health Benefits: Regular gardening activities can be really health-promoting. Gardening can help you encourage mindfulness, lower the stress level and improve the quality of life.  

Environment Benefits:   We all know that human activities have had a serious impact on the environment. Plants and trees generate fresher and cleaner air by releasing oxygen after absorbing carbon dioxide, thereby reducing pollutants in the atmosphere. Plants also prevent erosion because roots hold soil in place.

Vegetable Growth:   Vegetable gardening provides us with various benefits. Growing your own vegetables enables you to know what you have used to help the vegetables grow, and not worry about pesticides and other chemical residues that may have been spread around on the vegetables . 

Importance of Garden in Our Life

Gardening may seem like a hobby, while in reality gardening is actually useful and thus essential to us.

Gardening includes physical activity, like - weeding, plant watering, mulching, trellising, and harvesting–all of these involve the gardener’s physical labour input. Therefore, gardening becomes a great booster to our workout routine as well.

Gardening is indeed a very practical activity. We can develop our own vegetables and fruits, which will allow us to have good food on the table.

Aesthetic gardening brings a sense of pleasure to human beings. Ornamental gardening is a real beauty. Furthermore, these flowers that we grow serve as decorative items for most occasions like births, anniversaries, weddings, birthdays, and funerals.

Characteristics of botanic gardens

The following is a list of criteria that may be met in part or whole by any institution that is considered to be a botanic garden:

Open to the public

A fundamental scientific basis for the collections

Adequate documentation of the collections, including the wild origin

Observations of the plants in the collections

Appropriate labelling of the plants

A source of information to other gardens, institutions, and the public

Exchange of seed or other materials with other botanic gardens, arboreta, or research institutions

The undertaking of technical or scientific research on plants in the collections.

Maintenance of research programs in plant taxonomy in associated herbaria.

Tips for writing an essay on gardening

Identify the requirements

Follow the traditional structure of an essay

Start writing early 

Stick to your topic

Use relevant sources 

Don’t forget to pay attention to the conclusion 

Proofread your essay

Gardening is one way to express our love, care, and nurture. Gardening is quite similar to watching and growing an infant. While gardening one can imagine the life cycle of the plant starting from the embryo till the plant shoots up to bear fruits. Gardening gives us immense pleasure and soothes our minds.


FAQs on Essay on Gardening

1. Define a Botanical Garden?

Botanical Garden is a garden which is dedicated to collection, cultivation and they are displayed in a wide range of plants which are labelled with their botanical names.

A botanical garden is also known as the botanic garden, this is a collection of living plants that are designed chiefly to illustrate the relationships which exist among the plant groups. The botanical garden is a type of display garden that concentrates on woody plants like shrubs and trees. Botanical Garden acts as a germplasm collection and helps the development of new hybrids.

2.What Type of Plants is Best for the Garden?

Different types of vegetables which we like to eat are the best plants to grow in the garden. Plant head lettuce, a lettuce cutting mix, cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, and carrots are a good start to this. Most of the plants need space and if you don't let them have their own little piece of territory, there may be hell to pay. You should be realistic with your garden plant ideas by starting simply with a piece of paper, a tape measure, and a ruler to measure up the size of your plot.

3.How can I Design my Garden?

We can give a shape to our garden lawn, we can plan our planting, the paving can be done beautifully in order of distinct levels. Gardening is not very tough, but also not too easy. It needs a perfect combination of hard work and knowledge. The hard work is that you need to do, no one can help you with that. Knowledge is something that can be gained by reading books, blogs, and watching videos. You can start by learning the sunlight and wind exposure of your place, as well as your soil structure and health. You need to decide how you want to use the space within the limits discovered above, and be sure to do some reading on the different flower bed styles and about how you can design them.

Essay on Garden for Students and Children

500+ words essay on garden.

Essay on Garden- For me, the garden is an important part of the house. From an early age, I have an interest in gardening. Garden is a place that gives relaxation to the mind and soul. Besides, gardening can be an interesting and productive hobby. Also, it teaches a person the value of patience, hard work, and love and affection. Because gardening takes a lot of effort in growing and maintaining. It also gives peace to the person who takes care of it.

Essay on Garden

Benefits of Garden

The garden is the only place in the house which calm senses and give a pleasing feeling to the mind and body. Also, you can install a gazebo in the garden and enjoy your garden’s beauty while sitting on it.

Besides, another benefit of the garden is that you can grow organic vegetables and fruits at home. The quantity of this product is large so you can share it with your neighbors.

Also, the homegrown fruits and vegetables are more delicious and taste better than the fruits and vegetables that we buy from the market.

Moreover, my garden has many flowering plants that give a pleasuring fragrance that makes the environment light and aromatic. The flowering plants that I have in my garden include roses, sunflowers, dahlia, jasmine, marigold, common, night-blooming jasmine, tuberose flower, hibiscus and many more. But, my all-time favorite is night-blooming jasmine whose pleasing smell spread at night and make the whole house aromatic.

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Maintenance of a Garden

Everyone thinks that planting trees and plants is an easy task and anyone with a trowel, lopper, and weeder can easily do it. But, only gardeners and the people who do gardening knows the effort and energy that gardening needs. Besides, only water is not enough for plants they also need manure. Also, they need daily care in order to keep them healthy and fresh .

Moreover, most of the plants are green which means they need proper sunlight . Many people hire professional gardeners for taking care of their garden but doing it on our own is more pleasurable. Also, it helps us to connect with the garden.

Growing the Garden

Most of the plants and trees that are in my garden are either planted by me or my family members. We go to the nursery to buy seasonal plants every season and most of the flowering plants are replaced every season as they die due to climate change. After buying them we plant these saplings or plants in a strategical order. So, that garden looks more colorful.

To conclude, we can say that gardening is a very good and productive habit. Also, it helps a person to establish a connection with the greenery and love towards nature.

Besides, for most of the people, the best memories of childhood are attached to the garden. Garden is the place where families share their evening tea and discussion that keep their bond stronger. Above all, a garden is the most amazing place of the house no matter what the season is.

FAQs about Essay on Garden

Q.1 What is the purpose of a garden? A.1 Most people love the plants and trees that’s why they have a garden in their homes. Besides, this they provide a relaxing and calm surrounding with fresh air. And it decorates a side our house and gives a pleasing smell that makes the whole house aromatic.

Q.2 Why green plants grow better outside than inside? A.2 Green plants grow better outside because in comparison to indoor plants outdoor plants need sunlight to grow. This sunlight helps them to make their food by the process called photosynthesis which they consume.

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12 Reasons Why Gardening Is Important

12 Reasons Why Gardening is Important

Reading Time: 5 minutes 🍃

But gardening is about more than just pretty flowers. It plays a profoundly important role, both environmentally and societally. Keep reading to learn some of the reasons why it is critical. 

Table of Contents

Helping to Protect Local Wildlife

One of the best ways to get a glimpse at some local wildlife is by planting your garden. They will rely on plants for food. Flowers will allow you to attract pollinators, which will help your plants thrive.

Saving Money

Many people will grow fruits and vegetables in their home gardens. One of the reasons this is so popular is that it will allow them to save money, as you won’t need to buy these items at the supermarket. 

Reducing Landfill Size

One of the most significant environmental impacts you have is the amount of waste you send to a landfill. When you have a garden, you will use this waste, turning it into compost. From there, you will be able to release the nutrients back into the soil, helping your plants thrive.  There are a few types of waste that you will be able to add to the compost heap, these include: 

Absorbs Carbon and Releases Oxygen

No need to use chemicals, mental health benefits.

The benefits of gardening aren’t limited to helping the planet. They can also be a good way of improving your mental health. They can help you focus on something peaceful. This will allow you to reduce stress. By doing this, you will be able to lower your risks of developing anxiety and depression. 

Is Gardening Therapeutic?

Gardening can also be an excellent way to overcome some more severe issues. For example, it is commonly used as a form of therapy. It can be a good way of calming, helping people who have just gone through a stressful experience. 

Helping People With Disabilities

Lower stress levels .

As we mentioned, gardening can be a good way to lower your stress levels. This is about more than just improving your mental health. It has also been linked to an improvement in your physical health. Some of the benefits you can expect: 

Teaches Important Life Skills to Children

Gardening can be a good way for parents to spark meaningful discussions with their children. For example, you will be able to teach them about responsibility. If they don’t water the plant properly, it will start to wilt. It also shows them the value of hard work. 

It will also be a good way of forming a bond with them. Gardening is something that both children and adults will be able to enjoy. This can help bridge the generational gap, allowing them to get connected with their grandparents. 

Plus, gardening can be a good way of boosting your child’s confidence levels. They will get a great sense of accomplishment from tending the garden, seeing a plant they raised grow into maturity. Even better, they will be able to eat the fruits of their labors or share them with their friends. 

Boosting Vitamin D Production

Spending some time outdoors is one of the best ways to increase the amount of Vitamin D your body is producing. There are dozens of reasons why this is so important. Some of the biggest benefits will include: 

Can Build a Sense of Community

A garden can be a great way to help build the community. You can start a community garden on a shared block of land. Then, everyone can come together, working in the garden together. This is a great way for you to meet new people. 

Way of Boosting Activity in Old Age

There are plenty of ways that you can modify your approach to suit your condition. For example, if you have bad knees, there is no need to kneel. Instead, you will be able to sit down while you are tending to the garden. Or you can get a raised garden bed. 

Final Thoughts

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Hi! Thanks for reading our article, we hope you enjoyed it and helps make your garden grow greener. If you found this article helpful, please share it with a friend and spread the joy. Plant small. Grow big!

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8 Surprising Health Benefits of Gardening

May 18, 2020

Mental Health

Planting flowers and vegetables can reap bountiful bouquets and delicious harvests for your dining table. But did you know gardening also can do wonders for your well-being? Here are eight surprising health benefits of gardening.

1. Gardening can build self-esteem.  

Maybe you don’t think you were born with a green thumb, but after tilling, planting, nurturing and harvesting plants, you might see a slightly different person in the mirror: a person who can grow things and is a little more in tune with the earth.  

It always feels good to accomplish new tasks, and if you can grow a garden, what can’t you do?

2. Gardening is good for your heart.  

All that digging, planting and weeding burns calories and strengthens your heart.  

“There are physical benefits from doing the manual labor of gardening,” says UNC Health internal medicine physician Robert Hutchins, MD, MPH . “It’s hard work to garden, and it provides some cardiovascular benefit.”

3. Gardening reduces stress.

Gardening can help reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety.  

“Gardening gives you a chance to focus on something and put your mind to work with a goal and a task in mind,” Dr. Hutchins says, “which is helpful especially now with so much illness and death and talk of death , just to see things growing and things thriving.”  

4. Gardening can make you happy.  

Getting dirt under your nails while digging in the ground can make you pretty happy . In fact, inhaling M. vaccae , a healthy bacteria that lives in soil, can increase levels of serotonin and reduce anxiety.  

5. Gardening can improve your hand strength.  

All that digging, planting and pulling does more than produce plants. Gardening also will increase your hand strength. What a great way to keep your hands and fingers as strong as possible for as long as possible.

6. Gardening is good for the whole family.

Gardening can be a solo activity or an opportunity for bonding with your family and friends. The happiness and stress relief that gardening provides is a great thing to share with loved ones. Also, gardening has special benefits for kids. Early exposure to dirt has been linked to numerous health benefits , from reducing allergies to autoimmune diseases.

7. Gardening can give you a boost of vitamin D.  

A healthy dose of vitamin D increases your calcium levels, which benefits your bones and immune system. Exposure to sunlight helped older adults achieve adequate amounts of vitamin D. Just don’t forget your sunscreen .

8. Growing your own food can help you eat healthier.  

If you have a vegetable or herb or fruit garden, you’re getting fresh produce that you know hasn’t been treated with pesticides.

“It’s essentially as farm-to-table as it gets,” Dr. Hutchins says, “if you’re eating what you’re growing.”

Talk to your doctor about the benefits of gardening. If you need a doctor, find one near you .

Editor’s note: This article was originally published April 20, 2017 and was updated on May 18, 2020.


12 Reasons Why Backyard Gardening Is Important

Green garden

Farming has been part of some people’s lives because of their hard-working ancestors. To some, however, farming is almost impossible because of their city life and the constant development around them. But, do you know that anyone can start their little farming ground? That’s right!

Backyard gardening has enabled many people to create their own sources of food, minimize their stress level, improve their mood, exercise, maintain good mental health, create relationships and a community, and so many more.

If you’re on the verge of creating your backyard garden and need a little push to do so, you may find some useful information in this article. We will discuss with you the 12 reasons why backyard gardening is essential.

Reasons Why Backyard Gardening Is Important

For some people, backyard gardening is “just another hobby”,  but for others, it is a means to improve their overall life and food quality. If you have a vacant garden in your house, then it’s the best time to start practicing your gardening skills.

Here are 12 benefits of backyard gardening.

1. It improves your mood

Backyard gardening can significantly increase your self-esteem and improve your mood.

A research was conducted on people diagnosed with depression and who partook in a gardening activity. During this session, expert psychiatrists monitored their mental health and recorded that their anxiety and depression levels had decreased. The participants’ improvements lasted for months after the 12-week program had stopped.

Researchers also found out that there are bacteria in the soil that increase one’s level of serotonin, which is a chemical known to increase positive feelings over one’s well-being.


There’s a Japanese phrase, “shinri-yoku,” that translates to “green-bathing.” Many people interpret this as a positive reinforcement of spending time with nature. By doing gardening, you allow yourself to be immersed in nature, which positively affects your mood and mental health.

Most gardeners suggest that gardening at least 45 minutes every morning, before engaging in any other activity in the house, can help you prepare both mentally and physically.

2. It reduces stress

As a result of the first reason, backyard gardening is a way to reduce the stress you’re experiencing.

Another set of research has been conducted with participants who had recently experienced a stressful event in their lives. Half of the participants were asked to do gardening activities, and the other half were asked to read.

After partaking in the given activities, researchers recorded that the stress levels of the participants who did gardening were significantly lower and that the activity had left them with a positive state of mind. Meanwhile, the other group’s stress level had only decreased minimally.

If you’re in a job or environment that constantly makes you stressed, doing backyard gardening can be extremely helpful to you. By doing this activity a couple of hours a week, you can be sure that you’ll have better control over your stress and emotions.

3. It fights diseases

Backyard gardening not only helps you mentally and emotionally, but also physically. Indeed, since you’re out gardening in the sun, you absorb the sun’s nutrients that your skin needs — vitamin D.

Research shows that by spending just 30 minutes under the sun, your skin (depending on your skin tone and the amount of clothes you are wearing) can produce vitamin D of around 8,000 to 50,000 international units. With this amount of IU, there’s no doubt that you can boost your immune system and strengthen your body.

Based on this research, many people have connected lower risks of contracting diseases and just hanging out under the sun. Such diseases may include:

  • Prostate cancer
  • Breast cancer
  • Bladder cancer
  • Colorectal cancer
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma
  • Type II diabetes
  • Psoriasis flares, and many more.

Many people have been skeptical about gardening since it has been linked with skin cancer due to too much exposure to the sun. Although, it’s worth noting that gardening won’t require you to spend the entire day out in the sun. Rather, most gardeners only spend 30 minutes to an hour gardening in the morning, and another set in the afternoon.

4. It improves memory

Backyard gardening has also been linked by some researchers to improved memory. Indeed, during a study conducted in 2014, patients who had been diagnosed with dementia were asked to engage in gardening. Researchers have discovered that people who participated in this activity increased their brain nerve growth, which is responsible for our memories.

In Norway and the Netherlands, people who were diagnosed with dementia have the option to participate in their Greencare programs, in which people spend most of their days gardening or farming.

5. It helps with addiction recovery

Another benefit of backyard gardening is that it helps anyone who’s recovering from addiction. Indeed, some studies suggest that people who experienced alcohol addiction were able to significantly improve when they did gardening, as touching plants procures positive feelings.

6. It builds strength

If you’re always busy and don’t have the time to go to the gym, then gardening could be your next hobby. As if lifting pots and plants from one place to another was not enough exercise, cutting and raking grass, digging, shoveling, and chopping wood provide a whole new set of exercises that your body can take.

Studies also suggested that working in the garden can help people with childhood obesity and decrease weight gain.

There are many reasons to spend time in a garden. It offers humans tremendous health benefits and is a recreational activity that makes you feel relaxed. But, did you know that there are ways to use your garden to make money? Read our article to know how to make money from gardening . 

7. It provides a source of food

One of the most obvious reasons why backyard gardening is important is because it can become one of your sources of food. Not only are you sure that the produce is fresh and organic, but you also don’t have to pay anything to get herbs and vegetables.

Also, by having a food haven in your backyard, you don’t need to worry about supermarkets closing or whether there are changes of products depending on the seasons. Wouldn’t it be nice to just sit down with your family and eat a salad that came from your backyard?

8. It minimizes your grocery budget

As a consequence of the previously mentioned reason, having fruits, vegetables, and herbs in your backyard can reduce your grocery budget. Whether you want cabbage, chilies, carrots, and anything else, you can start planting these in your backyard.

Other gardeners were proud to mention that they were able to reduce most of their grocery budget by 40% thanks to the ample food supply coming right from their garden.

Another reason for backyard gardening that is worth mentioning is that if you have too much food for your family’s consumption, you can sell your excess produce to your friends, family, and neighbors. This could turn into a small business that you can do to earn some extra cash from the sideline.

9. It helps save the Earth

In everything that we do, there have been radical changes in our environment. For instance, doing backyard gardening can reduce your personal and family’s carbon footprint. By growing your own plants, fruits, and vegetables, you can help save a lot of birds and bees.

It’s also a good idea to incorporate some birdhouses or areas from which animals can drink water so that you can help other species as well.

10. It is a recreational activity for the family

If you’re wondering what could be an exciting and productive activity for your kids, then backyard gardening should be at the top of your list. Children can learn how to take care of their own plants and, when the time comes to start growing fruits, they can feel empowered and get a feeling of achievement.

Besides, some studies observed that children who were able to learn new skills while gardening had encouraged other children to do the same. By simply encouraging your kids to give you a hand with your gardening activities, you can help them physically, mentally, and socially.

11. It makes a great bridge to create a community

Community gardening has been included in the many governmental programs mainly because it helps promote healthy and helpful people around the community. Simply exchanging knowledge and helping one another to plant crops promotes a sense of commitment to one another.

12. It increases the value of your property

The last reason why backyard gardening is important is that it increases the overall value of your property. Indeed, research shows that landscaping alone increases your property’s value by at least 77% and can improve the overall appeal of your curb.

Out of all the improvements that you can make, both inside and outside your house, gardening provides you with the most chances of selling your house at a much higher price. Also, compared to improving your property by adding extensions, driveways, and basements, gardening requires the least amount of money.

Growing your own plants is a very rewarding activity. But if you live in the city, the lack of outdoor space may be one of the biggest challenges that you will face if you want to take up gardening as a hobby. The solution to this problem is backyard urban gardening. If you are not familiar with this term, check out our article where we  explained what backyard urban gardening is . 

Final Thoughts

As you have seen in this article, there are plenty of reasons why people enjoy and promote gardening. Not only does gardening help you improve your physical and mental health, you can also benefit financially from this activity.  With all the reasons we’ve provided as to why backyard gardening is important, we do not doubt that you’ll be able to start this activity on your own very soon.

Whether you have huge backyard space or not, you will be able to start gardening in a matter of hours. If this is your first time to try gardening, you can read beginner gardening guides on the internet to boost your confidence. The results of gardening are not instant, but as long as you patiently and diligently do this activity, you will reap its benefits sooner than you think. 

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Home — Essay Samples — Life — Gardening — The Inspirational and Community-building Aspects of Gardening


The Inspirational and Community-building Aspects of Gardening

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Published: Feb 22, 2024

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Significance and impact of national gardening day, gardening as a medium for building community and fostering social cohesion, gardening in personal narratives, henk gerritsen and his influence on the gardening world.

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vegetables garden

What are the Benefits of Growing a Vegetable Garden?

What are the benefits of growing your own vegetables? Vegetables are so easy to grow, especially with the help of two simple things: tools we use in the garden and sunny spots. And you don’t need a large yard to build a vegetable garden. Even the tiniest slice of space can be transformed into a lush, thriving garden.

If you love the idea of growing your own produce then building a vegetable garden will save you hundreds of dollars on grocery. You’ll also have the peace of mind knowing that the vegetables you eat are grown with lots of TLC! Still torn about the idea of building a vegetable patch? In today’s post, we are outlining all the amazing benefits of growing your own vegetables:

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Improve your health, save money on food, it’s eco-friendly, effective and enjoyable workout, healthy, sustainable food, minimize waste.

girl toddler eating watermelon

Fresh vegetables are a central part of a healthy diet. Vegetables are loaded with essential nutrients that promote better health, including antioxidants and vitamins. Adding fresh vegetables to your daily meals is the best way to boost your health, and your loved ones’ health too.

Children, in particular, will benefit from the health-giving nutrients of fresh vegetables. Studies show that children who are fed with homegrown produce are twice more likely to eat 5 servings of fresh fruits and vegetable a day compared to children who rarely or never ate homegrown veggies. Unfortunately, kids are not great fans of greens. Starting them young is a great way to get the kids to appreciate vegetables early on.

Stocking up on fresh produce grown from the yard means having more food to enjoy for weeks, even months, without spending a dime on store-bought vegetables. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, an average household spends about $550 per month on food, spending more on fresh produce compared to eggs, dairy, sugar, and other staples. If you’d like to reduce your grocery expenses, try growing your own crops. You won’t believe how much money you will save from growing your own food!

Most households spend 60% of their food budget on meals and snacks. A small packet of seeds costs about a few cents. Growing vegetables from seeds allow you to plant a huge variety of vegetables, which you can harvest at different seasons. If your pantry is overflowing with vegetables, you can always preserve these so you can enjoy healthy veggies even after the growing season is over!

Gardening is inherently eco-friendly, more so if you are growing vegetables without using any type of chemical. Growing food organically means sparing the earth of water, soil, and air pollution. Since you are buying less produce from the supermarket, you are not contributing to the use of fossil fuel from transporting fruits and vegetables to your local grocery. If you are growing crops without using pesticides or herbicides, toxic chemicals won’t seep into the soil and waterways. You can enjoy the earth’s bounty without harming the environment.

woman doing yoga at the garden

One of the benefits of growing your own vegetables is that it keeps you fit. Most people want to work out but not all of us are comfortable at the idea of lifting weights or enrolling in a fitness class at the local gym. Gardening is a wonderful hobby for anyone who’d like to achieve a trim and healthy physique. All that weeding, planting, watering, and harvesting tone the muscles and build strength. If you don’t like lifting weights, completing all your gardening activities is similar to working out but it’s much more organic and enjoyable because you are doing something that nourishes your soul. If you are always stressed out and you don’t or won’t go to the local spa to de-stress, try gardening. Doing something meaningful or purposeful is a great stress reliever. Going out there and getting some fresh air and sunshine certainly helps soothe frazzled nerves!

basket of fruits and vegetables

Dining out or having takeouts is nice every once in a while but restaurant food and fast foods pale in comparison to homemade meals made from fresh, sustainable ingredients. Usually, resto meals and fast foods are high in sodium, sugar, and additives that are bad for the health. Also, there is no way to say if the ingredients are organically grown.

Organically grown vegetables are healthier, more flavorful compared to store-bought meals. Unfortunately, organic produce is more expensive than your average fruits and vegetables. Wouldn’t it be great to have access to organically produced vegetables at home? Growing your own food allows you to enjoy sustainable fruits and vegetables whenever. You can prepare your meals and have total control over the quality of the ingredients while spending less money on food.

Did you know that the average American household throws about $600 worth of food every year? Most people are so used to accessing food conveniently, never thinking about the hard work that comes from growing the said food. It’s much harder to waste food when you grew your own food.

When you are growing your own food, you are less likely to take fruits and vegetables for granted. You are also likely to preserve or use up your supply before it spoils. Building a vegetable garden is also a great way to teach your children about the importance of utilizing whatever bounty the earth has provided to its fullest and avoiding waste!

vegetable garden greenhouse

To make your vegetable garden even more sustainable, you can build your own compost pile using kitchen scraps and organic garden debris. By building a compost pile, you can turn organic scraps into natural fertilizers for your garden.

Building a vegetable garden takes a lot of hard work and commitment but as long as you are devoted to growing your own food, you will reap the benefits of growing your own vegetables! It’s also easy to turn any available space into a garden patch. Just use small containers if your garden space is limited. Found these gardening tips useful? Tune in for more! Subscribe to our newsletter to get the latest gardening resources

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Importance of Gardening at Home

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Gardens have a universal appeal. They brighten a dismal world. What is the importance of gardening at home and how can it help the environment? Discover the importance of gardening to the world.

Importance of gardening at home

Gardening is good for your health, your soil, and wildlife. It’s a great way to reduce stress, set goals, and learn to nurture something. It’s also a great way to become more sustainable at home.

✔ Here’s a link to a great vegetable garden planner you can print right out and use at home! So cute!

Importance of gardening

Gardening is a great hobby that you can do season after season for years. Old people can garden, young people can garden, even young toddlers can garden. You can garden indoors, outdoors, in hanging baskets, pots, buckets, tubs, raised beds, or in the ground. It’s a versatile hobby and a healthy one. Check out these superfoods you can grow right at home.

Exposure to sunlight gives you vitamin D which is good for muscles, teeth, and bones. Working in a garden is a wonderful exercise with low impact. It reduces the risk of dementia as well. It’s a good treatment for depression and anxiety as well. Just this one is a huge reason for gardening at home for me.

There are specific bacteria in soil that can increase levels of serotonin in the human brain. This chemical is responsible for feelings of well-being or happiness.

Why is gardening important?

Gardens represent the natural environment. Plants take in carbon and release oxygen. The roots of plants stabilize soil and filter water. The garden is a great way to coax bees and other pollinators into your life and yard. These pollinators help your garden to flourish!

Gardening at home is important for nutrition, your wallet, and more importantly environmental impact. Your diet, when you grow part of it yourself becomes more sustainable. There’s no packaging, no delivery, no nothing, it’s just right there.

If you have a green thumb, you’ll save more money than you can imagine growing your own food. And it will be fresher and healthier as well.

Teaching your children to nurture a garden is full of great lessons as well.

Gardening in your own garden growing your own fruits and vegetables and producing healthy food for your family members is great for mental health, physical health, and cognitive function as well. Home gardens can be done by older adults, kids, and everyone in between.

There are so many benefits of gardening and growing your own produce and healthy eating is just the beginning. So get some quality time in the natural world right in your own yard while getting physical exercise, saving money at the grocery store, and eating fresh food that didn’t travel across the country or the world.

Spending time growing fresh produce has numerous benefits, more than can be counted. 

Hands pressing soil around plant in home garden

Garden at home

You can garden organically for personal health reasons as well as environmental reasons. It’s the best option for gardening. But companies that grow poisonous gardening chemicals don’t want people to do it, so it’s not as popular as it should be.

Pesticides, herbicides, and chemical fertilizers have been linked to cancer, birth defects, Parkinson’s, miscarriages and infertility, damaged brain function, autism, and depression among other things.

People seldom realize that they are exposed to a far greater toxic load in their food supply than what labs test for as well as the term safety on chemical labels being misleading to the public.

Chronic stress is one of the biggest killers we face. It suppresses the immune system, causes heart disease and weight gain as well as other problems. But nature, fresh air, and sunshine can combat stress in a big way.

Pesticides and chemical fertilizers are thought to decrease nutrients available in foods grown using them. This affects all species. Fourteen million fish and 67 million birds are killed each year from pesticide runoff.

Planting monocrops or lots of the same thing together attract more pests, allows disease and fungus to spread, and causes other problems in the garden. Companion planting and intercropping can solve many garden problems before they start.

Companies like Monsanto and Miracle-Gro don’t make millions when gardeners share seeds they collected. They also don’t benefit from composting and companion planting . So they make sure that organic gardening at home is not the success it should be.

woman digging in a raised bed to plant a seedling in home garden

There are several ways you can do bee friendly gardening at home. If we support the bees, the bees keep giving life to our planet.

  • Avoid pesticides. Pesticides don’t discriminate, they kill pollinators too.
  • Create a water source in your yard. Honey bees need water to dilute honey for their young and to cool their hive.
  • Plant pollinator friendly plants. Make sure to use natives to your area. Choose a variety of colors. And choose plants that flower at different times of the year.

An urban garden is a green space inside a city. It can be container gardens, community gardens, indoor gardening, guerilla gardening, and green roof gardens.

Nature has so many benefits. It decreases pollution, cleans the air and water, makes spaces for wildlife, cools down the environment, and increases emotional well-being.

Creating an urban oasis is easy, just grab some dirt and get to planting!

A rooftop garden is a collection of greenery planted on top of a man-made structure. There are lots of reasons to add a roof top garden to your building. You can save money, reduce roof maintenance, and increase your energy efficiency.

Rooftop gardens add a beautiful space, lower energy costs, cool down the area, and look gorgeous! They help with stormwater management by collecting and filtering water. This prevents an overflow of polluted water from entering the drainage systems. It also protects the roof from the elements that degrade it over time.

No matter how small your balcony is, you can garden at home on it! It’s super simple! You can choose rolling planters or planters on casters that can be moved around or brought inside during a freeze. Container gardening can be done in any type of container. Just poke some drainage holes and you got land!

You can also use a plastic shoe organizer to create a balcony garden. Just fill each space with soil and plant away. You can grow lettuce, herbs, radishes, and more in a little shoe organizer garden. Just hang in on the wall or door and there you go!

A tabletop garden is another idea. They are great for people with limited mobility as well. Check out different tabletop gardens you can buy online.

You could also consider running planting boxes along your balcony railing and planting in them. It will add some color and some snacks to your relaxing space. And don’t forget hanging baskets for your balcony garden. They are great for planting in as well. It’s a great idea if you don’t have any floor space to use.

Just remember, to garden most things you need 6 or more hours of sunlight per day, access to water, and a space to put your dirt. You can recycle containers, buy pots, build a frame and fill the whole thing with dirt, or whatever you like to do to turn your little balcony (or big one) into a growing space.

Benefits of school gardening for students

There are so many wonderful benefits to growing gardens with kids . Check out how we built our preschool garden on the cheap and what to do if you’re a beginning gardener here.

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Thank You for adding all of the potential gardens. It’s not just I huge thing in your back yard. Everyone can do something that is manageable for them 😊

Thanks for checking it out! I hope it inspired you.

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School Gardening – Project, Essay, Design, Plan, Importance, and Benefits

Table of contents, benefits of school gardening, where to start your school garden.

  • Find Your Site/Location

What Sort Of Soil Is On-Site?

What sort of beds will you use, where is your water access, can you go vertical, tools required for school gardening, plan and style your garden site, sample designs of school gardening, fertilizers required for school gardening.

School Gardening

Hello gardeners, today we are here with an interesting topic so-called school gardening. This article is all about what is school gardening, how to start school gardening, and what are the requirements for school gardening.

Introduction to School Gardening

School gardens are a wonderful and beautiful way to use the schoolyard as a classroom, this will reconnect students with the natural world and the true source of their food, and this will also teach them valuable gardening and planting concepts and skills that related to several subjects, such as science, art, health, physical education, and social studies also, as well as several educational goals, that includes personal and social responsibility.

A Step By Step Guide to School Gardening

In a school garden, school children tend to work on planting flowers and vegetables in gardens. The school garden is another activity of regular school work. It is a different effort to get children out of doors and even away from books. It is a very healthy realism putting more vigor and intensity into schoolwork.

School gardens help children learn

School gardening is the study of life for school children. This is an act of caring for living soil and plants that gives children a foundation for understanding the principles of plant birth, growth, maturity, death, competition, cooperation, and lots of other lessons that transfer to human lives. In a school garden, children also experience these lessons on their hands through a learning method that is very rich and they even learn activities. The results teachers see a day is now supported by science: school gardens can also help our youngsters learn better, both academically and emotionally.

Working or participating in a school garden helps children to stay active, reducing obesity

Teachers across the country agree that when children participate in gardening, they move their bodies more than when passively listening in a classroom. Jumping, bending, lifting, and stretching all this type of things take place in a typical gardening session.

Gardening moderates moods and eases anxiety

There is a piece of evidence that exposure to beneficial microbes in the soil can help regulate the neurotransmitters affecting our brain’s emotional state. A whole practice involving exposing yourself to green spaces or green thumb to lift the mood has even emerged globally, with convincing results. But gardens are more than just another green space: they are hands-on, outdoor classrooms that teach children self-regulation and mindfulness—both of which have been shown to decrease anxiety and depression.

School children who garden at school develop empathy and practice risk

Teachers who garden with their students can notice increased empathy towards other students and the organisms living in their school patch. That is all because tending to a ‘bug hotel’ or watching birds and earthworms survive in the garden helps the children to understand the interdependency of nature. A school garden also helps to provide the perfect place for children to learn about boundaries and responsibility by practicing new activities in a safe place. By using a paring knife, trying out a hammer, or balancing on the edge of a raised bed are all ways for children to test their knowledge and learn new skills in a supportive environment.

After getting your school garden from idea to harvest is a journey with many steps. Luckily many others have traveled this before. The list to start have five main key steps or points that are recommended by teachers and parents with their experience in successful school gardens. If you have already completed your design and if you are looking for materials to order, you need to have raised garden beds, planters, rain barrels, composters, watering items, and gardening supplies.

You need to form a garden committee

A garden committee makes many decisions about how a school garden will look, what it will be used for, and how it will operate. The committee may start as a primary planning body that later develops into an operational committee, or it may simply offer direction for a garden coordinator. Whatever model or plan you choose or select, the committee should at least consist of 5-10 members representing the following areas:

  • Your school’s administration
  • Teaching staff
  • Community volunteers

You need to determine goals for your school garden

Once when you have your committee in place, you need to determine goals or plans for your garden. This is an important next step. Many schools build gardens for different reasons. Here are some common goals and objectives are listed below:

Who will use the garden completely? Which grade levels will spend time within the garden? How will they use the space? Some of the schools tend to assign only one bed for every classroom, while other schools share the beds over multiple classrooms.

How often will students use the garden? Biological processes are always happening within the garden—not just during planting and harvest. Aim to possess children to visit the garden weekly during your gardening season and fewer frequently when things are dormant. Even when things appear to be sleeping, there are still lessons to find out. Regular visits will help children develop a reference to space.

Who is going to be liable for scheduling? Someone on your garden’s committee, usually an educator, will get to oversee the timing of classroom visits. Too many children within the garden directly can show pride out of the experience.

Who else is required to accomplish your goals? If you propose to supply the varsity cafeteria with fresh vegetables for a part of the year, you’ll get to plan your activities around local seed and harvest times. Consult local experts through your neighborhood nursery or extension office to urge information right for your climate and soil conditions.

Find Your Site /Location

Now it’s time to know the main purposes for your garden, you need to review available sites and need to determine which one is right for your needs. Along the way, you also need to consider the following questions:

  • How much space do you need to meet your school gardening goals?

How many beds does one decide to install to supply food for your school’s needs? What’re the simplest thanks to dividing that space into beds? The other items include compost bin, tool shed, potting tables or benches, trellises, etc

Is there is enough sun for your school gardening?

Direct exposure to sunlight is one of the most and main important needs to your garden will have. While salad green plants need about 4 hours of sunlight per day, your site will ideally need to have 7-8 hours of sunlight to accommodate the broadest range of fruits and vegetables. If you are unsure about how much light your site gets, you need to use a sunlight calculator to be sure of growing plants.

  • Is the site secure for your school gardening?

In most of the locations or areas, school gardens must be fenced to keep away from animal pests and little feet looking for shortcuts at recess. You need to fence at the initial stages to protect your plants from animals, pests, etc.,

The key to successful gardening is building and maintaining healthy soil. Starting with healthy, living soil gives your garden the nutrients it must thrive. And while you’ll add fertilizer before planting, healthy soil is quite just nutrients. The simplest soil structure is fluffy, lightly textured, and filled with organic matter that’s continually breaking down. It provides enough air pockets or air circulation for roots to infiltrate and water to travel.

If there’s dirt available on site, conduct a soil test to seek out what nutrients you’ll add. Performing an easy squeeze test will assist you further evaluate your soils and organic matter content?

If like most soils, yours needs help, the simplest sources of organic nutrients are finished compost and well-rotted manure (at least two years old). Both of those can augment whatever soil is out there on-site for a winning combination of nutrients plus organic matter.

While a standard in-ground garden is that the simplest to put in, it requires that good quality soil be available onsite. You’ll order additional soil or well-seasoned compost to reinforce what’s there, but there should be something to start with. The benefits of in-ground gardens include flexibility, good moisture retention, and therefore the ability to feature cold frames or hoop houses as required increasing the season.

Raised beds are commonly utilized in school gardens because they create weed control easy and are accessible for all ages and skills. They also are available a spread of heights, widths, and lengths. In most cases, use beds 3 or 4 feet wide so that children can reach the middle of the bed without standing on the soil.

Raised garden boxes generally haven’t any bottoms and sit directly on the soil. This is often the perfect set-up. However, if you want to install your beds on concrete, consider purchasing beds with integrated bases and increasing the peak of your garden to a minimum of 18 inches. Taller beds will offer you more versatility in terms of what plants you’ll grow. Any garden beds that have bottoms fitted to them must be designed to make sure good drainage.

Your site should ideally be no quite one hose length far away from the closest faucet or standpipe. If you propose to put in in-ground irrigation, space far away from your water source will affect the pressure needed to urge water to your site.

Schools eager to get the foremost out of their space often add vertical elements. This includes trellises on raised garden beds, wall pockets of varying sizes hanging on fences or walls, and stacked garden towers during a central, accessible location. Just make certain to put vertical elements so that they don’t shade any beds behind them.

Since most gardens are designed for one class to go to at a time, the number of tools will usually reflect the typical class size at your school. The subsequent list of materials was adapted from the Healthy Planet Foundation’s basic supply list for a schoolyard garden.

  • Watering can (3)
  • Hand trowels (25-30)
  • Round shovel (2)
  • Flat shovel (2)
  • Garden hoe (2)
  • Digging fork (2)
  • Drinking water safe hose (1)
  • Garden twine (1 200ft roll)
  • Gardening gloves (25-30)
  • Plant labels (50)
  • 1 wheelbarrow
  • 1 spray nozzle

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Plan And Style Your Site

Working with a faculty garden or landscape designer is be often beyond the reach of faculties sticking to a bare-bones budget.

To begin, talk with other schools in your district that have already got successful gardens and ask who helped them with their design.

In case if you miss this: Growing Organic Spinach At Home .

Starter Teaching Garden

If your primary goal is to provide a hands-on learning opportunity, a basic teaching garden can contain a couple of simple beds targeting crops that produce during the varsity year. This low-cost design features raised beds planted with vegetables, along with side a little pollinator garden or insectary which will double as a cut garden. Including flowering plants in your design increases the training opportunities for your garden as an entire.

Materials required:

  • 4 x 8 raised garden beds (4)
  • 4 x 4 raised garden beds (2)
  • Raised bed climbing trellis (2)
  • Mixed vegetable and flower seeds
  • Winter squash
  • Nasturtiums
  • Shrubs/perennials:
  • Strawberries
  • Blanket flower
  • Asters/sedum

School Food Garden

For a bigger school whose goals include in-season food production for a cafeteria or food utility program, the subsequent design includes a spread of vegetables, flowers, and fruit:

  • 4 x 8’ raised beds (12)
  • 3.5’ x 4.5’ hexagonal raised bed (1)
  • 1 compost bin
  • 1 tool shed
  • 1 in-ground pumpkin patch
  • Raspberries

Primary Sensory Garden

Thematic gardens are an excellent thanks to connecting children with nature using an unconventional angle. This garden type targets children within the primary grades by engaging their senses of touch, smell, sight, and taste. The precise selection of plants during a sort of textures encourages handling, and in some cases, eating.

  • 3’ x 6’ L-shaped raised beds
  • 3.5’ x 4.5’ hexagonal bed

Seedlings required:

Taste: Basil, parsley, chives, rosemary, lettuce, and strawberries

Smell: Lavender, thyme, Agastache foeniculum, and lemon balm

Sight: Nasturtiums, speckled lettuces, and purple curly kale

Touch: Succulents, red flowering sedum, and chaparral sage

Chemical fertilizers may give plants a fast fix, but they have been shown to deplete soil over the future. Instead, feed your plants and your soil at an equivalent time with an all-purpose organic. You’ll need half a pound for every 10 square feet of soil. Perennial plants and shrubs will produce other, more specialized requirements. You’ll also grow a canopy crop chosen for your climactic area to feature nutrients in the soil. Ask your local nursery or seed supplier for more information.

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11 Reasons Why Gardening Is the Perfect Metaphor for Life

Dear Readers, it doesn’t matter how much I’ve run or done yoga over the winter, or how well we “put the garden to bed,” that first day out in the garden is ouch on many levels. But for me, as much as gardening is a physical job, it’s also one where I happen to talk to myself a lot, and the talk I was giving myself was about the fact that gardening seems to me to be the perfect metaphor for all of life.

And here is how that little conversation in my head went:

1. You have to be willing to do the sh*t jobs. Literally. The first thing I did was clean up the dog crap from my vegetable beds. You would think I’d be able to train her not to do that, smart dog that she is. But no. Then I was reminded about my own life. I started out as more or less a secretary. Sometimes it seems like kids today don’t want to do the sh*t jobs. But someone has to do it, and it’s a good reminder that no matter how high up you get in a job, there are still sh*t jobs to be done everywhere.

2. You have to have a vision and Big Dreams. If you don’t have a vision and Big Dreams you might get stuck just doing those menial jobs. But no, I always have a scheme up my sleeve, some Big Project. I won’t bore you with my garden list for this year, but suffice it to say my current yard is the result of a lot of Big Dreaming and a lot of hard work. “Shift work,” as Kenny Chesney and George Strait would say. But in life it’s the same: It’s easy to get stuck if you don’t have a vision as to where you want to go and how you want to get there. Working toward your dreams makes all the hard work worth it.

3. You have to be willing to plant the seeds and plant the plants. A lot of people may not garden, but if you do, you know that it’s up to you to plant the seeds and plant the plants. You have to go out and buy them ( or start them yourself ), dig a hole, and stick them in, and do all sorts of bending, lifting, and squatting. It’s physical, but you are also inviting into your yard a whole bunch of new things, and they bring things with them. Surprises of all sorts. But it’s like life in that if you don’t do that work—bringing new things into your life, being open to surprises, and trying new types of things—nothing will grow. Not even you.

4. You have to have patience. Yup. You can’t force a seed to grow faster than nature intended it to. You can’t make a tree bear fruit on schedule. Or get someone to do something when they are not quite ready. You’ve got to wait. I think about this sometimes when I send an email and don’t hear back right a way.

5. You have to learn how to deal with things that are totally out of your control. Weather, bugs, groundhogs, annoying people, family members—the usual list. Every garden, every job, every life has its things that are out of control. Sometimes patience works. Sometimes you need other skills, such as how to build a fire to cook your food if the power goes out.

6. You have to clean up after yourself. Well, technically, you don’t HAVE to, but if you don’t, then you bear the consequences—whether it’s diseases and depression or just that people don’t want you around anymore. To me, mess is stress and I love things to be tidy, even though it’s a monumental chore to clean up sometimes.

7. If you don’t do the work, you don’t eat. There are few things more amazing than buying a pack of seeds for $2 and then getting a whole crop of vegetables a few weeks or months later. The math might not always work out, but the reality is, you don’t plant, you don’t get to eat. And that’s a lot like life. Whether the work is actually preparing a meal or doing a job so that you can afford to buy food, the work must be done. (Unless you are a kid, but that doesn’t last.)

8. It’s hard to do it alone. You can do it alone, but it’s so much lovelier if you can do it with others, whether it’s your kids, partner, or friends. The reality is there will almost always be a time when you need someone’s help—a neighbor, a guy with a backhoe, someone to help you eat all your extra tomatoes—and it’s always better if you have people around to help out when you need it.

9. It’s good to be thankful. You can be an ungrateful gardener or person going through life, but…why? Nature and life are miracles, and being thankful adds so much richness and love to your life that why wouldn’t you do it? Plus, it’s free!

10. Sometimes you have to let things go. Maybe it’s a favorite tree that falls down in a storm, or another tree that grew to big for the space it was planted in. Weeds, branches, animals—gardening is a process of culling, selecting, making hard decisions, and saying good-bye sometimes. But lately, I’ve been really thinking about the concept of making room for new things and how sometimes that can’t happen unless you say good-bye to old things.

11. It’s all about love. Ultimately, the rewards for gardening and living can’t be measured in time, dollars, or possessions. It’s only about love. We do it for love. Love is the reward. Love is all that matters. Maybe love is all that lasts after we are gone, too. Well, love and trees. It’s good to plant trees. But the best reason to plant trees is for love—love of the earth, love of shade, love of oxygen, love of the beauty of branches that are so amazing and good places sometimes to sit and rest. I don’t have to garden. I could hire someone. But why do I do it? LOVE.

For some straight-forward, easy-to-follow organic gardening tips, check out my 4-season gardening ebook series.

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green , organic food , organic gardening , Random Thoughts

18 Responses to 11 Reasons Why Gardening Is the Perfect Metaphor for Life

One of the most thoughtful articles. Just so true!

I also like to think that farming had another aspect to it. Our ancestors knew that they had to save something from the fall bounty to be able to have seed for the following year.

See #1: I don’t particularly like seeing secretarial work equated with sh*t jobs, but … see #10 – sometimes you’ve just got to let some things go. Love your column, especially when it makes us think.

beautiful, maria. thank you.

Great article and so true. Glad I’m not the only one who talks to myself (and plants, weeds, insects, birds, etc.) when gardening!

This is a lovely and thoughtful essay. While I understand your slight umbrage, Sue, at the analogy in #1, I honestly think that Maria meant the “sh*t” in the term “sh*t job” to mean thankless and hard, which I suspect anyone who has worked as one or worked with one (and appreciated their unsung assistance) can attest is, too often, pretty darn accurate.

in one secretarial job I literally had to change a diaper…not my boss’s. But my boss forgot to bring diapers for her kid so I had to go out and get some. That was real sh*t work!

Whooo! No argument with that being a sh*t job. You’ve got to have a sense of humor and absurdity to live through that.

Love it! Gardening. I certainly don’t have to garden if I don’t want to, but I do it for the love of and, for love too! It takes you away, it brings you into the now, it requires patience, perseverance, and sometimes practicality. We should all try getting down and dirty. Sweet!

This is a great article. I garden, not that I need the results, but I like to share the gardening rewards of plants, flower bouquets and the fresh veggies. People seem delighted to get the smallest thing And Sue, you may never have been a secretary, but I have, and yes, not only is it low on the pay scale, it is as Maria describes.

I am an art teacher who previously worked as a recreation therapist for the same nonprofit agency. My job involves day activities with developmentally disabled persons with dementia. Not only do I take care of their physical needs(feeding and toileting) but also art, music, indoor GARDENING, exercise, and trying to enhance their daily life. I do get more from them than I give- but not when I have to deal with other people(‘red tape’ and disgruntled coworkers. Your story makes me realize I need to do more gardening for myself……I find it hard to kniw where to start….when I have little energy/time. Your stories are inspiring Maria. Thank you.

Good for you, Joanne – Gardening is the most healthful and best stress relief I have ever found. It is even possible during times when you are disabled with surgery or etc. because potting plants and raised beds extend your ability.

Excellent just excellent. This is a keeper!

gardening not only helps to bring some soulful meaning to life but it is life. Without people working the soil which mother earth has provided for us to survive I can not think of anything more important to provide us with this stable of life. And If some sh-t comes with it so be it .

Am more than happy to have come across this article. Now more than ever i love the course am studying in school which is agriculture. I would like to have my own garden too and i think y’all are lucky to have lands for your gardening. Just cant wait to have mine too!

Hikma bilal, Indoor gardening can be enjoyable,too. I have come older seeds from a friend and use them at work-sometimes they grow, sometimes not. Look online for ideas about indoor gardening techniques.

It is this post and this alone that has inspired me to enact my metaphors in the land. That one buzzer of -zzzzing just set off i n my head and I decided I can do it because I need to learn all this other stuff better. How cool. Thank you Maria!

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Raised on America’s first organic farm, Scratch author Maria Rodale learned how to make everyday favorites from, yes, scratch — the way you remember them; the way they turn out best.

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The Clerestory Podcast S 1 E 25

purpose of gardening essay

Issue No. 8 Embodiment

purpose of gardening essay

Issue No. 7 Sanctuary

purpose of gardening essay

Issue No. 6 Food

purpose of gardening essay

Issue No. 5 History

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Issue No. 4 Ecology

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Issue No. 3 Therapy

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Issue No. 2 Community

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Issue No. 1 Faith

Issue no. 4 ecology, bobby bostic.

Bobby Bostic was sentenced to 241 years in prison for a robbery he committed in 1995, when he was 16 years old. During his 26 years in prison, he became a prolific writer and college graduate. Bobby's essays showcase his deep style of writing, which Bobby has developed under the very harsh conditions in a maximum security prison. Watch Bobby's recent interview on CBS This Morning and purchase Bobby's books . Bobby was granted parole in 2021 and will be released in November 2022.

The Art of Gardening

By bobby bostic.

purpose of gardening essay

The gardener is an artist, a creator, and an architect.

A gardener is an artist because they create their garden in slow motion like a painter trying to get the colors right. A sculpture tries to chisel his work exquisitely. A gardener does the same thing with their garden.

The serenity in the garden sings to their soul.

Like any other form of art, gardening has to be mastered. You learn it as you are being taught. However the garden teaches you, it becomes the teacher. It will reprimand you like a stubborn pupil. If your mind poses a question to the garden, it will not give you a direct answer, rather it will challenge you to discover every dimension of the answer to your question. Once you finally figure it out the discovery will be of a miraculous nature. What is even more is how a garden amazes its creator.

purpose of gardening essay

When a garden is complete, its creator marvels at its beauty. Looking at it from afar, the gardener wonders how did they themselves create something so wonderful.

All of the marvelous plants of varying colors sprouting towards the sky, pointed towards the sun they seem to want to take flight at minute. Gardens are full of many layers, but each plant has its own unique story to tell. As you sit in the garden listening quietly to your own thoughts, you also hear the story of the garden being whispered to you in a small voice. Gardens are so full of life that you feel so alive in their midst.

At times the toil of laboring in a garden can be intense. Gardening is hard work, yet it is a worthy effort. Therefore people look forward to this work. For the dedicated gardener it becomes sort of a love affair.

Gardening is a work of art, and art takes hard work. When you see a breathtaking painting you know that someone put countless hours of work into its creation. A garden requires even more hours of labor. You have to work with the raw elements of nature. Insects can become either garden's enemy or its friend. As the steward of the garden you try to balance it all out.

purpose of gardening essay

So many elements of nature give the garden life, yet many other elements of nature attempt to suffocate the garden. Chief among these elements is the weeds. Weeding must be painstakingly done by hand. One has to be diligent while constantly pulling weeds making sure that they do not attempt to choke the life out of the plants you are growing. Look at the painted picture and see all of its layers. It took a lot of master strokes from the painter's hand to get it right. As equally beautiful, the sight of an exquisite garden should stop you in your tracks. Each row had to be nurtured, watered and carefully spaced apart at intervals. Seeds has to be carefully planted, etc. The garden has to get the right amount of light as well as sunshine. So many countless dynamics go into a garden's formation.

Like any other work of art, gardening is its own architecture. It is hand crafted. Designed from scratch, its blueprint is constructed on a parcel of earth. Its construction requires the gardener to take on many roles. Though uneducated in these various fields the gardener puts on the hat of an engineer, an ecologist, a botanist, a poet (a garden is poetic as it sings its own verses), a farmer, a mathematician, a biologist, etc. The science that the gardener learns from each of these disciplines allows them to make their garden into a work of art. A gardening school could never really teach you every facet of the art of gardening. A lot of it is learned through trial and error. Most of what you ultimately discover will be self taught. After you make your mistakes and learn along the way you will become a master of your garden. Once it is complete, it will take your breath away, not only from the hard work but ultimately because of its beauty and tranquility. You will marvel at your garden's beauty. Saying to yourself how beautiful it is, you will know in that moment that you have finally discovered the art of gardening.

Take Action:

Sign petitions to support clemency for Bobby, here and here . And write to Governor Parson.

Write to Bobby to share your support or your response to this powerful piece.

Watch Bobby’s recent interview with CBS This Morning. Read a few recent articles, here , here , and here .

Purchase Bobby’s books on Amazon or Books-a-Million . Read more of his writing here .

Follow Free Bobby Bostic on Instagram and Twitter for legal updates, news, and calls to action.

purpose of gardening essay

At the height of the pandemic we were under total lockdown here in Aotearoa. The Government allowed us to leave the house only for necessities and local exercise with those we lived with, our ‘bubble’.

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As the ocean air spritzes my face on a late morning this past June, its saltiness meets the saltiness of the hot tears rolling underneath my tortoise-rimmed sunglasses.


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